File: 1519875813091.jpg (1.28 MB, 981x964, 27747609_1452193494889199_4885…)

No. 517372
It is finally time for lolcow to have a thread for the absolute legend Abby Brown. (public)
Some background:
>Known for radically shifting "phases" often involving scene or emo aesthetics.>Is extremely religious and homophobic>Posts embarrassingly bad raps online including ones where she uses the n word>Has a nasty boyfriend who she breaks up with and gets back together with every so often>Gets large ugly tattoos to match each phase and then gets them removed when she moves on>Live at home with her parents who seem to not be bothered by her>Popular theory that she shops specifically from the clearance section at Hot Topic>Current phase is Melanie Martinez, may or may not be into ddlg>Posted a video of herself riding out of Walmart on a children's bike while dressed like a babyI'll do my best to provide additional photos in the thread of her other phases. There are SO many photos, so I'll do my best to not flood.
No. 517373
File: 1519875964213.jpg (68.59 KB, 640x778, 18839013_10209367949341168_707…)

Christian scene queen
No. 517375
File: 1519876000192.jpg (55.46 KB, 540x960, 28059388_1651940424843275_2100…)

>>517373Also being gay is bad according to the bible
No. 517376
File: 1519876043552.jpg (50.04 KB, 640x471, 18839013_10209367871779229_267…)

Her Jack Skellington phase where she shaved her head (these are her parents)
No. 517377
File: 1519876117907.jpg (55.11 KB, 539x960, 27857982_10211264202744475_311…)

Forgot to mention she's 24
No. 517379
File: 1519876219443.jpg (52.21 KB, 553x805, 20374745_10209813349595896_673…)

Hello Kitty phase
No. 517380
File: 1519876351886.jpg (67.89 KB, 539x960, 26734118_10210203822363006_520…)

Her goth phase with her on and off boyfriend
No. 517381
>>517376Oh my god is her.
I though she had cancer
No. 517388
File: 1519876614260.jpeg (151.68 KB, 792x960, F7F9F4E8-8DDF-4919-83AC-D1AE11…)

Her mom looks so normal?
No. 517391
File: 1519876734537.jpg (53.44 KB, 640x498, 18950994_10209367877099362_120…)

>>517372To be completely honest I'm not sure if it's original content but I do know she's super religious so it's likely it's real.
Check out some of her cool tattoos
No. 517393
File: 1519876788356.jpg (23.78 KB, 520x375, 18881794_10209367920380444_343…)

Scene Queen tattoo (that I think she has since had removed)
No. 517397
File: 1519877018662.jpg (138.66 KB, 639x1315, 27788621_10212925032173471_125…)

>>517388She's adopted, apparently.
If anyone has the pic where she photoshopped half of her face with half of Melanie Martinez's face please post it, it's so hilarious.
No. 517411
File: 1519877896610.jpeg (Spoiler Image,178.62 KB, 638x960, 92B5FA1F-4D08-4849-9707-E33991…)

What beauty
No. 517413
File: 1519878068173.jpg (57.73 KB, 539x960, 28168278_2023769544614025_4590…)

Almost forgot, she has been drawing in a fake gap in her front teeth to look like MM
No. 517422
File: 1519878581454.png (193.39 KB, 663x619, 1513731554018.png)

>>517413Guuuuuurl trust us we can tell the difference between the two no need for the label.
No. 517434
File: 1519879569463.jpeg (226.83 KB, 640x854, F8CC9E3A-68F4-4933-B73E-D54D57…)

No. 517436
File: 1519879701851.jpg (101.62 KB, 806x960, 28279278_2023770437947269_6071…)

No. 517441
File: 1519880027780.jpeg (94.27 KB, 960x960, 9E3FA29F-2D13-4765-A6B0-DF19D5…)

>>517438I was just checking her fb and she has some sort of job where she has an “aisle” so I’m assuming she works at a grocery store checkout/something like that
No. 517452
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No. 517457
File: 1519881934984.jpg (89.93 KB, 858x858, 28059302_380247869121427_43342…)

No. 517460
File: 1519882081456.jpg (57.18 KB, 720x960, 28276957_1973393042710871_6791…)

Her current status is: she changed her hair and has learned to photoshop her face
No. 517518
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No. 517532
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No. 517533
File: 1519888299851.jpg (74.82 KB, 639x953, 18920390_10209367881099462_693…)

>>517532You can see in the previous pic a bit, this is a permanent tattoo
No. 517538
>>517372jesus she looks like a 35 year old in every photo/video
but can someone please post an approx timeline of when her various phases were happening?
No. 517540
File: 1519888699400.jpg (37.96 KB, 480x854, 27752613_1820094104675645_3042…)

>>517413She was trying to create a gap in her front teeth but gave up recently
No. 517542
>>517538if it puts it into any type of perspective in that cringe comp (the same video that’s the thumbnail) she said she was 23 so this is
recently if she’s 24 now
No. 517543
File: 1519888911512.jpg (83.67 KB, 960x640, 19989419_1504454829618912_2828…)

>>517538I don't know if I know the specific order but here's Abby pre-social media
No. 517544
>>517388I’m screaming. She looks like uncle fester in makeup and a wig.
>>517434Jesus take the wheel.
No. 517547
File: 1519889057507.jpg (77.48 KB, 551x960, 20031916_1504782419586153_4195…)

>>517543This one is labeled as being from 2014. I'm the same age as Abby and I graduated high school in 2011, so this should be post high school.
No. 517552
File: 1519889235576.jpg (84.83 KB, 750x925, 18951354_10210205713450282_404…)

