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No. 2087357

Lately milk is very skimmed and cows are more silent than usual, but we still had some interesting posts and additions.
Previous thread: >>>/snow/2045809

Momsfav: she’s under strict observations of some nonnies that are waiting for her to drop at the usual skeletal state. We shall see

The Twins: an anon asked about them 6 times in the thread, but they’re alive and well (for their standards).

Fi: she’s silent, more than she ever has been (is she breathing tho?)

Lavipop94: everything she posts is more confusing than the previous and that makes it difficult to really understand what’s going on.

find.ingrfances: she was (and probably still is) admitted at death doors and the stress of it made her headbang so hard some anons didn’t even recognize her. She proudly displayed it on ig, along with her birthday pics where her family look utterly done with it.

Jaycie: she thinks we’re obsessed with her and that we’re eagerly awaiting for her to post some other shitty lies. She still didn’t loose any weight or change in any way.

Your Mother: (kinda) new addition to the farm. She’s a larper that in some way managed to get admitted, even if she’s as near to underweight as the fat orange cat of your friendly old neighbour.

Lyss: posts just badly disguised body check pics taken in public and retarded digs loooooooosely addressed to her ex, on Christmas day.

jenn.goddess (former jenn peach): she’s cured and know the truth behind everything about nutritioun, so much so that a girl died, under her care (allegedly). Freely supports her, so that’s reassuring.

Kali: she’s at it again with the creepy infantilized pics with her mom and the sh wound on show.

Aimzee: as per usual her only personality traits are a giant pad on her head and an offensively expensive collection of plushies.

healthyish_mama: a frightening resembler of a mummified millennial mother that scares her followers (and probably her kids) with her protruding face bones. She claims everything has to do just with her chRonIC ILlnesS, but considering what she shows as her meals, something doesn’t add up. Her comment sections are full of creeps that preach her absolute beauty.

Aidel: she’s proudly posting as she and her mother are unable to be adults in public, while she looks like shit. Seems to want to take residence in hospital and tells us as hedbanging is her best coping mechanism.

Laurie Gauvin: new spoop, she loves to share her (miserable) recovery meals while practicing no less than six hours of sports per day. She claims to bel all in, but the progresses don’t match that energy.

loving.rachael: spoopy narcissist with a pathological need for attention, so much so that she posted herself on a roast subreddit.

EC: Halloween was another occasion to spook everyone with poor taste and bones flailing, good job.

Lucinda: was in a coma but she’s still standing, our unicorn queen.

Ash: after gifting us a precious view of her arteries for Halloween, she continues to be the radioactive waste that she truly is, impossible to get rid of.

Marie: anons stumbled upon her new twitter account where she shows how she weights as much as 3yo and post bodycheck in which she looks like a spoopy grandmother.

Paris: she cries, she just cries.


https://www.instagram.com/jenn.goddess?igsh=MXRmMm8xemxzZHUybQ== https://www.instagram.com/healthyish_mommy?igsh=MXMxMDBycWw2MmdhZA== https://www.tiktok.com/@healthyish_mama?_t=ZN-8tncMSQi4us&_r=1 https://www.instagram.com/lauriegauvinn?igsh=MWNkNzFvdDRvcjdqZA== https://www.instagram.com/strugglingstrawbxrry?igsh=bndha2prempibXE1 https://www.instagram.com/aidels_journey?igsh=MW90enpwODR3NzV3Mw== https://www.instagram.com/loving.rachael?igsh=Z2JkanZraWNwbTF3 https://www.instagram.com/lucibelindy?igsh=MTZmMml3MzR3YzdvdQ== https://x.com/laikkaloves?s=21&t=5dDZyq2BB6OjG5qIQ-6o6Q https://www.instagram.com/aimzee24?igsh=eHZicjFjNWxlYnN2

No. 2087507

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Lavi went from ACUTE to residential for two days and then discharged herself to go home because she's too special for any ed treatment program to meet her needs

No. 2087600

the shoop here is… something

No. 2087677

Her left hand; wtf.

No. 2087772

Kek at the fact she said she left res because they couldn’t accommodate her soooper speshul dietary needs…yet goes home and continues posting her greasy fast food 24/7

No. 2088019

I don’t think there’s any shooping

No. 2088080

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Reposting this from the end of of the previous thread but srsly this girl is hilarious to follow with her delusional antics as she believes she is some sooper sick anachan ….these horrible shooping edits are embarrassing

No. 2088094

Yeah I don't see it either

No. 2088147

There is something off about these

No. 2088164

KEK she forgot to edit her left upper arm

No. 2088175

the legs shooped, midriff shooped, both forearms shooped, upper arms as well…topkek she’s hilarious. her tiktok cracks me up, she’s always talking about how she misses ana. Ana where??

No. 2088213

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I swear all these “chronic” cows have a weirdly juvenile relationship with friends/family where they’re babied

No. 2088214

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No. 2088216

Like this is a full grown 30+ year old woman and I’m pretty sure her mom still sleeps over at every hospital stay she has. And her excuse is always that she was soooo close to death

No. 2088282

Was @carolinedeisler brought up before? Vegan orthochan who posts vids rattling around with her kid

No. 2088332

Seriously? What’s the point of shooping yourself just to look mid?

No. 2088404

because without the shooping she’s a pretty big girl lmao. inb4 mods cry about bonerattling, she’s actually overweight and not slightly either

No. 2088687

She freaks me out. Her child looks so lethargic all the time, and I think she’s really delayed in talking too.

No. 2088752

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i found a bit odd the caption, expecially the "world strongest", even if she kinda is (roach)

No. 2089080

Blogpost but i’m convinced this is part of their “disorder” or whatever you want to call it, enabling, borderline munchie parents and BPD chans. Probably intergenerational mummy issues. Should be studied kek

No. 2089151


No. 2089162

She is gonna live to a ripe old age at the rate she's going, it's like she's living in suspended animation and not tipping the scales enough to die or change. I always hope that at some point she'll be like, 'it's a literal fucking miracle that I'm alive, maybe I should take advantage of it by trying to recover even a little bit??'. Her entire existence is palliative care, what does she have to lose…? That said, no doubt her insides are soup so maybe it's pointless.

No. 2089248

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sage bc no milk and sorry for shit collage but last night while scrolling i stumbled upon this account and yeah, just creepy af

No. 2089352

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oxana.dc is turning yellow/green. We’ve seen this story before- faking eating the food & will turn up dead. She is toxic with this fake recovery.

No. 2089373

She claims not to have an ed and acts confused and aggressive when people ask why she looks like that and if she has an ed

No. 2089539

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abby finally addressed her “friendship” with the incestuous self slasher

No. 2089602

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Discharged looking like this. She's gonna be dead before the year is over.

No. 2089635

i really can’t wrap my head around it, like how can they safely discharge her like that? she’s an adult but they could section her or make her at least do inpatient ?(i’m italian so i’m not sure how it works in the uk)
i know her parents are kinda against the occidental healthcare system but how can her mother let her go around like that knowing the risks? (sorry for rant)

No. 2089649

She has just been inpatient. She gained incredibly slowly, too. Incredibly. She is very short, she must have been gaining like .1 .2 a week.

No. 2089656

lmao here for this holy shit that becca/grace stuff was insane

No. 2089670

C-PTSD larp incoming…

No. 2089679

Why do these cows just have to air their dirty laundry in public. Imagine telling over 4000 people you were besties with a pedo and trying to spin it to your advantage. BPD off the charts with this one, go have a proper wash Abby

So she’ll be back to posting a single kernel of sweetcorn and 3 peas labelled ‘recovery’ in no time. Fab. Can’t wait (!)

No. 2089680

ayrt, sorry i meant outpatient, but i think even that wouldn't do much

No. 2089734

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Oxana Del Carpio is also obsessively spamming Linda Sun's youtube comment section with advertisement for her own youtube channel. Picrel is a random example but you can click on any of Linda's youtube videos and she will have responded to most comments. It's so creepy and feels stalkerish to me. Linda never responds to her either.

No. 2089740

I disagree I think Abby coming out with her story is a good thing. Seeing that this predator has done it again is only good for people in the future to not engage with her. As her story’s say she’s been in hospital for four years straight essentially and is now trying to find her place in this world. I think this is a positive step for her. Incest Becca should be studied like. That weirdos absolutely batshit

No. 2089766

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On the topic of Amalie

No. 2089767

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Sorry if this has been posted in earlier threads. But why so many bandages?

No. 2089822

Looks like she’s also got stitches under some of them

No. 2089823

I agree with you Nonnie. Abby was/is vulnerable and lacking life experience and I'm glad she's out of the clutches of whatever the fuck that thing is. Abby seems much less cowish and like she does want to move on in life.

No. 2089947

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Nice little self post there Abby. ‘Edit profile’.

No. 2089948

she was showing her highlights about signs of abuse on her own profile

No. 2089955

I never understand why someone would do that to their face if not to get the ultimate attention from other people. Everyone think’s your just stupid though, so congrats

No. 2089958

Damn, her turd braids are even smaller than Shayna‘s.

No. 2089962

These are screenshots of Abby’s own story she posted… Are you dumb

No. 2089963

This one reminds me of the Scottish amiee girl that has the permanent bandaged head and arms. Coddled beyond belief

No. 2089970

are you slow? she posted a screenshot of her profile and then i screenshotted her story, as you could have see by yourself if you checked her stories instead of calling selfpost. grow up and do your research

No. 2090020

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Suprised she hasnt been talked about yet. German spoop clearly very proudly bodychecking. Gets a lot of concerned comments but says she's doing great. Clearly loves the attention. Also kinda yellow and her teeth and eyebrows look horrible.

No. 2090139

lol I knew from the beginning that incest becca girl was a predator. Goes to show how she will pick on the weakest of links. Abby clearly knows/knew little about an adult life… but she’s deffo not been posting as much and seems like she’s trying? Becca was 26 whilst Abby was 18 or 19 I think; wtf becca/grace really needs to sort itself out Kek probs some jail time would help for at least 6 months before it finds another child to seduce…

No. 2090152

I have always had a soft spot for Abby. She never romanticised being ill like the rest of these cows. She always just came across as a genuinely ill young girl to me and it felt harsh to pick her apart on here? Falling into the hands of a predator straight out of hospital is scary and I’m glad she away from invest Becca and wish her well

No. 2090171

She has been. She just always does the same thing.

No. 2090208

She needs to come to the US where she will be eating 5000 calories a day within a few weeks of hospitalization and gaining 4-5lbs/week like weight restoration should be done. None of this fucking around at summer camp for years on end like in the UK.

No. 2090268

Does anyone know what Smorven is doing now?

No. 2090379

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sage bc i don’t know if it’s milky, but in italy we have this tv program (it’s been going one for like 4/5years) about people with ed/mental illnesses and are inpatient in various hospitals and today i found this charming girl. until now in italy the nose hose was a practice used only in severe cases, but this… i’m literally shocked (also i have some possible cows, but obviously they’re italian, i don’t know if someone is interested)

No. 2090417

My best guess is binging and purging. She's probably injured her oesophagus and is unable to eat.

No. 2090434

kinda, she says that she’s bulimic but that in the last period of time she was not binging, but throwing up everything she ate (i bet) and so they gave her the tube. watching the episode and how she talks and act she looks exactly like georgie porgie (for the anons that remember her). she’s in the room with an actual anorexic and during meals she won’t shut up about how she’s scared of food and doesn’t want to eat bc she already has the tube. i peaked her sm and she definitely acts like a cow, but i don’t want to spam her if it’s not interesting

No. 2090439

What show is this? She seems like an amusing cow

No. 2090455

Throwing tantrums and scratching her face up in redu probably

No. 2090458

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When one cow comes down, another pops up. Same bs as always. Repeat offender to res while all she does is play games & make jokes about treatment. She’s too old for this childish behavior.

No. 2090462

What’s the show called?

