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No. 489545
Aight so there was a bunch of people interested in this in the Thread Requests so this is a thread to discuss particular MAPs you come across. General discussion on MAPs also welcome but please don't derail to infight with bait.
- What is a MAP?
A MAP is a Minor Attracted Person AKA a pedophile. These people generally campaign for empathy towards pedophiles and often imply it's a sexual orientation and, most strikingly, that it's not a bad trait. That kids can consent in the right situation and that sex with minors isn't inherently bad or traumatising if they enjoy it. Lots claim to be non-offending and believe you can be a harmless pedophile who doesn't offend.
Some terminology often used by these shit heads:
NOMAP: Non Offending Map
Anti: I've mostly seen this used as Anti-Contact, but sometimes as Anti-Pedophile from those opposing the community
exclusive: exclusively attracted to minors. non-exclusive means attracted to minors and people over the age of 18.
ephebophile: an adult who is sexually attracted to adolescents
hebephile: sexual interest by adults in pubescent (early adolescent) children (especially those showing Tanner stages 2-3 of development), which is typically ages 11–14.
Some tags or terms often used that you can search to find these scumbags, best used on tumblr or sometimes reddit:
MAP, NOMAP, map acceptance, map support, map safe space, real map support, pro map, minor attraction, minor attracted people, virtuous pedophile, anti nonmap, real map acceptance, non offending pedophile, non offending MAP, anti contact, minor attracted people.
Some links to get you angry:"unapologetically a pedophile supporter". user who tells people on KIK that she is underage. The screenshots will nauseate you. of shit that makes me want to leave my own country, a MAP who posts and reblogs a lot from the community, so a good resource for long blocks of echo chamber text of people defending their spastic pedophilia with mental gymnastics and attitude. of the frilly special kawaii pedophile ~you're special just the way you are uwu~ blogs. unused but another resource for mental gymnastics and pedo justification trying to make fucking pedophilia into this beautiful abstract thing"I can find girls from 0 to women in their forties attractive, though under 3 what my feelings are get really blurry, they’re just cute mostly. I am most likely to be attracted to girls from ~5-10 and the most attractive of them tend to be the most attractive of anyone."
If you have any personal MAP cows you've come across, please add them.
No. 489663
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I just need to know if "MAP" is a recent term because it's cast a certain band's famous song in an unflattering new light.
In terms of women MAPs I swear to God Lyndsay "Sex ed for kids" is a MAP ally and she has even said "children are sexual beings" in a vlog.
She is promoting the idea of "consent" for 3-7 year olds when nobody can legally "consent" until aged 16. Implication is
children can consent which sounds pretty MAP-y to me. People have also pointed out her behavior is predatory in the comments. No. 489740
>>489710the problem with MAPs is that they hide behind the mental illness excuse but then make more excuses not to get help because of muh stigma.
they're legit endangering people if they don't get professional help, a literal ticking time bomb. and its even better when they enable each others sick desires
No. 489929
>>489873"Slippery slope" my ass. Throughout history and across cultures fucking kids was far more prevalent and accepted than changing your gender. Not to mention far more feasible.
It's far worse too, but it's not in any way a modern threat as you're insinuating. On the contrary.
No. 489991
It's so hard to find actual map tumblrs because throughout all the tags you find a promising post like "For all no/maps having a hard time" then the text body is like "good fucking hope you die soon <3"
which is fucking wild.
>>489985I hope so but I think this is a whole other ball game, but if there's a will there's a way and I am so ready to see some sweet, sweet justice against dirty pedos.
No. 490091
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This piece of shit was trying to tell me how the Glee actor who got busted with child porn and killed was actually the victim in the whole situation
No. 490212
for anyone who is seeing a lot of much needed tumblr uprising and is looking for the real assholes, you can try the tags "actual map support", "actual map safe space", etc. tumblr users often put actual in front of tags where this happens, incl the spoonies, maps and self diagnosers.
No. 490892
>>490495anon meant Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs I assume.
Great tune and thankfully MAP is a recent tumblrina label so we don't need to worry about that
No. 491369
I think that this MAP bullshit has the propensity to get a lot worse. I don’t see it getting better on account of the liberties taken and given towards the idea of “fluidity”. Moreover, while we can agree that sexuality is inherent, the comparable arguments from a pedophile or sympathizer would be to consider the idea that pedophilia is as hard wired as any form of sexuality. I think what most people (teeny bop tumblr suppprters) don’t seem to grasp is that sexuality is related to sexual preference, but also to intimacy. You can’t be “intimate” with a person who doesn’t share that same level of cognition. If they’re not capable of being an equal it’s always going to be an abuse of power. If you insist that children are capable of consent you’re beyond wrong. Children will eat themselves sick with candy if you leave them alone. (But so will most tumblr fatties.)
Anyone who works with children in any way knows that they are 100% not sexual beings. It’s simply something that hasn’t developed in a child. You can’t have child “friends”. An adults role to a child can be friendly, but an adult and child relationship isn’t capable of anything else.
I also 100% don’t buy into the idea of non offending pedophiles.
