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File: 1723460457646.jpeg (412.44 KB, 712x1210, Untitled4_20240812065802.jpeg)

No. 2025097

Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped

Previous threads:
>>1951101 #7
>>1689594 #6
>>1432730 #5
>>1191646 #4
>>1059519 #3
>>1005098 #2
>>720482 #1

Notable photoshop cows:

>Erin Eevee/Pinkfox Cosplay


>Jenna Lynn Meowri


Now welcoming:
>Succubuzza/Sylindaaa/Skirby, a fat, turbo-karen NEET ethot from Montreal, Canada. Orbited by her underage moids and copycats. ALL CURRENT SKIRBY MILK GOES HERE >>2008093

>Aniejoy/anaca.angel/killjoyxv, a pathetic whore with botched tit implants who got pregnant and had a kid, and is down the path to single motherhood.


>Gonkgonkgonk666/skizzy, TEMU skirby


>Bassandroxk, loser moid pick-me who uses filters to “mog people”


>aniejoy goes on a drunk instagram breakdown about being exposed for shooping >>1896531, >>1896290, and >>1896287. and >>1896286
>starts deleting posts, comments, and evidence of shooping >>1896295 and >>1896284
>it’s getting worse, she has a tiny ass bean head now >>1938614
>go off anxious queen >>1898315
>REEEEd at the internet and instagram because they called out her shoopwidearm.jpg >>1842587 and >>1842583
>still fat >>1896531


ANIEJOY RECAP (as of now)
>aniejoy goes on a drunk instagram breakdown about being exposed for shooping >>1896531, >>1896290, and >>1896287. and >>1896286
>starts deleting posts, comments, and evidence of shooping >>1896295 and >>1896284
>it’s getting worse, she has a tiny ass bean head now >>1938614
>go off anxious queen >>1898315
>REEEEd at the internet and instagram because they called out her shoopwidearm.jpg >>1842587 and >>1842583
>still fat >>1896531
>used her simp money to get the most terrible bolt ons ever. she needs to get her money back (here’s a picture example) >>1965199
>got fucking pregnant by some mystery moid/simp/retard >>1962997
>they’re not even married or financially and mentally stable to take care of a kid KEK >>1963406 >>1964475
> aniethot admits to the internet more proof that they aren’t financially or mentally stable to have a kid by admitting the mystery moid doesn’t help her financially, she pays for everything >>1964479
>selling their disgusting pregnancy porn pictures on onlyfans >>1978944>
>”we are foster children so we’re making that family we never had” >>
>is begging her simps on the internet to buy her basic necessities like diapers and baby bottles >>1979758
>this might be the husbum? (allegedly) >>1982981
>she so fucked >>1987294
>”it’s so terrible that my simps fetishize my pregnancy” >>1987295 >>1987296
>posts this stupid shit after claiming “muh simps fetishize muh pregnancy” >>1990695
>your simps don’t want to see your bum >> 2007154
>this bitch is STILL making content, A WEEK after having her child >>2021064
>broke skirby can’t make rent >>2021069

>TEMU SKIRBY >>1969298,
>butt-pad collector >>1974712, >>1974492,
>gonkgonk666 has a habit of being a crazy bitch on the internet >>1992564
>i swear it’s real gais >>1995575
>GONK SPERGOUT >>1997571, >>1997995, >> 1997996, >>1997998
>gonk’s boyfriend, leafy >>1999041
>witchhunted a literal CHILD and told her she deserved to be abused by their boyfriend because they called out her bad photoshopping >>1999542, >>1999544, >>1999557
>shut the fuck up, gonk >>2006294
>gonk the skinwalker sperging for skirby >>200662
>another spergout >>2020443
>”w-wimmin will never be free from scrutiniy of other wimmin” >>2023526(do not post new threads until the old thread reaches 1200 posts, ask for this thread to be unlocked in /meta/ when it does)

No. 2025133

Thank you for the new bread, nonna

No. 2029844

Since the mods didn’t open this thread for a good portion of time, some stupid faggot decided to make a aniejoy thread, and use the information from this thread to create it.

all aniejoy milk will STILL be discussed here, and any updates about her will still be here.(ban evasion)

No. 2029867

Since Aniejoy's milk goes beyond photoshop she got her own thread >>2029584
Ignore the triggered retard foaming at the mouth cause an anon copy pasted some of their milk recap. The mods banned them over it and explained how you don't need permission to start threads but they're obviously too retarded to understand.

No. 2029888

File: 1724594714404.jpeg (501.24 KB, 534x1156, IMG_1247.jpeg)

The chin changed sizes again. Can’t wait for him to have a spergeout on his story again and have someone dedicate a thread to him on here

No. 2030257

we do not care honestly post milk or gtfo.

aniejoy doesn’t need a new thread simple as that. i agree with anon keeping it here but the autistic sperging was pointless(take it to /meta/)

No. 2030384

Why was the Aniejoy milk deleted..(sage your shit)

No. 2030401

Photoshop is only a small part of her milk and posting non shoop related milk it in the shoop thread gets red texted as out of topic. So like empath chan it makes sense to have a thread where we can discuss all of her milk without derailing the shoop ones.

No. 2030835

it doesn’t matter, it’ll just be posted here even if it’s deleted.
lolcow mods on that retard juice(ban evading retard who won't sage or take it to /meta/)

No. 2035126

Shout out to Lolcow farm for completely abandoning this thread because some fag copied and pasted my information into a thread for a cow who doesn’t need a thread.

You know I spent months on a positive streak and hopefully you all will too, get off this website and talk to people. Yall are really going mad over some pregnant Onlyfans whore. Pathetic(sage your shit/complaints go in /meta/)

No. 2035717

that feeling when lolcow doesn’t want anyone to make a photoshoppers 8 because everyone is focused on a thread about some pregnant thot with information stolen from another anon(take it to /meta/)

No. 2036523

File: 1726843983206.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1179x1432, IMG_3716.jpeg)

If any nonnas read the crunchy trad wife thread, here’s a cow who loves to shoop herself and claims to be natural and organic.
@laila_wolf_ @skeletonflowersandwater
>claims vaccines made her retarded and made her forget how to read
>claims to have a traumatic brain injury that she healed with only herbs and supplements
>her mom Lisa claims to have healed her via essential oils and taking “the peoples chemist” supplements which she has shilled out a lot
>claims to be famous and knows Johnny depp and was a ghost writer for rhianna
>her mom also claims that Elaina/laila is a famous movie director for Hulu
>promotes colloidal silver supplements over vaccines in her online magazine that currently got taken down
>claims to be a famous author (she’s only written 3 books that aren’t that popular and most likely it’s her mom)
>claims to be all natural but uses excessive photoshop (in older post especially)
>posts weird dancing videos in her moms room and you can tell she thinks natural deodorant works based off the sweat stains
>claims she’s not a sexual person and that she is modest despite her photos that she posts
>most of her followers aren’t real, it’s just mainly bots and Indian men
>claims that she’s releasing 12 movies to Netflix and Hulu and that she’s coming out with a holistic documentary
>has been orthorexic since she was a child as her mom’s claims she’s been “organic her whole life”
>was married before but claims it’s not real despite there being photos of her wedding
>left leaning but doesn’t think doctors are real
>believes in herbal abortions
>during COVID she didn’t believe that masks were working and used to rant that they were spreading illnesses
>her mom takes creepshots of her ass 24/7 on all her videos and photos

No. 2036527

File: 1726844654908.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1179x1978, IMG_3720.jpeg)

Examples of shoop: 1/4

No. 2036528

File: 1726844695840.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1179x1469, IMG_3719.jpeg)


No. 2036529

File: 1726844830229.jpeg (1001.62 KB, 1179x1905, IMG_3718.jpeg)


No. 2036531

File: 1726844938782.jpeg (765.48 KB, 1179x1531, IMG_3721.jpeg)


No. 2036534

File: 1726845037394.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1179x2344, IMG_3717.jpeg)

This is how Elaina actually looks, no tits, no ass, giant nose. And next to her is her mother who’s just as bad with photoshop.(in general talk about cows in one thread only, keep it in tradwife thread)

No. 2036535

File: 1726845155486.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1179x1942, IMG_3723.jpeg)

Lisa’s shoops are more uncanny than her own daughter

No. 2036544

If she already has discussion in the trad thread, she should stay there probably.