No. 2090479

“fame d’amore”
you can find it on the app RaiPlay and is free, idk where it can be shown but i live in the canary islands rn and it works so yeah

No. 2090489

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while i’m on it i wanted to flag another potential italian cow.
Her name is leila and she is a very severe case as you can see, but what is baffling is that is a EC-Mom type of situation. She and her mother are attached by the hips but everything is done in order to enabling Leila and receive views and money from the internet. She’s a purging anorexic and for some time now she has lost her teeth and is kinda disheartening watching all unfold (is been at least 3 years of this shitshow). sorry for spam, have a nice night



(these are articles that talks about her)

No. 2090497

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>she has lost her teeth and is kinda disheartening watching all unfold
You're right, it's very sad. But she may have a promising future as the next Gollum.

No. 2090504

And still claiming she doesn’t have an Ed.

No. 2090591

i’m crying laughing nonna
yes it’s sad, but after seeing all that she’s done just for attention (at one point every ed clinic in italy was offering her a bed since her mother went on a tt live and slandered the system, but the poor ana Leila decided to say no to everyone, run away and then post a lot of videos where she said “sorry i weight 24kg is not my fault my brain is just not working”, and all the nation was fuming)

No. 2090597

>>2090434 what’s her insta/tiktok usernames?

No. 2090609

No. 2090701

its absolutely wild how long she has kept this shit up, so many years of life wasted … and for what

No. 2090770

lmao wtf

No. 2090850

old news, she sprinkled comments about her support here and there during the years
also, sage

No. 2090900

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kek, she posted this as a low weight picture

No. 2090903

Those fat arms, kek.

Anybody that's normal weight can suck in their stomach, extend their torso and make their ribs visible.

No. 2090926

Never romanticised being ill my ass. From posing with fresh self harm, trying to make looking dirty sick and ugly an aesthetic, posting videos of her dancing in hospital with captions about hiding from staff and supposed to be on bed rest…again some nonnas need to do some research before sharing their personal feelings
Yes Abby may be young and naive, have a funny vibe about her and maybe somewhat pretty but she’s definitely a cow

No. 2090940

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do we take twitter cows? regardless this one’s made sure to spread herself thin absolutely internet-wide.
she was active on two twitter accounts at the same time @audreystarves, since been deactivated, and @apricotoats. on audreystarves she would post about actively losing, constantly going on and on about whether she’d gain on an intake of less than 500 calories whilst simultaneously posting recovery bullshit on apricotoats, sometimes with the same fucking pictures of the same meals on both accounts.

she got down to bmi 11.something until being hospitalised for some sort of organ failure and claimed she ‘HAD refeeding syndrome’ whilst posting copious amounts of hospital food which she was willingly inhaling whilst also being on NG feeds seemingly not having a fucking clue how what refeeding syndrome is or how it works.

then she posted the same dozen pictures of her NG and hospital meals all over her thousand twitter, instagram, tiktok accounts. and now she’s getting involved with all the other typical cows on tiktok, especially cosying up to known shooper smoothiebowlmia/matchamiiii or whatever she’s going by now. this girl is out of her mind. can see what other milk i can farm back up if there’s interest but this cows behaviour drives me insane

No. 2090941

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No. 2090991


No. 2090996

What part of this isn’t her being an ill teenager? Part of this illness is denial. She’s never claimed to be a recovery account

No. 2091001

Is it with English subtitles ?

No. 2091013

You can be ill and still a cow, why do you think there are 110 other threads? Not even the ayrt but she absolutely romanticised being ill, if you can’t see it perhaps you need to take a look at yourself kek

No. 2091019

this is her ig if you want. also she is OBSESSED with this (minor) singer that invited her on stage a couple of times and in one of them she talked about how she was suffering with EDs, and literally said "i'm not a thin person, but i don't eat and i often have to be hospitalized with the tube"("io non sono una persona magra, ma non mangio e spesso vengo ricoverata con il sondino", for who want the original.) babe, the math ain't mathing

as far as i can see, nope. sadly, italian are not the most interested on being multilingual in our tv programs

No. 2091028

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samefag, sorry for spam, but in the first two posts she rambles about how she's insecure about her body, but she also posts pics like the third
i'm not vendetta-ing, i just saw her on a show and i don't know her
but in all my life i never saw an insecue girl going on stage to talk and posting half naked pics like this

No. 2091038

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don't apologize, this girl is milky. What the hell is with this cake? The combination of the pictures of that singer and her tattoo picture that actually shows a lot of self harm scars is, uh, quite something. (Also, not in a mean way, but I hope her grandma got whatever that is on her lip looked at by a doctor.)

No. 2091063

is her attempt to do a smash cake for her birthday, but she ruined it with her scars and obsession over a singer…
(i think the grandma has a mole on her lip, but yeah she should keep an eye on it)

No. 2091070

KEK did she just crash this band's show and start talking about being fat?!
(Also I keep reading the band's name as 'Legolas' and I can't see it as anything else).
Third Kek at the username 'old men'.

No. 2091071

Oh it's the singer's name, not a band. Still can't un-see 'Legolas' Kek.
She's literally bursting out of that top she's wearing. Never thought I'd see Italians tubing fat people, let alone obese ones like this. In my experience Italians are very judgemental about size and weight and appearance and what people eat. They love to talk about it; to your face as well. Certainly in Northern Italy.

No. 2091074

“ leo gassmann” is the singer, it’s not really a band, just him singing mediocre love songs
she went to EVERY SINGLE CONCERT he did in a 60km radius, tagged (and tags) him everywhere all the time until he started to recognize her at every concert/event (difficult not to notice her in the front row) and talked to her etc, i think he invited her on stage for internet pity points ,not else
but obviously she’s convinced he’s her hero and that he cares about her, that he’s gonna save her, babygirl doesn’t understand that “celebrities” does not care

No. 2091077

we are judgemental, even too much sometimes, and this is the first ever fat girl that i see tubed in our hcs
she says she had bpd so i think they tube her because she want to be seen as fragile as the others and if not she’s gonna a massive fit (in the episode they say that her feedings are the lowest possible so yeah, that tells a lot)

No. 2091078

Oh shit. I mean he probably recognizes her as a fan (had not to notice her, like you said) but now he's gotten himself into something that will end badly……Did she tag him in the cake picture? Because that would be disturbing for poor Legolas.

No. 2091080

she tagged him, she obviously did (and she even appear on his “community” profile on ig, idk if it’s curated by his team or by fans tho, need to investigate) )

No. 2091081

It's insane that she's tubed. Especially in Italy. Do you know which region?
I want to find this TV show now actually.

No. 2091099

she’s from Novara (it’s on her bio on ig), so northern italy
fact that further made me so shocked when i saw her on tv, since i’m from the north (but near venice, for geographical purposes) because us, northern italians, are raised at bread (or polenta) and fatfobia, and she also said on that show, so seeing her tubed and acting all dainty sick waif was appalling
again, i’m sorry if im spamming, but i’m so confused

No. 2091146

I watched the Italian show about ED's "Fame D'amore" on RAI, on youtube. Does anyone have an update on the girl Beatrice on the show? The episode I watched was heavily jump cut due to copyright reasons. I don't know Italian so I could only make out what was said based on their expressed emotions.

No. 2091147

that was the 2019/2020 season but she still is not “cured”, she sometime is still inpatient in community homes for EDs but at least she has somewhat of a life outside of it (not much tho) i’m not gonna put her socials here since she is not a cow, just a very ill woman
BUT i could bring other girls that were in the show and that could be cow material
(yes i’m a fucking creep who watches religiously that show please do not judge me)

No. 2091149

Forgive me for hijacking this thread to talk about Italian ED clinics but they intrigue me very much. Just like ED clinics in Spain and the Netherlands. I wanna know more… what's the recovery rate in these italian ED clinics? The wards look identical in some girls Tiktoks so I can only assume it's the same facility. Does Italy have many ED facilities or do they all end up on the same one? How long is waiting lists? And do girls there have to get super spoopy before they receive any help like in Russia for example?(sage your shit)

No. 2091152

And what about the Italian tiktoker Elena Sommaruga? Did she recover? I remember her dancing tube videos. Did she turn her life around?(sage your shit)

No. 2091160

SOOOO it’s gonna be long
in italy, as everywhere else, you can go inpatient in 3 cases
1. you go to you pcd and they file a request for you to go in (if you need stabilization you go to a hospital and they treat that, then they decide if you need more care or not, but at discharge you are still referred to public psychiatrists and nutritionists in order to follow up. you will have to wait on the list bc you go with public healthcare)
2. you are very sick and your doctors send you to the first bed available, public hospital or clinic is indifferent. you have to accept or deny, you have decisional power (in adult cases, if your a minor your parents decide but they still have to have your approval). often the follow up is partial inpatient treatment, so you have all your meals in the hospital closer to your home, and then outpatient treatment, with who they refer you to or with whom ever you want, since they still be contacted by the psychiatrist that followed you on admission.
3. you’re at death doors and someone calls a tso ,“trattamento sanitario obbligatorio”, aka even authorities/social workers are involved and you have no power, so you are admitted bc you can’t take care of yourself (or your caregivers can’t deal with you in a safe manner) and you are hospitalized for whatever timeframe they decide it’s necessary. usually it is in public hospital, but since the beds are very few, sometimes you go into a clinic.
treatment of EDs is usually short, they try to pull your head out of your ass in the shortest time possible, since they know that if it becomes chronic you couldn’t do much, but we have our fare share of long lasting spoops
treatment of PDs and other mental illnesses in the other hand is different and you could be put in a clinic for up to two years (sometimes more), but in that part i’m not very competent
you have to remember we have universal healthcare, so the prices are not so high even in private clinics/communities, since taxes pays part of it still.
we have some specialized hospitals and communities that are more egregious than others (Ospedale Auxologico di Piancavallo, the only public hospital with a very know and specialized ED ward, Villa Miralago, Villa Santa Chiara, Domusnovas, La casa delle Farfalle, are the most popular)
last year all the money for ed wards etc were cut, so the system is overloaded,udersaffed and underpaid, and the result is a big lack of beds and professional support for people who go through this, especially since in italy the norm is to be pretty athletic and lean, so when people begin to suffer from EDs it gets very bad before someone gets concerned enough (not in every case, but it’s common, speaking from my experience, IM NOT BLOGGING, and that of the people around me and that i see on tv/sm)
sorry if i made any grammatical mistakes

No. 2091161

she is still an entitled spoop, she’s our ash (she even looks like them)


No. 2091165

Oh exactly. Northern Italy was what I was talking about. The judgment about body size and what someone eats is so bad. And everything else. Always expected to work 10+ hours a day but act like it's no big deal, still socialize and keep up with family, maintain a clean and perfect home. Always wear the nicest clothes, hair and nails done, stay perfect and slim but never miss a big family meal or aperitivo. Never turn down food or wine, but don't eat dessert unless it's a special occasion or people will call you out. The pressure!
I'm surprised any fat young people exist in Northern Italy tbh.

No. 2091168

Omg 'La casa delle Farfalle', 'The butterfly house' ?! Kek.
Also why do Italians do the NG tubes so weirdly? Hanging in front of the face like an elephant trunk with a lot of bandages? Not along the face. I don't think any other country does that.

No. 2091169

Very intriguing first hand accoount of the Italian culture, their ED treatment options available and their "trattamento sanitario obbligatorio" sounds like the legal equivalent to a sectioning.

