File: 1516218678133.jpeg (167.13 KB, 945x711, camgirls thread 5.jpeg)

No. 473609
Thread for discussing
problematic and otherwise lulz-worthy camgirls who don't warrant their own threads. Most notably:
Kat/Stormy/PumpkinSpice/Morgan Hofmann
> claims to have come from a broken home where there were "literally needles all on the ground outside" > been put on blast for gaining her original MFC popularity due to catering to pedos as katsumichan> blew hundreds of thousands of dollars she made her first year camming and is now "rebranded" and desperately trying to beg her way back into wealth> recently has been 'dating' (see: weekly breakup) Kyler, a polygamist who used to be a fat fuck, who she made a sex tape with, claimed she was done with him, put him on blast on cam for "cheating" and has now been posting screenshots of her begging him for attention> niceLinks: of old Pumpy drama: Kyler's (private) Twitter: Marie/megvnmvrie
> claims to be a camgirl but cams like…once a month? If we're lucky> also claims to be a neurochem student, chinese, vegan, etc.> video previews are golden> tumblr is also golden. Recently called out on tumblr by iamjalisaelite for her fetishization of black men> vehemently denies any racism and claims she's going on a "social media break"
Call-out Tag: notable camgirls:
> just fucking ugly> has found her hidden talent of dildo-ing herself using only her feet. Mom is so proud! (very awkward, worth checking out)
> has been recorded kissing Pumpy's ass (while Pumps was spending money on her)> most likely ana-chan Threads:
>>>/pt/30923>>>/snow/14121>>>/snow/240722>>>/snow/350141 No. 473707
File: 1516224300707.jpg (146.34 KB, 1180x1138, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 1.19…)

Pumpy continues to be pathetic, HE DOESN'T WANT TO DATE YOU
No. 473908
File: 1516234735034.jpg (21.44 KB, 337x598, IMG_20180117_161449.jpg)

What the fuck is this? She looks horrible oh my god. She should hide out until this mistake washes off holy shit.
No. 473922
>>473908did she ever post why she got a spraytan?
it's common knowledge that getting a tan makes you look slimmer than being pale, so I assume that's the reason
No. 473951
File: 1516237421287.png (569.52 KB, 585x936, 20180117_170015.png)

2018 is looking like a nightmare for pumpy, just when you think she cant get worse…
No. 474334
File: 1516266181728.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.61 KB, 1090x811, pumpkin-spice-cam-211-1090x811…)

I wish she would go back to the long blonde extensions she had a few years ago (pic related), I legitimately thought she was really pretty back then.
No. 474351
File: 1516268611580.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1080x1079, 20180118_014124.png)

Anyone else see the uncanny resemblance?
No. 474463
File: 1516290016929.jpg (38.12 KB, 694x520, IMG_20180118_153819.jpg)

This pic looks nothing like her
No. 474577
File: 1516299129934.png (3.5 MB, 1242x2208, 208D4674-35D5-45B2-8566-ED76C6…)

every pic of her with the new tan is somehow worse than the last
No. 474637
File: 1516303120950.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, B3249AB7-99AF-4BE8-BDB2-240FE1…)

Transcript: “And eventually you’ll get bored of her after serving me, and making me happy and you’ll realize that this is what you want…”
Bitch can’t even get her own boyfriend to leave his hoes for her. Whose home are u gonna wreck, your own? because your parents blame each other for having conceived you.
No. 475098
File: 1516328909522.jpeg (372.83 KB, 750x1105, 484584AB-2E98-48A3-8E18-E24238…)

Do you think she’s jealous?
No. 475099
File: 1516328958758.png (Spoiler Image,276.58 KB, 570x366, addition.png)

No. 475104
>>475098more like delusional
honestly who buys this garbage
No. 475179
File: 1516336700041.jpeg (30.02 KB, 854x480, 3CF3D384-7AE6-48C1-8D31-C11314…)

wowowowow she looks so terrible :(
No. 475185
File: 1516337110500.jpeg (244.99 KB, 1242x829, 7C9B9CD8-1C27-4E5D-AA5A-D7A886…)

>>475175It doesn’t even look like it’s “officia1” it legit looks like the same URL as her actual twitter haha. I went looking for her twitter and this one popped up first. Also bonus trolls at this trumpkinspice one
No. 475214
File: 1516339047067.jpeg (38.67 KB, 310x310, 1AEC7310-7BBF-4C39-B9DD-EA9AB3…)

>>475211More like.
(Feel kinda bad actually because this poor woman died thanks to addiction but you get my point)
No. 475336
File: 1516364425580.jpg (Spoiler Image,468.99 KB, 2730x4096, IMG_20180119_121909.jpg)

Oh dear.
No. 475452
>>475337why do ppl think this is a solution to damaged hair? first of all her hair probably wouldn't even hold the color b/c it's so fucked, it would turn murky really quick. she would have to use a color filler and a semi-perm color b/c putting any more peroxide on her hair isn't a good idea at this point.
like others have said she should either shave it to start over or wear wigs and let the shitty parts grow out.
No. 475530
>>475507I'm not 100% but it does look to me like she's going for a sort of alternative bimbofication vibe and the scars being visible is a trend in that style from what I've seen.
Also, I truly don't understand why she doesn't get a very short pixie cut and just grow all her hair out again. A very cropped pixie would look good on her tbh. I am so confused by her new styling though.
No. 475542
File: 1516389753770.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.41 KB, 750x684, FE6CBA8B-F174-4288-AA7C-3F3520…)

>>475507I agree with you. Pic attached is a screenshot from a week ago. She spent the entire stream just leaning back in the tub showing off her scars and talking about how her “eyelash extensions were her favorite purchase, next to her boobs.” Like
>>475530 said, but maybe that’s her way of sticking to her anorexic pedo-bait self? By constantly reminding everyone her tits are fake (and also keeping her flat-chested cam work in circulation) it just reminds everyone that she used to be flat as a board and she can keep that clientele. Maybe.
It is nasty though. It makes me never want a boob job if they’re going to be THAT prominent.
No. 475552
File: 1516390374114.png (1.67 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180119-192921.png)

She used a face mask and it ripped all the fake tan off her face looool. Can it get any worse?
No. 475824
File: 1516409954380.png (Spoiler Image,824.64 KB, 1080x1714, 20180120_005817.png)

Holy shit what phone does she have cos her skelly figure makes it look like a fucking tablet!
No. 475982
File: 1516432510303.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1703, 20180119_231313.png)

I am LIVING for this shit right now. Found another girl of Kylers.
No. 476097
File: 1516453274855.gif (2.72 MB, 360x467, tumblr_p2upapy9OS1tvky6qo2_400…)

Meg's nails are fucking grim. I don't understand the super long pointy style, it looks vile.
Plus how can she do anything, and when your job is based around touching your own cunt then ew.
No. 476131
File: 1516460176583.jpg (319.71 KB, 1066x1711, Screenshot_20180120-145157.jpg)

Is it weird that kyler follows big lottes?
No. 476145
>>476131>>475987Maybe it's time to back off from Kyler. This is supposed to be about the cringey camgirls. Unless we're saying that sex tape makes him a "cam model" as well.
Besides, the man stuck his dick into something so incredibly toxic, it probably has superpowers now.
No. 476157
>>476145Pumpy is still talking to him so I guess he's still kinda in the picture.
No one would be surprised if they "got back together"
No. 476319
>>476223Not everyone needs their own thread, he's only worth talking about because of Stormy.
>>476131Charlotte follows him back kek
No. 476325
File: 1516481610607.png (267.77 KB, 1080x1700, 20180120_204953.png)

Oh lawd. Does she not realise if she didn't post about all her personal relationship on twitter to her porn fans people wouldn't know shit.
I wonder what things she's told him, she's been pretty open about cunty things she does/has done, how fucking bad does it have to be to be a secret?
No. 476447
File: 1516493024603.png (364.2 KB, 492x822, Capture.PNG)

Well, what does that make her then?
No. 476453
File: 1516493423952.png (20.77 KB, 730x136, Capture.PNG)

>goes out with a guy for a month or two, breaks up 50 times"wow! I totally understand whats it's like to break up from a relationship of 5 years!"
No. 476455
File: 1516494103789.jpg (25.85 KB, 615x395, Cypress-McConnell.jpg)

Any UK folk watch take me out? This Cypress girl reminds me of a less downsy version of meg.
No. 477250
File: 1516580497114.jpg (593.59 KB, 978x1536, Screenshot_20180122-001736.jpg)

Despite this diary having the same questions every day she has failed to read it correctly, she's put past tense things in a future question.
Plus she writes the same shit in every one, what is the point?
Meg with her dumb bullet journal and pumpy writing the same shit every day. Oh camhoes.
No. 478205
>>476243So apparently in megs journal, her goal is to save £5000 a month.
The lengths this girl will go to lie about her life and income.
No. 478296
File: 1516668808451.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.04 KB, 337x355, IMG_20180123_005205.jpg)

Her caption to this: "looking like a heaven sent angel tonight".
No. 478439
File: 1516674360421.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180123-022459.png)

Holy cringe.
No. 478490
File: 1516679515668.jpg (33.51 KB, 407x600, 1429670527506 - Kopie.jpg)

>>475552I know pumpy isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but…
No. 478990
File: 1516730847120.png (147.89 KB, 430x398, lol.png)

>>476243>JanauryGood job being illiterate on camera, Meg.
No. 479048
>>478624Last night on cam she said she's not giving up on kyler and that she knows they're meant to be even though they're not together anymore. She went on for 30 minutes about how they're soulmates, how she feels so special around him, how she knows their connection is one of a kind and how she knows he feels the same way. Then she pulled out a weird cheesy letter he wrote her before they met, sniffed it and goes "omg it still even smells like him" then read it out loud to her entire chat. Someone told her it sounded like she was trying to force him to be with her and her mood flipped, she got mad and defensive saying it's not even possible to try to force someone to be with you.
Triggered af like she's heard that before from someone else.
No. 479072
File: 1516735282345.png (168.76 KB, 496x559, 20180123_191234.png)

She still talks to the granny scammer lol
Only things in her calendar are him and her family's birthdays and when a TV series comes back lmao. She literally has nothing going on does she?
No. 479073
File: 1516735333525.png (1.25 MB, 1466x1080, 20180123_192154.png)

No. 479170
File: 1516740601446.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 750x1334, 0C37F1B2-F1A9-4CBA-AD06-133DCE…)

So blotchy… bitch just get in the tanning bed
No. 479519
File: 1516754385074.png (939.92 KB, 1440x2560, capture.png)

>>479170i'm just going to say what everyone already knows, but she should stop with the tanning and all the stupid body modifications (piercings, tattoos, surgery..) I mean, we all know she's trying to make up for lack of mental and emotional sustenance with the material and physical but try giving her any decent advice and she'll go mad, pic related
No. 479630
File: 1516759725434.png (2.56 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180124-020804.png)

She dyed her hair again.
No. 479842
File: 1516770799558.png (1.54 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180123-210958.png)

This looks like something out of a saw movie not porn
No. 479881
File: 1516772344740.png (909.96 KB, 962x934, kyler.png) Kyler's insta is public again. How many posed selfies can one straight guy take wtf. Are all the girls just copying him with that damn mirror lol
No. 479890
File: 1516772751759.png (631.11 KB, 952x620, munchkin.png)

also she got the same breed of purebred cat kyler already had
No. 480152
>>479881He looks like a bull dyke
and I don't mean the cute ones REEEEEE
No. 480479
>>480118The hollow, echoey sound is
triggering me
No. 480507
File: 1516836782525.jpeg (235.29 KB, 1242x495, FCF778ED-1F7F-47F0-B9FD-6B65F7…)

>>479881All his likes consist of sleazy subjects
No. 480518
>>480507Not to mention another anon finding Charlotte Charms as someone he follows on IG and/or Twitter.
Kat makes more sense when you consider Kyler is a camgirl-admiring pile of loose skin barely held in place by shapewear.
No. 480539
File: 1516838452347.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, 2A2CCC63-D4D5-47CC-BDC6-07CFC6…)

Stormy appeared to splurge a bunch of money recently and I think she cleaned up nicely for AVN. The dark hair is an improvement!
No. 480543
File: 1516838606786.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, B54E84D9-4B98-4ECB-90B3-25A6C2…)

And this is a good outfit. Is it just me or is she trying to gain weight? If so, good. Hope she does something lulzy soon though.
No. 481348
File: 1516916633618.gif (Spoiler Image,14.11 MB, 950x534, 0725286001516914410_ef5e41e2d0…)

