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No. 2087357

Lately milk is very skimmed and cows are more silent than usual, but we still had some interesting posts and additions.
Previous thread: >>>/snow/2045809

Momsfav: she’s under strict observations of some nonnies that are waiting for her to drop at the usual skeletal state. We shall see

The Twins: an anon asked about them 6 times in the thread, but they’re alive and well (for their standards).

Fi: she’s silent, more than she ever has been (is she breathing tho?)

Lavipop94: everything she posts is more confusing than the previous and that makes it difficult to really understand what’s going on.

find.ingrfances: she was (and probably still is) admitted at death doors and the stress of it made her headbang so hard some anons didn’t even recognize her. She proudly displayed it on ig, along with her birthday pics where her family look utterly done with it.

Jaycie: she thinks we’re obsessed with her and that we’re eagerly awaiting for her to post some other shitty lies. She still didn’t loose any weight or change in any way.

Your Mother: (kinda) new addition to the farm. She’s a larper that in some way managed to get admitted, even if she’s as near to underweight as the fat orange cat of your friendly old neighbour.

Lyss: posts just badly disguised body check pics taken in public and retarded digs loooooooosely addressed to her ex, on Christmas day.

jenn.goddess (former jenn peach): she’s cured and know the truth behind everything about nutritioun, so much so that a girl died, under her care (allegedly). Freely supports her, so that’s reassuring.

Kali: she’s at it again with the creepy infantilized pics with her mom and the sh wound on show.

Aimzee: as per usual her only personality traits are a giant pad on her head and an offensively expensive collection of plushies.

healthyish_mama: a frightening resembler of a mummified millennial mother that scares her followers (and probably her kids) with her protruding face bones. She claims everything has to do just with her chRonIC ILlnesS, but considering what she shows as her meals, something doesn’t add up. Her comment sections are full of creeps that preach her absolute beauty.

Aidel: she’s proudly posting as she and her mother are unable to be adults in public, while she looks like shit. Seems to want to take residence in hospital and tells us as hedbanging is her best coping mechanism.

Laurie Gauvin: new spoop, she loves to share her (miserable) recovery meals while practicing no less than six hours of sports per day. She claims to bel all in, but the progresses don’t match that energy.

loving.rachael: spoopy narcissist with a pathological need for attention, so much so that she posted herself on a roast subreddit.

EC: Halloween was another occasion to spook everyone with poor taste and bones flailing, good job.

Lucinda: was in a coma but she’s still standing, our unicorn queen.

Ash: after gifting us a precious view of her arteries for Halloween, she continues to be the radioactive waste that she truly is, impossible to get rid of.

Marie: anons stumbled upon her new twitter account where she shows how she weights as much as 3yo and post bodycheck in which she looks like a spoopy grandmother.

Paris: she cries, she just cries.


https://www.instagram.com/jenn.goddess?igsh=MXRmMm8xemxzZHUybQ== https://www.instagram.com/healthyish_mommy?igsh=MXMxMDBycWw2MmdhZA== https://www.tiktok.com/@healthyish_mama?_t=ZN-8tncMSQi4us&_r=1 https://www.instagram.com/lauriegauvinn?igsh=MWNkNzFvdDRvcjdqZA== https://www.instagram.com/strugglingstrawbxrry?igsh=bndha2prempibXE1 https://www.instagram.com/aidels_journey?igsh=MW90enpwODR3NzV3Mw== https://www.instagram.com/loving.rachael?igsh=Z2JkanZraWNwbTF3 https://www.instagram.com/lucibelindy?igsh=MTZmMml3MzR3YzdvdQ== https://x.com/laikkaloves?s=21&t=5dDZyq2BB6OjG5qIQ-6o6Q https://www.instagram.com/aimzee24?igsh=eHZicjFjNWxlYnN2

No. 2087507

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Lavi went from ACUTE to residential for two days and then discharged herself to go home because she's too special for any ed treatment program to meet her needs

No. 2087600

the shoop here is… something

No. 2087677

Her left hand; wtf.

