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No. 4790
Second edition!
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.
>>2 should only be used for technical issues and suggestions (can't load site, site slow, bugs, site feature requests). This thread is for non-technical issues.
No. 4859
there's literal cp in /ot/ that hasn't been removed for hours, i've reported and hidden the thread (i'm sure i'm not the only one who has either) but it's still there and i don't know how mods could miss it
No. 4860
>>4859I've reported and hidden it too and it's still there after multiple hours.
Come on, mods, what the fuck.
No. 4863
>>4861>>4858i agree. it seems like its the same anon replying to anyone who has the nerve to discuss the munchiness. and after many people have told the anon not to police the discussion, every single time the anon responds to clog up the thread with her screeching.
there are many new posters in that thread, can't sage, and whiteknight like crazy. i think the thread might have been posted in other sites because it doesn't seem normal imho. i don't know what should be done to the thread to stop the fighting and the arguing.
No. 4889
>>4888I second this!
It's a free site and the farmhands aren't getting paid, I'm not sure what people expect. New year's day and the polish shit was gone in a few hours, I think that's pretty good.
No. 4891
Yeah, I just came back from vaycay and realized I was banned from posting because of unpopular comments I made in the Melanie Martinez thread.
Your ban implied I didn't have any other posts associated with the IP, which is wrong because I not only posted prior the comment that got me banned, but after as well in the same thread. I was also posting about SHINee in the celeb gossip thread at the same time about Moon Boy's suicide.
After being on this site for a while, that because 3 little babies can't handle my opinion and call me a robot, you side with them and ban me on what basis?
Like, what guidelines are you using to determine if someone's a robot and more importantly, my comments weren't anything better or worse than other comments made earlier in the thread, and actually contributed to the topic , not just a circlejerk of "omg no one cares, must be a robot", and I was the one who got burned?
I wrote this back in the appeals comment, but you guys need to be transparent about this shit, because not only are you wrong on me being guy/robot, you're wrong on the IP tracking as well.
This /r9k/ boogeyman shit is getting annoying. It's no better than their autistic screeching about gender posting
No. 4904
>>4903Because no one else cares but you. No one else is making a fuss derailing threads because an anon said jap. That is the only reason words become banned.
You're okay with terms like 'newfag' and 'oldfag' which is a completely normal term on here but 'jap' goes too far?
No. 4905
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I barely post here, due to real life commitments, but here goes.
People have accused lolcow of irrelevant, malicious and vendetta threads. The point of lolcows has never been to single out a person due to personality traits that deviate from normal, but due to bad behavior and outrageous responses by them. This is how I see a lolcow, as a person that is secretly being laughed out due to the outrageous behavior and their compulsive need to be correct no matter what and thus provide laughs at their own expense.
For example, the Penny Underbust thread is a wild-ride. Sure, she is a freaky fetish model who has no education and lives in nippon. In other words, chances are that is the only way she can make money. Yet the thread is 100% focused on how she has a freaky fetish body and as a plus size woman, can not have an eating disorder. I've followed Penny for a few years, and while she is weird, all there is to her is that she's an uneducated person who does fetish modelling to pay the bills but seems to loathe herself for the path she chose. You can find a dime a dozen of those in everyday life, no big deal.
Considering the Martina BIG thread was banned, who is a similar style fetish model who spouts just as weird fetish shit, why is the Penny Underbust thread allowed to exist?
I like the current admin, from my interactions with her, she seems very levelheaded and listens. I have no problem with the staff in general. I just wish the rules and guidelines enforced would stay consistent and stupid threads that offer no real content other than gawking would be taken care of. It was a refreshing thing to see Momo's thread be moved back into snow, it had derailed into variations of "wow, she is so fat, what a small head!".
tldr i dislike lolcows rule enforcing inconsistency
No. 4906
>>4904Context. "Newfag" is not used to mock gay people or people's perceived sexuality.
In the comment I cited, "japs" is used to mock Japanese people. Is this not race-baiting?
No. 4908
>>4905We would have to close /snow/ altogether with this logic. What makes Penny so much more special than every other flake? The only 'banned subjects' are the ones you'll see in the rules.
>>4906>>4907Slurs are allowed for the most part, unless they derail threads. You must be new to image board culture.
Race baiting would be "stupid japs are all pedophiles" trying to provoke a response.
No. 4909
>>4908My point being, that a lot of "snowflakes" are no more than personal vendetta and it would be nice to have a smaller but higher quality catalogue. My view of the matter is not the only one, nor am I claiming it to be the only right one.
It would be interesting to know how is the enforcement of the rule 6 and 6.1 enforced and how it's application to a thread decided?
>6. Do not post about someone who doesn't have any drama simply because you personally dislike them. (vendetta posting)>6.1 Do not post vendetta threads in the direct or indirect guise of a self-post, by impersonating someone you have a grudge against. No. 4914
>>4911>>4913/int/ is being closed and some of the threads there are being moved to /ot/. Please see
Those threads are the only foreign language threads allowed in /ot/ or anywhere else. International users are not allowed to post in non-English languages outside of those specific threads.
No. 4916
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There's an issue with the cosplay uggo thread, the preview posts are fine but some posts will go missing when you load up the thread. Can this be fixed please?
No. 4917
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No. 4927
>>4922dark blue = they saged
green = they didn't sage
green followed by light blue
farmhand = moderator
green followed by any non-green colorAdmin = Admin (but Admin might also post via ##farmhand tag)
>>4924this is where ghost banning would actually be appropriate, lol
Fuck I can't remember what I came here to bitch about. Answered a question at least, I guess.
No. 4928
>>4927Shit, didn't mean to spoiler.
And I remember now. My bad.
When we report something, if we leave the report blank, does it still go through/is it dealt with? When I'm on mobile I don't feel like typing out a reason for posts where viewing the post should make it instantly obvious why it was reported, but I'll stop half assing it if blank reports are just ignored/not received.
No. 4934
>>4933It amazes me she so consistently has nothing better to do for… what, over a year, now?
But aren't her spergy threads pretty self contained? Maybe I'm just blind but if they aren't bleeding into other content why delete it?
No. 4942
>>4940Fuck I was just coming to see if admin or a farmhand had replied with any input towards banning it because of the poopshaft of BPD b.s. in that exact thread
It's not even good or entertaining speculation ever, it's just projected muh mental illness blogposting.
No. 4964
>>4963I think it's on autosage for some reason.
That's why anons keep bumping the older threads. Go back a few pages or use the catalog and you'll find it. It's been that way since yesterday for me.
No. 4966
>>4964Im assuming its in autosage because there was only pk group drama and not Jill focus. But I think it's back to jill now and mods could consider unautosaging?
I feel like it just did more damage than good since yeah people keep bumping the old threads and getting confused instead. Felt a bit premature imo but eh I'm sure they had fair reasoning
No. 4968
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>>4967There were a few before them, on other boards too. People were also upset to be shoved in a one "gender-critical" thread. Why not let them create as many as they want?
No. 4975
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my friend was banned for 11 WEEKS for not saging in the momo thread right after it got moved to /snow/ momo belongs in /pt/ more than any other cow on that board. To me and everyone else, this is an obvious abuse of power. There was no infighting, no nitpicking, nothing. This decision is absolute bullshit
No. 4978
>>497511 weeks for not saging??????? even if your friend was a repeat abuser of not saging thats a little extreme. especially if it was right after the thread was moved, i think a lot of people didn't even notice it got moved and weren't saging their shit since you can't sage on /pt/
although i would like to see admin's side of this story
No. 4981
>>4977Admin claims that was a 'miscommunication' I honestly think
she made mistake and moved us back to /snow/ and is just being cunty and won't admit it. Like, we talked about moo's thread in the fucking post she posted about no more sage. Like, I cannot for 1 second believe she didn't see the moo threads in pt for 9 days, we've created 2 threads there. She either won't admit
her mistake moving us back to /snow/ or she's pissed about all the callout shit we're doing.
No. 4984
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>>4983So what does that even mean?? That her mistake was moving it back to /snow/ today? Then why not just move it back. This is so bizarre lmao
No. 4986
>>4978Exactly. Especially after the new no sage rule in pt. People were getting used to that and now have to immediately switch back. I think there should be
a little leniency about the saging until people get back into the habit. It's like a clusterfuck right now with the pt rules and staff aren't talking to each other?
No. 4989
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I think we need a town hall meeting for the anons that care enough to get a concise definition of what "infighting", "nitpicking" and "cowtipping" is. We need these written clearly in the rules. If not, let's make a poll. As a main contributor (I know, I know wankfest) of the Momokun thread, I could agree with the first time because it really was a infested mess with summerfags. This time this was a VERY sudden decision on Admin's part and now everyone's confused. We went through 3 threads with nothing BUT milk. The only thing that I could see labeled as provocative was the whole charm debacle that anons decided to make into a project. If that was the issue, then we need a official reason WHY.
No. 4990
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>>4975This is madness.
>>4979Agreed. There's plenty of milk flowing and very little from the other cows. There's no reason for Moo to have been put back on /snow/.
No. 4992
Autosaging for ot or infighting seems incredibly counter productive. Ie. The Jill thread right now is just being shit up more since 'It's already autosaged who cares' logic.
We need explanations as to why things are happening. I agree with
>>4989It feels like we're all being left in the dark and chaos is coming from rules being forced without logical reasoning being explained.
No. 4994
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As a long time lurker, I've never been more confused about the logic behind a lot of these decisions. I imagine the silence from admin and farmhands is because they may be discussing it behind the scenes (if that is a thing)? Even so, they could clarify this just so everyone isn't left in the dark.
Really disappointed with how things are going overall.
No. 4996
>>4988So much this. Cows like Margo, Mira and Kiki haven't had actual milk in ages, and their threads haven't been moved to /snow/. Kiki threads in particular consist in remarks about nasolabial folds, balding etc. Onion threads are milky once every 3-4 months and there's always some infighting going on. And now you tell me that Moo isn't a cow as well?
It's all so strange. Also, if you can ban people for 11 weeks for not saging, you can also ban them for infighting, derailing and nitpicking so it doesn't ruin the thread.
No. 4997
>>4992I agree, autosaging just sends the message of "Do whatever since it doesn't get bumped either way.".
It's also very questionable to tell us to come here and then give 0 answers.
No. 4998
>>4996i know in the past it's been said that cows in /pt/ aren't there because of the quantity of the milk they produce but the type of milk they produce. i don't know what type of milk grants someone a spot on /pt/, i feel like momokun has similar to milk to our queen pixyteri but now she's in /snow/.
definitions definitely needed.
No. 5007
>>5006It's a plausible scenario. It's part of why 4Chan no longer allows 'call out' threads, if I remember correctly, and thus part of why lolcow even exists. Tinfoil away, cause my thoughts were it wasn't an issue till Adrienne Curry got involved in this mess.
Maybe if we tinfoil we'll get an answer. or a ban. but hey. It's an answer either way.
No. 5014
>>5013You said your peace over many posts, you made your point. Harping on the other posters still just makes even more infighting and obscures what you were getting at.
I know this is pissing you off something fierce, fam, but this much stress isn't worth it for anybody.
No. 5015
>>5013Exactly what this anon
>>5014 said.
You're going off on everyone who says different than you in the thread. Take a break from it if it bothers you that much.
No. 5022
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>>5020The Momokun threads will not resolve themselves with site staff swooping in to moderate when they feel like it but disappearing once we actually congregate in /meta/ to fix the problem.
I have been making an effort like other anons to report actual "infighting" (subjective at this point) and off topic discussion but no one has made an effort to delete or discipline. Moving from /pt/ to /snow/ has and did cause negative growth to the thread itself. While issuing different protocols to two different boards might make sense in a moderation aspect, it doesn't make sense to a population of the board who partake in Momokun threads and did cause widespread confusion.
For instance, since moving back to /snow/:
>people (presumably, not a mod so I don't know) getting kicked/banned for not saging when we were in /PT/ before. There was 0 grace period for people to realize the board has moved and that /snow/ is still a sage board. When was the news of the new sage rule going to be a site wide bulletin? /PT/ IS the main board advertised on the front page of the site, yaknow.
>people actually cowtipping because Moo caused a dry spell for herself after the twitter campaign started. This is a usual practice she does to let the dust clear but new fags won't know that.
>Not understanding individual thread culture is the problem. Mariah/Momokun is notorious for stealing from this board when she is feeling especially spicy. We started to watermark certain photoshopped images and "memes" because she's shady. We were warned doing so will advertise our board for newfags. Correct me if I'm wrong but I've seen YOUTUBE DRAMA CHANNELS refer to us (MaskedBabe, HereForTheTea2) and mention us by name on their social media. Are you going to talk to them? A watermark will not affect us if it's us protecting OUR work in the thread.
>reposting up the wazoo; people NOT reading the thread and posting doubles/older content. I could blame newfags or I could blame anons who get trigger happy and want to make fun of Momo for the same shit again. May I suggest we need to make a habit of saying "possible repost" and auto-sage if that is the case so we aren't bubbling up the thread with older material. I'm a offender of this too, I need to learn my own habits. Which brings me to this next tidbit…Is there a definitive reason for not being able to delete posts after a 30 minute window? This also comes with not requesting mods to remove it, as the error message says. Doesn't make sense to me. Tried to search it on here, can't find a answer.
No. 5023
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>>5022That fat porn ad with Moo on it appears so many times it's stupid
And I still don't understand how Admin and farmhands have such bad communication that a thread can be moved from snow to pt, have new threads open, then Admin just swoop in and move the thread without an explanation after 9 days. Also the Admin not willing to take Momo's pic taking habit into account and make compromises on the watermark images is unreasonable too.
No. 5025
>>5022>people (presumably, not a mod so I don't know) getting kicked/banned for not saging when we were in /PT/ before.completely understandable.
>people actually cowtipping because Moo caused a dry spell for herself after the twitter campaign started. The issue was discussed within the staff team and the watermarks were the tipping point.
>Correct me if I'm wrong but I've seen YOUTUBE DRAMA CHANNELS refer to us (MaskedBabe, HereForTheTea2) and mention us by name on their social media. Are you going to talk to them? A watermark will not affect us if it's us protecting OUR work in the thread. We've never appreciated namedropping of any sort, we just expect farmers to know better than to direct newfags onto here. You would be surprised to see how much of derailment and infighting is caused by users who refuse to integrate and read the rules. Again, this is one of the reasons the moo thread was originally moved to /snow/ the first time.
>May I suggest we need to make a habit of saying "possible repost" and auto-sage We tend to discourage spoon feeding milk but reposts are fine if it's relevant to the discussion. It would usually be saged but there is no more sage in /pt/ so users shouldn't be penalized for it.
>Is there a definitive reason for not being able to delete posts after a 30 minute window? This also comes with not requesting mods to remove it, as the error message says.Most chan boards do not allow posts to be deleted, it's a feature the board has to correct mistakes or sensitive information. Staff can delete content that breaks the rules or is possibly of illegal nature.
No. 5030
>>5029>I'm not quite sure what this obsession is with not bringing new people (new fags) to this boardThe definition of cowtipping does not equal inviting newfags. Newfags can be a problem but those that read the rules and are familiar with chan culture integrate quite well.
Now cowtipping can bring in new members but are you taking into account what kind? Are you accounting whiteknights and trolls? Derailment and infighting degrades the quality of the threads when an influx of newfags come in, and take into account how they found their way on here. Do you really want a bunch of twitter users coming in at a rapid rate?
Newfags/whiteknights aren't even the bigger issues with cowtipping, we don't want another kaka.
>Not everyone is going to sperg up a thread or spam it into oblivion.Obviously, but have you noticed how often spamchans and moo whiteknights post during happenings?
>Also, why can't we discuss why the thread was moved with no explanation?You can discuss and give your thoughts but I think it's better for the admin to address it themselves.
