File: 1540423557847.jpeg (698.27 KB, 2048x2048, 78F6E9AA-548B-47B0-9B83-8C650D…)

No. 720482
Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped”.
Starting with shoop queen Fegalvao aka Maria Fernanda aka fer-cosplay. makes adobe after effects edited close up clips of her waist and posts them on her Ig to claim she is “not photoshopped” but is betrayed by candid photos of her at cons. In addition to the body shoops, she shoops on entire cosplays. Any mentions of photoshop result in bans and deleted comments.
Please keep this thread for people who lie about shoops and who make dramatic changes to body/face.
No. 720486
File: 1540423671577.jpeg (451.57 KB, 949x960, E7C90B12-80F9-4CDC-8638-098D39…)

No. 720501
File: 1540424459775.jpeg (655.94 KB, 2048x2048, 163FB8B3-0D8F-40F1-9692-EF5473…)

>>720486Left is from her instagram and right is from a photographer’s shoot at a con she desperately tries to bury.
No. 720503
File: 1540424867924.jpeg (817.05 KB, 2048x2048, 3C76CF92-29AD-4572-AB03-04E19D…)

>>720501Left from IG/right from shoot at con
No. 720504
File: 1540425041598.jpeg (728.85 KB, 2048x2048, 0011E247-0630-4893-AB24-211E28…)

>>720503I think these jinx photos were before her shooping got even more extreme. Compare the jinx pics not edited by her to her newer IG posts for a laugh. Seems after a few con pics got out she is crazy careful to make sure no more candids get posted. I think she stopped going to cons.
No. 720509
>>720499Can you post the horrid American dad cosplay shoop pix anon?
That tit and waist shoop are too obvious, she also appears to shoop her nose, eyes, freakn tear ducts, jawline, and lips.
No. 720541
File: 1540429856029.jpeg (93.92 KB, 560x560, F8F5F4AE-DCDB-4891-BE02-7B46CE…)

I’m rolling at the fact she shooped on the mask, gloves and logo. Not to mention the warped shadow from the tit shoop and the blatant hip/waist edit.
No. 720550
File: 1540430802020.jpeg (16.91 KB, 376x250, D0E7F856-9749-4320-9B21-8F416F…)

>>720539kek it looks like she just glued a banana Runts candy in her belly button.
No. 737940
File: 1543156466706.png (398.61 KB, 473x546, Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 9.31…)

Tagged photo
No. 737948
>>737941this one is honestly worse despite the…
n a s o l a b i a l f o l d sin the other pic
No. 737955
File: 1543158152761.jpg (643.79 KB, 4000x2034, surejan.jpg)

No. 738879
File: 1543286606760.jpeg (417.12 KB, 2048x2048, A2D2A6D5-A019-489C-91D9-6EB30D…)

Jenna Lynn Meowri ultra shoops her face and body
No. 738884
File: 1543286857532.jpeg (199.01 KB, 934x1920, 9E5803CE-1015-4BCA-89FB-8CD674…)

>>738883Are you a whiteknight or something?
I’m also
triggered by how she always yanks her socks up right under her buttcheeks to pretend she has a big ass
No. 738888
File: 1543287197686.png (477.81 KB, 358x654, 43F0E964-EC2A-4922-A15D-4CD278…)

>>738884She barely has any ass at all. Her butt shoops and under-butt stockings are so embarassing
No. 738889
File: 1543287363851.jpeg (639.95 KB, 2048x2048, F558DF85-51CB-45EF-A8FC-A3CDA3…)

No. 748133
File: 1544641071360.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181212-115346.png)

Your chin/jaw is narrow, your eyes look bigger, your boobs grew and your waist is smaller all because you lost 10 pounds. Sure Jan.
No. 748169
File: 1544643929154.jpg (848.73 KB, 1242x1844, wut.jpg)

This girl shoops all of her photos and nobody points it out??? Idk how people find this cute because she looks like an alien
No. 748935
File: 1544757595286.jpeg (611.27 KB, 2048x2048, 0154F70F-3EA0-43BD-A868-43A424…)

>>737955You’re taking pictures from when she was fat and comparing them to when she was skinny. This are poor examples of her horrendous photoshop. Here are some good examples. They seem to be getting more extreme lately, she’s so careless about the warping fingers and doors. First photo is of how she looks with no shoop.
No. 748946
>>748942Honestly, you’re probably right. it’s just the only picture I can find that’s not an old and of when she was obese.
Sometimes she posts a picture and it’ll be so warped, I’ll go to click on it, and suddenly it’ll be deleted so I can’t open it. Then she reuploads another one that’s not as bad.
No. 748947
File: 1544760061497.png (4.85 MB, 1242x2208, 7962B474-A34F-43DB-B683-479A21…)

>>748935This one is hilarious
No. 748967
File: 1544762011250.jpeg (511.85 KB, 750x1041, 583199C2-EDB2-4F50-B682-C12AAF…)

This girl constantly pops up on my feed and her photoshopping is kind of ridiculous, but nobody ever comments on it. I can’t imagine what editing herself to look like this does to her self esteem.
No. 748969
File: 1544762252640.jpeg (172.35 KB, 254x529, 89B2AAFC-97EA-4CC4-B827-610568…)

>>748967I went into her tagged pics and this is what she looks like without photoshop. You can’t see a whole lot but her jaw is way bigger than she edits it to be.
No. 749271
File: 1544826055918.png (334.81 KB, 306x824, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at 2.19…)

>>749262> unshooped face looks like >>720486's shooped version kek
No. 749362
File: 1544839943452.jpeg (634.59 KB, 2048x2048, 0CE707C5-8C52-4790-989D-A0EC0F…)

>>749271She’s got extendo wrists
No. 749383
>>749182TFW people are noticing that you’re makeup looks as shitty on them as yours does IRL, but you can’t say you blur and warp your face to oblivion, so you desperately double-down and try to make them feel stupid for ever attempting without having ~muh etheral and perfecto genes~
…when wholetime you were on facetune, 5 seconds ago, editing your “genes” for over an hour to look like a funhouse mirror.
It’s like she’s trying to use a (very) knowingly false sense of narcissism to hit the self esteems of others, in lieu of a defense. When in reality she’s just extremely defensive bc she
knows she will never look like her shooped pics.
You’ve got to be real scum to know what it’s like to deeply struggle with self esteem issues yourself, that cause you to self harm and starve. But not even hestitate to shit on the self esteems of girls that look up to you and lie to them to make feel bad about the way they look, just to cover up you’re insecurities about your excessive photoshopping and the way you look.
Then turn around and complain
again that
you have problems about
your self esteem and that others should be sensitive to
you about it, baiting for hugbox replies and compliments.
Whew lad that’s real low
>>749271LMAO she looks nothing like her pics at all
>>748947Those wavy ass bricks and that sidewalk are killing me. It’s like every stone is wavy until it’s just far enough from her body, then they all magically straighten out.
>that overlining lip No. 749385
File: 1544844174430.jpeg (12.97 KB, 115x219, 9F182409-75AA-4606-9028-450A75…)

>>749271Found another one kek
Bonus: she does commissions for her shitty art (which all looks like what she tries to sh00p herself to look like) for ridiculous prices on her DA No. 749397
File: 1544845783593.jpeg (238.81 KB, 1040x1536, 2D71E27E-4807-490A-BF37-5B8648…)

>>748935She goes from
pic related (her real face, her real jaw, her real nose, real eye shape and size, her real lips) to the blonde, tiny nosed, big eyed, overliped alien in ONE MONTH.
She’s the last person to talk shit about people’s makeup, the shoop just gets more sad and apparent if you scroll from the bottom of her IG to the top
I know she lost a shit load of weight but she was experimenting with photoshopping her features heavily before the weight loss too, she hasn’t had surgery, you’re eyes and lips don’t change size and shape with weight loss, def not your nose arch/tip/bridge lol . Must be wild for her bf to see that delusion transformation. No. 749407
File: 1544847541639.jpeg (188.33 KB, 818x1024, 3125C8FF-0BD0-4274-B365-E1EC63…)

>>749404Sorry forget this last one
This is the one photo without makeup. she ended up scratching out her whole face bc she couldn’t shoop it well enough to pass it off as anywhere close to her other pics.
No. 749432
File: 1544852455667.jpeg (579.22 KB, 2048x2048, D401818F-8132-44F3-B159-413D38…)

Earlier this month she posted some picture of herself in the hospital claiming to be sick or whatever. On Facebook, She posted screenshots of these comments of someone calling her out under her ig post.
Not sure why she’s got on a full fucking face of makeup if her “illness” is that serious. She’s so confident with her natural self right? So why’d she bother to put on a full face and shoop it to hell?
No. 749461
File: 1544857921953.jpeg (480.72 KB, 1040x1536, 1D212915-C8A0-45DB-B16D-E2D8D6…)

She thinks she looks her DA drawings. Then got a paid commission for a girls character…. and made it into herself instead. Exactly the same.
She shoops her features exactly like her drawings, and she was drawing this way before when she posted her old real face. Reminds me of those 2+ yrs when kota use to shoop herself to look like her weird drawings (when kiki was just starting to lose her MySpace fame)
No. 749464
File: 1544858119236.jpeg (109.59 KB, 1040x682, 5C40F72C-36AA-4351-B086-7C510D…)

Double post
>that one thick line of str8 highlighter
Also, is she trying to convince people that her hair is real? When people compliment her on her “long hair” she says “thank you!!” when she’s clearly wearing extensions and has multiple photos from 4-7 weeks ago showing her with her real length of hair.
No. 749472
File: 1544860681617.jpeg (180.92 KB, 882x1271, 7C157304-0849-4E2A-A6D4-7674AC…)

>>748169Is she really 17? Is she in high school or something? She posts during school hours sometimes. It’s pretty sad she does it so excessively at that young of an age, she seems nice besides that. Hopes she gets more confidence to post her real face. Every photo is either insanely altered or has her phone covering her entire face (only on the photos where she’s not wearing any foundation/makeup)
Pic related is the reflection in her mirror, she attempted to alter it a bit but forgot parts of the body and nose etc. in her shoops it’s minuscule but here you can see it more normally. She gave an random weird excuse in the caption for “looking bad”.
No. 749474
File: 1544862488335.png (525.61 KB, 720x807, Angles.png)

>>749407Scrolling her account is a weird experience because she's so bad at shoop she makes everything look broken. She looks like a girl who's been hit by a car 24-7
>>749362Here's a cap from a video she posted where her face looks very different
No. 749485
File: 1544869226561.png (360.13 KB, 606x379, 0909.png)

>>749472What the fuck? While scrolling, I thought that was a photo of the Hashimoto Lulu doll.
Don't tell me this is a real person trying to pass that off as their face.
No. 749488
>>749383I honestly believe anyone who's stupid enough to think
>>749362>>748947>>748935>>737955is what a real person looks like deserves whatever mental anguish and low self esteem it causes them. She Photoshops herself into a CGI character, lmao. Not even Dakota was this bad.
No. 749513
File: 1544880199857.png (444.48 KB, 929x520, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 8.22…)

This chick actually scares the crap out of me. I will never understand why people shoop and edit themselves to look like a creepy alien michael jackson
No. 749547
>>749513She said she used to have a 100k account with a lot more of her pictures, anyone know the username? She shoops herself into a this bitmoji-like avatar that’s she’s obsessed w/ apparently.
>”𝓦𝓱𝔂 𝓪𝓶 𝓘 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓬𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓼?𝓑𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓫𝓲𝓰 100𝓴 𝓪𝓬𝓬 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓘 𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮𝓭 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓪 𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓭𝓮𝓵 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷. 𝓘 𝓪𝓵𝓼𝓸 𝓱𝓪𝓭 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓫𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓘 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻. 𝓘 𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓽 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓘 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭𝓷'𝓽 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓱 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓱𝓾𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝔂 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓸𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼. 𝓐𝓵𝓼𝓸 𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓫𝓲𝓰 𝓪𝓬𝓬, 𝓘 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓮 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓷𝓾𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓘 𝓭𝓲𝓭𝓷'𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓫𝓲𝓰 𝓪𝓬𝓬'𝓼 𝓲𝓼 𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓸𝔁𝓲𝓬. 𝓝𝓸𝔀𝓪𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓶 𝓲𝓼 𝓼𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓳𝓸𝓫 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓮, 𝓲𝓽'𝓼 𝓪 𝓱𝓸𝓫𝓫𝔂. 𝓞𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓶 𝓲𝓼 𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓘 𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰. 𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓽 𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓳𝓾𝓭𝓰𝓮𝓭. 𝓐𝓼 𝓪 𝓼𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓬𝓬, 𝓘 𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓷𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓭. 𝓘 𝓪𝓵𝓼𝓸 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓾𝓲𝓵𝓭 𝓪 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓮𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝓭𝓸.
•𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓪𝓬𝓬?
𝓘𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓰𝓲𝓯𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓰𝓲𝓯𝓽 𝓲𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝔀𝓪𝓲𝓯𝓾.
•𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓘 𝓭𝓸 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓪𝓬𝓬?
𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓷 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝔂 𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓾𝓪𝓵 𝓸𝓬 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓬𝔁𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓵.”
c&p from her ig
No. 749550
File: 1544889322099.jpeg (83.93 KB, 1240x245, 370C7BC1-F709-44A2-9EBD-8C457C…)

photoshop ≠ 100% natural
No. 749611
File: 1544902762454.png (653.37 KB, 720x720, Capture _2018-12-15-13-28-25-1…)

>>749472This was taken directly from pull. Its a pic with lost pause and her sister. She uses beautycam im assuming to alter her pictures. You can barely tell its her in the candid. As soon as pull started posting about , she immediateoh made stories telling her fans to report the posts about her real face, stating that it was a breach of her privacy and went on to make suicidal posts or posts trying to garner more pity about her appearance.
No. 749648
File: 1544908478324.jpg (80.03 KB, 768x960, 47386328_2145909958763598_9002…)

>>749474okay I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's seen her shit. I've debated starting a thread on her but I just don't have enough info on her to know if she's milky or not.
sage bc no new info but she's honestly deranged and idk how people on facebook can ride her dick so hard without realizing she's 80% shoop
No. 749676
File: 1544913148289.png (503.54 KB, 386x829, Screenshot_2018-12-15-17-17-22…)

Her thighs are all jaggy from shoop here. I also noticed weird lines on her thighs and left arm ? Loose skin possibly?
No. 749712
>>749676Yeah that's lose skin.
What I don't understand is she said she lost all this weight within like 8 months or so.. how?
No. 749735
File: 1544923770264.png (435.28 KB, 805x534, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 8.22…)

>>749712She looks borderline ana now, but it could just be editing. It's odd though how she went from this (pic) to this
>>749676 No. 750110
>>749746They do, she instantly deletes any and every comment that even hints at her using photoshop. Even mild ones like “omg you’re pix are so pretty! what editing app do you use?” And “you’re so pretty you really don’t need to edit you’re photos!” Just so no one will even
think she uses PS. There’s so many comments she’s responded too where she’s deleted the comment, but kept her reply up to that comment.
All 3 girls posted recently do the same, they’ll reply saying they’re “mean boolies” “THESE ARE MUH GENES” “why do you care so much?!! You’re harassing me!” “I DONT USE ANYTHING!!” While deleting the original comments, regardless of how polite they are. And have their followers do the same to the original comment calling them out.
No. 750113
File: 1545012385373.png (1023.98 KB, 830x1222, mickey.png)

Does anyone know how old she actually is?
No. 750189
>>748935>>748935This is insanely frustrating because she just looks SO much better without the editing. Why would anyone do this?
In other news, looks like she's seen and responded to this thread
No. 750272
File: 1545064828637.jpg (722.21 KB, 1016x1356, 20181217_103526.jpg)

After some digging on Facebook, I found her parents and they're in their early 60's. I found a name related to them who is 33 and returned this image which shows a girl that looks a lot like the early pictures of thequeenofdeer.
No. 750461
>>750113>low carb, high protein>I exercise 1-2 hours a day>saggy anorexicOk fam
She looks maybe 17-18 on the left so 20 now. Some of these people look older than they are though.
No. 750467
File: 1545094232524.png (367.68 KB, 714x577, Deer.png)

>makes self into circus freak for attention
>complains about getting attention
I saw her account a month ago and the images had 500 to 600 likes. This clip has 6,589 views. Looks like it's working.
No. 750688
File: 1545161884930.jpg (12.1 KB, 206x110, y.jpg)

>>749464What's with those horrible overdrawn lips that she tries to pass off as real?
Looks like she's been sucking on a bottle neck
No. 750818
File: 1545177107817.jpeg (672.77 KB, 1242x1976, 48926261-1B93-4023-91AA-37219E…)

>>750688Mickey says she doesn’t photoshop lol
No. 750841
>>750467>"multiple chan threads"bitch what others?
also what a narc to think this whole thread was made for her kek
No. 750852
File: 1545181833186.png (92.03 KB, 720x548, Capture _2018-12-18-19-05-44-1…)

>>7508414chan mentioned her as well. I don't know where, but she was brought up and she even had screenshots.
I dont personally take issue in her appearence, I honestly think she's really pretty. I think one thing that sets people off about her is her lack of modesty.
No. 750857
File: 1545182708499.png (358.68 KB, 828x542, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 8.22…)

Surprised this chick hasn't been posted here yet. I hate how she edits cause it always looks like she's missing her lower jaw. Also, DDLG tags, always a sign of a good cow…
No. 750858
File: 1545182752507.png (188.67 KB, 244x460, Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 8.23…)

>>750857samefag but here's an unedited (or at least less edited) pic of her
No. 750868
File: 1545183947088.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1242x1852, 88AA9777-CADF-4DAE-AF11-34C1A7…)

> I haven’t retouched a photo since 2016!!!1! I’m confident now1!!!
Lmao damn that warp tool is her favorite. First of all, her finger nails are all different lengths and her lips look like a dogs butthole. It would be one thing if she just owned up to it, but the fact that she keeps denying it and trying to prove otherwise is just hilarious.
No. 750895
"dOnT TrY tO COpY mY LoOkS, tHEy OnLy LOok GoOd ON mE"
No. 750950
File: 1545196726883.jpeg (138.78 KB, 750x1235, 8DE05A83-E26C-4782-92B7-7FFE6F…)

>>750868 Don’t know if any one noticed, but those aren’t extensions and are a wig that’s been pulled back. Does she really pull it off as her natural hair? Wtf lol
No. 750957
File: 1545198560741.png (589.71 KB, 912x440, cutee.PNG)

>b4 i got cute
this girl has severe body image issues jesus christ
No. 750958
File: 1545198589950.jpeg (140.71 KB, 607x1080, 97482A96-13F1-402A-B25E-FFC52B…)

