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No. 2001795

ScorpioAssHeaux/AliceAmoreLove/PickledPetShop/Ariana McMillan/Ariana Pennente is a 29 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, stripper and full service sex worker based in Philly.

It's been two years since we had a thread because PnP stopped posting on SM but she is making a comeback. She has been discussed on the Cam Girls threads on and off so I'm summarizing the milk that got posted in those threads recently.

> PnP gets more surgical work down and the surgeon posts her catfish before/afters >>1832862

> Our favorite tranny got married again >>1877046
> Starts looking like Popeye >>1877151
> PnP's new husband makes his IG debut >>1924106
> Nonnies speculated she was pregs >>1924139 (she was not thank god)
> PnP is still a redneck hillbilly underneath it all >>1924710
> Her and her midget husband buy a house. Still lives in the Philly area. >>1929695
> Anon figures out her new last name, 'Ariana Pennente' >>1961483
> Looking like dumb and dumber with her bowl cut >>1955136
> Her BDD hasn't gone anywhere and is on an actual MTF tranny's twitter comments asking where he got his facial feminization surgeries >>1952740
> She's probably better off going by he/him pronouns >>1948124
> Channeling Jocelyn Wildenstein in her post-op pics >>1958707
> New tattoo on her sternum, 'Eric', Nonas speculate its her new husband, she's still stripping too >>1961852
> Randomly deletes all of her stripper/sexwork accounts that she usually posted on >>1976599
> Her Stripper club hasn't promoted her since March but it isn't clear if she's still doing SW or not >>1988832 >>1991502
> Reappears on Tiktik and starts selling her trailer park wood slab art again >>1987931 >>1988830
> DoorMatt is apparently doing okay for himself now that PnP is out of his life and Tarte, the kitty PnP used to spray with water/abuse, lives with him >>1988716
> PnP wants to be taken seriously as an artist now but the BDD is making a comeback >>1990163 >>1991772
> And she's still unhinged, exhibit A >>1991500
> Starts posting selfies like her old self again >>1994385
> More Woodslab garbage/selfies >>1996206 >>1997236
> Looking like she's wearing a latex mask after the facelift >>1997951
> Wants to be a TikTok girl or something so she tries to post influencer content. Nobody cares though >>1998810 >>1999314
> Reverts back to her tried and true content- posting catfish before/afters of her old/new faces >>1999338
> Posts a 10 minute update on her life, including details on every surgery she's had until late. Confirms that she got a facelift + fatgrafting in the last year. Plans to get a bleph+making her nostrils smaller and other stuff soon this year >>1999471
> Also shares that she's spent over 70,000 dollars on cosmetic procedures and gives price breakdowns >>1999842

Last Thread: >>>/snow/1294420
First Thread: >>>/snow/638649




Instagram: AliceAmorLove, scorpioassheaux, PlasticandProud, Plasticnproud, ScorpioAssHoe, PsoriasisandProud, VersatileHeaux, VersatileHeauxArt
Twitter: AliceAmorLove, scorpioassheaux, PlasticandProud, VersatileHeaux, PsoriasisandProud
Tumblr: PlasticandProud, inippleny, ScorpioAssHoe
Onlyfans: scorpioassheaux
Manyvids: AliceAmorLove

No. 2001803

Thanks for the thread nona! It's been boring in here without her, I hope she sticks to this comeback kek

No. 2001808

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Back to sharing every thought that passes through her brain. The boring suburban lifestyle must not be as fulfilling as she thought kek

No. 2001813

I missed these threads, thank you for reviving them!

No. 2001832

File: 1717724485577.mp4 (16.45 MB, pickledpetshop1 june 2024.mp4)

the full video from op pic for posterity when she inevitably deletes. sorry quality is scaled down to fit file size limit

No. 2001840

Cow adjacent, but I wonder what matt copp is doing, now that they are divorced.
I still cant believe pnp paid so much for PS just to look so bad.

No. 2001841

Yes! So glad this thread is back! Thank you anon!

No. 2001851

Love you for this anon

No. 2001863

He’s back in his band RatGod and making music again! Still works for the post office and now cares for Tarte, the unweaned kitten Ariana bought in a state of mania and then abused for bad behavior caused by being unweaned. He seems happy and routinely posts cute animals on his mail route. Getting Ariana out of his life definitely was a blessing! But still wonder what officially killed their marriage tho..

No. 2001874

Why did these threads stop?

No. 2001876

Yay she's back, thanks so much anon!

No. 2001877

No clue. People just stopped posting in her last thread so it died off and it wasn’t like it reached post limit and got locked. Ari stopped posting a lot in general too so there wasn’t a lot of discussion

No. 2001879

Imagine the levels of BPD one must have to think you need more surgery when you're already pretty. Her freckles look like CO2 laser scars, the fuck

No. 2001883

>already pretty
When? Where? I know you’re not talking about ari…

No. 2001903

Re threadpic: did she have another lip lift when she got the facelift?!

No. 2001963

Yeah, she redid it. I don't know how she doesn't have a huge scar. I wonder if she does without makeup.
I was afraid to ask if her freckles were permanent and how long they have looked like this in case I just missed it in the other threads but they look absolutely fucking crazy the way they go up her nose to her eyebrows. seriously wtf

No. 2001970

Thanks for the update nonna! Im glad he's doing well. Im sure he's no saint but he deserved better than ari’ s insanity.

No. 2001983

I agree with art, she was pretty before the surgeries. Her nose was big, yeah, but that was it and it wasn't even that bad.

No. 2001987

I actually know the surgeon who did her first one and he's notorious for leaving bad scars. You could see it through her caked on makeup. So maybe she got scar revision. No idea why she needed another lip lift though since her philtrum is like .05mm long anyway?

No. 2002447

this girl is on a journey to destroy her face

No. 2002508

People who pull their nose up constantly are disgusting, I assume she fucked up her nose so bad, it just doesn't function anymore, giving everyone around her misophonia

No. 2002665

She says her first nose job surgeon left the nose longer than she wanted, but when she had her nose shortened by another surgeon, it made her philtrum too long. Sounds like the first surgeon was doing her a solid and taking her facial features into account. Too bad her face is completely ruined now. IMO she looked best with the one rhino and some lip filler

No. 2002683

Thank you OP! Missed this mess, gutted I didn't realise she was being posted elsewhere. Hopefully the comeback lasts a while, the new husband was not what I was expecting but completely makes sense too.

No. 2002908

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caption: live laugh plastic surgery

No. 2002921

Those freckles look like cheto dust smudged all over her nose

No. 2002923

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No. 2002928

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Kek the fact that you can see her lithp when she lipsyncs “lost my mind”

No. 2002929

It's like the swelling never went down after the face lift/fat grafts. Like she had already done too much, but that was such a dramatic difference. She looks like a guitar pic now.

No. 2002974

She was so much prettier before omg. Why are these people such npcs and don’t understand that pretty with a big nose is superior to ugly and plastic with a smaller botched nose.(sage your shit)

No. 2003024

we are so back or whatever. thank you OP!
the way she openly jokes about how much she got scammed by these fake doctors is honestly sad. it's also funny how she blames all of her mental problems on her parents/mom like in >>2002923 as if getting a shit ton of botched surgeries starting at 19 isn't more likely the cause of a lot of her issues and overall life trajectory. plastic surgery addicts are kind of like trannies in that regard.

No. 2003051

usually id have something to say about "invisible eyebrows" but they worked for her style. the weird slug look shes got going on now is pretty gross looking. straight up looking greasy 24/7. glad to see this thread revived tho! thanks gals n pals.

No. 2003082

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I cannot take her seriously lmao she’s not as hot and unbothered as she thinks she is

No. 2003083

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No. 2003094

When you take the time to post that you “don’t care”, you’re just assuring the world that you DO, in fact, care.

No. 2003113

Anyone else notice shes filming at the same angle? She must look so flat at a higher one, kek

No. 2003121

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Kek yeah here’s a close up of one of her “get ready with me” gym videos of her in motion.

No. 2003125

Ironic bc controlling others perception of her is all she does. She acts as if she’s some confident and unbothered qween who doesn’t give af what you think when in actuality she’s painfully insecure and totally obsessed with what people think. ~Unbothered qweens~ don’t get 1000s upon 1000s of plastic surgery to buy a whole new face while constantly babbling on about how uNbOtHeReD they are. She’s hilariously transparent and pathetic. I know she claims BPD but she’s such a textbook narc. Too bad about her room temp IQ, she’s unable to present a convincing image of who she wishes she was. I wonder if her disappearance was her ego imploding after her and Matt’s divorce? I wish he’d come here, I bet he has some good war stories about this witch

No. 2003126

What's so crazy to me is that even with all her milk and drama, She's STILL MORE successful then Shayna, KEK BOTOM OF THE BARREL

No. 2003192

no1curr. Keep your Shaytardation to the Shayna thread. Shaytard

No. 2003478

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she’s been posting these “mental health improvement” things so much it seems like she’s overcompensating for something

No. 2003479

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Her bpd is cured!

No. 2003488

Yeah I agree, she has so much stuff done just to look like an average person it’s kind of weird.
There was a comment she left unanswered on TikTok that wsked how she afforded all these surgeries. How did she? Her ex?

No. 2003513

I think it was credit card debt since she used to spend a lot of time bragging about how high her credit score was. Idk how Doormatt would afford it but I don’t doubt she asked him to fund some of it. Then the prostitute/stripper money but that’s only been the last what? 4 maybe 5? Years. Now she has her sugar daddy husband.

No. 2003599

did the pnp threads trail off because she got merged with the camwhore thread so no one made a new one? I don’t read that one so idk, but thought PNP threads were relatively active so was surprised it fell off- I thought the divorce would be milky as hell so I was bummed, if anyone can link to posts from that time, could you point me in the right direction? ty nonnie for making this you’re the best I wish you zero botched nostrils

No. 2003627

Nona, they just naturally trailed off bc PnP got boring and all she posted was stripper selfies saying "come see me at the club". I went searching for any spare milk that got missed because I'm retarded but didn't find any posts about her dumping Matt.

>>1665844 nona digs up old tweet about doormatt hitting someone with his mail truck KEK I can't believe I forgot this
>>1665850 selfie with blonde hair
>>1665860 >>1665965 retards argue that PnP shouldn't be in the camwhore thread. Another retard says they're too lazy to make a new thread kek there's your answer
>>1668301 democracy in action, Nonas agree to absorb PnP into the camwhore threads because nobody wants to make a new one

>>1666657 MTF tranny selfie around the time she dumped doorMatt
>>1706956 selfie with different face
>>1724229 she's driving a porsche

No. 2003718

Thanks for bringing her flat face back, looking at the pattern of her freckles it looks like a LOT of these tiktoks are filmed on the same day

No. 2003733

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so glad this thread is being revived

No. 2003737

She's doing freckles with henna now so I think that's why. It really looks like shit though, the way she's contouring her nose with "freckles" just looks completely unnatural and dumb as fuck and only goes to show that the countless nose jobs has done nothing for her confidence

No. 2004073

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PnP is rating her old makeup "lewks" since according to her she is a clean face makeup normie girl now. I didn't realize covering your face in henna freckles = clean face but ok

No. 2004074

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Another rating her old makeup. is she just staring at old pictures of herself all day?? idk how she claims to have changed so much since she's still doing the same old shit

No. 2004084

would you guys consider her a narcissist? I know she has bdd but never have seen someone so obsessed with their own fucking face. I think she really must spend at least 75% of her time/days staring at herself and obsessing over her appearance.
Pnp was the first cow that brought me here I’m glad she finally has a thread again lol

No. 2004088

Shes supposedly an artist but we only ever see her face selfies. Even Luna has more varied content.

No. 2004120

Kek nona did you screen record these with your mic on?? Have to say her current look is the absolute worst one, yeah there are some duds in there but I absolutely hate her poop smear "freckles" the most. She looks unhinged and diseased.

No. 2004126

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no fucking way I left my mic on oh my GOD. This stupid bitch put loud ass music on a slideshow so I muted it and just flipped through the pictures while drinking my coffee bc I didn't know it would record me and wow I'm embarrassed KEK good thing you can just hear the clicking and me slurping away

No. 2004127

it's pretty wild how plastic surgery is supposedly for improving someone's looks but it always seems to make people look worse somehow no matter what it is…it's like a trap
I really don't understand the freckles, they look so bad. why buy a new face just to put brown shit all over it and cover it up with ugly makeup

No. 2004128

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Caption: I just think they’re cute!!! Sue me!!!

No. 2004131

It's okay nonna we appreciate you, hope you enjoyed your coffee. kek

No. 2004142

1000% she’s a malignant narcissist. she takes pleasure in causing harm (even to animals - remember that video of her spraying a little terrified out of its gourd hamster with a water gun?) it’s a good thing her ability to cause trouble is nerfed by her outer ugliness. she has the body of a MTF tranny with a the skull of an elderly woman who’s lost her teeth and jocelyn wildenstein level plastic surgery on top, if she was attractive she could do way more damage. as it is she can only troll around getting her jollies off on sm

No. 2004154

instagram v reality

No. 2004155

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No. 2004159

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and here’s her looking like she’s lost her dentures kekek

No. 2004169

KEKK The original catfishing queen. Anyone want to speculate why she has so many idiots on her comments with the “yass kween slay/serve” shit? I don’t get the constant fangirling these women do unless they’re actually retarded

No. 2004221

She’s still doing those horrible freckles I see(sage your shit)

No. 2004237

They’re not cute the way she does them kek she triggers me so bad like does she think that’s how freckles look on people who actually have them???? Hers looks more like she’s faking vitiligo patches, which I would not put past her to try to do in some carefully curated aesthetic way. It seems like she uses her “freckles” to add some shadow or depth where her face needs it/hide some of the horrors but it just looks like a rash of doodoo

No. 2004277

I assume they look like her/are catfishes and PS addicts too, so that's why they like her.

No. 2004290

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All she does is post on TikTok all day now. No more mentions of her wood slab art. She pumped out a couple pieces in the last month or two, sold them and now she’s obsessed with the high of getting attention on TikTok.

No. 2004291

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Her lips still do that alien chest burster thing. Kek do you guys remember when pewdepie reacted to a pic of her lips back then

No. 2004297

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Samefagging for the original lips kek

No. 2004341

The lack of self awareness, thinking she looks better now than before kek. The irony of claiming she's doing clean girl makeup while she looks like she's been sprayed with diarrhea

No. 2004349

She’s a literal prostitute who married one of her Johns and now she thinks she’s in her trad wife era this is absolutely remarkable. It’s quite clear he told her to town down looking like a literal whore. I wonder what they tell people when they ask how they met.

No. 2004401

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PnP talking about catering her appearance to men as a prostitute and what “male gaze makeup” means. Her existence must be boring as fuck if she’s constantly catering to her coomer husband

No. 2004403

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It’s obvious the comments are starting to get to her despite the front. Majority of comments on her tiktok are supportive and “omgg you’re so pretty” with a few comments pointing out that her freckles don’t look natural. Fingers crossed it makes her spiral

No. 2004419

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Exaggeration much? Only 5 out of 17 comments in her other video she made about it were saying they looked weird. Not even "fake" just saying the placement was strange or it looked like a scab (kek). She needs to think of new content.

No. 2004459

oh my god what a loser. "I just heard these terms for the first time on tiktok the other day"
how do people live like this spending every second of your day on social media obsessing over your face, your comments, and responding to "haters." such a fulfulling life.

No. 2004473

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The comment she liked lmao no one with real freckles looks like this, that's the whole point

No. 2004480

File: 1718393516335.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1170x1938, IMG_6209.jpeg)

I’m actually fucking tired of seeing her face so much now kek gueth we have new art to look forward to nonas

No. 2004482

Girls I missed this thread. Still w the butt prolapse looking lips(sage your shit)

No. 2004484

Sry meant to sage

No. 2004486

is this confirming that she reads here? first she responds to the freckle shit now responding to nonnies saying she doesnt make art anymore

No. 2004488

Kek yeah I wouldn’t be surprised. She used to lurk pretty hard back during her peak threads and I think she posted a few times trying to defend herself although that could’ve been anyone since it wasn’t confirmed by mods or anything.

No. 2004492

The freckle stuff is not just lolcow, I just looked through her comments and aside from the stuff posted above there are people saying she looked better in the past and that her freckles look like melanoma kek. The art post might be because she's been spamming her supposed art account with her face instead of making a new main for that. But she probably does know the threads are back up, I'd have my name on Google alert if I were her

No. 2004578

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No. 2004642

she's probably thrilled that she has a thread again kek

No. 2004683

So… Do the fake freckles look like fake freckles on purpose? Or are there people that have real freckles that look like yours? Keep your deflection straight, damn kek.

No. 2004690

File: 1718436494830.jpeg (Spoiler Image,982.49 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2177.jpeg)

So grateful we have a new unhinged era unfolding before our eyes. My favorite cow, and actually how I got introduced to this site many years ago

Unrelated: she had some of the funniest thread pics and fan art. whoever put the bottom right pic in was out for blood

No. 2004694

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It’s crazy how flat her face is. Also, isnt she an artist? Why do her homes always look so bland? No wonder she was always in her “best friends” room taking pics when she still lived with him. You’ve been there for a while now sis put something, anything on those empty ass walls.

No. 2004756

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so botched she’s starting to look like present day Madonna now

No. 2004768

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She tried cutting bangs on herself awhile back and went live to cry about how bad she fucked up…needless to save thankful to saved this screenshot

No. 2004782

No. 2004784

Plastic surgery addicts all end up with the same face - change my mind.

No. 2004793

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Some of the comments on this video are brutal lmao. Trying to clown on her own past looks only to be told she looks worse now. I'm pretty sure the bottom right comment is just herself from an alt, it only follows three people including her and who else is going to randomly mention her lifting weights on a post where you can't even see her arms kek

No. 2004798

there is something hugely ironic about someone getting a shitton of plastic surgery and then deciding they want to subscribe to the au naturale look.

it's like she wants to convince people that this is her real face, no alterations or products involved. And hey, going 'make-up free' will say that to the average normie man who doesn't know anything about her internet history.

No. 2004802

you think she was serious about her current look being a natural look? she would be delusional to think that. I thought she was into looking uncanny.

No. 2004803

Probably less “natural” and more like the “clean girl” minimal makeup look but the weird lip combo and her heavily contoured nose give that all up. Kind of nuts that she still contours her nose because she hates it so much after what, 3 nose jobs at this point?

No. 2004804

Samefag, but did she ever mentioned what happened to her dog Frogger? The one with the bad hip that she chose plastic surgery over taking to the veterinarian? I’ve seen no mention of him at all, or her snake.

No. 2004805

I believe she sold her snake when she moved in with her sugar daddy husband, I’m not sure what happened with the dog sadly

No. 2004811

Holy shit this is her? She seriously looks like the post op Madonna pics right above this post >>2004756 idk how stupid the average person is on tiktok that they think she’s attractive irl

No. 2004812

is she trying to cover up laser scarring on her nose or something?

No. 2004818

The dog obviously died and was probably put down.

No. 2004819

The flat face isn’t that bad, but she always had a somewhat concave face that only made her nose look like it stuck out even more. The problem is the surgeon gave her a nose shape that isn’t harmonious with her profile at all.

No. 2004825

Nona this is linked in the thread description already

No. 2004828

The comments about her appearance clearly get to her and she likely internalizes them to a degree (I'm betting she got the "lego head" thing from these threads) yet most of what she posts is about her appearance. Tiktok is the worst possible place she could be spending her time on, it's like she's fishing to make her dysmorphia even worse

No. 2004857

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I believe the dog is still alive kek but Wheezy her cat is probably dead or abandoned

No. 2004914

That’s sad. Poor thing still likely hasn’t been treated or Ariana be bragging about it just like her PS or gym activity. Hope that dog isnt suffering too much. Ariana Pennente, shame on you. I wonder if husband Eric Pennente knows anything about knows anything about her history of animal abuse, like when she shaved her cat.