>>517547After I posted this pic I realized she looks like she stepped out of 2007, not 2014.
This one is from 2008.
No. 517555
File: 1519889734824.jpg (46.08 KB, 540x960, 27545152_10213451942446285_508…)

>>517549what do you mean this isn't normal
No. 517565
File: 1519891126065.jpg (52.06 KB, 539x960, 26733479_10210203815962846_317…)

>>517393Just remembered she didn't have it removed, she covered it up with a bigger, uglier tattoo
No. 517783
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No. 517785
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No. 517801
File: 1519927183713.jpg (74.05 KB, 540x960, 27867714_1789653171085133_7661…)

>>517798Her hair is short now because it's still growing in from being shaved, so it can't have been too long ago
No. 517821
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No. 517837
>>517821How can her parents be okay with this?! Holy shit lmao
She did hear that MM is an allegedly a rapist right?
No. 517868
File: 1519932518718.jpg (48.52 KB, 539x960, 26239331_10155518839553271_594…)

>>517837She's not a rapist anon duh!
By the way, most of these images and screencaps come from facebook groups dedicated to discussing Abby. If you're aware of the groups, please do not name them. They frequently need to change names to avoid being deleted, so mentioning by name will just make them change the group name.
No. 517875
>>517870Around the time I was introduced to Abby, I noticed Hot Topic had dumped all of the MM merch in the back of the store. This was right after the rape allegation against her. The timing is just hilarious to me.
Also, in one of Abby's pictures she's wearing a dress (which Lanie commented on and said she would look better in, in one of the fb groups) that was an Eleven halloween costume.
No. 517879
>>517547This is probably the only photo where she looks decent and its a candid. Who looks WORSE in photos you took yourself and had full control over?
>>517868How is it possible to get into one of these groups if the name is a secret?
No. 517881
File: 1519933145116.jpg (261.72 KB, 1152x2048, 26910144_1527629963987393_2569…)

>>517879They occasionally open up applications to join, I only know about them from my friends who are in them.
Honestly you're not missing much, there's a lot of blogposting and "I listened to Crybaby and liked it what do I do!" so I wanted to get a thread going so we can see the crazy without the idiots on facebook.
No. 517887
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No. 517894
File: 1519933546715.jpg (50.84 KB, 539x960, 26238849_10210204134690814_538…)

>>517886The saddest thing is she ALMOST looked decent in her goth phase
No. 517912
File: 1519934154622.jpg (46.01 KB, 640x480, 18814143_10209367856818855_228…)

>>517538Here's the rough timeline according to one of the fb groups and a website I found "Orange wig era" Oct - Dec 2016 (attached)
2. "Shaved head/Jack era" Dec 2016 - April 2017
>>5173763. "Blonde wig era" April - June 2017
>>5173914. "Purple wig/emo era" June - July 2017
>>5175245. "Hello Kitty era" July 2017 - ???
>>5173796. "Goth era" November 2017?
>>5178947. "Melanie Martinez era" now
Let me know if you have any requests for specific eras or photos and I'll do my best to provide.
No. 517925
How does she justify her "gays burn in hell" narrative when her queen Melanie raped a girl?
>>517821God I know they mean well but at a certain point… You just have to not. They seem so normal and nice and a little naive because they're just trying to be supportive of their clearly mentally unstable adoptive child but they're going about it the wrong way. She's not a bullied teenager in high school anymore and you're not doing her any favors by letting her "be herself" at 24/25 years old.
No. 517928
File: 1519934918228.jpg (47.43 KB, 540x960, 27973045_2020238471633799_3887…)

>>517925She's innocent anon!
>>517868 >>517887
No. 517939
>>517925>>517928Innocent or not, she's still openly bi.
>>517878The Bible straight up says you're supposed to dress modestly. This shit is why I wish death on most Christians. They hold such foul beliefs that harm people, yet they do shit that goes against their precious Bible (that almost none of them have actually read) all the fucking time.
No. 517995
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No. 518022
File: 1519940856317.jpg (56.97 KB, 539x960, 28279694_10211358246455509_478…)

>>518017they are real unfortunately
No. 518151
File: 1519948069352.jpg (52.69 KB, 640x960, 28378017_10159998051010153_776…)

New pic
No. 518172
>>518171how old is she? what was she like? she looks like a cute bubbly kid in
>>517552, what happened?
No. 518464
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No. 518542
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>>518512I just want to clarify she was diagnosed with bipolar, and that's it. I could see undiagnosed BPD too though.
No. 518877
File: 1520018796438.jpg (53.81 KB, 639x959, 28471681_10211420720054652_812…)

no he's happy guys!
No. 519448
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No. 519449
File: 1520070275930.jpeg (183.84 KB, 640x960, 9DCB2C37-690C-4D4C-AA0D-6832F2…)

Her parents take most of her pictures too…
No. 520069
File: 1520130803356.jpeg (520.99 KB, 2048x2048, 3DB94625-5178-4525-9D74-67BE86…)

Top tier blur tool
No. 520205
File: 1520139596577.jpeg (48.23 KB, 371x366, B1110DDD-8100-4B1C-A078-1F67A0…)

I’m dying at this. From her hello kitty phase (not oc of Abby someone else made this)
No. 520214
File: 1520141322408.png (87.64 KB, 750x908, IMG_6801.PNG)

No. 520511
>>517441that’s so lovely
but yes i am totally Here For This Thread. thanks op
No. 520696
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Is she becoming self aware?
No. 521302
File: 1520273177475.jpg (314.4 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_6914.JPG)