What intrigues me the most is the northen italian food culture and pressure to overwork and never turn down food but still stay lean. There is this American notion that "italians can eat whatever they want (bread and pizza) and still stay slim". This notion also exists about Japan and the Japenese people. They have a very BIG food culture, restaurants everywhere, and where they can't turn down meals with family and friends yet they still stay slim. Sounds troubling and stressful. I can see why ED's are prevalent there. The bigger the food culture and family oriented food rituals, the more ED's it seems.(sage your shit)

No. 2091172

It's because their NG's are too big and rigid. They are so thick and not easy to "bend" so they can only hang down because the plastic is thick and not soft like a smaller one that's more easy to bend and place on the side.(sage your shit)

No. 2091174

yes it is difficult, and stressful and sometimes so stupid, but we need to differentiate.
in northern/central italy (i’m from the fucking mountains in a village of 120 people) we are not so big on family reunions etc, we are workers and we have the most pressure to be seen as the best worker, family member, friends, athlete etc and all aid it reflects in our food habits. the average northern italian during the week eat clean and healthy and in a fucking rush because you have to work and be productive. in the weekend we have lunch or dinner with our parents or friends and we eat something more traditional and elaborate, but after the meal we are internally compelled to go for a walk “to digest” and on sunday the majority of us do some type of outdoor activity (skiing, running, hiking, cycling, you chose).
we are the most affected from restrictive EDs
in the south they are chill, they work very little in comparison (and that’s why the hate from us who run the economy) and they love their feast breakfast lunch and dinner. they have the majority of cases of people that need bypass surgery.(sage your shit)

No. 2091177

exactly, they tend to use more rigid tubes
the unsaid reason is because they are uncomfortable as hell and it push you to want to eat orally, since is so uncomfortable
the official reason is the fact that they are cheaper and more available, only specialized wards use thinner and more comfortable tubes, and usually only for patients that they already know are gonna need it for a long time

No. 2091179

Thank you for sharing. Im sorry again for hijacking this topic. I can imagine the younger generation has the most pressure in terms of staying slim. The older generation has a different outlook on piling on the weight, especially if they already had kids and grandkids.

Im also intrigued, by the despite our differences, the ED cow culture, is identical to any other country like the UK, US ect… ED's are so universally similar, they cross all cultures and boundaries and everyone ends up becoming carbon copies at the end stage. Regardless of language or cultural inheritance. For instance the big girl on the show with a tube and scars on her forehead, if I didn't know she was from Italy I would have thought she was from the UK.

No. 2091180

I know in some parts of Scandinavia, they insert what's called "temporary meal tube". They place a rigid tube for each meal they reject, and pull it out after feeding. So they will do this procedure for.. 3.. 6 times a day for how many times they reject, pull it in and out to make it so uncomfortable they start eating. Not attaching it comfortably to the cheek like they do in UK/US.

No. 2091181

and to add on this
i know it sound barbaric, but you have to make into perspective that our system is primarily paid by taxes and they can’t afford to waste resources on tubes for people that use it as badges of approval
it’s not uncommon that professional spoops get outpatient tubes when there are no bad available and they are on the verge of needing it, and almost every time they give them the most uncomfortable and thick tubes so they don’t want to have them for too long
also, about the bandages, they are there so you don’t pull the stunt of removing it by yourself, since again, they are not so cheap on the system

No. 2091183

File: 1740084611504.jpg (22.3 KB, 165x316, 1434395344352.jpg)

Who remembers italian Aly's tube back in the day. When I first saw it I thought that's got to hurt like hell.

No. 2091185

exactly the same here with the mentality
they don’t want you to became revolving door patients and they don’t want you to become a chronic spoop, because it costs a lot of money and it is not in your best interest to live all your life in a limbo
doing as the UK or Australia would be absolutely batshit crazy for us

No. 2091186

I fully support the practice of giving them the uncomfortable tube for temporary measures. There are so many who grow so accustomed to this "accessory" that no one's ever seen them without it on their cheek. Some countries are too lenient with the tube practice, making it impossible to wean them off it like a pacifier. Just look at "THIN" doc 2006.(sage your shit)

No. 2091189

File: 1740085220833.jpeg (608.28 KB, 1179x2096, 2B877CF8-2834-4130-A4D6-8E3E2E…)

for instance, she’s one of our professional anas (@francesca.casanova) and she has given an outpatient tube a couple of times, along with several time in hospital, and as you can see it’s almost a straw
they hate her and it is clear

No. 2091194

Oh yea the Northern Italians hate the South. Very lazy seeming in comparison to the North.

No. 2091196

That was what I was asking about. She was the first one I saw with a tube like this, back in her glory days kek. It looked so weird.

No. 2091198

And Italy is generally pretty corrupt anyway, the government system. From what I have seen and heard. A lot of corruption in systems and in business making it difficult for the average person to make good money.

No. 2091200

Is that ballerina I always see Italian? I think she is. Molinara Marta or something? Professional dancer but….

No. 2091253

Some units do put tubes in and out for feeding in the uk. It strikes me as funny that these people that are “desperate” not to have a feed will willingly keep a tube in, when whipping it out each time would make it harder for staff to give the feed. Not saying that’s great, just saying that they are motivated by the photo opportunity.

No. 2091256

File: 1740093758855.jpg (191.03 KB, 749x1038, 1000073217.jpg)

I don't know who this bitch is but apparently a quite famous dancer on social media?
What is this bougie-ass IP she was in?!

No. 2091257

File: 1740093826305.jpg (169.77 KB, 750x862, 1000073220.jpg)

Restaurant?! Room service?!

No. 2091259

File: 1740093924844.jpg (160.98 KB, 750x861, 1000073218.jpg)

Ugh, Jelly Cats. She IS one of them.

No. 2091260

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No. 2091261

File: 1740094080347.jpg (146.53 KB, 742x854, 1000073222.jpg)

Seriously: what and where the hell was this place?! This is not real.

No. 2091262

File: 1740094257181.jpg (279.77 KB, 750x867, 1000073226.jpg)

Jesus Christ.

No. 2091290

And then everyone clapped

No. 2091320

KEK I love you.

No. 2091366

File: 1740109741908.png (1.68 MB, 1179x1971, IMG_0218.png)

all these excuses not to gain weight are getting tired. she knows it’ll solve most of her made up issues if she just recovered from her ed.

No. 2091369

don’t even make me start on this, is outrageous (especially since the old mafia is now up north and controls a lot of money exchanging, especially everything that has to do with public procurement)

molinari, and yes she is. i’m not sure if she’s suffering from something or it just has to do with her line of work. ballerinas are always pretty skinny but she performs very well, so unless she takes something (not that impossible, btw), she is eating what she needs to sustain herself well

(also, maybe it is a blog and if it is, i’m okay with the red text, but i am a former ice skater, so i was raised in a toxic environment, as much as gymnasts and ballerinas here. we had a lot of scandals in the last years regarding coaches that basically teached us “how to eating disorder 101” since a young age. this is also a common argument that girls in that show bring up and it is sadly the truth for a lot of us. that’s why i know a lot of stuff about it and why i made some judgement calls about these people)

the admins are spicy today.

No. 2091381

I like her tattoos, they look nice

No. 2091425

yes she’s cow-ish, but maybe more for the cluster b thread? she doesn’t seem to have problem with food, in fact it seems the opposite

No. 2091456

Well that’s not weird and unprofessional at all!!

No. 2091458

Oh this bitch is still pulling the same old shit, huh? Yawn. Grow up, Zara.

No. 2091465

File: 1740132581416.jpg (349.2 KB, 1152x2048, croppic.jpg)

in a post she said she was diagnosed with BPD at 16yo, but isn't it not really possible to diagnose it until at least 18?
also the part 2 of this carousel is astonishing

No. 2091473

looks like a private priory from bedroom layout the bedside phone and cleaners making your bed plus food, the priory ones you pay for that celebs go to they’re more hotel than psych ward

No. 2091525

You're probably right. I'm not sure what made me think she was IP for an ed. I think something on her profile said it was ed but I'll have to check.

No. 2091526

I didn't see these pics. Maybe she made a new post. I'm speechless at the privilege. This is not a serious psych ward. Can't be anything much wrong with her because I don't see any of the usual psych ward hall marks here at all. It looks like she has a TV in her (massive) room which isn't inside a cabinet. She has normal plates IN HER ROOM which could easily be smashed. She has her phone and laptop. Normal bedsheets and pillow case. A closet for her clothes. Gets to have all her stuff with her.Staff giving her nail polish and fake tan and doing unorthodox and boundary crossing things. This is clearly a place for people who aren't really sick.

No. 2091528

File: 1740156736581.jpg (268.7 KB, 1080x1973, 1000053144.jpg)

Anyone knows whats going on with her belly? Comments suggest she has liver failure or odema from organ failure.

No. 2091538

Whoa, I have not seen her look like this before. This is alarming.

No. 2091544

Yea me neither, I wonder it's possible to intervene somehow? She looks like she's about to drop dead, her facial expressions are so slow as well(sage your shit)

No. 2091564

File: 1740165641854.jpeg (714.48 KB, 828x1440, IMG_3912.jpeg)

many grains of salt obviously but this tracks with her current appearance imo. You can see in older pictures she used to have some quads at least, but she doesn’t look strong enough to even take class rn

No. 2091621

that's ascites babe

No. 2091683

She looks like a wealthy influencer posting from a hotel tbh, cry harder

No. 2091688

In the next post after this she wears a very big, oversize t shirt. But she hasn't removed that video or the comments or anything.
I find it extremely strange that she even posted the video with the apparent ascites (fluid build up in abdomen) in the first place, let alone not taking it down after so many people commented about it. With her constant body checking and wearing minimal clothing even though it's still February, there is no way she hasn't noticed it herself; you just know she is constantly aware of every detail of her body when she's filming and posting this stuff. Surely something like a suddenly distended abdomen when you're used to seeing just bones would make any anachan freak out and feel fat; certainly not post a video that shows it off to everyone. There is no way she doesn't see it, and no way she hasn't read all the comments about it. Why is she not mortified and taking it down immediately?! I'm not saying she should be ashamed or that she's 'fat', obviously, I just think from a spoop's point of view, that video would be unflattering and embarrassing af and you wouldn't want anyone to see it because you're so proud of being so thin. It's just really strange to me that she's showing that and letting everyone comment on her being 'bloated.' Most people in that condition would literally rather die than have a video of themselves with a big belly be out there for people to comment and speculate on.

No. 2091689

People in the comments are trying to help but she's very EC-like and will just smile away any concerns and say that everyone is unique and should be happy to be themselves etc, this is just how she is, blah blah. I'm sure people will be messaging her as well and begging her to get help but unfortunately I think Antonia is a lost cause. I hope she proves me wrong.

No. 2091784

File: 1740213037130.jpeg (956.36 KB, 1170x1954, IMG_3733.jpeg)

how’s she done that then. didn’t know you could suck your cheeks in all the way into a nice ed inpatient bed which i’m sure is what she’s been after all along

No. 2091803

It’s so funny just how elated she is by her little hospital vacay. Her team must be so done her her fat larping ass, stuck her in hospital so that they could not see her for a while

No. 2091806

Is she in an actual edu though or general psych.

No. 2091841

Do you really think she’d hit the admission criteria for an edu? Kek it is the uk after all so maybe actually…she would be laughed out the clinic if she tried in my country unlike the US, Australia and UK, they won’t admit medically above BMI 12.9

No. 2091925

>>2091688 i had the same thought, maybe she knows it'll shock people? She really seems to love any kind of attention. Likes a bunch of fetishy comments as well

>>2091689 yea I think she's far gone, she would need intensive care treatment to recover. She seems quite..delusional as well, overly smiley, dazed looking.(learn2integrate)

No. 2091990

File: 1740252549146.png (82.48 KB, 671x718, Screenshot 2025-02-22 192303.p…)

It’s so funny to me that she, of all people, is talking this way about the differences in treatment—like, back when she was pulling stunts every week and was clockwork admitted for the holidays for years in a row, versus now, when she (allegedly) went through something that had nothing to do with her mental health.
Of course the staff is going to be more compassionate when the issue isn’t something you’re deliberately causing just for asspats.
Also, kek at the hashtags

No. 2091992

File: 1740252599983.png (61.11 KB, 676x560, Screenshot 2025-02-22 192315.p…)

No. 2092121

>in my country… they won’t admit medically above BMI 12.9
sorry your country has such bad healthcare, that’s pretty bullshit

No. 2092216

How were they not integrating?

No. 2092228

admins are throwing hissy fits these days as you can tell from the redtexting from a couple of days ago

No. 2092281

There has to be a good middle between only admitting on deaths door and allowing chunky monkeys to waste resources

No. 2092327

they dared type their reply on the same line as the post number instead of on a newline

No. 2092336

I think the mods need some moderation

No. 2092374

The only thing this girl is good at is being overly fucking dramatic kek. Her whole life is a big massive ‘woe is me’ sob story LARP.

