Bones was briefly a respected member of Kiwi Farms after managing to discover a google drive that was connected to an incest leak regarding Chris Chan. However, he very very quickly squandered the goodwill he earned hereby continuously tilting at windmills and the perceived socks of Janke.
Spooky claimed to be a woman with two children and a husband this is not only a huge lie but very well may have been covering up more dangerous behavior on the part of this individual with his attempts at gaining access to It should be observed here for all those who bought into the idea he was a woman that if you hang out on Discord with someone for more than 2 months and they say they’re female but refuse to voice chat with you then they’re a dude.
To begin this is actually not the original account this person used. His original account was Jigaboo Jones ( which was fairly easy to prove because he felt the need to write on this accounts wall with his Spooky Bones account letting everyone know:
Largely this is an unremarkable account beyond the fact that like the early posts on Spooky Bones he discusses his drug use a great deal as well as the drug websites he frequents. He did also include a link to a bizarre 40k/Chris Chan fanfic. ( /
He also did meet Tooter IRL to give you a good idea of the sort of crowd this guy finds enjoyable IRL.
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