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No. 280059
Stinky is a fujoshi on Twitter going by the handle @todokaras, unemployed and back to living with her parents.
- Ships incestual brothers on the internet, revealing she now has ABDL fetish, into beastiality, probable pedophile
- Dated a 17 year old (homoeboy/kiwi) who made a (now deleted) twitter about real beastiality and how to "safely" fuck dogs
- Admitted she wants a service dog so she can be mounted by the dog and fucked
- Masturbated a cat, made brother's dog lick her vagina, sent videos to friends
- begs for donations, fakes infections and injuries for handouts from her following of broke highschool and college aged followers.
- Rented an apartment with two other fictional incest lovers, proceeded to trash the apartment and leave after not paying rent
- Had also tried to convince a mutual to let her pay rent through blowjobs
- Left their 17 year old girlfriend for a Karamatsu roleplayer so she can pretend shes todomatsu and live out incestual fantasies with them.
- Tried to convince their followers that beastiality is A-Okay
- Takes aforementioned donations, uses them for sex toys and anime figurines
- Said they'd fuck a relative for $500
- Constantly making disgusting tweets about hygiene, shitting, pissing, beastiality, etc.
- Talked about faking suicide to get sympathy.
Unlocked twitter: twitter: Tumblr: zine twitter:
https://ABDLzine The rest are locked.
If I am missing anything, feel free to add more. This cow is full of milk, currently locked her accounts in order to hide from the backlash.
No. 280070
File: 1490812632321.jpg (91.65 KB, 743x436, IMG_6413.JPG)

from her private account
No. 280071
File: 1490812663618.png (633.02 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6529.PNG)

Forgot this account
No. 280073
File: 1490812692565.jpg (143.91 KB, 750x836, IMG_6649.jpg)

Refuses to just admit people hate her for being a sick fuck
No. 280077
File: 1490813054649.png (28.62 KB, 579x217, urHuDZ6.png)

some of the dogfuckery
No. 280078
File: 1490813090249.png (30.17 KB, 588x217, l9bI97Z.png)

No. 280080
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Literally who says shit like this, I don't understand. These are all old tweets, btw, before they changed to Cutiephiliac to hide from backlash.
No. 280081
File: 1490813217404.jpg (135.12 KB, 1331x799, lweQu6g.jpg)

Also performs sexual acts on cam, its body looks like a caterpillar so I dont know who the fuck would ever pay for this
No. 280084
File: 1490813522369.jpg (61.21 KB, 1200x612, CpDLCweUMAAXo58.jpg)

Absolutely disgusting
No. 280085
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No. 280086
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I used a more recent image for the thread, but this was I believe during the summer.
No. 280087
File: 1490813634401.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.82 KB, 432x576, fAEJUBz.jpg)

>>280081trigger warning for EXTREME body horror
No. 280098
>>280091Yes ofc! I just meant the costume kek.
Bestiality is horrible. I hope someone around it / the relatives figure what Stinky is doing and call authorities
No. 280111
File: 1490817199405.jpg (68.48 KB, 736x810, 510a49f31d2563165a18fb036abf75…)

>>280086Why disgusting bitches like her (dog and cat fuckers
vomits) wanna dress up as cute cows will forever be beyond me
No. 280174
File: 1490824185448.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.52 KB, 788x1024, C5svBRFU8AADe4n.jpg)

>>280087This is genuinely such a sad body
No. 280177
File: 1490825025232.png (25.27 KB, 588x214, yikes.png)

"big things in small holes" is this an allusion to bestiality???? jfc i'm triggered
No. 280182
File: 1490825749252.png (32.09 KB, 744x192, Screen Shot 2017-03-29 at 4.13…)

>>280059Her caption on her Amazon wishlist combined with the fact that it's filled with literally nothing but weeb garbage enrages me.
>>280174Why do her nip piercings look so wonky? They look like they're almost pierced through the areola or something.
>>280080Holy christ, what a degenerate.
No. 280184
File: 1490825897256.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.25 KB, 645x1024, C5svmbLXMAAfWFx.jpg)

>>280182>They look like they're almost pierced through the areola or something.I'm pretty sure they are, actually
No. 280187
File: 1490826338895.png (190.77 KB, 1866x344, Screen Shot 2017-03-29 at 4.23…)

>>280184I'm cringing so hard just thinking about that, ouch. Like did she even bother going to a professional?? Or did she just order a cheap piercing kit off amazon and pierce her nips blindfolded? Because that don't look right.
No. 280190
File: 1490826599397.jpeg (16.51 KB, 400x400, Q1YiDGNp_400x400.jpeg)

