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No. 1299249[Reply]

Katherine McMahon, known online as Katherine Harlow theparkavenuepinup, is a 23 year old financial dominatrix pinup collared bimbo living doll age regressing little goddess princess who identifies as a hyperfemme She/Her/Hers bidemiautoheterosexual anarchist communist who’s disabilities include endometriosis personal floatation device and cPTSDSTD that works as a burlesque showgirl cultural worker disability advocate historian costumier retired sugar baby failed findomme sex worker.

Recent milk:

> Discovers first thread, calls LC a “far-right website that accuses survivors of lying”, threatens to sue (pro bono of course)

> Proceeds to dirty delete all sex work profiles linked to theparkavenuepinup and katherinethedoll monikers
> Goes private, blocks/deletes over a thousand followers on Instagram
> Former acquaintance, armed with screenshots, affirms that Katherine has lied about almost everything: education, work history, sugar baby stint, etc. >>1275050
> Gets kicked out of apartment by female roommate for zero contribution; blames it on the roommate for not understanding her ~disabilities~
> Asks followers for a place to stay despite being collared by a neckbeard
> New “Financial Dominatrix. Luxury FemDomina” twitter account is discovered
> New Madame Blush persona starter pack: Party City wig, ill-fitting $200 PVC plastic corset, tights as pants, vintage cigarette holder covered in Swarovski crystal, of course, Swarovski cigarette holder by Her
> Luxury reimbursements so far include $5 tea and the most expensive block of cheese she’s ever bought

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No. 1347964

Is Kathy not aware that the 100 carb diet means 100 grams, not 100% carbohydrates? Pure speculation but it really does seem like she has an eating disorder where she’s stuck on having a child’s body which is weird given she wants to do burlesque where the woman are typically curvy or fat/deathfats

No. 1348151

New thread >>1348150

No. 1348152


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1372269

Sorry for the late af comment, but this is my first time in this thread and this bitch is the craziest cow.
Endometriosis is not in the bible of disabilities, the Blue Book, and therefore not a disability. The symptoms can qualify for disability and as a disabled fag who recently filled out the Functional Capacity forms, I can assure you she could never get disability because she can sit, stand, "dance", feed herself, exercise (I saw the Amazon narre she bought in one of the pictures of her childish room), take showers/baths, amongst other things, all on her own. There are jobs she can do, such as a work from home customer service rep, which would earn money as opposed to her poser BDSM larp earning nothing. Sit down Kathy and stop speaking as if you're a part of "O/our community".
BTW, as a former NYC burlesque dancer, I have a few comments on her "sewing (aka rhinestoning ready made outfits) projects". I can't find which post was of the Dita Von Teese bra she was rhinestoning, but she didn't even use Swarovskis. You can tell she's just using cheap Amazon Swarovskis due to the greenish cast of light the stones give off and lack of depth in the stone. It just looks faceted, but not actually deep like a faceted cave.
Her "powder lavender" fans are the cheapest of the Asian manufacturers found on eBay/AliExpress, since they're only single ply and using thin, poorly graded feathers, no more than $300. Fans made with grade AA ostrich feathers can be purchased for no less than $600 and will look much fluffier. She also doesn't know how to clean her feathers, lending to the thin look of her feather fAnS.
Lastly, I can tell she's looking at successful burlesque dancers in NYC and copying aspects of their costumes in the cheapest of ways. The rhinestoned Dita bra and pasties over the top of a bra are copied directly from artistmnyc aka Emily Shepherd, who has a gray and clear Swarovski'd Dita overwire bra that was rhinestoned with much more precision. Emily also wears a lot of Agent Provocateur onstage and one of her old outfits that she wore in photoshoot in Inked magazine showed a demi-cup Agent Provocateur with pasties over the top. Katie, an overwire bra goes over the top of your tit, so how would your pasties come over the top unless your bra is too small or your pasties are glued over the top of your tit?
Sorry for the disability and buPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 1388383


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No. 369619[Reply]

Why does the UK bring out the worst wannabes ever? We're here to answer those questions.