>We were specifically directed to this board to find out what exactly has been going on with momokuns thread and there hasent been much other than what we've already heard.I understand your frustration but I'm really doing my best to answer whatever I can.
No. 5040
>>5038nah man i totally agree with banning them. we don't need that shit in the thread. if people wanna act out
they can get banned. her PSA was worded exactly like a mod, but she was too stupid to link across boards. we don't need that crap.
No. 5042
>>5033Photos with lolcow watermarks were being spread on twitter and other social media, how the hell are you going to say that she wasn't being led here
>>5037It's still cowtipping when the edits are being spread all over twitter, directing multiple people to the source.
>cow knows about site>when I cowtip therefore I am not cowtipping>>5038They have been unbanned since but they posted in a farmhand-like manner.
>>5021It has been dealt with.
Other questionable behavior in the moo threads for reference.
>>>/snow/482859 No. 5044
>>5042>It's still cowtipping when the edits are being spread all over twitter, directing multiple people to the source. That's a lot more understandable, thanks.
However, the Admin is still a no show and isn't explaining why the move happened. I know you won't touch that subject but is it possible to pass the word along? We're all still waiting. Even saying, "Because I said so." would at least help.
No. 5049
>>5045The munchie thread was put on auto-sage because of the rampant self-posting most likely.
>>5048This. For example, repeated posts asking for leaked nudes of Eclaire when the first post was banned for revenge porn.
No. 5050
>>5049I know, I saw.
And if you try to tell them to stop because a farmhand isn't doing anything you get to worry about being banned for backseat modding or receive a cunty reply such as this
>>>/snow/489569The fuck, man. Nobody wants to see the same pics of moo and june that were posted several times in prior threads or read the same posts about Kaya or IBF's acne or Moo's chin acne or june's wig. We get it; They have acne and june wears a wig but holy fuck it isn't milk and when they dominate threads with it then newfags follow their example.
No. 5053
>>5051Were you not reading the /pt/ thread? Farmers
do report and it takes either days or weeks or it never gets taken care of at all.
No. 5054
>>5053>>5050We really do try our best to get to reports, samefagging in munchie threads just happens too often.
>>5049Munchie threads tend to be rampant with self posting and medfagging, although these may have been valid reasons to autosage we'll be sure to warn users in the future.
>>5048sage will always be required in /snow/
No. 5059
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>>5042>>5056I would like to see these as well. I frequent Twitter pretty often and have searched her name for ALA photos. I have not seen these watermarked images on Twitter?
We watermark in the Moo thread because, again, she has stolen our content to make it "her own" (i.e. aside from pic related, she's tried baiting them by asking on twitter who made it). We do it for protection, essentially.
Is this any different from having the lolcow mascot in drawings with affiliated cows?
No. 5061
>>5055>>5060You don't need to post the same question twice.
It's on autosage for the lack of milk, constant infighting and nitpicking. Definitely a quality thread here
>>>/snow/481794 No. 5062
>>5061Is the review process of threads that get infighty etc to autosage, ban the infighters etc, then unsage if the thread finds its way in their absence?
Do people who are repeatedly banned for infighting get permabanned?
Just curious. I think it'd help a lot of us if we understood the modding process a bit more. It seems like to me a lot of anons aren't angry about actions being taken but not understanding them…
No. 5064
>>5063Can one of you answer this?
>>5059I haven't seen any lolcow watermarked images on twitter at all and mods said they were being spread "all over"
No. 5068
>>5067if only farmhands had a way to communicate with admin-sama. we could only hope that they could relay messages and decisions for them. i wonder why they do this work anyway?
calm your tits agro-chan
No. 5069
>>5064>>5065If you haven't seen any watermarked images on twitter, good. It means we put a stop to it fast enough. You can go through the last momo /pt/ thread to see what was watermarked.
>>5066Asking a second time won't speed up the responses. The anisa thread was off autosage when there was new milk.
No. 5071
>>5026>>5069I know what's watermarked, I just want to know which ones ended up on social media. If it is as spread all around Twitter as
>>5042 have said, wouldn't anons that keep tabs on Momo on Twitter notice it faster than Admin team? And couldn't you have thrown a screenshot or something and say "hey this and this ended up outside of lolcow so stop watermarking"? I don't recall any mention by Admin or farmhands saying they saw watermarked images outside of lolcow when giving warnings, why is the fact that pics are (or "were", if you did put a stop to it as you have said) spreading on Twitter only came up now?
Look, all I want is an explanation to Admin and farmhands' decisions and actions. What is the reason Momo's thread was moved back to snow? Was it nitpicking? Watermarked images? I find it hard to believe it's just a 9 day old mistake when we haven't been given a decent explanation here in meta for so long, and I ended up with more questions. What's the criteria for a thread to be in pt? What counts as nitpicking? And where are the widespread watermarked images on Twitter?
I'm not convinced that Momo's thread should be moved back to snow, or that the Admin should be this cryptic about decisions, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, just give us an explanation so we'll at least communicate better on this, less tinfoiling, less contradictions.
>>5026I'd like to make another argument to this: if Momo visting threads on her own accord since thread 1 is still cowtipping since we know she sees it, and we know the Ostrengas visits threads, then wouldn't posting in Kiki or Dakota's threads also count as cowtipping? You'd say my logic is fucked up, then please point out the flaw in my logic. I'm hella confused about this among other things.
No. 5075
>>5074>>5073seriously this is stupid. if people are stupid enough to share watermarked images from lc to twitter, they will be stupid enough to share the thread.
though, going forward maybe we should watermark it with minna-san or something, cause that'd be kind of funny.
No. 5078
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>>5069Thanks for not following your own rules, Farmhand.
No. 5079
>>5069Put a stop to what?
Where did you find these images and who did it? Suspicious. I agree with other anons who are weirded out that it's been days and no one is providing evidence, just skirting around the issue.This isnt even about lack of farmhands anymore. You're making decisions while we carry about our usual business and when we finally notice its a HUGE backpedal for answers that arent proven by staff on this site.
Transparency about the Momokun thread means better work practices for not only anon but for farmhands in charge of cleaning the board. You aren't giving us a chance to redeem ourselves if we don't even know what were doing?? Or if we're not doing anything wrong at all??
No. 5094
>>5085I used the word 'report' because that is what I did get banned for specifically: reporting. But I've also told people to sage in threads as well, which I'm aware can lead to a ban for backseat modding.
Choose your poison. To me it's not longer worth to do either. If farmhands care they can take action.
No. 5108
>>5107Of course there's a reason, two days notice before a townhall is pretty last minute so it's been rescheduled so more people get the memo.
A lot of questions have been answered here, repetitive questions for example may take a lower priority in comparison to new questions regarding a different topic.
No. 5113
>>5108So cherry picking questions and admin avoidance gets things done? It's been weeks.
Where are the watermarked images you spoke of?
Why were we moved back and forth from /snow/ to /pt/ then /snow/ again?
When are you going to make site-wide announcements of changes when you actually do them?
Also, when are you going to clearly define certain terms (nitpicking, infighting, etc) in global rules so we can all be on the same page?
No. 5114
>>5112Technical issues, sorry it took awhile to get things back up and running.
>>5113>So cherry picking questions and admin avoidance gets things done? It's been weeks. Questions regarding the momokun situation have been answered, except for questions regarding admin. There is a townhall this sunday if you want to talk to the admin.
>Where are the watermarked images you spoke of?Scroll up to see previously answered questions.
>Why were we moved back and forth from /snow/ to /pt/ then /snow/ again?Scroll up to see previously answered questions.
>When are you going to make site-wide announcements of changes when you actually do them? Again, you're addressing an event that happened weeks ago. The next time we will.
>Also, when are you going to clearly define certain terms (nitpicking, infighting, etc) in global rules so we can all be on the same page?Another reason for our town hall. That announcement on the top of the page you see? Yeah we're having a townhall this sunday and you're all free to come and discuss rule updates.
No. 5121
>>5114So basically it never happened? This flooding of watermarked images? Provide proof.
Admin must be super busy to have farmhands make statements for them…
No. 5123
>>5119Scrolling up, reading the answers provided and going through the last momo /pt/ thread will give you will all the information you need.
>Believing that the oh-so powerful Admin team has the power to remove all widespread watermarked images outside of lolcow before any Momo thread anons have seen them? That was literally not said. Feel free to scroll up and read what was actually said.
>>5121It's what we wanted to prevent when users were crusading on twitter. We can't keep track of all of twitter but we can discourage cowtipping the best we can.
Here is a more accurate statement:
Photos with lolcow watermarks could have been spread on twitter and other social media, photos were definitely watermarked here. That is a fact.
>>5120It seems like it was an accidental router ban of some sort with the permaban system we use for incels. We're on it.
No. 5126
>>5123you're the one who needs to scroll up and read, you implied they were spread all over twitter and that we aren't seeing them because you "put a stop to it fast enough"
>>5042>Photos with lolcow watermarks were being spread on twitter>the edits are being spread all over twitter>>5069>It means we put a stop to it fast enoughnice backpedaling though without taking blame yet again for false statements
>the edits are being spread all over twitterto
>could have been spread on twitter No. 5128
>>5126Give it up, man.
You're getting way too worked up over a website.
No. 5129
someone posted bestiality video of an underage girl on tempcow and idk how to report it but here it is if the mods can remove it
No. 5227
File: 1519237344204.png (27.05 KB, 794x134, Screenshot 2018-02-21 at 10.17…)

Define what constitutes a "quality" thread?
No. 5247
>>5242We wanted to lower the number of closely related threads so we have the gender critical thread
>Please keep all trans/gendercrit/TERF discussion to this thread. Any offshoots will be locked. Thanks.It does technically fall under the umbrella.
No. 5280
File: 1519341863324.png (99.71 KB, 800x403, Screenshot_2018-02-22-15-21-43…)

The Ultra-Violent Porn thread still points to the Gender Critical thread.
No. 5320
>>5318A different Farmhand here so I might not be 100% on their reasoning, but it's usually not a good thing to do to bring up unrelated subjects. While tomato before had something to do with onision, now he does not.
As for the redundant thing, I think we've seen quite a few posts asking about tomato lately. It could have been a mix up. Sorry for any inconvenience.
No. 5472
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I was temp banned just for asking if discussing sams live stream was allowed, when another farmer told me to test it and see if I’d get banned I replied saying that I’ve never been banned before and didn’t want to risk it.
The irony here is that I was told I was ‘whinning’ for genuine concerns relating to the ridiculous over moderation that is killing this site, and then banned.
Does that not prove everyone’s point and validate their concerns with posting anything unless it’s 100% drama related? Asking a simple question and then being told you’re whining and then banned is fucking ridiculous.
Admin please do something about the awful over modding.
No. 5475
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No. 5480
>>5477I had no idea how long I was actually banned for since this happened over night while I was asleep. I was hardly derailing, I asked a relevant question and my concern was valid. People will go talk for hours nitpicking and infighting without being banned yet I was the one detailing? It just doesn’t make any sense to me.
Not trying to be dramatic or sensitive, I just don’t think my question warranted a five minute ban, and the reason given to me was not for detailing but for ‘whining’ which seems petty
No. 5481
*The main reason I was upset about this is because it seemed very petty and I didn’t have any idea how long my ban was.
If the reason given to me was ‘derailing’ and not ‘stop whining’ then I would have been less bothered even though I still don’t think I was derailing or warrented a warning ban.
No. 5483
I'm not sure who is at fault anymore
Maybe Admin is just an autist who doesn't know how to run a board or has some really shit mods and janitors. It's like no one knows how to run an imageboard anymore.
Lolcow has turned into the office complex of imageboards, no one knows what's going on anymore and the seniors don't have a clue either
What exactly are the rules anymore? Specific IPs are allowed run wild while others are getting banned for non-issues
If you keep banning like simpletons then this board will sink like the Titanic, it's already hit the iceberg quite frankly
Lighten up with the banhammers, even worrying about a banhammer openly is resulting in bans here
>>5478It's not so much about a 5 minute ban but being banned in the first place that's the issue
Admin and Mods here are too sensitive
No. 5487
>>5485Lmao how was I being extra or derailing?
I literally just asked if sams livestreams were allowed to be discussed in the onion livestream thread and was banned which PROVES mine and everyone else’s point that the moderation here is a complete fucking joke. Like the other anon said, it’s not about the five minute ban, it’s that I was temp banned for asking if something was okay to discuss instead of just getting a straight answer.
The mods are sensitive, ban happy, and on a power trip it’s embarrassing what this site has become.
No. 5499
>>5485Naw that Anon just asked a question and got banned
I'm seeing people on here spam bullshit photos or complete off topic posts which derail and get off scot free
Then there's Anons who merely post their opinion, sticking to threads and getting banned or a simply post a question and get banhammered for it
You got Mods here who are too sensitive in this place and it will destroy this already hot mess of a board
No. 5511
>>5506Iirc in the townhall meeting Admin said redtexting all of the posts was too much work for mods.
If they don't redtext posts, then anons will keep reporting those posts which makes more work for them, would it not?
No. 5544
>>5542>spam Think about what that means versus what you think it means. Someone created a thread early, the livestream thread was for livestreams not commentary. A 30 minute ban isn't going to turn your world upside down.
There is no need for there to be 3 active onision threads, another farmhand can unlock it when there is actually a livestream.
No. 5547
>>5539Yes, thank you for your response. I've considered it but I don't want to lose my anonymity by emailing. At this point, I can't see why Admin/Farmhand would acknowledge an email when they haven't managed to sort the ongoing tech issue or bothered to reply to the multiple messages I've sent via the reporting system.
Any chance of sorting this out or not? My ban appears to have been lifted yet my screen is still in reverse? If I post on the thread I'm sure the Mod will accuse me of being Kelly again, along with someone else's IP address along with another fucking ban. Anyone else having problems?
No. 5557
>>5556I don't get why it was closed either. Seems very counterproductive and doesn't reinforce the idea that all the farmhands have been informed that this thread is supposed to be open and exist now that temp is down and there is no space for for sperging about her younows/liveblog commentary.
Someone pls get the farmhands to simmer down and stop banning/warning/closing threads???
No. 5563
>>5547You were permabanned through multiple ips because of your extreme ban evasion. Take it to the admin via email and stop necroing threads.
>>5561Then don't derail threads. If you want a specific example it would be commentary that contributes nothing to the thread, and was on a topic that could have been easily discussed in a appropriate setting like /meta/. There is a higher standard because of the lack of sage.
No. 5569
>>5565Someone was banned in the onion thread for announcing lainey was streaming.
And yes I know there is a ‘stream thread’ but posting in the main thread that she is live so people know to move the discussion over there isn’t ban worthy
Also, no one is acting above the rules? The rules are just incredibly random and vague
>>5566The reason people complain is because when they do try to discuss things that are completely relevant to the onions it’s like playing roulette in that so many people have been banned for screenshots, recaps, transcripts, and inside patreon milk.
No. 5572
I updated my router on Saturday, so that's only 2 IPs, since Saturday. When banning me, I've been shown other anons IP and accused of being the cow - you sent me her IP or what? I was given permission to ban evade. I have not even ban evaded. I've asked for help, but you guys don't, wont or cannot fix the technical problems. Posting on the thread to ask admin/farmhand questions because that's the only way to see if they have left a message or lifted a ban. Or am I missing something?
You say that here is the best place to discuss tech issues easily - it obviously isn't! You don't fix the problems, you say you'll pass messages on to the relative farmhand to fix the issue but nothing happens, just an apology and a promise to fix it that day. They don't even respond to questions asked through reporting system. That's why I asked a question in the thread.
I can see that other anons are having problems with the lack of admin and ban-happy mods.
