File: 1528573002697.png (508.73 KB, 579x592, asherbeeprime.PNG)

No. 606098
>The return to greatness.. and Instagram!>>>/snow/204236Old thread page (outdated but still a good history tool)
Ashley Bennett, formerly known as Luvmonkeys (creater of the Poopbrooch) has many aliases along the years:
-Axel Ash
-Lucinda Luke
Her current social media pages are:
>>>'s most famous for her unique 5-minute Etsy rejects, forcing friends to pay for half-assed cosplay commissions, wearing cosplay to restaurants and her work establishment, and drawing and creating graphic yaoi with shota characters, and forcing her hambeast self on anyone cosplaying Dramatical Murder.
>Most notable drama includes:-Creating a GoFundMe to escape her 'abusive' family
-Exposed for having a fetish account for shota roleplay
-Being kicked out of multiple cosplay communities in Virigina
-Claimed she couldn't take anything but airlines to conventions otherwise her family would put her in the psych ward again, scammed her grandfather and a friend out of paying for said airline ticket
>Claimed to be "nombinary" but afraid of men, despite going after a friend's boyfriend when cosplaying the Labyrinth with him.
>Recent UpdatesAfter having her shota fucker profile exposed Ashley shut down all her social media and went underground changing all of her names.
Recently resurfaced on Instagram and Facebook and has opened up commissions once again for outrageous prices.
No. 606099
File: 1528573073864.jpg (115.26 KB, 655x960, 34134710_233478107427340_91245…)

Her commission information.
No. 606106
File: 1528573252221.png (146.47 KB, 717x1115, lifeboat_by_lucindawayright-dc…)

I forgot she got moved to /pt/ so here's the updated last thread:
>>>/pt/391397and her DeviantArt: No. 606108
File: 1528573363620.png (722.8 KB, 598x583, ash.PNG)

If anyone knows a way to rip videos from Instagram I can post some she made for pride month.
No. 606136
File: 1528574405435.gif (1.24 MB, 303x307, 1528489354274.gif)

>>606099>30$ for a party city tier accessoryOh lordy
No. 606137
File: 1528574448367.png (413.18 KB, 540x960, 32680589_226280268147124_68985…)

She's as clean as ever and still at home.
No. 606138
File: 1528574496417.jpg (100.39 KB, 720x960, 26239305_163841774390974_32439…)

No. 606140
File: 1528574545519.png (732.68 KB, 598x595, sarah.PNG)

No. 606142
File: 1528574648419.png (454.43 KB, 441x537, wig.PNG)

Wonder how much this cost if her accessories are $30-75.
No. 606143
File: 1528574727388.png (666.91 KB, 596x594, makeup.PNG)

No. 606148
File: 1528574969867.png (631.05 KB, 593x586, hairstyle.PNG)

From February but yikes..
No. 606149
File: 1528575292533.jpg (157.67 KB, 1197x354, 1496865334975.jpg)

Oldie but here's some of Ashley's famous sayings.
No. 606153
File: 1528575402373.png (145.93 KB, 540x832, 1496893943261.png)

Another gem from the past.
No. 606240
File: 1528582374891.jpg (632.3 KB, 1209x3895, 1508376119842.jpg)

Cap of the milk that caused Ashley to go underground for so long.
She was dumb enough to not only link her shota fetish roleplay page to her Skype but also to her "professional" DeviantArt.
No. 606878
File: 1528656290553.png (716.79 KB, 923x590, oh honey no.PNG)

No. 607014
>>606878>that dress formWiiiide.
>>606881Isn't this the dog she used to hate and said it terrorized her?
No. 607015
>>606989exactly this… if this cosplay happens the thing i am worrying for most is the makeup tho!
>>606991the thing that pisses me off the most in that “comissions” ad thing is thats shes just parroting things other comissioners have written in their ads as usual stuff she has absolutely no fucking clue about…
No. 607211
>>606108 to grab videos or pics to turn a video into a webm then upload it here
No. 607286
File: 1528695751003.jpeg (84.13 KB, 1080x1080, 7141AA75-62C4-4B63-98E0-B67905…)

“Princess Odette”!!!
No. 607305
This is her Youtube, linked on her dA: also has a Patreon: 0 patrons, $0 a month. Surprise.
I'm literally so so happy this cow is back in my life, I missed her ridiculous over the top shit.
Repost because I fucked the link up the first time, woops.
No. 607346
File: 1528703817280.png (36.67 KB, 300x100, 1492490884194.png)

>>606153dont forget our banner-worthy sperg out
>>>/meta/4158 No. 607356
>>607043It's bad. She left out crucial information, and included a bunch of shit you usually go over with the commissioner
after they approach you. Dumb broad.
No. 607670
File: 1528736438563.png (779.53 KB, 912x592, tissuefabric.PNG)

>>607286I don't know much about sewing but should everything she makes be so see through?
No. 607797
>>607670The skirt isn’t mean to be sheer at all I think… but remember this is Ash’s own
unique vision which is far better than the original!!! And she probably just used some shitty cheap tulle again theres much nicer fabric she could have used that stuff looks like old lady curtains.
No. 609968
File: 1528932683972.png (811.92 KB, 928x597, odette.PNG)

"odette" more like "o dear"
why is her dress form in the kitchen?
No. 610028
File: 1528936750775.jpeg (201.33 KB, 721x1281, D4219241-FA81-4B70-9F10-03D09B…)

I’m so glad she’s back! I saw her shitabag a few weeks ago and couldn’t believe my eyes lol
No. 610513
File: 1528989757394.png (823.81 KB, 931x594, pattern.PNG)

what could she be making with this wrinkled tracing paper?
No. 610541
File: 1528992369502.jpg (12.95 KB, 350x350, 41Ian0W5jtL._SL500_AC_SS350_.j…)

>>607670When I saw the trim on this dress it reminded me of a drawstring trashbag.
No. 610552
File: 1528994270810.png (585.77 KB, 589x588, 7893.PNG)

Why in the hell does she have a headboard decor piece made out of tinfoil and cheap ribbon? It's like a bad Pinterest craft.
No. 611450
File: 1529066052050.png (807.61 KB, 597x597, kh.PNG)