No. 2087772

Kek at the fact she said she left res because they couldn’t accommodate her soooper speshul dietary needs…yet goes home and continues posting her greasy fast food 24/7

No. 2088019

I don’t think there’s any shooping

No. 2088080

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Reposting this from the end of of the previous thread but srsly this girl is hilarious to follow with her delusional antics as she believes she is some sooper sick anachan ….these horrible shooping edits are embarrassing

No. 2088094

Yeah I don't see it either

No. 2088147

There is something off about these

No. 2088164

KEK she forgot to edit her left upper arm

No. 2088175

the legs shooped, midriff shooped, both forearms shooped, upper arms as well…topkek she’s hilarious. her tiktok cracks me up, she’s always talking about how she misses ana. Ana where??

No. 2088213

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I swear all these “chronic” cows have a weirdly juvenile relationship with friends/family where they’re babied

No. 2088214

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No. 2088216

Like this is a full grown 30+ year old woman and I’m pretty sure her mom still sleeps over at every hospital stay she has. And her excuse is always that she was soooo close to death

No. 2088282

Was @carolinedeisler brought up before? Vegan orthochan who posts vids rattling around with her kid

No. 2088332

Seriously? What’s the point of shooping yourself just to look mid?

No. 2088404

because without the shooping she’s a pretty big girl lmao. inb4 mods cry about bonerattling, she’s actually overweight and not slightly either

No. 2088687

She freaks me out. Her child looks so lethargic all the time, and I think she’s really delayed in talking too.

No. 2088752

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i found a bit odd the caption, expecially the "world strongest", even if she kinda is (roach)

No. 2089080

Blogpost but i’m convinced this is part of their “disorder” or whatever you want to call it, enabling, borderline munchie parents and BPD chans. Probably intergenerational mummy issues. Should be studied kek

No. 2089151


No. 2089162

She is gonna live to a ripe old age at the rate she's going, it's like she's living in suspended animation and not tipping the scales enough to die or change. I always hope that at some point she'll be like, 'it's a literal fucking miracle that I'm alive, maybe I should take advantage of it by trying to recover even a little bit??'. Her entire existence is palliative care, what does she have to lose…? That said, no doubt her insides are soup so maybe it's pointless.

No. 2089248

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sage bc no milk and sorry for shit collage but last night while scrolling i stumbled upon this account and yeah, just creepy af

No. 2089352

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oxana.dc is turning yellow/green. We’ve seen this story before- faking eating the food & will turn up dead. She is toxic with this fake recovery.

No. 2089373

She claims not to have an ed and acts confused and aggressive when people ask why she looks like that and if she has an ed

No. 2089539

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abby finally addressed her “friendship” with the incestuous self slasher

No. 2089602

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Discharged looking like this. She's gonna be dead before the year is over.

No. 2089635

i really can’t wrap my head around it, like how can they safely discharge her like that? she’s an adult but they could section her or make her at least do inpatient ?(i’m italian so i’m not sure how it works in the uk)
i know her parents are kinda against the occidental healthcare system but how can her mother let her go around like that knowing the risks? (sorry for rant)

No. 2089649

She has just been inpatient. She gained incredibly slowly, too. Incredibly. She is very short, she must have been gaining like .1 .2 a week.

No. 2089656

lmao here for this holy shit that becca/grace stuff was insane

No. 2089670

C-PTSD larp incoming…

No. 2089679

Why do these cows just have to air their dirty laundry in public. Imagine telling over 4000 people you were besties with a pedo and trying to spin it to your advantage. BPD off the charts with this one, go have a proper wash Abby

So she’ll be back to posting a single kernel of sweetcorn and 3 peas labelled ‘recovery’ in no time. Fab. Can’t wait (!)

No. 2089680

ayrt, sorry i meant outpatient, but i think even that wouldn't do much

No. 2089734

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Oxana Del Carpio is also obsessively spamming Linda Sun's youtube comment section with advertisement for her own youtube channel. Picrel is a random example but you can click on any of Linda's youtube videos and she will have responded to most comments. It's so creepy and feels stalkerish to me. Linda never responds to her either.

No. 2089740

I disagree I think Abby coming out with her story is a good thing. Seeing that this predator has done it again is only good for people in the future to not engage with her. As her story’s say she’s been in hospital for four years straight essentially and is now trying to find her place in this world. I think this is a positive step for her. Incest Becca should be studied like. That weirdos absolutely batshit

No. 2089766

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On the topic of Amalie

No. 2089767

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Sorry if this has been posted in earlier threads. But why so many bandages?

