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No. 836614
Old Thread -
> Does Urban Exploring and Paranormal Ghost Hunting (badly)> Proclaims to be an Empath, Wiccan, etc> Cries constantly about Youtube numbers when she rarely uploads any good content> Cries over boys too much when she's nearing 30 years old.> Acts like a desperate high schooler wanting a boyfriend all the time.> Calls any man she dates "boy."> Posts "sexy" photos of herself on her "photography instagram"> Doesn't collect vintage toys anymore, proceeds to shit talk vintage toy collector community.> Seems to have drama follow her no matter what hobby she joins.> Obsesses over a man named Ryan who clearly wants nothing to do with her.> Constantly plays the VICTIM.> Proclaims everyone hates her and that she has no one and that she's a nobody.> Refuses to get a job and relys constantly on her "dying youtube channel."> Claims everyone is out to ruin her life.> Did a complete 180 so quickly and ditched her pastel life and went into a "store bought witch" mode.> Is in debt because of Killstar.> Claims to be divorced yet lives with "ex-husband" and calls him "roommate."> Is known to lurk on Lolcow religiouslyYoutube - - No. 836624
File: 1562964754522.jpeg (540.51 KB, 1242x1241, 09D07C48-BC8A-4864-9417-D0FD04…)

>>836623Forgot to add the pic I hate posting via mobile
No. 836780
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She posted again lol so much desperation
No. 836782
>>836738I just wrote what has happened since the first thread was made and yeah, my bad; forgot about the whole divorce fiasco that started everything, lol.
But to get back on topic, yeah, she doesn't want to work for everything. She wants things handed to her or she wants the easy way to become successful. Wouldn't this mentality come from someone who had it easy in childhood though? Like had parents who spoiled their child in every way possible? But Heather says that her parents always hated her.. So where did this mentality come from? Or is she saying this for more
victim-playing points? Or that's how her life was (parents spoiled her etc) and when her younger half-sister was born (this would have been about the time she was so goffick), all that changed and her parents had to give attention to an infant and she perceived that as her parents hating her and that mentality stuck with her to this day?
I'm doing my best not to armchair here, but with shit she says and her actions; it all doesn't make sense.
>>836775Yeah just because we're anonymous, I guess that means we're too scared to say anything in person to her. Lol. Nah, if we did then she'd cry about how someone bullied her or something.
>>836780She's playing the Pity Card and trying to find a way to get some boys attention, I bet. I wouldn't be surprised if those comments are people saying that they can hang out with her and she'll just not make any plans with her because she has to play this part that she's a
victim that's so full of love and that she wants to love everyone and no one understands her and no one loves her and everyone hates her, wah wah wahhh.
No. 836813
File: 1562974872349.png (811.25 KB, 927x592, Capture.PNG)

Looks like Adam is at vidcon. Any anons there willing to snap pics/report on what he's doing or who he's with?
No. 836821
>>836813He might be with Ashley or maybe other friends. I honestly would say just leave him be, seems like he's having fun being able to do what he wants to do since it seems like Heather made him move to PA, away from all his family in CA.
I'm surprised Heather isn't crying about not being at vidcon because she's a yOUtuBEr
No. 836829
>>836821Ayrt, of course leave him alone, I didn't say go up to him. That would be cowtipping. Taking note of what he's up to if you see him is harmless and is how this works.
I'm sure Heather was thinking that she would get all this alone time with Damian while Adam is away, but we saw how well that worked out kek. It's why she keeps talking about how "this weekend will be soooOOOO lonely!"
No. 836843
>>836821I'm suprised heather didn't go so she could get footage for youtube. A vidcon vlog probably would have been more popular than her antrocon videos.
Unrelated but what does adam do for a job?
No. 836882
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What are the odds she blames whatever meltdown that is bound to happen soon on astrology?
No. 836929
I give it a week before Heather starts crying about wanting a boyfriend.
>>836843I can't remember exactly what he does, but he has a decent paying job. Without him, Heather literally would have nothing. It seems like he isn't too bothered with what she's up to anymore either. I'm not here to WK for Adam, but good for him.
No. 837022
>>836882Yeah I noticed that earlier yesterday before everything went down; I bet that's what lies she's telling herself.
>>836938I'm fairly certain he's originally from the Bay Area, so if he was to move back then that's where he'd go. Maybe he thought about moving and that's why Heather is always crying about being homeless? Or maybe she's just crying about that to gain attention and pity (as always).
Though I thought at one point they lived in a place that Heather's parents (or mother) owned, do they not still live in that or did they move since then?
No. 837071
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Trying hard to get noticed by killstar
No. 837077
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>>837071Yea I think she is I ran across this on her Facebook stories
No. 837323
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Hmmm new video in the works. I guess she wants to show us how much money she's wasted on her antiques collection instead of saving up to move out
No. 837401
>>837077The crazy eyes and whiff of desperation captured perfectly lol.
How can any woman of her age post over and over again about how alone and lonely she is cos she's spending a weekend without company. Even for someone with unstable emotions this is more early-twenties behaviour than late-twenties. It's mortifying
No. 837467
>>837431Lol I bet most of the women on here are way more attractive than Heather. I’m not very confident about myself but I for one know I’m more attractive due to the fact I don’t have her personality and that is said for everyone woman on here. Crazy, obsessive and
victim behavior is unattractive. I bet a ton of us have experienced way worse than this bat shit crazy store bought witch and you just sitting there saying we’re ugly crazies when Heather can’t fins her own identity just gives us more proof of how low she is.
No. 837531
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No. 837532
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No. 837593
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Cleaning when you are bored? Never heard of that.
No. 837677
>>837479Calm down, Heather.
No one has been bullying you. This is a gossip site. I guess you don't know the difference between gossiping and bullying? The crazy part is this gossip isn't gossip so much as gathering facts that you yourself are posting because you can't seem to keep real life friends around and you air your dirty laundry online for the whole world to see.
If you bothered to read the posts in the precious thread, we were on your side for a while. There are plenty of posts of support, wanting you to do better and be better, but you continue to get worse because you refuse to get actual help and you refuse to grow the fuck up and act like an adult. Going into debt over ugly clothes, depending on a man, crying on Instagram live videos, none of that is going to help you.
There is literally no reason to be jealous of you. I'm sure most of us here have jobs, lives, personalities, friends who are honest and don't only tell us things we want to hear, all things you don't have and desperately need.
No. 837781
>>837678Seriously, what a pathetic person. I guess Heather was right to call him boy.
>>837677Heather, take this post seriously. I hope you're lurking because
this is exactly how you are coming across on the internet right now, and these are all behaviors you can fix if you try.
It's honestly really sad that she doesn't have even one friend she'll listen to that will tell her these things.
No. 837866
>>837678"You're probably all ugly women!!!"
Next sentence:
"Women should support women!!!"
No. 837875
File: 1563093205334.jpg (1.86 MB, 1374x2551, Screenshot_20190714-042741_Ins…)

Just do it already stop saying you're gonna do. Just do. I have a feeling shes going to come crawling back to her toy fans.
No. 837877
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No. 838170
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No. 838172
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No. 838174
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No. 838175
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No. 838177
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No. 838369
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For example: she has more followers now then she did a couple of days ago
No. 838457
>>838443Relationship difficulties, problems regulating emotion, fear of abandonment, can't stand to spend time alone, goes through phases of what looks like identity disturbance, no solid sense of self by her late twenties. Like alot of cows on here she'll prob label all that as nothing more than depression…
Life would be easier if she had a very honest talk with a professional, even if that means she's given a diagnosis with a stigma attached to it
No. 838605
>>838457She won't ever get help because she stated in her last livestream that therapy is for crazies and she's not crazy, she's misunderstood. She has this whole ignorant view on therapy. She says the therapist was judging her and question why she should care about what people on the internet think about her. Clearly Heather doesn't know what a therapist's job is, she think therapy is only for "crazy people".
It sounds like she only got her view of therapist from movies or whatever.
Sometimes I wondered how much of a sheltered life she's living (because even if your parents still sheltered you, you'd had a good grip on what a therapist does) if she's gotten to the point where she's just "a lonely lil empath in a world that is against her and nobody will understand her because she's not like other girls uwu."
No. 838622
>>838605She needs a psychiatrist more than a therapist. Then she'd be referred for behavioral therapy rather than regular talk therapy.
Seriously if someone manages to feel judged by a therapist (trained to ask the right questions and in a neutral way) then that's the best proof that you're projecting shit onto people and playing the
victim in neutral interactions
No. 838751
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Looks like Heather has been spending more money today instead of saving up to move out and become financially independent
No. 838752
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She also visited a cemetery. I wonder who she's hanging out with since Adam is out of town?
No. 838852
>>838752Someone must have pitied her or something.. Or maybe she's hanging out with the next guy that's going to be her next "boy".
Also, I prefer her looking more normal such as this
>>838751 than being head to toe in Killstar. Like, we get it. You're in debt to Killstar. But mix and match instead of wearing a whole outfit dedicated to Killstar.
No. 838988
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>>838853Here is a closeup pic of the phone case.
No. 839179
>>839171So,, what's this about? Are you suggesting that we all need jesus because we're talking about a public figure?
Honestly I'm just impressed you figured out how to embed a youtube video, great job!
No. 839221
>>839171Wouldn't be surprised if this Anon was one of Heather's followers.
>>839179Clearly they've been to these forums before (or forums like this) if they figured out how to add in a video.. Though, they did add their email in it. Yikes.
No. 839265
File: 1563331829453.gif (4.13 MB, 500x368, no oxygen.gif)

Wait, I last checked this thread maybe week ago? And she already broke up with Damian AGAIN? This is so rich it must be fattening.
>>837479I know this is old, but she is not a woman. She is a parasite.
>>838608She is the actual definition of "attention whore" circa 2004. It's kind of remarkable how out of touch she is with reality.
No. 839502
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Okay who is she with?
No. 839533
>>839529Her and adam are not officially divorced. She lives with him because she's a leech and has no where else to go. In some circumstances, there are relationships where they are separated but still live with each other for the sake of the children, she however just wants a free ride from adam.
She says she wanted to change her look for herself, i doubt that. She changed her look for damien and ryan, because they were following girls on their instagram that liked the "gothic witch" look. And look what that did for her? Nothing. She says she dyed her hair to get a job. Bitch, who the fuck you fooling? You did it because you think you can get a free ride from killstar. Not to sound like a jerk off because she doesnt have the look killstar models have. Not calling her ugly, but she's also not the model type.
She's just lazy. Plain and simple. Useless.
No. 839560
>>839529She went with damien. And he was obviously uncomfortable with all that.
I always knew she was a little off. I've been following her since she was into ball-jointed dolls. The bjd community cant stand her now. Then she moved on to vintage toys, now this. So she goes with whatever gives her more attention.
No. 839606
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Tbh I’ve never seen someone post so much as she does on Instagram. The five portraits of her were posted under the last 20 hours.
Also the photos are a bit boring. She wants to be a model so badly, learn to pose — especially in what you’re wearing. The last photo she posts makes her dress look like a maternity dress.
Also #wearekillstar
No. 839621
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>>839619She often chooses really bright lip colors and I don't think she suits them. I think she looks way better with natural/subtle makeup, but maybe that's just me.
No. 839630
>>839621If she's going with a dramatic, dark eye look; bright pink is going to ruin it. At least keep with the dark theme OR go with a nude lip colour.
>>839622Becoming a model; any type – it's hard work. It's more than getting likes on your photo and getting noticed by brands. I was a formal model and of course, it was before social media; but even then it was hard work to get noticed. Heather just thinks if she keeps spamming hashtags for Killstar, that she'll get noticed? It doesn't work like that. Do different looks, learn how to pose and pose in what you're wearing. Besides, she's not even close to what Killstar would want as models.
Though, now looking at some of the models Killstar uses.. I wonder if that's what made Heather decide to change her hair colour.
>>839625Yeah, she needs to keep modelling and photography and whatever else she wants to do as hobbies and not rely on them as sources of income because it isn't working. She needs to grow up, get a license and a cheapo car that can take her back and forth to work.
No. 839773
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She’d look more of a killstar type if she got an edgier haircut instead of just long and limp, piercings, tattoos, maybe lost a lil weight, and wore more deep or pale, grey nude lipsticks. she used to have a labret, why not go back to that and maybe a septum.
No. 840328
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Even youtube people are sick of her shit
No. 840349
>>840328Of course she’ll heart any comment that’s praising her and not one that’s giving her tough love and being truthful. Lol.
I won’t be surprised if she brings this up somehow saying she’s being bullied or some shit.
No. 840392
>>840222I doubt they even have sex, I mean shes constantly chasing other "Boys" and i wouldnt put it past her to cheat on him (If she hasn't already)
If i was Adam I would have the divorce papers drawn up and served to her and then give her 30 days to get out. That
MIGHT make her change her mindset on spening money left and right.
No. 840488
>>840392She has had sex with other men literally
in Adam's house, so yes, she has cheated on him already.
>>840311She has had other "regular" jobs. She's even said where she used to work by name (Spencers).
Summerfags, I swear to god.
No. 840571
File: 1563561735673.png (3.07 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190719-144112.png)

No one asked for this.
No. 840590
>>840571I’d rather watch an explore vlog than more Killstar videos that one of her followers supposedly asked when she’d do more of.
Also why is she able to shit out a Killstar video so easily while it seems like it takes her a month to edit a vlog on where she explored??? Like what happened to all her ghost hunting videos she was suppose to post? Instead if all been videos of her talking about herself/explaining herself and Killstar.
No. 840640
>>840590Because those
are the videos she truly likes to make, the hauls and talking about herself. She's not as passionate about the explore videos, she knows they don't get any views and don't make her any money. She's passionate about the exploring itself, sure. But the videos come out so late because they're not about the random shit she bought (kek, remember a few months ago when she was saying she wanted her channel to stop just being about "stuff"?) or a 20-minute narcissistic foray into her mind.
No. 841072
File: 1563634698515.png (14.57 KB, 500x220, Heather damien post 7-20-19.PN…)

Hmmmm so she's apparently getting all butt-hurt over something according to her most recent Facebook post
No. 841148
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Someone here said the phone case was 30 buck apparently she got it on clearance lol
No. 841315
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>>841148 It is on clearance
No. 841345
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I wonder what she is doing in M1oundsville WV today? Someone Catcalled her. I chuckled when I read that
No. 841543
>>841360That callcaller must be into milfs cos she's looking heavy around the middle and older than her age
Some people just look awkward no matter what they do, I think she'd honestly look better if she just wore jeans and t-shirts and blended in rather than trying so hard to stand out
No. 841665
File: 1563732439447.png (2.62 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190708-202722.png)

What tool wears slippers with socks to a convention?
Ryan, if you see this, your sloppy 2nds, 3rd, whatever number.
No. 841722
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Ladies and Gents, i think heather found some new meat, and this guys a bit chunky too
No. 841726
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When she realizes that her current pimp (I mean boyfriend) says she can't buy any more shit and that she is a shitty paranormal investigator and youtuber.
No. 841727
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So i saw this earlier, I wonder who's she talking about Ryan or Damien?
No. 841766
>>841726OKay Chris, learn how to sage and to use this forum properly.
>>841727At this point it could be Ryan. She did just go out to WV to secretly see him while going to that small paranormal convention or whatever it was.
Also >wonderful boys
mega cringe
No. 841767
I'm too lazy to screencap but Heather posted this on her facebook:
>Reminder: I do not have to validate my authenticity, knowledge or spiritual beliefs to the internet. I know who I am, I know what I like, and everything Im researching right now is not to prove a thing to you, and I am taking my good old time on it. I don’t get the opportunity to post everything Im experiencing or where Ive been, and I don’t have to. Im on a solo journey, I love what Im doing. You can question whatever you may like, but Im just gonna keep moving ahead and doing it for me. I don’t claim to be an expert in anything, don’t take my life so seriously, worry about your own. 😉
"I'm a solo journey" she says, but she's constantly wanting a "boy" to be with. topkek
No. 841969
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Nah, we’re all aware of the rose coloured glasses you never take off though.
No. 842140
File: 1563791412225.png (1.66 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190722-062248.png)

