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No. 1410169
Coquette aesthetic or "Doelet/Dollette" is the neo Nyphette fashion trend between young women on social media. It's exactly like nymphette, only that it's apparently "less pedophilic" just because they said so (read: hypocrisy) even though the way they fantasize about Dolores Haze and obsess over being petite is exactly the same. They also dress the same and gave the same makeup, even posting the same crap Tumblr did 10 years ago.
This is how they describe themselves (clearly being contradictory):
"It is a nymphet slightly reinvented. A nymphet that has taken her power back and lives her life the way she wants however and whenever she wants. She’s an enticing dream girl. Vladimir Nabokov’s definition of nymphet is problematic and uncomfortable and doesn’t represent the community. Doelette does NOT fall into that definition. This aesthetic crosses with angel core, lolita, cottage core, and love core. Young girls with a powerful mature spirit, childlike ways, but old vintage souls with a devious spark. They’re like intoxicating immortal beings wrapped in a sweet dolly package. They’re unexpected, you never know their next move but they probably know yours. Most tend to like older men and listen to Lana Del Rey."
These girls thrive on Tumblr, TikTok and Instagram and their hypocrisy is amusing. Post any cow or calf findings here.
No. 1410199
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Is there any milk in this community? It seems like if there’s no drama this is stuff that could fall into several various threads. Picrel is a personal cow of mine but she has no involvement in drama and quietly posts her monkeys.
No. 1410206
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Not OP but they're a plague on tumblr now, lots of them are minors, others are adults trying to appear younger. There are fractions that are more like original Nicole uwu sadbbydoll but coquette/dolette have also 00's celebrities aesthetic in, and claiming "no we're not sexual/ddlg, we're better than nymphets".
I can't remember any more notorious snowflakey accounts atm but just one look at "coquette" on tumblr and woah, they're so cringe.
No. 1410211
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part 2
No. 1410419
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bitch no you don't, you pretend you do because your shitty aesthetic told you it's supposed to be your ~spirit animal uwu~. Soren already did it like 8 years ago lol
No. 1410432
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>i only exist to be perceived by others
i'm surprised there are black girls trying and protecting this aesthetic to death when someone calls it out. weird cause the aesthetic is so porcelaine-whitegirl centered, and at least a couple years back it was full of female conservatives, avid Trump supporters, racist and self proclaimed nazis
No. 1410436
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>>1410411the pink/feminine/dolly aesthetic is just pink/feminine aesthetic. what makes "coquette aesthetic" is i guess addition of wishing for having ED, ddlg vibes whilst claiming they don't support it, pseudo-strong bitch jennifer's body vibes, heroin chic and wanting to be ~*broken but pretty*~~. all the pink, feminine dress style can be enjoyed without linking to coquette aesthetic. clothes wise same things can be found in kinderwhore or kawaii style. or just pink clothes alone, idk why these girls need to name everything this or that aethstic or something-core.
>>1410419i don't think these girls know who is Soren or Ginger Bronson anymore (maybe for the better lol)
No. 1410714
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Lots of those blogs are anonymous, just reblogging their dream girl Alana champions and Joanna Kuchtas pics. i tried to find any notorious girls that post their selfies/have blind following/have dramas. first immediately coming to mind is Alida Simone/babydarkokitten/jumpropejailbait who was already posted in old nymphet threads but i guess she still carries on & being an icon to these new girls, so she's kinda on board
No. 1410720
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Anyways this one, whilst unconventional, looks like a huuge pickme/NLOG of coquette blogs. has popular coquette sideblog and pretends to be some expert on aesthetic, but she's strongly against waifspo/ED side of community. also had some drama with others i guess. some of her posts are based but when you lurk more you see she just bitches on everyone whilst making herself better. i find her NLOG posts so cringy, she calls them all stupid and unoriginal but she dabbles in same aesthetic and talks just like them. kek her "rude hot bitch" talk is so cringey, same as the fact she shits on doelets/waiflets/whatever but speaks fondly of the original nymphet shit. here's her ask tag, her name on tumblr is lovesickbrat
No. 1410989
>>1410968it's because they're faking it, no one with real experiences would have a cringy blog dedicated to that shit because it's so cool and kawaii. but if you say that you're an evil "gatekeeper" or some other meaningless political buzzword they throw at people who call them out on their obvious bullshit larping.
at the same time i feel bad for these blogs though. it's an incredibly harmful part of the internet because it literally encourages girls to put themselves in dangerous situations (like trying to date older men) to fulfill their own rapey daddydom lana aesthetic fantasies they've had shoved down their throats by tumblr/pop culture/media. this is pretty much the same as when black and white cutting/proana blogs was a trend on tumblr and every teenage girl started having eating disorders and cutting themselves because they wanted to be like the girls on skins or whatever. i would die of sadness if i had a daughter and she turned out like the girls itt because of tumblr making girls think it's attractive to be hurt and exploited. what a horrid world.
No. 1410992
>>1410199sorry for ot but the DNI IF QANON is killing me. is it that
problematic? isn't it just believing pedos are breeding kids in underground tunnels? kek
No. 1411944
>>1410989Considering the amount of sexual abuse survivors there is in pro-ana websites and anorexics in general I don't think anyone can discredit them as easily.
Most people who go through sexual trauma at young ages either distance themselves from their sexuality or sexualise themselves unknowingly, the latter being the case here.
In the end this whole trend is a terrible place for young girls and older people larping as young to talk about things they really shouldn't be talking about such as romanticizing being with a much older man when they're minors.
No. 1412392
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This has to be one of the cringiest things I've ever seen in my life
No. 1413440
>>1413310This anon described the problem perfectly.
I think it's worth thinking about, what really means "trauma" to those girls? Do you think all of them experienced something so heavy and life-ruining? or is "trauma" anything they want it to be? like having parents that don't allow you to do something, or a boyfriend breaking up with you, or getting called ugly, idk. My point is, "trauma" and "PTSD" is getting completely washed out, like the word is losing its meaning. some of these girls never experienced anything traumatic at all, but they'll take one unpleasant thing and blow it out of proportion and call it trauma, cause that's what pretty coquette girls have, all of them must have trauma, right. Idk, maybe original nymphets started that shit because of trauma, but i don't think it's the case with coquettes, they just hop on old, slightly rehashed trend. I can't imagine that people who experience something actually traumatic, dealing with mental illnesses and problems, sexual abuse etc. sit around on tumblr creating aesthetic boards of their problems. they don't do cosplays of fawn-eyed traffiking/sexual abuse
victims. don't willingly put themselves in threatening situations again just to feel like a hot sexy broken girl.
No. 1413445
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>>1413440samefag and sage for long text, but
look at the overrated movies they're obsessed with. Virgin Suicides - etheral pretty girls, sad and locked away but also hot and desired by boys, even in death, cause they're so ~mysterious~. Girl Interrupted - Lisa Rowe, hot psycho who does what she wants and rules the whole hospital, cause mental illnesses are sooo hot, right? And finally Thirteen - young girls who literally make their own problems, if they don't have them, they'll create them, they'll put themselves in trouble just cause it's adult, it's adventurous, rebellious etc. They'll be hot bitches, and you know that crazy/damaged/young or young looking girls are the hottest! Look at Lolita, a young girl doind adult things and being desired by grown man, rather than some wrinkly adult woman doing adult things. that's what they take from it all. teens adapt to that kind of shit, while adult girls pretend to be younger cause that's what the world keeps perpetuating, men prefer younger and younger girls.
They do it for validation, they all want to be "sparkle jump rope queens", always looking young and pretty but also being confident hot bitches living on the edge, whose traumas and illnesses give them more, idk more "depth" and "intelligence", in their heads. I'll hazard a guess that most of them are not sticking to the aesthetic because of their traumas/problems. They're
seeking or
imagining their traumas/problems because of the aesthetic.
No. 1416135
>>1416071And yet it's been a thing for years and years. it's been a thing on the highly romanticized these days "2014 tumblr" with all the AHS Arctic Monkeys pale grunge american apparel white grid on a black background normie-hipster style blogs. and its infinitely more of a thing now with these girls ugly ED/ana promoting bullshit. same with that other girl from Skins who said "lovely" all the time.
Skins were awful series overall. I really hate series/films that are based on that stupid idea that depression means sitting in a bathtub surrounded by scented candles all fucking day and staring numbly at the wall, or going to the fucking parties just to wander around with a smudged makeup and a cigarette just to feel "alone in the crowd".
No. 1416144
>>1416138whoops you're right. so Effy was the one who cried mascara at parties. she was also skinny enough to be glorified by these morons.
I'll compile some fresh tumblr cringe later but i'll just say now that I'm seeing differences more clearly now.
Nymphets were mostly focused on stanning Nicole, cosplaying Lolita, flirting with old men and a lot of them dated old for real. they were also into ED but still kept it slightly less straightforward, and most of "nymphet hall of fame" were fat ones trying nymphet fashion nonetheless (remember Nicole calves?)
Coquettes are 100% about wishing to have anorexia/ED. some identify as "femcels" (lol) and make up imaginary scenarios. it's not as focused on being littles and shit, it's all about obsessing over Lizzie Grant, thin models and wishing to be waif-bambi-thin one day. none of them are as angelic as they think, even if they're thin.
No. 1416538
>>1416327nah, it’s trad pro-ana pickmes who used to masquerade as leftists but now outright simp for Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, and any libertarian tech squillionaire who’ll throw them a bone of attention
thus perfect for this garbage pickme self-misogynist scene
No. 1416617
>>1416538i hate how this movement brought back, or rather made pro ana blogs popular again. like, shameless pro ana. as in, making it trendy. "i want to be a skeleton" in tags and shit.
kinda wonder who started it all. i remember when nymphets rebranded as coquettes like 5-4 years ago, but i feel like that was somewhat completely different crowd. i don't think these current idiots know who was Ginger or Jess Woods for example. who started those white text memes, Alana Champion/Lily Rose Depp/Ana Taylor Joy worship/pinterest boards. all i've seen is tumblr though, i haven't seen insta, twitter or tiktok version of these communities.
No. 1420780
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No. 1422957
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>>1410714I’m surprised she is still with her neck beard bf.
No. 1426922
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>DOES NOT promote or romanticise CSA or trauma
>promotes nothing but healthy coping mechanisms
>does not look to be sexualised.
LMAO. I really want to know what are nothing but healthy coping mechanisms they promote. cause so far it's reblogging track marks, self harm pics, syringes and openly pro ana pics whilst basing entire "ideology" on wishing to look like a cross of Paris, Lana, Alana and Nicole, in a thinnest version possible.
No. 1436073
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No. 1436077
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her @ on tiktok is esoteric.zahra and it just gets worse
No. 1436122
>>1436073>time has come for 45kg waif girls>adolescent looking(kek which of her feature is adolescent looking?)
>katemosscoreGod, please no. Please don't try to make this an ~now's the time for US~ thing. (As if "waif/katemosscore" 45kg girls weren't a most trending, most demanded thing in fashion since literal years, lol.)
Just cause you're 45kg doesn't mean you have to dress yourself in lolita clothes and push this kinderwhore/pastel repackadged aesthetic as something cool/empowering, or showing that around and getting obnoxiously proud that you're thin - saying this as someone in the same weight category bc of health problems. wear clothes all you want but don't try to make ~pro ana~ a commercial thing again.
No. 1436129
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Here's one that's always shilled hard on tumblr for some reason, Aside from all the typical #coquette bullshit she posts, she's wannabe anorexic. All the ~i look like a sick victorian child~ and "Omg i got so dizzy after this i fell down" (she literally just moved slightly to the side for the camera and touched her hair, lmao). she even posted she sure must be severly iron deficient for a while only to go to the doc to discover she's not anemic at all.
>>1436077I thought tumblr coquettes are the worst, but this girl is ridiculous, tiktok's def worth a cowhunt deep dive
No. 1436844
>>1436073Maybe I'm desensitized from the pro ana scumbags thread, but she doesn't look 45kg
Or maybe she's just short
No. 1436951
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I’ve noticed that many of them have this weird obsession with Russia like how weeabos are with Japan
No. 1437008
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One of the interesting things I find about the Coquette/Nymphet aesthetic is the men they are attracted too
You'd expected some DDLG/Daddy dom cringe and there is some of it to an extent but not as much as one would expect, rather they seem to often post mentally ill, sad and broken men but who are still masculine
I have a friend whose into this whole aesthetic and the only ever men she posts are young Robert Deniro and young al pacino, I know for a fact she rematches their films almost every other week, they all seem to be obsessed with Vincent Gallo as well
other then those types, they post dead poets and eastern european soldiers(I knew one who posted Kurdish guerrillas as well)
picrel is often what you'll find on their tumblr pages
No. 1437015
>>1437008that's such specific preferences, wth are they into such men
>>1437001lol it would be kinda hard to be all faerie in piles of warm winter clothing
No. 1437018
>>1437017>death of grunge lana del rey 2014 tumblrThis has its own huge revival too, AmericanApparen grunge starbucks 2014 shit is coming back full force. Tbh they are 100% less irritating than coquette cause they at least stick to their ""grunge"" aesthetic pics
Why are genz so unoriginal, all they do is "discovering" these trends from 5 years ago lol
No. 1437025
>>1437008I think it's a mob wife /bonnie and Clyde type aesthetic. They like macho violent dudes because it makes them look more ickle and soft in comparison. Also the romanticised idea of guys like this being very violent FOR you and a little bit violent AT you (but only because he loves you so much).
The kurdish soldiers fits into this too, and i think the dead poets thing is because they like the idea of grand gestures of love from mentally ill types.
No. 1437034
>>1437027for me it's kind of weird to realize some aren't even old enough to remember the beginning of Instagram and other social media. they were growing up with first generation iPhones at most.
Maybe it's because i forgot a lot from those years, but somehow this coquette thing is more irritating than whatever from 2014-2016 tumblr
No. 1437037
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>>1437015I think most of them are at least self aware enough to realize that ddlg is cringe but still want some type of mentally ill man who is sad but isn't like an insecure softboy
so this "type"(idk what to call it) becomes the obvious alternative, the fact they post eastern european soldiers from stuff like Balkan wars or war in donbass is pretty interesting
often see stuff like picrel
No. 1437038
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>>1436985talking about hoffmanita, they romanticise her a lot, probably because shes the stereotypical pretty but mentally ill girl with a bad childhood, is this really what they want to be?
No. 1437058
>>1437038damn is that recent pic on the right? how the hell she let herself go so much…
It's kinda crazy like these insta girls, Hoffmanita, Yungelita, Joanna Kuchta Lilith, TooPoor, Plaaastic are already the "older generation", some of these are already worshipped like heroes by those teens. the internet time runs too fast
No. 1437062
>>1437037Damn imagine being a soldier's girl for the aesthetic. just to be uwu small waif fawnlike delicate flake of snow standing next to your boyfriend.
not really an example of "strong" but surprised they aren't falling for Columbine/true crime school shooters yet like Nicole &co. back in the day kek
No. 1437069
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>>1437058i think the pic on the right is kinda old, seems like she deactivated her insta too. hopefully getting help for whatever issues she has and not being around the people who enable her to be like that
some other weird eastern european girls ive seen going around in this community are those irl barbies, but i think that might fall into the weirdcore category which isnt really the same as the waif thing
No. 1437070
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>>1437062Speaking of killers I’ve actually seen some of them liking Jodi Arias (a girl who brutally murdered her ex bf) and making her selfies an aesthetic
No. 1437072
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>>1437008>friend whose into this whole aesthetic and the only ever men she posts are young Robert Deniro and young al pacinothis is her btw
>>1437070there's an element of Ironic misandry in the aesthetic which actually lures a lot of girls into it
No. 1437104
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>>1437077>I don't understand. so now it's both ways? they don't know what they want kekits all about the "aesthetic" they probably don't believe in any of those things
they are misandrist but in a cool edgy skinny waif way, not the way "fat radfems" are
they are into dark depressed men but not the male softboys normie girls are into
this is a sad attempt at counter culture and being unique, do you really think someone who posts pics of herself like this is anything more then a wanna be edgelord
No. 1437109
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>>1437037>some type of mentally ill man who is sad but isn't like an insecure softboy why did i think of this
No. 1437115
>>1437111after the porn ba, most of the SJWs fled to twitter
most of those left are edgelords, open white supremacists and these edgy girls, its a pit which eventually breaches into mainstream sites like twitter or pintrest
No. 1437195
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No. 1437198
>>1437082>>1437084Same, based anons. I was surprised once I read into the case. Not to mention Travis admitted that he was a pedophile and told Jodi that if they had sex it could cure him of his 'urges' (WHAT). He led her on forever, constantly used her for sex, made her get baptized as LDS because she wanted to get married, and then broke up with her because he 'needed to marry a 'pure' Mormon virgin'.
One less pedo scrote with a Madonna-whore complex in the world is fine with me.
No. 1437226
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what does this even mean. how is pinterest equivalent to tumblr in any way ?
>too young in 2014
got me feeling like a senior citizen
No. 1437258
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>>1437226Lots of the waif girls do go on Pinterest a lot and post just as if their in tumblr too, I see them all over my feed it’s very annoying and their accounts usually look like this
No. 1437316
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Can someone tell me why is this Alana Champion their poster girl patron saint? What's so special about this girl? i mean yes she's a model, but she's not exactly famous, looks absolutely fucking boring, and did nothing interesting besides that one photoshoot where she pretends to be white trash in a trailer. where did thse girls fish her out from
No. 1437332
>>1437326so is she doing that thing these days? lol i thought Alana is some forgotten model from early, early 00's that's no longer doing the aesthetic but somehow got plucked out of the internet archives. my bad lol
Now same question about Lily Rose Depp - she's not dressing very coquette? thought she's more of Lilith Levisis/LA soundclout/insta whore crowd (besides being daughter of Johnny Depp ofc)
(another one is Anya Taylor Joy who they ofc stan because of her weight lol)
No. 1437426
>>1437410I don't get why either of these must lean into any aesthetic because hating any other body shape trends. you are what you are, doesn't mean you have to hate fat or skinny girls and only like ppl with the same shape/weight as you have. someone's underweight, wow. so what? doesn't mean you immediately feel like angelic deer or that you should push some proana trend and encourage other girls to join to romanticize tf out of it for validation. majority of these girls aren't even skinny… most not fat in the least, yes, but look healthy weight. really kekworthy how they consider themselves "opressed for being skinny and pretty" (lmao) and feeling the need of "reclaiming" anything
this is ridiculous how they produce shit like that
>>1437195 completely unironically.
No. 1437429
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>>1437037>>1437062with the soldier stuff I've seen some overlap of Coquettes with certain militarily fetishists who are into what are dubbed "war aesthetic" or "Yugoslav war-core"
stuff like vidrel or "aesthetic" photos of soldiers in mundane settings
No. 1437492
>>1437487is that mina le commentary on Youtube or tiktok? might check in my free time
As someone liking actual 90's grunge i always thought 2014 "soft grunge" tumblr was kekworthy back then and i think throwbacks are even dumber now, but compared to coquette it's not so bad. because looks like they don't have any
toxic ideas attatched to it. from what i've seen these blogs only repost old fucking ass photos of pale/black and white/AHS/American Apparel/small cacti sets/normie jeans and jeans jackets and Martens girls with Instax 8 and starbucks coffee/Lana/Arctic Monkeys and Alan Turner for some reason. Cringe but if they want to obsess over old pics, it's fine with me, at least they don't push pro ana (so far)
I think one thing missing is full blown Lolita/DDLG/Melanie Martinez throwback. coquettes aren't so focused on that one from what i see, but i think Lolita/little kinksters will come back as "treasured vintage" aesthetic soon.
No. 1437820
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I think it's just a matter of time before they discover their prototype Ginger. especially since i found out someone's keeping a huge archive of her halfbunny years and cringe poems and diary entries on tumblr as of 2022 (kek i forgot how bad her "poetry" really was). funny they don't worship her and old hurtcore co., these embarassing cringelords did the same fucking thing back in 2011 or earlier sans pinterest obsession and stupid whisper memes.
No. 1437925
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a list of likes on the Coquette tag I found
No. 1437952
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Just so you know, now this indie attention whore is "coquette" too kek
No. 1437985
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I don't get their taste in men either, like this "yugoslav-core" is the most ridiculous i've heard ina while. Why everything must be something core? Ffs this life, not a representation of -core for someones pinterest
I can't at how stupid they are. Also they cannot make memes for shit, they just type whatever fucking shit
No. 1437992
>>1437990they're not just being exposed to this, they're actively making it.
took literally 2 or 3 months for this idiotic tag to spread enought to make everyone think it's totally right to smugly wish for ed.
No. 1437997
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>>1437958aand here you go. coquette mads is here too
No. 1438005
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>>1437956with de Niro its easy to understand, its mostly cause of his role as Travis Bickle in Taxi driver
the lonely, violet mentally ill man
Its not recent either, I remember people thirsting after Tavis bickle on tumblr since 2015
No. 1438006
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>>1438000waifish and dainty king
No. 1438016
>>1437992This might be controversial but I think the reason so many young girls flock to this aesthetic and identity is cause mainstream culture(especially the one's targeted at girls) is just frankly disgusting, your considered a racist, prude and pick-me if you think WAP isn't somehow a feminist masterpiece, shit like twerking and being a baddie is so normalized these days
compared to that being a thin pretty waif would seem like a much better alternative
I'm not defending these girls but I understand them, I think some of the blame should be given to mainstream culture
No. 1438046
>>1438029I deleted my post as I ended up just listing a bunch of fashions ((goes on to do it again in the rewrite)) but honestly the choice is endless for girls, like sure if you want clickbait attention you can sexualize yourself but if you really just want a unique fashion style there's endless choices between and within goth/alt/80s, lolita, cottagecore/hippy, vintage, fantasy/flowing gowns/fairy/photoshoot, elvish/maiden styles, or high fashion, detailed embellished layers, the sexual styles are actually the minority for anyone who follows fashion and photography since they tend to focus on what you
aren't wearing and simple garmets, and I don't think it excuses the nymphette aesthetic as one arising from limited options.
No. 1438601
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theres a lot to unpack here
No. 1438674
>>1438601Barf, ofc you're real femcel and others are fake femcels, pls teach us your way queen! Wait, what about… i'm pretty i'm hot girl manipulator? So you're hot dominatrix or a femcel? lol
Lmao, that "femcel" thing running in this "scene" is perhaps the funniest thing of all because… girl, you're 15yo. if you don't have a boyfriend YET at FUCKING FIFTEEN, that's not femcel, that's fucking normal. some girls don't get boyfriends up until they're in their 20's or even quite late 20's, nothing scary about that.
They're like those middle schoolers who call their puppyloves "serious relationships"
No. 1438748
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>>1438729well if you mean this then yes, ive seen things like these while lurking waif pinterest accounts and this image wasnt hard to find on there either kek
No. 1439361
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>>1438729>>1437037I just don't get the appeal of "this" fantasy and previous generations of nymphettes of coquettes didn't have this military fascination
No. 1439384
>>1439361It’s just another manifestation of women dreaming about finding the mythical knights in shining armor who will love & protect them, as society promised them existed. The idea that they can be living in this world, made hell for women, and there’s
no one who actually cares about them & will come to save them is too cruel to swallow, so they keep searching for the Good Men like a blindfolded animal looking for water in the desert. Maybe military anarchist bros are the Good Men who will protect me? They must be here somewhere…
No. 1439504
>>1439436>acidburnbabylol didn't this drama queen have her own thread here? it even got some new posts a while ago cause she hopped on radfem twitter or something. if i'm thinking of the right person
i remember the outrage when she openly posted proana, now there's no outrage, now proana is encouraged.
No. 1439534
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>>1437025>I think it's a mob wife /bonnie and Clyde type aesthetic. They like macho violent dudes because it makes them look more ickle and soft in comparison. Also the romanticised idea of guys like this being very violent that might likely be the case, relevant picrel
No. 1439554
>>1439534reading Bonnie Parker’s poetry is just a deep and profound cringe
MySpace but with a kill count
No. 1439573
>>1438016Lmao, we get that you hate rap nonna, but being a skinny white girl is absolutely “mainstream culture” too. Romanticizing eating disorders and sad girl pop culture existed long before the WAP video. If anything, the “baddie” look was promoted as an alternative to waif/heroin chic beauty ideals of earlier decades. And they are both equally sexualized & patriarchal forms of femininity, one just involves being curvy and constantly available to
abusive moids and the other one involves being frail and constantly available to
abusive moids.
No. 1439585
>>1439581no its all ugly and hideous shit
everything post 90s influences is ugly including this dumb anachan bimbo lolita crap from the 2000s
No. 1439594
>>1439587>Interesting that you find “rap-girl” body types to be “disgusting filth”,objectively they are
>yet find an aesthetic that encourages young girls to starve themselves, abuse drugs, date mentally ill violent men and promote pedo-pandering/ddlg shit to be “actually beautiful.”I never said that, I said as fucked as it maybe, the waif aesthetics are actually beautiful
No. 1439607
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>>1439598>>1439603WTF where did that come from, I'm actually mixed-race and in an inter-racial relationship, I don't know how your insinuating that I'm somehow racist
>>1439600kek that got a laugh out of me
No. 1439610
>>1439594>>1439581So, like, what's "actually beautiful" about being a porn star 2003 bimbo with inflated lips and giant tits but a stick-thin ana body, and why is that a far cry from "thicc" body types in rap? Both also romanticize
abusive/violent scrotes. All of it is degenerate lol
No. 1439629
>>1439610actually its more about being thin then the big lips and big-tits, big-tits are considered "unaesthetic"
>>1439612I already explained why me and others got into it here
>>1439581 and the other anon explained it here
>>1438016>>1439623>>1439627I'm brown you idiots, the aesthetic is actually more inclusive then you all seem to think, its more culture and body-type then race and color
No. 1439646
>>1439581rap-girl bodytypes are disgusting filth being
>proana anorexic things look actually beautiful>the waif aesthetics are actually beautiful>being/wanting to be anorexic is beautifulKek coquette spotted.
>>1439603I think small amount of them definitely lurk lolcow, i've seen one account frantically reposting specific pics from some threads
>>1439610lmao, this. they hate "rap girls" but white bimbo aesthetic they praise so much is often stealing black girl fashion
>>1439631>the only alternative to disgusting rap is waif coquette skinny girls aesthetic Yes, and this anon is a fucking idiot for thinking so. Thinking white and anorexic is some counter culture to rap and twerking, kek. As if white and skinny isn't definition of mainstream.
Lots of anons already told you, crapper-chan there are plenty style alternatives to rap, but you don't listen.
>>1438029 >>1438046
No. 1439651
>>1439635>i hate my cultureImplying she has to try to fit in to coquette, as if coquette was a culture, because the world is only made of black people culture and anorexic white girls romanticizing EDs and violent men
How fucking limited your brain is that you have to adapt to certain ignorant, anorexia-glorifying and violent man-fetishizing aesthetic because cannot think of your own style, interests, preferences?
Hint: kinderwhore, pastel, japanese lolita/kawaii/whatever old fairy key nonsense all have same cute pastel dresses clothes elements without disgusting undertones.
No. 1439655
>>1439629Both rap girls and coquettes say the same thing in different packaging
>I hate men but I want a bad boy>I hate men but I want money/attention>I'm a bad girl, I'm so crazy and off the walls and insane but I'm also ~*hot*~>I want to be glamorous and attractive (rap girls want to be glamorous as in sexually domineering, coquette girls want to be glamorous as in attracting pedophilic scrotes who will want to "protect" them)>I want to be foreign and exotic (rap girls want to be from any/all tropical parts of the world with brown skin, coquette girls want to be from cold parts of the world, especially Slavic, with pale skin)The only differences are the coloring (blond/white vs brunette/brown, bold/loud colors vs pastel/muted ones), which unhealthy/exaggerated body types are praised (skinny vs thick, MILF vs nymphet), and that coquette is more pretentious (red scare pod lmao). It's almost like all of these "subcultures" are for lost teenage girls/women and there isn't some massive difference between them. Coquettes are definitely more racist, though, that's something that can't be denied
No. 1439674
>>1439668Lol, not about men but you all write on your blogs that you're all about appearances and how your males see you. you follow all the conventional pretty rules and crave male gaze.
Don't twist it into some feministic empowering "me and myself" bullshit since you all bitch that you want boyfriends and males to stare at you, or that you're femcels (while also claiming to be female manipulators kek)
No. 1439677
>>1439671It's merged by you, coquettes. Your blogs combine everything. For fucks sake, you even call Mads Mikkelsen "coquette".
It doesn't originate from Russia, it's just you wishing to be pale, blonde, etheral Russian nymphs running in Russian woods. you fetishize russians just like you fetishize yugoslavian soldiers
No. 1439678
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>>1439670>>1439672I stay away from the
problematic stuff, the ED and glorification of anorexia
I guess I just like the aesthetic, I like seeing ballet, nice architecture, good looking men smoking, rock music and grunge, not seeing women twerk or shake their asses(but that's just me)
No. 1439685
>>1439678Since when ballet, nice architecture, good looking men smoking, rock music and grunge is #coquette? I like rock and grunge too, and i'm not coquette, can you imagine kek
You can like all of the listed without smashing your coquette tags on everything. You can look for this on ballet/rock related spaces, not pinterests of coquettes. These things aren't exclusively coquette property. The world isn't made of twerking girls vs. coquette. you gotta be really childish to think so.
No. 1439691
>>1439683the latter part is though, I do think think rap girls are degusting and their music video's make me wanna hurl
>>1439688cause I hurl when I even attempt to watch rap music video's
No. 1439697
>>1439693where the fuck did pedophilia come from, I am against it
>>1439694I mean the fact that I am getting called racist for not liking rap music, despite being part black myself
No. 1439699
>>1439696damn it, guess you're right
>>1439695it's definitely her, also prob same anon who stans Willow and MGK cause "at lEaST he doesn't have twerking bitches in his videos!!!"
No. 1439705
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>>1439701got something for you
(i don't like Cardi b either but imagine getting hissy fits just cause you hear words "Cardi B" kek)
No. 1439707
>>1439705God what a disgusting troglodyte, how people find this suitable for a human being to look like is beyond me
kek I'm actually darker then her
(no1curr about ur skin color ) No. 1439712
File: 1644512580886.jpg (96.42 KB, 1242x1238, c66b9c73151921f00d42373abab095…)

