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No. 1047741
general thread for egirls and eboys
what happened last time:
> babivampire made the second thread> posts about sug4rfairy, ang3lthigh, dead9irl, etc> gets posted and called out for her self posting and wks herself, posting continuously about lolcow on social media’s> farmhands uncover she has been posting everyone all along, bullying and using slurs that she’s so against> breakdown ensues, babivampire “sells” her account and suicide baits on her spam account> mya addams calls her out on facebook, everyone starts sharing their bad experiences with herother notable things:
> ang3lthigh pedobaiting and ridiculous photoshopping, may be into fucking dogs and pedo shit> dead9irl was a normie officially confirmed, she also definitely posts about e1or4 lying about what she looks like without makeup> nyabeat allegedly groomed and called out for pro ana racist nazi stuff on twitter, jazminbean unfollows her> sp00kybabyy (toopoor’s bff) called out by yung.sadistic (50k on twitter) for being a “maga loser” and wearing braids in the past, owns her love of trump> littlechurchgirl or whoever the fuck posts herself and no one carespast threads:
1 -
>>8668002 -
>>1005403 (created by babivampire)
links to notable people:
babivampire: No. 1047746
File: 1601354772481.jpeg (89.21 KB, 443x960, 85C650CA-6211-4866-A989-18E7A8…)

more convos with babivampire found on facebook posted by those who confront her
No. 1047756
File: 1601356215230.jpeg (95.39 KB, 750x1193, FA9D5632-8FAB-45CC-B4C9-917E9E…)

kek i am confused she has like 1200 followers on this now
No. 1047760
File: 1601356661492.jpeg (492.58 KB, 750x1186, E6988C5E-2597-4E5A-A4A8-C9E774…)

caption is edited from before and now everyone who tries to follow is being accepted
No. 1047770
File: 1601359838186.png (68.9 KB, 430x280, 1539134595362.png)

>>1047760>I've taken the steps to get better and I can't want to growit's been 12 hours haley tf have you done besides pretend to be suicidal and lie to people who thought you were their friend
No. 1047784
File: 1601363007417.jpeg (130.32 KB, 1372x1372, 67A530CC-87E2-4E68-8C2C-1D46BE…)

i’m about to bash my head into a fucking wall this is ridiculous. speaking kindly to people? were you speaking kindly when you called sug4rfairy a “thing” and got the entire thread to rip on her? were you speaking kindly about dead9irl, mikylaisamonster, lilausa, & ang3lthigh? this type of delusion is concerning. i don’t think she’s been off social media for a second this entire day. i wonder how her kids doing
No. 1047797
File: 1601366427296.jpeg (397.19 KB, 1372x1372, 055E9475-3EC8-4B29-8362-E9C2C0…)

found this in the facebook comments, text conversation screenshot is from when haley and this girl were friends.
No. 1047798
File: 1601366482999.jpeg (288.06 KB, 1372x1372, 1CFDA134-BA0F-41F5-AF88-1F09D2…)

babivampire then confronted her after stalking the comment section of her call out post
No. 1047812
File: 1601369137835.jpeg (268.19 KB, 750x1184, C5D617DD-F544-4E4C-8B23-D97C3C…)

“you know nothing” calm down dolores. she’s been posting random shit within the past hour, i guess she’s trying to move past the whole thing, normally egirls stay off the internet for at least one day but i think haley requires social media for sustenance. also she lives in florida where it’s currently 4:45 AM why is a bitch with a kid up all night lol
No. 1047815
File: 1601370339231.png (266.46 KB, 750x1334, D23D3E37-4181-4DED-BFA4-A056D2…)

the audacity to still play the victim
No. 1047833
File: 1601375276223.png (29.35 KB, 494x154, cow.png)

Wow, some drama to wake up to. I fucking knew that these egirl threads were at least 50% selfposters but I didn't anticipate this.
No. 1047834
File: 1601375320565.png (670.54 KB, 980x3124, facebook.png)

No. 1047867
>>1047746lmao y'all catch that at the end?
"I wish some of you had brains"
if she wanted to clear her name, she could've done just that - the other person wasn't even coming at her that hard, but she still had to include a bitchy ass comment
even in the little things she shows how fake and reactive she is
No. 1047873
File: 1601386253586.jpeg (57.27 KB, 750x224, DEBDBE22-5CBE-432E-8B97-E73698…)

>>1047833screenshot is from 3 years ago her mom calling her out on fb LMAO
No. 1047928
File: 1601397280308.jpg (763.25 KB, 1070x1902, 20200929_123458.jpg)

Imagine being this much of a vapid, manipulative bitch. She said on her stories she'll be streaming, so keep and eye on her twitch.
No. 1047963
File: 1601402523618.jpg (548.62 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200929-132955_Ins…)

So the version of you 5 years ago would be proud you turned into a spiteful, narcissistic dead beat mom? Ok. Keep telling yourself that.
No. 1047999
File: 1601407546975.jpg (1.89 MB, 1920x3536, CollageMaker_20200929_15264516…)

>>1047979I'll start another topic.
>zephanijong on twitter>quickly gained popularity by drawing vines on post-it notes, starting around 2017 I think>popularity got to her head>started tweeting like it's her diary>frequent suicidal meltdowns for YEARS>suicidal posting gets so bad people send police to her house >"I'm so ugly!" posts a photo almost every other day>shoops photos, heavy makeup always>frequently mentions suicide, deletes tweets almost an hour afterward>self-loathing texts daily, posts more selfies and how her life is awesome>publicly posting relationship issues and how she doesn't understand how her bf loves her>she's dating the fucking vine kid "is that a weed" I've been following her on a forgotten account for a few years and every time I log back in I see her meltdowns. I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't constantly calling herself ugly and begging for self pity but then getting mad when people compare her to pretty celebs to show her that she's not ugly
No. 1048000
File: 1601407678746.jpg (676.45 KB, 1071x1131, SmartSelect_20200929-152912_Co…)

>>1047999Sorry for weird cropping, oop
Anyways, here's another post. This is an almost endless cash cow of self pity e-girling.
I happen to think she's very pretty, it just sucks she's always whining about being ugly.
No. 1048003
File: 1601407880800.jpg (564.86 KB, 2048x2048, 20200929_151946.jpg)

>>1048002You haven't seen nose yet. She's pretty good at making it look smaller
No. 1048023
>>1048020It's less about hating yourself, more the constant posting of suicide threats and deleting them, same cycle.
Sorry to post a boring cow, I didn't expect it to be too milky, but this is the egirl thread.
No. 1048101
File: 1601419653288.jpg (182.25 KB, 1080x1033, 20200929_184848.jpg)

Babyblonde13 (the girl who posted towards the end of the last thread saying she wasn't littlechurchgirl while typing like a 5 year old on crack) new instagram is littlesickgirl, and she's still butthurt about this thread and her ban.
No. 1048131
File: 1601424092147.jpg (331.89 KB, 1079x1389, Screenshot_20200929-200154_Ins…)

like the love you spread on the last thread. Let it wash
No. 1048203
File: 1601433580912.jpg (291.86 KB, 1080x1757, 20200929_223900.jpg)

Found her wattpad. Why do all these cringey uwu egirls have wattpad? It's full of creepypasta x reader stuff, it's worth a read if you want a good laugh
No. 1048259
>>1048203If you use watt pad and you’re over the age of 16 you’re cringe. That’s something you use when you’re 13. How old is she anyways? Church girl got
triggered and isn’t accepting ppl into her Instagram which is weird cause nobody was saying anything rude just that she’s unoriginal
No. 1048349
File: 1601455907325.jpg (1.47 MB, 2250x2250, live.jpg)

>>1048326Can we have one for twitter and redditfags too? They need to know this place is hostile towards their brand of retardation.
Really boring but since nothing else is going on-
>Hop into fauxgf live stream yesterday>12 views and losing>Immediately greeted by a self aggrandising sperg>Dropping viewership suddenly makes sense>Claiming you aren't entitled to an opinion if you don't have a pfp>Proceeds to argue with a follower that because she's putting herself out there you can only be positive unless you have pfp>Sperg packed with vain assumptions about people who don't post selfie's physical appearance>Follower doesn't stoop but is adamant they are entitled to an opinion regardless of hers>Is noticeably triggered by this>Death stares the camera and cattily remarks "not here">Que evil smirkI suppose this is what it looks like when a narcissist gains a small following by acting like a mean girl.
No. 1048385
File: 1601464006114.png (3.04 MB, 1726x1110, lmao.png)

>>1048349Is she @cumtage at IG?
I always cringe at these kinds of balaklava-wearing egirls. They show off their ~uwu~ knives and guns, try to look like bad bitches but in reality, they wouldn't last for more than 2 seconds in the hood without their scrawny cracked-out bfs buying all their dope for them so they never have to confront the reality of the misery they're romanticising.
I'm looking forward to many of these literal children waking up in a few years and realising how fucking stupid they made themselves look in front of everyone they know.
No. 1048448
File: 1601474816900.png (940.44 KB, 745x614, ang3lthigh.PNG)

I can't tell if her boobs are real or not.
No. 1048449
>>1048363It's legitimately her, I took the screenshots myself. I was taken a back by what she really looks like under all that shop, but I didn't bother mention it because I knew someone else definitely would. By the looks of it she's deluded herself into thinking she looks like her selfies and has a personality to match. Totally agree, major dead9irl vibes.
>>1048385I'm convinced all these girls watched springbreakers one too many times and devised a whole aesthetic around a z grade movie with their Disney idols.
No. 1048533
File: 1601487787634.jpeg (1.08 MB, 3464x3464, 67CF98F2-78D9-4852-8662-F8A2A9…)

Why do people buy promos? Like it’s a waste of money and you don’t get a lot of traction. Also she’s not even that special she’s wearing the same old tired ethot lingerie for $2 on Amazon.
No. 1048746
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Posted this in the Piety thread but it’s on autosage. Going to repost here because it’s noteworthy.
I follow this account on Instagram, 99% sure they didn’t post stuff before yesterday otherwise I wouldn’t have followed them. They started spam posting all that weird #KALIACC cult propaganda. The comments are littered with people wanting to join. The writing style is VERY similar to Piety so don’t doubt that it’s him. They are moving over to Instagram and preying on more young girls.
No. 1048747
File: 1601507225587.jpeg (194.36 KB, 750x863, F8B248E2-5457-41CE-866F-BE0DF1…)

> writing style
No. 1048873
File: 1601516082834.jpg (293.77 KB, 1012x1137, ang3lthigh.jpg)

Saw some things the other day in ang3lthigh's comments. Seems she's ignoring people as early as yesterday and this week. Not sure if that's the person she's with? It's her most recent tik tok.
No. 1048908
File: 1601519558540.jpeg (Spoiler Image,954.17 KB, 1242x1584, A966F781-401D-44BE-B290-AA3A86…)

Does anyone have milk on this chick? Or is she a decent person? She is a ddlg only fans sw and she always complains on Instagram about them censoring her because of her self harm cuts. I feel bad for her though because she says she has bpd and has really horrible scars everywhere(spoonfeeding)
No. 1048978
>>1048908"Is she a decent person?"
"I feel bad for her"
Fuck off lord farquad, no one wants go see your self butchered flesh wounds on IG or on here, DDLG fucking pedo scum. Go try being interesting somewhere else, cuz that self post ain't it and is just laughable and pathetic. Goo goo gah gah btw if you were doing it right, it would be across the street not down the road. Just so you know.
No. 1048984
File: 1601526355959.jpeg (85.1 KB, 1169x578, 8C8647E9-0EFD-446E-9929-BB2345…)

Does this mean she is going to stop being a thot and be a mother
No. 1049054
>>1048886yeah no fucking way that was staying in. whoever added her into the thread in the first place is disgusting. the photos should apply to egirls who've been talked about, not literal murder
No. 1049080
File: 1601537288309.png (204.12 KB, 317x617, genuinelycannotbeleiveshesback…)

Y'all she's fucking back to begging for clout and likes after TWO DAYS WHAT THE FUCK erin painter is shook
No. 1049081
File: 1601537401592.png (254.22 KB, 316x617, cunts2gether4ever.PNG)

IT GETS BETTER. now shes sharing the rudest shooping cunt we know and lover, fauxgf / cumtage. life is in fact a simulation.
No. 1049094
File: 1601540908586.png (412.14 KB, 597x604, corpsebabystalker.PNG)

corpsebabydoll is apparently being skinwalked harassed and borderline stalked by someone called megankuma to the full twitter thread
No. 1049096
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No. 1049097
File: 1601541131887.png (53.34 KB, 599x548, corpsebabystalker3.PNG)

(3/3) this whole situation seems really weird, and im gonna go ahead and assume whoever randomly brought her up last thread here
>>1044814 is this megankuma girl
No. 1049098
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they claim she copied her pinterest too, it does seem strange that folders have the same name & spelling bbs the same way
No. 1049193
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apparently this is old but it looks like babicunt has always been a jealous bitch lol
No. 1049214
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>>1049052>I've never seen any weird behavior about her>DDLG>onlyfans >slashes her wrists
>Its refreshing to not see a girl who shoops to hellUhm not when the girl is a total goblin…?
No. 1049230
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did this thot even sell her account or is she just in hiding
No. 1049257
File: 1601563435480.png (180.51 KB, 750x1334, 25542EF4-A06A-4650-8B35-D07A6C…)

dated a 14 yr old as a "18 yr old" when she was 17 & lied about her age bc she wanted to post sexual shit kekekek
No. 1049295
File: 1601568913881.jpeg (415.66 KB, 828x1288, 8339C143-93E4-451D-9AD1-5017C1…)

does anyone follow chaneru? not sure she crosses into "e-girl" territory, but she sure tries hard
> old slut that got passed around in pro-gamer circles
> got famous for posting lewds on 4chan and reddit
> had famous bipolar/drug fueled meltdown where she was posting pictures of feces and accusing her mother of abusing her
> begged people to send her money for food because she was "cut off", offered to send nudes and lewds because she needed to eat
> own parents outed her for being high as fuck on whippets hence the reason they tried to get her into rehab (was not cut off)
only bringing this up because she seems to be on another drug fueled bender in vegas right now and has been furiously posting about how her mom abandoned her again and won't give her money kek
No. 1049368
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>>1049356not to mention she was supposedly there with either her sugar daddy boyfriend and the dude just let her wander around dressed in literally a bra at 2am…classy
No. 1049409
>>1049341no josh is some kid she dated years ago
noy kolesnitchenko is the father he has the kid
No. 1049430
>>1049421nah she moved to florida without her kid after saying she wasnt gonna leave him with such a "terrible&
abusive" father
No. 1049586
>>1049430She left her child with the
abusive father? She was raising money from her followers on Instagram just a few months ago for her AND her child to move to Florida, to get away from him. I guess we don't know what's going on, but it looks like she took the money for herself and ditched her kid. If it's true that's gross.
No. 1049669
File: 1601600073039.png (394.5 KB, 859x563, babinew.PNG)

babivampire has now changed her spam name to her original username and this is the state of the "sold(?)" account. i'm really not understanding why she ran to a new account as if it would change her identity or make everyone forget about what she did.
No. 1049688
File: 1601602312158.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, B0E79591-BC24-410D-A79A-8D3495…)

shes gonna see the thread n get triggered kek
No. 1049694
File: 1601602986406.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, 868E141C-AD28-4D17-9DA1-57AA75…)

it gets better lol
No. 1049737
File: 1601607147130.jpg (309.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201002-124430.jpg)