There are A LOT of pedophiles on tumblr in particular, especially if you’re part of “fandoms” that pertain to cute shit or Lolita stuff. There was one blog in particular that was ran by some guy in the US, who fell in love with his 8 year old cousin. I remember reading this being DISGUSTED. She came to visit and stayed at the house he lived in with his parents. Apparently they liked the same video games and he made this diatribe about how complete he felt with her, and how she was perfect. It was GROSS. He left a note in her suitcase proclaiming his love to her, telling her not to tell her parents, etc.
If I remember correctly, he was 10 years older than him. All these fucking idiots applauded his “love” for this child. They kept sending him supportive messages and insisting that their parents or some shit were 10-12 years apart, so that it was fine- and “cute” to have “loved her as a child.”
Like no one saw this as FUCKED. That person I think deleted their blog, and I think about that poor child so often. I feel so sad for her. I really hope that her parents found out and they kept that girl away from him. I quit tumblr after that. What a fucking cesspool.
No. 491414
>>489873Shit bait.
>>491369And it's been proven treating children as anything but children can be incredibly harmful. Look at children raised by narcissists and used by a parental figure as a substitute spouse. It's horrifying MAPs try to act like they're capable of making decisions like that.
No. 491636
>>490091Holy shit, I didn't hear about that. I just read an article and he had thousands of "abuse" photos on his computer and flash drive? What the actual fuck?
It takes me to a whole new level of nausea that people defend these people and they find it acceptable/justified and think it should be normalized. I want to vomit. I might be reading into it too much, but they always have <i>those eyes</i> too, that stare which seems like part of them is missing. I wonder if it is a genetic defect that causes people to be like this, because if so, it really needs to be culled from the human race. I want to cry, it feels like nothing is safe anymore, especially for young women.
No. 491857
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oh man, do i have some stories to tell about this
so back in late 2014ish when the whole gamergate thing was happening i decided to check out 8ch (mostly for gg) but came across the /hebe/ board and it somewhat piqued my interest because i was still underage at the time and was sort of developing a crush on an internet friend in his early 20s, will greentext the rest. the short of it is i became sort of assimilated into this little gang of regulars to the board and that’s where i first came across the term MAP, and hoo boy did i meet a few crazy cows (and yes, i will post screenshots)
>be 15, developing an attraction to this friend (who isn’t at fault i should say, i just thought he was cute and i was nearing the end of a bad first relationship, he didn’t do anything) and just finished playing the pedo game unteralterbach
>decide to make a post in light of this on the board and get flooded with doubtful guys etc and it obviously devolves into me sort of attentionwhoring and anons wanting to talk to me
>they give their emails and i contact them first
>one of them ends up becoming my bf for 2.5 years after that lol but that’s a whole other story
>one of the people is this guy named david clegg, who i just add on skype but we don’t talk until the next thing happens
>fast forward to late 2015, he suddenly messages me saying he’s starting a podcast to talk about MAP and MAP related things and if i’m interested in offering insight as an underage dating a MAP
>i’m under the impression that everyone on the board are hebephiles and not actual pedophiles (the board being named hebe after all, and people getting anal about the difference)
>he adds me to a skype group of people who are all MAPs or MAP related
>over time i find out that he’s a right wing extremist
>and he’s not a hebephile, but an actual pedophile
>the quote that stands out to me the most is “11 really is the golden age. they just turn into those western feminist whores after that” and that fucked me up for a long time after that but /blogpost
>unironic kekistan type; moonman, le epic pepe, “kkkkk. kkkk kkkkk kk” etc galore
>frequently would have meltdowns in the chat blowing up at whoever disagreed with him on anything
>called me a slut and whore for discussing general fashion and dressing up with the other guys (?)
>pic related when everyone was just baffled at him interrupting the conversation
>he would frequently make gross passes at me and another “girl” (another cow from this group that i pretty much hate) while simultaneously giving us both shit for being “too old” and “slutty” (and i expressed my discomfort because i was in a relationship)
i’m trying to find more screenshots, i hope i still have them for you guys
No. 491863
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>frequently talked about “finding the perfect lgf” (loli/little gf)
>the type to complain every day “tfw no lgf”
>people would attempt to give him advice and he would blow up at them for daring to imply that his abrasive personality and extremist politics he would force into every conversation was why he couldn’t get a gf leave alone an lgf
>blamed western civilization for “taking away their innocence”
>messaged me asking if i could hook him up with “other lgfs” even though he said i was a slutty old hag
No. 491865
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i’m trying my best to find screenshots i promise
No. 491878
Thanks for this insight into their horrible minds anon. Keep em coming if you have more.
>>491857> 11 is the golden age? These "maps" need to jump off a bridge honestly No. 491911
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sorry guys, finding screenshots is harder than i thought
i looked through my computer and they’re all gone i think
anyone know how to look at old skype chat history? maybe that way i can take new ones
otherwise here’s more of his nonsensical pol rambling, saging this for politics
No. 491926
Samefag but the exposing tumblr in OP… what the fuck ??? People need to kts
>>489633The online community you're referring to is (I believe) the Virtuous Pedophile group.
>>489663>consent for 3-7 year olds is this bitch fucking okay
>>489740tbf most mental health professionals won't work with people who admit to paedophilic thoughts. Another reason why non-offenders need to come forward so they can be studied. It might be that nothing can be done and paedos just need to be fucking shot or something. Apparently chemical castration is pretty successful.