Got a ~coquette~ Cardi b for your pinterest coquette-chan
(Ok, that's the last one, i swear)
No. 1439724
>>1439715The fact that you think rap culture from American is somehow related to my half black african culture is just telling
>>1439712aw she was cute as a kid, shame what society and mainstream media does
No. 1439737
>>1439724NTA but all Africans would also find this cringe.
>>1439685 is right, please find an actual personality. You can like all sorts of things from all sorts of cultures without trying to be another clone (especially a clone in a community you won't ever be able to fully conform to - you'll always be a diversity hire, ultimately to be looked down on for not looking fully European, very demeaning)
No. 1439739
>>1439725Ah yes proving your better by spamming porn
>>1439729why do people do this, people who aboustetle hate rock, metal and grunge music always bring up "um achtually black people invented all that, so you can't enjoy it without enjoying awful rap music"
also the idea the idea rock was has roots in west African music is a myth that needs to die, black Americans did develop the ground work for what we call classical rock music but that's it, grunge specifically came from working people in new England
also I don't what your trying to say, I'm only half west african, I have nothing to with black american culture or history
No. 1439749
>>1439739lol imagine hating black people so much you cannot admit all rock and its genres came from blues, madeby black ppl.
grunge came from bands from shitty towns in America, not England
No. 1439756
>>1439743looked them up, degenerate porny lyrics(no thank you)
>>1439748>>1439748>lol imagine hating black people so much you cannot admit all rock and its genres came from blues, madeby black ppl.I never said that, I said african americans created rock music and I was disputing your claim that it came from west african styles(believe me, I've listen to that crap, its not at all the same)
I guess the only thing you could say sounds semi-rock like is the Turaange people's music, bet they are north africans with who sorta blacked themselves by mixing with slaves but keeping their Bedouin culture
No. 1439763
This just proves my point further that rap culture utterly destroys a people and isn't worth preserving and when I say I hated "my own" culture I didn't mean black culture, I meant my father's culture
which allowed men to be lazy and to lay about all day, and also generally I just find it ugly to look at
>>1439762I don't listen to her
No. 1439770
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whats happening in here
No. 1439771
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Coquette-chan, you Lovesickbrat by any chance? whiteknighting coquette and lying to herself that it's not ED-centered and it's inclusive is her fav hobby
No. 1439787
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You all are being the ignorant one's here, making fun of girls who simply want their own space in a disgusting world, also y'all are way more racist then anyone I've seen on Coquette spaces, the level of ignorance thinking that somehow being african means that I'm related to black american culture
its like saying Irish people are related to Ukrainian culture
No. 1439792
>>1439779Stop playing the
victim. Also, stop using "y'all", it's cringy and you sound like the "disgusting, filthy" rap culture you were sperging about. You were literally shitting on African culture earlier too, don't use it as a shield when you know you hate yourself lmao
No. 1439804
>>1439798She's not black, she's mixed race and makes that clear whenever she goes on rants about black people being subhumans.
I dislike what rap culture has done to the community too but that anon is a self hating retard who's been doing this for YEARS.
No. 1439806
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>>1439781alright WTF, why have you created a profile about me(I mean you got most details right except my father isn't Nigerian, though many african men do fetishize me cause I'm mixed)
also not pear shaped and have never vented about my body on lc
>>1439798finally someone who gets it and I'm not even advocating for ED and being thin, I actually try to condemn the ana-chans
No. 1439814
>>1439797I still don't get why the jannies haven't IP banned this schizo for destroying multiple threads with racebait and attracting other
>>1439798 retarded racebaiters.
No. 1439815
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how do they hate their fellow coquettes and try to accuse them of being poser while at the same time being almost self aware enough to realise the irony in all of this, i mean how are all of them going to be ethereal fairy waif female patrick batemans at the same time, its pretty funny to watch
No. 1439828
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not that, I meant that so many users seemed to create random scenarios after random scenarios, I was just being myself and assumed no one notice me and most people would forget, didn't assume anyone would piece a rough outline of more or less my life
Honestly impressed and frightened
No. 1439833
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This thread is a mess
No. 1439849
>>1439848I am not with my boyfriend just cause he's white, I don't have any racial hang-ups, I like my boyfriend for who he is
>>1439845I hate rap culture not actual black american culture and I separate do not like west african culture
Its men are lazy, materialistic, don't do shit and allows men to continue this cycle
No. 1439853
>>1439843fuck off, tragic mulatta
nobody cares about how you hate Cardi B and love white dick
No. 1439862
>>1439853WTF I don't have a specific disdain for cardib, I dislike all rap girls in general, regardless of race
>>1439855>and there are only 2 style choices in the world, innocent and pure skinny white coquettes or fat, disgusting, ugly, twerking black girlsI never once said or even implied that though
No. 1439869
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Oh god, fucking Rap Anon just torpedoed another thread.
No. 1439872
>>1439862yes you did:
>>1438016>>1439678You literally cannot enjoy simplest, coquette-unrelated things without tagging it coquette and identifying as coquette.
You present skinny coquette girls as a magnificent alternative to disgusting fat rap girls, and fight to death to defend some shitty,
toxic, ED-obsessed, white-centric, and pedo-inclined trend.
No. 1439876
>>1439869would 99% bet she's also the one doing the MGK/Willow sperging, but nah since she's racist, she'd hate Willow. MGK stanning still stands possible
Now i wonder if she's also the same person shitting Grimes thread crying over how Elon is cute and fine bc he was once bullied in pre-school lol
No. 1439877
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You know what I'm done explaining myself, I'm leaving
you all have created your false assumptions about me that aren't at all true, I'm not some white worshipping racial self hating light brown mulatta who dates any random white man and envy's white women
though mixed race I am still phenotypically african, I think certain aesthetics are better then others, I have never envied white women and I am dating a man who happens to be white and I love him for being a wonderful man who treats me well and can step up be a man
I hope you all have a wonderful life, cause you all won't see me again
No. 1439889
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No. 1439895
>>1439887stfu clown
>>1439892i'm not her, i'm just saying
No. 1439896
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No. 1439897
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No. 1439899
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No. 1439938
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rare based “coquette” whisper found
No. 1439990
>>1439988>discuss their own pleasure & sexual agency somewhat Then turn around and date/marry
abusive scrotes that cheat on them and beat up and sometimes rape women
No. 1439993
>>1439990I just said it was gross and trash, anon. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of claiming coquette is pure & feminist for sexualizing emaciated teenage girls instead of adult women with boob jobs and BBLs. And both subcultures idolize violent
abusive moids so there's no moral high ground there either way.
No. 1440001
>>1439950Again, this is propagating the absolutely retarded take that
WoC around the world only have the "choice" of emulating the worst aspects of sexist black American pop culture or sexist white American pop culture, when the possibilities are endless.
No. 1440033
>>1439988>>1439964>akshually, women singing/rapping songs written by misogynistic moids for obvious coomerbait pornsick reasons is based and empowering!Great, now we have libfems in the thread. Hope you enjoy your stay. I hate Coquettes but I can't actually believe you're all stepping so low as to defend literal porn music. You all sound like stan twitter refugees. You don't belong here and can't integrate for shit with your retarted and dangerous opinions just to fight like exceptional individuals with that (c)rapper bitch. Grow up.
>>1439998Based. But maybe these girls desperately flocked to Coquette because there's no relevant aesthetic for
poc slim girls as far as I'm concerned (Correct me if I'm wrong).
>>1440018I know what you mean anon but name me at least one trendy 2021 fashion subculture that has melanated skin+no curves as a must, I can't really think of any.
No. 1440041
>>1440033the idea that everyone has to find an “aesthetic” is retarded
just be a thin black girl, don’t stan gross pedo-flavored nonsense
No. 1440043
>>1440033nta but is it a MUST for it to be TRENDY in 2021 aesthetic? i mean, instead of thicc trend and coquette trend, you can choose whatever old aesthetics/subcultures or make your own mix of things, without calling it aesthetic. use imagination, not expecting the mainstream media to propose you certain, schematical, already decided ways of being. it doesn't have to be trend or whatever's desired lately. like kek you don't have to twerk your huge plastic surgery butt, and your don't have to starve yourself to "waif" size to fit some etheral shit dresses. dress normally, or dress vintage, or goth, or alt, or tomboy, or weird, or put whatever you have in your wardrobe without thinking, why does everything have to be on "trend" or "aesthetic"? This obsession with aesthetic is weird
No. 1440066
>>14400331) no one said any of that, which is why you had to make shit up instead of quoting them directly
2) there are plenty of aesthetics for
poc slim girls (they literally invented the “art ho” label) and nobody needs an internet-approved “aesthetic” anyway but go off
No. 1440098
>>1440047>>1440066>n-no nobody said rap is empowering>they're purer on the basis of wanting pleasure for themselves>female rappers discuss their own pleasure & sexual agencybullshit, they have no agency, they only ~discuss~ their sexuality because rap has sadly became porn music as
>>1440033 said, they're equally pathetic if not more than coquette girls, the things you have to do to be a relevant rap girl nowadays are pretty humiliating
No. 1440160
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but its totally not sexual and definitely isnt a rebrand of the lolita aesthetic
No. 1440162
>>1440156perhaps? or it can stay and be revived every once in a while.
anyways i'm not an OP of the thread but i'm glad we had a conversation and a couple of laughs at this aesthetic though
>>1440160it seems like they don't know what is coquette and what isn't, each of them feels competent enough to set out their rules hence idiots who play the whole lolita ddlg bullshit still and idiots who feel morally better cause they're pure, sexless and femcel but also totally pretty and manipulator. kek
No. 1440174
>>1440168i talked with anons on other site about coquette once and remember they told thankfully it's only happening on tumblr and nowhere else, so it means nothing - and now its spreading. i never google coquette but i think google might actually throw results now while a month ago it would show nothing, lol. i hope it never gets picked up by some sort of media…
it's irritating when you see everyone from Courtney Love to Kurt Cobain to idk, Mars Argo tagged as "coquette aesthetic", but coquette Mads is just something other it still amuses me the most.
I'm starting to think they'll call Draco Malfoy coquette next cause he's pale and blonde kek
No. 1440190
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Anons… Nylon made an article on coquette just today.
i haven't started reading yet so i can't tell more but media are already aware of this shit. And it doesn't look good
>it's romantic and empowering
No. 1440202
>>1440196haha, hopefully. if coquettes are really about ""rebelling against mainstream"" (lmao, by using most mainstream elements ever) and "trying to create their own untrendy safe space", then logic says they should drop coquette altogether cause now it's… "mainstream"
But honestly i think they'll be disgustingly proud of themselves and use such articles to validate their disgusting shitshow, cause they're literally 12 year olds mentally.
really disappointed Nylon didn't care to notice that trend is based on proana/kink/pedo/white trash stuff primarily.
No. 1440255
>>1440196I really wouldn't consider Nylon mag mainstream at all. Most normies aren't reading it. When it hits Time mag, then it'll be mainstream.
>really disappointed Nylon didn't care to notice that trend is based on proana/kink/pedo/white trash stuff primarily.It's a magazine run by hipsters; they don't care. They use to have those hypersexual American Apparel ads in their physical mags.
No. 1440271
>>1440255not amerifag so i didn't know what sort of mag is Nylon besides noticing it looks like some glossy pseudo artsy hipster bullshit that sometimes has famous photographers shooting stars, models and nepotist it-girls from LA.
sure it's not like Time mag, but i was very surprised it got mentioned at all in any sort of internet magazine. bc coquette was a bullshit term made up by tumblr idiots. a paper term. something that was never needed to exist, like couldn't people just wear feminine and neo romantic?
how pathetic that Nylon seems to write separate texts on angelcores and other, these tags mean nothing. bc wtf is eternitycore or lovecore
No. 1440370
>>1439988>>1439964I hate coquette culture just as much as anybody else but let's not defend rap-culture and pretend for even a moment that it's somehow "empowering"
both are equally bad, only difference is one is the mainstream and one is a mostly internet based sub-culture
No. 1440376
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Jesus Christ why would anyone make this
not to sound like an SJW but yeah this is like so fucking problematic and offensive
No. 1440717
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>>1438729cecacore when? kek
No. 1440855
>>1440825I know these idiots are talked in Leftcows threads, but idk how many threads i'd have to go back to find any info. totally don't get the whole craze about them, however
>claims to be slavic coquette >open white supremacistLol no wonder coquettes love her
question though, is that the same Dasha who had some ridiculous love triangle drama with some other chicks they shared flat with a few years back?
No. 1440864
>>1440854i did the work myself, i assume this is the dasha nonna was talking about milky enough, gonna have to make a burner account now kek
No. 1440878
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>>1440864self-proclaimed aryan waifu.
tweets every hour, speaks butchered english but i have a feeling shes faking it for uwu-points.
No. 1440881
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No. 1440894
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she definitely had work done. Where the fuck are her eyes though lol
No. 1440897
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okay im done shitting up the thread, this bitch has nearly 23k tweets
No. 1441262
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>>1423542The Joanna sugar baby prostitute that Alida hung out with and escorted to see Lana live thinks she’s a movie star now (if I’m not mistaken)
No. 1441523
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>>1440878i looked up her old tweets and she used to be a kpop stan it looks like, harmless but kinda funny how she went from kpop stan to white supremacist
No. 1441595
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>>1441523heres something about her getting expelled from school at the same time as some school shooter, she doesnt seem super milky overall but its fun to see what these coquettes are actually doing
No. 1441605
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As others have mentioned, coquette subculture differs from the millennial/early gen Z nymphette culture in that the archetype of the ideal male is different. I don't see a great deal of interest in older men from such girls, but rather there's more of a hybristophilic Bonnie and Clyde preoccupation with rough balaclava-clad semiautomatic-toting males. Examples would be Billy from Buffalo 66, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, etc.
Something that I haven't seen mentioned here yet is the platform in which these subcultures proliferate. Nymphette shit was mainly confined to tumblr which was pretty much an entirely female space whereas coquettes are on twitter and there's considerable interaction with esoteric RW BAP twitter and I think this has influenced the scene considerably.
No. 1441646
>>1441605whats BAP?
>>1441633why would you want to dress like a pedos wildest dream, anonchen?
180 cm tall and german face sounds beautiful not gonna lie No. 1441647
File: 1644688641827.jpeg (145.16 KB, 750x1114, FFA77266-DCC1-4C89-B6C6-0B7E10…)

