File: 1593074551160.png (65.24 KB, 246x246, 6oScekhK_400x400.png)

No. 994635
Cryaotic drops the bomb that he's been in inappropriate relationships with at least one minor, more info comes out soon after that it was multiple fans, (up to 14 people so far, though most are adults & LIST IS PRIVATE SO FAR, SNAKE KNOWS)
Cry's video: an unlisted Stream where he has a manic episode: LNC has officially removed Cry from being a member, none of the old members seem to want anything to do with him now. They are debating on continuing on their own but things are still up in the air and everyone is still learning new things.
RUSS: makes statement of Cry's unfaithfulness towards Cheyenne being related to Red and later known as Ocean who was 16 at the time. Jund originally called Cry a bad person that's relatable but as information came in private, redacted said statement and later called him "evil"
Snake is currently looking into legal action for
Zieg's caught hiding information from Crew members in Skype logs from Ocean. received messages from Cry and him telling her that he still loves them.
Maizilla comes out with information on Cry's abuse of power. makes a reply to Russ' statement. reveals that her and Zieg's knew how old Ocean was when Cry cheated on Cheyenne.
No. 994655
File: 1593075192607.jpeg (Spoiler Image,165.5 KB, 828x404, 9A6C63B0-3447-4B7C-BE9F-3B44DE…)

things seem to keep getting worse and worse. Yikes.
No. 994660
>>994657Doubt it, cry is too much of a puss to actually pull it off.
I'm sure he's already attempted though in the past few days.
No. 994668
File: 1593075549552.png (209.9 KB, 1345x811, 12336498965463216546.png)

(bringing this over from the shit thread)
Cry messaged Auri during her stream wanting her to stop streaming and call him. I believe she was messaging him after that while still streaming. After awhile she started to break down and cry saying she wished she didn't tell her story because she's worried Cry will hurt himself all because of her. Then she ended the stream. It's worth noting that a minute or two after putting that screenshot up she immediately felt bad for being rude to Cry and took it down.
No. 994673
File: 1593075671613.jpeg (318.18 KB, 1527x1527, 368F825C-09E2-407D-9169-47DF3C…)

Section from the possible victim Dove, random user and Snake himself when Cry called her.
It would be pretty fucked if Cry does end up charming her to get back with him. I doubt that would work at this point though, since she has so much backup.
No. 994689
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No. 994696
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No. 994710
>>994689I see a common trend of people not being too harsh on the man and then finding out something else that makes them furious but refusing to disclose
What in the actual shit is he hiding
No. 994723
>>994714To my knowledge, everyone is waiting for Cry (and/or the
victims) to release his response to give him a chance to fess up himself.
If he doesn't by a certain time (Sunday?) - then Jund is bringing it all out himself.
That and i'm guessing alot of it is out of respect for the
victims that haven't come out yet.
No. 994724
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No. 994726
>>994721Probably thought it would free him, probably didn't see the backlash coming.
Been said he was off since his b-day, and recently he started his meds.
No. 994730
>>994728>>994727There's an old picture of his face out there/in the last thread.
Everyone is avoiding doxxing him for the safety of his family living with him (incl. his niece) even if it's just a picture, it can lead it back to them easily
No. 994731
>>994728so finding the address and all is legal in florida, but it treads into illegal when it's used for stalking or harassment, which I'm sure he could easily pull as a uwu internet celebrity, but it also doesn't necessarily take a
victim to do that. property tax records are a thing and he has some tweets that hint. so much for being secretive or whatever.
No. 994733
>>994731i mean if anyone is interested enough there is enough information in all of these threads to find his address/family, ive loosely found the street he lives on lmao. plus im sure the lnc/
victims probably know exactly where he lives.
(encouraging cowtipping) No. 994734
File: 1593077845939.png (46.42 KB, 737x379, 43243241234.png)

Who could have known
No. 994739
>>994735You really going to bully her into not streaming or say something mean about her doing a wonderful thing? cmon. go support a charity yourself
No. 994740
>>994733lol yeah.
plus there was a thread on twitter during a hurricane where jund was informing him specifically his house would be fine, knowing that his house was up to code and not in the major hurricane windfield, so at least one person does know.
No. 994742
File: 1593078206493.png (768.41 KB, 3840x2326, thelatenightshitshow_v2.png)

Updated the timeline with latest info from Beckens, Maya and Simpite.
No. 994752
>>994747I'd guess either;
A. Worried her about self-harm and she wants to wait until he's safe
B. She got frustrated/emotionally drained and just resigned
C. She's saving it for the potential legal case or if he doesn't confess completely
No. 994765
>>994759his family doesn't deserve that. if he's supporting his nephew, that kid deserves at least some stability imo. i don't know much about his family but no one deserves to lose a loved one, no matter how shitty they are. suicide leaves holes in families
>>994761people were memeing that this was therapy money, but you're right - i don't mean to blog post here but therapy helped me move on from being groomed myself, it's vital
No. 994766
>>994760I WISH that was the reason I got angry at him lmao
He's straight up evil after what I found out, but I promise you guys will find out eventually, if not from him, from the rest of us
I want to apologize if it looks like I'm doing this to cash in on my trauma or whatever, that isn't what this is about at all
You guys told me to make this twitter account and I did so without knowing how much it would blow up, but I want to thank those who encouraged me to do it because its gotten more people to speak up and put their stories out there.
A lot of you are massive cunts, but you helped
So thank you
No. 994767
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No. 994768
File: 1593080499996.png (97.18 KB, 600x830, wit.png)

nother one; not sure if posted yet
No. 994779
>>994767Becken is pretty much saying Auri used a fake account to talk with Cry.
Honestly just show Discord ID or gtfo.
No. 994783
>>994778Poisoning the well is exactly what was occurring.
>>994776It should be reminded that Beckens is basically dating Cry, despite the controversy, by her own admission. Of course it's natural for her to defend her boy toy.
No. 994789
jesus christ it's hard to keep track of this anymore. i thought beckens was back pedaling about supporting cry, but now she's on his side again??
>>994787sage ur bait posting
No. 994792
File: 1593081518234.png (17.65 KB, 585x100, save.png)

another instance that shouldn't go unnoticed:
No. 994793
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No. 994795
File: 1593081654067.png (22.53 KB, 1277x353, e740a662d03fdc9728f204581d2a0b…)

>>994766Make sure to donate all this like you said you would and show the receipt!
No. 994800
File: 1593081808108.png (63.38 KB, 1197x556, 6b0aebba48f16062424488d613e96f…)

Auri removes discord link
No. 994804
>>994797The reason why i say to record opening your discord as well, is so that no one can accuse that you edited/faked messages.
You don't have to do that for us particularly, but I would suggest if your not lying to do that in case you decide to go against cry in court; aka do it to defend yourself and your position.
No. 994807
>>994806This seriously cements the fact that he IS a manipulator. No more excuses for him anymore. He cannot hide behind his mental illnesses and use them as a crutch for this.
Fuck man. This circus act is getting out of hand.
No. 994809
>>994667Reread your own post and recognize that suicide is a
choice, not a literal death sentence. You don't get to make shit decisions in life and get off scot-free. People are a lot more adaptable than you think.
This guy is 31 years-old and didn't have a plan B career for when YouTube/Twitch inevitably collapsed for one reason or another? That's on him, and on all youtubers/streamers that don't think of a Plan B for that matter. YouTube/Twitch/Mixer/etc. are all relatively new and unstable platforms that could be gone tomorrow in the blink of an eye, only a fool would think being an internet entertainer is a stable career.
There are anons here that have lived through poverty and still made it okay. Life can get pretty awful, but only a coward "becomes an hero" when shit gets bad.
No. 994812
>>994808totally. the Beckens attack on Auri almost seems orchestrated. on top of the pattern of the 14+
No. 994816
>>994808Same, with the Auri flirting and the Beckens situation there's no way he doesn't know what he's doing at this point.
It's unnerving how the image this paints is a complete 180 from the person I thought he was. Can't wait for saturday, since who really expects him to make a comprehensive video.
No. 994818
>>994815Many states have a statute of limitations of 10, I think in case of sexual offenses of a minor in florida it has no statute of limitation meaning he can be sued for it no matter how long ago…
But most of the
victims are in different states/countries so I'm not sure how that will go.
No. 994820
File: 1593083607668.png (22.16 KB, 426x264, k7ztmhg.png)

I think the best thing for Auri to do would be to follow the advice given prior, which is to provide definitive proof that the screenshots she has shared are legitimate. I don't want to discredit her but I think it should be taken with a hefty grain of salt until it has been proven that these messages are undoubtetly from Cry himself. You don't even have to use a fake account to edit messages in a way that makes them look real. All it takes is a prior existing chat and you can liberally edit by going into the console and screwing around with the source code. Anything from name, date, messages etc. can be changed from there.
No. 994827
File: 1593083914429.gif (235.49 KB, 680x680, 1591679264305.gif)

>>994817>I though these forums were about facts first, gossip secondIt's all about the milk, baby.Weens can eat shit though, and I'm certain the people that are weening don't even know what that means since this is so many people's first exposure to lolcow and other similar sites.
>I think we should all keep our bullshit neutral until we know everything. Right?Only in the sense that everyone involved with LNC is worthy of a good laugh. How tf did anyone let things get this bad?
No. 994830
>>994820Honestly I believe auri and everyone else who showed logs. Just because I don't think they are smart enough to fake shit…
However, doesn't mean cryaotic can't claim it's faked. So if they care enough, they should try to concrete proof their evidence. ESPECIALLY when it comes to a lawsuit…
Because it would be pretty easy for cry to just say all his
victims faked it.
Although for skype, I believe you can request chat history directly with them for legal reasons….
Discord, I don't think they provide chat logs on demand, even for legal reasons… Could be wrong though..
No. 994831
>>994767lol what? auri ended the stream saying she was going to rest after crying and feeling awful. not to call and talk with cry. why is beckens lying and discrediting a
victim and doing great?
screams to me that shes being validated and manipulated by him like everyone else and that shes happy to be the center of his attention now that he's burnt every other bridge.
No. 994842
>>994832thats just an assumption though. maybe she talked to the crew or other
victims and realized the extent of the abuse
No. 994845
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I think this one's my favorite so far. Do these women really think they don't have any agency of their own? You can't be "groomed" as an adult, by someone who's the same goddamned age. That's not what grooming is.
No. 994849
>>994845It's funny a lot of amercan women are "strong" until they are given opportunity to play it out like they were the
victim. If you can't say no to a guy asking for pics in your 20s you are just as pathetic.
No. 994850
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No. 994851
>>994823meh, idk. they're all different people and didn't necessarily run in the same circles before or after all of this. plus i think there'd be obvious divison/tension since some of these people thought they were the main person he was talking to and see some of the other
victims as who he cheated with. i think there's a common thread of being in the lnc fandom, but beyond that, they're all different people who went different ways and had different lives after their experiences, so i wouldn't totally expect everyone to yesman each other.
No. 994860
>>994844Probably found out a mod exposed him about something, and so is taking it out on all mods.
Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people are betraying cryaotic due to what he did.
Lot of secrets are probably being spilled…
No. 994862
File: 1593085814924.jpg (14.47 KB, 480x453, 60462130_2162797507149842_1368…)