No. 2038033

File: 1727179516598.png (1.03 MB, 640x798, 1.png)

They're all doing that pregnant ass shoop now kek this one looks weird af tho

No. 2038034

File: 1727179623993.png (698.97 KB, 650x800, moid.png)

all that photoshop and couldn't even fic his scrote receding hairline kek(if you post someone new please provide context)

No. 2038215

Are you saying this is a dude?

No. 2038216

Now I'm curious to know what this person actually looks like

No. 2038334

Yes he was posted before he larps as a trap on OF uses photoshop to edit his moid face into a teenager basically another case of coconutkitty only it's a moid.

No. 2038341

File: 1727247076567.png (1.11 MB, 1135x1201, kek.png)

Aniejoy will be brought back to Ridiculous Photoshoppers based off of the anons requests. My apologies for giving her her own thread. Any non shoop related milk can be saged when posted here i guess.
Recent recap:
>Brags about how her bolt ons got bigger from breastfeeding only to ask for remedies for her breast stretch marks on her main Onlyfans insta >>2029824 >>2029825
>Posts story showing that she lives in mess >>2029826
>I will NOT make pregnancy related Onlyfans content i respect my son UwU >>2029879
>Also come jerk off to her pump breast milk for her baby on Onlyfails. >>2029884
>Alleged baby daddy is a broke ass lil peep skin walking moid more pics of them together are posted >>2030362
>schizo christianity spergouts
>posted horrendous photo where she edited herself into a creepy AI generated hentai character
>jealous girl took her laptop and deleted her previous insta account cause she refused to collab with her you guyzzz wasn't her account being flagged for posting nudes or getting called out over the shoop AT ALL >>2032031
>posting shooped videos almost naked jiggling her ass and boltons sperging about how she's so uwu special for going to the gym and bouncing back so fast >>2033429
>Disgusting moids drag their pregnant wives and women in general for not going to the gym 3 days after giving birth under this shooped thot's post >>2033430 >>2033431 >>2033434
>Still coping and seething over being exposed >>2034827
>doing the weird freaky waist shoop pregnant ass again >>2035580
>Posted a candid on her insta story looking chunky af kek >>2037235
>posting her baby on Onlyfails account insta >>2037984

No. 2038382

You fucking retarded anon. That’s why I’ve been trying to get people to do for a long ass time. Now she’s back into the photoshoppers thread. God I hate all of you fat bitches KEK(sage your shit)

No. 2038385

The mods continuously banned me and silenced me for trying to get people to post information here and now it’s “well many anons told me to bring it back here” this is the reason why me and most of my inner circle do not use this website anymore lolcow farm needs an entire revamp

watch i’m gonna get banned and they’re gonna say take it to /meta BRO you banned me for literally telling me to post milk here over this stupid fag who made a thread for NO REASON(you and your inner circle can take it to /meta/)

No. 2038392

File: 1727263586283.jpg (51.12 KB, 736x695, ccb19fcdd366005525ca5e12b8c28a…)

There's no reason to lose your shit over a thread on an image board you come off as super unhinged and mentally retarded. All that matters is that the op corrected things and apologized. Stop embarassing yourself.

No. 2038634

File: 1727308535035.jpg (206.57 KB, 1036x1085, 4653153.jpg)

Crazy this was posted under that "joke" viral video of a group of men surrounding a lone woman only to surprise her with roses

No. 2038639

the liquify is making my eyes hurt

No. 2038651

is that felgavo or are all of the photoshoppers finally merging together?

No. 2038658

if that ass was real shed be scooping trapped turds out of her crack with a garden shovel

No. 2038672

File: 1727312745307.png (Spoiler Image,2.52 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_1161.png)

If you go in her IG profile @taylerhillss she claims to be all natural. Ofc it's shooping, and some weight gain, maybe even BBL. But mostly shooping. This was her real body before she gained weight and started shooping, and this still has a filter that changes facial features.

No. 2038765

>viral video of a group of men surrounding a lone woman only to surprise her with roses
God i hate moids so fucking much. They knew exactly she was going to be scared to death but used it as a Tee Hee see we not bad not all men just like when those moids would yell at women in the street using a speaker to catcall them with stupid shit on youtube. Sad how people find this shit funny.

No. 2038770

Like it was under the timeline or she posted it to garner attention from it? Can you post the entirety?

No. 2038914

File: 1727365783815.jpeg (525.27 KB, 1170x2080, D2D8B170-0220-4229-A548-DF58CB…)

Softest hard, ig model and fake “dj” @softest_hard on twitter
@softest.hard on instagram
idk how people don’t clock her when she’s actually built like a fridge.

No. 2038934

Tbh she looks the same, but doing the tilting of the hips pose which with the right clothing does accentuate your hips.

No. 2038955

tbh she doesn’t though, she definitely took at least 5 inches off her waist

No. 2040672

File: 1727731728239.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x2032, IMG_0721.jpeg)

I’m 99% sure this is a moid kek his account my is actually comical

No. 2040683

ntayrt but i disagree. she has a normal body in the candid pictures and in the instagram one she's clearly posing and hiking the strings of her bikini up to make herself look curvier. it's probably photoshopped somewhat, but it's not a ridiculous photoshoop and it doesn't belong in this thread.

No. 2040684

Those hands, oh my goodness.

No. 2040729

That's not a moid and if it was, wrong thread.

No. 2040769

Why wouldn’t male shoopers be allowed though, nowhere in the thread description or title does it say “Female Shoopers Only”>>2040672
>The fucking meat glove
>The gross veins
>Anorexic stomach
>Fake blush
>5 ‘o clock shadow around the lip
If you’re gonna shoop at least shoop out the gross veins and 5 ‘o clock shadow to make this look better

No. 2040771

Meant for the MtF thread if she was, not about shoopers. They talk about shoop in that thread already too, so that's what I meant. No one said men and women need a different photoshop thread. Anyways, she does shoop and all her photos have the BRATZ waist.

No. 2040976

File: 1727799869653.png (3.13 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2898.png)

We haven’t seen this idiot in a while, he’s still pretending to be fictional characters in his small ass New York attic while his rich mommy and daddy bring home the bacon. What does bro do? Because it’s not like he’s a teenager or anything. This male neet takes up space in his parents house

No. 2040984

This is fucking horrific. No way it's not a moid.

No. 2040985

File: 1727801686446.jpeg (291.64 KB, 1242x2309, IMG_0720.jpeg)

It is, look at the hands and bone structure. Plus he’s a massive shooper

No. 2040988

File: 1727801729947.png (242.08 KB, 485x826, 2024-10-01 (3).png)

Shoop cows have so much overlap with extreme pick me bitches

No. 2040991

File: 1727801853460.jpeg (311.12 KB, 1242x2435, IMG_0717.jpeg)

You are literally retarded if you think this isn’t shooped

No. 2040992

File: 1727801885286.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x2003, IMG_0722.jpeg)

No. 2040995

He looks like a yassified corps

No. 2040996

He jacks off to his reflection and spends hours shopping his selfies is what he does lol

No. 2040997

This has to be the worst shit i saw on this thread kek

No. 2041002

That's an alien

No. 2041130

KEKKKK it’s like a piece of beef jerky where the torso should be I can’t

No. 2041301

He forgot to shoop his nose

No. 2041303

File: 1727862157931.jpeg (581.17 KB, 828x963, IMG_2594.jpeg)

What are these proportions

No. 2041400

File: 1727888654402.jpg (2.35 MB, 4096x3072, 1000026134.jpg)

More gonkgonk666 madness, guess she forgot to turn on her filter here (1/4)

No. 2041402

File: 1727888836523.mp4 (6.85 MB, 1080x1992, Screen_Recording_20241002_1806…)

Her face filter is messing up here (2/4)

No. 2041404

File: 1727888904046.jpg (764.05 KB, 1080x2177, 1000026126.jpg)

The lines in the background are warping around her (3/4)

No. 2041405

File: 1727888966448.jpg (620.72 KB, 1080x1686, Screenshot_20241002_165549_Ins…)

And finally, whatever the hell this is. This is even lazier than skirby's "cosplays" (4/4)

No. 2041412

God this is so awkward

No. 2041462

File: 1727900643466.png (542.3 KB, 741x642, Alienfaced.png)

Is this bitch's face naturally so Alien like or is it some freaky face filter ?(this isn't milk, sage it)

No. 2041481

Look how wonkily she shooped her waist kek. The line is all jagged and wobbly

No. 2041587

File: 1727928738418.jpeg (722.11 KB, 828x1717, IMG_2603.jpeg)

He cakes on makeup and blurring filters and calls it a “routine” what a lazy sad bitch

No. 2041602

Who tf would rather look like the right image?! Are moids seriously so out of touch with what women find attractive?

