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No. 1164432
Cryaotic is a YouTuber and former Twitch streamer who outed himself as a pedophile and groomer on a video posted in June. Following the video, several
victims came out with other allegations.
Last thread:
>>>/snow/997235Current events: After a
victim (Susie) was found to be false and Auri stepped off from Twitter and deleted her Discord server, anons have been discussing their doubts about Auri.
Before this all went public:
Jund leaves the LNC stream early one night after Cry flips out on him for not enjoying a SJW furry visual novel. goes manic on a privated stream June 17th
TiaBeanie (Previously went by the name Sakunora in the Cryaotic tumblr fandom) posts on Twitter about her experiences with a "Content Creator". Very quickly the content creator is revealed to be Cry himself. 20th
Cryoatic admits to cheating on Cheyenne with someone underage. Could either be Ocean or Beanie. Based on knowledge shared in past threads, it's more likely to be Ocean. soon after, he fucked up. Posts a statement on Twitter saying he made it in a manic state, and regrets it. Asks everyone to give him a few days. revels about him admitting it on Twitter. Accuses the LNC boys of knowing he cheated on her with a minor. returns: 21st
Angel posts on Twitter that she has cut ties with Cry. streams the next day to try and unwind, people ask questions about what is going on.
Stream: bits:
-Scott knew he had sexual texts with a 16 year old years ago, he confronted Cry about it saying it was creepy and Cry lied to him and told him he stopped.
-Ziegs said in chat none of them knew it continued to happen and thought it was a one off occurrence.
-Scott says Cry has been acting very weird the past few weeks, might be because of new medication he is on or something.
-Scott says Cry did not tell any of them about the video and they all got blind sided by the upload like everyone else.
-Scott knew Cry had got Red to cheat on Russ, but he had let Russ make the decision to stay or not because he felt it wasn't his place.
-Scott says they (The LNC) have removed cry from LNC. He mentions they will probably start a new show without Cry, but they need to work stuff out.
Shortly after Scott starts streaming, Cry posts this statement on Twitter. He has since been in hiding. continues to attack the LNC, saying they KNEW that Cheyenne was underaged despite her telling them for years that the relationship was legal. a screenshot of Cry telling her he loved her when she was only 16. context: Cheyenne lied to the LNC, the community, and likely to Cry about her age for years.’s makes a Twitter thread saying she & the crew were aware of creepy messages, but they thought it had stopped after that one occurrence. 22nd
Lolcow anon Auri creates a Twitter thread and posts her story & proof. many links to post, her Twitter is still up and also archived here:
>>>/snow/991718Cheyenne and Coyote go into a huge Twitter fight after Coyote unprivates the "In the Room" video.
Cheyenne bullied Coyote into reprivating the video based on it “making her want to kill herself”. Too long to archive all so here is the part in the thread with screencaps:
>>>/snow/991541The BIGGEST milk out of this Twitter fight:
Coyote reveals that she knew Ocean was underaged. also reveals that Cheyenne was blackmailing Cry with this information to stay on the stream and get more money. after Coyote deleted fucking everything and leaves Twitter.
Snake does his stream to address things from his side.
Stream: bits:
-Snake knew Cry cheated on Cheyenne, and who it was with because that person was not allowed to return. He did not know details (like age) about said person.
-Snake had read the lolcow threads about Cheyenne and Sage before, but did not read the whole thing and only saw people dogpiling Chey & Sage.
-”I don’t know how explicit I want to be just because it’s not my story to tell. But I will say that the acts that Cry performed were absolutely illegal.”``
-Cheyenne told the crew that her and Cry dating was legal and they didn’t question it after that.
-He didn’t leave after Cry cheated because “you don’t quit your job because your boss cheats on their significant other. You do your job and you don’t deal with that person.”
-Cry cheated on Cheyenne with Red as well as Ocean
-Snake was given info that the most recent inappropriate activity Cry did was 2 days before he posted his video.
Sage accused Scott Jund of abusing her and then privates her Twitter account. She did not explain ANY info or post any proof. 23rd
Cheyenne mentions a time when Jund threatening her, does not post proof “Because steam doesn’t save chat logs” and never mentions it again. streams to discuss with people. Twitch laters removed the VOD? Only the first hour of the stream is transcripted. posts on Twitter that he is in contact with someone who can legally help any
victims, and offers to connect
victims who come forward. posts a tweet addressing Red's cheating. Explains what happened with Angel and what he knew about Cheyenne & Ocean. after Russ's tweet, Angel posts a Twitlonger about Russ and Cry. then goes live
Stream: bits:
June 24th
Ziegs continues to respond to people on Twitter claiming she didn’t know Ocean was underaged. proceeds to post proof that not only did Ziegs know Ocean was underage, but Ziegs also told Ocean to stay silent or they would face repercussions. sent Beanie a message saying ALL of the crew knew, Snake shuts this down by posting a Discord chat he had with her a few days ago of her lying to him saying she didn’t know either. claims Cry is messaging her and she posts her conversation live for her Discord server.
