File: 1496247516021.jpg (950.35 KB, 1409x2262, 1493917567229.jpg)

No. 391400
File: 1496247964540.png (901.37 KB, 926x596, swag.PNG)

>boy Lolita I wanna do
>boy Lolita
She's gonna finally do it and transition from shit artist to shit cosplayer to shit lolita.
No. 391416
File: 1496250311242.png (470.6 KB, 588x595, 1.PNG) posted a video as well about Momocon. Her flight home got delayed and she talked about what happened Wednesday/Thursday then the video cuts out mid-complaint about how they couldn't get bellhop service.
No. 391428
File: 1496252722157.jpg (56.95 KB, 600x750, 4b410902e0d93ec6a9329a58f09528…)

so when is she going to do the britney spears hair style of 2007?
image unrelated
No. 391547
>>391456Ah shit, sorry! Some how it completely slipped my mind. Maybe a mod could edit it in or something?
>Old thread: >>>/pt/368757
>Social Media: (friend restricted)
No. 391549
File: 1496267009438.png (104.06 KB, 750x947, IMG_1882.PNG)

No. 391550
File: 1496267039099.png (79.54 KB, 750x1066, IMG_1883.PNG)

Commissions 1/2
No. 391551
File: 1496267066001.png (96.26 KB, 750x1041, IMG_1884.PNG)

No. 391658
File: 1496283928137.png (45.33 KB, 750x411, IMG_5196.PNG)

I'll never understand why she asks for help and advice on the daily but never actually takes ANY OF IT.
No. 391785
>>391658Does she not even REALIZE how complicated these characters are? So many patterns and specialized fabric. Not to mention all the detail that she is no where near the level of even TRYING because she can't sew a FUCKING SEAM correctly.
GDI, she makes me so mad. And if she DOES take advice/have someone hold her hand to walk her through the outfit, she bashes the shit out of them later.
No. 391842
>>391797If the Queen ever split herself into two beings it would be Momokun and Ashley. Together they combine into PT, especially with Ashley considering herself fakeboi trans tier and Momokun doing lewds.
>>391658So she took a safety razor to her head for nothing. She'll get bored in a few weeks and move on to her 10th costume idea of the month soon enough. Too bad she won't consider cosplaying Roadhog.
No. 392117
File: 1496378549298.png (13.1 KB, 517x151, 24869d17bc5a3b1e259a3ec1863130…)

What I can't understand is why this bitch just keeps thinking she can magically put together some large event and expect people to magically show her up and shower her with praise and attention. How fucking self-centered do you actually have to be?
No. 392157
>>392052>caught buying things on Friday K
No. 392217
>>392199Splitting is more of a symptom of BPD isn't it? Though I guess someone with bipolar could have severe black/white thinking too.
The hair cut too, she may claim it's for cosplay but sudden changes in appearance and style are common symptoms of mania.
Ash has problems that I think could be fixed with real therapy and medication and maybe even a more stable home environment, but it may be too late now. Things like beauty school, cosplay groups, hell, even her constantly changing cosplay plans and projects seem like ways to fill some sort of emotional void. "If I go to beauty school, I'll have a purpose." "If I make this cosplay, I'll feel complete."
One reason Ash may constantly put cons and cosplay above saving for the future is because they give a faster emotional fix.
sage for armchair.
No. 392232
File: 1496422045913.jpg (216.9 KB, 1414x828, Screenshot_20170602-124556.jpg)

In other words she thought she just magically had more money than she should have and didn't keep a written balance.
No. 392317
>>392117Didn't she already come up with a cosplay ball she wanted to do?
>>392197An ex-friend of mine is diagnosed bipolar and off meds and Ash acts just like she did right down to wanting to move places, buying sprees, and being unable to take any sort of help/suggestions without getting angry and defensive.
>>392232Which convention is this for? And damn, Ashley. I don't even keep a written balance of my account but even I check it after I've bought something to make sure the money went through and if it hasn't I don't buy anything else until it does.
>>392248>>392280This is exactly Ash's problem. She makes up so much stuff (especially medical/mental issues) that when she's actually telling the truth no one believes her. She even made up stories about going to her therapist for appointments for months (like her therapist seeing her dragons) then in a rant said her parents had kept her from having a therapist for year or more.
The more she lies the less people believe so she keeps spinning bigger and bigger stories to make up for it.
"I have autism."
We don't feel bad for you, here's some resource info.
"But I'm seriously mentally ill! I've got dragons in my head and murderous intent!!"
No you don't.
No. 392670
File: 1496518101368.png (153.17 KB, 749x955, IMG_5219.PNG)

>I have no gender
I guess she's finally accepted she's so unattractive to both genders that she's basically a blob with a vagina. I love how she's tried to claim she's intersex but doesn't know an intersex person is still either male or female because of their chromosomes, it has nothing to do with their mutated genitalia.
No. 392711
>>392707Oh God I would pay to see that. And to see her approach hardcore lolita people claiming
she's lolita.
No. 392759
She wants to be a boi lolita
Which will be 10000x worse
No. 392776
File: 1496538697215.png (250.42 KB, 1440x1290, icantwait.png)

How about a hammer.
No. 392780
File: 1496539698060.png (11.32 KB, 510x140, Capture.PNG)

Saw this on my dash and thought of Ashley.
>>392776She can't even put aside money for those kits to straighten your teeth. If her teeth bothered her so bad she'd prioritize them over cosplay/conventions.
No. 392878
>>392800Pretty sure it's this. I know a girl like Ash whose mother pays her rent for her because the mother wanted the girl to finally move out (she was 25 when she moved out). She's very spoilt and grew up with her parents giving her and her brother whatever they wanted rather than put the effort into saying "no" or disciplining their kids, and now the parents are paying the price. Literally.
So I think it's less that Ash's parents want to spoil her, and more that it's the path of least resistance. They fucked up raising her and now it's a question of minimising the annoyance that their spoilt adult child will inflict on them.
No. 392963
File: 1496593976664.png (1017.18 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0306.PNG)

I kind of want her to win the wig just to see how badly she could manage to fuck it up
No. 393066
>>392878what happens to people like this (and Ashley) when they turn 30 or 40? i hear a lot about parents fully supporting their kids up to their mid-20's, but past 25 it starts to become much less socially acceptable until it's obvious to everyone they're way too old for it. I imagine that females like this end up marrying and switch to mooching off their spouse, but i don't see that likely with Ash.
does she have any kind of degree or any skill she could live off by herself? her art obviously isn't one of them.
No. 393437
>>393066>does she have any kind of degree or any skill she could live off by herself?Don't make me laugh! Ashley dropped out of an attempt at college after a month and a half because she couldn't hash it. Now she can't even get accepted by the shittiest of schools, and she'll never get financial aid for one. If she did manage to get into a school for something, she wouldn't last 2 months because _effort is hard_ and she doesn't take ANY critique whatsoever. The only reason she has a job at the Laser Tag place is because she only puts in at most a 6 hour work week. Which of course is about all she can handle because even then she just squeals about how hard it was.
Honestly, all I want is to be able to see into her future to when she's 40, or when her parents have died, and see what's become of her. People like Ashley never marry because not only are they extremely disgusting, but their standards are outrageously high. Ashley would rather pretend to fuck dragons and leech off of her parents until they're dead while claiming everyone else is a "hater" because they don't find her disgusting attitude, pathological lying, and complete lack of hygiene appealing.
No. 393989
File: 1496796001632.png (521.03 KB, 930x548, Capture.PNG)

I can't make out her username. Anyone know?
No. 394012
Also if anyone cares to see her OW stats's not very good.
No. 394021
>>394013Quick play can be iffy, unless you have a good team who communicates then it's mostly just fuckery.
From the looks of it she doesn't ever kill anyone or do any damage and for someone level 47 that's kinda… sad.
No. 394051
File: 1496804570413.jpg (38.68 KB, 326x300, IMG_9812.JPG)

>>394033Keep your filthy hands off my wife ash
No. 394126
File: 1496819663007.png (622.09 KB, 935x599, LEDs.png)

can't wait to see how she'll fuck this one up
No. 394155
>>394110I'm not one of her IRL former friends (only online) but the answer is yes. Several of her ex-friends she used for money/items/etc have posted their stories here before and a couple ex-roommates from conventions have shared their horror as well.
>>394126>buys everything before even learning how to do itFucks sakes Ashley.
No. 394180
>>394155Ikr there's this magical thing called Google, or, you know, actually asking people for help and not coming up with endless excuses to not follow it or getting angry when they constructively criticize you.
It almost makes me wonder if it's her bipolar disorder playing a part; don't a lot of people impulsively buy things in their manic episodes?
No. 394202
File: 1496854751561.png (1.06 MB, 1197x772, sombra_ash.PNG)

It continues.
I don't play Overwatch or know much about it but just looking at Sombra's design, I can't figure out what this cover is for or what her plan is. (She doesn't have a plan I know but like…what part is she even working on?)
No. 394231
File: 1496862183436.png (49.64 KB, 498x463, kole hills.png)

Does this cunt never proofread anything?
No. 394244
>>394231You're mistaken anon
That's exactly what she means. It's a word, just like Covfefe was to trump. We all are just to stupid to realize the higher Intelligence of these new words
No. 394245
File: 1496865334975.jpg (157.67 KB, 1197x354, besthits.jpg)

>>394202This is the face she makes when her parents tell her to wash her clothes/clean her room. Or if they go to Olive Garden without her.
>>394220Don't forget she's blamed cgl/lolcow for her not being accepted to colleges or hired by employers. Then when she couldn't use that she blamed her autism.
>>394231>making mountains out of kole hillsFinally I can finish this collage of best sayings.
No. 394249
>>394248the saying is 'making mountains out of mole hills'.
which means to make a something into a bigger problem then it actually is.
No. 394424
File: 1496893943261.png (145.93 KB, 540x832, 1485285890146.png)

>>394394Someone's more than welcome to try. Her best one is 'gravy on the turkey' and here's the original context.
No. 394520
File: 1496916112632.png (187.53 KB, 603x334, freakshow20.png)

>>394202she looks exactly like the inbred psycho from american horror story freakshow holy shit
No. 394696
File: 1496961542863.png (711.19 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0315.PNG)

More money wasted on shit she doesn't need.
No. 394707
>>394696i'm not insulted that she bought a cd.
i'm insulted that the bought a The Beauty And The Beast Remake CD. what kinda trash taste??? movie was ok but who the fuck got that involved with it? like who liked it enough that they would want to buy the CD and sing along to Emma Watson's autotune? Uh??? have you not watched literally anything else?? who stans for the beauty and the beast remake during june 2017 what the fck
No. 394951
File: 1497018311249.jpg (72.87 KB, 720x960, 18839380_1598199423538139_2484…)

It's sad when PeacockFeather does better horror sfx makeup than Ashley.
No. 394967
>>394809oh i don't think all the songs are bad or anything, i just don't see why anyone is out there buying the cd lol
i know she cosplayed belle a while back so i think she bought it to look like a "real fan" of the franchise or something
No. 395356
File: 1497100374836.jpg (242.87 KB, 1024x1536, make_up_improvement_by_asherbe…)

>>395000Still better than Ashley
No. 395366
>>395291>ignorance rivals even Momokun>pretends to give profound statements anywayPlus where would she even meet them? She can't ride anything but a plane without "my parents threatening to put me in psych" and she has to beg plane money from her granddad.
>>395359Says 'smile'. Probably some Joker OC fantasy.
No. 395431
File: 1497125038924.png (245.29 KB, 495x750, IMG_3592.PNG)

>>395356It says "smile" because she's trying to re-create a wound known as a Glasgow (or Chelsea) Smile, like the actor Tommy Flanagan has.
No. 395510
File: 1497140512427.jpg (271.12 KB, 1386x823, Screenshot_20170610-201922.jpg)

The kind of machine she wants is several thousand dollars, there's no easy she can sell her current abused equipment for that much.
No. 395522
File: 1497142485894.jpg (49.23 KB, 604x404, IMG_0317.JPG)

>>395510And yet no money for school or an apartment?
No. 395524
File: 1497142848402.png (697.57 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0318.PNG)

Guis, this movie is like sooo #deep
No. 395530
File: 1497144087597.png (132.22 KB, 750x1084, IMG_5266.PNG)

>implying anyone will want to marry you
With her horrible social skills, impulsive money habits, and complete inability to function as a basic adult, Ash would OBVIOUSLY be the perfect spouse!
No. 395553
File: 1497151702420.png (364.08 KB, 540x756, Screenshot_2017-06-10-23-27-06…)

What even is this?
No. 395561
File: 1497152977466.jpg (48.05 KB, 347x351, 4616630630_28c6094180_o.jpg)

>>395553Oh fuuuuck no, she's doing Dark Lily from Legend. How is she going to fit her hamplanet self into that costume?!
No. 395565
File: 1497154123159.gif (1.64 MB, 300x225, 1485972270811.gif)

>>395553Ooooh god, Ash with a boob window.
No. 395590
File: 1497178506244.png (459.41 KB, 921x380, Capture.PNG)

Why does she need MORE make up anyway? She's got an entire box full of Nyx and Kat von D as it is without buying more to cram in there.
Looks like she's back to lurking as well since we all comment on how she never wears mascara in her pictures and there she is with a handy excuse as to why.
>Took me months to get mascara because I kept having expired ones or I was out despite never wearing it!
No. 395641
>>395553dear god she's fucking up my favorite scene from legend. Though … it makes me wonder if she's going to include the unibrow. Still have no idea why they gave this character a unibrow when she "turned evil"
I'm calling it now though that she's going to use puff paint to make those lines on the dress.
No. 395780
File: 1497231090620.png (61.45 KB, 505x425, it got a 17 on rottentomatoes.…)

Of course she loved that awful shit and wants to cosplay from it. Is there anything she doesn't want to cosplay from? If there is a woman wearing something even mildly risque, she wants to cosplay as it. I get body pride, but she goes overboard with trying to push her disgusting, unwashed self onto everyone. Ashley, maybe if you didn't live exclusively off of junk food, got some exercise, and washed your fucking body and hair, then maybe people wouldn't be so disgusted by you visually. Too bad there's nothing you can do about your shitty personality.
No. 395787
File: 1497231744920.png (57.45 KB, 504x427, shit likes shit.png)

>>395780Ashley would love any garbage.
No. 395789
File: 1497231942667.png (310.07 KB, 509x358, how arrogant.png)

Here's another drop of milk from the pail. Look how fucking arrogant this piece of shit is.
No. 395792
File: 1497232546495.png (799.52 KB, 508x819, OnlyTheBottomRight.png)

Last from me for now. I kek'd so hard. Literally the ONLY one that applies is the bottom right because all she does is live off of junk, trash and garbage. It's true what they say, you are what you eat. I can't believe she thinks she has a brilliant mind. I'm laughing so hard. And you know she does because she thinks every idea from faun horns to decoden nails is some totally new and innovative incredible update she came up with on her own.
No. 395854
>>395843That woman also chose to eat an unhealthy food for so long too like?
Are you that dense lmao. Pls.
No. 395953
File: 1497287331608.png (111.02 KB, 640x1066, IMG_0325.PNG)