No. 2089822

Looks like she’s also got stitches under some of them

No. 2089823

I agree with you Nonnie. Abby was/is vulnerable and lacking life experience and I'm glad she's out of the clutches of whatever the fuck that thing is. Abby seems much less cowish and like she does want to move on in life.

No. 2089947

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Nice little self post there Abby. ‘Edit profile’.

No. 2089948

she was showing her highlights about signs of abuse on her own profile

No. 2089955

I never understand why someone would do that to their face if not to get the ultimate attention from other people. Everyone think’s your just stupid though, so congrats

No. 2089958

Damn, her turd braids are even smaller than Shayna‘s.

No. 2089962

These are screenshots of Abby’s own story she posted… Are you dumb

No. 2089963

This one reminds me of the Scottish amiee girl that has the permanent bandaged head and arms. Coddled beyond belief

No. 2089970

are you slow? she posted a screenshot of her profile and then i screenshotted her story, as you could have see by yourself if you checked her stories instead of calling selfpost. grow up and do your research

No. 2090020

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Suprised she hasnt been talked about yet. German spoop clearly very proudly bodychecking. Gets a lot of concerned comments but says she's doing great. Clearly loves the attention. Also kinda yellow and her teeth and eyebrows look horrible.

No. 2090139

lol I knew from the beginning that incest becca girl was a predator. Goes to show how she will pick on the weakest of links. Abby clearly knows/knew little about an adult life… but she’s deffo not been posting as much and seems like she’s trying? Becca was 26 whilst Abby was 18 or 19 I think; wtf becca/grace really needs to sort itself out Kek probs some jail time would help for at least 6 months before it finds another child to seduce…

No. 2090152

I have always had a soft spot for Abby. She never romanticised being ill like the rest of these cows. She always just came across as a genuinely ill young girl to me and it felt harsh to pick her apart on here? Falling into the hands of a predator straight out of hospital is scary and I’m glad she away from invest Becca and wish her well

No. 2090171

She has been. She just always does the same thing.

No. 2090208

She needs to come to the US where she will be eating 5000 calories a day within a few weeks of hospitalization and gaining 4-5lbs/week like weight restoration should be done. None of this fucking around at summer camp for years on end like in the UK.

No. 2090268

Does anyone know what Smorven is doing now?

No. 2090379

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sage bc i don’t know if it’s milky, but in italy we have this tv program (it’s been going one for like 4/5years) about people with ed/mental illnesses and are inpatient in various hospitals and today i found this charming girl. until now in italy the nose hose was a practice used only in severe cases, but this… i’m literally shocked (also i have some possible cows, but obviously they’re italian, i don’t know if someone is interested)

No. 2090417

My best guess is binging and purging. She's probably injured her oesophagus and is unable to eat.

No. 2090434

kinda, she says that she’s bulimic but that in the last period of time she was not binging, but throwing up everything she ate (i bet) and so they gave her the tube. watching the episode and how she talks and act she looks exactly like georgie porgie (for the anons that remember her). she’s in the room with an actual anorexic and during meals she won’t shut up about how she’s scared of food and doesn’t want to eat bc she already has the tube. i peaked her sm and she definitely acts like a cow, but i don’t want to spam her if it’s not interesting

No. 2090439

What show is this? She seems like an amusing cow

No. 2090455

Throwing tantrums and scratching her face up in redu probably

No. 2090458

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When one cow comes down, another pops up. Same bs as always. Repeat offender to res while all she does is play games & make jokes about treatment. She’s too old for this childish behavior.

No. 2090462

What’s the show called?

No. 2090479

“fame d’amore”
you can find it on the app RaiPlay and is free, idk where it can be shown but i live in the canary islands rn and it works so yeah

No. 2090489

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while i’m on it i wanted to flag another potential italian cow.
Her name is leila and she is a very severe case as you can see, but what is baffling is that is a EC-Mom type of situation. She and her mother are attached by the hips but everything is done in order to enabling Leila and receive views and money from the internet. She’s a purging anorexic and for some time now she has lost her teeth and is kinda disheartening watching all unfold (is been at least 3 years of this shitshow). sorry for spam, have a nice night



(these are articles that talks about her)

No. 2090497

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>she has lost her teeth and is kinda disheartening watching all unfold
You're right, it's very sad. But she may have a promising future as the next Gollum.

