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No. 615886
Previous threads:
>>>/snow/66660>>>/snow/305681>>>/snow/413936>>>/snow/436448>>>/snow/461529>>>/snow/490946>>>/snow/517304>>>/snow/546557>>>/snow/566844>>>/snow/592071>>>/snow/604869Dearly Beloved,
We are gathered here today to declare that Layla Shapiro aka TOOPOOR has graduated suma CUMlaude from lolcow shitversity. This thread will still follow Layla, but she's seemingly moved on from her typical histrionic antics. She's become sober and relatively stable, thus less milky.
Since fleeing the country from her toxic dumpster fire relationship in LA, she has passed her Cow title on to her ex Tyler Pepper Ann Gross(o).
May this thread be his penance for being an abusive fuck.
The thread is still open to the general soundclout scene.
New milk(sorry if I forgot anything big):
Pepper&Paris were seemingly booted from the beerbongs and bentleys tour. The reason is unknown. It's speculated to be related to his crew begging for drugs via the internet at each stop. A fellow anon reached out to peppers "assistant" and offered to provide a plug ine xchange for entry to the show, as promised. The expose confirmed their drugs of choice (redneck-esque pills) and that they are, in fact, cheap, ignorant, and egotistical.
Tyler seems to have been dumped by his instathot/richgirl fling @gtshields. She's been noticeably absent from social media following their breakup.
Layla is now back in London after a brief stint in LA. She's working on an album with her neighbor/producer @whynotcordell and trying to make new friends. She's said she no longer wants to permanently move to the UK.
During her time in LA, she brought her London boyfriend, Luke Storey, along. They broke up a week after arriving. Layla claims Luke "ran away" Luke claims Layla is "crazy", but he also was struggling to stay sober in LA.
Tyler Grosso continues to make an idiot of himself on social media, desperate for validation. he's had several "mental breakdowns" on his social media accounts and gloats of his drug abuse and overdoses.
Grosso/Pepper showed up three threads back to answer some questions, confirmed it was him on his Twitter. While in the thread, he confirmed his shitty behavior (i.e. treating Layla like shit and refusing to let her mourn peeps death). Layla has also repeatedly confirmed that Pepper was emotionally and mentally abusive and claims he is the reason she left the US. He continues to show warning signs of grooming in his current fling. It is confirmed that he still lurks here and publicly spurges about lolcows opinion of him.
Still releasing clipart t-shirts.
Grosso wrecked his porsche like a week after buying it and proceeded to take aesthetic pics of the crash. (never forget)
Old milk overview: "goth" girl instagram/twitter personality
"model/dj" in the way that all girls with some IG following can get a gig every 2 months if they're in LA. Has begun to get more serious gigs since going to London and starting a music career. She's begun to release SoundCloud mixes and has been seen recording with others in the LA scene
Used to be a club kid, doesn't go to parties anymore unless she's hosting or dj'ing. Is now sober/preaching a healthy lifestyle.
Friendships still have a shelf life of 2-3 months
On November 15th, the crown prince of SoundCloud and Layla's on/off boyfriend, Lil peep passed away suddenly
Layla and Tyler grosso, superrradical owner, broke up immediately after this. Only to get back together a few days later.
Layla later accused Tyler of blackmailing and abusing her.
Tyler was seen constantly making then retracting cheating allegations, potentially had Layla's account hacked after the abuse allegations. Allegedly also attempting to copyright “toopoor” he had begun to display classic abuse behaviors
4 days after peeps death his girlfriend of a month Arzaylea announced a unauthorized pop up shop selling anti-xanax branded hoodies
This was universally unpopular, with peeps friends immediately taking to social media to slam her
Peeps family had to intervene to stop Arzaylea's incessant branding attempts and other scammers
Hotelshrimp one of Layla's pseudo friends started dating Layla's old ex Corey 2 weeks after peeps passing and has since been a TooPoor skinwalker.
Before his death peep was bitter and been seen lurking grossos shit, liking/encouraging shady comments by other people in the scene, urging fans to burn their merch collabs and posting old pics of him with layla with sad captions
Her entire brand had pivoted to an attempt at a courtney/kurt of the soundclout world.
Most of her content was centered around tyler, their coupling, spending his money, and being a self styled brat
She has now moved to London, and begun seeing model luke storey
She has broken up with tyler and severed all business ties
Her new branding is wholesome, healthy, and metal health woke, the validity of this is debatable
Shortly after her move she along with tyler were accused of setting a girl they partied with up for rape, the results of this accusation are yet to be seen
All of SoundClout is still mourning or using peeps death to further an agenda
Fashion/marketing school drop out.
Only noteable income seems to be her depop store where among overpriced embroidered hoodies and pillows she sells things like her broken off nails or your name written on her face along with vague brand collaborations TOOPOOR
The "SoundClout" umbrella encompasses: rappers, producers, managers/promoters/bookers/suits, designers, photographers, videographers, "fashion kids", models, and other miscellaneous factors such as the No Jumper/On Some Shit crew
As long as they are relevant in the underground scene and have milk they may now be discussed alongside layla.
When posting new faces please include a short rundown of who they are/why they're relevant and the milk. Don't assume people will know who you are talking about, remember cringe fans are not factors,don't post nobodies.
Conversely if you’re new to the thread don’t expect to be spoon fed, read the old threads, get familiar with the basics of the scene. If you are familiar with the scene but new to imageboards please read the rules.
The most recent news: xxxtentacion was shot and killed. All of soundclout is posting their “RIPs” and exaggerating relationships with him, a la Peep’s death. Nobody in the scene is too bothered by xxxtentacion’s history of abusing women & hitting up underage girls.
Layla is currently in LA. She was among those to express sympathies for X’s death, and was rightfully dragged up and down for calling on people to look past his “mistakes” in death. Because imprisoning your girlfriend and attempting to rape her with a barbecue fork is apparently just a “mistake.”
Grosso has announced a charity sale, farmers doubt any charity will see a single dime.
Luke continues to be an absolute fool on social media.
Layla has recently posted pictures of herself spending time with Joei.
No. 615973
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Wtf was there a riot in the streets over temptacion or
No. 615980
>>615973Yes lol, that 'memorial' was organised by adam22, I think grosso was there too, based on his insta story
Riot police showed up to get rid of them. Here's an article/videos long to screenshot)
No. 615984
>>615980Any ig livestreams you know of? I have some of the Florida one I’ll upload and link ina few
Xs fans are just as bad as him tbh. When peep died it was just a lot of kids of various clout degrees crying in parks.
No. 615991
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>>615973>riotYou mean a chimp out?
(racebaiting) No. 615992
>>615984I genuinely feel that if our 'youth rappers" display support for gang related activity (not saying XXXtentacion did, but others of the same soundcloud bullshit) and use social media to display actions of domestic violence, etc. the youth view these KIDS as 'idols/gods' and 'role models.' THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH FANS
for example, those who set fire to Geneva memorial bullshit did this out of spite for what they view as "accusations" of charges against X, which in fact TRUE but considered accusations as he was awaiting trial.
They are a bunch of TEENS out of school for summer while their parents are at work trying to 'save the scene." this is some SHIT.
No. 616004
>>616001all this stupid ass riot/protest bullshit just takes away the focus on 'figuring out who shot X."
I just do not understand ones mental ability to support someone like X. This is just a whole bunch of shit that in 2 months will be solely children posting 1 month, 2 month, 3 month, and so on since you've been gone posts.
No. 616139
>>615886it should be soundclout general btw
>>616004his fans are as volatile as he is all this commotion is just going to make it harder for the police to carry out their investigation
No. 616141
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sHe LiEd AbOuT bEiNg PrEgnaNt thO
~x fans
No. 616154
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Lukeystorey’s raps are so fucking awful. Who tf is gassing up this ugly ass 30 year old white man? He’s untalented and insufferable and has such a cunty voice for someone making “music”
Luke needed to get smacked down a long time ago. He’s a clout chasing wannabe
No. 616160
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>>616141Geneva Ayala’s gofundme was posted almost 2 years ago and didn’t reach the goal until recently. The donations were for surgery so Geneva wouldn’t be blinded from her injuries. So did Geneva already have the surgery done without the donations?
Why is anybody giving her money when her injuries have healed and she was not left blinded/disabled?
No. 616178
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People need to start spamming these on twitter so all the praise stops
No. 616185
>>616178>>616141Layla is you're reading this I am beyond disappointed in you. You can't speak out against abuse and then ignore shit like this.
His fans won't give her peace. After Peep passed people attacked you and wouldn't let you mourn well now they're doing the same thing to her and your more concerned about his legacy than his still suffering victim?
Alice Glass had the right idea
No. 616200
>>616189I liked his music then I read up on him and realized he was garbage but I still think he had some bangers.
You can separate art from artist. Liking someone's music doesn't mean you have to support them in all their endeavors. I'll never understand ride or die fans that excuse everything their fave does just because cognitive dissonance.
No. 616210
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x straight up denouncing everything in a kodak feature
did she lie about the bloody eye and the brusing too?
No. 616212
>>616210even if she lied about being pregnant those injuries are real
she literally fled to the police with those injuries
he's gross for trying to denounce her after he beat her to a pulp and prevented her from getting help
I really wanted this trial to happen but I bet if the police, doctors, and everyone else involved had testified against him and gotten his ass locked up his fans would still be like "he didindu nuffin" and maintain that "she made it all up"
No. 616213
>>616212Now that the trial won't happen they can just ignore all the evidence and claim it's all just accusations because he never got charged
Kind of worse for her honestly
No. 616220
>>616218you can be into bdsm and not stan abusive shit
dv ≠ bdsm
No. 616226
>>616220>Eroticizing abuse directed toward women means it's magically not abusive!!!Lmao, it's sad that people are this softheaded. And beyond her annoying meme "choke me daddy" bullshit that she'd make public despite knowing most of her fans are impressionable children, she still romanticized abusive dynamics, soo…
I don't have much of a problem with Layla otherwise, but she tried to romanticize being a doormat. She's emotionally feeble and a terrible influence to her teenage followers, and continues this by instead of championing abused young women, she puts her public image on the line to defend a dead abuser that almost beat a man to death for no reason and had no problem with torturing his girlfriend. The woman apologizes for men way too much.
No. 616260
>>616162You are oblivious. I was not referring to anything that was posted in this thread.
There has been a large influx of donations to Geneva’s Gofundme after XxxTentacion’s death. People who do not support X have been advocating and encouraging others to donate to his victim, and it worked. The Gofundme has been up for two years with no updates on her condition, it did not reach the goal for surgery until yesterday.
It is evident that Geneva was not blinded without the $ needed for surgery and does not need the eye surgery currently, it might have been already preformed. In that case, what are these donations going towards?
I smell a scam. Sis just raked in almost $40,000 dollars from idiots. Lmao
No. 616291
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>>616264October 13th 2016
Gofundme was made the next day.
Stars are where Geneva’s name and the pregnancy test is. It says negative. She could have miscarried before going to the police, has she said that before?
No. 616331
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GTshields on some story. Wonder why shes nothing hanging out with m pepper Ann while in LA
No. 616372
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You read that right guys. The worst thing to EVER happen. ever. In the history of the world.
No. 616397
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surprisingly hotelshrimp is taking somewhat more of a woke approach to x’s death than layla. later she replied to someone saying that he didn’t deserve to die but she was judging people’s priorities. she also posted a lot of info on her ig story about contacting your reps re: immigration policy, there were multiple posts about ways to help
No. 616403
>>616397She reads this thread I'm sure she's capitalizing on layla's fuck up. She's still a cokehead who slept with her best friend's ex.
I'm not a fan of either of them atm.
No. 616404
>>616397Damn the generic brand is doing it better & kinder than you layla. My esteem of cass went up a lil
>>616328I’m not that anon & I didn’t think she was a great person all of a sudden but I thought she was better than defending an abuser like x.
This bitch lEFt ThE cOnTInEnT tO EsCapE TyLer but can’t muster up enough brain cells to understand why we don’t mourn x publicly or the humility to acknowledge her mistake.
No. 616409
>>616406"In her scene"
W t f ? LOL what does that even MEAN
No. 616417
>>616404I agree she should've owned up to her fuck up. Read the court docs swallowed her pride and issued something about abusers in support of geneva or abuse survivors in general like Alice did.
It's gonna take me a sec to believe Cass is any better after all this.
She dealt with Peep's death respectfully but this is just a massive idiotic step backwards. After all of her abuse awareness I thought she'd be better than this. I really was rooting for her after all the shit she went through with peep dying, pepper being abusive, and cass skinwalking and fucking her ex immediately after peeps death. It's a shame she hasn't learned anything after everything that's happened.
No. 616421
>>616418Thank you for this. If she didn't want to engage in negativity she should've just avoided the topic. Calling people who aren't ignoring domestic violence "fucking sick" is pretty fucked up imo.
You know what I think is "fucking sick"? Beating a women to a pulp. Harassing a victim to the point where she can't live her life or even mourn properly. That's what's got me feeling ill. Call me crazy
No. 616423
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Marilyn's idiotic hot take on it. This girl is a toopoor skinwalker to the extreme but dumber
No. 616436
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Juicewrld made a song or two about peep and x. These guys are really quick with the clout chase off dead men
No. 616447
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Ew, he's in my city.
No. 616495
>>615996are you guys fucking stupid????
x literally fought people his whole life ON SOME GANG SHIT, went to jail for it, and was known for bashing in a gay cellmate's head UNTIL HE DIED and he laughed about it to the guards and regularly referred to him as a faggot.
X is a legitimate psycopath, like charming as fuck and literally no fucking remorse. you fell for it good job fuckwit.
No. 616501
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Arse snatched herself another mans
saged because I don’t think anyone gives a shit
No. 616519
>>616456wow another bpd sufferer who inflicts their suffering on others and blames mental illness
i am totally shocked
No. 616527
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meanwhile x couldn't give less of a shit about black girls or any girls for that matter
No. 616529
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bonus terrible content bc wtf not
No. 616534
>>616525This is actually fucking hilarious like who said exclusively white girls hate him? I'm mixed and I hate his guts
>death to darkskins>darkskin hoes look like cockroaches>i dont date black girlsxxxtentacion ladies and gentlemen
No. 616565
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Bruh you both fake deep n she using you for clout
No. 616569
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layla saying she is eating dog food tonight hehehe top kek
No. 616570
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No. 616572
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tp talking to the girl from spotlight video
No. 616582
>>616570this isn't really milky just layla being layla
I really wish she hadn't tweeted that shit her antics haven't been harmful at all lately
No. 616584
>>616569probs bc that soup looks like literal dog food
also probably a tongue in cheek reference to her and peppers terrible times together since she's in la
No. 616592
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While on the subject on fat nick, in 2016 he was supposed to release an album called “dear chandler” which is about a girl named chandler from Portland who is a hardcore heroin addict. When he was with her he basically changed his entire aesthetic to align with hers, but something transpired that caused him to basically delete everything related to the album, along with a “poem book” and video he was supposed to release. Chandler has a large following on social media (@chandleraallen on Twitter) but has been absent for over a year for unknown reasons… It was well known that while he was with her he was using heroin too which no one seems to talk about. I’m wondering if he will ever release his ~poem book~ or dead chandler album… Pouya also tweeted “I’m 'm starting a petition for fat nick to not call his album dear chandler one rt = one signature.” There’s so much milk here and there’s no threads for it… Lastly chandler’s cousin Jazzy (IG 503jazzy) is dating Don Krez, who she met when chandler met fat nick LOL
No. 616597
>>616565Who the hell is this?
>>616572She and lulo have known each other for years
No. 616673
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Words from someone that doesnt get booked anymore. Pathetic loser. Extremly cring cring here.. hes coming close to tylers level soon
No. 616718
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Does anyone else find this as cringy as I do? It just is creepy and she looks so fucking weird.
No. 616834
>>616718Dumb as shit.
I'm glad that cunt is dead. One last masochistic abuser in the world.
No. 616839
Here is a quote from an article you can visit here."XXX opened up to the Miami New Times about his early life and his mother who told him “Give the girl three warnings; if she keeps hitting, you have to handle it,” when asked if he could hit a woman back. The next time a girl bothered him, Onfroy “slapped the sh*t out of her and kneed her,” noting how serious he took the statements of his mother, “Her word was my bond,” he said. He not only listened to his mother’s words, he also fought other students to get her attention. Perhaps his early life shaped him and led to the events described by his ex-girlfriend Geneva Ayala"
No. 616854
>>615992Well looks like she seems to be alright after someone burnt her stuff for X.
Heres a video of her fighting at the memorial No. 616888
>>616854>>616882>>61685who cares if genevas a little hood? she was probably a somewhat emotionally weak person which made her an easy victim not saying she deserves any of it but I wouldn't have expected her to be stable
No. 616891
>openly discusses how okay he is with hitting womenX's fans: she made it all up he would never
No. 616902
>>616895I posted
>>616768 and I am thinking the same thing what proof points to him?
Also, I seen this article as well there they are looking at Soldier kidd due to his location during his time. bet $1000 he is associated with the WHOOOOOLE murder due to the photos ('hints') he posted. Bet you he hired this known criminal some how or another.
>>616895 No. 616955
>>616902>>616895Well then this appears is a video of the dude who killed X and posted a video with his money and backpack. Seems like he just saw him at the ATM take out oodles of cash and waited for him to leave the dealership and ended up being a botched armed robbery and surprise, dudes dead.
No. 617050
>>617019What is Lulo's full name?
gotta do some digging
No. 617107
No. 617120
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No. 617131
>>617123sure at least she 'looks good' she is 35 years old and being a hoe ass on social media and from interviews, SHE WAS A DEAD BEAT MOM
>>617126SAID IT 100%
No. 617155
>>617131can you stop sperging and typing like that please
try to integrate
No. 617293
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Never admit you're wrong, girl. Never back down.
No. 617301
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lmao why would her gangang wanna work with someone who opposes pieces of shit?
No. 617310
>>617285 How hard is it to read the rules and not shit up the thread with unsaged posts
No. 617311
>>617304Them to have clout lmao. Anyone can make a soundcloud.
Op says don’t post nobodies or explain who they are and this person looks like a nobody vendetta post.
No. 617323
>>617315Oh, give it a rest. It was moved from the Onion thread after being told so. It was harvested in /pt/ for two days and then it was created in /snow/.
Everything is vendetta vendetta vendetta with you.
No. 617328
>>617315Could it be Onion? It's confirmed he has been lurking. Sorry, tinfoil.
I didn't think anybody cared about Shiloh. I don't know why someone would go so far to have people talking about her.
No. 617330
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She misses you X.
She never met you, but she misses you so much!
No. 617336
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Tracy is going on another rampage on twitter. What’s his beef with juicewrld? Even before he dropped that song he was so aggressive to him. Extra lol @ him going at smoke(who imho deserves it)
No. 617347
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>>617336What Tracy beef. He didn’t blow up on lil xan for that infinitely worse photoshopped pic
No. 617356
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OOOOOOH she a hypebeast now mama!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 617358
> Then, a 17 year old Canadian suburbanite Pop singer groomed and abused by Ogreason. > Now, a 25 year old stoner Soundcloud artist and tagger #sadgirl> Extremely manipulative and calculatingMost recently, told her entire fanbase to fuck off if they didn't support her mourning a psycho masochistic rapper she never knew or met that nearly killed his pregnant girlfriend and a gay dude. We're on day three of this shit.
Social media: (personal)
No. 617377
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>>617364Is this bitch fucking insane? Does she want people to hate her?
He killed his own child by beating the mother to the point of miscarriage.
(ban evasion) No. 617388
>>617377what? I've seen no evidence that she even had a miscarriage
Also I doubt shiloh's gonna get much hate, there's a crazy amount of people supporting x
No. 617389
>>617376I never realized that. A lot of the other goth bois were being friendly with him
Because he was being nice to them.
No. 617396
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Trouble in paradise?
No. 617449
File: 1529622763258.jpeg (397.88 KB, 1125x1975, 9DCDB2D8-8A00-42A3-A921-E4C90E…)

