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No. 2022653[Reply]

Kristian "Varg" Vikernes aka Burzum, Count Grishnackh and Louis Cachet
>infamous black metal musician, murderer and arsonist from norway now living in france with his family
>notorious neonazi and chronically online sperg since the early 2000s
>creator of the failed nazi ttrpg MYFAROG
>author of countless self-published books mostly consisting of unedited, incoherent ramblings about his life and racist ideology
>father of 8 kids including one he had with a norwegian woman at 18 and who he's not in contact with
>huge breeding fetish and freudian obsession with foreskin disguised as ideological and religious beliefs
>list of peoples, things and ideas he hates too long to include and differentiates from day to day

Marie Cachet
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No. 2091665

Sorry if this has been mentioned before but I thought homeschooling was illegal in France now?

No. 2091677

But Asians are the race with the most neanderthal DNA

No. 2091725

it is, but you can apply for exemptions of that law if you have a 'reasonable excuse' and Marie said that they're allowed to.

no idea what reasoning she presented for that exemption.

No. 2093331

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Saw this article and thought about this thread

>adults were plagued with porotic hyperostosis, which is evidenced by the presence of spongy or porous bone tissue and holes in the cranium, and is a result of suffering from anemia.. one individual was found to have suffered from scurvy.

The actual article is written with annoying click bait filler but the imagery of trve vikings reading about their ancestors dying because they don't eat vegetables made it bearable.

No. 2093887

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Being Nordic is more about genetics than appearance Catherine Zeta Jones Northwestern European therefore so much is genetically closer to a Swede than a blond Sicilian as Pictelated is to a Nordic. Marie, being French, must be south shifted. She most likely has more genes from the Anatolian neotlihic farmer than from the "Nordic" Aryan steppes. Marie is genetically closer to those dirty Iberian "Moors" that Varg hates so much than to the Nordics.(sage your racesperging)

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No. 2050490[Reply]

A thread dedicated to the worst subsection of the Commentary Community. This community is characterized by contantly infighting, regurgitating the same points that another person had said with little to no new input, cannibalizing one another when they feel like their own reputation is at stake, and moral grandstanding.

Notable Figures:

>HopelessPeaches: A fat, mentally stunted, british woman. Was in a borderline DDLG relationship with LioConvoy before she threw him under the bus. Currently MIA after running from her involvement in the Rosa call as well as the FCK.

>LioConvoy: A fat and smelly, Chris Hansen wannabe, scrote who collects mentally damaged women as "daughters" like the Thundercats figurines he has. Was Peaches biggest meatrider before she turned on him. Had a Discord server called "The Senate" where he would drag people in to verbally berate them, until it imploded.
>Omnia: Kai's Ex. Has an actual life outside the internet, but can't help but run back to it. Made claims against Kai being abusive and took his cat, along with collecting money for items that probably weren't stolen. Not as active in making videos and mainly posts on Twitter.
>Kai/Zae: Volitile manchild that goes off on tirades at any perceived slights, but has recently stepped back from the ACC. Admitts to beating Omnia and tries to say it was mutual.
>JustARobot: Autistic grifter sexpest. Has said multiple times that he's stepping back from the ACC, only to come crawling back because none of his other videos get nearly as much traction.

Others in the community include: PonderSprocket (well respected, but also has a weird dynamic with her teenage fanbase), HitenMitsuru (pretentious vtuber wannabe, loud and uses big words to sound smart, but cracks when the slightest bit of energy is returned back to her.), NezzieMonster (suicide baits and just like Hiten, can dish it out but can't take it.)

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No. 2093793

Saw someone in the comments comparing this shit to sashley and immediately clicked off, because that was just people blaming a 13 year old en masse for getting groomed. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that if a 13 year old is writing fiction about a father figure raping her, then something far worse than armchair diagnosed autopedophilia is going on there.

No. 2093797

I’m sorry if I’m coming across as moral fagging but we really need to talk about how degenerates are grooming children into normalizing these things and hide behind “puritans censoring things” when you call them out.

No. 2093804

Proship vs antiship discourse is the worst fucking thing to ever happen to art spaces, I swear to god. People become extremely performative about both sides and the reality of these situations becomes lost, which, ironically, winds up helping predators to normalize grooming to children because they can chalk it up to shipping discourse when it's put alongside things such as comedic incest anime or killing stalking. No matter what you think about either of those things, pedophilia is far, FAR worse, and should not be put in the same boat.

