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No. 196187
There's a plastic surgery thread already if you're just talking about types of plastic surgery you want, but this one is about girls who have gotten plastic surgery, and deny it despite it being extremely obvious they did, and the men, and in rare cases women, who defend that person and claim they're never been touched by a surgeon. There's also men who go on and claim about how they hate plastic surgery so much, then go on and fap to girls who have had plastic surgery, this can range anyone from LA women with big butts, latina women who have had fat injections, or the east asians who get tons of lipo and make themselves look nothing like who they were before. Basically men's logic is that any plastic surgery that isn't obvious or botched is 100% natural, what do you think about this anons? Have you had any personal experiences with anyone who has thought this way?
pic related, it's yanet garcia, who everyone claims her butt is from "hard work at the gym" but she went from flat butt to rounded big butt overnight and her thighs didn't grow one bit
No. 196190
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Some reason I find that more and more people nowadays actually believe all the milky white koreans like kpop stars are actually that pale and haven't modified their face whatsoever
like the korean whitening industry is a bigger industry than americas vitamin industry, where tf do they think they money all goes?
"oh but koreans can be naturally pale" not whiter than paper though, if they're whiter than paper it's most likely the work of whitening injections and skin bleaching
No. 196192
>>196191my ex was like this
I have an AWFUL body and I have been struggling with insecurity and body dysmorphia for years, I wanted a fat transfer, breast lift, jaw shave and some spot laser removal, everytime I mentioned it he would throw a fit saying "hur dur you're gonna hate yourself even after it too" and constantly preach about how he doesn't want me to change and how he is going to be depressed if I want to improve my body, but go home and fap to koreans who've had fuck loads of plastic surgery, then claim if he found out someone he was attracted to had plastic surgery, he wouldn't be attracted to them, which was extremely ironic
like, if you hate it so much either learn to fucking deal with women who have had plastic surgery or don't be attracted to signature plastic surgery looks
No. 196194
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>>196193and makeup
this isnt editted you can see her zits and shit but her hand is a lot darker than her face, a lot of kpoppers do it
No. 196195
>>196189SHH DON'T LET GAMINGKOALA HERE SHE RUINED THE COSPLAYER GENERAL THREAD. I'm serious go look at it she whitenights that shit and it's lame as he'll
Honestly though. I feel like girls who dent plastic surgery are pathetic. Guys who can't tell a fake boob job from natural breasts are even more pathetic though. I'm comfortable with myself to not let any of it affect me so I think it's not the worst thing in the world
No. 196196
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>>196194Yeah, though that's pretty subtle compared to some of the examples I've seen
No. 196197
God I feel this thread so much. People make cows or special snowflakes when they claim to be natural when they fraud their beauty. It doesn't matter if you're gonna have plastic surgery, but don't deny it and say it's natural especially if it's so damn obvious. Don't put other people down and claim how natural and special you are when you've done just the thing to attain perfect beauty. It enables the neckbeards and white knights too and make terrible cases just like
>>196192 I understand the increased competition between girls nowadays, but it's really vile to try and present yourself as this unattainable beauty all the while calling other girls insecure, or jealous of your fake image. I've seen it way too much nowadays on social media it's getting so annoying
No. 196198
>>196194To be fair, my hands are darker than my face too, that's really common and not an indication someone is faking their skintone.
My left arm and hand are just super tan from driving around in the sun so they're massively darker compared to my face.
No. 196200
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Mckayla marooney, who has the most obvious ass implant ever, and constantly denies it and uses the whole "jealous haters" defense when you can literally see the implant line and it moved like an implant, muscles aren't even formed like that
The men believe her and say "well all gymnasts have big muscley butts" yet when she was a gymnast her ass was flat, it literally went like that overnight yet somehow her ass got more plump when she became an instathot instead of a gymnast?who does she think she's fooling?
Sage for rant
No. 196203
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>>196202>>196201>>196200"My ass is real and its spectacular" who the fuck does she think she's fooling? Even jen selter and Kim Ks ass look more real than hers, does she not know how muscles form? It's one thing to get a shitty butt job, but why lie when it's obvious?
No. 196204
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>>196203Reminds me of that IG model that died, just not as extreme. The shape definitely matches though.
No. 196207
>>196202As someone who lifts this shit looks so fake. Your butt moves with your legs as you walk, and the butt muscle raises when your leg is back. This just looks like two solid rocks on her backside.
I'm glad someone make this thread. I've said the same thing before about tits but men always tell me "omg nooo don't get surgery" yet all the pop stars and porn stars they find attractive or fap to have modified bodies. Fuck what men think TBH
No. 196208
>>196207Basically girls with plastic surgery that wasn't blotched are hot except when they are honest about it
Men are so gullible, i wouldn't give two shits about this if men didn't go around telling girls with small butts to go squat to look like [girl with butt job], or just anything of that nature
No. 196209
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>>196187this is from an article titled "ladies this is what happens when you do 7,000 squats a day"
lmao yeah no more like what happens when you spend 7,000$ on shitty obvious butt implants
I mean if you're gonna make a squat claim at least make it believable, unless you're that desperate to take 6 - 9 hours out your day for a scary looking ass, and not in a good way
No. 196211
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>>196208Girl, this. "dont get plastic surgery, its so fake and its for fake bitches." next minute thinks a woman with GOOD plastic surgery looks attractive and even if they knew it was plastic surgery they wouldn't complain because it still looks good. Men are sadly simple creatures who don't know what they want.
No. 196213
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>>196207Yeah, its even the wrong shape. It looks disgusting and doesn't even move properly. The gigantic monster asses are so beyond my understanding, why would anyone even want one?
I've laughed at Mckaylas ass for so long, I'm happy I'm not the only one who finds it horrible.
For me, Nicki Minaj as whole is disgusting and I can't understand how anyone could find her decent looking. At this point her face barely moves, which is probably why she hasn't had a decent flow and has been so monotone since 2015. Nickis body is absolutely disgusting, her boobs are worse offenders than the balloon ass. Ever since I saw her at a concert few years back, she was a short oompa loompa looking chubby girl with extremities.
I find it so bizarre people praise her while making fun out of botched surgeries, when Nicki is 70% on the way there too.
No. 196215
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>>196187this is what actual hard work and butt exercises look like, no it's not crazy huge, no it doesnt look like two basketballs under your skin, but it's REAL and from hard work, not from taking a trip to the fix a flat doctor
No. 196216
>>196213I love Nicki but after seeing her music video for "Starships" I learned quick she's "better coming than going" in terms of looks. Her backside looks weird.
Is hers plastic surgery though? I always thought it was just fat black genes (no hate just don't know how to phrase it better) giving her an ass shelf.
That being said, Kim Kardashian's plastic surgeon (Well supposed since she still denies having had plastic surgery despite there being piles of evidence) came out after her cellulite beach photos got posted and people started freaking out about them. He said something like
>If there's cellulite before implants/fillers/whatever the word is for this are done, then it will still be there at the surface. It's better to lose the cellulite first (Which you can do with squats. Mine went away when i started doing squats and now it's GONE!)
No. 196217
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>>196216How have you never seen Nicki pre-surgeries? How'd you miss out on the assdropping drama (her ass dropped, literally) It's getting worse and worse.
No. 196219
>>196208>>196208So like onision?
He comments about how much he hates PS, and harassed jaclynglenn for getting breast implants, yet in his uhohbro videos he talks about how hot asian girls who have had plastic surgery are, talked about how hot and ideal kim ks body is, etc
No. 196220
>>196219it's always men who claim to hate plastic surgery so much who are the biggest hypocrites
didn't he have surgery himself as well?
he also makes fun of women who use anti aging products and eat healthy, while him and his female cult slaves are all aging horribly with acne
No. 196221
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>>196216>>196217Yep, I think Nicki's implant must've popped or deflated or something.
No. 196222
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>>196221Also another one which obviously shows an implant. I don't even see how she can sit down.
I know booties are the in thing now but jfc people this doesn't even look good.
No. 196228
>>196225why? cuz her fans said it was? so believable anon
hint - if someone makes crazy claims such as someone went out their way to make nicki look like she had a butt implant, it's most likely fake
No. 196231
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>>196226>>196227>>196228I'm not a fan of Nikki Minaj. I just happened to be reading about butt enlargement and found the first photo on the boat is photoshopped (pic attached is her actual photo). 2nd one I've read are butt pads that she wore the performance that photo was taken during, so not shopped, but also not implants. They are worn under flesh colored stockings.
No. 196247
>>196231Why did Meek and Remy then call her out for her ass dropping? Nickis ass dropped. The ass is fake. There were already before and after photos. Either ways, the ass is horrid and is one step away from botched. Why did it get derailed so bad.
>>196237Yeah there's nothing wrong with plastic surgery, but when you pretend to be a ~natural queen~ and have thirsty whiteknights who push that agenda. lel
No. 196342
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No. 196381
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>>196342I almost blame the surgeons themselves for operating on these mentally deranged people all for the sake of a dollar. No ethics whatsoever.
No. 196385
>>196381Hey SHITLORD,
Stop Bogdy shaming.
No. 196386
>>196204but why
why on earth would you want to look like this??
No. 196392
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>>196342The Bogdanoffs fascinate me, I saw them being interviewed in French and they actually seemed like pretty nice, funny people.
They used to be quite handsome.
No. 196408
>>196204You havent added the especially juicy issue to that model.
She died
during yet another plastic surgery No. 196415
>>196412Not the anon you were responding to, but as long as you make a good research (does he have a website? Where and when did he graduate? Does he only do noses? How many years of experience does he have? Is people leaving good reviews? [only the ones with pictures count] Do you like the noses he makes?) and find a good surgeon you shouldn't worry.
You should start breathing after a week more or less, for the first month (but for the whole recovering time actually) you should be 100% careful, avoid people coming in contact with/near your nose in any way, etc. Final result time depends on the type of your skin, it's 1 year and a half if you have thick skin, a year or less if you have thin skin, around a year if you have normal skin. But don't worry about that, and only the surgeon can tell you which type of skin you have.
Sage for OT
No. 196424
>>196411Not all will (or will have the means to), doesn't mean they're bad doctors though.
>>196410The doctor will probably let you know if what you want is unrealistic/can't be done because your skin is too thick or your nose is too wide/won't look good on you personally. Still, it's kind of hard to predict and stuff like that happens. I got my nose done because I looked like a literal witch. My new nose is nice, but he for some reason didn't refine the tip and now it looks too big. He just said 'we'll try taping and waiting for the swelling to go down', but I'm not holding my breath. It's a nice nose still, the shape and everything is lovely, but it's just too big for my face. I'll just have to live with it though, not going through another surgery again that's for damn sure.
>>196412What I wish I'd known:
>Yes, it's a minor surgery, but it's still a surgery. It took me 1.5 days to fully flush the anaesthetic out of my system and stop feeling loopy and nauseous.>I could breathe again by day 5. Still, it wasn't proper breathing until I took the splints out and waited a few more days for the swelling to subside further. Even then, I had a crazy amount of mucus in my sinuses, but that's a problem I've been battling for years on a smaller scale.>Get one of those aeroplane neck pillows. That's the only thing that has kept me from turning on my side and bumping my nose against things.>BE CAREFUL with your nose. You paid good money to get it fixed, don't ruin it. One morning I bumped my nose with my hand as I was waking up and I'm really worried it's going to ruin it in the long run.Still, if you get a good doctor, you'll most likely be fine.
No. 196840
>>196209I read about that girl
Idk who tf she think shes fooling
No. 196848
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Dawn Yang. A singaporian lifestyle blogger. She started her blog during the early 2000s and since then she kept piling on the surgeries and now she looks so fucking bad. She's full on addicted. And of course she lies about her procedures and claims that she is half dutch.
No. 196849
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No. 196850
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How she looks now
No. 196851
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anyone that wants to undergo cosmetics procedures should be very careful, there's a risk of getting addicted.
No. 196868
>>196851she should've stopped at 2001
she actually looked like an attractive human now she looks plastic
No. 196881
>>196851>there's a risk of getting addictedif you're mentally ill and a masochist, sure, but most people only go in because they genuinely look busted and want to look normal
No one normal enjoys anaesthesia and the recovery process
No. 196883
>>196871Besides sugar daddies, there's plenty of people out there that take out loans for this shit and never pay them off. They'd rather pile on debt forever than go another few years being who they are.
If shopping addicts can rack up thousands on credit cards, I believe the same can happen with plastic addicts.
No. 196891
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Ariana Grande has to have had shit done to her face, I always thought Ariana Grande the singer and Ariana Grande the actor were two different people.
No. 196894
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Another celeb one is Dove Cameron, she always boasted and preached about natural beauty yet she has an interchangeable nose
No. 196897
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>>196891I think its her weight loss and make up that throws everyone off. She visibly overlines her lips and she still has the same nose when she smiles, but chin for sure. Its half the size.
No. 196900
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If you guys really want to see the effects of surgery addiction
I present to you Bom Park from 2NE1
No. 196901
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No. 196903
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She literally has a face for every occasion lol
No. 196904
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Apparently this is how she looks, for now. Bon has way too many faces, I probably missed some
No. 196905
>>196894didn't she get lip or cheek fillers as well?
are all "QT adults with a child like face" plastic surgery? she looks like an average white girl before
No. 196917
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idk why but east asian fraud surgeries annoy me the most
No. 196940
>>196900I hate KPop, but I love this Park Bom.
In a weird way, I find her fake ass face so endearing and lovable
Definitely, enough is enough though
No. 196949
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Anyone knows how to get rid of these? Im not even fat. I just want a straight jawline.
Sage for samefagging
No. 196977
>>196204basically the biggest give away if a woman has had shit implants is if it looks a bit like that, more or less, most of the time it's less extreme
basically when it appears to be a ball under the hips
No. 196978
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>>196896usually italian women will look ugly when they're preteens or early teens then when they grow up they're gorgeous
does anyone know if Isabella Rossellini has had any surgery? she is an in italian model and she's 65 although I believe she was in her 40s or 50s in that pic, holy shit does she look good for her age
sage for blogpost
No. 196988
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Marilyn Monroe was a celeb that had work done in the 50s. I was pretty surprised since I didn't think they'd have the technology back then. She had nose, eyelid, brest and chin augementations before she dyed her hair blonde and went by her maiden name Monroe. Side fact- she had a great niece named Krystal Jean Baker who was murdered in 1996.
No. 196990
>>196988what kind of breast augmentation has she had?
I find it kinda ironic that shes a symbol for natural beauty
No. 196991
>>196988The amount of risky shit women did back then given the primitive technologies was insane.
My grandma was given barbiturates for weight loss (wouldn't be considered overweight by modern standards). That's how all those housewives kept slim and focused on house chores haha.
No. 196994
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>>196897Ari's lost a huge amount of weight off her thighs, upper arms, torso, and face. A whole personal makeup/hair team can make you look however you want in a few minutes every morning. What's being noted as surgery can just be a bit o puberty, makeup, and drastic weight loss.
>>196949Fillers. Samefagging is when you agree with/respond to your own post while pretending to be a different person. I think you meant double posting.
No. 197006
>>196991Didn't barbiturates sedate you? It's a CMS depressant, I thought that was terrible for weight loss?
sage for dumb
No. 197007
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People actually think her lips are natural lol
No. 197011
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>>197009any mild/moderate "jaw shaving" is just botox. It relaxes the jaw muscles and can have a pretty noticeable effect, like pic related.
I actually think she looks better before, now she just looks like another victim of the Kylie Jenner Effect.
>>197005Most likely an eyelid lift with a brow lift, it's very common to combine those two so the eyelids don't start dropping again. Or heavy botox.
Answering because botox anon and obsessed with RealSelf/body modification. I moved from LA because it's hard not to get obsessed with appearances there (sorry for blog, wanted to justify allegations).
No. 197018
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>>197009Imo she's always looked the same just way thinner and more glammed up
No. 197021
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>>197016The face is made of bone structure, a thin layer of fat that slowly dissipates with age, and a layer of skeletal muscles that control all of the craniofacial movements down to a micro level. If the facial muscle is too tight or thick, you get forehead lines, a strong jawline, etc, and relaxing that with botox minimizes that effect, but can also freeze up some microexpressions.
If you have more fat and muscle on you overall, that will play a more prominent proponent in how your face looks. That's why girls who lose too much facial fat and still have a pretty face have "good bone structure".
No. 197027
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mindy sittinpretty whos totally not shoopped with surgery (she makes ass videos too)
basically she has an army of men who defend her the second someone even implies it doesn't look natural
No. 197029
>>197027I knew a woman who went to my gym who was shaped like that, she asked me if I had plastic surgery or if I wanted it and started talking to me about her fat transfer
most of the time if a woman is shaped like that exactly it fake as hell
No. 197030
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>>197025To be fair that was an event. I follow her on snapchat and she's usually very natural and bums around a lot compared to other celebrities. I agree about the make up tho. Drag tier make up, fake lips and fake asses, all really needs to end.
No. 197034
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She's a midget nvm. She looks about 4 ft tall so I think that's why her features look more exaggerated
No. 197035
>>197016Yeah I actually had it done, it was around 600 and lasted a little less than a year. I had some TMJ but now I just deal with the discomfort because it ended up making my face look too slim, messing up the structural balance of my face so I looked older. It lasted a little under a year (for me) and was about 600, because it's your jaw and not mouth muscles it really doesn't effect your expressions though you chew weird the first day. You can't reverse it like fillers and have to wait for it to wear off.
Soooo many people on here claim that certain girls underwent really invasive jaw surgery when botox gives a great effect with no down time, so I want to be clear how accessible it is so the surgery claims can die out.
I only wish men had the same pressure on them to look otherworldly.
No. 197036
>>197034she dont look that short
even the shortest of girls features aren't that exaggerated and look that loopy
she is also dating a nfl football player, chances are he paid for her shit tons of fat transfers to hips
No. 197038
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>>197034it's just cuz she's short anon because this shit totally looks real
No. 197041
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>>197007god, that picture on the right is super edited and yeah she looks super weird there. but in general i feel like she's super cute and her lip fillers (i imagine that's what it is?) look good i think. she's always had a super cute face so i don't think she could botch it if she tried. the babyface too strong
No. 197042
>>197041I always loved faces like hers
like a natural babyface, none of that cheek fillers, korean surg shit
sage for OT
No. 197043
>>196217sage for OT but is it just me or does the racial womens sterotype, the race of those women also tend to get PS to fit that sterotype?
like how all black women are ~big bootied amazon goddesses~ but also a lotttt of black women do all kinds of crazy ass stuff
the hispantic/ latina women are known for their thick lips and a lot of them are also getting filters
asians are known for their doll like appearance but almost all of them that appear doll like is the work of plastic surgery
No. 197065
>>196392oh my god..
before I zoomed in, I thought the right picture was of like 'team america' type dolls someone made of them.
They literally look like caricatures
No. 197078
>>197027Peoples' beauty standards are so warped nowadays. Why would you want to look like a cartoon hoe?
Her body actually disgusts me.
No. 197080
>>197079her feet are very much too far apart and shopped.
looking like a kmart brand barbie.
No. 197087
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>>197027She looks like a tumblr drawing of a 'curvy goddess'. Little people are better proportioned than she is.
No. 197093
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Haruka Kodama from AKB started getting work done when she was 15-16. She had her chin, nose, eyebag injections, forehead and eyes done. That's alot for anyone let alone for a teenager, after her procedures she went from a nobody to one of the top members.
No. 197117
>>197038wait who thinks this shit is real? has she ever talked about surgery either?
I know fanboys will come to her defense but has she ever talked about surgery before?
No. 197118
>>197027lmao her feet look tiny
>>197117>wait who thinks this shit is real?You'd be surprised the shit people believe and don't even second guess it.
I'm kind of interested too if she ever talked about it. Considering the search results, I'd say no.
No. 197150
>>197030Agreed. It's tacky at this point. Everybody looks the same. "Body positive" though.
Another make-up trend and aesthetic will come along and we'll bitch about that too.
No. 197241
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>>197179Ya 5'3 while wearing 9 inch heels. 5'3 proportions don't look like that..
Min from Miss A is 5'3 without heels and she doesn't look like a freak, not only is Mindy lying about her ass, she's also lying about her height. I can't stand people like that.
No. 197266
>>197243I think's also a cultural thing.
I've been following this channel and I've never realized how much pale foundation they use until I saw this video. No. 197293
>>196900Park Bom legit looked cute in first-second row. She should have stopped there.
>>197035Kinda OT, but is there a way to have it last longer? :(
After you talked about it I googled it and the results are so good, perfect for what I am looking for, por 600 for less than an year… (I'm not from the US so that's too expensive for me)
No. 197313
>>197293Not that anon, I've seen people who gotten it so I'll give my two cents.
There is no way for the results on your jaw to last longer than half a year. When the muscle gets big again you can go for a second round. If you want permanent results then you can op for the jaw shave surgery. Prominent jaws are desired now a days so why not rock it?
No. 197318
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Kim K was a big time uggo back in 2005. It's kinda hard searching for real pics of her 2005 days since they all mysteriously disappeared and got replaced with pics on how she didn't look in '05. Whoever her surgeon was has the hands of god.
No. 197365
>>197331are youre eyes and asshole reversed?
It looks like she cloned herself and genetically transformed her clone to bring out her best features.
No. 197402
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>>197381>doesn't look like she got in a lot of proceduresThat sounds more like a compliment towards her current team of plastic surgeons than anything.
Outdated timeline.
No. 197408
>>197318>uggo in 2005You meant the opposite, right? Now she looks like a blowup doll. See
>>197402 , until mid 2009 she was beautiful, reminded me of princess Jasmine. Now all I can think of whenever I look at her is "botox". A pity
No. 197409
>>197402It was actually a compliment lol.
Wow, she was beautiful in 08-09, now she looks lifeless with all that botox.
No. 197438
>>197409I reread your original post and totally skipped over your last line, lol. My brain freezes whenever plastic surgery and the Kardashians debates start. There's a shit ton of people who are absolutely delusional about how much their bodies and faces have been touched up and reworked.
>mfw the reddit discussion I got that chart from is 1/3rd "it's just makeup" >>197435I think the usage of "doll" is heavily connotative of kpop, but modern East Asian beauty standards do line up with how dolls, especially BJDs, tend to look like: flatter facial planes, horizontally small lips, etc.
No. 197443
>>197439Oh no, I totally agree with that. I just meant the usage of "doll" as a descriptor of favored traits in E. Asia, but now that I think about it, it's too specific and a lot of the most popular 'looks' in E. Asia aren't really doll-like.
Also, yeah, I sort of get what that anon was saying, but it's more that the preferred standards lead to those stereotypes, rather than vice versa. Plus, it falls apart when you get to unfavorable racial stereotypes, like SE Asians having big noses and being brown, when pretty much all cosmetic procedures are inverses of that.
No. 197528
>>197437>>197437Well besides scarring
How their ass or lips move, how the breasts are shaped, how its all shaped mostly
No. 197662
File: 1499530887324.jpg (46.94 KB, 750x447, DEMKUlmUAAA2_Iy.jpg)

she's too young for this shit. she'll probably go mental in a few years, once she's actually old and has actual things to fix in her face/body tbh.
No. 197682
File: 1499547466895.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.02 KB, 600x337, b407f1ead17a568be7da7f6e6fe94f…)

missalice, a cam girl/porn star
who has the fakest tits, lips and ass ever but her fanboys constantly say "ooo it's all natural"
granted she does have good plastic surgery, but it irks me when fanboys believe it's natural, go on about how "ooo I hate fake tits I like natural tits like ms alice"
dunno if she ever said anything about her getting surgery though
No. 197683
File: 1499548020797.gif (Spoiler Image,897.66 KB, 450x282, tumblr_mj5xno29Uf1rimwgjo1_500…)