Auri streams for the second time and claims Cry is messaging her during.
Transcript: come out and says she is the girl Cry was sending messages to 2 days before releasing his video. 25th
Maizilla comes out against Cry saying she was also groomed (as an adult) accuses Auri of faking screenshots. posts a big info dump on Cry, including proof from
victims that gave the okay for him to publicize this. claims ownership of the 1st, 7th, 9th and 13th pictures in Scott’s post. posts a twitlonger, he will be sending all the info that comes from
victims who come forward and contact all the platforms Cry is on. brings up concerns to Jund stating that Cry is claiming he has no idea who Auri is. Jund asks Auri for proof. corroborates provides proof. Chris and Scott admit it may not be 100% verifiable proof, but is enough for them. says that her a Cry were “Fuckbuddies” comes forward and says she knows another underaged
victim, but they will come out publicly on their own time. She then posts a dm the
victim has of Cry talking to her acknowledging their age. gets doxxed, nopes out.
June 26th
Auri comes back, found out who doxxed her. Was someone she knew irl who is a fan of Cry. posts screenshots of her asking Cry about his inappropriate relationships. confirms there are ~18 people so far. 28th
Ocean clearly confirms that Cry sent him pictures and video of his penis while knowing Ocean was underaged. comes out as another FWB of Cry.
Tweet: 29th
Draxr comes out with a statement actor Michaela Laws makes her stance that she believes Auri is lying, but otherwise stands with the
victims and regrets making her opinions public. 30th
Auri nopes out, again.
July 4th
Steph (aka bonne nuit) gives testimony about her relationship which spans since before Cry was on YouTube had a report from a
victim who turned out to be false and gives the advice not to believe anything blindly 5th
Auri returns.
July 10th
Snake confirms he made reports to authorities, but nothing had been done in two weeks. 15th
Cheyenne confirms she has gone "the best route" to authorities, mentioning the FBI. 9th
Cry is officially banned on Twitch 11th
Chelsey (Ast) comes out with allegations being one of the more recent
victims. Possible context may be missing. 2nd
Cry changes his pfp to "More to Come". Possibly hinting that he still intends to make a statement… eventually. 23rd
Susie came out stating she knew Cry for nearly a decade and was a 13 year old
victim (this turned out to be FALSE) 13th
After a short "deactivation" period on Twitter, anons call out Susie's attention grabbing, which causes her to admit to forging her allegations. 14th
Auri leaves again, and deletes her Discord server. Snake knew, there were 14 people involved. Last Chris knew, there were 18.
The people in question:
Ryan Terry (Cryaotic)
Youtube: LNC members:
Russ Money
Twitch: actual worst kind of people:
Twitter: who have come forward publically with evidence:
Twitter: involved in this mess:
Angel "I'm sof uwu and hungry for clout"
Twitter: tree:
Youtube: No. 1164790
>>1164780Honestly it's already a big enough issue when one considers how it negatively impacts the claims from the other
victims. Whatever scrutiny surrounded them has just tripled in light of this Susie/Auri shit.
Besides, if this issue gets higher up the law enforcement ladder, I doubt any
victims will be able to share much "new" information publicly without a risk of damaging any cases they might try to make against Cry. I'd be wildly surprised if any of us will hear about police/police records/etc.
No. 1164841
>>1164790If someone else turns out to be false, I don't see why they wouldn't share that with the public. It will no longer add anything to the case.
If they do keep it hush hush until a trial ever happens and it comes out then, it'll give Cry's lawyers a way to delegitimize any real
victims. Which is why it's better if they come out sooner rather then later, either on their own or publicly outed by an investigation.
So, lets hope there aren't any other false
victims, but if there are, they better come out of the woodwork now before they end up helping Cry's case.
At least we know Chey and Beanie and/or Ocean are legit (depending on who you think Cry was talking about in his video).
No. 1164918
>>1164841I don't know about federal law but I know a bit about FL law. The only people that would have a case would be Beanie, Chey, and Ocean. Rereading Beanie's initial post it seems as if she was groomed but there wasn't anything overly sexual before she turned 18. Cheyenne might have a decent chance if she's pursuing it correctly, but with how she's acted in the past I wouldn't be surprised if she's focusing on going after Scott and the others instead of Cry. With Ocean being the youngest and in the same state as Cry, however the statute of limitations is 3 years from the occured date or the
victims 18th birthday, so that line is missed unless Cry kept cp.