Lolcow was fun until 18 days ago when YOU had a problem with your 'accidental router ban with the permaban system you use for incels'. How many other anons has this affected? You're staff don't appear to be following the same rules. Why has this been so difficult? I've just read an earlier post where you said permabanned is very rare, haha. I've accumulated a vast array of them, all because of YOUR mistakes. With running such a large imageboard, with so many users, I'd expect you to able to fix a small issue instead of it snowballing to this. Necroing threads as a last resort to speak with a staff member. Come on Lolcow, you're better than this right?
>>5561Good luck with finding Admin and getting questions answered. I feel your annoyance. What a shitshow.
No. 5585
Maybe anons can create a public chat where they can sperg and it sort of could be like live posting?
That way the thread doesn't clog and anons can discuss things they want. Perhaps patreon anons and ex greg fans can feel more free to spill milk there since they won't get banned. Then a summary of anything relevant can just be posted here.
No. 5587
>>5559I've sent an email, guess what? No reply. Its obvious from other posts that I'm not the only one having issues.
Fuck off. Myob.
(get help kelly) No. 5589
>>5568simply put it's random board to board and topic to topic
Kota threads do fine mostly while Onion threads are eggshells
in Snow you can just sage but in PT you can't
the rules are random and vague and incredibly selective
No. 5590
>>5586We appreciate the suggestion.
>>5588Necroing a thread is different than re-posting old milk. You are free to bring back old clips if it's going to be relevant to current events.
>>5589The only difference between /pt/ and /snow/ is sage and because /pt/ is so small it makes little difference.
No. 5591
>>5590Thanks for your response Farmhand
it's simply because what was posted was a link to a very recent video and all I have is a photo no one has really seen before
I honestly still don't know how to take this information so I guess I should just not post it in case I get banned
thank you though for your help
No. 5595
>>5590Can the rules that apply to Momokun's thread, apply to the Onion one as well? The infighting between Sam fans vs non-Sam fans is so chaotic that it's clogging the thread.
What I'm asking is if it could be sent to /snow/ until the infighting dies down?
No. 5596
File: 1520245788232.png (64.01 KB, 750x1334, 998D2A98-1BEE-4CFD-8178-DF8ABF…)

I just tried to go to /g/
No. 5597
I'm a bit confused about the dropbox.
No. 5612
File: 1520453291420.png (41.02 KB, 761x641, saucysam.png)

the report feature is being abused by sam stans and is getting really fucking annoying. i've been posting her for years and we've always been allowed to poke fun at any of the cows or the girls they bring over, is one of the farmhands romantically involved with her or some shite?
and how is posting her public instagram scaring off milk? her entire instagram is essentially dedicated to making fun of 'onion'
No. 5620
>>5614>>5613>>5617>>5618>conveniently forgetting not all bans have redtext"Hi cow" is against the rules. I accepted your ban appeal thinking you would improve your behavior and stop derailing and infighting but you have clearly not learned your lesson. As admin put it best
>You were temporarily banned for repeatedly trying to push users to harass an Onision fan into committing suicide. Basic Lolcow rules still apply to Tempcow and what other Farmers do is not for you to decide.You are now going to be banned for ban evading, infighting, derailing, and samefagging. I'll include a vendetta in there as well too.
No. 5621
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>>5620Not all bands have red text when it's the one anon being banned.there has been no redtext related to ant derailment going on in the defence of Sam or the anons discussing minors etc etc. So fuck up.
I was banned once on temp for making a joke that fatbecca should kill herself rather than do something in relation to Greg. I can't remember the exact detail because it was minor and lost in shit posting. Any other anons that I've saw alogging were not me so kthx sort out your mod system.
A vendetta? Against who exactly? I'm only commenting on the drama as presented fucking chill. I haven't been on the site in days and then lurked today and saw lainey lost it last night on you now.
Ya fucking bores
No. 5624
>>5621>>5622Ban evading again? You're the
only anon being banned for constantly ban evading so you can continue on with your vendetta.
Your appeal wasn't accepted for "hi cow", it was accepted yesterday for infighting and derailing, a ban that occured a few days ago. As soon as your ban is lifted you proceed to, again, derail the threads.
This is the last time the moderation team will address you here. You can email admin if you believe you have truly not violated several rules.
No. 5625
>>5624The fuck I want you cunts to have my email for.
Work on your English comprehension then, because you're shite at explaining yourself.
So if you lifted my ban the other day again why were all my bans today for ban evading then? You some type of spastic
>>5627Lol I'm not the only one that doesn't think Sam's a special snowflake you a wee reporting fag or from the Sam circle jerk temp cord.
And I've been vocal about calling anons faggots for paying onion to go 'undercover' and bring milk. I've been posting before onion even got a patreon you twat
File: 1521228207059.jpg (37.07 KB, 398x599, GoddessPoopin.jpg)

>>5643Same, but that's not going to change any time soon
PT "poop pose" is sacred and she's our beloved goddess after all.
No. 5652
>>5649>>5650It had nothing to do with Kiwi Farms.
>>5651We had unexpected server downtime for about a day.
No. 5683
>>5677It should be simple, stop replying to robots and it won't be autosaged anymore.
It's a controversial thread that attracts robots. They stay when they realize they get attention from you tards.
There's been warnings in the past.
No. 5687
>>5683there's another shitty manhate thread in /g/ now
>>>/g/78523this shit is getting out of hand. it's thinly veiled and people are ignoring replies in favor of just saying "men just want to fuck you" fucking quarantine this shit please!
No. 5693
Couldn't we just like… ban the guys who are being harassing in the /g/ and /ot/ threads? Or do you fear a retaliation raid? It doesn't make a lot of sense to ban regulars for being slightly off-topic, while people like
>>>/g/78852 don't even get a warning. I'm not complaining, it just doesn't make a lot of sense. Feels like we're unable to have woman-related discussions here without getting trolled.
No. 5701
File: 1523989096244.jpg (809.93 KB, 3024x4032, kulyz0lhvcaz.jpg)

Why was the rozelli thread deleted??
No. 5714
>>4790People don’t fucking sage their irrelevant ass opinions on snow.
I get making a mistake and forgetting but holy shit it feels like it’s getting bad.
I wanna see milk, not the same threads at the top constantly cause people are commenting “ew gross” or whatever. Like god damnit.
No. 5715
fuck can someone please get rid of the literal retard in the jill thread who thinks the thread is about how much money their parents spend on them instead of about jill?
ive reported all their posts as I'm sure others have but god it's annoying and derailing, and we seem to get one of their ilk three times per thread
>>5714it is a bannable offense now, I assume, based on the new rules. (I thought it always was). though I've not seen anyone banned for it yet, so either they're not red texting these bans/warnings or the farmhands are particularly busy this weekend
No. 5716
>>5714Not only has there been a unsaged newfag influx the last year(that keeps escalating and turning this into PULL) but the dead threads in both pt and snow keep being bumped or necro'ed to first page randomly and has been on/off doing this for months.
The sudden anons complaining about the 'man hating' really shows the new faggotry too.
No. 5725
File: 1524725137449.png (23.78 KB, 800x107, Screenshot_2018-04-25-23-23-13…)

Why is the Hartley Hooligans thread still open? The daughters are minors born in 2001 and 2006.
2. Do not post about subjects under the age of 16.
Their full legal names have been posted.
2.1 Do not share the full legal name of a minor. First name(s) only unless the subject is 18+.
Even when they reach 18, they are not on the internet voluntarily. If the rules prohibit posting information that the subject has not voluntarily published publicly, shouldn't the rules prohibit posting subjects who have not consented to their internet presence?
No. 5727
>>5726There have been seven posts in the last week. Regardless of its popularity or lack thereof, it violates the rules.
Other threads which were intended for the discussion of bad parents have been shut down because posts mentioning or showing their children were flagged for violating the rules. Why is this thread an exception?
No. 5731
>>5727I can only guess, but maybe because they'll never grow up or have proper brain function? What is said here won't hurt them.
But yes, it's sad and I guess if we'll follow the rules then they shouldn't be mentioned. The whole thread gives me the creeps anyway
No. 5732
>>5731I followed those threads for a fair time and for a while, we stayed on track talking about the parents. It seems a fresh wave of kids discover it from time to time and start shitting up the threads with edgelordism like in the last day or two. They don't even bother with the facts of the story.
I agree, it's time to lock the threads. All that can been said about Gwen has been said, things are the same till the kids die of natural causes, no-one's begging for money. The threads attract poor-quality posters who are purely here to bash the kids.
No. 5733
>>5732Thank you, anon.
The majority of the posts in the threads are simply gawking at their appearance and dysfunction which is exploitative. One of the responses I got was that they aren't people.
Apparently Admin is content in allowing the freakshow atmosphere of the thread to continue.
No. 5734
>>5733lolcow isn't your hugbox podium, regardless of if it's about the hooligans or whoever else. What's said here will never get back to, directly or indirectly hurt those kids - whether you morally agree with it or not. Just hide the thread and go on with your life, arguing the semantics of a rule (really more a guideline intended for newfags) towards the person who created said rule is just pants on head retarded. You've already pleaded your case and stated your logic, now it's time to get over yourself and move on. If admin feels in agreement with your reasoning then they'll decide to do something, camping meta and throwing out passive aggressive insults towards them doesn't sway anyone.
Would not at all be shocked to find out you have some ulterior motive behind this with how hard you're pushing it.
No. 5739
>>5735For some reason rumors of cp being left up for hours surface once in a while and yet us (staff) never actually hears about it.
Noted, although it is hard to find reliable farmhands.
>>5737If you're interested please email us!
No. 5747
>>5740Here is a suggestion, write up a bunch of questions you want answered and I'll take the time out of my day to answer all of the questions in your reply just for you anon. Just for you.
>>5744We are watching the thread closely.
No. 5748
>>5747Talk about snarky… Not that anon but I see what they mean, instead of typing up a comeback you could've answered literally any of dozen of posts up thread that have gone ignored
I get you guys are volunteers but why volunteer if you're going to be bitter about it. Part of having a moderating position in any community is going to be dealing with senseless criticism or commentary you consider unfair.
No. 5759
>>5757supposedly their excuse is that not all bans/warnings are public and if multiple posts are made by a single offender only one of the posts will be marked
but it really gives the wrong impression to literally everyone else. I was really hoping that when this admin took over there would be more transparency/something could be done about that and things could be labeled better, but it's been nothing but the opposite
feels like it's only a matter of time before this admin steps down and has been slowly pulling their feet out of the cow pool. which may not be true at all, current admin might be busting ass behind the scenes, but for some reason feels it's better to do so unseen, so there's no way for us to gauge the actual amount of work that is or isn't done/rules that are or are not enforced, etc.
it all seems counter productive to me, since it'll only add on to the amount of reports if something isn't marked as having been dealt with. also kills user morale/desire to report shit in the first place if it seems like nothing is being done. doesn't help that none of the shit here is ever addressed (beyond backhanded, half-answered questions that make it seem like the farmhands are sick of their job and have become resentful)
honestly can't fathom what the strategy here is beyond having more or less given up, since admin seemed very interactive/high spirited when they originally took over
No. 5761
>>5748It looks like although I offered to answer any specific questions, the anon chose not to. I'm not bitter, I genuinely offered resolution since many past questions have already been answered or are repetitive.
>>5749It's been answered in the man hating thread itself. It'll be put off autosage when staff collectively okays it.
>>5751Perhaps check your extensions for browser? Or email us if the problem continues.
>>5752I know the wait can be annoying but have faith in staff, it'll be worth it.
>>5755You can report any posts like that if you feel that it enters derailing territory.
>>5756Sure thing.
>>5757There is actually no way for you who isn't banned. If a few posts have red text and others don't it can seem as if not all parties got banned.
>>5758Much more than three.
>>5759Issuing redtext warnings has absolutely nothing to do with admin. We've had complaints about "too much redtext" and we've also had complaints about "too little".
No. 5762
>>5760>>5761While the Taylor Dean thread has frequent troubles with derailing, blogging and cowtipping, I fail to see why it has to be autosaged just because you don't like seeing it. Things are going on.
Kota's got nothing happening per usual.
No. 5766
>>5765>if you acknowledge that the moderators do a hack job, instead of criticizing them for it, just don't use the site, you dense hater!!1!You have to be 18 to post here.
Again, why are you asskissing them so hard and why are you fighting with me about something this retarded?
No. 5773
A farmhand said they'd issue a ban the other day if it wouldn't stop. Please keep true to your word, that poster is especially shitty.
No. 5775
>>5768Not admin but we can try getting them out this weekend.
>>5771That would be a tremendous amount of red text.
>>5772>>5773Sorry for the late response but noted.
No. 5783
>>5779>other suggestionsNo, I'm on board with your guys' decided actions this go around. The only thing I would've asked is a farmhand explaining the reasoning for autosage within the thread instead of leaving it up in the air, but you did that so I've got nothing to add other than the hopes that it works.
Thank you.
No. 5785
>>5784agreed tbh. always incredibly disappointed when I see it bumped up to the top, only to check for new milk and it's the same
>she's fat, ugly, haggard how is she a model>I like dakota stupid h8rs leave her alone!!!!>how can you like her she lied about cancer!>re-photoshops of her shoopsad infinitum
she's still a flake via past actions and no signs of reform, but she isn't producing even a drop of milk and hasn't for ages. honestly don't foresee her making a comeback.
No. 5800
>>5798 I actually have the same question so if a farmhand or the admin could respond that question it would be great.
>>5799please refrain yourself from answering things that nobody asked you to answer newfriend
No. 5801
>>5791I'll check in on that.
>>5797"she's so fat"
"Boob vein!"
"Wow her nails are disgusting"
Though how you worded it, I'm not sure what you mean.
>>5798>>5800You guys can't be serious. Are you that gullible that all it takes is some rando to come in and claim that they were a mod?
No, no one on the team is an anisastan, so if you could take off the tinfoil that'd be great.
No. 5809
>>5808at first I was a little upset she was getting lumped in there when she has so much history, but she really has been pretty slow-milk so I can understand (I assume 'camgirl' is just the most appropriate thread to lump her into, despite her long overdue 'retirement'…)
…that and I know she reads shit about her still, and I can just imagine part of petty, narcissistic charms getting upset about not having her own thread anymore. which in a sadistic way, makes me a little happy, so I'm kind of for it when I think of it that way.
No. 5832
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>>5830seconding this, that thread is a trash fire
No. 5835
>>5833Wew we gotta be looking at different threads cause snow has been shit
Our hell week needs a hell week for it's hell week. I can think of 5 threads off the top of my head right now that seem to be infested either by self posters or a very specific breed of newfag (Both?)
No. 5836
>>5831Yeah, I've also seen anons who state things like "asians have horse hair and flat faces" or "black women look manly" and not be (visible) banned, while others who are just defending their race in the same thread gets slapped with a big red text. It just feels biased.
If race-baiting really is against the rules, why isn't the thread that straight up shits on asian women banned? Not to mention the the anti k-pop thread isn't even anti k-pop half the time, just circle jerking about how ugly asians look.
No. 5842
>>5841I've been reporting extra in general all around since I want to do my part in desiring a hellweek, they're probably backed up.
That or they're banning at such a speed they've completely forgone redtext for most situations, so we just aren't seeing as the behind the scenes. F-fingers crossed, r-right guys?
No. 5845
File: 1529969730141.jpg (91.55 KB, 449x200, toemojiornottoemoji.jpg)

Farmhands, I've dug through semi-old Onision threads from 1-2 years ago recently and I noticed some people using emojis like ^^ and :). No red brackets for bans or tempbans for that at the time.
Now I see people getting tempbans for using :D and the likes. I'd like to ask out of interest why you started being harsher on that. I know it's in /info to not type obnoxiously, but it seems there's been a shift towards a harsher stance.
I'm not hating or trying to stir up shit, I'm genuinely curious. Thank you!