Hello fellow kids
No. 617450
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Previous post said “never let someone make you question your own worth”
No. 617453
>>617331vendetta newfag coming in hot with the no sage
>>617448whose tumblr?
No. 617496
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>>617449>hello fellow kidsThat meme suits him.
No. 617561
>>616854It doesn't matter if she has a fucked-up character. The injuries are documented, the escape from the house she was basically kidnapped to is documented. No amount of discussion about her messy life would change those cold hard facts.
Whether she just thought she was pregnant or really was, they both did actions based on thinking of her being pregnant so it's the same difference. He still threatened to kill the foetus whether it was real, a false positive, a result of a psych issue or of imagination.
Let's face it, only someone with BPD or something equally severe troubling her would stay with a guy who started massive beatings less that two weeks into the gig. There was nothing drip-drip-drip about this DV situation, she was at risk of death every day she stayed with him.
No. 617575
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Looks like grosso and gtshields are reunited and he's finally realized it's for the best if he obscures his face as much as possible
No. 617778
>>617330straight up this is because onion abused her and she was groomed so young by someone who also made her miscarry.
I'm not blogposting but i have an abusive history and have this fucked up love for him, and peep, that i never ever talk about but that's why i read this so i get my weird fill and learn to be around better people. i see this shit in marilyn, layla, and chilli-jello-whatever too, they're all fucking defending this with their weird love because they all have histories loving abusers. X probably showed love through abuse, he's all their fucked up father figures or first boyfriends or whatever.
this is obviously a very mentally ill person and i recognize it after seeing it in myself and working on it. i'm not freud anon and i'm sorry but all these girls may as well be columbine roleplay lovers at this point it's the same damn kind of fucked up.
No. 617785
>>617336i lowkey fucking love how crazy tracy is
>Tracy, you're a GOOD pers-Tracy
>FUCK TRACY No. 617853
File: 1529653670557.jpeg (286.54 KB, 1111x1228, 82401E8D-9F24-4E11-B92E-09220C…)