No. 1180346
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No. 1180525
>>1180346Hate to say it but that absolutely checks out, just makes his fake wokeness as he lost his mind at the end even funnier kek
>>118049116 y/o girls have low self esteem and value attention over physical attraction, especially when you don't have to stare at that neckbeard the whole time
No. 1180953
>>1180942Looks older, honestly, but still is pretty accurate
>>1180940I would be surprised if she said anything about it, no but I'd love to be proven wrong! She's just been so adamant about not outing him, wouldn't even confirm the first picture released (which is the same dude as this picture btw)
No. 1181451
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>>1180346actually i think there's more proof to confirm that this is really him. i remember when i used to watch his videos, he mentioned he wears glasses and has blue eyes. so, confirmed i guess.
No. 1181458
>>1181447Do not stalk his sisters account, you creeps.
My god, I can't believe that needs saying.
No. 1181992
>>1181553He did lose weight.
I think he was still overweight while dating Cheyenne, because I remember once she called him an "ugly fat fuck" on stream. Such a nice girlfriend.
But after Cheyenne he lost weight. I think even on his birthday stream he mentioned losing a bunch of weight.
And there's a few times he's mentioned his weight, issues with weight, and/or body type on stream.
No. 1182010
>>1181996Uhh, because this anon
>>1181553 said he deceived people because he never mentioned his weight, which he has at least a couple times. That's why I said this.
Then mentioned that they'd at least lose weight, which he has, so I said it.
It's called correcting misinformation. However you feel about it is your business, but they were making a bunch of wrong assumptions and I corrected them.
No. 1182014
>>1182010You said it like you can trust what he fucking says lol
I'm sure he's hot now, guys hahaha
No. 1182019
>>1182014Well… he said he was a bigger guy and then we get a picture of a bigger guy.
Just putting two and two together, bud. He apparently didn't lie about it. And he's not the only person who's said he's lost weight.
No. 1182071
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>>1181992Pretty sure he mentioned on his birthday/breakdown stream he had lost over 100 pounds. He had previously streamed ring fit adventure in October 2019 and put in his weight
No. 1182079
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No. 1182081
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No. 1182088
>>1182083he had the chance to be better than himself, too. many times. im not photo anon but he didn't care about the people he affected either, chey included
his "boundaries" what happened to everyone else's boundaries he crossed repeatedly?
chey is just trying to do that one last act of kindness. if she wanted she could have grilled him alive. probably still suffering from
victim mentality
the guy is not a spy. it's not his address or his financials or anything. this is a face that people have seen for years and never realized it was cry. people have spoken to him, passed by him and touched him without realizing he's a famous online creep with money and tons of women dying at his feet
No. 1182091
>>1182084>>1182087Yeah, he's a piece of shit. So we should be too?
Everyone has a right to their boundaries. Everyone. That's why this board exists, because shitty people cross boundaries. Because one asshole crosses someone else's boundaries doesn't give others the right to cross theirs. It's all disgusting.
No. 1182092
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here's another gem, had to cover the other person's face and tattoos
No. 1182098
>>1182091personally I wouldn't have cared how he looked if he wasn't an asshole
cryaotic: insecure overweight guy uses his lack of face reveal and relatively nice voice to woo countless young women sexually and emotionally while unable to deal with his own self-image and the reality of what he ended up creating
there are some legit ugly men on youtube and twitch making a killing because they are taken seriously. nobody would fucking care what cry looks like. but he had to sell an image to make himself feel better which fine, whatever, BUT then he went and couldn't keep it in his pants EVEN WHEN HE HAD A GIRFLRIEND
the guy legitimately had a person who loved him and wanted him and he couldn't even be happy with that.
No. 1191641
>>1182092It's still funny to me how he's not just a regular very ugly guy, he's like turbo-fugly fat ginger AGP smile neckbeard.
I honestly didn't expect it to be
this bad lol
No. 1193388
>>1191351god i still dont like angel.. something is so off about her and how she has inserted herself into the spot of one of cry's
victimsalso i find it weird that her and russ are streaming together again… like dude..
No. 1193424
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>>1193388I don't blame you. She's a liar. I mean in her statement she said she never dated Cry, but one of her friends slipped after Maya gave her statement.