I can't rationalise this so I'm gonna go with mental illness.
No. 1049740
File: 1601607320142.jpg (1.46 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20201001_225613238.j…)

It appears her twitter @babivampiire is back up and running. Also hilarious comparing her body to her shoops
No. 1049940
File: 1601632663382.png (797.24 KB, 750x1334, 660D14EF-FF35-4A9F-A1C4-8DBE9C…)

this cow literally thinks she’s famous…
No. 1049944
>>1049942BabiWeight is my new favorite nickname for her KEK
I guarantee you we’ll see her totally original tattoo on a million different girls before she came up with it. she’s a trendhopper. nobody wants to copy a tacky aliexpress alt wannabe who shoops themself so intensely yet still cannot manage to look attractive. there was a picture on her spam before she deleted everything about her buying tons of shein stuff for photos which is so lame. hint: you’re not “alt” if all of your clothing come from shein.
No. 1049955
File: 1601635506914.jpeg (209.59 KB, 750x1292, AA149DC9-1B9F-455B-8E89-1C3C03…)

here’s the retard who bought babivampires account. have fun with your fake followers, try not to bully your friends and you should be fine
No. 1049980
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>>1049955Lol apparently she has 4 million followers on Twitch why did she even buy the account I’m confused
No. 1049990
File: 1601640823875.png (13.28 KB, 248x100, pw.png)

>>1049980Where'd you get "4 million" from???
No. 1049996
File: 1601641427964.jpeg (117.33 KB, 748x918, CA2941A4-F9FF-4ED5-9943-42D6F6…)

>>1049990i just screenrecorded it changing kek
No. 1050007
File: 1601643614436.jpeg (544.81 KB, 750x1196, 1432794E-6F2D-4A0F-B8F5-3BF528…)

Why do these bitches think clown makeup will make them attractive
No. 1050010
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>>1050007kek here she is without the clown makeup anon, i think you can understand why she’s wearing it now
No. 1050015
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>>1050010Don’t be mean she seems so sweet kek
No. 1050026
File: 1601647070892.jpeg (240.26 KB, 750x957, 9CE8B574-1452-451A-82AA-EBC4AD…)

>>1050024oh yeah you’re totally right. ethots who REEEEE online about tik tok “deleting their followers” (yeah right) and don’t give a fuck about men being drugged and robbed are so cool. i wish i could be so cool ngl
No. 1050188
>>1050121i've been there since the previous thread anon, there were several speculation but no definite proof. I saw a post of one of her pretended "friend" who claim she's 14 and she called herself a "minor" (read: i'm a baby who poops her diapies because being under 18 means you cannot do wrong and aknowledge it pls no booly) so it's hard to know what to believe.
If she's not a litteral child then we should either talk about her or revive Chara/Piety thread since that psycho is involved in it
No. 1050221
File: 1601665427051.jpg (476.15 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20200930-222157.jpg)

Minors can pedobait
No. 1050303
>>1050227>>1050267Idk this girl and idk what she does but
>15-17yo minor is literally the same level of retarded as a 5yo minor therefore can't be held responsible for anythingCan this meme die already. It's one thing to own stuffed animals, it's another to post thirst traps featuring stuffed animals speging about ~daddy choke me~ with fake loli voice.
No. 1050317
>>1050303Any minor saying daddy choke me is very cringe
Still it’s always the pedos fault.
No. 1050320
>>1050303A 15-17 yrs brain isn’t fully developed. No one said they have the same functioning level as a 5 year old child.
A fully adult man is the problem not a teen child. Stop defending pedos it’s gross and creepy
No. 1050343
>>1050293right? nowadays if you're a "minor" you're a baby in diapers that shits themselves and you can use that as a shield. Nyabeat herself used it in her crytyping/tumblr panic attack typing IG story "i'm a minor so i shouldnt deal with this waah waah" (she DID get groomed by some /pol/ weirdos it seems. but you know the zoomers obsession with cancelling everything without knowing the full story. Everything is racist
and transphobic nowadays anyway.)
I get you're dumb and easily influenced when you're underage but there's a limit.
No. 1050485
File: 1601686839170.jpeg (107.62 KB, 750x1176, 53958C10-948D-4F81-89C2-71FCAF…)

this girl on instagram (had an old account by the name of iamyourbabi/magehealer and previously mentioned here
>>>/snow/913816) used the soft girl/ ~lolita beach aesthetic/ agere aesthetic to hide her ddlg fantasies behind. she’s a mik too, barely turned 17
No. 1050499
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No. 1050503
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No. 1050505
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No. 1050508
File: 1601687729609.jpeg (169.13 KB, 750x1296, 85C9ADB5-E38D-4820-8819-5556A3…)

No. 1050510
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No. 1050691
File: 1601719974694.jpeg (190.89 KB, 750x1186, DD1B7C3D-842A-4503-860B-B7A357…)

She keeps rebranding kek as if those she’s hurt will forget? this whole situation is so weird. why did she sell the account if she wasn’t even going to take a one day break from the internet? I think she literally believes doing this will wipe everyone’s minds cleans
No. 1050732
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Oh boy…
No. 1050733
File: 1601729350356.jpeg (201.03 KB, 1372x1372, 934E00EC-E35D-400F-BE2F-44229A…)

The keks are unreal with this bitch
No. 1050769
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>>1050756from dead9irl's highlights
No. 1050810
File: 1601739460966.png (2.29 MB, 750x1334, 439DCE31-4A6B-4D6E-B79A-8B837D…)

Kek I bet $20 it was dead9irl since she hasn’t posted about this
No. 1050814
>>1050810Not some deadbeat mom leaving her kid with his "
abusive" dad. And selling was pics in Florida.
No. 1050819
>>1050810> Audacity: rude or disrespectful behavior; impudence.So was it not rude or disrespectful to talk shit about her friends online? She should be talking about her own audacity. If audacity is on sale, she’s the supplier.
>>1050691She literally changed her username because when you look up babivampire online the threads come up. Well vampcherub vampcherub vampcherub you can’t hide from what you did kek
No. 1050889
File: 1601746138316.jpeg (262.83 KB, 1372x995, B4230996-D90F-4A22-A2F1-48AED4…)

based on vampcherub bio and dead9irls caption, i’m gonna go ahead and assume they hate each other because they’re the same person
No. 1050894
File: 1601746262816.jpeg (571.78 KB, 750x1174, C09763B1-46BA-41FC-998E-E71842…)

vampcherub you think we can’t tell that’s not your real face? kek
No. 1050905
>>1050894Closeups of her face are rare because her gigantic chin always takes half of the camera, might as well save some money for a chin shave.
Doesn’t matter how much she shoops, Vampcherub will always be farquaad’s more evil look-alike.
No. 1050946
File: 1601752124099.jpg (146.98 KB, 1080x1730, Screenshot_20201004-060809__01…)

>>1050894Kek anons the photoshop monstrosity is gone already and replaced with a more believable shoop.
No. 1050948
File: 1601752184237.jpg (405.25 KB, 1080x1595, Screenshot_20201004-061048__01…)

>>1050946Still not particularly believable though
No. 1050962
File: 1601753382085.jpg (224.79 KB, 620x1764, thot.jpg)

I'm constantly amazed wondering who is throwing money at these people.
No. 1050975
File: 1601753750468.jpeg (53.69 KB, 544x629, F94C2750-747D-46F5-8320-43AB9D…)

>>1050948Anon everyone’s face is a jagged line with their hair colour bleeding into it, this is completely believable (obvious /s/)
No. 1050989
File: 1601754382914.jpg (776.24 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201004-064508.jpg)

>>1050946Dw guys she proved us wrong by replacing this deleted story
>>1050810 with the original shitty shop. Bless her heart, she's fast.
No. 1050990
File: 1601754529646.jpg (239.61 KB, 1080x1483, Screenshot_20201004-064933__01…)

>>1050989Pic related
No. 1051010
>>1050990>apparently More like obviously, but I guess everyone is wrong since vampcherub totally never posted a bunch of girls in here to get roasted by anons.
Also, her new name sounds a lot like pamperchu.
No. 1051039
File: 1601761295754.jpg (415.52 KB, 1080x1579, 20201003_173808.jpg)

Kek that was easy. Change your handle all you want Haley, you cant get away from this thread.
No. 1051153
File: 1601772639954.png (902.8 KB, 750x1334, 68734D50-90A9-442A-8DDE-682830…)

Kek y’all are the same person what doesn’t she understand
No. 1051155
File: 1601772736359.jpeg (145.97 KB, 750x1216, 360349C3-60D2-4501-B5C2-2311BA…)

No. 1051171
>>1051039LOL remember when
vampcherub abandoned her kid good stuff
No. 1051177
File: 1601773984198.jpg (692.97 KB, 4096x3072, 292.jpg)

>>1051153egirls calling each other posers is literally this image
No. 1051178
File: 1601774019361.jpeg (43.44 KB, 800x283, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

>>1051153>>1051155Remember when she said "y'all could never" about hitting 100k to farmers inbthe other thread
When she bought them and abandoned her son.
No. 1051190
File: 1601774664630.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, 843F1BCE-748D-4AB3-B047-2892D3…)

SHE’S GOING OFF finally what we’ve been waiting for
No. 1051198
File: 1601775510923.png (702.98 KB, 750x1334, CD3AF4FA-2F6E-412B-8765-4E9D39…)

it’s called karma haley. it’s so obvious deadhoe is psychotic so why get involved in drama with her. someone seems desperate for attention
No. 1051217
File: 1601777642969.jpg (752.58 KB, 1080x1817, Screenshot_20201003-221432_Ins…)

Big surprise. Hope she quits selling nudes now but unlikely cuz she needs male validation
No. 1051219
File: 1601777881110.jpeg (142.74 KB, 750x530, 8B0F1BFD-D783-464D-A515-3A1847…)

>>1051217kek at her telling us she had a job in the last thread before she actually got one
No. 1051220
File: 1601778013668.png (3.04 MB, 750x1334, C9855E59-BA7E-457B-8F5E-D1BEFD…)

Who would’ve thought after all of this deadhoe would be the voice of reason
No. 1051223
>>1051218I hope for the baby's sake that she was lying about him being
abusive and he's in good hands. I'm so put off by the fact that she made it out like she was still with him in the last thread. When she was like "y'all act like moms can't have free time" but she wound up living in another state
sage for blog but I am a mom and I barely have any time for social media, especially since my kid is so young. I can't imagine having an onlyfans and shoving dildos up my hooha for some ugly incels while my kid was asleep in the other room No. 1051229
File: 1601778927968.jpeg (115.97 KB, 750x1623, EDDFA10C-1BE4-49CA-A354-FEE415…)

ANOTHER username change kek
ok deepwebvamp
No. 1051241
>>1051239ur "pretty sure" doesnt mean shit to what actually happened and what she posted
she left without him thinking that the dad would fly him down to her no they kept the kid
No. 1051244
Deep web vamp
No. 1051251
File: 1601781327820.jpg (652.97 KB, 1064x1892, 20201003_231355.jpg)

Kek at how it's getting under Deepwebvamp's skin that we're pointing out she's a deadbeat mom. It's a known fact you left your son, stop pretending like you're a good mom who doesn't spend all her time streaming and posting bikini pics online instead of taking care of him.
No. 1051256
File: 1601781759506.jpeg (160.96 KB, 750x902, 87E5DB25-FF2C-4B74-B3F3-C25B3A…)

No. 1051401
File: 1601805375335.jpeg (446.63 KB, 750x1294, DFB5F18A-ACDD-47DD-A65B-9FAED6…)

isn’t it beautiful when a community bands together
No. 1051609
>>1051223if anything shes one of those girls that complains about men enjoying their freetime on video games
he clearly cares about his child hes all over his profile
No. 1051661
>>1051658the baby pic is still up on the luna sobieski account
wonder how she would address the change in bedsheets from one photo to the next lol
No. 1051715
File: 1601844438069.jpeg (141.7 KB, 750x1171, 95E043EA-2843-4C7A-AA1D-972765…)

shooped to make her skinnier
No. 1051797
File: 1601852340605.jpeg (387.84 KB, 750x834, 54521996-3B9B-48BF-BA92-F30601…)

i don’t even know what to say about this edit, i literally can’t even begin to figure out how she makes it look so fucked up
No. 1051822
File: 1601855031472.jpg (94.12 KB, 637x785, 381b8fd9dcd8fdccb337095b4d444c…)

>>1051819She looks like one of those cats with the long nosed, she isn't hot at all kek. Her shoops are scary
No. 1051938
File: 1601865133961.jpeg (102.68 KB, 750x617, A2FE8E08-213A-4CEC-8F7A-BB2650…)

>>1051908omg they’re not lying
No. 1052007
File: 1601871196703.jpeg (312.2 KB, 1372x1372, 099E706F-DBA7-4E76-AC81-026B7B…)

self awareness and sanity have left the chat (if they haven’t already)
No. 1052023
File: 1601872908750.png (488.95 KB, 850x898, 1575681445103.png)

>>1051980Will you moid sucking ewhores fucking learn how to use the site? Put sage in the email field and no emojis. Minimod I know but goddamn.
No. 1052049
File: 1601877853393.jpg (221.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201005-170445.jpg)