how do they post shit like this and not be embarrassed
No. 1441702
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No. 1441713
>>1441633dude, all of the coquettes i've seen that had their selfies up were average height to very tall, often fat, or at least average, all very plain. thin ones that i've seen (dolling, that tiktok girl who claimed tobe 17 upthread), are tall/tin but normal weight, even if they claim tobe of so fainting 40kgs. zits, dark hair, sometimes glasses. sometimes Grimes nose. NONE of them dressed in those etheral white dresses showing arms or any sort of coqette attire. They CLAIM to be coquette ideal and dress as such, but in fact none of them does.
I'm thin (not that anyone cares ofc) but i wouldn't like to wear "coquette" cause it's stupid. anon buy cute babydoll/kinderwhore dresses, they fit everyone. fuck ideal coquette measurements, fuck coqutte canons.
No. 1441717
>>1441713samefag but wanna add they'd possibly fetishize tf out of you for being German, just like they fetishize Russian and Polish. they're most USA girls who are bored with their lives
Also i hate that coquettes have already imprinted on ppl that stupid assumption that you gotta be ~anorexic~ and ~short~ only to wear feminine stuff. idk why, bc of Ariana Grande maybe? hate that they think feminine wear = coquette
No. 1441745
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>>1441711>>1441646BAP stands for Bronze Age Pervert, BAP was an online natural bodybuilder who released his own sorta manifesto book on Amazon called the Bronze Age Mindset
It was natural bodybuilding philosophy mixed with old world and nietzschean ideas of masculinity, now this book would have gone completely unknown and would have had no impact what so ever, that is until some liberal academics and started using it as an example of how bodybuilding and working out inherently fuel right-wing nationalism, this eventually brought the book to the spotlight and it started being shared among right wing online spaces and this caused a feed back loop, cause more online liberals and SJWs started talking about the book and this got more people interested in it
BAP twitter is a sub-sect of Tard/right wing twitter that actually practices their ideals to an extent, cause they have this thing where to be part of BAP-twitter you have to post your body and book collections and if your body isn't muscular enough you can't join their special club
These are the typical BAP twitter accounts that might explain what their like they are just gym bros on twitter
>>1441743Eh from what I've seen, different guys seem to idolize different ideals of masculinity, for they even have some Muslim members who post Islamic philosophy related to exercise, there are even a couple commies who post about soviet lifting "aesthetics" the only think that really unites them all, is that they hate neo-liberalism and are really into natural bodybuilding
No. 1441897
File: 1644716179827.jpg (69.19 KB, 400x593, tumblr_dbe9e53d427778c58c0f883…)

Can someone explain why is Chloe Sevigny worshipped by coquettes and not only? whenever i saw her on tumblr i always asked myself WHAT's so special about her and marvelled at how fucking plain faced and boring she is. In every single photo, no matter who took it, she looks boring. Boring clothes. Boring poses. Same fucking boring as fuck half-stoned, half-smug, intentionally uninterested face. Bonus, she's one of those method acting idiots and allegedly had real sex for film. there's not a single thing that's interesting in her look, face, and her personality must be even less interesting.
And coming back to coquette, i don't see any #coquette "quality" about her either… wtf
sage for chloe hate sperg
No. 1441907
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>>1441897it's the vibe she gives off.
No. 1441986
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>>1441745The only thing I am aware of BAP twitter is this meme, I used to think this was ridiculous and thought the black girl was an exception for dating that guy but after seeing (c)rap anon's sperg outs and behavior, It starts to become a little more plausible
No. 1441994
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>>1441986does she even know that he posted this?
No. 1442016
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>>1441897i guess she used to dress kind of effortlessly weird/cute and was in indie art house films, she just gave off the darling partying brooklynite almost socialite vibe
No. 1442018
>>1441718But that's exactly what it is, anon. If you have a keen aesthetic sense, you will HAVE to selectively euthanize it towards men, because your only other option would be to become some sort of a female volcel. Who do you think can tolerate gas station sushi better - a normie or a chef with an exquisite palate?
Women are simply more beautiful than men, it's an indisputable scientific truth. Beauty is a female sexually dimorphic trait. "Beautiful" men are more likely to create daughters despite most conceptions normally skewing male.
The whole balaklava cope is fucking sending me because it has to be the most blatant attempt at hiding the tardy hideousness of an average guy to avoid tainting your "aesthetic" - the equivalent of putting up a shitty picture to cover a mold stain. I hope these chicks get well soon, I really do.
No. 1442062
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>>1442018I'm gonna disagree with that simply cause what are considered beautiful or feminine traits in men are incredibly subjective depending on culture
facial hair for e.g is a big point of masculinity in many Muslim nations to the point where "beardless" is used as an insult, but in African societies it's barely an issue and they can't even grow facial hair so they have different ideas of masculinity, so someone like the Rock would be considered feminine in certain nations simply cause he can't grow a beard but a 5'8 ordinary man would be considered masculine just cause he can grow a beard
In north korea chubby men with round faces are considered to be "beautiful men", while men who are thinner and have sharp angular features are considered to be ordinary
It is subjective
No. 1442143
>>1442074anon, how old are you? I get it might be upsetting to look at that shit, but in reality, it matters to exactly one kind of people: underage coquettes, or 20yo coquettes pretending to be younger than they are. Adults don't fucking care. Males don't fucking care. Women don't fucking care. People have diverse tastes, but i wouldn't say tiny shorty anorexic nymphy girls caring about aesthetics more than anything meaningful are biggest beauty ideal to actual adults. Absolutely not. Look, these girls are whining "femcels" for a reason, mayve because no man nor woman could stand their idiotic takes and interests. real life is not television or internet, in real life nobody cares about waif ideals and core aesthetics. i know the world went more insane than ever since development of social media, but coquettes are NOWHERE NEAR real impact on the world, and nowhere near being people's chosen go to ideal. i wouldn't call coquettes mentally ill (they're not), cause that would only be a compliment to them, but they're fucked in the head in some other way. I guess no man/women would like to dress up as Yugoslav soldiers to roleplay with their Bambi waif who'd pretend to be their Lisa Rowe kek
No. 1442167
File: 1644759863531.jpg (492.87 KB, 640x1007, French romantic postcards, 192…)

>>1442018Sure, women are more beautiful but a good looking man isn't as rare as you're saying. The reason why they're so scarce this days is partially because of the grooming standard has gotten so abysmally low that the average man would probably improve by quite a bit if he lost weight and had better self grooming. They could push their male partners or pursuers to better groom themselves to fit into a coquette aesthetic like pic related. But since they're as pornsick and brainwashed by the current heterosexual gender dynamics that a man must be ugly, violent, and unstable to be a true man they go for that despite it being the opposite of traditional as much as their aesthetic likes to align with it.
No. 1442169
>>1442062A civilized and gallant looking man should be apart of the coquette aesthetic. Adding violent yugoslav war criminals to the mix is a perversion and inappropriate addition to this historically influenced aesthetic.
Not like they care though, but still. It's gross.
No. 1442171
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>>1442167>>1442169also any basic faced man can be ugly or good looking depending on a change in diet, exercise and grooming
any of the Yugoslav war criminal dudes these women lust after can like a dignified gentleman with just a change of facial hair and clothing
No. 1442207
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She does mention that she lives in poland sometimes, but she insinuates that she's originally from russia (dasha is not a polish name) and makes tweets about learning her future husband russian etc.. But the thing is, i speak a little bit of russian and in pic attached when she responded in russian she used male adjectives to refer to herself… So she's probably using a translator.
The other person said: you need a reconstructive face surgery
She replied: I prefer being natural (male form), as i (male form) was born (male form).
No. 1442214
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>>1442176but even then Vikings did practice some personal grooming, according to the account of John of Wallingford, a 13th-century English monk
>"The Norsemen were according to their country's customs - in the habit of combing their hair every day, to bathe every Saturday and to change clothes frequently"bathing once a week and changing clothes isn't a high but but It was some degree of personal grooming
Also you're right regarding "barbarian women" Aramean, Viking, Nanman, Mongolian women were all known for their fierceness and "unfeminine natures", they didn't fight in direct combat besides men but they weren't scrawny and dainty damsels in distress
They were active members of their communities who served a number of roles, elderly women were often respected and sought as sources for advice and women overall aided the men in combat in support roles
picrel is what a real Viking/barbarian woman would have looked like
No. 1442227
>>1442207KEK of course. if she couldn't grasp the right forms for her fake Russian then she better not tries to fake Polish in longer sentences, cause she'll eventually get lost in various endings and rules and context. Polish ppl would laugh tf at their romanticized views of them, i'm sure Russian girls too. They're normal ppl not some coquetteland nymphs.
I mean they probably base their whole "coquette Russian" on Hofmannita and "coquette Polish" on Joanna Kuchta, but jokes on them cause Joanna ran around in American Apparel and other very American stuff, sitting almost exclusively in America.
No. 1442311
>>1442167>>1442171Lol exactly, these aren't beauty nonas. They're "handsomeness", which is cope. The grooming thing (also lol at the chincel beard cope, nature's balaclava I guess) is a deliberate obfuscation to mitigate the fact that very few men are most women's looksmatch.
What we define as "attractive" in men is "handsome, "stately" or "interesting". Those aren't objective beauty.
No. 1442314
File: 1644779997003.png (946.8 KB, 1208x1132, og coquette.png)

Kek i know she's not really the same train of thought as usual coquettes but still associates with this term and gets hissy fits just cause people don't follow her guidelines! Let me anons introduce you to ORIGINAL COQUETTE!
lol no matter what you do you WON'T change the fact coquette is a breeding ground of pro ana, idiocy and pedos. Coquette was invented only because Tumblr banned "nymphet".
No. 1442316
File: 1644780083695.png (53.81 KB, 426x692, og coquette2.png)

~you're all so stupid but i'm still part of you culture, just not like other coquettes~
No. 1442321
>>1442314>>1442316Is that our crap-chan? kek not as thin as she was bragging about
also any pics of her white bf whose totes not racist
No. 1442352
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>>1442314 why do these tumblr bitches think theyre the blueprint for doing the most basic things, if you wear a turtleneck and a tennis skirt people arent going to think you're an "og coquette", rather just some random girl
No. 1442392
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Is alida still into this junk or did she stop skinwalking lana
No. 1442397
File: 1644786909108.jpeg (377.72 KB, 1089x1491, 40640605-2C2B-496A-ABF3-9BF866…)

She looks different, I used to think she was so pretty but she doesn’t look the same anymore
No. 1442403
>>1442392We talked about this a month back in other thread (Nicole Calves or Nymphets: where are they now thread) and turned out she pretends to be all grown up and "above this", given a speech on how stupid she was and how she's not into this
toxic stuff and not copying Lana anymore. But in reality she still posts nymphet/lolita stuff on her second account (?) and still dates that same older male. So… she's still kind of into same old stuff, but pretends she doesn't/does it more lowkey.
she changed her look slightly (last time i've seen her she was a redhead, she got back to blonde?) but that's about it, probably.
She doesn't actively participate in coquette thing, i think she considers herself above it in a way that SHE'S the trendsetter/"legendary figure" for those girls, not equal with them.
No. 1442554
>>1441745>now this book would have gone completely unknown and would have had no impact what so ever, that is until some liberal academics and started using it as an example of how bodybuilding and working out inherently fuel right-wing nationalism, this eventually brought the book to the spotlight and it started being shared among right wing online spaces and this caused a feed back loop, cause more online liberals and SJWs started talking about the book and this got more people interested in it sage for OT but its insane how this shit happens so many times and they still never learn, same with the OK symbol
by giving these idiot meatheads attention and notoriety they basically create an audience for them
(learn2sage) No. 1442635
>>1440717My thoughts exactly. She was a famous singer and married a war criminal in a ~~beautiful white gown, but she is an actual successful businesswoman
>>1439651That's always what I hated about these nymphet/coquette/whatever name it's rebranded styles. The fashion style can be pretty cute in itself, I love the vintage girly vibe of it, but they turn it into a fetish. Then you can't wear it because it's cute, since you don't want to be seen as a pedopandering loon.
>>1439658> fapping over the aesthetics you want for yourself and other women like some AGP trannyI always wondered if women can be autogynephilic btw. When you see how bad some go out of their way to fetishize a certain aesthetic, it makes me think that it isn't only internalized male gaze.
No. 1442675
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>>1442635>I love the vintage girly vibe of it, but they turn it into a true, this is one of the things that annoys me the most about this aesthetic phenomenon, stuff like picrel gets colonized by coquettes and suddenly turns into some uwu daddy shit even though its originally just a cute simple outfit reeeeeeee, damn ive even seen princess diana in their coquette pinterest boards
No. 1442685
>>1442675That's… literally normal clothes worn by normal person. Don't believe a person pictured lifted it out of her wardrobe thinking it's #coquette. nothing unusual about turtleneck and plaid skirt.
Nobody in Europe cares for that shit. select young idiots probably do - online, but it has no real influence on the fashion world. If it ever gets mainstream, it'll only be praised in America, and fade out fast.
I'd also like to notice that all these countless -cores are all the same, and share the same clothes and sets of rules. I checked the "core" bullshit section from Nylon and literally all "aesthetics" share same things. Coquette ain't different from angelcore, or even "grunge fairycore" (kek). forever kek at idiots thinking 2014 tumblr hipster clothes are "rebellious", it was an ideal normie wear. that's what the least creative/original people worn. Arctic Monkeys, 1975, 5SOS, Marina and clean, organized, black and white aesthetics and skirts from American Apparel, very grunge.
No. 1442852
>>1441523>szipuje z jungkookiem>piękna ikonkakek this girl is polish pretending to be russian
(sage for being a latefag)
No. 1443144
>>1443141She wasn’t kidnapped; she ran off with a boyfriend who she later claimed was
abusive. She was reported missing though because of it but came back like “teehee I’m fine guise!” Not the same guy she’s with now but he’s a creep too that’s been around her since she was underaged. She’s going on 22 now though and still likes to talk about how she “looks like a child” when she doesn’t. She’s the creepy one at this point.
No. 1443208
>>1443168Her entire PULL thread is archived. not sure about but all pages are still on wayback machine.>>1443144like anon said, i'll add that the guy she ran away with apparently abused her and went to jail. She was 16 at the time.
No. 1443858
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>>1443208>Hitler, NaziAnd here I was thinking this was just with the new coquettes kek. I'm willing to bet her supposed nazi views were imposed on her by the older boyfriend. I don't recall the original lana del rey lolita nymphet girls having a thing for right wing moids
No. 1443984
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>>1443858Not only boyfriend. Before she started him, she was hanging out with girls who were racist, posting Hitler stuff and being open Trump supporters, pretty sure thread mentions them. when she discovered her thread, they flooded it with whiteknight comments "Whyy are you bullying her pls stop she's a beautiful girl she doesn't deserve this uwu" and Alida posted alleged "apology" on insta stories, but continued to post that sort of stuff other places as usual. Ironic how much of them were racist/right wing.
If anyone wants more ancient milk (well, at least 5yo milk) on nymphettes/millenial coquettes, here's another thread. got kinda milky cause they all discovered the thread and had a big nymphette fight with PULL, lmao. using same "arguments" as coquettes do now. lowkey curious if they still sit in their nymphet phases. No. 1443993
File: 1644951172799.png (542.57 KB, 1800x826, alida.png)

Alida "clearing up" Nazi/drama stuff. TLDR: b-but i was a minor! and the rest was made by bullies online and PULL closed bc it was unimaginable!
No. 1444075
File: 1644958817544.jpeg (741.46 KB, 1242x1521, B24DDCB4-7C0E-44D7-87BD-08EAC9…)

>>1443858Pretty sure every mentally ill teen acted like they could have fixed them but Alida pretending none of this ever happened is funny to me. She would call herself a nymphet but now that she is an adult and aged out she’s pretending it’s
problematic if she was still 17 she would still act like this
No. 1444264
File: 1644975451162.jpeg (126.67 KB, 750x742, F77C335A-FC80-46E3-B416-D36826…)

So quirky
No. 1444446
>>1444075If she truly thought it was
problematic her active tumblr would not still be fucking jumpropejailbait
No. 1444637
File: 1645014242960.png (781.84 KB, 1572x680, creepychan1.png)

>>1444368lol stop obsessing over creepychan, she's boring af, did nothing besides striking stupid horror girl poses in kinderwhore dresses and being a cringe pretending to be all about that ~blood~. she was just as boring and cringey as coquettes.
>>1444626No, she became kinda famous model who these days does nothing at all besides weirdly sucking up her cheeks from the inside. Oh, and she now sells her old 4chan pics as NFTs. what a hero.
No. 1444639
File: 1645014384995.png (1.12 MB, 1414x816, creepychan2.png)

The narcissism is hilarious. lol you're not as special and influential as you think you are.
everything she did was done on the internet way before her.
No. 1444682
File: 1645020613510.jpg (289.91 KB, 720x961, 20220216_141928.jpg)

This is fillers, right? I mean I've seen girls with large natural lips and they don't really have this shape
>>1444075Alida used to fight tooth and nail claiming her lips were real when they're the most obviously filled looking lips jesus the shape of them
No. 1444713
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>>1442321>>1443144her boyfriend, but he's actually not racist /s
No. 1444813
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Kek, turns out my rattling ass browsing autistic pinkpill imageboard is pretty uwu lana del rey lily rose depp brandy melville cigarette waif vogue french coquette of me. Don't get me wrong, I do see a huge overlap inbetween coquette/waif and lolcow (femcel shit + the physical criticism of other women) I even specifically remember seeing My Year of Rest and Relaxation memes in the book thread. The waif entry on Aesthetics Fandoms used to include picrel, which kills me because even though this place reeks of hyperfemininity and stacy larping, I don't think the person who wrote this really understood the very radfem/anti troon nature of lolcow. I honestly would like the whole asstétik if it was just about romantic and girly clothes, skinny european bs and scrote hate
No. 1444833
>>1444813Aside from what you mentioned, i don't get what would they make of lolcow for other reasons. some of farmers don't necessarily engage in threads you mentioned, some primarily lurk select threads as a kind of internet gossip when they're bored or like to write with others in /ot threads. Either way, the girls coquettes idolize would be largely mocked on lolcow (if they aren't already), as well as certain attitudes and behaviours they present, also their men preferences. same with their stupid romanticizing of mental illnesses and aesthetics. idk maybe they think it's "lolcow enough" if they just put on some front adn pretend to be bitchy and rude. idk as stupid as it may sound, i come here because it's one of the very few female based places where i can laugh at things i hate/consider amusing and have other anons understand why. not because i think i need to be femcel and that's what femcels do, and not because i think i'm hot because that's what some hot girl thing to do.
What i'm trying to say is that ppl use lolcow because they do, not to be #aesthetic. These girls only spend their days on sitting and wondering what and HOW should they do next to be as
valid coquette as possible. maybe someone told them it's "cool and so french manipulator" to lurk lolcow, kek.
No. 1445057
>>1445038>>1445040Lol this actually explains so much. Now i know who's responsible for random Anya Taylor Joy posting, they're quite fond of her as she fits their NY starving it girl aesthetics. "Grimes is actually pretty and talented" are obviously coquettes too. Tinfoil: Grimes&Elon whiteknight fangirl was a coquette/crapchan.
Another girl they're prob responsible for bringing up is Margaret Qualley and Ariana Grande. I don't mean specific Ariana milk, i mean when these idiots argue about her weight for 1/2 of thread for no reason, wk-ing her cuz she's so smol and thin!
Also it's 100% coquettes sperging how Paris didn't age at all/Paris is a ~qween~ and a legend. all millenial anons who remember "the real Paris" of the 00's admitted Paris was a fake, yucky person and the "trends" she introduced in fact contributed to Y2K era normalizing "women as brainless sextoys" thing to the extreme and spawned bullying at schools just for not looking like Paris. but then only a week later a new thread is made and coquettes piss their angelic, imaginary Agent Provocateur lingerie over how Paris is a legend.
~~*Lindsey and Paris were my role models*~ Bitch, you were literally 1 year old. in 2005. at most.
No. 1445139
>>1445057>>1444846even some azealia-stans could be potential coquettes
think about it she's skinny, crazy, has had only white bf's, is "semi-ironically" racist and insults other women based on their weight all the time
No. 1445248
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>>1445057>>1445139Posted a few Anya pics and I'm not part of the coquette comm. OR AM I? OH GOD.
I think Anya is being posted just because she's pretty and has a depressed-chainsmoker thing going on, Azealia is being posted because she's the blueprint for the batshit insane woman. So yes, I guess there really is a big overlap. Farmers = OG coquettes confirmed
No. 1445306
>>1445248no but you sure made a couple of coquettes happy that day kek
i mean, i can't remember Anya TJ having any milk at all but could be wrong
I noticed a while ago that celebricows is suddenly filled with people who whiteknight/are standing out sorely, like they selectively criticize some ppl while getting offended when someone else offends their favourites. so my guess is they're only sitting in that one thread and don't even know about this one? kinda makes me want to randomly call coquette aesthetic bullshit in celebricows thread and see if they start raging.
There's also one ultimate coquette thing we forgot about: they are the ones getting hysteric when someone laughs at Lana Del Rey or calls Lana fat
No. 1445354
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>>1445057>>1445306The para-miltiary thread on /m/ is also another coquette sanctuary, /m/174377
especially with the nonna's who post eastern european soldiers and war insurgents
No. 1445355
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>>1445354picrel also probably makes it obvious, an unwashed, unstable and likely violent scrote, which is ideal man for our uwu-coquettes
No. 1445426
File: 1645116903632.jpg (58.49 KB, 549x364, a0vz6n8vi8461.jpg)