>>197682sage for samefag
it's her ass
her ass is more believable than her tits though, I wouldn't be surprised if it was real, but her tits are def fake and you can see the scarring where they made incisions around her nipples
No. 197684
File: 1499548315269.jpg (48.26 KB, 450x394, IMG_3057.JPG)

>>197318come on that's a terrible photo of her. She was gorgeous before she touched her face. And anyone who thinks she hasn't had a ton of work done is an asshole, remember when she looked like this for like 2 yrs?
No. 197686
File: 1499549033852.jpg (89.78 KB, 375x615, TM1802-02-CAT-SOP-jpg_190018.j…)

>>197662I was watching old seasons of ANTM and her and Kendall were there for a photoshoot. I didn't even recognize her. Its sad tbh and it still irks me social media decided to make plastic Kylie a standard of beauty opposed to more natural looking cute Kendall. Its such a shame watching so many naturally pretty insta girls cake their make up, fill their lips, and get plastic surgery on their boobs/asses to try and obtain such an unnatural looking 'thicc' body.
No. 197693
>>197682def looks fake, usually when flat girls get implants thats what it looks like
did she get an areola reduction to? I remember I saw her before but her areolas were a lot bigger than what it is now
No. 197694
File: 1499553413962.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.08 KB, 599x337, 441.jpg)

she use to have complete mosquito bites with larger areolas and no ass
the ass might have been done but squats as well, but her tits are fake, I cannot believe she is known for being natural
No. 197697
File: 1499556090688.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.8 KB, 125x92, 1499554594476s.jpg)

>>197694the only people who think she's real are fanboys
No. 197713
File: 1499560658964.jpg (Spoiler Image,250.96 KB, 1840x1362, 1499554594476.jpg)

No. 197725
>>197713why does she always show up on "natural beauty" type shit? do these virgin fanboys don't know what real tits and ass look like?
"oh well there's no scarring and it moves like real butt and boobs therefore it must be real"
so do porn stars, I swear to god they think any boobs that aren't two rocks stuck to their chest is natural
No. 197741
>>197682>>197725>>197727Lol. Not one of those guys can tell a fake from a natural. They all think skinny + huge perfect round tits = genetically gifted goddess.
And the girls on there are just as bad. "Yup hehe all real I grew them myself ;)" love reading shit like this . I feel cringe from both sides. The guys who never have touched a real boob in their life and the girls who go on reddit of all places and feel so good guys are stupid enough to think their boobs are real
Like it's pathetic but also hilarious
No. 197748
>>197747Lol just because she has no incision marks (armpit) doesn't mean they're not bad. They don't even move anon.
Like do you really think fat doesn't jiggle?
No. 197749
>>197741 major denial
basically if men didn't go on and on for days about how plastic surgery is sooooo unattractive, they'd happily admit that their near anorexic yet somehow perky huge round titted and big round toned ass with somehow skinny thighs waifus, are plastic
but hey, some men even think nicki minaj and kim k are real, so of course everyday women/women who aren't so in the spotlight get small adjustments (or in ms alices case very noticeable and several adjustments) the fanboys come in and fight that their waifu just won the genetic lottery, and if you're female you're just jealous or some dumb shit like that lmao
No. 197761
>>197682Nah dude, Alice is a fitness freak, that ass is natural.
Boobs I'd be more skeptical of if I hadn't dated a girl with boobs exactly like that, that were 100% real. Gf had about the same body fat % as Alice as well, skinny and 5'8.
As far as her mouth goes, who knows, but the bod is real and not far fetched at all imo.
No. 197763
>>197662With the whole instathot look going on right now and girls altering their body to fit the trend, I really worry about what's going to happen to a lot of them when the trend shifts towards a new body and facial set. Same thing with people going after the Korean v-line look by shaving 30% of their jaw.
>>197761I'm still skeptical about her butt (namely the big ass but toothpick leg syndrome that other anons pointed out), but unless I'm misremembering, she was a lot smaller in her earlier camming years. It's been a while since I've seen gifs/webms of her, but I definitely remember being surprised at how big her breasts had gotten after a while. But honestly, I could be suffering some Mandala/Bearstein shit right now about her breasts.
No. 197769
>>197761And also… those dudes that think going to gym is a miracle cure to get an ass: lol. Yes to some degree.
The before and after pictures of gym asses are pretty much always from different angles: front pic is front view of the back(almost always the worst angle) and after pic is taken from an angle. Common trick.
Most people mistake hips for ass, but they aren't exactly wrong hips are the canvas for a good ass, as an example, Kim K and Scar Jo's ass looks much better than Jessica Biel's. Because of the wide hips. They do not work out nearly as much as J Biel though.
But that's not to say its pointless, but gym doesn't make you magically get an amazing ass, your thighs will typically accomodate as well, so it doesn't look as intense as Ms Alices or Kim K's.
No. 197792
>>197761You sound completely in denial about surgery,and if your ~fitness waifu with huge ass and huge round perky boobs with small nipples~ told you she was all natural she probably lied to,everyday women get plastic surgery believe it or not anon, just cuz you knew someone who claimed to be natural because she "looked like ms alice" which i highly doubt, doesn't explain why ms alice was a chestlet with bigger nipples and a flat ass then went to huge ass and big perky boobs overnight with no thigh growth
Even fitness experts would tell you that asses arent formed like that and most of the time when a girls ass does that its fake
My advice is get over your ex that is a ~big round perky boob and butt but skinny everywhere else model who is totally 100% natural~ either that or accept the fact she has had plastic surgery and most women who have bodies like that have had surgery as well, you seem like an obsessive fanboy from reddit, who is also obsessed with your ex, I'll pray for the girl tbat dates you anon, if any girl is dumb enough to date a basement dweller who's in denial that plastic surgery that looks good is plastic surgery
No. 197793
>>197735 basically if PS wasn't blasted all the time and seen as unattractive, guys would admit girls like missalice and mindysittinpretty have had surgeries, as well as a lot of everyday women having plastic surgery
Like the anon here
>>197761 basically they'll hold onto the fact that all girls who's plastic surgeries look GOOD and have no scarring+moves naturally, is just a genetically gifted godess wnd its "100% natural", claim girls with PS are ugly, go home and fap to fat injection filled boobs, shame girls for having natural bodies, but also claim that surgery is ugly etc etc
No. 197804
>>197800guys have huge trouble admitting any woman who isn't rich, botched or famous has plastic surgery but completely and I mean COMPLETELY fail to realize sooooo many average everyday women have them, hell I even knew a girl who lives in a trailer and got a brazilian butt lift
sometimes they even do have a hard time admitting that rich porn stars have fake bodies, like in ms alices case, who's a rich cam girl, I've read several after several stories of women venting about how they had plastic surgery, the boyfriends ask about it and they lie to them about it, basically men will do anything to make their gf seem real with how "unattractive" they find surgery, aka women who have good surgery and don't admit it
No. 197821
File: 1499637940579.gif (Spoiler Image,1.88 MB, 270x390, tenor.gif)

>>197727Why are all these guys so set on the idea that any boobs that are capable of moving must be real? Saline implants are extremely malleable, and even silicone implants are capable of feeling like real boobs, and yes, moving around. Pic related, implants moving like normal boobs in a light athletic bra.
Ability to move isn't how you determine if they're natural or not. Looking at things like too high a profile, more/equal tissue in the upper half compared to the lower half, presence of rippling, or sudden drastic difference from old size are ways to tell.
No. 197822
File: 1499638265215.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.87 KB, 800x635, Aletta-Ocean.jpg)

>>197821I suspect it's because of too many obvious hard bolt ons in porn. The only things they look for are obvious scars or a totally botched job, when you can have neither of those things and still have fake tits
No. 197886
File: 1499680450511.jpg (30.12 KB, 282x317, mahal3.jpg)

This reminds me of atheletes who do P.E.D.s and the idiots who inskst they're just hittong the gym.
No. 197887
File: 1499680514623.jpg (46.41 KB, 800x533, 698862a1cae30d4a81bb8fdcbd912e…)

Totally natural.
No. 197891
>>197792While I believe Alice's to be fake, there are some women who do have naturally phat asses. Some dudes got it too.
Typically latinas and blacks.
>>197804Well, being "natural" is in for desperate betas. Think no makeup makeup, they're dumbarses that think there's no makeup, same thing applies here. Mild PS is not PS at all apparently!
No. 197899
>>197893Yes, the legs are proportionate to the booty. You're not going to have stick legs and big bubble butt.
My bf's family all have big butts but they have thicker thighs and legs in general to go along with it. Even the guys are bootylicious.
No. 197905
File: 1499696342109.jpg (Spoiler Image,368.58 KB, 602x815, IMG_4824.JPG)

>>197792lol I'm a lesbian, still with nice booby gf, and also a cam model who has followed miss Alice for a long time, hence noticing her body over the years, I wouldn't have chimed in otherwise and was surprised to see her on here tbh.
I feel like a lot of it has to do with angles, also a reason a lot of girls obviously look different from picture to picture.
Do you guys never take booty pics???
There is a method to this shit.
You don't gotta rage because it's plausible some girls can have nice boobs naturally.
Would love to see the before and after comparison pics since you claim she was a literal washboard before which I do not recall ever seeing.
From my perspective it looks like she works out her pectorals a lot, it really can do a lot for the appearance of boob because you build up the muscle behind it and for whatever reason it makes it look more round.
Idk I feel like pic attached looks similar
No. 197908
>>197905>ignores fake ass to focus on fake titsStop pretending you're not a desperate beta WK.
>works pecs Yeah I'm sure shoving dildoes up your vag repeatedly really works the pecs.
She's got no arm definition to justify that excuse either.
She really does not look like she goes to gym to lift weights at all, and you'd need to lift weights not do cardio to make things bigger. Keep in mind also that muscle is not permanent so you need to maintain whatever you're doing to keep it that shape. She looks like a gym bunny/cardio person if she does even go gym.
But you're fat. You wouldn't know.
No. 197909
>>197905Are these tits natural or fake? Either way, looks good.
OT but I have similar small nipples and am very self conscious about them. Are small areolas seen as pretty?
No. 197914
>>197905Yeah, right. You know cam people, who totally aren't known for getting surgery done
Her nipples were a lot bigger than they were today and her boob the bottom right part looks a little wonky, like dented, how an implant would look, she was clearly flat assed with no tits and bigger areolas and now shes a huge titted waifu with a huge ass and no fitness progression of her thighs if she's gonna make the squat claim? You've been dragged several times on this thread and proven wrong. And she is doing a lot of the same angles to, no angle can make a girl look flat as hell from the side then magically go from flat to big butt with no thighs,no angle can make your areola size look different then make you go up 3 cup sizes with no bra, no one is saying nice tits dont exist without surgery they're saying perfect boobed skinny girls who had small tits before and now have smaller nipples and look exactly like implants would, are fake
My boobs are considered attractive as well, round, perky, smallish pink nipples, and i STILL can easily say they're fake, no one has 100% perfectly symmetrical big boobs that are perfect round circles and small nipples, skinny as fuck enough to where if she lost weight she would enter anorexic territory, and a big round ass that use to be flat,knowing girls with "perfect" tits doesn't prove shit, hell look at plastic surgery before and afters, a lot of them will transform into boobs that look like alices and a lot of them aren't done by rich ass celebrities, everyday women get plastic surgery all the time, anyone who lives in shitty ass trailers, in which i knew a woman whos main source of income was a little over min wage and still had a boob job, and rich women get them to, hell teens are even getting them as well
No. 197916
File: 1499708119117.jpg (135.32 KB, 833x960, 396345_500858279938676_1850104…)

Does anyone here know what procedures Toni Mahfud had other than the very obvious nose job? He looks very different but I can't tell what else he had PS on.
No. 197917
File: 1499708210868.png (274.63 KB, 396x495, toni_3.thumb.png.3ce50f650ed26…)

>>197916This is what he looks like now
No. 197918
File: 1499708353987.jpg (58.56 KB, 339x500, 283593_417133618342470_8999110…)

It could also be aging but I think he looks way too different now
No. 197928
>>197713Oh man they looked so much better before :(
I really don't agree with this "the smaller areolas the better" trend.
No. 197930
File: 1499717092296.png (149.99 KB, 750x1072, IMG_4830.PNG)

>>197908Man this is why I don't usually post on these threads, I've never weighed over 125 lbs in my life back off.
Why am I not allowed to have a more critical point of view than just "IT MUST BE FAKE REEEE"
If it were anyone else it would seem more plausible, I just know that she follows a vegan diet and really is into fitness and does outdoorsy shit all the time when she's off cam.
Like I said, I've followed her a long time and pic related shows I was curious about her bum even in 2014 and wanted similar results.
She's also posted before that she does a lot of kettle ball routines and whatnot and I can say from personal experience it does do a lot for your chest muscles, I'm not her so I'll never know what's real and what isn't, but I know that muscles do plump up especially right after working out or the day after and make ass/tits look a lot firmer/better, it just does and anyone who works out knows that.
>>197914I'll have to look through her photos then because I've been following her since 2013 and have seen her on cam multiple times and sometimes she looks itty bitty and sometimes she looks more plumped up, the fluctuations are what lead me to believe they're real honestly, the only thing that makes me think it could be fake is the fact that she really does make bank, so why not?? Most people if given the opportunity would ime.
No need to "drag" me, I think I'm stating things pretty neutrally.
No. 197931
>>197909They're real! was using irl example of boobs similar to Alice's.
and yeah I feel like small aereolas are very cute! Better to err on the side of smaller as opposed to larger, it's just more aesthetically pleasing to see more surface area of the boob from most people's perspectives (I think larger ones can be soft and feminine as well! Not that popular of an opinion, you'd be surprised how many people are actually obsess over having smaller aereola tbh)
All relative to the breast size though, of course.
No. 197933
>>197930…Are you sure you're not her?
And even if you aren't, you couldn't be "neutral" anyway since you seem to be a pretty invested fan of hers. A neutral person is someone who doesn't have ties with none of the parts involved.
By the way, every person who actually builds their butt via gym would never use the "Do squats!!" meme. If she really did squats her thighs would be waaaay bigger and her butt smaller. Too many squats only ruin your knees and do jackshit to your glutes. So no, she doesn't hit the gym, and these
>>197712 >>197683 are implants.
No. 197943
>>197939I thought it was a shadow at first then I zoomed in and holy shit I see it under both tits
good eye anon!
No. 197944
>>197939>>197943Are you guys kidding me…..
I've literally been dating this girl for the last year and I'm a god damn woman, you do know boobs crease underneath???
She doesn't even like her boobs and wish she didn't have them.
I literally have no stake in this and wouldn't post this shit just to lie, idk why everything is a conspiracy to you people.
No. 197945
>>197930Cool a nameless screenshot with tips I could find from a shitposter on /fit/.
Oh noes kettlebell swings, another ass exercise that requires activation of your legs, and she's got nothing. She is skinny as well, lots of body builders try their best to be skinny to show the muscles off… but Houston, we've got nothin' here. The nature of ass and tits is that you need to activate
other muscles to build it, because it's in the core part of your body. That can't life things on it's own. But… not seein it in the arms and legs, but yes totally real because she did squats/kettle bells for 10 minutes of her entire life.
>>197938Lesbians are as gullible as beta males. Both fueled by their genitals!
No. 197947
>>197944yeah, there's a difference between a crease and a scar clear as day, "creases" are rounded, and match the shape, there is a puffy white straight line under it, which is how boob implants are inserted
do you not know what the fuck humblebragging is? girls who have surgery do it at all the time as well anon, I'm soooo sure someone with a scar under both their tits and have the boob shaped praised by everything totally hates their tits
this thread is for you anon, and so is the "girls who complain about having attractive features" thread
No. 197948
>>197944Where the leg and arm muscles at if she really does any of it? As I said the nature of those body parts require activation of other muscles, in turn it would grow WITH the ass. It's way too intense to believe.
It's like Ahripop's ugly friend coming in to defend her lmao.
No. 197949
File: 1499725058219.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.2 KB, 225x225, c737b9d391e3642de4ba0fb452c935…)

>>197947pic related
it's natural boob creases, where as if you zoom in more on the "real" boobs, you can see reddish lines under her boobs, and they're not from sag or shadows
No. 197952
>>197951they first claimed that it looks similar to their girlfriends then later claimed it is their girlfriends
they also think pec and ass exercises along with angles can magically give you huge round perky tits with no muscle growth anywhere else, and that obvious scars are "creasing"
I honestly wouldn't trust what they say, considering the went as far as blurring out the hair pieces they're probably batshit crazy
No. 197962
>>197960probably, no woman in their right mind would encourage the idea that boobs could look like that 100% naturally with no altering at all (despite there being PS scars/ other proof of PS…)
granted, there are very attractive natural boobs, with good looking nipples, good size, perky, rounded, but a lot of the time even those boobs would have at least one flaw, whether it be stretch marks, far apart, dark nipples, even if it's the smallest bit asymmetrical, I'm going with either the robot claim or the self poster claim trying to trick people into thinking any boobs that aren't bolt ons are genetically gifted goddesses
you'd think the bot would know if you exercise , the muscle is not just gonna go straight to your tits and ass
No. 197968
>>197967*men don't give a shit if a woman has had plastic surgery if they're not in love/ dating the woman
they claim they hate PS so much, fap to women who had it under the delusional they don't have it, set crazy standards for women they're in love with or dating but would freak out if the woman considers surgery
just look at onion boy, he goes around on his uhohbro and speaks channel, talking all kinds of shit about how small butts/hips are ugly and unfeminine, how saggy boobs are ugly and unfeminine, fupa, loose pussies, etc but then the second a woman considers plastic surgery he goes on and on about how their partners, families, and friends failed them and says it turns a woman ugly, like he did with jaclyn
several guy friends I have will talk about how hot some girl who had PS had but when I say I want it they freak out and say all kinds of shit like oo noooo you don't need it (I cover myself up well so its hard to tell my boobs are saggy)
they're such hypocrites, if you're ever getting PS don't go to men for consolation, because plastic surgery is ugly, but only if it's noticeable or you're honest about it
No. 197969
>>197968They only don't like it only when it's obvious, like balloon tits. Same with makeup. They think they know all about it and can tell but they really can't tell when it's natural makeup. Even I can't tell natural looking PS. My bfs sister got fake tits but they look natural as hell.
Sage for blogggin'
I got fake lips and they look natural, not ballooned. The ps surgeon advised me to not get too much so it looks natural, I'm sure there are plenty of other surgeons who can optimise the natural look.
No. 197970
File: 1499744921192.jpg (127.22 KB, 640x920, 051aa6b67ee3be21574210bfd9e42c…)

pretty much
men: haha I hate saggy tits and flat ass so much, it should be illegal for a woman to have anything out side of a big butt, tiny waist, flat stomach and round perky boobs with small nipples, like yanet garcia or missalice, it has to be natural
woman: I want to get some small plastic surgery changes
also men: we hate plastic surgery, I would never date or fuck a girl with plastic surgery, if a girl I was with ever had plastic surgery I'd break up with her it's soo unattractive it ruins a perfectly good body
how much you wanna bet this guy went to go fap to some fake boobed girl 5 hours later
No. 197971
>>197969that and if they're honest about it
I remember watching videos of people getting surgery and almost all the time when a woman gets a boob job or butt job, the comments will consist of "oh it use to be a nice chest or a nice butt but now it's ruined" like if they saw the after only and didn't know it was PS they would be drooling all over it
onion for example, he drools over fake tits that he doesn't know are fake but shit on jaclynglenn when she had it saying she ruined her body when we all know damn well if onion only saw her after and never saw her before he would go crazy for those tits
No. 197980
>>197975Why not? She's the example of ps boobies that looks real that I have.
Spineless bitch uses "we" when it's only you having a shitfit about nothing.
No. 197997
>>197991They're relevant to this thread. Natural looking fakes, I would not have known if I wasn't told, similar to some people discussed itt.
Only mentioned three times, in relevant places all in relevant to the thread(fakes looking real), why are you so mad and projecting your obsession with me? Got awful looking fake tits or something?
No. 198038
File: 1499814293911.jpg (18.74 KB, 254x492, 318.jpg)

when will the internet stop enabling fatties with fat transfers or skellies with implants
No. 198039
>>198005whats is called anon? can you link to it?
men should honestly make up their damn mind, either accept the fact bodies can look better with the right surgery or stop saying women who had surgery look good and that its ideal or that they prefer women with it as long as if they dont notice it
No. 198047
File: 1499822028383.jpg (53.38 KB, 345x235, Artist-8279990-onisionhaircool…)

