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No. 486300
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/366110 No. 486317
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zero makeup? really? hm.
No. 486352
>>486145They are horrorcow, I went too far down the rabbit hole one time and I just felt sick for the rest of the night. They're creepy fucking pedophiles.
>>486337So… You mean, pedophiles? Just call them what they are. Call gurgles what he is. Not some fucking PC attempt at a gentle name for them.
P.S. Some of the creepos in the "MAP" community believe they should be included in the LGBT umbrella because it's just like any other sexuality!!!
No. 486359
>>486352No, because “paedophilia” refers specifically to prepubescent children. It’s just commonly used to describe all attraction to minors, but it’s not technically correct. Hence it would be more accurate for the common term to be “MAP” as that would include all minors, and stop people like Onision trying to use loopholes to pretend he isn’t creepy for chasing teen girls.
While I believe there is some merit to the idea that minor attraction is a sexual orientation, I think it’s disgusting and the people who want it included in LGBT should end themselves tbh (!!!) /OT
No. 486478
Shadman and his orbiters? Chel thread is pretty dead and we all know he has a lot more rabid orbiters than just her.
>>486416seconding this
No. 486479
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>>486416 >>486444>>486478thirding. there used to be a big imgur dump full of his fucked up tweets and facebook posts about pedo shit like this one but i can't find it
No. 486930
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There's got to be a thread about this chick right? Her username on everything seems to be 'dgafkandie' or some variation of that… She used to just be a super popular junkie and now her and her teenage sister are selling drugs and posting pics with guns and Im curious what kind of shit she could be called out for
No. 486931
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She used to be kind of cute but all the cigarettes and Xanax have taken their toll
No. 486944
>> used to have pics up of her in a neck brace after she got 'jumped'but she must've cleared her page. She would post a pic with it and then post a pic without it and then with it again. Ill try to dig for pics.
No. 487056
Has anyone else been following the Hobbie Stuart/Amy Spanos drama? Is there enough milk to make a thread?
For anyone who doesn’t know, Hobbie is a little known British youtube “musician”. He had a one night stand with Amy, an even less successful photographer. She duped him, his family and friends into thinking that he got her pregnant with twins. She carried this on for months, wearing a fake bump and pulling photos of scans from the internet. The whole story is crazy and best explained in Hobbie’s video
Idk if it’s worth a thread though. The video was trending in the UK, major news outlets have reported on it, GG has a fast moving thread about the situation and Amy is apparently working on a response video, which is all quite milky. But on the other hand, I feel like the best of it is over, Hobbie is being very mature and empathetic with how he’s dealing with it, and neither of them/anyone else involved is saying much
No. 487106
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pls one on bowbeauty24/allie kay
No. 487170
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Please someone do one on Abby brown!
No. 487228
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>>487056And then there’s the whole bit where she posted a suicide note on her IG and IG story (someone must have screens) and then disappeared for like a week over Christmas and had her fans in a frenzy calling in welfare checks and so on, and other mildly insta-famous photogs are now weighing in on the drama.
I agree with anon who said it’s prob for publicity and won’t last long but I still find it very milky - she seems like a right cow in general with her constant vague-posting about her mental health and deep life struggles/drama.
No. 487253
>>487240I’d really love a thread for the fat activists. Maybe it would suit snow better tho?
Some of the stuff coming out of that community is legit dangerous, teenagers being told their type 2 diabetes is normal and acceptable and not fixable, their weird obsession with telling everybody what does and doesn’t cause eating disorders and with anorexia in general, saying there’s no such thing as binge eating disorders and that fitness is exactly as awful as kicking a baby in the face.
They’re a mental lot.
No. 487378
Is there a thread for Austen Marie? She has so much drama and tries to be relevant by calling out people 10x as big as her, she's a feminazi, and pretty much thinks she's the queen of everything. No. 487560
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Can we have a new Ashley Bennett/AxelAsh Cosplay/Asherbee/Luvmonkeys thread? She now goes by Lucy for some reason.. link to the old one:
>>391397 No. 487561
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Skye Purdon
IG: Tumblr: make up, gross body mods, sticks stuff up her bum for cash.
No. 487566
>>487560Link to her insta? I can't seem to find it.
She's one of my fave cows, I'd love to see an active thread on her again.
No. 488080
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>>488061Her personal account is private but her new cosplay account is not.
No. 488091
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Could you create a thread for Haruki Yamazaki? He shoops to the point of Dakota status.
IG: No. 488095
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>>488091He's 18, just to clarify. And this is an unshooped picture.
No. 488097
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>>488091He also worked with Dakota during the Fit's fiasco.
Sorry for samefagging
No. 488112
>>488091If all he does is shoop then just start a basic bad shoop thread.
Shooping isnt kota's only offense.
No. 488139
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Is there anyone out there that might be interested in making a thread for Millie Graves? She’s a trainwreck and getting more clownish by the day. She went from being a Dollanganger stan to…whatever the fuck this is, lol. Definitely feels like she’s worth it.
No. 488554