No. 5847
>>5845It has always been against the rules to use emoticons. Those people were likely banned just as quick as they are now.
A lot more bans happen then you guys see, we do not redtext them all because they aren't serious enough. Some mods use it a bit more frequently then others though.
Origins of lolcow are from 4chan, a lot of image board culture is still part of this board. Integrating new users has become more difficult.
No. 5859
>>5855It was locked temporarily because reports were getting completely backed up.
It is back up now, but it will not stay up if it continues the way it was.
As for the race stuff, a warning was put in the thread, if any more race fighting happens then lengthy bans will be given out.
No. 5861
File: 1530291397109.png (84.56 KB, 2343x236, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at 12.3…)

Can I ask why was this person banned? This is not white-knighting, it was literally stating an opinion. Disagreeing with another anon about a cow's looks. Why exactly are you not allowed to have an opinion that is unpopular in a thread?
It's not like saying something positive about a snowflake's appearance is not allowed, because it happens occasionally and people don't get banned for it. I'm just saying.. cases like this one looks like abuse of power by a mod who banned because they felt like it, not because any rules were broken.
No. 5862
>>5861What other purpose does this post serve than to start infighting?
If you see nitpicking you report, not start a shitstorm. We do ban people who nitpick.
This is a huge example why red texting every ban is bad.
I didn't ban that person, but it was most likely a short warning.
No. 5868
>>5866Why does every ban need to be outted or explained to people uninvolved? They receive a message from a mod saying what they did.
This will not be changed. Before maybe 1 year ago seeing a red text post was extremely rare.
>>5867We have a rule page and an info page, it's quite simple to go read and learn how the site works.
They can also lurk more.
Don't be too scared to be banned, most of the time it is a short warning and it won't pass 3 hours too often, a lot are even only 1 second long. Of course, unless you repeat the same offense despite warning.
All I can really say is I can talk with staff about it. Thanks for the patience.
No. 5874
>>5873Yeah I mean people might bitch at first about unfair bans or too many bans or whatever, but as long as there was a reason given then even regular anons would back the farmhands up and give you less to worry about - like what just happened up thread.
I do think in the end admin is admin and it's up to you what gets done with the site - you obviously see and know more about what works from the backend than we do. But other than the possibility of extra work and some initial poopy pants'd rulebreakers, I can only see benefits in increased red text.
Even though people should lurk, learn board culture and read the rules, we're seeing time and time again that they don't. For some that may mean they won't listen to bans or red text, period. But I really agree with others that it'd help assimilate newfags and help reign in others. If a time comes where there's enough available man power to at least try an increase in explained red text bans, I can't see why not to test it…?
No. 5882
>>5881Bit paranoid to think it's all the same person or people across every thread.
At any rate, the Margo thread is purely for bashing Margo. A separate Venus thread exists for bashing her. I don't know why people struggle with the concept.
No. 5885
>>5880>>5883between people using the board as a irc, wk, and pathetic posters I am thinking about calling it a day on lol. these new posters are so sensitive and they see themselves as the cows. they want to be too poor, blaire white, and whoever else. they sperge worse then the cows. I suspect the mods are cows or
triggered people themselves.
No. 5898
>>5897that's not in the rules technically. there's no issue with saying something like that, and people are getting bans for asking if something is reportable, without any intent to report. it's not my fault if you are too autistic to realize that joking isn't a threat.
>5c Do not alert a subject to their thread or take any other action to lead them to (cowtipping).
>Do not contact a subject's family.>Do not use to crusade against a cow (not your personal army).>Do not organize raids on twitter, twitch or other social media.>Do not brag or announce having personal contact or interactions with a cow.joking doesn't violate the rules at all. also, nice ESL, you'd think a mod would know how to speak properly since it's their job to know how english works so they can interpret rules.
No. 5899
>>5898This does not change the fact that there's been multiple posts on this subject in the threads. There's been warnings and bans given out for months on this.
We are already working on some changes to terms coming soon.
No. 5901
>>5900If there wasn't multiple warning for months about this, then I would understand.
Appealing a ban can help, if you have no offenses or even minor ones, a shortened ban can and will likely happen.
No. 5904
>>5902I'll check on that, was it just a warning?
Today the queue has been insane, so sorry for any inconveniences.
No. 5905
>>5904I guess? It was just a heads up thing, or that's how I took it anyways. It's no big deal (to me).
I just figured I should mention the auto refresh thing, but I'm not sure if it's something that can be changed. It's probably not worth it anyway ahha
No. 5906
>>5903Harassing may have been the wrong word, but we can't have people encouraging doing these type of things on here. It causes problems.
Edit to save space:
>>5905I'll give that info to the admin and see if anything can be done. Thank you for the patience.
No. 5907
>>5906that's totally understandable, but i guess it seems a bit like white knighting. i definitely understand it, it just feels like the moo thread is constantly being singled out, but then it's obvious to me there's a reason, hell, it's obvious that was why it got moved to /snow/. i guess i'm just salty that anons are
triggering mods to be more ban happy over shit that wouldn't get banned in other threads.
No. 5908
>>5903>>5906Meh, I think it can technically fall under harassment as it would be bothering her out of personal malice. And for Moo irl, any outside interference would certainly be viewed as harassment.
You could also call it encouraging cowtipping, mostly in relation to 5c (crusading against).
Asking "can we do x?" makes it seem like the poster is going to do x. They could have worded it better.
I don't care, just abuse or harassment is generally used as a blanket term in modding (in my experience). Sorry for putting in my two cents.
>>5907I imagine it'll be a mess all weekend, at the very least.
No. 5912
>>5907>>5908I understand the frustration, us mods are still farmers that use the site. It'd be preferable to not need to ban so frequently, but sadly with influxes of newfags it can be difficult to let things slide like before.
If there's anymore questions, I'll try my best to answer them.
>>5910Technically 3.1c, this site origins are from 4chan.
You aren't supposed to post in a way that can differentiate yourself from "anonymous", which includes emojis/emoticons.
No. 5913
>>5911maybe try reading?
>>5912it says to avoid the use of emoji, nowhere is stated it will result in a ban.
4chan doesn't autoban on use of emoji, people use it for trolling there and some character combinations can result in an emoji
No. 5914
>>5913sorry you're too autistic to realize that "avoid using emojis" under a section about rules implies you'll get banned.
also, all the bans are done manually, so of course mods aren't going to ban you for accidentally making an emoji. i swear.
No. 5915
>>5913are you unironically this stupid?
lolcow might have roots in 4chan culture but that doesn't mean we have to do everything 4chan does. emoji use is a big indicator of newfags who didn't lurk, and if you couldn't even believe that from seeing it listed in the fucking rules/rules and info, then there's nothing to be said but for your ass to lurk moar. Getting red text for emoji use is probably the most COMMON ban I've seen on lolcow, so how you didn't catch on is beyond me
No. 5920
>>5919Thank the anon who left a message in the emergency channel on our discord!
Great way to use it, for spam, CP, or general emergencies
No. 5927
>>5925>>5926seems like we are overdue for one, but reading above, there might not be enough staff for it?
The Shoe thread is always messy, but it has been extra fucking shit lately.
No. 5933
>>5926>>5927Stay tuned for an upcoming hellweek.
>>5929You can report those posts under racebaiting.
No. 5935
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me getting banned for 635847 for """blogposting" or whatever when i was replying to 634214 seems ridiculous. the difference between calling someone out for reaching, and blogposting should not be 1st person pronouns, if i would have said you, or "people" i don't feel i'd have gotten gotten banned. it's not infighting to point out someone's reasoning is fucking stupid. also, if anyone else was banned they should have been redtexted as well, and redtexting my post in general shows bad modding.
i really really hope some new rules on redtext are implemented because mods should be using them as a site feature, not like whiny autists.
No. 5939
>>5935what you did
is blogposting
no one gives a shit that you have one set of sheets and how frequently you clean them
if you hadn't been banned for blogposting, you should've been banned for infighting over something trivial and retarded
or even better, just for not sageing
so looking at that SS I can imagine literally 3 reasons you should have been banned, seems pretty justified
No. 5940
>>5935i think the biggest issue was the fact that you didn't sage. bumping the thread just to talk about washing
your sheets seems unnecessary. it also seemed like you were picking a fight with anon over something super petty and personal, so again sage was needed. the post had nothing to do with the thread, altough you were right lbr. it seems fair that you got a short ban and now can post again. your post wasn't terribly spergy or blogposty, just unnecessary.
(no one cares) redtext was right.
No. 5942
>>5941I'm feeling rambly so this is going to be one hell of a tl;dr timeline.
I'd say the rule changes were a more gradual coming about, each new rule sort of in accordance with different happenings or newfag floods (btw, if you missed it, I personally find the 'spergchan' drama involving kiki kannibal to be the most juicy happening over the years and recommend looking into it). Some claims of legal action against lolcows/admins seemed to have swayed hands a few times, I believe especially when it came to doxxing family members/children.
The biggest changes definitely came to the end of original admins stay (you could tell he was getting tired of his position/lolcow in general). 2nd admin ended up doing some doxxing herself via discord and being petty or something (I didn't really pay attention to that fiasco) and I think consequently stepped down (someone can correct me here), leading to current admin.
each overhaul meant a new batch of mods, as far as I know, which also lead to rule implementation-changes. I
think current admin ended up making their own team entirely, but again, hazy on the accuracy there.
Anyway, by the time current admin came on board, lolcow was in pretty big disarray. raids and cowtips and other junk had caused hordes of newfags and tons of attention hungry self-posting, and so new admin began their reign with heavy hellweeks (which had been implemented previously with mostly success, but basically - weeks at a time where farmhands ban extra heavy to wipe out the piles of trash that've failed to integrate). A lot of rules came from problems shitposters consistently brought about that non-stop derailed threads. Public "Townhalls" were very common with og and 2nd admin (where everyone would discuss current issues and solutions – err, sort of - via chatroom). So lots of things were put to vote and turned into rules from that.
With new (current) admin's hellweeks beginning to get things back in order rule-wise, the site's host increasingly shit up all over the place. So admin came up with an alternative lolcow meant to be used to post milk when the main site was down. this alternative lolcow, unfortunately, ended up becoming a spammy-retard haven for people who did not enjoy the new ban-heavy moderation of regular lolcow. these 'refugees' would 'hide milk' from normal lolcow, talk shit about lolcow, and talk shit about the staff/rule enforcement. eventually their spewage leaked into the main site and caused more problems, leading to admin having to take down alternative-lolcow and then create more rules to get rid of their shitposting all over the main site once they were forced to crawl back here and lash out.
more shit happened at some point before all this where spoony (as always) got out of hand and sent a bunch of fucking robots over here because original admin banned her from shit posting and humble bragging all over the site (she had apparently amassed more posts than any single user of lolcow). more rules were implemented to deal with that shit storm. munchie and ana threads became popular after some time, and brought in a whole bunch of retards from myproana and instagram along those lines, who endlessly blogposted and shit all over, and that brought along even /more/ rules. As always, fags from PULL and tumblr and other such havens would come in droves when cowtipping or crosslinking came about, leading to even
more rules. Eventually, this also lead to an increase of regular users that were not originally from 4chan – meaning the overall userbase began to have different opinions on 4chan culture (granted, too, most of those around for old 4chan have probably grown up and had moral shifts). Hence you get a lot of WKy shit and freak outs about 'sexual harrassment someone looked at someone's butt
triggered where's my hugbox' etc.
recently there has also been a summer influx and a dip in posting quality, hence everyone here screaming for 'hellweek' the past however many posts.
anyway, I hope someone else comes along and sums this shit up for you better so you don't have to struggle reading this… but, maybe it still gives a little insight. if you want more highlights/a general idea of things, skimming through /meta/ probably summarizes/clarifies the basic happenings between each admin reign better than I just did
No. 5947
>>5933oh thank fuck.
is it going to be site-wide? a few of the /pt threads like onion and moomoo were under pretty strict rules about no nitpicking etc but that seemed to fall by the wayside a while ago and now they are back to shitpost central
No. 5957
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can someone please explain what platinum retard mod banned me for this? i wasn't the OP nor was i derailing, i was just replying to someone's question. i wasn't defending anything.
No. 5960
>>5957Off topic replies, replying to off topic replies and or feeding trolls are still derailing. If it was a quick ban that expired quickly it was likely more of a warning. Other people involved were probably banned as well, they just don't red text everything.
Meaning yeah, since your explanation had nothing to do with cow thread topic it was probably derailing.
No. 5964
>>5960NTA, but the post was made on /ot/, not a cow's thread. It wasn't derailing. Only the people on that anon's side got red texted too. It made the mod who did it look butthurt and biased.
No. 5971
>>5964I literally just read that post in the momokun thread, what are you talking about? I read the entire thing and it totally was off topic. Minorly off topic but that thread among others have been fucking awful lately so I'm all for heavier rule enforcement and an impending hell week. The ban couldn't have been all that long considering how fast they said it expired vs when it was posted.
>>5967Those rules exist because the vast majority of long term, consistent farmers didn't want to deal with your newfag sperg posts. If you spent any actual time on lolcow you'd realize how annoying those things have become.
Lmao why is dead af meta suddenly being horded with a bunch of anons singing the same tune over such a short time span? Something reaks of samefag asshurt they can't follow simple rules laid out for them in plain text.
No. 5978
>>5971Well said. I agree with
>>5963 though, modding does seem kinda inconsistent at the moment and there doesn’t seem to be a clear consensus among the main users on what direction we’d like to see the moderation take. Hellweek in the current state of things might just end up pissing off the non-cancerous posters in the process, and that would be a shame.
No. 5979
>>5977Most bans are just time-outs that let you know that you fucked up and are so short that it shouldn't be a big deal. You could go to make something to eat and be unbanned by the time you come back. It's not that big of a deal.
>>5978Also agree.
No. 5980
>>5978Yeah, I understand exactly where you and other logical posters are coming from. I've always been one of the anons who want more clear, consistent red text bans. But the farmhands up thread have said before there's too much of a rift between people wanting that and people complaining about it altogether.
Personally, I think even if we were to remove red text entirely there'd still be hugbox retards like the one that was getting mad about emojis, armchairing, etc. To me, even for minor offenses, these bans are justified because – whether you're normally a nonshitposter or not - you're doing something that regularly offsets the thread content. I've been reasonably banned for things like infighting before and not only was the duration of the ban short, but I could still read lolcow (just not post). Mods have said before ban severity will also depend on your past transgressions. If 'quality posters' are getting their jimmies rustled that they can only read lolcow for a few hours or a day, then I don't even know what the fuck to say to them. Stiff upper lip, I guess?
That all said, I do still agree it'd be good for another survey or town hall so everyone has a chance to voice their opinions.
No. 5981
>>5980I think mods should
have to redtext, and not be allowed to change the text. It's clearly too much for some of them to have that kind of power.
No. 5985
>>5981Mods have the power to delete posts. Or you could just secretly ban those users without redtexting. It’s fucking annoying
No. 5986
I hate it when anons say shit like this
>>5983when we get our cents out on how we can make lolcow better.
No. 5991
>>5986The proposition on how to "make lolcow better" was to ban all man hate from the site. I fail to see what good that would do for anyone who's not cc-teir.
No. 6003
>>6002Now that it's back, I will. Stop bitching about how toxic and evil said quarantine zone is
, handmaiden. If it goes away again, all the man hate will just go right back into the other threads.
No. 6008
>>6007This is the thread to do so, to the
mods and admins no one gives a shit about your whiny opinion.
No. 6011
>>6009Yeah that's pretty much the attitude on here whenever anybody tries to express an opinion or have a discussion that's not based around nitpicking and bitching.
>>5998Thank you for this information because it did feel like there were a lot more bans than there used to be.
No. 6022
>>6021Okay, then maybe the mods should be more strict about banning users who interact with the bait.