No. 1052142
File: 1601896433227.png (878.03 KB, 750x1334, BC21173E-B218-4F9D-9C73-B5484D…)

vampdeepweb changed her username again and is back to begging for engagement
No. 1052143
File: 1601897106496.jpeg (150.64 KB, 750x1625, 80293E84-9A43-47CB-8230-98C213…)

vampdeepweb aka psycho bitch dolores really thinks no one else besides dead9irl could hate her when she's even went to the extent to post hate about "friends". someone admit this cow to a psychward
No. 1052147
File: 1601897702909.jpg (223.81 KB, 712x1233, Screenshot_20201005-073603_Sam…)

No. 1052181
File: 1601903122772.jpeg (423.38 KB, 750x1185, 36563952-A4F0-4D5B-B74C-458663…)

not vampdeepweb literally being posted on current mood / dollskill and not stopping wearing it until she got hate
No. 1052202
File: 1601906143302.jpeg (27.9 KB, 800x475, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

>>1052181This is a self post. That account is private with 9 followers
No. 1052215
>>1052199if you can acknowledge your BPD you can apologize for all the shit youve done
and for lying about knowing russian too, since a bunch of your followers have come forth about it
No. 1052221
>>1052202…Anyone else think this might actually be Dolores trying to make a
victim of herself? Also, talk about Streisand Effect, kek. She could've easily reported the account but instead she broadcasted it on her stories for thousands to see.
No. 1052227
>>1052203It's not, i just don't like either of them. Anons earlier itt were licking her ass cause she was sperging about her,
Just cause you learned to say kek, doesn't mean you're savvy learn to sage
>>1052215I am not her I'm not excusing her with BPD either. BPD people are the worst
No. 1052230
File: 1601908716636.jpeg (248 KB, 1242x1778, 83C480B9-351B-4F30-BC58-367BFB…)

is this actually erin lol
No. 1052270
File: 1601914416700.jpeg (20.07 KB, 800x563, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

(followed by) dead9irl. They keep linking shit and it's going to attract gross ethot newfags to the site.
No. 1052272
File: 1601914500984.jpg (372.83 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20201005-091614.jpg)

I'm surprised she posted this you could see her long bumpy nose.
No. 1052273
File: 1601914664145.jpg (227.23 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20201005-091801.jpg)

>BLM and sex work is real work
These retards who parrot woke nonsense will be in for a real culture shock when they find out that this site isn't their Twitter hugbox
No. 1052318
File: 1601918500732.png (473.48 KB, 750x1334, 73556579-1508-4D25-82E4-46DFE8…)

Playing the victim role once again.
No. 1052326
>>1052273what the fuck is she bringing up BLM for??
> blm is real workokay, what are you doing for BLM? is it your job? What else does she do besides sharing the same BLM social media posts as everyone else?
No. 1052330
File: 1601919580372.jpg (679.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201006-043730.jpg)

Why doesn't she even try to be consistent? It's honestly jarring seeing her face morph from photo to photo.
No. 1052335
>>1052330Now she’s Valkyrievampire? She will have to perpetually change her username if she thinks doing so will clean her name, at all.
>valkyrievampire valkyrievampire valkyrievampire valkyrievampire Anyways, at least she’s keeping the humongous chin, but that waist cinching can’t hide her huge arms and chest.
No. 1052355
File: 1601922380787.png (480.11 KB, 527x898, pupwoof.png)

>>1052230>>1052229From her (pupwoof) story, does it look like Erin's car?
I honestly don't know, I feel like it might be her chubby skinwalker. She's tagged in a lot of hentai art, and her skinwalker run account like that.
No. 1052370
File: 1601923717810.jpeg (223.85 KB, 750x1174, 0C8FC8F1-5875-4690-B55C-B075A5…)

No. 1052383
File: 1601925209345.jpeg (521.97 KB, 750x1291, CA669AEB-68F4-4299-98FD-B9F6EC…)

vampirevalkyrie (still called babivampire) has one review on depop and this is it
No. 1052397
File: 1601926125832.jpeg (425.23 KB, 750x1294, 7569A232-D9C2-4252-A7EB-413B63…)

she found a way out, quick everyone look up “vampirevalkyrie lolcow” to make it show up kek
No. 1052610
File: 1601944708910.jpg (453.2 KB, 688x1271, Screenshot_20201005-203804_Sam…)

about babitramp. Her lips look ridiculous
No. 1052711
File: 1601955056655.jpg (169.87 KB, 1773x1773, PicsArt_10-05-10.27.09.jpg)

>>1052230Highly doubt it's Erin. I checked who they were following and found a bunch of nsfw accounts run by minors… Jeez, someone take the internet away from these people.
No. 1052924
File: 1601994518324.jpg (539.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201007-012628.jpg)

Pretty dry but kek @ how these are 99c AliExpress lashes with a sparkly paper insert. How are people even capable of being a reseller? Can't relate.
No. 1053254
File: 1602022919020.jpeg (498.05 KB, 750x1186, FA270672-F556-40EF-AFEE-D45EFD…)

found the caption interesting
No. 1053263
File: 1602023826055.jpeg (349.94 KB, 1372x1229, 57692B1C-8532-4C88-8A17-912F77…)

vampirevalkyrie / babivampire couldn’t make it more obvious that she’s just keeping the username with this babivampire account but why lie about it is what i don’t understand. screenshot is the ONLY THING on their story and the page only posted on one or two days
No. 1053330
File: 1602027669014.png (2.2 MB, 750x1334, 064DFDF9-D4EE-4500-B2B5-4D7EC1…)

>>1053263fifteen minutes after this was posted the babivampire account spam posted like ten girls i’ve seen haley / vampirevalkyrie post on her story within a matter of three minutes. good job totally convincing us that it isn’t you and that you aren’t stalking the thread.
No. 1053466
>>1053421 Nah, bc I have an actual job that gives me $36,000 a year.
>>1053455Im not her. Try again, and maybe try spelling her name right too lol
(no one cares) No. 1053576
File: 1602058692915.jpeg (837.82 KB, 3464x3464, 0CC8FA29-B893-4611-9BC0-692E48…)

Elora without facetune is the toppest of keks
No. 1053656
File: 1602071459417.jpeg (883.34 KB, 1242x1085, 3041FE45-ED75-4A49-BA2F-95DF1A…)

>>1053576nah, I think its just angles.
the overlining, however…
No. 1053677
>>1053576If this is actually her (and it looks to be)
>Jaw slimmed/sharpened>Eyes tapered more angular>Brows angled fiercer>Nose shrunk>nasolabial folds non existentSome of this could be attributed to angles but definitely not all.
No. 1053686
File: 1602077324458.jpeg (18.76 KB, 183x275, 594273DE-4038-4690-A55A-A4D102…)

i’ve never heard about elora before this forum but through heavy instagram tag stalking it seems like she looks relatively the same in her photos WITH all the makeup on, except as previous anon said she definitely shoops about as much as a snapchat filter shoops you i’d say. without all the makeup is a different story. adding this picture from her tagged photos in august 2019 as seen in the last thread.
No. 1053794
File: 1602088179916.jpeg (169.04 KB, 750x1187, BAD01E4E-4DF8-4299-BAC1-6B8C07…)

>>1053785ffs finally she learned how to sage after three fucking threads. just saying it may be worth it to farm out dead9irl posts, she revealed herself for self posting in the first thread here
>>946789 and i guarantee you she posts all the time
No. 1053804
File: 1602088699983.jpg (647.59 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201008-032137.jpg)

>>1053785It's a gossip imageboard. Please try harder to integrate by obscuring your irrational contempt, and thank you for sageing your autism "kek".
In other news, fauxgf is having a public breakup in her stories with her tiktok spec boyfriend. The kicker is they're both posting all this shit from the same house. Cbf collecting the whole sperg, it's lengthy as always.
No. 1053828
File: 1602091053979.png (1.02 MB, 750x1334, ACE8B8CA-34BC-4092-B738-3FED40…)

>>1053804you weren’t kidding. two homeless drug addicts publicly fighting is pretty kek worthy i must say
the whole fight is like “you don’t have a job” “you don’t have a job either!!”
No. 1053846
File: 1602093716370.jpeg (389.51 KB, 750x1201, FE043E9A-4CF6-48E2-8663-C5E489…)

So it looks like @Ang3lthigh is in some controversy. Apparently another online store owner tried to buy a wallet from her and it took 2 months and a call out post to admit fault and even then it was “mUH mEnTal iLLnEss!1!” a lot ARENT buying it and to make matters worse she tried to be “woke” and repost a picture of Nikita dragun in dark tan makeup and said LMAO. So the black girl who called her out was NOT having it! Funny how things turn out
No. 1053852
File: 1602094936085.jpeg (57.85 KB, 1173x353, 209751F4-0964-44BD-BB58-BCD4BB…)

I hope this girl spills because I'm so ready for new milk. Also all the comments dragging her is a fat fucking kek.
No. 1053855
File: 1602095292798.jpeg (229.09 KB, 750x1058, 88235799-C44C-41D4-AF3D-477D92…)

someone needs to provide more proof of this claim because this is extremely disgusting and if she’s into bestiality she needs to get exposed for that
No. 1053856
File: 1602095484259.jpg (697.43 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201008-053100.jpg)

>>1053846Here's her stories response
No. 1053858
File: 1602095589199.jpeg (439.19 KB, 750x1083, 896C3FE5-2A42-47BA-89C6-92C10D…)

blackprincesspeach is another popular y2k girl who claims ang3lthigh is racist
No. 1053870
File: 1602096873199.png (4.4 MB, 1242x2208, 63384DCA-F48A-4E85-962D-7C1D26…)

3rd apology so far
No. 1053876
>>1053868Seriously, scamm3rthigh is the real milk.
>>1053870Typical scammer behavior to make the people you owe refunds to reach out to you. You have records of all the money you took and did not deliver, it's your responsibility, moron. And why not just close your depop store and move everything to IG instead of continuing to let people buy shit on depop you have no plan of shipping out?
No. 1053878
File: 1602097677997.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, B4B2432B-A9BA-44C9-8B56-2E04F3…)

>>1053848I remember some people in the previous thread saying they either had a negative experience with her through Depop or knew somebody that did. I think it’s been confirmed that she gets shitty thrift items with stains and sells them at a higher price
No. 1053883
File: 1602098208076.jpeg (108.93 KB, 750x563, 54461240-9DF1-4A78-BB79-012B1C…)

>>1053882 No one is letting her off the hook
No. 1053884
File: 1602098244928.jpeg (74.25 KB, 750x414, 4EAD9ED2-69CA-4687-906C-9BA099…)

>>1053883Just more and more people saying they got scammed
No. 1053885
File: 1602098326904.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.71 KB, 740x371, 1C4C35AC-46D9-4645-A66E-CFFDEB…)

>>1053884This is just getting gross. How the fuck are you gonna sell “thrifted” stuff that fucking smells. Did you just take it off before you decided to take a shower and thought “hmm…yeah this is good to sell.” What a dumb gross bitch
No. 1053986
File: 1602111185299.jpeg (191.43 KB, 750x592, A1AF44E5-D1AF-498E-8DAA-F8E3A2…)

a comment about ang3lthigh on iamdollbb callout post, she does a bad job at having an eating disorder considering she’s still a fatty, but the photoshop certainly shows body dysmorphia
No. 1054054
File: 1602120570555.png (22.87 KB, 337x321, 112432.png)

Some more interesting comments
No. 1054103
File: 1602126432456.jpeg (84.53 KB, 739x739, 709A651E-C512-4556-B176-18443C…)

No. 1054214
File: 1602155609270.jpeg (443.53 KB, 750x1294, F6F658FA-17F1-47E9-A4BD-ADA303…)

No. 1054239
File: 1602159421949.png (1.85 MB, 750x1334, 0A6FD589-4CBF-423E-BA11-DC7C86…)

we love a good cow crossover
No. 1054244
File: 1602160749468.jpeg (338.53 KB, 750x561, C0BEC25F-FB6E-4348-99F7-111A60…)

more ang3lics / ang3lthigh scamming stories. weird how she’s answers ASAP when someone wants to buy, thought her dms were a “toxic place” (how are your paying customers messages “toxic” they just want what they paid for?)
No. 1054252
>>1054244Bc responsibility is
toxic to some people, anon! They just can't deal with having to provide what they charged people for, can't they just be happy to support an artist???
No. 1054260
File: 1602163049308.jpeg (323.68 KB, 750x1204, 1AB6BDA0-FC93-42F5-BB1E-2B2F18…)

v4mpiref4iry is here!! let’s all remember to see hi to v4mpiref4iry, hi v4mpiref4iry!!!!
kek at her using f4iry, reminds me of that girl she almost ran off the internet last thread
No. 1054367
File: 1602173278974.png (2.47 MB, 750x1334, 27E11A7F-1E0A-442D-AA79-0B070D…)

v4mpiref4iry has declared herself not to be a bad person. it’s official. pack it up everyone we’re done talking about v4mpiref4iry
No. 1054435
File: 1602178012842.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, 3761CC0F-149F-4053-AB68-977C4D…)

Okay “v4mpyref4iry” what proof do you have again? Because mods have actual proof like your IP address, idk how you can dispute that. Typing styles are all the same, she didn’t even try to switch it up. She refuses to take accountability at all and at this point it’s topkekworthy
No. 1054438
File: 1602178415355.jpeg (194.75 KB, 1372x1372, 00221374-703E-4B51-AAD7-824FF9…)

whoever runs this account is a fucking lunatic and i love them. always up to date with the username switches kek
they’re revealing new milk on the stories right now
No. 1054448
File: 1602178793160.jpeg (277.42 KB, 1372x1372, 44790912-639E-4962-B3F7-09A254…)

based on the exes profile alone with all the pictures of the child and haley’s habit of lying, there was most likely no abuse going on and this is most likely true. v4mpyref4iry also apparently exposed a girls nudes as revenge which is technically illegal
No. 1054450
File: 1602178885971.png (399.56 KB, 750x1334, 8C3158E9-DD3E-40BF-9E0C-DFE478…)

(3/3) why would she make her fake stalking account her real username kek
No. 1054480
File: 1602180559399.jpeg (209.65 KB, 750x1182, 4DE81C00-1624-4A26-A976-3B394A…)

No. 1054661
File: 1602196348127.jpeg (243.18 KB, 1372x1119, 55A3F4E5-EFA2-4E62-B243-1602D2…)