No. 521418
File: 1520281225212.jpeg (122.39 KB, 638x960, 012DE15E-DB6C-4CE5-8F2F-FDD49E…)

I remember her mentioning how she has been going to school for graphic design recently. I guess she discovered what photoshop is. Her face is always blurred to shit now and she way she edits her eyes is weird as hell
No. 521475
>>521418Somehow her photoshopped pics are far more cringey to me than photos where she doesn't alter her face. She isn't attractive, sure, but we all know what she actually looks like, and she's trying to morph into some ultra tan blurry plastic doll face.
>>520696This is a good cow and this thread has been delivering. I hadn't known of her before but this is a fast favorite.
I legit feel bad for her parents though.
No. 521510
File: 1520286273355.png (1.02 MB, 640x1136, AF8624C2-943A-4FC4-B3E1-1862A0…)

Some more blurry shooped mess featuring the worst chest tattoo I’ve ever seen in my life. I hope she lasers that garbage off she ruined her chest.
No. 521621
>>521528>embodiment of 2003I was just thinking something along this when looking at the photo quality of
>>521510Also I'm confused comparing her eyebrows from photo to photo.
>>521302 The tail of her eyebrows looks drawn on with the pencil tool in paint or something.
>>520696 And here her martinez eyebrows look like worms drawn on literally with a goddamn marker or something, maybe the same thing she uses to make her fake tooth gap.
No. 521666
File: 1520300071712.jpeg (80.31 KB, 640x832, C83A0EBD-73C6-4EA0-B019-29322B…)

>>521621She uses an eyebrow stencil to draw her brows on then then just smudges eyeshadow with her finger over the stencil
No. 521750
File: 1520306599966.jpeg (111.16 KB, 776x960, 4D119085-854B-432A-B7BC-CCABAF…)

The way she always poorly photoshops herself with whatever her flavour of the month obsession is at the time is honestly so creepy to me.
No. 521889
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No. 522262
File: 1520369754651.png (2.27 MB, 1242x2208, D73812D4-C6ED-450B-9496-751F7C…)

No. 522774
File: 1520396069858.jpg (89.98 KB, 540x960, IMG_6944.JPG)

Newish post
No. 522782
File: 1520396430518.jpg (67.28 KB, 750x1334, 28701391_1786217851402650_4679…)

>>522774She got her chest piece (which she got to cover up a "Scene Queen" tattoo) done in someone's house.
No. 522995
File: 1520419502998.jpeg (111.01 KB, 634x649, 7DF91A71-D4A6-493D-BAFF-0392CD…)

She is dating someone new who isn’t willie? That’s a huge turn of events and very unexpected. At least he’s not a sweaty dirty looking wilder beast
No. 523462
File: 1520458581788.jpg (99.12 KB, 540x960, IMG_6955.JPG)

It looks like she used a photoshop eyelashes brush that isn't lined up to her eyes
No. 523988
File: 1520520576893.png (4.3 MB, 1242x2208, 5189AE61-37B7-4FAF-A673-8C6F2A…)

jesus fucking christ the photoshop disaster that is her face fuck
No. 524013
File: 1520523035313.gif (866.93 KB, 500x281, fdggdfdgfreg.gif)

>>523462>>523988Good god her mouth is horrifying. What is she even
trying to make it look like??
No. 524048
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No. 524410
File: 1520551867932.jpg (11.55 KB, 300x284, sims.jpg)

>>524048It looks like a goofy Sim character glitching the fuck out
How could she look at this and say "it's good enough to upload"
No. 524676
File: 1520585762594.jpeg (112 KB, 640x857, 25FE4EC5-2B92-431F-9CF5-9D620A…)

She already dropped out of school I swear she’s only been going for about a month. It was for graphic design and judging by her edits I can see why she dropped out
No. 524760
File: 1520605807634.jpg (90.72 KB, 500x750, abbysdreams.jpg)

>>524676If she ends up in a salon every client will end up with this whether they want it or not. Abby's Salon-not even once.
No. 525705
File: 1520712242303.jpg (257.69 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_6965.JPG)

Clarifying her stance on gays
No. 527329
File: 1520884646168.jpg (99.37 KB, 539x960, IMG_6992.JPG)

No. 527338
>>527329Obviously photoshopped/filtered and also of course she has given her own post a heart.
Secondhand embarrassment for whoever had to take her photos. Especially when it's her parents which I'm guessing is most of the time.
No. 527621
File: 1520906869421.jpeg (201.72 KB, 960x960, F411AEEC-4DFE-4863-9F23-D575BD…)

Her new aweful tattoo she got today
No. 527772
>>527329Sad keks,
I have that fringe and would wear that outfit (except the bow ofc)
Just so glad she isn't using that horrid blue lipstick or drawn on tooth gap
I wonder what her makeup bag looks like
No. 527774
>>527621The colours will bleed so much
She will be happy she didn't get black lines when she wants this lasered or covered
No. 528574
File: 1520998539863.jpg (94.72 KB, 750x935, IMG_7003.JPG)

>>527621Not fucking pastel tho
No. 529405
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No. 530079
File: 1521140991221.jpg (84.81 KB, 539x960, IMG_7012.JPG)

No. 530215
File: 1521146575079.jpg (28.07 KB, 261x562, phase2.jpg)

No. 531109
File: 1521229486894.jpg (86.02 KB, 539x960, IMG_7022.JPG)