It still seems like your main issue with the thread is that you don't like it. If it makes you so upset, hide it.
No. 6023
>>6022Hiding it won't keep you loons from shitting up other threads with it. It's obvious that the userbase who wants those kind of discussions is the problem. I just don't want to hear or see anything about men at all. I don't come to this site to be so obsessed with men that I want to talk about them constantly.
You guys act like such whiny babies too and fight with anyone who doesn't want to see you point out that men rape and kill whenever a man is mentioned. And you shoehorn in the fact that men have negative opinions about any subject. It spreads all around the site. No one cares if "men think shoop is real" or "men think fat girls are a fetish" or whatever.
I honestly am convinced many of the posters in the "man hate" threads are incels trying to get their shitty opinions out.
No. 6024
>>6023Calm down. Just ignore it instead of insisting the mods ban everyone who
triggers you. This is honestly embarrassing.
No. 6026
>>6025What else could you have meant when you said
>It's obvious that the userbase who wants those kind of discussions is the problem.It implies you want all those users gone because they upset you.
No. 6029
>>6026As expected from a femcel, your thinking is totally black and white.
Me saying that the site could use without you guys reeeing about men in every fucking thread that you can mention men in (see the chubby farmer thread, unpopular opinion thread, ideal body thread etc.) and wanting the man-hate thread which is just a fucking invitation for neckbeards and shit to be autosaged is not saying you should all be fucking banned.
No. 6030
>>6028NTA, but because there's more than one anon who wants you guys gone.
There's bitching about men and then there is
being the same shitty men you bitch about in woman form.
No. 6032
>>6029First of all, I haven't posted in those threads in months, I only lurk. Auto-sage kills threads, so when it dies again it will infest the other threads. Sounds like you want to have your cake and eat it too by having the man hate "problem" fixed by banning it from /ot/, which is pretty much the same thing.
And again, chill out. Why are you so pressed? This is not that big of a deal, crybaby.
>>6030I don't care, I didn't ask in either of my posts.
No. 6035
>>6032No one asked you your opinion either.
>>6034>it's not that male hate-yLmao you wish. Femcels are so delusional.
No. 6036
>>6033I agree with this, and honestly I don't see them keeping it to one thread. They already brought it to other threads, claiming it was because their thread was on autosage, but they haven't kept it to that thread even then. Shortly after they made the new thread, someone made that shitty "men are more racist" thread that had to be locked, and they were having conversations in the unpopular opinions thread.
If it's only a few posters and they can keep it together, sure give them their own thread, but they haven't proven that yet. I agree with the anon saying that men are mentioned anytime they can be mentioned, which is really bizarre.
No. 6038
>>6017Just ban the anons replying to bait to set an example. Also perhaps remove the bait posts? "men r gud" and "ur just as bad" or "why haet men
doesn't bother to read previous 200 posts to find out why" do not fit the theme "MAN HATE", I don't see why they should not be taken as off topic derailing and removed on sight.
No. 6039
>>6023So what do you suggest then? If removing or autosaging the thread makes the users shit up other threads (this is why the new one was made), but not removing it bothers your innocent virgin eyes, and apparently doesn't even contain the man hate, what do you want?
I think it's clear that what anon is getting at is that we should just ban whoever has any slight complaint about 50% of the population.
No. 6040
>>6037Agreed. I really agree with the last point, the focus on men is a bit out of hand, especially in the way it's done here. They always just post random shit they've seen online and then act like it's some kind of deep commentary. Like, what's the point then? It's just a bunch of cherry picked comments and anons going "see this is what men are
really like" then trying to shit on people who disagree calling them "handmaidens" or accusing them of being men. Hell, even now the thread isn't full of "totally constructive criticism", it's annoying circlejerking about how all the people who bitch about it are clearly males posters. And when you point out that they are acting the same as groups they bitch about, they make poor excuses, and claim that "men always do this on the rest of the internet and no one complains!" And they refuse to listen.
I always thought that not allowing men to post was fine, because the types of men who like chan sites are fucking annoying since they've had no experience with other humans, let alone women. But the women who are the exact same people as those men are just as fucking annoying.
No. 6041
>>6038>I don't see why they should not be taken as off topic derailing and removed on sight.Because the mods actually don't care about your thread and are using it to contain you so the rest of the site doesn't get ruined. You guys don't seem to notice that you're being treated as a disease, like incels on 4chan, and for the exact same reasons even down to your justifications.
>>6039NTA but many have said that you guys are still shitting up other threads, and after the new thread was made, not only were other similar threads made, but the derailing didn't stop.
No. 6043
>>6042I'm one of the people who are leaning towards potentially getting rid of the man-hate posters all together, but I think this is a pretty reasonable middle ground - if farmhands are able/willing to do so.
Ban the bigger trouble-makers, and if the majority of users are still baiting, taking the bait, going outside their thread, derailing other topics, etc, then get rid of it all together and continue to ban the refugee-spillage til they accept the topic isn't welcome here because it couldn't be contained. Same with any other cow or snow related banned topic, where we were forced to ban it because it just couldn't be done without maximum spergy autism.
No. 6044
>>6043I agree. I wouldn't care what they were doing, but they seep into any thread on /ot/ and /g/.
I'm not even saying they shouldn't be allowed their opinion, but they always clap back at people about it claiming everyone is a handmaiden/tranny/male if they disagree. They're just as bad as when male posters come on to the boards.
No. 6045
>>6044>le "just as bad as menXD" meme Stating facts about male violence statistics and reciting how most women have to live in fear for all their lives is comparable to men reeing about not getting laid. Okay.
And yes, if you're getting your panties in such a bunch over one thread that leaks to maybe two or three /ot/ threads (just like k-pop, gendercrit, ana-chan, racebaiting, veganism and other topics) you sound very, very male or handmaiden-y.
No. 6046
>>6045Not that anon but
>k-pop, gendercrit, ana-chan, racebaiting, veganism and other topicsNobody appreciates these subjects leaking into other threads either. Just because they occasionally do doesn't mean it's okay for you to be doing it too, and out of those types of posters, many different anons here are saying that you guys are the most distracting of them all.
>women have to live in fear for all their lives is comparable to men reeing about not getting laidThis isn't what anon was saying.
Nobody is comparing what women have to deal with to men and saying you're "as bad as men" for addressing women's issues.
This guilt tripping attempt isn't going to endear us to your perspective btw.
Anon clearly meant you're "as bad as men" in how you're
treating other farmers who criticize your conduct or interact in a way that isn't 100% agreeing with you.
You accuse anons of being males/trannies/handmaidens and acting like the entire website is your personal circlejerk.
Men treat us in the same minimizing, derogatory ways on other chans and we don't need that behavior from you or anyone else here.
No. 6047
>>6046This is exactly what I meant, thank you.
I hate this idea that
>>6045 has about other people getting away with doing it. Or how men all over the internet can be annoying spergs so it's fine for anons to do it too? No, it's just as annoying as when men do it. The only people who let shit men to air their dirty laundry about women or whatever are other shit men.
A lot of us want to go on /ot/ and /g/ to shoot the shit with other women about stuff we can't talk about with our SOs or irl friends, and many of us don't want to be constantly reminded about how shitty men are. Bitching in every thread about shitty incels or neckbeards or misogynists is annoying, same as when people bitch about trannies in threads. It has little to do with not wanting people to be mean to the poor little men, and more to do with the fact that the posters who bring it up have to shove their nose into everything and try to swing the conversation into misandry. And anyone who says anything gets accused of being a handmaiden or man or tranny.
Just like
>>6045 has done most of those posters are the same
>post a comment that brings up an annoying subject (misandry in this case)>bitch when anyone responds negatively, acting like you're entitled to your opinion but the other person isn't>x does z so y is entitled to do z! (ie. men get away with the same thing all the time, we deserve to!)>adhom (handmaiden/tranny/male etc. No. 6051
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Speaking of containment threads there's a nutjob shitting up the manhate thread in /ot/
and another idiot anon who won't stop replying to the bait
No. 6055
>>6054>they'd also have to stop pointless nitpicking and post actual milk discussion.what gives you that idea? have you looked at the most active threads in /pt/ lately?
I don't know if there is any worth bumping up or not, but I do hope that any changes like that are made after a hellweek.
No. 6059
>>6058bans without redtext are irresponsible tbh.
also, i am coming to complain about the mess that is /ot/. i know it's supposed to be a mess, but fuck, why do we even have that board? the people on it are mostly nuts and there are so many dup threads with /g/ that it seems pointless.
No. 6062
>>6060I agree with
>>6061 that this weird husbando shit isn't welcome on the site. It's extremely cringy and unhinged and I honestly feel like most of the thread is just male roleplayers (cause I really don't want to imagine any women being
that cringy).
No. 6064
>>6058>>6059The redtextless bans are bad, period.
>>6060>>6062That thread is a cringe-filled disaster. If any of those farmers were public about that shit they'd be in /snow/, we have multiple threads laughing about autists like that. The lack of self-awareness and culture of "b-but if it doesn't hurt anyone then its fine and harmless! UwU" needs to stop. Lolcow isn't a place for weeby tumblr otherkin to congregate like a petri dish, especially since these types of people are the exact kind of people that we laugh at. The thread also isn't general enough for people to contribute unless they're literally autistic, and we shouldn't be welcoming these sorts of people to come shit up lolcow.
>inb4 next /ot/ thread is for fictionkin to meet other fictionkinWe gotta draw the line somewhere fam.
No. 6073
>>6071not even american unfortunently, I just think the amount of unsaged posts that are just there to tell the fb autists that "abby isn't any less valid than them" is insane, the whole thread is PULL tier shielding.
I guess I just don't understand why all of a sudden anons feel the need to WK white trash instead of letting it either die or accepting shes another unstable cow like the rest. They don't criticise her for shit, they literally just scream that she's so innocent and don't deserve nuffin' of this torment the FB bullies are posting.
(Like wtf is the point of posting screencaps of her degeneracy when you're there to say "im so proud she left will for the 293838 time!!! Hope she sticks!" Only to be 'let down' she went back after 20seconds like she always does and generally being in support of literally whatever phase she latches onto.)
No. 6075
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>>6074This, exactly. The absolute state of these girls.
No. 6078
>>6076Nta and not a poster in either of those threads, but it isn't your hugbox either lol. Let them post what they want.
>>6077That reason being? I came here to ask about that. It was very entertaining, I miss it already.
No. 6089
>>6084people found it entertaining. and that would suggest that lc is a legit hugbox. there's a hide thread feature for a reason and they refuse to simply use it. there was no tulpa talk outside of that thread and no need for them to whine the way they did.
if you can't handle sad anons harmlessly talking about their embarrassing innocent imaginary boyfriend fantasy without repeatedly barging in and endlessly sperging about how it makes them cows and complaining to mommy mods about how you can't just use the hide thread feature as it was intended and have to demand to have it locked and husbando talk off the site entirely all just because you think it's lame/losery, despite it not being exploitative or gross, that's pretty hugbox-y and spoiled, actually.
No. 6091
>>6089This. A lot of anons have been doing that lately. They want anything that
triggers them to be outright banned, yet have the nerve to accuse others of wanting hugboxes or being whiny
No. 6093
>>6092that's not what that means lmao. its the same idea as not wanting men or racist threads or proana threads on the site. there's nothing hugboxy about keeping the site free of trash. /ot/ isn't for
anything. most of us don't want really excessive weeaboos on here either. there is nothing normal or regular about waifu faggotry. especially to the "i celebrate their birthday" level. it's super cringy and completely different than simply liking the character.
No. 6094
>>6093Ntayrt, but that's a false equivalence. There are good reasons to ban all those other things. They derail threads, cause fighting, and generally shit up the site. Banning innocent weeb shit on a site made by and for weebs simply because a few anons think it's nerdy
is hugbox-teir. Use the "hide thread" button if you don't like it.
Are you new btw? You sound like you are.
No. 6095
>>6094anon this has always been a thing. any thread can cause infighting. mods and user input cause things to be banned. it isn't false equivalence just because you like something that's not desirable on the site. the waifu fagging d like it was started by a male anyway who just said husbando to pretend (especially obvious since their husbando qas a secret) and much the thread seemed like men role-playing. as someone who used to lurk /jp/ it seemed in line with how men post there.
my point is that people can't just expect anything goes on the site. the site isn't all inclusive. and some users aren't wanted.
No. 6096
>>6091Those might not be the same anons.
I know I didn't request the thread to be banned and I posted that lc is not a waifu hugbox.
>>6082Well, if they were not anon they would be attention seeking…
No. 6103
>>6098Probably from the way the anons she's talking about come here and throw tantrums every time they see a post that
triggers them
No. 6105
>>6098i meant 'narc' like, someone who is always chomping at the bit to turn people in/complain, though interpreting it as 'narcissists' works too in this scenario, tbqh. they remind me of the kids that would look for literally anything impossibly small/inconsequential to bitch about, about the other kids, to their mom or any other authority figure. all of their posts reek of "mooom, i don't like it!! mooooom, nuke the thread and ban the subject!!".
>>6096but they were posting anonymously. you can't say it's cow behavior when they've made the choice to keep it anon. it would be if it was not anon, but it wasn't, and they mentioned multiple times they hide their husbando shit from everyone, so it just isn't cow behavior.
No. 6106
>>6074I'm so glad someone said this out loud because I agree 100% and noticed it too. Thanks anon.
>>6089This. I don't even post in that thread and I just don't get why anons got so
triggered over it. Someone has a husbando that makes their lonely life a bit better and helps them cope, that's not really warranting a screeching fit over "cringy anons bringing in trash". All ana-chan threads and PULL tier skinwalking nitpicking is much more detrimental to the board than some stupid weeb thread. Did someone's 2D husbando burn your house down or something for being so mad?
No. 6107
>>6101>>6076Personally I think part of the charm of imageboards is being able to freely discuss strange/controversial things you wouldn't be able to otherwise. Regardless if I agree with the 2D love and man hate threads I think they deserve to stay. I don't think expecting to not have threads be flooded with shitposting is wanting a "hugbox".
Also, who is this "we"? Why do you assume you represent the majority of posters?
No. 6112
>>6111>literally no oneI'm referring to all the retards who keep trying to say they want to preserve the board culture. Read up just a few posts before mine.
>>6093 >>6084
My point was that shit threads aren't "ruining the board" because the board is shit.
No. 6125
Looking forward to hellweek also
No. 6128
>>6127I feel like there's been a lot of inconsistency in the moderating lately, which definitely started before the summer. Since the last hellweek ended it feels like the modding in general has just been all over the place and it just makes me not want to post because I don't want to have to try and parse what farmhands in particular threads think is acceptable.
It might just feel that way (such as with bans being more visible now without actually increasing the number of bans) but it does lead one to question what's going on with recruitment of staff.
No. 6129
>>6128> it feels like the modding in general has just been all over the placeI agree as well. In one thread you can get banned for circle jerking how beautiful someone is for derailing, but in another it's perfectly fine and acceptable. Off-topic will get a thread sent to snow but another thread that constantly goes off-topic will not.
It's hard to trust the staff when they don't even seem to be on the same page with rules.
No. 6132
>>6053Events like this usually happen during extremely milk worthy events. Like
>>6054 said, the raven thread is a good example of this.
>>6059>>6126>>6064Some anons would complain if there was too much redtext.
>>6108Hellweek seems to be desired by all parties but it needs good planning to be effective, for example making sure everyone is available etc.
>>6124I believe another member of staff will be looking into that within the next 24 hours.
>>6127Staff communicates regularly but we are sorry if we don't respond as often on this thread. Luckily, various members are usually reading into input between reports.
>>6128What specifically about moderation feels inconsistent? Rules were recently updated for clarification and stickied threads were added to /pt/ and /snow/ for user friendliness.