It’s so funny and obvious when these cows make fan accounts for themselves
No. 1055037
File: 1602257261581.jpg (103.78 KB, 1079x1570, Screenshot_20201009-112801_Ins…)

she will never own up to what she did. Just denial denial denial.
No. 1055984
>>1055037Vampirefairy/ V4mpiref4iry doesn't give a shit about apologizing. She's extremely full of herself
No. 1056075
>>1052229lol, its the other erin, the pocketsizee account is now @ninnysan and has the tellonym "snuddle" that used to be the fat erins twitter and onlyfans
which is funny as that erin always used to complain that she got mistaken for erin… but yet shes using her old usernames
No. 1056138
File: 1602385812446.jpg (261.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201011-140745.jpg)

V4mpiref4iry and dead9irl spend way too much time on the farms.
Kek at v4mpiref4iry's audacity in contributing to a "cancellation" after reeeing so hard about her own just last week.
No. 1056493
>>1056152LOL these fucking retards have so much animosity and hatred for each other based on Internet interactions that they’re both willing to ruin their reputations based on the fucking word retard, which they’ve both said as much as we do. The moral high ground v4mpiref4iry / haley decides to take even though her horrible behaviour has been exposed so many times it’s hilarious. Everytime one of those morons exposes each other, the one being exposed will pull out some other bullshit the other has done. It’s a hilarious way to watch people cancel each other and themselves at the same time.
V4mpiref4iry or whatever she wants to call herself this week exposing dead9irl is like Laura Lee trying to call out Jeffree Star and then having her own shit come out and bite her in the ass ten times worse.
No. 1056783
File: 1602473297168.jpg (615.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201012-142218.jpg)

This isn't the first time I've seen ethots charging extortionate amounts for promos. I think last week it was cwunchie, and before that I think it was doeprincess? The kicker is whenever I visit their profile there's literally 0 takers KEK.
No. 1057076
File: 1602524121856.jpg (522.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201013-042658.jpg)

Fauxgf is sperging the fuck out in her stories again like the insufferable narc she is. This time she's apparently got a skinwalker but it making herself out to be just as unhinged. No. 1057118
File: 1602528207035.jpeg (500.56 KB, 750x655, E1CAC89A-3455-4369-92AD-F579EF…)

>>1057076is she mad or something that the girl has more followers? feeds don’t like similar at all. she’s clearly a drug addict so a lot of the stuff she does makes sense to me considering who she is
No. 1057121
File: 1602528526397.png (289.56 KB, 750x1334, D7F8500D-C0A1-496A-983C-BD1293…)

babivampire is back! we missed you babivampire, still just not understanding the point of selling the account but remaining the same person. regardless, babivampire is informing the world that we only discuss how she reacts, but not what triggered her.
Please enlighten us at to what “triggered” you to post about sug4rf4iry (calling her a “thing”), befriend her, and comfort her because of said posts that almost ran her off the Internet. Please tell me what triggered you to make an entire thread about Dead9irl that no on cared about besides her apparently blocking you after you unfollowed her. Please tell me what triggered you to make fun of Ang3lthighs gross body and failure at photoshopping. Own up to what you did, you’re gross for making yourself a victim.
No. 1057125
File: 1602528804298.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, 08B97256-5F67-462B-9E17-416E13…)

>>1057118samefag but kek at “rock more” as if we didn’t need more proof you’re broke. She could never go buy the same shitty aliexpress “rock more” trash? idk about that
No. 1057156
File: 1602532897995.jpeg (116.41 KB, 688x985, 1F330F53-BB62-4F29-A941-14DE39…)

kek at @fauxgf fat shaming when she photoshops her body to unhealthy proportions.
No. 1057255
File: 1602545227816.jpeg (61.36 KB, 275x275, 430431A9-D107-4B27-8DFD-6A2B71…)

>>1057156that’s hilarious considering pic related
No. 1057263
File: 1602546147928.png (920.85 KB, 1242x2208, 5C2915A7-114F-4B9C-9286-DDECA4…)

She’s a lunatic
No. 1057264
File: 1602546261689.png (4.19 MB, 1242x2208, 40482D52-C451-4915-BA4D-465CDB…)

Hey tea you’re still a scammer
No. 1057266
File: 1602546327354.png (2.79 MB, 1242x2208, BF9BD01E-4C88-4FD1-880F-7415D7…)

if these dumbasses buy from this girl they deserve to get scammed. her items smelled like ass and she had the audacity to sell them and not even wash them
No. 1057336
File: 1602557538342.jpg (178.03 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201013-134508.jpg)

>>1057265I assumed she was on something tbh. Even dead9irl has more self awareness than this. Here's the rest of her sperg with aniwtff's response. Even if she is a skinwalker, she comes off as a whole lot more sane than fauxgf. No. 1057436
File: 1602571371651.jpeg (144.38 KB, 1372x1372, 179A01ED-9FA2-43BF-8D92-B170B7…)

fauxgf sperging about something, anyone know what the fuck she’s even going off about? thread isn’t even talking about her erin level catfishing now
No. 1057447
File: 1602573741432.png (602.38 KB, 750x1334, E23EF71A-B20A-4646-9E5B-340C9C…)

i don’t even care enough to read that
No. 1057468
>>1057447I'm not American and even I notice that the way she writes makes it sound like she's trying extremely hard to sound like a bad bitch/ghetto. I must agree with
>>1057425, she wouldn't last a millisecond in the ghetto, especially not acting this obnoxious.
No. 1057470
File: 1602578167032.jpg (1.21 MB, 1800x2400, faux.jpg)

>>1057447>When they think I ain't seen the damn thread lmao>The damn thread>ThreadIt's official, this nobody has been googling herself kek. Too lazy to read through this properly but I caught something about the live stream… This still doesn't look like the same person, but maybe that's just me. Good for her for ((((attempting)))) to take some accountability, even if that's not the point of LC.
I used the good pic to give her the benefit of the doubt.
No. 1057472
>>1057450My personal favorites:
>find me aggy asf>yeah I kick off with people>tbh yous helping meShe reminds me of the white girls I used to know in highschool who would lie and say they were mexican just so they could dress up like cholas and throw a couple "weys" without being called racist kek.
No. 1057569
File: 1602592571221.jpg (592.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201013-233624.jpg)

Why does she keep responding so quickly it's getting creepy?!
Again, too lazy to read this properly.
No. 1057655
>>1057447first of all, we knew you stalked the thread. i literally assumed the first post was a self post because she’s so irrelevant.
>>1057569the v4mpiref4iry dolores exposing account never posted about her what the fuck is she even talking about? unless there’s a new one KEK
> “lolocow”even lolo’s typos make her look self-obsessed
No. 1057708
File: 1602607160757.png (1018.63 KB, 1242x2208, F743EFE5-2DF3-4D8F-BDC0-105418…)

>>1057255Does she have no chin irl? She looks like a bobs burgers character. Sage for dumb
No. 1057805
File: 1602610947629.jpeg (179.83 KB, 750x1030, 5223DEDD-261B-460C-80B3-4BD396…)

>>1057789its like a copy of the other one but has more on all the ehoes instead
No. 1057808
File: 1602611335404.jpg (133.78 KB, 900x1600, 11a57bab-4ff5-4180-af2f-84af74…)

holy shit i found this girl on insta called claires.suicide.note and her insta stories are so fucking wild
No. 1057810
File: 1602611373792.jpg (106.68 KB, 900x1600, 240106b0-e73c-44fa-9b7b-2b31cf…)

the addition to the story above
No. 1057814
File: 1602611666769.jpeg (345.3 KB, 750x1204, 65255CF7-DC9D-48AA-BFEC-39FB53…)

these girls are all fucking lunatics but holy shit fauxgf is on another level
No. 1057840
File: 1602613831886.jpeg (266.59 KB, 750x1036, ACC94F54-FEDE-412C-B2FC-BC25F9…)

>>1057819The instagram page itself is cowtipping but this post
>>1057814 isn’t. That’s new information and apparently a submission from someone, but fauxgf is in the comments saying that was a convo dead9irl.
No. 1057843
File: 1602614241923.jpeg (287.81 KB, 750x1204, D376DE26-7CB3-4608-B1FF-7442C3…)

>>1057840yea you can see dead9irl profile pic on the second slide. it’s so funny to watch cows cancel each other
No. 1058210
>>1057655Actually, I initially posted her because she started shit with a much larger account thus making me aware of her existence.
>lolocowKEK good spot anon, I completely missed that.
>>1057805Whoever made this is such a cancerous newfag. This imageboard is for quietly laughing at cows in their natural habitat, not "exposing" (you braindead Zoomer). Ofc of all the threads it was some retarded egirl that thought this was a good idea.
>>1057832An exert from the last thread
>she's said the n word multiple times, made edgy twitter posts, neo nazi, racist, ablest, killed some rat and pro ana. No. 1058730
File: 1602698888486.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, 924C932B-50BE-4876-8229-81A136…)

i guess babivampire is recycling old photos again and is best friends with fellow internet gremlin fauxgf. also why sell your account with 100k and then beg for s4s on a new account to gain more followers? make it make sense
No. 1058747
File: 1602701066348.jpeg (27.37 KB, 800x304, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

>>1058210These are the tards coming in from instagram. They're just gonna moralfag about sex work and parrot woke nonsense
No. 1058797
File: 1602705631484.jpeg (234.16 KB, 750x1046, 7DB20790-0ECE-447C-AC70-8FA14A…)

>>1058747the zoomer autism is real on this page kek. it’s slightly entertaining to watch, they’re probably too retarded to learn how to post on here so let’s just hope they don’t even try. we’ve probably scared them off with our ableism and fatshaming
No. 1058806
File: 1602705967789.jpeg (419.21 KB, 1372x1144, 9F7A9A60-2D5B-4A92-83BB-FD36D4…)

ang3lthigh scammed an instagram shop that sent her free items according to this (1/2)
No. 1058810
File: 1602706040484.jpeg (308.05 KB, 1372x1372, 6E459C95-1F02-499D-9055-F8ED41…)

(2/2) the accessories in question, however i know for a fact the top two pics are aliexpress accessories so this whole situation seems a bit odd. if she didn’t want to promote a dropshipping store i don’t blame her, but they sent her free items
No. 1058853
File: 1602709458520.jpg (355.5 KB, 1079x1906, Screenshot_20201014-154855_Ins…)

Blames her immature behavior on her strict parents. Lots of people have strict parents and don't end up with a baby and an OF
No. 1058858
>>1058853If it's true she's just reinforcing the cycle of abuse/neglect by abandoning her son. It's not about you when you become a parent, it's about your child. Hopefully Noy is doing a good job with the kid, he seems like it based off of social media, hes quite private and has pics up of his son. Delores/Haile
y just uploads photoshopped was and thighs pictures of her being "gothhiccc" and never tlks about her son unless asked. I'm so sick of this whore acting like a
victim when she abandoned her kid, and acts like he doesn't exist. She is a deplorable human being. I wish her son well despite his grotesque mother.
No. 1058873
File: 1602711365917.jpeg (109.91 KB, 750x1334, 0292805F-5F0A-4AA7-B096-6E29F2…)

>>1058858honestly though
& the fact she talks such shit about how the father was
abusive around her & her kid when he said this about her lmfao
this bitch's life is a whole entire lie
No. 1058888
File: 1602712498557.jpg (651.63 KB, 1080x1479, Screenshot_20201014-175623_Ins…)

That wobbly jawline
No. 1058893
File: 1602712960539.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, 7555B388-D494-4E59-8081-B07DE4…)

this absolute horse shit. you can edit videos you tard
No. 1058896
File: 1602713109150.png (3.7 MB, 750x1334, B687F197-5CF8-46AA-AA04-EE67F6…)

>>1058893then she defends herself on her story after people weren’t happy about the first post and it sounds retarded as fuck kek
No. 1058913
File: 1602713963726.jpeg (130.33 KB, 750x822, 09F29360-75C1-4E60-BFCB-584104…)

>>1058904You can obviously see the stray hairs covering parts of the jaw but go off anon
No. 1058915
File: 1602714007937.jpeg (387.43 KB, 750x1171, 4D673E6A-6BE6-4C25-A784-67C4CB…)

definitely shaving tool gone wrong
No. 1059008
File: 1602724451558.jpg (533.59 KB, 1079x1792, Screenshot_20201014-211502_Ins…)

Yes, people who hate you keep tabs on you. Get used to it
No. 1059009
>>1059008Like how she actually kept tabs on the other e-girls she posted in here just so she could talk shit about them.
IS2G babivampire is fucking retarded.
No. 1059022
File: 1602727450805.jpeg (1.23 MB, 3999x2999, 0B172108-2C55-482B-B69D-035507…)

idk if this girl has been posted on here yet but her name is ani, her current username on ig is @_ani and in the past she was @lovable. She’s known for terribly photoshopping her pics and denying that they’re edited. She’s also a pedophile and likes to pedobait lol. There’s been a lot of videos uploaded on an instagram account of her (that is now deleted, will post if i find screenshots) where she shows her face on cam and she looks nothing like her pics. Ani also claims that random discord eboys force her to do things and take advantage of her while she’s on cam, there was a vid of her sticking her head in the toilet b/c she was “forced”. Recently she started an onlyfans, and all of the pictures of her body are badly photoshopped. All she does on instagram is ask for shoutouts and bitcoin, she’s gained almost 10k followers in about 4 days.
No. 1059049
File: 1602730397331.jpeg (192.09 KB, 646x446, 7F607BB1-538E-490C-97F1-888807…)

This is even worse than ang3lthigh’s photoshops omg
No. 1059051
File: 1602730807793.jpeg (983.1 KB, 1242x1679, 1B07CE49-1D24-4C63-96BF-0340DB…)

samefagging but this is one of her worst pictures , funny that some of the girls who are hyping her up in the comments are the same ones who made fun of her facetune under accounts that exposed her
No. 1059089
File: 1602733627037.png (515.19 KB, 1172x747, lol.png)

What the fuck? Is this the new normal? Why does every egirl look this way. How are they gonna shit on each other when they all use the same aesthetic and edits
No. 1059130
File: 1602741360148.png (405.09 KB, 584x523, tyuiko.png)

No. 1059255
File: 1602763416709.jpg (538.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201015-214940.jpg)

This will come as no surprise, but she's sperging out about her skinwalker again directly after admitting she was in the wrong due to this thread. With a little bit of dead9irl thrown in kek. No. 1059310
File: 1602771740956.jpeg (179.41 KB, 750x1072, 139A004D-4CD0-4F16-A31A-98AED7…)

babivampire being babivampire
forgetting how she talks shit about girls then pretends shes their friend
No. 1059316
File: 1602772835637.jpg (935.96 KB, 2250x2250, pt2020_10_16_01_40_37.jpg)

