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No. 2033887

Discuss people in your life, or people you have found online, who have lolcow potential.
Previous threads (in order but not properly numbered):

No. 2034045

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if anyone was wondering, bunny alexander is still alive and well. she works as an indie wrestler under the name lucy lilac. i’m pretty sure she bought her followers though because her and her wrestling “husband” barely get any views or likes on their stuff

No. 2034795

so i guess she’s not muslim anymore?

No. 2035543

Met a few personal cows in a fandom over 10 years ago:
Cow #1:
>schizocow, couldn't stay on their meds for more than a few days at a time
>flooded the fandom group with random tinfoil hattery
>got their YT account b& for copyright
>scammed other fans out of $$ with bootleg DVDs
>threatened to write a burn book about the fandom
>flooded affiliated fan pages with hate mail
>tried to pursue several parasocial relationships
>claimed they were the 'protector' of the fandom and could keep out the dang dirty trolls (100% failure rate)
Cow #2:
>Monopolised groupchats, started slapfights with little provocation
>Hijacked several groups where they were admin and kicked other admins out/demoted them
>Constantly self-promoted themselves as the only TRUE and HONEST fan in the fandom
>Had a hateboner for several group admins who were sick of their shit
>Caused one fan group to disassociate itself and another one to close entirely due to constantly antagonizing other members
>Would go to fan meetups IRL and insert themselves into every conversation, whether warranted or not
>Made complaints (about other fans) that turned out to be nothingburgers
>Is possibly the cause of a key member of the fandom leaving it 20 years ago

No. 2035579

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this lolcow is someone I was an acquaintance of, introduced through a mutual friend in high school. I’m talking 9/8 years ago. She is very lolcowy but that’s not what tipped me off to her initially. She always somehow managed to be in the middle of all sorts of shit but was never held accountable and had an almost boogie2988 way of disarming people and deflecting blame. She sort of insulated herself in what I can only call a cult/hugbox following. Her behavior struck me as a little unnerving when I was younger though I couldn’t name it. Years later I’m realizing there was just something truly off about this person. I was surprised to see she is still clinging onto a morsel of internet clout. She is still talking about virtually the same shit in her tweets today that she was 10 years ago, btw. It’s almost eerie how nothing about her has really changed from since she was 15. I want you to know visualize Chris-chan, but he is black. Horrific, I know. It gets worse.
> He is an obese, fat, black chick who fakes being mixed race and has tulpas (DID)
>eternally embroiled in autistic online fights about the ethics of fictional characters rights™️
> will not shut the fuck up about rape and incest
> so deep and tumblrpilled that the battle for imaginary people never ends, discusses the high-brow intellectual moral quandaries of shipping a 17 year old with a 19 year old. Riviting shit. Now that’s deep.
> cannot shut the fuck up about age gap relationships.
> cannot shut the fuck up in general
> worse and most autistic takes imaginable in the field of fandom mom mental gymnastics.
> admonishes you for not drawing your Asian characters as fat black queens.
> fat as fuck
> room filled wall to wall with figurines from sky boy Nintendo games and other worthless shit
> yet complains and bitches endlessly about her parents being abusive, despite being an upper middle class family in an expensive part of the country.
> this bitch would vague tweet about her parents being abusive while on annual road trips to Disney land
> most dogshit mainstream political opinions
> general spergery and kin bullshit that should’ve been abandoned years ago

I sort of hope someone knows who I’m talking about because this person has always given me a bad feeling

No. 2035587

what fandom was this

No. 2035615

Is it a girl or a scrote? I feel like you're referring to a woman but you're using both pronouns at the same time so I can't exactly figure out whether I need to soften down my insults or not, since if it's a moid I'm obviously going to be worse to him kek.

No. 2035659


Probably misspelling "she" as "he", possessive pronouns are right (her)

No. 2035723

My personal lolcow has actually been posted on the site before but it was 4 years ago and only two people mentioned her. She’s a typical horse face BPD chick who thinks it’s cute to sit on her phone all day talking shit about teenage girls.
> Thinks everyone is copying her music taste but she likes the gayest shit ever like Bladee. > Used to get really fucking drunk and coked out and show up at ppls houses at 4 in the morning bc her and her boyfriend got in a fight.
> Has doxxed and tried to cancel both of her ex boyfriends online when she’s a literal nutcase herself and hits her romantic partners.
> Tries to gain sympathy by whining and begging for money via Gofundme when she’s perfectly capable of working. Jfc
> Listens to white supremacist bands and thinks she’s soooooo edgy. She tries to cosplay this edgy right wing alternative shit but then turns around and will try to cancel anyone and everyone if she feels threatened.
> Constantly whining and pissing her pants about SOMETHING on her instagram story. You ever clicked an instagram story and it’s a bunch of tiny dots?
There’s so much more but I’m gonna leave it there for now. Yeah FTB.

No. 2035737

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girl, nonna. The Chris Chan thing was a metaphor, because he’s probably the closest lolcow I could compare her too

> she has major Tania Head vibes as well

No. 2035855

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Oh boy idk where to start with this creepy troglodyte. Admittedly he isn't the most milky when it comes to posting online other than faggy haircut pics and cryptic faggy statuses, but he's such a gross cringelord irl.

>was/still is heavily involved in the local "BDSM/poly/kink" scene.

>used this scene to get themselves farther up the gross/ugly poly hierarchy to the point where people believe they can do no wrong because they're all somewhat dating him/have dated him in the past?
>too autistic and socially inept to actually get laid despite all the gross events he'd go to for years, so he started calling himself a "sexual hypnotist" and "rope master."
>started taking hormones within the last 5 or so years and made all his uncomfortable female friends feel his moobs as they were "growing" and "coming in."
>has committed at LEAST minor sexually harassment towards nearly every AFAB they know but gets away with it because of their "queerness" and high ranking on the gross local poly hierarchy so they never have to take accountability.
>tried befriending me years ago in hopes of finding both a new weed plug and to "date" me (despite me being in a happily monogamous long-term relationship of almost a decade) then instantly unfriended me online once I told him I wasn't about all that kek.
>still secretly thirsts after my Nigel and myself.
>quite possibly one of the most awkward autists to hang out with because their "special interests" all involve substance abuse, ass backwards "social work," and kink.

No. 2035870

We’re on lolcow nona. It’s okay not to coddle this creature and use genderwoo terms

No. 2035970

You're right, my apologies. Shit's still hard to unlearn sometimes.

No. 2036027

Was (probably still is, cbf to check as I left it 5+ years ago) an active fandom for a variety TV show (with bargain basement production values) that was little known outside of my country.

No. 2036752

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This one is a doozy, she's an Albanian Nazi pick me who has quite the lore on X. She goes by @donikav14 and @Norruh on X.

>Albanian nationalist and Neo-Nazi that constantly looks for validation from white incel scrotes on X despite them constantly degrading her, calling her "a dirty gypsy Muslim cunt" and kicking her out of "whites only" twitter spaces.

>Is extremely narcissistic and has a history of threatening to dox people for mere slights.

>Has sent nudes to multiple incels online and even had an OF

>Shoops the hell out of her photos.

>Used to be an anti-trump Democrat until doing a complete 180 in 2022.

>Is apparently a baby mama to a fat ass moid that looks like a hamster

No. 2036756

somehow the cringiest part of all of this is her self-identifying with american political parties while being fucking albanian

No. 2036766

a lot of albanians are ameriboos, in fact many slavs are, even russians

No. 2036853

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Here she is having a massive bitch fit and saying the holocaust was justified.

No. 2036881

albanians are not slavs

No. 2037110

>My personal lolcow has actually been posted on the site before but it was 4 years ago and only two people mentioned her.
Could you say who it is?

No. 2037168

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Here she is threatening to dox all the Nazi incel scrotes she whored herself out to lol

No. 2037170

Video stops loading 12 seconds in

No. 2037174

Why does this feel like a clout chasing selfpost? Nobody knows or cares about this literal who bitch lol.

No. 2037325

I have a few cows but it’s probably not going to fit with the word limit. First cow is woman from instagram, met her in a random group chat during the pandemic.
>23 years old at the time
>fat, pasty redhead that looked like snotty boy from barnyard looked like a butch chappell roan
>held back in high school until she was 20
>her school had a program with a university that would accept her application immediately, under the condition that she meet the basic requirements
>she failed the requirements twice because instead of doing homework she was addicted to the YouTube channel Daily Dose of Internet
>had an autistic obsession with him, would post daily, hour-long instagram stories of her watching his videos on her TV in her dirty hoarder room, to point where the instagram stories looked like periods instead of dashes
>would send voice messages of her mom yelling at her in the background to take a shower and clean her room while you could hear his voice blaring on the speaker
>would draw fanart of what she imagined him to look like and send it in chat with a bunch of instagram stickers meticulously placed around it
>people in the group chat liked trolling her and sending her pictures of what his apparent ‘real’ face looked like
>she refused to believe it because the Daily Dose of Internet guy was supposed to be Asian to her, apparently he sounded Korean-American to her??
>at first they started sending pictures of the actual guy, but then they started sending cropped pictures from eastern euro fet blogs
>they start sending faceapp abominations of presumably the actual daily dose guy put through the fat filter multiple times
>she starts cry texting but everyone thinks it’s a joke
>she video calls the whole chat so they could witness her meltdown
>only 2 other people join, not even the same chat members who were trolling her
>she starts threatening to kill herself, she starts hitting herself in the head with one of those plastic tubes that go “euuuuuughpp”, pretty sure they’re called groan tubes
>she rips apart her notebook and starts stuffing the paper in her mouth and then gagging
>tries to give a threat on someone’s life while she has soggy, crumpled up notebook paper falling out of her mouth
>gets her removed from the chat because the admin of the chat in a different time zone was woke up by the call notification
>she starts sending dms to individual chat members to add her back in
>someone finally adds her back and she sends a picture of a ‘firearm’ up her mouth, it could have been real because she was a redneck but it also could have been a BB gun
>gets kicked again and the admin tells us to ignore and block her
>she becomes the inside joke of the chat, we wouldn’t explain it to newer members
>months after her meltdown someone new joins the chat
>was not added by the admin, rather one of the newer chat members
>the account is surreal, obviously run by someone schizo or with low language skills
>seems to husbandofag pingu, posting gijinka versions of him with amateur graphic design skills
>bio says “coming up on 3 months with my lovely Pingu”
>someone jokes that it’s actually the Daily Dose of Internet girl because the 3 months aligns with when she last got removed
>OG chat members quote her meltdown
>Pingu girl says she doesn’t get it
>we tell her it’s an inside joke but she really wants to know what it means
>she tries to get us to say more about what happened but then someone jokingly accuses her of being the Daily Dose girl being back for revenge
>she shuts up and continues to be relatively normal for the rest of the chat besides having Pingu as a “fictional other”
>a little while later she requests to follow me so I decide to investigate her profile
>posts indicate some sort of intellectual disability and having tensions between her and parents
>I can’t find anything that was clear proof that she was the same person as the Daily Dose girl so I conclude she’s just a random autistic woman
>she scares the chat with her risky behavior, such as placing ads for herself on Craigslist advertising a date to binge-watch Pingu episodes, thankfully nobody ever took her up on her offer
>she mentions that she was held back so she never got a boyfriend in high school because of this
>someone asks if she was held back twice
>she gets really paranoid and suspiciously says she was actually held back three times
>we joke and say that now we know for sure she is not the Daily Dose girl because she was only held back twice
>she starts sending multiple messages about how the DD girl must have been really smart to have only been held back twice, and how in her state, most students get held back twice and still go to Harvard
>everyone lays off her out of pity for being supposedly held back three times
>this definitely has to be her
>I go through her following and it’s full of bot accounts that follow her back and Japanese Pingu accounts
>one account stands out, the username was along the lines of ‘payback4ddoi’
>bio makes reference to the name of the group chat
>it’s a private account with only one follower, so I decide to request to follow it on an alt
>she immediately dms my alt and asks who I am
>I quickly follow the official Daily Dose of Internet account and say I was a huge fan of his and this account came up recommended under his account
>she gets really excited and believes me
>she explains that she was in a group chat that kicked her out for being gay, which is a total lie unless she was a tif and we never knew
>she said that Daily Dose of Internet was her cousin and just wanted to share his videos in the chat to help him get views and subscribers, as if he needed any more
>she says he’s gay and lives on the border of South and North Korea and it’s illegal there so she’s worried for his life, so she wants to help him get more views to make enough money to move in with her
>she went through some OG member’s entire following to find someone who was new to the chat, someone she could ask to add her to the chat
>she says she’s spying on the members to see if they still talk about her, which they have
>she talks to me a little bit more and finally accepts my request
>she has around 100 posts of screenshots of the chat, screenshots of chat members, and vent arts
>she tells me to read all the posts to understand what happened
>the screenshots of the group chat are so poorly edited and unbelievable
>it’s random members, not even active ones, being edited to say slurs and threatening Daily Dose of Internet for being gay
>she starts spam posting more, the posts are hastily edited and making the chat say things like “she was so smart, I’m stupid because I didn’t even finish school”
>posts uncanny faceapp edits of the admin with a huge face from the fat filter, making fun of him for being obese when in reality he was an anorexic part-time ladyboy
>I send caps of the account to the admin and he deletes the chat entirely
>she starts getting paranoid and asks me if I would join a group chat with only the admin to help her ‘fight’ him, I decline
>I tell the admin that she wants to talk so he decides to dm her personally to set her straight
>she sends a link to him which he clicks on and she nabs his IP address from it
>it turns out he lives in Thailand and for some reason she believes that it’s illegal to be gay there
>she threatens to contact the Thai police
>meanwhile, she starts deleting everything off her Pingu account and posting ‘dark’ Pingu edits on her story, with real gore superimposed onto Pingu with KMFDM music kek
>her stories get reported and her account gets deleted
>she deletes the slander account, even though it was private
>never hear from her again, and the group chat was never remade, at least to my knowledge

No. 2037343

That was a wild ride from start to finish, I love this kind of retarded trainwreck cows. Thank you for sharing, nona.

No. 2037346

>those plastic tubes that go “euuuuuughpp”
This took me out kek. Cows like this usually can’t stop I wonder what she’s up to now

No. 2037357

this is fantastic, thank you for sharing

No. 2037410

>because instead of doing homework she was addicted to the YouTube channel Daily Dose of Internet
those videos are like five minutes and not even every day! kek

No. 2037490

nonita what the fuck, what kind of group chat were you in that attracted this kind of tard?

No. 2037502

This was just the thing for my Sunday night cozy time kek thank you nonna, you have a way with words even in the shorthand of greentext

No. 2037664

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Found a good cow. Bambi Baker/diaryofdollsanddeath on youtube and tiktok.

>claims to be against pedophilia then posts stuff like below

No. 2037666

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No. 2038037

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sad the wormburrow thread on here never took off, my favorite personal cow

No. 2038067

Will Albanians be involved in anything normal, ever?

No. 2038070

Anon everyone posted here is a literal who

No. 2038124

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So I tend to look up people who attend award shows even if they're small fry because I like to see what they're about. I stumbled upon this Sasha Anne character and I think she's maybe a larping nobody? Her instagram is: https://www.instagram.com/simplysashaanne/?hl=en and she has like 296k followers, but I feel like she doesn't have appropriate engagement given the number of followers (may be bought). She has terrible, terrible music (Katy Perry 143 tier if not worse) and she puts that she's a "Grammy Consideration" in her bio kek. Here is her Youtube channel where she posts her music and podcast and random videos on: https://www.youtube.com/@SashaAnne/videos. Picrel is an "award" she got for her music, but the website itself appears to be a type of dealie where you buy the certificate. She also posts these strange music charts on her instagram that show her singles as either number 1 or within the top 10, but it's not an official charting company.

I'm curious if she is related to anyone in the industry or if she just pays for invites because she gets a lot of "invites" to these industry events. If you search getty images, she's all over it.

No. 2038126

steve minecraft???

No. 2038129

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Example of her "performance": https://www.instagram.com/p/C2VN6MNv2We/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==.

Description from her IMDB:
"Sasha Anne, actress, singer, social media influencer and certified makeup artist, caught the attention of producer, Suzanne DeLaurentiis from the referral of her manager, Sandy Lo. Suzanne saw her talent and she has starred as the lead in the horror movie "Reed's Point: Bad Blood Never Dies" in early 2021. And is creating buzz on the film festival circuit and is out now on Amazon prime, YouTube, vudu and on dvd. Sasha continued to work with her company as an actress. Sasha has moved to LA from NYC end of February 2022 to pursue her career. She did a cameo in new TV series On All Fours with Eric Roberts. She also filmed her first music video for her debut single, "Catch Me I'm Falling", which is a remake of the '80s hit by Pretty Poison on all streaming platforms. Sasha is now with Tazmania records. She also has a new YouTube talk show series called "The Vibe with Sasha Anne" where she talks about the hottest trends in fashion, beauty and entertainment each week. Sasha is signed with Element Talent Agency for commercials and Key Elements Pr for Pr. And will eventually be releasing her originals too.
- IMDb Mini Biography By: Sandy Lo"

Nearly all of her content now is pivoted towards music. Here is the website that the "award" from the previous post was from: www.wea.earth

Here is the website that she pulls her "charting" information from: https://music-worx.com/

It's a DJ streaming service, so it looks like it's a very small percentage of DJs that would even use it. My point is, there's a lot of delusion going on and I find it really weird and off how her instagram is handled.

No. 2038133

Lillee Jean collab when

No. 2038135

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Lol here is an instagram post that is linking to an article calling her the "most famous face of pop". The article in question: https://nyweeklypost.com/sasha-anne-the-most-famous-face-of-pop/. She's inspired a new generation of female artists, apparently.

No. 2038198

Watching a bpdchan memer on Facebook speedrunning identities after a breakup.
Started out as very nlog / you don't want to know the real me while sharing her personal acc. Went through a 'Vicky Shingles on quora' phase trying to be deep. Now pivoting to wannabe influencer. It's been a fun low-stakes ride.

No. 2038336

this made me kek, please post dark pingu

No. 2038535

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>24 F
>met her through a dating app was the first woman I hooked up with + first person I kissed
>is a massive swinger and weeb
>lives with rich parents goes raving in her free time
>larps as a progressive, sex positive online but is dating a serial rapist
>her boyfriend is 48 and they unicorn hunt together
>boyfriend is divorced and all his kids are mixed from different black wives
>bf has a massive race fetish, has a public ig and his following is just black/mixed OF girls
>the gf/personal cow is white and looks like picrel kek
>gf ghosted me after we hooked up while her bf stalked, coerced me and drugged me for sex (and yeah I'm black)
>the bf finds my profile everytime I create one on the app (he can ping even if I lock out his age + gender somehow). I have him blocked on ig
>once posted a crowd fund for a young homeless black woman and of course he dmed me asking for her @
>a close friends of mine asked me how I knew her after the cow followed her on ig (my friend is on my pics). Apparently she went to hs with the cow and the cow got groomed by her bf in highschool
>the cow started attending my uni and trying to be a therapist kek
>is active on the college subreddit, the cow uses the same reddit account to do swinging/unicorn hunting and has her nudes up kek. People from the uni subreddit point out how unhinged this is kek
>now doing sex work, reminder she lives with her rich family kek
If her and her bf ever get in trouble for sex trafficking I wouldn't be surprised

No. 2038541

This is crazy, sorry these people won't leave you alone. I hope her and her slimy scrote get their comeuppance

No. 2038705

I hooked up with a white faggot like this. Hope you're okay. Sounds like a nightmare.

No. 2038766

Imagine posting your L's on an image board 4chan moid style. If you were well adjusted you would have dropped her the second you found out she was a degenerate swinger. Can't roll around on a barn's floor then complain about smelling like cow shit.

No. 2038790

Predatory people don't go for well adjusted people, just like you don't come to /snow/ to read about smart decisions

No. 2038936

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rin has been going fucking true schizo for some time now, but i still can’t get over the fact that this bitch just has a jar of maggots in her fucking room

No. 2038947

>a jar of maggots
…what's in the jar that feeds them?

No. 2038998

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Expose thread has come up on twitter about >>1972952

No. 2039018

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You forgot to mention she now thinks minecraft steve is a god and talking to her

No. 2039173

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Thread has been gone for hours, but she still feels the need to defend herself because she knows the truth. She knows she's a saltine fraud.

No. 2039182

She posted recently about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. I hope if she does ever go missing that no one in her cult ever tries to shoehorn that mayo monkey into the MMIW movement.(racebaiting)

No. 2039195

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sorry but this girl definitely is at least part native, i say this as someone who lived in an area of canada with a lot of native and half native folk and a lot of them are white passing but you can still tell they are mixed because they have certain features. 1/2 or 1/4 native people can easily come out looking european. pic rel is a half inuit kid, he has green eyes and is far paler than his fully inuit dad.

No. 2039197

also in general native genes are weaker than fully asian genes. ive known blonde blue eyed completely white passing folk with native and 1/2 native parents. it happens far more than people realize. yes theres a lot of cherokee princess larpers out there but this girl definitely looks like a lot of mixed indigenous women i knew.

No. 2039214

It's been proven that she hasn't had a full native ancestor in her lineage present since her great-great-great-great-great grandmother. I don't think it's appropriate to claim to be an indigenous person if that relative hasn't been alive in hundreds of years. It's especially wrong to claim you're not white because of that fact. Obvious, white people can have indigenous parents and grandparents. But nobody in her family has been more than 1/4 indigenous in over 100 years. That feels incredibly disingenuous.

No. 2039215

nonna I feel that you're glossing over how hilarious it is she larps as a troon according to the post you linked in the last thread. kek

No. 2039221

Nta but do we know what her grandparents look like I feel like it's the key to all this.

No. 2039227

>>2037325 my sides kek. if you have more cows, please share

No. 2039306

hasn't she also claimed like a shitton other ethnicities in the past, on top of claiming to be a bio male troon? stop giving her the benefit of the doubt

No. 2039339

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Unity et Al Dajal's >>1907776 ex did an AMA where he claims that Unity genuinely believes she has DID and is a Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor, he fell in love with her because "danced in the rain like nothing mattered," she is a "philanthropist" (aka donates to leftist orgs and gives money to panhandlers), she is "serious" about Islam irl but practices her own specific interpretation of it, she love-bombed him, her house smells terrible and he cleared 20+ bags of trash and because she was drowning in flies and can't clean herself because of disabilities, her son Gilgamesh is real and she said "my hormones are telling me to kill [the father's name] for the baby," she genuinely thinks she's hot and that everyone wants to fuck her irl, he does not consider her a male, and she broke up with him twice. He also claims he has had over 40 gfs, that he's responsible for the death of a man, and that he was in DC on Jan 6th and helped get the rioters arrested.

No. 2039390

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Yes. I feel like everyone is ignoring this photo of her from the thread. Native or not, picrel is definitely racist.

No. 2039394

they aren't, just that most of North America natives are 1/2 or 1/3 white/mistery meat. Also being the only places in the world where you are considered non-white by not being 100% white. if they were that weak, Mexico and Peru would have been white countries by now. having monolids/epicanthal folds and potato noses doesn't make you native by default.

No. 2039416

She's posted her grandparents and other family but every photo is tinted yellow/brown and mostly looks like white people with farmer's or spray tans.

No. 2039422

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This the post you're talking about nonna? Has she made other posts? It's funny because SHE definitely cherry picked the most yellow/orange tinted photos, a white girl with an obvious spray tan, and white working class men. I'm from the south. A lot of white guys in the south would look Mexican or Native American if you saw their arms out of context.

No. 2039423

samefag sorry But I meant blue collar working men.(Learn2delete)

No. 2039523

Can confirm as someone who grew up as a black woman in the deep south that those is tan white people! They always want to claim to be descended from some made up Cherokee princess.

No. 2039640

File: 1727490045657.jpg (78.85 KB, 1070x1527, 1000002347.jpg)

My personal lolcow caught twitters attention finally. She's really not much, theres a thousand other racist e-girls like her, but she's my personal cow that's starting to get attention, and the milk is gonna start flowing
>fat white girl trying to look like a fragile Japanese waifu
>chronic shooper. Super inconsistent too, looks different in a lot of pics
>does nazi shit to impress scrotes on 4chan
>super racist, pretend to be le epic based femanon
>likes to talk about abusing animals in her discord server
>constantly posts about wanting rape threats/to be raped
She could've flown under the radar like every other dime a dozen girls like her, but she posted picrel as some kind of "at least i can show my face publicly." Now everyone's laughing at her and she is so fucking ridiculous KEK

No. 2039646

She kidna look like my Chihuahua

No. 2039649

i love when these bpd hello kitty wannabe misa amane pick-me's do the whole "nigga nyaaa kys :3" thing for 4chan moid attention because it always gets them publicly roasted and the guys that were hitting up their dm's with heart emoji's will literally never whiteknight and actually happily watch from the sidelines because they love watching women being humiliated kek(no emojis)

No. 2039670

File: 1727495339311.jpg (38.6 KB, 701x361, 1000002362.jpg)

I normally think the term Asian fishing when used about certain makeup is really retarded, but come on, this is fuckin embarrassing. She doesn't even look like a person in the shooped image

No. 2039683

why do they always want to be Asian or Native American?

No. 2039687

File: 1727500439071.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1138, 1000027008.png)

No wonder she has the bangs now. Look at her colossal 5head kek. Too bad her bangs look like shit because of that straw on her head she calls hair.

No. 2039697

It's because, I think (don't trust my word on this), of Asian fetishization in the west. They want to seem desirable to gooners.

No. 2039699

That's literally a Sim.

No. 2039714

the craziest thing about this is that she's 17, 4chan destroyed her brain.
no you're right they're pandering to channers with an asian/japanese fetish.

No. 2039731

She also thinks that men who rape minors are hot

No. 2039779

she was naturally absolutely gorgeous and unique looking before, what a massive downgrade in terms of aesthetic. that tiktok shein goth thot look is done to death and honestly looks kind of vile.

No. 2039882

File: 1727555645923.jpg (601.52 KB, 1079x1734, 1000027591.jpg)

Wouldn't a simple solution here is for her to post a DNA test proving she has more than a crumb indigenous ancestry?

No. 2039884

It's funny because most tribes (where I live) will require DNA tests to determine eligibility because registration requires you to be above a certain % of that tribe. Even if she had a shred of DNA, if it's not enough to register, she ain't attending shit, really.

No. 2039885

File: 1727556386621.jpg (337.05 KB, 1080x1285, 1000027593.jpg)

She casually has admitted to not being enrolled in a tribe, lol.

No. 2039909

File: 1727561276881.png (2.35 MB, 1280x1280, 1000027606.png)

Holy shit I knew this chick during my TiF days on tumblr. I even logged into my old account just to dig up this info. At least I think it's her. The photo I saw in the archives matches the younger ones of her that have been posted here. The age should also line up based on the date. Correct me if I'm wrong, of course.

No. 2039924

I'm ngl her lying about race is reminding me of another lolcow. But most tend to lie about things like that to begin with, from what I've seen.

No. 2039925

half the old lolcows on /w/ would lie about being asian, less disingenous was americans and britbongs on tumblr lying about being eastern european

No. 2039926

why so many people believe her when she larped as a transwoman.

No. 2039927

she claims cherokee ancestry. there are 3 recognized cherokee tribes in the US, two in oklahoma and one in north carolina. on the other hand, there are probably half a dozen unrecognized 'cherokee tribes' in kentucky where in order to get in you just need to swear an afidavit saying you think you have cherokee ancestry. i'm not surprised someone pointed out how unlikely it is she's cherokee from kentucky. it's kind of cherokee faker central. not that this really matters becuause she also claims at least four other tribes. lol.

No. 2039936

File: 1727566098140.jpg (53.7 KB, 1079x527, 1000027614.jpg)

>>2039927(learn to sage)

No. 2039944

yes, i saw that. saying 'i don't claim it but i am x' is nonsense because by saying she is it, she's claiming it.

No. 2039949

File: 1727569350750.jpg (304.64 KB, 1080x2104, 1000027616.jpg)

I heard she's allegedly lying about being a Jew too. Picrel is some schizo shit.

No. 2039958

“I don’t claim it” = “I don’t have the nerve to claim it to the actual tribal organization because I’m lying”

No. 2039959

also Turkish, Armenian and Mongolian? additional kek how she also tries to claim African. how does anyone fall for this shit? I'm going to assume only the Norwegian/Irish/Scottish parts are the truth at best. notice how this shit doesn't even add up

No. 2039960

It would make more sense if she's actually just Jewish since Jews seem to lie about their ethnicity and self insert into different nationalities all the time. It's like Jewish women such Sarah Silverman and Alex Borstein always claiming to be Mongolian, or Jewish men like John Dilworth claiming to be Sicilian. I don't know why Jews always have to claim so many obscure nationalities.(racebait)

No. 2039962

Zsa Zsa Gabor used to claim to be Mongolian too since she was 'Hun'garian Jewish.

No. 2039964

And being Jewish doesn't make you not white. Almost all Ashkenazis are white.

No. 2040009

She's on twitter now talking about how she is starving and begging for cash, blaming her mom for everything per usual

No. 2040111

Jewish is a religion nonnie,it has nothing to do with where you came from.nearly everywhere has at least a small Jewish community

No. 2040115

Race-faking as melungeon is crazy, I could be mistaken but aren't they like, a well documented group within KY?

No. 2040121

File: 1727616242202.png (647.21 KB, 1080x2275, 1000027810.png)

It's an ethnoreligion, so you can be ethnically Jewish but not practice the faith. Non ethnic Jews can convert to Judaism, but that wouldn't make you ethnically/visibly Jewish. I wouldn't be surprised if she's faking being an ethnic Jew, considering she herself has said she is converting to the religion. Not to mention how few Jews are in KY.
Melungeons are from the Appalachians. I remember her claiming to "be born and raised in Appalachia" but she lives in Louisville, KY and I checked her Facebook and found her mom on there connected through her. It says her mom is from Louisville and currently lives in Springfield, KY (picrel). That is not Appalachia. The only parts of KY in that region are way further east.

No. 2040127

a little off topic but is it common in the USA for indigenous people to be multiple tribes? asking because there's a large indigenous population where i'm from but only one major tribe for the whole area. i feel like all americans i've met who've claimed multiple tribes have been pretendians but idk if it actually is normal there.

No. 2040135

Jews in general were very insular genetically and community wise no matter where they went in the world. It's why they frequently get rare diseases associated with a centuries long practice of inbreeding.

Nobody is falling for some Ashkenazim from Brooklyn claiming to be Mongolian and all kinds of other exotic shit lol.

No. 2040142

File: 1727623496977.jpeg (1.59 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1059.jpeg)

>21 year old obese bi aussie I met on discord
>speaks to multiple teenagers online
>said he wanted to “change” and was at therapy to stop being a pedophile while continuing to beg 14 year olds for nudes
>belle delphine liker (like a moth to the flame)
>uses he/they/rat (probably to make him seem different and more quirky than all the other discord groomers)
>if he’s not grooming children he’s dating freshly 18 year olds because “technically its legal!”
>mooches off his parents while staying jobless
>obvious FASD (i mean, look at his face)

included a pic of his face because if i had to see it so do you, we suffer together

No. 2040146

I’m Canadian but it’s very common here for natives to be part of more than one tribe, since natives don’t really have a large population to begin with because of colonization. Two native people who meet and have kids often won’t be part of the same tribe just because their own tribe’s numbers may be few, and I’m from a province that has more natives than others. My friend is native and she said in her tribe everyone is related in some way so I could imagine that makes people not want to marry within the tribe as well. Not to mention so many tribes have similar boundaries and have land claims in the same areas as well so one region may have multiple tribes living there. I would assume all of this is true for the US since so many tribes have land claims in both Canada and the US (like algonquin for example). So it’s pretty common for people to have multiple tribes in their background and doesn’t mean they’re faking their ancestry. Honestly if you wanna spot someone who might be pretending to be native look out for white people who say they’re cherokee, the cherokee nation has a huge problem with people claiming their heritage who aren’t native at all.

No. 2040152

File: 1727625666580.webp (3.49 KB, 1557x74, c.webp)

cocksuckers(wrong thread, bait)

No. 2040158

ayrt and i'm also canadian kek. i guess it just varies by location then.

No. 2040202

Are these his actual teeth?

No. 2040216

File: 1727634637650.jpg (84.53 KB, 877x787, 1000027811.jpg)


No. 2040269

File: 1727642024877.png (528.99 KB, 1080x1495, 1000027813.png)

That Sarah chick abuses the fuck out of filters and make up. She also looks like a chronic shooper.

No. 2040433

File: 1727673840100.png (1.2 MB, 1440x1278, Screenshot_20240930-012049.png)

This guy probably needs his own thread, His name is Canadian patriot or @PPC4CAN on X.
>Open Neo-Nazi who ironically fetishes south east Asian women.
>Constantly screeches about how race-mixing is a form of Satanism
>is married to a bald, skinhead wife that looks like Rugrats twins
>Talks about how not having children or a large family is gay but posts weirdly homo-erotic Greek art.

No. 2040464

not really unique

No. 2040638

>fetishes south east Asian women.
Well that's new. Idk if a generic neo Nazi is deserving of a thread though, they're everywhere on Twitter

No. 2040740

nah that's just classic male market failure passport bro shit. they fetishize southeast asian women because they think they're less westernized/generally less wealthy than east asian women and therefore more subservient. How wrong they are.

No. 2041028

right. at this point it's harder to find an internet "white supremacist" who doesn't openly fetishize Asian women, or even other non-white women. not even surprising, moids of all races have no real moral compass and all their politics ultimately center around their getting their dicks wet

No. 2041154

they're so fucking dumb, the fiercest women i've ever known have been south(east) asian/MENA, they are forces of nature to be reckoned with compared to westernized lib women.

No. 2041257

File: 1727847743904.png (1.96 MB, 750x1102, ew.png)

my personal lolcow from the past few years is moonchild.etc/moonchildjojo on insta and tiktok. she's a lot less active than she used to be & some of her videos are lost to time due to her old tt account being nuked, but her existence always does make me laugh a little
>former slime/asmr youtuber who pivoted to being a fat activist influencer, has made videos like "how to exercise in a non diet-culture way" as a result
>"anti-fast fashion" but acts like fat people get a pass from supporting bad companies because it's "more affordable"
>came out as a themlet not too long ago, thinks androgyny is all about wearing the ugliest goddamn fashion imaginable
>claims to have multiple mental and chronic illnesses. e-begged a couple years ago for funds to get a service dog.
>morbidly obese and eats a super dogshit diet while whining about aforementioned illnesses, not taking into account that her poor diet may be affecting these
>hardcore troon supporter, supposedly designed a tat for ethel cain

No. 2041384

rin pisses me off a little because the way she hates on her mom and is sooo self-hating misogynist, when her mom literally lets her live with her rent free, shes never had a job, and deals with her constant spergouts and psychotic episodes. ive had friends who were made homeless by their parents for WAY less. also the way she simps for incel sharty users when they literally hate her and have tried to doxx her multiple times is so ironic and funny

No. 2041387

File: 1727884538258.png (306.01 KB, 669x751, 08670edd9be8a75b.png)

like your ass would be OUT of 99% of peoples houses for doing this shit lmao

No. 2041420

File: 1727893448520.jpg (423.05 KB, 1080x1452, 1000028261.jpg)

They will do ANYTHING to defend that bullshit. The dates line up with her age. The picture looks like other older pictures of her. Why are they SO insistent that she's a ~real native troon~ when she is a white female?

No. 2041442

My personal lolcow is my gfs older sister
>former hello kitty xanax kawaii desu e-girl who posted thigh pics on 4chan for scrotes
>white woman who regularly drops racial slurs in front of people. Her first reaction to me was calling me a slur based off my race, despite it being my first time meeting my gfs family
>met her current husband on 4chan, instantly turned into the most stereotypical tradwife after marriage
>had a c section, not for medical reasons, or even her own comfort, but because her scrote husband didn't want her vagina to get stretched
>sad beige mom, will have a seizure if you buy her kids a toy with color that can't easily be painted over
>very homophobic but only towards lesbians. She's okay with gay men because some of her husbands friends are 4chan nazi femboys, but she hates women dating other women
>remember how I said she drops slurs all the time? Its gotten so bad that her 6 year old son is suspended for calling a black kid n word with the hard r. Ofc she blames the school for being where he heard that, despite regularly dropping that word
>currently having an affair with another 4chan scrote after her husband joined the military
>the 4chan scrote fucking hates her kids but she doesn't care and lets him yell at them, especially her two year old daughter
>her affair partner refuses to talk to her daughter at all because they "have nothing in common"
>trying and failing at being an ana-chan because her affair partner thinks she's getting chubby
>told me in confidence once that she considered putting her daughter up for adoption while her husband is gone, and telling him she ran away because she only wanted to have boys (her husband would kill her for this btw, he always wanted a daughter)
>is a 30 year old woman still posting on 4chan boards trying to appeal to scrotes
I fucking hate her so much, man. The only reason my gf stays in contact with her is because she loves the children enough to tolerate the shitty parents. Her husband comes home from deployment in a week. I wonder what she's gonna do with her side scrote.

No. 2041444

>Some of her husbands friends are 4chan nazi femboys
He's probably cheating with them. Also, I feel horrible for those poor kids, especially the girl. Hopefully the husband or affair scrote don't do anything violent to them.

No. 2041522

What can you do? Most women are born male-centered naturally, especially this kind of girly dumb bimbo qt types. They live for dicks, male validation and want the soulmate fantasy, even forcing chemistry with wrong men who are not. But mostly just for dicks. High sex drive for bad redpill men. They are also trying to siphon some power by playing nice to gay men, apparently they’re easier to draw it from, no wonder single faghags do this. Also bend over to straight men though, but play a different power stealing ballgame. Nothing you can do, once this typa girl redpilled, they are gone. Adopt the daughter if must, or tell about the affair.(bp sperging outside of containment)

No. 2041589

>Most women are born male-centered naturally
no woman is born male-centered, that’s patriarchy poison

No. 2041626

File: 1727939858262.jpeg (264.46 KB, 1266x923, IMG_2394.jpeg)

I see the comparisons to Kween Lillee Jean, but this has all the fingerprints of Lucia Cole, a notorious 2010s catfish who stole old Jessica Simpson music to live her pop girl fantasy. (picrel: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katienotopoulos/how-teen-boys-on-the-internet-uncovered-the-greatest-catfish) The fake charts and fake articles stand out in particular; the website linked in >>2038135 is not real, it's a shitty mockup made to give her credibility. Check her follow list for Kenny Vacarro, Odell Beckham Jr., and Trey Songz kek

No. 2041757

Interesting comparison. What I find so fascinating is how she is actually going to industry events. I am guessing she is just so psycho/deluded that no one wants to touch her with a 100 ft pole.

No. 2041984

Either that, or the videos and photos she posts everywhere are not her own. Lucia Cole would steal from Instagram models and carefully crop out anything identifying, like reposting a video from an influencer but removing the first 5 seconds where the model introduces herself with her real name. Without this intro, she is able to post the video as Lucia Cole. Another parallel is the control of information - there was lots of info about Lucia on Google, but the interviews were fake and posted on fake sites, the songs were stolen (they were quickly ID'd as Jessica Simpson tracks), it was ALL fabricated. But to a casual observer, she was real. Googling Sasha feels very similar. (fake articles on fake sites, not sure if the songs are stolen kek) The film "career" is tripping me up though… Lucia Cole got doxxed years ago (she's a fat black schizo from Louisiana kek) so Sasha Anne might really be that skinny white girl!

