File: 1670974300358.jpg (Spoiler Image,281.78 KB, 1152x2048, 1670896951312.jpg)

No. 1726750
OP is honestly evil Ford posting it without spoiler
No. 1726754
I have to comment from last thread because it's killing me
>>1726704You are LITERALLY repeating troon rhetoric. A couple of old ass studies that tried saying black women statistically have more testosterone are considered defunct. Those theories do not align with our current understanding of genetics/genealogy and how ethnic traits do and do not correlate at times. That argument has been used by troons in sports trying to say "look! black women have more testosterone too! you gotta ban them too then!!"
specific black women (like three athletes) who were reported as having higher testosterone levels also had DSD (differences of sexual development). NOT biologically normally developed black women, and women in general. I need some of you to plz think.
No. 1726757
>>1726754I would treat that subthread with suspicion, there's a good chance a
triggered racist tranny is in there kicking off about how his white tranny ass looks like a male next to a woman, and he's trying to derail with the same shit they always do (
won't anyone think of the _____) like any woman goes to the tranny thread to reflect on themselves
No. 1726760
File: 1670975636589.jpeg (223.72 KB, 828x1122, BA209178-DD9D-4B94-8393-FB84FD…)

Really says a lot they can prioritize gays and troons being protected but they refuse to codify roe v wade
No. 1726771
>>1726761this. gonna be vigilant on any of those comparisons. don't need to give them any fodder.
>>1726762"ella" grant is one for sure.
No. 1726785
File: 1670978329620.jpg (92.4 KB, 540x477, 20221213_183717.jpg)

>>1726212I just made a mistake and started replying to people on that video. But it's so hard not to with the bullshit that they spew. Its hateful to not want a man in women's spaces but okay to say that the rape of a woman by a tim doesn't matter because tims have it worse.
No. 1726887
In reply to the last thread
>>1726127So we've gone from identifying as a gender, a social construct, to a sex, a concrete biological state. Trannies always defended themselves by saying "it's a social construct!!" But now it's okay to literally say you have two x chromosomes and this is fine and everything is fine
No. 1726894
File: 1670989161503.png (878.61 KB, 1200x1340, NHL-TWAW02.png)

No. 1726895
File: 1670989280432.png (20.6 KB, 583x177, My scent has changed… MtF.png)

Imma throw up soon
No. 1726897
File: 1670989396151.png (2.96 MB, 1242x2208, 1B918F96-419B-4EE8-9944-492566…)

Wish I was as delusional as an ugly troon
No. 1726902
>>1726895“Girls hidden treasure”
This is a pedophile.
(sage non-milk) No. 1726905
>>1726895Sick bastard
He needs set on fire
No. 1726938
File: 1670996476338.jpg (59.26 KB, 774x217, I_am_gonna_sodoku_its_too_much…)

Nonnies I'm gonna fucking puke
No. 1726950
File: 1670997652457.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1280x9087, ED0F3DEE-3380-426C-B5F4-FD6F5A…)

>>1726711i’m pretty sure the point was to prove to trannies that they don’t look like the black women they love to compare themselves to.
No. 1726955
File: 1670997990166.jpeg (712.4 KB, 911x3241, 8E7360CF-5BC9-46A9-8BE0-169452…)

>>1726658i love me a good collage of trannies next to women. it demolishes the idea that they can pass irl.
No. 1726958
File: 1670998422145.jpeg (53.55 KB, 660x440, 4FD40FCF-8C67-49AF-8997-1DC7BA…)

>>1726955oops, i forgot to add this one.
No. 1726959
File: 1670998505583.png (206.59 KB, 1892x594, barf.png)

praying to god this is a larp because wtf
No. 1726961
File: 1670998623400.png (40.03 KB, 1806x152, whyaretroons.png)

>>1726959sorry for samefagging but god I hate everything about this and I fucking hate troons
No. 1727013
>>1726579Pro or anti tranny camp? I've seen him being floated around as a plant a few times but I don't know enough about the creep to know how he is
>>1725960I'm curious what he's gonna get. Is he going to have his head stapled to pretend his forehead is smaller? Will he try to shave down his brow and jaw? The nose is definitely getting the Blaire White treatment where it's going to look too small on the man face but still not girly. More eyes are on him than most and he doesn't have Bruce Jenner's excuse of being old, I'm curious to see people react to the face once this is done. It's going to be interesting considering how unfortunate his actual face is as a man anyways, and he's not starting with much of your usual estrogen minimums is he? Of course they're going to hide it behind Photoshop and filters but he will inevitably be seen in a candid post surgery.
No. 1727026
File: 1671005929079.jpeg (683.08 KB, 960x1465, 00FA6235-E926-4740-AF9C-365BDF…)

troon on r/twoxchromosomes whining about how hard it is to larp as a woman and decided to call out “cis allies”. comments are full of cis women saying “welcome to misogyny hun” and other bullshit fake sisterhood replies
No. 1727030
>>1727026Handmaidens need to realise how truly narcissistic and self-victimising these trannies are. Nothing is ever good enough for them and you will never be the perfect ally for a tranny because they change the criteria of transphobic every year - tbh, now it feels like every 6 months.
A man, coming into a womens subreddit, telling them that uhm actually he has it worse than they ever could, is fucking sad. There is no right answer with these freaks other than "Yes dearest tranny you are more of a
victim and also more womanly than my inferior ciswoman self" and even then they decided that woman was too offensive so now it's uterus-haver.
No. 1727035
>>1726785I had almost exactly this argument with my moid friend (not anymore, got rid of his ass).
>troons are at higher risk in male prisons than women with 1 troon/rapistYeah because males are the problem and 2 males are more dangerous than 1 in any location. Doesn't make it fair to put it on the females to take the burden of males violence. Would you accept a pedophile instead going to a children's facility and lock him up with them? Because I've heard pedos are at a higher risk of violence in prisons, and that's the only logical solution according to your logic.
>Prisons are bad in general and need to be reformedYeah sure but troons still don't belong in women's prisons
>You could get a court to decide if someone is transLMAO don't lie, none of you troons would accept that, you'd call it transphobic the second a man is deemed "not trans enough"
>it's a non issue that could be solved if it becomes oneThere are literally troon rapists getting moved to female prisons, it is already an issue
No. 1727036
File: 1671006949711.png (182.17 KB, 1178x530, Capture d’écran 2022-12-14 à 0…)

popeyes whiner is having a wild breakdown on his identity right now lmao
No. 1727047
>>1726754anon i was simply talking about biology. what is high testosterone for a female, is low test for a male. it's an undeniable fact that black and arabic women get their periods faster and are disproportionally better at sports as most any females of any race.
for reference, a male will less than 200ng/dl is a candidate for TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) as his dick won't won't put on muscle and gets depressed. male reference range is 300ngdl-1000. let that sink in for a while because the female reference range is from 15ngdl to 70. levels under 15ngdl cause infertility in females.
SO even the highest test athletic woman is not even at a 1/4th of a normally functioning males testosterone.
Not to mention, black women are disproportionally affected with PCOS. the cause? high hormone levels of all sorts, including estrogen and testosterone.
I am not saying that black women have as high T as scrotes. It's apples and oranges. But what I am saying is that they are high E and high T for many reasons, including the lifestyle and adaptations in their DNA.
Again for any retarded tranny listening, black women are not manly or masculine. They simply have elevated T levels but even that would never put them into the lowest male ranges. high T women have high estrogen as well that's why they remain womanly again unlike goddamn scrotes.
I'm very sorry i don't want to fight or anything but i just want to spread the numbers and information as not explaining it autistically spreads confusion.
No. 1727051
>>1727042nta but he's thinking that he's a heterosexual man for liking dick lmao, he even said that he drops the label gay and trans, this is beyond delusion.
the only good thing about him is that he recognizes that he aint allowed to be in women's spaces and stopped sending death threats to terfs
No. 1727056
>>1727047i'm the anon that wrote this, and the same one that angered my nonnies by my very poorly worded post from last thread. again i apologize. i am a long distance runner that doesn't compete and i take steroids myself that's why i can hormone sperg so hard
I just wanted to make the girls reading aware that black female athletes are literally being discriminated against in sports because they often fall outside of the normal female ranges while claiming to not take steroids. to clarify, the tranny argument that black women are manly is a mixture of immense racism and sexual stereotyping.
No. 1727063
File: 1671011236045.jpeg (610.28 KB, 828x1256, 12B82288-DE1A-4D37-8226-CA75D2…)

because defined cheeks are exclusively male… even their lack of knowledge about female aesthetics is obviously male. women have always worn contour and aimed for the “chiselled” look.
all the comments are cope like “they want to be us so bad” as if they aren’t genuinely difficult to look at. i can guarantee none of these celebrities thought “i want to look like a tranny” when they got this (admittedly stupid) procedure done.
No. 1727075
File: 1671014421172.png (3.99 MB, 828x1792, 0FE1323B-AB86-465B-8773-0B3A97…)

Seen this person on tiktok and YouTube shorts, and it kinda looks like a TIM, but it can also be a woman with a bunch og playing surgery. I really don’t know. What do you think?
No. 1727081
File: 1671015528562.jpg (62.46 KB, 520x520,…)

>>1727075Just toned arms and too much surgery. Most of these "is this a troon?" posts could be answered by using google.
No. 1727084
File: 1671015860220.png (76.28 KB, 1317x459, male.png)

I put the oakland anti terf trans group's rant from last thread into a writing gender guesser, never gets old
No. 1727090
File: 1671017541997.png (1.35 MB, 864x1594, Screenshot_20221214-122950.png)

why…why does he look over 50. I've never seen someone look like this at his age.
No. 1727092
File: 1671017637283.png (1.36 MB, 864x1609, Screenshot_20221214-123006.png)

>>1727090it's not just the eyes, either. His lips. Everything. It looks like he is about to bite the possum's head off.
No. 1727095
>>1727009this also has to do with water being transferred from inside cells to outside of the cells. I'm on mobile so can't post a full discussion, but basically men have been advising women incorrectly for decades about eating a low-salt diet to prevent menstrual bloat. A lot of GI symptoms and bloat occurs because intercellular water becomes extracellular, which in addition to prostaglandin-induced cramps can also cause diarrhea or changes in bowel movements. A low-salt diet will not prevent this kind of change from happening, it's another way to blame women for a natural process.
It is hell, though, and trannies don't experience this at all.
No. 1727132
File: 1671024154003.png (34.71 KB, 140x212, norway.png)

>>1727126Please be patient with her Nona, she doesn't have very good vision on land.
No. 1727135
>>1726950I think his point is that his co-troons here are on the more masculine side and not a good example of the more common "exquisite performance" (keyword performance) of femininity
Sorry in advance if I misread you nonna
No. 1727139
>>1727135NTAYRT but the troon in the OP didn't create the collage or post it, it's just included in the collage as an example of a TIM claiming that transwomen are "more womanly" than black women for the sake of contrast with the images of TIMs being obviously male near black women who are obviously female (because
of course they are).
No. 1727142
>>1727066>then some moid started saying how his entire belief system changed once he got a boner by putting on a dressit's not funny, but i kek, for if
i do not, i weep. i try to remain positive, and believe when the shit continues to accelerate and hit the fan, people will be forced to come together in more meaningful ways/drop this narcissistic, destructive bullshit. no real reason, i guess, that i should believe it, given humanity's history. female only communes may be the only way??
No. 1727148
>>1727145To add to this my school has an art campus that is of course all in on this crap but the tech campus I’m in is just… normal. We have kind of an anon message app many in our school use, someone whined about a professor being
PrObLeMaTiC with some gender thing there and got told to fuck off basically by like 80% of posters lol
No. 1727155
File: 1671026717679.png (878.98 KB, 720x1280, completelycispassing.png)

Drives me absolutely insane when troons try to gotcha basic biology with 'most people dont know their chromosomes!!!' as if around half of the pregnant women in developed countries don't get prenatal screening for chromosomal abnormalities. Granted, I don't know how long reliable genetic screening has been available, but my not-even-high-risk mother got it when pregnant with me and my brother in the late 90s, it's hardly a new thing. So, to any adult zoomer genderspecials reading this? Congrats, you're not intersex.
..Not that you'd even need to go as far as genetic testing to tell an adult's sex.
No. 1727157
File: 1671026887001.jpeg (389.65 KB, 1284x1072, 388A8156-B2AB-4BDE-A420-422351…)

>>1727026One of the OPs comments.
No. 1727160
>>1727142I hope that this movement will peak more women on male degeneracy in general and put a stop to the myth that men are the more rational sex.
>>1727147Then after it happens
>she’s lying it never happened and anyway how do you know it wasn’t consensual>>1727155Ugh, this guy looks exactly like an incel I knew in high school.
No. 1727272
File: 1671041340163.jpeg (727.04 KB, 960x1445, 83E0D026-1C6A-4A18-9BA9-AA9AEC…)

women can’t even use their period tracking apps safely yet trannies keep jerking off to their genocide fantasy
No. 1727300
>>1726950I'm the Anon that said she didn't like the comparison pictures. This is why. I'm tired of troons implying I'm less than a woman because black women have elevated testosterone or we're "loud and don't take shit from scrotes", which is a giant fucking lie because black women face the most domestic violence from scrotes, we're most likely to die during childbirth, and no one takes out victimization seriously because of all the fucking dumb ass stereotypes both sides push.
Personally wish both sides of the equation would leave black women out of it. All women are going to look feminine, especially when standing next to men who are poorly cosplaying feminity. We don't need to keep adding pictures of black women looking like cute women next to scrotes to prove a point. We have eyes.
No. 1727321
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No. 1727322
File: 1671045812824.jpg (274.95 KB, 1080x590, IMG_20221214_202111.jpg)