She still (rightfully) getting flack for the abuse sympathiz/apologizing or she just saying stuff
No. 617941
File: 1529662741508.png (77.57 KB, 610x372, Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at 6.19…)

mhm. i'm sure it'll be absolutely thrilling pepper.
No. 617994
>>617941KEK Paris is finally tired of him trying to get all the attention on his channel? Can't wait to see this cringy mess!
>>617856"mistakes mistakes mistakes" I'm so over this word rn. You disregarded the abused victims for attention. Too bad it didn't go your way.
Beating up ur pregnant girl and keeping her captive so she can't go to the police isn't a "mistake".
Nearly killing a gay man and boasting about it on a big podcast isn't a "mistake". His horrible tweets are not "mistakes". He did all that happily and was not apologetic about it.
Look at us not give a shit next time u claim abuse Layla. You obviously haven't experienced anything like that yourself u dumb cow.
No. 618003
>>617853She is really shocked that what she wrote is getting backlash?
>>617856>>617960She's trash. She defended a woman beater and got backlash. Rightfully, so. If she cant own up to that, she's still as childish as ever
No. 618018
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>>617450guess she changed her mind
No. 618050
File: 1529676937812.png (38 KB, 632x308, 2018-06-22 10_14_07-TYLER GROS…)

we stan a humble queen
No. 618056
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Is joei actually good looking and not cringe? I can’t tell?
He’s from a small town outside of mine that is notoriously trashy but the dudes from there are always inexplicably hot.
No. 618317
File: 1529693044660.gif (992.42 KB, 500x399, C13C8559-51BF-4099-9278-C00751…)

Shiloh was a teen that he groomed and then pranked into insanity.
She was fucking retarded but he pushed her so far I’m surprised she didn’t kill herself
The baby wasn’t hers and if she did have a miscarriage it was her exes child when she was in Canada.
Idk why she’s always brought up when we are close to milk
Sufddenly photos get deleted and the thread is derailed x100
No. 618324
>>618321I don’t give a fuck either anon.
Also, how do we get peep to be a banned topic next thread? I’m cool with the “investigation” and drama surrounding his estate being discussed, but I seriously can’t take another delusional discussions about his emotions.
No. 618350
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that face shoop tho
No. 618359
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No. 618364
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No. 618365
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No. 618376
File: 1529697055427.jpeg (88.77 KB, 1125x707, 86BD975F-43DE-46CE-AB3C-B34A6B…)

No. 618395
File: 1529698393079.png (1.02 MB, 1197x963, 2018-06-22 16_11_33-Lay (@toop…)

>>618391am i just retarded, or…?
No. 618402
File: 1529698775722.jpg (54.48 KB, 585x267, toopoorcalledout.jpg)

>>618376>>618386>>618391>>618395I went to her Insta and it has been removed. So then I went to Twitter to see her dramatic post of not knowing if she can go on anymore and saw this.
This chick went in and called her out lol. I am sure she posts in these threads, LOL lets know who you are, let us know!!!
No. 618427
File: 1529699656576.png (72.07 KB, 480x588, Screenshot_20180622-152708.png)

Marilyn coming in hot with some fresh idiocy
No. 618431
>>618422>>618427LOL, funny as hell.
but please do not double post
No. 618467
File: 1529703547453.png (65.53 KB, 583x369, 2018-06-22 17_38_09-Stephanie …)

>>618454lmao this cow just can't resist posting lolcow screenshots on her twitter
No. 618470
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No. 618477
>>618376Relapse imminent. She’s starting to lose control emotionally and she’s giving herself excuses to say “fuck it” right now. Layla, from one addict to another, now is a really good time to stop reading garbage on the internet, and double down on your recovery.
Srry for semi-blogpost and being a little white-knighty.
No. 618487
File: 1529704720221.png (744.07 KB, 654x1110, twins.png)

These girls saying the same shit. It's like they move the sentences around, add in some of their own words and post this woe is me bs.
pic 1/2 briseppe IG story
No. 618503
>>618427"Don't forget to pay attention to MEEEEEE!"
I used to like Marilyn and followed her waaaay before she was in the SoundClout universe but she is just absolutely insufferable 100% of the time now.
No. 618544
File: 1529709716626.jpeg (163.82 KB, 1125x458, 18745019-E7AF-42C4-8C90-915D00…)

This meme has been going around and it makes me think of like every time I see it
No. 618660
File: 1529720503744.jpg (818.5 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180622-222126.jpg)

These fucking pants are back, of course
No. 618711
File: 1529725907192.png (1.03 MB, 1654x900, ummm.png)

Paris deleted all of his photos on IG except this one… Does anyone know what happened?
No. 618713
>>618682Yikes I forgot how gross and degenerate him and Layla were. Joei seems way more respectable. What even happened between them that they fell out?
I've read all the others threads I'm just blanking on their history
No. 618729
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>>618725 pink throw up all over the streets of Vegas
No. 618766
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No. 618780
File: 1529728849360.png (48.41 KB, 708x206, stinkhead.png)

>>618773 Post commenting on it…
No. 618798
>>618682Paris pretending he had 0 clue who Peep was when he spent so much time with grosso and tp is laughable
He's such a fake bitch
No. 618804
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No. 618815
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>>618050>>618660>>618136Forum Tower Emperor Suite at Caesars Palace is the room in that "i thought i could fly" IG pic. Breaks $2k per night only on weekends. Pretty pathetic that he had to lie about it being an extra rack lmfao
No. 618854
File: 1529735007313.jpeg (312.47 KB, 1125x661, D71B82EF-EC66-42A7-8849-946036…)

>>618804k… even if someone threw water on peppers laptop, the shows not gonna get cancelled. He’s pressing play ffs. I cant think of what other equipment he could be talking about
No. 618893
File: 1529739954974.png (110.33 KB, 640x1092, IMG_4407.PNG)