No. 2042251

File: 1728078645978.jpeg (168.25 KB, 828x975, IMG_7727.jpeg)

Yeah, Rin is absolutely unhinged & misogynistic towards her mother, pic rel of how pathetic she is

No. 2042363

>transitions from a fairly normal looking mixed race girl to a schizophrenic drug addict homeless dwarf with a beard
>h-heh!! i sure owned her!!

No. 2043025

Turns out someone I dated very briefly as a teenager is part of my coworker's friend group and we ended up following each other on social media when I ran into him at a dinner party.

He's kind of turned into a personal cow since he overshares anything and everything. Most recent things that have happened:
-He quit his job and moved hours away for a woman who had just had a baby literally a month before they started speaking. The woman gets in trouble to the point she's on local news for selling horses that she didn't own. He doubles down on defending her character and then she cheats on him a couple weeks later. He posts a ton of instagram stories about how he was willing to step up and be a dad, and how he feels his heart will never heal. meanwhile this all takes place within 2 months.
-He's currently fighting with his roommate, posts updates that she's hiding his dog's bowls and food which is a hate crime because his dog is a "service dog" (it wears a vest from Amazon and has no certification) so he wants to sue her. He's also currently threatening to sell all her stuff if she doesn't pay rent because his "business" is registered to their rental address and he has the right to do everything in his power to protect his business?? Sadly I do not know what his business is but cops were called and he put all that on his instagram stories.
-Most recent shit is that he posted a long heartfelt message about how excited he was to take on guardianship for a teenage girl who was believed to be the daughter of his brother (who lives somewhere in another country) He said social services does a DNA test and that isn't the case but they were willing to work with him to see if they still might be a good match for him to take her on anyway? Doesn't sound right, dude likes to exaggerate and has no qualifications for this sort of thing. Then he posts about he foster girl's mother who passed away a few years ago!!! About how she was the first woman to make him feel desired, sexy, and loved and he will never forget making out with her behind the church. He proceeds to post a picture of her and she couldn't have been more than 13/14! The same age as the foster girl. It was so fucking bizarre and creepy. He wanted to repay what she did for him by taking in her child? Even though she went on to be in a relationship with his brother for years afterward.

I really can't help but pack a bowl and get myself a cold drink when I see another 20+ Instragram stories posted.

No. 2043065

i always wondered why she had such awful internalized misogyny. what is the origin behind that

No. 2043110

File: 1728289812671.jpg (822.16 KB, 1080x2288, Screenshot_20241007_112900_X.j…)

her mommy issues, she's not subtle about it

No. 2043187

File: 1728311711095.jpeg (Spoiler Image,820.97 KB, 1694x2046, IMG_6177.jpeg)

just rin going insane again. she alsorecently started sympathizing with hitler

No. 2043188

File: 1728311843627.png (1.75 MB, 2048x1825, IMG_6178.png)

the hitler shit. sometimes i watch her talk and its almost funny if she werent seriously nuts and a danger to people around her, she also neglects her numerous pets which sucks

No. 2043193

Do you think she's one of those girls who are bitter about their attractive female relatives?

No. 2043198

> meanwhile, she starts deleting everything off her Pingu account and posting ‘dark’ Pingu edits on her story, with real gore superimposed onto Pingu with KMFDM music
I was already laughing but this was what finally did me in

No. 2043349

the irony of somebody with 50k tweets calling somebody else a narcissist kek

No. 2043352

I wonder if she'll ever peak and stop with the TIF nonsense ever, a quick lurk and she openly ridicules and mocks TIMs though its probably the extreme internalized misogyny and disdain to someone identifying as 'female'. would it be possible or is she too far gone because of the drugs and coom?

No. 2043359

File: 1728345874119.jpg (Spoiler Image,993.81 KB, 1800x2683, 1000027655.jpg)

No comment.

No. 2043401

This milk sounds really good, I'd love to hear more deets nonnie

No. 2043473

File: 1728376266215.jpg (35.67 KB, 563x487, 3a9277a825da00227313baf54f46a3…)

my personal lolcow is an ex-friend of my boyfriend and my housemates, who at this point really goes beyond the point of a lolcow and is more of a genuinely pathetic failed moid (not in the troon way, he's just a complete and utter failure of a human)

I absolutely hated this retard from the beginning and avoided him like the plague, he's become a running joke with our wider friend group, who also despise him.

>almost 30 years old, incapable of brushing his hair or showering properly.

>too broke to get a haircut, has his hair in a manbun but due to refusal to brush it, his hairtie has fused into a matted chunk of hair on the back of his head.
>pathetically addicted to weed, will bug out if he can't smoke a cone every 20 minutes.
>refuses to get a job, thinks that "men aren't supposed to work, i'm gonna be a dealer"
>refuses to attend therapy because he "doesn't want to deal with it." and doesn't want to allocate money to pay for it because it would cut into his weed habits.
>decides to make weed carts for vapes, boils weed in water to extract THC, all this does is ruin the weed.
>would constantly beg my boyfriend or my housemate for money, completely incapable of saying please or thank you but capable of making up retarded sob stories.
>would consistently invite himself over to our house, tried to come over for a few days when me and my boyfriend had the flu, was told no, and his justification was "i'll just use a seperate bong!!"
>got upset when my boyfriend told him we don't have the energy to host him because we're sick.
>basically shafted my idiot housemate out of 3000 dollars of rent money because he was stupid enough to let him stay at his old sharehouse for free until he 'could get up on his feet'
>he tried to get with a 17-year-old when he was 22, didn't have sex with her, but she convinced him to give her his safe code, so she stole 10k which was given to him by his rich family and took off, never heard from her again.
>tried to ask my boyfriend for permission to have sex with me, twice. was told to fuck off.
>gets gibs and welfare, spends his entire 600 and something dollar check on payday on used PC parts, weed, streaming services, PC monitors, etc.
>begs for money a week after getting his pay, resorted to begging on the street for food.
>rich family want to keep him at arms length but don't want to fully abandon him despite hating him - they pay for his shitty trashed-out apartment and gave him a BMW X-series, which he abuses and neglects.
>has been kicked out of multiple family member's houses for not respecting their wishes to not shit up the living spaces and having bongs and weed when he was specifically asked to stop.
>bugs the fuck out when the welfare office/job providers give him appointments or job search requirements, because in our country, welfare expects you to uphold obligations or your payments get suspended.
>chimped the fuck out at the gym below his apartment because they're loud, got arrested by the cops for repeatedly threatening the women that work there and trashing the reception desk.
>made fun of how scared the women got, i had to leave the room to stop myself from assaulting him.
>left the OG group chat last year due to everyone else having a job but him and getting repeatedly chasitised for trying to make unrealistic plans during working hours
>refuses to come back to the chat due to everyone hating him and him not wanting to be told to get a job.
>stopped getting invited to parties due to generally being disliked, but also because he would bring his entire PC setup over and hook it up to the TV and find no issue with hogging the TV for the night to play single player games at a house he doesn't own, at a party he isn't hosting either.
>thinks watching moid power fantasy shit like wolf of wall street, entourage and mad men makes him a high baller alpha male.
>also thinks he's intelligent for watching MAS*H for some reason.
>parrots conservative viewpoints and politics but victimizes himself on his own self inflicted issues worse than any annoying disabled queer victim-chan ever could, hasn't done a day of hard work in his life.
>expected my partner to wake up and drive 35 minutes to him at 5am on a weekday because he tried to do burnouts with his BMW X Series on an empty tank and the battery died.

sorry for the absolute wall of nitpicky greentext, i hate stoners so much it's unreal. don't associate with retarded moids or faggots who smoke themselves into retardation.

No. 2043475

This guy is worse than every stoner i know, holy shit. Maybe it's the rich failson stoner combo, who knows.
>resorted to begging on the street for food
I really wonder what happened for him to end up like this. Coddled and neglected by rich parents? Pure retardation? It can't all be weed

No. 2043486

He kind of absorbed his rich family's snobbery, even though he got permanently kicked out of the family home at 19 for being a drug addict. His sisters are all married and successful people who are well adjusted.

His dad absolutely hates his guts, like, he put him in 20k+ tax debt by putting a retail property he owned in his name without telling him.

He's also incredibly retarded, he dropped out in the 10th grade despite being sent to some of the best private schools in the country, private schools can ask you to leave if you're underperforming, so that's what happened.

It's a combination of drug abuse, dopamine addiction, retardation, coddling, and having a safety net provided by his family who despise his ass, so he's never had to face actual consequences.

His mental and physical health is going downhill so fucking fast that I'd be surprised if he makes it to 40.(sage your shit)

No. 2043488

I come from a wealthy family and when a relative has a failson (obviously not this bad), they just send him to the army or a farm for a few months or years until he stops being a fuck-up, has his family considered something similar

No. 2043502

they haven't, army culture isn't a huge thing in my country, also he's never been fit enough to join or survive in the army, even before he totally fucked his health up.

if we didn't live in a society with human rights, I genuinely believe the only way he can be fixed is if he was forced into a rehab facility for a few years with no ability to escape.(sage your shit)

No. 2043634

>gives more Milk on her personal cow
>gets red-texted
I hate lowlives retards that spend their time reporting anons for innocuous things and the even more retarded mods that comply(take it to /meta/)

No. 2043739

File: 1728434587109.jpg (32.58 KB, 736x719, 20241008_220245.jpg)

right? like the second post I could understand a little more, the first one I don't get.

thank you mods, very cool!

No. 2044005

File: 1728494104543.png (24.18 KB, 771x244, steve autism.png)

got reminded of her reddit account and found this gem, insane to think shes only gotten crazier from this point on

No. 2044236

just telling us without an image or link is barely milk. unless you have some internet retardation to share then just sage your shit

No. 2045174

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She and the moid got divorced after 3 months of marriage and he's already moved on, kek. I can't find if he has a new Twitter. If anyone can find Basim/"Selene"'s new account you should post it if he's got any new milk, kek.

No. 2045178

>he tried to get with a 17-year-old when he was 22, didn't have sex with her, but she convinced him to give her his safe code, so she stole 10k which was given to him by his rich family and took off, never heard from her again.
At least this point had a happy ending

No. 2045304

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Every other day I feel like this chick feels like she needs to prove how "not white" she is.

No. 2045398

help her and her family are like the whitest looking white people ever KEK just because you have brown eyes doesnt mean youre native

No. 2045418

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No. 2045654

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Porn brained weeb bringing dom daddy/femboy fetish into Fragrantica

No. 2045663

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Does she have body dysmorphia or is this some sort of reverse nazism? i can't see most of the features she's describing.

No. 2045714

i think it's compliment bait tbh
>wahh i have such unseemly, hideous ethnic/masc traits! please comment and tell me i'm a pale princess with the tiniest nose and jawline!
or she's just lying kek

No. 2045715

ok but ian ousley actually does "look" native. in the vague social construct way that is. which doesn't make him a real native by any stretch of course. but my point is he actually does look vaguely "ethnic" enough to be at risk for racial profiling in his day to day life. something this girl will never deal with! crazy

No. 2045722

I thought the same thing. I could honestly see him get mistaken for Hispanic or something.

No. 2045746

If he can't even spell the notes he's citing properly. where the fuck is he getting the money to pay for this shit if he's semi illiterate

No. 2045759

His daddy ofc

No. 2045901

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No. 2045906

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>charged with an attempted bomb threat
>stole money from their job and spent it on gacha game
>lives with christian parents who think anime shit is the devil, frequently gets their merch destroyed and begs twitter for money
>asks popular fe content creator if she can be his girlfriend, gets blocked after lashing out at him for not sending her money

No. 2045907

she looks native to me.

No. 2045910

That’s a funny way to spell “white”

No. 2045922

Native to England, maybe.

No. 2045939

Hi, Sarah.

No. 2046058

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One of my goofier personal lolcows Dr. Crafty(@doctor_crafty on Twitter) has taken a dark, sad turn! I used to interact with this guy in high school on tegakie (drawing role play type website) 10 years ago maybe? I think he was going by masterthecreator back then. anyways he used to do dumb shit like ruin rp groups by making a bunch of traced Mary sue characters that would go god mode too often and ruin the fun for everyone. Once he made a super hero character that was supposed to be a teenage girl and made her costume way too revealing and a bunch of us had to tell him it wasn’t cool until he deleted it out of shame. He’s always been kind of an embarrassingly horny autist that pisses off most of the people he interacts with so I thought he was funny enough to keep tabs on. In the past few years he’s been trying to make it as a v-tuber. He’s got an okay following nothing crazy but he’s gotten more and more followers as time goes on. Here’s where the drama starts.

Recently his wife of 12 years and he decided to become polyamorous. They opened up their relationship to a girl they met online(Cheri), and she flew down to Florida to meet with them. It seems like the trip goes well, they post about doing touristy things. Crafty makes way too detailed sexual posts about his wife and Cheri being together, which are uncomfortable as a third part observer honestly, but they all seem happy. Cheri flys back home but begins to interact less and less with crafty and his wife publicly on Twitter.
Months later on September 26th, Crafty tweets that he and his wife are no longer pursuing polyamory, that his actions alone have caused Cheri to withdraw from the relationship and that he’s “getting help”.
He goes from tweeting dozens of times a day to nothing at all, aside from asking for money during hurricane milton. He also stops streaming which is very weird since the whole vtuber thing seems like it’s his life (he’s the kind of guy that streams on birthdays, holidays…like I said big autist). His fans are worried, nobody seems to know what’s up until Cheri posted her side tonight. It’s pretty long, I’ll link it here but to sum up, he sexually assaulted her while she was in Florida, his wife didn’t even know until Cheri told her in November. He also lied to Cheri about dating other people, takes sex shop boner pills I guess and has a weird “kink” for watching women drown and wanted to drown Cheri while they were fucking. Crazy stuff, I’m genuinely sorry for Cheri and his wife who I’ve avoided naming but that infos out there. To top it all off he refers to the sexual assault as his own “ignorance” and is currently being hounded with tweets telling him that he needs to turn himself into the police, not apologize on Twitter. This all just happened within the last 24 hours. Crafty has since announced his plans to delete all social media and quit v-tubing. I’m rooting on his wife to leave him but she’s honestly so codependent I don’t see it happening.
Cheri’s side:

Crafty already deleted his response but I managed to get a screenshot so ill post that next.

No. 2046064

Oh fuck, I was friends with Baphi for a while. I quit talking to her since she started posting shit about her sex life and weird obsession with Crafty. He always smelled rotten to me glad to know I was onto something.
I’m sad for Baphi, she seems a sweet girl.

No. 2046066

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I’m having problems with pic stitch cropping text, if there’s more interest I’ll post his response on Imgur or figure it out once I get home and have access to my desktop. Here’s a photo of his response blaming the sexual assault on his own ignorance

No. 2046068

I’ve know her since the deviantart days! She’s always been a super sweet, funny, smart and talented girl I don’t know how she ended up with someone like him. Her account is currently private, she put out a tweet saying she doesn’t feel the need to clarify anything as statements have already been posted by both parties. I’m still rooting for her, I really loved her art in high school she was a big inspiration for me.

No. 2046100

this is so funny he was only using her for a green card, kek

No. 2046110

Stupid whore doesn't know females have more connectivity in the brain? Oh wait, she's moid level braindead.

No. 2046113

I am interested. Please share(sage your shit)

No. 2046172

This is really interesting, what do any of these people look like?

No. 2046200

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Good news! Someone else saved the original google doc, that’s less for me to figure out

>average 2024 polyamorous couple
That’s an older picture of crafty, I wasn’t able to snag any newer ones he deleted too quick, then his wife and then Cherri

No. 2046217

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thought i'd post some updates on "donkey from shrek" as some nona said in the previous thread

>calls himself a "butch lesbian vampiress poet"

>claims he has been on hrt for 5 years
>rants about "ovulation" making him insanely horny and unable to interact with people normally
>still obsessed with sex and kink, as always
> keeps ruminating over his role in sex. "i think i'm finally ready to dom, my sadistic side has awakened" then seconds later "i'm such a subby bottom, why did i ever bother with anything else?"
>claims to have been sexually assaulted by a semi-popular local TIF activist. more on that in the next post

No. 2046226

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>claims to have been sexually assaulted by a semi-popular local TIF activist.
here's the picrel translated:

>Donkey from Shrek:

We should just cancel Edward Reese already. It's unbearable. Wherever I go - he's always there.
>random handmaiden:
What's wrong with him? /genq
He sexually assaulted me.
We were modelling for a photoshoot, after which a drag queen read a lecture on BDSM.
He listened to the lecture and still gave zero fucks about consent. When I said I was a bottom, he put his hand on my neck trying to choke me in an attempt to "flirt"
what the fuck [skull emojis]
holy shit, I'm so sorry that happened. that's terrible
"that" didn't "happen". He did it. But thanks.
It's been a while since then and I feel ok now, but still… I never want to see his stupid face ever again.

No. 2046227

>keeps ruminating over his role in sex. "i think i'm finally ready to dom, my sadistic side has awakened" then seconds later "i'm such a subby bottom, why did i ever bother with anything else?"
Wannabe kinksters are so fucking annoying kek

No. 2046228

Was it actually hard enough to choke him or did the autistic TIF just make the motion/put a hand on his neck to make a joke

No. 2046230

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here's Edward Reese herself. from the few intervies i've read it seems like a typical lesbian-from-abusive-conservative-religious-household turned nonbinary TIF situation (she had to run away from home with her girlfriend who was abusing her too, it's kind of sad actually). she got viral on tiktok at some point and had normies rolling on the floor laughing. she's in her late 30's - early 40s afaik

No. 2046231

In other words the TIM desperately wants to believe that a lesbian wanted to rape him.

No. 2046235

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i don't have the screenshot but he said he has been having sex against his will since he was 5. he also said he was correctively raped and sexually assaulted by a school pshychologist. the deeper i look the darker it gets
i'd have some sympathy if he wasn't so fucking mysoginystic, retweeting shit like "trans women are superior over foids" or saying "femininity gives women privileges under patriarchy, forcing men to serve them in relationships"

No. 2046236

>Correctively raped
>It's a TIM "lesbian"
I'm all for believing victims but this sounds like a typical troon LARP.

No. 2046290

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>21 yr old autistic he/they tif
>literally puts no effort into trying to pass
>named herself after two south park characters (ofc)
>once posted a tiktok in tears going on an autistic rant about how some kid hit her with an electric scooter and said that electric scooters should be banned (maybe if you were actually looking where you were going..)
>was close friends with another tif who’d post her nudes on twt and beg to be raped (stopped being friends with the tif after she got called out for it)

also her long dirty yellow nails are included in the sc, gross

No. 2046313

>named herself after two south park characters
nona you can't just say that and not give us the names. i don't know much about south park, is her name fucking cartman kenny or something?

No. 2046314

sorry nona, she’s called kenny and also pip

No. 2046317

kekkk well i was close

No. 2046360

Pip, of all characters?

No. 2046361

kek when i read that post i was also thinking "why pip???"

No. 2046942

Bless your heart for believing this guys bullshit.

No. 2047143

i don’t want to nitpick, but she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome

No. 2047665

mila le blanc (alexandra)

>russian perfume youtuber who hopped on the niche perfume hype train in the 2020's

>famous for throwing her perfumes on her bed lol

>claims she doesn't speak or read russian, that she left russian when she was in middle school, so don't bother her about russia!!!

>claims she went to a posh swiss/french boarding school, that her mother was very very rich and that she's had money all her life

>currently lives in switzerland (lausanne), sadly not zurich or basel which clearly vexes her to no end

>was in a long-term engagement to her partner now husband, a british dude named craig

>has one child (a daughter) who sometimes pops up in her videos

>had a rabbit at one point but hasn't spoken of it in a while so who knows what happened to it

>claims that her and craig are wealthy because he's a "banker" despite nothing of their lifestyle or living conditions giving off the vibe that they're making good money or living a decent lifestyle

>a suspicious fire broke out in her apartment's kitchen a few years back when she was making dinner

>claims she doesn't know 100% how the fire started and that she and her daughter just barely got out alive

>has been involved in some sort of lawsuit with multiple people which has been causing her much stress and anxiety

>potentially the lawsuit is related to the kitchen fire, either due to criminal negligence or something else

>could be facing legit jail time

>stereotypical pick me behaviors and beliefs which she spouts off and then gets mad when she gets inevitable backlash

>supports andrew tate, thinks putin is based, believes women should be super skinny twigs, nyiet feminist

>panders to the anti-woke crowd with the usual hot takes on covid and the pandemic

>sold off her original instagram around the time of the ukraine-russian war, said it had nothing to do with putin or dirty money or anything but that she was tired of the "haters"

>went on a suicide baiting spree earlier this year, claims that there is a woman who is harassing her and wants her dead (?) and may also be suing her or trying to get her thrown into jail?

>admits to taking uppers, chugs red bull like a mf, possibly related to her supposed stroke incident from earlier this year where she "ALMOST DIED"

>may not actually be married to her craig since they suddenly got married out of the blue. no wedding photos, barely showed off her engagement ring she likely bought herself, just oh he's my husband now haha

>both her and craig may be trying to leave switzerland because of their legal issues, but claims it's just cause they've "outgrown" the country and that she hates the potato village atmosphere of where she's living cause swiss people are fat and boring

>admitted that the swiss government is after her because of tax reasons, started hiding her massive perfume collection so they wouldn't know how much she's buying

>latest vlogs show her having lost tons of weight due to semaglutide injections. suspected money woes again as on her recent solo trip to paris, craig's credit card gets mysteriously declined but she claims it's cause her name isn't on the card so she has to use her own card instead hmmmm


No. 2048063


No. 2048069

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It's a shame Voidburger isn't a tenth as relevant as she thinks she is because she has plenty of cow potential.
>peaked on the Something Awful forums in the mid 2010s
>to this day gets offended when people don't recognize her
>fully believes the entire Silent Hill fandom revolves around her
>all SH jokes must be credited to her she invented every one of them
>if you don't think she's hot you're jealous and wrong
>if you disagree with her on anything you're a misogynist and wrong
>is currently begging for credit for personally exploding bluesky's user count with… this exclusive bikini selfie. Can't find babes like this on twitter!

No. 2048080

Saying all that with those roots is a choice, for sure.

No. 2048120

Oh you just know her manlet soy boyfriend chipcheezum is gassing her up when her body is average and flabby at best.

No. 2048286

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she genuinely thinks steve irwin is her dad now and keeps posting about how he's her "daddy" its so fucking..odd. also is larping about having a "system" (picrel) why do her parents just let her sit at home and use psychedelics and thc all day? they just dont care? she needs treatment for schizophrenia or whatever personality disorder she has

No. 2048608

Makes me wonder what her parents are like in real life. I feel like so many people who have children with severe mental illnesses like this or who have children who are junkies just sweep it under the rug and/or enable it.
It’s quite sad to see, but I don’t really pity anyone here.

No. 2048728

My all time favorite personal cow has got to be Cruddy Mary (cruddymary on twitter)

> self proclaimed founder of zombietwt (an offset of edtwt where people eat mold and gross food)

> zombie role player (most normal thing about her)
> is unemployed
> is 26
> eats moldy food, food found on the ground, and raw meat.
> says she’s messed up/mentally ill because of a near death experience but clearly gets off on people thinking she’s disgusting/weird.
> doesn’t shower ever
> is weirdly prideful about having started a “cult” (the 5k minors who follow her to use her content as inspiration not to eat)
> regularly interacts/beefs with underage ED/SHtwt users
> is e-dating a 19 year old
> made said 19 year old buy her a phone as she is unemployed
> claims to be in recovery yet regularly fishes for reassurance that she’s thin from her underage followers

I’m seriously surprised no one’s mentioned her here yet but it could be because she’s in such a niche circle of twitter/no one wants to give her the attention she so obviously craves.

No. 2048736

man it sucks when decent artists develop mento illness. Suprised we dont have a thread on her here.

No. 2048742

>decent artist
Where? Surely you don't mean the edgey sparkledog

No. 2048743

Nah i remember her old art and it was really nice. I like her rendering.

No. 2048751

>we don't have a thread on her here
She does have one it's just inactive >>>/snow/630017. It was created during her DeviantArt days. Maybe we can revive the thread or create a new one with an updated op?

No. 2048770

If someone could update with new milk that would be awesome we need more schizo artcows

No. 2048877

the nails are gorgeous actually

No. 2049037

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She's been locked for a week now. Does anyone have an update? I'm not following her.

No. 2049076

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The snark page around peachymaddi (/r/peachyyymaddii) is so unhinged, her haters are more rabid schizo than amberlynn reids. If you don't know peachymaddi she's an overweight 24 year old influencer known for her "bougie on a budget" series. Her husband blew his brains out in front of her a while back and ever since a small cult following has developed blaming her for it. The theme on her hate sub is picrel half are schizos that claim some connection to her deceased husband painting him like he was rapunzel trapped in a tower.
>he had plans beyond you
Are you sure because he seemed to really take pleasure in making sure he traumatized her with his suicide. Also what an embarrassing "exposure" post if it's even real, so you had an emotional affair with him? Just shows how chaotic and unbalanced he was

No. 2049197

literally had no idea there was a snark page for her, i used to watch her sm and when the news came out about her husband i had to take a step back from watching her. thanks for sharing anon i have material to read before bed now <3(emoji)

No. 2049246

Cajun Dan, he typically makes videos about the history of New Orleans and also does swamp tours where he pets and sometimes picks up alligators. I thought he was in his mid to late 40s at first but he’s only 31, just extremely walled. He always flirts with women in his comments section and reposts their thirst traps, while ignoring and openly making fun of fat women, he called a fan girl who booked a tour with him a whale in one of his posts. He’s a degenerate into bondage and strippers, and regularly goes to a fetish bar with women and ties them up when he has a girlfriend and kids. He also reposted some video with German tanks and iron cross with dog whistles in the comments. His ex (and the mother of two of his children) just made several videos saying that she’s going to share the tea about him now that he’s tiktok famous with hundreds of thousands of fangirls. She said he abused her in every way so she had to leave him and be a single mom for her safety, and now he’s barely involved in his kids lives. He’s also been posted all over the “are we dating the same man” New Orleans page. He seems extremely narcissistic and does cringe facial expressions and dances where he tries and fails to look sexy, and he’s a known womanizer and sex addict

No. 2049248

He and his friend are so creepy to her in this video, the way the friend is circling her and staring is just gross

No. 2049255

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two weeks later and i'm already back with more milk on this retard.

>after leaving my friend's group chat, he decided to start trying to socialize with his dealers on Signal despite being a generally shitty customer to all and any of his dealers for the past few years (ie, owing money and paying in large amounts of spare change at public deals etc.)

>calls himself "Pope" and plays up his cringe retarded larp of being some alpha male highballer while his new druggie 'friends' play along.
>despite being unemployed for 3 years, he thinks that he desperately needs a holiday to Japan even though he has no income but welfare payments
>is absolutely fixated on the idea of going to japan for two weeks, comes up with the stupid idea to sell his broken down BMW that's in his grandfather's name and ownership
>doesn't realise he technically can't sell a car that isn't in his name and doesn't seem to care that his grandfather will absolutely kick his ass for trying to sell it
>tries selling it on marketplace for 5k
>admits that he doesn't think about what'll happen when he no longer has a car, and tells my boyfriend "i don't even plan for what I'll do tomorrow, can't think ahead that far"
>my best friend from America decides to lowball him but makes ridiculously comical fake offers of random shit he's impulsively wanted in the past (a ham radio setup)
>this retard fell for it and started consulting with his new group chat about how much it could sell for, immediately gets clowned on by half of the chat
>got pissed off at my boyfriend when he told him that 500 dollars isn't enough spending money for a two week vacation overseas, on top of the fact that he doesn't have a passport and doesn't have enough ID documentation to apply for one
>tried to sell his BMW back to a local BMW dealership, had two guys come out to inspect the car for a quote on the buying price
>this car should range between 5k to 13.5k secondhand, they quote him 500 dollars because of the absolute state it's in.
>he gets pissed off, complains about it in his group chat
>for some stupid reason, his druggie friends had faith in him and offered to get him a job in a restaurant washing dishes and offered to help him write up a resume
>the guy who offered to help him with getting a job and writing him a resume goes absolutely off his shit and tears into him with a 5 paragraph message, insulting him and calling him a victim, pathetic, stupid, etc.
>"if you complain in this fucking chat while i'm active and i see that shit? i will rip into you again, i'm sick of seeing this shit all the damn time dude"
>about 5-6 other people join in on insulting him and telling him to grow the fuck up
>"uhhh sorry, whatever, i won't ask for help again. i'm gonna leave for a bit anyways so don't worry anymore"

i don't even try to or want to rationalize what kind of response he's expecting from people? "oooh sorry pookie!! the world is so unfair!! let me pay for your japan trip because you need a holiday!!" bitch you've BEEN on a holiday for the past three years! damn! i genuinely thought he'd be with people more on his level by being friends with druggies, but even meth users and drug dealers can't tolerate how retarded he is.

No. 2049294

I just saw a video yesterday where he was on bourbon street hitting on this beautiful, tall, clean woman and she had to look down to speak to him because he's like 5'6" and he was right next to her face so there's no way she couldn't smell his breath and see his missing teeth. His teeth are brown and crusty and he's missing multiple teeth on the sides. His skin is pockmarked and red like a crackhead. It's like when "lieutenant Dan" got attention and I was telling everybody "that's a crackhead" and no one would listen. Look at this dude! He's a crackhead! Normal people don't look and act like that!

No. 2049295

Samefag sorry I got so excited to talk shit about this dude I didn't realize you posted the video I was talking about. He's fucking disgusting.

No. 2049296

Yeah I liked his history videos at first but then I kept getting red flag after red flag with him. I’m glad his ex is going to out him for whatever he did to her because I can’t stand this guy.

No. 2049297

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His baby mama says she's ready to expose him

No. 2049381

what kind of eating disorder makes people want to eat mold and rotting food? this is crazy

No. 2049434

I could fill a whole thread on this cow. This is all three years old, unfortunately he DFEd. >>>/ot/2218667 why was I in his discord server? Well it was back in my handmaiden days when I had my doubts about the gender cult but was convinced that this was my fault and I just had to listen harder and check my privilege. When I came across Brian telling women we're all dangerous violent terfs who have it so easy, it was so out of left field even for trannies I thought I could learn the most from such a radical! I also secretly thought he was really insane and I had to watch him. So I never said a word in his server, just lurked and watched his meltdowns. I will showcase a few here.

Meet Brian/Brie/Juniper!

No. 2049435

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He was very male BPD in that he would deflect anything he didn't like by victimising himself and DARVOing the other person until they have to apologise. Observe 1/

No. 2049438

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>as a trans masc I can say transmisogey <ik I can't spell> is waaaay worse than what I go through and I hate when cis ppl use us for their stupid ass transphobic arguments
I'm not even kidding this was some girl's reply to him

No. 2049439

No. 2049440

All the fat pickmes saying they don't care and would still let him hit are killing my soul

No. 2049442

No. 2049468

I love this guy already, keep it coming pls

No. 2049500

I cant believe a woman that pretty got with that scabbed up creature from the swamps.

No. 2049512

Is it lanafags trying to make this ugly tweaker happen? You’d hit about a dozen of these guys skipping a rock in a swamp in the Southeast USA. Uggo!

No. 2049515

I’ve seen some in his comments but I don’t think they’re the majority. A lot of his fangirls seem to be alternative women, many of whom are strippers for some reason, and a lot of unattractive women who probably think he seems attainable
They’re so pathetic. Nothing would make me lose interest in a male faster than finding out he’s abusive. Imagine his reaction to seeing those comments supporting him and thirsting after him.

No. 2049516

Cajun Dan’s sister just made a video in support of his ex

No. 2049520

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His ex made a video addressing his pickme fangirls and another where she said his Cajun accent is fake

No. 2049521

this cajundan shit is killing me kek

No. 2049528

Cajun Dan has been deleting and reporting comments and blocking people who bring ts up in his videos, and he also hasn’t uploaded anything since his ex started speaking out (which is very rare for this desperate narc) but this random stripper from Toronto posted this, she flew down to New Orleans to see him.

His current girlfriend is an alternative tatted stripper too, and so are most of the women he cheats on her with. His babymomma is the only one who seems attractive, healthy and clean, and she said in one of her comments that his family told her she was a breath of fresh air, he usually prefers trashy women.

No. 2049531

Things she’s shared so far
>he cheated on her while she was pregnant and postpartum, mostly with strippers
>he’s on the DL and cheated on her with men
>he told her that black women disgust him, when they have two mixed race daughters together and he said it in front of them.
>he married a women a few months after she left and is still legally married to her but hasn’t spoken to her in years, and now gets in and out of relationships frequently, mostly with strippers. He cheats on all of his girlfriends constantly
>he beat her
>he’s a narcissist and she experienced textbook narcissist abuse from him

No. 2049535

He has multiple videos dressed as Tommy Shelby KEK I hate this loser

No. 2049552

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No. 2049553

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No. 2049568

He blocked me for commenting on her video! Anyone with eyes can tell that this dude is trash. I feel like the girls thirsting after him are the same ones that thirst after Wade Wilson.

No. 2049574

The sister made a longer video about cajundan. He walked in on his mothers dead body after she was murdered when he was 9, then he went to live with his bio dad who had beat his mom when they were together, no wonder he’s so messed up. I’ve seen his dad in one of his videos, he’s like an old gnarled biker.
I get the same vibe from them

No. 2049617

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He’s posting on his instagram stories now, pictures of himself with women in a bar and one of them on a mechanical bull. He’s also a shitbull owner which isn’t surprising.

No. 2049654

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today on rin wormburrow:
bending over backwards to dickride offending pedophiles and talking about being a zoophile for parrots

No. 2049655

better forearm and biceps muscles than my ex bf(no1currs)

No. 2049697

>parrot fetish deeply rooted in trauma
Bullshit lmao. So sick of everyone and their mom using imaginary trauma to shield themselves from getting called out for being sick fucks.

No. 2049788

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I just went down a rabbit hole with a former classmate way back in high school and holy shit. Left seems to have been eight years ago, middle is when she started transitioning, and right is her currently. I'm just shocked.

No. 2049859

Another woman has shared her experience, they dated for one month at the beginning of the year
>he love bombed her, said he loved her, and started telling her what she wasn’t allowed to do and who she wasn’t allowed to hang out with after dating for only a week
>he’s ignorant and uneducated, he didn’t know what the holocaust or Auschwitz were and when someone explained it to him he said “I don’t give a fuck about that”
>he says the n word regularly, even on live
>he wanted to take hr for a ride on his motorcycle and she was scared because she had never been on one, she asked him to drive really slowly and instead he drove over 100 mph on the interstate and did tricks
>she gave him a tattoo that he never payed her for after promising he would pay her later, she also gave him a $600 painting that he refused to pay for
>he told her that all of his ex girlfriends and his sister are all crazy and that they’ll probably hit her up and tell her lies about him, at which point she noped out
>he captures baby animals from the swamp and keeps them in cages in his backyard, at least one baby gator died in his care after he took it from its mother
>he’s an alcoholic and took her out drinking a lot after telling her that he has a drinking problem
I think that was everything

No. 2049862

Holy shit, that’s fucking awful. I’m so sad for the little critters he catches, and the motorcycle thing, that’s such a dick move. That’s another reason to never hop on one of those death traps with a dumb moid

No. 2049874

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Not exactly a personal lolcow as I just found her but I'm not aware of any "delusional artists" type thread. I just got shown an ad on Instagram for the really awful pop punk music of this woman who appears to be in her mid 30s but dresses like she thinks she's still a teenager in 2008. Handle is @notjessiemusic and she's in Milwaukee. Has a lot of videos of herself singing very very off key in embarrassing knockoff Avril Lavigne outfits in mostly empty bars.

No. 2049878

Can we please get a delusional artists thread. I love these types.

No. 2049882

That is so rough lmao pls say late 30s…

No. 2049887

Ngl, sometimes I'm scared that I'll have a midlife crisis like this when I'm older.

No. 2049893

I don't get what's supposed to be bad about this. she's just having fun. Are women supposed to become seen and not heard when they turn 30?

No. 2049907

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Cajun Dan is now threatening his ex and his sister, claiming that they legally don’t have the right to discuss him on their personal tiktok accounts kek. He also can’t spell simple words. Some more information also came out, his ex hasn’t filmed a full video about what he did to her yet but she did disclose that he tied her up and sexually and physically assaulted her. He’s into bdsm and calls himself a dom, which is one of the biggest red flag kinks for abusive males.

No. 2049913

Oop. If he tries to sue her for defamation there will be a discovery period and this could all backfire on him.

No. 2049945

she looks fine.

No. 2049988

One of his fan girls

No. 2050002

Damn nona, RIP. Even if she'd stopped at the level of the middle pic, it wouldn't have been bad. What a waste.

No. 2050007

zoomie is approaching 30 and freaking out if I had to guess

No. 2050011

>believing what a dime a dozen stray dick tells you about his wife
>actually fighting over him
Average reddit woman. I bet her BMI is 35 and Johnny Depp is her husbando kek

No. 2050022

I bet she also has a saviour complex and went full "I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM" after he killed himself.

No. 2050040

these stories are hilarious, anon. keep them coming. are you guys Australian?

No. 2050045

I don't get why someone would destroy herself like that. She could've looked great either feminine or butch. Instead, she's become absolutely bloated. Testosterone truly is poison.

No. 2050049

I really really wanna know why women think they need to destroy their body pretending to be a guy when they can just go butch instead. like seriously wtf is happening

No. 2050067

I could excuse the fashion if she chose less terrible fabrics and learned how to layer kek… Girl tuck in that shirt & get a statement belt! And huge boots!!

No. 2050087

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Imagine thinking nobody wore costumes to movies or concerts before the eras tour. This person is full of bad takes and this is one of them

No. 2050099

it looks hot asf out. with the mostly green leaves it's that fake out era of early fall where you need layers in the morning but mid day gets warm. you know there is an absolute sheet of sweat on her back and belly under that pleather belt corset thing

No. 2050116

Another cajun dan story

No. 2050151

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>has a body count of 150+, used to sleep with everyone and anyone in the ATL metal scene, including multiple married men
>has never held a job long or a career, got a face tattoo as big as the whole half of her face while making 8~ an hour at Taco Bell
>makes unironic “Don’t HMU can’t trust anyone” posts on Facebook at the age of 28 years old and has since she was a teenager
>claims she’s “nonbinary” and changes her name every other month. Examples include shit like “Waifu” and “Bunnie”.
>is mixed but says extremely racist shit, then uses her “BUT MUH DAD IS BLACK” cover to excuse it
>desperately tries to Twitch game steam but has no personality except quoting unfunny Facebook mom memes and being loud
>slept with Alex Ramos (yes the vine dude) and unapologetically flaunted it around, look him up on Tiktok it’s the first result
>does shitty makeup
>filters the fuck out of her photos
>is a professional victim, will always one up everyone when they complain
>claimed her dad was abusive when in reality he didn’t wanna deal with her shit, even admitted to “exaggerating” a little
>columbiner, even has tattoos dedicated to them

No. 2050153

Is that the girl that tried to get Tillian pearson cancelled??