In the last thread-
-G4laxy keeps us updated with much needed staleness
-Abi is senior coat tale rider and autistic in Japan
-Connie is the only one with an audience and gets pink and is, surprise, gay!
-Becki is as boring as ever and is, surprise, gay!
-Kelly forms a new lazy sub-group and is surprise, gay!
-Kelly gets triggered when not everyone believes her
-Visit cons, being as uninteresting as ever.
-Abi starts their decent into lip fillers and botox
-Jared lurks.

No one else is relevant right now. Will we ever get our milk?

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No. 562437

Jesus those are unflattering shorts

No. 562547

/snow/res/562541/ new thread

No. 562548

new thread take 2

No. 562629

God fucking damn it I hate that I can't get over her stupid fake eye. I usually can overlook people's deformities but whenever she makes super exaggerated expressions, I lose my shit and laugh since her eyes basically go full chameleon and look in opposite directions. I wish her Harry Potter OC had something in her background story where she lost her eye as a baby so now she has to ~endearingly~ wear an eye patch. Maybe having one eye gives her special abilities as a witch too. Heck she could even bejewel the eye patch out because why not, it's the 80s. Fuck. No one will ever take her seriously and that makes me so sad for her.

No. 563593

Exactly - of she could have lost it in a 'death eater attack' and start the series from there. You have to work with what you have and as someone who wants to get into the industry, she is ignoring it.

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No. 444793[Reply]

>InstaThot that was once dedicated to fitness but turned self into brand
>constantly posts ass shots on every form of social media for attention
>denies having bleached her skin
>hosts "contests" where the prize is getting to hang out with her
>pushes herself to be this ultimate fitness guru when its more than obvious that her ass is surgically implanted
>always talking about how humble she is despite 4 or 5 times daily putting out SC videos of herself barely clothed and twerking to some god awful Beyonce music
>got dumped allegedly by football player ex which caused her to turn into an insane bitch who bashes other InstaThots thinking she's above them when she's right there with them



>She's a groupie with fit porn videos on World Star Hip Hop.

Showing her vagina in the GUISE of being a fitness model.
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No. 445209

seriously hate all of these instacunts

No. 445287


Myspace was never this bad tbh. Now its literally more cuntiness than ever

No. 445481

her rants about guys all being the same are pretty ironic

No. 445517

Agreed. She is always complaining about "niggas ain't shit" this and that, yet her drama with Kaper and her photo captions say otherwise.

No. 1347110

No followup on how she groomed and trapped PJ
>To be fair he had the chance to notice her nature based on what she posts

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No. 1334985[Reply]

Last time on the thread:

Ham still has no friends other than her mum. Anons continue to sperg about her breakfasts of sugar with a side of oats.

Nik got a lot of attention from farmers for his educational signs and similarity to a number of cartoon characters. One of his films is now on German Amazon Prime. Looks like his big (osteoporosis induced bone) break is right round the corner!

Cecelia considered leaving PHP early but battled on. Alas, she continues taking up space that others so desperately need, while anons shake their heads at her boring colour palate.

Nourish is now flourishing and eating out with her friends! Still looks like a gremlin though and posts slightly questionable photos, although less repulsive.

Anna is now down to being able to ingest 10 foods. She went home to her family as she navigates this difficult time.

Hxn has still only raised £450 for her gofundme. Now she is getting government funding for her swanky private treatment she is not sure it is right fo her.

Ganer was featured on a bodybuilding website where she told her 'inspirational' story of how she went from a skelly anorexic to a slightly more muscly orthorexic.
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No. 1346568

Go ahead before this thread here is toast…

No. 1346570

Gotta take into account what magazine you're talking about.
For them "fitness" means "bulking muscle and chomping protein bars".