No. 493603
>>492417I think the reason it’s decolving is because no one actually believes that MAP is a support group for non offenders. It’s like the fatties who show up at weight watchers and never change. They’re still fat, we know they’re still eating.
In order to believe in that form of a support group, you also have to believe that the people who are able to justify- and they do, They justify their attraction to minors, are both non offending in the “celibate” sense, as well as not watching ANY form of CP.
So, do we believe that? Fuck no. Priests aren’t even celibate anymore. You expect me to believe that someone so far removed from human nature has the complexity and discipline to refrain from any form of depravity that they’re interested in?
I don’t believe it. Until then, MAP is just a way of testing the politically correct waters of today. They’re just being covert, and far more sneaky.
No. 493641
>>489545Excuse me, but what the hell do you mean by "non-offending pedophiles"?
Someone who just thinks to fuck an underage but doesn't actually do it - being a potential offender for his/her whole life?
No. 494071
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Helpful post for anyone new to the MAP horrorshow. These are the ~codes~ they use to communicate.
credit to a blog that has been archiving this bullshit for awhile
No. 494090
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lmao some kawaii infographs were stats pulled out of someones ass
No. 494093
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No. 494101
>>493862That's actually a really relevant and scary point. Not that anyone sane would agree that children can consent to hormone blockers.
>>493879I think you mean ephebephile is a social construct. Hebephiles are attracted to age group 11-14 years old and are definitely not considered "sexually mature". I am in agreement with the point that being attracted to 15-19 year olds is not disordered, especially if you are very close to that age yourself (17 YO attracted to 15 YO for example). Just fucking grim when guys of 40+ are chasing 18 year olds and going "it's not pervy !!1!"
No. 494123
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In the same breath- from a pro nomap blog
No. 494127
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It's just so fucking disgusting that tumblr is brainwashing so many of these retarded teens
No. 494130
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You can only imagine what goes on in this communitys DMs
No. 494131
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No. 494180
>>494101>I think you mean ephebephile is a social constructYes sorry, bad with the lingo.
>Just fucking grim when guys of 40+ are chasing 18 year olds and going "it's not pervy !!1!" That's what I mean by morally.
One can argue that atleast teens are physically developed like women, and men infantilize women's bodies constantly, so it makes logical sense why physical attraction would occur. But, while some in fact argue they are mentally developed enough, it's generally not true, and definitely still creepy from a social aspect.
Any younger than 15 is where terms become justification and are invalid. Anything younger than 15 just morally and logically inappropriate attraction to children.
No. 494356
Sort of related; my neighbour while growing up was a couple of years older than me. He would constantly try to get in my pants when I was a child, and did sexually assault me on one occasion but thankfully his mom walked in and rescued me from the situation. I was pretty meek but he also overpowered me so I couldn't really get away. Fast forward 17 years and I visit my hometown, turns out the little creep grew up to be a monster. He was convicted of grooming and molesting three girls from the age of 8-10. All started with him sending dick pics on facebook which they were too scared to tell their parents about, they ignored it but he did the usual slimy "I'm sorry, you're so beautiful, lets talk etc etc" bullshit and they did begin talking. Thankfully after he met up with them all the girls told their parents and they got him arrested. Apparently he'd sent pics to several other girls who weren't involved in the court case but they were mentioned. He was convicted, spent fuck all time in jail and shows absolutely no remorse.
He was repeatedly asked why he did it and just laughed about it, said he did it because he was bored and it was fun. He would do it again. In a heartbeat, if he wasn't banned from social media. He doesn't consider himself a pedo, yet displays all the manipulative behaviour and sexual attraction to minors. He ruined their childhoods for fun.
Another guy from my hometown, a brother of a friend, worked as a babysitter and was arrested for making and distributing hardcore child porn. He was arrested at work so it was a pretty big event for a small town and I think we collectively couldn't shower enough to stop our skin crawling. So they are out there, increasingly doing this shit for fun and just to destroy lives, totally proud and unapologetic or completely denial of their pedophilia and any wrongdoing.
No. 495056
So this happened in the Brony fandom the other day to barely anyone's surprise. There have already been sadface videos about "oh no dis is gonna hurt our reputation!" but like… Priorities. That guy they're talking to was a well established and fairly popular part of the Youtube section of the fandom for the past few years, which he apparently used to get to young members.
Here's a vid summarising the events. You can find testimonies from the victims all over Youtube by now. No. 495220
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No. 495715
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No. 496312
>>494395>He also works for the 'Foundation for Sex Positive Culture' which is deeply disturbing.Absolutely not surprising. I've noticed sex positive rhetoric escalating from "sex is natural and okay and apart of life," to "any perverted, degenerate thought you have is worthy of indulgence," over the past five or so years.
OT, sorry.
No. 496769
I was a part of a MAP discord (only one, because the others were too much for me) and I recognize a lot of the people that are being posted in this thread.
I joined because I'm a victim of csa and found my attractions were, for lack of a better term, strange. Their rhetoric drew me in, and I joined so I would have more people to talk with. At first, I was delighted to find people I could express my fears and worries to and not be judged. But over the course of a few months, I began to see how toxic the community was.