No. 2050183

Damn males will really stick their dick in anything huh

No. 2050203

She said they dated for two years and broke up in 2022, is my timeline wrong or does that mean she dated him when he and his baby momma were still together? He and Dom were together for five years and she left him two years ago, when she was pregnant (and had to go live in a DV shelter)

No. 2050217

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Cajun Dan’s wife left a comment on one of his sister’s videos, here are some things that were shared about their relationship
>she and Dan got married after knowing each other a few months
>she works in construction and had three kids who she moved in with him
>they had a physical altercation at one point and she ran and hid behind his brother while screaming for him to protect her from Dan
>Dan thought this meant that they were sleeping together, bum rushed his brother and knocked him through the living room window, which cut open his entire forearm
>he crawled back in through the window and Dan hit him on the head with a gun repeatedly
>then he had a moment of clarity and rushed his brother to the ER where he got stitches
>after they left, the wife called Dan’s sister and told her what happened and said she was scared Dan would kill her
>Dan came home while she was on the phone and started screaming at her and threatening her, not knowing his sister was on the phone and could hear everything
>she heard the wife say “put the gun down” to which Dan replied “I’m going to kill you and your people”, meaning her three young children who were there witnessing all of this happen
>the sister calls the cops and can hear Dan beating his wife and screaming at her
>the wife’s 5 year old daughter picks up her mom’s phone crying and saying “please help us”
>this gives the sister flashbacks to when she was a child and Dan’s father used to beat her mother (and he was extremely evil and sadistic towards her) and also used to threaten the sister when she was around 9 at the time
>Dan realizes the child is speaking to his sister on the phone, takes it from her and starts screaming at her that he’ll do whatever it takes to not go to jail
>he hid the gun in the shed, the cops arrested him and he was in jail for a few days
>the sister tried to help the wife make a plan for her and her children to leave
>Dan gets out of jail, returns home, calls his sister, and his wife is still home and never left like she was supposed to. She and Dan tell the sister that they’re staying together and she won’t be pressing charges (even though he threatened to shoot her kids) then they get married the next day (they had been engaged before this, after having met only a few months prior)
>the sister hasn’t spoken to Dan since that phone call. The wife left Dan at some point recently but they’re still married

No. 2050218

And the physical altercation they had that started all of this is that he choked her, which is why she was so terrified

No. 2050253

We are, yeah.

just to add onto the shitshow, dumb fuck sold his car back to the dealership and got 700 for it, apparently needs 10k in repairs.

My boyfriend and housemate were showing each other messages he had sent them, and they're certain he's already spent the majority of that 700 on weed, alcohol and a happy ending massage.

700 would only barely cover a plane ticket to Japan, not even considering accommodation, food, spending money or even a fucking PASSPORT.

Now he's carless, somehow fumbled, abused and fucked up a BMW X series that was given to him for FREE, and extremely unlikely to get this vacation he's so desperate for because he can't stop spending money like a tard.

i love watching him suffer.

No. 2050964

My personal lolcow is the younger sister of a girl I went to high school with, who is normal compared to her lolcow sister. Can't share her social media cause her sister was a farmer, but if she reads this, she'll know who I'm talking about. I call her, "That Girl"
>self hating brown woman
>has e-dated 40 men so far, starting when she was 15
>as a minor, repeatedly got into relationships with older men, despite literally everyone in her life telling her they're bad news
>verbally abuses her mom for the crime of being concerned for her daughter
>constantly accuses her mother of stealing things, I met her mom before and she is just a concerned woman with a fucked up daughter
>uses social media as a diary, including posting her cuts after every breakup (this is a public account where her actual family follows her)
>posts her giving every e-boyfriend all the love and encouragement in the world, while he responds with "thanks ily" or other dry sentences
>tried to convert to Judaism to beat the antisemitic allegations
>when that failed, she started becoming a germanyboo and being obsessed with nazi shit (reminder that she is a brown woman)
>wished Hitler a happy birthday to impress 4chan scrotes
>wasted 900 dollars to fly e-boyfriend #37 over from Finland, he took her money and ran
>got hospitalized after that (of course she posted every step of the way to insta)
>Andrew Tate bootlicker
>calls radfems or other man hating women "pickme girls" not realizing the irony of her statement
>e-boy #38 is a retard who texts his boss things like "stonks" and "big chungus" in 2023, also ugly asf
>posted her app usage, spends more time in her photo gallery than on YouTube
>After breakup with e-boy #38, moves on to e-boy #39 and goes back to Christianity for him, since he wants a based tradwife
>tried to move to California at 18 for greater opportunities, went back home in a week when it was expensive
>posts AI monstrosities of what she thinks her and e-boy #39's kids will look like
>suddenly deletes all her profile pics and photos, indicating that things did not work out with e-boy #39
>turned into a cat hoarder and gave away her seniors to the shelter once the landlord found out, because they were too expensive to care for
>right after posting e-boy #40, she deletes all social media and leaves the internet
It's been 3 months now and I miss her milk. She was like my own personal Chris Chan. I was friends with her sister in high school, but we went to different colleges and lost contact. I wish we were still friends, so I can keep up with her retarded sisters antics.

No. 2050975

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No, but I found this disgusting TiM that she's friends with. What I want to know is why a TiM would be okay with a biological female calling herself a transwoman, kek. I guess he's just that desperate for attention.

No. 2051319

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I’m not sure if any other nonnas follow her, I requested a thread on her a few days ago and didn’t see anyone else interested but Becky the young autistic catholic woman aka @catholica.pandam on instagram is a huge milky cow I wish more people followed
>always medfagging, talks about how all the local er nurses know her by name and posts pictures of her in the hospital constantly for sympathy
>self dx autistic who (claims to have gotten an official dx and made a video about it)
>ebegs and then gets angry when people call her out, then spergs and shuts down her socials for days
>posts about wanting to stay sober and how she was an addict in the past but also says she’s never done narcotics and only ever shows the same few photos of herself in her “party era”
>constantly infantilizes herself
>argues with her commenters and gets angry at people who criticize her in any way, even if they have good intentions or are well meaning
The last week or so she’s been especially milky, suicide baited using an x song and apparently went to inpatient, posted about wanting to relapse, then she posted a video of her forced ass stimming and when people thought she was on drugs she sperged out again and shut down her socials. Picrel is from a couple days ago, now she keeps updating her profile pic and bio while she’s apparently “on a break” kek she’s beyond entertaining

No. 2051325

she always gets featured on my feed for some reason and it's strangely entertaining but i haven't seen much of her, post more?

No. 2051357

Oh my god, i was contemplating posting her. I like her a lot but her post about BPD set off my autism faker radar. Idk, it could be that she really is autistic and was misdiagnosed, it happens. But there's a possibility she's BPD and latching onto a new identity
>self dx autistic, claimed to be dx'ed
>ebegs and then gets angry when people call her out, then spergs and shuts down her socials for days
So this is why she was angry… I have to look her up now

No. 2051512

my personal lolcow is my childhood friend
>1,000+ body count and proud of it
>won't take medication
>conspiracy theorist
>addicted to TikTok
>antagonizes her neighbours by blasting music 24/7 then plays victim.
>calls the police on her neighbours everyday
>shoots guns at her neighbours
>has no idea "what their problem is"
>thinks she's better than everyone because she got botched plastic surgeries.
>got botched lipo suction.
>going back to the same place for more.
>spends hundreds of dollars on shein crap and think it makes her "rich".
>grifts social welfare
>pathological liar
>wears extremely revealing outfits then freaks out and shouts at people in public when they stare
>extremely delusional
>thinks there are demons inside her head that are controlling her
>says she saw a demon latched onto her back in the mirror
>believes in mystical "healers" that are "helping her"
>wants to adopt 10 children
>extremely violent
>tried to kill her mom
>wants to marry me even though I'm straight and have a bf

No. 2051516

Jfc, it sounds like she needs to be in some kind of institution for her own safety. I hope she doesn't somehow get to adopt those kids.

No. 2051517

Maybe his logic is "if this biological woman calls herself a troon and people believe her, the cissies will think it's possible for us to pass!"

No. 2051530

KEK I follow this girl on tumblr and she’s so annoying.

>thinks Irish-Americans are some sort of oppressed minority group in NY.

>brags about being beautiful while being painfully plain/average.
>claims tons of men want to be with her and insinuates her female friendships fail because men hit on her, not them
>her relationships have consisted of an ugly gay male who was having anon sex with random trannies from grindr throughout their relationship and her current bf who refused to move in with her last-minute because she’s such a psycho
>bitches about said boyfriend and calls him evil, then switches and said she loves him and wants to have his kids, cycle repeats.
>thinks everyone loves her ugly white fucking dog that is constantly ridden with illnesses/skin conditions she barely tries to resolve
>believes anyone who thinks that dogs shouldn’t be in restaurants ate stupid and cruel
>genuinely delusional levels of self-important and self esteem. constantly plays the victim in every situation

No. 2051628

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His current girlfriend is a cow too, she’s a prostitute who defends him against his rape and DV allegations and she also messages his followers and calls them sluts kek. He hooks up with his attractive followers all the time and I’m sure it makes her seethe

No. 2051682

at this point i'm my own personal lolcow
>bpd as shit, burns friendships down every month
>has frequent, public mental breakdowns on social media, usually over meaningless online drama
>makes lame, schizoidal artwork of anime girls and planes with tits and gets 3 likes max
>said art has been deteriorating in quality for the past few years
>larps as nonbinary and having alters online for attention
>doesnt believe in therapy, refuses to take meds
>is unsatisfied with attention from actual friends and seeks it out from a lolcow forum(use the cow yourself thread)

No. 2051689

get some fucking therapy, loser

No. 2051714

no1curr go outside and do something productive instead of sitting on social media stupid bitch

No. 2051809

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Tobuscus was my favourite YouTuber in middle school and now he’s my pet cow. If I don’t see him getting dragged on twitter in a while I check on his IG just to makes she he’s still alive. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a falloff so violent and so far. Crazy to think that once upon a time people saw him as a more marketable alternative to Pewdiepie and now he’s a MAGA dickrider living in a one-room shack and kicking it with Kyle Rittenhouse, and Pewdiepie has fuck-you money and is chilling in Japan with his wife and baby. If he posts one more nugget in a biscuit reupload I might have to start a thread for him kek.

No. 2051905

do you have any screenshots? self-hating edgy pickmes are really fun

No. 2052006

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he's been tweeting in english a lot. kek thanks for making my job easier now i don't even need to translate his ramblings before posting

No. 2052009

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for someone who translates things from english for a living his writing skills are surprisingly bad. all that reddit spacing doesn't help either

No. 2052081

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Im pretty sure she actually deactivated since I posted this since she got called out for “taking a break from social media” and making multiple posts at the same time. I only have a couple of screenshots but here she is LARPing as an infant lol. I’ll lurk more when she reactivates inevitably

I agree nonna, I know which post you’re talking about and it was a red flag for me too. I’ve been following her for a long time now and at this point she’s had a lot of controversies. A few of them were over donations or a gofundme or something and she made a bunch of posts about how she won’t accept money but also has her Venmo and PayPal account info public and accepts donations lol. Another time she posted about how she intentionally makes herself stim in videos as a demonstration or something and when she was criticized she got upset that she was being “bullied by the neurodivergent community”
>But there's a possibility she's BPD and latching onto a new identity
Actually kind of related to this, people on Reddit were speculating that because her husband is also autistic and catholic she could be fixating on that that since apparently she started identifying as both after they met

No. 2052087

i'm so here for a becky thread. i absolutely hate seeing her on my feed; i had to block her because she agitated me so much. i'd unblock her to supply milk for nonnas though.

No. 2052094

Is that bin desil in the bottom right photo?!

No. 2052201

>since apparently she started identifying as both after they met
Lol i wondered about this, seems very likely. The thing that really set off my faker radar is how she explained her BPD-like symptoms as something that emerged from a stressed 'nervous system'. Women who get misdiagnosed (which happens a lot) just state that it was a mistake and why they learned another condition fit their issues better. If she's indeed BPD it's impressive they stayed together for more than a couple months, BPD/Autism has to be one of the worse blends of conditions in a couple. I get the feeling that she's using religion as an emotional crutch, too
>261 months
>bullied for fake stimming
The 'neurodivergent' community is a cesspool but disliking fake stimming is very reasonable

No. 2052388

This is one doozy of a story brace yourselves.

There's atleast like 3 Cows I would be sharing here. All are split in their own section. I will be sharing power level here so be warned.


>Be me. Diagnosed with retard (Autism), Concentration issues (ADHD), multiple people in my head (DID) and impulsive thoughts (Schizoeffective)

>Obsessed with Anime
>Obsessed with AI
>Meets some Transformers Fangirl who has a link to a server dedicated on taking down CAI as a video is being made.
>Joins it

First Cow: Viz

>Some loser Furry whose like in his mid 20s (Most of the people there are 20 or even minors, I was 20.)

>Server was supposed to be documenting on CAI but became this guys Hugbox and pedophilliac behaviors
>Made a fuss about another cow stimming (Which turned this bitch into a victim)
>When being outed he BAHHHLETED everything and continues to cry
>He also let children in NSFW Channels alongside his little sister.

Second Cow: Bola

>Was shaping up to be a good person, owner and creator of the first and second snipe cai doc and the server owner of it.

>SADLY has no backbone
>another cow basically is her friend and moderator and instead of punishing the problematic cow she prefers to sit around.
>Lost all respect when she claimed she forgave "parents abuse" after me and transformers fangirl was pointing out on how neglect killed a 14 year old boy rather than a AI
>When called out on fence sitting and sympathizing with abuse she pulls the "panic attack card and flare ups" which is retarded since atp I was in the hospital days ago for chest pains
>Badass friend rolls in server after I called everyone out, they chastised everyone for being dickweeds
>Friend dips
>Server and doc was bahleeted
>There was claims that they weren't interested in taking down CAI anymore. As the server wasn't that.

Last Cow: Nova

>Contrian for the sake of it

>Is inheritaly misogynistic believing that women have it bad instead of men rather than agreeing that both sides have it bad, sited that women can't get abortions anymore.
>Point out that gay adolescents get raped at correctional camps
>Asks for proof
>Call out her disgusting behavior
>She's a Mod
>Has that janny attitude where she's always right
>Anytime Viz is brought up, she's got to bring up the stim drama making it about her. Acting like Viz diddled her.
>Is extremely retarded in the worst way possible
>No seriously, I met more intelligent retards than her
>She refuses to listen to boundries when Alters set it, continued to ping in replies
>When calling out this, she's playing the "Anxiety" card
>She's been complained about to Bola but Bola is biased.
>Uses the "Talking down to me like a kid" to play victim.
>Obsessed with Friday Night Funkin' and stupid Content Farms made by pedophiles
>Delusional enough to believe that the Content Farm has some sort of lore when it's all speculation.
>Supports horrible creators and acts slighted when people bring up the fact they are a bad person "…oh guess I can't like it…" So her friends can console her
>Server became a hugbox for the mods
>Nova has done so much shit so tldr she's a gaslighter
>Ended with Nova victimblaming and trying to gaslight someone whose worked with kids (Transformers Girl) into thinking their opinion was wrong
>Told TG the "reason" of the servers closure. (fuck off attentionwhoring brainlet)

No. 2052401

are these "cows" your alters?

No. 2052416

my personal cow is now >>2052388 who thinks she has DID and doesn't know what the fuck ADHD is.

No. 2052453

has also confused the definitions of “misogyny” and “feminism”
“I’m my own personal lolcow” posts should be b& before we get any more of this Raven Ebony Darkness Way nonsense
get fucking professional help, crazy people

No. 2052576

His downfall has been pretty interesting to watch. Not sure how true this is, but I remember hearing that he was using meth/other drugs for a while.

No. 2052765

This might be the most TikTok coded thing I've ever read on LC

No. 2052779

Get off this site

No. 2053222

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I bet you he sticks his unwashed dick in her.

No. 2053342

I bet you she's asexual and they never do it and it causes him immense suffering lmao

No. 2053544

How bold of you to assume a moid would ask for consent.
I can smell this picture.

No. 2053663

I've been following Becky for a while and was interested/kind of liked her at first for the weird cultish dresses, and thought she was actually an autist who was finally 'being herself' or whatever. The recent 'grippy sock vacation' posts made me do a complete U-turn though. Bitch thinks it's hilarious fun to just check herself into a psych ward. Something just rubbed me the wrong way with her ever since then.

No. 2053665

Agree she needs a thread.

No. 2053684

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I used to talk to this guy and he recently got a weebish gf and now he's begun venting more than usual on ig/twitter. he's started to refer to himself as a woman, dressing in women's clothing and saying stuff like he and his girlfriend are sisters, making incest fetish references a lot. had to unfollow, whole thing took me off guard. these are just a couple recent examples but his socials are pretty sick lately with the type of stuff he publicly writes. apparently his new gf used to be edgy or something and has photos of herself out there with nazi flags and hats but I never really knew about or looked into her much, she seems like a typical weeb/lgbt ally type person now and I think a furry.

No. 2054059

that’s mel @happytimesails on twitter. she’s friends with dexpuppy, another cow that gets talked abt on here. She was a siege mask alt-right egirl up until sometime this year.

No. 2054309

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Found out she wrote this absolutely snotty-sounding email to her professors. I'm in awe at how she has the gall to send something like this to her professors.

No. 2054315

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Currently it's Vision Video the Tiktok goth band imploding, it's been a train wreck, people can't decide if it's election based, even though the vocalist swears it isn't. I've seen this band live and I expected some level of preachy-ness but it was insane.

No. 2054431

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with the current political shitfest going on, rin is currently going on an anti-misandry sperge and chimping out on people talking about the 4B movement. She genuinely believes shes a true and honest man unlike the other fake poser troons and I wonder if its possible for someone like her to peak out from this. too bad she doesnt channel all this hatred into drawing, shes genuinely talented but im not sure if shes capable of doing so anymore after frying her brain on testosterone and drugs

No. 2054566

>starting when she was 15
>at 18
Sounds like she was groomed, nonna. Wtf are you doing.

No. 2054575

ikr? If OP is in order, this girl dated 38 moids before age 18, and apparently a lot of them are older. This isn't milky, it's just sad. Also sad that she deleted her socials and someone's still trying to wring milk out of her.

No. 2054608

>has e-dated 40 men so far, starting when she was 15
>as a minor, repeatedly got into relationships with older men, despite literally everyone in her life telling her they're bad news
I mean what do you expect from a teenager

No. 2054635

I promise you nobody sees you as a man, especially not men. And least of all, you.

No. 2054657

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mels cowish herself my friend used to date her and the stuff he told me about her is crazy they did robotabs together then he broke up with her after a while because after she got addicted and spent all her time sitting inside abusing dxm all day apparently she's known for cheating on every guy she dates too I started following her for all the trainwreck shit she would be post. she did use to flirt with the alt right a lot it was super cringe but I think she stopped bc when she started dating a black guy and posting him she got called a coalburner by her followers (big surprise pandering to edgy moids as a pickme doesnt get you shit) she had like 4+ bfs since and would post unhinged shit all the time she was with one guy for a while and would post about breaking up and getting back together and marrying him and living together then post about him raping her and all sorts of shit like how he gave her chlamydia

id bet she ends breaking up with her current bf or the relationship "opens" soon. she already posts about pegging him and stuff wouldnt be surprised if they have other degen fetishes like cuckold/polyamory. she was posting about starting an onlyfans too before it was pretty disgusting bc she would tease the idea to her edgy moid following and simp reply guys around her 18th birthday typical degen internet stuff. ive seen her tweeting that she is in a lesbian relationship rn though bc her crossdresser bf is a "woman" her relationship now is funny too bc she would complain about ruining every one of her relationships bc of her drug addiction but now shes dating a guy that also abuses dxm and is also a "woman" with an eating disorder. her brain must be really fried from all the drug use i remember seeing her tweeting glamorizing doing robotabs all day every day and shoplifting. like the other person said too she's friend with dxmpuppy which is funny because she would talk so much shit about her but their friends again rn

No. 2054758

Actually you get berated and outcast by everyone because you are rude and unpleasant. Hope this helps!

No. 2054930

she is literally a full-on narcissist and thinks people hate her because shes so sexy and talented and male and not because shes vile and awful to literally everybody (including her "friends") and says racial slurs all the time and dickrides the same sharty users that call her a pooner pedophile and try to doxx her every month. literally one of the most delusional and out of touch humans ive ever seen

No. 2055242

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Update, Dom posted proof of how abusive he was to her. She showed a video on live and posted it on twitter. When she was 11 weeks pregnant he raped her and then threw a drunken tantrum afterwards screaming and yelling like a demon, and destroyed their refrigerator. He also accused her of cheating when she wasn’t even allowed to leave their house (and when she did he would follow her) and he was the one cheating and going to strip clubs when she was alone with their 2 year old daughter. He also tied her up and abused her because he has a bondage fetish.

After she left him she had to live in a DV shelter with a newborn and a toddler, and when she finally found somewhere to live he and his new wife pulled up to her house and took pictures outside to intimidate her, the wife used racial slurs and threatened Dom. One of the only times Dom allowed Dan to see his toddler, he brought her back covered in bruises and sick from something the wife fed her. The wife has abused her own children before and Dom has proof of it, and as stated in the post tagged the wife also stayed with Dan even after he threatened to kill her and her children. Now the wife is playing victim when she’s a racist and violent child abuser.

No. 2055351

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No. 2055419

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i think im done looking at rin's page because every post she makes just makes me lose braincells
she also made a bunch of other posts about being suicidal and how steve irwin is her real dad and also gave her furry sexual awakenings, i dont even feel like cataloging it. how can one human being be so retarded and delusional? the world may never know…

No. 2055426

me if I had slightly less self awareness

No. 2055543

Fuck i follow her too. Its like a whole downstream of dark academia larps from people that had no idea who Nikolai Gogol was before watching BSD (and a weird obsession with being slavic). Shes greek so ??(learn to sage)

No. 2055558

I spent the better part of 2021 on Moon Guard in WoW because of the pandemic limiting my ability to go out and socialize, i'm not an RPer, never got into it, just hung out and did content with my friends.
I was a retard back then, i haven't really played WoW for a long time since.

As you'd expect, the e-sex hub of WoW is full of extremely maladjusted individuals with cow potential, i posted one before, but i've got five more to post.

anyways, Cow #1
>36 year old fat angry autist from NC, might be schizophrenic according to some posts
>extremely autistic, types in a very literal way and has no social skills or filter
>incredibly sexually aggressive, will harass any female presenting player for ERP in game
>if they're in a relationship, will argue the point that "HE does NOT control you, dear."
>will crash out hard and shit everywhere if you deny him ERP, will type out detailed one-sided rape RP if you say no and don't block him in time
>writes extremely retarded OP characters with no lore, gives them names like Alexander Bloodborne or Evil Crusader
>stalked a girl in CA and found her address and phone number, she had to get a restraining order on him
>sent me in game mail threatening to hurt me because i didn't want to travel overseas to NC to give him a blowjob
>thought i was black because i responded to a message with 'aight' because 'only black people say that'
>claimed he wasn't autistic because "autistic people have issues with motor skills, i can drive"
>has had countless videos and posts made about his behaviour, i've posted the most famous one.
>the amount of women he's harassed is likely in the hundreds at this point at LEAST
>extremely liberal about the information he gives out about his irl shit, doxxes himself frequently
>unable to attend any large RP events like the tournament of ages due to his infamy, immediately gets shit by literal crowds on the second he shows up
>managed to evade a permaban, blizz still hasn't banned him and three years on he continues this shit.

Cow #2
>30 year old Salvadorian man from Laguna Niguel, LA.
>adopted by rich white parents
>literal retard, his irl fiancee left him because he couldn't stop cheating with e-whores in goldshire
>dad was an ex-cop who runs a driving school that employs ex-cops, flexes his dad's lamborghini as his own, as well as all of his dad's other assets
>employed by his dad to do fuck all, has never worked an honest job afaik
>equates e-sex to irl hookups
>found out his girlfriend in game was a 45 year old father of three, went absolutely ballistic
>likely influenced his drinking problem which got progressively worse throughout the year
>would drink at his desk to feel like he was "partying" in Goldshire
>i had a wedding in game that was basically just a big jokey social event, the amount of attention we got made him seethe
>has his own wedding with an incredibly sweet girl, he was a complete cunt to her
>wedding doesn't hold up as much, i think his entire wedding was funded by e-begging for in-game gold
>got permabanned after the girl he was dating/married in game told her GM friend to fuck him up
>was suicidal after i dogpiled him with a bunch of women he was involved with, pretended to have a mental breakdown
>threatened legal action after i made an Imgur post of a bunch of racist and problematic messages he had sent to random people
>evaded the permaban, came back with a vengeance, that vengeance being seething with anger and pretending to be so insane that he turned gay
>starts trying to sexually assault every male avatar he sees
>starts rage typing at me that he had stolen my boyfriend, kept repeating "TELL HIM TO COME TO LA TO FUCK ME SILLY FUCKING HOE" over and over
>figured out how to ban evade a week later, came back, barely denied the gay episode of insanity
>eventually moved to Final Fantasy, started ERPing there.
>got married and had a kid, after his previous fiancee dumped him i have no hopes that this marriage will last
>has gotten fat as shit since his marriage, used to constantly brag about his physique and how he works out

Cow #3
>40 something year old hispanic man from Hawaii.
>raging alcoholic and Z tier streamer
>used to stream every Saturday night on some offshoot 'adult' streaming website because he got permabanned from Twitch for flashing his dick repeatedly
>would drink about 10 beers minimum and pass out on stream
>i would try and wake him up by screaming into the microphone or playing the Antiques Roadshow theme on full-blast
>i would eventually have to contact the website admin to shut off his stream because of bandwidth wastage
>would wake up sometimes, extremely dazed and annoyed before yelling out slurs and passing out
>extremely political, didn't know the difference between a liberal and a libertarian
>would refuse to speak to women unless they called him Master
>would get in screaming matches with liberals who joined his VC, him being the only one screaming
>constantly wears gloves due to extremely sweaty hands
>randomly broke out an extremely shitty scottish accent
>registered his streaming name as a brand/business, therefore publishing his full name and address

Cow #4
>20 something-year old trailer park trash from Missouri
>got interviewed by Asmongold, if you've seen that 'Asmongold Interviews Girl RPer Selling Her Body for WoW Gold' video, that'd be her.
>enaged in really disgusting degen RP involving pregnancy and other shit, complete lack of morals or boundaries in what she would do for in-game gold
>entire self esteem runs on having a discord full of simps despite having a boyfriend
>if you're a man and you don't give her attention, she will weaponize her simps to spread rumours that gain no traction
>would act bitchy, competitive with other girls in the server, discouraged other women being brought in
>lived with her boyfriend and his family
>fucked up his relationships with his family due to her inability to clean up after herself and her ability to clear the fridge
>chronic bongsmoker
>if you made the mistake of being nice to her or talking to her, expect the next 3 years of her popping up in your DMs to e-beg for money to buy cigarettes
>managed to fleece 500 dollars out of my friend under the pretence of getting driving lessons, got everything but driving lessons.
>moved to a trailer park type property in Tennessee with her boyfriend who i'm pretty sure has left her
>would make tiktoks of her panicking, freaking out and asking for money because she couldn't afford the internet bill
>and without the internet bill, she couldn't get a 'work from home' job because she's allegedly agoraphobic
>refuses to work or get a job, content with e-begging
>ended up getting some disease that only affects people over the age of 45, got a chunk of her colon and asshole removed.

Cow #5
>400+ pound 45 year old man from Quebec
>has a lot of disorders, likely super autistic
>has been hanging around Goldshire for well over 5 years, apparently.
>obsessed with virgo women, refuses to talk to women who aren't virgos.
>was catfished by a mexican woman, maxed out 3 credit cards and paid countless chinese gold farmers just to appease her
>constantly and publically monologues about women who've taken advantage of his stupid fat ass in-game
>was in 4k of debt over giving women money, surprisingly not into findom
>suffers from diagnosed paranoia
>entire social media presence is him saying schizo shit into the camera and posting it on tiktok

No. 2055601

>claimed he wasn't autistic because "autistic people have issues with motor skills, i can drive"

>found out his girlfriend in game was a 45 year old father of three, went absolutely ballistic

>pretending to be so insane that he turned gay

>obsessed with virgo women, refuses to talk to women who aren't virgos.

these particularly made me kek so hard, we live in a crazy autistic world nona. also what disease did cow 4 claim to have? im a munchie enjoyer and any time a crazy 20-something woman gets a colectomy my munchie senses start tingling

No. 2055617

i just had to sift through her tiktok, she claims to be one of the youngest living people to be diagnosed with severe diverticulitis, had an exploratory laparotomy and she has a colostomy bag and all that.

No. 2055658

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This tranny faggot sissy on bluesky is such a fucking mini cow. Ho constantly makes deranged cock sucking obsessed text posts. He doesnt mention anything about a family. But i hope he doesnt have a wife or kids. Spoilered because his words are gross.

No. 2055661

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Same fag, more retard posts. Again, spoilered because ew.

No. 2055662

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Okay last one. No nudity. Just spoulered.

No. 2056689

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>viet NEET
>Spends daddy's money frivolously on designer goods and overpriced aliexpress tier jfashion
>miu miu, trips to japan, constant hauls monthly
>clearly rich living off parents
>goes to kabukicho to larp as Jirai
>always spergfighting about how you can't stereotype all toyoko kids being homeless and prostitutes
>basically rich person cosplaying poor kek so the label gotta fit her
>cutting party with her friend

Idk, it's funny to see bananas trying to fit so hard into a a culture that's clearly not for her.

No. 2056701

jirai-kei culture is so cringe to me lol

No. 2057082

She got a lazy eye?(sage your shit)

No. 2057085

she forgot to photoshop the giant ass hand

No. 2057440

Hate this babyface looks so much. Autopedo shit.

No. 2057672

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cant keep this to myself anymore XD

this guys a close friend and fan of jacob sockness, brony, genuine sonichu fan, anti vax, super retarded and intellectually delayed, actual FEAR of gay people, gullible as shit, misogynistic and misandristic, etc.

i kinda wanted to gatekeep until i knew if he had real lolcow potentioal, but.. o__O

he was being flirty with me over discord, so with some disturbingly easy convincing, i got him to 'make out' with his sailor moon poster and send some pictures. dude just slobbered all over it. lol. does he have potential?(you need to be 18 to post here)

No. 2057696

don't even bother learning to integrate. just never come back.

No. 2057705

Thank you for sharing. Now go.

No. 2057707

NTA but I think it's just the botched shoop.

No. 2057708

Her fellow jirais would be SUPER offended by her saying you don't have to be poor to join their cringe subculture kek, including the other rich LARPers.

No. 2057745

Tbh OP reeks of 40-year-old autist who never grew out of her Deviantart/Livejournal phase

No. 2057757

anon you are a bad person and a cow yourself. moids are retarded enough without your meddling.

No. 2057945

Toyoko kids are soft as fuck and Kabukicho is a playground compared to any American city. Always laughed at that entire LARP.

No. 2058113

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back with another cow, she was friends with my ex's brother and went to the same highschool as my current boyfriend and a bunch of my friends.

>self-hating brown girl

>obsessed with male attention and attention in general
>run of the mill pickme personality
>doesn't shut the fuck up about how 'men aren't upfront anymore'
>her entire personality, wellbeing, mental health, and life depends on being asked out by men or being catcalled
>has a tiktok full of really retarded takes, mostly shitting on 'femenazis' and how 'pedophiles really ruined it for men who like being around children'
>also posted some shit on facebook about how "MEN SHOULD BE ABLE TO WATCH PORN, I'M A GIRL WHO LIKES PORN!!!!! LEAVE MEN ALONE!!!!!!!!"
>would hit on gay men that she knew were gay and get legitimately upset when they didn't reciprocate
>did an exchange program in Mexico a few years ago
>moved overseas to Mexico a month ago
>has since not shut the fuck up about how "AUSTRALIANS ARE AWFUL PEOPLE, SO BORING AND NO PERSONALITY!!!!"
>clearly this is feminism's fault for making men fear repercussions
>constant posts about how Australia was horrible and how she needs therapy for how boring it was
>now self identifies/racefakes as South American despite being 100 percent Sri Lankan
>extremely insecure about white women with blonde hair and blue eyes
>genuinely believes that she would get a boyfriend instantly if she had these features, says being white is like winning the lottery
>genuinely incapable of talking about anything but men, sex, porn, complaining about men not being upfront anymore and feminists, shits on Australians for 'not being educated enough'

like girl, i get it. Australian men suck, they truly do. BUT. when you start shitting up your socials with stupid posts like "MEN SHOULD BE ABLE TO WATCH PORN!!! I THINK MEN SHOULD BE ABLE TO HIT ON ME!!!!"

congrats! you look absolutely desperate and insane, enjoy your future boyfriend who'd rather go jerk off in the bathroom than be intimate with you because you're that desperate to advocate for their porn habits. good luck!

No. 2058114

An actual female incel? Holy shit. I'm getting second-hand embarrassment from her.

No. 2058147

Holy kek her face looks just like Elliot Rodger's. He was reincarnated as a women and is still an incel.

No. 2058184

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Lotta L'amour/Lauren
>Self described lesbian polyamourous BPD stripper
>well known in the Australian performer scene
>Started off in Moulin Rouge and will literally never let anyone forget it, yelled it to drag queen Juno Birch once at a show only for Juno to respond "I don't care"
>Had a sugar daddy while living in England, then broke up with him, moved back to Australia, and got a sugar mumma in the form of Cleo
>Cleo is milky in herself, having all this money no one knows where it came from
>They got together because Cleo was cheating on her girlfriend, another Australian burlesque performer
>They're all still friends for some reason.
>Cleo buys an apartment in the middle of the city with her regular events job somehow
>Lauren shacking up there for free
>They last three years and plaster their relationship everywhere in the most cringe-inducing spectacle
>Lauren constantly compares Cleo to Cate Blanchett because they're both blonde.
>They eventually break up in a post about how they're totally still friends but just had some differences
>This is when Lauren gets into her stripping era
>Constantly complains of male attention yet chooses a job that relies on it
>Has two girlfriends now
>Recently posted picrel who's part of her new polycule, also posted it on a story.
>One of her recent stories was telling people she's totally fine and not losing the plot, implying she's had friends trying to check on her asking if she's alright because she's acting unhinged
>Has been acting unhinged
>Allegedly sober through all of this

No. 2058190

I want to know what her real problem is. I get it when moids act like this, but I've never seen a pickme so desperate yet so unwilling to actually act on her desperation in any tangible way. It reminds me of how incels complain that women don't approach men but have never actually made an effort to talk to any woman who isn't their mother.

No. 2058193

she's trolling, right? the extreme posts (such as wanting to be raped), the username "menhateme". no way.

No. 2058197

not trolling, i've known her for 9 years and she's always behaved in this way but in the past year or so she's gotten worse. also that's her IG highlight named 'men hate me' that she uses to post her insane shit about men.


tiktok link is new milk in itself, enjoy. i can't watch more than one without my head hurting.

No. 2058198

because she wants to put no effort in and her entire self-esteem completely relies on being desired. in the almost 10 years i've known her she's never ever had a boyfriend and also made her 'hoe phase' her entire personality even up until now and is probably going fucking mental because of it.

No. 2058224

Westernized Indian women really are the most insane narc pickmes in existence. That's what happens when you come from a culture that worships men and white features. Theyre always extremely toxic and aggressive towards white women who they view as intrasexual competition and are as entitled to white people as Indian moids. Honestly think Indian women are the biggest threat to women's rights in the west right now after Muslim moids.

No. 2058225

Brown women are so fucking embarrassing sometimes and I say this as a brown woman myself.

Tiktok is literally full of women making endless 'I wish I was white' and 'why dont men pick me'whiney videos, I dont know why they want to embarass us like this. I hate it.

No. 2058228

>now self identifies/racefakes as South American despite being 100 percent Sri Lankan
Strangely this is not the first time I've heard a south asian woman larping as latina

No. 2058229

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She admitted in a now deleted tiktok to posting on /pol/. I wonder if this is her? She constantly mentions rapey Indian men and why white women deserve to be gangraped by them becsuse they have 'betrayed white men' and why white men belong with Indian women. Kek.


No. 2058243

did she? she's a giganormie who's probably completely unaware of 4chan, i doubt it's her.

No. 2058249

oh don't be so dramatic

No. 2058259

>NLOG fujoshi who hates other women and fujos and couldn't distinguish fiction and reality
>saw a group of guys sitting outside so she starts LOUDLY proclaiming about which one she thought was the top and bottom among them despite talking in a normal volume earlier
>she had changed her volume to get their attention as if it would be good attention from them, but fujo gets angry at me only and glares when both i and the guys call her out for being a creep and reminding her this is real life
>shits on other fujoshis despite being one herself, now pretends to hate pickmes only in attempt to make herself feel like a good person while treating her parents like servants even though they still house her abusive ass condescending without rent
>looks down on her elderly parents when she has no credentials and job and insults them constantly for being dumb and clumsy even though they should be retired but still have pay for all her shit
>gets angry they don't cook and clean for her because she likes to pretend to be physically disabled (she's not) because she feels traumatized mentally despite not experiencing even a fraction of what most people face growing up because her parents shelter her
>if she can't eat because she can't cook and order her own food because no money and income, starts screaming so i and other neighbors even hear her from the outside
>people start staring at her psycho ass as she's screaming and blaming them for not giving her necessities and selfish wants >moves towards the windows to scream willingly, but blames parents for making her angry and "looking crazy" when she was the one who decided to scream and continue screaming when we saw and heard her already
>claims she is allowed to treat them like shit because she was bullied because of the parents, which was actually just her finding out people where shit and that people outside of her known community were not going to treat her like a princess
>to further her NLOG delusion, constantly claims to be aromantic when no one asked and she already repeated it so many times, but would not stop thirsting and would literally rant around 6 hours (yes, i counted) literally every day about the male characters she was thirsting on and otome games
>reads tumblr experiences and quotes them in real life to make herself seem enlightened when they're obviously not her own words and lived experiences because she has not stepped outside her house yet acts above everyone
>visits AITA and uses stories from them as an example of why she isn't psycho, actually believing they're real but she's actually more psycho
>is obsessed with therapy tumblr in particular and keeps using therapy terminology to diagnose people as narcissists (those that just are tired of her shit), yet shit talks the people who send in the therapy asks despite her displaying the same negative behavior

No. 2058260

Could you post her tumblr @ ?

No. 2058268

i know her personally and she is somehow self-aware enough to only use her social media to stalk (that i know) and never posts

No. 2058296

you sound like an asshole yourself but does she seriously not have any kind of plans to get a job or without education so she doesn't have to rely on her parents? understand the emotional disregulation because if you're under a ton of stress you have less self-control, especially if the stressors are not something that you can avoid and they are encountered quite frequently. being around assholes can make you angry, too. and it sounds like you don't really know much about her situation, you just hate her.

If I will still reading bl I feel like I would be like this. It's not a fucking fun time.

No. 2058336

Perfect post nona, please post more cows if you have them
What is it with elderly parents and cows?