>>280080>dog/human porn>rareLiterally just go to 8chan's zoophilia board, there has been a constant dog/human thread for months with a shit ton of gifs and webms.
The fact that she obviously hasn't found it tells me that she's lying out of her ass about masturbating to this stuff, and just saying random shit until she gets her attention. I don't think that's really surprising for a cow though.
No. 280201
>>280182>>280187>>280184Maybe she felt insecure about her giant mutant caterpillar micro-tits body and did it herself.
(In other news, I feel v pleased /w my body after that shitshow)
No. 280211
>>280190I didn't know that but then it really strikes me as odd she refers to these finds as a rare occasion. If it's not just on the deep web…
Then again, I can believe she is a sick degenerate
No. 280272
File: 1490833582146.png (148.2 KB, 392x439, blockedt.png.png)

she used to get really mad if you sent her this pic btw (she blocked me)
No. 280324
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>>280097Reminds me of Ruben painted women's bodies without the artistry
No. 280333
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No. 280373
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No. 280374
File: 1490841747724.jpg (23.45 KB, 373x619, ymiIcZx.jpg)

>>280086God, this shit is tragic
she used to look normal
No. 280375
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No. 280376
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No. 280493
>>280211I can imagine using tor & proxies (both of which are probably beyond her) to look for it if it's illegal in your country/state, which makes me wonder - where does she live? I didn't see anything listed first thing on her social media accounts on the OP.
If she's in an area where bestiality is illegal, then lmao. Pedophilia and bestiality can go hand-in-hand so if you have the latter, police will take your computer and search for the former. Especially considering she dated a 17yo? That would be gold if someone compiled her creepy shit and sent a report.
No. 280523
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No. 280536
File: 1490857969123.png (68.26 KB, 1080x433, cQZfqpD.png)

No. 280844
File: 1490897897285.jpg (85.59 KB, 577x1024, IMG_20170330_141535.jpg)

STINKY UNLOCKED HER ACCOUNT and moved back to @todokaras,
>admits there really was a video of her vagina being licked by a dog and she's "no longer the same",
>people and kiwifarms admin calling her out
>her gf having a meltdown on twitter
No. 280866
File: 1490898826328.png (465.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170330-142935.png)

aaaand Stinky is gone too now
No. 280873
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No. 280874
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Stinkys a fucking moron if she thinks she can ever return to the internet with this trail of dogfuckery
No. 280913
File: 1490902236263.gif (4.67 MB, 512x283, popcorn.gif)

>>280911Good, I wanna see this nasty bitch taken down so badly
No. 281033
File: 1490910603142.png (365.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170330-174823.png)

So Stinky's girlfriend is also pedo, trying to groom a young "ichimatsu" boy into a sexual relationship
No. 281034
File: 1490910669668.png (242.21 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170330-174833.png)

More caps
No. 281035
File: 1490910784284.png (313.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170330-174843.png)

The kiwifarms thread is digging more into Stinky's friends and current girlfriend, I feel the need to try and keep up and make sure this thread is up to date as well, although there's so much milk with this cow, its really hard to keep up. It's like someone keeps popping open bags of soured milk.
No. 281054
>>280920OT but it is! Investigators who have to view (potentially) illegal porn are usually overworked and also psychologically damaged because of it. They have to view way too much material at once, too. Generally they are also frustrated with their jobs because perps don't get punished adequately and hard enough. I want to send all of them flowers and bake giant cakes for them tbh.
More reason why the hammer needs to come down on this abomination and waste of space hard.
No. 281143
Why has no one called animal control on this bitch and showed them the video evidence? She'd get banned from owning animals the sick fuck.

No. 281198
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No. 281199
File: 1490921905064.jpg (222.1 KB, 1080x1196, IMG_-wyn49s.jpg)

A little more
No. 281203
File: 1490921983421.jpg (217.47 KB, 1078x1194, IMG_l24yxg.jpg)

Also, this is from their Ex, who is still a minor. Do not contact her, she wants to be left alone, however she wants these caps to be spread so people know how fucked up Stinky is.
No. 281204
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This is actually sad.
No. 281206
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Tots also travelled to have sex with this minor.
No. 281207
File: 1490922096678.jpg (272.33 KB, 1063x1448, IMG_-jz979e.jpg)