We can just post trannies vs moids, it's really like only the most ogre of the xy race troon out kek
No. 1727333
File: 1671046844309.png (8.18 KB, 387x210, 25.png)

>>1727090Holy shit that's an incredibly rough 25 even for a man
No. 1727340
File: 1671047158307.png (271.11 KB, 546x681, shark.png)

Yet another shark plushie troon
No. 1727343
File: 1671047858688.jpeg (632.82 KB, 960x1599, 378C9965-3DED-4F67-970C-C93EC2…)

be so serious
No. 1727354
File: 1671048371541.jpeg (98.2 KB, 930x930, 67105886_1463780337120134_9214…)

>>1727090opossum lady (who he is clearly obsessed with - naming the possum Pearl, after her) must be thrice his age and his crows feet rival hers. jesus christ.
I cannot wait to see how much scarier his face becomes post surgery.
No. 1727362
>>1726760>>1726762There is a logic to it. You can believe life begins at conception and also believe some people are born in the wrong body. If you genuinely believe in the supernatural then it can all follow from that. There's probably pro-life pro-trans feminist Wiccans out there who think fetuses immediately have a soul and sometimes a female soul is put into a male body.
I'm not saying they're right but it is consistent. Of course its also true that a lot of people just hate women and invent the reasons afterwards.
No. 1727372
>>1727328The high suicide rate is a myth.
>>1727329The puberty blockers may have made Nikki bigger than he would have been otherwise. Historically, castrati and eunuchs who were castrated before puberty were known for growing tall and fat.
No. 1727380
>>1727378i think its autism
there are a lot of non-tranny autistic people that stand that way, though i'm not sure why
No. 1727384
File: 1671050865572.jpg (170.7 KB, 1400x700, recoome[1].jpg)

>>1727321The Ginyu Force have invaded Earth?
No. 1727399
>>1727358Based on my experiences, it seems more common than in straight or gay male couples. I feel like I've seen an equal mix of interracial and racially homogeneous lesbian couples, if not more interracial pairs than racially homogeneous pairs, in contrast to how both straight and gay male relationships appear to be mostly racially homogeneous. I will say, though, most of the same-race lesbian couples I've met have been white, whereas most of the interracial pairings have been
WOC dating
WOC of other races. There's probably a lot of potentially interesting data about human psychology, empathy, and privilege vs oppression to be found in this, if my observations are accurate.
No. 1727404
>>1727398wow can't believe i missed that.
>i think we can all agreeyou're literally a man Dylan
on a related note, troons obsession with Witches (eg, taking over the WitchesVsPatriarchy reddit sub) makes my blood boil. larping as silenced and murdered women, whilst they silence and send death threats to women.
No. 1727407
File: 1671052774681.png (196.27 KB, 377x674, F52D8DE9-97C9-446E-A0E7-C9E7F3…)

twitter’s main character today is this troon that went on a rant about how everything everywhere was shitty and he was bewildered at why everyone (see: poc) loved it. when everyone told him why he was wrong he went on a rampage thread saying he was being bullied lol it doesnt get more male than this. sad to see everyone label this as a white woman moment though. we can all see the male behavior
No. 1727410
File: 1671052898566.jpeg (8.13 KB, 199x253, t.jpeg)

>>1727406>>1727378Yep, it's cos they're men. Their hips and knees are angled differently. Some troons obsess over this and train themselves to stand and walk
like women but it's so unnatural to them because of their anatomy kek
No. 1727412
>>1727398I didn't read his caption, and I guess other nonnies didn't either. He's such a narcissist. Men really will see an instance of femicide and cry, "But how can I make this about meeee?!" Well, surprise, asshole–It's already about you. You're a misogynist, just like the church and state. You would be cheering on the burning, maybe even volunteering other women to be put to death for heresy, disobedience, or witchcraft. You aren't a
victim, Dylan, you're a modern day Reverend Samuel Parris.
No. 1727413
>>1727410Yep. This impacts how men and women sit (manspreading is likely partially a result of a narrower pelvis needing a wider stance to keep balance, for example), stand, walk, etc.
No matter how much they train, no matter how much estrogen they take, no many how many puberty blockers they chug, it will not change their bones (except giving them brittle bones in the case of the last option I guess).
In other words, tims will never be real women, and their very skeletal structure gives them away as male every time.
No. 1727421
>>1727404>i think we can all agreeI don't think I ever heard a woman say this phrase. It would only lead to her getting attacked by moids who disagree just because she's a woman.
Dylan probably never heard No! in his entire life.
No. 1727424
>>1727047Cite. Your. Research. PCOS is often also caused by obesity, poor environment, and other factors found in communities with higher socioeconomic issues. Black women ll across Africa do not get their periods earlier, but black women in the US do. You’re pointing out issues caused by obesity. Black women are not inherently more prone to PCOS annd elevated testosterone levels. You are examining the wrong variable, it’s not race, it’s physical health.
You are spewing race science that has been thoroughly debunked. Plz stfu.
No. 1727435
>>1727424Yeah, this, basically. AFAIK periods in young girls tend to start when there is sufficient body fat percentage (17% being the pre-requisite), meaning childhood obesity/overweight could plausibly
trigger earlier periods (and insufficient body fat can result in amenorrhea).
Likewise, PCOS is likely caused issues resulting from insulin resistance (which is why it's sometimes treated with diabetes drugs like metformin or diets that can lower insulin levels), and obese people tend to also be insulin resistant. PCOS also disrupts hormone levels (hence why it can cause facial hair growth, etc).
Black women in the US likely get PCOS more often, as well as early menstruation, because they are more likely to be poor, which also correlates with poor health and obesity due to poor food quality and inadequate healthcare.
No. 1727466
File: 1671057941737.jpg (423.12 KB, 1079x1593, creature.jpg)

instagram keeps recommending that i follow this thing and i get jumpscared every time
No. 1727469
File: 1671058372091.jpg (181.05 KB, 1600x900, Fj68qf_UUAE_tYp.jpg)

No. 1727472
File: 1671058552612.jpg (196.73 KB, 1704x995, Fj6BXNIVQAU9O6B.jpg)

No. 1727474
File: 1671058668471.png (35.92 KB, 489x531, CC2E7C09-21EE-4C5F-8580-3A826F…)

>>1727358It’s pretty common. I’m a white woman dating a Latina woman and another couple I know is Desi and white. Here’s a graph of gay women’s reply rates to other women organized by race.
No. 1727476
File: 1671058871482.jpg (162.76 KB, 999x1110, FjYQ1zuXEAIytoA.jpg)

Surely this one has to be satire
No. 1727507
File: 1671061151946.jpeg (413.27 KB, 750x2516, F9CB486A-A4A1-412B-85BB-1F4CFE…)

a straight couple got married, how groundbreaking. and of course the troon is skinwalking his wife, trying to look like her twin. creepy af.
No. 1727516
File: 1671062269768.jpg (1.13 MB, 600x2643, skinwalkers.jpg)

>>1727507we need a skinwalkers collage. I added Davis to it
No. 1727527
>>1726938who wants to bet they have bad cause of untreated herpes.
like how bad and how many "pimples" are there for them to pop and feel like the amount of fluid you have from a period?
No. 1727540
File: 1671065770668.jpg (178.01 KB, 1024x697, Untitled.jpg)

i hate them so much im glad they are always miserable and suicidal
No. 1727592
File: 1671069456693.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x1833, C6DB4F13-8E1D-4ED9-9850-A134C8…)

No. 1727619
File: 1671070665344.png (511.42 KB, 677x771, Sc.png)

JK opening Beira's Place was the best thing to happen for women and to prove that tra's want to take over everything that is centered around women.
No. 1727624
File: 1671070939725.jpg (141.65 KB, 898x1402, Fj5maGqUYAAZR81.jpg)

>>1727621I wish they were trolling
No. 1727635
File: 1671071617726.png (512.7 KB, 829x705, Fj5leT8VQAIyrI1.png)

>>1727632Or wearing normal clothes
No. 1727636
File: 1671071669328.jpg (67.32 KB, 749x1092, Fj-QjtFXEAIgnoK.jpg)

No. 1727637
File: 1671071713440.jpg (85.88 KB, 943x520, Fj8a3RFXEAMDuP6.jpg)

>you can't tell who's a tranny
No. 1727650
File: 1671072591614.jpg (123.96 KB, 979x521, Fj5n1UNXgAArIMz.jpg)

No. 1727657
>>1727639Yeah, he left Netflix over a couple of mild jokes at trannies expense.>"Moore transitioned during the pandemic"We really need someone to study this phenomenon. Why did so many people troon out after being isolated for so long?
No. 1727682
File: 1671075537375.png (340.39 KB, 673x901, Twitter.png)

kinda suspect
No. 1727726
File: 1671078946058.jpg (13.74 KB, 384x384, ts94c2c3rod81.jpg)

>>1727650This made my skin fucking CRAWL. Wannabe skinwalker and pedophile.
No. 1727734
File: 1671079646986.png (137.89 KB, 713x1033, Fae Johnstone MSW on Twitter.p…)

he's at it again
No. 1727736
File: 1671079696215.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.54 KB, 680x510, FjuUP0nXoAA-UaJ.jpg)

No. 1727742
>>1727636nipples protruding, very very disrespectful
>>1727682why the fuck is this being bankrolled? cannot wrap my head around the fact that politics, economy, everything is all locked in a giant circlejerk of men cooming. grim
No. 1727749
>>1727734"Do you really think he is going to do a genital inspection?"
No but I do think you would conveniently opt out of womanhood to save your own life.
No. 1727756
>>1727749Look I have a penis! I'm not a woman, can I please leave now?
A woman until it's no longer convenient for them.
No. 1727776
File: 1671084362757.png (2.52 MB, 1704x1816, asdfgh.png)

Zuckerberg here has "never ever been clocked".
No. 1727781
>>1727734"if i was there i'd be shot and killed!!!" yeah let's make this massacre of 14 innocent women about me me me. even being born female i cannot imagine inserting myself into such a tragic event. so tone deaf. this isn't even about honoring these poor women and their families to him, it's about affirming his 'womanhood'.
>>1727776>even in supposedly very transphobic countries like the USA and Japando they live in the real world lmao.
No. 1727783
>>1727776He may not have a clue and he may not have style
But everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial
No. 1727784
File: 1671086258271.jpeg (248.34 KB, 750x723, 58456913-A17B-48FE-93E9-BD99F0…)

what do they think gender is? what a weird thing to be obsessed with.
No. 1727804
File: 1671090592996.jpg (212.59 KB, 1077x1208, Screenshot_20221215_094603_com…)

A TIF made a video stating not all lesbians are terfs. She said it is transphobic to say so because that would erase trans lesbians. She said that lesbians not liking penis is due to trauma caused by aggressive cis men and lesbians are learning to unpack this trauma.
No. 1727806
>>1727802seriously ditch that therapist if you haven't already. fucking retarded
>>1727805KEK nona oh my god
No. 1727826
>>1727619why tf is he trying to dress like an edgy tumblr girl? i was going to say that a woman his age would be ridiculed for dressing like that, but then i googled him and he's only 34?? a 34yo woman could still dress like that. i guess being an ugly male is what makes his outfit so ridiculous.
>>1727811right lmao, the delusion. and in Japan of all countries.
No. 1727828
>>1727802I'm so sorry nona, those people are sick. Trans ideology turns everyone so fucking homophobic it's terrifying. You have to report the therapist for blatant homophobia, she's trying to "correct" your same sex attraction by forcing you to date men when you're already in a vulnerable position. It's disgusting.
>>1727804So if cis and trans dicks are oh so different it's totally
valid for everyone who is into dick to still not be intro trans dick, thanks for confirming that everyone being repulsed by troons is
"Lesbians with penis trauma" are the only ones they gracefully grant the permission to not be into dick (but only cis dicks, you still have to be into trans dicks). These people are sick and twisted.
No. 1727839
>>1727830>>1727831well troons do often insist that the black female experience is somehow closer to the tim experience than the white female one and all transphobes are either racist whites or self-hating
poc. shows they have never spoken to a non-white normie (if white) or are majorly coping (if not white)
No. 1727848
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No. 1727859
>>1727804"The vibe" is different, what a fucking idiot. A dick is a dick and only men can have dicks. The "lady dick" doesn't exist. Maybe they only look more flaccid, are uglier, feel dirtier and taste like piss and fish.
No. 1727876
>>1727848why is it that with gc men and women their only argument is that theyre “hot”?
why is the idea that they’re utterly repulsive so foreign to them? this motherfucker looks like a peter griffin boobah. ugly ass tranny
No. 1727917
>>1727784trans = religion
gender = faith
Not even joking, it all suddenly makes sense when you read it like this:
>i'm not going through faith 101 with you>it's way easier being religious with other religious people>holy shit your faith is awesome, my faith is awesome>i just enjoy sharing the faithfulness of it all too muchSad part is despite thinking and expressing this they deny the (extremely obvious) spirituality of it, because they think it's "reality" and everyone else just needs to "see the light".
No. 1727950
>>1727802>"just try dating them", "you should reconsider you views", etc. Nobody is obliged to sympathyfuck weird pathetic fetishizing pornsick men (who are also invariably incredibly ugly since normal men do not need to resort to womanface) this is like someone trying to get their friend to date a 500lb man because they feel sorry for them. Even worse when it's homophobic or conversion therapy/rapeshit
Taking all other elements out of it, sympathy fucking is never a good idea. Nobody should have intimate relations with someone they find disgusting.
No. 1727960
File: 1671114882581.jpeg (168.47 KB, 2220x1080, Fj-ZabeacAAjW3I.jpeg)