>>1445415well I guess traditionally those regions have interesting headwear and jackets, those can be considered "cool" for some people
No. 1445437
>>1445332They'd have to be like
>>1442214 said, so this won't appeal. cause they can't be sad uwu fragile viking princesses! i lowkey wish photography existed in those times, so actual viking women could be photographed so coquettes could shut up with their viking flirty lass obsession. i mean we have info, drawings, reimagination in films etc but maybe real photos would speak to them louder
>>1445355eeeew that's an obvious coquette.
would be funny if there was introduced a new thing on LC, like when posts are flagged "newfag" some obvious coquette's posts would be flagged "coquette". guess they intergrated here too easily, besides standing out in celebricows
Question: what do you think is the age category of coquettes posting here? zoomer or, let's say, 24+?
No. 1445853
>>1445716offended coquette spotted
to be serious though, i don't know much about correlations between coquette idiots and military fetish, first time i heard of it is this thread. so maybe anons who know more can tell how to differentiate a "normal" military fetishist and a coquette? but i were to take a guess, there must be certain repetitive patterns, like same pictures and same things they say.
Wouldn't it be like… military fetishists like soldiers cause they like ppl in military clothes, and they can like people of all nationalities, whereas coquettes are obsessing not about boys in soldier uniforms, they obsess over their idea of manly, tough, violent and probably fucked in the head grumpy men doing violent manly stuff like serving in army, and serving as a tool to flesh out fragility, beauty and whiteness of his so angelcore much nymphette girl. AND soldiers they reblog are strictly 1. white 2. east european or IIww nazis.
like it's about their stupid ideas of romantic relationship. their Bella and Edward going on the front. (yeah it's a thing, zoomers of all aesthetics ""semi"" ironically stan Twilight now.)
No. 1445924
>>1445853coquette chan literally spells it out it here
>>1445355, the difference between her type and usual military fetishists
>I do prefer the combat/survival/survival training aspect over the uniform fetish, as well as the political history of these conflicts but I still like the "aesthetic" of soldiers and insurgents>especially of eastern european one's or anywhere that's chilly >I admit that it is somewhat problematic, so there are lines that I don't think should be crossed, e.g any gore posting, shipping/sexualizing and any Persofnication of the conflict with anime chibi fan-art No. 1446076
File: 1645179688642.png (578.67 KB, 781x712, 4msoo6.png)

>>1445354Oh no, are you the
nonnie who kept fucking up the thread with moralfagging posts? I know /snow/ became filled with newfriends, but please realise that this is a fem imageboard. Posting here and complaining about women sexualizing scrotes seems a bit tone-deaf, especially considering how common military fetish is and how some farmers also browse chan boards like /k/.
I honestly don't think it's that deep; the reason why there is an interest overlap is because coquette is 100% made of terminally online women, same with LC
No. 1446134
File: 1645187953056.jpg (260.25 KB, 1242x1767, FJ-WREQWQAYU3ck.JPG)