No. 2004929

File: 1718496831699.mp4 (1.29 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cpn10k7og65r0d5fus…)

Kek guess tiktok is getting to her. nonody is allowed to disagree with Ariana Pennente or have a differing opinion on things that makes her have to think about her bleak existence

No. 2004965

>the fucking mothman tattoo with a huge pendulous nutsack on her leg

No. 2005027

seriously though if anyone ever saw these fake freckles out in the wild irl they would be double taking because it looks bizarre as fuck

No. 2005092

Kek most of her posts lately has been entirely about her appearance/makeup/PS etc, so that's what people will be talking about in the comments, what did she expect? Grow some thicker skin

No. 2005100

Yo for real. This is the same of any very public person. Don’t want to get your shit aired out? Don’t post it publicly. Thousands of people literally at the peak of her Ig micro influence saw her live post everything from her cheating on Mattcuck with her tinder match Aaron, her shothouse quality porn and rape in Dominica. I’m shocked anyone would legally bind themselves to her after all that, dentist guy must be down bad.

No. 2005121

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He's not a dentist- that was just a rumor because she said once she saw her dentist at the club.
Her man is a formerly disgraced executive of a finance company. He still works in finance, but there's lawsuits in his name (showing he had to pay back $18,602.87) and he was yeeted from his company.

No. 2005123

File: 1718544838544.jpg (344.34 KB, 1079x2118, 1000038539.jpg)

Samefag, but here's his actual title now

No. 2005129

>college 1993 - 1995
damn he really is old.
also, anon, you can still see the city and state there. not that a quick google of his name and job wouldn't give you that, but still. get better at your redacting.

No. 2005133

Hes also already been through a divorce, kek

No. 2005138

So has she, that doesn't really matter.

No. 2005139

It is weird that he has a daughter close to Ari’s age… wonder how that step mom dynamic is going. His daughter is 25.

No. 2005143

When you google image search his name, the first result is a photo of him (old; gross) and the majority of the remainder is photos of Ari from this thread kek. If he pulled up to college at age 18 in 1993, bro is pushing 50. Ari said on her tiktok recently that she’s turning 30 this year so Eric was a freshman when she was born. Grim.

No. 2005167

I’m really curious to know what she is planning to do as she gets older now that she is about to turn 30. Is she thinking about retirement age? Ok sure she married some rich dude who buys her expensive things but is he helping her save for retirement or did she sign a prenup? She’s not educated or has any job skills. Chances are he will divorce her and marry another younger prostitute. At best, he locked in HIS retirement plan by marrying a whore/bangmaid/nurse as he ages and needs care. I guess she might be planning to wait it out for the long haul but Ari already shows signs of being bored so can she actually wait it out or will she blow it all up?

No. 2005180

Lol idk why but I randomly think about this tweet of hers sometimes. I can hear it perfectly in her voice, lithp and everything.

No. 2005181

What's with the "who shot up the taco bell" references?

No. 2005193

File: 1718560951190.jpeg (296.77 KB, 828x1472, 75F4BD30-1A76-4EFD-95C3-9580D6…)

it’s a trend on tiktok where they use an audio of a woman saying “who shot up the taco bell” and usually it’ll be the caption “when the alt baddie suddenly starts dating a man and dressing different.”

No. 2005223

File: 1718568749356.jpeg (343.74 KB, 1170x1986, IMG_6222.jpeg)

Saw this comment where she still talks about sex working and stripping as if she’s still actively doing it. No way Eric A Pennente is okay with his wife sleeping with dudes for money right?

No. 2005256

how is she not embarrassed arguing with everyone and saying shit like this in the comments jesus. What do you think prompted her to start posting milky shit again? I hate to think about the type of guy who would marry a sw he met at a club..curious about this new loser husband.

No. 2005265

I looked him up. It’s not hard at all to find his ex wife and children, who are still in high school. He’s 49. And yeah when you google image him the top results are from this thread. Humiliating. His family deserve better than some sex pest who met his new wife probably at a strip club.

No. 2005286

My thoughts are that she's living in the suburbs with Eric aka Captain Save-a-ho and she's having some existential dread, maybe they're not getting along as well as they used to. Especially if she quit being a full time whore and stripper. So she's getting nostalgic about how "famous" she used to be, her old Philly lifestyle and friends since she's just going to the gym, and sitting around bored at home with her geriatric husband. So she started making wood slab art to try to be an artist again. I feel like she couldn't help herself but start posting selfies which got her way more traffic and interaction than her art does. Then it snowballed bc TikTok's algorithm made her plastic surgery videos get a lot of engagement and its giving her that high of validation. She's addicted to being PnP kek

No. 2005331

Well they follow each other on Instagram so it can’t be horrible. It’s honestly quite funny how the daughter is far more talented at art than Ariana. She makes PnP’s “work” look like a toddler’s painting.

No. 2005357

This whole marriage situation is so strange.. it seems like this Eric dude has been married at least once or twice and has a son that’s very young. I cannot comprehend how he is a good father figure in that kids life while being remarried to the nightmare that is Ariana. How does he even begin to explain himself? He looks to have a gorgeous loving family but yet is now investing in a 29yr old stripper? Bizarre.

No. 2005361

File: 1718597082516.jpeg (Spoiler Image,164.42 KB, 1113x1194, IMG_2234.jpeg)

Scrotes gonna scrote. Mostly just feel for his family at this point. This has got to be embarrassing.

lol, lmao. Doormatt was more than complicit. Nobody held a gun to his head, told him to have a coked out foursome then allowed it to be posted online. Stood by while she cheated and fucked geezers for money. Even after all that, he stuck with her, hence why he got called Mattcuck here. Look in those old threads, he’s not any kind of golden boy.


No. 2005365

File: 1718597236952.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1170x1766, IMG_2289.jpeg)

Samefag. The face of an entirely innocent party. Spoiler for ugly.

No. 2005366

Yeah, Matt Cuck was a real weirdo, but her new man is fucking hideous and seems even creepier.

No. 2005367

It’s insane how much better she looked then vs now

No. 2005452

It's even more insane that she can't even see it with the way she's been dragging her own past appearance on TikTok lately. I know we clowned on her looks on LC back then but compared to now she really looked so, so much better. BDD is a bitch

No. 2005457

It smells like copium tbh: she’s had to drop looking like a tumblr clown to “secure the bag” and she misses it. She’s compelled to showcase all her old looks online to differentiate herself from the normie aesthetic she’s attempting now but pretending she’s ~evolved from them.
She’s pretending to be a “clean face girlie” but the henna freckles and lip stain are much more distracting than a bit of mascara and foundation - she’s still amending her face significantly but pretending she’s not because it’s via dyeing her skin instead of painting products on top of it. Sad.

No. 2005721

Not to mention that one vacation to Dominica where they went as "just friends" so he let Ariana get raped by a stranger. That shit was despicable

No. 2005755

The one where Ariana posted plenty of pics of the night of the rApE but couldn't get DoorMatt's attention so she cried rApE.
Matt was a sucker, but you can tell from even just their current life who was the fucked up partner.
Btw,I don't think they ever legally married each other. I've checked multiple states' marriage licenses including PA and neighboring states and nothing shows up for Matt and Ariana.

No. 2005804

If they annulled it within a certain timeline, it may not show

No. 2005839

File: 1718733361740.mp4 (1.21 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cporvk7og65uenb16s…)

Caption: my self validation lullaby in full affect before I fall asleep.

The audio is some girl saying “what do I care what some dumb rat thinks of me” and it reminds me of the way she used to talk on twitter about how she was better than everyone else. Kek such an unbothered illiterate hick

No. 2005847

>Ari said on her tiktok recently that she’s turning 30 this year
you mean to say you needed reminding? you forgot the Iggy?

No. 2005882

Pfffft she's only the "bigger person" when she's forced to be. If she somehow got ahold of any of the accounts of people who've commented here (or even people she thinks may lurk) she'd be running aggressive smear campaigns on them as if it was her day job. God I hate un-self aware narcs who act as if they're good people when all they're doing is not actively tormenting people keeeek delusional AF

No. 2005891

Yeah, she’s such a hypocrite. She blamed this one random girl for being the only one “stalking” her and posting here. I remember she went after the girl and called her out on her socials while making fun of her for being mentally ill. I need to go back and find the caps.

No. 2005913


Nona, I think I found it in thread 3 where she says this account is her "stalker bully"

No. 2005926

they always try to convince people that their thread is literally just one person talking to themselves kekek. no way there could be that many people who dislike them!

No. 2005938

KEK the audio is HRH a well known psycho

No. 2006146

I feel like the "bigger person" would not make this tiktok, they tend to just move on

No. 2006414

File: 1718900966402.mp4 (2.89 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cppp62nog65slljcie…)

>caption: Lets just pretend I didn’t spend thousands in surgeries to get here

Is this all she’s going to talk about now? Henna freckles and her stupid ass lip stain

No. 2006445

already bored by her antics again. like many nonnas before me pointed out, she went in debt for surgery to still cover up her face. instead of foundation and eyeshadow she now has the diarrhea sprinkles and clown lips. nothings really changed yet she acts like she just re-invented the wheel

No. 2006447

It’s all she really has going for her so of course

No. 2006495

Such a bizarre “flex” when there’s thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery visible on your face not to mention the unnatural eyebrows (which I guess are minor compared to the surgery but still)
By the way am I insane or does she have a big scar on her cheek that you can see in this video? Left side.

No. 2006497

>>I used to think I was so ugly I needed a full face of makeup and multiple surgeries but now that I’ve had multiple surgeries I only need a half face of makeup

No. 2006631

Why does she lick her dentures like that. Creepy

No. 2006815

File: 1719020073165.jpeg (431.34 KB, 1242x1885, IMG_5392.jpeg)

A frogger sighting from a now deleted post.

No. 2006816

File: 1719020167391.jpeg (335.39 KB, 1242x2101, IMG_5410.jpeg)

And a jumpscare

No. 2006818

File: 1719020378982.png (8.18 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_5404.png)

She really is so self obsessed with her looks.. I can imagine she will go into a crisis as soon as she shows signs of aging. Who wants to bet on how many face lifts she’ll have gotten before turning 60?

No. 2006832

She looks 40 from this angle which is probably why she deleted. Also those lips are insane. I’ll never understand the constant comments about how pretty she looks

No. 2007290

plastic surgeons still haven’t figured out how to make a face that can move in a normal way without looking fucked up and freaky. Plastic faced people should just maintain their neutral expressions as designed and spare us the uncanny sight of their smiles. It’s like they look sick.

No. 2007468

File: 1719179067206.jpeg (394.87 KB, 1242x1810, IMG_5482.jpeg)

Can she shut the fuck up already? Literally so empty and vapid.

For once in your life PLEASE find something else to talk about beside your looks, Ariana.

No. 2007486

She got Instagram famous because of all the before/after plastic surgery posts, there's no way she isn't bothered it backfired this time

No. 2007526

The amount of supportive comments she gets are disproportionate to the negative ones. Idek what the fuck she’s spiraling about. The retarded SW capers in her comment sections pile up on anyone who leaves anything mildly critical. Really shows how mentally fucked she is

No. 2007531

Does she have anything else going for her or going on in her life besides obsessing over appearance? Relationship, friends, work, hobbies? Or just married a rich dude so she could get more surgeries and sit in front of a mirror/her phone all day?

No. 2007836

oh god her hair looks extremely damaged and her eyes look so fucked up in every pic.. I used to think she couldn't get worse but wow

No. 2007874

I can't believe how badly she's fucked up her face. She wasn't pretty back when these threads first started, but she's completely unsalvageable now. Every angle and selfie feels like a trainwreck. I wonder how long until she follows through with the FFS

No. 2008196

File: 1719344595704.mp4 (1.16 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cptghlvog65ueqroti…)

Another day, another boring ass video of her staring at herself. No mentions of her woodslab art or anything. Just chasing that social media validation high. I noticed she’s trying to add more to her freckleth and it’s putting them all over her face now ever since people said they looked weird. Looks more like a rash though

No. 2008244

Her trying to contour her nose with the freckles is gag worthy

No. 2008245

Samefag but I honestly do love the freckles on her.. she just needs to stop blacking out her nose with them. It ruins it all! Literally looks like a brown noser KEK

No. 2008529

File: 1719433855916.mp4 (6.16 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cpu7ck7og65qou27i4…)

PnP claiming her life did a 180 ever since she stopped thinking of herself as the victim. Yet all she seems to have achieved was marrying a man and is still addicted to plastic surgery. Also you can see her real unfiltered face in motion and greasy ass hair. Idk I’m sure she’s made some progress as a result of her growing up out of being early 20s but she doesn’t seem all that different and is regurgitating online therapy talking points.

No. 2008532

Awww she’s trying to prove she has something going for her

No. 2008562

Her botched xenomorph lips are so distracting

No. 2008625

File: 1719455030706.png (5.77 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_5542.png)

Hilarious how she’s flabbergasted at basic knowledge kek at least she’s learning now

No. 2008627

File: 1719455071128.jpeg (1.79 MB, 2048x2048, 525FF0BC-F7EB-40A8-8A83-F2A3A9…)

Deleted wisdom from Pnp

No. 2008630

I hope some anon re does this kek

No. 2008635

ari is a shit head but i do believe something fucked up happened to her that trip. like… there was literally a photo of her posted where is passed out drunk in the dirt and surrounded by a bunch of black guys and one black guy was a squatting beside her lifeless corpse and giving a thumbs up to the camera

No. 2008646

Yeah pnp was definitely assaulted that trip but I don’t think matt was to blame for it. Vacationing together during a breakup was a horrible idea. Pnp was self destructing hard and was especially promiscuous during that era. Matt was probably confused and didn’t feel responsible for her anymore so he let her go with them. Bad decisions were made on both of their parts. Just horrible all around.

No. 2008651

aw frogger is so cute

No. 2008807

a 180 how? all she changed was swapping one moid for another and going from alt to "normie" style. lol aside from that obvioulsy still raging bdd, self obsessed and surgery addicted.

No. 2008882

She has always bragged about herself in some way, this type of shit included. Irl she is probably a nightmare

No. 2009219

I'm so glad this thread is back, she was one of the best cows because of her complete lack of self awareness and too much self-righteousness.

her lips definitely look better and not like sausages anymore, better shape, but now her features look teeny tiny compared to her big ass head and cheeks. the shit stain freckles are also insanely hilarious. idk how she's spent so much money on her looks and can never manage to get it right

No. 2009289

Girl needs to bulk up! She says she isn’t obsessed with being stick thin anymore but she sure as shit still looks skeletal

No. 2009290

Especially with all the fat transferring into her face.. looks all out of wack

No. 2009529

ew. was the ugly bald guy in her ass? or were him and matt touching dick in her puss puss

No. 2010162

File: 1719853822443.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1081x1934, IMG_6315.jpeg)

All this shit about doing “male gaze” no makeup looks and then puts on the heaviest bold glamour face filters. The way she rolled up the shorts looks straight out of a trailer park kek

No. 2012394

File: 1720387903108.mp4 (1.59 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cq5d78fog65um9tmeh…)

She hasn’t been posting much since the initial TikTok post frenzy. Uploaded this three hours ago looking greasy and handsome squidward-esque

No. 2012395

File: 1720387958788.jpeg (212.33 KB, 1169x1240, IMG_6335.jpeg)

kek this lip thing is so disgusting

No. 2012478

All the surgeries in the world cannot fix her xenomorph mouth kek

No. 2012481

File: 1720406623585.mp4 (17.1 MB, v12044gd0000cq5ipuvog65gffvjbv…)

10 minute long rambling about her chaotic past life.

Small summary. I couldn’t listen to her talk for ten whole minutes
> only dated people she could be authoritative over from a feeling of lack of control over other things
> was only interested in friendships that would validate her
> Says she became like her abusers in early life
> advises others to “connect the dots” and take accountability

No. 2012483

All the surgeries in the world cannot fix her xenomorph mouth kek

No. 2012532

face got labia minora, that's crazy

No. 2012578

What she's saying is right though. This thread isn't even "milk", it's just an update and current events thread pointing out that she's botched over and over

No. 2012614

>your worth exists far beyond what you look like
>spends literally thousands on plastic surgery
is she for real kek

No. 2012877

It says she learned these things over time. I can't believe some of you have become so nitpicky that im WKing pnp. I know empathy is something a lot of you are emotionally bankrupt of, but yeah someone can learn things late-stage. What is she even doing that warrants all of this atm? Posting her face is all it takes for it to be considered cow behavior? That was probably the most sincere she's ever been and she's clearly applied it to her personal life since she barely posts anymore and had a long hiatus.(wking)

No. 2012880

This era of pretending to be totally ~healed and ~cured of BPD without an ounce of therapy is very funny.

No. 2012881

Nta but she hasn't learned shit, all her TikToks since her comeback are all about her looks, don't be naive

No. 2013000

She’s doing the same validation seeking shit under the veil of self improvement. Now she can act holier than thou over everyone who isnt as self actualized as she is. She was just bragging about having almost 100k in plastic surgery, literally just had a facelift not that long ago for no reason and has more surgeries booked for the near future despite the fact that she hasn’t even turned 30. Pure cow behavior.

Anyway, here’s the things that helped her fix her BPD and that “humbled” her.

> living with thoriathith wath THO humbling

> losing long term relationship with Matt was humbling. (Does this mean he left her? idk the way she words it is weird)
> losing her instagram account was humbling
> stripping gave her independence kek

No. 2013018

If she completely turned herself around I would cheer, but she's not there yet and she's pretending she is. maybe she'll fake it til she makes it.

No. 2013035

I agree this whole thing screams "rebranding" for views. Not genuinely changed…just repeating trendy therapy bullshit, trying to get new followers. I think if a cow really turned themselves around, they wouldn't be posting on social media anymore at all..especially not these obvious attention seeking posts

Also laughing about the "psoriasis" teaching her life lessons because I remember that being one of the milkiest editions of her threads, she was doing FSSW with a full on crotch rash that anons thought was an STD and making excuses about why she couldn't see a doctor. Then decided on her own self diagnosis of "psoriasis" and doing "natural" treatments until it eventually "cleared up"

No. 2013047

There’s an episode of That 70s Show where Eric foreman’s sister informs everyone in the family that she is “ SELF ACTUALIZED”, and everyone should be more self actualized, just like her! The irony is that her character is what she is and doesn’t have the awareness of her own actions. It’s like the same thing with PNP.

No. 2013061

File: 1720559819541.jpg (286.43 KB, 1170x1104, PnpsFinsta.jpg)

She's obscuring the facts to paint is as some enlightening path. She had the creepy Caribbean rape saga followed by the whole psoriasis thing where she claimed she didn't have the uwu privilege to see a doctor and healing it with sunbathing kek. Then still stayed with Matt, posting OF porn and hooking. They even filmed OF porn on their stank ass honeymoon. She still had scorpioassheaux as her IG when the original threads died off and I think she converted it to her "Alice" stripper account but now all of that is deleted by her. She's so full of shit even now.
I found this account she follows on pickledpetshop and I think it might be a private side account.

No. 2013386

She hasn’t posted there in years! Originally Pnp intended to sell a Snapchat with details on the ins and outs of her life. When the Snapchat got shut down she transferred over to this Instagram account. So everyone who follows it PAID for access. She posted regularly for 3yrs then abandoned it.