Gross man Robyn Woof - who identifies as a woman, spitting on women attending a screening for Adult Human Female in Edinburgh No. 1727978
>>1727966Definitely, and he has been reported to the university. We'll see what happens…
Also just realised I linked to the wrong tweet, where it shows the stills of him actually spitting No. 1727987
File: 1671117276556.jpeg (561.29 KB, 2048x1365, eduni.jpeg)

>>1727960eww this is him in the middle. imagine wearing this for a professional photo, as a representative for a university
No. 1728001
File: 1671118249577.png (703.23 KB, 702x750, Fj-0V05aMAE07pB.png)

Why are they this delusional, its literally always just shaving their beards off and putting on some bad makeup
No. 1728016
File: 1671120280799.jpg (2.08 MB, 2560x1440, robynw.jpg)

>>1727960>>1727987I found some photos of him assaulting an old woman. the context here is that this old woman is anti-abortion, so of course he feels
justified in being violent towards her. I am very much pro-choice but this angers me. It's the same as him feeling justified in being violent towards "TERFs". He would never attack MEN who are anti-abortion or anti-trans. Reminder that men seek out this movement so they can disguise their aggression towards women under the guise of activism.
No. 1728021
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an update on Lemieux.
>is working as a substitute teacher at other schools now>students warned not to take photos or videos or they will be suspended>some footage emerges anyway>he is now using crutches I couldn't find the video referenced though. if anyone finds it, pls post No. 1728030
File: 1671122120577.png (50.36 KB, 596x372, dumbassery.png)

>>1727407He probably hates the movie because he resents his mother and the message about empathy flew over his head because he's an angry trancel. And of course he thinks Jamie Lee Curtis' natural body is disgusting too.
>>1728001>My partner says it's a crazy difference.All he did was shaved and straightened out his hair. There is no difference.
>>1728021How does he keep getting hired as a shop teacher? Troon shit aside that man is a literal safety hazard. I took a shop wood and metal shop class once and I remember the instructors wouldn't let anyone into the shop until they were wearing proper attire. If you had long hair it had to be tied and long nails or jewelry were not allowed. I can't wait to watch shaky Snapchat video of his prosthetic breasts getting caught in a bandsaw kek.
>>1728022>The loud thump as he stomps around in his crutchesTerrifying
No. 1728034
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Do they still claim it's not a fetish?
No. 1728038
>>1728036From what I heard he was hanging by a thread because he would say a lot of anti SJW shit, he pulled the trans card before he was about to get fired so that way he can sue for discrimination if they fired him
I don't like him but he's a perfect example of trans privilege, I just wonder how many other people turn trans to get away with everything
No. 1728046
File: 1671124740585.png (261.78 KB, 488x500, reduxx.png)

Yet another rapist pedophile transferred to a woman's prison. he groomed and sexually abused a 13 year old girl. really horrific stuff. but now he conveniently identifies as a woman. No. 1728047
File: 1671124805853.png (47.59 KB, 654x184, nonnie.png)

>>1728046also how dare this disgusting troon choose the name
nonnie No. 1728048
>>1728030Meanwhile actual female JLC (who has been the subject of male accusations before trannies were cool) was thrilled to not have to watch her weight as a 60+ year old
>>1728038I read that but wasn't this just debunked as a random internet lie? I don't remember there being any source about him not being just a typical fetishistic tranny
No. 1728049
File: 1671125345500.webm (18.09 MB, 1080x1920, hair_metal_buffalo_bill.webm)
sage for no real milk and autism, but youtube suggested me this video by a channel called Crissy salem metal mascara with literally 100 views or something and I've been in this rabbit hole ever since. was considering not posting him here since it might just be a dude with issues but encyclopedia metallum lists him as a woman. here's what i've gathered so far
>used to be connected to some band called diamond rexx that stopped being relevant since before I was born
>is in an on and off again relationship with himself
>is in a supposed relationship with another scrote in makeup/tranny called "rave spellsong" on instagram
>this spell song only shares this freak's video on twitter - indicating that he is possibly cheating on himself…with himself
>all his "heavy metal news videos" are just excuses for him to shake his hank hill ass at the camera while metal music from the 80s play in the background
this is like some trainwreck but for the sake of my sanity I'll stop now
No. 1728087
>>1727035The bit about pedophiles is a pretty good comparison. Chomos are at the bottom of the totem pole in prison and often have to be separated from the other inmates for their own safety. Imagine if a convicted child molester said, "Adult prison is too dangerous for me. I should be placed in juvenile hall instead." He'd be ridiculed, but that's the exact logic TRAs use for putting trannies in women's prisons.
Biological males are a danger to women, yet we're pushing for certain biological males to be put in cells with women on the basis that they're "too vulnerable" to be housed with men. Most trannies are in jail for a sex crime, typically against a woman. If pedophiles are getting murdered in prison and trannies are getting their asses kicked, that's an issue with security in the prison, not with the demographics of inmates they're housed with.
No. 1728117
>>1727987The stark contrast between the trannies and the actual women in this image is so funny. All the women are wearing nice, comfortable clothes appropriate to the context. They look good and professional, but then the trannies just show how much they do not give a fuck about integrating into society anymore. Showing off their low muscle mass disgusting thighs and wearing a fucking corset for a professional photo is disgusting and disrespectful.
And they have the audacity to say that we can't tell who's a tranny or not - sorry, but you're all insanely obvious. When you're not wearing heart chokers and an outfit you've seen from porn, you're just dressed completely inappropriately and as skimpy as possible when real women aren't even interested in that.
No. 1728161
File: 1671138986838.jpg (853.62 KB, 1440x1080, jimsterling.jpg)

wtF is going on with his moobs?
No. 1728174
>>1728046i hope he gets killed by the inmates. I cant believe this shit is happening in 2022.
>quietly transferredHope everyone involved with this dies horribly
No. 1728186
>>1728183It's illegal to say or do anything about it because trannies are a protected class and he totally is possessed by the female gender spirit and needs to modify his body to express that religious belief.
The article says students mostly don't comment on it anymore even though some are still openly uncomfortable, as if to say nobody cares anymore. Bullshit they just can't do anything and get punished if they say a word, so of course they keep their mouths shut and their head down. This abominable pervert has free reign over children because his right to live out his fetish > student's rights to not be molested.
No. 1728198
>>1728194Normies are so far gone with this, they believe there is such a thing as being trans when in reality there is zero evidence for it and there's not even a scientific theory that could potentially explain what it is. But mainstream media and politics push it as fact and so people think it is a fact when it couldn't be further from that.
If even 10% of normies knew the truth about the trans scam and its non-existent basis in science there would be riots in the streets over these policies, but the only people who know the truth are literal neo nazis, terfs, and other internet schizophrenics nobody listens to.
No. 1728207
>>1728204Uhh, sweety are you arguing for putting women who murder or assault women into men's prison????
TWAW !!!
No. 1728403
File: 1671161759884.webm (1.68 MB, 576x1024, 1ee2e30e1011873e5bf0b2dceb223a…)
This was the first video that showed up on my fyp on tiktok after not using it for months, nothing but positivity in the comments too. Every time I think about how a million teenagers probably see videos like this every day it makes me nauseous. tiktok is cancer lol
No. 1728408
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that giant hand
No. 1728409
>>1728403How can these male whales think that skirt go spinny is cute when they do it? They all look like the retarded degenerates they are.
>>1728405Every time I've met a he/him in bio male, he's had every "will troon out" red flag in the book, and likely considered switching to she/her the second he put he/him up instead. They're far outnumbered by he/him Aidens and Kais, though.
No. 1728413
File: 1671162590362.png (140.86 KB, 374x315, Screenshot 2022-12-15 224803.p…)

I am so sick of this ugly troon being shilled so hard.
No. 1728415
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imagine this guy in your daughters class
No. 1728416
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dats the point
No. 1728438
>>1728429what's funny is we did
the man that sued vancouver rape relief for not letting him work as a counselor there sued them in the 90s
No. 1728441
File: 1671167624814.png (540.97 KB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20221216-110805.png)

>>1728413I noticed that too. I came across him on Spotify because i listen to women with similar vibes (Chelsea Wolfe, darkher etc) and none of them pushed so hard as he does. Btw, I wonder if nonnies watched this video, I swear this is the most male he's ever looked lmao, Barg vikernes lookalike. Those giant moid talons jump out immediately. Twink death is probably happening as we speak
No. 1728443
>>1728413Hahaha I didn’t know this one was a troon. He kept getting recommended to me by people knowing my penchant for music with dark religious themes but try as I might I just could not get into his music.
My subconscious was protecting me from dick. Love having a woman’s intuition
No. 1728449
File: 1671168624613.png (15.66 KB, 578x124, braindead.png)

saw that transgender was trending on twitter, looked and saw this as a recent tweet. Imagine living in a bubble and lying to yourself this hard
No. 1728461
>>1728449Liberal or lefty men are the only ones who genuinely believe that conservative men are more likely to be sexual predators. Getting groomed by a lgbt+ ally man with a guitar is pretty much a rite of passage for girls these days.
Men are really out here trying to shift blame onto every other group but whatever one they belong to like we are all too stupid to notice that there is no category of man that is exempt from the innate masculine urge to rape and traumatize girls and women.
No. 1728469
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>>1728449You can just tell they haven't ever bothered to actually look into these claims they are making
No. 1728508
>>1728038This was reposted over and over on 4chan by someone who REALLY wanted people to believe it, kek. Zero evidence, but plenty of evidence that the teacher is for real (Tinder account from 2021, videos of him teaching in a falsetto voice, etc).
Whenever you see a tranny insisting it's fake, ask him for proof. He'll react with aggression because he knows it's a lie and cope he can never deliver on.
No. 1728510
>>1728461so true and well put. it's even more ridiculous when it comes to trannies because them being trannies doesn't say anything about where they stand on the political spectrum, what it does say however is that they're more likely to have other paraphilias/be sexual deviants, and there's evidence for it (like
No. 1728511
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>>1728498Probably a few that managed to slip through the cracks, though majority are likely pick-mes or addicts co-offending with pedo scrotes. Being a pick-me brings out the worst in women and men are eager to exploit that.
No. 1728532
File: 1671175917447.png (43.67 KB, 829x435, blah.png)

dykes have it so easy
No. 1728536
>>1728532His reddit description:
"Alt account because my main got banned for "spreading hate"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ She/her (Trans)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Women & femboys & fembies⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I like planes and tanks and im a leftist ig"
No. 1728541
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No. 1728545
File: 1671179132581.png (340.38 KB, 828x564, 1663071602212.png)

>>1728543Fuck I thought this was the nerdy guys thread… my day is ruined… why do TIMs have to groom insecure nerdy guys! WHY? I swear to god nerdy guys should be a protected class!
No. 1728550
>>1728416Imagine thinking mentally ill men should be allowed in women's rape crisis centres. Imagine being mad when they aren't allowed in there. Imagine hating women that much.
What if someone opened a
WOC only rape crisis centre? Would that be racist for excluding white people? What about a children's only centre? Is that adult-transphobic? Or will even thinking about that make their tiny hypocritical brains explode?
No. 1728591
>>1728541I hope whoever buys this does a qualitative analysis of what exactly is in it. Because I highly fucking doubt there's anything of nutritional value there.
(I'm aware that if someone does buy it they're likely going to do something degenerate with it. I'm just trying to be optimistic)
No. 1728595
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So apparently Dylan Mulvaney is getting FFS done by the same surgeon who did Bruce Jenner's FFS No. 1728609
>>1728413I just looked him up and I cannot stand this glorification of a man who is clearly demonstrating gay conversion therapy in action. literally a preacher's son and looks like a traumatised cult
victim. now he is larping as the "ethereal" anorexic, disassociated karen carpenter type woman and people are eating it up. how depressing.
No. 1728650
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I knew this was written by a TiF the second I saw it.
No. 1728666
File: 1671199774594.jpg (5.46 KB, 370x100, trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.jpg)