Yes, live your life! Be in a gang bang with all these dudes while you leach off your husband! Use these guys for car rides and attention! Fuck over the girls you used to hang out with and go thrifting for car rides and get into a car accident in the snow! Look like an assclown by spending a shit ton of money on shitty clothes!! You said it heather!
No. 842145
>>842140 what an overwhelming response to such a simple question, why does everything have to be a
deep thought out paragraph on repeat lol
No. 842156
>>841969Funny how alot of people manage to go through life without even having 'haturz', I wonder what we're doing right?
>>842140lol 'Dark times' she bets all her happiness on relationships the very second they start and when it doesn't turn out to be a fairytale she goes into princess depression. Stop chasing crappy relationships, ask yourself what the common denominator is in your relationships, it's you picking them!
No. 842171
>>842140She's a bit old to be blaming her own internal misery on
toxic relationships, she's a big girl and she's the one chasing guys. Reading this post (and her other posts lately) reads as Me, myself, I, me, more about me and people needing to comfort and coddle me..
If she was in her early twenties people might have some patience for that but maybe consider that at your age acting like that YOU look like the unhealthy/
toxic one . We all have that one friend that's such a needy and emotional leech that we have to let them go.. that's her
No. 842314
>>842295Heather USED to hang out with females. If you go on instagram, rainbowrificena was her best friend, and they had a huge blow out. She used julietthepastelprincess for car rides to go thrifting.
Her posting pics of herself with other guys is her trying to piss off damien , its like a fuck you to him "see, i can get any guy i want"
The only thing i guy wants from you is an easy lay. I dont think any man will be dumb enough to marry her again
No. 842315
dont call women "females" around here. Its mostly incels who do that. Saged.
No. 842461
>>842379 It’s like that saying: “Dress for the job you want.”
Except Heather’s more like, “Dress for the guy you want to attract.”
No. 842490
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Promises promises
No. 842495
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One of those signatures almost looks like it says Damien.
No. 842496
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No. 842511
>>842502 >>842140
>>841974 >>841726
I'm starting to think we have a Vendetta-chan in this thread. I'm getting such a harsh vibe from these posts. topkek
>>842490It's sad because she allowed her channel to "die." She released explanation video after explanation video instead of just releasing a video saying, "Hey. I'm not really a big fan of XYZ anymore, but I want to start showing something else I'm passionate about.." And then start doing videos about that. It's so easy to transition and your fans would totally understand.
But she didn't do that. She claims she was into Urbex and paranormal Hunting, awesome. But then she releases "Woe is me" videos so many times in a row and then shows off Killstar haul after haul. There hasn't been anything Urbex or Paranormal related on her main channel. She has the footage; if she's been filming when she's going to places. What's stopping her from editing? Is it laziness?
She had the opportunity but now she kind of screwed herself, tbh.
No. 842514
>>842496No matter what, it all comes down to "boys." Not one place has cuter boys than other places; she's just saying that because she can't find any other "boy" in the area cute enough to her standards.
If she wants to be taken serious in the Urbex and Paranormal community, stop talking about relationships in the open. You don't see Zak Bagans from Ghost Adventurers crying or complaining all the time about being single; no, he's showing off what he does in life whether he's working on his show or not (best example I could think of, get over it. Lol)
No. 842590
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Yes you do….
No. 842617
File: 1563850863380.png (2.77 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190722-224234.png)

Oh god, just stop already.
No. 842666
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But shes not though??
No. 842793
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I saw this on facebook this morning so I had to share it. I still cant get over how much her hair makes her look like a Grandmother. smh
No. 842893
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Don't ask her questions, attention whore.
No. 843026
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Ohh boohoo
No. 843245
>>841505>her face screams any guy can fuck her if they give her a car ride.LOL absolutely savage.
(And now that you point it out… she totally does.)
I love how she defends what she buys as "this was only $7!" but guess what Heather? All that shit adds up, especially when you use that logic. Buying useless crap is not doing her any favors. $7 could go towards food. Or savings.
What I can't figure out is how she still has money when her ytube earnings are garbage? Does Adam just give her money still? Family? She is as much to blame as WHOMever is giving her a free ride.
No. 843254
File: 1563947183198.png (1.24 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190724-014451.png)

The fact that you're a whore bag.
No. 843281
>>843254Settle down there, Vendetta-chan. What's your beef with Heather? You stand out with the harsh language you use whenever you post here. But onto this post, I like how she gives proof someone said this to her yet she mentions that she's not going to keep showing proof anymore. Okay, then stop. We're mostly questioning your "wiccan" and why all you HAVE to wear is Killstar. There's more goth brands out there that are way cheaper than Killstar.
>>843026Anytime she starts asking for questions, there's always that one question always asking how she is and she always spouts off a paragraph of how she feels. Why can't she stick with a simple "Honestly not good but I'm doing my best to keep myself distracted" instead of mentioning that she's been crying.
>>843036Her make-up is fine; average skill level, but it's fine. It's the fact she's using a pink colour that doesn't look flattering on anyone unless they're a darker skin colour (imo). She needs to go with a basic, natural lip colour if she's going to go heavy on the eye make-up.
No. 843402
File: 1563975886152.png (80.96 KB, 305x531, Capture.PNG)

>>843254Weirdly, she changed the caption on this post around the time this was posted here. Always the queen of lurking, aren't you Heather?
No. 843415
>>843402 "I don't need to prove myself to the haterz."
Posts receipts and then edits them, because "I don't owe explanations to the internets….but I am goth/spooky!"
Girl, just go on with your life, you putting that target on your back all by yourself.
No. 843511
>>843402Seems like she stopped emotionally maturing at age 13 so yeah her highschool friend isn't wrong.. I wouldn't exactly take it as a quirky compliment
Oh and she has to repost it and go to the hassle of scribbling out the name and adding text.. cos she's totally not looking for validation anymore lol
No. 843536
File: 1563994498534.png (1.5 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190724-145213.png)

So now she is reviewing "spooky" zombie candy…
Which she claims will be on youtube today…
All these plans for the channel and we get….skittles candy lol i can't lol
No. 843539
>>843415Perfectly put, Her need to repost that is pretty telling
Such a childish thing to be bothered by 'see guyz I am spooky!!' Most 28 year olds have bigger things to worry about but have fun obsessing over yourself hun
No. 843561
File: 1563997854417.jpg (1.22 MB, 1440x2291, SmartSelect_20190724-145013_In…)

What exactly does she do all day? She's been saying she needs to clean up her studio in order to make videos for months now.
No. 843569
File: 1563998806023.jpg (648.04 KB, 2560x1831, 19-07-24-16-05-50-578_deco.jpg)

Vacation!!?? From what!!?? Omg what a joke.
No. 843619
>>843521nta but excessive insults and curses are reminiscent of a-logging which is reminiscent of basic vendettas and general sperging. Heather isnt stealing your high school bf so calling her a whorebag is kinda lame lol. To be fair, a huge chunk of this thread is based on vendetta and a lot of us think Adam made the first one, so being on guard isnt anything personal to you, anon.
>>843511>Oh and she has to repost it and go to the hassle of scribbling out the name and adding text..isnt this just what we do on lolcow every day? this thread needs autosage
No. 843743
File: 1564024388566.png (351.78 KB, 484x913, Capture.PNG)

In case any anons want to catch this.
No. 843947
>>843939A good chunk of people don't believe that stuff anyway so imagine just how batshit crazy a ghost choking her sounds to a sceptic.. call the men in white coats
She'll be fucking ghosts next cos she's that desperate for a man
No. 843991
>>843969I don't know if her actual teen years were extremely lacking but that's the only half decent excuse I could think of for her behaviour.
That or she's just been coddled by people so much that she never needed to develop at a normal pace. Now she's going nuts to find a replacement adult/coddler to enable her to carry on stagnating
No. 844288
>>844192She does seem to be stuck at a mental age of 12/13 in terms of emotional development.
With her 'boy' obsession I can see all her relationships either being flings where men take advantage of that fact.. or good men that get sucked in before they realise they are essentially dating a struggling/selfish/emotional teen in a womans body
No. 844397
>>844288I dont think they realize how bat shit crazy she is until they have been with her. In many ways, the toy collectors on here, as well as heather, we all suffer from some of the "peter pan syndrome " seeking childhood toys or toys we never had as kids. Not saying its a bad thing, i most certainly have an obsession with finding things from my childhood. But, my mentality with everyday life, social interactions, all at my current age. When she talks, she sounds like a 14 year old, her excitement is very over the top, her high pitch voice.
But i think it's very true that her mental state is stuck in teen mode and her body is at the age it's supposed to be.
It's starting to make sense now…and i think i understand why she calls men "boys". That type of talk, is a kink.
She's into "baby/innocent" bondage. Those people who wear diapers and have a pacifier in their mouth. I can honestly see her being into something like this. Someone to take care of her….just an assumption that wouldn't surprise me.
No. 844776
File: 1564238551594.png (3.08 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20190727-104202.png)

Gonna have to learn how to swallow if you want more car rides
No. 844778
File: 1564239158462.jpg (84.45 KB, 1080x768, 20190727_105147.jpg)

Found under the replies on her Skittles video. Is she calling herself a joke? Well…she isn't wrong, kek
No. 844884
>>844778They weren't even calling her a joke..they meant the vid, Talk about being touchy
>>844776The thinning hair is aging her quite a bit
No. 844989
File: 1564275415431.png (14.73 KB, 523x182, heather Michaels.PNG)

Ok wtf she's shopping again…..god she needs to fucking stop this shit
No. 845010
>>844989Heather, learn some new words to describe “spooky” things. You’re over using it and i cringe everytime.
Then again, i cringe at your over the top “spooky” outfits so i guess it all works together.
No. 845049
File: 1564285198820.jpg (193.12 KB, 720x1140, Screenshot_20190727-213622_Ins…)

On the hunt for spoopy boys again?
No. 845065
>>845049Oh no, this isn't just any spoopy boy, this is
the spoopy boy. Heather, dammit, just leave Ryan alone.
No. 845116
>>845065I imagine he just cringes every time he sees that she liked one of his photos or comments on his photos. I mean, any time she posted a video of him in it in her stories; he looks uncomfortable af knowing that he's being recorded.
>>844675I won't watch this video because I simply don't care for its content; but I'll admit that I like the contrast between her "dark fashion" and the bright, sparkly background. I hope she doesn't change it because otherwise she'll change it to something dark, grey, and dreary and she'll just blend into the background. Also, someone needs to take that lip colour from her. It doesn't suit her.
No. 845209
File: 1564333040572.jpg (26.7 KB, 410x307, fc6.jpg)

>>845208Welcome to the internet, you're here forever.
There's also "creppy" which came from a botched Halloween cake picture.
No. 845210
>>845209It sounds like baby talk, similar to how cows like pixielocks (and others) tend to slightly change words cos the real words just aren't cutesy enough..
I'd love to know what mental health professionals make of shit like that
No. 845236
File: 1564337158601.jpg (25.03 KB, 454x312, 1c72ff243db15e72c1977d8d6bf780…)

No. 845446
File: 1564369370528.jpg (2.08 MB, 1920x2560, 19-07-28-23-01-44-109_deco.jpg)

Man, i thought the hair color was ugly when she first got it done. Look at it now, so washed out.
No. 845887
>>845446I think it looks better now than when she first got it done. The "left over" purple tint her hair gave off didn't do her good.. Just like that god-awful pink lipstick she's over doing.
>>845507She bleached her hair back in May-ish or some time around there when she redyed her pink and then turned around and got it bleached AGAIN to go grey/silver. For getting bleached by a professional, I'm surprised they didn't say something to her.. Or maybe she did and Heather just didn't give a fuck; that's how it always seems to be like with people who have thin hair. They love to destroy it.
No. 847770
File: 1564785960056.png (3.08 MB, 750x1334, FE52B7A1-0BCC-4602-B151-F1FE9D…)

Surprised no outer layer of clothing is black.
No. 847771
>>847770She looks nice.. But this photo and the others look like badly done American High School senior portraits. She's also claiming that's a real human skull; which I'm unsure if it's real or not since that's the only photo of it. Something about it looks.. Off.
Also, sparkle jeans. lolwot
No. 847903
File: 1564821492575.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2086, 20190803_013731.jpg)

New 'fran' or new snoopy boi??
No. 848311
File: 1564884746470.jpg (981.6 KB, 1080x2083, 20190803_191219.jpg)

No. 848312
File: 1564884802252.jpg (971.41 KB, 1080x2086, 20190803_191238.jpg)

Sorry for triple posting. Shes attention whoring again.
No. 848447
>>848312This shit is pathetic, she reacts to break ups in the same way people react to a miscarriage or a loved one suddenly dying, it's too much girl, you wallowing in self pity ain't being an 'empath'
She's only spreading the misery by sharing these first-world sad posts all the time
No. 848644
>>848310Rainbowrificrenia offered to help her learn to drive, but it wasn't long before they stopped being friends after everything went down last October and November.
It's really sad to think that she actually had a friend who wanted to help her gain some life skills.
I wonder how different things would be for her now if she actually took advice and accepted help from the people who offered.
No. 848772
File: 1564969939708.png (52.15 KB, 506x615, Tindr 8-4-19.PNG)

I got a good chuckle out of this not sure why though
No. 848773
toxic, and as such, she burns bridges every f*cking time
No. 848834
File: 1564986494205.png (384.22 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190805-022655.png)

No. 848997
>>848834She has to be out by next month and she
still has no income source? I have no idea where she thinks she's going to be able to live, other than some poor friend's couch. It's only a month away, Heather, you're too late. Maybe you should've been in panic mode 9 months ago.
No. 849012
>>848834She has about 30 days to leave and she's just now securing funds? Also, she posted this under a video where she's talking about stuff that she recently bought in July. Bought with money from god knows where, but she was able to do that instead of saving up? I don't care how cheap the items were, that shit adds up! Her priorities are so fucked.
She says securing the income as if she's suddenly going to get a job within the next month and have the money to live on her own by then. If she manages to land a job somewhere this month, there's a high chance she'd still have to wait a few weeks before her first paycheck so I'm not sure what securing the income means in this instance.
No. 849019
File: 1565015183648.jpg (429.12 KB, 2261x2048, PhotoGrid_1565014953385.jpg)

This was also under the July Favorites video.
She says she needs to reorganize, that her studio is a mess, but she has 30 days to move out apparently. Instead of reorganizing, she needs to pack up. From the sounds of it she won't have a studio anymore anyway if she doesn't even have the money to move out.
No. 849023
>>849019Yeah, what? Why would you bother reorganizing a room if you have to be out in a month? If anything, she should be packing it up. And if she's so strapped for cash, this seems like the perfect time to kill two birds with one stone: sell the collection so you don't have to move it and so you have some money to, I don't know,
live? She's honestly so misguided, it's sad. If I didn't know that she purposefully pushed all her friends and family away, I would feel really bad for her.
No. 849090
>>849084Honestly she deserves to be out on the street for a bit at this point. If someone comes and saves her by giving her a place to stay rent-free or paying for her housing, she will learn absolutely nothing and will just continue on living as a teenager in an adult's body. She needs to face consequences or her actions won't change.
I'm theorizing that she's been dick-hopping to find her next enabler. First, California boyfriend let her move in with him, then when he wasn't good enough she jumped to Adam, and now that he's kicking her out she's been scrambling to find another responsible adult to house her. She's trying to live in perpetual teen zone. It's really sad that she doesn't have any aspirations to actually support herself. She
says she does, but she's made absolutely zero progress since October and in fact has been making negative progress, what with all the superfluous spending and hoarding of urbex gear and spooky bullshit.
No. 849206
File: 1565033647786.jpg (949.66 KB, 1080x2087, 20190805_123317.jpg)

Does roommate still live there??? He pays the rent! Her followers are as delusional as her! It took all my will power not to say anything.
No. 849238
File: 1565036583748.jpg (950.71 KB, 1074x2088, 20190805_132211.jpg)

So one of the white knights was her lol
So her live is just woe is me, I'm pathetic. Its Adam's fault, he has a girlfriend now. Just wow.
No. 849251
>>849206She also kept talking about how her relationship with Adam was
toxic because he made her dependent on him and how she wants to be independent, yet she said she wants to date someone who will teach her how to be independent. You’re almost 30, maybe teach yourself how to be an adult?
Apparently she has been sending job applications. Mentioned she doesn’t have any loved ones she can stay with and mentioned she will also live with a roommate if she knows them. Maybe she’s hoping someone feels bad for her and offers to be her roommate so she can mooch off of them.
No. 849262
>>849238She pulls so much the 'woe is me' card. Holy shit. Also, the constant "I want to move to VW" mention; yeah, you only want to move there because of Ryan.
Also yeah, the whole now worrying about having a month left before being kicked out.. Uhh, you have parents. I bet they will help you out. No parent wants their kid to be out on the streets.
Also her therapist was right. Why does she care so much about what people think? She should honestly read or at least listen to that audiobook called 'The Art of Not Giving a F*ck' because she seriously needs it.
No. 849290
>>849263And she says she has no one but then says all of her friends are on the internet. Mentions how the paranormal stuff has helped her meet so many nice people yet says people hate her wherever she goes.
She talked about how Adam got her locked in mental hospital for wanting to divorce him, but don’t you have to be severely mentally unwell to be detained in a mental hospital involuntarily? Didn’t she mention a while back to it was Ryan who got her locked up by convincing everyone she was bipolar?
No. 849292
>>849263Much like how she falls in love with any guy that dicks her down, she seems to think that anyone that gives her a little attention is suddenly her friend. No doubt these people aren't actual friends, with no intentions of hanging out with her after their initial meeting. It sounds harsh but that's what I've gathered from her posts.
I actually agree that she needs to be homeless for a bit. I honestly don't know how else she'll get her shit together, because she doesn't take advice from people. If she ends up living with anyone, she'll just mooch off of them and never actually learn. It'll just be an endless cycle of her spending money she doesn't have, crying over "boys", putting out weak content on her channel, etc etc.
No. 849366
File: 1565052686261.png (314.36 KB, 1811x855, Social Blade 8-5-19.PNG)