>>1059310Speaking of that regarded expose page posted some anon submission. Normally I'd take it with a grain of salt, but considering what we know about bv I'd say it's definitely plausible.
No. 1059318
File: 1602773093287.jpeg (246.92 KB, 1242x1569, D6D28096-F562-4E29-BEBD-812A47…)

No. 1059886
File: 1602860847642.jpg (789.55 KB, 1079x1798, Screenshot_20201016-102707_Ins…)

Caught this early and saved because I figured she'd delete such a ridiculous humble brag. But nope, still up
No. 1060101
File: 1602884418649.jpeg (420.04 KB, 750x1073, 2C9D31C0-C42D-436D-B9CB-2FA380…)

yet ANOTHER person scorned by ang3lthigh using a throwaway instagram. this person says they bought before iamdollbb exposed her
No. 1060104
File: 1602884557313.jpeg (320.61 KB, 1372x1241, 28426BDA-5B40-4596-854D-FFE3AF…)

just stop selling at this point jesus fucking christ (2/3)
No. 1060105
File: 1602884640214.jpeg (180.94 KB, 1366x763, 1A6742D9-CFDA-4FE5-A0EC-89B0FA…)

Tea Patton kek (3/3)
No. 1060175
File: 1602894730050.jpg (637.47 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201016_150041.jpg)

Snowwcroww is one to look out for. Thinks she's hilarious and knows so much more than us with music
No. 1060232
File: 1602901645895.png (Spoiler Image,4.64 MB, 1242x2208, D36C193B-BF76-4398-827B-33C33D…)

this is @_ani, she used the top pic as advertisement for her only fans. the photoshop is worse than Tea’s
No. 1060329
File: 1602920433093.jpeg (Spoiler Image,536.33 KB, 1242x1740, B396DAC8-6956-443B-AE3F-7B6711…)

>>1060232I feel uncomfortable looking a teens lewds for this long, but I attempted to “reverse edit” her insta pics just based on the obvious glaring mistakes
No. 1060344
File: 1602923642905.jpeg (781.44 KB, 750x1193, 581E27C2-9815-4498-BB3E-0500A9…)

sage for nitpick but this retards facial expressions and whole personality just pisses me off. she’s really snarky to anyone who comments criticism and is an overall holier than though white saviour who’s constantly begging people to vote trump out of office to virtue signal.
No. 1060346
File: 1602923769321.jpeg (1014.96 KB, 750x1196, 70C57FBD-EE74-46D5-87BD-7F59B7…)

>>1060344samefagging but her engagement is really suspicious to me and makes me feel like she fakes likes and follows. she has 60K but gets 10 comments and posted 17 hours ago? even babiweight did better than that. i’ve seen people with 10-20K with hundreds of comments.
No. 1060359
File: 1602926080232.jpeg (551.84 KB, 750x1196, 2C4DC6AC-C7C1-4A18-BD9F-63301B…)

>>1060346Seems like another Brandy Melville bitche becoming goth for clout
No. 1060405
File: 1602933041140.jpg (291 KB, 974x1434, Screenshot_20201017-071106_Ins…)

>>1060344It is insanely off too. Her others aren't bad so there isn't an excuse
No. 1060412
File: 1602933877516.jpg (207.5 KB, 1080x1742, 20201017_072015.jpg)

But it definitely is for children. Complaining about a bathing suit getting her in trouble on tiktok
No. 1060451
File: 1602941801030.jpeg (Spoiler Image,849.27 KB, 1242x1541, 3178867E-E5A3-4491-B806-06C782…)

Here’s some stuff on her best friend Kylah that’s pretty uhh interesting to say the least
No. 1060473
File: 1602945503213.jpeg (387.91 KB, 1242x1981, 34545E4F-BD6A-42A5-939B-0F4DA0…)

>>1060451Wtf is wrong with these people. Also why does ani only follow a bunch of single word accounts? Does she buy and sell them?
No. 1060490
>>1060451Found a thread with receipts on her sexting with a 15 year old and some video saying nigga a bunch: what white trash kek
(imageboard) No. 1060579
File: 1602958319090.png (1.74 MB, 750x1334, E54ED69B-B03C-4717-BE82-680C90…)

does she genuinely think that page is cyber bullying? it’s literally just posting screenshots of shit that she did.
No. 1060594
they ash out all their fuckin bullshit then freak out when it comes back on them
No. 1060595
File: 1602959924361.png (811.42 KB, 750x1334, 4556AABD-1175-4360-88E4-C0A9A9…)

No. 1060618
File: 1602961730729.jpeg (228.56 KB, 750x1204, 69C1A5E8-1ED1-4B58-868F-391548…)

this girl is fucking disturbed
No. 1060680
File: 1602966370595.jpeg (851 KB, 988x982, A9CFEABF-F971-439F-98A0-798EAC…)

>>1060462Her whole face makes me uncomfortable. she poses insanely weird. She like, sticks her head out. Like a bird. It makes her head look even more gigantic than it is.
Some of her outfits are pretty cute though.
No. 1060742
File: 1602974203462.jpeg (718.31 KB, 750x1294, 699E9B40-B4B2-4A28-87B8-1584F5…)

>>1060724you weren’t kidding kek
No. 1060846
File: 1602988479308.png (4.99 MB, 1242x2208, 44F032C4-4961-4635-B2A4-A92278…)

This girl has a dent in her brain
No. 1060939
File: 1603009474829.jpeg (726.32 KB, 1125x1388, 0150D3E1-803E-42AB-BA78-067BBE…)

Girl … what?
No. 1061355
File: 1603057234096.png (3.64 MB, 750x1334, DA686F26-4AA1-4AAC-959E-F6A902…)

the way these bitches complain about shadow banning and instagram engagement all the time is so cringe
No. 1061393
File: 1603061834383.jpeg (446.02 KB, 1125x1124, 966B87A8-00B0-4C9F-BDA6-D4CEC3…)

Why is she so mad kek, you’re still a scammer Tea .
Just close your shop if you can’t send your smelly clothes out
No. 1061395
File: 1603061904565.jpeg (344.29 KB, 1125x712, F3A8AC88-568B-45DE-8C4B-425E60…)

The way you treat your fans / customers is disgusting, shame you can’t photoshop your ugly personality.
No. 1061430
File: 1603065388348.jpeg (100.73 KB, 1125x180, 793AB5AC-F8DD-43F0-87FD-B2E929…)

What part of “ Spreading Love and kindness “ includes scamming your fans and getting bitchy at them for wanting a refund Tea?
No. 1061451
File: 1603068530393.png (152 KB, 326x608, 1014949.png)

Scammed another girl
No. 1061455
>>1061451Yep , she needs her accounts taken down .
She’s clearly not mature enough for the platform she has .
No. 1061457
File: 1603069598989.png (935.84 KB, 750x1334, 95CB2D23-912E-48E4-95E3-501F2C…)

This stupid bitch lives in a huge house in California and has no fucking job there is no way she is a starving teen on the street. I’ve seen her e-beg multiple times for money for dumb shit , a lot of money too, $100 for like Sanrio plushies and playboy purses. We need an e-girl Holocaust I’m over it y’all
No. 1061521
>>1061515One off the girls (gorecore) was asked to use friends and family ,because Tea didn’t want to pay a PayPal fee , they said it in their post or story I think ,
They also said they contacted PayPal and they couldn’t intervene ?
No. 1061534
File: 1603088872520.jpeg (198.05 KB, 1242x1044, B6B74366-442E-4160-8693-C68428…)

No. 1061536
File: 1603088901710.jpeg (267.62 KB, 1242x1631, 2E29CD36-9471-4BC0-AF02-3D6BFE…)

No. 1061553
>>1061550Jesus. I'm short as fuck too but I'd choose a hairstyle that
didn't emphasize a childlike appearance. Why she goes for full bangs and high pigtails and little bows then complains about minors sexualizing themselves like in
>>1050010 is beyond me.
No. 1061568
File: 1603100095653.png (276.53 KB, 328x616, dead9xangelfatcollab.PNG)

almost missed this ang3lscam x deadhoe collab today
No. 1061569
File: 1603100224764.png (76.48 KB, 324x617, dead9sendsang3lscam2jail.PNG)

samefagging but there is a bunch of stories dead9irl posted about the situation with ang3lthigh, pretty much all just posts from the exposing accounts. this and the first photo i shared were the most noteworthy
No. 1062082
File: 1603154037665.jpg (303.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201020-113233.jpg)

>calling sane people civilians
No. 1062122
>>1061767Color me shocked, you learned how to sage. I'm glad spelling out the shit you couldn't be assed to read on the page that says /rules/ was helpful to you. Next,
try changing the way you type and the way you format your posts, I promise it'll help you integrate better.
>>1061772Don't forget:
>unsaged reactions>"text speak">weirdly formatted posts that vaguely remind you of reddit-spacing>trying (and failing) to integrate No. 1062162
>>1062156^^^^^ is telling
@ is telling
Your “…’s” are telling
>>1062092And not saging this post that has no milk is telling just like
>>1062122 said integrate or be gone
No. 1062163
>>1062159Fuck samefag but let me add these “…’s” and non saging to
>>1062162 while I was typing this
No. 1062321
File: 1603204575344.jpg (719.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201021-013409.jpg)

>>1062092Boring as per usual, but it continues to respond to us in image format.
No. 1062519
>>1062178>>1062321Yup you're so above the rest of us for embarrassing your kid and selling ass pictures that probably isn't as lucrative as another ewhore who doesn't have a footface. Why do ethots bring up capitalism all the time when they spend money on dumb shit like sanrio plushies and sell thrifted kid clothes or ass pictures? You are a virtual panhandler, or prostitute. You're not up with the doctors and lawyers, those people are employed for life. The moment a Scrote deems you "too old" (usually around 25) you're on your ass working a "regular job" nd you might even be blackmailed with old pictures of your salami pictures Hailey. Your kid will know and will probably be teased.
>>1062167>>1062178Whenever someone compares themselves to a celebrity they usually look like an uglier version of the, and joji is already hideous so..
No. 1062651
>>1062635Selling your soul? Pandering to scrotes and pretending you’re totally flattered by their creepy advances and compliments bc you want coomer bux is way more soul crushing to me. They’re both fake in a way but at least a shit job will give you potential/experience for better things whereas if you want to leave sex work there’s always going to be your name attached to porn floating around the Internet.
Most people aren’t selling their bodies or personal image, they’re selling their skills which is a big difference. You can always improve and build new skills whereas your looks are guaranteed to deteriorate or fade as the new young creators come around.
No. 1063030
File: 1603296446752.png (Spoiler Image,702.11 KB, 958x687, babivampire.png)

Old milk because this post has since been deleted, but this is Babivampire/Dolores responding to a teenager's (at the oldest, he's clearly a minor) comment about her thighs. She really needs to be stopped.
No. 1063179
File: 1603311898713.png (4.76 MB, 1242x2208, 3C6F4B63-82F1-446E-AA2B-E5D0B0…)

Angelthigh’s real name is Dorthea Patton?
No. 1065609
>>1063133exactly, this motherfucker screams creep and its so obvious to anyone above the age of 25/outside of his e-girl audience
no point in him complaining about younger girls "thirsting" over him when he constantly feeds into it already (just look at the replies for any of his tweets: its all girls creaming themselves over him lmfao)
No. 1065918
File: 1603399635263.jpeg (232.52 KB, 750x1094, BD7E1A4B-41B1-42C7-809D-C44117…)

How does someone do the sitting on the sink pose but still have a flat ass? Ok spongebob
No. 1066004
File: 1603406566703.png (734.82 KB, 1252x611, ang3lthigh.png)

If anyone wants to do some digging, this is ang3lthigh's old tumblr.
No. 1066229
File: 1603450027185.jpg (155.27 KB, 828x992, original.jpg)

>>1059022this is probably one of her worst pics. how does this have 500 likes? it looks ridiculous No. 1066311
>>1066004Didn't one anon say she was into messed up shit? This further consolidates her. Explains her weird baby cute but sexy aesthetic as well. Also reblogging this kind of stuff as a minor(if she's really 18 still)…yikes.
Also cwunchie made a story about a comment one anon made a long time ago. I don't know why she handled it like that I mean she's barely heat of the discussion on these threads. Just let bygones be bygones if you don't want to have negativity?
No. 1066388
File: 1603474656802.jpg (715.43 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201024-043624.jpg)

Fat sperg anons, you've finally got the reaction you were looking for. I don't know why people post this shit to their stories. Personally, this would really embarrass me.
No. 1066448
File: 1603479683490.jpg (700.15 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201023_150217.jpg)

>>1066388Pretends shes gunna take a break. Next story: "i decided fuck you, im hot"
She sure showed us
No. 1066496
File: 1603482846268.jpeg (706.15 KB, 750x1294, 848FAD2D-6D3E-4423-8B7D-E9B3D4…)

oh my god, anons are you ready?
No. 1066500
File: 1603483045109.jpeg (663.77 KB, 750x1261, 382F1491-5C5C-4F67-BE20-7AC9B8…)

here’s the link to the post in case anyone gives a fuck:’s so much weird shit going on that i can’t even screenshot and post the whole thing hear without recording some of it or using imgur, and ang3lscam isn’t worth THAT kind of effort
No. 1066503
File: 1603483154195.jpeg (391.96 KB, 750x1294, 495306B0-B0E2-4985-AA63-B68985…)

>>1066500samefagging so excuse my autism, i meant here not hear. but i also found this noteworthy mostly because i don’t even know what’s going on anymore
No. 1066600
File: 1603491520104.png (1.96 MB, 750x1334, haley-is-so-obsessed-with-hers…)

BabiWeight and DeadHoe dislike each other quite a bit.
No. 1066681
File: 1603497973298.png (10.83 MB, 1242x2208, BF412475-AB76-4886-AB81-6A1C4C…)

When you don’t have time to refund customers for smelly used clothes but have time to contort your body to trick your underaged followers that your body is natural oof
No. 1066804
File: 1603511043748.png (3.2 MB, 1469x1672, 01F4A055-9F8C-4525-B87A-A34AA4…)

>>1066448>>1066388Honestly its really jarring clicking through her story and seeing how drastically her face changes. Her shoops are so bad. Sorry for how crappy collage looks my phones old.
No. 1067247
File: 1603575657884.png (1.93 MB, 1539x965, 27791994-7826-4554-835D-963855…)