Layla is literally taking PayPal donations rn after claiming she "only has $11"
No. 618896
>>618801You're so right. I figured it was some get rich quick scheme to cash in on his death but it makes more sense that the gears were already in motion. Things happened waaayy to fast for it to not have been premeditated
Bets he was stoked to capitalize on his death while pepper fake mourned and made it all about himself (per usual)
No. 618897
>>618893she literally just told someone her ratty hair extensions cost more than their rent after they called her fake or something (i can't remember if it was capped/posted here or if i just saw it on her social)
Busted ass bitch hahaha
No. 618898
>>618893>>618897She's reverting back to her old ways and I'm so not here for it
Stop playing poor layla your fans are impressionable young people who probably need that money more than you
No. 618909
File: 1529741847723.png (69.31 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180623-021221.png)

sage bc old but I went on Geneva's tumblr and some of it's pretty heartbreaking. She seems really mentally ill no wonder she stayed with x
No. 618913
File: 1529742317712.png (84.63 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180623-021214.png)

Geneva's tumblr part 2 she's literally afraid to post things it's so sad
No. 619030
File: 1529760189139.jpeg (282.86 KB, 750x937, 5E26C913-EE19-4C86-9EFF-9E8C33…)

this is honestly the prettiest i’ve ever seen her. minimal makeup and the light brows/hair makes her eyes stand out so much in a soft way.
No. 619059
File: 1529762629122.png (1.62 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4245.PNG)

Intresting, cassidy continues whoring around in laylas group of friends
No. 619063
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No. 619098
File: 1529767103990.jpg (738.83 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180623-111852.jpg)

No. 619117
File: 1529769301902.png (2.35 MB, 750x1334, 6C4786B8-9F28-49A2-A209-91C3F3…)

Her nose looks so different irl
No. 619152
File: 1529774323448.png (765.65 KB, 750x1334, 7D9EA4AD-3A2E-4B23-AC18-EE835F…)

why would u keep milking him many months after his death?
No. 619193
>>619152She clearly never went to college that's why. Plus this is the first time she's had any clout
Her and Marilyn are gonna jerk themselves off over their affiliation with him for all eternity
No. 619203
File: 1529780339730.jpg (328.79 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20180623-115036.jpg)

When cows collide
No. 619206
>>619030Layla looks awful here, looks like she picked up that awful rat's-nest-styled hair that seems to be popular in the uk kek
>>619203Samefagging but look how hard Cassidy is trying
No. 619236
File: 1529783381963.png (984.08 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-06-23-14-48-07…)

Expectations vs reality toopoor tattoo part 1: expectation (1/2)
No. 619257
>>619203i wish the instahoes general was still around, died after lilith got her own thread and the other ig general isn't the same
has duck ever been mentioned on a thread here? lost her arm in a DUI, keep that part dl and got clout for it ultimately
No. 619277
>>619268she isn't really relevant in this thread
but if you google "carlsbad scooter crash" you'll find some articles naming her as a 'dui suspect', there's been buzz about it being a DUI on twitter too but she always denies it.. i followed her before it happened and she was tweeting about being drunk/fucked up like the day before the crash, so i believe it
No. 619293
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>>619279 Just one of this girl's bad tattoo decisions it seems…
No. 619398
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>>619059also this… since when was Rachel and Cass close? Kinda shady of Rachel to stay friends with her after she got with Corey
No. 619563
>>618398those apps are dangerous because you lose track of how much you've changed because it's just fixing one "little thing" after another.
layla got outed for texting peep saying she was into him treating her like shit, her fetish for that/low self esteem is obvious and she actually admits it, so why do people get mad when she fixes herself and it gets out of control? we know she'd probably sell herself for a nose job and tbh i'm surprised she hasn't considering she brags about money and cares this much about her looks.
if she admits body dismorphia and acts like a person with it by changing her entire face why is anyone mad? not a stan just someone with those issues and idgi
No. 619571
tana mongeau had her “tanacon” this weekend and it was a total scammy shitshow. Twitter thread has all the details. (Orf course adam22 was a featured guest for a con directed towards teenage girls.) is related to the soundclout scene for being friends with @lenatheplug and @adam22, aka top tier clout scum and (allegedly) fucking lil xan. I’m p sure she’s been mentioned here before.
Saged because idk if anyone else will find this as hilariously pathetic as I do.
No. 619689
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Fan chimes in kek
No. 619795
>>619063jfc just fork out the $30~ and commission someone to do it
so pathetic
No. 619816
File: 1529827396556.jpeg (619.08 KB, 1125x1925, 555A0BBC-9370-4E31-9F44-101BB6…)

Sorry if someone already posted this but why the. F. UC K would you advertise a party where there's alcohol for all ages like wtf and why do they need to advertise parties in the first place
No. 619851
File: 1529836652791.jpeg (116.75 KB, 1125x703, B3C1610E-8E8D-4A7F-800C-C94D1D…)

Paris ex girl is so damn annoying and so thirsty for another SoundClout Bf
No. 619912
>>619816I’m sitting here giggling at the fact he has it titled “A Night in Paris.”
Paris Hilton is going to sue his ass for stealing the title of her sex tape. Haha.
No. 620076
>>620029Uhh it’s not the advertisement itself that’s the problem.
It’s the
>all ages allowed!>free drinks and beer pong No. 620209
File: 1529874418316.jpeg (333.41 KB, 1125x888, AD607A06-3083-4542-8AD1-C13937…)

Oh cass….
No. 620288
>>620275Lol another anon
>>619912 already made the joke. You’re a little late
No. 620650
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>>619573> I put my soul out there.. and no one fucks meThis is an old video that she posted on twitter back in Feb. It was a joke about not getting dick. Nothing to do with TanaCon. No. 620740
>>620737He surpassed GBC for the same reason
If it wasn't for Ty's weird obsession with pissing off Peep Paris wouldn't even be a thing he's so clearly manufactured
>>619816This "all ages" thing is really fucking gross. Everything Paris does disgusts me
No. 620744
>>620443Lol so true
yo babe can you stimulate my prostate but ewww I don't want to have sex with you because excuses
I've never heard of a couple going camping and not hooking up in the tent like sex in itself is hot and sweaty you think spending the day outside is going to make it completely unbearable? Unless you're rolling around naked in poison ivy and shoving bugs up your cooch it's not going to make a difference
Congrats cass you're a wig
No. 620751
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Lol that third comment ….
No. 620759
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No. 620764
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No. 620765
File: 1529907483351.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, D80CF389-B531-4A8A-912D-03D6D7…)

Wonder if Grosso will visit her
No. 620883
>>620811This is the second time she’s beenat the hospital in the past month or so. Somethings definitley up. And it’s prob drugs.
Or maybe she has one of those gastrointestinal parasites from peppers bootyhole.
No. 620916
File: 1529936340425.png (34 KB, 675x368, DFDSFDSFDS.png)

No. 621058
File: 1529944888176.png (1.32 MB, 750x1334, DD8F430C-6431-4782-990A-475BFA…)

I wonder what’s going on with gtsheilds
No. 621143
>>621058shouldn’t even be posting these, you’re just giving her the attention she desperately wants. this is like those people who used to go on facebook back in the day, write sad statuses and then not say why exactly they’re being emo when questioned.
>until they can operategrace, put up or shut the fuck up. don’t sit around feeling bad for yourself and asking for prayers for your ~operation~ when you’re clearly well enough to be taking selfies. people who are actually in pain don’t have time to beg for attention.
No. 621171
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No. 621246
>>621227Yeah she’s kept an eye on this place since she found out about it. I do think the last time she was on here was after her 2 am non-apology
>>617857 she replied with in minutes of the tweets being posted here.
Idk why she’s so fixated on her thread tbh whether she posts or not it’s been a year or so since she found out about it. You’d think a friend would have stepped in and told her to stop reading it or it would just get old.
No. 621252
>>621246exactly why I do not think it is TP, yet someone just saying "we do" and, "Luke said it, not Tyler" and everyone is asking for proof it is Layla yet "she" won't post said proof? its just someone who said "we do" and boom we all give them the reaction they are looking for.
Again, unless there is proof then nobody should worry about if it is her or not. Bye girl.
No. 621261
File: 1529958034900.jpeg (998.74 KB, 1125x1223, 12C51960-E0B7-4F17-B2E7-5FDE79…)

how often does this keep pepper up at night lmao bet this is why he begs for the bluecheck
No. 621287
>>621282lol that anon didn't accuse anyone of being layla?
it was just a joke because not being verified is something that bothers tyler
No. 621406
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>>621393Speaking of those lips… I came across some “fan art” and cackled over how accurately lumpy the lips are
No. 621573
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No. 621577
File: 1529984797577.jpg (207.36 KB, 1080x1613, Screenshot_20180625-234307-1.j…)

On her most recent pic lol
No. 621605
File: 1529987607744.jpg (494.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180626-003336.jpg)

Whoops I dropped this
No. 621633
>>621627wait did she pay for his ticket because what the fuck
she was just talking about how she can't be alone and suddenly he appears after she went on this whole rant about self care and shit. she's full of it and can't not be in a relationship even if it's fake as fuck which is so weird to me, why does she always waste her time on some dude for her self esteem?
No. 621646
>>621633Not this time I don’t think but last year she sure made it seem like she paid for him to come visit her
>>275761She got back with peep within a week. He obviously felt a type of way about her getting a rebound and if you weren’t around for that just read that thread and see how aggressive peep got after she got Joei to la
No. 621654
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meanwhile shrimp
No. 621668
>>621231>only a matter of weeks/days until she relapses yikes can we not? as much as her xxxtentacion sperg annoyed me she hasn't done anything destructive enough to indicate relapse and even if she does I'd rather not decide it's an inevitably, kinda fucked imo
she did get sober and stay sober while pepper chugged lean and shrimp devolved into a skinwalking crackhead
No. 621725
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No. 621764
File: 1530005031708.png (3.53 MB, 1243x1604, F805C87A-DB0E-4A11-95D1-C011B1…)