Why would so many people be interested in this topic
I mean I understand it's a trend among autists but among normies?
No. 1728669
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people in the replies compared this to white people saying the n word. The fucking n word.
No. 1728751
>>1728721I just looked it up and prices
start from £27k ($32k) upwards for that kind of surgery. And I've never seen an example where they don't look pretty much the exact same as before kek. i cannot imagine having anywhere close to those amounts of savings in my lifetime, to splurge on something so dumb. but of course they justify it as
lifesaving so they don' come across like the privileged narcissists they are.
No. 1728769
>>1728751one thing that gets me about those before/after pics, is that you often see things less complicated than taking an angle grinder to the browbone or fucking with the hairline that
would actually make them look less manly (although theres only so much one can do kek) that the surgeon didnt bother doing? like, with so many of them i think this person would have been better off just saving their money and getting a regular nose job and some filler lol, its a total racket
No. 1728772
File: 1671211513378.webm (444.04 KB, 320x568, 393OKGwM_K4mQSZT.webm)
This is just straight up grooming feminine gay men
No. 1728786
>>1728780it's so dishonest how they act like they are banned from sports. i think people literally used to think that sporting bodies were refusing trans people. glad they're starting to wake up and see that nope, they can still compete in the men's (as well as still being welcome in most women's teams for now, unfortunately) and how they have a clear advantage. also think people are starting to notice how we
never hear from TIFs wanting to compete in male categories kek
No. 1728790
>>1728780I wish Trevor got him to elaborate on the racist aspect of transphobia. This white man trying to lump his big ass in with
woc is absurd.
No. 1728821
>>1728764Which troon? Not that any of them tend to be that unique from each other I just get a decent amount of schadenfreude from the like (also I just realised all exulansic's
videos on odyssey are membership only now? Ugh that's sad, she's a little too crazy to monetarily support honestly)
>>1728780Poor Trevor, John Stewart does nothing but gaggle tranny cock now so Trevor probably can't say shit. It's one thing if your boss throws them a bone here and there but I'm sure it's harder to speak out on it when he's actively campaigning for trannies and probably has expectations for the show bringing up their issues in a supportive light
No. 1728840
>>1728778>>1728801I wish it was easier to talk about the fact that because of porn basically all men now have what used to be considered serial killer level paraphilias, and they all jerk off to extreme violence against women, and incest, and cp, and rape on a daily basis.
Sometimes I think TIMs might be the least of our worries, because you can always spot them ten miles off. 'Normal' men are all ruined and dangerous now too, but they hide it better.
No. 1728865
>>1728829Either chaser or he lost his mind. He started going hard around the trans kids stuff about the same time Ellen did I think. It's possible some kid he's related to or loves is trans identified but as far as I know he hadn't mentioned anyone specific driving him to start caring as hard as he did about troons. It's also possible that retirement on the ranch gave him a huge porn addiction of course
>>1728832I don't know about other anons but I stopped watching for a while because she is obsessed with her theories and will go insane trying to confirm her ideas. She had it in her head that Jazz Jennings was suffering a very specific brain issue from the hormones, decided it was fact and the sole reason for his weight gain, and would bring it up constantly during her videos as this certain truth. Like full blown condescension in videos saying "how can Jazz loose weight when we all know he suffers this issue". She couldn't just have a theory and put it to the side when related issues came up, she was weirdly adamant of her diagnosis and used it as her foundation to talk about anything to do with Jazz's weight. At that point every episode was about his weight so it was just her going on about how he couldn't control himself due to his "obvious" brain injury she diagnosed him with. That's just one example but you can kinda see why she was trans at one point, she suffers strongly from confirmation bias and will go out looking for everything to prove herself right to others without even entertaining other ideas. And goes overboard trying to convince others as well. She went a little mental when people suggested she shouldn't act like this is fact then she made a video about the disorder trying to convince people she was right
No. 1728899
>>1728780nonnas this overwhelmingly pisses me the fuck off. Just a couple years ago the troons were trying to convince us that they "know the difference between gender and biological sex" and now this troon just says they are a biological woman.
>Well, I am a woman. That's a FACT. I am female, so all my identify records…all say female.Well shame on those officials for aiding in your delusion.
And the kicker
>I'm made of biological stuff so I'm a biological female.Very unkindly 41 percent yourself. You waste of space.
To his credit, Trevor tries in a very nonaggressive way to saw why real woman might actually be uncomfortable to an extent because they are…you know…actual women? and she says "haha well that's not how human rights work…the burden of proof is on those seeking to exclude." How fucking convenient that these troons feel that they need no proof to say they are women, and we need to prove they aren't women. Well, you weren't born a fucking woman. And then they say that's not adequate. This has made me peak way more then I already have and I want to alog.
I'm seething and I need to actually do something to relax right now before I lose my mind.
No. 1728900
I said she instead of he, what's wrong with me?
No. 1728901
>>1728842They always skinwalk women in their lives and those girls are suppose to be ok with it ew
>>1728865I’m placing money on a loved one most likely a kid saying they’re trans in his family on top of a porn addiction and a fetish for trannies. Encouraging kids that most likely just have autism that they’re trans that hard like what Stewart does should be abuse.
No. 1728918
File: 1671223194785.jpg (45.79 KB, 938x443, FkDjpi_XoAANJXX.jpg)

You know if this happened Jk Rowling would make 1 comment and India would immediatly explode in a rage within 10min
No. 1728936
>>1728918>spending time with a woman>shopping, nails, spa dayto me this just seems like him desperately trying to prove how much of a woman he is to her by doing "women things"
also kek at him imagining his interviewing skills to be on par with louis theroux
No. 1728947
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I hate how many of those cases are out there
No. 1728949
File: 1671225132354.jpg (331.96 KB, 1080x1773, Screenshot_20221216-220221_Chr…)

>>1728947The tranny that she married
No. 1728957
>>1728947the only thing I can wish for this woman is 3 things
>she finally peaks>she provides a safe environment for her child AWAY from any of her previous degenerate sex work >she gets full parental rights from this disgusting troon.And before anyone says she shouldn't have her kid either, we need to make more room for women to feel comfortable peaking. She could lean into her dilemma or she can actually seek community from anti-trans/radfems that will have open arms. It's possible, i've seen it happen.
No. 1728959
>>1728951Im just sorry for the kid, and like she said shes repeating the cycle of being a single mom just like her own monther, her whole instagram is just sad not to mention she was doing disgusting onlyfans preg fetish photoshoot
I hate new york
No. 1728964
>>1728963it's not great, it's in fact pretty fucking bad. However she does say that she's having to "reconcile the fact that [she] did in person SW throughout [her] entire pregnancy" which shows she's deeply ashamed and from her other instagram posts it sounds like she was financially insecure at the time.
not an excuse i know, but i think she can come back from it if she seriously turns her life around.
No. 1728974
>>1728947im sure when her child’s classmates find this post 15 years from now it wont have any adverse consequences for them
feel for her and everything, but this lady has crammed so, so many awful choices into just one image
No. 1729021
>>1726760Democrats won’t codify Roe because it’s their way of holding young female voters hostage. They didn’t even codify Roe after they won the election last month after another election cycle of “Come on young people, we NEED your vote!!!” and you can expect nothing will change aside from Biden’s pockets.
Women need to start protesting and actually threatening not to vote so they’ll codify Roe. Let’s hold them fucking hostage and see how they like it.
No. 1729043
File: 1671236319530.webm (1.44 MB, 480x270, brazil.webm)
>>1729039omfg. imagine if she didn't have that man with his arm around her, or if this wasn't in a public space. terrifying. posting the video here.
No. 1729048
File: 1671237286863.png (194.03 KB, 331x393, graffiti.png)

>>1729043the guy recently posted this on his instagram. roughly translated:
>there are women with penises>men with vaginas>transphobes without teeth No. 1729068
>>1728964>She was financially insecure at the time.Then don't have a fucking kid at all. If she was doing SW during the whole pregnancy, that means that she knew she was pregnant and couldn't afford the kid when it was well within reason to abort.
Did the tranny emotionally blackmail her into keeping it or something? Because bringing a baby into that environment is just condemning it to a life of suffering, and therefore profoundly selfish.
No. 1729069
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Reminder of the huge financial incentive these sports create for men to troon out and compete in women's sports. This guy won the past 2 years in a row, since he transitioned, taking home the winner's checks and denying women of a fair competition as well as money.
Thank fuck he and the other scrotes are now banned from competing in the women's divisions. I hope to keep seeing other sports follow suit.
No. 1729070
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You aren’t built for any of those things
No. 1729071
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>>1729069kek he has started a gofundme to sue them.
"The reality is that I'm not all that great, but I'm good enough to win and that alone scared people into believing I was some monster. Some of my fellow competitors decided they wouldn't work on their games and improve themselves but instead tear me down because their games weren't complete."
No. 1729077
>>1728821I could be wrong, but I don't think Stewart is his boss in any capacity. He doesn't even write for the Daily Show anymore as far as I can tell. Stewart is just his predecessor.
Noah isn't putting up with this bullshit because he was told to; like most high-profile liberals, he probably just wants to be on what everybody aggressively insists is the "right side of history." He knows he has to keep to the party line.
No. 1729083
>>1729071"I'm not all that great"
so he's admitting that despite not even being technically that good, he is winning by a landslide in the women's division? does he hear himself?
No. 1729203
>>1729068Tbf the whole world lies to women about what preganancy, birth, and motherhood will be like. They tell girls and women that pregnancy will be hard, birth will be painful, and babies cry, but that's about it. They set you up to think it's about the same level of commitment as training for a triathlon. We aren't told that our bodies will be permanently changed (often scarred) by the process, that children
will derail your life, or that a child won't fix a broken life or guarantee a happy family. Girls are told from a young age that children will be a net positive for their lives, that there's nothing better a woman can experience than being a wife and/or mother, and that if they don't want a husband or kids, "they will some day, we all used to say that."
A poor woman coming from a broken home is going to be much more enticed by this for a number of reasons. I will say that I believe she made a lot of bad decisions that were extremely ignorant and at least a little selfish, and she's definitely struggling to comprehend how the problems she's experiencing aren't all arbitrary bad luck or predjudice, but consequences of her own actions, but I also understand that much of society is structured to lead women down this path. "Sell your body and soul to work towards your happily ever after, it will work out in the end. Once you get your Prince Charming and have a child or two (or three, four, five…), you'll be happy. Until then, you're nothing." It's a mass-scale scam designed to produce weakened women who will provide free labor for men and spawn working class babies to serve the upper class's desire for a large subservient class of people to do all the dirty work for the sake of infinite economic growth.
No. 1729221
File: 1671247481112.jpg (267.56 KB, 1080x870, Screenshot_20221216_220840.jpg) check out the whiny men in the replies kek (op who RTd is a kinkster tim who constantly calls himself a dyke btw)
No. 1729237
>>1729083Weird how men have an advantage in a sport focused on the upper body, almost like their entire physique was designed for that or something…
>>1729069His shoulders take up half the frame. Stunning male journalist Joe Kinsey needs to dial it down, reading "destroy biological women" was mask off incel. Can men write anything that doesnt involve visceral perversion and/or their revenge fantasies towards women who literally just want to live their own lives. Like no woman wants to "destroy men", they just want to destroy misogyny so they can live in peace. It's really obvious when men are too afraid and fragile to compete with each other, will never understand when they get called out for it they just keep going. Like "you cant make me" but with a gofundme. All of those women robbed of being recognized for their physical achievements find ways to deal with it appropriately, and he cant be told "no" without every branch of government addressing him personally as gently as possible so he won't become the next unibomber.
Why cant any of them taake that energy and use it to change laws to protect vulnerable people, which they identify as?
No. 1729273
File: 1671250921589.png (953.47 KB, 1157x627, why.png)

checking in on sus people I used to know, another one bit the dust since covid.
trap porn addicted weeb incel to smirking agp pipeline is real
No. 1729291
>>1728388I put she/her in my dialogue for plausible deniability because I'm crypto. Getting doxed and dogpiled by troons would seriously affect my career in the industry I work in. I don't engage with troonshit or show support for it; the pronouns-in-bio were my only concession, and the second this retarded fad is over, I'm deleting them.
I'm beginning to lose hope, but I wish to see the day when saying "no woman is born with a penis," doesn't threaten my job security. I keep wondering what it's going to take for people to come to their senses. If Breastplate Teacher didn't do it, I don't know what the fuck will.
No. 1729292
File: 1671252461440.jpeg (72.76 KB, 533x719, C194F9B3-8C18-482E-8297-539138…)

Gay dude from HS trooned out I can’t stop laughing
No. 1729294
>>1728415he's probably in recreational adult classes but he could very well be in a school that also teaches children and might even use their change rooms. There was a woman who had a troon husband who was in my old ballet school in adult classes, it was a national school so full of students (Who are often here ALONE and away from their families living in dorms). So one day she took him into the change rooms to show him around and I watched him pretend to cover his eyes when he saw a adult woman undressing, he kept saying "how cute!" at everything, that was like 10 years ago and shit still haunts me.
Thankfully all the men that were in my recreational classes were very sweet and not overly creepy tho most were not on the same skill level as the woman lmao
No. 1729332
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No. 1729333
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No. 1729337
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No. 1729401
File: 1671265148395.jpeg (96.78 KB, 720x405, women.jpeg)