My breaking point was witnessing how many minors join to talk about their "attraction" and how the community responds to them. There will be 14 year olds calling themselves hebephiles (which is false, you're just attracted to your own age group) being welcomed with open arms, being fed all the feel-good lines about how their feelings are "normal" and they "shouldn't be ashamed" of their attraction (not being told that they are children and need to allow their brains to develop and grow). They're encouraged to share their age and they interact with actual MAPs, much older than they are.
Just being in these type of environments/echo chambers work to groom these kids to internalize the ideas of the people who want to take advantage of them and it's common for many of them to end up in relationships with older MAPs to show how open minded and accepting they are. These are usually children who are outcasts or teens/younger adults (like myself) who were csa survivors that have issues with their sexuality due to trauma. Vulnerable individuals who are desperate to belong. But also social outcasts, deviants, and manipulators who are in a space where their echo chamber allows them to avoid self reflection and access to a minor primed for grooming.
I would speak up against these situations (along with the idea that loli/shota is completely harmless, that making child rape jokes is a way to "cope" and not a disgusting thing to do) but they're quick to turn on you for what they see as "anti talk", or trying to be a "more virtuous MAP" than them, which is seen as a threat.
Another MAP who left the community made a tumblr post that explains a lot of my feelings towards the group and those like them. No. 501638
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If any of you haven't been regular on tumblr for a while (I shamefully have been), this rhetoric was welcomed by MOGAI groups as well. I was groomed by a 22 year old "heteromantic homosexual" (at age 15) who would send me shotacon at all hours of the day, insisted MOGAI was the new LGBT and that LGBT people were oppressive towards people who weren't in their 'clique'
MOGAI basically devolved into kinksters who think they're oppressed, people who spend all their time being internet warriors to defend their rights to post incestuous child porn of the gravity falls kids, annoying ace fakeboys, and MAPs. You'll probably notice when you find a MAP, theyll post about all these things. Probably because they were dragged into MOGAI a few years ago.
MAPs started popping up so quickly after mogai started to lose traction it was like whiplash. One evil defeated just for another to spring up.
These people will also bring up "POCD", meaning pedophilic ocd, pedophilic intrusive thoughts. Completely ignoring the fact that people with POCD (or intrusive thoughts about hurting children in general) are deathly AFRAID of hurting children or being involved with the process of hurting children which is why they wouldn't seek to normalize the idea of being attracted to children or look for fucking child porn of any kind.
It's just people desperate to look oppressed. When in reality they're disgusting creeps who willingly fantasize about abusing children.
No. 626527
>>493862Why must those fucking nutjobs give real trans people a bad name?
God, I feel disgusted right now. I can't believe MAPs are real. And I can guarantee you nobody but MAPs themselves are supporting that shit and it'll stay this way.
Unless the world disappoint me once more
No. 626657
>>626527they are real trans people unfortunately. just because they are pedos doesnt mean they arent really trans. like
>>626598 said, it seems like the trans community on tumblr is bending over backwards to make them feel supported, and its nasty as fuck. tumblr is a cesspool.
No. 742438
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No. 749146
>>742419Incorrect. A Hebephile is someone primarily attracted to adolescents. A peodphile is someone attracted to babies, infants, children and prepubescent children.
Google is your friend anon.
No. 749210
>>749186nta but i mean it's not the same. adolescents are teens which includes 19 and 20 year olds. it's gross and creepy but it's not sick like wanting to fuck
children adolescents are aesthetically the same as adults.
i'm not defending pedos, but it weakens the issue to conflate them.
No. 1761499
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lolicon pedophile on instagram.
No. 1761500
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lolicon pedophile on instagram.
@popcutesweet / @chocatebanana / @moetrons
No. 1761501
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lolicon pedophile on instagram.
@popcutesweet / @chocatebanana / @moetrons(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1761502
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lolicon pedo on instagram. @popcutesweet / @chocatebanana / @moetrons
No. 1761505
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her shared account, the other owner says this about her and she likes it. @popcutesweet / @chocatebanana / @moetrons
No. 1761960
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>>1761505wow I used to follow moetrons (identified as a femboy and lied about being "cis"). She was posted a few years ago on the fakeboi threads too. She's also disgusting because that anime girl on the pillow case is 11…
No. 1762640
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this is the closest pic i could find with her entire face in it.
No. 1846696
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Found this MAP pride blog that is run by a fediverse "woman" named Katie. I believe "she" has deep connections with MAP academics as she routinely posts about pedo psychologists who conduct studies and publish papers with the aim to normalize pedophilia.