>>610513apparently it's something kingdom hearts related. does anyone know what character this is supposed to be? i haven't played kingdom hearts
No. 612031
File: 1529111627892.png (743.03 KB, 597x588, 44.PNG)

>>611450>>611472There's no way this is Kairi. It's not even pink! How is it possible Ash is actually getting worse?
No. 613186
File: 1529238191370.png (612.05 KB, 598x589, 65.PNG)

>>613017Didn't she make up some crazy story about her "therapist" believing in her alter egos and her mind dragons?
This actually could've been somewhat nice if she didn't ruin it with the eyeliner and the black lipstick and her eyebrows.
No. 613354
File: 1529254204543.jpeg (155.1 KB, 750x934, 4DC57DEE-388F-4B6E-A8CF-9B0111…)

>>613186here it is! & yes she also said he told her that she was a genius
No. 613594
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No. 613600
File: 1529272957814.jpg (45.03 KB, 533x355, spaceballs-barf.jpg)

>>613594She's like Barf's cousin.
No. 613890
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>>609968Odette is “done”, I guess.
No. 613891
File: 1529307303339.jpeg (796.75 KB, 1125x2076, D149DC7A-1046-4172-9AE7-AEAA70…)

>>613890The “madewithjoann” tag cracks me up, because she’s clearly fishing for corporate sponsorship. Imagine Asherbee in a Joann’s ad.
Also she’s top results in that tag right now
No. 614241
>>612031If it weren’t for the pink stripes in her face, this wouldn’t be recognizable as Allura.
She would almost look cute as a Ren Faire elf though.
No. 614242
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Kind of old, but I’m still triggered by her Prompto
No. 614245
File: 1529348534147.jpeg (463.77 KB, 1125x1672, 4B11D3C4-DA4E-4F48-8099-585D66…)

>>614242>>614243No I haven’t. I’d love to learn how to make Prompto pants that look like they have shit smeared on them, though.
No. 614248
>>614245here is the magical pants tutorial im curious as to where the whole lucinda thing came from.
No. 614259
>>614248Thanks, I hate it.
It’s fascinating to watch her YouTube tutorials and see her process though. Hard to believe that she’s an adult that’s been cosplaying since 2011ish. Her tutorials seem like they’re made by a 15-year-old who’s just teaching herself how to cosplay.
No. 614632
File: 1529372165425.jpeg (392.3 KB, 1125x1637, A5761CD5-6F46-45F4-8B12-AAA357…)

Was scrolling through her IG and found this. Was this her Sarah wig before she destroyed it? She should have left it alone and worn it daily until her butchered hair grew out, she actually looks pretty.
No. 615682
File: 1529477649161.jpeg (300 KB, 1060x1659, 5FE4C06E-8F30-40C9-AC27-F58E1D…)

What the fuck
No. 615738
>>615682Shower curtain grommets and.. I’m not sure if they’re meant to be filled with resin gems or not (if they are, the resin looks like shit), and if not, then the sculpy looking shit she has used looks nasty.
Should have shaped the gems and painted them in sparkly, metallic red nail polish with a few clear coats on top if she wanted to do it quickly and on the cheap.
No. 616006
File: 1529520084054.jpeg (357.17 KB, 1125x1891, BB4ADD2E-58A4-4A18-8BF3-DA062E…)

>Can’t tell if ween or random IG creep
No. 616485
>>615682I’m always so fascinated by her approach to otherwise simple solutions to crafting. She will make pieces out of like 10 random knic knacks that you find at a thrift store, when there are 100 easier ways that can give you a better result….
I can’t say that she isn’t creative, but her mind truly works in such an abstract way…
No. 616563
File: 1529564757181.jpeg (39.78 KB, 384x384, 620208A1-0175-4355-A19D-97B0D8…)

>>615745They’re these, but come in various sizes. I only know as I followed a tutorial that it looks like she also followed. But fucked it up so bad.
No. 616581
>>616563sure, but they don't
look like that. they look like cheap walmart blush that she's put glitter polish on to the plastic window, with blush still inside.
No. 617096
File: 1529611724404.jpeg (439.06 KB, 1125x1713, ACA6B5D3-8CD8-4F4C-9563-5B7742…)

Girl, finish your raw edges before you call it “done”
This actually isn’t too bad for Asherbee though. The wig is too short for Kairi, but at least it’s not entirely butchered.
No. 617793
>>616157I think literally anyone here would have to
try to do something that bad, and then still not achieve it…
I-It's almost an accomplishment how shitty she still is
No. 618010
File: 1529674276832.png (1012.5 KB, 1428x448, Brooch.png)

>>615682I don't know what it is about wigs but she always manages to make the bangs look like she's cut them with hedge clippers in the dark. They sell tools for like $2 to make good bangs, Ash.
>>616014You realize people HAVE done better, right? People have been remaking her awful crafts since the days of the Poop Brooch.
No. 619011
File: 1529756615252.png (564.19 KB, 910x546, 1.PNG)

Looks like Ash has set her sights on a new person to seduce after her DMMD cosplay buddy ditched her when they found out how bad she was. This one is interesting though because despite being a "con daddy" she's definitely female and she's popped up before on Ash's FB in this weird Sombra and Gabriel RP in the comments thing Ash was doing for a while.
No. 619012
File: 1529756752530.png (862.64 KB, 586x576, 2.PNG)

>>619011Proof that it's a small world after all, not only has Ash interacted with other cows (like the Kuzco cosplayer from Canada) but even her "con daddy" (front left) is friends with another East Coast cow (front right).
No. 619014
File: 1529756787755.png (743.23 KB, 591x439, 3.PNG)

No. 619052
>>619012>>619014Is the black guy supposed to be the other blonde twin? Thought he was a bad cloud cosplay for a second
Originally I was dismayed and disgusted by her aoba cosplay, but now I am truly convinced this is indeed the cosplay fandom for her tier of… "skill"…
No. 619560
File: 1529808048884.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-06-23-22-36-05…)

Asherbee posted some IG stories a few hours ago yelling about musgendering her friends and hurting her family (?). And how at this point she's got "more like die hard fans than haters" because of being "stalked" on her public social media.
If anyone is stalking it's the girl who lurks here constantly enough to know about same day posts about herself. Still getting only 5 hours a week at the laser tag place?
No. 619867
File: 1529840626652.jpg (68.86 KB, 720x540, ask and ye shall recieve.jpg)