is there anything on unkle adams? there's some big milky happenings lately and i can't seem to find any threads on him
it's hard to find information about him and all the insanity surrounding him collated in one place, but the rundown for those who don't know him:
>mid 30s dude who has been trying to make it big as a rapper
>his shtick is that he raps only about "positive messages" unlike other rappers
>the first thing of his to blow up is his music video, original, on facebook, with captions edited into the video by himself reading "even people who hate rap LOVE this guy!" and the post captioned something along the lines of how he totally owns all the other rappers
>you can watch it for yourself to see what a trainwreck of narcissism and jerking off his ego it is (the original upload that blew up with the caption is gone though), embed related
>the whole song is literally him "rapping" on a stolen electro swing beat about how he's different from the other rappers and he's so much more original and better than other rappers because he doesn't talk about drugs or sex
>people shit on him, popular music critic youtuber anthony fantano/theneedledrop makes a video panning his work
>a facebook group by the name of "Unkle Adams Originalposting" pops up dedicated to laughing at his delusions and shittiness at rapping (currently has 18 000 members as of this post)
>there's some milk about a specific person or a couple people in the group who had legitimate run ins with unkle adams but i'm not too familiar with the details or what happened- all i know is it leads to everyone making fun of him saying he's a legitimate cuckold and he basically instablocks anyone who hints they're from there no matter how much actual money people throw at him
>he keeps making bullshit "self help" videos and bad rap
fast forward to february 10th, 2018
>uploads 9 videos to his youtube channel in a series titled "at least a million"- named for how he's aiming to get at least a million listeners on spotify and at least a million dollars off his rap career
>they chronicle his extreme debt problems, 164 000 usd in debt when the first episode was filmed, and racked up to 240 000 usd by the 9th episode
>this debt was collected by how he literally gave up his day job when original debuted in 2016 and has been focusing solely on making his rap career take off ever since (obviously to not much success)
>he blows thousands on buying needlessly expensive useless props, professional studios and sets for his music videos, and thousands more on professional recording studios and a real producer for his tracks (despite them being him just poorly rapping over stolen beats which he could do at home himself for a couple hundred bucks MAX)
>the videos show his bank account literally to be at 40 dollars remaining, all his credit cards maxed out, and bills from months ago piling up to thousands of dollars
>he uses his in store cards to buy things in bulk to sell at a loss (e.g. 13 tvs from i think home depot) and usually fails to sell them at all
>sold his car and his house
>this is all to fund his failing rap career
>he continues to do this and rack up more debt because he genuinely believes despite everything that if he puts in enough hard work, it absolutely WILL pay off and he WILL definitely make it to "at least a million"
fast forward to today:
>10th episode of at least a million is uploaded
>essentially him shitting on his only real fans (the 18k in the facebook group) and explaining why he disabled his twitter, comments on instagram, disabled comments/likes/dislikes on all his videos, and comments are deleted on his facebook post
>addresses the anthony fantano videos documenting his delusions and ends the video formally inviting fantano to sign a contract that he would delete his entire youtube channel if he [unkle adams] can achieve a million spotify listeners and a million dollars
No. 488556
>>488554forgot to explain that the reason he keeps buying in store stuff to sell at at a loss is because he needs the hard cash immediately to pay off debts and pay for the production of his music and music videos
if i could sage, i would, my apologies
No. 488886
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Willow Terra than a brief appearance on the linkin park forums as a villian in a fan-fic, shes relatively unknown, posts go back years though. She doesnt understand hashtags but uses them incessantly.
srry about the picture, my stitching skills are nonexistant
edit: pic failure
No. 489134
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>>489044She sees a doctor regularly, or says she does. From what she posts it seems like hes just playing along with her delusions.
No. 489359
>>489225This. Gwen is the cow.
Willow's delusions (which would be classified as non-bizarre and ideas of reference) appear to revolve around knowing the royal family and a selection of celebrities. Such fixations are common in psychotic delusional disorders and are usually long term which means that a thread would become very boring very fast. What you see in
>>488886 is what you will get over and over and over.
No. 489755
>>489687Many are "autistic" in their sardonic use of the word. A number of them are self-deprecating at least.
Others are literally autistic.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, some members have a major hate boner for us to the point of self-parody.
keks all round.
No. 489787
>>489755Is there a reason why they hate this site so much? I mean it's a bit ironic since its clear they get their Momokun and Onision info from here, but still wtf.
>>489773I'm convinced a lot of users from there post on the_donald, which I'm sure we all can agree is a shithole, mainly because they obsess about the weirdest of shit on that subreddit.
I'm shocked there's females on that site, I thought most would just leave it as a boys club or something.
No. 489909
>>489831I'd say just focus on making it about the most annoying, weird users. Avoid Null at all costs because he's just not worth it, same with Dynstania and CatParty since they're both trolls who shitpost.
OwO what's this? has been involved in a lot of drama in the past, InLivingTuna seems a bit too obsessed with furries and failed speedrunners, and Cosmos must really hate herself to be on that four so as long as she has, her posts are something else.
That's who I can think of on the top of my head for now.
No. 489997
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What a winner, such power…
But we are the cunty and, most importantly, fat bitches in need of a good dicking.
If they have a thread about us, calling us the female incels and even pedophiles, then why can't we have one about them?
Btw is Feline Darkmage a tranny?
No. 490028
>>489997One of these days he's going to piss someone off enough that he'll get doxxed and punched irl, I swear.
Also yeah I think Feline Darkmage is trans, I know one of the mods is at least trans. Meowthkip used to be one too I think? I heard she was.
No. 490171
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Has there ever been an Ayato Sanada thread on here before? There was just one on /cgl/ that got deleted but this guy has a lot of milk to him. >>9795852
No. 490686
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>>490628I am! Laini Sarem is just the newest lolcow in the reading community but already her Handbook for Mortals has been blacklisted and her name tarnished forever. She engaged in some really scummy practices like rigging the New York Times bestseller list system, made outlandish claims on the origins of her story and herself that she can't back up, and for some reason has a connection to an American Pie washout actor with whom she makes videos like mock author interviews. It's weird. She still thinks she's hot shit, and has a big public presence. The book itself is shit, too. A lot of tell-don't-show, a Mary Sue self insert, love triangle, cliches, etc.
The reading community is a really milky one but I feel quite a niche one, so putting it in /pt/ wouldn't generate much interest from most anons, unless they were already somehow involved in it, or know enough about it. Reader/writer anons.
Perhaps we could have a general thread on drama llama authors for anons who are active users of sites like amazon and goodreads and blogs who spork bad books, and put it in /snow/. I remember back in the beginning of 2012, there was a huge dramafest on goodreads with first-time authors literally killing their own careers by tarding out in the comment section of their book's review. This was mostly YA authors like Coleen Houck, Melissa Douhit, etc. Some even made that stopthegoodreadsbullies site, and some big names like Anne Rice got involved to trash legitimate book reviewers. As a result, some very well-known goodreads reviewers created a new shelf just for books by authors who couldn't accept healthy criticism, and the shelves went viral so much so that other reviewers made their own and put the same authors on it (shelves like: DNF (did-not-finish), drama-llama, no-just-no). So, say you were a first-time author and you engaged in this kind of sockpuppeting and trash talking behavior, your book would be shelved as a do-not-read by several major book bloggers, and your career would've been dead on arrival. Some authors went full psycho and engaged in stalking the reviewers who tore their book to shreds using logic and actual quotes from the book (can't remember the name off the top of my head but some female Harvard graduate who wrote about stalking her reviwers in an article for the Washington Post), while some, like the author who actually flew to a different country and literally bashed a reviewer (Wendy Darling on GR) over the head with a full wine bottle, nearly killing her.
We could also shit talk Onision's horrible ebooks and general shit attitude as an author.
No. 490693
>>490687Seconding that we need at a threas for author drama generally but especially Cassandra Clare! She writes absolute bullshit and has a past of literally scamming children for their parent's money.
I'm sure not many people know about her drama here.
No. 490701
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>>490693I think the general interest in order for any CC thread to stay continuously active dwindles because OP put focus on the Harry Potter fandom drama which was like early 2000s and nobody really cares about old milk. By the time you get to the Mortal Instruments shit, the thread runs out of steam. The only things you need to know about the HP/ drama is that she shamelessly plagiarized, and bullied. Moving onto more recent albeit also pretty old milk - the Mortal Instruments - she got a leg up in the industry because of two things: her popularity, and Holly Black.
Some of her most recent milk include her sperging on Twitter about why the MI movie bombed, and shit talking everyone involved in the adaptation of her works, on her personal Tumblr. She took their cashola, and then threatened anyone who wanted to even reference any of the characters from her other books with a lawsuit - even though she only ever writes the same characters over and over again, all set in the same universe, so a nod from the main character to a main character in another series (something that's good fanservice and fans really like it), isn't happening. Sorry for the run-on sentences, btw.
She's literally so rustled about other people having any creative control. She's a nightmare to work with, but she wants to be the main consultant on the movie or series sets, and the producers are smart enough to distance themselves from that shit. Even the people who are creatively behind any of her works avoid her because she has to make everything about herself, and she apparates behind them any time they're interviewed at cons, and then she turns around and talks trash about them on Twitter. She derails filmed interviews with talks about herself.
I mean, this beetroot motherfucker makes me so a-loggy it's unbelievable. She's a millionaire, and she still engages in the same gutter tactics she did almost 15 years ago. She's can't let go of her own insecurities, she can't let go of control, she acts uninterested and up her own ass during meet-and-greets, she's a slob who thinks she's hot shit. I'm in the same industry as her and I pray our paths never cross. I can't stand her. /a-log
No. 490768
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>>490744I kinda want to make the OP or at least contribute to it because I've been on GR since 2011-12 when shit went down between some immature YA authors and veteran book reviewers, and the milk flowed for months. I think it was Melissa Douhit who was one of the most vocal book reviewer haters at that time, and I know she's involved with the stopthegoodreadsbullies site, which for a time was endorsed by Huffington Post. The site has since been purged,so I'll have to dig through my bookmarks to find some blogs who still have the screencaps, and tweets of authors asking their followers to give them 5-star reviews on GR and amazon.
I'd definitely add Cassie to the OP, and also Onision's ree, maybe even some vintage Maradonia/Tesches, and Robert Stanek. The Farms have some interesting threads on psycho authors, namely that Wogglebug crazy, and maybe even Russell Greer although I feel he deserves a thread of his own in /pt/.
No. 491349
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No. 491382
>>491350We have one here in snow;
>>>/snow/517304I’m pretty sure you can post anything SoundCloud related there (it was merged with the toopoor thread a while back)
No. 492927
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After two major Twitter meltdowns I’m convinced ContraPoints needs a thread.
No. 493005
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i found axel ash's creator of the beloved poop brooch new account. she needs a new thread stat
No. 493014
>>493005It’s been posted multiple times..
>>493010I think it’s hit the post limit? When I tried to post in it a few weeks ago it wouldn’t let me.
No. 493023
Kiwi Farms General thread up at
>>>/snow/525536Have fun!
No. 493939
>>493342Try /ot/
>>493365What has he done? I haven't kept up.
No. 494258
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Why no more threads about charlotte charms? she got a liposuction.
No. 494370
>>494360check again friend, last post was only about a week ago and her lipo has already been discussed
>>>/snow/525554her thread is just slow/dead because it's harder now that she locked everything down and has also just been pretty boring
No. 494592
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can we get a thread on this cunt? jean tb/jean wanwan
No. 494689
Anyone interested in discussing this cow?; A crazy cult leader that has a big following and claims that salt cabbage juice water is the answer of everything in life - it will cure your cancer, it will cure autism, down's, make the gays straight, it will even make your limbs grow back! People on her group post pictures of their own shit to show how effective this juice diet is. A guy died of cancer because he blindly followed her and she dismissed it as him "doing it wrong". She encourages mothers to feed their kids that juice as well.
And vid related. She's just plain crazy.
No. 494709
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Samantha Manore 27 yr old mother
Uses drugs, has no job, lives with her mother who she is terrible to, leaves her kid with her mother constantly so she can party and fuck dudes. Wannabe model and singer. Can't do either lul. Fucked her current boyfriends photog friend then accused him of rape to cover her ass. Accused Baby dad of beating her when she has admitted to trying to stab him. Most recent adventure is going to New York to pick up her ex. The people who took her up there ended up getting in a physical fight with her and her bf so she is now stranded in NYC with her psycho ass boyfriend with no money and she left her kid back with her mom. Constantly screeching about how she is a real model and makes sooo much money and how her style is sooo super special. Lots of milk on her profiles. Her boyfriend is deserving of a thread as well.
No. 494750
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Heres her boyfriend. He is a big buzz junkie as well. Wannabe rapper but again… no talent. Says abunch of ignorant shit, tries fighting everyone, history of taking advantage of friends/family/ girlfriends (he's a bum), e-begging, giant ego, homeless. Trying to charge people $100- $200 to feat on their tracks when he has zero clout and can't even pay producers. Has a kid as well that he abandoned to be in NYC for ( does nothing for in general) . @nomadbreed
Together I think we'd have a pretty active thread
No. 494778
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>>494746omg she's like a skinnier tuna with better makeup. from what you said she also seems more
problematic being that she has a literal child. also has DDLG shit on her page why do all cows gravitate towards that???
No. 494825
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"I quit my job to model"
No. 494836
this may actually be even more disgusting than the slaton sisters.
No. 494837
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I checked her bfs IG story and he seems like he's on meth …
No. 495979
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>>494826What a train wreck shit
Pic related
No. 496102
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Anyone else interested in a thread about luna clone? She's been stuck in NYC with her drug addict bf for over a week now, they both just dipped out on their kids.
No. 496136
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>>495979god I hate these fucking money-grubbing posts that go around which are almost all "I'm trans/mentally disabled/gay/otherkin/my mom is mean here's my paypal"
pic unrelated. but I just can't comprehend the ugly.
No. 496275
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>>496136I have never been this disgusted with someones appearance.
No. 496321
>>496313I’m a us-anon and I’ve heard the original version of that quote used ….in the 90s by the elderly in America. I’ve never heard it used in the early 2000s and certainly not now-a-days. But I’ve never heard the gay version of that, and I live in one of the US’s biggest gay community neighborhoods.
GL on your tinfoil anon
No. 496328
>>496323Samefag but I just checked out this person’s about page and saw they are from Georgia (where I’m from) so it makes totally sense. I heard it plenty in my home state but not really when I moved away. Tbh I don’t think this person and the pixielocks commenter are the same but who knows they might be good luck anon
On a related note I just realized I need a thread about that creature yesterday
No. 496329
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>>496136“I would only ask if it’s important/I never ever would ask buttttt can you donate to my paypal bc my parents won’t support your local 25 yr old gay trans non binary pansexual disabled otherkin!”
That’s like every other post I see on any “disabled” lgbt tumblrina.
>2010: just sick people (mainly elderly, or children) need medical assistance>2018: a sudden boom in ~super disabled~ 20 yr olds who all happen to be gay, trans, own tumblrs, and all seem to recycle the same 10 chronic lifelong illnesses who all have ~horribul homophobic abluuuist parents~ and absolutely need only PayPal donations & amazon wishlist moneys to cure it!They’re should be a study on those statistics kek
>>496275She even has an entire page on her tumblr dedicated to her labels… you know, cuz there wasn’t enough room in the bio for all her oppression of them is: “I glorify obesity”
No. 497288
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Thread on Tim Gasai/ForneverWorld/Lil Jiren???? He's a weeb youtuber pretty well known
No. 497446
>>497288Isn't this the weeb who was sobbing on camera when he broke up with his girl, engaged to someone else a month later and then broke it off with her too?
he's just a typical anime news youtuber who read straight off the articles and barely add any meaningful commentary just so he can make some cash and sit on his fat ass. also he thinks dragon ball super is actually really good.
No. 497585
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I'd love to see a thread on MLM cows. Not sure if there are any notable ones specifically but it would be cool to have a general thread for discussion and sharing experiences with these women
No. 497939
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what about a general thread for beauty gurus? jeffree star, manny mua, james charles and all sure are lulzy
No. 498423
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BMT thread now please. She came into pettyfrills today talking about how she pisses and shits herself.
No. 499443
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Thread on Akira Jadexx?
No. 499558
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>>499551>>499443Now she’s claiming to have been hacked by this Dominic person… not entirely sure what’s happening
Link to profile: No. 499561
>>499558Pretty certain it's a stupid in joke.
Why isn't this in snow?
No. 500318
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Kelly Kirstein thread?
Former pageant girl who's now a Lapidot sperg. Hilariously bad with managing her money, she E-begs on Ko-Fi for literally everything related to cosplay and cons (Peep her IG story right now, since her C2E2 ticket is funded she's back to begging for her Momocon ticket)
She couldn't afford a fucking $5 McGriddle at HolMat and had to beg to get fed. No. 500580
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>>500318l m a o I wonder what her roommates think when they find her in the bathtub wearing a mermaid tail and eating the diet of a child
No. 500596
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>>500545>>500545All her asks are on her tumblr if you can withstand the asskissing.
No. 500650
Hanari, anyone? Surprised it's not here yet. She's currently doing her best to accuse raekaybro of something?? after engaging in a intimate relation with him (even though shes "asexual"). He licked her face, she got a uti, now claims she's having seizures, acting as though she was raped & dragging his ex into it all while spamming her social media because he won't apologize to her. She also has a history of begging for money.
Her side can be viewed on her ig story, not sure if it's backed up anywhere as of now: side (including FULL screenshots of their conversation) can be viewed on these posts: No. 500665
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There’s a vegan thread in /ot/ about the vegan lifestyle/advice/ etc. but I think there should be one about vegan lolcows and snowflakes. Not a thread to hate on veganism obviously but rather to talk about the screeching loonies who happen to be vegan, like Vegan Gains and Freelee (the latter of which is still cringe as fuck but her thread is dead).
Just noticed the butthurt shitstorm that went down after Blaire White said she was no longer vegan because of poor health. There’s nothing wrong with being vegan but God fucking damn are some of these people absolutely crazy.
No. 500678
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Does anyone have milk on Michael Wolfe/J83 Entertainment? He’s active in Facebook Love Live groups and runs a lot of idol photoshoots and karaeoke panels at Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio conventions. He’s a really bad crossplayer, and apparently he’s also creepy, homophobic, and racist (even though he has a black wife)
No. 500855
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>>500678Luna’s boyfriend is now a patreon slut
Someone needs to remake her thread she’s so milky but the last anon fucked up.
No. 500856
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No. 500857
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No. 500858
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>>500857#what poverty looks like
No. 501761
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Anybody have milk on casperblaise? Her and her bf dress like horror clowns 365 days of the year, and she let's her rats crawl around on everything; which already looks dirty and grungy.
No. 502208
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@albanycope on instagram seems like a giant cow. She was posted on snow in the IG thread but I think she deserves her own
No. 502297
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this bitch needs a thread, she has the giant ego and lack of self-awareness of a true cow
pic related
No. 502349
>>502297>>502208Never heard about her before, but she sounds like a funny lil cow. Pls make a thread.
How do you find those people?
No. 502353
>>502297She has very little content on Instagram, though.
Considering her parentage, I expected more eccentricity, perhaps?
No. 502410
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this is from an interview with Albany’s father in January 2015. So she’s about to be 27 this year? Kind of old to be idolizing yourself as some queen
No. 502444
>>502349i'm like the fifth anon to agree!
wonder what this bitch is like irl
No. 503185
>>502907We had NME and Melody Maker back then to document rock star antics. Julian is just one of a long line of chemically-assisted eccentric British musicians who are ultimately deemed a national treasure.
O King of Chaos!
No. 503217
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Can we please get a pet general thread? There's a lot of anons who get into it over cat food and reptile brands shit on the animal youtuber threads. I don't mind it usually, but it causes derailing and people get peeved.
It'd be awesome if we had a place to discuss ot pet stuff, from food brands to general pet care to our own pets.
No. 503825
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>>503789That would be great! There are so many people into DDLG that's it's disturbing.
No. 503849
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Is there a mgtow thread? This guy I have on social media is such a cow and I like to read his page when I'm bored for laughs.
No. 504328
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Is this guy milky or is this just click bait? He has another video titled "TRUTH OR DARE WITH MY LITTLE SISTER!!" where they make out
No. 504345
>>504328In the description
>for anyone wondering my 13 year old sister is actually my friend and shes 179 minute video, they don’t even sit down to play still 7 minutes in -_- then a minute later, that’s over. Clickbait on steroids. Idk if cow worthy, he’d probably just love the attention. Just a dumb kid with a shit sense of humor.
No. 505577
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Brent Cherry, the "anti-sjw" "artist" (his art is staggeringly bad) whoms social media is full of cringe and lunatic ramblings. His art looks like cheap CGI porn adverts and his anti-sjw art series look like the covers of very freaky hentai's. No. 505607
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>>505577I looked at his dA and I'm cackling. He really thought styling his facial hair like that would hide the multiple chines.
No. 505633
Just noticed this typo, I was typing in a hurry. Fug
No. 507450
>>486300>>500600She also doesn't credit photographers for her pictures. She did after someone called her out but it looks like she back to hiding credits.
I'd make a thread but I'm honestly scared of fucking it up
No. 508390
>>486300would anyone be interested in a thread about anti-shippers? aka people who get incredibly buttmad because some people like fictional ships that they don't, or the fictional ship that they like might not be "canon"
notable examples are steven universe & voltron fandoms, which are notorious for sending death threats to the VAs, storyboard artists, and even creators of the shows.
recently, gorillaz fandom had someone commit suicide over people harassing them because of their ship. No. 509443
>>509320All the more reason to make a thread.
Honestly what the fuck are they gonna do to a bunch of anons on an obscure Japanese imageboard clone?
No. 509653
>>509523There was a thread about Lilypichu and other League thots that got put on autosage because it was cancerous and sperg-y as fuck, but a general one about OfflineTV should be okay.
No. 510623
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Does anyone know much about Bethany Anya/Bethany Stauffer? She’s on an MTV page where they say she looks like Megan Fox. I looked at her ig (etfatale) and her pictures look hella shooped. I googled her name and this is her only candid. Doesn’t look anything like her selfies and hardly like Megan Fox.
No. 511035
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I can’t believe it’s 2018 and Asherbee still doesn’t know how to use a seam ripper.
Would anyone be interested in a new thread about her?
No. 511055
>>511035Wow. She still manages to impress with her amazingly horrible sewing.
Yes please. I missed this cow.
No. 511059
>>511035Heh, I looked at the picture before I read your post. It looked like Ash so I thought, "Gee kids these days are as bad as Ashley." But then I read what you typed and realized it was her! Ashley just hasn't improved at all. She actually got
I'd be interested to know what other shenanigans she's up to these days.
No. 511130
>>511073Yeah it looks like she’s in the bathroom of her parents house.
I honestly don’t know much about what’s going on in her personal life right now. I just have her Instagram, cosplay Facebook, and Deviantart, and all she posts on there are cringebad cosplays and art. The most personal thing I’ve seen is in her story yesterday/earlier today she was complaining about finding a gray hair.
No. 511302
>>511035I would love you forever for a new Ash thread, anon.
The last thread died because she blocked a ton of people she suspected were screencapping her posts though, so please be careful if you do.
No. 512021
>>511925i'd like a shitty deadpool general haha, although not sure if there'd really be enough milk. I have such bad experiences with nobodies who dress up as deadpool who've turned me off of every dp cosplayer. they think because the character can do whatever he wants that they can too….
One dude even came up behind me, grabbed my hand and while I tried to weasel out he locked my arm into his and held it until i could finally slip through and escape through the tight crowd.
No. 513623
>>512653She's the mom of the girl who committed suicide on the live video in recent years right?
I'd be up for learning more in a thread on her, scummy bitch.
No. 514076
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>>486416drrtypharms/Wolfe Barrett got posted in the Lilith/Clare Buley thread on snow because he's fucking her friend, this is from his twitter.
>>>/snow/571544 No. 515509
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If there is some fellow farmers here that are into Warhammer 40k and other nerd stuff. I ight have a potential lolcow for you. Name is Michael Fitzhywel and he is a 40 year old feminist who is like an Australian equivalent to Tom Preston/Andrew Dobson. Goes by pantmonger as his username. Not that hard to find with the magic of google.
No. 515711
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No Russell Greer thread? The dude is currently trying to sue TSwift for 100 mil.
No. 516163
>>486300Aneyone knows if there's anything up with "The Oil Wife Life: Uncensored".
She, though I'm not sure it's an anorexic female or a trannie, makes gossip videos on youtube, looks very strange and is married to an fat old guy.
No. 517913
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Celestia Vega, e-girl/youtuber/thot is now doing porn
No. 518292
>>518092By makeup do you mean semen?
Pic originates from this post on reddit. It has the same file name. No. 519549
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Dimitri the Lover/James Sears.
He was a doctor who was stripped of his license for sexually harassing his patients. He became an incredibly cringe-worthy pick up artist, which got him some attention a few years ago. he's reemerged as a white supremacist writer, where he's editor for a major white supremacist newsletter in Canada. He's also a failed right wing politician.
No. 519555
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>>519550The way you say that leads me to believe you're a butthurt "alt right" kid with a chip on his shoulder, but okay.
No. 519786
>>519555Your radar gives you false positive result, but okay.
Is this tweet still alive or was it deleted, if it was deleted, do you have archived link?
No. 520426
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Hitomi anyone?
No. 520860
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>>517913>>519188She looks kind of grimy
No. 521300
>>521060Someone should really call her out on the whole ~Buddhist ~ shit
Plus the fact that she spent her 20th entirely by herself even though she’s hot is hilarious
No. 521842
>>521806i'm shaking my head in disbelief.
regardless, personally i don't care what salty no-life bitch here is anti-what and would rather have any kind of malinformed "ree i hate this because i don't do it" sperging kept to /ot/. it's already hard to wade through all the mental illness to get a gossip fix as it is.
No. 522155
>>521842Plenty of /ot/ threads are pitched in here all the time, I'm sorry you love tranny dick so much that you're panicking about a thread that includes radfems. "Shaking my head in disbelief" that you for some reason think every TERF is a SWERF. What are you, June?
>>521032I'm confused. Making a video about her celibacy makes her milky? What exactly is the drama? There's a few posts here but nothing outlining anything substantial.
No. 522617
>>519786Go back to PULL if you want to be a receipt verification vulture. How tf did you see that, that fast?
>>517913She sh00ps and wears a shit ton of makeup, wigs, without everything she looks like shit. She tries to be this “kinky sex porn goddess” but in KSI’s video and her porn it was clear she’s vanilla as they come. Also sucks up to scarce, keem, wildspartanz. Imalex, etc on Twitter c o n s t a n t l y. Just every now and then tweeting at them “spank me daddy” and nothing else….
No. 525506
Has " Truthfully Trisha" have a thread here? There is one on Kiwi farms, She is true LOLCOW, and was the cause of someone suicide, the person she was helping was in an abusive relationship,and had a drinking problem Trisha secretly filmed her friend drunk and revealing highly personal and embarrasing information as well as saying things that could make her abusive partner flip. Trisha uploaded the vids, the women begged Trisha to take it down, and she commited suicide a week later. she streams for hours acting unhinged.Was on the DR Phil Show and pretending to collapse when she was called out on her bullshit. She set up the " catch a bully" FB account, when it is her that bullies other people and makes serious allegations, such as death threats, rape threats, Threw herself on one of her haters cars when it was moving, and other bizzare lolcow ish behaviour. This woman is her late 30's,kids of her own, her teen daughter fled home calling her a crazy bitch, her younger son is messed up, her husband is fed up as she keeps on calling an abulance and sharing their dirtly laundry in public. Can someone please make a thread? Also the person that created Jillie Juice ( lots of salt with cabbage can cure everything) despite people posting her saying their kids diapers are bloody, and that their blood pressure was high and other side effects, good ol Jillie said it was all part of the process. Dr Phill really went at her, and she was so adamant that her method work and did not give a damn about those who suffered bad health due this diet. So can someone make threads on these Cows? Also Jillie likes to go on youtube and shit herself and tell her auidance about it. She seems oddly proud of shitting herself, she calls her diareaha " water falls"
No. 525633
>>525631Anon you responded to, this is such a good idea actually because there's a bunch more weirdos and episodes to talk about. Like the lady who breast feeds rabbits.
Barcroft tv has some crazies too, that'd also be an interesting thread.
No. 526237
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how about rasbii (@rasbll)? her art is consistently regressing, she essentially posts thirst traps in the form of shitty catgirl drawings, she's rude to a great deal of her fans, she has a massive ego, and perhaps worst of all, she lied about her age. she claimed she was 19 for a long time while drawing NSFW and it came out recently that she just turned 18, which means she's been drawing and posting porn publicly + has been involved in an 18+ circle of artists as a minor.
No. 526340
>>526237holy shit I looked into this and she’s been actively lying about her age for a while I made a post with all the proof I’ve found. Honestly I’m pretty sure she’s lying about her age now to make her art seem more impressive since everyone has been shitting on her for not improving/regressing
Age drama aside she’s still a bad person if you’ve been following her, even if you aren’t you still hear about her in the art community often since she’s that awful
No. 526381
>>526340i just spam posted on my twitter about this girl. i’m a sonic fan and i’ve seen her art around since 2015 ish and even back then she struck me as weird.
i archived/capped enough shit to start a thread if someone would want to do so. don’t forget about the nsfw artists in her orbit that ignore the fact that she’s likely underage.
i have reason to believe she actually is 18 this time though. and just lied about her age every other time. she says she’s doing a face reveal on june 10 so that could be interesting.
her art is really painfully mediocre which makes me wonder why she has so many followers but that combined with being in popular nsfw artist circles as well as lying about her age to maybe seem more skilled than she actually is? but anyways her art is like the shadman of pastel animu shit
No. 526385
>>526340here's another tweet confirming that she is 18 now: also this girl admits to drinking underage on her curiouscat too.
>says she attempted suicide 40 times>constantly posts about wanting/being a cat>mainly posts critical asks from curiouscat begging for asspats from her brainwashed fans>her art got worse>owned at least 4 tablets>nobody knows what she actually looks like and she constantly says she will do a face reveal>only evidence that she exists is through her exes who have all disappeared from twitter No. 526387
>>526385yeah that’s the suspicion i was referring to. it’s strange that despite having 50k followers absolutely no one is going after her for drawing and selling porn while she was underage.
a thread about this would be good. although i’m emphasizing the need to cap+archive everything because she deletes stuff constantly.
No. 526556
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Check this edgelord, saw him on a top /r/sadcringe post. He lives like this. He tattooed Heath Ledger's Joker's scars on his mouth, dresses like Jack Nicholson's and worships Jared Leto's, with the HAHAHAHAHA tattoos all over him. He's also a surprise, surprise juggalo. He got arrested for some dumb shit just for the infamy of being arrested. This pic is from his twitter. He's milkyyy, thoughts? No. 526590
>>526387I saved her entire curiouscat page as a pdf. want someone to make a thread soon.
No. 528180
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Would anybody else be interested in a Varg Vikernes thread?
Could be combined with other pagan/ wannabe "vikings"/Northern Europe-only fuckers like the Goldenone, whom Varg had a feud with and Stellbell has a crush on.
No. 528187
>>528180they (Varg, TGO etc) are only occasionally milky but still provide enough cringe to discuss
i’d be interested in a thread
No. 528516
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Baguette-fag here. I noticed a lot of French people on the "nationalities thread" an after some research, the only threads dedicated to France are very much dead. Would it be okay to make a France General thread in which we could write in French ? I'd rather ask than make a bad thread cuz I never made one before
No. 528598
>>528516I would have loved to talk about french cows. Like, Sabi's journey in Japan for instance.
But the thread would have died just like the one we had.
No. 528652
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Do we have a zoie burger thread or just a general twitch thot thread? She’s saying she’s not going to do sexual content anymore bc her porn internet identity was a sort of multiple personality disorder that was created to deal with a “traumatic” incident when she was 12 (which she weirdly keeps referring to as her ‘12th year’ instead of ‘12 years old’) and that her “health care worker/therapist” told her this. She’s saying her dad neglected and abused her. Then proceeded to leave her Twitter, post pic related, and make a new Twitter.
….of course she’s not going to stop streaming and YTing, etc. she tells her audience she’s going to keep filming it all. Just being her “real self inside” and “no sexualized content” at all. Like a rebranding. It reeks of BS, an excuse to rebrand, being dramatic, and her usual attention whoring. She also made a video on it where she sounds robotic and a bit strange af. She said she’s being medicated by this “health care” person too.
No. 528656
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She also had a mental breakdown 7 days ago and shaved off her hair Twitter is a fucking mess rn of back to back tweets talking about bullying and mental health and abuse and how Zoie burgher is dead, and complaining about people only liking her for nudes. There’s tons and tons of tweets just rambling about it and being some new artistic person. Twilight zone.
>producer/writer kek
>This week I will be launching a non profit organizationWtf
No. 528657
>>528546International was a pretty okay-ish board, i didn’t even notice it was nuked until days later. I wish we still had it, the Asian and Indian cows were pretty milky. And European cows can be really niche and interesting. But I think the board was taking up room and not enough traffic.
I think if they made a thread for a specific community in France like the “UK weeb general thread”, then it could work.
No. 528805