No. 2093822

Honestly any kind of “apology” Nezzie gives just feels so fake. It’s telling that she threatened to kill herself and went after others multiple times before giving any kind of acknowledgment to her behavior. The community kissed the butts of people like her and Doodle for years before making any kind of change yet they switch up the second Chuuli drops a video that gets a considerably large audience. Nezzie is such a nobody that I don’t even see the point of trying to salvage her career, her only real popularity was during the Madame shit in 2019 afterwards she immediately made a clown of herself during the Tobi situation and since then has basically done nothing but scream on Twitter (and now Bsky) which rarely gets her any attention. Is the opinion of SCC nobodies just that important to her because those are the only people that still actively follow her

I think it’s Stream’s upbringing. She got big at like 14-15 for covering random dramas in the meme community and that’s where most of her audience comes from, unfortunately for her ever since lockdowns ended the drama in that side of the internet has been much more niche and fizzles out way quicker now. The Quartzel or whatever shit happened back in like September and Enlaa covered it when it was new from what I remember. I don’t know if anything new has happened but sadly her career is kinda locked into acting like a teen DeviantArt ranter channel indefinitely

No. 2093877

>I think it's more about it being an easy "win". Since dunking on kids which are dumb and lacking experience in life is a script that writes itself.
I was thinking the same thing but Streamline is setting herself up as if she keeps dunking on kids someone gonna call her out for it. But I don't think that would affect her as she's not fickle or reckless in her videos especially with Ponder and Mali helping her. Though she keeps having to clarify herself in the comments.
>she took a page from Ponder lol
See that would be true if she shifted her content away from callout commentary and doing what Ponder doing which is random movie review/commentary outside of callouts

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No. 2043422[Reply]


LAST THREAD: >>>/snow/2031615
Adrien Perret, born Fanny Perret on 6/26/1997, also known online as Null/Laika Albarn/Polyglotplatypus, is a French artist and animator formerly Tumblr famous for getting entrenched in Homestuck fandom drama for drawing incestuous rape. These days, she's now infamous instead for LARPing as an Asian woman having an incestuous affair with her father in New Jersey while, in reality, being a fat, white French ex-pooner.

>Laika Albarn/deadspacedog

Her Asian LARP account. Some genuinely believed she was living a hentai fantasist's dream in the mafia asscrack of America. Her comic, LIMERENCE, is framed as being biographical.

Archived Twitter: https://archive.ph/VTxyp
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/deadspacedog
AO3 (Login only, but her fics are archived): https://archiveofourown.org/users/deadspacedog/pseuds/deadspacedog
Baraag: https://baraag.net/@deadspacedog
Tellonym: https://tellonym.me/deadspacedog

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No. 2093875

You are so right, the closest she will ever get to that ''infamy'' is this thread. Absolutely no one gives a shit about her slop. Even the emergence guy at least had some art skills.

No. 2093884

>less concessions
he rapes her and rapes whoever else he feels like it. what compromises has he ever made?

No. 2093885

If she has any guts outside of the one hanging off of her, the arc end with him in jail. Knowing her, he greatest writer evar, she'll likely have him getting away Scot-free somehow as "commentary" on how happy endings aren't realistic or some shit.

No. 2093886

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this has me dry heaving

No. 2093915

like she ever draws any backgrounds more complex than a shitty gradient with some halos around the characters and random textures slapped on. put some actual curtains in your next comic fanny. i dare you

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No. 1543069[Reply]

Obese mass shooter fangirl with multiple shooter-themed tattoos (including knuckle tattoos reading LANZA) who cannot help but post lies online. Some recent milk/drama:

>Claims to have been accepted into Harvard University despite admitting to not finishing high school