No. 1346578

Spooky scary skeletons and a vampire. The perfect halloween thread

No. 1346711

ditch the fucking vampire already

No. 1346777

NAYRT but yes. I am truly at a loss as to why there's been so much resistance to this one being called out… she's abhorrent

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No. 76458[Reply]

Surprised she isn't on here yet.
> Talks shit about people but when in their face says nothing.
>her and her lackeys bully other people when people don't do what they want.
>claims what white people can't do, but is engaged to a white person herself
>bully's others to the point of people blocking her.
>complains and whines to get photos
>tries to make people feel bad by saying they have lighter skin so that's why it's easier for them in life and constantly plays victim
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No. 106667

hypocritical as always…

No. 131718

Seems like Maki is in a bit of drama again

No. 131721


you bumped this thread just to say that?

No. 131722


I have over 40 screenshots, i'm not gonna spam them back to back.

No. 131747


Someone else uploaded them but here ya go.

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No. 1345473[Reply]

Previous threads:



No. 1345476

new thread, unsaged for visibility

No. 1345482

You didn’t even try

No. 1345496


Is this the new thread?

No. 1345497

Shit thread

No. 1345498

Not for long it’ll be locked for being shit

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No. 1336716[Reply]

This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.

You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk.

Previous Thread:
>OMGEE WOMEN DESERVE UTERUS' MORE THAN TRANNIES?! REEEEE >>1327928 Anons proceed to discuss uteri donation and male morgue degeneracy >>1328612
>Anons discuss liberal feminism and handmaidens >>1328185
>Troon sets himself on fire in Berlin >>1329105
>Wimpy uWu boys = women >>1329107 >>1332152
>Laverne Cox blames women for tranny homicides, what's new? >>1329163
>Weeb posts his man arse in r/whitegirlsasiancocks. Redditors point out he's a white man. >>1329345 >>1329793 >>1329975
>Men gather round and LARP about who's most weak UWU >>1330165
>Narcissist Laura Jane Grace; wife gets pregnant, suddenly troons out Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1344922

He's not a TERF, he's a conservative man.

No. 1344956

In the same special he makes fun of poor people, white people, women but all of a sudden it’s some evil hate crime when he said a trans woman had a thick neck like Joe Rogan lmao males are so fragile when they get a taste of their own medicine that they need the world to defend them. It’s comedy, not a Twitter hugbox

No. 1344971

>Get more pussy
Once a man always a man

No. 1344988

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I've lurked this moids account before. Its… it's really something else. He leans 100% into the devoted Muslim woman larp. How does this even happen? Most agp/troon aim for pornographic caricatures of women but this guy has just honest to God become a modest hijabi.

No. 1344994

AGPs get turned on at the thought of being humiliated, and to this moid, the most humiliating thing he can imagine is being a woman so strictly controlled by her husband/father that she isn't allowed to show her filthy woman body in public. Moids always transition into whatever sexist caricature of woman makes them coom hardest.

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No. 150448[Reply]

Ragen Chastain is a fat acceptance activist/public speaker, an extreme advocate of HAES (Health at Every Size), and a self-described "elite athlete".

She first caught the attention of the internet for her dancing, example left. She had a blog, danceswithfat, where would call herself a three-time national dance champion, even though she can barely even get both feet off the ground. This rustled the jimmies of GOMI, fph and fatlogic, where she starred in several posts about her HAES claims and became a known figure. Further investigation revealed that her dance titles were in categories with no/few other dancers for pay-to-win non-competitive social dancing:
(yes, she has her own hate site)

Then she kind of dropped the dancing thing in favour of a new endeavour: Ironfat. She purported that she would take on a full Ironman in 2016 to prove once and for all that fat people can do anything that skinny people can.

Her first attempt at running was in the Seattle marathon, which she documents here:
>says she trained 370 miles for a 26 mile marathon
>cutoff time is 8.5 hours
>actually takes her 12.5 hours
>(that’s 2 miles/hour, or 3.3 km/h)
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No. 201250

Tomorrow is race day! Ragen is in Arizona and has checked into the race!

Has anyone else been following this? You can find updates here: https://truthaboutragen.wordpress.com

I hope she at least completes the swim so the laughs can last a bit longer!

No. 201254

She's going for that Personal Record.