No. 2041613

The gay looksmaxxing community that he’s apart of thinks that men who look like aliens and are jacked are wanted by women. It’s a whole different species of moids who want to believe this dude actually looks like a yaoi character

No. 2042252

File: 1728078695874.jpg (518.87 KB, 1125x1405, tumblr_f4712f2545cc581b1206a0f…)

any albany cope updates?(spoonfeeding request)

No. 2042398

File: 1728110321155.jpeg (1.38 MB, 2199x3437, D8E0CAD3-153D-48AE-B19A-A98CD1…)

This girl @congoprincess @skybombshell on ig has been posted about here before for her shooping and she's kinda milky with her many stories frothing at her 'stalkers' (who seem like cows themselves but that's beyond the point), and denying editing. But recently her posts are so bizarre I suspect it's more than that: Who wants to play a game of which pics are just shooped, which ones are more natural, in which ones is she wearing multiple pushup padded bras and in which ones is she wearing a whole chestplate? There was also some drama with her and some youtuber at one point https://meaww.com/who-is-congo-princess-i-show-speed-responds-to-content-creators-leaked-d-ms-as-she-urges-you-tuber-to-address-fans-clout-chasing-allegations

No. 2044407

File: 1728585807974.jpeg (708.92 KB, 828x1617, IMG_2993.jpeg)

This was her with a waist trainer on before she started shooping her vids and pictures this dramatically. I’m assuming she shoops herself for engagement purposes

No. 2044463

That's a scrote. Look at his claws.

No. 2044485

File: 1728597991862.png (539.25 KB, 551x899, Screenshot 2024-10-10 3.04.07 …)

her "stalkers" say she got a BBL when she just gained weight, wore shapewear underneath, and specifically never takes body vids

No. 2044585

Her stalker was another lolcow who was shooping herself horrifically and got called out

No. 2044591

File: 1728616717025.jpeg (653.36 KB, 828x1696, IMG_2995.jpeg)

The hip dips are so evident here and she still claims she doesn’t edit or use padding

No. 2044643

she might as well have put on the padding as she put on the waist trainer underneath.

No. 2045312

File: 1728770088903.jpg (2.29 MB, 2730x4096, rnzxx32__.jpg)

@rnzxx32__ on Instagram, one of Skirby's friends. She conveniently changed her profile name after she got called out in a previous thread. I see she's still doing the same shit though

No. 2045321

I see she's equipped with the skirby corset and gross hotdog filler lips

No. 2045412

what these idiots don't seem to realize (among many other things) is that if they really had these insane proportions they'd never find clothes that conformed to their body so perfectly, let alone fit at all. Every woman knows that jeans are one of the hardest pieces of clothing to get to fit right even on normal bodies, but she somehow managed to find a pair perfectly sculpted to her figure kek. Shoopers never take into account that the clothes they're wearing straight up wouldn't fit them if they were actually built that way.

No. 2045628

She's just doing what Striderscribe does.

No. 2046719

File: 1729049531276.jpg (177.23 KB, 1440x1411, Screenshot_20241015_202638_Red…)

nonmilk but spotted this great waist shoop on reddit kek(lacking context)

No. 2046720

is this a waist shoop or is it just taken in a dark room kek

No. 2046896

File: 1729103989507.jpg (344.31 KB, 1080x1296, 1000027377.jpg)

Did you even bother to scroll across? She's clearly got her arm covering part of her back, giving the illusion of a tiny waist. She didn't do that in any of the other pictures.(off-topic)

No. 2046996

File: 1729121058248.jpg (3.39 MB, 3464x3464, 1000004576.jpg)

This cannot be the same person(post context)

No. 2046998

She shaved half her arms off and she looks like she has that kool-aid lip filthy and neglected children get.

No. 2046999

she looks almost exactly the same and the only differences are ones you'd expect to see in a selfie vs a candid. some of you are genuinely retarded.

No. 2047029

>she looks like she has that kool-aid lip filthy and neglected children get.
KEK this is why i'll never stop browsing lolcow

No. 2047041

File: 1729126248620.jpg (2.98 MB, 3464x3464, 1000004587.jpg)

You mean to tell me she looks the same? Lol

No. 2047059

I agree she looks the same here? It's just angles and candid vs MySpace angles. She's visibly chunky in both pics.

She looks less the same here but the wig/makeup/outfit look different too so that isn't helping. Her lips look botched and theres a filter on the 2nd pic. Nothing that crazy compared to the other shooping cows tbh.

No. 2047081

she has a whole digital nose job.

No. 2047108

File: 1729136619546.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1179x2178, IMG_0130.jpeg)

Holy blurring filter and liquify

No. 2047150

A lot of the generic blurring filters on apps slim noses automatically. Her lips are busted and her wig looks like shit, but this doesn't seem that extreme or milky anon. sorry.

No. 2047182

they don't do it automatically but you keep believing that.

No. 2048595

File: 1729460358908.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x1461, IMG_3354.jpeg)

Has Bella Dimino had a bbl? She uses the same shitty excuse as most shoopers, ‘gym and genetics’

No. 2048906

Why don't you look at more photos then decide yourself. This is such a bad example to base it off of because if it is shoop, it's well hidden. if it's a BBL, it still looks kind of off based on the top hem of the skirt.

No. 2049737

File: 1729720200112.png (154.94 KB, 440x337, Screenshot 2024-10-23 2.37.11 …)

another e-girl exposing herself, her entire page is obviously inspired by Sasha so much in fact she even got the body inconsistencies to the very last detail

No. 2049773

i saw her on reddit talking about her body results in r/subliminal lol(this is an imageboard)

No. 2049786

the results must have not been dramatic enough for her if she has to put on shapewear

No. 2049793

The snow app filters lol

No. 2050010

Omg I saw her there too but I’m skeptical tho. On instagram I saw someone who was “exposing” for being a clone, where they were comparing an older and newer pic of her that were about 2 yrs apart ( In the newer pic her nose had a smaller size and different shape). She told the person it was puberty or whatever, but on her Reddit, she says it’s sub results??? People were literally commenting on the post also saying it’s puberty but she insisted that it wasn’t because her nose had gotten slimmer and more projected (doesn’t happen with puberty as far as I know) I can’t tell if she’s editing her appearance and lying about it or what.

No. 2052476

File: 1730477572599.jpeg (1.17 MB, 828x1724, IMG_3191.jpeg)

Imagine how small your organs had to be to look like this

No. 2052711

her elbows being two different sizes LOL

No. 2054180

File: 1730974118560.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1179x2111, IMG_0655.jpeg)

our king is back and posting brainrot humor with a more natural filter

No. 2054266

I wonder what he looks like irl

No. 2056070

File: 1731520450744.jpeg (227.76 KB, 1135x1881, IMG_6049.jpeg)

Surprised no one has posted this yet, it’s gonkgonk666 and she released some new videos of her dancing in what I think is a one piece cosplay. In them you can see her more natural looking body with editing.

I love it when shoopcows expose themselves without us having to do anything, compare and contrast the screen caps I took on the bottom of this image to the more recent content (top of image) kekkk. On her insta gonkgonk666 if you wanna see the videos. I wonder why she took her hip pads off for this and only edited her waist bc this shit is really calling her out
(((sorry reposting this unsaged bc I think it’s milk for the context of this thread and I wanna bump this thread

No. 2056396

His “before and after” picture show his actual unedited face with no makeup. Someone already sent it here

No. 2056402

File: 1731579004585.jpeg (182.78 KB, 1178x1179, AD44E363-FDFF-4608-9634-1C2166…)

Another egregious self expose from gonk666, that padding is working over time, so fucking thick at the corners. Girl we see your real B cup size here lol should’ve put that zipper up higher.(sage this nonmilk )

No. 2056933

File: 1731696358703.jpeg (530.58 KB, 1179x1663, 7ED3BAC3-8C05-4058-A86A-EFA04F…)

saw this girl on tt. she claims she doesn’t edit or use waist trainers or has gotten surgery. literally ridiculous how much she started shrinking her waist in recent pics

No. 2056935

Lmao the bent hair

No. 2056936

File: 1731697198321.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1125x1727, IMG_5206.jpeg)

She has corset/waist trainer bruises too.

No. 2056937

Imagine hating yourself this much.