No. 395960
File: 1497289307393.gif (6.09 MB, 320x240, 676123.gif)

>>395953She looks like a fat dyke feminazi
No. 395989
>>395987Different anon than you responded to, but it looks like she has some sort of shiny pointy thing. Is it a cuff to make her ears look like an Elf's or something?
Honestly, if she left off the ear shittery here, she wouldn't looks too bad. But she's always one step beyond. One way to cope with her severe case of over-accessorizing would be to dress up the way she wants, and then get rid of 5 or 6 (or more) things she thinks she needs to add, either jewelry or makeup or whatever. That ear jewelry, which she appears to be wearing only on one side (and which seems to consist of three parts), is eye-rollingly dumb.
No. 396000
>>395989Sorry, as hard as I look, the ear thingie(s?) just looks like she donned a mini chandelier.
It's incredibly silly. Might look better with
totally different clothing and style. Would look best on a ceiling.
No. 396027
File: 1497307426497.png (117.15 KB, 640x1067, IMG_0326.PNG)

Here's the ear fuckery in better detail
No. 396036
>>396027oh wow
it's so much worse than I thought
No. 396087
>>395787holy shit I thought the "my dudes" thing was just a momokun meme I didn't realize other people esp others cows like Ashley said it
>>396027Is this the ear jewelry she used to make and tried to sell on etsy?
No. 396192
>>396087i can't remember what meme it came from but my dudes/my guy became a thing a lot of people started saying around the beginning of this year especially on twitter so it's not really an exclusive cow meme the thing that sets mariah apart with it is how she uses it almost exclusively in a passive aggressive context
sage for no real contribution
No. 396200
File: 1497354022152.png (655.74 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0327.PNG)

A year isn't that old. I feel like she should be saying something like that after maybe 10 years.
No. 396414
File: 1497396056776.jpg (233.08 KB, 1429x894, Screenshot_20170613-191852.jpg)

Again with the talking in first person.
No. 396432
>>396414this is the most ungrateful thing i've ever heard in my goddamn life, then she had the nerve to write about it in 3rd person….
kill me. just. end me.
No. 396718
File: 1497458489143.jpg (790.31 KB, 1386x1513, Screenshot_20170614-123931.jpg)

I think I'm going to vomit?
No. 397424
File: 1497585340390.jpg (753.44 KB, 1428x2418, Screenshot_20170615-235351.jpg)

"god like design" sure.
No. 397427
>>397424The colors are absolutely terrible and there's so much copy paste I can't even fathom.
I'm tempted to redraw this with colors that would actually look decent. This is just…so so so bad.
No. 397441
>>397424why does everything she touch turn to shit
someone actually paid for this
No. 397486
>>397424can someone please explain what the actual fuck is going on with the face
like why is there just a big rectangle of light grey then a disjointed, black chin?
No. 397555
>>397424What the fuck is this even?!
I can't even… I can't .. not no face .. this is the worst fucking thing
No. 397694
File: 1497640470395.png (228.66 KB, 506x428, NONE.png)

How about none? What in the actual fuck is with this dipshit? Why can she not prioritize life over trying to go to as many conventions as possible?
>I hate the way I look and I want to fix everything!
THEN STOP GOING TO EVERY SINGLE CON AND SET ASIDE A SAVINGS FOR YOUR MEDICAL SHIT!!!!! FFS Ashley! You are the biggest, most childish piece of shit!
No. 397703
File: 1497642019373.png (216.1 KB, 640x1067, IMG_0336.PNG)

No. 397723
think its genderbent pearl, albeit, badly done. Im cracking up at the copy-pasted rose in the center of the damn picture however
No. 397726
File: 1497645115417.png (1.39 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170616-153100.png)

Is she just starting to care about this???
No. 397857
>>397828this is her going the extra mile so that she can be a positive role model ~*cosplay-senpai*~
too bad the extra mile is doing what she should already be doing as part of her regular hygene
No. 397859
>>397427>>397734please let's not have this turn into a 'look at how much better my art is lel' thread like the one about that other fujoshit artist. we all know it's bad, all you're doing by redrawing is begging for attention. redlines to show just how bad something is or how it should be are great, but redraws are unnecessary attention grabs.
also, if you have any sort of online art presence, consider the risk of someone recognizing your style and calling you out as a lolcow poster, esp on someplace like tumblr…
No. 397936
File: 1497677218371.png (146.25 KB, 505x425, gonna cange your skin color to…)

Nothing is safe. I wonder if she'll try and change her skin color too.
No. 397937
>>397921No wait, you don't understand. Time
does matter to Ashley. That's why she refuses to take any time for proper hygiene, proper diet, even working on her "cosplays" with slightly slower hand. She doesn't want to spend a few minutes washing her fucking face so she doesn't get blackheads and whiteheads, or buff off that disgusting dead skin or
even remove her old makeup, caking the layers on instead. She doesn't want to improve her skin or body by eating something that doesn't take 3 seconds to nuke in a microwave. She would rather just slather on something she can rip right off and pretend she has a skincare regiment.
I just love how she tries to make it sound like she's been doing this for months and caring for her skin ~so well~ for ~so long~. I s2g I can't even wrap my head around
why she acts like such a piece of shit and has to be the center of attention all the fucking time, always trying to talk herself up to make her sound so much better than everyone else. Where in the hell does her unbelievable superiority complex come from?
No. 398026
File: 1497715689693.png (542.56 KB, 499x743, myeyes.png)

What a masterpiece, kek. And no credit given to the stolen rose or horrifyingly reproduced hands.
No. 398027
File: 1497715805945.png (7.02 KB, 498x43, imsure.png)

>>398026Oh I'm sure they won't tear you apart at all, Ashley. I'm sure every convention will also get down on their hands and knees to kiss the ground you walk on and let you have a spot in their Artist Alley's just willy-nilly.
No. 398034
>>398027I personally would
love to see her get an AA table, and I would stand there the entire time just watching. I would love to see her break down after not a single person even looks at her horrible "art" and then watch her scream and chimp out the moment someone does look at it only to offer critique.
No. 398644
File: 1497890382190.png (12.28 KB, 469x102, Capture.PNG)

No. 398805
File: 1497913842371.jpg (791.67 KB, 1420x2303, 17-06-19-19-07-49-847_deco.jpg)

Incoming " I hate my parents they're dead to me " pity party.
No. 398807
File: 1497913888125.jpg (928.51 KB, 1433x2195, 17-06-19-19-08-24-155_deco.jpg)

>>398805More advice she'll forget even exists tomorrow.
No. 398808
File: 1497913970256.jpg (577.28 KB, 1391x1191, 17-06-19-19-08-56-461_deco.jpg)

You've been "looking for places", for over 2 years now. Her situation is obviously so dire, people!
No. 398827
>>398805Her dad padlocked the icecream HE BOUGHT and she called it child abuse. This is coming from the same woman who only just recently did her own laundry for the first time and instead relied on her mom to clean after her.
>>398807She moved to Florida and had roommates and couldn't handle it. She even admitted she didn't do anything for herself and expected her roommates to clean and cook for her.
>>398808>wants people to help her pack>has no where to go>has no cash to rent No. 398843
File: 1497919470722.png (129.11 KB, 624x1039, IMG_0337.PNG)

"I totally hate my parents cuz they're so abusive but like there's nothing I can do about it, like maybe try to make enough money to move out by getting a real job, but let me sit here and play Overwatch in my pjs while looking like a homeless person who hasn't showered in 3 weeks"
No. 398910
>>395641They added a unibrow because there's an old legend that people with unibrows are the devil's children or otherwise related to the devil/demons.
In the old days, some would cross the road to the opposite street as to not walk past someone with a unibrow in fear of bad luck.
Sage for OT
No. 399842
File: 1498008713637.png (19.72 KB, 492x201, couchsurf.PNG)

Of course when she's offered help she makes an excuse and when they say that's fine she never responds. She doesn't actually want help she just wants attention.
No. 399844
File: 1498008763952.png (16.18 KB, 505x415, overwatch.PNG)

>complaining about a healer
>probably spams the button constantly
ashley is the worst sort of player
No. 399845
File: 1498008783583.png (14.13 KB, 482x127, yeahright.PNG)

No. 400001
>>399845>>399983Oh, Anon! Don't you know that Ashley always tells the truth and has such amazing stories that are never lies? And others
always join in with her because she's SO funny! Hehe!
No. 400235
File: 1498077251838.jpg (630.81 KB, 1033x1466, Screenshot_20170621-163250.jpg)

This bitch better stop thinking she's a gamer girl.
No. 400319
File: 1498089514384.jpeg (128.61 KB, 1024x1080, sombra.jpeg)

>>400241Kawaii gamer uke-dragon-healer-sombra, desu~
No. 400354
>>400235She looks kind of cute here. If she'd quit fucking with her eyebrows and hair she wouldn't be terrible looking. I think the reason here is because the headphone make her hair frame her face in a relatively attractive manner. The soft curls are flattering to her.
The affected gamer grrrrl persona is annoying af though. That story is a thing that has totally happened.
No. 400387
File: 1498098595769.png (27.37 KB, 363x231, Capture.PNG)

>>400379She's on console. Very badly.
No. 401281
File: 1498245754952.png (133.12 KB, 612x1020, IMG_0339.PNG)

No. 401438
>>401424They're pretty terrible quality too. The mic jack loosens really easily and the microphone quality is pretty bad over discord/voice com.
They don't have much of a bass sound, or at least mine didn't. The novelty of them lighting up is great but within a few months one ear wasn't lighting up anymore for me.
Sage for headphone rant.
No. 401505
>>401281Those head phones look like weeb cat girl trash anyways
Not sure what the whole about them is since their overall actual functional components are slightly above mediocre
Sorry buy I honestly hate these headphones just as much as that trashy dog tongue filter
No. 402054
File: 1498406434617.png (1.44 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5346.PNG)

Apparently she tripped over her mom's tacky luau decor, but I'm more horrified at her cankle. Ash is my favorite thinspo because I can look at her and think, "I may be fat, but at least I'm not as fat as Ash" and keep going.
No. 402056
>>402054>putting your bleeding foot on your sheets>having carpet nearly as disgusting as Luna's>having legs as bad as Luna'sAll she's lacking is a drug addiction since she already begs for money/pity.
But seriously her mom's luau stuff is tacky as fuck but how do you not see a giant tiki bar in your way?
No. 402061
File: 1498407462203.png (16.21 KB, 496x173, ash1.PNG)

Incoming cap spam.
No. 402062
File: 1498407496031.png (293.92 KB, 506x634, ash2.PNG)

Yes. She's serious. She's never even worn lolita but wants to make an indie brand.
No. 402063
File: 1498407541325.png (30.94 KB, 493x455, ash4.PNG)

I don't know if she's becoming fictionkin with Sombra or she'll add her to her list of alters next to her dragons but it's getting out of hand.
No. 402069
>>402063like ash, we get it, you play overwatch.
why cant she just like something like normal people, why does she have to go above and beyond and have to make sure the entire world knows
No. 402071
>>402054please spoiler, that leg hair
triggers me
No. 402241
File: 1498434344093.png (145.24 KB, 750x920, IMG_5360.PNG)

>>402054On the status about her foot…They actually stepped in dog piss…
No. 402275
File: 1498439404213.png (91.51 KB, 578x963, IMG_0340.PNG)

No. 402288
File: 1498441876413.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170625-200329.png)

She went live a while ago and I took some screenshots, her floor is so dirty and disgusting ugh
No. 402322
File: 1498447194954.jpg (57.24 KB, 960x640, Luvmonkeys_workspace.jpg)

>>402288Her floor has been nasty since the early days. I doubt it's ever been properly cleaned.
No. 402409
File: 1498494369810.jpg (86.04 KB, 275x275, 1467998748873.jpg)

>>402241>surprised all I did was step in dog peeThis implies there's animal shit all over the house as well. Wonderful. I know farmers that know her personally said the whole house reeks of animals but damn, Ashley. At least clean the floors before you have people over.
>mfw last time Ashley posted videos of her barefoot on her nasty carpetNearly as bad as when she posted pics of her in her diaper looking undies with her legs spread.
No. 402416
File: 1498497058052.png (113.44 KB, 750x852, IMG_5361.PNG)

I'm confused…Isn't a G.I. bill only able to be used for school, and only for active/retired military members and/or their spouse? I'm always confused where all this money suddenly comes from with her grandfather, especially since she never seems to ever actually receive anything from him, not even for her failed attempt at cosmetology school that we never heard of again.
No. 402419
File: 1498497592586.png (18.21 KB, 630x134, gi bill.PNG)

>>402416This is probably another thing right up with her claiming there's a trust fund or something for her schooling and that she was moving to Cali to live with her sister.
This is also the same grandpa she threw a fit at because she said he was homophobic/transphobic.
But yes, the G.I. bill is only for education so I don't know why she thinks if he didn't use it for her schooling that he can use it to get her a place to live without schooling attached.
inb4 she checks here and alters her statement to say she meant full time schooling instead of full time job.
No. 402432
>>402416Yeah that's bullshit. The only way that could ever happen is if her grandpa decided to go back to school and he gave her his housing allowance money for her rent. That would never ever work because the amount they pay is based on location of the school, if you take online or on campus classes, and full-time vs part time. Even then they don't pay you for when the school is on holiday so she would have to frent that money herself which we all know she is shit at saving.
Ash, go on or something and do your own job hunting you lazy, lying sack of shit.
No. 402477
>>402416You know, I remember awhile ago I told her to go find a job that has benefits that way she wouldn't have to bitch and complain if how much she has to pay for meds and any other issues. But she just shrugged it off with an excuse of liking her job and allows her to go to cons easier.
Also that G.I bill your spewing Ashley, do your God damn research cause that is NOT what it's used for. Why don't YOU find something instead of always relying on your homophobic/transphobic grandfather all the time.
No. 402553
File: 1498523841236.png (53.62 KB, 750x411, IMG_5365.PNG)

Welcome to online gaming, Ash, where no one kisses your ass for your minimal effort, especially if you're screeching useless bullshit into the mic.
No. 402632
File: 1498537245187.png (88.58 KB, 750x686, IMG_5367.PNG)

>>402553"I'm against bullying and harassment, but go bully and harass this guy!"
No. 402942
File: 1498596815796.png (37.05 KB, 508x426, dream.PNG)

Red is the one she was RPing with in
>>402063 No. 402943
File: 1498596868877.png (11.64 KB, 517x116, whinycunt.PNG)

>I'm a grown woman and my mommy WILL take me where I want to go!!
No. 403031
File: 1498606900749.jpg (1.29 MB, 1403x2382, Screenshot_20170627-193631.jpg)