Looks like Paris’s exes are comparing notes.
No. 621768
File: 1530005148640.png (408.4 KB, 1247x1821, 637ECA0C-9E1D-44FE-9553-37103C…)

>>621764Pt 2 - Paris is starting to sound like just another creep.
No. 622012
File: 1530028882202.png (2.23 MB, 1510x1072, truf.png)

This comment - "I don't work I just lay around and look like an idiot"
She looks like a ghetto Ronald McDonald to me.
No. 622108
File: 1530038388854.png (441.66 KB, 750x1334, image1.png)

Marilyn posted this article about how taking antidepressants can make you suicidal
Not real milk so sage
No. 622109
File: 1530038428783.png (304.45 KB, 750x1334, image2.png)

Stop projecting??? Really though???
No. 622115
File: 1530038635942.jpeg (159.32 KB, 1124x944, 726020A1-B970-4EDE-8C00-9FE390…)

Hoping this is shade at Paris
No. 622224
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when you shoop your waist to be smaller than your microcephalic dome lmfao
No. 622234
File: 1530045600717.jpg (269.11 KB, 750x1243, Image-1(2).jpg)

The caption/joeis comment
No. 622276
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No. 622300
File: 1530050131370.jpeg (34.43 KB, 750x265, 66ECDD51-2C4C-4907-AAB3-D385C2…)

>>622237Yep! Just so we can tinfoil lol
No. 622324
I'm gonna double up that tin foil and say she posted this
>>622224 "for real," saw this
>>622237 & after getting a couple shop comments on ig, tried to save face w/
>>622300 No. 622327
File: 1530051013406.jpg (316.46 KB, 2048x2048, Image-1(3).jpg)

Marilyn is just posting photos of hospital rooms? She needs a tumblr
No. 622333
>>622331Someone did
>>621605You just can't read?
No. 622353
>>622300Wow Layla epic troll. You sure showed us with your bad photoshop!
But for real, you look fine without it. Save yourself the “omg shooped” comments by just not doing it.
No. 622574
File: 1530074300109.jpeg (513.74 KB, 1125x1849, D6CEC73D-B73B-432A-9AF2-524B2B…)

Is she serious with this skeletor lookin ass body she shooped up? extra lol when comparing to
>>621654 No. 622585
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No. 622593
File: 1530077129344.jpg (30.33 KB, 288x512, kindacutttte.jpg)

>>621681 I'm not a huge fan of Joei, but he looks like he adores her.
No. 622637
File: 1530083612614.jpeg (211.56 KB, 1125x1256, 5045B253-6C6E-4CC8-922D-7BAFBE…)

Wonder if Smoke is ignoring her irl or just on the internet lmao
No. 622662
File: 1530087821896.jpeg (253.73 KB, 1125x1287, 47D87892-F325-48A7-A345-772DA8…)

This is the dumbest fucking shit I've ever read. Xxx is already RICH. He don't need help. And fuck uzis profile pic. Why don't these ppl give their OWN money to kids who actually need it.
No. 622717
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No. 622759
File: 1530108469404.jpeg (193.92 KB, 640x888, 7915D899-1254-40BD-9C21-680E9B…)

ik people hate when chelji (i hate that queef sounding alias — her name is chelsea dann and her mother is a criminal lmao) is posted but kek at her new ugly ass face tat. she deleted the photo real quick
this piece of shit is on her body forever. wtf does it say? i’m sure like the rest of her tattoos and curdled milk body, it won’t age well. she has some fat calves too
No. 622789
File: 1530111817150.jpeg (237.08 KB, 1092x1591, 897F2C72-A6B3-4543-9F04-A8F823…)

Adam 22 lame ass making gay jokes and shade at post Malone
No. 622791
File: 1530112255394.jpeg (415.79 KB, 1125x1024, 48B70541-03D1-4AB6-8865-A6750C…)

>>622789Lmao looks like chelji
He also made some really dumb, bad, painfully not funny jokes about being at tanacon. I know we’ve all said it but for real why the fuck do people like him?
No. 622849
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>>622837Not defending him but that is not the same one, look at how the chain connects to the pendant. I still don't believe he dropped as much as he said he did. He lied about how much his Vegas hotel cost just a few days ago:
>>618050>>618660>>618815The one he's wearing isn't even a design LV currently carries. So it's likely either from an old release or a fake (I'd bet my coins on the latter)
No. 622860
File: 1530118935585.png (13.15 MB, 1242x2208, 0F3D1B0E-86C2-4A8D-A043-122FB0…)

>>622837Wait a minute… Layla has the one in the picture lol. Peppers is probably fake
No. 622874
>>622849either fake or vintage
for some reason i don't feel like he's the type to be into vintage with how much ugly trendy shit he comes out of gucci and lv with usually
No. 622981
File: 1530129035381.jpeg (110.6 KB, 750x1077, D3368147-21CF-475C-9AB6-6DC3DE…)

Pepper and Paris changed the party to 21+
No. 623075
>>622844>>622759lookin mad spudly per usual
>>622533probably hooked up with him then regretted it bc he's a fuckboy
No. 623099
File: 1530140684753.jpeg (336.55 KB, 1125x1899, CF543806-2DBF-4D98-B1A4-1EEDC2…)

Layla why you copying him? What do u have to prove? He's so lame
No. 623104
File: 1530140901703.jpeg (497.48 KB, 1125x1748, 0489E1E5-AEF1-4B85-8AE5-8585D7…)

No. 623120
File: 1530142207540.jpeg (338.23 KB, 2048x2048, image1.jpeg)

That lip chap though… Does she only drink water when she posts a video of it and tells everyone to drink more water like layla used to do?
No. 623122
File: 1530142278294.jpeg (274.89 KB, 750x1137, 2F94FC22-5798-4A34-912F-E8DF65…)

>>623099more proof tp lurks here constantly
No. 623144
File: 1530144608037.png (117.39 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180627-190904.png)

Geneva posted this with a video of her throwing out her razors I fuck wt it
No. 623187
File: 1530149362454.png (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4388.PNG)

Its also these days layla look like cassidy.. same here and so much more. Weird. Why would she wanna look like that ska**
No. 623212
File: 1530151081271.png (5.35 MB, 1242x2208, 594FF2F2-63EC-4B35-B276-CC83B5…)

Lol 40 going on 17. This dude needs to get a grip. The Juul completes his “hi fellow kids” look.
No. 623230
File: 1530152261637.png (96.91 KB, 1100x362, soooo.png)

Chances on him making it to rehab?
No. 623260
>>623230Isn’t he supposed to be going to Europe with post? Or was that just another pepper Ann delusion of grandeur?
I’d say zero, but he could actually go to save face. I doubt he’ll stay sober after rehab. Being fucked up is what he’s built his entire persona and all his friendships off of. (Remember his whiny “no one appreciates me I’m done buying my friends shit” posts?) Like what does he have to offer if he’s not the plug? He knew this was his way in and he worked it to get to where he’s at now
No. 623278
File: 1530156508075.jpg (2.41 MB, 3416x1920, inCollage_20180627_232746705.j…)

>>618402>>618454this girl out here trying to cow tip grosso again
No. 623292
File: 1530157659875.png (93.6 KB, 430x307, pepper.png)

>>623260>what else does he have to offerDoes pepper understand that he's a tool? No. 623563
File: 1530200790448.jpg (185.16 KB, 750x1099, Image-1(5).jpg)

This is so embarrassing
No. 623594
>>623570her eyebrows are so bad.
And for the life of me I can’t understand why she thinks she looks better with dark hair. I guess if you’re purposely trying to look like a crack head, then sure.
No. 623617
File: 1530208429877.jpg (126.98 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(6).jpg)

No. 623706
File: 1530215061841.jpg (541.95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180627-235712.jpg)

>>623278>>623449Here's a cap from his now deleted sperg that I forgot last night. Thought it was funny cuz I'd have to assume this is what he thinks of lolcow as well kek
No. 623992
File: 1530242047313.jpg (20.24 KB, 724x474, burberry.jpg)

>>623563>thiccberryOh honey no!
No. 623996
>>623638>wtf is with the obsession???You just answered yourself.
>this bitch is so deep in the throes of her own psychosisYeah. I think you get it.
No. 624006
File: 1530243364194.png (98.57 KB, 1710x912, butwhocares?.png)

Soooo, looks like Grace deleted her Instagram?
And Arzaylea deleted a ton of her photos…, but thought it was interesting.
No. 624176
>>624163>>624170This is extremely true. Most of the SoundClout girls are from rich, white, families, private school, nice houses, trust funds, etc.
Some are cut off from their parents money, some choose to live by themselves and faux slum it, sugarbaby, trust fund-with-poor-aesthetic, etc.
But the MAJORITY are from wealthy families. Mostly the females as opposed to the males in the scene. Layla comes from a rich Jewish family as well.
No. 624179
File: 1530264523402.png (1.29 MB, 1440x1440, b25.png)