No. 2090504

And still claiming she doesn’t have an Ed.

No. 2090591

i’m crying laughing nonna
yes it’s sad, but after seeing all that she’s done just for attention (at one point every ed clinic in italy was offering her a bed since her mother went on a tt live and slandered the system, but the poor ana Leila decided to say no to everyone, run away and then post a lot of videos where she said “sorry i weight 24kg is not my fault my brain is just not working”, and all the nation was fuming)

No. 2090597

>>2090434 what’s her insta/tiktok usernames?

No. 2090609

No. 2090701

its absolutely wild how long she has kept this shit up, so many years of life wasted … and for what

No. 2090770

lmao wtf

No. 2090850

old news, she sprinkled comments about her support here and there during the years
also, sage

No. 2090900

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kek, she posted this as a low weight picture

No. 2090903

Those fat arms, kek.

Anybody that's normal weight can suck in their stomach, extend their torso and make their ribs visible.

No. 2090926

Never romanticised being ill my ass. From posing with fresh self harm, trying to make looking dirty sick and ugly an aesthetic, posting videos of her dancing in hospital with captions about hiding from staff and supposed to be on bed rest…again some nonnas need to do some research before sharing their personal feelings
Yes Abby may be young and naive, have a funny vibe about her and maybe somewhat pretty but she’s definitely a cow

No. 2090940

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do we take twitter cows? regardless this one’s made sure to spread herself thin absolutely internet-wide.
she was active on two twitter accounts at the same time @audreystarves, since been deactivated, and @apricotoats. on audreystarves she would post about actively losing, constantly going on and on about whether she’d gain on an intake of less than 500 calories whilst simultaneously posting recovery bullshit on apricotoats, sometimes with the same fucking pictures of the same meals on both accounts.

she got down to bmi 11.something until being hospitalised for some sort of organ failure and claimed she ‘HAD refeeding syndrome’ whilst posting copious amounts of hospital food which she was willingly inhaling whilst also being on NG feeds seemingly not having a fucking clue how what refeeding syndrome is or how it works.

then she posted the same dozen pictures of her NG and hospital meals all over her thousand twitter, instagram, tiktok accounts. and now she’s getting involved with all the other typical cows on tiktok, especially cosying up to known shooper smoothiebowlmia/matchamiiii or whatever she’s going by now. this girl is out of her mind. can see what other milk i can farm back up if there’s interest but this cows behaviour drives me insane

No. 2090941

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No. 2090991


No. 2090996

What part of this isn’t her being an ill teenager? Part of this illness is denial. She’s never claimed to be a recovery account

No. 2091001

Is it with English subtitles ?

No. 2091013

You can be ill and still a cow, why do you think there are 110 other threads? Not even the ayrt but she absolutely romanticised being ill, if you can’t see it perhaps you need to take a look at yourself kek

No. 2091019

this is her ig if you want. also she is OBSESSED with this (minor) singer that invited her on stage a couple of times and in one of them she talked about how she was suffering with EDs, and literally said "i'm not a thin person, but i don't eat and i often have to be hospitalized with the tube"("io non sono una persona magra, ma non mangio e spesso vengo ricoverata con il sondino", for who want the original.) babe, the math ain't mathing

as far as i can see, nope. sadly, italian are not the most interested on being multilingual in our tv programs

No. 2091028

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samefag, sorry for spam, but in the first two posts she rambles about how she's insecure about her body, but she also posts pics like the third
i'm not vendetta-ing, i just saw her on a show and i don't know her
but in all my life i never saw an insecue girl going on stage to talk and posting half naked pics like this

No. 2091038

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don't apologize, this girl is milky. What the hell is with this cake? The combination of the pictures of that singer and her tattoo picture that actually shows a lot of self harm scars is, uh, quite something. (Also, not in a mean way, but I hope her grandma got whatever that is on her lip looked at by a doctor.)

No. 2091063

is her attempt to do a smash cake for her birthday, but she ruined it with her scars and obsession over a singer…
(i think the grandma has a mole on her lip, but yeah she should keep an eye on it)

No. 2091070

KEK did she just crash this band's show and start talking about being fat?!
(Also I keep reading the band's name as 'Legolas' and I can't see it as anything else).
Third Kek at the username 'old men'.