I'm still learning about this one myself, so I don't feel qualified to handle making a thread about this, but holy moly. Down the rabbit hole, a channel on youtube, did a video about "Final Fantasy House" which is definitely worth a watch, but the tl:dr version is that a woman named Jennifer Cornet ran a sort of cult wherein she made all her roommates and friends fulltime LARP as Final Fantasy characters because they were "soul-bonders", which is just pre-fictionkin fictionkin. But apparently after the Final Fantasy House, she moved on to the Hannibal fandom and started a website called Tattle-Crime. I just searched her name and came up with a website that is supposed to redirect people looking for Jennifer's website. I was intrigued, so I checked out her videos about it. They're definitely worth listening to, but if you watch the video I linked, you can probably tell whoever this person is is pretty embarrassing themselves. I just want more. Is anyone else watching this drama unfold? Apparently the person running the current Tattlecrime website (not Jennifer, the final fantasy house nutjob) is doing a live Q&A on friday, but I'm working and I have so many questions. I really need to know the tumblt url of the person running the current website, because they seemed to be in some relevant drama and I want to read it all. Anyone else interested?
No. 528870
>>528851It's tomorrow, june 8t, at 10 pm. That would be absolutely amazing…thank you! I want to know if she is still in contact with jennifer or her ex (renee, hojo, hannibal, gail…whatever you wanna call them), or knows the current whereabouts of them (on the internet not irl). I also REALLY want to know why the community disliked the creator of the videos and what she was being called out for, and it'd be amazing if i could have her URL. Thank you so much! Farmers looking out for eachother. Wonderful!
But yeah, I'm just dying to know the urls of any of the people involved, ESPECIALLY jennifer. I need to know who she is Kinning these days. I'm completely enthralled.
No. 528965
she's alive? Jesus h christ these fucking cows man. I cried for her last week when I discovered her lmao man…
No. 529069
>>529066Omg I remember this girl. I used to cringe at her treasure planet smut. She was obsessed with the man bear pig guy.
Anyone remember the rangerphile ray jones?
No. 529077
>>528598actually don't know a lot about this old kind of milk, but I'd love to hear more, and I'm probs not the only one . Especially since the J-fash community here seems so milky and active.
It's a shame we are so many here but too few to actually post
No. 529078
>>528657That's a great idea anon ! as I said in
>>529077 , the J-fashion community is very big here, and has a long history of snowflakey behaviour and such so a specific thread would indeed be better
No. 529141
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I've been following this dude for a bit, his name is trackforce a bitter hatred of a fictional paring, to the point that he blames unrelated things like trump getting elected to the perceived popularity of this pairing
he doesn't seem to have much of a presence outside of deviantart is the problem, other then mentioning briefly being on wattpad
No. 529216
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it would be really neat if we could start a new asherbee thread, the last one is full/locked and a new one wasn't created since she was on lockdown.
but she's back! at least her instagram is, which is now @lucinda_luke. she now goes by Lucy, Lucinda or Luke, claims to be a representative of @cosplayplusmag which isn't a thing (she mentions working for @nerdplusmag in one of her insta posts, not sure if she just put it in her bio wrong).
also found her ko-fi page where she has some art hesitate to make a thread myself since i don't really have the know-how, and i'm wondering if anyone else might have some updates about asherbee that should be included in the new thread too.
No. 529979
>>529078>>528516>>528598>>>/ot/221968I made that one when /int popped-up but as
>>528546 said, it was a shitshow (vendetta, namefagging, lack of new milk)
No. 530374
>>530278Yikes. That dress looks like a trash bag and her demeanor isn't helping it.
No wonder she's being controlling and showing limited photos. Not much to show..
No. 530378
>>530260>>530335>>530369>>530374She's still not revealing much. I don't think she deserves a new thread until she starts posting again. Or unless someone finds that one of her hundred sockpuppets is having an online affair…
I still believe she went offline to conceal her past cheating adventures from Josh.
No. 530533
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Donald trump is a lolcow and should have his own thread
No. 530575
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>>530378OP anon here. I already have the next OP written. But a 50 second video is not enough milk for tea, let alone a thread. In the description she says, "Still no thoughts on if or when I might be back online, but I still doubt it will be any time soon."
I'm not surprised that they got married. June 10th was her original planned wedding date.
In the comments she finally addressed what happened to Doja.
Never change, Raven!
No. 530636
>>530094Mieko is the creepiest looking person in the French community I'd love to know more about her.
Wanted to revive the thread but did'nt want to necro for old milk, but I would've loved to know more about Lunie Chan when she was in the comm, and maybe talk about Kagome Bara's death and such.
I don't know much about the "biggest names" in the community like Sabi but I'd love to.
No. 532371
>>532254I'd be down for this thread.
Came here to ask if there would be any interest on a Twitch thot/League of legends egirl thread. There used to be one in either here or /snow/ but I think it's gone or dead
No. 532604
>>532587yes, this!
I think a "vegan lolcows general" would be amazing. I know there are threads for vegan gains and vegan cheetah, but we really need a general thread because there are too many vegan cows to count. some examples:
>batshit insane, former (current?) drug addict with serious narc rage, has hundreds of obvious sockpuppet accounts, was banned from a fruit festival for being a dramawhore along with freelee, alleged serial rapist using veganism to prey on young womenfreelee
>durianrider's ex girlfriend, invented "30 bananas a day diet," orthorexic af and claimed losing her period was a positive thing, denies having fake tits and botox even though both are obvious, currently lives "off grid" in the wildernessjames aspey
>huge narc, took yearlong "vow of silence" for da animalz, practices vipassana meditation and won't shut the fuck up about it, peddles spiritual woo woo bullshit and acts like he's on a higher plane of existence than everybody elsedavid avocado wolfe
>co-opts veganism to sell his bunk superfood products, believes raw cacao contains an "octave of sun energy," uses his health cult to get laid, fat blob despite claiming to be beacon of perfect healthgary francione
>"pacifist" hostile asshole who never misses the chance to shit all over other vegans, opposes welfarism, open rescue, and pretty much any other action that actually works towards helping animals, loves creating division between vegans, nobody knows what his endgame isfully raw kristina
>orthorexic skelly that claims eating a raw diet turned her eyes blue, rips people off on her organic farm, tried to copyright a smoothie recipe, opposes modern medicine, deflects criticism by simply ignoring itonly one solution movement
>group of vegan activists running a propaganda campaign to NUKE THE EARTH to end all suffering (yes, seriously)…and I could go on. vegans are some of the milkiest cows, it's crazy that there hasn't been a thread for them all yet.
No. 532841
>>532604Sun Fruit Danny Glass
He was found responsible for the road accident death of his pregnant girlfriend in Thailand. He was also recently in the British press for recommending MMS and turpentine treatments for children. No. 533337
File: 1529508432787.jpeg (85.3 KB, 640x1136, 012C1066-D74E-49C6-AAF7-0C3495…)