>>849365apparently, she makes that money on Youtube according to Socialblade. But I agree with you, She needs to sell her toy collection
No. 849379
>>849366I think she also makes some money on her Depop since she just put any clothes that were colorful, pastel, glittery, and did not fit her Killstar dreams, up for sale.
But that's gotta be like $30 or so a month, if that, so that's certainly nothing to live off of either.
No. 849456
>>849365So she's literally making $200 per month (somehow) by doing nothing? Yet if she's so serious about youtube and wanting that to be her job, she'd be working on videos constantly. Majority of successful youtubers have an upload schedule, not a situation where they post whenever they feel like it. She doesn't have that. It kind of seem like once she "got into boys," her youtube started suffering A LOT.
>>849290Yeah, in the last thread; when there was talk about when she was "put into a mental hospital", she mentioned how it was Ryan that convinced everyone she was insane and how he was so bad that he made her change herself in so many ways, which is why she lost the weight she did and all this stuff.. I think Heather forgot that the previous threads have accounts of her "lies" that she said about Ryan and him being so
abusive and bad and manipulative.
No. 849533
File: 1565099802861.png (172.45 KB, 304x529, Capture.PNG)

She's already planning on diy-ing furniture for her "new place"? That sounds awful confident of you, Heather. Maybe find a job first. Or a place to live. Just a thought.
No. 849716
File: 1565129863329.png (3.31 MB, 750x1334, 2EF6A9CA-8760-48AB-A76B-C553BA…)

She could have continued to be on camera if she didn’t fuck it up herself.
No. 849719
File: 1565129995883.png (2.23 MB, 750x1334, DD978285-0994-407E-904D-7CB7B1…)

Again with the “h8trz” except wrong reference.
No. 849721
File: 1565130041833.png (3.61 MB, 750x1334, 096041A0-FDA1-4D2A-8601-5328D7…)

No. 849783
File: 1565138842278.png (169.61 KB, 500x642, F1A8852F-F648-47BA-81C8-22291F…)

No. 849794
>>849755I guess Killstar or night-vision camera is more important than putting money towards a place. She must not be too panicked about situation; someone must be covering her ass because I and including many others are always stressed when it's close to moving time; whether or not they have/had the money to move. She seems to bring it up for a day to win some points and then will continue to bring it up when she can to keep gaining more sympathy — just like Kelly Eden always bringing up her Hashimoto's whenever she feels like it.
Also, I was thinking. This Anon
>>842511 was calling
>>842502 (and other posts) Vendetta-chan; Vendetta-chan stopped posting when Heather went away on her vacation. Ya think Heather was posting here for a bit?
No. 849814
File: 1565143022528.jpg (876.84 KB, 1068x2074, 20190806_185655.jpg)

Shes going to live on YT later.
No. 849830
File: 1565145358826.jpg (535.61 KB, 1174x2089, 19-08-06-19-35-57-460_deco.jpg)

Wait, what??
No. 849880
>>849878> You guys won.Lolwat? We aren't Adam's girlfriend "threatening" you.
And I like how in her story she mentions one "threat" and then goes on about how she isn't safe anymore. How many times have we've heard that now? Especially when she started this shitshow in the beginning when she wanted to leave Adam?
Another reason why I'm calling this threat bullshit is that she didn't give any proof (in this case, telling us what what said). I'm guessing she thinks her "fans" will believe anything.
Also when she posted her, she mentioned that she called the cops; but in her story she said she couldn't get the cops involved because her name wasn't on the lease. Well, which is it? Are the cops involved or not? Or can you not remember your lies that well anymore, Heather?
No. 850005
File: 1565195470509.png (39.54 KB, 511x526, Heather FB Rant 01.PNG)

Well she ranted on facebook again. When is this girl going to learn NOT air out her dirty laundry on social media
(Image 1/2}
No. 850006
File: 1565195495513.png (76.45 KB, 474x767, Heather FB Rant 02.PNG)

(Image 2/2)
No. 850013
File: 1565197483329.jpeg (205.06 KB, 750x1186, 297F0FB5-A923-4CC5-B0DB-0A7E48…)

For those curious, that’s the new girlfriend’s ig.
No. 850027
File: 1565199154728.png (3.29 MB, 1242x2208, FA43E107-8BB9-4621-82C0-D47E40…)

If you’re gonna stalk then stalk my real insta not my cosplay acct(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 850127
>>850027Private now.
We might have thought you were better and less crazy than Heather so why do you ruin your image and post here? Just pretend you don’t know about this thread and sit back and laugh at Heather like the rest of us. You’ll get brought up, ignore it.
No. 850136
>>850027By the way the girlfriend posted this, she definitely seems like the type that will say it like it is. Heather still will not say what was said when she was threatened; just said she "was threatened." Also I bet she's more emotionally mature than Heather. Lol
I was also thinking to, that when Heather mentioned that her family won't help her.. Wasn't it like kind of early in the morning for her when all this went down on a weekday? Wouldn't her parents/family be asleep for work the next day? Does she think that because they were asleep that they couldn't help her right then and there?
I just feel like this is another situation where she's strongly fishing for sympathy and trying to be more of a
victim because a.) she doesn't seem to be rushing too much to be moving out (she's mentioned so many times in the past about becoming homeless soon). She still has no licence and is WAITING for someone to teach her and it seemed like she'd rather spend money to go stalk Ryan in VW and go on "vacations" and go ghost hunting rather than go out and get a job. b.) If Adam was
abusive as she claims, why the fuck is she still living with him even after they're divorced?
No. 850146
File: 1565219452061.jpeg (954.56 KB, 1242x1454, 1DD4BBBE-AD4D-4C87-926D-E1DF50…)

Ok I am shocked she got a job….but it's apparently only 9 bucks an hour. She's gonna have to find a roommate type living situation most likely
No. 850162
>>850146First of all who the hell takes that low wage? Working wage is 12.50 an hour.( isn’t that mandatory?)
>>850154You’re the reason why cosplayers get a bad name, along with LARPERS. Seriously look in a mirror you’re not all that. And stop taking away from the posts, it’s about Heather not you. Is your relationship that stale already you have to try to validate it on lolcow?
No. 850190
>>850162Each US has their own minimum wage and most employers will take that up so they don't have to play that much, especially if they're jobs that are normally for teens.
>>850146She wants to write a book about her life? Holy shit. She hasn't even gone through difficult times. She's just made stupid choices and refused to deal with the consequences and instead goes on about how much of a
victim she is. And look, she's also promising more youtube videos about her "horrible situation" she's having after one possible bad night. Fucking hell she can sure turn a "molehill into a mountain" over absolutely fucking anything.
No. 850196
>>850162Minimum wage in PA is $7.25.
Either way, she ain't making shit. She'll make even less as a server. It's a start though, so I'll give her that.
No. 850227
>>850225Agreed, I'm very excited for what this taste of real life will do for her. I really hope she takes it as a new beginning and turns her life around.
Life isn't always urbexing, online shopping, and posting on social media. Adults have to find a work/hobby balance, and that's something Heather has always been lacking. She's always entwined her "work" (her social media accounts) with her hobbies, and obviously that's really appealing to a lot of people and it's why so many dream of being a successful youtuber. Most successful youtubers started their channel while they already had a regular job, though, and what was a hobby for them eventually turned into a well-paying job. They didn't
start their channel with the intention for it to be their job. Unfortunately, this is how Heather has treated her youtube channel, and it's led her severely off-track as far as beginning a career goes. I'm very glad to see her getting a real job that seems to have upward mobility. I think it will bring her some much needed discipline.
No. 850243
>>850154Most larpers are snow flakes. They can't handle the real world. You're gonna get yourself on here real quick if you keep your shit up. There are
trigger words on here that you are not ready to handle. When you hit puberty you can come back on here. Till then, go play as some NPC bullshit.
No. 850410
>>850211a big part of being an adult is yielding to your priorities and needs despite your preferences or dislike for it simply bc you can't always put your desires over your needs. heather doesn't have a disability or a mental illness that physically or realistically impedes her from being in a crowd (like a motor disability or agoraphobia), no "uwu empath" whining changes that fact.
if she wants to pull the "uwu social anxiety" card let it be reminded to her that plenty of adults have varying forms of anxiety and they still have to pull up their big boy pants and get a retail or office job to pay the bills. of course it fucking sucks and of course nobody should be put into a financial corner like that at the sake of their mental health, but it's how capitalism currently works. you can't live off of internet bux and your family paying the bills forever.
No. 850477
File: 1565293934746.png (812.1 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190808-155210.png)

Someone kissed and made up, wasn't going to be too long till they got back together
No. 850515
File: 1565296431547.png (74.72 KB, 1440x323, 20190808_163340.png)

Hipster boy is back
No. 850682
File: 1565319550145.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, 276C75E8-37B1-4CF7-A6B1-6E2051…)

Or you could have just saved those $6 and put them into your savings. She really needs to learn self control and reasses her priorities. Yeah, it’s $6 and not a big deal to most, but given her particular financial situation at the moment every dollar counts.
Could have been worse; she could have splurged on Killstar again.
No. 850730
File: 1565329440295.png (656.18 KB, 1956x1146, Screen Shot 2019-08-08 at 10.4…)

>>850729Here you go, sorry for zooming out to make it easier to crop.
No. 850733
>>850682She has so many pairs of boots now. And yeah I doubt they were $6. I’ve never heard of $6 boots. Also she was posting more Halloween spooky shit from whatever American store. Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s buying more and more stuff when she should be saving up to move out..
Also Adam got into a huge car wreck from what I heard. I wonder if Heather is going to keep bringing up how much danger she’s in! Or if that was her “problem” of last weekend and this weekend will be all about Damien and showing off what she’s spending her money on? Anyone who has her on Facebook; has she said anything about Adam’s wreck or if she keeping quiet?
No. 850859
File: 1565363845422.png (45.94 KB, 506x551, Morning person.PNG)

Well it's time to learn as you have a job now like the rest of society. Welcome to the REAL WORLD
No. 851007
>>850859It's nice and all that she got a job, but it's crazy how long it took her when she was able to land one so easily. But I'm curious to how long it'll be until she starts complaining about it (whether she's complaining about fellow employees or people she deals with) and decides to leave or gets let go?
Also, a big coincidence that Damien is back when she lands a job.. Wouldn't be surprised if she's using him for rides to and from work.
No. 851487
>>850859Holy shit she actually needs asspats for every little thing. How do you wake up in the morning and go to your jErb durhurrr
Everyone involved in this clusterfuck surrounding her reads as inbred. It's actually quite impressive how they all run on two braincells.
Also calling it now that she is going to try to crowdfund her moving out, she is laying the foundation now with the whole omg I am fearing for my safetyyyy. If that were true, wouldn't calling the police be the first step? She is such a liar.
No. 851515
File: 1565504517533.jpeg (205.31 KB, 1242x575, 8D95A6A3-313E-4E7C-A70B-2083C1…)

So apparently she went on a date. I wonder who it was? Maybe Damien? Don't know she's being very vague.
Now she's going to go ghost hunting….wtf
No. 851539
File: 1565511996719.jpg (1018.07 KB, 1073x2085, 20190811_012642.jpg)

>>851515Maybe its Damien. Seems he took her shopping.
No. 851773
File: 1565563857142.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x1958, C00C6ABE-CF4B-4F34-BF0A-715D0C…)

Jesus she went shopping again……..
No. 851803
>>851773Fairly certain she claimed on IG (could be wrong) that she just got it in the mail.. Which mail doesn't get delivered in the US on Sundays..
>>851543I think you're talking about @the.paranormal.archivist on IG? She just tagged him in a post on IG. It's her latest post.
No. 851844
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I think this might be Adam's new gf. But nice!
No. 852091
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No. 852170
>>852091I can see her blaming them and playing
victim as per usual, if she sucks at the job and they have to let her go and she’ll cry and whine about it and like someone else mentioned possibly start some gofundme, because they were mean and didn’t understand her being an empath.
No. 852173
File: 1565650306855.png (23.14 KB, 514x299, Heather Screwed homeless rant.…)

Hmmmm The realism is starting to set in.
Should have gotten a job a LOT SOONER instead of shopping and posting haul/urbex/ghost hunt videos.
No. 852181
>>852173Oh she's definitely screwed. Who's going to teach her how to drive in just a few weeks? Even if she manages to find the cheapest apartment in the world, she won't be able to afford a vehicle on top of that, assuming she passes her tests and gets a license.
I really want to feel bad, but she makes it difficult. So much of her time between last October and now could've been spent getting her life together, but her priorities were never in order.
No. 852196
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>>852173She was more detailed here.
No. 852241
>>852196I don't know how everyone else feels but personally i'm not interested in watching her toy collection videos if its literally just for ad revenue and nothing else. I really enjoyed her channel and found it relaxing but she shit on the hobby and moved onto urban exploring and killstar. Why would I want to watch someone talk about something they have no genuine interest in?
She really needs to just start selling off all her shit. No point in keeping it around for youtube videos if you're gonna be keeping it all in storage while you face homelessness.
No. 852272
>>852196Always such a pity party. And is she just too good for the bus? Get a bike even, holy shit.
Anyone with a brain can look at her youtube and see how much shit she has purchased since her and adam split. Does she really think no one is questioning why she has no savings?
It's hilarious how she won't sell her vintage toys when those would sell the fastest. Once she is kicked out, he could technically just donate all her shit right?
No. 852301
>>852296She's gonna have a hard time selling her BJDs. The second-hand market takes nearly 5ever to sell something unless you're a popular collector. So if she thinks selling her BJDs will be "easy cash", she's fucking wrong. Her selling some vintage toys would be a better bet like another anon said.
>>852173She just started the job and she's complaining about the pay. FFS. She must think she's better than public transport. And I'm fairly certain a job can't fire you for not having a car; they can fire you for constantly being late all the time.
No. 852309
>>852302Pretty sure she mentioned last year that she had a shared account with Adam (as her spouse) and not an individual one, and that Adam would have to transfer funds onto her PayPal account.
I assume she has her own account set up now. But yeah it’s not going to look too good if it shows rhatbher credit isn’t good.
She could always rent a room somewhere at least to buy her time to save enough for her own place. But she’s delusional if she thinks she’ll be able to hold on to her collections. It’s just not realistic. Storage unit is good and all but that’s another expense on top of rent, food, transportation, her cat etc.
No. 852396
>>852196I'm still confused, how is she getting there at the moment? Surely she can car share and pay towards the fuel or get a bus. The costs incurred owning a car (insurance, general maintenance etc) means she'd be better off just using public transport, for the time being at least. Seems like she's got her priorities wrong again. I've personally never needed to own a car so this doesn't wash with me. I don't know how far the location of her new job is from where she currently lives (she'd need to find somewhere within a reasonable distance to move to) but she seems to be making excuses again.
>>852241I agree that it's now too late for her to go back doing toy-related videos as she implied she "was done with that" so she'd clearly only be doing them to try and cash in and people will pick up on that. And it's no good filming her collection when it hasn't really changed again and again. She made a big mistake alienating a huge amount of her subscribers by ditching the very videos they were eager to see. Wonder what she'll get up to next?
No. 852418
>>852396I assume that she's getting Adam to take her to work.
>>852173They can fire you for not having reliable transportation as that is one of the questions you have to answer yes or no to on the application
>>852302Yep, they run a credit check and a background check, also they require 3 times the income to rent ratio and verifiable paystubs
No. 852680
File: 1565737983453.jpg (195.39 KB, 1024x1024, 22156729349_8a5f147cef_b.jpg)

>>852449Even before the market tanked as bad as it did the BJDs would've been hard for her to sell because she had bad feedback for flaking on sales. People offer to buy her dolls almost every time she has an emergency and she never takes any of them up on it. If they haven't had any damage in storage, she has some discontinued dolls with faceups by popular artists, but anon is right. I don't think she's going to sell unless she gets some other hobbyist to do it for her.
Picture from her Flickr, why did she think this is a good photo?
No. 852738
File: 1565753116190.jpeg (867.46 KB, 1242x888, 8EE75131-E07D-442A-B8C6-FCA857…)