>can't be fucked to clean the fucking dye off boobs.
>Thinks this is in any way attractive.
No. 403033
File: 1498607106092.png (161.02 KB, 431x434, Screenshot 2017-04-11 at 12.03…)

>>403031>ash>amazing rackthose two words dont belong together
No. 403122
File: 1498618954885.jpg (1 MB, 1421x2355, 17-06-27-23-01-30-223_deco.jpg)

>>403115apparently it did effect the process.
No. 403125
>>403122i'm guessing she'll only have to redye the blonde parts for a more uniform purple, which seems to be the shade she's going for.
it doesn't seem like she's talking about bleaching the hair a second time (which seems to be the concerned comment)
No. 403148
>>402960She'll be shrieking at her parents for gas money. Cue begging on the internet for people to give her gas money. She'll try and scam people by offering to give rides to conventions but want them to pay a ridiculous amount. Her parents know it's going to get thrown back in their faces so it's easier to not let her learn to drive.
I can already imagine the smug post about how much of an adult she is for pumping her own gas AND paying for it.
No. 403476
File: 1498701945509.png (12.89 KB, 493x140, theconstipationdiet.png)

Just when I thought this bitch couldn't get any stupider. I can't wait for her to try this. She'd be dead in two weeks from constipation and rotting protein in her gut. Add soda into that mix and her organs would all but implode. How can one person treat their body so bad? How can one person treat their body so bad, brag about it, and then recommend it to others?
No. 403550
File: 1498707338417.jpg (71.92 KB, 936x569, 1464195936852.jpg)

>>403031>wrecking a towel and a shirt with hair dye you haven't even washed out yetFor fucks sakes even crazy old lady Palermo could dye her hair without it looking like this.She even got it ON THE WALL and the LIGHTSWITCH
No. 403646
>>391397>>403476I tried that kind of diet and I'm no where near Ash's mammoth size… And it still sent me to the hospital. No carbs will leave you with no energy.
It's about portion control you dumb bitch and cutting out all sweets/sodas.
That also means LESS trips to the buffet your parents pay for you oversized sack of lard.
No. 403647
I got a creepy cold rush, immediately thought she was showing us the guts of one of her massage clients
No. 403660
File: 1498740399275.jpg (416.73 KB, 1409x1146, Screenshot_20170629-084236.jpg)

> aka nothing will ever come of this
> coming soon: new mysterious doctor diagnosis
No. 404055
File: 1498810877021.png (119.99 KB, 750x925, IMG_5426.PNG)

>>394033It's imminent now. Sombra's too complicated for Ash to cosplay and now she's gravitating towards D.Va. Get ready for Ash to ruin her anniversary skin.
No. 404087
>>403856just needed to say good on you anon. same conditions, same need to lose weight. i did it. and with that keto/atkins/whatever diet: you start out eating a fuckton of greens with lean meat and fats being from avocado, olive oil and even a little butter. you CAN do well with it in the beginning, but it's still a ridic idea. i tried it and it makes you feel like complete shit. she'd give up or eat herself into a coronary.
sage for nothing contributed
No. 404096
>>403476Why don't people get that a "diet" should be a permanent lifestyle change, or you'll just put the weight back on when you go back to your normal habits. Then these people say that diets "don't work" and it's just "genetics".
Just eat less, and if you find you feel hungry and miserable all the time eat less carbs and more protein/fat.
No. 404144
File: 1498832071532.png (24.46 KB, 766x220, notgood.PNG)

>>404055Yet another cosplay she dropped money on and then never finished.
>I play D.Va pretty well actuallyAnd you know that from 4 games how?
No. 404147
File: 1498833057326.png (328.36 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0344.PNG)

No. 404311
File: 1498855603227.png (131 KB, 640x1067, IMG_0346.PNG)

That cat's just like "get tf away from me"
No. 405486
File: 1499003271837.png (217.52 KB, 640x1067, IMG_0347.PNG)

She's been cosplaying for 8 years and still barely knows how to put in a zipper…
No. 405984
File: 1499085571783.png (13.41 KB, 488x127, Capture.PNG)

Incoming cap spam.
No. 405985
File: 1499085608372.png (14.48 KB, 488x121, capture2.PNG)

No. 405986
File: 1499085670245.png (27.15 KB, 503x308, Capture3.PNG)

No. 405987
File: 1499085722553.png (8.97 KB, 431x94, Capture4.PNG)

No. 405990
File: 1499085779384.png (10.55 KB, 505x109, Capture5.PNG)

No. 406087
File: 1499108251979.png (169.54 KB, 640x1067, IMG_0348.PNG)

This lump of cloth is apparently supposed to be a bodice.
No. 406120
>>406087This is what is so interesting to me about Ashley. If a regular person made that and then looked at it there would be some internal admission that it was a terrible job. I mean, they might not care (like Mariah), but they'd know in their heart it was a bad job.
Ashley actually looks at that and thinks it's a great job. She thinks that invisible zipper in
>>405486 was put in wonderfully. She thinks the top stitching she did around the top edge was great. There's some disconnect there, that prevents her from objectively looking at things she works on (and it isn't her so-called autism). She has no ability to self-evaluate, I guess.
On a lighter note, that's really pretty fabric.
No. 406169
File: 1499122492130.png (119.39 KB, 640x1067, IMG_0349.PNG)

Of course she's cosplaying fucking Tokyo Mew Mew.
No. 406171
File: 1499122713979.jpg (56.75 KB, 720x960, 19748588_1993544450671249_7307…)

>>406169>I don't have brushes right now but I've pained several props without them!And she wonders why they look like shit.
No. 406246
File: 1499131732383.jpg (571.99 KB, 1047x1216, Screenshot_20170703-182707.jpg)

No. 406264
File: 1499136611199.png (201.87 KB, 522x755, Eggman_Sonic_X.png)

>>406246I thought she was cosplaying pic related as I scrolled past.
No. 406272
File: 1499138000705.jpg (40.98 KB, 432x432, 8878-1.zoom.a.jpg)

>>406246>>406259They look like tiny hurricane mop heads. How do you fuck up so badly? Her Utena makes me so sad. It's not even fitted properly and I doubt it'll even make it to con. She'll just dump it on her floor with the rest.
No. 406275
File: 1499140057161.jpg (437.82 KB, 1391x1165, Screenshot_20170703-234615.jpg)

No. 406343
>>406275"that child"
Hello Pot, meet Kettle.
No. 406372
File: 1499152200459.jpg (125.33 KB, 720x960, IMG_4083.JPG)

No. 406400
>>406391no1curr. Sage your bragging.
>>406372It looks like she took two red buzzers and put them in the center of two mops.
No. 406443
File: 1499172375933.jpg (98.04 KB, 600x600, revolutionary-girl-utena-tenjo…)

>>406372>>406246I don't understand how Ash failed so hard in translating the epaulet design to real life. Utena's trim only goes three-quarters of the way around, the trim is thicker, and the red and white parts are broken up by gold banding.
No. 406466
File: 1499177187826.jpg (79.53 KB, 540x960, 1466537667467.jpg)

>>406346I was there during that saga and it wasn't even about the damn beagle. It was when her cat was sick and she made a long post about how it had breathing issues and everything. People told her to take it to the vet and she made every excuse under the sun why she couldn't.
This isn't the same incident (because Ash references her job) but guess what? It's the same basic shit. Her animals are sick and she'd sooner spend her money than get them checked out.
No. 406497
>>406466Let us all not forget that she's an actual VETERINARIAN.
But we all know Ash won't ever change because she's so fucking self centered. She'd rather let people ass pat her and her animals die before she gives up cons
No. 406508
File: 1499189125597.jpg (75.41 KB, 528x960, 1481342293090.jpg)

>>406479>>406486It's from >>>283295 roughly a year ago. It's not the first time though and we've all seen what her living conditions are like.
This is from six months ago.
No. 406531
>>406466Ash has complained for years how little money she makes and I can never get over how she works so little at a shit wage yet is always buying shit, going to cons, etc. etc.
She literally could not even go to any cons if she had to pay for everything and didn't use others for money/resources.
Get a fucking job Ashley. Ask for more hours or find a second job. There's no reason you can't get a full-time job even just being a grocery story bagger as you can be as autistic as you'd like.
No. 406579
>>406531So at $7.50 an hour and 10 hours per week, 52 weeks a year, Ash makes $3,900 before taxes, minus 6.2% in social security tax, for $3,658 per year. That's too low to pay federal or state income tax. (If you double that to twenty hours per week, Ash takes home about $7,000.) But Ash has literally no expenses (rent, room, utilities).
Say an average three-day con badge costs $70 (this is probably lowballing) and an average con hotel costs $120 ($200 a night split among five people for three nights – again, probably lowballing). Even with Ash going to three cons a year and buying a shitton of craft supplies and makeup, it's ludicrous that Ash ISN'T saving money.
No. 406580
>>406579it honestly pisses me off so much that she is able to go to all of these conventions while making so little. i make 22k+ a year after taxes but with all of my bills (car payment, rent, citizenship papers, etc.) i can barely afford my one convention with maybe two cosplays to bring. i know that not everyone has the same expenses as me, but c'mon, she's an adult now. she needs to start looking into moving the fuck out of her parents house and being a leech.
sage for blogpost
No. 406653
File: 1499217060459.png (128.46 KB, 640x1067, IMG_0351.PNG)

No. 406699
>>406246silly ashley, you're supposed to use mop heads to clean your filthy house, not as cosplay accessories.
>>406264underrated post
No. 407245
>>406892She posted on FB recently that her mom WAS going to drive her to sign up for driving lessons no matter what her mom wanted to do. That had her grandfather magically being able to use his GI Bill (for education purposes) to buy her a place ANYWHERE she wanted if she got a full time job first so she was already picking places in Atlanta.
She's so fucking delusional.
No. 407247
File: 1499308125755.png (437.6 KB, 921x432, Capture.PNG)

More Overwatch posting and more tacky headphones.
No. 407567
>>407541stats are about as good as her hair; aka garbage.
dvas kda is only 2:1 and shes basically negative on tracer and widow.
doesnt play rank and assuming she would be placed around mid bronze-ish.
why does she devote so much time at a game she fucking garbage at?
No. 407592
>>407530Nope. Literally leaves the house for work and shopping for more fabric to destroy.
>>407567She's played ranked/competitive this season if her posts about it mean anything, I can't imagine she's even mid-tier on bronze with her shit stats though.
No. 407629
>>407541>>407567She does play rank (click the "competitive" tab to see her stats for that) and, as guessed, she's bronze. Really low bronze. above because it's a similar site but also shows loss stats and percents. (So it's easier to understand her skill level even if you don't play Overwatch, imo.)
And look at that skill rating graph; you'd think with as much as she plays she'd manage to get better but she's actually gotten worse…
No. 407631
File: 1499380978410.png (150.06 KB, 502x420, catblog.PNG)

No. 407641
>>407245she doesn't even
know how to drive? i thought it was just a problem of not having a car. if she's so far behind, i can see another 2-3 years passing and still be in the same place.
No. 407667
>>407649yeah, i play ow.
i literally never seen someone with only 3 digit sr. its like, a fucking myth to be this bad but apparently its actually real.
i just hit 2500 sr and i wonder how ash actually plays and if there are videos of her gameplay floating around
No. 407670
>>407667Isn't the gain/loss of points by whether your team wins or loses the match? She says she's constantly with people who are screaming at her so I'd like to think it's a mix of her shit skills and then the people she's matched with being equally as bad.
I'm only 1555 because my teams keep losing and it's just not worth it to drag my rank down any further.
No. 407683
>>407670yeah, people are assholes, especially to females.
sombra (the chara ash mains basically) is somewhat in the meta. she is suppose to be a main dps but since her hacking ability makes her hack health packs op koreans are using that as a main source of support/healing, making her somewhat viable in HIGH RANK plays such as diamond - top 500.
ash is literally bottom of the barrel garbage and with her mental state she literally just shouldnt play video games because of her constant whining about mean peoplesz who bulli her on interwebz! weh
(learn to sage) No. 407845
>>407789i dont think bronze is a good enough umbrella for 1500 sr. maybe they should include something lower for 1000 and 500 because thats just ridiculous.
sage for owfagging
No. 407875
File: 1499449021607.png (158.82 KB, 640x1067, IMG_0355.PNG)

He's probably sitting there because she doesn't have a single square foot of clean carpet for him to sit on.
No. 407917
>>407875her cat looks relatively healthy though, might be a bit too chubby. looks fine but im sure her environment is absolute garbage filled with hoarding and just disgusting trash in general.
doesnt ash have hygiene problems such as not bathing regularly and getting mad at her appearance that she has an "episode" and ruins her body, like her hair??
No. 407927
>>407922my bad i can't read apparently, i thought you said the environment looks fine but ASH'S hygiene itself is bad. nah, it's a surprise her cats haven't gotten ill in the mess she lives in.
sage for me not knowing how to read
No. 408137
>>408128God that's so fucking cringy
I feel bad for everyone who had to deal with her in highschool
No. 408145
File: 1499486576555.jpg (130.2 KB, 750x906, IMG_5480.JPG)

>>408128Can confirm. Every few months she "attempts" something but simultaneously claims she hasn't actually hurt herself. Blocked out any potential identifiers, but this is generally how all her "suicide attempts" go.
No. 408240
>>408181To get attention for herself and make her "haters" feel bad about calling herself out on her shit. She has gone to Tuckers (local mental institution) before back when farmers/gulls were calling the police on her when she grandly faked that she had slit her wrists and then argued with people not to call one hospital but call another because she "liked them better" then freaked out when people actually did.
Now she just uses Tuckers as an excuse to why she can't do something because her evil family "threatens to put me in Tuckers if I leave the house".
No. 408277
>>408269If I recall, she's only been to Tucker's once and it was because of the seagulls calling about her claiming she was trying to kill herself; her parents probably let her go so they could get some peace and quiet, rather than telling the police she was fine.
Her mom backs up the autism diagnosis, but that's it.
No. 408286
>>408269Considering she's claimed everything from demons, evil split personalities, and now having dragon (kin?) in her head and seeing chakras with her third eye, it's all bullshit. She's even lied about her therapist seeing her dragons and then later admitted she hasn't seen a therapist in years.
She's just forever stuck in that edgy "I'm not like the other girls" 13 year old stage where she's a walking Twilight OC that thinks she's irresistible when she's not dealing with the paranormal and turning everything she touches to gold because she's just so amazing and talented.
No. 408319
File: 1499535355909.png (575.2 KB, 540x920, Screenshot_2017-07-08-13-32-12…)

>>408306She gets at most 5 people but most of the time it's only 1-2 people.
No. 408320
File: 1499535376024.png (500.88 KB, 540x846, Screenshot_2017-07-08-13-31-57…)

No. 408390
File: 1499541721562.jpg (29.03 KB, 400x565, MegurineLukaFromtheSandplaySin…)

