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No. 650320
I haven't been following her as closely lately so I don't have all the latest milk but here's some info from over the years
>Goes by Isibella, real name is Perdita Woodley>Has some family that was a duke or something>Her rich "master" picked her up in a bar in England when she was a teenager and brought her to the states to be his slave>Used to be really down to earth and nerdy, would talk about things like My Little Pony and World of Warcraft>Got a set of huge, horrible looking fake boobs (also lip injections, and some suspect a nose job sometime in there too) and suddenly became obsessed with "glamour" and "luxury" and her "rich life">Since becoming obsessed with portraying this spoiled little rich girl image she refuses to acknowledge her nerdy past >Always posting about how rich and fancy she is, how much she just loooove champagne and caviar and etc.>Always bragging about how she lives in a mansion>Wears circle lenses and animu makeup that make her look fucking creepy>Founded "The Chateau", which she says is "Like Playboy for kitten girls">Puts out a monthly (? not sure if she's still doing it) web zine about The Chateau with poorly photoshopped covers (released a cover that said "May 2015" in November once)>Says The Chateau accepts all models but almost all of them are skinny white girls>Widely reported to play favorites with Chateau models>Many accepted models submitted photosets that never got posted. Isibella, however, constantly continued to post pictures of herself.>When she eventually does post a model's photo they're often low rez and low quality>Bulk orders cheap metal collars from China and resells them for a huge markup as "official Chateau collars">Often says she's the "founder of the kittenplay kink">Brags that her picture is on the Wikipedia page for animal roleplay, but she uploaded it herself (if you look at it it says it was "uploaded by missisibella")>Posted a video on "types of kittens in kittenplay" where she basically said Chateau kittens were better/more elegant than other types of kittens (most of which she made up anyway)>Sadposts a lot about how her master not giving her enough attention>Her master at one point collared another girl instead of her>Her master has been known to flirt with/possibly harass other girls online>Goes by master's last name, no one's quite sure if theyr'e married or not>Heavily involved with the "vampire community", possibly in a relationship with vampire comunity leader Father Sebastiaan> Has been featured in a few short documentaries about the vampire and kittenplay communties>Friends with known pedo Dahvie VanityLinks: documentary: time posting a thread, hope this came out okay.
No. 650629
File: 1532909391085.jpg (38.18 KB, 588x441, boob.jpg)

>>650320Her boob job looks insane. And this is already year(s) later so it's all healed. I'm not sure what's going on with it. She must have had enough money to go to a good surgeon.
No. 650681
File: 1532915537179.jpg (72.11 KB, 720x960, 20881990_1399670046819778_8675…)

Oh god, I saw her on that VICE documentary on Facebook. She seemed sort of weird but this is promising. of her Facebook profiles. Also pic related is absolutely hilarious.
No. 650708
File: 1532918998268.png (290.72 KB, 357x537, roses_white_by_the_little_skyl…)

There's no way she hasn't had work done on her face. Old pic for comparison.
No. 650738
>>650674maybe this is naive but i don't understand how people like this want to be seen as rich. how does being rich go with the oppressed queer mentally ill victim persona? aren't they worried their peers will guilt trip them or beg them for money or call them privileged?
do you only get a pass for being rich if you're a whore because you're sticking it to those white cis johns by taking their money?
i just don't get it because tumblrinas i've seen usually hate rich people, and if they're rich themselves they hide it and project onto others.
No. 650761
File: 1532923688552.png (458.82 KB, 1293x745, chrome_2018-07-29_23-04-47.png)

>>650320>Brags that her picture is on the Wikipedia page for animal roleplay, but she uploaded it herself HA
No. 650783
>>650761Why in God’s name would she choose
that picture to post on the wiki page?!
No. 650821
File: 1532930848880.png (4.23 MB, 2404x1266, Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 11.0…)

This is what she thinks a mansion is? Hahahahaha
No. 650826
File: 1532931432163.png (430.48 KB, 552x674, Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 11.1…)