I swear these bitches have worst taste in men then even most DDLG-fags
like Jesus Christ what is even the appeal of this and how does one convince themselves that these are somehow attractive moids
also just look at the tags
No. 1446198
triggeredare you going to call us out on kinkshaming, too? sorry you're into such coquette fetish kek
No. 1446253
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>>1446134>>1446234similarly related, noticed some coquettes I follow post channing tatum and zoe kravitz pics as sort of "couple goals"
I mean I get it, she's a thin woman who looks like she smells like cigarettes and he's a racist looking white man with an ogre face
plus this Halloween pic of them
No. 1446273
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>>1446259Tell me he doesn't like a white trash skin head
No. 1446305
>>1446301you could maybe post this thread or show her posts like
>>1446134 to show where she's headed
question, what type of men is she posting about ?
No. 1446310
>>1446305can't really show her the thread bc i've posted about her in it and i wouldn't want her to see. my concern is i'm pretty sure she interacts with this kind of community (how else would she have started posting the aesthetic herself?) so clearly being exposed to it wasn't a deterrent. if anything, it's a community for her that she can get a lot of attention in, because despite being pretty wallflower in school, she's naturally very pretty, blonde, etc.
i don't know how much more specific about her i want to get, but i read more of the thread that talks about these girls posting soldiers etc in terms of men and she's definitely into that whole edgy right-wing aesthetic (she recently discovered red scare i'm pretty sure). i'm pretty politically open and don't mind non-liberal opinions at, but my concern is she doesn't understand the consequences of posting "extremist" stuff, even if you're just being edgy, that's identifiable with your face/name. she listened to me when i told her to take something down that was too extreme, but like i said, by and large i've been avoiding addressing this as a whole.
No. 1446344
>>1446301You both sound kind of
toxic and too online. I mean, you’re posting this on fucking lolcow. 17 and 18 is so young and you will both literally have new personalities after your first year of college. If you aren’t getting support and legitimate friendship out of this relationship, start distancing her now and surround yourself with people you respect and don’t have to babysit. Also go to the advice thread in g next time jfc
No. 1446358
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>>1446310>in terms of men and she's definitely into that whole edgy right-wing aesthetic (she recently discovered red scare i'm pretty sure). i'm pretty politically open and don't mind non-liberal opinions at, but my concern is she doesn't understand the consequences of posting "extremist" stuff, even if you're just being edgy, that's identifiable with your face/name. That's one of my biggest issues with this current coquette trend, these girls who don't really understand these conflicts, romanticizing war and fetishizing the people who have lived and suffered thought them, just cause it's "aesthetic", but it's not all wars, just wars or conflicts that happen in Europe and if not Europe have people that look white-ish(which is why some focus on the Kurdish and lebanese conflicts)
I'm not even a pacifist who thinks all conflicts are pointless and that we should shun all military stuff, I just think there is wide margin between celebrating your military and this "ooh aren't war crimes based hee hee I'm such a quirky girlboss"
This twitter thread is just western women romanticizing the conflict in Eastern European No. 1446369
>>1446310I don't think there's a way for you besided showing this thread, cause to my knowledge there are no websites such critical of coquette. there are blogs/tumblr who criticize, but not in depth as to point out what exactly is wrong.
Don't be a chicken, show the thread. make sure she reads ALL of it. if she gets pissed when she sees your posts, just tell her the truth, that you're worried and stuff these delusional idiots she looks up to post is deranged, and she's making a huge fool out of herself. If your friend is so fucking stupid to get offended when you worry about her/pass some criticism/want to help her get out of this
toxic shit, maybe she's not worth hanging out with if she values the opinion of random lily rose depp pro ana obsessed butterfaces across the internet more than opinion of a friend.
Alternative idea: screenshot entirety of this thread, on computer it gets easier and faster, sans your posts about your friend. and show it to her when you meet her face to face.
If it doesn't help, let go, maybe she'll grow out of it in 3 years or something.
No. 1446416
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>>1446310>>1446301You both are children brain-wise and I can guarantee that she’ll grow out of it and you’ll grow out of her. You’ll most likely make new friends and cut her off (sorry, but yeah. The fact that you posted your pseudo best friend story on lolcow kinda shows it) so don’t invest too much of your time into “saving” someone who’s in the middle of a late teenagehood edgy phase while you have college to worry about. Let her have her wannarexic tradthot phase and ruin her life in the process, since she’s apparently too dumb to make an alternate account unlinked to her real self and real life acquaintances
Also, in case it wasn’t obvious, don’t show her the thread because not only is it a shit idea but we also don’t need any more people who can’t integrate; speaking of which, have picrel aka normie edtwt cuntquettes finding out what lolcow is and having a moral outrage over it No. 1446428
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>you can insult other women, berate their self esteem and say they'll never be skinny but as soon as you don't validate mentally ill men's feelings you're completely immoral
Not to sperg on troons too hard in this thread but holy fucking shit
No. 1449278
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Dasha privated her account. Did she find the thread? If you search just her Twitter handle there are a bunch of recent replies to her mentioning a break. Some mention the way she presents herself
No. 1449390
>>1449278Could be a coincidence, but some might know about this thread bc they get tipped. seen about 3 once that weren't even mentioned by name, just included in pic collage. Which is kinda hilarious, they quietly lurk this thread and then run fast as fuck to warn girls mentioned itt, or post about how they get shocked by lc culture.
(coquettes, if you're reading here, pls stop shitting up celebricows thread with your anachan talk and go back to twitter overall)
No. 1450512
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“we are nothing like the nymphets !!”
also them:
No. 1450946
>>1449793I've yet to see a coquette troon. Pro ana genderspecials absolutely, but never a coquette genderspecial. At most you're going to see a she/they but they wouldn't dare deviate from being a girl since the aesthetic heaving relies on being female
Speaking of which, didn't gay men eventually start being "faunlets" (the male side of the first lana del reytard lolita larpers)? We will see moids make their own version eventually, if not then we will see FtM community make a new coquette
No. 1450992
>>1450946Lol they did, they were posted in Nicole calves i think. It's as hilarious as it sounds like, lumpy butterfaces with Bieber cut, dressed like pseudo-victorian 5 year old boy in frilly socks and too short pants. However at least one of those "faunlets" looks like a girl who got a standard tumblr gender cut.
I gotta say at least nymphet/lolita idiots mostly fit the aesthetic, some had the fitting look, those who didn't at least had the right clothes. Coquettes are mostly all anonymous and those who post selfies look nothing like their blonde haired pro ana idols.
Interesting how their aesthetic is existing entirely in their heads. The whole point of their community is cataloguing random celebrities photos under one tag, trying to convince that's coquette, but they don't even wear clothes they lust so much after. Nylon can shout all day how coquette is a legit happening thing, but if you think about it, it's an imaginary aesthetic that doesn't exist. Coquettes don't wear their own fashion, and ofc celebrities named "coquettes" never had this aesthetic in mind. It's the same as if one of us started a blog and posted pinterest pics of girls in cow print/lavender clothes and shoop "sage" print on shirts and tag it as "lolcowette" or "farmerette"
No. 1451433
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Am I the only one that thinks this aesthetic isn’t really that bad until they bring in gross lolita and ddlg and proana shit
No. 1451461
>>1451433Try to sage next time but the thing is, it’s so engrossed in the pedo pandering they’re inseparable.
It’s literally just vintage fashion from 40’s-70’s but more teen specific rather than women’s fashion if you really just want the “aesthetic”
No. 1451707
>>1451589not anon you relate to but
>I follow her>I am just mutual with her >Totally not her!>MUTUALKek, of course. I know you coquettes are starting to flood Lolcow because you think it fits your "mean girl/Lisa Rowe" aesthetic, but you really need to stop forcing your proana/racist bullshit in celebricows and policing other people's posts.
>there’s no point in chastising the teenage girls that follow them for itSure Jan, no point in pointing out that you normalize pedophilia and pro ana? Just cause you follow something blindly doesn't mean it doesn't matter what you're doing. You were the ones who made the rules for that shit. Lily Rose Depp, Alana Champion, Skins actors and all people you post DIDN'T CALL THEMSELVES coquette nor pro ana. Random little girls in ballet dresses and shoes that you post certainly aren't coquette nor pro ana. Mass media didn't create that trend, it just provided separate films, music and styles that you recycled and called "coquette", even though these things had nothing to do with your shit. You idiots are the ones renaming everything, forcing people into categories and aesthetics that they didn't even have in mind, and normalizing pedo undertones. You are the ones perpetuating those behaviours. that trend didn't exist (not in this form) until you dug out old nymphet blogs rehashing it to even worse form snd all eagerly hopped on a train,cause now you have excuse to romanticize pro ana and wish for mental illnesses (and excuse is community of enablers). Pro ana blogs were shamed at least for a while; you actively try to make it come back full force. You openly embrace that shit. All the while presenting yourselves as pure, kink-free, morally better than nymphets. Except your community is bursting with things you claim NOT to be. Nymphets whined about their daddies and old men, which was irritating, but not as much as you idiots masturbating over photos of Yugoslavian soldiers. You literally fetishize people at war; will you jerk it off to Ukrainian or Russian soldiers now too? (Not even mentioning idiots who foam at the mouths for nazis and Hitler. lets leave poor nazi loving teens alone, right?
It's disgusting how you always boast you look or want to look "waifish", "underage" or "childlike". How you equate being hot with being childlike. How you post children pics with "coquette" tags. certainly just a trend, not a problem? Love it when you all can be pro ana, racist, nazi lovers, hybristophiliacs, posting pedo content, dressing up as child rape
victim, saying you wish to be famine
victims, or you look like a child, or making up your nonexistent "trauma" just to fit in with other blogs and justify why you're behaving like idiots. But when someone calls it what it is, you get all offended cause how dare we criticize teens who just follow trends! How dare we bully poor teenagers!
sage for length
No. 1451715
>>1451693Because she's probably 15 to 17yo too. Lolcow is infiltrated by dolettes and so on (hey coquettes, take it as an open invitation to get back to tumblr, everybody here laughs at your aesthetics).
Adding to coquette chan btw
>Trends having harmful undertones have always existed So that's your justification for thinking trends with pedo undertones are alright? "I know we're
toxic, teehee, I'm gonna own it?" Why don't you make it into a Whisper meme, i'm sure you'll get 2 new followers on your Pinterest! People in this thread said 1000s of times that there's a way to get rid of toxicity from this shit. Easily
1. Wear cute/vintage clothes without slapping aesthetics on everything. believe or not that stuff existed without you pushing coquette tag 2. You can like celebs without calling them coquettes, you know. 3. Don't be/post pro ana 4. Don't pretend you have eating disorder 5. Don't skinwalk Lolita 6. Don't post photos of children as "coquettes" 7. Don't treat people like objects just so you can use them as an accessory for your coquette imaginary scenarios. Now, if you cannot grasp it that coquette clothes are nothing else than vintage/pastel clothes, i'll put it that way: you dress like coquette without doing everything else that coquettes do.
But of course you wouldn't like that, you're too busy listening to Red Scare, wishing to be Alana, Cassie or better yet Eugenia Cooney, "girlblogging" and adding 1000s of tags to get likes.
No. 1451818
>>1451729Femcels and "female manipulator" are the same ones, like once they claim to be femcels but also totally some flirty bitches who get all men they like! wtf
And yes, perfectly described. It's mostly grunge/Patrick Bateman 17 year olds who stan Phoebe Bridgers, Mitsky and Courtney Love, they/thems, dress tomboyish, think smoking is some awesome skill, think aAmerican Psycho and 2 packs of Benadryl are their perfect evening recipe. I followed an account who used to post normal grunge shit but turned out to be this zoomer cringe
aren't exclusive to coquette and they're so fucking annoying. wow, you're so "edgy", you just discovered most mainstream and obvious "psycho" themed film ever.
No. 1451892
>>1451870From my experience, i've only seen Tumblr "grunge" normies are tagging themselves 2014 grunge/2014 revival and those ppl didn't use coquette. So those who blog/tag themselves as coquette probably only do it for clout. Coquette is nr 1 searched thing so they literally use all of those nonsensical tags to boost their dumb blogs/selfies/following rate.
I think grunge femcels you're talking about however are a bit different from Tumblr grunge cringelords, they're usually nonbinary/tomboy crowd who actually listens to grunge and alt music. happy American girls who obsess over shitty horror films, get piercings and lesbian hairstyles and are still naive enough to think tumblr is everything, so they lick asses of their "mutuals" as if they were all conjoined. 2014 grunge idiots on the othr hand are normies who die to wear Vans, jeans, black or white American Apparel skirt, white grin on black pattern and buy a cacti set from Ikea. Those idiots are thinking "grunge style" is clean American Apparel grid skirts, black and white pics, and when they say "grunge music" they think Arctic Monkeys, The 1975 (kek), The Neighbourhood, Marina and The Diamonds, Lana, Sky, Ed Sheeran, eventually listening to "Smells Like Teen Spirit" once in a blue moon, but not enough to know full lyrics. whoever called it "grunge" was fucked in the head. it was just a normie/hipster wear.
No. 1451923
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there’s no way this isn’t bait.
No. 1451931
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>>1451923reminds me of this one from the pro ana scumbags thread, im not surprised this is some "uwu super sad fairy girl with soldier bf" moment for them
No. 1451966
>>1451923>>1451931Fucking hell, this is starting already. whiteknight that one, 15 year old coquette! but we are just mean adults picking on you for following a "fun" trend, right?
Ukrainian people are fighting for their freedom, even though they all know their fate is sealed. this pilot would rather be sitting at home doing nothing in a free country instead of being considered "hot ghost of Kyiv".
you just know it's bored burger girls posting that shit, sitting safely in California
No. 1452089
>>1452025I wouldn't be surprised it that was the case. also they probably looked and thought like "omg that's soo mean girls/celebrities circa Y2K internet!" ironically, they spin being called femcel as a positive thing, while it's really not positive here. femcel seems to be their version of unironic NLOG.
And idk but i really cringe at people using lingo outside of imageboards. there are certain words so ingrained here that whenever someone uses it unironically elsewhere sounds ridiculous. not in situation where you have two farmers having a talk outside of lolcow, but… idk, coquettes thinking they're cool 4chan girls and pretending they integrate well.
Really surprised they stay around. This place is very openly anti-coquette and most often mocking their idols.
No. 1452107
>>1452089Not necessarily surprised they come here. Coquettes love the mean girl persona so they probably hang around the EDtwt thread in /ot/ as well as the pro ana scumbags thread and the egirl thread, because they are shitting on people who are in their little retard social media circles
It might also be coquettes defending Varg in his thread
No. 1452266
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Alida Simone is still seething about pull tards calling her lips fake
No. 1452379
>>1452025Could be, but they're not here for a long ride. Remember that they're dependent of their social media image and this is an evul
terf site. They would spam a few threads and leave immediately when they see the mtf/ftm/femboy threads (they would die on the spot if they saw the hidden boards kek) for fear that their social score decreases for just looking at it. And yes they can't blend at all, is not just average newfaggority. Honestly they would fit better on cc but is not "mean girl" enough.
No. 1452447
>>1452190This, idk how stupid one's got to be to not understand that farmer lingo is ironic. none of us uses it in real life, talking face to face.
Seeing these idiots put some basic terms in their caps is funny cause half a year ago they'd scream it's offensive, but now they're the ones using it 100% seriously, kek.
They do stand out, even if they learned to sage and all. Most obvious is celebricows thread. We had crapper chan, we had other anons agreeing with her and hating on black women in rap circles, we had idiots getting hysterical when based farmers laughed them off for calling Dakota Fanning ugly bc she has cankles. They're always the one who get idiotically offended over mocking certain celebs, like "we can bitch at everyone but NOT my favourite celebs!" and cue "You're all just jealous and mean women picking on everyone!" posting. just like they get error mode when they're supposed to laugh at some coquette idol, suddenly it's mean and awful to pick on pretty girls! damn
Outside of that they're obviously typical SJWs who'd shit their pants at MTF threads. i believe some of them don't know how to navigate this site properly, or else this thread would be flooded with whiteknights. Idc, they hope they get called out more often tbh, esp next time they start with their racist/cankles spergouts in celebcows
No. 1454586
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Kek at the warping and the sausage arm
No. 1457710
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The irony of this coming from the "everyone look at my boobs guys c'mon look-wait no look, guys, I have boobs" girl. What level of BPD is this?
No. 1461116
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>girlhood is a bunch of stereotypes and performative femininity
Sometimes I'll stumble across something like this and it just sounds super troony
No. 1461692
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No. 1461744
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>>1461116YES, these idiotic lists are so fucked up and laughable, and all of these aesthetics bitches do the same lol. sitting with their lists and marking "check" because the world will fall down if they don't buy Lily Rose Depp, iced lattes and dainty panties
This one's not coquette but aside form the list alone this is so kekworthy. like ok kid, you're not mad that Dark Academia or whatever prefers European literature and forgot about your stuff, you're mad as fuck that people read European literature at all. reading European literature = being asshole. alright. And lmao the girl thinks everyone in Europe is collectively white, as if latino, black and asian ppl and writers didn't live in Europe at all
>Oscar Wilde>Jane Austenvery latino
No. 1461761
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>>1461692The funny thing is, that same account is literally one of them
Also, this is another thing I've noticed with these accounts. Since like…late 2021, they've been making the exact same posts complaining about the e-girl bunny ear hats and Demonia platform boots, and the comments are all full of "coquette" girls acting like this shit wasn't their style like 2 months before hopping on the "coquette" trend, a handful who still dress like that but basically beg for permission to be seen as "okay", and a few more complaining that dressing that way is pedo-pandering, even though the whole coquette aesthetic is just the TikTok version of the nymphet aesthetic.
I'm convinced that it's less about the actual fashion, and more like a weird ritual or tradition among them. It's an in-group affirmation that they're so different from the other users on TikTok, even though they're all NPC-like and embarrassing with their copy-pasted personality traits and the same "coquette" outfits and "-pilled" usernames over and over. None of them are creative or original, and knowing that really seems to plague them kek
No. 1461764
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>babycoreBut of course coquette is not a pedo aesthetic, right?
>fawncorehow pray tell me one becomes fawncore
cause i guess only deer are able to perform being full fawncore
>>1461692Lmao yes, seen a good number of shit like this where they made whisper memes with absolutely pointless stuff
No. 1461802
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>>I'm convinced that it's less about the actual fashion, and more like a weird ritual or tradition among them. It's an in-group affirmation that they're so different from the other users on TikTok, even though they're all NPC-like and embarrassing with their copy-pasted personality traits
Literally all of what you said. In 2021 they all were sitting on tiktok dressing like egirls with color hair, chokers, demonias, neon colors, plaid skirts, cat ears headphones and glowing gaming accessories/chairs. eventually sat on tumblr reblogging mall goth and getting wild about Kittie, Korn and Slipknot (another neotumblr thing that i absolutely hate).
These idiots don't even wear coquette clothes, i doubt they even own them. They just make plans to be messy french girls manipulators living rich and famous and being pure albino fawns at motel kilos trailerparks. They all admit they sit 6 hours on tumblr or pinterest aimlessly and make moodboars and fake scenarios because their life is boring. It's hilarious to me how they all think they discovered tumblr and now they rule it as "girlbloggers". Like, they came here because tumblr is not trendy anymore, and they're ofc soo anti-trendy and counter culture. Bitch, tumblr was there before you came with your girlblogging shit. sure it got empty after porn ban, but annoying nonbinary SJWs stayed, as well as actual antisocial people who got bored, or wanted to post online but didn't want to get facebook, instagram or twitter. All these coquettes came flooding because they heard on TikTok that Tumblr is empty. none of them liked American Apparel, Lana, Marina, Sky, Melanie Martinez or whatever back in the day like they claim, because they were 10 years old or less at the time.
Good luck growing up and peeling off that coquette cringiness when you all get older i guess. But funny enough, i can't imagine what they might turn into post-coquette graduation cause they really don't have any personalities or interests outside of their fake blogger fantasy.
No. 1462412
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No. 1462773
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>>1462412>black ppl bring my nymphet heart joy!!That’s a paddlin’
No. 1463194
>>1462412>mushrooms>greentumblr would actually say it's "grunge fairy aesthetic"
yes it's actually a new thing, don't ask me what it means cause idk. all i know is Nylon article said mushrooms lol
No. 1464111
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So much cringe
No. 1464327
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has anybody posted this chick yet? all she posts about is being small and weak and "young" despite being in her 20s. the tiktok ones are some of the worst.
No. 1465170
Question though, how the hell are they not writing butthurt posts about this thread yet? if they browse lolcow, how have they not found it yet
>>1464592lol why is pretending to be christian on the list of coquette? imagine those legions of legit coquette christians who do don't have to pretend they're christian. from kids, to adults, to grandmas attending daily mass and weekly rosary meetings. so doelet, much coquette
>>1464111WHY are people so obsessed over sagittarius in venus or virgo in sun uranus in moon blahblahblah shit? it's so fucking boring. i swear every bitch on the internet brags she's "scorpio rising" and thinks it's such an achievement, idk why, is it like "hey, scorpio rising is almost close to scropio in general, right"? Being astrological scorpio is fucking overrated, and saying this as an actual scorpio
No. 1466810
>>1466765let's hope they won't find soren then. tbh i'm still surprised they found ginger. i mean, ofc it's not in the least surprising they love her aesthetic wise, i mean how the fuck they even got to know about her. the only scenario i can imagine is some old Ginger fan, or old Nymphette/old Tumblr chick digging this out and posting on her coquette blog towards new audience.
otherwise i don't think they wouldfind her. all these old fucking ass blogs aren't findable anymore, not just because most were hidden because NSFW filter.
old blogs are disappearing from search in general. tumblr is hiding old blogs from search, from likes and from reblogs, which pisses me off btw. you can only access old blogs if you remember their addresses.
not sure if we have tumblr general or anything like that on /ot but idk, Tumblr became a really, really weird place. gives mixed feelings.
No. 1466858
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>>1466815True, that's prob correct. That's pretty fucking ironic though that they use pics of her when she was Ginger Bronson, instead of pics from her actual anachan phase when she was "just" poetry-writing Courtney Love-ripoff fawn waif Kayla Day. they got it all wrong. not sure if they only know of her as Ginger what but lol they're ""missing out"" on the actual proto-coquette content from her Kayla days. i mean…
this is Ginger
(bonus: just learnd Grimes was a huge fan of her too lol)
No. 1466859
sage for blogshit but I just wanna say how much I hate this aesthetic, My friend's friend is really into it and calls her self a "real life ball jointed doll" and it's so fucking obnoxious. she's from a really cool culture as well so i wish she'd embrace that more instead of the whole uwu im so soft and waifish thing.
>>1437258god her face is unfortunate
No. 1466959
>>1461802Unpopular opinion: the nymphet coquette is disgusting but the ironic girl blogger types of memes/shit posts can be sorta cringe but it’s not
problematic or milky. Iced coffee, crystals, nicotine, cigarettes, Lana del Rey, and astrology is most of what the aesthetic is
No. 1466966
>>1466859>real life ball jointed dollew Nicole fan i see
>she's from a really cool culture as well so i wish she'd embrace thatwhat kind of culture? is she black? i'm asking cause the amount of black girls wanting to be pale white trash waifish coquette is really something. not sure if they hate their own people and culture as much as Crapperchan but their hatred for their own skin color and some sort of whitewish is annoying. i haven't seen latinas making idiots out of themselves (yet) tho.
>god her face is unfortunatelol this horrid photo is like a flag and national symbols for coquettes. sorry but she looks like those small french dogs with faces squished from years of idiots misbreeding them, because of that angle. Alana Champion worshipping is retarded, she's boring af. Whose famous daughter is she anyway to be able to make such a career? i've seen that she hangs out with Lana del rey for some reason. which coquettes probably eat up
No. 1467012
>>1466959lol sorry not sure if anyone seen my previous post but had to delete cause i completely misread someone's post but anyways.
Agree that 2014 throwback/dark academia whatever starbucks girls aren't
problematic if that's what you have in mind, but girls who call themselves "girl blogger" are exactly the same thing as coquettes. as for ironic girl bloggers… what? i don't think any of them is ironic about what they post, even if they feign being haha so Lisa Rowe so sarcastic girl. they're really into that shit
No. 1467019
>>1466966nah she's an eastern european minority group that has its own language and culture. she doesn't completely ignore that part, i'm not asking her to wear traditional dress every day it's just kinda cringe that she'd make her entire personality into "soft fragile russian ballerina bjd pale skin girlblogger"
>>1466183the coquette/trad overlap is the worst
No. 1467108
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>>1466959the obsession with cigarettes is an anachan thing, im so sick of seeing the most unfunny "all i ate today was coffee and cigarettes hehehe" posts that are supposed to somehow be funny.
No. 1467110
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>>1466810i'll tell you what happened
>saw ginger mentioned in the nicole thread>found the ginger thread>started reposting pictures from it to tumblr and tagging them with "coquette" and "dollcore" and shit>created an endless archive of ginger's deleted posts>made it the first thing that shows up when you search ginger bronson on tumblr>made a post mentioning the archive>made it the pinned post on the dollcore blog>?????????????>hehe No. 1467256
>>1467110Lmao i wouldn't be surprised if they found Ginger because of this thread. me and a couple other anons mentioned Ginger in the beginning
I gotta say, at least original nymphets had their "superstars" you know? they had people directly getting clout off the aesthetic and getting closer to whatever level of "notoriety", even if it was miniscule. they had Nicole, Kayla/Ginger, heck even offshoot nobodies and copycats like Millie Dollgraves or TortureGardens were once praised in that scene.
Coquettes… literally have no leaders or ""artists"", they are taking old stuff and reheating it in a microwave.
No. 1469400
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>>1468970they desperately want to be different from ig baddies and thots (who are generally not pale thin brunettes). it's just 2012 tumblr "I'm not like other girls" shit rebranded
No. 1472555
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She thinks she’s special while repeating literal podcast redpill dudes online…. Also supporting mail order brides is a low that I haven’t seen a tradwife support till now lmao
No. 1473387
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>>1457710literally takes pictures solely focusing on her udders, lmao
No. 1473411
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>>1444682yeah I really doubt those are natural, probably does have fillers. someone pointed out in her curiouscat that she isn't a natural blonde, while she seems to have proven that person wrong with pictures of herself as a child she covered her face where she's a bit older, presumably to hide the parts of her face where she either had work done or photoshops
No. 1473461
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>>1464327she's originally from Afghanistan, either born there and immigrated or her parents are Afghans. is delusional claiming she looks like a teenager, I commented on one of her posts that people in their early 20s look young and that's normal that doesn't mean most people would mistake her for a teen or that it's a flex if they did, she only brags about it because it's part of her pedocore aesthetic. she replied and? and then blocked me, so she has no problem admitting she fetishizes adolescence. she's a wannabe social climber, removed "hypergamous girl blogger with outstanding morals" from her bio when told continuously how being a gold digger isn't the flex she thinks it is. has a habit of calling people "NPCs" who disagree with her, also removed my comment when I said "being a normal girl's the most esoteric thing you could be, not an afghan with an individuality complex". her whole shtick is being hyperfeminine yet has a relatively deep voice, caterpillar brows and a square lego head, no curves, doesn't even look or sound feminine so she needs the whole coquette thing going for her to be perceived that way.
No. 1473560
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curious how u say nothing about the person calling them "mommy milkers" sounding like a scrote, here to stick up for aryan waifu perhaps? or maybe ur mad that urs resemble udders too? it's the perfect term for a racist lolcow's giant tits she draws attention to in her every selfie, stay mad.
No. 1474261
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Has anyone posted about @dootnoot/haileyvivers? I thought that she was just another left wing meme blog but she seems to be coquette/nymphet adjacent.
No. 1474267
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>>1474261samefag, she was recommending nymphet alumni to her followers
No. 1475343
>>1475283no, she's coquette levels of retarded. no one with down syndrome says shit like her. would argue they understand basics of feminism as opposed to that bitch.
As for face shape, well. that's what happens when you're not pale blonde bambi russian wife. i'd honestly say she's trolling but it would be too good to be true.
No. 1475592
>>1472555This is so funny. I don't wanna blogpost with "as a
WOC" , but I can always tell when bringing up white women's racism is motivated by actually wanting to address racism vs
woc that just whine about white women purely out of sexual jealousy (the female version of r/aznmasculinity). These bitches will never admit that the ONLY white demographic that would even pay mind to their SJW whining are the "yt feminists" that they think are worse than white men. Notice that they'll almost never directly call out racist white conservative women, because they know white conservative women wouldn't give af about their screeds. In fact, they'll pretend that white feminists are indistinguishable from racist conservative white women, which in my experience is just not true because I do not think that the occasional ignorant remark that has no malice behind it is the exact same as someone calling me a racial slur. Admitting that would be contrary to the desire of these women to covertly whine about men they are attracted to (white or otherwise) having a preference for white women instead of them by acting like calling white women basic beckies or in this case "jealous cat ladies who are madddd that their men prefer women of other races!!1" is some kind of act of anti-racism instead of general cattiness.
Of course, what is most amusing about this brand of retard is that she wants to act like she is above "third wave feminism" talking points because she is esoteric based tradwife hypergamous adolescent girlblogger, while using the cheap idpol tactics associated with the ideology~ she thinks she is above.
>>1474611She is the Afghan version of redpillchick from the tradthot thread, with even more cringy delusions and talking points kek.
No. 1478055
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desperately wants to appeal to the kinds of ephebophilic trad men who want a submissive white teenage bride to take care of and spoil like a child but even the AI thinks this pashtun actually looks older than she is, its actually sad. because men with preferences like that are also the kinds who are likely to cheat on their wives when they age with younger girls, or to find a new one and leave them altogether. when she grows older i bet she will feel really stupid for idolizing this kind of relationship dynamic and wanting to be entirely reliant especially on these kinds of men.
No. 1486301
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Omg a moid going to kill a women! so aesthetic!!!!!!!
No. 1488158
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Wow so different and unique. Everything this type of edge lord posts is extremely contradictory. “Tradwife” but interested in porn addicted incel scrotes and browsing degenerate sites. No TikTok e girl is “trolling” anyone. I bet teenage TikTok users like this are the most insufferable newfags. And why do handmaidens wish to browse a man hating site anyway. Save it for r9k.
No. 1488577
>>1488407that was more like nymphet sadbbydoll thing
>>1488158>gossip on lolcowthey only read celebricows and military jerkoff threads confirmed. eventually ana girls general. how else they haven't noticed this thread yet? maybe they don't know how to use catalog?
Is there any notorious and milky trad celebrity? Maybe someone should do an experiment and criticize some tradwife star in celebricows, see if they fly to whiteknight. maybe then they realize lolcow's not a trad convent,lol
No. 1488632
>>1488158>desperately want to live in the Bay areaThis one made me laugh the most. It's so random. San Francisco (or most of NoCal…I really doubt she's talking about Oakland lol) doesn't really seem to suit the aesthetic they're going for.
>Ooh yeah I totally wanna live in an area I definitely can't afford surrounded by rich tech bros and homeless junkies. The fog is such an aesthetic. Perfect for when I stand on the Golden Gate Bridge looking sad and hoping Vincent Gallo shows up and talks me out of jumping before calling me a fat bitch.I suppose she's more likely talking about Palo Alto and only romanticizes it because of that shitty James Franco movie. Either way, I guess I'll give her points for not obsessing over nyc like the rest of them
No. 1489538
>>1489045That already happened a few celeb threads ago. Every time someone laughed at Lana, there was a FLOOD of newfags (disguising as regular users) whiteknighting her and discussing musical and lyrical merits of even least popular songs, discussing her boyfriends etc. And everytime a farmer says Lana is fat, they accuse them of editing her fatter or yell that it's not that bad! it's better than before! etc. We were fucking done at this point, so they made a Lana stan thread on /m but they still fanpost in celebricows. Ngl i was irritated that we can shittalk everyone but not Lana and wondered wtf happened and why suddenly everyone here stans her so hard? now i have the answer lol.
i'm pretty sure the random "___ has cankles", Lily Rose Depp dating whoever & Anya Joy Taylor posts were them. black woman hate is obviously (c)rapper chan, from what i've seen she's still raging in new thread, just more lowkey.
I'm all for calling out coquettes here whenever we recognize them. they ruined Celebricows threads for me.
No. 1491448
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Oh the irony
No. 1495433
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Sylvia doesn’t deserve this
No. 1495748
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Is it just me or is the Heavn by Marc Jacobs coquette bait? There's something suspicious about the amount of 2edgy4u influencers they use promote it. I've noticed some coquette blogs follow them.
No. 1495752
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>>1495748samefag, this post and caption was on their official insta. it reads like a tumblr blog:
>hi octane was sofia coppola’s short lived 1994 comedy central show centering around fashion and fast cars. with her best friend zoe cassavetes, sofia interviewed legends like martin scorsese, keanu reeves and kim gordon, as well as acted out a series of short skits. the show linked the worlds of fashion, celebrity, and motor culture in a totally fresh form of variety show. full episodes are now on youtube No. 1495945
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No. 1497477
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>>1495748Who's this girl? don't recognize her. i only know Alana Champion is their goddess, but i don't think she considers herself coquette? all she does is just wearing tank tops and underpants and making stoned faces in some white trash-stylized houses that actually are owned by some rich kids in Los Angeles.
(Btw, who's famous rich kid is Alana?)
As for the pic anon posted and the outfit, this might as well be cottagecore bait or whatever, but select few fashion edgelords definitely pick up the coquette fairy grunge angelcore bullshit. Not all of them - i think most of giants and smaller ones as well threw it away in favor of 00's revival that is going on now. i think there is a certain clothes brand that is pandering to Angelcore, i'll post if i find it.
No. 1498248
>>1497477That’s enya umanzor aka enjajaja from vine. She was known for being loud and annoying in her vine days and it doesn’t seem much has changed from checking out her recent stuff. She does a lot more modeling now and fits the y2k/unif aesthetic more so than the coquette one, tho maybe she’s going more in that direction now.
I also wonder what people like alana or lily rose depp or anya taylor joy think about these girls idolizing them. Tbh they all seem like the type that would low key enjoy it and have it boost their egos. I’m not saying that as a hater lol because I actually like anya and lily’s okay (i don’t really know anything about alana) but they all just give off that vibe to me
No. 1498675
>>1498466Yeah I can’t see myself enjoying it either because I know that about them, but I’m willing to bet celebrities like the ones mentioned don’t. They probably only see the pretty aesthetic pics on tumblr and pinterest and don’t dig too much deeper into it. Idk they just strike me as the type of girls who’d be posting similar stuff (more the aesthetic elements not the redscare and 4chan stuff) if they weren’t famous. Lily rose has also publicly spoken about having an ED and I strongly suspect Anya does as well, so I can see them engaging in the more proana aspects too. Hopefully they’re too smart to be flattered by these girls idolizing them and just laugh it off as a weird side effect of celebrity
>>1498576Yeah I wish they’d leave Fiona alone. But it’s totally the ana combined with the broody, too cool vibe she gave off in a lot of photos and videos. They don’t really post any recent stuff about her now that she seems happier
No. 1499130
>>1498466I don't think people know about that side of coquettes. People who don't have tumblr and don't research coquette side of the net either don't know about coquette at all, or associate it with dresses and girly pastel style of dressing or whatever. that's even what magazines are trying to push so hard, articles about "new, playful, romantic style of dressing called coquette", supplemented with obligatory pro opinion from a 15year old expert from TikTok.
Alana & Lily look like vain bitches who'd feel flattered nonetheless, don't know much about Anya Taylor Joy but she's in the mainstream acting, don't think she'd care about pandering to wannarexic teens online for attention at this point.
>>1498576Criminal video also has their dream storyline, anorexic party girl sleeping with men, rolling body around on the furniture, calling herself a bad, bad girl playing with ppl's hearts etc. cringe.
Fiona fits their "fragile bambi-eyed fawn like anorexic girl" ideals. of course only in times of her 1st album, suddenly coquettes don't post Fiona's recent years home pics, with wrinkles, nerdy glasses, dog, smiling.
No. 1500222
>>1473461Just another brainwashed idiot with a shitload of internalized woman hate. Doesn't surprise me, she comes from a culture where the moids are all violent woman hater pedos and women are seen as second class citizens, her dad is probably a disgusting misogynistic pig and her mother an abused doormat too.
So many of these cockette chicks seem to have shitty religious right wing authoritarian fathers, which is maybe where their weird 'submissive womanchild uwu doormat' vs '
abusive meathead daddybf' schizophrenic ideals of feminine and masculine seems to spring from.
No. 1500701
>>1500405Honestly this, Fiona Apple was raped in her apartment block by a stranger as a child and developed an ED as she was ashamed of having a womanly body as she thought it would attract negative male attention.
These instagram girls romanticize adult-child relationships, want to look like jailbait and brag about attracting pedo moids while posting content that purposely dog whistles to both wignats and pedos. I'd wager most of these girls were never abused and are likely spoilt suburban sheltered upper middle class brats who hate anything that threatens their idea of a perfect whitebread existence. The jailbait thing is a fetish for them, not a cry for help.
(sage) No. 1501007
>>1487285Honestly this. I've been to Paris multiple times as I'm Yuropoor.
I can assure you nobody in France irl dresses in berets or the j'ai eugh e-girl parody of what Americans think a French girl looks like. In general Parisian fashion is very safe and boring, Parisians tend to wear drab and dull but high quality, well cut clothing. It's really nothing exciting especially day to day. The French are very scared of looking like theyre trying too hard.
I saw thousands of navy mackintoshes and basic black wool coats, but basically zero pink ballerina cardigans, head to toe Chanel logos and Bella Hadid style 90s sunglasses while carrying baguettes, or other Emily in Paris style bright pink ensembles or berets. Even those floaty milkmaid angel pixie mini dresses are seen as kind of tacky.
Most French would see you as a silly fashion
victim and obvious tourist. I really don't know why the American croquettes have this silly quirky ideal of how French girls look and act. They're honestly quite deluded and tryhard and I recommend they tone it down if they ever visit France lest they want to look like a dumb foreigner or get kicked out of certain museums/churches for dressing like a skank.
No. 1501536
>>1501529Yes, and they think all Slavic women have milky blonde hair. Being Slavic for them is being a forest nymph sitting in a snowy forest and feeding strictly on wild honey from the forest, running barefoot through the woods and through the etheral grounds filled with ticks etc.
Speaking of russianbimbocore… is wanting to be Russian still in fashion now, as Russians are cool with killing Ukrainians? are Ukrainians not slavic core enough for croquettes? is wannabeukrainian a thing yet? so many questions
No. 1501940
>>1501536Yeah it's weird, they think all Russian girls look like Natalia Vodianova and Ruslana. They romanticize that blonde blue eyed babyface polcel's ideal only, forgetting that Russia is a massive country full of numerous different peoples, phenotypes and races and one of the most mixed places on earth.
I too wonder if the Russkie larpers are dropping their pretenses now that Russia has fallen out of social favour.
In ma onion, coquette and nymphette lifestyle is 100% about the male gaze and being a pickme. Ties in with looking tiny, childish, harmless, sad, needy, anorexic, frail, submissive etc to appeal to these kinds of predatory, pedophilic men. It's no surprise it's started overlapping into wignat and pol stuff since it also purposely shuns ethnic girls and deems them too masculine, vulgar and loud for their movement, and also glorifies laziness, sugarbabying and total passivity and submission to men.
Since most scrotes idealize Slav women as big titty skelly orthodox submissive naturally gorgeous Aryan supermodel bimbo tradwives, it only makes sense that a group of pickmes would pose themselves as Slavic women in a desperate attempt to appeal to such men. It's so strange that they literally lie and alter their identity purely to virtue signal to skeezy moids.
I assume this is why most of them give up on this larp when they hit their late twenties. Maybe they finally realize starving yourself and faking your nationality just to get sleazy hebephile moids to give you a crumb of attention isn't worth the effort. I actually think the coquette style is pretty and harmless in itself, but the intentions and views of many of the girls who follow it and men who fetishize it are highly questionable and it's a shame. The movement is tainted by these overlaps.
No. 1502019
How did 90s fashion models become entwined with nymphet culture? I can vaguely see how the cottagecore-ish look developed from the vintage lolita look, but what is it about 90s fashion that appeals to people trying to be ethereal fairies?
>>1501940>I actually think the coquette style is pretty and harmless in itself, but the intentions and views of many of the girls who follow it and men who fetishize it are highly questionable and it's a shameThe strangest part of coquette/lolita fashion in exactly this. How in the name of God did dressing like a dairy maid in a fairytale end up evolving into a weird /pol/fag grooming nightmare?
No. 1502068
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>>1501965This is the ultimate ~coquette~ photo of Anya Taylor Joy that was making its rounds on tumblr "oh to be Anya Taylor Joy drinking coffee on a a sidewalk". She's smoking a cigarette and drinks Starbucks coffee, and lost weight. the ultimate wannarexic tumblr girls dream.
that pic was even posted in celebricows (or a variation, seen atleast 2) and newfags discussed if she lost weight again or not. (can tell they don't like Dakota Fanning's more famous sister though, they said she's got cankles and everybody just couldn't believe they are discussing this)
No. 1502504
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>>1502241I don’t think they have to pretend she’s anorexic, or at least having periods of severe restriction. She often has the classic noticeable redness in hands and feet that you’ll see sometimes from the poor circulation. Seems like she’s gained a little back recently, but she was worryingly thin for a minute there
No. 1502513
>>1502019>How in the name of God did dressing like a dairy maid in a fairytale end up evolving into a weird /pol/fag grooming nightmare?I know this is a rhetorical question lol but a lot of stormfag propaganda imagery just overlaps with blonde uwu Russian jailbait forest nymph imagery and I assume they found each other through pinterest or something. Being a coquette also seems to involve having your entire personality revolve around your boyfriend and the relationship with your (huwhite) boyfriend so it makes sense they start picking up their poltard bf's habits and views. Like I said many of these girls want a provider and the only men willing to betabux without being total simps are mostly conservative guys who think women should stay at home baking and milking cows. So it makes sense these girls change their image to intentionally virtue signal to these type of moids.
I knew a wholesome church girl who liked baking and stuff, she has a bf from 4chan now and she's gone full poltard so I can't talk to her anymore without her sperging out about n*ggers and Jews and eugenics despite calling herself a Catholic and the fact Christian heaven is described as being full of different ethnicities, it's sad. I won't be surprised if she goes full Varg/pagantard soon.
No. 1502668
>>1502591It's weird, I used to follow a bunch of middle eastern tradwife types on Tumblr and a lot of them ended up close to or dating polfags from that site (before everything edgy got banned)
A few years later and I'm seeing more white girls with that coquette aesthetic espousing the same ultra conservative views and interacting with these same kinda guys.
(sage your shit) No. 1509314
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Somebody please put her out of her misery
No. 1509391
>>1509314"7 days out the womb"
She really thinks abortion includes newborns?
No. 1510081
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Why do they romanticize dating ugly scrotes so much? Also what's up with the crossover between coquette bloggers, leftists and wannabe catholics. it's like they wannabe tradwives but with left wing politics. it's bleeding over to the fashion editorials because i've noticed that some writers for dazed and i-d follow these blogs.
No. 1510087
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>>1509923they do this because they all read mark fisher and listen to the red scare.
No. 1510109
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>>1510087red scare and its consequence have been a disaster for the female race
No. 1510232
>>1473461>>1487433>>1509314 This lady is an embarrassment to the Afghan community. Best believe, she will marry a white guy non-Muslim guy, if she were a true "trad" she would be wearing hijab and not attention seeking for thousand of men too see.
>>1474611 Afghanistan isn't in the middle east, she isn't middle eastern.
(unsaged derailment) No. 1510249
>>1510247 how is saying Afghanistan isn't in the middle east coping? No Afghan I know calls themselves ME. I'm just letting people know cuz everyone has this misconception that Muslims are all Arabs when majority of us are not.
Afghanistan is in the same region as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Also majority of Muslim men ik only have 1 wife. It's not every Muslims fault you hate your daddy.
No. 1510277
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>>1510254>>1510232>>1510247I really don't wanna defend her but are you all serious, yes she's cringe asf for being a coquette but deriding her for not being into her traditional afghan culture is ridiculous, afghan scortes make ever turkish scrotes seem like feminists in comparison, regardless if her whole shtick is genuine or not, anything is better then a muslim scrotes and especially afghan muslim scrote in comparison
No. 1510317
>>1510277This is true, but I don’t think we necessarily blame her for not being into men from her background. It’s more that she’s trying to use her afghan background to her advantage in seeming more trad, but doesn’t actually show characteristics of being a trad afghan girl, which is partly evident from her planning to marry outside of her race. So we’re just calling out her hypocrisy.
>>1510081It’s crazy how much influence Lana has had on coquette/wannabe hypergamous culture when she herself was recently engaged to someone younger than her, more attractive, and probably less wealthy. I hope this tells them something.
No. 1510345
>>1510230Are you trying to fish for coquettes to reveal themself lurking in the thread? 'cause it worked, one posted this
>>1510251 within minutes of you bashing Lana Del Rey kek
No. 1510429
>>1510249Nonnie, you sound a little retarded. It must be because you posted this soo many hours after iftar and you are in dire need of more nutrients. I'm sure secretly eating a snack won't hurt!
>>1510277It's not about memes like race loyalty, Islam, or other cringe ideologies. The stupid shit she posts on tiktok is a vanilla pintrest board version of her own shitty culture, so it is just hilarious to see the discrepancy between her wanting to be a super soft uwu tradwife while presenting the way she does as if the culture of her ethnic group that she (purposely or incidentally) doesn't practice isn't the logical conclusion of the retarded shit she preaches that she obviously doesn't want to follow kek. She boo-hoo while and bitch about feminism or whatever as if the currently life she lives isn't literally because her parents clearly decided to live a more secular and liberal lifestyle because some of the shit she wears wouldn't fly in many more practicing Muslim households. Talk about biting the hand (in this case, ideology) that feeds you lmfao.
Behind every retard who complains about capitalism and girlbosses while wanting to live a life of excess where they don't do any labor is going to be a faildaughter of the highest degree.
No. 1511289
ahemAnya Taylor Joy is ugly, smoking is bad, also none of you will ever be slavic bimbos with paramilitary fag husbands
No. 1512031
>>1512018(C)rap-chan haunts the celebricows thread and waits for people to say something good about rap for her moment to strike. She is speculated to be either black herself or have one black parent because a lot of what she says indicates that she is self hating when she talks about anything to do with black people. It's unknown (but
likely) that (c)rap-chan is a coquette because she has posted in the first coquette thread and a lot of her criticisms seem to be that black people lack what a lot of coquettes think black people lack
No. 1512067
>>1512031wasnt this one
>>1410720 speculated to be crapperchan too?
No. 1512205
>>1512067If that person turned out to be the (c)rapper, I wouldn't be entirely surprised. We
think the (c)rapper is a self hating black woman, so if she was going to self post then she would likely so it here hoping other people would also say weird shit about her being black to validate her feeling, maybe?
No. 1512224
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Has anyone considered that the Russian obsession coquettes have might have come from people like Kate Kusmina? There are a handful of Russian pro ana "models" that had this aesthetic long before the coquettes started to appear. There are a few others I can remember but not off the top of my head, particularly a girl named Polisavuun (polysavun?) who was talkative about her orthorexia and lie about being 18
No. 1512259
>>1512018>>1512031true but anon said
>she was in the first coquette threadTHIS is 1st coquette thread. crapper chan posted right in THIS current thread. anons who haven't witnessed her spergout need to scroll up a bit to re-read this shitstorm to see. she admitted to be half black iirc and she was whiteknighting coquette style hard. everybody repeated like 100 times that this style is based on pedophilia, but she conveniently ignored it and bitched about preferring the beautiful coquette style over black street style etc. and whined "b-but how dare you shit on young girls who only try to find their own place in the world! how dare you shit on traumatized girls who are looking for coping mechanisms!" in celebricows, when people told her to gtfo and reminded her she promised to leave the site and never come back, she whined she only ever said to be leaving coquette thread not entire LC, because we are brainless and hypocrites and understand nothing, or something like that.
>>1512067>>1512205not a selfpost, i was the one who posted that chick. she definitely looks like someone who browses lolcow or PULL at least. we wondered if that's a crap chan but it didn't match, the boyfriend she posted wasn't white but maybe that was her older boyfriend not current, no way to check.
No. 1512270
>>1512224i thought it's a residue after first nymphette wave. russian chicks in LA were a trend on insta 7 years ago, people like Hoffmanita and Krasei or Lopholora (don't remember which one of them was Russian, maybe both). Yungelita pretended to be Russian princess Elita Harkov (kek, first off Charkov is in Ukraine and if she was a real Russian, she'd be called Elita Harkova) long before the coquette larpers.
Honestly though, i think coquette want to be Russian because they associate being Russian/slavic with blonde hair and being a tradwife in a country of militarized, tough men. (even though these "tough men" of Russian army in reality are limp, lame little cunties in soldier to soldier combat, who know nothing about war and drop like flies, if they're not actually busy killing and raping women and children with their older colleagues, who are more experienced in tormenting civillians.)
No. 1512562
>>1512018>>1512259(c)rapper chan spergs out in both this thread and the celebricows thread. everytime someone says anything nice about doja's looks she starts whining about how skinny black women aren't preferred, she wished more women dressed like coquette or street style etc.
now that you brought up PULL
>>1512224This post reminds me of the PULL thread on girls who pretended to be russian/slavic. Most of them dressed like nymphettes.
No. 1513106
>>1513003not a fan but she doesn't deserve to be called coquette. pretty sure she has no idea wtf is that.
but what can i say when even Mads Mikkelsen is tagged as coquette lol.
No. 1517632
File: 1651479659352.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2987.PNG)