No. 2014259

File: 1720841797436.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1660, IMG_6362.jpeg)

Now it’s over 100k? I thought she said it was like 80k or something just recently

No. 2014787

Why would several people tell her "ur so pretty don't get surgery", that's oddly specific and sounds made up to cope with her botched face lmao. If it's actually real I'm sure they were trying to hint to her that she doesn't need more surgery cus she's already overdone it

No. 2015183

File: 1721072877451.mp4 (933.29 KB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cq9cko7og65gl6p7an…)

I hate that this swamp goblin is trying to influence young women to go into prostitution and stripping. As if she didn’t take out huge lines of credit to fund her surgery addiction

No. 2016650

File: 1721407258280.jpeg (573.47 KB, 1170x3197, Image.jpeg)

kek I can’t believe she’s saying she had gender identity issues that led to being a botched addict.

No. 2016744

she looked like an average balkan girl, the amount of copium about her objectively botched procedures is insane

No. 2017325

File: 1721601159289.jpeg (513.97 KB, 1241x2015, IMG_5992.jpeg)

Finally a Wheezy sighting!

No. 2017426

God that painting looks so retarded

No. 2020317

File: 1722279435195.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x2004, IMG_3563.jpeg)

Excuse me what the fuck?

No. 2020351

File: 1722285574959.jpeg (656.21 KB, 923x1088, IMG_6413.jpeg)

Kek They must have thought she was an actual short bus retard. Also her profile view is fucked, the several nose revisions are obvious and the lips omfg

No. 2020355

This explains so much.

No. 2020369

How did her art so much worse after all this time? This looks like a poorly colored in coloring book page.

No. 2020387

Hopping on the gender trends for attention

No. 2020455

Really resembling a pug or frenchie nowadays

No. 2020500

We’re going to get a whole new arch because she has nothing else to do. The moment she married that new man and got a house, I knew she was done stripping and was going to sit on her ass again.
I missed her attention seeking ass.

Excuse my retardation, here’s a tinfoil: as a disgraced executive in finance, he’s either money laundered (roughly over $50,000 minimum is when it becomes a criminal case) or made some terrible investments. Either way they married pretty fast and got a house immediately, it’s likely in her name. It’s very hard for feds to liquidate someone else’s shit. If that’s the case, dude is up to some fuck shit, and it’s going to go down

No. 2020731

Kekkk she was just a woman with a big nose what is she talking about, there are plenty of countries where nearly every single woman has a nose like her

No. 2020735

I actually believe her here. There's a reason why people have body dysmorphia and this definitely is a factor. If she grew up with weird/abusive parents these feelings would only be encouraged and not resolved. I imagine she got bullied by someone in her life or grew up traumatized by media with women who she felt didn't look like her, feeling unwanted. Her dysmorphia and emotional issues have never been addressed so she dove deeper and deeper into her ps addiction. All addictions answer something emotional that have never been worked through. I think she really botched her entire face instead of resolving these issues, just the sad reality.

No. 2020760

File: 1722359772050.jpeg (432.27 KB, 2178x1414, Image.jpeg)

Small tinfoil but I think she’s getting the big blob tattoo on her arm lasered off bc it’s looking less dark and it’s looking crusty like it’s healing. I wonder if she’s getting any of her other BPD manic episode tattoos removed

No. 2020871

I’m excited for her to hit 30: I just know she’s going to implode over it.

No. 2021084

this is crazy to look at because she really does not look better in the second photo. I also think about a lot of the time she was with Matt she was getting a lot of these surgeries and he was supportive of it. It seems fucked up to encourage and support someone butchering themselves like this. Not saying it’s his fault I just think wouldn’t a good partner encourage her to accept herself and tell her he loves her the way she is? And this new guy obviously isn’t any better. It’s kind of sad.

No. 2021158

Nah, it’s just a mix of “not like other girls” and raging bpd

No. 2021173

Supportive, or coerced by a bpd demon? Anyone who is her partner would basically have to go along with it, we all know she's the kind of person who would freak tf out and have a screaming tantrum if a concerned loved one even tried to gently bring up her addiction.

No. 2022166

It's in both of their names, with him listed as primary

No. 2022167

It just looks faded from a lack of sun protection and it being poorly done in the first place. Laser would make it way less noticeable even from a session. And this bitch would overshare that, too.

No. 2022357

File: 1722721511177.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1170x1713, IMG_3720.jpeg)

I’m sorry but this bitch is retarded. It doesn’t even make sense with the paired audio.

No. 2022373

File: 1722724993144.jpeg (50.72 KB, 735x489, IMG_5458.jpeg)

Ok that picture and her nose really do make me uncomfortable, it’s something so uncanny. From her many nose surgeries paired with her high cheek bones her side profile really looks that of some sort of indigenous flat face African. But it’s just very odd to see it on a white persons face. Also in this picture she has like Gumby’s pointed nose, she look like a Gumby character. Gives me the heebie geebies.

No. 2022375

Her nose looks inverted from the side ugh it’s so scary to me nonnas idk

No. 2022377

Seriously wtf she paid money for this!!! Ok I’m done

No. 2022395

She needed jaw correction and a rhino all along but didn't want to pay 30k+ for it, so instead fucked her whole face up with way more money spent on multiple surgeries and filler and fat transfers and a facelift

No. 2022440

File: 1722742636804.jpeg (303.87 KB, 1242x2244, IMG_6221.jpeg)

honestly don’t know how she breathes

No. 2022441

File: 1722742685231.png (10.21 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_6223.png)

No. 2022456

She should start asianfishing she could pull it off with this side profile kek(sage your shit)

No. 2022466

my side profile looks like hers and I'm indigenous and east asian… jesus(sage your shit/no1curr)

No. 2022501

Trust me girlie…no one's staring at u at the gym 😂 maybe thinking how hard up u need to be to wear a sports bra 2 sizes 2 small for your fat gook backtits(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2022506

This is so anatomically wrong on Hermy mind can't process it

No. 2022510

I had no idea it looked so bad in profile wtf looks like it was just hacked straight off

No. 2022537

It’s giving smooshed face animal. Like a pug. I would take her natural face with a big nose and thin lips over looking like this. What a waste of money and time

No. 2022601

File: 1722797363453.jpeg (449.52 KB, 1043x1597, IMG_6485.jpeg)

Wow she has a lot of filler accumulated in her upper mouth area despite getting it “dissolved” several times. It actually looks like a fish mouth.

No. 2022602

woah. she looks badly deformed. the flattened nose bridge cannot be healthy.

No. 2022617

Does she do coke by any chance? I know she's botched, but this really looks like a coke addict's collapsing nose.

No. 2022632

She apparently is a sober queen now but I’m sure she used to use during her drug binge era. Originally after her first nose job she had a lot of breathing issues but it was fixed in the recent revision which is insane to think about

No. 2023432

File: 1723049416122.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x1971, IMG_6497.jpeg)

PnP trashed her brand new Toyota gr86 claiming some lady hit her going 5 mph but I don’t believe her. It’s about 30,000 MSRP give or take and she’s bitching that her “resell value” is shot kek. I really thought she was driving a higher end vehicle the way she was bragging about it but it’s a Toyota since that’s all her middle class moid can give her. No hate on Toyotas but it’s not the ~high class bimbo~ vehicle I expected

No. 2023434

File: 1723049571904.jpeg (329.44 KB, 1170x1434, IMG_6499.jpeg)

Her moid made an appearance on the car reflection probably reconsidering his life choices kek

No. 2023573

sage for car sperg but the GR86 is a sports car and the most high end toyota avaliable, it's a pretty well regarded car in both street and track racing circles, i doubt heaux races though so it's kinda weird she has it, it's a niche model.

No. 2023581

My theory is the car belongs to her moid. She was just driving it at the time

No. 2023848

her moid is stupid as fuck but if this ain’t the starting gun for the divorce speedrun im gonna be very surprised

No. 2024096

>I doubt heaux races though

No. 2025560

File: 1723571834206.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x1841, IMG_6520.jpeg)

What the fuck is this thoriathith rash all over her chest and neck. Kek imagine your sugar baby stripper wife coming out in public like this with you

No. 2025576

You don’t remember when psoriasis was her whole brand?

No. 2025585

That was a fun era. "Psoriasis but make it sexy."

No. 2025594

Y’all I’m pretty sure that’s hair dye

No. 2025671

there's something vaguely trashy about being unable to just…wait for your hair dye to be done developing before you go out.

No. 2025882

Not to mention it's box dye kek. I've actually been wondering if she wasn't going to dye her hair soon. She's been going on so much about her looks on TikTok, sperging about being NaTuRaL and thrashing her past looks, then she got bitter when a lot of people said they preferred her old looks. I just knew it was only a question of time before she'd start changing her looks again and fry her hair with dye

No. 2026114

thank you car sperg I appreciate you

No. 2027209

No one said a big nose was masculine…Cleopatra has always been depicted with a large nose. Arguably Ariana was actually distinguished looking because she had a unique nose, she WAS pretty. She just didn’t have that 14 year old Ukrainian trafficking victim face that she equates with woman, for some reason. She is definitely porn sick, no matter what happened to her trying to mask her body dysmorphia as some kinda granny sob story is laughable at best.

No. 2027336

File: 1723986932625.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1125x1815, IMG_0849.jpeg)

Keekkkk so pnp says she’s now getting botox in her nose instead of getting a new nose again. Nitpick but is that a new tattoo that says Eric, probably just not my style but it’s so ugly and you should never get someone name tattooed imo

No. 2027337

File: 1723987068056.jpeg (621.59 KB, 1125x1752, IMG_0851.jpeg)

Surgery blindness and freckle blindness

No. 2027338

Kek I love how she hearts the comments giving her asspats as if she's going to listen to a single thing except "you're pretty"

No. 2027428

So that’s tattoo number 2 that references her manlet Eric. She has his name tattooed in red ink on my chest in between her boobs. I can’t find the pic now since I have to sift through a million pumpy posts in the cam whore threads where it got posted a long time ago.

No. 2027430

File: 1724006497397.jpeg (192.32 KB, 1170x1988, IMG_6545.jpeg)

Samefagging bc I went to one of her recent videos and was able to screenshot the chest tattoo that says Eric bc she’s constantly posting her chest for attention

No. 2027482

She has “Eric Forever” tattooed on her arm just plopped down with no flow with her anatomy. At least when Johnny Depp broke up with Winona he could change it to Wino Forever, what can you turn Eric into?

No. 2027514

GenEric Bitch Forever kek

No. 2027861

Tattooing someone’s name is one thing but getting TWO TATTOOS of someone’s name as if you’re their property is terrifying

No. 2028138

File: 1724185106359.jpeg (774.38 KB, 2340x2010, Image.jpeg)

PnP announced she’s getting a blepharoplasty next month. Idk for what though? Her eyelids look fine?? I thought that surgery was for when you’re older and your eye skin starts sagging. Also kek at her in the comments claiming she barely has any lip filler left after getting it dissolved while having giant butthole lips

No. 2028208

File: 1724196956886.jpg (390.9 KB, 1600x897, 1000004584.jpg)

This is sad. She's going to get this tight tiny eyes like Kenny Roger's, Dr Phil and his wife, etc

No. 2028217

Those henna freckles are unhinged jfc.

I wonder how much time she spends looking at her face. Being this insecure sounds exhausting.

No. 2028250

At this point im begging her to Google actual freckle patterns for inspo bc its so bizarre the way she chooses to do it kek

No. 2028285

She uses fake freckles to “contour” that’s why it looks stupid

No. 2028318

New hair colour and new surgery, this bitch will never be happy or content about her looks no matter how many TikToks she makes claiming she is

No. 2028494

File: 1724267115138.jpeg (467.56 KB, 1242x2147, IMG_6576.jpeg)

Anyone catch this? Wasn’t able to get all the pics before she did a mass delete

No. 2028504

It’s always so jarring seeing her goblin face jump out even after these surgeries. I think her fundamental issue is that she needed significant maxillofacial surgery but she’s danced round every other facial surgery available, still failing to tackle the root issue of her skull and jaw deformities.

No. 2028512

This picture is old and from before she met her new man Eric. She’s put a lot more work into it since then.

No. 2028515

File: 1724270015256.jpeg (573.48 KB, 1053x928, IMG_6587.jpeg)

She doesn’t post her smile straight on anymore

No. 2028517

File: 1724270054385.jpeg (456.62 KB, 701x1064, IMG_6589.jpeg)

No. 2028518

File: 1724270080274.jpeg (718.93 KB, 1060x1148, IMG_6590.jpeg)

No. 2028522

File: 1724270282175.jpeg (389.45 KB, 2048x1133, 1A181DCF-CD28-4F3B-A09D-49F677…)

No. 2028524

I think she basically looks the same, despite the new teeth. She’s been recording from a low angle that is more flattering and then she uses some heavy TikTok filters to record her videos and then reuploads them so that the video doesn’t show which filter was used.

No. 2028752

It looks like the filler finally caught up with her… She had a good run at looking mostly normal despite pumping her face as full as she did. It's a shame she ruined her looks but dysmorphia does that to a person I guess.

No. 2028971

surgery before and afters always make me sad. It’s like she won’t stop until she’s erased every individual and unique quality about her and achieved…I don’t even know what she is trying to achieve at this point. She needs intensive therapy instead of more procedures.

No. 2029074

Wonder if it's for upper bleph or lower. Upper is to correct sagging eyelids that impair vision but lately it seems trendy for women getting it done to get rid of hooded eyelids, a more "scooped out" eyelid look. Lower bleph is for severe eyebags, which she is too young for. She filters her videos to oblivion so it's hard to genuinely tell what her skin's condition is, but I never noticed bad sagging eyebags in her past threads.

No. 2029089

She’s gonna give herself psycho eyes. Thought she was done with all this plastic surgery bullshit but nope! Looks like she is truly determined to fuck up her face. When will she be satisfied?

No. 2029139

File: 1724426512758.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1170x1932, IMG_6569.jpeg)

She has been peddling these coasters for a few months and nobody has purchased anything. Typically her wood slab paintings sell fairly quickly but the coasters and a recent dead butterfly box thing haven’t moved. I was always skeptical of how quickly the wood slabs sold and sometimes I wondered if she was pretending to sell them that quickly but idk maybe people do like them.

No. 2029174

She dropped the prices way down too. Originally all of her coasters were 90$+

No. 2029421

who would pay $100 for fucking coasters what the hell everything is overpriced

No. 2031606

Ur face has good ‘synchronicity’ this got me

No. 2034148

does anyone know if she got her surgery yet? (not on tiktok do can’t check)

No. 2034175

File: 1726393451593.jpg (876.08 KB, 1080x2214, Screenshot_20240915-114156_Tik…)

Nope, just some more unbothered!!! content and ugly wood slaps, now with clay on them

No. 2034377

File: 1726428112668.jpeg (579.31 KB, 1170x1907, IMG_6604.jpeg)

Her new mushroom clay stuff looks like dicks on wood kek I think she just goes on Pinterest for craft ideas. Also kek at the plastic Halloween spider she glued on there

No. 2034439

NGL, I kinda like the arachnid coasters, but not for $60.

No. 2034544

First bit starts off like a good post about taking accountability, but the second bit proves she hasn’t grown in the slightest

No. 2034636

This looks like something you’d pick up at an old lady’s garage sale for 10 cents

No. 2036298

File: 1726793913514.mp4 (1.1 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000crm8amnog65mt34nft…)

PnP got her blepharoplasty and posted a video of her with her fresh surgery scars. I still don’t understand what she is trying to achieve with this surgery. Also does anyone else think her veneers look INSANE?? They huge and it’s like they stick out at an angle

No. 2036318

She really think she’s hurting those that make those comments in an effort to “help her”, huh? She’s so unlikeable. I agree her veneers look insane, Nona. I think her smile looks “warmer” in the before >>2028522

No. 2036319

I think she looks better with veneers actualy. her tiny teeth made her look like an old woman wearing dentures.

No. 2036322

How does she get the money to do all of this stuff?

No. 2036335

Have you not been paying attention? Her sugar daddy husband takes care of everything

No. 2036343

I haven't kek but thanks

No. 2036357

Yeah I agree. I just think they’re too big for her mouth.

No. 2036363

There has to be a happy medium between her Chiclets and her original teeth.

No. 2036394

she literally just puts it all on credit and does payment plans.

No. 2036473

I agree but I think they fit her before she botched her face. Now it looks more balanced. Botched but balanced

No. 2036474

It obviously needs to heal before you can really tell but I can't see any difference in this lol. Completely unnecessary

No. 2036651

Her natural teeth were at an angle too, I think it's her jaw. Like another anon said she needs maxillofacial surgery not all this fluff.

No. 2037208

The Hapsburg jaw and sunken mid-face shines through all of it and it’s very funny. Maxillofacial surgery and a little bit of lip filler would have been sufficient to mitigate her witch face but instead we get to see her returning for more and more unnecessary procedures that do nothing to mask her fundamental underlying deformities.

No. 2037215

Between her deformed skull and Florida trailer trash origin story I’m convinced she has some incest in her recent family tree.

No. 2039452

File: 1727464612414.mp4 (15.27 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000crrbl07og65uvl8nl6…)

Pnp’s vlog for her eyelid surgery. She paid 3500 dollars, plus flying back and forth to Florida to get her slightly hooded eyelids removed. Crazy that people spend their money on stupid shit like this kek

No. 2039635

ngl she looks better now i guess it wasn't body dysmorphia this time lmao

No. 2039721

I'm not seeing any difference kek literally looks the exact same as it did before. I'm not even trying to be rude about it like I actually can't see any change at all besides bruising

No. 2039755

she sounds disappointed at the part that it didn't hurt. surgery is the same as getting tattooed or self harming for BPDs. maybe once she can't find new plastic surgery to get she'll get her fucked up impulsive tattoos lasered, like the boob spider webs. bet she hates them.

No. 2039795

If she wasn’t such a bad person I’d feel terrible witnessing this kind of genuine mental illness. There was nothing wrong with her fucking eyelids of all things. Watching her pluck at the skin with tweezers was surreal. Some people should have never had access to internet, or even mirrors.

No. 2039848

File: 1727549666811.mp4 (599.81 KB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000crqv6lnog65mntg2c6…)

Her only identity is centered around being a moids bang maid

No. 2040035

File: 1727583888003.jpeg (549.54 KB, 1242x2165, IMG_7182.jpeg)

Deleted content

No. 2040054

her face looks so stiff or something it’s almost an uncanny valley effect….
I agree in another month or 2 she’ll get another surgery and make a bunch of TikToks about it

No. 2040197

>>2036298 the freckles look insane in all these videos

No. 2040415

Same, this is nuts. I mean she hasn’t needed any single thing she’s done. The quest to look better and better is making her look worse and worse ironically. I feel like the surgeons are criminals who keep operating on people who are clearly surgery addicts and have bdd. Ot but did anyone ever watch that old show nip/tuck about crazy plastic surgeons and they had this old lady client who just kept coming back to botch herself, always finding some new surgery to do, that will be Pnp

No. 2040553

File: 1727708825105.jpeg (446 KB, 1170x1896, IMG_6730.jpeg)

Being mentally retarded isn’t cute idk why she shares this kind of shit kek

No. 2040555

The sausage lips and nose job combo is taking me out

No. 2040629

Black hair is the worst on her imo

No. 2042051

File: 1728036939835.png (116.25 KB, 765x386, IMG_1907.png)

Yeah she def has mandibular prognathism. As said before, it’s usually found in family where inbreeding took place at some point. It doesn’t necessarily mean it did though. What cannot be doubted is that the issue with her whole face was this problem. She should have fixed this first and maybe a little nose job. It’s like she doesn’t want to acknowledge the real issue with her face somehow? She’s having stupid little procedure but she doesn’t think about the one that’s obvious, it’s weird. Denial of maybe some inbreeding inside her redneck family? I am speculating but weird she’s never considered that major issue from the start(sage your shit)

No. 2042291

File: 1728084364251.jpg (233.44 KB, 450x500, the-child-catcher-3.jpg)

I think the eyelid surgery did actually moderately improve her appearance, but the fact that she's made such a mess of everything else cancels it out completely. something about her nose being so turned up like that reminds me of the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang kek especially with the black hair

No. 2042557

Someone’s paying and been paying for it. Feel like that is pretty obvious. She might have paid for some but credit cards etc aren’t gonna give you an insane credit limit with no job and barely any work history

No. 2043946

File: 1728485417833.jpeg (369.63 KB, 1242x1222, IMG_7334.jpeg)

No. 2043965

Kek nona where did she post this?

