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No. 2083115
After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).
This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.
Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.
The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.
Last thread:
>>>/snow/2054439Laura: a 4 month “glow-up”. Such an incredible difference! A photoshopped and filtered picture compared to an unedited one! Laura reunited with Dween, her ex girlfriend, no, friend, no, lover. Whatever their relationship is, it’s weird.
Enara: presented so much to the hospital that they eventually placed her on palliative psychiatric care. She claimed she no longer has any access to opioids, benozos or antipsychotics. All her admissions were ceased and therapy was reduced. Posted her list of yearly accomplishments, which included receiving an IO line for the fourth time. Bought 19 pairs of doc martens. Enara was tubed for a week. Provided selfie as proof. Enara is currently in a wheelchair for surgery on both of her legs. Let’s not forget Rico, Enara’s PTSD assistance dog (even if Enara herself has.)
Abby: same as always: absolutely no self-awareness, head banging on the daily, going out in public with no shame and her head wrapped up like Mr Bump. The only interesting thing about her to come from this thread is the paedophile predator she is now “best friends” with. Strap in, nonnies, this is a wild one.
Paedo Becca: with trauma. She uses this to manipulate and prey on young, mentally ill girls She tells different people different versions of her trauma. Apparently her grandfather was the leader of a paedo ring at church, but this has been changed with other people. Exchanged roses with Abby on the beach and Abby was found on a queer dating app stating she is bi. Was incest with her sister. Posed for pictures in lingerie with each other. Her sister walks around the house with her tits out.
Colours: a letter inviting her to a personality disorder assessment, then promptly received another to say it was a mistake. She had already been seen by that department “without success”. Posted a concerning story stating she wanted to hurt people and they deserve it. She wanted to end them and end herself. Concerning, albeit a little funny.
Becca: been very quiet. Someone posted to her account saying that she is safe and to definitely NOT ask questions. Made a post about being discharged and spending New Years with her family for the first time since 2017.
Katya: to London to stage a suicide attempt because her local police know she won’t actually do anything. One
nonnie had an acquaintance whose mother died of cancer. Katya said, “I’d kill myself if I had you as a daughter too.” She stole someone’s pictures of a stillborn premature baby, claiming it was her son. She bullied someone for their weight until she took her life. Has been accused of killing past pets and animal abuse.
Jaycie: tiktok has been purged (excuse the pun) and now only features one video of herself with a tube (naturally) and a super long caption spewing nothing but bullshit.
Kat: baiting by saying she’s been referred to ED services for atypical anorexia. Definitely not the highest level of autistic that she claims to be. Posted about her carers inadequately caring for her. One of them didn’t follow his plan for when Kat inevitably spilled water on her feet and had a meltdown. Her needs were too great for him and he left, saying, “This is bullshit.”
May: a half naked selfie in the proana thread to prove how super anorexic she is. Presented to A&E after apparently not eating for five days. Was allowed out of the hospital to go shopping for “safe foods”. Was discharged as there was nothing wrong with her.One doctor wrote, “Reports of not eating are inconsistent with BMI of 17.” Now trying to claim PIP. Keeps baiting that she’s going to discharge herself from ED services. Is threatening to sue the NHS. There was a cow crossover with May and Laura. Claims her Mother is 'abusing' her despite putting her up aged 26 and funding her batshittery and munchausens and is demanding additional hours at her job as a shitwiper, why the NHS are refusing to just sack her is unclear. Recently appeared in the TikTok “chronic illness community”, BPDd too hard, got ostracised.
Lara: dyke. Been inpatient for 5-6 years on constant 2-1 or 1-1 observations because she loves headbanging. Made a cake to celebrate her autism diagnosis.
Lauren: Chronic headbanger, used to post self harm pics on tumblr. Got section 136d 6 times in 2024. Spent September to November waiting for a “crisis bed”, immediately got kicked out the ward for self harm. Wrote a “deeply personal” 1,450 word BPD manifesto to an MP, kicked off when they gave her a stock response. Numerous surgeries, blood transfusions, iron infusions and a burns ward admission for self harm.
Caroline: cow. Manipulated her way into an autism diagnosis by studying for her assessment a year in advance. Creeped her old CPN out by writing her songs, promptly got dumped. Showed up at her CMHT building twice with a knife threatening to off herself. Asked police to shoot her in the head. Self discharges from services constantly. Had cancer, in remission, still plays the card though. Livetweets from bridges when people call her out on her shit. Locked out of her work email for sending the entire team a lengthy suicide note. Claims her sister stalks her.
No. 2083195
File: 1738140673475.png (548.45 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_0958.png)