Oh, so she's completely lost it? Cool.
No. 1517808
>>1517632Someone tell WillNE that lululemon is trashy
>>1517651She's a troll but not in the way tu might be thinking. She is a tradfag coquette, but she goes out of her way ti get a reaction from people in the same way tradwives always post boomer ass feminist tears memes to rile people up
No. 1524527
File: 1652135136792.jpg (444.83 KB, 1080x1202, qX9Y1Q6.jpg)

They really are dasha and anna's daughters. They are making patreon pages now.
No. 1526676
File: 1652363601038.jpeg (304.11 KB, 750x557, C583D6F1-4C4D-4108-96C0-4FA5AA…)

I'm not sure if anyone else remembers her but back when I used to be into this aesthetic and didn't know any better I used to watch her videos. Nothing too milky except from the fact that she was dating an adult man when she was still underage. Doesn't seem like she has grown out of this either despite being an adult
No. 1526774
File: 1652373765786.jpeg (129.37 KB, 1170x428, F98D2D0A-0DA3-4F26-A3FC-F9045C…)

Not part of the community, lurked the thread and decided to check it out. These bitches are so funny and retarded, especially this one. Imagine taking any of this seriously
No. 1526816
File: 1652376902528.jpg (50.88 KB, 1097x421, retard.jpg)

Coquette Nigelposting in the Celebricow thread
her other posts
>>>/ot/1177591>>>/ot/1177252>>>/ot/1177675 No. 1526835
>>1526665ok idk what is this all about anymore. i just KNEW sooner or later they'd start thaving shitstorms over what is the truest coquette and who is the most original lol.
>>1526774thanks for advertizing lolcow and making more coquette idiots coming here. thanks a fucking lot.
No. 1527010
File: 1652390901875.jpg (339.1 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20220511-213254_Twi…)

>Dasha has her slav larp scrutinised itt, in particular her fake "I can't speak proper English uwu" shit ( >>1440878 )>her account randomly disappears >she reappers speaking perfect English and using American lingo like "y'all"At least she knew when she was caught and didn't try to double down. I discovered her new account because she called out an anorexic for spending all day neglecting her kids so she could be on EDtwt kek
No. 1527429
>>1526913>>1526859anons, it's the other way around. it was confirmed actually the (c)rap chan who was the MGK sperg.
(c)rap chan both posted here and on several celebricows thread, revealing it was her but even without that it's incredibly easy to recognize her. she's the one raising hell whenever someone mentions Doja Cat. she's the one whiteknighting MGK and arguing he's better than others because "he doesn't have subhuman bitches twerking in his videos" (lmao). all of that was revealed in one celebricow thread, don't remember the number. anons who recognized her way of bitching said she's been posting on LC for years and hating herself for being mixed and grieving that black girls wear streetwear and twerk instead of wearing coquette dresses.
>sperging out every time someone who wasn't skinny got praised.Ironically, she's probably one of the anons who jump to ppl's throats whenever they called Lana fat
No. 1527439
File: 1652437073478.png (335.01 KB, 1374x1080, lsb.png)

Jfc this bitch is spending all her days seething about skinny women. we get it, you're fat. move the fuck on.
Also kek at the anon saying she's bitching about Alida all the time, so true. she's seething about every popular coquette/nymphet cause she can't stand that she isn't the one glorified as ~le master creator of coquette~
No. 1527440
File: 1652437361313.png (175.64 KB, 1366x898, ddddd.png)

this idiot is like a mix of annoying high schooler and bitter old woman. i haven't seen someone such delusional and hateful person on tumblr in a long time.
truly astounding some of these chicks are licking her ass for "bringing back/creating coquette", makes me think she's sending anon asks herself
No. 1527441
File: 1652437520132.png (55.66 KB, 864x446, 4.png)

she only SCREAMS about racism when it's exhibited by women she hates, when it's men she doesn't care. when it's Alida posting racist shit, everyone go kill yourself all hell is raised, but when it's a guy, shrug
No. 1527446
File: 1652438099576.png (517.91 KB, 462x1080, daddy.png)

>i sugared
So this is the one harassing others for sugaring, calling out age gaps and "saving" that brainless "community" from evils of DD/LG, lolita, sugaring and nsfw elements from the original days? ok
Bitch doesn't know what she wants, speaks pro and against original simultaneously while flexing she was the "OG nymphet" too. her bullshit stories about her boyfriend, fucking around and past "toxic relationships" are so kekworthy too, very r/thattotallyhappened.
No. 1527456
File: 1652439491753.png (831.26 KB, 902x828, dasha.png)

>>1527010Lol, right. Like one of the top tweets:
>imagine asking someone where they wanna go for vacation and they say fucking TennesseeHow would you know if you're "slavic fawn"? Slavs usually don't know/care if vacation in Tennessee is cool or not.
That must be her alt acc cause when you scroll a little you can see her older tweets still larping as Russian. "i went to Yusupov palace" sure Dasha. Also imagine the desperation to pretend to be russian so hard that you pretend to be typical russian not listening to what west says about russia/Ukraine war. girl you're a burger, european at most.
No. 1527461
>>1527451>it's kinda normal to develop crushes when you're young,Yeah it's normal for some to crush on teachers, girls in my class liked one of our teachers but that only manifested in them gossiping and saying he's hot and that's all. none of them started wearing nymphet attire acting hypersexual and flirting hard with the guy, or at least writing their fantasies down on tumblr while reblogging child porn and abandoned places. it's just not normal to participate in all that "teacher crush" part of the tumblr.
LSB however is unnecessarily poking the bear and kind of referencing the side of tumblr that was long dead. it's easy to imagine coquettes jumping back on that trend
No. 1530887
File: 1652725804148.jpg (883.87 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-05-16-20-26-04…)

shes right for once
No. 1531924
File: 1652819672049.jpeg (594.05 KB, 828x1371, 0A0B9729-C3F9-4398-A748-B9E445…)

So embarrassing
No. 1532139
>>1527010Anon those dasha's are two different people, slavicfawn is the russiaboo and the other one from
>>1440878 was some vlad pick me girl
No. 1532594
File: 1652892032632.jpeg (Spoiler Image,588.54 KB, 828x1353, 14B3FDCA-6AAB-4848-B423-01392C…)

of course they would find Hunter Biden hot
No. 1532668
File: 1652897545801.jpg (426.35 KB, 1242x1767, why.jpg)

>>1532611never doubt the coquette urge to lust after men who are some flavor of gross, smelly, violent and mentally ill, I mean just look at this
No. 1533506
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No. 1533521
>>1533506she forgot about hanging out in a kitchen apron and dusting off the house with that 50's hoover and popping valium pills in secret lol.
How many more months/years you all give this idiotic trend, i want it to be over already
No. 1533741
File: 1652997282928.jpg (39.67 KB, 620x400, gettyimages_507771408.jpg)

>>1533506>>1533521do these people not realize the idealized 1950s housewife era that they idealize so much was an extremely brief phenomena, hell even most white people didn't get enjoy it, before that most american families had both the husband and wife working and having some third party(usually a grandparents) help taking care of the kids, families and communities were inter connected back then
No. 1535453
File: 1653167417523.png (1.15 MB, 876x1780, centaurette.png)

Guys, new coquette just dropped
No. 1535594
File: 1653179248442.jpeg (Spoiler Image,154.06 KB, 828x593, D76CF15D-EE66-4ECE-830B-4D7469…)

They are actually insane
No. 1535596
File: 1653179413986.jpeg (134.44 KB, 828x570, 423BCFD9-CC60-4644-98E4-535BDF…)

>>1535594another post from the same user
No. 1535910
File: 1653205011324.png (30.01 KB, 747x308, jko.png)

>>1535594Some edtwt tard started cowtipping and made her delete, rip
No. 1535934
File: 1653207761462.jpg (36.16 KB, 900x416, FTVplPbWIAAqfzd.jpg)

>>1535910boohoo, how sad that Maeve who just wanna be so tiny had to delete. such a valueable storage of life truths was lost!
i think this one wasn't posted here yet
No. 1535944
File: 1653208912909.png (1.13 MB, 860x1080, 12313.png)

>you had to be there
press doubt. if these coquettes/ed romanticizing chicks were old enough in 2014 around that American Apparel/Arctic Monkeys/"we call clean clothes and bubblegum pop musicians GRUNGE" era, they'd be long done with that aesthetic, never wore that stuff anymore and looked back at it with memories at most, but without a want to come back to it. imagine stressing because you just CAN'T find American Apparel clothes and tiny succulents in a perfect black and white grid pattern anymore
Second of all, wtf is that second skinny/superskinny/infinity skinny diagram? measured by american apparel cause just ofc? such self-serving, made just so they can grin at the screen thinking "oh yes yes i'm mid skinny" but also crying bc they're not "infini-skinny".
i mean i do sympathize if they're sick for real, but edtwt accounts are not right
No. 1535948
>>1535946yeah but i don't mind that this chick got called out one way or another and maybe realized she sounds like a female-hating perv. this wasn't even funny, it was just plain disgusting.
next proof that coquettes are not "morally better than nymphettes". They're just as bad, or even worse.
No. 1536061
>>1536043well… you've seen it anon, her username was @dolletebby. Dollete/doelette is just the same thing as coquette.
ofc they hold hands with ED twitter, but coquettes have been "pretty vocal" about being "not like nymphettes and DDLG kinksters" and "morally better and totes not sexual!" And look, suddenly the facade is crumbling.
No. 1536120
File: 1653232868143.jpeg (Spoiler Image,159.19 KB, 816x1142, 87729EDE-41E1-45D3-A88C-F20D57…)