>>750818BuT GuiS I DoN’t PHot0 Sh0p I HaVen’T SinCe 09’!
No. 751004
File: 1545207335820.jpg (194.06 KB, 600x623, Screenshot_2018-12-19-03-10-23…)

She has lolcow in her screenshots. Hi Mickey!
No. 751006
File: 1545207641095.jpg (245.9 KB, 607x607, Screenshot_2018-12-19-03-16-35…)

Lol how many times is she gonna post about this thread ?
No. 751038
File: 1545220013197.jpg (650.8 KB, 1080x1424, Screenshot_20181219-063404_Fac…)

>"ThE LEfT iS fIlTeReD"
Bitch, both them pics are edited to hell. She's like that catfish Raychiel with this bullshit.
No. 751313
>>750852Its kind of funny that shes thinks her makeup style is so unique, yet ive seen the exact same face on at least 50 other people who also claim its uniqueness as their own personal thing.
Tbh, I think her makeup looks like hammered shit. Thin eyebrows with blatantly overdrawn and poorly smeared eye shadow. What exactly is there to be jealous about again?
For real though, she looks like she applied her lipstick whilst driving a car on a bumpy road. She has a good face. Not good makeup skills.
No. 751348
File: 1545268291523.jpg (76.63 KB, 720x751, _20181220_005307.JPG)

Wait is she shooping herself to look like her tattoo or did she tattoo her face onto her arm or??
No. 751355
File: 1545268623945.jpeg (482.07 KB, 1242x1934, A86CD1F1-8C0A-415C-AF91-1AB836…)

>>751348Look at her fucking stretched out hands. Lmfao this whole photo has been stretched. Who does she think she’s fooling.
No. 751358
File: 1545269320926.jpeg (527.94 KB, 1242x1981, 8792375A-BD19-4FF8-9675-CD644E…)

>the only thing on my face is highlight and my eyelash extensions.
No. 751434
File: 1545277232895.jpeg (836.31 KB, 1242x3183, A7A03A8D-EC96-4FAD-A61B-7D9C6C…)

>>751358She claims to not be wearing any makeup here as well
No. 751438
File: 1545277382903.jpeg (321.91 KB, 1242x1920, 09CF74C1-15C7-49D9-9533-0D4AA7…)

>>751434Someone called her out so she posted this as “proof”
No. 751441
>>751360You missed lenses from that list
>>751355Love the toilet paper and wig in the background. Look at her eyes here, they have been dragged down too. She's SO BAD at makeup and shoop
No. 751450
>>751446not just the obvious overline but that blatant blurring. shes as wordy and insecure as shingles and with
>>751004lolcow being in the background, i really do hope she spergs and pulls a vicky.
she came in hard as a topic and i love it
No. 751456
File: 1545279754883.png (138.12 KB, 500x609, 31419828.png)

>>751452omg yes. this is fantastic
No. 751457
File: 1545279861922.jpg (210.54 KB, 607x895, Screenshot_2018-12-19-23-18-00…)

Lol yet she posts before and after pics and basically fat shames herself in old pics and talks about how she lost the weight but dont bring up her weight guizeeee
No. 751469
File: 1545281028813.jpg (36.28 KB, 114x408, Screenshot_2018-12-19-23-39-37…)

No. 751552
File: 1545312000028.jpg (40.89 KB, 640x636, 9a7f7f2cc3491260141447baba0b53…)

She's clearly mental. She went from obese to overweight to underweight to ana-chan. Can't live without painting her face to hell and back. And god forbid she doesn't have a pound of liquid eyeliner on, anime lashes and circle lenses. People wouldn't give a fuck if she were honest but nooo, she has to claim it's all "natural!!!!". Girl got issues
No. 751630
File: 1545329825161.jpeg (177.19 KB, 749x1009, 860EF3E8-97C2-40AA-8223-F456FA…)

Omg this is funny
No. 751633
File: 1545329972405.jpeg (Spoiler Image,472.06 KB, 1920x1606, 90E5981B-D127-45C2-92B4-753BA8…)

Not saying she doesn’t have freckles, she probably does and they are light, but these are photos of her freckles changing.
No. 752853
File: 1545533559928.png (1.09 MB, 928x532, satansoull.png)

Just found this girl on insta. Shopped pictures on the left, tagged pictures on right. not sure if she has any milk but that shoop is ridculous
No. 752990
File: 1545565259488.jpg (713.78 KB, 1204x636, vOjXt8.jpg)

No. 753048
File: 1545583052771.jpeg (175.54 KB, 1242x868, 247999DF-BA0C-47B4-B816-19A050…)

>>752990One time she posted that she super glues her fake lashes on and sometimes her boyfriend has to drive her to the ER because she accidentally guess her eyes shut. Look at her eyes though, Bitch you gonna be blind.
I need to find that post again so I can show you guys.
No. 753051
File: 1545583838598.jpeg (429.86 KB, 1242x1238, 1E7773CF-86A2-42A9-9B03-CA1B36…)

>>753048“I’ve ended up in the ER several times”
No. 753056
File: 1545585060835.jpeg (324.19 KB, 1242x1884, 1D2E2454-B412-4404-8467-885D2A…)

No. 753079
File: 1545588690760.jpeg (407.85 KB, 1242x1769, FED85413-A72A-492A-AE9C-8B3AD4…)

IdK wHy pEopLE hAtE mE So MuCH :(( nO oNE ELse GeTs HaTE liKE I Do :(((
No. 753101
File: 1545590960303.png (863.91 KB, 931x562, frecks.PNG)

proof that she draws on her freckles?
No. 753104
File: 1545591329062.png (685.13 KB, 790x611, watlol.PNG)

Why does she look like a completely different person here?
No. 753106
File: 1545591624781.png (184.05 KB, 708x473, lolokay.PNG)

I'm surprised she left this comment up, and the video they commented on wasn't even of her lol. I mean she has a point, Mick is obvious ana, but this person shouldn't be talking when her makeup and eyebrows look like that.
No. 753112
File: 1545592050925.png (29.28 KB, 305x501, queenoffensive.png)

I'm surprised she left this all up on her profile for everyone to see, what with how everyone nitpicks these days and goes back into people's pasts lol, sort of like how I'm doing now…. She made a lot of gay jokes though. Also what's with the weird dynamic between her and her bf? I get it's most likely a joke as she called him her dad in another post but…..still lol. I'm surprised her bf still liked her when she was fat but also when she's so vain and wasting away. Is he a chubby chaser or is he just genuinely in love with her as a person? Also he's a trump supporter? Or an edgy memer? He's a fan of sam hyde, soooo…..
No. 753114
File: 1545592212272.png (863.7 KB, 893x573, wat.PNG)

>>753112And here is Mickey's weird le memer boyfriend
No. 753232
File: 1545604106312.jpeg (528.48 KB, 2048x2048, 80B02167-95E5-43C7-82D5-A614C1…)

b but I don’t photoshop!!! I havent retouched a photo since 2016!!! Kek
No. 753252
File: 1545606653919.jpeg (96.05 KB, 389x1050, C068AAEA-E1FB-40A6-A876-948BA0…)

Lol that face is tragic without Facetune. She just looks like an exfat chick
No. 753267
>>751348One of the most hilarious things about this cow is the fact that she has her fucking deer girl fursona tattooed kek
She drew all her tattoos herself, btw
No. 753361
>>752853>>752854if this is the girl that goes to cons and joins their contests and went to heroes vs villains atlanta two years ago, i cant fucking stand her and her friends she goes with
they lose the contests all the time and act like whiny bitches about it when their costumes are literally just super slutty versions of superheroes
No. 753368
>>752853How do you even slut up a Jojo character when they are weirdly naked in body suits half the time anyway?? She looks awful.
>>752854She looks like a thot who goes to comiccons for neckbeard attention half naked with her vag hanging out and complains they're staring.
No. 753405
File: 1545630677339.png (285.07 KB, 609x493, ba323322b329b6cd419bce3aa0a08c…)

>>753232She can't handle criticism so she's taking a break
No. 753410
>>750957If she was really that big she’d have so much loose skin, and losing weight that quickly is detrimental to the face. Her facial skin would be sagging too…
Can’t deny she obviously DID lose a lot, it’s not all shop. My bet is on uppers, hence the delusions of grandeur and manic behavior too. My other theory is weight loss surgery.
Hard to gauge her real age, but I’m guessing she’s still a teen or 20. Facial structure actually can change significantly at that time (mine did when I lost 40lbs post high school, and people thought I had something “done”) but despite that, she obviously photoshops TONS.
I agree there should be a thread on her
No. 753458
File: 1545659534518.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.34 KB, 323x508, Screenshot_2018-12-24-07-58-49…)

Incoming photo dump
No. 753459
File: 1545659601752.jpg (337.61 KB, 605x939, Screenshot_2018-12-24-08-07-04…)

About the ER visits and alluding to an ED?
No. 753460
File: 1545659704302.jpg (182.98 KB, 527x602, Screenshot_2018-12-24-08-13-18…)

She has MALS apparently
No. 753462
File: 1545659774659.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.14 KB, 304x258, Screenshot_2018-12-24-08-24-43…)

No overlining and shoop
No. 753463
File: 1545659866955.jpg (Spoiler Image,218.32 KB, 607x529, Screenshot_2018-12-24-08-40-30…)

She was also very active on Unichan at some point and they ended up making a few threads about her.
No. 753464
File: 1545659906521.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.89 KB, 607x799, Screenshot_2018-12-24-08-40-43…)

No. 753483
File: 1545663399999.jpeg (326.81 KB, 640x996, B912DDD8-145D-479E-8F0B-07022A…)

i follow a few people who follow this girl and her editing is literally nauseating.
No. 753512
File: 1545668185280.jpeg (341.89 KB, 994x1351, 32D29DC4-2629-46E0-B1E0-408AEF…)

I would rather be fat forever than have old lady saggy ass skin
No. 753594
File: 1545680734251.png (445.26 KB, 804x562, Screen Shot 2018-12-24 at 2.43…)

Openly states she's into DDLG and loli, shoops herself to look ALOT younger. All around pedo baiting and over the top photoshop
No. 753595
File: 1545680782253.png (381.59 KB, 467x575, Screen Shot 2018-12-24 at 2.42…)

>>753594here's her unedited so you can see how much she edits herself into looking like a child.
No. 753596
File: 1545680805734.png (159.06 KB, 256x378, Screen Shot 2018-12-24 at 2.43…)

>>753595samefag but she the one on the right.
No. 753640
File: 1545687509076.png (147.24 KB, 694x732, receipt.png)

agree that mickey should have their own thread. if they actually looked like their photos, they would have uploaded a makeup tutorial by now because we all know that would help them obtain the fame they are trying to catch. too bad they cant just be real and own up to using makeup and editing their photos because i'm sure they are still pretty without it but the lies make it obvious they are insecure. I had to unfriend them on fb ages ago because the photos they post of their body trigger my ed but I managed to grab these a while ago.
No. 753641
File: 1545687587563.png (204.24 KB, 696x966, receipt0.png)

she is so good at deflecting peoples questions too bad the answers are made obvious in her doing just that
No. 753689
File: 1545692522182.jpeg (197.01 KB, 1242x1964, F9219EAF-5E06-46D1-9842-047D32…)

Reposted after editing
She deleted her account*
No. 753735
>>753463The irony here is she looks better than me, even on a good day.
Sage for blogbitching
No. 753739
File: 1545706254985.jpeg (429.81 KB, 750x714, 3AA315F1-62D8-489D-98E0-ABE8ED…)

Surprised this girl hasn’t come up yet. Her name is maddyeideee and she blocks anyone who calls her out as well as turns off some of her comments.
No. 753740
File: 1545706277905.jpeg (75.45 KB, 750x737, 7DBC4333-7ED3-425D-99AA-5DC649…)

What she really looks like
No. 753832
File: 1545717185606.jpg (340.86 KB, 607x857, Screenshot_2018-12-25-00-37-20…)

First thing that popped up on my fb is people whiteknighting her
No. 753865
>>753729Nah, it was because what she really looked like sans-shoop, was posted, and some anons were even more offended by that for some reason.
They started calling people pedophiles and accused them of not only wanting to look like her, but thinking all white women are hags (not sure how the racebait happened) just for recognizing that she didn't really look like a 12 year old, but is/was a grown ass woman Photoshopped to look a lot younger for pedo consumption. It really showed how twisted and sick some farmers are.
No. 753882
File: 1545749612128.jpeg (266.11 KB, 1242x2153, 34A54EA8-943A-4489-9D49-13B349…)

>>753831So as of a few months ago Mickey is licensed to practice in Illinois but not licensed to practice in Texas if that’s where she really lives now which means she’s not a working stylist. In fact the only proof I’ve seen of her being employed was a picture of shitty make up she did on a hijabi woman in a Sephora. She loves to mention she’s a licensed cosmetologist but being licensed doesn’t really mean anything. It’s basically like having a bachelors degree in psychology and telling everyone you can treat and diagnose because you graduated from school.
Judging by the hair photos she does show, her cut and color skills are remedial at best. And knowing what school she went to, I know their curriculum and unless she took an she took an outside course she didn’t learn eyelash extensions and isn’t certified in them. If she was she wouldn’t make such stupid reoccurring mistakes on her own.
No. 753891
File: 1545750780140.jpeg (564.29 KB, 1125x822, D2C60FE1-BC6E-4DEC-8441-758215…)

>>753877Dumping screenshots from it, I highly recommend y’all watch it
She can’t be older than 19, and if she is she’s very mentally stunted…perhaps from the nutritional deficiency of her MALS disorder.
She has loose skin all over, hardly any hair, and this live video shows pretty highlight, but her eyes are smaller, her jaw is sagging and not slim, her nose is NOT sloped, and her teeth are jacked.
I think she truly does believe she looks like her photoshopped pictures, with the things she says in this live video + the videos she posted on her IG you can tell she thinks she’s like…spot-on just as cute.
She actually looks quite rat-like imo.
I feel like everyone should leave her alone and just let her have her small corner of the internet to be delusional on.
But at the same time her personality is so shitty lol, idk where these posts are where she’s “oh so positive 100% of the time” bc tbh she sounds like a negative, bratty, whiney, tryhard bitch.
No. 753893
File: 1545751017224.jpeg (358.75 KB, 2048x2048, 9BFD4EE5-6581-421B-97C2-B21A34…)

No. 753895
File: 1545751210047.jpeg (279.85 KB, 2048x2048, BCFE7F65-4DCB-42EA-8CA2-D56740…)

I honestly wasn’t trying to get unflattering screenshots btw (not that these are even that bad or “ugly”, she just doesn’t look like her photos) my phone kept pausing the video every 10 seconds, might be a glitch or buffering issue
Didn’t make it very far, I’m sure there’s milk in there if a PC anon wants to cap more or summarize
No. 753896
>>753892Wtf she looks so scary her arms are proper skelly. And her mannerisms?? She doesn't seem like she's past high school age.
Also at 8:15? Is this supposed to be funny? As if Kate Spade would care about your disrespectful spooky drag-wannabe self.
No. 753935
>>753895She looks a lot more like her old photos here. I'm surprised how saggy her lower face is
>>753891>>753893She lost weight way too fast.
No. 754007
File: 1545777539521.jpeg (704.68 KB, 1101x1135, D72B2399-5E0B-42D6-B9D7-99792F…)

Damn it I knew I should have screen recorded it…
She put everything on private as soon as she saw the screenshots, hi mickey!!
You can’t hide forever, everyone knows what you actually look like now, can’t change your genes hun!
If you were just honest and not a deep voiced cunt (should probably drop the smoking habit, saw your cig hanging out the window in that car pic with your mom. Tsk tsk, can’t be good for your illness!) people wouldn’t give a shit.
If you come back to the internet own up to your shit and people will leave you alone, it’s that simple.
Actually they might not leave you alone after learning how unlikable you are tbh.
Maybe brush up on a decent personality during this break, too.
No. 754014
File: 1545777814809.jpeg (100.49 KB, 1124x697, 459C20FA-B50F-4DA3-B047-A42E7B…)

I’m sure all your little fans looove that their ~positive princess~ makes fun of mentally challenged people, hmm
Not such a sweetheart undeserving of being picked apart huh?
(I personally don’t find it offensive, but why act so ~uwu positive and perfect~ when you’re actually an insensitive cunt. Reveals how fake you are)
In that fb live she was making crass jokes about killing herself over her makeup being messed up and bc kate spade also killed her self
Like what the actual fuck
No. 754021
File: 1545778769578.png (700.6 KB, 800x1099, Screenshot_2018-12-25-14-56-50…)

>>753689She posted this an hour ago. Her post count is down by 7.
No. 754068
File: 1545791905345.jpeg (Spoiler Image,85.68 KB, 950x708, 3725BBC4-A574-41D8-897F-DE43DF…)

>>754045Fuck, no, anon, it’s not just you.
>>754021I know it goes without saying, but can we talk about that wonky choker? Those stretched-out lashes? The Michael Jackson nose? The uncanny resemblance to Bozo the Clown?
Hey Mickey, if you’re going to overline your lips to try and convince us they’re really that big, can you please do it better? You’re insulting our intelligence, but most importantly you’re insulting your own intelligence. Surely you know you’re not fooling anyone when you say your lips “aren’t perfectly defined” to explain away the overline. You know this. Believe in yourself and come up with a better lip look, or at least a better edit job.
No. 754119
File: 1545799456499.jpeg (121.37 KB, 640x808, AA91D22F-622F-4596-8455-54653E…)

>>753538This is from the comment section from the reddit post. To be fair, there were people pointing out that with no proof, there’s no way to tell if this user was really telling the truth, but I just thought it was interesting. A lot of people in the comments are speculating whether or not she had a nose job.
Does anybody think that maybe she deserves her own thread, or should we wait? I know all she does is photoshop, but I feel that eventually she may have more milk. Just a suggestion.
No. 754400
File: 1545880040877.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x1518, 5286C524-1038-41B3-BC39-B52144…)

Guess who keeps making accounts on reddit to defend herself
No. 754401
File: 1545880063776.jpeg (175.27 KB, 1125x722, B5726616-5976-4E21-B4BB-4C0560…)