>Alternately claims to have graduated with her undergraduate degree from Harvard and to still be attending
>Also claims that she studied at “six different universities at once”
>Turns out to have paid to take online courses offered by the schools, literally anyone can take these courses
>In a polyamorous relationship with white supremacist murderer Peter Avsenew
>Other members of her relationship include Ef, a man who she brags about having sex with his own family members
>Originally on tumblr as fakepontchartain, got banned from for trying to sell murder memorabilia, remade immediately as oddynuff
>Brags about her shitty administrative job and posts screenshots of her correcting other employees to her murder fanblog
>Recently added tumblr mutuals to work chat, spammed main chat with mass shooter sperging, claims boss is cool with it—whole situation likely a lie
>Also posts screenshots of conversations with her mother showing her mothers name onto her murder fanblog
>Her mother is a cop
>No self awareness, seems to believe her own delusions of grandeur, exaggerates her own education and knowledge
>Seriously can’t stop bringing up how she totally attends Harvard; however, her LinkedIn lists her as having been a student since 2016 with no signs of graduating, no posts about course material, or generally any reason to believe she actually attends
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No. 2093613

You are not Harvard educated. Stop saying that you are. Anyone can get into a Harvard 'extensions course' as it's offered to anyone and does not offer an actual degree or certificate worth any graduate credits. Shut the fuck up

No. 2093844

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From what I can tell she's with him right now. I'm just waiting for the inevitable "I moved in" post since she's sort of always homeless… or something.

No. 2093862

Aw, it’s the Harvard student’s first time at a real college campus! Nothing like your fat stinky online gf coming to stay with you in your twin bed

No. 2093871

Imagine you're his roommate and, as if it weren't bad enough to room with him, now his lardtarded homeless girlfriend with face tattoos and a school shooter obsession is there too.

No. 2093878

holy shit enough selfposting no one cares about this bitch

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No. 2048486[Reply]

Read the rules before posting! Newfags, type “sage” in the email field (unless reporting new milk). The same ol’ song and dance: Do not post faces of minors or links to Sabrina’s daughter’s social media.

Rules link

SixGinn/Morgan Hoffman:

> Continues to confuse her own timelines to support whatever story she’s telling.

> More health fibs and fixations, “I’ve been pre diabetic since 2019.”
> As per the last handful of threads, still can’t shut up about that one time she was pregnant for two minutes, two years ago.
> As per almost her entire history online, still can’t shut up about her loser exes being losers.
> Buys herself a ring but says it’s from Ty, admits it’s not an engagement ring but liiiiike who even wants that!
> Rockiness with Ty comes to a head and ultimately they break up.
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No. 2093843

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Schwaggle posted Sabrina just laying beside him uninterested, looking at photos of herself KEKKKKK life is bleak over there.

No. 2093845

This was obviously posted because she photoshops and angles herself to look much different.

No. 2093868

Not her messaging him on snapchat and him not even caring to reply kek

No. 2093880

The founder and CEO of Only Fans is
Tim Stokely. Then he appointed Amrapali Gan and now it’s Keily Blair. Who tf is Leo KEK

No. 2093897

Leo is the one who owns myfreecams but I think they bought out onlyfans or something so this moron just tries to flex he is the founder. He fucks a lot of the lolcow camgirls. He didn't want to fuck Pumpy ever.

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No. 2017915[Reply]

>Rape victim Timothy Heller came out in 2017, and shared her experience
>Mel was quick to tell her fans not to make up random rumors against Oliver Tree, her ex, but not against Timothy Heller, who has spoken out about her experience with Mel
>Thanked fans for harrassing, victim-blaming, and denying the truth about Timothy's story.
>Admitted to having sexual physical contact with Tim ("She never said no"), only to change her story and claim nothing happened at all.
>Has had more than one victim speak up regarding her lack of sexual boundaries, such as Madeleine Carina
>Her former workers have come out and express how she was narcissistic, couldn't understand things outside of her "narrow reality" and overall very verbally abusive towards them while working for her. (such as Gina Fey, who worked on her PR)
>Sold overpriced merch to fans, such as a cheap version of the dress for 175-275USD, that's so cheap not only can you see through it, but many fans admit they don't even wear the dress due to how easily it rips.
>When criticized, she attempted to justify said prices by claiming that she was in debt and is struggling to afford to pay bills, and lying about being a multi-millionaire.
>Has posted CP of Jennette McCurdy on her Tumblr before, as well as illustrating child pornography of her crybaby caricature.
>Timothy Heller has come out again as of 2024 on TikTok and discussed her experience with the doxxing, harassment, misinformation and smear campaign and psychological abuse that Melanie's community has put her through.