No. 2056959

File: 1731701205054.jpeg (723.14 KB, 824x1713, IMG_3237.jpeg)

You can see the corset clearly poking out here. Not really sure why she keeps lying lmao

No. 2057854

Yeah, but it's honestly not moved much unless she warped it repeatedly back into place. She kind of has that Hex Hypoxia shape to her.

No. 2058091

The dancing videos speak for themselves, doesn’t put her arms near her waist once for more than a second and it’s blurry as hell

No. 2059206

File: 1732239682675.jpg (1021.33 KB, 1080x1516, 20241122_123040.jpg)

this girl popped up on my feed.

tame in terms of the usual shoopfuckery but her face.
it looks so creepily overedited and the obvious faceapp smile. insane snowshoop.

No. 2059289

It would help if you posted other photos to compare this to of her. The whole photo is corrupted. The whole thing has pixelation on it, not just her face.

No. 2059293

To be fair you can see the obvious filter on her eyes.

No. 2059324

No, but because the pixelation is like this, she might be a little closer to how this looks than is just a filter.

No. 2063869

File: 1733123830644.jpeg (987.05 KB, 3464x2711, E86AB5ED-E2DC-4D36-A539-9D98B8…)

Ridiculous photoshopper skybombshell/kayla is a member of Discord packing communities, which (for those who are fortunate enough not to know about yet) are servers known for predominantly trashy teenagers, blacks, egirls and the pedos who orbit them having shit talking contests on vc wherein they try and "pack" (roast) each other out of the servers. The beef gets recorded and shared online and people like vote on who won I guess. She posted a video of this where she gets pretty much bullied for looking ugly/different from her photoshopped pics on cam among other things then seething about how it was all biased against her. Extreme cringe warning

No. 2063871

In this video she didn't even post the part where the other girl cammed up too. Cringiest online communities I've ever seen in my life anyone who participates in this is a literal retard but it's kinda funny

No. 2063894

File: 1733136539492.jpeg (186.2 KB, 828x1467, D31F674C-3D96-42B4-BA22-53CC7E…)

Guess he couldn’t use a filter to get rid of his massive nose in the video

No. 2063934

He has a big nose in both photos. Theres no downturn if thats what you think you see. That's the background.

No. 2064154

His nose bridge is completely different and i don’t think a wall can make your nose hooked and downturned

No. 2064557

File: 1733279251556.jpg (665.59 KB, 1080x2018, Screenshot_2024-12-03-21-24-57…)

Poopina Carroll and the disappearing nose act

No. 2064558

File: 1733279394489.jpg (690.45 KB, 1080x2010, Screenshot_2024-12-03-21-25-52…)

Poopina Jackson

No. 2064560

File: 1733279896278.jpg (610.07 KB, 1080x1762, Screenshot_2024-12-03-21-36-26…)

look at her hands lol
footy is back at her antics

No. 2064563

File: 1733280081064.jpg (839.69 KB, 1080x2026, Screenshot_2024-12-03-21-40-17…)

How many faces does poopy have haha(retarded picspamming vendetta-chan)

No. 2064741

How is it a vendetta when she used to have a thread?

No. 2064757

Maybe the fact the retarded anons kept calling her poopy gives it away.

No. 2066192

File: 1733680954865.png (Spoiler Image,12.4 MB, 3464x3464, ttrzrzur.png)

No. 2066195

not me logging onto lolcow and immediately regretting my decision upon loading the homepage. Lmfaooo

No. 2066196

File: 1733681330632.jpg (Spoiler Image,515.72 KB, 1536x2048, Gc7BNSYaAAEDVLQ.jpg)


btw look at her face here

No. 2066199

File: 1733681478981.jpg (Spoiler Image,978.05 KB, 2752x4096, GU3wllWbYAAecZP.jpg)

No. 2066202

File: 1733681857761.jpg (Spoiler Image,526.69 KB, 1770x2358, GSsjuKNbcAA1l-8.jpg)

them pixels lmao

No. 2066443

Genuinely disgusting

No. 2066566

Fat people getting implants is such a funny thing to see.

No. 2066592

File: 1733764202124.png (135.2 KB, 275x296, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 19-06…)

she forgot to delete a layer

No. 2066626

The blurry back in the left hand bottom pic

No. 2069275

What is she going for? Kingdom Hearts tardlet?

No. 2071618

hello nonnies, this place might be a skirby sanctuary soon as the jannies think there should be no skirby threads(sage your shit/skirby is a banned topic in this thread)

No. 2071650


No. 2071684

facts, why do they keep banning them ? They were perfectly fine… so annoying(derailing)

No. 2071700

i think it’s because of the dmcas to be honest. doesn’t help neither that the farms are literally fucking abusing their power and when someone calls it out they get banned and told to take it to /meta as if they give a shit what random trannyfag moderator 372828 who throws money at the domain site says. either way, the skirby thread is locked, so if anyone has any skirby milk don’t be afraid to post here. because every time i or an anon keeps making a thread they get accused of being the op anon of the 1st skirby thread and banned(learn to sage, take it to /meta/)

No. 2071701

> remember shes "HEaLING" and "dIDn'T MEan tO HuRT ANyONe" >>2008145
>BALETED >>2008191
>retarded gotis nlog neet queen skirby >>2008357, >>2013003, >>2013177, >>2014424, >>2015141
>photoshop bullshit >>2008610, >>2008655, >>2012139 , >>2013007
>kek she released her onlyfans leak >>2008786, >>2008789
>another sylinda irl photo >>2008801
>trying to attract more moids with her nlog shit by playing roblox, a game that mostly children play >>2008820
>when you’re terminally online and you threaten to send kids to jail on tiktok >>2008850
>blessed with art >>2010180
>thirsting over more eboys like vinnie hacker and reaping the consequences >>2010337
>arguing with cows because ”WHY ARE WOMEN HATING ON ME” >>2010899
>chinless cucked retard and his fat girlfriend >>2013462
>pregnant diaper ass >>2014270, >>2014272
>please do not say I'm weird or ugly only I can call other girls that, you need to feel bad for me because I lie 24/7 ! it's not my fault that I'm a huge liar, I'm just insecure as you can see >> 2014304
>butthurt big bitch >>2014415
>skirby’s moid gets cucked again >>2015343, >>2015139
>skirby playing with sausages and a game controller in a filthy public restroom >>2015178, >>2015350
>underage schizo scrote cuts himself because skirby wouldn’t give him any attention in the dms KEK >>2015360, >>2015925
>newfag retard cowtips and learns that the kid is underage and other info >>2016358 >>2016698
>skirby was in communication with this kid (he did edits for her) >>2016703
>skirby live appearance she still didn’t show her face guys >>2018835 >>2008357
>photoshop is now defying basic principles of matter. her hips look abnormally small. in addition she’s been wearing corsets, bras and padding more often >>2008655, >>2008786, >>2008985, >>2013007
>old sylinda picture >>2008801
>skirby playing with kids on roblox >>2008820
>turbo karen ethot threatening to sue for the 3002th time >>2008850
>art anons! >>2010180, >>2010341
>skirby has a tendency to cuck her boyfriend on social media >>2010337
>fake gamer g1rl has her thot photo as her steam profile picture >>2010474, >>2010483
>skirby gets called out on tiktok >>2010899, >>2010900, >>2010901
>hapsburg’s jaw grabs her shapewear to prove its real guys >>2010905
>the mystery of sylinda’s sextape >>2011208
>pathetic skirby is hiding her face more and can’t go outside unless she has a corset on >>2011698, >>2013127, >>2014275, she’s literally in pain here >>2015386, >>2020785
>nlog needs to fire whoever is giving her this oompa loompa big back body >>2012139, >>2013003
>PREGNAnt ass skirby is not beating the obesity allegations >>2014279
>fake latina skirby >>2018835
>stop getting your fucking parents to prove your hips are real >>2033946
>skirbese never shows her face >>2035271, >>2049335,
>failing rapper shouts out skirby >>2052516
>fashion sense went out the window >>2053363
>lied about getting raped to deflect from her actions >>2064229(posting tinfoils in milk summary that got the new threads locked, just make a new thread without tinfoiling its that simple)

No. 2072448

File: 1735558974818.mp4 (3.37 MB, 720x1276, Snapinsta.app_video_AQN2zUsslY…)

sage for literal who but I found this filtered abomination while on ig

No. 2072474

I think that's an actual child. Still wierd as fuck for anyone posting this on tiktok, probably intended to be pedobait

No. 2072526

That's a real child with photoshop on them.