New hair
No. 531124
File: 1521230935056.png (2 MB, 1242x2208, E76E0CDD-2BDE-4F75-BBEA-45DDE4…)

fuck here we go. when will the benzo abuse begin?
No. 531153
File: 1521232907614.jpg (113 KB, 480x640, kappa.jpg)

>>531109She doesn't look human anymore, her mouth looks like a kappas
No. 531506
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No. 531710
File: 1521388636628.jpeg (298.24 KB, 1080x1920, F690DD39-6165-47C8-BEB6-E7F568…)

Hahahahahahahahhaha fuck
No. 531748
File: 1521391387055.png (163.8 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180318-124115.png)

The contrast of people enabling her is more disgusting than Abby herself
No. 531887
File: 1521402158836.jpg (71.1 KB, 960x720, 27868145_1207057852757736_8627…)

No. 531889
File: 1521402222575.jpg (12.21 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

poor zero
No. 531890
File: 1521402266399.jpg (42.15 KB, 597x959, 29386277_1992177921109364_6078…)

Her goth phase was cute
No. 531944
File: 1521405744244.jpg (127.73 KB, 960x846, IMG_7040.JPG)

I cant believe I'm witnessing a new phase with my own eyes
No. 532149
>>531890>>517881>>517894This is BY FAR the best she’s ever looked. Why the fuck would she move away from this? She’s extremely homely looking, but the hairstyle and makeup she was using here really distracted from that and she actually looked decent and put together. This is what really convinces me she has some kind of mental illness which prevents her from being able to form any real identity- she doesn’t even have the self-awareness to know when she’s worsening instead of improving. This
>>531109 is ugly as fucking sin, I would never have guessed they were the same person.
No. 532215
>>532149Definitely not quite right in the head, as
>>532127 said her crybaby tattoo isn't even healed and she's moved on. Seriously looks like BPD. My ex had it and he was a different person every damn week to try and gain approval.
No. 532968
File: 1521491584285.jpeg (116.2 KB, 539x832, 560D2837-1ADD-40D4-B692-F001AC…)

Melanie phase is officially over. She’s selling her stuff on posh mark now.
Enter sound cloud rapper phase and new obsession lil Xan
No. 533287
File: 1521509598254.jpeg (114.95 KB, 720x960, 9BE71C6B-EE4B-42EB-9B44-C090CF…)

Damn girl wash that towel. It’s like she had to redo her eyeliner fifty times and it still looks fucked up.
No. 533306
>>532968Well that was short lived
How long, on average, do her phases last?
I feel sorry for this girl somewhat
No. 533351
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>>533287The caption is great too
No. 533603
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No. 533604
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No. 533605
File: 1521534088788.jpg (120.11 KB, 540x960, IMG_7059.JPG)

No. 533968
>>533603would love to know what these people think of who they spawned, especially publicly posting those cringy lyrics.
i would like the ~face tat~ to be a word or symbol that's already been done but is the discount version and probably illegible before it's even finished. i mean it's her face/life/whatever but clearly she doesn't have goid decision making skills when it comes to tattoos.
No. 533993
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No. 534019
>>533968she's adopted. her parents look pretty old. idk if she has any siblings but judging by the way they enable her every obsession i'd guess she's their only child. they might have not been able to have their own for whatever reason and wanted a kid so bad that they bend over backwards for her. they have enough awareness to know they might be judged by her content since her mom posted
>>517821 but for the most part they seem over-encouraging.
i love this girl. she is the gift that keeps on giving. she seems mostly harmless unlike other cows and flakes that scam for money.
>>533993soundcloud rapper era going hard!
No. 534070
File: 1521577955741.jpg (108.52 KB, 539x960, IMG_7067.JPG)

Meanwhile, her ex
No. 534113
File: 1521580656244.jpg (101.36 KB, 539x960, IMG_7074.JPG)

>>534070I spoke too soon about Will being her ex. They got back together.
No. 534194
File: 1521585818414.png (15.76 KB, 525x226, lolwut.png)

>>534113apparently not… that was quick.
No. 534222
>>534113>>533605Why does she keep referencing her bearding bf Robbie as she and girl friend….? Or is she talking about herself from his perspective?
>>533603Her parents need a bit of counseling themselves…. they need to realize supporting your child’s every single phase and not giving her any sort of guidence ahe clearly needs is actually more damaging for her.
I can’t believe she’s real. What an actual treasure
No. 534349
Abby fascinates me. I'm obviously tinfoiling here, but I think she's medically retarded. I can't see any other reason why her parents would allow and enable her phases, unless out of guilt and 'trying to give her a normal life'. Overall, she seems to lack basic comprehension skills and doesn't seem to notice the difference between trolls and compliments. Which, to be fair, I can't find one genuine compliment on her last live video. I think her parents know, more or less, how many people watch her but they probably don't see the harm in the negative comments because Abby sure as hell doesn't seem to grasp it. You could feel bad for dim Abby, almost, until you remember her adoptive mom and dad who've spent so much money at Hot Topic that they should be awarded some sort of medal. But, don't pity them too long, either, all of this is the result of shitty parenting. They let her smoke cigarettes in her bedroom, they let her get all those disgusting cringe tattoos, they let her date drug dealers, they let think all of this is okay, and I don't think it's much of an exaggeration to say she's getting worse rapidly with all this attention.
No. 534464
File: 1521598204588.png (104.55 KB, 738x562, IMG_7077.PNG)

Summary of what happened, via Facebook group.
Even though Abby doesn't seem all there, she's been known to be manipulative.
No. 534471
File: 1521598436501.jpg (156.33 KB, 540x960, IMG_7078.JPG)

