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No. 2048486

Read the rules before posting! Newfags, type “sage” in the email field (unless reporting new milk). The same ol’ song and dance: Do not post faces of minors or links to Sabrina’s daughter’s social media.

Rules link

SixGinn/Morgan Hoffman:

> Continues to confuse her own timelines to support whatever story she’s telling.

> More health fibs and fixations, “I’ve been pre diabetic since 2019.”
> As per the last handful of threads, still can’t shut up about that one time she was pregnant for two minutes, two years ago.
> As per almost her entire history online, still can’t shut up about her loser exes being losers.
> Buys herself a ring but says it’s from Ty, admits it’s not an engagement ring but liiiiike who even wants that!
> Rockiness with Ty comes to a head and ultimately they break up.
> Pumpy has “her bestfriend” Levi (friendzoned sex fling of the past) drive across country to get her and she “temporarily” moves into his house in Texas, ie. takes it over with all of her belongings.
> Although Pumpy is initially vague on the details, the smear campaign takes off — nothing that we didn’t already know and hadn’t already been saying in these threads for years. Ty is an angry, homeless, self conscious midget with a madonna-whore complex who preys on barely legal and sex workers.
> Posts herself at the gym a few times with “homeboy” Levi.


Tyler (Ty) Arenas – Pedophile/Hobosexual/Sabrina's ex/Pumpy's ex/Official CamWhore Pass Around Links:

Sabrina Nellie "Brina" Juarez:
> Thick in another “self improvement” era.
> Gets the idea to scam other SW’ers (yet again) by starting a photography hobby-business.
> Larps hard as a gym girly.


Schwaggle — Boyfriend, “Roommate” links:

Past Threads
4 (Mislabelled as 5) >>>/snow/1485139
3 >>>/snow/1405225
2 https://original.lolcow.farm/snow/res/1261804.html
1 >>>/snow/198254

Sandra G Popa:
> Found God and it’s now her entire personality.



> An ongoing saga of animal neglect and irresponsible ownership: 10 week old husky already has a missing eye.

> She does not want anyone to ask questions, or even discuss, the puppy but naturally you need to donate to the GFM!


Michael Flores — “Hella Gay” Husband:

ScorpioAssHeaux/AliceAmoreLove/PickledPetShop/Ariana McMillan/Ariana Pennente has her own thread here >>>/snow/2001795

Please post Belle Delphine in the
Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter E-Girls here >>>/snow/1809451

Previous Threads:

No. 2048555

I’m not going to post screens because they include a newborn child, but Sabrina sharing this kind of stuff (and similar stuff in the past) isn’t just a sign of how little awareness she has with her sw platform: It’s also insight into how she truly has no close supportive relationships in her life. If she did then she wouldn’t share these things on a fucking account that she sells herself on. Although, the room temp IQ & drug blasted brain doesn’t stop her from realizing how wildly inappropriate and unfortunate it is for all the minors involved (again, past and present). Like, how wonderful to have your Fresh 48 images up there with your aunt’s bits. Lovely, Brina.

No. 2048596

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Thank you part time nonna for making the thread and image!
This is the issue with women going into sex work as their first option and claiming it’s for “survival.” Honestly a lot of these slow women need to go back to… delivering mail or working the Macy’s counter. They are too dumb to manage large sums of unexpected wealth, they do not have the judgment to manage privacy/oversee content on a public platform. Pump thinks she’s better because she didn’t post Ty’s daughter explicitly but her name and nearly every address she’s had is accessible.

No. 2048599

Delivering mail or working a cash register. KEK.

No. 2048601

Samefag sorry, but just to expand on my comment…being a mail carrier requires a lot of training and testing. Not to mention you need a drivers license and a clean driving record for a certain amount of years to even be considered. None of these whores could do that. That is even too hard for them.

No. 2048605

Well… maybe a cosmetologist then. Anything but selling nudes!

No. 2048609

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Pump put up her stripper pole in Levi’s living room. She posted a story the other day that he’s actively trying to date other girls but still she can’t help but mark her territory.

No. 2048610

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Sabrina and Sandra. Whores larping as Christians.

No. 2048611

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(spoiler this)

No. 2048612

Spoiler this

No. 2048613

This is not funny or cute, this is just disturbing, this girl looks like a holocaust victim(sage your shit)

No. 2048618

Wtf? When did Sabrina claim to find God lol.

No. 2048619

You do know thats freshly 18/19 year old pumpy right? Vile rat shaped creature.

No. 2048631

Nona this has to be one of the funniest thread pics I’ve ever seen, it would probably even give pumpy a chuckle kek. Bless you

No. 2048632

That girl is pumpy LOL

No. 2048643

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No. 2048644

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Something’s up with Sabrina. Gym hobby (albeit fresh), just got baptized, now working up to paid photography…? Not sure what all these pieces fit into

No. 2048647

That's pumpy?! From the thread of the girl with the tattoos and the filler?

No. 2048654

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Yes. that picture is extra bad, but she’s completely changed her appearance through surgery and fillers

No. 2048657

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No. 2048666

This is hilarious please continue to make all the threads from now on haha. It's fitting you used an old picture of him since that's all he uses anyway! I agree I think pumpy would get a kick out of it too.