So, I've been catching up with the new thread and the stuff about doing the comparison photos of AGPs to black women is all over. But it got me thinking, we see these men by normal women all the time but they want to use outlier women as their rational for why they "valid women". (We know they aren't, that not how testosterone works blah blah blah)
But it did get me thinking that despite their arguments they never actually try to use these women as physical props. I struggled to find pics of trannies near any of the common examples. So lets look at these "manly" women. Pics at the right are all Britney Griner becasue she is the new hot topic. And while I won't call her a pin-up model, she have obviously female features compared to men (even one who is so much smaller and softer) and so many similarities with both another female athlete and her tiny female coach. I even added in one of her less favorable pictures from her prison photoshoot. Save for pictures with bad lighting or weird angles/faces, she visibly has a woman's face. And stood next to almost any tranny there wouldn't be confusion. The woman is big as hell, 6'9, but you can tell shes a woman especially when she smiles.
And to not make it about her alone the other two women are the Namibian Olympians who were disqualified for their testosterone levels in 2021. You know the women whose mistreatment/public trauma trannies use to ruin women's sports. (Not trying to debate about women with anomalous testosterone in sports only about male boards deciding what teenage girls can and cannot do after training for their entire lives and encouraging the public to debate their bodies and use their bodies for politics) They are also no waifs, but still more visibly female then troons, especially athlete troons. And this is with them exhausted and sweaty from competing (also at peak competition form, so with less fat and more muscle than usual).
And these girls are both runners, a group who have notoriously low body fat to muscle even for world class athletes.
Anyway sorry for the autism, I just realized these attention whores are avoiding so many great photo opps considering they seem to assert there are SO MANY cis women like this that we should change our definitions and the ways we understand ourselves and our sexualities.
No. 1729449
>>1728918I fucking love it when trannies out themselves like this kek. Rowling must be into shopping, nails and spa days otherwise she's not a real woman like Himdia. It's not possible to interview her on an intellectual level because true lady brainz don't have the capacity for that, I assume. Their boomer levels of misogyny will never fail to amaze me.
>>1729221Two retards fighting.
No. 1729497
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Amber has shown great courage in embracing who she is as a transgender woman in spite of the potential for people reacting with hate, so I admire her display of courage.”
"It is extremely unusual for a woman to commit a capital offense, such as a brutal murder, and even more unusual for a woman to, as was the case with McLaughlin, rape and murder a woman,” p No. 1729530
>>1729221>>1729251kek the op in qrt made a thread for "people with vulvas" and that didn't get anywhere near the same amount of backlash.
crossdressing coomers are fine with dehumanizing language as long as it only affects women. we should just start calling them "future castration patients" instead if being reduced to their genitals makes them mald that much.
No. 1729545
>>1729535NTA, but I work in academics and it would be career suicide to come out as a
TERF. I had to put pronouns in my zoom meetings, but then took them off afterwards and I could see others would do the same. You play along for show and that shows your workplace you'll be complacent if told to. I was asked if I wanted to go to a trans acceptance workshop with other coworkers, asked if I got paid (nope) and said no. None of my ultra liberal coworkers did anything but laugh.
No. 1729552
>>1728918omG i totally forgot about him from Big Brother UK!! everyone hated him, he had huge troon meltdowns and yelled at the other women multiple times. he also said he finds drag queens offensive (there was a drag queen/gay on the show that season) and was pissed because all the men on the show felt very comfortable with the gay guy but not a troon.
embed is his meltdown
No. 1729560
>>1729552kek thank you for posting this again nona
>I'll say it one more time so it really penetratestypical male
>all the men on the show felt very comfortable with the gay guy but not a troonhe is definitely homophobic and really hates being grouped in with gay people. he even had a rant about it on This Morning. it's hilarious how he can't stop exposing his bigotry.
No. 1729571
File: 1671299049954.webm (593.02 KB, 444x270, willyboy.webm)
>>1729560>>1729552samefagging to post this one.
>"being gay isn't the same as being trans"He isn't wrong here but he is so terrified of being a gay man that he can't even be associated with other gay people.
And yet he will bite your head off if you suggest
LGB without the T No. 1729573
>>1729401This reminds me of how calling a woman "masculine" is really saying she's "masculine for a woman". Nobody thinks she's actually masculine, she just stands out against the average in that direction. Britney Griner is only "masculine" in a group of women, put her in with a group of men and she's too feminine to even be compared to them.
It's like how nobody thinks a mint green is a blue, if it was they'd just call it blue. But in a group of greens mostly ranging from lime to forest, the mint is going to stand out. Still, if you took that mint and put it in a patch of blues, it obviously wouldn't belong.
A child who's called tall isn't being compared to a basketball player. A puppy who's called aggressive isn't being compared to a wolf. And a woman who's called masculine isn't being compared to a man.
No. 1729595
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No. 1729597
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>>1728947>>1728949And of course the troon is skinwalking her now too. Troons: not even once!
No. 1729606
>>1729597>>>i just want peaceYeah, okay. This woman is a cow herself.
Put on some clothes, log off insta, and take care of your baby. You made your bed shacking up with a narcissistic tranny, now lie in it. You aren’t the
victim. Your innocent baby is.
No. 1729608
>>1729602i will always remember that scene. how india didnt just get thrown off the show for that? who knows. literal sexual assault. and his jealousy of Shane (drag queen) was so interesting, like it’s clear it’s all about looks and not “being a real woman” because why is he so jealous of a gay guy if he wants to be a woman?
i also think it’s interesting how time and time again we notice that scrotes are more attracted to femboy/drag queens/cross dressers than troons who medically change themselves. what is this phenomenon ? there’s too many of them to all be gay. is it just coomer brain?
No. 1729611
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>>1729571>self loathing gaynot a surprise
No. 1729612
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No. 1729629
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dumb tranny quoted a radfem talking about a pathetic tiktok from an 18 y/o who wanted to work at a strip club about labia surgery (cosmetic surgery to remove long labia) always desperate to try and involve trannys in a huge societal problem that only affects actual women. nothing new here. troon mass extinction when?
No. 1729644
File: 1671309675878.png (1.58 MB, 1200x675, free-my-pp-1.png)

>>1729039>>17290434W wrote an article about this
>Black lesbian student told him not to use the woman's toilets because he is a man>She is not a TERF and actually has no problem with TIMs using the toilets if they are passing trans (I am guessing?) >He started advancing towards her, in an aggressive manner >“He would have hit me if another woman had not arrived and defended me” she said>She might lose her place as a student at the uni. several requests for her expulsion have been filed>Another student said "he was the most misogynistic gay man I have ever met”>"he has a history of aggression, always shouting, or threatening to sue. He was even banned from academic groups for his behavior”>A different student said that he is a "pornographic person” - always wearing “hypersexualized” clothes and making many people “uncomfortable.”>More than a quarter of the female students find the toilets the most unsafe place on campus No. 1729672
>>1729606Nona, you need to read this
>>1729203>>1729292At least it's using the men's room lol
>>1729476I've definitely said "god damn" in a bad way so I'm willing to bet if it did happen that's what it was.
>>1729536> i hope there is a malfunction during his execution and he dies a slow, excruciatingly gruesome death.For what it's worth, the ways we execute criminals are pretty inhumane and prone to error.
No. 1729741
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I keep seeing this get spread around. Do these people not realize that muscles aren't an inherently male trait, while breasts ARE inherently female? Why the fuck compare a muscular woman to a cross dresser?
No. 1729754
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>>1729751they're so quick to hurl or attack women for their event, no one has ever attacked their tranny events.
No. 1729755
File: 1671323195404.png (48.5 KB, 708x414, Screenshot.png)

trannies need to find something else to read
No. 1729762
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>>1729755The whole world will have reached peak trans and they will all be dead before that happens lol
ngl, I love
No. 1729771
File: 1671324949945.png (2.84 MB, 1536x2048, 4372847.png)

trash edit but the jokes write themselves at this point
No. 1729792
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gollum trooned out
No. 1729804
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No. 1729811
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No. 1729813
File: 1671329020549.jpg (396.84 KB, 1295x1697, icantdothisanymore.jpg)

this fucking troon baboon's whole account is a mess. not_joshing_with_you on ig for those with more time and patience for dumbassery
No. 1729851
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No. 1729854
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No. 1729855
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No. 1729857
File: 1671335842921.png (19.49 KB, 735x202, Jars.PNG)

What the fuck is up with their obsession with opening jars?
No. 1729864
File: 1671336449968.jpg (363.38 KB, 1993x2048, Fj7XuFJWQAASvAn.jpg)

apologizes for the jump scare
No. 1729868
>>1729856yuri has been for men for a long time
nonny this isnt the 80s anymore
No. 1729872
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Clocked by title alone. I didn't even see the trans part at first but I just knew. He also posts about how much he loves his girldick and wants it to be bigger. They make it so easy.
No. 1729889
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No. 1729894
File: 1671342128162.png (47.47 KB, 737x481, well....PNG)

>>1729872Holy shit this is so funny, I was looking for a picture of them since another nona asked, and I found this in their post history. They were SO close to figuring it out. Actually they figured it out, but they went right back to trooning out.
>Behaved poorly to womenAt least he admits it.
No. 1729905
>>1726897the huge lips and square face look is oddly masculinizing tho
And as far as we know those are normal women – It's uncommon for troons to look like "normal" women instead of vaguely feminized weirdos. Even the TiMs who got extensive ffs look off. most don't do that as far as I know.
No. 1729908
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how can someone be so dumb?
No. 1729942
>>1729853Literal moobs, I wonder if in his head he sees himself as a huge chested sexy girl kek
>>1729772I had an internship at a well known plastic surgery clinic and in 99% of cases you see absolutely normal length healthy and pretty labia being removed for cosmetic reasons. Usually if you dig deeper, the women have a complex bc of what a scrote in their life said to them or they’re virgins who think porn is real and are afraid scrotes will shame them. Doesn’t mean they won’t say they did it because it’s uncomfortable on social media because they’d be ashamed to admit it’s because of a complex. Btw the docs there just want the money and don’t give a shit about your comfort, they’ll just cut it all off without properly protecting the nerves and the women would often return bc of complications like bad healing, botched shape, chronic pain and they almost always had some loss of sensation. It usually doesn’t even look better, just like mutilated genitals. Extremely long labia that are actually uncomfortable are really really rare and like a 1% of the women undergoing this.
No. 1729948
>>1729804thanks to her I could block 10 troons in under 1 minute on twitter, if I would have scrolled for a little longer, I might have blocked 20% of all twitter users in the end
guess it's time to spend my money on some nice deluxe illustrated Harry Potter books, kek
No. 1729961
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No. 1729966
>>1729804I never even got into harry potter but god I love her, kek
>>1729629Imagine being so braindead you think it's misogynistic to be saddened by women being so ashamed of a completely normal anatomical feature they get cosmetic surgery about it
No. 1729967
>>1729804I finally preordered the
terf game. Can't wait to perform
terf spells in my
terf wizard school.
Seriously though I've been telling everyone I know that if they see someone say terfs are bad that means they're pro-pedophilia and anti-womens rights. They are dangerous extremists in a cult-like ideology, you shouldn't trust or get involved with these people.
No. 1729973
>>1729967I've never bought any Harry Potter shit in my life but you bet your bippy I pre-ordered the most expensive edition of Hogwarts school for
terf witches
No. 1729987
>>1729785This, gay or bisexual. I do not care about studies. Troons are men, and if it was about feminity then why don't they chase ones with fake vaginas? No. They want the ones with a dick. The troon doesn't even have to pass all that well can literally have a deep ass voice and look like a old scrote in a wig.
They want dick. There's nothing feminine about the attraction of a dick has to be present. There's no other word for ot but gay/bisexual. I feel like men like that they can escape those titles to seem less gay. I will make it my mission to call troons men and sex with them gay/bisexual.
No. 1729988
>>1729872Of course he is attracted to something male gazey, he is a man.
Blogposting but I am bi and find and that aesthetic so repulsive it is like porn aesthetic on steroids, not to mention the sexist stereotypes.
No. 1730022
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what a joke.
No. 1730038
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>>1728038>>1728021 we can stop speculating if breastplate teacher is a troll or not. He's been wearing this getup in public for at least a year before he started wearing it to his job. No troll is going to risk being labeled a pedo by attending a children's dance recital looking like that.
>A source told that in 2021, Kayla Lemieux, attended a children's dance recital in Burlington, Ontario. The source said that Lemieux apparently snuck into the theater during intermission.Lemieux sat in the front row watching the children dancing on stage. Eventually, she was confronted by concerned parents and asked to leave as she did not have a child involved in the show.
No. 1730043
File: 1671377932558.jpg (205.39 KB, 1046x586, flatshare.jpg)