No. 2058360

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my personal cow is an edgelord fujo tif i briefly knew in college. here's some non-milk details just to give you a general idea of what kind of person she is:
>about 155cm/5'1" short, small and skinny
>would always wear gigantic baggy clothes and a beanie, chains and safety pins everywhere tiktok eboy style
>massive attention whore, extremely loud and obnoxious, constantly swearing
>her idea of a joke was just yelling slurs at the top of her lungs in a public space like a retarded teenage boy
>all over the place gesturing and body language in a futile attempt to look bigger than she is
>constantly skipped class to vape with her friends outside
>vaped in class whenever the teacher left
>divorced parents; hated her mom but loved her dad, constantly overshared about it to the point i know all about her family problems without ever talking to her
>MCR stan, obsessed with paul dano and batman/riddler yaoi
>had a huge USSR flag and a bust of lenin in her room

actual milk:
>would send real-life gore images to the student groupchat "as a joke" - beheadings, horrific car accidents, you name it
>when asked to stop said "you guys don't have a sense of humour!! imagine being scared of some blood lol"
>would take photos of our male teacher's ass and send them to the same groupchat with inaproppriate sexual comments trying to be funny
>was constantly on the brink of getting expelled because she was too busy drawing riddler mpreg yaoi to do assignments
a particularly funny moment:
>threw a fit because some girl kept misgendering her in the chat
>we live in ukraine
>all students except her and me are your average mentally sane normies unaware of western gender retardation
>she typed the whole message in our language except the pronous
>she literally typed HE/HIM. in ENGLISH. the language most people here DON'T FUCKING SPEAK.
>the girl was genuinely confused and didn't understand what the was the tif's problem
>tif started throwing an insult after insult at her
>i translated the pronouns and explained what the tif meant
>girl told the tif she was overreacting and that she should speak ukrainian if she wants people to understand her whims
>tif finally shut up and avoided the girl since then
>IRL none of the tif's "friends" respected her pronouns and always referred to her by her actual female name
>tif never called them out for it, i guess she's only brave in text kekk

all that was two years ago. as for now:
>dropped out and moved to germany as a refugee with her family, lives in picrel
>still draws nothing but gay porn
>calls herself a faggot, puts toothpaste gay flag everywhere
>sells her yaoi prints and stickers to russian fujos for these sweet sweet roubles

tifs like her are probably dime a dozen elsewhere so this might be nothing new to you. to me, however, this was akin to meeting an extremely rare animal in the wild. you read about it, you saw its pictures, you know it exists - but you never dreamed of seeing one up close.

No. 2058386

I love this. Tiny Ukrainian edgesperg tif selling yaoiz to the Russians. Excellent

No. 2058402

finally, a quality post. this is what i come here for

No. 2058454

It doesn't make sense. If she doesn't post on tumblr, who sends her asks?
How did you find her tumblr? Obviously you're not friends, so she didn't tell you what her socials are.
Also, about the part at the beginning with the two guys, were you hanging out with her and talking to her? Again, you don't seem like friends.
I'm guessing it's a fake story.

No. 2058509

>we live in ukraine
this took the cake for me. thank you anon.

No. 2058595

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Back with another cow, this is from my uni.
I lowkey feel a little mean writing and posting this one. But this person genuinely really just made me really fucking tired of gender/pronoun politics. I had a neutral stance prior to this, less so now.

there’s a special kind of fatigue you experience when someone brings terminally online politics into a real-life space, and especially when that space is one that i was waking up at 5am for to commute for an hour and a half each way.

I was studying a specific field of social work focusing on youth, so i should've expected someone like this to be here.

Sorry for another wall of text. tldr: a lot of this is typical genderspesh antics.

>25 y/o white enby/ex-TIF spoonie.

>was on T for a solid period of time, extremely hairy.
>questionable, if not gross fashion sense
>identified as polyam despite being single (lel)
>would traumadump like there’s no tomorrow, no social awareness, nothing.
>living, breathing proof of 'when people realise they're ugly so they start using they/them pronouns'

”so what are you up to this weekend?”
”not much, my friend’s band is playing a gig so i’ll be going to that.”
”ooh! where at?”
”XYZ venue.”
”oh! I was sexually assaulted in the bathrooms there!”
???? didn’t ask.

>her traumadumping got that bad that one of our teachers would start off EVERY lesson by STRONGLY reiterating that oversharing isn't acceptable in a class environment, and would restrict class discussions to stop it from happening because people were complaining about it.

>would bring her emotions into benign class discussions and turn them into debates.
>would roll her eyes and cover her ears whenever BPD was brought up in our mental health class because she thinks it isn't a real disorder and it's 'traumatized autism'

>extremely retarded political takes, ie "gun control but i think all marginalized people in the USA should have guns."

>politically identifies as an anarchist
>became the self-proclaimed torch bearer of the oppression Olympics when she was trying to debate with a classmate of an ethnic background that “her childhood was worse” on the topic of how to approach cultural differences on child discipline.

>dream job is a sexologist

>but is studying youth social work for some reason
>had a shitfit in class when someone asked “are we gonna look at male victims too?” in our domestic violence unit
>turns out the person asking the question was a male victim of DV and wants to work with male victims.
>told the teacher she ‘feels unsafe in class’ because he asked that question.
>would walk out of class whenever anything remotely triggering was mentioned.

>allegedly played a part in getting the juvenile offender in the class expelled over something trivial.

>according to my classmate, she got extremely triggered because the juvie kid was writing down rap lyrics on the board from songs he liked, one line referenced suicide, the teacher came back in, she started going off about it, the teacher was confused and said he didn't mean anything by it, apparently she cried and ran out of class because of it, once again pulled the "i feel unsafe" card so the uni had to investigate, this kid had racked up a bunch of minor things on his record because he was disruptive during class, not in a harmful way, he was just trying to make class fun and be the class clown.

>implied i was "one of THOSE conservatives" because i only buy raw milk and unhomogenized milk. apparently, half of my family working in livestock/cattle-based agriculture for generations and this being the norm for me wasn't logical enough. i'm not even a conservative.

>i would quietly pop out for ten minutes at the start of lunch breaks to go pray at the catholic church across the street. I kept this entirely to myself until she began to needle me and ask me where i was going.

>was brief and upfront about it, immediately met with the "oohhh i have trauma with religious people." i don't care??

>chronically SUPER behind on assignments, would wake up between 12pm-3pm and spend the day watching stupid tiktok trend/internet gossip/commentary slop, had that youtube extension on discord that shows what video you’re watching

>i would be up at 6am for work, would get messages from her around lunchtime asking for help with assignments that should’ve been turned in two weeks ago
>deferred/dropped out because she couldn’t keep up and was getting triggered by the course content (which she's still gonna have to do again anyways??)
>asked someone in our friend group out, they dated for about a week.
>she bombards me with obviously private screenshots of them flirting.
>”we’re SO gay together!!” I DON'T CARE!!
>other friend decides it’s not for them, is polite and upfront with her about it.
>incoming week or two of emotional manipulation under the guise of ‘muh rejection sensitive dysphoria’ and borderline begging to get back together.

RSD is genuinely the most retarded card to pull, nobody LIKES being rejected, but everyone has the right to say no to you, stop pathologizing being a pussy. This was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

>post-dropping out, the entire class vibe changes, we all become super close.

>in the last period of our final class for one of our units, our teacher says "you guys have been absolutely fantastic, the support and cohesion from this cohort is unlike anything i've seen before and you're all amazing, and i have to say, the overall dynamic of the class improved a lot when certain people left."
>everyone starts opening up about how they felt unsafe to speak their minds because of her combative chimping out to things she didn't agree with.
>prior to dropping out was one-sided beefing with the 18 year old autistic TiM in class who used to get up and loudly monologue during class like a fucking anime hero protagonist.

>fast forward a bit, i finish my qualification, she's back at uni to repeat the units she didn't finish.

>messaged me on discord asking to see my DV case study report, it's a long one and it's spaced out for 4-6 weeks.
>didn't even ask for help with it, just wanted my whole assignment because "it's taking foreverrrr."
>literally playing the binding of isaac when she sent that message.

the thing that sucks about studying social work is that there's always those people who just show up to debate or just verbal vomit therapy speak about "muh empathy muh trauma muh politics" and do no assignments, complain when they realise it's higher education and not a therapy group/debate club and drop out.

if you're that thin-skinned, emotionally immature, manipulative, clearly unable to manage your own trauma and disability and can't even do assignments - fix yourself up or just find a different career path that doesn't involve you being responsible for the wellbeing of a vulnerable person - this clearly isn't the right career path for you.

No. 2058596

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>>2055419 about 2 weeks ago me and my old friend group pretended and some are still pretending to like her in order to see the insanity and oh my god it's so fucking funny I got access to her server and I don't think I've ever seen anything more autistic in my life, I never knew she was larping as someone with did aswell but there's that too lol

No. 2058597

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No. 2058598

danderson kek

No. 2058599

why do people like this even go to college when they can’t like the bare minimum of attending class is too much work? no one is forcing you to be in “academia” kek

No. 2058624

>raw milk
Nonna, that’s unsanitary.
But regardless that cow sounds fucking milky kek is this cow sperging online?

No. 2058632

I get cold pressed raw milk which is a lot safer and less fucked than most raw milk.

but onto the more important milk, she DOES have a bit of a social media presence, but she's locked it down and kept it private, not as milky as her irl behaviour, just post after post of "life is getting better and I'm growing, here's poetry, I'm a creative"

No. 2058692

I feel bad for the guy who got expelled because of her antics.

No. 2058733

you sound like an equally awful asshole but I cannot believe that colleges let these people disrupt classes for everyone else.

No. 2058754

are you just in this thread to call people assholes for posting cows?? weirdo.

No. 2058760

it seems theyve posted twice? this isnt like AITA on reddit

No. 2059001

social work attracts the worst people(sage your shit)

No. 2059036

>identified as polyam despite being single (lel)
>dream job is a sexologist
KEKK what a milky cow, of course she wants to be a sexologist, she can't handle relationships and isn't attractive enough to make up for her BPD, so she wants to have a semblance of proximity with sex and intimacy. BPDfags often use sex and serial monogamy to try and soothe themselves, i imagine not having that drives her even more nuts. She should've chimped out at the autistic TiM, now that would have been nice.

No. 2059160

File: 1732231027100.png (308.11 KB, 576x892, lol.png)

local misogynistic ftm finds out men arent actually that amazing

No. 2059179

ngl the TiM wasn't completely insufferable, just an autistic kid fresh out of highschool. not an AGP weirdo or anything.

Maybe it's just mild in comparison to her incredibly shitty and manipulative behaviour because "muh rejection sensitive dysphoria" UGHHHHHHH.

No. 2059251

File: 1732246343070.jpg (223.85 KB, 720x1305, 2737291917181o.jpg)

>But there's a possibility she's BPD and latching onto a new identity
Speaking of has anyone seen @neuro__divinity and her desperate larp as an autist to get a crumb of male attention? Her entire page is dedicated to autism as a substitute for a personality. This is one of my favourites. She got a bunch of backlash for being too overt with her need to get picked so she changed the caption to "semi satire" kek. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9bA77eKhbB/?igsh=aXp0cndyNGxpNTZh

No. 2059463

File: 1732296453067.jpg (349.03 KB, 720x1266, Screenshot_20241122_182217_Tik…)

This mra chick who hates on other women for doing the…exact same things she does

No. 2059464

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No. 2059466

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Is there a nlog/female mra/male identified women thread?

No. 2059470

I know we say this a lot, but genuinely, crazy eyes.

No. 2059494

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A couple of cows from the last course I did definitely belong itt.

Cow one:
>NLOG on steroids
>Literally the adult version of picrel
>Always scowling or glaring at people
>Has a deeply unpleasant personality which becomes obvious within 2 minutes of talking to her, least of all being a total edgelord
>Like, honorary moid levels of edgelord
>The qualification is animal related and involves a lot of direct handling. This girl takes great pleasure in telling us all that she could totally work in a slaughterhouse "if she wanted to" and that she could kill anything they gave her like le emotionless edgy badass
>Brings this up with every animal she works with
>Whenever something related to the "dark side" of nature is brought up (animals eating each other etc) she does a really loud sigh and goes "OMG THIS HAPPENS AND IT'S NATURAL GET OVER IT" even though nobody complained
>Loudly bemoans the fact that our class is mostly girls
>One time I was having trouble catching a chicken and getting it back into its carrier, everyone else just found it funny and was either trying to help or making jokes, but this girl chimped out and SCREAMED at me to grab it
>Didn't talk to me for a month afterwards because she thought I was going slow on purpose to spite her
>Disruptive in class, all the professors and TAs find her annoying
>Miraculously becomes quieter and more socially aware whenever she's talking to her scrote friends
>We learn that some of the pigs we've worked with in the past might be slaughtered for food and some students are pretty sad about it. This bitch just laughs and loudly exclaims that she wishes she could "try it." Even my friend who literally grew up on a farm is disgusted
>Has a particularly bad day where she argues with the professor after every sentence and then gets up and flounces out of the room
>Doesn't come back
>I don't know if she dropped out (most likely scenario) or got suspended, but either way, everybody is relieved
>Also this is really petty but her hairdye always looked like shit

Cow 2:
>Pathological liar
>Munchie (but I repeat myself)
>It's literally impossible to keep track of everything which is supposedly wrong with her
>It's also impossible to keep track of her lies, even she can't keep up with her own lore
>No matter what you say to her, she WILL come up with some bullshit story about how she went through a traumatic event related to the subject
>Gets into trouble after claiming a professor she dislikes is an alcoholic who comes to work drunk
>Largely gets away with it (and all her other bullshit) because she's considered "troubled"
>Apart from that one teacher, she's a MASSIVE kiss-ass to any sort of authority figure and leeches off them to elevate herself
>Tries to order everybody around and dictate how we work even though nobody asked
>Randomly accuses one of my friends of abusing/stressing out an animal even though she obviously wasn't
>stands up and gives a totally not mad speech after someone throws her a note saying "gay" (kek) and the professor lectures us all about muh homophobic abuse even though munchie-chan is straight
>Psyops the college into thinking she has "leadership skills" and gets handed a bunch of cushy opportunities which she squanders by being lazy
>The class goes on a trip at the end of the year and she spends the whole time spreading rumours about random people on staff

No. 2059516

I've seen some of her posts before I deleted Instagram about how autism is akshually a superpower that gives you enhanced people skills or something and it pissed me off so badly I blocked her kekk

No. 2059518

I mean… Pearl is toxic AF, but is Roma really the one who should be pointing that out?(sage your shit)

No. 2059533

Correct, social work degrees mostly attract people who have received a bunch of useless therapy so they feel qualified to provide useless therapy to others

No. 2059561

previous anon from before but yeah, agreed. even though 90 percent of my class this year were incredibly good people, the previous cohort I was with was mostly made up of women over 30 with saviour complexes.

one of them used to brag about her ability to wrangle traumatized kids due to her own kids facing trauma because SHE didn't take the appropriate measures in any way to protect all three of them from their abusive shitbag father/her baby daddy and would laugh about it, now she's a case manager and worked for the government department that calls the shots for child protection to remove kids from homes.

No. 2059938

No Rin thread yet? we should have a thread to discuss artcows that don't deserve their owns

No. 2059976

File: 1732441185061.jpg (709.81 KB, 1080x1714, Screenshot_20241124_203017.jpg)

new milk, after moving to Mexico, her pickmeism and desperation has now lead to her LITERALLY SEEKING OUT DANGEROUS PARTS OF THE CITY just to get raped?? girl?? is approaching a man just that out of line that you'd rather put yourself through that AND risk getting killed?

beyond insane, I hope she gets help.

No. 2059980

File: 1732441964329.jpg (783.04 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20241124_204012.jpg)

posted on the same story.

No. 2059985

This is fucking insane. Does she post about rape like this often?? Is it a fetish for her?

No. 2059990

Does she not realize with being raped there comes the very serious real risk of being trafficked or murdered? Like does she think she’s just going to be fucked in the vagina for a few minutes then left alone? bitch you’re lucky to get away with your life or an STD free body or unbroken bones after that retard. There’s a big difference between the situation you have to be in to be raped on the OPEN FUCKING STREET vs regular rape.

No. 2060021

I haven't kept up with her posts until super recently but it's not the first time, she's super open about it and justifies it with "okay but I'M JUST CONFIDENT AND OPEN MINDEDDDD." confidence =/= being really bad at keeping PRIVATE shit to yourself.

No. 2060032

shes really unhinged and full of mental. if she gets killed out there I wont be shocked. shes playing with fire for some online attention

No. 2060068

we should but i honestly have never made a thread here and i feel like i'd mess it up
you should use one of those discord server dumping tools

No. 2060161

are you positive this isn’t an account made by someone who hates her and is trying to get her hurt?

No. 2060197

File: 1732485419842.png (Spoiler Image,456.25 KB, 1462x1386, Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 1.56.…)

Rin has been my personal cow for a long time. I would love a thread on her but I worry it would be dead upon arrival because she's so niche

No. 2060216

I've known her for 9 years, she posts the videos herself with her in frame too.

This kind of behaviour isn't above her nor is it the first time she's done it so I'm absolutely positive that's not the case.

No. 2060539

She has a thread >>>/snow/630017

No. 2061021

back again with more milk.

He's still obsessed with his Japan trip that'll likely never happen.

>caved and sold his 2010 BMW X-Series 3 back to the dealership.

>700 bucks due to it requiring 10k in repairs.
>is now carless, sold his car solely for japan trip funds.
>sends my boyfriend the most financially mismanaged, profoundly retarded budget and itinerary.
>wants to go to japan on the 30th of November, no passport in sight. no photo ID to get a passport. (he has a driver's license but he lost it and doesn't wanna pay for a new one)
>only has two friends (my boyfriend and housemate) who can be a guarantor for his passport photos, neither of them can be bothered.
>blew the 700 dollars on weed, alcohol, a 'happy ending massage' at a thai place.
>told his best friend/my housemate about how the girl was 'so small' and 'looked like a child'
>housemate was profoundly shaken and grossed out by this and now no longer speaks with him.
>boyfriend is also very grossed out.
>broke-kun decides to grovel to his senile grandparents for vacation money, they give him 3k.
>also blows 3k within a week and a half, begged for someone to spot him 50 bucks a few days ago in a groupchat he's in with my boyfriend.
>spent 600 on weed today.
>boyfriend decides to ask about his plans for Japan.
>"uhhh, tickets are just too expensive now"
>are you fucking kidding
>broke-kun remembers that boyfriend and I are going on vacation for 10 days interstate at the start of january.
>asks if he can tag along
>boyfriend says no, i say absolutely the fuck not.

the funniest thing about that is he sweats and becomes uncomfortable at about 18 degrees celsius.
We're going somewhere where it's consistently 30+ degrees celsius.

Housemate stayed at his place a few weeks ago, came back and told us that he discovered that this dude doesn't wash any of his clothes.
Apparently he did a load of washing, left it in the washing machine and never took it out, there's been mouldy clothes in there for a very long time.

No. 2061041

>is now carless, sold his car solely for japan trip funds.
The Japan hajj is truly the maker of cows (to name a few: Pixyteri, Jillian Pixielocks, and my special pet Kiwi Farms cow, Chibi).

No. 2061062

>The Japan hajj

No. 2061064

old threads are always jarring to go back to… seeing nonas calling cows by the preferred/incorrect pronouns even after confirmation theyre a troon is so strange I'd honestly just remake the thread since referring to Rin as a man would just enable her delusions further.

No. 2061276

nonna, you're a cow for associating with these people and for willingly sleeping with a moid who is friends with this guy

No. 2061498

i met this cow in hs. typical bpd, in a new relationship every month, compulsive liar, neglects her kids.
>lies about her age, ethnicity, everything else
>once said she was born in la, born in the dominican republic, and born in columbia and was an immigrant in a single conversation
>just a white mexican
>had 2 kids who dont know their dad, hands them off to her parents
>so barred out she forgets to wipe her own ass
>claims the xanax she uses is “seizure medication
>has her kid bring mommy her medicine
>lies that she knew every rapper in la especially fag soundcloud rappers
>lies about her age since before i met her
>claims shes 5 years older than she is
>celebrates birthdays accordingly
>has been engaged at least 5 times all of which ended in her cheating
>victim complex of course
>can never keep a relationship or friendship longer than 6 months
>lied about her dad dying of cancer
>2 days later she lied that her dad owns a popular restaurant chain
>he is not dead or an owner of any relationship
i can go on. absolute freak and endless entertainment.

No. 2061600

>claims shes 5 years older than she is

No. 2061631

lol there's plenty of people who have acquaintances that are fucked up. I think coming onto this hellsite to post about some moid is worse.

No. 2061837

this entire thread is quite literally people posting retards who they know, directly and indirectly.
does that make everyone else who posts here a cow? wrong complaint for this thread lmao

half of this thread is (rightfully) about retarded moids.

No. 2061864

shes been lying abt how much older she is for years and is trying to keep up w the lie. shes in her early 20s. soon enough shes going to be lying about being younger(sage your shit)

No. 2062310

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The funny part is she doesn't look like those people either. Because she looks white! kek

No. 2062380

my personal lolcow would have to be this dude from my city who goes by "andy senpaii" no he is not japanese, just a short ugly cuban man who is highly insecure, predatory and putting up some facade of him being an artist anyone actually cares about oh and not to mention cringe af

No. 2062415

>What is it with elderly parents and cows?
1. having older parents is correlated with autism
2. oftentimes the reason the parents are older is because. there were fertility issues so they might be ivf babies + probably only children meaning they got spoiled more

No. 2062443

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This reminds me of some interesting lore about Sarah (Phelps). Something very interesting is that her father is 80 years old (she is 23). Her eldest half sister is 60, according to picrel. That's not even the funniest part, either. She calls these people "brown poc natives".

No. 2062454

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My attention has been brought to this girl again because of her retarded takes and the fact that she's clearly unstable. She goes by Lyra Skye on facebook and I'm assuming the same name on other socials, I just don't care enough to check lol
I posted one of these sc of her post in another thread bc it was pertaining to the topic of the thread but since then the shit she posts has been becoming increasingly annoying to me so she's currently a personal cow. She sells porn of herself and she's stripper so it seems she's under some type of power trip illusion. Honestly the last time I paid attention to her, it seemed she was doing well with selling content but currently I think she's begging for attention because she's probably not getting money like she used to. Also the whole clown girl shit makes me feel like my assumption is correct because it's low hanging fruit for those trying to play like they're unique "weird girls". Her trying to join the discourse of porn addiction is just her probably freaking out about the fact that she may become irrelevant and have to get a regular 9-5

No. 2062462

Don't get me wrong, alcoholism is terrible. I hate when people like her act as if being porn addicted is any better, though.

No. 2062480

Agreed 100%. Its just the holier than thou attitude on alcohol that erks me. Alcoholism is awful and I think if she's gonna speak on it, she should at the very least not shame people and maybe offer resources if she felt that strongly about it. And yeah to just also enable porn addiction within the span of a few days apart is laughable

No. 2062481

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Left this one out by mistake

No. 2062484

Gonna bet her longest relationship lasted a grand total of 4 months

No. 2062636

Lyra you fat lard, come get some dinner

No. 2062753

File: 1732914510898.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.25 MB, 3072x4096, 1000011966.jpg)

She used to be on the smaller side but gained weight recently and her tits still look deflated(spoiler your shit)

No. 2062762

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gets her smelly panties in a bunch over alcoholism but was probably a coke addict

No. 2062881

Damn its really sad when ugly chick that like peaked at 12 think their still that cute after getting destroyed by time(sage your shit)

No. 2062886

SHe's one of those man crazed feminist pick me girls. She's trying to get men to pay children(sage your shit)

No. 2062905

Badgers? Sanchez? I can never tell what these retarded tattoos are saying

No. 2062918

She would be attractive if she just hung up the towel with the egirl shit imo. And maybe worked out. She's 29 and acting and dressing like she's in her early 20s. Also she must the type who's obviously centered her life around her looks and in turn believes she can just sit on her ass and not take care of herself. She's gonna look like a melted clown in her mid 30s if she continues to just believe she's always gonna be attractive because men currently pander to her. Imagine being a 29 year old stripper and not utilizing the money you make to invest in a gym membership and maybe some light plastic surgery lol

No. 2062942

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This was driving me crazy lol, had to flip it. I believe it says "SANCTUS".

No. 2062994

File: 1732960105751.png (3.11 MB, 3422x1416, Pato.png)

Jimmy from Sam Hyde's fish tank show
>is a Sam Hyde fan
>threatened a child with scissors when he was a teen
>put in several correction programs for being violent
>has a devient art with fetish hentai
>into blokes who dress like girls
>cuddled a woman without her consent on camera
>convinced himself all his hate mail comes from the show's production team
>believes that punching people in specific parts of the body can kill them
>tried to fuck his friend's ex
>stalked a woman
>illegally owns a gun
>posted his bare bum on youtube
>beat his ex up
>sexually assaulted women
>broke into the fish tank show house to steal a watch and bragged about it
>obsessed with black men
>publically threatens to kill and rape women
>fantasizes about Anne Frank fucking her sister
>randomly talks to himself
>wipes his ass by rubbing the tp back and forth on his crack over and over
>believes in tarot like the daft cunt he is
>trauma dumps every chance he gets
>friends with a man who impregnated a 15 year old

No. 2063009

welcome back andy dick

No. 2063051

lol thank you because I couldn't read it either. I'm probably retarded and had to look up the meaning of sanctus because this would be my first time learning of it and it just leads me to thinking she's even more try hard edgy

No. 2063055

>fantasizes about Anne Frank fucking her sister


No. 2063279

File: 1733011696612.png (240.42 KB, 404x398, disgusting.png)

found another troon on WoW. This one made me feel visceral disgust.
https://linktr.ee/pink.pariah (click at your own risk.)

>fat troon from Melbourne, Australia.

>runs a 'girls only guild' despite being a hulking fat male with a penis
>is a porn addicted 'gooner'
>entire twitter is either gross shit or just near constant miserable complaining and bitching

>ugly failed HRT moobs that look like chameleon eyes

>was one-sided beefing with the snapchat AI by calling it gay and then sperging at it for being homophobic when the AI told him not to use sexuality as an insult.

>called a girl homophobic for not wanting him to make creepy advances towards her on a twitter post where he unwarrantedly posted gross post-shower photos of himself under it.

>"Why is it always fat white cis dudes (mostly) that wanna support rape culture?"
>is a fat white dude who supports rape culture (consuming porn, one of the biggest drivers of rape and trafficking)

>"Hot Take: There's nothing hot about a picture that's just a close up of your vag."

>posts a close-up shot of his gross cock on twitter.
>responds to misogynistic tweets about women putting in his two cents on what he doesn't find attractive about women.

trannies will consume all the porn in the world, chuck on a wig, pop pills and then act even more moidbrained and male than before. typical.

No. 2063284

>was one-sided beefing with the snapchat AI by calling it gay and then sperging at it for being homophobic when the AI told him not to use sexuality as an insult

No. 2063286

Every single ugly holistic man is like this and yet they all have muh schizoid main character syndrome

No. 2063290

File: 1733012903780.png (274.26 KB, 598x430, Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 11-25…)

there's retarded, and then there's profound retardation when you get into a one sided fight with a computer and then acting like you're a bad bitch who's now trying to cancel a fucking computer because 'muh homophobia'


No. 2063307

The "brown" father in question… >>1981320

A lot of white men get tanned like that from doing hard labor outside all day in the sun. It's not like she'd know anything about going outside though. I think she even said he either worked in construction or roofing, though.

No. 2063337

File: 1733020431774.png (98.86 KB, 328x809, lmao.png)

im laughing so hard this interaction is so autistic
also nitpick i guess but god his bangs are hideous

No. 2063363

fucking kek like 2 retarded cats fighting in an alley at 2 am

No. 2063368

File: 1733029196973.gif (1.66 MB, 400x362, IMG_0009.gif)

one of the funniest comments ive ever seen anon, thank you

No. 2063410

I fail to see how this is funny. that person seems unhinged. provoking and bullying the mentally unwell is just bizarre. like why. It's frightening to be reminded of how many sadists and assholes exist on the internet.(no1currs)

No. 2063455

Shut the fuck up

No. 2063684

I'd say it will be pretty active only from the ones that are posted here.

No. 2064645

I wouldn't consider anyone in this photo to be brown/"poc" kek.

No. 2064706

File: 1733321896153.png (45.91 KB, 740x273, Screenshot 2024-12-04 090812.p…)

I've had a fascination with darlingstrawb lately. She's married to youtuber lolicon Rev says desu and literally just regurgitates all his talking points and attacks whoever he decided to be mad at. She's also now openly Christian and still does GFE content despite also being openly married to a community celeb and would be a literally who if not for him.

No. 2064888

incredible story, thank you nonnie

No. 2064982

File: 1733376279944.png (356.43 KB, 1782x519, journals.png)

Doing some more digging out of boredom, I found out she tried (and failed) to cancel Hamletmachine, the yaoi porn artist behind Starfighter, back in 2019. I wish I had screencaps of this incident but she locked her old Twitter account. Apparently, she tried to cancel Hamletmachine for drawing "cp" and for depicting rape in Starfighter. I also found her old Deviantart account and it's a little sad that she seemed to have been looking at Hamletmachine's art since she was 10 years old and saw her as her "art rival" back then. It's so clear her attempt at cancelling Hamletmachine stems from jealously. Her old DA journal also has this long, analytical entry about gay sex and yaoi, further evidence of the yaoi brainrot. She likely wrote these when she was 18 or so and this was all pre-transition.

No. 2065313

File: 1733444908011.webp (54.55 KB, 1070x1123, 1000036853.jpg)

Wasn't this the girl who turned her brother's suicide into "the police at the scene shot and killed him because he's native!" and the brother in question is the white male in picrel who died of a self inflicted gun wound?


No. 2065364

It sounds too familiar to someone I've known, is she from latam and is part of a weeabo account in insta?
If not, I have a pretty similar fujocow.

No. 2065402

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I can't stand this nasty hog and her lolicon boyfriend, she used to write how she wanted "loli pussy" on Twitter. Literally just another Ethan Ralph and pantsu in the making

No. 2065622

File: 1733525658118.jpg (2.99 MB, 3072x4096, 1000012496.jpg)

Some more gold from Lyra Skye. "Porn is the canary in the coal mine that is free speech" is the dumbest quote I've ever read, this cognitively deficit hoe must think she's so righteous for posting that. Imagine having the audacity to spew bullshit like that as an American knowing about actual issues in other countries involving free speech. Porn is sooo important tho.
Gotta love a chick who tries to play the whole "obscene" humor shit for a few likes, Lyra you're just make yourself even more unappealing talking like that at your age. Honestly, this would be acceptable from a 21 year old who doesn't yet understand the gravity of the dumb shit they post for the world to see. She should eat one of those mentos instead, I imagine she smells like the back of an ear.

No. 2065635

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Comments under her post about porn and freedom of speech. Hilarious. Bitch go get a job lol

No. 2066198

File: 1733681401415.jpg (15.08 KB, 256x400, yes unironically.jpg)

I need to talk about this bitch, she's too funny. Unfortunately I can't source anything because ESL and she's a complete personal cow, as in, can't divulge personal details without it being incriminating.

I don't know her personally, my nigel was her friend. She was in her 20s when he was a teenager, and he actually looked up to her as a mentor figure of sorts. They lost touch for several years, upon which she found him again. And the milk started flowing.

>34 years old

>TiF, doesn't take hormones or has had any surgery, looks like a woman irl but identifies as a "trans man"
>"proshipper", penchant for lolicon, projects into the teenage girl being abused by a sleazy man. Several of her creative writing revolves around this
>Doofenshmirtz/Perry shipper (picrel)
>currently obsessed with Spamton from Deltarune, has a plushie she carries everywhere and takes photos of as a "comfort item"
>Spanish ESLfag, extremely anal about writing and engaging only in Spanish despite being completely americanized in ideals and attitude
>got harassed by retarded pokemon fans years ago, led her to BTFO and go under the radar, continues to post wallowing about this old incident describing it as severe trauma
>insufferable "fandom mom" self image, runs an Undertale/Deltarune server for "queers and neurodivergents" full of actual children.
>Near daily suicide baiting but does algorithm self censorship, like using an eggplant emoji to obscure the word "dick" and euphemism terms like "unalive"
>half of Facebook friends list is, legit, 13-14 year olds
>somehow has a male fiancé her age

Particularly milky incidents since they reconnected:

>hosts a minecraft sevrer to play with the children, wants to play creative mode but the children want to play more competitively, cries and makes a string of a dozen Facebook posts about this incident

>Constant "gay man" Aiden posting, chastising her conservative mother and strangers for seeing her as a woman despite zero medical intervention, bitched about not being able to take hormones because she's too poor but doesn't get a job either

>Posting about her self ship with Spamton OC, says that Spamton would be transphobic to it but then fall in love with it anyway, several fanfic writing posts where Spamton is a college professor sexually harassing the OC

>unironic callout post with screenshots about a 14 year old child in her discord server for "abusing and gaslighting his exes" (it's another TiF, obviously a 14 year old girl) and "stealing art, OCs, and AU concepts from other users", "using OCs for events without consent". Describes the child being a shit in her server as "a living hell".

I feel awful for not being able to attach all of it because of language and incrimination but this bitch is so entertaining. I wish she did something better with her life though

No. 2066445

It's wild that she continues MRA retardation because she has a mixed kid and ger boyfriend isn't the dad last I checked. Obviously nothing wrong with that but you can guess what her moid followers had to say about it kek if this isn't a gift then she absolutely is unwell.

No. 2066915

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So not my personal lolcow, but someone who has potential to become one. From what I know, this is Alexei. She stalked a minor when she was 24 years old, for a decade, and continues to stalk them despite them having moved states, and tried to paint this person in a negative light. Do a bit of digging if you want, there's a lot more about her, but currently all the comments on her TikTok is calling her out for being fucking weird.

No. 2066916

>Local Lesbi-Asexual
so she's straight and in denial for woke cred

No. 2066917

She also posted a video on her YouTube going on and on about how terrible this person was, with edited photos, and tried to change the narrative to say that she was younger than this minor (at the time) she stalked for a decade.

No. 2067061

File: 1733890297659.png (1.1 MB, 1078x1086, 1000037471.png)

White people clinging onto their 1% native american ancestry has become some of my favorite personal milk. I especially love the ones like picrel who get mad when you call them white.

No. 2067156

people who are visibly black or asian aren't this obsessed with their ancestry. she looks whiter than some white people I've seen. who wants to bet that this grandfather of hers was probably like a fourth native himself, if that? there's tons of people who had grandparents who lived through the fucking Holocaust, wars or repression in the likes of communist Russia or South Asia or something. you don't really see them exaggerate that shit or make it their identity unless they have a victim complex and are committed sjws

No. 2067178

In Canada we have Métis which are native/french and a lot of them are super white. Some of my family members are Métis and have blonde hair/light eyes lmao

No. 2067540

File: 1734031728581.jpeg (602.5 KB, 750x1351, IMG_4878.jpeg)

I am in love with this deviant art schizo kek. The description is another huge wall of text.

No. 2067541

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I love how he colored and arranged them like the pride flag.

No. 2067545

>get mad when you call them white
right jfc. how hard is it to say "i'm white for all intents and purposes. maybe a distant native ancestor in there, but still. regardless im proud to be an active part of a native community and to be reconnecting" but then again you have to be a well adjusted non lolcow to speak with that kind of self awareness and without the histrionics

No. 2067559

As a collage enthusaist I'm down with this.
>…and wrists define his heterosexuality
Kek what does that even mean

No. 2067565

File: 1734039949872.jpeg (176.86 KB, 750x1015, IMG_4888.jpeg)

What the actual fuck. I hope this is just another schizo ramble…

No. 2067567

File: 1734040648588.jpeg (169.76 KB, 750x937, IMG_4889.jpeg)

He has been schizoposting for over a decade now

No. 2067571

File: 1734041411217.jpeg (295.43 KB, 750x758, IMG_4890.jpeg)

Why is he obsessed with Serj from System of a Down being not gaylmao
>blond hair and blue eyes = gay
>brown hair and brown eyes = straight

No. 2067600

I… I don't even know how to feel. I… I'm so happy that deviantART still attracts the same type of person after all this time. I've been nostalgic about my time on deviantART recently. But… I feel compelled to make an account just to ask WHY there's this odd headcanon of Serj Tankian attempting to prove his sexuality to the artist. I won't, but… damn anon, thank you for sharing this

No. 2067607

>Reasons why Serj Tankian us NOT gay
>has TWO manly looking hands
>they did a survey on every man in Armenia during pride tjere ste only 5 bisexual and 3 lesbian men
>he might be bi

No. 2067609

My dog died, typical excuse kek. This reads like retarded rp, it's great! Does this cow fit any threads?

No. 2067626

I just found out hes actually quoting lovely peaches. Cora isnt his daughter kek

No. 2067634

Not that i know of. I wanted to create a thread in /m/ for content made by schizoposters like this but i keep putting it off.

No. 2067687

File: 1734063364885.png (3.26 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0683.png)

>tif (obvious straight girl)

>named herself tyler and jesse after twenty one pilots and breaking bad
>huge narcissist
>pressured several girls into becoming trans
>i feel bad for her because she was groomed by a lot of adults in the swedish weeb convention scene
> Ishe used to be well known online years ago
>no new milk but I have met several people who told me what a psychopath she is and how she bullied people into being trans and was a major cluster b freakshow.
Maybe some other swefags remember her and can add additional milk. She really tried to be close to ”famous” people in the Lolita/japenese fashion community. This was a long time ago though and she left the internet. Probably detransitioned but kept the name(cringe)

No. 2067723

gold reaction image thanks anon

No. 2067852

File: 1734101952075.jpeg (114.13 KB, 750x846, IMG_4908.jpeg)

Nick Fauntes when he goes to prison
>Stop Forcing Me To Have Sex With Blacks is what you say when you’re already black and have already had sex with blacks.
>After BLM came about, all multiracial people are automatically racist if they have a “type” and that “type” is white (depending on the guy), Middle Eastern (depending on the guy), Asian (depending on the guy), or black (depending on the guy).
>You are also not allowed to want a monogamous gay marriage because that’s also illegal. That’s so evil and fame is the only thing that matters here.
sorry if the greentext is messed up it was hard to keep this organized

No. 2067855

Also, why does Earla have a vested interest in turning everyone gay in his canon kek

No. 2067860

File: 1734102549519.jpeg (215.74 KB, 750x1019, IMG_4909.jpeg)

From what i can gather, he's a schizophrenic gay man.

No. 2067864

I mean, he's got a point, but he picks the most random and bizarre targets to express his schizophrenia kek

No. 2067871

File: 1734103484336.jpeg (322.27 KB, 750x748, IMG_4910.jpeg)

Im not reading all that shit but im just in awe over this insane wall of text.
I skimmed it a bit and the entire thing is Serj trying to prove his heterosexually to Earlwaleese again.

No. 2067876

Absolutely wheezing, why is Earla in particular his personal boogeyman

No. 2067877

File: 1734104411865.gif (46.75 KB, 200x166, c448671a-95bf-4bea-a28b-5fc4f9…)

>Also, Daddy Joe Rogan is not gay-gay!! He have smart and beaotiful wife like us!!

No. 2067880

File: 1734104834040.jpg (Spoiler Image,179.96 KB, 828x828, 1000030184.jpg)

Spoilered for AI shit but
>The Arch Nemesis of Serj Tankian (an extremely sassy English-Jamaican black woman) reminds Serj that his destiny regarding his own fandom and his very own people (the Armenians) is not of his own choosing, but of her's.
This is so fascinating lmfao. SOAD fans, has Serj ever actually had beef with a woman like this in real life?