No. 754429
>>754417she really said that? lmao the delusion just keeps giving. imagine being to absorbed in yourself that you would equate yourself with the connotation that you actually matter that much or your 'influence' reaches farther than fellow instathots and thirsty betafucks.
sorry bb but you had the potential of run of the mill instaho with a ps addiction but you keep digging the hole deeper into shingles territory. i couldnt imagine someone dethroning vicky, but she is really trying to reach for it.
No. 754441
>>754416I think she had gastric bypass or even a gastric sleeve. MALS is a pretty rare condition that can be almost 100% treated with surgery. MALS or CAC have also been shown to appear in bypass patients who lose a significant amount of weight. In facf you normally have to be very thin to be diagnosed with MALS.
I personally don’t think she has MALS period. I think she’s having normal issues that come with weight loss surgery and can lead to hospital visits. So many people fuck up themselves by not following the guild lines and diet. Judging by all her diner pictures with her holding a coffee cup she puts 10+ Splenda packets in each cup which would ruin anyone’s health.
There is no way she lost 280lbs in a year by diet alone.
No. 754458
File: 1545890042198.jpg (36.75 KB, 540x960, mickey.jpg)

>>754421I love how she uploads this live stream as 'proof' when it's obvious that her jaw is so much wider and she still doesn't look the same as her shoops even when plastered in makeup. My favorite part was when she stood like this checking herself out in the viewfinder for an uncomfortable amount of time as if to prove how ~supa authentic~ her posing is
No. 754461
File: 1545890379060.jpg (34.78 KB, 540x960, mickey2.jpg)

>>754458Samefag because of those jowls, on top of the anachan declaration of "This shirt is EXTRA small"
This whole video was extremely uncomfortable to watch either way. Is she autistic?
No. 754471
File: 1545892512590.png (377 KB, 766x410, Sally_o_malley_by_08newmanb-d6…)

>>754007She looks like a Who
No. 754476
>>754463>if she would just acknowledge that she edits (it's fine, everyone does it)They don’t though.
Lots of people do, but plenty don’t.
No. 754482
>>754461Omg she said the same thing in her other livestream and it caught me off guard, she ranted about how people should “make sure a SMALL shirt fits a SMALL person” cause she was “swimming in this bitch”
The weight loss definitely got to her head
No. 754485
File: 1545898078719.png (5.14 MB, 1125x2436, 6B0625B1-C19C-4309-9C98-B6B9DB…)

Sleep paralysis apparition
No. 754487
File: 1545898313611.jpeg (931.71 KB, 1125x1488, 67A7AFC3-2F7D-4C2A-BCF4-3B4992…)

Damn, she do look just like her pics, what a great proof video
No. 754488
File: 1545898390501.jpeg (667.29 KB, 1125x1105, 7CD06BDF-C343-4AE3-9836-6EB4A3…)

No. 754489
File: 1545898392775.png (6.78 MB, 1125x2436, F73C39BF-5A10-4EE6-9498-0BCEBC…)

No. 754720
File: 1545942768174.png (375.43 KB, 486x552, Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 3.29…)

Surprised this guy hasn't been posted here yet. Luis Padron, otherwise known as Luis the Elf. He's been on multiple TV and web shows like barcroft tv, botched, etc… Self proclaimed "plastic surgery model" (whatever that means) and apparently "makes his own contact lenses". I'd feel bad for the guy if he didn't seem like such a little bitch. Obviously photoshops his already plastic face and abuses facetune
No. 754730
File: 1545944349887.png (653.84 KB, 809x549, Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 3.56…)

This ""cosplayer"" is probably one of the cringiest I've seen in a while. Shit cosplayer and even shittier photoshopper. She's like digitalxdoll level photoshop fail only lazier.
No. 754731
File: 1545944636799.png (378.61 KB, 487x425, Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 4.01…)

>>754730When your so smol your waist warps reality.
No. 754734
File: 1545945034685.png (109.64 KB, 178x298, Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 4.07…)

>>754730I think this is an unedited pic of her. It's kinda sad cause she looks perfectly fine without all the filters and photoshop. Her edits make her look worse, girl needs to learn to love herself.
No. 754750
File: 1545947581028.png (861.98 KB, 750x1334, 3E32663D-17AE-481A-AD30-0BF12D…)

From the Dae thread. This is one of the screenshots from the petty girls group chat. Did they have a Facebook group or something too? Did Mickey ever address this? Because this is so nasty.
No. 754761
File: 1545949202398.png (433.12 KB, 470x571, Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 5.19…)

>>754757Whoops, my mistake. I can't find the source that I thought he mentioned he "made" his own lenses so disregard that bit.
Anyways here's him in 2012 before the surgeries
No. 755264
File: 1546013972452.png (401.74 KB, 763x440, 61672776534755b1ab45e504158ab8…)

>>754720no milk i'm sorry but i skimmed over is insta and
>> top of the lemonfucking lost it
No. 755638
File: 1546057215409.png (480.8 KB, 864x565, ooff.png)

Personal lolcow of mine. HORRIBLE shoops, terrible makeup, loves to refer to herself as a "living doll" and an okatu. Nothing too milky just a sceptical of strangeness and autism as far as I'm aware
No. 755641
File: 1546057497663.png (579.87 KB, 926x556, ooff2.png)

>>755638Oh and she photoshopped her face on to another artists work and claimed it as her own… so there is that too.
No. 755643
File: 1546057573466.jpeg (30.42 KB, 450x450, 566a583e-d60e-4cc1-84d8-8914df…)

>>755641I think the original piece was from a book called "poems from the cwtch" but there's multiple variations of the piece.
No. 756270
File: 1546153854500.jpeg (907.71 KB, 2560x1920, 41402ABF-49C8-457D-9BA2-629022…)

Zekia doesn't overshop as much as other girls in this thread but seeing her in a "candid" vs. her own shopped selfies is still jarring.
>her neck in the selfie
No. 756271
File: 1546154138635.jpeg (850.44 KB, 2560x1788, DB39DD30-1C90-4881-BD51-BB04B1…)

Asian shoop-chans' selfie vs fan photos are some of my favorite comparisons because of how drastic the difference is.
No. 756389
>>756270>>756271This isn't ridiculous photoshopping, anon.
First one looks exactly the same and second one obviously uses some app but I can easily tell it's the same person.
No. 756393
>>756389Ken you need your eyes checked that’s some pretty bad shoop
Her forehead takes up 50% of her head and her actual face is all super squished to look “uwu smol animu alien”
It really doesn’t look like the same person, and it looks horrible
No. 756398
>>756389It doesn’t look like the same person at all…
>Skin made paler>Size of chest and shoulders reduced>Eyes made bigger>Half of chin shaved offI don’t know how she expected to get away with it. It’s pretty lulzy, but this is also how drastically a lot of Asian cosplayers shoop themselves.
No. 756404
>>756270>>756393>>756398You people are seriously deranged. She looks like the same person 110%. Any normal human that isn't obsessed with nitpicking anything and anyone would know that's the same person. Not to derail but I think she's really damn cute regardless. Even if she does shoop, she is still recognizable, as much as y'all wanna screech about it. That's far from a ridiculous shooper.
> inb4 "hi Zekia" autism>>756271What in the fuck is this human being doing?
No. 756425
File: 1546204036335.png (3.49 MB, 1810x1202, shop comp.png)

>her wavy chin in the shooped version
She looks so cute in the unphotoshoped picture. Why do cosers always insist on photoshopping themselves into dorito chinned aliens?
No. 756435
File: 1546205367987.jpg (940.43 KB, 1920x2560, F.jpg)

>>756389>>756404god zekia's whiteknights are deluded
No. 756436
File: 1546205419962.jpg (42.57 KB, 359x350, FFFF.jpg)

she admits to her (more than obvious) shooping so what's the point in getting buttblasted over it?
No. 756476
File: 1546211072145.jpeg (243.36 KB, 1450x780, A8CA47AA-3FC1-43C7-9E98-9F67BF…)

I had to take a deep dive into the BOTDF instagram over on the Mickey Deer thread (Yikes!), and I noticed some…interesting facetune usage happening, so I’m dropping Dahvie Vanity over here. Some of that’s makeup, yes, but it sure ain’t all makeup.
Reminder: he’s 34. There’s so much undereye correction going on. That comparison photo is old, but it has his real nose at least.
No. 756494
>>756492That is exactly the pedo that Kelly Eden dated, and your guess is as good as mine.
People nitpick cows around here all the time, and sure, some of them are actually kind of cute even though people call them ugly, but as the ugliest face and soul on the planet, this Dahvie guy needs all the photoshop help he can get.
No. 756583
File: 1546220390965.jpg (615.13 KB, 3994x1994, lolk.jpg)

>>756476If he hates his nose so much, why not just chop that shit off? He's scum and I hope the worst for him
No. 756986
File: 1546291786199.jpeg (974.48 KB, 2555x2555, 25BD6253-F971-439B-BA83-38B21C…)

I’m so sick of this girl popping up on my Instagram. Her shoops are ridiculous and she looks like like a blowup doll. She’s going full costhot now
No. 757099
File: 1546310443338.jpeg (180.13 KB, 750x746, 54D7F29B-F759-476B-A825-13AB87…)

>>757093That's Zekia but it looks like she's lost a LOT of weight since then.
No. 757100
>>756425if i saw the left walking towards me I'd scream
>>756986the sameface she keeps repeating really sells the whole "rubber faced instathot" look.
No. 757171
>>757107It looks like she's wearing a padded top that's way too big. She also shoops her neck much longer (compare with
>>756435) and jaw/chin smaller by shooping it upwards which contributes to the overall weird proportions.
>>757153The whole photo looks like yellow was way upped on the color balance which is probably why her teeth look so yellow.
No. 757870
File: 1546458780220.jpeg (590.28 KB, 1662x1599, 3CFE440C-5069-4A4E-9931-4E09A2…)

I was so jealous of how this girl looked, until I just realize how ridiculously shooped her face is
No. 757875
File: 1546459093210.jpeg (164.05 KB, 1125x1072, B9560E5D-7D0C-4C75-BA1B-3FDF01…)

>>757870Also what’s up with space between her arms/body
No. 757894
>>757870What the fuck is this world. It breaks my heart seeing so many women that are completely trapped into this vapid and empty world of looksmaxing. To have such poor body image that you spend real time and effort into photoshoping something so blatantly fake and unreal.
I really have to wonder how much these people make and how happy they really are in their lives, and how happy they'll be when they're older.
No. 758088
File: 1546479770281.jpeg (76.58 KB, 480x853, 1DD55EF5-18B0-4558-8203-52C8DA…)

>>758085Vs what she posts
No. 758183
File: 1546486804323.jpeg (213.6 KB, 920x413, 89B84D09-FA9E-409F-ADE1-B22952…)

>>756436>>756435>>756270God, you’re the same vendetta-chan who was spamming the OT thread with her ages ago, aren’t you?
>pic related, what anon tried to insist was completely different No. 758265
File: 1546502468296.png (8.24 MB, 1125x2436, 29BB121E-BD3F-4692-B9E9-473CA2…)

>>758088I was a bit on the fence about the extent of her body shoop until the pikachu bikini picture which just looked so damn ridiculous. But I came across this one on a lingerie store account and the waist shoop is SO BAD, you can see the lumps because of the incompetent use of liquify tools. I keep seeing girls on her photos be like “omg body goals! You must workout a lot uwu” when her body is a product of some shitty Korean photo editing app lmfao
No. 758266
File: 1546502529489.jpeg (389.37 KB, 1125x1342, 224A4943-E169-48C2-8887-9CDCE9…)

>>758265Here’s the full photo
No. 758269
>>757870>>758198She looks pretty on the shoop on the bottom right corner, but clicking on her profile, her tan is HORRIFIC.
>>758085Wew lads, she looks like a doughy midget.
>>758088>>758266is that the only pair of shorts she owns?
No. 758293
File: 1546510214941.jpeg (1.17 MB, 2560x2560, 8FCF7F1E-0112-48F6-8BDC-F6CFEF…)

Some of these girls don’t look half as bad as you’re trying to make them out to.
No. 758295
File: 1546510425549.jpeg (1.22 MB, 2560x2560, AAC0E5F7-FEE3-4BCD-A9D3-9F5953…)

>>758293I don’t doubt they shoop, but cherry picking the worst possible candid to compare with a perfectly posed one isn’t really a good basis to claim “so much shoop!!!”
No. 758296
>>758293This girl's problem is more her body shoops than face shoops, but she def shoops her face too and i don't think she needs it. She looks much better on the right pic, the left one looks like a Sim.
My guess is that she has severe BDD
No. 758297
>>756425what the fuck is that neck/head proportion? if i saw that on the street i'd pee myself, looks like her head deflated somehow
>>756476ah, this ugly motherfucker. i hope he tries to fix his nose surgically and the doctor accidentally slashes his neck, no compassion for pedos.
No. 758302
>>758296I agree, but even in the fan picture her body looks relatively closer to her own photos compared to the candid photos in
>>720486 or
>>720486 No. 758599
>>758293You picked two examples where the candids were also shopped. the only difference in
>>758295 is a brighter filter on the second pic, but the first one is not a "candid" either. Look at the actual candid photos of these same girls upthread. Compare
>>758293 to the actual candid in
>>758085 No. 758627
>>758599Both of those pictures were taken and posted by other people.
>>758295 was taken by a photographer who took multiple other candids of other lolitas at the same event, and
>>758293 was taken by a fan who had taken pictures of several other cosplayers at the same convention. Nope, not shopped, just an example of how cherry picked the candids inthis thread are.
No. 758690
File: 1546559444945.jpg (145.07 KB, 750x937, 22801941_1348901098552977_1017…)

>>758679Sure, skin smoothing and lighting edits, but it's unlikely that they're able to shoop the girl's face exactly the same way she shoops her own face, especially if you're claiming they shoop so drastically. You can also usually tell by looking at the rest of the photos on the person's profile; the photographer isn't likely to shoop one random photo while the rest of them look untouched.
>Pic related, another picture from the same event by the same photographer No. 758691
File: 1546559539823.jpeg (880.78 KB, 2560x1920, 549F0AF8-E0D0-474E-87AB-90F243…)

>>758295Some other comparisons, since anon is complaining.
No. 758715
File: 1546561327280.jpeg (1.2 MB, 2560x2560, 28A03CCA-7B88-4AB5-B2C8-77A7B0…)

>>758711As a bonus, I found the original of
>>756435 No. 758747
File: 1546564015433.png (356.83 KB, 896x526, shoop.png)

>>758627>>758293If this isn't shooped why is the area right around her ~so tiny~ waist so weird and blocky and fucked up when nowhere else is?
No. 758755
File: 1546564798747.png (5.85 MB, 2560x2560, shoop2.png)

>>758747>>758627>>758293Another where the area around her ~so tiny~ waist gets weird and smudged and blurry. No idea what's going on with the neckline, tho.
No. 758769
File: 1546567137732.png (2.68 MB, 1275x1549, 1122.png)

>>758747There's blockiness over the entire picture. It's a low quality pixelated image.
>>758755 Is the image shooped by herself. Do you not get what a shoop comparison is?
No. 758780
File: 1546568124695.png (315.85 KB, 447x526, shoop.png)

>>758769I'm not talking about the picture resolution you idiot, I'm talking about the literal chunk missing from her waist. No area in the rest of the picture looks like that.
>>758627 Literally says
>Both of those pictures were taken and posted by other people. No. 758788
File: 1546569413886.jpeg (524.15 KB, 1267x2560, B6379E55-7E0A-4CCF-BDB1-4709E3…)

>>758780Reread the post you idiot,
>>758627 is talking about
>>758293 and
>>758295What are you even outlining? Her back looks normal
No. 758795
File: 1546570089736.png (897.67 KB, 1025x585, thklnhrqw.png)

kek at that anon for criticizing cherry-picking in this thread, but then picks the lowest resolution candid and crops it so you can't see how terrible the whole thing looks on her.
No one's denying she's gorgeous, she is imo. The problem with Fegalvao is that she has almost 1 Mil followers on insta for being a cosplayer and she gained popularity by literally
photoshopping her costumes on like in
>>720539 and numerous others. Look at candids of her KP cosplay and she's wearing a shirt that's got jagged cut edges and she's wearing pants that are either clownishly long on her, or folded over at the waistband. Cosplayer who has a million followers can't even do a simple hem or cut a straight line, and can't even be bothered to take her chipped nailpolish off.
Doesn't help that she's basically trying to force perspective in every pic by standing at a 3/4th angle and trying to bend her back at a 90 degree angle. Looks great in a cropped pic, but absurd irl (unless she's also standing on her tip toes like the bathing suit pic).
No. 758855
File: 1546581349513.jpeg (237.88 KB, 1115x1103, FE7ADF90-5E9D-49FD-A44B-0EF515…)

>>758302Lmfao her body looks NOTHING like the absurdity she shoops herself into. She’s a shoop addict attention whore and idk why you’re trying to wk her EXTREME body shoops.
No. 758861
>>758588It's because it IS shooped The "fan"
>>758627 is referring to is probably her friend who lets her tamper with the photo for posting later, she does this sometimes so her "tagged" photos look better.
No. 758865
File: 1546582892913.jpeg (1.41 MB, 2560x2560, C951A5E1-3168-4F7F-9CF5-429818…)

>>758861Nope, it’s just a random fan that takes pictures of cosplayers.
>Pic related the full image plus three other pictures of cosplayers this person tookEither way, look at the ones
>>758795 posted as well, her waistline is still there.
No. 758883
>>758868 I said it’s obvious she photoshops her face. She probably sucks in to change her torso. Please learn to read
No. 758889
>>758885You can’t even see her legs in the candid, they’re covered by the baggy cargo pants. so how does her butt or legs being shooped affect whether or not she looks similar? Comparing the stuff you can actually see, her waistline and face, she looks similar for sure. If you’re actually trying to say she looks closer to the candid in
>>720482 versus her own photo, you need to get your eyes checked.
No. 758920
File: 1546590458902.jpeg (1.25 MB, 2560x2560, 929E75E4-8F56-49D4-9E33-A0D540…)

>>758918Does this make you feel better anon?
Some of you have the most hypocritical leaps in logic, I swear. An unflattering candid of a girl? REE SHOOPED BITCH!!! A flattering candid of a girl? REE TOTALLY PRESHOOPED BY RANDOM FAN/PHOTOGRAPHER!!!
No. 758953
>>758934What in the world are you talking about? The whole point has been that most of the girls don't shoop as much as the anons posting cherrypicked bad candids would like people to believe. What counter argument? That the flattering candids taken by other people are going to be magically shooped? I've said in nearly every single post in this thread that it's clear the girls shoop, just not as much as the posts up thread would like you to believe. Learn to read.
You seem not to understand what you're replying to either. It's hypocritical to assume every single candid photo of someone that looks ugly is how they must appear irl while simultaneously insisting that every flattering candid of them is shooped.
No. 758967
File: 1546605610113.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.65 KB, 640x960, fe.jpg)