No. 481389
>>481357>>481380If she specifically used the word "abnormal" she is probably referring to Pap test results showing cervical dysplasia which is usually caused by HPV. A follow-up appointment is required to assess its severity and determine treatment.
To be fair, the majority of people who are sexually active have been/will be exposed to at least one strain of HPV. HPV is spread very easily, even without intercourse, and condoms do not protect very well against its spread.
Determining from whom and when HPV was contracted is impossible in most cases since dysplasia can take long as a decade to develop. Testing for HPV is not included with standard STI tests. Women are not usually tested unless they request it at the time of their Pap test. There is no test for men.
No. 481414
File: 1516922342665.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180125-151240.png)

Man shes aged hard over a couple years in her face. Her hair is a wreck whether dark or blond. It only looks passable when a stylist does it.
No. 481559
File: 1516933331702.jpg (144.58 KB, 1152x1324, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 6.21…)

she's so fucking pathetic. every day she surprises me with how low she'll go for that dick that she's obsessed with. she has no self worth.
No. 481575
>>481380Tinfoil: a few days ago on cam she talked about how she was sick because her "cheating boyfriend" caught something from one of the "sluts" he cheated on her with.
Wonder if she'll try to claim she caught something from one of them.
Other tinfoil: she over douched before the appointment and probably screwed with results.
She bragged about how fresh and clean her vagoo was for her appointment.
No. 482071
File: 1516995123573.png (259.67 KB, 1080x1283, 20180126_192530.png)

So she's saying her drink was spiked at AVN
No. 482219
File: 1517007673184.gif (2.73 MB, 700x394, f9f99c55-af41-4bd8-8006-b8c25c…)

Jesus is meg like the missing link in evolution?
No. 482220
File: 1517007789810.jpg (234.55 KB, 1075x1077, Screenshot_20180126-230218.jpg)

>>482219This caption when she lookin like a god damn chimpanzee
No. 482296
>>481348oh my god i heaved
she's wasted in porn. she should be doing low-rent horror instead like kiki
No. 482377
File: 1517022996245.jpeg (239.09 KB, 750x1334, 3C014390-2597-4DF8-940A-5268FF…)

Sorry, new here. Same person that went to school with Morgan. She’s from Louisville, Kentucky and went to Eastern High School. We had the same group of friends so I saw a lot of her. Not sure how to post proof except for the amount of mutual friends we have on Facebook. We weren’t close.
She was annoying as shit, weighed like 60 pounds and was in the same scene phase everyone was in in 2012.
No. 482685
File: 1517069716786.png (883.75 KB, 750x1334, 7B34D43B-97DC-477C-A6E8-F77F4A…)

Drunk tweeting lol please take it down several notches
No. 482733
Stormy on cam: "I've never really had sex with someone I'm not in a relationship with, I don't know. It makes me feel gross. More power to you if you can, it's just not my shit."
Also Stormy: "I've really only been in 2 relationships in my life"
Also Stormy while telling OBGYN number of sexual partners shes had: "Woo finally in the double digits!"
Also Stormy:
>>482685 No. 482741
File: 1517073676104.jpg (253.26 KB, 769x694, 20180127_090543.jpg)

Pumpy went to get matching tattoos with some other girl and I'm failing to see how they match at all. Here's Pumpys.
No. 482743
File: 1517073795614.jpg (334.92 KB, 779x843, 20180127_090515.jpg)

Here's the other girls. Is Pumps a dandelion and the other girls a sunflower?
No. 482948
>>482913I don't think being drunk has anything to do with it, but Pumpy is a retard and doesn't know how to take care of her tattoos. Her "spank me" tattoo spilled because she didn't take care of it.
When you get a tattoo you're not supposed to touch it for a week or two at least (unless you're putting moisture on it, which you do really gently). No way did she not sit on her bony ass when she got it.
That's why I'm not surprised if this one looks like shit too lol
No. 484037
File: 1517162152190.png (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 750x1334, 795764C3-AB1B-428A-9D69-19C684…)

valedictorian can’t spell week
No. 484725
File: 1517194369168.jpeg (48.46 KB, 637x325, B93BCD63-70D4-4563-9884-A7D031…)

someone commented this about stormys porn with Kyler. i’m weak
No. 485644
File: 1517260566062.png (85.65 KB, 638x742, StormyVsDerek180129.png)

Anyone have milk on this whole Pumpy / Derek stuff? Far be it from me to believe ANYTHING that pathological narcissistic liar spews forth, but I don't know this story and I'm betting other people do.
No. 486174
File: 1517276877318.gif (Spoiler Image,862.58 KB, 500x281, d44dd8dc-fb31-48df-9f35-9dbb41…)

Meg right on time with a Christmas video days away from February
No. 486184
File: 1517276973909.gif (909.47 KB, 500x281, d598749c-372b-498e-b70a-5c1758…)

Always wanted to see ya molars
No. 486187
File: 1517277019841.gif (Spoiler Image,1019.21 KB, 500x281, d8f0baf6-6d6d-48b6-b83f-a2ef61…)

Is she autistic tho?
No. 486445
stormy just got online - brown hair looks significantly better than the gross dirty greyblonde, props to her for fixing that at least
No. 486530
File: 1517289589469.png (Spoiler Image,2.29 MB, 1242x2208, 3D6C2453-6CF6-4C02-B9D3-6E9CBC…)

I’m shocked this hasn’t been posted yet. This is a… haunting image
No. 486928
File: 1517333207561.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180130-171856.png)

>>486530She's delusional about her bolt-ons with very obvious scarring
No. 488220
File: 1517418669924.jpg (182.8 KB, 978x626, Screenshot_20180131-170916.jpg)

Still clinging to kyler's asshole like the turd she is.
No. 488262
>>488220She’s gone from “I’m the best bitch with the best pussy he loves me most his side hoes are just jealous and psychotic” to “the only time I get to see him now is in my imagination and I’m going to thirst-tweet about it publicly.” Sad!
Like actually, who cares? Her fans don’t care about the name-drop and clearly his girlfriends don’t care either if they couldn’t be phased when she and him were actually “dating.” She’s already posting a screenshot a day of him leaving her on read with her nasty ass “fantasies,” so he doesn’t care either. So who is she doing this for? It’s so embarrassing.
No. 488596
File: 1517436643608.jpg (160.16 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20180131_220944.jpg)

Why is she wearing these flesh coloured fishnets with this? Looks retarded.
No. 488970
File: 1517457381678.png (Spoiler Image,574.87 KB, 1080x1091, 20180131_195040.png)

This Stormy bitch has a disgusting pussy rash
No. 488976
File: 1517457516396.png (Spoiler Image,660.57 KB, 1080x1075, 20180131_195340.png)

No. 489095
>>489048vaginal discharge can range anywhere between clear to milky
only thing that looks abnormal down there is the rash which looks like it can be from shaving or heat rash, the vagina skin gets irritated pretty easily so it's not like she has a ~rare case of unknown herpes and will die soon~
I can guarantee you every grown woman to walk the planet has had irritation down there at least once or twice, even those perfect smooth innie pink pussies most likely had irritation at least once
but I realize it's lolcow, and vaginas are an easy target to make fun of because chances are unless you're having tons of skin treatments done, whitening, and fat injections or botox injected into it, it's not going to look ~perfect~
No. 490682
File: 1517596035582.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.47 KB, 687x717, 918e0be9-b3b2-4678-901c-048148…)

Meg's butt looking like a shriveled up peach
No. 491714
File: 1517676525345.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 1334x750, 974C4C5D-6C4C-49AB-8F58-59C6A9…)

So Stormy just made this video free…it’s a Team kat video which costs like…too much ($50-$100?) to be a part of. They get a monthly video and this was one of them, it was ok until this shot where her unmade face and hair come in?!? What are you thinking Kat??? This video is for her TOP TIPPERS and the whole thing is basically her writhing around for 7 minutes (3 of them are topless and 1 of them is nude). You could claim she’s a great tease but I think it’s more likely she’s just fucking lazy!
Link if you want to watch the snooze fest: No. 491961
File: 1517693843364.png (742.62 KB, 750x1334, 8A70B068-9333-4884-A81E-A65D8E…)

Jus sum pumpy sperg 1/2
No. 491969
File: 1517694013010.png (936.28 KB, 750x1334, E979402A-B835-4D92-B396-F1C302…)

>apparently incapable of separating love and sex, gets obsessed with anyone who sticks it in her
Men b warned.
No. 493826
File: 1517845936531.jpg (1.08 MB, 3000x2000, IMG_20180205_155046.jpg)

She looks like a proper tag-along
No. 493834
>>493826"Don't embarrass me liking average girl pics" -Pumpy, 2018
Now I'm sure she talked about herself
No. 493872
File: 1517849976823.jpg (152.73 KB, 491x736, kwiz1g31_medium.jpg)

If you look through the galleries there are some absolute potatoes.
No. 493873
File: 1517850025160.jpg (183.61 KB, 736x491, cv8737ds_medium.jpg)

Ooft, that belly
No. 493874
File: 1517850070729.jpg (198.2 KB, 736x491, bkqrwx25_medium.jpg)

No. 493915
File: 1517852497751.jpg (165.25 KB, 736x491, ambxzh73_medium.jpg)

Just goes to show you don't need to be attractive to be a camgirl.
Dumping some convention pics
No. 493916
File: 1517852516312.jpg (168.15 KB, 491x736, xd17le26_medium.jpg)

No. 493917
File: 1517852530177.jpg (171.52 KB, 736x491, h4f7ojnd_medium.jpg)

No. 493918
File: 1517852542728.jpg (177.42 KB, 736x491, lo0qw1d7_medium.jpg)

No. 493919
File: 1517852558869.jpg (156.66 KB, 491x736, 27ttffux_medium.jpg)

No. 493920
File: 1517852571827.jpg (155.9 KB, 491x736, 5rnbxyv8_medium.jpg)

No. 493921
File: 1517852589217.jpg (181.97 KB, 736x491, a8n8svjl_medium.jpg)

Pumpy spotting
No. 493922
File: 1517852599652.jpg (156.97 KB, 491x736, frlr44rw_medium.jpg)

No. 493924
File: 1517852643442.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.72 KB, 736x491, 6yd0txow_medium.jpg)

And some nudity
No. 493941
File: 1517853057637.jpg (162.57 KB, 736x491, 3fjq2hlr_medium.jpg)

This is awards night so this is their "best dressed"
No. 493942
File: 1517853075433.jpg (146.4 KB, 736x491, 26x8kzod_medium.jpg)

Potato club
No. 493943
File: 1517853086754.jpg (157.48 KB, 736x491, tdoscoix_medium.jpg)

No. 493945
File: 1517853098706.jpg (158.16 KB, 491x736, 7lfc961t_medium.jpg)

No. 493947
File: 1517853116888.jpg (191.81 KB, 491x736, 4qbg01oy_medium.jpg)

The slippers lel
No. 493948
File: 1517853128623.jpg (123.31 KB, 491x736, fdoqvmwm_medium.jpg)

No. 493949
File: 1517853148569.jpg (115.57 KB, 491x736, s8h2rfez_medium.jpg)

Those tits
No. 493950
File: 1517853159724.jpg (183.82 KB, 491x736, k58r8i02_medium.jpg)

No. 494290
File: 1517868521674.jpg (205.45 KB, 736x491, pp2ja47y_medium.jpg)

I like the ones where you can see all the beta males who attend these things
No. 494316
File: 1517869706599.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180205-222258.png)

Is this girl wearing false teeth or am I high?
No. 494331
File: 1517870051633.jpg (132.45 KB, 491x736, azomeo75_medium.jpg)

I wanna know who the potato girl is.
No. 494341
>>493921God you know it's bad when Pumpy actually looks like one of the more attractive ones out of all these convention pics.
>>494290Ew. Just… So much ew. Imagine the smell of so many incels in one room.
No. 494358
Dear god, so many of these girls are dumpy looking trailer trash. Does porn not pay them enough to afford anything fancier than Walmart evening gowns and Hair Cuttery stylists? Surely they could find a better paying job waiting tables where they wouldn't have to take dicks up their ass 10 times a month.
>>494290Guy on the left with the dark facial hair looks like the type of guy you'd see holding a Pepe the Frog sign at an Alt Right rally.
No. 494368
File: 1517872230030.jpg (178.82 KB, 736x491, 257zwjwz_medium.jpg)

The guy in the middle has murder in his eyes
No. 494665
>>494368Even more so in
>>494290 I can't imagine sitting in front of my laptop and webcam while getting to see the actual reality of who's behind their screen names staring at me.
No. 494788
>>494001Ok anachan
Believe it or not most people are actually repulsed by the sight of scantily clad skelly
I fully encourage pumpy wearing clothes that make her look fatter
No. 494969
File: 1517919796419.jpeg (78.86 KB, 736x589, E3E98B9C-5F8F-43F2-BC09-80356A…)