>>624176The soundclout scene seems to be a boys club. Where are these so calleds popular soundclout females?
No. 624189
File: 1530267017832.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, 03E0758E-F000-423F-91D3-087479…)

They’re all so rich yet they cant afford decent hair extensions
No. 624276
File: 1530284690609.jpg (195.16 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(7).jpg)

What is wrong with him???
No. 624277
File: 1530284751653.jpeg (393.27 KB, 750x1100, image1(1).jpeg)

>what are your addiction
Creepy fuckin skinwalker
No. 624303
>>624277This fucking brows. That lipstick.
Cass stop trying so hard
No. 624338
>>624303because she's wearing lipstick? she's strung out as hell, at
least she tried. is this whole thread written by layla
No. 624345
>>624338…you think that looks good? yikes.
Of course she’s trying too hard. She’s a fucking skin walker. She’d actually look decent if she’d just be comfortable wearing her own skin. I thought her look during her Tokyo trip was the best and most natural she’s looked in quite some time.
Then she went back to LA, started binging on coke and regressed right back to skinwalker.
No. 624374
>>624347who said it was good? it's on her face and i'm giving her credit for putting it inside her lip line. she clearly has mental issues and i don't get why she's posted here, she dated horsehead forever ago and her and craig have run out of milk.
>>624345what "look", shrimp doesn't even remember her own face.
No. 624389
>>624374We post her here because she is literally copying TP with her every move and she dates TPs only longterm boyfriend who she hooked up with during peeps wake instead of being there for her friend Cass is a straight up goblin
You are the only person to complain about this too…Cass? Is that you?
No. 624404
File: 1530294989277.jpg (175.83 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(8).jpg)

>>624400Practically an encyclopedia dramatica entry
No. 624414
>>624403I literally did a google image search since
>>624392 couldn’t be bothered to do the same. so… idk?
No. 624535
>>624497Meh, I would just like to see more than 2 pics of people "who go way back." Especially since Layla is 4 years older than Xan. Keep in mind Xan is 21 and Layla is 25. I am not sure how far back two can go of being close with that age difference.
then again, I could be mistaken since she was with peep who was the same age. Who knows. She is still gross for chasing kiddos.
No. 624560
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No. 624576
File: 1530307606876.png (6.43 MB, 1242x2208, 04B6903B-F31A-4557-8814-2836FB…)

No. 624640
File: 1530312694787.jpeg (40.54 KB, 750x196, BDE335F8-DDDB-4DF9-9F22-537ACD…)

No. 624748
File: 1530316093711.jpeg (209.96 KB, 1242x1815, 699EDFFE-F294-4B7F-AA65-E9DA3D…)

Interesting water bottle shape
No. 625486
File: 1530369858491.png (1.51 MB, 750x1334, 55925BC2-3F56-41DF-BAB3-E3BDC8…)

Does Aubrie really think she created grunge?
No. 625585
File: 1530375851809.jpeg (135.44 KB, 750x663, BDBAC83A-2566-4BC6-8951-D9CC61…)

No. 625595
>>625432Ok so… can the hoards of peepettes get banned too?
Anons pretending to be cows/accusing everyone of being cows?
anons who refuse to read old threads and expect to be spoonfed?
Cause that’s the shit that’s
actually annoying/disruptive
No. 625635
File: 1530378925293.jpeg (182.35 KB, 1597x849, 3600D954-A296-454C-ACD5-F6D267…)

>>625595Lol be careful! Don’t criticize the mods OR ELSE.
(ban evasion) No. 625658
File: 1530380583696.jpeg (110.76 KB, 749x594, 2F1CD3C1-ACAC-4B53-9058-03D671…)

This girl must be related to pepper
No. 625666
>>624590no one else seems bothered by this small fact besides you, what's it to you?
>don't blame people for needing contexthuh?? these are threads to gossip about internet characters. either do your own research to form an opinion or stick to lurking.
No. 626039
File: 1530410929823.png (923.2 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180701-060917.png)

No. 626099
File: 1530418313032.jpg (973.37 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180701-001058_Ins…)

What a fucking blimp
No. 626152
>>624176so the soundclout girls are old timey "ladies who lunch" or "bright young things". they are just stupidier and have worse drug habits. I mean these girls do all sorts of cheap drugs.
>>624173there parents are starfuckers just like them. any parent that would send there kid money just so they could get famous off of cheap gigs are nerds.
>>624145if she is from the usa–never heard her speak- hotelshrimp is an old hooker term. I guess in some regions it may mean something else but most people know it as a hooker term. at 21 yrs old maybe she thinks it means something else. is she that edgy and well read to call herself "hotel shrimp".
No. 626199
>>626186It was because she thought some song was called hotel shrimp instead of the actual name, can’t remember what
It wasn’t that funny of a joke and it always struck me as weird that thats what she rolled with as her “brand”, how boring do you have to be to drag something like that out
Like not much must pass through her head ?
No. 626441
File: 1530466481093.png (47.2 KB, 814x298, ok.png)

Who is Paris talking shit about?
No. 626448
File: 1530467228207.jpeg (386.48 KB, 1125x1323, 189E344D-B292-4444-9C0C-DA59F5…)

>>626441Prob smoke/Dylan. Rose and him are “officially” a thing or something.
No. 626695
File: 1530490917328.jpeg (Spoiler Image,545.01 KB, 750x1168, D7E4D2A6-630F-469A-B305-87449B…)

No. 626769
File: 1530498308965.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, 7584051B-D979-4F3F-9E34-F2795F…)

this was a promo for a clothing company, rough
No. 626795
File: 1530501331491.png (168.01 KB, 688x612, rehab?.png)

Tyler must be in rehab now. Or at least doing drugs on the dl, so it looks that way.
No. 626861
>>626757does this bitch actually have an avocado tattoed on her shoulder hahaha ooof none of these tattoos compliment each other whatsoever
>>626800paris is a fungus who 100% used aubrie, then rose, now brispeepee I only feel bad for aubrie tho bc it looks like she dated him for non-clout related reasons
>>626842going in for plastic surgery, hiding it, yet being unable to resist posting sad woe is me hospital pics is peak cow behavior
No. 626865
>>626861Or it's something super embarrassing but she STILL wants attention for it so she's just being discreet
Has there any proof she does drugs like Pepper? I don't recall her directly posting anything sus
No. 626876
>>626441Every time I think I couldn't be more disgusted with Paris he proves me wrong
>>626695Poor Aubrie she actually seems upset by him and how he's acting to be posting emo shit like this. She totally could've gone the classic instathot route of trying to date some clouty pseudo-famous dude but instead she went for some nobody who in the end was just as clout hungry and was actually the one using her to ladder climb
No. 626994
>>626989It really isn’t that obvious but ok.
If you wanna think it’s Layla then have fun.
No. 626995
>>626892I think he’s prob just staying low on social media.
He made those rehab claims and obv didn’t mean it (deleted all rehab tweets), so he’s prob taking a break from posting and hoping everyone will forget/stop calling him out on it.
He also prob got sick of being called out here and stopped giving us milk. Basically pepper can’t handle the consequences he brings upon himself.
No. 627012
File: 1530540777122.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4712.PNG)

Her hair looks awful
No. 627130
>>627120>>627124>>627128Again, unless you want to prove it is TP then stop posting.
Also, sorry 'you' chose to publicize your entire life on the internet, specifically your drug use, then it's only bothering YOU that we all are skeptical of your 'sobriety."
bless your heart.
No. 627147
File: 1530555681133.png (43.24 KB, 810x190, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 13.2…)

unless you don't know how to do math either..? Anything else we can spoon feed you?
No. 627156
File: 1530556314727.jpeg (275.05 KB, 1125x602, 9C74DC62-8087-4A13-893E-A9AC86…)

>>626441Bitch literally anyone can be you, the fuck?
Next cass is going to write “I am more than enough” on her mirror with red lipstick.
No. 627159
File: 1530556637064.png (1.06 MB, 868x1354, Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 13.3…)

lol wut
No. 627166
>>627129Your opinion stopped mattering when you openly supported an abuser.
Pretty sure you were never abused to begin with.
No. 627186
File: 1530558622747.png (331.17 KB, 750x1334, AAAED479-30FF-4ADA-9ED8-9B975C…)

>>627173Nah they tagged the wrong person
No. 627189
>>627175You called her a blimp. That’s way different than just saying she’s bigger than her shopped photos.
Which is true, she looks nothing like her photos.
But she’s not a blimp, ana chan.
No. 627199
File: 1530559672520.jpg (202.28 KB, 750x1243, Image-1(10).jpg)

>>627156Hmmm maybe getting a little schizo affective due to the coke and who knows what its cut with..
Lol Marilyn.. Pls teach me about the 5th deminsion when your personality and ideas are 2 deminsional..
No. 627201
File: 1530559808663.jpg (193.24 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(9).jpg)

>yes I am a girl and ctemplare suicide
Is she seriously not a try hard edgy 14 year old building their vampirefreaks profile???
No. 627237
File: 1530563413372.jpeg (395.49 KB, 1120x2060, DA06C0CF-A62D-442F-965C-79DA35…)

What an absolute fuckboy
No. 627239
File: 1530563487602.jpeg (352.17 KB, 1125x739, 4443DE68-4143-44C3-805C-65C3A8…)

>>627237Meanwhile, smoke is completely oblivious/unbothered
No. 627242
File: 1530563844683.jpeg (169.9 KB, 1125x371, C59E9DA9-E363-47DC-8295-2C3EC3…)

