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No. 268855
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what do you guys think of Jaclyn Hill? She seems to be really polarizing in the community
in my opinion her videos are fine cause she usually goes in depth about her techniques and make everything super simple. but they're too repetitive and she hardly uploads so i'm not subscribed. also i think she looks tacky as fuck, with those god awful lips and just the way she does her makeup in general is just shit. bitch looks like an alien to me. but she's good when i need to remember to blend my shadow!
any other opinions?
No. 269039
>>268855Personally I like her videos and I like watching her cake on so much makeup because I don't wear that much. Idk I find it really relaxing to watch for some reason. I agree her makeup is way over the top 99% of the time. The amount of highlighter she uses is ridiculous.
I don't follow her on any other social media so I feel like that's why I don't hate her. It seems like as soon as you start following these people on snapchat or twitter you start to find things that make you dislike them.
No. 481340

>>>/snow/13218 has her own thread but its too old to necro and apparently full of white knighting anyway.
I've never understood the hype surrounding her channel. She constantly wears makeup that doesn't flatter her, her "quirky" behavior is irritating, she's always screaming, and she looks like Stinky from Casper. I don't agree with her 12 year old fans harassing Tarte back in the day until they gave her a palette (an ugly one at that) or when she vlogged that mommy-daughter shopping spree to NYC. In the latter, she bought her mom some designer bag and the strap broke, so they sent it back for repairs. She bitched about how long it was taking (because god forbid the thought-provoking, gracious graveyard girl wait like every other person does!) so her fanbase once again bombarded the company with emails demanding the bag. She thanked her fans and the company issued an apology even though they did nothing wrong by following protocol and filling customer's orders which came before Bunny and her trailer trash family.
I honestly don't get the amount of stanning for this person.
No. 481405
>>481354PULL has a thread on her but its mostly fluff about the Tarte palette drama (she isn't a makeup guru yet she only got the palette through her incessant fans spamming the company, same as the broken bag incident), how she used to be sponsored by Lime Crime, photoshopping her eyes to look bluer than they actually are (pulling a Dakota), and that's basically it. A lot of people unsubbed from her because she became so obnoxious and they miss old Bunny content from her paranormal days. She knows nothing about skincare/makeup.
Also, something about her throwing away fan mail.
No. 481505
>>481340She looks filthy, doesn't know what she's talking about, and thinks being loud and obnoxious is entertaining.
Yep, definitely appeals to the teen audience.
No. 481508
>>481340i dont understand her appeal at all.
one thing that has really bothered me is that she says her current bf "dogman" has been the only guy shes ever dated but in her old paranormal days she mentions something about a dead bf with a mohawk or some shit. it's like she retconned her own dating life for no reason
No. 481511 my god this bitch is a huge cow.
I've never seen anything about her.
>had a husband/bf who she called her sugar daddy>he cheats they get divorced>during her marriage to him she freaks on her fans because she says she'll never have kids ever>like she made a (now deleted) vlog crying how she'll never have kids and her meanie fans dont understand by telling her she'll change her mind>now has a baby>with some weird dude she just met>throughout 2011-now her youtube drastically changed>she built an entire persona of being a biology nerd and what not but turns out she has no knowledge of the degree she has and is just an airheaded shopaholicbleh she could have a whole thread but i have no caps i'm sure theyre out there somewhere though.
No. 481512
>>481468Agreed. Bunny has become a real bitch in recent years. She's basically used her tween fan army to bully companies into giving in to her demands.
>>481470I'm amazed you could even click on it. I can't stand her and I have honest to god never understood the appeal of her. I don't understand her stans on pull or in her /snow/ thread. I remember a few months ago when the hurricane happened all she could do was bitch on vlog that she was having milk in her coffee for the first time in days. Like oh poor fucking youtuber, going without milk in her latte! Meanwhile, other people lost their loved ones or entire goddamned house.
>>481496People defended her by saying that it was supposed to look "antiquey", but it didn't invoke that vibe to me at all.. It just looked very out of place and as mentioned before, Bunny isn't even a makeup guru yet she got the palette and she is referred to as one? Maybe I should buy some cheap ass Revlon and tuck my upper lip and try to get paid if she is apparently what qualifies as a guru.
>>481508Because she had to rebrand herself as some ~*quirky sippy white trash lolsorandum*~ amalgamation of wtf in order to get attention, because the old fans that she had weren't good enough for her.
Its honestly sad that she's only 32 yet has such an unfortunate face. Her hands were also recently posted in Suzy's thread and everybody thought they belonged to an old man at first.
No. 481521
>>481340It always irritated me that she deliberately puts on a stronger, even more southern accent when she's from Texas and in all my life I've never heard a Texan sound like her. She did admit it a long time ago because people were asking if she grew up somewhere else or her family were from the deep south, apparently she spent her childhood with a friend who had a more southern accent, I can't remember where, and that's why. When she's speaking with anyone else on camera she has a regular accent but then on her own does her best to sound like she's country. It's a stupid gripe but it never made sense to me. Also her eyes aren't as blue in person but that's painfully obvious, and I don't know why she 'teaches' young girls 'how to do their makeup' when she only recently started blending and she still makes her shadow both muddy and patchy, and her foundation has never matched her a day in her life. I doubt it ever will. She also talks extensively about how bad her mental health is and how she frequently has to take days in bed because of it, stays up all night and sleeps through the day, likes to come across as a poor fragile quirky flower. She makes it sound romantic, at least she used to, because Dogman stays with her through everything and he's pretty much the only one who does spend time with her now apparently which is a bit sad.
No. 482041
>>481511 KL is so annoying. I forgot that I had subbed to her until her Halloween acorn video showed up in my sub box and to my surprise she was pregnant. I had to kek about her carrying around a NUT! KL has always been one of those try-hard asian girls who wanted to be ~ ULLLZANG kawaiiiii ~ and she was ok back in the days of bubz and hanh. They were all just making shitty videos with no techniques or skills just catering to their cheap teenage asian audience.
I wonder if she will try the whole mommy vlogger thing. I actually enjoy bubzvlogs. I hated her other content it was so insufferable and immature. Her videos were Full of "pawsitive thinking" mantra bullshit, drives me up the god damn wall!! She's so much more likable now that she's acting like a normal human being.
No. 482129
>>481511To be honest I used to be subbed to her for her sewing videos
Those were enjoyable but who knew she was such a cow behind it all
No. 482774
>>481405She was so much more likable some years back, when she was still making paranormal videos alongside hauls, ootds, and vlogs. You could tell she put a lot of thought into her videos back then. She was always a little goofy, but not extreme as now, screaming at the camera and everything. She says she just got more comfortable with herself, no shes clearly hamming it up to able to young kids (where all the money is on youtube now)
She stopped doing paranormal stuff as much now bc she doesn't want to scare her child audience kek.
>>481508Anon Im fucking glad you brought this up bc ive noticed similar inconsistencies in her videos. She used to talk about how bc her bad anxiety she would sleep with her hairdryer on in the bed with her, take it with when she stayed in hotels and at friends etc. The last time I watched a video of hers she said that she would never keep the hairdryer on while she sleeps and that she dosent travel with them? strange. I also rember her mentioning a dead boyfriend.
Theres also the recent mystery box drama, again her fans pestering people/shops. Shes more milky than I thought
No. 483039
>>482282Yeah, but people want to talk about it over
here on lc. And Bunny's thread is about two years old with mostly stans ruining it.
No. 483049
>>482774>She stopped doing paranormal stuff as much now bc she doesn't want to scare her child audience kek.No.. ?
She said it was due to a bad experience she and her boyfriend had and shit going on in their house.
No. 539651
>>268855Jaclyn is one of my least favorite out of the 'big' beauty gurus on youtube. Her makeup is boring at best, ugly at worse. Her style is tacky and OTT, but not tacky and OTT enough to be lovable and iconic. Her whole quirky basic white bitch shtick isn't my thing either.
The only youtube beauty guru I really dislike is nikkie tutorials just because she is beyond boring to me. All her makeup looks the same, all her videos are the same, photoshopping her moonface all the time, etc.
No. 551844
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MannyMua apparently found Jeffree stars boyfriends nudes and now shit is about to hit the fan
No. 551891
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Jackie's name has been floating around a lot lately for drama. Apparently she said "konichiwa" while doing an ombre lip, then deleted the video and gave a half ass "Sorry you don't get my humor" apology. Then the giveaway winner who posted on reddit talking about Jackie was going to cancel her prize for contacting her when she had been ignoring the winner. The girl won in February and just got her prize this month because she complained.
No. 551895
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>>551891Lmfao beautythots reaching to Pluto with “konnichiwa das racist”
No. 551927
>>551895I need somebody to sit me down through the mental fucking gymnastics these spectrum afflicted kids danced their way through to make 'konichiwa'
problematic when she wasn't exactly in idk China trying to greet officials.
No. 551996
>>551844It gets even better, Manny thought he was being clever vague tweeting about finding the nudes so Jeffree tweeted "life's a drag" to leak the name of Manny's palette.
>>551891I didn't want to believe the old stories about Jackie being a scammer but looks like the loons on LSA were proved right
No. 552821
>>551891i don't even like jackie but someone needs to enlighten me on how that is racist lmao
the beauty community just wants EVERYTHING to be racist/tied to race nowadays
No. 552834
>>552091What's with that clasping hand gesture youtubers do whenever they begin an introduction or laugh at the start of their video? Is this a nervous tick, or is this a behavior that came about on social media recently?
I notice the really fake type of youtubers tend to make grand gestures, laugh, and look around a lot.
No. 552841
>>551891i used to enjoy jackie's content but stopped after the last year (maybe 2 years ago…)or so. unsubbed. she's annoying as hell and only reviews expensive shit or sponsored shit. the way she was shoving his stupid bf into things for a while bothered me too. and she openly liked kuckian but refuses to admit it now. her old videos are day and light. she was a quiet no bs reviewer and now she thinks being loud=funny=good video. she's grating. especially because her sound sucks, and she insists on screaming and shit. also she dismisses anyone who disagrees with her, but you'd have to follow her on twitter to notice it. it didn't surprise me that she treated the giveaway winner so poorly. she thinks everyone needs to worship the ground she walks on.
i really dislike jackie. and i still think the konichiwa heat was undeserved. she didn't do anything wrong. all the virtue signaling was the worst, talking about "why do people never call out racism against asian poc???" sure do talk about it but saying konichiwa isn't racism against poc you fragile bitch. she shouldn't have deleted the video. but she cries and deletes and acts dumb at the sight of criticism so no surprise. still, she did nothing wrong. its not even a microagression. its like someone putting on a beret and saying "Bonjour ladies!" who the fuck cares. the people who complained about that probably love kathleen n-word lights too, crybabies.
No. 553392
>>552834I HATE these learned youtube ticks that all of them feel like they have to do.
The absolute worst one is common especially with girls. They constantly look down or to the side while saying “so” or “and” and then immediately looking at the camera while cheerily saying “yeah!”
So sick of the constant “so…yeah!” “and… yeah!” That is not a normal speech tick and it’s originated entirely from them copying each other’s videos. Why. Stop.
No. 558440
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>>558262James Charles is so gross and that outfit is hideous
How did this kid get so popular again?
No. 558448
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Technically not a beauty guru, but does anyone watch Charles Gross?
No. 558513
>>558448I watched Charles when he first started out, he actually made interesting videos about Hermes bags if into that that stuff, but once he got popular he ran out of ideas and just start trolling and became a discount Trisha Paytas
Poor kid has a million problems and needs mental help - he broke down crying because of his bad experience with Hermes, has social issues, family issues, overdone botox & lip injections, sex addiction, and fills the void in his heart with shopping and luxury goods which he later resells anyways.
He's an absolute mess
No. 558521
>>558513>he broke down crying because of his bad experience with HermesIn this video, right? I never had the time/patience to watch it, but it seemed lulzy when I first saw it in my recommends.
Can anyone makd a TL;DW?
No. 558560
>>558521god I vaguely remember that drama, he was trying to find a not common blue Birkin, problem is that these bags aren't mass produced, so there's usually waiting lists and priority is given to frequent buyers/celebrities/etc, not someone who used to work in the birkin reselling world. So he felt like he wasn't getting quality treatment? And so on one of the Hermes employee's IG account (from the hermes store he'd constantly go to), the employee's friend made a comment about Charles and Charles saw it and went nuts. Even recorded himself crying on his bathroom floor about the drama.
Went on to email the company about his dramatic terrible experience, but I'm pretty sure in the end the Hermes gave 0 shits and did nothing about it.
He eventually got the bag from a reselling site I think
Anyways due to this tragic and horrific incident, his image of Hermes is tainted and sold his bags later on
No. 568916
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>>481340Since when does Wallace Shawn do makeup tutorials?
No. 569006
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john mclean is a very good makeup artist but I can't stand some of is facials expressions and the way he talk. I don't know if it's me who is ratchet but he really sound like a parody/ a try hard version of Lisa Eldridge. The video is to give a good exemple No. 569014
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>>569006And also this facebook post destroyed my side
No. 569274
>>569006the voice and try-hard words are a recent and deliberate jokey kind of thing, like he knows how ridiculous he sounds and plays it up hardcore and adds vampire references and stuff. Tbh I like it,I also like that he owns his weird taste in looking like extremely feminine, sophieellis bextor-ish, and still calls himself a man, in one video he even says "I am THE man," which I liked. However, his looks are all very similar, similar shapes and silohuettes to his eye work, contour, brows and lips, and extremely heavy mask makeup, so I stopped watching.
No. 583951
>>558560The Hermés employee made a comment through their friends account that Charles should "jump his faggot ass from a bridge and die" or something along the lines, so it's not like the comment was as nice as you're making it out to be.
Charles is a huge attention whore so he used that to be what he does best, an attention whore.
>>576945Charles does nothing else except complain how difficult it is to be a rich kid. He's trying to be the gay Trisha Paytas v2.
He's dry on milk 97% of the time and once a year he makes a decent video that is chuckleworthy.
No. 599146
>>569006It's not just you anon. That wide-eyed crazed look he gets in his eye from time to time when he refuses to blink is still very jarring. Just came back after a long while of not skimming through his videos and he's done a better job of toning it down but you can still see it for shorter bursts at times.
>>569274Either way it's obnoxious and try-hard.
No. 606926
>>568789Super late but I fucking hate so many of the anti-consumerist channels. I don't hate what they stand for or what they discuss. There are glaring problems with the YT beauty community, being disingenuous for benefits, dishonest reviews to stay on PR lists, pushing mediocre PR products and never touching or mentioning them again, all this stuff we already know. But channels like hers that just complain about the community and declare these problems like they're the first ones to ever point it out annoy me because they're so self-righteous. They pat themselves on the back for all the products they don't buy, brands they don't support, panning their products, talking about 'issues' in the community like they're heroes. There's nothing offensive about any of that but their self-righteous attitude is so annoying. How many videos can you make of 'I'm not going to buy this because I have this one palette with the same colors so I don't really need it.' But then when they get something in PR they're all giddy and excited, and all that 'I'm just saying the truth, I'm saying the things no one else wants to say' just strangely goes away.
Lucia Tepper is the worst offender, smug and yet fucking stupid at the same time. Her controversial makeup ads video is some of the worst overreacting I've seen in a long time, doesn't know how to pronounce Sid Vicious, and makes quick judgements without googling or doing any research. Thrifty Beauty has one good video, the Pop Effect, and the rest is being a smug, snarky bitch. I like that she encourages saving money and planning financially but I hate her attitude. Elle S makes really nice looks but she's so hipster and whiny, when people criticize her instead of ignoring it she makes a whole video about her dad getting cancer, her pet dying, trouble with her job, supposedly venting but just trying to get sympathy. Get over it, don't make content if you can't handle some people not liking you. She acts humble but thinks she's so special with her Stevie Nicks skinwalking and 70s aesthetic obsession.
All in all they come across as the bitter bitches that hate the pretty girls at the popular girls table but secretly want to be them. Any of them would shill for the kind of money but beauty guru's are making in a second.
Sorry for the essay, I've just been dying to vent about this.
No. 614185
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>>583951Charles Gross's sex tape leaked!
(spoiler nsfw images) No. 614267
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>>568789her uneducated video about how people buy stuff for the cute packaging and talking shit about well-known, high quality Korean makeup/skincare line was so dumb. and how the one toofaced donated part of the earnings of the clover palette to animal charity. she opens her mouth before researching things.
for those who don't know who she is and don't want to visit her channel, these are the titles of her shitty (but most viewed) videos
>makeup collabs you bought JUST for the celeb's name>Makeup You Bought JUST For The Packaging>Products People Buy That They Know Won't Work For Them>Why "Collecting" Makeup Is PROBLEMATICShe occasionally makes decent quality videos, but those don't reach 5K views.
>>551844>>552091He's so annoying, esp. how he dropped JS after using him for views and fame.
No. 620169
>>614227Yeah, he definitely doesn't bother me because all of his anti-hauls made perfect sense to me, while being really funny. He had actually good reasons for not buying certain products while being entertaining.
However, I
hate the anti-hauls going from being funny to preachy SJW (I'm sorry but I can't think of another word for it) bullshit out of nowhere. So many of his anti-hauls just derail into preaching, and he's even acknowledged that it annoys people and that he should keep the ranting in his series that is specifically for those topics and keep it out of the anti-hauls that are a lot of fun.
I like the guy, never bothered me that he used the products sent to him (why wouldn't he, hell yeah I'd use Good Genes and DE if I got it for free) but I hate the SJW shit. Like saying that people that love Korean skincare are culturally appropriating and 'Orientalizing' it's like people want the products because they have good ingredients and they work. I couldn't give a fuck where the products come from if they are good, work for my problem skin, are affordable and at least being ethically produced. And you're supporting the Koran companies by buying the products anyway, it grossed me out that he tried to make people feel bad for wanting nice skin.
No. 632841
>>568789update on this girl:
>made q&a addressing drama that's been going on for months >stated that she's still an anti-consumerism channel despite thirsting for sponsors>flat out states that she would not be against collaborating with a brand (she claims to be ANTI CONSUMERISM) and releasing her OWN palette (specifically with colourpop as she's name dropping them repeatedly in her video)>avoid dramas channels because they are gross and stated it's disgusting for them to build off someone's success despite building her entire channel off shitting on makeup brands>admits that her channel grew because of drama >"it's not about the numbers but i gained 40k subs in a month">still continues to have poor makeup skills and is unable to pick colors that match her skin tone>continues to flip flop on her beliefsthis girl is still my favorite flake in the making.
No. 632871
>>632841This chick is boring. I agree with all your criticism, but she also just seems like a young girl who doesn't know what she is doing. She just finished her first year of college and she is like a standard college girl from a Christian family who thinks she is really grown up now, if that makes sense.
I think she will even out and just be boring.
Could be wrong though.
No. 634150
>>632841I initially started watching her because I'm thought her views on anti-consumerism were interesting. She got the tiniest bit of attention and she used it to beg brands to spend her PR even though she stated multiple times that PR was
problematic. Then her mental gymnastics to explain how it was okay to get PR was fucking stupid. Basically she was like "I can get PR because I am trustable to give an unbiased opinion". How? Literally the only time she's anti-consumerism is when she's shitting on brands and other YouTubers. I fucking hate even seeing her videos pop up in my recommended tbh.
No. 634936
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>>632841Bitch deadass bought from too-faced even if she talks shit about them in she makes. Lmao, I bet she is just salty bc she can't afford everything she wants, like, most people.
No. 634938
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>>634936So ~minimalist~ of her
No. 643419
>>643103she makes it sound like the PR companies sending her palettes is beyond her control. girl, you gave them your postal address! no one needs that much shadow.
if she was really anti-consumption she would have depotted the ones she didn't have problems with and then used them in looks (e.g. put any gold eyeshadow over lid) instead of buying new ones and recommending specific brands. she would be able to dupe a lot of new palettes that way.
I hate how beauty youtubers only donate their trash to charities. they never donate anything new, just used things to make themselves feel better about not throwing them away. poor people don't deserve your trash.
No. 653555
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>>634936>>634938Update: Lucia apparently is selling the bronzer, didn't anyone give her a lecture about freaking used makeup?
No. 653561
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>>268688Well, since the Jeff thread is basically dead, I'll post this here instead. Who's excited to see how biased Shane's "The Secret World of Jeffree Star" series will be?
No. 653698
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>>653561 tin foil, but jeffree trying to say he doesn't have an eating disorder when his knuckles are clearly scarred just doesn't add up to me
No. 653750
>>653712Shane also did long ass videos on grav3yardgirl and Tana, both of which were discussed in their threads. Do you not understand how any of this works?
>Come to thread about /YOUTUBE/ gurus>Talk shit about people watching /YouTube/ videosI don't think you understand how dumb you are.
No. 653927
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>>653905I 100% get what you mean. I know he's really hammy and over-sexualizes every move as part of his brand™, but he's like the only one who can actually pull it off. I'm otherwise kinda grossed out by him. I've also always found Buffalo Bill confusingly hot though, so maybe I'm just fucked up.
No. 654229
>>653698How are knuckles a sign of an ED?
I kinda believe him on that, the only thing I have done is weed seems harder to accept tho. I assume he is stoned a lot but not in the way you eat a ton on?
Anyways this video is more about how nice his place is. It’s crazy how rich he is and how much stuff he has. It looks like the second video will be more milky
No. 654268
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>>654229I'm deeply uncomfortable with with his dog "cleaning his gums". Also I will never get tired of Andrew giggling behind the camera in every video. What a cutie pie.
No. 654300
>>654268what the fuck??? I know jeffree is weird but this is just fucking gross.
Do you guys think he's one of those people that open-mouth kiss their dogs?
No. 654350
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>>654337Tbh my knuckles look like that frequently just from eczema and dry climate (especially in the winter), and I wouldn't trust anything on his body given the amount of surgery he's had. I'd be more apt to believe it just based on his eating habits. "I don't gain weight and I don't sweat idk why!!!" just seems too easy, and especially since his teeth are fake too. Seems like he just eats 100% sugary junk food. Also this was one of the images I remember best from his Myspace days, so it only seems appropriate.
No. 654840
>>654350Idk anon guys hold weight weird. I think we all know at least one old dude who’s creepy skinny with no explanation. Plus if you ever watch his mukbangs he’s a crazy picky eater (only eats cheese burgers plain with one bun, only eats cheese quesadillas with no sauce from toco Bell) so he probably has disordered eating but not an eating disorder.
He just seems like one of those weird kids who got picked on a lot in school and never really grew up because of it. Hence the super obnoxious, racist, and just general shitty behavior.
I will say he does seem like a smart business man tho
No. 655213
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Huh. I had no idea he did a song with Nicki and was signed with Akon. I feel like they really overestimate his music career overall, with Akon saying he's the "next Lady Gaga". Like his music fit perfectly in the Myspace Electropop/Synth shit scene days, but there's no way he could have had a music career outside of that. Seems like he kind of implies signing with Akon was his downfall, but….it sure seems like he's doing fine in life. He should be more grateful of where he ended up, because there's no way he would have made as much money in music.
No. 655259
>>655213Jeffrey Star may have sucked and fucked his way to opportunities but ya gotta admit he was masterful at socializing and proved himself to be a compentent businessman. I respect that.
He’s not “humble” in the way people expect but for someone who capitalizes on the lavish diva image, he seemed to have really invested in himself on an emotional level these past years. Vastly more mature and stable than most of these maladjusted blubbering messes of Internet personalities who came into wealth. /end shill
Relatedly, Shane’s incessant “omg im so poor” routine gets on my fucking nerve like okay we get it Jeffree makes everyone look impoverished and you’re trying to be relatable to your viewers or whatever but Shane you’re not poor in any materialistic sense of the word. That shit is just condescending.
No. 655388
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>>654350In that vid he says “I don’t sweat lmao” but minutes later in their designer closet he says “omg I’m sweating” so yeah.
Also am I the only one not that impressed with his house? It severely lacks furniture overall. Like yeah they have a grand bed and some pinball machines but otherwise it seemed pretty .. barren. I was more impressed by graveyard girls house.
No. 655554
>>655388It’s a work in progress, it seems like he is focusing more on his wardrobe rooms upstairs for his stuff. Having multiple rooms for your expensive shit and multiple bedrooms for someone who has “no friends” is excessive. Bunny though seems to be pretty much done in her house setup and focuses more on the dolls and old stuff she has vs the one area for clothes that stuff. Different priorities.
>>655213It sounds like he signed with Akon because he was broke and needed something but Akon’s drama made him a bad partner to have for music and he feels like that stopped him and not like that he isn’t that good. It would be interesting to see him do music again so I hope he goes for it.
No. 655759
>>653561I normally like Shane but god damn he is annoying me recently with this Mother Teresa god of YouTube shit
>omg I’m gonna buy this shitty kid who hates me a car because spread love <3>omg graveyardgirl I’m gonna save her channel>omg tanacon was just a misunderstanding they aren’t bad people >omg Jeffree should bring his music back because I SHANE know he wants to deep downBothers me more than it should but whatever. Lmao
No. 656013
>>655987Shane even stated on the No Jumper podcast that Fousey broke himself into that he’s been thinking about quitting YouTube so I’m almost wondering if he feels like collaborating and trying to help out other youtubers in this new docu-style to give himself a new way to enjoy making videos again, I mean Shane is one of the OG youtubers and is still kicking around so he must be sick of doing the same shit all the time
Honestly I’m loving his new style of videos he’s great with editing, and I laughed a fair bit in this new series
No. 656028
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>>655759>>655259Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing
>>655987 said. I bet it's a holdover from his childhood, the same way he constantly talks about how fat he is even though he's obviously not as big as he was when he was a kid. Even though he has a nice house and money and shit he probably won't ever see himself as anything other than the "poor fat kid".