No. 2044122

File: 1728509269405.png (22.07 KB, 129x138, Screenshot 2024-10-09 232711.p…)

No. 2044145

All that surgery and she still looks like a praying mantis. bleak The only thing she really needed to do was fix her habsburg jaw.

No. 2044171

she needs to fix that jaw and her flat face her profile is so scary :/(:/)

No. 2044219

File: 1728533131016.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1762, IMG_6758.jpeg)

pnp is alleging that she got stopped by customs because her passport photo was outdated

No. 2044220

File: 1728533174090.mp4 (2.55 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cs3kddvog65hhvdq2j…)

Now she’s showing us how unbothered she is by negative comments

No. 2044222

She had so much surgery and the only thing that's obviously improved is her nasolabial folds. Can't even really tell what's different aside from that and her weird ass lips. So much money for nothing

No. 2044306

this video is embarrasing
frizzy crusy hair and pretending to fart on the camera? real classy

No. 2044336

That sounds like a farmer. They're not wrong though, and the video itself is something to be embarrassed about.

No. 2044502

If the photo is ten years old that means her passport is about to expire, which is a very common reason to get held up at customs

No. 2044895

She reminds me so much of Angelina from JSFV, I can’t explain it. Beside the ugly surgery, big mouth and toxic personality, I just can’t explain it.

No. 2045471

I would agree that the left image looks somewhat ‘improved’ but when you see her head and body together like here >>2043946
it is very clear that this is in fact a drastic downgrade from her original appearance. The juxtaposition of her head with her body is a perfect representation of uncanny valley. It looks enormous compared to her tiny little frame. Probably why she usually only shows her face from strategic angles and not the rest. It’s all very amusing considering natural beauty is making such a huge resurgence. I also speculate that she has a bit of an addiction to the pain medication that’s given after each procedure. When you add it up that is a lot of pharmaceuticals she’s ingesting

No. 2045586

She claims recovered from an ED but I doubt it. She’s still as skinny as ever just more muscular. Girl needs to eat more protein to balance out that bobble head of hers. She’ll never escape the uncanniness of her face but maybe gaining weight will help a bit. Unless her hubbie likes a skeletal uncanny mess?

No. 2045588

File: 1728839922360.jpeg (377.81 KB, 1241x1821, IMG_7361.jpeg)

Deleted content talking about her most recent doctor’s work and how happy she is with it. Explained she got a face lift and fat grafting to look fuller and less “heavy” because she is genetically predisposed to a lack of elasticity? Also explained getting her second lip lift was due to her filler mustache. It really does seem as if she started taking farmer’s advice and used it as her own to correct the work that we shamed her for getting years ago. Wonder if she’ll get that jaw correction surgery after a while when she realizes we are all right AGAIN.

No. 2045675

No difference

No. 2045707

One of the worst outcomes and needless procedures to date-look at how the eyelids are now partially concealing both the upper and lower areas of the pupil. Not ideal and highly unflattering

No. 2045713

File: 1728869322581.png (569.6 KB, 511x837, wild ari.PNG)

I follow the surgeon she went to, what a nice surprise to see her on my feed kek. Everyone in the comments are saying she's too young and call out her BDD

No. 2046016

File: 1728941931863.jpeg (67.91 KB, 347x229, IMG_0208.jpeg)

Her eyes look botched. The left one is pulled too tightly and is visibly smaller

No. 2046018

File: 1728941982759.jpeg (664.54 KB, 827x1250, IMG_0212.jpeg)

And when she smiles you can’t see her pupils at all

No. 2046028

she wasn't even ugly she just needed to grow into her features. her giving herself cat eyes is so cringey to me

No. 2046090

all the comments whenever i look are mostly positive unless she deletes them

im sorry but she does look a lot better than what she used to look like. she wasnt deformed and ugly but all the work shes had done is a significant improvement

No. 2046193

File: 1728971783537.png (19.27 KB, 413x199, comment.PNG)

It's from Dr. Mascaro's Instagram, she's not deleting anything. There's nothing particularly scathing but you have a few people saying she's too young for a face lift

No. 2046273

>laxity in the midface and eyelids

These doctors are cooked, I don’t know this PS, but so many are disasters in their own right. The after photo doesn’t look better, she has pillow face. There are no natural contours to her cheekbones anymore, no sign of her skull shape at all. The skin is just stretched over these very clearly placed fat deposits that make her look swollen, not youthful. Her eyes are already looking pulled and everything about her looks waxy. I am unsure the aesthetic goal of most modern surgeons these days. They all seem influenced by Bratz dolls.

No. 2046274

File: 1728993095604.jpeg (175.6 KB, 2048x841, IMG_6655.jpeg)

Cannot unsee the Purge masks when I see her anymore, what a jump scare. Those CHOMPERS

No. 2046277

Jesus. I really don't understand how getting rid of facial elasticity is supposed to be good for the shape/ageing. Also her freckles and makeup look absolutely terrible up close.

No. 2047579

File: 1729211828136.jpeg (529.19 KB, 1242x2139, IMG_7567.jpeg)


No. 2047900


you don't say your own name at roll call kek

No. 2048204

File: 1729370477197.mp4 (19.09 MB, v12044gd0000cs5a1cvog65gvvj5ta…)

PnP dump incoming. This one is a 5minute BDD sperg about her two nosejobs. tbh I think the bottom of her nose still looks wide and huge from lower angles like in this screenshot >>2047579

> Says the first surgeon injected fat into her face and earlobes without permission. I remember she claimed this way back on twitter during the original threads

> Spends most of the time nitpicking her nose slope and angle in BDD fashion.
> Wanted an upturned pug nose instead

No. 2048209

File: 1729370847770.mp4 (18.86 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cs7upf7og65hfggbg6…)

Another BDD sperg about her two lip lifts.
> Claims she needed it because the nose job threw off her facial harmony and made her philtrum look longer
> Spends like 4 minutes analyzing old selfies and giving us a peek into the mental torture she lives with obsessing over her face
> took out her lip filler because she couldn't see her teeth anymore (kek)
> Is hardcore shilling this new dr mascara from Florida

No. 2048211

File: 1729371192864.mp4 (2.84 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cs58p5nog65m8r11pf…)

KEKK she's really morphing into Michael Jackson even with the stringy black hair and retarded outfits

No. 2048213

File: 1729371371941.mp4 (4.38 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cs9ab6nog65nda55q0…)

PnP is trying to be a TikTok shop influencer.
> chrithmath ith coming up
> uses the TikTok accent to try to shill a Chinese factory flashlight and sell them to get a commission
> zero interaction and the two comments on the video are just asking about her surgeries kek

No. 2048240

what the hell is happening with her freckles in this vid, there’s like a v going down the center of her nose not blended at all.

No. 2048246

this is honestly sad. She used to be my favorite cow in her prime cow days but now shes depressing. No meaning in your life except for analyzing your face, over and over and over day in and day out. It seems like such an empty, shallow existence

No. 2048264

She should’ve left her nose alone after the first surgery. The nose looked natural. Now she’s got that weird little nose that she needs to put freckles on, it looks so weird.

No. 2048273

File: 1729383507743.jpeg (627.97 KB, 765x1149, IMG_5663.jpeg)

Dude this what it looks like when she merely looks downward, her eyes go cross. Wahhh scary it’s uncanny she looks “normal” face forward without expression, but in action moving not looking at the camera it’s so fucking scary. My heart palpitates watching certain expressions. I’m confidently saying this is NOT the pinnacle of beauty. This is something fucked up. The chin ratio..

No. 2048329

kinda sounds like she just outed her brother for illegally using a flashlight to fish at night kek (people shine the flashlight into the water to lure and stun the fish). very on-brand and hillbilly of them

No. 2048378

File: 1729425862851.jpeg (24.95 KB, 480x360, IMG_7610.jpeg)

Forever giving

No. 2048403

KEKKKKK nonna spot fucking on with a dash of the magic mirror from snow white and those sims on the gallery for download with crazy proportions and too much CC on their face and skin but somehow thousands of saves

No. 2048434

lmao anon I didnt notice until you mentioned it. i think its part of her freckle contouring thing to make her nose bridge slimmer

No. 2048560

her skull looks like its trying to escape her head, she just looks so….bulgy

No. 2048568

File: 1729456522456.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x2261, IMG_6897.jpeg)

Here’s another Crimson Chin screenshot from a different video KEK what the fuck is going on with that chiiiiiin

No. 2048569

File: 1729456695010.mp4 (3.15 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cs8k527og65ut0ifbg…)

These TikTok shop shilling vids are cracking me up.

No. 2048570

She is mostly bones like what are we looking at here

No. 2048571

She doesn’t have any muscle tone and can barely do the exercise correctly, lmao this is ridiculous

No. 2048586

I don’t have IG but it seems like the “fitness baddie” era is over. Tbh she was never fit she was just ULTRA lean. Stacking weight on the leg press is not an indication of strength either. Never saw her actually lifting not on a machine for volume. She doesn’t seem like she’s still up to that, if so…she genuinely has no visible built muscle, just VERY low body fat

No. 2048859

This was comical to watch kek a skin and bones Pumpy type thinking she is out here really doing something as a gym girlie. The sinew in her leggggg and you know she prob thinks she’s slim thick muscular

No. 2050150

every once and a while i think about wasting money on ps then i see this fuggo’s thread. thank you.

No. 2050721

Deleted content.

You can definitely see here how wonky her eyes are now..

No. 2050722

File: 1729983868080.jpeg (570.38 KB, 1242x2134, IMG_7910.jpeg)

Not sure if it’s the eyelashes or what but it’s very obvious the left is smaller than the right

No. 2050724

File: 1729984088645.jpeg (2.08 MB, 1242x2078, IMG_7923.jpeg)

Ngl.. I do appreciate how she’s become FAR more transparent about her surgeries. Sad that it’s her whole personality now but what else does she have yknow?

No. 2050725

File: 1729984348045.jpeg (411.44 KB, 1242x2182, IMG_7782.jpeg)

She looks so uncanny in full view

No. 2050902

It looks like her eyelid is covering more than half the pupil but only on the one. I imagine it’s hard to see correctly
Her head looks disproportionately large compared to the ed starved to death body and don’t get me started on that chin

No. 2050989

The comment sections make me so depressed. Low self esteem young women think that if they become a stripper then they can get all the surgeries PnP did. I don’t know how they look at PnP’s face and think yasss queen. 100k can finance travel, degrees, investing for the future, or idk other fulfilling shit. If they only knew that PnP spent her 20s living in squalor, burning every bridge while abusing her pets and posting her vag all over the internet for pennies. Now she’s legally tied to some 50 yr old manlet with nothing to fall back on and her real face never looks the same as her good angles. But nope, it’s just “yas plastic surgery kween tell us your sprinkle sprinkle secrets” kek. I’ve lost hope for the future of women.

No. 2051271

File: 1730142155198.jpeg (446.66 KB, 1242x2130, IMG_7973.jpeg)


No. 2051275

At least she puts a disclaimer now! Still weird her whole personality is plastic surgery. She could’ve just lived her life without saying anything and no one would have cared. Guess she’s trying to make some influencer money now that she’s a jobless housewife?

No. 2051276

File: 1730142756136.png (5.96 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_7976.png)

No. 2051281

All that surgery and still left with a flat profile face(sage your shit)

No. 2051289

File: 1730146088498.jpeg (132.89 KB, 1202x1652, IMG_8635.jpeg)

When you zoom in (picrel) there appears to be TONS of greys coming in. Is she really greying to this extent already? It’s not just a strand here and there, which would be normal for her age (29/30?), it’s the advanced greying of someone literally decades older. It wouldn’t be surprising tbh, she’s gone under the knife countless times. That has to be so stressful for the body. Well that and the fact that she’s absolutely bananatown batshit bonkers crazy kekekk.

No. 2051299

Plastic surgery and how it’s changed her appearance has actually always been her entire personality. She was originally known as PlasticnProud, her IG handle years back when she was a micro influencer on there. Posts were surgery before and afters + catfish selfies with 10lbs of makeup… so same as ever, a complete and total delusional narcissist obsessed with their own face. I‘d love to know how many hrs she’s spent gazing at her own face. I just can’t imagine spending your 1 life looking at yourself and making sure as many strangers as possible have also looked at you, kek it’s just so vapid and pointless. Narcs are gonna narc I guess.

No. 2051302

File: 1730148927009.jpeg (368.25 KB, 1242x2136, IMG_7981.jpeg)

She mentioned a few months back that she was getting grey hairs. First part of the TikTok said “invests in numerous surgeries to like their face and in turn be lower maintenance”.

No. 2051304

What? Is she making a joke?

No. 2051307

Kekk sucks to suck. I love the reframing of blowing 100k on plastic surgery as “investing“ as if she’s going to get some kind of ROI other than more body dysmorphia. The level of delusion needed to think of your addiction as a healthy investment into your future, wheww

No. 2051317

the #jokes suggests that she thinks she is

No. 2051335

She really did not have to do All That to her nose to make it look less harsh. The original was definitely a big and to some eyes ugly honker, and I would def have gotten it tweaked a bit myself but…not like that…just SLIGHTLY. The kind where people are like wondering if you did something or not but agree you look better. Not shaving it away to be some weird inhuman shape. She has like an ape nose now in human form. Sims 4 nose bridge slider from one max to the other

No. 2051341

She looks Asian in profile now

No. 2051343

Not to white knight, some people prematurely grey, usually high cortisol levels can contribute to it, and genes. My dad had a big shock of white by 28 and was totally salt and pepper by 35

No. 2051352

This is true, dated a guy who was 30 and had a white streak along with salt and pepper when his beard grew out. I think naturally dark brown/black hair is more prone to it also.

No. 2051361

this looks like porn. she even bought bike shorts that are made for this gross type of content, like the ones that dig into your butt crack…

how can she married this in such a matter of fact way when like what she's doing is weird and exploitative? does TikTok actually allow this weird shit? she is an absolute skelly, too. doesn't look like she eats enough to have the energy to exercise

No. 2051392

looking botched

No. 2051393

She has always been transparent about her surgeries. Her name was plastic n proud from the beginning when she had her first nose job. It is sad, making your whole identity about your appearance. Whatever happened to caring about art or pets. Or at least with Matt she seemed like she was actually somewhat happy. She doesn’t talk about her new wife life? Can’t be good

No. 2051398

her nose looks super wide here?

No. 2051399

has her voice always been this nasally? or is it from the nose surgeries? it also sounds like her mouth is full of marbles.

No. 2051671

File: 1730242641538.jpg (167.31 KB, 750x1334, pnp1.jpg)

someone asked peenpoo if she considers herself botched, she talks about being unhappy with the results and having to go back several times for her face and bolt on tits but no, she doesnt consider herself botched

No. 2051672

File: 1730242695033.jpg (115.3 KB, 750x1334, pnp2.jpg)

not super milky but made me laugh, not with her but at her mtf face

No. 2051673

File: 1730242752795.jpg (117.88 KB, 750x1334, pnp3.jpg)

pnp trying to be in her tiktok influencer era with deranged faces and lip plumper on her deflated alien butthole lips

No. 2051679

someone should post the entire video instead of just a screenshot with a text summary, i would but i don’t have tt

No. 2051693

File: 1730248864830.mp4 (1.59 MB, 576x1024, preworkout for lips? bleak.mp4)

You are right, so here are the videos of those screenshots posted so far for archival purposes.
> Feels like preworkout for your lips [Face With Tears Of Joy Emoji] #lipgloss #plumpinglipgloss #makeup

No. 2051695

File: 1730249056445.mp4 (1.47 MB, 576x1024, USD$100K.mp4)

> 100k to be au natural [Face With Tears Of Joy Emoji] #jokes #plasticsurgery

No. 2051697

File: 1730249484642.mp4 (18.79 MB, 576x1024, botched.mp4)

> Replying to @[TikTok Username] not exactly botched but def needed a couple revisions!

No. 2051702

File: 1730250142811.mp4 (1.79 MB, 576x1024, lip stain.mp4)

> Obsessed with these lip stains [Grinning Face Emoji] i linked them if yall wanna try! #lipstain #fyp #makeup

No. 2051797

> the yiddies should sit my entire life
No Ariana, you need to go back every 10-15 years to get your implants replaced you dumb fuck.

No. 2051829

they fucked up her eyes, they're two different sizes now. like one eyelid looks a little lazier than the other. and again the fake freckles look like shit. I don't understand why she uses them as countour around her nose, it looks completely ridiculous.

No. 2052185

i can only image how this botched bobblehead looks in real life.

No. 2052221

the full body shot is a jump scare. She looks so stiff. Wonder if she’s feeling the existential dread of being a housewife bangmaid and wants to make her own pennies via TikTok shop on the side? Kek it’s not like Eric A Pennente is 1% rich either. They’ve got the mortgage, car payments, PnPs surgery addiction, PnPs planet fitness gym membership KEK can’t even afford a bougie suburban mom gym ig

No. 2052501

File: 1730484497307.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1170x2004, IMG_6932.jpeg)

PnP is in Italy buying Prada and showing it off on TikTok

Caption: my biggest advice is to become your best self, learn what you truly want, learn what you have to give back and you will naturally attract someone that aligns with exactly what you want in life #dontsettle #growth #fyp

No. 2052502

File: 1730484613229.jpeg (339.56 KB, 1170x1994, IMG_6933.jpeg)

KEK her signature unhinged leg pose. She hasn’t changed at all. She’s decked out in red Prada rn bc that’s probably the peak idea of luxury for Florida trailer trash

No. 2052738

her idea of true love is a guy buying her shit and she is his "trophy wife" and sex toy in return is basically what she's getting at here lmao

No. 2052828

You are his literal doll, Pnp. Not a wife.

No. 2052942

Sage because unrelated. Anyone have updates on Aaron?

No. 2052974

He deleted most of his socials. Not sure if they are still friends or not.

No. 2052987

File: 1730654338821.jpeg (610.01 KB, 1170x1633, IMG_6939.jpeg)

Yeah looks like he was still posting dick pics and interacting with Twitter whores(Ari was still thirsting over him too in March kek) up until around September and he’s disappeared.

No. 2052988

File: 1730655202209.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1170x2004, IMG_6943.jpeg)

KEK they most likely are laughing at her but probably because she looks insane and trashy not because of her lashes kek the delusions. I was trying to upload the video but there’s a bug that isn’t letting me. It’s just her making this face with the text so whatever

Caption: Sometimes i forget i kinda stick out here lmao #italy #fyp #meangirls

No. 2052992

File: 1730655648705.jpeg (1.17 MB, 2880x1920, Image.jpeg)

Deleted pics of her in Italy. The first one really shows how puffy she looks irl

No. 2053016

File: 1730662405062.mp4 (12.59 MB, 1080x1920, #italy.mp4)

> Sometimes i forget i kinda stick out here lmao [Grinning Face with Sweat Emoji] #italy #fyp #meangirls

No. 2053019

It’s because you look like Michael Jackson.

No. 2053022

like how she has to say the women are older and foreign to try feeling like she's a pretty girl that old hags are just jelly of and not a weirdo

No. 2053025

File: 1730664012925.jpeg (338.63 KB, 1170x1483, IMG_6949.jpeg)

Yeah just a punch of pick me misogyny from other women.