>>198046I know what you mean, especially when the dude is ugly as hell and ripping on plastic surgery, like hunny with a face like that you should be lucky if any girl approaches you plastic or not
No. 198049
File: 1499825467919.jpg (75.14 KB, 960x904, 19884265_1746357892328216_2365…)

Just sharing cause it made me kek
No. 198073
File: 1499850124478.png (409.09 KB, 610x610, d950f59e7b98c982e75c8a478956dc…)

>>198070she is on the thread as well, while hers is a bit more believable than yanet, missalice, etc she didn't have a lot of thigh growth when she worked out
No. 198076
>>198070>>198073How would another person know though?
It looks realistic, if I compare it to other….. trained girls. but then again, today I cant even really tell anymore whats fake or not.
I dont know how real the video is and Im sad girls didnt say what was fake about their booties… but since the video I lost the faith in being able to tell if it's fake or not.
No. 198081
File: 1499856993868.png (737.11 KB, 720x960, Screenshot_2017-07-12-05-52-43…)

Found this off of mindy sttinprettys cousins Instagram, the left is mindy.pretty sure she was 18 at the time, but also she looks like she gained shit tons of weight, but didn't have that big og thighs,hips, ass and boobs a few months after it and now she looks inhuman, did she gain shit tons of weight and get fat transfers and use waist trainers?
No. 198083
>>198076Natural fake is in right now, and as someone who's had ps done can't tell unless they've told me sometimes. Breasts and butt can be done wit fat grafting, which looks amazingly natural and jiggle the "right" way.
Lots of people lie about ps through omission of truth, never addressing the q and ignoring it. So technically they've never said no, but have also never said yes.
No. 198103
File: 1499877278300.png (555.71 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-12-12-27-18…)

Can I mention cosplayers here? Sayathefox got known for her photoshopped cosplay pics then she left for a year and came back after having alot of surgery done to look like irl animu and ofc she claims her looks are achieved thanks to her turkish italian genes
No. 198104
File: 1499877304450.jpg (1.21 MB, 2048x2048, CYMERA_20170712_123447.jpg)

No. 198105
>>198103>her looks are achieved thanks to her turkish italian genesthat doesn't even make sense, Turks and Italians are the antithesis of uguu anime girls
smh yanks
No. 198113
>>198105if she was naturally curvish that would explain the italian genes, since mediterranean women tend to be uber curvy
for the turk genes, italian and turkish women have eh faces, think anzu, who is a turk, she whitens her skin to hell and back, shoops, and cakes makeup but everyone sees her as qt waifu
this girl has more attainable features than anzu but still looks fake
No. 198114
File: 1499887075523.png (Spoiler Image,679.71 KB, 850x320, e255hMz.png)

>>197905so natural anon, nothing modified here at all
her boobs actually look normal on the left, a bit like mine actually
I just wish she wasn't a liar so I can get her plastic surgeons number kek
No. 198123
>>198103Is the plastic surgery confirmed ? I mean she isn't even that old so I wonder where the money comes from
Also for most Germans plastic surgery is like a big no no.
I feel like the general public here looks down on people who got it done so I'm not sure that normal parents would pay for this bullshit
No. 198129
File: 1499894718120.png (29.5 KB, 1792x168, yee.png)

No. 198134
>>198133the older one was old and didn't get bumped until two days ago, so people just forgot it
also this one brings more attention to the ones that go under the radar
the other one brought attention the ones who obviously had PS and is easy to tell
No. 198149
File: 1499904917078.jpg (Spoiler Image,140.46 KB, 800x1200, katarina-olendzskaia-10-800x12…)

Katarina Olendzskaia, russian model people believe they're real sadly because of the no visible mark meme and because she said they're real like all other russians with fake tits
No. 198150
>>198149same fag
I'd also like to add that I'd believe they're real if she didn't look like she starved herself and waist trained for years
if a girl is really really thin and has big boobs like that, if they don't sag the tiniest bit they're fake
No. 198151
File: 1499905516778.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.12 KB, 500x285, Anfisa-Beige-Broke-Guy-Quote-T…)

Anfisa from 90 fiance, despite her being a waste of human being, is she /psf/ material? I don't know if she ever denied it, but some fanboys claim they're real for some reason
No. 198160
File: 1499906768727.jpg (48.42 KB, 778x678, 1494907581645.jpg)

aisha thalia
found her in the diet thread
dunno if she claimed to be natural or not, but she's vegan, she does poses/possible shooping to make her hips look wide and some anons claimed she had fat injections in hips
what do you guys think? in my opinion skinny girls with wide hips aren't shaped like that, usually when they have wide hips it's lower and they have saddle bags,it looks like she had fat injected in her hips and outer/upper thighs
she might have had some breast work done as well
No. 198166
>>198164I think she's had fat transfers. From her stomach to her hips. It's very popular rn
Why do so many anons think so much shit is natural? Lol it's so easy to spot a sculpted body or a boob job if you live in LA. You guys really need to get out more
No. 198167
>>198164Her hips don't look particularly fatty compared to the rest of her, unlike msalice's butt. If it's a fat transfer it's pretty believable.
>>198166>Lol it's so easy to spot a sculpted body or a boob job if you live in LA. You guys really need to get out moreI mean not everyone lives in LA and are blessed/cursed with seeing natural looking surgeries. Even if I went out more than I do I'd still see the same saggy diaper butts sheathed in too small yoga pants.
No. 198170
File: 1499912572092.png (560.21 KB, 395x640, 1438282274313.png)

>>198160pic related it's a selfie
her hips look less defined in her candid, which is another reason for me to believe its a transfer cuz she's rich and she clearly like the appearance of curvy hips
No. 198171
File: 1499912731719.jpg (373.09 KB, 498x780, Aisha-Thalia-Collins-44.jpg)

>>198160her boobs look like implants here
No. 198173
File: 1499912930466.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.94 KB, 640x640, 10986096_1062638473762947_4453…)

jesus christ I swear, the more I search her on google it's like she has a new body every week
sage for samefage
No. 198174
File: 1499913434850.jpg (51.04 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mxnguaCnxj1qkzi5eo1_128…)

her hips look kinda shapeless in older pics
No. 198176
File: 1499915012792.jpg (53.24 KB, 564x597, ashley-graham-instagram-4__oPt…)

we all know ashley graham right? while I do believe her to be mostly natural, I kinda feel like she has had a mild/modest plastic surgery, like a tummy tuck, lipo, or fat transfer
she's gorgeous either way and smart
No. 198178
File: 1499915264411.jpg (103.93 KB, 634x829, 3596864200000578-0-image-m-6_1…)

>>198177here's a pic when she was 18
No. 198179
>>198178she lost weight
No. 198180
File: 1499915449700.jpg (1.64 MB, 1400x1920, ashley-graham-2016-photo-sport…)

>>198177her now, given if she did, it was nothing dramatic, she did claim that when she first got into modeling she needed to gain more weight to be a plus size model, her stomach just looks oddly flat for someone that makes a career from being slightly overweight model
No. 198182
File: 1499916363151.jpg (132.6 KB, 900x1200, 1499885552238.jpg)

>>197682her in 2011 kek
perfect example of "you're not ugly, you're just broke"
also what's with guys talking all kinds of smack about how they hate big titted fake tan bimbos who starve themselves with caked makeup and lip injections yet they drool them if they embrace unnaturally pale skin/have a different aesthetic?
No. 198184
>>198182girls who starve themselves, wear shit tons of makeup, have fake hair, fake tits and ass, and are slutty are sooooo ugly
unless they're pale and weebs/emos of course! then they can be as fake and starve all they want
No. 198190
>>198182what was done though? I know it was lip fillers but does anyone else think she might have gotten a nose job, eye widening surgery, or some chin stuff done?
you can still tell it's her but it looks nothing like her
No. 198192
File: 1499920796975.jpg (25.45 KB, 600x337, ByF1mATCYAAhtMr.jpg)

her deviantart where she posted selfies were in 2009-2011 she is 23 so she was still in high school when she posted these, no surgery yet
No. 198207
>>198206I'll try and remember what her skype is/was and then work on the archives from there.
She is very pretty though.
No. 198241
>>198192That's a totally different person lol ??
Cam girls adopt a name when they start, they don't use their fucking handles from when they were a teenager.
Jesus, the hate boners and delusion in this thread are real
No. 198245
>>198160her thigh gap is creepy looking.
>>198180It is possible to be overweight and have a relatively flat stomach, not all fattie-chans are completely round.
No. 198262
>>198241"because most cam girls do that therefore she does it too"
perfect logic, despite both of them have the exact same eyes, nose, face shape, smile, and they both happen to post the same as what they're into (dutch and weeb shit)
totally not missalice because they use the same name
No. 198402
>>198190for her face, looks like she got some eye bag procedure done, and some lip fillers
no clue about her jaw and chin cuz they look the same tome
No. 198525
File: 1500124698275.png (416.49 KB, 720x717, Screenshot_2017-07-15-09-14-48…)

Why the fuck is this allowed? The mother was watching and said she consented to this, HE'S JUST A FUCKING KID WHY/WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE NEED THE LIP INJECTIONS FOR??
No. 198569
File: 1500148227125.jpg (181.93 KB, 1080x1067, 2017-07-15 19.46.44a.jpg)

lala anthony
No. 198570
File: 1500148260241.png (2.13 MB, 1136x1048, Uantitled.png)

>>198569especially her waist and belly area were completely fucked up before…
fucking how
No. 198576
>>198170implants, maybe, it looks like it, unless she contours the shit out her chest and was post pregnancy
>>198173 hip injections, are absolute if she was post pregnancy
>>198173 her hips were still pretty small and now she has these wide rounded hips like in
>>198170 No. 198633
File: 1500186196474.png (453.42 KB, 953x690, Tess Trashiday.png)

Might be a slightly OTish rant but I really want a chin liposuction. So sick of trying to exercise and lose weight yet the fat cells never come off my neck and profile.
Makes me so mad seeing these 300 pound 'body positive' models play it off like their bodies are natural when it's super obvious they have work done at that size. Especially chin lipo.
They play their fat followers like fiddles and convince them they're just ~blessed~ to not have a double chin. Fucking liars. Nobody weighs 200+ pounds and doesn't have some neck fat unless they're 6'
Pic extremely related.
No. 198647
File: 1500215228115.png (438.51 KB, 590x453, whatsgood.png)

>have a nosejob
>claim it's because "You broke your nose"
>get lip injections
>deny it as if we're all blind
Dove Cameron what's good?
No. 198655
File: 1500231907724.png (331.81 KB, 401x590, dada.png)

>When asians try too hard to look white
No. 198659
>>198655I have a white 'friend' I knew from high school with a deformed piggu nose like that.
It's just as bulbous, but at least that girl didn't pay to be ugly.
No. 198662
>>198649Yes, she looks cute. But it's dumb to deny having had some work done, especially when it's so clear.
(Also the "I had a nosejob because I broke my nose" excuse it's as old as dinosaurs, I've lost the count of all the girls I've met when I made the appointments for a plastic surgeon, girls who had a beak nose and claimed it was because they broke it, they totally had a cute small nose before and that was the only reason of them getting a nosejob… Then you see some of their family members the day of the surgery and they have the same beak nose, lmao.)
No. 198726
Anyone with a brain would see her body is plastic but I'm still curious if she admitted it
No. 198821
File: 1500383454715.png (179.92 KB, 348x468, Screenshot_2017-06-24-20-45-34…)

South east asians trying to look white
>>198680She's looks either Filipino or Indonesian
No. 198822
File: 1500383488551.jpg (49.96 KB, 627x352, Vanilla-Chamu-euros-muneca_TIN…)

And when east asians try to look white
No. 198928
File: 1500456183008.jpg (64.5 KB, 490x490, Did-Lil-Kim-get-her-skin-bleac…)

>>198821Lil Kim? Is that you??
No. 199030
File: 1500536796081.jpg (11.77 KB, 520x188, udzYoLg.jpg)

well, either this is shooped or she actually admitted it
if she did admit it, props to her, and she should give out her surgeon so I can see him as well kek, but the fanboys are still going crazy and in denial that their perfect big titty waifu isn't natty
No. 199031
File: 1500537406965.png (98.64 KB, 640x826, lies.png)

turns out she's still denying it
your boobs don't trip in size, magically get symmetrical, rounder, and perkier for "no reason" missalice
No. 199033, telling from the reddit argument, she apparently went to japan and came back with huge round tits and ass
I also noticed all the guys arguing that they're real are also the ones ranting about how they hate plastic surgery and how they think it's gross, they're retarded as hell to, remind me to never date a guy from reddit
No. 199100
>pic related, it's yanet garcia, who everyone claims her butt is from "hard work at the gym" but she went from flat butt to rounded big butt overnight Serious question, why do guys have "better" butts than girls a lot of the time?
The shape that people are looking for today seems to be more round (front to back) than wide (hip width).
It seems like guys actually have bigger asses in the first direction, or at least as big
No. 199104
>>199033if that's true, she might have just gotten fat injections in her boobs along with other treatments she may have gotten, which can ware off if the fat isn't accepted, people also noticed that she's losing weight, but her tits and ass magically get bigger? she is def having fat injections, however her boobs look very different from 2012 - 2013, she might have already had a breast lift, or a form of it (it doesn't always have to lift your boobs up it can even it out or make them closer together if they're wide set) but still wanted to get fat injections in her ass and tits
her lips are obviously fake as hell though, they look jacked up in pictures she didn't edit the shit out of
No. 199113
File: 1500581147348.png (469.95 KB, 2000x1236, skin color variation.png)

>>196190north Asians are about as pale as south Europeans.
No. 199114
>>199113skin bleaching is also a huge industry there, and it's regularly used
I know they can be naturally pale, but paper overexposed filter white? I don't buy it. it also doesn't explain why most american asians of the same decent aren't pale as fuck as well
No. 199125
>>199114Some of them surely are. probably a good deal of it is photoshop, but w/e
>>199119I don't know what you're on about, I've seen ghastly Asians.
You're probably lumping together southeast Asians and south Chinese with Koreans/Japs. Also the graph is light reflectance, which isn't going to account for pink/yellow/brown undertone.
No. 199127
>>199113This is so profoundly stupid.
>>199118Westernized Asians and the average Asian man (who isn't a k-pop star or something like that) tend to have more natural coloring, which tends to be on the more yellow-brown spectrum than the ghostly white you see from actors, singers, idols and the like. I know men have naturally slightly darker skin than women do but it's not that extreme, and if you walk around places where Asians are "lighter" (say, Japan) you can see the men, on average, are substantially darker than the women in a very noticeable way. It's not naturally that extreme. You can see a little bit with older pictures too, and in the past E Asians were often described as being "dusky" and the like, the idea of them being super pale is a modern one based on cosmetics and skin lightening.
No. 199225
>>199187it's not, I have no idea why you're having an aneurysm over it
>>199186natives from the north were lighter than those near the equator. Not exactly shocking stuff y'know
No. 199263
>>199225native american cherokees arent lighter than all the fucking other tribes in the us. they're dark as shit. the map shows their skin colour was pale, which they weren't anywhere near.
and since people get lighter as they're farther away from the equator, then why is the northwest colored darker when the midwest is right there on the same latitude?
again, are you retarded?
No. 199796
File: 1501009705091.jpg (Spoiler Image,305.66 KB, 800x1016, Marilyn-Monroe_early-nude_11.j…)

>>197928same, I don't get why everyone wants tiny chocolate chip nipples nowadays, unless it goes with the size
>>197937marilyn monroe had pretty biggish nipples for her boob size and still looked pretty hot
No. 199801
>>199796Ah she had puffies though, those are always cuter.
Idk, I think as long as they're proportionate to the breast it's fine. Really large areola that don't match breast size can be pretty unattractive.
No. 199830
>>199801agreed, nips that are too small look weird and nips too big for the boob look weird
sometimes puffies can make the nipple look a lot bigger though, coming from someone with puffy nipples
No. 199847
File: 1501057732658.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.42 KB, 680x1024, fb57dbfdfbf4c95c545e05fcf541a7…)

>>199835nah elsa/dana had much bigger tits and smaller hips
the hips give it away
No. 199870
>>199100 I know what you mean anon, guys butts poke out more and womens butts spread more, however the girls I do see with butts poking out a lot also have narrow hips, women I see with wide hips often have not much poking out butts, I guess it's just a one or another type thing, plus girls with flat asses + no hips like yanet, alice, or jen selter, they can only fix it so much, so getting butt implants or fat injections seems like a way to go to fix at least one of those problems and men still love their fake ass if they don't know it's fake
speaking from a woman with wide hips and no ass myself lul
No. 199895
File: 1501129901802.jpg (13.95 KB, 310x395, 7911559de6be202ba65ca744092898…)

Dropping Marilyn pics.
The Scarf Sitting 1962
From what I know the first breast enhancement wasn't performed till 1961. Women commonly used "falsies" which were basically stuffers. Marilyn only had a chin implant and her nose done I read.
No. 199896
File: 1501129932142.jpg (17 KB, 410x403, Bernard-Stern-Marilyn-Monroe-i…)

No. 199897
File: 1501129990997.jpg (45.7 KB, 424x540, 8f1e6b8407f5753358b07c8f105869…)

Red Velvet Session 1949
No. 199949
>>199942yeah, if marilyn was a regular chick irl fat chicks would call her too thin, tell her to gain weight, tell her she isn't womanly, etc
>>199895I actually like her tits before idk why, they're not perfect, but something about boobs like these are appealing to me
No. 199954
>>199953butthurt fatty spotted
we only roast people who deserve to be roasted, what even are you on about
No. 199955
>>199954>disagree with me? not on my watch fatty!And you're butthurt in general.
Obviously I'm referencing the excessive nitpicking that happens on this website to nearly anyone who is posted, newfag. You'd be calling Marilyn a fucking cow towards the end of her downward spiral.
No. 199956
>>199955you sound like you got roasted before on here, the only time nitpicking happens is when someone deserves it, hell a lot of the time people get banned for nitpicking
you don't even know me, therefore you don't know mu opinions, you don't know my definition of fat, saggy, skinnyfat, etc so stop assuming you do to prove a point, it just makes you look more like a PMSing bitch than you already are
No. 199958
>>199956>you sound like you got roasted before on hereNo, and for fuck's sake who calls it "roasting"?
>the only time nitpicking happens is when someone deserves itNo it doesn't.
>hell a lot of the time people get banned for nitpickingA relatively new rule that actually happened in the past few months, and people still get away with it as long as it's saged.
The truth hurts, newfag.
No. 199959
>>199958no, several mods have banned people for nitpicking, even saying stuff like "Saged nitpicking is still nitpicking"
name me one time someone got nitpicked who didn't deserve then, that's right you can't
you sound crazy and like you got insulted on her before, where did lolcow touch you?
No. 199960
>>199959>several mods have banned people for nitpickingDuring hellweek.
>name me one time someone got nitpicked who didn't deserve itVenus, Snoozy, and literally any general threads in /snow/.
You sound in denial and can't stand knowing the things you say are no different than what jellyfat rhinos would say. Neener neener.
No. 199961
>>199960these are all cows, with milk, who deserve nitpicking, people are cows for a reason
how old are you?
No. 199962
>>199961>they're all cowsNot really. That's why they're in /snow/ not /pt/.
But hey, at least I got you to agree in a roundabout way that nitpicking
does occur here and fatties aren't solely guilty of it.
After all, if Marilyn were just another average girl involved in sex scandals, being known for sex, using drugs, and getting plastic surgery she'd be posted here too. Especially when she gained weight briefly, anachans love nitpicking that. I'm guessing you're not old enough to know much dirt on Marilyn or have even browsed this website for more than a year.
No. 199963
>>199959I'm sorry you got called out for your pointless nitpicking. Maybe if you actually contributed interesting points and/or brought milk to the table instead of calling yumi king 'farmer face' and crying about moomoo's thighs for the umpteenth time like a braindead idiot people would like you more.
You don't get to decide who deserves what, at the very least other farmers don't deserve to have their thread derailed by pointless shitposting and counting of Sharla's phantom wrinkles. It's not even like others don't regularly call nitpickers out on their annoying behaviour, it's just that now something's actually being done about it. Get some cream for that butthurt and move on.
No. 199964
>>199963I haven't nitpicked on this thread at all
people can avoid all this by turning the computer off and not be cunts kek
>>199962are you the psycho from the weight gain thread in/g/
imagine talking to me without having to make up shit about me, it's super simple, I'm not gonna take you seriously if you have to lie about me to "prove" a point
No. 199965
>>199964>are you the psycho from the weight gain thread in/g/Wow, why are you so assblasted? No, I'm not. I'm just pointing out how it's petty of you to speculate what ~fatties~ would have said about Marilyn when the same could be said about the nitpickers who post here.
You got defensive right off the bat which is why I'm guessing you've nitpicked.
>imagine talking to me without having to make up shit about meYou're the one who accused me of being fat as your first reply! Take your own advice!
No. 199967
>>199965"fatty" was the only thing I said sarcastically, you assumed I did several things which I didn't do
you didn't guess I nitpicked, you flat out accused me of nitpicking, you're like that psycho woman screaming about how her husband raped her
if you hate this site, here's some /advice/
don't come here
No. 199973
>>199970"you sound like …" is completely different from " Maybe if you actually contributed interesting points and/or brought milk to the table instead of calling yumi king 'farmer face' and crying about moomoo's thighs for the umpteenth time like a braindead idiot people would like you more."
you ACTUALLY DID accuse me of something and insisted what I do just cuz you assume shit about me because I sarcastically called you fatty because I said fatties would talk shit about marilyn monroe
I said how old were you, I didn't imply you were underage at all, talk about twisting around, you either are the person from weight gain thread and lying about it (oh no I said you 100% were fact person from weight gain thread because I compared you to them) or you act just like them, making up lies about the person they're fighting and desperately reaching to find an insult
No. 199975
>>199973You think
>>199963 was me? Wrong again.
No. 199976
>>199973oh? is that why you reply with the same bullshit one second after I reply back? get outta here same fag
also you and fatty from weight gain thread have something in common
you're both same fags who whine claiming it's not them when it's painfully obvious
No. 199981
>>199975also more proof you're a samefag
>>199970I made jokes about
>>199963 being underage
and said that got insulted before, but magically when I call you out on your psycho lying bullshit magically it's not the same person? go back to the looneybin, then your other personality will actually be taken seriously there
No. 200054
>>200050Make up isn't the same as mutilating your natural healthy body to get foreign objects inserted to your body hoping your body doesn't reject it
You know, when I put my own mascara on, it's not like I'm taking a life risk. When your mom got her titties done, she risked her life for that shit. She accepted she may never see you again due to dying from anaesthesia or infection. Just to have silicon tits. Ain't that sad?
Im perfect without fake boobs. Sorry your mom didn't feel the same way and raised you thinking it's okay to mutilate yourself when it's not even medically necessary all for a man's approval
>>200043>>200054you must have no idea what it is like being a woman with no tits. its embarrassing and the female equivalent of feeling emasculated. It's cool that you somehow escaped the intense pressure of society telling you that you're not good enough unless you have a rack to oggle at but a lot of women can't get past that. I'm sure if men could make their micro dicks bigger they would too.
i have a very slender frame, short stature, baby face, and no tits. It is embarrassing knowing that the only men attracted to me have pedophillic tendancies because I look fucking 12. I do not feel 'womanly' and neither did my mother until she got tits.
Feeling womanly and feminine is important to a lot of women I'm not sure how you do not get this, you must have a rack.
No. 200102
>>200058not that anon but the real issue with fake tits is the fake part. they -look- good but that's where it ends. when will insecure women learn that the people that not everyone will judge you for not having breasts, but you will get 'attention' from gross dudes if you do. i have worn super pushup bras that made me look like an E cup but the attention you get from that is pretty gross, and girls still are snarky to you about something.
using plastic surgery is escapism for people with body image issues. you're weak and letting 'society' judge you when it's really only assholes(guys and girls) who give a fuck. those same types of people would just have something else negative to say about you. and they will regardless of how you look or how big your tits are.
sincerely, 32A cup.
No. 200136
File: 1501269189583.jpg (Spoiler Image,219.47 KB, 600x433, after-cancer.jpg)