No. 494971
File: 1517919873750.jpeg (80.82 KB, 736x589, F5F54A5B-610E-4D45-A5EB-DD9B37…)

No. 494972
File: 1517919889190.jpg (3.53 MB, 3000x2000, n0cf0g4b_orig.jpg)

i swear to god, this girl in the middle looks like a completely different human face was grafted onto her skull
No. 494973
File: 1517919934857.jpeg (72 KB, 736x589, D7A8B74F-C4B7-46C9-B7C7-4F26C8…)

No. 494975
File: 1517920220936.jpeg (162.18 KB, 491x736, E15D5BA3-2A57-46C6-81B4-AC054A…)

Are you actually kidding me
No. 494976
File: 1517920270955.jpg (2.8 MB, 2000x3000, 66o5cw33_orig.jpg)

>>494975i raise you one… whatever this is
No. 494977
File: 1517920373750.jpg (3.31 MB, 3000x2000, fyyagcnw_orig.jpg)

No. 494979
>>494968Same as girls who get into fetish modelling.
The guys in the photos look pissed off; imagine paying to see these girls naked for months and then getting a glimpse of the irl versions.
Also they've all entirely forgotten how to dress which says a lot about their lives.
No. 494990
File: 1517922374713.jpg (446.38 KB, 1102x1766, fx343w90_orig.jpg)

Can anyone explain what the absolute fuck is going on with this girl's ass
No. 495083
File: 1517931517622.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180206-153111.png)

Nightmare fuel
No. 495088
File: 1517931959264.jpg (Spoiler Image,652.47 KB, 1069x1440, Screenshot_20180206-154107.jpg)

>>494977I looked her up and dear god.
She only has 7 followers on Twitter lol. Imagine going to an avn when you've probably not even want enough for your first paycheck
No. 495125
File: 1517934801449.jpeg (35.66 KB, 310x592, 12CE08D4-4426-48D0-8D0F-5652F1…)

>>495088Those seven followers must really like spongebob
No. 495269
File: 1517941759214.jpeg (64.56 KB, 736x589, 1DA7888E-44AD-4EDD-AD2C-E1DD0F…)

No. 495271
File: 1517941800011.jpeg (65.04 KB, 736x589, A1B7C785-E789-4BCD-9EB6-4CEEB6…)

I’m fucking dead at Daisy’s face, Peach was kinda cute by herself but oh my GOD she looks like a cherub compared to Daisy here
No. 495325
File: 1517944317008.jpg (Spoiler Image,309.69 KB, 1046x1175, Screenshot_20180206-190955.jpg)

>>495284Well it looks like a damn mess from her "I'm online" GIFs. It being a tip doesn't help.
No. 495338
File: 1517944957730.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.27 KB, 854x480, IMG_20180206_191717.jpg)

>>494331I found potato girl
No. 495343
Truly, bless those of you posting these con pics. I'm sick and they have genuinely made me laugh today.
>>494972Looks like tess holliday in the background lmao
>>494976I know this is a retarded thing to sperg about but I can only see her fucking clubbed brachydactyly thumbs
No. 495375
File: 1517947375625.jpeg (Spoiler Image,85.15 KB, 750x403, 5A06C42D-1122-4481-BB53-0E4BEF…)

Who buys this shit…?
No. 495628
File: 1517962550865.jpeg (146.6 KB, 750x878, 9199BEA9-7A02-4F8E-B778-DD9668…)

>>494977I looked up this toilet breaker and thankfully not all these photos are of camgirls. This might've just been a photo wall opportunity at the MFC booth.
No. 495962
>>495628Why TF is everyone jumping on calling themselves bitcoin this and blockchain that… weirdest 'trend' yet. Can bitcoin just be a form of payment and the blockchain just be a conceptual way to build things again? Jesus.
Stormy is online and I am shocked how different she looks with these 10 lbs on her, she went from deathly emaciated to almost normal looking?
No. 496070
File: 1517982717374.jpeg (141.78 KB, 750x771, 819FC1E9-B6B1-43BA-A6AC-A10373…)

Well at least she’s honest about it…
This is one butterchin hair away from needing a spoiler tag.
No. 496092
File: 1517983250348.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5162.PNG)

She… She has a full on bum fluff chin. Omfg. Anyone can make money on mfc…
No. 496116
>>496053She's on the non nude section CamYou, she's always singing or something - she creeps me the fk out cos she looks like a child but could potentially be 50 or something.
All those pics of the models in the pics look like they're from Aphex Twin's 'Window Licker' video. I'm embarrassed for MFC this all looks so cringe. Kati3kat looks BAD irl, what the actual fk?
No. 496597
>>494515Seriously though, this is top tier disillusionment. Why would they put giant fluorescent lights overhead when it was supposed to be a “sexy” sort of convention where girls would be wearing heavy makeup. Other panels I saw in the background had soft beauty lighting.
Did mfc have an “official” photographer for the event? If they did, that person sucked! The flash photography is out of control. The fucking angles. They managed to make skellys look fat and their “hottest” girls look like shit. I’m
No. 496691
File: 1518029557046.jpg (130.86 KB, 491x736, 5z03oj21_medium.jpg)

>>496589>>496116She's not bad looking she's just got a bit of a witch face and I honestly can't picture what she actually looks like underneath the makeup, false lashes and contacts.
No. 496701
File: 1518030272460.jpg (17.71 KB, 400x267, RMSwdUHh.jpg)

>>496691This is kati3kat before camming. Still wearing makeup but hadn't perfected her 'look'. She's nothing special, just great at doing her hair and makeup.
No. 496702
File: 1518030324833.jpg (438.13 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20180207-190431.jpg)

>>496691I think the most unflattering photo came from last year
No. 496710
File: 1518031234879.jpg (60.09 KB, 500x348, f4cb2eeb-0583-42cc-95c0-ed0173…)

>>496701I feel like I may of seen some of her selfies back in the day from emo and scene obsessives
No. 496715
>>496710>>496710how is this the same person as this
she looks like sue heck here. the person here is really cute
>>496710 No. 496737
File: 1518033334454.jpg (59.28 KB, 500x358, 05da6552-22dd-4061-873d-ffb6de…)

>>496715Angles.she obviously has a better portrait than face on.
No. 496789
>>496737Yeah. I remember once she turned her cam around and I peeped her light set up, it was two floor IKEA lamps on the outside left and right, two umbrella lights on the inside of those and a ring light in the middle
No. 496940
File: 1518045307552.jpg (187.7 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180207_231359.jpg)

Even her "bff" is taking the piss out of her and not taking her saying she's really depressed today seriously.
No. 497249
>>496597Yes yes yes times 1000. Whoever did MFC's lighting sucks ass and whoever did MFC's photography sucks ass. Also…the MFC "swag" clothes (the green/white tank tops, short shorts, hoodies, socks, bags) are really unflattering and cheap looking.
I can't believe a site making so much money seems to care so little about their public image to the industry. They're supposed to be selling a fantasy of these girls, right? Just yikes.
No. 497334
>>496710Jesus her side profile is hella cute here, portrait is a little unfortunate for real tho.
>>496702Witch face is accurate also. She's hit and miss in pics, she ain't bad.
No. 498685
File: 1518186833203.jpeg (Spoiler Image,283.86 KB, 1125x1756, 2F68E5ED-8991-4F7A-A5F4-1B535E…)

Stormy looking more and more average by the day
No. 498790
>>498520Being a cow makes you 999% less visually attractive. We ‘virgin incels’ do try to not nitpick appearance but cows really be doing it to themselves lol so just have a laugh and lurk harder before posting.
>>498685Does anyone think she’s gaining weight? Like she’s been looking less disgusting to me despite being so boring lately.
No. 498851
File: 1518197509970.jpg (388.82 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_07022018_0524_MyFreeCam…)

>>498808She's still tiny but by pumpy standards it's an improvement.
She appears to be doing "look I can get my fingers round my skelly arm".
She's still far from a normal weight.
No. 498985
File: 1518207458385.jpeg (98.38 KB, 986x715, 836697A2-5976-4547-9CF4-C1622B…)

Pump’s face says it all, she’s gaining
No. 499328
>>498985make no mistake, I hate pumpy's attitude and behaviour and she has looked god awful but she looks great in these recent pics to me. the extra weight is refreshing to see on her and she looks way healthier especially with the darker hair, god she looked her worst with that sparse blonde dry tumbleweed
why does it have to be a cow I dislike who visibly improves and not one of the few I'm rooting for deep down?
Also a while back someone asked if meg was self posting for attn and I doubt it, I actually liked seeing her stuff pop up in between other gossip, she's like the comic relief gif in between pumpy sperging about her bf
No. 499775
File: 1518280581115.jpg (1.36 MB, 3000x2400, omg.jpg)

No. 499778
File: 1518280839666.jpg (1.51 MB, 3000x2400, gfthyjk.jpg)

No. 500164
File: 1518305135004.png (Spoiler Image,306.91 KB, 1440x1111, 20180210_151556.png)

Then he broke up with you and ignored your insanely desperate attempts at trying to get his attention and stayed with the girl he was in an open relationship with from the start. Meanwhile you cry yourself to sleep, tell everyone he traumatized you so bad you have to see a therapist because you "have nightmares", and throw a pity party for yourself every single day in attempt to make some lonely fool feel bad for you and give you money. You knew what it was from the start. You aren't a bad bitch. Stupid as fuck to say stuff like this while spouting off some bullshit about how you're so monogamous and that's all you want from someone.
No. 500345
File: 1518322752923.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180211-141924.png)

Some more pumpy sperg
No. 500409
>>500345uhh it's like basic common sense that you get pissed at the guy who cheated on you, you don't bring the girl into it. The guy betrayed you, not the girl. Also nothing screams deep rooted insecurity like "penny he lost a dime to".
He also didn't"lose" you girl he never even tried to remotely hold on to you lol you were the one talking about your fetish for him spitting on you because you were running out of his ways to grab attention and feel like #1 hoe
No. 500497
>>500493ayrt and valid point, I just couldn't think of another way to word the situation. Literally everyone involved was completely aware of what was going on including ol' Pumpo but she was fully convinced it was like in Gladiator where you knock people off podiums with big cotton buds and she'd be the last bitch standing.
She's posting porn and saying "I fucked your boyfriend and I liked it" which she probably thinks is sly and sexy and proves he loved her DA MOST!! when in reality it just.. well it just shows she's a psycho really
No. 500499
File: 1518349034115.jpg (82.66 KB, 601x638, wahwahwah.JPG)

>>500494jesus. do you know who she's even bitching about here? ngl at first I saw "YOUR TINY APT AND YOURE A BITCH" and my brain glitched to "shaygnar" lmao
No. 500590
>>500497Yea, she's posting porn of her and that guy and I'm pretty sure she didn't even get a "model release" form or whatever is needed to make it legal to sell. At this point, it's probably Revenge Porn and ILLEGAL and I hope he gets pissed enough at her constant bitching and whining and LYING and asks MV to take the vid down.
>>500483You should NEVER consider Pumpy as "improving" - it is a constant downhill spiral. Additionally, she's in Hawaii again and sold "pre-orders" of "all the content she films while there". Once again, we expect she'll get NOTHING done and have NOTHING to show for it and have MANY upset cucks who paid money to get NOTHING in the end.
No. 500805
>>500499She got a lot of hate when she was sweet to everyone, I don't blame her for being a bitch now.
not really any milk with Cortana, she's pretty transparent? Just cams and hangs out with her boyfriend
No. 500812
>>500805Yeah, I don't think there's milk on her. I live close to them and see her and her partner from time to time and they seem very sweet with one another. Also, she's just as attractive in real life (she's pretty much my type).
>>500345I'm still mad that pumpy blocked me when Kyler's other girl posted a picture with him and I asked her if they're poly. She said they've broken up and I should stop stalking him.
No. 501066
File: 1518406127161.png (2.58 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180211-192700.png)

Must be a fun vacation in Hawaii, miserable bitch lmfao
No. 501079
File: 1518407006836.jpeg (112.09 KB, 675x1200, DTc9bVoUQAAzGv0.jpeg)

No. 501080
File: 1518407050289.jpeg (105.66 KB, 675x1200, DTc8ASxUMAAKAqI.jpeg)

No. 501101
File: 1518408105916.png (438.27 KB, 720x528, youautists.png)