No. 2091071

Oh it's the singer's name, not a band. Still can't un-see 'Legolas' Kek.
She's literally bursting out of that top she's wearing. Never thought I'd see Italians tubing fat people, let alone obese ones like this. In my experience Italians are very judgemental about size and weight and appearance and what people eat. They love to talk about it; to your face as well. Certainly in Northern Italy.

No. 2091074

“ leo gassmann” is the singer, it’s not really a band, just him singing mediocre love songs
she went to EVERY SINGLE CONCERT he did in a 60km radius, tagged (and tags) him everywhere all the time until he started to recognize her at every concert/event (difficult not to notice her in the front row) and talked to her etc, i think he invited her on stage for internet pity points ,not else
but obviously she’s convinced he’s her hero and that he cares about her, that he’s gonna save her, babygirl doesn’t understand that “celebrities” does not care

No. 2091077

we are judgemental, even too much sometimes, and this is the first ever fat girl that i see tubed in our hcs
she says she had bpd so i think they tube her because she want to be seen as fragile as the others and if not she’s gonna a massive fit (in the episode they say that her feedings are the lowest possible so yeah, that tells a lot)

No. 2091078

Oh shit. I mean he probably recognizes her as a fan (had not to notice her, like you said) but now he's gotten himself into something that will end badly……Did she tag him in the cake picture? Because that would be disturbing for poor Legolas.

No. 2091080

she tagged him, she obviously did (and she even appear on his “community” profile on ig, idk if it’s curated by his team or by fans tho, need to investigate) )

No. 2091081

It's insane that she's tubed. Especially in Italy. Do you know which region?
I want to find this TV show now actually.

No. 2091099

she’s from Novara (it’s on her bio on ig), so northern italy
fact that further made me so shocked when i saw her on tv, since i’m from the north (but near venice, for geographical purposes) because us, northern italians, are raised at bread (or polenta) and fatfobia, and she also said on that show, so seeing her tubed and acting all dainty sick waif was appalling
again, i’m sorry if im spamming, but i’m so confused

No. 2091146

I watched the Italian show about ED's "Fame D'amore" on RAI, on youtube. Does anyone have an update on the girl Beatrice on the show? The episode I watched was heavily jump cut due to copyright reasons. I don't know Italian so I could only make out what was said based on their expressed emotions.

No. 2091147

that was the 2019/2020 season but she still is not “cured”, she sometime is still inpatient in community homes for EDs but at least she has somewhat of a life outside of it (not much tho) i’m not gonna put her socials here since she is not a cow, just a very ill woman
BUT i could bring other girls that were in the show and that could be cow material
(yes i’m a fucking creep who watches religiously that show please do not judge me)

No. 2091149

Forgive me for hijacking this thread to talk about Italian ED clinics but they intrigue me very much. Just like ED clinics in Spain and the Netherlands. I wanna know more… what's the recovery rate in these italian ED clinics? The wards look identical in some girls Tiktoks so I can only assume it's the same facility. Does Italy have many ED facilities or do they all end up on the same one? How long is waiting lists? And do girls there have to get super spoopy before they receive any help like in Russia for example?(sage your shit)

No. 2091152

And what about the Italian tiktoker Elena Sommaruga? Did she recover? I remember her dancing tube videos. Did she turn her life around?(sage your shit)