I was the anon that suggested to Auri that they start a new account so that they can share their story. I didn't think they'd start rubbing elbows with everyone and getting all the ~inside scoops, constantly flip flop their opinions and start streaming with donations open. I can see now that was a mistake because they wasted no time establishing themselves, they won't even need their personal accounts anymore lmao all the attention and clout (and money) is coming to an alt they made on a whim
This is getting ridiculous tbh. Everyone say they have this super piece of disgusting info that made everyone squirm and call him evil but nobody wants to actually do something about it, they are all just talking about it publicly about how gross it is etc
And people are pointing fingers at each other, people calling each other liars, there has been zero actual new information out there except that cry is supposedly still talking to people like a creepo, wow big news
No. 994869
>>994862To be fair auri is the only one who is being active with lolcow in trying to provide milk to some degree.
But I agree on the rest.
I have a feeling sunday/saturday is going to end up disappointing tbqh.
No. 994874
>>994870Both to be honest.
If no one here told her to make an account and to stream she probably wouldn't have.
If no one told her to record, she probably wouldn't have.
She's literally part of the lolcow community and is making this at least a bit less dull by providing content.
At first I thought the same that she was taking advantage of the situation.. But then I realized, she's literally providing this thread with milk when there is a drought. She's also trying to please everyone here and is basically just doing what is suggested. So, fuck it.
She's okay in my book. :)
(:)) No. 994875
>>994872i'm excited for ryan's video. predictions:
title: i'm sorry.
description: empty
thumbnail: black screen
contents: talking about his daddy issues and how hard his family life has been. insinuates suicide bait to get the younger audience's sympathy. doesn't even address maya, auri, beanie, etc by name.
comment section: turned off
No. 994881
>>994875Why would we shit on him?
He publicly opposed him like everyone else, to my knowledge he's stayed in contact strictly to make sure Cry doesn't off himself.
No. 994882
>>994878Arcadum is probably the only real guy friend cryaotic has left.
Arcadum isn't going to inform anyone of anything and will keep everything cry says between them private.
No. 994884
>>994871>>994869fair I appreciate Auri giving the screenshots and being active. It's just annoying how it feels like everyone knows the Big Secret but nothing is actually happening about it
If Cry is not taking responsibility I wonder if the reality of his video actually hit him and he's trying to pull the brakes to save himself. He was all "I'm sorry I want to show you how much I've grown since then", that feels like a lifetime ago now.
Legit the guy played himself. Instead of living a normal social life and being outside and forming friendships and having a steady relationship that he could see when he wanted to, he became an uncontrollably sexual bedroom dweller who hits on legit anyone who gives him attention regardless of age. He's been doing this almost a decade now, if not even more.
Actually tbh the gaming on steam part to me is the LEAST bad thing he could be doing. If he's gaming solo and not multiplayer hitting up other people with his scumminess, let the monkey amuse itself with its toys. It's not like he has anything else in his life to do! He has no hobbies off the computer, he never leaves the house, his own family probably doesn't even know what's going on. He's pathetic, let him play his games
No. 994885
>>994878>>994882Arcadum does not consider cry a friend. He told cry to message him before doing anything else drastic like posting a video bomb like last week because cry didnt even talk to the crew but said to arcadum that he is leaving dnd.
This doesnt mean cry has actually kept touch with Arcadum or listened to him, cry is too busy trying to win as many
victims over as possible. lol
Arcadum hes also still working and doing his dnd nonstop. that man does nothing but work and hates drama and was so angry to learn what cry did with minors and everyone. then he spent an hour on stream talking about how harassment is not tolerated and to come to him with any issue.
so dont shit on arcadum because there is no reason to. he has done nothing wrong.
No. 994887
>>994882You mean except for Beckens who is now blaming the
victims and victimizing cry? she said she was in a call with him earlier. and her tl mentioned supporting him with a few other people
No. 994891
>>994884Well that's because they are giving cryaotic the benefit of the doubt to come clean. So everyone is holding on to the information…
Maybe with how cryaotic is now purging his discord, maybe now it'll hasten up events.
No. 994898
>>994896They probably can't come forward with the evidence without outing the
victim. If they blur/redact the
victim's name, people will just shout "you're faking it."
No. 994900
>>994896They gave a date to cry of either saturday or sunday to come clean.
So either they have something they will be informing everyone about, or it's the date that the
victims decided to give cry to….
No. 994905
File: 1593089498888.gif (35.58 KB, 252x315, spoon.gif)

If anyone still has access to the Cry Discord, you need to rip the logs ASAP.
>Discord Chat Exporter is a cross-platform piece of software that allows you to export Discord DMs and channels to HTML, CSV, and TXT format easily. If there are thousands of messages, you have the option to partition the download to export by date or number of messages. I recommend downloading what you need as TXT first, and then HTML. Warning: if you download the HTML and open in a browser, the media will not load for anyone but the person logged into Discord who created the HTML file. It's advised for that person to open the HTML file in a broswer, load all the media, then save the complete webpage which will create a media folder. Then you can zip the HTML file with the media folder contents together.And for Skype logs is of the essence here. I was going to write up a better spoonfeed of a guide on what to do here but Ziegs and Cry have shown that they are willing to die on this hill than seek peace.
No. 994915
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>>994913Update-ish from Auri
No. 994919
I'm honestly with
>>994862Auri, if you are still reading these threads please rip the Discord logs. This waiting game is gay as fuck.
No. 994941
>>994939anons on here have done more for this dramafest by archiving and researching than the entire crew and the
victims combined lmao
even if nothing comes up, it's honestly kinda cray. I wouldn't be surprised if this was related to the Big Bad
also I wonder how that girl is doing that believed Cry was hacking her..
No. 994948
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>>994944this is what I was looking into, unfortunately I can't forward the link but maybe you can find use for it regardless
No. 994955
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>>994940 I mean 27 people popped and none seem the right age and/or race. this is as close as I could find and it's not a match afaik
File: 1593094205583.png (25.14 KB, 649x244, unknown-20.png)

white pages has only one Ryan Terry in st Petersburg - in his 30s,too(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 994973
>>994962>>994948>>994937>>994939>>994925This is exactly why no one takes lolcow seriously.
Can you also please stop trying to find cry's brother? Have any of you read the rules?
No. 994984
>>994976Probably was, maybe many of his stalkers he mentioned were actually
victims that became furitated.
No. 995036
File: 1593099819489.jpeg (23.55 KB, 277x338, fuck you.jpeg)

'm on my limit, this cunt is going to ever drop a goddamn video? the only thing this dude has been doing is playing videogames an' maybe touching his small dick with his other hundred girlfriends he have.
>>994862>This is getting ridiculous tbh. Everyone say they have this super piece of disgusting info that made everyone squirm and call him evil but nobody wants to actually do something about it, they are all just talking about it publicly about how gross it is etcthis is the shit im talking about. everyone shit on their pants for the new info but seems like everybody is a pussy. i am tired of Jund saying 24/7 that Cryaotic is the evil himself but no droppin shit and same goes w
victims. i know they want to take their time but bruh, really until sunday? u'all have to be kidding me.
5 days, five fucking days we've been waiting for this douchebag to say somthing but he prefers doing other things than saying shit.
No. 995040
>>995036Well maybe they'll make sooner than sunday considering cry literally torched his discord.
Or at least, that's what I heard, I don't know if that's true.
No. 995049
File: 1593101174335.jpg (57.04 KB, 626x601, 1592517962409.jpg)

>>995036I am worried by
>>994844 that he is actually just going to try to use the 5 days to delete everything.
Auri, Scott, and any other
victims agreeing to withold information
need to realize that and have MORE than what they think they need saved and archived.
The true mark of a cow is when one tries to damage control as much as possible instead of being honest and upfront. Even witwix was more mature and humble regarding his accusations than Cry is being right now.
>>995040I really hope they reconsider and choose sooner than later. Time is
NOT on their side here.
No. 995068
>>995037Ah, thanks for the confirmation. To that end, there are some amusing old tumblr posts in the tag from his fans:
(not screencapping because they're long and many) No. 995072
File: 1593103121985.jpg (275.96 KB, 1080x794, tumblr.jpg)

>>995068Samefag, badly cropped sample of two of the posts in the tag.
No. 995082
>>994778She's basically the Hoelly Conrad in this situation.
>>994793>>994802>>994806She also keeps switching gears. She's a full pedo defender but says that she supports the
victims and that what Cry did was illegal, but then she blinks and starts accusing the
victims of lying. She's probably taking her jealousy out on Auri cause Cry was flirting with her after his apology kek.
>>994838Cry has constantly proven to be a treacherous little bastard who likes to manipulate people and things behind scenes so as angry as Auri is about needing to prove herself, it's what has to be done when dealing with people like Cry.
>>994880So pretty much the Projared way.
No. 995093
File: 1593104873574.png (270.75 KB, 548x436, spiderman.png)

>>995089godddd Beanie we don't fucking care!! Everyone is just fucking vagueposting all the time like they're in high school all over again
We get information that's based on someone else's word with no proof that is 100% indisputably real, and we're supposed to believe them and like/retweet be all supportive?
Get a fucking life everyone and either archive everything PRIVATELY until you're ready to scorch the earth properly or just spit it out already!
This is so ridiculous at this point, everyone is just pointing at each other with second hand accusations
Enjoy your attention while it's lasting because once this blows over nobody is gonna care anymore
No. 995099
>>995093Fully fucking agree. There's so much vagueposting going on and I'd rather they either release evidence only, or shut up until they're ready/Cry drops his damn video. I want to be sympathetic to the
victims, but this whole "I know something you don't know but hehe I can't tell you it's not my place!" thing is annoying.
This is getting obnoxious and I'm not holding my breath for a video anymore.
No. 995103
>>995093i completely fucking agree. they keep on baiting and vagueposting with "recent information has come to light that made me BLA BLA BLA" it's fucking pathetic. the only one who's actually come out with something VERY real was ocean and his ziegs logs.
the rest of them are being really annoying with the whole "well we'll wait for him!!!" why wait for the pedo when you allegedly have such damming information?
No. 995104
>>995102if the
victims agree, and i'm sure not ALL of them want their voice to be hidden away, they should share the information withholding the
victim's personal info. it just seems like they keep on vagueposting and being sad about it to keep the train rolling.
we know he's terrible, yep. just fucking tell us WHY exactly.
No. 995105
>>995102Then you don't keep putting things into the public! If they have information and are all collaborating to get something done, don't constantly post on public twitter every time something comes out
I don't know why this isn't common sense. Get your shit organized in private with each other, wait for the deadline and get stuff done
At this point it's not about trauma anymore. It's everyone's personal vendetta and pitchfork. I don't doubt Cry is a shit person now but for the love of God you don't need to tweet out every gossip at every chance if it's such a painful memory and source
No. 995109
>>995073Well no wonder she's defending Cry. With looks like that, she has to take what she can get even if it is a pedo.
>>995106It gives him time to come up with a convincing lie too. Why even wait for a pedo? He doesn't deserve a chance to defend himself cause he's not even working on the video. He's giving fake I still love yous to people to manipulate them into shutting up like he did with Auri. The same thing happened with ProJared. People came out with their experiences, he stayed quiet on social media and manipulated the women speaking out and managed to get some of them to backpedal and praise him. Cry is acting like the lovechild of Proturd and Onision, he's a total narc cunt.
No. 995111
File: 1593107289500.png (79.89 KB, 627x627, 87231.png)

>>995102>they don’t want to relive their traumas againIf that were actually the case then it seems pretty stupid that they want to keep "reliving" it again and again in these small little updates instead of getting it all out at once with everyone and being done with it.
It also doesn't help that there are people involved that want to play innocent but still have their arms deep in the poop.
No. 995115
>>995113I just don't think he's going to come up with any type of video until he can see all the evidence against him to try to debunk that.
Maybe that's why they are trying to with hold evidence until he's released what he's statement, to prevent a projared situation where he 'debunks' everything.
No. 995119
>>995115if they are doing that, they are doing a TERRIBLE job by constantly posting "so and so said" updates and accusations of cry on twitter giving him points to debunk
like imagine a police department tweeting out every theory and witness statement they got of a case and the murderer is out there reading everything and preparing their statement
the internet vindication and clout is more interesting to them than doing their job of showing a concise and real expose of why this beloved guy is a creep
No. 995122
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No. 995124
>>995115projared never debunked shit, he just claimed he didn't know people where under aged (which cry already claimed) and then blamed one of them saying they weren't innocent because they drew gamegrumps porn. (plus blaming their spotty memory but then using the excuse "I can't remember if-" in the same video)
The reason people "accepted" his apology was because they never wanted him to be guilty in the first place. thats how stupid fans work, Look at how a lot of them reacted when Cry released his first video, people will inevitably still support Cry regardless of what he says in his video and regardless of what the others come out with, they are better of doing it now than later since now it just looks like they don't really have anything or protecting their own asses
No. 995129
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>>995122>31 years old>"I'm not that kid I thought I was anymore"Bruh, you stopped being "a kid" over 13 years ago. Get a reality check.
Cry honestly reads like an age regression fetishist.
No. 995134
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>>995129>31 years old>"I'm not that kid I thought I was anymore">want to write a children's book>he's a pedook
No. 995135
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Maybe another victim?
No. 995144
>>995143>I've been making so many dope quotes latelyWhat a pedolosopher.
Still up his own ass. He's not even going to talk about the many
victims and what he's done, just the cheating.
No. 995149
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No. 995154
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No. 995157
>>995154Please, stop posting rotten milk that have been addressed in old threads.
>>995143>"can i really express myself?"+big cringe.
>"so many dope quotes"he's really begging for praise. cry really don't have more than two braincells working. Cry, you really should know where are you standing right now, please take your big ass from podium.
No. 995158
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>>995134>>995138You would think that at some point he would have some self-awareness but it appears not.
I really felt the creepiness coming off of him a couple threads back during one of his Let's Go streams. I really honestly regret not recording those streams, they were full of cringe.
In fact, how come Cry never uploaded his Twitch stream VODs to youtube as videos? That's what a lot of Twitch streamers do nowadays because Twitch doesn't save VODs for very long. Would've been more profitable than letting his Youtube channel rot.
>>995149>>995149The irony is delicious.
No. 995187
>>995158Ha had Draxr doing that work for him.
Even he disavowed Cry.
No. 995194
File: 1593113575133.jpg (60.6 KB, 589x255, scottv2.jpg)

about to eat my own two feet. do it already.
No. 995210
File: 1593114714556.jpg (254.73 KB, 759x447, chrome_2020-06-25_15-51-30.jpg)