>>2083179I think we know you all too well
No. 2083196
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No. 2083197
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lovely, fuck everyone’s commute up.
(not that she’ll do it)
No. 2083200
File: 1738143073115.jpeg (433.7 KB, 1179x1227, IMG_0960.jpeg)

Guess she didn’t jump then
No. 2083215
>>2083214and then sat in the public emergency department with it still on her head
this woman has a child
No. 2083220
File: 1738146816896.jpeg (46.59 KB, 800x800, IMG_0231.jpeg)

>>2083202need to get one of these going. it has been (5) seconds since Caroline threatened to kill herself on twitter
No. 2083223
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>>2083222Recollections may vary
No. 2083225
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I mean at least she admits that she discharge baits in the hope of being escalated huh May
No. 2083229
>>2083225Honestly the more I see and read about this cow the more I think it’s really just a future insight into May in approx 10-15 years time kek. She has the same
victim complex, (right down to the nasty workplace and internet boollies!) BPD discharge baiting and demanding treatment in hospitals and services despite not having anything wrong except a severe lack of craved attention
No. 2083247
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didn't catch in time before caroline DFE'd
No. 2083284
I typo'd 'waking' instead of wk but now I'm imagining a monster being awakened because its name was invoked on here.
No. 2083292
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No. 2083342
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>>2083276She called the cops on Caroline for her incessant suicide baiting kek
No. 2083358
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No. 2083367
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Shamed for committing a crime. What is the world coming to. Also: AGAIN WITH THE PISS
No. 2083479
File: 1738192231281.png (773.24 KB, 764x743, Screenshot 2025-01-29 230922.p…)

i am so sorry
inb4 'low effort' but my brain kinda put the go piss girl meme and caroline constantly pissing herself for attention together, so obviously i had to do it
No. 2083795
>>2083361ntayrt but
nonnie if you’re going to complain then make a thread yourself. if not shut the fuck up
(infighting) No. 2084047
File: 1738332695189.jpeg (253.5 KB, 1179x1119, IMG_7137.jpeg)

This isn’t autism, Caroline, it’s raging BPD
No. 2084079
>>2084070*pretending to attempt to
how many times is she going to say 'i am going to die now' 'i am going to end up dead' without actually attempting? she's never ever attempted, she's never even seriously self harmed. and we know she's not exactly someone with much self control….if she really felt like doing it, she'd have tried it numerous times
No. 2084126
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Good job you’re neither traumatised or autistic then, innit!
No. 2084183
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Pretty sure the reply says something along the lines of “what are they supposed to do?”
Newsflash, Caroline, you DO have the capacity to off yourself and you cannot just say “I didn’t have capacity” and expect it to mean anything, retard.
No. 2084189
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Also, she finished chemo last summer yet STILL using it as an excuse. You’re fucking fine dickhead
No. 2084207
>>2084193literally, caroline claims all the medication she's on doesn't help her, that she is JUST autistic, doesn't want any of the help offered except art therapy (but wishes she'd chosen music!), only liked being under the cmht when she had a worker she could get obsessed with and stalk, so why does she need to still be under them?
what else can they actually give her?
bitch what the fuck do you want lmfaoooo
No. 2084274
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>>2084208Not only is she going to run back, but she’s going armed with a bunch of printouts to retrospectively “prove” she didn’t have capacity… they’re going to laugh in her fucking face.
No. 2084278
File: 1738378131598.jpeg (591 KB, 1179x1647, IMG_7154.jpeg)