so nonnies, I'm passively looking for a house share rn cos my living situation sucks and got this alert for a room in my area. Two women looking for someone "female-identifying" person to share with them. handmaidens like this deserve to be stuck with a hulking male tranny who just stays in his coom chamber of secretions, but oh so comfortable cos female-identifying! just had a little sensible kek to myself because - I am very obviously biologically female. would they not want to share with me if I identified as non-binary?
No. 1730046
File: 1671378982364.webm (833.14 KB, 576x1024, tumblr_rn3em9QYxo1z3judm.webm)
No. 1730058
nonnie's right. why do you think so many women are into yaoi? most of its actually written by women for women. yuri is very obviously almost always written by men. speaking of which, where are the tranny fujos? hmmm
No. 1730063
>>1730059Yeah it sounds like they're going to try and pull a weird polyamory thing with the new roommate
>making this place even more of a home>curious to be out…in the world>us wanting to be comfortable we're open to literally anyoneI hope no one responds.
No. 1730066
>>1730058>why do you think so many women are into yaoi?Same reason a lot of moids love yuri? Because most women are straight (and so are most moids). Yaoi isn't lesbian-friendly and I'm not going to convert to fujoism just because you all talk about how "empowering" it is. The real problem is that yuri is an all encompassing term and there's no split between male/female demographics unlike gay moid stories (bara for faggots and yaoi for straight women).
>>1730064You really do have no idea what yuri is.
No. 1730073
nonnie you can rest. No one here is trying to take your degenerate yuri from your dead cold hands or making you a fujo. But that is made for moids, how hard is to accept that? Legit the less recently scrote-ish yuri I could remember was Crescent Moon and Doughnuts ans even so it became boring after a few chapters.
No. 1730098
This guy whines about being denied access to the female changing rooms at his gym.
>His real name is Nathan Jenkins (now 'Chloe') >He made videos eroticizing the violent capture of women and children >Local women see the videos and are rightly concerned>Report him>He thinks he is a victim This is an article about him from last year: (also kek at this based writer for describing him as 'heavily-moobed')
No. 1730099
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>>1730079Okay. Also the word "yuri" literally originated from a lesbian column in a gay lifestyle magazine. I love how none of you do any basic googling before looking this shit up. Just because men fetishize everything women exist in doesn't mean everything for and from women is for men.
No. 1730101
File: 1671385329346.jpg (1003.44 KB, 2000x1000, jenkins.jpg)

>>1730098samefag. who wouldn't want this man who gets turned on by the thought of kidnapping and stabbing young women in their changing rooms with them?
No. 1730107
>>1730098its always a little funny to me when trannies immediately go to "i'll get beat up if i go into the men's restroom!". they basically just admit to being extremely clockable kek. if i were to consider using the men's restroom, being beat up definitely isn't my first concern. but i'm sure being sexually assaulted would be some fucked up form of validation for their fetish.
it's also priceless how he refuses to compromise by using the unisex toilet. if he's just in there to do his business and get out, what's the issue with a uni-sex or single-stall restroom? their agenda is so unbelievably transparent.
No. 1730113
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anyone seen this
No. 1730126
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>>17301051. It's not a discord screenshot, it's from an article, literally just fucking google it. 2 You can also look up the faces of a lot of authors, even if they don't post their face a lot of mangaka post outfits/daily life pics online, it's really not hard to figure out. Same way trannies are clockable through everything they do, you can almost always tell which author is a woman through their works or social media.
No. 1730140
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Interesting how he can utilize his male privilege when he needs to get out of trouble. This is the former US nuclear energy guy who was stealing women’s luggage. No. 1730165
File: 1671391134721.jpg (87.84 KB, 801x905, FkPbAJhXkAEDQi_.jpg)

Yeah kids always point out obvious things
No. 1730169
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No. 1730191
>>1730166Make a cute
terf shark, that would annoy trooms the most
No. 1730194
>>1730166Maybe a peahen?
Technically a dinosaur and both sexes of the species look GNC through the lens of modern western stereotypes
No. 1730200
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>>1730191Perhaps a microwaveable shark plushie that we can use during
'Shark Week' for cramps
No. 1730246
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excellent hashtag btw
No. 1730272
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>>1730166Crystal cafe has Cece the "liz"bian
No. 1730286
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Bwahaha I can’t wait to see him destroy himself
No. 1730291
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>>1729961Is this old? Because I’m unable to find it now and think it might’ve been deleted, which is laughable considering shit like this is kept up.
No. 1730294
>>1730271i can't believe it's not a parody
>live authentically i always laugh when they say this. especially when they say it in a strained, male high-pitched voice.
No. 1730348
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>>1730246Adding on, this tag is trending right now. Thought it was mostly trannies getting mad about it because that's really the only way I've seen trans-related stuff get this big. But it's full of gcs and criticism of trains which seems impossible for twitter but here we are. I'm genuinely and pleasantly surprised
No. 1730358
File: 1671409162239.png (197.95 KB, 751x662, prostate cancer dysphoria.png)

wtf? so he can't just take the HRT for health reasons? he has to actually call himself a woman and start wearing dresses so he doesn't get cancer? pathetic.
No. 1730366
File: 1671410047046.webm (2.35 MB, 480x852, jI3WPddAyDuRXmmW.webm)
>>1730046Before you watch this, brace yourself for the most grating voice you've ever heard.
I'm loving the undeniable reality check this is giving them.
No. 1730393
File: 1671413299670.png (1.24 MB, 1170x2532, 74853788-F639-447A-89E3-D553A9…)

They never have a comeback to good points. This is under some tweet of JK Rowling’s.
No. 1730404
>>1730393I wish women would just respond "single sex spaces" to this question. It's clear and it's true.
they are being written out of law. so now, legally, a man who is a convicted rapist can use a woman-only shelter, a 6ft 8" tall beefcake of a man can dominate a woman's sports team, a pervert can use female and child changing areas etc. and a woman can no longer refuse a male doctor/carer to examine them or police/security officer to frisk them. and all he has to do is declare he is a woman, and not in any official way either. these are the rights we are losing, plain and simple.
but sure, these are just imaginary enemies. they literally don't give a fuck that women are being put at risk, just because they need their ego stroked.
No. 1730412
File: 1671415115771.jpeg (317.74 KB, 750x751, 7BB7977F-9595-4362-BBB5-668F8C…)

he doesn’t want to be a dad, he just wants the validation and euphoria (boners). these men are sick.
No. 1730416
File: 1671416059001.jpeg (884.51 KB, 750x3204, 04F19891-AA73-4427-B07B-F89A6E…)

> Everything was going well until I began to notice the hair inside the neovagina, that's where all my depression began, the reason for the hair growth was because I didn't have electrolysis, in my country they don't do electrolysis, I only had hair with standard laser.
> I also think they are the reason for a smell Specifically, I don't like it because it reminds me of my testicles and I think they are a reason for itching… They recommended me a maximum of two washes a week, however, inside a type of dirt accumulates like the one that accumulates in the ears or nose…
No. 1730464
>>1730170Don't worry
nonnie, it didn't happen.
No. 1730468
File: 1671421634728.png (266.5 KB, 500x500, Disgust.png.png)

>>1730447>>1729851Ugh and sitting on the bathroom floor. Men are the nastiest animals on the face of this earth.
No. 1730509
File: 1671428720425.jpg (148.11 KB, 1000x750, The-tails-of-male-and-female-p…)

>>1730194I like your idea, Nona. It conveys so much about our shared beliefs. Gender isn't real, sex matters, femininity =/= women and is an unnatural construct, masculinity =/= male and is an unnatural construct, gender nonconformity is natural and beautiful, and sexual dimorphism exists. It even includes the dinosaur motif by being a species related to raptors. As much as I like sharks, I feel like copying the shark is too derivative to send a message.
No. 1730510
>>1730509This is a beautiful idea,
No. 1730560
>>1730366Hilarious, I need to see more of this.
Also, I'm surprised to find out he's 22, dude looks like he's pushing 30.
No. 1730569
>>1730193This is like saying that weed and black tar heroin are "the same." Like they're both bad for you, but Jesus Christ, it's not unreasonable to make a distinction between the two.
Sorry for OT.
No. 1730577
>>1729851God… I unfortunately work at Walmart. I work with two TIMs. One of them is a hulking fat ogre (my Nigel is 6'2 and he's taller than him) who is clearly trying to skinwalk me and the other crust punk/disrocker girl who works there. He used to dress in mall goth and pop punk type shit with a greasy blue undercut. But now he wears patch pants (very badly done ones with fucking poser bands) and real tree camo with a half black half blue mullet. I have a half blonde and black mullet and the other girl has a half black half red mullet… He also bought a napalm death shirt when the rest of his band patches are like nofx and green day. I started using the women's bathroom by the photo center that's technically for customers, because I refuse to use the employee one since he's always badly applying lipstick and taking selfies in there.
The other troon just changed his name tag and otherwise uses the male restroom. But he's super creepy and has never said a word to me. My coworker is a gay and is scared the troon is going to shoot up our work. God, I miss target. The only troon they hired there were gender special women.
(retarded blogposting) No. 1730583
File: 1671435745627.jpg (102.26 KB, 640x1028, 20221219_061643.jpg)

No. 1730675
File: 1671454501245.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1242x7139, F71ECE42-A42C-459B-A9DC-92E09F…)

They caught the Wi Spa predator. You know, the hoax? The thing that never happens. The thing that TRA’s say never happened yet also simultaneously protested against women at the spa?
He’s a convicted sex offender before all this. And does indeed legally classify as female.
Delicious bonus below; a woman recording the reception area after being exposed to this man’s penis where minors had also been changing. Some soyboy approaches her and tries to mansplain and she shuts it the fuck down. I love women like her. No. 1730685
>>1730675Read the Wikipedia article if you really want a trip,women's%20section%20of%20the%20spa.
In summary
>The offender isn't actually confirmed to be trans despite him saying his documents say female>The people at the spa confirmed no one who was trans was at the spa that day>The video was said to be a hoax by TERFs, conservatives, and alt-right>There were anti trans protests in which conservatives stabbed and bashed liberals with a metal pipe>The alleged offender was convicted of multiple sexual crimes in the past>But don't forget he's not trans so everything that happened here was an attack on trans people!It really blows my mind how there is no concern or safety for women. Sure, the offender isn't actually trans (who is though kek), but it shows how easy it is for a man to get into female spaces and how no one can do anything about it. It's so fucked up.
No. 1730688
>>1729889akshually don't troons have the lowest rates of violence out of every demographic in the US? there as a tumblr post i think debunking the "1 in 12 and 1 in 8 if
poc" or so claim about troons
No. 1730695
File: 1671457323518.png (720.9 KB, 1080x1726, Screenshot_20221219-122055.png)

>>1726744For context, the original tweet is about a girl who was sex trafficked and had the video uploaded and promoted by pornhub
No. 1730696
File: 1671457469977.png (99.31 KB, 1080x688, markup_1000000025.png)

>>1730695Another tranny asking to see the video. Very womanly!
No. 1730703
>>1730688They have the lowest murder rate out of the general population. Here's a article by a TiM that debunks the trans genocide narrative.
>The current murder rate in the United States is five murders per 100,000, which is about 0.005%. The Williams Institute’s 2016 study, “How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States?,” reports that 1.4 million US Americans identify as transgender. In 2019, the United States reported the murders of 30 trans people. With 1.4 million trans people, that’s a murder rate of 0.002% — less than half of the murder rate for the general population. It’s possible that more trans people are dying than reported, but the number would have to be over 250% higher to be considered even marginally higher than the overall rate.The article also points out that the murders aren't usually a result of transphobia.
No. 1730706
Dutch documentary (90% in english) about trans people in sports in the US. The doc tries to argue the position of 'the sex binary is old school and should be abolished' but in the end they accidentally make the case for sex segregation.
It has 2 TIM runners who completely ruin the other female runners. And a TIF (on testosteron) who wins all matches from her non juicing competitors.
It thing you should be able to watch it outside of the netherlands. No. 1730723
>>1730191>>1730200>>1730272>>1730509thanks for all the great ideas, I love them all, especially the peahen idea, birds in general, as you can mostly tell the gender difference in an instant looking at a bird. My head will be working on something, it will take time, as it has to be perfect, but your brains helped me a lot.
And the microwaveable shark thing, kek, that would make them seethe.
No. 1730734
>>1730612There's never been a more accurate file name than this in the history of the farms,
No. 1730754
>>1730703>murders aren't usually a result of transphobiaThis always gets me. I read the article you linked and have read others, and the majority of the time it has nothing to do with how they identify as trans. And usually it’s not even due to homophobia, which you think would be the actual reasoning. It’s almost always related to men being violent and over drug deals or because TiMs turn to sex work in the form of street prostitution, which is an inherently violent path to be on. Men regularly kill and physically harm prostitutes just because they think they can be as violent as they want with them and because they think they don’t matter as people. I have no idea why TiMs defend sex work so much when it’s something that puts them in danger, then turn around and blame it on women for some reason. Women are not the ones out there buying sex. They make no sense. If they did, they would be fighting against prostitution and porn like many women actually do, yet they seem to be so pornified their entire worldview is experienced through those things. They uphold the very system that perpetuates violence against them and everyone else who it victimizes. I don’t understand how someone can see something like this
>>1730695 for example and not immediately feel rage and empathy. Would they care if the girl there was a TiM of the same age? Or would they still be celebrating it? I feel like they still wouldn’t care. How can they cry about trans sex workers being murdered but support things like this?
No. 1730792
>>1730655Literally the reason I became a
TERF is because the very first “trans woman” I ever met was a moid who, pre-trooning, (poorly) attempted to cyberbully me because I told a friend his vibe creeped me out. He went to prison for selling prescriptions pills, and when he came out of prison as a troon he told me he only cyberbullied me because he was struggling with his gender issues. I was 20 years old at the time but already I could tell that he wasn’t a woman, just a mentally ill misogynistic man. He eventually died from a blood clot caused by taking estrogen without a prescription and I didn’t feel all that sad for him. Troons are absolutely their own worst enemies and they peak women just by existing.
No. 1730811
File: 1671471240272.png (52.4 KB, 748x542, 17-30-25.png)

this shit makes me laugh so much. jkr saying lesbians can't feel attraction to males is a banning-worthy event, but literally all the pedo and white supremacist male authors are still being sold.
trannies are the biggest snowflakes on earth. they wouldn't last two minutes as a woman.
No. 1730817
>>1730811When was JK ever aggressive? Saying that women are women and you cant force biology for the tranny narrative isnt aggressive. It's the truth.
I hope JK makes tons of money through her books and hogwarts Legacy.
No. 1730832
File: 1671472557451.png (Spoiler Image,304.68 KB, 966x637, moobs.png)