>>655259Oh yeah, I'm not saying he doesn't have charisma or isn't a hard worker at all, he certainly is. His wiki says:
>He later described signing to Akon's record label as "the biggest mistake I've ever made."I just mean I don't think he should be sitting in his mansions with millions of dollars and a successful makeup line "not looking at the prices of things" and saying that Akon ruined his life. That's bullshit. He could have just as easily ended up like all the other Myspace celebrities who are now nobodies. He should be thankful that his music career flopped and he pivoted to makeup at just the right time. Also literally no one is stopping him from making music again now with his own money? He's obviously got charisma and a unique character, but it takes more than that to carry a music career and musically speaking he wasn't anything special. I just think it's shitty of him to act like he's being a big person and forgiving Akon for ruining his life, he obviously came out better for it. I found that scene where he was playing his music for Shane so awkward and I almost thought it was a joke because….the music wasn't that good or interesting or different from any of the shit on Myspace in 2008 but they're both acting like it was a crime that he denied the world of more of it.
No. 656057
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>>656038Yeah, exactly. I don't know Jeff's discography that well but in the song they played there he just sounded like he was trying to be an off-brand/auto-tuned Davey Havok. But AFI had a music career long before and after the emo/scene kid days, and Jeffree still ended up better off than them. I think if he tried to do music now it would just come off as same as any other youtubers that release songs because they have yes men around them telling them they're so talented and should DEFINITELY have a music career when really it's just subpar and only their fans like it.
No. 656139
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Does anyone else still find Jeffree to feel….extremely fake and manipulative? I know he's playing a character a lot of the time but I still don't know how he expects us to believe he went from
>I was always poor!!!
>I made this company with the only $3000 I had to my name
>Walmart???? Ew what's that??? I don't own anything that's not Gucci
>I don't know how much anything costs and I don't look at prices
In less than 4 years? (According to google his company launched in 2014, but who knows how long until he made a profit) I don't think you can cry about being poor your whole life and your mom sucking off drug dealers then also act like you've never been in a Walmart before. Even other "rags to riches" YouTubers (Tana, JennaMarbles, grav3yardgirl, etc) still worry about money and talk about how cheap they still are. And in the Walmart series on Jeffree's channel with Jeffree's cameraman & editors, he's suddenly a huge philanthropist
Part 1, 9:45 -
>Ugh don't make me talk about this on camera but I just so HAPPENED to donate $125,000 to the LGBT Center earlier today and these OTHER companies only donated $2000
Part 1, 16:10 -
>I just want to say to the camera if this Walmart employee gets in trouble for helping us I'll hire her at my company!!
(Which, why even make that promise because Walmart pays shit, she's probably disappointed that she didn't get a better job)
Part 2, 1:18 -
>Omg all this was only $200, I can't believe it!! What a deal!!
Part 2, 3:45 -
>Insists on paying the bill for a "fan's" whole table at Olive Garden because it's her birthday
I just get the vibe that he's very carefully curating his image here, and Shane's just naive and believes every word because he's sweet. He seems like the kind of boss who would say that the employees aren't at the warehouse because they don't want to be on camera and we respect that!! but really sent them home for an unpaid day off because he doesn't want them around. (Speculating of course, he just gives off that vibe)
No. 656172
>>656139I agree that he’s fake it is kind of his job to maintain an image, it’s just business. People like his Regina George with a heart of gold shit because people love feeling like someone so unattainable will reciprocate their support.
>Shane's just naive and believes every word because he's sweetNot really lol Shane’s doing the exact same thing, curating an image. Sperging out like he’s never seen a damn warehouse even though Jeffree runs literal whole ass companies… you can even see Jeffree looking at him like stfu multiple times. I’d let my employees have a day off too knowing dudes with cameras gonna run around screaming like little babies and getting in everyone’s way
>Jeffree you should do this and that!!! Cuz it’s not like you’re already more successful than me and your channel is doing fine without muh unsolicited advice and shilling No. 659987
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Is this…whole series just a buildup to them releasing a Shane Dawson palette? Yikes. I wonder how all the other million gurus would feel about Jeff giving Shane of all people a makeup line.
Also I know it's probably mostly a joke but Garrett is way too good and pure for Jeffree. Tbh I think Garrett and Andrew are too good for Shane too. (I do like that Jeff always says hello to Andrew though, I feel like even Shane barley acknowledges his existence)
No. 660593
>>659987i'm sorry but didn't shane make a two part video introducing andrew, saying he literally gave shane his mojo back because he's so skilled at editing?
you can also see that he invited andrew and ryland for fancy high tea to celebrate the success of the jefree series, saying "we did this" not I did this…
shanes not perfect by any means, but he seems to be really nice to his friends and to be working with andrew as a team at this point
No. 660681
>>660593Andrew is just Shane's hypeman and laugh track so we know the tea sis etc.
I like Ryland's editing I wish he would do more videos.
No. 660771
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>>660677in part 4 you catch a glimpse of molds for Too Faced (love flush) and Tarte blushes.
To be fair though these brands are in the same price range as Jeffree, so it's not like wetnwild and Jeffree's makeup are being made in the same factory.
Plus, the brands can still choose individually what quality products are being used.
No. 660812

>>660593No, you're right. I just meant that he's considered part of the "squad" but he never gets to be as involved in the shenanigans as everyone else. I think Andrew is delightful and just as funny as everyone else but he just gets pushed to the side because he's not Shane and Ryland being super extra or Morgan being ditzy. He's acknowledged for his work ethic, while everyone else in the "squad" gets to just be a personality essentially. Even in Shane's other series with guests none of them ever seem to acknowledge him as anything other than the camera, and Shane doesn't go out of his way to introduce him or anything. I just think it's nice that Jeff actually says hello and treats him the same as everyone else in the group.
I guess I just compare Andrew's role in Shane's videos to Andrew's role in Garrett's videos. I've watched Garrett's Coachella videos multiple times because I just think he and Andrew are so fun together, and you can tell Garrett just adores him. Garrett doesn't use him just as "Make sure everyone sees how funny I am!!!".
>>660771Doesn't he have beef with both of those companies though? Kek
No. 660880
File: 1533859328100.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1026x1606, scars.png)

Big beats of the big emotional Shane convo and "giant bombshells" dropped by Jeffree is (Starts at 13:40ish)
>"So what I've never said before because I feel like if you try to defend something like…Racism or saying something really awful it just doesn't ever work out. But if you go and find the footage, the people I'm screaming at are caucasian. What I said was racist, but I wasn't saying it to a person of color. I was saying a horrible offensive word to cut back at someone calling me something awful. So it's not about race it's not about that, it's just about being an offensive, attention seeking, angry person."
>Shane shows clips of him doing offensive racist characters back in the day too
>"But you've apologized so many times!!"
>Shane says that he sees through all the petty tweets and drama to Jeffree's PAIN
>"People still think I'm the bad guy when I only loved and cared about all these people and boosted them and gave them all my connections and I'm still the fuckin bad guy"
>Says he tattooed his whole body to cover up from when he cut himself in highschool.
>Says multiple times that no one ever asked him WHY he was covering himself up and dressing like a goth in highschool
>Cutting was his huge secret that no one knew about
>Pulls down his pants and shows Shane scars on his legs
>Shane continues to praise him, "you're afraid to let people in!!"
>We hear Jeff sniffing loudly, but he's otherwise completely stonefaced the whole time.
>He's scared everyone's gonna backstab him
>More praising from Shane "everyone thinks you're so bougee but really you're just like us!!"
Nothing really surprising here. Jeffree seems to have a serious martyr complex and used to self-harm. "you misunderstood my racism! everyone treats me like a monster! but I only lash out because I'm really in pain!!!".
Tbh I don't even dislike Jeffree but trying to explain away his racist comments feels like a major backslide. He should have just left it at the apology video he made. Also he really bungled the whole "I came from nothing! I had to suck dicks to pay rent!" narrative when Shane tried to take him back to his "humble roots" and that turned out to be a multi-level 2 bedroom apartment with a loft and two balconies. I don't take self-harm lightly at all, but I just don't think it's that shocking of a reveal for anyone who lived through the Myspace scene queen aesthetic of "blood & razor blades & gloomy bear" everywhere. I also just think it's kind of a silly and immature notion for anyone to still be mad that other kids didn't notice notice their feelings, as if every single person in highschool isn't also going through their own self-absorbed puberty nightmare. Especially if your whole aesthetic even back then was to look as menacing and goth as possible. If I saw a goth kid with no eyebrows wearing head to toe black in highschool I would just think that's the style they're going for. How many people did Jeffree reach out to in highschool, huh? Also it's gross of them to go into another person's apartment and lay on their bed and talk about how much you fucked all over that same apartment. How long until Jeffree flips on the Shane gang for betraying him you reckon?
No. 660900
>>660880god I feel like a dick for thinking that but that whole part was so fake and obviously manipulative. the whole swelling music and somehow Shane never having seen self harm scars and armchair diagnosing and Jefree being like "ya" etc etc. I thought there would be some comments or a bigger dislike ratio bc it seemed so obviously transparent but apparently it's fine.
also he portrayed his old place as some literal shithole and maybe I'm too 3rd world but it seemed like a really nice flat? like really nice?
No. 660904
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>>660900Nah, I feel that way too. Everything was so clearly staged to be to cast him in the best light possible. Also lmao bitch hide what? We found out that the person who built a whole career off of being an emo kid….was an emo kid?! Literally he's bare chested and shows skin all the time in videos, it's not like it was stopping him.
No. 660907
>>660888NTA but I want to add to your comment that he usually targets women of color, and he uses racially charged slurs against them too.
The people at BGCr make me laugh so hard. They are so obsessed with Jeffree they will find any excuse to validate themselves liking him/purchasing his products. Just say you like him it’s ok, but don’t expect everyone to not think you support a racist/misogynist.
No. 660916
>>660907I feel like he's been trying to backpedal SO hard lately by shitting on companies that don't have a variety of darker foundation shades. It's definitely a problem in the makeup industry, but don't act like you care all of the sudden. It's like how he brags about his brand being CF, but then still buys/praises companies and products that aren't CF. If you really believe in CF why put money in the pockets of those companies? Why act like this is suddenly his hill to die on?
>I'm MEAN to people>Why do people think I'm mean??is just so dumb.
No. 660939
>>659987OT, but why does shane dawson act like he's still poor all the time? It's clearly not just because jeffree has more money than him since does it in his other videos too.
Also, he needs to lose some weight. He's gonna end up gaining it all back.
No. 660952
>>660939I think it's just because he grew up a fat, relatively poor kid, and while he may not be poor anymore, he's still in the mindset?
Kind of like how sometimes someone who was fat and lost a lot of weight for whatever reason (puberty, becoming more active) still feel fat, even though they know, logically they aren't.
No. 660996
>>660920Oh don’t be fooled, that sub actually LOVES him and they are trying to justify liking him/buying his products without being labeled as racist.
Tbh, I don’t give a fuck if people want to buy his stuff, or express their love to JS. Just, don’t try to twist real events where he has been VERY racist and misogynistic so you won’t feel “guilty” supporting him.
No. 660999
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>>660952 said, but also he just literally doesn't seem to ever buy anything. Like if you look at his videos he wears the same clothes every single day. He's not shy about how gross he is (wearing the same clothes everyday, not showering, not brushing his teeth). Seems like he only really buys Postmates and splurges on shit for his crew for videos. Even when he has a sponsored vid he uses the money for something crazy or donates it. (Bought a Jeep for that one guy, donated $30,000 to the Rescue where he got his second dog, etc).
Ryland and Morgan are the ones who are obsessed with Gucci and bougee shit. In the video where Ryland gets the G-Wagon Shane even says something like "I never spend money on myself because I have bills and people on my payroll and a mortgage, but you don't have any bills so you should do it!". So I would guess he's supporting Ryland and Morgan at the very least since they live with him, and probably his mom too. As well as paying Andrew for his work.
No. 661103
>>661052Didn’t you watch the series anon? Shane IS a ~beauty guru~ he’s going to have his own makeup line!
But yeah jokes aside I enjoy their videos just fine but the idea of being in a car with that many gross farty boys who only eat Chipoltle and don’t bathe makes me want to puke. I’d say I don’t know how Morgan puts up with it but she’s one of the grossest ones!
No. 661247
He's been on YT for years but he's never made money. His CPMs for adsense are shit and he's not brand/sponsor friendly.
Not only that, he started a company "Maker" with 2 other people that sold for 500 million, but he didn't get a single cent because he's dumbass. talks about Maker sellin for 500mil, not getting a cent, starts at 30:07)
Some other parts where he talks about not making much from adsense at 17:02
19:28 No. 661253
>>659987JS and SD actually "collabing" to make a makeup palette, is anyone else bothered by this a little?
I get the initial idea was driven by filming
documentary and JS wants to do something nice for a
friend. But SD and Makeup? NO! I'm offended, actually.
Most of the time I feel that way about Garrett, but he really got under my skin after playing around in the lab. Especially after they even discussed the "rules" and was specifically asked not do do anything like that.
No. 661305
>>661253Idk it didn't sound that crazy or
triggering to me. These days literally anyone with money can hire a lab to launch a makeup product and a lot of them are Brand Themed (coca cola, crayola, marge simpson and even stuff like "Harry-potter-like" palettes and brushes) and they are successful (specially if the lab was good)
No. 662031
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>>661865>>661881I guess it depends on when Shane's was filmed, but I'm pretty sure Garrett's was well before all of that at least. He didn't seem like he really knew who Jeffree was, Ryland was the one who suggested he do him for the makeup video. This is the top comment on Garrett's. I couldn't find this original tweet because twitter's just flooded with people talking about how they want Garrett and Jeffree to fuck.
>>661829Yeah, it felt weird. Garrett truly seems like a very sweet silly guy, it felt like Jeffree was a child predator or something. Garrett seems to be attracted to more masculine men though, I don't think Jeffree would be his type.
No. 662077
>>662046He is actually cute but you have to take into consideration that any average man is put up as a "super hot" guy by youtube standards, not to mention Garret hangs around Shane, Ryland, Drew etc and they are all beneath Garret in terms of looks ngl if somebody were to rank them, Garret doesnt even act nor look straight compared to Shane for example who is the epitome of your average to ugly man who doesnt care about appearances (if you null out the obnoxious tripple double decker homo act hes put on in recent years) he is legit the straightest of them from appearances atleast.
Ryland lowkey gets under my skin since hes such a basic fag who
tries to be extra, One look at his channel with the thumbnails and music videos just cements how hard he tries to both work himself up to be a popular vloggy channel now that he has the resources, but he can't let go of his tackyness. Just like with most irrelevant people who gets with a youtuber, theres such an instant change and I just hope they all crash and burn with trisha & the rest cause honestly its all a big ball of cancer.
(also fml when will there be an apocalypse only targeted at the Viner immigrants who set up shop on YT)
No. 662122
>>662031Hmm 2 things stick out to me:
1) In "pt1" Andrew says he has never been to Jeffrey's house before, but we know he was over there with Garrett to shoot that makeup video
2) Jeffree acts like he has never met Garrett or Andrew before
Although, they could have all just been lying and putting on an act for some reason. I wouldn't put it past them. "Oh I just met J* and he let me cuddle with him on a dirty couch on the street, so humble, so normal"
No. 662197
>>662122Eh, those could go either way since apparently Garrett's video was filmed after the documentary, but what really fucks me up is SHANE acting like he had never met Jeffree before.
They have a collab from over a year ago reacting to hate videos but Shane in the documentary talks about how worried he was about filming with Jeffree in this documentary saying things like 'i didn't know if he was gonna judge me or if he was gonna be mean' telling him he had a whole different perception of him. As if it was the first time they had ever come face to face yet had collabed and clearly got along very well together in a year old video.
No. 662452
>>662197Not WKing but Most youtubers will say that filming one video with someone doesn’t mean you know them. In the video Shane even says he had been in the filming room and they reference that video multiple times. I mean he was probably there for like 4 hours. Not really long enough to get to know someone.
>>662387Eah Shane is probably “LA poor” but he’s said a few times he’s appreciative of what he has, he said something about “wearing rent” when he had that 2k hat on and 2-3k isnt too high for a house in the LA area.
No. 662535
>>662452Nta but I'm 99% sure
he doesn't rent unless he's talking about that other apartment he has. And since he's gone on 80 book tours, he has enough to postmate literally everything, his videos are starting to get monetized again, his merch is selling well, he had $10k to throw away on some random girl, etc. I doubt he's "LA poor"
No. 662890
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>>662837He is literally a leecher. Has been since the beginning. Piggybacking can be very successful when done correctly.
No. 663336
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>>663285Nah, all the "revolutionary" shit you're referring to existed in stage/theatrical makeup for decades already. It's not like he even made them more easily accessible to the public, because it all had to be ordered online anyways. That's a lot of what's so confusing to me about makeup trends these days. All of these "new" fads like contouring/highlighting, high coverage foundation, vast shade range etc have all existed for decades. My guess would be that since drag has become so much more main stream nowadays that that's why, and queens always used stage makeup out of necessity. It's the same as how phrases like "yas" or "tea" (as we now use it) have been super popular in recent years, but if you look at stuff like "Paris is Burning" or "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" those phrases were being used in the drag community even back in the 80s/90s and probably earlier. TL;DR basically everything being sold as "revolutionary" is just stolen from and existed in the drag community for decades, including Jeffree's whole persona but the only difference is he's a millionaire off of it.
But back to the question at hand, it still takes time most small businesses YEARS to turn a profit. If a successful company was investing it's own money in it he would obviously have to prove that he was worth that investment or have someone vouch for him who already has an in (KVD says this was her). If he put in $3K and they put in $20K and it was a giant flop, that would be a giant loss for them and why would they take that risk? It's not like just because he put his "last $3K" in with an already successful company they would pay him a living wage until it was finished or they made money. His persona was basically the whole selling point, and since it was sold online it's not like you would see it at CVS and go "Oh, I remember Jeffree from myspace, I'll give that a shot". As far as I can tell he didn't even start being a "youtube beauty guru" until about 2 years ago. At that point of starting his company, he was just a washed up "singer" and myspace personality, so other than using KVD's help and "in" (which he denies completely) how DID his makeup line become so successful? $3K to multi millions in a essentially 4 years (
>>656139 ) by someone who constantly starts shit with other companies and essentially claims "Yup it was all me and no one else helped!" is highly suspicious imo. And Shane's series did nothing to clear this up, all it did was give him more of a platform to brag about how mean everyone is to him but he prevailed. Same as
>>656028 he just seems like he just blames everyone else and is completely ungrateful to whoever did help him along the way, even though he's now a multi-millionaire.
I swear yall haven't read any of this thread because you're just asking the same questions already discussed.
No. 663339
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>>663336Also samefag, but what does this even mean? Because someone has a pink car they're copying him? Christ what a narcissist. I don't know if it's the outfit or the pose or what, but this is just such an awkward unflattering picture. Also I might be an idiot but is it a good idea to post someone license plate number to your millions of followers?
No. 663714
>>663342Oh yeah, for sure, but if you look at his video responding to KVD he basically denies that anyone helped him. Now Shane's given him even more of platform for that narrative.
>>663415>>663418Ooh, thanks for the info. iirc Sugarpill is still pretty popular in the drag community, and everyone seems to love the creator, so that's nice. I do feel like that explains it quite a bit, I remember the whole Limecrime hacking controversy going down, I didn't realize that they jumped ship to Jeff because of that. Interesting.
No. 663717
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>>663714Also just to clarify, I'm not a KVD stan by any means. I think she's just as nuts.
No. 664524
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Not sure if this is the right thread to discuss this in or the Celebricow one (she is dating? Tana and sells all of Tana's shit on her website), but speaking of celebrity makeup brands Bella Thorne seems to be off to a terrible start.
>"Filthy Fangs">$50-$60 palettes on her website with only 9 shades>Apparently they're complete ripoffs of a black owned beauty brand "Juvia’s Place" but at double the cost. No. 664771
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>>664524is this dumb bitch really trying to sell repackaged EOS lip balms with her name on it? lmao
No. 665869
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I can't keep up with all the Laura Lee / Jeffree Star / Gabriel Zamora shit, seems like it's just Oops! All Racists!
Jeffree just can't not start shit it seems. He really could have used Shane's exposure to be a better person. I'm counting down the days until he fips on Shane. It's only a matter of time.
No. 668733
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>>668729I only lasted about 3 seconds. She sounds like what this picture looks like.
No. 669502
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Incoming dump of new shitty tweets, didn’t know where to post them, so im archiving them here
*none of these tweets have been brought up by any drama channel or called out or posted on twitter, and all them are still posted on their respective twitter pages
No. 669503
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No. 669509
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No. 669515
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No. 669516
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No. 669518
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And the last one….this is the only tweet that has been posted/“called out” on twitter out of the tweets above, a screenshot of someone else screenshot
No. 669519
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And Gabriel Zamora using manny’s tweet in his apology
No. 669520
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No. 669524
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Sorry forgot this one too
No. 669573
>>665869How is so pigmented Manny's phrase when literally most gurus use it? It's like that Jordan bitch who says Manny copied "brutally honest" from her. He uses the phrase for merch, but Manny is an idiot for never trademarking it. Snooze ya lose.
>>668805>>660888J Star calls other people cunts, he called Laura Lee evil. It's not exclusive to black women. Rats historically is NOT an insult that was created to be directed towards the black community, rats is associated with what people called/call Jews.
Jackie Aina literally doxxed another Youtuber for fraud that had absolutely no legitimate proof. Idk how people can take her side over J Star after she pulled that shit and did a half assed apology after the damage was already done. She's just as sneaky as J Star and also loves to stir up drama.
No. 669629
>>669594I just wanted them archived in case they were deleted, I think the worst out of them are the ones where Nikita is shitting on sex workers/black and Asian semi-racist tweets and Gabriel using fag, the other ones are just similar to the other exposed tweets and way more mild obviously.
Ie. “Fat” shaming tweets (like Laura lee’s)
And the photoshopping ones I just thought were ironic since they both sh00p the fuck out their photos
>>669538Yeah I know, but a lot of these beauty gurus
are sjw’s and all their followers are majority pro-sexworkers anti-racist pro-lgbtqrstuv pro-trans bodi posi sjw tumblrinas/instathots. If you’ve ever been to or seen one of their “fan meet ups”, the fans who attend (in multiple cities in the US and UK) fit that discription to a T. So they would get offended over this shit, and probably lose they’re shit over less, since theyre obsessing over minor call-outs right now on twitter, after all the big juicy receipts came out. ESP surrounding nikita, I’ve noticed, who ironically has a lot of fans who do sex work themselves.
Apologies for dump anon but imgur kept crashing on my mobile
No. 669694
>>663342>>663714He said another friend (not kat) lend him the money????
That's still shady to say he's "self made" cause he's admitted to taking money from friends
No. 669757
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>>669511Oof, this Nikita person gives me major “haha I’m more woman than u bitch ;)” kinda vibe. Like trannies that just hates women and just wants to upstage them. “Pussy stuntin’” like nah man you still have a penis.
No. 670709
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>>669502Eh, stupid and annoying, but literally everyone talked like that in that time period? That was at the tail end of the Myspace days, all anyone did on Myspace was to try and prove who could be the biggest edgelord.
>>669573No idea, never seen a vid of his but I've definitely heard other gurus say it particularly when using his palette
I also just overall don't get the mentality of "CANCELING" a person even if they apologize? Even with Jeffree people are still screaming about his racist past on twitter. I'm not a stan at all, I think he's fake as fuck but how are people supposed to grow and learn if we don't give them a chance to? I guess it depends on how real the apology feels – Jeff trying to justify his actions on Shane's video saying "I wasn't even calling a black person that!" feels like he's just making it worse. Idk, there's plenty of OPENLY racist people nowadays, if they see people still piling on people who have changed their tune, why would they ever bother changing?
No. 670717
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>>670709>Raise your hand if you were ever called a slut, whore, fag, n-word (still not gonna do it lmao), cunt, anorexic, fat, etc regardless of skin tone, sexuality, weight or sexual experience between 2005 - 2010ish>Raise your hand if you heard or made or laughed at a rape joke or race specific joke in that time.Those insults didn't even make sense in the context most of the time. Just ways for shitty kids to be cruel or edgy or try and fit in.
No. 672660
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Kek. Also did anyone watch Jeffree's most recent video "REVEALING MY LAST DARK SECRETS…"? I don't want to give him the clicks.
No. 672689
>>672660he lied and said his aunt was actually his mom when as of last december he hadn't spoken to his mom and ten years, and the last time he self harmed was 3 years ago
No. 672698
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>>672689It took him a 30 min vid to say that? Also the mom thing is confusing. Why would he lie about that? Wasn't get going off in Shane's thing about how his Mom was sucking dick and doing drugs all the time or something?
Also this thumbnail is so dumb. He tryna be moe or some shit?
No. 673066
>>670972>>670717I agree. Maybe it's just because I was in school during the early 00s and everyone was still using "that's so gay" as an insult and calling things retarded, but I also think that what
>>670709 said is very important. Most people have done shitty things in their past, but you can't go back and undo them. All you can do is do better, so that's what I look for in a person rather than giving a shit about years old stuff being dredged up. I dunno if I'd say Jeffree is trying to do better these days, I haven't really paid attention to him.
Besides I've always thought that Kat Von D practically being a Nazi sympathizer was much more serious than anything J's ever done, but barely anyone seems to care about that. Kat's never been "cancelled".
No. 673364
>>673066Wha? I haven't heard of that, sure you're not thinking of the LimeCrime lady? Also KVD has most def been cancelled by everyone since she went pubic with her whole "I'm not gonna vaccinate my baby fuck yall" stance. (See:
No. 673373
>>673364Definitely KVD (although I think Doe Deere had a Nazi costume incident?), this site outlines everything: literally named a lipstick after the word Nazis used to choose who was going to die in concentration camps
No. 673434
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>>673364The photo she left her old boss Ami James is pretty antisemitic
No. 673514
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>>673066This will probably make me sound like a wk, but I also really don't get why these "insults" are so career ending… I live in germany and nobody would blink an eye at you for using "gay" as something negative, people still do that regularly.