Angel was super clingy with Cry, especially anytime he spoke to another woman. Even other female streamers, she'd pull him off stream to yell at him and basically tell him he was only allowed to stream with her. She used him for his fame and his clout, and when becoming a
victim became more lucrative, she jumped on that train.
Also it's funny how she is with Russ these days considering how much shit she used to talk about him behind his back.
No. 1193512
>>1193424She never said she didn't date him. She said she didn't date him for 2 years. She was very obviously affected by a lot, and I don't think it's wrong for her to talk to others that were too, but like, hate her if you want, lol
You guys hate all the girls involved.
No. 1193523
>>1193424lol, tehchan. I saw her go crazy on discord after everything. She was like obsessed with cry, everything she did was dedicated to him. Really troubled kid though, she talked about an
abusive family a lot, but like had also said she used to fantasize about cry raping her. So fucked up.
No. 1194002
>>1193777Cry isn't a narcissist.
You think he is because he took advantage of people? That's not what a narcissist is. It's only a small part.
Narcissists center everything around themselves in a hostile way. They get easily angered "Narcissistic rage" being a thing. When argued with they fight back. Nothing is ever their fault.
I'd like to remind you how Cheyenne always acts when someone talks about what she did to Zeigs. Her apologies are angry, never sincere, and always come with a reason why she wasn't really responsible.
They believe that they should be revered when they're reviled. If Cry were a narcissist, he'd still be in the public eye, fighting to prove how amazing he is.
They hold grudges like nothing else, remembering every slight against them and using it against the person who slighted them. I don't remember that being in any of the allegations.
Narcissists are manipulators, but they do so through guilt and making the other person seem like the villain or to gaslight people into questioning themselves. And it's usually vindictively. While the
victims made it seem like Cry manipulated them by being overly nice and flirty. Not a narcissistic trail.
Seriously, if you do a google search on what narcissists do to people, it matches Cry's girlfriends more than him.
No. 1194016
>>1194002Being nice and flirty is a narcissist trait. At least in the beginning, before they unmask and show that they're actually controlling and hostile. He did manipulate through guilt, but I don't think very many statements actually showed that he ever became hostile though.
I remember a bunch of
victims said he treated them really well to the point that they didn't realize he was manipulating them.
No. 1194104
>>1194063My definition came from having a narcissist in my family. Having an ego isn't narcissism on its own. They are not just manipulative but incredibly destructive and always think they are in the right. Once you've been under one, they are easy to spot.
I don't even think Cry had much of an ego. He joked about his ego, but he also used some of those fans, particularly Beanie as a therapist. I remember at least twice when he'd ask people if they thought he was a bad person. I don't even think he liked himself, and you don't need to be full of yourself in order to manipulate people to feel better about yourself.
Aside from "enjoying power and manipulation" based off of his need to use his fans to validate himself makes him a sad, lonely POS, not a narcissist.
No. 1194143
>>1194104nah man. also have experience with narcissists. you're way off. his behaviour lines up perfectly.
your opinions your opinion though ig.
No. 1194373
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Well for anyone who hasn't seen these. I'll post them here. Angel used to claim that Russ was emotionally abusive to her, basically, and it's why she distanced herself from him and went to Cry.
Now Cry is gone, so might as well go back to Russ instead of finding a healthy relationship.
No. 1194379
>>1194373Is this seriously her shit talking him, though? I haven't been able to read every thread, there's so much, but I thought it'd be much worse than this. This is like the same shit talking everyone does with their friends when dealing with a bad relationship.
It does sound like they should move on from each other, however, their relationship does sound
toxic af
No. 1194398
>>1194379No, this isn't shit talking. She doesn't shit talk in public.
I have some of her shit talking, but I'd have to ask the person she was DMing if I can share them. No promises.
No. 1194587
>>1194398Except this wasn't said publicly, it was said in a private discord. I remember because that was the response about people being upset about this stuff, she had said it privately and felt bad that it had been shared.
You guys sure do like to attack anyone involved except the nonce himself. Who the fuck cares if Russ and Angel used to fight… And no longer do. Good for them for being mature and working through things, I guess?
No. 1194773
>>1194587AKA she shared it to multiple people, some of whom she may not trust completely instead of a fair few that she airs all her grievances to. I wouldn't talk shit about someone in a private Discord but I will shit talk to a close friend.
Anyway, everyone sucks here. Cry is a pedo. Russ is
abusive. Cheyenne is still the psycho bitch she's always been. Angel might as well be a sex doll with how fake she is. Ocean keeps to himself in public but gossips with the rest of them behind closed doors. Beanie never shuts the fuck up. None of them even know how to cut the fucking cord and move on. They all might as well keep sucking Cry's dick.