No. 2092586

File: 1740383686887.jpeg (470.36 KB, 1179x2096, 9D76EF23-4A71-4799-BDC3-D073A2…)

italian fag here, i watched the new episode of Fame d’Amore and if someone is interested i can do a recap about our obnoxious blonde Porgie (everyday i’m more appalled by her)

No. 2092615

Please do it! Non Italian speaker here and I would love to be spoonfed this italicow’s highlights

No. 2092645

File: 1740403734763.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1290x2156, IMG_9042.jpeg)

Possible new cow ? Not sure if she was ever mentioned here. I think the bandage says it all.

No. 2092683

File: 1740413136028.jpeg (518.22 KB, 1179x2096, 004DBF03-78FF-4F25-8D8D-826D03…)

disclaimer: the program is filmed in the spring/summer and streamed now
hoping i don’t get banned again for writing too much
- she’s discharged and talks about how she “improved so much and learned a lot”. ok
- there’s a cheesy and staged scene where she and her mother talk about the past and the fact that the father called her fat (she was) since a young age and would eat dessert in front of her while telling her she was too fat for it -> the mother says that he was like that even with her (i mean, he was an ass and i kinda felt bad at this point)
- she blabber about how she misses being skinny and feeling her bones poking out. while they show her “emacieted” bodychecks. i really don’t know what kind of comment all of the anorexic snakes she was impatient with could make about this one, but i would give them credit.
- she and her mother went to a concert (another italian mediocre male singer) and she was literally the only one singing (screaming) during it.
- they eat at a food truck before the concert. the meal: a type of very greasy and almost fried onion focaccia with melted cheese on top. the comment: “ah yes i feel soooo much more happy and confident about what i eat”. no shot sherlock
- she went to another concert of LeoGass with some friends and there’s an embarrassing scene where he’s, i think, sound-checking, the town square is EMPTY, and they’re there on the barriers, singing. hard watch
- another cheesy moment where Leo invites her to his hotel to talk (if i can i’m gonna screen record it because he’s creepy and kinda predatory, seriously) and tell her she’s a warrior and an example (yeah a bad lucio fontana’s canvas example)
- concert: she and her mother are basically the only one standing (again: small concert in a town square, with lots of chairs since the average age is 85 per leg) and she’s crying and pouting her lips, her mother tell her to “let it out” and she starts scream-singing.
the second hand embarrassment was a lot to handle.

No. 2092685

I'd like to see the scream singing

No. 2092691

No. 2092698

Looks like she's faking being in a straightjacket Kek.

No. 2092699

Yes! I can't wait for the episode where she gets a restraining order from that singer.

No. 2092792


hoping it works, i skipped some parts because it was just annoying. i'm sorry it is only in italian

No. 2092866

Was she ever actually skinny with bones poking out?

No. 2092883

File: 1740448563788.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1179x1705, IMG_3887.jpeg)

Easily one of the most cringe US wannarexic on TikTok 🤧(emoji)

No. 2092950

I wonder this too, I’d like to see these so called emaciated body checks kek

No. 2092951

Did she ever lose her period? Her face is the size of a small planet, puts Pluto to shame

No. 2092960

File: 1740474949443.jpeg (513 KB, 1179x2096, 2322F177-165D-463F-A1AE-58346D…)

i mean, she was skinny-er, but from what she described in the show (but with the same picrel) you would think she was ash tier spoopy

No. 2093071

It’s just a chubby girl sucking in for the gods. Take a breath please jesus. Italian cows seem to be similarly bad to the French

No. 2093100

This thread always fascinates me by being full of anorexic girls hating on other anorexic girls for being anorexic.(bait)

No. 2093154

Nta but you're getting triggered by the word chubby when it just means having some extra weight on, which she does, otherwise she wouldn't have a blocky torso when sucking in and trying to stretch herself longer. She looks like she's about to give herself an aneurysm. you are the one giving the term chubby some evil negative connotation.

No. 2093171

redditfag, pls elaborate on how some of these hamplanets could ever possibly be anorexic. it’s impossible to maintain a high weight without eating a significant amount

No. 2093200

Anyone that's not seriously obese can flare their ribs and suck in their stomach so you can see some contours there. That's so ridiculous. And she's trying SO hard and still you can barely see much. She's not huge like now, I'll give her that, but now she looks like she has some kind of condition like lipodema or something with so many rolls everywhere. Her LW is still chubby.

No. 2093228

File: 1740553897626.jpeg (2.2 MB, 4320x4320, IMG_4181.jpeg)

Update on our ex fav cow: Nikol has graduated from spoop to shoop. Although I don't know if that's much of a graduation

No. 2093236

Dare I say shoop or no shoop she looks pretty… I miss her antics though, always a good laugh

No. 2093242

are you one of those who think infinifats are right and that eating clan and keeping active is oppreshun? go back to the drive thru(infighting)

No. 2093417

File: 1740599164807.jpeg (418.64 KB, 1170x2013, IMG_3403.jpeg)

Speaking of feeding tubes that are more the size of plumbing pipes, her nurses must have been over her antics to insert that through her nose

No. 2093425

maybe i'm tripping, but i think is the tube used for stomach pumps

No. 2093449

That’s a salem sump, it’s primarily used for gastric decompression. It can be used for feeds but not recommended because the tube has multiple holes in it that can clog with feeds

No. 2093474

File: 1740613069591.jpeg (282.43 KB, 1089x1909, IMG_3424.jpeg)

Our favorite recovery genius has to show everyone that she got another tube for NEDA week not realizing she is the exact problem she’s describing

No. 2093478

Correct. However if a person is admitted to the ER on truly an emergency basis that requires immediate stabilization and tube feeding, most ER’s only have the salem sump in stock (besides the smallest of pediatric tubes) and they’re not going to search the whole hospital for a smaller one at that point. If a person can’t keep their eyes open they’ll get glucose, bloodwork, and a salem sump before there’s time for any sort of official plan for treatment besides “keep them alive.” Would not wish that shit on my worst enemy.

No. 2093499

File: 1740618375436.png (503.88 KB, 423x682, Screen Shot 2025-02-26 at 7.00…)

Lavi eats a lot of raw vegetables for someone who claims their eating disorder is entirely because they have really really bad gastroparesis.

No. 2093512

I don’t know why they’d give it to her. In her state she certainly wasn’t life or death

No. 2093519

I swear they do it because they demand it and they don't want to deal with lawsuits/get money from it anyway

No. 2093736

Happy NEDA week!
Why the preemie tube/angel hair special? If they want to pump liquid kcal into her, they could do it a bit more efficiently.

No. 2093766

File: 1740693459524.jpeg (281.01 KB, 1170x1965, IMG_9884.jpeg)

Lavi pretending she’s sharing her journey to make others feel less alone when it’s been about winning the sick olympics the whole time

No. 2093767

File: 1740693498027.png (1.57 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9869.png)

Plus adding another “chronic illness” onto her laundry list to make more excuses for her Ed

No. 2093782

What a hypocritical idiot; posting that with a picture showing off her tube. It's hilarious. Absolutely no reason at all to show her face and tube to post that; she could have just posted a text story if she actually meant it. Also that tube is ridiculously small, wtf? But it's almost impressive the amount of treatment and tubes these fat wannarexics somehow manage to scam their way into.

No. 2093961

Where did she post the runaway & mums videos? I looked through her TT last night (which was painstakingly slow due to translation) but couldnt find much other then she seems to have gone in & out of hospitals for some years but seems theve half given up. I did see she was supposed to be tubed, possibly in hospital, & then she just decided not to & everyone was pissed. Anyway good find. I couldn't see much from her mum other then her commenting she better not purge a dinner. I wonder if she b/p's or just purges.

Kinda crazy & sad that she can just be let loose like that & not forced to gain, probably had that happen in the past ile assume wothout success, but it does seem such countries often just leave people alone until they are much more dead then alive

No. 2093986

I would binge waych them myself of they had subtitles. Can't believe they don't in this day & age. If anyone knows a way to get subtitles generated please let us know.

I'd be keen to hear more about some of them if you can post enough detail so uts possible to understand whats going on

No. 2094127

anon i think you forgot to tag a comment or name who you were referring to (was it about the italian milk?)

No. 2094163

if you ripped them and uploaded to youtube, you could get auto captions there (at least until they took it down)

No. 2094182

File: 1740786449596.png (1.62 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3386.png)

New cows who are severely obese claiming Anorexia & undoubtedly having very small stints of not eating at Walden so she can a tube. Gd.

No. 2094251

File: 1740798836115.jpg (Spoiler Image,205.49 KB, 750x1116, 1000075796.jpg)

Happy Neda week from Antonia.

No. 2094252

File: 1740798879811.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.62 KB, 750x1019, 1000075797.jpg)

No. 2094337

Why is she showing off her weird belly situation, why does it look like that man

Havent had a cow piss me off this much in a while

No. 2094373

File: 1740832203707.jpg (19.35 KB, 400x347, 1734587939492070.jpg)

why did she lose her teeth at 20 and other purgers who do it daily for longer don't?

No. 2094416

And what about that underwear? (I think it's underwear, unless it's part of the dress, but still: who else when trying on
a dress, lifts up the skirt so high you can't even see the damn skirt? It doesn't show off the dress at all).
She's really becoming EC lately. For the longest time her posts were all body check photos or short body check videos where she'd spin around in a public bathroom. Only the last couple of months she's completely changed her content and started doing videos where she speaks. She answers questions (exactly the way EC answers), shows off shopping hauls, and does cringey dances.

No. 2094451

File: 1740855072647.jpg (405.44 KB, 1080x2400, 1000054165.jpg)

Chiara is so fcking annoying. Wants to go to Korea or japan because they eat healthier and "don't glorify obesity" like both of those countries don't also have just as much junkfood. And she eats like a fat bitch too, she's only skinny because she's bulimic lmao. Trying to pretend she's any better than any fat person.

No. 2094634

I don't know a lot about it but also thought that tube does seem insanely small. And white. Kek could it be a headphone wire? sneaky sneaky

No. 2094669

It’s a paediatric tube, it is common in some places, no blog but i often got them. They’re just less bothersome

No. 2094733

File: 1740937996782.jpg (256.91 KB, 1080x1349, 1000054309.jpg)

Wake up nonnies new sleep paralysis demon dropped

No. 2094744

File: 1740942985757.png (2.49 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4464.png)

She’s back and her weight gain is just making people be more scared of going to residential.

Bets on how long it will be until she relapses again and starts posting body checks

No. 2094951

what is it with all of them ending up in the granny panties

No. 2094966

Having a wider asscrack due to being spoopy makes normal panties thongs probably

No. 2095024

File: 1741016107275.jpeg (Spoiler Image,608.53 KB, 828x1152, IMG_6046.jpeg)

matchamii posting old photos (this one can also be seen in her highlights)

No. 2095100

File: 1741028392776.jpeg (314.48 KB, 1170x1713, IMG_0079.jpeg)

Yup she looks really different these days. She must think her audience is so dumb

No. 2095102

She looks almost the exact same, she must have left against clinical advice from res

No. 2095104

File: 1741028708692.png (2.95 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3858.png)

what is it with cows thinking people are anxiously awaiting on their update? this girl deadass wrote out a whole essay on her laptop to explain her ‘crazy life’ also KEK apparently she’s been kicked out of psych ip w a diagnosis of EUPD, at least the shrinks are starting to see through the larping bs

No. 2095108

File: 1741029251685.jpeg (243.76 KB, 1170x1932, IMG_3468.jpeg)

It sounds like Nelly_stankar96 on TikTok has passed away. It’s pretty hard to confirm as I think TikTok was her only platform but it’s not hard to believe unfortunately

No. 2095124

idk why her legs look so long I’m pretty sure she’s quite short

No. 2095149

Poor thing. Was she a cow? I don't recall seeing her here. Does she say, in one of her TikToks, that she is/was 28? She had to be in immense pain.