I just threw up a little in my mouth.
No. 1536125
>>1536120That poor girl in the photo, it looks like a porn scene and I don't know why you'd idolize something like that.
I bet this dumb skank is obese and old herself, all chronically online coquettes 20+ years old and definitely not short or skinny. They'll never be the tiny girls they wanna be
No. 1536178
>>1536125Coquettes post porn caps all the time. Its usually the slavic obsessors rather than the 90s fashion faggots, because they want a big scary slav paramilitary to abuse them for some reason
>>1536120Aw hell naw what the fuck is this? That's a legitimate old man. That's not a hot silver fox model, that's not an older actor, that is somebodies grandpa that you see wandering around at the beach what the fuck
No. 1536187
>>1536178Seems the reality exceeded coquette's expectations and they cannot present themselves as one way or another, because it turns out this "movement" is a magnet for different kinds of yucky people with different preferences and various levels of toxicity/stupidity. hence DDLG, slavicboos and military men-thirsting "tradwives". i'm asking, when will people officially recognize this as
toxic community? when will teen magazines stop praising this aesthetic on their internet websites as if it's something totally fine? if someone wanted to write about hypocrisy of coquettes, this thread is best source material. bitches should've never tried to pretend they're family friendly version of nymphete.
No. 1536234
>>1536213I don't think troons would do a coquette larp. If this was a troon with a pedo fantasy then they would pull a strawberryaggy and larp as a toddler. This is just an ana chan who overlaps with NSFW Twitter because they're both pedopandering retards who do uwu larps. Thing about troons it that they're obsessed with being sluts so they won't integrate into a community where being a massive whore is looked down on and traditional femininity is idolised (and besides, coquettes would eat a troon alive)
>>1536152It's the same as EDtwt. They all have thinspo or kpop pfp but whenever they post body checks they're shaped like Wario. Expected since they're essentially all the same community kek
No. 1537350
File: 1653337389782.jpeg (168.81 KB, 828x650, 90A0BDB3-8F68-492F-8240-C3DD54…)

She has to be a trolling at this point there’s no way
No. 1541196
File: 1653600790890.png (Spoiler Image,482.67 KB, 1125x2436, 152F419C-7FFC-457A-8041-9D51BC…)

>>1524527Most edgelord cringey writing I’ve seen in a long time tbh, I can see why she paywalled it
No. 1548636
File: 1654324265253.jpg (301.41 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoCollage_1654324122303.jpg)

Took a dip into coquette Twitter and it's actually kinda funny watching people seethe over coquettes doing nothing kek. "You read a book? You are shit compared to POC. You don't like major plastic surgery? You are shitting on black culture" kek. The whole of coquette Twitter is just people crying racism over the most benign shit
No. 1548847
>>1548636yes. it goes from them whining about something as vague as "omg you read ~white~ european literature only? you fucking PEASANT!" to several black people in the community trying hard to push this narrative that black girls invented coquette and nymphette style. and not just SOME black girls, they mean THEMSELVES on their own blogs (aka lovesickbrat). even though they were in primary school when Nicole and Melanie did their nasty, STOLEN aesthetic. i mean, yes, these styles were dominated by white AND racist teens, sure. but these
POC girl screaming racism everywhere are no better, it's just shitfight between white and black coquettes and who "invented" coquette first. i told you sooner or later they all will start to fight and shit talk each other kek
No. 1549437
>>1548999Nayrt but ofc it's right that they call out racist bitches in their little movement (even though it seems to be a bit of a lost cause imo, this aesthetic has always been white centric and full of awful ppl, racist, trump supporters or even nazi sympathising bitches.)
i agree with 3 caps besides one about literature and Sylvia Plath. not even a fan of her, and out of these books i read two, liked only one, but it's a conceited tweet that's just picking on to pick on, and it's really ironic she laughs at the coquette choice of books, when she's probably just the same as them and following coquette bs. it's irritating af to be lectured on twitter that you cannot read and enjoy this or that, because the author is racist, or because black coquettes think it's not "progressive" to read boring basic bitch white literature! idk about them, but i don't care about authors opinions or the color of their skin, as long as i like the book. this tweet is pretty mild, but i've seen some annoying ass tumblr posts where they pretended to be these superior woke book snobs, whining that it's so basic bitch to read European literature… like bitches, you do realize that "European" is not one single nationality and not everybody's white or racist? lol
No. 1553751
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No. 1555744
>>1554990>>1554953does… does that mean they are calling something as normal as vacation an aesthetic? well last year i've been a coconut girl, who else anons? how do we call mountain vacations aesthetic?
(shuddering from cringe)
No. 1559802
File: 1655170013152.jpg (19.21 KB, 361x400, VermeerMilkmaid.jpg)

>>1559316~I love dainty, waifish, fawnlike alpine milkmaid fashion~
No. 1560334
>>1548847as someone who was in that tumblr community. lovesick brat and her few sidekicks are the only ones who think they invinted anything fwairybambi is another one. but mostly everyone else on tumblr, including A LOt of other black girls think she’s full of shit. @thiskittywitty started a discourse doubting her and it got very messy but all the people agreeing in her dms were black girls and other
poc. she posted some of the messages but then the girls got everyone knows it they just cant say it as loudly as they would like bc she gets all of her followers to come after them.
No. 1560440
>>1548847It cracks me up when
POC voluntarily participate in blatantly racist trad-adjacent subcultures, and then complain these subcultures aren’t friendly enough to
POC. The Slavaboo larping and millions of Whisper memes of skinny white girls didn’t tip you off that maybe this isn’t a safe space?
No. 1560947
>>1560440This. they know what they are getting into, right? and IMO trying to change that community is pointless. it's not right, sure, but you won't change inherently
toxic, phobic at its core thing into something G rated and friendly.
As a Slav i hate their slavaboo shit and connecting it with white skin obsession. nobody here cares about having white skin, ppl don't even think about it. another thing are christianboos, for the lack of a better word. i mean yeah, lots of ppl in slavic countries are baptized and its very normal thing, but nobody's running in the woods in white gunne sax dresses adorned with pale pink rosaries for aesthetics.
No. 1564624
I wonder how long it will take for men to try be coquettes. Gay men love Lana Del Rey and starving themselves so they have common ground
>>1561298To be fair
nonnie, the only
POC girls in that community are like (c)rap-chan so it's not like you're losing any of your strongest soldiers.
No. 1567625
File: 1655812441983.jpg (80.1 KB, 500x500, wglj2La.jpg)

>>1564624would ethel cain(mtf) count?
they get shilled by both coquette blogs and industry critics as the next "lana del ray".
No. 1567627
>>1567625drop the "they" anon. thats a tranny. thats a whole ass man.
but anyway his aesthetic is just copying lanas southern white trash phase. his music is straight up garbage. the only thing good about him are his photos and i do think he has a decent sense of aesthetic. the fact that hes a tranny ruins it though
No. 1567630
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>>1567627>his music is straight up's horrible, i was shocked that it was getting shilled so much.
>i do think he has a decent sense of aesthetic.the lolita pandering is creepy.
No. 1568492
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>>1568134I wouldn't say he's a coquette in the traditional manner, but he does seem to portray himself as a young teen girl often enough. Not to mention one of his songs/albums (?) was called Inbred (to which he produced shirts with that label) but also wore a handmade shirt that said "Legalize Incest" on Twitter. I'm not sure if this is quite the right thread for him, but I love to see other anons mention him. He's been a personal cow of mine for quite a while.
No. 1568493
File: 1655876773266.jpg (74.02 KB, 449x750, tumblr_eb1fb2de5bee93a6a98b29b…)

>>1568492receipts for the handmade shirt of his…
No. 1568529
File: 1655882817781.jpg (94.08 KB, 625x488, tumblr_8b672a3c0ff0cf9e406f3ee…)

>>1568525who wants to bet this is Ethels hulking bffsie 'Salem' coming to white knight him? I could fucking swear he's mentioned lolcow/kiwifarms before on twitter. Moids gonna moid.
No. 1568725
>>1568555Sounds like he's a ripoff of Nicole Dollanganger. I don't know how long is he doing that nymphet larp, but he was posted in Nicole calves threads. white dresses, chapels, white trash, guns, incest. sounds like sadbbydoll
>>1568492what is this with his "priest's daughter" larp, kek. i've seen his instagram a year or 2 ago and he was posting typical nymphet stuff like abandoned chapels and christian imagery.
Just… who is listening to that shit? the only """appealing""" thing about him might be his image and well done photos, but even THAT doesn't help, nobody cares, not even nymphets did, and don't think coquettes do
No. 1569456
>>1568725I've seen some trannies on tumblr really into Ethel.
I personally don't mind his music, I like one song a lot, the others are bland, but not unpleasant.
inb4 not a tranny/nymphet myself, just a person with a terrible childhood.
No. 1569493
>>1569456What's the childhood have to do with it? Does his milquetoast lyrics and flavorless beats remind you of your deadbeat dad or something? I had a terrible childhood and my taste in music is extremely epic. No more excuses,
nonnie… develop better taste…
No. 1571198
File: 1656121391369.jpeg (264.04 KB, 824x772, 41BC2590-137A-41B5-832E-AECB1D…)

holy hell
No. 1571438
>>1571198who is this? what is this in relation to?
was only a matter of time before they start shitfights and SJW-ing, but also at the same time being 100% fine with the aesthetic being based on pedophilia and misogyny.
No. 1571957
File: 1656189764779.jpeg (109.96 KB, 828x472, 1834D94C-5559-4229-B4F4-D1F8D2…)

these girls really need to find a personality outside of their uwu coquette girlblogging stint
No. 1574658
File: 1656436502432.jpg (236.39 KB, 720x1142, 20220628_183053.jpg)

Look who I found. I guess she resurfaced a few weeks ago
No. 1574663
File: 1656437039922.jpg (196.05 KB, 717x675, 20220628_183812.jpg)

>"too many people are proud of the bad things they do"
>builds her entire identity around an aesthetic that romanticizes abuse and pedophilia and proudly flaunts it
No. 1574908
>>1574883Some of them definitely do. It's a weak, floundering attempt at feminism, but at least they're trying.
I think many of them picture themselves as a kind of Lolita temptress or femme fatale, they bought into the idea that you can control men through sex and being beautiful and desirable to them, but they don't realise they're playing a rigged game until it's too late, ie when they start looking old and creepy old pedos don't shower them in attention anymore.
No. 1574929
>>1574908I blame men and the media. I think the ones who try to be #girlbosses and think that pussy= power in the context that men have framed it in are at least acknowledging who should
actually be in control.
No. 1574933
File: 1656454535720.jpg (1021.31 KB, 1334x2000, IMG_0445.JPG)

>>1574908I've known former coquettes irl. When they start getting fat and feel their youth is slipping they usually secure some betabux then turn into bitter wine moms who bitch on facebook all day and turn their husbands and kids into a neurotic codependent mess.
No. 1574935
File: 1656454714549.jpg (287.64 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_0446.JPG)

>>1574933Most of those upper middle class church going Karens are also former coquettes.
No. 1574967
>>1574929The coquette mindset is intriguing. On one hand most of them seem pinkpilled, knowing that all men are hebephiles who only care about looks and youth in women and will replace you in a heartbeat with a younger woman. On the other hand, because they're so materialistic and lazy, they won't take the blackpill (ie, realising the whole game is rigged and the only winning move is not to play) Theyre also usually quite mentally unstable, codependent/histrionic, daddy issues and can't live without male attention and dick, so they always end up needing a betabux moid to coast off. Their boyfriends always seem to be absolute trash too, and usually ugly as well.
Sage for blogpost but I'm friends with a former coquette who is still a girlblogger. She's turning 27 soon and completely neurotic about no longer being young and appealing to scrotes. Recently her weight has plummeted to like 80lbs (guessing in a desperate attempt to keep looking young and jailbaitish) and its only made her look 10 years older. She was always an incredibly pretty girl, intimidatingly beautiful, but she's losing her mind because she isn't married to some tall rich white uglyhot famous guy yet. She's also been treated like garbage by every guy she dated. It's incredibly sad. But it's also hard to sympathise at times, because these women pander so hard and always choose the trashiest men imaginable. The lesson is staring them straight in the face, but they still haven't got it yet. They can't bear being single. They'd rather settle for some ugly betabux supply that they have a dead bedroom with for the next forty years, than face being a spinster. Not having a man is the gravest sin imaginable to a coquette, even if that man is gutter trash.
No. 1575381
>>1574908The extent of their feminism is pretending to be hating scrotes, because they stumbled upon Lolcow (yes, right) and decided they should, lmao. it's always the case.
Problem is, as much as they "hate men", they also hate other women. It's not a huge achievement to be hating men, but also at the same time flogging a look that's based on abuse for women and pedophilia.
No. 1576761
File: 1656611720183.jpeg (396.54 KB, 828x941, 72A7AB4B-235F-427A-9129-CF601D…)

I just thought this was funny. I don’t know if coquettes are into the whole angel thing or if that’s a different aesthetic.
No. 1578666
File: 1656774640181.png (174.26 KB, 412x774, neetcore.png)

New aesthetic in town, please welcome neetcore
have they hit the wall yet with their aesthetics
No. 1583832
File: 1657327005659.jpg (252.98 KB, 1280x1280, xyz.jpg)

they're running out of ideas for their stupid graphics and whisper memes kek
No. 1585867
File: 1657569453654.png (1.6 MB, 872x884, ethecain.png)

Ehh… this is Ethel Cain's new photoshoot for Paper Mag. pandering to coquette HARD with that white trash aesthetic~ and posing in a trailer park and it's just, eternal cringe.
Taking his wig off was a bad idea… but then again, putting on the wig was a bad idea too.
No. 1585887
File: 1657570004933.png (75.51 KB, 726x832, c.png)

Tumblr proposed me his stupid blog suddenly and just lol at tumblrtards who send him all the questions… Anyways, looks like he was on a label made by Dr Luke and… yeaaah no. I somehow don't believe he ~didn't know~ who is Dr Luke.
No. 1586380
File: 1657632986182.png (830.41 KB, 744x890, 333.png)

so sadbbydoll, much coquette
No. 1586381
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No. 1586486
File: 1657642915335.png (276.17 KB, 2048x1209, Screenshot_20220711-231508.png)

No. 1586758
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No. 1586772
File: 1657663541859.jpg (433.07 KB, 1200x1810, pretending to be trailer trash…)

>>1586544I think it's purely because his aesthetic fits so well with the coquette aesthetic and not actually about him as an artist. Most of the pics I see coquettes reblog of him are heavily filtered or don't feature him super prominently or you can't see his face so it's hard to tell it's a troon. Picrel as an example. Also lots of fan art and collages with song lyrics vs actual pics of him. "God loves you, but not enough to save you" is one I've seen going around a lot.
>>1586759Ah yes,
terf rhetoric is super dangerous and deserves attention and shouldn't be left unchecked. I will bravely counter their claims by not addressing them at all and just telling them to kill themselves. This is smart and good of me actually and totally not a sign that I can't come up with any coherent answers to their
valid questions
No. 1586830
>>1586758The person who DMed him wasted her time. He doesn't care about women's oppression. This is some guy who gets a boner from running around in a dress and wants to get fucked like a southern belle by his daddy with a crucifix and then hallucinate it was all aliens on some Mysterious Skin shit. He's the type who reads about women being subjugated and gets hard because the idea of being "submissive" is a big fantasy for a male. He can't relate on any level, and he's not interested in doing so
>>1586759"Their ideology is dangerous and harmful" = "I can't cum if I'm reminded of reality at any turn", that's literally it. Self-absorbed white boy mad about the femoids ruining his real life porno fantasy lol
No. 1586979
File: 1657683631781.png (1.77 MB, 1455x2048, Screenshot_20220712-111606.png)

what is this
No. 1587195
>>1587069Not everyone likes the idea of having something sat up there all day. I don't want to forget about it and get
toxic shock syndrome. Personally tampons gross me out. Please don't make this about women's personal feminine hygiene.
No. 1588770
File: 1657904706625.jpg (4.9 KB, 100x100, haydenatlas (1).jpg)

>>1588088I'm not talking about Hayden. I mean the name they had before getting it changed to that. the one in their high school yearbook
btw here's one of their old accounts I thought was funny No. 1590375
File: 1658094423836.jpeg (23.92 KB, 554x554, images (13) (31).jpeg)

Ethel Cain has been a personal cow of mine for quite some time. He used to go by White Silas before becoming a tranny and made songs a lá Nicole Dollanganger (picrel is a cover of one of her songs). I don't know when he became a tranny, but I have memories of him "becoming" Ethel Cain since at least 2019. Never paid attention to his songs, but at first he posted some cool pictures (they were repetitive, but not as much as ~Nicole lost in the woods~ and also had a better aesthetic sense). He's always done this ~white trash Manson-family~ line but when he took on the Ethel persona he got stronger. I personally think the music sucks really bad and although I find some of the photos he takes quite interesting, most still pretty cringe and repetitive.
No. 1590411
>>1590375I remember him being mentioned in Nicole calves thread like 2 or more years ago and found it really… unfitting that he was visibly a male runninh around in Nicole-ish granda clothes in the woods sort of style. Then it turned out he's trans. Idk when he transitioned, but wouldn't be surprised if this was done so that he has it easier making career in nymphet and now coquette circles.
If he wants to be thought of as woman, he does terrifically poor job. i mean, sure he may not be one of those "estrogen-packing, beer-belly, dressed in pink dress" neckbeards, and standing back to the camera helps. But all i see is another perpetually online guy who spent 90% of his teen years on Tumblr, probably running a sadbbydoll doll teeth blog like Nicole Dollangagner. he writes like a regular discord gamer guy. annoying af.
No. 1590493
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No. 1590494
File: 1658109705603.jpg (Spoiler Image,796.41 KB, 1536x2048, Tumblr_l_8807945397012.jpg)

No. 1590759
File: 1658153700506.jpg (372.9 KB, 1080x1765, IMG_20220718_110013.jpg)

>>1590411There was a comment in Nicole's calves thread saying that he was wearing Nicole's skin better than she was,wich I agree because despite the two "drinking from the same source", he is managing to enjoy the 15 minutes of fame better than Nicole did when she spent two years posting photos with a party wig in the middle of the nowhere. You know, at least he's actually releasing an album (although the album is garbage and a bogus product brewed in years of sadbbgirl tumblr culture)
Also the concept of his new album is something like "exemplary girl is kidnapped and trafficked into prostitution ring" (very original, it's not like we've seen anything like it that Twin Peaks or anything, kek). Picrel is a person commenting on how shitty it is to use prostitution and human trafficking as an aesthetic for an album and his reply sayin that it's okay because it's all a very sensitive and very artistic metaphor about things he went through in childhood, so he has the right to use misogyny as an aesthetic.
No. 1590805
>>1590759>Fight sexualization and abuse with glamorizing sexualization and abuseMakes perfect sense. Just another time he's justifying his blatant hatred for women.
He has NO place to talk about mistreatment of women, since he's the one who told a woman asking about opression of women, to kill herself.
I mean, to a certain extent stories are stories, but there's a thin line that's easy to cross, and it all depends on HOW you present the subject matter. I very much doubt he'll present it sensitively and with empathy. Knowing he's a Nicole fan, he's just fetishizing the subject. And no, i don't believe he was kidnapped and put in a child prostitution ring.
No. 1590856
File: 1658163818331.jpeg (492.65 KB, 1170x2404, C9322505-D4F8-4929-8233-E0EB28…)

nonny, some nobody from some literal who publication quoted you in an article about femcels and cringe aesthetics lmao they lurkin No. 1590864
>>1590759>>1590805This is so annoying. While I don't doubt that he was exposed to some pretty fucked up shit and possibly abused in a hyper religious setting as a little boy, that's very different from the experience of girls in that environment. I mean, he has albums called Preacher's Daughter and Inbred. The kind of abuse and fucked up messages girls receive in the church is unique to the female experience, and young girls are disproportionately affected by incest and sexual abuse in general in impoverished white trash type environments. It's gross of him to appropriate that even if he has personal experiences that are kind of similar
>>1590856Kek glad we're able to be treated as historians of weird niche internet bullshit, yet only referred to as "a mean-spirited imageboard"
No. 1590880
>>1590856Ayrt, LMAO wtf! this is so funny, having my lazy comment quoted, especially since it's already happened to me before once. funny to see i'm thought of just as "a mean-spirited imageboard" should i feel offended, kek
i haven't read this yet, but i bet my money it's either pro-coquette or one of those ~ambiguous~ essays that list both good and bad sides, but secretly sway to the "i like it" side. i wish someone wrote an essay on how fucked up coquette trend really is, even if it would be a nobody like the one posted.
random, but i hate the Doll Parts reference. leave Hole/CL/90's women out of this.
No. 1591017
>>1591014that's interesting to hear.
but please don't put your email here, cause it's showing.
No. 1591022
Okay, i read it. I'm not sure what's the point of this publication, unless it's author getting pissed off about misdefinition of the word femcel. Author tries to pose like she/he were there in the middle of the "movement"/tumblr era, and sometimes it sounds like that, but other times she uses typical YT sources like Schyler Reighn or Nylijah Myeesa, who give rather subjective and flowery descriptions of what happened on tumblr back then.
Nameless author, we know you're reading here, so take notes. What i don't like is that you first list out all the negative things about nymphets (Lolita romanticizing, pedophilia, etc.), but then you turn around and use purple prose to justify these people. yes, some were just lost teens who got into wrong place of the internet, but there were actual scumbags who contributed to the whole rot of this "community".
>the very real and insidious manifestation of the pedophile who might use word nymphet to search for child pornography never entered the tumblr nymphet's view.
No. Not only it DID cross their minds. some of them interacted with pedophiles. Nymphets actively searched for and POSTED cp on their blogs. yes, those young, lost girls who liked Lana del Rey, it was normalized like that. You would know if you lurked Nicole Dollanganger's and nymphette threads.
No. 1591143
>>1590856>>1591022Ya I skimmed it and well it's at best a sloppy attempt at zoomer aesthetic obsession 101. Bitch clearly cobbled together words she heard on tiktok and browsed this thread for 5 seconds just to copy paste the third post down before hitting submit lol. Not sure what "femcel" even had to do with anything in there, it's so shoehorned and out of place. Urban dictionary would do a better job at explaining these concepts. Not to mention the random distracting formatting and excessive hyperlinks. Man what are they teaching in those glorified blogging schools these days.
>>1590936Kaitlyn could have wrote this, they sound the same: soulless and clueless.
>>1591014I bet it's shit, gtfo newfag.
No. 1593587
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he throws a hissy fit anytime anyone compares him to Lana
No. 1593765
File: 1658444899717.png (458.73 KB, 2048x1093, Screenshot_20220721-175332.png)