>>501080how does she not realize her biggest problem is making all this shit public
No. 501130
>>501080Okay well, kyler being a piece of shit confirmed?
Why is he lying his ass off about being with lex??
I wonder if he was one of her haters online and is doing this just to fuck with her, he seems so manipulative and shitty in those texts
How can he call her an idiot when she has all that solid proof of him being with lex??
I somewhat feel bad for her, if this is really what she was being fed the whole time…
Still gutter trash, but surely she could find some 5/10 with money who'd make her feel good about herself and be loyal…some genuine self esteem would probably make her much less of a cunt
No. 501144
File: 1518411586890.png (921.05 KB, 1273x1850, lol.png)

Current shitstorm @11.
No. 501148
File: 1518411822351.jpeg (544.31 KB, 1242x1593, 839D0783-3149-4935-89BE-AE2CD2…)

I feel like it’s bad for business to advertise how you didn’t actually come in those b/g videos you’re trying to sell (illegally?) right now…
No. 501154
File: 1518412121678.jpeg (Spoiler Image,849.96 KB, 1242x1595, 64BC6F4D-BC67-4CB8-976B-4E5C85…)

No. 501296
>>501144Wow, guess for once she wasn't just being a sperg.
>>501154That's just pathetic. Stop going after the sidechick and focus on the cheating tard you let nut in you.
No. 501835
File: 1518476830525.jpeg (403.91 KB, 750x480, 0C5A59D8-3C76-4E17-B47E-E8B8C8…)

>>500768Part of her act. And me too, anon…
No. 502044
File: 1518563069995.jpg (118.8 KB, 482x482, 20180213_104216.jpg)

Stormy: I love walking by and making mens jaw drop
No. 502562
File: 1518611696768.png (493.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180213-100715.png)

"all my weight gain goes to my ass"
No. 502563
File: 1518611739236.png (297.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180213-172114.png)

No. 502565
File: 1518611923553.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180214-123718.png)

Couldn't capture the right bit cos it's first frame but if you watch it her posture is fucked. She even stands like some weird ass bug
No. 502900
File: 1518642954130.jpg (749.94 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180214_131421.jpg)

Her legs are like tiny arms with giant flippers attached
No. 504069
File: 1518726385944.png (1.91 MB, 940x1660, Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 12.2…)

>I love walking by and making mens jaw drop
No. 505489
File: 1518821624107.jpg (225.64 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180216_225158.jpg)

>>502891When she thinks she has an ass but it's just her fucked up posture.
No. 505972
File: 1518858810130.jpg (194.64 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180217_091214.jpg)

Why would anyone want to buy this?
No. 505975
File: 1518859445462.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1530, 20180217_092219.png)

Another shit tattoo
No. 506028
File: 1518870510257.jpg (162.45 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180217_122725.jpg)

No. 506443
File: 1518902599367.jpg (223.47 KB, 1069x978, Screenshot_20180217-212259.jpg)

God damn this crazy ho.
No. 506512
>>506443Can you imagine having the chance to go to Hawaii, and have the vacation of your life…
Only to be miserable and petty over an ex and have it ruin the whole trip?
She needs to get over him, she's obsessed at this point.
No. 506523
File: 1518905638404.jpg (426.52 KB, 622x884, b6129d3b0863f7c4183ee6ac8bebbd…)

>>502891>>505489>>505972Why this gangly bitch look like betty spaghetty?
No. 506551
>>506512Pretty sure that if anyone's "vacation of your life" in Hawaii is being ruined, it's everyone who is being forced to interact with Pumpy.
I really feel sorry for these two other girls. Can only imagine how much of their trip has been Debbie Downer'd by Pumpster and her constant loud whining about everything involving Kyler/Lex or her "trolls".
No. 506643
File: 1518913339538.jpg (39.91 KB, 749x734, IMG_20180218_002137.jpg)

Them 2 hugging on each other, she's just kinda there.
No. 506652
File: 1518913860077.png (397.26 KB, 1440x1146, 20180213_150631.png)

She sells this video for $179.99 and he calls it a music video, I'm cackling
No. 506658
File: 1518914616641.jpg (125.15 KB, 1007x600, Screenshot_20180218-004141.jpg)

>>506443Her reply to someone saying "haha you got wrecked".
We all know this is bullshit, the numbers do not add up at all.
No. 506677
>>506643Whos the girl on the right?
>>502565Kafkaesque. Does she have rickets?
No. 508817
File: 1519078603753.jpg (98.33 KB, 1024x901, IMG_20180219_221535.jpg)

She's basically admitting to tax dodging online.
No. 508820
File: 1519078712643.jpg (90.17 KB, 1024x880, IMG_20180219_221543.jpg)

Can we report her (UK fag so idk your rules)
She thinks she can write off everything because she may use it for camming, but you can't do that. She's legit a criminal and bragging about it on twitter.
No. 508860
>>506658I swear she's sounding more and more like cucking-obsessed incels. Perhaps she really got off of the thought of "cucking" another girl (who was most likely just a fwb).
>>506679To me they could be on the same level looks wise. I mean, Pumpy is a balding skeleton with acne, for a long time she even cammed without any makeup, in a hoodie, with her fried hair in a bun, not exactly the height of attractiveness
No. 508866
File: 1519081396005.jpg (213.49 KB, 1006x1028, Screenshot_20180219-230249.jpg)

Since when does meg speak fucking Russian lmao
No. 508928
>>508820Yeah no…that's not how that works. The only way you can write something off on your taxes is if it's ONLY for work. If you use anything for personal use then you can't write it off.
What the hell is up with cows and tax dodging? Don't they fuggin remember Wesley Snipes?
No. 508988
File: 1519086295033.jpg (168.92 KB, 1050x774, Screenshot_20180220-002318.jpg)

Someone get pumpy to human anatomy class immediately.
No. 509119
File: 1519093463777.gif (5.91 MB, 430x215, hehe.gif)

>>508988pic related lmao
so has she bounced from her hot minute phase of being tanned, bimbo-y like in
>>474463 ?
No. 509454
File: 1519141736813.png (86.42 KB, 1080x450, 20180220_154855.png)

Sounds like she's harassing kyler again
No. 509456
File: 1519141873866.png (1.78 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180220-155025.png)

>>509454And he's "busy" being on holiday with lex in Florida looool, she must be fuming inside.
No. 509460
File: 1519142290146.png (91.61 KB, 750x561, IMG_4352.PNG)

Any milk on this?? I got this from , they put pinky and Lotte on blast all the time lol
Does anyone remember charm's legal name? I wanna see that mugshot and what retail scam she pulled but I don't see anything on google for her handles…
No. 509463
File: 1519142370524.png (601.05 KB, 640x1136, 4487FBCC-1FD0-4C39-A6E5-A5C78B…)

When Pumpy says something and you actually agree, pic related
>>508988Wtf why would you not even google this shit honestly
No. 509475
File: 1519143357375.png (72.54 KB, 1080x1142, 20180220_161252.png)

>>509460I believe this is her real name, no recent arrest records, just this from 2016.
No. 509707
File: 1519154633034.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180220-192153.png)

>>509651Oh lawd, this guy seems like a freak, pumpy might end up dead.
>pic related No. 510164
File: 1519181337327.png (418.35 KB, 569x591, kek.png)

>>509651New guy is kind of cute (easily cuter than Kyler at the very least), but definitely comes off as a fuckboy edgelord after peeping through his twitter. I guess he's found his sugar mama.
No. 510182
>>510164he looks like a fuccboi but at least he doesn't have a gunt like Kyler looool
>>509456lex is a fucking doormat to rival Lainey. the dude just told her that they don't even have a relationship but she's still acting like he's the love of her life. pathetic
No. 510354
>>510164Sugar mama? Aren’t you trying to be a trophy wife pumpy? This dude seems boring as heck tbh
>>510182She even looks like lamey lmao
No. 510722
>>510475Business expenses have to be for business only. So, if she buys clothes for camming, they have to be cam-only clothes, not clothes you'd wear on the daily. I can see lingerie counting, or "outfits," but not jeans, normal shirts, dresses, whatever. Things like studio equipment would count as a write-off. Sex toys, condoms.
She probably wrote off her boob job.
Apparently a regular is her tax account but then she does her taxes via Turbotax? I don't even know.
>Its pretty conceivable that if she was paying tax on all those things last year and isn't this year, she'd save a lot of money.Yeah, but she said she put away $47k and only paid $4k. She thought she'd be owing $47k based on her income. How in the world is someone who makes, who knows, over $200k (I don't know what she makes - I can only assume it's a lot since she brags about making $15k from one sex video) only paying $4k in taxes?>>510475
No. 510814
>>508866She doesn’t. She was and always will be a compulsive lier.
>>510793I second this. She’s not making bank like she used too when she used to pander to pedos
No. 510944
File: 1519250734075.jpg (801.62 KB, 978x1570, Screenshot_20180221-220456.jpg)

Lord that bald patch
No. 510978
File: 1519252948644.png (747.47 KB, 780x1080, 20180221_224002.png)

>>510964>>510967Pumpers has had the balding hairline thing since she was like 14. I guess it's a combination of too much dying/hair extensions and it just being weak and brittle from being a spooky skeleton
No. 510979
File: 1519252987127.png (1009.48 KB, 804x1080, 20180221_223942.png)

No. 511000
File: 1519256426836.png (596.38 KB, 1080x1124, 20180221_233908.png)

Wow gently rubbing a knife point on your leg, looks painful.
She'll be in for a shock if she lets that new dude do "knife play" when his fetish is blood in porcelain white sinks
No. 511017
>>511014Loool she's trying to appeal to all audiences without realising it's contradicting.
People don't want a fake sub or a fake Dom.
No. 511075
>>511000ay pumps, you ever wonder if maybe your tryhard attempts at being a masochistic doormat make it sting so much harder when you get rejected, so your rage manifests as wanting to destroy dicks? maybe your next big adventure should be vanilla.
it's like the sexual equivalent of nice guy syndrome but instead of hating women for rejecting them despite their insincere attempts at being nice, pumpy hates men when they reject her despite her insincere attempts at being their bitch. she's said before that she prefers being the more demanding one in bed, so why try so hard to go the other way if its gonna piss you off so bad when it doesn't work out?
No. 511561
File: 1519327996536.png (12.5 KB, 376x118, 8077019f-62a0-469e-9d51-7697a4…)

Meg posting cringey as fuck DMs between her and her "new daddy".
They never get past messages, she's obviously not had sex in years.
No. 513741
File: 1519518595755.jpg (224.75 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180225_002846.jpg)

State of her fucking outfit choice.
No. 513750
File: 1519519310973.jpg (Spoiler Image,242.06 KB, 1011x878, Screenshot_20180225-003110.jpg)

All you can state at is those titty scars, it's not a good look.
No. 513752
File: 1519519443160.png (Spoiler Image,277.69 KB, 497x497, 20180225_004345.png)

Dear lord that ass she claims isn't flat as hell.
No. 513768
File: 1519520710354.png (Spoiler Image,696.37 KB, 996x757, 20180225_010416.png)

It was really boring.
Is it really deep throat if it's like 5inches? 6max.
No. 513990
>>509651Maybe I’m reaching about his handle but I Spit on Your Grave is a cult film about a girl who gets raped by a handful of men and violently and elaborately murders all of them.
So yeah with
>>509707 watch out pumpo.
No. 514142
File: 1519572452954.jpg (348.92 KB, 1077x1110, Screenshot_20180225-152546.jpg)

Meg confessing her love for that paedo and saying she doesn't care about the accusations. Ugh.
No. 514800
>>513752the fuck it's so tiny
how does she not fall into the toliet everytime she pees?
No. 515283
File: 1519680140684.jpg (438.81 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20180226_212113.jpg)

God at least pumpers has put on a bit more weight then when this was. That fucking ribcage.
No. 515425
File: 1519695001447.png (5.44 MB, 2208x1242, AE1C6276-72B7-4637-A447-4077A7…)

She was just camming and she ended it by saying “When I come back on later, I hope people would’ve learned how to use their fucking finger”
Pic related- the face you make when you realise nobody gives a fuck about you.
No. 515427
File: 1519695294533.png (Spoiler Image,5.75 MB, 2208x1242, 13634806-5278-4E7D-B39E-8B8C79…)

She also heavily sighed before she left. It looked like she was either about to breakdown or lose her temper.
Sage samefag
No. 516609
File: 1519808966256.jpg (249.05 KB, 1040x2048, IMG_20180228_090831.jpg)

This hairstyle doing her alien head no favours
No. 516634
>>513750Slightly OT, but is there a reason why anyone would choose to get this type of implant that leaves such ugly scars under the boob? Is there any advantage, or in her case maybe because she was too skinny…?
I feel like this is the worst type.
No. 516719
File: 1519827445877.jpg (266.13 KB, 1040x2048, IMG_20180228_141737.jpg)