Confirmed sent sexually explicit content to the minor as well.
No. 281242
>>281236I'm trying to keep it updated. I'm the one who contacted her ex - and posted the screenshots here. This is moving pretty fast, its hard to keep this thread updated while going about my normal activities.
This is currently ongoing drama.
No. 281255
>>281236The kiwi thread has been around for awhile, however this is all current drama.
im glad this is on lolcow now, despite it being a little more fucked up than a usual lolcow thread.
Kiwi has more horrorcows and fucked up people, I could see why people would be upset about it being on here.
No. 281324
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>>281243That's not illegal still. I think age of consent isn't considered if the older party is within 4 years of the other one as Romeo & Juliet laws.
The BIG issue though is someone was pressured into doing something sexual they didn't entirely want to.
No. 281689
>>281654I'm trying to keep it updated as much as I can, but I'm afraid being busy in my personal life may cause this to run dry. I'm updating as bigger things happen, however as it stands:
Stinky is currently in hiding, only one of her accounts @P1SSFUCK is confirmed active, where she's blocking and following people from. The video cannot be obtained since her @zoophilia account is deactivated, but police are being contacted today. Someone has found the location of her family's campgrounds and I imagine are going to contact her family too.
No. 283017
Any updates on this nutjob?

No. 285368
I mean zoophillia is sexy I guess

No. 395121
File: 1506744860180.jpg (83.35 KB, 1440x830, IMG_20170930_141253.jpg)

She's back.
No. 395934
File: 1506883775188.jpg (35.4 KB, 443x732, black irish.jpg)

remember when todokaras claimed to be half black
No. 395998
>>395934It's possible for half black-half white people to either look mixed, look completely black, or look completely white. I'll take her word for it until it's disproven. She's still a piece of shit though.
Also can people stop calling her an it? Not only is it disrespectful to people as a whole, but it's exactly what she wants.
No. 396162
>>395998As someone who is actually comes from a dark South American father and a white mother I look pretty white but I have very dark hair/dark eyes and most people never guess that I'm of South American descent. So I get it, but I have to agree with
>>396018 as Stinky looks white as ever. Not to mention she has light orange freckles and red/light brown eyebrows which implies she's most likely a red head, something that is biologically impossible if you are half African/American, even if you are a lighter skinned African American.
Sage for biology talk
No. 396340
>>396162>red/light brown eyebrowsnigga are you blind? you've never seen red or light brown eyebrows, have you. her brows are straight dark brown almost black. you can see her hair colour earlier in the thread which is dark brown/almost black. by the way, people can tell you aren't white, theyre not just outright going to say it to you lmao. and yes, african americans CAN have red hair, but usually don't because thats an extremely rare genetic defect within their race.
>>395998mixed people dont get blue eyes, and no, they don't ever look full white. she's not half black.
No. 396441
>>396340half white mixed people can get blue eyes, it's just rare.
this bitch obviously isn't mixed though.
No. 853806
File: 1565933854418.png (337.71 KB, 1044x470, sens.png)

yo so i know this bitch. goes by he pronouns now and calls himself "Senbei" (lit. "cracker"). hes white and he lived with me for a couple months before deciding to lie to my family and mutual friends about the nature of our relationship - basically told them i was assaulting and otherwise intimidating him throughout his time rooming with me. recently left to go to Anime Fest 2019 in Dallas to meet up with his new boyfriend AND girlfriend (twitters @nanoarms and @irlkat) and will be moving to Coburg, Oregon with the boyfriend afterward. good fuckin riddance to this freak, had no idea til today that the internet had this much shit on him. literally had him home alone with my 6 y/o niece and various pets. im horrified yall.
No. 853918
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>>853806anon what the fuck lmao…… do you have proof because any of this persons photos.. uh, don’t look like stinky to me?
No. 856011
>>853918bro i just gotta say this is weird as hell question bc u know that like u can post pics of ppl other than urself right. thats a (now ex) friend of his.
stinkys whole deal is pretending to be a cis dude but bc he aint (and he'll get noticed immediately by ppl aware of his old bullshit) he never posted selfies on his new twitters. like above anon said, check the KF thread.
( No. 856450
>>856011we dont use the term cis around here because trannies arent real men/real women. we arent your personal army either. provide proof or gtfo normie.
No. 1732334
File: 1672085479684.png (4.74 MB, 4796x2716, DmKBFXI.png)

I think @creeping_crow may be her new account. I found the artstyle too suspicious alongside all the fandom interests combined
no selfies, claims to be black