>>758934It's kind of pointless to try and reason with that anon, it seems. Whatever we say, they'll just come back screeching about cherry picking despite the fact that we have recognised these people aren't monsters or anything, but they may look plain/average next to their shooped selves.
>>758954Thing is, she seems to have a cute butt and bod as it is (pic related) and the times I've met her, she has a normal "curvy", slightly chunky body that looks perfectly normal and alright. Pic related seems to be shooped too but she's alright as it is, idk why she feels the need to give herself a ridiculously out of proportion waist that doesn't match the rest of her body and why she almost breaks her back for photos, I guess she wouldn't have nearly 1m followers otherwise lel
No. 759000
>>758967She has no other redeeming qualities. She isn't good at sewing, construction or any other aspect of cosplay.
Without her shoop she looks like any other plain woman, so to "stand out" she creates this unreal image.
If she were actually talented at construction she wouldn't waste so much time in photoshopping herself.
No. 759071
File: 1546628719766.jpeg (560.51 KB, 2048x2048, 140D65A5-46DD-4B94-A8C4-CF1BC7…)

>>758953Right, anon. She barely shoops. Look at this picture she just posted on her story vs one taken by her photographer friend. Totally recognizable as the same person. She totally didn’t shave off half her nose and alter most of her other features along with careful posing. We’re just vendetta chans.
No. 759072
File: 1546628921500.jpeg (157.79 KB, 891x1037, F4438A19-26E6-46D5-AC5F-DF1F72…)

>>759071Also a bonus I found on her tagged photos, idk where this come from but she’s a slightly chubby bow legged girl and somehow her waist is smaller than her head? Okay. The shooping is so glaring. I wonder what people in her life who see her ig think. Wew.
No. 759539
File: 1546694623561.png (412.4 KB, 443x596, 800ougjv.png)

Major shooper here, they (and I say they cause i literally haven't a clue what gender they are) have the worst case of knife chin I've seen. @satohnatsu on IG
No. 759654
File: 1546714129197.jpeg (452.46 KB, 2048x2048, C946ECB4-15DD-4AF9-B642-871A90…)

What’s with this sudden influx of people trying to insist fegalvao barely shoops?
No. 759671
>>753739 omg im screaming
>>753740 is this really maddyeideee, i can`t believe my own eyes! do u have any more unshoped photos of her?
No. 759687
File: 1546718402328.jpg (1.63 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20190105_115832000.j…)

Does anyone remember Kim Johansson? I'm crying wtf is this??? The left pic is kinda old and she did get fit but that ass is allllll a lie. Also I saw her nudes n she has sad, sad titties.
No. 759744
File: 1546727489334.png (713.99 KB, 724x1394, cos.png)

>>759654I just don't understand why this is a hill anyone would want to die on. Even if she looks like her pics (in the face anyways, and I do think she's very pretty/unique looking) you can't say she doesn't shoop "that much" because she literally shoops her costumes on. It's clear from
>>758795 that she has no actual costume talent, and barely any shoop talent if those sleeves are any indication. And yet
>her talent is obvious! >$$$$$$$>profit No. 759951
File: 1546760429761.jpg (153.83 KB, 1080x1080, gqsyv7tsu0711.jpg)

>>759864What? Did you even read this? I'm talking about her shitty costume shooping, not her face/body. She's getting all this money and attention for being a "talented cosplayer" and she literally can't do shit other than poorly change the color of her clothes in photoshop. Fuck off with the constant white-knighting.
No. 759954
>>759539This is fucking terrifying, they look like a cryptid. This is the shit you see during sleep paralysis.
>>759951Holy shit, that's the same shirt she used for Hayley shooped a different color, isn't it? Lmfao. Regardless of whether you think she's uwu so pretty and you'd suck her ass, the obviously shoops 2/3 of her waist away and the worst part is that like I said upthread, she can't even be bothered to buy cheap shit off Amazon or taobao, she's such a lazy trash cosplayer that she shoops shit on, like????? That's the worst part for me, like an anon said above, idk why that's the hill you'd want to die on, an untalented cosplay that can't even buy an orange shirt for a damn cosplay. YIKES.
>>759953Well, thank god some people have at least SOME common sense and aren't blinded by her anatomically disastrous body shoops.
No. 759955
>>759954If you join those large nostalgia-themed facebook groups like "This is 2005 and cool as hell", people will occasionally post her cosplays and the comments will be flooded with people pointing out that photoshopping your clothes isn't cosplay.
It's nice knowing that there are still normies who have some standards for cosplay, even if it is this low.
No. 761129
File: 1546985111925.jpeg (1.01 MB, 3072x3072, F662D413-6A66-4680-AE6B-79AEBA…)

Not sure if she’s milky enough but this is Bethany Anya/Bethany Stauffer and although she already looks very similar to Megan Fox on her own, she still goes out of her way to draw her eyebrows just like Megan’s, heavily contour, filter her photos, and blatantly uses phototune to look like Megan Fox’s exact copy. Then when people say “wow you look just like Megan Fox” she will deny it saying “wow I wish.”
Her tagged photos on Facebook are hidden and any time someone tags a photo of her on Instagram, she quickly deletes it as she only allows people to tag photos of Megan Fox on her Instagram.
Anytime another person gets traction for looking like Megan Fox (ie. Claudia Alende, Alena Amymon) she will make a post about them saying “wow they look just like me or wow they try so hard to look like me)
Her entire fan base are white knights always telling her she looks better than Megan Fox but little do they know.
No. 761147
File: 1546986882689.png (577.94 KB, 929x589, ooof.png)

>>761129This is terrifying
No. 761150
File: 1546987022265.png (501.06 KB, 930x588, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 5.36…)

Girl, one simple google search and I can see you stole this off the internet and used a screen cap of the image off the net (which is why it's shit quality).
No. 761151
File: 1546987072075.png (223.33 KB, 1227x434, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 5.37…)

>>761150double post but bam, stolen picture
No. 761152
File: 1546987163049.png (624.42 KB, 927x589, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 5.38…)

the other picture is stolen too, shocker.
No. 761153
File: 1546987282564.png (472.87 KB, 1234x413, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 5.39…)

>>761152annnnd boom.
She has a few pics and sketches on her IG account that look very stolen too. She's very sly in the way that she doesn't seem to out rightly say "I TOOK THIS PIC/DREW THIS THING" but HEAVILY implies it
No. 761156
File: 1546987518044.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.83 KB, 500x333, Jocelyn-Wildenstein-Plastic-Su…)

>>761129>although she already looks very similar to Megan Fox on her ownsorry, what? are we looking at the same pics? she looks like if Megan Fox had a baby with the Lion Lady
No. 761170
File: 1546988297873.jpeg (824.03 KB, 1242x1315, 4C22F289-1FBD-4751-886F-686EEF…)

SHe posts memes like this all the time on her fb so she knows she doesn’t look like her pictures she’s just either desperate to be Megan Fox or is desperate for likes
No. 761239
File: 1546999229925.jpg (55.2 KB, 680x850, 46525580_10155933437892644_835…)

I always saw this girl posting in FB groups lmao what are the odds of seeing her posted. Instantly looked through her pics weeks back and knew she was either photoshopping or face swapping with megan fox
No. 761241
File: 1546999313193.jpg (61.38 KB, 694x764, 46362810_10155920344137644_806…)

>>761239seriously who is she kidding
No. 761311
File: 1547007349874.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x1986, 4CF1CBCB-9C27-45B0-8571-DD86E1…)

I THink the blue and strange linear patterns all over her face are indications of face swapping. There’s like…two videos of her smiling for a moment and her face gets so round. I the few tagged photos she has, she’s super pouty faced to make her face appear smaller
No. 761333
File: 1547009640597.jpeg (110.36 KB, 640x960, 40D97368-C1CD-4247-A2B9-6525AB…)

>>758198Kek is this the same person? Claudia Cooney it says.
No. 761439
File: 1547027897716.png (632.18 KB, 565x561, nofilterr.PNG)

looking through some tagged photos of her on insta, this is one where you can see her actual face
No. 761469
>>759687Is her torso really that long? Also is this is me, but is her butt really lumpy? When I zoomed in the picture, I can see weird lumps and bumps that you would see in a photoshopped pic.
I don't have the program to show it but I do hope an anon encircle what I mean
No. 761484
File: 1547040543309.jpeg (659.44 KB, 3072x3072, BC8EC10A-5D14-455D-8A18-B2EA69…)

Her only “no makeup” pic is her in a face mask, making a pouty face, and her hair covers her chubby face. Definitely another shingles
No. 761489
File: 1547041067170.jpeg (980.87 KB, 3072x3072, 2C35D73F-8301-4F36-A718-2DDF84…)

Does she face swap her boyfriend too or?
No. 762205
>>761333Nta but that is the same girl. Completely different nose, jawline, lips, etc. and all
Nice catch nonnie
No. 762237
>>761484IM DYING I can’t believe she tried to pass a picture of her in a face mask as a “no makeup” pic. I mean it technically isn’t makeup but…I’m not sure what’s worse, a “no makeup pic” covered in shoops and obvious makeup
cough or this bitch in a fucking FACE MASK
No. 762781
File: 1547224857972.jpeg (524.54 KB, 2048x2048, A7277E00-6AC4-434A-818E-C6D866…)

This chick popped up on my explore page and I could tell she looked weird as hell, she doesn’t have a lot of candid tagged photos but I found this one and I guess it’s pretty obvious. Her @ is freakiiany
No. 762783
File: 1547224972627.jpeg (467.51 KB, 1125x1540, EF775022-994A-415A-B9BA-0D7B77…)

>>762781I apologize for same-fagging but the nose shoop is so ridiculous.
No. 762785
File: 1547225505798.jpg (13.37 KB, 320x320, 46975786_2242310919390438_9996…)

ughhh kate kusmina
on top of being a spooky scary ana-chan theres this terrifying face shoop.
No. 762791
>>759744Shes not really unique tho
Shes has a very common brazillian miiddle class girl face
I know at least two other girls who are very similar looking
No. 762980
>>762781All that shoop in them jeans
But for real, shes got to be joking. These look like two completely different girls. The nose bridge is killing me. Every aspect of her face, skin, and body has been altered to the extreme.
No. 764909
File: 1547469327131.jpeg (245.47 KB, 750x747, 61E0EB98-236D-4F57-8E72-4684BA…)

Russian photo shoppers are honestly too much - how do they not see this as laughable? this picture was posted by _madsti_ on instagram in a series that im guessing was a shout-out to another account, stasy.morozova. the _madsti_ account posts a ton of stuff like this under the guise of “getting fit” (idk really because all captions are in Cyrillic) when more than most if not all of the stuff posted is shopped
No. 764910
File: 1547469410506.jpeg (106.75 KB, 750x663, 9A5DFE28-395E-45E4-95FA-20B405…)

another one posted from stasy.morozova - I actually choked looking at this bc it’s just soooo bad
No. 764925
>>764910This shoop is so absurd, it’s like these sh00pers forget about anatomy and rib cages and what anon said
>>764918At least she used a solid color background for her sh00p. I was getting sick of retards shooping themselves to hell and back on a background with lines that are warped to kingdom come.
No. 767467
File: 1547791716975.jpg (1.79 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20190117_103917688.j…)

I'm too lazy to find an article or the names of these people (the woman pictured and the man behind it) but I think the story goes like this woman was being posted for a long time on some type of forums (fetish forums? Facebook? I can't recall, sorry…) and eventually it came out that the guy taking and editing these had a photoshop fetish. Kek
No. 767471
File: 1547791841811.png (39.66 KB, 640x1138, 2KFNavp_d.png)

>>767467Wait just kidding I did a simple reverse image search and apparently her "name" was Tammy Loper (aka TammyGirl) on facebook. Here's a link to more milk. No. 767997
File: 1547864068387.jpg (719.16 KB, 1600x1200, pt2019_01_18_20_10_44.jpg)

PixieSayurii naturally looks like animu uwu
No. 768109
File: 1547886227984.jpeg (151.49 KB, 809x1024, 2D8C1E34-CD2A-4495-88B9-CB6F44…)

>>767997She’s made herself look like one of those weird ass diva starz from the early 2000’s
No. 769038
File: 1548035488898.jpeg (117.68 KB, 268x500, 1E176F08-38B7-4A6A-9BF6-479338…)

A con photographer was streaming and I got this screencap of his unedited Jenna Lynn Meowri pic lol
No. 769042
File: 1548036230251.jpeg (438.5 KB, 1125x1548, BB533980-0D73-41EA-BFDA-939281…)

Just came across this girl and her face is absolutely horrifying.
No. 770376
File: 1548249765396.png (375.74 KB, 811x584, p019728yiubkhaf.png)

This dude's shoops scare the shit out of me. How do people think this looks good let alone believable?
No. 771231
File: 1548360058908.jpg (671.11 KB, 3994x1994, presidentalkek.jpg)

>>770866As strange as it may seem, Tronald Dump does belong in this thread. We need to build a fucking wall around those jowls.
No. 771262
File: 1548367566367.jpg (502.54 KB, 1167x749, Screenshot_15.jpg)

The fucking nose shop
No. 771287
File: 1548373425244.jpg (720.74 KB, 4000x2325, 09777.jpg)

>>771265She looks retarded and creepy.
No. 771303
File: 1548375917914.jpg (145.56 KB, 640x533, 19-01-24-16-23-21-374_deco.jpg)

>>771287Why is her fucking mouth doing this? Bad shoop or trying to force herself to have the same expression as Belle (the retarded duck lipped twelve year old boy shadbase look)…I have never seen anyone look like this.
No. 771364
File: 1548383729059.png (2.13 MB, 1216x612, Deshoop.png)

>>771262I did a quick deshoop on this to get an idea of what she really looks like
No. 771528
File: 1548423386892.png (131.71 KB, 230x500, 20190125_133233.png)

>>771522Samefag but she shoops on her braces I'm wheezing
No. 771610
File: 1548435699499.png (66.8 KB, 1028x675, http___o.aolcdn.com_hss_storag…)

>>770866>>771231Can't get over how fucking funny this pic of Donald Trump Jr facetuned to hell and back is. His girlfriend posted this shit on instagram.
No. 771618
>>771262Oh god her face shoop gives me life. You can see in this pic on her left shoulder her wig is screwed up from photoshop.
She looks like somebody’s 40-year-old aunt found a pink wig and decided she wanted to be a costhot. Belle isn’t the most attractive grape in the bunch, but at least when she posts normal “going out” pictures she looks her age.
No. 771658
>>771528I don't think so. The way her lips lay over her teeth looks very much like she has braces.
Sage for nitpick
No. 771690
File: 1548446522222.jpg (647.79 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190125-150052_Ins…)

Fuck I zoomed into her recent photo. What a nightmare.
No. 771713
File: 1548450019544.png (472.17 KB, 814x588, whatkindofscpisthis?.png)

Oh boy, do I have a photoshop disaster for ya'll. Her instagram is nightmare fuel and apparently someone on PULL has a mutual friend with this chick and can confirm that she often shoops herself thinner and into some sort of gangnam unnie monster. What really urks me is the jaw shoop, I can understand wanting a smaller nose, bigger lips and tits or ass but the razor sharp jaw and chin just looks awful.
No. 771945
>>771262Oh my fucking god, please tell me these Bella wannabes aren't gonna become a thing. I've seen a few already and it makes me want to gouge my eyes out. One Belle is enough, one Belle is already too much, in fact. But that nose is hilarious, it's like she didn't even bother shooping her real nose so she cropped it out and then pasted a Barbie doll nose on her face. It looks fucking ridiculous.
>>771357I KNOW. They do it with that dri.cosplay chick as well and it BLOWS MY MIND. I can't imagine being stupid enough to not realize the scary amounts of shooping in these pics.
No. 772034
File: 1548508979939.png (390.02 KB, 508x518, 0797t.png)

>>771713She used to be kinda cute, apparently she did/does porn in japan
No. 772744
File: 1548649233735.png (609.92 KB, 930x594, 00808686.png)

This bitch is just so gross. Into DDLG and an all around cringefest. Worst of all is she shoops.
No. 772876
File: 1548690716839.jpg (688.23 KB, 4000x2197, kotakopykat.jpg)

I found the spanish version of Kota/Kiki. She's krikri.cantu on instagram and her shoops rival even the worst of Kota's gollum alien baby shoops
No. 772878
File: 1548690842045.jpg (524.69 KB, 4000x1242, 090999751.jpg)

No. 774267
File: 1549061526561.png (572.52 KB, 806x581, killit.png)

This … person is a disaster. "male" and "femboy" in their bio but honestly I haven't a clue what gender it is but yeah, horrible shoops, worst case of dorito chin I've seen, all around cringe fest.
No. 774268
File: 1549061565060.png (466.91 KB, 959x582, totallylegit.png)

>>774267Samefag but common, why are people so god danm dumb?
No. 774269
File: 1549061625280.png (172.96 KB, 266x382, o98983.png)

>>774267>>774268I THINK this is them without the horrific shoop, still can't tell if it's just a sissy dude or ugly chick.
No. 774270
File: 1549061706737.png (353.63 KB, 472x596, whatkindofscpisthis?.png)

>>774267Last post, just wanted to give ya'll a wee taste of the glorious shoop that people somehow believe is a real person
No. 774275
File: 1549062991273.jpg (692.88 KB, 3994x1994, okjan.jpg)

media.hentaii's friend is almost as bad of a shooper. Also, pronouns are "he or they" obviously, cause look how masculine. I never know whether to post this shit on the photoshop thread, the fakeboi thread or the costhot thread cause they always seem to overlap. I blame anime.
No. 775251
>>771713holy shit I'm 95% sure I know this girl? Imma Korea anon and i met her at a club some months ago. Have her KKT ID and everything. I thought she was a fucking escort because she was with an older group of people but i Haven't talked to her in months as well. In person she actually looks more… human? Like yeah, she looks like she got work done, and some of it doesn't look very good. but looks like from her insta vs irl she shoops herself to be even MORE alien looking. I remember the guy I was with told me she looked like one of those foreign girls trying really hard to look korean and it was super uncanny valley.
Anyways that's all I have on her. But she for whatever reason shoops herself to be even more weird looking than she already does in person.
No. 775267
>>775262same korea anon but it's true that meeting up with idols/actors as a average/not wholly ugly looking foreigner isn't that hard; i've met several in passing in clubs and events. i assume sleeping with on would be just as easy since there's plenty of korean dudes who just want foreign pussy for a notch under their belt. idk personally about the ease of it tho because sleeping with idols for bragging rights isn't my cup of tea/sounds stupid and no one thinks you're cool when you talk about it.
i checked the KKT i had with her and it's definitely the same girl. the men she was with at the club all looked like chaebol dudes in their 50s so that's why i assumed she was either an escort or was hanging/sleeping with them for money or gigs. still totally possible.
No. 775277
File: 1549373473975.png (Spoiler Image,388.96 KB, 538x554, kek2.0.png)