>>650629Oof if she has all this money to blow on surgery why the hell doesn't she fix her nasty teeth? Or at the very least get a fake one put in where she's missing a tooth, yikes.
No. 650844
File: 1532933194299.webm (5.49 MB, 1080x720, [hd] Madame Isibella - The Cha…)
This hurts to watch
No. 650852
File: 1532933339736.jpg (72.46 KB, 960x720, 350.jpg)

she charges $350 for these tacky things
No. 650856
File: 1532933794154.jpg (127.76 KB, 960x960, 23231569_1953127394948829_6159…)

Pic dump of one of her Chateau "magazines".
Shitty shopped cover
No. 650857
File: 1532933843281.jpg (101.3 KB, 960x960, 23319129_1953127544948814_7750…)

"Vampurrs", a term she completely made up
No. 650858
File: 1532933903537.jpg (115.9 KB, 960x960, 23434762_1953127368282165_2679…)

"Adopted lovingly by the community" meaning her and her stans only, not anyone in the bigger scene
No. 650859
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No. 650860
File: 1532933959870.jpg (161.44 KB, 960x960, 23316306_1953127341615501_2058…)

Flat dumpy kitten girl asses
No. 650861
File: 1532934026683.jpg (70.87 KB, 960x960, 23231465_1953127301615505_8610…)

Metal collar ordered in bulk from China, engraved with their logo and some shitty "crystals" glued on and sold for $200
No. 650875
File: 1532935462100.png (52.66 KB, 362x403, chrome_2018-07-30_02-22-49.png)

>>650869I think some are red and some are black. Looks awful.
$600 for a gold plated steel collar from China with cheap jewels glued to it. This bitch is delusional.
No. 650952
>>650708She looks like a completely different person now, freaky…
She used to be somewhat down to earth before her boob job at least. It was pretty sudden too because I thought she was happy with her body before. Maybe her master was checking out bustier girls and it made her self conscious?
No. 651303
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>>650688She's obviously not with the same guy anymore but rip
No. 651367
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>>650844Unico deserves so much better than this
No. 651468
>>650320Known about this girl for a while, mostly because she grew up somewhat close to me. She used to be very nerdy and quite down to earth but now seems very pompous and way too into the bubbly for someone who is "with child".
Her master used to/ works for Nasa, which explains her source of money, since I believe she isn't close to her family anymore.
Can't really hate on her figure because she's pretty qt, but I remember from a previous youtube vid that she got her lung punctured during her boob job, so couldn't have been that expensive..
No. 651745
File: 1533019666212.png (8.21 KB, 294x110, chrome_2018-07-31_01-47-29.png)

The official Chateau Tumblr is a fucking mess.
Also lmao @ the inspirational quote in their sidebar
No. 651755
File: 1533020242349.jpg (90.08 KB, 515x820, 000541fc-a5dd-df48-0383-f1f051…)

>>650629Bras don't even sit right on her because her boobs are so fucked up and high up on her chest
No. 651812
>>651755Wtf is that eyebrow jesus
>>651766She looks like an uglier Frank Wolf
No. 651835
File: 1533026200949.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.95 KB, 439x610, 08735245.jpg)

It's a shame because she used to be kind of cute before she was made of plastic
No. 651852
File: 1533028066264.jpg (30.51 KB, 480x360, michaels.jpg)

>>650821Not to nitpick, but it is a cute looking house.
I could see why a woman who never grew up in a privileged background would think it's like a mansion.
>>650852I've seen the same tea set charms at Michael's. I bought them for a crafting gift for a whole $3, iirc.
Gosh you can even see the glue behind those rhinestones.
No way those headbands are costing her over $20 each. Whoever's buying these and those collars are directly funding her little retreat out in Colorado.
No. 651879
File: 1533032251564.png (172.93 KB, 1035x549, 2018-07-31_05-16-18.png)

>>651495They're like $40 on Chinese wholesale sites like Aliexpress and DHGate. Cheaper when bought in bulk.
The "crystals" are acrylic.
No. 651886
>>651875If you google her real name you can find information about her family, I believe her dad is a baron.
Her brother also has his own page on the rational wiki, apparently he's an alt-right pseudoscientist who's published several racist and sexist papers. Real charming family.
No. 651898
File: 1533035008302.png (40.72 KB, 385x169, id__by_angelpapillon.png)