Christ, she really is insufferable. She asked them to discharge her and they agreed so why the fuck is she so upset about this?? They didn’t give you “permission to kill yourself” Caroline ffs, that’s what YOU heard because god forbid they treated you as an adult who can make their own decisions. Quit your fucking whining
No. 2084332
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Listening to someone say something you don’t like isn’t sensory overwhelm
No. 2084366
File: 1738415064791.jpeg (979.33 KB, 500x2335, IMG_3213.jpeg)

oh do fuck off lara. wasn’t it a year or so ago she was happily quaffing the HAPPY AUTISM cake she asked her family to buy for her?
No. 2084417
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>>2084396She finished the chemo in August of last year.
No. 2084420
>>2084417Jamie Oliver? KEK.
But yea that's over 5 months ago. I'm not an expert but I don't think you'd still be feeling the effects now, surely?
No. 2084422
>>2084366“You’ll no longer have the strength to follow your dreams and passions and engage in everyday life” kek her only fucking dream and passion is to live in hospitals wasting resources and being coddled so she doesn’t have to engage in everyday life, seems she has
more than enough strength and energy for that. Pisses me off when cows spout lines like that whilst living in hospitals or whatever, no responsibilities, bills, jobs or cares in the world being looked after 24/7. They wouldn’t know what engaging in real life was if it slapped them in the face
No. 2084443
File: 1738430741435.jpg (420.89 KB, 1536x2048, Git-qHpXEAE0KyA.jpg)

non binary obviously means dressing like she's on a school trip to a roman fort now? jesus christ
No. 2084444
File: 1738430783154.png (2.03 MB, 1542x1325, Screenshot 2025-02-01 172319.p…)

incredibly unfortunate placement there. look at that utter degeneration
No. 2084447
>>2084414this was months (a year?) ago, the “hospital let her get bad” (i.e. she was in an acute ward or something and they ignored her refusing food) I’ll try and find caps if no other anon has them.
>>2084443>roman fortkek
why is she dressed in sackcloth like some kind of penitant. it’ll be a hair shirt next. also the jellycat…75 quid. did she buy that herself?
No. 2084670
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How cruel of them to force an autism diagnosis on you - because they decided it and you had no part in the process whatsoever
No. 2084682
>>2084670The thing is she
didnt “make attempts”. She loitered around a bridge for a while but did she actually jump? No. She took an offensive weapon to CMHT. Did she actually slit her throat? Did she even break skin? No. I know this might sound cold but if she really wanted to attempt she’s had ample opportunity to do so. No wonder these professionals aren’t taking her seriously, they must be utterly done with this boy cry wolf shit
No. 2084741
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>>2084739I know it's completely o/t but….
The Trauma one is in chains and has a tiny extra bunny and a hole in the centre and a fucked up mask…..
No. 2084742
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>>2084741They have everything you can think of. And they're all gross.
No. 2084743
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>>2084741I'll stop but you get it. Yuck.
(derailing) No. 2084796
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>>2084682This was a pic of her “self harm” from back in November. She doesn’t even try.
No. 2084797
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Old post from Cazza but relevant given her self discharge/capacity nonsense recently. This was when she got dumped by her old CPN. Says a lot about her that the MH team are putting a plan in place to support themselves rather than her loll
No. 2084808
>>2084797Oh look Caz, you had capacity then too! Kek this is next level BPD shit, imagine having to have your team supported and a full on plan in place for them, because of
No. 2084892
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Defo sounds like a munchie lol(namefaggging)
No. 2084893
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No. 2084894
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No. 2084908
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Forgot Caroline had BlueSky, here are some recent gems from her epic breakdown
No. 2084909
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No. 2084910
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No. 2084948
>>2084443Where is this picture from?
>>2084910Caroline admitted multiple times to faking and studying for the autism assessment. Huh.
>>2084913She was. In the previous thread she was brought up. And clearly has found her way here.
No. 2085019
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>>2084948People presented all the times she’d been saying “Is it an autism thing if” and asking for studies to back up why she wouldn’t have met a particular part of the diagnostic criteria (having imagination) and she did a sad about it
No. 2085075
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What team? You discharged yourself!
No. 2085076
>>2085067Imagine coming in to do the 500th assessment in your long, storied career working with autistics and this cunt “kindly” informs you of something that hasn’t even been scientifically validated (I don’t think?)
The sheer nerve of it.
No. 2085092
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They were right when they put “histrionic” on her notes kek
No. 2085169
>>2085092She's like a female andy ditch except pissy, not shitty (still ugly though)
(male cow, usually documented on KF, basically completely normal and decided to become autistic in his 30s, destroys everyone's lives with it, intentionally shits himself, forces people to change his diaper, munched his way into care facilities, constant caller to crisis lines and police, 'BUT I'M AUTISTIC' 'IT'S MY COPING SKILL' etc)
(integrate) No. 2085189
File: 1738608803915.jpeg (268.63 KB, 1179x690, IMG_1028.jpeg)