Can we do a thread on Shiloh finally??
She looks rail thin, and has been dancing around with a bong crying on Live about that piece of shit XXX for 45 minutes now.
No. 533350
>>533349It's at the top of the page, so you'd go to the
>>>/snow/ tab and post there.
Thread requirements here:
>>>/pt/396455 No. 533351
>>533337There's no need for a thread, there's no milk. Hell the milkiest thing shes done in 2 years was this insta story just talking about xxxtentaction. That's not enough for a thread, my two cents.
Seems like the only ones hatin on Shiloh is Onision and his cronies.
No. 533651
>>533640Agreed. Sex work isn't a big whoop.
>>533639She's her own public figure outside of Greg and does her own thing. It's been six years.
No. 533669
>>533666please do.
> 25 years old> Candian Pop-Star now rebranded as Soundcloud artist "Doll" um hmm
No. 533764
>>533737That’s not a good reason. You can dislike Greg and Shiloh at the same time. It’s not like he “wins” by Shiloh being cow. Honestly, she’s always been a cow. All that shit it’s already out there and we have Farnhands for a reason. Protecting this 25 year old woman who’s clearly just as manipulative and aware of the camera as her ex is silly.
It’s sus as is suspicious.
What else should I add to the thread?
No. 533795
File: 1529599959216.png (273.2 KB, 1280x704, tumblr_mxxjt8tVOE1t8iqybo1_128…)

>>533775Was an escort/sex worker at one point.
No. 533815
I'm an idiot sorry.
>>>/snow/616901 No. 535215
File: 1529875640186.jpg (537.91 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_20180624_162638.jpg)

Does anyone remember the stoner band Kottonmouth Kings?
-I guess they're ripping off fans with preorders.
-The member Brad "Daddy x" is mysteriously missing.
-Multiple members are performing at a music festival next month but they're booked under separate names/different acts..why not just perform all together as Kottonmouth Kings?
Anyone interested in a thread? I wouldn't even know where to post it since they're guys but they're being kinda milky.
No. 535230
File: 1529877130729.jpg (281.28 KB, 1080x1458, Screenshot_20180624-234135__01…)

Anyone following Peaches on ig? There is a lot to be said about her…She's 17 years old and enjoys running away from home even tho she has said she doesn't come from an abusive household. She has very low standards, sleeps around with dudes much older than her. She gave birth earlier this year and claims to not know who the father is, and while her daughter stays with her family (thankfully), she has made several posts making crude comments about her daughter that she defends by saying because she's her mother she can say whatever she'd…
Last but not least, posts pics and videos of herself doing disgusting acts, for example: showing her stool, menstruation, and unfortunately even eating said stool.
No. 535288
>>535230I just found her thru thru the IG spam community and was really hoping she was older than 17. This is such a sad case. She makes Asha (forgot to spell her name but you know) look almost normal. Almost.
I thought Peaches was trolling but after seeing a still of her eating shit, it's sadly not the case.
No. 535491
>>535472But according to the new site rules
> Minors can be posted about as long as they're 16+ and their full legal name isn't mentioned. First names are okay.Wouldn't this apply to her? As long as full names don't get mentioned, no cp gets posted, and no posting of family pictures and names.
…on second thought maybe not.
No. 537819
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>>537761Mental illness for sure but also a bit of the latter tbh. Being mentally ill just can't excuse everything, pic related cuz the way she talks about her infant daughter is just wtf.
No. 539249
>>537819>>535230She went hard on her daughter tonight on ig. "I hope Cora sees this when she's older, she won't be shit" "When they told me to hold her I was like get that piece of shit away from me" "You a hoe I wish I aborted you" "Enjoy being a kid, I'm gonna beat you up the day you turn 16"
Her kid doesn't stand a chance
No. 540000
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Peach is still ragging on Cora. "She's ugly, she looks like a monster, she's worthless" "Cora ugh hate that hoe, I hate Cora" "I can do what I want she's my property" . And she's named after her mother who died early. Sad shit. Also she's in some kind of work placement program for young mothers apparently now.
Btw anyone know what she posts on her snap? I don't use sc so I can't check
>>539262I actually dont know either. I thought Cora was with her father, idk why she's with Peach now cause it implies she's been home recently.
But she had her with her lately when she talked about going to Florida Disneyland or something with another new guy (pimp), idk. Also her IG is on-off private and doesn't have her irl name, so probably not much anyone can do
No. 540156
File: 1530688490129.png (228.17 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-07-04-02-15-03…)

>>540000There's footage on IG of her eating out a puppy. I'm so grossed out. This is the post
No. 540159
>>540156Oh my god that's news to me. I knew about sex with strangers and eating her shit from the toilet but this is wild. Is that one of the puppies she's been posting lately?
Btw she got a twitter thread eymoonave/status/1012371438987304962
>>540157IG banned her several times. She used to make new accs often. CPS been called before but they cant find her. But someone on twitter is calling them again because of what she said about Cora lately. We'll see how it goes.
No. 540179
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>>540000The fact that people defend peaches' antics
No. 541328
>>540200I was gonna post this too, but as
>>540890 anon says, she hasn't fully returned to the internet yet, so it's probably best to wait until she returns instead of scaring her off. She practically feeds off of playing victim on the internet and getting asspats from strangers so it's only a matter of time.
No. 541773
File: 1530852672222.png (96.2 KB, 929x861, dsgffdsfd_by_polychaete-dbhrhk…)

>>486300POLYCHAETE on deviantart a FTM trans, 'fictosexual' and 'Non offending pedo' supporter.
He's 'datemates' with STEVE from minecraft supposedly. Which is milky in itself.
He's not just an anonymous cow though, he's pretty popular within the 'kidcore' section of deviantart. Making it even more uncomfortable that he's so accepting of pedos. There is some archived milk on him from an ex friend (
He's also really edgy 'anti-sjw'.
No. 542226
File: 1530912413588.jpeg (227.11 KB, 750x863, 594CB2F6-BF41-476D-97AD-B00AB0…)

Hey all- I don’t have an insane amount of milk on Madeleine Rose but I know she IS milky & have been following her for several years.
Specifically- Madeleine “created” Tyler Grosso, imo (who now has his own thread
>>>/snow/615886) -he moved from his home town to LA to date her/be asap yams’ assistant- and they were together for over a year. Him and her we’re all over twitter a year or so ago publicly fighting about cheating/drug use/suicidal tendencies~ they broke up and in came TooPoor a few months later.
Since then Madeleine has been involved with several high status men such as: flowers4landon , Jaxon Howden , Ash Stemist, and British rapper Bakarrrr - but it never lasts long and always seems like drama but I never can find the milk on her!
She also is almost kinda
problematic and seems to be unable to maintain any of her friends but works SO hard to maintain this squeaky clean goodgirl / nice girl image that seems phony as it gets!
I don’t know if that is much to go off of- but I would love somewhere to go to find milk on Madeleine and Im hoping other users are interested as well.
No. 542558
>>542226If you're the same person who was plugging her in the past, she was recommended multiple times to go in the Insta girls general thread
>>>/snow/210611 It's where she fits.
No. 543527
>>543386I would like such a thread! I want to say something nice about a cow sometimes (or not entirely negative), but I am afraid of being called a WK.
Besides, it would be nice to have a thread in ot where one might blogpost a bit (to share thoughts about a cow) as it's not permitted in normal threads..
No. 543809
>>543409Sorry, I didn't mean as an advice or pump up thread for the cows or some shit. I meant more along the lines of what
>>543527Is thinking
No. 544042
>>543386>Kind of like an 'unpopular opinion' threadAll the people we're talking about here are Internet/media personalities with substantial fanbases. Lolcow IS the 'unpopular opinion'.
Your idea is more than stupid, it's nonsensical.
No. 544322
>>544042NTAYRT but while you are right that criticising cows is the unpopular opinion, it would be nice to have a more lax thread about cows in general, where we can share our thoughts not related to current drama or without fear of breaking the blogposting rule.
I like anon's idea cause there is no place to talk more personal takes on cows without derailing.
No. 544326
>>544322No place? Are you kidding me. You've got the entire rest of the Internet for that.
For blogposting, try posting on your personal social media, because only your friends actually care about your life.
For "good qualities" of flakes, go to the flakes' or fangroups, and chat away about those.
You've also got countless forums, boards, groups, etc. for general discussion of various opinions.
I don't understand why OP would ask for this, it's akin to asking to occasionally play ping-pong on a billiard table. But you're worse, acting as if there are no other kind of tables apart from billiard tables in the whole wide world.
No. 544352
>>544326Why so
triggered kek. You could always hide the thread in /ot
YMMV but I enjoy reading people's experiences in relation to cows, like when they relate cause they went through similar things.
You can't do that on a personal blog cause friends are not aware of cows.
No. 544615
>>544510It wouldn't be tinfoiling, though?
I mean, maybe it could become that easily, but that wasn't really the idea…
nayrt, anon who originally brought up the idea, though. Maybe I wasn't clear enough in my explanation?
>>544042I find lolcow allows a more realistic/honest opinion (even if a positive one), though. If you go anywhere else to 'talk positively about a cow', it's just lip service, smoke blowing and ass kissing.
Besides, even if you don't want to say anything nice about them yourself, you can't really deny there is a huge problem with people pseudo-wking cows because they want to state their neutral to slightly differing opinion… so this would at least be a 'containment' area within lolcow, from your perspective, wouldn't it?
I asked for thoughts/feelings so I appreciate the honest feedback even for those who think it's stupid, just meaning to discuss with the above, not refute your perspectives!
I guess I'm feeling a little eh that there's a loud minority on here lately who feel that lolcow is some kind of life-destroying full negativity machine, when even if you weren't around here for a long time, you can just look back at old threads and see that isn't our roots. I also understand how annoying it can be to have someone come say something pseudo-positive or complimenting to a cow when there's a hate brigade of drama going on in the thread, so I feel like this would give a niche outlet. In my personal opinion, the main downfall to my idea is just the potential for derailing/infighting if/when people disagree.
No. 544910
>>544615Instead of creating a cow fanclub thread, how about posters on an anon board stop getting so sensitive about someone disagreeing with their opinion. Who cares if some other anon thinks you were a WK, being called a WK won't get you banned.
If you feel like a cow is getting shit on unnecessarily or think they did something ok, you can talk about it if it's relevant. Read the room, if a thread is going a certain direction maybe don't derail over something a cow wore two years ago.
No. 545071
File: 1531188060428.jpg (11.24 KB, 300x333, 300px-RyanKopfJerkface.jpg)

>>486300ryan kopf. the milk is kinda old but he's definitely a cow. i've got a lot of info if anyone would be down for a thread.
No. 545609
>>545446fucking dying at this reply
everything that anon posts has sounded like crippling aspergers but that was just icing on the cake
No. 545977
>>545943You do realize the reason you sound like a samefag is the cringe 2edgy4me over literal autist-tier replies, right? Not because you share a base opinion?
Wew. The cow behavior amongst farmers is put of hand.
>>545977No, and no.
You're still the minority.
No. 546146
>>545979O.K. spazz-chan. The OP already addressed the negative criticism upthread, so what do you want? A trophy for being able to react with a disproportionate level of cuntiness towards a harmless thread idea that you could hide if you don't like it?
Weird how you're the only one with r9k-esque replies while calling me the minority.
No. 546214
>>546146Fucking this. I hate anons that are hostile for no reason whatsoever and act like it's the norm.
Original anon, make the thread. In the worst case it will die, but maybe we'll have some interesting discussions first.
No. 546409
>>546241if an idea is shit then the lack of replies will signify that, not to mention you can say it's shit without being a huge cuntbag
you're just instigating infighting for absolutely no reason
No. 547019
>>546814I was the anon suggesting her some time ago. I don't follow her anymore but I'd take any new milk. If you have some to share,
>>546818 is right post her in instahoes
>>546814 No. 548661
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>>548513It only took a fuck ton of people calling them about it for them to get off their asses and look into her
No. 548716
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Can we make a proper thread for scorpioasshoe/plasticandproud? I know mods said to post her in the instagram thread but the last hundred or so posts have been about her.
No. 549802
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>>549676 conventions ( that frequently have drama - He's assaulted a vendor, sues tumblrs and blogs for talking badly about him, underage girls working in his maid cafes, and probably more we don't know about, because his workers are afraid to talk about him.
-Countless rape/harassment/assault allegations. One girl pressed charges, and dropped them, but there are lots of stories floating around. Made a whole website about how innocent he is ( It's like momokun, but 50x worse.
-Cringeworthy blog/twitter. Seems pretty serious about wanting to take over the world.
-Tries to run every other convention out of business and is just a shitty person overall
No. 550305
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Does anyone here care about this madman?
Metokur did a video about him but honestly it was pretty bad and showed he only had basic knowledge of his most famous moments: No. 551244
File: 1531996293222.jpeg (118.6 KB, 828x1472, DiZIdT8V4AA-VWV.jpeg)