The blog(found it linked on a MAP onion site): randomly selected a psychologist from one of her linked studies, found one that is looking for MAP parents or step parents for "anonymous participation". Craig Harper of Nottingham University leads the study, and on Twitter, he follows the usual MAP suspects like James Cantor, he supports transgenderism in children, and the selling and use of child sex dolls: No. 1846744
>>1762697lmao huge and true. no doubt that was just the most convenient cheap mouth guard you could find at any store that comes on a much needed string you can wear while dancing and just collectively did NOT care about it looking stupid because they were all rolling. bit based tbh
also today it's easy to buy chew stim toys for all ages online. theyre marketed for autistic people but since that includes older kids and teens they're usually not so baby codified and just neutral or bold colored geometric shapes of safe chewy material on a string. so if you actually do find comfort in chewing and sucking on something for like trauma regression mental health stuff, an adults stim chew toy is actually easier to access today and much more understandable and not fetishistic compared to a baby pacifier
No. 1846767
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Back in 2009 Louis Theroux made a documentary visiting a holding facility for arrested pedophiles. It shows pretty clearly 95% of pedophiles do not even care to be rehabilitated to gain freedom they'd rather rot with the rest of them than give up the potential chance to molest another kid. Only 1 guy in the documentary is willing to go through chemical castration. No. 1847203
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It's crazy how no one seems to have talked about the "pediverse". If you're part of the fediverse, you're bound to run into them in the wild at some point. I've been observing these people off and on for some time. A lot of them are trannies, some of them are admitted rapists/sex offenders, and there are zoophiles/zoosadists mixed in.
I know they're not just trolls, because from what I understand, they've been around for years. A lot of them move their accounts or go dark from time to time. There's really not much context I can give to make the things I'm going to post make sense, so I'm just going to go ahead and dump some of the wild shit I've screencapped.
No. 1847220
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>>1847213They had some drama after a sex offender named Wayne Povah ("OffenderX") showed up, bragged about raping his daughter, mentioned her by name, encouraged people to jerk off to his recollections of it, and got doxxed. He also used to sexually harrass a minor within their community. Several users were upset that Wayne was exposed, because it meant "none of them are safe". For quite a few of them, him being a transphobe was actually a bigger problem than him being an unapologetic child rapist.'s the article that got shared around. It uses a photo of his daughter instead of him (she spoke out on him to the news), but they were still mad about his privacy being violated.
No. 1847222
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>>1847220Sorry I didn't screencap Wayne's account when it was up. It was just too disgusting, not even milk.
No. 1847224
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>>1847222Timeline of "OffenderX" as explained by someone in the MAP community who's run into him multiple times.
No. 1847226
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>>1847224The last commenter said "So you worked with a pedo hunter?". The people in this community, as anyone would expect, despise all pedo hunters. This isn't the first pediverse "doxxing controversy", either.
No. 1847227
Sage for not necessarily milk, but this reminds me of the BARpod episode on MAPs. Katie was really adamant about defending them, and I just don't understand why. She goes on about how boohoo their lives suck so much because they "can't control it," and everyone views them as liabilities. And I just don't see how that's a bad thing. They are liabilities, and they're overwhelmingly male (although unsurprisingly about 8% of them are TiMs.) She even believes that you can't argue against child sex dolls because there's no "evidence" that they increase the user's risk of offending. Why, why, why is she sticking up for the worst males and their paraphilias so hard? If there's one demographic that deserves to be treated like modern-day lepers, it's males whose sexuality is supposedly an uncontrollable desire to rape kids. I feel zero sympathy for them, even the non-offending ones. We need to stop coddling males because they supposedly can't control themselves. Yes the fuck they can, they have brains, too. There's no reason why the need to look at and masturbate to drawings of child rape.
No. 1847243
File: 1686873780815.png (265.04 KB, 1052x1972, maddesthatter 827efba9099fd4d3…)

>>1847226The "Seara" being referred to here is a TikTok user, a CSA survivor, who found out about this group and doxxed the same Katie mentioned here
>>1846696. That's the other recent doxxing incident. She made a playlist on her experience with him (he's trans, yes). tl;dw is that Katie's blog, "A Map In Love", used to feature long blogposts about a particular child he lusted after. Her parents were his friends, and they just tolerated it up until they decided it was too much. Seara exposed his identity, and then members of the pediverse retaliated by finding pictures of her children and saying nasty things about them. Katie then sent Seara a long, manipulative e-mail calling for "peace". She didn't respond. He eventually popped back up on his pediverse account, called her a cunt and said he'd lock down his blogposts about the little girl.
No. 1847247
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>>1847243Katie claimed the dox "wasn't him", just his "friend". Privately, he was shitting his pants at being exposed and other members of this group were giving him their support.
Now, Katie is running a shop for MAP merchandise: No. 1847249
>>1847205there's a study showing that paraphilias are more common with autistic men. Just good to keep in mind, if you're an autistic woman since we mostly end up being friends with other spergs, male spergs are not safe."After correcting for multiple testing, significant differences were still present in the number of individuals reporting masochistic fantasies, sadistic fantasies, voyeuristic fantasies and behaviors, frotteuristic fantasies and behaviors, and pedophilic fantasies with female children. Female patients with ASD showed no differences in the frequency of paraphilic fantasies or behaviors in comparison with their HC counterparts, except in the frequency of masochistic behaviors, where more female HCs indicated masochistic behaviors than the female ASD patients."
No. 1847251
File: 1686875149105.png (8.85 KB, 727x167, delusion5.png)

>>1847247Here's a Chinese-American incel who's obsessed with little white girls, advocates for rape and complains about "consent ideology". Probably one of the worst I've seen.
No. 1847254
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>>1847252tl;dr: "If you believe in consent, you're a puritan!"
No. 1847256
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>>1847254Complaining that a callout post was written on him.
No. 1847257
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>>1847256He also likes adult white women, in case "creepy rape apologist" was on anyone's bucket list.