>>1593677he made a (now deleted) post on tumblr about how he hates being compared to lana because the only thing they have in common is being storytellers and to compare them is to "misinterpret the stories they're each trying to tell"
No. 1593768
File: 1658444971147.png (823.21 KB, 2048x1858, Screenshot_20220720-233832.png)

>>1593677and this. he was going crazy at Lana stans on twitter for a bit but he deleted everything and is now claiming to love ultraviolence
No. 1593770
File: 1658445188741.png (940.01 KB, 929x2048, Screenshot_20220721-181220.png)

also have you guys seen his deleted song "saddle up." I want to throw up in my mouth everytime I think about how when he says pussy he means his butthole. and everytime he says clit he means his micropenis
No. 1593790
>>1593770this one's for all my whores back home in the village/ Popping their pussies all over new england yo yo
kek why does it sound like Ginger Bronsons raps
>~all the priests wanna fuck me~>pussy brewing>i'm his big dick witch>this pussy hot and wet porridge>wandering my forest>muh slice of pie>i took one look at him and wE aIn'T uSeD a CoNdOm sInCe~>a girl gets fucked out of wedlock ONE TIME>Daddy>fucking protestants!Kek i don't even what to talk about first, this is so obnoxious, so badly written and so hysterically pathetic idk even what to laugh at the most. i'd take Nicole Dollanganger's shitty curdled sadbby daddy songs over this shit any time i guess
No. 1593810
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>>1593790boy do I have a post for you
No. 1593815
File: 1658447829799.png (566.47 KB, 872x2048, Screenshot_20220721-185532.png)

please also look at his song "selby wall" named after Aileen wuornos's girlfriend
No. 1593856
>>1593810damn, and to think i was only joking. what were i expecting, kek.
(sarcasm mode: maybe his lyrics would benefit if he read Kayla Day's cringe poetry rather than G1nger$ 2 cool 4 u rap$ )
No. 1593865
File: 1658451630037.jpg (44.75 KB, 625x469, every time a bell rings.jpg)

>>1593859no it's a line spoken by someone with the last name Grimes in 1946
No. 1593869
>>1593865whoops, i misread your post
nonnie, i thought he made a song with that title, same as Nicole & probably thousands others. only now noticed you used the "every time someone does this and that, an angel gets its wings", you know, a full phrase
>>1593822 I know what it means, but missed the sentence's beginning so i mssed the context. sorry i'm stupid
No. 1594126
>>1593869hey anon I'm
>>1593865 but wasn't
>>1593822, don't feel too bad, you bring up a
valid point in that the source is old enough and was popular enough for long enough to reach basically public domain ubiquity, so even if you didn't know it, to know of it in a vague way (as I took from your first post!) would be totally understandable. you're also likely right about tons of artists having incorporated it since (similarly, I'd reason, with some knowing of its origins and some not), and it's also totally possible Nicole has a song with lyrics like that. I replied as I did to inform but also to (attempt to) be funny since Grimes (i.e. Grimeth) is coquette-adjacent.
maybe we need to use tone indicators on here after all?/ij;^) No. 1594518
File: 1658509908461.png (431.37 KB, 2048x1159, Screenshot_20220722-120912.png)

No. 1594684
>>1594518and what is this alleged ~chronic illness~? chronic lack of talent?
jfc if that's sooo hard for you then stop touring, literally shut up. whiney bitch.
No. 1594865
File: 1658535816654.png (1.45 MB, 1759x2048, Screenshot_20220722-192217.png)

he just released a video that's just 5 minutes of him wiggling his ass dressed like a teenage girl
No. 1594956
File: 1658542211874.png (1.77 MB, 1302x2048, Screenshot_20220720-233409.png)

not mister cain but here's whatever this is
No. 1595248
File: 1658574891834.jpg (268.19 KB, 640x640, original.jpg)

>>1595150he's 23 or 24, but to your credit, i thought he's in his 30's too. he's a zoomer.
>>1595158fast forward and DDLG will be fully back in style, and coquettes will drop the "we have morals" facade. some of them are on the "we bringgg back 2014 u guyzzz american apparel will return!" train and they're digging out all these irrelevant people like Elizabeth Bishop, Charlie Barker and Joanna Kuchta (and her old ratty "daddy" from like X boyfriends ago.) considering they're posting Melanie Martinez, ddlg is back there too.
(OT but damn, i just realized how much of a plain, bland, boring bitches they really were. people were stanning this? you could literally pick any other girl walking into American Apparel or H&Mstore.)
No. 1595289
>>1595278i didn't know how much bfs she had, i said to highlight that creepy daddy bf happened yeeeears ago. and these zoomers post STRICTLY Joanna's old pics with that shaggy guy Because she called him daddy! ew
idk i still find her pretty vain and boring but at least she stopped with ddlg.
No. 1595397
File: 1658595884353.png (2.99 MB, 1489x2048, Screenshot_20220723-120339.png)

remember angelfazce? he has a tattoo named after Ethel cains EP "inbred" now
No. 1595533
File: 1658605506958.jpeg (105.15 KB, 668x647, C01B7582-AD9D-44B5-A2A1-1A027A…)

they need to get a personality
No. 1595593
>>1595408charlie barker. anon, you're giving shayna too much credit, look at the girls face.
>>1595540why are they all ""slavic""?
No. 1598442
File: 1658875171592.jpg (6.28 KB, 168x300, idk delete this later.jpg)

Uhhh i just discovered It has a tiktok. and besides horrible dance, sitting on toilets and hanging out with other white trash larpers, he has a couple vids where he's AWKWARDLY AS HELL makes eyes at camera and slowly strips from a dress in slow motion. i need to purge my eyes now.
Can someone rationally explain to me why the hell Ethel Cain is gaining momentum. why is nyone shilling this in the media. why. and how. 1/2 years ago, if anybody mentioned him in nicole calves, everybody made big eyes asking who the fuck is that, because he was a total nobody. is it because they can't say no to a trans person?
No. 1598491
File: 1658878525919.png (1.52 MB, 1897x2048, Screenshot_20220722-193003.png)

reblogging confederate titties #fortheaesthetic
No. 1598545
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does anyone remember when rotting-angel-blood (the girl from Hungary who stole rottinggirlsrestingplace's entire identity as soon as she deactivated) was told she looks like Blaire White and she got super mad for being told she looks like a tranny? I wish I could find the post again. she was so ahead of her time
No. 1599035
>>1598678no, spills a can of worms and baby teeth
>>1598545Damn, that white dress and gas mask make me think of Plaaastic/GG/nitenite.
Idk who is that, but i doubt she's around. All these og nymphet/sadbbydolls eventually quit tumblr and kick that aesthetic completely. it's a shame, i think nymphets were much more fun to hate and laugh at, especilly since they would take their own pics and behave like ~tumblr stars~, as opposed to girlbloggers who just slap the same 10 pinterest pics and call it a day. i'm aware they were more obnoxious and posted gore/cp though. and damn they're all the same aren't they. always same combination of words, rotting, fawn, doll or graves.
No. 1599733
File: 1658985016059.png (2.24 MB, 1364x2048, Screenshot_20220728-000918.png)

why is grimes here
No. 1599862
>>1598515Most casual fans don't actually know Ethel Cain is trans. He gets slapped onto the end of peoples Spotify playlists where his voice is admittedly hidden pretty well behind filters. I think another part of it is that anorexics look flat and androgynous so, to a normie looking at him through the 90s VHS grainy filters he always has, people just assume Ethel is a very boyish looking girl
>>1599733Now THAT is odd. I can't actually think of anything that makes Grimes particularly coquette. She's anorexic so that's a solid start I guess, but everything else about her doesn't actually fit the bill.
And while we're at it, Lady Gaga? Not unless you believe the theory that she girlbossed her way to the top through sex with old executives like Lana Del Rey accused her of doing
No. 1600358
File: 1659025558369.jpeg (221.83 KB, 828x1299, BB870DAD-BAE9-48F6-BE0A-D7C986…)

what the hell does this even mean
No. 1600458
>>1599862they'll just slap anything under that tag. Grimes is "coquette" same as Mars Argo is coquette, same as Courtney Love is coquette, same as Paris Hilton (?) is coquette, lmao. Marina? Lady Gaga? Regina? no one here is coquette.
But honestly speaking… notice that they chose Grimes pic from Genesis video, where she has ponytails and dressed like schoolgirl weeboo, and sings with annoying ass babygirl voice. that is probably already coquette enough for them.
No. 1602742
>>1599862They’re all blonde and at least in those pictures have a feminine soft pink aesthetic, I think it’s just the appearances there for some of them. Lady Gaga also took on the career path of Lina Morgana (notice the name similarities) after Lina was mysteriously pushed from a rooftop and it was called a suicide. The video “paparazzi” actually performs it, and the manager they shared was in a relationship with Lina but she literally hated the attention. Lady Gaga was willing to go way farther obviously, and did anything the manager said. A lot of articles have been scrubbed, but Lina’s mother has been vocal forever about this and within the past year or so there’s been a lot of videos on YouTube about it.
>>1600409I know they involve men as romantic interests for aesthetic, but I don’t think the male gaze plays as much of a role as giving certain stylistic inspiration. Being more low maintenance would make more sense, this comes off more as a lifestyle that other girls appreciate and relate to the details of. Instead of men telling (or imitating) the stories of girlhood, I don’t mind these people doing it intentionally because irony definitely plays into it. Idk
>>1600358 seems more like a meme, you’re giving male influence too much credit and it looks like a way for girls to communicate with other girls while not adapting to male formats.
No. 1603165
>>1603137coquette spotted.
>describes ethel cain's music as amazingi feel sorry for you
No. 1606163
>>1605941>I do believe she has become more aware and well-spoken,Dude she's still into Lolita, DD/LG and other shit, just on her private account. same old. it's been mentioned upthread. Also, she's still dating the same old scrote #Daddy that she dated yeeears ago in her even cringer phase. She bullshits about fairy healing and shit, but that's nothing new.
She already tried bullshitting "business" before, Key West Kitten it was called, and she would just buy 1$ ugly Aliexpress bikinis and HOTGLUE fake flowers on them. yes hotglue. she couldn't sew. then sell for ridiculous amount to her lolita/dylan klebold uwu/nymphet followers. She was also throwing massive tantrums when she noticed that other, actually decent brands were making actual quality flower bikinis and even going as far as messaging them & telling not to buy on these brands, bc they stole her idea and stole her dreamz!1!1! Guess bikini business just fizzled out. True, she left school at 15 or so and now she lives in a small apartment, 100% relying on her "Daddy", and actual parent daddy. sad.
No. 1606905
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>>1600358probably referencing these lana lyrics
No. 1606910
>>1606163This is wild to hear about because the last real Alida milk nonnies talked about was that she became a crystal witch type of person and got a new boyfriend. She's always been such a weird figure, and I keep seeing that video of her brushing her hair while playing Off To The Races by Lana or something in the background posted by nymphettes.
Do the modern lolitafags know about her kidnapping thing from years ago? I
never see people mention that she herself admitting those men she was running with had groomed and abused her at 16
No. 1606930
>>1422957>>1398963She was briefly recent-ish discussed in Nicole Dolangagner Calves #3 i think it's same guy. I recognize the house decor is still the same.
>>1606918haha yes i remember. Anyways anon if you want to take a look, Alida's PULL thread is archived. kekworthy read, and more on her shady "business", being nazi and friends with other nazi racist girls, as well as Columbine obsessions etc No. 1606967
>>1606942how no results? maybe you get results with anony link thrown before the right link. When you click, delete section that's before http and it should be working. PULL isn't around anymore so it must be accessed through web archive.
I haven't read this thread since PULL was around so i don't remember much, but the archive works
No. 1607096
Does anyone have access to her private account? Its would be extremely interesting to see what goes on there from what
>>1606163 says. Is the old boyfriend in question the same guy who "kidnapped" her?
No. 1607124
>>1607096Idk her priv, but some other anon talked about it and how she's still into old shit. As for boyfriend, it's not the same one. his name was James or whatever, i think it's mentioned on PULL on 1st page even. He was closer in age to her than current uwu bald daddy.
What's even cringier is how before current bald one, she went on some road trip with another old man and a few of his sugar babies and they crashed into Lana Del Ray show frong rows and ppl in the comments who also attended complained bc apparently AS & co. were giving this gross guy blowjobs during LDR concert.
Anyway here's some anon's comment on her still pedo pandering
>>1399145>Lol sorry anons but Ailda Simone is still an extreme pedo-panderer despite being a 21 year old woman. Her tumblr url is still jumpropejailbait and she still posts shit like picrel with now edited captions that originally complained about “People say I look like a child!! But I can’t help it I don’t want to!!” She still talks down to her followers as well as scams them. Her crocheting is extremely an extremely basic bee pattern that she got from YouTube. She’s attempting to sell leg warmers now which is just squares of cheap faux fur with some bows on it kek she’s still the same, just older. No. 1607125
samefag, i found her alt name
>>1399170 it's elvishwolfie. but it's priv. If someone wants to make fake nymphet/lolita account and try to follow, she'll probably accept, but i don't care much to bother with it
No. 1607206
File: 1659637116870.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x1179, 8C098575-9C51-44EA-A2DA-10B684…)

She doesn’t really post on elvishwolfie anymore. Here are the last few posts. She’s still cringe but at least she isn’t posting stripper pole videos anymore.
No. 1607208
File: 1659637190970.jpeg (538.38 KB, 1170x1341, 19F00757-7B97-484C-91A5-619AF9…)

>>1607206Still tries to be a cut rate Lizzy Grant in her captions
No. 1607221
File: 1659637962861.png (1.81 MB, 2900x2060, AS.png)

Her uwu i'm innocent self-whiteknighting & bitching about PULL and how it was "taken down". She's not admitting to her shitty behaviours, just making justifying herself more.
No. 1607223
File: 1659638130006.png (1.59 MB, 2928x1956, AS2.png)

part 2
Anyways, damn her life is pathetic. rejecting school just to be forever relying on some old scrote
No. 1607282
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>>1607096it doesn't have anything that milky on it tbh
No. 1607283
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No. 1607313
>>1607277no, and i don't remember if it was on PULL.
>>1607282She halted a little with her shit then, but i don't really see proofs she changed significantly. She still doesn't admit to her faults (teenage but still) and continues to shift the blame, she photoshops herself into childish face and boasted about being so childlike uwu, and continues to stay with #daddy. oh and she scams people still. she just grew up a little, that's all.
I wouldn't say she's coquette though, dont think she lumps herself with them
No. 1608571
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they are really just saying anything at this point
No. 1608573
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No. 1608740
>>1608573>choo choo train>rugrats>charlie and lolaYeaah, very coquette. I'm waiting for them to say
>Baabar the elephant>Ned's Newt>Rollie Pollie Ollieat this point. And which one of them said they're not fetishizing children & children stuff? cause that's not what we're looking at
No. 1608743
>>1608671>Slavic and submissive do not go together lol these idiots have it so wrongThis.
And if they want slavic christian trad wives, maybe they should get interested in ~80 year old coquettes~. There's nothing more trad, holycore and christriancore than grandmas in mohair berets going everyday to church at 6pm.
They'd sit these idiots down and told to help make fruit preserves, instead of bitching about thier internet fakorexia, it's that time of a year.
No. 1609174
File: 1659829702415.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1189, 1EEE0560-1CA2-4441-88F7-3AEBEC…)

>>1532228her new @sibrskyangel her recent photoshop is so obvious look at the wonky line on the wall. at least she's honest about being borderline retarded
No. 1609631
File: 1659890752464.jpg (85.21 KB, 860x1081, IMG_20220807_180001.jpg)

>>1609174Has she edited the back of her head off? The way her hair is makes it look like she either cropped part of her head out or she took all her hair over to that side of her head
No. 1609746
>>1609635>or those old Soviet/eastern European animationsyes, especially since a lot of them were pretty ballet or tale animations. i still have these on VHS.
I think they just think that whatever animation/film they've ever seen is coquette purely by virtue of being watched by THEM and they are coquette. idiots.
>Winx ClubThey obviously think winx club is coquette because it's 1) fairies 2) underage - 16 and 3) they all looked anorexic. I have no idea what's so coquette or nymphet about Ed, Edd and Eddy.
(and they're too young to remember Ed Edd & Eddy!)
No. 1609850
File: 1659907299582.jpg (179.12 KB, 720x1352, kek.jpg)

What tumblr just threw on my main. same as that person said, if i didn't know better, i'd say it's a shitpost. but its just a list of coquette's life aspirations.
No. 1609876
>>1600409I had a friend like this and she was really sweet but hearing her talk about practicing deepthroating on dildos (while being careful to mention “but not use them!! no way!! I’m too tight ouchie tampons hurtie >.<) so she could train her gag reflex and do all sorts of trad shit made my head spin.
>>1609850Are we just repeating 2014 over and over and
No. 1610271
>>1609941jfc, read with comprehension. nobody said Thirteen was released in 2014 or a "2014 core". we talked about teens in 2014 glamorizing that film.
I personally have never seen soft grunge/pastel goth/whatever blogs posting Thirteen gifs, but that doesn't mean other blogs weren't. ironically, i've seen that film actually as 13 year old and i switched it off about 20-30 minutes in because i thought it's boring. that's nothing special, theonly value are maybe 00's clothes if someone's nostalgic for that.
No. 1611887
>>1611528no she calls it consumerism, and blames it on making everything it into an aesthetic.
she also said it's anachan bait, romanticizing mental health and basically tumblr girls 2.0.
but she doesn't really dive into the whole ddlg bait part of it.
No. 1612919
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toxic girls or whatever shit they call themselves this month, are just the female versions of men who say their literally ryan gosling from Drive, i.e losers who spend too much time online, they think just because they like slightly non-mainstream media and weren't popular in high school that somehow equates to them rebels against society, I wish these people get it through their heads that people are varied and you can like alternative interests without making it a personality
No. 1613145
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they’re a plague on pinterest too
No. 1613244
>>1611889Depends on the country and time.
In my country for example leaving marriage was a big no no in the past, up until 2000s or even 2010s. like women didn't even consider that option because nobody did that! so they stayed suffering. these days divorces are more frequent that marriages though, and it's a normalized thing. but my country is one of those slavic ones that are closer to west than east
No. 1613245
>>1612919> are just the female versions of men who say their literally ryan gosling from Drive,This, or Tyler Durden.
Actually, coquettes are all thinking they are the guy from American Psycho.
No. 1613260
>>1613145>russian routesyeah, keep pining for that military russian husbando, i'm sure your life together would be ecstatic. and #aesthetic
God i hated soft grunge in 2014 but i guess it's better to keep pining for starbucks coffee, Alex Turner and being absolutely basic girl with a boring wardrobe than whatever this is, cause they at least don't do the rest of what coquettes do
No. 1614150
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I have never ever understood how nymphettes(and well everyone) miss the whole point Lolita. the book is from the perspective of a delusional pedophile who is a dick to everyone around him and who rationalizes every shitty thing he does, its almost comical how much of an asshole Humbert(the pedophile is), it also should be noted that Nobakov was sexually abused by his uncle, One of the early explicit scenes in the novel, where Humbert molests Dolores which is interrupted by a phone Is almost a perfect match for sexual abuse Nabokov described enduring from his uncle as a child. and in one early draft of the book, Dolares was a boy, so Lolita might have been slightly autobiographical
Lolita is also an eerily accurate depiction in written works of how abuse of children works. It’s never a stranger, It builds up over time, and involves intense manipulation and subjugation.
No. 1614286
>>1614150Wow, i didn't know that Nabokov was molested. This makes everything twice as saddening.
You know what's fucked up, that these idiots, when confronted, yell "Of course i know what the book is about! Ofc Humbert is a pedophile! blah blah" but then just turn around and continue romanticizing everything, and still behave like they want to be Lolita and like everything is top tier romantic movie. Maybe if Humbert was played by 70 year old fat guy and Dolores was played by ugly, fat, zit covered chick they would never get anywhere anywhere near Lolita movies (cause i don't suspect they ever
read the book).
No. 1614626
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>>1614286well Humbert is likely based off his uncle, so I personally think that's what he probably looks like, the similarities between the two are hard not to notice, both are intelligent men who can charm people at first glance, both are multilingual but are mainly Francophiles and both are described as dark haired and lanky
but from Lolita we learn that Nabokov's uncle was also likely deeply narcissistic and self-loathing about his appearance the way Humbert is
No. 1614858
>>1614286He wasn’t. Some random woman Joanne Morgan self-published a “psychoanalysis” book in 2005 where she armchair diagnosed him as a
victim of sexual assault. He has never claimed to be a
victim of sexual assault and has certainly never described it. Anon is as schizo as Joanne.
No. 1615764
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>>1615703Shit. Are you writing the OP? we should start submitting thread pic ideas. Here's mine
No. 1615800
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>>1615703some anon made this one awhile back in the thread that i thought was funny
No. 1617127
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just saw this…….
No. 1617132
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No. 1617370
>>1611524Mina Le is hit or miss but this one essay was okay, she's done the research and (to my surprise) spent only a few seconds deploring how aesthetics exclude the disabled,
poc, the poor, etc.
overall bearable and informative !