She just posted an update video and she looks like a adolescent boy with long hair and bad zits.
Synopsis: whine whine whine buy my shit whine whine whine my ex is an asshole bye
No. 852755
>>852736This video was pointless to make. This could have been a post somewhere.. but I guess she has to get that $3 from YouTube. But she’s putting all her hope into that the BJDs are going to sell quick; which they won’t. Also she hasn’t been at her job for a week and she’s already complaining about “how stressful” it is. I bet she won’t last much longer.
She also mentioned in the past how she has no friends; but she mentions her paranormal family and friends helping her.. so she pretty much lies to everyone.
Also she keeps mentioning about cleaning her studio for months now and still hasn’t done it.. why do I have a feeling her place would be a mess whenever she moves out and lives by herself?
No. 852760
File: 1565756157856.png (7.93 MB, 1242x2208, 2019-08-14 00.11.54.png)

>>852696Yea that looks like a gym at an apartment complex, If I'm not mistaken she has mentioned that she lives in an apartment.
No. 852766
>>852736This video was pointless to make. This could have been a post somewhere.. but I guess she has to get that $3 from YouTube. But she’s putting all her hope into that the BJDs are going to sell quick; which they won’t. Also she hasn’t been at her job for a week and she’s already complaining about “how stressful” it is. I bet she won’t last much longer.
She also mentioned in the past how she has no friends; but she mentions her paranormal family and friends helping her.. so she pretty much lies to everyone.
Also she keeps mentioning about cleaning her studio for months now and still hasn’t done it.. why do I have a feeling her place would be a mess whenever she moves out and lives by herself?
No. 852896
>>852736It was during this video that it dawned on me that if any of this was happening to most people, they would have the common sense to take a break from the internet and focus on getting their life put back together rather than broadcasting their every thought onto social media. That's one of the fundamental problems with Heather, she doesn't know when to stop sharing and to focus on herself.
For all this talk of self-improvement and discovery she's been yammering on about for half a year, she really hasn't progressed in any meaningful way. She just looks like a deranged version of herself from a year ago with all the color drained out. As is typical with Heather, the only significant changes she's made are aesthetic and surface-level.
No. 853024
>>852738Idk why she thought this was going to get done without her doing anything to prepare herself. Did she think her exhusband was going to pack her things and personally drive her to her new apartment that he paid for?
Tbh if she were smart she would've gotten a lawyer and sued for alimony.
No. 853161
File: 1565826217513.png (66.03 KB, 513x717, Heather probably moving 8-14-1…)

So i was scrolling through Facebook and I saw this post she made 2 hours ago. Now she says that she may be moving… hmmmmmmm
No. 853494
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My sister said she works with her and she is dillusional. My sister is a server and Heather is a host in training. No one at her job said that. She looks like she is in her 40's or even 50's.
No. 853501
>>853494 Considering that she looks 40+ in her natural pics
>>847903 absolutely no one said that…unless they've got some rough looking 16 year olds in PA.
No. 853528
>>853494I would say maybe they think she’s 16 because she doesn’t know how to dress herself and think one brand is the brand to be x-style? Kek.
But yeah, I’ve never heard anyone say they’ve been mistaken for x-age unless it’s a situated in the states where they’re being ID’d for something since, if I remember correctly, the law is something like if you look under 40 then you need to show you ID.
And also out of all the ages, why 16? Is she wanting to pedo bait now or does she miss that time where everything was catered to her?
No. 853581
>>853494kek she also SOUNDS like a 40 year old woman. When I first started watching her videos way back, I thought she was in her late 30's or early 40's just judging by her voice itself. The is NO WAY anyone who interacts with her at all would think she's younger than 28.
The only thing ~16 years old~ about Heather is her inability to prioritize and her "boy" crazy attitude.
No. 853659
File: 1565903996634.png (347.82 KB, 750x1334, 2E37F48A-94E4-41A2-89A1-96B694…)

If you don’t want people commenting on your life then STOP OVERSHARING. You are your worst enemy, always setting yourself up to get piled on. Seriously, take a break from social media. Log off, delete the apps, and work on you getting yourself out of the mess you created.
No. 853700
>>853659> Stop reporting things to my "ex husband"Does she not realise that his GF now comes here?
Also, if she was in a life crisis, she wouldn't be posting on social media 24/7. People take a step back from whatever, including social media, if they are having problems in their lives. I did and I bet some of you others here did too. So why does she still have the constant need to be on social media? Is she addicted to it?
I also wonder if anyone IS cowtipping or if she's just lying once again. Because she constantly brings it up.
No. 853702
>>853659>Stop demanding that I validate my every thought and entire life to you.I feel like she just says words and has no idea what they mean.
Maybe if she knew how to have actual, real life friends without burning bridges whenever they try to help her, she wouldn't have to rely on venting to the entire internet.
It's so obvious that she lurks here. She spends most of her time on Facebook and Instagram where her adoring fans hang on to her every word and make her feel so special and loved, so lolcow has to be what she's talking about.
Also, she put herself in this "life crisis" and has no one else but herself to blame for it. There were so many opportunities for her to turn it around and do better, what a shame.
No. 854160
File: 1565996880317.jpg (870.98 KB, 1080x2088, 20190816_160603.jpg)

Shes live right now.
Basically Adam told her that her co worker is posting here. I think it's all bullshit but that's what shes saying. Shes scared to go work, she doesnt feel safe.
ThEy DoNt WaNt Me To LiVe, ThEy WaNt Me To KiLl MySeLf.
No. 854161
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No. 854165
>>854160Her coworker isn't posting it here, her coworker supposedly has a sister that posted here. Once.
>>853494 And that anon didn't say anything that proved she was actually sisters with Heather's coworker, so Adam just lied to Heather to set her off. What a cunt.
She also just said she tried to call her "so-called boyfriend" and put air-quotes around boyfriend. Then she called him a fucking jerk.
Someone suggested she get off the internet and she responded with some vague "they'll still find a way to harass me" bullshit. No, Heather, if you aren't actively feeding us milk we won't have anything to talk about!
No. 854174
>>854160>claimed we're stalking her>said that anyone coming in here claiming to know Heather "thinks they know everything about me but they don't really know me!"Of course they don't know everything about you, but they can know
some things about you, Heather, come on. Don't be so dishonest, stop kidding yourself and your audience.
>"I was probably put on this earth to start something new. I don't belong anywhere because I just wasn't made to do that and that's a gift.">"I know there's gonna be backlash from this livestream but I'm just gonna own it">had a 30 year old boyfriend at 17 who took her to get her eyebrows pierced out of some dude's house>talked about stuff she bought at an oddities market and mentioned multiple things she regrets not buying>asked people to find a cute ghost hunting boy for her No. 854175
>>854165What if she's secretly loving this kind of attention from lolcow? Because it's so easy to stop giving us milk.. but she won't because of whatever the fuck it is – social media addiction, her vanity.. idek how to word it.
And with the coworker situation, I thought maybe it could have been a misread situation.. And then I reread
>>853494. And then that thought went out. Either she's making this shit up to stir the pot or Adam is trying to stir the pot.. Which what reason why Adam stir the pot? He wouldn't gain anything from it. Heather on the other hand would gain more attention and sympathy from others – which is something she looooves to do.
>>854174So wait, she's buying more shit when she should be saving up every penny for an apartment and car? And does she have a boyfriend or not that she keeps calling a jerk?
No. 854176
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>>854165Yes someone blames Adam but she ignores it.
No. 854178
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No. 854180
File: 1565999153597.jpg (894.15 KB, 1080x2086, 20190816_164240.jpg)

She had a gf before?
No. 854187
>>854184She's becoming so sad to listen to. It's all "pity me, pity me." She goes on about how she's a "nobody." And yeah, she is. No one is going out of their way to find where she works to stalk her.
And it's disgusting for her to say the "haters" are wanting her to "fucking kill herself." Oh yeah, because someone has TOTALLY said that at any point in a YT video about her or in lolcow.
No. 854202
>>854184>- doesn’t feel safe at work and might have to quit depending on whether she talks to her mangers about this supposed stalling and harassment. >>853494Anon you might've just screwed over your sister or whichever coworker takes the fall (if they take Heather's accusations seriously). oopsie.
Heather actually had a stalker at her old work and did a storytime video on it. But it makes me wonder if this old video was a result of online drama blown out of proportion, rather than an actual stalker? Or was it legit? I haven't watched it in a while.
No. 854396
File: 1566057156629.jpg (1.1 MB, 1440x2345, SmartSelect_20190817-105118_In…)

I'm pretty sure she's mentally challenged. Talking about wanting a spooky bathroom but isn't she gonna be homeless next month or something?!
No. 854435
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If anything people on here were trying to advise her to get her shit straight and how to.
No. 854445
>>854435'the future I deserve'
That's her problem right there, she doesn't believe you -earn- nice things, nah you just deserve them
Strangers online didn't create her current instability but watch her paint that picture anytime life isn't going her way
No. 854483
File: 1566071930602.jpg (783.1 KB, 1080x1734, Screenshot_20190817-155727_Chr…)

Maybe I missed something, but didn't she have friends in the area she's in right now at some point? When is she going to realize that the common denominator in all her failed friendships is her? Things aren't going to be any better for her across the state if she doesn't change her behavior.
No. 854541
>>854537I wonder what happened to bring on these topics that no one asked about? Is this her way of saying why she can't ask her mum/parents for help about not becoming homeless?
Also, I was wondering.. Do Heather and Adam still sleep together? I'm guessing they live in a two bedroom apartment; or even if it was three bedroom – Adam would have one room for his "office" since Heather has a room for her toys.. So that would leave a single room. And if they had separate rooms and slept in separate beds, there wouldn't be photos like this
>>817605 No. 854718
>>854575 I think more baffling is that Adam used to tell girls that he was only staying with her because the divorce would hit him hardest… which can't be the case, didn't he buy an expensive car the instant she tried to bring up separating a while back?
The dolls though, even if Adam paid for them, were definitely gifts and I really doubt a lawyer is going to insist that Adam gets those and her dumb vintage toys. They might count as assets if the courts wanted to nickel and dime her, but a few $300-$500 fancy toys aren't anywhere near the value of a decent vehicle.
No. 854912
File: 1566150011391.jpg (202.34 KB, 1024x1820, 67237945_376428893025728_57608…)

>posts about making prints
>uses one of her many selfies in said post
No one wants a print with your face on it, Heather. Is this her way to try and raise some quick money before she's homeless?
No. 854937
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Here we go…
No. 854940
>>854739LOL I highly doubt she would make much money from him. If Judge Judy were involved she'd hardly get a dime. As soon as the judge discovers that she hasn't been working (for no good reason) and that Adam has been the main breadwinner AND there aren't children involved she will only probably be rewarded a relatively meagre amount of money which she would get through in no time. Any goods she can prove she purchased herself she can keep but she'd likely only be awarded a relatively small settlement of money as i'm extremely doubtful that Adam is that wealthy he was just the one going to work for a living and paying most of the bills. Talking of Judge Judy there was a rerun the other day and a girl was on there that reminded me exactly of Heather lol, she was slaughtered by the judge. Her boyfriends' father loaned her some money and she was claiming it was a gift when he and his wife clearly could have done with the money themselves but were too trusting that she'd pay it back. Cheeky bitch wasn't working and believed that she should get things given to her for free while she just sat on her idle butt.
I really can't see Heather getting a substantial pay-out plus saying she didn't know how to work (when she has worked before) wouldn't cut it with any judge.
No. 855036
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>>855025Apparently sold now, wow.
Either they wanna help her so bad or want a bjd even more. Who knows.
No. 855069
>>855036I checked to be sure, but it looks like Fairyland isn't currently offering those tinies. Absolutely doesn't make it a $200+ doll.
>>855042 is right, it's only $160 new….. if Fairyland offers it again. The wig she listed it with is from an ok company I guess but she didn't even disclose she has pets? Hope new buyer isn't allergic
No. 855152
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No. 855217
>>855195Just goes to show that she isn't taking this very seriously. Heather is only selling the throw-aways and reluctant to post the real valuables that will get snatched up immediately. I've seen other people sell their belongings in lots and post it EVERYWHERE (craigslist, depop, ebay, facebook groups, ect) but Heather posts only a handful in the course of a week on depop and insta. Dragging her feet about the entire procedure.
BTW, 'extras' shouldn't be forced onto the customer if they also have to pay for the 'extras'. A pink wig, a hat, extra feet, and two doll dresses. That's an additional $60 the customer has to pay for. Thats a pretty steep addition to have to pay for.
No. 855250
>>855217She still doesn’t get the gravity of the situation she’s in. It’s crunch time. If you’re that desperate for money you don’t waste your time with these lower ticket items; you go for the ones that will sell immediately and that people actually covet. Yeah it sucks having to sell off a collection or an item that you’ve wanted for years, but you can always wourchase then again when you’re more financially stable. What’s important should be having funds that she can put into a savings account and cushion the financial situation she’s in.
Any other person would rather have the money at their disposal versus the things that will only weigh them down. It would suck for her to be forced to donate her valuables because she doesn’t have any means to store them for a long elriod of time until she’s settled again.
No. 855282
>>855250This is total and absolute tinfoil, but what if it's because she is over-exaggerating this entire situation? What if she really does have a place (or places) to crash and is pretending she'll be homeless to either get pity points from her fans or feel like she is spiting the hayderz to attempt at making them feel bad for ever talking bad about this 'poor, helpless, sweet cinnamon roll'.
Could explain why she is not taking it as seriously as you'd expect someone in this situation to, because the stakes aren't actually that high.
And she didn't start putting her toys up for sale until us "haters" started questioning why she hadn't already if she needs quick money.
OR…..she's just a crazy person with disorganized priorities,
victim to her own delusions and lack of time management.
No. 855285
>>855282That or she strikes me as one of those people who thinks the universe will align with her and bring her good things in her life once the full moon phase is done.
She's also just delusional and thinks she'll get by selling her crappy lot and still get to hang on to the good stuff.
No. 855288
>>855285Probably some unholy mix of all of it. She's playing it up, but could be homeless at some point, but not really that worried about it because she's convinced "it'll all work out" without any actual effort on her part.
She's just so unnaturally unbothered by and optimistic about this whole situation even though she has done nothing to better it. It's so bizarre.
No. 855299
>>855282I feel like she over-exaggerates everything that happens in her life. Like that stalker video story-time that was posted – it all was over-exaggerations and makes herself look like a
victim. I feel like, though, she has mentioned in the recent past about how she was "going to become homeless" then just dropped the whole thing. I can't take anything she says seriously because I've always found flaws in whatever she says. All she is, and has been since I've known her years ago is "Pity me, pity me" and just overall selfish.. This BJD confession fucking nails it on the head. >>855286
No. 855354
File: 1566258600860.jpg (613.28 KB, 1060x1884, 20190819_164642.jpg)

Why does she do this? Just post the price already!
No. 855412
File: 1566264659091.png (5.94 MB, 1242x2208, 15558018-DC4D-4BBC-B635-3FC34E…)

This sounds like she’s messing up way more than she’s admitting if she’s already applying for other jobs “just in case”, that or she’s extremely not confident in her work ethics. Big yikes
No. 855442
>>855412This baffles me.
Does she think she's gonna be rolling in money or something?
She JUST started this job, is at the bottom of the seniority food chain, probably getting only so many hours, and CAN'T be making that much. Even if she manages to sell a few more toys in time, I would be shocked if she could save up more than $300-600 by the 31st.
>"Gotta make every penny I can this month for my move!"Move? Might just be her bad phrasing but, I feel like most people about to be homeless wouldn't exactly call that "moving".
No. 855585
>>855412I love counting the number of times she says 'I' and 'my' and 'myself' in all overly these long answers (it's one in every three words or so) that and her complimenting herself 'I'm so proud of myself'
Everyone else is a dick and she's the one pure soul left on earth…
No. 855598
File: 1566306835158.png (877.47 KB, 750x1334, C129712A-C0FC-4B68-BFC8-59C652…)

Does this sound like someone who is going to be homeless in less than a month and has her real-life priorities on straight? Nope.
Watch she already has a plan to stay with someone or family and has been spinning this whole “I’m going to be homeless” story for attention and pity from fans.
No. 855763
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>>854398To that anon that was praising Heather for showing restraint and not purchasing those soaps… oops.
No. 855813
>>855763Like I said before, I think the whole homeless thing is just BS; another way to fish pity from followers since she has no boy drama to go off of. I mean, if you haven't notice.. She needs some sort of drama ALWAYS going on in her life to make herself look like the
victim. She can't have a moment of quiet, especially at a time like now when she has a job. But back to my statement, I think her becoming homeless is BS. In one of her latest livestreams, she straight up said "our lease is up in October."
> OurShe doesn't say "mine" or "Adam's/Roommate's"; she says "ours."
And also too, there seems to be no rush in finding a place. There's no "going to look at a place today~" posts because we all know she loves posting every single thing she does. All she does is complain about work now, just go on about how she's going to be homeless, and buy more shirt such as the soaps thinking it's all okay because it was "ONLY $1." (She's a shopaholic and always seems like she HAS to buy something each week.)
But until I actually see photo proof of her living in some sort of shelter or on the streets, calling her "becoming homeless" thing just bullshit.
No. 855938
File: 1566358285109.png (661.12 KB, 513x635, Heather throwback pics.PNG)

