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No. 616901
> Then, a 17 year old Canadian suburbanite Pop singer groomed and abused by Ogreason. > Now, a 25 year old stoner Soundcloud artist and tagger #sadgirl> Extremely manipulative and calculating> Faked memory loss > Faked a sleeping disorder > Faked a premature baby's death > Faked sepsis/miscarriage > Sexually shamed Adrienne ("dutty vagina") yet did sex work a year laterMost recently, told her entire fanbase to fuck off if they didn't support her mourning a psycho masochistic rapper she never knew or met that nearly killed his pregnant girlfriend and a gay dude. We're on day three of this shit.
Social media: (personal) No. 616918
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gang gang
No. 616944
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>>616935Aww, she's so smol she has to climb like a child.
No. 616973
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>>616934Watch the videos, and read this:"I wanna make a rainbow" "Like cookies" "Four fingers" Just the random things a child would say!
It's all bullshit. She's age four, yet she only lost three years AFTER she "wakes up". Yet she didn't forget the passwords to any of her social media? Keep in mind this was posted a few days after that ridiculous sleeping disorder video. Shiloh clearly believes in medical intervention, but she never went to the doctor for this and never had it again.
Watch the two videos. Look at the camera angles. Look at the repetition. Watch her reaction and how quickly she recovers with this total stranger and doesn't call her family. This was for views.
No. 616977
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she called xxx a good person
No. 616978
>>616973I wonder if it was her idea or Onion's, she seems on his level honestly looking at her now.
>>616977 Xxx was a piece of shit, everyone and their mum are claiming to have been his bestie now he's dead
No. 616997
>>616992I mostly feel bad that she thinks her telling some lies are anywhere near as bad as beating a pregnant woman nearly to death, causing her to go blind in one eye. She was saying "You can do a Google search on ME and find tons of stories, are you saying Greg's stories are all true? You can't just believe what everyone says about X".
Girl, X is a convicted felon, he went to jail for the things he did. it's not a "he said, she said" situation like it is with Onion. He actually did these bad things. Her lies are nothing in comparison to what X did.
No. 617006
>>616997If mourning X is the worst she's done recently, then I'd suggest posting her in the soundclout general instead. That action alone isn't enough to warrant her own thread.
>>617002I agree, anon. There just isn't enough milk here, this thread is bound to turn into a circle jerk of vendetta-chans.
No. 617032
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>>617022I've never seen so many farmers whiteknight for a cow so hard.
No. 617036
>>617032>>617022Yeah because obviously what she has shown us throughout the years has totally been in her control and has been totally flattering to her. Please.
>>617032Probably because she hasn't done anything cowish lately. Maybe a few years back I'd agree with you but starting this thread now is just kinda stupid.
No. 617049
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>>617032>cant even prove why shiloh is cow-worthy>"omg so many whiteknights!!"lel gg
No. 617069
>>617061So what I'm gathering is the reasons are
- she was a fan of someone super
problematic and got emotional about it
- she used to do really stupid things in the pursuit of an abusive partner
Wonderful selection
>>617064it's not that she's exempt, it's that she hasn't really done anything lately. If this was her back when she was with greg it'd be understandable just like it is with Lainey. But it's not. She's kept out of it and is doing her own thing now which might not be to everyones tastes. Big woop.
No. 617075
>>617064>Lainey is a actively beng abused but people still laugh at her.Yes because there are plenty of reasons that make her a cow (queerbaiting, transtrending, muh anxiety, so smol, etc) in addition to enabling Greg to abuse multiple teenage girls.
You seem extra salty that not everyone is on board for harassing Shiloh over actions done as a teenager whilst being emotionally/verbally/physically abused by Greg. Try again when something milky actually pops up.
No. 617084
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Shiloh loves to contend with the haydurrs.
No. 617090
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fuck the haters
No. 617095
>>617090>>It’s a memorial to someone who didn’t know her
but he had clout
which she wants
No. 617144
>>617061oh ok can u make a thread on everyone whos defended xxxecuted or are we gonna put that all into one thread or are we gonna, get over it
i can help u
u jus gotta go outside my dude
smell the flowers
drink a water
No. 617176
>>617170actually all of them were fucking
problematic so everyone who mourned them deserved it, 2pac dumped madonna because he felt like he was a race traitor for dating a white woman, robin williams groped women on set, stephen hawking cheated a bunch, whitney was a cokehead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 617190
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so the entire reason you tards made a shiloh thread is because you wanted to sperg over her, can't do it in the grease thread because the mods will spank you, and you think her x posts are worth it.
this is genuinely autism at its finest.
No. 617196
>>617190Um, you’re the one samefagging and bumping in the hopes of getting the thread deleted or autosaged. Shouldn’t you be happy that no one’s said anything, anon? You sound just as crazed as Keeks, please try to get a hold of yourself. The only autist I can see is you.
Seriously, take it easy.
No. 617197
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>>617153same, I don't even give a hoot about Shiloh but keep checking the thread just to read dramatic posts from farmers themselves acting like cows kek
No. 617200
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>>617196if you really think i'm the only one taking the piss here you're definitely retarded
No. 617202
>>617196wepoeted for ableism
mods pls
No. 617204
>>617196"there's no way more than one person disagrees with me! so i'm gonna accuse them of samefagging reeeee!!"
Anon, we're still waiting on the milk that has yet to be delivered.
No. 617217
>>617210I think the obsession with protecting her is pretty milky.
If we can't talk about her in /pt/….and we can't have a little thread here…you seem like you don't want anyone talking about lil' precious ShiShi.
No. 617237
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What an absolute dumpster fire of a thread. Are you vendetta-chan's proud of yourselves?
No. 617267
>>617252It’s in snow. Calm down. Not everyone who has milk knows that the thread even exists yet. What do you want, people to drop what they’re doing and come here to satisfy your requests?
Her riding X’s dick for clout is milky. Photos of that were capped. Stop posting underage shit. You’re creepy.
No. 617269
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No. 617276
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ride high on that horse bb