No. 517037
>>516962She could have gone through the armpit.
I don't think her scars are that big of a deal, as other anon stated, and they are still new for scars. They will fade over time.
No. 517144
>>516719It's impossible to take her seriously (among many reasons) when it looks like she has boogers that are 1% of her entire body weight hanging off her nose.
Can't wait for the next phase in human garbage evolution when she supposedly gets a face tattoo. So she can claim it's another "matching tattoo" with her rapist pal Lotte.
No. 517748
File: 1519923936125.jpg (204.99 KB, 1038x2048, IMG_20180301_164820.jpg)

I don't know what the fuck this new look is. Trailer trash?
No. 517754
File: 1519924461008.jpg (Spoiler Image,335.38 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_01032018_0803_MyFreeCam…)

What is this crappy lil room she's camming from? It's got nothing in it but a phone charger. Really goes with the new ghetto trash look.
No. 518227
File: 1519952311332.png (608.36 KB, 1080x739, 20180302_005723.png)

No. 518229
File: 1519952358286.png (679.06 KB, 1055x746, 20180302_005814.png)

She took her mongy plug out and started messing with it.
No. 518291
File: 1519956531114.jpg (10.09 KB, 210x240, rfhijjf.jpg)

>>518227Giving me Swan Princess hag vibes
No. 518298
>>517748She was very interactive tonight, she clearly needs the money!
She said the meatiest part of her body “is the tattoo under my ass” then she shows her ass, jiggles it about whilst lifting her skirt up.
Her ass is getting a bitch bigger, but bigger than before that’s not a hard thing to do but she’s getting there, i’ll give her that!
No. 518615
File: 1519994653472.jpg (32.03 KB, 512x512, IMG_20180302_124433.jpg)

>>518425Well yeah it's obviously extensions. It didn't grow overnight. Last thing she needs is heavy extensions tugging on her brittle ass hair.
No. 518875
>>518764Nothing cuter than a breaking and entering which results in you being raped. Sewwww cuuuute!!
>>518726 lol what the fuck anon
No. 518958
>>517754sage for ot, I kinda like her new look but her extensions look kind of, off? I don't know how to put my finger on it
her tattoos are trash though especially her chest one
No. 519431
>>519184She's only made about 2000$, it'll taper off don't worry
She hasn't made over 10k in a month in a long time
No. 520096
File: 1520131628877.png (43.96 KB, 582x174, kv.png)

betch you didn't quit drinking but good job on finally realizing that restricting major food groups at 75 lbs is a bad idea
No. 520098
File: 1520131657416.png (47.79 KB, 585x216, khungover.png)

She was literally hungover yesterday lol
No. 520125
>>520096She kept talking about her recovery a couple nights ago, while she was drunk.
Girl, that's not what "recovery" means.
No. 520459
File: 1520183636946.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.72 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20180304_170843.jpg)

Outta nowhere but y'all seen this pic of kitten Sophie?
There's so little fat on her ass that she appears to have no ass crack. It's like an asshole stuck on a knee.
No. 520636
File: 1520198168791.jpg (Spoiler Image,381.24 KB, 1073x823, Screenshot_20180304-211145.jpg)

Lol at her trying to sell herself as an inked camgirl. Yes she is literally inked but she hardly qualifies for that title.
If you say the words "inked camgirl" I'm expecting someone covered in the them. Full body stuff.
No. 520956
File: 1520228263612.jpeg (132.63 KB, 1242x984, 992F41AA-4DEA-415F-8C86-F94469…)

New hair is looking like… something
No. 521318
File: 1520274617783.jpg (87.72 KB, 600x847, Scene-Hairstyles-for-Guys-47.j…)

>>520956This is so bad. She looks like a scene dude from 2006 but without the enormous fringe.
No. 521325
File: 1520274997599.jpg (79.32 KB, 507x437, 20180305_183632.jpg)

Nice lip sore
No. 521331
>>520956Lol, a while ago she said she would “punish” the viewers by not bothering to do her makeup or hair nicely if she didn’t get a certain amount of tips in the previous show.
That’s certainly a….uh…choice. I dunno why you’d want to delibrately hurt your chances of future income because you’re salty you had a bad night but aight.
No. 524351
File: 1520547560791.jpg (370.9 KB, 1056x1280, Screenshot_20180308-221758.jpg)

This trash using international women's Day to praise herself.
The fact she thinks selling her own porn is a "business" is laughable. What a twat.
No. 524436
File: 1520555070480.png (756.89 KB, 750x1334, 3383C2AF-AF38-43BA-B688-4190BB…)

No. 524437
File: 1520555136610.png (809.9 KB, 750x1334, BC69D88B-766C-49D4-8224-7AA5F2…)

No. 524440
>>524437That is such fucking bullshit. She has NO issue complaining and trying to get hard-working people FIRED for the most MINOR inconveniences they cause on her part. Don't think she's ever taken an Uber WITHOUT posting some comment about her driver.
Or the time when she tried to get a food delivery person FIRED because they were not legally allowed to go up to her hotel room and it was too much of an inconvenience to have her able-bodied friend go and retrieve it from the front desk.
But no - you keep pretending that you're such a humble and shy person, Pumpy…
No. 524823
File: 1520614368560.jpg (109.98 KB, 1021x369, Screenshot_20180309-165134.jpg)

The "boo" she's never even met? God this is pathetic.
No. 524825
File: 1520614525396.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.89 KB, 1080x720, e2fd67ab-e781-46b5-85ef-0267d0…)

What the absolute fuck is this picture?
Why would she upload this? It's awful, incredibly unflattering.
No. 524979
File: 1520628840074.jpg (239.6 KB, 1038x2048, IMG_20180309_205346.jpg)

Can't fully figure out why she looks so stupid in this outfit but she does.
No. 525482
File: 1520685953723.png (353.04 KB, 1080x1853, 20180310_074252.png)

No. 525483
File: 1520686001836.png (633.06 KB, 1080x1550, 20180310_074320.png)

Here we gooo
No. 525551
>>525483Love when people try say their ex is ugly, like they obviously don't think that or they wouldn't have gone with them in the first place.
Who didn't see this coming eh. Bring on the breakdown.
No. 525595
File: 1520702417723.png (1.2 MB, 750x1334, 7C6B361D-3413-4EEF-95B6-162836…)

Does she make it a point to cuck her followers? Loool
No. 526725
File: 1520818053482.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180312-012733.png)

Lol wtf is she wearing?
No. 526998
File: 1520855377168.jpg (393.1 KB, 1044x1337, Screenshot_20180312-114857.jpg)

Anyone catch her meltdown on cam? Wondering what someone said.
No. 527000
File: 1520855476546.jpg (359.8 KB, 1044x1137, Screenshot_20180312-114917.jpg)

Of course she's taking no responsibility for having anger problems like a child.
No. 527420
>>526998>>527000Supposedly someone was in her room posting doxing information and/or stuff about her dad (jailbird). That is what
triggered her meltdown and her statements about that aren't represented in these two pictures. Stormy is a raging cunt, but doxxing and involving someone's family members is still undeserved.
No. 528120
File: 1520967787587.png (750.9 KB, 1080x1500, 20180313_190310.png)

Pumpy still bitter af.
No. 528240
File: 1520975539012.jpg (149.83 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20180313_211002.jpg)

Girl it's all just an illusion from fucked up posture
No. 528280
File: 1520977566537.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.92 KB, 529x391, 20180313_214541.jpg)

>>528276Nevermind, spotted him on her cam from the other day, next to her flat ass.
No. 528317
File: 1520979736858.png (522.21 KB, 1080x844, 20180313_222208.png)

She's online and had this expression on her face for like 15 seconds.
No. 528328
File: 1520980662958.png (Spoiler Image,383.92 KB, 1058x832, 20180313_223749.png)

Ass well on the way to getting g fat huh.
No. 528329
File: 1520980694707.png (Spoiler Image,401.23 KB, 1080x758, 20180313_223730.png)

No. 528372
>>528335Her weight is kinda irrelevant to her being a cow.
No one hates her for being a skinny bitch. It's her personality and bullshitting so who cares if people are laughing at her doing a dumb pose.
No. 528437
>>528425A lot of camgirls/sex workers turn their names into businesses as an LLC if it is worth it for tax purposes. Don't know if PS has or not, but I wouldn't be surprised. It is indeed a business. It's not as simple as filming yourself and uploading it. If it were, then a lot more people would stick with it and not quit because they can't make shit for money.
As anon above stated, lolcow is for criticism of ppls shit behavior/personality. Not how they dress or what they decide to do to make bank. That shit is so boring and nitpicky. There are plenty of things to criticize her on yet more than half the anons in here post daily pics of the outfits she decides to wear. Makes you look jealous. Stick to what is actually milky.
No. 528451
>>528437It's always kinda been an unsaid rule that if someone is a cunt then you can make fun of their appearance. Hey isn't half the Shay thread talking about her pussy spots. That's a physical thing, but she's a trash person so who cares.
>>528447Healthier but let's not forget she's still significantly underweight and not healthy. She's always saying she's sick and having nosebleeds and that's all cos her low weight.
No. 528567
>>528472>>528451Can you sage your shit and bad grammar?
Did anyone ever report her to the IRS btw?
No. 528655
>>528372>who cares The point of them being a cow is MILK, dear. This isn’t “update about Pumpkin every time she cams.” Aside from the fact that watching all her streams and posting random screenshots that show no cow behavior or milk whatsoever seems like you’re just hella gay and have a fat clit for her, you’re bringing nothing to the table whatsoever. We’ve seen her fat forehead sitting in front of a webcam hundreds of times before.
>>528494I’m not a white knight. I’m a long time farmer that’s been shitting on stupid bitches since stamina rose. Call me old fashioned but if milk is dry don’t be a desperate beggar posting irrelevant table scraps. You just look obsessed.
>>528567I don’t think she was reported to the IRS. If she was, sometimes it takes a year or two to be audited. She’ll be screwed if they do though, she burns through money so fast and moves into a different giant empty house every few months. Her camming career is in a steady downfall. I don’t think she has any plan B.
No. 529344
She's posting videos of her cats today and Parker isn't in any of them. I'm fairly certain she got rid of him instead of having him fixed.
>>528280 this screencap of him in frame is from weeks ago before she got her long extensions. He's been missing from the picture for a minute now.
No. 530063
File: 1521140323065.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.03 KB, 512x512, IMG_20180315_185722.jpg)

Pumpy doing a Shay special but looking really sad about it.
No. 530116
File: 1521143286749.png (224.81 KB, 1080x1472, 20180315_194731.png)

She can't even read, got this all wrong.
No. 530211
File: 1521146493406.jpg (224.76 KB, 1045x889, Screenshot_20180315-204112.jpg)

>>530116Even when someone explained it to her, she still doesn't get it, hahah.
No. 530281
File: 1521149509304.png (497.39 KB, 1440x1906, 20180315_143031.png)

>>530211People try to help her, but she's just daft
No. 530294
>>530281This is hilarious. I could forgive maybe the initial thing as her reading it wrong and after someone clarifying what the girl meant she stood up and said "my bad" but she is utterly convinced what she's saying is right. She could easily read the rest of the thread of replies or ask the girl directly.
I bet even if the girl directly replied saying no that's not what I meant she'd still try and maintain her stance and tell her to word it better when it's only Stormy's illiterate ass who doesn't seem to get it.
No. 530855
File: 1521191693012.png (Spoiler Image,2.77 MB, 1242x2208, CB5B7A72-CFCA-471B-9638-8B00E0…)

holy shit
No. 530856
File: 1521191817039.png (Spoiler Image,6.38 MB, 1242x2208, 116BB48A-5843-4A24-BC3C-414DCB…)

this made me hella uncomfortable and i’m not entirely sure why
No. 530865
File: 1521194216184.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180316-095711.png)

This supposed to be a good thing?
No. 530877
File: 1521196371487.jpeg (140.93 KB, 306x1246, 33749584-B735-4D95-B416-68F195…)

“I’m getting a new house, but give me money spam spam, I will totes save 10%!!”
No. 530879
File: 1521196471862.jpeg (102.29 KB, 1242x577, 6137DA8B-708D-44A8-8E32-8B00A2…)

“Sike naw jk I actually don’t heehee but donate to muh paypal”
No. 530942
File: 1521212148902.png (865.78 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-03-16-12-56-32…)