Anyone interested in making a FouseyTUBE thread? Youtuber with 10 million subs who tried to organize a big concert/event to regain his faded relevancy. Promised his viewers big names like Drake or DJ Khaled would be there (after Tanacon wasn't bad enough), then it all got cancelled due to a bomb threat, Drake said he didn't know who Fousey is and the man himself is going apeshit on social media because he's bipolar and off his meds.
Shit summary, but it's in equal parts hilarious and horrifying to watch him go off the rails completely. Pic related is one of his latest twitter posts.
>I am no longer a youtuber. I am an artist.
No. 552103
>>551244Don’t forget that he fucks hookers and has basically lived on the craigslist personal page/backpage for years and frequents every Asian massage parlor in LA, does coke and steroids regularly. Faked being homeless for views for his “new homeless/crashing on famous YTers couches series”. Faking his pranks, hiring actors for his pranks. And having a “secret addiction”~ that apparently isn’t his sex or drug or alcohol addiction, that he keeps alluding to, but won’t actual reveal it.
The only good thing he did was expose vitalyTV for sexual assault of a prostitute in Brazil. But frankly they’re both as scum who do coke and steroids and have hooker addictions.
>>551820Didn’t we have a thread on that? Or someone suggested previously in thread requests for one? I think it was mainly about the whole sexual harassment drama with channel awesome/TGWTG and the mass leaving of their content creators (who were treated like shit) and how doug isn’t really the ~uwu innocent totes in the dark~ guy he portrays himself to be in the face of every scandal. Maybe I’m wrong. But i second that idea.
No. 552125
File: 1532145367077.jpeg (846.3 KB, 1065x1435, 33F3DAD2-8AE9-4B90-BF68-6CBE9C…)

>>549802http://keepoutkopf.tumblr.comThis is the tumblr blog exposing him, he tried to sue the anonymous owner of the blog (fluffysparkles) kek, so now they have to post everything in hypothetical-“allegedly”-legal-jargon.
He’s such a creep and every time he’s banned or rejected (ie.cons/dating websites/political positions/clubs/forums/cafes) he takes it as an invitation to start his own version of them so he can get away with his creepy behavior w/o being banned and so girls and staff will be less likely to reject him/resist his advances/bend to his will. Had had a convicted pedo on his team. And his cons are full of nudity, underage girls, stripping, inappropriate touching/grabbing (ie at 13+ panels, around children on main con floor/lobby/vendor areas/etc). Massive ego. Uses girls to attract neck beards to cons, blatantly. No girl should ever go in a room with him or a dark area or his room or anywhere not super public with more than 7-10 people around bc his friends are equally as scummy as him and will let him do fuck all. Uses his cons like his IRL dating site that failed, all while advertising as anti-“creeper-like” and that creeps will be thrown out, irony. He keeps trying to branch out to the southern east coast too. And obviously his website is a huge rip off and a carbon copy. Plagiarizes and steals content all day, erryday.
>TL;dr Banned from cons & dating sites, so makes his own shady cons to have total control so he can make lolis fuck him bc he’s still hung up, after over a decade, on every girl that rejected him and every dating site that he didn’t get dates on.
fun fact:>gets customized business cards>written in English, naturally>with Japanese translations>lives in midwestern America>lol@whutHe’s a total cow.
No. 552140
>>549802Sweet, this got more support than I expected. Thanks.
>>552125So, do you want to make the thread, or should I? Lol.
No. 552210
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@Thechosenboi is a Steven Universe cosplayer and is know for cosplaying Steven
A few months ago @Dekuflower made a post on her Instagram story about @Thechosenboi and how he would post pictures about them even though @Dekuflower had ended her friendship with him
He is known to be a little too nice to people when replying their stories and tried to flirt but ends up just being a straight up creep even though the girls who are being flirted by him feel uncomfortable
Even though he was exposed and many people came out about their experience with him, people still seem to support him even cosplayers who have a big influence in the community
He also uses the N word though he’s hispanic and many poc people have told him to stop using it, he ignores it
No. 552610
>>552210This site exists purely to observe and discuss cringy and amusing people. It's not for shaming people into changing or going on moral crusades against
problematic people. We don't want the people who we talk about to improve, or stop doing what they're doing because that means we've lost our source of entertainment. Not your personal army, etc.
If the proposed subject of the thread is just someone who has done something considered morally wrong then they don't belong here. Otherwise we'd have threads on just petty criminals and shit. There has be to something special that makes it entertaining to observe them.
>He also uses the N word though he’s hispanic and many poc people have told him to stop using it, he ignores itI don't think you know where you are, newfriend. If saying the word nigger were criteria for having a thread made about you, then 9/10 users here would have one.
Like, don't get me wrong I'm not saying being a racist creep is cool and he should carry on, but how is it entertaining?
No. 554105
File: 1532637200179.jpg (132.04 KB, 720x824, _20180726_212748.JPG)

Has there ever been a Liam Spooner thread? He's Chris chan level autistic and known for his cardboard sonic Cosplay. Recently he got removed from a con for the second year running for showing girls his weird sexy King mickey Cosplay/assclap videos (which he calls body positivity)
No. 554171
>>554105there actually has been!!
>>71611but unless you've got the real milk i wouldn't necro it
No. 554185
File: 1532650833331.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.67 KB, 720x732, _20180726_212300.JPG)

>>554143He has a weird private insta which is all photos of him in thong swim suits dressed as king mickey and slow motion twerking
No. 554520
>>554185eww i can smell this image
i think we need a thread (or a new one if the last one is super old)
No. 555227
File: 1532870395469.jpg (37.81 KB, 777x777, 29511619_2016897071905194_3381…)

There's some talk about her in the kinkster general thread but Isabella Karnstein and The Chateau could really use their own thread
No. 556068
File: 1533026015779.png (628.61 KB, 1024x499, wat.png)

Is there enough milk on Emilia Fart (youtuber) to make a thread?
No. 556069
I watch her vids occasionally and there's not much to say besides she's weird and a mess. She's not causing any trouble and drama, her thread would die in a moment. You could post her in YT thread though
No. 557044
>>5565593:22 >They're not cheap and cheesy looking at all
Whilst being excruciatingly cheap and cheesy looking…
Brought to you by the company that makes the "L" from death note ring, never change cravey.
No. 557186
>>557044Titty tattoos are almost ALWAYS cheesy and tacky looking haha
I always think of Janice from the sopranos when I see them.
Hilarious that Raven decided to break her social media detox just to show off her horrible boob tatts. You were doing so well Craven.
Any news on whether Josh has gotten her name tattooed yet? Or do they still have 'bills'
No. 557464
File: 1533338215327.png (47.04 KB, 500x350, tumblr_inline_paw3wvuXgv1utd11…) used to know this guy when he was your average stoner sk8r boy on tumblr.
came out of trans within days of "coming out" as a furry as well, like most tumblr dudes coming out as trans totally came out of nowhere. he wasnt even feminine.
recently got outted as a diaper fur and claims to use age regression and LG kink as a cope for getting molested by his big sister. dude is obsessed with applesauce and makes AWFUL transbian furry themed EDM. wanting to post about him for a while idk if anyone else as posted about him but PLEASE can we acknowledge this.
if i have to see one more pic of this dude is nasty faded blue pig tails im gonna lose my shit.
is no one else bothered by adult men who come out as trans who then straight up say that their borderline pedophilic obsession with young girls is just them coping with a "lost girlhood" because i feel like im going insane.
No. 557465
File: 1533338476488.png (444.5 KB, 867x539, chrome_2018-08-03_19-17-59.png)

>>557464aforementioned applesauce obsession, pretty sure it comes up in some of the sekret babyfur twitter screencaps but i cant find those atm
No. 557467
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>>557464ok this one is just for fun. it's his age regressed character that's actually a trillion years old but has the brain of a 5 yr old but maybe that depends on the timeline or some bullshit, you can tell he's out of his mind on adderal for this one
No. 557471
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No. 558039
File: 1533417865479.png (Spoiler Image,196.86 KB, 540x960, tumblr_inline_p3moa3Qqlo1u5kzq…)

anyone else know of this tumblr user? his username is repomantis but i think more people remember him from his traumatizedofficial/darkskinnedprivilege days. his name translates to "dragonfruit" and he's most known for starting the train wreck that was "steven universe critical" (bismuthspartnerincrime on tumblr). i think he has potential for a good thread. he's been brought up a couple of times on kiwi but no one's taken the plunge and made a thread yet.
oh yeah, spoiler for angry birds porn, of all things
No. 558130
>>558039why Ackee doesn't have a thread yet is beyond me, he's caused so much shit in the past and is still ripe for milking.
also, you should've included his callout No. 558300
File: 1533500424501.png (1.46 MB, 1876x1212, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 4.19…)

Can we have a thread on Brandon, the CEO (?) of Deciem? His posts on the Deciem instagram are indecipherable and usually have to do with his personal life and I'm sure there's something sinister to him. He gives off major serial killer vibes.
No. 558898
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Cravy Dark'ness looking saggier than ever now with extra cheap wigs! She says she has a long update prepared so new thread then anons
No. 559273
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Wondering if there would be a spot for this new wave of ~Viking Pagan Wicca Witch Altar~ accounts, or if they'd fall under the heavily modified instagram accounts, but I am super bothered by this influx of clones. I'm talking Psycara, MaiMagi, ManicMoth, catinawitchhat and the like. A few years ago, it looked refreshing and new. Now I can't tell these girls apart when I scroll my discovery. Seems all they do is drink at festivals together in shared Hallowe'en costumes.
No. 559280
>>559278I agree, unless they're much older and/or have kids that they're neglecting I don't see anything wrong with it.
>>559273If you really have something milky about them why not throw them in the altcows thread in /snow/?
No. 559345
>>559273there's 7 billion people in this world so any cool and interesting style is inevitably going to get somewhat popular, at least popular enough that you'll see a few dozen of them in your explore page. no need to project your desire to be unique out on girls who happen to share an aesthetic. unless they're actually claiming they invented it or something else milky, who the fuck cares.
i hate the sentiment that a lot of people seem to have that unless you give up and go full normie you must be trying to be special/unique. people have reasons for liking a look other than wanting extra attention.
No. 559364
File: 1533760633989.png (563.9 KB, 660x466, amber_khan.png)

Amber Khan/The Quietest Revolution on YT/twitter/insta/FB, the very definition of an "astrothot".
41-year-old narcissist scammer "guru". Ts:
>>obsessed with shooping herself to look cute and young even tho she's 41 and haggard as fuck irl with a hook nose and man chin
>>preaches love and peace and being a spiritual leader but is extremely insecure and will send her army of fans after anyone she doesn't like - israelis, white women, women in general, any sign she hates atm, people she thinks are trying to "copy" her.
>>does monthly tarot readings for every sign and will do a negative reading for an entire sign if she has beef with a peron who is that sign, most recently Cancerians and Aquarians.
>>was pumped and dumped by a Scorpio man and is a single mother
>>deletes negative and comments calling her out on her shit/scamming
>>charges insane amounts of money for personal tarot readings and has a history of scamming people, taking $150-$500 for a personal reading and then not delivering. When people she scams ask about their reading or money back, she replies with "must be personal" or "I already refunded you"
>>funding her trips and other luxuries with the money she scammed
Sometime in April-May she went off on another astrothot named Rusha for "copying" her a.k.a. being of the same ethnicity and adding titles to her monthy sign readings (really petty shit). Rusha is a Cancer so Amber doesn't name names but in her FB/insta posts calls all Cancerians cunts out of the blue, as if her style.
Recenty a youtuber named The Peace Dealer made a video exposing her, and the comment section blew up with people finally calling her out, so the milk is fresh and the drama has just begun.
She told Mike (The Peace Dealer) to take down the live vid they did together on his channel because he associates himself with Israelis and singles out AstroLada, a Bulgarian astrologer, starts spreading rumors about Mike and refuses to talk to him directly.
She's on her FB/insta literally 24/7 spewing shit and deleting posts, and flagging callout videos/comments. I think she has potential to be a great cow because she's so obsessed with her image online that she's bound to sperg out at anyone exposing her.
No. 559384
>>559380There's a lot of drama in that circle for sure, Amber being one of the biggest cows on astroyoutube (hello, Tyler tarot a.k.a. one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen)
As an aside I don't get why people are so quick to call astrologers/tarot readers all scammers when you've got quacks and con artists in every profession in the world.
Most big YT readers are sincere and good people and I feel Amber Khan and her ilk just drag them down.
No. 559426
>>based on realityNeither is spirituality in general, or plenty of other things in the world, and astrology/reading stars is one of the oldest practices in existence anon.
Carl Gustav Jung was an avid astrologer, and he based modern psychology, a real science, partly on astrology/tarot archetypes.
No. 559481
>>559390most tarot readers DO provide a service, and calling them all scam artists isn't accurate. It's only accurate if they plagiarize, steal reading layouts from other readers, or don't give a service that they've been paid for.
even if you don't believe, theres energy and time spent on readings. You need graphic design and business skills to set up a shop, a business license. a domain name or wordpress account requires upfront money. you need a good word processing program to write out and edit the readings for grammar, a camera to take photos, etc. some readers do video readings- so include video camera+ editing software.
even if you do not think these practices are valid,if the reader does undertake a valid business model. they are entitled to charge for it, as long as the customer receives what they are paying for. if someone pays a reader say, 30$ for a psychic reading that is typed out and sent to them in the mail- and they don't get anything, that's scamming. if a psychic reader sends them the reading they pay for, then that's not scamming.
>>559399this is the reason why they are allowed on sites like ebay/etsy, but those sites require a customer to be able to receive a digital download or printout of the reading so they have a concrete "item" given to the customer.
(pure autism) No. 559615
>>559056Thanks. How long will she leave these comments up? She deleted all the congratulations on their nuptials.
If she posts a milky update and/or returns to vlogging, I have the next thread prepped. Other than Youtube she has deactivated or closed nearly every account.
No. 560383
>>560346She was born in 2004 and had her last instagram disabled for this reason..
i'm conflicted tbh. her pictures a pretty well photoshopped (still noticeable, but not something i'd expected a 13 year old to do) and that is not the body of someone that age. Either it's all an elaborate lie and she's at least 22+ to be able to do all of that, or like I said previously, an adult is pulling all the strings. the thing with little girls who want to be internet-famous is that
an adult has to buy them a camera, sexy clothes, makeup etc. many of her photos are obviously taken by someone else. Kids just don't have the means to do that by themselves even if they wanted to, just look at Jessi Slaughter's old selfies
No. 560391
>>560383i mean you said it yourself. she has an adult doing all the work. buying the stuff, setting up shoots and photoshopping the pics. she's clearly being extorted and it's messed up.
these young girls being exposed to this kind of life and getting efame get weird ego problems and end up not only susceptible to predators, but more inclined to accept predatory behavior.
i wish we could have a thread on this in general but rather than focusing on the girls as cows/flakes, treat it as a problem. i dunno if admin would go for that though.
No. 560625
>>558300Lmfao yes, this guy is such a cow! Maybe a makeup
industry cows thread because I remember some other milky company owners, like the guy from TooFaced
>>558862Maybe a Where Are They Now thread where anons post their old favorites to see if anyone has current info/usernames
No. 560672
File: 1534185398292.jpg (46.68 KB, 500x766, nui1389236456.jpg)