I can keep going, but honestly who even fucking matters anymore?
No. 1194805
>>1194773 I agree with a lot of this, however
I'm sure you've trusted people it turns out you couldn't trust. I don't fault someone for something like that.
Calling Angel a sex doll is apt, but I don't think it's because she is fake, she just accepts anyone's attention. She's desperate and pathetic if anything.
I wouldn't consider discussing a shared experience with other people who shared that experience gossiping. WE gossip, Ocean, I'm sure is still processing things, along with Beanie, which is why she never shuts up. I don't think it's them "not moving on" as much as them trying to heal.
I still fully believe that Auri was fake though, I know she wasn't mentioned, but that susie stuff was so weird and I don't think she was a real person affected by everything. Just imo.
No. 1196653
>>1196613Yeah, looking back on everything, that was really gross and she was probably trying to cash out.
I don't think Cheyenne tried for pity bucks, actually. Surprising since she tried so hard for money when she was with him but I'm sure having a girlfriend and a house has calmed her down for money grubbing and she's just a regular old bitch now lol
No. 1197445
>>1194002Sage for late and also simping for the LNC guys, but look at how he treated Jund (esp that LNC with the PS trailers) and Russ. He may have hidden it better with the women he solicited behind closed doors, but he was constantly painting this picture that Jund was the Antiachrist and he was just so uwu good, trying to teach this nasty, vile man how to be Woke. In reality, he clearly hated that Jund is practically a Chad vs Cry's ginger neckbeard, and he wasn't afraid to stand up to Cry. He gaslit an entire community into thinking Jund was an asshole so that he could pull that card anytime he brought up a reasonable complaint.
Cry's exes may also be narcs/have traits, but you can't agree that he doesn't just as much lol
No. 1199998
>>1199867They also have a cat and I remember they had a turtle at one point unless they killed it or gave it away.
They DO have a ton of animals, I'm sure she has a job… Gotta, right?
No. 1234989
>>1234310No milk, she's just playing games.
And the anniversary is coming up of when he admitted he was a groomer, so I'm guessing all the
victims are feeling on edge lately.
No. 1269087
>>1164432so why was the op cut up so much?
it's just copied from here
>>>/snow/999559leaving out stuff like what ziegs did, the list of
victims? weird, op…
No. 1269520
>>1269087I can kind of understand the
victim list since some of them turned out to be fake, but yeah leaving out the Ziegs stuff is sus.
No. 1271102
>>1271094Anon you are joking right? she did a full video evidence showing with discord and went through her profile & dms with cry. yes it was censored but scott was sent the full uncensored one
she was doxxed and being stalked by cry's fuck buddies, i'd gtfo too, they're fucking psychos
auri probably posted the second most proof only being beaten by beanie
even ocean didnt have that much physical proof but you still believe him im assuming???
No. 1272100
>>1271102And yet all of her video evidence were things that she already made public. Her scrolling was very deliberate.
When she first posted on lolcow, the old account (that hid her real name) also had sexting on it. She tweeted those sexts but later deleted it, but it's still on lolcow.
The dates from the sexting show it came before the "I can't do this anymore, goodbye" message which was the FIRST message on the video from that account, which wouldn't be possible as even if she deleted her side, she can't delete Cry's.
Also, why was that her first message to him on that account if they had a history? Sus.
If there was a third account, I'd assume it wouldn't use her name, so why hide it?
On top of that, whenever she was live posting about "talking to Cry" she said the conversation went on for longer. About an hour, I believe. She said that she was considering posting more on twitter but never did.
So basically, everything that was on the video was only things public. She could have shown so much more. So much history. She could have scrolled months and months too fast to show anything, but she didn't.
Everything about her screams fake. The fact that she lived in the same area as Susie makes her more sus.
And the fact that Ocean and Beanie don't follow her anymore is interesting too, but I doubt they'd say anything on it.
No. 1272243
>>1272208Personally I care. If she's fake, and she most likely is, it means that she took advantage of an already emotional and traumatic experience for a lot of people, put herself in the middle of it, made money from it, then continued to milk drama out of it for months on Twitter and her own Discord server, before finally making a mistake with Susie and leaving.
She's just as bad as he is, and I refuse to count her as a
No. 1272267
>>1272261When she made her Twitch, she set up donations and received hundreds of dollars.
Don't make a contest out of their behavior. They both manipulated and took advantage of people. In different ways but it makes them both bad people.
No. 1272270
>>1272268I said don't make a contest of their behavior, and you make a contest of their behavior. My entire point was she's a bad person, and yes I believe she's fake. There's too many reasons to think so.