>>534113She also commented this about Willie yesterday
No. 534536
File: 1521601646165.jpeg (114.91 KB, 720x960, 2AD52450-CF0D-4955-9983-A492DD…)

Her with hog daddy willie today
No. 534612
File: 1521605248506.jpg (106.94 KB, 539x960, IMG_7079.JPG)

>>534536And the other one also today.
I think the most baffling thing about Abby is how much she shares on social media. Everything she does, every thought, every twist and turn to her relationships. It's all just public. My favorite cow.
No. 534669
File: 1521609558144.gif (649.45 KB, 250x250, 4847B349-B41E-48F0-9F24-61E3D6…)

I just…I fucking love this thread
No. 534883
>>534617many thanks
>>534612her bouncing between these dudes is like a jerry springer episode. also wonder what they think of her phase jumping, the one doesn't really have an alternative look.
No. 534913
File: 1521648213408.jpeg (522.85 KB, 640x1136, 8A116D6E-3018-43F5-8667-9B6BCB…)

Sorry for shitty highlight but who just admits this to their whole FB??
No. 535038
File: 1521659550837.jpeg (117.49 KB, 539x960, 2122C938-F769-47CB-96BD-4D1D3A…)

No. 535044
File: 1521659697273.png (857.08 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-03-21-14-06-26…)

Her face tate is here and now she wants someone to fix it
No. 535063
File: 1521661425602.png (1.4 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7083.PNG)

New YouTube and Instagram accounts!
No. 535064
>>533599>>534231>>534241>>534466I agree and really think she belongs in /pt/ with both the quantity and quality of milk here. Holy shit.
>>535038 WHY did she do this to herself what the fuck
No. 535075
>>535038face tat in the same picture as her regrettable emo kid knuckle tat and she's learning nothing from it. amazing.
i love her. i'm so happy she started a new ig to follow. can't wait to see her ~aesthetic edits~ for this new persona. life is good.
No. 535122
File: 1521666219825.jpg (84.1 KB, 539x960, IMG_7085.JPG)

Planning on taking Xanax so she can be lil xan even though he is now actively against taking it:
No. 535178
>>535151She has her mom blocked on Facebook as of recently.
I don't have caps but I believe her mom (Kathy) outed Abby as a little to her coworkers? Which led to Abby being picked on at work. I wouldn't be surprised of this also led to Abby changing her phase and quitting her job.
There's also a running joke that Abby doesn't actually smoke cigarettes (she doesn't inhale), and she brags about doing that at home even though her mom hates it. I'm curious how much of what she claims is a lie.
No. 535239
File: 1521672945462.jpg (44.79 KB, 498x376, IMG_7089.JPG)

>>535038Her parents have now seen the face tat and do not like it, somehow!
No. 535242
File: 1521673139895.jpg (181.34 KB, 2048x1113, IMG_7090.JPG)

Deactivating her Facebook???
No. 535245
>>535038this is so much better/worse than i hoped for, bonus kek that she did herself. surprised someone agreed to touch it, she should be made tho live with the choice and being impatient.
>>534980right, especially since she wants to do it to be like her latest obsession even tho he's against it.
No. 535278
File: 1521675319402.jpeg (124.93 KB, 537x598, 7EEF7043-C64B-4B30-B584-AD4539…)

>>535256>>535264I fixed it, hopefully it’s censored better now?
Anyway, this is a message someone sent to Abby’s mother and her response
No. 535295
THIS IS AMAZING. I can’t believd this is real.
>>535211She wasn’t just riding a child’s bike with a pacifier in her mouth in public, she was doing it AT her job. Of course she was getting picked on. Imagine being around someone like that in person. I would feel uneasy next to that level of instability, I prefer watching it from behind the safety of a screen.
No. 535316
File: 1521677319174.jpeg (192.27 KB, 720x960, 661EC45C-BB4F-4E2D-B9CD-A4EA39…)

>>535066Walmart? I thought she worked at a grocery store. Pic is from about a month ago, I think her name tag says Giant Eagle
No. 535369
File: 1521680544873.jpg (62.92 KB, 640x899, IMG_7095.JPG)

mfw face tattoo
No. 535507
File: 1521690850335.png (932.43 KB, 1080x1715, 20180321_234817.png)

>>517372idk if lil xan slow dances with his SO on the 'ol back roads but, abby does and i'm living for this new phase
No. 535662
File: 1521719446215.jpeg (511.87 KB, 1242x1415, AC8D2419-7489-4AE9-AFDF-056E38…)

I can’t wait for Friday
No. 535692
File: 1521725344982.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1242x1958, 57BB57E1-ABE5-4FFE-9C5C-C2162D…)

Girl was live looking ROUGH
No. 535762
File: 1521733705121.png (299.72 KB, 1080x1613, 20180322_111844.png)

>>535507this is like watching kids at a grade school dance. the comments are amazing, even the people who follow her are sick of her shit (pic related).
>>535692the ~tat~ looks like it was carved in her face, the 'a' and 't' are touching so i can't wait to so how it's going to be ~fixed~ when it's not even healed.
No. 535938
>>535723i thought so too. she has an actual smile and looks happy and maybe it's because her face is half covered but she kind of looked a little like michelle williams. i would feel bad for cheering on her trainwreck of ruining her life and looks with that shit face tat but nope.
>>535692are her eyebrows permanently stained blue?
No. 536359
File: 1521772289346.jpeg (115.47 KB, 640x787, 6F8AB64D-DF7C-4000-BE3E-508A1F…)