Don’t forget to piss your pants as well!
No. 2085198
>>2085189even if i knew nothing about autism and mental health, i'd think she's a fucking bullshit liar simply because even after the worst breakdowns, i have never heard of someone degenerating this much after being completely functional and normal for what will be the vast majority of their life.
this woman got a degree in what, biomedical sciences. when exams and boundaries were objectively harder. she went out with the confidence to seek, apply for, interview for and do her job for a very long time. found a husband, planned a wedding, bought a house, had and has brought up a child…and now she's like this. she's had no brain damage. no psychosis. and she is like this.
No. 2085237
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That’s because you committed a VIOLENT CRIME
No. 2085257
File: 1738625365628.png (1.97 MB, 750x1334, 1000070230.png)

I know it's been long suspected but has anyone actually come out and said they damaged their brain by head banging before? Apparently that's why Aimee has FND (yet the hospital still can't stop her doing it).
No. 2085259
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Not sure which hospital she's convinced to do the surgery. Surgeries; plural actually.
No. 2085275
>>2085257Sorry for medfagging but FND is a conversion disorder - i.e. neurological symptoms WITHOUT neurological damage. It isn’t “caused” by anything beyond mental illness. The stress from headbanging may have
triggered it, but it’s not brain damage. It’s a purely psychological condition.
No. 2085449
Hi, recovering_my_sparkle here, one of your latest “cows”. I’m curious about a lot of things and I have a lot to say so here goes.
Firstly, it is quite frankly disgusting (and that’s putting it politely) that you sit around chatting absolute shit about vulnerable people. Do you not have anything better to do with your time other than tear into people who you don’t know anything about or are your lives so boring and pathetic that this is the only kick you can get? Social media only ever shows a snapshot of what is going on in someone’s life - there is so much in my life that I don’t share because it’s either not appropriate or no one else’s business. What makes you qualified to make these assumptions about people and their lives?
Secondly, I would love to know how you have come to the conclusion that I have munchausens. Because if you knew anything about the testing process for Fowlers Syndrome and all the hoops that you have to jump through, you’d know that it’s not possible to fabricate the results or symptoms. I’d like to see any of you hold 3 litres of urine in your bladder without pissing yourself - because if you didn’t have fowlers, that is exactly what would happen. You can’t force or manipulate your bladder muscle into not working, it either works or it doesn’t.
If you knew what someone with fowlers goes through, I doubt you’d make it 24 hours before pushing for answers and relief. The pressure of spasms in our bladders is comparable to contractions during labour. And they are spasms that I experience every day. Every day for 6 years I get bouts of pain that is comparable to child birth. Put up with that for a week or a month and come back to me - because I can almost guarantee that the knock on effect to your mental health would be huge.
I have also had sepsis numerous times. It has nearly killed me. Experiencing septic shock is the most terrifying thing I’ve been through, I certainly wouldn’t lie about it or want to induce the symptoms myself. I wouldn’t even know how to induce the symptoms. My physical health conditions, like many others who have chronic illness, have turned my life upside down. I’d give anything to go back to the life I was living 6 years ago but I can’t - so I’m trying to make the best of a shitty situation.
My reality is the real one… for me. It is what I live with every single fucking day, so how dare you say that I am lying. Are you saying that everyone with fowlers is making it up? Or are you just picking on a select few?
Oh and by the way, FND can be triggered by more than just mental illness. Maybe do some actual research before spouting shit that isn’t true. Having some compassion and empathy for others wouldn’t go amiss either.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2085477
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No. 2085501
File: 1738700367419.jpeg (164.8 KB, 1179x522, IMG_1046.jpeg)