>>619805Not caps but there are photos of them at a Hetalia shoot from back in the day. (sage bc this is some old, old milk. Can post more though if anyone wants.)
No. 622443
>>622229She's still working at the same laser tag place she's worked at for the past few years since she was wearing the uniform the other day.
She's claimed to be going to beauty school but it never happened and she's still living at home with her dad she claims is abusive and a white nationalist who was in one of the riots? It was on her gofundme.
Update: She's privated her IG.
No. 622819
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>>622817>>620725And, of course, our Ash was the one to start this. Classy as always.
No. 627051
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No. 627074
File: 1530550066790.png (92.1 KB, 1464x736, witch1.PNG)

apparently ash has been active on her youtube this week, she has uploaded a couple storytime videos. the most recent one is about how it's not a good idea to approach protesters at conventions where she gives the most common sense advice ever.
the other video she uploaded recently has a bit of a back story. apparently a deviantart/youtube user by the name of Chaos55t made a post on her da in April asking for stories about fake witches. ash posted with the most laughably self-important and entirely unbelievable story about a fake witch she knew in high school. Chaos55t featured her story in a video, so Ash made a follow up video because she coincidentally met this fake witch again recently. please sit tight for screenshots. this one is part 1 of 5
No. 627342
File: 1530572218714.png (813.51 KB, 594x588, ash1.PNG)

dumping some recent IG posts
No. 627343
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No. 627344
File: 1530572257289.png (704.96 KB, 596x586, ash3.PNG)

No. 627345
File: 1530572277679.png (547.35 KB, 592x588, ash4.PNG)

No. 627346
File: 1530572294756.png (774.23 KB, 591x587, ash5.PNG)

No. 627348
File: 1530572317176.png (929.57 KB, 594x588, ash6.PNG)

No. 627350
File: 1530572335331.png (835 KB, 579x581, ash7.PNG)

No. 627354
File: 1530572624195.png (715.83 KB, 899x574, ash8.PNG)

No. 627355
File: 1530572649519.jpg (227.97 KB, 648x1023, Queen_Esther_thores_161314316.…)

Found who she's trying to make a dress of.
No. 627829
>>627471Don't forget at one point she swore she was almost kidnapped by some guy she went on a date with despite claiming to be terrified of men and totes gay.
And that walking by a certain gay club inflamed her third eye and messed up her chakra and that's why she never goes there even though someone she has beef with in the community said she got banned.
She's just a compulsive chuunibyou liar.
No. 628277
>>627829>third eyeOho, I forgot she said that shit! She truly never grows up.
Here's her shitty cuff tutorial she just posted.
>that awkward rotisserie-turning moment at :20 No. 628352
File: 1530673496060.png (114.27 KB, 637x638, no joe.png)

Ashley tries to entice donations. No bites. It's been two months. No. 628398
>>628352What is she trying to make an account for every site she sees other people making:
FB Page
Etsy/Store Envy
Cosplay Amino
Not sure if she has one but wouldn't be surprised if she already did make one; possibly Twitter
I lost count how many of these she made.
No. 630423
File: 1530910345070.png (777.24 KB, 895x586, luke1.PNG)

She's back to crafting on her bed again and it's worse than ever.
No. 630424
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No. 630425
File: 1530910388278.png (539.95 KB, 588x583, luke3.PNG)

No. 631719
File: 1531077971035.png (545.07 KB, 606x579, asherbee.PNG)

This is probably the third or fourth time she's redone this costume and she still doesn't know how to use a stencil.
No. 632090
>>631719Knowing Ash, it’s still going to be a barely-recognizable mess after the 3rd or 4th time.
Seriously though, she wouldn’t have to “redo” costumes so often if she took her fucking time. She tries to crank out these complex sewing projects over the course of a few weeks, instead of spending a few months carefully crafting it. And she ends up with ill-fitting, messy costume that needs to be completely redone after wearing it once at a convention.
No. 634546
File: 1531419068728.png (764.53 KB, 598x588, totesgoals.PNG)

lucinda_lukeOk I’m channeling some nice lesbian aesthetic today #lgbt #pride #getonmylevel
Is this the first time she's actually deemed herself a lesbian?
No. 634548
File: 1531419130739.png (632.31 KB, 590x581, straythreads.PNG)

She bought another Arda wig to butcher.
No. 634550
File: 1531419182853.png (758.51 KB, 597x589, hoard.PNG)

Don't know why her parents let her live like this though. Her room always looks like a hoarders.
No. 634551
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No. 634983
>>634546She’s claimed it for maybe two years by now if I recall back when I had her on Facebook
>>634550Her mom is just as bad, if not worse, when it comes to hoarding, so it’s actually not that surprising
No. 635641
File: 1531513326071.jpg (668.66 KB, 1066x1083, 20180713_162240.jpg)

I'd like to see pictures of this outfit of preggy aoba.
No. 635677
File: 1531515616702.jpeg (1.72 MB, 2880x3840, 7C9082ED-C33B-4D4C-ABF5-F33FDE…)

>>635641I don’t understand her eye makeup choice. How does she decide that drawing on an over exaggerated cat-eye with cheap eyeliner pencil looks like Aoba? The way she does it is also hella unflattering and makes her face look rounder.
No. 635703
File: 1531519746103.jpeg (386.03 KB, 1125x1732, CBB8E48B-5560-41DF-B661-4E97EA…)

Also, I wonder if other cosplayers that interact with her know what they’re getting into?
No. 635714
File: 1531520391976.jpeg (36.47 KB, 300x450, 3272B486-DC32-4481-84BA-0112C1…)

>>635703Samefag but I just looked up the character, and apparently it’s supposed to be a brooch/accessory thing. She turned it into an entire goddamn chestplate. Girl has no concept of proportions.
…at least maybe it’ll cover up the really fucked up stencil?
No. 636727
>>634550How is she going to turn that wig into
>>627355 ? Is she going to sew in longer wefts for those side bangs? And I’m scared to see her try to cut all those fluffy, feathery layers.
No. 636732
File: 1531628028972.jpeg (110.35 KB, 540x960, 5A9AF21A-C2FF-4F65-9DB3-003143…)