Looks like Heather posted some Throw Back Photos on Facebook. And she doesn't want us to talk about them huh?
No. 855955
>>855938Might be a tinfoil, but is she fishing for more comments similar to
>>854227 ?
No. 855972
>>855924Looks like she lied about the livestream? Haven't seen anything about it..
>>855938I was thinking more that she was trying to make a hint (or whatever) towards this whole situation
>>853494 of showing that she
used to look younger than her actual age. But honestly, wasn't she 26 like three years ago or something? It's clear she's trying to bait out something.. Why bring up how you looked now that long ago? It honestly looks like her now but with a brown wig on and not horrible af makeup (excluding that lip colour).
No. 855987
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She was talking to someone, I wonder who. Probably why she didnt go live.
No. 856095
>>856045Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s that Steve guy. She’s been posting about him a lot lately. I really hope they’re just friends and nothing more.. she doesn’t seem like her type. Though remember, he is close friends with Ryan (if I remember correctly).
>>856079What photos? She hasn’t really posted a recent photo of herself. It’s all been photos that were taken a bit ago. I’ve only seen her constantly post photos from when she had her pink hair. And if she is posting recent photos of herself, she’s gotta look sad and play the part of the
victim that’s going to be homeless soon.
You know, for someone whose working a full time job and all.. she was up late on that phone call and posting on Instagram a lot. I wonder if she’s getting to the point of giving up on the job. Because I can’t see how someone like her who hasn’t worked a real job in years can just easily jump into a full time job like that. Like something seems totally off.
No. 856099
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>>856045This dude? Who is also Ryan’s friend… If you see Ryan’s instagram she didn’t like the pictures of him with some blonde chick, haha. But Heather is immature and that type of thing from her is expected.
No. 856122
>>856099She looked extra crazy in that picture.
>>856119This wouldn't surprise me. We all figured she wouldn't last long at that job anyway. If she hasn't quit/been fired yet, it won't be much longer.
No. 856268
>>856125That outfit overall would look fine if she didn't have those fucking cat years. Those and the godawful bright barbie pink lipstick she wears ruins any "goffick witch" outfit she puts together.
But yeah, she's been highly active on instagram today, especially with her posts. Wouldn't be surprised if she left the job because of someone "stalking" her at her job and "taking photos" of her while she works. kek.
No. 856676
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So I guess either she lost her job, quit or there was never a job to begin with. Shes active on IG again.
No. 856684
>>856676So what happened to her wanting to be independent and self sufficient? Sort out your priorities, Heather. You need to be able to stand on your OWN two feet first before you can even think about getting into another relationship.
Her desperation and need to be validated my fans, by men and potential love interests is so twisted. Been said before but she really does have the mentality of a 14 year old emotionally unstable and needy girl. It’s just sad especially for a modern woman these days.
No. 856915
>>856908>contacted a work-ready program that can help her with driving and employment, rental assistance>just got off an 8-hour shift>Adam refused to pick her up from work today, had to get a ride home with a coworker>has to study for her server job, but doesn't know when she's going to because she has to go to bed early and get up early for work tomorrow Maybe don't be livestreaming on instagram if you have things you need to get done? The pity party isn't working on me.
>still insisting there are farmers at her job that are "looking at her">needs to be driving in two weeks otherwise she'll be homeless and have no ride to workSomeone in the chat asked her about biking or taking the bus. She said she couldn't bike because it's a highway trip away, and that buses wouldn't work because she gets off work late
>made $1000 off a vintage toy video that went viralAnd that's where I got bored and went to bed.
No. 856930
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More words of wisdom from her dumb ass fans. Since when has she ever been strong and independent? Seriously, do they even pay attention?
>>856929I'm starting to hate her voice, and I used to enjoy her videos. Also, have her fans even noticed how unhinged she is? She sounds crazy.
No. 856937
During the live, a girl kept asking Heather if she was free Sunday. Heather replied with "Yes I am, but I'm hoping to land a date." It was clear that the girl wanted to hang out, but all Heather can think about is boys, sex, Starbucks, and cemetaries. This is why she has no real life friends. She claims she doesn't eant to be with anyone who's basic but shes the most basic of all. Zero personality, zero friends, almost zero life skills and she's going to be 30 soon. What a joke.
Oh, and her rant about having Dunkins coffee and not Starbucks was a mess. Bitch is about to be homeless but "waaahhh, I wanted Starbucks!" She's annoying.
No. 856951
>>856937Was so sad to see that the girl just wanted to be there for Heather and everything and Heather just blew off a potential friend for a possible date.
Also, did anyone else catch how she vaguely called out one of the watchers in her live say how they stalk her (Or w/e she bloody said( and just mentioned that they'll just constantly post onto here? It's on
>>856929 at around 3:00. She just stopped whatever she was saying just to call them out.. I'm curious to who it was. So many people tuned in from the time the recording started tbh.
No. 857017
>>857014He must've finally got to that point if he refused to give her a ride home last night. It's amazing how she's using that to gain pity from her followers, who still think she's the innocent one in all of this. Not to wk for Adam, but you're absolutely right that he doesn't owe her anything.
I still don't understand her logic of not selling everything she owns. Where the hell are you going to put everything when you're homeless, Heather?
No. 857047
>>856929This is comical! She's getting her ass kicked in the real world and maybe she'll learn from it? But the way this live is going…I don't know? Her ugly side leaks out a lot and she tries so hard to cover it up and throw a pity party for herself. She talks about doing all kinds of stuff "i'll clean or put stuff together for you" since she claims to like keeping busy, but Heather, you couldn't even clean your studio for some videos you claimed you wanted to record and post, but as usual just wasted time chasing dick.
>>857043She is fake and desperate it's gross, because this bitch has no shame at all. Even Dunkin Donuts is too good for her… the disrespect.
No. 857048
>>856929This is comical! She's getting her ass kicked in the real world and maybe she'll learn from it? But the way this live is going…I don't know? Her ugly side leaks out a lot and she tries so hard to cover it up and throw a pity party for herself. She talks about doing all kinds of stuff "i'll clean or put stuff together for you" since she claims to like keeping busy, but Heather, you couldn't even clean your studio for some videos you claimed you wanted to record and post, but as usual just wasted time chasing dick.
>>857043She is fake and desperate it's gross, because this bitch has no shame at all. Even Dunkin Donuts is too good for her… the disrespect.
No. 857069
>>857067What about
>Someone in the chat asked her about biking or taking the bus. She said she couldn't bike because it's a highway trip away, and that buses wouldn't work because she gets off work latedidn't you comprehend?
No. 857147
>>857043It's clear that when it comes to dating, she want it all about HER. She wouldn't give the Tinder guy a chance and let him talk about what interests her, yet SHE gets to be sure that her interests is all she talks about. That never looks good on a first date, ever.
And yeah, her just ragging on that Tinder date guy was just.. Not necessary. Maybe the whole kissing part (if it happened), but not everything else. The dude was trying to have a good date but Heather just wanted it about HER and wanted everything she wanted; like Starbucks instead of Dunkins. FFS, coffee from chain places is practically all the same.. But she does come off as a basic white girl so of course all she knows is Starbucks.
I wonder if Tinder Guy is this post
>>854805 or if it's someone completely different. lulz
No. 857155
>>857069Someone’s angry.
Didn’t heather state she was bi?
She can Uber or ask a coworker for a ride she’s just the excuse queen.
It’s hilarious how she calls haters stalkers now. Like not technically stalking if someone followed her still does and questions her. Seriously she needs to go and get some more education under her belt, she’s legit looking and acting like a hill billy but even a hill billy has ethics unlike her.
No. 857198
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i don't know if this has ever been discussed or not
No. 857370
>>857198I don't think this is her.
Also to the anons that knew/know Heather personally, I was checking something and noticed that her last name used to be Novak. Is Steele just a "fake" last name or what? I noticed that her, when she "was" married to Adam, she never used his last name either. What's up with all that?
No. 857626
>>857541They never had a wedding. It was likely a quick courthouse thing with a witness and not much else to it.
>>857567That isn't surprising. She's useless. I'm still shocked she got a job in the first place, but we all have to start somewhere I guess.
No. 857810
>>857772It’s was mostly boring. Ranting about work, a co-worker who is full of himself, being homeless soon, wanting a date for Sunday and tinder notndlekvwring, etc etc.
talked about working at Spencer’s for two years and that she had to quit because she was “tricked” by her manager into using lost and found gift cards and she was set to give in a statement against her.
Also said her first job was at Spirit Halloween when she was 18 and that her manager was married 30 yr old perv who was sleeping with a young co worker. And of course he wanted to sleep with Heather because she was all that.
- wants to lose weight because she wants to model.
- she was begging viewers to request to go on live with her and no one did.
- I think she farted and tried to play it off like she was cracking her fingers and then proceeded to talk about cracking her fingers. I left after that because it was too boring.
No. 857841
>>857810After about a few minutes, she ranted about Adam and had a meltdown. She had makeup running down her face. She talked about how had her committed and forced her to stay.
I kinda felt bad for her but dont at the same time. She said she might lose everything in the divorce because she cheated. But she excused it because Adam gave her permission to see a tindr guy but followed her to his house and filmed her having sex with him. So Adam has proof and hes going to take everything.
It was a mess.
No. 857903
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Wow she's that's fucking excited over a measly 5 dollar tip. Fucking hell Heather…..
No. 857904
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Hey I found a class that Heather needs to take topkek
No. 857940
>>857810I was watching a bit of the stream. Not much happened after she “farted.” She pretty much did the same old, same old. Just talked about her life and kept mentioning how co-worker is shady af. And when she kept talking about her other jobs all I could think was: either she’s lying about some of the shit that’s happening in her current/past jobs or maybe she’s literally creating drama at whatever job she goes.
Also topkek, Heather said that her manager or co-worker or whoever went to her boss just to say “how funny” Heather is. Okay, sure Jan.
There was also I time where she said she’d be homeless in three weeks and then changed it to two weeks in less than twenty minutes. So, Heather can’t keep her story straight. But of course she can’t, she kept saying she’d be homeless in a month for a whole month.
She really likes to make it seem like a lot of “exciting” shit happens in her life. Because I never had so many jobs in a row, or never heard of my friends having job after job, where crazy shit was always happening. And if that dude at Spirit Halloween was a sex offender, the company wouldn’t hire him because he’d be around the public. Certain sex offenders can’t hold those kinds of jobs.
No. 857941
>>857846Yes I know, I was just saying what she melted down about.
And how hes supposedly harasses her and his gf told her she would kick her ass lol
No. 858020
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Shes gonna be homeless but she still went thrifting? I know it was a few weeks ago but still. Wtf
No. 858048
>>858020So those ponies have been in that dirty bag for weeks? This is what I mean about Heather not caring about the toys or hobby in general. It’s not like a few weeks ago she had a job that was keeping her busy, or editing her videos (which she’s said she’s been doing for months). No, she was busy on Tinder trying to score a “boy.” She does t give any time or care to the preserve the toys she says that she loves. This is all for profit. No doubt she’ll put these aside until she can film a video in the hopes that it’ll revive her dead channel.
Now she has five more ponies that she has to haul around and find a place to store when she’s homeless. Makes absolutely no sense.
No. 858086
>>858048It's sad that's she's only seeing vintage toys as dollar signs; all because one vintage toy video "went viral" and she got $1,000USD from it (so she says). But looking back at her videos, it was a Polly Pocket video – not vintage MLPs. None of her videos will ever get that high again, only one closest to that was her "office tour" and then a stupid mystery box BS.
She needs to realise that none of her videos will not get those kinds of numbers again; she'll only average about 25k if she puts time into her videos and actually makes videos and post them on a schedule.
But as you mentioned anon, she's been "editing" a video for months now – all because an EVP. It's always hard to clean up audio. There's something called making subtitles for it. Look at whatever ghost hunting shows are on TV, whether someone considers them real or fake, they never have clean audio. It's always hard to hear at first until you hear it a few times. She should just use that to her advantage; play the audio once or twice WITHOUT subtitles and then once or twice again WITH subtitles to what she believes this ghost is saying. Stop wasting your time trying to clean up the audio to get the pErFeCt, clean, no-white-noise audio – because that won't happen.
No. 858128
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Here we go
No. 858140
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No. 858141
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No. 858144
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No. 858146
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So apparently Adam brought his girlfriend to his apartment and Heather is sperging out.
No. 858147
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Bye Felicia!!!
No. 858155
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>>858147Her account is still there, don't worry.
No. 858171
>>858146Why do I feel like she can’t have a bed to sleep in if Adam’s girlfriend is over? Makes me think back to either her and Adam share a bed still or she hogs the bed to herself and Adam is forced to sleep on the couch. I think she’s freaking out because there’s another girl in the house and she feels no pretty enough or some shit like that.
Why is her life over because Adam brought his gf over? A little overkill much…
And why is she losing her job? I thought everyone there loved her? Unless she made mistakes there today. Which why is she freaking out about that? A job is going to assume someone new will make mistakes for their first six weeks because they’re new and getting used to things. They won’t fire someone so quickly unless they’re stealing right off the bat of being hired..
No. 858173
>>858141Stop making yourself into a
victim, Heather. No one wants "your life to end." Get your shit together, it's not the end of the world. Get off social media and clean up your act. Just pathetic that she is almost 30 and this is what she does
No. 858213
>>858162Are there screenshots?
That’s probably why she didn’t want to be near her? That gf is one crazy psycho.
No. 858229
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No. 858300
>>858270Exactly! I'm one of the people that offered to help her way before this shit got as out of hand as it did, and she cut me off because she assumed I was siding with Adam and plotting against her since I also suggest she find a professional to talk to about her issues.
Her priorities were never in order and obviously still hasn't learned from her mistakes. I feel bad for her to an extent, but to see that there have been others willing to help her and she isn't taking them up on their offers because they don't have a dick is really upsetting.
I was her friend at one point -or so I assume. She cut me off so quickly that maybe our friendship didn't mean anything to her in the first place- and even though she burned that bridge all on her own, I hate reading through these posts and seeing just how much she's spiraled out of control. I have no idea what it's going to take for her to learn and be better.
No. 858322
>>858316In short she had to leave the apartment after Adam brought over his gf. There had been an agreement not to have her around after she threatened Heather.
Heathers mom took her in for the night only and she is set to go to a domestic abuse shelter today. She basically had to leave all her stuff except her camera, work clothes, and whatever she wants wearing when she left. Now she’s asking for donations via PayPal to live.
No. 858323
>>858322Did she say why her mother is only willing to help her for one night? People
had to be asking her about that in the chat…
No. 858328
>>858326Sounds like she's going to an abuse shelter purely so she can use it as proof of 'abuse' and then try to gain from it in court?
Cos that's what abuse shelters are for
No. 858330
>>858328If that's her plan (or I guess her mom's plan that she's going along with), that's fucking horrible. Way to abuse services that are offered for
real victims of domestic violence, Heather. And I thought she couldn't sink lower.
If it's simply a homeless shelter, then I retract my statement. But in no way is this woman facing domestic violence.
No. 858333
>>858330adam: pays for rent, drives her to work, as far as we know, no physical abuse.
Heather: he's
I love how for the longest time she called him room mate and now that the gf came over thats her husband and they are still married. Yeah, now you want to say he's your husband because now your on the street
No. 858368
>>858364Yeah she mentioned Adam as her husband during the livestream and even mentioned they’re on even divorced yet. So she’s been with all these dudes and her and Adam aren’t even divorced yet. Though the moment Adam gets a girlfriend while they’re still married, Heather flips out like she has been the for.. you know, the last fucking month.
She wants the husband that will support her.
She wants the spooky ghost hunter boyfriend.
She wants to do whatever the fuck she wants and when she wants.
In a way, she’s the one wanting the “weird” three way relationship she claims Adam wants to have.
No. 858399
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No. 858402
>>858399>"social media only shows you a small part of the story"Which is exactly why her fans and followers still feel so bad for her for some reason. If they knew the entire story and not just her words, they'd see how a lot of this is her fault.
I hope she figures her life out, I really do.
No. 858412
>>858404At about 13 mins she says she is going to her mom's house to do some DIYs. In the videos where she repaints shelves, she confirms she is using her mom's tools. In one of her collection videos after this, she said she found some old toys in her mom's basement.
If her mom 'disowned her for voting for Hilary', why the fuck was she going to her house in late 2018? JFC it is as plain as day that she is a compulsive liar.
No. 858414
>>858390REALLY??? This sounds like an ultra flimsy excuse. I expect the real reason she doesn't want her there is because she knows Heather is a drama queen and wherever she goes drama/trouble tends to follow her plus I think her mom has a small holding and if Heather was to stay there she'd expect her to pull her weight, help out with chores, cleaning etc when she's not at work rather than her spending her free time on social media and re-doing her hair lol!!!!
>>858229And this is DISGRACEFUL. She's got a cheek asking people for money when she's had months to get her act together and make adequete plans for a move. Anyone who gave her money is a sucker and actually doing her no favours, she needs to learn to stand on her own two feet and not rely on others to bail her out all the time, spoilt brat.
No. 858418
>>858412My thoughts exactly. Does she forget she's posted videos showing her visting her mother & younger sister?
They know her better than anyone really and it doesn't look good that her mom isn't prepared to have her live with them for a while, at least till she finds someone else to live. I expect she doesn't want the crap that will ensue if Heather stays there too long. I don't believe a word she says, her lies are getting more stupid/over-the-top by the day. To be a good liar you have to have an excellent memory, otherwise you soon get caught out. She really needs to stay off social media for a while. One day she may make an almighty misjudgement that causes a massive backlash, best she keeps her mouth shut but she'll probably talk herself into a whole heap of trouble.
No. 858420
>>858358I was a fan of hers and I remember in her vids she had two cats, but Timmy was "hers" and she didnt care much for the other one (Tuna? I cant remember). I wonder if the other one is still around. I hope Adam at least has both cats so they dont get sent off to a shelter. I wanna assume "losing my cat" to her means that Adam is keeping Timmy.
I wanna feel bad for her but this drama is so convoluted because all sides of the story are super selfish and every party is acting like a
victim. Been hoping for more updates from Adam to be posted but it seems like he's quiet?
No. 858421
>>858420he's probably quiet for legal reasons and just letting her do all the talking to she really looks crazy. Agreed both sides are super selfish, they're just strategizing at this point and are both guilty.
>>858412Wonder how long she's been playing that card about her mom? if it's been for over a year or whenever the divorce stuff started it would make sense that she's trying to add to her case how he alienated her from her family.
No. 858422
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Maybe you shouldn't have bought all that killstar clothes
No. 858425
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She sure has been working hard for…what? 2 weeks? I hope no one falls for this. Any money donated will just be wasted because she has proven time and time again that she's financially irresponsible.
No. 858429
File: 1566850361242.jpg (376.26 KB, 1080x2025, 20190826_130603.jpg)