No. 2095153

I feel like I’ve seen her posted here before but not super recently. There was no reason make her a cow because she was clearly suffering and never claimed to be in recovery. It would make sense that she was that age as 96 might have referred to 1996. I hope her account is a wake up call for anyone who seems to want this disorder

No. 2095197

I swear I was searching this name the other day but I have no idea why. She must have been posted here maybe.

No. 2095317

File: 1741069560108.jpeg (463.28 KB, 1177x2068, IMG_7508.jpeg)

I hope this fat wannarexic is allowed here on this pasture, she constantly talks about losing weight, starving, and her boyfriend and BPD sperging.
This is Kyan, 1/4

No. 2095318

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No. 2095319

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No. 2095320

File: 1741069858731.jpeg (418.07 KB, 1179x1913, IMG_7511.jpeg)

4/4 there is so much more milk with this wannarexic cow and the drama she posts that she gets in with random people on Facebook.

No. 2095336

File: 1741074874639.jpg (40.39 KB, 720x249, Screenshot_20250304_085114_Chr…)

Yes @Nellystankar96 passed away on the 13th of February. Her obituary is online. I did not like seeing the mean comment about her on thread #110. It's the first and only time she was ever posted here and she was really sweet. Let the girl rest in peace.

No. 2095338

File: 1741075480369.jpg (93.34 KB, 719x392, Screenshot_20250304_090344_Chr…)

No. 2095346

What was always in her bag?
Does anyone know how long she had been ill? Or how she died?

No. 2095347

She looks like Mickey Deer. Cows of a feather moo together I guess.

No. 2095352

I think she was the only spoop who really made me think that I don’t want to be like her, her life was so small and painful, she didn’t romanticise her ed. All the others trigger me and make me want to get worse

No. 2095371

File: 1741082782050.jpeg (364.61 KB, 1179x1587, IMG_7513.jpeg)

“I’m losing weight” Kek the wannarexia is strong with this one

No. 2095372

Her bag contained a heart monitor because she was being cared for at home instead of in hospital. She had been receiving palliative care for over 5 years. Doctors had given up on her a long time ago and denied her residental treatment because they said she was consuming too much resources and still never recovering. She had numerous times appealed the decisions made but to no avail. So she lived with her mom who had to take care of her full time instead. She had been ill for over 15 years or more. She was very gifted musically (played instruments) and gifted athletically, she danced.

No. 2095375

I though she said it was a morphine pump

No. 2095381

File: 1741085481197.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1179x1938, IMG_1588.jpeg)

Boo-fucking-hoo kek you’ll live!

No. 2095382

'back camera pictures always go hard' is such a sad, telling thing to say.
Like duh of course they do, it's a much better camera, usually with multiple lenses for greater depth of field. It's weird to only ever take selfies eyefucking yourself, alone but obv this is what loads of people think is normal now.
It's like if people started calling regular pictures "someone elsies" or smthn

No. 2095383

File: 1741086044620.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1179x2086, IMG_0015.jpeg)

makes no sense to post her lw pictures on her feed when she posts her body now on her stories especially when the old pictures don’t even match her new consumerism grandmacore x pilatesprincess stay at home daughter AesThEtIC. i know this cow and for sure she’s going through some sort of reactive eating period and isn’t coping well with the weight gain despite still being very underweight, she always did think she was best anachan

No. 2095385

It's an ECG heart monitor in the black bag. A morphine pump is much smaller and placed directly on the belly under the clothes. A heart monitor is like a little mini computer put in a bag outside of the body and the wires attached to the chest.(sage your shit/learn2reply)

No. 2095386

Also known as a Holter monitor(sage your shit/learn2delete)

No. 2095394

Has integrating become illegal on this thread?

No. 2095479

File: 1741112389351.jpeg (229.41 KB, 1170x1447, IMG_3482.jpeg)

She says it here also pls learn to sage. Those holter monitors are the old version most just stick on now without a separate piece

No. 2095616

Not to speak ill of the dead but she was no doubt a cow. Literally every post she made was a blatant body check.

No. 2095711

How is she wannarexic? Sounds like she’s taking a healthy approach to losing weight

No. 2095713

Finally an anon with a brain, thank you for saying it nona

No. 2095730

Literally, like just because someone is dead doesn’t mean that they are absolved of all of their cowishness

No. 2095732

She comes up a lot on my TikTok fyp - what’s her story problems etc ? Where is she ?(lurk more)

No. 2095735

BPDcow, anorexia LARPer, lives in the UK where she thinks a slim-normal weight qualifies her for an EDU bed

No. 2095799

This one is tricky because it's pretty rare, if not impossible, to have an ed and not be obsessed with your body and thinness. I mean it's part of the illness. I think someone can just be very sick and taking bc's over and over, without necessarily being a cow. They can just be so lost and gone in their own head that that's all they do and that's kind of all that's left of them because that's been their existence for so long. Not everyone gets enjoyment out of it in a way that would be defined as cowish, but it's a behaviour that's definitely part of having an ed for most people.

No. 2095800

The cat in the background here! Kek. Why is her FB public?

No. 2095807

File: 1741186429790.png (3.25 MB, 750x1334, EF8E5959-2FC8-4E71-91C9-9D8A76…)

Fi having a lot of physical issues apparently and even ‘ending up on a surgical ward’ but won’t elaborate. Also has knee and hip injuries that have been going on months.
I find it funny how she constantly apologises for not posting because she’s ‘low on spoons’ or whatever. As if the world is waiting with baited breath for her next social media offering.

No. 2095812

File: 1741187077396.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, E6D00E74-64EC-41DE-9A03-135A09…)

Someone Ganer knew from body building died due to the abuse the ‘sport’ put her body through.
(Ganer also claims to be under 50kg now - 110lb. A new LW in her body building career).

No. 2095813

File: 1741187151110.jpeg (287.43 KB, 750x1190, 803BB469-052F-4F8D-BA9A-35F6D0…)

Such a twisted ‘sport.’

No. 2095815

File: 1741187464886.jpeg (211.36 KB, 750x1267, D8CF107D-CD05-4959-8713-A54772…)

Just thought this was funny. This has to be trolling, surely?

No. 2095816

File: 1741187559312.jpeg (210.56 KB, 750x1275, A9898860-2195-43E6-BB57-50647D…)

There is a whole post with so many of these from this girl.
>Bet you didn’t notice ?

No. 2095821

She brags about spraying her food with perfume, starving herself, and how hard she’s restricting herself and how “weak” she is despite all the fat she has on herself. Her Facebook is public where you can see her wannarexia and BPD rants and random arguments

No. 2095829

I can believe her physical health is bad but it’s like, you fully did this to yourself. Stop fucking whining and wasting NHS resources

No. 2095846

File: 1741196443993.png (731.43 KB, 623x790, Screenshot 2025-03-05 173903.p…)

ganer gained a boyfriend tho

No. 2095847

Do we know bf for sure? Not gay bff? Because they don't really go together. He's like an 8 and she's a 4 at best.

No. 2095850

Not to mention that she is completely insane, which for most people is a turnoff. Oh and also a nearly 30-year old virgin. Most scrotes won’t touch that.

No. 2095853

Since the guy's obviously also some kind of nuts gym bro I figured he wouldn't be put off by the insanity and I guess she could lie about the rest. I just can't see many dudes who are obsessed with aesthtics finding her visually pleasing.

No. 2095855

Not to mention that she is completely insane, which for most people is a turnoff. Oh and also a nearly 30-year old virgin. Most scrotes won’t touch that.

No. 2095856

idk maybe he's one of those dudes who make tiktoks about "females" needing to be less than 120lbs and quiet. she's naive and obsessed with food so it would check out

No. 2095858

Those factors compensate for the face? Okay then.

No. 2095860

idk what to tell you mate, probs he thinks about his own biceps while getting with her

No. 2095862

File: 1741198545994.jpeg (417.44 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_1824.jpeg)

this is an 8 to you? girl come on…

No. 2095866

Still better looking than her but nah I see what you mean. Other pic was better but this one lowers him quite a bit lol

No. 2095867

I don't know which numbers they would be but they're definitely looksmatched

No. 2095893

I always thought Ganer was les.

No. 2095901

Call me soft. I like the thought of her not doing her weird daily routine of restricted eating and going to the gym alone. Even if he's fucking dudes on the side, at least she has someone by her side who has similar interests.

No. 2095903

Posting it online is definitely not part of an eating disorder for “most people.” That’s what makes them cows.

No. 2095906

I'm surprised zoomers still use facebook.

No. 2095909

Also if it ever goes beyond casual I hope he's prepared for/okay with no kids since she's never had a period in her life. Wonder if she'll ever tell him that.

No. 2095915

Ah she must’ve been lacking in ED asspats / attention in general kek she’s so dramatic. Also, I think everyone and their fucking dog knows about your LARPed diagnosis, so you don’t need to keep flashing your special sunflower lanyard anymore Fi.

No. 2095950

I would 100% agree, but the culture has changed so much in the last ~5 years. It's borderline for me if it's cow behaviour for those born late 90s-early 00s and if you're born anytime after the 10's, it's going to be totally normal behaviour.
It's become part of the social contagion element of the illness, at least for rexies. Posting your b/p food hauls or whatever will always be fucked, but these cows who grew up online and will probably be on tiktok in middle school will never know anything different. very depressing to think about

No. 2095984

KEK! Body building is so gross. Only the people who do it think it's in any way attractive. And what's the point if your supposed best physique, your competition look, is sustainable for not even a whole day? Stupid.

No. 2096026

Oh damn. Thanks for spoonfeeding nona! I will say I remember feeling super weak at the beginning of this relapse even though I also had plenty of fat at that point. I hated it because it felt so ridiculous to feel that way while looking how I did. She still sounds cowish though regardless of that part

No. 2096027

Wait we know that she’s a virgin?!

No. 2096068

She does look a bit gay cause she's somehow quite butch despite having long hair. At least she's ditched that god awful black eyeliner she used to wear

No. 2096094

It's not just about the physique. It's about discipline and pushing yourself to and beyond your limit. Achieving something that most people can't. You know, all the things anorexics love.

No. 2096107

The thing is that people DO have basically a body builder physique, and keep it all year round without doing weird things, from doing actual sports. Look at competitive sprinters, gymnasts, weightlifters, divers… Lots of different athletes. OK they don't look as defined and veiny and gross as body builders on their starved, dehydrated, fake tanned to hell 'competition day', but the rest of the time they look the same. Except actual functional athletes aren't doing it for the looks, they're training to perform and a side effect is their body looking like that without doing all the weighing and measuring and counting and bulking and cutting and dehydration. Body building is just so acceptable (to some) ed.

No. 2096154

True, but there's also a massive crossover between anorexia and sports, particularly running. The ana to runner pipeline is just as prevalent as ana to bodybuilder. Like another anon said above, the whole mindset aligns with EDs. Discipline, being competitive, pushing yourself. Plus anas just love to feel superior to others, a trait that is super common with distance runners too.

No. 2096212

Kek too true. But at least with actual sports such as running, people recovering from eds will hopefully come across coaches and other athletes who will be a healthy influence on them and teach them to value enjoyment and performance in the sport, and that they can perform better by being healthier and eating enough, instead of the focus being on dissecting their appearance and eating, as body building is. Running can certainly be very unhealthy and just another form of ed but it can also be something healthy to come into someone's life.

No. 2096218

Virtually all gymnasts have a fucked up relationship with food. Some have a full blown ED, some it’s milder, but I wouldn’t cite them as a good alternative to body building.

No. 2096234

Well yea that is a sport where winning is partly subjective and based on esthetics of how you look whilst doing the routines. Anything with that element is going to be not great for eds. Sports where it's just objective: first person across the line wins, person who jumps the furthest wins, are better because how you look doesn't come into it at all in deciding who wins.
What I meant about gymnasts is that they train to be able to perform the skills of their sport, first and foremost. The point is to be able to do the skills, and their strong bodies and musculature is a by-product of being able to do those skills. If you can't do the skills, you can even compete. Body builders could be weak af and not be able to lift much compared to others, be really shit at performing loads of moves and lifts, but just take drugs and starve and dehydrate, and still win a competition because it's all about looks. A gymnast who can't perform the moves will never win. They won't even be able to enter the competition. But athletes who train for sports like gymnastics will have the gymnastics will have the muscles and the physique as a side product of training; not as the main goal, like with body building.