Pic from her Facebook that wasn’t on her Instagram. How it’s supposed to resemble the neck piece from
>>627355 , I don’t know. She looks like a fancy clown.
No. 636733
File: 1531628100200.jpeg (590.16 KB, 1125x1693, EA29C9EA-8F53-4DCF-B6A8-E46D13…)

>>634548Apparently she’s doing two versions of Esther. The “veil” had me confused.
No. 636736
File: 1531628383480.jpeg (123.39 KB, 720x960, A5C034EC-EDAD-40A6-A170-E1B6BD…)

I don’t understand why she splurges on Arda wigs for most of her cosplays but went with a $5 eBay wig for Allura
No. 636737
File: 1531628465898.jpeg (542.62 KB, 1125x1770, 865DBD12-F25C-45AC-9FEC-D88950…)

No. 636738
File: 1531628511665.jpeg (530.17 KB, 1125x2055, A4A37E7A-A673-4DCD-8D00-85A474…)

>>636737End of Facebook dump. Some wise words from somebody who absolutely cannot take constructive criticism.
No. 638434
File: 1531773859101.jpeg (342.07 KB, 1125x1259, 41A49086-313B-45F3-93B0-90A570…)

I’m happy that she didn’t butcher the bangs, but it looks nothing like the character.
No. 639123
>>639100And yet she
chooses to work a handful of hours at a teenager’s job.
Ash. Get it together. You can’t choose not to work AND complain about being excluded from things because you’re broke.
No. 640999
File: 1532004810846.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1920, 1.PNG)

Incoming IG stories.
No. 641000
File: 1532004855606.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1920, 2.png)

No. 641002
File: 1532004897886.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1920, 3.png)

No. 641003
File: 1532004959782.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1920, 4.png)

No. 641179
File: 1532020241033.jpeg (130.33 KB, 1080x1080, F688EA8B-64D9-423D-9466-E4E224…)

That boobloaf. Those loose threads. That fraying. That puckering. That white fabric that’s so thin it shows the t-shirt under it, and will probably show the bra or tank top under it when she wears it at a con.
Sage for fabric sperging, but she must be using some clearance bin fabric if it’s fraying that badly after she’s already hemmed it. My local bulk fabric store sells what it looks like she’s using for $0.99 per yard, and it frays so badly that you have to either use a french seam or roll over the hem twice, which she didn’t. I get cosplaying on a budget, but I scratch my head at her inconsistency. Instead of consistently buying medium-price (and quality) materials, she splurges on materials some cosplays (Mikazuki’s fabric, at the very least the trim for her fancy Aoba, and that purple Luka dress she never finished) plus buys Arda wigs for cosplays that don’t necessarily need Arda (Prompto is the only thing she’s done with spikes), but then cheaps out on materials for literally everything else.
No. 643108
>>643082NAYRT but even rent-free, I don’t understand how she can afford to make cosplay after cosplay and go to all these conventions when she’s only working 10ish hours a week at a laser tag place. I wonder if she does a lot of panels or volunteers to get comped/free badges? Or if her family pays for her to go to cons (I know her grandparents paid for her plane ticket once)?
Speaking of planes, I’m surprised OP included her grandpa paying for her airline ticket but didn’t include the drama about the airlines losing her luggage.
No. 644357
File: 1532287970162.jpeg (348.32 KB, 1125x1617, 2626A693-88DB-4F7E-B54B-122B39…)

It looks like when an elementary schooler decides to play with makeup.
No. 644569
File: 1532305840179.jpeg (368.07 KB, 1125x1721, 287FC5DC-7DD8-4B96-BA6F-621339…)

I’m going to scream if she cuts Keith’s bangs like she cut Aoba’s
No. 644573
>>644418I mean there’s botulism but that’s extremely rare and probably not what she had.
Speculation here, but I’m guessing she either has excellent insurance through her parents (covers everything, no or very low copays) or she doesn’t actually pay her own medical bills? She wouldn’t be going to the doctor for minor shit if she had to pay for it, especially not on minimum wage.
No. 644840
File: 1532324184045.jpeg (274.96 KB, 992x1235, D05AE685-D34A-4A7C-8F7E-563DED…)

Ash seems to travel a lot for cons. She can’t drive herself, and nobody wants to give her rides anymore because she’s notorious for cramming peoples cars full of her shit and not giving gas money. So she must either have to take a bus or fly. It makes me wonder how the fuck she affords transportation to all these out-of-state cons.
No. 644984
>>642717she's going to otakon?? i hope i can see her in person for once.
>>643108yeah, both otakon and AWA are pricey. It's crazy she can afford so much with a part time job.
>>644840Not to mention hotel and ticket prices are not cheap at all.
No. 645238
File: 1532369990932.jpeg (412.86 KB, 1125x1668, 0BCF2243-8AC9-4F06-A1BD-98291E…)

Why is she remaking Sarah again?
No. 645281
>>645248NEVER leave your brushes in water to soak, just like when you dry them you're literally loosening any type of glue in them. You're supposed to soak the fibers (dip the actual brush part in don't sink it into liquid 6/7 way up the handle) then gently brush in a circular motion in your hand or on a silicon surface you can buy etcetc moving the porduct out of the brush itself rinse repeat.
(This might just be me but I have never heard of vinegar in a solution to clean brushes that go on your body. I can see the acidicness being helpful for other media brushes but for skin never and I hope she somehow conditioned the brushes somehow or else they will get coarse once they dry)
No. 645362
>>645281I’ve heard people discourage against vinegar for makeup brushes because it fucking stinks. I’ve washed wigs with vinegar before, used maybe 1/2 the amount she’s using in a bigger tub of water, and still hated the way the wig smelled.
Plus it does seem like vinegar could cause skin irritation or react weird with makeup.
No. 646666
File: 1532496926560.jpeg (371.08 KB, 1125x1658, 427FA8B0-5409-494B-9E3F-84F267…)

Keith’s wig is kinda messy, but she actually did a good job on it compared to her other wigs. I’m actually legitimately proud of her for not blunt-cutting the bangs.
Keep up the good work, Ash. Just get some shapewear for your mpreg tummy and don’t go overboard on makeup, and you’ll have a decent cosplay!
No. 646851
File: 1532531003242.png (436.8 KB, 1080x1920, ig.png)