Would anyone be interested in a thread on Dankiidoll?
She's best known for triggering /fit/, Reddit, and Voat by hiring an in-shape gigolo to pose as her boyfriend.
She also does disgusting fat fetish porn.
No. 560680
File: 1534186716071.png (568.34 KB, 945x586, psc75d4vsbd11.png)

>>560208No question, it's some creepy stage mom trying to live vicariously through her daughter. Even the responses she types sounds like a 30+ year old woman trying to imitate instagram slang.
The obsession with the Black Dahlia sounds like some Hot Topic level shit that would definitely appeal to an older woman trying to act sexy and glamorous.
No. 560756
>>560296it's people like this that make me wish there was a "Scared Straight: Tumblr" edition where these crazy haired self-diagnosing attention whores get taken seriously and thrown in a nut hut for a week to see how actual crazy people live. Get these e-begging PTSP multisystems some electroshock therapy and sedatives until they regret everything.
We also need an "Intervention: Fatties" pls
No. 561997
>>560383There are literally old artsy nudes of her on tumblr, someone posted them a while back on one of the "perfect body" threads in OT, i think.
She's easily at least mid twenties or older
No. 561999
File: 1534341736983.jpg (Spoiler Image,197.43 KB, 864x1080, 1523060759481.jpg)

>>561997Found it, that girl ain't 13 you fools
>>>/ot/240503 No. 562020
>>562001C'mon dude, she has legitime artsy nudes taken by a professional photographer on Tumblr.
She's just saying she's younger than she really is for attention
No. 562896
>>562020>>562052You're still offering this as proof of her age somehow. Can you specify her real age?
If she has tumblr history or photos going back years, that would be better proof.
Saying a photographer wouldn't do this unless she was an adult is really naive and you can't use this as basis for an assumption. Good example: Roman Polanski was taking photos of a 13yo (with her mother's permission) when he drugged her and you know the rest.
No. 564163
File: 1534533681203.png (2.06 MB, 954x1196, HRH.png)

YT: don't even know where to begin, she's a trainwreck and milky af.
>lives in la suburb, owns an overpriced jewelry line which she shills as exclusive and bougie but is made in china shit (I.e. a $400 dog leash)>her business has repeatedly ripped people off, exhibited poor customer service>super fetish-y obsessed with asians/china, her pets all have chinese names and she describes her style as "chinese billionaires daughter">stereotypes the fuck out of asians>constantly complaining about the stupidest shit and ranting about it on ig live >today she cried on ig live because they played justin bieber at her soul cycle class>got kicked out of gelsons for having her dog, a 4lb rat which she claims is a service dog, over a year ago and still cries about it>got lipo and a boob job but her body's still built like a fridge, doesn't know how to dress for her body>shit on hermes/birkins for years and conned her "friend" into helping her buy one on a trip to europe>every time she gets a critical comment on ig/youtube she calls the person a "feral child" and claims they're jealous of her>also calls poor people who annoy her "feral">has a super weird relationship with her fiancé, someone on guru gossip found that she'd filed for divorce, they got back together like a month later and there's rumors she cheated>doesn't have any real friends>has a weird obsession with water and has multiple water reviews on her channeland so much more that I can't remember right now
No. 564825
Any milk on Sierra Seybold? She's on social media 24/7 begging for donations and idgi. / @unclefather on Tumblr No. 564835
>>564163So you ordered something from her and it didn't arrive?
>reviews water>lives in la suburbzzz
No. 565085
>>564835lmao, I would never order anything from her. If you watch her videos you could tell she's a cow. Imo she's milkier than half of the people on /snow/ but I guess no one on lolcow follows high fashion/rich girl youtubers. and when I say she reviews water I mean the shape of the bottle.
>>564305>>565012idk if she tries to get with asian men but she stalks asian girls at boutiques like chanel/fendi etc. and got her followers to find one girl's instagram and tried to convince her to be her friend lol
No. 565404
>>564163She's like an unfortunate character out of a Brett Easton Ellis novel.
She's extremely materialistic and only cares about looks and money. I feel like she almost tries to do the Trisha Paytas style of vlog, but doesn't have a sense of humour so it's usually her bitching about something she bought that she hates or something that happened that she hates. If she became a cow, it would only get milkier because she is unable to let anything go or take critisism. Think Raven Sparks level of whinging vlogs, but instead of a 40 something fake goth, it's a mid to late 30's l.a basic bitch that wants to appear hip and young but has bad fillers and an even worse attitude to life.
No. 565916
>>565413She can't put a sentence together without 'you guys' and 'like'
It's beyond creepy how she always mentions how she's obsessed with asians. To the point she's jealous she wasn't born one. She's like a high fashion obsessed middle aged version of a weeaboo.
Also I know a lot of wankers bitch about their coffee, but this lady takes the cake. Who the fuck would marry this puffy faced miserable lunatic? I feel sorry for her supposed fiance.
No. 567829
File: 1535292227209.png (401.08 KB, 922x554, 1535074253590.png)

Can someone make a new thread for PlasticAndProud aka Ariana McMillan?
No. 567862
>>567829There's one in /snow already.
>>>/snow/638649(sorry if I screw up thread linking. Never done it before)
No. 567939
So not sure if Raven is active enough for a new thread, but her and Josh got "married" in June and kinda uploaded a vid of it. I just checked today and saw she uploaded a review for their wedding rings from three weeks ago. I miss talking about her ass, here's to hoping for more milk soon.
No. 568423
>>568369That's why I suggested a fatty/feeder general thread (
>>568228 ).
>>568299And no, no vendetta. Some interesting cows could be Tess Holliday, Hayley Mandel, glitterandlazers, Whitney Way Thore, and the feeder fetish group in general.
No. 568866
File: 1535571466295.png (229.84 KB, 1136x585, holt4chan.png)

Can we get a Jared Holt thread?
The guy wants the entire internet to become his safespace and is now coming after 4chan. I think there will be a lot of shitflinging. At the very least, I'd expect some pizza pranks to happen when he inevitably gets doxxed.
No. 569137
>>569077agree he'd have no milk. he's fairly irrelevant.
but lmao that you think the only people that could possibly dislike him are the 'evil alt-righters'
No. 569258
>>569077You think there will be no milk? It's a matter of time before the /r9k/ or /pol/ spergs get mad and pull some prank on him. Besides, what makes you think the guy won't try to destroy all imageboards eventually? And if he's anything like Shia Labeouf and his HWNDU crew, there will be milk for months. Guy gets pranked by 4chan, doubles down and gets pranked again. Now that I think about it, maybe I should to pretend to be some leftist and convince him to do a public stream, the drama would be endless.
>>569137>but lmao that you think the only people that could possibly dislike him are the 'evil alt-righters'This
No. 569935
>>568448>>569192Ugh, please keep Shayna in /snow, her threads attract weirdly aggressive anons who can’t sage, derails into clusterfucky infighting, with kek lmao vendetta posts galore and nearly constant cowtipping. The only fun thing would be if farmers suddenly discovered that half the posts are Shay talking to herself.
They’re pretty bad, and this is coming from someone who thinks Shay is milky af.
No. 570422
File: 1535996446721.jpg (Spoiler Image,385.58 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20180903-103908.jpg)

Does anyone have any milk or info on @hanestly?
I've followed her for years but I can't quite figure out what she does for a living. Travelling stripper? Escort?
No. 570428
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Her body looks sinewy like a crackhead I noticed
No. 570502
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Rachael Finley aka steak
Does anyone else think she looks botched? She went thru cancer treatments a few years back and always claimed her inflated lips were a result. Is that a thing?
She looks really bloated in the face but claims to be sober from alcohol (I beleive her fwiw) and she follows a strict paleo (esque? idfk) diet so why does she look like that? She reminds me of that big headed meme guy or HRHCollection from YT kek
She's not really milky beyond being a typically self-centered LA girl
No. 570673
File: 1536031025234.png (380.85 KB, 1024x668, meet_the_artist__new_n_improve…)

>>486300Check out TheAwesomeMooMoo/KalopsiAvian/Sidebloggom (16), the likely very first lolcalf to sperg / kin with Fraggle Rock characters.
Like, kid be spergy enough to put "Cunt" in "Cantus". No. 570781
File: 1536062844401.png (30.57 KB, 429x766, Capture.PNG)

>>570673>kin with a character from the game Cookie Run>kin with the song Hotel CaliforniaWhat the fuck?
No. 570802
>>570786I'm repeating myself, but I'm fucking sick of genderspecial spergs ruining Furbies for sane toyspergs.
I have no idea what makes those snowflakes want to ruin vintage Furbies to make demi trans anti-terf furby customs. Blargh
No. 571178
>>571173OP anon here. I have the next thread prepped with a summary of the last. I won't be able to post it until after work if anons want it.
IMO milk is limited by only having access to Isa and Logan's IG accounts. How much more can their triangle be analysed and speculated about at this point?
No. 571373
>>571197>>571173>>571178I don't agree with broadening the thread subject. It has to stay Raven's thread imo, even if we are recapping the love triangle of her exes. Isa s going to stay thread-worthy I'm guessing, but a Raven thread could be the proving ground for that.
I agree we should get the talk out of the Goth thread so they can carry on with their usual subjects.
A new thread is what she wants but if she really was the one who posted that info in the Goth thread, the drama is back anyway.
No. 572136
File: 1536379049870.png (2.47 MB, 726x726, mousewonka.png)

I think there might be substantial interest in this fellow, but I don't have any time to make a thread myself.
Enter: David Cato, also known as m0u$3[uz], Princess Liz, and Lizzy
A 19, almost 20 year old fetal alcohol syndrome child, residing in and around the Hall County area in Georgia. He currently thinks he's a transgender/genderfluid femboy furry, with a female mouse fursona.
Here is a youtube channel that documents pretty much all of his exploits: yt channel with videos of him: tumblr: No. 572610
>>571759Isa thread now locked "due to the obvious vendetta posting"
>>>/snow/684148 The vendetta poster/s have not been singled out or described so we're in the dark atm. As the OP who started the thread, I'm a farmer, not the holder of the vendetta. I'm assuming it's the accounts who fed us caps and stories? We're asking in meta about what happened
>>>/meta/6475 No. 573397
File: 1536618261126.jpg (8.05 KB, 300x168, images-3.jpg)

I'd love a Foodie Beauty thread, but the Slatons and Big AL have gone stale on this site, which I fear is gonna happen to our gorl Chantal. Shame.
No. 573589
>>573502OP anon here. I'll update the OP with her wedding date and a couple other recent events and post.
I'm also transcript anon. I'll start working on those, too.
No. 575015
File: 1536885309007.jpg (21.55 KB, 323x600, KenazFilan2.jpg)

Kenaz Filan
He's a cross-dressing white supremacist, satanist, and fake voodoo priest.
He made up some stories about being initiated as a voodoo priest despite never leaving the east coast, and wrote a bunch of erroneous bullshit books. He's effectively the Ashida Kim of Voodoo.
He's a notable member of the Church of Satan, though it doesn't look like he's been particularly active in the past couple years. Instead, he's gotten really into white supremacy, supporting violence agains the same black people he pretended to learn voodoo from. For some reason, he thinks the Nazis would spare him and not consider him a "degenerate faggot," despite his love of cross-dressing and going to gay clubs.
No. 575879
File: 1537067667658.jpg (30.52 KB, 300x300, KenazFilan3.jpg)

>>575876>>575015I started digging a little bit more, and it looks like this might go a little deeper and weirder than I realized. It looks like he might have a criminal history of stalking and fraud charges. Apparently his birth name was Kevin Filan, but he had it changed legally.
No. 575919
File: 1537074139410.jpeg (Spoiler Image,186.91 KB, 750x846, 1AEC4747-6E90-4A38-89E0-F344DA…)

Nicole Dollanganger thread #3, if anyone is good at making them. Looks like she was waiting for the thread to lock before posting any album updates. She also turned off all comments on IG.
Her first music video is looking like it’ll be blatantly obvious LDR Born to Die rip-off. Not a creative bone in her body.
Also, she cancelled her one decent gig with Poppy.
The milk is beginning to flow again, so I propose someone sets up another thread for further discussion.
No. 576201
File: 1537149932698.jpg (94.51 KB, 250x298, KevinFilan4.jpg)

>>575879Sorry for the really abrasive formatting on this, but here's the source for this: looks like he was stalking somebody and got fired for it.
No. 578179
File: 1537595825700.png (596.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-22-07-54-20…)

>>575919she started spamming photos. Too bad I can't make a new thread
No. 580321
>>580291Admin banned both threads after a "vote" was conducted during the town hall earlier this year. Anons created r/illnessfakers, but now the mods are mad with power and are banning users without warning and denying appeals in violation of reddit guidelines.
A thread about Jaquie was started on KF which has lapsed for lack of interest.
No. 581551
>>581548Her or KM, same thing, but yeah i hope a mod can go clean up that thread soon… but we do have the next thread picture somewhere in case we need to start a new thread!
By the way, she/he's now on pull doing the same thing trying to crash her section of their forum. We really pissed her off this time loll
No. 581736
>>581551there were posts calling KM a pathetic "wapanese" incel, and now this happens. I think it's him. unsurprising a loser like him would have such a fragile ego.
this is literally spergchan shit at this point so I HOPE their posts will be marked now.
No. 584433
File: 1538598715275.png (6.42 MB, 1242x2208, 2DC50B55-535D-44F1-904B-137B36…)

There’s this instagram Cosplayer named Keith that goes by @littleprincecosplays
They’ve raped and abused several other cosplayers
No. 584531
File: 1538613543390.png (2.73 MB, 1242x2208, 7537A8E4-C321-496D-BBA1-E8B0FA…)

I have screenshots and statements from all involved, there’s so many I may need to make a link for everyone to see all of them.
No. 584573
No matter the “ kin drama”, it’s still not right that they raped a cosplayer and abused SEVERAL other cosplayers.
Evidence: No. 585689
File: 1538911658617.png (616.5 KB, 1280x1235, a bugs life-sona.png)