>>200116>it's just to gain validation from others For someone who has a problem with people projecting, you're doing an awful lot of that here. Not everyone gets breast implants or augmentative surgeries so they can be a boy's fap fantasy. Not every breast implant is ridiculous or meant to look unnatural.
ALL OF YOU need to stop making these retarded generalizations about breast surgeries. All you're doing is stigmatizing the women who get them for legitimate reasons and those who would consider them in order to feel happier in their own skin.
Which just goes back to OP who's all about
>"Basically men's logic is that any plastic surgery that isn't obvious or botched is 100% natural">men's logicTired of pretending we always have to give a fuck about male logic.
It's not just about men thinking they're natural, it's about women too. Frankly, if it's not botched or disproportionate-looking, then we shouldn't be negative.
No. 200139
>>200136just no
people's opinions of themselves, what's normal and what's weird/wrong comes from others. it's not from yourself. no one ever mentioned being someone's fap fantasy. even if your mom mentions your breast size, if you never thought of it before, that could be enough to spark insecurities, and generally it is stuff like that, other women, seeing others and comparing them to you. the validation comes from everyone, not just men, and that validation can be silence.
nothing about male logic here.
No. 200145
>>200139>>200140>people's opinions of themselves never comes from within, it's society's faultRubbish.
>>200141>post-cancer surgeries are to replace what was once thereAnd to correct HORRIBLE scars and disfigurations that never were there either. Are you going to get in their face about how they shouldn't get the surgery because they should be proud of their scars and doing anything otherwise suggests they have poor self-esteem? I don't think you would.
No. 200392
File: 1501348668582.jpg (94.14 KB, 736x1104, nancy_ajram.jpg)

>>199858>>199871yea she has that Lebanese/Egyptian famous singer look
like pic related, who also had work done
No. 200547
File: 1501427974373.jpg (203.98 KB, 602x720, 5139151470_e179f43802_b.jpg)

>>200392Nancy was so cute before all the surgery, now she's just another Elissa
No. 200908
>>197034nah I don't think she's that short
a lot of the time girls with wider shoulders and hips can look shorter than they really are
the way her hips and waist dent like that looks super fake, then again it could be a corset, even without it the way her hips are shaped looks like thigh implants or a fat transfer
No. 201681
File: 1502502836933.jpg (103.32 KB, 1092x580, missalicefake.jpg)

so she admitted she had fake tits and ass on a live stream, which of course would be hard to find unless someone records and saves all of her live streams
but of course fanboys will insist they're real, I feel like they can literally watch a surgery video of her having breast implants inserted and still deny they're fake, the kid at the bottom even is so desperate to believe they're he insists that they're real in his head
like why can't they admit fake tits are fake and still be attracted to them?
No. 201698
>>201681TBH they alongside some ladies itt can't even tell, because they look so natural.
Their heads would probably explode if they realised some smaller chested girls had jobs done to be still not big, but bigger than their previous flat wash board.
No. 201699
>>201698agreed, it's like those girls who have acne, wear foundation and conceal but minimal makeup around the eyes, therefore it just looks natural so it's no makeup
basically, there's more evidence she does have surgery, than she doesn't have surgery but they're convinced that they "move natural" and there's no scarring therefore it must be natural
they can't understand the fact some girls get surgery to fix small flaws so it doesn't look that different and natural, the same way they can't understand girls wear concealer to hide some flaws but it still looks natural, then when you say hey she has had surgery or hey she's wearing makeup when it's obvious they will whine their little heads off about how "oooo do you KNOW people can be perfect naturally"
No. 201851
>>201807I know what you mean, and getting a job is a pain in the ass and no one takes me serious
I think the only people who idolize looking like a child are weebs/east asian obsessed people and the ddlg community with the *~*tee hee I look like a 10 yr old *~* then again a lot of east asia attracts pedophile tourists because of the standards and how looking like a literal child = attractive
I honestly never seen an attractive guy want a girl to look as young as humanly possible, its always uggos
but to be fair I can see the appeal of wanting childish looking skin or big eyes, small nose, rosey cheeks, etc, then again those features aren't associated with just children more to do with genetics
No. 201888
File: 1502689645136.jpg (19.29 KB, 300x250, superthumb.jpg)

>>201885because a lot of the time people use it to humblebrag, like when it comes to girls like lilychu and yumi who are delusional about how ~young~ and like a kid they look but always feel the need to over-do trying to look like a child
while I can how youthfulness as in a 16-18 yr old face + good skin can be cute but still a womanly body, but nowadays people want to look like potential children people such as yumi, lily, and the ddlg community, even body wise as well, with binding and keeping a way too low body weight
No. 202164
>>201957corsetting and fat transfers to the hips
I hate when people overdo it and look like a cartoon character though
No. 202174
>>201972I have a friend who is into the cutesy Jfashion. Before then, she has been fine with how she looks. Now she complains all the time about having hips, boobs and wishes she can look like a tiny cute asian girl. She also wants surgery to make her facial features less mature looking.
I hate jfashion and kawaii culture, makes so many women want look like retarded overgrown children.
No. 202269
>>202174the guys in it or even more toxic, they think all instafamous koreans with the signature plastic surgery baby face and paper white skin are all natural then throw a rage fit if you think it's unnatural
the whole women lying about plastic surgery thing and men believing them has turned cultures and expectations for women toxic as fuck, basically if you're poor and don't have magic genes you're screwed to hell and back, good thing it's only ugly men though
No. 202279
File: 1503006519668.jpg (34.95 KB, 603x215, my tits defy gravity.jpg)

June Lapatine, aka shoeonhead
she clearly has had a boob job (will provide pics)
and possibly some facial work as well as waist training/ fat transfers, the most obvious one is a boob job though, what do you guys think?
she's a flake too from her "I'M NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS" syndrome and being into ddlg and is public about it
No. 202282
>>202279i am so sick of her ego lol she honestly thinks her dumpy boyfriend is like the "popular guy" in a high school drama
youtube was a mistake. these talentless nobodies get all arrogant because a bunch of 12-year old boys like, comment, and subscribe to every video. is this her weird way of pretending that she's the popular girl in high school? idk
No. 202303
>>202282Funny she called Jenny desperate and the 'weird crazy girl' when Shoe has openly admitted she was a socially stunted geek who didn't have female friends because she didn't know how to act feminine or be normal around other females.
And her attempts to get Greg's attention with the 'notice me senpai' shirt and stalking him online was certainly desperate. Sounds like some serious projecting there.
Relax, June. Nobody wants to steal your tubby neckbeard daddy dom.
No. 202621
File: 1503269716381.png (445.17 KB, 550x458, IMG_4521.png)

Amber rose, despite her being a shitty childish cunt, she's also a massive liar
she tried proving her butt was real because she had cellulite, constantly go on about how her ass is real
claimed her breasts are real despite her magically becoming perky overnight, has no talent besides telling every she's a slut and calls it empowerment
and the best part is she was found on a black market plastic surgery clinic list No. 202630
>>202621whoa. she looks so much more clearly
white in the face. i wonder if it really is just the hair and body playing tricks on me or if she's done anything to her face that makes her look ever so slightly ambiguous and not 1000% white like she looks on the left
No. 202664
File: 1503278316382.jpg (122.78 KB, 1063x342, Screenshot_20170820-201613.jpg)

>>202630That's because she IS white, anon. Unless you hold credence to the outdated "one-drop rule."
No. 202695
File: 1503292370594.jpg (64.39 KB, 600x631, amber-rose-teenager.jpg)

>>202664this is her when she was younger? she look so better, body and face wise
guess hair and makeup can do a lot to a girl
as we as injecting saline into your ass and tits
No. 202711
File: 1503297857800.jpg (279.15 KB, 800x1181, 057e1d81-24ab-4bc3-8b55-cc4c07…)

Mariah Carey's boob job, idk why people still claim they're real. Regardless of herself denying it, I'm still a fan.
No. 203748
File: 1504029373041.png (748.33 KB, 720x896, Screenshot_2017-08-29-13-21-27…)

I can't find the other ps thread so I'll post this here.
This cosplayer got work done, I think she looks like a ff character now, guess that was what she was going for. She def looks more cute now.
Has anyone ever wanted to get cosmetic surgery done to look more "kawaii" or doll like? Maybe I'm the only crazy one here, I ain't gonna lie I wanna get some work done to look more dolly like.
No. 203966
File: 1504216450655.jpg (23.77 KB, 600x206, Cjk1N15WgAEf7BD.jpg)

I feel like a lot of you might not like this one but I personally love it. I really wonder who did it, I've been trying to find out but keep coming up on dead ends.
No. 204481
File: 1505424543731.jpg (221.37 KB, 720x720, Screenshot.jpg)

>>204402It's hilarious how these online personalities think people will believe their obvious lies, why can't they just be honest instead of trying to hide it with dumbass lies like "I GOT CANCER SURGERY" and "MY BRACES MADE MY NOSE THINNER AND LIPS BIGGER". Cosmetic surgery is so common these days, it's not a big deal. Sometimes Saya's surgeries look good but sometimes it looks over done. Her tits are too big and in some angles her nose looks weird and super pointy.
No. 206525
File: 1506789171588.jpeg (13.3 KB, 300x288, 582873.jpeg)

I'm tired of seeing weight loss accounts on IG where the girl got fat, then got a fat transfer with a tummy tuck and is ranting about how natural they are and how they don't wear waist trainers etc, it's just astounding to me how fast people believe a girl lost all the fat in her waist and got a flat stomach but barely lost fat anywhere else
No. 215841
>>215835>on't know if I have right to anything on this, cause I'm whiteany point you have is invalidated by being so presumptuous
>follows it up with racist shit that is totally not realdefinitely not valid
>chemicals in your bloodstreami'm out.
why the fuck do white girls do this 'i can't say anything cause i'm white' but then say something anyway, that generally just amounts to shit stereotypes? don't say anything if you think your race doesn't entitle you to do so.
No. 215877
>>215841Go back to tumblr
>>215835Eh,its just another trend honestly, eventually in the next decade or so there will be a new body type, the thing is about the body rage nowadays is that its crazy, kinda like when Victorian women broke their ribs and wore those big ass things to get an extreme hourglass, except in victorian times the dress was more about the style and the corset thing along with dangerous skin whitening was crazy too, I thought we would evolve better than that yet here we are, women still breaking their ribs and passing out due to waist cincers, women eating mcdonalds then paying their surgeon to suck the burgers and fries from their arms and stomach and inject it in their thighs ass and tits, women cutting their tit skin off and sewing their nipple higher to make their boobs less saggy, coating their skin with whitneing agents or tanning ones, I get every decade has their standards for women but some decades were more attainable and realistic
No. 215884
>>215882Children and high schoolers bully everyone. and it's really not exclusive to hourglass shapes.
Though kek at your dipshit boyfriend who thought your body was fake.
No. 215887
>>215884>Children and high schoolers bully everyone. and it's really not exclusive to hourglass shapes.never said it was lol
>Though kek at your dipshit boyfriend who thought your body was fake.Men are stupid and can't even tell these kinds of things when women have their clothes off, let alone when they're on.
No. 215943
>>215939But those are all pretty average anon even for a white girl, it just sounds like you come from a place where being thin is normal, my measurements are 34-23/25-42, my waist tends to fluncate a lot because I bloat easily but never been accused of being unnatural body wise (someone accused me of skin whitening before since im super pale lul) mostly because I live in a town where extremely curvy types are common even though they're white, I'm considered average here, but a woman did ask me before at the gym if I've ever had fat transfers to my hips and ass, I'm saying they're normal because well, they are, the average hip size in america is 42 - 44 i believe, so 40 would actually be below average here, especially in the town I live, and I'm 4'11 too but no ones ever said I was fake, then again I'm pretty young (18) and most people aren't gonna accuse high schoolers of having plastic surgery unless they live in a place like south korea where its common for teens to do stuff like that lul
No. 215963
>the average hip size in america is 42 - 44 i believeYes, because most American women are fat. The average hip size being 42-44 goes along with an average waist size of 34-35. A waist-hip ratio of 0.62 is much, MUCH rarer than the average waist-hip ratio of 0.81. Less than 8% of the female population possesses the hourglass body type, and even less possess such a large discrepancy in waist to hip measurements.
You have a rare body type. Just because you’ve seen a handful where you live doesn’t make it “average.” Far from it, it’s more or less the rarest body type there is. This has been studied by biologists and sociologists for ages.
No. 216059
File: 1513117632866.jpeg (105.38 KB, 1200x988, E0EA71DA-7343-4049-A85A-56EF05…)

>>215978you’re really trying to claim the image circled in red is the “average” for women? what kind of drugs are you smoking?
if it was actually common, it wouldn’t be coveted by thousands of women who turn to surgery to get it.
No. 218634
File: 1514065019342.jpg (119.42 KB, 1200x900, DRwpcXUXUAA4paK.jpg)

>>203748>>198103>>198104>>204481My friend just retweeted a picture of this girl
She looks so plastic
Her face looks fake wtf
No. 218948
File: 1514286945331.jpg (335.94 KB, 1592x900, DJnTDfgXgAAXxX1.jpg)

Look at her old face compared to her sister compared to her new face
No. 218989
>>218954I would be pissed if I were her sister and she DIDN'T Photoshop me too.
It always makes me roll my eyes when I see girls who blur the shit out of themselves. Skin has y'know, pores.
No. 219147
>>219123The key is to look for the flaws on their face. Everyone has wrinkles, or pores, or just bumps in genera in their face. There is no such thing as flawless makeup. Then, look at the brightness of the skin—is the skin a milky pale white? Then they could have raised the exposure on the photo (meaning they increased how bright everything). And then there’s apps like camera 360 and meitu that add a much more subtle effect that makes it harder to tell if a photo has been edited.
The tricky part though, is looking at professional photoshopped pictures. They’re smooth the skin and THEN add back a more asthetically pleasing texture to the skin with a brush.
And then, another trick people use, is using poor quality photos or increasing the graininess on the photos. That way, it’s so poor quality that you can’t see any of their flaws.
Anyway, tl;dr: if the skin looks flawless, then it’s edited.
No. 219457
File: 1514449217018.jpg (83.61 KB, 640x565, IMG_7646.jpg)

Noah Cyrus. The surgeries made her so god-forsaken ugly. They're trying to make her a musician now but i don't think people are interested in what this balloon is up to.
No. 219458
File: 1514449244634.jpg (64.86 KB, 640x628, IMG_7647.jpg)

>>219457more stuff on the surgeries
No. 219459
File: 1514449543178.jpg (120.61 KB, 634x1110, 3E7F806300000578-0-image-a-17_…)

>>219458and a casual pic of her.
her moonface shouldn't be on the spotlight. pretend like she didn't happen, cyrus family. i can't stop laughing at her face.
No. 219466
>>219459She looks normal here aside from wearing potato sack clothes and a o-ring collar out in public.
If not for the jarring comparison here
>>219457, she looks completely normal person with a round face in this photo.
No. 219485
File: 1514469229682.png (329.38 KB, 582x533, Screen_Shot_2017-07-28_at_9.27…)

>>203946Are you serious? If Saya
really had surgery done for cancer she WOULDN'T be flying to another country to vacation the next day, what the actual fuck. People who actually get surgery for that have to stay at the hospital get monitered and rest. Some people stay for months and you're telling me she had a major surgery that took 10 hrs and she was out the next day flying to Korea?? How delusional is this girl to think people will actually believe that? That's a load of horse shit. I am willing to bet she had her plastic surgery done in Korea and that took 10 hrs.
She came back a year later with a completely different appearance, of course people are going to notice.
No. 219488
>>219485Her nose looks completely fake, like Michael Jacksons
Did she get a boob job to?
No. 219489
>>219488Her nose looks very triangular now
I think she got her nose, jaw/chin and tits done in Korea. She probably got more but idk. Getting surgery isn't a problem it's her dumbass lying and her saying "I GOT CANCER SURGERY EVERYONE FEEL BAD FOR ME UWU" is beyond fucked.
No. 219495
File: 1514476814170.jpeg (116.47 KB, 815x601, image.thumb.jpeg.b40d0615d0bcf…)

>>218954I don't think she shoped her sister
Awhile back on twitter Saya was denying her ps and saying how she didn't have money for it. Even though her old pics were photoshopped to hell, you could still make out her real nose and face
No. 219496
>>219495It makes so much sense because if she looked like this
>>218634>>219485Her entire life she would be so famous
But in your picture she looks so normal
No. 219508
File: 1514482805480.jpeg (119.68 KB, 900x1200, DGnuvzjXcAAnZMj.jpeg)

>"i just used 2 push up!"
It just looks like she's trying to take a tit pic to have ppl oogle at her, she and other cosers like Jnig like to wear push ups when they have implants in, what's the point of going through with surgery if you're still gonna wear pushup bras??
No. 219509
>>219508If you are getting implants you are more likely to just want attention
Doing stuff like this is only the next phase
No. 219520
>>219519She seems too selfish and self involved to care about helping people with anything.
Her entire online presence seems devoted to just talking about how hard she works on her body and cosplay
No. 219536
File: 1514494265457.png (423.57 KB, 818x408, txjadfO.png)

She has lip fillers and cheek fillers (like noah probably does) and has admited it. why would that ever look good jfc.
To anyone into the beauty community, Jaclyn Hill is known for this. She has fillers everywhere and it makes her look like a balloon, like Noah. She uses super heavy makeup and with all the cosmetic shit she has done she ends up looking like Jigsaw in most of her videos. And that's without mentioning how annoying she is.
No. 219537
File: 1514494335623.jpg (54.35 KB, 640x480, kkwkylie-cosmetics-swatches-re…)

i know its petty as fuck but i straight up can't watch her anymore. it looks so ugly to me.
No. 219539
if anyone doesn't know who she is, she's a makeup youtuber. she's also a huge kardashian fangirl and that's why she looks like a rejected Kardashian. Here is a video of her meeting Kim for a makeup video and being annoying.
No. 219543
File: 1514496193437.jpg (17.66 KB, 353x247, DKf26o3W4AAx87I.jpg)

Despite the photoshop I can tell that her old nose use to be wide, big and had a huge hump
No. 219545
>>219543Any older pictures of her body?
She looks like she was bigger in all these old pictures.
No. 219547
File: 1514496406541.jpg (42.84 KB, 377x362, CSpS964WsAAG7Wm-1.jpg)

More pics of her (still overly shopped) before her disappearance and magical face rework. She or her friend posted this pic on the snow section trying self advertise.
I don't think she has one old or new picture that is not photoshopped.
No. 219548
File: 1514496553879.jpg (48.38 KB, 600x339, suNRFvm.jpg)

Here is the full picture
No. 219554
File: 1514497964137.png (433.54 KB, 720x574, Screenshot_2017-12-28-11-41-30…)

>>219548Back then she would wear pushup bras for every cosplay and pic
>>219520What hard work? Her bod is from the result of tit implants and the jaw surgery. She didn't do jack shit to get in shape, she lost alot of weight from the jaw surgery cuz you get stuck on a liquid diet for months.
She looks like a completely different person def not ps, just muh turkish italian genes
No. 219575
>>219560being beautiful =/= meeting your preferences
her features look proportional, her skin is nice, she looks healthy and presents herself well, just because YOU aren't attracted to her doesn't mean it's impossible for anyone else to be, she doesn't make millions off her looks for no reason
No. 219764
File: 1514576659944.png (78.93 KB, 626x453, snowflake.png)