No. 2067881

he'd fit in the internet ramblings thread

No. 2067883

Thank you nona. Didn't even know about this thread.

No. 2067887

Bleak lol she would have been in late high school when that show came out. There's something so much more deranged about that. when people get horny about their childhood attachments it's somehow slightly more normal than this. It's not the kind of kids cartoon with a duel audience for adult animation fans like ATLA or gravity falls of steven universe or whatever. this is fairly simplistic stuff aimed fairly young. stuff parents can enjoy / tolerate but wouldn't go out of their way for. I caught a few episodes as an older teen and I thought "wow this is pretty funny for what it is!" but genuinely there was not enough there for me to keep watching. what the fuck

No. 2067929

Not at all. It's extremely strange

No. 2067988

This is amazing, I love a schizo art cow. I wonder why he’s so fixated on Serj and Lana in particular?

No. 2068071

My personal lolcow of mine is my friends current girlfriend. Some of her milky antics include
>being 25 year old and using xeno pronouns, gets mad if we don't call her fae/faers to the point where everyone just calls her by her new gendie name
>named herself something edgy in japanese character despite being white. I can't share her name, but think stuff like Akuma or Shinigami.
>Unironic Jill fan, tries to convince us that party kei is a real type of jfashion
>Gets super salty when she's not the center of attention, to the point where she faked a seizure at her 12 year old sisters birthday party
>claiming she has a million disorders (DID/BPD/OCD/ASD/ASPD is what's listed in her bio, but there's more).
>Claims to be a full lesbian but has left every single woman she was with to be with a mediocre guy
>When her friend was venting about being raped by a black man, she told her not to call the police and "weaponize her white woman tears against men of color."
>Tries so hard to be politically correct that it circles back to racism
>Is a terrible girlfriend who guilt trips over minor things and supposedly cuts herself whenever my friend doesn't enable her
My latest milk with her is that we recently went to a pool party without her girlfriend, and this bitch had no scars at all, not even those thin ones people get from cat scratches. So all these times where she "slashed down to the fat" were absolute lies. I like my friend and I have no idea why she stays with this psycho bitch. But we took pictures and my friend is gonna confront this cow with it.

No. 2068096

Is your friend a cow too? Who tf could put up with this?

No. 2068100

Surprisingly, she's really put together and normal. Has a good job, supportive family (who hate her gf), and hangs around chill people. She just has a big soft spot for the mentally ill, because she lost someone close to suicide. I think the only reason she puts up with psycho is because psycho threatens to cut herself to the point of suicide all the time. But now, I know she doesn't actually do that. Her swimsuit was a bikini, and there was not even a little scar from all the supposed cutting.

No. 2068247

File: 1734193633840.jpeg (221.05 KB, 983x1280, IMG_0464.jpeg)

I have this personal lolcow,
> she’s an anachan and her mother basically exploites her for content on tiktok.
People in the comments tell her that she should stop making tiktoks, but she continued to do so and also eats in front of the camera to gaslight the audience kek.
> She has tried multiple times to be recovered but with zero progress since she doesn’t want to get well at all.
She tried to go in Italy but they couldn’t admit her and her mom started sperging about racism; she tried France where she was admitted but it seems she left multiple times and now they’re in Morocco.
She has lost her front teeth now and she’s as slim as ever.

No. 2068248

Your friend must be retarded to stay with this mess kek

No. 2068320

Jesus this is sad

No. 2068643

File: 1734303059764.png (350.97 KB, 500x500, passportbro(1).png)

this is probably a niche one but i've been following this passport bro scrote sunnysaigon across a few platforms recently, but he posts the most on reddit (and deletes anything that gets downvoted kek)

> self described "manlet" that had to move to Vietnam to find a wife after being cucked by a bipolar chinese woman

> spends approximately 18 hours a day in every travel or location subreddit he can find to tell men to move to his shitty town in vietnam
> describes spending time with his daughter as "babysitting"
> is on some sort of scheme to turn pokemon cards into crypto
> pays random gamers to fly to tournaments
> old posts about trying to convince women from couchsurfing to share a bed with him
> posts about how we should leave accused rapists alone
> schizoposting on twitter while nobody replies

he also doesn't seem to realise his real name (aaron toch but goes by aaron lê) is attached to his reddit and that anyone who searches his name can find pics him with increasingly retarded haircuts (picrel)

this is the first cow i've found in the wild, hope you enjoy nonnas

No. 2068721

Just found out about this girl and i am hooked on her lore
>despite sounding underage she's into her 20s
>made a video promising a yansim clone despite having 0 dev skills or art skills
>pauses in the middle of the video to talk about how her bf got robbed, they got scammed, the bf got so stressed he started coughing blood and currently have no food and are on the brink of getting evicted
>according to her his bloody cough comes from ''forcing his throat while speaking to his remaining clients(?)''
>also posts 0 proof of any of this, something something ''privacy''
>she also calls herself a ''housewife''
>she asks for 600 usd to start working on the game, 10k to fully commit to it
>somehow the fucking video goes viral and she gets the money
>they upload a second video with shitty poorly drawn concept art
>she talks about how her bf is just starting to learn how to code and use godot
>basically neither of them have any skill necessary to make the game but are grifting a monthly fee on ko-fi anyways
>apparently some guy tried to enter their house
>they didnt even use the money to pay the rent since her parents bought them both a ticket back to her home country and are currently living with them
>apparently bf broke down in the middle of her making the video and now are going to use the money for therapy
>talks about how she wants to have sex with her boyfriend but cant because they now live in her parents house
>they are already planning on making multiple games, despite having 0 knowledge about game dev
>the account was created this year, it has no videos besides the grifting yansim videos

holy shit what a fucking wild ride, i am so entertained.

No. 2068722

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Her art, i cant believe she's getting money for this. Insane, i feel bad for all the kids getting scammed.

No. 2068911

File: 1734378482412.png (435.85 KB, 665x490, Screenshot.png)

My personal cow is an anon who was posted in the friend finder thread a few days ago >>>/g/450226

Her Instagram is @devilorns, Twitter is @irlgriffith/@MirageGoldenJP and Tiktok is @seeyouinthecountry. She has openly shared this information with everyone she has spoken to on lolcow.

I initially wanted to stay quiet and watch the chaos on her Twitter account unfold from a distance but selling feet pictures are just too milky, especially given her whole identity as a rad leaning lesbian who is a heavy lolcow user too.

No. 2068913

File: 1734378593614.png (17.75 KB, 648x126, Screenshot.png)

Samefag, adding this as well.

No. 2068919

Fuck's sake. It's always faggots like this giving yumejos a bad name but I can't believe it had to be a yumejo from Lolcow of all places, too. I'll never look at the husbando thread the same.

No. 2068920

Ugly rat feet

No. 2068930

She was in a very long term relationship with a man, she's bi at best.

No. 2068933

From the description in /g/ I was expecting her to be fat kekk. I hope every fakeboi who comes here either peaks and stops being a retard or gets the fuck out asap

No. 2068936

Sounds like she doesn't want friends, she wants "fans". Probably posts herself all over every social forum, too.

No. 2069051

wait, how would your friend not know that she doesnt have self harm scars if theyre fuckin? or is this a cute queer saphic asexy situation kekkkk
lmfao the lined notebook concept art…

No. 2069054

Has she perhaps played everskies a lot during the pandemic?

No. 2069584

My ex-online bestie of 3 years who went from a lovely person to an unbearable lolcow.
>french NEET
>self-diagnosed autistic
>preaches mental health awareness but berates actually ill people when they show symptoms
>college drop-out (she considers education "a scam", pussied out when it got hard)
>huge moralfag and massive hypocrite
>ended our friendship because I liked a show she dislikes and because I told her to be careful at a rally

She went from funny-weird to unbearable over the course of the last year. For example she'd have meltdowns if you said anything offensive or did anything unhealthy. You watched a cringe compilation? You're toxic and depressed. You collect something? You're lost and lacking affection. That example is hilarious because she mass-consumes vocaloid merch despite claiming to be an anti-capitalist (more on that later). Claims to hate terms like "stacy and chad" because it's "petty high schooler culture", yet screencaps convos she has with others to trash-talk behind their back like a high-schooler (she tried trash-talking me to my own boyfriend, who thankfully warned and told me). She claims to despise drama and berates anyone who gets involved in online discourse only to engage with people on Discord like incels and right-wing extremists just for the sake of debating them and "fixing" them. Her and I being artfags, she went on an insecure tirade because I once showed her art of a gifted teenager. Says "kill all men" and other misandrist things but would clutch her pearls when I told her idc about men's suicide rates or said men acted like kids. Bragged about having merch of a right-wing band (muh "separate art from the artist") IN THE SAME HOUR as she berated me for laughing at a rightoid comedian's jokes. The list goes on.
Remember how she claimed to be anti-capitalist, albeit one who pays hundreds to see a concert of Miku on a screen? Well, she has this obsession with screwing the "abusive system", including the one at her old job… except her job was voluntary work which not only was more than fair with her, but also had her get paid, even for a month of sick leave. In all her white savior glory, she would brag about "getting paid to shit" by using the bathroom for extra long periods of time. Now get this: her voluntary work was to take care of disabled kids. She would neglect them to the point they'd sometimes knock on her stall's door to have her help them and she'd text me about how it annoyed her. Yeah you show the system, fuck dem kids!
But shitting during work hours wasn't anarchist enough, so after her contract ended, she decided to join fucking ANTIFA. I didn't mention this but she's hard of hearing and has an injured leg, which of course puts her at risk in rallies. She got angry at me for telling her to be careful, then about a week later cried to my boyfriend that two local nazis known for being violent guys had clocked her in a cafe. This was the same incident as her shit-talking me to him btw, oh the irony. She also told him that I was "frustrating and needed to touch grass", since I rarely go out (I'm depressed). You may wonder: why didn't she tell me directly, why my boyfriend? Why wasn't I online? And why mention my depression? Simply because while she was texting all that, I was in a hospital, on life support, after a suicide attempt. Did I mention she has a heart of gold?

No. 2069654

The boyfriend texting part is the craziest part of this. Was she hoping to steal him away or something? Did your boyfriend tell her to kill herself after she talked this shit about you to him? If he didn't then why not??

No. 2069670

this sounds exactly like a person I was in an online situationship with nonnie. French moralfags make the worst friends istg.

No. 2069672

>Was she hoping to steal him away or something?
I don't think so; she's taken and the reason she started textkng him in the first place (it started a couple weeks prior) was to talk about my mental health, so both could vent their fears of me dying and what he should do to help me. But one day "take her on walks and make sure she takes her meds" turned into "she's irritating, make sure her therapy actually DOES something" and that was the day I invited her to unfriend us, and she did. Plus she thinks he's stupid and finds him gross for being fat… This has nothing to do with the rest but that ex-friend had a video of herself up on youtube. One time in a groupchat with her and my bf i posted the link to show my bf, and he didn't understand it was her right away. Firs thing he said was "that girl looks like the tranny from Mr Beast". I was mad at the time and he was embarrassed but now we laugh about it
>Did your boyfriend tell her to kill herself after she talked this shit about you to him? If he didn't then why not??
He's too much of a golden retriever for that, instead he nodded along before telling me everything and showing me the texts (he once told me I could go through his phone any time I want so I thought it was ok to ask to see those texts). There was nothing to worry about from what I saw, though I do wish he'd shown his teeth a bit more.

No. 2069803

A Swedish moid I talked to online in a platonic way met through mutual Facebook groups.

>Is 30 and spent over 8 years in college campus

>dropped out of his tech classes to fuck around and try to “make music”
>Lives off of NEETBUX and student loans never had a job in his life
>Diagnosed with “ADHD” but seems he’s just a lazy piece of shit with no direction in life
>will tell anyone who will listen that he likes “MILFS” , brain is completely rotten cause of a porn addiction.
>Is dating an insane 40 something year old who lost custody of her only child
>Treats him like shit apparently but he keeps insisting on being with her
>Says he needs to have a gf to get his life together
>Zero sense of independence or individuality
>Says he wants kids and tells said gf she says she was left to raise the first child on her own and doesn’t want to do it again
>Is right cause bro is allergic to working doesn’t even wash his own diishes
>A social worker for retards comes over once a week to do it for him
>Thinks he’s too good to work a regular job still trying to find an IT job despite dropping out doing some short shitty course
>Got on tinder when gf broke up with him to find someone else but was begging her to get him back at the same time
>Showed him a Reddit post once about a woman finding out her husband was jerking off to cam girls the same time she was giving birth to their son
>His reaction was just “come on it’s just porn”
> Got jealous when I said I got with someone and started talking shit about him despite me not sharing any detail about the guy

There are some really worthless scrotes out there, y’all stay safe.

No. 2069810

No offense anon but you all sound like a clown car of cows.

No. 2069811

Damn, you all sound cringe as Hell. If I were you I would NOT be posting this shit, you're exposing your ass too. Birds of a feather flock together, baby.

No. 2069882

A cosplayer in my area (I feel kinda bad because she's obviously very troubled but it gets to a point)
> fakeboi
> anachan
> has never had a real job once in her life
> 21 years old, despite this is only friends with 14-17 year olds
> invites said 14-17 year olds to her house and provides them with drugs and alcohol
> shows them her sex toys
> cosplays half naked with them in public
> sends them child pornography
> "sugar daddy" is a literal pedophile who has posted about his sugar babies (victims) who are clearly underage, groomed her when she was like 10 onwards (this is where I feel really bad)
> remains in contact with him, likely handing over her underage friends
> posts hole on instagram account with said minors and irl friends following
The real milky stuff
> Made a minor eat glass (don't ask how someone can make another person eat glass I wish I knew)
> Killed a baby rat by throwing it against the wall
> scammed said minor of 3 grand (i also dont know how or why you give someone like this money or a rat in the first place)
> Got pregnant
> While pregnant, posted on cosplay account drinking alcohol and captioned some shit like "Don't say shit you don't know my situation cunt"
> ?
> Had the child
> Makes a cosplay account for the child before it has even turned one
> Posts the child on all social media despite having pedophiles following her and promoting her sex work on the same accounts
> Has beef with an actual 14 year old and publicly posts about it demanding people unfollow them
> Cannot spell basic english words
> Leaves cons early because is schizophrenic enough to think the 14 year olds will jump her in the convention centre

There's a lot more I'm forgetting

No. 2069883

>fat boyfriend
>calls him a golden retriever

No. 2069886

>be me, 2022
>following this one girl i was acquainted with on instagram
>she posts very regulary
>mostly relatively normal stuff
>suddenly the elvis film with austin butler released
>she went full crazy
>she went to see the film in the cinema around 20 times
>bragged about listening to nothing but elvis on the speaker at her job
>joked about how her coworkers were getting annoyed at her
>watched nothing but elvis films once she got home
>dressed in 1950s costumes every day
>it looked super cursed
>she was now constantly fighting with people on instagram
>got in a fight with a person running a feminist page because they posted about elvis grooming priscilla when she was 14
>got in fights with several other elvis fans for not being elvis fans correctly
>made a massive shrine for elvis in her room
>started referring to elvis as a god and was convinced that he was actually communicating with her through the wind
>ended up visiting graceland
>had a breakdown during a guided tour because she "couldnt feel his presence" in a certain area
>went to some kind of recording studio (idk im not an elvis fan) that had a spot marked with black tape
>this is where elvis allegedly once stood
>she posts pictures of herself crawling on the ground to kiss the tape on the floor saying she couldnt help herself
>eventually instagram banned the account

No. 2069889

>having mental health problems, only going out a couple times a week instead of every day and cutting contact with bad friends makes you a lolcow
You guys sound very intelligent. Btw you do realize the one who insisted on having these talks about me was her, right?

No. 2069890

You’re the one with a fat Nigel kek

No. 2069893

psychos have trouble being empathetic towards anyone who isn't them or anyone they care about. as soon as the casual cruelty is directed at you, it's problematic eh? it's impossible to put any of the shit happening in this shithole down to immaturity and youth because even small children know to be empathetic and conscientious. the people in here are pathological and i hope the next zoonotic disease takes them out(ban evading retard)

No. 2069894

I agree, him being fat is really unfortunate and his weight loss journey is frustratingly long. Thankfully, I'm consolated by the fact he's always there for me, is pretty much incapable of anger and spoils me rotten on a daily basis. I hope you too can have that someday nona!(no1curr)

No. 2069896

You monitoring this thread? Funny as Hell, you're legit in a "water seeks its own level" situation. Maybe you'll be my personal lolcow if you keep this cope up.

No. 2069899

I wouldn't call it cruelty; it's banter at best and histrionic infighting at worst. At the end of the day this website is nowhere near as bad as imageboards run by moids since we at least keep anything degenerate or downright illegal away except when the moids in question come to spam gore and cp… but even then, that's not our fault Either way, you shouldn't be taking this so seriously, it's just posts written by strangers at the end of the day.
I check for replies after freshly posting, yes, but didn't you just do the same thing to see my reply?
It's like that anon who said "birds of a feather" about me and the girl I wrote about; wouldn't that just fall flat since I cut her off after she changed? Idk maybe I'm missing something

No. 2069903

From the friend finder thread kek

No. 2069913

im not 100% sure, but i think its because she was fighting so many people. like she was posting dozens of stories and a lot of them were just her arguing with different people or making inflammatory comments aimed at others so i guess someone eventually reported her and she got banned for that.

No. 2069923

He doesn't even have a fupa, but I really am sorry for my bad english, it's hard to keep up when you're fluent in 5 languages.
>says he also spoils her rotten but doesn't say the same about the "always there for me" and "incapable of anger" part
Erm, nona?

>Griffith fan (fictional rapist)
>tranny wrangler
>predatory towards children
>maid cosplay and other moid-pandering things
This is like an amalgamation of degenerate male traits all crammed into one tif. Internalized misogyny ruins lives.

No. 2069938

>fluent in 5 languages
But can’t write in a single one
>Internalized misogyny ruins lives.
Funny coming from the fatfucker kek(infighting)

No. 2069939

>but I really am sorry for my bad english, it's hard to keep up when you're fluent in 5 languages.
KEKKKK please keep going, you're my new peenus now that she DFE during her meth binge.
>Expects normal women to brag about their boyfriends not being violent chimps with tard rage and being there for them as if that's not the absolute bare minimum
Want me to brag about him wiping his ass or knowing how to eat pussy too? Nonnies are right, you're such a cow kekk

No. 2069948

>can't write in a single one
I could prove you wrong by making fun of you in all 5 of them, would you like that?

>You expect every other man to be a violent chimp? You're such a cow kekkk
Not what I said, far from it - what I mean is not ever arguing except twice in the span of multiple years, always doing what I say without talking back and getting me anything I want the second I need it (as long as it's not stupid expensive), no matter how inconvenient it is for him. Fat is a flaw but it's reversible.
Since we are going off-topic and I don't want to shit up this thread too much with unrelated self-posting: my personal lolcow (that I posted about initially) has an online discord boyfriend who got his first job at 24, lives with his parents, jerks off to hentai, carelessly lets his gf go to dangerous protests by herself when she's injured and "sleeps" for 14 hours during the day. And the boyfriend she had before that watched porn and was an emotionally abusive much older guy who ended up killing himself. He wrote that she was annoying in his suicide note, and that's all he said about her, oh and also he larped as a woman (I am not joking). Both of these men also had no muscle, meaning they couldn't even have protected her if needed. But hey, at least they're not fat right?
My point is that while I used to think "men are projects" was a stupid sentence, they really are. You have to be smart; pick a submissive and humble man with good moral values in spite of looks, then you get him to fix his appearance, and once that's done he's ready for marriage. Going after 10s who wind up being uncultured/stupid/poor/lazy is for teenage girls.

No. 2069952

So you’d rather have a fat retard than a hot retard. Got it.

No. 2069957

Nona, this is a legit horrorcow. Don't feel bad for thinking she's a cow because she's troubled. Being a groomer of 14 year olds is disgusting. You can feel bad when she was younger and groomed herself, but her current actions don't make her a good person at all. Tho, that pedo that groomed her deserves to rot in hell.

No. 2070006

I absolutely loved this story nona thank you for this i'm sorry it got ignored for gay infighting. me when the strongest hyperfixation of my life hits at age 25 over something stupid

No. 2070015

File: 1734679063886.png (1.06 MB, 1536x1238, 1000038646.png)

I wish Sarah would unprivate her accounts. I miss her schizo ramblings.

No. 2070019

What type of "music" does he make Nona?

No. 2070068

Kek the only "organizational abuse" suffered by by this bitch is the result of her re-organizing her family tree to make herself native

No. 2070117

She needs to worry more about the fact that she clearly looks inbred.

No. 2070187

I would pay money to hear what her supposed story with "ritual abuse" is.

No. 2070537

i really wish people like this didn't use the site. i'd honestly take the anons screeching anytime someone mentions having a boyfriend over these social media attention whores posting here because at least the screeching forever alone fags are likely just autistic women without a social media presence.
the likes of your picrel aren't welcome here. thankfully never ran into anyone like this from using the FF thread, just talented anons sharing artwork.

No. 2070544

i know this post is days old but you should really think twice about posting the "new reply" button when nigel bragging here, or go to the designated thread. no1curr

No. 2070644

Reminds me that there was an anon posting about him in the unconventional male attractions thread a couple of months back, they were supposedly dming eachother and exchanged nudes too

No. 2070661

i don't see what's wrong with this having social media makes keeping up with cows easier and selling feet pics will always b milky it's not unfitting to post irlgriffith in this thread
i remember her she denied exchanging nudes but still she contacted him and just for that she should feel lucky that she didn't end up dead in his trunk

No. 2070666

AYRT, the "people like this" was in fact referencing griffithfag and users like her. i don't care if a farmer has an IG for example, it's the users who post here (who have, in all fairness, always been here and always will be) who imo are hypocritical and are cows themselves, like her.

No. 2072091

same anon as >>2058259
i can't stand this bitch. she has been counting the number of days that i stopped talking to her which is even more crazy because she has been counting by hand/memory because we don't have discord or online DMs where you can easily subtract the posted date. obviously i wouldn't talk to you anymore??

>for some reason was listening to a japanese guy talking sensually on her phone and turned up the volume all the way and held up it up my ear as if it wasn't loud enough for everyone else to hear. thanks for the need to get ear bleach

>not ethnically japanese, but blames parents for not moving to japan and giving her japanese citizenship and talks about wanting to be japanese when she would never be able to handle it when even hafus who lived there all there life still get bullied, much less someone who isn't even a percentage japanese
>blames parents for her current vile actions and personality and talked about how a japanese school would have made her better person when japanese bullying is actually even worse and the real reason she became a shut-in is because someone told her they had the same pair of jeans and used the word sex in her vicinity

No. 2072426

>consoomer with shit taste.

No. 2073473

Lmao the muscles in question is just a normal arm and a line on the thigh.

No. 2073731

My cousin is my personal cow. His life is so shit and crazy. His dad was an art dealer and had a bit of an important presence in latin america/miami. Backstory:
>ugly 1.60m balding manlet
>divorced parents, dad was fairly rich selling art, lived like a degenerate sexist, has rumors about having killed a woman in an accident and covering it up
>dad was crazy and adopted maid's son for some reason. Meanwhile abandoned my cousin
>his mom also abandoned him for some time
>he grows up to be a horrible person
>fastforward to 2024, dad is dying from cancer
>cousin ignored dying dad because he was mad he wasn't gonna inherit as much money or something
>dad was literally dying alone and still wouldn't see him
>cousin's gf at the time told him not to go visit him so he now blames her for leaving dad to die alone
>dad's exwife (cousin's mom) ends up being the only one who takes care of cancer dad as he is dying
>cancer dad writes maid's son out of the will, puts exwife in charge of the money
>maid's son and cousin have legal battle over money and art pieces maid son stole
>cousin ends up keeping like 600k + art + luxury miami apartment
>starts living lavish lifestyle and blowing through his money
>10k watch, 1.4k rent on shitty apartment, asks his mom to constantly take money of out the account every week

His crazy schizo personality:
>used to be a commie while growing up in a country destroyed by socialism
>now is far right Trump Musk dick sucker while not even living in the US or being american
>constantly spergs about how Trump and Musk will fix the world
>used to be super pro-covid vax but now is anti-covid vax and generally anti-vax, anti sunscreen, anti flouride, has fallen for all the mainstream american conspiracy theories
>big Andrew Tate fan despite having a 1 year old daughter
>extremelly insecure about his own life, always tries to put others down to make himself look like he isn't a major looser
>hates arabs and muslims but dates muslims
>calls his mom at 2am to spreg about dumb shit, constantly cusses out his daughter and says vile things about her
>stresses him mom so much she had a heart attack and thinks she's gonna die soon from heart failure
I recently moved to the same country as him and I'm the only one who tells him he's crazy so he's always fighting with me. I started sending him Andrew Tate prison memes and he blocked me kek. He's horrible to my sister so I'm glad I can be here and we can both tell him to fuck off.

No. 2073751

>degenerate sexist dying alone from cancer

No. 2074220

>adopted maid’s son for some reason
it was his kid or he had reason to believe it was, duh

No. 2074223

The rat privated her account kek

No. 2074709

Nah, the maid's son looks nothing like him. Cancer dad had strong native south american indian features. My cousin inherited all of them despite having a white mom. The maid son has also told people he knows he's not his real dad.
Cancer dad was a poorfag and some old guy in the art business took him in as his mentor, I think he was trying to do the same.

No. 2075453

File: 1736376353619.png (685.38 KB, 1535x607, 1000040248.png)

The way she talks about "white natives" as if she isn't white as fuck is hilarious.

No. 2075469

I found Sarah Phelps tik tok that surprisingly isn't private.

No. 2075529

>latin america
>hates arabs and muslims but dates muslims

No. 2075531

I feel there should be a general "pretendian" thread,

No. 2075583

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No. 2075618

I agree, I think it would be interesting since there are also plenty of lolcows made remarkable for other reasons that also happen to fall under that category (coughcoughChrisChancough)

No. 2075647

It's always been a thing, but people pretending to be native americans really took off after the 60s. It's on such a massive scale that every year, dozens of respected 'native' academics, journalists and actors are revealed to be lying about their heritage

No. 2075663

This would be a great thread idea considering there's about an endless amount of pretendian cows dating back decades and decades kek. I'd love it.

No. 2075667

there's one for racefishing/faking at least

No. 2075782

She is kind of popular online, but I’ve been following her since her first baby. It’s been a crazy ride getting to personally see all of this go down in real time,

>She started a family YT channel at 16 revolving around her teen pregnancy with her daughter

>Creates the typical family blogger tradwife content. Putting a camera in her kid’s face all the time and filming borderline inappropriate videos like bath time with her daughter etc
>Starts getting popular on YT with the big teenage pregnancy boom on YT during that time. She starts collaborating and making friends with all the other teen moms
>Gets married to her baby daddy at 18
>Around this time starts losing friendships with the other teen moms
>Announces her new pregnancy with her 2nd daughter at age 19
>Random radio silence from her channel and all social media a few months after her 2nd daughter was born
>Turns out her husband attempted suicide in the garage. Doesn’t die, but is in a coma, and is brain dead
>Proceeds to post photos of him in a coma with her crying over him 24/7
>He ends up passing away
>Family blogger couple comes out with a video “exposing” her, saying that she cheated on her husband all the time and bragged about it at vidcon and a bunch of other things
>Video didn’t go over well with their audiences. They delete the video and stop making videos all together
>Months pass and she starts dating a guy that looks exactly like her husband. Tries making family content again
>They break up after a few months
>She comes out as a lesbian despite never dating women
>Her audience which mostly consists of white Christian teenage girls that want to be teen parents go crazy (happens often)
>Gets a lot of hate
>Continues larping as a lesbian that has never been attracted to men
>Comes out with abuse story against her dead husband saying he was an addict, abusive, and tried to shoot her once
>Her audience comes back to support her
>Comes out as non binary and takes her kids to lgbt events
>Audience of teenage Christian wannabe teen moms upset again
>Starts being best friends with a TIF. Posts a lot together. Starts to change everything about herself to be more like the TIF
>Posts about her story being a non binary lesbian often
>Gets into a new relationship, but keeps it very very private for a long time despite never doing that before with her previous relationships
>Is against family blogging channels despite being one somehow
>Pays for her children to both go to daycare full time despite her working from home (YouTube and photography)
>Starts hinting things about her relationship
>Comes out as a he/they
>Starts testosterone right after that
>Cuts hair very short matching her TIF friend
>Comes out as dating the TIF
>The TIF is married to a balding, fat, redditor looking male in his 30s
>TIF has a husband that is like 32. TIF is around 22.
>She comes out saying they are actually in a polygamous relationship as 3 men.
>Isnt lesbian anymore, actually is a gay man
>Teenage Christian wanna be teen mom audience goes crazy again

There’s so much more, but the total 360 change from being a family blogger trad wife to being in a polyamorous relationship as a gay man was crazy

No. 2075967

Jesus christ lol, I saw this bitch on youtube and thought it seemed interesting, then saw the gacha life tier art style and quickly realized this is yet another yansim clone that will never get made. I have no idea why an actual competent and established studio hasn't taken the idea yet, it's not particularly original and yandere dev can't do anything against them because of the fact he solicited inappropriate pictures from a minor. They'd have a huge fanbase to ride off of, too.

No. 2076021

File: 1736511680434.png (257.47 KB, 596x692, Screenshot 2025-01-10 071649.p…)

Imagine being this much of a pick me for a pedophile.

No. 2076490

File: 1736621292445.png (81.75 KB, 745x424, 1735847244700.png)

Strawb is probably a pedophile herself, she's literally married to rev

No. 2076643

Honestly she just comes off as the queen of self infantilizing pedo pandering pick mes, I never see her offer her own opinions on things anymore, she just parrots whatever rev says. She probably thinks of herself as an "irl loli"

No. 2076810

most female 'lolicons' are straight women or fake bi at best, they want to self insert or be compared to lolis. of course there are female pedophiles and lesbian lolicons but they're much less likely to be actively seeking male attention.

No. 2077263

File: 1736774076436.jpg (117.14 KB, 540x960, 1416021237.nnybunny_download.j…)

the person who made the john doe and purple games used to be my personal lolcow like 10yrs ago, honestly dont remember much about her except she used to go by "nnybunny" and was kinning nny from jthm, while dating another ftm who kinned edgar from the same comic (1-off character who dies in like 5 pages) and this edgar-kin would abuse her horribly and i think she tried to kill her several times. really the edgar kinnie was the real lolcow here kek. honestly she has some talent so im happy to see her games being pretty sucessful and it seems like shes happy with her new partner

No. 2077266

>i think she tried to kill her several times

No. 2077292

File: 1736778935531.png (382.81 KB, 641x949, 1000031298.png)

Old as fuck but I remember how she used to humblebrag about her simps kek

No. 2077429

Had to share this guy, hoping US nonnies can witness him before you lose TikTok

Basically a man convinced he is being poisoned with estrogen by gangstalkers/the government, which makes his genitals shrivel up. He's worried this might turn him gay. He doesn't know if they've targeted him from birth or if he was chosen because he is weak, but supposedly they set up a whole ASDA (supermarket) to trick him in to eating poisoned sardines. They've also 'got him fired from all his jobs'.

Comments theorise psychosis caused by trauma stemming from his mums passing, alcohol/cannabis abuse, or a head injury from boxing.

Refuses mental help; numerous videos of him arguing with paramedics, police and hospital staff. Idk how they keep straight faces. Poor lad.

No. 2077494

He's so right.

No. 2077514

I found my personal lolcow years ago randomly on social media. Sorry if she's too large to be considered a "personal" lolcow, I have never seen anyone here mention her. (warning, twitter is NSFW https://x.com/bloodwr1st)

>Discover that she is a washed up micro celebrity

>Peaked in 2020 for turning 18, immediately making an onlyfans, and flying herself out to have sex with some mildly known soundcloud rapper
>Situation ends in her threatening him with scissors, breaking his TV, getting in a physical fight with another woman, getting arrested, and then e-begging for money to go back home
>Entire thing was documented on IG live, old milk but seemingly the only well documented history of her cow behavior
>Today she is still an unstable train wreck, gains and loses the same 100 pounds, constantly getting retarded piercings/tattoos
>Got her face tattoos removed only to get it tattooed again
>Hobbies include posting 200 tiktoks a day, LARPing as a black woman, and getting botched lip injections
>History of racism, sperging out on twitter about how she hates black people, saying the N word, and then getting box braids
>Currently turbo fat and gaining
>Never had a job, full time job is making gross porn that she posts an abundance of for free on twitter
>Actually seems to pull in good money unlike other onlyfans cows, but blows it all on ugly designer garbage and body modifications, most likely has zero net worth
>Terminally online, cycles through multiple accounts for each social media platform
>Extremely insecure and limits comments/replies on all of them
>Will randomly sperg out and have a mental breakdown on livestream over the 5 rapper fanboys who still troll her or when someone points out that she's white
>Meltdowns are few and far between now, but always spectacular and entertaining

I think the main reason she hasn't taken off as a lolcow is that the only people who actually know of her are mostly moids, who either want to use her for sex or make fun of her for the rapper incident.

No. 2077640

reminds me of Sagittarius shawty

No. 2078022

Kek she looks like Walmart Gabbriette.

No. 2078757

KEK, she privated. Every time something about her gets exposed on here, she runs to private the account. It almost makes you wonder how she keeps up this charade that she's soooo innocent. What's there to hide, Sarah Phelps?

No. 2078855

one of my personal lolcows is like that:

>"irl loli" obsessed with how small (short) she is. pretends people tease her all the time for being short to make a point of how short she is but no one gives a fuck

>into ddlg of course
>will make anime moans out of nowhere to get (male) attention. also uses the body language of sexualised anime girls, squirms around, etc. makes these weird moaning and whimpering sounds in casual conversations like a fucking weirdo
>says she is a "feminist" yet her entire personality revolves around how kinky she is. isn't even into dominatrix, is only interested in kinks that degrade women
>"demisexual", yet a porn addict
>dating a grotesque looking "aromantic" "asexual" porn addicted gross and dirty moid
>has said she and moid roleplay him being a father raping his toddler (her). both are 100% pedos and see nothing wrong with it. they think sexualising children and getting off to imagining raping children is progressive and somewhat completely different from sexualising children in other "conventionally" pedophilic ways
>always defends ddlg with "people use it to cope with trauma" yet doesn't have incest-pedophilic or child sexual assault trauma and doesn't go to therapy or has been adviced by a therapist to do it in the past
>makes porn with her bf. she used to do it under the guise of being empowered by "taking advantage of those who sexualise her". now posts nudes for free because she enjoys the male attention
>"accidentally" leaks her nsfw accounts to her friends just to go "now that you've seen my username, i might as well send you my nudes!" assuming her friends are freaks who would actually look up her obviously planted nsfw stuff in the first place
>nlog pickme who flirts with any man she interacts with and brags about said flirting. honestly would probably be diagnosed with hpd if she went to therapy and was honest
>unfortunately personality, values (and lack thereof) and mannerisms are extremely similar to pixielocks. has a massive victim complex and is generally very manipulative
>her best friends talk shit about her when she's not around and vice versa
>is always greasy and smelly, yet comments on others' hygiene
>comments on others' looks despite being conventionally ugly
>generally comments backhanded mean shit to other people all the time but acts like a victim if someone returns the energy
>secretly competes with and hates all her female friends and is generally extremely insecure and manipulative
>self diagnosed unspecified anxiety and neurodivergence (copium for being weird and disliked)
>loves talking about kink (unprompted) and how important consent is (has a moral superiority complex), yet has sexually harassed people several times by exposing them to her kinks:
>wore a dog collar in public so others would comment on it (humiliation kink)
>had sex with her bf while their friend who was genuinely asexual due to sexual trauma was sleeping in the same bed as them
>also assaulted her straight female friend (kissed her without her consent, has also touched her but idk to what extent) and when she got rejected by said friend, she lied about being in a "toxic lesbian relationship" with her for years
>has said herself she is "extremely monogamous" but is now in a poly relationship with the same friends she hates and that hate her
>even her parents have commented on her attention seeking and malingering behaviour since she was a child
>is generally a spoiled, isolated, and hypocritical womanchild in denial of most aspects of her life and identity

No. 2079110

Looks like a Johnson Vasquez character irl

No. 2079229

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No. 2079230

This image is poetic.

No. 2079348

This "i'm being poisoned and turned into a woman" genre of delusion has been documented so many times, one of the earliest very well known cases of schizophrenia was really similar. I wonder why
>had sex with her bf while their friend who was genuinely asexual due to sexual trauma was sleeping in the same bed as them
>also uses the body language of sexualised anime girls, squirms around, etc. makes these weird moaning and whimpering sounds in casual conversations like a fucking weirdo
She needs public shunning, this kind of retard is incapable of guilt

No. 2079379

File: 1737255248668.png (164.98 KB, 1080x1071, 1000042456.png)

Surprise, surprise. It's a fetish thing.

No. 2079973

File: 1737415190523.jpg (1.47 MB, 1086x1584, Jennifer_Murphy_by_David_Shank…)

Remember that awkward "I want to be neenja" vine from like 2015? Well the lady behind it tried to make the meme marketable and is still clinging onto it 10 years later. Meet Jennifer Murphy.
>rich american woman with like 10 siblings, rich and privileged
>has this brand, Murphy Beds, which are beds that fold into closets or something
>was on the apprentice, got kissed by Trump without her consent but said she liked it
>went on to defend Trump on national television when she was asked about the incident on a news channel
>during a Murphy Beds special event (?) she performs the infamous "I want to be neenja" song
>gets fired from the Murphy Beds brand for her racist song
>made a fuckton of videos trying to turn the "neenja" song into a meme (flopped)
>parodied "i kissed a girl" with her song "i got kissed by trump and i liked it"
>made up a persona called GoGo Girl, a ditzy blonde superhero, and created a couple more shitty but non-racist songs
>depicts herself in videos as Gogo Girl delivering gifts to children in a desperate attempt to improve her image and make herself look generous
>also made a short film where she enacts the story of the "neenja" song with an asian guy who plays the character "Chao" and it's as cringe as you'd expect
>went on a trip to China and basically just acted like a retard in her Gogo Girl costume on the streets
>got invited to talk on the Bad Friends podcast (with pervert Bobby Lee and the ginger) to be confronted about her racism, she was tonedeaf
>her argument was that she got made fun of for being blonde so she can make fun of minorities
>makes several short videos mocking Bad Friends, the latest being about a month old, despite her podcast appearance being years old
>made an agonizingly bad "Neenja Movie", which I can link a free/illegal streaming link of (or I can make a rundown of it for anyone interested)
>lesser milky antics involve her trying to promote shitty products in homemade commercials, such as rosewater
>recently spotted in an interview with alleged "friend" Kiki Wang (chinese fashion designer) where she just obnoxiously talks over her
>made a "neenja" mobile game
>nitpick but her jaw, fake tan and lack of lips piss me off
Sorry if I made any mistakes, I'm an ESL-chan

No. 2079974

Samefag I'm retarded, her persona is called GoGirl, not Gogo Girl. Have vidrel as tax. Also I forgot to mention this but she made a (shitty) Gogirl comic, not drawn by her ofc

No. 2079981

this backstory is more cringe then the neenja song

No. 2080000

This made me look up the original song and holy shit it's hilarious. It's crazy how it feels literally like a skit from a show like IASP. She sounds like a cow that I would love and would root for her cringefail fumbles. She sounds like a bucket of keks is she consistently milky? I kind of want a thread on her if so kek.

