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No. 664082
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>>663799Eek! Dont arm chair them into a different mental illness. They're just bad actors who want attention lol.
No. 664119
>>664051sage and sorry to blogpost but yeah, i have experience with DID and memories/innerworld is an actual phenomenon but its similar to delusions/psychosis. obviously its not real, its just something that a mentally ill/traumatized brain comes up with, although i am extra skeptical of people who claim they have an extremely elaborate innerworld like she does. most commonly its more like a house or dinner table, as opposed to these huge worlds these snowflakes try to make it seem like.
the most unbelievable things/redflags in these attention-seeking videos are the "nooo i dont wanna switch!" and "i feel like a switch is happening" and "oh i see a switch happened" bullshit that takes place in
No. 664130
I'm gonna be like last anon and blogpost a bit, but I've had moments of complete dissociation during extremely stressful times while I was trying to cope with my newly developed PTSD a few years ago and the alter shit is BS. I don't think these people realize your mood is constantly changing ever so slightly and they just chalk it up to "I'm switching." lmao
there are some people calling themselves plural systems and genderfluid that fit the criteria for these as well. i can't find the video anymore but the one with Doug McDonald / VanguardVivian / incantatricks driving in his car and basically just flips his hair to the side and suddenly has a lisp. Then there was a later video of him at home and he was back to normal saying he's a boy now.
maybe OT mostly because they aren't a YTer but seeing this thread reminded me of FreyasSpirit, someone with 104 headmates and counting No. 664160
Thanks for the thread, anon!
>>663560I used to watch her videos routinely for a bit while I did stuff around the house. She basically eventually made a video about "was I talking my DID?" And she says the answer is "yes in addition to no". She took the route instead now of being holier than thou, very angelic holistic type, basically what she was trying to pass "iris" off as in her introduction video. She then went on to make videos under the channel name elle stone, in a very deliberately-trying-to-look-casual blog style.
I found her autumn asphodel channel video about her mother one of the most interesting tbh. I don't buy the DID train at all but I bet she has some legit issues obviously. She will always be pioneer cow of this shit for me.
Is anyone familiar with multiplicityandme? I have watched a decent few of her videos and a tv appearance and she seems like a nice woman but I'm not as familiar with her as with the others.
No. 664165
>>664051First of all, oh gosh this thread, I've been waiting for this. I try not to blogpost too much.
I'm diagnosed with DID and the first time I heard of an 'inner world' was in therapy as part of an exercise to calm down that inner world, as part of the very essence of how it's like living with DID is that your mind is constantly in turmoil of different opinions and moods. You have to figure yourself out, and it's a painful and long process.
The "I don't wanna switch" thing is total bullcrap. Switching most often does not feel like anything, and it's not like some magical posession moment out of a fantasy novel. These people are bringing dissociative disorders to the mud even more. This pains me because there's already so many doctors out there who doubt dissociation's excistence. There are so many people who struggle to get the kind of treatment they need and just hang on somehow and not make everyone's business to know they have a dissociated personality.
I'd also say 99% of people with DID would not call their dissociative parts different personalities or DID a multiple personality disorder. These are not correct terms in the medical world or correct terms to describe the disorder's mechanism.
The final thing that makes me doubt every single person who has filmed their alters, is that it's impossible to do so. Also the 'alters' itself seem pretty fake. The most common type of dissociative parts is a child part who might or might not remember traumatic events. I'd say in most cases child 'alters' are a crucial part of living with this disorder. Some people might be able to
trigger a switch on purpose, however you can't choose which personality is active like that. It's not acting, it's automatic. And dehabiliting. Some people are, or have learned to be very aware of their alters, and can describe them better than others but they can't just choose them yet alone film them. Most likely your parts or alters wouldn't even be aware that the camera is on and just do whatever they like, some might strongly disagree with being filmed. But most importantly you can't just catch your switches on camera unless you film yourself 24/7 in different situations. If they have such strongly different personality parts they would most likely be in a bad state, anxiety, depression and suffer from amnesia quite often. That's how DID feels. Not "oh no I feel a switch is coming".
I hope these disrespectful kids just stop utilizing other people's disorders for views or sympathy. Guess it's easy to pick up DID from a sea of disorders because it sounds oh so cool and edgy. Too bad you can't act it.
No. 664190
I'm so excited for this thread tbh. I've been watching the videos of some of these people for a while and they're absolutely ridiculous.
>>664160Oh man multiplicityandme is one of the worst, imo. All of her "alters" are sexy emo boys and iirc two are married to each other…? The idea that these "alters" interact with each other is totally ludicrous to me, it's more like all these chicks have OCs and no one to roleplay them with.
No. 664207
>>664160Multiplicityandme is probably legit. I found her off a BBC documentary that basically followed people that had been sectioned or were coping with mental health issues a few years ago, she evens had the trailer on her channel I think.
I do generally agree that her alters basically seem like a bunch of emos but I find it unlikely she could fake the medical screenings and shit so ehhh.
No. 664231
You've made a few German-to-English errors.
>>664211They literally did brain scans with her and analysed them, I think she may actually have a video on it. The fact that she is also being picked up for documentaries would suggest that you know… there is something going on there. It's one thing to fake/over exaggerate part of it and another to do the entire thing fully.
I do think that she is partially playing up the entire thing but at the same time since you know… that's exactly what YouTube is lmao.
No. 664492
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Oh my god, this thread has reminded me of a horrifying cow that I have stumbled upon tumblr. Pic very much related.
It's a 20 years old MTF that claims to have multiple personalities, each with retarded animu chibi character, own mental illnesses and even catchprases.
You can see the autism in whole display here: how the 14 y/o alter is obsessed over sex? The tranny posts their terrifying nudes on the side blog of the underage character - warning NSFL tranny is very much adult, mind you. They ran diaries and 1000 side blogs as each of the alters.
Small picdump incoming
No. 664494
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>>664492mentioned above underage alter
No. 664495
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>>664492>>664494A sideblog of the underage alter
No. 664499
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>>664492>>664494>>664495An example of the horrifying nudes posted on said sideblog. NSFL. There are also plenty of disgusting dick gifs below. No. 664500
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>>664499>>664495>>664494>>664492Cooler North takes pics of himself as the alters and (as I mentioned above) also blogs as them. Their alters have retarded writing quirks out of bad anime.
Example above.
No. 664506
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>>664500>13 Heterosexual Female>Personality: Attention Seeking, Bratty, Manipulative, Possessive>Key Phrase: I UseYeah, sure, that's a normal way of seeing 13 y/o girls…
No. 664772
>>664119>>664165thanks for giving your opinions anons,
This video here is also complete bullshit I already know.