Tomarrow kek
Such a bad placement on the face tat too I can’t wait to see how crappy it looks when it’s “fixed” the fact she put it on her cheek too makes me cringe. She’s never getting another job
No. 536479
File: 1521790626478.jpg (74.64 KB, 540x960, IMG_7109.JPG)

Abby mentioned her tattoo artist who's fixing her face tat did two of her previous tattoos.
No. 536483
File: 1521791154285.png (851.67 KB, 640x1136, 6B3C1CF4-E9E7-421F-9B51-D356F8…)

She seriously needs to brush her tongue and use some goddamn mouth wash. Imagine kissing that mouth?! Poor Robbie RIP
No. 536547
File: 1521805760650.jpeg (319.04 KB, 1242x1862, DEAB160A-209E-41C3-A81A-77D329…)

No. 536856
File: 1521839063894.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1920, abby.png)

No. 536859
File: 1521839328632.jpeg (75.69 KB, 539x960, 7D0C2F5B-27E0-4D65-919C-442322…)

>>536856Side by side comparison
No. 536895
File: 1521843764239.jpg (22.64 KB, 271x345, kathybrownespn.jpg)

>>536564There were unconfirmed screenshots claiming she went through it for about a week and was using male pronouns. Her parents are enablers but they would never allow it. They boycotted ESPN because of Caitlyn Jenner receiving an award. I can't find the unconfirmed screenshots right now but they're on her wiki somewhere.
>>536841She did that during her emo phase. She called herself a Christian scene queen. She might have been sent to a Jesus camp.
>>536859Hot Topic please put some eyebrow pencils on clearance. This girl needs all your help.
No. 536904
File: 1521844988545.jpg (106.09 KB, 583x959, IMG_7125.JPG)

She showered with her makeup on and didn't get her eyeliner off in the shower
No. 536957
>>536895missed that, she also apparently said something about dressing like a dude during the emo phase.
>>536859that busted q-tip looking font, whose choice was that b/c some solid lettering would've been fine. there's blowouts and it's probably going to blob together in a few months lel.
No. 536999
>>536945are you just finding out the world of abby brown? she's both all the time. during her bone daddy phase she shaved her head and eyebrows to look more like jack skellington. the hello kitty phase was a white wig with a bow in it and hello kitty makeup instead of just covering herself head to toe in sanrio shit. when her phases change it takes her a day and then she is in it 100% and it's all about wanting to be that thing and being obsessed with it.
if you're new to her she's worth looking into for her past phases and mistakes. it's quite a ride. she's my favorite cow.
No. 537078
File: 1521859214572.jpg (44.76 KB, 720x533, _20180324_043648.JPG)

Kek, on the brown hair post. Expecting it to be black and purple tomorrow.
No. 537088
File: 1521859857879.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7123.PNG)

>>537078She probably copied this pic
No. 537310
>>536959ikr, this just emphasizes the different letter sizes. oh well, can't wait til she starts packing makeup over it b/c regret.
wonder if the phase will continue once the lil xan album is out.
No. 537339
File: 1521902918672.png (4.06 MB, 1242x2208, 5B296B40-ABDE-49B7-A3EE-1329E0…)

I wonder if her parents kicked her out over the face tat?
No. 537418
File: 1521912536051.jpeg (121.79 KB, 1080x935, FDEE8CA6-5EA1-4C73-9EC2-4F231F…)

I would love this
No. 537506
File: 1521922316647.jpg (112.63 KB, 539x960, IMG_7156.JPG)

Do you think her biological mom is ok with the face tat?
No. 537545
>>537520to dodge a bullet.
>>537536no and no. that's the same one, you can see the white lettering at the top. it's all she's going to wear until she has more merch to cover herself in.
No. 537689
File: 1521936187155.png (32.93 KB, 660x191, Hoodie.png)

>>537536When someone ask how she affords all her clothes when she changes to a new phase
No. 537761
File: 1521943724135.gif (664.46 KB, 253x200, what-the-f-tom-delonge.gif)

I feel like i'm on drugs or having a fever dream by reading this thread what the fuck is even happening this is some premium /pt/ material
>>520205>>520214>>521889>>530215Kek'd hard
No. 537802
>>537571Adopted children are more likely to go through identity issues in general, but it’s also to say we don’t know what her mental health is like and it could play a big part. How extreme she goes when changing phases is more than just looking for approval imo… it’s .. like literally trying to become someone else.
Either way, she needs lots of help and it seems none of her parents, bio or adoptive are really giving it to her
No. 537810
>>537795Not trying to armchair but she doesn't seem to have a strong sense of self. That's why a lot of people grow out of their phases and stop defining themselves solely by their interests. Abby's on her way to 30 and hasn't outgrown it.
>>537689This is confusing though. She shows enough self-awareness to know people are going to be talking about the grimy hoodie but not enough to question why she's doing this in the first place. She doesn't have to wear her latest obsession head to toe like a racecar decked out in sponsors. She could copy Lil Xan's outfits. She has to have some Goodwill looking clothes she could match to his. It's not like his style is that distinct. It's all hats and hoodies.
No. 537886
>>537761This girl is a goldmine. I wish I knew about her when she started freaking out because playing catch-up is a day long fucking workout.
Who the hell in their right mind [or not technically] tattoo's their own fucking face? Where the hell did she think having no practice would come into play for a stick and poke? What is she going to do when she finally has her adopted parents kick her out or she leaves to move in with that blonde guy?
Its like being behind by 9 seasons of a show!
No. 537982
File: 1521988956914.jpeg (97.15 KB, 540x794, 7A717563-096D-4BF8-8F1C-4497EF…)