No. 2053041

Italian women tend to have those features you've paid for naturally, Ariana

No. 2053091

File: 1730681757723.jpeg (92.84 KB, 377x312, 1730655648705.jpeg)

"foreign" women, when they're in their native country and she's the typical ugly American tourist.

This woman is 30 years old still telling herself over and over that women are jealous of her.

I absolutely cannot fathom paying so much just to look cute for your own TikToks and then look like this to everyone else in real life

No. 2053128

It’s probably the shart freckles honestly.

No. 2053191

Every botched woman looks WET constantly, like if you touched their face it would press in like clay and stay impressed. It almost looks like she is wearing one of those hyper real masks that are just on the border of uncanny which makes them look scary. How does all this look better than just 30 years old…I don’t understand. These women really do think the wall exists at 30 and that just automatically you’ll be a hag. She really ruined her face and body.

No. 2053215

same look as those kylie jenner candids. seems like plastic surgery only looks good when you can control and edit the photos lol. what a waste of money.

No. 2053216

people with a lot of plastic surgery look really strange IRL. That's why they're laughing at you

No. 2053282

She still photoshopped her chin in this pic, we all know she has a witchy jaw

No. 2053344

File: 1730749134145.jpeg (64.71 KB, 1000x1000, 7E932AA1-3D7D-47BB-9E79-0671CF…)

>Every botched woman looks WET constantly, like if you touched their face it would press in like clay and stay impressed.
I cant believe how accurate this is lmao. the problem is plastic CURSEry is trying to apply 2d dynamics to 3d object…..her face. and lack of bone structure knowledge but thats a given. so she forever looks weird irl. I think thats part of the reason shes addicted to tiktok because the filters help her look "normal" there than irl.

No. 2053673

once again showing how uncultured she is thinking europeans don't get plastic surgery or filler. getting your lashes done is not some rare unicorn thing that only amerifag ariana has access to by virtue of not being born in italy. more likely they were staring because that mug is michael jackson levels of botched and she is out and about with a man who looks like (and probably is) a john of hers. like yes girl you stick out but not in the way that you intend to.

No. 2053722

File: 1730844219449.png (11.5 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_8068.png)

No. 2053723

File: 1730844370777.png (10.16 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_8071.png)

You can really see the fat transfer here

No. 2053725

File: 1730844546194.png (11.38 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_8072.png)


No. 2053727

her proportions are so bizarre. she made her face so big with the fat transfers and lip filler and then she got those big tits that don't look feminine or sensual, they just exacerbate how she has a long string bean body with no hips and no ass.

No. 2053734

Now that I’m thinking about it.. women were probably laughing because they think she is a lady boy!

No. 2053735

Maybe it's just me but it looks like one side took on more fat and has a more rounded appearance than the other.

No. 2053737

Her nasolabial folds look far more pronounced than they do on video.

No. 2053739

Where did she post these? Bc I don’t see them on her Twitter or TikTok?

No. 2053742

She dirty deleted but don’t worry I saved every single photo

No. 2053743

File: 1730847787667.jpeg (1.7 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_8077.jpeg)

Had a feeling she’d nuke this newest post! Here are the remaining “What I Wore In Italy” pics (1/3)

No. 2053744

File: 1730847867991.jpeg (2.03 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_8078.jpeg)


No. 2053745

Omfg thanks nonnie. She cannot stand to post her real/candid pics. The BDD only lets her handle seeing her face with the TikTok smoothing filters.

No. 2053746

She has zero personal style. Some of these pieces are cute but the way she puts outfits together is weird. You can tell how insecure she is by the way she holds herself too idk no wonder those ladies were laughing at her- assuming they were even laughing at her in the first place. Her BPD and BDD gives her a huge persecution delusion

No. 2053748

File: 1730848289124.jpeg (1.57 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_8079.jpeg)


No. 2053750

she would wear a peplum in 2024

No. 2053753

The bleph thing she did is completely unnoticeable. She just paid a ridiculous amount of money to cut up her eyelids and sew them back together the exact same way.
The materials her clothes are made of look so cheap to me. The outfits themselves look like they should work in theory but something went wrong along the way. Can any fashion nonas explain why that is?

No. 2053755

File: 1730849391199.webp (71.1 KB, 640x850, IMG_6961.webp)

It’s the same picture

No. 2053756

Firstly, she really does understand her own proportions or what styles or cuts of clothing to wear. Nothing is fitting her correctly, high water pants and skirts that hit her on the wrong spot on her legs. These clothes are wearing her, not the other way around.

No. 2053767

No doubt she feels insecure, the amount of well-groomed and good looking elegant women in Italy per capita is insane. Looking good is literally part of the culture to a toxic degree but plastic surgery face is NOT the norm.

No. 2053834

File: 1730864029901.jpeg (2.14 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_8094.jpeg)

Another attempt and absolute fail! Post accompanied by literal Tarzan music to match her absolute banana captions. She must really be seeking validation after getting her ego smashed by woman laughing at her for the first time since getting plastic surgery. She’ll never escape those nasty insecurities despite how desperately she tries!

No. 2053836

File: 1730864214383.jpeg (97.57 KB, 1242x374, IMG_8080.jpeg)

Can’t forget that caption. She’s so smart! So mature! So elegant! So demure!

No. 2053837

File: 1730864274446.jpg (607.7 KB, 484x1000, 1000099515.jpg)

Saw this from the front page and thought she was dressed up as a founding father kek

No. 2053839

Cardigan from MACYS KEKKKK idk why the thought of her shopping for a grandma cardigan at macys is killing me. I thought this was a farmer edit with how much she’s dragging herself. She’s always had this victim complex thinking everyone’s world revolves around her and everyone must be looking/laughing at her. She won’t shut up about these imaginary ladies in Italy kek

No. 2053845

I'm not a total fashionista but imo - the cardigan needs to be thrown out. It looks cheap and matronly (like a grandma). I can't see the detail on the print skirt but it blends in too much with her tattoos and her bag gets completely lost in it. It also doesn't give her a lot of form - so I'd switch that out with a plain black skirt with maybe a side slit. The tattoo's I'd get lasered off lol.

No. 2053861

A Firenze in quei vestiti brutissimi?? Mi fa kekkare molto. Florence is as brutal as Milan in terms of fashion rules but it’s more about elegance in a sort of old fashioned way. She sticks out like a sore thumb there guaranteed and in a bad way. Makes me wish I still lived there for an in the wild sighting kek

No. 2053874

my attempt to dissect why this outfit looks stupid:
-The top does not suit her tits with the scrunched turtleneck, fabric, and color, they make them stand out in a bad way- they look ridiculous, like she stuffed 2 pairs of socks into a padded push up bra
-The skirt silhouette is giving ice figure skater and the boots should never have been paired with this outfit. I think she thought she was being big brained when she paired a cream colored top with cream colored shoes and she thought "omg i'm matching durr durr" but didn't realize that everything has to be cohesive to each other, not just color matching.
-The boots in general are also unflattering on her, they look too wide for her chicken legs, they look to be illfitting rainboots and not in a chunky slouchy "cool" way, just illfitting

How she could have fixed it:
If she wanted to pretend to be Miss Demure, she could have kept the cardigan, but did a button down, a cropped trouser, and a cute heel.
If she really wanted to do a little skirt, she could've gone for a wide neck top and a pleated skirt (NOT a school girl skirt from Party City that she would probably buy), the same black tights, and boots. Definitely not those boots, those are not going to suit her no matter what.

No. 2053882

You tried, nona, but I doubt any of this would work. She has trashy tattoos, the bolt on tits look ridiculous, and she simply looks like a trailer trash who will give it for a pack of cigarettes or meth no matter what she’s wearing. The obviously botched lips and fake lashes aren’t helping. All of these outfits would have looked bomb on an actually beautiful, natural girl who has class. Fashion can do only so much for how a person looks, elegance is not something that can be dressed on.

No. 2053884

File: 1730880753650.jpeg (694.61 KB, 623x1764, IMG_1757.jpeg)

To compare to another sex worker / performer to explain better - This could have been worn by Dita and look normal because Dita is a lady, but BotchednProud just looks like she’s wearing a costume of a lady, she simply isn’t cut for it and it looks caricatural. She stands out like a sore thumb because it’s so visible that she’s insecure and trying hard and trying to emulate something she doesn’t have.

No. 2053912

She really does look like a caricature. I bet the women laughing at her thought she was a botched tranny hooker with her John (and they wouldn’t be too far off tbf kek). Her surgeries probs look insanely uncanny and weird in motion. Like an alien wearing a human skin suit who hasn’t nailed down human expressions.

She just gives trashy lot lizard trying to emulate a high class escort vibes, it’s no wonder she gets dirty looks. It wouldn’t be so bad if her tattoos were at least tasteful but they’re edgy and ugly af. I’d be so embarrassed to have the one with the naked woman stabbing herself with a sword especially KEK, it looks like a 13 yr old emo kids doodle. I can’t believe she drew that and then decided it was so good she needed to tattoo it on herself as a grown 20something woman keeeek wtf

No. 2053977

She needs to go back to her grungy girl look! It suited her better with her odd looking pillow face and skeleton body

No. 2053994

"Mob wife" was a microtrend last spring/summer. The only things she knows about Italy are from media so in her mind Italy = mafia. American Italian mobs have nothing to do with Italian mafia. The style is totally different. The mob wife trend was based on trashy American 80s fashion that "new money" would have bought; leopard print, track suits, fur coats, leather boots. I wouldn't be surprised if she based these on the trend. She could have had La Dolce Vita, but she went with The Godfather.

No. 2054037

File: 1730926925420.jpeg (1.27 MB, 4000x3790, IMG_8097.jpeg)

Shave your chin, mrs surgery obsessed!

No. 2054042

File: 1730927323361.jpeg (1.04 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_8100.jpeg)

Never seen a non trans woman purchase so many feminization surgeries and still look like a man in a dress

No. 2054045

Gain more fat content and hopefully your boyish body will fill out and give a more womanly figure!

No. 2054049

Ms. BotchedNProud can't even wash her greasy sewer rat hair while she's in Italy.

No. 2054051

File: 1730928225431.jpeg (421.49 KB, 1242x535, IMG_8105.jpeg)

Ok. Done with my autist chin shave posting.

No. 2054056

i know we've been saying she has nothing going for her except obsessing over her face so ok now she's trying to do style but it doesn't work because it is still just obsessing over her image and perception to others.
the alt look definitely suits her so much better.
>>i got a lot of dirty stares
>>i look like i write in a journal daily
>>giving grown sophisticated woman
completely obsessed with herself and yet somehow has no sense of self at all

No. 2054057

why are you encouraging this she's been botched enough already

No. 2054064


No. 2054104

I think the black dress would look good w black tights

No. 2054136

This picture would unironically look way more beautiful if her eyebrows were much lower in like, a normal area of her skull

No. 2054182

One of the most simian profiles I’ve ever seen on someone. Her original face could have been tweaked slightly when she was in her mid 20s to make her look more conventionally pretty but instead she dove directly off the pier never to return. Nothing about her face looks remotely natural and it’s worse the longer you look. Genuinely would rather have her original nose than what she has currently if I was forced to choose one for myself.

No. 2054262

Idk who this loser is but she looks like an ugly version of the lesbian girl on the faculty

No. 2054272

File: 1731009560672.mp4 (630.05 KB, 576x1024, PnPforever-2.mp4)

Caption: I cant exactly say i am proud of that era of my life although it is funnier now in hindsight (laugh emoji) #embarrassing #growth

KEK pnp gets upset that people remember her as pnp

No. 2054282

Does she want people to google her past?

No. 2054297

I only remember her as PnP and didn’t she change it several times since? Is she seriously trying to be some kind of wholesome/trad influencer with the name “Pickled Pet Shop” lmfao

No. 2054343

>lesbian girl from the faculty
Don't tell me that before I even look this up it's going to be Clea Duvall

No. 2054534

File: 1731092299136.jpeg (390 KB, 1242x1984, IMG_8130.jpeg)

She needs more fat content in her body! Those bolt ons are so jarring on her malnourished body.

No. 2054679

unfortunately I think shes afraid of gaining weight. but it would really help to get rid of her bobble head and hell might make her look more normal.

No. 2055332

File: 1731336765203.jpeg (622.52 KB, 1242x1231, IMG_8165.jpeg)

A new selfie! It’s giving latex Purge mask

No. 2055358

wow she looks terrible. once you reach this level of plastic surgery on your face it just starts to scream insecurity. like no one is looking at her thinking "wow what a natural woman, this is trad wife behavior". so all this bullshit about "i now style myself based off what men think is attractive and not what i think attractive and that is a more natural look" can be thrown in the trash when you get this fucking alien ho out in natural daylight.

No. 2055360

kek. accurate.

No. 2055384

it looks painful

No. 2055401

File: 1731354611499.jpeg (412.28 KB, 1242x1988, IMG_8183.jpeg)

More hating on her old face! Now deleted

No. 2055402

File: 1731354633410.jpeg (425.82 KB, 1242x1995, IMG_8182.jpeg)

Jump scare

No. 2055408

as an eurofag, everything said about how she'd be perceived here looking like that is spot on. she looks absolutely uncanny with that botched pillow face and the weird proportions, and on top of that she chose to wear sex doll trophy wife clothes.
imagine that thing walking across cobble stone streets. i'd be laughing too, and i can guarantee it wasn't just women judging her. men who go for that look in women are generally looked down upon by other men. i wonder if PnP noticed that, if so, i don't think she'd have documented it on TT

also that grandma cardigan in combination with the hot topic skirt, fugly print bag and too big boots is the ugliest thing ive ever seen

No. 2055409

>she walked so i could run
run where? face first into a wall?

No. 2055418

Saged for blogging but as a fellow eurofag I agree: looking like that with an older moid she’d be clocked immediately as a whore.

No. 2055435

man, she really really hates herself, to the point of fucking up her profile. there was literally nothing wrong with her original face.

No. 2055445


you can tell how much of a vapid, worms-for-brains, uninteresting person she is because all she does all day is stare at pictures of herself and post before and after surgery pictures, she's desperate for everyone to say "WOOOW you were SO ugly and now you're GORGEOUS" because in her mind, that's what will make the surgeries worth it. girl, nobody gives a fuck, get off the apps and find something to obsess over that's not your own face

No. 2055476

she went from hillbilly witch to down’s syndrome troon

No. 2055512

This is on point. Like if you’re getting the surgeries “for yourself” then why the need to constantly talk about it to everyone else?? Constantly seeking validation

No. 2055660

that’s exactly how we perceive her in the US also, congratulations

No. 2055696

This is horrifying

No. 2055923

File: 1731475859901.mp4 (1.18 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cspm67fog65i07fji8…)

PnP acting as if she doesn’t have butthole filler lips anymore and obsessing over her old IG pics

Caption: #greenscreen definitely had a bit of lip filler blindness oops #lipfiller #transformation

No. 2055925

File: 1731476730686.mp4 (18.9 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000csn3l7vog65ncps0r9…)

Four minute yap session with her bitching about negative comments despite getting hundreds of “you’re so beautiful” comments on ever video

>>claims she isnt trying to glamorize surgery but society has normalized it so it’s okay

>>other people(not her ofc) are delusional and mad bc surgery is normalized
>>the app(tiktok) gets mad at me when I talk about my experience with plastic surgery!! (She literally got like one critical comment that set her off)
>>she’s being so nice!!! By sharing all the details of her surgeries and is helping people
>>starts rambling about the app having a 13+ age requirement and that 16 year olds can get nose jobs
>> repeating “we live in a society” for the third time kek
>>im helping people by sharing information. I’m being censored!!
>>everyone else has a victim complex because they’re letting themselves be influenced

No. 2055931

Christ that fucking underbite.

No. 2055976

Her lips look literally the same in the old photos vs. now. The thing that changed was her nose. Her lips still look overfilled she just doesn’t massively overdraw them anymore. She is genuinely retarded.

No. 2056005

her lips still look like that though, what is she trying to prove

No. 2056006

trying to justify her own choices by saying "plastic surgery is normal now, everyone does it"
>>plastic surgery is here to stay, so we need to be talking about it!!
girl we are begging you to get a fucking life BEYOND talking about plastic surgery and your own face. she's so condescending in this video
>>people have a victim complex and can't take responsibility for themselves
because they didn't like her videos? LMFAO this vapid narcissist makes me want to a log

No. 2056050

Damn her nose looks insane

No. 2056087

File: 1731524207036.jpeg (549.58 KB, 1242x2145, IMG_8239.jpeg)

Deleted content! This angle really shows off the fuckery that is pnp’s face

No. 2056088

File: 1731524267634.jpeg (548.86 KB, 1233x2128, IMG_8238.jpeg)

That nose does NOT fit her face at all! She looks deformed

No. 2056123

i'm genuinely so excited to see how she's gonna age. bc rn she has that bratz doll kinda look going on thats very popular on tiktok and with teens (we can call her ugly all we want on here, the common consensus on the app seems to be "sooo pretty with maybe too much lip filler"), but that's bc she has youth on her side. things are gonna start going downhill real fast as she approaches 40 and her body starts to really change.

No. 2056130

File: 1731531645488.mp4 (867.93 KB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000csnrhq7og65rom32t0…)

pnp spreading ugly man psyop rhetoric. Thinks women should just marry ugly moids if they pay their bills. I hate that she never encourages women to develop their intellectual abilities or anything kek she’s a sad bitch living a sad life

No. 2056132

File: 1731531821886.jpeg (567.52 KB, 2340x2058, Image.jpeg)

>> looks aren’t gonna provide for you girly!! - says the 30 yr old jobless NEET with a plastic surgery addiction

No. 2056134

Pnp is also married to a serial divorcer so who knows how long she will be “provided for”. No matter how many times she tattoos his name on her body she will never escape the inevitable!

No. 2056139

>that last comment
Projectile vomiting rn.

No. 2056153

i actually am a nonnie that is obsessed with butterflies and buy dead butterfly art… but i wouldn't buy from her because of who she fundamentally is as a person. but im ngl these are actually pretty. but knowing pnp they'd probably deteriorate quickly because she does everything half assed and doesn't properly research preservative methods for live specimens in resin. saged for my butterfly autism sperg.

No. 2056190

she's so negative always talking shit about other women like a true nlog. why does she have such a big ego thinking she can look down on everyone, she's no prize and her life isn't either

No. 2056224

this is her confirming what's been said here, she married an ugly man because he gives her money to botch her face, buy clothes she can't style, and have a roof over her head.

you can tell how salty she is at the people commenting that you can date someone who is hot AND successful/spoils you. she doesn't have the looks or the personality for that, she has the looks and personality fit for a short ugly divorcee lmao

No. 2056234

I fear she does not even like the man

No. 2056250

Found the ex wife’s tik tok and now understand Pnp is currently skinwalking her with this new “rebrand”. Pnp even started doing tik tok shop advertisements a month after the ex wife did smh

No. 2056252

File: 1731549972686.jpeg (592.17 KB, 1242x2345, IMG_8289.jpeg)

If this is her face before the lift… she fuckeD UP

No. 2056264

Kek nona how did you find it? I won’t post it to avoid breaking the rules but I’m interested to see the skinwalking.

Where did you find this pic of them? Facebook?

No. 2056285

Was looking at old cam girl threads and came across >>2056252 can’t remember which one

>>2056250 Then I fell into a rabbit hole trying to understand who tf this little bald man is that Pnp married so abruptly! Googling pennente brings up the ex wives and one of them has a tik tok attached to her business and lifestyle similar to Pnp but on a completely different scale

No. 2056335

File: 1731560784896.jpeg (471.52 KB, 1179x1636, IMG_2126.jpeg)

imagine having to settle for a 5ft manlet

No. 2056336

Kek I love you nona. Wow she’s even skinwalking the way that lady talks, the types of videos she posts, the phrases she uses, mannerisms, etc. It’s fucking weird. It also seems like her and Eric A Pennente got divorced within the last few years and they had a toxic marriage. She was a SAHM but now she’s a single mom in suburbia. I hope she gets alimony from that creep. I can only imagine what a piece of work Eric is irl.