No. 2072529

Is she? I've seen a million other adult chinese influencers edit and purposely make themselves look like children the same way, so I just assumed she was an adult https://www.instagram.com/xiaomao077/

No. 2072535

File: 1735581954701.png (1.14 MB, 1854x613, lolibait.png)

When googling her and looking for her age, this other account pops up. The face does look the same. Makes sense when you add in filters.

No. 2072551

We've been getting reports on this, and this is actually not a child. It's a trend on tiktok where women are filtering themselves to look like actual children. It's weird and gross but they aren't underage. Unless there's hard proof of it being a child, please stop reporting this post.

However, going forward, please as always do not post actual children, and for the extreme filters where you'd need to investigate for a long while to check if they are or aren't, please make sure to also do your due diligence and post proof that they are not a child/underage when posting them here, alongside their photos/videos etc.

No. 2072579

File: 1735595151743.png (3.46 MB, 1045x1567, GV-nL97aoAIQIpH.png)

Weeb pedo panderers like this are a dime a dozen. This woman is ~27 years old, give or take.

No. 2072580

File: 1735595220897.png (1.5 MB, 864x1920, Screenshot_20240917-155857.png)

And this is a pic of her taken within a year of her high school graduation.

No. 2072582

Ew. Are they aware of how ugly and weird they look even with the filters when they do this? I can't imagine how off putting it is to see them irl.

No. 2072586

What a shame. She's pretty cute. Doesn't need to make pedobait for mods. I hope she realizes her worth.

No. 2072592

this pedo pandering gotta be predatory in itself…

No. 2072594

It makes me legitimately worried for their future kids if they don't grow out of it.

No. 2073159

There are women pedos out there nonna. I hope she gets therapy

No. 2073615

File: 1735906810036.jpeg (533.45 KB, 1179x2431, IMG_2035.jpeg)

someone needs to clear these people off the internet

No. 2079218

File: 1737215547194.jpeg (271.92 KB, 1023x958, IMG_2403.jpeg)

apparently her waist got smaller while her hips and thighs got bigger within a few months kek

No. 2079226

That might be a bbl too

No. 2081332

File: 1737685798932.jpg (320.26 KB, 2047x1945, Gd-TH1NW4AEzToM.jpg)

@kuroecos, i actually stumbled across her scrolling through collection pictures on MFC but it made be laugh. part of it is she's sitting on a stool but her entire account is this exact pose/background but with different costumes.

No. 2083970

File: 1738296509011.mp4 (18.64 MB, 1056x1920, 17384928171929.mp4)

Gonk at it again with the filters she "doesn't use". She rarely posts anything that isn't in 280p, and when she does, she looks like she's melting and has a ridiculously pinched nose. Inb4 this gets deleted.

No. 2084090

File: 1738346240669.png (1.52 MB, 1125x1125, Untitled34_20250131125153.png)


>tiktok nazi egirl

>claims to have “natural a10 eyes” despite being black
>claims to be half white despite being black
> has 100 different faces
>posts weird incest related videos and “looksmaxxing” content (old milk/sage your shit)

No. 2084110

I hate how all these white cosplay e girls try to look asian so much it’s sooo corny and cringy

No. 2084111

>having dark hair, dark eyes and using winged eyeliner is trying to look asian
please go back to tiktok politics corner

No. 2084130

Gonk you need to clean your house baby it looks a fucking mess(hi cow)

No. 2084350

Her eyes are so far pulled back that you can see the insides of her eyelid sometimes

No. 2084374

I don't agree dark hair + dark eyes + liner inherently = Asian, but in her case specifically it looks like she's stretching them with the same editing app himeahri does.

No. 2084377

ironic since asian women use himeahri and snow to look more white

No. 2084378

belle delphine has the same eyes and she's not asian. she looks like she's trying to look like belle not a chinese woman.

No. 2084450

Kek and who is Belle Delphine trying to look like, nona? You can't possibly believe her eyes are natural.

No. 2084553

belle has the exact same hooded eyes as her white blonde irish mother.

No. 2084568

exactly she stretched her eyes and made them slanted

No. 2084704

This hasn’t been said yet, but the Skirby milk and content will be moved back here for the time being due to faggotry and modfaggotry. The original OP info was awful so the one a previous anon made for Thread #2 will be posted here and saged.

Skirby, an Instagram ethot from Montreal Canada. A pathological liar who panders to underage coomers by utilizing her abhorrent shooping skills and posting her shitty, cheap aliexpress "cosplays".

Her socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imskirby/?hl=en
Twitter: https://x.com/imskirby?lang=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@imskirby?lang=en
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/imskirby
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/skirby

#1: >>>/snow/2008093

>thirsting for sam sulek again >>1951407
>BANNED KEK >>1959555
>filler ass freak >>1961580
>this stupid NEET thot has another account for the umpteenth time, hacked again >>1968718
>skirby’s back >>1973981
>i can’t live Without everyone hating on Me >>1978442, >>1978443,
>aww sweet, a new skirby spergout >>1984277, >>1984278, >>1984279
>new art for thread 8!! >>1984566
>skirby’s twin, shein skirt, butt-pads and all >>1985082
>skirby’s new moid >>1991549
>allegedly guz dropped skirby’s fat ass after she said his dick was small KEK >>1993339
>skirby’s hapsburg >> 1995181
>skirby’s meitu jiafei filters hard at work >>1995243
>skirby diaper ass >>1995794

> remember shes "HEaLING" and "dIDn'T MEan tO HuRT ANyONe" >>2008145
>BALETED >>2008191
>retarded gotis nlog neet queen skirby >>2008357, >>2013003, >>2013177, >>2014424, >>2015141
>photoshop bullshit >>2008610, >>2008655, >>2012139 , >>2013007
>kek she released her onlyfans leak >>2008786, >>2008789
>another sylinda irl photo >>2008801
>trying to attract more moids with her nlog shit by playing roblox, a game that mostly children play >>2008820
>when you’re terminally online and you threaten to send kids to jail on tiktok >>2008850
>blessed with art >>2010180
>thirsting over more eboys like vinnie hacker and reaping the consequences >>2010337
>arguing with cows because ”WHY ARE WOMEN HATING ON ME” >>2010899
>chinless cucked retard and his fat girlfriend >>2013462
>pregnant diaper ass >>2014270, >>2014272
>please do not say I'm weird or ugly only I can call other girls that, you need to feel bad for me because I lie 24/7 ! it's not my fault that I'm a huge liar, I'm just insecure as you can see >> 2014304
>butthurt big bitch >>2014415
>skirby’s moid gets cucked again >>2015343, >>2015139
>skirby playing with sausages and a game controller in a filthy public restroom >>2015178, >>2015350
>underage schizo scrote cuts himself because skirby wouldn’t give him any attention in the dms KEK >>2015360, >>2015925
>newfag retard cowtips and learns that the kid is underage and other info >>2016358 >>2016698
>skirby was in communication with this kid (he did edits for her) >>2016703
>skirby live appearance she still didn’t show her face guys >>2018835 >>2008357
>photoshop is now defying basic principles of matter. her hips look abnormally small. in addition she’s been wearing corsets, bras and padding more often >>2008655, >>2008786, >>2008985, >>2013007
>old sylinda picture >>2008801
>skirby playing with kids on roblox >>2008820
>turbo karen ethot threatening to sue for the 3002th time >>2008850
>art anons! >>2010180, >>2010341
>skirby has a tendency to cuck her boyfriend on social media >>2010337
>fake gamer g1rl has her thot photo as her steam profile picture >>2010474, >>2010483
>skirby gets called out on tiktok >>2010899, >>2010900, >>2010901
>hapsburg’s jaw grabs her shapewear to prove its real guys >>2010905
>the mystery of sylinda’s sextape >>2011208
>pathetic skirby is hiding her face more and can’t go outside unless she has a corset on >>2011698, >>2013127, >>2014275, she’s literally in pain here >>2015386, >>2020785
>nlog needs to fire whoever is giving her this oompa loompa big back body >>2012139, >>2013003
>PREGNAnt ass skirby is not beating the obesity allegations >>2014279
>fake latina skirby >>2018835
>stop getting your fucking parents to prove your hips are real >>2033946
>skirbese never shows her face >>2035271, >>2049335,
>failing rapper shouts out skirby >>2052516
>fashion sense went out the window >>2053363
>lied about getting raped to deflect from her actions >>2064229(posting the op that contains unverifiable milk despite farmhand warnings)

No. 2084976

File: 1738551668052.jpg (126.22 KB, 720x1472, Kekstretchyeyes.jpg)

On the topic of Himeahri, her eyes almost look upside down in this pic. Crazy audacity, especially when there's plenty of those who remember her old face from like 10 years ago.