Oh my god, someone please make a thread for Oswald. I remember seeing their art everywhere on Tumblr 3-4 years ago and now they've disappeared off the face of the earth save for their dA. Dude thought they were Porky Minch and desperately wanted to fuck the dalmation from Um Jammer Lammy for a while, along with the cogs from Toontown and Coach Z. Pretty much every single one of their characters looks like a bootleg Fawful and their art style is an angular MS Paint eye assault, which I still see copycats of to this day for some reason.
Aliases/Tumblr URLs (that I can currently recall) include porkyminch, astrocrush, teruteru666, fawflant, and fuwaride. Most of these are password protected or deactivated entirely.
Deviantart: Twitter (locked): NSFW Twitter (also locked): Youtube: old miscellaneous archives I never got around to posting proper: No. 585900
File: 1538962489600.png (468.19 KB, 1280x874, appealing.png)

>>585867They ARE active, they're just extremely well-hidden. Plus they have a ton of orbiters that are equally as degenerate, like grimharlequin, jasper-rolls, minteafresha, etc. I was hoping some people had more info on them, hence posting this here rather than as a whole thread, you absolute fucking dunderhead. I'm sure if I had the time I could dig up some more active URLs of theirs as Tumblr is full of children and due to their obsession with children's games and programming as that's geared towards their primary demographic and 'targets', as it may be, but I'm a lazy inexperienced dumbass.
>>585818Yep. It was about their pedo boyfriend Slater, and once Oswald caught wind of it they went completely fucking apeshit. However I don't have any screenshots or archived copies of that whole debacle unfortunately. I'd give more info, but I'd prefer not to powerlevel too much here. The only thing I'll say at the moment is that they're 27 and have a real bad habit of abusing their partners, lying about their age in order to appear younger and more approachable towards children, and sending out waves of said children to whiteknight for them whenever their close-knit clique is threatened or breached.
No. 585925
>>585500A lot of this info came from KF (probably via YTT) but there's all sorts of screen shots to back it up.
>>585542I think it's been a while since she's produced this much milk. Sadly, I don't know how long it'll last for due to the cat fishing. I think the last time that happened she retreated for a while. If there's a thread I think she should probably go in /snow at this point. I've never made a thread so I don't know if I need permission or how that works.
No. 585960
File: 1538972880543.png (214.83 KB, 905x1280, huh.png)

>>585900Of course right as I say that I manage to find their renamed personal/fuwaride. Disregard that, forgot they change URLs almost daily. mostly reblogs but it does have their kins listed, plus incredibly sparse personal posts. Probably more if I felt like doing any digging. If I manage to find anything regarding the aforementioned callout post or any more drama regarding them, Slater, or Slater's ex (which I doubt considering that was years ago and they're on constant damage control), I'll see if I can make a whole thread so I stop spamming useless info here. Otherwise, if anyone has any substantial milk to share from this exceptional anomaly, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Pic somewhat related, Coach Z TF art done by Oswald's close friend Jasper
No. 586023
>>585900>jasper-rollsHoly shit, I was mutuals with this guy over 5 years ago. He was tolerable until he became creepily obsessed with bara/fat men and wouldn’t shut up about how horny it made him. I think he still follows some of my accounts now despite me wanting nothing to do with him. Sad how people can go to shit so quickly.
>Yep. It was about their pedo boyfriend Slater, and once Oswald caught wind of it they went completely fucking apeshit. I remember this now! Again, sad to see he hasn’t changed. Can’t believe people would willingly defend this creep.
Man, all this makes me wonder if you and I ran in the same tumblr circles back then anon haha
No. 587880
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>>571990more William Control cringe.
No. 588538
>>587880>>588458>>588514I think a WC thread is needed, not only to catalogue his abuse but to highlight his deluded little fangirls and their insistence that their precious 'dom' has been set up. Plus the very few women he's slept with who are trying very hard to throw his victims under the bus at every given opportunity.
I'd also like to see some of the best responses from his naysayers over on Twitter, some are reasonable and some are just brutal.
No. 589123
File: 1539707763708.png (408.99 KB, 848x530, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at 12.3…)

Just was browsing PULL and came upon a disturbing thread about a women named "Peaches" (aka: @lovelypeaches2001 ).
Besides being a nasty cunt who prostitutes herself for petty change, she's a negligent mother of an 8 month old whom she has threatened to kill, starve, rape and pimp out. Though she claims she hasn't actually harmed or sexually abused the child, saying they are just "jokes", I don't trust this bitch for a second. The PULL thread is here , it's disturbing so be prepared.
No. 589214
>>589162She generally doesn't have the child in her care, apparently. There are people riding her case and talking with CPS.
Can I suggest someone with a bit more knowledge on her makes the thread. Once you get past the initial outrage she's 100% thread-worthy now she's of age, but it can't just be a bunch of a-logging and pearl-clutching or it won't work. Please do some research first.
Does anyone follow her on her private accounts?How about the anon who first posted her here months ago, do you follow her?
>>535230 No. 590114
File: 1540001357539.jpg (39.01 KB, 600x450, tumblr_ngmlqsgxfV1u0wikro6_640…)

Found Oswald's old blog circa 2014! With bonus "ironically" shitty selfies! current theme makes it look like its been nuked, but it can be viewed on mobile just fine.
>>586023Wouldn't be too surprised if that was the case. It was a odd mix of close-knit yet very spread out due to the amount of incredibly popular blogs directly linked to Oswald.
No. 590165
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>>590114Currently combing through their blog for anything milky and I completely forgot how creepy their typing mannerisms are. They talk like they're recovering from a massive stroke half of the time with how cutesy they try to appear to others. I swear, it's gotta be some sort of disarming tactic when it comes to the 12-16 year old diehard fans they attract.
What I wouldn't give to have some screenshots of their old NSFW blog. IIRC they drew a picture of Kirby with his dick out among other things, mostly involving Chief Puddle and some beaver dude boning down.
No. 590434
>>569258I know I’m a month late, but you sound like a fag.
>muh image board safe spaceRelax. Like someone said, he has zero relevancy.
No. 591506
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No. 591511
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>>591505>>591506>>591507What in the ever loving fuck…
Should've added this one too if anyone has any doubt that this bitch is actually stupid/crazy enough to post this shit.
No. 591513
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she isn't still a newborn but peaches often posts her young/newborn pics
peaches apparently doesn't even have custody
No. 591805
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Is anyone familiar with "Auress Cosplay" or "Dolyouk" as she used to be called? She got brought up defending Momokun and it was discovered she went from being a bad cosplay/shooping Zelda to a wildly racist piece of crap trying to be a professional cosplayer.
I don't know enough on what she's been doing to make a /snow/ general on her so I'm hoping somebody knows more.
Links: (recently updated)
>got in trouble on twitch?>wildly racist tweets about hating black people solely because they're all violent>hates Mexicans and latinos because 'their all the same species'>supposedly autistic?>defending Momokun for reasons unknown, probably to boost her fame>Asherbee level cosplay skills No. 591810
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>>591805Went digging in her Deviantart and on the subject of her blatant racism.
She even calls out a bigger cosplayer for getting upset by her racism and then calls the girl a cunt for not being racist like her?
>stop it! stop calling me racist! i didn't do ANYTHING! all i did was admit my racism. i never harassed ANYONE! just shut the fuck up and go harass someone else you damn cunt!and when someone contacted her mother suggesting she restrict her daughter's internet usage..
>how dare you say that to my mom! no one controls her decisions except me! No. 591934

I was watching this video of "Ouija" (artist who is signed to ICP's label) doing interviews with fans and I got so much secondhand embarrassment. I was also shocked he borderline assaulted multiple fans. I couldn't help but document and share. I only got about 40 minutes in to the video before I turned it off because the person who turned it on left my house but what the fuck. Is this milk?:
>A fan is being too loud in the crowd so he starts yelling, gets off stage and storms the crowd. He pushes a girl, knocking her over, and starts threatening fans. He gets called out for pushing the girl and blatantly denies it even though its on film.
>Yells at fans, insults them, throws shit at them, and calls them names all throughout the video.
>Gets asked to freestyle and tries to get out of it by saying he isn't in the mood. The other guy on stage freestyles easily upon fan request. He eventually realizes he can't talk himself out of it and does it, then gets booed.
>Sells his gold chain for $900.00 cash to a fan in front of everyone then claims he's going to send the money to his kids. He starts yelling about how he isn't a deadbeat and promises he's going to post the receipts of the "Walmart money transfer" to his kids online. (This was in July and I checked just now, he hasn't posted shit). The other guy on stage takes the mic from him at this point.
>He then gets the mic back and randomly thanks his girlfriend for paying his whole rent. . .On stage, in front of everyone. . . If my boyfriend did that I'd be mortified.
Bonus footage, about 35-40 minutes in, the other guy on stage accidentally falls off
I really felt bad for the other artist on stage, he was just doing damage control the whole time.
As far as male cows go, Ouija is like Jonny Craig mixed with Tyler Grosso.
No. 591993
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I have an incredibly lulzy and upcoming cow called Lil Lunchbox. So far I've only followed her on facebook so far: (from what I can gather, under 100 posts so far)
> moved to Sweden with long distance boyfriend> korn themed wedding> I'm unsure of what happened between then, but now she is expressing herself as a clown, putting on clakeup and ignoring the claters. > husband leaves because she's batshit crazy> she videotapes the entire falling apart of her marriage in Sweden > ex husband has new girl, videos of them making fun of her> bizarre and terrible singing/music videos> videos of laugh therapy and really offputting thingsbased on videos shared of how normal she was I'm banking on this not being fake, but very well might be. I hope the facebook link worked, I'm retarded at it.
No. 592206
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Peaches is on the news now for trying to sell Cora. Some bigger youtubers even got a twitter tag about it, #SaveCora No. 594436
File: 1541164703008.png (1.71 MB, 2000x1069, img.png)

Brandon Truaxe, Founder of Deciem//The Ordinary.
Brandon fired the marketing team and took over the social media accounts of Deciem and used them to post crazy, rambling bullshit.
Then he went whole hog, announced he was shutting all of the stores and that they were all involved in major criminal activity.
At this point Estee Lauder (major investors) stepped in, kicked him out of his own company and Deciem lived to see another day.
Brandon simply moved his next level shitposting to his own personal account. Estee Lauder filed a restraining order against him?? And now he's unemployed but living in fancy hotels, hopping states and countries semi-regularly, and getting kicked out of his own stores.
He's documenting everything on his Instagram but his posts are so flowery, long and crazy that it's almost impossible to understand. It's still fun to try though. No. 594725
>>594160I don't know if any of these are true, just as a precaution. I came across the majority of this "info" from secondhand accounts on /v/, and I could find nothing to prove or disprove these claims. They might be truthful, or they might just be libelous claims from bitter ex-Chatango viewers. I dunno, I'm not a farmer. Make of these what you will.
Limealicious: ALLEGEDLY: used money from the first charity stream the team did to buy a pet ferret; was the catalyst for the team moving to create their own Twitch channels, because she complained about no one watching her when they shared one; has/had a reputation for being a bipolar asshole behind the scenes.
Direboar: He is the webhost/developer of the team's site, and ALLEGEDLY is very lazy about it. The Vinesauce forums got flooded by Russian bots and apparently he did nothing about it, which is why the community mainly uses Leddit these days.
Vinny: This is where the "info" gets messy, since he's the "face" of Vinesauce. ALLEGEDLY, he:
>Siphoned Patreon money (for the few months he used it) he stated would go to charity, but instead used it to buy a new mic and clothes, then closed it down before he could be called out, claiming he "felt like [he] didn't deserve it.">Slept with both Imakuni and Mentaljen, exchanging games for sexual favors from the former. I've also seen rumors that he's gay, so I'm not sure which to believe, if any.>Assaulted someone at either a Con and/or a party.>Has two editors (Vappyvap88 and Southbird) who're known for stirring drama in the furry community.>Taken several game keys meant to be used for a viewer giveaway for himself.Again, make of these what you will.
No. 594775
>>594753You mean aisha?
See your point but that's always been the way of lolcows; people said the same thing about Chris chain's autism back in the day. Normal people generally have enough sense not to engage in the kinds of behaviour lolcows think are acceptable.
No. 596156
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No. 596161
would anyone be interested in a thread on thanfiction/andrew blake?the history his fandom exploits is long and goes way back to the early 2000s. hes started cults, scammed countless fandoms, and is the subject of a book called When a Fan Hits the Shit. this blog has a good comprehensive timeline of his antics, links, accounts of people who have met him, etc. explains the situation that made him infamous, his LOTR charity scam that got sean astin from the movies involved. his general fanlore page
No. 598002
>>597983Would also like a thread.
Wtf with this wet shiny make up and those giant manic eyes. Really troubling with the 20 seconds of music running on a loop for 7 minutes.
No. 598745
>>598678Yeah, he doesn’t have a problem outing people
Imagine him asking Billie “hey can I expose the emails Onision sent you?”
That wasn’t his business to begin with and we know Billie was kind of a push over with those topics, so I think she didn’t say no to don’t cause drama with Drew.
Maybe he came forward with the story first so he didn’t look like the bad guy for introducing her to heavy drugs if she’s talked about the topic first
No. 598781
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Peaches is apparently still at it and getting worse. Surprised no one has made a thread here about her.
No. 600547
>>600492The mods can deal with that right? No race baiting is a rule right? Like I said I don't want to make the thread as I've never done it before!
No. 606820
>>606631I was wondering where the hell the new thread was..
Could some kind anon please make a Channon Rose thread? She's a major cow.
No. 607218
File: 1543557061938.jpeg (267.48 KB, 1587x1891, CF4151BA-1DA6-4E0D-A9F4-E0D18A…)