>>644418>staying hydratedAll you ever see is empty soda cans in her room so I don't doubt she made it worst on herself.
>>644840She flies. Someone asked her once why she didn't save money and take the bus or train and she said her parents threatened to throw her in the psych ward if she didn't fly. I figure they just don't trust her mental state enough to do anything but a straight plane ride there otherwise she'd get lost or stranded.
In IG updates she posted some questions that no one will ever answer out of fear of being blocked.
No. 646867
File: 1532532322310.png (708.29 KB, 595x593, hair.PNG)

I feel like I need to clean just from looking at this. Why would you cut your wig right next to your computer and hanging halfway over the floor?
No. 646940

I’m not even saying that her Keith wig looks great, just better than her usual. But damn, I’m cackling that the story in
>>646851 got posted within a day of
>>646666 . It definitely seems like she lurks.
On the topic of Keith, I wonder who she ships him with? Is she going to be stalking Lance cosplayers, Shiro cosplayers, or both?
No. 646945
File: 1532538711139.jpeg (1.52 MB, 2880x3526, A6811FE7-5FC9-43A0-A573-D5681D…)

>>646940Dropped image. Her usual wig styling:
No. 648187
File: 1532630255335.jpeg (158.25 KB, 720x960, 901B4AE5-7538-412F-8E08-6A1736…)

Ash, for the love of god, PLEASE add some clear straps to this to keep this up. Nobody wants to see that much of your boobs hanging out.
No. 648191
File: 1532630581318.jpeg (99.69 KB, 509x604, 7C686462-3A2A-46D1-B569-A83A13…)

I wish she’d just do this version of Sarah. I’m sick of seeing so much fabric go to waste in her failed attempts to remake Sarah’s ballgown.
No. 651213
File: 1532973312685.jpeg (353.37 KB, 1125x1727, DE6E18A9-0CF4-4FB1-926A-F60369…)

No. 652372
File: 1533068556448.jpg (634.25 KB, 595x893, chocolate-souffle.jpg)

>>651213it's off-center and looks like it fell in on itself, like a collapsed souffle
No. 653165
File: 1533104012454.jpg (36.98 KB, 466x466, 91YjOqPEJUL._SX466_.jpg)

>>652423It looks like EVA foam flooring. People do use it for armor and stuff but they'll dremel or sand off the texture on the other side.
No. 657370
File: 1533502830283.png (601.94 KB, 936x601, article.PNG)

No. 657371
File: 1533502902986.png (457.32 KB, 934x601, sarah wig.PNG)

No. 657376
File: 1533503212031.png (469.19 KB, 597x598, sarah wig 2.PNG)

>>657371flood detection is making this difficult to post in an efficient way so bear with me
No. 657387
File: 1533503746855.png (446.35 KB, 596x599, sarah wig 4.PNG)

>>657379for fucks sake i posted the last one 5 mins ago and its still flood detecting
No. 657388
File: 1533503812862.png (797.52 KB, 599x597, kairi.PNG)

kairi from kingdom hearts
No. 657392
File: 1533503980744.png (839.17 KB, 936x600, persephone.PNG)

persephone from lore olympus
No. 657398
File: 1533504268632.png (508.95 KB, 598x600, fangs1.PNG)

No. 657399
File: 1533504338314.png (546.77 KB, 597x598, fangs2.PNG)

>>657398in case you ever wanted to see ash's dried out lips, plaque-filled bottom teeth, and tooth gap all in one shot
No. 657407
File: 1533504763126.png (587.05 KB, 597x597, fangs3.PNG)

>>657399looks like gauze from the dentist
No. 657413
File: 1533505166228.png (807.73 KB, 934x598, mal.PNG)

mal from disney's the descendants
No. 657417
File: 1533505589620.jpg (67.97 KB, 450x562, mal.jpg)

>>657413>>657414the real mal for reference
No. 657418
File: 1533505671462.png (528.79 KB, 813x600, nerdplus1.PNG)

her sarah dress featured on nerd plus magazine's insta, the magazine she supposedly writes for
No. 657419
File: 1533505819374.png (616.82 KB, 477x599, nerdplus2.PNG)

>>657418it's ridiculous how proud of it she is
No. 657421
>>657414>>657417How does one fuck this up so bad? The real jacket looks pretty difficult to make. So much detail.
Ash's jacket is from Target ( i see the brand) and it looks like she used acrylic and not leather/fabric paints?? it looks so crusty. The colors make no sense on it either.
No. 658138
File: 1533588435603.jpg (91.77 KB, 736x920, 5bce0016354e29fa4d2b78752ee0e6…)

>>657371>>657376>>657376>>657379this looks like a brown version of an alaska wig jfc
No. 659820
File: 1533761814494.png (698.1 KB, 934x598, wig stand.PNG)

No. 661542
>>659828She doesn’t drive. Hopefully she’s not bringing the stand, just bringing Sarah and Prompto (despite what she says, I think Esther can absolutely travel off the wig stand, it’s not heavily styled) and will sit with the two wig heads on her lap.
But then again, this is Ash we’re talking about. She’s known for not warning her ride about how much she’s bringing, showing up with 6 bags full of her shit, and spending 3 hours trying to cram it into the car. I can absolutely see her trying to bring the wig stand, then baww-ing when it doesn’t fit in the car.
No. 661552
File: 1533930672963.jpeg (956.92 KB, 2880x2339, CEFACF48-F53D-44BF-A7F1-F1BFB0…)

How is her wig that ratty after she’s only had it for a week?
Also who would have thought that wearing a long wig and a leather jacket in 80+ degree weather would be a bad idea?
No. 661554
File: 1533930846538.jpeg (347.54 KB, 1123x1665, E796BB25-EA42-4696-895F-C36665…)

I really hope we get to see full-body pictures of this cosplay. I wonder if she’s fixed the issue of the fabric being see-through.
No. 661930
File: 1533961778399.jpeg (440.17 KB, 1125x2004, D679EDC4-02A9-44B2-B9F1-2F5587…)