Is it even fucking possible to have your alters behave like this and all go to the journal and follow the rules and write to eachother?? also how does one just "discover" a new alter and end up with like 30 ???
No. 665016
>>664908Harsh truth but when someone is trans
and DID, then they're probably not both.
Those are like the two most popular, ~cool~ attention-seeking "disorders" (quotation marks not because I don't believe in them, but I don't believe people on dumblr) on tumblr so that's usually a critical hit to the story
No. 665027
>>664190Oooh yes I remember now. Her two older alters are husbands and her kid alter is their child. And she has a random cringe alter who is like an American celebrity dream boy with an American accent. I can't watch her videos much to be honest because all of her acts except the cockney guy make my physically cringe. Her husband has also pointed out that they still have sex when she is one of the guys because he is bi himself so he has a "lovely relationship" with the guys.
>>664213I remember this doc. Definitely a very ill woman, it made me sad how much of her life she had just… lost. There was a hot minute in the doc where they introduced some satanic panic if I remember correctly?? But other than that it's a decent watch.
No. 667597
>>664772(>>664165 here)
It does seem like it could be rfake. I am from Europe so our therapy system and my experience' might vary slightly. However there is NO way this girl would be in such a good touch with her personality parts without therapy. And the goal of therapy for a person with DID is ALWAYS to get in touch with your alters so you can integrate them. What this community is doing is just focusing on how different their alters are and how they wanna live as a multiple. It's kinda like Pro-Ana for Dissociative personalities, snowflakey, possibly fake and first of disrespectful to people who are fighting for years to get an integrated personality, to live safe and solid life. Some people might find out about their alters from something they've written to a diary, and letters, e-mails or messages they've sent. This can provide a good chance to have a written down discussion with your alter. It's important to recognize and keep in touch with your alters in any way you can. But it does seem near impossible to me the alters would all know about the diaries, recognize their names and be willing to write to them. DID is a whole lot more random than that, and most likely many alters will not agree with the idea of co-operation so easily. Also it puts me off when people call themselves hosts. I'm not a fucking hostel, I am a SINGLE person living with a fragmented sense of self and trying to cope with it.
No. 667890
>>664497>I’m a cisgender male>feel free to hate me for some reason>but I’m gay as fuckThis a fakeboi lol@whut, when will they learn that no “cisgender male” whose born a male would ever refer to themselves as a “cisgender male”…. they just say “male” or don’t even mention male bc it should be obvious. What’s the purpose of this?
This is by far the cringiest “meet my alters” vid, thank you anon.
Multplicityandme is the worst out of the lot imo and encoured others to make those stupid fake videos.
No. 689687
I found this girl named Katie McDonald who has 24 different alters. One of the alter's name is Null, described as a databank kek. Another is named Glitch, who has a stutter. 5 of them are "littles" basically stereotypical toddlers. Here's a video of some of the littles opening their Christmas gifts.
She's fooled her mom and girlfriend into believing her or at least play along since most other videos where she's around more people she's always the host, Katie. The only time she switches away from home on vacation is in her parents' car or around her younger siblings.
She started off her YouTube channel pretending to be some British guy and quickly realized it wasn't ~unique~ enough.
No. 690361
>>690285The "Eve Black" personality seems like the personification of a Lana Del Rey song or something. Even the narrator describes her in a weirdly poetic, cinematic way:
>"Lovable, lying, scampish, little harlot. Shrewdly deceitful, but without real malice. She forever carries disaster, lightly in each hand" What the fuck is this? Lolita? Lmao. What a clinical, scientific evaluation. /s
No. 714259
>>690282 All these "DID Switch Caught on Camera" videos have the same formula. Normally talk, "disassociate" (AKA thinking about what they're going to say next so there's a slight delay in the flow of speech,) then put on their little DID act.
Her "disassociate pause" was so hesitant and the emergence of her "alter" was so forced. The only change was more influxion in her speech and talking fast.
No. 716136
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>>714295Huh, you're apparently right
No. 716345
>>714295 her baby is all over her tumblr and instagram. she even made a q&a on her youtube recently where she talks about being a mother.
i genuinely believe that she has DID tho. she's not nearly as theatrical as other cows on this thread and her story consistently holds up. she's not a cow.
No. 716366
>>664497You didn't post the best one. Peep the badly drawn oc art for her little rp character at 4:05. That fucking lowered voice and style of talking is hilarious.
>>716326I laffed
No. 717451
>>663556this was cringe from start to finish and is known for self diagnosing.
this creature also has it's own thread on here.
No. 729614
>>664190I actually know this girl, ( as does a close friend of mine) does anyone want me to discuss her? or is this old news? she was in a docu on the BBC and was on goodmorning britain ( popular TV show in the UK), what is worrrying is that she is training to be a psychotherpist ( she has a BSC hons in psychology) and was post grad in 2015/16 so I expect she will be let loose on patients, she was no dx by the NHS, she was dx by a specalist miles away from her hometown and he obviously had ulterior motives. what is worrying is one youtube vid she was switching alters when she was driving ( one of her alters is 8 years old), when people mentioned the dVLA as 8 years old cannot drive , she pulled it, if anyone is interested I will spill some tea.
basically she is full of BS loves the atten her husband is nearly as crazy as she is and loves the facts that one of alters is a horny males as he Bisexual and looks like a twink, she changes clothes and make up for each alter. she does have a talent for faking accents tho and is a good singer. The most worrying part is that she will be soon be treating people with mental health issues ( she got sacked from being a basic carer and tried to sue them) I have interacted in with this cow and she acts normal, it is only on youtube and interviews she pulls this crap. her docu was full of lies. anyone interested?
No. 729638
sorry for non sage and spelling I have a cluster headache what pisses me off is that I know someone who was on track to be a lawyer, had therapy for DID which unstabled her and now she is unemployed and did thigs like strip naked, urinate in the street, sleep with random men and got sectioned, this girl was gang raped and her mother blamed her for her baby sister death ( she was about 3 years old at the time). she went from being a trained lawyer and is now stuck in the NHS system which seems to have made her worse, so it annoys me as she is someone that does deserve therapy and she had no name for her alter, she wakes up in prison cell or hospital and NO she is not a drinker or abuses drugs sorry for not saging usually just read here. and forgot to sage.I also have a cluster headache so cannot concentrate but I will spill some tea when I am better. Jess would make a great actress and she was good in drama at school and was often chosen, she lives in an affluent area which I happen to live in, and everyone knows each other, the local comp is rated very highly due to the area, If she wants fame and attention she could go on the x factor or pursue acting. her husband knew her since she was a child and she slipped up in the doc, saying she was scared of men and spurned them ( they are childhood sweethearts) so was she spurning MEN in at age 11 when they met and dated at around 13 and been together ever since?) Some people found it a laugh, but since In a way I lost a close ' friend' to this illness it infuriates me.