>>1066839Beats me… Prob coz shes "body positive" but shoops herself to hell and back but posts her fatass in bikinis to seem relatable? Seems she grew her following from buying shoutouts and paid promo posts I wouldn't be surprised if shes bought followers too. Just seems like another boring e-girl to me except shes fat…
No. 1067283
File: 1603578271834.png (2.97 MB, 1037x1788, DE55BC82-42EB-40F7-A674-B7DDCE…)

This cuntchie chick loves to skinwalk lol. Shes also been in trouble for asian fishing, she claims to have an ED, and has been featured in a vice article for being a dumb "I'm baby" sanrio e-girl. Shes also known as Honey Brown and lives in canada. Also she refuses to say her age to keep up her stupid I'm baby gimick… but will gladly say shes 5 ft 7 surprising since many e-girls lie about their height to seem uwu cute and tiny. ( Vice link : )
No. 1067287
File: 1603578799491.jpg (784.21 KB, 1862x1316, 20201024_183450.jpg)

>>1066229I tried to unshoop this monstrosity
No. 1067299
File: 1603579394035.png (2.73 MB, 1539x1311, 2604F086-2F6A-4EC2-9ABB-3D2E83…)

What is up with ang3lthighs shooping lately? It's honestly horrifying at this point…
No. 1067307
File: 1603580046727.png (Spoiler Image,3.98 MB, 1876x1864, ACD51A12-F6CC-4ABA-B992-EAA1B5…)

What course of events has to occur in ones life for them to go from normal looking on the left to whatever photo shopped e whore monstrosity is on the right? Lmao dead9irl needs some help.
No. 1067332
File: 1603582610367.jpeg (164.13 KB, 750x1188, 4ECFDA06-451A-4201-B2C4-651918…)

>>1067299She has the most punchable face
No. 1067335
File: 1603583428109.jpg (705.27 KB, 1079x1640, Screenshot_20201024-195152_Ins…)

Well that's unfortunate but also the risk you take becoming a sw
No. 1067350
>>1067349Fair. Im sorry
It just seemed malicious
No. 1067359
>>1067341>Praising scrotes only when it benefits you personally. Very classy, if you ask me! I think Dolores is deplorable for how she treats people and obviously knows there's a risk to releasing her nudes, but to treat some middle-aged, married man like a king for sending them to people in her personal life is invasive and fucked. Isn't there a reason why
we don't cowtip the people in the cows' lives?
No. 1067412
File: 1603593920433.jpeg (407.59 KB, 1242x703, 92BAA346-580F-48EF-9532-0C509B…)

lolol someone posted ab her obvious shoop in this thread & how she follows/interacts with @_ani now she’s posting about it to her instagram
No. 1067424
File: 1603595295941.png (10.95 MB, 2740x4096, 473D3B86-5DF2-4026-A914-2A8AC1…)

Cuntchie milk I compiled lol cropping might be messed up… sorry its a big file
No. 1067432
>>1067359Nta but who fucking cares newfag. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Just because sperg anon made an offhand comment doesn't mean anyone wants to read you moralfagging.
>>1067424Do you have a vendetta because I'm failing to see how any of this is milk? I smell low quality egirl posting.
No. 1067464
File: 1603602226063.jpg (347.24 KB, 3595x2031, fffff.jpg)

>>1067424Lmfao is this a self-post? If not, harmless ass e-girl. 90% of egirls act just like this.
the pee thing is a common retard egirl joke, im pretty sure this has been established? No. 1067494
>>1067349Sending someone's nudes specifically to their friends is psycho stalker shit though. Commenting about lulzy strangers is very different to messaging their friends trying to slut shame/revenge porn them. That's fucked up.
It's mostly girls here so most people don't put emphasis on nudes or spreading them around.
No. 1067528
>>1067523I think they put chevelia next to her to insinuate skin walking? I dunno tbh I think cwunchies 19-22…
>>1067510Nah shes native american apparently or as she says "indingenous" probably coz that'll get her more diversty points or smn
No. 1067539
>>1067510>>1067528She specified she’s Anishinaade and I don’t think she’s lying, and monolids or “asian looking” faces aren’t uncommon/unusual for a lot of native nations on the northern hemisphere in general. People accuse her of Asian fishing so it makes sense why she’d go out of her way to clarify. And so I’m not getting why
>>1067424 included it in her collage when the only notable aspects of it are her bpd and being an alphabet soup heterosexual and ahegao anime degenerate, and that’s not even milk. It’s e-girl 101. The post kind of comes off as a vendetta.
>>1067522hi cow
No. 1067567
>>1067247Not defending Cwunchie or denying that she shops (she probably does). But I followed her for quite a while and between those pictures she has said she gained a ton of weight recently. There was a story where she said she was kind of concerned.
I’m honestly just shocked she posted that screenshot and it was like 20 days old posts. Give it a rest. We wouldn’t even be talking about her if not for that because the other e girls/boys are more milky. Surprised we aren’t getting a bunch of her stans coming here.
Regarding age and ethnicity: She has said she’s “way past high school” but didn’t specify. I’d say she’s in her 22+. She’s ashinaabe and dine. She’s not lying about that it seems as her mom is on insta and is heavily involved in native culture and looks native.
>>1067299Holy shit it was obvious before but the left one is downright horror.
>>1067332Can’t believe she posted this with her face not like sexy uwu.
No. 1067852
File: 1603658217635.jpg (1.13 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201025_161714.jpg)

Maybe I should stop trying to make snowwcroww a thing but shes just so full of herself.
No. 1068031
>>1067914>>1067852How is this milk? She's so boring and her drawings are
>>1067946>sperginess >Not saying Go away you fat egirl
No. 1068331
File: 1603748642153.jpeg (405.81 KB, 1620x2160, 0A7D8BBD-72DD-4334-A45A-0A24CD…)

Our fave Erin Painter is back and under a new egirl persona.
Typical attention whoring behavior, but not pretending to be a skinny soft girl uwu. Still lying about her height and flashing her tits/starting an onlyfans.
No. 1068333
File: 1603748714167.jpeg (956.06 KB, 2560x2560, 8DF846BF-8846-4815-8A78-F04C09…)

>>1068331Her old thread was locked and I’m not sure this is enough milk to start a new thread so I’m just dumping her here for now.
No. 1068425
File: 1603754229767.jpg (18.52 KB, 320x255, 8bf2719da331c9f28148adf00af0d1…)

>>1068331That isn't erin. Anon knock it off, you're making me miss her threads.
No. 1068476
>>1068331It looks like her fat impersonator if anything.
Is there any anons in the soft girls community?
No. 1068576
>>1068476>It looks like her fat impersonator if
i can't say i'd be surprised if one of the egirls who lurks here eventually starts skinwalking erin to get attention
No. 1068692
File: 1603777553006.png (10.59 MB, 1242x2208, 92BA0D33-4540-4C87-9D35-E9A948…)

Cry harder Hayley. Maybe don’t dish out what you can’t handle taking back.
You bullied so many girls into feeling this way, and now that you’ve been caught it’s rightfully happening to you.
You’re a horrible person and you deserve every ounce of karma biting you in the ass right now.
No. 1068702
File: 1603778951548.jpeg (277.61 KB, 1372x1372, FE628938-72B9-4E6D-81D0-298DBE…)

>>1068692don’t worry guys it’s not about us. like bitch you caused this headache for yourself and we’ve barely talked about in weeks.
No. 1068704
File: 1603779713902.gif (2.12 MB, 444x234, 5799913A-8B34-45C9-84D5-1FE275…)

>>1068702Truly brought us up unprovoked.
No. 1068713
>>1068702>>1068702>>1068692What a dumb selfish bitch
>I have nothing to live forMaybe stop taking gross pictures in ahegao bikinis and go help take care of you kid?
No. 1068737
File: 1603785601309.jpeg (354.44 KB, 1245x1556, C55C42A6-332C-4805-8FFF-AF0ED0…)

>>1068702she deleted the last story about us “anonymous fucks” pretty quickly.
maybe because she realized SHE is one of the anonymous fucks.
No. 1068750
>>1068476anon in the “soft girl community” here. i remember following this girl back in 2018-2019 , she was using the whole soft girl erin kinda shtick. she copied erin, her usernames, her persona, even her name. in a previous thread , all that that one point .
there was more posts about her obsessive behaviour and how she copied erin but idk if it’s worth finding . i remember she abandoned accounts a lot.
as for erin herself, i’ve yet to see any sign of her. i just see a lot of her former usernames being recycled but that’s nothing new
No. 1069122
File: 1603835517832.jpg (42.09 KB, 1440x1798, IMG_20201027_164833.jpg)

Gross seeing all these thirsty idiots creaming themselves over some cringe ass guy (corpse) posting a strand of hair that totally doesnt look like it could be a pube. Brainless, really
No. 1069123
File: 1603835561726.jpg (92.41 KB, 1440x1798, IMG_20201027_164836.jpg)

>>1069122Also his stubby hand
No. 1069146
>>1069027You yourself said you could be considered part of the soft girl community in this
>>1068924 and said you were in it here
>>1068750. Stop making yourself look retarded in an egirl thread and go back to uwu soft girl instagram.
No. 1069354
File: 1603859309260.png (335.34 KB, 535x554, SoAnyway.PNG)

>>1069122Extra gross seeing thirsty idiots going as far as getting a strand of hair tattooed on them for clout and recognition.
I'd be lying if some part of me wasn't looking forward to seeing him end up being a shitty person and having this tattoo age worse than it already has.
No. 1069370
File: 1603862427751.jpeg (981.91 KB, 3464x3464, 8F904725-AF19-44E2-8F64-3301F6…)

lmfao she didnt even try with this pic all i had to do was change the lighting
No. 1069389
File: 1603869490755.png (3.11 MB, 1242x2208, AA31E84E-2642-4F14-9AB7-3F1E99…)

Babifatpire being cringe as always.
Sad that she thinks she’ll ever redeem herself in the community, she’s trying way too hard and it’s embarrassing.
No. 1070760
>>1070555I second this.
God, it felt like Christmas morning.
No. 1070906
File: 1604044937074.jpeg (973.96 KB, 3464x3464, EE0BE89D-3B1F-429E-8BED-AB4D6D…)

From ang3lthigh Tiktok
No. 1070943
File: 1604057589784.jpg (83.13 KB, 648x680, cinntendo.jpg)

Some nobody called cinn/cinntendo aged 21 has blown a 16 year old and DFE.
No. 1071118
>>1071054The caps/chatlog admissions/allegations: it was in Colorado 21 and 16 is within the law (despite what twitter thinks) but it doesn't make it ok.
No. 1071353
File: 1604106779290.jpeg (71.52 KB, 512x396, 11FF13D6-C9B6-4087-9058-EC9533…)

>>1071339I think it’s much worse than leafy tbh. I also think he used unnatural means to lower his voice and that’s why he has so many health problems, whether it be a mixture of heavy chainsmoking, pills, highly acidic diet, whatever else. I’m still not sure I believe he’s only in his early 20s as well.
No. 1071411
File: 1604111590188.jpeg (110.57 KB, 828x1792, AC6966F2-C2FF-43BA-9C60-787CD8…)

Not sure if milky or not, but I see some ang3lthigh posts on here from time to time. Apparently there is a guy (syntaxcipher) and his girlfriend who larp as 6snot and popular instagram girls and made several ang3lthigh hate accounts. Pretty funny imo because now the couple are convincing ang3lthigh that soundcloud rappers own the accounts and edited fake screenshots. Pic related telling them that they wont win because hes fooled ang3lthigh. I’ve lurked in this server for a couple of weeks now and it seems that this guy and his girlfriend come back on new alternative accounts to larp as new people and creates drama within the instagram community. He’s anonymous so nobody can really figure it out. I can post more but again not sure if milky
No. 1071415
File: 1604111777771.jpeg (Spoiler Image,175.57 KB, 828x679, 28CB4C76-6B10-4853-AB71-9A0F15…)

>>1071411same guy (or his girlfriend) larping as another cow on here
No. 1071465
File: 1604115269734.png (Spoiler Image,1013.98 KB, 750x1334, 5ED87BC4-9B86-4824-B0E6-40EC98…)

This thot payed for an ad and i think it’s really funny how much she changed her image in less than 6 months to fit the e-girl trend. Her shoops are abhorrent and her whole ‘gamer’ persona is so forced its so cringeworthy. (1/2)
No. 1071468
File: 1604115327828.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, C46C874C-3C01-4C75-B9C5-A037B0…)

(2/2) This is less than 6 months after lmao
No. 1071470
File: 1604115411618.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, CF330433-819E-4735-81A7-627CFE…)

Like what the actual fuck is this lol
No. 1071515
>>1071353>I also think he used unnatural means to lower his voice and that’s why he has so many health problemsNot to defend him but this feels like a reach. IDR if it was said in the YT thread but he's mentioned a few times that he's never smoked but he does have GERD which has made his voice lower over time and damaged his vocal cords as a result.
As for his age, he's acting like any other cringy early 20's adult acts imo, case and point: This entire thread.
No. 1071517
>>1071515Stop defending him you sound like a 13 year old fangirl. Every one knows he has GERD, but anon is saying he might also be using other stuff to lower his voice.
>>1071468>>1071470Oh my god. This aesthetic is so tacky
No. 1071664
quit posting about yourself
No. 1071870
File: 1604173468505.gif (592.36 KB, 357x200, 200.gif)

>>1070555>>1070760>>1070923I know right? This is my favorite thread. Nonstop milk.
No. 1071984
File: 1604185864472.jpeg (381.59 KB, 828x652, 3F79E4A8-466B-4C4B-959B-FA8145…)

>>1071468Just jumped into her live and cant believe how unfortunate looking she truly is
No. 1072156
File: 1604200586502.png (182.98 KB, 586x403, dfgh.png)

Not even close.
No. 1072226
>>1072156That’s not even Tomie, that’s from Junji Ito’s version of Snow White.
It’s always egirls claiming to be huge Junji Ito fans and then posting the wrong characters, or art that isn’t even his.
No. 1072743
File: 1604272779870.png (1.78 MB, 750x1334, CFA6B2E4-E836-4FBF-A6B3-E1AA52…)

uh ok
No. 1072764
File: 1604274308416.jpg (252.63 KB, 1080x842, 20201101_174101.jpg)

Corpse showing off his lube while live puke emoji
No. 1072766
File: 1604274563031.jpg (76.71 KB, 976x423, 20201101_174513.jpg)