>>650687Going through her old DeviantArt is so bizarre. She was just a kid, saying things like XD all the time and w00t, signing things XxXxPerdyxXxX, writing shitty emo poetry and random journal entries and drawing shitty anime art. She was just a kid. In one of her journals she said she "wasn't cut out to be an aristocrat, nor do I ever want to be one."
So strange and sad to see what she's become.
No. 651919
File: 1533036531625.png (8.38 KB, 445x168, chrome_2018-07-31_06-27-14.png)

I'm not 100% sure what this means but I think it says the company she owns/represents is delinquent on their taxes? Hmm
Maybe another anon can clarify
No. 651939
>>651303Here's what I've gathered from following her loosely for years and reading around on Tumblr.
Her master is Daniel, the guy who took her to the US when she was young. She and Daniel were together I believe since she was 18, so around 2006-2007. The house she lives in is Daniel's.
She also has another master, Giovanni, who she's posted about on various social medias.
After years of being with Daniel she got sick of him being too poly and fucking around with god knows how many other girls they broke up 1-2 years ago.
A bit after this time she was involved with Father Sebastiaan from the vampire community. They hinted they were going to get married but had a falling out and broke up.
She started seeing this guy Logan. Not sure how long they were together but they're broken up now. Some speculate Father Sebastiaan broke up with her because she was fucking around with Logan while seeing him.
She's possibly back with Daniel now, but I'm not sure if it's been confirmed, but there's been some hints that they may have married. She is still living in his house.
A few months ago Daniel said she was pregnant. Most assumed Daniel must be the father since he's the one who first posted about it, but since she was with Father Sebastiaan and Logan shortly before then it's anyone's guess as to who the father really was.
She ended up miscarrying, however.
No. 652152
>>651939Any idea of who Voltaire is? She's sad/anger posted about someone named that on Tumblr but I can't figure out anything past that.
Also jesus, not knowing who's the father. I doubt even she knew considering how cagey she was about it.
No. 652233
>>652225I think it’s that’s Voltaire, I was going through her Instagram and he apparently stayed her the other night. He’s liked a few of their posts too.
Not sure on the drama though.
No. 653335
File: 1533116320926.jpg (366.51 KB, 958x710, 000535f7-52fe-3088-4e61-10f271…)

A lot of the chateau girls are straight up ugly. they're only part of the group because they're personal friends of hers.
No. 655481
File: 1533298860073.jpg (83.93 KB, 668x960, 38135279_2101633620098205_7753…)

Please do not.
No. 655506
>>655481…Why would Americans be on Germany's Got Talent?
Anyway, I hope they accept just for the trainwreck value.
No. 655799
File: 1533325285246.jpg (22.38 KB, 538x277, 1531881209233.jpg)

>>655481>>655515>>655506Oh god I hope they get accepted, I'm ready to see a mess of flabby girls jumping through hoops and rolling around on the ground wearing cheap cat tails
No. 656968
File: 1533446860750.jpg (83.06 KB, 467x582, 251fb531ad54798293e29851bd34d0…)

>>656958If you look at her nose in old pics vs now there's no way she hasn't had a nose job, or else she HEAVILY shoops it
No. 656970
File: 1533447089784.jpg (156.15 KB, 547x820, 0004e0d1-d005-9f82-283a-2ae27c…)

She honestly used to look pretty cute. Shame she's obsessed with looking like a blow up doll now.
No. 656999
File: 1533450475825.png (32.2 KB, 486x435, chrome_2018-08-05_01-26-59.png)

>>656926She says she makes a lot of money with her "businesses" and that she's actually taking care of Daniel (her master/ex/whatever the fuck) now. Hmm.
No. 657022
File: 1533454748505.png (59.25 KB, 533x705, cults.png)