For the love of god newfags, please help me archive the shit, i can't do this alone.
Snake Speaks
ARCHIVE No. 995214
>>995208oof they are eating their own.
Beanie literally tearing jund despite all he has been doing for them.
Feel bad for jund lol, can't get a break.
No. 995222
>>995216>>995214My bad, I must have misread.
>>995217>>995219The way she written her response to jund's message and him going
"Are you kidding me?" Made it seem like she was attacking jund.
False alarm.
However, others are attacking jund irregardless…
No. 995236
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No. 995238
>>995236Oh he's getting a lawyer? And if he was talking to Chey while she was underaged why would anyone think he would'nt purposely talk to a underaged person?
All the excuses some anon's had in the prior threads makes zero sense if he was dating a Cheyenne before she was 18
No. 995241
>>995238Cry's the one who need to find a lawyer right now. He is fucked, but fucked in uppercase. I can't really believe it, im literally laughing right now.
Good luck in court, Ryan.
No. 995244
>>995236Cheyenne is truly a discount Azula, trying to pull the strings and get everyone destroyed
She clearly doesn't give a shit about Cry. She's using him to fight with the others. She clearly could not get the boys to buckle down, so she's whispering in Cry's ears that if he blames them for "they all knew, and I'm tired of being silenced" then he'll get vindicated and justified, because he's not the only guilty party
It's actually pretty hilarious if it wasn't so disgusting. She's just using Cry as a pawn in her vendetta game
She's making him destruct himself instead of letting him admit his shit she's convincing him to blame the boys instead, so that she can ruin everyone who wronged her
No. 995246
>>995241he will be fine, I think.
I have a feeling no one's going to press charges on him.
He'll lose his career and image though…
No. 995247
File: 1593116705061.png (56.63 KB, 602x395, Domino.PNG)

>>995243LEL Literally a bit down from that she posted a link to her paypal. She's clearly clout seeking.
No. 995257
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>>995246I hope so, but there's people who are going to still support him even if he's "cancelled"
and about his "image" he's so easy to track, even if cry says no
No. 995258
>>995254Projared 2.0
Fuckin called it. Although its not over yet
No. 995259
>>995253I'm telling you, it's because she's pissed that she couldn't deflect Jund, Ross and Snake
so instead of leaving cry alone because why would you wanna talk to your abuser, she's telling him that "hey you know what, EVERYONE knew, it's not just your fault" and he's like "yeah… yeah it is, you're right, they knew too!" and she's all "hey how about we group up and tell everyone that fact? I am so sick of arguing with them when they also knew, everyone knew, and nobody listened to me"
he feels guilty so will do that, he feels like he's got an extra bargaining chip in his case, and chey feels like she's got the upper hand because they'll argue between each other about them knowing/not knowing, and Chey gets out of the fistfight unscathed and they all ruin themselves
She's being a total piece of shit here. If she really wanted healing she wouldn't be conspiring with Cry to do shit, instead she's using her position of
victim to control the situation because she couldn't the first time
No. 995262
>>995260Knowing and keeping silent is completely different then actually soliciting nudes from minors.
Domino is fucking irrelevant and clout chasing.
No. 995269
>>995259same anon, it also explains why cry did a 180 from "this is all my fault" to "this is everyone's fault". Even Jund couldn't explain why he changed overnight almost, and why nobody understood his drastic attitude change
especially if he's on some shaky meds at the moment
like that one screenshot literally explains everything even if nothing more was said. She's poking him to be reactive and clap back when he should shut up and be honest
No. 995283
>>995236All outbound links have been saved. Anyone accessing that TwitLonger via should also be able to access all the evidence on the site as well without being redirected to gyazo.
>>995243Lul, this thot’s salty that her underaged ass was rightfully banned for sending pics of herself in the LNC discord? If the mods really were colluding with Cry, she would have been allowed to stay, no?
Yeah, fuck Cry and the LNC for making us wait for drama, the uwu immature community they fostered is far more bountiful.
No. 995295
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decided to see if Cheyenne has said anything (surprise, she hasn’t) and saw she had linked a song in her bio. Still a goddamn teenager it seems.
No. 995297
>>995243That girl literally just admitted to committing the felony of knowingly distributing child porn less than two years ago and tried to say the people that banned her from the community over it are the bad people.
Excuse me?
No. 995298
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No. 995304
>>995301Age of consent varies by state, such as Cry's being 16 in his state of Florida. The major issue is whether exchange of images of those under 18 took place between Cry, because no matter what they must be 18 or up or its classified as child pornography. That's the big question now.
The grooming stuff is just gross and creepy.
No. 995311
>>995236Interesting to see Cry holding this take after we found out about Ziegs' manipulation. Ziegs' twitter is still locked.
>>995298lol I never liked this mod. Not surprised at all he was skeezy.
>>995301But did you lose your virginity to a 23+ y/o? One who was talking you into sex at 14-15 and "willing to wait"? Surely you can see how all of this is creepy and how a 31 year-old still seeing himself as "a kid" is ridiculous.
No. 995333
>>995298Am I the only one who doesn't find this to be a big deal and takes away from what's actually happening?
Two years isn't a big difference, though he should have been smart instead of taking nudes from someone under 18 - it's nowhere near as drastic as what cry did.
Cry was fucking 10+ years older than these girls where there was a huge power dynamic between them. Some 19-year-old virgin hitting on an ewhore he liked only to find out she's been doing the same with others on discord isn't something i'm interested in nor even related to the cow at hand.
i don't care about discord drama - I just want cry to hurry up and have another manic episode and tear himself apart.
No. 995336
File: 1593122310715.png (39.63 KB, 602x402, lol.PNG)

No. 995342
>>995338exactly, and the "haha do you guys think i should turn off donations?? alrighty i turned them off. woops!! haha, messed up, how are you all still sending money in lol?"
so clearly a cash cow
No. 995357
>>995352I think Cry also should him proofs of the fact that he never talked to her (up until now ofc).
I am more than sure that at least his 'ive always loved uuuu uwu' message is fake since she refuses to give discord ID and message itself was stupid as hell. Even wayyyyy too stupid of a 31yo manipulator who cucked his own bestfriend's s/os.
No. 995366
>>995359U have a point, actually.
Let's pretend that Auri is telling the truth-
my coins goes to auri for now.
No. 995372
>>99533317 is still CP on the internet anon, please stop being a dumbass.
The takeaway is that Cry's mods didn't ask for ages before accepting nsfw content or letting others access it and that in itself is really irresponsible and foreboding.
>>995365The people giving her money in the first place were stupid because there was always the possibility that she could have fabricated things.
No. 995376
>>995374Because if a person lies about speaking up, it hurts the other
victims too
No. 995377
>>995376That still doesn't make sense, though. They
both seem to be attention-seeking liars.
No. 995382
>>995359I don't think it's so much that we should believe Cry, but more so should we believe Auri.
It could very well be that Auri is not showing Cry who they really were back then; so Cry does not recognize them under the alias "Auri". However Auri has also acted VERY shady. Extremely quick to show evidence; Went from being neutral/"over" the situation to being roped in with Chey and Beanie and part of the mob; Suddenly in the thick of it despite this apparently being a super traumatic time for her; Immediately streams and accepts donations even though they are a fucking nobody; Suddenly considering themselves important/in the know despite having disappeared for years from Cry's life at this point
Also if Auri has had contact with Chey it's entirely possible Chey has spread vendetta vibes to Auri as well in an attempt to gather people to feel outrage over something that happened ages ago.
There doesn't seem to be a single person in this who feels like "yeah I was a dumb teen who did stupid stuff but I'm older now and over it", every single
victim is apparently going through raw unhinged trauma at the hands of this "master manipulator" who if you really think about it didn't even meet them IRL or even stalk them. There are block buttons and ignore buttons for this purpose!
What I'm trying to say is not that the teenagers were wrong; nor that Cry was right; it's just very sus that every single person who was a teenager at the time views this as so horribly painful all of a sudden
I do not trust Auri, or Chey, or Cry, or anyone at this point. Chey is clearly poisoning the well to kill everyone drinking from it, Auri is at worst lying and at best clout/money chasing, Cry is a creep no matter how you slice it, and everyone is blaming everyone else
No. 995389
>>995370My feelings exactly
>>995382>it's just very sus that every single person who was a teenager at the time views this as so horribly painful all of a suddenBut that's just the thing anon, Cry's community was a
huge hugbox tailored exactly to his liking. Criticisms were blocked out and bullied away. He even admitted to this.
The CryBabies were supposed to be all about ~positivity~ and ~support~ but only if your mindset is extremely childlike, no icky real life problems or political stuff.
No. 995394
>>995382This. It summarizes this whole situation. I honestly can see it blowing over in the next month or so, cry quitting and then just restarting his life.
They made it seem like they had hard-proof evidence that he raped a minor and were going to put him in prison but in actuality he's just going get a slap on the wrist and have his cry persona taken away.
Despite Chey being a cow, I think she's really one of the only people who can rightfully be upset after his cheating and gaslighting. She's still a shitty person lol but everyone else, other than ocean, is just falling into her vandetta against him, including auri. What 'new' information could have came out that made her go from 'i love him he wasn't a bad guy to me at least' to 'he's a creep'?? Everything that Jund said was shit we already knew so I'm really just waiting for cry to make his stupid video and see this unfold.
No. 995402
>>995389this situation also reminded me of cheyenne's obsession with phantom of the opera, a story about Christine Daaé, a young woman being romanced and enticed by a mysterious older man in a mask who hides his identity, but he's actually
toxic and possessive due to past trauma
and her new girlfriend is Christine, lol it's all coming together
random note aside, yes, I am thankful that I was never part of the community to be honest and I just watched his videos and sometimes browsed his tumblr. But what "gets" me is that this is not a fresh situation, even if it's been brought to light now; this is something that's happened years ago, and presumably all the
victims are grown up now
You cannot be telling me they've held on to all that trauma and not found a way to deal with it or get therapy or somehow manage to live on, until now the right time to whip out the tears and the buzzwords like
toxic, manipulation etc?
And I say this as someone who has been through a manipulative relationship and done really shitty things. You just can't hold that shit inside you, it eats you up inside. And I certainly wouldn't be blowing it up all over twitter for the entire world to see if it was so traumatic to me! I was barely able to discuss it on my personal tumblr and I didn't even have 50 followers, nevermind hundreds of likes and retweets
Are they all gonna gather in a group discord now for
victims of cry? Cryaholics Anonymous? They all gonna take turns to push-to-speak on their mic and share their stories? It's the constant whining and waxing poetic on twitter that really makes me roll my eyes at them. You say your piece, raise your hand, and then privately offer any proof you have to the guys trying to round up the evidence, and let that past go.
No. 995410
>>995389*To be more specific, the reason why everyone is turning so mad now is because of the environment that was set up by Cry and his moderators that pushed away "negativity".
It's easy to lovebomb someone that sought your content because you marketed on being quiet, cutesy, pro-lgbt, and offer an escape from reality.
>>995402Ocean has had his story and receipts for years but people didn't take him seriously because they didn't want to think that their sweet "innocent" Cry could've done such a thing. The way Ziegs responded to him revealing that Ziegs was silencing him and lying to other LNC members was really telling. Surely Ziegs' could've refuted him if the logs were fake or she never said those things, but instead Ziegs suspiciously tried to deactivate and then locked her account.
The Auri and Beanie stuff is questionable to me because their names didn't come up until recently. Chey is Chey, and even though fags here don't like Domino I'm aware that Domino was around in the community before all of this came to light.
No. 995416
>>995411I am not too familiar with Discord, but in my experience yes if there was new messages she didn't read yet. Not sure if that applies to DMs, but I mean the scroll bar on the right hand side is very big. When she reaches when she says "stop" there isn't much more she can scroll down meaning there there wasn't anymore conversation that happened between them. It looks like everything that took place in those DMs she showed prior to her stream, and by having her saying there was more DMs she could share and the flirting later on in the conversation is just not there.
It's sus
No. 995423
File: 1593126112934.png (35.27 KB, 589x261, 43101ed23c855962552f3d429da540…)