No. 2091160

SOOOO it’s gonna be long
in italy, as everywhere else, you can go inpatient in 3 cases
1. you go to you pcd and they file a request for you to go in (if you need stabilization you go to a hospital and they treat that, then they decide if you need more care or not, but at discharge you are still referred to public psychiatrists and nutritionists in order to follow up. you will have to wait on the list bc you go with public healthcare)
2. you are very sick and your doctors send you to the first bed available, public hospital or clinic is indifferent. you have to accept or deny, you have decisional power (in adult cases, if your a minor your parents decide but they still have to have your approval). often the follow up is partial inpatient treatment, so you have all your meals in the hospital closer to your home, and then outpatient treatment, with who they refer you to or with whom ever you want, since they still be contacted by the psychiatrist that followed you on admission.
3. you’re at death doors and someone calls a tso ,“trattamento sanitario obbligatorio”, aka even authorities/social workers are involved and you have no power, so you are admitted bc you can’t take care of yourself (or your caregivers can’t deal with you in a safe manner) and you are hospitalized for whatever timeframe they decide it’s necessary. usually it is in public hospital, but since the beds are very few, sometimes you go into a clinic.
treatment of EDs is usually short, they try to pull your head out of your ass in the shortest time possible, since they know that if it becomes chronic you couldn’t do much, but we have our fare share of long lasting spoops
treatment of PDs and other mental illnesses in the other hand is different and you could be put in a clinic for up to two years (sometimes more), but in that part i’m not very competent
you have to remember we have universal healthcare, so the prices are not so high even in private clinics/communities, since taxes pays part of it still.
we have some specialized hospitals and communities that are more egregious than others (Ospedale Auxologico di Piancavallo, the only public hospital with a very know and specialized ED ward, Villa Miralago, Villa Santa Chiara, Domusnovas, La casa delle Farfalle, are the most popular)
last year all the money for ed wards etc were cut, so the system is overloaded,udersaffed and underpaid, and the result is a big lack of beds and professional support for people who go through this, especially since in italy the norm is to be pretty athletic and lean, so when people begin to suffer from EDs it gets very bad before someone gets concerned enough (not in every case, but it’s common, speaking from my experience, IM NOT BLOGGING, and that of the people around me and that i see on tv/sm)
sorry if i made any grammatical mistakes

No. 2091161

she is still an entitled spoop, she’s our ash (she even looks like them)


No. 2091165

Oh exactly. Northern Italy was what I was talking about. The judgment about body size and what someone eats is so bad. And everything else. Always expected to work 10+ hours a day but act like it's no big deal, still socialize and keep up with family, maintain a clean and perfect home. Always wear the nicest clothes, hair and nails done, stay perfect and slim but never miss a big family meal or aperitivo. Never turn down food or wine, but don't eat dessert unless it's a special occasion or people will call you out. The pressure!
I'm surprised any fat young people exist in Northern Italy tbh.

No. 2091168

Omg 'La casa delle Farfalle', 'The butterfly house' ?! Kek.
Also why do Italians do the NG tubes so weirdly? Hanging in front of the face like an elephant trunk with a lot of bandages? Not along the face. I don't think any other country does that.

No. 2091169

Very intriguing first hand accoount of the Italian culture, their ED treatment options available and their "trattamento sanitario obbligatorio" sounds like the legal equivalent to a sectioning.

What intrigues me the most is the northen italian food culture and pressure to overwork and never turn down food but still stay lean. There is this American notion that "italians can eat whatever they want (bread and pizza) and still stay slim". This notion also exists about Japan and the Japenese people. They have a very BIG food culture, restaurants everywhere, and where they can't turn down meals with family and friends yet they still stay slim. Sounds troubling and stressful. I can see why ED's are prevalent there. The bigger the food culture and family oriented food rituals, the more ED's it seems.(sage your shit)

No. 2091172

It's because their NG's are too big and rigid. They are so thick and not easy to "bend" so they can only hang down because the plastic is thick and not soft like a smaller one that's more easy to bend and place on the side.(sage your shit)

No. 2091174

yes it is difficult, and stressful and sometimes so stupid, but we need to differentiate.
in northern/central italy (i’m from the fucking mountains in a village of 120 people) we are not so big on family reunions etc, we are workers and we have the most pressure to be seen as the best worker, family member, friends, athlete etc and all aid it reflects in our food habits. the average northern italian during the week eat clean and healthy and in a fucking rush because you have to work and be productive. in the weekend we have lunch or dinner with our parents or friends and we eat something more traditional and elaborate, but after the meal we are internally compelled to go for a walk “to digest” and on sunday the majority of us do some type of outdoor activity (skiing, running, hiking, cycling, you chose).
we are the most affected from restrictive EDs
in the south they are chill, they work very little in comparison (and that’s why the hate from us who run the economy) and they love their feast breakfast lunch and dinner. they have the majority of cases of people that need bypass surgery.(sage your shit)

No. 2091177

exactly, they tend to use more rigid tubes
the unsaid reason is because they are uncomfortable as hell and it push you to want to eat orally, since is so uncomfortable
the official reason is the fact that they are cheaper and more available, only specialized wards use thinner and more comfortable tubes, and usually only for patients that they already know are gonna need it for a long time

No. 2091179

Thank you for sharing. Im sorry again for hijacking this topic. I can imagine the younger generation has the most pressure in terms of staying slim. The older generation has a different outlook on piling on the weight, especially if they already had kids and grandkids.