Who the fuck has been requesting a full-body picture outside of this thread? Ash, stop lurking here and enjoy your convention.
No. 662035
File: 1533971582861.jpeg (340.69 KB, 1123x1603, AA2913E5-4021-4A88-99F7-CC0458…)

Why do her eyes look bruised?
No. 662184
File: 1534003926432.png (627.52 KB, 480x597, sarah.PNG)

its time
No. 662459
File: 1534030640490.png (780.68 KB, 600x601, mikazuki.PNG)

mikazuki makes an appearance
No. 662460
File: 1534030755002.jpg (491.61 KB, 828x867, Mikazuki.Munechika.full.183424…)

>>662459for reference, so you can really see the fine craftsmanship of her wig and the thing hanging around her neck
No. 662911
File: 1534095946137.png (844.92 KB, 601x598, aoba.PNG)

starting the day off with a classic, aoba
No. 662948
File: 1534098878849.png (833.26 KB, 596x596, aoba2.PNG)

>>662911she's hanging out in the artist alley if anyone is looking to spot her in the wild
No. 663296
>>662459I saw a girl in this costume yesterday in the games room and was like "wow, that girl looks exactly like asherbee, how unfortunate" and lo and behold. I shouldn't have stopped following her thread.
I don't have anything milky to report though sorry, she was with some other really fat person and they were shrieking about something obnoxiously. If I had realized it was legit her maybe I would've asked for a pic lol
Also she was sitting on the ground with stuff spread out around her when there were nice tables and chairs like, 5 feet away… sje was right near the doors and the trash cans
No. 663615
File: 1534177173060.jpg (53.44 KB, 960x1704, QZ3am5P.jpg)

she's uploaded some instagram stories:
>says the good thing about whenever she is tired from con is that her voice is deep enough to "pass" >she's using they/them pronouns now, been afraid to come out to friends & family about that for awhile (sure jan)>says she experienced dysphoria while wearing Sarah (which she says everybody LOVED), realized it's because she never wears dresses all day>someone told her that the dysphoria she's feeling is probably because she's nonbinary and to not be afraid to research & explore that possibility. she also says this person is going to school for this kind of thing. apparently 1 day was all the research & exploration she needs.>she says she knows she's nonbinary because she was immediately comfortable changing into a masculine cosplay, goes on to admit that might just be because sarah was incredibly heavy to wear>says she spent 200 hours researching the sarah cosplay before building it, then 200 hours building it>is really really really really disappointed that nobody recognized her esther cosplay (found here: >>661930 and was supposed to look like: >>636733 so i can't imagine why nobody recognized it…)>says more people recognized it when she posted pictures on fb/insta and it inspired people to do their own esther/trinity blood cosplays, so now she wants to do a trinity blood cosplay group for an upcoming convention (couldn't understand, costucon? cosplaycon?) and will make it happen no matter what, even if she has to make all the outfits herself>she says she should have done a trinity blood group cosplay before her hetalia group cosplay, but then goes on to say she wouldn't have had the necessary skills if she did it firstall the stories she posted are uploaded here, the pic in this post is just a gif taken from one of the stories: No. 663616
File: 1534177234961.png (174.49 KB, 298x200, aoba3.PNG)

she was also tagged in this pic on instagram
No. 663939
>>663867This! Does she seriously think all women are feminine all the time? Some women are, some aren't and some feel much more comfortable in pants/slack than dresses or skirts. Not wanting to wear a dress cosplay doesn't make you non binary. It's so dumb and she's too old to hop onto this tumblr train.
I did see her in person at Otakon while she was in Sarah. It didn't look too horrible in person, but the wig was a total mess.
No. 666374
File: 1534442914141.png (514.15 KB, 598x606, guess that cosplay.PNG)

guess that cosplay! it's one of two she is making for awa, which is 1 month away
No. 668687
File: 1534740069991.png (266.85 KB, 421x777, story.PNG)

No. 676098
File: 1535598322168.jpeg (567.15 KB, 1125x1942, 1A9C07AC-FC97-4B84-9EE4-ECE8DE…)

Another complex cosplay while she already has several in progress.
Also does anyone know if she’s going to Dragoncon this year?
No. 683718
File: 1536396888061.png (553.47 KB, 477x600, esther 1.PNG)

she finished her esther dress i guess
No. 683719
File: 1536396916567.png (755.3 KB, 598x596, esther makeup.PNG)

and the makeup is just… what…
No. 685981
File: 1536689172362.png (692.16 KB, 480x598, esther full.PNG)

here's the full esther dress
No. 685982
File: 1536689208187.png (205.8 KB, 408x768, sure jan.PNG)

apparently she's just getting bombarded with dick pics
No. 689930
File: 1537150256132.png (780.01 KB, 601x595, aloy.PNG)

it's amazing how you can tell how bad a cosplay will look just from the jewelry alone. this is supposed to be for aloy from horizon: zero dawn
No. 689931
File: 1537150290836.jpg (116.13 KB, 623x899, aloy.jpg)

>>689930what the necklaces are supposed to look like for reference
No. 693308
File: 1537512458958.png (831.63 KB, 598x598, deidara.PNG)

deidara from naruto
No. 693309
File: 1537512487637.jpg (21.2 KB, 500x375, deidara.jpg)

>>693308super accurate cosplay
No. 693311
File: 1537512521976.png (862.12 KB, 597x599, ok.PNG)

isn't this a white supremacist hand symbol or something
No. 693314
File: 1537512952945.png (813.38 KB, 1024x745, _commission__studying_by_lucin…)

>>693313this also reminded me that she has a deviantart that i don't follow too closely, it was linked at the beginning of this thread but she has some truly mindboggling drawings on there if anyone wants to check it out. it's amazing how she just does not improve. No. 696633
File: 1537898860086.png (1.11 MB, 714x717, awa.PNG)

there's a lot going on on her instagram right now following awa, too much for me to screenshot and post individually so you can go check out for yourself:
-pics of all SIX of her cosplays from this weekend
-a post with multiple images of her designs & drawings
-in her stories she is letting people ask her questions so if any of you want to take advantage of that, go for it
she also announced she has a twitter now: No. 696635
File: 1537898960810.jpg (177.98 KB, 800x1100, Dn6FGimXcAI-rL6[1].jpg)

from her twitter. the collar is made with LAMP SHADES
No. 700775
File: 1538290589730.jpeg (254.36 KB, 749x1179, E4F3778E-0041-4107-823D-F6F0DD…)