Poor dude just wanted to host the sickest Dungeons and Dragons campaign.
No. 995426
File: 1593126284981.jpg (88.97 KB, 1074x346, Screenshot_20200626-010346_Dis…)

looks like she wasnt lying
No. 995435
From Jund's "About Cryaotic" twitlonger (
>As a strange side note, Cry responds that he is not aware of everything he's done, which is just a very weird statement.>Cry responds that he is not aware of everything he's doneI don't think it's unreasonable that Cry may be the one lying again here. It all depends on the validity of Auri's proof.
No. 995439
>>995436this seems likely.
Cry finds yet another way to fuck Russ over for his own benefit.
No. 995442
>>995436At least Snake and Jund know about Ziegs, Russ RT'd Jund's statement so he is probably aware now as well.
Even if Auri turns out to be fake the real shit that went down between all of them + Angel, Chey, and Ocean has been quite a ride.
No. 995446
>>995436Think Jund is trying to be thorough. I don't think he doubts her, just wants to make sure considering Snake's post also mentions "….Be respectful, but be thorough."
There's a lot of people speaking out, and possibly have to weed out the individuals that are looking to gain from this situation from the real
No. 995447
>>995441Same anon- And your questioning the timing of the
victims when CRY was the one who started this. Wasn't like they jumped out of nowhere, Cry spoke out and they felt it was a good time.
I don't believe everyone either, but whats happening now is happening only because of Cry.
No. 995458
>>995446He totally doubts her, as he should. People can make shit up to cash in. If he's taking this to the police or Twitch or whatever, he needs proof that it's not fake.
She could've done this earlier today real easy, but instead she posted a bullshit video that doesn't prove anything. She has constant excuses for why she can't give the proof with a quick turnaround, making it even more sus (especially "my phone is dead" when you can turn on your phone while it's at low battery and charging OR use discord on your computer). She could well be stalling for time to forge proof and give less than is needed but hope it's enough to make Jund satisfied.
Good on Jund to keep pressing.
No. 995461
>>995441My issue is not that they spoke up. This situation was a full pot that was simmering over years and it was only a matter of time until it boiled over, it makes sense and it's inevitable
My issue is how it's being handled at this moment by the people affected. Chey, Angel, Ziegs, Auri, Beanie and who knows who else. Ocean so far seems reasonable and he's been an old player of this game. In fact Ocean seems the most level headed person of all the
victims right now and he's been the least vocal/antagonistic
I do not grudge Chey's anger at being cheated on multiple times. I do not grudge the
victims the anger they feel. But if this is as serious as they all claim to be, it is not the time to lead vendettas and armies on twitter. You say your piece once, turn your proof in, and wait
There is a right and a wrong way to handle trauma, even if it's not fair you have it. It's wrong to weaponize something apparently hurtful to you on a public platform just for some swift sensation of revenge, or brotherhood with other
victims. They become drunk with validation after the pouring of retweets, likes, support, donations, the armies of other people fighting for you in the comments, the masses of "omg I'm so sorry I didn't believe you!" even though it's not the responsibility of any random fan to believe them or not.
There is a way you can handle things, a mature way; and the way a lot of these players have handled this so far is definitely not mature, and shows they haven't grown up and grown past petty internet drama. That's why I don't take them seriously
No. 995462
>>995441>>995442>>995440Seeing as how they could have been planning for this since January ( Cheys first posts), I wouldn't put it past them to make a fake persona like Auri. The reason I believe this is a possibility, is that other Anons have pointed out that its odd how ready she was with her avatar, banners, and need to stream on Twitch (Why not use YouTube? Its been supportive of the Onision shit. Why stream again when Twitch took your first videos down?) Auri, if fake (god I hope she isn't) could serve 2 purposes - 1. Discredit his
victims and 2. Get a bunch of pity cash that they can share since their cashcow is dead. Again, the man has had time to get this shit in order. I was a
victim at 11 yrs old to older men and if I knew their identities I'd reveal tf out of them. Cry could literally just make a new persona and be back at building an influence within a matter of weeks. I'd have posted his face by now, but every
victim copes differently and needs to find their own peace. Fuck Cry and anyone who helped him cover this shit up.
No. 995477
>>995470My first thought would be to make it seem like she's an unreliable source. Others have mentioned faking discord messages - if the messages lead to a "wtf bullshit this did not happen" then it sort of fucks over other
victimsAgain, I really really hope shes not fake. I can just see how a master manipulator would try to salvage anything he can out of his downfall. As others have said, we need more proof to confirm our opinions/speculations.
No. 995480
>>995478Does it matter? The LNC all know what Cry's Discord ID is/was, how do you think Jund would've confirmed it otherwise?
He can change it all he likes, doesn't change a single fucking thing that he, once again, is just a manipulative pedo fucktard who thinks threatening with lawyers will let him get away with this
No. 995484
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>>995475jesus christ, he is vile
No. 995488
>>995484Who the fuck is Chris? Another
victim? Shitty to say to your
victim huh?
No. 995493
>>995484So Cry AND Beckens were conspiring this shit? Against actual
victims? God awful.
No. 995499
File: 1593129825202.jpeg (29.87 KB, 1242x180, 8922CED9-23EA-4401-9C65-BB5A22…)

is this AKA still him? sorry i’m not in his discord so i wouldn’t know how to verify.
No. 995501
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a lil thread from chris No. 995505
File: 1593130175179.jpeg (241.93 KB, 720x975, CD96DF97-05E4-440D-B80A-C74679…)

Gahdamn Cry’s followers are all mentally handicapped. It’s been a week and y’all still haven’t learned how to post. These threads are utterly unreadable right now, it’s not a fucking chatroom you don’t have to voice every single thought you have. Newfaggots please locate rope and the nearest tree.
No. 995513
>>995499Learn to sage
>>995509More importantly, the video also shows his discord id#
No. 995519
So the only problem I have with the proof is that it only shows that she had messaged him in the past, not that he ever spoke to her.
Surprisingly, as far as I'm aware Cry has never restricted messages from strangers on discord or twitter, so any old fan can send him any old message they want and have been able to for a long time.
I understand if it's maddening to Auri that so many people keep asking more and more of her but she needs to understand she is a literal nobody who came on the scene and is profiting from it and seems to have put more effort into setting up her Twitch and finding ways to profit off her alleged trauma financially and socially than actually exposing anything illegal or different than what was always already known.
Also from my personal point of view the way she writes and discusses the situation doesn't sound like a real victim, but more like the tumblr victims that usually end up being cows themselves.
I think most of us want to believe you Auri, but you gotta understand the burden is on you. You're a "victim", we're spectators. Just be open and show everything, provide proof quickly and don't make fucking excuses on why you can't, it's not that hard to record a goddamn screen and take 5 minutes to blur a name and render a video in windows movie maker or some shit. The dude needs to burn and you have information that can feed that fire, use it, girl.
No. 995538
>>995534so? i doubt cry is gonna fuck a 5 year old, he likes them bit older than that
the "damning" evidence is most likely just exchanging nudes with a minor, or worst case one of his
victims killed themselves.
No. 995542
>>995534I feel like that's one of the biggest issues, this is really serious shit and all I'm seeing is people playing PR or trying to gain clout.
If these people have evidence of a crime, or even evidence of something that WOULD have been a damn crime if he lived in a different state, then fucking take it to the police first off, and second off post it if that's not going to burn the dude. Because he NEEDS to burn.
I KNOW the guy is a piece of shit, and I want to fucking see this end differently than every other goddamn youtuber controversy has lately. If what I knew damned him I'd do my best to put it out there, like all these people should be fucking doing right now, but I'm the same age as him and all he did was offer and then refuse to collab with me after I shut down advances. So I'm just sitting here silent watching this hoping to see a change.
No. 995543
>>995519it's kind of cringe and overkill to call him "unhinged" he's not completely "mentally unhinged" he's an asshole with mental health issues who did fucked up things. He not the fucking joker.
He's just lying about shit, he's not someone so far gone that he can be "convinced" he knew someone. He's just being manipulative and in the most basic way.
He's only saying he does not know this person. Which a LOT of people say and do when caught or they think they are caught.
No. 995545
>>995538it's been mentioned before he has had phone sex with minors. some of the people he exchaged messages with on tumblr in that creepy flirtatious way (where he then went on to have inappropriate relationships with some of them) were 12. his neice is somewhere around 8.
you never know who else lives nearby him or in his community. he legitimately is turning out to be even more manipulative in a really repraving, narcicisstic way. i think it is a genuine concern and nobody is doing anything to reach out to hcso on this, even though there appears to be something illegal that was done even though i believe there's no statue of limitations for cp in florida.
No. 995546
>>995543Unhinged doesn't mean willing to murder people. You're pushing too far there with what was said. Unhinged means disconnected from reality.
He can't be allowed to use that disconnect to excuse over a decade of abusing people.
No. 995549
>>995528No anon, that was Cry's twin brother Lie.
>>995546Yep, won't stop him from trying, though.
No. 995550
>>995548that's like blatantly false, cry has been providing plenty of milk with his manipulation and low IQ attempts at getting out of this.
victims providing milk as well
No. 995552
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>>995541some person keeps posting about it but she's hiding the replies. that doesn't mean her story is fake though.
No. 995560
>>995548The new milk is that Cry played video games thinking we wouldn't see it, messaged a few people on Discord, said he's "getting a lawyer" twice, apparently chewed out Angel in private, and STILL just keeps on telling lies.
Meanwhile, everyone else has been trying to uncover how this all happened and found the traitor(s).
No. 995561
>>995541i was going to post this after someone pointed it out on her discord (twitter handle and all) and they quickly deleted it, but i wasn't sure.
after this was pointed out in her discord, swagglecupcake changed the name on twitter from "megan" to "cuppy" and also changed their profile picture, so that's sus.
i have been looking at this swagglecupcake person and she already has an entire following on twitter, instagram, and even twitch. she is from the UK though? where is auri from?
the entire thing is sus. i did wonder how auri just magically figured out how to use twitch and donations and stuff so fast.
No. 995574
>>995566>>995563k fair. i never used twitch before to stream so i wouldnt know. thank you.
also in auri's phone there's a picture of someone seemingly in cosplay, and cupcake is a cosplayer so thats also something to keep in mind i guess? though quite common with cry's viewers i'd think.
anyway im not going to try and post her links unless it's confirmed that auri is cupcake. but it's not like it's hard to find them anyway
No. 995575
>>995561tbh I don't blame her if she wanted to come out about this anonymously. Many
victims of abuse don't want the people they know irl to find out what happened and such. Not to mention if Cry tries to twist shit once he figures out who she really is
No. 995584
>>995570Who gives a shit.
>>995575It's the smart thing to do, honestly. Just look at what happened with Sarah, Onision's groomed
victim. People were trying to find out what school she went to and what kind of home life she had. Unless it's relevant to the milk, who cares.
>>995581If it turns into doxxing we can just report it. It's hellweek so it'll be scrutinized more than usual.
No. 995590
>>995488>>995490Hey that's me!
My big concern with the situation was folks talking in here about Auri and her legitimacy. Cry brought concerns to me directly along the same lines, and I took him seriously. He provided evidence that SEEMED legit at first glance, but I wasn't super convinced.
After some thought, I became more skeptical. If Cry was correct, that's good for him, and would at least expose Auri for grifting. If Cry was false, then at least we wouldn't be confused over the matter, and know that things were more credible. I try to take that middle road, so it only seemed fair to bring it to light.
Is this 100% verifiable proof? Nah, not really. But given the homework done, it's enough for me to worry less.
>>995583Why would she create a paypal and an entire stream layout and advertise donations on a stream just meant to talk about what Cry did to her if she wanted to step forward anonymously and without bias?
Especially if she already had a community and a platform streaming separately?
I want what she says to be real because it's potentially criminal but she's fucking suss as hell you can't just ignore that. It's really coming across as her wanting money and clout and that takes away from the actual
victims and reduces their claims and the chance for justice over this shit and that's an entire other level of disgusting.
No. 995597
>>995591she can be an actual
victim and want money.
victims can suck, see cheyenne. who fucking cares.
No. 995598
>>995597no one's saying she's not a
No. 995601
File: 1593135390824.jpg (70.47 KB, 1024x878, 1592712574700m.jpg)

>>995590>Cry brought concerns to me directly along the same lines, and I took him seriously. He provided evidence that SEEMED legit at first glance, but I wasn't super convinced.Would you be willing to share anything else with us? Or y'know, at least prove that you are indeed Chris since faking things here is pretty easy and just a matter of writing a username in the Name field and impersonating someone.
We're all really just wondering what path Cry is really gonna take here.
Oh also, if you don't mind please take a look at
>>994905 since it never hurts to save everything.
No. 995603
File: 1593135469011.jpg (256.08 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200626_033100_com…)

from his discord server, this is what CRY's profile looks like. He doesn't accept dms if you're not on his friend list
No. 995611
>>995595At the time, mostly pointing out what was shown in the message: mutual friending on Discord before message sending is allowed (which I was skeptical of ASAP, because he had apparently spoken to Auri first, which would override that rule), and showing that he had no real connections to her via Discord, as well as pointing out that the info in Auri's screen-video didn't show Discord IDs.
So basic stuff really. It seemed probable. But there's no harm in making sure and double-checking your sources.
>>995595>>995601>>995602I don't want to share any further info on his evidence. I do respect Cry's right to privacy beyond the important stuff. I can provide verification though. Probably gonna delete it after a few minutes though. No. 995617
File: 1593136039379.png (23.49 KB, 947x133, auridiscord.PNG)

next time provide with screenshots, this is an imageboard.
No. 995629
File: 1593136402652.png (33.07 KB, 335x372, 1592838645128.png)