Samefag but it looks like even his fans are catching on to his blatant contradiction. Comment is from the video.
No. 1072919
File: 1604296367547.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1096x1112, 76515F41-234A-44EC-B060-A09DDE…)

It baffles me how this trend hasn’t died and scrotes still jerk off to belle skinwalkers
No. 1073395
>>1073221This thread is for e girls, not their simps.
He hasn’t even done a face reveal or anything, so he doesn’t even fit in the e boy category.
I would keep it to the YouTube thread.
We know e girls have pathetic gross simps, it’s not news or very milky
No. 1073404
>>1073221You’re kind of just bringing the wks from the youtube thread to this one
and I follow both threads so I have to see the same wk arguments twice and it’s a little tiresome
he should be kept to one thread imo, he’s not worth two different threads
No. 1073433
File: 1604355571674.png (1.43 MB, 750x1334, A660136B-AE26-42DC-91E7-E5763A…)

No. 1073435
File: 1604355721268.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, C1341506-B332-4F81-B183-28EFAA…)

Saged because no milk here really, I did chuckle though.
Imagine this being your mother, doing this and sperging over haters instead of raising you.
No. 1073497
File: 1604358548187.jpeg (94.1 KB, 430x799, AE1B729C-738D-4769-9FB7-0D116B…)

Made a thing.
Oh Hayley, you poor dumb cow.
“You obviously give a fuck if you had to post about it”. Sound familiar?
No. 1073631
File: 1604367183584.jpeg (334.8 KB, 1242x1846, 28657642-B4E1-4315-AF57-41237E…)

>in 2020
she’s so desperate to be relevant but ends up being so dated and out of touch
No. 1073645
>>1073631>53 seconds ago>babivampire level dumbass nitpickhmmmmmm
also ahegao still is a trend, it’s just not the “edge” anymore. That coomer face can sell anything.
No. 1073648
>>1073645I refreshed my feed and it was there. Besides, I’m pretty sure all her posts get marked after what happened.
And ahegao in 2020 just feels cringey honestly. Stopped being funny or relevant in like 2018.
No. 1074015
File: 1604417510844.jpeg (310 KB, 750x1224, A01717C4-DDEC-46C2-B5DE-CA6721…)

lmao what
No. 1074026
File: 1604418291946.jpg (151.48 KB, 1080x1512, 20201103_104359.jpg)

>>1074015That and this. Anyone seen the screenshots?
No. 1074038
>>1074026This is retarded, this already happens. Reminds me of teenagers who thought the Purge was going to happen like three years in a row. Crazy what you’ll believe when you’ve never once faced reality or been
victim of politically motivated violence.
No. 1074044
>>1073828Can you quit derailing already? The fact that the admins red texted your dumb shit proves that you’re just being an idiot about this and you’re just derailing the thread. Get over it already dude, chill out, go outside.
And yes, you’re screeching and sperging out trying to say I’m babivampire just because I caught her post early. That’s called “hi cow” ing. Read the fucking rules and follow them, newfag.
No. 1074547
File: 1604461752353.png (202.7 KB, 333x599, imsodisappointed.PNG)

can't believe ang3lthigh doesn't support gay marriage, this is so sad
No. 1074556
File: 1604463387053.jpg (674.63 KB, 1080x2509, Screenshot_20201103_200127.jpg)

Ffs this is a CEMETARY. HAVE SOME FUCKING RESPECT. Self absorbed cunt.
No. 1074559
File: 1604463513098.jpg (451.71 KB, 1080x2126, Screenshot_20201103_200104.jpg)

I would not want to go visit my family just to see a beached landwhale ass out on their plaque
No. 1074572
File: 1604465360627.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, 75A62C55-5578-45AA-84C8-477AE7…)

these egirls are actually fucking RETARDED. can’t they tell that post is just an alt right troll post meant to keep dems from voting? fucking kek
No. 1074574
File: 1604465499405.jpg (869.2 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20201103_203924_com…)

She made a video at the cemetary for her Tiktok and Onlyfans as well.
Family tombstone in full view. Her most viewed video but no one bother to comment cause her tits weren't in it.
This shit makes me so angry.
No. 1074580
>>1074547I think that's her spreading awareness that Trump apparently doesn't support gay marriage. As far as I know ang3lthigh is an alphabet person.
>>1074572It reads like scare tactics to guilt people into voting a certain way. I don't see how the alt right benefits from this post when they're not dissuading voting in general.
No. 1074679
File: 1604488937004.jpeg (356.76 KB, 1372x1372, AC1FFF75-8DBB-4D51-BC81-D24039…)

Kek they’re all the same
No. 1075364
File: 1604572001302.png (543.6 KB, 750x1334, B25E6292-D78C-4514-89B5-C1D3A8…)

No. 1075366
File: 1604572048962.png (529.16 KB, 750x1334, B2543979-2E11-48A2-ACBC-EF3001…)

No. 1075367
File: 1604572088839.png (568.89 KB, 750x1334, D5A3EC84-3791-451F-A750-C112EF…)

No. 1075537
>>1075368free money and not believing she’s skinny are her two biggest pet peeves apparently.
I love when these girls spend so long photoshopping themselves they start to look mutated, then they spaz and cry and take breaks when people confront them about it. creating your own dysmorphia then snapping on people who see through your bullshit saying it’s
so not cool to say stuff like that?
bitch wants to post every detail of her life and complain about eating disorders then attacks and blocks anyone who mentions anything. kek.
I think sug4rfairy is just as bad as all the other catty bitches here. I don’t know why people were WK her in this thread earlier. She’s a pro-ana baiting try-hard who settled for a metalhead neckbeard. Trashy as it gets.
No. 1075848
File: 1604619053557.png (1.74 MB, 750x1334, 72AC3F30-91E5-40EF-A4AB-D29218…)

Erin Painter’s fat stalker looks like she has down’s syndrome
No. 1075896
File: 1604621928202.jpeg (592.96 KB, 2304x4096, 4B31A816-DF85-4703-99B2-B5F91A…)

hailey tried coming back to fb earlier and just like on instagram shes blocking anyone commenting shit about what happened on here lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1075930
File: 1604624139014.jpeg (452.21 KB, 1372x1328, 2D3E41B9-3089-4CFC-9871-106428…)

fucking kek. one of her last shared posts before “deactivating facebook” was of sug4rfairy wearing the same aliexpress set with pretty much the same caption and same tights. pretty fucking ironic if you ask me
No. 1075946
File: 1604625294347.jpeg (282.43 KB, 750x821, 5C94706A-EE1E-452A-93F6-0320D5…)

go look at sugarf4iry on twitter she is sperging the fuck out about everything. in this screenshot she says we are trying to “fit our delusional narrative” by posting something she publicly posted on her public instagram. i don’t know how that’s us twisting something to fit a delusional narrative, but go off spergf4iry. also confirms she is constantly stalking this thread. i’d suggest mods check out her post history No. 1076037
File: 1604634142243.jpg (820.46 KB, 1079x1694, Screenshot_20201105-224052_Ins…)

Ok but with your follower count you are, deal with it.
No. 1076038
File: 1604634218193.jpg (402.01 KB, 1080x1856, Screenshot_20201105-223959_Ins…)

Talking about dollskill
No. 1076062
File: 1604636760474.jpeg (206.1 KB, 750x1200, DB465CF9-7CF0-41F8-AD54-950732…)

this is so funny kek they’re all freaking out over this picture of her wearing dollskills. they’re all so fucking retarded, people who are outraged at her and her for reacting to retarded 14 year olds online
No. 1076159
File: 1604647820244.png (9.53 MB, 1242x2208, 4E02F077-2404-42F5-99B2-85399E…)

Couldn’t even afford a Halloween costume and had to beg her followers on Instagram to buy her one (which they did)… but suddenly she can afford a tattoo? What a snake.
No. 1076177
File: 1604650547515.png (798.81 KB, 750x1334, B0DA6982-2383-4D99-A0B4-5CCC69…)

>>1076159KEK she’s already sperging about you anon. Your post was only 44 mins ago, she’s always caught up with the thread jesus fuck
No. 1076470
File: 1604688261288.png (6.5 MB, 1242x2208, EF9288EE-EEBF-4C61-9CD4-7F2A5D…)

If she REALLY felt bad she would come forward and apologize for what she did, instead of just lying to everyone and crying that she was framed by the big bullies at lolcow.
She’s so fake it hurts to watch.
No. 1076538
>>1076532She’s not worth her own thread imo. It would definitely feed her ego.
Luckily googling her name/username brings up the thread she made.
As long as we keep typing Dolores / Hayley / Babivampire whenever we mention her it’ll lead people to what she did on lolcow.
No. 1076732
>>1076159She's getting peircings too. All the money she's waisting is a prime example of why shes always broke. Has she even started studying to get her ged yet?
>>1076177She really thought she did something here…most people get paid biweekly, thing is majority of them are smart enough to have a set budgit for themselves instead of spending all their money as soon as they get it on miscellaneous crap. Begging for people to buy something you don't even need isnt cute…especially when you're a mom.
No. 1076768
File: 1604715073648.png (5.42 MB, 1242x2208, 35B684BE-2B53-4534-90F8-7FB54E…)

Hasn’t even been an hour and she’s replying to us. Stalking the thread much?
Probably can’t even afford a thong lmao.
>>1076732She doesn’t even have her GED? Now that’s pathetic. Her life is so sad. Constantly broke yet spends her money on cosmetic things that don’t even make her look any better. Didn’t even finish high school. Self posts on and stalks hate forums in her free time.
It’s just… sad.
No wonder she doesn’t even have custody of her poor fucked up child.
No. 1076772
>>1075930That waist shoop on the both of them kek. Also imagine wearing a bunny suit when you look that fat and overall sloppy. She looks like a bootleg egirl and she's obsessed with coming her. She looks far too old for this kinda behavior.
>>1076570All that blur and shoop,how can people even believe she's really like this unless they're mentally challenged?
No. 1076790
>>1076775Don't feel bad for her, that feeds her ego. She dropped out before her kid came along so it wasn't for a
valid reason.
>>1076768Someones bothered, all the energy she wastes on lerking she could be investing in her education and her kid. Don't get mad at random anons for pointing out your stupidity and poor decisions.
No. 1076811
File: 1604717882380.jpeg (56.53 KB, 512x288, 561E6A15-96A1-4503-B45C-F0B648…)

>>1076768annnnd it’s gone lmao.
Oh Hayley, could you make it anymore obvious you read here obsessively? You probably have it open in a tab at all times, don’t you? Get a fucking life you nasty drop out leech.
No. 1076827
File: 1604718614486.png (43.11 KB, 596x515, 123u87382is9.png)

No. 1076837
File: 1604719132103.jpeg (138.05 KB, 750x1052, 1A22DBE1-A469-48FF-9905-B38D16…)

you don’t… you don’t say…
No. 1076852
>>1076827Plenty of 22 year olds have trauma while still having enough sense to know that they’re fucking adults and should act like it. Extended adolescence is a luxury that not a lot of people get in the first place, but it’s certainly lost when you
have a child. I knew 15 year old mothers who carried themselves better than this “girl.”
No. 1076892
>>1076827Does this girl ever get tired of playing
victim? Plenty of 22 year olds don't have their lives planned out, however people will go harder on you bc you are 22 and you have a child. All the things you want to do are out of the window now.
Also, don't act like you didn't have time before your kid to do this. You dropped out of high school 4 years ago, you had plenty of time to make up for the "lost years". Getting your shit together is mandatory now bc you are a mother now. Trying to live for yourself shows that you are both selfish and irresponsible.
No. 1076907
File: 1604724753497.png (9.54 MB, 1242x2208, A2D63854-BEC7-4B65-9B43-BF789E…)

Remember when she said she didn’t care or give a fuck about what we say? Kek.
Gee Hayley I sure wonder how those girls felt when they found out you were saying the same stuff about them.
>>1076900Reminds me of Shayna. Lies about having a horrible life because she’s so boring and won’t get attention otherwise.
(Also put sage in the email field to sage properly)
No. 1076919
>>1076903She deactivated her old Facebook account but the archives are around if i can find them. I have some old screenshots from that time, including one where her mom called her out in a facebook post she made about her stepfather.
Edit: screenshot had already been posted
>>1047873 No. 1076936
>>1076923for real though. a lot of people have mental illnesses, and most people with actual mental illnesses don’t like to constantly talk about it. that’s a major sign of someone who cannot take responsibility. your mental health issue may be a reason for your actions, but it’s not an excuse for horrible behaviour.
she also loves to cry ~muh mental health~ as if she didn’t make a thread to shit on her “friends” (competition)
No. 1076938
File: 1604727020213.png (635.29 KB, 1230x2048, Screenshot_20201107-182936.png)

No. 1076951
>People really won't let me play muh mental health cardWah wah wah no1curr. You start venting about your mental health every time you get called out on shit that you brought onto yourself. No one's falling for it, it just shows how manipulative you are.
I feel bad for your kid, first you try to justify being selfish and irresponsible then you quickly pull the mental health card to deflect responsibility for your words and actions. Thank god your son isn't with you anymore.
No. 1076957
File: 1604728373942.jpg (260.14 KB, 2048x2048, EmMrnMDXIAIcajN.jpg)

now comes the edgy posting on twitter
No. 1076963
>>1076956She removed that story almost as quickly as she posted it.
Claims she hates herself yet constantly checks to see what strangers on lolcow are posting about her and indirectly responds to the posts…fucking weird.
No. 1077047
File: 1604744445057.jpeg (850.29 KB, 750x1186, 15EA61C1-3EE2-4263-B4D7-650AF0…)

>>1076062she already deleted or archived the dollskill shilling post. girl you could’ve saved yourself from this headache if you were just gonna do that
No. 1077053
File: 1604745227868.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, E336243D-DB44-496D-B113-E64AD3…)

No. 1077199
File: 1604767004986.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1514, 29808829-BFFC-46C9-981D-9698E6…)

Why does she stick her head out so far? Is she trying to hide a double chin or? It makes me laugh because it’s so far forward compare to her neck
No. 1077202
File: 1604767142264.jpeg (261.17 KB, 673x480, 44D17298-DF62-4984-AEFE-766438…)

I bet this is how dead9irl skin looks irl. The foundation always is crusty around her eyebrows
No. 1077206
File: 1604767373821.jpeg (281.26 KB, 630x671, 26C50607-BA18-4D10-8CBE-EF1C58…)