>>6129Not all bans are visible, we do try to be consistent with what warrants a ban accross boards and the updated rules are defined for both /pt/ and /snow/ due to their differences.
>Off-topic will get a thread sent to snowWhen the moo thread was sent to snow it was due to anons cowtipping and crusading on twitter.
No. 6133
>What specifically about moderation feels inconsistent? Rules were recently updated for clarification and stickied threads were added to /pt/ and /snow/ for user friendliness. Well, I got a redtext ban a couple of weeks ago for blogposting (I wasn't, I was responding to a comment another anon made about a cow filing a discrimination lawsuit and it had nothing to do with my personal experiences) and then when I attempted to post in a thread I received a message saying that I needed to "tone down the wall of text" and showing me the post which was redtexted for blogposting. So that's confusing and feels inconsistent.
I'm also not sure where in the rules it says that posts shouldn't exceed a certain length, (I could just be missing it) but that also seems very subject to the whims of a particular farmhand.
I've also seen other anons get redtext bans for "blogging" when their post has nothing to do with their personal experiences and is a response to something another anon said. Honestly, from what I'm seeing, redtext bans for blogging just seem to be a covert way of farmhands saying "fuck your opinion."
>When the moo thread was sent to snow it was due to anons cowtipping and crusading on twitter.That was never clearly communicated to users posting in that thread.
From what I recall at the time, a farhmand stated that the Moo thread had devolved into nitpicking and OT posts, had no real milk, and that people were tired of seeing it clogging up PT. And yet, the Vicky Shingles and Dasha threads are just as nitpicky, OT, and lacking milk at times, but apparently their spot on PT is secure. So that's another example where moderation has felt inconsistent and based more on farmhand's personal biases than the rules.
I'm not saying the staff should have to justify every ban or use of redtext, but
>>6129 made a good point
>It's hard to trust the staff when they don't even seem to be on the same page with rules. No. 6243
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>>6132>Some anons would complain if there was too much redtext. But anons are complaining
now about the lack there of. Red text should be on every post, that's how all other chans do it.
No. 6253
>>6132on the one hand, I appreciate you are at least trying to respond. on the other … really?
>some anons would complain if too much redtextwhat kind of answer is that?
>hellweekis long overdue and needed more than ever. it's a vague 'coming soon' that doesn't feel like it is going to happen at all, and meanwhile, the boards are going to shit.
>staff communicatesthat's really nice. good work, team. but how the fuck are users meant to know what is going on?
>moderationthis has been extremely scattershot since new admin. It's part of why this summer has been so bad - lack of communication from staff and inconsistent modding mean anons are caring less and less about posting guidelines and rules, and it really shows.
If you're going to come and talk to us (every now and then), don't bother with the politic shit. I'd rather hear nothing than polite deflections of stuff that has been coming up for months.
No. 6254
>>6253>>6249>>6248seconding all of these
really wish staff would communicate with
us instead of keeping us in the dark on everything. moderation quality has been dropping for well over a year now and you guys have been doing an especially shit job as of late.
No. 6255
>>6253>>6254I've honestly almost completely given up at this point; it feels like feedback and reports go no where. I'd jump back on reporting etc if I knew concrete plans were in action, but that was 100% a no-answer lipservice post. It lowkey seems like admin is MIA and farmhands have been trying to cover it up and bury the body so no one panics lol…
I don't know, I usually try to be active in reporting and meta but I think this is my last post til I see some change. I doubt my contribution even made a huge difference, but personally this is the end of my rope and I can imagine tons of others already hit this point way before me…
No. 6256
>>6253>>6254>>6255All of this.
I get the impression that recent admin brought in a bunch of friends to mod and they’re treating the site as something they own and allow others to use - as opposed to being current custodians of a user-driven imageboard. It’s like users are meant to be obeying them, instead of staff being there to serve the users.
No. 6263
>>6262>We also didn’t have near this level of radfem sperging before, either.uh, the radfem stuff has been here for a really long time now and misandry threads have been a thing on here for literal years. pretty much the only time it wasn't like this was is when we had a surge of pull users. were you only lurking /pt/ until like a month ago or something?
it's died down a lot in the past few months anyways. if you hide those threads, you can easily ignore it. that's kind of sus though; why are you lowkey
triggered by terves?
No. 6264
>>6263I got here shortly after the staminarose migration and a bit before the tumblr/anachan influx when the first admin was around, actually? The culture has
definitely shifted under the new admin in a specifically terfy/radfem way, and it’s causing a lot of infighting, and the quality of the site is tanking. You can’t “hide those threads” because in every other thread now you have four unmoderated derailing idiots shouting about it every time someone even accidentally refers to a troon or fakeboi by their chosen pronouns.
I literally don’t give a shit about terfs one way or another except for the fact that they used to just be one part of the user base, and now they sperg up every thread, and it’s been practically codified under recent admin. Please for the love of god do not start back with the bickering that just died down - I had nothing to do with that and that shit is literally exactly why I’m saying “wtf, did radfems literally take over the site and then abandon it when the whole site became radfem infighting?”
I don’t care about the rhetoric, I’m just really suspicious of staff’s level of involvement with lolcow politics, especially in moderation - subjects that caused this much derailing used to catch bans, but terf shit causes an uproar every single time yet somehow that’s still a part of the user base we need to mollify? Fuck that.
No. 6269
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>>6132These responses could not be more canned.
Point blank - what is going on with the site? I think we’d all like to actually hear from admin for once, as well.
No. 6272
>>6271I'll just put the IP address here because whatever, it's
That last person definitely wasn't me, and as this is a mobile address, it also wasn't likely from even the same location as me
No. 6276
>>6133Posts with an excessive length don't fit imageboard culture and are usually associated with blogging or some sort of derailing. The ban may have been related to that. You can read more about it under the /snow/ and /pt rules, it's number 1.
Right now finding more staff is more of a priority than a townhall or poll, meaning hellweek is the main priority after that. Suggestions and complaints here are always noted though, even if it doesn't always seem that way.
For hellweek to work, we need to make sure that we are not understaffed. Applying for positions is encouraged now more than ever, but if you have already applied you may be getting emailed soon.
Another thing we'll work on is making moderation much more consistent for everybody. Hopefully the upcoming changes are noticable enough for positive feedback.
No. 6278
>>6276I see that you guys have repeatedly been petitioned to offer up some sort of job description for farmhands. I imagine that’s pretty accurate as to why you’re having a hard time finding staff. You guys seem to redtext a lot of the posts I report and you’ve taken suggestions I’ve made here in meta before so I have considered applying myself, but I always get halfway through the application and quit because I can’t tell what I’m getting myself into and don’t want to waste your time or mine. I’m sure I can’t be alone in that.
Also, why is Aly’s thread autosaged again? Anons were really happy to have it back and some fantastic art is getting made. It’s a much better thread than half the ones that get bumped all day long on snow, and it makes no sense. People were saging and no major cowtipping was happening - i am pretty sure a lot of the “myproana” type forums discuss her as wel so you can’t just assume the nasty comments she gets are from farmers (if that’s what it is.) I didn’t even see any bans or red text go up so what gives?
No. 6279
>>6276Sorry - it’s not clear - are you planning on doing hellweek
before a townhall or poll? Because that seems like a terrible idea and I think a number of anons have already said something to that effect. Good to hear from admin though!
No. 6282
>>6277The thread will be put off autosage once anons start adhering more to the rules, saging would be a great start.
>>6278The only staff role aside from the admin is a farmhand and all farmhands handle reports and bans collectively.
>>6279Yes, hellweek is expected before a townhall but if it really seems like an awful idea you're free to post your thoughts on it.
>>6281>>>/meta/5702Any remaining difference (if any) is paid for through the staff's own pockets.
No. 6284
>>6282seeing you post makes it pretty obvious why the site is so poorly modded. it's like you didn't even read
>>6278 at all, and if you did, you didn't comprehend anything.
No. 6285
>>6284I've been under the impression lately farmhands don't actually read the context of a thread/surrounding posts when a post is reported, and instead just read the report and go with that as of late. Hence a lot of the "biased" looking bans now
these replies from both farmhand and admin feel mildly similar to that, not enough time or focus – maybe because they're stretched thin
I've been kind of curious as to how current admin got the position. were they friends with previous admin? were they a prior farmhand? were they from a different chan/gossip board? do they have any roots in lolcow/staminarose/4chan? did they have any experience being an administrator prior to this?
I mean it doesn't make a difference either way in the grand scheme of things, but I've always got the impression they don't and didn't. It makes it seem even queerer thought-out posts with the site's well-being in mind are being mostly glossed over/ignored.
I don't mean for this post to sound petty or dickish towards farmhands/admin, either, more like speculation as to what has lead to the site becoming this way since everything still feels pretty shrouded in mystery and favor towards the part of the userbase that has always seemed like a minority in the past.
No. 6286
>>6283It's just six now. It seems "the staff" has deep pockets.
And no desire to share neither valuable equity nor valuable information.
No. 6288
>>6285i'd say none of the staff here has any prior chan experience, seeing as random shit admins and farmhands have said isn't anything i've seen on chans.
>double postingthat's not a term, samefag is a neutral term, calling yourself out for doing it is appropriate.
>>6276 the excessive length thing has little to do with actual blogposting. walls of text are shit in some threads but they're not blogposting.
>redtextuse it or don't, and stop letting the clearly autistic admins write in their ban reasons. it's super embarrassing because some of them point out their obvious salt. we also
need to implement some kind of guide for redtexting. i've seen on other chans that generally the first post by the offending retard is redtexted.
i really just want a lot of shit fixed.
No. 6289
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Why didn't the 1st and 3rd poster got banned as well?
No. 6290
>>6282I think it’s probably obvious to most people that farmhands and janitors handle bans. That doesn’t explain what kind of communication is expected or how it’s done, what kind of qualifications you want for farmhands or what experience is helpful, how much time people are expected to have available, what areas of lolcow specifically need more attention…you know, a job description. A description…of…the job…
I hate to get salty but at this point it’s obvious there is interest and it’s like you’re trying not to get help running this place.
Regarding upcoming hellweek without a townhall or poll or anything:
Summer is almost over. Half of the cancer is going back to school before it’s likely to get organized. A major portion of the main user base has been complaining for months about inconsistent modding, and feeling that staff is becoming a bit of a cabal (which makes sense even if inaccurate, given how few of you there are and how limited communication has been). There are major disagreements among the user base itself re: what direction the site should take and what should and shouldn’t be bannable offenses. If you do a hellweek with the staff/user relationship as-is,
after all the cancer leaves, do you really think it’s going to go well? Because it seems like a lot of really solid posters are ready to throw their hands up and abandon the site, already.
If y’all don’t try to communicate with your users better and do a lot to restore confidence in moderation before you start cracking down on people, it’s going to cause an uproar I guarantee it.
No. 6292
>>6291this. it's bullshit especially since the mods are saying they don't have enough people. this site isn't being run like a chan anymore. the admin/mods don't seem to get that chans have a lot of user dicatation. infighting is one thing, but so many things are labeled as such it's ridiculous.
tinfoil but i think admin is neglecting us because they're running instead lmao.
No. 6294
>>6293Yes this would be nice.
I dont see anything wrong with reminding other users to sage. We call out trolling and bait, why not remind others of board etiquette? What if they are new and unsure of the way things work even after reading the rules?
No. 6295
>>6288I agree with what you say but as said before blog posting is
usually associated with long posts unrelated to the topic at hand. That's why transcript anons are appreciated and blog posters in the animal youtubers threads aren't.
>>6289There's no way for you to know if they were banned or not but if they were banned it was obviously not a red texted ban. This may or may not be based on post history or who was starting the majority of the fighting in the thread.
>>6290If you want to be more specific, leadership roles and online forum experience is preferred with a reasonable degree of technical experience. Time depends on the person and their real life obligations but the team is more oriented on getting through reports and the time that takes really does depend on the person and the kind of week it is. /ot/ /g/ need the most help but certain threads on /snow/ need more moderation as well.
At this point it seems it may be better not to do a hellweek after summer. If we could, hellweek would have been done ages ago but there is not enough people to effectively do that and finding trustworthy people to help moderate is another issue.
>>6291Post history is usually accounted for during the reporting process. Personally, I don't penalize any user who enforces the rules reasonably. Especially if it's an oldfag. Now someone who constantly derails and infights over sage may be banned for a short period as a warning.
>>6292Crystal Cafe has different staff and admin. If you do disagree with the way infighting is treated then please go in depth about it to help us correct the issue. Of course not everything is meant to be labeled as infighting.
>>6294Things like that are fine to a degree, the reason mini modding was added in detail to the rules was actually due to the infighting and derailing some mini mods would start.
No. 6297
>blogposting>specifically >>6276 the excessive length thing has little to do with actual blogposting. walls of text are shit in some threads but they're not blogposting. Yeah that answer pretty much confirmed what I already said, which is that the blogposting bans are just a a fuck you from the staff.
>>6295I don't understand the staff's insistence that "long posts usually equal blogposting so we ban users for long posts because it breaks the rules about blogposting." The current rules don't ban long posts. Nor does the info about board culture mention anything about avoiding posts of excessive length. With the rules written as they are at present, a long post should be fine if it's relevant and on topic.
If staff don't want long posts in threads, why not just put in the rules that long posts = a ban?
No. 6299
>>6297The post was long but it was also a blogpost.
Per the recent conversation here, I personally would like to see the mini-modding ban relaxed somewhat. It takes time for farmhands to arrive in threads and give out bans. And sometimes there's no edtext so only one person knows about the ban. We can quickly squash cowtipping and derailing if you let us. As it stands, that behaviour gets out of hand and personally I think it's lead to a proliferation to cowtipping, a kind of new normal here where anons constantly interfere with the cows. Look at Moo's cam chat, anons were in there shitting it up from the start. Also, there's been a huge increase in people posting screencaps of comments by "someone tearing x cow a new one" when it's almost always a self post. Other anons see that and they copy it - they have no idea if a ban was issued or not. Random comments about/to a cow are not milk but there's so many of them now. We as users used to police this and try to stop it in the Margo threads. Now it's become the new normal and it's really ruining things.
No. 6300
>>6298i'm just going off what admin said that longposts are bans.
>>6299even if it was, admin said right here
>>6276 that longposts are blogposts.
No. 6301
>>6295my personal issue with the minimodding bans is that some bans seem to happen
before anything starts, which doesn't really make sense. if infighting starts after, by all means ban the posters, but the beauty of a site like this is that you can treat things on a case to case basis. i guess the real issue is that the mods and admin all have to be in agreement with each other on what that means.
No. 6309
>>6300>Posts with an excessive length don't fit imageboard culture>are usually associated with blogging or some sort of derailing. >ban [MAY] have been related to that. Admin did not really say that, anon. It was a mistake for its length to be singled out in the first place because it has lead to these buttblasted discussions. Not all long posts are blog posts. Blog posts can often be long.
>>6307Make a tiny edit to your post when that happens and it should go through? Something about trying to post the exact same thing after you've been flood detected.
No. 6310
>>6309The discussion is about the use of bans and the lack of consistent moderation. Long posts vs. blogposts is a symptom of that, which is why it's being discussed.
The discussion started because anon said that moderation feels inconsistent and in
>>6132 Farmhand wrote >What specifically about moderation feels inconsistent? Rules were recently updated for clarification and stickied threads were added to /pt/ and /snow/ for user friendliness.
As pointed out in
>>6288 staff seem to have a weird vision of how to run a chan that's not consistent with how other chans are run. The continued parroting of "read the rules" by staff is troubling when there's seemingly no consensus among staff about what those rules mean. It's not unreasonable to ask staff to clarify or be more explicit about what results in a ban.
No. 6311
>>6310I don't think it's unreasonable to be asking what you are in here? I wouldn't be in here having a conversation in this thread if I didn't want change. I'm following the conversation with interest and have already read the comments you're pointing to.