I'm assuming you're the same anon as above, so if you truly don't care about Auri, why are you arguing?
No. 1272607
>>1272435Did I ever say "Cry isn't that bad?" No.
I simply stated my opinion that Auri is as bad as he is. He manipulated dozens of people for a decade. She manipulated thousands for months. That is my opinion. And false allegations around sexual misconduct is disgusting, no matter who it's pointed to. It shouldn't be condoned.
I did not at any point downplay his actions. I simple said don't make a contest of it. This convo was about Auri, not Cry.
No. 1272706
>>1272695It's not a contest, and you treating it like it is is childish.
victims do not need the help of false
victims voices and lies to amplify their own stories. They said as much when Susie admitted to being fake. It just muddies the truth.
When everything came out, it was more than someone's 10 bucks. As I said, it was emotional and traumatic, and she took advantage of that. Of thousands of peoples emotions for money, clout, and whatever else.
People are still finding about about everything, and her story is still part of it when all people want and deserve is the truth. And Cry should be punished, but only for things he actually did.
False accusers should also get repercussions, but usually don't. It's disgusting.
You can be offended that I think that she's that bad. I hate liars with a passion.
But I did not downplay what Cry did. If anything I'm overstating what Auri did, because I feel that strongly about it. You don't have to.
If you don't agree with me, that's fine. Be offended, but again, that's childish.
No. 1272723
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looks like cry let his nitro run out, he's prob on another discord account at this point but leaves this one on to misdirect. he also took off the groomer role (again because he removed it once before and it was added back)
also a bit late but dunkey used cryaotic fanart in his video making fun of dream cheating>>1272706stfu no one cares what you think jfc yeah we get it "cry bad BUT AURI IS ALSO BAD WAHH"
auri wasnt confirmed fake, you're just pissy for no reason and assuming she was fake because she got money out of it when chey literally based her whole career on it, stay mad about it
No. 1272823
>>1272804People do actually. Just not you. And I have gotten over it. I wasn't the one complaining about another person's opinion. It's everyone else that are the fussy fucks and think being a dick is how to shut someone up.
Hasn't worked yet, has it? Try another tack.
No. 1272859
>>1272852Well, you're delusional. Wrong person. BTW, I'm not this anon:
>>1271094 or this anon
>>1270952 (which are probably the same ones).
I don't know if they agree with me, but I figured I'd point that out since you seem to be thinking that besides Beckens, I'm the only person who would think Auri is fake. I only pointed out a few reasons why I think Auri is fake, and I think they're pretty good ones.
If you want to move on from this conversation then stop replying.
No. 1272945
>>1272859I actually also think Auri is fake, I just don't think it matters and this is a Cryaotic board. I think you're obsessed with hating her because she's a woman. Beckens is your nickname now though!
Sorry you hate her so much, Beckens, but your boyfriend did so much worse.
No. 1273294
>>1271120Original anon you were responding to back. I agree with
>>1272100 on all of the points that they listed. Additionally I want to point out that Auri never existed prior to coming out with the allegations. Every other
victim was either a mod or known in the community, but Auri just appeared, and was the only one who befriended / got a confession from the only confirmed liar from all of this. Why was she the only one doxxed/harassed out of every
victim as well? Why was she the ONLY one that Cry focused on?
I believe Beanie because Cry basically admitted to it (even tho imo his video wasn't about her, but thats tinfoil), Cheyenne obviously isn't lying about Cry, and she confirmed that he cheated on her with a 16 year old multiple times, which fits Ocean's age and Cheyenne's own confirmations via tweet interactions, so I believe him on word alone, the extra screenshots incriminating Ziegs were just filler.
Every time I check the cryaotic tag on twitter I see people talking about how there are liars and bring up Susie. If there are more liars out there, I'd rather them get ousted sooner than later. She kept crying about it for months publicly after most of the others had stopped to continue baiting attention.
>>1272945Also lmao at this? I'm not the anon being replied to but just because they're calling Auri fake does not mean they're defending Cry
No. 1273306
>>1273294Proof of Twitter talking about liars consistently? I look and literally just see talks of him being a pedo and comparisons to dream. This is an imageboard after all, it would be a good idea to post examples.
Regardless of Auri being fake, it doesn't matter. He groomed 3 minors! Admitted to it! Manipulated everyone around him. I'm not saying that anyone is defending Cry, I'm saying that comparing Auri to him is unfair to the actual lives he ruined in the 10 years he preyed upon others.