>>537506This is really nice
No. 537983
File: 1521989026558.jpeg (241.8 KB, 1242x971, 1740FC69-1F96-472B-BA87-379427…)

Dunno how true this is but here ya go
No. 538863
File: 1522100786921.jpeg (68.39 KB, 750x401, 9FF189FF-0EAC-4D35-BA8A-5FED19…)

At the end of each phase she sells all her clothes to afford the next phase
No. 538934
File: 1522103825218.jpeg (88.68 KB, 539x960, A7F07DB7-733F-4B72-9B67-6DA7DF…)

This phase was hell
No. 539014
>>539003it might look kind of normal now but
>quit job>face tat>wants to try xanax for no reasonthe longer she stays in this phase the more damage she can do.
No. 539415
File: 1522163505715.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1440, IMG_20180327_160708.png)

No. 539472
File: 1522171843660.png (262.07 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7171.PNG)

>>539014It's wild how normal she looks in this phase yet the self destructive mimicking is worse than usual.
No. 539553
File: 1522178871639.png (92.76 KB, 720x548, 29663402_2100883400148725_8348…)

I thought she could just be liking the past things less when she changed phases, but no : she says she doesn't like Melanie anymore like, her tat is 15 days old ffs
No. 539655
File: 1522186916738.jpeg (173.78 KB, 567x743, 0DD181C4-6338-4F51-8CFC-A839B2…)

The dog looks frightened
No. 539742
File: 1522196352894.png (167.1 KB, 466x672, 2068304919244.png)

>>539726they don't have face tattoos as accessories D:
No. 539764
File: 1522197479054.png (95.92 KB, 400x400, AbbySkellington.png)

>>539742Tried to do her Bone Daddy phase
No. 539854
>>539834no worries anon! just helping to stay on brand for authenticity.
for real though who goes through two different phases over the same thing like that? it wasn't just changing her look because she thought she liked something better, she redid all of her mspaint creations to fit her new style too.
No. 540040
File: 1522238035579.png (616.22 KB, 1242x2208, 44E3E614-9302-458E-ACB4-88C9AF…)

i feel so fucking bad for robbie jfc. also the piss drinking is a very luna/lurch thing to happen. i used to feel bad for abby but she brings this all upon herself. i have bpd and it’s very obvious that she does too. you have to want to change and get better and obviously she doesn’t want to. it’s sad but also laughable
No. 540047
File: 1522239430730.jpeg (397.58 KB, 1242x2208, 1B70C520-01A0-496E-96C1-1641F1…)

Bye Robbie
No. 540049
File: 1522239522547.png (2.23 MB, 1242x2208, 71E61996-870B-45E8-B71E-56D066…)

No. 540070
>>540047Good, escape Robbie! Be free!!
>>540057I think it's the borderline. She doesn't really have an identity of her own, just sees something and has to become it. The things she likes aren't just hobbies and interests to her, they're something she has to become wholly. She doesn't really know who she is just on her own.
No. 540076
>>540049what happened in this live? People in her fb comments saying it got messy?
Willie is on his way over to hers rn apparently
No. 540104
File: 1522249838072.jpeg (96.08 KB, 539x960, BD40023E-A25F-4894-B262-216410…)

No. 540126
File: 1522253542486.jpeg (77.88 KB, 539x960, 29FC90C3-7A40-4BAF-9999-2CFD56…)

>>540123BPD = borderline personality disorder. She’s been diagnosed with bipolar not BPD.
>>540040In other news, Abby also has a piss cup
No. 540158
File: 1522256763825.png (2.21 MB, 1242x2208, 0C622795-6B63-4005-8532-5BF148…)

Absolutely disgusting
No. 540185
File: 1522258068132.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180328-132656.png)

Here ya go
No. 540189
File: 1522258179477.jpeg (109.38 KB, 539x960, 755C9914-ECDE-4EBB-945C-A67489…)

>>540183Robbie hasn’t even changed his relationship status yet
Cucked hard
No. 540190
>>540185was about to share it too, I can't believe it wtf
for things to happen that fast, she probably kept talking to Willie during her relationship with Robbie
No. 540201
File: 1522258821718.jpg (59.44 KB, 720x479, 29750459_2101347603435638_2019…)

A few comments say that he was abusive, I didn't recall/know. That's fucking terrible wow
(ot but do you always have to blur/mask usernames on instagram comments?)
No. 540214
>>540207Oh I see, I couldn't remember, thanks for clarifying.
>tormented inside on one level or anotherimplying that she has any common sense left at all
This is seriously worrying
No. 540441
File: 1522276104157.jpg (103.65 KB, 1152x604, IMG_7267.JPG)

The police showed up? I'm curious what the person even said to get police to check on her.
No. 540694
File: 1522296839772.jpg (444.76 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_1522296780968.jpg)

Wow what a winner. Poor Robbie, can you imagine getting dumped for this dude???
No. 540703
File: 1522297582205.jpeg (368.44 KB, 1770x1770, 11F58954-4F5C-4C74-9525-BA1C64…)