Im also intrigued, by the despite our differences, the ED cow culture, is identical to any other country like the UK, US ect… ED's are so universally similar, they cross all cultures and boundaries and everyone ends up becoming carbon copies at the end stage. Regardless of language or cultural inheritance. For instance the big girl on the show with a tube and scars on her forehead, if I didn't know she was from Italy I would have thought she was from the UK.

No. 2091180

I know in some parts of Scandinavia, they insert what's called "temporary meal tube". They place a rigid tube for each meal they reject, and pull it out after feeding. So they will do this procedure for.. 3.. 6 times a day for how many times they reject, pull it in and out to make it so uncomfortable they start eating. Not attaching it comfortably to the cheek like they do in UK/US.

No. 2091181

and to add on this
i know it sound barbaric, but you have to make into perspective that our system is primarily paid by taxes and they can’t afford to waste resources on tubes for people that use it as badges of approval
it’s not uncommon that professional spoops get outpatient tubes when there are no bad available and they are on the verge of needing it, and almost every time they give them the most uncomfortable and thick tubes so they don’t want to have them for too long
also, about the bandages, they are there so you don’t pull the stunt of removing it by yourself, since again, they are not so cheap on the system

No. 2091183

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Who remembers italian Aly's tube back in the day. When I first saw it I thought that's got to hurt like hell.

No. 2091185

exactly the same here with the mentality
they don’t want you to became revolving door patients and they don’t want you to become a chronic spoop, because it costs a lot of money and it is not in your best interest to live all your life in a limbo
doing as the UK or Australia would be absolutely batshit crazy for us

No. 2091186

I fully support the practice of giving them the uncomfortable tube for temporary measures. There are so many who grow so accustomed to this "accessory" that no one's ever seen them without it on their cheek. Some countries are too lenient with the tube practice, making it impossible to wean them off it like a pacifier. Just look at "THIN" doc 2006.(sage your shit)

No. 2091189

File: 1740085220833.jpeg (608.28 KB, 1179x2096, 2B877CF8-2834-4130-A4D6-8E3E2E…)

for instance, she’s one of our professional anas (@francesca.casanova) and she has given an outpatient tube a couple of times, along with several time in hospital, and as you can see it’s almost a straw
they hate her and it is clear

No. 2091194

Oh yea the Northern Italians hate the South. Very lazy seeming in comparison to the North.

No. 2091196

That was what I was asking about. She was the first one I saw with a tube like this, back in her glory days kek. It looked so weird.

No. 2091198

And Italy is generally pretty corrupt anyway, the government system. From what I have seen and heard. A lot of corruption in systems and in business making it difficult for the average person to make good money.

No. 2091200

Is that ballerina I always see Italian? I think she is. Molinara Marta or something? Professional dancer but….

No. 2091253

Some units do put tubes in and out for feeding in the uk. It strikes me as funny that these people that are “desperate” not to have a feed will willingly keep a tube in, when whipping it out each time would make it harder for staff to give the feed. Not saying that’s great, just saying that they are motivated by the photo opportunity.

No. 2091256

File: 1740093758855.jpg (191.03 KB, 749x1038, 1000073217.jpg)

I don't know who this bitch is but apparently a quite famous dancer on social media?
What is this bougie-ass IP she was in?!

No. 2091257

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Restaurant?! Room service?!

No. 2091259

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Ugh, Jelly Cats. She IS one of them.

No. 2091260

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No. 2091261

File: 1740094080347.jpg (146.53 KB, 742x854, 1000073222.jpg)

Seriously: what and where the hell was this place?! This is not real.

No. 2091262

File: 1740094257181.jpg (279.77 KB, 750x867, 1000073226.jpg)

Jesus Christ.

No. 2091290

And then everyone clapped

No. 2091320

KEK I love you.

No. 2091366

File: 1740109741908.png (1.68 MB, 1179x1971, IMG_0218.png)

all these excuses not to gain weight are getting tired. she knows it’ll solve most of her made up issues if she just recovered from her ed.