>>673373>She literally named a lipstick after the word Nazis used to choose who was going to die in concentration campsVery far-fetched, "Selektion" has many different meanings, nobody would even think of the holocaust when hearing it.
>In another murky example of her alleged anti-Semitism, Von D apparently developed a lipstick color called “Selektion,” a German word that is now considered tabooAgain, completely false, e.g. pic related, you can use it just fine.
No. 674060
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Do people actually like Rich Lux? He's listed as a source for info somewhere in the megathread
>>673995 suggested. I guess I don't really get his whole….character? It doesn't seem like he actually says anything that interesting, just tries to talk shit just for the sake of it. Am I missing something?
No. 674638
>>673434She dated an outspoken antisemite too didn't she?
So glad a lot of people are finally over her though
No. 674659
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>>674569Completely unrelated to the content…..but what is this girl's accent? Also I don't know anything about Jaclyn Hill but did she get a bad nosejob? Why does everything about her look so fake?
No. 674665
>>674659BTS accent: I actually don’t know, but I can understand her so I don’t really care for her thick accent.
Jaclyn Hill: I actually used to defend her because I couldn’t believe it was possible to be in so many scandals and thought people were lying about her this whole time. Turns out I was a fool and she is indeed a shady, money hungry scammer. I’m at the mobile site, I will try to write a quick post about all the scandals she’s been in later.
One thing for sure, she always throws brands that collab with her under the bus.
Latest one is her telling her fans to “scrap” the top of the eyeshadow collab she did with Morphe (The Vault). When the Vault first launched, it tanked so hatd, so many people didn’t like it and thought it was patchy mess. She then blamed the manufacturer at Morphe and they had to pull the palette for three months to “reformulate and repress”. Three months later, nothing changed and the collection is still a mess. She’s trying to cover her ass by telling buyers to “scrap off” the eyeshadow lmao. Many people in their reviews asked if Jaclyn even swatchd the shadows on her eyes. Judging by the leaked emails, she only does hand swatches and is good to go! Even the MUG employee had to beg her to swatch the samples on her eyes.
No. 675699
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Thoughts on john maclean?
No. 675727
can't stand the fake exaggerated accent he does. all his makeup looks are the same. not into it
No. 675948
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This chick has a YouTube but is more popular on instagram…something about her face is so fucked up to me. She swears she doesn’t use hard drugs despite being rail thin and having horrible teeth… idk what to think about her other than she’s pretty offensive looking and has horrible style
No. 675950
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>>675948She also has horrible fashion taste imo
No. 676060
>>268688i've also followed her for a few years! she doesn't seem like the druggie type to me. She explains her teeth in a video: seems awkward af, but she seems like she just grew up in a household where oral health wasnt a big issue.
if she was on harder drugs i feel like she wouldn't be able to keep up with a youtube channel/social media in general. even if she did, it would show more obvious signs.
tinfoiling here but i just think she's a stoner girl who forgets to snack and just keeps up the smol ass body.
No. 676115
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>>676057sage, but this was in the comments on that video. probably not a dash account but w/e.
But yeah she's high as fuck in that video.
No. 676117
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>>676112tried my darnedest to get a shot of her eyes without the insane ring light reflection.
No. 676124
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>>676060You don’t get this thin from forgetting to snack
No. 676168
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>>676101>How much for you to say you bought this with your own money and this is not sponsored?>$25K for one mention in a multi-branded review video>Some people with 200K instagram followers can make $50k-60k for one insta postDamn. She does ramble on a bit, but this was a pretty educational video. I thought I had a vague understanding of how sponsorships/ads worked with influencers on youtube, but apparently not. This explains a lot.
>>674634 This one too. I guess I thought influencers got paid from adsense and some paid ads here or there but really only if you were a big name. And I didn't know it was THAT much money just for mentions or one insta post. Good to know not to trust anyone now!
>Pic related me thinking about how many dumb shitty insta posts I make for lulz and how some people could pay off my student loans and still have enough left over to pay for 4 years of my rent with just one insta post No. 676369
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>>674060Peter Monn as well. I've watched a couple vids of theirs here and there, but I don't get it? They don't seem like they have exorbitant amounts of views but it seems like the comments will be like
>holy shit rich lux/peter monn covered _______!!!!Just cause they talk about youtube drama? Peter has 161K followers and is hanging out with Shane and crew? Rich Lux has 190K was personally invited by Jeffree to hang out in his hotel room? I just don't get what's going on. Seems like they should just be any other nobodies making reaction videos or something.
No. 680164
Apparently Manny Mua got paid 70k by Lilly Lashes to bash Lashify. I knew his video review was fishy because he didn't want to ~read the manual. He didn't mention Lilly Lashes but he put their affiliate link into his description lmao
Here's the insiders comment from Reddit:>Ugh this is all true. I worked as an intern at APA and remember a phone call I put through for his manager Cristina closing a deal with Lilly Lashes. He got paid 70k to bash them. Y’all remember Manny’s negative review of Lashify lashes???? Paid for by Lilly Ghalichi. Here's Mannys bash video: here's Pretty Pastel Please video about it: No. 680895
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>>674659>>680164I just watched TeaSpill's vid on Morphe/Jaclyn Hill. I've never followed JH or anything but goddamn I cannot wait until we get away from this phase of makeup. This is the kind of shit everyone is going to look at 5 years from now and be embarrassed of. That much highlight and contour and such heavy eye makeup is meant for drag and not day to day wear. This doesn't even look like a human face anymore. I'm also so tired of the giant nude/greige lipstick phase that just makes you look dead or dehydrated. She and Jeffree etc etc just look like straight up aliens to me at this point. At least with Jeff I feel like that's kind of what he's going for.
I've only ever tried like one Glossier thing and it was just fine but I'm glad they're kind of leading the charge towards the more natural look, even if their ads are the most exaggerated version of that.
No. 680905
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>>680896Just kidding last thing I promise. They also show a clip of JH from back in the day and holy shit. I've only ever really seen her popping up in her current form, I had no idea she used to look like this, she's unrecognizable. She went WAY too hard with the fillers.
No. 681298
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>>681184I feel like people have already disavowed her shit over the vaccine thing? I tried the tattoo liner in the past and decided to try it again because of that one review. Still doesn't seem like it's anything revolutionary, so I definitely won't buy it again now. That post was the most self-pitying bullshit I've ever seen
>And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions, and curse you — try being an openly pregnant vegan on Instagram, having a natural, drug-free home birth in water with a midwife and doula, who has the intention of raising a vegan child, without vaccinations. No. 686284
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Nobody is really talking about this but since dramagedon Manny has continued to fuck up his rep. I'm not even talking about the fact he posted his pathetic scripted apology, this time he's posted a "self help" video about betterhelp.
Yes, affiliate link included. No different than the shit jaclyn glenn and laineybot have pulled in the past.
No. 688615
>>688547I first watched one of his videos ages ago to see what he had to say about eyebrows. In that video he drew them on like you'd rough sketch an eyebrow on paper??
He's obviously Scottish and he's trying really hard to sound aristocratic or some shit like that.
His makeup's really too much aimed at trans guys, I think. I notice he uses theatrical cosmetics from Charles Fox.
It's pretty remarkable how he goes from a fug ginger to a passable female. I learned nothing useful from him and he's annoying af. I briefly subscribed, then unsubbed.
No. 689770
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>>688823For real, I've never seen a dude with typical glam Instagram makeup on that didn't look fucking absurd. It's one of those things on social media that make me feel like Will Ferrel in Zoolander when I see a guy with a full face of makeup on and the responses are 'GORGEOUS!!!!!' 'Omfg girl you slaying this look' 'I'm a girl and you look way better than me with makeup on lol'
Like are we looking at the same thing? It must be disingenuous and these girls feel like they
have to think these guys look good or they'll be called homophobic or whatever, but come on, who are you kidding? They look so stupid it makes my stomach churn. And why did the one community pretty much only for females have to get flooded with flamboyant gay men taking it over, starting fuck tons of drama, and most of the time acting like bullies, while promoting the ugliest makeup looks and if you say anything you're homophobic?
You can't fucking tell me this shit doesn't look ridiculous.
No. 690769
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>>689770They did the same thing with modeling, filled it up with 12 yo boy looking women, now they're replacing them with semi-passing, blow up doll looking transgenders and the women who're left are morbidly obese/bad built with bad skin. People are praising it because "equality" but nah, it's something else there. And those dudes love those "Hehe, you look better than me in makeup, and I'm a girl!" comments. Their fugly makeup looks will always get excused once they pull out the homophobe card, and will ruin female MUA's career over something so stupid.
Yas, slay girl, indeed.
No. 690774
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>>690769>>689770Reminds me of that one Eurovision guy. I mean, the technique and artistry is great and all, but it's just so jarring.
No. 690808
>>689770>>690769It does seem like some kind of absurd type of sexism. All over the world women wear makeup. Yet the handful of men who do as well are the ones who immediately shoot to fame. Most female beauty gurus are at least semi attractive, but those gay dudes can be as ugly as they want. Most women who talk as openly about sex and being slutty as them also never make it that far.
>>688823I feel like he makes a show about how 'manly' he is despite dressing feminine, constantly says "I'm a man" etc. He also doesn't outright admit that he's a fag, so his female teen fans think they've still got a chance.
No. 691380

>>686284I feel like this got swept under the rug as well, and it's absolutely bonkers
Part 2: 3: touches on him trademarking Manny's shit
Jeffree publicly shit talks and bullies Filipino youtuber Michelle Dy for "stealing his series" by using the word "approved" and threatens her with legal action saying that "Jeffree Star Approved" is trademarked in America even though
1. It wasn't at the time he threatened her
2. She doesn't live in America
3. She was using "MD Approved" not "Jeffree Star Approved" obviously
4. Other (white) youtubers (he's friends with) have done "xx Approved" videos before and he said nothing.
She ended up taking down 2 videos she posted and apologizing to JS on twitter after insane harassment from JS's fans, Can you imagine being so up your own ass that you think you own/created the concept of approval/disapproval and no one else in the entire world can use it?? Or the color pink?
>>663339 No. 691381
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>>691380He comin after Smart Cat next
No. 691412
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>>691380Oh, also turns out Tati Westbrook has had the copyright for "Tati Approved" since April 2018, Jeffree didn't apply for "Jeffree Star Approved" until August 2018. He threatened MD with legal action in July.
No. 691420
>>691400I thought it also had to do with her being best buds with Gabby also? Like, Gabby didn't call her out in his vid like he did with Laura/Manny iirc.
I mean I know her apology wasn't great either but tbh the argument of "I was a different person back then" is a much stronger argument coming from her than from other people probably. I think it just comes down to Laura and Manny being so full of shit in comparison.
No. 691444
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>>691412>>691441Yes, who else would I be talking about in that context?
>"her"?>tranny>Just because he's mtfCome on now, this is stupid. It's not like she's some tumblr fakeboi going through a phase. I thought we were past this.
No. 691493
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Elle S gets on my fucking nerves she's so easily triggered, defensive and has this low key humble brag attitude when she acts like she's so cool and unique. Too attention starved and boring. She's also such a fake ass SJW. Kek I really can't stand her.
No. 691532
>>691493Girls with tiny turtle upper lips wearing dark af lip shades
trigger me
No. 691866
>>691444>Yes, who else would I be talking about in that context?I mean, if you're using "she" I would expect it to be laura or something, not a man.
>It's not like she's some tumblr fakeboi going through a phaseThey're all the same. He looks like a drag queen/a gross, sexist caricature a la Gregory.
No. 694022
>>691866>>691933Literally if I passed this person on the street I would just think "lady" and keep walking. Why would I waste the mental energy on the entire history of their genitals? nta but I agree with
>>691872 there's plenty to criticize without being as personally invested in their crotch as you are, anon.
No. 695046
>>691493Oh hell yes, I've clicked on this bitch's videos so many times because she has interesting titles and video ideas, and I can't learn a fucking lesson. I cannot make it through one of her videos all the way through, I quit halfway through or just skip around because she's so boring and yet infuriating at the same time. Everything you said is true, but she also is just so full of herself when she talks about her makeup inspirations 'I'm really inspired by this classical painter or the Baroque era or this totally obscure Dutch artistic movement from the 18th century' like come on. You blended some blue and green, get over yourself.
Also, she talks until she's completely out of breath, gulps in some air, and then talks non-stop again. Like girl, learn how to breathe and talk at the same time, holy shit.
No. 695157
Fuck I love minsooky but I feel like she is edgy ass hell at the moment. Always saying she is poor, trying to sound like she is not acting like a basics artsy White girl with her road trip . ( her channel, she is truly talented : )
No. 695197
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Have we reached a verdict on shane dawson being discussed here? His new series looks like it will be a shitshow.
And he looks like a disgusting foot as per usual.
No. 695213
>>695197Can't wait to hear him pander see him slouch and watch him pick his chin the whole time. Also fuck Jake Paul is this how he finally gets on the trending page since he bitches about YouTube not promoting him?
I like Shane but Jake Paul does not need empathy or whatever the fuck spin he'll put. I wish they were still doing the Morgan Moving Out Saga. Why does she always sound so off her face slurring all the time?
No. 695250
>>695233i've never understood why so many people give shane an immunity shield for criticism. he got famous for making dead hooker jokes, racial jokes, and sexist jokes at the expense of his female friends, and anytime i've pointed it out i just get "lol he's just joking though" or "you know he's gay right?"
like i'd understand if the people that defend him just don't have a problem with offensive humor for anyone, but that's not the case. it's often people who are willing to call out plenty of other youtubers for being ~
problematic~ but for shane it's different somehow. why is that?
No. 695674
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>>695233I thought the Graveyardgirl one was good though, it actually made me sympathize with her because she's clearly losing her mind and actually needs help. Jeffree and Tana etc are just fake idiots, Jeffree especially. I bet it's gonna be a lot of
>I showed that body in the forest because I wanted to make people laugh!!! bro>I have feelings too no homoWhen is he gonna do Onion tho? He must have considered it, right?
>>691380 I can't stand his constant refrain of "I'm too busy being successful" and then pulling this nonsensical shit. I can't wait until he turns on Shane. Shane's series has only made him more awful and self-righteous.
>>695213Wait, are they really not doing that anymore? I find Morgan and Ryland both pretty obnoxious, but it's absolutely absurd that he got attacked for asking his 21 year old mooch of a sister who's been living on their floor for months to move out, especially since she has money (from Shane essentially, since that's the only reason she has subscribers) and is basically being offered an insane multi-level apartment that Shane's not even using. People are upset that a 30 year old wants to live alone with his boyfriend and not have his lazy dropout kid sister living there for free anymore? I guess it's because all their fans must be tweens, so they can't fathom that Morgan is a human disaster and has made 0 effort to get her shit together. Moving out would be the LEAST she could do to repay them.
>>695217not tru anon, if you watched the Jeffree series you know Shane is a huge beauty guru, why else would he get his own eyeshadow palette??
No. 695680
>>695250i think alot of it (outside of his pandering) is that he's been around for along time, he started out with the "i dont care' shock humor everyone did at the time, but had the chance and gained the popularity that he had to change to stay relevant, so he did.
problematic shit in the past means literally nothing if he's not out here scamming people out of their money or something, and he's not. Tana did, Jeffree lies all the time, Morgan and Ryland were spoiled kids all their lives its easy to tell but thats about it for them (but i dont watch them anyway i cant stand morgan)
I think alot of people like to like shane because the content he's making lately is better and more entertaining then the stuff we are used to on youtube as well (the docu-series stuff) he's not
problematic now? he doesnt make racist or homophobic joke/slurs now? pretty sure on a few podcasts he's explained why he used that humor and why he wont anymore
seems like people just wanna shit on him because he's popular? if you have receipts of him being shit bring it and show people why he shouldn't be so liked? (also not trying to wk just playing devils advocate here)
No. 695693
>>675699>>675727John Maclean is actually a troll!
Back in the earlier days of the internet, John was actually a campy cybergoth who took up this persona as a way of having his own shtick in a sea of campy gay makeup artists.
This is just a persona for income. I dig it.
No. 695710
>>695250I think he gets a pass because he "matured" and changed with the times and because he's been so open with his ed. Plus he's openly gay which means lots of people, especially young women, will overlook his faults.
The thing I really don't understand is why his fans seem to believe he's super sweet, genuine and innocent. He always comes across as kind of douchey and self absorbed to me. I feel like it would be so draining to be his friend as he's constantly acting out and bringing up how much he hates his body. If he acts like that in videos I can't imagine how much worse he is during his day to day.
No. 695724
>>695710Hes openly bisexual and it took him two seconds to go from a sorta effeminate dude to turning into an obnoxious stereotype of gay men. I have never heard someone repeat dead jokes as many times as him and people still find it funny.
His interview bullshit is such pandering garbage and people calling it in anyway good really are scraping the bottom of the barrell bc all i saw was cringy shit interactions adults who never emotionally or mentally matured past teen hood.
he was poor how many years ago and still defaults to using it in his schticks, self deprecating jokes (usually the same ones like not bathing, wearing black, dirty shirts n not caring, gainging weight) and generally trying to as faggy as he can.
I hate how amped up his whole shitty personality has gotten just to match his transition into a gay relationship v conventienrly at the cusp of when lgbt junk became popular on YT.
No. 695749
>>695710>>695724i imagine the video personality is really over blown like alot of other popular youtubers, he honestly comes off as lazy and an easy quitter to me, and self absorbed but what youtuber with over a mil subscribers isnt now a days really? i imagine the reason he doesnt have friends tho is because he's really hard to deal with day to day as i imagine like you said the "im fat, omg, SCREEEEECH" would be enough for most people to nope the fuck out of interactions with him
his coming out stuff, he's already said on the nojumper podcast he doesn't really know what sexuality he leans, he's still confused over it because he likes men more, but still really likes to have sex with girls. so yes he IS bi, but the over blown-ness might be because he feels more comfortable about being that way now? i always imagined he was the over-effeminate type of gay when he was younger and it kinda proved me right in later years, and at least the guy can make fun of himself for how over-dramatic he made it back then too
and his docu-series is objectively better then alot of shit on youtube (that includes his normal vloggy stuff), regardless if anything comes from it or not have you seen the shit on that site lately? it's all commentary channels, shitty podcasts and highstyle wanna be vloggers
like he's over-rated but he doesnt seem like an actual shitty person y'know? I dont understand the seething hate or the overblown love, i kinda like his content and he matured, but he's like… bottom of the barrel milk, only thing there to hate is that he's cringy and pandering, like phillip defranco, who i would argue was just as bad in the past and is now 10x more pandering and cringy then shane
No. 695870
>>695749>his docu-series is objectively better then alot of shit on youtubeThat doesn't really say anything. Putting forth more effort than your average daily vlogger =/= quality lol.
Real shit: the only reasons why his videos are being shilled as good are
>A. 99% of the shilling is done by his vast legion of obnoxious, easily impressed 12 y/o fans who never shut up online and>B. as you mentioned, Youtube is a hellscape right now and his non-conspiracy/spooky clickbait videos have higher production value than the majority of content on the platform.In reality, his videos are mediocre at best and a good chunk of those depressed tween girls who make kpop crack videos have objectively better editing skills than both him and andrew. So sick of people hyping him up.
No. 695948
>>695870That’s why I said objectively, because everyone is going to have different tastes for what they like and what they consider “quality content”
And with how horrible everything is on YouTube at least it’s not the same shit that’s normally being pushed to the front page, I won’t lie and say it’s the best, but it is the only thing I’m subbed to him for
Mind you this will be a new trend in of itself soon and be just as tired and lame as everything else on the site
Once this new series comes out I kind of feel like this will be the last one he’ll really grab views with and it’ll be done, and he’s not going to be nearly as popular into next year like he was with this year
No. 696097
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>>696095samefag, but here is Jackie response to this whole scandal
(Apparently he also accused her of tax evasion and started up rumors about her wedding and shit? What a sad human)
No. 696194
>>696162apparently they have been friends for years,so I can definitely see J
getting comfortable talking like that with someone he's been friends with for so long. Gabbie even admitted it (before he got scared and said he lied to get on Jeffree's said) he admitted that J still uses that language around his clique
No. 696201
>>696194Also j* is really not that smart concerning his racist behavior. He called Jackie and Shayla rats (referencing hoodrat) and threatened to beat Shayla up even if he went to jail for it. This all happened recently too, not a "10 years ago" incident
You know why he thinks he is powerful and can get away with it? Because he apparently pays people to dig dirt on everyone (remember when he leaked Nikkitutorials contract with Too Faced? Yeah), his rabid and obsessive fans are also his strongest weapon. It took only less than two days before they dug out dirt on every member of his ex-friends (Laura, Manny, Nikkita, and Gabbie)
No. 696208
>>696197He used to work with Laura and Nikkita even before he stopped working with J
, read the messages carefully and look at the one where the hairstylist talking about slaying Laura's hair. J didn't have a problem until the hairstylist posted pictures of his work on Jackie.
Also just a quick reminder, it's none of J
business to dictate who the stylist should be working with or not, and jeopardizing their friendship over professional work is really manipulative of J. I can see why the hairstylist felt played and angry at Jeffree. Not that I care, fuck them both anyway
No. 696429
>>696208Yeah, that whole "delete the picture of that person so it's not next to a picture of me and then I'll re-follow you" is some insane manipulative shit. I mean unless he had him on retainer and was paying him, there's no way he can expect that of someone. I think it's fair to question the stylists motives, especially cause he basically said he was gonna start his own youtube channel and if he got enough followers he would do ~story time~. And it seems like he was going along with Jeff's behavior until he stopped getting paid, but either way Jeffree is trash, so if someone is able to profit off of showing how shitty he is, good for him. Shane's gonna have to do a whole new docu-series every time his racist shit is exposed. Honestly, how hard is it to not drop the n-bomb around everyone constantly?
>>691380>>696201good thing he's too busy being minding his own business and being successful to directly start petty drama! god he's so full of shit. Someday he'll find this thread and then his lawyers will be in touch with each and everyone of us
No. 697446
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>>696095I really can't stand Rich Lux but his vids always pop up in my recommended so sometimes I skip around on them. He's definitely jumped ship and turned super biased towards J★ since he hung out with Jeff that one time. His 2 recent videos on the matter have just been him basically crying FAKE NEWS and saying "hairstylists should have doctor-patient confidentiality with their clients!! Jeff's the victim here!! these are OBVIOUSLY fake texts". Jeffree definitely knows what he's doing to shine himself in the best possible light.
I agree that the stylist guy is obviously being opportunist, but that doesn't make any of his claims less true. If this was the first time Jeff was accused of this shit, maybe, but why would the 2043rd person accusing Jeff of racism so unbelievable? How is fucking Rich being any less opportunist by making clickbait videos about J★ with like 15 ads each?
No. 697465
>>697446considering how fast he turned and dropped JK when shit went south during the JK/Peter Monn fiasco, everyone should have seen how snakey he was.
I liked his friend, the drag queen he has on with him and they do the gossip chats but even those are mostly talking shit with no receipts so no one should ever take him seriously, fuck the man sits in front of a camera pretending to be a "youtube celebrity gossip channel" with giant ass white triangles on his face and lashes the size of tarantulas.
I feel sorry for the idiots that can believe him and take his word for truth
No. 697502
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>>697446>>697465He's also in Bunny's most recent video? I didn't watch the full video, I just scrubbed through to confirm that was him, cause….why? They both live in Texas and are obnoxious so they're best buds now?
No. 698516
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No. 698523
>>698514I've heard so much shady shit about HFFT2, and I'm not surprised she dropped this the second Jaclyn started crying "booolie"
It really sucks tho because I actually got pumped for this hoping to finally get a full-all-receipt Jaclyn expose but now… ahh well
No. 698526
>>698523What have you heard about hftt?
I’m also disappointed she fell for jh’s manipulation. She’s just looking for a valid reason to quit yt anyways. She barely even makes videos anymore so idk why she cared so much about this specific series.
No. 698546
>>698526mostly just rumor stuff from around twitter, she's on there all the time, and most of the beauty gossip commentators follow her (like i said i HEARD shady shit)
I'm not going to take the stuff JK said about her seriously because he has a bad habit of calling anyone who says boo to him a pedo, but the stuff i heard was
>steals/doesnt/didnt credit receipts from other youtubers>Talked a lot of mad shit about everyone in the beauty gossip community and lost alot of friends (I've actually seen a few people admit they didnt follow or watch her stuff because of shit she pulled in the past, pretty sure one was Tawny Michelle but I could be wrong)
>would post fake/bad receipts and info without researching properly>Known for starting witch hunts with Dustin Dailey against people in the community they didnt like, mostly smaller sub count people or people like Mango Tea(The MT stuff was pretty good tho imo)
>Known for having a really stand-offish, know it all bitch attitude with everything and everyoneI wouldn't take any of that as truth, but it's what I've personally heard and seen from twitter and youtube. I follow her and pretty much everyone in that comm. so I can probably do some digging and see if I can find anything concrete, same goes for any other anon who wants to look into it.
But from what I've seen she's not very popular among some her peers, they seem to shit-talk without @ at her often.
No. 698576
>>698567no prob anon! And yeah pretty much, she has a habit of getting into or making 'cliques' with certain youtubers, I've seen her lash out a few times, never @ at people but just bitching to her followers and you can tell who's part of her group of friends because they always be shading people without naming them like they know who she's bitching about.