No. 729864
>>729614yes please keep going, ignore
>>729706 as we are CLEARLY a place for drama.
>>729638just… don't post? don't blog about your headaches, at any rate.
No. 729943
>>729614I’m a mate of the husband. Knew him at school and met his missus a few times. That’s why I know what you’re saying is bullshit.
Firstly dipshit the program was called This Morning. She and her sides still hang out with uni friends since they lived together. One of her uni mates even lodged with them both until last year.
She’s two miles up the road from her parents and they weren’t the ones to abuse her so that’s all your made up bullshit. And her and the Mr didn’t get together until he was 18. I remember it.
And you mean Llantarnam comp is highly recommended and known to the area? It was knocked down to built houses on several years ago you cretin and if it taught you it’s clear now why it got smashed to rubble. And what part of this shit hole of a town is affluent? If you call their terraced house living it up I’d hate to see your shoe box mate.
So no, no one wants your bullshit tea. It’s a strange show aye, but she’s a genuine lass and there are plenty of other cows to pick apart here.
No. 730051
>>729994it's almost like
might be lurking
No. 730084
>>729994i'm not any of these anons and don't know her irl but if you've followed her on social media and actually watched her vids you'd know most of this is fake.
the kid alter is not allowed to drive, she pulls over when she feels a switch coming on and if it's the kid she doesn't drive.
also she did work as a therapist for a while, she's on maternity leave right now. seems that she was a good therapist. i don't see why it's "dangerous" for her to be one? she's got a routine set up with her alters and it's not like they're the ones doing the therapy?
idk it's just frustrating that jess would be discussed here as she seems to be genuine and not a cow. there are plenty of did fakers out there that we could talk about
No. 730109
>>663765This is what DID really looks like Some of these youtube DID even have a pateron FFS.
No. 730183
>>730096when was she supposedly called out and subsequently deleted her vids? i've been following her for about 2 years now on youtube, tumblr and insta and haven't seen that happen. i'll admit it. i like her content and i think did is a really interesting disorder.
i'd like to see some proof of what you're saying because from where i stand jess seems legit. also you seem to think alters are evil or something? they all love the baby and take good care of her which you would know if you had looked at her social media recently. her baby and thoughts about parenting with did is all over it
No. 737555
I'm not quite convinced DID even exists yet? The only people I've ever known or seen that claim to have it are drama feeding, attention seeking cunts. Seems to me like they just convince themselves they have a problem that makes them "better" than other people struggling with mental illness. Like multiple personalities? I don't know, something is wrong with these people and they deserve help as much as anyone else but I'm not sure it's what they say it is? I admit I am basing my opinions solely on those that I have known and seen on youtube or social media but bloody hell… I want to be open-minded but this DID business is so strange to me.
>>737510She seems sort of genuine but I feel like people who say they have DID are also just really well-trained manipulators much like narcissists. They know exactly what to say and how to carry themselves to benefit them the most.
No. 737825
>>730086The “we’re back” video goes over some stuff about her job and getting fired. I remember her posting on her tumblr years ago about the Sun article only saying “receptionist” because she felt they downplayed her work on purpose. She was working 7 days a week and the receptionist position was only on weekends. She was fired after the sun article was published despite them never mentioning her other role. I’ll try and dig up the old post on her page although she did delete that too after her first YouTube channel smh so I’m not sure if it’s still there.
She’s also a manager at her support job now so she can’t be all that bad at what she does.
No. 781586
>>781560 If someone is under the CMHT and they fall pregnant a ' Child in Need. conference is held. This is to see if the mother needs extra support etc. These conferences can turn into a ' Child at risk' whereby her child and her parenting skills would be under scrutiny. Jess is no dummy, her alters behaviours have changed and matured and rather convenient she has new / split alters who ALL LOVE THE BABY. The area where Jess lives has reduced care due to NHS slashing the funding. Instead of 2 MHT in a small area, there is now only one. They are trying to make it as close to Community recovery Teams. Only people in crisis gets help, then gets discharged. There is a specialist therapy place for patients with severe BPD. These people are only sent there because they cannot functional in life. By that I mean In and out of hospitals, no job, self harming, no close friends, interpersonal difficulties, stress on the family etc. It is a last resort, It is extremely unlikely like one anon said jess has therapy for her CSA, while according to the same anon, she is able to hold down a responsible job, graduate and lives a good functional life. Why would G
**A Therapy service that only accepts patients that are non functioning accept Jess? makes 0 sense. I have met Jess and she comes across as completely normal, The only time anyone has seen her switch is on YouTube Vids. She had a great interest in Drama/singing when she was younger. I find her switches on you tube cringy, but she does have a good singing voice/ good at accents and comes across as very likeable. She should have stuck to Drama Now that she is married with a child, I just hope she concentrates on that. There is no way she will risk her child for fake DID persona. With regards to her father, she talked about 'suing him' but never went into detail. Her father had no idea until about a year later this caused some fall out with her parents. Lots of vids got deleted and now she is all friendly with her father again. Her 'Husband' is a bit off and rumours are he is bisexual. TBH I find her tedious and I predict she will drop this you tube nonsense.
No. 781779
>>781586you're misinformed… jess doesn't have any new alters, she's had the same 4 ones forever - Jake, Jamie, Ed and Ollie. They haven't changed overnight when she got the baby. They've all stayed the same except for ed, who has been calmer since a long time before she even got pregnant. Even when he was acting out he loved children tho.
It's not a rumour that her husband is bi, he is very open about it and i don't see how it's relevant to anything.
youre allowed to not believe that shes sincere but at least get your facts straight if you're going to scream it from the top of your soap box.
No. 798946
I found this website/ thread after watching someone of those youtubers, to see if there was any info online about how obviously fake they are. The comments under those videos are sickening too. Not only do you have misinformation spread, but people are believing it, which is just making this diagnosis even more misunderstood.
I’m not diagnosed with it, but I do have a history of child abuse/ trauma, so that I understand. And do have a friend who was diagnosed with it (and a couple of people who I have known long term, and suspect this might be the case for them too).
None of these people are on social media. They’ve had life long struggles with relationships, employment, substance abuse, memory problems, stability. Even with my friend who was officially diagnosed, I never heard her refer to “alters”, or ever heard her refer to any kind of an official “switch”. She had therapy and said she was integrated, but sometimes I wondered, because mid conversation she’d suddenly present differently. It wasn’t some kind of official “switch”, which is why when that girl on Medcircle “brought out” her “alter” Minnie, it raised a red flag for me.