Someone already donated tsk tsk
No. 858481
>>858432I ain't giving her shit.
I rather donate to Timmy.
No. 858515
>>858478Man I wish I could cry on Instagram and get donated 100 bucks. Wait no I don’t because I have ethics. She be a gold diggggeeerrrr and thinks everyone should shower her in money because poor me. I was an
abusive relationship and I had to get help I didn’t smear my makeup online and cry.
(no one cares about you) No. 858526
File: 1566864937508.png (3.78 MB, 1242x2208, 548C640F-69C6-4C01-8875-61A367…)

What a bunch of gullible sheeples she's up to 228 bucks. Someone needs to report this gfm
No. 858530
>>858526It's disgusting that she can just cry and lie her way and have people give her $250 in less than 24hrs when I've seen people who actually need help can't even make their fucking goal for medical needs, etc.
I'm still curious to how long she'll stay quiet for. It's clear she's addicted to the internet and attention on the internet.
And also.. I just don't like that "Remember Me" post she posted on facebook and IG.. She makes it seem like someone is coming after her and is going to have to go into hiding or she's dying of cancer or some shit like that and it overall just puts a bad taste in my mouth. It's in bad taste imo. You're taking a "break" from the internet in a way, calm down.
No. 858543
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>>858536Yeah it's weird all this happened after she got about $400 worth in sales from her dolls.
It also may be that Adam's GF deactivated her FB.. So what the fuck did Heather do? Seems like she caused some shit storm last night because even Adam's friends are hidden now on FB too.
Also, found this on the BJD sides of things..
No. 858555
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No. 858568
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Now she's up to 303 bucks donated god damn
No. 858575
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More bs
No. 858634
File: 1566879266860.png (1.13 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190827-001154.png)

OMFG STOP PEOPLE!! SOMEONE NEEDS TO REPORT THIS!!(read the rules and don't encourage cowtipping)
No. 858638
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No. 858741
>>858732Agreed, if things are supposedly bad between her and her mother then her mom simply wouldn't let her stay there at all, why just one night? Makes no sense. She's exaggerating her circumstances so that people GIVE her money. It's sickening and a poor indication of how mad society has become if folks actually can't see through this baloney. She's had since last year to get herself sorted and she didn't bother, she doesn't act like someone who is homeless, chilling out and posting on social media. This girl has mental issues and her so called online fans are making things worse. She's never been a true
victim just a spoilt individual who had no motivation to have a job when her husband was prepared to go out and work and pay the bills while she focused on her "dream" ambition on youtube while actually not bothering to make the effort to actually make consistent, quality videos. She's so dumb and so are the people taking in her bull. Donate your money to a truly deserving charity not this pampered airhead.
No. 858759
>>858422Right? I'm amazed that no one is calling her out on that on instagram. That's where she was showing off all her expensive purchases, so it's not like her audience is unaware of that.
If I were Heather, I'd be so ashamed that only two months ago I was dropping hundreds on a new wardrobe, showing it all off online, and now I'm begging for money. Don't get me wrong, if someone else was genuinely in a tight spot financially and they had been frugal up to the point of posting a gofundme, I wouldn't have any problem with it and I'd probably support them. But literally all Heather does on instagram is show off her purchases and pictures of herself that she's taken while out having fun at cemeteries, and now she's asking all the people she's been flaunting to to support her financially. No shame.
No. 858763
>>858425Why does she keep insisting that she buy a car when she has no clue how to drive and no prospects for actually learning? She doesn't have the money to go to a driving school and she's been looking for help from family and friends to teach her for months to no avail, so that's out of the picture too. Most people can attest that actually taking your driving test is a pain in the ass too, you often have to schedule your test many months in advance to secure a spot on the schedule. Driving will
not happen for her any time soon, she really needs to put that idea out of her head and use public transportation. I really can't see why she's claiming it's impossible for her. This is taken directly from the Pennsylvania DOT website:
Public transportation is available in every county in Pennsylvania, with a wide range of services including:
>Fixed-route transit service in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, 21 small urban areas and 22 rural areas>44 systems offering shared-ride services in all Pennsylvania counties>13 intercity bus routes>Keystone Corridor Amtrak service, running from Harrisburg to New York by way of Philadelphia, and Pennsylvanian Amtrak service running from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia>66 counties with rural transportation for persons with disabilitiesShe has no excuse. She might have to ask for a change in hours at work, but if that's her only option, she's gotta do it. Why is she dragging her feet on all of this? Come
on Heather. You say you want to make this work, so make it work.
You have to actually try.
No. 858765
>>858638"may be the end" "gotta be brave"
I know enough women who've had long term relationships suddenly end and they've all had between 1 day to 28 days (tops) to make alternative living arrangements and start over. This shouldn't be such a tremendous task at 28 years old with plenty of notice that you are already over
No. 858773
>>858770What do you mean by abysmal? Odd pick up times? Ask to change work schedule. She might have to leave for work a few hours early to be there on time, and there might be a good bit of waiting around for her shift to start. Few and far between bus stops? Take a bike with her, bike from the stop to work to make up the distance. When it's all you have, you gotta make it work. Of course it's shit, but that's why it's temporary. Heather has no options here, no one to drive her, she can't drive herself, she can't bike all the way there, and uber/lyft is too expensive. Being homeless is hard fucking work and sucks, but being homeless
and jobless is worse. Unless you can explain here why exactly it's literally impossible for her to use public transportation temporarily to get to work, you're just enabling her as much as her gofundme donors.
No. 858780
>>858773I would never donate money to this idiot, but I also don’t hate random strangers enough to discard logic while obsessing over their failings. I agree that she will have to make it work, probably through a combination of public transit/uber/rides from friends, but acting as if she has a viable option in public transportation because you took the time to google the PA dot and jot down a couple of their talking points is ridiculous. Google public transportation working poor and the first two articles mention Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas specifically. Read up on that since you don’t seem to understand what you’re talking about. She also works a non skilled job with high turnover rate, so if she can’t work the shifts they need they will find someone else who can.
Her best bet would be to find a co worker she can get rides from for gas money.
No. 858792
>>858753haha, she deleted that post and another one she had made and only has posts starting from 2 days ago. It's pathetic.
>>858744She's definitely staying with her mom. Her story isn't adding up (then again they rarely do). In her livestream she said her mom would only let her stay the night because she had to make an appointment to stay at the shelter and she seemed pretty adamant that it's where she was going to be yesterday, since they had her scheduled. Sure Jan, but yes, tell us again how homeless you are going to be and how homeless you are.
No. 858884
She literally had MONTHS to sell her stuff, learn how to drive, get a job, repair her relationship with her family, etc., but she chose to spend all of her time on hobbies, "boys", going into debt on Killstar, spending even more money on hair salons, going shopping at thrift stores, etc., and now she's asking people to just give her money because she waited so long get her life together. SMH
No. 858893
>>858884Yep she didn't want to be an adult, sat around and did nothing, posted about wanting 'boys' on insta and went on online shopping sprees. Didn't want to sell her toys.. now expects others to pay for her bad decisions.
People like this repeat that pattern cos someone else usually pays for them. She's not young or cutesy enough to have a guy run to her rescue though and I bet that pisses her off
No. 858965
>>858884This. I distinctly remember in her April toy collection #582, she said she was 'packing things up now' because she was moving soon… if she was confident she was moving back in April, it was on her radar for longer. She should have at LEAST been saving all this time. Instead she just spent every dollar she could on literal junk and put off getting a job.
The BS part is she could also could've sold stuff way earlier as well, like things she didn't want anymore OR purge her collection and buy it again later. Most of the things she owns can be found online at all times. Instead she just kept. buying. shit.
>>858848I am curious about what her hours are. Busses start super early and end super late, plus she could always uber/lyft if it is late at night. There would be no traffic so it would be cheap. Or, as other anons said, try to change her schedule or find another entry level job and just look up their hours first. Or fuck, even work a night shift, she would go in early evening and leave in the morning, busses always run at those times.
No. 858970
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No. 859011
>>858965Yeah she's always been bringing up that she's moving out soon but never isn't, just like the whole situation of needing to clean her studio but she won't.
>>858970It's odd though how she's leaving all of this literally to the last minute. It's clear she doesn't know how the adult world works. Places have to do background checks and credit checks on whoever is wanting to rent and that can take a few days to begin with. Also if her name is still on the lease with her and Adam, she needs to have put in her 30 day to 60 day notice that she's moving out or else she might pay a fine..
No. 859036
>>858965Not sure what her hours are but they seem to be sort of varied. Busses don’t usually run that late. The ones in the county where she lives have very few stops and the stops in the last route begin ending at 415 on the weekdays, and 3 on Saturdays. It doesn’t even mention Sunday service so I don’t think it exists. She still might be able to use it in some ways, maybe bus there and uber back? It’s just definitely not the easy and obvious solution that a lot of anons seem to think it is.
>>858970Yikes she didn’t even have a bank account? That’s insane. She probably also has 0 credit history which is going to make buying a car almost impossible without a co-signer.
No. 859051
>>858970Gee, I wonder what happened with that domestic abuse shelter that she was supposed to be at for the week? She’s so full of shit. But what do you expect from a spoiled bitch like her who has gotten her way by taking advantage of people or playing the
victim card.
>>858919Doubt she’ll stay quiet. She relies on social media to talk to her “friends” and to dick hunt.
No. 859078
>>859036It may not be easy, but it's more practical than learning how to drive, getting a license, and buying a car within the span of a few days. Plus, having a car is VERY expensive. Aside from the cost of the car, there's insurance, maintenance, and gas. Years ago, when I didn't have a car, it wasn't always easy, but I used a combination of public transportation, my bicycle, and rides from family or other female co-workers to get to and from work because keeping my job was more important than the inconvenience of figuring out my transportation.
No. 859080
>>859036>It’s just definitely not the easy and obvious solution that a lot of anons seem to think it is. The bus issue is incredibly easy to problem solve. Unless she is getting off work at 3am, she has many options. She could bus one way, carpool/lyft back, or even look into rideshare options. Paying a coworker to drive her makes the most sense, but since she seems intolerable it is understandable no one wants to help her.
Many people, including ITT, have commuted at odd hours in small town areas without a car. Sorry for blog sperg, but I used to get off at midnight-2am and sometimes open at 8am the next day (so I'd have to arrive 7:30am the latest). You know what needs to happen? Waiting 30mins - 1hour for the bus at night to show because the times were limited. Or walk t he 1.5 - 2 hours to get home. Lyft didn't even exist for most of the current working class when they had no car and if it did, you can bet your ass that would be worth the cost every day. Sometimes I would taxi which was a small fortune, but oh well. Factor it in as transportation fees, which everyone has to do anyway. It might even be cheaper for her to lyft one way anyway, since she will have to pay for a car, insurance, and gas, on top of driving lessons and license fees.
Like, putting a scrap of thought into this shows how bullshit it all his. Plus her GFO is for what, 1k? "Help me buy my car"? What the fuck is that even supposed to do? Does she even know about registration fees and such?
She is just a spoiled brat and is trying to justify a reason when there is none. Miss lazy got too comfy forcing her ex husband who SHE initiated a divorce with and SHE cheated on to keep giving her rides. Obv not working for so many years and huffing all that plastic did some permanent brain damage because she can't figure out how to google transportation options. But that much has been obvious for a while considering how she handles both herself and 'her' money.
No. 859121
>>858970She's always going on about how nobody will help her but someone gave her a ride to the bank and is letting her stay with them? Might as well use her gofund me money to pay partial rent to her friends because getting an apartment is going to take a while unless she actually does go to a women's shelter with resources to help her get one.
And she's only set on getting a car because she has no concept of the real world or the value of money. We all know she shouldn't put a car above shelter, food, basic needs, etc but she desperately wants to be an "independent woman", so all she cares about is the ultimate symbol of her freedom in her delusional mind. Getting a bank account is the first thing she should have done the second she knew she wanted a divorced, but all we got was here lying about studying for driving lessons.
Heather doesn't know how to function like an adult after spending her whole life on easy mode being an adult child. She has such a warped view of how things work, it's hilarious. I bet if she kept going to the therapist she wouldn't be losing her mind like this.
No. 859177
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No. 859193
>>859177Where is this screenshot from?
Agree with the math, though don't most servers who make tips get paid less than minimum wage because they're assumed to make up for that in tips? I could be wrong on that.
No. 859225
>>859219They'll never learn. It's been going on since the first thread and mods aren't consistent enough with temp bans to do anything about it.
To all you reading who have no idea what "sage" means, when you make your post (if it's not contributing milk, like a screenshot of Heather's social media, new info like when she's going live, etc), type "sage" into the email box. If you don't, it will bump this thread to the top of lolcow's homepage. Type sage if you're just replying to a comment or don't have anything worth bumping the thread over.
You're welcome for the spoonfeeding.
No. 859232
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No. 859405
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No. 859512
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Damien posted this.. possible thing towards Heather? Or inside joke?
No. 859731
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No. 859752
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No. 859753
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Get a place first, never mind the damn car.
No. 859798
>>859789She only wants a car so that she can travel out to where Ryan works and stalk him.
I just can’t see her h fling long commutes in a car toonwell: especially in traffic and under extreme weather conditions. You really have to have a lot of experience driving before it becomes second nature to you. She’d crumble like a cookie. I wouldn’t want to be a driver in the same lane as her much less a pedestrian on the street.
No. 859941
File: 1567046114328.png (4.55 MB, 1242x2208, 880C1F1B-04F7-4385-899D-7BAB8A…)

She’s being stalked you guys, stop trying to get her fired. Kek
No one here knows where she works. And if they did, they’re keeping it to themselves and not doing anything about it because we all know not to be fucking cow-tipping. Ever since she found lolcow she’s been going on about people trying to ruin her life. So I guess she thinks that’s all we do and not actually read the threads about her and notice that we’re just civilly talking about her.
But you know.. she’ll do anything to be a victim.
Or for all we know she’s lying about this for attention because not being able to find a home isn’t attention worthy enough.
But you know she did also said she’s trying to find a new job so why does she even care someone called her work? You know when you apply for jobs, the place you’re applying for can call your place of work to make sure you work there…
No. 859942
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No. 859944
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No. 859945
File: 1567046231985.png (6.9 MB, 1242x2208, F7602C4C-E11F-4CF3-9EC7-C9F0A5…)