Red, co-host of the channel OverlySarcasticProductions. Haven't used this site before so I'm not sure if she's a worthy cow.
Kinda secretive about her personal life, so in every other circumstance there'd be little milk to find. On the surface, she's very progressive. Her tweets on OSP's twitter page history (specified by putting '-R' at the end of her posts to distinguisg her from the channel's co-owner Blue, who uses '-B') proves she's your ypical "orange man bad", tumblr addicted leftie white woman from a well-off family. But, beyond this, there's not much milk.
HOWEVER, I may be privy to some keys to unlock a hidden treasure trove of milk for anyone willing to do some real sleuthing work. I'm currently not in a position to dedicate myself to undertaking due to very pressing real life obligations and honestly not being as experienced finding what I want on the web as most other millennials.
However, if no one seems to be interested by the time I wake up tomorrow, I'll just let the issue pass into obscurity. If there's a demand, I promise I'll provide what I know.
No. 607364
>>607218she looks like my every slavic metalhead guyfriend. What manly is about her? Her whole fucking face, even this stupid grimace is such a guy-taking-a-selfie
I don't care about her though, I don't know her nor that channel. OP, if you have some milkbomb just drop it. If there's good milk, a thread is welcomed even if it's about a nobody.
No. 607612
>>607364Alright. Seems there's enough interest from you guys to post this. FYI - She's not a dude. Just has that look about her, plus she has a very tomboyish persona to her.
Her real name is "Miranda Garfinkle". Her private tumblr blog is "itsagoddamnninja." She lives in the south side of Chicago and went to the University of Chicago (she may have already mentioned her college in a public post, though). I have more specific info but I don't want to her to be doxxed. Her dad's Richard Garfinkle, a semi-famous science fiction author. She (publically) graduated with a major in Mathematics, although leading up to her strangely unenthusiastic graduation post she briefly mentioned how close she was to NOT being able to graduate. It's possible she may not have actually graduated but made it seem that way so it wouldn't compromise her whole education-based channel … which is understandable.
She also has a personal Facebook page. Don't use Facebook so I can't really see much just by directly googling it. Don't know of any other social media she has, but it's possible she has other accounts.
Like I said, these are just "keys" that will lead you to finding a whole lotta milk. From what little I've seen it looks … promising to say the least. Her tumblr page especially.
I'm not accountable for anything you folks do after this point. Technically, except for maybe one of my sources which I only learnt from my direct correspondence with her, any of you can find this information if you look hard enough and have a few dollars to burn. I'm just the guy who did all that work for you.
I'll delete this post in 24 hours or if one of you guys does something stupid and ends up
triggering her into sounding alarms all over the internet. She'll likely figure out who I am if someone tells her about this post.
Have fun.
No. 607651
File: 1543608218127.jpg (24.64 KB, 250x263, 1485891817736.jpg)

Lolcow Awards 2018 Edition, anyone?
>>>/meta/4005 No. 607653
>>607628The hell? I thought I made it perfectly clear I did the work to keys, the opportunities to find the milk, for you. Also, this thread is to post ideas for new threads, since I no longer have the time to sustain a thread like I could've done in the past. The reasons for that are irrelevant to why I posted this in the first place.
Take it or leave it. I don't care.
No. 607670
>>607655Can't be a 'vendetta' if I actual have milk to provide. The milk's within that info I posted.
I can tell you now there's some really cringy, SJW crap she likes to reblog on her tumblr, giving you an insight into how she thinks. I can't imagine there's NOT more to be found. Her account's pretty old. And this is just her tumblr we're talking about.
Learn your own rules.
No. 607676
>>607670no caps? no links, no examples?
saying someone is sjw or cringy is not providing anything but an opinion. having a old reg date on a popular website doesnt mean shit.
>I have more specific info but I don't want to her to be doxxed.wat
>Don't know of any other social media she has, but it's possible she has other considered that useful?
>From what little I've seen it looks … promising to say the show what you have found so we can make an informed decision on your personal cow
>I'm not accountable for anything you folks do after this point.fuck off with that attitude
> I did the work to keysyou provided what most functioning adults could find with a cursory google search
your pills. take them.
No. 607919
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Well, fuck. This isn't good.
REALLY should've made this function a lot clearer, guys. Please.(newfaggotry)
No. 607926
>>607919Good news is that I got the information out there. Bad news is I can never take it back. Well, now you never have to worry about finding more info about Red, internet.
Or maybe I'm more in the clear than I thought. It appears no one here follows up on my links and just immediately criticizes my post as milkless. I know: I fucking stated that in my initial post, dumbass(es). She's kinda secretive so it'd be very hard to come by this info otherwise. I know her personally, we've spoken to each other in person on multiple occasions.
Guess you'll only be drinking soy from now on if this is how you treat all your milk providers. I could've told you more, but until somrone actual judges me on the content provided by my leaked info, and doesn't take the leak at face value like some people, this is all the help you're ever gonna get.
No. 607936
>>607932yea it shows.
>Well, now you never have to worry about finding more info about Red, internet.shut the site down lads. we really missed out
No. 609144
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Can someone make an Amanda Seyfried thread? No. 610748
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Banner made me wonder. Whatever happened to the Suzy thread? I remember it being active a while ago. Is she boring now?
No. 612151
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Is Marissa Davis / Rabbie Dee a worthy enough cow to have her own dedicated thread? She's an e-begger on Tumblr who calls herself a disabled trans communist Jew. She's definitely not Jewish or trans or Communist, only a lazy woman who asks her followers to pay her rent, bills, medications, and Ubers.
Her current Tumblr URL is jewishcommie, it changes pretty often.
Some people might have known her through the despair-komeda saga. She was one of the people who tried calling him out. She's also a "sober" alcoholic who can magically find vodka and wine to drink despite being in "deep debt."
Currently, she's trying to shill money for the "death" of her uncle, to take an Uber to his "funeral". Putting this in quotes because she's used a "death" excuse 3 times within the past year to beg for extra money.
No. 612262
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I feel like this piece of shit deserves a thread.
No. 612992
>>612976Got her life sucked out, smoked weed with older guys and got pimped in japan.
Chill newfag
No. 612998
>>612992>newfagRespect your seniors.
None of these things make her a cow.
>got pimped in japanReceipts?
No. 614086
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>>613955Here's the new thread.
>>>/pt/614084 No. 614098
File: 1544844159561.jpg (56.89 KB, 615x409, MAIN-Joel-Dommett.jpg)

>>614096>Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.Just following the directions.
>>613955 No. 614103
>>614102NTA, but this thread gets ~2-4 posts
a day it will be weeks before it fills up. You jumped the gun cause of the canned message (so you're new, obviously) and she's right to call you out on it, especially since this is a pinned thread. Just accept it and move on.
No. 619115
>>618784Kek, sounds like you regularly post on there and are trollshielding so some of your embarrassing shit doesn't end up in the thread.
Make a CC thread, Anon!
No. 619198
>>618999What are you talking about lmao. It would be a really boring thread and most of the posters there are anonymous, how will you even find milk on people who don't have an identity.
>>619115My post made it pretty clear I don't browse there and don't like the place. Nice tinfoil. God you both are retarded.
No. 623022
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Would anons be interested in a david sheratt thread? Not only is he a cow by himself but hes crossed with other cows (lauren southern, wig0nhead) but not sure if farmers would be interested in him? He's doing some lulzy stuff lately like starting fights with a lot of youtubers and his mom has her own facebook and twitter which reveals some pretty embarassing stuff about him.
No. 624181
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will one of the momo OP anons bless us with a new post? she’s trying to call out someone else for stealing designs now and I can’t deal with it
No. 626171
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Pretty pretty please an anon with Marilyn Manson milk start a thread? Or even post in celebricows since that thread sucks ass? I've seen anons refer to Manson being a cow and I would love to sip the cream. It seems like multiple anons are aware of his shenanigans so I'd imagine a thread or a mention in Celebricows #5 thread would take off.
Also pic related is obviously not him but kek
No. 626192
>>626171Old milk but when he came to Colombia he was kicked from 3 different hotels due to him shutting on the walls.
I’ll see if I can find an article
No. 626231
assume you meant shitting? (see what i did there hehe)
Wtffff why and how does that even happen?
No. 626560
>>626528Cool! Any topics I should add?
I've been seeing more and more comments saying, "This cow is so much like this other cow!"
No. 626862
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>>591805Speaking of cringy cosplayers besides Momo. Guess who's back on the radar after her racist remarks on Mexicans?
This time Auress made a "lewd" of Shiro from No Game No Life. Though the original Instagram post is gone due to a shit ton of comments flaming her, it's still available on her Twitter.
Of course she said that Shiro is almost in middle school (11 I assume) so it's alright to lewd her….and brought up the fact that at least she didnt lewd Kanna. Wtf?
Ironic that she supports Momokun too.
No. 626869
>>626862Wow, her Twitter is a goldmine. That cosplay is truly terrible. You were right to put "lewd" in quotes.
As a fan of Momo could she qualify as a calf? Sort of?
No. 626983
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I came across a video that was recommended to me about this girl, it’s kind of cringe but it summarizes some recent “internet drama” that she was involved in. name is Lydia, but she goes under the screen name russianprincess01 and is active on TikTok. I know she looks 12, but she's apparently 17.
He behavior is strikingly similar to early CWC, very gullible, will do nearly anything if you play your cards properly. Just recently she was very easily pressured into repeating the word “nigger” on a live stream and flashing the camera.
Instagram: russianprincess01
No. 627307
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>>626862 She also has a reddit too and posted her thoughts about lewding teen Ochako from BNHA.
First she badly overshoops herself to be the skinniest Zelda, now she's into lewding teens and lolis now? She's like another version of momokun.
No. 627308
>>626983>>627155Honestly just because she has autism and is incredibly gullible doesn’t make her comparable to CWC because despite being the haha funny autistic man he also is a legitimate creep to women and a scammer among other things. Chris definitely has more substance as a lolcow than just being an autist.
Seems like this girl was just a victim of unfortunate circumstance because looking at her social media outside of tiktok is just her volunteering at animal shelters and boring life shit like what she got for Christmas.
Not really any milk besides that one instance but we’ll see.
I feel like she’d probably get the Abby Brown soft spot type following if she got a tread at this point in time.
No. 627310
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>>627307Guess people called out on her lewding underaged characters. PS, this girl is in her early 20s but looks older just like momokun too.
No. 627317
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Christy Mack seems so gross to me. Her relationship with her eventual abuser ex MMA fighter War Machine was a trainweck. They had gotten each other's names tattooed. She used to have a literal red stamp saying "Property of War Machine" on her back until they split and he almost killed her and he still had "Mack" on his throat of all places. Doubt there is any milk now but she's been pretty active on the internet for a long time and made bank on her very original Mack brand through it. She used to be a bitch on twitter and her followers were trash. I thought she'd be worth a mention here.
No. 627323
>>626468Sorry for the late reply! Maybe also favorite past drama and something like relatable cow (for whatever reason, I know this might be controversial lol).
Not sure how other farmers feel about it and if they would be interested, but it would be really cool to have a topic where we can chat away about the cows without the fear of going off topic and disrupting the thread. Personally I find it really interesting when farmers blogpost about their shared experiences with a cow, but I understand why blogposts are not permitted.
No. 627395
File: 1547841899380.jpg (80.29 KB, 960x960, not even once.jpg)

This is Amanda Brown.
Amanda used to be a normal girl a few years ago. Then she did meth. Now she's fucked up.
She goes on Facebook constantly, except for when she's in jail (she currently is). She has a snapchat where you can see her disgusting naked body and her smoking meth. She sells her body for drugs. On Facebook, she begs people for a place to stay and rides to other places. When people try to help her, like get her to rehab, she REFUSES. She does NOT want help, she ONLY wants meth.
She used to have a kitten that she beat until someone paid $200 to take it away from her.
I definitely think she's a cow.
Her Facebook: donthackmyshit5
Her old Instagram from when she looked normal: No. 627403
File: 1547842812565.jpg (53.97 KB, 540x960, amandabrownwtf.jpg)

>>627395That's poop on her face. Not dirt.
She also guilts everyone who sees her Snapchat stories and doesn't 'help' her.
No. 627692
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>>626869I agree, she should be in the calves thread or get her own should she continue to produce milk. She's produced so much. No. 627982
File: 1547925603593.jpg (115.54 KB, 608x739, d4k466n-46219864-dbdb-4e72-b44…)

>>626862>>627692This chick has been causing drama for years! She got posted a lot on /cgl/ for her terrible costumes and her signature habit of over powdered and blurring her nose in what looked like MS Paint. She would also steal the DeviantArt photos of girls who cosplayed characters better than her and edit them badly to "make them better" then would get mad if they didn't thank her for stealing from them.
No. 627989
File: 1547929635236.jpg (41.77 KB, 518x360, lee baker.jpg)

Lee baker aka pyschadelicsnake, @Snakey_bakey on twitter is a let's player (YouTube and Twitch) who scams his fans out of thousands of dollars and isn't even grateful. He raped his ex-girlfriend Jany who has MS while she was under the influence of medicine. He cheated on her with many women. Eventually left her for a Brazilian called Bruna. They married quickly. Then Lee cheated on Bruna with a girl from Germany. Girl broke it off, so he ran back to Bruna.
He's probably still doing lots of shady shit, but I haven't really kept up. He's like a gaming version of Onision almost, but then with actual rape and even more abuse.
>promising to do a charity stream and then not doing it
>Leech NEET
>Sending his ex-gf emails half a year after breaking up
>Bruna still sees ex as a rival
No. 628773
>>628565There's this one
>>>/snow/407676It's pretty old, but if you have new observable drama, it doesn't look like it's locked.
No. 629303
>>628546She grew up with such deranged, irresponsible parenting and threw herself in front of a goddamn truck to attempt suicide a few years ago. She's not even 22. No shit she uses meth and whores herself out when she doesn't know how it feels to be happy and wanted.
I'm not opposed to a thread on her, but it'd just be documenting her suffering. It's not like Luna, who has a home and an audience from her minor internet fame to exhaust for petty handouts. This is a desperate, abused homeless woman who happened to ruin their looks from addiction.
No. 629412
>>627395I don't get how she differs from other methheads. We can't have a thread for every one of them.
>>629303 says, situation seems sad as fuck and lacks the same point of personality difference that make cows like Luna and Taylor Dean who they are.
No. 630791
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The milk would spill over into complete and total hilarity and insanity if VW had a thread here! would lose her damn mind! She would completely and totally flip her shit.
Pretty sure that she would pull a vikki and try to send lolcow a letter from her lawyer.
No. 631707
>>631486looks like it. from what i understand she filed a false copyright strike and had someone’s video removed when it fell under fair use. the backlash
triggered her to cryrage on stream for a good while about it and then continue to make salty posts on ig while disabling comments. tbh i think that milk has pretty much run dry now and it’s moved on to her vs nik which definitely doesn’t need its own thread. he already has his own and it’s pretty bare and dead. unless something else happens i.e. she makes another livestream screaming and crying about it, maaaybe a thread would be justified, but ehhh.
No. 631872
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>>631866Motherfucker can’t even handle dislikes without making a statement
No. 631875
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>>631872Can’t forget his amazing Patreon
No. 632301
File: 1548596723274.jpeg (145.3 KB, 1334x750, 05B17318-9533-4640-B2BA-0E46BF…)

>>631876He’s also been caught taking underskirt photos at conventions but get angry every time it’s mentioned, he’d prefer if people just let it be forgotten.
No. 632313
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New plasticnproud / Ariana McMillan thread? Last one locked. She was one of my favorite cows
No. 632942
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>>594582>>594436He's recently passed away by falling (or jumping) off a building. It's really shitty that someone so successful went out like this but it's not terribly surprising considering his behavior this past year. No. 633074
File: 1548701902598.png (140.86 KB, 480x689, btruaxe.png)

>>633061I wanted to say someone should archive it. I grabbed this screenshot only, because I thought his page will continue to stay. I was wrong.