>>650605I saw this on facebook, and it creeped me out, but couldn't put my finger on it… So many questions.
Like, is this a cult? Partyhouses can be dangerous.. When you give people drinks/drugs, a sense of community, and a common interest they love enough.. People will overlook anything bad going on. They get blinded by their naivety and think everything's great. I don't know, maybe it could be all fun and catgirls, but the potential for these girls having their heads fucked with is huge. See: Charles Manson.
What's up with this schizophrenic girl? Is she okay? Jesus.
Why does everyone in her youtube videos look so brainwashed? They've got dead eyes. It's creepy.
And lastly, I wonder if there are any stories from girls who've worked with her. This thread has so much potential, tho.
No. 657030
>>657025The girl at 6:29 said she was schizophrenic and wasn't making a lot of sense.
I don't want to assume it's like that, but from personal experience… When people are
that open and trusting of each other, things are bound to get weird. It seems like a situation that could be very easily manipulated by whoever owns the house.
No. 657734
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new fb pic, what are those extensions
No. 658837
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Isibella without circle lenses
No. 659361
File: 1533715082813.jpg (137.31 KB, 1080x1349, 36906381_900557366802787_67356…)

Seriously, what is wrong with her face? It looks so tiny and weird compared to the rest of her freakishly portioned body. Maybe it's just all the shooping she does.
No. 659362
File: 1533715683592.jpg (46.2 KB, 640x713, catgirls.jpg)

>>659359 Oh makes sense then ! I only have this one pic because it was impossible to take pictures inside the other bar.
Nothing to say about them except the kinda cringy cat talk and half of them were barely dressed but nothing too weird for LA. I remember seeing two blond girls and thinking the one with the doughy face was probably Isibella, the other one was a real cutie.
To anyone feeling jelly of their lifestyle : their dudes were the typical goth dude with cheap top hat trying to pretend they look galant. To each their own though.
No. 659370
>>659365Yeah I get what you mean. Which is extra funny too because there's so many rich people around LA, after a while you can easily spot who's extra flexing and who's not.
I don't think Isibella was looking terrible but as a whole they definitely didn't look anything close to elegant. At best they looked on their way back from a burlesque show and at worst just a bunch of cheap hookers.
I think she at least had some sort of overlay robe so there's that.
No. 659406
File: 1533724528570.png (904.64 KB, 680x1011, pastelmaycover.png)

In case anyone doesn't know lolcow's favorite ABDL dumpster fire Binkie Princess used to be involved with this
No. 659945
File: 1533770064096.png (289.73 KB, 996x847, woof.png)

i joined their facebook group, it's p milky. some girl was getting straight up roasted today
No. 660012
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My favorite Binkie picture she did with the chateau, when she was still pastel quartz.
Very unsettling to me.
No. 660806
>>660766>>660463>>660415Can we not derail the thread into vegan hatred of animal products? I have no idea why anti-furs and vegans are like this, but no, not everyone agrees with you and your personal preferences.
Anyway, can anyone get some more caps from that group? I'm sure there's a lot there.
No. 660856
File: 1533857447893.png (Spoiler Image,553.88 KB, 540x738, is 05.png)

no one ever needed to see this and i need bleach for my eyeballs now
No. 660861
File: 1533857618591.png (Spoiler Image,638.3 KB, 499x811, gross.png)

>>660316ewwwwwww. no one cares
>>660806it's just a bunch of fugly girls posting selfies, unending posts on where to buy cat ears, and pics of isabutta's tits, but they're all dumb as hell so it's kinda hilarious
(reposted for spoiler)
No. 660862
File: 1533857688207.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.03 KB, 798x960, 17022319_1216216111831840_5924…)

her eyes are creepin me out in this one
No. 660864
File: 1533857971374.jpg (18.01 KB, 320x320, touchy.jpg)