No. 2056339

Hilarious considering she is married to a man who only likes her for extreme surgerized look

No. 2056340

File: 1731561574547.webp (28.8 KB, 480x368, IMG_9486.webp)

Holy shit he literally looks like a frog trying to blend in as a human. Gross. Kappa looking freak.

No. 2056351

Is she a blonde mother of 2? Just curious to see if I’m way off.

No. 2056366

>looks aren’t everything girly!
>plastic surgery addict
typical crab bucket mentality. sad!

No. 2056367

The only type of women who marry rich men and prosper and the dark triad stacy ones that divorce them and get half their assets before they have the chance to exchange them for a new model. She's too dumb and a pickme so she's going to get dumped and end up with nothing but a infinite debt for cosmetic surgeries.

No. 2056417

Wow. He looks like a TIF with that midget stature, egg head, and flat browbone. And she looks like a TIM for obvious reasons… her browbone is bigger than his kek.

What are you waiting for pnp, shave it off! THIS surgery will be the one to finally make you pretty!

No. 2056418

Samefag but I also just realized they look like that stereotypical ugly, creepy couple giving you those “looking for a third” eyes from across the room, keek

No. 2056457

Yes a blonde single mother of 2 at that! Eric hasnt been in their lives for a long time. Seems miss mama broke it off with this tiny manlet around the time Eric and Ariana met. Makes me think that old baldy was visiting strip clubs regularly while mama was at home taking care of the kids. Classic scumbag!

No. 2056530

where does she get off talking down to anyone when this is what she married i can't stop laughing. and the fact he probably was a cheating scum who abandoned his wife and kids for a stripper. Yet she has the nerve to talk about how amazing her life is and talk down to others. They really do look like a tif and tim couple top fucking kek

No. 2056533

just looking at this mans face i know he treats her like shit. money isn't everything

No. 2056572

Translated: I've never been able to get with a hot guy and I'm trying to cope

No. 2056583

One of his ex wives describes their marriage as toxic on her SM and has TikTok videos alluding to the fact that he was manipulative and that even though she was giving up a cushy SAHM setup, she’s happier being a divorced single mom. I think we know what’s in store for PnP if it’s not like that already.

No. 2056593

File: 1731622294899.jpeg (434.53 KB, 738x769, IMG_3774.jpeg)

Its insane to me that she thinks her lips looks smaller now… they look just as bad now if not worse?

No. 2056598

Why would she embarrass herself and her man like this when she could have kept her mouth shut lmao. I bet she's secretly seething when she sees another woman with an attractive man, knowing both her husbands were fuggos and that she can't bag someone good looking. That has to hurt her ego, being with a hot man would have been the ultimate self esteem booster, proving all her surgeries were worth it and definitely made her into the bomb shell she desperately wants to be. Instead she got with someone who matches her ugly and has to pretend that it's really the money that means something, that other women who actually like to be attracted to their partners are just so unfortunate because they don't have a middle aged bald manlet like hers

No. 2056602

I seriously wonder what moids think when their girlfriends post copium like this kek

No. 2056657

i would not be surprised at all to find him treating her even worse than his first wife, if he is a toxic mysogynist (which, obviously) he probably doesn't respect her at all for being a "sEx wOrKeR," i mean they met at a place where he was paying money to objectifying women and now probably thinks of her as his personal property since she's become his wife.

No. 2056659

just goes to show her bdd is still raging as ever.
i feel like all her videos and posts just scream COPE

No. 2056682

Knowing moids, he probably shit talks his “crazy ex” all the time to keep PnP in line and to make her insecure kek. Her skinwalking of the ex wife is so telling. The ex wife divorced HIM so she “got away” and took the kids and bruised his manlet ego so he found a low income BPD stripper in Philly to play house with who won’t leave him. She’s so desperate she tattooed his name between her boobs and on her arm so he basically branded her. Between Shay’s and this thread, my hate for moids grows even more kek

No. 2056747

File: 1731642601759.jpeg (307.73 KB, 1242x1889, IMG_8304.jpeg)


No. 2056815

Even her eye creases have creases. Seriously, is that her upper bleph scar underneath her eyebrow?

No. 2056822

The fact that she applies them so egregiously and then you just KNOWWWWW if anyone out in the real world were to ask about them, she’d say they were natural kek

No. 2056831

What dimension does she exist in where this is a natural pattern for freckles? Rorschach test or splattered mud, both are accurate descriptions. Also the brown outlining of her lips definitely is not creating the illusion she thinks it is

No. 2056855

for the life of me I will never understand the trend of fake freckles. I have never seen anyone on which they look natural or good. I still don't get why she makes a V on her nose and leaves the middle of her forehead blank, it looks absolutely ridiculous

No. 2056857

at least matt was tall. she downgraded

No. 2056860

and she obviously wore the pants in that relationshit… he really earned his title of doormatt kek. it feels like the power dynamics of this relationship aren’t in her favour anymore… he def gives controlling vibes, and she presumably has to rein in her bpdemon to keep that roof over her head. she’s sold herself to the highest bidder and is in the process of changing her skinsuit to suit him… it’s fucking creepy seeing her change faces, personality, and style like most people change their underwear. and i can’t imagine that dude being ok with her becoming fat, he’d just trade her in for a better model. she has to know that too. what a life kek but she’s just as shallow so it fits.

god i just hope she doesn’t reproduce, no kid deserves a mother like that

No. 2057259

File: 1731779272862.mp4 (1.36 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000csr3bm7og65nuuqjdk…)

PnP shows she’s still living a vapid, sad existence

Caption: I wanna be hot While I’m young, being a hot granny is cool and all but youre still a granny Imfao disclaimer: i do NOT promote plastic surgery. It is a personal decision that can have serious consequences like any surgery can.

No. 2057280

File: 1731780873751.mp4 (18.76 MB, 576x1024, nothtrilth 2.mp4)

Surprise! PnP’s botched nose doesn’t let her breathe properly. Spends four minutes indulging her BDD and dissecting the “crookedness” of her nose.

>>DISCLAIMER: i do NOT promote plastic surgery. It is a personal choice that can have serious consequences like any surgery can. I hope this video sheds some light on the potential risk you take when someone sells you the idea that they can permanently alter your anatomy with a quick fix!

No. 2057290

she is stating in this video that even if you get plastic surgery, your nose remembers that it was crooked and tries to go back to its natural shape over time, "just like when you don't wear your retainer and your teeth go back to being crooked" and then "but i don't know why none of the surgeons mentioned this to me." maybe because you made it up this bitch is literally retarded

No. 2057292

she looks like a troon lol

No. 2057373

File: 1731793230826.jpeg (544.8 KB, 1242x2261, IMG_7033.jpeg)

I wish we could still see people’s activity on Twitter bc lmfao

No. 2057374


confirmed: she does actually want to look like a MtF

No. 2057412

I can’t believe she married this dude. She’s beyond desperate. Such a strange looking couple

No. 2057628

Addicts will do anything and anyone in order to continue to fund their addiction, and Ariana is nothing if not an addict.

No. 2058058

Neglected to catch pnp’s recent massive delete of new content. One was a video of her showing off her massive collection of designer shoes from her obvious John of a husband

No. 2058059

File: 1731968818114.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1076x1641, IMG_8531.jpeg)

But we do have a wheezy sighting!

No. 2058064

File: 1731968963256.jpeg (221.39 KB, 1030x1555, IMG_8536.jpeg)

I don’t know how to clip videos but this one really shows off her fucked up eyes. That upper bleph was a big mistake!

No. 2058065

File: 1731968992981.jpeg (231.99 KB, 1072x1613, IMG_8535.jpeg)

No. 2058066

File: 1731969069736.jpeg (1008.29 KB, 1060x1538, IMG_8532.jpeg)

No. 2058119

File: 1731978113130.mp4 (18.15 MB, 810x1440, Wheezy.mp4)

Here it is, it had to be compress due to its original size.

No. 2058120

File: 1731978280023.mp4 (8.47 MB, 1080x1920, Frogger.mp4)

And here is Frogger.

No. 2058125

The fake ass smiling. Not even enjoying time with her cat cause shes posing to make her 10000000000th face comparison post. Can't enjoy the moment cause hypnotised by looking at herself straight to the camera
Same fake smile again >>2055332 You're allegedly happily married and just came back from Italy… This all your life is?

No. 2058230

Why does her voice sound like that

No. 2058253

Her henna freckles are so seriously dumb looking it almost pisses me off. Also her grey hairs are very obvious in this although I thought it was dandruff at first

No. 2058255

Should be very easy to take off she says as she uses her nails to scratch at her face, yikes

No. 2058333

Imagine trying so hard to be beautiful and this is the final result

No. 2058461

File: 1732057711109.jpeg (906.03 KB, 1083x996, IMG_8559.jpeg)

Pnp knows how to pick ‘em!

(Screenshot is of ex wife’s TikTok)

No. 2058463

No. 2058482

Btw she explains in a different video that this is hashtag is like a trend to mention things that were done to you by men but flip it because the reaction from people is different or something like that. So she explains that this is what a man did to her( we assume Eric Pennente of Pennsylvania). Kek im so out of the loop with these TikTok trends tbh

No. 2058634

thank you for explaining this as someone not on tiktok who thought she was talking about herself. He sounds like a real prize

No. 2058894

It's good to see that Frogger is still alive. Too bad DoorMatt didn't take her. I remember when this dumb Louise Belcher sounding bitch wouldn't pay for her hip surgery.

No. 2058908

Don’t think Frogger ever got that hip surgery

No. 2058923

wow haven't seen this girl in years…. truly remarkable how much worse and vain she's gotten. can't believe she's spent so much to try and be beautiful and still gives off witchy vibes. it's sad, really. i don't blame her for not wanting kids, though i'm sure it's just a cope, imagine how ugly her babies would be.

No. 2058987

not a big surprise that someone who associates with trailer trash mcmillan is a cheater and sex pest. that was a given

No. 2058998

I’d like to inquire about something, is there any chance her real name isn’t Ariana? I’m just asking because a long time ago, I mean 2018-2019 long ago. I was looking through the plastic surgery and filler doctors that posted pictures of her work on Instagram and one specifically said “Kaitlyn McMillan came into today…” I remember seeing it, thinking it was odd, I was going to post about it back in the day but just didn’t care enough. But is there any chance KAITLYN or Katelyn McMillan is her real legal name?

No. 2059005

Maybe the doctor forgot her name kek

No. 2059335

the way she cannot emote or move her face whatsoever is disturbing

No. 2059346

File: 1732275711478.jpeg (187.32 KB, 1020x1370, IMG_9446.jpeg)

her face in motion is so goddamn creepy, like watching her legit gives me the heebie-jeebies. ffs it looks like she’s wearing one of those hyper-realistic masks in picrel. i also noticed that her eyes are visibly asymmetrical now, it’s specially noticeable when she smiles… it becomes a slit keek. she’s definitely noticed and is self-conscious of it too bc in the video of picrel she keeps the right side of her face away from the camera

No. 2059439

File: 1732293645459.png (6.78 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_8635.png)

Yeah her eyes are fucked up

No. 2059441

File: 1732293717187.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1242x2169, IMG_8623.jpeg)

She can’t smile without squinting now

No. 2059445

Tbhshe has always squinted when smiling . It just looks even more retarded now

No. 2059524

File: 1732308772625.jpeg (385.98 KB, 1242x412, IMG_8671.jpeg)

That’s true! I always found it cute but the unevenness really adds to the uncanniness of her new face now. She’s like a broken baby doll with the one droopy eyelid

No. 2059596


not going to doxx because it shows her full address and phone number, as well as the addresses and phone numbers of her family members, but if you look her up on one of those public people finder websites (primarily used to see whose number is calling you), you will see her name is Ariana McMillan, also going by Ariana Pennente. Under relatives, it shows Eric Pennente, and under associates it shows Matthew Copp. leads me to believe Matt and Ariana were never married.

No. 2059861

A doctor legally is not supposed to mention a patients full name especially on social media

No. 2060156

File: 1732479709806.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1179x1893, IMG_2384.jpeg)

this post is blowing up talking about lindsay lohan

No. 2060264

She has deleted this. When you cannot share the video, you should strive to provide more context as to what makes the screenshot milk.

No. 2060298

People are talking about Lindsay Lohan's plastic surgery because it looks genuinely good and she managed to unbotch herself. She's wild for comparing herself to her lmao it's just going to invite people to give her a reality check and tell her how botched she looks. I wish I could have read the comments before she deleted

No. 2060332

it’s fine if the patient signs a release allowing it, which she would absolutely do because ATTENTION

No. 2060849

it's very cute that she thinks she looks younger than 30 lmao she looks older because most 30 year olds don't have a snatched back pillow face with obvious filler lips

No. 2061022

idiots tikokers posting one extremely edited and super bright photo that is deceptive because it gets the attention and possible sponsorships doesn't mean that Lindsay Lohan has somehow reverted back to what she looked like pre-surgery. surgery cannot stop time you will just look like a person who has had work done.

No. 2063525

Oh nonna, lol. All the recent photos of her are edited. Lindsey just looks like someone her age who got a ton of work done and uses filters. Now on top of looking botched she also has Instagram face.

No. 2063643

File: 1733087464753.jpg (184.04 KB, 1213x1080, Screenshot_20241201_220007_Sam…)

Thanks but idk why you think I've just seen doctored images, there are plenty unedited recent stock pics and videos of her too, picture is from a recent video. The difference between Lindsays candid face and posed/edited face is not as jarring as Ariana. Yes, Lindsay still has surgery face and no, she doesn't look like her own self kek, that's not what I said. But she looks like a rich woman with surgery, kind of what Ariana tried to be on her Italy trip. All I'm trying to say with this is Ariana is delusional for comparing her own surgeries to LiLo's because she is botched on a whole other level

No. 2064330

File: 1733251004636.jpeg (888.45 KB, 1242x1878, IMG_8894.jpeg)

No. 2064332

File: 1733251073721.jpeg (444.48 KB, 1242x1863, IMG_8893.jpeg)

No. 2064333

File: 1733251211434.jpeg (446.43 KB, 1242x2017, IMG_8891.jpeg)

One day I hope she slows down on the nose freckles. They don’t need to be that damn heavy!

No. 2064409

File: 1733259107338.jpg (150.95 KB, 865x1390, madrid-madrid-spain-18th-sep-2…)

You're right and you should say it! Lindsay Lohan 2024 doesn't look like Lindsay Lohan 2010, but she still looks like Lindsay Lohan (after some well-executed adjustments to the initial work kek - picrel from 2017). Ariana looks like a silicone sex doll who was rejected by quality control because her eyes are uneven.

No. 2064940

File: 1733367619181.webp (21.77 KB, 640x640, IMG_4290.webp)

No. 2065221

File: 1733431427929.jpeg (519.05 KB, 1242x1822, IMG_9009.jpeg)

Deleted content. Honestly hilarious that their marriage was THAT short lived. We all called it. Especially when Ariana monetized their consummation!

No. 2065232

It’s weird she is still posting about doormatt. “When you broadcast your relationship for 7 years, just to marry an old manlet instead, and keep broadcasting your old relationship” you’re still talking about it, if your talking about it, the fuck.

No. 2065240

I bet she misses the connection she had with Doormatt. Now she’s stuck with some money hungry, deadbeat dad trying to chase the soft life while she’s actually just another young pump n dump whore to divorce when she ages a bit more than the new youthful mistress her bald moid will eventually entertain because he’s a busy big money boss man and Ariana is just some other old lady in his home.

No. 2065251

I think a lot of girls can relate to having a real connection with the grungy type of character your own age and the vapidness of finding an older guy you have to pretend to be interested in just because he can give you something you want. I just think it’s embarrassing because if you saw Ariana and her husband in public you could read them like a book. him probably being a short guy with small dog syndrome and her towering over him at anytime, she can’t dress herself if her life depended on it. They would obviously have a hard time finding friends in public settings because they almost look like a 90 day fiancé situation. I would be snickering at them if I saw them together. But also why does Ariana dress so horribly? It’s like the whole piece missing in her Most Attractive Girl In The World Quest.

No. 2065522

>>I think a lot of girls can relate to the vapidness of finding an older guy you have to pretend to be interested in just because you can give you something you want
speak for yourself, sounds like an e whore cope. personally I'd rather get a job and get myself what I want than fake a whole relationship with a scummy moidlet.
I think the reason she dresses like shit is because she is so hyper focused on her face that she ends up ignoring everything else

No. 2065523

She never bothered to develop a personal sense of style. She always skin walks other women or chases certain “aesthetics” without having a defined sense of self and doesn’t bother taking the time to figure out what looks/feels good on her. She’s an empty BPD shell. She also just has shit taste from being trailer trash.

No. 2065561

ariana dating advice be like " BE SELFISH ! TRUST ME! "

No. 2065943

Speak for yourself nonna. I could never kek

No. 2066166

File: 1733674435888.jpeg (496.99 KB, 1242x2012, IMG_9039.jpeg)

The only time we see her without the brown freckle patches all over her nose and it’s so much better! Also kek at the filler mustache

No. 2067382

Let's hear pnp's financial advice.
My favorite part is when she says "I don't think I've stayed in one line of work for more than 3 years. Like, once I learn I've reached my cap at that position, it's time to go somewhere else, where I'm going to move up the ladder".
What ladder, Ariana, mi amor? What "positions" are we talking about?

Her "jobs" or "revenue streams" that I can remember:

1 - being a "dog nanny". (This is when I started following her) She didn't leave this "position" because she "reached her cap". The people who employed her invited some kind of a dog expert who tried to correct Ari's behavior. She threw a huge tantrum, yelling and crying on her insta stories about how she knows dogs and won't allow it, and quit the job.

2 - having an Only Fans and posting free porn on Twitter to promote it

3 - being a stripper and an escort

She did that one photoshoot with Dolls Kill and that one photoshoot with Spencer's, but I'm not including that as well "making art" or being "a social media influencer" for obvious reasons.
Am I forgetting anything?

No. 2067399

How much revenue do you think she generated from her etsy throughout the years? It’s not like she made and sold art on a regular basis

She also sold her used clothes on depop at some point, I guess that’s another one of her lines of work

The way she talks as if she has any experience moving up the career ladder is laughable

No. 2067406

KEK “a salaried dog nanny for a rich family” KEKK plus didn’t she get black listed from dolls kill because she was talking mad shit about them publicly? Then she was just doing nothing and went into stripping. Oh my god the pathological lying doesn’t stop

No. 2067478

No even worse, she was ignored because she wasn't relevant enough to get traffic to their site so she was never asked to do another photo for them.

No. 2067488

Or maybe because she was a catfish who didn't look like the woman dollskill and spencer thought they hired based on her SoMe pictures

No. 2067500

File: 1734022129325.jpeg (123.8 KB, 1170x600, IMG_7162.jpeg)

Im giggling rn. She traveled but luckily her high roller rich trailer park owning grandpa covered her travel!!! Does she mean that trashy trip to Dominica where she got shitface drunk and she claims she got sexually assaulted? Incredible

No. 2067501

File: 1734022673078.jpeg (469.88 KB, 1170x4298, Image.jpeg)

I was looking through her Etsy reviews and it’s a little suspicious that all these moids are buying her artwork. Majority of her followers are insecure women that want surgery and a sugar daddy, who the fuck are these jabronis buying her stuff? I almost suspect that they’re Johns and she asks them to buy her artwork

No. 2067503

File: 1734022913252.jpeg (327.78 KB, 1294x750, IMG_9163.jpeg)

Yeah once Ariana started going crazy with the filler she was dropped. The change in her appearance was brutal!