>>391397……they're not even the same color
No. 408439
>>408319Sagey sage but…she has friends?
I'm shocked she's not making it into a Aoba cosplay.
No. 408536
>>408504Why can't she just stop it with the aoba shit, I mean I get that she likes it but to obsess over it for this long is getting weird
I prey she never runs into someone cosplaying mink while she's aoba since she always states that their relationship describes herself and her own fucking mentality…
No. 408578
File: 1499577611434.png (2.07 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170709-001944.png)

No. 408608
>>408578I must have fucking missed the middle right picture, what the fuck is that, jesus fuck are her tits out? Or is she wearing some kind of beige shirt? She seems to be sucking in her stomach and still you can tell there's rolls for days
sweet fuck
I'm embarrassed to share a shithoroscope with this living turd
No. 408614
File: 1499592417313.jpg (58.19 KB, 620x324, konoe.jpg)

>>408608it's supposed to be Konoe from Lamento in his devil form as is the picture to the right of that. I think she just wore a skin coloured binder
No. 408622
File: 1499598267935.jpg (57.65 KB, 640x960, 1491966147669.jpg)

>>408536She's already run into a Mink cosplayer at some point but she's only got eyes for that one Ren cosplayer that hung out with her at con. She posted she hung out with them nearly all weekend.
>>408578>You have to share my pic, my cosplay page, and tell the world why I'm the greatest and in exchange I'll post a tiny thing about you with three words!! kthnks it's my birthday for the next month!!!I hate her so much right now. She's the most entitled piece of poop brooch I've ever seen.
>>408614She used a binder after she tried this mess.
No. 408638
File: 1499606259887.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.52 KB, 194x259, cheese.jpg)

>>408622saw that one but she didn't actually go out with all on her tits did she?
No. 408659
>>408639Tbh I'm tempted to just so I can gain more of her trust since we're on instagram messaging terms
So if people do post pics of the people that do the s4s please keep in mind that not everyone is doing it because they look up to her but because they want some laughs of their own
Low but it's true
Sage for saging
No. 408669
>>408614The capes look like they're made out of one of those black trashbags. Like the other anon, Ihadn't seen those pics either.
I also wonder why she uses the same obnoxious smirk in every single one of her poses. I am seriously wondering, perhaps someone who knows her could chime in, does she thinks it's sexy, provocative… what?
No. 408692
>>408638No. She wore a nude colored "binder" to the convention instead. For her it might as well have been just a nude colored sports bra.
>>408669It's her default expression. She's either annoyingly smug or got the crazy eyes when she's not gotten her way.
No. 408696
File: 1499620936342.png (251.98 KB, 820x556, ash.PNG)

No. 408773
>>408696She needs to learn to draw boobs. You think, since she has a set herself, that she could see that boobs do not lie as they do in her picture. But I guess being "androgynous" trumps realism.
She really needs to get back to her comic. What would be kind of a funny plot twist is if Uke-chan turned out to be a real girl(tm) after Seme-sama fell in love with him. Her.
No. 409191
File: 1499720323985.png (811.66 KB, 930x593, Capture.PNG)

I just want to clean everything I see.
No. 409195
>>409191For Ash, the top actually looks pretty good… not good by normal standards but for her, it looks decent.
But then the skirt… did she just stuff fabric into the top? I will never understand her and refusal to improve.
No. 409200
File: 1499720892371.png (615.1 KB, 600x600, christ.PNG)

No. 409201
>>4092001) what on earth is she watching
2) i guess thats her moms luau decorations that she cut her foot on
3) good god ash why would you take this picture and post it
No. 409202
>>409200there's just…so much junk in their house holy hell
why on earth do they need a damn cdplayer in 2017
No. 409204
>>409191>>409195Are your eyes and asshole reversed? No, that does not look good.
It looks like she sewed together a tube out of fabric and then squeezed herself right into it, with squishy back fat hanging out.
No. 409205
>>409202of course
first momo hopes on the hype train and now ash
incoming vampire uke yaoi self insert drawing
No. 409257
File: 1499727169777.png (218.14 KB, 502x522, asher.PNG)

No. 409260
File: 1499727324818.png (173.7 KB, 501x419, Capture.PNG)

Looks like no one's taken her bait.
No. 409261
>>409257Like ok we don't need to hear the whole gross details she provides in
>>409258 but tbh the choice to have her tubes tied would be one of the more rational choices she's made.
No. 409421
>>409258>mainly my uterus is rotting insidebitch if your uterus was rotting inside, it could kill you.
>I've been hospitalized during my periodand they didn't find your rotting uterus? how does that work?
No. 409440
File: 1499772971039.png (803.45 KB, 600x600, 6a2.png)

>be on messaging terms with her about cosplay>is constantly telling me it's just her room that's messy/house is "actually clean">bullshit >>409200I fucking new it, thanks anon for the lels. It looks like her house is constantly filled with the smell of cat piss and shit
No. 409446
File: 1499777642526.jpg (42.5 KB, 480x720, 1489112202883.jpg)

>>409440>constantly filled with the smell of cat piss and shitIt is. Farmers that used to know her said as much. People who have roomed with her have said her costumes stunk and even someone on her FB recently mentioned coming over and stepping in urine.
Imagine walking barefoot on this
No. 409737

Coming in a little late to the Kagome party, but I only just now got caught up on everything in this thread.
This creature, had better stay the hell away from Nekocon this year. She has creeped on my friends (One of whom does Trip) multiple times, and since we're doing Inuyasha as a group, I don't want her anywhere near Inuyasha/Sessoumaru/Kouga. If I have to be the attack dog of the group, I will, and she will NOT LIKE THE RESULTS.
Also, guess I can scratched Utena off the list. Sure as hell don't wanna do it if THIS thing is doing it too. And considering she was watching that new Castlevania show, (Probably her parents Netflix account) I should strike that from the list of possibles too.
Ashley, you're parents are saints for putting up with you for so long, because mine would have kicked me out years ago if I was anything like you. Stay the hell away from Manassas, and get a REAL job, they're not hard to find. Maybe try Walmart? You'll fit right in.
No. 409741
Coming in a little late to the Kagome party, but I only just now got caught up on everything in this thread.
This creature, had better stay the hell away from Nekocon this year. She has creeped on my friends (One of whom does Trip) multiple times, and since we're doing Inuyasha as a group, I don't want her anywhere near Inuyasha/Sessoumaru/Kouga. If I have to be the attack dog of the group, I will, and she will NOT LIKE THE RESULTS.
Also, guess I can scratch Utena off the list. Sure as hell don't wanna do it if THIS thing is doing it too. And considering she was watching that new Castlevania show, (Probably her parents Netflix account) I should strike that from the list of possibles too.
Ashley, your parents are saints for putting up with you for so long, because mine would have kicked me out years ago if I was anything like you. Stay the hell away from Manassas, and get a REAL job, they're not hard to find. Maybe try Walmart? You'll fit right in.
No. 409761
>>409741 pls sage your autism.
Double for anyone saying anything among the lines of "omg ash stay out of my fandom". She's a pig, but you fuckin' weebs don't lay claim over your weird shit, and it doesn't contribute to the thread at all.
No. 409764
>>409641Because feminine penises, anon.
>>409257Tbh, honest, this would be a good decision for her. I can't really see Ash ever being in a good enough mental state to raise children.
No. 409847
File: 1499880663069.jpg (69.64 KB, 954x427, Screenshot_20170712-132949.jpg)

Did she make a new account? And wtf is up with this bio line??
No. 409860
File: 1499882165705.jpg (31.34 KB, 403x389, IMG_5535.JPG)

>>409845At least sage your shit
No. 409977
>>409962then read the damn rules you fucking retard youre just like ash but even more autistic if you think complaining on this website is gonna stop her from talking to your nobody friends
honestly ffs get over yourself lol
No. 410128
File: 1499938366796.png (35.94 KB, 750x281, IMG_4116.PNG)

No. 410189
>>410180The rules on lolcow. Read them, because you obviously don't know how to sage.
Anon was referring to no cow-tipping.
No. 410228
File: 1499962197042.png (4.87 KB, 433x92, axel.PNG)

>>410128She deactivated.
I'm wondering if she even got a message or if she just saw farmers talking about her shit stats and got mad.
No. 410254
File: 1499964890553.png (15.33 KB, 525x381, da.PNG)

>>410238That's the weird thing. Goes to all the trouble to delete her FB but leaves her Insta and DA.
No. 410548
File: 1500006385064.png (212.66 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2015-03-01-20h42m09s14…)

>>410388I'm pretty sure she's aware of what she does wrong. Almost every one is. However if she makes the effort to change it then I can see her life getting better.
However "Bullying" her isn't going to make her life better. And going through the threads essentially that is what we have been doing to her. Frankly would any of you like every single mistake brought up and smeared into your face every time you turned around? No. No one would. So we need to stop nit picking every little thing she does. Its not fair to her.
She's a cosplayer. not the best in the world but she is still making an effort. She has a job which is more than I can say for a majority of cosplayers. (Last I heard) She is going to school which means she is making some kind of effort to change her life.
Yea she has a bad reaction and tends to blow shit out of proportion but we all do at some point.
Anyone wanna share Body sizes? Because I know at least 4 farmers on here personally who are bigger than her including myself. So you should be the last one talking about her body size.
Long story short, Give her a damn break. if you are constantly criticized you aren't going to change and will always be defensive. so why act like she should be different?
No. 410632
>>410556Fucking PREACH. I don't want to hear a goddamn thing about "oh she'll change if people give her the chance" when time and time again SHE JUST FUCKING DRAGS THEM THROUGH THE MUD.
I'm sick and tired of her ass and next time I see her I WILL go off. This whole thread isn't just trolls anymore. She's driven away friends who have tried to help, tried to give her a chance and what does she do?
Throw it in their faces and smear them to everyone else. Accuse them of doing shit they never did.
She's a selfish little brat who I am just DYING for karma to come around and bite her in her ass.
No. 410656
>>410504I guess I didn't survive the cut because my friends list just shows her old one.
>>410548She's not going to school though. She's dropped the idea in favor of a wild goose chase involving her granddad's GI Bill and her getting to move anywhere in the USA she wants as long as she gets a job first. Granddad is playing a prank on her but she doesn't even get that.
>>410632Pretty much this. People have tried to help her from the day she got discovered but she only freaks out and comes up with excuses why she's always the victim. This is the only bitch I've ever come across that will block you for suggesting she use a different type of fabric for her costume.
No. 410665
>>410548I highly doubt you "went through the threads" if this is your perspective. Why are you even on here?
And just because you're a fatty doesn't make being one any less a disgusting display of lack of self control/laziness. See: ash's full stick of butter macaroni, ash asking friends out for fast food ordering large portions then sticking said friends with the bill, ash scarring people's eyes wearing revealing cosplay then physically harassing other cosplayers with her whale mass, etc.
:^) give me your email and I'll gladly prove I'm not a fat sack of shit instead of inviting people to derail the thread in an attempts to justify your own insecurities.
No one makes her read lolcow and no one needs your piss poor WKing here. Did you actually think everyone would turn around like, "a bloobloobloo you're right!!!! Oh no! Better kiss her chunky ass!"? No, of course not, you just resonated with parts of her that hit too close to home for you and tried to justify her retardation as a thinly veiled attempt to feel better about your own downfalls. Gross.
No. 411046
>>410665>ash scarring people's eyes wearing revealing cosplayDon't forget that she did this in public, in front of children, at family-friendly conventions.
>ash asking friends out for fast food ordering large portions then sticking said friends with the billAs one of her former "friends" that she stuck with the bill after ordering and eating food at a restaurant, I can regrettably confirm.
>>410548To me though, Ash's worst quality of all is her pathological lying. It's a constant for her. Her shitting all over people who try to help her is a very real thing. In her refusal to change, she will make a billion excuses of why she can't do something, when the truth is that she won't, because she believes her methods are perfect even if she doesn't have a method and "wants advice" for how to do something.
Ashley is not a nice person who will change. She has every opportunity to change, and can easily ignore what is said here. Instead, she lurks, and actively tries to make the farmers here even more upset. She even brags about going out of her way to do so. Ashley is not a nice person because she talks shit and smears people behind their backs to anyone who will listen, even those who have not done anything wrong. She will make up stories and blow things out of proportion to validate her chimping out and her need to find something to be angry at and have someone to blame for her own faults and mistakes. Ashley is not a good person because she swindles her "friends" that stay in her hotel rooms by charging them far more than the rate of the room. She is not a nice person because she steals from people. She is not a nice person because she neglects her pets. She is not a nice person because she
makes her parents drive everywhere, keeps them up at all hours of the night, and doesn't contribute to the household at all. Ashley is not a nice person because she repeatedly exclaims about how she wishes her father and brother would die, how her mother is a horrible person, how her family is abusive unless they buy her things. She is not a nice person because she makes her grandfather buy all of her plane tickets. She fakes disease and mental illness for attention and sympathy when there are actual people suffering from such conditions who would never whine for asspats and handouts. The list goes on.
Do not believe for a moment that someone who neglects their animals and steals from people the same now as they have been for years, will change if they are suddenly not being "critiqued" on their poor actions. A leopard doesn't change its spots and Ashley will always be a liar, thief, and animal abuser. This goes beyond just shitty cosplay. This is a catalog of Ashley's shit behavior. It needs to be seen.
No. 411132
>>411046 This. All of this.
As an ex follower of Ashley I was horrified at how much of her own delusions she was drowning in. I would often catch her in a lie, forgetting a lie she told, and then trying to cover it up with another lie.
She would bash any and all her "friends" behind their backs to anyone who would listen. Even to people who knew the person she was going on about. And most all of what she was saying was a lie or an exaduration.
As for her behavior at conventions. It's atrocious and I'm suprissed she hasn't been kicked out. Indecent exposure. Rude/sexist/racist remarks. "Casual" sexual assault. Stalking. Trying to kick people who she doesn't like out. I don't even want to think about the poor people she rooms with. Over charging her room mates. Spending their room money. Stealing from them. Stinking up the room. Throwing her trash and clutter everywhere. If I had a choice between eternal suffering and staying in a convention room with Ashley, I'd take the eternal suffering.
Ashley fluxes between unbearably annoying to down right scary. Between the pathological lying, stealing, constant need for drama, abusing pets and people who care about her. It goes far beyond just bad cosplay. She's delusional. She thinks she's perfect and everyone is out to get her. I to tried to help her once, that was many many years ago. And the fact that she's still obsessing over "bullies" and people who called her out, instead of perhaps listening to people who are trying to help, taking real action to change and getting better, means she most likely never will.
Shell lurk and read this I'm sure. Say I'm a bully. That I don't know anything about her life. That I'm making stuff up to make her look bad. But she is. She's just bad.
And I pitty the people who have come in contact with her. And I pitty the people who will come in contact with.
No. 411139
Hey guys, you'll never guess what I found. Took a lot of digging but I found it! can't see much on this one but it's sidesplitting that she misspelled her actual link.
She also has a new Facebook but it's much more tight on lockdown surprisingly. Seems the other one was a decoy. Her most recent alias is "Ash Allen" and her new link is're welcome farmers!
No. 411211
>>411210First time everyone saw the name and knew who she was and her reputation.
Second time she stole the name from another more successful cosplayer in the hope that people looking for them would stumble onto her instead.
Third time she's just covering her ass with a new secret identity hoping no one would find her.
No. 411212
File: 1500153926229.png (3.45 KB, 347x160, 0.PNG)