Honestly, I’ve never seen this diagnosis accurately portrayed on tv or movies, or YouTube. Those fake videos just make me sad and angry. The people who actually have this disorder are struggling in real life with complex PTSD, depression, anxiety, identity confusion, memory problems, relationship problems. The people living with this, particularly if they aren’t in therapy or haven’t found a therapist who understands, are just regular people, struggling day to day. You probably wouldn’t even know it, unless you were familiar with someone is real life who has this, it’s really not theatrical like you see on YouTube; these phonies parading a cast of characters for attention. It’s just not like that in real life.(blog)
No. 799104
>>799007Between those being like:
>X girl is totes legit guys! I'm not X girl by the way, I'm just one of her many white knight alters, tee hee!And those seeking validation with their awful blogs…that thread is a mess and not a entertaining one. Autosage when?
No. 799194
Well 1% is 1 of every 100 people in the general population, so that makes it over 3 million in the US. And it’s 11% among people who were severely abused. Considering that child emotional, sexual and physical abuse spans all socioeconomic & ethnic groups, chances are, we all probably either know, or have common across, people who have this disorder. And boys are victims of abuse too. Let’s not forget, men aren’t as likely to seek help for mental health issues. They oftentimes struggle on their own, fall into substance abuse, get incarcerated, etc. But there are men with this too.
But at any rate, if we know someone, they probably are more like Lilian Nattel (the woman who wrote Web of Angels), and not these youtube actor-scammers.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 800229 oh wow a Betty Cooper from Riverdale alter "fictional introject"
this weirdo has a thread of their own too
>>>/snow/412346 No. 800865
>>663799I know exactly who you're talking about, i saved the meet the alters video she made.
I thought i was going crazy, i couldn't find the channel or anything, i remember the channel name was something like nixie or something like that. Caitlyn (i dont know how she spells it)
The last video i remember seeing before the channel vanished was titled how to change your own diaper as a little, relating to ddlg.
No. 802513
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Somehow didn't see this thread earlier. I've been going down the DID rabbit hole which seemed to pick up some traction again on YouTube ever since that Autumn Asphodel chick.
I've been lurking the DID subreddit and some other forums and am getting more of an impression that those forums have a lot of teenagers posting and faking DID.
>>Bunny:Singing Little
>>Shade:Shadow Teen/"Host-Apparent"
>>Kenshin:Fiery Warrior
>>Paladin:Cold Warrior
>>Stringress:Sensory Collector
>>Tech:Structural Analyst
>>Wolf:Wild Gourmand
>>Gemini->>Black/White/SPAZZING!:Abstract >>Comedian
>>Fluff:Winged Cat
>>*Void will likely only be quoted.
I don't know how some of those posters expect to be taken seriously when they claim to have Mary Sue Alters that came straight out of Tumblr.
No. 802521
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Some of the sigs are full of cringe. Here is one poster which had MLP type alters in his siggy.
No. 802526
I used to be massively interested in DID before tumblrinas because of the MK Ultra thing, SRA, etc but can't watch these youtube people be all like OMG WATCH ME SWITCH 100 TIMES ON CAMERA!!!1
Anyway, for those who DO follow this shit on YT or elsewhere, do any of them talk about how other DID people glamorise DID on the internet (kinda like how EDs can be glamorised)?
I was listening to a true crime podcast and the hosts mentioned how there's been a rise in people claiming DID since it's been featured more in films and on tv.
Youtube link related. New film Rupert, Rupert & Rupert, a COMEDY about a guy with DID. Looks like a fun mental illness to have.
>>802521The way they describe their ~alters~ reminds me of Pokemon cards or Top Trumps. It's really weird watching docus of people who're elderly or middle aged who claim DID. It's so different from these kids who have a wardrobe for every ~alter~
No. 802531
>>802526There is this person who has a channel and who talks about the experience of dissociative identity disorder. They made a video reminding viewers that the disorder comes from trauma and seems aware that people are glamorizing it.
I think this YouTuber in particular seems genuine because at one point he even vlogs his experiences while being admitted to some kind of psychiatric facility. I think it's this very same YouTuber that seems to be in some sort of relationship now with Disociadid, the girl who is featured in the OP and one of the ~OMG switches caught on camera~ YouTubers. I'm really not sure about her, not sure if she's for real or faking for views.
No. 802738
>>802727Everyone's entitled to their opinions, however personally I am inclined to believe it exists. It's in the DSM-5. I am a nurse and I've seen it only one time. Interesting like this anon
>>802526 says, the only time I've seen it was an old person. Just like this anon said, she didn't have special clothes or whatever.
No. 803148
>>802749NTA but the existence of munchies doesn't mean fibromyalgia/cystic fibrosis/etc are fake, it's way more likely that they're ripping off a real disease like spoonies do than inventing a whole new one from scratch.
They're not that clever.
No. 919894
>>781779umm noe sure if this cow Jess/ Multiplicity is still relevant, but like I said she dropped her child alter, and created a new one. She is perfectly able to function in real life. She started this DID bullshit when she was an undergrad in uni, she did not have many friends, and her youtube channel did not blow up, until a DID got more popular. Now she has a child, she has dropped the DID crap. I don't keep up with her, when I go back home, she is brought up in convo when I meet with my old friends. One of whom works in the very small Mental Health Team in her area of S. Wales. She has never received Therapy or a DX under the NHS, she traveled about 150 miles away to get a DX from a DID specialist.( Who has agreat incentive to DX her and receive money for seeing her. She studied psych at uni. As I said before she deleted a lot of vids and deeply regrets it all blowing up. She and her parents especially her dad. He forgave her and a lot of the vids were pulled. In short she just wants to focus on her child ( as she should). She is going to distance herself from the whole DID scene. I predict ( well I have been told) She is going to make a goodbye vid, saying that she is fully integrated and cured. Ollie is gone lol. She very conveniently said she had new alters, when she was pregnant. I have little interest in her. I just find it amusing to talk about her when I go back home. What annoys me is that I do think DID does exist, but like another anon said they tend to bouts of blackouts, and cannot function well in society. The G
*A therapy team who mainly focus on BPD. Severe PTSD, and DID, is about a 20 min drive away and available for free on the NHS. Jess never had treatment on the NHS, she had to pay for Private DID DX and a few therapy sessions. She is fraud and makes a mockery out of the whole thing. It blew up and bit on her on the ass. Now she is Married with a child, she outgrew faking DID for attention as the consequences are too severe . Social services can step in. Hence her getting rid of any
problematic alters. The fact that people think she is genuine and get so angry towards anyone that calls her out ( not just me) Is a bit concerning. People with DID, don't switch on cue. Sorry for any Multiplicity and me/ Jess stans, but even her bisexual husband knows she was faking. To the skeptical anon, anyone that knows Jess knows her Husband. The area she comes from is quite small, so of course, she was the talk of the town. The local paper reported it and the anon comments were hilarious. 60% ha ha I know her, 30% what the hell is this, it can't be real etc. 10% Angry stans. " shithole" is a word I
I have heard coming out of Jess mouth. So if you are one of the Anons Jess. Have some integrity and admit the full story aka you were a teen that made it up and it backfired. Not saged as Jess is planning her retirement vid so signifying the end of this cow retiring. She is going down the " I am cured/integrated route". Thx for all your support, attention, stanning and money guys! I am glad the NHS saw right through her.