I find the longpost/blogpost argument and whether admin did or didn't say a longpost is a blogpost to be a bit of derailment. I agree that clear reasons for a ban need to be given but if it was a blogpost, being long or not is really not an issue.
No. 6312
>>6299Some of the posts I'm referring to that have become rampant. These are from the Momokun thread in the last 7hrs. Yes, it's been livelier due to her cam streams, but it encapsulates the cultural problem affecting a lot of threads now. I feel like it's because some anons complained loudly in here about mini-modding, and now they have their way and people interfere with the cows much of the time.
>>>/pt/562438>>>/pt/562441>>>/pt/562449>>>/pt/562470>>>/pt/562539>>>/pt/562546>>>/pt/562668>>>/pt/562679>>>/pt/562703>>>/pt/562737>>>/pt/562740>>>/pt/562898>>>/pt/562917>>>/pt/562922>>>/pt/562973and despite some obvious rule-breaking posts like the repeated namefagging, the only two comments that got redtexted were male posts:
>>>/pt/562675>>>/pt/562691I know that bans are also issued without redtext but if you have any serious intention to stop the slide of some threads into cultures of pure cowtipping, you have to redtext the offending posts or the people trying to organise it. How else will new people learn? And there's nothing the rest of us can say for fear of a ban for mini-modding. We can't report them all for fear of a ban for too many reports.
No. 6313
>>6309just the fact that admin said longposting doesn't fit chan culture is telling. it's super arbitrary and she basically phoned it in.
also can we do anything about the fucking manhate shit? there's always so many anons saying "just hide the thread, you're paranoid it's not on other threads!" but low and behold, it seeps into other threads like a backed up toilet. i don't need to hear a bunch of insane people circle jerk about how men are biologically programmed to rape, it's extremely cringy.
No. 6314
>>6313The man hate issue really gets me because they always come in with insults every time. Handmaiden, tranny, man, neckbeard, like clockwork. They don't get that it's not the
man hate that's the issue it's the
hate. They're like users who nitpick cows all day and then circle jerk about how true it is and reply to everyone with "hi cow!". It's just annoying. Men are shitty, but being that obsessed with picking apart examples and screencaps is the kind of thing that incels get obsessed with. And like incels, they turn on everyone telling them to chill out about it.
>inb4 but anon MEN get to do this ALL over the internet!And, it's annoying when they do it, you don't get to be fucking annoying on here because men are also annoying. Anyone who thinks that they "deserve a place to shit on men" should be permabanned automatically.
No. 6317
>>6312Please do not worry about being banned over a fear of over reporting, it usually never happens. Over reporting bans may be issued when someone clogs up reports with 6 month or 2 year old threads.
On the related topic of redtexting, staff has decided to lessen red texting.Obvious example offenses like cowtipping will be taken into consideration for red text but minor offenses will no longer be red texted. Don't assume that no red text means there's no ban. Anything that is reported is always seen.
No. 6318
>>6316So you have no idea for a solution?
>just think the user base has some serious serious issues. Most of lolcow's user base has some issues, but this creepy obsession with negative stories about men is really telling.Would anything said that is “man-hating” bannable make you happy about the situation? Maybe go to another, more pro-man chan?
No. 6322
>>6318Nta but you guys are really bad at listening huh. The users are very volatile. They don't listen to mods, they can't accept criticism or any negative comments about the thread, to the point where they derail other threads with shitposting. They get baited daily and then whine about it being autosaged, and why not autosage it? The thread itself is a circle jerk of fearmongering and hysteria and it attracts neckbeards like flies on shit.
I honestly think the worst part is that you can't say anything about the thread, even in this very thread without anons jumping on you either with insults or in defense of the thread. In all irony they're acting like men themselves. They announce their presence in every thread, act like their opinion is important and insult you if you don't agree. Not only that but they make bait shit in threads so they can do those things. And the "men do this all over the internet we should be allowed to here!" argument is just as obnoxious.
Also, this site isn't pro-men but it certainly isn't anti-men like you seem to think. I've been here since the beginning and the reason we don't want men here is because the men on /cgl/ and most chans in general are whiny annoying little shitlords. It's certainly not because everyone here is a lesbian radfem. I don't want men here, but I also don't think that the thread is working because of the fucking users. The old misandry thread didn't have these kinds of people acting like they owned the site.
No. 6324
>>6309Thanks anon, that solution helped.
>>6323I think "porn provider" is a bit of an exaggeration, anon.
No. 6325
>>6316The fact that you like to describe these women as "really creepy" and "obsessed" doesn't inspire any confidence in me that you're not just a male who can't handle that some women hate him. You're being patronizing and degrading while asking a distressed group of people to stop expressing their distress. Basically, you're calling women crazy and illogical and using words that imply as much while asking (or trying to make a mod force) them to shut up. You're not helping the issue.
I'm not a user of that thread but that's what I'm seeing here. Women don't just wake up hating men, in my experience, something bad happened to them that made them this way and they're hurt and using this primarily woman occupied space, one of few, to safely express that. As it stands, you've already used language that invalidates them and you think their experiences are just "stories". The more I type about this the more it sounds like you're an offended guy trying to sound like a lady to appear unbiased, since a lot of dudes also dismiss the bad things that happen to women as "just stories". Its not a good look.
No. 6328
>>6325Can you not read? What the fuck. Are you trolling? You're doing exactly what that anon is complaining about, accusing them of being a man for disagreeing not with the content being discussed but the vastly annoying behavior of those discussing it (which you're exhibiting), then trying to straw man with "bad men make women act this way from their experience" as if incels saying women are abusive and awful and that's why they're hating on every little thing about them isn't their #1 go to argument too. If you aren't a troll you must be seriously illiterate to not see the irony they've again and again reiterated in their posts about this. I don't even care if you're a woman, a man, a tranny, identify as an apache attack helicopter onision marrying transformer or whatever the fuck - you're just flat out ignorant at this point
Frequenting meta I am fully convinced it has some kind of voodoo spell over people that causes points to go completely over their heads. Users, staff, everyone.
No. 6329
>>6325nta but lmao, you're acting exactly like everyone's been bitching about. how are you getting any of that from what anon is saying at all? not only that but if you look in the thread you'd notice much of it is just caps harvested from the web and not personal experiences at all.
everything you said was a huge fucking reach.
No. 6330
Stop trying to put people down for their opinions. The worst part of
>>6325 is that they know damn well that anon isn't a man and they're trying to shame her into agreeing.
>you're being patronizing for not agreeing>you're a man for not agreeing>you're invalidating others for not agreeing>you're accusing them of making shit up even though you never referenced the contextThis behavior is disgusting. No one is attacking anons personally but the shitty man-hate anons from the thread. It's always the same shit.
>you're a man>you're a tranny>you're a handmaidenFor the last time, the thread could be about fucking cars for all I care, the content isn't the issue. It's exactly what
>>6322 said.
>>6325 and the other man-hate userbase are just taking advantage of the site to have a chance to act like shitty incels. They're basically telling us that when they use that shitty "MEN DO THIS AAAAALL OVER THE INTERNET AND WE HAVE TO WATCH" excuse. They're just bitter women who have a huge chip on their shoulder and think the fact that men are shit somehow means they have the right to do the same shitty things uninhibited. It's that level of entitlement that makes them so terrible. I don't give a fuck if you're salty that you don't get to be and entitled twat on the rest of the internet. It is annoying regardless of who's doing it, man, woman, tranny, whatever.
No. 6331
>>6330>>6328>>6322all of this. my issue isn't with the threads themselves but the bullying userbase. there is no need for anons to come into other threads to defend their thread, we're
anon. they always come into threads that mention the manhate thread and throw around insults and then just tell anons they're being too sensitive. it is similar to what men do, but it is 100% bullying. even ITT man hate anons are so disrepectful and mean for no reason, then they claim it's other people who are
triggered, when they resort to bullying and dismissive insults at simple criticisms of the thread. there is a reason
>>6325 glossed over
>>6322 comment, it was well written by an oldfag and provides many good points and insights. it's clearly not been written by a man and anon can't simply attack the user.
they can have their thread, but they need to stop trying to silence people who complain about it. we all have a right to complain.
No. 6333
>>6332the solution is to ban the thread and comments like that. obviously saying stuff about how men suck is fine but when stuff goes into femcel territory it gets banned.
stuff like "men are retarded" or "men will fuck anything" is fine, but when it gets into crazy shit like "men are rapists" or "men all hate us" should be banned without question. and anyone outside the thread calling people handmaidens/trannies/men for saying that the manhate is annoying should get banned as well. we really just have to go full on 4chan robot containment.
No. 6334
>>6333>shit like "men are rapists" or "men all hate us" should be banned without question.wew
>we really just have to go full on 4chan robot containment.What does this mean?
As far as I know, 4chan does nothing to contain robots nor their hate for women. Unless you mean that they were given r9k.
No. 6335
>>6334nta but if you don't like it
you come up with a solution.
>acting like 4chan is all /b/ and /r9k/ when oldfags here were from /cgl/the obvious issue isn't just the man haters it's the people like you who aren't actually from 4chan originally. if you think robot bait was allowed on most of the boards, think again.
No. 6336
>>6317I actually did receive a ban for reporting less-than-day-old unsaged posts (that needed to be saged) about a year ago. This was back when saging existed for /pt/.
I was very confused and upset by the ban, tried appealing, sending an e-mail, and ultimately had to wait it out. And I wasn't spamming a crazy amount of reports either; it was just the Momokun thread iirc and I erred on the side of caution.
So I don't blame anons for being afraid. I have been there.
>>6333I don't agree with this. This feels like a kneejerk reaction to the other end of the spectrum.
I read gender crit in OT and some of the art threads and that's usually it, but recently had reasons to vent about some men (sex/sexist related things some of which I wanted advice on) and went to the man hate thread and had decent exchanges there regarding those situations and those men.
I've been reading it semi regularly since then and see the derail/bait/bait-taking etc. I haven't personally seen the same nature of man hate posts in snow or pt. They are usually much more tame and are relevant to the discussion (many cows have gross cheating bfs/husbands for example).
I just wanted to give some background to the thoughts I have as suggestion, because I could be naive regarding the larger scale of OT (since I only regularly visit like 4 threads there or so) and maybe that's where the man hate overflow occurs?
I think the man hate thread should exist at least for containment purposes. Punish off topic obvious overflow (though again I can't personally recall ever seeing any) and punish trolls/bait in the man hate thread as well as those who take obvious bait. I am indifferent to whether or not it is autosaged, though autosaging it may cause overflow. Closing the thread is almost certain to cause overflow.
Sorry for length. I don't intend on posting in this thread multiple times.
No. 6337
Sorry I hurt your feelings, y'all got autistic rage issues while complaining about women with rage issues lol
>>6336For what it's worth, I've only ever seen it overflow into June's thread and that's kind of expected since I'm under the impression she tries to sick own TERFs all day. I haven't read it in a long time so I don't know if that's still the case.
No. 6345
>>6344That's literally what people are asking for, that this shit gets banned when it gets out of hand/extremist and just like
EVERY topic that's been banned in the past, it be permanently banned if the vast majority can't keep themselves under control. Why do you think man hate is above any of the other topics we can no longer discuss for these exact reasons?
You (or like minded anons) keep saying "well I'd really just like a solution!" And we keep bringing up the same solution we've used for everything when this happens, and you brush it off like no one is saying anything.
>>6339God how are you so dense. No one is saying you can't complain also, everyone has a problem that every time an anon has negative concrit on the subject it gets deflected, valid points ignored and they're accused of being a man/whatever…. Like what
literally just happened and keeps happening throughout this thread. For such an oldfag you've never managed to develop reading comprehension; for shame.
No. 6347
>>6346Anas also constantly shit up the chubby thread, telling everybody to "just water fast", even though that thread isn't about weight loss…
Why can there be countless threads about diet and working out but not a single one for girls who aren't slim?
No. 6348
>>6327No imageboard is full of red text listing bans. We decided to go the old school lolcow route by red texting serious example offenses instead of minor offenses.
>>6336That is troubling to hear. We'll try to make sure things like this don't happen again.
>>6345>>6344>>6346>>6347Man hate derailing is absolutely going to be treated the way anachans have been in the past. If it's not kept in the thread then there are going to be bans.
No. 6355
>>6354You'd be surprised.
>>6323I'm a bit uncomfortable with the direction that the Moo thread is headed in since she started camming. There are obviously some new users who are not here for the milk, not to mention the pretty blatant cowtipping that's been going on at camversity. It's been somewhat alleviated by having a separate cam thread but I'm worried that it's only a matter of time before the thread is moved backed to /snow again.
No. 6358
so, still no hellweek … what a surprise.
>>6290>that staff is becoming a bit of a cabal yeah, this. it is becoming increasingly obvious.
>>6296more like mods, can you please explain why the tipping that is occurring in a whole bunch of threads is going unchecked?
I can't believe how much this place has changed under this team. The rules may as well be dumped at this point, there's cancer everywhere, and communication feels combative. Users want to see more redtext and list valid reasons why (like anons learning from other's mistakes) - lol fuck your red text, we're going to do it less, in the middle of a tsunami of faggotry and cancer. Users beg for a hellweek - fuck that too. Users ask for better info and communication - well, guess what.
seems like the only change worth hoping for at this point is change of leadership before things get terminal.
No. 6360
>>6356Many of us were doing that and I know damn sure that I'm not any of those people that you mentioned. Nanabear's friend was posting on there but Nana herself was not. Being as paranoid as Moo makes you look bad, not the people you're bitching about.
>>6355Yeah the cowtipping is cringy as fuck and it's heading towards tempcow behavior with the Plainey younow cowtipping. A mod already stepped in but I think having a mod actively ban people who admit to tipping the cow would help a lot more.
No. 6361
>>6351Users are allowed to remind others about it without causing derailing or infighting.
>>6358Red texted bans will apply to severe ban violations so users
can learn from it. Red texting minor bans only leads to ban confusion for all parties involved in infighting or derailing for example.
No. 6370
>>6367Again, her friend dumped those. She hangs around in the threads. I didn't say anything about Sabrina or YJ so I don't know why you're bringing that up. Those two actively lurk and pretend not to but Nana's friend wasn't afraid to admit her lurking, she even admitted to the text dumping and linked her FB as further proof. Not sure what the problem is here, anon.
If anything needs to be solved, it's the constant infighting. It gets real silly cause we're all on the same side and know that certain cows lurk their threads and get off on all the infighting and derailing.
No. 6373
>>6371Just use something from Google images in those situations opposed to a self post imo
But if it's feeding trolls you'll probably get banned for that
No. 6374
>>6371It's probably not worth it to try and have a discussion about it. From what I have seen on the board as of late, people don't want facts and research to get in the way of tinfoiling and nitpicking. The likely response is going to be that you're going to get mini-modded by anons and risk a ban depending on how closely farmhands are reading the reports.
It sucks, but that's the board culture now.
No. 6378
>>6377i fucking hope not lmao. also claiming the other threads have no milk isn't gonna make your annoying shit milky.
plus, it wasn't the old admin, they were banned at the last town hall.
No. 6383
>>6380I think it would be smart to do a bit of an overhaul on thread placement in general, tbh. /pt/ barely moves at all. Cows like Mira stay on the front page but haven't done anything milky in years.
I know that there are quite a few cows who have earned their keep as /pt/ staples, but I don't want /pt/ to turn into a dead board just because of a refusal to shuffle around some threads from /snow/.
No. 6386
>>6383This is true. Without Raven there now the most active topics are Onision and Momokun. Mira's topic only gets active when she shows up to WK herself and Vicky's involved in some milk right now so she's fine though.