I really dont have anything concrete atm but I'm hoping she hasnt deleted anything so maybe I can see if my claims can be backed up
No. 698585
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>>698546from what i’ve seen she’s your typical batshit crazy narc/bpd cow. i’ve been following some of her drama on gg. pretty lulzy, though i get kind of stressed out from how much of a volatile sourcunt she is lol. she claims to spill tea but all i see is milk.
she made an entire video on the most
minuscule shit about jeffree star because she was butthurt he unfollowed her. that combined with how she seems to block people left right and center for daring to disagree with her on twitter but supposedly unblocked a girl just to call her a cunt after a comment she made on someone else’s post really speaks to just how petty, infantile and plain retarded she is.
i also find it funny that she comes for other girls’ looks when she has a face like this lmao. no wonder she’s so bitter. she failed as a beauty youtuber and decided to start crawling up the asses of people who succeeded. she‘ll happily talk shit about people only to turn around and thoroughly rim their asshole in a heartbeat. a literal parasite.
No. 698593
>>698585Oh wow, so everything I saw is probably right then? KEK fantastic. I heard she was known for being a super bitch and had seen some of her bitchfests but where i'm not a real fan (i just like tea) I try to not pay her much mind because the things I heard where hard to confirm but hard to ignore too, I'm really gonna have fun digging
And holy shit now I know why she goes through such lengths to keep her face off youtube and twitter now… unfortunate
No. 698603
>>698523>>698526>>698546Tbh this doesn't really seem like milk to me. Their channels are about drama and rumors, of course they're gonna be shady? This is like saying "I heard TMZ might be shady!!". I just like her vids because it's less conjecture and whining like Rich Lux and the likes. I was really looking forward to a deep dive into the history of JH.
Also what minuscule Jeffree videos are you talking about? Jeff is an insufferable cunt who is the shadiest of all of them and constantly snaps at his fans for no reason. All the vids I've seen on Jeff have been him being legitimately shady.
No. 698610
>>698603>Also what minuscule Jeffree videos are you talking about? Jeff is an insufferable cunt who is the shadiest of all of them and constantly snaps at his fans for no reason. All the vids I've seen on Jeff have been him being legitimately shady.oh trust me i hate jeffree and think he deserves to be ripped a new one at every twist and turn but anyone with half a brain could tell what her true motive was for making that vid. he’d literally just made an ig comment along the lines of “don’t be sorry if you missed one of too faced’s holiday palettes because they all look the same.” on a trendmood post. then she tried to twist that into him somehow going back on his apology about past racism which is just absurd.
jeffree is shady as shit and has done a ton of gross things and continues to do so and yet, instead of going for any of that to make a decent vid that’s actually worth watching, she scrambled for the first littlest shady thing he did after he unfollowed her. i dislike jeffree and love too faced but c’mon now.
No. 698611
>>698546 and
>>698576wasn't posting milk, was asked for a summary of what I meant (because i had heard she was super shady) and posted said summery
I think she's got milk, just what
>>698585said with the blocking, unblocking just to call a girl a cunt, and the very obvious shit talking she does on twitter for everyone to see, is milky. Bitch can't handle an opinion that isnt hers.
Was also sure she was up J* ass before she started posting call out vids on him, I guess after she got blocked, again, pretty milky. She only does this for the vendetta
No. 698619
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>>698608Right but, can you link the video? I'm not doubting you, I just wanna see what you're talking about.
>>698611>>698603Sure, that makes sense. I just can't believe yall are talking about this instead of how Laura Lee is back and Jeffree is now accusing her PR team of hiring his ex-stylist to spread lies about him so she could make a comeback. I don't care about LL or his stylist either way, but honestly Jeffree is the most self-obsessed cow and his fans just feed his delusion.
Also just in general I'm so fucking tired of all these gurus constantly involving themselves in and instigating drama and their refrain of "I'm just living my life too busy for all that drama!". (Not just JS but he seems to do it the most)
No. 698620
>>698619here you go fam.
full disclosure i haven’t watched it but the snippets of it in other people’s vids, rants on twitter and the comment section say it all lmao
No. 698651
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>>698620Honestly all of her big points in the video are 100% valid. She literally never said that the TooFaced comment had anything to do with race? She's talking about how he's a giant hypocrite. He made a huge dramatic PR public declaration that he was never gonna be involved in or perpetuate drama (in his Racism apology video) and then immediately left a public shady comment about a company he had a history of beef with. And then he went on to make several snapchat vids continuing to shit talk the brand….again, right after his huge dramatic declaration of "NO MORE DRAMA!!".
Also watching it with today's context….she's not wrong about anything?
>Obviously he did not stick to his promise of never instigating drama again, lmao>Jeffree shading TooFaced for "acting like they own Unicorns" when he literally threatened legal action against a guru for using the word "Approved" a few months ago ( >>691380 )> (Also TooFaced owned the rights to "Unicorn Tears" at the time Jeff was accusing them of "Acting like the own Unicorns", Jeff didn't even own the rights to "Jeffree Star Approved" when he threatened legal action against the girl for using the term "Approved" on his channel)>Shading TooFaced for deleting a tweet "if you had the balls to tweet that in your mansion you should have the balls to keep it up on your instagram. People want receipts always!" >Jeffree, in his giant mansion, CONSTANTLY deletes his tweets.I mean, I guess I could see where right after this video was released it might have seemed like a lil bit of a stretch, but she didn't turn out to be incorrect about anything she was accusing Jeff of. I would just say you should probably watch it before you start making accusations.
No. 698802
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>>698776Well, I would assume her mental state is (in part) BECAUSE of the Part 1. I'm sure there was going to be more parts, cause she just kind of scratched the surface of JH in the first part.
I could see where
>Divorce>Bad reviews of her product line>Multiple channels revealing her shady behavior>Everyone calling her money hungry and two-faced>And now series promised to be probably at least 2 hours just focusing on how bad of a person she iscould make someone lose their mind. I still don't like JH though.
Pic related, JH doing her Morphe collab
No. 698978
>>698832I agree. She’s the most interesting hag in my opinion right now that hasn’t been milked to death.
Apparently she started out trying to be a beauty guru and failed? Anyone know more about this?
No. 699508
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>>690769James Charles is the worst. He tried to contact Netflix just a few days ago because he found out that Marlena from MakeupGeeks was making a documentary about influencers with Netflix. Everything must be about him to the point where he discredits other people like Marlena by stating that she is a bad business woman
No. 699581
>>696095Those messages look very fake and I’m suspicious of when he posted them.
>>696097Jackie accused a YouTuber of stealing her personal info, reported her video because she didn’t like it and has yet to make a full apology. J * is a petty asshole but don’t pretend that Jackie Aina is this saint or better than him.
No. 699635
>>699580Supposedly James charges even more than that. I think there is a reason he is so defensive about her video.
But regardless of that, he is being petty as fuck over Netflix deciding they'd rather work with a brand owner than a little boy that lied about how he got into the industry
No. 699638
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It seems she responded.
No. 699913
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>>699581What looks fake about them? There's clearly conversation happening before and after what he shows, it's not an isolated text of Jeff saying the n-word or something. People screaming Fake News at this are just doing exactly what Jeffree wants them to do. Yeah, Daved is clearly doing this for fame, but that doesn't make the texts any less real? Jeffree literally has a proven history of saying racist things and being shitty, why is it so hard to believe even more proof that he's said racist things and is shitty?
No. 702387
>>699929I get that certain eyes looks aren't going to look good or apply well on everyone, but for real I wish Tati would do a larger variety of looks. I can only watch so many product reviews that are 80% story time 15% talking about the product and 5% showing application techniques if which,
0.0001% percent of them are mildly different from other looks
Like even some good color theory/mixing for eyeshadow looks would be nice from someone whose original job was a MUA
No. 702683
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Apparently the youtuber Zabrena is getting a lot of heat for using the work "jipped/gypped" which is apparently a slur towards Gypsys/Romani people? (I didn't know that it was considered a slur either but okkkkk then)
But instead of learning from Laura Lee's drama she is doubling down and attacking anyone by going 2 years into their Twitter history to find things to call them out for.
No. 702688
>>702387Posts like this ARE NOT MILK. AT least sage your shit if you are going to insist on making these kinds of posts.
>>702683People flipping out about 'gypsy' being racist are annoying af
No. 702840
>>699913The name is mysteriously blacked out with ink, but you see star at the end. But the letter just before looks like a g. Some screenshots are in a way that hides some context that may be important. Even there we only can imply who is the gorilla, they were not talking about her here.
It’s also too easy to fake screenshots like this. Suspiciously he is saying he will make a video and has been filming it for a while so it doesn’t help. I do believe Jeffree has said some shit to this guy, they have been friends for a long time but this is attention seeking
No. 702925
>>702683Lmao anon getting "gypped" is in reference to the gypsies who live in underpasses and send their kids out to pickpocket real citizens. Nobody cares about the gyps/roma any more so society has generally forgotten that its a slur, but yes, this is exactly where it came from.
I hate gyps too but dont wave your ignorance around so much, it makes us all look like retards.
No. 703130
>>702683She's flipping out on a 2 year old post, way to act
No. 704423
>>704412>>704421I discovered Tati like two years ago and for a while I really liked her. Mostly because she has so many videos and they're painfully boring, you can just put them on and zone out for hours. She's also consistent and made very thorough reviews before doing so was really a thing (like swatching all the colours of something instead of just a few).
Over the course of about a year she started to get more popular, do more collabs, and the drama started slowly creeping in. She went from being very low-drama to drama all the time. The magic beans were the last straw for me because I couldn't shake the feeling that she had tried to take advantage of the trust she had built doing (mostly) honest reviews for years. She took her fans for saps and assumed they would buy anything with her name on it… I guess she was right, though.
No. 704431
>>704423I thought i was the only one who watched Tati while doing something else just for the sound.
I never understud why everyone looked up to her, she was really sketchy with some reviews (specially with the Kardashian's related)
Like when the contour stick broke and she didnt even try to cut completly that part. doesnt work anymore)
I pretty much stop watching her when couldnt stop crying over not being invited to certain PR lists.
No. 704468
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>>702840>But the letter just before looks like a gIt's not legal documentation, he probably had a nickname in the phone. The last name isn't even capitalized so clearly he doesn't care.
>Even there we only can imply who is the gorillaYou would have to be actually stupid or not understand how the english language works to not understand who they're talking about
>Hairguy posts pic of Jackie>Jeff unfollows Hairguy because he posts a pic of Jackie>Jeff says "are you done posting that gorilla">Hairguy says "I erased the pic of Jackie">Jeff follows againAlso if he was trying to convince us these fake texts were from Jeffree would he bother to say "gorilla", instead of straight up calling her the n-word? Wouldn't calling her the n-word be more "on brand" for Jeffree, since that's the slur he's publicly linked to?
If they're fake, why bother to show us the texts on the physical phone?
Why not just open photoshop and make fake screenshots? If he sat down and thought to himself "how do I make these fake texts look like they're from Jeffree Star?" wouldn't putting the sender's name as "Jeffree Star" be literally the first step? You think he went through all the trouble of coming up with a fake conversation to put in fake texts to then put in a real phone just to convince people and then just went "Ahh fuck, that was so much work I'm too tired to put his first name! 'sdjfhhskdjfhg star' should be enough to convince them."
>>702068>Is…Jackie mtf though? Because all these texts are referring to a guy…kind of obviously…Again, same thing here
>Daved wants to unfollow Angel (the "he" in the convo)>Jeff says Do It (Unfollow Angel) >Since they're talking about unfollowing people on Insta, Jeff slips in a comment to remind Daved that he's not following him, because of the "gorilla" (Jackie)>Jeff then goes back to Angel ("he") again.>Daved responds to the comment about Angel, and then responds to Jeff's gorilla comment by saying "I erased Jackie's pic">Jeff follows back>>699581>Jackie accused a YouTuber of stealing her personal info, reported her video because she didn’t like it and has yet to make a full apology. J * is a petty asshole but don’t pretend that Jackie Aina is this saint or better than himOh ok good point anon, I guess since she's been shady before then she definitely deserves to be called a racial slur. After all, calling a black person a word that has a long-running history of being frequently used to insult the appearance of an entire race of people is the best way to convey that you aren't racist, you just dislike this one black person in particular! Just like how those random strangers who screamed "faggot" at Jeffree from far away in that video he cried over weren't homophobic, they were just critiquing Jeffree's work!
Honestly did yall pull a muscle with how far you had to stretch here? Is it worth making yourself sound that dumb just to stan Jeffree-senpai?
No. 704472
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>>704468But anyways, whatshisface posted a boring vid where he shows turning on his phone and going to messages and finding the Jeffree text. It also shows the name as "Jeffree fucking star" which explains
>>702840I've also never watched a Jackie vid in my life, so I don't care about her, but the Jeffree cronies got me heated. I can't believe people keep letting him get away with his this shit over and over again. Quit yelling fake news and just admit your senpai is a terrible person, but you're willing to overlook it because eyeshadow or something.
No. 704477
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>>704468>>704472I mean, Doe whatever isn't even running Lime Crime anymore and people are still yelling at them as recent as a couple days ago. Jeffree has been proven indisputably to be a racist and overall shitty person multiple times over, and STILL people pay for him to have orgies in his mansion with his 17 designer dogs and trophy boyfriend. And it's not like with LC where you could just see some eyeshadow at Riley Rose and impulse buy it not knowing anything about a former-CEO's history. Jeffree IS the brand. You have to go to HIS website to buy it, and you can't even get to where to buy the makeup without running into some of this drama along the way.
No. 704683
>>704472not trusting no one with some busted ass phone
if your phone isnt right your life aint right
No. 704720
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>>704683That's not even his current phone tho? That's his phone from like, years ago? He's said that multiple times since day 1? goddamn why are yall so brainwashed? it's not even the lazy route, you literally have to do so much more work to try and justify his actions
he can't even justify his actions properly
>omg the people I screamed the n-word at in that one video were WHITE so it wasn't even racis! duh! YOU guys just misunderstood! anyways muh self harm No. 706117
>>704412Tati never showed have made those stupid fucking pills. I'm not sure when I started watching her but it was a pretty short time ago compared to how long she's been around. Her videos were not too long, well shot and edited, and pretty inoffensive. Tati seems so overly sugary and fake but seems sincere about being super into makeup and loving it. Perfect to watch while folding laundry or something.
But then those stupid pills come out and she was insufferable. So smug that she wasn't just slapping her name on a lip gloss and was going to make this beauty empire that no one was asking for. She thought she was so much better than all the other influencers who have their own brand for thinking outside of the box. No one was interested in $40 beauty supplements and so many of her videos she shamelessly promoted it ('have to take my HALO before my morning skincare routine teehee') and then is just weeping and trying to guilt her fans for not supporting her dream while pretending it's a huge success.
I stopped watching but didn't unsub until she did some Giving My Son a Drag Makeover with James Charles. No fucking thanks.
No. 711726
>>711706I like Thomas and him exposing Jeffree is something I’ll always support, but fuck this forced wokeness and these asslicking comments make me wanna vomit
It just feels so weirdly condescending to me
No. 711735
>>711727>>711726I don't like Thomas either and he is definitely a fake woke, but I honestly wouldn't focus so much on Thomas when the main problem here is that J* is still a racist piece of shit. Multiple people are coming out to confirm that he is still a racist but that would not be enough to make him hold accountability (funny how everyone canceled Laura Leech for the same reasons they praise Jeffree). Everyone who is trying to excuse J and his recent racist remarks is also a racist piece of shit. Shane is also a racist piece of shit and his stans are far from normies.
What I find hypocritical is that Jeffree is trying so hard to be "all inclusive and an ally to POC" while calling POC gorillas and n
*a behind their back. Just admit you are a racist fuck and just want the poc money.
No. 711738
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>you think I would ever say that word around him?.
Oh so you admit that you still say the N word despite acting like an ally… but not around Thomas?
Funny how he was quick to respond to Thomas but dead silence on the whole "gorilla" thing.
He also LOVES to divert the attention to Manny or Laura Leech because he KNOWS his idiotic fans will focus on that instead.
No. 711750
>>711743People don't believe Jeffree because there are definitive proofs every where from multiple sources that he is still racist. What infuriates me that Jeffree acts like he's such an ally to POC, have their best interest on mind. When in reality he's just chasing after that POC coins and calling them names behindtheir back. He seemed to have fooled you all with his fake allyship that even local retailers in my 3rd world country carries his products.
But sure I also hate him for the other points you've listed (going after women with violent threats, his extreme misogyny towards cis women, dragging that one fan who received a broken highlighter through the mud and beyond because the fan didn't like the product, telling his costumersto kill themselves when they have complaints about his products) and he is racist too so I can hate him for multiple reasons not just one.
No. 711813
>>711760Ikr? It's crazy how
triggered she got that she couldn't even deal with a small youtuber claiming she's full of shit. Fuck off and grow a thicker skin. The girl was right in saying that had Tati just left it alone the girl would have just came off as a bitch and that would be that but now Tati seems weak, baited and in the wrong lane.
No. 712005
>>711738Not to defend Jeffree here but, context is important. For an example I have a lot of friends who are POC, inc people who are black, Asian, mixed raised etc etc. But, many of them make jokes around me enough about stuff in their culture like “oh god, I’m cold but I’m gonna shut up cos all I can hear is my Nigerian mum telling me I needed to take a coat” and I’ll sometime, when she complains I’ll often joke “I don’t wanna go all Nigerian mum here…”. Which, outside of context or if anyone over heard without knowing could be seen a racist comment.
If he meant “I’d never say that word around Thomas as he’s not my POC friends” in that, then fair play. I wouldn’t either. If he means he’s watching his mouth because of how “woke” Thomas likes to pretend to be, then it’s shady
No. 712469
>>704412i really don’t like salti.
she whined about not being on anastasia beverly hills’ pr list like bitch you make millions from testing free shit and have more than enough to buy whatever makeup you want. i hate it when influencers act like entitled brats like fuck, no one owes you shit and you have everything handed to you on a silver platter but waaaah a makeup brand doesn’t kiss your ass, oh the humanity.
she also pissed about jerrod blandino allegedly making her cry and therefore deciding to boycott too faced, which would be fine if it weren’t for the fact that the supposed incident happened waaaay back (at the sweet peach launch party) and she’d been promoting them happily after that but suddenly when jeffree star had his beef with too faced she suddenly pulled this out of her ass as an excuse to become buddy buddy with jeffree. /of course/ she conveniently refused to elaborate on what jerrod actually did that was oh so terrible and /of course/ her braindead subscribers followed boycotting and bashing too faced without knowing what or /if/ jerrod actually did something. yawn.
No. 712493
>>712469I can understand if she is upset about the PR, it is not because she doesn't want to pay for the products (I mean, look at her makeup room, the girl has a problem) It is because PR usually arrives earlier than the launch date of the products. Therefore, she can make and get her review up before anyone else. It is all about the business side really.
But yeah I agree with you about her boycotting Too Faced for her bestie Jeffree, that was so stupid.
Also, it was hypocritical of Jeffree because he got into an argument with the owner of Too Faced over the owner being angry that Tarte stealing Too Faced tradmarked unicorn design. Jeffree defended Tarte and shaded Too Faced over this, but dragged Huda Beauty and called "thief, liar, and a snake) because she had a similar campaign ad to the brand of Beauty Bakery.
No. 712563
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>>712005>>712250>>712397What the fuck is wrong with yall? Honestly I'm so fucking tired of Jeffree's brainwashed cronies. We've now had 7000 different examples of him being racist, and people still don't believe it which just enables Jeffree to keep playing the victim and claiming everything is "FAKE NEWS!!!" and nothing is ever his fault.
It'd be one thing if he was just some dumb rando being shitty and racist with no influence, but he's not. He lives in a giant fucking mansion with millions of dollars and millions of people subscribed to him. He's proven to be a racist piece of shit time and time again and hasn't faced any consequences. I hope it all comes crashing down around him and he ends up on the street, honestly.
If you like his makeup, fine, that's one thing. Just say you like his makeup and move on but you're seriously deluded if you try to justify supporting him with >but context!!!
No. 712610
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>>712601Also all she does now is shitty clickbait thumbnails. I can only assume this is because she doesn't seem to have her "real job" anymore and relies fully on those youtube dollars now.
No. 713013
>>712708Yeah but again, this isn't some rich cow like Elon or Trump where their wealth was achieved separate (at first at least) from their personality….Jeffree IS his brand. Literally the only reason he has that mansion and that money is BECAUSE of people ignoring this shit over and over and over again. If people stopped lining his pocket, what would he do? Try to restart his shitty failed music career?
>well if we just ignore that he's racist again people will forget about himThat's not how it works? That isn't how it's worked the past 50 other times he's been proven racist, why would that work again? Honestly defending Jeffree should be bannable offense at this point. This is so fucking stupid I can't believe we're even having a discussion about it.
No. 713043
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Guys, I have to be honest with you. The Beauty community was awesome and shit (there was some little drama here and there, but nothing like this one)
But ever since Skeleton Star joined the community, it went down hill and they are still in the gutters. When I tried to search for his past and previous communities he was part in, so many problematic shit jumped out.
The one that sticks though is a comment I saw about his problematic behavior before, when he was in the music community:
>"[Jeffree saw] Dahvie Vanity bring underaged girls into their tour bus to take advantage of but he didnt say shit cause the situation benefitted him".
So I tried to search for receipts, and that tweet above is Jeffree calling out Dahvie after he already took advantage of him.
So tell me Jeffree, how is okay for YOU to social climb and then expose others for fame, but it is not OKAY for Thomas and Manny and whoever else to do the same shit you pulled in the past?
No. 713059
>>712563You included my reply in there about stereotyping but it had nothing to do with Jeffree, it was about Nigerian mothers as mentioned by the person I replied to. I think you misread it.
I 100% agree with you about him - and the excusemakers.
No. 713066
>>711813>Tati seems weak, baited and in the wrong lane100%
She needs to stick to what she does best and stay in her calm, endearing mid-aged woman review channel lane. She honestly comes across as crazy lately.
>>712469>blandino allegedly making her cryI really can't relate to adults that sincerely cry over dumb shit like that and then advertise it for asspats. Am I rly supposed to feel for her unhinged ass?
>>713013True things, anon. It's really strange to come to a thread and WK the cow, reminds me of retarded poltards that try to "redpill" people on other boards. Nobody is fucking buying it and it's cluttering the discussion.
On one hand cancel culture is retarded and pushes people to try and cover up past mistakes rather than admitting to them and learning to be better bc they're gonna be #cancelled either way. However, J* is not someone that will change, so no point in forgiving his snake ass. He'll just apologize for appearances and his handmaiden stans will eat it up.
No. 713075
>>713073Good that he called out the pedo, but only when Dahvie didn't benefit him anymore? Yeah he is a piece of garbage.
Ironically, his stans will shame everyone who tries to expose Jeffree by social climbing and clout chasing, when their Jesus Star did the same thing to Dahvie. Fucking hilarious
No. 713096
>>704720bitch even if that is an old phone how you gonna treat your belongings like that. idgaf and am not stanning anyone im just saying a bitch with a busted phone is a busted bitch.
you gotta tone it down on your persecution complex though lmao "weh they dont blindly believe me they must be whiteknight sheeple!!1"
No. 713100
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I tried to take a clear screenshot so y'all can see the fuck ups. Blue roots and blue patches, the bleach looks olive green and not frosty silver that they were going for.
I am not a hair expert, so I wonder how did it end up like this? What happened?
No. 713252
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>>713196It’s getting gud. Hope all these beautythots crash and burn so they’ll have to get real jobs.
No. 713333
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>>713267This is so wild to me I just truly do not understand why it is so difficult for these people to just not say the n-word?
Honestly, I don't even think Laura and whatshisface all those people should have been destroyed like they were, cause that was nothing compared to the shit Jeffree's said/done, but everyone still lets Jeff act like a martyr. I honestly can't believe we're letting this one go under the rug too
>>691380 No. 713366
>>713333Nah fuck them, they all need to go.
They're the same vapid, butthole lipped, think they know something cause they have a following, better help sponsored typa cunts.
Im so exhausted with seeing youtube feeds filled with the same personalities, the same makeup and twitter talk all for what? I don't understand how an industry can be so fundementally shitty and Pointless. Plus its so horrifying seeing all these young women and girls who can't do makeup for their face but just follow a basic recipe made by instathots thats based on years worth of plastic surgery. I mean the moment a "beauty guru" has fillers any lipstick review is useless, their lips are not the same texture as your average persons especially the baboon lips everybody got. The return of men being listened to more than women because ofcourse all the femme fags had to bust out the gate and get a piece of the cake so now we have Jeffree who gets a free card to calling women cunts and bitches because hes ~gay~ and it just isnt the same!
Letting these youtuberd get a career out of doing their makeup was a mistake like when Vloggers started gaming channels.
No. 713472
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>>713196Nikkitutorials responded
No. 713649
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Shit has hit the fan for clout chasing Thomas halbert and I am screaminggggg at his attempt to apologize lmao! J* released audio and everything omg. Incoming caps from j stars twitter once I confirm they haven’t been posted already here
No. 713659
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Starting from Jeffrees response outing Thomas on Twitter after Thomas released his video. Please don’t ban me for samefagging, I’m just bringing caps for le milk
No. 713662
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No. 713663
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No. 713664
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No. 713665
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No. 713666
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The texts from previous post
No. 713670
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No. 713671
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No. 713672
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No. 713673
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No. 713674
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No. 713676
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No. 713677
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No. 713680
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No. 713684
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This tweet includes audio of Thomas he sent to Jeffree. To quickly summarize he’s apologizing to Jeffree and licking his ass after Jeffree catches him up. He then goes on to say how he was trying to gain info on manny to expose him lol and reveals his evil plans to Jeffree which makes him look like an idiot and shows his true colors. It’s still up to hear on jeffrees twitter. No. 713686
File: 1539647103021.jpeg (451.9 KB, 1224x1819, A62C16A3-F75B-4670-AFB8-F1DD85…)

This tweet is regarding thomas’ shady past. Apparently he faked a giveaway and came at a black woman? I didn’t dig deeper into this one but here’s the cap
No. 713696
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>>713649 Okay now, continuing from thomas’ response on twitter. He posted the above explanation/apology and continued with these.