No. 2084994

File: 1738555735138.jpeg (317.14 KB, 1206x1362, C6A020FF-0FA9-4EFF-9A65-2517F4…)

she’s lost her fucking mind, the editing is too obvious

No. 2084997

lol i just saw people making fun of this on twitter

No. 2085028

File: 1738569607839.jpeg (Spoiler Image,796.45 KB, 2048x2048, 9447540A-5B0F-4C60-8EBB-D0D6E7…)

IG handle: ariananicolewest This girl really deserves #1 gold medal for possibly being the worst photoshopper out there.
It’s so embarrassing, uncanny and cringe. She really be making the biggest clown outta herself 💀 How can some1 be so blind to these awful photoshopping skills and to not think people ain’t notice it
Imagine the ppl irl that see her and go home to see her post 😭 I bet every single 1 of them die laughing and say that girl ain’t look like that. She just making such joke outta herself. Everyday her stories and posts are something that I look forward to everyday. She archived some really cringe photoshopping posts but she will put back on her profile soon. Anyways get those notifications on cuz she is a whole entertainment show(namefagging/emoji/newfag)

No. 2085031

Go back, Alla

No. 2085042

this entire things looks ai generated

No. 2085052

What’s uncanny is how she manages to simultaneously look both 14 and 60. Fucking potato witch baby.

No. 2085102

kek yes i saw something similar on latin american side of facebook a week ago. people are making fun of this bitch and she isn't fooling anyone anymore with that porn addicted hentai body wannabe

No. 2085155

She looks like she's 13/14.how old is she? These are all just random photos of her face too.

No. 2085197

fweepy’s old news and not active online anymore (thank God for that, sad to see her in that degenerate lifestyle hope she got out of it)

No. 2085302

File: 1738634426003.jpg (1.91 MB, 3072x4096, 025020425841149.jpg)

>lol i just saw people making fun of this on twitter
Explains why she totally didn't send these asks to herself, kek(if its not milk and not photoshops do not post it)

No. 2085345

File: 1738646509059.jpg (560 KB, 1046x1859, 7142521.jpg)

lol she's in a relationship with a man and has only ever showed interest in eboys but sure(if its not milk and not photoshops do not post it)

No. 2085357

kek, does her audience not know you can edit your body in videos? even if she does show it, she probably enlarges it.(sage your shit)

No. 2085373

This isn't a general for Skirby and you guys lost your vendettafag thread. This is about photoshop only, not random posts from cows.

No. 2085386

yes it is, the content was moved here you stupid newfag(sage your shit)

No. 2085387

All Skirby milk was moved here due to the thread’s closure but sure play dumb pookie!

No. 2085394

>I watch lesbian porn sometimes but only suck dick therefore im bi
typical bislut

No. 2085627

Lol wow I’ve never thought about that. This genuinely sound like the way she talks, the odd sounding english and emojis

No. 2085660

Emphasis on "milk." Random skirby sperging that is not milk or a ridiculous photoshop will be banned.

No. 2085733


shes literally still active??? her tiktok is @ averagegirl0001

No. 2085734

how is it old milk i literally attached a photo of her recent posts(complaints go in /meta/)

No. 2085809

Are u guys getting threatened by skirby ? Cuz holy shit, it wouldn't be surprising after seeing her DMCA claims history. Put red text under this if she is.(skirby sperging)

No. 2085978

DMCA doesn't work on lolcow. No, she's just a terrible cow and these posts have nothing to do with photoshop. She had the chance to have a thread, but you guys ruined it. Now its only photos or fuck off basically. This isn't a thread for random happenings with cows unless photoshop is involved. Her day to day life should be posted in the instagrammers you hate thread, but it needs to be milk, not random posts from her. I know you're joking, but anons did this to themselves. Hopefully this clears things up.

No. 2086113

it does have everything to do with photoshop her milk was moved HERE(sage your shit)

No. 2086124

File: 1738862709521.png (948.48 KB, 752x648, naturalstaceys.PNG)

Unfortunately it appears she is active again (as averagegirl0001 on tik tok) and seemingly pretending to be in a lesbian relationship with fellow natural looksmaxxing, nazi larping stacey on the right, dara ashanti (whore666 on tik tok)

No. 2086276

File: 1738895993268.jpeg (626.77 KB, 1095x1329, IMG_2899.jpeg)

daras actual unedited face if anyones wondering. she still claims she looks the way she does when she edits and is also a discord pedo who goes after young boys(post proof)

No. 2086296

my apologies guys sorry for the retardation, from what i remember she was actually gone at a point. it’s unfortunate she’s back

No. 2086299

why is she editing herself to look trans

No. 2086309

She looks like a girl/woman. Wtf are you talking about?

No. 2086713

Red texting isn’t going to stop people from replying, ignoring the mods is funny(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2087007

File: 1739093526423.jpg (3.32 MB, 4096x4096, Whodat.jpg)

@zaperwave unhid some of her older photos on IG and holy shit does she shop herself into a completely different person now. She looks like AI art now with the eye shape and pinched septum

No. 2087282

Post different photos because this looks like the same person just with makeup and indoor lighting.

No. 2087549

File: 1739241336226.jpg (208.96 KB, 1080x1367, 1000021693.jpg)

panzer_princess on tiktok
Hilarious nazi larp from a Georgian woman who wears blonde wigs and blue contacts in all of her videos.

No. 2087550

File: 1739241376605.jpg (83.15 KB, 388x720, 1000021694.jpg)

Girl in the middle is her.

No. 2087552

File: 1739241545929.jpg (239.47 KB, 2048x1004, 1000021692.jpg)

Comparison of her at a con vs how she edits herself.

No. 2087574

i will never understand why pretty girls do this, bitch dont you get enough attention already?

No. 2087575

She got posted in the last thread >>>/snow/2001368 but has a very curated profile and hides the vast majority of her old pictures. It's not a great example because of the angle but she clearly naturally has a dimpled, larger chin/jaw and larger nose with a small bump not the "anime swoop" shown in the first pic. The septum being the size of a pin in the newer image is also not a difference of lighting, that's a side effect of poorly shrinking your nose.

No. 2087590

she’s beautiful damn

No. 2087605

File: 1739264157057.png (11.32 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_0738.png)

Norafawn editing ?
I noticed she looked a lot more normal in her recent tiktok video (top left) in comparison to her Twitter posts, Instagram and rest of her tiktok. I hope she continues to post less flattering videos because her comment section is always riddled with woman envying her physique and feeling bad about their bodies

No. 2087613

>norafawn editing?
well, duh. she has a great body already so it pisses me off even more. she posts those pandery ‘people online aren’t real, don’t be insecure’ type of videos too iirc

No. 2087811

Looks like she got help if anything, maybe it clicked after some therapy that the editing isn't healthy.

No. 2088114

File: 1739378319808.jpeg (646.81 KB, 1179x2404, IMG_3071.jpeg)

photoshop blindness

No. 2088283

File: 1739410698013.mp4 (15.95 MB, 1080x1802, Sims2charactercreator.mp4)

Came across this horrific shop the other day. Seems like she's always edited but is getting significantly more delusional. If you want a laugh go to the comments she is fighting for her life in there trying to claim this is natural kek.

No. 2088290

What is it with beautiful women shopping themselves like this? Is it because they know they are already hot, so they feel like they can get away with it better than a fatty could? Is it because they feel like they won't get attention with their normal bodies?

No. 2088299

There's so many attractive women posting themselves online, so I guess they're trying to find an extremely exaggerated niche that will make them stick out from the rest. The waist thing is just weird though because its so easy to get caught out about it irl and basically less than 1% of women have a tiny waist irl when you walk around and look outside (even super skinny women still tend to be normally proportionate)(sage your shit)

No. 2088300

File: 1739416992682.png (2.21 MB, 1322x1250, Screenshot 2025-02-13 at 03.21…)

she was already caught out do I don't know why she bothers doubling down on her larp

she has a normal and proportionate waist irl but insists on using jiafei Chinese filters for attention

No. 2088301

her shooping is funny to me actually because she doesn’t really bother to avoid showing her part of her torso in some selfies where it’s clear her waist is wider than in her pics. in her highlights even she has a full body video where she looks very different from what she usually posts

No. 2088303

File: 1739417308904.jpg (3.33 MB, 4096x4096, 141915988725.jpg)

I'm sure there's many reasons but I think they tend to have a warped idea of what is desirable. They're looking for attention and think they can be just that little bit more remarkable if they edit a little bit here or there, and then it spirals into uncanny as they lose their grip on reality by spending too much time online. Speaking of, Gonk is a prime example. She would be considered a pretty girl irl but won't settle for normality and has to have a pinched, upturned anime nose, bigger eyes, and full, defined lips that she just doesn't have naturally. These are from her recent streams vs what she posts.