Guess they’re not taking you back then
No. 2085662
File: 1738745438415.png (236.11 KB, 444x791, Screenshot 2025-02-05 084715.p…)

From recovering_my_sparkle's story. Lol, you're not vulnerable Anna, you're a munchie. You post pics of yourself half naked with a catheter hanging out and pics of unidentified pills for attention. Die mad that you copped a ban.
No. 2085666
nonnie don’t forget the couple of ‘I’ve taken this go the police they’re investigating this website!!!’ claims some of them come out with. They’re that BPD and all
me, me, meeeee they think law enforcement couldn’t possibly have real shit to deal with.
No. 2085679
nonnie, just beautiful.
There’s a munchie on illnessfakers who claims Fowler’s and she is absolutely full of it so personally idgaf if Anna has a real diagnosis or not, cow behaviour kinda negates it imo coz nobody needs to hear about your piss problems on social media (Caroline: take hints)
No. 2085723
>>2085662I'm curious about something. How did she know she was posted? This
>>2084892 was the first time she's been mentioned in the past, like, 5 threads. We barely talk about her, yet she still showed up a day later with her long-winded who-cares munchie plea (munchplea). So how did she know? Googling herself would not lead her here, "recovering_my_sparkle" has only been typed in this thread twice (three times now, kek) and the first time was
by her, after she was posted. Was she cowtipped? Does she lurk? Does she check here often? Does she munch among us right now? Most embarrassing behavior if so…
No. 2085731
>>2085729First ayrt, thank you nona, I was about to ask if it was screenshot. I searched for her username but didn't find her, and Ctrl+F wouldn't include images. This does further confirm that she couldn't have Googled herself, because a standard Google search doesn't look for text within images, either.
>>2085724Not saying you're wrong, but I cannot fathom why
anyone would self post here. Munching for negative attention I guess?
No. 2085737
File: 1738770852188.jpeg (661.09 KB, 1170x1463, IMG_0687.jpeg)

sage for no milk but relevant
No. 2085740
What and who is this though
Nonnie? I know Laura applied or dance courses recently and posted some stuff like this but I don't think autism was a requirement. That's hilarious. Also discriminatory to everyone who isn't autististic. How anti-ablist.
No. 2085768
File: 1738779141637.png (818.99 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1050.png)

Yes I’m sure the police will make investigating this a number one priority after your CMHT shenanigans
No. 2085816
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No. 2085944
File: 1738812518135.jpeg (454.97 KB, 967x1339, IMG_2677.jpeg)

No. 2086007
File: 1738831188230.jpeg (590.54 KB, 1179x1387, IMG_1057.jpeg)

No. 2086025
>>2085944she’s “endeavoured to be honest” but literally who asked for her to share this information in the first place? she might as well hold up a sign saying GIB ME SYMPATHY AND ASSPATS. time to invest in a journal Lara coz I promise nobody fucking cares how long you’ve managed to go without being a retard
>>2086007that’s proof of an agenda if I’ve ever seen one. probably sought a diagnosis to stick it to the mEaNiEs at work not realising an autism dx doesn’t actually mean automatic accommodations. you have to legitimately struggle with something specifically and other than her BPD she functions just fine
No. 2086102
>>2085811>But we only discuss what's put out there, if you don't want to be talked about, stop posting every detail of your life and get a journal instead.But she
does want to be talked about, nona! She'll
never get a journal, and if she does, she'll post every single page on Instagram for that sweet, sweet attention. Above all else, the goal of a munchie is to be publicly pitiful. And I sure do pity her! But probably not for her intended reasons, kek.
No. 2086104
File: 1738859559808.jpeg (342.83 KB, 1177x1627, IMG_1060.jpeg)