No. 920011
>>919847just watched this and came here to see if anyone else saw it LOL
holy shit what's up with the voice she does for "jeremy" and why is one of his personality traits being canadian
No. 920056
>>919894Not trying to defend her either but this seems to be a massive… idk mess?
I can't see her making a 'goodbye' video saying she's integrated because she made a… film or something dumb?
>>919847Everyone in the community has been 'intergrating' this December hence the name change to match with her fucking fiance lool. They were talking about crowdfunding a visa at one point too.
Jess actually seemed to take a jab at Pinata because they were talking about how their integration was not consensual but she share something that said all integrations are consensual.
No. 920568
>>920056She has actors playing her alters, as in literal male actors. Another one of her Vids is like a cartoon/SIM style. Her priority is on her daughter. She gets to distance herself from her " Alters" . Look at her recent you tube vids. They are Jess meeting actors who portray her alters, and a cartoon/sim vid of her alters. Jess as a Mother is no longer switching on camera, or acting like a little boy. Her Hubby is the crazy one. He likes role play and Men. In their private/ sex life she may switch things up for her gay boyfriend. As a MentalHealth Mummy Blogger she is doing all she can to save face. Last time I linked a vid I got banned. The people taken in my Jess will never admit she has been faking it. I have predicted what she will do before she announced it on youtube because I was told my her " Friend". I am just glad she is giving up her performance. Hopefully, the DID phase trend will pass. I am not outing my self or my sources. Jess does not switch in real life. Only on Youtube and sexy times with her Boyfriend. Their sex life was mostly Anal. Look at her very recent youtube vids on you tube, where she has several men playing her alters and a cartoon/ sim version. As well as explaining what someone already explained before her, about social services. She admits it and explains in more detail. People with DID, don't have a " Oh fuck, social services we have to just keep Ed, Jake in
the bedroom babe" and do some damage limitation.
No. 920814
>>920568The video of her discussing the whole social services thing mentions how having a child keeps her grounded. Her Tumblr is generally full fo recovery posts right now but I see how or why she'd want to fully 'integrate' and work on recovery, it really isn't that deep.
She also rarely (if ever) switches on camera in general compared to your Pinatas and Jades.
That and she is literally doing some meet up/conference thing soon?
Also, I love the fact that you want us to general believe this yet you're going by word of mouth and someone telling you that her significant other is gay and that they openly discuss their sex lives to friends. Maybe if you came back with more than a rant, there would be some truth to this but lol
No. 922415
>>922193I honestly can’t believe anyone finds Jess believable. Aren’t 2 of her alters married and have a son who is also an alter? Kek
She claims to have ONE traumatic event (that she refuses to talk about…prob bc it never happened), and she got DID from it.
Whether you believe in DID or not, what these fakers like Jess and others fail to demonstrate is the egregious self-harm and inability to function that people with “legit” DID have. They can’t control their switching, they don’t make fun videos about what their alters favorite color or wtf ever is, and they’re in serious danger of being exploited by others, injuring themselves severely, and sometimes killing themselves.
Maybe I’ll link the video later, but almost all cases of properly diagnosed DID include severe self injury. They’ll cut tendons and arteries. One woman overdosed on pills and set her car on fire while she was in it (done by an alter/under amnesia, she said). She also broke her hand in several places from punching a brick wall.
These faggots on YT playing dress up and moving out their fantasies of being fakebois don’t even know anything about DID except for the “alter” part, which isn’t even multiple personalities, it’s LESS THAN 1 personality bc it’s a fragmented identity. All these elaborate backstories they have for their alters don’t exist in those actually diagnosed. Alters are fragments, not well-rounded personalities.
No. 922474
>>922415I'm not defending or anything but I think working on those conditions is flawed because in reality, what are the chances that someone who is suicidal, self-harms and probably remembers close to nothing is going to start a channel?
I don't think you'd ever see the worst of the worst if one of these people was actually diagnosed
No. 923276
>>922415real(?) DID
>first woman: older student (30s), poor, no custody of kids, life threatening SH, alters recall sexual abuse> guy: cop, co-conscious with all his personalities, recovering alcoholic, anger management problems, multiple divorces, almost no childhood memories, child alters who recall abuse and only show up in therapy>second woman: married, 2 kids, no specific memories before the birth of her first child, total amnesia, life threatening SH, documented sexual abuse from her father including multiple abortions, alters recall sadistic sexual abuse No. 924494
File: 1580120478520.png (152.66 KB, 720x805, Screenshot_20190923-132937(1).…)

Not a YouTuber, but I found this gem in the Don't Hate on This Unfiltered Wholesome Content Facebook page.
No. 924495
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>>924494Also the aftermath, a few hours after writing the original post.
No. 925597
>>920007>>920568I'm a very close friend of MultiplicityandMe. I hang with them all the time and I've met their parents and can confirm you are quite bluntly full of shit.
First things first, the anal disclosure - really? You know nothing about their sexual life nor is it any of your business. The repeated mentions of her husband being bisexual, so? Why does it matter? :/
Diagnosis wise, yes they do have a diagnosis from a DID professional but they also share the exact same therapist that I have on the NHS for DID. Gasp! Yes, I have DID too, and no I haven't bullshitted, I've got my diagnosis through seeing various professionals on the NHS, not that purely NHS route should invalidate any form of private route.
Jess' family are not responsible for any of their CSA. They have friends that visit them regularly from university as well so, the accusations of no friends from there is quite amusing.
And before you accuse me of being them 'lurking' nope, I'm a genuine friend, my names Stacey and I don't care about you knowing who I am because I've got nothing to hide.
Jess doesn't only switch on youtube or half the rest of the crap claimed in this thread. I've met and hung out with all of her system and her little baby who they are an absolute gem at caring for by the way. She's an incredible mum and is an amazing person, so before trying to comment shit about someone else's life, maybe you should take a look at your own.