>>995611Understandable, thank you very much for your transparency! Feels like such a rare thing to come by these days. We appreciate all that you can do at this time. We are all mainly just here to behold and lol. Thank you again. No. 995630
>>995619Thanks! You're a saint. I'm still kinda clueless on how these types of forums work.
>>995621This definitely makes me disappointed. It's part of why I tried to do my part. All that matters now is her name is vindicated. I don't care about milk at the end of the day.
No. 995636
>>995615You can probably put the most blame on trust_stand for weening as hard as possible, christ.
Fuck you Stand.
No. 995642
>>995636I don't even know what that account was trying to accomplish. "trust
victims" while also doxxing all their personal accounts? The fuck?
No. 995645
>>995618More worried about evidence than the
victim being bullied. Smooth anon smooth.
No. 995648
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>>995635>>995632>>995628sure dude but the second people started talking shit about her she could have just not come in here anymore, for her own sake. but you had to talk about what the meanies in lolcow were saying directly to her, how did that help?
>>995636glad his twitter was suspended, but too late
No. 995653
File: 1593137085394.jpg (328.94 KB, 500x511, umu.jpg)

>>995623>"you all dumbasses who kept referencing lolcow"Even so, she has been active on here for a long time. Saying those things don't suits you mate, so no shame. Also, she know in what rabbit hole was sleeping. Stop blaming people out there.
And yes,
>>995621 kinda sad, Auri was in high spirits- Thank y'all fucking idiots for killing the milk. Or maybe a cow? she was a big source of milk.
>>995611 ur thread is archived, so thank you!
No. 995663
>>995659Ocean Speaks about Scott Twitlonger
ARCHIVE No. 995668
>>995664Yes of course, I am a great psychic why would you ever doubt me?
More seriously, I think I have a good judge of her character from watching her on stream for years. I could be wrong, but I'm just stating my opinion.
She's a bitch who won't stop talking shit if she thinks she has a 'just' cause.
No. 995681
>>995677I don't want to downplay the issue, but I do look like a 17y old being 21, so that's hardly a fair point.
It's still moot since he said himself about the age thing
(No1curr) No. 995685
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Newfag here, sorry if this is derailing.
Does anyone have any idea what the REAL consequences of this will be? Legal repercussions? Because I can't imagine taking this to the police will do any good, as justified as it may be.
Going to the police with accusations of grroming and solicitation of a minor is one thing, but when it's all been online, with no real evidence?
Is it even possible that Cry will face any real legal repercussions for this?
No. 995692
>>995685Yes and no.
First, the
victims will need to press charges. Many
victims don't for a variety of reasons. But if they do, they could charge him with several counts of sexual solicitation with a minor and, from the looks of things, possibly child pornography. Now the former is a bit harder to prove in court but it seems the
victims have enough receipts to be able to convict him somewhat.
But Cry as the most money in this situation and thus the best lawyer.
No. 995693
>>995689Auri has already proved to Jund that she is a real
victim. I can't believe this is still being debated.
No. 995694
>>995692>>995685So far it also seems that none of the
victims are going to press charges anyway, but Snake did say he'd look into it.
No. 995695
>>995685Short term wise I know Snake and the others are compiling all of their evidence to sent to Twitch and Youtube. Twitch has started banning people during this hell week.
Legal wise I believe the
victims can press charges if they have enough evidence
No. 995703
>>995693for the 100th time no one is saying that she's NOT a
victim. everyone believes she's one, i mean it's pretty fucking obvious. but it is sus that she monetized from it.
besides the fact she said she was going to donate the money and now she's gone and wont be able to provide proof of that so idk.
she is as much as a
victim as chey is. and chey is still a piece of shit.
No. 995716
>>995708You are a complete tool. She could have just not wanted her public life shoved in front of a bunch of internet detectives ready to rip into her for every little thing that she does. This
victim blaming is completely disgusting, and this forum is doing more to damage the situation if anything else.
No. 995726
>>995703Exactly, Auri was definitely a
victim of Cry, but the monetization of her victomhood has kinda hurt her credibility because it's obvious she put the clout ahead of the punishment of her abuser. This hurts other
victims and calls everything she's submitted into high scrutiny because she's created a financial investment off her being a
victim. She's also not been upfront with us about things and acted as though she is better than the average anon even though she fucking came from here.
She's a
victim, she's "proven" she's a
victim in the sense that we all fucking believe her, but she needs to prove that she can do something about it or has evidence that can, otherwise she's screaming into the wind and we have a repeat of every other fucking time this happens.
No. 995730
>>995726She's not going to prove anything anymore because people were doxxing her.
Talking about her constantly after she cut her loses and ran is fucking stupid, and is literally just trying to discredit her story at this point
No. 995740
>>995731I'd like to know this myself.
It seems like Auri's account of things had kind of affected the possibility of Cry being a straight-up pedo. Misguided idiot with low self esteem who took advantage of his internet fame? Definitely. But intentionally seeking out underaged girls to get his rocks off? Mmmm…. Is that not a bit of a stretch?
No. 995744
It's sus that some random account on Twitter linked her anonymous account with her real one. And with what proof? The only people who could possibly know who she really is are Cry and his current company that's standing by him. And what did it get? Her silence, probably just as planned.
>>995740Not that far of a stretch considering Ocean JUST verified again that Cry and he did stuff on video call when Ocean was underage.
No. 995746
>>995740I think this is generally reasonable. I don't think Cry went out of his way to be a pedo. He just was out of convenience. He likes any romantic attention/affections he gets, from anyone, under any circumstances. That's why he "doesn't ask peoples ages" like Russ implied.
Why? Because as long as they give the attention/affection, little details like age and laws against consent are negotiable.
No. 995749
>>995735No one is TRYING to discredit her, there's a huge subset of people that want to see this fucking guy face a real punishment.
Cry is a pedo, Cry is a sexual abuser, Cry has been luring both women and men into giving him sexual gratification for almost an entire decade based on his youtube popularity alone.
The problem is that she hasn't actually given any information, she posted here asking if she should share her story and was told yes. So she did and immediately monetized it and tried to gain a following off it, and stopped fucking posting here.
No. 995759
>>9957431, it's only one x in dox because it's slang for documents/"docs"
2, no a voice is not a dox and any info that the person has publicly put out for themselves is free game
3, put sage in the email field newfag
No. 995762
>>995749some of the anons were actually doubting auri and then doxxed her showing her face and someone figuring out her main twitter, twitch
you are right tho, it is sketchy to monetize off the situation considering her latest stream was "should i turn off donations"
No. 995785
>>995781Fair enough, I assumed that was
>>995698 was talking about
No. 995811
>>995805I mean…..sure….
Chey isn't fat is she? She's not hot in any way but I didn't portray her as fat. Her personality matches her looks for sure.
No. 995813
File: 1593142704283.jpg (23.04 KB, 400x296, 1573457726400.jpg)

>these toddler tier attempts at trolling
No. 995837
>>995817Try changing it you Cryaotic#6969 you can't.
Discord doesn't let you change the nickname and the id name to an existing user.
No. 995870
File: 1593147995676.png (76.44 KB, 1093x317, Annotation 2020-06-26 010607.p…)

>>995852This is an imageboard, post screenshots dammit.
No. 995878
>>995843>>995846went to add the cryaotic#6969 account with developer mode on, i think i got that snowflake id you were talking about without him even accepting.
it came out as 76488556603768832, so if thats really his discord like people are worried about, then lnc or his friends could confirm it by getting the same unique id, as could any
victims with screenshots, in theory at least
No. 995892
>>995883That option is turned on, I don't think you can even turn it off. So no, you cannot message him.
>>995888>>995889>>995891Learn to sage.
No. 995894
>>995892I was able to message him on discord without being in the LNC server or being friends with him. The option is off by default I think, you're not lying there, but it is an option in the privacy settings.
I'm not friended with him on my current account, so I believe he doesn't have the option selected since I was able to message him without a discord popup about the message not going through.
No. 995899
>>995810Can confirm, they have never met, unless it happened in the last couple months. Which I doubt.
>>995828If I had to guess, it was of her own volition, but with heavy insistence from all of Cry's gal pal squad. He likely helped "inspired" her to think about "body positivity" and to "be her true self." And also post nudes and butt pics pls, he's into those.
No. 995900
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No. 995903
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No. 995908
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No. 995909
File: 1593151774532.png (289.17 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200625-230807.png)

Haha! Always sweeping his sinful thoughts under the rug. What a guy.
No. 995911
>>995909It literally means boner
No. 995926
>>995915Confirmed I know of the following, either as people he made advances on, or people he did sex stuff with:
>Beckens>Angel>Cheyenne>Red>Simple/Simpite>Angel>Ocean>Auri>Maya>Beanie>DovewingThat's 11/14, if the 14 number that's been thrown around is meant to be believed. I also know of two more
victims who have remained private, which would bring the total number to 13. I would be shocked if there weren't more than 14.
No. 995927
File: 1593154352736.png (144.97 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200625-234830.png)

It's a long ass chat. We established we were consenting adults once we got to know each other and share our kinks.
I got the appropriate treatment. It still feels terrible many others did not..
>>995923 No. 995932
File: 1593154801648.png (162.65 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200625-235807.png)

This was the day or the day before he posted his vid….
I had no idea what he was gonna say or admit so I felt proud of him for finally being his genuine self like he said in the message…. :/(:/)
No. 995964
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>>995958I wouldn’t be surprised if it did. Guy can’t keep his dick in his pants.
No. 995965
>>995102Well that's the thing about being a
victim, you're gonna have to face your abuser to get some form of closure whether you like it or not.
No. 995968
>>995150Angel's whole spiel is "I'm a
victim too" but she was just as complacent and being a total asshole to another person's feelings. I could honestly careless on how Angel feels, she's a shitty person wearing a false mask of kindness. The worst kind of person.
No. 995971
>>995199Chey being a piece of shit? What else is really new? She's always been this kind of person. It's not even a hilarious thing; i would watch compliations and just see Chey ripping into Cry on a daily fucking basis. People in the whole thing called it cute or what the fuck ever. It wasn't. It was like watching an
abusive couple just fighting.
No. 995977
File: 1593165729490.png (73.66 KB, 1008x785, manic.PNG)

>>995143he is straight up in a psychotic manic episode right now, in my opinion. my ex went through a 2 week long manic episode and he acted EXACTLY like this. this shit's easy to spot after you've lived with it
Especially because Audi keeps saying "he's fine". There's no way he's "fine", that's absurd. He's only "fine" because he's on a manic high right now. Dude needs to be hospitalized.
Once he comes down from this manic episode (which could take weeks, especially if he doesn't get help and some fucking lithium or something), he's going to spiral into depression and THEN he'll kill himself
(armchair) No. 995981
>>995685Well honestly it depends on a couple of things:
1. When did Cry fucking did these shameful actions? There are more specifics to it but basically if it's past 4 years then eh it's a done deal for statue of limitations and there's more to that as well detailing what kind of said charge was it. So noted on that.
2. Slim. Fucking very slim. Assuming all he did was being a child grooming pedophile. The most a lawyer can do is sue at this point.
3. It would be up to the
victims to charge him but to number one, it would be towards each charge for it.
So basically; the guy would lose his platform pretty fucking quick. And his revenue, but come on he's fucking 31. Been time to get your ass moving and find a career.
No. 995996
>>995991They said they would.
Read the archive dumbass
No. 996024
>>996020lmfao thats what I've been saying since D1, she damn well knew he was cheating on her with minors but she still chose to leech around Cry for whatever reason.
But from another perspective she was groomed and she is a
victim, but she is an abuser as well, the bullshit she is giving right now is not justifiable, especially how she reached out to Cry for trying to destroy the other crew members. Fuck Chey and fuck Cry.
No. 996049
>>996041Cry will get away with everything because no one is going to press charges.
The only one who may is ocean, but she won't.
Cry will be fine, but he will lose his friends and his job. and in all honesty, I think cry wanted a change of pace but wasn't manly enough to pull the
No. 996055
>>996049Actually come to think of it, twitch hasn't even banned him as of yet.
Perhaps he won't even lose his job. Just his image.
No. 996060
>>996055Pretty sure they're just in a holding pattern and waiting for the extent of everything Cry has done to come out. Twitch wants to act tough since they're getting protested for their inaction, but if all this bullshit turns out to be nothing, they don't want to get in trouble for pulling the
trigger too fast.
I bet Cry will publish his statement, and a day or two later, Twitch will ban. Give or take the weekend.
No. 996074
File: 1593180613681.jpg (297.84 KB, 551x1000, 546452a6-8e15-4a48-9015-372426…)