SayaTheFox is actually a snowflake and threw a massive hisyfit when people wished her a happy birthday a day early. Why would she be mad she isnt even German No. 220273
File: 1514904107968.png (474.46 KB, 720x496, Screenshot_2017-12-28-11-06-32…)

>>219764I don't get why she posted this, it's 2 photoshopped pics except 1 has more shop than the other.
No. 220275
>>220274Sage for samefag but
It's true tho. It's considered bad luck here and almost all people here take it very serious lol.
Thing is tho she could have made a tweet before her birthday explaining this. Since non-Germans obviously won't know.
No. 220277
>>220274She mentioned being Italian in past tweets and posts in this thread bring it up.
Neither of her parents are from Germany or have German ancestry
No. 220298
File: 1514915417749.png (355.41 KB, 516x399, Screenshot_2018-01-02-12-47-48…)

Aegyo sal isn't as popular in Korea anymore but damn the Japs still love it, it looks like she has balloons that can pop
No. 220305
File: 1514918936280.jpg (44.53 KB, 409x393, brrsi11l144.jpg)

She knows about lolcow and instantly deleted this tweet
>>219764 after it got posted.
She also posted this a few weeks after her 10h surgery and she looks severely swollen.
No. 220369
>>199113You can also look at it as East Asians are as pale as Tunisians Algerians and Turks.
Also that picture is trash, in reality East Asians are the same hue as middle easterners if not darker, from genetic studies.
No. 220441
File: 1514965721341.jpg (41.59 KB, 580x364, yikes.jpg)

>>220298She's pretty cute. Maybe it's because it doesn't seem that she's had other work done. If she did get any work done, the procedures are natural-looking/minor because I can't really see anything that sticks out in a bad way.
Aegyo sal combined with other (noticeable) procedures look awful though. Girl in this pic had decent features and could have stopped after getting her eyes tweaked, but she looks freakish since she got more work done.
No. 220531
File: 1515012456391.jpg (163.28 KB, 1080x1440, DSaV4xSU8AEoTjn.jpg large.jpg)

>>220518>>219490they arent symmetrical
No. 221205
File: 1515349914910.jpg (177.1 KB, 1412x576, sayafox 120083482746.jpg)

I don't understand why she's in such denial about something she always wanted.
No. 221222
>>221220People with large social media presence usually have a lot of issues which is why they seek validation from others.
I just hate that these people are "inspirations" for others when they are the least healthy and mentally sound.
Sayathefox is a complete wreck and tries to hide it, she gives too many girls unbelievable standards.
No. 221255
File: 1515364077628.jpeg (88.63 KB, 794x1200, DRSet5cWsAAxsRC.jpeg.270c6f3b2…)

>>221211She deleted everything bcuz she was getting exposed on lc and pull, Saya posted a screenshot on twitter of ppl talking abt her on cgl aka she googles herself a lot.
I think she's an anachan too, she said something along the lines of being fat in this pic and how she needs to lose weight
Like bitch you weight 90 pounds from the jaw surgery liquid diet, maybe don't get such large breast implants and don't wear ass pads??
No. 221267
>>221261Learn to sage
Idk if she posts on sites like these but she was aware of the skyleigh ( himeahri) faking being asian drama so I guess she used pull at one point.
No. 221517
File: 1515465627943.jpg (63.67 KB, 317x487, hkt48_1514456746_af_org-1.jpg)

>>197093Haruka looks hella bloated and weird now, she should had stopped added surgery made her look older
No. 221556
File: 1515478448023.jpg (35.85 KB, 443x564, 777c1d7d15273c3dced9e294879856…)

Who also thinks that Mahafsoun has had plastic surgery. I personally love her. Also she still has old pictrues of herself on Facebook/IG/Deviantart, so it does not seem like she is hiding the fact that she might have done something, but she has never said it, afaik
No. 221606
>>221205What a dumb cunt. Even if you delete every single old picture of you from every social account you own, people will still have them saved, Google will still have them archived, and you can't do shit. Just come clean, by doing this you're making your situation 100x worse.
I mean, since I assume her fanbase mostly consists in fedora tippers and neckbeards, maybe she lies to preserve her "career" because that specifical category of men hates women who get PS with a passion
No. 221612
>>221606>>221205one of her friends made a tweet saying
>i have 3 friends that got PS and I want it toowonder if she was talking about sora
No. 221635
File: 1515523018909.jpg (289.71 KB, 546x670, 21479728_101881277222954_82161…)

Did she get a botched nose job?
No. 221637
>>221635That looks horrible, maybe it was edited and her nose got messed up from that?
Did she get her lips done as well?
No. 221642
File: 1515523960255.jpg (95.49 KB, 1080x1920, 15844124_1841922939356109_6372…)

I think she got a revision and it made her notrils triangular, the other nose wasn't triangle it was just straight up fucked
No. 221651
File: 1515525070169.png (230.72 KB, 731x452, Lol.png)

>"everyone in South Korea thought I looked like elsa
No. 221779
>>221635>asymmetrical, triangular nostrilsWhew, that's one botched nose. Imagine how bad must it look irl.
Since she's "Turkish", instead of going on such a long travel to get botched in SK she should've just gone to Turkey that currently has some really top tier surgeons.
No. 221793
>>221788>>221786>>221779The reason she went to Korea is because she is dumb shallow and believes in "name brand"
She wants to be "authentic" and getting surgery in Korea makes her feel like it. Before she purged her twitter all her posts were about Kpop artists
No. 221825
File: 1515626519978.jpg (125.27 KB, 700x1244, amYww7j_700b.jpg)

Not a fan of skinny girls with huge implants, it looks pretty obvious for someone her size. I think she went a lil too big
No. 221827
File: 1515627274069.png (708.12 KB, 920x1015, Untitled.png)

>>221825Good thing she blocked her botched nose job in that pic
Does that look photoshopped?
No. 223259
File: 1515707901130.png (213.48 KB, 720x409, Screenshot_2018-01-11-16-56-52…)

>>221827So she got implants, stuffs her bra and photoshops her tits too?
No. 223273
File: 1515713689045.png (717.22 KB, 782x721, Aranea-Highwind-FFXV-face.png)

I honestly think Saya is trying to look like every 3d girl, from the way she shops herself and the surgeries she went for. She thinks she looks like Elsa, posts about these other chars and I think she especially wants to look like Aranea, she wears green contacts (which she tries so hard to make them look natural), hair colour, etc
No. 223274
File: 1515713719346.jpg (542.25 KB, 1276x1276, Collage.jpg)

No. 224908
File: 1516375739631.jpg (89.6 KB, 450x600, 372695.jpg)

Hara from Kara was so pretty back then, but like many kpop stars they go crazy on the plastic surgery once they get a break. She looked pretty before but now she looks like every other over done person
No. 224909
File: 1516375764435.jpg (39.3 KB, 350x563, 2017070401000087200005682.jpg)

Hara now
No. 224947
File: 1516390133560.png (77 KB, 1280x720, pixeefox.png)

>>224946She's had several ribs removed, "cartoon" eye surgery in India, frequents South Korea for other surgical needs, and last year on her IG she posted something about a Barbie crotch surgery yet she didn't go into more detail about what exactly that entails. She just called it a surgically enhanced clam. Her thing used to be trying to attain a Jessica Rabbit look, then she said she was Ariel, then Giselle from Enchanted, and she seems to switch "characters" all of the time. She's a hardcore vegan.
No. 225002
File: 1516430896015.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.56 KB, 480x585, IMG_20180119_224244.jpg)

Persian baddie
She was popular on IG before. She was also an escort and always had dudes commenting on her ass and asking how much her rate was.I don't know why any man would want to fuck an ass like that
No. 225118
File: 1516535648089.png (1.44 MB, 1402x519, sahartabar.png)

Sahar Tabar, the 19-year-old nutcase who got a shitton of plastic surgeries to look like Angelina Jolie. She's also an Ashley-tier skele. there seems to be a ton of accounts with her name, here's two of them: any anons who know Persian can translate her captions or just give info about her it would be great. She seems fascinating.
No. 225161
>>225126a- obviously i wasn't, i don't know the language
b- she has a crappy cellphone video in which she lipsyncs to a rap song along with two other iranian IG'ers while looking like this. she has a photo with the other girl from the video looking like this. are you sure it's a hoax?
No. 225165
File: 1516563552222.jpg (108.92 KB, 1140x640, the_brothers_bogdanoff_the_sto…)

>>225118Psych grad here.
This is what actual Body Dysmorphic Disorder looks like.
You notice how not only does she look like a fucking zombie, she doesn't look anything like Angelina Jolie, even with the hundreds of procedures done.
BDD is caused by a distortion in the brain's perception of the geometric construction of one's body. Shoulders look broader than they really are. Your ass looks flatter than it actually is. Your nose can look two inches longer than its actual size.
It's a couple miles away from looking in the mirror and hating what you see. Body image issues are sad, yes, but BDD is something entirely different and IMO much more horrific.
Another example of this is the Bogdanoff Twins (picrelated) and Mickey Rourke.
No. 228071
File: 1518126177548.jpg (Spoiler Image,220.8 KB, 803x944, Ie1PUUg.jpg)

Fam, do you think pic related are real? I met this chick once irl and have been wondering ever since
No. 228187
File: 1518177289397.jpg (Spoiler Image,420.04 KB, 1271x1815, EW05tBM.jpg)

>>228136I also think they look nice, they did so also irl. If they are fake I want to know what those are and where they are from. These are the only frontal(ish) pics I could find where her boobs aren't covered or obscured otherwise.
No. 228200
File: 1518185055428.jpg (144.3 KB, 1200x982, DVjYTfMX0AAyfjz.jpg)

>>223259>>221651she has interesting lips
No. 228289
File: 1518234924438.gif (950.89 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mxf3v1Yd8D1syeot2o1_500…)

>>228277let me guess, are you a perfect pale skinned 4'9 fairy with the face of a toddler, measurements of 32-21-43, curvier than kim k, tight vag and everything else but you actually hate it and want it to change because it's such a struggle and would rather be an acne covered man faced string bean
smh, out of all the places on the internet, this board just happens to be filled with a bunch of girls claiming how they have these better than porn star level bodies naturally but actually hate it
even when the humblebrag thread was made it was still filled with the same bullshit lmfao
No. 228292
File: 1518235798845.jpg (132.74 KB, 700x525, IMG_6592.jpg)

>>228289nailed it
>>228277blah blah blah, they aint even small.
>>228187 so small right? and there are plenty of women with normal sized fakes
pic related has fakes despite them being small. it's pretty common, actually. i know a few women that have low cc fakes.
No. 232305
File: 1520286322283.jpeg (40.68 KB, 320x320, 486560F2-C45F-44AE-854E-1E2AE6…)

What do you guys think of this twitch hoe? Her fanboys insist that her butt is real.
No. 232595
File: 1520434931487.jpg (86.18 KB, 640x640, 26868438_128218167994463_76299…)

sometimes I don't know whats worse, how extreme girls photoshop or men that believe it
No. 232596
File: 1520436035572.gif (Spoiler Image,8.67 MB, 360x640, trish-100-gifs-2.gif)

the evolution of trisha paytas tits are a sight to see
her natural breasts just looked like typical fat girl with big boobs type boobs, 1st breast implants were okay, second one was lopsided, now this one looks insane, they put her nipples wayy too high and made them too small, it looks so weird
No. 232598
File: 1520436465961.png (Spoiler Image,286.08 KB, 534x369, Capture d’écran 2018-03-07 à…)

>>232596LMAO her nipples are seriously fucking me up, they're gonna end like pic related one day if she keep up with the surgery.
No. 232920
File: 1520610661721.jpg (37.04 KB, 520x520, 13445086_f520.jpg)

Could most kpop fans be the female version of the men who blindly believe "it's all natural" even where it's obviously plastic?
J-hope from BTS has the most fake looking nosejob and yet you always see crazy "armys" sperging on how "it's aaaall naturaaal" and attacking whoever thinks differently.
I see that kpop fans tend to act like this, whatever their idol is. I still see delusional fangirls denying that Hyuna's got a whole new face.
No. 232926
File: 1520614853544.jpg (118.84 KB, 750x750, 4852af71047e733d8f50e4b71d614c…)

>>232920But anon, it's only weight loss and makeup!
No. 232928
File: 1520615162112.jpg (46.21 KB, 800x508, u9ozf47tr8p0xockmwhn.jpg)

No. 232930
File: 1520615308233.jpg (51.65 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Gfriend all seem to have the same doctor…
No. 232935
File: 1520616718840.jpg (42.7 KB, 540x422, DPZ2LYcVwAASC1l.jpg)

>>232930classic Gangnam unnie face
This reminds me of a time where one of my guy friends, a huge koreaboo, point blank REFUSED that Taeyeon from Girls Generation had no Surgery. All i did was bring up a picture from only a year ago and her face was completely different. He had a fit, full on shouting and insulting fit over this.
I get it, she's cute to you but just admit shes not natural? Why so they sperg so much over stuff like this.
No. 232938
File: 1520617872985.jpg (30.6 KB, 480x480, jnose.jpg)

>>232920OMG yes especially his side profile screams nosejob, yet I always see twitter post about him like "can you believe hoseok naturally has the kind of nose people ask their surgeons for? Truly he was crafted by the gods" lmao the delusion is real with his stans.
No. 232963
File: 1520624992706.png (428.01 KB, 720x762, Screenshot_2018-03-09-14-43-05…)

Why are Thailand people so bent on looking like bootleg Koreans?
No. 232964
File: 1520625032002.png (56.59 KB, 174x174, a3dde9cdd4784f75bfb4abbf491b12…)

This use to be the it look in Thailand back then. It's a HUGE shame that pretty much the whole of Asia is influenced by Korea's shit beauty standards.
No. 233144
File: 1520708822920.jpg (248.41 KB, 1200x1800, madison-beer-at-harper-s-bazaa…)

It's common for Koreans to get ps during highschool as a gift or reward. Some stars even get their highschool pics photoshopped lmao.
Madison Beer started getting a grocery list of plastic surgery procedures done at the age of 13 years old. Doctors forget their morals when it comes a fuckton of money
No. 233145
File: 1520709335797.jpg (45.17 KB, 500x750, madison-beer-hair-42-500x750.j…)

No. 233209
>>233144>Doctors forget their morals when it comes a fuckton of moneyEh, not sure about that.
>>233145I looked up this girl's before and afters and don't believe she had much actual surgery done. Probably just some fillers.
No. 233212
>>232964It's a HUGE shame that pretty much the whole of Asia is influenced by Korea's shit beauty standards.
No. 233247
>>232305Little to no muscle definition on her upper thigh with a butt that big is a pretty big give away. It's almost impossible to keep weak looking thighs and a huge butt from working out.
I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say it ~could~ be genetics but i'm more convinced a doctor was involved.
No. 233275
>>232964IA, with the risk of sounding like a dirty weeb it's why I kinda prefer Japanese makeup. Not that they always go 100% natural, what with the falsies and orange eyebrows (and they still like white skin just fine, but it's not so in your face I think), but at least they tend to stick to various shades of ochre for their foundation with a natural finish.
I'm not sure how much of that is due to the fact that Japan is kind of isolated and how much is just Japanese butthurt (I've seen many people on online forums warning Japanese girls against Korean makeup because it's 'poisonous', but OTOH many instagrammers from Japan like 3CE and Etude House so idk), but it's a start.
No. 233656
File: 1520994159250.jpg (87.29 KB, 630x876, eunha.jpg)

>>232930It's a shame. Eunha (chick on the left for those who don't know) used to be quite pretty before her surgeon fucked up her nose. I'm sure her pre-debut pictures could have been edited as well but they sure look a lot better than the ones of her one.
No. 233657
>>233656*ones of her now.
Messed up.
No. 233679
File: 1521008835115.jpg (148.24 KB, 1024x1822, tumblr_p3g7ptHfM11w84hv9o6_128…)

>the before and after both look terriblewow, really anon? i think she looks quite cute now, her surgeon is a magician in my eyes
No. 233711
File: 1521017868979.gif (1.49 MB, 350x297, tumblr_mwfycdKgkl1sts97oo2_400…)

Korea might be the main offender when it comes to plastic surgery, but Japan also has some unfortunate cases.
Pic related is Nocchi from Perfume, now she's quite cute…
No. 233776
File: 1521051094186.jpg (20.41 KB, 251x336, 20170509_vanira_41.jpg)

>>233712>>233711lmfao some surgeons surely are gods, indeed.
Also, Ayumi Hamasaki was always plastic, but now she went full Gangnam Unnie.
No. 233957
File: 1521071801475.png (373.21 KB, 408x601, 1521033289503.png) I don't know whats worse how badly some girls shoop or men who believe it and compare it to other girls and think this is natural and attainable
No. 233960
>>233959well for starters when you look at the imgur, she started off being a stick then magically became a curvy animu goddess, paper white perfect skin, unnatural face, and shoop around the hips (curtains)
>tfw this is my body type…obviously there are people with this body type but come on, even those with wide hips won't look like a sex doll, I have wide hips 42 inches and a 25 inch waist myself and they're not perfectly smooth with a tight flat tummy and everything else
No. 233962
File: 1521072717014.jpeg (63.43 KB, 480x721, E475AB92-37C8-48BF-80DD-814330…)

To be fair her “thing” is to be goofy and be as outspoken as possible her face relaxed is amazing.
She did it to land jobs like the Tropicana ad
No. 233970
File: 1521074466933.jpg (70.67 KB, 750x495, momoland-s-jooe-admits-to-havi…)

>>233962Yeah, she looks better in some pics but I really don't think she's cute. I wonder how much worse she was before the surgery? I have a feeling that she'll get another nosejob when she gets older.
No. 233973
File: 1521075465051.png (231.65 KB, 602x322, Oshikiri Moe B&A.png)

Yeah. I used to be naive and think that Japanese celebrities were more natural than Korean celebrities due to the prevalent cultural stigma against plastic surgery over there. I started opening my eyes more after coming across before-and-after pictures of various Japanese celebrities. Holy fuck, like, 80% of them look way different before becoming famous.
I have so many problems with South Korean celebrities and the beauty standards they promote. Still they seem more accepting of plastic surgery instead of faking their "natural" looks like nearly all Japanese celebrities do.
No. 233990
>>233973A Japanese friend of mine said that when he was in High school, he wanted to get eyelid surgery. All his friends were doing it and he wanted to look like a cool American man but it failed.
Now people get the surgery done to look "hafu"/biracial. It looks more natural because they don't get rid of everything on their face making them unique, whereas Kpoop idols shave their jaws, tuck their eyelids and cinch their nose. I'm good at telling Asians apart, but I sometimes find myself thinking one idol is in 4 kpop groups until I google that it's 4 different girls.
No. 233997
>>233996Then explain why theres a big market for shoooping for this body type like this girl did, girls get fat transfers and waist train, hip implants increased by a lot, sex dolls are marketed to be shaped this way, hentai characters and porn drawings are made to be shaped this way but its totally not unique or attractive clearly I see girls who look like this walk down the street all the time and its not like she literally only got attention from her unrealistic body
Srs anon, this is retarded. i dont believe for a second someone would actually believe this, nor do I believe the huge wave of girls coming in claiming to all look like like hentai characters and porn stars but oh wait they actually hate it and its not special and boring
No. 234006
>>234001And yet girls are still going out of their way to get this body type, it looks bad irl because of cellulite yet you can have this body type without cellulite
What is the most attractive then? Stick figures?muscley? i dont think so, this is just a shit excuse, SO many girls widen their hips in shoop, and I doubt all girls here are magically curvy goddesses but oh no it actually looks bad irl and totally not desirable
No. 234019
File: 1521097096827.png (637.14 KB, 720x878, wp_ss_20180315_0006.png)

>>234018What's happening with this boob here, looks like surgery scars they didn't edit out (right side)
The body changes a lot per picture, it seems she has implants on boobs and bum and then is just slightly overweight by western standards to have the thick thighs. For an Asian girl this body type is very uncommon but western girls do have it, without the butt/thigh definition and thin arms though.
No. 234127
>>234116>wide hips, small waist, flat stomach, thicc thighs and round tits aren't cute it's just gross>>234117yawn, not sure why you decided to respond to someone else and not me then claim I'm "jelly as fuck" to say bodies that are proven to be fake or unattainable
>>234119and she also has implant outlines and scarring and shooping warps, nice samefagging though, try not responding all at once with the same shit and not all unsaged, it's shooped because it's warped in the background and even the widest hips aren't perfectly round like that, i have pretty wide hips but they're not perfectly 360 round, plus she's obsessed with looking like a hentai character so it isn't out the range of possibility she would do that
No. 234148
>>234139it was one minute apart, all the same, all unsaged, more than obvious a samefag
yawn, I know exactly who you are and you always have the same bland defense and like derailing the thread, and for some reason it's always over womens bodies as well, you are batshit crazy and I won't take you seriously
>>234140>lmao, no one is claiming her body is fake or shoop'd or whatuhhh scroll up, people have pointed out her obvious shooping and implants, I shouldn't have to explain this to you
> we're just saying that a chubby pear shaped girl isn't unique. you're off your fucking rocker.which is still untrue, and you have serious problems if you consider her chubby, most chubby pear shaped girls still aren't shaped anything like that, even latinas and blacks would agree it's a pretty unrealistic body unattainable without the help of ps or shoop
>you're off your fucking still have yet to explain why women are going out of their way to have this body and women who do have it get hoards of attention, if it wasn't for this body she wouldn't even garner much attention but totally not unique or anything right
No. 234150
>>234148Jesus anon, calm down. You sound like those crazy sjws who claim that bodies in comics and video games are impossible to get. Maybe for you, sure, but some people have that body type and when you claim it's impossible you just sound salty. This girl is def photoshopped to shit but she's simply photoshopped
her body differently not into some god-like form. But you're claiming she looks like this shit
>>196217You are definitely nuts, and no all of us aren't the same anon. Go outside and get some fresh air.
No. 234154
>>234148sorry but i' not
>>234139 or
>>234136also sorry about my typo i meant no one is claiming she's not shoop'd, they're just claiming her body isn't amazing even with the shoop. i honestly feel bad for you, especially since you seem to think i'm someone else. you also are the one derailing with your autistic paranoia.
No. 234157
File: 1521133186530.png (193.58 KB, 500x282, tumblr_m4xkgc1j2o1r2tjqb[1].pn…)