>>775251>>775262>>775267I've been looking for an unedited photo of her, it's impossible. Her face looks 90% plastic, but her body just confuses me. The way she shoops her body makes it look like she has the worst case of scoliosis ever. (pic related)
No. 775304
>>775277That door frame on the left
Oh lawd
No. 775554
File: 1549447376134.jpeg (578.6 KB, 2048x2048, 7AC8CDD3-9ADB-4DDD-815A-5202C0…)

I think xiaxue belongs here. She looks so different… and kinda old
No. 775598
File: 1549471272697.jpeg (Spoiler Image,939.24 KB, 1125x1549, 69C41DEF-E792-480D-8E76-E5C494…)

She has her own thread but no ones used it in a minute. Definitely think Wylona belongs here too though. She claims this is her “natural” body
No. 775609
File: 1549474118719.png (Spoiler Image,170.36 KB, 541x251, 089869697.png)

>>775598Out of all the things wrong with this image, her feet are by far the most hilarious. Like girl, common, who you trying to fool?
No. 775925
File: 1549576335178.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1019.28 KB, 1125x1575, 57742C0E-9290-456B-A86E-A8047F…)

This is so bad it’s comical really
No. 775954
File: 1549586276965.jpeg (41.04 KB, 500x371, 2DFEB38E-E560-44DD-91A7-1CB46B…)

>>775925her bottom looks like a half rendered imvu model
how fucked up was she to have edited AND posted this
No. 776133
File: 1549618521646.jpg (Spoiler Image,471.77 KB, 1080x1726, 20190208_012558.jpg)

>>775925This doesn't even look human… also her captions are really try hard and they give me a bigger headache than her hideous shoop job
No. 776162
>>776133After all these years she's been using apps/photoshop, you'd think she'd have gotten better at it, but it just keeps getting worse.
She really needs anatomy lessons
No. 776253
>>775631She also threw a shit-fit when some people suggested her son may be autistic. A few years later and he DEFINITELY is.
>>775683yep. She has a video called "why I'm not feminist" and has posted about supporting Trump iirc.
I think her husband is into the plastic bimbo thing honestly. I used to read her blog and her story of how they met is so weird. He was a fan of her blog and would write her letters. Tbh I think he's an autist himself. It's a shame because he's cute and successful (he's an engineer) and could do SO much better than a 5ft screeching harpy who doesn't even look like her photos.
No. 776312
File: 1549667425586.jpeg (70.45 KB, 500x500, 9091D5BA-5DE9-48F7-B3C7-2F06D2…)

Wylona instagram v.s candid pic comparison for those of you unfamiliar with this photoshop addict.
No. 776317
File: 1549670110255.png (254.16 KB, 503x226, D8F9A337-A362-4538-897F-239212…)

>>776133Pretty sure she has an extremely old thread here. If not I’m surprised she never got one. She’s not very milky these days tho
No. 778581
File: 1550270916516.jpg (1.46 MB, 2560x1920, 19-02-15-18-33-22-310_deco.jpg)

ig: mirukupeach
this girl's inconsistent shooping distracted from what i originally thought was a cute feed lol. someone HAS to have pics of her real face.
No. 778642
File: 1550282558316.jpg (287.61 KB, 720x769, 20190215_193742.jpg)

This is literally the same outfit just photoshopped different wtf
No. 778643
File: 1550282647614.jpg (261.53 KB, 703x837, 20190215_193731.jpg)

No. 778659
>>778642Same outfit as
>>778643? No.
No. 779109
File: 1550479600935.jpg (405.52 KB, 1080x1697, Screenshot_2019-02-18-09-45-32…)

She always creep me out
Ig : artbeautychaos
No. 779119
File: 1550482332163.png (2 MB, 1728x952, supersounic.png)

Saw the left one on some fashion brand's instagram and the way the Miku cosplayer's wig was badly colored in piqued my interest. Middle one is from one of her katsu stories and right is from her page. What is even going on?
No. 779121
>>779119well one thing that sticks out to me at least is obviously the far right is a different wig.
the other person who posted the photo must have done that since the person next to the miku's wig looks the same way ngl. they didn't do the kaito cosplayers wig oddly enough. unsure what the thought behind that was but its obvious.
No. 779188
File: 1550512027433.png (939.44 KB, 712x908, Screen Shot 2019-02-18 at 9.46…)

No. 779213
File: 1550520843434.jpg (453.2 KB, 2804x960, 654786146465465.jpg)

>>778581i have her on fb but couldn't find anything without at least a bit of shop. she has many kinds of chins.
also to everyone sperging why fehgalvao's body looks ok in candids, thats because she got surgery. it's pretty obvious and everyone around here knows.
No. 779214
File: 1550521108943.jpg (248.45 KB, 1542x593, 8948kh98j748hj4kj.jpg)

one of my fav brazilian cows
No. 779216
>>779213This is like Stefany level of shooping inconsistency.
>>779188fucking christ, kill it. kill it with fire.
No. 779244
File: 1550528587359.png (685.12 KB, 979x441, tumblr_pn1hrgdnVL1wpsdwi_1280.…)

Running for president now, insists these pictures are all natural.
No. 779522
>>779516if you compare
>>778642 to
>>778643 she has literally two different mouths that also aren't human. disgusting.
No. 779578
File: 1550616797334.jpg (73.51 KB, 911x605, 846416565.jpg)

>>779214almost forgot that she shops her body too
No. 779581
File: 1550617032595.jpg (114.71 KB, 925x800, 545254.jpg)

ig: mariza_scheid
No. 779593
File: 1550617304865.jpg (77.87 KB, 582x582, 849846.jpg)

>>779588I'm unsure about who of them is breaking their back more (the other girl with her is fehgalvao)
No. 779616
File: 1550621592523.jpg (217.15 KB, 1503x759, 49848948.jpg)

>>779612i just hope you get your eyes checked soon. can't you see the one where she is wearing jeans
>>779588 is all blurry?
No. 779624
>>779616okay but you're literally posting pictures of her, taken by other photographers, not even edited BY HER, and screaming "SHOOP SHOOP LOOK AT ALL THE SHOOP"
Like fr you are seeing shit no one else does and spamming the thread with some irrelevant cosplayer.
I feel bad for you, Vendetta-chan
No. 779647
>>779624isn't the thread for shop? i'm only posting the ones i know. and you don't realize that the ones i posted where she has that inhuman body are all from HER accounts, and the ones where she looks normal are from photographers accounts.
instead oh whining you could contribute with something
No. 779709
File: 1550650210173.jpg (3.27 MB, 1920x2400, inCollage_20190220_020459098.j…)

Her tags on IG are cringe af
#bewbies #sexybaby
No. 779730
>>779624….when did that anon yell “shoop shoop look at all the shoop”? Chill the fuck out, you sound a bit spergy throwing around “vendetta” and “salt” over and over, when they just posted a few sh00ped pics in a photoshopping thread. It isn’t that deep. No one died and made you farmhand. If you don’t like it, keep scrolling.
>>779618That jaw shoop and body blurring tho lel
No. 779966
File: 1550708907429.jpg (126.27 KB, 750x848, FullSizeRender.jpg)

>>779766thats being too kind
No. 781839
File: 1551376053876.jpeg (289.13 KB, 1125x1394, DC7F201D-F95F-4A6E-807C-93EF22…)

This bitch is not even bothering to make her shoops look human anymore. That ridiculous, disproportionate waist on her otherwise chunky frame, that massive head. Her shops were sloppy before but she outdid herself this time.
No. 782856
File: 1551596426328.jpg (68.53 KB, 593x590, 6464654.jpg)

>>781839those fake tats i'm dying
this girl is legit the stuff of my nightmares right now. ig: nanatsunoumii
No. 782857
File: 1551596559448.jpg (112.72 KB, 928x594, 4894894.jpg)

>>782856your smile? bitch what the fuck. she tries so hard to be a dorito chin asian.
and not about shop but baffles me she talking about how much she improved on her cosplays when they are all bought from bhiner
No. 785061
File: 1552196209225.jpeg (234.11 KB, 1644x2048, 7D373C38-0670-4831-AD25-7B1A9B…)

No. 785179
>>785084Face and body. See that dark "halo" around her, it's a photoshopped in shadow which is super easy to do however when done poorly (like she does) makes it look like a strange outline. You can compare the shading to the pole/banister on the far left (which is also bent due to PS). Another thing is there's uneven edges, feathering and some very fucked up shit going on with her torso and the shadowing(?) there too. As for her face it looks like the usual bee stung lip edit, blur effect and liquifying the eyes and nose. The fact she was able to photoshop the wings in behind her hair (which is actually more tricky then you'd think) makes me know she uses photoshop often and has enough understanding of how to use it to shoop her entire body.
Sorry if this is "blog-posty" but I use photoshop almost daily for my work so these types of things stick out to me like a sore thumb.
No. 788468
File: 1553056796402.jpg (2.18 MB, 1920x1920, Photo Collage_20190319_2238096…)

Her names Vanna she goes by homicidalqu33n on IG. Her before and afters are shocking
No. 788954
File: 1553196418120.png (540.56 KB, 744x540, spookypeach.png)

Surprised no one has posted spookylilpeach on instagram
No. 789287
>>779244Ahaha who the fuck is that?
Looks like Shaun of the dead’s dad
No. 789506
File: 1553376039314.jpg (118.65 KB, 1200x984, 54521310_1114634638716531_4490…)

I bring more feh because she never stops to amaze me
No. 790066
File: 1553481687258.jpg (680.49 KB, 1077x1762, Screenshot_20190324-193057_Ins…)

I almost believed her face until i noticed her nose
No. 790067
File: 1553481768184.jpg (730.7 KB, 1077x1472, Screenshot_20190324-192924_Ins…)

Sorry, I'm retarded/samefagging. Don't know how to post two pictures at once
No. 790139
>>789510she has found her angle and expression and
by god she will shoop them.
No. 792420
File: 1554039712649.png (1.97 MB, 1440x1488, ig1.png)

>>790067I just saw this girl on the explore page and found an older pic or two in her tagged images. Real face seen here:
No. 792421
File: 1554040027876.png (2.63 MB, 1440x1701, ig2.png)

>>792420A sort of inbetween shoop where she still has a nose bridge, but shrunken nose and enlargened eyes. i don't get why someone would shoop like this: she looks nothing like the shoop anime waifu irl, all the attention to your fake avatar self would just make you feel worse about yourself, surely? She's cute in her own way naturally, and more appealing imo than another computer game character shoop
instagram is a trashheap to encourage this stuff and let teens believe it's real
No. 792422
File: 1554040676425.png (1.4 MB, 1440x1447, ig3.png)

>>792420Bonus real face pic. She seems to have got well known through weird animations she posted on Youtube via a website or game, Movie Star Planet, see next cap
No. 794835
File: 1554435316182.jpeg (716.56 KB, 3465x2896, 54E8D725-13ED-4C53-BF88-86C2E6…)

someone's having a mini twitter sperg over her fillers
No. 795086
File: 1554492256660.png (4.65 MB, 1540x2661, shannon.png)

recently found this girl who lives in my city, she has roughly 100 different faces
top 3 pics are from a video and the rest are her photoshopping from ig
No. 795088
File: 1554492365087.png (628.82 KB, 788x650, Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 3.25…)

>>795086her nose shooping is ridiculous
No. 798117
File: 1555353209952.jpg (54.81 KB, 471x591, 5416515645.jpg)

the amount of blur is just unreal
No. 798123
File: 1555354131939.jpg (48.39 KB, 472x588, 87449.jpg)

No. 798338
File: 1555445403992.jpg (95.59 KB, 587x550, 251695.jpg)

>>798209the more you know: she is one of feh galvao's best friends.
someone asked her how does she maintain her 'perfect body' and she went on how much she works out, eats healthy and does tigh lacing. legit wikihow stuff.
her tits are also a mess too because she will never admit to doing the usual boob trick.
this is an older photo of them but they were already heavy on the ps at this time. also the girl on the left is samantabravin, and I always wondered how she never landed here, she is a ps mess too.
No. 798435
File: 1555497818014.jpg (139.81 KB, 766x960, 18519949_1723421884349449_5667…)

>>798338Yeah, I know, it's funny because she didn't use to shoop to this extent, but I legit think Fe might have influenced her since she got to a million followers by shooping herself unrecognizable kek. I don't understand how these two can be around each other and not be embarrassed that they don't even resemble their ig pics. "Perfect body" kek she's doughy as hell tho, even Fe has a better body than Dychan, despite her knock-knees and shopped waist.
No. 798478
File: 1555515264555.jpg (83.24 KB, 470x550, 18455.jpg)

>>798435holy shit i didn't know dy was that fat? i thought she looked a little more like when she cosplayed riven. she balloned since then. and feh said she had a surgery. finally the rhinoplasty?
i think they both probably feel really bad when they are around samanta tho, because her body is actually beautiful and she does shoop her face but she is already cute.
don't know why make her tear duct that big when it's already big anyways
No. 798484
File: 1555516919989.jpg (131.77 KB, 1424x781, 84854.jpg)

whatever makes you happy, kahsan
No. 798485
File: 1555516981564.jpg (131.77 KB, 1424x781, 84854.jpg)

whatever makes you happy, kahsan
No. 798578
File: 1555538945650.png (194.94 KB, 908x734, Screen Shot 145.png)

>>789506What's even happening here….did she shoop her bellybutton out of existence? I don't understand the obsession with enhancing her stomach pooch, it looks like she literally just drew a line and tried to blur it out lmao
>>779593GOD, this pic genuinely makes my spine hurt to look at
No. 798633
File: 1555562463088.png (382.6 KB, 1125x1532, shoop.png)

No. 798719
File: 1555603826563.jpg (48.42 KB, 400x369, 18d874b484cb_tumblr_ol7d2xnwdw…)

>>798633It's Dorito Faced Bad Touch Senpai in the flesh
No. 798840
File: 1555633075355.png (278.42 KB, 691x693, scaryscayr.png)

>>720482>>720482>>755638im so glad i checked her out this is terrifying
No. 800546
File: 1556300149297.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190425-210047.png)

You can see her real face, and the face she wishes she had.
No. 801037
>>789510>>800546Her photoshopped faces have this spray of blush straight across her cheeks and nose that looks like right on top of the skin, it's so absurd.
I don't get it, she's perfectly fine looking (imo) this PS doesn't seem necessary at all. I would have some respect if she would put out a disclaimer or something saying her pics are shopped to be more polished and aesthetically pleasing, not like 'yeah I am that perfect looking' because her real self, which looks fine, looks like crap compared to the PS image she's created. How can you even accept compliments for your beauty/perfect body when you know it's all a lie? Wouldn't that make you feel terrible about your real self?
No. 803213
File: 1557338897392.png (123.7 KB, 749x1048, IMG_6903.PNG)

I have followed this girl for a while and I don't really have any milk to report other than yep totally believable that her waist is smaller than her head!!! mhm! Anyway just thought you guys would appreciate this.
No. 803216
File: 1557339199537.jpeg (334.1 KB, 1125x1899, F8EE804E-E4B9-4138-91D2-89ED95…)

Does anyone follow the subreddit Instagram reality? It has a lot of photoshopped comparisons.
No. 814405
File: 1559076027364.jpeg (633.43 KB, 750x1167, B4B9D59C-7F2A-4FB9-8279-03BB7D…)

that limp noodle arm, oh boy. surprised no one in the comments has pointed it out to be honest.
No. 819161
File: 1559878521855.jpeg (503.64 KB, 682x1214, A7DAC206-6B2B-4E1A-AEA9-9FBA55…)

>>761311The Megan Fox lookalike wannabe didn’t untag herself from this picture in time. Holy fuck what a difference. Though to be fair, her edits aren’t nearly as bad as most cows. There’s no visible warping or anything
No. 819503
File: 1559965606499.jpeg (209.19 KB, 1024x1024, 5F1A81AA-608A-4F95-A7A3-145EF1…)

Some wonky lines there
No. 819584
File: 1559998060241.png (1.15 MB, 991x1345, IMG_20190608_144702.png)

Any milk from her? besides she gained weight and moved to Germany.
No. 819585
File: 1559998138642.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-02-17-07-45-21…)

No. 819587
File: 1559998954290.jpeg (Spoiler Image,524.04 KB, 750x1037, 14A1BF7B-21F6-4428-AEB2-73FA11…)

The shopped on bloomers really make it
No. 819594
>>819584She was brought up on the Instagrammers thread a little while ago
>>785434 but she seems to have gone a little quiet. Still shooping and being an obnoxious poser though. I find it hilarious that she's moved to Berlin and is now pretending to be German again.
No. 819650
File: 1560010725137.gif (419.52 KB, 480x480, giphy_(1).thumb.gif.6c0c178d94…)

Whiitedoll. Already thin but normal body, shoops her waist to an impossible size. Also edits her skintone to be literally white and shoops face to look younger and get rid of her non-white features. She is so dumb that she tags the photographer on her edited reposts, but just going to the photographer's profile is enough to see her real face/body. Also posts insta stories where we can clearly see her warm/tan skintone.
No. 819847
>>819845i swear she changes personalities every time she gets a new boyfriend
a few months ago she was claiming she was not racist and that she had moved on from being edgy, but now she's gone full nazi again and moved to germany with her boyfriend
No. 819873
>>819847She was scared she got outed as a racist, I don't know why. All of her neckbeard fans are racist inbred black metal dudes/girls who look up to her (why? I don't know). She still exclusively wears certain symbols adopted by Nazis but claims it's because of her ~paganism~ and not Nazism. Not to mention she worships alt-right figures. She's an odd thot, I've always speculated she was mixed race.
>>819867She's there to larp, anon. Can't be a real neo-nazi dream grrl if you aren't a German living in Germany amirite? She has no tats to my knowledge, all she has is scars all over her arms and legs which she blurs out of photos.
No. 820162
File: 1560112148115.png (1.92 MB, 1256x1024, dumbass.png)