No. 2080004

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>Murphy beds
kek, classic death trap

No. 2080019

She's amazing nona. Please give a quick rundown of her terrible movie

No. 2080239

>has this brand Murphy Beds
Murphy beds have been around since like 1900
there is a builder of Murphy beds who snagged the “Murphy Beds Wall-Beds” trademark in 1975 but none of the owners have the last name Murphy
either she is selling beds in violation of those people’s trademark or she’s just scamming, don’t know which would be funnier tbh

No. 2080505

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Sorry, i'm an ignorant eurofag. Turns out she just happens to have the same name as the brand and she worked for them ever since she went broke (at least before she bounced back using daddy's money), lost her job and divorced her celeb dentist husband in Hollywood. She then moved and worked for Murphy beds until they fired her over the neenja shit. Ironic when you consider that the crowd at that Murphy promo event loved the song…
Sure nona! I decided to rewatch the abomination to be more accurate. It has decent visual quality but shit acting and audio sorry for talking like a moid but yes, it's reminiscent of porn you see in ads on shady websites. Most music is stock music, and there's stock sound effects too. Jennifer has to play certain characters herself but in a wig and everyone else is someone she knows. Imagine someone in your friend circle asking you to make a narcissistic amazon movie with them? And straight up, one transition is a black screen and a white text that says "back to Jennifer's YouTube movie" EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT ON YT. Speaking of YT, she inserted some of her videos as scenes for the movie. Here's the story:
>Jen monologues her lifestory (aka brags about her money) and brags about her meeting Trump
>backstory of the neenja song and clips from YouTubers' videos where they criticize it (without their permission to include them ofc)
>fucking clip of Elon Musk on a podcast talking about how wokeness wants to kill humor, I am not making this up
>Jen feels the need to reassure everyone that she's totally cool with the asian lady that looked traumatized in the OG neenja vine and they're friends
>scene where they have a sword battle and the budget is actually pretty high and the coregraphy decent
>it ends with Jen losing but her and the lady bond over talking abt asian food which they then go eat
>back to Jen and her bs
>she claims he's all about empowering people/women and, i quote, "change lives" so she has her Gogirl brand to sell shit
>Chao plays pranks on her such as stealing her stuff, drawing mustaches on her face in magazines and setting off a paint/slime bomb to blow up in Jen's face
>she decides to be a "neenja" to beat his ass
>gets trained by some characters including acrobatics guy
>let me fucking tell you about acrobatics guy
>guy with hot bod who's always shirtless and doing flips n shit and teaches Jen to be agile
>he reappears for no fucking reason in a scene where Jen and her friends are on a yat (fucking show-off…) and he's over here doing handstands for no goddamn reason
>Chao somehow finds out and wants to end Jen
>forgot to mention this but the actor for Chao has his own (shitty) song and also he looks like a tif
>Chao's boss is a man named $hmirkle. He has no plot relevance but he has the most low-quality sound-saturating mic in the world
>$hmirkle gives Chao weapons to go fucking kill GoGirl
>Jen has a fairy (think Cartman and his Cupid Me) who gives her a fucking tazer to defend herself, that part is actually kinda funny
>long as FUCK advertisement for a knife by Jen for some reason, where she's on a tv show set and fucking asks the crowd to clap
>a man almost said "son of a bitch" before an instant cut and that's the only funny part of this movie because it's unexpected
>later, final fight with Chao and it's as anticlimactic as you'd expect, it has the same vibes as a Smosh video but at least Jen and Chao's actor had fun
>Jen defears Chao and he tells her his backstory which consists of him turning evil because when he was a kid his only friend, a plush, got torn apart by bullies
>Jen gives him a new plush and it turns him good because Jen loves to portray herself as a giving savior
>she fucking tells him something like "we (Jen's family) didn't have a lot back then so we know it's important to give" when referring to her family and past, even though she had a fucking pony as a child and a house by 21
>Chao says it's the best day of his life and it ends with Jen going to Brazil to be a neenja (???)
Note: during the monolog she mentionned having gotten inspired by Mother Theresa and meeting her when she was a little girl, and that's why she's sooo giving. I just think it's ironic af

No. 2080568

I get so mad when good looking blonde woman are like this. You were given a gift yet you squander it to be an edgy retard. If I were her I’d be a multimillionaire with a toy boy husband, minding my own business on a yacht somewhere but she needs constant validation from edgy retards that are honestly beneath her to begin with. As an ugly woman I resent beautiful women like this. You’re wasting what you have.(sage your shit)

No. 2080618

>given a gift
Anon she is completely styled, whitened teeth (if not veneers), wearing fake lashes, fake tan, fake (expensive looking) hair colour and has botox and fillers. I can tell by her skin and age that her weight is not natural and she needs to exercise in this photo (imo). She doesn't have big/fake tits either. If you want it, go get. The people who actually squander their god-given beauty and potential, are moids

No. 2080630

Thanks nona, this sounds so low budget and so narcisstic that it's hilarious as a secondhand account kek. I think she must be seething that she isn't Trump's fourth wife after being groped and is trying to project to him that she's still available.

I will give her points for having a random hot guy as eyecandy for absolutely no reason. Also, it's so typical for her to LARP poor kek

No. 2081011

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Honestly surprised she's not in here yet. I'm convinced she has loads of burner accounts attacking anyone who questions her cause her fan base is irrationally defensive. She and lucky reek of bad vibes

No. 2081018

she clearly has a carefully crafted image, but I think her 'fans' are genuine in the sense that they're tumblr girls who live vicariously through her

No. 2081021

whose the hot guy?

No. 2081024

It's a lot of moids who think she'll give them a crumb of pussy if they foam at the mouth if you call out her lying about her age, having a trumptard husband, hoeing it up on social media while trying to promote a tradwife image then denying that it was ever tradwife crap, being neglectful towards her kids, etc

No. 2081052

Just a reminder that only personal lolcow introductions are allowed to be unsaged itt. Follow-up posts and further discussion must be saged.

No. 2081069

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If you mean the guy in >>2081011, his name is Lucky Blue Smith, and he was/is(?) a successful famous male model from the 2010s. I agree he's hot as fuck, but only until he opens his mouth… None of his modeling campaigns let him smile for picrel reasons KEK

No. 2081079

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She knows her angles super well because she looks wildly different in candids
The hype is all about being a rich young housewife and having a ""hot"" husband because her cooking doesn't even look good

No. 2081144

She's also been caught using warped cameras to look a lot thinner. Those eye wrinkles show her real age by a lot. Her and lucky have something so wrong about them but I can't put my finger on it

No. 2081201

what are you talking about? I have never seen a single moid discuss her in any context
the most likely thing I believe is they had their first kid out of wedlock, which is frowned upon by the mormon church and can lead to excommunication.

No. 2081240

IDK if this counts, but there's a Reddit community called r/fakebaseball, which is a DND like number guessing game where hundreds of users roleplay as a baseball player. Like many subs, it became polluted with tranny and Communist shit.

In 2019, two major bannings happened:

1. A user got exposed for being a hardcore Trump supporter because they kept posting on r/The_Donald and was only exposed because the user took his team to the championship game as a manager. The user left and was banned for hate, but the ones who exposed him were given a slight suspension only for the suspension to be removed due to a Discord wide outrage among the populace. Ever since then, the leftist users who reported the guy for wrongthink are still playing in the league.

2. A user was accused of pedophilia because they wanted to apologize to a then 17 year old for a mistake they did when they got blocked a few months before hand. However, the 17 year old trooned out and around the time, the troons were starting to take over the league. The would be banned user was probably singled out for not being woke enough, and the trans minor was being used as bait to get rid of them. No one cared that the banned user was going through shit back then and went through some of the same things others did, they just wanted someone that was polarizing to be gone, so they groomed one of their friends, and then framed that person for their actions.

Last year or so, the main Discord became private while the games were public to watch on the sub. In the last five years, more people became radicalized or trooned out and some users either consumed porn, drew it, or took place in it including a tranny that already had a Kiwi Farms entry for their Communist roles and for being part of poop porn, well before they joined r/fakebaseball.

No. 2081356

Lucky also cheated on his wife with a newborn w Nara then left her while Nara was "17".

Also moids constantly flip shit on people who call out Nara

No. 2081357

what the actual fuck?

No. 2081359

Reddit in a nutshell.(sage your shit)

No. 2081379

what was the mistake of num 2? accuser accidentally sent a dick pic? didn't know they were a minor? kek why are readers expected to take sides on this vague crap? team no one

No. 2081392

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His first child (with another woman) in 2017 was definitely born out of wedlock, but I'm pretty sure his kids with Nara were all born after their marriage. I think he's still Mormon too, but it looks like someone on Wikipedia removed all the Mormon shit last October, calling it "unsourced material" even though the sources are literally linked in the paragraphs they removed. Trying to pry their image from the musty claws of Mormonism, maybe? I doubt they'll ever let him go kek, he's handsome and famous, cults love that.

No. 2081441

anyone who follows linkivich/zastrix, is she still being cowish or is she just a typical tif now? I wish she had hew own thread but I guess most of the milk came from her past when she had that nazi fiance.

No. 2081484

Lucky is a solid 5, maybe 6 on a good day. Quit simping for disgusting moids

No. 2081531

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Some nonnie in some other thread said she looks like the Ice Age baby and I can't unsee it kek

No. 2081542

alternate universe Jenny McCarthy

No. 2081573

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I forgot about Kayla. The last I saw of her was that she’s larping as a Greek poolboy/70s Dave Vanian. She went from hating troons for internet edgy points to the autistic little boy schtick in the matter of days. She has an article on postpunkonline for her music under the name linkivich. https://post-punk.com/darkwave-artist-linkivich-debuts-new-single-mad-hatter/
She also had her blog that sometimes preached anti-porn viewpoints which she abandoned after her instagram followers told her that she would be been loaded if she made an underaged OF. I think that blog is deleted now.
she used to dm me on instagram for no reason despite never speaking to her. she would send me links to her new posts and forward me meme posts I haven’t been able to find that one meme that went kinda viral where she says the nword in a tinder chat while holding a fish. There are a few instagram accounts that archived her antics when she was zastrix. A lot of people in her current circle actually believed she was biologically male when she has the girliest voice and is like 5 foot one. She should have had a thread back when she was interacting with the likes of politigrammers and that one egirl yungcynical (picrel). I’m more concerned about what happened to yungcynical. I wonder how Kayla was even able to rebrand considering that searching up ‘Zastrix’ immediately reveals her old persona. That’s the type of stuff that ruins your life.

No. 2081586

They didn't know they were a minor.(sage your shit)

No. 2081606

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>she used to dm me on instagram for no reason despite never speaking to her. she would send me links to her new posts and forward me meme posts
Lol, yeah same, she acts like a fucking bot on instagram. Just found this old text from 2022 with zastrix where she was asking me to pay for her nudes lell. I was underage at that time too kek

No. 2081609

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Also had this conversation in 2023 after which she blocked me. I don't know if she's still dating the same guy, though.

No. 2081613

She has loads of free time and is very vague but suspicious. It wouldn't surprise me if the defender herself by LARPing as fans

No. 2081703

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What the hell? Did she send you the nudes unprompted? Why is she even trying to become a ‘sex worker’ if you can easily find her naked online just a search away… I feel bad for her in that regard because most people make fun of her for having a bush.
>she acts like a fucking bot on instagram
I used to think she was pretending to be autistic to posture herself as a quirky internet sperg but now it is seeming more probable that she is or she just has no shame. I’m guessing that she would mass send her latest posts to her followers dms.
I don’t recognize what app or instagram ui this is, that aside
>And he also only dates males
Said every boyfriend of a tif ever.
Picrel is the first google result for her under zastrix. Linkivich rebrand was so lame YWNBDV (you will never be Dave Vanian). she didn’t look bad before but the black hair dye just makes her look washed out

No. 2081715

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more milk.

this feels incredibly pedophilic. they're just kids, why are you associating that with sexual harassment?

she works in a school environment too, this is gross.

No. 2081773

Should I tell you some of the users names?

No. 2081774

finally decided to post my personal, irl cow here

>friend from highschool basically, always acted super autistic back then (graduated about 6 years ago)

>i only keep following her because the milk is highly entertaining
>sometimes i am sad she is a general nobody because you could definitely fill threads with this shit
>freelance writer, moved cities last year, things went drastically downhill from then
>all the milk i get from her is because she spams her damn instagram story so much

dating drama:
>dated two guys at once
>none of this works out. it has been half a year and she still cried about it not too long ago
>alternately posted stories about both of them in the past yapping how much she misses (insert one of them here)
>when she broke up with one of them, she posted their entire private chats on her story to ask for peoples opinions
>he told her he needed space/to be left alone/and opened up about many issues towards her. she posted all of it, kept on spamming him (despite not getting answered), cried about not being a priority and then acted super shocked when he broke up with her after all of it
>while this was happening she also had a fwb with some girl, this did not work out
>keeps posting the same pic of them kissing over and over while crying about missing her so much (while simultaneously crying about said guys)
>then other days repost reels of some trad-tard families and sobs over wanting to just find her oNe TrUe LoVe to have a family with, while actively polyfagging irl
>also regurly posts stories like "i saw this cuteee humaaan at [random location], should i say hi??? i'm sooo shy and nervous!!! should i date again???" while STILL SOBBING ABOUT THOSE OTHER THREE PEOPLE MIND YOU
>typical pandering bisexual who dates mostly moids, exaggerating her relationships with women and always reposting lesbian stuff on her story

health issues or whatever:
>diagnosed adhd, acts like she has crippling autism tho (she acts retarded af don't get me wrong but this just adds to it)
>laments about not having social battery, posts her public meltdowns, acts like she can't do regular shit because "MUH ADHD!!!"
>posts about "taking meds" all the time
>constantly goes to work sick and then cries about being at work sick
>does not sleep, is sick, then posts about driving and almost falling asleep at the wheel
>takes train a lot, has meltdowns everytime and sperges about everyone else on the train
>self-proclaimed noise sensitive and generally "high sensitive"
>muh headaches
>if the tiniest things go wrong she acts like she is now incapable of anything because of it
>when she moved, a lot of things did not work out right away. so of course she posts 100 stories, acting like an incompetent toddler screeching how she can't do anything and how much her life sucks
>films/photgraphs herself crying, saying she has crash-outs where she can't move/do anything (except posting to the gram of course)
>muh anxiety

>freelance writer for a smaller, local newspaper
>constantly posts how much she hates her workplace and her coworkers, stays at the job anyways
>"i don't want to go to work today!!!" goes anyways and posts about feeling like shit about it
>constantly cries about minor things while at work, posts herself doing it, followed up by "i don't care about anything and i am physically incapable of doing anything or fixing my own mistakes right now"
>posts about being rude to coworkers
>has to interview people and regularly has meltdowns about that
>then at random times claims to love her job sooo much
>posted about her male coworkers "mansplaining" to her all the time and not taking her serious before, says the enviroment is super sexist
>claims her coworkers are right-wingers and racists (she works in a rural area in germany), called them nazis before, never brings up real evidence

additional milk:
>posts about private family drama a lot
>complains about her parents all the time, unless they get her shit done for her of course (then she loves them)
>generally complains about everything
>friends consist of spicy-straights and gender-specials mostly
>posted stories about how people shouldn't medicalise her body after posting 10 stories about period pain and 2 people gave her advice
>most of her problems are fixable, but she insists of doing things her own shitty way while continously failing instead of just taking advice from others

No. 2082190

Westernized Indian diaspora are some of the most mentally ill and self loathing individuals I've encountered, both males and females. Their neurosis is constantly being spammed on twitter and tiktok recently and its insufferable, honestly never seen such nauseatingly bad and irritating takes.

No. 2082743

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Whichever anon said that there should be a Pretendian thread has a point, kek. Why do white people love faking being native so much?

No. 2082744

Because it's easy to do and gets you brownie points in online and academic circles.

No. 2082843

Racefaking thread would be even better imo.

No. 2083388

wasn’t there one before that got locked for racebait?

No. 2083826

yeah, the problem is that you can’t discuss race at all on here without summoning Nazis and other caliper enthusiasts

No. 2084039

One of my current personal lolcows is this girl I met at the pub. I love watching her instagram stories.

>live, laugh love hippie

>jobless but somehow travels the world
>plays guitar outside shops for money, doesn't respect signs saying it's not allowed
>hitch-hikes alone as a woman in third world countries
>laughs at people who think it's dangerous
>sleeps in random men's cars
>trusts literally every stranger because everyone is "love" and "energy"
>constantly reeeees on about her dad who wants her to stop this nonsense and get a job. Kek.
>reeeees he's judgemental and anyone who was a problem with her lifestyle is just a hater and she's gonna do whatever she wants
>is constantly having mental breakdowns
>always going through something and posting about how she's "better now"
>every week this happens
>claims to be super happy and enlightened
>triggered European leftist
>doesn't understand the real world at all

Not the worst person but pretty lulzy.

No. 2084043

I hate these types of women. I laugh when they get raped. Solo traveling as a single woman in a third world country is a surefire way to get raped. Kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2084068

rapist scrote detected

No. 2084117

which is why I want to keep the topic limited to just native faking

No. 2084135

this bitch rules sorry

No. 2084158

Nta but I was the anon suggesting a pretendian thread. I'd love one, pretendians have a specific sort of cultural niche, there are so many different kinds of pretendian as well, it would be very entertaining.

No. 2084312

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Have you guys heard of Lovely Peaches? There's videos of her twerking in her underwear in public and she seems really mentally ill

No. 2084317

No. 2084342

I'd be so down for this. Some of the pretendian "exposers" are cows too, so the fights that happen between them and the pretendians make for delightful cow-on-cow slapfights.

No. 2084347

>Earnestly asking lolcow if we’ve heard of Lovely Peaches
Kek Nona thanks for that I needed a laugh.

No. 2084355

as a former Elvisfag I sympathize with her autism. I wonder if she's still a fan girl.

No. 2084379

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the fact is that pretendians are such a long-established phenomenon that no other race fakers can match them, whether in academics, acting, or activism

No. 2084383

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>Some of the pretendian "exposers" are cows too
I assume you're talking about jacqueline keeler, who has native ancestry, but she is very clearly mostly white and uses a black and white photo of herself or edits herself to appear browner

No. 2084507

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Most native americans are mixed to some extent anon, this person is probably half native half white, it's kind of different than the usual "I'm 1/16th cherokee"cows

No. 2084532

This woman clearly has Amerindian lineage, like you can see it very clearly in her face. I would not call this woman "white". If I saw her on the street I'd think Mexican.

No. 2084788

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This pretentious Czech (or Slovak) RW Twitter guy that pretends to be Swiss in an extremely LARPy way has been my personal cow lately.
All his old tweets are in Czech, then he adopted a Swiss 'sensitive young man' persona, somehow everyone thinks he's actually Swiss.

No. 2085025

>Ex-friend that I've slowly distanced myself from over the past couple years
>Was too average to be popular in grade school, had a moderate glow up as an adult and developed a wannabe mean girl complex
>Still puts on an "uwu girl" persona at her grown age of mid-late 20s
>Regularly makes snide comments unprovoked and has Cluster B esque meltdowns when given the side eye
>Sporadically leaves and rejoins groupchats because of above
>White woman obsessed with south korea

Relationship disaster:
>Functionally straight but dated a petite nonbinary SEA female for a few years
>Abruptly dumped petite asian "boyfriend" because she said they lost the spark
>Almost 90% sure that she broke it off because they couldn't be a suitable stand-in for the 5'8 korean moids she obsesses over
>Did the dumping but bitched and moaned about it to me for months
>Frequently talks about her ex to this day

Whore for male attention:
>Had an instagram account for some time, would regularly get DMs from strange men
>Would entertain these men and get them to draw pencil pictures of her
>Incessantly sent screenshots of the interactions to me while pretending she was disgusted by the attention
>Attached herself to an asian moid post-breakup as a maladaptive coping mechanism
>Had an extremely strange and close non-relationship with him, has likely lead him on for a year or so
>Recently has become infatuated with some other moid from work
>Is moving away very soon, work moid asked her on a date
>Is genuinely tarded and accepted his feelings before whining about how hard it is to be dating someone you're going to abandon in 2 weeks

Miscellaneous milk:
>Had a period of being a massive bitch in 2023-24, has returned to the group chat since and resumed pretending to be nice
>Regularly self deprecated herself to a mutual ex-friend and reeee'd about "not making comments about my body" when ex-friend tried to tell her she looks good
>Probably an anachan of some degree
>Endless consoomerism of plushies and squishmallows
>Will send paragraphs of blogging about herself to the chat, usually gets ignored or a few lukewarm responses

No. 2085043

Post pics.

No. 2085114

i've met this type of woman several times. i wonder what pushes them into being asian fetishising fujoshis with victim complexes and the emotional (dys)regulation of a toddler

No. 2085432

I can't believe this absolute gem I've found. I'm reluctant to post her name because I respect the hell out of her (and because she would definitely know it's me if she's on here)
>unironic stacey, genuinely beautiful
>uses AI to insert herself into pictures with her celebrity crush by replacing his wife in the picture and animating them into uncanny snapshots of her delulu relationship with him
>has posted proof of both the director of her favourite film & the actor himself viewing her Instagram story where she had made a dozen unhinged posts about her love for this man USING THE AI PICTURES
>also in these posts was born of the character
>each post including a wall of text about her undying love for this actor
>tags the actor in all her posts about him, he is a not very well known guy at all so I have reason to believe he is very well aware of her antics
>example: has a printed picture of him on her wall and cut his name out of blue print paper in the most special needs way possible to decorate it, tags him so he can see it
>prolific Beastars content poster
>has started to take pictures of him and a baby an animating those too
I genuinely wish I could read her language because I mentally can not comprehend how a woman with the face of a full blown Instagram influencer living a seemingly ordinary life can be so autistic once she logs on to the Internet that she presents him with AI of herself replacing his wife and manages to look stunning while doing so

No. 2085451

Nonnies did you have any experience with Twitch randos that have like 20 viewers or less?
I had some weird experience with some and I still feel confused about them.
Seemed like genuinely friendly bunch at first, and somewhat fun to talk to. But they always got so weirdly parasocial? Always from their side too. Like calling me a friend when I know I'm just some rando in chat. And you could clearly tell they would never do anything friendly. The only time any "friends" from circle were invited to play along was only if they were also streamers themselves. And then the only way they'd become super friendly and actually treat you properly was only if you start streaming yourself. The only non-streamer person within that circle was boyfriend of one of the streamers. Weird bunch.
Now that I think about, it was like a weird MLM circle? But instead of pushing products, everyone is super parasocial about each other and just keeps lurking on each others streams to boost.

Also one of them has privately stated they find one of their chatters creepy (in "uwu pwease pwotect me fwom him" way) but never banned the dude since he always donated lmao

And no, those are not dumb teenagers, those are all people in their 25+

No. 2085510

What a strange thing to larp as, at least pretend to be Finnish

No. 2085650

I'm the anon who called you out on the fake story. Why are you doubling down on this shit?

No. 2085831

absolute queen

No. 2085844

The discussion in the "things you hate" thread has just unlocked so many memories of the 3 bisexual scrotes I've met in my life, and I have to unleash it. It's legitimately hit me like a truck. I'm a bifag myself so I'm not trying to bait or infight, bi scrotes are not human and I don't feel bad for making fun of them.

First one:
>A childhood friend who messaged me out of nowhere after 7 years
>On day one, he was normal. But I made the mistake of telling him my sexuality, and just like that, Pandora's box had opened
>From day two onwards, he was sending me graphic texts about stealing his mum's sex toys. Literally paragraphs upon PARAGRAPHS about how and when he used dildos
>Once I ghosted him, he had the audacity to throw a mantrum and accuse me of hating myself
>He quickly realised that wasn't working and switched from "flaming fag" to "straightest of the straight males." He spent days sadposting about how I made him feel bad, how I'd messed him up, reposting those black and white filtered deep quotes that normies love, etc
>Oh, but it was all sandwiched between images of softcore porn, of course
>For obvious reasons I blocked him and never spoke to him again

Second one:
>A literal TIM in my college class who claimed to be a misandrist (kek)
>That's enough by itself, but he was so fucking rude and condescending to all the women in the class for no reason, especially the ones who were nice to him
>He had a covert, year-long war with the homophobic religious girls which was very funny to watch, peak clown on clown violence. The tutors were somehow oblivious the whole time
>Would talk at length about how he cured all his mental illnesses and trauma by sitting under a tree in France and "watching the movement of the sunlight"
>But he was also a hardened unfeeling badass who couldn't cry
>It was very obvious that he was only a misandrist because his preference was women (gag) and he felt threatened by other scrotes
>He put such little effort into passing that everyone tripped over themselves not to refer to him with any pronouns, because nobody had a fucking clue what he was supposed to be. It didn't help that he was, like, 6 foot 4 with a giant ogre head

Third one:
>Met after the TIM above introduced us to his friends
>I was friends with a turbo handmaiden at this point in my life, and one of these specimens latched onto her (platonically, thank god) like a parasite
>I'm not exaggerating when I say this is one of the ugliest TIMs I've ever seen
>He was obviously severely autistic, he stank, his hair was always greasy, his eyes were glazed over, he had an underbite with yellow teeth, and his head was cube shaped with permanent unshaved stubble. The only reason he wasn't terrifying is because he was a manlet
>For some reason, my handmaiden friend decided he was the perfect glorified gay bestie and dragged him along everywhere, but she never warned us when he was coming so it was a literal jumpscare
>The last straw was on a bus ride back to her house
>It was just me, him, and her remaining from the group, but the bus was incredibly crowded. A lot of the passengers are students from the same college as us
>The TIM decides this is the perfect moment to talk about all the sex and drugs he's doing at fucking maximum volume
>The sexcapades were definitely fictional but I think the drug talk was legit
>Everyone in our immediate vicinity goes quiet as he drones on and on about his fetishes and ketamine addiction, all the while my handmaiden friend was just like "OMG YOU'RE SO CRAZY I CAN'T TAKE YOU ANYWHERE LOLOLOL"
>I say nothing, literally just stare at the floor in embarrassment
>Suddenly, my handmaiden friend betrays me once again by going "oh nona is bisexual too!!"
>He turns his wall-eyed gaze to me and just fucking stares at me for a few seconds, wearing the creepiest smile possible on a human face
>"Do you have a preference for women, nona?"
>I quickly lie and tell the TIM that I have a Nigel (luckily he's dumb so he believes it)
>"Oh…well, do you happen to know any bisexual men who would stick their dicks in a trans woman?" (Exact words)
>He ignores me for the rest of the trip to continue sperging about his fetishes and embarrassing us
>Stop hanging out with handmaiden outside of class after that

Tl;dr three sex pests, two of whom were trans

No. 2085863

>bisexual scrotes
enough said

No. 2085906

>she never warned us when he was coming so it was a literal jumpscare
Lel nona, I died

No. 2085951

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I don’t know how to explain how I know this woman but essentially she knew my family; Megan, who is 40 years old, has been a personal lolcow of mine for YEARS now.
>BPDemon but she’s a starseed goddess
>claims she talks to lil peep and that they are lovers.
>dates younger women and men under the age of 23 constantly and expects them to be a therapist
>raging Facebook meltdowns about her health or mental health and claims that she is dying
>videos of her “spiritual chanting”
>claims to be a “healer”
>claims to be a “clairvoyant” and can talk to dead people and time travel
I could go on but her page is very milky and schizophrenic.

No. 2085952

File: 1738813736007.jpeg (533.23 KB, 1179x1231, IMG_7019.jpeg)

I can’t tell you how many posts are like this

No. 2085956

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More of her lil peep delusions

No. 2085959

File: 1738814163515.jpeg (679.64 KB, 1179x1631, IMG_7021.jpeg)

She also has claimed lil peeps family knows her kek my fucking sides

No. 2085963

>ghost bf
Topkek!! She’s like if Sapphire Crimson Claw/the womb wizard was a zoomer. She even has the dead musician ghost boyfriend.

No. 2085964

Kek so basically lil peep is her tulpa?

No. 2085965

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She’s claimed to be a “licensed crystal healer”
Maybe lil peep made her certified kek

No. 2085966

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She claims that lil peep is her “spiritual guide” if he is she has a pretty shit love life she bitches about a lot.
She recently started dating a 19 year old girl and they broke up and she had a BPD meltdown down kek.

No. 2085967

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Her Instagram also contains her acting sexy for the camera in a very uncomfortable way, and it has her tiktok link which is just the same thing.

No. 2085968

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Glad someone brought her up, she's my personal cow too. Kayla is currently homeless (not sure why), and still e-begging. She posted this update recently.

No. 2085969

More of Megan’s weird “healing” music.

No. 2085971

This one sounds like glep from smiling friends kek maybe that’s her other tulpa

No. 2085973

Kek the fucking #BPD

No. 2086344

Personal online cow of mine, just gonna list things off the top of my head that make her a cow in my eyes
>27yo insufferable womanchild
>identifies as genderfluid
>lives with her parents who feed her, let her use their car and buy her things
>hates her parents and complains about them often
>says she's tried to move out for many years but..
>wastes what little money she has on plushies, figures, games, trinkets and other such nonsense instead of saving
>considers writing gay porn fanfics of real life people "working" despite getting no pay
>headcanons real life people as gay and autistic because she is
>is "obsessed with dilfs" (just old bandmen)
>complains about miniscule things constantly, just comes up with new hurdles when given any advice, nothing is ever good enough
>it's her way or the highway so she's lost just about all friends she's come across, no irl friends at all
>has discord servers for a fandom where she used to attention whore by posting pictures of self inflicted injuries, "mystery" bruises, and suicide bait so much that the servers are now dead

No. 2086359

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This guy called Saul, first encountered him replying to something in the wild on Reddit (now banned) and his new hunting grounds is Threads.
Just absolutely fascinating insane person stuff; including making up new words or using words so far away from the original context that no one knows what he's saying. He has been terrorising random women about how he is a better feminist than them because he's read more books on it and calling women "Gorgon".

No. 2086556

File: 1738974743847.png (1.6 MB, 1073x1767, Trumpbad.png)

My personal cow would be John Scalzi.
I always get bad vibes from him and I'm 100% sure he has skeletons in his closet.I don't know why he even has fame in the book community when all of his books suck ass as well as being an incompetent writer.the shit he says on BlueSky is so cringy and retarded it's almost hard to believe he's even some 55 year old rotten boomer,he seriously needs to grow a pair.he's one of those liberal white guys who act condescending and obnoxious because he wants to stand out from other liberal white guys.I find his behavior online and his bragging/obsession about blocking people embarrassing since he's another annoying balding old fart who has nothing better to do with his time.I don't get the amount of followers and like count he gets either especially on dumb shit like picrel.I find it hard to believe he's still married.(fix your spacebar)

No. 2086587

It’s an extremely common belief with these new age spiritualist psychic people to say their ancestors are their spirit guides / angels but I’m yet to see anyone claim random celebrities they crushed on are their guides. Except for maybe Unicole Unicron
You know something I always wonder about these new age starseed people (side note anyone who claims they’re a starseed needs an eye kept on them, if not by the farms then by the loony bin) that claim they can talk to the dead is why don’t they ever share out some useful information like the cure for cancer or contact a murder victim and tell us who killed them? They also always only have like 50 past lives when you’d think if they were super advanced spiritually they’d have octillions of other reincarnations at least.

No. 2086593

So you think when people say they reincarnate, which is a pretty common belief - they mean that they retain all of the memories of their former life? To the point they could memorize lotto numbers and solve the murders of people they never met or heard about? And the internet and lottery are a fairly recent concept and invention? I also doubt whatever God or natural force would allow people to reincarnate for murder solving or lottery winning. That being said, I think 99% of the people who claim this are lying but there are probably better questions to ask imo, like why they don't invest in stocks/bonds

*anon didn't say lotto but "cure cancer" but the same applies imo. I'm not sure how a farmer living in the 18th century would find the cure for cancer. I'm playing devil's advocate like a moid for the starseed people but think they're full of shit also

No. 2086600

>they retain all of the memories of their former life? To the point they could memorize lotto numbers and solve the murders of people they never met or heard about
Well no I don’t think that’s what reincarnation implies but that’s certainly what claiming to be able to talk to dead people would imply. Maybe the cure for cancer comparison isn’t the best but if you can talk to dead people surely it wouldn’t be hard to find the soul of someone who was killed or something, especially because all these people typically believe they came to Earth to “Help end humanities pain and connect them with the divine” so you’d think proving you actually have these psychic powers would play into that.
>the internet and lottery are a fairly recent concept and invention
An alien planet thats hyper advanced would’ve already been having that tech for who knows how long if this were legit like Megan claims
>I'm not sure how a farmer living in the 18th century would find the cure for cancer
The starseeds claim to be from alien planets though, not native to the Earth and again if Megan thinks she’s “looking into past lives” with this stuff you’d think the super advanced aliens would have made some progress with helping their species with stuff like that

No. 2086649

im laughing so fucking hard thank you nona this is amazing. she is incredible

No. 2086658

>”what is wrong with me?? Hehehe”

No. 2086665

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this "intuitive eating" influencer (colleen christensen/no.food.rules on ig) pisses me off to no end. she purports to be an eating disorder recovery specialist but is visibly malnourished and looks 50 at the supposed age of 30-32, and all of her videos are her gloating about how she has sooo much control over her eating habits and doesn't think about calories like the other girls. if you scroll back far enough on her ig, there is some genuinely unnerving content of her dressing up as a child and smearing food on her haggard face. the worst of her content has calmed a bit, but she still simulates binges and seems unlikely to recover or stop shilling her "anti dieting" tips

No. 2086686

Most insufferable holier-than-thou curse to my YouTube feed

No. 2086729

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I can't believe she actually posted this and I really don't want to believe this story. 27 year old woman and most likely accompanied by her mother on this trip.

No. 2086737

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No. 2086755

Honestly this person may be milky enough for their own thread

No. 2086760

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If any Nona wants to make a thread go for it

No. 2086762

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I can’t imagine lil peeps family and friends seeing this shit lmfao someone tag toopoor

No. 2086766

Agreed, she feels like the new Margaret Palermo at least where the batshit beliefs are concerned kek, someone please do a thread

No. 2086771

File: 1739041244127.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1179x2150, IMG_7065.jpeg)

>I am a demon
>give me money and follow me

No. 2086772

Jesus fuck the amount of mental breakdowns she has daily are insane. She needs to be inpatient/therapy and stop fucking crying on the camera
>I can heal people
>incoherent BPD meltdown

No. 2086774

Another ghost boyfriend of Megan’s

No. 2087088

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I don’t understand how she keeps getting around with younger people the way that she does Kek maybe her spells are true and honest

No. 2087090

idk either, one of my personal cows(my mom’s ex-tenant) is like 45 but dresses and acts like she’s 19 and dates men decades younger than her, some were even decent looking. If I had to guess, it comes down to them just wanting to sleep with her, but those men probably have no standards or have form of fetish for older women dressing like slutty 20-somethings

No. 2087102

sounds based. moids expect women in their 40's to be asexual or their hospice wives.(sage your shit)

No. 2087121

any woman over 35 who is in decent shape can have her pick of young moids with mommy issues

No. 2087125

t. one of said women.

No. 2087168

File: 1739142311727.jpeg (167.64 KB, 731x702, IMG_3151.jpeg)

Karlyn Borysenko is someone who I’ve been hoping gets a thread one of these days. I think I or someone else (I have a piss poor memory) posted her in /pt/ but basically
>Used to be a leftist but because some MAGAs were nice to her she became a hardcore Trump supporter
>She’s lost basically all her Trumpie friends and support from PragerU because a couple years back she tweeted the take in pic related.
>She got into multiple screaming matches with Hunter Avallone as a result and to this day has only become more of a brain rotten new age spiritualist
>She cheated on her husband because she thought she was soulmates with another guy in her past life and spam DMed him
>When she got called out for spamming that guy’s DMs she claimed it was a “dark night of the soul”
>Has completely fallen off the deep end, admitted to doing a shitton of psychedelic drugs, reading a bunch of new age books, and as of a couple months ago started watching “afterlife interviews” that psychics claim to do by channeling people like Hitler and the guy who tried to assassinate Trump as well the “higher self” of Trump and has invited people on her channel who claim to be able to do this
>Had psychics on to “read the energy” of online figures which even Shoe0nHead called out, she also became a meme for acting dumb during one of her Twitter arguments with Shoe
Literally the only thing she’s missing is claiming to be a Starseed and she would basically be the prime example of a new age cow

No. 2087199

>Used to be a leftist but because some MAGAs were nice to her she became a hardcore Trump supporter
most radfems tbh

No. 2087215

Radfem is not the same as Trumpie

No. 2087235

File: 1739152526570.jpg (75.22 KB, 585x344, 1738960052804.jpg)

I'm talking about actual/former radfems who are praising trump and elon

No. 2087535

Karlyn associates with some hilarious people too. In this livestream, at like an hour and 50 minutes, one of her psychic friends named Jennifire admits to obsessing over some guy who wasn’t interested in her and claims to have meditated into the “Akashic Records” of the universe. She then says she looked into this guy’s past life and said it was Karma keeping the two apart because Jennifer apparently didn’t get along with him in a past life. Years later Jennifer moved on to some other guy who she married and got annoyed with the previous guy when he started crushing on her and said it was too late. Looks like crazy soul mate / twin flame shit runs in Karlyn’s friend group.

No. 2087543

>ai music

No. 2087551

Voting for a rapist who helped overturn Roe v. Wade precludes you from being a feminist. Just like how calling yourself a woman doesn't make you one when you have a penis. Material reality matters more than how people identify, and the material reality is that these people are traitors to women for putting a anti-choice rapist in the white house.

No. 2087556

Girl I knew who told me casually she watched CP all the time and had been doing so since she was 12. She got off to the fact it was illegal and that it was even more edgy than watching gore. Enough said.

No. 2087561

When these people talk about visiting different planes and reading people's past lives, they're lying right? They know they're lying, they know the other one is lying, it's like when children play together, they know they're not real mutant ninja turtles, right? Or do they know they themselves are lying but the other is telling the truth?
I mean, they didn't experience that, they made it up.
After recording stuff like this do they stay in character and keep lying to each other?

No. 2087580

I have no idea what political group she's trying to pander to now but you people find the weirdest things to try and drag someone for. she's right though before Trump got an office and before Zuckerberg made that statement your account would get banned if you so much It's called an obvious man co-opting a sex he's not a man. musk is a vile man producing cars that that have so many flaws that they could literally put people's lives at risk and he is a total fraud but you can't deny that he had not bought Twitter you would still be seeing feminists losing their accounts for calling any TiM a man in any context.

No. 2087594

Even if she was lying, what a bleak and weird thing for her to want people to believe.

No. 2087599

So the point of her content is that she…doesn't have an eating disorder? I mean, good for her but that just seems a bit pointless kek (and I'm not sure if I believe her)

No. 2087647

Past lives are real and you are too soulless and narrow-minded to understand or comprehend that fact.

No. 2087692

gaia cb user blissey bliss whose irl name is danielle. she pays scrotes in her discord to dox people and harasses them via subscribing them to a variety of platforms, spam texts and emails, sending diapers and pizzas to their homes, uses nudes as blackmail, etcetera. a real character.

No. 2087700

She sounds based as fuck, actually.