>>234148pic related (it's you)
No. 234160
>>234148>you still have yet to explain why women are going out of their way to have this body and women who do have it get hoards of attention, if it wasn't for this body she wouldn't even garner much attention but totally not unique or anything rightno one is getting
that body type, anon, but people are definitely getting shit like
>>232595 wtf is wrong with you?
No. 234162
>>234150yep, batshit crazy, I'm not saying it's "LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!" it's just unattainable for most women naturally
>You are definitely nuts, and no all of us aren't the same anon. Go outside and get some fresh air.yawn, I've seen this same defense over and over when people get called out for obvious same fagging
>>234156but that's what the anon is saying… bodies that are shooped based on hentai characters aren't realistic according to that anon
>>234154again, same defense, I've seen this all before
>>234157"w-well well you're fat! ha! that proves what I say!"
No. 234165
>>234160hip implants, thigh implants, girls going out of their way to shoop, waist training, obsession with pear bodies, lets not play pretend
>but people are definitely getting shit like >>232595 wtf is wrong with you?which is just a more extreme version of the original post, both unrealistic
No. 234167
>>234162>I'm not saying it's "LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!you did in every single post. also in
>>234165 get your head out of your ass. wtf do you think unrealistic means?
No. 234172
>>234167unrealistic =/= "literally impossible"
most women will never get a body like this, that's the point, maybe there are few lucky ones, but let's be honest most of the population will never have a body like this, not even the girls here claiming to all have these perfect pear bodies
>get your head out of your ass. wtf do you think unrealistic means?hunny maybe you should, do YOU know what unrealistic means?
it's like saying giant tits on a skinny woman is unattainable for most women, but not impossible but oh wait that would mean you have to use logic and can't twist and turn to have a shit flinging fest
No. 234182
>>234180People reply, I respond, that's just what I do, big deal
>now post relevant shit and stop bitching at people who don't concede your's that they were saying dumb shit, not that they "didn't concede my point"
No. 234188
>>234182 I'm just trying to help you not get banned, considering I'm reporting you and everyone else's posts. You've even started arguing with me like a twat. Stop ruining the thread to argue.
I'm out.
No. 234202
>>234197lol you're the one claiming samefag on everything. wtf?
>>234190glad that you're admitting it farmhands will watch the thread once one proxy is banned. fucking cunts like you can't possibly lay low.
No. 234209
>>234202>lol you're the one claiming samefag on everything. wtf?only claiming samefag on obviously, you really believe 3 people all just happened to respond with the same stuff at the same time and all magically unsaged? right
>glad that you're admitting it farmhands will watch the thread once one proxy is banned. fucking cunts like you can't possibly lay problem, I have a million other proxies to use
>fucking cunts like you can't possibly lay low.oh noes and over what? because I said shooped and unrealistic bodies are shooped and unrealistic and defended myself to the batshit crazy person screaming how I was fat and jelly and everything else and how hentai bodies are totally realistic and boring
(infighting) No. 234213
>>234211you know, me, the fact she even shooped it to be similar to hentai characters as she posted to her flicker, her fans, etc etc but oh wait it's only me
and no, it's not just being pear shaped, I'm even pear shaped myself, it's the hip shaped that looks fake in which it is as it's been proven, that's all I'm trying to say, wtf is your problem
No. 234327
File: 1521152646634.png (396.42 KB, 815x458, 0.thumb.png.6cfa7e24476dffbbcf…)

…. Back on topic.
These two are fairly popular on PULL, I guess. They seem like self hating black koreaboos and got super botched nosejobs and jaw shaves in Korea.
No. 234338
>>234327I've seen Korean surgeons doing wonders on African noses… This is not the case, though.
Cinderella clinic is really shit
No. 234340
>>234213While I enjoyed reading this argument… (I'm
>>234019>>234018 but no other posts in this thread) I guess their point is it's not a totally unrealistic body
in general but considering as I suspect it's body weight+ breast implants+hip/butt implants, it certainly is an unattainable body for the model herself. Also obvious wobbly curtains and blurry patches in the photos. I think she looks great, hentai can be considered to be "sexy curvy Asian girl" so it is a hentai ideal she is going for. Also if anyone looks at the Flickr it's all anime themed photos like a university room and other stuff.
Summarily, yes hentai, yes unrealistic for her, maaybe easier for Europeans or other nationalities but not without extreme time in the gym. It's not an average pear-shaped body or whatever they're saying, she looks great.
No. 234343
>>234340exactly, it's straight up ridiculus to claim this is "average, unattractive and boring chub"
she does look good but it just doesn't look natural, which I why I posted her
No. 234556
File: 1521213476434.png (1007.42 KB, 1080x1175, tumblr_owgbtw5Zkk1wz3uimo1_128…)

This looks so disgusting…
No. 234598
>>234556Looks like her surgeon got carried away perhaps a lil bit too much. Seem uncomfortable as hell, but whatever makes her boat float.
I’ve always wondered how these ppl will look like when they turn 80.
No. 234661
>>234556tbh she wouldn't even look bad if it didn't look like she was wearing childrens underwear and pulling them to her hips
also why tf do so many IG hoes wear their panties like that?
No. 234681
File: 1521226835045.jpg (66.02 KB, 500x503, Sauce is loverandalin _cb1a1c3…)

>>234556Does she have lipedema? Because the thought of someone voluntarily choosing to look like this is worrying. Reminds me of this woman (a fetish model or something?) who looks like a human puddle.
No. 234689
>>234556tbh I think it's just the pose and panties that make her look fucked
have any more pics of her?
those look like implants though and fat transfers hence lumpy stomach
No. 234736
like what
>>228289 said, I don't believe for a second this board is apparently filled with perfect, perky round big tits, tiny waist and flat stomached, wide giant rounded hips, big thighs and big round ass women and how they actually hate it and it's such a struggle to have a body women go out of their way to achieve
pretty sure "normal chub pear" girl was either psycho or just trolling since she samefagged as well
No. 234737
>>234340>>234343just chiming in to say that absolutely isn't a 'normal chub pear' bodytype. amazing how so many perfect 33-20-42s stroll into these threads to complain about their supposed bodytypes and PSd/surgeried womens bodies being "so ugly and boring!!! and no men like that bodytype!!" as if they're common as can be and as if women aren't spending fucking millions of dollars to achieve the big hip small waist look, especially now that big hips/thicc thighs are in
lol that bodytype is not average at all and it doesn't often come naturally, and most women cannot achieve this figure naturally. it's just not in the cards for them, genetically. these dumb bitches are doing women no good by pretending these shooped women are totally normal and it's totally achievable for like every woman. this normalizes photoshop and surgery and makes it easier for men to hate women/criticize them. idk if these supposed pears are actually just straight apples looking to shit on how much pears are praised, but pear bodytypes are EASILY the most desired rn. easily. the majority of men desire big hipped, small waisted women. idk what these 'pears' consider a 'not average' bodytype, but most men aren't looking to bang korean stick legged waifs in 2018.
>>234556its the pose and the ugly underwear. looks dumb. it's probably not surgery because her arms are fat. notice that shes shoved a pillow under/between her thighs and ass to make them spread as much as possible
No. 234757
File: 1521354073792.jpg (79.78 KB, 615x1017, PAY-DEMI-ROSE-MAWBY-SHOWS-OFF-…)

why are so many of these plastic surgeons anatomically retarded? this looks horrible. no pear shaped woman looks like this
No. 234778
File: 1521369717159.jpg (104.94 KB, 959x1199, 29801307f798a10191cc2d882cafa2…)

One quick reverse image search would have shown you all that she looks just as retarded standing up
No. 234787
File: 1521373169733.jpg (81.62 KB, 700x700, irina-shayk-in-atelier-versace…)

>>234757>>234778this looks subhuman. Short + fat is not pretty. Makes their legs look shorter than they already are.
>>234775Agreed. Their bodies does not look elegant at all. Imo Irina Shayk has the ideal body. Tall, slender with nice curves. What happened to actually fit bodies??
No. 234823
File: 1521384320848.jpg (121.3 KB, 872x872, e0243bd25ef46cf611e523257af1e2…)

>>234803Anon she's clearly very overweight…
No. 234825
File: 1521384791602.png (363.72 KB, 470x447, Mercado.png)

>>234824She is fat, her thighs are huge and her waist is clearly photoshoped in, her arms are more than chubby.
Some people like Rosie Mercado don't put weight in their face that doesn't make them not fat.
No. 234826
>>234823the obvious photoshop in this is making me laugh. and
>>234824 the fact she would be well over her recommended weight because of this dumb idea of it looking good is laughable. surgeon should be ashamed. she weighs too much for her frame.
No. 234830
>>234825her arms aren't that chubby imo, while this chick is fat she has good distribution but the other girl is clearly smaller than her
>her thighs are hugedoesn't really matter especially since thick thighs are in, not to mention slim women can have thigh thighs as well
>>234826>the fact she would be well over her recommended weight because of this dumb idea of it looking good is laughable.I'm not denying she's overweight BMI wise but I don't think she's ~obese landwhale who is about to have kidney failure~ that everyone is making her out to be, I just think she's slightly chubby but with lots of surgery, sort of a mom bod
No. 234840
>>234836I'm mexican
>Because to me that is not slightly, you just sound ana chan, I'm not saying she's super skinny or whatever or she's average or healthy but come on, she looks a few pounds overweight at most
>Her legs are massive and her arms are pretty hefty toodoesn't really matter since leg thickness is in and there's tons of thin women with big legs, especially if you're into sports you see fit women with large legs a lot
>her waist looks extremely cinched and photoshopped to hell and backnot denying that, since her waist and small and her legs look fine, her arms + face would be the giveaway about how fat she is, and her arms are slightly chubby and her face doesn't really look fat, I don't see a problem, she could afford to lose a few pounds but she doesn't look super unhealthy like she has diabetes or anything
> I'd do a double take if someone that size passed me by on the street, and not in a good way. I don't know about landwhale obese but she's very firmly in fat territory imo.then you have issues
>>234837I'm not saying it's attractive I just don't think it's that fat or even fat, just chubby
No. 234846
File: 1521387378687.jpg (20.25 KB, 275x275, ^E8F82F9C95ACE13553B13C6B3DAC5…)

>>234840agreed. if you literally just take in her tits and hips, and expand her waist, i don't think anyone would be calling this "morbidly obese" as theyre calling her in the above photo.
it's obviously unhealthy esp for women who just lipo the fat from their stomachs and arent natural pears – they'll still have visceral fat, so it's not like they're actually retaining the benefits of natural pears, but this, and above, is not 'morbidly obese'. she's chub at max, and honestly, if you take in her hips and tits while expanding her waist, she looks so much thinner. even just taking in her tits does a world of good. her fake tits weigh like 20 lbs each anyways so
No. 234852
>>234851that's what i said.
chubby =/= fat btw
No. 234862
File: 1521388114604.jpg (47.99 KB, 500x670, goldmarilyn.jpg)

>>234861We don't have the same views of what curves are.
Original pic is an overweight girl with implants and a photoshoped waist.
No. 234863
>>234862they're unnatural and extreme but still curves
you admit they're implants but why act like they make her fat? it's not like silicon is fat tissue anon
No. 234867
>>234866but her legs are huge and her waist is probably twice as big IRL.
Momo is that you?
No. 234868
>>234867>but her legs are hugenot landwhale status, again, "huge" legs aren't a big deal
>her waist is probably twice as big IRL.emphasize on "probably"
No. 234869
>>234865well that's dumb as shit. so a 5'1 girl weighing 105 is fat if she has fatty legs, but a 5'1 girl weighing 105 isnt fat if her fat is all over her body? that's really retarded and not how being overweight works.
and we're talking about the shooped images and what you consider fat. she's extremely photoshopped and has had many surgeries, but we're talking about the images above where she tapered in her waist, which you're calling fat– not what she actually looks like irl.
No. 234870
>>234869I said a massive amount of fat you retard not a regular one.
>>234868Her legs are 100% landwhale status even more so considering she is definitely wearing shapewear under her super skinny jean.
No. 234877
File: 1521389651372.jpg (42.73 KB, 564x607, b9d726046c1b1bc0836088c745750c…)

>>234874What makes you think that erybody but one person agrees with you?
I don't care if you think her stomach is flat/she has good fat distribution, her weight alone classifies her as obese.
No. 234878
File: 1521389821107.jpeg (482.18 KB, 1200x1500, 1521386484335.jpeg)