Adulting is so hard, especially when you’re leaving everything until the last minute.
You know.. this wouldn’t have happened if you had a civil conversation with Adam’s girlfriend instead of acting like a victim that the two of them were going to gang up on you and do something “abusive” to you.
No. 859968
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No. 860080
>>859753So now she has a few days of a couch to sleep on, what happened to her mom only allowing her to stay one night? She is so contradictory it's laughable. Bet she has planned somewhere to stay all along and is just trying to get money from her misled devotees lol. I bet she is secretly laughing at how gullible these people are. If they were that big fans of hers they would be closely following everything she posts and soon notice her lies and how she is inconsistent with what she says.
Also with regards to her wanting a car, she's acting like learning to drive will be super easy and quick. In her case i'm highly sceptical.
>>859956How do you know she's getting threatening calls, cos Heather says so? We know she's a compulsive teller of untruths so who knows what's been really going on? IF she's on the lease with Adam she can call the cops to accompany her back to the apartment as he has no right to refuse her into the property and if his girlfriend does genuinely threaten her she can call the cops and make a police report. If they were stupid enough to send malicious calls they can be recorded also as evidence. Personally I think she's full of crap. His girlfriend talking to her is not abuse and unless she intimidates her in a physical way there is no need for her to stay away from the apartment. She most likely can't handle the fact that her husband has found another woman (how dare he lol) and isn't focused on her or their marriage any longer while she still hasn't found a man to cling on to and move into a new property with.
No. 860119
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No. 860147
>>860128 agreed. And if the
GF did threaten Heather (big if) Adam bringing her over was a dick move, designed to set heather off. She's the kind of person to throw a yantrum over nothing, but he's the kind of person to
trigger her on purpose.
No. 860182
>>860105Doesn't say Adam specifically. His girl seems like a dick
>>860128 She left at least one bait comment on Heather's YT channel to rile her up and she came to Heather's lol cow thread and was going off. She's probably got a chip on her shoulder being that she's young and got chosen over the ex-wife and gets to kick Heather out and watch her squirm knowing that the ball is in her court. But the gf and Adam don't seem totally sane people to have a mature discussion with either.
Hence, her just being an asshole to fuck with heather is a possibility, or they got someone they know to do it to fuck with her.
No. 860350
File: 1567111474323.jpg (1.05 MB, 1416x2448, SmartSelect_20190829-154347_Yo…)

Isn't this Heather's younger sister? I'm sure there's jealousy there with how many YouTube followers she has and she gets a ton of views.
No. 860489
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Some progress I guess.
No. 860490
File: 1567129175335.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 517BF2CF-254B-4FDB-A194-4CB654…)

Here we go again…
No. 860534
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No. 860544
File: 1567136629440.jpg (732.49 KB, 1080x2018, 20190829_204401.jpg)

Its trending now, ffs
No. 860660
>>860489Why does she have to post photos of everything she does? She gain praise from her fans because she's driving (in what appears to be a huge empty parking lot)? I bet that's her mum's car and her mum's teaching her.
>>860490She's gonna reward herself with more shit she doesn't need.
>>860544Seeing this honestly makes my blood boil. Here's people throwing money to a woman-child who could have gotten this money for herself if she didn't decide yesterday that she was moving out. Instead, she's using GFM to get this money to do whatever the fuck she'll do with it while there's others struggling in life and even struggling to get donations on GFM for more serious shit other than "I wAnT my Own PlACE bUt I doN'T WAnna WOrk foR IT"
No. 860804
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No. 860846
>>860804So is she going to to be having two jobs now? Or is she going to quit the server job where “her co workers love her so much.”
Because if she’s quitting for this new job.. that’s kind of mean and wasting their time.
No. 860934
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I'm "homeless" but let's have a mini shoot and show I have a SaD.
No. 861015
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No. 861018
>>861015"My haters told me to start this a year ago and now they're bitching"
Well yeah, because you didn't listen and you did this to yourself.
No. 861021
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No. 861022
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No. 861026
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No. 861028
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Looks like someone is making fun of heather too lol
No. 861029
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No. 861032
>>861022Oof, brutal. But I'm fairly certain this counts as cowtipping.. But everything you wrote did cause this
>>861021 reply to occur. Of course now she's going to play the
victim even more about how she can't do small things to make her happy. It's like, you can.. But why do you feel the need to post every single thing you do? Surprise she doesn't post every time she takes a shit and wiped her own arse. kek
>>861028I don't see how this is Heather. Heather doesn't do her makeup like that (yet). And a lot if kaweewee girls have that tinsel background, Heather isn't original in that department.
Also, heather is STILL going on and explaining herself. She's taking photos of everything she's doing; why doesn't she take photos of the lovely couch she's sleeping on.. Oh wait, she won't because I bet she's staying with her mum in a comfortable bed; maybe even in her old bedroom.
No. 861057
>>861035not 100%, heather literally is homeless. this cowtipper is
triggered as fuck by her saying she's homeless but she literally fucking is; saying otherwise is just sugarcoating the mess she has gotten herself in.
No. 861066
>>861057I honestly think she's staying with her mum at the moment. She's showing photos of everything BUT her situation – seems a bit odd for someone who loves sharing every thing.
Also, she's still explaining herself on her stories.
No. 861112
>>861021>"I know everyone fucking hates me">has 21 donors on GFMShut the fuck up, Heather. Obviously your adoring fans haven't given up on you for some reason.
It feels pretty shitty of her to leave the GFM up considering she'll has 2 jobs now. She keeps talking about getting a car, which makes no sense. I'm still convinced there's no way she has actual friends because someone close to her should've told her by now that she's going about all of this wrong. Setting up a GFM should be the absolute last resort! If people were really begging to send her donations, there are so many money transfer apps out there…
Then again, she just got a bank account so yeah.
Also, who the hell is paying her phone bill?
No. 861142
>>861066True. If she were homeless I’d wonder how she’s managing to pay for her cell phone bill? She clearly has a place that looks comfortable to sleep and shower at.
And if she’s on her family’s plan, then her mom clearly is helping in some way versus the bs she claims.
No. 861198
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No. 861250
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I wonder what she counts as "so much going for me" considering she didn't have a job/steady income, was still living with her soon to be ex-husband, was still lusting after guys who don't want her…
No. 861332
>>861250I bet this was taken by Ryan last October when he was taking her out and teaching her about exploring. By "so much going for me" she means she had a hot boy driving her around and potential future prospects for someone to leech off of so she could leave Adam.
Honestly, the type of woman to be actively searching for a new sugar daddy while still married to her old one is disgusting, and that's exactly what Heather does. It's why she's dragged her feet so long on becoming "independent." She was trying so hard to find a guy who could absorb her into his life so she wouldn't actually have to fend for herself and she could continue wasting all her time fucking around on social media and exploring. She did it to her old boyfriend back in California, switched from him to Adam while still living in his house. Sound familiar? See,
this is the type of shit I'd love to call Heather out on, if it wasn't cowtipping.
No. 861511
>>861021Acting over the top again. Writing that she knows EVERYONE hates her when she's been given money (by her unintelligent fans that have more money then sense) through a website that is intended for people that TRULY deserve it. Trying to make out that people begged you to set up a GFM appeal is nonsense, doesn't she have a mind of her own and know that it's in very poor taste to ask strangers for money when there was absolutely no need for her to get in this position in the first place?
Every time she writes something she puts her foot in it so why not truly stay off social media for a while? Talk about a pity party, it really is pathetic. Though i'm certain she'll come out of it just fine these types of people usually do. She's not genuinely homeless if she's currently staying at the family home and Adam never kicked her out, she choose to leave, she's a gutless wonder. No one needs to worry about her, she's exaggerating to the extreme.
No. 861606
File: 1567294906090.jpg (571.2 KB, 1080x2024, 20190831_164027.jpg)

She posted her GFM link again and made an update.
No. 861607
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No. 861680
>>861606She said she could only stay a few nights with this person, seems like she's going to be staying there until she gets the apartment. And they're nice enough to teach her how to drive and probably also be the one taking her to graveyards? If it was a boy she'd be gushing about it. It has to be her mother's house.
I think Adam is pathetic enough to still want Heather despite having a new girlfriend, so it's believable they played nice and he let her back in. But it's also an apartment complex so he couldn't have changed the locks on her? Did her mom make her sneak back in to take her shit? Christ, she is a drama queen. Acted like the world was ending when a few days later she gets her shit and her cat back. Guess you gotta play your strengths when needing that down payment for an apartment.
No. 861691
File: 1567302373457.jpg (868.86 KB, 1080x2072, 20190831_184623.jpg)

Okay wtf she told someone in chat that shes keeping her old videos up and she does this.
No. 861793
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I guess shes hunkering down because of the 'haterz'
No. 861812
>>861606The fact that she's leaving her server job where everyone loves her so quickly.. Doesn't look good. She was only there for two weeks before putting in her two weeks. The place is gonna be annoyed wasting their time training her. Also rewatching her livestream, she says that she's not telling her boss where she's going.. Uhm, even if you did tell your boss; they can't legally tell people where you are.
>>861686Yeah it's 10000% clear she's with her mum. Annoyed that she goes on saying her mum/family doesn't like her.. yet she's staying WITH family.
No. 862137
>>861827She is contradicting herself once again. If everyone HATES her and nobody wants her to be alive why would she enjoy posting on social media, makes no sense whatsoever? If you genuinely believed people hated you, you woudn't bother with the effort of posting things on there if no one is going to like or approve of what you post. She's nuts.
Yes people don't approve of her setting up a GFM account because she simply doesn't need to do it. I know two men (father and son) who live up my road in their cars and have done for nearly a month, they aren't a priority as there are no young children involved. They are truly homeless, she is not. Unless she's sleeping on a temporary bed in a shelter, on the streets or living in a car, she is not actually homeless. She's staying at the family home and I highly doubt her mom will see her out on the streets. She's stooped so low by asking gullible strangers to give her money. And of course she must like being seen as a charity case, not cool unless you really are in a terrible situation out of no fault of your own.
I notice she has temporarily removed her videos on her youtube channel. Best she deletes them permanently and starts afresh in a few months time when she's sorted herself out. Girl needs to get her priorities in order!!!
No. 862174
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No. 862180
>>862174>Close friendsI thought she didn't have friends.
>I'll be matching the GFM donations to a womens shelter.Sure, Jan. You know once she's on her feet and making a good income and has a place to live, she'll go back to her spending habits.. Especially since she's wanting/was wanting all this nice ghost hunting equipment.
>I always pay kindness forwardWhen? Where? How?
No. 862273
File: 1567377814777.jpg (480.33 KB, 1053x1871, 20190901_154243.jpg)

I noticed she changed the goal to $500. I guess to get the money sooner?
No. 862288
>>862273Nah, you can deposit the money any time; whether or not you reached your goal.. Unless they changed it during the last few months I had to use it.
I honestly hope she doesn't use all her money first on a damn car. And maybe she'll get smart and go after a studio apartment. If she's set on moving out and getting this divorce, she needs to realise that she can't jump back into the lifestyle she's used to. A huge change like that, she'll need to live pay-check to pay-check and live somewhere smaller.. but of course, if a friend of hers even mentioned all that to her, I bet it'd go in one ear and out the other.
No. 862480
>>862180>You know once she's on her feet and making a good income and has a place to live, she'll go back to her spending habits..Oh, completely.
Why doesn't she say she'll pay the donators back instead? jfc
No. 862560
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All I see are psycho eyes.
No. 862670
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No. 862694
File: 1567462275124.jpeg (2.8 MB, 4032x3024, 32CEBB95-0E44-4B3B-9E70-5797A4…)

Just found this at a pilot truck stop in the men's room. Which one of you were recently at a truck stop in TN?(extreme autism)
No. 862737
>>862716Yeah it was so boring. A basic rundown of what I saw:
- says it would be nice to have a cute “boy” to text her.
-spend sover an hour on tinder swiping left because no one on there is worthy of her and doesn’t have any of the same interests as her.
No. 862828
>>862746A 710 credit score? Sure, Jan.
I feel like she said 710 only because that's a good score to have and it makes her look better to her fans. I doubt the bitch actually has good credit, and considering she doesn't have a degree and only recently got a bank account, how exactly would she have credit/good credit to begin with? Didn't she say she maxed out her PayPal credit line recently, too?
No. 863065
>>862320I did actually notice this but she has removed them from the main channel page, most folks probably won't be bothered to go checking her playlists as it's old videos anyway. I'm assuming she couldn't remove them completely or else she'd make no further money from them as nobody would be able to access them to view?
>>862828Also with regards her credit score unless she's taken out credit in the past and paid it back promptly she woudn't have that great a score. I've never had credit so even my score isn't the best as they can't teel how reliable i'd be if I did indeed have a loan/credit. Possibly she's been sneaky and ruined her husbands score instead by getting him in debt buying her lots of stuff under his name while she only took out a small amount of credit and paid it back? But as you said she did indeed say she was in debt due to her killstar spending splurges so she's probably full of crap. I'm very cynical when it comes to anything she says as she's often contradicting herself, indicating she's full of baloney and just trying to milk sympathy from her dim fans.
No. 863082
File: 1567514268193.jpg (483.45 KB, 2048x2865, PhotoGrid_1567514095441.jpg)

Saging this because I don't know if it means anything, but I was taking a look at the parody account's followers and saw a familiar name. Van is the husband/boyfriend? of Ashley Zoe Fox, who is friends with Adam and used to be friends with Heather. Heather is even in some of her videos on Youtube. Considering they seem pretty close to Adam, I doubt they are friends with Heather anymore.
Just an interesting observation.
No. 863137
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>>863082I am not sure about that. The only reason is that I just looked at the follower page and this Van person isn't on there. So idk.
No. 863145
>>863137Hmm. Maybe he lurks here and decided to unfollow since a connection could be/was made? I noticed his name isn't on the followers list anymore either, but it was definitely there earlier.
I think that's proof that someone close to Adam has something to do with the parody account. How strange.
Everyone involved in this whole thing is so childish lmfao
No. 863182
File: 1567527185428.jpg (473.05 KB, 1080x1709, 20190903_091315.jpg)

I thought this was funny. I dont think it will be successful.
No. 863185
>>863137Dropped that one right quick, eh van.terry26? I swear, these people aren't firing on all cylinders or something. Everyone involved is so dim.
>>863182Bullshit petitions like this happen all the time, people try to take down anonymous boards often. It never works, they're just screeching into the void.
No. 863257
>>863082Checked when you posted this and it was definitely still in there. He must have unfollowed it.
Heather moans about her “haterz” being “obsessed” with her on here, but girl your soon to be ex husband is the one with a chip on his shoulder for you and obviously intent on ruining your life. And you were/are married to that. Let that sink in.
No. 863282
File: 1567536108506.jpg (163.79 KB, 1080x1920, 20190903_114210.jpg)

I dont know what happened to the parody account.
No. 863285
File: 1567536182986.jpg (82.75 KB, 1071x1903, 20190903_114152.jpg)

I cant even see the followers.
No. 863294
File: 1567536975333.png (2.05 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190902-203103.png)

Wtf was up with the mask?
No. 863496
>>863282Watch it be Adam's current girlfriend. She was caught lurking here and she clearly hates Heather.
Who else would currently hate her at this moment besides Adam and his gf.
No. 864084
File: 1567637086276.jpg (582.31 KB, 1080x2084, 20190904_154501.jpg)

Translation: she wants a date with a 'cUtE bOy'
No. 864819
File: 1567778335218.png (1.29 MB, 1319x917, YoutubeHeatherSparkles.png)

She apparently UNPRIVATIZED her videos on YT. Gotta get that money so I can buy more shit that I don't need.
No. 864912
File: 1567791368699.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190906-073432.png)

The misuse of funds begins…
No. 864923
>>864912Here we go….hope the fans who donated to her GF don't mind seeing their hard earned money go to Heather’s shopping splurges.
She’s probably going to go on live tonight to “clarify” that these were under a $1 and that the “haters” can’t lay off her over every little thing she does and buys.
No. 864981
File: 1567801538268.jpeg (1 MB, 4032x3024, 6A016CEE-BE40-4768-A2D2-1CA948…)

I think she is high AF right now
No. 865014
File: 1567804827530.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, C5EA6954-230F-4DD4-BAEC-79CEB3…)

re-uploaded the sock photo and added a caption to emphasize that they were cheap.
$1 socks? Sure, Jan. Still hiding that price tag I see.
No. 865027
File: 1567805691014.png (1.15 MB, 1242x2208, 48493B9E-0829-4326-B5FD-1E2A4C…)