The others don't seem to be as active and there some choice topics in /snow/ that could benefit being bumped to /pt/. Shay for one is a hidden gem of grossness that would definitely reach a wider audience in /pt/.
>>6385She is gross but she's also very milky. I mean she just recently got a bed, she flew herself to Mexico to meet an edgy rape fantasy tumblr dom she met online, she begs for money to go to porn auditions, she's doing porn with whatever STD/STI she has, and she's about to leave her apartment to go live in a house she ASSUMES is being bought by this guy for the two of them. That's pretty damn milky.
No. 6390
Reasons to redtext:
>>>/snow/674059 had been redtexted,
>>>/snow/674880 probably would not have replied.
If comments are redtexted, then farmhands wouldn't have to process duplicate reports on those comments.
No. 6393
>>6390Let's just face it, for some bizarro reason, they're
never going to give us reasonable redtexting and all we'll ever hear is
"Other chans don't do it like that"
- despite that we deviate from other Chan's in almost every conceivable way now
"Some people will complain"
- despite that we're complaining with logical reasons in favor of it
We're just going to get wishy washy bs answers, our staff user communication is at an all time low
Also loling at the users saying farmhands said minimodding is fine as long as it's not fighting when I've seen it get banned without instigation or reply since… guess that's the posts worthy of receiving redtext though!
No. 6400
Can a mod take care of the white knight who keeps using emojis in the PlasticandProud/Scorpioasshoe thread pretty please?
It will be milky in itself kek
>>>/snow/673730 No. 6407
What the fuck is this? allowing threads like this Admin's way of nuking the site? If Admin no longer wants the responsibility, then pass it on.
No. 6415
>>6412A lawyer representing Kelly Jean sent a notice and we had no choice but to remove her images. You can continue to discuss her, but do not post any images of her or images including her, regardless of who took the photos. Thank you.
Thread is back up here:
>>>/snow/678882>>6413Alive and well!
>>6414I'll take a look, thanks
No. 6417
>>6415FFS you posted a link to a mod post, that only links back to the thread that you locked.
Agreeing with other anon, Kelly doesn't own the rights to her own likeness, even hollywood stars don't. Look up American laws before you bend over for lawyers you piece of shit. If Kelly's images aren't ones that she took, if they are on tumblr or anywhere else on the internet, they are free game. That's how the law works. If I take a candid shot of her in public and post it here it's infringing on
my rights to take it down.
No. 6418
>>64151) the law does not work this way, any pic or video Kelly has publically shared is free game to repost.
2) this sets a terrible precedent for other vows to get a letter head and send you a fake cease and desist on their own behalf.
3) KF gets demands of this nature on a weekly basis and simply tells them to go fuck themselves and there are 0 consequences because guess what, it's not against the law.
No. 6419
>>6415Good job showing up just to assure everyone that you’re totally not dead, even though users have been throwing out valid concerns and questions into this thread for
months without any real answers from you or your “team.”
This site is obviously too large for you to handle, and you either cannot or will not mold your moderators into a cohesive team, listen to feedback from its user base, or ban the posters that are only here to troll and sling shit.
I’m sure most of us were ready to give you the benefit of doubt about these issues. However, when you ignore the site for months on end, let your moderation team run unpoliced, and refuse to even add a small description as to what moderation duties even entail when you’re obviously desperately understaffed, you have to understand why there’s little sympathy to be found for you. If this is too much for you to handle, just come out and say it. It would be the far more respectable thing to do.
Good luck, because you’re going to need it.
No. 6420
>we had no choice but to remove her imagesYou did not remove her images from the previous threads.
>but do not post any images of her or images including her, regardless of who took the photosThe UK does not have codified image rights or personality rights. don't know which is worse: your ignorance or your spinelessness.
No. 6426
>>6425Did she file a DMCA takedown request?
The way you phrased
>>6415 makes it sound like she issued a cease and desist over image rights or personality rights which do not exist in either the US or the UK.
No. 6430
>>6429We wanted to avoid giving away too much information, both to help our case and to avoid encouraging other people who may want to get their threads taken down based on spurious or questionable justification.
Clearly transparency would've been better from the start, though. We're sorry for any confusion.
No. 6434
>>6432that was posted before admin replied. there haven't been any more posts like that but it's not clear if they were banned. if only there was some way that we could ID posts that got banned.
No. 6440
>>6439they got banned for being a male, anon. it's very clear in the rules not to id yourself as being a male.
also any anon going into the thread trying to derail and call everyone bigots is going to get banned regardless. try again.
No. 6442
>>6440i see no indication that
>>>/ot/289715 got banned (which is who
>>6432 was complaining about)
No. 6443
>>6441lol the site is 50%+ user made content, git gud anon.
>>6442i have a problem with that too, which is why redtext is important. atleast
one post from each user that gets banned should have redtext. and the fact that the most recent mod post about it was that they'll do less is retarded. admin must be doing some drugs.
No. 6448
>>6445>>6446trans people who say they're trans in the middle of some unrelated threads should be banned, but in a thread where the statement is completely relevant both to what they're saying and to the thread subject, and in /ot/, that's ridiculous and if you think it should be banned I fear for any imageboard you would ever run, including an all-girl imageboard. even if you think they're male, that's clearly not what that rule is intended for.
the full rule is
>3.5d Male posters: Do not announce your gender or post in a "male here" way. Don't post simply to point out if you're attracted to the subject or not. Nobody cares about your preferences.obviously it's intended to stop the flow of annoying thirsty, incel, and/or attention hungry guys
No. 6458
File: 1536271270862.png (334.96 KB, 479x486, 1523835300437.png)

Can someone do something about the nutjobs that keep bringing up the white/asian race baiting?
No. 6463
>>6461Here are some specific post links we're curious about:
Purporting to be Isa or whiteknighting Isa:
>>>/snow/683078>>>/snow/683051>>>/snow/683045>>>/snow/683008>>>/snow/681575>>>/snow/680927Whiteknighting Raven:
>>>/snow/682432>>>/snow/682321>>>/snow/682199>>>/snow/681515Says they are Logan's ex-friend, share phone font and background with Raven:
>>>/snow/678824>>>/snow/678718>>>/snow/678267>>>/snow/678263>>>/snow/678246>>>/snow/683416>>>/snow/683435>>>/snow/683470Possibly whiteknighting for Isa, not sure but posted this morning NZ time, so:
>>>/snow/683287>>>/snow/683417Locations of interest:
Christchurch, NZ
Saluda, SC, USA
No. 6464
>>6463Forgot one:
Claiming to be Dorian's ex-friend, also whiteknighting Raven:
>>>/snow/682996>>>/snow/683098 No. 6467
File: 1536422074056.png (26.64 KB, 923x548, modsareretarded.png)

please get rid of whoever fucking banned that comment. how tf is it a-logging to say you're going to shoot yourself in the head, and in one comment? anon is talking about how she is going to vomit and then put a shotgun to her head. are the mods just people who have never fucking been on a chan board?
No. 6469
>>6468Ntayrt but why? Because mods can be held accountable for their ban choices by the user base if the user base disagrees with them?
The entire idea of "less red text so we don't have to hear complaints about how the rules are enforced" is pants on head retarded
Current admin has not once in my memory seemed a chan board native and farmhands even had to swoop in to save her ass from criticism when she wasn't transparent about the Kelly lawyers situation
I don't mean to insult you personally but how in the actual fuck are there still people on this site who feel less red text is what we need right now? Do you guys read meta or look at what's going on at all?
No. 6472
>>6463thread is now locked for 'obvious vendetta posting'. not sure what that is supposed to mean, or why it happened, but make of it what you will.
>>6467the irony of this is that the latest mod team seems to want to turn lc into a generic 'classic' chan, with the hands-off approach to modding etc.
No. 6475
>>6472Can a farmhand or admin please make a statement here about what 'obvious vendetta posting' occurred? We aren't or weren't clear, which is why we were curious about who might have what motive to add to the thread, just for background and to know who we're responding to.
Isa is a cow. If the vendetta posters get banned or redtexted why can't the rest of use talk about this milk in the thread? It's current and it's kind of big news? No matter who brought ti to the board.
No. 6480
>>6476and why did it go straight to lock with no explanation? usually it's warnings, callouts, etc, first. the whole thing is bizarre.
meanwhile, how has Miranda not been outed for posting in her own thread? she does it a lot.
No. 6481
>>6480Great question.
And the Lola Tyrrell thread is probably 99% vendetta posts, no redtext or locking in that one.
No. 6484
>>6457We'll try to find a way to improve the functionaility of the catalog by adding hidden and watched features.
>>6458Please report anons that racebait, certains threads on /ot/ are currently being watched for this reason.
>>6459We just unlocked the thread as it shouldn't have been locked in the first place. Our apologies.
>>6463>>6478>>6476>>6479Thanks for the detailed post anon. It'll prove useful. For all anons wondering on how locking a thread on the basis of a vendetta works, we simply check for the ratio of vendetta posts in a thread versus milk. We're still investigating for certainty on the possible identity of some posters. Other spam threads in snow have been locked for similar reasons.
>>6469Red texting every ban would mean reading a site full of red text, the site has never once been moderated in this manner. All warning bans would be marked along with communication to anons. Major example ban offenses will still be red texted. This includes male posting, cowtipping, and self posting. Instances of minor infighting and sage issues can be handled without red text.
Users don't need red text to hold the moderation team accountable for their ban choices. If anyone has a legitmiate issue with a ban reason then they have the right to post a complaint in this very thread. Again, appealing bans will always be encouraged.
>>6483Yes, all applications are read.
No. 6485
>male postingThen why was the troon who disrupted several threads allowed to continue posting and was never redtexted?
Why has the previous Kelly Jean thread >>>/snow/50457 been reinstated, but the current thread is still 404?
No. 6489
>>6485Male posters or self indentifying trans anons have been banned for male posting
with redtext in the man hate thread unless you're referring to another anon or thread. Sometimes we do get reports from /ot/ labled male but upon inspection we can see they are not a robot or male. We can't ban for differing opinions unless they're actively derailing or infighting.
>Why has the previous Kelly Jean thread >>>/snow/50457 been reinstated, but the current thread is still 404?Please see an earlier response above.
>>6425 No. 6490
>>6489He was reported in
>>6425 you said that both threads were removed. The previous thread has been reinstated. Does this mean a new thread can be created?
No. 6493
>>6492i wish the mods would understand we don't need redtext for every post. but we do for stuff like this. crossboard shit like this, or people who post a looooot. they should have one of their posts per thread redtexted.
also mods should listen to what we're saying instead of the literal opposite. you say people will complain about too much, but they are complaining about too little. redtext is the only thing that shows who's been banned. other types of forums don't have redtext but they do mark all posts that have been banned.
No. 6494
>>6492>>6493You're right, it seems the ban was never redtexted but that anon did receieve a ban (gender crit trans anon). We are working on red texting these cases so thank you for bringing this to our attention so we can improve.
>>6490We had a similar incident with the blade thread which lead to it's recreation but as of right now our hands are tied with Kelly's situation as the legal threats seem much more legitmate to our host. As we said before we're going to try to find a way to resolve this issue.
No. 6500
>>6496We are in the process of adding more mods and training new mods.
>>6499>I understood armchairing as pulling diagnoses out of your ass, not discussing the behavior of actually mentally ill cows.Sometimes armchairing is like that, I would even say the majority of the time it is anons medfagging and armchairing about things they don't know for certain.
In this case it's mainly because it falls more into "pyschology 101" blogging territory. It's fine to discuss Tuna's bpd in relation to her behavior but adding detailed commentary about bpd itself isn't needed.
The first and last parts of anon's post were alright because they related to the cow but the middle portion below is armchairing.
>Luna has bpd, so she splits and has black and white thinking, and she probably splits on herself. She either thinks she's the hottest person to ever live, or the ugliest. She takes the selfies when she feels hot, and she posts them when she needs validation because she feels shit. There is no in-between fpr her, no grey area and that's why we see her flip flop on other people as well. It's why there are all these contradictory posts about people in her life as well. It's not that she can't keep her story straight, well it is, but it's not as simple as her being a stupid liar. When bpd people split someone, they're pretty much incapable of remembering they ever held opinions that contradict their current feelings. No. 6502
>>6499Note that you have to take what Tuna says with a grain of salt. It's pretty much what the farmhand said and armchairing is annoying. Nobody wants to go into a thread and see dumb paragraphs from multiple people about what illnesses a person
might have. It happens in every single Tuna thread and way too often.
No. 6517
>>6510One anon in the shay thread (the one who uses "cos" instead of because, cuz, bc, etc.) must be another camwhore with a vendetta or something, she's been posting in there forever. She always gets
triggered whenever someone shits on degenerate fetish stuff too kek. I imagine there are a lot of anons like her in those threads, and a lot of men too. Same goes for all the other threads about camwhores honestly.
Micky's thread is full of trash too, but that's nothing new.
No. 6520
Maybe leaving them open is better though, if only for the fact that when Lola or Claire finally pass away, there’s going to be an immediate flood of discussion about it? I always lean towards keeping threads open.
OT, but I wish we could have another Town Hall meeting. I feel like the site needs one desperately. Barring that, it feels like the place will continue to slowly degrade, due to mods (seemingly) not having a unified focus about what’s best for the site, or even a unified approach to moderation, and the worst users, who all appear to be twelve year olds, have somehow taken over.
It wasn’t that long ago that users lurked more and learned board culture, they’d get policed by long time posters when they stepped out of line and gradually they’d assimilate. That’s not the case now, and the bad posters are the ones attempting to mini mod and police threads. I can’t believe the amount of cowtipping that goes on, and very few anons say anything about it, I think for fear of temp bans. Tempcow was a lot of fun, but it brought a lot of bad behavior back with it when it was shut down.
There are a few cows on /pt/ who I think were bad for the site in the long run, Mariah being one. It’s like certain cows really cause users to sperg heavily.
I miss the time of fresh milk, thoughtful, funny users, and lc itself being a fun place. It’s frustrating to see it go downhill.
No. 6522
>>6518This is where I feel like the staff have really dropped the ball. You can't report anything that's nitpicking if it's about Dasha or whiteknighting Mina and Edwin. Well, you can report it, but don't expect for anything to be done about it. Is nitpicking every single photo of Dasha even necessary? I get it, she did the same to Mina. But she wasn't following any rules, we are. How can nitpicking be against the rules yet be so damn rampant in a thread that the staff was watching so closely? It's the same in the thread on the Onions.
You can't even ask them to chill cause then they'll jump down your throat, it's absolutely embarrassing. Like you, I understand why it became Dasha only. But the brown-nosing when it comes to the two "former" cows make us look
bad. You don't have to stan Mina to put down Dasha. Some of us don't like any of the bitches and just want to watch the fire.
The nitpicking on this site is just crazy.
No. 6523
>>6522>really dropped the ballYou can't nitpick Mina the way you want and that's "really dropping the ball"? Look at the thread histories, Dasha started a thread herself in order to shift the conversation over to nitpicking Mina. Is it any wonder that very thing is not allowed?
>>6505Same anon again, actually there's no evidence Raven really went to Florida. I jumped the gun on that Farmhands, sorry. She could well still be in South Carolina.
No. 6524
>>6508Anons necroing and a-logging have been banned in the thread, it's creation was during a different time and admin. However, the main cow has always been Gwen and not the children as another anon stated below.
>>6509Sperg-chan was banned a day or two ago but we'll continue to give the thread extra attention until the flood of newfags halts a bit more.
>>6513Infighting bans are not currently being redtexted due to the involvement of many anons depending on the incident. Repeat offenders will continue to get longer bans unless they learn to integrate.
>>6522>>6518This is something I think alot of staff members (and the community) can agree with. We'll try to be better about catching repetitive nitpicking since it is a problem that distracts from actual milk. The only problem that lies with this is threads where anons feel that nitpicking is actual