Is she bi or something? Or is she just an awful queerbaiting type?
She's always naked around these kittens and acting like she enjoys them, but I've heard she's just straight. I really can't stand when women are "lesbian" for a photo and so she can make money off the thirsty male "masters" that subscribe to her site.
That shit is really not helping the depiction of female only couples. Making it seem like lesbian or bi girls desperately want men to watch them kiss or in intimate moments leads to their entitlement or even shows that straight women will be "bi for a man" if coerced. Straight men are also never expected to pose all gay for the sake of women and would outright refuse. I bet her master would never get in a bath naked with some man and it's one-sided.
No. 662352
Right, jeez, where do I begin….
So last October a few of my friends and I decided to purchase the vampire ball tix to see one of our friends performing. One of the guys in our group actually traveled like 4 fucking hours flying in to NOLA to attend.. so anywho all was well until we got to the venue (we all had the VIP tix), got in and were allowed to go upstairs since we had permission to, paying more and such.
Out of nowhere a bunch of annoying girls dressed up as cats, smelling like cheap strong alcohol and followed by a bunch of creepy rapist looking men arrived to the place where the vampire ball thing was happening, rushed to the back stage area and were generally being an embarrassment. They were loud as hell and simply didn't fit in. Really childish, meowing, afke making out with each other, fucking cringy. We decided to go down to get some air and distance from this shit for a few and when we returned, we were told that we couldn't go up because there was no more room. So these low class prostitutes were up there taking our spot (that we PAID for) and we had to watch from the back of the crowd. All because the main cat prostitute fucks the guy who put the vampire party together. Everyone was talking about it. We were so fucking pissed we started randomly talking and ranting to this guy who apparently knows Sebastian (ive seen his pictures on lots of these event pages) and he spilled so much tea….lol omg
Ok so from what he said apparently the main blonde bimbo has been manipulating sebastian for years using his money, fakes drama on social media to get attention (ya'll know the recent fake miscarriage etc etc). this guy also informed me that the girls around isibella are actually prostitutes. They put up a "we're just models" front and legit get paid to just sleep around. and wearing tail ass plugs… thanks to alcohol for making this guy talk so much, at one point my friends and I just stayed quiet and let him rant on.
He also told us that he went up to sebastians hotel room or something and was hearing him and isibella fucking, like really loudly. this girl basically leaches on guys who have some money to take advantage of them. at least that's what her own people/vampire ball people are saying. this guy also told us that sebastian is a douche and i kinda have to agree.. we saw him ordering people around rudely like they were his slaves, we cringed so much.. this group is just all sorts of retarded. never attending any of these cringe events ever again, fuck them
also we paid extra for the tickets for the next night event too, and when we got to the venue it was literally a bunch of cokehead looking people tying each other up in middle of the dance floor and was taken over 100% by the cat girls. we stayed for like 1 hour and had to leave.. it was fucking horrible. one of the cat girls bumped into me all drunk and gave me the dirtiest look then went to the isibella girl and started talking about me like a fucking highschool kid.
these people are mentally challenged.
No. 662360
Oh and apparently this is Perdita Woodley's brother. How fucking charming..LOL no wonder she doesn't use her real name.
Wiki:"Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie is a HBD pseudoscientist who published sexist and racist papers at the London Conference on Intelligence"
No. 662390
>>651886Also she claims to be royalty from the UK, which she is not. Correct that her father is a Baron, which.. lol Baron is the lowest rank of the British peerage, standing beneath Duke, marquess, earl and viscount - with Duke being the highest.
Now she more recently claims to be an almost celebrity in the US which of course she isn't, she's a z-list Denver socialite (with a small online following) at most. Being recognized by a group of girls who watched your vice "documentary" doesn't mean shit.
No. 662391
>>662388yes that Jesus you people know your shit lol
We didn’t stay long enough to see anything more than their dumb tying each other shit as they were being photographed by some amateur rapist looking photographer guy. The whole event was just a photoshoot for these girls and we paid so much attending thinking it’ll be a good event
No. 662475
>>662352Hah, thanks for the milk. Yeah, Sebastian comes off as a douchebag in that Vice documentary, so I'm not surprised that he acts like a dick towards his group. Why does he even have any influence again? What surprises me is that he's getting manipulated by Isibella according to this testimony - even though now they're supposedly broken up… But it lasted for years, right? Like, what does anyone see on her? She looks and behaves so fake… Probably fakes orgasms too, heh.
Also, yeah, we've suspected here that the kitten girls are actually prostitutes, not just models. Quite sad, when some of them suffer from severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. It's probable they're being exploited. Is Isabella actually their pimp who finds their clients for them? And what is the role of that partner of hers, who owns the house? Do you have any more info about that?
No. 662655
>>662360I mentioned this in
>>651886 but didn't post the link because you're not really supposed to bring family into this.
No. 662699
File: 1534072985878.webm (2.86 MB, 1280x720, 38662804_147915129407989_84269…)
I do not understand how they think this is an acceptable way to act in public. They're so embarrassing.
No. 663043
>>662816yes the singers name is Dahvie Vanity and there are pictures of her and him together calling him her best friend and shit. The guy has assaulted young girls
someone posted a link or a photo of that in this whole thread but I cant find it unfortunately
No. 664296
>>664288The full thing is on, if anyone's willing to spare the $3 and record it
No. 666282
>>662375omg, she doesn't even clap. i know she's just sitting there but the vibe of this video this makes me hate her so much
>>664804>>664836anon, is this bait?
No. 700198
File: 1538230364996.png (442.7 KB, 969x485, chrome_2018-09-29_09-10-04.png)