No. 1847261
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>>1847258>radically sex-positive principlesHe reminds me of Vaush.
No. 1847262
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>>1847261Thinks raping someone is like forcing them to eat.
No. 1847264
>>1847245They don’t want to have to report pedosadists. “Sex researchers” have a long history of not reporting monsters they know are raping kids bc of some ideal of science and research. There is a big controversy around Kinsey for doing this. Mr. X I think he was called.
The movement by so called researchers to urge the public to end mandatory reporting laws continues today, pushed by people adjacent to figures popular in women’s circles like ray Blanchard (agp and homo trans theory of trans) or maybe he even advocates for this policy himself. The researchers who don’t want to and don’t report even literal active child rapists also convince the Catholic Church to not report Pedo priests to the police and are supposedly the reason for that particular corruption lol. (Moving over to tinfoil thread).
No. 1847265
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>>1847262Also just a ton of tranny shit that you couldn't make up.
No. 1847281
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>>1847274One of the admins on the pediverse is "Lecter", a transage FtM pedophile/zoophile who's been active in the MAP community for several years. She's anti-contact, but tolerates and allies with those who are pro-contact.
No. 1847283
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>>1846696He's claimed to do "occasional behind the scenes work with B4U-ACT", so it's likely he is in connection with researchers.
No. 1847287
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>>1847284There are a lot of "transage" users, go figure.
No. 1847291
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>>1847289They're into grooming others into trooning out.
No. 1847293
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>>1847291Like, really into it.
No. 1847298
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>>1847296>I identify as working classbut unironically
No. 1847359
>>1846767They should not be released under any circumstances not even chemical castration. they should rot in prison far away from children and rope is cheap. But my understanding is that they are in those facilities because they have been deemed by psychs to not be capable of remorse. At least in the US. Unless it’s not one of those state mental hospitals from which they won’t be released until they are deemed to have changed.
Chemical castration is more researcher propaganda that makes no sense.
No. 1847507
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>>1847443If desanstis wins there will be no investigation into any global pedo mafia only it’s continuation maybe you aren’t a radical feminist but haven’t we learned anything from meese, who is directly linked to and I’d say responsible for the ideologies which legitimize these “researchers” and “pedo is in the brain” then they say we need research not punishment not reporting to cops … ctrl f “meese” is responsible for the triumph of libtard ideology that ruins women and children’s life in other ways.. being a cold warrior No. 1847543
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>>1847520those are easy bare minimum things we should demand from all politicians i agree but i don’t think desantis winning will achieve that just like meese never achieved what he promised bc that’s not how the world works
also agree w other anon
>>1847522 who said children need some sort of not “sex Ed” but “anti pedo Ed” where they’re taught what pedos are and how to disclose their abuse/ activities which schools are a good place to teach that.
some - ive seen people even say a lot - of the most heinous abuse happens by parents. a lot - i may have seen ppl say research shows it’s a majority - of csam is produced by parents and other family members. need to be taught by outside sources what abuse is and also need to have people outside the home who can detect abuse going on esp those trained in safeguarding. they don’t need strange males in a sexual state given access to them to do drag shows
No. 1847561
>>1847554nta>Child marriage is currently legal in 42 states (only Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont have set the minimum age at 18 and eliminated all exceptions), and 20 U.S. states do not require any minimum age for marriage, with a parental or judicial waiver.>Child marriage undermines statutory rape laws. In most states and under federal law, sex with a child that would otherwise be considered rape – in some cases, felony rape – becomes legal within marriage. In those situations, the marriage license becomes a “get out of jail free” card for a child rapist.>New Jersey’s first attempt to ban child marriage failed in 2017, when then-Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a Republican-sponsored bill, saying it “does not comport with the sensibilities and, in some cases, the religious customs, of the people of this State.” (He didn’t specify which religious customs.) Since New Jersey allows pregnant girls to get an abortion without parental consent or notification, Christie also argued, banning 16- and 17-year-olds from marrying was “disingenuous” and an “inconsistency in logic.” In 2018, the reintroduced child-marriage ban passed the state House, 59-0, and the Senate, 30-5, despite opposition from members of Orthodox Jewish communities who wanted a religious exemption. Christie’s successor, Democrat Phil Murphy, signed it into law.
>The issue breaks down differently at the federal level. Though the U.S. State Department declared child marriage a human-rights violation in 2016, U.S. immigration law includes no minimum age for visa petitions involving marriages. A 2019 U.S. Senate report found that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services had approved 8,686 visa petitions involving minor spouses and fiancées from 2007 to 2017. (Mexican nationals made up 40 percent of the approved beneficiaries. Middle Eastern nationals, mostly from Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan and Yemen, had the highest approval rates for petitions.) >The California debate is stymied by a lack of baseline facts. It’s one of six states that provided no marriage-license data to Unchained At Last for its 2021 study. The California Department of Public Health, responding to a reporting requirement in the 2018 law, counts 17 marriages of minors statewide in 2019 and 17 in 2020 — including two men, ages 25 and 22, marrying 15-year-old girls. Petrie-Norris said she’s struggling to reconcile those double-digit figures with the U.S. Census American Community Survey estimate that 12,000 married minors ages 15 to 17 lived in California in 2019. “I worry it’s more likely something falling through the cracks with respect to reporting,” she;dr: Not as rare as you probably think, not as illegal as you think, and not just Christians.