No. 411235
File: 1500159280744.png (1.62 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170715-175321.png)

No. 411261
File: 1500164879010.jpg (124.64 KB, 730x1095, 1350847828336.jpg)

>>411235After all these years she's as bad as she was back then. She hasn't progressed at all aside from going from drugstore to namebrand.
No. 411262
File: 1500164893978.gif (1.76 MB, 403x554, kek.gif)

>>411235>>411249I don't even read this thread and this made me laugh so hard!
No. 411564
File: 1500259947274.jpg (119.04 KB, 1039x635, Screenshot_20170716-224926.jpg)

Wtf she thinks she can host a cosplay masquerade event complete with light crew, photography, and security. I fucking can't!
No. 411567
>>411564-it'll probably be outside
-5 people will show up
-2 will stay and one is ash.
No. 411689
File: 1500308616500.jpg (400.58 KB, 1008x1253, Screenshot_20170717-122025.jpg)

>>411661Oh no anon. It's a lot more than just the location. It's not even free. I have a feeling either this is already an event and she's making another event page for it or she's just dumb enough thinking she can pull this off.
No. 411693
File: 1500309280978.jpg (156.5 KB, 972x648, IMG_0348.JPG)

Is something off about her legs in this pic or is it just me?
No. 411707
File: 1500312243309.png (30.56 KB, 412x628, muchspelling.PNG)

>>411689I'd definitely trust someone hosting an event of this caliber with my money.
No. 411728
>>411707 "35$ 45$ 55$"
I'm sorry since when did a few hour red neck costume party with no venue suddenly be equivalent to a convention?
No. 411730
>>411707So how bad will the fallout be if she takes people's money, spends it, and the can't scramble enough to pay people back?
I'm assuming the reason she's asking for money is she is wanting to rent space (guessing a ballroom) for this, plus refreshments, and a DJ.
No. 411737
>>411730NO REFUNDS!!
I foresee it being like the tumblr DashCon event. I sure hope there's a ballpit!
No. 411748
File: 1500321385058.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.32 KB, 800x600, ashleyeverymorning.jpg)

>>411585>>411597You guys just don't understand! All of her many dragon personalities will attend! They all way to be with their queen! Feeling up her legs with their tails and flirting with her all night! Any Jereth-cosplaying man could only BE so lucky to dance with her! Until the stroke of midnight, when she will flee from the Halloween Ball with everyone's money, leaving behind one stolen shoe as she disappears back into the night to turn back into a bloated cow.
Seriously though, I can't wait until she gives up on this a week later while grunting that the event failed because blah blah something something something venue cancelled on her, some other people she hates pushed her out, slandering people told ~EVERYONE~ that she's a lolcow and she's gonna get the police involved to ~*~ARREST~*~ them because they want to crash her event with their own event and how dare!!
No. 411761
This is the thing she is trying to copy: attended it once and has been fixated on doing her ~own version~ ever since. I'm laughing at the fact that the prices are similar too, who in the hell does she think she is?
No. 412007
File: 1500388826467.png (711.4 KB, 925x586, cat.PNG)

>>411999Her IG doesn't have much going. Just more video of her cat aka the only living thing she can force to love her.
No. 412009
>>412007:my cat is wonderful"
im surprised that thing can even be somewhat healthy in those living conditions.
No. 412091
File: 1500399774544.png (1.11 MB, 975x598, insta.PNG)

>>412088There's really nothing going on. Everything has been posted here already or not worth posting.
No. 412462
File: 1500432032602.png (1.25 MB, 1076x1080, Screenshot_20170718-213729.png)

New from her Instagram. How did she already fuck it up this hard? It looks like a bunch of rats decided to nest in a pink bumpit.
No. 412468
>>412091she's always reminded me of julie terryberry…
except less sexual and no actual abusive family/bf
No. 412483
File: 1500434422949.jpg (149.69 KB, 400x563, Vocaloid Megurine Luka Sandpla…)

>>412462That wig looks like shit like bitch comb your wigs!
No. 412489
>>412009Those poor cats' litterbox is probably just a mountain of shit and puddles of piss. It's probably never been scooped since they got it. You
know Ashley wouldn't scoop a litterbox. That would be ~*~work~*~.
No. 412537
>>412499Not always, I've seen some seriously horrible conditions where the cat still uses the box even if it's more waste than litter. It's cases like that that lead to UTI's in cats. Which also makes them piss all over furniture, clothes, carpet and other surfaces. So, yeah,
>>412500this. Probably a filthy box and an untreated UTI on top of it.
No. 413578
File: 1500516901016.png (1.68 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170719-211425.png)

No. 413582
>>412490someone on her FB said they came over and stepped in animal piss so I don't doubt it.
>>413578god I hope her eyebrows look like that for con. It's so bad.
No. 413916
File: 1500576757302.png (138.96 KB, 894x894,…)

Old but I don't remember it being posted.
No. 413920
File: 1500576930720.png (870.83 KB, 920x584, nightmaresmile.PNG)

>My cat is ridiculous and needy just ignore the dozen videos I've posted of me begging it for attention and stalking it around the house
inb4 Ash becomes a furry and claims her cat is a bishounen spirit
No. 413928
>>413916the big white gap in the fucking floor, god
take her tablet away
No. 414104
>>413920so… did she just make a selfie while taking a shit?
and wtf is wrong with her eyebrows
No. 414110
>>413578did she ever post her tumblr profile picture as a big image?
Because thats the first one Ive seen from her that actually looks reasonable
No. 414172
File: 1500601184549.jpg (146.78 KB, 850x587, Screenshot_20170720-213657.jpg)

Who the fuck captions their tumblr like this? A fucking 2 year old or maybe that's just too nice cause even two year olds could be better.
No. 414421
File: 1500655874558.jpg (70 KB, 679x960, 19959048_198305410699194_68858…)

Ashley added 50+ pics to her bad art greatest hits album including fanart of OW characters she's not even played.
> No. 414422
File: 1500655950543.jpg (85.53 KB, 738x960, 19961648_198304674032601_37236…)

Don't remember wonky-tits-uke being posted before.
No. 414658
very obviously stolen foot, and still somehow she jacked it up.
No. 414833
File: 1500759813809.png (291.33 KB, 540x855, Screenshot_2017-07-22-17-36-18…)

Can anyone confirm this sudden mention of a surgery?
No. 414846
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No. 414851
File: 1500760799284.png (236.04 KB, 540x795, Screenshot_2017-07-22-17-55-34…)

Another xray view.
No. 414852
File: 1500760889404.png (136.72 KB, 540x850, Screenshot_2017-07-22-17-55-53…)

She's already begging for commissions because her part time job won't pay her to be out. The horror.
No. 414853
File: 1500761081332.png (340.56 KB, 540x841, Screenshot_2017-07-22-17-56-03…)

Shit. She's leeching off Mercy players now like she's a martyr of Overwatch. Guess it's the one role she can be shit and tell them they're lucky they even got a healer to begin with.
No. 415490
File: 1500905117854.jpeg (38.55 KB, 672x672, 3af8bbc7cbc8f2cff2399dd41e5058…)

>>414905>>414853best post itt. love you, anon. somehow she looks even greasier than andy too, so weird.
No. 415495
>>415490thanks, i love you too.
but the hair and growing amounts of chin is what set it off for me.
>>414995who cares if her costumes are on hold unless they were commissioned by other people ( i doubt that)
seriously doubt anything happen, she would seem like the type to say that a papercut would turn into a shanking in chicago. shes just trying to get free money when no one else will hire a hambeast.
No. 416273
>>416210Noone's gotten her personal FB info so it's slim pickings without that. Unless I'm mistaken all we've got access to is:
>Instagram (made public again)>Deviantart>Tumblr>"professional" FBAnd two of those are linked so everything on her Insta is on her FB for the most part. There are Atlanta gulls going to AWA though so we'll have recon.
No. 416338
File: 1501091475839.png (112.48 KB, 493x976, louse.png)

No. 416340
File: 1501091580082.png (17.58 KB, 507x216, sure.png)

On today's episode of This Never Happened……
No. 416343
File: 1501091983162.png (35.4 KB, 502x429, trashloli.png)

If anyone gets updates of her doing this PLEASE share. These are two things that can never go together and I would die to see it.
No. 416344
File: 1501092079520.png (498.07 KB, 500x586, ShowMe.png)

Last of the milk from me for now. Here we go again with her claiming she made something she didn't. Kek. How shit of a person you gotta be? Bitch show me how you fucking made that.
No. 416346
>>416344Pretty sure it is the following:
Costume jewelry broach + glue + cheap adjustable ring
Harder for her to fuck up since she didn't make any of the components.
No. 416388
>>416338>>416340Bless you and bless your cows. It's been so dry without seeing her FB. How many friends has she got on it now?
>>416344Yeah this she probably hotglued onto an adjustable ring and said she made it. There's no way possible it went any other way.
>>416343She doesn't even WEAR lolita so how can she make a whole Youtube channel about it?
No. 416436
File: 1501114550968.png (148.25 KB, 750x1167, IMG_5628.PNG)

Rarely have I seen anything look so unappetizing…and yet she's proud of it? As if boiling water is an achievement?
No. 416437
File: 1501114648223.jpg (287.62 KB, 978x1217, Screenshot_20170726-201358.jpg)

I just saw her video and all I can say is well if that's the case then she shouldn't be going to ANY cons including AWA for that matter and just fucking save your money for the surgery. She wouldn't be moaning and groaning if she didn't go to expensive cons like this every year. She would actually have money for her God damn health which is actually more important than a fucking convention. Ash, get your shit together but to your case, that's just too fucking hard and well it's not common sense to you.
No. 416439
>>416338I love how she keeps blaiming it on people she "cut out of her life" when from what I've seen on here it's usually the opposite. People cut her out. From what I know she goes on so many blocking sprees, it's just funny how she Blaims people who she's most likely blocked or they have blocked her who can't even see her FB or IG.
Just cuz you obsess over someone doesn't mean they can hack into FB and go around your block to screen cap you. Half the people who she's lied about/tried to ruin the lives of want nothing to do with her anyway so why would they care.
Never met Ashley, just here for the milk, but wow this chick is delusional. Like tin foil hat delusional.
No. 416449
>>416338There are quite a few things she can do to stop her problems with lolcow, and the first one being
stop reading your own thread like??
>how is cyber bullying real lol like just close your eyes No. 416484
File: 1501122117425.png (999.55 KB, 927x597, Capture.PNG)

>what cosplay they're for
€10 says it's for her lawleehta
No. 416665
>>416656 They do seem all wrong, but you know, Ashley has a ~talent~ for redefining and remaking genres and tropes in her own image.
(Actually, I do like a couple of those fabrics, but not for Lolita.)
No. 416821
File: 1501198117480.jpg (386.7 KB, 1028x1558, Screenshot_20170727-192741.jpg)

Hey look guys, another diagnostic!
No. 417040
>>417034I thought that too. I'm pretty sure all the fabric in
>>416484 is quilting cotton. This is gonna be some real poop brooch tier lolita.
No. 417106
File: 1501277007745.png (484.65 KB, 495x838, crypto footage.png)

A video was posted a few days ago that I managed to get access to. Here's a transcription for your enjoyment.
>Alright. I can't believe it's come to this. Iiii can't believe it. (Sighs) I'm actually really upset about this because- (weird gag noises, pause). Ok, lemme start from the beginning. I'm making a video status because it's harder to screencap a video. You can't quote a person on what they have or have not said. (Deep breath) And, found out tonight, someone on my friends list is still screencapping me. So I- (slaps leg, shakes head with mouth open, gasps in a breath) I wanna be left alone, I want y'all to back the fuck off, (gasps) I made a new Facebook page to get away from you motherfuckers. I'm trying to chaaange who I am. I don't wanna be associated (pauses) with this shit (long pause) anymore. I wanna move on and build a new reputation for myself. I wanna change as a person, but I can't do that if you're constantly holding me to shit I did in the past! (points at the camera accusingly, then covers face and gasps) Please just leave me the fuck alone! That is all I want at this point. All. I. Want. Is to be left alone. (long pause) I wanna be allowed to cosplay, wanna be allowed to have relationships with people, in fact you FUCKERS are the reason I can't have a relationship in the first place! Because the person I like doesn't wanna be (pause) targetted by people like this! (long pause and stare at gross angle) They don't wanna be targetted! That's why I'm not in a relationship right now! (unintelligable) because of YOU! (points accusingly at the camera) YOU'RE holding me back! From being happy! I-I can't do it anymore. I'm at my breaking point. And I don't like being at the breaking point. (angry face) So I'm asking you once and for all, please. leave. me. the fuck. alone.
No. 417108
File: 1501277292999.png (16.64 KB, 503x217, dead pets would disagree.png)

No. 417110
File: 1501277332341.png (113.32 KB, 502x607, internet diagnosis.png)

No. 417114
>>417106>but I can't do that if you're constantly holding me to shit I did in the pastThing is, it's new stuff she's doing every day. She can't magically recreate herself into a respectable member of society if she's
STILL swindling people out of their money for hotel rooms, still screaming at her parents that she wishes they would die, still neglecting her animals, still stealing from people, still sexually harassing people, still lying to anyone and everyone constantly. Ashley, if you actually did speak to authorities and they looked here at all of the evidence of shit that you've done to people and your animals, it would be
you getting carted off for theft, sexual harassment, and animal abuse. Get over yourself. If you want to make a new reputation, then stop being a piece of shit. Listen to the people that are trying to help you instead of flipping your shit on them. Cgl, ed, and lolcow aren't the reason you're not in a relationship. It's because no one can stand how horribly you treat them, your family, your pets, your house and your stuff, and even your hotel rooms. Change your fucking attitude and others will change theirs. You get a better reputation by getting off your ass and doing better things. Not by telling people to magically change their opinions of you when all you've done is act like a shithead when you don't get your way every time. IS2G, this is why I stopped being your fucking "friend". You're a toxic bitch, Ashley.
No. 417118
>>417106Oh my fuck, someone tell her being left alone is as easy as shutting off the social media.
Although it might be a harder pill to swallow knowing that even when the social media is gone, she still won't be able to develop relationships because she's a miserable person going nowhere.
It's easier to blame social media for why she's alone than be critical of herself.
No. 417190
>>417106>the person I like doesn't wanna be targetedYeah I'm sure they won't date you because of lolcow. That's an excuse Ashley.
>>417108Did she just blatantly admit she's done stuff but it doesn't matter because of a name change? Certifiably stupid if she thinks it won't take more than one image of her face to link her accounts.
>>417110She's becoming a munchie. We joked about this day but never thought it would come.
>>417145It looks like video pixelation.
No. 417259
>>417251well she obviously is ~body positive~ because she doesn't realize how gross she looks lmao
but makeup ?? wtf she's TERRIBLE why tho
No. 417272
does anyone have access to that video that
>>417106 referenced to please holy god??? i think fb videos are downloadable with a tool
No. 417321
>>417106It might be in the last thread which I cba to find on my phone but this is essentially identical to that "wah leave ash alone she can't improve with you bullies" post
Which I now think was her even more so
My sides are busted she thinks the 'person she loves wont be with her for fear of being targeted' as if that's not a blatant excuse
Just from the way she talks you can see ash suffers a painfully low iq lol
No. 417339
File: 1501341004039.jpg (764.48 KB, 1021x1542, Screenshot_20170729-100845.jpg)