No. 2096238

Well said. Another difference is that most sports seem to be about training effectively and putting in the work while both EDs and bodybuilders glorify shortcuts of all kinds. Things like supplements and hormones.

No. 2096245

PEDs are rife in all sports, not just bodybuilding. Sure, you'll get banned if caught but the testing system is a joke. Proper sports should be just about merit, but it's never as simple as that.

Can't speak to gymnastics but running is the last sport I'd advise anyone with an eating disorder to do. General public joggers are bad enough with the whole run to eat food mentality even if they're otherwise relaxed about eating. Distance running is the worst. Female marathon runners will do anything to get down to race weight, lose their period, then gain just enough in the off season to get it back again. Lighter does equal faster. There's a reason they all look the way they do, and it isn't just genetics. If anything, the genetic element governs what you can get away with before your body breaks down more than being naturally skinny and therefore good at running or whatever.

The effects might not be as obvious and immediate as bodybuilding, but long term injuries always appear. Stress fractures, full fractures, endless streams of viruses. Top runners are always on the edge of one problem or another and RED-s is everywhere. Often being lighter is the point as much as putting in the miles. It gives you a huge advantage and you seem fit because running is always the yardstick for that. There 'can't' be anything wrong with you if you can run a 2:30 marathon but there's massive damage beneath the surface. There's a reason anas always want to run if they've never done any other kind of sport before. It's just as good a mask for their ED as bodybuilding, if not better because people assume you're healthy if you're fast.

No. 2096297

Exercise addiction in whatever - running, body building,etc is all linked to an ED

No. 2096313

Hard disagree. Lighter = faster works for ONE season; maybe a year if you're very lucky. Then you're done. You cannot be successful consistently in running if you have an ed; or you might do kind of ok but you'll never reach your full potential and you'll always be injured, sick and exhausted.
Elite runners are most certainly NOT all ' always on the edge' of RED-S, injury etc. It's impossible to consistently train at the level needed to be successful on the world stage if you have an ed. The people who stick around at the top of the tree do everything properly, especially nutrition. Go look at Eilish McColgan's IG and get back to me.

No. 2096370

She's not the best example. Huge problems with 'fueling' when transferring from shorter distances to marathon, leading her to pull out of several races during the transition. She's the genetic example I mentioned; she has a body that will endure a hell of a lot. Plus, you can't say she looks strong or healthy. She's an anorexic's fantasy physique, and most aspiring runners would need to starve in order to achieve it. She also hasn't always looked that way. Earlier in her career she was much more conventionally athletic and less zero bodyfat sinew.

Not to blog but I've seen countless examples of disordered runners carrying on for years, decades. Some pay the price now, as you said. Some will much later, after they've retired.

No. 2096384

Yea I don't know if she's still as thin as a year or two ago but she's always the one weight obsessed runners bring up when they want to defend how thin they are. Kinda ironic that's what's happened here too. Idk how anyone can say she doesn't prove thin=fast. There's the whole genetic argument since her mother's a marathon champ too and built the same way but EDs have a genetic link too. Even if she doesn't have one she really doesn't help the idea that you have to look like that to excel at running.

No. 2096413

File: 1741353886575.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1179x2071, IMG_0064.jpeg)

we have a lurker! does she think doing the same pose in bigger jeans than the ones from before will make us think she’s still the same weight? or as though the throwbacks she posted recently on her main feed are recent whatsoever? kek

No. 2096476

File: 1741368647968.jpeg (725.52 KB, 1179x1332, IMG_7553.jpeg)

Is the weight loss in the room with us?? Her body checks she posts are retarded.

No. 2096574

You're ridiculous and you're wrong. Eilish has always looked like that. It's called genetics. I remember her winning her first big xc race as a kid. She has spoken so much about this and she doesn't have an ed. You can't accuse her of 'not being the best example' because she was born tall with long limbs.

No. 2096601

The fat wannarexics are my favourite breed of scumbag, please keep updating anything milky from this one nona

No. 2096655

Oh wow she’s gained A LOT of weight. Good on her though.

No. 2096675

You can't prove anything one way or the other. Neither can I. Photos from when she was a kid are irrelevant. Check the ones of her as a younger adult vs now. Huge difference. Either way it doesn't matter. Result is the same. Ppl without those 'genetics' aspire to the same physique and damage themselves in the process. Running isn't much better of a sport for those who do have EDs than bodybuilding which I think was the original comparison before this tangent.

Tall and long limbs is one thing, emaciation is another. Paula Radcliffe had the same frame but never looked as bad. Genetics explain so much but there are certain limits on how ppl can look before there's a problem. We've all lost count of how often EDs (which are also genetic) are explained away by being 'naturally thin.'

You think I'm wrong. I think you're wrong. Whatever.(sage your shit)

No. 2096676

And you misunderstood what I meant by not the best example. The point was she isn't the best example you could have picked both to illustrate the argument that thin doesn't mean fast and that running doesn't have a negative culture for ppl with EDs, not this she specifically is a bad example to others.

No. 2096680

>>2090940 selfpost

No. 2096702

She IS the best example because if you actually followed her and read through what she posts about, she constantly has trolls telling her shes anorexic, eat a burger etc. And she has explained many times that she does not have an ed, she has always had a period every month, and she speaks on the importance of athlete health, eating and hormones. It's just ridiculous to think that she has an ed because there is no way in hell she could be as successful as she has for as long as she has if she did. The woman had been to FOUR Olympics and won so many medals on the world stage and broken records for decades. You cannot keep that up at that level with an ed. She hasn't had stress fractures etc, her worst injury problems have been because of falling when she used to do steeplechase, and falling in xc.
Photos of her as a kid are relevant because you specifically said 'she hasn't always looked like this': yes she has. Before puberty she was tall with long arms and legs, as an adult she is tall with long arms and legs. She's 5'9 ffs. You don't know what emaciation looks like. She does not have bones sticking out all over the place at all.
Paula Radcliffe doesn't actually look anything like Eilish McColgan. She doesn't have extremely long limbs and she's shorter. She was also always meticulous about doing everything possible (legally) for performance. She always went to 4 Olympics and was winning medals and setting records for a really long time.
I've been around both these women a fair amount. I wouldn't say I really KNOW them but I've seen them around enough and been in the same circles (roughly) for a long time. They do not have eds. I could show you plenty of pictures of emaciated runners and they look nothing like Eilish or Paula. And they are not successful at a high level, and have not been able to maintain their own personal best performance levels for very long at all.
Yes, I will absolutely die on this hill, especially since Eilish AND Liz McColgan both very recently spoke out about the comments Eilish gets all the time and how she does not have an ed, and they've been using their platforms to talk about the importance of athlete health, food, female hormones, periods and bone health.

No. 2096744

You're welcome do die on that hill. I still don't agree. Of course no-one with an ED will admit to it. Since when did everything that's said automatically become the truth? Good, speak out about health issues, doesn't mean there isn't an element of do as I say, not as I do.

I'm not categorically saying one way or the other. But you can't 100% confirm anything unless you live in that person's pocket. Tall skinny kid and tall skinny adult. What about the stage in between? Because the two don't automatically follow. Adolescence is a bitch of a time for female athletes in terms of changing bodies, putting on fat and performance deterioration, and I don't blame any of them for wanting to curb that. There are plenty of lanky kids out there. Equating that to an adult woman's figure is just asinine.

You keep believing in her. I really don't care. Doesn't make the sport any less of a bad idea for anyone with an ED, and I will always side-eye ppl who claim to be recovering who suddenly decide that they're oh so passionate about running, the same way everyone realizes Ganer's insane for turning to bodybuilding.

No. 2096746

Hmm, first a post doesn't sage, then I only post part of it. I'll try again.

You're welcome to die on that hill - she has quite the defensive fanbase. I still don't agree. I used to follow her. I’ve heard all the accusations, and her responses. I stopped following because I didn’t believe her, and dismissing all the comments as trolling was ignoring the elephant in the room (in my opinion). Of course no-one with an ED will admit to it. Since when did everything that's said automatically become the truth? Good, speak out about health issues, doesn't mean there isn't an element of do as I say, not as I do.
I’ll believe her when she replicates that success at marathon distance. Plenty of runners in some bad states go far in other distances. Then the marathon breaks them. London 2025 will tell I guess, if she can get past the intra-race fuelling issues that made her drop out of 2024 (self-proclaimed as her ‘greatest challenge’ as recently as this interview: https://www.yourhealthyliving.co.uk/eilish-mccolgan).
I'm not categorically saying one way or the other. But you can't 100% confirm anything unless you live in that person's pocket. Tall skinny kid and tall skinny adult. What about the stage in between? Because the two don't automatically follow. Adolescence is a bitch of a time for female athletes in terms of changing bodies, putting on fat and performance deterioration, and I don't blame any of them for wanting to curb that. There are plenty of lanky kids out there. Equating that to an adult woman's figure is just asinine. Look at her in her late teens/early 20s. Still tall, slender, long limbs, but not the same as she is now. And Paula’s listed as 5ft 8, so one inch of difference is just splitting hairs.
You keep supporting her. I really don't care. Not sure what someone who knows them both that well is doing on lolcow but okay – what’re the odds on that? Still doesn’t make running any less of a bad idea for anyone with an ED since it’s always going to be associated with people who look like her, by fair means or foul. You’ll never see a successful distance runner with a physique that’s healthy for 99.9% of people to achieve. I will always side-eye ppl who claim to be recovering who suddenly decide that they're oh so passionate about it, the same way everyone realizes Ganer's insane for turning to bodybuilding.

Carry on if you like. That’s all I’ve got to say on the subject and I’m through clogging up the thread with this. It’s for pro ana scumbag cows, and I’ve never accused her of being that.(doubleposting/derailing/learn2reply)

No. 2096798

File: 1741456781149.jpeg (988.16 KB, 1179x2152, IMG_7566.jpeg)

Our new fatty wannarexic is seemingly binging, what happened to her “I’m watching the chub melt away”.

No. 2096801

So she's eating dog food?

No. 2096803

File: 1741457096793.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1179x2095, IMG_7578.jpeg)

She constantly refers herself to a puppy, the photo of her above her supposed “I’m losing weight” post is her calling herself a “wanwan puppy”.

No. 2096981

File: 1741486218497.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1179x2103, IMG_7581.jpeg)

So this fat wannarexic is also into DDLG and puppy play topkek, full retard here. She’s also in a long distance relationship and talks about how “BPD” she is about him kek you can’t make this shit up

No. 2096983

File: 1741486485588.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1179x1821, IMG_7583.jpeg)

More cringe behavior

No. 2096984

File: 1741486601553.jpeg (Spoiler Image,866.28 KB, 1179x2362, IMG_7584.jpeg)

Here’s her weird Facebook trauma dumping, spoiler because it’s a gross description.

No. 2096985

File: 1741487228579.jpeg (568.34 KB, 1179x1436, IMG_7585.jpeg)

“Starve maxing”

No. 2096991

hows about clean your room maxxing

No. 2097048

Giving me flashbacks of fellow struggling fatty Erin Painter/Nina from a few years back

No. 2097175

File: 1741533639393.jpeg (378.59 KB, 1170x1797, IMG_3534.jpeg)

She took off the hoodie for her “mirror selfie”/ body check so everyone could see her arms. If I didn’t know she has an ed I’d just assume she’s on drugs why are her eyebrows like that

No. 2097189

She might be cringe but anything not food/ed related isn't worth posting. Also learn to sage.