No. 2088306

She looks prettier on the right. Looks like she had her tongue up Cartman's asshole on the left pics and he left a dookie ring stain around her nose.

No. 2088307

Her whole face looks like a smudge on the left, kek

No. 2088365

File: 1739446344195.jpeg (618.81 KB, 828x1696, IMG_3671.jpeg)

Yup she has a normal wide waist instead of the cinched in, no organs or ribs waist she edits onto herself

No. 2088523

makes her stomach look like a melted candle

No. 2089397

File: 1739667700190.png (2.1 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_2114.png)

lmao I love amazon(random ai photoshops are not milk)

No. 2089457

Why do women who are already pretty and thin shoop themselves smh

No. 2089625

File: 1739716786533.jpeg (893.61 KB, 1164x1463, IMG_3100.jpeg)

saw this on instagram. why do so many colored women get away with ridiculously photoshopping themselves into a caricature(bait)

No. 2089638


you’re a fucking faggot(sage your shit/infighting/integrate)

No. 2089648

File: 1739719879425.jpeg (614.75 KB, 674x807, IMG_3681.jpeg)

Has anyone here talked about limerence/succabuz coming back online? She lost a considerable amount of weight and started shooping her thighs and ass for her 12 followers

No. 2089653

If I was a black woman I'd also make an onlyfans account with ridiculous exaggerated shoops of myself and make money from idiots because horny black scrotes are very dumb and believe everything they see online is real

No. 2089667

Wasn’t she always photoshopping though

No. 2089669

yeah she edited heavily when she was famous but it somehow got worse

No. 2090195

what are her new socials?

No. 2090250

tostoneslover/pickmeuhp on tiktok. she changes usernames regularly i’m not sure if she still goes by those

No. 2090263

File: 1739864953461.jpg (52.27 KB, 736x1308, 1000000649.jpg)

Woah this person is insane

No. 2090270

File: 1739866792905.jpg (2.65 MB, 3464x2490, 1000000650.jpg)

Someone posted about them on /pt/ thread request, the audacity is almost intangible

No. 2090275

File: 1739867929805.jpg (1.41 MB, 1125x2436, 1000000651.jpg)

I don't understand why you would do something like this to yourself. Even if it were only for money or something (which isn't the case here( it would really fuck with you.

No. 2090321

>>2090275 posting the same 10 pics of this tranny lol. where did he go anyway
so many newfags flocking to this thread just to vendettapost their dumb irrelevant instagram cows like >>2086276 and >>2086124 i think these are both the same person…I at least know who is posting the fweepy chick

No. 2090488

I've just never seen this posted before, relax. You're retarded if you think it's "vendettaposting", that's literally an entirely new face and ethnicity.

No. 2090976

She was on TikTok for a while and then left after she got into some beef with one of her weird creepy fanpages on instagram.

No. 2092488

nona you’re wk for what? all of these people are seemingly milky

No. 2093369

File: 1740590885507.jpeg (106.94 KB, 828x652, BE525C49-474C-433C-A604-4A4601…)

Yeah girl you totally don’t edit your pictures and then look different in videos

No. 2093679

File: 1740672473586.jpeg (176.67 KB, 1170x954, Untitled267_20250227160615.jpe…)

Not sure if she’s ever been shown before but I’m fully convinced ilykimchi is editing. Angles cannot do this especially considering it’s the same angle!

No. 2093705

She looks like a typical BBL thot.

No. 2094310

Did skirby break up with her moid? She took down a bunch of posts with him and i don't think they follow each other.
She still has some posts with him up though so maybe not(sage your shit)

No. 2094364

At least post proof of this before assuming

No. 2094366

He still has highlights of him and her, so they might be together, Skirby could be cleaning up her IG to attract more moids (being not single won’t get you cash)(sage your shit)

No. 2094592

I’m not convinced, it looks like she gained weight and arched more.

No. 2094595

File: 1740891862660.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1026x1914, IMG_9572.jpeg)

It’s definitely still fat.

No. 2094679

File: 1740919653698.jpg (106.35 KB, 1050x921, 1728053670498.jpg)

just check her ig.
Her bf also changed his bio cause it used to say this.

No. 2094699

File: 1740927757588.jpeg (933.03 KB, 1290x2279, IMG_6944.jpeg)

This is the first highlight that shows up on her instagram. Maybe she’s just really good at angles? Idk

No. 2094719

are you like, legit stupid?

No. 2094724

She also left all of the posts with him up on her twitter, tiktok and second instagram.(sage your shit)

No. 2094885

Feel free to explain how she made her body look like her edits behind that metal thing

No. 2094886

File: 1740975229283.png (3 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_6961.png)

No. 2094891

Kek, this may be difficult for you to comprehend but two things can be true at once. Just because she's good at angles, does not mean that she never abuses Photoshop.

No. 2094895

Relax. I’m the one who made the original post about her. I do not like Nora. I never said she never edited I said MAYBE and am trying to figure if she’s still worth posting about. Jesus Christ

No. 2094912

>I'm built like a boy with a butt
Who tf even talks about like that. It sounds like the type of shit you'd expect a tif to say kek.

No. 2094930

i ran into her at a con last year, she looks pretty much identical to her photos online. if she does edit it's nothing major.

No. 2095048

Hi cow(hi cow)

No. 2095088

guarantee it's to downplay the fact that she's essentially "proving" she has a nice body and trying to appear humble, if she just posted it normally she'd probably worry she'd come across as vain. it's just weird because she's kind of saying that other women with a similar body to hers are built like "boys"

No. 2095165

File: 1741039347092.png (1.74 MB, 1170x2532, Untitled268_20250303215819.png)

I could agree as the video was around 5 months before that photo, but here are two photos side to side only one month apart, again, could be angles, but doesn’t explain the drastic hip to waist ratio

No. 2095196

File: 1741043263075.jpeg (57.97 KB, 348x700, Image 2025-03-03 at 7.05 PM.jp…)

>Guys, are you sure she edits? It's so subtle I can't tell

No. 2095281

She literally looks the same except she’s leaning into her hip more in the second one, I’m confused nonna. If she did edit it’s subtle and definitely not ridiculous photoshop.

No. 2095283

Also in that left photo, you can see her hoodie is loose around her rib cage which is making it look wider than the tight bodysuit.
I smell a vendetta-chan…

No. 2095289

she literally gave herself a bbl in the second picture

No. 2095292

She looks funny here

No. 2095298

I’m tired of all these girls that barely edit where’s the real COWS the really ridiculous ones?

No. 2095324

File: 1741070862538.jpg (4.9 MB, 4096x4096, Kuuroishi.jpg)

@kuuroishi on instagram is a pretty egregious example

No. 2095326

File: 1741071753485.jpg (Spoiler Image,174 KB, 1080x1350, 356589467_1262762524355203_331…)

This is what she actually looks like btw

No. 2095334

There’s no way she claims this is natural oh my god…

No. 2095335

How do men fall for this shit? genuine question. I know they are all retarded coomers but i refuse to believe they genuinely think this is real.

No. 2095339

They don’t care as long as it looks good enough for them to get off to.

No. 2095344

You can tell by her face in the second one that she's just sucking in really hard. She knows her angles. Also at that thin, having a full stomach VS an empty stomach can make all the difference

No. 2095363

Why would men care whats real or not? They're trying to orgasm. They aren't asking whether the elf girls they're jacking off to in their videogames are real either lol.

No. 2095392

Long time lurking Nona here, that bottom left photo is a edit fail if I ever saw one (I mean all the cows posted here are). Those legs don't belong to that shooped body I mean look at the calf to ankle to foot proportions.

No. 2095520

What is going on with her bellybutton? Is she bleeding or just retarded enough to think that wearing red jewellery there was a good idea?

No. 2095550

She gave herself the craziest cankles

No. 2095563

I’m amazed if she can contort her body in such a way it looks like she gained an extra 20 in the hips kek, there’s just a very clear difference in her body in videos compared to photos

No. 2095573

File: 1741130251190.jpeg (331.97 KB, 1179x1735, IMG_9604.jpeg)

She does look a little different but here’s a screenshot from the same video. It’s almost the same to me but maybe I’m delusional?