This dummy Sav/ Savanna D'aigle shoops the absolute shit out of her pics. She makes her head so fucking tiny, wants to be an IMVU character, and can't use the fucking liquid tool for shit.
No. 820163
File: 1560112186859.jpg (219.63 KB, 1280x960, Dfl00_1W0AcRa0y.jpg)

Ridiculous neck pull
No. 820301
File: 1560132473358.gif (45.48 KB, 320x240, eyes.gif)

>>820162lol…lordt…this is embarrassing
No. 820805
File: 1560261503416.jpg (1.5 MB, 1431x2288, Screenshot_20190611-105226_Ins…)

>>819584Still casually warping the world around her.
No. 820915
File: 1560284790326.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1465, IMG_20190611_222234.png)

Look at her waist
No. 823492
File: 1560837435913.jpeg (1.12 MB, 3000x4000, AC386F53-C48C-4997-B7EF-9B611A…)

I wonder if fegalvao_ finally got the nose job she’s clearly been wanting on her piggy nose? It’s impossible to tell since she keeps shopping herself into a blowup sex doll and SNOW-ing the fuck out of her videos. She said she was getting surgery a little while back.
No. 823519
>>823499That’s the sad part. She’s not a bad looking girl, she’d be super cute if she didn’t change every single thing about herself on meitu. It’s really jarring to see the side by sides, she’s barely recognizable.
Not to blog but I had a nose job and it really doesn’t take that long to look quite presentable, I guess it depends on your body and your healing but it’s really not that bad. Her nose just looks completely different (her entire face does but you know)
No. 823524
>>823492Does she have
any other expressions or angles?
No. 823993
File: 1560952079213.jpeg (481.7 KB, 750x1285, 960F5E7E-F01E-4261-A10A-74FB11…)

>>720482I would like to introduce you all to Amanda Bret. 43k~ ish IG followers, she's famous for her weirdly petite build which is borderline Ana and so for nonstop sperging on her story. Most recently (in the last two years) she has gone through four boyfriends (not counting her ex husband) and her last guy before her current fiance was some nasty biker dude who was missing a front tooth (he was promptly replaced within a month). Despite being unnaturally thin she also feels the need to be a shoop queen, so all her selfies look like this.
Ig: @bratoutofhell
No. 823998
File: 1560954315801.jpeg (Spoiler Image,675.86 KB, 750x1022, 9568A442-BE12-4084-B5DA-25F34B…)

>>823994>>823993Samefag from OP, on top of the milk already provided, I'd like to show you a maybe minimally edited pic (she's pretty on top of only sending out facetuned photos) of her and her gross ex. Mind you before her and missing toof dated she was with some ugly scub named Archie and was love bombing him to hell and back before they broke up and she spread lies about him being
abusive and accused him of cheating with @davidleegoth this bitch Amanda is super milky. She was formerly sober at the time and preaching from the highest mountain the virtues of sobriety and right after their breakup went on one of the craziest benders I have ever fucking seen.
No. 824000
File: 1560954616788.jpeg (Spoiler Image,166.98 KB, 397x445, 962D4D11-9C99-46B6-9C43-3A1555…)

>>823998Sorry for spoiler! Nothing NSFW here. Also a "vintage" and heavy metal goods shop owner. She's currently not sober and engaged to some new dude with head tattoos and often posts nudes that are barely censored to show off her tattoos and figure. The reason she abuses shoop is bc she has really bad undereye bags that are only visible ever if you dig into her tagged pics.
No. 824003
File: 1560955137144.jpeg (Spoiler Image,426.55 KB, 750x845, 31BE224C-C164-424F-B3B2-1B4B66…)

>>823993Last of the dump, a bonus pic: she had the courtesy to give her front tooth missing ex the facetune treatment as well
(Stop spoilering SFW images) No. 825684
File: 1561314195852.png (1.47 MB, 1744x1176, 0199287187639716u8262.png)

Oh boy do I ever have a treat for ya'll. I've seen a lot of bad photoshop in my days, Mickey, Stefany, Shingles, Kota, Rachel, Momokun, etc… but this bitch in my opinion takes the cat. Goes by sorajavucelic on instagram. Enjoy
No. 825685
>>825684*takes the cake
Sorry for my autism
No. 825696
>>825684This picture is so confusing
Wtf is up with this bitches making their head extra small on a normal sized human body???
The fucking long ass giraffe neck, the mouth and broken ass jaw, the whole face shape and the lips, for god sake the lips. How does she think this is passable in any way? Is she blind? Or using factune with a blindfold on?
This is why god has abandoned us.
Thank you for this anon, what are her links?
No. 825698
File: 1561316260059.jpg (11.4 KB, 415x387, b0d.jpg)

>>825696 only know of her instagram page. Honestly I wasn't aware the squished plastic face on a massive oddly proportioned body was a new trend, apparently I was wrong.
No. 825702
File: 1561316545970.png (1.94 MB, 1746x1474, 00f2.png)

That elbow though.
No. 825764
File: 1561327769981.png (4.15 MB, 1422x1788, 919822nf.png)

>>825757Wow that elbow. She should go into wrestling, a single elbow to the face would kill a man.
Here's another one that gave me a good laugh. I especially enjoy the random blurring on the fence. You just know she fucked up the background so bad shooping her body that she must of just thought "fuck it, i'll just blur it and call it a day"
No. 825765
File: 1561327990247.png (3.9 MB, 1428x1796, 2973yghd8888.png)

I can appreciate a bitch for not blurring the ever loving fuck out of their skin and making it look like they don't have a single pore, wrinkle or stretch mark. But to post this ashy, sand paper looking ass on top of the crazy amount of body editing is just weird.
No. 825766
File: 1561328284656.png (3.1 MB, 1782x1788, waihb13112421.png)

No. 825790
File: 1561333982130.png (2.45 MB, 1794x1598, wut.png)

I have a weird shoopcow. Anyone ever heard of Hannah Winifred Tittensor? Found her while browsing r/instagramvsreality and went down the rabbit hole that is her life.
Here's an article that sum things up nicely ( but tl;dr, 20 something year old has been completely altering her appearance since 2015 by injecting herself with Melanotan to essentially make herself black. On top of that, she's got some pretty awesome photoshop fails. Plus her reasoning of why she likes to look ""tan"" is cause then she doesn't require wearing as much makeup….
No. 827272
File: 1561565491117.png (1.55 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190626-120259.png)

Using beauty cam to make yourself look like this….
No. 827274
File: 1561565605626.png (2.65 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190626-120005.png)

A somewhat not touched picture.
No. 828416
File: 1561689815301.png (989.8 KB, 1075x1777, Screenshot_20190627-185741~2.p…)

I love the high exposure to hide any warped tiles. Not to mention her photoshopped face. Can people recognize you in real life? Doubtful.
No. 830069
File: 1562002003780.jpg (701.07 KB, 1080x1444,…)

from a filter to a triangle chin
No. 830071
File: 1562002061537.jpg (720.9 KB, 1079x1317,…)

photographer photo with little to no shoop
No. 830432
File: 1562045411034.jpeg (272.8 KB, 1600x1600, 06A25C06-2A89-4D08-8EA2-3DB76F…)

No. 830590
File: 1562072043805.jpeg (174.32 KB, 750x843, 5FF76C45-D9C9-4F5C-AD72-4DEB8F…)

Her thread wasn’t worth reviving but WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO YOUR FACE
No. 830667
File: 1562080547724.jpg (112.05 KB, 640x640, tumblr_a8008c31c3e4e141d086581…)

>>830432I didn't understand why you posted this side by side because I didn't even recognize the picture on the right, kek. She has so many different faces, it's so difficult to recognize her if her name isn't attached to the picture. This girl must be so fucked in the head from getting so much attention from an image that isn't even hers. At this point, she's basically CGI.
No. 830894
>>825684oh boy, our local celeb!
she's a reality star and shit like that
her name is soraja vucelic, and she has a wiki page lmfaoСораја_Вучелић No. 830913
File: 1562103630776.jpg (176.27 KB, 1080x1350, yyyyyyyyy.jpg)

>>830647Yeah, that jaw's real similar…
No. 831525
File: 1562191373590.jpg (211.21 KB, 1125x1709, dws5i8ybtv731.jpg)

No idea who this inhuman thing is or if this is just a troll (I always pray it's a troll), but I've seen this picture a few times and it never ceases to make me cringe.
Any anon who can tell me who it is gets a good boy pat on the head cause if this bitch is for real, oh boy do I wanna see this shit. It's like a jackpot of bad photoshop.
No. 832289
File: 1562330200396.jpg (1.69 MB, 1920x2560, 19-07-05-15-14-21-235_deco.jpg) this russian beauty by chance, they all do thr same stuff you don't know if they've been posted before or not.
No taggeed photos, no photos or her mates' accounts, seems to have a somewhat decent face but still shoops the fuck out if herself.
No. 833165
File: 1562465099470.jpg (547.64 KB, 1080x1080, 20190705_075058.jpg)

Lmao i love the blurring on her elbow and wall to try to cover up the warped background bc she editted a chunk out of her back per usual. Also lazy cosplaying once again, recyled the first outfit and the second isn't even the one this character wears.
No. 833179
File: 1562469587348.png (86.77 KB, 196x373, Screen Shot 8.png)

>>833165Honestly like, what is going on here.
No. 833313
>>833165She has never put together single non-lazy cosplay in her life. Also, that second picture reminds me of Momo. That corset is working overtime, kek.
>>833188I mean, she has the weirdest, doughiest, shortest legs and knock knees, I don't even think she could fix it by being reborn.
No. 833380
File: 1562526178100.jpg (75.62 KB, 600x467, 2dec918d5488677b509d8a3c816dc6…)

>>833165Listen, as a gorl with a long waist and short legs I understand fully that we often end up looking like god's mistake/a fucked up corgi mix….but this is a disaster. I get that she's breaking her back to try and make it look like she has an ass and trying to stretch her torso even more to look leaner but if she's going to be posing/shooping herself like that a full body shot is doing her zero favors. If anything she should be trying to force the perspective that her legs are longer. She seems to at least understand that concept given she's often wearing high waisted bottoms and strategically cropping her pics, but everything about this is just a nightmare.
No. 833529
File: 1562550967658.jpg (801.53 KB, 1080x1291, 20190707_194736.jpg)

Jenna lynn meowri is photoshooping the shit out of her body. When she isn't wearing her chest piece she's editting her boobs to look bigger. You can see her real boobs in the story screenshot
No. 833535
File: 1562551172956.jpg (612.44 KB, 1080x1920, 20190707_194756.jpg)

No. 837700
File: 1563072818569.jpeg (91.8 KB, 385x664, 28DA862F-0143-45C2-9774-248DBA…)

Fe Galvão really outdid herself with this one. She’s claiming this picture looks so goddamn weird because of the shirt and people are buying it kek bitch needs some anatomy lessons. She shopped herself into Valeria Lukyanova
No. 837736
File: 1563075236405.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1429, Screenshot_20190712-225708~2.p…)

A weird explanation as well. The photo in her story looked the same btw.
No. 838279
File: 1563156027363.png (1.18 MB, 1248x838, lol.PNG)

found in my fb group
No. 839750
File: 1563432080651.jpg (279.42 KB, 1080x1350, 62272342_158377195207933_18766…)

>>832289the russian ones are the absolute worst lol, especially the high class escort types. they tend to be naturally attractive and usually get plastic surgery so its strange to see them unnecessarily ps themselves into these monsters, i guess their client base doesn't really care too much about jarring ps as long as the waist is cinched and their arms and legs border pro-ana
this is @alena_omovych
No. 839762
File: 1563435059419.jpeg (338.44 KB, 1080x1350, 6073C014-B933-4287-82E6-ACB21B…)

This is how she looked before the surgeries, a lot prettier. All that fakeness is just ugly since it’s so obvious.
No. 839763
File: 1563435140136.jpeg (21.82 KB, 225x224, 2F1B204C-CD3C-40DA-BEFF-544F67…)

good lord
No. 839764
File: 1563435234507.jpeg (303.99 KB, 800x420, C7C4E2D7-F298-47BF-9621-205B4D…)

No. 839779
File: 1563440348406.jpg (156.57 KB, 655x366, hl6.jpg)

>>839750her face reminds me of pic related
No. 841660
File: 1563732151504.jpg (2 MB, 3264x3264, oof.jpg)

Seen this chick on a bunch of different "body positive" pages/threads despite her obviously shooped body and face. I think she goes by Chel Reynolds but I haven't been able to find her IG account or other social media accounts. I have no idea how people are dumb enough to look at these people and think "yeah, that looks human and totally real"
No. 841667
File: 1563732495306.png (Spoiler Image,1.87 MB, 1662x1190, Screen Shot 2019-07-21 at 2.05…)

Who's ready for a good ol' dose of "holy fucking shit, kill it, kill it with fire"?
May I present to you, Lucille Wittgenstein! photoshop on top of excessive plastic surgery.
No. 841671
File: 1563733054022.jpg (118.19 KB, 1024x768, 5973904628_790f919639_b.jpg)

>>841667I believe she's a MTF trans which explains the odd self image and excessive shooping and surgery. There's a couple of youtube videos of her out there in different stages of surgery/transitioning. Whatever her issue is, her shoops are nightmare inducing.
No. 841702
File: 1563737545431.png (422.35 KB, 480x582, nope.PNG)

>>841667What the neck is going on here?
No. 841772
File: 1563748165278.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 3264x1940, dafq.jpg)

>>841667Same fag but it's so weird. Here's a 2018 vs 2012 comparison. It's obvious in videos and in pictures that she's had a lot of PS but jesus the shooping is just too fucking much.
Spoiler because image is big and also fucking terrifying.
No. 841843
File: 1563754270680.png (1.65 MB, 1682x1216, 1228883777404---949842.png)

surprised no one has brought up this chick. she does tiktok too because of course she does.
No. 842323
File: 1563819064576.png (1.66 MB, 1616x1190, 0091882098829818he918829.png)

This alien that pretends to be an instagram comedian's face just fucking cracks me up.
No. 842327
File: 1563819337187.jpg (55.73 KB, 450x450, timthumb.jpg)

>>842323Why get plastic surgery when you're just gonna photoshop yourself into even more extreme proportions.
No. 842335
File: 1563819922111.png (4.31 MB, 1794x1728, feckinglol.png)

Her facebook is a hoot. Reminds me of Schticky Vicky only somehow more cringey. She's actually gotten better at shooping cause some of her older shit looks like it was microwaved, deep-fried and then run through every filter imaginable. Here's a little sample. No. 842353
File: 1563821578399.jpg (1.53 MB, 3264x2468, 877728222.jpg)

>>842323The amount of faces she's had throughout the years is amazing
No. 842398
File: 1563825555192.jpg (86.63 KB, 425x761, 71986_396926593739299_17488061…)

>>842335gotta love that totally real looking tattoo. It moves too! Left leg, right leg, calf, ankle, hell sometimes its on her arm.
No. 843707
File: 1564016486662.jpg (76.4 KB, 960x960, b2.jpg)

nice shoops sista… Koreaboo wanting to look like gangnam unnie so bad lmao
No. 843708
File: 1564016570340.jpg (96.92 KB, 641x960, b1.jpg)

KOREABOO QUEEN OF SHOOPS honey u r russian, u cant be korean even if u photoshop urself to oblivion
No. 843772
>>843707>>843708You spammed this on PULL the same way.
Please fuck off back to there.
No. 843922
File: 1564072903230.png (3.81 MB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_07-25-06.18.44.png)

Left is at a Con and right from her insta.
No. 843960
File: 1564078877624.jpg (138.37 KB, 1080x1350, 60023153_1427457704063121_7212…)

>>843922holy shit i thought she was sneaky (in pic) but then i realised they both just have bad shoop jobs
No. 844015
File: 1564087736507.jpg (167.6 KB, 810x810, queen of inconsistent phtshop.…)

There's this girl in my local cosplay community who shoops herself into a creepy anime something. Not only she does this unprofessionally but also her photographers make same mistakes when editing her photos as seen on pic related. She has an insta ( for all her neckbeard lovers, twitter (@shadory_cos and personal @shadorry) where she either uses broken english for flirty captions or complains about random people and is constantly being thirsty for lesbians (jokingly or not, god knows, she claims to have a girlfriend) and Patreon page (obviously). I've seen her irl, she looks nothing like at least her civil pics, acts rather harsh and unfriendly towards people who don't praise her.
No. 844018
File: 1564087942116.png (1.43 MB, 950x1200, feck.png)

Everyones favourite disaster is back and with a brand new face/body shoop!
No. 844083
File: 1564097831933.jpg (120 KB, 734x1306, IMG_20190725_182311.jpg)

There is this girl in the anime Twitter community who consistently posts selfies with the most distorted looking eyes and I'm boggled her followers can't see through this shop.
Do these looked shopped to any of you? Is there a phone app that widens eyes? No. 844122
File: 1564106373787.png (1.45 MB, 1692x1524, 09-09uhb6rxctf8YFV8.png)

courtesy of r/instagramvsreality
love seeing obscure cows be noticed by others for their cowness.
No. 844502
Imagine the proportions of that creature if it stood up straight
No. 844595
File: 1564189859631.png (5.51 MB, 2956x1660, Screen Shot 2019-07-26 at 9.10…)

>>844248Tsk Tsk, instagram thots are the ones ruining the rain forest with their buttshoops.
No. 845029
File: 1564281411826.png (4.7 MB, 1954x1918, no.png)

just no
No. 845716
File: 1564435807305.jpg (113.75 KB, 960x646, 9wL8EDEX-NS-wMOFaWtRqNYDE7VOJ3…)

I wonder how her fans feel when they meet her irl.
No. 845797
File: 1564454583043.jpg (13.04 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-2.jpg)

>>845029I wish it'd been a hot decade
No. 845804
File: 1564456997244.jpeg (Spoiler Image,246.99 KB, 750x1085, B8BE1D0F-5E75-41F1-BBD2-50D3C9…)

Her latest caption is sending me
No. 845832
File: 1564464483286.png (484.01 KB, 462x578, lol.png)

>>845828just a regular woman
No. 846490
File: 1564575868979.png (761.74 KB, 800x1015, Screenshot_2019-07-31-05-22-06…)

>MODEL/ACTOR/SINGER-farm raised, gym built No. 846496
File: 1564576383217.png (943.1 KB, 800x1175, Screenshot_2019-07-31-05-26-07…)

>>846485Did you get the party started, anon? No. 846629
File: 1564593143128.png (1.19 MB, 932x1191, Screenshot_17.png)

Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I came across this Lilith skinwalker and had a giggle. Not sure what to make of that contouring.
Insta is @eexrie
No. 846630
File: 1564593245178.jpg (335.44 KB, 1950x1482, XWhUALA.jpg)

>>846496why does he look like kesha
No. 846810
File: 1564620058262.png (Spoiler Image,4.8 MB, 2844x1952, nope.png)

I don't believe this is a real human. It's like a lil miquela thing going on where these images are only 5% real and the rest is just fake.
No. 846848
File: 1564624289549.jpg (105.17 KB, 760x507, 1452715981789 (1).jpg)

Samefag but kek it is. She has a thread. She's turned into like 5 cows so far, she's obviously unstable.
No. 846890
File: 1564626980547.jpg (52.77 KB, 595x530, celine.jpg)

>>846810This girl is always posted on instagramreality. She's had a lot of plastic surgery but still edits her photos a lot.
No. 847092
File: 1564665940758.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1125x1552, 1C5607B1-E1DA-4C6E-A983-C65D2B…)

I know she is already talked about but I can’t help but laugh at Wylona Hayashi and her instashopping. Insta @wylonarin
Her content is airbrushed as fuck i cant even catch a piece of grain on her pics.
No. 847823
File: 1564796195307.png (5.17 MB, 1698x1948, kek.png)

cursed image. of course he's a tiktok "influencer"
No. 847827
File: 1564797142727.jpg (2.46 MB, 3264x2222, 877728222009.jpg)

his poor 9 year old fans must be so confused
No. 847836
>>845716Seriously? I'd be so embarrassed to step outside if I edited myself to this extent, let alone go to an event where people are most likely actively seeking you out. Is this some kind of delusion where after a while you start to believe you look like the edited version of yourself? I would never recognize the person on the right irl if I followed the person on the left.
>>847827That fucking jaw.
No. 847853
File: 1564800576734.png (183.61 KB, 349x236, lel.png)

>>847827cant blame him for the shoop. hes out here lookin like yandev omg
No. 847879
File: 1564811284743.jpg (11.35 KB, 281x281, SvFh2W9__400x400.jpg)

>>847827I'm getting strong Robbie Rotten vibes from his shoops
No. 848050
File: 1564851524648.jpeg (2.31 MB, 1817x1363, D68D28AD-F7B7-4868-97AF-FA0B13…)

Girl is bit too much into facetune
No. 848901
File: 1564994112120.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1558, D7619CBC-7714-4B11-8212-8387E1…)

what's with the crazy russian instagram models who shop themselves into monsters/aliens? are they trying to copy that barbie doll bitch who claimed to be an astral being sent down to earth to preach breatharianism from like 7 years ago? and if anyone's wondering yes she is still alive and her ps is still tragic. she runs a store now which sells lip balm or embalming fluids, couldn't really figure out which one it was due to language barrier. peep the freemason necklace
No. 849839
File: 1565147037962.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.89 KB, 1080x1349, zSBXHjxrFKUvDZ6qcUONDfyLimwmj-…)

Is this our photoshop queen wylona?
Someone needs to see the chiropractor… or a priest…
No. 850012
File: 1565197417427.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1426x1062, Screenshot 2019-08-07 at 18.03…)

>>849839one of the funniest recent pictures of wylona. especially with her caption, who believes that?
No. 850430
File: 1565287922412.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1125x1675, 08275ECF-C9F1-4BBC-8478-DE9169…)

Dat chin shop tho yiKES
Instagram: @kkkkgurikkkk
No. 850434
File: 1565288345667.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1125x1282, 1F79AC0A-1C1E-46EE-A7AA-B7ED2C…)

Why are these Asians a pro at photoshopping their pics? This one is the best the railings have no shop (unless shopped back or used two layers and put the same photo over the photoshopped pic to mask over shopped railings.) and dat hair shop sinking into the shrinking chin effect lol
No. 851251
File: 1565443294506.jpeg (872.47 KB, 1125x1481, 6A06EFE7-7396-444F-A3CF-6D28E5…)

Has anyone checked out this Instagram girl yet her username is sahartabar_official
She shops herself like a corpse and some of the outcomes are funny
No. 851386
File: 1565470195085.png (1.13 MB, 1650x792, Screenshot 2019-08-10 at 21.48…)

>>851251omg thank you anon! ignoring why anyone would ever want to look like that to begin with (although i'm calling fatty), these are the funniest and worst done shops that i've seen in ages
No. 852093
File: 1565640312798.jpeg (260.75 KB, 750x1015, 72FA82CC-60A2-4866-88EF-C0389C…)

>>851386She purposely shoops herself to look disturbing and blur the line between what's real and fake. She's pretty self aware and her insta is always good for a laugh. THIS cow on the other hand…. lmao. Her caption said something like "the woman next to me thought her selfie was more important than mine"
No. 852453
File: 1565704185938.jpeg (843.45 KB, 1125x1119, 8EFF99C9-19FE-4C0E-B0A3-680EB2…)

The leg shop on this girl is ridiculous
No. 852648
File: 1565733132100.jpeg (481.67 KB, 1778x1380, DD378FD5-ED3A-4900-B9C8-10D48E…)

>>852453came across her account literally the other day and thought the exact same thing!
she’s looks like a praying mantis when they feel threatened kek
No. 853464
File: 1565873993795.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1125x1611, 5632D79E-B6A6-406E-A58C-F54910…)

The shop on this blue haired japo is ridiculousu desu @00_ma_ma_00
No. 853615
File: 1565898162006.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1125x1544, 5A3C560D-399F-4AAF-BA6D-B4A1C4…)

Another Russian another fake thigh gap edit
No. 854240
File: 1566008196558.jpg (113.67 KB, 864x1296, hownottoedityourface.jpg)

I usually like his content but his shoops get worse and worse with every new cosplay. He's not bad looking so why does he do this?
No. 854394
File: 1566056978164.png (1.01 MB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2019-08-06-11-28-05…)

>>844015This post could look like a vendetta so i'm saging this one too. The cosplayer just claims she's all natural and denies shopping. Found out that her gf (photographer) is the one who does shops for her. She calls herself professional and takes money for this (she just opened business and is now snapping some other patreon "models" too). So it'd be funny to see the results of her work with other girls, since those are very nice wavy walls I should say.
No. 856226
File: 1566419589888.png (2.21 MB, 1080x1925, Screenshot_2019-08-21-13-25-22…)

Came across this girl on instagram
Her editing actually creeps me out
No. 856716
File: 1566501566610.jpeg (211.69 KB, 750x1038, A588603C-80E7-4909-9EF2-833FEF…)

Just found this profile. Not crazy shops but she always looks so inhuman in the face. Trying to figure out how much does she edit? Love some of her cosplay though.
No. 859626
File: 1567005996892.jpg (253.39 KB, 1024x1024, 3719751919961.jpg)

No. 861906
File: 1567332452764.png (1.86 MB, 1152x1152, D341759F-B35B-4D59-9C89-0CAB9C…)

brookelle on instagram. this is def her because she also posted a pic of her back when she was “brokelle bones” on myspace. oh the wonders of plastic surgery and photoshop
No. 861912
File: 1567332804455.jpeg (51.85 KB, 400x300, 8AB96051-1EDC-4D70-8C0F-E2A366…)

another before ^
No. 862568
File: 1567450677201.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1125x2249, DF40B09B-88DC-4C44-BE7A-600AD9…)

Wylona Hayashi right now.
No. 864897
File: 1567789178958.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1242x1696, 3621FAB0-A67C-4D3C-A9CF-E75813…)

This is SO weird. Obviously she isn’t ugly and she has money so I don’t understand the need to do this.
No. 868620
File: 1568478894650.jpg (491.4 KB, 1080x1579, 20190914_103300.jpg)

You have to be retarted to think this girl is natural. Even in videos, she looks really strange when compared to a normal looking person.
No. 870079
File: 1568810553658.jpeg (1004.9 KB, 1125x1453, 841B6A2C-D7A2-4B6F-B1FF-BFB56A…)

No. 870213
File: 1568831907762.png (594.53 KB, 476x594, 12.PNG)

anzujaamu has fallen into the extreme photoshop rabbit hole.
No. 870288
File: 1568843130767.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1125x1717, E1951CFC-4B6A-4165-838D-2E04B0…)

that desperate waist photoshop is ridiculous
No. 870404
File: 1568877582816.jpg (660.25 KB, 1080x1441, Screenshot_20190918-201850_Gal…)

This…thing. i keep seeing her pics when I'm shopping on AE and it's killing me. I think she even popped up on my Facebook once. What's her deal?
No. 870419
File: 1568885734411.jpeg (214.78 KB, 1125x2436, 9AB1593B-4717-4B41-BD38-C900D6…)

>>870404I saw this weeks ago on AE on a review for the lace front wig she’s wearing, she’s terrifying. I think she was posted to r/instagramreality too
No. 870701
File: 1568933644312.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x1903, A5182983-6055-4F16-9699-114450…)

Reeeediculous shop
No. 873716
File: 1569599153092.jpeg (321.83 KB, 640x940, C185E3CA-ED27-4FCA-82FF-D28886…)

this gives me uncanny valley vibes at first glance tbh
No. 874768
File: 1569852378601.jpg (677.34 KB, 972x1999, 20190930_080449.jpg)

>>870846Yeah. Screenshot of her from her youtube videos.
No. 875345
File: 1569969819858.png (6.73 MB, 1125x2436, B17C3A85-43D0-4538-9F76-94F4CD…)

So let me get this straight. She turned this into a photoshopped mess and her masterpiece had to be editing of her lips, eyes, blurred skin and blown up the pic but forgets to edit her jawline? I’ve been laughing at this pic for ten mins.
No. 875356
File: 1569972299663.png (240.69 KB, 608x969, uwyer.PNG)

This fucking guy…
No. 875358
File: 1569972357717.png (677.78 KB, 612x956, sdfwerwer.PNG)

No. 875396
>>875348Its suspected that she's at least had lipo suction but i think she just constantly wears shape wear and edits over her videos.
Watching it the shape of her nose jaw and chin changed a few times.
No. 875475
File: 1569993101866.jpg (59.39 KB, 650x495, 3.jpg)

>>875358Well, if he's trying to emulate this style… it's like those pictures of artists trying to make "realistic" Disney characters and plunging deep into the uncanny valley
No. 882806
File: 1571649592452.jpg (1.79 MB, 1920x2560, 19-10-21-12-19-21-688_deco.jpg)

No. 883312
File: 1571766917014.jpg (98.82 KB, 960x616, 74610987_2988894437806431_1110…)

Is this girl a photoshopper? She just looks weirdly like a barbie doll and I can't find any pics of her that she didn't post herself (Sosenka/@itlookslikekilled)
No. 884013
File: 1571886424040.jpeg (248.07 KB, 1080x1080, 881CB966-0051-4327-B6E2-E9E420…)

KeroChobittsu. She’s naturally pretty, but her “newer” edits are starting to annoy the fuck out of me. She also seems to have deleted most of her old pictures on Twitter.
No. 884040
>>884013I wish these people would study anatomy for 5 seconds. Nobody has a chin like this. Her nose would collapse if it was this small and thin.
It's a shame because I bet these photos looked nice before the ridiculous edits.
No. 885014
File: 1572114625658.jpg (Spoiler Image,855.54 KB, 1116x4557, @fashioninflux.jpg)

Apologies if this is the wrong thread for this. Does @fashioninflux shoop?
No. 889885
File: 1573075379450.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1125x1687, 7CD9A8C5-C5CD-4AC3-A837-89D210…)

Totes real guys
No. 903592
File: 1575866910233.jpg (127.34 KB, 991x1054, IMG_20191208_223432.jpg)

>>885044She has to wear wigs, anon.
No. 903594
File: 1575867132100.jpg (Spoiler Image,623.5 KB, 1960x2062, IMG_20191208_225111.jpg)

>>903592Lost her hair or shaved it off and has a biopsy at some point due to medical shit she had going on. Her shitty attitude and lies about editing her pics is irksome.
No. 903595
File: 1575867195854.jpg (59.82 KB, 413x720, IMG_20191208_223004.jpg)

>>884013She's a good catfish.
No. 905028
File: 1576208595228.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.11 MB, 1920x1920, CollageMaker_20191213_00232172…)

No. 905094
File: 1576228147286.jpg (37.28 KB, 640x445, Timmy-Thick-640x445.jpg)

>>758855lurking through the old replies and couldn't help but notice that she has the same smug-face as timmy thick
No. 905132
File: 1576239393914.jpg (58.04 KB, 958x959, embarrassing photoshop.jpg)

esah Jordin Vanover not annoying, but outlandishly photoshops her pictures and the supposed 'superior gender' scrots actually believe it's real. these shoops are really embarrassing No. 908039
File: 1576880370940.png (461.11 KB, 744x497, Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 2.18…)

anon, i'm dead i love this video though
No. 912334
>>823993This girl is major milk. She’s not a bad person, but wildly unbalanced. Her main problem is that she comes from a great, very supportive and very well off family, but has a love affair with the crust punk biker aesthetic and wants so desperately to be cool and edgy. Her parents are super functional and are still very much in love. She’s looking for this kind of relationship for herself, but is trying to find it in these toothless, meth head, scratcher, hipster, fake metal boys- then complains about how
abusive they all are and why she can’t find a “real” man.
Her ex husband was a really great guy and treated her like a queen. But he was just a regular, drama-free, financially successful dude. She cheated on him throughout their entire marriage with just about every denim vested, bearded dude in Brooklyn. The ex husband is such a good guy that he STILL helps her with her bills because of how unbalanced she is- but it might also be because he’s an investor in her shop.Her life’s ambition is to remain relevant on instagram. Her Instagram stories are always guaranteed shit show entertainment.
No. 913064
File: 1578042077901.jpeg (298.25 KB, 750x1067, 735B488F-4666-4770-AB9D-BE2163…)

>>912338Amanda would never self post unless she was gonna WK. I put in a formal request for a thread on her in /pt/ the other day. She is quite literally the definition of a lolcow. I'd like to add that on top of cycling thru men like it's no one's business, she called out her toothless ex Corey for being a pedo and her ex husband (who seems to be well off) pays for all of her employees wages at her shop Schaffermeyer & Co, which sells next to nothing bc they're a ridiculously overpriced "vintage" shop. Also… Yeah, she photoshops herself to look like a fucking alien. Pic related.
No. 914951
File: 1578441899860.jpeg (115.23 KB, 750x829, FE4B79FA-8FF1-4330-BCDF-505EF5…)

No. 917072
File: 1578867125143.jpeg (859.24 KB, 3464x3464, 151B555B-73D1-4AA3-96DC-DE611A…)

the absolute clownery of @lady.sylph
No. 917752
File: 1578959251677.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1242x1702, 9955B847-1181-4204-9903-739067…)

>>917751samefag but seriously look at her beetlejuice head
No. 917881
File: 1578976421302.jpg (138.48 KB, 1080x576, Screenshot_20200113_213423.jpg)

I'm not sure if this counts because it's from a video, but this lady edits herself so her head is the size of an actual peanut.
No. 917942
File: 1578987584659.jpg (60.98 KB, 622x765, b33c8a63691305677f5b025058d9cc…)

Her edits are horrendous
>>914951 No. 918526
File: 1579101974321.jpg (236.64 KB, 720x979, Screenshot_2020-01-15-10-25-11…)

The poorly shopped imvu waist and I don't even know what's going on with her face.
No. 920097
File: 1579361482313.jpeg (106.45 KB, 480x527, Screenshot_20200119-023002.jpe…)

some fucking cow off fb just…..what the FUCK is this i wish i had pics of her shopping journey but she privates all of them
No. 921147
File: 1579575287930.jpg (749.21 KB, 1470x2497, 20-01-21-13-50-55-335_deco__01…)

Mercurial Mouse is the epitome of realness, she's making bank impersonating BD by becoming a whole new ethnicity kek
No. 926286
File: 1580480015076.jpg (294.57 KB, 1080x1442, Screenshot_20200201-010711__01…)

This girl actually looks like a sailor moon crystal extra lmfao
No. 926293
File: 1580480644148.jpg (461.74 KB, 1080x1375, Screenshot_20200201-012359__01…)

Also wtf am I looking at here?
No. 928339
File: 1580868489804.jpeg (188.37 KB, 828x1132, 17578BCF-2336-4453-9823-150881…)

All of this girls photos high disturb me. I even called her out and she went ballistic on me. Like if you’re gonna shoop at least make it look right…
No. 928350
File: 1580871374350.jpg (468.26 KB, 1080x1355, Screenshot_20200205-135426__01…)

>>928339Grinds my gears even more cause she's a total narcissist somehow
Also can we kill DJ.harudoll before she lays eggs? Getting genuinely concerned for humanity.
No. 928352
File: 1580871423788.jpg (478.07 KB, 1080x1324, Screenshot_20200205-135350__01…)

No. 928379
File: 1580875747560.jpeg (1.92 MB, 3464x3464, 1EEB1E10-DCA9-4771-A24F-2E1FC1…)

>>720482This girl way over edits her photos, what is it with this trend of looking like a drugged up alien?
No. 928392
>>928371That is the ultimate secret to becoming an ~irl bishie~
Now that we know we can share in the source of her power KEK
No. 928393
File: 1580881286277.jpg (303.98 KB, 1080x1468, Screenshot_20200205-164050__01…)

This looks sh0pped
No. 928978
File: 1581026250194.jpeg (998.93 KB, 1242x1244, 48623BE3-7D42-49F4-B2CC-AC805F…)

People like this is why I pretty much am over the entire beauty community and don’t subscribe to any of it anymore, as soon as I saw sugarpill and jeffree Star cosmetics repost her. Has this lady like acknowledged why she does this to her face and I just missed it? It doesn’t even look good. She started doing it to her candid mirror selfies too.
No. 929047
File: 1581038900669.jpg (297.96 KB, 1080x1400, Screenshot_20200207-121953__01…)

>>928978Agreed. Beauty community has been steadily dying since the early 2010s, but all the Facetune has really kicked it up a notch.
Her shop is eerily similar to this chick who used to follow me. I just found her again after a few years and she's absolutely morphed her face and has some how gained a following from it
No. 929049
File: 1581038949368.jpg (151.42 KB, 603x888, Screenshot_20200205-195753__01…)

No. 929056
File: 1581040113463.jpg (601.23 KB, 1080x1335, Screenshot_20200205-213054__01…)

Also found this girl plugging herself on AliExpress of all places KEK
That's a smooth Jeff the killer cosplay
No. 929095
File: 1581044514066.jpeg (117.05 KB, 960x960, CECD43B6-63B7-4244-ACD3-01EBF6…)