TIM claims to have 40E moobs kek
No. 1730854
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No. 1730877
File: 1671475315741.jpeg (394.26 KB, 960x1378, EB072BB8-376C-4A28-8B3A-3852CA…)

ngl this makes me want to alog. typical scrote seething and malding because a woman doesn’t present herself the way he’d kill himself to be able to. best case scenario for him is a botched dick that leaks piss for the rest of his life and zero orgasms.
No. 1730919
>>1730792Same here. A troon peaked me just by existing in a voice chat. We were both in the same DnD group and he felt inadequate because of my natural speaking voice. His self-proclaimed "natural voice" was a tryhard gay falsetto and his emotional range only consisted of "teehee I have big boobies" and full blown narc rage. Because of his voice insecurity, he spread false rumors and got others to make fun of me for having a small chest, all because my DnD character wasn't busty like his? It was so dumb and I just left the group.
I hope every cyberbully troon transitions and makes the right choice when the realization dawns on them that they'll never be a woman.
No. 1730941
>>1730366he sounds like a pedophile
>>1730877you're literally a man
No. 1730961
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No. 1730977
File: 1671481985297.jpeg (213.8 KB, 946x2048, desgusten.jpeg)

>>1730877He looks like an even uglier keffals topkek
No. 1730990
>>1730988no hate to you
nonnie but isn’t that dandruff right on top of his head? looks like he got caught in snowfall
No. 1730997
>>1730832Love how men making up inches for their dick translates directly to trannies making up sizes for their moobs.
>looks more like CThose look like A cups. Maybe B but on a smaller side.
Making me feel like you could tell a moid you have two sizes bigger boobs than you actually have and they’d believe you if they’re this easily deluded kek
No. 1730998
File: 1671483106435.png (38.44 KB, 634x156, ribeiro.png)

>>1730854jfc. this is awful. the things he said to that child are so disturbing. and of course this is the porn he likes. sick of these glorified pedos
No. 1731057
File: 1671487212174.jpg (424.11 KB, 1152x2048, FkC-ImlWYAUb7M0.jpg)

the amount of angles + hiding the man hands kek
No. 1731075
File: 1671488383227.jpg (177.79 KB, 922x1539, FkXgjxmVUAEx-r_.jpg)

I want to alog theyre so misogynistic it hurts
No. 1731095
File: 1671490291162.jpg (92.93 KB, 750x1334, FkYBvuYVUAE-2Y5.jpg)

they are 100% serious
No. 1731105
File: 1671490777308.jpeg (373.25 KB, 1125x1672, 96D61BD7-83B5-4DED-987B-248823…)

The comment section is littered with trans flag emojis and “I’ll check back in a year” and “who’s going to tell her” yeah totally not a cult built around fetish
No. 1731151
File: 1671494282540.jpg (594.31 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20221219-182631_Ins…)

This TiM I follow on Instagram usually just posts hypershooped pictures of himself with his moobs and ass hanging out in the very typical porn-addicted-autogynephilic-male kind of way. However, he's currently in the hospital with gallstones apparently due to his binge eating habit that he admits developed because he has no idea how to eat healthily and never cared to learn. He's also someone who claims to have been put on puberty blockers so watching the hospital video he made for pity-likes talking about how he's a gorging fatass and hearing that he has a deep ass man voice regardless made me giggle. He recently moved to Los Angeles and mentioned vaguely how he's having a "hard time" and that it's contributed to his lack of control surrounding eating out for every fucking meal. I imagine the "hard time" he's having is no longer living in his shitty liberal small town echochamber where he was allowed to be elected homecoming queen and he is stepping into the real world where he has found that being a "LGBTQIA+ ambassador" on Instagtam truly means jack shit to anyone.
No. 1731188
File: 1671497234819.png (26.8 KB, 200x288, 4DEE0C7A-59C9-4C14-AB4B-C1D91D…)

>>1726897All these men do is appropriate the speech of women and other oppressed groups, as if women getting cheek fat removed is akin to black phising. Please.
No. 1731284
File: 1671507497242.jpeg (146.92 KB, 750x433, DC546A42-7FAB-4A69-A5F0-01C787…)

moid disappointed that women are real people and not female versions of himself.
No. 1731348
File: 1671819457566.jpeg (343.13 KB, 1242x1448, 1D1B5E68-FDEB-41F0-8A82-2592E9…)

This deleted r/antiwoke post has me dying kek.
No. 1731351
File: 1671819654366.jpeg (2.17 MB, 2736x6372, 78322A09-E040-4C23-8A69-AF6701…)

AL is a joke.
No. 1731366
Can't upload it to youtube because of copyrighted material, but here's a video of a TiM who killed 3 sex workers back in the 80s. Sex expert claims it has nothing to do with his transgender identity and trans ppl are more often
victims of crimes.
> No. 1731371
File: 1671825261970.jpeg (719.38 KB, 828x1432, 32F84D7C-3A95-4611-840D-96CED8…)

this horrifying outfit is not only acceptable but highly befitting of mtf trans. kek
No. 1731388
File: 1671827467763.webm (3.16 MB, 576x1024, dylan.webm)
Dylan update. lol
No. 1731398
>>1731388Pardon the autism but it looks like he got more than a nose job?
He's gonna be so botched.
No. 1731402
File: 1671830242136.jpg (Spoiler Image,224.71 KB, 827x1401, IMG_0995.jpg)

jumpscare on a dating app today. ofc i only saw this because this individual identifies as a "woman"
No. 1731406
File: 1671831250750.webm (1.14 MB, 480x852, gabbi.webm)
'Gabbi" Alon Tuft posted this with the caption 'How to win an argument #trans'
so cute when men threaten you into submission teehee
No. 1731414
File: 1671833151901.jpeg (907.81 KB, 960x1731, FF851AE6-97D5-4B63-8646-FDF350…)

trannies cope so hard by accusing us of wanting to be them or fuck them, you know, the thing they’ve been doing to women this whole fucking time. pardon me if i dont want to fuck a hulking rapist with a hentai addiction.
No. 1731417
>>1731414>former chaserskek they wish. the only women i've seen that were remotely interested in TiMs were brainrotted handmaidens acting interested for woke points, or were Tifs/some sort of enby. rarely because it was some trans chaser fetish.
The majority of chasers are gay men or homophobic men still in the closet. seethe tranny.
No. 1731442
File: 1671838910801.jpg (193.69 KB, 720x827, 20221224_000029.jpg)

troon drama of the day on Twitter is this mtf who is claiming people are putting their family in danger because they want to rescue the cat the troon is neglecting
No. 1731444
File: 1671839056342.jpg (229.39 KB, 571x1015, 20221224_000003.jpg)

The picture that started the drama. Everyone defending this person is saying that ebil terfs are just using it as an excuse to attack this person and get them hurt, despite all attention being on the cat and criticism being focused having the cat in poor conditions. Typical victim complex. Why are they like this? Everything is transphobia
No. 1731452
>>1731444Since troons are notoriously disgusting, where cats are notoriously clean, I would bet $500 it is actually the troon pissing in the shower. There's no way a clean animal would approach a pissy pool they're gonna fall into and then add more piss to it, but a disgusting troon male definitely would.
Anyway, keep showing the world who you are, troons, more people peaked every day.
No. 1731453
File: 1671841335863.jpeg (239.52 KB, 749x928, 45A1753A-F364-4F84-9C8A-E3E2B5…)

trannies are gross in every way possible.
No. 1731461
>>1731414I guess if you really unravel his rant
>former chasersa TRA you peaked who used to support trannies until she realized they were all degen sex pests
>ex husband is a TIMThis one actually happens and in 100% of cases the male tries to guilt trip the female into staying, but since generally a straight woman married a straight man (at the time) she leaves
him >a troon denied them and they went all rape ape on usYeah that one is projection
No. 1731470
>>1731464Most pms symptoms are due to the hormone dips and increases, and the cramps from the womb shedding its lining.
So it's likely women who don't menstruate still have pms since their hormones naturally dip and dive through the month, even if the womb has been removed. It also depends on if it's a partial or full hystorectomy, since doctors prefer to do partial for better outcomes re cancer and dementia, and in that case the ovaries are intact and producing hormones. If you look into menopause, that can be a ten year process of crazy hormones, fatigue, brain fog, muscle weakness, and other physical and mental symptoms after the menstruation itself has stopped.
So in conclusion, I would say predominantly the menstruation/womb lining shedding is the major cause of pms, however women's hormone levels constantly adjust monthly, and depending on where they are in their fertile years, so even after a hystorectomy pms is to be expected.
Meanwhile troons have no womb to contract and shed lining, and no natural female hormone cycle nor female fertility, so their daily dose of estrogen is fucking up their health but it is not pms.
disclaimer not a doctor, just information I've picked up in my research
No. 1731473
>>1731444As someone who works with animals… I have no words. This is the sort of shit I expect to see on Hoarders, Jesus. And he presumably posted it online because he thought it was funny. This isn't funny, it's sad. Not just for the animal, though obviously that's the most infuriating part. No human being should choose to live in conditions like this… to feel like this is normal or okay is pure mental illness.
The people a-logging him are being retarded, though. Especially the speeds who started the petition (tf makes people think police are going to investigate someone over an online petition?) He deserves to be ridiculed, and maybe a welfare check, but at the end of the day, there's not much a bunch of internet randos can do about that poor cat.
No. 1731478
>>1731457I personally wouldn't characterize cats as "clean," but they're generally pretty… organized, I guess you could say? They like to "cover" their messes with dirt, litter, blankets, etc. I've seen cats refuse to use a litter box if it hasn't been cleaned in a long time. I even knew one cat who wouldn't use his box unless it was clean, like you'd have to scoop right after he used it or he wouldn't use it again.
Seconding the theory that this reprobate just pisses in his shower and blames it on his cat.
No. 1731536
File: 1671857752213.png (398.04 KB, 592x796, dxck.png)

>>1731442>>1731444He's enjoying the attention. Literally just a messy gay man, probably has narc delusions. Most likely trooned out due to a fetish for straight men and a crippling fear of twink death. Anyway, the petition has 92 signatures, not sure where 200k came from. Regardless, I hope his cats actually do get rehomed. Don't give a fuck about anything else to do with him.
No. 1731538
>>1731536Samefag, here is the petition, just in case: also says he only feeds his cats every three days. They need to be sent to an actually caring home.
No. 1731558
File: 1671862336523.jpeg (408.82 KB, 960x1085, A4B1439C-B994-461E-823B-F3CABB…)

same tranny
No. 1731559
File: 1671862423891.jpeg (907.91 KB, 960x1599, C4CF1BC4-BEF2-468B-ACA9-C0A939…)

>>1731558in between obsessively posting about the women he oh so clearly doesnt want to skinwalk/fuck/both he posts screenshots of hentai and other art of half naked prepubescent girls. totally one of us tho amiright nonnies?
No. 1731564
File: 1671864391567.png (2.46 MB, 1211x1728, 34902B87-BAB5-4C9C-AFAF-53D96A…)

horrorcow. also talked about befriending some moid that later on raped two girls.
No. 1731600
File: 1671878340722.png (988.74 KB, 1080x1683, markup_1000000045.png)

>>1731444B-but he's just a stupid girl he doesn't understand! uwu
No. 1731635
File: 1671897857052.jpeg (418.38 KB, 960x1077, 75879896-8B51-47FF-B0C3-E02F5C…)

well nonnies would you want to be locked up with a rapehon?
No. 1731663
>>1731635>it's fine>they're both terrible>and kinda deserve itIs he hoping the incel assaults the woman?
>>1731649>The only probable things to occur are male violence/SA.He probably wants that. They're all the same and hate women. Disgusts me.
No. 1731681
File: 1671907538227.jpg (94.44 KB, 634x528, 601cf129210b5.jpg)