No. 2087701

NTA but only if she uses her powers on scrotes.

No. 2087706

she’s certainly entertaining
she goes after anyone

No. 2087709

File: 1739287227492.png (104.01 KB, 528x808, cudyepaypalme70quidbruv.PNG)

I remember in 2019 when she asked me for money & everyone who followed her at the time kek

No. 2087712

File: 1739287368099.mp4 (1.63 MB, 720x720, z1.mp4)

No. 2087713

Why is she WHISPERING kek

No. 2087802

She has like 30+ videos on her channel about this stuff. I’m pretty sure she genuinely believes every word of this
What is proof? Why would you even wanna keep reincarnating throughout trillions of years or trillions of times of the universe resetting? I don’t think any religious/spiritual people actually consider the implications of living forever

No. 2087904

File: 1739320896119.png (161.03 KB, 1080x987, ScalziTheCreep2.png)

Samefagging here again,maybe because you are a shitty author who can't write for shit?get a fucking clue you old fuck.man,sometimes I find him milky to be honest.(integrate)

No. 2087985

most gaia cb users are actual basement dwellers who couldn’t turn off the computer and go outside to save their life

No. 2087993

File: 1739333408147.jpg (26.35 KB, 470x619, wowjustlikegriffith.jpg)

After seeing this post, I occasionally check her twitter and saw this. It has twice the likes of any of her pathetic 'cosplays' too. Nothing says radical feminist lesbian like posting thirst traps for men.

No. 2088003

Had a personal cow that I check on every few years. I feel sorry for her. But god damn I'd be lying if I didn't laugh.
>undercover french tif
>watercolor artist
>allergic to improving art for some reason
>learns english by only learning swears and insults
>garners friends by being the most aggressive person out there with the funniest insults
>insults have a degree of truth in them, but they only seem to be targetting men with low selfesteem
>claims to be around 5'1"|152.5cm
>surrounds self with girls and tries to seem like a tough mf
>early days of the tif phenomenon, nothing seems to stand out as a red flag
>actually convincing up until they revealed voice in a call
>tried giving period advice and was snapped at by every woman friend
>reveals that they are a tif because women are weak and identifying as a male makes you stronger
>tries to teach about the intricacies of autism and why it's not debilitating or harmful but a buff
>have my doubts but sure ok lets hear their side
>current friend group is all female artists and a few male writers on a team to make a comic
>lead male writer's gf dresses him up
>lead male writer considers trooning out
>entire female team against it because its retarded that wearing a dress would make him a woman
>female art friends all reassure cow that being a woman doesn't make you weak and is perfectly fine
>cow instead talks to one of the people reading the comic (another tif) and loses all progress in accepting oneself as woman
>hard corrects into REALLY BEING A MAN
>no longer makes insults towards men but wants to be politically correct at all times
>comic group dissolves due to lead writer not taking his meds and cow insisting lesbian representation needs to be addressed but personally is a totally for reals male
>comic in question has zero romance and is purely about self reflection
>essentially was just about our self-inserts as parodies with unique problems based on our individual experiences (cringe but was done for fun)
>cow decides that everyone on the comic team was a bigot
>one of the female team members accidentally called cow on skype when deleting contacts
>cow goes full schizo in another server, making up reasons for why she was called
>claims the person was doing it to mess with them intentionally
>separates from everyone except for the fellow tif
>gets even more depressed and starts projecting onto hannibal
>starts saying they are some sort of lost prophet or some shit
>starts claiming they will fight god and can surpass god

Leaving out some details that would require excessive context.

No. 2088029

>Why would you even wanna keep reincarnating
Because life is beautiful. I hope you can have more wonder and joy in your life nona

No. 2088053

File: 1739355619177.mp4 (4.94 MB, 720x720, sheinsidemymindvroontumblr.mp4)

A personal cow of mine that was found on tumblr a yr ago & I can't find information on him anywhere, which is surprising because he is pretty milky imo. I feel like I need to document incase he deletes or is terminated kek.
even if none of the schizo shit was attached, his face actually scares the fuck out of me
lots of layers to this, I'm planning on just sharing as much as I can & maybe anyone who reads can piece together wtf is happening lol
(I know nothing about sematary or elusin, this has lead me down a shitfucked rabbit hole)

>"most accurate documentation of psychic abilities on the internet from the perspective of being abused" (his words)

>schizoposts about elusin, a girl who worked on 9 scarecrows with sematary
>claims elusin, her sister & friend are in his mind
>claims elusin psychically attacked sematary & copied his music to get clout
>"she's is in my mind, she watches me poop & steals my beats before i can make it"
>hears voices in his head
>"they stop my intestines from functioning & send electrical pulses to my brain"
>made a public psa of elusin on her subreddit & schizoing at commentors
>"im so normal & unordinary, all i did was follow her on instagram"
>posting elusin's family with full names & facebooks on his blog
>"they keep blocking me cause she tells them lies!!!"
>"psychics have a brain that can connect to other brains. to put it simply all she is - is a dumb bitch. incredibly dumb"

No. 2088054

File: 1739355678799.png (62.49 KB, 542x815, sheinsidemymindvro.PNG)

No. 2088055

File: 1739356101569.png (63.54 KB, 440x829, sheinsidemymindvro2.PNG)

No. 2088057

File: 1739356260709.gif (1.54 MB, 220x275, 1000032811.gif)

>They are a bunch of retards

No. 2088060

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No. 2088090

I'd like to reincarnate into a more beautiful life.

No. 2088113

File: 1739378055562.jpeg (167.04 KB, 644x656, IMG_9080.jpeg)

I haven’t seen anyone post about this woman (@sickb_tch on Tik Tok) but she’s a blatantly obvious munchie and no one calls her out.
>claims to have EDS, gastroperosis, dismotility, schizoaffective disorder, dematographism, POTS, endometriosis, OCD, dysautonomia, ASD, CPTSD, interstitial cystitis, and IBS
>says she got a 3rd degree burn on her leg and when she went to the hospital the staff were calling her crazy and saying she was on drugs
>says she was discharged after a few days and she’s waiting at home for skin graft surgery(???)
>later decides it’s actually a 4th degree burn
>it’s been a year now and she still hasn’t shown what her leg looks like
>everyone in the comments eats it up

No. 2088117

File: 1739378722484.webp (28.12 KB, 394x464, vA9_PEb7Apf9S118Sz0iT6SPdgAXG_…)

one of my personal cows from back in the day was methed-up-samurai from tumblr.
>pathological liar
>insane meth junkie
>would bitch about his ex-wife all the time
>would run around his town with a machete
>constantly made up stories
>claimed to be on a mission to rescue a woman from human trafficking in Mexico
>developed a big fan base
>the kids on tumbler idolised him
>would make really cringey edits
>thought he was a supreme warrior
>everyone was below him
>would post crazy schizo shit all the time

I wonder what he's doing now

No. 2088118

File: 1739378757847.jpeg (70.79 KB, 426x720, DuqLz5jWoAA72fH.jpeg)

No. 2088120

File: 1739379172345.png (545.08 KB, 942x754, Screen Shot 2025-02-12 at 4.50…)

his tumblrina fans ate this up.

No. 2088124

I love/hate her, the faces she pulls when 'eating' and generally in her vids make me want to scream. There's a reddit snark page about her too.

No. 2088135

I'm curious as to how these kinds of accounts show up on your feed. What are nonnies searching because I've never once seen anything diet related and I've been on youtube since 2008

No. 2088145

She must be insanely dehydrated and raising her eyebrows hard as hell because those cresses on her forehead are crazy

No. 2088157

This selfie is biblical

No. 2088169

im being judgemental but the bangs and nose piercings instantly tell me she's insane. theyre like telltale signs at this point lol

No. 2088265

this reply is so late but holy fuck, i legitimately hate this girl. all her posts are about how men love her and women hate her and how other autists are lame and weird while she's a flowers/crashing waves/aesthetic autist. it's weird how her description of autism is the literal exact opposite of any symptoms.

No. 2088442

ngl this selfie goes insanely hard

No. 2089263

File: 1739639541900.jpeg (Spoiler Image,698.95 KB, 828x1194, CA7CC73D-6743-4737-99D1-5E9842…)

@go3erat (Josie) and @xx_elztruly (Eliana) are two teenage alcoholic drug addicts and substance abusers that follow a low low life of crime, substance abuse, and harm to themselves and other vulnerable individuals.

No. 2089265

> Josie is in a sexual relationship with her opioid dealer
> Elz, Josie, and the opioid dealer tried to have a threesome
> josie lies about a used condom claiming two other people at a party had sex to cover herself
> Elz reports the innocent person to her school and lies saying they are gonna murder someone and sell marijuana

No. 2089406

My old flatmate is the biggest irlcow I've ever met. We ended up living together due to being assigned random housemates at university. The university accommodation was "single gender" (so female only) and this was a TIF LMAO

>He/him TIF, 5'2, had given herself a name like a Victorian child

>was a self proclaimed gay man/yaoi boi but had a girlfriend?
>They were also polyamorous kek. the girlfriend would cry herself to sleep but they both swore up and down that they were the happiest couple on earth
>absolute degenerate, drew MLP porn and tried to show me it multiple times
>also drew Sonic, Spyro, Steven Universe, and Ratchet and Clank nsfw
>munchie who self diagnosed herself with everything from autism and ADHD, BPD, hernias, arthritis, tooth decay, and Dysentry (in a place with safe drinking water in England kek)
>had a screaming meltdown after being asked to stop leaving food-covered dishes in the sink (muh ADHD)
>Showed us all her sex toys within a week of knowing her
>Wore her dragon muzzle/mask thing in public

No. 2089410

I love methed-up-samurai. I used to spam reblog his bullshit as a teenager because I found his meth ramblings funny. We were mutuals for a while. He definitely did not know I wasn't an adult and thankfully never did any weird shit in my dm's, just an incredible trainwreck to watch.

No. 2089431

My former supervisor was a minor cow of mine while I worked with her:
>fat, short, blue frizzy hair
>openly bragged about writing Naruto fanfiction, claimed she was paid for it
>unrepentant TRA/handmaiden, single handedly responsible for labeling every bathroom in our office gender neutral
>poly, married to balding it cuck she met on wow/second life/some bullshit like that
>claimed to be non binary/intersex, insisted on it/its/itself pronouns
>constantly laughing loudly but never sounded sincere, seemed more pissed about other people having fun than anything
>simped for Muslim moids, proudly recounted the time she allowed one to grope her and didn't call the cops on him so he wouldn't be deported

No. 2090618

File: 1739961332286.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x1987, IMG_1481.jpeg)

My personal cow is this fat gay moid that buys up a ton of sponsored posts on Instagram. I always get his “ads” on my feed when scrolling.
>He’s not even advertising a business or service, his “sponsored posts” are just his selfies with “baddie” captions in broken English
>All of the comments on his posts say things like “why is this an advertisement” and people calling him a fat faggot
>He replies to every negative comment he gets with shit like “your jhust jealous of me xx”
>Atrocious fashion, even for a gay moid
>Constantly talks about gay faggot sex and owning his “haters” (who are of course just secretly jealous of him)

No. 2090634

File: 1739966915366.jpeg (550.79 KB, 1179x1512, IMG_1873.jpeg)

Alaskan incel who constantly posts about how to be a good and chaste Christian (picrel) yet hornyposts on his stories constantly. Genuinely concerned he will commit an act of violence one day, venturing into horrorcow territory

No. 2090725

File: 1739992021217.mp4 (9.61 MB, 540x756, az_recorder_20250219_140230_co…)

a franchewla thread would be so cool. he's fucking hilarious. in between posting emotional meltdowns in his story (usually about his failure to abstain from porn and whining about not getting girls in between calling women "wenches") he posts these gay ass flexing and dancing videos. he also has several songs posted where he raps about da haturs with his autistic speech impediments. apparently lives in poverty and squalor in Alaska with his equally if not more weird twin brother the_notorious_kjv. sorry for the shitty video quality i was having issues with the screen recorder and after multiple attempts this is the best i could do

No. 2090931

nta but KEK i love this faggot and it’s even funnier that there’s TWO of them

No. 2090994

Javie Milei is a massive cow. He recently got involved in a rugpull. I really wish we had a political cows thread because he's super milky, outside of his recent rugpull scam he also
>has a super weird relationship with his sister, who's the vicepresident
>cloned his dogs
>constantly spergs out on twitter instead of managing the country
>used to dress as a cringe lolbertarian superhero and roam weeb conventions

No. 2092009

File: 1740254890067.png (302.79 KB, 1080x1734, ScalziTheCreepAgain.png)

Wow, and now he fully admits being terminally online like the pathetic, worthless, old, ugly jackass he is. again the bragging about blocking people, just stfu already. I hate his retarded old ass and his retarded white knights so much as well. I hope he gets his life ruined.

No. 2092941

My coworker is something of a personal cow. I guess.

>19 year old college drop out

>"gay boy" who is actually a straight girl
>obsessed with yaoi
>fries her hair to be white like Gojo
>wears circular sunglasses indoors to "look like Gojo" or whatever
>tries to look Asian with make up and eye tape but is a blue eye naturally dirty blond white girl
>fetishizes Asian men
>talks loudly about yaoi in front of our coworkers

No. 2094700

Clara Dao, glad i stumbled upon this video bc i never got a good vibe from her, first video i saw of hers was one where she'd claim her body is completely healthy that i doubted bc iirc no woman can have a completely flat bust bc the fat in the breasts is different than the fat you put on with weight gain and if a woman has a completely flat chest it's because she is so malnourished her body is surviving off the fat in her breasts? idk, but regardless i never bought it, and her supposed body positivity content was always more cringey than inspiring.

No. 2094701

samefag the video title is so retardedly dramatic for something so mundane kek

No. 2094738

>political cows thread
late reply but that sounds like a great idea, someone more knowledgeable about politics than me should make it

No. 2094750

File: 1740943861918.jpeg (772.27 KB, 1170x1240, IMG_0959.jpeg)

Gigi Henson/minoudoll
Married to Tim Henson from Polyphia. Uncanny plastic surgery to look Asian that looks painful

No. 2094753

Bratz dolls really shaped a whole generation’s BDD expression damn.

No. 2094799

Well, she's a lot less ghoulish than Lisa Yo, but she still looks like a silicone sex doll. What's her actual race?

No. 2094809

Its obvious she is trying to look like a bratz doll, not an asian woman. Kek

No. 2094854

mixed west african/spanish/indigenous from Puerto Rico. Also allegedly proud of it despite blasting any of her own ethnic features to smithereens(learn to sage)

No. 2094901

This is not plastic surgery to look asian.

No. 2094950

File: 1740998933041.jpg (539.58 KB, 2048x1536, 2081573.jpg)

her current x.com profile is @cyncyncyn2k, soundcloud is @cyn2k

No. 2095008

File: 1741012484543.png (947.89 KB, 3261x3235, 1000006903.png)

drew this to sum up a personal cow of mine who infiltrated our friend group and destroyed it by fucking every guy and turning us against each other lol. This happened in college but I'm still kinda salty about it

No. 2095025

Kek I like your art nona.
>blackout contacts from shein
Good news! She'll be blind within the year.

No. 2095252

File: 1741054394973.jpeg (453.4 KB, 1125x765, IMG_5707.jpeg)

wish there was a thread on her but im afraid itd attract tiktok zoomers and make her stop producing so much milk

No. 2095306

i had no idea she was still around tbh. i thought she and aya had left the internet bc of the fact they were friends with that irony gram pedo who bullied them. still have no idea why on earth they would befriend let alone hangout irl with someone like that.

No. 2095310

Kek why does she dm so many random people. She has dmed me and a friend of mine before too despite us never having interacted with her account before. I had no idea she did it to literally everyone.

No. 2095314

wait, are they a TIF?? my guilty pleasure is scrolling through their tiktok, they're practically cow status there and on twitter

No. 2095325

please anon i beg you to make a thread, i love her milk. We just need to make it extra transphobic so the zoomies dont set foot in it. Her lying about being blasian gay man when she's obviously a woman and looks pasty as fuck is so hilarious to me. We also need more artcows that arent horror-tier like fanny.

No. 2095332

File: 1741073681842.jpg (606.63 KB, 1536x2048, 2095306.jpg)

Plenty of those RW girls completely rebranded—H8cinder, for example, went from posting takes to being a full-on loli-pandering cosplayer lol
Also, what's the deal with "irony gram pedo"?

No. 2095340

Thanks nona! I did this quickly and out of spite so it could probably have been better… and yes! God willing.

No. 2095349

File: 1741077715005.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1349, 1000054611.png)

Personal cow: an overweight indian girl studying in USA who's obsessed with dating white guys. She has habit of trauma dumping on literally every person she meets. She'll recount her sob story about her white boyfriend is weird, then brags about her oh so awesome life and how she's going to become president one day (yikes what are we? 5?). I don't understand how she gets so many people to be friends with her. Oh and she has zero empathy. Thinks it's ok to brag about men who are interested in her, to her boyfriend (I also don't get how come many men like her, she's unattractive)

No. 2095353


who gives a shit lol

No. 2095361

That's not an Indian girl it's a white woman pretending to be exotic for lefty points and more views and likes from thirsty Indians kek. And yes she's very pretty because she's white, if she was actually Indian she would be fugly.

>inb4 but pale Indians exist!!!

I'm aware kek I've seen pale Indians but even with pale skin they still have that ugly jeet bone structure, bug eyes, hook nose, blunt square chins, excessive body hair, brown armpits and knees, low hairy forehead, huge lips with brown border etc which she doesn't have.(racebait)

No. 2095362

I didn't find anything about her being Indian. Says her name is Renee Susan Murden and she's Irish-Anglo Australian.

No. 2095376

that's a man, watch him in motion and listen to the voice and it's obvious

No. 2095389

yeah she's a tif i also like browsing her twitter for fresh milk now and then

i would do it myself if i had an idea on what to write on the summary other than the fact that she's a cringey lightskin tif who larps as blasian gay male

No. 2095459

File: 1741109335564.jpg (599.25 KB, 1080x1781, 1000028292.jpg)

NAYRT but yeah. I'll say his voice could almost fool someone but everything else is a dead giveaway. Even the reddit moid ass phrasing of the tweet >>2048069 clocks him. Uhhh it IS cool that I'm hot, ACKTUALLY!

No. 2095562

tranny saying "dont reinforce societies views on gender!" is a crazy lack of self-awareness kek

No. 2095617

i hope someone makes a thread on her—she truly fascinates me. i think she may have actually studied japanese, since her handwriting and grammar is decent, but all of her blogposts are too absurd and self indulgent to not be self insert fanfiction.(sage your shit)

No. 2095630

Really? Her handwriting is horrible, it's not even elementary school level and you can tell she didn't grow up in Japan or properly learn it. It just looks like she tries to copy characters based on the shape alone without any care for the stroke order. Even KF shat on it a bunch.

No. 2095674

He’s a dude? Hah, no wonder I always found him insufferable and unfunny.

No. 2095675

Nonnie, you're right. TAYRT is probably a self-taught Japanese student like Pumpkin. She makes a ton of odd syntax choices, and her kanji are hardly legible.

No. 2095688

his name is dilly, idk his current @ bc his accs get taken down constantly. cynical and aya were friends with him for ages even though he bullied them publicly. they met irl multiple times iirc

No. 2095697

File: 1741149453949.jpeg (362.21 KB, 750x972, AD916C99-01D2-4944-A49B-155664…)

one of my fav im totes nihonjin moment of her is this one
yeah this is totally not her writing to herself in shitty self taught japanese kek

No. 2095698

File: 1741149502620.jpeg (123.22 KB, 921x1303, C283EADE-EA3E-4A56-90FC-207E98…)

No. 2095762

can't wait for this bitch's downfall, she's so annoying

No. 2095805

one duolingo lesson be like(learn to sage)

No. 2095830

this dialogue feels ai generated(double replying to the same post)

No. 2095922

found a bed-rotting munchie lambasting the stupid disability bunny plushies for ~infantilizing muh autism~
>Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsbarbieparis?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
>YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@itsbarbiepariss

>day 9 of vlogging my life as a disabled sahm

>drinks Monster Energy
>does gaudy makeup
>lays out on Florida deck
>paints nails
>binges off camera while watching TV
>vlogs eating cucumbers
>nary a child to be seen

>What I Look Like in Accessible Clothing

>buys dress from Aldi that is way too small
>she says she bought medium
>explains how difficult it is to get on and off
>that's a large medium
>explains how she uses her wheelchair to scoot around her house on her ass, ~fer mi cumfort heehee~

>find Instagram

>they/them pronouns
>it's full of positive comments
>has Shayna's pink disease where all she buys is garbage furniture bUt iT's PiiiiiiiNk!!!!~``!!

No. 2095928

My personal lolcow to this day is a girl I used to send silly anonymous asks on tumblr to when I was 13. She had a radfem Tumblr and called herself a "trans inclusionary radical feminist," which was a bit of an oxymoron. I used to send asks telling her she's not a real radfem and she'd get so mad. Eventually, she posted a face reveal with her TIM "girlfriend" and had "transfemme" in the tags, so I congratulated her on her MTF transition. She got so mad, she told me to kill myself on liveleak so she could masturbate to my death. I stopped poking the cow after that because I started high school and had very little time to do it. Her telling me to kill myself didn't go well with her tranny crowd, and they accused her of being transphobic because she got offended at being referred to as a tranny. She eventually left radblr altogether, but posted her personal Instagram, and I just had to watch the journey. She stopped being a radfem and documented her anti feminism journey, where she pretty much just said women are all awful and men are the best. Her moid detransitioned and started listening to "Alpha Male" podcasts.

No. 2095970

Yeah the handwriting is basically the Japanese equivalent of someone who grew up in the West not knowing how to write the alphabet. The grammar and syntax are terrible too

No. 2096006

File: 1741230080986.jpeg (420.42 KB, 757x1536, IMG_7938.jpeg)

Japanese can have some really terrible handwriting (picrel, ignore the fact it's from a PMMM character sheet…). What gives her away is the stroke order is completely off on several elementary school kanji. Also her constant use of "ore" is kind of weird since it's a pretty casual pronoun

No. 2096012

her hiragana looks like ass what? it kind if looks like she traced over one of those aesthetic fonts.

No. 2096030

they also made a comic about how their totally real japanese mother molested them because they look like their totally real absent black father

No. 2096042

can you post it? i remember it being an uncle, not her mother. Was it the same comic where she drew herself wearing a female school uniform? thread when

No. 2096051

Why are you using they, it's obvious she's a woman

No. 2096076

nta some of us who are esl just use they out of habit

No. 2096082

healing from handmaiden phase
I'd love to make a thread about her, but going to any of her social media gives me brain damage

No. 2096099

Fucking TIFs and their gay self insert trauma porn fanfictions, I swear… always writing themselves as the most uwuest and damaged gay bois alive. It's why I can't stand Vivzie's garbage because I get trauma flashbacks to that cringe late 00's yaoi fanfic era with every tired trope you can imagine. Yaoi was truly a mistake kek

No. 2096114

File: 1741274120084.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1125x1451, IMG_5833.jpeg)

NTAYRT but I found the trauma dump comic where she was talking about how her drunken mom made her wear a kimono then started getting mad at her. Imagine giving your daughter a pretty kimono and doing her hair just for her to make shit up about it on the internet kek

Plese nonitas we really need a pumpkin thread so bad

No. 2096116

File: 1741274263853.jpeg (111.85 KB, 2048x1357, IMG_5834.jpeg)

No. 2096172

File: 1741285475657.jpeg (182.54 KB, 2048x1335, IMG_7149.jpeg)

the only reason it's "obvious she's a woman" is because she's supposedly some different known person who's a woman, and i couldn't remember how thoroughly proven that theory was, it's been a while. don't get mad about pronouns. only one kind of person gets mad about pronouns


molested by alcoholic japanese mom comic

https://archive.ph/0ejq9 another abusive mom comic with a "proof" photo of her own blood-covered arm at the end(?????)

No. 2096173

its not fully archived. I think it would be better to make a thread to archive all her milk an inconsistencies at this point.

No. 2096184

I want a pumpkin thread so badly. Also wasn't she was mutuals with Fanny Perret? I swear there was a neospring ask where Fanny responded about the accusations of them being in a relationship or something like that. It seems like no normal person wants to be friends with Pump, its only chronically online twitter artists like fallenchungus and the creator of that one deleted "i didn’t knew you were a man" comic.

No. 2096189

Lmao this just reads as her being both chatters. Using "anata" and "nandayo?" sounds so rude

No. 2096190

>Pumpkin is DetinyMoon
Yeah, I really believe that theory, especially when her last activity logs were of her pretending to be an 18 year old boy named Alex who later came out as trans (tif). But even if it's not the same person, everything about this user is fake, which hurts that has idiots who believe it.(It would be easier to tell if they are the same person if this user drew more than just her stupid avatar telling her fake story)(sage your shit)

No. 2096192

File: 1741289316907.jpg (21.88 KB, 527x250, 6233201-2171ba5a5de82f754c37fa…)

pumpkin is not destiny but she used to go by Maika Studio

No. 2096200

>wait, are they a TIF??
of course she's a tif, no male would ever depict himself like this >>2095252, even her attempts to be masculine are just really really feminine

No. 2096272

Why would a guy ever draw this. It's so easy to clock her as female, the only people falling for it are her retarded 14 year old tiktok followers. I hope Pumpkin gets a thread, the funniest thing she's ever done is post a sweatpants "dick" pic kek

No. 2096452

File: 1741363819515.png (39.39 KB, 938x192, Screenshot 2025-03-07 110231.p…)

>Maika Johnson
Cool, a name! Is she from Chicago, perchance? I can't view the profile because I don't have LinkedIn, but someone with an account may have better luck.

No. 2096455

not sure but pump lives in America

No. 2096462

i dont think thats her, that person has been working since 2013 and pump stated several times that shes 19 and was born in 2005

iirc she got doxxed before by tiktok zoomers last year and they managed to find photos of her on ig but she quickly swept it under the rug and claimed it was her cousin thread pls

No. 2096492

i don't think maika studios is actually 19, she was around for a few years wasn't she? as far as i know this is a 20-something latina woman pretending to be a 19-year-old blasian man

No. 2096514

File: 1741377696499.jpeg (290.39 KB, 828x1175, IMG_7940.jpeg)

this is all so strange. i looked through maika's socials and website, and admittedly her art on the maikacoffeeart IG page looks a lot different from the stuff pumpkin was posting at the same time on her tiktok and twitter, based on their respective posts from spring 2023. i would think they were separate people if not for this damning post from her youtube (picrel).

No. 2096523

nobody in the comments believe her. Her first mistake was to log in her old account when being accused of being the same person

No. 2096532

There is no doubt they are one and the same. Vidrel uses an annoying voice changer and handmaiden language, but nonetheless lays out a good timeline. Also I just stalked her TT, and she was saying she was Latino as recently as 2023, and she (supposedly) lives in California now.

No. 2096550

is maika Johnson even her real name?

No. 2096564

It's likely her real name, since it's the one listed on her LinkedIn, which has personal references addressing her as Maika and links to the Maika accounts.

No. 2096658

I mean this is extremely evident from the get-go.

No. 2097034

File: 1741496523606.jpeg (429.58 KB, 1125x920, IMG_5899.jpeg)

It is, someone who presumably knows her in real life is trying to doxx her at the moment. She keeps insisting that it's her cousin at every claims.

If it gets confirmed it's her, she might nuke everything so we gotta hurry that thread up

No. 2097060

File: 1741501150506.jpeg (589.39 KB, 1170x1165, IMG_8062.jpeg)

Why do her idiot orbiters keep calling her a minor if she’s supposed to be 19? The vendettachan threats to dox her are fucking weird, but she’s not a minor. Is that the only defense their shriveled little brains can come up with?

No. 2097133

I'm sorry for asking to be spoonfeed but was there any other old milk besides the addressed allegations and that mother comic?

No. 2097193

File: 1741536397256.png (141.85 KB, 720x664, screenshit.png)

They're referring to her totally real cousin who is apparently underage and Pumpkin is saying that pic of her >>2097034 is actually of her cousin

No. 2097203

>male parts on other account
Yeah, the banana stuffed in her pants

No. 2097211

sorry for double replying but if Maika is actually her cousin then why don't they just take a picture together in the same room as a proof?

No. 2097305

Got rid of my personal lolcow a couple of months (troon in a mutual friendsgroup who kept promoting hentai manga/generally being an unbearable coomer) bc he finally crossed a line when he started trying to constantly bring up 'Gushing Over Magical Girls' and ragequit when I told him it was fucking disgusting because of how young the characters were

apparently the character sheets got released and the main character/self-insert rapist is FOURTEEN YEARS OLD and the youngest girl she attacks iS FUCKING EIGHT
i feel so validated right now in getting rid of him but i also can't mention this to any of our mutuals because they'd probably think it was 'transphobic' to even bring it up
he streams as a VTuber and the way he chooses to represent himself as this uwu infantile pinku bby gorl while masturbating to fantasies of raping middle-schoolers needs to be put on fucking blast frankly. i hate the way that medium allows the most disgusting unwashed creeps to LARP as uwu anime girls.

No. 2097337

File: 1741564596551.webp (10.54 KB, 568x240, IMG_7168.webp)

The mother comic is just one of many comics about a totally made-up life growing up in Japan and being sexually abused at various points. I think a latina woman pretending to be a black 19-year-old male to the point of stuffing her pants with a banana is milk by itself, but the constant bad japanese, the stories about Pumpkin being made to wear a skirt to school by his uncle or becoming hypersexual as a direct result of witnessing his alcoholic japanese mom getting fucked by a john, the text conversations, but also the japanese ID, it's just fucking surreal to think that all of that was made up. You don't normally get an old-fashioned crazy person like that anymore.

No. 2097347

I wonder if that passport is fake as well or she used somebody else's?

No. 2097680

Theres this moid i know in my community who i find kinda obnoxious
>has cheated on his gf in the past and got called out for it on social media causing him to take a hiatus
>constantly brings up his height being 6’2 and asian
>was hooking up with ex (idk if its the one he cheated on) but is trying to pursue a new gf
>broke af but for some reason girls in his circle pay for his shit probably cause they wanna fuck?
>pretty haggard looking despite it all, makes a lot of bad decisions when it comes to his health

No. 2097766

File: 1741675346234.jpg (57.72 KB, 414x736, IMG_20250303_182521.jpg)

She really is something. I want to know more . She is honestly pretty wild

No. 2097825

If you want to take testosterone or just like digitally larp as the opposite gender whatever I guess, but when you're making up wild stories about being sexually abused by your mom and forced to cross dress like… you're literally just cosplaying as your stupid oc and trying to force other people to acknowledge it as your real life experience. Aside from it being embarrassing it's so fucking weird, especially going as far as to print a fake Japanese passport for your OC you're rping as. I'm assuming they're 19 right? So super young but they should quit while they're ahead and get like support, help, etc. because transitioning to larp as a stupid ass lame OC is a sign of deeper issues you're likely to regret I imagine

No. 2097826

>find image of Japanese passport
>copy image into any editing software
>add random info in matching font
>staple or stuff into booklet
>take super low res out of focus image
Child's play really

No. 2097834

File: 1741699605359.jpg (63.8 KB, 989x470, Fanny.jpg)

Maika follows Fanny? Or pump is a different artist?

No. 2097837

Not to be a bitch but if your friend group saw this mess and thought "Yeah, let's totally befriend her!" Then they had it coming.

No. 2097839

File: 1741700810575.jpg (620.32 KB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20250311_154446_X.j…)

it's about pumpkin defending her girlfriend following fanny, picrel is her defending fanny's shit https://x.com/Kabocha_lad69/status/1856923512667017480?t=kTZpz9uE2LMKvqQn1j22kA&s=19

No. 2097841

she's huffing copium so hard here. The way Maika is so openly sexually aggressive, i will not be at all surprised if she has rape or cnc kink

No. 2097842

File: 1741701910965.jpg (132.5 KB, 1080x585, 1000047399.jpg)

I'm so happy to see someone else mention this particular type of munchie. as someone who's been in a chair my whole life, they're especially infuriatingly retarded and milky. picrel is one of dozens of stupid posts I see weekly on the wheelchairs subreddit (low hanging fruit tbh but still), the title was something like "do I actually need a wheelchair or do I just want one?" unsurprisingly, as you can see from her flair thing, most of these types are cluster b-adjacent gendies

No. 2097846

off topic but the "gf"(kami/kamari) in question was a TIM

No. 2097848

holy shit please share her @

No. 2097852

Without actual hardship people make their own, I think it’s why there are so many lazy munchies creating disabilities for themselves. My heart goes out to you nonna, at least you can actually have a leg to stand on (sorry) when it comes to mocking the transdisabled lel

No. 2097867

Kinda glad Pumpkingentleman got introduced to this thread. He has so much milk on his tiktok account it's laughable. He's been a personal lolcow of mine for a minute because I'd get some drama involving him on my tiktok fyp, and I blocked his ass because I thought his stuff was cringe, but it's so funny.

He blocks anyone who calls him out, makes a shit ton of vent posts about them on both his tiktok and twitter, and tends to draw himself more attractive than he actually is. I feel he needs a thread of his own at this point ngl.

No. 2097872

>on my tiktok fyp
>reddit spacing
Lurk moar newfag

No. 2097881

On the topic of Pumpkin, she posted a picture of her "dick" on her NSFW account. Link: https://x.com/Kabocha_lad69/status/1852843339072053614

No. 2097884

To be fair I only knew surface level Pumpkin shit. But honestly, I don't think it even deserves to be called actual pronouns, because it's deplorable to even consider it human.

No. 2097886

File: 1741711012380.png (31.63 KB, 510x484, 154647650307.png)


No. 2097887

Sage your shit

No. 2097889

I thought this was ot for a second, my bad

No. 2097890

What do you think she used for this pic?

No. 2097891

All in good fun nonna. We're all just here to make fun of people who are frankly, disgusting.

No. 2097893

did she stuffed something else as well? I don't believe a single thing she says. Also she had a drama with bait account where the person drew NSFW of her totally real 7 year old brother

No. 2097900

probably stole someone else's picture off a site like reddit

No. 2097938

went on her account theres troon porn be warned and found this, this is totally how a blasian bara moid looks like guiz! kek you can also see the end of the clearly fake dick too holy shit this is classic lolcow material

No. 2097942

If she Just came out as a "trans man" no one would care and her fans would still play pretend she is a true and honest man, whats up with this obssession of proving people she's an actual moid

No. 2097955

i thought pumpkin was one of those twitter ''antis'' that was against anything morally wrong in art, why is she okay with nulls pedo art?

No. 2097965

Probably cause she's a pedo herself with her fanbase being mostly minors on tiktok and posting shitty "thirst traps" of her sona and freaking out when people rightfully point out how weird that is.

No. 2097967

oh god you are one of those spergs that think she's a pedo because children that shouldnt even be on the internet watch her content. Social media is filled with porn its not up to creators to make a safespace for children that should be playing neopets.

No. 2097969

she posts borderline softcore porn while having a large minor 16+ audience

No. 2097977

There is a guy in my town who has been having an extensive chimpout meltdown on fb for months now. He
>is 34 years old
>owned a "cannabis cafe" and managed it poorly; also made it a point to only hire under-21 women
>no longer owns the cafe because people in the community found out he had a 17 year old girlfriend (who left him once she realized she was being taken advantage of)
>proceeded to reeeeee about being outed as a pedophile, saying it was all untrue
>reeeee'd harder when people presented receipts
>is online 24/7 posting about how age is just a number, and simultaneously cursing and begging the ex gf to come back
>calls the ex his "light fairy"
>also for some reason refers to himself as a "fairy" and a "light fairy"
>Rambles in adderall-induced word salad about how everyone in the town betrayed him and wants him dead
>constantly owns himself with what he thinks are good arguments
>got arrested for intimidating a witness in a pending case against him
And, the best part:
>is a white rapper who has AI write cringe raps about all the ways his town "betrayed" him and all the "suffering" he's enduring
Every time I open fb he's the first thing I look at and it's a neverending milkshow that always delivers

No. 2098003

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nah she's defended lolicon/shotacon by saying it's normal in japan

No. 2098006

as if 1000 loli vampires who look like a kindergartens isn't a common trope

No. 2098007

Ah yes, I remember this back when she was breadcrumbing an abusive childhood arc kek

No. 2098008

why are kids in sites that allow such content in the first place?

No. 2098010

Twitter and tiktok is 13+

No. 2098014

and? children shouldnt be in those sites. Tiktok has literally whores shilling their onlyfans. Its not pumpkins fault that kids that should be at high school find and follow her. Twitter trannies are so annoying instead of milking her for faking being a blasian fat gay man they are more concerned about dumb teens that should be watching youtube kids.

No. 2098016

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believing decades-old myths ("the age of consent is 13") about the country you are supposedly from because it fits into your obsession with rape

No. 2098039

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my personal lolcow is this qtard i used to go to school with. randomly started a furry tiktok, got domestic violence charges put on her by her ex girlfriend, and moved to a completely different state all within a few months. infamously would not shower for months, claiming on twitter she’s “scared of water.” lived in what looked like a camper for over a year, so i can only imagine what kind of smell comes from that.

No. 2098042

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A Pumpkin thread would be fucking hilarious. I crave it. I have tons and tons and tons to contribute because he’s me and my best friend’s biggest personal cow so we screenshot and send literally all of his posts to each other kek. Here’s one from yesterday that got deleted not even 20 minutes after it got posted

No. 2098044


No. 2098045

>Actually caring about pumpkin pronouns
Learn to sage

No. 2098047

nta but surely using her preferred pronouns shows you care far more?

No. 2098049

Please make the thread! I don't know anything except the stuff being discussed ITT, a thread is needed at this point.

No. 2098051

File: 1741732985599.png (21.5 KB, 614x160, image.png)

You’re reading into this too much. Do you want milk or not? Ive been defaulting to he out of simple habit because I’ve kept up with pumpkin since Summer 2024 before the cousin tinfoil was ever a thing and after he was proven to not be DestinytoMoon as other users thought was the case with a rebrand. It isn’t that serious.

No. 2098053

nobody said it was serious..but imo it's a lot more clear for people not familiar with her lore to use her birth sex, considering her entire indentity and history is one massive larp

No. 2098091

Pumpkin thread NOW because all the milk of her learning about her own thread will be GREAT! And what's better is she can't block lolcow anons and make vents about them on twitter cause it's anonymous anyways.

No. 2098204

here's your pumpkin thread >>>/snow/2098202

No. 2098210

I was online friends with this person for 2 years We are no longer friends, but I still keep up with her. This is all that has happened over the span of those years from 2023 to now.