No. 2067504

Keith was 100% a sugar dad and a strip club regular

No. 2067505

File: 1734023419292.jpeg (557.44 KB, 1170x3647, Image.jpeg)

Yeah I googled a couple of them and they’re all Philadelphia based moids. I wonder if she’s still talking to them on the down low so her husband doesnt find out and asks them to purchase her trash on Etsy for nudes or something stupid. This Ethan guy from a recent review and purchased the ugly mushroom tree stump follows a bunch of strippers and aris pickledpetshop account KEK I love that she’s trying to sabotage her marriage already

No. 2067508

File: 1734024826007.gif (824.32 KB, 275x249, IMG_4383.gif)

Lmfao thank you for this I’m giggling, ironic isn’t the right word but it’s funny to see her try and grift as a TikTok influencer.
Escorting and stripping have been her main source of income…what career ladder is she talking about?

No. 2067519

Y’all honestly think Eric Pennente gives a fuck about what she does?

No. 2067523

i would love to know what her financial situation is really like, because part time jobs and occassional porn does not afford multiple surgeries

No. 2067525

kek idk nonie what do you think? I cant imagine a 5 foot manlet that wifed up a stripper would be happy to find out that she's still talking to johns while hes bankrolling her surgeries, and bought her a house but I could be wrong

No. 2067527


This reminded me how somebody pointed out that she's skinwalking her husband's ex wife. I didn't see it then, but now I think that anon was right.
That lady has a real career and shares her expertise on her TikTok account. Ariana, the Founder and CEO of PsoriasisNProud Inc, thought it was a good idea for her to share her business acumen as well

She probably thought she sounded sooo smart using all these ~big words~ just like her husband's ex. But she just made it pretty obvious how insecure she actually she is about her "career choices"

Also, imagine what it must be like for this poor woman who probably has to co-parent with Eric. Not only did he marry an uneducated stripper/escort with an untreated personality disorder and made her their child's stepmom, but now this new wifey of his is also stalking her social media accounts and tries to copy her

No. 2067533

Highly doubt they co parent. I cannot see the ex wife allowing her little boy to stay in that house with Ariana and his weirdo father. From what the ex wife portrays online she has taken care of the kids full time since the divorce. Who knows if Eric even sees his kids these days?

No. 2067536

I think Eric is just happy to have some pussy to come home to and a simple, fairly attractive woman to bring to the occasional dinner

No. 2067552

Maybe but I think you’re a little naive. Men are retarded and don’t want their peepee emasculated. Johns get jealous that their favorite prostitute sees other men, it’s part of the fantasy and they’re retarded. Plus he has money, why would Eric aka captain save a ho be so content to have the stripper he saved off the street to still be doing her whore stuff?

No. 2067553

Because he recognized that was her job from the beginning and can justify it as business. Sure he may be a bit insecure about the idea but that’s why he got Ariana to brand his name on herself at least twice!

No. 2067593

it all makes sense now, I could not understand how teenage e-girls were affording her poorly done art, but it's because simps and stripper club patrons were buying them lol

I wonder if she 1. genuinely believes she's climbed up a ladder in any of her jobs, 2. is lying, hoping that her TikTok following believes her and thinks she's some kind of career whiz, 3. OR she's retarded and doesn't know what "climbing a ladder" means and thinks it just means "getting a different job."

No. 2067602

can somebody tell me how to save a video from tiktok? The embedded video will no longer be available if she deletes it

No. 2067612

File: 1734052005963.mp4 (18.74 MB, 576x1024, v15044gf0000ctcu3b7og65p13jucv…)

Here is the archive file in case she deletes

If you have the app, you can download the file. The option shows when you hit the share arrow at the bottom. If you’re on a computer, you have to screen record it. I’m usually one of the Nonas on here that archives/posts the files but LC has been having issues with TikTok files and it has been really annoying to upload them so I haven’t been keeping up. Also, she has been posting super long videos and you’ll have to compress them to be under 20mbs to post.

No. 2067803

thank you nonita

No. 2067919

There are also sites that can download TikToks like https://ssstik.io/

No. 2068005

File: 1734129148619.mp4 (481.26 KB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@pickledpetshop1_173…)

omfg bless you sweet nona. Had no idea I could do that too lmao

Anyway here's a new video she posted. I noticed her lips were torn up in recent videos and was wondering if she still had that lip picking problem. Guess she read my mind. Her face looks fucking weird from this angle too. She has no dimension to her face, it's kind of giving flat moon face to me.

No. 2068015


> She has no dimension to her face, it's kind of giving flat moon face to me.

Damn you right. It’s so alien.

No. 2068042

File: 1734138129155.jpeg (547.92 KB, 1242x1987, IMG_9171.jpeg)

Sorry I missed the download instructions beforehand but here is a deleted one

No. 2068199

Grown women need to stop calling themselves "girly", it's not cute. Anyone can get overstimulated but put "girly" after it and now it's a personality quirk? She is so retarded

No. 2068278

File: 1734199227359.mp4 (1.84 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@pickledpetshop1_173…)

Kek she claims she has “sensory issues” and then made this comment unhinged tiktok shop ad for this made in china bra. The algorithm brain rot got to her. She’s probably close to saying she has tism.

No. 2068308

Why does her face have to be right in the camera every fucking time? Film yourself actually doing something. She’s just a floating head. A big moon.

No. 2068356

She looks like a freak of nature in full view. That’s why the focus is always on her face. It’s the only feature she likes about herself and it had to be bought!

No. 2068385

File: 1734221900216.mp4 (10.56 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@pickledpetshop1_173…)

Here's a little milk related to >>2065221 this post where she talks about her relationship with DoorMatt. It was posted like 6 days ago.

>>had low self worth during Doormatt saga
>>was neglecting her "core values" while dating him
>>her "core values" weren't "aligned" with DoorMatt and never were
>>was sucked into her own ego and the longer she was with doormatt, the more she proved to everyone else that it was good and she wanted everyone's validation
>>wish she had dumped him sooner and it was a relief when she did

It almost sounds pretty normal in terms of a young person leaving a LTR until you remember that she dumped him at the peak of her stripper and prostitution saga. She wanted a john that would pay for her surgeries and not a mailman KEK. Now she gets to talk about how you dont have to be attracted to a man which is just bleak. Her core values are broken still.

No. 2068426

I kinda get what she's saying about their values not being aligned. Matt seemed totally content with living a "simple life". He didn't have much ambition and she always wanted more.

But I agree that her current relationship doesn't look like an improvement at all.
She used to show Matt on her instagram all the time, often talking about how handsome he is or how well he treats her or how big his dick is… Posted videos of them laughing together. You could tell she genuinely liked him.
She never shows or even mentions Eric, just brags about stuff he bought her. And with that TikTok where she expressed how she's now too mature to care about a man's appearance or height she made it clear she thinks he is short and unattractive. That's not maturity though, she's just choosing another unsatisfying relationship because of her chronic low self-esteem. This one is even worse because he's basically just a sugar daddy. The fact that they got married doesn't change the nature of their relationship, she's not fooling anybody

No. 2068429

she didn't fix or heal anything, her core values are to have a man pay for her surgeries and make her feel like a trophy wife, which Matt obviously did not do, and her only source of self-worth is the rush of getting a new surgery that she thinks will make her more beautiful so who better to fulfill that than some ugly rich pathetic divorcee. truly, what else is she trying to say here?

the real funny part is she's still trying to get validation from the internet by acting like she really beat mental illness by getting married to this loser and replying to her commenters like "looks aren't going to provide for you lol" because she feels butthurt that other people can feel attracted to their boyfriend and she can't.

on a side note, wtf do her and Eric even talk about? does she just use his money for trips and procedures and then give him pussy like she used to when she was a prostitute?

No. 2068512

They probably talk about being divorced

No. 2068959

File: 1734387226695.jpeg (362.8 KB, 1242x2045, IMG_9212.jpeg)

Looks exactly the same.. (deleted)
Except now she somehow looks even more like a person with downs

No. 2069094

She had a fat transfer, another nose job, bleph, and bigger veneers since the pic on the left. Her lips don't look smaller, they're just not as overlined on the cupids bow. The nose definitely looks better but she's got to stop the stupid shart freckles. Also, she's wearing strip lashes on the left. I don't remember her ever getting them done professionally. Just say "this is your sign to latch on to the first divorced rich guy so you can stop stripping and styling yourself like a stripper".

No. 2069296

File: 1734477252119.png (465.05 KB, 514x494, the substance.png)

Her lashes are atrocious in the "before" and her face is more plump in the "after", but the main difference is just the angle and the lighting.
She does that all the time, making comparisons between photos that are not at all equal. It annoys me so much how most of her comments are super positive. All these girls talking about how her results are the best they've ever seen and how badly they want to get surgeries like hers. I don't know if they just don't think it matters or are genuinely dumb enough not to see it.

The pic attached is another example of this. In her pinned Tiktok before and after she's using some old ID photo clearly taken in terrible lighting to demonstrate her miraculous transformation from an ugly witch at 19 into a perfect rubber doll at 30.
Makes it look like she had really bad smile lines, under eye circles, super hollow cheeks and now she has absolutely none of these and also a completely different face shape. Obviously, she has changed a lot since then, but this is still deceptive. If she took a photo at that same angle in the same lighting the difference wouldn't be nearly as dramatic.

And also that's not what POV means. How can somebody who made porn not know that?

No. 2069365

All these "when…" posts are fucking unwatchable. I miss the instagram days of drama, art and taxidermy before tik tok melted what was left of her brain.

No. 2069444

the caption…there's no way she's watched it right? The message of the movie is the opposite of what she's doing - don't fuck with surgery or made up beauty standards, accept yourself. She is a perfect example of what the movie is about, she is the cautionary tale of a woman going down the body mod rabbit hole and actually looking worse and worse. What an idiot.

No. 2069464

>she always wanted more

The man had a secure job with secure pay and was in a band, why did he have to strive for more on top of that? It’s not that he had no ambitions, it’s that his ambitions wouldn’t benefit her in the long run in ways she wanted.

No. 2070174

File: 1734735225917.png (1.58 MB, 782x1376, uncannyvalley.png)

She's not like other girls, you guys.

No. 2070178

>on tiktok
>not performative online

No. 2070180

holy SHIT her lips are fucked up. Wonder why she's been so anxious to be picking them this bad

No. 2070181

Omfg her lip?! Crack pipe burn or herpes?

No. 2070182

File: 1734738371813.mp4 (1.52 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@pickledpetshop1_173…)

kekkk why is she so worried about her "legit income" if her husband is so rich? Get a fucking job, Ariana

No. 2070184

File: 1734738514513.mp4 (5.67 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@pickledpetshop1_173…)

She has a lip skin picking habit. She fucked up her lips even back during the original threads.

Another Recent video:
>>says she's very stressed at the moment and is craving cigarettes
>>What could this suburban housewife/exstripper be stressed about?

No. 2070207

This is such a huge tell for her. Why would she post this? Kek

No. 2070295

File: 1734788744595.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1179x2051, IMG_4740.jpeg)

Why would she post this lol

No. 2070424

being a selfish woman is a good move for her since no one will miss her or care if she died, let's be real

No. 2070627

File: 1734904919541.png (1.15 MB, 818x818, 173740.png)

She posted this photo and deleted it soon after.

Yeah, the reason for her plastic surgery addiction is definitely having played the sims as a child, not a deep-rooted feeling of inadequacy.

This was also deleted btw. I guess the girlies who follow her weren't too excited to learn she was a proud pick me?

I'm very curious as to what actually drives her decision to delete things. Is it because of the comments she gets? Does she look at it again later and starts thinking she looks bad? Does she read this thread?

No. 2070654

Hee hee looking ass

No. 2070741

besides the fact how broken and insecure you have to be to post the same retarded selfies of yourself comparing yourself to yourself for literally a decade, the funniest thing about this shit is that she fails to realize her one true facial disability, which is her jaw. she needed a double jaw surgery and nothing else, her whole face would've been fixed by just this one surgery, fixing her jaw would've even made her eccentric roman nose look good in her face because the inverted jaw ruins her whole facial harmony. instead she got every other plastic surgery never touching her jaw. orthognathic surgery is expensive but still just a fraction of the cost she paid to look like a generic plastic surgery addicted prostitute who still has a fucked up jaw and no facial harmony. i know she is stupid but i still don't get it

No. 2070747

samefag but when she is speaking you can see very clearly how her jaw is moving weirdly to the sides, plus it's so retruded in her skull her tongue doesn't even fit properly in her mouth, causing her lisp. by double jaw surgery ariana could've fixed her speech impediment, her face being out of balance AND prevent a number of potential health complications caused by jaw issues. but it's a bit late for that now, as the jaw surgery would most likely make the face she built around her disfigured jaw look even more grotesque.

No. 2072285

Ariana is in the mood to yap, so she'll tell us why she's not a feminist and how she's free to do whatever she wants to her body because "my body my choice"

Except getting plastic surgery is not what people critisize you for, you dumb bitch
Nobody gives a shit what you do with your body. The issue is that you romanticize and promote plastic surgery to younger impressionable girls on social media. Adding disclaimers stating that you're not promoting plastic surgery while doing exactly that. Grown up intelligent women will see right through the bullshit, but dumb teenagers won't. And that is why you are a detestable human being.

And another thing that is amusing to me. She tries so hard to seem classy, sophisticated, and polished but fails so miserably at it. Ari, darling, you will never ever look sophisticated. No matter how expensive the clothes that you wear are, no matter how big the diamond on your finger is. Your grating nasal lispy goblin voice and edgy high-schooler vocabulary along with mispronouncing "big" words, your trashy mismatched, badly-placed tattoos, your bolt-on tits, your very obviously altered grotesque face are an immediate dead giveaway of your actual social standing.

I liked her so much more when she was in her chaotic alt-girl era

No. 2072317

100% this. She has it bad and without the double jaw surgery she’ll keep needing litres of injections to fill up those granny nasolabial folds. Her deformity is visible every time she merely smiles. Just looks like grandma.

No. 2072324

File: 1735512827528.mp4 (18.83 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@pickledpetshop1_173…)

video file in case she deletes

No. 2072436

She’s so boring now. She’s made herself into the blandest person possible. She used to be somewhat interesting with a unique style. Back when she had green hair. I don’t even recognise this person, I don’t even know how anyone can follow her antics. She’s just dull, dull, dull. She’s like if millennial grey was a person.

No. 2072824

The linty top/bra reminds me of that grey crusty thong she always wore, I wonder if she still has it

No. 2074479

File: 1736096242901.png (1.31 MB, 2164x1021, 164424.png)

>She does that all the time, making comparisons between photos that are not at all equal.

I don't know if she reads the thread or it's unrelated, but she posted a much better comparison this time.
I'll even concede that she looks significantly more conventionally attractive now.
But people in the comments saying they would pay her for a consultation is still crazy to me.

No. 2074634

File: 1736140051818.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1974, IMG_7249.jpeg)

Deleted photo/text post

No. 2074808

File: 1736207014847.png (2.23 MB, 828x1792, IMG_2520.png)

her necrotic lip

No. 2074885

she looked better before the surgeries; her nose wasn’t classically perfect, but it wasn’t botched like it is now, and that lip flip is one of the worst ever

No. 2074928

I'd honestly want to kill myself if I looked at my before/after and it was like this. I don't understand how she gets compliments even, her new face is so beyond hideous and malformed. The weird random fat placement that makes her look like a bloated corpse too, how could you want to look like that? fucking horrifying

No. 2074941

That sprinkle sprinkle lady is fucking soulless. Also just openly admitting she doesn’t like her husband and is using him for money

No. 2074953

Removed every and all unique characteristic she had, which, she was very cute so she could look like every Gen Z influencer…how is this a flex again?

Oh look at how insecure I am that I needed to completely change my face into the “golden ratio” drawing. It doesn’t look right, so uncanny.

No. 2075091

oh would you look at that, no nasolabial folds in the before? so which is it, were you or weren't you a heinous witch before surgery? >>2069296 Pick a lane, Ariana

Her eyes also look super weird in that video at the end when she smiles and nearly closes them.

all that surgery and she still only likes her face with heavy makeup and/or filters on

No. 2075123


What a loser existence she has, her life is just surgeries to make herself look "better." Zero actual emotional relationships with anyone.

Everyone she was friends with in the Philly area is no longer friends with her (never even liked her, but won't get into that), she's no longer with Matt who actually loved her even when she didn't deserve it, and now she genuinely has nobody.
She doesn't have BPD, she's just a straight up narcissist like her mom (exaggerated sense of self-importance,excessive need for admiration and attention, diminished ability to understand or care about the feelings of others, sense of entitlement, disregard for the interests, feelings, and well-being of others, preoccupation with power, beauty, or success, envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them, putting down other people when they challenge her)

No. 2075143

>> Everyone she was friends with in the Philly area is no longer friends with her (never even liked her, but won't get into that)

Nooo pls get into it. Do you happen to have known her at some point? Just curious nonnie

No. 2075440

File: 1736373900595.png (1.08 MB, 864x1543, 234813.png)

screenshot from a new tiktok

I can't upload videos from ssstick.io for some reason. Would be great if someone else did it, cause it's a rare case where you get to see how her head looks on her body

No. 2075441

File: 1736374084417.png (1.72 MB, 848x1526, 24814.png)

No. 2075475

It's a psychopath that succeeded in toying with and making money off impressionable vulnerable people and retarded whores like Ariana and Momokun

No. 2075511

Ngl ,she still looks grimey, cheap, and botched to all hell in these despite her supposedly living the high life with her dentist sugar daddy now. Cheap rasta themed bikini? Stubby dirty nails? wispy thin hair slicked back? Also, If she's so happy with the way she looks why does she have the filters on full blast?

No. 2075679

File: 1736435377013.mp4 (8.95 MB, 1080x1920, Oopsie#travel.mp4)

> Oopsie [Blushing Face with Hand Over Mouth Emoji] #travel

No. 2075708

Posted a day ago with 17 likes kek her TikTok following does not give a fuck unless it’s a video of her BDD sperging

No. 2075755

>Cheap rasta themed bikini? Stubby dirty nails? wispy thin hair slicked back?
>she still looks grimey, cheap, and botched to all hell
right? when you look like that what is even the point of wearing a Cartier necklace? You might as well get one from Aliexpress, everyone will assume it's fake anyway.

I just don't get it. If her husband's so rich, why doesn't she hire a professional stylist to help her look less like a cheap hooker? Or get her nails done at some nice place at least?

No. 2075879

Cause he’s not that rich.. just a scummy finance bro who thinks he’s hot shit

No. 2075976

It really is sad seeing everyone ignore every pnp’s posts that aren’t about plastic surgery and even comment on every unrelated post asking about her mid face lift.. shows the worlds priorities. No wonder Ariana feels the need to post so much on the topic. She’s nothing without her plastic surgery.

No. 2075992

Nail on head nonny, she’s larping as a trophy wife to a middle management chud. Of course Ariana from the trailer parks of Florida would view a middle class lifestyle as millionaire living and that’s fine, but the way she promotes this lifestyle as if she caught some prize rather than the average middle class American experience is humiliating.

No. 2076009

yeah it looks like it, but if he can afford to buy her Cartier, Prada and Louis Vuitton or take her on a trip to Italy, surely he can afford to pay for a few stylist consultations

I think she just doesn't know any actual wealthy people and doesn't realize she's acting like a poor person still. Spending money on status symbols thinking it'll make her look like a rich bitch, instead of doing things to look clean, polished and stylish. If you have no taste and no fashion sense, just hire a professional for fuck's sake

kek it's not the "world's priorities", it's because Ariana has nothing else to offer

No. 2076130

File: 1736539762336.png (5.39 MB, 2668x1575, rawnatural30yearold.png)

>Just came out the womb like this! #itsajoke #plasticsurgery

I'd add #botched #nightmarefuel

No. 2076132

File: 1736539986698.png (2.76 MB, 1096x1774, sophisticatedgrownwoman.png)

No. 2076138

Looks like the face of a fat person

No. 2076142

File: 1736541183595.jpeg (19.02 KB, 526x280, IMG_4379.jpeg)

The mouth-within-a-mouth makes an appearance.