No. 417438
>>417410this is better than the andy milonaukis comment ffs anon lmaoo
ash was in a long term relationship before or just a short fling? if she can't take care of herself like basic hygenie or just taking care of her pets and house, what makes her think that she is ready for a relationship and not be a parasite??
No. 417894
>>417796even better.
hows ash on social media btw? i thought she went radio silent because shes crying of ebullying topkek
No. 418316
File: 1501630807076.jpg (471.84 KB, 1050x1064, Screenshot_20170801-193933.jpg)

She's going out in her MC cosplay for her "semi fancy" birthday dinner. Her lips still scare me.
No. 418441
>>418316>>418419I think she over all has decent features and could even be kind of pretty if styled right. I think it's a mix of being overweight, poor styling, and her just being awkward that makes her look so off all the damn time.
Like she doesn't even look so bad here, but she's still pulling a kind of awkward smile and the wig is a bit too fake looking. Still much better than her usual though.
No. 418443
File: 1501655473851.png (381.53 KB, 1242x1826, IMG_4974.PNG)

No. 418606
>>418316her eyebrows honestly look better than previous makeup shoots?
>>418443packaging looks cheap but at least its an improvement from using dollar tree makeup
No. 419139
File: 1501885108616.jpg (472.65 KB, 978x1208, Screenshot_20170804-181724.jpg)

No. 419164
this will be interesting
tho maybe she just bought the shirt?
No. 419355
File: 1501966441192.jpg (150.39 KB, 1032x1064, ashoop.jpg)

>>418316Slimming her face a bit makes a world of difference.
No. 419373
File: 1501971223795.png (10.38 KB, 501x107, stillatit.png)

No. 419661
File: 1502037759233.png (23.37 KB, 503x263, howbelievable.png)

Now this is some Grade-A Organic Milk.
No. 419683
>>419661>combo of pure exhaustion and stressfrom WHAT? certainly not the place you work 6 hours a week
>find a new job before leaving old onejfc is it even possible to find something else as easygoing as her lasertag job?
No. 419687
>>419661YOU WORK 2 DAYS A WEEK! Do you even know what a full time job is going to be like? 40+ hours and no time for cosplay. I am getting so fed up with her.
I bet she got fired or is on some probation period for too many write ups.
Losing a job suck, but I can't bring myself to feel bad for her.
No. 419856
I'm betting literally
none of this happened, she's making up the whole thing like always as an excuse to quit her job. There is no way her 2 day a week, 3 hour job is causing her any stress. Especially when you realize that her tune has suddenly changed from "I love my job it's so great!" to "I'm DYING from EXHAUSTION and STRESS and I HATE it!" She was also whining for days now that she wants a different job, that if she gets another job then grandpa will use his imaginary GI Bill to somehow magically pay for her to move, etc etc etc. She just wants an excuse to quit her job without people gasping in horror at her quitting the only workplace that would ever possibly hire her.
Here's what I bet. I bet she was fired because of her hideous and extremely unprofessional haircut, which she would have screamed about not willing to change. She also wants to move to Manasses to be within stalking distance of her current obsession, and can't do that if she's bound to a job in Richmond. If she actually did manage to move against all odds, she'd immediately start manipulating the person she's after to drive her everywhere and do everything for her, and also try to live with them. It's hilariously stupid that she's not thinking shit through.
>>419792She's going to get a kidney stone and will have no one to blame but herself.
No. 421735
>>421714Her Tumblr is inactive. her DA is over a month old post wise. Her FB is locked down. Her Instagram is deactivated.
I'm almost proud of her for finally learning to shut her shit down but at the same time I miss the milk.
No. 422346
File: 1502477533010.jpg (546.9 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5683.JPG)

>>422118Yes and no, we're giving her too much credit here. Posts relating to her moving out or finding a new job are custom because she's hiding them from her family. I don't even give a fuck if she figures out I'm posting here, milk has dried up for me and I doubt I'm the only person she's asked.
No. 422474
>>422346JFC. She's a legal adult, she doesn't need anyone's permission to leave. She can just… leave and do whatever the fuck she wants. What are they going to do about it? She says she doesn't want contact with them, so what's the big hold up?
Grow the fuck up Ashlry, this shit is exasperating.
No. 422642
>>422346Is this the sister she suddenly invited herself to go live with and had a tantrum when the sister mentioned it to their mother?
And how the fuck does she think she's going to move to a new place without her family's help? Just stuff her entire room into a dufflebag and hitchhike? She can't drive, she has no money, and she can't rent a place.
No. 422725
>>422346Thanks anon! It seems so exhausting to talk to her.
>>422642Yeah, I don't know what she's imagining. Especially because I don't think she wants to leave all her stuff behind.
No. 423447
>>422346Is she still going to Manasses?
>>422642Exactly anon, what's her plan here??? Move out and then magically have sitcom related shenanigans with her roommates? What does she even have saved for when she does
"move out" No. 424574
File: 1502928898078.png (20.34 KB, 500x295, gofundme1.png)

Here's some laughs for you, farmers!
(part 1)
No. 424576
File: 1502928914781.png (14.51 KB, 499x156, gofundme2.png)

(part 2)
No. 424577
File: 1502928991640.png (9.15 KB, 503x111, centerville now.png)

And then there's this.
No. 424581
File: 1502929243566.png (13.68 KB, 500x181, shitshowinprogress.png)

Get ready guys! The Adventures of Pathetic, Frail, Self-insert Ashley Uke Boy and Rapist-senpai continues soon!
No. 424582
>>424574>grandfather broke his promise to help meWho would seriously think he was for real when he said he'd pay for you to move if you got a full time job in that area first? It's near impossible to get a job somewhere you don't even live. He was making a joke at your expense, Ashley.
Fucks sakes they can claim her if they want on their taxes. She lives at home and she can't even get financial aid for school because she's not old enough to be an independent filer.
I hope her gofundme ends up like her Patreon with $0.00
No. 424584
>>424577>can't even be arsed to apartment hunt herselfHow is she even going to pay the rent when she said she may have to quit her job??
(thank you farmer for the delicious milk. I thought she'd dried up.)
No. 424587
>>424576>Refusing to let me even vent do the basics of adult interaction. You vent plenty already though!
>Im trying to fund up at least 20,000 to help me move out of my home under the cover of night as fast as I possibly can. Hahaha, $20K?! Bitch, please. Moving cross-country isn't even that much.
>I need to be out out of here especially since I discovered my father was at the Riot in Virginia fighting for the bad guys. Hoooooooooooooooooly shit.
>Hes also insanely homophobic and being being a lesbian you can imagine how I'm not feeling too safe.Yes, yes, they persecute you every single day, we know.
No. 424588
File: 1502929731559.png (887.85 KB, 1189x527, fucksakes.PNG)

She can't even taking a fucking charity page seriously.
No. 424602
love that she set up a gofundme just in time for the upcoming conventions!
No. 424660
File: 1502937391622.gif (851.45 KB, 250x250, 1331515626267.gif)

>>424574Not surprised Ash is a complete retard about taxes. Living at home, not going to college, only working part time so her parents provide EVERYTHING for her, meaning she can definitely be considered a dependent they can get some money back for. If she were to file by herself, she probably wouldn't get as much back as her parents would.
Not only that, but she probably can't even file her taxes on her own.
No. 424663
File: 1502939120131.jpg (35.71 KB, 777x566, pisseddonald.JPG)

>>424576Good lord, what an ungrateful little pig. I'm surprised that her family didn't kick her ass out of the curb since she keeps dragging them through the mud just to get sympathy points from the internet. She's not even old enough to file her own taxes and claim as an independent. Would it kill her if she can actually get a full time job at Mcdonalds or something? There's no way she can move out on her own since the job market is a bitch and she doesn't even have an Associates Degree. Its not gonna be long when her parents find out about this.
No. 424766
>>424736Yeah, that got me too. The actual "justice" for her would be if her parents told her to get her lazy, ungrateful NEET ass out of their house.
I also don't get why she wants to make a clandestine midnight escape. She's a fucking legal adult, and they aren't her jailors. From other things she's said, it sounds like her parents would be delighted to see the back of her. But I guess she neefs to ratchet up the ill feelings and the melodrama.
No. 424782
>>424775That's another lie. They'll throw her back in psych, my ass. She isn't a danger to herself and others, and chronic assholishness isn't actually a mental illness. I don't believe they ever said that. She goes to cons all the time, and takes unsupervised plane trips. She's again trying to make her parents look bad so she can get people who don't know any better to feel sorry for her.
Ashley would better her own situation immensely if she ever tried to look at a situation from another person's point of view. But she won't because her head is so far up her own ass. Also, that thing she did yesterday with almost-but-not-quite accusing her father of being a neo-Nazi would be a deal-breaker for me if I were her parent. She should be kicked out for that alone. She's despicable.
No. 424879
File: 1502998643382.jpg (292.35 KB, 1008x1440, Screenshot_20170817-153506.jpg)

Part 2
No. 424880
>>424879"Under the cover of night"
No. 424887
File: 1503000167705.png (144.47 KB, 250x241, 1483332038398.png)

>>424879?my father was at the Riot in Virginia fighting for the bad guys
>be white trash>spawn a hideous, talentless, unstable monster of a daughter>claim to be an ubermensch No. 424902
>>424887Things that never happened for a thousand, Alex
It is actually kind of shocking to me how much she lies, and what she lies about. She has zero problem with slandering her family in the most vile manner.
No. 424982
>>424879>at least 20,000Is she kidding? Does she have absolutely no concept of how money actually works? $20,000 is a good savings account for someone who has been working for 20 years. Not a donation for someone to leave their parents house.
Is she planning on remaining jobless and living off the donations of strangers? I bet she won't even last a year.
No. 425096
>>424879>20granI don't follow Axel's shit but, my good friend with a PhD in Statistics had a 20k goal for an apartment downpayment in a majorcity. He spent 1½ year saving it up, because well, a PhD. This crazy NEET thinks she DESERVES 20k to move out???
Most people have the bond saved up and a JOB….
>the add-on in the end>oh btw guys he's TOTALLY homophobic and remember I AM GAY BE AN ALLY I AM NOT SAFE!Holy shit
No. 425396
>>424879>at least 20,000is there any way somebody can ask her specifically what that money would be for? I'd fucking love to see her answer. she said
at least $20k just to move out, lmao.
I made some calculations and she would need roughly $3,500 to cover everything from a plane ticket to Atlanta, to 3 months worth of rent, food, and bills while she looks for a job or two in Georgia. If she were to get a full time job right now, she could "move out in the cover of night" in 4 months with her savings.
No. 425558
File: 1503163705439.png (827.5 KB, 1200x643, lurk more.png)

>>425396I wonder if she's lurking because she dropped the amount to almost what you calculated. She can't even be bothered to look for an apartment much less do the math on how much with would cost to move out.
No. 425579
>>425558I don't understand how she doesn't realize how retarded and inappropriate her pic seems for this
Like I know she lacks innate self awareness but how does she not look around and see people don't use shit like that?
I have trouble believing she's autistic. I think everyone on here and cgl called her that as we were all flabbergasted with how someone could be THIS stupid and she decided to latch on, thinking it'd be a convenient excuse.
If she were my kid id have put her down sweet fuck…
No. 425990
File: 1503273821663.png (15.91 KB, 325x407, Capture.PNG)

>>425978With all those FB friends you'd think she could have suckered someone into it. I guess all of them are there for the milk just like we are.
No. 426676
File: 1503397414175.png (1.13 MB, 956x615, Capture.PNG)

>>426579You're right! I guess she got tired of not getting attention from her locked down FB.
I'll transcript her videos (or at least tl;dr) so no one has to suffer her voice.
No. 426677
File: 1503398251209.png (686.99 KB, 926x596, capture1.PNG)

>"Hey guys it's Ash! I have returned to Instagram. Now I know a lot of you probably noticed "Oh my god, Ash! You took your Instagram down! Why?""
>makes smug expression and tries to talk out of the side of her mouth, winks at camera
>"Well I'll go ahead and give ya'll a little sneak peek."
>"So I~~ for the past nine years at this point, yes it's been nine years. I've been the victim of terrible cyberstalking. Terrible cyberbullying, cyberstalking, on various websites that are made to attack and demean other people." (Yet she's making her Instagram public again??)
>"I'm not the only person, there are a lot of people on there." (Yeah Ash, didn't you post your bff on here?)
>"Now this PERSON (yep, just one person on this entire website) is screencapping my Instagram account but they are also screencapping my Facebook as well and just following every action I move to the point where I can't even go to a con without people talking about sabotaging my panels and my events I want to run, for the pure fun of it!"
>"So… Well I've come to this point where I don't care anymore."
>looks smug and shakes head
>"I.. I'm an adult. I.. I'm.. I get that I've done some things that are regrettable in the past but that is in the past and.. you guys just gotta let it go."
No. 426678
File: 1503398817124.png (341.97 KB, 588x444, Capture2.PNG)

Her wonky eyebrows are distracting me so bad. I have to keep replaying because I miss what she's saying due to watching her make facial expressions with them.
>stares blankly into camera then suddenly realizes it's filming
>suddenly tries to look super serious
>"Uh.. explanation part two! In fact it's gotten bad enough to the point where a couple months ago my blueprint of my house was posted by someone who's been here."
>"I don't know because I keep my list of things of who comes and who goes very few and far between (well when your guests aren't surprised to step in dog piss, who'd want to come over?). I don't like people coming to my house for various reasons. I'm just kinda… I don't like people being in my personal business, in a way. Unless I purposefully give out that information to somebody I don't it being shared. Kinda deal."
>"There… Instead of coming to me like an adult. Instead of trying to solve your issues with me like an adult, these people go off after we've had a falling out of some kind or I do something they don't agree with and BLAST ME! When I know for a fact that a lot of them that are on there have something much better to do and have better things to do with their time."
>"I'm trying to live my life as effective as possible and as MATURELY as possible. So.. either way it's just gotten out of hand and I felt like I needed to take a break."
No. 426683
File: 1503402282402.png (227.29 KB, 517x443, Capture3.PNG)