>tif that uses he/they pronouns
>poly and uses it as a shield to cheat on people
>violent so she has no irl friends
>chimps out so much that she has a record with the police due to family
>ebegger but spends everything on tiktok shop
>massive victim complex
>bad at art
>has an alter from a lego monkey show
>I was yelled at by said lego monkey show alter for "enabling their abuser"
>her "abuser" was just a grooming victim who had a less than perfect reaction to trauma
>later dated the "abuser" with seemingly no fear or issues
>wants to be a black person from the south
>is a Mexican from California
>contacted me on an alt account pretending to be another black person so she could justify her use of the n word after I cut her off
>believes that you can be an honorary black person
>cheated on her partner with a moid from Florida
>said it was not cheating because "I was manipulated" even though they had plans to fuck
>detrans to get attention from same scrote from Florida
>that fails and they end up dating some gendie 20-year-old woman from Twitter
>is her "puppyboy" while still being in high school
>constantly gets into internet drama
>draws shitty porn of wally darling from that welcome home arg
>got canceled on Twitter for said wally darling porn because it looked like a kid getting pegged by an older woman
>spergs out on Twitter about "muh haterz"
>had a cluster B meltdown on Twitter and posted a fake cutting video from reddit to guilt trip people while cry typing
>blamed it on "mUh bpd"
>actually cut herself over Twitter drama
>had an unhealthy attachment to going live on tiktok
>would live stream her getting verbally abused by her stepfather
>used her grooming trauma for attention on and pity follows on Twitter
>made grooming accusations towards two people leading to a huge drama that went on for months only to admit no grooming happened on an alt

No. 2098256

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Where does the Rancefag picture come from, lolcow itself or social media? Because she looks like a cosplayer I knew IRL lol

No. 2098266

It's from her duolicious.

No. 2098517

File: 1741855882963.png (3.57 MB, 1944x1728, image (3).png)

Sam Jones/Samantha Strable/@samstrays_somewhere

>RW wannabe "wilderness"/"outdoor enthusiast" influencer and grifter who recently went viral for stealing a baby wombat from its distressed mother for engagement in Australia to massive backlash

>lies about being a "wildlife biologist" despite having no regard for animal wellbeing (was actually a statistical technician and seasonal park worker), has a history of handling animals poorly, currently based in Wyoming
>entire IG account is thirst traps and her posing with dead animals she's shot while travelling (travels with the explicit purpose of trophy hunting rare animals), including a baby kangaroo
>comes from a sketchy "trad" Christian homeschooling family who pushes for the image of success/overachievement rather than actual results (daughter got a “doctorate” and immediately applied to work at Arby’s)
>family has a long history of lawsuits—father's been taken to court for lying about his realtor certification and being misleading re: appraisal (court officer stated his testimony was "some of the most self serving and misleading testimony he had ever heard”), both Samantha and her sister sued companies for employment discrimination, etc.
>mother's family may be rich and well connected in the local area and a source of money for Samantha's lifestyle
>their 17 year old daughter is billed in a fluff article as the youngest person to earn a doctorate, turns out she attended a sketchy, scarcely accredited distance university (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_InterContinental_University) that allows students to earn Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA).

No. 2098518

>trophy hunting rare animals), including a baby kangaroo
Fucking vile bitch

No. 2098520

File: 1741858436492.png (80 KB, 892x332, rtgr.png)

Forgot to post the links, her IG is private now and her TikTok is deleted but her Threads is still up:

Lawsuits and more lawsuits for/by her and her family members. All of this is public information.
Their backtaxes were over $100,000 per year, indicating that they're very wealthy. Both her dad and grandfather on her mother's side are appraisers, and they've been sued for fraud/malpractice again and again. For example, they've gotten in trouble for committing tax fraud by filing all their living expenses as "charitable donations" because they occasionally hosted "Christian bands", and her grandfather has been sued at least 3 times for malpractice and had his license suspended. Reading some of these documents, you can tell the lawyers are tired of this family. They tried to claim they were being taxed unfairly because the powers that be persecuted them for being Christian. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to sue news publications for putting her on blast, her employer(s) if they fire her, etc.

No. 2098522

your writeup paired with that picrel made me very intrigued to know more. plz increase milk supply

No. 2098531

Terminal poser playing at strapped-up hunting while attempting butt-to-the-sky angles… only to continue to look flat & beak-nosed, but at an awkward angle kek. Homely american girls really get a complex eh

No. 2098548

not that it makes it any better but kangaroos are game animals because they're overpopulated like deer in north america. it's definitely fucked up but it's not surprising.

No. 2098608

I could understand hunting a adult deer/kangaroo but willingly killing a foal or baby Joey is fucking psychopath behaviour

No. 2098609

A lot of people are just mad at her because she's an attractive woman. No one would bat an eye if a moid did these things.(sage your shit)

No. 2098628

>she cant be a lolcow because le moids do the same!!
Moids are rapeapes so it's no surprise but a woman acting like a moid killing baby animals is.stop whining about milk if you have nothing to contribute

No. 2098646

There needs to be a name for the act of taking your own logic, reversing it and projecting it on others, because it's blatant that you just want to defend this woman or lessen her actions because you consider her attractive.
Nobody likes zoosadists, very few people like trophy hunters. I don't know if you were here when the news about the moid behind the torture video "1 Bitch 9 Pups" being caught came out, but everyone rightfully wanted and wants his head on a pyre. Same goes for the ""hunter"" moid that killed a baby wolf in some disgusting way months ago. The only people who defend killing baby animals are shitbrained hunters and their pickmes themselves, no matter how ugly or attractive the person is.

No. 2098686

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Let's call the cows Oink and Stank. Oink is an obese woman with those gigantic fake lashes and Stank is an ugly moid with no charisma. I won't reveal my relation to them for anonimity's sake.
>Oink fucks Stank despite knowing he has a gf
>"You don't get it, she's awful and he's trapped by her! He loves ME!"
>Stank calls his gf his crazy ex despite still living with her, living off her money and using her car
>yes he uses said car to drive to Oink's place
>Stank also claims his gf is "abusive and isolates him from his friends" (mhm sure)
>Oink genuinely thinks this will be a healthy, long-lasting relationship and glazes him daily
>she believes him when he says she's the "most beautiful woman he ever met"

No. 2099162

I need more on these two kek(sage your shit)

No. 2099224

>"You don't get it, she's awful and he's trapped by her! He loves ME!"
one of those types

No. 2099357

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I’m starting to think this account is run by a troon

No. 2099403

im my own personal lolcow since im a fat dumb ugly autistic bitch(retard)

No. 2099710

If I had a dollar for every TIF Griffith kinnie cosplayer who made onlyfans content and was clinically insane I'd have two dollars. Which isn't a lot but I can't believe there's a fucking nother one.

No. 2099854

File: 1742218732929.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1179x1784, IMG_0026.jpeg)

This girl Catholica pandam. I think this might be an unpopular opinion but she annoys me so much. Got diagnosed with autism last year and now that and being catholic is her entire personality. Even at her wedding she wore big ugly ear defenders which she posts pics of every other week with “funny autism moment!!!” Type captions.
She’s newly pregnant and since 10 weeks has been posting about how amazing it is feeling her baby move- when her followers pointed out this is scientifically impossible she had a tantrum. Now she’s taken to putting an emoji over her baby’s face on ultrasound to protect its privacy. I think her reasoning sounded a bit pro life-y. Last night she went to the ER for suspected pre eclampsia but since it was nothing after receiving a comment asking if her baby was okay she said she will never ever disclose anything to do with her baby’s health because it’s private. I have nothing against keeping your children’s life’s private but the way she goes about this is just cowy to me

No. 2099874


She literally has a thread that was updated an hour ago

No. 2099876

Omg! Sorry for shitting up this thread but that’s great news for me. I’ll try delete

No. 2099957

File: 1742237282498.png (45.33 KB, 529x520, aster 1.png)

this is my first post on here, so i apologize for any faux pas

i have been following this cow for like 5 years now. i know that makes me sound unhinged, but they have been ebegging for even longer than that - despite the constant remaking, it's very easy to see it's the SAME sob story every time they stumble upon my dashboard.

here are some highlights from them, not in chronological order:
> claims to be paranoid and yet has exposed their down syndrome younger brother all over the internet, has a public fb account which in turn has a link to their mothers fb account, showing where their mother studies for a phd, all meanwhile talking shit about their mom on their tumblr blog all the time
> they do have health issues, but theyre a gigantic hypocondriach who does not understand shit about medicine. their current crusade against the healthcare system is that doctors don't want to keep them in the hospital for a blood infection when they're immunocompromised, instead opting to send them home. like of course you're supposed to go home you stupid cunt, hospitals are rife with infections
> they have moved around houses, back and forth with their mom as well, always ebegging for different reasons. first time i heard about them they were begging for money to buy an ac to live in a tent in their moms backyard. they got the money, got the ac but then did not live in the tent. this happens all the time. they crowdfund to buy items and then neevr go through. i have no idea what they do with the money
> they have a cat and the cat keeps popping their inflatable mattresses and they keep begging for more money to get another one
> they gave bedbugs to every single rommate theyve ever had, including a group of rommates moving out because of the bedbug situation they pretended they had nothing to do with
> they get upset when their mom tells them she doesnt want them coming over as to not infest the house w bedbugs
> at their current trailer trash apartment, they have not cleaned for over 3 months, up to a point now its a fly orgy over there. they cant afford to get the house professionally done, apparently, so they keep ebegging to pay over 100$ per day in hotel fees
> they make i think at least 1500$ a month or more. they refuse to start the paperwork for social security bc they cant justify why they have all this money coming in
> they now have a "joyfriend" which is another ugly disabled fatty queer tumblrina who is coming to visit them to help them deal with the bugs situation
> they never do laundry, they just ebeg to buy new clothes

if you go through their blog right now, there is a lot of juicy posts about their current hospital stays. theyre adamant theyre septic and going to die (lol) and talk about being suicidal all the time but in all these years i have never seen them actually attempting. theyre just an attwhore who needs to ebeg all the time

they got called out for posting that they didnt want to get the palestine bots anymore because theyre already overwhelmed by their own situation and got shit on by their "friends" and then apologized lolllllll

theyre a did system of course. i think they are a huge cow, even though unknown. they are going 30 soon and still get into beef about childrens cartoon fandom discourse like owl house

im not sure how to add screenshot posts on here, but if anyone is interested i can go digging and find them. let me know if anyone else know this lolcow(newfaggotry)

No. 2099960

oh yeah. i forgot one of my favorite info about them: someoen who lost a loved one who got a custom wheelchair made for them (theyre very expensive) donated them to aster. aster then complained it wasnt good enough for them and wanted to sell it. im not sure if they ever did, idts as it is probably unusable due to bugs and gross shit. they have also been scammed buying wheelchairs off craiglists…

there is also the time they went to the dv shelter, tattled on their mom, then regretted doing so, their mom went on the run, they felt really guilty for a couple days…….. that was a whole saga. they truly are mentally retarded to a point that its inhumane to keep giving them money so they can scrape buy. its absurd. if any of their "friends" actually cared, theyd have called for adult protection services to take them in or something like that.

they live in completly filthy conditions and destroy everything anybody owns with their touch. i feel truly so bad about people who have to be in the same vincinity as them, ubers, cars, waiting rooms etc because they are a bed bug spreader.

No. 2099964

lurk moar, deimosun99@gmail.com

No. 2099993

Do we have a thread for personal cows from other countries? Sorry for the offtopic! I am unsure if I should post it on the specific country thread or if it qualifies to be here.

No. 2099995


average bpdchan behavior kek

No. 2099997


im salivating at the idea of this. lots of aoc content to post kek(tripleposting newfag)

No. 2100189

File: 1742272264037.png (1.87 MB, 1080x2400, 1000004570.png)

My personal lolcow only has a Facebook and very recently, a Tumblr blog.

Facebook: Stephen Thomas Charchuk. (Edmonton profile, you'll know when you see all the Joker pictures.)

Tumblr: www.tumblr.com/smylenol

I don't even know where to start with him, and I probably will accidentally leave out a lot. I've been scared to share him with others because I don't want him to leave the internet again but I don't think he will ever find this.

>Chased off his old Tumblr by starting fights with the Sherlock fandom due to throwing fits that Sherlock isn't gay and people shouldn't write gay Sherlock fanfic, these were hilarious to read

>On his public Facebook writes his whole life story and all his thoughts, even his intrusive ones that should not be seeing the light of day
>Thinks he is the joker and obsessed with finding his Harley Quinn (many such cases)
>But at the same time whines constantly about not being worthy for women because he's short and bald and broke kek
>Got chased out of the Edmonton cosplay community, unclear as to why, he mentions it was from him being a creep
>Was a drug dealer, his boss stole his Harley Quinn gf from him so he freaked out and moved towns out of fear his boss was going to kill him (??)
>Went off the grid for a couple years
>Came back with a bang, apparently was homeless and addicted to meth during that time and now is in government housing and has drug induced schizophrenia
>Back to constantly posting about how hes the joker, but is interestingly self aware enough to argue with himself about how he isn't really the joker
>Has now only 30ish Facebook friends, but his dad still comments on every other post asking him to talk to him
>Won't stop bringing up old garbage about his poor upbringing and his 'crack whore' mom and blaming all his current issues as an almost 40 year old man on his late mother

I probably missed a lot, but his posts are really interesting to read since its mostly him just arguing with himself. He used to talk about how much of a genius sociopath he was and now the posts all turned into how fucked and schizophrenic he is instead. Sometimes his posts are him just arguing with himself about the voices in his head telling him he's attracted to minors, so be warned.

Pic is just a random screenshot from his Facebook. Idk what it is about this guy but I like to check in from time to time on the insane ramblings.

No. 2100279

This disgusting creature. Discovered him last night and couldn't stop digging through the goldmine that is his channel. Criminally underrated.
>edgelord who brags about killing entire armies in his dreams but can't be fucked to cut the talons he has for toenails
>thinks rapists and pedos should be vivisected and buried alive (good) but also people who make false accusations (a bit much, no?)
>made a freestyle song about Cerberus with no music
>has a wall of funko pops and collects lego advent calendars, had 2 last year
>supports "LGBTQ" as he calls it
>makes multi-part rant videos about My Hero Academia, Percy Jackson, Warhammer and other nerd shit
>sometimes calls women "love" when he stitches their tiktoks
>made a tiktok where he talked about what he'd do if he ruled the world (laws) and reads off ideas from some Etsy notebook
>ended his reading with "welcome to the mind of shadows"

No. 2100282

Sage for double posting but I somehow forgot about how he compares himself to the Joker because they "have the same mentality", how he thinks Karens should be murdered and how every time he uses his front camera he has his foot in the shot. Vidrel makes me want to alog

No. 2100285

no, ive heard of other cases in australia of tourists mishandling our wildlife, and male or female they get a pretty strong response of pure national hatred. even steve irwin had/has plenty of haters here because of how he glorified contact with wild animals and sometimes handled them irresponsibly.
i love tumblr cows but your newfaggotry is shameful and has put me off the whole thing. read the rules + lurk moar

No. 2100290

That's weird since I've never seen more videos of people handling and interfering with random wildlife than Australia. You literally have footage of guys boxing kangaroos and stuff lol.

No. 2100556

thanks for sharing nona, i love a good FB cow. honestly an untapped milk flow over there

No. 2100620

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I don't know whether this counts as a personal cow or not, because I care about this person, we've known each other for years and I tried to encourage her to get help for months while she refused and only hung around people who enabled her, but there's nothing I can do at this point except just watch with popcorn. A former friend of mine has become increasingly manic over the past few months, culminating in her eventually going off her meds, blocking most of her friends, cutting off her family, and getting institutionalized for 2 weeks until a few days ago getting out and is now couch-surfing.

In the past month, she has claimed, among other things:
>To be Lebanese, Japanese, and now Black? And to have faced lifelong racism for all three of these things? (She is white and has a German last name)
>To be a vampire irl
>That she's being gangstalked by a bunch of famous people in the local scene
>That she's an Auschwitz survivor (???)

She now posts like 50 Instagram stories a day rambling about absolutely incomprehensible shit and yelling in public about how white women are attacking her and how all women are evil to men of colour like her, and surprisingly somehow still has people IRL enabling her at least for now.

No. 2100636

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this person sounds heinous. her alleged accepting of a nice wheelchair only to complain about it triggered me kek. on the other hand… re picrel: you still calling yourself a man and a faggot, OP?

No. 2100671

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Roma Army/Chloe Sunderland has been my hatewatch for years. Batshit crazy grifter.

No. 2100679

Why are all of these MRA pickmes so absolutely fucking hideous?

No. 2100684

This is a tranny selfposting btw

No. 2100688

Always so hilarious to see anyone with these stupid alt decorations in a superb. What is the full throat tattoo and inverted cross for Amanda, you live in a burb

No. 2100719

>those faces
>those tattoos
>complete misunderstanding of the subject she is arguing against
Sometimes I hope she is doing this shit only to make a quick buck off mentally ill dudes, but last time I saw her, her tiktok videos were barely getting views, so… Could be mistaken, though.

No. 2100732

idk how to explain it, but she has the looks/mannerisms of a lot of stoner rapist moids i've met/know of. very strange to see that vibe in a woman. her looks and mannerisms make me legitimately angry and disgusted

No. 2100776

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KEK She's my favorite cow to hate watch too! It's crazy how much she still panders to men when it's clear how many men harass her because her deadbeat baby daddy was black and her kid is mixed. Not to mention the hideous neck tattoos that scream unstable. She's exactly the type of woman these moids like to make fun of so I'm trying to understand why she feels the need to still grovel at their feet for a crumb of attention. Even with all the pandering all she can get is an ugly balding moid fiancé (which is what she deserves tbh)

No. 2100865

Going off antidepression meds can cause mania t. source is myself and many others

No. 2100916

File: 1742436301369.jpg (409.57 KB, 1920x1079, lon333lygirl.jpg)

My personal cow is this munchie ive been following for a couple of years.

>wealthy parents didnt give her enough attention as a kid which led her to become a druggie. this led her to staying at a group home for a while due to her drug addiction

>claims she has recovered from her addiction. only drug she seems to take now is weed
>mediocre artist who used to sells crafts and bracelets on etsy
>used to larp as an autistic age regressor who needed to keep her ipad with her at all times to use an AAC app
>uploaded pictures of her opening toddler toys and dropping bath bombs in her tub during her ddlg autist larp saga
>parents hired some guy to babysit her
>claims she was abused in a mental hospital because of her tics
>had to wear a helmet at some point due to banging her head on the wall
>always in and out of the hospital with a new complication
>posts photos of her bandages and xrays of her head plate with cutesy filters
>claims to have autism, OCD, tourettes syndrome, lymes diseases, babesia, autoimmune encephalitis, and now PANDAS
>will consistently talk about one or two illnesses she has, heal from one of them, and then claim to have a new complication and rarely mention what ever illness she previously claimed to recover from
>uploads cutesy photos of her infusion bag and talks about her caretaker to play into her dainty ddlg larp
>now shares body checks of herself, videos of people with PANDAS or which ever illness she decides to focus on to talk about how shes healing, and occasional rants about her family.

main instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/lon333lygirl/
art account: https://www.instagram.com/chronic.loneliness/
tumblr: https://clonazepamcuti3.tumblr.com/
inactive etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/shoplonelygirl

No. 2101419

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Update, he's about to be homeless because he's getting evicted from his apartment soon and asked fans to pray for him.

No. 2101526

File: 1742614791969.jpg (691.23 KB, 1079x1977, 1000007747.jpg)

I found a new girl to laugh at, some schizo on Instagram documenting herself being "gang stalked" by neighbors. Her name is brezavillarreal. Some of her antics include
>entire page is just ring camera footage of her neighbors going about their day while she calls them gang stalkers
>completely believes that everyone in her gated community is fake and only exist to document her
>some of her evidence of them being gang stalkers include wearing hats when it's not cold, cars passing her house sometimes, being on their phone near her house, going outside when she's also outside, among other schizo delusions
>posts videos of her neighbors dog barking like an annoying dog, claiming it's evidence they're abusing it
>records her neighbors walking their dogs, claiming that they are hired to harass her specifically
>started accusing a neighbor of stalking her because they asked what she was doing while feeding squirrels
>her asian neighbor has narutomaki decorations on their house, is convinced they are secret pedophile symbols
>believes that even the neighborhood children are in on the gang stalking
She's just so fun to watch because this is not a bit, she 100% believes this and posts about it constantly to spread awareness of gang stalkers.

No. 2101537

Before I opened the thumbnail I thought this was going to be a completely different schizophrenic gang stalking victim, @stalkedbythefeds . She has this whole elaborate narrative about the feds being after them because she was the affair partner for a married fbi agent or something.(sage your shit)

No. 2101716

Having schizo neighbours like this one must be so fucking tiring. How the fuck does she sustain her living? She obviously has no job or else she wouldn't be focused on stalking her "gangstalkers"

No. 2101814

I knew a radfem schizo once that got convinced me and others were stalkers.. it was a weird time

No. 2101822

I hate all men on benefits, the dole, foodstamps, whatever you call it. They always find a way to be a pest. Even disabled men. Not even crippled moids are humble enough to not cause harm. AMALT.

Moid #1
>claims to have finger only arthritis
>is constantly whining about his ex and is trying to collect handmaidens
>once you are friends, he will ask you for money through manipulation or outright begging, online, or in person
>then he spends any money on alcohol and soda, expensive fast food and unnecessary knick-knacks
>does not pay rent, "muh flatmates are abusive" x10
>moves flats multiple times a year
>has arthritis yet punches through fences
>has punched his ex-girlfriend in the face
>suddenly has expensive items like a nikon camera and an electric scooter
>gets beaten bloody, hospitalized
>claims it's from a car crash

Moid #2
>malding spergy manlet
>claims he is out of a job because he was let go
>tells me not to shower at night because another flatmate sneaks into rooms
>it's the only time i can shower because of my work schedule
>come home and start cooking
>moid sprays my hat, hair, and face with i don't know what
>runs away very quickly
>feel sick, wash my face in the bathroom, throw my hat away
>check the kitchen, my food smells like cleaning product
>see same flatmate pick food out of the trashcans
>one day brings home a stack of boxed pizzas
>says it's a gift from a restaurant he always goes to and he wants to give me some
>puts them down next to my door
>excuse myself to the bathroom so to wait until he removes them and fucks off
>stays there and sprays deodorant over the boxes

No. 2101836

kek, picrel always cracks me up. she's apparently an Intuitive Healing Oracle too!
was it anyone known in the various online rf communities (ie via Facebook, IG, radblr etc)?

No. 2101846

Why wouldn't they be? Attractive women don't need to kowtow.

No. 2101871

I would literally just leave like what the fuck. I have issues with people ignoring my boundaries and I would not be able to restrain myself around those men like there would be an altercation. wtf. If someone start spraying me with random chemicals I would be calling the cops. who the fuck knows what he did and he should not be allowed to continue doing it.

No. 2101945

Pinuppixie. I started following her because she did vintage fashion content as well as refurbishing vintage items and I thought she was beautiful and funny (despite being a Marilyn clone). At the time she was 23 years old and married to a much older man (who definitely groomed her) for whom she was a tradwife and stay-at-home mom for his kids. She herself had a daughter at 18 which she lost custody of and is only allowed visitation once a month. She's also an OF thot which is her source of income.

In the past two years she's gone through insane amounts of plastic surgeries; lip fillers, blepharoplasty, two breast augmentations, two nosejobs, two tummy tucks, fat transfer to her hips, a skinny BBL as well as butt implants. One implant gave her an infection causing her to go into sepsis and almost killing her, it had to be taken out leaving her with only one buttcheek. She also got divorced from her husband (probably for the best) and soon started dating a tattoo artist whose personality she completely absorbed. While dating him she became addicted to tattoos, first doing a vintage design on her belly (which she never finished), a robotic arm sleeve that lights up under black light (which she also never finished) followed by a full body robotic bodysuit done by another artist which goes all the way up to her neck. She makes endless tiktoks coping about her tattoos and not even a year after getting the bodysuit she's making tiktoks where she covers the entire thing with foundation.

After splitting from her husband, she briefly rebranded to "cyberpunkpixie" around when Edgerunners came out. She adopted a cyberpunk style and dyes her hair, cuts her hair, puts in or takes out extensions almost every other week. When she broke up with the tattoo artist, she had a massive crashout on social media to the point that he started posting in her snark sub. He revealed all the details of their relationship including that she was diagnosed bipolar, does not take her meds because they make her fat, hit her dog with brooms and lives in filth which caused her dog to die after eating moldy food left in her daughter's room (on social media she said that her dog died after eating a blunt off the ground while on a walk). Her own aunt who briefly housed her in her teens has also posted in her snark sub (which is full of cows themselves) as well as friends whom she had falling outs with.

There is a lot more to say but the latest is that she seems to be in a months-long manic episode and has nobody around her to help. Her robotic bodysuit tattoo artist won't continue tattooing her until it's been one year since she healed from the sepsis because of the health risks, so not even 4 months later and she has just decided to go to another tattoo artist despite having sepsis just in December.

As someone who originally liked her content and has bipolar family I just find it all a very sad trainwreck that's impossible to look away. She had everything; she was beautiful, funny, had a distinct style and made good money and she's throwing it all away because of untreated mental illness.

No. 2101946

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Forgot to mention that one of the reasons she might have gotten sepsis was because not even 12 days after getting butt implants she made an OF video where her boyfriend railed her from behind and came on her ass. According to her though at the ER they told her that it was 100% nothing that she did but it was the surgeon's tools who were contaminated so the implant was infected while going in. The only reason she was at the ER was because her surgeon wasn't answering her calls during this saga. Despite it all she still plans on going back to him to put the implant back in.

The snarkers on her sub who can't control themselves cowtipped to her robotic bodysuit's tattoo artist (Paul Marino) and his own wife posted this on her sub.

No. 2101948

what does AMALT mean?

No. 2101949

Excellent horrorcow material, I'd love a thread on her. I hope she gets an intervention before it's too late.

No. 2101967

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He’s an “artist” planning his own assisted suicide and his final project is to become as famous as possible before then. Lots of videos of him crying and posting text messages from family and friends. It’s all very bizarre.

No. 2101971

File: 1742735579755.png (50.16 KB, 1196x145, Screenshot 2025-03-23 090852.p…)

Holy fucking shit? He's pursuing assisted euthanasia for… bipolar disorder!?

No. 2101983

They should approve him, he'll flake out instantly

No. 2102068

Isn't she? That her own family would be snarking on her on reddit doesn't paint a very good picture of the people she has around her. A few weeks ago she was on Instagram stories begging strangers who live in her area to come help her organise her closet in exchange for a vintage outfit from her donate pile per hour of work. The latest guy she's dating (who lives in her house and who she banks) is too ashamed to show his face in her tiktoks, pretends she doesn't exist on his IG and obviously doesn't help her. Here she is covering up her hideous tattoos.

No. 2102074

And if he doesnt flake, one less emotionally unstable moid in the world isnt a bad thing.

No. 2102083

also started following her around 2020 when she was blowing up during the pandemic, and watching her downfall has been depressing. still remember all the videos she made crying on camera defending her early plastic surgery (that she flew to Turkey for, because of course). would love to see a full thread for her.

No. 2102092

All of that and they look like the most fake boobs ever. Of course she also coped immensely saying how that was exactly the look she was going for. Apparently she had a massive feud with other noted fake Marilyn Jasmine Chiswell and according to her ex Jasmine's snark sub was the most visited page on her phone. It's a shame because I honestly thought she was funny and had a bright personality.

No. 2102093

all men are like that

No. 2102104

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Can someone tell her that squinting her eyes doesn't make her look more native?

No. 2102142

Oh she is truly a horrorcow and I’ve been following her sub since its creation. She also films porn content while her daughter is with her (she only has custody one weekend a month), makes her daughter film her in her strange getups and films TikTok’s with her daughter and advertises her OF on the very same page, has begged strangers to come over and “collaborate” with her but claims she has only slept with 5 people, has tried renting her guest suite out as a porn content creation house but when that failed is now marketing it as an Airbnb, the list goes on. It’s insane to watch.

No. 2102152

Jesus Christ those implants are grotesque. It looks like she got them done in a Tijuana strip mall.

No. 2102204

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She deleted these comments for calling her out. KEK.

No. 2102215


She absolutely deserves her own thread. She's a compulsive liar and the snark page tracks everything she says. This month alone she's apparently writing a novel, has BPD, has ADHD, is opening an Airbnb, decided she was going back to school to become a vet, and of course made many TikToks about how she is still vintage despite being covered in tattoos (this is a constant crashout for her).

It's a shame because her content when she was married was cute, and before all the horror surgeries she was really pretty. I feel awful for her kid.

No. 2102216

I'd love a thread on her too. It'd take a while to make the OP though cause she's such a profilic cow.

No. 2102233

File: 1742814064709.jpeg (2.64 MB, 1179x1908, IMG_3667.jpeg)

this chick (@ema.ozina) is a personal lolcow of mine that’s been on my radar for awhile.
>married to a literal old billionaire
>abandoned their comfy modern lifestyle in order to cosplay being a third world subsistence farmer
>”unschools” her children
>sells pseudo intellectual articles on substack
>seems to be making her eldest daughter (only around like 6 years old) film most of her content despite the fact her husband clearly isn’t working
>promotes home birthing inside dirty yurts in the middle of nowhere
picrel is her crawling out of her yurt without using her hands in order to “ground herself
this woman is clearly nuts and i’m genuinely concerned for her children’s wellbeing considering she doesn’t seem to believe in modern medicine and treated her newborns severely infected nailbed with holistic remedies. she’s like an extremely mentally unstable ballerina farm, selling the unrealistic “farm to table” lifestyle to unhappy mothers, funded by a sickeningly rich husband and all

No. 2102257

Would love a thread.

No. 2102258

I'm addicted to a new cow, but I'm still learning about her: Lena Glams. She used to be a German influencer and was famous for getting underage plastic surgeries and crowning all her teeth (unnecessarily) despite a German dentist telling her that she should absolutely not do that. She went on some German talk shows talking about that and her body image, etc. She apparently briefly wore a hijab in the past purely for clicks, and had some obsession with America because of a guy. idk as much about all that because I am still catching up.

However, at the beginning of 2025, she went from minidresses to full abaya and hijab. "It's not for a man!" Spoiler: she converted to Shia Islam for a man. She started doing tradwife stuff that is really not typical in Germany unless you are in certain circles. She defended time-limited marriage in a podcast, and then got married during Ramadan, saying that Aisha herself gave permission for the marriage (which is crazy even for most Muslims). None of her family attended her wedding. Now she seems to just lie around and cook for her husband, who also deleted all his old videos from tiktok so he can look like a conservative Muslim boy instead of whatever he was before. He's now on camera insulting her cooking and stuff like that.

It's kind of insane to see what's happening with this person. I hope she gets out but she's in deep denial. The influencer persona meeting this "pious Muslima" persona is hilarious to me though. I wonder if soon husband will tell her to stop wearing makeup, though that seems to be the only thing she likes doing.

Vidrel is her last influencer post. She has most of her old vids up, I think.

No. 2102259

She's like the German Kandajin, damn… I don't get why any woman would willingly convert.

No. 2102278

This is so intriguing. Had a little scroll on her Instagram and three months ago she was celebrating Christmas in a mini dress then suddenly the full hijab and abaya situation pulled in like a New Year’s resolution in January?! Absolutely wild.

No. 2102283

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yes it's so crazy. I can translate videos and stuff if I post about her more

picrel: some comments from this video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZNdRkCEd1/
People are really shocked because she is such a material girl and suddenly she's this super pious Muslim with a BBL. No one even knew she had a boyfriend.

No. 2102285

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She never even mentioned this guy before she started talking about her wedding. Turns out her mom didn't even meet him until the month before they married. I don't think she posted him until after the time-limited marriage (nikkah) either.

Her mom is all-natural and beautiful imo. She said how she looked forward to having laugh lines as a younger woman and now she has them & loves them. So whatever is wrong with Lena isn't coming from her mom.

No. 2102286

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Kek need an mra women general

No. 2102290

There’s a chance this is all ragebait larping and everyone is acting just to ride the rightwing culture high being experienced right now. Many such cases

No. 2102297

>picrel is her crawling out of her yurt without using her hands in order to “ground herself”
Fucking wheezing

No. 2102312

wow she sounded familiar to me and i just checked tiktok and lo and behold i already follow her

No. 2102335

Why do these people jump from one retarded extreme to the other?

No. 2102337

Why do rich people keep doing this shit? 3rd worlders bust their ass so they can live in a real house instead of a mosquito infested shack.
Btw She would fit into the right wing grifter thread >>>/snow/2093745

No. 2102444

not to defend a cow but if it's treatment resistant that's a good reason as any to nope out tbh. Although the fact he's scraping for fame and hoping to add to that with his death leaves a bad taste. Either ways they'll probably catch on and deny him, if he wanted to seem more sincere he shouldn't have advertised it.

No. 2102513

But why does he need assistance? He is an able-bodied man, fully capable of jumping off the nearest bridge. If he was actually suicidal, he wouldn't ask his government for permission. He'd just do it.

No. 2102527

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id love a thread on white/western female converts to islam. they always convert for a man, realise they can get attention online easily and then make it their entire personality. most often, the relationship fails, and they stay in islam due to the sunk cost fallacy and the fact they have already built an entire social media presence surrounding it, and know that they will be routinely harassed for being an apostate. this chick called “aisha rosalie” is the epitome of this phenomenon.
>converts to islam, most likely for a moid or attention
>claims to be an ex actress in bollywood, was likely just a white extra
>exploits her mother and friends for content
>a large portion of her content literally just consists of her pretending to cry whilst listening to genuinely awful sounding quran recitations
>constantly drags the west, despite the fact she refuses to move to an islamic country
>gets married, has a kid, her husband divorces her literally a month after she gives birth, as according to her he simply “wanted a different woman”

No. 2102529

i think they could fit in this thread >>>/ot/2120062

No. 2102536

I second this - there's a lot of them, esp on instagram. I'm ex-muslim and instagram thinks me liking anti-islam content is the same as liking Islam kek

No. 2102542

A long-dormant cow that probably fits this template is kanadajin3. She's got a few threads on this site iirc: >>>/pt/819689 (most recent)

No. 2102550

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I'd love a thread on that topic. I have another lolcow (Canadian) who went from escorting to hijab in about 4 months. I suspect there's a man behind it, or a paycheck, but she's been careful about hiding the man, at least.

I'm still in shock at how Lena was posting and being posted throughout all of 2024 (picrel - some as late as Sept 2024). She got her BBL last year ffs. Btw, she's only 21yo.

I don't think they should be in /ot. It would be a cow thread.

No. 2102572

KEK Good point, nona.

No. 2102767

rin anons some of rins friends have been lurking these threads and posting against you(sage your shit)

No. 2102781

are you gonna post screenshots or what?

No. 2102782

i dont even keep up with that trainwreck loser anymore, and i guarantee all her "friends" are guilty of using her as a personal lolcow kek. i actually used to be friendly to her like 5 years ago and she showed up in my dms calling me slurs and a kkk member and shit. and then she wonders why she has literally nobody to rely on.

No. 2102845

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@neuro__divinity on IG
I don’t know if this girl has ever been posted before but she keeps showing up in my Instagram feed and her entire account screams autismfaking bippie.
Every single post is about how she struggles with her “female autism” despite never talking about getting an actual diagnosis at any point of her life.
EVERY single post she makes is about how amazing and empathetic and beautiful and pure-souled she is, how she has this “innate understanding” of people and the world by merit of being “spiritually gifted” (due to her “girltism”, duh) her obsessive relationships, the things she feels towards the men in her life and how much “OVERWHELMING ETERNAL LOVE AND APPRECIATION AND EMPATHY” she has for everyone and everything. She has something seriously wrong with her, as she seems to be in a constant state of mania, talking about taking a walk at night as if it were a “spiritual awakening” and attributing that to her “girltism” ..I don’t think she has ever had a formal diagnosis for like anything in her life.

Autism is when you unhealthily obsess over your exes, claim to have an “overwhelming, soul crushing sense of empathy”, constantly have micro-manic episodes multiple times a day where the birds and trees start whispering to you and tell you about the nature of the universe, have no identity, but desperately want one and are thus constantly trying to “understand who you are and not just the mask you put on for yourself” What the fuck is her fixation supposed to be, you ask? Herself and how she feels, obviously. Girltism.
textbook BPD case. Maybe Histrionic is actually the correct diagnosis.


No. 2102847

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2/3 girl, please

No. 2102849

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No. 2102855

How did the devil give you super autism if he couldn't reach you?

No. 2102887

had to block her finally on insta and threads because despite never interacting with her annoying content it got recommended to me allll the time. muh "it's not my fault i get along better with da boys it's because my magical autismo mind can't understand the complexities of neurotypical women and their silly games uwu" bitch stfu

No. 2102897

>but turn evil when she's overstimulated
Every single time.

No. 2102898

>but turn evil when she's overstimulated
Every single time.

No. 2102925

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i just remembered this post and to add onto it its actually hilarious and makes so much sense that rin's "friends" lurk lolcow. >>2058596 these are the sort of friends she thinks she has KEK. nobody actually likes her they just use her to laugh at because shes a total untreated schizo who cant maintain normal relationships to save her life. rin if youre lurking this thread stop oversharing everything about your life on twitter and go outside. get a part time job. maybe get on some antipsychotics and stop abusing psychadelics and edibles. shit is just pathetic at this point.

No. 2102928

File: 1743023864074.png (184.55 KB, 307x504, ericdelgrande.png)

>Degenerate furry tartlet and commission addict
>Puts "paid for by me" in all of his titles because his ideas are so original, and he needs credit for doing absolutely nothing
>Spends real money on fully ai-generated images thinking that means he claims copyright over them

>Thinks companies like Amazon and Disney go to his deviantart to steal his characters


>Pays real money for hate art to "show them who's boss". Ends up looking like fetish content.




>This includes his "tribute" to Kevin Conroy, which is just weird fat humiliation art with his oc about to snuff a fat harley quinn


>Thinks his cartoonishly proportioned blow-up dolls go by "realistic standards"


>Into "shortstacks", but they're all weirdly childish and clearly just meant to be legal loli children his characters can fuck. This one is just a toddler with tits.


>All of his character descriptions just boil down to explicit descriptions of how badly he wants to fuck them, fill them with his "baby batter", and other things totally appropriate to be publicly accessible on a website populated by mostly teenagers.

>Serial abuser of artists. Just searching his name on deviantart turns up journals about him being shitty to people trying to do their job

>Tried to commission a highschool sophomore to design one of his oversexualized designs, which included sending her porn.

>We know this because he posted a journal confessing to it and says she accused him of rape with zero proof. Yes, he thought this would make him look good.


>Accuses anyone who criticizes him of being a criminal and doxxing him

>Fat, ugly incel who wants to fuck aliens because real women aren't good enough for him. Compares dating real girls to beastiality.


>Trying to find an alternative to devart and furaffinity for being suspended on both platforms and uploading content that breaks tos. Refers to this as "offending leftists"

>Has whatever the opposite of Trump Derangement Syndrome is. Posted a breakdown claiming he wasn't crying when he lost in 2020, saying he would move to china to escape communism.


>Makes manifestos disguised as world building.


Furaffinity: https://www.deviantart.com/roluevasreisa
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/roluevasreisa
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eric56511171
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RolueVasReisa/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edelgrande/

No. 2102931

How about some screencaps anon cos every single thing is hidden behind a login required and like fuck am I making a deviant art account, it's not 2005

No. 2103038

wow she comes off as the least autistic girl that ever existed.

No. 2103288

>they always convert for a man
That's actually the best case scenario, otherwise they're ex-prostitutes and cluster B nutcases. Super sad. Sometimes they're weirdly masochistic NLOG women with cushy lives and it really transpires in their online presence and the way they talk about muslim scrotes. There needs to be PSAs about how muslim men (especially men from hyper endogamous cultures) can marry non-muslim women and if they flat out refuse, they're likely roping the woman into a no strings attached relationship under the pretense it's a trad marriage. It happens a lot to muslim women too.

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