No. 201277

The girl in the white cammy is perf. I wish more youthful chubby girls like her were leading the HAES movement as opposed to these ugly, 400 pound midwestern mom motherfuckers. So at least when women like that say "I'm overweight but I exercise" it's much more believable than the hambeast who says the same thing but gets caught cheating a 5k race and has the dance moves of a potato.

I'm fine with fat people being who they are as long as they attempt to be active, but this Ragen bitch is a liar. Straight up. She might as well be on the same level of tumblr hams who say they're healthy but who eat junk and never exercise at all.

No. 201288

Bless you, anon, I forgot about this!

No. 1345517

A spammer made a 4 year necrobump, but Regan still hasn't finished that Iron Man.

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No. 1206481[Reply]

Winona Brooks, aka Cheyenne Green, or Winona Green (Basically, a woman of many names!) is LilBoWeep (Or LilBoTweak to one anon, including me.) or Unaloon. She's 21/23-year-old "Influencer" / "Musician" / "Contortionist" / Photoshop abuser / Junkie / GoFundMe E-Begger / Scammer on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Spotify, Depop, Apple Music and other platforms who is from Australia.
She has 176k followers on Instagram, and also sells bad porn on OnlyFans, some of which being filmed with Steven Moses (stevenmoses99 on Instagram and Twitter), LilBoTweak's ex (but then, current) boyfriend, who's another wannabe musician.
LilBoTweak cannot take any accountability whatsoever. If people point out the holes in her stories, or points out her lies, or asks why things she sold to people haven't been sent - the comments get deleted.
LilBoTweak claims to have a lot of medical issues, like lupus, holes in her stomach, an immune disorder, and even had to beg her followers for money to get surgery to get tubes implanted in her ears. Who knows if that surgery ever happened, but it certainly wasn't the only GoFundMe she started during the pandemic.
She's currently back in Australia after being stuck in America during the Pandemic, and ever since her return, she's claiming to be pregnant! Even though the baby bump photos are almost all heavily shopped, and on her friend's (@ArsonAffinity on Instagram) live's there's never a bump, and on the pictures posted of LilBoTweak there isn't. And since coming back to Australia, she's doing doing a lot of whippets, even posting pictures with her friend doing them. And yes, she's been stupid enough to be posting them even after posting about her 'pregnancy' on Twitter and Instagram.

Social Media Links:

Twitter: Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1345113

And “young girls” there is a two year difference it’s not like she’s hanging out with fucking minors

No. 1345115

I wonder, maybe they might just be a few friends that hang out and I don’t know you just don’t have to look into absolutely everything that happen like it’s any of you business

No. 1345119

Bunch of wankers you lot, you don’t know absolutely anything at all. your whacko conspiracies, you should really write a book got so interesting ideas with that bullshit(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1345124


we actually are all hand-writing this as a book of cracked out poems, thankuverymuch.

No. 1345141

The crackhead white knights are doing LBT bidding. Funny, we all knew LBT would post like a stalker on speed when Steven posted his new romance! Like fucking clockwork! Hahahahahaha! You all are a bunch of junkie vampires. LBT, is so jealous she can't even let it go. Everyone moved on but her. She lives in the past. She "decorated" her car with the past. It's just so fucking bizarre. Who does this shit outside of middle school?!! She's begging to be sued blind. What a fucking jealous, stalking, lying, ugly, fake, phoney ass bitch. If she didn't keep saying she was "leaving social media" etc etc blah blah blah we wouldn't have anything to laugh at. Jesus, the girl is seriously a creep.

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No. 1308812[Reply]

H3H3 Productions is a Youtube duo comprised of Ethan Klein and his wife, Hila Klein. Previously known for their humorous video skits, their content is now focused on podcast series such as Off The Rails, After Dark and (formerly) Frenemies featuring Trisha Paytas. After the cancelation of their show, Ethan and Trisha have been embroiled on a public feud involving other family members.


Trisha Paytas
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No. 1344951


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1344976

oh wow i remember his hair being pitch black damn…

No. 1344982

I wonder if it's for a new music video or a skit, because there are photos from a few days ago where Moses' hair is black

No. 1344985

No. 1395269

my boy tyler is making bank damn

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