Feel free to message me some time on my social media or whatever because I'd happily show you my therapist, diagnosis letter and get my NHS Professional to confirm everything :)
(:)) No. 925893
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From reddit
No. 929249
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Copy pasting from personal lolcow thread:
I stumbled upon this person on tumblr thanks to some weird drama about a 40 y/o with a piss kink. ftm fakeboy furry with kins (including two from Rick and Morty) and self inserts that claims to have autism, BPD and DID and is in a poly relationship with some other furries. This person even has tumblr blogs for different personas and makes long paragraph stories about her "system". Says she is masculine while everything points at her being girly as fuck, including main blog, gets defensive if called "afab". She's 26, has a low income job at a fast food place, and lives with Bogleech (Jonathan Wocjik), a known bald and autistic plastic hoarder married to a "transmasc" woman.
Doctorguilty also wants to make merch out of her presumed DID characters that live in her head.
No. 948896
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You've probably already heard about the drama between DissociaDID/Chloe and Trisha already, but if not, some anons already posted about it in the Youtuber thread.
>>948740 >>948701
I didn't know who Chloe was until their catfight, but after lurking more, everything about her rubs me the wrong way. From the fact that her diagnosis story is incredibly inconsistent and the fact that she promised to never show her children alters on camera so she can 'protect' them but changed her mind because her current partner (PiñaDID/Nan) is an age-slider. Chloe and Nan even LARP as toddlers in public. Nan has said in one of her age-sliding videos that views age as a state of mind and doesn't relate to her body anymore because it's aging. Nan's alters range from the age of 4 to 27 (Nan is in her 30s).
And not only does Chloe claims to have DID, but she also has Chronic Fatigue and PTSD. Let's say Chloe is telling the truth…how is she functional? She's too exhausted to leave her bed and everything and anything
triggers her (toy stores, loud banging noises, people criticizing her or calling her a mean name, to list a few). That means, instead of getting better, she glamorizes disorder for ad revenue and her subscribers encourage it by shipping her alters and making fanart of them. I was always under the impression that if someone is mentally ill, you're not supposed to condone their behaviors or delusions.
Pic related, fanart I found. The characters are supposed to be Chloe's alters.
No. 949104
>>948939Is her name Nan or Nin? And who's Chloe, I thought she had a boyfriend?
All of those DID youtubers are fake as fuck. I'm glad Trisha is making them so angry by just doing what they do - change her voice and pretend that different moods are different persons.
No. 949178
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No. 949406
>>949374How can they speak like that without laughing lol
That there's no people calling them out in the comments is truly mind boggling to me.
No. 949431
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Weebthot penny underbust also fits here and is clearly amping it up with the current drama
No. 949656
File: 1585194131874.png (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 771x1024, 1585190782607 (1).png)

I took this from the KF thread on Chloe and Nan:
Nan draws and writes sneezing erotica and post sneezing videos on her DID Youtube channel (it's disguise as an 'informative' video about her alters). One of her stories was about three little women living in a woman's nose and tickling her with feather dusters. Another story was about an adult dog sneezing on a baby dog (image attatched). Her sneezing fetish gallery is here: Would not be surprised if one of the reasons Nan and Chloe diagnosed themselves with DID is to get away with kink shit.
No. 949662
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>>949657And since I didn't see it here, Chloe got in trouble with the tumblr crowd (of course) a while ago because one of her alters, Nadia, was a racist indigenous stereotype and a sexualized 17 year old . Here's Chloe's tumblr apology and a couple of negative responses to it:'s a quote from her apology. I thought it was funny
>Inside, my skin may look relatively dark. I may enjoy doing things similar to vague stereotypes, like loving to be in nature. So she can't be racist because she's mentally ill lol. Keep in mind, several of Chloe's alters are still minorities. Another one of her alters is a 40 year old Asian man with anorexia.
No. 949878
>>949656>>949657This is beyond disgusting
Is Nan actually a woman?
No. 949883
>>802531I know this post is 10 months old, but this person also uploaded videos talking about how their own made-up character from their graphic novel is now one of their alters. They didn't talk about any trauma that arose to cause this.
I do believe DID exists, but many people on the internet are faking it for clout and misrepresenting what it's like (much like with other disorders).
No. 949901
>>663556In this video she claims its as common as bulimia? Have any of you known someone with it.
She also advocates self diagnosis if you can't see a therapist uh
No. 949917
>>949901And people got mad at Trish for saying she's crazy? Bitch is crazy!! WTF
Depression wasn't enough for quirky girls to feel special and different, now they all want different personalities inside of them? Is this the new trend?
No. 949922
>>949662Jfc this is so fucking dumb, how does ANYONE believe that
The indigenous girl and the Japanese guy, omg how pretentious can you possibly get
No. 950033
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>>949656Nan has almost 400 pictures sneezing fetish art in her deviantart gallery too>>949883Surprise, Shasta is actually a character from her sneezing fetish comic.
>>950007It's convincing to teenage girls who think having a mental illness is ~*QuIrKy*~. Every 14 year girl diagnosed themselves with sociopathy/ASPD when Shane Dawson did a video about it. It's also convincing to community college dropouts who took an intro to psych course.
No. 950036
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>>950033Why Rainbow Brite? What the fuck?
No. 950037
>>950033This stupid fucking bizarre fetish and her inserting it into her videos is just so fucking funny albeit disgusting. Reminds me of nemu
Nan in general makes me the most uncomfortable out of all of them and they all make me pretty fucking physically cringed out. Her too-big nose ring that's not even the right jewelery and her gawky face and body but mostly the fucking autistic voices she puts on, plus that one story of her flailing around on the ground yelling "iM jUsT bEiNg DraMaTic!!!" And the doctor saying "I can see that" just fucking sends me every damn time
No. 950048
>>950033Apparently, they also have a blog. I can't help but notice the drawings in the original characters tag where Nan says the character belongs to someone else. (Usually their brother.) brother is in several of the videos on her channel looking distinctly uncomfortable.
No. 950222
>>950190Ew, Jesus Christ.
No wonder she acts like a retard and pretends to have DID. There's no way she could ever live a normal life.
No. 950240
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No. 950245
>>950242these so called youtube doctors are mostly 100% fake bullshit.
Of course he would side with Nin when he also provides misinformation for 12 year old girls who want to be edgy.
Oh…and what a surprise he has his patreon listed in his description.
No. 950248
>>950242the only people who are so attacked by trishas video are children or con artists who fake mental illnesses or use them for profit and they feel called out by trisha which is why they react to aggressively.