>>920097heres her unshooped
No. 929546
File: 1581134118461.jpg (576.03 KB, 1080x1843, Screenshot_20200208-144750__01…)

Found yet another cow skinwalking Nicole Eevee Davis. She looks like she pasted Nicole's face onto hers lol
No. 933649
File: 1582100454946.png (642.82 KB, 553x385, 8465.png)

No. 933650
File: 1582100571621.png (366.08 KB, 404x556, 784858.png)

No. 935170
File: 1582344884555.jpg (912.67 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200221_200534.jpg)

Saw this girl being shared around on fb. Her stuff is really inconsistent and the commets are full of people praising her body. Just had to share cause it looks ridiculous
No. 935173
File: 1582345078514.jpg (74.99 KB, 1080x1421, FB_IMG_1582344123049.jpg)

Love this one cause of the reflected image not being the same as her. The nose really shows it.
No. 935178
>>935173Kek at the upper lip reflection
There's so many pixel artifacts around her neck and chest too
On a side note, the body she's given herself looks like it belongs in pan's labyrinth
No. 936856
File: 1582644338210.jpg (267.88 KB, 1080x1176, Screenshot_20200226-022346__01…)

Found a mildly disturbing water colour painting
No. 937476
File: 1582752644117.png (3.91 MB, 2048x2048, 20200226_232841.png)

Does anyone know who this is btw? I keep seeing her on reddit.
No. 937545
>>937476Pissing my self laugh
What the mighty fuck is that??!
No. 937756
File: 1582803061137.png (83.15 KB, 897x289, Capture d’écran 2020-02-27 à…)

Soooooo a year ago I posted a comparison to r/Instagramreality of @xenon_ne's shoops and today I received this notification. Sis is apparently trying to hide her shooping which is… a bit too little too late considering her entire account
No. 937759
File: 1582803212883.jpg (78.33 KB, 750x927, 58689482_874683299537470_76751…)

>>937756Like sure, no photoshop here
No. 937804
>>928393I know the right one.
She is super small and skinny and Basically looks like this.
I guess her chin is a little bit bigger so that might be shoped.
She posts videos as well where you can see her real face I guess
No. 939119
File: 1583033002149.jpeg (22.82 KB, 552x555, images (2).jpeg)

>>937804>She is super small and skinny and looks like this>Didn't sage>Only replying to a shitpost from 25 days agoObligatory hi cow. Here's the image your shops resemble most closely kek
No. 939177
File: 1583042596007.jpg (176.08 KB, 1080x1341, Screenshot_20200301-170117__01…)

What nightmares are made of
No. 939200
>>939191If it hurts your precious fee fees so much
hide the thread and return to Twitter from whence you came
No. 939344
File: 1583079168575.png (148.6 KB, 352x586, that shit wack.png)

Her boyfriend and more added me a few time ago.
I don't usualy pay attention to my fb anymore, I only add random users knowing they're all guys.
I just though it was kind of funny since my fb profile picture used to be shopped, so I guess I kida see a pattern.
No. 940106
>>939438True anon, I retract my previous statement
>>939344Ha, does Micky's boyfriend shop his pic too? Or did you accidentally post it here rather than her thread?
No. 940776
>>940748>She's just good at cosplay imo she looks the same in her yt videosShe legit looks like a watercolour painting wtf? Her jaw is literally half the size and pixelated as shit, fuck off keke
That being said at least she's shooping for cosplay
No. 940783
>>940748>>940776In her oldest videos and when she talks she looks a lot less animuh-like.
It's weird, she has so many followers but never seems to go to conventions or events?
No. 945301
File: 1584173446459.jpg (299.4 KB, 1080x1828, Screenshot_20200314-190634__01…)

So is DJ harudoll more self aware than we think, or is her bestie just hanging shit on her doritoesque PS kek?
No. 952691
File: 1585754891376.jpg (93.23 KB, 596x593, drake babymama photoshop.jpg)

drake's babymama. literally all her photos are photoshopped like this. if u cant photoshop realistically then dont
No. 954546
File: 1586073831704.png (4.03 MB, 1242x2208, 4E361B31-2F08-4F0C-AE31-B8226E…)

Extreme photoshop
No. 955244
File: 1586217593071.jpeg (523.94 KB, 828x996, 59C3979A-00CD-4B2D-9777-A3FF04…)

Is it just me or have a lot of cosplayers gotten more extreme with their shoop lately? This isn't as bad as other ones in this thread but she still looks pretty uncanny imo.
No. 955246
File: 1586217720147.jpeg (704.07 KB, 828x989, 1DFF010C-5651-4371-AAB5-8F8E5C…)

Pores don't exist, clearly. All of her photos are extremely edited and blurred.
No. 959487
File: 1586984808846.jpg (34.5 KB, 675x380, 82751024_760666161085116_32366…)

>>720497I would like to know too, please
Pic for attention
No. 959810
File: 1587034097578.jpeg (246.21 KB, 750x916, F77B4B94-6723-4454-A7AC-FD0347…)

No one knows these twins are huge racebenders because they seem to scrub all tagged photos of themselves.
No. 959811
File: 1587034136812.jpeg (227.76 KB, 750x728, CCF4BBA2-673B-4B39-9CF0-881373…)

>>959810Every posted photo of them they’re as white as the dude
No. 959972
File: 1587062590736.jpeg (752.53 KB, 1242x1394, F38F559C-FB2B-43EA-810D-8ED6C7…)

some random twitter egirl i follow has some of the most ugly and botched editing i think i’ve seen.. theres for sure worse than this on her account, just can’t be bothered to dig
No. 960824
File: 1587168046171.png (539.75 KB, 519x551, Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 6.54…)

>>926293I love this girl she looks straight from an IMVU banner ad
No. 961409
File: 1587255730750.jpeg (1.25 MB, 4000x3000, 7E930C9B-AA5B-47E2-A86B-C086AD…)

some more of her horrendous nightmare shop
No. 964521
File: 1587708286155.jpeg (Spoiler Image,16.75 KB, 400x225, images (3).jpeg)

>>961409She looks like anachan Aunt Fan from robots
No. 965801
File: 1587947401949.png (592 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200427-022741.png)

What am I looking at here??
No. 965860
File: 1587964694644.png (1.39 MB, 722x954, miniipuff.png)

im suprised that miniipuff on ig hasn't been posted yet
No. 965946
>>965945there is no way in hell a corset will ever train away the fact that she is huge, why lie? it looks like shes shopping as well.
this is honestly the first time im seeing her instagram as ive only seen her modelling on dollskill. and to be clear i never thought of her as being some ugly sow just because shes plus sized, i always saw her as just a dollskill plus size model, cute face, body nothing to write home about, but now after seeing her instagram which is basically a resume these days, how she markets herself vs how she looks modelling lingerie, theres a huge discrepancy. just saying, i'm sure thats not what the hiring manager expected.
No. 965998
>>965978I didn't bring up corset training to "morality police" you dear anon, I'm bringing it up because clearly the bitch is wearing a corset while anon's trying to insinuate this is all shoop. Whatever she did it looks good in a way that I can see why she got popular.
If her shooping is so obvious and stupid, then provide some receipts of bad shoop like people do in this and other threads (and don't forget the caps of her denying the shoop). If she's got an "asian fetish" then post caps so we can laugh.
Right now this seems like vendetta. This thread is for delulu people with true ridiculous shoops, not a place for you to pants shit about someone you feel is portraying themselves as more attractive than deserved.
No. 966000
>>965998lolol why would i post screenshots her insta is self explanatory, it shows and tells it all. idgaf about this heffer enough to post receipts and screenshots just type in her fucking username its not that hard
like i said i just found her instagram TODAY from this thread, i never insinuated she was shopping everything but she definitely does shop.
No. 966727
File: 1588178677891.jpg (1.72 MB, 1920x2560, 20-04-30-02-43-25-624_deco.jpg)

>>966001Ntayrt but real woman vs digital painting kek.
No. 967911
File: 1588387610550.jpg (1.13 MB, 2012x3264, fhjvd.jpg)

I don't get why some cosplayers think that shop like this looks good?
No. 967916
File: 1588387854231.png (2.16 MB, 1136x1014, Screenshot 2020-05-02 at 02.50…)

>>967911it looks like she's wearing a mask 99.% of the time
No. 968684
File: 1588562129407.jpg (523.41 KB, 1080x1470, Screenshot_20200504-131410__01…)

Something really unsettling (more unsettling) about this girl's eyes
No. 969265
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Why can't people get their snow settings right it scares me
No. 969545
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Our fave cow shayna RT’d this girl today and I just can’t
No. 970198
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>>970197Forgot to attach pic; my bad
No. 970211
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>photoshops to look like jailbait
>Just looks demented
No. 972743
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No. 974344
File: 1589523910089.jpeg (425.25 KB, 2048x1298, photoshop.jpeg)

Real knockout photoshop job from Leda Bunny. I saw her bring brought back up and I couldn't help remember her bad acne. She photoshopped her stuff for years until all these candid finally started coming out.
No. 975550
File: 1589772950866.jpg (1.14 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200517-233417_Ins…)

@Shaystrife on Instagram.
This chick's shoop makes me cringe so hard.
No. 976421
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>>720482Karita_maya on Instagram/Karita moorcroft, just-turned 18 year old who claims she’s had multiple cosmetic procedures (BBL, filler etc). Can’t believe anyone would shop their pics this much, the body dysmorphia is real
No. 976469
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>>976421That pantie strap be like
No. 976476
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Found this on another site, I didnt delete the info.
No. 976523
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>>976476The motivational quote, I can't with these people kek. Also someone please tell me people don't really look like this:
No. 976536
>>976534Lmao, all those unfinished water bottles and empty mugs that you just
know have mildew growing in them.
No. 977130
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I know she's already been posted but I just wanted to say each day we stray a little further from God. Coincidentally her eyes are straying from each other too.
No. 977703
File: 1590163125356.jpg (601.45 KB, 1080x1371, Screenshot_20200523-014835__01…)

This is some weird lookin shoop. I don't know what's weirder, the shoop or this girl's tiktoks where she's scantily clad miming a toddler's voice
No. 979157
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>>937410look at the door on the right and how fucked up her eyes are
No. 980658
File: 1590729401692.jpg (625.64 KB, 1080x1080, missflossypots.jpg)

Not ridiculous but definitely a photoshopper, missflossypots. Her shops look pretty normal until you see one of the less edited ones. Left was posted on her own page recently as a new photo, alongside photos like the right. Generally she enlargens her eyes significantly, and I think her lips as well.
No. 980670
File: 1590732636034.png (1.83 MB, 1440x1838, flashing.png)

>>980660I don't think so, but if you search her name, one of the results is an old blog post by a vintage friend (appears in a photo with flossy) xamiaarc where xamia flashes her entire vagina on her blog while "reviewing" stockings. So we can assume vintage community folk are a little unhinged.
No. 982581
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This girl is one of my faves, she started her journey as a Valeria Lukyanova (The Human Barbie) skinwalker, she’s doing the influencer thing on IG (@ladyblonde1506) but still hasn’t mastered basic lighting and anatomy, her VK page and Baginya thread are a treasure trove, anyone who wants an introduction on her exploits should check out her page on lifeinplastic21 on tumblr, shes an endless source of entertainment for me, this isn’t even the worst of her offerings
No. 982610
File: 1591139137659.png (3.32 MB, 1864x966, effinahyatt.png)

This chick Effina Hyatt @effinna instagram, definitley not as ridiculous as others and her transformation has flown under her radar for many but she looks nothing like her former self it's so startling.
She has over 100k followers and is big in the Arab states, many people comment on her posts calling her a natural Persian beauty when to me it's clear she's just shoops her face into oblivion or has probably used her dads kuwaiti bux to buy a kronk jaw.
She's also an annoying pick me who has posted her face in "rate me" reddit threads and has a bf over 10 years her senior.
No. 982618
File: 1591140316047.jpg (32.38 KB, 688x562, CwSF3Cw.jpg)

>>982615It's a shame because her original nose suited her well, but i guess having actual Arab features like the large nose and olive skin she was born wasn't enough.
No. 982652
>>982618what a shame
she looked nice
No. 982682
>>982680yup, no idea how he bagged her, hes balding and schizophrenic. i used to love him and mde but his streams are too fucking much man, severely cryptic. he rides teamsesh haard too, always wearing merch and his stream bg music is always bones/teamsesh. and shes always wearing charls's sesh merch…hes flown to wherever she lives to see her a few times now. and theyve been to europe together. i wonder if shes paying for it because afaik hes not very well off since mde died. he was living in a shed for a while back in 2017 i believe?
pretty weird
No. 982699
File: 1591153096510.jpeg (567.11 KB, 750x1017, 2B11DA52-D4F8-4AFA-A5C4-BE6F1E…)

Astrid still casually pretending that points of reference don’t exist
No. 982713
File: 1591157303881.jpg (74.47 KB, 763x750, MDdKsVH.jpg)

>>982680I highly doubt it, she seems obsessed with her appearance so looking for validation on plebbit seems like something she'd do, plus why would her followers (mostly non english speaking arabs) post her on a rate me sub?
>>982682Makes sense she ended up the Charls, she simped on his twitter posts and twitch streams till he noticed her. No woman of his own age would entertain his shit but an impressionable inexperienced 21 year old surely would. She seems to adopted alot of his opinions, regurgitating occultist bullshit and a-poltical tendencies. I'm pretty sure she's from a rich Arab family, she flies out to multiple places and has had work done to her face whilst having no real source of income.
>>982688Pic attached is also older but yeah she used to look pretty normal & nice whereas now she looks like some weird AI bot with 2012 shoop ability. I'm more surprised she has 115k followers and no ones said anything when all you need to do is scroll down and BAM new face.
No. 982734
>>982731? This is gossip thread and i'm giving my two cents? Fair enough if i was doxxing their personal info but i'm just stating my own opinion.
Also sage your shit.
No. 983647
File: 1591356457366.png (2 MB, 1297x960, amberlewis.png)

>>421199this girl is forever a potential cow but I also wish she'd lay off the snow filters and editing- her facebook is a mess of narcisstic posting, being disturbingly obsessed with koreans and trying to look korean, and she delibrately tags herself in every edited photo hoping to hide away the legitimate candids of her where she looks like an entirely different person. Her entire Facebook speaks for itself, barely any photos with friends, just a whole bunch of oversaturated, edited koreaboo selfies and passive aggressive captions.
No. 983651
File: 1591356691136.jpg (60.43 KB, 960x720, 56470365_2234174556835827_7082…)

>>983648samefagging but her friend looking increasingly exhausted at her vanity
No. 983663
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>>983658they were too good to not post, really I've seen friends get tired of her vanity and general cow tendencies before but her EDITING and Snow filters…she makes herself look nothing like her real life self it's scary
No. 983828
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>>983805if she was efamous she'd definitely be a cow, that being said she has 3000+ facebook friends and somewhere I saw her go on an XD Omg I look so Korean omg XD I don't have JAPANESE FETISH that's a KOREAN….god
No. 983830
File: 1591396447432.png (340.28 KB, 946x495, wow.png)

>>983828 samefag, okay, Amber?
No. 988841
File: 1592476222509.jpg (296.05 KB, 1080x1311, Screenshot_20200618-202839__01…)

I'm sure everyone's seen Ehri and her painted on cosplays but has anyone seen this "normal" pic? All her features are literally painted on kek
No. 998145
File: 1593388514604.jpeg (1.22 MB, 3464x3464, FB83FC10-6D33-40DD-BA58-FD18A4…)

Thought this would be a good addition to this thread: ig: karita_maya/Karita Moorcroft
> 18 year old “fitness model”, shops her body to oblivion, looks like an ant
> “muh eating disorder recovery”
> got kicked out of school for lying about being raped by a teacher and having leukaemia
> fakes pregnancy constantly
> goes from “I’m all natural” to “I paid thousands for my face” constantly
> lies about age because she made an onlyfans at 16
> is now a full-on prostitute
No. 998148
File: 1593388614692.jpeg (Spoiler Image,591.37 KB, 828x825, CA02F304-0B87-489E-B02A-9E2FDE…)

>>998145Samefag but her body shop is hilarious, spoilered because she’s in her underwear
No. 1001456
File: 1593779032954.png (512.96 KB, 636x974, IMG_20200703_142244.png)

I'm lost. How does he think anyone fallsfor this?
No. 1001457
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No. 1001937
File: 1593835486240.jpg (261.57 KB, 1456x1941, D3iZLfhr.jpg)

Corsetry and exorcise or shoop?
Bottom is a deleted pic from a while ago, top two are recent.
No. 1002051
>>1001937albany is one I guarantee looks different irl, she doesn't even have any candids and doesn't attend events or generally appear irl. I think it's possible she lost weight and is maybe actually shopping the curves back in, since her face registers as normal to me in top left (like normal with ridiculous makeup on)
Before she was always a lot thicker than in photos, basically shooping the waist in every time. I'd say irl she probably looks like a more boxy version of top left right now.
No. 1002070
>>1001937Honestly Albany says her body is that way from a lot of waist training and yoga.
Is it possible? MAYBE.
But again keep in mind she’s wealthy, this is why she’s able to sit around and do nothing all day, her parents are wealthy and infamous and her Fiancé who is way older than her is also wealthy.
This can easily be surgery.
No. 1002995
File: 1594014839367.jpg (175.57 KB, 567x500, vv.thumb.jpg.c16d3f9360702fb66…)

erin eevee /pink fox cosplay. claims her body is natural in her pics
No. 1003028
File: 1594023320509.png (164.59 KB, 230x363, yes.png)

>>1003023>>1003023Yes. The more i look at it the worse it gets
No. 1003826
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erin eevee also photoshops camel toes on lol
No. 1003831
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>>1003826 pic on the right is edited. I judt went to her video and she has curves
No. 1004776
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>>1002051Found this cgi rendition of Albany. I think you're right anon.
No. 1004782
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Samefag but I also stumbled upon susu_jpg and I've come to the conclusion trust no one. I'm hard-pressed to actually find girls with larger accounts representing themselves even somewhat naturally. Soz for the shit comparison I did it with a phone app
No. 1004787
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No. 1004788
File: 1594317227841.png (6.78 MB, 1242x2688, CC8BBD94-AC53-4EF1-BC30-510656…)

Met her In person at a con. She is very pretty but she is not what I would call thin
No. 1719742
File: 1670315020242.png (750.82 KB, 721x803, Capture.PNG)

her worst one yet.