No. 713697
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No. 713698
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No. 713699
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No. 713700
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No. 713701
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No. 713702
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No. 713706
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No. 713716
>>713712Hmmm, weird that Jeffree is going so hard on Thomas but stayed pretty quiet when Daved exposed his racist, Skeleton ass.
Fucking racists trying to use the pain of POC for their own agenda, fuck them all tbh
No. 713719
>>713709It’s not, j didn’t really post evidence of that but how can he? He denied it of course but that’s all and then came for Thomas for being the shady bitch he is. I don’t like j either, I hate them both in fact. J is a racist and there’s no denying that for me. But Thomas is also a piece of shit for many different reasons.
I wonder if this video j has on everyone will ever be released lol. Imagine the shit storm. Also annoyed as shit about hftt horse face ass always involved in some way playing faves.
No. 713786
>>713716He wasn't silent, he accused Laura Lee of hiring Daveed to make up fake stuff about him so that she could make a comeback or some bullshit like that. He's fucking insane.
Jeffree likes to act like he's a big self-made business man, but I'm honestly starting to just feel like he just blackmailed his way up the chain. Especially since in the Shane doc he mentioned how he's had sex with soooo many famous people. His career literally makes no sense otherwise. His music was shit and the amount of money he's made in that short of time (especially since he doesn't sell in Ulta/Sephora) doesn't make sense. He just has shit on everyone and uses it to deflect from his behavior over and over again. If his success was really just based on his myspace popularity alone, why aren't all the other "myspace musicians" or scenesters millionaires now?
Crazy how he has so much shit on everyone considering he's just over there living his life staying in his lane #cantrelate!!!!
No. 713886
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>>713680jeff and thomas both suck, but p convenient you forgot to post jeff's 826th "woe is me" with his same old tired refrain in that string of tweets
pretty soon he's going to try and claim copyright on martyrdom
No. 713968
>>713786Remember anon
>"he has dirt on everyone". I believe your idea of him blackmailing his way to the top, what a disgusting creature
No. 714032
>>713986take your "uwu the beauty community is so negative" to bgc. this isn't a board to discuss makeup and what videos you like.
Jeffree clearly enjoys making videos. Sam is the one who "sucks the fun out of everything". She's bored and bitches in every video. She's an influencer who hates her job but is too lazy and spoiled to leave it. She openly states she only does the gig for the money and finds it unfulfilling. All of this for what? Some more Aritzia clothes and west elm furniture? sad…
No. 714047
>>714032>who do you hate and who do you like?.Bitch did you not read the OP post before blindly sperging?
I swear you Jeffreaks are more retarded than your Jesus Star.
No. 714098
>>714032Everybody is in for the money. Sam is honest and Jeffrey isn't.
And stop crawling into Jeffreys slimey anus, you seriously need some education. You stans see in everybody unapologetic flaws like being annoying, honest, loud or whatever but Jeffrey is untouchable because he ~ApoloGized being racist kek
No. 714845
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I know he’s technically a hair youtuber but hair counts as beauty so I think this is okay to post. Does anyone else fucking loathe guy tang? He’s unbearable to watch. His mannerisms, voice, facial expressions etc drive me nuts. He’s such a weirdo and I can see how u comfortable his clients are when he’s saying weird shit and giggling like a retard. His work is great though so I feel like everyone sucks his ass to get their hurr did. Also he’s making music now, lmfao. I don’t know why every beauty youtuber (Patrick Star cough cough) is trying to break into the music industry with terrible, stereotypical gay club/drag music.
No. 714864
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I regret googling to confirm
>>714862 No. 714906
>>714845I was just watching a video he did with Glam&gore
Him repeating the word "pubes" to describe her hair got really uncomfortable real quick…
I know she started it but she only did to break the ice and didn't hang up on it like he did.
No. 714949
>>714944nobody knows their gender, but just going off the name alone, i assume they're mtf as well. pretty talented kid that more or less keeps to themselves and isn't
problematic afaik.
No. 714970
>>714944>>714949well his name is still Antonio, a male name. I think he's just a super fem male, not everyone who goes against the gender norm is trans. Like Johnathon from Queer Eye.
I went to go check his social blade, because I am rooting for him. But he lost 37K subs today? What happened? James Charles isn't considered that
problematic anymore and he's very popular. Their videos don't have a lot of hate comments. Did Youtube do a big purge of spam accounts?
No. 714985
>>714098>defending drama channelsWhether or not you like JS, Sam IS fucking annoying and bitches in every video. And this is coming from someone who doesn't stan JS, and used to really like Sam's videos. She's extremely biased, and thinks that youtubers owe her an explanation for her videos. Then gets upset when youtubers block her for being another stupid drama channel and don't want to get involved with her.
>>713712>>713706I unsubbed a while ago. He's another channel that every few months, he has to make a drama video or a big collab to stay relevant, because his makeup skills aren't that great and his personality isn't that great either. His videos are boring.
Like this tweet, he loves to start shit, and then can't handle any sort of backlash and people challenging him. So he tweets things like this. Just from following him since he had around 10K, it's pretty obvious that he blew this all out of proportion.
JS probably did say some racist shit in front of him, but Thomas didn't give a fuck until JS decided not to work with him. If he was so bothered by what JS said, then why was he using all of his makeup in a collab with Tati? Why didn't he say things right after they happened, BEFORE Shane's series began that changed tons of people's opinions of JS?
Because he only gets 1-5K subs a day and needs bigger amount of subs right now for more growth.
No. 714991
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>>714870Honestly I didn't hate the parts in the beginning with the other youtubers, I thought the aesthetic with the lights and stuff was nice.
But then it's like…this video had 4 different directors or something. Or like, 1 director had a nice idea cohesive idea and Guy was like "yeah but how do I shove MY ABS in every other scene". Woof. This video is a mess.
>>714845(For what it's worth I think hair youtubers totally count under the umbrella of Beauty Gurus)
No. 714993
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>>714991Sry for double post but this made me laugh out loud
No. 715000
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>>714906I dunno why he thinks it's a cute/quirky thing to screech like this all the time. He kept trying to make "paranormal hairtivity" a thing. iirc he did the same thing with grav3yardgirl
Not shade on him but remember when he worked with Gabbie Hanna and she said "do whatever you want to my hair I don't care!!" and then he talked her through everything and made it look really nice and purpley and she was like "omg perfect I absolutely love it!" and then the next day she threw a hissy fit about how much she hated her hair cuz MUH ANXIETY!! Not Guy's fault she's crazy at all, but that was wild. sage for ot
No. 715012
>>715000As much as I don't like Guy Tang, Gabbie was kind of a bitch for that move
Heck, even her fans turned against her in her hissy fit video lmao
No. 715539
>>714985>>715382I know that Sam is annoying af and she shouldn't behave like that but she isn't racist.
You all act like being annoying is as bad as being racist.
You don't need to like Sam or anyone else. That's ok. But can we please stop down playing racist behaviour? Like "b..but she is annoyinggg!!! I hate herrrr!!! Jeffrey isn't that bad, I don't care if you don't like him!!!"
Where is your common sense people? Seriously!
And PS I love calling enablers and stans slimey stinky anal worms <3
No. 715714
>>715592Jeffree is racist hunny deal with it, I don't want to hear from his stans how he "isn't racist, he apologized!!!, gorilla is not even a racially charged insult!!! Why do you all hate and bully POOR Jeffree waaa waa"
Sage your shit
No. 717306
>>715539okay honey, post the receipts cus its literally just you sperging like a conspiracy theorist
lit the only solid shit was over 10 years ago and are you really gonna be /that bitch/ and hold onto it like gospel?
No. 717336
>>717306Guess what happened just recently. Right, Jeffrey called Jacky Aina a gorilla. 2018. This happened not 10 years ago. Jeffrey WAS a racist and IS STILL a racist.
Here are the receipts honeyyy. Sorry it's not Fox News which you clearly prefer: No. 717352
>>715592>>715382>>717306Something is fishy. White knights are getting called out in every thread on lolcow. But here in this particular thread you can't say anything against Jeffrey. His racist behaviour is proven but someone is white knighting him with passion. I can't think of anyone to defend Jeffrey but Jeffrey himself. Seriously I think some of these posts are from Jeffrey himself.
>okay honey, post the receipts cus its literally just you sperging like a conspiracy theorist
>lit the only solid shit was over 10 years ago and are you really gonna be /that bitch/ and hold onto it like gospel? Who is even talking like that? That comes straight out of Jeffreys mouth. Plus I can imagine that Jeffrey is the kind of guy who engages in gossip sites like lolcow, kiwi farms, gurugossiper
No. 717436
I'm getting sick and tired of Jfree and his psycho stans fucking up this thread
>>717224 wow a LAW student and does this shit??? the guts…
No. 717439
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soooo, Alissa asked for inspiration and ideas for a Halloween look. A fan/mua responded to her with a pictures of her own look and look what she responded with
No. 717440
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>>717439original tweet by Alissa
No. 717441
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Alissa doubling down
No. 717442
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the girl apologizing
No. 717447
>>717439>>717440>>717441>>717442samefag but what do you all think? Alissa was so fucking rude to the girl for no reason. Alissa herself couldn't become famous without posting her face on every platform (promotion) but gives this girl shit for doing the same?
and even if the girl was promoting herself (which I see nothing wrong with, since Alissa ASKED for ideas) she could have just ignored her?
Alissa has always been rude to her fan base and shitting on them whenever she can, I literally cannot see why people LOVE her when she has a disgusting attitude like this? like seriously, would it have hurt her to be nice and professional for a second?
No. 717448
>>717436Idk there’s a shit ton of posts complaining about Jeffree “stans”, but the posts people are referencing aren’t even stanning they’re just not being rabid and hateful towards Jeffree so therefore they MUST be a stan.
I think some of you need to realize at this point if someone chooses to not hate Jeffree than they are never going to change their mind ever.
I’ve followed him (NOT a stan so calm your tits) since MySpace and also Stickam days (an old streaming site) and there used to be a site called “Stickydrama” that would post about people on Stickam…. many people speculated that Jeffree perused the site and he knew a lot about other people’s drama whenever he did go on webcam. I don’t see it being unlikely that Jeffree visits “drama sites” today and would post, but I honestly don’t think any of the mentioned posts were him.
If he is visiting lc it’d be more to collect dirt on others and this thread has nothing exclusive in ANY way so he would’ve left a long time ago when noticing that.
Unfortunately most of stickydrama was never archived - the people who hate Jeffree would have a field day with the shit he used to do and say on Stickam lol - Jeffree lives off of shocking people back in those days. I’ve tried looking through archives before but maybe someone else would have better luck…
No. 717597
>>717550Then your insecure bitch idol Alissa shouldn't have ASKED her fans for MAKEUP LOOKS AND IDEAS
I'm so fucking tired of these lame ass gurus acting all high and mighty for javing basic makeup skills
No. 717630
>>717605Yeah I agree, but after witnessing her lash out on her fans for years, I thought she might finally get called out on it you know? Well, seems like everyone is still sucking her ass so I shouldn't post on this thread anymore.
Some people here are getting
triggered whenever I post something milky/sketchy/rude their favorite guru did lol.
No. 717633
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>>717448The stickydrama site still exists, there's
lots of pages with text. Many of pics are missing but the ones that remain are pretty entertaining. No. 717634
>>717633God I miss Hanna Beth
Speaking of which, where’s Audrey Kitching now? Isnt she a MUA?
No. 717637
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>>717634Audz lost it a few years ago, is now selling crystals and candles online and her tweets sound like they came straight from a new-age bullshit generator. No. 717643
>>717633Stickydrama is a goldmine for referencing all of the horrible shit that today's successful former scene kids have done. It's just a great read in general. It's a shame that all of the videos (and most of the images) are lost to time.
>>717637>>717638New Age is the swan song of comfortable adult women who've realized that they're getting too old to keep up with the current alt youth trends but spent so much time in alt youth culture that they failed to cultivate an actual multi-dimensional identity that isn't completely based on a trend.
No. 717708
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>>481511Ah I remember this chick. I unsubbed when she started making videos about her pregnancy. I can't stand people who get knocked up from very recent relationships and act like they're this beacon of mother hood and miracles and completely loose any ounce of personality they had before they got knocked up.
She seemed really annoying and entitled at the end and I didn't think I was going to be subbed much longer anyway.
>sage because I just got into this thread and this is an older post. No. 717733
>>717643Speaking of comfortable, how the hell does Audrey make money??
She lives in Hollywood, doesn't she? She does 'modeling' jobs, but other than that and her bullshit crystal online shop, how does she afford it all?
No. 717899
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>>717494 said, but also the problem isn't this at all you idiot. People aren't saying
>yeah Jeffree's done some shitty stuff, but I don't care I still like his makeup>I only care about makeup, I don't care about drama>Even though he's problematic I still like his music/makeupThis isn't a Jeffree stan, this is someone who just likes makeup. Whatever, that's fine, no one would give a shit.
What people ARE saying is
>YEAH WELL the person who has proof that Jeffree is racist said THIS mean thing on twitter 3 years ago so therefore their proof is invalidor
>This proof is obviously fake because [insert reason that makes zero sense]or (like your dumbass in this case)
>it doesn't matter if we've been show 487 instances of him being a bigot and overall terrible person, nothing's going to change so we might as well never ever talk about it again and instead sweep it under the rug again. Because talking about his racist behavior is only going to bring him more positive attention somehow!or
>But context matters when you're calling a black woman a Gorilla!>But context matters when there's video proof of you screaming the n-word with a hard r at someone!THIS is a Jeffree stan. This is someone who doesn't care about the makeup, and is only defending Jeffree himself. So yeah, the people on here who slither out of Jeffree's asshole to whiteknight him any time someone mentions the CONSTANT barrage of shit he starts, they are stans.
It's even worse that you're not a stan, because basically you're saying that someone who's been shown time and time again to be a horrible racist manipulator and blackmailer is a person you're STILL standing by because… kinda liked him on Myspace 10 years ago? You're not even a makeup fan or obsessed enough with him to turn a blind eye? That's all it takes for you to disregard human decency? Clearly some anon calling someone else a "stan" is more offensive to you than Jeffree calling multiple people racial slurs, since that's the one you're throwing a fit about. Get some morals my dude.
No. 717906
>>717733wasnt she and all of those little scene queen starfuckers from rich families?
thats how they could afford all the shit back in the day too im sure
No. 717950
>>717899This is the part that pisses me off about this huge blow out with all the beauty youtubers. None of them actually give a shit about racism. If they did all of this shit would have came out years ago, and no one would be constantly covering up for each other. They're just using it for leverage to try to one up each other.
Fans, too. You think they give a shit about racism? Nah. They just want to gotcha the beauty guru's they don't like, or defend the ones they do by finding racist shit on other people's twitter.
NONE of these people give an actual shit about racism.
No. 718089
>>717224OMG just found out about this today and was gonna post.
Whats really scummy was her reaction and damage control over the backlash she got for her zoella review and tried to play the victim, and yet shes trying to do the same thing RIGHT NOW. Fucking lol-this video is tha latest from the channel covering it.
No. 718136
>>717352Lit every thread on lolcow
>someone doesn't agree with me?!?>they MUST BE (insert cow)Grow the fuck up you're embarrassing
No. 718567
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>>718112Not only that but this is her recent video-notice whats shes done?
Her instagram comments is now full of people asking when she is going to address the calendar issue and she is just ignoring them.
She should actually be worried because apparently whats shes done is illegal and there is talk of bring action against her given there is enough evidence out there to take to court. Also her disgusting boyfriend is sending death threats to more people, this bitch is a mess.
No. 718661
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I've now seen quite a few saying they will take legal action, I wonder if she will finally address this or will ignore in hopes it will go away.
No. 718728
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>>718661Omg I hope they actually take action and it is not just empty threats. It is so funny because she obtained a law degree according to this interview 3 years ago: No. 718745
>>718567She disabled all comments kek. She swears that she had permission from companies and actually worked together with them on the advent calender. Sure Jen.
Is it even legal insisting to have a contract although she is obviously lying? I mean if she says she has permission that means she must have the receipts/a contract. I could also say I work with Loreal and sell stuff in the name of them. That's highly illegal.
No. 718761
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>>718728One of the videos exposing her was made by someone who deals with this type of law-they were giving tips for those who want to take action in the video and encourage others who had bought the calendar to contact them if they need further assistance. I will see if I can find-but interestingly they said if you paid via paypal you can get the money back and there were at least 4 comments I saw saying they are contacting paypal right now to get a refund.
>She swears that she had permission from companies and actually worked together with them on the advent calender.Now this is the most stupid thing she said because this is exactly what she will get sued on-not just selling their products illegally but I doubt the companies are going to want to be connected with a person who has a reputation for scamming her fanbase and whos boyfriend threatens them with violence.
No. 718888
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>>718622>>718136Nta but read
>>717899 because that's literally why? I'd honestly love to hear a defense of him that actually holds water that isn't just "fake news" or "but myspace", so nows your chance my dudes. No one here who is defending Jeffree has ever mentioned his makeup or given any reason as to why they're a fan other than just attacking his accusers. So let's hear it, why do you like Jeffree? Why is he worth defending to you? I'm legitimately curious.
No. 718904
>>713087holy shiiiiit. Brad Mondo loves to talk about knowing hair this and that, but he destroyed her hair. And that cut is also bad.
She can pull if off (good for her) but both the cut and color are massively patchy and uneven. He's a terrible 'hair dresser.'
No. 719061
>>718909>Being mildly racist really isn't a huge deal in tons of places, sorry, but it's trueFirst of all, what about screaming "N—ER" at the top of his lungs and calling black women gorillas and rats is "mild"? And that's just the things we've seen. You don't just wake up one day at JS's age and say "I think I'm gonna say the n word for the first time today!", obviously he must be using it in his personal life as well.
>I'm shitty and all of my friends are shitty so therefore you guys are the incorrect onesSo you're in an racist echo chamber? Cool. Sorry to inform you but being racist is in fact a big deal. And if it's not a big deal to you or your friends, then you need new friends.
Seriously like
>>718888 said if you're that offended by being called a Jeffree goon than literally give me one reason other than "I think racism is ok" why you support Jeffree.
Also this is a
makeup thread? Why the fuck do we constantly have to debate
why it's bad to be racist? No. 719085
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>>718908>>719033>>718904Should he have used olaplex or is that just a meme?
Also YouTube always recommends me his videos which are complete trash 5% content 95% gay/ black people slang.
No. 719106
>>719061I think anon is just saying being racist isn't milk, but that's not what the complaint about Jeffree is. He is manipulative. I know he has a business and all, but he should own up to his shit. He can't just apologize for saying racial slurs, then turn around and call Jackie Aina a gorilla. I'm not surprised he's still a racist fag, seeing as Chris Crocker was his BFF. There used to be a video of both of them together saying racial slurs, it was kinda like a compilation. It seems it's been wiped from Youtube.
>>719085>Youtube's terrible recommendationsBlah, I really wish they have competition. Youtube used to be a lot more personal, now it's crazy fame hungry people there. Also, I keep getting reaction videos recommended to me, alongside drag queen makeup tutorials lmao.
No. 719611
>>718909I have more of an issue with his hypocrisy than his ~mild racism~
You don't get to drag makeup companies for not having a wide range of makeup shades so that you appear woke but also call black makeup influencers gorillas.
No. 719620
>>719574Indeed, I noticed that youtuber had at least 3 of their videos pulled-however a lot of other youtubers are covering this.
I would love to see her pull this on petty paige, she will get her ass handed to her by petty's fans but moreso petty, it will tank any future career for sure.
No. 719656

>>719620There are a lot of people like Valentina and Laura Lee selling their PR too
>It's not against the law , per se. But you do have to sign contracts, saying specifically you agree to not sell the items and that if you do sell them, they are liable to press a civil suit against you. So it's not a law, it's a legal contract. Same concept, different idea.So Eltoria could get sued. But most likely she would get blacklisted by some brands, because I don't know any youtuber getting sued by selling PR but many youtubers who got blacklisted.
>So, here's the 'technical' stuff about income on such PR stuff. A company that gives her over $600 retail value of product, will give her a 1099 form which she is supposed to file with her income tax as income. She has to claim anything over $600 and that, again, 'technically' is to be for ALL her PR freebies for the year. So, if she has 7 PR companies give her $300 in product each, she is suppose to claim $2100 income and pay taxes on that.>If she has any products that she sells, and makes over $600 in a year, she is supposed to claim that as income too. And, there will be income tax assessed on that.>Again, technically, she is screwing herself for being a scammer. She probably isn't claiming any of that PR as income. And, she isn't claiming any of what she makes by reselling it on her income tax. That's a WHOLE lot of fraud!!!I believe that's US law. Idk how things are in the UK but I believe it's fairly similar. You have to declare your free stuff and pay taxes as you have to pay taxes on your profit. Eltoria said in her video that she made no profit and she bought the stuff from her own pocket kek that's tax fraud!
No. 720299
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>>719807Yep, some of the issues are covered in pic related.
No. 720441
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kinda love this
No. 720604
>>720471Underrated comment. hahaha
Mykie looks bad here. Like the other anons mentioned, her self tanner did her no favors.
No. 720607
>>714845I think his work is fantastic, but i cannot stand his personality. He is really over the top and uses the whole 'i'm gay ' thing to the extreme. I will admit he's talented, but my god, he is freakin annoying as hell.
>>714864ewww, his dick is disgusting. Literal pencil dick
No. 721025
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>>721021Her latest instagram post. She sees herself as the victim, doesn't she?
No. 721039
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>>721025From eltoria's new video, she really is being a passive agressive bitch and people are laughing. I'm sure she wont be laughing when trading standards come knocking.
She really is being stubbon and making it worse for herself.
No. 721319
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I thought Jeffree said that he doesn't care about Manny and blocked him? and that he doesn't even think about Manny at all?
No. 721477
>>721381if he could stay self aware for 2 seconds he would be so much more likeable. he's one of those people who says some provocative shit, and then when people get provoked, goes "omg why are people coming for me!! must be because i'm just over here living my best life." he's always been a little trickster which can be fun and funny but it gets ruined when his fat ego compels him to say shit like "oh people just try to ruin my reputation because i'm so successful!" even when he himself has apologized for things and admitted to starting drama.
like i don't care about manny mua and the drag was kind of funny but you can't do shit like that and then act all shocked and victimized when a lot of people bitch about you
No. 721498
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>>721319Apparently Jeffree not only is friends with all the drama channels, he found his comment SO interesting that he just has to send it to Rich Lux asap (I’m rolling my eyes so hard)
Most people know Jeffree loves creating narratives, but usually he isn’t this sloppy. A simple crop would’ve helped.
No. 721508
>>721498>>721506because he never actually worked on his attention and conflict seeking issues, but instead just said "oh i've moved on from that! i killed that part of myself! i'm a professional now!" but that's not really how it works so his repressed lust for drama finds its way out for the most retarded of reasons.
he was just starting to gain more favor from the public. how long until he's hated again? he needs to make up his fucking mind and stick with it. maybe instead of trying to kill and bury angry jeffree he needs to accept that that's a part of himself and MANAGE it.
i mean maybe i'm giving him too much credit and he never intended to stop being petty and callous, but to me he really seems like he doesn't even know if it's more worth it to be petty or if he's above all that now.
No. 721513
>>721508samefag but alternative theory:
jeffree made a trade with rich. jeffree acts as rich's personal tea kettle, whipping up spicy comments for him to make giant monetized videos about when the regular tea is dry, and in return, maybe, say, jeffree gets to preapprove any rich lux videos about real drama concerning himself.
No. 721806
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>>721498>>721506>>721508>>721513Well, we already know that Jeffree reached out to Rich to meet up with him a long time ago when he was in TX (and they also did the grav3yardgirl video together, though I'm not sure if that was the same time) so obviously it was a ploy on Jeffree's part to get Rich on his side since his videos are all about beauty drama. This has shown to be the case in Rich's videos since then, where he doesn't have a bad thing to say about JS. It just validates his victim complex even more if the people providing all the info on drama are playing him to be the victim as well. Rich also said in the video where he talks about meeting Jeffree that he asked JS for youtube advice and they talked about how to further his yt popularity. Appearing in a video with JS would obviously do that, so there's a clear exchange here. Jeffree fucking sucks but he's very business/PR smart. He knows EXACTLY which people to play and how.
Case and point: See the posts about when HereForTheTea made a totally valid video criticizing JS and everyone jumped down her throat about it being a vendetta and her being a jealous fatty. Even the anon who posted it here hadn't watched it but claimed it was a vendetta. (and then deleted the comment where they said that lmao)
>>698619>>698620>>698651>>721786What fake shit tho? This is what I'm talking about with the Jeffree stanning. People post very clear irrefutable proof and suddenly people come out of nowhere to either attack the character of the person who posts it, or go way out of their way to question it with no proof as to why it may be fake other then "idk looks fake". It's the exact same shit as the Daveed video.
>HereForTheTea makes tons of JS videos with evidence of his shadinessJS Stans: she's just jealous cause she's ugly and couldn't become a guru!! Let's start talking shit about HER instead!!
>Daveed posts texts directly from his phone. Shows him turning on his phone, going to the texts and opening them, proving they could not possibly be faked.JS Stans: idk seems fake
JS: Laura Lee HIRED Daveed to make up fake texts to that she could make a comeback!!
>Screenshot of Jeffre's comment with Jeffree's icon that says "Add a comment as jeffreestar…" JS Stans: idk seems fake
>Video of Jeffree screaming the N-word at the top of his lungsJS Stans: but context!!! that's barely even racist!!
Literally give me one example of the "fake shit" you're talking about that has been proven to be fake outside of Jeffree claiming it's fake because everyone's jealous of him. The character of people doesn't make the claims any less valid, it just makes it easier for Jeffree to manipulate the narrative in his favor by distracting everyone.
Seriously mods, can we get this shit out of here? Valid opinions/commentary on JS is fine, but this shit is just clogging up the thread over and over and over again.