On a side note i respectfully messaged the Tatiana account on twitter and trisha confirmed that she is doing this to troll and expose the fake DID people. Her youtube videos of her DID was her parodying the faker DID accounts.
No. 950490
>>950242>>950276oh geez…yt has already gone to his head. how can any of his patients or consults takes him seriously now? he used to do mock therapy vids for clinicians, which isn't that uncommon for therapists to do, they just have small channels (my therapist has a channel, but it's for his patients only to help them understand cbt techniques).
i hope his patreon and merch are at least charitable. he's going to the become the next kati morton.
No. 951080
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Because an online troll is as bad as the people who sexually abused you during your childhood (if this person does have DID)
No. 951179
>>951143 is clearly underaged or developmentally challenged. People who
actually believe people can have multiple “alters” in their heads are either extremely gullible, naive, too trusting, or actual children. I really thought there would be more skeptics but seeing all the people siding with DissociaDID on social media is disappointing.
No. 951253
>>951208Oh thats interesting do you mind telling us more?
Ive also heard that she used to silence and threaten anyone who said anything about her.
No. 952398
>>950491>>950412for some reason i believe the girl in this interview. i watched another interview of her from a few years ago in a class in college (lol) and she seemed very legit, ie not remembering when she had "switched". her alters seem way more believable than any of the bitches larping as their OCs.
i think it's conceivable that a
victim of CPTSD with dissociative disorder could dream up a fairy or supernatural alter as a child, as kind of a protector. the OC "ghost alter" shit that Nin pushes is no doubt bullshit. but this girl seems more lowkey, not trying to profit off her mental issues (for now, at least.)
i feel for people who actually have DID who might possibly look it up and come across these attention whoring youtubers. ugh. i think DID is real but it looks nothing like these girls portray. sad!
No. 952716
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Found this on KF. Anyone find it weird how they use the exact same terminology as the ddgl Community, yet are referring to what they consider to be actual children?
No. 954013
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I remember seeing one or two anons saying that they believe Encina Severa might actually have DID, unlike Nan & Nin. After seeing this pic on KF, there's no fucking way she isn't roleplaying. It's even more disturbing when you watch the videos where she behaves like a little in her system.
Idk if I was supposed to spoiler this
No. 954075
>>953793But then they forget all about amnesia while switching in the middle of sentences and continuing like nothing happened and whatever else.
These small details aren't that hard to fake, it's the "big" stuff that's hard to keep up with
No. 954364
>>953793But pretending is exactly what she's doing. I know we're not supposed to blog post but the fact that anyone even considers believing these people is so damaging. I work with a few DiD patients. The one thing these people larping as having the disorder get wrong (and proves they're just larping) is how they switch. Alters don't just switch randomly to come out, there's a
trigger that causes them to dissociate and an alter takes over because the individual can't cope on their own with whatever the
trigger is. Usually the alters exist to cope with traumatic things that the individual can't do on their own, so the switching occurs when there's reminders of that. What they're doing is very much faking and it's not hard to do when all they're doing is acting.
No. 955842
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Chloe promoted this dumb as fuck "DID" event using an affiliate link: (?aff=earlybirdDissociaDID)
It's tickets range from $20-320 dollars and features a bunch of YouTube roleplayers and a wine mom psychologist (and author and public speaker, according to her website) named Shawn.
It's the ultimate spoonie get together. I can't wait to watch these idiots start "switching" live on stage
No. 956022
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Chloe [allegedly] had a suicide attempt.
No. 956081
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>>956022Was just coming here to post something similar. What is the point in censoring words like that if you're still saying the word? Censoring a letter isn't going to un-
trigger someone kek
No. 956101
>>956081It’s only to prevent herself from either having her post removed or getting shadow banned, she doesn’t really care about
triggering anyone
No. 956402
>>956022>>956081>It isn't our intention to worry youYes it is, if you didn't want to worry anyone you wouldn't post about how you -almost tried- to kill yourself on every social media platform, and then spin it so it looks like all the people calling your lying ass out are to blame.
>We'll try to stay aliveWhat a piece of shit.
No. 956411
>>956022Trish's insta is full with her minions accusing her for
triggering her suicide attempt. What a huge cunt. You just know that she's gonna use this tactic to prevent criticism.
No. 956431
>>956411Yep. Chloe knows exactly what she's doing.
Trisha's a lose canon, let's hope she
triggers Chloe even more.
Those DID retards deserve to be called out.
No. 957095
>>957025It's all bs.
DID was real they actually had DID, they wouldn't be able to life on their own.
How come they never "wake up" somewhere and don't know how they got there? How come they don't have an alter that's dangerous to society or themselves?
Most of Chloe's alters are depressed and emo, but they would never harm ~the body~
How come an alter doesn't suddenly decide to cut their hair, or get a piercing?
I truly do not understand how these DID youtubers don't get called out, because it's so damn obvious they don't have that disease.
No. 957118
>>956022Interesting to note the choice of background for this post. One of her most alluded-to suicide attempts is one that supposedly happened in a forest, which gave her the ghost alter who is afraid of forests and ropes, and has scars around her neck.
Though it's unclear if this is actually how it happened, as chat logs from a 200 person group chat were leaked to Kiwi Farms. It was from after the supposed attempt, where students were discussing "a girl in the lake," and Chloe bragged that it was her and "go big or go home." (Would share here but KF is down currently.)
No. 958018
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The DID community does more damage to the DID community than anyone else. They really have genderqueer panromantic 15 yr olds out here thinking horror movies are good sources of medical information lol
No. 958803
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I knew this relationship was never going to last but I definitely didn’t expect it to end this way lol
That is, assuming Chloe has the dignity to end things…
No. 958881
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>>958803I was just coming here to post their tweet worded the same way. Searching #teampinata on Twitter for more info, does anyone have a clear story? this is the first thing I've found that says what happened.
No. 958885
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hahahaha and there's this post allegedly from teampiñata's Tumblr. they apparently have a sneezing fetish, which is interesting since they posted a video of "all my alters sneezing". so also exhibitionist fetish???
link to tweet where I found this screenshot, I don't know what teampiñata's Tumblr URL is or if it's even still up No. 958899
>>958885i searched it up and found . there's not much on it though. the oldest post is from 2014, and it doesn't seem to have been used since then. looking through the likes, there's general fetish stuff but also things like danny phantom, tank girl, and digimon.
sorry for no pics, i'm having trouble attaching them for some reason.
No. 958920
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No. 958928
>>958920Everyone who's interested in these cows better start downloading and reuploading every video on this channel in case Nan deletes.
I'd do it myself, but I have no fucking space on my hard drive, and a shitty connection.