>Hopefully this'll be the last one, I hate these 60 minute clips. But yeah, its one of those things where I just wish people would leave me alone and leave other people alone and let them do what they want to do."
>"I mean it doesn't look good in anybody's light."
>picks and pulls at her eyebrow
>"Like oh that's your business and why are you sharing it? But then it's like "Oh I didn't know they were like that." When in reality I'm.. I'm.. not any bad or worse… I'm not any better or worse than anybody. I'm just a person. A human being. I'm just someone who wants to cosplay and be a fictional character for a day or do what I want."
>"I mean.. when does enough get to be enough? Anyway.. um.. I'm gonna cut it off here cause it's almost up and I don't wanna spam you guys with three videos back to back.. or four. But yeah, look forward to new stuff and new items coming your way."
>smug look with wink and finger gun
No. 426724
>>426677>>426678>>426683Well maybe if she got her life in order then shit like this wouldn't happen. Since you're lurking here ash, lemme lay it down for ya:
1) Don't ask people for money to help you move out IE making a gofundme. If you have money for cosplay, make-up, and conventions, then obviously you're stopping yourself to move out. Don't start playing the blame game on your parents. They've done so much for you. If they didn't love you, they could've left you on the street with no roof over your head, no food to pay for, able to let you go to all of these events, and they let off with not having to pay rent even when you are 22 years old. You're an adult ash. You gotta think what's more important.
2) You always said you wanted to fix yourself like your teeth. Again, stop spending money on hobbies and think about that first. If anything, go find a different job that pays well with medical and dental benefits then you wouldn't have to worry about having to pay so much.
3) From all the stories that have been said, it seems like you're the one that needs to grow up. You need to stop saying you're the victim all the time when things don't go well for you. Stop making attention to yourself and be the bigger person. No one is gonna pick up after you or cook for you once you move out. It's ridiculous and disgusting to here how you're an adult and refuses to clean up after yourself.
4) Hygiene is the key. Please for the love of god, fix your hair, stop plucking your eyebrows and making them look like thick caterpillars, also shower. A lot of people on here have told you over and over that you smell like cat piss. If you don't have the proper hygiene, then you're not gonna get hired for a decent job.
I got nothing else to say aside from repeating myself from what other people here have said before. This isn't a fantasy world, this is reality. Sooner or later, you're gonna be paying a lot more than your phone bill that you paid one time cause those parents you hate dearly won't be living forever.
No. 426997
File: 1503445449728.png (68.75 KB, 903x394, Capture.PNG)

I give this two weeks at most.
No. 427061
>>426677She needs to realize that she CAN get away from all this. Move to another state, don't make social media accounts. Boom. Nobody would know what happened to her, and nobody would care enough to find out. She'd just fade away. She'd be able to go to cons and blend in with all the other poorly made cosplays.
She doesn't need to have a social media account or post every bit of her life on the internet. She chooses to do that, and she sees the consequences. People make fun of her and laugh at her dumb ass. If she really wanted to improve her life, she'd step away from the internet, but she's proven ccountless times that she's too much of an attention whore to do that. Stop playing the victim and learn to accept the consequences of your actions, Ash.
No. 427278
>>426677Done some things you regret, really ash?
Should we start making a list?
Stealing from people.
Lying to pretty much everyone about everything
Wrongly accusing people (including your own parents) of abuse or other wrong doings but never providing proof
Trying to get people kicked out of conventions
"blast" people who you don't like simply because they didn't do what you wanted
Neglected pets
Demand people to do things for you
Break promises
Continue to ask for money instead of being an adult and budgeting (I mean 5 Cosplays ago could have given her a nice spot of cash if she decided to not "impulse by" her words not mine.
The fact is Ashley. You've hurt a lot of people. Done enough wrong to gain a reputation weather it's us vocally here or the hundreds that stay silent and hope to the cosplay god that they don't run into you.
That's the thing about reputations. They don't go away unless you do. They definantly don't go away by posting some victimizing video on your Instagram.
Perhaps start with an apology and getting off social media. But no, your rep is everyone else's fault and we are all lying about you, aren't we? Grow up Ashley.
No. 427881
File: 1503598320857.png (180.37 KB, 965x864, greedy.png)

>>425090i was going to donate a $1 but apparently the minimum is $5. what the fuck. she's not worth five bucks man
No. 428095
File: 1503620184589.jpg (93.28 KB, 617x741, c.jpg)

I photoshopped some makeup on her for fun. no liquify, just makeup, something she could do irl.
No. 428106
>>428097Still, that's a pretty nice look for her.
You see this Ashley, you can actually look pretty. If you stop with whatever the hell you are doing to your eyebrows and the ridiculously unflattering shaved-head "hairstyle."
No. 428155
File: 1503625495479.jpg (16.36 KB, 200x303, 1483920883055.jpg)

>>428116ugh dont give her another disorder to latch on to. i doubt she has trich. the horrid haircut is somewhat new. she probably thinks she looks cool and edgy.
No. 428546
File: 1503696485367.png (10.74 KB, 506x138, bigger as in fatter.png)

Ice cold Milk incoming!
Ashley, if you were the "bigger person" and in any way mature, and if you had actually let shit go, then you wouldn't still be whining and bitching about this shit! You can't let shit go because you thrive on drama! The fact that you're bringing him up specifically just shows you're a petty piece of shit and can't let shit go.
No. 428548
File: 1503696620068.png (32.1 KB, 506x421, i want to barf.png)

Her smugness makes me want to fucking vomit. Get the fuck over yourself. Get your head out of you goddamn ass and stop thinking you're God's gift to the cosplay community, FIX YOUR PIECE OF SHIT ATTITUDE, and you won't have a bad fucking reputation. How hard is this to understand?!!!
No. 428550
File: 1503696677300.png (151.86 KB, 508x813, weebs on ice.png)

No. 428551
File: 1503696718052.png (31.18 KB, 507x426, like the other one isn't.png)

What does this mean?
No. 428558
File: 1503696975249.png (24.15 KB, 505x421, dumpstersdontcount.png)

Lie detected. What the fuck would she have driven, anyway? If she is actually driving now, let us all have a moment of silence for the other drivers on the road. Whenever, if ever, she does magically start driving some day, I give it less than a month before she gets into an accident. It'll almost be sad when the milk dries up because she gets in a fatal collision from filming herself while driving.
No. 428645
>>428546>ruin this persons reputation>he did mine back in MayConsidering she's "scared" of men, the only guy she actually knows is Stark. Can FB-farmer see if she has Stark added?
>>428550>chengsong>midget foot>bigfoot foot>bulging bellyIs she self inserting as Mei now?
>>428558There's no way she drove. It's only been roughly two months since she was complaining her mom wouldn't let her take driving school.
No. 429246
File: 1503846266636.png (15.89 KB, 501x194, potmeetskettle.png)

>>391397Firstly I doubt this happened, like everything Ashley says happened. Secondly though,
>his grandmother>he had no respect for her because she didn't give him money for his birthday.Gee, Ashley. Sound fucking familiar at all? Because that is exactly how you refer to your grandfather when he doesn't give YOU money.
No. 429249
File: 1503846755686.png (13.22 KB, 502x143, youdontknowthem.png)

The audacity of this bitch is just staggering. You think a teen isn't trying to save up for a car? Or paying for the insurance because they already have a car? You think they don't have responsibilities and need money, too? What if one of those teens is working a job because they have a single parent trying to pull down enough money to feed the rest of the family? Or, whoa, here's a crazy thought: what if that teen is TRYING TO CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR HOUSEHOLD AND NOT BE A DEAD WEIGHT LEECH? God, imagine that! Imagine how selfish that person must be, buying things for themselves with their own money, instead of begging it from their parents, grandparents and friends, and blowing it all on useless shit. Obviously Ashley should get all the hours, so she can complain more about how she hates her job, and fake medical issues to get out of actually working those hours. Because fuck everyone else who isn't her, right?
No. 429251
File: 1503847309612.png (12.99 KB, 506x127, 326f63f661cf75.png)

Ashley, you are selfish. You are the most selfish piece of shit that I have ever known. I would bet money that you didn't "ask to practice", you demanded it. You screeched and screamed and yelled, with zero consideration for them. If she magically has a learner's permit, there has to be someone else in the car with her. So I'm betting that she chimped the fuck out trying to MAKE one of her parents go with her while she wastes their gas at odd hours or while they're doing something important. No one would want to ride with that dumb bitch driving anyway, but let alone while you're actually trying to do something like, you know, work or sleep or cook.
Fuck you Ashley, you selfish cunt. Ask your parents NICELY to go with you when they aren't busy or resting. You know, if this isn't all just another fucking lie to get people to think you're actually doing something productive for once.
No. 429303
But hold up this bitch said she was driving just the other day, or was it really mommy or daddy driving her ass. Because she made it sound like it was her driving.
>>429275In the states you get a permit to practice driving, your supposed to have around 90+hours with someone who already holds a license(and there is a paper/computer test you take) then you try for you license with a driving test.
No. 429386
>>429249She's the one that said she had to cut back on her hours or MIGHT EVEN HAVE TO QUIT BECAUSE MUH CHILDHOOD ACCIDENT.
>>429251So she lied about driving on the highway. Figures. And yeah, you're spot on. She made a status a while back about demanding to be taken to driving lessons whether her mother wanted to drive her or not.
No. 429755
>>429249didn't she JUST talk about how she would have to quit this job because it ~stresses her out~ and the doctor told her to quit?
which is it, Ashley?? do you want to work or not??
No. 429977
>>429797I cannot even handle how fucking lazy she is and how much blame she puts on everyone else around her.
>>429755>which is it, Ashley?? do you want to work or not??She doesn't want to work. She expects money to fall into her lap without lifting a finger for it because of how fucking entitled she is.
No. 430554
>>429251i kinda agree that her parents are to blame for the way she is tho. kids who make selfish demands of their parents or treat them like crap, who are well into adulthood and still fully dependent on them, who have no sense of responsibility and expect things to fall on their lap, and parents who never bothered to help her prepare for adulthood by maybe getting her a driver's license while she was still a minor and now complain that she's a lazy sack of shit for not having done it already…. are probably irresponsible + enablers.
not that Ashley isn't 200% responsible for her own shit now that she's 23. but you know. you reap what you sow. In Spanish there's a quote called "raise vultures, and they'll pluck out your eyes".
No. 430612
File: 1504107526708.png (157.7 KB, 508x423, liesandmorelies.png)

No. 430616
File: 1504107607694.png (755.4 KB, 495x841, garbagebag.png)

No. 430617
File: 1504107676677.png (161.1 KB, 510x426, thirdeyeisinflamed.png)

Watch out, guys! Her Third Eye is inflamed again!
No. 430667
>>430617Idk that outfit on
>>430616 is definantly something terrible. Perhaps her third eye had a delayed reaction
No. 430680
>>430616Did she make it too tight around the chest area? Idk, her boobs look kind of fucked to me
Sage for nitpick
No. 430764
>>430612What's Avail? And why is she looking for a roommate and an apartment when she's not 100% sure she's got the job?
>>430616>ouji styleIt's like she squeezed into some kid's Halloween pajama pants.
No. 430999
>>430791I'm curious as to why she thinks a job at a vape shop would make her enough for an apartment? Not that she'll ever find someone willing to room with her slobby self.
>>430858Hopefully she doesn't sneak a peek here and then rant wildly about how lolita and ouji is forever and how she totally invented her own substyle (remember "Fairytale Lolita", anyone?) without actually having worn lolita once and knowing nothing about it.
No. 431463
File: 1505051085774.jpg (100.16 KB, 1020x622, Screenshot_20170910-094321.jpg)

She has a new instagram
No. 431464
>>431463Lmfao "Actor"
Since when?
No. 431703
File: 1505087931725.png (681.14 KB, 928x592, thefloorisfilthy.PNG)

>>431463>years of paintNice to know she never gave a single fuck over the years about cleaning her carpet.
No. 431706
File: 1505088020899.png (507.3 KB, 931x406, Capture.PNG)

Someone go and film this.
No. 431708
>>431706I don't even know them, but they don't do good makeup.
I've never been a part of this thread, but if I can make it (I'm staffing awa) I'll film some of it.
Just looking through their makeup isn't good enough to run a panel.
No. 431935
>>431708She had her panel last year cancelled because she had a slideshow telling crossplayers that chest binders were bad and instead to use Ductape or Gorilla Tape directly on their breasts to bind.
I can imagine her makeup panel will be just as bad because she can't even do proper eyeliner on herself and has no concept of mascara or anything else.
No. 432887
File: 1505263270948.jpg (824.41 KB, 1072x1464, Screenshot_20170912-203916.jpg)

Stop being someone you're not.
No. 433178
>>432887Like buying something as unisex as sweaters, cardigans, or shirts from mens department is something new or daring.
If you are looking for cheaper big shirts mens side of clothing store is the place to go. With better pockets and better cotton/wool rations to acrylics/polyester.
No. 433196
>>432887She acts like this is some revolutionary thing that she's suddenly doing before anyone else. Newsflash Ashley, just about all women have bought clothes from the mens section before.
>buttoning your flannel all the way upWith a neck like hers that's going to look unfortunate.
No. 433233
>>432887Wow, Ash. This wonderful, bland lumberjack shirt and its accompanying unwarranted fanfare really bring out the smugness of your face, and obvious thirst for attention and credibility.
Grow up and up your fucking game; you look like a cholo.
No. 435868
File: 1505801791747.jpeg (30.75 KB, 599x399, image.jpeg)

>>435859my sides anon im dying
No. 435909
File: 1505821311149.png (35.75 KB, 828x422, 1.PNG)

Not sure which panel is hers but here are the only two makeup panels for AWA.
No. 440372
File: 1506478814096.jpg (718.68 KB, 1050x1226, Screenshot_20170926-221835.jpg)

Here she goes again with her special effects make-up.
No. 440509
File: 1506503368416.jpg (5.42 KB, 304x166, download.jpg)

>>440372that piece of burned skin(?) looks like a piece of bacon is stuck on her chest
No. 440846
>>435909Where am I that there are
trigger warnings for panels? Has this always been a thing and i missed it?
Her makeup panels are going to be a disaster.
No. 440962
File: 1506560231995.gif (989.31 KB, 499x260, DtNphgT.gif)

>>440544No way, she'd probably gobble the bacon up like the whale she is
No. 441081
>>440372Is she cosplaying Onision?
>>440846Some conventions do that now but they don't use the term "
trigger warning" which just makes it sound ridiculous.
Good luck to any farmers at AWA! Hope some one can take pictures of her makeup panel.
No. 441121
File: 1506609108254.jpeg (264.88 KB, 640x846, 152B765A-6341-49D1-B4FF-849D82…)