From Magnta's CC regarding Ryan
No. 996078
File: 1593181057234.jpg (51.19 KB, 655x666, 20200626_161645.jpg)

>>996074This woman out there really thought that if you become fuck buddies / have any sort of sex that would make a man start caring about you… Damn, I got bad news for her.
Magnta, you sound like as if you are as insecure as Cry. Girl, love yourself and don't fuck around with useless men, rather find yourself a nice s/o.
No. 996080
>>996074She sounds kind of dumb. He kept calling her a "good little girl" and had rumors of him being a pedo flying around, and she thought it was perfectly normal?
>I don't think he had a thing for underage looking people?>Hurry up and get older so we can fuck already!She's an insecure airhead that sounds extremely easy to manipulate. She sounds a lot like Unogirl from the ProJared saga.
No. 996091
>>996074interesting that someone he knew was of age received a dick pic right off the bat, yet none of the underage
victims got one! almost like he knew that would be illegal.
No. 996100
>>996095Dude, it's obvious he was fucking around with literally everyone under the sun. I'm sure when he was doing whatever with her, he was also doing whatever with maybe 5 other girls, if not more.
He clearly has a sex addiction.
No. 996103
>>996078She kind of sounds like she still has feelings for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he chatted her up after this like he did with Auri.
>>996092Honestly, she seems like the type.
No. 996104
>>995977As someone who's worked with bipolar patients, this is an incredibly common scenario when it comes to particularly bad manic states. After doing all of this horrid shit and torching his career, if he really is bipolar, he's going to hit the depressive state and that's when he might end up doing it.
I still have no idea when it was ever discussed that he was bipolar though. In fact, I feel like he may have made it up just to get out of responsibility. Has he talked about it before?
No. 996124
>>996120I feel like we just need to give it some more time. Everything is still kind of fresh for all the
victims, y'know? Especially considering how young Cry's fanbase was.
No. 996137
>>996127Counter argument though: it could backfire like with pedojared, where he took all of the evidence and speaks out against them. "Debunking" but not really debunking shit.
Cry could be waiting to hear everything before making a statement against it all.
I'm hoping Snake and the others are still collecting everything they need to send directly to twitch to ban this pedo.
No. 996143
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No. 996152
>>996149It's so pathetic too considering we're here discussing Cry's creep ass behavior towards multiple women/girls (past and present), so why do women-hating anons even bother reading this thread if they hate the
victims so much
No. 996154
>>996152>>996149Why are you guys acting like the people doubting her were doubting her because she's a woman? I think the doubt was dumb but this thread is full of new fags, twitter fags and white knights.
I barely seen anyone hating her because she's a woman.
People wking for Cry are wking for a asshole they liked.
No. 996163
>>996149Nice bait. Just because people question Auri doesn't mean anons hate her. It's all damn because she refused to throw Discord IDs to give a FULL PROOF that it's
valid. Hell, Jund himself is stillwaiting for it. It's so easy to fake shit nowadays. Ofcourse, even without Auri Cry is still a creep but no one is defending him.
The only woman anons hate is Chey because she is an insufferable monster.
No. 996165
>>996161not that anon but your saying the people doubting are doubting because her gender, not because they are white knights or genuinely may not believe her.
OR because they are just asshole trolls. This thread has been a mess since the beginning because of weirdos who don't know the culture.
No. 996171
File: 1593188953709.png (65.68 KB, 581x588, jund-proof.PNG)

>>996163Here you go here's proof that Jund verified it last night.
No. 996174
>>996165No I get why people doubt her, but the over-all tone in which some anons talk about the
victims is general is iffy and reeks of sexist hate.
No. 996184
>>996165>>996154>>996181This. Most of us
are women on the farms, we don't have a hivemind. They can literally check any other thread on the farms to see that. You can't stop people from having doubts and that's not a gender thing, you shouldn't blindly trust people without proof. Blind trust is how Cry manipulated people in the first place.
Also keep in mind that a lot of the people that try to discredit the actual
victims are people who are still licking Cry's asshole. Every time someone brings attention here like Magnta just did, you open the doors for newfags who want to stir up trouble and bait anonymously. It happens every single time.
No. 996186
>>996182Doesn't change a thing. The proof lies with the
victims and the LNC, who are waiting to see what Cry does. In time, if he doesn't post a video, I'm sure they'll give us milk. Until then, stop brigading this thread with irrelevancies.
No. 996207
File: 1593190939833.png (36.87 KB, 602x336, ocean.PNG)

Ocean's currently in the process of recovering snapchat logs.
No. 996213
File: 1593191188295.png (86.8 KB, 528x537, ocean.png)

>>996207>>996211You beat me to it. Man, I hope something comes from what he gets.
No. 996229
>>996225yea it's sad how a lot of
victims go ignored before the abusers shoot themselves in the foot, like ye i get it people want proof but Ocean's obviously got it
No. 996231
Cry knows that by buying time he is letting other people, the crew and anyone else who has associated in the past get torn down and attacked while he's MIA on purpose, he's not stupid or sensitive or will kill himself. His stupid persona that he faked for the world for almost a decade is that, fake. We've seen how he acts behind the scenes already. The guy isn't goning commit to something that drastic, fangirls need to stop being blind.
Exibit A:
>>994872 and
>>994844 No. 996234
>>994766Ignore the trolls trying to get at you, doesn't matter what you do with the money, that's your right and you deserve it anyways. Thank you again for taking the courage to come out of anon and help put this narrative out there.
>>994770Beckens seems to still be brainwashed, but they're like 26 right? Wtf are they doing?
>>994778This, people are trying to discredit Auri because she's getting love and support, IDK wtf is up with anons here going after here when the focus should be on Cry and Chey. Pretty sus we forgot about Chey and went after Auri.
>>994844no screenshots? Nothing? Fucking newfags
>>994862You me and others were supporting her, but please don't think she's taking advantage of it. If she didn't come out we wouldn't have gotten those screenshots and a unique perspective.
No. 996252
>>996234Yeah no I'm gonna go with a "yikes" to whichever noob from twitter finally learned to sage but still wants a female-centric board to be blamed for "hating whamen" when we're suspicious
The topics of this board are actually mostly women, funnily enough (well no statistics to support but I'd say in majority) and there are myriads of shitty things they've done. Women are absolutely capable of being assholes, manipulators and opportunists. On the flip side we've had Onision, Jeffree Starr and a lot of other prominent males in the internet sphere torn to shreds here
You "this place hates women" anons clearly are showing how new you are. You damn right I'm gonna be suspicious of Auri! Do you know how often and how easy it is to fake shit? Do you know how many people orbit around recent scandals and self-insert themselves into the situation for attention?
I didn't - and still don't - give a fuck about who Auri actually was. I knew it was an alias but that shit doesn't matter. Why would it? Instead of painting the whole board with one brush why not just target your discomfort at whoever posted her private social media and video. I've been reading these godforsaken boards for years and if there's one thing I've learned about every trashfire that crops up is that people are predictable and they are dumb. Of course it takes the actions of 1 asshole who posted Auri's video for this board suddenly to be "whamen haters", and "disbelieve the
We take the time to screenshot and archive all this shit for you to browse later when you want your gossip fill after you're done screeching on twitter
As for Cry yeah he's basically pulling a ProJared. Now we can have two sex obsessed abusers who stayed quiet too long (remember Projared shut up for about A MONTH before he made a video) until the truth got forgotten in time and he came back with a sob story about how hard his life is and how bad ppl are to him
No. 996253
File: 1593192991742.jpg (42.91 KB, 636x358, 1545502662.jpg)

>newfags actually thinking it's Cry because they don't know they're on a TERF website
No. 996254
>>996243honestly what I was thinking.
Food for thought: the twitter account that did dox her was only around within a few days of all this starting.
No. 996260
>>996256no one cares what pronouns you use or don't use here. It's not trolls, cry, or brigading this is how the site is.
You get bans for arguing over pronouns (which I'm sure most of you & maybe me will be getting soon).
No. 996265
>>996249Yeah no, I was one of the "internal misogynist skeptics" and even I can see there's gay ops happening here.
The blantant troll posts from earlier make that very apparent.
>>996243This. Cry benefits from Auri getting doxed and deactivating.
>>996253Anyone that's extremely snowflakey about pronouns being used here is need to go outside lol. People who have gone by more than 1 set of pronouns their whole life need to accept there will inevitably be pronoun confusion when referring to them.
No. 996283
File: 1593194653768.png (22.76 KB, 614x271, ocean-more-milk.PNG)

>>996275Ocean hasn't shared everything just yet
No. 996287
>>996285OMG just stop seriously. use whatever pronouns you want to use, but this is retarded, no one cares. Stop derailing.
I doubt they are going to not drop reciepts because Lolcow a site FULL of Terfs is calling them a "She".
No. 996290
>>996288I do think eventually the
victims or LNC crew should reach out to Twitch to show them everything and see what happens.
No. 996291
>>996283If she isn't going to press charges (she won't) it won't matter.
Cry already lost his friends and image and it's not something he can fix. It's already gone.
What's left is either a lawsuit or him losing twitch.
His own team, and many people are constantly reporting him to twitch with evidence and twitch isn't doing a damn thing.
He won't lose twitch, and he won't get a lawsuit. So the most that he lost is already gone (friends and reputation).
So anything from here is just a long drawn out yawn-fest of the same shit.
No. 996313
>>996307I deleted my post because it's derailing and this shit should not be clogging up the thread, no one cares about your beliefs.
>>996308Damn I had no idea he was making that much
No. 996315
>>996308A few years ago? Maybe.
Now they barely pulled in 4k, on average 3k viewers every Saturday.
The golden age of LNC was also during the peak of his youtube career. It makes sense cuz the overlap was huge. Back then I wouldn't be surprised with all the merches, branding deals, and twitch subs, he bought a home in a gated community.
Now? Still decent money compared to us normie but definitely not rolling in it
No. 996316
ITT teenage biology deniers calling others deniers. Sorry a woman will never be a man and vice versa.
>>996307You wish LARPer. Taking HRT doesn't make your tits and vagina and uterus fall off.
No. 996320
>>996316Dude's got shirtless pictures all over his page, and no one knows what he's packing downstairs anyways, I'm assuming he already had a sex change so I think dick = male?
Stop wasting time being edgy and trying to
trigger the only person who's giving credible information AND knocking cheyenne off her horse.
No. 996327
>>996308We really having 2015 ass gender arguments right now? Stop fucking derailing the thread. TERFS/dumbasses, shut up and stop derailing. Those who are arguing against them, shut up and stop derailing (you really think you're doing anything by arguing on
No. 996352
File: 1593198411902.jpg (64.24 KB, 802x970, wow.JPG)

>>996252Looks like the person who doxxed Auri, knew her personally, had a personal vendetta against her and also posts here as an anon. Very interesting…
No. 996358
>>996339sage your shit, thanks
>>996352wasn't the "doxx" just her main account that already had a whole bunch of followers and not really much of any identifying information? what would she file a report for anyway?
No. 996361
>>996358well if you made a new alias so you can speak freely about embarrassing/traumatic shit that happened to you and keep it separate from your personal accounts, and someone just showed the world your actual usernames, face etc, I'd be pretty pissed and feel violated too.
>>996352I'm the anon you replied to and thank you for that information! How unsurprising that it was someone who knew her and Ryan too! It's almost like I said, one asshole with a vendetta ruined it for the rest of us
No. 996363
So this all feels like the latest round of "twitter wants to feel righteous about hate mobbing" to me.
Cry's behavior deserves exposing and criticism, and he deserves to have his reputation tarnished so that future fans don't get so enamored with him.
That being said in these threads and on twitter, people are just making assumptions, and pretending they are truth, then attacking anyone who disagrees in any way.
I have yet to see any convincing evidence that he did anything other than "sexy rp" via text, and use his fame to get undeserved attention and affection from teenage fans.
But isn't that already gross enough by itself? People will continually say, "manipulated into sex," or, "pedophile," or, "soliciting nudes from a minor," but that's either exaggeration or falsehood.
Twitter loves a bloodbath, and to feel morally superior. What they are really doing is harassing anyone they can get away with harassing (which is way more than just Cry and his associates). No one cares if they improve, no one cares about helping victims, or preventing abuse, they just want to abuse someone, and it just plays way better if they are a "pedophile/rapist/murderer/kicker of dogs/tax evader".
Also is this even milk anymore? The only amusing thing that's happened this whole time was Chey Chey-ing the fuck up all over the place a few days ago.
No. 996371
>>996363I think the most milk we have left is Cry's response to all of the drama. I want to see him try to squirm his way out of the accusations.
Besides that though I can't see much else, except Chey coming out to defend cry now lol
No. 996379
>>996326As a TE(not so much the RF) I support this compromise.
Back to the topic:
Regardless on whether Ryan Terry of Florida faces legal consequences, he is ruined. He doesn't have a social life or a life in general outside of his online presence and way too old and way too stunted both emotionally and socially to actually grow up and make his life one that is worth living or make any meaningful connections that aren't just online friends/girlfriends and even they grow to resent him over time. The man is fucked, as he should be for being a creepy neckbeard and preying on his dumb teenage fans.
No. 996393
>>996275can you stop crying about auri for fucks sake. she barely had any milk at all.
ocean is the one who has actual milk, auri's milk was skimmed
No. 996415
>>996408No one in their right mind would do this thinking it would lead to anything good. He's obviously not in his right mind.
How is it possible that all these years he's played the role of this nice sweet morally sound guy when in reality he's a pathological liar, a child groomer and a creep? I cannot fathom.
No. 996469
>>996415Perfect cover? He honestly is starting to come off as a sociopath where he can't understand how he's been hurting people with his actions.
Like he understands good morals, but he can't fucking act like the to save his own life. Or he doesn't understand that he's fucking with others.
Or he's a scumbag who's been acting like this on purpose. I'm leaning towards the idea he's just a scumbag myself.
No. 996494
File: 1593208986757.png (143.85 KB, 708x695, unknown-1.png)