No. 2048723

How tall is she??

No. 2048731

thank you! tbh it fit so naturally and, at this point, i was just waiting for her to say or type those iconic words verbatim. as much as pumpy is scum, ty is also scum & being both a man and scum means he deserves everything pumpy has thrown at him. i feel like she’s saving a couple of REALLY shocking details for a moment that calls big gun momentum and ofc we’ll get some dramatic stories in the future.

No. 2048787

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Sandra’s poor cat forced to have another litter :((no emojis)

No. 2048821

Truly a face for the night shift at a rural gas station.

No. 2048853

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Pump making sure we all know she’s talking to someone new

No. 2048863

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Kek saw this in a old thread…

No. 2048870

trying to rope Schwaggle into giving her a 4th mistake baby? Proving she can be human to him?
She has been cooking more (without including Taki's in every dish), got braces, kept a dog alive…either she is truly getting clean or he's making her abide by certain rules so that he will stay with her, and keep a roof over her head. Her once a month crying on cam can't be making her much money. She has so many journals to buy!

No. 2048876

A lot of possibilities here. I said this in the last thread but her mom got engaged and I’m sure she wants to be engaged now. She also reshared some tweet about how you “need to marry the girl with the messy childhood.” I agree with you that Sabrina may want a baby to raise alongside her brother (despite little C being like… a first grader now?). And maybe Schwaggle doesn’t want to marry a canhoe.
Hopefully Schwaggle knows he’ll be on the hook for so much IRS debt and potential child support demands.
NGL I hope she’s trying to get skinny to reclaim a fraction of her past glory and leave him lol. Even if her looks have declined and she’s still a wino, it’s really pathetic to rely on a man for your rent. She didn’t even have a credit card

No. 2048890


I give it a week before she claims she loves him and tries to move in with him.

No. 2048893

To clarify, no incest or pedophilia is happening?

No. 2048900

No no, but she is sharing photos of the newborn in the hospital on an account that she literally sells herself on. It’s just gross energy and exposure for the child.

No. 2048959

You can't word it like that and then say you don't mean it that way. Are you serious? That's not even sexual at all

No. 2048962

nta but it’s absolutely disturbing to post a newborn baby on her only Instagram that features her Fansly links, “I’m camming now” and lewd pictures. She could easily make a clean Instagram; she even did in the past. Not only that but Sabrina regularly posts her minor daughter there, even in a bikini on that account. It’s inappropriate and nasty….

No. 2048965

Sabrina knows enough to hide her youngest child’s face on her porno account bc her ex with an ounce more sense obviously told her too, but she posts her fresh from the womb niece and teenage daughter. She has horrific judgment and is fine displaying underage anyone to her coomers

No. 2048969

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This is Pumpy’s new ‘pretty boy’

No. 2048985

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Onto Hispanic men like Sabrina. This is one step closer to little James and Schwaggle.
If she’s falling for this type of “I’ll give you the world” talk, she hasn’t learned anything at all. So much for not being into tall and skinny guys KEK. Poor Levi

No. 2048989

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He’s a fuck boy and only follows e girls. Stormy would shit herself in jealousy if he gave her the time of day (he won’t).

No. 2048992


OMG stop her guys get fuglier and fuglier.

No. 2048995

She thinks this dude will be faithful KEK. She is singularly attracted to male sluts

No. 2048998

It might be the gay filter, but he looks sub 25 here.

No. 2049001

His tiktok is worse and she’s trying so hard to stand out in the comments of his videos where tons of other women are desperately thirsting over him. Kek

No. 2049003

Honestly I think if she and Levi dated she would be treated way better and possibly have a chance of what she wants in life but go Levi he gets hot chicks idk how lmao

No. 2049035

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This actually made me laugh out loud, wtf is going on with her and Sandra rn

No. 2049040

This is just some yassified Kurtis Connor KEK

No. 2049062

His fucking username kek.

I presume it's about loving the drug ecstacy. Thought pumpy hates drugs.

No. 2049063

Once you hit 30 as a camwhore you must try on a wholesome persona as a way to cope with your terrible life decisions. We see it with Kristin trying to be a “lawyer”, Taylor Loftis aka whiskeykitten as a kundalini guru, and Brina and Sandra as Christians.

No. 2049064

A lot of videos about the gym; I see why she went from complaining about Levi taking her to posting her “gains.” Shes so pathetic, can’t have anything without a man. Not even a post breakup hobby.

No. 2049078

A fuck boy with only visible tattoos. What a fag kek. He will live his entire life thirsting after every young girl who glances at him. His body type says “bare minimum” too. He’ll hit his 30s and balloon.

No. 2049098

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So, a female version of herself?

No. 2049109

judging by this clip, he was in high school in 2017…he's at least 3 years younger than her, likely more. She's so dumb, she always does these high investment long distance flings. It'll be funny to see her used by a much younger man.

No. 2049130

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Meanwhile Pumpy the activist hasn't voted once in her life

No. 2049199

How is this even a real person lmao what do you even talk about with a person like this? He looks like he thinks exclusively in grind twitter catchphrases. He looks like he plucks his nipple hairs. “fallen angel” girl WHAT. The linktree I cannot. Girl this is not the one to make Tyler jealous that man is a homo!

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