Melanie's Twitter https://x.com/melanielbbh?lang=en
Melanie's currently inactive Tumblr Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2093119

>Its that generic also her and Jazmin bean just copy the works of asian illustrators and kawaii Harajuku style without paying any homage to that community
To be fair Jazmin Bean, Lucy Loone, and other Melanie-esque artists bring something kind of interesting to the whole “pastel pink creepy cute” thing and Jazmin actually got a more unique aesthetic after becoming an adult. Melanie just made a more sexual Nicole Dollanganger aesthetic and then turned it into mushroom fairy new age spiritualism shit when people got sick of it. It’s like if Pixielocks and Shayna fused. The whole “spirituality” shit feels so forced too, I’m almost convinced the whole reason she believes in reincarnation is because she wants to be a kid again and be able to wear diapers without getting funny looks kek

Weird as fuck but honestly the teens on TikTok claiming “Melanie groomed me with her music” is additionally hilarious to me

No. 2093509

Kek "grooming" has no more meaning these days.

No. 2093684

Why isn’t her concerts 18+ when she simgs songs about sucking dicks and drinking cum. She just loves exposing children to sexual themes.

No. 2093838


I was at one of the Trilogy shows and there was so many kids there which I thought was really fucked. Elita was one of her opening performers and she sang masturbating in a coffin. I swear I saw kids starting from 6 years old dressed up in the crybaby outfits. That gig was a pedos wet dream.

No. 2093912

which is not her fault, to be honest. she could have placed a warning on her show but unless there's bouncers there keeping the kids out what the hell is she supposed to do? parents should be ensuring their kids are not getting exposed to that shit

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No. 1974188[Reply]

Popular transbian youtuber and general sex pest

>wrote Stockholm, a mlp fanfic where rainbow dash is a transbian who the 14 year old cutie mark crusaders want to get molested by and do. Also features Rarity x Sweetie Bell incest.

>years later his sister comes out saying that the entire fanfic is based on Lily molesting her, specificaly Lily's fantasies of stil being able to abuse his sister at the age of 14 when she put locks on her bedroom door
>Lily admits this is her sister and her fanfic but denies the obvious conclusion of sexual abuse
>obsession with sisterhood, incest and lesbian appears constantly in videos to this day
>also has a long running comic about her self insert also named Lily Orchard and her Gardevoir sister who she forms a mating bond with
>forces her gfs to do things by saying they make her feel desirable as a poor unattractive trans woman
>made an hour long video recently ranting about the incest game Andy and Leyley; it has popular comments


Kiwi farms: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/jerry-peet-lily-orchard-lily-peet-valkyrstudios-bhaalspawn-tara-callie-mod-ebara.18327/page-2

Videos criticizing Lilly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQxnmE2Bdjo&t=1354s
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No. 2087874

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Don’t know why this thread was bumped but look who rebranded! Don’t know if CD-Call has any meaning as a username but I’m not shocked this is classic “running from the consequences of my own actions” type of behavior

No. 2087978

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Joon the king's documentary on Jerry being on the brink of reaching 1 million views is just delicious. He cant run away from it now, he's no longer a niche horror cow amongst the niche autismo cartoon community, his creepyness is known even by normalfags now.

No. 2093810

New clip of “CD” screaming at Mikaila has surfaced. I wonder when the divorce arc is coming
>Joon the king's documentary on Jerry being on the brink of reaching 1 million views is just delicious. He can’t run away from it now
The rebrand was basically pointless Joon and other people have just added the new username into their video titles. Courtney has said that some of her friends nicknamed her Casey when she was younger and she thinks that the meaning of the CD-Call username is to mock that and honestly I could believe it at this rate

No. 2093814

wasn't peet's alt named "(Tara)Callie"? CD-Callie? It's just up his alley to do that bc he thinks he's so smart and can pretend anyone who points it out is being crazy, it's something narcissists love to do

No. 2093895

this is over a video game

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No. 2014335[Reply]

The common traits of the typical e-girl:

>ahegao selfies

>accuse each other of copying meanwhile all owning the same Moeflavor lingerie sets and cheap, ill fitting, AliExpress/SHEIN clothes
>always getting into some sort of internet drama with other e-girls
>extremely performative for woke internet points yet ends up getting exposed for being problematic themselves
>making callout posts about anybody they currently have beef with
>room full of Sanrio merch, anime figures and Squishmallows
>japancore weeb/jojifuku aesthetic
>loli uwu persona and other pedo-pandering behavior
>Belle Delphine skin walking
>into ddlg/pet play
>tries to look Asian
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No. 2093827