Moo in comparison
No. 234881
>>234877She looks overweight, maybe 30 or 40 lbs away from being obese, not to mention she has implants and might have thigh muscles as well, moo is just fat, she has just fat in her boobs, thighs, ass, hips and a tiny bit in her arms moo is fat all over
If you think this is obese seek help
No. 234890
>>234885And thats the problem, its not like theres just skinny,average and fat and nothing inbetween, theres chubby, chunky, skinny fat, etc
Fat distribution has a lot to do with it, if a girl was eugiena cooney thin but had giant J size tits which classified her as being overweight would you still consider her fat?
BMI is just weight height ratio,doesnt take anything into comparison like muscle mass, implants, bone structure, etc etc, and while we don't know her weight I can bet if we took out her implants she would be average hitting overweight
You can be average bmi but if you have no muscle mass and distribute it poorly you could be considered fat
No. 234891
>>234890This woman is clearly an overweight person without any noticeable muscle mass.
This girl is not thin from any part of her body except her photoshoped waist.
No. 234892
>>234891Can you at least TRY to use something I said?
I never called her thin anywhere, i never said she wasnt overweight, in fact, this will be the last time I say this, she IS overweight but not fat
>noticibleAnd? I knew women who were average weight with layers of fat on their thighs that made their thighs look bigger and fat when they gained muscle
No. 234896
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No. 234947
>>234925> Almost one-third of adult Mexicans, 32.8 per cent, are obese compared to 31.8 per cent of Americans, according to the UN Food and Agriculture OrganisationPlease understand that we won't rely on your judgement of what's healthy or not…
Show that picture to any doctor and he'll tell ýou she immediately needs to start working against that
No. 234957
Point to me where I said she's healthy and I will leave the internet forever
I have never ONCE said she was healthy, in fact I said several times she was overweight, it wasn't healthy, she could afford to lose a few pounds etc I just dont think she's ~obese and going to die of kidney failure~ or its as bad as other anons are acting like it is
Jesus, learn to read what I'm saying instead of seeing what other anons are saying and claiming I said it when on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS I said it wasn't healthy
No. 234973
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>>234970anon I think you need an update on what obese means, also not to mention BMI charts are for people who don't have muscle/implants, BMI is a weird thing because all it measures is height weight ratio, not taking into thing like her implants and wide body structure and whatnot
anyway, we don't know her height nor weight, and it's not like she's landwhale status or anything so it's not really easy if she's "obese" or not, lots of people don't know about how bmi works and which is considered obese
example, I use to think I was in the overweight BMI, I'm 5 foot and 120 lbs and I'd be considered chubby by most peoples standards however according to BMI I'm just the higher end of a healthy weight, my mom is 5'7 and 190, she's considered overweight BMI wise but not obese however lots of people look at her and consider her obese, chances are this chick is just overweight but not obese like people are trying to make her out to be, and ofc there's no evidence of her height nor weight unless an anon has her height and weight, people just tend to overestimate peoples BMIs
also ashley graham is also considered overweight but not obese, and this chick looks smaller than ashley graham
No. 236485
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saw this on IG explore, big debate over if it’s real or surgery in the comments. what y’all think?
No. 236511
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>>236510>>235628Good news though, botched did a good job fixing it up
No. 240140
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What do you guys think? Her lips look ridiculous, probably has implants, a nose job and possibly hip work/fat transfers and maybe jaw work as well, she looks good overall minus her lips
No. 240149
>>240148Debt + daddys money + sugar daddies money
I knew girls in trailers who've gotten surgeries before, its cheaper than college at least
No. 240152
>>240140Eh, I think she looks cute, at least in this pic, lips and all. After this shit
>>240128 I don't think her lips are that bad lmao
No. 240190
>>240176korean trends in general
unwashed hair that looked like you poured a bottle of vegetable oil on it, unnaturally paper white skin, aeygo sal can be okay but most girls make it look crusty in real life, unnatural no-jaw-pointy-chin vlines
the fashion can be cool but ridiculous if taken too far, the makeup and hair trends look ridiculous irl
No. 240314
>>240140She looks cute but I don't understand why you thinks she had a million different surgeries.
She looks pretty normal except for the lips, but I think that's just shitty lipliner and LINE Camera
No. 240316
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>>240128I have a soft spot for busted or extreme surgery, especially if the person is happy with it. It seems like a big
fuck you to everyone.
No. 240319
>>240314>She looks cute but I don't understand why you thinks she had a million different surgeries.I don't, she has lip work done so chances are she probably has other things done as well, for her nose/jaw my nose and jaw are p similar so I don't doubt she didn't get work done there
For her body, her breasts look unnatural and kinda hard
For hips, maybe, they're okay, she tends to do weird positions to make herself look like a weird cartoon drawing though
>inb4 humblebraggers come in claiming they're super 16 inch waist skinny with giant asses and 40 inch hips and if you don't think it's natural you're a fattie No. 240339
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>>240338Do you know what humblebragging is? I'm pround of my nose and jaw, I'm not claiming to be insecure about it or trying to hide it or claiming is causes problems for me or whatever
>Her body is attainableYeah clearly I see girls walking around with BMIs of 17, perky C up round tits, concave stomach, and wide perfectly round hips all the time
No. 240346
Even in east asian countries where anorexia is higher than obesity their women still don't have those propotions nor rock hard round perky tits, please leave if you think ig model bodies are attainable and anyone who points out they aren't is fat
No. 240347
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>>240346Holy shit anon, calm down. I didn't even call you fat, but the fact that you said you never see women look like this without plastic surgery is a solid indicator you clearly don't get exposed to fit or healthy thin people very often. There is absolutely nothing disproportionate or unrealistic about this girl. Her hips are a little big and her boobs are barely larger than the average girl that size. She just looks like a normal healthy person who takes care of herself and doesn't have shit genetics working against them.
I hate to say "you sound bitter and/or envious", but when people are this intense in their denial that a totally realistic body type is achievable…
No. 240353
>>240347Where did i say i never see people look like that without plastic surgery? Oh right I didnt, I said its not exactly common to see women walking the streets with these bodies, even when I lived in vietnam for a bit I never saw women walk the streets with these bodies, shes an IG model, she already has lip fillers, and witb those rock hard tits she probably has implants as well
>There is absolutely nothing disproportionate or unrealistic about this girl. Her hips are a little big and her boobs are barely larger than the average girl that size. She just looks like a normal healthy person who takes care of herself and doesn't have shit genetics working against them.Okay, then show me one average woman who looks like this, oh right you can't, even if you're surronded by super thin women all day most people who actually get out and don't look at shooped models on the internet all day will admit this is unrealistic, no im not claiming she has extremely wide hips or big boobs, rather than I'm more focused on the shape and the fact they look hard, you know, like implants, and her hips look round and balled up, like you know, fat injections
Seriously, get out more
>I hate to say "you sound bitter and/or envious", but when people are this intense in their denial that a totally realistic body type is achievable…Again, show me one everyday woman who isnt an ig model who has a body similar to this, there's a reason you can't its almost like its unrealistic or something wow
No. 240356
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violet looks like shes possibly had a nose job and lip fillers, but shes never posted a pic without her lips overlined and always uses that lip color. her body type isnt "super unattainable" if you arent sedentary. my body type and 2 friends are about the same as hers.
No. 240358
>>240356"Teehee me and my friends are super skinny with perfect tits and round hips"
Whatever you say anon
Her boob shape is what strikes me as fake, not her being super skinny, not to mention her hip and shoulder ratio also strikes me as fake, no matter where I've gone I've never in my life seen a super skinny girl with hips wider than her shoulders
No. 240359
>>240354>acknowledging some women actually have this body type without surgery makes you a robotAnon, this might be hard for you accept, but there are thin women in the world that have boobs and hips. They do exist. Does that mean all women should look like that and feel bad if they don't? Of course not. But to say no one in the world can be thin without being a plank of wood is factually incorrect and makes you sound crazy bitter.
Ffs, like I previously stated, her boobs are barely even big. I can't even imagine the sperg out you would have had over me when I was 35lbs lighter and had a concave stomach with perky 32DDDs.
No. 240361
>>240358I've seen nonfat women with hips wider than their shoulders, but literally only twice in my entire life. I don't see how one can get surgery to make that happen though? Unless they got shoulder shaving? Please tell me that's not that thing.
Also, people are probably pointing out they know people with that body type because you adamantly refuse to believe it exists, so they're just stating they've seen it before. Because the fact you haven't is honestly baffling.
No. 240362
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>>240356Thats also an different/older pic of her, im mostly talking about pics where she does weird positions to make her hips look extremely big compared to her body, anyone can be skinny like her but I doubt anyone has hips/waist and boobs like that naturally
No. 240364
>>240359We've seen it all before, it was the entire reason this thread was made
Any surgery that isnt botched or obvious is no surgery, even other anons when discussing missalice and other fake tits girl pointed out bot logic
>>240361Wow its almost as if its unrealistic or something wow, yes non fat but super boney and skinny?
>people know people with that body typeAnd? Ive seen it before, like the missalice discussion when someone claimed to know a girl with boobs like that, they post a picture and reality is the tits looked nothing like hers, which is why I doubt when someoen claims to know someone with that body type
>Ffs, like I previously stated, her boobs are barely even big. I can't even imagine the sperg out you would have had over me when I was 35lbs lighter and had a concave stomach with perky 32DDDsThis is why the humblebrag thread was made, funny how all girls come in the ps thread, claim to have perfect extreme bodies but in the neet thread suddenly all girls here are fat and ugly, why?
No. 240365
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>>240353It's possible for thin woman to have huge, perky boobs. Just astronomically unlikely but it exists. This is a photo of sophia loren from the 60s, in Italy.
No. 240366
>>240362Pear shape + legs open + fat "spread" + angle = this.
This isn't unattainable IMO.
No. 240370
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>>240365Sophia also has more fat and big nipples and a larger rib cage, not stick thin, no shoulders, and barbie tits, im not saying its literally impossible
>>240363Not just in this pic, her hips looks unnaturally round, is all im saying
>>240367This. Women can have big boobs and tiny waists naturally but claiming its attainable and realistic and anyone who doesnt think so is fat is ridiculous, hell i have wide hips and a small waist but even then I have a big of a hip dip and not 360 round hips
No. 240376
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>>240359>Anon, this might be hard for you accept, but there are thin women in the world that have boobs and hips. They do exist. This. Shit like this is why any girl who points out when someone obviously went under the knife or uses excessive Photoshop gets labeled a jealous hag. We get lumped in with girls like this anon who for whatever reason don't want to accept that some women with "perfect" bodies exist. "Perfect" being in quotation marks because obviously that's somewhat subjective. Also, I gotta love the irony that they told you to go back to /r9k/, yet they're sounding kinda like those robots who insist no woman is beautiful without full face paint or Photoshop.
A great example is Sommer Ray. Tons of people insist she must have gotten ass implants when you can tell it's natural because of how huge and muscular her thighs are. A lot of people just don't want to accept that there are people who look like that without "cheating" in some way. I don't know why that could be other than because it makes them feel insecure or something.
No. 240378
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>>240376Sure anon. Thats why no models or actress that we can see from multiple angles ever look like like a perfect barbie doll with perky tits tiny waist and perfectly round hips, it's always insta models who can perfectly control their angles who have the perfect natural body, how strange.
No. 240379
>>240376But sommer also has narrow hips and doesn't have an extreme figure, she doesnt have extremely narrow shoulders, 4 inch wide rib cage and perfect round hips and perky perfect round tits
No one is saying perfect bodies dont exist, women cant be skinny with big boobs or hips, we just point out bodies that look fake and ask for other anons input, which a lot of people would agree violet does look fake and I have yet to see someone as skinny as her have hips and tits like those naturally, I even told that anon if they show me a girl who looks like that whos an everyday woman i can admit I was wrong and its something attainable but i never got that i only have anons claimimg to have amazing bodies and claiming if you dont think so youre a fat feminist
No. 240380
>>240378This. Pointing extreme looking ig model bodies look fake to them they think it means "WOMEN CANT HAVE PERFECT BODIES NATURALLY"
Especially when they claim its realistic and you point out its not realistic to be super thin with wide hips and perfect tits
No. 240382
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>>240376This is sommer ray from an angle that doesnt necessarily highlight her curves, from the front shes kinda rectangular shaped as most ig models, she also isnt stick thin with magically big round perky boobs and wide perfectly round hips,not exactly a good example to prove your point…
No. 240384
>>240364>anon stating she had a concave stomach before she got fat is humblebraggingMy fucking sides
>>240374Literally no one is saying any of this. It's like you're in a separate reality.
>>240379>only have anons claimimg to have amazing bodies and claiming if you dont think so youre a fat feministWhere is this being said? Because I am not seeing it at all.
>>240378Yeah, you take a pic from a bad angle and anyone looks bad. Just like some angles are deceivingly flattering, some are deceivingly unflattering. It goes both ways.
No. 240390
>>240385>>240385I don't know if thats sarcasm or not
>28D thin with hipbonesAgain, yes skinny girls with any boob size can exist, tiny itty bitty shoulders with wide magically perfect round hips and perky large tits? Most likely fake
Also where is this stacy town apparantly and can you show me one example since its apparantly o so common there?
No. 240392
>>240382My point was that anytime anytime a girl on IG has a nice body, there's always going to be people insisting it's fake and "unrealistic" even when it isn't actually. Being thin with big round hips and perky full boobs isn't unrealistic, it's just not super common. There's a world of difference between saying "this body type is unusual" and "this body type is unachievable without surgery".
>>240353>Where did i say i never see people look like that without plastic surgery? Oh right I didnt, I said its not exactly common to see women walking the streets with these bodiesYou literally say this in the same exact post
>Again, show me one everyday woman who isnt an ig model who has a body similar to this, there's a reason you can't its almost like its unrealistic or something wowHere you are, saying it.
Also, maybe people aren't showing you examples of everyday women who look like this because it would require them to post pics of people they know IRL and that's a batshit request to make?
No. 240395
>>240392>Where did i say i never see people look like that without plastic surgery? Oh right I didnt, I said its not exactly common to see women walking the streets with these bodiesYou literally say this in the same exact post
>Again, show me one everyday woman who isnt an ig model who has a body similar to this, there's a reason you can't its almost like its unrealistic or something wowHere you are, saying it.
You literally proved yourself wrong lmao, I said its rare, some people may never even see it in their lives irl, I've seen skinny girls witb wide hips and boobs, but perfect round perky rock hard tits and 360 round hips wider than their shoulders all while being stick thin? No, even when I asked you to show an example since you claim to live in ig model stacy town where all girls are stick thin with wide hips and perfect boobs you didnt
>Also, maybe people aren't showing you examples of everyday women who look like this because it would require them to post pics of people they know IRL and that's a batshit request to make?Blur their face and surrondings out, we've seen this shit before mate like the anon from months ago who claimed to live in a town where all women have 23 inch waists and 43 inch hips, the only towns I've seen like that were where ~surprise~ plastic surgery and other body enhancements were common
No. 240397
>>240394>…thats what unrealistic meansNot in the context you're using it. It is very much on an individual basis. If you are flat chested and have no hips, this is an unrealistic body type for you. If you have large breasts and big hips, it is achievable. The problem is, you're using "unrealistic" as a blanket term applying to all women.
Also, not that the "90"% number you posted is factual (though I don't necessarily disagree) but let's say it is and only 10% can realistically get it… that's still millions of women who can achieve this body type. So yeah, not unrealistic if you're using that word as a blanket statement.
No. 240398
not realistic.
"it was unrealistic to expect changes to be made overnight"
synonyms: impractical, impracticable, unfeasible, nonviable; More
This is retarded, why are you debating this? 90% of women in the planet dont have giant perfect perky tits a tiny waist and huge hips, just like the example in the definition
Example, its unrealisitc to finish a school project in 1 day, however no one is saying people cant do it
Whats wrong you? Are you that crazy girl from ig who made a huge rant about how women cant have boob positivity because "PERFECT BOOBS ARE REALITY FOR MOST WOMEN!!!"
If you have it, good for you,however, most women will never get this body
Just like 100% perfect, no freckle, no scar, no zit, etc, its unrealisitc, but some people can have it
Seriously what the FUCK is wrong with you?
>Also, not that the "90"% number you posted is factual (though I don't necessarily disagree) but let's say it is and only 10% can realistically get it… that's still millions of women who can achieve this body type. So yeah, not unrealistic if you're using that word as a blanket statement.Oh no it must suck body types that are deemed to be to good to be true is your body type, its still, by defintion, unrealisitc, again. What the FUCK is wrong with you
No. 240412
>>240389Of course she poses really nicely and only puts up her most perfected photos, that doesn't mean skinny girls aren't realistic. just because you don't look a certain way and people in your family don't isn't reality for others.
>>240390I don't know what the hell stacy is but I go to school in LA, and average young women here put effort into staying in shape. sorry no one in your hick town has heard of squats
No. 240413
>>240412It was said several times in the thread it wasnt about being thin it was more her boob and hip shape can you read?
>>240412>LAPlastic surgery capital, you think we can trust you on what natural is?
>"y-you think unrealistic bodies are unrealisitc you must be from hicktown"Good luck calling most the planet hicks from hicktown
No. 240414
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>>240412>just because you don't look a certain way and people in your family don't isn't reality for others. >sorry no one in your hick town has heard of squatsYou don't sound insane at all anon.
No. 240416
>>240412goodluck being taken seriously after saying that
>just because you don't look a certain way and people in your family don't isn't reality for others. uhh you don't even know what that anon nor what their family looks like, you're insane, most people think they're unrealistic, hell I'm skinny with widish hips and even I think violet looks fake and unrealistic, and no it's not because she's skinny her shape looks fake is all
>but I go to school in LA, and average young women here put effort into staying in shape.oh I am laffing, did "putting in effort" mean going to the doctor and sucking fat out their belly and injecting it into their ass and tits? LA is known for surgery, I don't even know why you're trying to debate it's something natural
>sorry no one in your hick town has heard of squatshave YOU ever done squats before? squats built up your thighs, not just your ass and making your hips magically look like barbie hips, with violets thighs chances are she doesn't squat, why you're even debating this I don't know and if it's about sommer ray anon said sommer ray is real so it makes no sense to even throw that in there, you don't know what you're talking about tbh
No. 240425
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>>240412Lol, please tell us more about how the average american girl puts effort into staying in shape unlike the lazy rest of the world
No. 240434
>>240416According to those statistics my city is less than 10% overweight. Everyone walks, jogs, bikes, takes the big blue bus or bird scooters, and runs regularly. that makes 90% of people who I'm around average and thin. Most of the girls I speak to are thin, and only one of my friends is slightly chubby.
>>240425I know that the US as a whole has obesity epidemic I'm not an idiot. Its just that at my area most people are heavily into heath and fitness.
>>240416I don't know any millennial girls who can afford to rent unused books or keep their phones on, or even eat anything but ramen, let alone spend thousands on a butt lift. most of us are thin because our parents aren't the ones feeding us
No. 240437
>>240434>According to those statistics my city is less than 10% overweight. uhh according to stats its at least 20, which is a lot
>Everyone walks, jogs, bikes, takes the big blue bus or bird scooters, and runs regularly. that makes 90% of people who I'm around average and thinand? there are tons of cities like that but still have a fair share of overweight people, LA isn't special
>most of the girls I speak to are thin, and only one of my friends is slightly chubby. most college girls are thin in general even in hick towns
>I don't know any millennial girls who can afford to rent unused books or keep their phones on, or even eat anything but ramen, let alone spend thousands on a butt lift. most of us are thin because our parents aren't the ones feeding usthe "but they're poor" excuse is dumb, even trailer trash get buttlifts, poor college students
No. 240449
>>240398NTA but do you have any reading comprehension? She straight up said that it was unrealistic for people without big boobs and big hips to get that kind of body. She was just pointing out that for some people it is and that by your own made up statistics it is still millions of women, since 10% of the female population is still a fuckton of people. What are you even arguing at this point?
>Whats wrong you? Are you that crazy girl from ig who made a huge rant about how women cant have boob positivity because "PERFECT BOOBS ARE REALITY FOR MOST WOMEN!!!">If you have it, good for you,however, most women will never get this body>Just like 100% perfect, no freckle, no scar, no zit, etc, its unrealisitc, but some people can have it>Seriously what the FUCK is wrong with you?What the fuck is wrong with YOU? No one is even saying the crazy shit you keep projecting. The only point any of the anons you've been sperging and projecting insanely at have been trying to make is that there are women who have that body type without plastic surgery. That is all. You're the one putting crazy shit in people's mouths that no one even said. You're a fucking lunatic.
No. 240466
>>240437read the entire document. some areas of LA county have much lower obesity rates. My college's city is in the yellow 1st quarter bracket and is below 10%, not in the dark orange south central ghettos where obesity is very high.
>>240447junior college is free for low income young native californians. 97.5 of us are poor enough to qualify for a grant which amounts to less than $100 a week. so where the hell are a bunch of 20 year old full time undergrads with no degrees and no time for a job making enough for rent, food, student fees, books, a car payment or $100 monthly bus pass, phone bill/payments, lipo, nose jobs, butt lifts, and breast augmentations? why do they leave their faces natural?
yeah we get help from our parents, but its getting to stay in our rooms, not thousands of dollars. and that wouldn't go to boob jobs, kids with that kind of disposable money are in 4 year college. lmao you sound absolutely out of your mind
No. 240468

>>240466>college girls dont get surgery because theyre brokeOh? Theyre paying a fuck ton of money for college, if you're in a plastic surgery capital its not exactly ~impossible~ for girls to have plastic surgery and using the fact theyre broke is just a dumb defense, hell even in South korea high schoolers get surgery for fucks sake, its not ~crazy~ to think college girls, who are known for surgery, who live in a plastic surgery hotspot, to think they had surgery
>>240451Okay, find me average people who think perfect breast, low bmis, low body fat and wide hips are realistic? You can have the body type and still call it unrealisitc, hell I have a body lots of people here would consider nice but I still think its unrealistic for lots of women to obtain, its not about "being salty" but there reaches a point when shooped body types that are meant to look unrealisitc are getting called realistic and if you dont think so youre just bitter and jelly
>>240449That stat was an example for of all, and if you've been to most places, even Africa and Asia, women arent walking around with perfect tits, super thin bodies, no shoulders and wide hips, its dumb to rant about what unrealisitc means, as the paper example I used
>"y-you use exaggerations like everyone here you're crazy and putting words in peoples mouths just for pointing out flawed logic!!!"Okay
>>240447College costs a fuck ton of money, surgery costs less than a car most of the time, college students still buy cars, its called going in debt and paying over time, lets not play dumb here, not to mention sugar daddies and parents money isnt uncommon, even if you claim "but but they're so poor!! They barely eat ramen" especially if the family is already paying for college
No. 240472
>>240449Can you read sweetie? It was said several times throughout the thread
Unrealistic =/= impossible
I cant believe i have to explain this several times
The girl herself didnt even look like that so why debate on if shooped bodies that are proven to be shoop are realistic? It looks fake on her ig, period, you can tell if a girl has wide hips and is skinny with nice tits naturally vs if they're fake
>since 10% of the female population is still a fuckton of peopleAgain, I used the 90/10 as an estimate, the fact that people are grasping to it as something i tried to portray as a fact is just dumb and a stretch
Even so
Say, extreme pale skin, yes some people have extreme pale skin naturally, but acting as if its realistic and attainable for most people is dumb and then getting mad when most people look at it and saying its unrealisitc then screaming jealous and unfair just because someone said most people cant get that skin color naturally is insane
We KNOW people can have those naturally, just most people which is why its unrealisitc, if you're getting offended at someone calling it unrealisitc its insane because again unrealisitc =/= literally impossible i dont know how much i have to repeat it for you to understand
No. 240477
>>240473This. When people refer to unrealistic body types they mean very rare or almost impossible proportions, it has nothing to do with being unrealistic for any specific person, because no shit a pear can't have an hourglass's tits, but an hourglass can and does have them.
For instance, when someone say's "Wonder woman has an unrealistic body" they mean for everyone as in, you shouldn't assume every woman will or can look like that. But you also can't get pissy at people for saying they have that body type, because obviously people do, and you certainly can't change it to imply you are talking about one specific body type looking like another one. Just get over it and let there be exceptions.
Also, when you say "Super Sonico has an unrealistic body", again, it's meant for everyone but because her measurements and proportions are statistically impossible.
I don't get why this argument has gone on so long because clearly no one fucking has any idea what the words mean.
No. 240478
>>240473What? Unrealistic means unrealisitc for MOST people, if you break those standards good for you idk why someone would bitch about what most people consider unrealisitc not fitting them because they're totally perfect barbie bodies and youre a fattie if you think its unrealistic for most women
Another example
"Making 3 billion a year with a new business"
Saying its unrealistic is just the truth, most businesses will never make 3 bil the first year, if you reach it then good for you just why do you feel the need to run around screaming at smaller businesses if they have smaller goals about how you made 3 bil the first year and theyre a bunch of losers if they think its unrealisitc
Do you understand
No. 240491
>>240468>"y-you use exaggerations like everyone here you're crazy and putting words in peoples mouths just for pointing out flawed logic!!!"Anon, you weren't just exaggerating, you were literally making up shit that no one ever said.
Also, as previously stated eight million times: no one is arguing that this kind of body isn't attainable for all women. We are simply saying for some women it is. What the fuck are you even arguing against at this point? I am so confused.
No. 240493
>>240491>you were literally making shit up no one ever saidYou either need to read up or read what exaggetation means
>We are simply saying for some women it is. What the fuck are you even arguing against at this point? I am so confuseAnd I said several times some women do have those bodies, why do i have to keep repeating it?
Again the problem is when people claim its attainable, like the business example I used, did you even read the argument? The entire reason why this is happening is because anons were claiming that wide hips small waists and perfect tits are realistic and if you dont think so youre fatty
>This. Shit like this is why any girl who points out when someone obviously went under the knife or uses excessive Photoshop gets labeled a jealous hag. We get lumped in with girls like this anon who for whatever reason don't want to accept that some women with "perfect" bodies exist. "Perfect" being in quotation marks because obviously that's somewhat subjective. Also, I gotta love the irony that they told you to go back to /r9k/, yet they're sounding kinda like those robots who insist no woman is beautiful without full face paint or Photoshop.And we were arguing over a girl who was proven to be shooped later on so wtf
No. 240494
>>240477>>240473This so fucking hard. I've never heard people use the word "unrealistic" to mean "not everyone can look like that" in a body type discussion until today, and I have them quite frequently.
At this point, we are all in agreement that some people can get this type of body and others can't. I don't understand what they're even sperging about.
No. 240495
File: 1523060223489.gif (1.33 MB, 400x320, 1511318306300.gif)

>mfw I was the original anon who said her body is attainable
>mfw I come back to a hilarious shitfest as reading material while I shit
Violet's body (when you take away the posing and angles) is not unrealistic nor unattainable, just uncommon. Not sure why this is so hard to understand.
No. 240498
>>240493But no one at any point ever said that kind of body was attainable to all women. Everyone has acknowledge this fact from the beginning.
>You either need to read up or read what exaggetation meansJust scrolled up, and again: you were literally making shit up that no one ever said or twisting it to the point where it wasn't even remotely accurate.
No. 240499
This was my only post in the discussion:
>>240338 No. 240502
>>240496I'm the anon who said what you quoted and the person you replied to wasn't me.
At the point I said you sounded bitter/envious, you were literally saying no one could possibly have that body type and had not yet acknowledged it was possible for some people. It's totally reasonable to assume envious fat chick when someone is straight up denying it's a possibility for some, which at this point you were.
>>240501The discussion was less about this specific girl and whether or not it was possible for thin girls with big boobs and hips to exist.
No. 240503
File: 1523060759481.jpg (197.43 KB, 864x1080, tumblr_otjtlkOhbs1qarbvso1_128…)