>>865014Yeah, those socks are $4 a pair
No. 865108
File: 1567817379168.jpeg (323.61 KB, 750x1063, CB38FA79-5AC3-4CC2-B745-3217DB…)

Translation: “I need you. I’m homeless, friendless, and I need a roof over my head and steady cash flow to realize my dream of becoming a paranormal influencer on YouTube.”
No. 865146
I actually can't imagine having as little independence as she does. It would drive me crazy to depend purely on others for survival.
No. 865162
>>865027Those are quite literally not the socks she bought. They don't look anything like the ghost socks she has. That's exactly what Target's $1 price tag looks like on stuff in the dollar spot. Stop trying to nitpick when you
don't even have to. The fact that she was buying stupid socks at all is damning enough. You're telling me she couldn't go get more of the socks that she already owns at Adam's place? It's not like she's banned from the apartment, she's already been over there to grab stuff a few times. She absolutely did not need to buy more socks, even if they were only a dollar a piece.
No. 865397
File: 1567882415327.jpeg (1.79 MB, 2100x1575, 7996B408-0E64-41DF-950B-EA41A0…)

So I went to do a complete background check on her and this was at the top of the report. I am just leaving this right here.
No. 865489
>>865414Wow what self centered cunts you anon's are, your no better than Heather, look at you sitting behind a Keyboard and angrly typing insults and threats to the other anons. You bitches need to get a fucking life and grow the fuck up. You all are acting like children. All that anon was doing was poking fun at the male gender marker under heathers name and MAYBE just MAYBE they didnt want to take the time properly screenshot it which involves using snipping tool or printscrn button then it needs to be edited to hide any account information/user names to stay anon. So dont bitch about that. Just focus your fucking attention on Heather.
File: 1567898873616.png (1.09 MB, 750x1334, 91F78C98-6659-4C21-AA22-3414C9…)

Or you could, I don’t know, maybe head on over to your old place and start packing your valuables and getting them ready to move out. Or rather help your mom with chores; it’s the least you can do for her after she’s taken you in and co-signed for your potential car loan. Heck, make it up to your sister for having her drive you.
And what about Timmy? Instead of moaning about how you haven’t gone exploring in weeks and planning an excursion think about his wellbeing and try to spend that Sunday with him instead.
No. 866107
File: 1567970858591.jpg (748.56 KB, 1080x2090, 20190908_122811.jpg)

No. 866115
File: 1567971089974.jpg (973.93 KB, 1080x2072, 20190908_122800.jpg)

No. 866118
File: 1567971132402.jpg (900.32 KB, 1080x2074, 20190908_122748.jpg)

No. 866120
File: 1567971172816.jpg (1.68 MB, 1080x2088, 20190908_122739.jpg)

No. 866303
File: 1567988388481.jpeg (180.66 KB, 750x1083, 3B1B949A-11C7-41A0-8864-B04955…)

No. 866673
File: 1568068968249.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, 4C0E8557-E42B-4BDB-A756-600358…)

Yeah building her life on the backs of other people she manipulates. Something to be proud of.
No. 866688
>>866673God, she's annoying. No one hates her, she has zero haters. "Comeback"? From what exactly? The shit hole she dug herself?
I feel like we've heard all of this before and she's still just as lame as ever. Don't change, Heather! It seems like you're incapable of changing anyway.
No. 866877
>>866768Don't forget the selfies of her in black and white photos with poetry quotes. Really has a lot going for herself.
For someone who posts a lot of inspirational stories, she sure does suck a life.
No. 866893
>>866877Don't forget the runny mascara!
Nothing goes better with poetry.
No. 867055
>>866973she's acting as if this "comeback" comes from the same spot as a battered woman who has been on the streets and in and out of shelters and essentially in fear of her life.
Heather's a spoiled brat and she knows it.
No. 867481
File: 1568239625986.jpg (436.35 KB, 1080x2073, 20190911_150635.jpg)

No. 867531
File: 1568250386518.png (230.08 KB, 312x597, Capture.PNG)

Again with the frivolous purchases. I hope her gofundme supporters see where their money is being spent. $2 here, $2 there… clearly Heather is convinced that if a purchase is under $5, it doesn't count. And she doesn't even have the weak excuse that she needs it like she did with the socks. No one needs a phone case with cat ears on it.
I think she's definitely baiting us, but she's only playing herself. I'm not the "homeless" one, Heather, you are. Start acting like it if you're going to e-beg.
No. 867536
>>867531Wait a second, did she get a new phone recently. Last time we saw her phone it looked like an iphone 6s and this phone is clearly an iphone 8+.
>>852760previous phone
No. 867554
>>867536Holy shit it is a new phone. Good eye anon. It’s not impossible to get one on a payment plan for less than $40 per month but… It still looks like a huge slap in the face to everyone who donated to her. Seriously, what is wrong with this girl?
I scrolled back and here’s an even more recent pic of her old phone
>>860804Watch her try and say she had to get a new one right before changing her gofundme goal because of “stalkers” boohoo
No. 867569
>>862694>fresh inkYep, it is a selfpostnigger.
Get a life landwhale.
No. 867721
>>867536>>867554Come to think of it, I even remember her mentioning her new phone in a livestream. I must not have thought to put it in one of the greentexts for some reason. I'm pretty sure she said something along the lines of "I know people are going to come after me for getting a new phone, but I had to get my own phone plan because I was on Adam's before." I guess my half-asleep brain (because she usually does these streams in the middle of the night) must've accepted that as a fine enough reason, but surely you can switch your old phone onto a new plan without purchasing an entirely new phone.
I was really only upset about the socks and phone case in principle, because while she absolutely shouldn't be spending
any money frivolously right now, it did only come out to $5 altogether. But a $500 phone? This bitch has some nerve.
No. 867977
>>867531She did talk about getting a new phone because she was getting off of Adam's plan. I think she mentioned in a livestream she was going with TMobile or something like that.
>>867741I'm fairly certain you can't bring your phone with you if you swap carriers. Each carrier in the US have their own SIM cards and how it affects the phone. So if you're with ATT, you have to get a new phone if you go to Verizon or TMobile.
>>867721Also whenn I upgraded my phone, I didn't have to pay anything on my iPhone. I don't know how other carriers are, but ATT makes you do monthly payments on the phone over 18ish months.
No. 868210
File: 1568401526154.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, 7D150A29-A95F-48BB-91C0-F56572…)

Girls need not apply.
No. 868212
File: 1568401633954.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, EBA752FE-50B7-420F-9426-C4B988…)

Nothing says “help I’m homeless” than posting all your expensive (and tacky) valuables for everyone to see.
No. 868641
File: 1568482339083.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 71FB0A1A-38DD-4D8E-8023-FF5FCE…)

Crazy eyes.
No. 868694
File: 1568494310983.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, 08BD6478-88A6-452B-8F59-6B7DCF…)

No. 868695
File: 1568494334569.png (2.78 MB, 750x1334, 450BDA68-8FF8-4475-B0C0-EC997E…)

No. 868697
File: 1568494358420.png (2.03 MB, 750x1334, 51540295-7558-4F60-909C-8B30A0…)

No. 868741
File: 1568502563603.jpeg (223.65 KB, 750x1035, 330A37E5-5CA2-45E1-9DA9-599474…)

She’s so cringe.
Hey Heather , ask your little sister if this if freedom for her too! She’s the one that has to give up her weekends to teach you how to drive.
No. 868779
>>868741>little sister is giving her driving lessons>doesn't have a license, her own place, or a good paying job>"homeless">set up a go fund me for a down payment on an apartmentAh yes, true freedom!
Also, why is she worried about a pet friendly place? She can barely take care of herself so she definitely doesn't need to bring any pets into this mess.
No. 868884
>>868779I can't agree with you more here, she needs to put getting financially stable first before worrying about Timmy. She should let Adam take care of Tim he's established and is more financially stable than her as she's "HoMeLeSS" as she puts it.
I also feel bad for the person who's teaching her to drive.
No. 869138
File: 1568596645406.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, D4EB5752-AC7B-4C1F-B636-38D646…)

Urbex with Steven (?) looks like it.
Not in a hurry to get those sales up and going, are we Heather? You’d think for someone who is homeless or at least about to be they would kick it into high gear and spend their weekends trying to sort their life together. But no, not Heather. Urbex tops everything else that she needs to get done.
It’s almost like she’s not on a deadline to find a place, learn to drive, get her license, and so forth.
No. 869369
File: 1568640870686.png (1.18 MB, 750x1334, F4213A4E-FD9D-4EDA-8F51-F1D786…)

Something you don’t see everyday: Heather with another girl!
No. 869487
File: 1568661947546.jpg (862.57 KB, 1080x2081, 20190916_122500.jpg)

No. 869524
File: 1568666043154.png (3.43 MB, 1242x2208, 3486D840-BD77-4ECB-966B-13B293…)

I don’t know if it’s me, but this other girl looks like she’s related to Heather. The way the eyes, nose, and mouth look when each of them smiles; it all looks similar.
No. 869551
>>869524If she’s not family, then that’s probably
her next target, I mean roommate.
No. 869898
File: 1568760152253.jpg (101.97 KB, 634x960, Heathers New BF.jpg)

Obviously this is photoshopped but this sums Heather up in a nutshell.
No. 869917
File: 1568765352107.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 316E7A10-85C0-4E57-9DED-D7516F…)

Sure, Jan.
No. 869918
>>869917"I'm saving every dollar I can!"
What was this about then, Heather?
>>867531 No. 869961
File: 1568776247576.png (1.96 MB, 750x1334, A2EF0FC1-39E6-4E99-BB0B-B44A0B…)

If anybody was still questioning if Heather was indeed staying with mommy or not this pretty much confirms it. In a past vlog Heather specifically mentions (and actually shows viewers because she went to her moms house and gave a small tour) that her mom makes her own applesauce, has a chicken coop where she gets fresh eggs from, and even harvests honey from bees she keeps.
And yet Heather still has the gall to moan “I have no one supporting me” and specifically painted her mom on several occasions as a heartless Trump supporter who refuses to help her own daughter because of he lrdiffering political views.
No. 870081
>>869995>>870003When your life has no meaning so your whole existence just becomes 'treating' yourself, talking about yourself, oh and taking pics of yourself, kek
Every post reads as 'me me me'. This is why normal people have kids, progress in careers or at least develop meaningful relationships, the alternative is being a self obsessive heather type
No. 870082
>>869995These range between $11-$20. Maybe mommy is giving her an allowance now since she’s obviously living under her roof?
She just can’t help herself. So much for pinching her money to save up. She’s probably settling well into living with mommy again and doesn’t feel compelled to do anything to become independent. I guess even Timmy isn’t much of a motivation either. He’s better off with Adam.
No. 870215
>>869995Sometimes I feel like I'm too hard on Heather. I was pissed off at her getting an expensive phone, without considering she might have to switch plans. And she got a job, made a budget, and is learning to drive…
… but then she spends money on shitty plastic fangs, and I remember exactly why she's such trainwreck. Say they were $15. That can be part of the deposit for your new place. Or gas. Or furniture at the thriftstore when you move. Get your shit sorted before you buy stuff that won't make your life better in any way.
No. 870251
File: 1568837434012.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, CC4644A0-8069-4965-84F0-69DE31…)

Heather, who are you fooling? Your entire online presence has been about material things.
No. 870252
File: 1568837651292.png (235.58 KB, 750x1334, 57C00652-ED99-45E7-A639-130348…)

If anything she looks older than she actually is.
No. 870260
File: 1568838402115.png (1.76 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190918-162155.png)

No. 870279
File: 1568840672769.jpg (892.95 KB, 1050x1867, 20190918_140232.jpg)

No. 870741
File: 1568941737219.png (1.79 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190919-210055.png)

Buying shit again heather? What an idiot
No. 870744
File: 1568942693425.png (682.5 KB, 1139x540, Capture.PNG)

>>870741Heather, fucking
stop. Even if you aren't buying that cardigan, even if your mom is buying it for you, even if it's only $5, whatever bogus excuse you have for this. You should
not be shopping or even going into stores just to look. You're supposed to be
saving money right now! Do not go around looking at all this stuff you can buy, even if you don't intend on buying it. It'll just tempt you and distract you from your real goals. You have a car and an apartment you're saving for, remember? You have a cat you want to support,
remember? It's really sad seeing someone so consumed by their addiction that they become blind to their aspirations and goals. And that's truly what I consider Heather to be dealing with, a shopping addiction. The woman can't seem to go two days without stepping foot into a store.
I just checked up on her gofundme, which has surpassed her goal. She's been donated $520. Does she have no shame? Is no one calling her out on this? What must her mother think? Honestly this is all so shameful. She said she'll be posting a life update video soon, she really needs to address this in that video.
No. 870759
File: 1568944644875.png (1.51 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190919-215516.png)

No one is asking. Everyone is shaking their damn heads how pathetic you are.
No. 870800
File: 1568955489999.png (2.29 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190920-002723.png)

Now she wants to be a motivational speaker for youtube?? Get the fuck outta here heather lol NO ONE SHOULD EVER TAKE ADVICE FROM YOU!
No. 871179
File: 1569034079083.jpg (1012.08 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190920-224600.jpg)

No. 871313
File: 1569078007393.png (823.57 KB, 750x1334, B9E0BAE8-E1DB-43CF-A7C7-F5292C…)

So she decided to give up on toys and the colorful and pastel aesthetic because she couldn’t attract any dick with it; and she thinks this will?
She’d have to find herself a roommate just as tacky in taste as herself and delusional to ever fully get a home looking like this.
No. 871327
File: 1569083916542.jpeg (553.12 KB, 2048x2048, E426CFF9-FEC4-48AB-941E-EA32A1…)

Can’t afford Killstar anymore so she’s settling for the next best (tackiest) thing: Halloween witch costumes.
A real witch wouldn’t be caught dead in a cheap, novelty witch costume. And she calls herself a real one.
No. 871360
File: 1569093589064.jpeg (435.07 KB, 750x1063, BD6E03CF-5D86-439C-9E7D-E00DBD…)

Creepy eyes yet again. How does she not see it?
This whole week all she’s done is edit photos and post them on Instagram. If she’s actually working and not being a squatter in her moms place how does she have the time to be so active online and go out shopping?
No. 871407
File: 1569105800874.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, 2755A049-840F-4AA1-B4E1-71318F…)

No. 871462
File: 1569119351866.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, 0D8D223D-775A-4356-9F28-0A345A…)

Her fans donations put to good use!
No. 871491
File: 1569124990241.png (2.36 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190922-000010.png)

Dead lord, she's really lost her mind
No. 871495
>>871491She posted a short clip of her almost crying with the fangs on because it was apparently a teenage dream of hers to wear fangs and she couldn't before because of her messed up teeth, and then another clip of her saying "if any cute boys out there want to live forever, call me."
No. 871506
>>871486tbh I'm not invested in Heather's existence and only discovered these threads recently, but based on her personality I can't help but hate her a bit. She can't do a single thing without being horribly cringey and its clear shes in love with herself and always has to be the
victim, while being batshit crazy and causing her own problems. Its a trait thats very hard for me to find sympathy for. She reminds me a lot of people I've known in the past who were honestly terrible and selfish and refused to be wrong or take accountability for themselves. Even an apology feels completely disingenuous and just because they "have to" to keep their status. Full of lies, personality revolves around people liking them. Completely inept and taking care of herself. Begged for strangers' kindness and help, and spits on that by continuing to shop for useless fucking aesthetic items because she's addicted, and is aware of the wrongness of this just enough to start hiding her purchases but not enough to just… stop spending???
she frustrates the living fuck out of me. I wouldn't be surprised if the hate against her comes from just, incompatible personality types. I would never ever ever keep a friend like Heather.
sage for blogposting, I'm a little drunk so sorry if any of this is incohesive
No. 871550
File: 1569153133118.png (1.43 MB, 750x1334, D16CD873-3D7D-4EC5-8B38-E3A365…)

Mothman Festival bound with her vampire fangs. Says she’s going to buy herself a mothman T-shirt because, you know, she’s homeless and doesn’t have any t shirts anymore.
Again with the incessant wasting of money rather than saving it for that apartment/car she’s been harping on about getting. Granted the money is coming from mommy’s allowance….
No. 871593
File: 1569166875536.png (2.1 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190922-113714.png)

Jesus christ heather. You have a fuckin excuse for everything. You have to buy a t shirt to take your kimono off? the t shirt weights more you idiot. No one told you to wear that shit in 90 degree weather. She needs to get off social media like she's claimed so many times.
No. 871627
File: 1569171638576.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, 43BE927A-117E-4892-BB5D-DF8E61…)