No. 1274037
>>1273294Literally no one is talking about Auri or Susi or any of the
victims lying. I searched all over Twitter and couldn't see any mention of that. Why lie about something so easily disproven?
No. 1274086
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>>1180346Who was the stand in for his stream then? I've always though this was his face back then.
No. 1274106
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>>1274089Man you weren't kidding.
No. 1274149
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>>1274106That’s Russ. This anorexic hobo is Scott
No. 1274166
>>1274149Ah thanks for the clarification. I think he still looks alright, except for the Jewfro.
>>1274161Searched for Scott Jund in Google Images and he came up.
No. 1274187
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>>1274181Fuck off, retard
No. 1274190
>>1274149He's a hot hobo he can squat in this pussy.
I doubt Ari is a fake. She's probably embellished some details but the guy is a creep he probably hit in every cute person he saw.
No. 1274623
>>1274594I don't think he thinks he can escape if he moved. I honestly think it's probably past statute of limitations but I honestly don't know, just that you can see there's no other cases against him.
But, if you look up his address you can see he bought the house in 2014 and it hasn't been listed for sale yet so he definitely hasn't sold it.
No. 1274829
>>1274623Was it ever discussed what charges could even be brought against him? Asking because I legit do not remember if anything specific was ever brought up.
If we're talking statute of limitations shouldn't there be a specific crime named?
No. 1274882
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>>1274550Blacked out their names and personal information, as well as any other party involved. It’s not really related to the whole grooming situation, but it’s interesting regardless. Pretty sure the plan to move in 2021 was set in motion the moment his address leaked last year and all the shit went down. Easy way for him to just slip away. Surprised he hasn’t changed his name yet.
No. 1293706

okay so I'm not American, someone please help me out because it's driving me insane. Cry's… accent? way of speaking? Whatever you want to call it, is it local to Florida? Is the way he slurs and speeds up and talks just a "way", like do lots of other guys talk like him? I ask because there's a Youtuber called Lucron who is very ~mysterious (no pic of his face anywhere) and I swear he sounds exactly like Cry, if Cry had toned down the bass/depth in his voice (and even then sometimes it shines through). Didn't someone say years ago that Cry did boost the depth of his voice online to sound deeper?
I realize this is total tinfoil territory. This channel started doing WoW videos mostly, and then made 1 video that exploded about WoW vs Final Fantasy 14. It's probably his most viewed video at the moment. His channel seems to have started in 2016, but it's definitely picked up since the FF videos. Even the way he types on Twitter or his videos matches Cry, to me it's actually kind of creepy, but I don't know if this is generic Floridian or if this Lucron guy is just so unfortunately like Cry that it feels like him making his own appearance outside of Cryaotic. This could honestly be some random chump on the internet who sounds like him, but the total mystery of him strikes me as odd.
Also btw this video is old so the mic quality isn't great, it does improve later in later videos. Also this guy Lucron has two Twitter accounts, one seems semi-abandoned now but he used to use both at some point. I hope I've just wrapped the tinfoil too tightly around my head, tbh.
No. 1294181
>>1293706Oh wow, yeah he sounds a crazy lot like Cry, especially in the more recent videos. I can see what you mean, anon.
However, the overall tone to his voice is slightly different, so imo that’s definitely not Cry.
Something I’ve noticed (not of recent obviously) is that some smaller YouTubers sort of adopted his personality because back then, Cry was perceived as this charming, funny guy with a voice that everyone loved.
This guy probably used to be a fan of Ryan, adopted his personality and the way he speaks years ago and just stuck with it.
No. 1294197
>>1294181Thank you, honestly it feels validating that it's not just me. Due to his burst of popularity for the WoW vs FF14 video he was even invited on a stream podcast to discuss the development, and everyone else had a cam and he didn't. Now, some nerd being private isn't exactly groundbreaking, and he even has the word "'sup" in the thumbnail of a video (also in the video I posted he's playing Warframe which is literally where his username Cryaotic came from), but again Warframe is a popular mmo so it's not exactly connecting any dots.
He even made a tweet or comment somewhere about family troubles, his family "falling apart" and things like that. I really hope this guy isn't actually Cry making a sly comeback, it wouldn't surprise me if Cry years ago had some alts or usernames for other things, that's the least suspicious thing.
It's one of those things where I haven't actually seen a Cry video in so long that this Lucron dude is starting to morph into him and I wanted some external feedback to make sure I haven't lost my mind yet. It makes sense that a lot of other guys wanted to emulate his way of talking to be honest, he was so popular with women I kind of forgot that other dudes would have looked up to him as well.
No. 1294393
Out of curiosity I pitched down one of his videos, and he does sound almost identical.