No. 2097196

her face looks literally like an instagram filter and it's creepy

No. 2097254

File: 1741550230709.png (219.28 KB, 500x547, 1589673477035.png)

so according to this shes over 200lbs and larping as an anorexic? rofl

No. 2097331

Takes me back to the days of Kaydee (RIP) and Kell Bell or whatever her name was. The obese ones are always more entertaining purely for how ABSURD it is.

No. 2097364

File: 1741569760488.jpeg (403.34 KB, 1179x1240, IMG_7597.jpeg)

“Omg guys I’m losing weight” you still are 200+ pounds Kyah.

No. 2097367

File: 1741570011480.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1179x1934, IMG_7598.jpeg)

Kyah started to post more “body checks” here to show off her epic weight loss. I wonder when the next binge is going to happen

No. 2097377

File: 1741571781691.png (713.05 KB, 1044x1154, m00.png)

Kinda odd that she’s being allowed to shadow at a hospital with a feeding tube. Recovery is great and all, but this feels a bit much.

No. 2097437

Jesus Christ can you be more autistic. No one wants to read your walls of text ffs

No. 2097441

I’m actually begging you to shut the fuck up now

No. 2097442

By the size of her I wouldn’t think she “gets grossed out by food”. Given her other antics I’m inclined to think this stuff about her aunt is exaggerated or even a straight up lie

No. 2097515

lord give me strength bc why the fuck does this hamplanet still have a tube??? everyone around her is braindead

No. 2097529

Learn to sage ffs

No. 2097558


I just know she cried tears of joy in the doctors office when they said she could have her beloved toob back.
Are Outpatient NG tubes really that common in America? If she can’t eat by mouth, she should not be working at a hospital. Her doctors should be investigated.

No. 2097601

Jaycie can eat by mouth and definitely does. She lies to her Dr. to get the tube back in(sage your shit/post proof)

No. 2097657

they're very uncommon for eating disorders, but happen for cancer patients who can't eat (or can't eat enough) by mouth, people with serious GI problems, etc

No. 2097729

The proof is she’s fat as fuck. wtf crawled up the mods asses that this gets red text but the wall of shit posting above doesn’t kek losers(take it to /meta/)

No. 2097772

What I don’t understand is why they keep giving it to her, she can clearly stand to lose a bit. You don’t unlock that level of literal moon emoji face without either steroids or some serious eatin’

No. 2097824

mods friends with jaycie or something? what’s with all their ass kissing fatties lately

No. 2097925

Yeah I don’t understand how the several walls of texts just banging on about body building and gymnastics etc. were red texted when this was?
Mods must be on a power trip

No. 2098017

File: 1741727958564.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.24 MB, 3300x2460, 1000025423.jpg)

the fuck is this?

(apologies if she's off limits, or this been posted about already, I'm a very sporadic user of this)

No. 2098022

File: 1741728559797.jpg (3.29 MB, 2880x2880, 1000025425.jpg)

While I'm at it, the fuck is THIS? I don't know what's worse, the fact she's allowed to teach zumba, or the fact people PAY her to attend her classes. She looks utterly dreadful.

No. 2098063

File: 1741734570728.jpeg (371.3 KB, 1157x2000, IMG_3583.jpeg)

I feel like she’s more obsessed with showing off her weight loss than this boring ass beige outfit

No. 2098067

What’s wrong with that Hannah girl that makes her face like that?

No. 2098086

Ugh not this one again she’s a nasty person

No. 2098098

I wonder why she keeps a pic of herself at a normal weight as her pfp instead of using a spoop one.

No. 2098133

lmao not this girl again i can’t stand her. brace for an incoming sobbing “pOoR MmeeeE they posted me on lolcow again” video before she fucks off to treatment in 5…4…3…2..

No. 2098135

I’m curious as well. Is it some sort of condition?

No. 2098140

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No. 2098141

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No. 2098143

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No. 2098144

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No. 2098156

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No. 2098235

This reeks of self post. Eating something doesn’t equate to bingeing so that makes zero sense for an observer to say

Girlie, eating or even pretending to eat dog food isn’t the edgy flex you think it is

No. 2098262

Hannah’s just ugly as fuck, don’t know if there’s any condition to blame for it(sage your shit)

No. 2098271

Is she on drugs again? She sounds fucking unhinged and paranoid. Also kek at her casually mentioning she’s committed fraud… the grift never ends

No. 2098359

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How is she at risk for refeeding when she’s “eating a lot”? Nothing she says ever makes sense

No. 2098374

File: 1741809656482.png (3.02 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4459.png)

can’t stand this UK larper but she does seem to have lost weight recently during her little hospital vacay…

No. 2098402

I'm always shocked in these cases the gyms let them work there, like it must be a liability surely? Insurance?? there's another influencer who I forget if I saw here or elsewhere, but she always tags her pilates studio in her stories and they repost them. do they think this is good marketing??

No. 2098410

I oddly miss the days of her filming OF content from a 4 bed hospital ward.

No. 2098483

Isn’t she saying someone else committed fraud?

No. 2098491

File: 1741846632364.jpeg (410.02 KB, 996x1919, IMG_8640.jpeg)

it’s just her face, she always pulls faces and strains her neck to make herself look spoopy when she’s actually completely average. i have no idea why she’s in hospital in the uk, don’t they only admit underweight people there?

No. 2098507

File: 1741851903969.png (5.18 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_8635.png)

now, i know we no longer see her as a cow, and my comment isn’t inherently about her, but can some uk fag explain to me if what she eats is normal? like for me is N2F kinda of horror seeing some of sarah’s plates. it’s all so piled up and mixed and chaotic and not that appealing. i see it often on sm of uk anas and i need to understand if it’s a ed thing or a uk thing (i’m from a totally different culture so please excuse me)

No. 2098532

Not from the uk, but these look like oversized flautas topped with a bean and corn salsa? Not wild

No. 2098535

i’m a burgerfag but these look normal to me as well. nothing like n2f’s slop but bless her

No. 2098574

keep posting her she is mind boggling. I remember her posting some discharge paperwork once with the dx AN and I was convinced she must have shoopped it. I believe that she has some kind of ED, and even that she engages in behaviors that mess up her labs if she likes lax, but there is no way that ham planet meets any of the diagnostic criteria for AN. It's just not how that works.

No. 2098582

File: 1741882439010.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1179x2277, IMG_1701.jpeg)

Finally figured out that the hospitalisations she SO desperately begged for are not fun! Who would’ve thought?! Guess it wasn’t worth the validation huh?

No. 2098583

self post clear as day!

No. 2098588

File: 1741882856359.png (2.79 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_8712.png)

her pupils are something else

No. 2098622

I bet it’s because the docs are pinning it all down to her new eupd diagnosis as they should

No. 2098634

This looks so good, and everything's clean so it's not very similar to N2F. I miss her, I hope she's doing well and is happy and healthy.

No. 2098734

She looks good here

No. 2098782

This looks relatively normal

Shrew face lookin ass

No. 2098811

File: 1741948847809.png (881.32 KB, 1479x893, Untitled.png)

Oxana del Carpio again. She calls herself an athlete for some reason. She has never filmed herself doing any exercise; she's so underweight that I doubt she can even do an intense workout. And kek at that passive-aggressive caption, she's delusional if she thinks anyone believes that.

No. 2098828

She deletes any comments asking why she's a spoop and acts like she has no idea she looks like shit warmed up acts confused when asked about it

No. 2098829

File: 1741956188517.jpeg (642.61 KB, 1170x1999, IMG_3613.jpeg)

there is absolutely no way she can keep pretending she isn't body checking on purpose. I’ve always found it sketchy that she shared her exact height and weight in her eating disorder story video, then continued to post pictures of herself at that lowest weight for years. It never seemed genuine, and now it's clear she was never truly in a recovered state mentally.

No. 2098850

She’s a dumb cunt who got fat and couldn’t deal with it because she didn’t get enough attention anymore, so she’s relapsed to get those views up. She LOVES the attention, purposely looking for “hate” comments so she can post them get some ass pats from her group of mdma-brainrotted they/them fan base

No. 2098857

It's so funny that Americans consider this anorexic and a body check. That's literally just a slim, normal woman.

No. 2098860

It’s not that she’s thin she’s just no longer the size she was when she claimed to be recovered

No. 2098918

Never ending saga of posting body checks as a 20 something in your childhood bedroom to trigger people who idk, pay rent and contribute to society.

Also it’s mouth breathing, for the person who asked.

No. 2098925

She said on her youtube that she “kind of” relapsed. She talks about it at 8:40 and 29:20 in this video. For someone who says she wants to gain weight and her body is upsetting at her current weight, she’s showing a lot more of it, but like whatever honestly she did get super fat. It’s gotta suck to overcorrect by about 50 lbs and then pretend she’s happy with it because she’s the ~ ell gee bee tee positivity influencer~ when her facial edema made her look like Fiona from Shrek and/or pregnant Grimes.

No. 2098972

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This was relatively recently when she claimed to fully recovered for several years. she was still responding to trolls and showing her at a lower weight trying to get sympathy. Her relapse feels like it’s for content purposes

No. 2099069

Straining and pulling her shirt down to show her chest bones kek, she's so obvious. Also why does her face look so swollen?

No. 2099072

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No. 2099088

Ikr like yes, she’s lost weight but she still looks perfectly healthy. She is no where near underweight

No. 2099091

File: 1742034275364.jpeg (249.46 KB, 1179x1991, IMG_8670.jpeg)

I don’t think this chick has been posted before. She’s on tiktok and is giving out recovery advice except every single post is of her body checking with the most unnatural angles and always with a singlet top. She knows what she’s doing it but she’s hiding behind a facade of “just wanting to help people”. Grrrrr she pisses me off so much

No. 2099094

She makes me LIVID. Argh she knows exactly what she's doing. She's all talk no action, claims to be all pro-recovery and trying so hard yet every video she looks more gaunt. I can't stand listening to her and wish she'd get off tiktok tbh

No. 2099305

She’s been mentioned before.
Could quite easily wear a T-shirt or shirt…

No. 2099346

Any updates on momsfav?

No. 2099350

Can an Americafag explain why they make you so chubby and fat in US inpatient/php programs? I swear most people who leave treatment in the US are minimum BMI 23… why restore so much weight

No. 2099352

people who get help for their eating disorders are pretty divided into two groups - they're either (1) really sick, likely on medicaid, and can't really afford treatment or time off work so they get a minimal amount of treatment and get bounced while still pretty underweight, or (2) wealthy, on good private insurance (probably from their parents), and so any private for-profit treatment center will keep them as long as they want attention and complain about their symptoms. Most of the places that you see posted online like ERC are for-profit treatment centers.

No. 2099354

Thank you for an actual response, it just seems wildly unethical to make people fatter than they need to be for profit. A BMI 18.5/19 is perfectly fine in most countries so I just don’t get it

No. 2099355

the for-profit treatment industry in the united states is wildly unethical, yeah. There's really no defense of it. And the quality of treatment is generally not very good because there's no financial incentive to help people actually get well. They make more money if people keep relapsing and coming back.

No. 2099359

But why don’t people just leave on their own volition if they’re not sectioned? Like surely that can’t keep you there forever

No. 2099360

the people who stay for a long time and post about it online want the attention and validation for being sick. Plenty of people do discharge themselves "early"

No. 2099387


Reason 1: The sudden and rapid weight gain can cause diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver disease, and other metabolic conditions causing a greater need for doctors in the future and more money for the medical system.

2. The sudden weight gain and taking a pretty girl's beauty away is a humiliation ritual tactic. They are all fetishists thinly disguised as medical professionals.

3. It's part of the Fourth Reich/alt-right's beauty standard to have that BMI 23 body and this is also coming up in the medical community. Instead of blonde hair blue eyes the new standard is being BMI 23. It's connected to the fertility cultists and the rise of the alt-right in the US. They want everyone to look the exact same.(learn2integrate)

No. 2099389

No. 2099394

This is some fuckin dumbass thinking nonnie. Your brain rot is leaking through the screen

No. 2099447

Do you need to see a psychiatrist?

No. 2099454

Brainrot. Politics has nothing to do with fatness.