No. 721900
>>721806Okay, not a Jeffree stan but technically those texts could easily be faked. Texts are just data stored on a phone, you're viewing a local copy when you scroll. With a rooted phone you can change anything about them (time and date stamps, who sent them, the content etc). If it was WhatsApp or something else it would be much harder, but with texts and iMessage it's super easy.
I think that it's unlikely they are faked because Daveed doesn't seem that bright, but to say categorically they cannot be fake just because he showed his phone screen is wrong.
No. 722067
>>721900Ok, fair, I think this is an informed opinion. I'm literally begging yall to back up your baseless defenses of Jeffree with even one thing, and congrats you're the first person who's actually done that. And it's not even in defense of Jeffree.
>>722057What about this needs to be saged? I'm taking about a beauty guru drama in a beauty guru thread, regarding topical info. Or is it just because it's about precious victim Jeffree?
No. 722138

>>721900>>722122Yeah, this is the confusing point to me as well. If he just wanted to make up fake texts it wouldn't it have been less work to just photoshop some? Especially considering he didn't end up getting anything out of it (though obviously that was his intent) his video where he shows himself turning on the phone and going to the messages only got <30K views and all the comments are Jeffree stans attacking him. I don't understand how rooting/jailbreaking works really, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this video then.
(Start around 6:00 for the actual phone, he blathers on forever before that)
Either way Jeffree did his usual magic of flipping the narrative and sweeping it under the rug by blaming Laura Lee/declaring them fake/starting new shit for people to concentrate on/playing the victim instead. Most of the conversation turned into:
>a hairdresser and their client is a SACRED BOND how dare you violate that!!>this man used to PAY you to do a JOB and you betrayed him!!…..because both of those things are worse than racism, I guess? It even fits in with the
>>721806 Rich Lux narrative, because Rich's video on this was all about how Daved violated this "client/hairdresser confidentiality" and was butthurt because Jeffree was using another hairdresser. (I agree with the latter point, but again, doesn't make his claims any less true)
No. 722142
If these texts were fake then Daved had to be super genius to match the dates of the texts with the Instagram posts they were talking about in the texts (see
While also making Jackie Aina post his work at those dates, making this whole scheme in the duration of months…
Yeah that ain't it, these texts are real
No. 722329
>>722293it is Jeffree though and cannot be anyone else, the Jackie photo Daved posted was right after Jeffree's photos of a magazine shoot he did. No one (at that time) had a beef with Jackie except Jeffree, that's why he told his hairstylist to "delete that gorilla" and how was disgusted to have Jackie's photo right next to his. He even unfollowed Daved UNTIL Daved deleted Jackie's photo (which can be still found on her Instagram)
unless you mean another person staging this, then that's too elaborate to do during the entirety of 2017. Daved ain't that smart nither is Laura Leech (because she was accused of doing it lol)
No. 722344
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>>722329>>722293I know you're saying you think they're real, but yeah even so the mental gymnastics required to make this even a plausible situation is absurd. It's Trump levels of "FAKE NEWS! Idk you figure out how that's all I've got bye" or a giant conspiracy involving at least a year of pre-planning and multiple conspirators and breaking a phone and concocting a made up conversation to surround the racist remark that has to align with Jeffree's real public feuds and real events and confirming it with instagram dates to have ready to go JUST IN CASE Jeffree starts working with another hairdresser or Laura Lee annihilated her career? And for what? It just gets swept under the rug and Daved's reputation is probably ruined.
The Occam's Razor version is "guy who we know has been racist before is still racist".
No. 722558
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>>721025She sure does. soon-to-be-wilson commented on her now infamous video that eltoria and her rabid white knights posted some nasty comments on the video which then disappeared. These ones have resurfaced, not sure if these are the ones she meant but as you can see eltoria is yet AGAIN trying to spin the victim "woe is me, you're all bullying me i'm all about positivity etc" bullshit. Linking the video in case you wanna view the replies to eltoria down below there are many! No. 723220
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>>722753I'm surprised Mykie hasn't popped up here before, is she that ~beloved~? She was definitely unique back in the day but I find her a bit obnoxious now. She seems like the type of youtuber that professional FX MUAs would hate. Has she ever worked professionally in that capacity? I know she did some haunted house/halloween type stuff, but those places will usually take any random theater kid who's taken a stage makeup class. Has she ever actually worked in Film/TV doing FX makeup?
No. 723227
>>723220>is she that ~beloved~?Yes
She doesn't get involved in drama and she seems nice and down to earth, so I don't know why could she be considered lolcow
No. 723269
>>723220I never liked her but there hasnt been anything to talk about(milk) and im not one to sit around nit picking another snowflakey guru with cringe friends. Shes boring at best, acts like a myspace scene queen in terms of lel so randum xD act while also trying to come off as some big internet mom, her normal makeup tutorials are like any other (boring) and the sfx is….just dissapointing, bland and another average guru who gets their ass ate for pinterest tier tutorials, what really riles me is she had a video(it was a small part of some q&a or something) where she mentioned youtubers who dont practice safety etc for sfx tutorials and it harms viewers but really? The woman putting some latex and cotton on her face wants to suddenly talk about being certified and safety while she never outs the yt'ers shes complaining about, which comes across like such virtue signaling when all she can do is vague post about ~muh safety, am licensed professional uwu, they r doint bad thingz~
Beauty gurus all act the same tbh, she just seems like the dumblr version of the community. Plus considering she has no qualms with people like Jeffrey or that greasy white guy with the long hair who can't but chooses to rap i can't say she has any good judgement of character
No. 723278
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and then she went to Twitter this year to say "fuck you Walmart" because they "stole" her idea.
No. 723343
>>723278I think she has a LOT of drama lurking but she's smart enough to cover it up.
-Probably cheated on her bf with the guy with half red, half black hair. The videos were SO cringey and so much sexual tension. It seemed very weird
-Currently dating spankie on the sly. If you watch the very end of the spankie video where she covers mykie's apartment with pictures of herself, it really looked like a couple.
At the same time she uploads videos like "Gets Tinder guys to choose my makeup"
-The "pregnant???" Clickbait thumbnail for her Q&A, where she had an obviously made up and lengthy boring story about mistaking a fan for being pregnant, just so she could use that thumbnail. The fan of course never shows up in the comments.
Her videos used to be good, but she just posts trash now and blames the algorithm. See also hawking $30 wigs at $99. She's like a slightly higher class version of the rest of the Youtube crowd. I feel like she sold out recently.
Also she has a Tesla car and Alexa and whatever other tech junk is popular, which just says to me she cares too much about popularity/what people think of her.
No. 723415
>>723343this post is 100% tinfoil and reaching. please polish your crystal ball a little, anon.
tbh mykie is so annoying, she has no outstanding quality. also she looks like she worked in the mud all the time due to her dirty looking fake than.
No. 723420
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I do like that she's not afraid to be….ugly I guess is the word? Like basically shaving off her eyebrows (or letting them be that light) and shit. I think she's very pretty and she's legit the only person I've ever liked a side shave on. But yeah the whole "so randum! xD" with the edited high pitched voice is pretty annoying. I felt legit bad for that tinder guy when she had him wipe off her makeup, must have been pretty startling for him.
No. 723444
>>721806I enjoy watching JS because I find him entertaining, but I will never understand the denial his fans are in about how overflowing with shadiness he is.
>>722138That video wasn't nearly as milky as I was hoping and tbh he kind of hurt his own career by making it. Celebrity clients don't give a fuck whether or not your exposure of someone was justified, they just care that you exposed a client. This is a massive turn off for the kind of people he works for. The fact there was an attention whore element to it doesn't help his case at all.
>>723343Seconding the anon who called tinfoil and reaching. Let's not get carried away.
>>723420I think she's quite pretty, it's just her lack of eyebrows doesn't do her any favors.
No. 723620
>>723434seriously. she has a terrifying grin.
she's not ugly without makeup and most dudes who aren't virginal robots are well aware and don't give a shit that women look different without makeup. I doubt tinder guy was really all that shocked to wipe off her makeup and discover -surprise!!! - she's still an attractive girl, she just doesn't naturally have giant lashes.
No. 723662
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>>723641Are you sure though? If you try to find Mykie's credits what comes up is 2 IMDB pages under "Mykie" and "Mykie Valenzuela". They both look like her, but Valenzuela isn't her last name so idk what that's about.
I know her real name is Lauren Mychal Mountain, but she's said "Mykie" is her working name. Even if you try to find an IMDB under LMM the only thing that comes up doesn't look like it could be hers at all.
(Sry for giant pic)
No. 723664
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>>723641>>723662(Continued) This looks like her resume from, I'm sure it hasn't been updated in forever but even then it just looks like the haunted house place and some internships?
No. 723672
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>>723641I mean, I don't really have a problem or dislike Mykie, and obviously there's nothing wrong with being self-taught. But I just think it's kind of misleading for her to portray herself as a "professional" SFX MUA, or to criticize other FX channels for "not being professional or trained enough in safety like she has".
>You don't run in circles like that unless you've worked in the industryFull disclosure, I just skimmed that video but I don't understand this line of thinking? If she really met Vi Neal just through working in the industry, why would a 3x Oscar-winning film makeup designer take the time to sit down with one of thousands of random set makeup artists? (because that's all Mykie would be at this point). Seems like Vi Neal was trying to promo her makeup classes in that video, which would make more sense why she would appear on Mykie's channel since Mykie is a yt celebrity and more or less the face of FX makeup on youtube.
I would guess they were both just involved in the Nyx face awards and met that way (pic related).
No. 723765
>>723275>>723277These are two completely different styles of mouth makeup though. And a year apart is long enough, isn't it?
>>723278Getting mad at Walmart is pretty cringey though.
No. 724130

>>723672She's less obnoxious than other gurus, but she's definitely misleading and up her own ass. There's also this video where she tells people how to get into the industry and how to be a makeup artist like her….and it's just bad? Other than working at the Mac store and the haunted prison or whatever and a few small productions she never mentions any other "industry" experience and just spends the whole video giving really obvious and self-serving advice. I don't understand why she thinks she can give people advice on how to break into the makeup artist industry….when she really has no experience in it at all?
Her hot tips:
>guys take pictures of your makeup!!>you need to have pictures in a portfolio!>just don't give up!>be a fast learner like me!>lie on your resume like me!>work on as many different people and faces as possible!! (even though basically all of her videos are just on her own face)
>"It takes a lot of commitment to get to where it does pay pretty well"(she's literally never reached that point though? she's rich because she's a youtuber, not because she ever made money as a makeup artist)
She acts like getting a job selling makeup at a mall in Pennsylvania is some big crazy break she got because even though she didn't have experience they could just TELL she was gonna be great. Same goes with the Haunted Prison or whatever. As someone who works in hair/makeup in the Theatre industry I can assure you both of those jobs will basically take any highschool theatre kid as long as they can train them.
Her timeline also confuses me. She says she worked as a cocktail waitress for a couple of years to save money to move to LA. She moves to LA to be a makeup artist…with no portfolio (
hence the advice "take pictures!") and then didn't start a youtube channel until she had been living in LA and starting doing makeup on herself to build up a portfolio (presumably because she couldn't get work). There's no mention of her ever doing any more production work after she starts talking about how she got a youtube following.
But I swear I remember her talking about how she was a cocktail waitress in some of her vids years ago when she was already doing popular tutorials? I could be wrong though. Doesn't matter either way cause how the hell do you have a degree in Film, and think you can just make it in the industry with no portfolio or real experience? Especially with years in between to prepare and build up a portfolio? She absolutely just lucked into her success.
Anyways TL;DR Mykie loves to give advice on how to be successful in the makeup industry, even though she makes money from youtube and has never been successful in the makeup industry just on it's own.
I have no qualms about being self-taught or being a beautuber, but just admit that's how you make money and that's all you are? Don't act like you're better and smarter or different than every other self-taught beautuber/FX hobbyist just because you worked on a couple of no-name productions you were barely even paid for.
No. 724149
>>724130I think everything you wrote is correct, and she does it intentionally to make herself seem more professional or qualified than other youtubers. But it's all for nowt when she just makes trash clickbait content now. She is very good at makeup but the initial thing I liked about her - that she was somewhat clever and creative - seems lacking now. Her old videos were big productions with twists. Now it's just
mykie in a room. It's disappointing because she can do more. I noticed she updates instagram a lot less now too, and what she posts is not linear, and almost random. There used to be a narrative of some sort.
Funny note which I realised a month or so ago: She is wearing colored contacts 80% of the time, but never mentions it. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes not. Generally it's only mentioned by fans in the comments if it's a sclera lens. I don't know if that counts as false advertising, because lenses play a huge role in how a makeup look turns out and she's never once mentioned it. Idk. I wish she would put some effort into her videos, in summary, like she did in 2014-2016.
No. 726273
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>>724130I wish she’d go back into sfx makeup, her old videos were a little bit better then they were now bit even then I don’t think she was that great of a sfx artist
But lately I’d barely consider her one, her looks are soooo basic
Using a wee bit of latex and a shit ton of makeup doesn’t make you a self taught artist anymore
I consider a good sfx self taught artist to be ellimacs
At least she makes big good stuff
I think if mykie actually tried more and took it seriously, then she could do something great. She at least has the semi skills to get somewhere
But I guess views are in mediocre makeup looks and lazy sfx works
No. 726927
>>726467The comment section is a mess full of J stans defending their lord, even when it was proven that he is racist (yet again)
Am I the only one creeped out by how cult-like he and his fans act though? They don't ever see him in the wrong & will end your life (Laura Lee) in a second if HE wanted them to do so
No. 727066
>>726982Mentioned what again? I was talking about the video because there are new info about this scandal, so yeah maybe you thought I was repeating something.
You sound bothered
No. 728729
>>728614>>728623It seems easy until these influencers realize their money comes from the shit they hate.
Go into actual MUA jobs if you hate making videos so much? I don't get why he has to leave the beauty community to feel release from being a snake.
No. 728772
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>>728738James is so funny to me, he did a double swatch for one of the colors in his palette (because let's be honest, Morphe is shit) and he tried to disguise it as a one swatch = full pigment
No. 728781
>>728738Morphe is the meme of the beauty world, a genius idea really. Someone private labels from China, gets a bunch of gurus to do free advertisement = hella profit.
Regarding James, he’s a complete tool and I can’t stand his persona.
No. 728790
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Probably not the best thread for her but I couldn't find another one.
>gets thousands of dollars worth of painful cosmetic surgery
>looks no different
Nice try Elaine. Maybe you should just try loosing weight?
No. 728833
File: 1541709189667.png (267.72 KB, 720x962, 2018-11-08 15.28.19.png)

>>728790Your viewers aren't stupid Elaine. I bet she used all the money on the ps, I'm guessing the clinic gave her a 30-50% discount for the advertising. It still ain't cheap considering she had 6 procedures done. 10 bucks she's gonna lie through her teeth and be like "I SWEAR TO YOU GUYS I WOULD NEVER DO THAT, I NEVER USED THE MONEY TO FUND THE PS" I'm so done with Elaine.
No. 728886
>>728833She didn't use any money on the plastic surgery. No offense but watch the fucking video? Maybe? The surgery was free for her review.
No. 728917
File: 1541718119859.png (1.06 MB, 724x755, 1-1.png)

She got lipo but still looks fat??
>travels to Korea for ps
>6 procedures
>4 hours under the knife
>looks exactly the same
No. 729656
>>729609She's always been like this (see her reviewing Michelle Phan Em cosmetics, they were so shitty even Tati's fans are calling her out)
Of course, she would kiss ass for the bigger YouTubers, but will be so critical for the smaller ones.
No. 729946
>>729933Unless he did eye swatches on the snaps I won't be convinced that Morphe ain't shit.
I will be waiting for Thatgirlshaexo video on the palette, because she is the only BG I know who does eye swatches (which honestly should be the standard of swatching colors)
No. 730120
this was him in january of 2017
No no-makeup videos or pictures of his post-surgery face yet but he said he will upload one once the swelling's gone down
It's honestly tragic. I'm all for letting people do what they want to do with their body and I know he's struggling with mental illness but leaving aside the fact I think his face looks absolutely awful now I can't see how this will hold up long-term considering he's still in his twenties. There's so much he had done I feel like his face will just collapse eventually
No. 730168
>>730120Thanks anon, also,
>>730143 Oh my fucking god how mentally unhinged does one have to be to do this to themselves
No. 730319
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>>730143He based his jaw on Priscilla Presley and his eyes on Jocelyn Wildenstein.
No. 730436
>>728917She legit looks like she's a midget. Her head is one fourth the lenght of her body…
>>729901Shit like this
triggers me.
Short and fat af, but
>I fit in a size small, I'm so tiny teehee No. 730611
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He’s trolling right? Or is he just in hard denial of what he has done to himself?
No. 730721
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>>730719He used to be really cute/attractive.
No. 730785
>>730611He's probably still riding the plastic surgery high and soaking up all the attention he's getting. I'd like to say it'll sink in eventually but there's been worse looking PS victims that claimed to be totally happy with their abysmal appearances so who knows.
>>730744Whatever the reason it's got to be some kind of mental illness. Needing to sink that far into into a fake character you made up to feel good about yourself is not a particularly good sign.
No. 731461
>>731430He posted a photo of Laura, Manny, Nikkita, and himself flipping the finger and tagged it "imagine stanning a racist" which was a dig at Jeffree Star (all of them were his ex friends) even though Manny and Laura took the photo for other reasons and they weren't aiming at Jeffree. Manny even told Gabriel to delete the tweet because he wasn't trying to start a fight with Jeffree.
Jeffree fans of course started digging in their history and found a racist tweets from Gabriel and the infamous Laura Lee tweet that ended her career. After receiving so much backlash, Gabriel went on camera and threw his friends under the bus "they were talking bad about Jeffree so I believed them" "I'm sorry Jeffree I shouldn't have trusted these fake people bla bla" even though Gabriel was the one who instigated this whole drama without his friends knowing. Now he is all up in Jeffree's ass and is still throwing them under the bus whenever a drama channel wants receipts on Manny or Laura.
I just wanted to know if he had any milk though because he's such a snake and everyone is so hypnotized by his acts
No. 731494
>>730036Whoever did this is a criminal. A surgeon without any integrity at all. I've seen surgeons from Russia and Turkey turning potential patients down because they recognized body dysmorphic disorder and advised them therapy instead, and then you get glamorous Beverly Hills surgeon seeing someone who walks in their office looking like
>>730117 and agreeing to work on them… and doing a shitty job, too
No. 731538
>>731494I don’t think any of his surgeries were done in America. I think his awful nose job was done in turkey, but I’m not positive.
He’s from the UK
No. 734005
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>>730072That’s him without all that makeup. His face is forever fucked
No. 734045
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>>733758I was diappointed with his video its pretty shit and a rush job. It was interesting tho I went to eltoria's twitter and for the few weeks running up to this video she had been retweeting jaackmates tweets and I wonder if it was a plot to get him on her side as he says he thinks shes alright and hes clearly not done his homework she was slagging him off last year.
Also bitch is a skinwalker, and her face looks weird in this, I assume its been edited?!
No. 734049
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>>734045i feel mean for this but sh's tested my patience by doing this so many times. i really don't understand why she keeps forcing the zoella comparison. when she tries to replicate the pose and outfit she looks like a much harsher, less attractive version of her. if i had a face like hers the last thing i would want to do is bring attention to someone who looks like me but a lot more cute and feminine. shit would be depressing.
I feel like she tells herself she looks just like Zoella to convince herself that she's not plain looking but she really out to just cope or find her own way of being pretty. I never even quite got the hype about zoella's looks other than her being cute and youthful looking, but when you stick her next to someone like eltoria the difference between her and an average looking girl really jumps out.
No. 734053
>>730721I hate this shit. Why do the 1% of people born perfect and beautiful have to fuck it all up with surgery and drugs. It's like they're rubbing it in. "Watch me completely destroy something most people desparately want and will never have!"
It's like watching someone take a sledgehammer to a Ferarri, or burn a Baroque painting.
No. 734170
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No. 734188
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Maybe he has a 60 year old milf fetish hence why he dropped thousands to look like one lul
No. 734190
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No. 734191
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How long is this "happiness" going to last tho?
No. 734205
>>734191He has more surgeries on the agenda for next year so the buzz should continue for a bit.
Interesting to see him in motion to see how much he's gone in on his cheeks (the video version)
No. 734239
>>734170Is that seriously the same person? This is fucked, he clearly has BDD/some mental illness.
>>733758JaackMaate kind of a cunt tbh, I don't like Zoella and her antics but he seems to have a huge hateboner for her for…what exactly? Her being a capitalist shill? He talked about her overpriced advent calendar for weeks.
No. 738532
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>>728772I tried his palette at Ulta when it first came out and I have no idea what fucking product he had in his hands or he sent to other influencers because I swatched that shit and it was TERRIBLE.
It was patchy af and not at all as pigmented as what people claim it is. I thought maybe I was being too critical but I have the Jaclyn palette and it swatches 100% better, they also had it at the store and I compared both and oooofff…James sure got the short end of the stick with that formula. It is pretty trash. No wonder he had to fucking give everyone instructions on how to use it. One wrong move and that palette is trash.
No. 738539
>>736866This guy keeps popping in my feed and I don't get how he is getting attention at all. His make up is awful, his reviews are obnoxious and the more I see of his videos the more he is starting to look like a mother fucking ghost. Like he just slapped his face with baby powder and let the residue be his foundation.
I get that he is going for the whole k-pop vibe but his make up looks nothing like actual k-pop artists when they do music videos or are in concerts. He only tries to recreate the overly photoshopped pictures that are obviously not an everyday look.
No. 741083
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No. 741126
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>>741107well this is his logic, but that's so subjective you could just as easily say "at least a vampire is romanticized and intelligent, a gorilla isn't even human!" Even if he somehow didn't mean it in a bad way he's an idiot for acting like a widely held opinion is objectively wrong because of his minority opinion. If he had a shred of a point, he presented it in the stupidest, most provocative, unclear way possible, instead of communicating with literally anyone.
No. 741572
>>551891she was trying korean makup not Japanese makeup
so I can see why it was considered racist.
No. 742204
>>742183I'm not surprised that James is very mediocre at makeup and relays heavily on Facetune. After all, he messed up so bad without his studio lightings, filters, and facetune in this Covergirl Campaign.
He really fooled Zendaya and Covergirl with his over-edited pictures, and embarrassed them in this challenge lol
(You know, since Zendaya saw him recreating one of her looks and tagging her, she recommend him to be the first male Covergirl model. Little did they know that he basically just edits his photos and isn't actually skilled)
No. 743327
>>741083Apparently hes tweeted more derogatory shit about women and poc and liked/retweeted conservative/alt right stuff but went on a deleting spree, if I find receipts hopefully by someone who got them before he deleted I will post.
A real pity because I thought he was one of the few non-shitty BG's. Guess I was wrong.
No. 744190
>>743981 By photoshopping his highschool pics and it going viral.
Proof you can be popular with a bunch of lies
No. 744585
>>723274Something really similar happened to me, I was starting a sfx instagram, since I really liked her work, and in later october / early december we had this event called ''Zombie Walk'' which I made like an eye hanging zombie. I didnt saw this make up anywhere in that year, non even youtube (tell me if I was wrong) I posted in my ig and obviously I tagged her for the likes and what not. Later she made the same make up look but with a neon zombie… That was pretty disappointing but I didnt know about lolcow and I didnt think to share it but since its not the first time she does this.
Sorry I blurred my picture also I changed my ig name and that post is
archived but If you need more proof I can show it No. 745001
>>744586I don't think yours is similar enough to say it was copied, it's more likely she saw it in the tags and it sunk into her subconscious.
In the same year (I think) she did a butterfly makeup that was inspired by a painting I posted on my Instagram. And then made a video about inspiration and mentioned being inspired by paintings. (it wasn't mine btw and all happened on the same day I tagged her in a post which she reacted to)
She was a lot more creative back then so I think she was looking everywhere for inspiration.
>>734170Poor guy.
No. 745895
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what do yall think about this whole Jackie Aina thing ?
Tbh out of all thinks she should have gotten "cancled " for
woudl be the fact that shes still with two-faced cosmecis afetr their Ceo just posted a photo with his cake saying "rich lives matters "
but Jackie being Jackie usually picks and chooses what type of activism she wants to partake in.
would like to know everyone elses thoughts on this ?
No. 745897
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No. 745898
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No. 745900
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No. 745901
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No. 745918
>>745895Anon, I don't understand what you are trying to say? Why should she get cancelled for previously collaborating with Too Faced (who just now are getting exposed for being racists?) Should we cancel Nikkitutorials too because she did a collab with Too Faced years ago?
I really don't give a damn about Jackie, but if there's some missing milk you didn't post, then this is just stupid
No. 745947
>>745895Don’t agree with you on the due skold be canceled bs but I hate when poc like her make comments that generalize white people
Bitch would lose her shit if someone said this same thing about black people.
No. 745958
>>745918I didn't mean cancel as I'm canceling her myself
but rather referring as others doing so
I should have worded it better
No. 746034
>>745947Yeah Jackie ain't shit and only calls out someone when it benefits her.
But those who are screaming "reverse racism" at her are just fucking cringey.
No. 748203
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Cleaning Jeffree's image part 2
No. 748488
>>748203>Hey do you want a collaboration medium that I have nothing to do with/interest in and will never personally use or have any say in besides packaging because you're all brainless moths flying around my ass acne who can't see through even the most transparent pieces of money hungry shits. I just don't understand why you want makeup collabs from rando content creators when the ones coming from Beauty Gururs are already majority wise shitty from colour choices to quality. Im just convinced his viewers actually 100% eat feces because how do you look at that sweat soaked rag of a man, all his conspiracies and ~sew deep documentaries~ yet not see his scam/usage of fanbases for the sake of pure sales.
Calling atleast one shade to be called Hemorrhoid, thats a dark brown neutral.