No. 1847574
>>1847561mainstream right wingers like tucker Carlson rationalize child marriage Judith reisman who is the biggest activist against the evil activities of Kinsey - anyone w a brain would be agaisnt what Kinsey did apparently not the Barpod tho - concludes that the answer to the real problems she identified is to return to common law - a time when age of consent was non existent or like 10. you can see what rw political elite think returning to common law is, ctrl f “common law” immediate aims are also to reduce the age of consent to 14, but before the common law, children as young as 7 had to defend themselves in court against their rapists that they didn’t consent, ctrl f “common law”. don’t trust the rw to stop nambla or the researchers who enable them
No. 1847604
>>1847520But sure vote for desantis and allow him to kill pedos ig no other politicians are doing anything and I don’t want to be accused of like trying to stop him from what he’s not even going to do..
the point is you have to pay attention to a lot of other things he will and won’t be doing the response to which won’t be voting someone else in it will have to be like mass organization like when women demanded an age of consent to push back on whatever policies of his admin which are contradictory to really achieving his stated platform on stopping child rapists and groomers
No. 1847620
>>1847507>>1847507Im literally from FL, DeSantis is the only politician who banned transing of children, and exposed the pedo Sex Ed that is taught in US schools. He's known for his harsh stance against pedo wokesters. Trump is pro trans and pedophilia as he's got deep connections with Epstein, and Musk's son is a tranny yet he's on Twitter trying to dunk on "the current thing" bitch you are the current thing lmao. DeSantis is not part of the tolerant right, aka the Caitlyn Jenner side.
Also, if anyone want to delve into MAP dwellings in the deep web, the search engine not evil doesn't filter out pedo sites like the other search engines. Use a vpn bc there's some disturbing content that can show up unintentionally. I saw a pedo forum for "boy lovers" called lost boys of Neverland, it has been active since the late 90s, cant help but to think of Micheal Jackson and the accusations of him abusing boys. These men literally operate a global network.
No. 1847639
>>1847621Exactly, the GOP is more than happy to enable pedophilia in their own camp and force little girls to gestate rape embryos. They just hate troons and gay people b/c they assume they treat little boys the way they treat little girls.
If DeSantis wants to execute pedos he's going to be executing most of his own party/supporters kek
No. 1847687
>>1847678Never said they were but at least they aren't trying to force 10 year olds to birth the spawn of their rapists (or die in the process).
Plus the GOP is against shit like banning child marriage and making religious leaders mandatory reporters in all 50 states.
No wonder so many girls want to chop their tits off and become he/theys with the way men (especially conservative men) treat them.
(learn2integrate) No. 1847699
>>1847522That's the real reason they want to ban sex ed in elementary school IMO, sex ed for 5 year olds is just proper names for body parts and other abuse-prevention shit. They make up stories about the evil Libs wanting to teach kindergarteners about bdsm and sex acts to try and sway they normies, as well as redefine grooming in ways that exempt family members and religious leaders as perpetrators (even though those are some of the most likely people kids will be groomed/abused by).
Never mind how much their beloved homeschooling is linked to trying to keep kids away from mandated reporters.
They're trying to distract normies from how much they love grooming and raping their kids and treating little girls as sex objects.
No. 1847726
>>1847620if Ron deepstatis got rid of the so called woke pedos the ones trying to copy lgbt movement to be an orientation but only retard media like barpod and researchers in academia support them.. who will the deep state and elites blame protection of their pedosadism on
kids need to be taught that pedosadism is wrong what it is and how to disclose why do they need to be desensitized to adult genitals but pedos in schools
the rw wants to end schools in general which will mean there’s no standardized anti pedo education for kids, some of whom will be abused in homes that don’t want them to have any way to disclose abuse, and it will mean there won’t be any mandatory reporters to notice abuse going on in homes or there will be less.. I agree this is a consequence. it’s a cynical deployment of anti pedophilia that is technically wrong but retards believe the problem is schools
No. 1847781
>>1847726They're probably intentionally trying to paint the problem as being only schools so they get a free pass to abuse their kids as much as they want.
That's also why they want as little oversight and regulation for homeschooling as possible. Heard somewhere that over 30% of kids pulled out of public school for homeschooling had a credible abuse complaint against their guardians No. 1848309
File: 1687038183051.png (241.58 KB, 652x2889, Screenshot 0.png)

Pedophiles revealing themselves in the QRTs of this post, also the fat he/him moid who made the meme, If you do a key word search for “age” in his tweets, you’ll find a lot about him wanting to start transitioning two year olds.
No. 1870034
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Another trans pedo got doxxed. The mother/CSA advocate who doxed "Katie Cruz", riadaares (picrel), has been watching over the "pediverse" community, and found someone who goes by the name of "_angel_" challenging her to dox him. He had multiple posts talking about grooming a little girl. She did so, found his real full name, location and workplace, and is now trying to reach out to the girl's parents to warn them.