No. 2095597

They are pornbrained coomers that only watch hentai. And they never go outside to interact with real women (they would run away from these greasy scrotes) nor witness them. So they delude themselves into thinking this is real to have more fap material.

No. 2095684

this is such a retarded nitpick honestly because no one would think the belly button looks off or is bleeding because of the jewelry.

No. 2095685

The cope in this thread is fucking hilarious.
>reee I'm sick of all the subtle shop!!!
>the subtle shop

No. 2095712

Why is this thread filled with anons who seethe at every little thing directed at the people posted here kek

No. 2095716

File: 1741156036514.jpg (28.81 KB, 561x298, 1741071753485~2.jpg)

Nta but I zoomed in on her stomach because of those lines (that are probably caused by wearing tight pants I guess?), and I also wondered what was happening with her belly button at first. So I don't really think it's that much of a nitpick.

No. 2095775

That? Or the fact that due to her weight the belly button is eating her piercing? Not one to normally pick on ones weight, but if she is going to flaunt it like this for attention, it's fair game in my book.

No. 2096000

Idk but I wish these newfags would fuck off. Kinda defeats the purpose of the thread to play devils advocate with every obvious shop thot that gets posted.

No. 2096040

Why don’t you fuck off then nobody forced you to be on the lolcow photoshop thread(infight bait)

No. 2096041

Her gut just hangs over her hip bones just like skirby lol

No. 2097534

File: 1741621919332.jpeg (865.81 KB, 1179x2424, IMG_3364.jpeg)

this picture is killing me

No. 2097536

The original in the phone display kek

No. 2097555

KEKKKKKK the refelction showing her real figure. Inverted triangle body shape fr

No. 2097843

That wall's fighting for its life kek.

No. 2097850

File: 1741704842023.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.64 KB, 720x1016, 1950312014519.jpg)

Caught this Skirby… Species cosplay? The shop is so beyond sloppy so I expect it will get deleted pretty soon but I thought it was funny enough to be memorilaised here.

No. 2097853

i can’t tell where her back ends and ass begins

No. 2097908

Is she trying to hide drugs in her ass

No. 2098110

this thread doesn’t talk about her enough, her shoop is literal ridiculousness

No. 2098643

who is it?

No. 2098731

vwnrottie on instagram

No. 2099044

File: 1742005451846.jpeg (163.67 KB, 740x754, 9D4F41B6-4414-45ED-8B31-99E620…)

when photoshoppers have a solid color wall behind them they go crazy with the photoshop… because what the fuck is this

No. 2099049

yes, i too wish i looked like the Men in Black alien worms

No. 2099050

The hipbones are making the anatomy artist in me cry.

No. 2099074

File: 1742025640416.jpeg (880.23 KB, 1179x2125, IMG_3551.jpeg)

she’s fighting for her life in these comments, i know her fingers are cramping up

No. 2099150

thank God SOMEONE called her the fuck out. her comments are full of people gawking as if she doesn’t look completely ridiculous. and coming for their lips as if she doesn’t filter her face to death is insane

No. 2099302

most of them are shoop abusers as well and also she deletes and filters her comments

No. 2100454

File: 1742329996608.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1920, lol 1.png)

She's got a tiktok under @Bella that shes now just face swapping onto LOL see screenshot it's one of Sky's highlights


No. 2100456

I think it's sad for all that money these women spend on bogging themselves, they never have a high quality, handsome, loving or even just rich bf/husband. They're always getting passed from one non-committal asshole guy to the next. Or dating an absolute brokie ugly fugly moid who treats them like crap. What a waste of time and energy spent trying to cater to the male gaze when 5-6/10 homely Beckies get to date rich hot hockey Chads who love and dote on them.

No. 2100515

who’s sky?

No. 2100972

damn, she got big mad lolol

No. 2101027

File: 1742481960330.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1290x1881, IMG_9161.jpeg)

i genuinely am astounded at how photoshopped this is

No. 2101038

the long giraffe neck and the airbrushed faces compared to the body is sending me

No. 2101087

I literally thought this was some sort of 3D or AI art at first glance, and got confused as to why you posted it here. But after taking a closer look I saw that these bitches really tried to pass this off as real, major kek.

No. 2101089

>these bitches
They are all the same bitch.

No. 2101112

I want that gorilla couch

No. 2101153

File: 1742514105948.jpeg (166.86 KB, 580x857, IMG_3620.jpeg)

guess the liquify tool doesn’t work in normal lighting

No. 2101184

I’m mad that she owns that gorilla chair when clearly I deserve it more. Also the shoop is so bad I’d be surprised if even the most retarded of scrotes haven’t noticed at this point

No. 2101260

File: 1742542456262.jpeg (190.29 KB, 828x1351, IMG_9639.jpeg)

Was hoping she finally disappeared offline and got a normal job to support her kid but she will never stop posting this shopped garbage.

No. 2101263

>head is too fat to be shrunk
>obvious weight gain
>looks very bloated after a year/2 of being a mom

go take care of your kid loser

No. 2101266

ken i’d highly doubt her rich mommy and daddy would spend over $5k on a gorilla couch. this is the same rumor like the “skirby’s parents bought the boob job.”

it would be nice to know where she goes on a daily basis- this bitch is not a singer, a public figure, not even an influencer so where is this bitch constantly going. does she just wake up and follow internet losers around all day instead of establishing something for herself kek

every time you see her with other people, they appear ONCE

>her fucked up lip filler bestie

>the losers she met in miami
>the people she hangs around with elliott

No. 2101280

I don't think she does, all 3 are photoshopped into the picture.

No. 2101304

Meanwhile there's no joy to be seen on her face kek

No. 2101330

File: 1742565980613.jpeg (52.15 KB, 686x386, IMG_4960.jpeg)

The filtering is literally hurting my brain these bitches are responsible for the pornsick epidemic and “goth” culture being shitted on because they’re thots in black…

No. 2101332

I wouldn’t be glad if I was almost homeless and
my baby daddy won’t legally marry me or get a job(multiple unsaged posts)

No. 2101393

Ayrt, my bad didn’t look long enough at the picture but her editing skills are pretty good for me to be fooled like that

No. 2101411

women who talk like that sound like retards and I genuinely hope some chokes them out. I fucking hate them(a-logging)

No. 2101448

you can see one of her three push up bras sticking out😂😂

No. 2102132

File: 1742768741979.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20250323_231750_Ins…)

sayathefox looks different in many photos but is this the result of editing or a (botched) bbl? the transition from hip to thigh looks so rounded and weird

No. 2102139


No. 2102149

No. 2102222

kids can you ban the fags spamming shit in the threads and stop adding retarded bans on people who don’t deserve it ken also change the newfag picture it’s old and outdated. this website’s “persona” is a loli with cow patterns. let that sink in

No. 2102313

your newfag banner sucks change it kek

tfw when you ask why lolcow farm has a loli as their mascot(retarded newfag)

No. 2102318

File: 1742837678118.jpeg (1.2 MB, 3239x3356, 15D152CF-0253-436E-98D5-2B5215…)

I think it's editing. Years ago I remember her saying she only had a rhinoplasty. I thought she had that Korean jaw shaving surgery and a bunch of stuff done because that's what used to get speculated about in threads here but she looks kinda normal in pics other people post of her. She waist trains but looks average size without the corset

Elsie isn't a loli which you'd know if you weren't a newfag. That's just a mini version of her. It's like you're insisting on calling it a loli because you're a freak implying the cartoon is sexualized or something. Take it to the complaints thread

No. 2102474

Isn’t she that one chick who lied about having cancer a couple years ago ?

No. 2102557


No. 2102607

File: 1742923110459.png (738.32 KB, 813x556, holycrap.png)

she's been posted before but i went back to her earliest twitter posts and even though both pictures are heavily edited she really did just start pedobaiting and never looked back.

No. 2102618

This is the bitch who sells OF porn of herself edited like a child isnt it?

No. 2102620

That GIGANTIC skull on the left picture, holy shit

No. 2102627

she's so inconsistent with her editing that people are genuinely believing these are 3 different people

No. 2102628

That was seven years ago

This should be illegal

This one does. It's a goofy drawing, not a suggestive one unless you're sick in the head though

No. 2102664

>Newfags don't know what a chibi is

I didn't notice it before, but fuck, you're right, her head is huge. It looks like one of those creepy fetish masks, like her real head is encased in silicone.

No. 2102673

This is incredibly embarrassing, why would she post this?

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