No. 996496
>>996494right, hes just sexting girls to help their self esteem. obviously.
fucking scumbag
No. 996500
File: 1593209274424.jpg (47.47 KB, 720x704, 52bb06147701ff625f19a6592d1ba7…)

>>996494Oh yeah. Build self esteem. Totally. I wanna commit unsee, what a complete disgusting egomaniac. Who allowed this disgusting man out of his basement?
No. 996533
>>996494>help them build self-esteemHas he seen what he looks like? If anything, it's to build
his self-esteem. He's just like that wormdick ProJared. It's crazy how many similarities they both have including being ugly as hell.
>>996518>>996526He admits to some fucked up shit like it's no big deal at all. It's all one big game to him.
No. 996550
>>996536>>996534The vast majority of his fanbase that are naive and impressionable enough to eagerly get sexual with him if they get his attention are usually teenage girls or older women with bad self esteem in a few cases, as with most e-celebs.
The thing that makes him so despicable is that he knows this and has continued to take advantage of that knowledge and justifying to himself by thinking that he "just didn't know their age" or by just keeping them on the hook while waiting for them to be legal. I don't think he's a pedo in the sense that he specifically prefers children or their bodies, he just wants em' dumb and impressionable to adore him rather than look down on him the way a regular adult would.
No. 996551
>>996546so? She doesn't deserve to be groomed by cry, even if she's a shitty person or not.
I cracking up at how some of you can't even say her name without adding 3 or 4 insults towards her but don't even do that towards cry.
She's a bitch but she does not deserve what Cry did.
No. 996552
>>996547you can't be serious. If she was a normal person in a first place she wouldn't have done a shit of ton disgusting things she did and keeps doing. Girl, she is literally trying to make Cry destroy LNC now and go back to dating him. Which is tbh what she wanted in a first place; back in the days LNC crew helped him realize how fucked up the Chey was in a relationship which forced them to breakup. Along with lolcow ofc.
Both are horrible people and theres no excuse really.
No. 996558
>>996547Fuck off Chey.
You were a cunt the entire fucking time you were in the LNC, this "trauma" didn't do shit but give you an excuse to continue being a cunt.
(hi cow) No. 996570
>>996558So for someone to think a
victim can be a bad person makes them Chey?I'm not that anon, but damn.
No. 996572
chey had basically insulted, abused, pushed away or reacted poorly to any person within her radius, for years. If her bs behavior happened only like during the 1st year and she dipped out or something, I would have been more inclined to contextualize the attitude as hurt from being cheated on by an older man
but let's be real chey did NOT care that he was older. Cheyenne cared that Cryaotic, big youtuber and adored by thousands of fans, wanted HER. Little old Cheyenne, a nobody, was the target of affection and desire by someone important. I firmly believe when she defended his age it's because she believed it back then, because of course every teenager feels extremely flattered when an older/mature person takes a shine to them; it's like "oh they don't view me as an immature brat, I'm actually desirable, important, respectable. I'm an equal"
To this day now that the cheating has been brought to light I am not sure why he so publicly called Cheyenne is girlfriend if he was gonna have side pieces. Like, the honest thing would have been (apart from finding someone your own age) be honest that it's casual/no strings attached, and don't string people along
Chey CONSTANTLY used her position as Cry's gf to be an insufferable snob online and parading her status with him in obvious and not obvious ways. You could argue now in hindsight it was to deal with the idea that she's not as exclusive as she thought she was. But she poured out vitriol with every interaction and her mere presence became an elephant in the room among the fandom, which is why the first Cry thread was created in the first place, because nobody dared speak up against her
Maybe as she grew older she used her bitterness at being wronged to blackmail him into being silent, but also to pay her shit; after all he'd pay her flight tickets, didn't he even pay for her rent or her internet? Definitely paid for the internet, which is when she started solo streaming
Either way, she used her mother's early death as a shield against criticism and her borderline personality disorder as an excuse as to why she behaved the way she did. And now she's using Cry's mistakes against him as the new excuse. While simultaneously displaying all the unsavory qualities we disliked her for in the first place. Proof that not much has changed, after all!
No. 996574
>>996572who cares if she didn't care he was older? The issue was he didn't care she was younger and a fan.
In fact thats cry's biggest issue, he doesn't seem to care about age, fans and how he can/did abuse his power
No. 996576
File: 1593213075719.png (165.67 KB, 708x361, tjvGLjh.png)

she literally tweeted it bro
No. 996577
>>996574the fact he went from dating a 16 year old, to talking to people and accepting nudes without checking out their age says a lot about him.
He was the adult in the situation. He was the YouTuber with a shit ton of fangirls, he was irresponsible. Chey's an asshole but it takes two to tangle.
If Cry never dated her, we'd never knew she existed.
No. 996580
>>996574did I fucking stutter? It mattered to Cheyenne. Cry was a trophy for her, one she liked to flaunt all the damn time. She was not an innocent uwu girlfriend who got cheated on by an evil man, she relished in being his girlfriend and the age difference was just an accomplishment
Of fucking course Cry should not have dated her! But remember the days of yore when Cheyenne bragged about chasing him down and flirting with him and he broke it off once, but she harassed him into dating her again?
Remember how proud she was of that? And this pride wasn't when she was still young btw, it was quite later in the relationship. She would glow at the fact she was the one who chased him and had control over the relationship, she'd literally brag about it on her tumblr
So yeah, he shouldn't have dated her and he shouldn't have cheated! I don't know why you think I have to explain this to you. But let's also not pretend that Cheyenne was a helpless
victim who just got tagged along for the ride against her will and couldn't find a way out
She is not some little Ariel who signed her voice away to a predator Ursula. She relished in her relationship. She's only older now and can erase all the cringe she pulled back then under the context of victimhood
No. 996584
>>996555this thread needs serious cleaning up of newfags who don't even read the fucking rules before posting
so much irrelevant bullshit is unsaged because people are too dumb or vain or lazy or all of the above to read a simple few paragraphs to make everyone's lives easier
No. 996585
>>996581I'm good, you should ask that to the person saying kys further up just because someone didn't sage
I don't "hate" her. But it's also nauseating how easily her past has been swept away and now unsageing people are like "is chey like this because of cry uwu" like nah fam, she was always a bitch, she just got wronged by an asshole and she's gonna use this as her new identity because she doesn't have anything else in her life
(newfag) No. 996588
>>996581Alot of the new fags lose their shit about Chey and especially when you don't call her a Cunt a million times.
Every single response said she's not a good person, in fact I'd say saying how bad she is everytime she's mentioned is overkill at this point.
We get it.
Again, she can be a bad person and also be a
victim of cry, why does that
trigger people so much?
No. 996589
File: 1593213940639.png (6.95 KB, 225x225, index.png)

I have trouble accepting that THIS is the real Cry, all the lies, grooming, manipulating and general asshole behaviour.
No. 996591
>>996585stop announcing how you feel holy fucking shit anon this isnt a sharing circle
>>996518so he felt like a creep… until he accepted hes a creep?
No. 996594
>>996588as far as i'm concerned she's lost any claim to victimhood the moment she COLLUDED WITH HER ABUSER to piss on innocent people just because she thought they needed "justice" for something she made up in her head to justify her blind rage against the crew
like, fucking imagine that. literally conspiring against people because they supposedly didn't stop your abuser from abusing you….. BY WORKING WITH YOUR ABUSER
No. 996597
>>996591He embraced his little peepee energy, his inner molester.
I have no idea what's even going on in that mans peanut brain, and at this point, I'm not sure I want to know.
No. 996598
>>996585Basically. I was here in the first thread when we were examining every interaction and no amount of abuse excuses what we were seeing. She's an awful person. She has been for a long time. Cry may have contributed to it, but don't hold that screeching bloody pterodactyl in your hands and call her an innocent bunny.
>>996589same. But even if you say that only half of things are true…. no matter how you slice it, it's not looking good.
(saged for pterodactyl screeching.)
No. 996599
>>996588except I'm not a newfag, and how is it overkill considering we've had like 6-7 threads only about chey's assholery over the years? wait, that doesn't count? my bad! I didn't know the entire archive of receipts that she's a shitty person isn't overkill but 2 replies are
Feel free to peruse multiple threads filled with vitriol against 1 person, whose name ends in -eyenne, with receipts, theories, old pictures of her life before Cry, comments about how ugly and fat she is, what a bitch, etc etc
No. 996608
>>996601Also just to get it over with right? This has been pretty exhausting, especially since he is cowering, not posting, hiding in his little basement home, cursing the people he wronged for retaliating.
I would love for this to end so the crew could cleanly move on and the
victims could get some closure
No. 996616
>>996614Depressing reality.
But at least Auri is back. I really hope they actually do release something and all the waiting wasn't in vain
No. 996618
>>996614If he had a lawyer he would know he should have cut contact with anyone involved, but he still seems to be messaging his former
No. 996623
>>996606Okay, I will rephrase my point in a more calm way and then exit. It's a frustrating situation when there has been no resolution and the prospect that there may not be a good one (against Cry, that is)
My problem with her agenda is that while what happened to her overall is really awful for any person, not just a young person, I do not like how she is reshaping her experience to be entirely negative from the very start, when it clearly wasn't like that. It's okay to admit you were a dumb teenager who really lusted over an older famous man on the internet. It's fine to admit that you were really super into the age difference and defended it because you wanted to be "the winning person". Those were positive things for her, things she chased and wanted, and part of the reality of being a
victim is that you have to admit that she also played a part in it as well.
I feel like her taking away all those instances where she willingly bragged about it (aggressively or not) is taking away her agency and autonomy in the problem. She wasn't under a contract, nor under knife point. And I think the reason it rubs me the wrong way is that she is using her age gap as a weapon instead of bragging rights; And it's completely fine to admit that there were certain aspects of the relationship Chey genuinely enjoyed (like the age gap) and I also feel that IF the cheating did not happen, if Cry was 100% faithful to her, they'd still be together now and she still wouldn't see a problem with it. And she'd still be defending it to this day in an alternate timeline.
That's it, that's my beef. I'm outta here now to breathe a little outside of this situation that seems to get worse.
No. 996625
>>996614I'm fairly sure this udder is just about stone dry anyway
Cry directly mentioned lawyering up so he'll almost certainly keep his trap shut. The only way we're getting more milk is if they stay true to their Sunday deadline. Then again at this point I don't even know what to expect anymore. It's not like this is a "developing situation". Most of the shit has already hit the fan and all we've been getting for the past few days is a few chat snippets that underline the fact that he's a pedophilic basement dwelling narcissistic cocksucker. More of that same shit doesn't seem particularly juicy anymore
No. 996631
File: 1593216394769.jpg (60.72 KB, 1600x948, pepehands.jpg)

>When you're a newfag but you're doing your best to follow the rules and you sage all your posts.
We seriously need a Cheyenne thread after this. We all hate Cry but Cheyenne is a person that many love to hate.
No. 996666
File: 1593219278740.png (58.5 KB, 436x448, chrisfoxcry.png)

What a fucking loser.
No. 996681
>>996666Holy fuck how is he so stupid and arrogant, you see his discord id twice in the video here
>>996171 No. 996692
File: 1593220553921.png (93.84 KB, 801x526, zecry1.png)

>>996689Legit dude. I was trying SO HARD to see things from his perspective and be on his side. Because there was questioning about her legitimacy, I thought, "maybe this should be looked into."
I have now come to the conclusion that he was trying to manipulate me by using his neutrality to get what he wanted. I'm so glad I didn't just sit on this.
No. 996696
>>996692 yes, he definitely was, i'm glad you spoke up tho.
Has he been answering your texst, like, does he feel at least sorry for lying to you? or has he dissapeared from the internet?
No. 996704
>>996671Honestly? I feel like his medication has seriously fucked with his brain.
Like, all of the bad shit aside, some people were talking about how he had a very sudden personality shift a few weeks ago and that's usually the result of… something weird going on.
Usually I see things like "tumors" and stuff thrown around to this sort of stuff, but if mood affecting medication can affect your mood (no shit)… maybe this is a bad medication thing?
If even half of what's being said right now is true, he's still a jerk– but I hope he has someone around him who can help him realize that something in his head is not okay.
No. 996715
File: 1593221979376.png (304.98 KB, 1440x1116, Screenshot_20200626-213806~2.p…)