No. 2099461

Overshooting is common at programs like ERC. Their idea is that restoring at a higher weight promote healing the internal systems that were deprived for so long. Over time the body will redistribute the weight where it needs it but it’s not in bad intentions I believe. There’s also a difference between inpatient and residential. Inpatient will restore you up to 85% but a residential tends to go higher

No. 2099615

Say what you want about “BMI 23” but a little extra meat on the bones can really help with the end-stage ana brain rot (perfectly exhibited by anon saying medical professionals have gaining fetishes????) Carbs make you fat but they also make your brain fucking work correctly to form a couple sane and coherent thoughts. Yeah britfags leave IP at BMI 19 but they also all seem to leave with disgusting gaping wounds oozing out of a dressing on their forehead so is it even worth it.

No. 2099716

Wait you know her irl?? How is she a nasty person?? That’s not very Taylor swift of her (her whole personality is Taylor swift online lol)(sage your shit)

No. 2099789

BMI 19 isnt that skinny yk lol bmi 23 is just a lil chubbs. I doubt the britfags are leaving with forehand vaginas because of their weight. No one would call someone with bmi 19 thin or in danger. BMI 23 is just excessive ngl and if u don’t agree, ur bmi 23. No need to gain so much, bmi 19 is perfect fine, not too skinny but not too fat. But Tbf Americans are so fat that they see anyone under bmi 25 as deathly thin. Call this ana brain rot or whatever but that just tells me ur a fattie haes activist(rattle rattle)

No. 2099801

Mods telling on themselves with the red text. I miss what this thread was like before the mods got fat, triggered and sensitive(ban evasion)

No. 2099817

Nope, I reported that post and I’m far from a haes cultist. Sometimes anons really are rattling

No. 2099828

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new cow? idk if she’s been mentioned before. @sickb_tch on tik tok. chronically ill with mental health issues. so defensive when people question her tubes in her stomach and chronic illness. kek i can’t anymore she is so jarring. loved the attention.

No. 2099882

“Ur BMI 23” lmfao go rattle on Twitter no one gives a fuck that you’re an ana-chan. You ain’t special.

No. 2099906

In general it’s to prevent relapse because your brain is able to rationalize more at a higher weight because your body has had more time to repair itself.

No. 2099915

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why is freely promoting temu? isn’t she some kind of conservationist?

No. 2099980

anorexic AND european? pick a damn struggle. either one of those gonna make you stink and ruin your teeth anyway.(infight bait)

No. 2100005

File: 1742242991345.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1179x2036, IMG_7682.jpeg)

Our new fat wannarexic cow is posting weird ED drama, despite her claims of not being extreme, she posted herself spraying perfume on her food so she can’t eat it and brag about starving herself topkek.

No. 2100007

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There has been no noticeable change or any improvement as kyah is still obese, I don’t understand how fat wannarexic cows are this delusional

No. 2100012

Kek someone actually struggling with anorexia wouldn’t need to spray perfume on food to be deterred from eating it

No. 2100163

File: 1742265244930.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x2164, IMG_0694.jpeg)

Cringey content acting like she’s a cancer chemo survivor or something instead of a body checking ass pat starved anorexic

No. 2100165

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The cringe hurts

No. 2100166

I miss when the ana-chans in these threads at least pretended to not be an ana-chan. In case you forgot, this is a thread dedicated to making fun of behavior like this. We all know the anas and wannarexics like you are participating in this thread, but you have to at least pretend not to be. You can't be the very thing we're making fun of, ragging on about BMI, and expect us to pat you on the back

No. 2100267

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Fattyrexic posted a video on her “chili pumpkin recipe”, pretty much the entire thing is her acting like a cringe 2020 egirl and bragging about shaking from starvation, she also puts the beef on her head at one point?? It’s weird considering she said in an earlier post she was “forced to eat raw meat” by her aunt. She also claims to have adhd in the caption Kek.

No. 2100413

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Do you nonas think acidbathcat has the potential to be menalez 0.2?
Do you think she's as milky as her?

No. 2100414

No. 2100418

Anon accidentally called her a prototype, which isn't a compliment but still it's the opposite of what they meant

No. 2100518

File: 1742340393888.png (2.21 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4803.png)

Someone even sicker than she sydney. I hate that all these cows keep sharing their garbage for competition & pats. Keep wasting your life & you’ll keep getting nothing & watching everyone you grew up with pass you by & feel just sadness & jealousy & even more worthless. I do not think that sharing this content makes anyone actually get better or people that share it even want to get better. They’d get off these sites & shares if they did.

No. 2100558

File: 1742345430771.webp (29.95 KB, 970x546, handsome withers.webp)

Handsome Withers (Baldur's Gate 3)? Is that you?

No. 2100567

The polkadot nails matching her top just give the subconscious impression that her nails are made out of shirt and I don't like it

No. 2100608

I was in the hospital with her, she was completely awful to be around. she threw stuff at the nurses and called them degrading names. its a shame to see she's still up to her shenanigans.

No. 2100630

Ntayrt but you know there are other continents aside from North America and Europe right? Kek

No. 2100631

Tbh that’s not true, I know multiple people with severe AN who have done similar (normally used cleaning spray)

No. 2100632

How is that cringey? This smells like a self post.

No. 2100673

omfg nonnie it’s a small world. must’ve been after i met her though, i was in treatment with her years ago and she was so, so kind to all the patients but she screamed like no one else’s business. was horrific to hear but i always felt sorry for her because staff treated her so badly. i do feel like she isn’t really as much of a cow as some of these others though— sydney, stefania etc. are genuinely horrible to be around. cheyanne never was that proana in treatment, she never encouraged it there. just a very very sick woman. either way it’s no excuse to be posting like that on tiktok

No. 2100700

Who even said Sydney was bad to be around? Can anyone that’s been in treatment with her post about what she was like?
I guess on her tiktok she does brag about having her clothes taken away for hiding food

No. 2100709

I don’t want to say too much to dox myself but tbh she was friendly when we did chat. And Sydney mostly kept to herself actually. I mean obviously she engaged in behaviors while there which was incredibly triggering but honestly I think it was just because she was struggling not because she was trying to intentionally trigger others. It’s not like she was the only one doing it either, lots of patients did. Just my opinion though. Sydney also put together little gifts for everyone on the unit and did a daily sheet thing with trivia etc for distraction at breakfast

No. 2100711

Same anon here, I do wonder if she’s relapsing. She’s been absent from social media and usually that’s a sign as in the past she’s gone silent then suddenly popped back up looking very sick (and always somehow so insanely fast too it’s mind boggling idk how she does it)

No. 2100720

File: 1742398226173.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1179x1968, IMG_3805.jpeg)

Kali needs to grow the fuck up. She’s been doing this for years. Inpatient for a year, released for a month, relapse insanely fast, back inpatient with open wounds on her face

No. 2100723

I’ve also been in treatment with Sydney and she really wasn’t bad. She always tried to be nice to people and was very apologetic about triggering others with her behaviors.

No. 2100725

maybe i caught sydney at a bad time kek. she’s definitely different from stefania in that you didn’t always feel like she was competing with you but she was just kind of aggravating to be around— obviously triggering, immature, just things like that. iykyk, it reflects in the way she posts. when i was with her, cheyanne was not like that at all. not to WK her at all bc it doesn’t excuse what she posts obviously, but she was genuinely lovely to the other patients. very soft-spoken, empathetic, kind. i’m not sure what happened in the years since, but back then even though she was incredibly sick she did try very hard to get better, perhaps harder than anyone else there. i haven’t spoken to her in years but she’s one of the people i’ve always hoped would have a good life.

No. 2101136

Because research shows getting to at least BMI 20 ED cognitions decrease and you have better chance of long term recovery. Clearly what the UK does discharging you never gaining a pound doesn’t work with all the long term hospitalizations and frequent fliers.

No. 2101138

There are two groups of anorexics these days. True OG anorexics who only go IP if forced and leave asap to get back to business. And the attention whores who use it as summer camp to post online who aren’t actually anorexic but just lose a bit of weight or fuck up their labs on purpose. You can tell who the true anorexics are and who the bod attention whores are by 1. Admit weight and 2. How long they choose to stay. No real anorex would beg for a tube at a reasonable weight. The new gen anorexics are fucking embarrassing and they don’t even realize it.

No. 2101353

Man I miss Ceces antics

No. 2101389

Kek, same. And that blonde Twitter user with the two daughters, for the life of me I can't remember her name. She was a personal fave imo

No. 2101408

I think I know who you are talking about, wasn’t her name Kate or something and always did the “bird pose” lol

No. 2101432

Kek that was it, Kate. She completely disappeared, I miss her shenanigans. I wonder what she's up too now, last I saw she started getting into bread making on tiktok

No. 2101502

I miss people like smorven

No. 2101641

File: 1742657190109.jpeg (651.94 KB, 1179x2339, IMG_9355.jpeg)

fi complaining about how hard is to navigate THE LIFE OF 60% OF THE POPULATION

No. 2101656

Does this girl even have an ED??? I can’t find anything that makes her a ‘pro ana scumbag’. Milk must be dry

No. 2101682

I don't miss Kate at all. Let her behave as a mother for once.
She has two kids who she constantly neglects, binge-purges in front of them, body checks, she abuses alcohol and substances while she is supposed to be taking care of them… Imo, she might be the worst of all of these cows

No. 2101719

File: 1742669006577.jpeg (423.78 KB, 1170x2080, E2F3B1EF-D699-4AAF-9AB9-ADEDCD…)

April can never go more than a few months before the urges to make a post to prove to everyone how sick she is makes its way back.
Her only identity is being sick, to the point where her entire masters thesis is cringy poetry about how anorexic she is (obviously at Arizona state university, since that’s the only place that would allow such abhorrent attention seeking writing to become a THESIS).

No. 2101720

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No. 2101761

But nonnie, nobody has ever had it as hard in life as poor brave Fi has, ever. Kek

No. 2101821

Two of the most punchable faces

No. 2101863

File: 1742695651623.png (412.88 KB, 672x793, pm2geUm.png)

Lucinda is back (1/2)

No. 2101864

Holy shit Return of the Queen

No. 2101865

File: 1742695867568.jpg (440.36 KB, 1536x2048, GmVo1Z-WsAAQX0_.jpg)

probably the happiest cow comeback I've seen looking at her page. good for her and her T-Rex. I was so shocked to see this on the frontpage nona kek

No. 2101866

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No. 2101867

Oh God the first time I'm happy to see a cow return

No. 2101868

No fucking way. This just made my night. And her face looks fuller? Hopefully it's not just bulimia face? I really wish her the best and that she is in recovery

No. 2101877

File: 1742700076424.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1290x2119, IMG_5916.jpeg)

Not Paris trying to sell 2 years expired food. The ana brain rot is real

No. 2101925

Omg this cured my headache and cramps, so happy to see her happy

No. 2102019

I think Luci is going to go back to her old habits as soon as she is discharged. I pray that I'm wrong.

No. 2102080

File: 1742760191178.jpeg (370.44 KB, 912x783, IMG_3789.jpeg)

Another former cow that has shocked me with how well she’s doing

No. 2102126

Can mods do something about this self poster shitting up the thread thanks

No. 2102130

She's alive and looks like she's happier. Made me smile

No. 2102183

Don’t remember her how long ago was she a cow on here?

No. 2102199

i've been in treatment with april and she i think shes a psycopath. she has the most horrific sh scars of anyone I’ve ever seen and she would always show them off, she would try to unalive in her room when she didn’t get her way and always bragged/showed off how sick she was by throwing up in the hallway too. she was so desperate to make stef seem insane but stef was actually way more genuine and sweet than april when i met her even tho i know shes done fucked up shit too. but tbh from experience april was 100000x fucking worse like she's deranged(newfag)

No. 2102213

True, but I feel like she's the type to continue doing those things in front of her kids just now she does it in private unfortunately. I hope she has her shit together, for the sake of her kids.

No. 2102226

Roughly a year ago. She would continue to have children despite restricting during each pregnancy. Most of her kids spent time in the nicu.

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