No. 757133
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>>757102but he's still hideous though lol
No. 757199
>>757102I KNEW IT AHHHHH!!!!!
i had a huge hunch he was fucking with us this whole time!!!
No. 757417
>>757133yeah i'm still like, boo you went from this
>>730721 to this
>>757133 in what, 5 years?
what even is overdoing it with fillers…
No. 762206
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Does Jeffree wanna explain himself of the blatant copying (or stealing as he says) or is it also the fault of his employees and he is gonna fire them like what he did with that Alien design he stole? Hmmm?
Let's not forget Jeffree is the same man who refused to pay and blocked B.J. Betts when B.J. asked for payment of his JSC logo design. Of course, he kept on blocking him and refusing to pay until Kat Von D went to the public and called him out on it.
Jeffree Star has been caught stealing so many times yet he have the nerve to drag Huda Beauty and call her a thief so he can pander to the black community.
No. 762244
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>>762206Yeah, nothing new here. JS is the biggest hypocrite, but he seems to have dirt on everyone so it all gets swept under the rug and he gets to play the victim over and over again. I still can't get over him pulling this shit time and time again but everyone was cool with him almost destroying the career of a random nobody overseas guru by threatening her with legal action (for which he had no grounds) and sending his cronies to harass her because she dared to say the word "approved" in a video
>>691380he's really got everyone either scared or brainwashed at this point, even here we can't mention him without people coming out of the woodwork to derail any negative talk and rationalize his shitty behavior
No. 762256
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>>762244Even the names/colors are similar. And honestly, I can even suspend disbelief a bit as far as names go (there's only so many "space" terms in the zeitgeist) but either way he should get a taste of his own medicine when it comes to that way he accuses and ruins other people over tiny details.
No. 762323
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>>762317The Focallure Northern Lights highlight palette launched in December 2017, waaaay before Jeffree Star launched his Northern Lights highlight palette.
Even by the end of 2018 he tried to steal the design of a tumblr artist but got exposed by his "loyal" drama channels. Of course, he tried to cover it up by saying that it was his employee!! Not him! He didn't know but he will fire the employee who did it!Poor innocent Jeffree why is everyone ALWAYS against him?
God he is so obvious
No. 763768
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>>762793Also HT's makeup brand probably doesn't have a known makeup figurehead to get in a dumb twitter war with, there's no one to make a huge fuss about how Jeffree is copying their precious work that they "
put like 2 years into and their blood sweat and tears and they're so excited to show you!" like it usually goes.
>>762317I totally see what you're saying here, but I do think there's a difference between a "prestige" brand copying and something like Hot Topic. Hot Topic's palettes are more collector's item than actual makeup. People aren't usually buying them for the quality so much as the novelty of them. They're also cheap compared to JS. For example the Beetlejuice palette is currently $13 on the HT website (marked down from $16). The JS Alien palette is $52.
>I feel like I’m going to get shit for thisFor what it's worth, there's nothing wrong with this type of post/opinion on Jeffree Star at all. The problem imo is when people say shit like
>even if he has repeatedly called POC slurs, it's not even that big of a deal to be openly racist, you guys are reaching>it's ok that he called x person the n-word/whatever slur bc she's mean too so she deserved it! Look over here at this stuff she did instead!I don't think anyone cares when people say
>yeah he's def shit and there's plenty of reasons to dislike him but I'm not gonna stop buying his makeup because I like it, whatever No. 763769
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>>763768(Continuing) I’m not really sure what the difference is legally, I just don't think people care with cheap brands, maybe because it’s not a secret that that they’re ripoffs or they're not trying to get more money for their copy the original prestige? Like I think if the Naked palette was $52 and Makeup Revolution was also trying to sell their dupe for $52 there would be a huge problem. But UD can make the same amount for their one of their palettes that MR can for >10 of theirs. It's just not really a threat.
No. 769363
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And I'm supposed to take a makeup advice from them?
No. 769366
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>>769363Samefag sorry but this one too.
Am I blind or what? I see no difference in the previous photo, they still look awful. Jeff needs to throw away whatever under eye powder that he used, coming for James gig with that flashback
No. 769394
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>>769388I'm sister scared, sister screaming
No. 769433
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>>769420The audacity of Jeff calling women ugly bitches when he looks like that though lmfao
No. 769438
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>>769420Pink rocked that iconic Androgynous look that you wish you had Jeff lol
No. 769554
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>>769363>>769366Yeah, I'm confused here. Those pics look exactly the same. Is he trying to say like, cause the first one is kinda Flashback Mary-ish?
Also I think it's so funny of Jeff to always go on and on about how he doesn't pull punches and he's the only real honest reviewer and he'll tell it like it is because he can't be BOUGHT by companies blah blah blah but has he said anything about Jaclyn Hill's year-long Morphe fuck-up? He doesn't usually waste a second before jumping in to publicly shit talk other gurus and their mistakes and ~the formulas~ ….but not Jaclyn? Because Morphe stores sell his makeup line now, right? That sure sounds like being bought. Even in his recent vid with Shane he says something like "No no, we love Jaclyn Hill".
No. 769631
>>769433Ew. This mentality of "ugh I hate __'s gf/wife she's so ugly and stupid" stops at what? In your teens at most?
He's fucking 30. but he's gotta pander and be relatable to his audience somehow I guess
No. 771751
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have any of you watched the first YouTube video she did? if you didn't: it was kind of awkward since she doesn't seem comfortable talking or being on cam at all. I dont really know why she decided to make a YouTube if this is how she reacts to slight criticism. Also "I didn't sign up for this" really? you did sign up for critiques the second you post something publically online.
I also HATE how she has a young audience and constantly posts stories of her smoking/drinking and driving. she deserves some backlash for being an influencer with a somewhat large following and projecting that image or like those things are cool.
No. 771810
>>771792no need to get mad you could just ask for details, but sorry that I didn't provide a summary
>>771751this is IG MUA/influencer/artist I guess anythingforselenaaas. she is mostly famous on IG but has recently made a YouTube channel
gaining over 100k views in 2 weeks. since posting this shitty attempt at a MU tutorial she has locked and unlocked the comments and complained a lot on Twitter about "haters" when she's the one who publically posted the video online and hyped it up on all her social media accounts. she's been posted in other threads if you want to do some digging. I believe it's the early too poor or ig you hate.
No. 771847
>>771751>>771810I watched it and I thought it was entertaining. I didn't get the vibe of a tutorial although I'm too lazy to go check and see if that's what she touted it as. She does cool artistic shit so it was cool to see her process.
I've never seen her drinking and driving tho. I don't think she's going for "role model" material either anon. If little kids are following her that's on them imo
She was super awk in the first voiceover like god damn just grow some ovaries and get on with it
I'm from her hometown so I kinda get it tho
No. 771883
>>771847i dont have proof of her drinking and driving but if you watch her ig stories for more than a week you will at least see her smoke and drive which is illegal and a bad choice.
It doesn't really matter if you are "trying to be a role model" she has a large following and responsibilities come with that. I think it's funny that you think she is not responsible for the content she posts and it's on the kids who follow her…..
No. 771957
>>771883Who imparts these responsibilities? Why should she care? How annoying. No wonder she said what she said in
>>771751 screenshot
No. 771995
>>771751She's a modern chola and in the SoundClout circle idk what you expect anon, lmao
>>770525Yes, I'm also tired of Jackie Aina and her imaginary "gold" undertones.
No. 773267
>>773215They both seem paranoid lately on social media, and you know how all Jeffree friendships end…
James Charles might stand a chance because he, as well, have a crazy fanbase that doesn't even question anything he does
No. 773277
>>268688>>773268Well, at least copycat doesnt make a secret out of copying unlikehuda
nevertheless I am surprised a few things are approved, just wait until they copy you jeffree
No. 773280
>>773277I'm sorry but you have to be a special kind of stupid to actually believe that Huda copied BB. They are baking powders, baking = kitchen = kitchen themed baking powders.
It's not a unique concept to be original for only one brand, and the baking technique + powders do not belong to anyone. Y'all are starting to remind of Lashes by Lena and her crazy ass "they copied my heart shaped box reeeeeeeee"
No. 773283
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>>773268So he is fine with counterfeit makeup, untill it is his brand that being copied…
No. 773511
>>771883>>771953This argument is weird and i didnt even check who you guys are whining about but as someone who smokes, it's actually pretty difficult/annoying to do it while driving. You either try to drive with one hand or you drive with both on the wheel and smoke stinging your eyes like a retard. Either way its only something you do if youre a full-blown addict or are trying to look cool and its severely immature to stink up your car, in case you have to sell it later in life.
No. 773513
>>773283I don't think you understand the definition of counterfeit. Counterfeit items are complete, fraudulent imitations of things; the J* example you posted is indeed a counterfeit product, because it is being sold as if it is the real product (same name). It's deceptive to consumers. The CopyCat Beauty products are NOT counterfeit, but they are dupes.
Don't get me wrong: I think CopyCat Beauty is annoying and almost painfully trashy, but they aren't advertising their products deceptively.
No. 773516
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>>773512>>773513Where do you draw the line between dupes and counterfeit though? Also CopyCat beauty is completely ripping off the designs, layouts, and colors of these brands. Even the company logo is a knock off of ABH. So the only thing missing is the name of the products?????
J* still looks like a hypocrite for that Huda Beauty and Beauty Bakery drama though
No. 773520
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i went and looked up to see if huda did copy beauty bakerie and was half expecting some bullshit in the desert. i can see why he called out huda, especially when she’s never touched the theme again.
No. 773529
>>773516All I’m saying is although the label is shady you put ANY product from copy cat against the one it’s Duping and 99% of people will be able to call it. The two J* beauty killers for a casual makeup fan? Nope.’
Same palette different logos. I loved SlayParis’ review of Copycat beauty and tbh, I can’t wait for it to fade to nothing or be that “fake brushes paid $10 but website says once sold at $200” scams
No. 773541
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>>773520>that photoMake up on the stove top.
u wut m8?
No. 773618
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>>773268I mean Bhad Bhabie is 15… He was just being nice to her and it was a requested video.
I really don't get why you're so mad, copycat makeup is basically dupes instead of fakes. If you don't know- Those are very different, a dupe is a palette that acknowledges it is a copy and is based on another palette. Those have been a thing always in the makeup world. Meanwhile a fake is just that, trying to be the original and not being honest. A dupe is a honest copy that admits it is a copy. The Huda situation was them stealing off something and not acknowledging it, from a way smaller brand.
>>773283These are outright fakes/counteirfeits and not dupes though?
No. 775501
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If any of y'all wanna buy the MorphexJefrree collab brushes but are too broke to spend $50 on private labeled garbage, don't worry fam igotchu
Srs tho, this collab is really gross and scummy. He's charging his tween fans who don't know any better 500% more than they should pay. Getting really sick and tired of gurus and just YouTubers in general taking advantage of their naive fanbases to charge them ridiculous prices on cheap shit
No. 775530
The dupes don't even look like the shit they're trying to copy. Such a mess… ALSO I'm so amused that people are still interested in duping Too Faced's tired ass, tacky palettes like the chocolate one lmao
>>774824His stance on duping seems to be similar to some sensible game devs on piracy, though the situations aren't 100% the same obv. People too broke to buy your shit are not your customers to begin with so you're not losing anything.
>>775501I am no fan of J* but this thing in particular really rubbed me the wrong way. I thought he could at least be trusted to make a quality product but apparently he can't even be consistent on that.
Maybe his own makeup products are also sketchy, I just haven't heard anything about them being that way and never owned anything by him. People stan him mostly for his products and excuse his behavior bc they're so invested in the performance of the things he makes, or so I was lead to believe.
No. 775551
>>775530I've got one highlighter of his, Lavender Snow, and it's fucking garbage. It's heavy and a lot of product, but if I use it it's just a purple/gray patch on my cheek. Definitely not for very light skin tones.
I've also got a bunch of liquid lips, which I really love for the most part. The one I absolutely hate is "Daddy" it looks like literal shit on the lips. I've also got one, Rich Blood, which came nearly empty (just one hard chunk of it at the bottom of the tube) with an applicator as busted as the Kylie ones he threw in the trash.
No. 775555
>>775530Back when he first started his cosmetics company and was only selling liquid lipsticks, I remember seeing raving reviews about them and getting interested. He was about to release a limited edition color, 714, which I thought was really pretty so I decided to get it.
When I got it I realized the texture was complete piece of crap, streaky as hell and practically unwearable. Maybe I just got unlucky with my order but that was my first and last order from him.
No. 775744
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>>775712i 100% dont think its him but how does he say hes a virgin and then post stuff like this
No. 775895
>>775744Yeah definitely cant say youre a virgin if youre hooking up with people. Hes known for being a liar.
>>775827Ikr he must be fucking some crusty ass dudes
No. 783356
>>783341Maybe she's wealthy family wise?
I wonder about jkissa too, I actually like her but I think I recall another beauty guru shading her indirectly as fake because of her connections to jefree star (her husband works for him).
No. 784477
>>783458to be fair i dont really think that its J* is a saint, i think the problem with the beauty community is they deal with a lot of fake personalities
>>784065 mentioned theres some influence with the shane series, but the beauty youtubers who turned around on j* were no better than him and had a shitty past + promoted shitty products w bad content
to be fair im one of those people who really never found him to be racist, hes an internet influenced individual who was called really shitty things in a bad time. everyone else anyway was saying the same nasty shit it just wasnt recorded
No. 784794
>>783529Why should he get praised for inserting himself in everyone's business. His followers really are braindead.
I can't stand him anymore. He's a straight up bully. He's picking on every person, brand and even his own fans and yet people continue supporting him.
He calls out that one kid for posting a make-up look under one of his tweets but everytime anything happens he has to make it all about him, because apparently Jeffree Star is the most important person on the planet.
>>784713Who cares what he says privately about black people?
Being a public bully and harasser is worse than being a private racist.
No. 792905
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So some retard decided to leak jefree star's new concealer and sell them on facebook in a private group. Well the gig is up and now this idiot is trying to save face on twitter.
No. 792906
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No. 792908
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No. 792921
>>7929101- why do we care
2-no really, why do we care
3-came out at the time on some drama channel, a cap was shown
No. 793912
>>792905In my opinion, Jeffree 100% deserves this.
He kept on bullying brands again, because he's not the only one who worked on a blue eyeshadow palette. Karma's a bitch.
No. 794004
>>792996You don't need to like Jefree to see the blatant trendhopping after how many neutral/ red palettes from morphe?
Subculture was the most unique concept in a long time but that flopped with the formula, not to say blue eyeshadow on it's on is unique but there aren't any other palettes like this right now.
No. 794105
>>794004Sorry if this is OT or blogpost but subculture actually is one of the best palettes I’ve ever owned. I only noticed youtubers/influencers complaining about the formula. Maybe it’s because I waited a long time to purchase it so it had been repressed or something?
Saged for dumb makeup talk, always wondered why influencers shit on subculture but it’s so good
No. 794130
>>794105I agree. It’s one of ABH’s best palettes
Sage for irrelevancy
No. 798942
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>>796394>that hairstylist who tried to out him wasn’t clear on the sketchy detailsHe literally posted a video of himself powering up the old phone, and scrolling through to show the texts. Not a screenshot, scrolling through a conversation log to show the text. What's unclear about that? Hairstylist dude is an idiot and obviously tried to get something out of it, but that has nothing to do with the validity of the texts.
>i don’t trust jeffree but i definitely don’t trust that guy either.This logic makes no sense…..if you don't trust Jeffree why even give him the benefit of the doubt here? Like the mental gymnastics of believing "some evil mastermind dude created an elaborate scheme involving hacking not one, but two different phones (his iPhone and his old Android) to create an entire fake backlog of conversations that had to be cross-referenced with dates and events from years ago just to make up
one sentence to try and ruin jeffree but despite all that still blew it" vs "jeffree has a history of shitty and racist behavior, so ya probably" is insane. It makes zero sense.
Calling a black woman a gorilla isn't even the most offense thing Jeffree's done that we have irrefutable proof of, why go through all the trouble of that and not even use the slur Jeffree is most associated with? The debunking logic might as well be "well obvs this is fake because we know Jeffree's racial slur of choice is the n-word, he would NEVER call someone a gorilla! fake!"
>>796477>yes yes, we went over it all alreadymaybe we need keep going over it again if people who "don't trust jeffree" are still trying to divert attention from his never-ending shitty behavior and scream "fake news!!" any time someone posts proof
No. 802965
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All I’m hearing lately is how James Charles is selling $500 tickets to his tour. He had a lot of backlash for the price for this particular ticket. The other tickets were $50-$100 for the lower tier tickets. Thoughts?
No. 803040
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I know Taylor has been mentioned here before, but man. I used to like her years ago, and I still go back every once in a while to see if she's reviewed any interesting foundations, but I feel so much second-hand embarrassment watching her videos now. She still tries so hard to be some "kewl quirky gurl who doesn't even care about youtube" but is so relentlessly money-hungry with clickbait and shameless sponsored content like
>>712610 said. She's so much more cringey than any modern gurus are these days. It's like she stopped developing as a youtuber 10 years ago and doesn't realize that that shit isn't cool anymore.
Anyways, imagine walking around Walmart and turning into an aisle to see a grown-ass woman with her camera set up unironically posing for a thumbnail in 2019
No. 803048
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>>803040I tolerated her on insta for a while even though she posts nothing but those gross fake clearly posed "looking down/not looking at the camera just caught in the moment by some mysterious cameraman!!" pics (which again, who does that anymore?) but this is the one that made me unfollow. Such subtle and natural product integration….
No. 803145
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>>803012Here’s the list of tickets and their description. What was in the goody bag? That’s the only thing that I can think of that increases the ticket value as worth while. And I guess a photo with him.
No. 803220
>>80314550$ just for a seat? Hell nah lol, he thinks way to highly of himself
>>803154After watching this, you'd have to pay ME to sit through that shit lmao, he's so embarrassing and full of himself.
No. 803221
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>>803220A lot of people keep arguing that people are willing to pay for it and the $500 tickets sold out so “if there’s a demand for it people will pay the price”. I can’t understand how they sold out.
No. 803611
>>803004This. All ~beauty gurus~ do is put on makeup.
To go on tour and charge people for it is beyond ridiculous.
He could go on a tour to teach makeup techniques and stuff like that.
James' whole brand is the word "sisters". In what world is he entertaining.
I hope his fans realize how idiotic this is.
>>803145Lmao, those prices are ridiculous. How much does he think a photo with and of him are worth?
>>803154Oof. Welp if that ain't worth the money. He's so awkward dancing on the spot wearing what looks like pyjamas. I can't imagine any of these people were entertained by him.
>>803301Imo, not at all. Jeffree is no one I'd want to be friends with.
All he does is cuss, flex and start drama with everyone around him.
He thinks the whole world revolves around him and everything that happens has to have something to do with him.
Being friends with him must be torture.
No. 804754
>>804726Absolutely LOVED that she spoke out. And none of this passive aggressive/ vagueness, she went all out.
The part about JC's predatory behavior though? Absolutely gross.
No. 804785
>>804726Always felt like james charles was a fucking psychopath who is entirely caught up in the youtube grind. That drama with the straight boy and the exposed texts proved that: all about getting what he wants, all about what this would do to his career etc. the fact that this behavior seems to be habitual is disgusting though, he is a borderline predator.
I also appreciate that she called out his mom lol.
No. 804794
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>>804726Tati actually canceled him
No. 804809
>>804794There's a certain beauty to this. The woman who basically helped him start his career, to see him bulldoze every other female content creator in his genre and have the gall to appropriate and market the term ”sisters” to his audience consisting of predominantly young girls, to being the one to end it. Feminism!
>>804796You're right. When she said that he said ”It doesn't matter, I'm a celebrity“ gave me goosebumps. He's deranged.
No. 804858
>>804726damn I never realized that tati basically gave him his career
she has issues of her own but goddamn I love her for putting him on blast like this. I feel like there have been so many smaller stories like this that no one completely believed but this solidifies everything
No. 805099
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he had +16 million subs this morning top kek
and it just keeps going down
No. 805135
>>805033the fake pausing/crying that makes him look like he’s about to sneeze kills me
also, this is insanely fake. He preyed on straight boys and tried to manipulate them into thinking they were gay, but “oh Tati warned me not to speak to those boys they were trouble”
um they did nothing to you bitch fuck right off
No. 805169
>>805128>I know I'm disappointing people as I learn and grow everyday… but that's okayyour +1 mln unsubbed followers seem to think otherwise
>about the coachella brand deal, I realize no matter what I say or what receipts I pull, it doesn't matter. There are always going to be people that don't believe mewow, one breath he says he's sorry to Tati, next breath he basically says she lies about the situation
>at this point truth really does not matter… it's the feeling that do again, saying Tati's wrong and she's just emotional about it?
about the "boys" situations, he only says he shouldn't have brought it up in the public eye. lol
that bit about his mother - was is it even necessary? he only kept than in for the tears and sympathy.
the heavy breathing/sighing is so annoying, god.
overall, it's shit.
No. 805189
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Holy shit.
Inb4 James tried to turn Tyga gay as well
No. 805262
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>>805189Mfw international artists laugh at this guy
No. 805263
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>>805258I know anon, I was hinting at James trying to steal Kylies man as well
No. 805335
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>>805263 her man is travis scott, take your spoiled old ass milk and jokes elsewhere, pic is anon.
No. 805358
>>805319whoops guess the jokes on me
>>805335kek why are you so salty anon, take it to the vent thread if you have a lot of feelings
No. 805434
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over a million in three days holy shit
No. 805514
>>804897Feminism is about empowering women as a class, and liberating them from sex-based oppression, not saying 'you go girl!' every time a woman embraces the sexist expectations forced upon her. Empowerment isn't a feeling, and any 'feminism' that says 'well if a woman likes it, we shouldn't criticize it' will never liberate women as a class from sex-based oppression.
sage because not related to the thread topic.
No. 805591
>>805578>>805361I honestly think it's hilarious that James is so obnoxious and vapid that, as a very young person with a whole lot of money who doesn't seem too bright, that he can't even attract a scammer or someone just after his money. Like, that's how insufferable he is, that not even the most shameless gold diggers want to put up with his constant squawking.
Also his makeup is caked-on awfulness and that Sharpied-on nose contour is doing him no favors
No. 805601
>>805580yeah, after sitting through her 40 min rant about him my only takeaway was "how DARE he take some snake oil vitamins that aren't MY snake oil vitamins?" like yeah, i get it, he bit the hand that feeds, took a stupid sponsorship and in general is a dumb fucking 19 year old who has done nothing to deserve being as rich and famous as he is, but shoving your middle-aged ass into this petty internet drama is so pathetic. the only thing that needed to be called out was how he is an
abusive sexual predator. the rest is just her hurt feefees.
No. 805622
>>805618That’s what I think too anon. At first I thought Tati was being dramatic, but she explains why the sponsorship upset her so much.
1) he refused to do a true sponsorship for halo beauty because he felt uncomfortable promoting vitamins to his young audience. But then decides to promote melatonin in the shape of gummy bears to the same audience.
2) he talked mad shit about sugarbear and said he’d never do promo for them. But the minute they approach him he caves in and didn’t even give her any heads up until after he posted.
I can see now why it would upset her so much and why she reacted she did. I also see it was the last straw for her. She’s clearly had misgivings about him for awhile now.
No. 805627
>>805622Considering that all his "friends" dropped him immediately it seems behind the scenes most people hated him too and finally felt he lacked the power to hurt their careers.
I wonder if that Dolan twin will speak about James's gross sexual harassment of him
No. 805641
>>805622yeah, first he’s all “team Halo Beauty, i can’t stand sugarbearhair” despite straight up refusing to help out probably his only true friend in the industry and promote her product, but a year later, when he finds out he and his friends can get free Artists Passes to Coachella in exchange for promo, suddenly he’s promoting gummy bear melatonin pills to his very young audience with no regards for anyone’s feelings including Tati’s.
She’s right when she says he has a young audience. A close friend of mine sometimes deals with pre-teens coming into Ulta and tells her, a MUA and esthetician, that she’s wrong bc James Charles, a privileged millionaire on youtube, said blah blah blah. Insanely impressionable and stupid and with EVERYONE suffering from some form of anxiety, imagine how it would’ve gone if they bought gummy bear sleeping pills “that taste sooo good”.
>>805627Oh no…I truly hope the Dolan twins didn’t undergo something disgusting like that. And if they have, I hope they speak up and destroy him.
No. 805644
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I haven’t seen anyone post about this and I’m shocked. There’s a girl named Lilac on twitter who made a post about how James, when he was 17, sexually assaulted her friend when he was 14 and she mentioned posting more on an instagram account.
pic 1/8
No. 805645
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No. 805646
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(sorry for the spam btw)
No. 805647
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No. 805649
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No. 805651
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on her ig (@teenagerlilac) she posts some insight/proof on her story.
No. 805653
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James’ high school yearbook photo.
When she posted it as proof, people tried to say she took it from google images, but when others reverse searched, there were no results.
No. 805654
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No. 805660
>>805659maybe my tinfoil is showing too much - I definitely think he was hated at school because of his arrogance and was sexually aggressive towards straights, but I can't see him touching a minor in a public toilet right after they've pissed, maybe it's because he comes off as so prissy lel
either way it'll be interesting to see if there are any other stories/if he responds to this. I'm glad he's finally being exposed for being the creep he is
No. 805675
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No. 805676
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No. 805683
>>805641They had this recurring "joke" which Grayson was clearly uncomfortable with and is actually gross. Imagine a guy doing this to a girl comments are pretty funny with hindsight
No. 805696
>>805673called it, thanks for posting caps
>>805683poor guy
No. 805706
>>805649"no reason to lie" yeah there is, it's called "getting attention"
James is a shitty 19 year old who needs to get some basic lessons on how to behave like a normal human being.
Tati is a 30 year old fucking woman who cried that her "best teenage friend" promoted scammy overpriced hair pills instead of her own scammy overpriced hair pills and decided she didn't need to address his
problematic behavior until she got jilted out of exposure.