No. 2091369

don’t even make me start on this, is outrageous (especially since the old mafia is now up north and controls a lot of money exchanging, especially everything that has to do with public procurement)

molinari, and yes she is. i’m not sure if she’s suffering from something or it just has to do with her line of work. ballerinas are always pretty skinny but she performs very well, so unless she takes something (not that impossible, btw), she is eating what she needs to sustain herself well

(also, maybe it is a blog and if it is, i’m okay with the red text, but i am a former ice skater, so i was raised in a toxic environment, as much as gymnasts and ballerinas here. we had a lot of scandals in the last years regarding coaches that basically teached us “how to eating disorder 101” since a young age. this is also a common argument that girls in that show bring up and it is sadly the truth for a lot of us. that’s why i know a lot of stuff about it and why i made some judgement calls about these people)

the admins are spicy today.

No. 2091381

I like her tattoos, they look nice

No. 2091425

yes she’s cow-ish, but maybe more for the cluster b thread? she doesn’t seem to have problem with food, in fact it seems the opposite

No. 2091456

Well that’s not weird and unprofessional at all!!

No. 2091458

Oh this bitch is still pulling the same old shit, huh? Yawn. Grow up, Zara.

No. 2091465

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in a post she said she was diagnosed with BPD at 16yo, but isn't it not really possible to diagnose it until at least 18?
also the part 2 of this carousel is astonishing

No. 2091473

looks like a private priory from bedroom layout the bedside phone and cleaners making your bed plus food, the priory ones you pay for that celebs go to they’re more hotel than psych ward

No. 2091525

You're probably right. I'm not sure what made me think she was IP for an ed. I think something on her profile said it was ed but I'll have to check.

No. 2091526

I didn't see these pics. Maybe she made a new post. I'm speechless at the privilege. This is not a serious psych ward. Can't be anything much wrong with her because I don't see any of the usual psych ward hall marks here at all. It looks like she has a TV in her (massive) room which isn't inside a cabinet. She has normal plates IN HER ROOM which could easily be smashed. She has her phone and laptop. Normal bedsheets and pillow case. A closet for her clothes. Gets to have all her stuff with her.Staff giving her nail polish and fake tan and doing unorthodox and boundary crossing things. This is clearly a place for people who aren't really sick.

No. 2091528

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Anyone knows whats going on with her belly? Comments suggest she has liver failure or odema from organ failure.

No. 2091538

Whoa, I have not seen her look like this before. This is alarming.

No. 2091544

Yea me neither, I wonder it's possible to intervene somehow? She looks like she's about to drop dead, her facial expressions are so slow as well(sage your shit)

No. 2091564

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many grains of salt obviously but this tracks with her current appearance imo. You can see in older pictures she used to have some quads at least, but she doesn’t look strong enough to even take class rn

No. 2091621

that's ascites babe

No. 2091683

She looks like a wealthy influencer posting from a hotel tbh, cry harder

No. 2091688

In the next post after this she wears a very big, oversize t shirt. But she hasn't removed that video or the comments or anything.
I find it extremely strange that she even posted the video with the apparent ascites (fluid build up in abdomen) in the first place, let alone not taking it down after so many people commented about it. With her constant body checking and wearing minimal clothing even though it's still February, there is no way she hasn't noticed it herself; you just know she is constantly aware of every detail of her body when she's filming and posting this stuff. Surely something like a suddenly distended abdomen when you're used to seeing just bones would make any anachan freak out and feel fat; certainly not post a video that shows it off to everyone. There is no way she doesn't see it, and no way she hasn't read all the comments about it. Why is she not mortified and taking it down immediately?! I'm not saying she should be ashamed or that she's 'fat', obviously, I just think from a spoop's point of view, that video would be unflattering and embarrassing af and you wouldn't want anyone to see it because you're so proud of being so thin. It's just really strange to me that she's showing that and letting everyone comment on her being 'bloated.' Most people in that condition would literally rather die than have a video of themselves with a big belly be out there for people to comment and speculate on.

No. 2091689

People in the comments are trying to help but she's very EC-like and will just smile away any concerns and say that everyone is unique and should be happy to be themselves etc, this is just how she is, blah blah. I'm sure people will be messaging her as well and begging her to get help but unfortunately I think Antonia is a lost cause. I hope she proves me wrong.

No. 2091784

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how’s she done that then. didn’t know you could suck your cheeks in all the way into a nice ed inpatient bed which i’m sure is what she’s been after all along

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