>>627237lmao paris is cancelled. Soundclout elders aren’t fucking with him
No. 627279
File: 1530566605205.jpeg (551.11 KB, 1125x943, 23782C8F-58A2-471C-AA0A-8D38D3…)

>>627242Now he’s doing damage control
No. 627385
File: 1530575330033.jpeg (233 KB, 1125x519, 7675E77E-E28B-485B-BBCA-F21A3D…)

Found this in the replies. Wish I knew the tea on that.
Saged for tinfoil
No. 627417
>>627005Being OP doesn’t make you threadlord, this is an ANONYMOUS image board. And you made a really shitty OP at that - you tried THREE TIMES (once in /pt/ kek) and it still sucks. Please spare us and do not make the next one.
(Sorry for making such a late reply post, this anon just fucked up the OP so bad and still thinks it’s something to brag about).
No. 627443
>>627417It’s extra funny because
>>627124 got banned, prob for pretending to be Layla
No. 627513
>>627451Op was a self announcing freak too they literally threatened to delete this shit thread once before
>>617337 I don’t blame you for thinking anon was them again
No. 627607
File: 1530591007729.jpeg (564.24 KB, 750x853, C57EBEC8-4E1B-4D57-88D3-9279EF…)

>>627393How’s this girl look so fucking rough at 19
No. 627800
File: 1530619646966.jpeg (111.26 KB, 749x786, B08BA6A8-54D1-4EEC-9310-AD7143…)

i actually feel bad for tp
No. 627862
>>627855Yeah I was on team “leave Emma alone” until she said she doesn’t work anymore and gets her money through her internet presence.
She said herself peep wanted to keep her hidden. Funny how once he’s not around she’s cashing in on their relationship.
No. 627868
>>627862Samefag but I wonder how Jenny feels about it? She’s been really vocal about hating people cashing in on his death but also helped push the “Emma+Gus=true love” narrative.
She’s been noticeably absent from the internet since she turned on Liza tho
No. 627930
>>627443 already pointed out, that user has been put out to pasture, so I think it’s safe to say it was not Layla.
Y’all are really bad at reading.
No. 627936
File: 1530636863359.png (34 KB, 645x277, toopoor.png)

>>627930Well, yesterday she posted this on twitter after the defensive posts and saying
"i’m done now. continue ur shit talking"
I mean like RIGHT AFTER
No. 628002
File: 1530644268393.png (213.18 KB, 739x723, IMG_4718.PNG)

Wtf im gonna have nightmares about pepper anns face
No. 628015
File: 1530645160084.png (128.27 KB, 750x914, IMG_4717.PNG)

>>628007not brushing ur hair seems to be a theme
No. 628024
File: 1530645738702.png (333.42 KB, 510x442, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at 14.2…)

>>628015Winnie Sanderson WHO? Ever since she got that awful red hair I cannot stop seeing the resemblance.
No. 628033
>>628028that…that is literally the exact same nose as
>>628015Tell your momma to make you an appointment at the optometrist asap.
No. 628042
File: 1530646951966.jpg (85.06 KB, 663x837, 1ca92da5aa69372d5393415984203f…)

>>628035If that is her nose then whose nose is this?
No. 628058
File: 1530648547470.jpeg (178.43 KB, 1125x530, 024974C5-0A0C-423E-9929-8F41AE…)

>>628002If he were a lesbian he’d be kinda hot
Cap shows him missing the peak of his clout that he leeched off tp/peep. He’s been downhill ever since.
No. 628060
>>628058Shit, at least he knows it. No more peep, no more toopoor (for now) for clout. He's just a junkie and he's well aware.
I give it 18 months or less and he will OD.
No. 628121
File: 1530652323971.jpg (476.6 KB, 1437x2418, Screenshot_20180703-141157_Ins…)

This is the best thing I've seen all day
No. 628165
>>628152Layla is a stones throw away from being an active misogynistic women, theres no way she cares about that. but it is funny that pouya has a problem with her, I wonder what his bullshit reason is.
>>628156Next op need to put the white knight clause back in for you people jfc
No. 628166
File: 1530654876150.png (91.31 KB, 249x330, ohrly.png)

Who da fuuuck Tyler think he is?
Literally, “after me, the deluge”. Attributed to French King Louis XV[1] or his mistress Madame de Pompadour.[2] Sometimes quoted as après nous le déluge (“after us, the deluge”).
Used to indicate indifference to events that will happen after one’s death, or to indicate one’s own importance in maintaining order
No. 628309
>>628205damn you should have put up a warning to preface your post "Caution: White Knight shining so bright, vision protective gear required to proceed."
I'm fucking blind now, thanks.
No. 628320
File: 1530669464592.jpeg (162.34 KB, 1125x521, E7676BF7-EA17-4339-9E45-7601E0…)

idk if anyone’s been keeping up on the ghostemane and bones drama (it’s all been deleted from their twitter accounts).
Pouya chimed in with another top notch response. Too bad he’s such trash because otherwise he’s low key hilarious
No. 628335
>>628327I didn’t catch most of it but it was pretty cringey. Bones used “top kek” in a tweet ffs.
I’m not entirely sure what it was about, but one of bones dudes hopped in to tell ghoste if he kept it up he’d get his ass beat. Ghoste said he prefers to resolve things with words rather than violence like Neanderthals and I’m pretty sure hats where bones “top kek” came into play.
I think it was over ghoste “copying” bones style but I could be wrong.
No. 628342
File: 1530672072770.jpg (963.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180703-224111.jpg)

He's so gay lmao
No. 628397
File: 1530678857880.jpeg (50.79 KB, 750x263, D5BFE1D8-073A-4C52-B7E0-573E3F…)

>>628166i don’t mean to sound like a loon, but y’all arent getting the reference he’s making. He’s just being edgy as usual. That phrase was used as a senior quote by serial killer Andrew Cunanan who killed Gianni Versace among others.
No. 628404
>>628397So you think that the serial killer is the originator of the phrase? Ummmmmm….
"Après nous, le déluge" ("After us, the flood") is a French expression, attributed to Madame de Pompadour, the lover of King Louis XV of France.[1] An alternative form, attributed to Louis himself, is "Après moi, le déluge" ("After me, the flood"). The saying came after the Battle of Rossbach in 1757, which was disastrous for the French.[2]
The expression has two possible meanings: "After me, the deluge will come", asserting that if the revolution ended his reign, the nation would be plunged into chaos; or "After me, let the deluge come", implying that he does not care what happens after his disappearance.[3][1]
Karl Marx wrote in Das Kapital (Vol. 1, Part III, Chapter Ten, Section 5) "Après moi, le déluge! is the watchword of every capitalist and of every capitalist nation. Hence Capital is reckless of the health or length of life of the labourer, unless under compulsion from society."
The phrase "Après moi le déluge" was adopted as the motto of the Royal Air Force 617 Squadron, which carried out the "Dambuster" raids on German dams in the Ruhr region on the night of 16–17 May 1943.
>>628344That sucks. I’m not the biggest fan of bones but I def wanna see him/sesh beef with ghostmane
>>628335Didn’t this man assault a fan on stage lmao
>>628327Girl you coulda just gone on the sesh reddit those boys can’t take a shit without it being dissected over there. Someone capped everything. I didn’t realize how hard Elmo doubled down on the “14 yro channer edgelord” thing. Mans was keysmashing and called ghost a chad like what even
No. 628454
File: 1530683574979.png (176.9 KB, 1172x438, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 00.5…)

Lil House Phone shading Paris & Braden/Nedarb liked it lmfao Them boys are full of salted beef lately. No. 628464
>>628212lmao anon omg
>>628342this outfit looks like it was purchased at forever 21 in the women's section… tyler… just dress like a fucking normal person. you're too short and stocky to even remotely pull any of this shit off.
>>628454good. ot but nedarb makes some HORRIBLE music though. like, it's almost a talent to make music that shit.
No. 628485
File: 1530687359857.jpg (3.42 MB, 1920x2400, inCollage_20180704_025639096.j…)

gtshields and grosso are at post malone's bday
No. 628496
File: 1530689251778.jpg (472.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180704-032314.jpg)

Nice virtue signalling. Wonder how many extra positive comments he got from people wanting free shit after this
No. 628527
>>628521"I'm expensive it means that I'm pricy. My new girlfriend walkin out on me, this time it's timely. Oh what a relief, her new man I wouldn't wanna be. Fascinating when I see her IG. And not in a good way."
Everything this dude does/says is cringey. I don't get it. Damn toopoor
No. 628528
File: 1530697264063.jpeg (541.62 KB, 1005x2026, EA3DD94E-D39B-4BD7-A101-E1EF79…)

>>628527How bad you wanna be peep, bruv?
No. 628580
File: 1530704618221.png (8.05 MB, 1242x2208, 08EFFE3B-0B05-4C17-A998-775D3F…)

>>628527I mean is anyone surprised? Lmfao oh my god. This is the worst. 40 and doing this shit. Also someone was talking about how ugly he was on the comments on one of joei’s pics I think it was the one of them together lol
No. 628837
File: 1530733383758.jpeg (279.32 KB, 994x974, 35810468-4D33-4AF1-BAE4-5DEFBD…)

>>628555Ew why is he referring to himself in third person?
Layla and cass are going to the same party tonight. This could get good
No. 629024
File: 1530750266931.png (8.13 MB, 1242x2208, 818F5CEF-6ACD-408B-A128-F8DDC7…)