"Angel" has been freaking out on his account, and others have been raging in his defense. They've been trying to get all the proof banned and seething hard. saved the video, but the file is too large to post here, so I reuploaded it: No. 1870036
File: 1690191475619.png (111.7 KB, 647x751, angel1.png)

No. 1870041
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>>1870039There was way more sperging, claims that he didn't feel safe in public anymore, telling people to stop calling his workplace and denial that he was grooming the child, etc but it's been taken down.
No. 1870043
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>>1870041Bonus transrace support
No. 1870047
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No. 1870058
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The other trans groomer that got doxxed started a donation page for him.
No. 1870060
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>strike back
No. 1870061
File: 1690194526076.png (125.12 KB, 572x818, creampop.png)

Same guy from
>>1847222 mad as hell about another predator getting doxxed.
No. 1870083
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>>1870036how i sleep knowing this pedo is having the worst day of his life
No. 1870825
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>>1870083same, I love this thread
No. 1871584
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>Those old hag feminists who misused their youth are jealous of underage girls, that's why society hates pedophiles
>Btw underage girls back in the day weren't really that forced to marry ugly old men (like me), attraction played a part in it
No. 1872010
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>>1871680this got me good
nonnie No. 1874280
>>1871584what does this idiot think happens to those “minor working-class females” when the men preying on them want a new kid to molest? Best scenario they get abandoned with nothing, worst they are murdered. Feminists know child marriage benefits only the male abusers.
not to be MATI but i want to pull this guys teeth out with pliers.
No. 1879632
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They know about this thread, in case anyone was wondering. They linked to it, too.
No. 1879670
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>>1870062people wanting to kill themselves because they were sexually abused as a child by some piece of shit who wanted to get their rocks off isn't a partisan issue
No. 1879689
Recently I spoke with a group of professional friends who own a tattoo shop near my own business. Some fucking pedo came in asking the shop owners for a MAPs flag tattoo. The wife went into a full blown panic attack, had to leave and calm down in another room. Absolutely disgusted and fearful of the monster. Her husband offered to tattoo it for free, and only if the pedo got the flag on his face. Pedo left, upset and shook. Good, fucking mongrel. I wish he had been stupid enough to get the free tattoo as where I live people don't take kindly to child predators. Now that they think they're part of the "queer community" the stupid ones are "coming out" and branding themselves to the public eye. Perfect. Let us know who you are so we can keep very close tabs on you.
>>1871584The delusion is so strong it's warping the fabric of reality.
>>1879628Get out, predator scum.
No. 1879741
>>1879689Handled very well, honestly the perfect response - but I wonder if someone else would turn a blind eye and do it anyway for the money. Glad some people have sense anyway!
No. 1880075
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>>1879777The mental gymnastics they go through in order to prove how it is akshully bad to call out paraphiliacs is astounding. Picrel isn't exactly about pedophilia, but it is heavily implied. Granted, I do agree with the idea that fiction =/= reality and the topic is much more nuanced than it is usually presented, however, it is intellectually dishonest to pretend that it all exists in vacuum.
No. 1882588
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>>1880075tumblr moment>>1882578
lol ikr. imagine thinking it's "abnormal" to love children
>>1880075tumblr moment>>1882578
lol ikr. imagine thinking it's "abnormal" to love children>>1882591
better without socrates and plato? kek
>>1883028>>1883050Nope. Also, there's little to no information on Shakespeare's life despite being so popular during and after, partly because it was too long ago and partly because he wasn't upperclass, so over centuries academics have resorted to just making shit up and pretending like there's anything to write about. Because he is THE playwright, they have to capitalise on it. But really there's not much you can say.
Mostly only things that actually have records that managed to survive such as his marriage and birth of children
>At the age of 18, Shakespeare married 26-year-old Anne Hathaway. The consistory court of the Diocese of Worcester issued a marriage licence on 27 November 1582. The next day, two of Hathaway's neighbours posted bonds guaranteeing that no lawful claims impeded the marriage. The ceremony may have been arranged in some haste since the Worcester chancellor allowed the marriage banns to be read once instead of the usual three times, and six months after the marriage Anne gave birth to a daughter, Susanna, baptised 26 May 1583 No. 1884313
'In fact, I had broken no lawful rule by probing the academic soundness of what I was expected to teach.'
She claims that 'some treated 'minor attraction' as part of the 'diverse sexualities and gender identities' Open University law teaching now seeks to 'centre'', alleging that the criminal law module featured an assignment in which students had to discuss a relationship between an adult and a minor.
She said that describing the child and adult as each other's 'boyfriends' would yield marks, and that students would lose marks for considering 'whether the adult was grooming the child or committing a sexual offence'.
When she asked for clarification, she says her appeals were 'described as further misconduct'. No. 1887799
File: 1692918882656.png (285.87 KB, 479x1662, ons.png)

These people watch CP and animal abuse clips btw
No. 1930793
>>1928237Here's some I know for reference:
>If you're a burger:>If you're a leaf: just google your country (or the country hosting the content) + "csa cyber tipline" (or something more explicit) and if there's something it should pop up. I'm assuming the wiki is being hosted in america so send it to the burger link though it might be worth sending to both since they could both potentially use the info found on the sites.
No. 2001651
>>1928237>>1930793googled it 🤮
No. 2001674
>>1928237>>1930793googled it 🤮
map-wiki .com