Sure Jan
No. 531009
>>530942Ha. Why is she talking in American clothing sizes anyway. Who does she think she's fooling? Size 6 people are underweight, and jeans are smaller than any other type of clothing.
She's fucking weird, why try claim to be "thicc" but that you wear the clothing of the super skinny. Makes no sense.
No. 531080
>>531037Being short doesn't mean you necessarily wear smaller clothes. According to her measurements on manyvids (probably outdated) she's borderline overweight.
One time she said she gained 20lbs but still fits in Xs. She chats shit all the time. Fuck knows what she actually is cos she won't tell us.
No. 531095
>>531083Yeah and she went and deleted that old account as soon as it got posted here.
Lying about your height seems pretty ludicrous as a woman. I get guys wanna be taller but why would you wanna lie to make people think your like borderline midget height.
No. 531106
>>531083Also this. Her on some anime dating site from when she was about 15 posing as a 23 year old. At this time she was 5"2, and even on Tumblr when she was 17/18 she used to say 4"11.
Bitch just keeps on shrinking!
No. 531126
File: 1521231504679.jpg (144.17 KB, 945x2048, IMG_20180316_201804.jpg)

Pumpy fawning over this.
To me this reads as "I don't wanna go out in public with you, I just wanna get my dick wet". Wow, what a catch!
No. 531190
File: 1521235479516.jpg (66.68 KB, 810x397, 20180316_212337.jpg)

Quality cringe from Meg. Oh honey no one wants to look like you, red hair and glasses is a pretty common look. The down syndrome part less so but people don't want that part.
No. 531334
File: 1521346632417.png (318.79 KB, 590x442, rings.png)

Hoop rings and plugs look so goddamn weird together. What kind of look is she even trying to achieve with this combination?
No. 531461
File: 1521353787789.jpg (386.04 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180317_125744.jpg)

Howling at Stormy's "writing"
No. 531462
File: 1521353819286.jpg (418.42 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180317_125710.jpg)

No. 531465
File: 1521353841142.jpg (441.31 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180317_125628.jpg)

No. 531469
File: 1521353999762.jpg (344.73 KB, 1280x1280, d0bea2de-5803-4de6-99a9-41b0f2…)

Meg's nails are absolutely disgusting. So much why?
No. 531470
"its part of whom i am"
omg all of it is so bad. literally was she homeschooled because there's no other way she coudve been valedictorian
No. 531520
>>531467I’ve seen a few people do it, myself included.
>>531481I’m pretty sure Kate Moss made it a thing 10 years ago, so bitches still think it’s “fashion”.
No. 532029
>>531912If she actually paid to get them done professionally idk why they seem far too big for her fingers.
But legit how can you do anything with them so long? How is she supposedly doing a degree with those stupid things lol, you wouldn't be able to type nor use a pen properly.
No. 532806
File: 1521477579040.jpg (151.18 KB, 1024x781, Screenshot_20180319-163247.jpg)

This dumb bitch has no idea what love is does she?
No. 533182
File: 1521504468526.png (849.57 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-000528.png)

"we pay our taxes" except you've openly admitted you tax evade. Most do, you don't. Shut up.
No. 533188
File: 1521504553981.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180320-000803.png)

Love the grandpa slippers. What a look!
No. 533870
File: 1521563685625.jpg (199.02 KB, 1122x1994, IMG_20180320_162613.jpg)

I love her "model" poses, they crack me up. It's always her insect arm flailing above her head.
No. 534081
>>533188she's been looking a lot better though since she's been gaining weight
hopefully she will build muscle too to grow a bum
No. 534292
File: 1521589789313.png (188.05 KB, 1440x984, 20180320_164534.png)

"I quit drinking completely in December! Now I drink without abuse!" Did she just really…? What a fucking idiot.
No. 534351
File: 1521593190437.jpg (Spoiler Image,357.34 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_14032018_0706_MyFreeCam…)

Totally not wasted
No. 535040
File: 1521659646168.png (238.15 KB, 1080x1831, 20180321_191212.png)

Meg defending some dude who called a black girl "sexy fat chocolate" and she didn't like that all too much.
Meg is trash.
No. 535112
File: 1521665371989.png (587.39 KB, 1080x750, 20180321_204537.png)

Idk who this girl is but for a video about sexual assault awareness in the industry she has done "white girl dressed up as native American". Way to make the cause look like a joke and you look like an ignorant bitch.
No. 535113
File: 1521665395634.jpg (426.74 KB, 1068x1567, Screenshot_20180321-204632.jpg)

>>535112Retweeted by pumpers btw
No. 535374
File: 1521680694938.jpg (238.97 KB, 1063x941, Screenshot_20180322-010147.jpg)

Wow, you mean like you have in the past multiple times and never apologised?
Obviously there's all the Tumblr shit but did any of you used to have daily booth or gifyo? She was an absolute cunt. She had a fucking swastika as her profile picture once.
No. 535677
File: 1521722886731.png (Spoiler Image,528.63 KB, 1080x1002, IMG_20180322_133743.png)

Charms new belly
No. 536522
File: 1521799756944.png (248.78 KB, 1080x1537, 20180323_060801.png)

No. 536526
File: 1521799857538.png (281.18 KB, 1080x1434, 20180323_060822.png)

Even her tax guy is trying to help her shut up about the write offs lol
Shows that she really has been writing off stuff she shouldn't be though.
No. 536580
>>536562Yes it can be a legit “business” if you file the papers to become an LLC.
But even as an independent contractor (all cam models who don’t become an llc) you still get all the legal forms to file your taxes and make deductions and claim business expenses, etc.
No. 537003
File: 1521853038468.jpeg (886.16 KB, 1125x1725, 0EFC0997-7C9C-4395-843A-7F368F…)

>>521838 source and receipts from multiple women. Stormy called Emily a liar when she came out about what happened to her.
No. 537486
File: 1521919791162.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.86 KB, 694x522, IMG_20180324_102227.jpg)

>"I took control of my drinking"
>Drinking tequila shots alone
No. 537770
File: 1521945321175.jpeg (Spoiler Image,317.27 KB, 1038x2048, 9B1D6507-C6D2-48C6-A99E-F16955…)

Nice, shaved happy trail and pubes growing out of her bellybutton
No. 538107
File: 1522000475158.jpg (36.91 KB, 650x584, DZJp2pHXcAAXaMR.jpg)

Once again some twitter DMs were leaked from Pumpy. She admits she will play victim to manipulate people to get what she wants.
No. 538108
File: 1522000510035.jpg (62.14 KB, 576x1024, _hmv83_5.jpg)

No. 538118
>>538107She outed herself about lying about "15k from the kyler sex tape". Revealed it was less than 5 and now she's tryna take it back.
She's ignoring the Parker thing, apparently bans anyone who asks about his whereabouts.
No. 538127
>>538121Worst case scenario is he's dead. Well actually worst is she abandoned him on the street or something but I don't think even she would stoop that low.
If I gave her funding for that cat and now it's mysteriously disappeared I'd like to know what happened.
No. 540035
File: 1522236948571.jpg (93.83 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20180328_122839.jpg)

This picture makes me laugh, she looks like The Undertaker.
No. 541859
File: 1522440054291.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180330-210029.png)

Holy ham
No. 542432
>>538118>>538121>>538127If you're genuinely concerned about Parker - please don't stop asking the question. Use tag #WhereIsParker so everyone knows you care!
(Got the idea from Parker himself)
No. 542437
File: 1522506148123.jpg (129.57 KB, 946x2048, IMG_20180331_123916.jpg)

No. 542479
File: 1522510176390.jpg (27.15 KB, 387x387, IMG_20180331_162414.jpg)

So Meg's new flavour of the month "daddy" is this YouTuber guy. Obviously not actually ever met.
No. 542481
File: 1522510235027.png (727.73 KB, 1080x1584, 20180331_163010.png)

>>542479'member when all white boiz were ugly?
No. 542797
File: 1522537276223.png (345.32 KB, 550x346, walter.png)

>>542479Why does this guy look like the cult member/serial killer from Silent Hill 4?
No. 543032
>>542797Don't you dare say that about Walter Sullivan
YouTube guy is caveman style
No. 545656
File: 1522798073032.png (923.42 KB, 1242x2208, F9DB25CE-FCF3-4EF9-924E-333570…)

No. 545664
File: 1522799540613.png (204.55 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180403-141103.png)

>>545656Don't forget this gem
No. 546175
>>546033Yeah, consenting adults participating in kink stuff is one thing, but saying that shit to a complete stranger is creepy as fuck at best, and comes across as a genuine threat at worst.
She seems to think it's acceptable to be creepy to strangers as long as you're a woman.
No. 547483
File: 1522969083710.png (207.97 KB, 1080x1847, 20180405_235752.png)

Wtf is Meg on right now?
No. 549184
>>548349Nope - and he won't be found unless people keep asking Stormy where Parker is. Poor furball is probably dead, knowing her abusive nature.
We'd all like to think that he was given to someone else who would actually take care of him (or sold off for more fancy purse money) - but the fact that she's HIDING the information and BANNING people just for ASKING that question just screams that she did something fucking awful and doesn't want anyone to know.
So keep asking. EVERYONE keep asking. #WhereIsParker?
No. 552043
File: 1523400766509.jpg (518.2 KB, 390x3602, ll.jpg)

For context:
LilithLunatic is an unsuccessful camgirl from Chaturbate with a bad attitude. Her shows consisted mainly of her sat on a HotTopic draped set, complaining that no one was tipping her.
She had a creepy sugar daddy who looked three times her age. He would regularly talk to her during her shows, give her advice on how to be sexier and earn more, replace batteries, move lights etc. One show I caught many months back she burst in to tears because no one was tipping her. His advice was to put in a butt plug.
Since then she's been trying to win favour with other camgirls and started a job at a strip club.
Enter Insyndra, a far more popular camgirl from MFC. She bought in to Lilith's sob stories and seemingly went to great lengths to help her out, only to get burned.
Now Lilith's back to begging strangers to pay her rent (days after spending all her money on a new laptop/webcam)
No. 552184
File: 1523410646555.jpeg (22.39 KB, 582x162, DZG1RnvVQAAR7jd.jpeg)

>>547482Lmao that page is actually gold. Posting some screenshots from it that haven't been posted of Kyler or lex calling her out in her chat comments.
No. 552187
File: 1523410772594.jpeg (101.37 KB, 596x750, DZG1RntVoAAU6QV.jpeg)

>>552185I swear Kyler is a farmer who sought out pumpy and milked her for the keks because she lived near him
No. 553561
File: 1523555861447.jpg (131.55 KB, 1280x722, 99467339--upload-62447-A2F2868…)

No. 553674
File: 1523564616558.png (641.25 KB, 439x571, wildenstein.png)

>>553561She looks like if someone put a photo of Jocelyn Wildenstein through a beauty filter.
No. 554426
File: 1523623437441.jpg (229.84 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180413_134218.jpg)

Pumps new "bf".
Man must be like 5"4. Classic gym rat tryna make up for being a manlet by working out.
No. 555644
File: 1523736983174.png (553.62 KB, 501x503, 1869eb13085f6f8648767900ffbaaa…)

She looks cute here
No. 556049
File: 1523783561430.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.46 KB, 694x394, IMG_20180415_092100.jpg)

Oh dear
No. 557126
File: 1523894244153.jpg (343.3 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180416_165618.jpg)

Lol at this shit drawing someone did of kat, looks nothing like her.
No. 558932
File: 1524073445225.png (256.87 KB, 1080x1822, 20180418_184208.png)

Remember when meg insisted she was getting her tits done?
And remember when she wished she had breast cancer so she could get em done on the NHS?
No. 563789
File: 1524537314831.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.98 KB, 742x955, 8D77CE48-3CCA-4905-A064-7BE8D3…)

Came across this disaster on Insta, she calls herself “pillpowder” I don’t know her real name, her cam girl name on Twitter is CarsonMarieXXX (very NSFW) She actually expects people to pay for this body… spoilered because ham planet, she calls herself “thic” when she’s shaped like a malformed potato. She is deluded af about her appearance & is always offering discounts on her terrible photos/vids.
Insta: to her amateur porn account with her paid for vids in her twitter bio.
No. 564013
File: 1524545879844.jpg (81.11 KB, 367x550, 23291-4549829-Felice_done.jpg)

>>534351>>534747I kept thinking she looked like someone, but it wasn't until your said circle lenses that I realized I was thinking of ole Felice.
No. 564155
>>564027She was always a cunt. She was never even thin, ever, but constantly whining about ~muh REAL anorexia~ and ironically obsessed with calling out Ember for being a wannarexic. I liked Heather and that ourdoughnut girl, but the rest of those “truth blogs” were just ewhores latching onto the drama trying to insert their own name into the conversation and drama in an attempt to be relevant when no one gave a fuck about them. Funny to see them turn out to be (literally) huge cows in their own rite.
But tbh knowing she’s such an attention-whoring trollop it’s likely the lot of these are self-posts.
No. 564625
File: 1524604628876.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.46 KB, 719x728, yikes.JPG)