Found a shop from Norway selling the exact same "custom made just for The Chateau" ears as her, further proving she's full of shit and most likely just bought them in bulk from China and sold them at a huge markup.
No. 722775
File: 1540741064418.png (2.32 MB, 1440x2318, Screenshot_2018-10-24-21-19-18…)

Hand crafted by our queen.
Yours for $350.
No. 723671
Do people actually buy these or
No. 725723
File: 1541218005332.png (8.69 MB, 1242x2208, 8276B3CE-A847-4A8A-A7C6-737B33…)

That moment when she edits her flat ass so much that the straight mirror handle bends. Bad editing gives me cancer..
No. 726093
>>722775>>725786remember when she claimed that one of her associates was a metalsmith. i actually believed her. she showed some tools and some guy was around them. well, some time later she did show some collars that couldve been made cheaply by the metalsmith guy. I get the impression that she wanted something grand but didnt have the funds. she probably did order from alibaba and then had the guy go over it. this sums up isibella failing. she has all these plans but then wants too much so nothing gets done. after that first catgirl group became famous i think she felt overshadowed. so now she has to be first/get her cut first and its not working. she should go back to standing on the sides. she should have enough money for real gear now. people buy what she has because they want to be apart.
what happened to roseblood manor. remember them?
No. 726185
File: 1541291695443.png (10.63 MB, 1242x2208, D6B6B15B-2E49-4CDE-A3AD-B4BAFC…)

Aaaaaand unedited. Fuck. Me.
No. 726293
>>725864supposedly its a legit site that started off as a wrestling channel. I would sub but I cant find show listing. like, how do you know if its a scam or not or if its a show you want to watch.
>>726185okay, so have we confirmed if she prostitutes. we dont really know who funded the chateau at first. when she left her boyfriend/husband/platonic whatever– thats when she started behaving like a prostitute. I cant figure out if she is just living her dream or is this a cash grab.
No. 734591
>>733764Yes, I've met her and hung out with her plenty of times. She's into cringe stuff and thrives on attention, but she's a very nice person. I actually felt bad for her because she's stuck with her disgusting, middle aged "Master" who takes care of her financially and keeps her housed. Plus he benefits off of her by her bringing in endless amounts of girls he gets to ogle, hit on, and occasionally fuck. She's trapped with him until she can find someone better.
He buys her nice things, gets her new pets when the old neglected ones die, etc. but with that he exerts control over her. She looks bimbo-ish but she is smarter than she looks, and is kind hearted, so I do like her. Don't like her master.
No. 735667
>>734072She says she doesn't like them but she sure does enjoy flaunting them when she wants to show off how fancy she thinks she is, being "royalty" and all.
>>734591She claims allllll the time that she has her own money and works for it, plus she likes to flaunt that she comes from an affluent upbringing. Either she's lying her ass off about that (and we know for a fact her family is rich, so…) or she's not stuck with shit.
No. 742337
>>742318iirc father sebastian had been accused of similar stuff before and also has a history of scammy/stealing peoples stuff and things like that
i think he was one of the people michelle belanger talked about distancing herself from because of the allegations but i cant be sure
No. 742348
>>742337I'm a fucking newbie to this so if anyone is interested in opening a thread on the vampire community and such, please do!!!! it doesn't have to start as informative as this one, others can always add. seems like
lots of people have something to say about them….. including me
No. 756174
>>653335They all look like trannies.
Isibella really is the poor man's Kato, as another anon mentioned. Why are all these BDSM people fucking nutcases? Yikes.