Dead9irl: why do people say I’m fake emo and copy toopoor , I’ve always been emo before it was trendy
just admit you copy too poor. You even have the LOVE tat(newfaggotry)
No. 1077229
File: 1604769025652.jpeg (210.9 KB, 750x1037, B7A01B2A-5F61-4B85-B321-3B9DEC…)

New hate account for dead9irl apparently likes babiWeight kek. Dolores stop projecting, it's obvious
No. 1077232
File: 1604769450908.jpeg (186.86 KB, 750x846, CDA392B6-B54D-4089-9F2F-EB795F…)

Only account they follow that isn’t linked to Hayley is cuntchie. Hmm.
No. 1077292
>>1077221A) you are a retarded newfag who needs to learn how to sage
B) Lil Peep is a fake ass poser anyways.
No. 1077307
File: 1604775325518.png (313.06 KB, 773x1231, oooo.png)

dead9irl saying she finds the sperg insult funny and said she is autistic herself so its ok to say it. She literally makes fun of disabled people ???
No. 1077308
File: 1604775390891.png (559.1 KB, 631x2595, ooooo2.png)

No. 1077315
>>1077307>>1077308You think anyone here gives a fuck about dead9irl ~making fun of disabled people~?
Wait til you see what anons say about troons.
No. 1077319
>>1077317You must be new.
Also, I can’t with her trying to impress farmers by using sperg.
~Look guise I’m one of you now!!!!~ Don’t hate on me!!!!
No. 1077322
File: 1604776326768.png (156.36 KB, 775x572, ccccc.png)

here she admits to posting on this thread and also says her lawyers are going to get lolcow taken down LMAO(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1077326
>>1077322Goodluck trying to get these taken down dead9irl. Gonna spend all your nudes money on lawyers, are we?
Please stop cowtipping though.
No. 1077337
File: 1604778131016.jpg (308.01 KB, 1242x2134, image_6487327.JPG)

look what she posted on her story
No. 1077349
File: 1604778683116.jpg (69.94 KB, 1024x1024, Reactions-Kris-Jenner-Thank-U-…)

>>1077337I love it. This is my favorite part of the story, the lawsuit saga. They all reach this point sooner or later.
No. 1077356
>>1077337That petition is old and literally no one cares because its not going to do anything. She's not the first e-whore to try to use that lawyer threat (its an obvious lie anyway, none of them can afford one) or other methods to get sites shut down bc ~they're saying mean things about me!1!1!!!~.
Read the rules and stop cowtipping.
No. 1077367
File: 1604779718685.jpg (303.88 KB, 1242x2208, tooo.JPG)

she just said she's thinking of committing because of this thread. Is she baiting suicide now?
No. 1077392
File: 1604781036004.jpeg (883.08 KB, 4096x2730, A078C3F3-9B10-4BCF-8D3A-9B0BE1…)

No. 1077404
>>1077367So it’s okay for dead9irl to post publicly and laugh at the vampirebabi saga but when she is posted herself, suicide baits.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too, dead9irl.
No. 1077412
>>1077396the last image is intergration, the screencaps showing how it
cant be babivamp and fauxgf,babis bff defending in the comments
these egirls have the time to talk shit about one another but still havent realized theyre exactly the same
No. 1077426
File: 1604783932073.png (343.32 KB, 611x880, Untitled.png)

>>1077408Potentially? She's been very quiet. I noticed the posting times from the acct are VERY close behind d
*9irl's. Seconds apart. Could be d9 bullying herself just to bait and look like a
victim. Regardless, its some trifling little girl with a huge vendetta.
(Had to repost cause I'm dumb and forgot to crop out my icon. Long morning.)
>>1077412I guess so, I was trying to point out the similarities in typing style and emojis. I figured anyone who was really trying or has been integrated would try to be a little more careful. It almost feels recklessly intentional/sloppy to run an expose account and not change your voice at all when posting to an anonymous imageboard you KNOW those girls are looking at.
I agree all these girls hate each other because they see the worst of themselves in one another. It's like watching someone scream into an infinity mirror. Rough.
No. 1077484
>>1077478Please learn to integrate. Or at least not make it obvious that you’re new here.
Besides doesn’t she bully girls constantly over “stealing her looks” or whatever?
Don’t dish out what you can’t take back. Simple as that.
No. 1077498
File: 1604790036452.jpeg (524.03 KB, 750x1204, E1AAEEA6-F55A-4011-8533-3563EF…)

>>1077229these girls are absolutely fucking insane holy shit. kek at the fact that it’s following one of the accounts that exposed babivampire
No. 1077570
File: 1604795380239.jpeg (327.2 KB, 1372x1042, 15FDF6B9-14F8-4F2F-A8D7-F44B67…)

dead9irl, a lawsuit has already been done and failed for the same reasons yours would.
defamation - no one is posting untrue information about you. most posts about you are screenshots of your bizarre internet behaviour or photos you publicly post.
harassment - no one comes after you except those retarded accounts we don’t even support since cowtipping is against the rules. you are coming to our discussion board every day out of your own free will. we aren’t going after you; you are coming to us. No. 1077578
File: 1604795915857.png (3.57 MB, 1920x2560, BC55D300-2F4C-48FE-BAD1-9AE110…)

>>1077570also, good luck paying for your lawsuit deadbr0ke
No. 1077598
File: 1604797566678.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, 57A66DD3-367C-407C-AFA7-DC223D…)

are you fucking kidding me. she posted this TEN MINUTES after that post was made. literally sitting there refreshing
No. 1077637
File: 1604800302448.png (89.01 KB, 462x611, 3543642652652222.png)

>>1077232samefag here, sorry to post again but i just noticed they unfollowed babi weight not even half an hour ago. Shit crop cause i'm on desktop.
No. 1077714
File: 1604807171860.jpeg (146.46 KB, 749x1112, F513C4D6-2D68-4D29-8E9D-61A4AF…)

>>1077649Posted on her spam. The only person who commented is a furry, kek.
No. 1077718
File: 1604807647788.jpeg (143 KB, 750x929, 603B93EB-F4B3-4E30-A891-29E7D5…)

>>1077714> conversation between dead9irl and fauxgf from further up in the threadCorrect me if I’m wrong but is telling someone to ~blow their brains out~ not encouraging suicide? Or?
No. 1077733
File: 1604808827451.jpeg (110.29 KB, 532x345, 2027CBA7-2294-4E92-9C43-7290D4…)

>>1077714This is rich. Holy shit. She really is just sitting here refreshing it every ten minutes. Shouldn't she be grinding on those sleep studies and drug trials?
>>1077720Shoe fit? Sorry girl!
No. 1077765
>>1077714Kek BPDs don’t kill themselves come on now. For the tourists that may be lurking, d9 posted herself constantly and larp as boolying
victim to cover up the vileness exhibited in other bitches DMs, as receipts shown.
Ah if we have a dollar for every cow coming through here that tried to suicide bait and take down, our admin would be rich enough to stop selling Onlyfans.
No. 1077779
File: 1604814905221.jpeg (216.16 KB, 1372x1372, 1A848376-95A6-4373-9C82-395CE0…)

i hate fauxgf so much
No. 1077781
>>1077779her logic is basically
> she is bad so i am goodsorry fauxgf, you’re both bad people
No. 1077786
>>1077779Tbh I hate fauxgf more than half the girls on this thread. It’s not even what she does, her personality is so salty and puts a bad taste in my mouth everytime I see her posted. Such an insufferable cunt, no wonder her boyfriend cheated on her.
Sage for blog.
No. 1077906
File: 1604845262126.jpeg (328.33 KB, 1212x856, 8B52BFF9-7E67-48E7-B78E-37A9E5…)

No. 1077909
File: 1604845956098.gif (1.15 MB, 640x360, 1601077313550.gif)

>>1077906Kek. This is beautiful.
No. 1077913
File: 1604846446799.png (2.79 MB, 750x1334, EC18CF8E-28FF-4EA2-8AEE-2DD490…)

No. 1078102
File: 1604870079492.png (551.07 KB, 750x1334, DBCCA3A0-3501-4788-88B7-701DD0…)

fauxgf makes me hate being alive. i still am wondering what drugs she’s on to make her act like this
No. 1078170
>>1078165 the fact she is lying about trauma
lying about being autistic
just to save her ass
No. 1078185
>>1078170for real though. like where was this excuse the five thousand other times she got called out for
sigh ableism? it would’ve been the first thing she said. she’s mentioned and name dropped several mental disorders but never spoke once about her apparent autism
No. 1078186
>>1078170That’s because dead9irl is literally scum and honestly deserves all the hate that account gives her. Rape fetish is not a coping mechanism. It’s a bratty little bitch who doesn’t know what actual rape is.
Wasn’t she gonna kill herself? She seemed to have bounced back quick. She started bragging about her selfie from 2019 like the narcissist she is after saying she was sUicidAl.
No. 1078191
File: 1604878600485.jpeg (951.72 KB, 3464x3464, F1C6F4EE-BD1D-48CD-BFB5-708F44…)

No. 1078210
File: 1604880940503.webm (246.88 KB, 272x480, ashley.webm)
>>1078201her name is "FUCKINGANGELBITCH"
No. 1078233
>>1077913>so close to offing myself :((Do a flip and film it or stop being an attention whore
>>1077906kek beautiful,thanks anon
No. 1078241
File: 1604884638391.png (298.76 KB, 750x1334, 0E6E2A0F-E754-49CF-B839-104F87…)

when is she not sperging
No. 1078367
>>1077913fauxgf and dead9irl are both annoying asf. Fauxgf acting like she's better. Imaging sperging and letting a dumb e whore live in your head rent free. Most of lolcow farmers just laugh and move on we don't get
triggered and make long paragraphs on our personal accounts defending being obsessive for cancelling girls.
No. 1078918
File: 1604961501653.jpeg (523.51 KB, 750x1200, 60317FFB-87D0-4E5B-B17F-65C0B6…)

deadhoe’s caption is about us, let’s all sue her and make a petition to shut down her account! i can’t handle this harassment.
No. 1078944
File: 1604963487016.jpeg (38.57 KB, 460x342, 5E0093AE-AB24-4672-9394-5AAA6D…)

>>1078918Good thing we’re typing and not speaking. Because it’s… y’know… the internet.
No. 1078946
File: 1604963510353.jpg (319.93 KB, 1434x1076, Untitled.jpg)

Arisa's now deleted post and her shocked retraction of it. Dumbass couldn't do a reverse image search before spending a bunch of money on stolen art? Too Fast is fucking ugly and cheap regardless. Guess she was really desperate for a sponsor.
No. 1078951
File: 1604963805088.png (1.17 MB, 1692x984, romantic.png)

>>1078946Samefag here to drop this as well, not milky per se but gave me a belly laugh. Settling for the bare minimum tinder boy at 21 is a pro gamer move.
No. 1079098
File: 1604982903173.png (2.44 MB, 750x1334, 7AEDB4F7-758F-464C-AFB1-ED90E4…)

No. 1079099
File: 1604982978344.png (2.53 MB, 750x1334, B033FEA0-2E33-4948-A68D-4BC5C5…)

>>1079098> give credit where credit is duethe credit is that you’re skinny? k congrats weirdo.
No. 1079105
File: 1604984176577.jpeg (186.89 KB, 750x715, 38C487AD-0F47-4548-BEBD-B59417…)

>>1079098only twenty minutes after this was posted she posts this on twitter. they’re all sitting here refreshing all day.
No. 1079110
File: 1604985133244.png (579.77 KB, 1280x1003, Untitled.png)

>>1079098you know for there only being 10 of us, ever, she really cares a lot
No. 1079120
File: 1604986695491.jpeg (226.97 KB, 750x966, DAB11B76-1685-4630-88DF-179F20…)

this cow is getting way too cocky.
No. 1079122
File: 1604987157293.jpg (43.72 KB, 810x540, FB_IMG_1604987078656.jpg)

>>1079105>>1079107>>1079099>>1079098Didn't this bitch also edit videos of her waist? She's so dumb.
>and they're grownWhy do these bitches act like theyre still 15? You are grown.
At least we aren't married to some manlet from tinder kek look at her crouching over him. What is he 5'5"?
No. 1079124
File: 1604987181272.jpeg (544.11 KB, 2048x2048, 249B2EEF-2DCA-4F10-94BE-560626…)

>>1079099honestly, this is still an intense shoop of her waist and ass. she just took off a huge chunk of her waist to get an unattainable body. her natural body honestly looks amazing, it’s sad that she does this and now young girls will most likely use this as thinspo and starve themselves to attain something that isnt even real.
No. 1079138
File: 1604989653746.png (1.35 MB, 1297x882, Adobe_20201110_192133.png)

>>1079122As far as I'm able to tell they got married in September 2019 and she appeared on his feed in August 2019. Surely marrying a guy you met off tinder is the peak right?
Also was her jaw wider here?
No. 1079150
>>1079121iirc her mom literally acts like she only has one kid (her sister) and everyone else that cared besides gamer daddy is dead or estranged kek
that one's gotta sting
No. 1079164
File: 1604996355264.jpg (135.79 KB, 900x599, seethe.jpg)

new thread is ready
>>>/snow/1079162 No. 1091061
File: 1606272657345.jpg (587.95 KB, 1080x1440, 20201124_194817.jpg)

No. 1091336
File: 1606318696366.jpg (769.85 KB, 1080x1878, 20201125_083459.jpg)

>is allegedly short on rent money
>Posts a story of herself with stoner eyes a few hours later
No. 1125748
File: 1610129462436.jpeg (484.35 KB, 750x1124, E5CDE40C-FE12-42E5-9784-AE682D…)

Ok so cwunchie changed her user on ig to babygargoyl. Also shes indigenous, i do not understand why she still supports DOLLSKILL when that brand and its ceo are so racist and do not support the blm movement which is anti police brutality (indigenous peoples in Canada are racially profiled and experiences it a lot). Anyways yeah im new to this forum but wanted to share my 2 cents about her.(newfaggotry, necro)
No. 1125799
>>1125748Bruh what a nitpick….nobody gives a fuck if she likes dollskill. This thread isn’t active anymore. This isn’t Twitter retard, supporting a brand that
triggers retards isn’t milk
No. 1220024
File: 1619747231167.jpeg (277.92 KB, 1242x1204, 86655F15-FD40-42D5-901A-6EEF1A…)

Guys new ang3lthigh post. I think her old pictures are taken with filters she looks completely different.(use new thread)