No. 958930
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>>958928Samefagging. Never mind. RIP. It's a shame they were chased off.
No. 959500
>>958803she knew about this and the fact she only cared now to throw teammpinata under the bus to save their image speaks alot.
What a two-faced bitch damn.
No. 959863
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>>958933>sneezing furry fetish communityautism.
No. 968073
>>968034>"the clown system">>949178there used to be a whole reddit for minor did/multiple system flakes. one of them got infamous because they claimed to be a solar system and a ball of tar.
anyone remember this video?
No. 968861
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Found this system browsing Instagram today. Apparently DID alone is not enough anymore it has to be polyfragemented.
Her profile isn't interesting but she has an alter named Kiwi.
Maybe she's a protector against all the 'hate' from kiwifarms.
Good kiwi vs bad kiwi
I lost it when I read her alter description.
No. 968965
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>>968034>I ended up having to rewrite my "trauma narrative" because of some bitchy counselor>Yup…it's comin' now. Here it comes.>the badly acted and vacant tism stare before she "switches">I'm pennywiseOh fuck, I'm dying.
No. 971681
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So found out on twitter someone tried to kill themselves over dissociadids fans and she thanked them
No. 971682
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No. 971683
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No. 971854
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samefag but their response to the messages.
No. 971933
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>>971854Yeah the person who posted the screenshots originally (I’m pretty sure at least) said it ended up being proved to be fake
No. 982083
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sorry this is kind of ot but what is this person even saying?
fucking pardon
No. 994666
File: 1593075547437.jpeg (253.36 KB, 1080x1539, did1.jpeg)

so apparently dissociadid have been called out for racist behaviour and (obviously) faking her illness and posted a sob story on instagram stating she will bail on the upcoming entitledid conference and quit social media due to the "hate" she's been getting. pic related. 1/4
No. 1001239

Direct quote from the DSM, "Individuals who feign dissociative identity disorder do not report the subtle symptoms of intrusion characteristic of the disorder; instead
they tend to overreport well-publicized symptoms of the disorder, such as dissociative
amnesia, while underreporting less-publicized comorbid symptoms, such as depression.
Individuals who feign dissociative identity disorder tend to be relatively undisturbed by
or may even seem to enjoy "having" the disorder. In contrast, individuals with genuine dissociative identity disorder tend to be ashamed of and overwhelmed by their symptoms and to underreport their symptoms or deny their condition. Individuals who malinger dissociative identity disorder usually create limited, stereotyped alternate identities, with feigned amnesia, related to the events for which gain is sought. For example, they may present an "all-good" identity and an "all-bad" identity in hopes of gaining exculpation for a crime.", if you look into the history of multiple personality disorder you'll find many women came out after the book turned movie Sybil become popular claiming to have multiple personalities.
Would also recommend, if you can, that you read "Sybil Exposed" by Debbie Nathan. She explains how Sybil was coaxed into believing fabricated abuse and that she made up the personalities to please Dr.Wilbur.
It's more than likely that DID, if it is real, is rare and most people malinger with it because they can benefit from being the snowflakes they truly are.
No. 1001455
>>1001049Maybe next time try to integrate before self-posting or trying to use this thread for your personal vendetta.
Provide something milky or gtfo. A random chick just faking a mental illness like millions others do isn’t milk.
No. 1002063
>>1001049because it is
>>1001455is this chick not milky anymore? her whole personality is faking DID. and the video was clickbait. the title makes it sound like she remembered her trauma, but no, because that shit didn't happen. she just remembers some innocuous childhood memories.
No. 1003328
>>984952Jesus Christ, that girl pisses me off so much. When she switches into her “alter” Joey (6:05 in that video) the cringe hits me like a train.
THE YAWNING. Why? And why make basically the same video over 10 times? “Behind the scenes”, behind the scenes of what? She’s got more behind the scenes videos than actual videos.
Sage for the pissed off sperging.
No. 1003717
>>1003328I know what you mean.It's supposed to be educational,show the raw side of did.
Educate my ass.
It's badly acted, sensationalized, repetitive misery porn.
If she really switches that often she should be in a hospital and not on YouTube.
I guess it generates views. So more of that. But it gets so boring. Same shit always, except for the recently added borderline freakouts.
No. 1088034
>>1084690lol are all her alters bilingual because this bitch's German accent is coming through in all of them
I'm new to this thread, has any of these nutters ever come out after to admit that they were acting all along?
No. 1107201
>>1107188“DID case study” is a good place to start. Herschel Walker’s personal account of his DID is interesting too, in a way that it’s sort of framed as compartmentalization that spun out of control. He’s also not an attention-seeking 20-something year old white woman, which inclines me to believe him more on a base level.
But he did also threaten/attempt to kill his wife on more than one occasion so you know. Grain of salt and all that.
No. 1107214
>>1107199Was thinking more about perspective of the sick person and I don't think case studies are good at conveying that but I'll try
No. 1107223
>>1107214I understand what you’re asking for but I think it might be too tall an order. One of the hallmarks of this disorder (if it exists at all) is generally being unaware of it. I think even in Herschel Walker’s case it’s not remembered experiences; it’s retold accounts from his ex-wife and then input from professionals during his treatment, with him then translating it because he concedes “yeah, I guess that makes sense.” Not every “switch” was a blackout, sometimes it was certain facets of his personality (like anger, tenacity, tenderness) amplified to a point where that personality trait overcame all others and he as a person was unrecognizable to those close to him. But to himself he was just being angry, tenacious, tender, etc. I think he was receiving treatment for it for 10 years(?) before he wrote his book which gave him the time to objectively accept what was happening to him. That’s a perfect storm of platform, money, interest, and treatment just to allow that story to be told, though. Idk how often that happens in a genuine, not “20 switches on camera!!!!!!” fake sneezes YouTube bullshit, sort of way.
No. 1202244
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Something I've noticed is that DID-fakers have a tendency to try to sound "protective but in a badass way" of "their alters" (aka themselves)
Instead of being normal and being like "I hope I don't get bullied in school" they imagine their favorite anime character ranting about defending them.
Anyone else notice this as a running theme?
No. 1202247
File: 1617642038561.png (168.34 KB, 640x529, DIDegeneracy.png)

No. 1203243
>>1202244Yeah, I mean the core rule of these people's made up fantasy illness is all their larpable OC's appearing in order to protect their uwu vulnerable abused self, so they're doing it to lend legitimacy to their retarded act as well as write prose about themselves from a third person view for attention and to talk about how much they love themselves
>>1202247not only is this beyond the pale but I've seen it a LOT, not just from creepy larping scrots but from the larping teenage girls as well. This planet has gone too long