>>564155She's always been a personal cow of mine, but I've never posted her because she definitely posts here herself and I didn't want to inflate her ego. She's been actively trying to be a cow since 2014.
Hey, Spooky, you're built like a fridge.
No. 566599
File: 1524781927493.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.51 KB, 939x523, dirty.JPG)

>>564872If you look at her videos it gets worse. Her butt has its own butt.
No. 566831
File: 1524796863192.jpeg (136.08 KB, 576x1024, AF0C3958-0E37-4B0F-B21A-337C40…)

dms from stormys ex best friend/room helper are being leaked all over Twitter exposing the fact that she’s lying about her “trolls” breaking into her house.
No. 566832
File: 1524796883933.jpeg (107.77 KB, 576x1024, D7189BE1-C935-4932-8F0E-41516E…)

Pt. 2
No. 568213
File: 1524943419317.png (25.67 KB, 601x289, Pumpy-PoopProbs-180427.png)

Pumpy Tweet-n-Delete. Maybe actually eat something instead of faking / lying about how much food you "eat"?
No. 568216
File: 1524943666752.png (46.93 KB, 637x487,…)

>>548349>>549184>>552184Just an FYI - Parker hasn't been found, but Stormy finally admitted she "gave him" to another family. Speculate if you will on whether he was truly given or was actually sold, but at least everyone knows she doesn't have him anymore. No. 570099
File: 1525100029172.jpg (59.8 KB, 640x640, 6c32f5ea-7eca-458d-92d7-b91ffa…)

Holy skelly prom stormy
No. 570137
File: 1525102518484.jpg (104.17 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20180430_163356.jpg)

Wew $1 bills.
She looks super old here, she's been oranged up massively in the face.
No. 571296
File: 1525211885078.png (1.98 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180501-225528.png)

For the scat fetishists.
No. 572842
File: 1525376529110.jpg (350.44 KB, 1038x2048, IMG_20180503_204008.jpg)

Pumpy bought a pet lizard, how long till she's sick of it and gets rid of it or it dies?
She obviously doesn't know anything about keeping reptiles.
No. 572861
>>572850It'll bite her and she'll flip and throw it and a cat will chase it down and murder it. I doubt she'd be sensible enough to only handle it in a room shut off to the cats.
Crested geckos aren't the best for handling, ones I've encountered would rather just be left alone. She'll probably stress it out and it will drop dead.
Good luck pumpers
No. 572934
>>572842She can't even take care of a cat and now she bought a reptile??
I agree, she should be blacklisted from buying/adopting animals.
As someone who owns both cats and reptiles, I can tell you that reptiles are generally a lot harder to keep. I haven't owned a crested gecko in particular, but I have owned other lizards and snakes, and I can tell you that their care requires a totally different skill set that someone who can't even handle a cat definitely shouldn't be jumping into.
I can't wait to see its enclosure and cringe.
No. 572955
File: 1525382937913.png (98.25 KB, 1080x524, Screenshot_2018-05-03-14-26-53…)

So wait, she didn't prepare at all? And since posting this she has not said a single thing about a proper enclosure. All she's talked about is going to the gym and taking a fucking nap. It's already begun.
No. 572961
>>572955Yeah saying that does make it sound like she doesn't even have an enclosure and she's just keeping it in that tub. It's only gonna end badly. She's seen a cute video of a lizard online thought "I want one" having no knowledge about the animal and how to care for them.
I'd think she'd have posted a picture of the enclosure on her Instagram story if it has one!
No. 572968
File: 1525383395481.png (1.67 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180503-223528.png)

Oh thank God.
But yeah, what a jungle, 1 fake plant.
No. 572974
>>572968Aren't crested gecko a usually in vertical enclosures rather than horizontal because they like to be high up?
Whenever I see them they're usually at the top, if you can see em. Pumpy has got wood shavings, 1 fake plant and a water bowl I assume lol. It's bare as fuck in there.
No. 572998
File: 1525384885431.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180503-175652.png)

Why is the enclosure hanging off the edge of the table? She is just asking for trouble.
No. 574742
File: 1525564806698.png (769.15 KB, 893x542, brightlights.png)

anyone have links to uploads of this video?probably the best thing stormy has done judging by the preview.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 574880
File: 1525584282001.jpg (134.01 KB, 768x1024, trashy1.jpg)

Her trashiness knows no bounds.
No. 574881
File: 1525584302964.jpg (138.37 KB, 1024x768, trashy2.jpg)

No. 575013
File: 1525609504504.png (Spoiler Image,679.63 KB, 1080x1617, 20180506_132417.png)

Her new bf's party sausage
No. 575315
File: 1525641451078.png (94.21 KB, 1080x814, 20180506_221439.png)

Meg chatting absolute shite. No one will buy your shitty anal bids then if you hate it that much.
Why can't she just be normal and just not do it and not bang on about it and insult everyone who does like it.
I mean there's nothing gayer than fucking a WOMAN'S asshole right? What a retard. Sounds like her bf is insecure and homophobic.
No. 575317
File: 1525641479871.jpg (55.3 KB, 720x480, f106ea9e-c856-4989-ac70-f6000c…)

Looking miserable.
No. 576219
File: 1525736655165.jpg (485.86 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180508_004056.jpg)

Does this scream the bullshit sleeping selfie to anyone else?
Like "Bea caught me sleeping" and you can see their other hand taking the selfie alone in a reflection or something lol.
Her other arm looks like it could be in selfie position.
No. 576954
File: 1525810283312.jpg (220.48 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180508_211055.jpg)

Oh god, she's gone and got her lips done now.
No. 577011
>>576955I know people always call lip injection lips 'puckered asshole' lips but hers actually look like a prolapsed anus lmao wtf
even once the swelling goes down I can't imagine this to have been a flattering investment
No. 577415
File: 1525879395260.jpg (54.39 KB, 1007x618, IMG_20180509_162045.jpg)

Damn she looks huge
No. 577416
File: 1525879475855.gif (2.25 MB, 400x225, d68700bb-5b6b-41c5-9f19-d88360…)

She's charging $50 for this 7 minute video. Enjoy your 0 sales.
No. 577426
File: 1525881398510.jpeg (281.01 KB, 1242x957, FFB3DF98-4D85-4209-973C-10F68A…)

this is so funny
No. 577429
File: 1525881507823.jpeg (73.85 KB, 1242x365, 201C6518-71D2-49C6-BEE3-411C5F…)

we think you’re both but go off sis
No. 577433
>>577426That’s actually the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.
here is all my work over the years as a camewhore does anyone want it?? It’s like that “upcoming rapper” selling you his tape for donations.
No. 577454
>>577426This post is the epitome of why being a camgirl/online SW is not empowering. You can't put a price ($440) on this content and also offer it up for $50… it isn't a consistent income and the job is essentially founded on begging.
-It is different if you're a high-class escort getting $1000 per sale and vetting clients. Different tiers. This is a very shitty tier. Getting naked on the internet is not the "easy" way to get rich as so many think it is. It is not a business and it has very poor prospects (only getting worse as more women hop online to be a camgirl and flood the market)
No. 577696
File: 1525908227212.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180510-002215.png)

I'll pass love.
If I had a septum I'd makes sure it wasn't crooked when I took a selfie.
No. 578001
>>577696Her perpetually crooked ring drives me to distraction, too. She has a gold ring with bezel set CZ balls, so the balls are too lightweight to keep it balanced.
I am ignorant of lip filler aftercare. Should she be piling on the lipstick so soon?
Also, fried hair.
No. 578254
File: 1525978233602.png (2.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180510-194719.png)

>>578181She's now begging for a $2700 necklace saying she can afford it but is trying to be sensible not spending… Except when she's getting lip fillers and buying reptiles.
No. 578474
>>578254fuck she looks haggard
also how is her crescent moon tattoo so faded wtf it hasn't been that long, has it?
No. 578575
>>578474>>578566It was pretty faded looking to begin with cos the dot design. Don't really get it, it looked shite then and looks shite now.
I also hate when she wears a moon necklace, it just looks fucking stupid now with that on her chest.
No. 578644
File: 1525997094654.png (700.3 KB, 1080x903, 20180511_010419.png)

Jesus it's been like 3 weeks at the most? Just embarrassing.
No. 578645
File: 1525997154430.jpg (301.62 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20180511_010314.jpg)

>>578644He's ugly and has a small dick, it's not gonna end well is it?
No. 578650
File: 1525997800262.png (47.04 KB, 1080x500, 20180511_011520.png)

Meg with some top talk
>Americans don't have the world cup
>Soup bowl
If this isn't a joke then please kill me.
No. 579615
File: 1526065314446.png (371.59 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180511-143758.png)

This just shows how fucking stupid she is.
No. 579635
File: 1526066732376.jpg (383.71 KB, 1043x1284, Screenshot_20180511-202357.jpg)

Um ok just cos you were abused as a child doesn't mean that's how it should be for everyone.
The white people comment from the most white trash girl of all.
No. 579695
File: 1526069810845.jpg (25.66 KB, 275x249, IBqhQUO.jpg)

>>579653>>579635This girl is like 4'11 and 80 pounds, literally looks like Gollum and is trying to come off as a ~tough hood gurl~? She's so embarrassing.
No. 579852
File: 1526079495961.png (206.68 KB, 633x837, ThatCatGotSass-180511.png)

>>579615That cat got sass!
No. 580229
File: 1526129469051.png (117.46 KB, 1080x558, 20180512_135005.png)

Why the fuck are her feet growing as a grown ass woman? This is not normal.
No. 584120
File: 1526426786845.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180516-002549.png)

>can I speak to the manager please
No. 584786
File: 1526477283568.jpg (230.21 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180516_142450.jpg)

Why does she look like an emo boy?
No. 584803
File: 1526479103085.jpg (21.6 KB, 400x400, moMKglI7_400x400.jpg)

She looks a bit like a budget anorexic version of wrestler Peyton Royce
No. 585029
File: 1526493744216.jpg (228.11 KB, 962x866, Screenshot_20180516-185809.jpg)

This is the face of a 21 year old..
No. 585906
File: 1526541766771.png (68.61 KB, 206x194, marra.png)

Marra Fae/Succubus Sin/Aurora Dragonfly
Alright, so I've been sitting on this one for a while.
Started out ok enough, followed in Instagram, got into drama, went on a social media hiatus for 6 months, returns and just jesus fuck.
Since her return has become incredibly narcissistic, refers to herself in the third person/Her person of a Succubus speaking about the Human Girl Marra, and has begun charging people to be added to her social medias, not because she posts nudes or shoots or anything, just for the 'privilege and honor' of being able to see her day to rambling of grandeurs of delusion.
Claims her new goal in life is to become a famous porn star
Which, yay for goal setting or whatever, but will then claim that because black girl/white guy porn doesn't get enough love, will be a struggle, as opposed to her over-estimation of her looks (Yeah, she kinda cute, but not THAT cute) and those unfortunate horse teeth.
Daily gems include such qoutes as:
“I am just so enchanted by my own reflection. I just smiled at myself and I was like “Omg, I see why so many people want to fuck me.”
and the whole succubus thing? Yeah, she really takes it seriously. Like, really seriously.
No. 585908
>>584786Her tattoos are so funny to me. She has so many dumb word ones like "Moon Child, Brat, and Good Girl" What does the words on her bicep tattoo say? "Your…?"
>>584803I see it anon. Perfect example of what she could have looked like if she had taken better care of herself.
No. 587261
File: 1526647746693.png (965.14 KB, 1057x1854, 20180518_134537.png)

Pumpys bf.
Holy baby legs manlet. Does this man have any redeeming features?
He's the cliché "I'm short with a small dick so I'm gonna lift loads of weights, but only with my arms".
No. 587295
File: 1526652533152.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1543, 20180518_150813.png)

>>587277He's supposedly a gym instructor..
Also his chest and back have got nasty spots all over em.
No. 589606
File: 1526848285941.png (946.38 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180520-212937.png)

Holy God she looks awful.
The fear and loathing in last Vegas vibes are too much
No. 589609
File: 1526848374337.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180520-212924.png)

The lips were a dreadful mistake.
No. 589618
File: 1526848708825.jpg (833.89 KB, 4096x2730, IMG_20180520_213719.jpg)