No. 2086109
File: 1738859967013.png (83.67 KB, 847x606, Screenshot 2025-02-06 113801.p…)

>>2086104Emotionally unstable personality disorder? They diagnosed this bitch with Toddler Brain!?
No. 2086128
>>2086121he is not a woman,
nonnie!!! normal rules do not apply to Lars !!!
No. 2086129
File: 1738864808185.jpeg (439.71 KB, 1179x1250, IMG_7414.jpeg)

>>2086104This tweet from 7 hours before that one sure aged well.
No. 2086132
File: 1738865177852.jpeg (103.96 KB, 800x800, IMG_0238.jpeg)

>>2086104>I need gentleness alwayslike the love and care you always give to others? Take some of these and fuck off
No. 2086137
>>2086129Ffs… If you are going down the munchie route the least you can do is being consistent with your lies. Istg, I have a love/hate relationship with this cow. I love the shitshow she is, but she always gives me a headache.
I feel bad for her poor kid and her husband. I'd rather kms than have to put up with her every single day.
No. 2086204
File: 1738881278552.jpeg (741.52 KB, 1179x1625, IMG_7427.jpeg)

Caroline really will play the cancer card forever, won’t she. This isn’t “straight after” either. And plenty of cancer patients manage to get through it without terrorising the local CMHT with knives and writing LIAR on their faces
No. 2086211
>>2086204The way she uses cancer as a get out card is infuriating. Her logic makes no sense besides being a
victim complex. Is she in remission or is it active?
No. 2086232
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Never posted here before so please bare with me if I get things wrong. I realise that the screenshot has already been posted but I have access to Enara's CF list. I want to disclose the real reason why Enara's Psychiatrist diagnosed her with this disorder which she DID know about and chucked a tantrum over when her Psychiatrist refused to remove it. Enara threatened her Psychiatrist by stating she would terminate with her, her Psychiatrist didn't like the threat so was the one who actually terminated with Enara and despite Enara begging her to keep her, her Psychiatrist followed through. So Enara disclosed the reason why her Psychiatrist believe she had this disorder and it came down to the fact that she didn't believe her story of rape while in the ADF. Her Psychiatrist acknowledged she had the report to state it did happen, in theory, however because "I got a few details wrong during EMDR" aka her version of events were forever changing which I then began to pick up on too. Along with her other behaviours, her Psychiatrist had reasonable grounds to diagnose her with this disorder to hold her accountable for her actions as she couldn't reverse the damage Enara had done plus it wasn't like he was committed cause she had no evidence to prove her story. I'm not asking you to believe me but take her accusations of abuse include the alleged uncle with a gain of salt as this cow just wants her utters milked.

No. 2086258
>>2086104Excuse me, what? Wtf is she talking about?
>But I have just had cancer.So? And you love people with BPD? Well I don't claim you. Don't love me. Kek.
No. 2086263
>>2086204She cannot keep her shit straight can she?
Faked and studied her ass off to get Autism Dx. Got autism Dx. Happy. Then doesn't want autism Dx. Says autism Dx was rescinded. Says autism Dx was correct. Gets BPD Dx. Upset with BPD Dx because it will 'overshadow' autism Dx. Throws historical cancer around for no reason.
>Telling someone straight after cancer that they are BPD is a violence.No. It's not. And it's not straight after. Just go away. You probably don't even have BPD.
No. 2086285
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She's going on here since there is no new scumbags thread.
No. 2086288
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>>2086285Congratulations on reaching a new level. How many admissions does this count as?
No. 2086293
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I guess she needs those 5 or 6 more dilation surgeries.
No. 2086308
>>2086263Oh she definately has BPD
nonnie, kek! It’s actually the only thing she currently claims to have that seems to be rather fitting! Interesting how the only thing she seems to be crying about is how her fake “autism” will be “over shadowed”; almost as if she LARPed the condition purely as an excuse card for future BPD antics huh
No. 2086332
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No. 2086334
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Hi Caroline