>>240501Are you play? I said without posing and angles, and I guess without shoop too. Here's a picture of her without editing taken by a photographer. If you honestly think this is impossible to exist without surgery and Photoshop then I don't know what to tell you
No. 240504
>>240503Are you okay*
>>240502And this.
Even her angled posed body is attainable for some chicks. We all wish it was us too, anon, relax
No. 240505
>>240502Where did i say its impossible? Where? Quote me and ill leave the internet forever
Uncommon =/=impossible
>it was about if skinny girls with big hips exist… This is frustrsting
I again said several timed its about her shape not her being thin with hips, are we on the same page? Great
>>240503Oh for fucks sake i need to shoot myself especially considering i even said myself this pic looks realistic holy shit im really fucking frustrated
Again, do you even know what youre talking about
No. 240507
>>240503>I said without posing and angles, and I guess without shoopYour post said her body is attainable for a normal healthy person
When you came back and I mentioned its shoop nowhere did you mention that its normal and attainable without shoop and posing…what the fuck…
And I even said myself as soon as the pic came out it looks realistic
No. 240518
>>240513Oh i am landing, I didnt even use the words impossible in any of those posts
I'm not even going to explain why unattainable =/= impossible since I already had several times as as given 3+ examples, if youre not smart enough to understand thats not my problem
>>240515>You're getting anons mixed up, I've never once used the word healthy in any of>>240503This is your post
>>240501This is my post replying to "your"post which I assume is yours since in the post replying to the reply you use the words "I" as in your post
>>240499This is the post claiming this was their post
>Christ on a stick, her body is attainable. If anything, she got her tits and face done. No. 240519
Damn autocorrect
No. 240522
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>>240518Yet you still didn't link a single post where I said healthy or normal
Literally all I said from the start is it's attainable
You really shouldn't be trying to make points if you need to put words in people's mouth in order to do so, you seem to be doing that with other anons too, and so much arguing about semantics
take a break, you've been arguing in this thread about nothing for hours now
No. 240524
>>240518>I'm not even going to explain why unattainable =/= impossible since I already had several times as as given 3+ examples, if youre not smart enough to understand thats not my problemWe weren't discussing the posts you made since then. We were discussing the posts you made where I replied saying you sounded like an envious fatty, because you asked me to point out where you said the body type wasn't attainable for anyone.
You used to words "unattainable" and "unrealistic" without any mention that you acknowledged it was realistic for some. If you don't understand how it sounded like you were saying it was impossible in these posts, then you're just fucking stupid I don't know what to tell you.
No. 240526
>>240347this post said she "looked like a normal healthy person"
you used "I" when responding to an anon that wasn't you, hence why I thought it was you, your mistake, not mine
>Literally all I said from the start is it's attainable and you're still wrong since she was later proven photoshopped, you have no point if you claim shooped bodies are attainable
>You really shouldn't be trying to make points if you need to put words in people's mouth in order to do somaybe YOU should learn who I'm replying to, then use "I" and talk about what you posted when I was discussing with another anon about your post then make a huge fuss about how I "put words in other peoples mouths" when the entire discussion revolved around anons claiming I said its impossible when I never did
>take a break, you've been arguing in this thread about nothing for hours nowuhh everyone else is doing the same, don't argue with someone for hours then whine about how they argue for hours
>laffing at the acne covers saggy tits, man shoulders, huge beak nose, and paper cut lipsat least their waist is small I guess
No. 240528
>>240524>We weren't discussing the posts you made since then. We were discussing the posts you made where I replied saying you sounded like an envious fatty, because you asked me to point out where you said the body type wasn't attainable for anyone.and I still have yet to see a post about me claiming it's unattainable for anyone despite on several occasions saying some people can have it naturally, and I'm no longer going to repeat myself so at least TRY to reply to what I actually said
>You used to words "unattainable" and "unrealistic" without any mention that you acknowledged it was realistic for someagain, the business example
since you're too fucking stupid to read, I will say it again
with most businesses, most aren't going to be able to make 3 billion their first year, correct? okay, now that a lot of people are saying it would be unrealistic for businesses to make 3 bil their first year, a business that did make 3 bil their first year comes in claiming "OH WELL YOU ALL JUST SUCK I MADE 3 BIL AND ALL MY OTHER FRIENDS MADE 10 BIL THEIR FIRST YEAR" see what I mean?
it was reality for people who did get lucky but it shouldn't be the standard nor seen as attainable and a realistic goal for most businesses
>If you don't understand how it sounded like you were saying it was impossible in these posts, then you're just fucking stupid I don't know what to tell you.but I never said impossible, I even explained myself, not once, not twice, not 3 times, but more than 5 fucking times at least on why unattainable/unrealistic is not the same as impossible, impossible means 100% never happens, unattainable and unrealistic means it may happen and it's possible but it's VERY unlikely and shouldn't even be a goal for people
>>240525>"attainable" and "realistic" we don't mean "every single woman ever can achieve this body type"did I say that? no, I didn't even act like it, if MOST people will never achieve this, hell the girl herself didn't even achieve it then it's not realistic or attainable, getting skinny and fit is attainable for most women
am I expecting "every single woman to achieve this body type in order for it to be realistic? no, of course not, hell I even said sommer ray was realistic oh wait that doesn't give you a chance to splerg about how I'm dumb for thinking bodies that are shooped are unrealistic and unattainable but now everyones throwing tantrums because I didn't add "for most women" behind unrealistic and unattainable and somehow that magically means I think girls can't be skinny with hips or boobs
No. 240529
>>240528>did I say that? no, I didn't even act like itBut anon this whole thing was started because someone said the body was attainable and you jumped on them saying it wasn't. It's right there.
We should stop arguing before the farmhand harshly puts an end to this monstrosity.
No. 240531
>>240529where am I denying it? the body IS unattainable, the girl herself didn't even have that body, what your point?
the argument was about anons being upset because I didn't put "for most women" behind it being unattainable, if even the girl herself didn't have that body than you have no point
and then anons assumed it was because she's skinny with hips and boobs even though some anons fighting me even said her boobs look fake when it was more about her extreme narrow shoulders and ribcage paired with the wide perfectly rounded hips
most of the planet will never have this body, if we are going by even less than 1-10% of the population with lucky anime character genetics, most women will never look like this naturally no matter how much they diet and exercise, the girl herself didn't even have the body and anons claiming they look like her probably don't have that body either
No. 240533
>>240140original post
>>240314post that started it
>>240319my response, nowhere did I "jump" at them outside of hoping that the humblebraggers didn't come in again like the have previous times…
>>240338post calling it attainable
>>240339my post where I supposedly "jumped" at them
>Yeah clearly I see girls walking around with BMIs of 17, perky C up round tits, concave stomach, and wide perfectly round hips all the timeis what I said
able to be brought about or reached successfully.
like the business example, it isn't necessarily nor it should be a realistic goal for new businesses to get 3 bil the first year, and say people are posting a business that does, come to find out the business doesn't make 3 bil a year and just lied about it, the fact the business lied about it and only very very few can make 3 bil a year proves it's unattainable and there's literally no point in arguing it is attainable
if we are using "oh well in rare rare rare cases people can do it!" examples then the word unattainable and unrealistic wouldn't even exist, it's almost as if the vast majority people define what it means
however if it became common as in so common most starter businesses start making 3 bil a year then you'd have a point but like businesses, sadly, most starter businesses will never make 3 bil a year, and most women will never be super skinny with wide round full hips and perky round larger than average boobs with itty bitty shoulders
No. 240537
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No. 240648
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So as anyone here tried lip fillers? I'm curious, it seems like techniques have improved a lot.
I don't want pillow thick lips though, I'd like to augment my shape to get a cute cupid's bow. Anyone had something like this done?
No. 240661
>>240648I would advise against. My city has recently exploded with the number of young women getting duck faced (probably influenced by Instagram shit etc.) and 99% of the time it looks trashy, even when it's a "good" job. The results generally all look the same and give women this bizarre cookie cutter look, same with eye lifts. You end up looking like you have a "sexy beak". Plus, some fillers after several uses (and you will need to keep going back to keep up the charade) end up stretching your skin and making your lips look shittier after they filler degrades. Surgeon's always deny this by carefully saying it "shouldn't" happen if you get it done "properly", but I've seen it first hand.
If you wanted to try out a minilip just to see how it looks, I would recommend getting hyaluronic acid gel injected. That's the least noticeable and least risky procedure I'm aware of. Check out RealSelf for photos and anecdotes.
No. 240715
>>240654>>240661>>240665>>240691Thank you for all the responses, I'm going to do more research since it seems like not all surgeons can do what I am thinking of.
Vid related, I think this is the best lip augmentation I have seen that approximates what I am looking for. This video is what got me to consider injections, I'll continue looking and researching but so far this doctor would be my pick.
No. 240785
>>240779Women are conditioned that they have to be pretty to succeed, its gotten to a point where no matter what you do, if you don't have perky big tits, a pretty face and ass people will always point it out
Unless you're attractive you won't matter to anyone
No. 240824
>>240822Thats because society expects women to be stick thin with Kardashian hips and ass and missalice tits with a korean v line and button nose and loli pussy but have it be all 100% natural and plastic surgery is evil
Why do you think so many people are willing to go out their way to assure themselves their waifu is all natural? Hell with the jaclynglenn case we all onion would have been fapping to those tits if jaclynglenn just said she took birth control and it nade her tits swell up
No one hates plastic surgery they just hate the honesty of it
No. 240840
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where the fuck do y'all live where people are actually talking shit to your face or withholding opportunities in your job because you don't have exceptionally attractive secondary sex characteristics, fucking beverly hills? i'm not denying that there's pressure to be beautiful and sexy but it's more on a personal level related to personal self esteem. most places you go, at least all the places I've lived, the vast vast majority of people range from dumpy to average-pretty and someone with "perky big tits, a pretty face and ass" would stick out like a sore thumb for being exceptional and different from the standard expectation. Unless you're in the modeling or acting industries the people that are going to prevent or aid you in succeeding are probably somewhere on the spectrum of average and expecting their peers to look that way too. I understand WANTING to be exceptionally beautiful but most fields and pursuits really don't require this to succeed, mostly because it's rare. Like am I wrong? I don't live in a podunk town but have I somehow avoided all these prevalent social expectations or have some of y'all mistaken envy and insecurity with what people who can influence your life really expect from you?
No. 243941
File: 1524188637185.png (611.23 KB, 720x816, Screenshot_2018-04-19-20-37-32…)

Is the extremely unnaturally tiny waist look getting popular again? I use to see it a lot in the goth scene for years, mostly with corset enthusiasts, at least corsetters admit its unnatural though
Not that I have any room to talk since I'm a tight lacer myself and like the tiny corsetted waist look, it just erks me when people pretend its something natural and attainable, then again this is most likely photoshop, but my point still stands
>pls no infighting or anons coming in claiming they and their friends all have natural 16 inch waists and its unfair to call it unattainable
No. 243942
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>>243941Tried to reverse image search that to find out where it originated from.
The suggested search made me laugh.
No. 244306
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What do you guys think of this chick? She admits to corsetting but even in her older pics she has hip dips and whatnot, I don't know why she choose to shoop herself so extreme, pls no anons strolling in claiming it is natural and how they look like this or whatever
No. 245104
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>IG model flies to Colombia to get silicone implants in her eyes, turning them from hazel to a light grey>ended up with permanently damaged vision, 50% loss in one eye and 80% loss in the otherwew
No. 245644
>>245641The comments are so quick to harshly admonish her as if vision loss is a fair outcome.
While I know what she did was risky, I can admit it's still tragic that her eyesight is now practically gone all because of a cosmetic procedure.
Then there's that loathsome comment left by that guy bitching about his wife having to have reconstructive surgery due to cancer so how DARE this woman have opted for unnecessary surgery so she totally deserved the outcome and good that it happened!
People's sense of "justice" is all fucked.
No. 245705
>>245104>I’m a very strong person, usually very brave and very smart, but with this I was completely stupid. I trusted the wrong least she realizes she was an idiot. i feel bad for her, but jesus christ. who hears about an "eye color changing procedure" that isn't approved by the fda and decides to go do it???
>>245114she could have just used contacts and been perfectly fine too. why try to PERMANENTLY change the color??
No. 245710
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>>245158Yes and she's proud of it despite looking incredibly fake.
No. 252969
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Bella hadid
No. 252970
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I never knew Ivanka had a bad chin
No. 252997
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>>252973I’d much rather look like Bella than Ivanka tbh
No. 253043
File: 1527234736354.jpeg (Spoiler Image,4.84 MB, 4000x2000, C28CD7BC-ED9A-45E8-A420-329FF6…)

>>253034Idk who she is but after a quick browse it seems real enough to me. Other anons?
No. 253318
>>252969She looks like a mix between Jennifer Lawrence and Liv Tyler now. Before surgery she looks pretty meh but not ugly. Just meh as fuck.
I do overall love all the current Hadid siblings' faces tbh. They look gorgeous.
>>252970That particular before pic of Ivanka looks really fugly but there are some other ones that I don't mind. She looks so plastic now. Don't think she improved her look by making is equally wonky but now hella fake on top of wonky.
No. 257436
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This thai actress had a lot of surgery to look like a Korean and it actually worked, she also goes by the last name Kim now. Her real surname was Sunanta or something
No. 257459
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>>257436>surgery to look like a KoreanSad!
No. 257920
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>>257436Mb she's actually a beauty influencer not an actress, she's also a weeb too
No. 257929
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This Japanese cosplayer spent 60k usd on plastic surgery, she cited Fan Bing Bing, Angelababy and Kyulkyung as her face goals (tall noses, big eyes, pronounced jaw/chin). She says she's happy now and bought confidence through ps, though she seems snowflakey with the annoying shit she posts on social media. My question is how the fuck did she get 60 grand for all this? She's not a well known cosplayer who makes thousands of dollars for one appearance
No. 257941
>>257929Sad! All she had to do was grow out her hair and do heavy/interesting makeup looks and she could have looked striking. She was far from conventionally attractive but that isn’t the only type of beauty
outside of the cosplay world. At least she’s happy now ig.
No. 258402
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Michelle Phan, she's basically an unknown person at this point but oh my god did she ever try and come up with the most fake reasons as to why her chin was a different length. She would actually edit her videos to change her chin length until getting very obvious fillers. She's also use an intense filter on her videos to make herself look white. It's a shame cause she was a very cute girl. Her shitty personality was going to ruin her cute look eventually anyways but the PS did it for her
No. 258404
>>258012It’s almost like we are all individuals with different opinions
>>258402Didn’t she try claiming weight loss? Kek
No. 258472
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>>258402Michelle got so much work done, first it start off with chin fillers then chin/jaw, nose and eye jobs. It was speculated that she got all this work done to look like a Thailand makeup artist called pearypie (pic related). I wouldn't be surprised if she was skinwalking her at one point considering how Michelle would jump on very bandwagon and thing Peary was interested in. MP used to have a thread here but she's too delusional and boring to talk about. Like you said her personality is absolutely garbage and it's pretty sad how she tries to come off as half or part white like how she changed the pronounciation of her surname to 'Fawn' when it's pronounced as 'fan' and how she claimed she had white in her ~hence her appearance~ def no plastic surgery guys. Before she used to say that she's proud to be a vietnamnese person and now all I see is selfhate.
No. 258724
File: 1528815622455.png (419.81 KB, 720x825, Screenshot_2018-06-11-19-56-59…)

Kate Upton's tit implants make her look like a literal barbie doll. It's ridiculous how throughout her career she insisted that her tits and ass are real
No. 258727
>>258404She actually claimed it was Invisalign that made her jaw longer at one point. Even did a promotional video for her dentists saying that. It was so weird. She's used so many excuses as reason for her jaw changing length, her cheeks becoming so thin, etc but at one point she'd actually admitted to using fillers. Because they "were like a haircut, not permanent". I guess she gave that up when she kept doing them and got permanent eyelid surgery
>>258472She'll claim to be a proud Vietnamese woman when it's convenient then utterly change all her main Vietnamese features. I remember one video was tinted so purple she actually had to lie about the colours of the eyeshadow she was using.
No. 258906
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>>258012Pic related shows the cosplayer pre-surgery with natural-looking makeup on the left and post-surgery on the right. I don’t think she was ever stunning or model-tier, but I think she looked pretty qt with a little makeup on before the procedures.
No. 272824
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>>219457more recent pic she's 18 but looks older than Miley now
No. 272828
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>>272826current. she should have not fallen for the kylie jenner hype of getting huge lips
No. 272870
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>>272835cheek fillers, lip fillers, and maybe her nose too. she looks made of plastic and wax.
No. 273019
>>272870Isn’t she like 18?? Who gets
cheek fillers in their teens?
No. 273040
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>>273019Cheek fillers are the worst idea ever no matter your age. It makes the face look witchy.
No. 273259
>>273043she looks like Cher sacrificed a fetus to regain her youth but kept all the PS she's had over the years.
Noah was always an awkward looking kid (all the Cyrus kids are/were awkward looking tbh but grew into their looks) but she looks monstrous. her tiny skinny nose looks lost on that bloated filler face.
No. 273283
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>>258402I literally sneeezed dust when I read her name cause its been ages, but I knew she would have some sort of work done since she wasn't slick trying to hide her insecurities.
Did a quick google and damn bitch isn't even the same person anymore. All these photos are same page too like you just need the three first row of results.
Not even once
No. 273334
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>>273283I don't like big chins but I think Michelles is okayish. Same with Angelababys chin but at some point she started with more fillers or a bigger implant and it looks bad now.
No. 273558
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>>273334i feel the opposite. i like bigger poiny chins on plenty of women, and i usually prefer a big chin than a weak one, but michelle's in particular looks so bad to me. It looks so out of place. I can't unsee it as shorter wider bone structure with a pointy chin just stuck right on. It makes her look like a balloon.
Your example looks a little more cohesive to me. Maybe it's because her jaw has a liiitle definition already so the chin kinda goes. Michelle's face has no angles anywhere, so the only sharp thing on her face is her fake chin.
No. 274512
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Speaking of chin implants, this is the worst imo
No. 297788
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Has anyone else discussed, Quinn (left), jasmine (right), or Quinn's other friend tori in any PS threads? They go to different countries and get fillers/nosejobs together, and I've followed them for years. I like Quinn but it just seems so strange how much they fill their faces up. I'm gonna try to find a good example of tori too
No. 297796
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>>297788Afters on the left. Am I tripping or is it really obvious and much worse
No. 298154
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>>219457I know this is an old post but you can see her pre-surgery nose in this pic
I think her nose was an improvement but her lip fillers look fucking weird.
No. 299451
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What do you guys think of men who get plastic surgery? This guy got the full package, nose, eyes, jaw, lips and ears
No. 299468
>>299451mixed feels. i think plastic surgery could benefit a lot of guys, especially ones who lament having bad bone structure, but on the other hand, a lot of guys have really bad taste in what they should have done, like your pic.
then again i guess the same thing could be said for a lot of women
No. 299476
>>299451that’s a shame. there’s something very off about the second picture. he was good looking before, too.
i wonder if it’s just the pic or if his nose job really is that crooked
No. 299539
>>299451This guy looks like he wanted to change his race, not features.
I have a very strong opinion that
men with weak chins should get surgery. So many men that would otherwise be cute have those weak ass chins that make them look inbred. Like I see a man with no chin, I see his nice features and I think god, what a wasted potential…
No. 299541
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>>299539Am I the only one who thinks that guy already looked horrible before as well?
I think everybody with a weak chin should at least get braces, there's unironically nothing that looks more "beta" than that…
No. 299562
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>>299557this has to be a joke. his new face reminds me of this
No. 299585
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>>299451His head shape is so disturbing
No. 299629
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Someone knows this chick here? Her name is Shirin David, she is mostly famous in Germany and her fans call her the most beautiful woman on earth. You can't criticize her or you will get attacked. Chick got every possible surgery available and copies everything Beyonce and Nicki Minaj do. She is 23 but looks 40 with all of her surgeries.
No. 299631
File: 1537814807659.jpg (39.89 KB, 640x480, 30f5d801-ef70-4559-8f66-0b6e1c…)

>>299629That's a picture before her plastic surgeries. She was very cute before.
No. 299637
File: 1537815365853.jpg (272.45 KB, 1920x1080, niloofar-irani-und-shirin-davi…)

>>299629Germany in general is full of (usually arab) youtubers and "celebrities" who want to wear the Kardashians skin lol
No. 299642
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>>299637At least she admits to some of her plastic surgeries like her fake butt and breasts. But I still can't get over the fact that she insists her lips are ~real. She even posted an old pic of her mama to prove her point when in reality you can google her old pics and she had definetely smaller lips kek
>>299638I wouldn't be surprised if she lied about her age because there were/are some rumours about her old clique (Die Gang) lying about their age too like Lion-T who made himself 4-5 years younger.
No. 299643
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>>299642Her real lips btw
No. 299651
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>>299629Do Germans really have the worst taste? how is that "the most beautiful woman on earth"? She looks very boring and plastic nothing special about her, there are other celebs who had head to toe surgery done and they look majestic, the girl in ur pic is definitely not one of them
No. 299659
>>299651Obviously fans exaggerate too much. But as
>>299637 already stated, everything the Kardashians do is attractive and popular right now here in potato land, although it's fake and trashy.
No. 300120
File: 1537901854456.png (585.04 KB, 720x713, Screenshot_2018-09-25-14-56-40…)

>>299451Why do guys go for dorito chins when they get ps? This is a before and after from a Japanese Plastic surgery clinic
No. 319717
>>299451Neither are gorgeous
or terrible but the before is still better. At best maybe he should have just gotten the rhinoplasty. Hard to tell if he got anything done to his lips or if the before just needed chapstick super bad.
No. 319879
File: 1541257665450.png (543.12 KB, 720x475, Jennifer Lopez plastic surgery…)

What did Jennifer Lopez get? She looks almost 20 years younger. South American fags love saying SHE LOOKS YOUNG CUZ SHE'S LATINA
No. 320147
>>257436>>273283SEAsians come with so much baggage, yikes.
>>272824So she did everything except fix her actual flaw which was her chin… nice.
>>319879Nobody, especially nobody that is older than 20 and is wearing makeup, looks good in that angle when the sun is shining harshly. The right pic is so well-lit in comparison.
No. 320677
File: 1541442144449.jpeg (Spoiler Image,62.03 KB, 781x586, 9D77F5C6-E0BA-4756-8DCD-ABDE65…)

I had tear trough fillers and I haven’t had it done for a year so it’s looking like shit again aka old and tired. Also my nose needs done because it looks like a bulb
No. 320776
>>320689It was definitely worth it. I looked so much better and not dead. I miss them already but I’ve been lazy calling the doctor again.
>>320725I’ve had people tell me it is pointy to my face and it looks big to me at the tip so I’ve been self conscious about it
No. 347614
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I don't follow this guy but apparently Alexis Stone's botched face was actually prosthetics and he's using it to sell face masks or something
No. 347619
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No. 347628
>>347614thank fucking GOD. i was so disturbed by this and all the asspatters that i had to quit social media for a while. one of my close friends is a huge stan and i wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
this is a stupid social experiment though. and lasted way too long. nobody gave a fuck after the first week anyway.
i do like the people who are saying that it's
tRiGgErInG for those with body dysphoria issues. there's at least a little bit of drama in the beautyguruchatter subreddit on this post. mostly irrelevant sperging since everyone's got their panties in a twist over janis chaneo
No. 355997
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No. 356051
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>>355997bet she still looks like the left pic and the right one is a total fabrication lol
>>355998her boob shop tho
the fact that people believe those proportions are real is beyond me
No. 356053
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>>356051 samefag i just saw she posts stories too but who tells us she isn't a cg like pic related kek
No. 356056
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>>356051>>356053samefag again but i went through a few more of her pics and I realised that she actually wears fake boobs.and she didn't even bother photoshop them to look at least do people fall for that
No. 356091
File: 1547891987236.jpg (53.38 KB, 500x500, 289e7ecedb8b5840479152f5d02515…)

Does anyone think Candice Swanpoel had surgery or something?
People speculate she's had a nose job, I'm jelly/envious of her looks.
I have her nose, mine being more bulbous and I'm contemplating a nose job and maybe some Botox for my Masseter hypertrophy. I have a Olivia Wilde jawline, it's bothering me.
No. 373339
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Seems like a lot of farmers want vline surgery, you could end up like this yall
No. 374613
File: 1550338019606.jpg (64.43 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg) of plastic surgery have surrounded Matt Kuwata for a very long time, but even after revealing what some have called his “final form”, the young man continued to deny having undergone any kind of facial reshaping. He insists that his dramatic transformation is a result of makeup mastery.
No. 375041
File: 1550385733278.png (508.98 KB, 720x723, 2019-02-17 01.36.26.png)

>>374638In Japan they have many eye widening surgeries, this crap is only available there that's how Vanilla has big ass white eyes
Fun fact: Eyelid surgery as created in Japan
Imo these surgeries are not worth it, it seems like your eyes will be forever dry