This is actually her panel, I can confirm.
No. 441164
>>424574Blogpost but this rings weirdly familiar to me. I had to leave home before I could begin to have a life, mom was a horrible narc and my parents did the same thing with me, claimed me on taxes, didn't want me to get a job or learn how to drive.
I was gone by the time I was eighteen, but it was this creepy forced infantilization and I fucking hated it. As soon as I got out it was such a huge change, really weird.
I think Ash is a combination of bad parents and laziness.
sage for obvious reasons
No. 441219
>>441164first most, sorry for your parents and congrats on getting the heck out.
Let say Ash has something similar, she left home once and it didn't change or motivate her to better herself to leave again. Instead, she wants to be spoonfed a way out. Even if she herself recognizes her parents are babying her for their own benefits, they are doing a better job of taking care of herself than Ash is.
that just my two cent of course
No. 441249
>>441164Once again, your parents can claim you as a dependent on their taxes because they likely house and feed you and/or pay for the majority of your expenses. Ashley's parents pay for everything because she spends every cent from her four hours of work on fabric she destroys.
While your parents sound pretty bad, you had just barely become a legal adult when you got out. Ashley is 22(?) and has complained about her parents sabotaging everything for years. I wouldn't be surprised they were willing to help her when she was 16-20 in getting a job/learning to drive but she's such a fuck up they've probably given up, I know I would if Ashley was my daughter.
Also, has Ashley really always wanted to drive? I have a theory that she never cared to learn up until recently because she could easily bum rides off friends/randos to cons but now it's getting harder for her to do.
No. 443039
>>442855Stop being a God damn fuck boi ash. Your preggo aoba is distasteful and horrifying.
I hope some farmer recorded her panel.
No. 444523
File: 1507118917118.jpg (126.23 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1507118840984.jpg)

Be proud of me farmers. I found her shitty Aoba.
No. 444541
>>444523You are doing God's work, Farmer.
You are right, that is indeed a pretty terrible Aoba. That is one thing I have never understood about Ashley, how she can do something, look at it, and think it is OK. Like, how can she look at this outfit in the mirror and think it is good to go. Or how can she work on that Belle's ballroom dress, and think that looks OK? That isn't a (self-diagnosed) autism thing. I don't know what it is, but she needs to up her self-criticism skills or something. It's like when a child does something, they don't evaluate or critique their own work; they just get it done and that is good enough.
No. 444579
File: 1507127322549.jpg (126.67 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1507126407021.jpg)

More of her preggo Aoba.
No. 444665
>>444554still pisses me off that she willingly discarded one of the aoba wigs that a friend traded her (they couldn't use the wig since the netting was destroyed and ashley didn't tell them)
never saw that wig again, I told them to demand it back but they said "it wasn't worth the bullshit back-pedaling"
No. 444766
>>444523It's a train wreck from top to bottom. Her wig looks like Coconut-Head, her jacket's so small she can't put her arms down, and she grew too fat for her Aoba pants. I thought I'd see it all until I scrolled down and spotted her shoes. It looks like she's wearing shitty bootcovers without the boots.
>>444579Can anyone make out the paragraph she wrote on her badge?
No. 444899
>>444523Damn and I though ren ate aoba in the bad ending, not the other way around
Why is it that all dmmd cosplayer are fat females who live on tumblr? I get its for fujoshits and all but damn could they not try to look better/healthy if they're planning to do multiple cosplays for a couple years?
No. 444921
File: 1507171057498.jpg (84.2 KB, 688x960, FB_IMG_1507170989601.jpg)

I found more milk farmers.
No. 444922
File: 1507171091312.jpg (82.27 KB, 645x960, FB_IMG_1507170996917.jpg)

No. 445031
File: 1507199491885.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.49 KB, 900x638, clear_x_fat_aoba_by_morgithena…)

>>444922That's probably the Aoba she is aiming at.
No. 445273
>>444921>>444922That black Aoba's actually kind of cute if you cover her face. She knows how to pose. She just needs a bunch of makeup.
But god Ashley looks terrible. I've never seen someone regress so badly at cosplay. Her wig look like a fuckin disaster and those pathetic ass shoes. I don't play shitty videogames, but even I know Aoba's supposed to have a giant poofy jacket, not something that looks like he stole it from someone ten times smaller. She got literally everything wrong.
No. 445401
File: 1507256075671.jpg (103.66 KB, 720x960, 22046542_1541472155909862_6616…)

Can't find the ones from last year. Looks like they did an overhaul of the group and got rid of last years stuff.
So here is another from this year I guess
No. 445441
File: 1507261094277.png (1.9 MB, 1024x1448, the_oracle_by_axelash-dbph9u3.…)

I come to deliver.
No. 445443
File: 1507261172024.png (1.89 MB, 1024x1448, rosequartz__inktober_5__by_axe…)

>>445442that fucking copy paste on the hair, and her tagging it as inktober
No. 445446
File: 1507261285447.png (188.1 KB, 667x605, buynow.png)

>>445445And you too can buy her lovely art on da.
No. 445595
>>445401The funny part is, you can tell she's trying
desperately to suck her gut in here by the raised posture of her shoulders and the incredible stiffness she's exhibiting overall. It looks like she's cramping up and taking a shit.
No. 445637
File: 1507313664709.jpg (73.09 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1507313461075.jpg)

Someone took a close up of her face.
No. 445638
File: 1507313723836.jpg (92.7 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1507313606880.jpg)

This poor Ren cosplayer smelling all the cat piss and jacket sweat.
No. 445654
>>445443holy shit this might be her worst attempt at "art" yet
>uses a brush for the ringlets instead of drawing them>doesn't even touch up the seams and dodgy ends this causes>didn't draw the roses herself either>MY NAVEL JEWEL IS PASTEDE ON YAY>look at the fucking shape of that star goddamn>lips look like an anal prolapse>what the fuck is that clashing mess of brushes in the background>what is anatomy>what is colouring within the linesliteral children can (and do) draw better than this
No. 446442
>>444921who's the mizuki here?
plz i want to see more of this person
No. 446545
File: 1507434478317.jpeg (709.78 KB, 700x1100, lolcow study.jpeg)

>>446059I'm trying my best damn it… should i try to finish it so it doesn't look so fake?
I don't get paid enough for this shit…
No. 446705
>>446545LMAO did you steal the skinny Aoba's shoes and belt and paste them on Ash? Please finish this, it's hilarious.
Also, it's amazing how pretty her face looks when its not covered by so much blubber, even when she's doing her patented douche smirk.
No. 446751
>>445441 ->
>>445445bless u anon for bringing these many keks. it's incredible how much effort she puts into her art to have it look like complete shit. seeing it any larger than thumbnail size actually makes my head hurt. just so much photoshopped shit piled on top of each other, the ugliest textures and colour choices, the poor execution of literally everything…. her art, her costumes, it's just incredible how across-the-board blind to aesthetics anyone can be.
No. 449568
File: 1507924964553.jpg (827.08 KB, 1054x1701, Screenshot_20171013-160111.jpg)

More milk from her instagram
No. 449569
File: 1507924994928.jpg (640.85 KB, 1050x1534, Screenshot_20171013-160131.jpg)

Her damn eyebrows
No. 449650
>>449569Oh hell, not just the brows, that eyeliner attempt is all over the fucking place. How can this bitch look at ANYTHING she does and say "No this is good, I don't need to clean this up at all."
And I mean literally anything and everything. Her brows, her eyes, her lips, her wigs, her costumes, her hair, her binding, her art, her fucking floor… everything.
No. 449929
File: 1507998484813.jpg (73.34 KB, 1006x578, Screenshot_20171014-092501.jpg)

Clearly she's still looking here since she's decided to privates her account for a second time. Just take the advice and work on your make-up and stop being a pansy ash.
No. 451389
File: 1508267143731.gif (614.06 KB, 400x300, 348137F9-4C52-46B7-A30F-654925…)

>>451384>>451387Wtf am I reading
No. 451392
File: 1508267280524.jpeg (12.31 KB, 275x249, 1505726088669.jpeg)

No. 451401
File: 1508267958644.jpg (10.66 KB, 275x241, 1483157389501.jpg)

Yeahhh that image gallery…
No. 451405
File: 1508268593058.png (295.12 KB, 908x727, 482C175D-A701-4CCE-802D-F9B06E…)

>>451396For a second I assumed it was because she made the character when she was 16, but the account is 2 years old, which means she made it when she was at least 20…So yeah, she’s writing porn of an underaged boy.
No. 451412
>AshtonFuck that's hilarious.
Subtle, Ash.
No. 451436
File: 1508271861787.png (500.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-17-16-22-37…)

Does that mean this is her Skype account then, also kek at the fact that she was on the site just an hour ago and yet keeps her deviantart that she deleted on there
No. 451597
File: 1508289703317.png (43.33 KB, 281x302, omgashyouidiot.png)

>>451384Seriously Ash? She probably made this absurdly easy to find.
No. 451609
File: 1508291996799.jpg (630.77 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-10-17-18-58-17…)

>>4514It's her. She confirms it herself
No. 451643
File: 1508293884071.jpg (Spoiler Image,980.19 KB, 1190x1684, 31.jpg)

>>451436Nice profile pic Ash
No. 451763
File: 1508297194707.gif (1.82 MB, 500x438, AoT fuckyouuuuu.gif)

>>451643I'm not at all surprised, but I'd be lying if I said I weren't absolutely disgusted.
No. 451886
>>451885*no better than
Not both
No. 451966
File: 1508305322605.png (44.55 KB, 231x507, wow hypocrite.png)

Ashley is the smartest.
No. 452541
File: 1508370310592.png (37.1 KB, 444x291, icky.png)

>>452531Not caps but copypastas of the text on the page for "Ashton".
The gallery had 47 shota images.
No. 452629
File: 1508376119842.jpg (632.3 KB, 1209x3895, screencapture-f-list-net-c-ash…)

>>452531got you.
ashton at least
the other two were boring tbh
No. 452630
File: 1508376146456.jpg (267.77 KB, 1920x1029, screencapture-f-list-net-c-ash…)

>>452629yes the gallery too. kek
No. 452631
File: 1508376180957.jpg (138.46 KB, 1209x1005, screencapture-f-list-net-c-ash…)

No. 452645
>>452629Hey remember when she said she was mind/soul raped and it's as bad as actual rape?
>>Mental torture >>Nonconsensual >>Forced incest>>Stockholm syndrome Fuck you Ashley you're fucking disgusting.
No. 452648
>>452629Hey remember when she said she was mind/soul raped and it's as bad as actual rape?
>>Mental torture >>Nonconsensual >>Forced incest>>Stockholm syndrome Fuck you Ashley you're fucking disgusting.
No. 452671
File: 1508379704514.gif (1.4 MB, 193x135, please stop.gif)

I can't get past the "withering slut"
No. 453172
>>453149Pls no anon
She probably gets off on her self-insert shota OC being described as a cum rag
No. 453267
>>453172Fuck you're right,
What I meant to say was
Does anyone plan on making a new thread due to it's overage desirability towards females of the age of 18 and up
>>453137 god I wish you're also
>>452884 cuz that would make it so much more hilarious if every comment you made had a slight spelling error, unless you meant coma as in comatose and not comma ( , )
No. 453434
>>453398Damn she's REALLY doing damage control after this. You think she would have realized someone would have found this stuff at some point given she linked it all to her DA/skype.
Then again it's Ashley.
Is this all up to date?
>DA deactivated>Personal Instagram locked down>Personal Facebook locked down>Cosplay Facebook inactive>Cosplay Instagram activeProbably missing some social media.
No. 453445
>>453438>anything from orc ot draeneiMaybe she has a xenophilia fetish.
Given how much she seems to love elfs I am surprised "Ashton" is not being ravished by Night Elfs or Blood Elfs.
No. 454461
File: 1508660810282.jpg (75.97 KB, 720x1296, FB_IMG_1508660489679.jpg)

This was at Hampton Comic Con and posted on the Nekocon forum. I can't tell if the bad jojo cosplay is her or an ugly lookalike
No. 454561
>>454461It can't possibly be Ash cuz this girl doesn't look pregnant, and she's not making a face of smug self-satisfaction.
Also, Jojo is full of handsome buff men, not twinks, so there's no way Ash would be into it anyway. Oh, I forgot she isn't into twinks she's into fucking literal children. Moomoo, Onision, now Ash. Why are all lolcows pedophiles?
No. 454697
File: 1508706209772.png (21.16 KB, 633x186, 1489363889849.png)

>>454561Oh, dear sweet anon.
She mentioned Jojo for a bit but I think she was just jumping on the bandwagon since she refers to all the main characters as Jojo (lmao)
The person in the picture is definitely not her but honestly if she got into Jojo she'd probably love part 4 where everyone looks more like a kawaii twink.
No. 459472
File: 1509634394266.jpg (49.41 KB, 980x490, gomorra_genny_savastano.jpg)

>>391397She make me think about pic related here, her face changed so much since the poop brooch !
No. 462412
File: 1510300079680.jpeg (62.54 KB, 1230x324, 22565F9F-96EB-420F-9D38-BAE0EB…)

(mobile posting, sorry if it looks weird)
New cosplay maybe?
No. 473198
File: 1512730314735.jpg (51.75 KB, 1024x576, c15a523c87b231a26e0e4a548436e0…)

>>472505All I can find is updates on her Amino right now.
>This is the farthest I’ve ever ordered fabric.>The fabric he has is called a sayagata fabric which refers to the geometric pattern.>I drafted the pattern for the tunic with the help from a friend of mine. And painted the symbols on the front.>The armor is made of Worbla and I got more to work on before it’s even close to being done. I’m also thankful and lucky one of my friends has the art book I stole some info pictures from. No. 473199
File: 1512730337233.jpg (64.54 KB, 576x1024, db4ddf2931c663f69b0f2e3cdee8a7…)

No. 473200
File: 1512730359650.jpg (59.47 KB, 576x1024, 52f800548afa0cfac3ae37e938283e…)

No. 473201
File: 1512730450110.jpg (44.59 KB, 576x1024, 4d1a99e844368e55fa5dfa2874c95b…)

>Been working on this and I hadn’t thought about drafting the pattern after my weight loss so it looks big on me for now. I just need to resize it. If anyone has a suggestion on making certain parts or how I can make it better hit me up. I’m always wanting to improve my craft.
No. 473202
File: 1512730517638.png (295.29 KB, 633x244, Capture.PNG)

This got deleted so I can't see the full message. No surprise she's still causing drama.
No. 474683
File: 1513130967563.jpeg (527.61 KB, 1242x1661, 83676434-2C8B-45FA-80AA-506337…)

>>472505Found this on Facebook, but that’s about it.
No. 474789
File: 1513167805063.jpg (9.26 KB, 208x212, 13187972_562358800639367_36469…)

>>474683What really cracks me up is that for years She's been claiming to be a "face off" ready makeup and FX artist on FB.. But her makeup abilities are that of a five year old playing with mommies makeup kit.
No. 476847
File: 1513739530302.png (370.46 KB, 900x1114, bestOCevergaiz.png)

In this time of drought, I have nothing new…but I did stumble across this throwback recently.