>>996645Is this good enough?
No. 996717
>>996715Who the fuck is doing what anymore? Do her emotions turn on a dime as well?
Nuke them all from orbit, this is becoming stupid.
No. 996719
>>996715sounds to me that the guys really didn’t know and she’s trying to get ryan to say they did.
as to why she thinks anyone would believe this narcissist who’s been caught lying all week is beyond me
No. 996722
>>996715>>996719Why is she collaborating with him? Isn't she a
victim, who claimed he's a liar and a manipulator? Why would she trust his opinion on this
No. 996727
>>996708Well, I said that it because in his "About Cryoatic" post, Jund said "He started drastically changing a couple of weeks ago and I don't know if it was related to medication or whatever. Suffice to say, he flips from 0 to 100 instantly and very frequently."
And that is a serious red flag, that should usually involve medical attention.
It doesn't excuse the previous decade. But this is an aspect that should be kept in mind
>>996710I was on a pill a couple months ago that turned me into a raging monster with an extremely small amount of self control. It wasn't an antidepressant, but we don't know if that's what he's on either. That said…
It's still alarming, from a medical stand point.
(blog. nobody cares) No. 996733
>>996722That can be true and Chey could still be a dumb ass at the same time. People go back to their abusers all the time.
I really wish people would let go of them,"Is she a
victim? Is she not a
What happened with her and cry was wrong, what she's doing now is wrong.
It makes me have less sympathy but she's still a
victim. People trying to disprove she's not a
victim a cry are just as fucked up as people sweeping her bad behavior under the rug.
No. 996750
if it's from Ocean, I assume it's because Chey thinks "hey Ocean and I are both victims, so let's all work together to take down the Big Bad"
the screenshot is apparently self explanatory without any context. This means Chey has expressed a desire to "frame him" prior to that screenshot, and the screenshot shows that it worked, "hook line sinker"
this also means that Beanie and anyone else involved may have gotten in contact with Chey and roped into this "Frame Cry" business. This muddles things up though because if Chey is fabricating scenarios, manipulating Cry to act a certain way that benefits her, and potentially involving others, it lowers the legitimacy of all the claims they've made
At this point any screenshot of a discord message could be faked to further an agenda. If screenshot is true, then it by proxy lessens the credibility of every other screenshot that is not explicitly proven true beyond a shadow of a doubt
Essentially this screenshot shows that Chey's a bitch and potentially using a man's manic episode against him to further a vendetta, that you can't trust anyone or anything that's come into contact with her, and that it's raising more questions than it's answered now
No. 996754
File: 1593224207029.png (656.5 KB, 1573x2048, Screenshot_20200626-201059.png)

Jund & Chris seem to be of the opinion Cry will still make a video.
No. 996762
File: 1593224630042.jpg (62.25 KB, 534x639, OOP.jpg)

Went snooping… This didn't age well either. 2013 btw. No. 996777
File: 1593227912309.png (52.97 KB, 758x236, EbfCdzyXYAA-Loe.png)

No. 996788
File: 1593229405068.jpg (50.01 KB, 1231x527, screenshot.JPG)

>>996781That would make sense, but heychrisfox debunked this as of today. Cry still has the same ID.
No. 996805
>>996801With the kind of allegations we're talking about, keeping your platform(s) is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. It's like getting an extra McNugget sauce. At the moment, he absolutely
is winning.
No. 996814
File: 1593232252523.png (189.01 KB, 621x1235, 2020-06-24 150401.png)

Sage for old milk, but I saw no one managed to archive the Zieg's twitter thread when she tried to say she knew nothing about Ocean's age before Ocean blasted her ass.
Here you fucks go. No. 996817
File: 1593232800658.jpg (195.71 KB, 680x1025, sweet parasocial relationships…)

>>996518>I felt like a creep until I accepted what happend What the actual fuck does he mean by this?
"It took me a while but I was finally able to pretzel the folds of my brain into a shape that makes it possible to shrug off any and all accountability in this situation. I have no moral responsibility or obligation to consider the power imbalance between myself and my fans, due to the nature of parasocial relationships, or to check the ages of the people I interact with. It was just a mistake! I had good intentions, I like to talk sexy to girls to make
myself them feel better!"?
It's not a mistake if it keeps happening.
No. 996819
>>996805Is this an attempt at trolling?
Dr Disrespect was just permanently banned from Twitch with no explanation, so amid the surrent wave of scandals they are absolutely going to boot people to save their brand.
Unless there is something concrete in Ocean's snapchat logs, I don't think he'll face legal reprecussions but there are people here who seem to think that because his house hasn't already been raided by the FBI then he's not going to face any punishment.
How's an emotionally stunted wreck like Cry going to go back to working retail after playing video games and being told how special he is for the last decade?
No. 996834
File: 1593235487529.png (14.45 KB, 676x97, unknown.png)

>>996830>>996828Wasn't a random person. Try again.
Don't blame Scott for other people's bullshit, thanks.
Also sage your fucking posts.
No. 996852
>>996848anon said
credible person lol
No. 996868
>>996865you're not obligated to post images, so enjoy the show.
I stopped watching years ago too, mostly because I was kind of disturbed how much sex talk came up during the streams and how in-depth it got.
Looking back, with everything we've learned, I absolutely believe that it's related in context to what's going on, sex addiction or whatnot, especially since that was content on a stream where he knew his audience was still mostly underage, and he knew many of his mods were too. So gross he was fooling around behind the scenes with minors, but it goes to show how one-tracked he is and that most of his peanut brain is hyperfixated on getting off.
No. 996870
>>994809you are making this very easy on you by removing "mental illness" from that equotation
>>996868here is the next cry. playing holier than thou goes hand in hand with skeletons in your closet, when you are American.
Anyways… time to backup some shit
File: 1593242105307.png (137.26 KB, 1001x521, unknown.png)

Hey Gamerinos.
Here's an archive of Cry's Discord server.
NOTE: I do NOT have mod access, so there are hidden channels that probably have the actual milk in it, but someone requested this so here you go.
HTML version is being worked on, but need to fix it because there's ~1.5 million messages in the main chat that need to be separated into multiple parts so people's PCs don't explode trying to load it. mods of the Cry Babies server here reading this that would like to help, use this stuff.
>>994905 No. 996913
File: 1593256277772.png (50.74 KB, 1179x299, crybabies.png)

>>996874Grepped around for Cry's ID. Cringy but not very spicy.
No. 996915
>>996503>go to>copy link>paste into the red "My URL is alive" bar>wait until it fully loads>copy new linkI don't want to hear this "I'm too dumb to archive" garbage anymore, it's a ridiculously easy process that anyone can do and it's extremely useful.
Never let trick ass twitter bitches get away from the trash they post ever again.
No. 996916
>>996915*press the "save" button after paste-ing the link
in case that step wasn't implied and your IQ is low enough to need that instruction
No. 996924
File: 1593259425538.jpg (461.39 KB, 1164x1164, iceberg-1.jpg)

>>996921Please get it through your skull that what you thought was happening based on what you saw on the surface was not what was actually happening underneath.
The fact that Angel admitted she and Cry dated "behind the scenes" aka, without letting the public know, should be a wakeup call and a red flag for what else is already happening here.
I'd venture to guess after his relationship with Chey, Cry felt he could get away with hollywood executive levels of sexpestry. Look at how he thinks he's "building self-esteem" by doing what any Tinder simp could do.
>>996494 No. 996926
File: 1593259621022.png (200.47 KB, 593x416, 1.png)

>>996143>>996494>>996518Getting fucking tired of seeing Magnta on here even if she was in Cry's circle. The greasy bitch is well pushing 30, draws loli/shota porn (got called out by Tumblrfags for it numerous times) and supports Shadman. I remembered a longtime boyfriend dumped her probably because she's a fucking degenerate.
No. 996927
>>996921>18:35The way that he psycho screeches as a laugh and claps at a
gray furry of all things, how tf do people still think he's that same volume-conscientious youtuber he was over a decade ago??
No. 996945
>>996921More things that aged like milk:
Cry's entire take on Goodbye Volcano High game, and making things really awkward for about 5 whole minutes after the actual trailer ended.
>51:04 - 57:10Especially because the creator of that game was the Kotaku article author that uploaded Harry Potter porn based on the child actors of the movies.
Not a good look.
No. 996963
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No. 996964
>>996963That pretty much confirms the worst, Cry got Ocean's nudes when she was a minor.
He's gonna fry.
No. 996967
>>996964Why is he posting it all on twitter, though? It would make more sense to keep it under wraps if they're going legal.
>>996966Maybe, but I thought he also posted here.
No. 996977
>>996817This is perfect. I'm crying
>>996913>Vaginas are confusingHe's a literal incel
No. 996983
>>996981possible? I think it's happened before in cases of teens sexting other teens but I don't think the precedent is there for cases of grooming
for the snapchat data thing, even if there aren't any pics available there can be incriminating messages that cry and ocean sent each other which can be recovered from snapchat.
No. 996997
>>996994Nah, I just like to call you stupids twitterfags to reality.
He's going to get away with it. You can whine all you want, nothing is going to happen. There's even less proof here than for the Projared thing.
No. 997004
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No. 997007
>>996994You aware it takes actual weeks (and that's very optimistic if we're talking about a case like this without any physical evidence and scaterred
victims going 10 years back) for the police to get involve in any case and ask for data? And it takes days to weeks for FB/snapchat whatever to then treat the data and send them back. And yes, these requests takes ressources, it's not just a cop sending an email going "hey snapchat, it's police, send us the nudes for this account, lol".
You guys love some justice, right? Get interested in how it really works and at least listen to some true crime so you won't look like 12yo without any experience any time you open your mouths.
No. 997011
>>997009Where did I say no evidence? I don't know if there's evidence just like everyine else in there. And that's a real issue since it's been a fucking week and the only true proof we have is Cry saying it and then backtracking like crazy.
You guys have such a hate boner you can't even think clearly.
No. 997012
>>997011>And it takes days to weeks for FB/snapchat whatever to then treat the data and send them back. And yes, these requests takes ressources, it's not just a cop sending an email going "hey snapchat, it's police, send us the nudes for this account, lol".You said yourself that a week is nothing in terms of an investigation. What's the rush?
I assumed you are also
>>996997 due to the poor attempts at condescension.
No. 997023
>>997019The alleged
victims and the LNC crew are Twitter nobodies?
No. 997032
>>997007>You guys love some justice, right?No you fuckwit, this site is all about observing looney bins. We're not anyone's personal army and we're not about doing others' detective work. People shouldn't even be straying away from poking fun at things and yet it's happening anyway because retards are bored and want to ween as much as possible, and it blows.
Fuck weens and trolls.
No. 997107
>>996926>shadmanautomatic trash
>>996927>>996921the retard was on a mania high, due to his mental illness / medication and for some reason thought listening to Jane Elliot about racism was enough for him to be "mind-blown" woke and continue to project his uwu softboi pansexual furry support to manipulate his tumblr/sjw fans.
>>996963The motherfucker is done for
No. 997108
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No. 997125
>>997108>Im going to be straight hereConsidering she said the same thing when she lied about not knowing, I'm going to assume that's code for "I'm about to cover my ass with a lie." We've already seen the logs so we already know what the truth is. If she can lie to people "close to her" then I don't get why anyone expects a single word of truth to come out of her mouth.
>>997111Or they could just read the rules like everyone else.
No. 997141
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sharing for any ex-fans lurking. Man, I would love to see him try to do it live, but for his sake, I hope he's not that stupid.
I think the milk has run dry until after the alleged police investigation, but damn I wish we could have gotten just a little more out of this.
No. 997142
>>997141Actual quality content,wtf
Thank you anon, this is pretty neat.
No. 997155
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Newfag here. Don't know if this could be milk so I figured I'd post and see. Saged (hope I did it right) in case it isn't milk. Why would one of Ryan's past steam things be Ru$$ Money? Especially if they weren't friends. Just thought it was weird. Keep the good milk coming though guys it took me like 3 days to read all the past threads, started at 700381.
No. 1005597
>>994867All men bad.
There you have it, the excuse a dumb whore needs to fucking claim all men are bad. I'm so tired of you bitches who have nothing in your lives coming here and shitting on men in a way where before this website and the internet you'd have to do it in person and get your fucking asses beat. Fuck all of you. Cry is a creep, the women are fucking whores, not
victims, and this website is a shithole.