Lol these people are such try hards I feel like she was totally trying to pass this off as hers
No. 629025
File: 1530750291698.png (679.19 KB, 1242x2208, 43C1021F-2A0B-4B55-BADE-075448…)

The comments from the dollhouse picture
No. 629056
File: 1530753218110.png (2.53 MB, 750x1334, 26A88C0F-2E68-41DF-96A6-515359…)

tp is at bella thorne’s house lol
No. 629107
File: 1530758865247.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, E9312010-C347-4E64-BCA1-F76334…)

She looks rough in person
No. 629114
>>628409i DMed bones a nude once and now i am wholeheartedly regretting that w o w is all this bitch can say, i am a lesbian.
does anyone actually fuck bones and where are the groupie stories on any of these men honestly, how do these women get called out for having fun and i can't judge the dudes on their dick size
No. 629191
>>629107i have no idea what her leg is doing or why khakis just HAVE to be clout but she looks cute who cares. worlds better than cathy or pepper.
what happened to pepper's suicide bullshit btw? he got no professional help and suddenly this asshole is fine, fuck his ass.
No. 629214
>>629025actually sp00ky had a "house tour" on her insta snd she included this pic lmao
she's just another uncreative lame trying to come across as original
never pegged her for an art thief tho
posting art without tagging the artist is a supreme act of disrespect so shame on you sp00kyidiot
No. 629215
>>628409bones assaulted a fan on stage???
what's the story there yo spill
No. 629216
>>629107she reeeeeally doesn't look that bad here idk ya'll reaching
>>629214lol @sp00kyidiot
No. 629233
File: 1530771779728.jpeg (283.97 KB, 750x1043, 16DCC8B0-FED6-46E0-B064-4D4CA1…)

shrimp’s not going to the party afterall. assuming she chickened out knowing layla’s there
No. 629251
File: 1530775547421.png (668.96 KB, 1068x1266, wtf.png)

Paris so hard, he beats his own phone up? The guy is slipping.
No. 629343
File: 1530795363119.png (3.37 MB, 750x1334, AAE1E607-E31F-412C-B6B1-51E1ED…)

>>629233Looks like they did end up going later. I thought Corey was there without Cass then heard her dumb voice saying she didn’t know anyone there at the end of this story.
No. 629345
File: 1530795507290.jpeg (328.1 KB, 750x1003, 584025D7-F513-4ACA-A891-C71127…)

No. 629377
File: 1530800597240.png (3.19 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180705-102133.png)

Who's the girl next to Layla? I don't think I've seen her posted here before, if she was I apologize!
No. 629401
File: 1530803715870.png (769.26 KB, 623x1106, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 16.1…)

holy fuck nosferatu is on the scene
No. 629407
>>629405Clearly for
>>629403 it must be that time of the month again. Who gives a shit if someone sages or doesnt anymore. lol
No. 629421
>>629407im not even the same anon you were responding to, but when you dont try to integrate it just makes the whole community look retarded
also -
>must be that time of the month againwhat kind of insult is this? lmao. what are you, a 12 yr old boy?
No. 629440
>>629435I think its time you take your meds for today.
I bet you're the kind of user who reports people who don't sage lmao
No. 629451
>>629405>>629420>>629433>>629440You’re annoying. ntayrt but fuck off somewhere.
Don’t you kids have summer reading or something (anything) else to do? This thread is peak autism jfc. The nose, juulgate, spoonfeeding and now this shit.
Anyways… cass wasnt at the Bella Thorne party, right? Or was the stussy party at her house?
If it’s the former: I bet cass’s texting pity party was caused by all her “friends” hanging out w tp at the party, and not extending the invite to shrimp to avoid the awkwardness.
It seems like all the people cass considers her friends are people she met heough Layla… does she have friends of her own? I never see her post anything about them.
No. 629454
File: 1530807955415.jpg (4.9 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20180705_092403524.j…)

Some of y'all need to learn to let shit go. No one wants to read your bullshit infighting. get your ego under control and stop forcing everyone to read your whiny bullshit. Or at least add some milk in between crying about period insults
Layla, your hair looks like shit.
No. 629457
>>629454THIS! YES, ANON! I couldn't agree more! Stop fighting and get back to the point.
Her hair is looking hella BAD. Either those extensions are well overused or that transition from black to red fried the fuck out of her hair.
No. 629503
File: 1530813450546.png (281.3 KB, 1178x1008, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 12.4…)

>to be honest, i don’t care how i look
>photoshops herself to be a completely different person in every photograph & has spoken about being affected by body image/societal pressure.
I'm not amazing at math, but that doesn't add up.
>big blue eyes and a small nose
Why is she bringing Cass up? Cass is literally nothing to be threatened by, her insides are so full of rot that her outside doesn't matter.
We all knew Lay was insecure but damn…
No. 629545
>>629454Did you actually take the time to make this just to prove her extensions have gotten ratty? Lmao
I mean she should probably get then redone but this is getting sad and obsessive even for lolcow damn
No. 629551
>>629450Agreed dude like if she does something
problematic and people rightfully judge her I get it but making fun of her nose every 5 seconds like it's newmilk that she's Jewish… we done knew she looked this way idgi
No. 629558
>>629553didn't see this before I responded but damn that's low even for cass
she might has well have just posted "death to all jews aryan master race"
this blonde haired blue eyed bitch really is short a few braincells
keep photoshopping your whale bod you tragedy of a human being lmao
No. 629567
>>629483The not following bit is telling…. I wonder what happened? Maybe they fell out organically but when tp was taking all that heat from peep stans she wanted to distance herself and unfollowed her
kinda sad if that's the case since it doesn't look like tp did anything to her or visa versa
No. 629581
File: 1530821262098.jpeg (73.02 KB, 750x409, 6AD356F9-806B-43C9-89E2-DB6D0B…)

No. 629593
>>629581this is some serious self-posting. The account has 0 photos, 0 followers, and 0 followings. I'm pretty confident you also posted these
>>628019>>628033>>628042>>628584>>629433>>629487either post milk or get out
No. 629602
File: 1530822495454.jpg (110.41 KB, 1080x1080, LIL-UZI-VERT-.jpg)

>>617336>What’s his beef with juicewrld?Juice made a song for Peep and XXX, Tracy really doesn't like rappers using Peep for clout. He and a couple of other of Peep's friends blew up on rappers that were going on about Peep when he died when they didn't really like him when he was alive
No. 629608
>>629594>>629595I bet this is in response to
>>629593I knew the nose posting was obnoxious samefagging but I didn't know we had an antisemite among us yikes……
No. 629612
File: 1530822781980.jpg (1.24 MB, 2880x1920, inCollage_20180705_163248498.j…)

>>629581>>629593are her comments always this fucked on all her pics??? i don't usually pay attention, but jesus
No. 629618
>>629594go back to 4chan edgelord
>>629602I remember hearing juice doesn't respect his fans but I don't remember why, can anyone corroborate this?
No. 629635
>>629629* was with
>>629630aaaaah makes sense what's his personal beef with her anyway he seems obsessed wouldn't be surprised is he was the one samefagging about her nose on here
No. 629686
File: 1530826960511.png (32.53 KB, 574x109, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 5.42…)

biggest normie ever
No. 629694
File: 1530827764879.jpeg (136.84 KB, 750x733, 5B47AC48-3E5F-4E83-B5F3-DA260B…)

Anyone have screenshots from when skateboardmami3 talked about sucking peeps dick to be in fathers music vid?
No. 629734
File: 1530831228924.jpeg (146.66 KB, 750x887, D9A70EA8-EE66-4C81-AD5F-DBA38D…)

this was your best look please go back
No. 629778
File: 1530835279580.png (167.2 KB, 745x1128, IMG_4762.PNG)

No. 629781
File: 1530835885062.jpg (1.9 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20180705_201201841.j…)

is she okay??
No. 629798
File: 1530837349646.jpg (143.32 KB, 1000x1000, thoseteeeeethhhh.jpg)

Ok, he either got his nasty teeth fixed or he shops his teeth in his photos. His canine teeth in the photo on the left are all twisted and pushed forward, but they seem fine in the photo on the right.
No. 629855
File: 1530842442547.png (3.15 MB, 750x1334, F755A46F-D83C-4369-8EAE-0B2746…)

I am not trying to straight up body shame any of these people but the way hotelshrimp shops her body when in reality she looks like a Normal Human has got to be giving herself and a million teens intense body complexes. Wish these bitches would just be real with themselves.
No. 629878
File: 1530843946489.png (142.39 KB, 750x976, Image-1(1).png)

lol called out
No. 629901
>>629890Yeah but its
someone's fake account jerk
No. 629904
>>629855Does she eat 6 Big Macs after all of her coke binges???
If you’re going to do drugs you may as well take advantage of the loss of appetite side effects
No. 629909
File: 1530846488284.png (289.2 KB, 750x1334, 9D952583-7803-4188-801F-BF8477…)

No. 629941
>>629931I almost dont even want to post it. This thread is such a shit show.
Lets not fuck this one up. NEW THREAD:
>>629937you fucking weirdo stalkers don't need to come along. This place is for gossip, not being actual psychos.
No. 629963
>>629958I'm sorry, who the fuck is Edwin? Searched his name in this thread and nothing came up.
also exposing her for what? for all her shortcomings, TP has typically been reasonably open and honest with her deviousness, and her every move is tracked online as it is