Apparently Ash is riding the coattails of Twitter trends now and making up new stories of her being assaulted. Fucking disgusting.
No. 700776
File: 1538290624105.jpeg (195.81 KB, 750x1197, 02230DF7-D8AE-4A77-A384-7073FB…)

Pot meet kettle
No. 700779
>>700776Fucking HOWLING
Isn't she the one who tried to set up a panel promoting duct tape binding???
No. 701300
File: 1538348862868.jpg (57.05 KB, 768x960, 42478656_324288615012955_46522…)

Ashley released more "art"
Pictures incoming
No. 701301
File: 1538348895891.jpg (86.17 KB, 768x960, 42510372_324288645012952_57524…)

>>701300The dress is really not very nice…
No. 701305
File: 1538349028714.jpg (50.33 KB, 768x960, 42575399_324288761679607_68049…)

>>701304This is the only one I somewhat like. But the dress looks completely stolen from Frozen.
No. 701307
File: 1538349125339.jpg (91.25 KB, 768x960, 42467773_324288905012926_90936…)

>>701305I don't believe for a single second that this isn't traced or copied from an existing image. I'm positive I've seen this exact pose in another picture.
No. 701310
File: 1538349191596.jpg (69.16 KB, 768x960, 42587224_324288868346263_15299…)

>>701309This also looks traced or copied from like Kingdom Hearts or some shit
No. 701314
File: 1538349595628.jpg (86.08 KB, 828x960, 42541464_324091988365951_67737…)

idk if this picture has been posted yet but this is her re-re-re(?)make of the Sarah ballgown
No. 701315
File: 1538349689043.jpg (130.06 KB, 960x960, 42562811_323721708402979_83276…)

>>701314Her foundation overall looks decent but she needs to fix her eyebrows. Otherwise unremarkable makeup. She also needs to clean her god damn wig
No. 702076
File: 1538439169278.png (20.77 KB, 997x127, tma.png)

>>701315Oh gosh Hi Ashley thank you for taking my advice pictures incoming
No. 702077
File: 1538439222848.jpg (65.55 KB, 768x960, 42867022_326826364759180_19208…)

>>702076Her makeup may have not been remarkable before but holy shit that eyeliner.
No. 706591
File: 1538999825174.jpg (569.15 KB, 1069x1208, Screenshot_20181008-075553_Ins…)

It was only a matter of time for her to be into My Hero Academia.
No. 719589
File: 1540317128139.png (1.66 MB, 1367x917, upd1.png)

facebook/insta updates coming
No. 719592
File: 1540317225383.png (857.61 KB, 1366x913, upd2.png)

>>719589She spelled Poppin Cookin wrong and idk it bothers me
i also believe she is using the term "making" lightly. She's just putting together already made pieces.
No. 719593
File: 1540317315896.png (1.14 MB, 1368x918, upd3.png)

>>719592Don't forget, her parents hate her and are not loving towards her and never consider her feelings and super abusive.
No. 719599
File: 1540317438970.png (523.08 KB, 800x1200, red_demon__video_link_in_descr…)

>>719596Her newest drawing, colouring in the lines must be so hard.
No. 721183
File: 1540502346631.png (42.87 KB, 640x411, yoinks.png)

She is honestly one of the dumbest people to grace this earth
No. 721408
File: 1540521515446.jpg (608.55 KB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_20181025-223706_Ins…)

She needs to stop doing her eyeliner like this for Aoba cause it still looks like shit even if she does improves her make-up better.
No. 721685
File: 1540570951163.jpg (96.39 KB, 960x959, 44831592_338634620245021_52132…)

>>721408but you're not gonna post her smug ass picture?
She needs to rest her Aoba cosplay, it'a never looked good, despite the crazy amount of advice people have given her on her "masculine" mwkeup.
No. 723522
File: 1540846704078.png (662.28 KB, 610x902, partygurl.png)

Ashley went to a Halloween party, pics in coming
No. 723533
File: 1540847074138.png (908.94 KB, 1365x917, bonusno.png)

And some bonus "NOOOOOOOO" content
No. 723555
>>723522>>723530Her 'beetlejuice' also has incredibly inaccurate makeup.
Is this Beetlejuice reimagined as a fakeboi and Lydia as a fat, lazy slob?
No. 723774
File: 1540889765497.jpeg (41.74 KB, 400x981, 595DDE95-8841-4920-A19B-853ABB…)

>>723526>>723528So I get what she was aiming for with her outfit, but HOW does she consistently hit so far off the mark EVERY time?! “Last minute” pretty much sums up all her halfassed cosplays, even her Trinity Blood dress was messy and rushed and she’s “remade” ballroom Sarah at least 3 times
No. 726710
File: 1541373387138.png (1.34 MB, 1367x916, zero.png)

it begins
No. 726711
File: 1541373474958.jpg (81.24 KB, 960x960, 45102748_341055706669579_15391…)

>>726710full pic
I'm so mad at the potential that's there. She has great skin, nice face shape. But those fucking eye brows, that fucking hair…
No. 726712
File: 1541373661125.png (872.08 KB, 1317x869, possessed.png)

her halloween makeup
No. 726713
File: 1541373688210.jpg (97.08 KB, 960x960, 45211759_341573803284436_41015…)

>>726712full pic
more coming
No. 726715
File: 1541373918799.png (533.3 KB, 602x776, upnext.png)

Here's what we can expect soon
No. 727063
>>726715I can already envision this. A resin-cast gem that hasn’t had its edges trimmed off hot-glued to a Party City cowboy hat. A limp, ill-fitting jacket made out of Joann’s broadcloth, with puckered seams and fraying sleeves and collar. A blunt-cut wig and flyaway wig hairs. The same makeup as in
>>723524 . She’ll take smug selfies in her mirror, wear it at a con for 2 hours, and then throw it in a pile and never touch it again.
Ash, please don’t try to be “first” on this. Take your time finishing your other cosplays for Katsu, and then decide if you still want to cosplay this.
No. 727725
File: 1541545634554.jpeg (260.8 KB, 1124x1304, AC265EFB-9BB2-41CD-B333-746252…)