>>1731406Reminder this is what he use to look like. What a waste of a man.
No. 1731692
>>1731684I think their behavior will keep escalating until the entire world is peaked, there is so much harm, abuse, perversion, fetishism, harassment of women and gays, covering up crime done by any crossdressing male, sexual assault, behaving in ways which are beyond absurd and beyond the law, and negatively affect children and teens safety and health especially pertaining to school and general coming of age processes, very public grooming and lying about dangers of transition, death threats, crime, etc, and the more they are babied by the authorities the more barefaced and unashamed they get about being very publicly the lowest rung of human males. It seems the only conclusion is a few very public crimes directly connected to transwomen, maybe even a twitter or tiktok famous transwoman, which they expect to entirely get away with but actually result in mass peaking and jailtime for them. Most of us in this thread once believed they were just confused gays or whatever and our eyes were opened by their own behavior. That process will continue.
No. 1731723
File: 1671918664567.webm (3.95 MB, 576x1024, download (4).webm)
Go piss in a bush lmao
No. 1731777
File: 1671929627030.jpeg (69.95 KB, 680x410, Fkn5BUfXEAIMNL7.jpeg)

scottish troons perfecting their AGP smirks in parliament, as women's rights get shat upon (Gender Reform bill is passed)
No. 1731789
File: 1671931924724.jpg (632.68 KB, 1079x1294, SmartSelect_20221225-022920_Fi…)

Ley Trans passed the first stage for approval in Spain 2 days ago.
>Children aged 14 and 15 will be allowed to legally change their gender without a medical evaluation but will still need their parents’ consent. Those aged 12 and 13 will need permission from the courts.
>The Podemos equality minister, Irene Montero, said: “At last this law depathologises trans lives and guarantees trans people’s rights.” She added: “Trans women are women.”
No. 1731811
File: 1671936215923.png (2.77 MB, 1166x2533, tranny2.png)

Literal creature from a David Lynch movie
No. 1731816
File: 1671937788970.png (1.27 MB, 1170x1556, pisstranny.png)

No. 1731869
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No. 1731870
File: 1671954560057.jpeg (598.3 KB, 960x1510, B17F7670-D103-4FC1-B14E-D6A301…)

>>1731869apparently horse piss pills and girl feelings didnt stop him from sending intimate photos of another person. very feminine behavior from troons as usual. the comments keep using she her as well
No. 1731872
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>>1731723I'm dying at her typing on the sign. Someone please gif that.
No. 1731873
File: 1671954710141.jpeg (315.71 KB, 960x1162, 1A97B24C-29E9-4D3A-AEF3-07F4C3…)

there is something deeply wrong with handmaidens
No. 1731881
File: 1671956045158.png (606.37 KB, 720x1170, Screenshot_20221225-030317~2.p…)

This pissed me off so much I don't even know where to start.
No. 1731904
>>1731772Yeah I noticed it's a single cubicle bathroom but that also means he could just use the men's one with no problem, and the urinal would be a convenience the ladies doesn't have.
… they wouldn't ever put urinals in female bathrooms, would they?
No. 1731915
File: 1671973234229.jpeg (79.11 KB, 612x679, Fkm3ckjacAAemH2.jpeg)

>>1731723wow i just looked it up and turns out this lady is the
owner of the bar - Winnie's bar and she
is Winne. But she still got suspended for this wtf
No. 1731922
File: 1671976682135.jpeg (138.33 KB, 936x1309, picklebee.jpeg)

>>1731912and yet more male violence
No. 1731977
>>1726744Meet family for Christmas. See one of my cousins with more manly features for the first time in years. She lost weight and really did have a glow up. Even her strong jaw and sharp eyebrows are endearing and feminine.
Realize that troons don't stand a chance to the real thing.
No. 1731992
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In the past few years many AGPs/TRAs have started headcanoning princess ozma as being a trans allegory, I hate seeing it cause she's genuinely my favorite characters
No. 1732003
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Reddit moid gets raped via deception by some troon he didn't know was a troon (guessing he was an incel if he couldn't distinguish a mutilated dick from a vagina)
Tranny mod locked the thread, y'all'ed the comments, and reminded everyone that you men can be women and you shouldn't hate troons no matter how many of them turn out to be sexual predators!
These people are digging themselves such a deep fucking grave
No. 1732004
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>>1732002not sure if these were the ones you were thinking of, since there are thousands of threats against her at this stage. 1/2
No. 1732026
>>1732021Basically, he thinks le ebil terfs are some sort of hivemind that will only talk about feminism or whatever, when in reality nothing bad would truly happen unless the incel is told that the woman in the room is a
terf, then he would either try to make moves on her or something retarded.
And if the woman is told that the moid is an incel before entering the room, she would be smart enough to just sit there and do nothing until released or she would even talk about anything else to keep the moid thinking about other things.
But the tranny believes that the
terf will start telling the incel unprompted that he's a faggot or something like that (you know, like how trannies will suddenly start talking about being a tranny and shit) and that the incel (Aka early stage of a tranny) will attack the woman and turn the hostage situation into some porn scenario or into some gore porn scenario, whichever is the fetish of the moid writing that with one hand.
No. 1732064
>>1731915If she is the owner of the bar, who is forcing her into "intensive diversity training"? why is she suspended from her own establishment?
I'm hoping this is just some lie to appease troons and that they told her to lay low a while (even though she did absolutely nothing wrong). At home and not some conversion tranny acceptance camp.
No. 1732219
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Fucking cope, you will never experience lesbian sex and are no different to the "cis guys" you deride.
No. 1732233
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>>1731414I’ve never in my life heard a
terf say shit like picrel, yet troons say it constantly. And there’s a whole thread of men agreeing with this sentiment. It’s funny how they openly admit their jealous rage over our existence—but can’t understand why we don’t want to share our bathrooms & locker rooms with them. What could possibly be uncomfortable about sharing a private space with a strange man who’s staring at your body and seething in envy?
No. 1732234
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No. 1732372
>>1732364it's mostly just troons jumping on the bandwagon/finding a figure to blame for all their problems (like what Jonathan Willyboy does). but i think for many of them, they see JK as someone who
should be on "their side". she should be their perfect harry potter mommy who validates them and blindly supports them. the fact she is using her platform to support women instead makes them seethe more than anything. plus she is a strong woman who doesn't cower to their demands. it's the perfect storm of everything that makes them chimp out.
I also found
>>1729016 anon's observations interesting on this. there is definitely a sexual (and of course violent) fantasy element for a lot of them.
No. 1732388
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update on Andrew Balcer. he has just been marked as 'female' on the prison system and is likely being house with women.
>Woke his mother up from sleep to tell her he was having an nightmare>She hugged him and soothed him, as she did so he stabbed her in the back nine times, killing her>He then went on to murder his father and the family dog. He spared his brother. >Claims it was because his parents wouldn't accept his gender identity and abused him. >His brother and rest of the family strongly deny this and say they were very supportive, loving parents. >This 6'1" psychopath is now marked as female and has been moved to a mixed-sex facility where he is likely placed with women. No. 1732392
File: 1672093982983.webm (895.77 KB, 320x568, IBS.webm)
I'm experiencing the worst actual period cramps right now so this one got to me.
No. 1732399
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>>1732392and not only that, he also suffers from PMDD
No. 1732402
>>1732392what the fuck. this video would've been some joke parody maybe 20 years ago. but he really thinks his constipation is period cramps.
also that voice is disgusting.
>>1732399>how i've been interacting with others for the past several monthsis this scrote really trying to imply his male tard rages are from pmdd?
No. 1732413
>>1732399samefag but i just realised that's not actually the same guy, it's his boyfriend kek. they just look alike (ugly male features) and it was posted on his account, so I assumed.
so i guess they both share their period/women's suffering fetish together.
No. 1732415
>>1732414ntayrt but tirf = trans
inclusive radfem (not actually a thing but some retards call themselves that)
No. 1732467
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Not a confirmed TIM but a shooter described as 'man dressed as woman' which allowed him to enter the women's toilets yesterday in TX
>Douglas Egan, 45>Took photos of women in restroom>Was seen changing out of women's clothes into men's>Then pulled pepper ball gun at Hulen Mall>Registered sex offender who had previously been convicted of felony indecency with a child & misdemeanors for indecent exposure.Of course he will be a "not true trans". No. 1732478
>>1732392Can someone PLEASE explain to these sickos that periods are caused by a
drop in estrogen and an
increase in testosterone?
>>1732399It's not PMDD pervert-kun, you're just bipolar and making it worse by fucking with their body's chemistry. I refuse to believe anyone with a medical degree looked at his behavior and attributed to to PMDD.
No. 1732487
>>1732399I’m sorry but I swear that I learnt about the science of the menstrual cycle at like age 15, and I don’t understand how none of these retards understand that periods are caused by A BUNCH of different hormones and not just estrogen? I don’t even remember it that well but isn’t there like FSH, progesterone, LSH, etc. It’s not just “high estrogen”. Yet trannies will go on about “biology is more complex than X and Y chromosomes” whilst they simplify the endocrine system so they can have their heckling
valid period pains that make them totally suffer like a “cis” woman does!
It seems pretty fucking sexist how they simplify every part of a woman’s biology so that they can try and weasel into the term “biological woman”. The same way they try to convince people that a medical wound is the same as the beautiful, complex collection of strong muscles, sensitive nerve endings and unique structure that the vagina is… But then again all this troon shit seems fucking sexist.
No. 1732495
>>1732487It's bizarre to me that trannies will run around shrieking about how science is on their side immediately before displaying their lack of basic medical knowledge. Not sure how they can be "pro-science" when they actively disregard concepts as simple as "periods aren't caused by just one chemical compound," or "estrogen doesn't cause bones to shrink."
And the science isn't even definitively on their side like they say it is, anyway. The
money is on their side; of course Pfizer and its affiliates are going to fund pro-troon research when they stand to profit from selling HRT drugs. They're isn't money to be made off of disproving this crap, so the research doesn't get funded and the people who dare ask these questions get branded with a scarlet letter for potentially hurting Pfizer's bottom line. And even with all their suppression efforts, studies still fall through the cracks indicating that it's fucking idiotic to kow-tow to these delusions. It's common knowledge in the medical community that SRS doesn't reduce risk of suicide, yet they allow that lie to persist because it's convenient for the drug companies' campaign to shill more horse piss.
No. 1732540
>>1732478and also that menstrual cramps come from the uterus contracting. how retarded can they be.
>>1732495exactly this. trannies never provide sources when they parrot "omg did you stop biology in high school, educate yourself!1!", but more and more websites from so-called scientific or medical institutions pander to them and are ambiguous (or outright lie) about basic things, not just SRS and HRT. money make them say/do anything even if it's fucking up people's health. of course it's still easy (for now) to disprove TRAs' delusional claims but it's horrifying to see and really put things into perspective.
No. 1732591
File: 1672127725706.jpg (119.74 KB, 1000x500, Menstrual-Cycle.jpg)

>>1732487you're right. also estrogen and progesterone levels drop right before a woman menstruates so it's funny that they think injecting themselves with estrogen would give them periods.
No. 1732620
>>1732582How was implying I they're not predators when
>because they're either predators themselvesAnd I agree that's exactly my point anon, they're beyond redemption.
No. 1732627
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there needs to be a study done to uncover what exactly prevents these moids from brushing their disgusting teeth like normal people
No. 1732736
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serial killer smile
No. 1732743
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>>1732736kek his whole timeline is just selfies of him looking like 'hide the pain' harold
No. 1732763
>>1732627A lot of autists have sensory issues that get
triggered by brushing teeth or even bathing.
No. 1732812
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analyse this
No. 1732848
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>>1731302Starting to think you're right. I previously thought the hashtags were personalised but noticed I've been getting lot's of football hashtags and for singers I've never heard of etc. along with the terfy hashtags. Plus see pic related. The TERFs have definitely been unleashed.
No. 1732889
File: 1672180117409.webm (8.97 MB, 720x1090, 7rLbxTwKXgjCIFKo.webm) everyone around is not blindly following clownery that is a 5 year old boy "being a girl", why is the narrative still being trans and not any other reason? Transhausen by proxy. 5 more years and puberty blockers to completely fuck him over for the rest of his life and yet there is no more agency from parents. Poor kid.
All of her TikTok is basically being a "
victim of bullying and transphobia" anytime any critical thinking discussion arises
No. 1732895
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>>1732889"Noone is medically transitioning children"
Yet they are
And if puberty blockers don't count as "transitioning" literally what does? Absolute cow lmao
No. 1732910
>>1732895There simply is not enough information of the long term use of puberty blockers/how they'll affect people later on in their lives, so you're taking an unnecessary risk. you don't see non trans people taking puberty blockers… it's clearly marketed as a 'trans' thing.
(this is excluding athletes etc who may use puberty blockers for athletic reasons which is an issue in and of itself)