This is the video I pitched down, after browsing his channel a little bit this is the one that I felt like had the most mannerisms to Cry: don't know, I wouldn't say for sure that it's him because it's most likely not and we don't wanna harass some random dude but.. yeah it's creepy especially after I pitched it down. (his voice is a little bit more stuffy than crys i would note)
I also scrolled through his twitter for a while and personally I've never seen anyone besides him and Cry type like that.
At the same time, we'd be grabbing at straws to say it's absolutely him.
No. 1294438
>>1294393Yeah, like I would never go harass the man but remember in Cry's breakdown video right before everything went to shit and his voice was higher pitched and more light as opposed to his usual deep voice? It struck me exactly as that time from Cry's life, when he wasn't trying to sound deep and mysterious. He almost sounded like a different person in that video and it was clearly because he was emotional and cracking.
On the other hand it's likely not him at all (I mean from a realistic, non-tinfoil standpoint) but WOW does it sound like him, the mannerisms and the way he stutters and slurs over his words, the long pauses, the editing, the way he types on Twitter, the very simple video descriptions that never seem to explain much. An anime fan videogamer who likes story based games is a dime a dozen so he's not exactly a rare specimen but once it clicked in my head who he reminded me of, it honestly gave me a weird feeling.
I dunno, the only person who could probably only verify 100% is Chey as she's the one who heard him IRL and in every sort of situation and she's not exactly the person you'd go to ask about it lol. I'm not planning on tweeting or messaging her about it either as it's not her business.
No. 1307556
>>1181996Do you know him irl? Any update on what he’s doing now?
I imagine he’s working at Wendy’s.
No. 1314076
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Arcadum pulling a Cry is pretty ironic. At least so far none of the people involved were minors so there's that.
Pretty sure his D&D campaign was the last thing Jund, Russ and Snake played in together? So that's probably the end of that.
Links to Arcadum's
victims statements, there's quite some overlap with people who were also in Cry's fanbase: No. 1314171
>>1314076im really not surprised about arcadum bc when the cry stuff came out he was the ONLY one who kept in contact with cry. everyone in the LNC & ppl he streamed with blocked him minus arcadum who was openly tweeting about still being in contact with cry who knows maybe he still is in contact w/ cry
creeps usually stick together
No. 1314247
>>1314076They actually started another DND campaign with some other DM after they finished Arcadum's thing, so still doing stuff together I guess.
Shame they never went back to doing a group game stream thing though, TBH none of their solo channels are particularly good. Oh well
No. 1314516
>>1314247That's a matter of personal opinion, I guess. I enjoy them separately.
You guys think Arcadum and Cry are still talking, maybe? Could have consulted him with an "apology" like that.
No. 1337092
>>1334726This place is public and anonymous. There's not much you can do about it.
Case in point, I just bumped this thread, for no reason other than the fact that it will make people like you mad.
>>1314516Belated, but he was big on "I will be there for my friend because he needs Support uwu" and he'd always "have a spot at [Arcadum's] table."
Safe to say, he publicly might have denounced him, but he saw no issues with Cry's behavior, so it's not a stretch to say that they've probably been talking.
No. 1386885
>>1386645well this would be the best thread to ask about it. it's not Cry I'm interested in, I just want to know what came of court cases and lawyers and
victims and his upcoming "non manic explanation video" or anything of the like.
No. 1387657
>>1386885Bluntly, there isn't anything yet. Court stuff takes time. like, on the scale of years, and there's been a pandemic which as certainly caused some issues.
Plus, as I recall, there's some general doubt on how much of what happened is 'actionable'–some parts may be beyond the statute of limitations (aka, too old) while others… Unfortunately, being a jerk and lying and manipulating people into saying sexy words to you online isn't a crime if both are consenting adults.
So, basically speaking, we may never get closure on this. Things may be settled quietly, there may even be nondisclosure agreements–which could ALSO be part of why we don't hear anything right now.
I check this thread every few months, usually when someone reminds me that Florida exists. I'd suggest you do the same. If he's smart, he'll never show his face (metaphorically) on the internet again (at least, claiming to be himself.)
No. 1388224
>>1386313JundAnon who watches him pretty regularly. Other than immediately afterwards, he doesn't discuss anything related to Cry, and people eventually stopped asking, mostly because he's got his own following from DbD and Souls games.
If you're into DbD, he tends to have people try to suck him into drama from time to time and there are a LOT of potential cows in that community (including his fiance), but less creeps and more losers that take a non-competitive game way too seriously.
Sadly, aside from the Arcadium shit, there's no milk here.