>>727063>A blunt-cut wig with flyaway hairs >Same makeup (at least same eyeshadow)I fucking called it
No. 728339
>>727725Since we know you lurk here, Ash, quit rushing the eyeliner, it looks patchy, uneven, and scribbled on; literally all your projects would look 10x better if you’d just take your time. Secondly, Ashe’s eyeshadow is a soft gray with a bare hint of lilac, just look at closeups of her face and it’s obvious as well as her lipstick being a berry tone and not that awful pink you picked. And speaking of lips, use a lip brush for the edges to get a more precise line because you missed an entire chunk and its extremely obvious. I get it, you wanna jump on the bandwagon and be able to say you did something first, but literally no one gives a fuck how quickly you threw something together when it looks exactly like all you did was rush it. It’s not impressive or admirable, it’s pitiful
No. 731177
File: 1542068285105.png (338.7 KB, 1000x300, 46161679_347737699334713_41942…)

New art by Ashley featuring:
Not human anatomy, not human facial anatomy, not knowing how shading works, and stock background picture!
No. 737484
File: 1543096429781.jpeg (453.9 KB, 1125x1903, C71D560E-6FD1-4DBE-815B-F7CF33…)

>That workspace is filthy
>Wtf even is this
No. 737488
File: 1543096580305.jpeg (424.74 KB, 1125x1743, 7D928F49-27FD-4BD0-BBCD-618DCE…)

No. 740226
File: 1543461867921.png (329.38 KB, 504x649, yeahok.png)

She took a "vote," which I highly doubt, Ashley isn't famous enough or have any active followers that aren't friends or family to actually have anyone vote.
No. 740227
File: 1543461920482.jpg (92.55 KB, 960x960, 46482076_352181778890305_23367…)

>>740226Full image, caking her face and STILL, fucking STILL, doesn't know how to use mascara. This is supposed to be a makeup test? It's incomplete.
No. 740449
>>737484>sewing machine covered in filth>cut wig fibers from Ashe mixed with thread and tipped over bottles>multiple sodasDamn bitch you work like this?
>>740225It's really sad how she clings to this delusion that she's some sort of cosplay idol. By now she doesn't even have the same sort of notoriety she had on /cgl/. She's just fading into obscurity.
No. 740698
File: 1543523970047.jpg (139.1 KB, 1024x1280, blackwatch_patch_for_sale_by_l…)

>>740225She's trying to sell this, FOR 15 DOLLARS, which is supposed to be a "SALE". This is covered with animal hair. Wth
No. 740702
File: 1543524084737.jpg (63.26 KB, 1024x1280, dani___video_in_description__b…)

Drawing, colouring in the lines, shading, proportions… Ashley has difficulty with it all!
No. 740708
>>740702If you want to listen to here ramble, and be "funny and random xD" for 30 MINUTES for a speed draw. Have fun. I can't.
She got a license. Watch out, Chesterfield. She also says she's moving out of her parents home. Tells kids to make smart and responsible choices… Jesus christ…
She also uses a model for the drawing in
>>740702 and she still fucks it up…
No. 740711
File: 1543524488648.jpg (173.51 KB, 1024x1280, _commission__out_for_a_ride_by…)

More bad art… More stealing backgrounds and jesus christ please Ashley take an art course on anatomy or look for something online I just.. I can't.
No. 740716
File: 1543524743319.jpg (223.91 KB, 1024x1280, _commission__reading_by_lucind…)

Okay, she claims this one is a commission…
Whoever bought this, if anyone genuinely did, deserves their money back.
The face, background, use of the clone tool, all of it is unexceptional.
She forgot to colour in the rest of the arm patch! In a product! Someone (allegedly) paid for!
No. 740719
>>740716Video accompanying the picture.
She literally uses models, but still fucks up sooo hard.
She also claims she isn't tracing. Pose referencing is looking, and drawing your own. Not putting it in an under layer, and tracing over it. You are tracing. You trace.
It doesn't have to be someone elses model, or art work.
You don't know how to draw a bike? You put it as an underlayer and draw over it.
She also admits to being a tracer when she was a young adult, and now she's an adult and "doesn't" anymore.
She talks about how it makes your art worse, that it doesn't help your skill.
You, Ashley, are a prime example.
No. 740722
File: 1543525142133.jpg (108.23 KB, 1024x1280, commission_for_kat_3_by_lucind…)

Okay I've had my fill of Ashley, I can't handle anymore right now. I'll just leave this pregnant malformed woman here, courtesy of Ashley.
No. 741088
>>740708>moving outLike she moved out to Florida and her roommates hated her because she expected them to clean up after her and do her laundry?
Her biggest brag of 2018 was doing her own laundry for the first time.
No. 741750
File: 1543640829063.jpg (413.22 KB, 1045x1817, Screenshot_20181201-000426_Fac…)

>>740698Screw that! Why is she selling "Suicine"'s circuit for $75?! Good God Ashley! You shouldn't even be selling shit at that price range!
No. 741935
File: 1543685671392.png (500.64 KB, 696x764, 78503237-EC52-404D-BB75-6767C4…)

>>741750Christ, who would buy this shit for $5 let alone $75? She also said on her cosplay page at one point that this was a commission for somebody…so why is she selling it?
No. 748122
File: 1544640283299.jpg (21.12 KB, 522x122, what.JPG)

Old but she eats, sleeps, and breathes shotacon so why the fuck is she shaming someone else?
No. 751120
File: 1545233746476.jpg (392.56 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181219-092913_Fac…)

Is this Ash? This group has a rule about censoring people that are posted. It looks like her but I'm not sure(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 751422
File: 1545275957986.jpeg (376.29 KB, 1125x1625, 2AA2E29C-C8C0-4930-9E65-F06996…)

I wonder when she got a 3D printer?
I feel like this is going to be like her with resin casting and with her embroidery machine. She buys expensive tools that are capable of producing amazing things, and makes half-assed garbage with them because she refuses to look up tutorials and learn properly.
No. 763739
File: 1547402035732.jpg (493.05 KB, 1048x1552, Screenshot_20190113-125233.jpg)

But don't worry guys, it fits! She's also taking 3D printing commissions.