They are both shitty people but so is the majority of the beauty guru community who will immediately jump on eachothers back as long as it makes them look good
No. 805727
>>80570637, and if you think adults ever stop doing this kind of petty shit your're going to be in for quite a shock. But the rest is 100% true.
I've seen so many of these people go on about how "real" they are that it's actually so cultish and creepy. Tati is exceptionally good at feigning this though and it's obvious as this was such an absolutely brutal, calculated power move
No. 805735
>>805601He is a 19 year old but a pretty powerful 19 year old with an active, larger following than her up to that point. No shit she was scared to talk about him and go after him in public. Being old is irrelevant. The reason she went public most of all is because she saw that he was planning to undermine her every step of the way when she did privately to try to clear things up. It's not her place to talk for
victims of James abuse so she didn't. She talked about herself and how his stupidity affected her. She handled everything as well as anyone probably can.
No. 805745
>>805706He was like a son to her. I'm not saying Tati is immune from criticism, but you're completely missing the point if you think that JC shilling for SBH is the biggest problem. It was certainly the straw that broke the camel's back, and Tati should have dumped him earlier, but I can understand how she felt bound to him out of motherly love.
I'm not a Tati fan but I don't see how she's a shitty person.
No. 805757
>>805747This. This is such a common theme in a lot of the beauty community drama.
Tati didn't speak up about any of this stuff immediately after it happened. Only when her livelihood was being threatened did she decide to divulge this info.
It's great that people know about the extent of James' shitty behavior and don't just let him get away with it this time. He should have had his day of reckoning a long time ago though. And I wouldn't be surprised if he bounces back after this somehow.
No. 805760
>>805747>>805757She didn't speak up publicly, but she says in her video that she told him several times in private that his behavior is
When did it become a common thing to publicly denounce someone on social media as soon as they do something shitty, instead of confronting people in private?s
No. 805763
>>805760 >>805757
Calling him out in private is the ideal way to address the problem, because
in theory, he should change the behavior. Would it be better if gurus released "exposed" videos every time their guru friends do something disgusting?
>>805747Nice ad hominem. She called James out when he was gross and apologized to her guests after. Do you drop family members/friends like a garbage bag every time they do something undesirable, or do you give them multiple chances because you love them? My god. I think her keeping this private showed maturity, because she obviously wanted him to grow up and realize that his actions are predatory, manipulative, and just not okay. Again: yes, she did get
triggered by his SBH sponsorship (and I don't blame her because it
was a betrayal fueled by greed), but it was simply the nail in the coffin, the final straw.
The only way to make JC stop being a gross fuck is, evidently, to make this video. No amount of private confrontation changed anything, and frankly, that's not Tati's fault. I say good on her.
No. 805768
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so who smells a video?
No. 805777
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>>805768This poor little JC fucker is gonna be murdered by the savagery of the beauty guru community. I almost feel bad for him. In any other YT community he could have had a chance to salvage his career had he just ignored the dramu surrounding him, but these YT gurus need drama to function and they're not letting him get up. Tati doubling down and never forigivng him would be the final nail in his coffin. All this over gummy bear vitamins. This is glorious.
No. 805791
>>805778Hell yes, his fifteen minutes are long overdue. I am so salty knowing this little shit is a millionaire but once his umbilical cord to Tati and her connections gets cut for good, he'll squander his wealth in under a decade because people like him, i.e. other instant millionaires depend on the constant influx of cash because they're too immature and irresponsible to keep that wealth going forever.
Better invest in gummy bear vitamin stocks now, or enroll in college, Covergirl.
No. 805828
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Jeffree also tweeted this and then quickly deleted it. Has James been preying on his brother's friends?
No. 805855
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He's going to hit bellow 14mil by the end of today. I don't think I've ever seen a channel lose this many subs in such a short amount of time
No. 805857
>>805855I don't think this is going to change too much in the Lt.
Most of his fans are >14 and probably won't know about/understand the problems.
He'll still have muti-million subs. 14 mill is already baffling.
No. 805902
>>805855The beauty guru community is cultlike - Jeffree Star is like Jim Jones to these fuglies. He don't give a fuck; he'll dogpile you just to stay relevant. Look what he did to Kat Von D (not saying she didn't do it to herself) but this hoe ain't loyal to anyone but himself.
The only seemingly loyal beauty guru is Tati, and she's donezo with James Charles.
No. 805923
>>805706I find it amazing people manage to spin this as if Tati is the bad person here. As if drama suddenly vanishes the moment you turn 30.
Not to mention James' behavior isn't exactly just some small mistakes, he's actively harassing guys. Call that shit out before he does something worse.
No. 805933
>>805927I'll admit that some things about Tatianna's side seem suspicious to me, but she did mention about really helping James and taking him in when he was going through some controversies/when people were hating on him. Why would she attach herself to someone who was getting heat at the time and help him to the point of spending thousands if he was always just a puppet to her?
Sorry, didn't really follow Tati before and only have surface-level knowledge of James until recently so anyone can feel free to correct me.
No. 805935
>>805931It's really a case of the pot calling the kettle black with Jeffree Starr trying to come after James Charles. James may be predatory and annoying but Jeffree Star is both of those things and far worse. It's baffling to me that so many people have not only glossed over Jeffree's huge list of deplorable behaviors, but try to defend him.
With Manny MUA and James Charles deservedly tanking in popularity now, I hope Jeffree Starr will be next on the list of overhyped white gay male makeup artists to go down.
No. 805936
>>805923>>805927>>805933Tati said "Why didn't you come to me to sell my vitamins" then says "I would never push vitamins on kids" but isn't James' audience mostly kids?
She says she was physically repulsed by the things James said, but did nothing until years later, until he was actively undermining her brand.
All these people are as bad as each other, some are just worse at covering it up.
The lesson is, you wanna make it big, you gotta suck up to the people there to get the collabs. Doesn't matter how horrible they are. You keep your mouth shut.
It's not like shes going to throw Jeffrey Star under the bus, he hasn't undermined her brand so he can do whatever to whoever. Just bring in those collabs.
No. 805945
>>805936Is being a greedy opportunist as bad as being a fucking sexual predator now. Is it really.
Tati clearly was motivated by the felt betrayal more than by James' open display of degeneracy and is complicit to a certain degree but to completely write this off as just another beautuber catfight is a slap in the face to all of those that had to endure his bullying. This thing is nowhere near done yet imo
No. 805949
>>805945So Tati felt betrayal because she basically treated him like a son but he acted up, sexually harassed people, and got to big for his boots.
So give me your excuse for her continued association with Jeffree Starr. Are you saying shes just incredibly stupid and naive? And her husband just sits back and lets it all happen?
No. 805957
>>805954people blame others for being complicit with sexual abusers and rapists all the time.
But it's different this time.. why.
No. 805964
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>>805957…Anon I literally called her complicit here
>>805945 What the fuck are you even arguing with me here at this point?
Anyway, bitch is on CNN. Hope this spreads more into mainstream and his sponsors are going to drop him one by one lol
No. 805967
>>805958Really, you are going to say, knowingly promoting and helping someone whose actively sexually harassing people and embarassing you at your own work parties and talking about sucking cock at the family dinner table and breaking straights. Isn't so bad?
Until he goes to shill for the competitor brand. Then he's a monster. lol shes a huge hypocrite, she never cared about what he did, and she doesn't care about what Jeffree Starr gets up to either.
Just don't fuck up my brand or I will fuck you up.
No. 805970
>>805969she didn't need to wait though, shes the one thats been helping him, organizing the contracts, everything he is, is because of her.
She could've pulled the plug quietly at any time, because he was almost completely dependent on her and her husbands advice and support.
Nothing happened til he turned on her, then it was just a coincidence she happened to know all his skeletons she was repulsed by and decided to go public.
Hopefully this will be a handy lesson to Jeffree, you don't fuck with people at your level when they have that much dirt on you.
No. 806003
>>805995That's what big youtubers do, thats how they are, they didn't get big because they were nice, they get big because they want the fame and fortune bad enough and they will do ANYTHING to get it.
I mean look at that whole scam DeFranco was caught up in, he got found out and quietly slinked away.
Look at the chick in the above video, she got caught out and played up the
victim to get out of it.
These aren't nice people, they didn't get to be where they are because they are nice.
No. 806044
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No. 806145
>>806111>>806111>James old schoolmates come out and show he was trying to turn straight guys back in highschool>Tati invites this sex crazed gay 17 yr old around her house and becomes a mother figure to himDidn't anyone find this shit particularly weird? What parents let their kid go to some 40 yr old womans house and her b/f on the other side of the US for makeup?
If this were a guy asking a girl to do the same everyones alarms would be going off. But I guess it's fine.
No. 806160
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>>805905Just out of curiosity for the new thread….should new Jeffree drama (ie not just him sticking his nose in everything, new drama/new content) be moved to the Shane thread from here on out? There already seems to be two separate convos happening in both threads about the same stuff, and there's a million other drama/gurus to talk about here without Jeffree taking up all the real estate and distracting from any other guru talk. He and Shane are a package deal at this point, at the very least I think any future Shane/pallet content or discussion should just stay in the Shane thread
No. 806174
>>806164leaving JC being predatory aside for a minute, there's a genuine dynamic that goes on between overtly gay, femme guys and so called straight guys who will still call themselves straight while fucking guys in the ass exclusively. these are guys who are gay but who can't accept being called it ever, or who aren't openly gay but want to experiment in some way.
where JC takes it is somewhere else, catfishy and sleazy and by the sounds of it, creepy.
No. 806183
How is no one point ou ng out Jeffree's hypocrisy in this situation? He's bragged about fucking straight guys and has made a huge deal about Nate being straight except for him. And he's over a decade older than James.
>>806164There's a thrill in being someone's "experiment".
No. 806192
>>806183I didn't see anyone calling out Nikita Dragun either, and they (with James) both talked about going for straight guys on her channel.
For me though, the worst thing isn't ~pressuring straight boys~, it's using his status, money and power for sexual favours and in general being an ego monster. Sliding into random people's dms, including minors and taken dudes, flaunting wealth, doing/buying shit for men and then making them feel guilty for not sleeping with him in exchange (gage situation is an example here)… He's just been exposed for a scummy person, and I think that's why people are mass-unfollowing rather than "poor straights" and vitamins thing. I think people believed he's this sweetheart self-made young businessman and he betrayed this image. Just a month ago, everyone would jump to one's throat for criticizing him. That means people really liked him and believed in him and they feel big time goofed now - and that's what they can't stand. Hence the huge hate.
No. 806195
>>806183From what I've seen Jeffree brags about fucking straight guys but it's in more of a 'they come after me' narrative (levels of honesty debatable but at
>>806174 said it's a thing that happens) Also he doesnt brag about them and drag them all over social media Like James has done several times if anything he's very secretive about the people he has slept with aside from Nate.
whereas James actively goes after straight men and almost seems to exclusively go for straight men. Have we ever seen James go after an out gay man at all?
The fact that there are at least 20 sources for James admitting he goes after straight guys proves that it isnt him 'joking around' or memeing. He's even talked about WHY he does it and it's all bullshit
but I agree with
>>806192 it's more about the 'this isnt what you sold me' that's screwing him over along with the 'if you cant be there for the one person who was there for how can we believe you care about your fans that you've never met?'
IDK personally I feel like Nikita and J* , although they brag about sleeping with straight men it's more from a 'people call us fag but lots of staight guys fuck us' whereas James straight up says, 'I'm so uwu femme sisters I need a straight butch man to even me out teehee' which is extra shitty cause it's stereotyping all gay men as twinks?
No. 806196
>>806175yeah its all over videos on youtube about the stuff he says on the regular.
To me it looks like she's trying to distract people from James betraying her for another brand by just bringing up shit everyone who followed him knew about already.
No. 806202
>>806196>>806201It's called the straw that broke the camel's back.
Imagine you do nothing but help this person time and time again and you get absolutely nothing in return cept for one time they want something from you.
He told Tati he couldnt promote her brand because 'it would be irresponsible w his teen fanbase'
but he can go and promote someone else's brand that has PROOF of it being bad for you and having bad side effects? So it's not just about the betrayal but sometimes enough is enough.
No. 806210
>>806202yeah sexually harassing people and catfishing them is fine, but when you shill my competitors vitamins, thats the last straw.
Come on, it's obvious from her instagram vid that she was pissed that he broke their agreement to shill for each others stuff.
Now she has to teach him a lesson.
No. 806214
>>806164Several gay guys I know are exclusively attracted to stereotypically straight passing men, and I think it's part having a type (jock/chad/whatever) and part ego boost to think they're so hot that they can turn straight men gay. I also think
>>806172 is right and that some of them enjoy the idea of being someone's "dirty little secret" and putting the other man in a vulnerable position. One guy I know is really attracted to homophobic men in particular but afaik he knows better than to sexually harass them. I hope.
No. 806222
>>806210Jesus, can people get off their high horse. I'm sure none of you would right off go to expose your friend if they behaved shitty, that's primo. Secundo, when you're both in the same community, both big and powerful and with a career to lose. Don't be a child.
She tried to explain to him it's inappriopriate privately, and James even admitted that in his apology. That's not how friendship works, you don't go destroy your friend because you don't like how they behave, you try to better him, talk him out. Especially that he wasn't "sexually harassing" anyone, he was just a fucking asshole.
Of course the moment he destroyed the friendship, she thought oh fuck it and went with all she had. If she omitted the "straight guys scandal" in her "exposing" video, everyone would be on her back for it. The scandal was already happening anyway.
No. 806255
>>806145His mom is a washed up hasbeen Hollywood actress (she was in Cheers and Airplaine!) so that kind of behavior seems pretty normal in their household, I think his mom is desperate enough to get some of that attention back by using her kid.
His brother seems somewhat normal tho. There's been plenty of instances where JC was a downright creep to his brother, calling him his "sister" and bro correcting him every time. I hate that little shit pushing his dumbspeak onto people who don't want it. If their roles were reversed, and JC kept calling his trans brother "brother", he would have been cancelled a long time ago. Not that I encourage that sort of SJW outrage culture, but just sayin'.
No. 806276
>>806111Honestly, I could understand JC feeling confused and hurt because he clearly doesn't view life in a normal way and lives more like it's a party. It was also probably a blind-sided situation for him, because he clearly doesn't handle anything himself.
I'm conflicted about Tati, her head is too big so she got burned by his "betrayal" and only then decided he's a predatory gay man. Emphasis on sexuality. Emphasis on predatory. She took on a mothering role, thought of herself as guru mama, and got her feelings hurt because she put herself out there for a teenager.
She's as dramatic as any other 30-something, and this is very much in-line with what I expect from anybody despite their age. I think she just took something that wasn't very deep as extremely personal and ever since she started her own vitamin line and started in reviewing other youtubers' products I've been uncomfortable with her.
It's not her collaborating with a 19 year old or being friends that bothers me, it's her weird "victimhood portrayed as strong woman, superiority complex calmly masked as Real" type of attitude that gives me goosebumps.
Cutting off access for JC to be given legal help would have been punishment enough, she should have slept on it.
No. 806286
>>806222yeah and when did he destroy the friendship? When he went to the competitor. It's obvious all the people in the community looks the other way until it hurts their bottom line, then it's time to pile on the rogue element.
I don't believe James is in the right at all, but I just feel like everyones making out like Tati is some sort of moral compass for the whole community or something. And yet she continues pushing James as a influencer even though his mom isn't there and he's obviously let it all go to his head. She didn't care, until it hurt her bottom line.
No. 806295
>>806164Yeah pretty much and it's something that should be addressed. I'm tired of fags not respecting straight as a real sexual orientation. No not all men are "a little bit gay", plenty of men are just fine with a real pussy, tits and hips for the rest of their days. If they really want cock and balls then they are bi or gay, no such thing as a "straight" guy plowing dudes in their turd locker.
They make themselves look ridiculous. No, you're not as good or better than a biological woman when it comes to a straight man and you never will be. Not fair? Boo fuckin hoo. I have been attracted (physically and personality wise) to a gay man before, and I never felt the need or desire to "turn" him because it's gross and pathetic. People face unfair circumstances all the time, we all do our best to deal with it, but then there are men like JC who just want to change reality to suit their selfish bullshit. Even "unfair" is a poor choice of words, because nobody is entitled to have a relationship with someone just because they want one.
No. 806297
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>>806286I don't completely agree with JC but the dude is like what, 19 years old? Isn't Tati like 47 years old or something and was a mother figure?
I think it was completely shitty of her to make an expose video just because JC didn't promote her shitty beauty vitamins. She seemed unhinged in that crying video like "I MADE him and he promoted sleeping pills instead of my vitamins! So lemme dig up the one shitty thing he does which is liking straight boys."
It's like, not a secret, JC has been saying he likes straight guys so I don't know why people are pretending it's a sudden scandal. He always got consent to like, what guys regret experimenting with a gay guy? What else is new? JC is shitty, but Tati is shittier in my opinion since she is a grown ass woman manipulating the situation.
Oh and as a reminder, she was going to talk to JC privately but because he talked to drama channels she thought she was in the right to drag him in public instead of being that "mother figure" to someone barely out of their teens. FWI, this is what he said to the drama channels
Imma say this, fuck Tati and fuck her vitamins
No. 806338
>>806297Yeah, honestly I think this makes Tati look waaay worse. JC is a dumb horny teenager thinking with his genitals. All teenagers are dumb and horny and think with their genitals. The whole point of your teenage years is to make dumb mistakes. Tati is an almost 40 year old woman engaging in literal teenage drama. She's just literally being a Mom obsessed with her baby who loses her shit when the baby grows up and doesn't want to cuddle anymore. Like can you imagine
>"Sorry m'am let me get this straight… showed up to your son's high school dance with a megaphone to tell all of his friends, teachers and peers that he's cancelled and to not associate with him anymore? Because you were selling cookies for the bake sale and you saw him buying other cookies? Wait, you have a successful international cookie business? Wait, he's not your son? Then how do you know him? Why are you hanging around this high school with these teenagers trying to sell them cookies?"You would call the police. Like who's the actual predator here? The one is lurking on boys 2 years younger, or the one lurking on boys 20 years younger?
Also the Jeffree defenders are absolutely absurd. In PettyPaige's video she goes on about how "Well it's completely different with Jeffree and Nate because they're in love. Love doesn't have anything to do with sexuality, it's based on their bond" like, what the fuck? How do you think they got to that point? I barely watch her videos but the mental gymnastics of that one made me unsubscribe immediately. You think they were just platonic best friends for years and then one day Nate woke up and realized he wanted to fuck dudes apres pos of nothing? You think
Jeffree didn't actively pursue him, fully knowing he was straight, until he gave in? Jeffree just hung around Petsmart because he was looking for a platonic best friend who just happened to be super good looking and exactly his type? Uh huh. Jeffree was doing this and 10x worse when he was older than James, he's a massive hypocrite (but that's nothing new for Jeffyboi)
Even if any of that were true, how would it be different than James with the Dolan twins (before it crashed and burned or whatever)? If they're "straight" just like Nate's "straight" and had a bond with James, then how much longer would it have taken for them to be "straight with James"? The only difference is that their friendship fell apart before they could "naturally develop" into "a totally straight bond of love and not sexuality!!"
No. 806343
>>806338Exactly. I don't like JC but all the friends who were cancelling him didn't teach and guide him when he's obviously, young, stupid and horny. Yes it is 100 percent shitty JC dragged the guys he was crushing on and got consent to kiss them and shit. But his friends supported him until Tati decided to destroy him because he took some sleeping pills instead of beauty pills? By the way, not the same thing?
If it bothered her THAT much, why didn't she ask him to promote her vitamins like the grown business woman she is? Instead she acted like a tween and made a video balling her eyes out, throwing a literal tantrum, and near the end basically did an ad for her super amazing product. Tati is manipulative
And Jeffery, he has EXPERIENCE with straight guys. He coulda just guided JC or just been like "Hey sit down. Don't make your love life public, it's tacky. Accept rejection cuz you look stupid". But you're right, he decided to be a hypocrite and pretend he never prayed on straight guys too.
JC is shit, but the older adults in this are more shittier
No. 806347
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>>806342>And no we didn't split on good termsPretty much shows how bratty he is when he doesn't get his way, he barely knew this guy.
No. 806366
>>806329>if it were a straight man who talked abt how much he loved lesbians and wanted to turn them, ppl would rightfully call him out for being a gross idiot that doesn’t understand sexuality.This is naive. Lesbians deal with this shit from straight guys all the time and are expected to just put up with it. Lesbian dating apps are overrun with straight men nowadays, and they can simply declare themselves women or ‘femme’ and be supported in shaming the awful bigoted cisbians into examining their vagina fetish and learning to appreciate girldick.
Any chance JC will come out as trans or nb in the wake of all this? It won’t be much of a leap, he won’t actually have to change anything about his persona or lifestyle, and it might get him out of this hot water since
naturally straight guys ought to be into penis as long as that penis is a female one!
No. 806368
What's going on with the people here thinking Tati's equally as bad as James.
She said how often she told him that his behaviour isn't acceptable, but he never listened. What even is the problem with that? If she'd made a video on every fight they had people would've said "you could've talked about that privately if you had some respect for him", if she tells him in private people are like "she was totally accepting his behaviour because she didn't speak up"
You can't win with the James stanes on here
Tati finally had enough after he stabbed her her back with those vitamins and she went and told her story. James finally got the message because hes now getting massive backlash.
He already lost 3 million subscribers.
He would've never learned his lesson if Tati didn't choose to finally drop him and tell the whole world what's going on.
No. 806385
>>806366this is very true anon and the transgender debate has certainly made things much harder for lesbians. I didn’t really consider this angle but we’re in such a weird time where everyone thinks that anyone can just fuck anybody and sexual orientation is just a preference. James Charles is definitely pushing this “sexuality is fluid” mess onto young questioning teenage boys for his advantage and then rips them apart when they confirm their preferences. he specifically goes for young men who are confused or not interested, and then plays
victim when he’s denied what he wants. it’s so entitled and reminds me so much of the behavior of TIMs towards lesbians.
No. 806394
>>806393Slightly off topic but… why promote sugar bear anyway? I always thought they were kinda a scam after they got dumb people to eat placebos for hair growth
"After a month of eating these gummy bears my hair grew a lil less than half an inch! AMAZING!"
You mean how your hair naturally grows anyway?
Everything about the whole situation is hella stupid on multiple levels
No. 806399
>>806366i doubt he will, it'd make things worse especially with how many people passionately hate him now. going tranny will only dig himself into a deeper hole since everyone including twitter sjws will immediately call him out on how he's only doing it for his straight guy fetish or to keep himself relevant. i really think there's no coming back from this for him
>>806394money, plain and simple. to be fair he promoted their sleep vitamins not the hair vitamins, but still it's overpriced garbage when you can get melatonin gummies for $10 at the drugstore
No. 806415
>>806412He has a huge ego, harasses people, is immature and can't handle negative crit, thinks with his dick and obviously let his 5 minutes of fame get to his head but like
What teenager isn't an annoying little shit? But elaborate more than just "he's annoying"
No. 806421
>>806412The people who are white knighting him are still saying he's shit. I agree, he is a piece of shit for not taking a no for an answer. Just let these guys experiment with you and move on, they dont owe you a relationship because you just find them physically attractive, it's creepy. He should be called out for it cuz he needs to learn. But reminding people he's a dumb kid and that Tati is also kinda shitty in this as well. Her main reason for doing this is because she too couldn't take no for an answer, and she's 37 or something and let some brat mentally break her down for not doing an ad.
No one in this situation is blameless and no one handled their shit right. All the mistakes were made, I just think everyone is shit rn. But honestly, it's very hard to do anything right in this situation.
No. 806437
>>806347Lmfaoooooo. Poor little flash back Mary's ego can't handle the truth. If the guy got drunk and you both fucked around, and he STILL decides that gay sex isnt for him, yeah I would say he is straight James you manipulative fuck.
It's all about power, control, and his own distorted self image. I really can't stand any of the fags in the beauty community: Jeffree, Manny, Gabriel (ugh he is particularly nasty) and James have always come off as ultra catty jealous cunts. It doesn't help when their dumb fan base feeds into their egos:
"OMG I'm a girl and they do their make up better than me!!!!!!"
…….and? Historically make up was never just for women in the first place. It's a skill and an expression anybody can learn if they want to. And now everybody is putting full on drag make up like it's everyday wear lol. Ladies, you don't need pounds of make up to pull off a look. Men do that shit because they have manly features they are trying conceal, they are trying to achieve what we are born with.
I'm sorry but I'm just so fucking tired of these groups of arrogant, nasty men. They act like allies to women when it's clear they think we are inferior because we have vaginas. There is already so much stigma about vaginas, girls feel like they need to have them smell like air fresheners and be completely void of any hair or imperfection or they are disgusting. Mean while these guys brag about giving themselves enemas so they don't shit themselves when they have sex. Hmmmm…which is more gross? A self cleaning sex organ or a waste filled anus? Different strokes. Point is: straight men are straight. They love women's bodies, and if that makes you jealous or angry there is something severely wrong with YOU.
No. 806456
>>806160I'd say so. He essentially belongs to his clique now.
>>806415Are you the same fucking retard that was arguing that tati is just as bad as james? why do you keep demanding people explain their dislike for jc again and again when your questions could be answered by simply reading what they wrote first? this isn't "thinking with his dick", this is being a fucking creep. didn't know jc was paying people on anonymous image boards to whiteknight for him but that has to be the only explanation for your dickriding
>>806437>I'm sorry but I'm just so fucking tired of these groups of arrogant, nasty men. They act like allies to women when it's clear they think we are inferior because we have vaginas.Absolutely agree. These men like to call us "sisters" as long as we line their pockets but as soon as they get comfortable they drop the facade so quick. The fact that the most subscribed beauty youtuber went from one shitty male to another one is sad.