No. 2093847

Telling moids to kill you "so they can have their way with you without saying no" is a level of pick me not even Shayna does. You'd almost feel bad for this self harm but she's so low she's basically a moid. Rotten soul

No. 2093848

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These tweets are possibly the most pathetic pleas for attention I have ever witnessed in my life. The fact that she attaches her face to this shit and that her parents will likely see it just makes it all the worse. Also, why would you feel bad for her anymore after she said that she wanted to do a OF shoot cosplaying a real 11 year old girl? She's fucking up her life up entirely by her own volition, nobody is making her do this.

No. 2093849

>really dehumanizing
and fantasizing about being raped to death wasn't? Good, you saggy titted bitch. No one should like that tweet.

No. 2093853

These have to be ragebait posts. She's so pathetically desperate for engagement. Keep pushing those pancakes up higher though sweetie. You'll never be the next Bianca (at least I hope not).

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No. 2062735[Reply]

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>2032879

Mark is fat and ugly >>2037045
Steven Universe artist tried to sell Rebecca Sugar's NSFW drawings >>2037190
Twitterfags tried to cancel a MLP artists for drawing a horse's hair wrong >>2039352
MLP G5 is ending, leaks for G6 are out >>2040579
The pixar lolicon vtuber tried to rebrand >>2041394
Velma is cancelled >>2043740
Bolhem Bouchiba, a top animator at Disney & Pixar ordered the rape of hundreds of young girls (ages 3-15) in the Philippines through live streaming >>2044443
Lackadaisy creator accused of defending a transphobe. >>2049879
Blackgryphon wrote a song about fucking sweetie belle >>2053151
Zeurel released monkey wrench episode 4, no one cared >>2056127
episode of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur got scrapped because of Donald Trump winning the election >>2056654
Aang made a response to Jane(weird troon who might have molested his 5yo sister) >>2058896
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No. 2093792

what do nonas think of the recent shrek 5 teaser

No. 2093852

Technology and design sensibilities march on, but the designs look too…streamlined, I guess? Shrek looks like his skin was stretched over Wreck it Ralph's skeleton, and Zendaya Ogre is a little too tie-in toy looking. I hope they don't completely give up the mild satire on animated movies/fairy tales for some weak "it's all about family!" schmaltz narrative for the Millennial parents they're courting. Kids still love snarky shit.

No. 2093863

Why is teenage Shrekita in such a weird scale compared to Fiona? They couldn't make the Shrek kid look more like the models used for her parents? Why are her eyes so massive in comparison to their eyes? Is anybody else tripping about this is or is it just me? Shrek and Fiona look solid to me but the Shrek kid looks so off, like a Disney princess Ogre.

No. 2093870

another case of "the new character(s) in a beloved franchise are clear mary sue self-inserts"

No. 2093900

>christmas 2026
what is the point of posting a teaser for a movie that wont come out for 2 more years

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No. 2091522[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans"community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2093864

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haha touché nonnie
i guess i thought i had to censor it.. how embarrassing
the jokes literally write themselves. this page is a agp goldmine

No. 2093867

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men all lumping against a woman worrying for her safety? color me shocked


No. 2093869

>scummy preference
Literally anyone can pretend to be transgender, and there are many articles about rape and assault in female prisons/pedophiles transitioning behind bars to prove it. It shouldn't bother you so fucking much, just ignore it. Literally the most trivial thing to cry about. Worry about the men plotting to assault and murder you and not the timid passive aggressive they/them Soaps you'd clash horribly with as roommates anyway. If you hate to be told no this much then you have some narcissism to unwind.

No. 2093876

Rare peaked TIF W, any moid calling women -phobic or -cist for feeling unsafe around men is a misogynistic predator. If they were actually women, they'd know what we have to fear and that males need to face the consequences for the reputation they've made for themselves.

No. 2093906

I don’t know why they’re acting like once the TIFs /handmaidens see them in person anyway to check out the housing/sign the lease, they won’t clock them and refuse to room together but be vague about why. TIMs can’t really be obtuse about the fact that the same sisterhood they so desperately want to be apart of, as mentioned in the name, has no place for males.

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