Her poor armpit is all irritated to top it all off, maybe not lift your arm up next time.
No. 591029
>>590655That's considered cowtipping.
Don't worry anon, she'll manage to sabotage this relationship without any help from us, and she's never going to make the money she made at her peak.
No. 592755
File: 1527169600931.png (Spoiler Image,675.15 KB, 1080x1667, 20180524_144531.png)

Pumpys bfs dick in all its glory. And she's tiny so this is a good perspective for him. Yikes.
She's gonna slam the fuck outta him for it when they're over.
No. 593749
File: 1527272549722.png (161.33 KB, 1080x937, 20180525_192103.png)

>>592802Her dumbass "bf" seems to have a phobia of ass lol.
Imagine caring if other people wanna partake in buttstuff. Get a life.
No. 593809
>>593769I don't think it is.
>>575315Clearly he has issues.
No. 594213
File: 1527319136101.jpeg (201.54 KB, 750x1069, 2BE7C769-5629-4ABD-83C7-DA7C84…)

>>593749 Yeah I noticed it was a shitty attempt to try be relevant yet got like 4 likes. Such popular vlogger
No. 595368
File: 1527454800182.jpg (789.35 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180527-215741_Ins…)

Wow pumpers looking like some greasy teenage boy.
No. 595555
File: 1527470873328.png (77.03 KB, 580x615, faecow.png)

>>595330she had a full-on twitter breakdown today. what do you have to be stressed about???? you have thousands of thirsty orbiters paying your bills, shut the fuck up.
No. 595825
File: 1527508954267.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.42 KB, 750x557, IMG_20180528_130135.jpg)

I'm frightened
No. 595831
>>595580Lmao, do you remember what she was saying? Wish I had seen it to cap it.
>>595330>Think she's hot shit because she takes an illegal drug that makes her lactateWhatdafuck.jpeg
No. 596087
File: 1527538213432.jpg (92.09 KB, 1080x735, Screenshot_20180528-210942_Twi…)

Pumpy doing a Shay with the whole "your dad" thing.
No. 596090
File: 1527538284442.jpg (151.18 KB, 1080x1108, Screenshot_20180528-210933_Twi…)

Being a hostile bitch and scaring away fans. Fantastic work!
No. 596222
File: 1527549133764.jpg (73.07 KB, 500x900, wot.jpg)

> I am a whole eighty pounds and that makes me super healthy, dont make fun of my weight!What kills me is she has made fun of other for being overweight. Remember when she made fun of a girl on her snapchat for having a big booty and wearing small shorts? Hell its documented she has made fun of Emily Lynn for her weight.She even tweeting jabbing there is no such thing as big hip bones but then retweets body positivity with a picture of a bigger girl.
I can't even with her.
No. 596247
>>596222She's pretty fucking stupid to think 80lbs is a healthy weight. She's doesn't have big hip bones, she's fucking 80lbs, of course they're going to stick out.
Come back when you're at least 100lbs pumpers. (And that's still the lowest end of healthy weight)
No. 596431
File: 1527565843293.jpeg (Spoiler Image,91.56 KB, 987x742, BFC2A39C-401D-4F86-ACB2-CDCB96…)

>>596222To be fair she only has big hip bones when she’s sucking in anymore. Here’s an example, when she’s not paying attention this is her normal posture and stomach.
No. 597488
File: 1527684214893.jpg (122.64 KB, 1080x686, Screenshot_20180530-134116_Twi…)

Pumpers managed to say treat pornstars as people whilst only referring to them as a sex object in the same damn tweet.
She's something special.
No. 597985
File: 1527720784691.jpg (124.48 KB, 1080x843, Screenshot_20180530-235022_Fac…)

Lol this delusional bitch, no normal folk actually know who you are.
Plus most people still refer to her as pumpkin spice.
No. 603947
>>596247I remember watching her on cam once where she was talking about her weight. She makes it seem like its really hard for her to gain weight but she thinks eating 1800 calories a day is A LOT of food.
Bitch is just too dumb to eat.
No. 604770
File: 1528420415623.png (88.8 KB, 634x764, dfdfhgdfh.png)

She wants members to pay to get into her room and watch her do nothing.
No. 604775
File: 1528420844085.png (103.5 KB, 633x890, Screenshot (53).png)

No. 604776
File: 1528421078253.png (83.79 KB, 624x608, fghfghbn.png)

She thinks she can go on twitch and get a better audience. She is in for a rude awakening.
No. 604832
File: 1528424328736.jpg (104.1 KB, 900x1200, DfH2jqwX0AAPkZJ.jpg)

Would like to finish talking about Big Lotte's new tongue? WTF!!?? Why did she think this was a good idea??
No. 605182
File: 1528472553171.jpg (520.54 KB, 1779x690, lotte_crazy.jpg)

Charms claimed to have had an autistic meltdown in public. The tweets are probably out of order but this should give you the gist of it.
No. 605310
>>605182Wtf is she actually talking about. As someone who truly does have proper diagnosed cptsd from actual traumatic issues in my childhood I just want to holler from laughter at this bitch. When has she EVER experienced any sort of real abandonment?! It actually seems quite the opposite for her, she is so taken care of that it's become detrimental. She is literally the most entitled cunt I have ever seen! I'm assuming ppl(her followers)don't believe that she is actually diagnosed with all of what she says. At least I hope.
I wonder if she is one of those people that just hops from doctor to doctor, telling them different stories and acting a certain way each time. When they tell her there are no signs of the things she wants to be diagnosed with she's on to the next.
The fact that someone with a supposed list of pretty severe mental/emotional issues that usually interrupt an individuals life especially financially has her own house she is getting renovated, had a car she just totalled and will have a new one asap, has loads of pets to take care of, modifies her body monthly in various different ways, smokes weed everyday, orders takeout 100% of the time and buys the stupidest shit like plushies etc. BUT DOES NOT WORK should be a giant red flag to everybody. There is absolutely no hope for her and I feel terrible for some reason.
No. 605371
File: 1528485947890.jpg (Spoiler Image,206.44 KB, 941x705, 20180605_150342.jpg)

Zoidberg (Megan) has actually started camming again
No. 605379
File: 1528486169936.jpg (Spoiler Image,194.63 KB, 945x685, 20180605_150236.jpg)

No. 605380
File: 1528486203598.jpg (Spoiler Image,264.33 KB, 952x714, 20180605_150549.jpg)

No. 605381
File: 1528486254694.jpg (Spoiler Image,216.01 KB, 940x705, 20180605_150137.jpg)

No. 605382
File: 1528486302306.jpg (Spoiler Image,475.91 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_08062018_1503_MyFre…)

Would it kill her to find a bra that fits?
No. 605636
>>605182>explain to my long time SO when I have a panic attack…So her and Mike are back together again officially?
>>605310No joke. The part where she straight up said, "I collect diagnosis like girl scout badges tbh". It's pretty obvious she's basically a mental illness munchie at this point and trying to make a living off it too?
No. 605759
File: 1528523855705.png (916.63 KB, 1192x1256, bestfiends.png)

So she's still got a sugar daddy somehow.
No. 605881
File: 1528548141695.jpg (217.63 KB, 947x718, 20180605_150256.jpg)

>>605407It's like her whole body and facial features are messed up. Still not convinced she doesn't have FAS.
No. 605882
File: 1528548219463.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.69 KB, 600x400, IMG_20180604_180550.jpg)

She is shaped like a roast chicken
No. 605883
File: 1528548270410.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.38 KB, 1038x2048, IMG_20180604_220010.jpg)

State of pumpy trying to sell this horrendous picture.
No. 605901
>>605883please please please let this just be bad lighting and not her nipples darkening because of pregnancy
do not let the cryptid breed
No. 606203
File: 1528579610084.jpg (108.25 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20180602_213916.jpg)

She looks like a washed up sea creature with those lips and dodgy contacts.
No. 606224
File: 1528581747599.jpg (248.68 KB, 943x717, 20180605_150457.jpg)

>>606219Id say her face in her natural state is retarded but ok. She's finally packed Tumblr in but still says some dumb shit on twitter occasionally. Her "bf" is insufferable and pushing his beliefs and shit on her, why she grew a bit of a bush and now goes on about how much she hates anal.
Like great advertisement for those anal videos you sell.
No. 606234
File: 1528582119165.jpg (151.26 KB, 1080x1192, Screenshot_20180605-135019_Chr…)

I lurked a bit the other day and only 1 bloke tipped her, a few times and then she fucked off in private with someone else and this was his reaction.
It was funny but fuck she's bad at this.
No. 606239
>>606227It's hard to feel bad for a terrible human being but I get it, she's only just turned 22 and realised she has to actually go on cam lol. To actually make a proper income without another job is gonna be hard, she's a nobody in the camming world.
If she's still in London idk who the fuck is paying, London is ridiculously expensive.
No. 606694
File: 1528628234228.jpg (183.11 KB, 1080x653, 20180610_115318.jpg)

Bitch, what?
No. 606712
>>606382>She genuinely had a cute little body in her earlier tumblr daysNah, she's been a ham from day one. Girl's just savvy with photoshop and knows what angles work for her weird cello body.
>>606694Someone please tell her to stop talking about things she's too stupid to understand.
No. 606876
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>>606694she sounds like a stupid child trying to engage in political conversations at the dinner table
No. 607867
File: 1528750284477.png (44.22 KB, 584x145, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at 1.48…)

>>606954She's sooo autistic right now, and having big autism meltdowns after a lifetime of interacting with people just fine (besides her BPS manipulative ish)
Charms brags about making a ~real friend uwu~, even with all her autisms! See, this can be her Favorite Person now because they don't know anything about her sex work or previous drama or how awful she is - yet. And this is very exciting in BPD land. Fresh meat for manipulating!
No. 607869
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>>607867And her sugar daddy is apparently paying to fix the fake boobs she fucked up the last time by not wearing her support garments and gaining a fuckton more weight
New boobs, next summer
No. 607871
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>>607869She's still recovering from getting her tongue split, but is apparently bored now that she isn't camming and scamming, so she's gonna film a YouTube video doing her makeup.
I wonder if she'll have a speech impediment after this tongue thing heals?
No. 607877
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>>607871Guys, you can't even imagine what it was like for her, growing up as a wealthy Jewish American Princess who was given anything she wanted by her busy parents, and ruled an army of weeby gothic lolita fans online! Her abuse was so terrible, she can't remember a thing before the age of 16, woe is Charlotte.
To this day, if she told her parents "I really fucked up. Please pay to fix my tongue, remove my face tattoos, and I want to go to real college in Europe" they would sponsor her in an instant and her life would get better. This whole abusive background / fake poverty thing she tries to pull is just insane.
No. 607914
>>607877I'm starting to think her meds are giving her so much temporary brain damage she believes this shit beyond momentary delusion
someone put her down lmfao
No. 607959
>>607871at least she finally shaved that dead rat's nest off her scalp. I remember she used to whinge about how, as a cosmotologist, shaving her head would only make the damage worse and her hair is totes fine, you guys.
too bad the rest of her is damaged beyond belief. her parents need to have her committed. it's not like they don't have the money to ship her off to a nice rehab facility.
No. 607966
File: 1528755216500.jpg (275.25 KB, 2042x1530, IMG_20180611_231340.jpg)

Sup guys, just checking in
No. 608372
>>608123weirdly her hair is not even the most offensive thing to look at in this picture
I know people have compared her and other cows to slid the sloth a million times, but I think stormy and mira are the biggest contenders
No. 608517
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Uh oh
No. 608561
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>>607966She looks like a little lad who loves berries and cream kek
No. 608605
File: 1528816700339.jpg (545.78 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_12062018_1310_MyFre…)

She doesn't even try anymore. Doesn't bother wearing make-up or clothing that doesn't look god awful and unflattering
No. 608643
>>608642She's living alone in London as far as I know.
It's pretty fucking stupid to live in London and not work there, no idea how she's affording it. Even the shittiest apartments in London cost a lot
No. 608690
>>604770I don't get why non-
problematic and successful camgirls haven't turned their backs to pumpy or ignored her, like others have been doing since that MFC drama
By her tweets alone you can tell she's a attention needy kiddo
No. 609431
File: 1528895621943.jpg (Spoiler Image,500.46 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_12062018_1519_MyFre…)

Oh no, those boobs
No. 610842
File: 1529011862874.jpg (105.06 KB, 1039x953, Screenshot_20180614-223019_Chr…)

Your favourite downy is online
No. 610857
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This is so autistic, she's listening to the same song on repeat
No. 610858
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No. 610861
>>610842Someone upthread mentioned Meg used to be skinny and people used to use her pics to catfish. Will someone post these photos?
I'm curious. I just can't picture it and couldn't find anything on Google.