No. 2076143

Is that a herpes lesion on her lower lip?

No. 2076158

Kek I feel for her tbh, this isn't a bad pic it looks p good at first glance but then boom xenomorph. Blog but I have scarred lips from a bad habit of nervously chewing and biting on my lips all my life and I sometimes have a similar thing happen even though they're natural ig that's why it hits me extra hard. Don't chew your lips nonas

No. 2076188

why is she so stuck on these fucking freckles? kek they look like melasma and just look dirty

No. 2076200


the freckles are her new way of contouring the shit out of her nose because she's still not satisfied with it.

No. 2076206

she still hates her face so she covers it up. kinda makes you wonder what would her face look like without them.

No. 2076208

File: 1736552054327.jpg (97.22 KB, 700x992, makelipslookbiggerwithmakeup-1…)

I thought anon meant her lips are overdrawn. Does biting/chewing your lips for too long make it look like you're wearing lipliner?

No. 2076209

If her husband is so rich why is their house only worth 600k?

No. 2076215

Alimony payments to the ex to maintain plus the fact that he’s just some guy who works in finance. Like, he’s doing alright but he’s not the Sugar Daddy catch she makes him out to be.

No. 2076220

File: 1736553205476.jpeg (Spoiler Image,215.36 KB, 1242x1645, 1640737214182.jpeg)

It's from her fillers, anons. No amount of lip biting will do this to you, only botched fillers will (spoiler because it's an old pic from past threads)

No. 2076226

Holy shit. It's an actual mouth within a mouth. I thought anon meant her lips were paler from pressure or scar tissue, making the outside look like lipliner. I don't follow this cow but thought lipliner was safe enough to assume instead of chestburster mouth

No. 2076241

While everybody is talking about her lips I can't get over how fucked up her eyes look now

No. 2076252

That one eye closes whenever she tries to smile kek

No. 2076273

Her whole face always looks painfully swollen

No. 2076282

File: 1736562429093.mp4 (10.06 MB, 1080x1920, 1.mp4)

In motion.

No. 2076283

File: 1736562526183.mp4 (5.54 MB, 1080x1920, 2.mp4)

> Once you learn not to take it personally it’s peaceful lmfao [Loud Crying Face Emoji] #family #narcissist #goldenchild

No. 2076324

File: 1736570706094.jpeg (304.44 KB, 1242x1456, IMG_0088.jpeg)

This legit looks like a crackhead you’d see at a local corner store

No. 2076327

File: 1736570855577.jpeg (1007.18 KB, 904x1279, IMG_0089.jpeg)

No ma’am sorry I don’t have a dollar

No. 2076328

The hair is a fucken nightmare too. Legit looks like a wig a crackhead would drag around kek

Just Shave it AGAIN

No. 2076351

But anon! She’s alL nAtuRal! Definitely doesn’t look like she was smacked in the face with a 2x4 by an actual crackhead.

No. 2076489

she uses henna as lip liner

No. 2076761

She comes off incredibly lonely. All her tiktoks she is alone. At least before she had a semblance of a social life with her weird male sex worker friend and even her tall band boyfriend seemed active in her life. When someone tries to make their whole life social media, its weird when no one in their life seems to want to support that or be apart of it. It comes off like her husband’s trying to keep her a secret or is embarrassed by her.

No. 2076848

I wonder what story they tell to his friends and family when they ask how they met. I don’t think he’d be very forthcoming about the fact that she was a stripper he used to pay for sex and that he still technically does but they’re married now too.

No. 2076866

I wondered if she never features him in her content because she's embarrassed of him, but you might be right. He probably doesn't want to associate with her publicly.

Anybody with some life experience will know exactly what's going on 2 minutes into conversation with Ariana regardless of the story they might be telling. For some, just looking at her will suffice.

No. 2076903

File: 1736712954760.jpg (43.19 KB, 800x555, mac-tonight.jpg)

her face is so unfortunately shaped

No. 2077361

File: 1736789114998.jpeg (354.92 KB, 1242x1723, IMG_0173.jpeg)

The baboon butthole lips are here to stay! And she says she doesn’t overfill anymore.. ya ok

No. 2077362

Ft. Her new lopsided ass eyes

No. 2077402

It really looks like they pulled her eye lids back too much, to the point where she can’t smile without having a wonky eye. She’s had so many botched surgeries you’d think she’d take it as a sign to stop

No. 2077442

The saddest part for me is that her eyes were completely normal before. They looked almost exactly the same except not wonky and weird. Her fleshy eyelids actually give me the ick now. Not to mention the uneven squinting when she smiles. I highly doubt it will get better with time
Out of all her surgeries this one was the most unnecessary

No. 2077491

File: 1736803794725.png (669.11 KB, 1096x572, PnPsFB.png)

KEK I went to go look at her FB so she's updating her Facebook picture for a total of FOUR friends? oh my god kek

No. 2077535

Is she bitching about her grandparents who pay to take her on vacations again

No. 2077573

No. She’s most likely talking about her own mother.

No. 2078994

File: 1737145910467.jpeg (911.31 KB, 1178x2089, IMG_2967.jpeg)

Ariana is writing a memoir lol

No. 2078997

File: 1737146352754.mp4 (5.94 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@pickledpetshop1_173…)

new video, new milk:
- PnP is writing a MEMOIR
- PnP sad bc she's losing tiktok
- plans to make a person IG account to post on and made a rednote account so ig I'll have to join another Chinese spyware app for the milk

Anyone want to start speculating what her memoir is going to say? kek

No. 2079001

File: 1737147247470.mp4 (1.22 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@pickledpetshop1_173…)

>>prostitute shockingly reveals that her plastic surgery was funded by johns
>>calls herself an "adult entertainer" who met generous men KEK

Not even milky bc we documented her whole life but the comments supporting this shit are depressing.

No. 2079011

I was wondering what platform she'll focus on when they ban tiktok, cause there's no way she could survive without validation from strangers on the internet.

I'm looking forward to reading her ~meMoIr~. It's about time she delivered some quality milk.

No. 2079168

>muh abusive parents
>porn “career”
>plastic surgery
>totally tradwife
>i love my manlet husband!
Why the fuck is she writing a memoir nobody will read it (except us i suppose kek)

No. 2079224

File: 1737217679725.jpeg (Spoiler Image,866.02 KB, 1000x1778, IMG_7242.jpeg)

Sage for no milk but this poor hillbilly came up on my Instagram reels and I legit thought it was an old pnp video lmao. Spoiler for horrifying(off topic)

No. 2079804

she looks like a badly generated sim townie kek

No. 2080343

No. 2080529


wow spongebob body

No. 2081114

File: 1737653212402.jpeg (491.12 KB, 1206x1688, IMG_3344.jpeg)

inspired by herself?

No. 2081115

File: 1737653237342.jpeg (446.7 KB, 1206x1688, IMG_3345.jpeg)

that's shit from a butt

No. 2081121

File: 1737654462703.gif (934.5 KB, 480x267, 1730922595225.gif)

KEK what the fuck she truly hasn't changed at all

No. 2081232

everything about this is fucking disgusting. Why would she even make this? or share it or try to sell it? I am so confused and repulsed.

No. 2081276


Y’all should be excited she is finally sharing her true self on the internet again! Hopefully she lets go of this character she’s been playing once and for all.. let that freakazoid OUT!!!

No. 2081283

She's proudly shared the story of when she had explosive diarrhea in a trash can in the middle of the street before. She's disgusting.

No. 2081284

I miss her so much..

No. 2081314

I'm with you nona! Her true crazy self is so much more interesting.
Stop larping as a normie Ari. Nobody likes this bland watered-down version of you. Embrace you true nature, let it shine. Watch your engagement skyrocket.

No. 2081375

Truly resembles its creator.. the buck teeth, blownout lips, lack of a nose, and piercing blue eyes.

No. 2081377

oh! can't forget the microscopic butt cheeks

No. 2083253

yeuch… wtaf. her “art” is a really disturbing glimpse into her mind. she never makes anything beautiful, it’s all nasty bloated spiders and other creepy crawlers, snakes, fungus, dead or dying animals, eyeballs, and then… whatever that cursed thing is. just grotesque shit. it must have been eating away at her to keep up this new squeaky clean persona of hers and that’s why this new piece is extra demented kek, the vileness had to come out somehow!

No. 2084546

Sorry, a bit late but I just want to say that orthognathic surgery isn't a cake walk and is rife with risks and complications. It's your bone they're cutting into and in one one of the most mobile areas of your face! I agree it'd address most of her aesthetic and bite/speech issues (she'd still need a nose job to address the compensation having an underbite did to her) but it's by no means a miracle fix-all. There's people that have gotten that done and as a result have had gum/tissue decay, permanent dead nerves, and more. So would she really have better off just having that surgery? Don't be stupid.

No. 2084897

My clip makers, please get PnP in her newest Tik Tok. She is basically exposing her old relationship with Doormatt. Admitting she whored him out for financial profit and used their publicly online relationship to stroke her own ego. Now that she’s “secure” and “healed” she can finally understand how evil she was. Openly mocking his financial status, blaming him for your sexual assault, and filming the consummation of your wedding night for OnlyFans after badgering him to marry you. That’s only what shes shown the public too.. can’t imagine how that divorce went.

No. 2084914

File: 1738539324114.mp4 (18.83 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1738538714236-2.mp4)

Summary of today's yap session

>the couples you see online that seem perfect- its fake and not real

>says this is coming from somebody that USED to do that
>The internet is a source of validation for her because "I want everyone to know how good I have it"
>People that operate that why is bc they dont recognize what they have.
>used to religiously used to go online to talk about how awesome her relationship was but she doesn't do that anymore according to her
>"I dont need someone to tell me that I have something good to know I had something good bc when its real you just know"
>Seeking profit/exploiting your relationship for profit is a bad sign
>be cautious of being online. Its a platform where narcissistic, insecure people thrive bc they can curate an image and get validation

Complete word vomit. She struggles with voicing her thoughts coherently and sounds like she carries a lot of shame about her nasty ass relationship with doormatt and everything else she used to do.

No. 2084925


No. 2084947

like anyone thought that relationship was “perfect”
she is so delusional

No. 2084955

The limp dick in all the porn she made him do was very telling of their relationship

No. 2085677

This disgusting little thing is so much more interesting than her dumb posts about how much she hated herself and her new face. She actually made something creative!

I don't consider the spiders, snakes, fungus and so on disgusting or creepy but it certainly is a stark contrast to how she presents herself. Would be an interesting topic to discuss in a psych class lmao

No. 2085748

I was hoping somebody would post this.

I find it so ironic she recognizes that when people seek validation about something on social media it's a sign of deep insecurity, yet fails to see how it applies to her. A self-aware queen.

>"I dont need someone to tell me that I have something good to know I had something good bc when its real you just know"

Why don't you tell us more about how happy you are with your upgraded avatar. Or how your current relationship is so much better than your previous one.

No. 2086468

I can't with this idiot not understanding the concept of "elective surgery". She's so smug about it too, clearly thinking it's a slam dunk. Elective doesn't mean optional let alone needless, you dumbass.
There are people who do objectively need cosmetic surgery too, like people who are deformed from birth or as a result of an accident or an illness.

I think she also kinda shot herself in the foot by making plastic surgery her personality. Virtually all her comments, including those under videos about her art, are about her surgery.

No. 2087748

File: 1739293295197.mp4 (1.02 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@pickledpetshop1_173…)

PNP announced she’s planning another surgery despite bragging for months that she doesn’t want more surgery. Hasn’t mentioned what it is yet. One of her eyes can’t seem to stay open while smiling after her recent bleph surgery kek

No. 2087789

lol her botched bleph, she can’t keep her right eye open when she smiles. they removed too much skin.

No. 2087801

This should be a warning for anyone considering plastic surgery, she messed her eyes up permanently. She is entirely unhappy and just jumps on the next thing to forget about the last botch

No. 2087803

Ew is that herpes

No. 2087812

Nah she rips the skin off her lips to self soothe some deeper, uncontrolled insecurity

No. 2087813


She got that psycho eye twitch smile now

No. 2087817

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Me when the last surgery just wasn’t enough

No. 2087820

if it's for deformity it's not elective

No. 2087834

living proof that plastic surgery will not cure your body dysmorphia. It's a black hole that never ends.

No. 2087851

try google sometime. It absolutely can be and usually is considered elective surgery

And you've missed the point entirely. Her justification for getting plastic surgery is dumb. It's basically a more extreme version of bpd constant hair color changes, but she's in denial trying to convince herself and others that it's totally normal and a conscious choice and not at all a symptom of an untreated mental illness.

No. 2087947

File: 1739326196467.jpeg (298.53 KB, 793x573, IMG_6352.jpeg)

No. 2088065

If you zoom in on her right eye, you cannot tell which way is her eyelid (top or bottom of her eyelash).

No. 2088103

I think they we're joking

No. 2088108


No. 2088326

I don't read this thread but every time I scroll by it always seems to be different variations of this cow with a weird closeup and this exact crazed expression

No. 2088413


She FINALLY took this one off her shop

No. 2089176

File: 1739619128757.jpeg (Spoiler Image,362.52 KB, 1179x1882, IMG_4329.jpeg)

Seems to me she is ripping off 10tonfetus, an artist who blew up for her customizable mouth ashtrays. Her sculpture work is very strange but unique, so this post it feels like a blatant attempt to copy her work

No. 2089190

File: 1739624241258.jpg (6.18 MB, 4096x6144, GridArt_20250215_135448626.jpg)

I just looked her up and I think you're right.. she's Philadelphia based too. Ariana made this cup that wasn't posted ITT (bottom pics) and the similarity can't be a coincidence kek

No. 2089202

I think this looks cool. I think it's good for Ariana to be creative and invested in something that's not her face but it's crappy to sell something that is a ripoff.

No. 2089302

The resin watery eyes? Hair/ fake lashes used, piercings and doll eyes on a flesh cup is so specifically unique that she's clearly ripping off the original artist without giving credit. At least say "inspired by…" But it's not surprising since she always drew from references and didn't try to change anything. Even the hands on wood slabs was stolen from her gf at the time who was doing the same thing. Her lack of originality while pretending to be original is pathetic. Especially at her big age.

No. 2089326

I don't think the original is super creative, monsters and mimics have been around… but who better to market on social media & sell "weird fleshy body horrors on every day object" sculptures than PnP? She's a walking mascot/ad for her creative pursuits of carefully molding a realistic turd out of formerly inoffensive materials.
If she leans into it the social commentary of the entire process will be the closest she has ever come to making "Art".

No. 2089527

It's not creative to skinwalk someone else and never will be.

No. 2089774

Is there no way to fix a botched eye surgery? Maybe the new surgery is to fix her eye that closes when she smiles?

No. 2093256

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The mouth-within-a-mouth is still going strong!

No. 2093258

You would think she'd have gotten it cut out or something by now, considering how she's constantly getting new work done on herself

No. 2093308

Her gums look so inflamed

No. 2093437

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No. 2093445

Is sweaty upper lip highlighter dots going to be her new thing? Love it, goes well with the freckles and whatever that headshape is

No. 2093463

it looks like when a kid keeps licking their chapped lips lmao

No. 2093547

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It’s giving snot nose.. it’s giving glitter hitler

No. 2093666

this image is nightmare fuel. her gums and fake teeth look scary. like they could pop out at any moment

No. 2096029

Her tacky LV purse in the background… she's like Luna Slater in her Chanel sweater. Even if it's real, these girls are missing the actual look of a wealthy lady bc they're dirty with no sense of style and they carry themselves with the grace of a lumberjack. Her cheap fast fashion outfits make anything designer on her automatically look fake.

No. 2100795

File: 1742417604764.jpg (394.33 KB, 1168x1998, IMG_0194.jpg)

Tiktok asked, and PnP listened!

She's offering "1:1 Beauty Consults" now on her link tree. https://planoly.store/pickledpetshop

$80 for a 30-minute zoom call

No. 2100797

File: 1742418244001.jpg (496.58 KB, 1169x2397, IMG_0193.jpg)


And for only ten dollars you can ask this plastic surgery and beauty expert a question and she'll take no longer than 7 days to respond!

She's changed it to $100 in those 20 minutes since I took that screenshot kek

No. 2100819

i hope people buy it and see her face in motion and decide not to get plastic surgery kek

No. 2100826

she’s ripping off QOVES. anyone who buys this from her is an idiot (like that needed to be said kek)

she went about her plastic surgery without any eye for symmetry and beauty, like she got surgeries as if she was mrs potato head - adding one thing here, taking off another with no vision for the end result. her “clients” would get the same treatment and end up losing any shred of individuality in favour of bimbo plastic “perfect”

No. 2100888

Haven’t all of her surgeries been in the US? There might be a market for this for advice on getting cosmetic surgery in Turkey or Korea but why would you pay this retard for a consultation when surgeons do those for free and why would you pay her for advice on anything when she’s a loser?

No. 2100904

Even QOVES is useless. People are better off going to r/selfimprovement than paying some botched bimbo for beauty advice kek

No. 2101273

The best part is she has answered all of these in great detail on various TikTok posts so anyone dumb enough to pay her for these questions deserves to lose their money. Answers: Bucks County Plastic Surgery for her botched tits and lip lift, the doctor in Texas that filled her gauged ears during fat grafting and her nose revision that she doesn't like to mention since he did that without asking, and her new favorite, Dr Mascaro in FL. Question 2: Sugar daddies like husband 1 and 2, and Question 3: yes. Men stare at her and women glare and pull their husbands away (sure, Jan).

No. 2101316

Just 2 days later and the $100 Beauty Consults page is no longer there. But a $10 Q&A is still up.

kek exactly. Except saying that she used sugar daddies to pay for her surgeries is a very charitable way to describe it. You could even say it's sugarcoating.
Before stripping she was doing full service sex work and posting her amateur porn on the internet (much of it for free on Twitter). If I had a nickel for every time I saw her vagina, I'd probably have enough money to pay for my own blepharoplasty.

Her best work included a story time of stomping on some guy's dick, a photo of her getting pissed on, and videos of her awkward and stiff "thexy" dancing.

No. 2101890

just to fw her bag even more. Ariana McMillan Ariana Pennente Pickledpetshop went to Dr. Rod J. Rohrich of Dallas Texas for her rhinoplasty revision

No. 2101937

Reputable plastic surgeons make you pay around $100-200 for a consultation but will deduct it from the cost of your surgery if you get a procedure done with them. So basically you might as well just get a consult with a board certified plastic surgeon.
Funnily enough Turkish clinics offer free consultations which can help you pinpoint your problem areas if you're unsure. But you really REALLY need to take Turkiye doctors' procedure recommendations with a grain of salt kek.

No. 2102368

My favorite was violently slapping her own bolt ons and having coughing fits from smoking weed

No. 2102705

She looks so much better without the shart freckles

No. 2103586

File: 1743213569771.mp4 (18.85 MB, 576x1024, v15044gf0000cvjgm0fog65v6l7n4c…)

>PNP announces to the world that she’s a friendless loser that doesn’t know how to make friends.
>Asks TikTok for help with making women friends
>blames her narcissistic mom and not her own shit personality at her big age of 30 for her lack of friend making skills

No. 2103598

ariana is a cow but in this instance I think she's actually being reasonably insightful about what's wrong with her and is showing interest in not being a nlog female misogynist anymore. and yeah anon shes 30 but being raised in an emotionally abusive household can effect your friendships and relationships forever.

No. 2103610

Kek good she deserves it.

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