When cows collide
No. 540707
>>540683i know, i wasn't blaming lolcow. i'm 100% sure it wasn't lolcow because she seems new to a lot of posters here. she's got a lot of people on her social media profiles that encourage her or cow tip. it's so annoying. this girl is a goldmine of milk and she's better left alone because she'll never dry up.
>>540694fucking lol dark clothes all the way down and then surprise cankles peeping out to say hello.
No. 540719
>>540703i get a pretty strong feeling that luna is with the majority of people who interact with her to make fun of her, which is hilarious because it's fucking LUNA and she has literally no room to do that
speaking of which, how the fuck has abby not been moved straight to /pt/ yet?? i guess this thread is relatively (surprisingly) new on lolcow but the rate at which she continues to ruin her life and the fact that she's been doing it steadily for years is more impressive than most of the cows on this entire website
No. 540721
>>540718how do we find them?
I was in one on my old account but the account got taken down and they've since changed their name.
No. 540805
File: 1522313200804.jpg (50.01 KB, 306x306, Willy.jpg)

>>540145>>540268Mmm, those thicc pornstar lips tho.
If you google "emo Shrek" you just find pictures of Willy.
No. 540876
File: 1522330452029.png (112.78 KB, 720x631, ohgod.png)

No. 540885
>>540805Haha I'm crying.
>>540876Oh lord. She's gonna end up with one of those VOID tats over the name later.
No. 540959
File: 1522344719492.png (4.33 MB, 1242x2208, 46649295-00DE-46E6-B400-2DF3DA…)

She took the hoodie off!
No. 540988
File: 1522347167882.png (235.4 KB, 1069x1426, IMG_20180329_191156.png)

>>540959She's gonna add to it
No. 541170
>>541156I'm the OP and I posted and summarized her phases. I didn't see a Harley/Joker phase, maybe she had a few pieces mixed it but it wasn't a full phase. Unless I'm mistaken, in which case please post pics because that sounds amazing.
My friends and I checked the Hot Topic website's clearance and there was a lot of Harry Potter.
No. 541242
File: 1522366499438.jpeg (621.89 KB, 1242x2113, 64509918-3C91-4042-BFE2-1DD343…)

>>541215The comments are savage
No. 541262
File: 1522367371684.jpeg (96.75 KB, 1241x522, A274F284-8FB7-434D-987F-A2560F…)

The gofundme is still up but her post about it has been deleted
No. 541359
File: 1522395992318.jpg (175.48 KB, 540x960, MAKEUP_20180330014843_save.jpg)

What bothers me the most is her drawn on eyebrows. Growing them out takes patience she does not have, got goddamn eyebrows and "normie" makeup will make such an improvement to her face.
No. 541527
File: 1522420057876.jpeg (136.91 KB, 1242x615, 5975A702-99C0-4283-9134-CD0D2F…)

>passion on the Christ
Sounds like a gay porn parody
Also, she’s deleted her gofundme
No. 541889
File: 1522443116782.jpeg (61.09 KB, 539x960, DDC7A207-D339-4ED6-BB77-73F6C2…)

She bought grills
No. 542081
>>542056there's no way she'd manage having a kid, she wouldn't be able to handle all the attention going to someone else.
or i'm totally wrong and she'd use it to soak up even more attention. ugh imagine the baby wearing mini versions of whatever phase she's on
No. 542082
File: 1522455881783.png (829.35 KB, 1080x1543, IMG_20180331_012330.png)

Willy's not keen on the idea of kids
No. 542084
File: 1522455951104.png (1.28 MB, 1070x1508, IMG_20180331_012218.png)

No. 542086
File: 1522456091194.png (1.28 MB, 1068x1605, IMG_20180331_012207.png)

These two would make beautiful kids. Just look at those genes, totally not batshit insane.
No. 542109
>>542081Lol just imagine that kid growing up and it saying, yeah my name is deigo because my mom was obsessed with lil xan for a month.
She’s already claimed to have an abortion, like just last month. I can see her parents raising her baby for her because she’s up hog daddy’s ass at Wal-Mart 24/7, she claims that he’s a heroin addict as well, beats her and what not, definitely not parent material. But I can also see them breaking up in two weeks. Lmao.
No. 542474
>>542438Dude's nose was so red - looked like he just snorted a lot of something. And he could barely keep his eyes open.
Not good.
No. 542969
File: 1522551444629.jpeg (184.98 KB, 1242x1789, 33782404-F6E3-4710-B414-ACAD7E…)

Amazing video on her IG (where he posted a shit ton recently) where willy is yelling at her for starting a small fire in the bathroom and she’s ignoring him. Wow.
No. 543100
File: 1522562747994.png (262.06 KB, 1080x1597, IMG_20180401_015901.png)

>>543084again, I've seen the video. I'm not arguing that they don't look like absolute retards, what I'm arguing is that this video isn't filmed in seriousness. Based off his voice, the lack of sincerity and urgency (especially for a man who she's claimed has put his hands on her) and the COMMENTS! I'll include where he calls someone who is hating on the video a "party pooper". This video was probably released to make it seem like she's a badass partygoer or something. I'm just shocked that people are claiming this video is true behavior and not just put on for show. She's a dolt, acting like a dolt. But nobody caught this as being totally fabricated?
No. 543296
>>543129Any way to insert themselves in to drama. Don't you understand anon, everyone else is wrong but them! No one else could possibly figure it out and we were
all freaking out about it being real, there's even one whole post about it here.
No. 543541
File: 1522617427716.jpeg (14.23 KB, 259x219, 0F35AD63-CCBF-4560-8B78-45495A…)

Her eyelash fucking triggers me more than her brows
No. 543781
File: 1522631973109.png (865.2 KB, 1080x1846, IMG_20180402_020328.png)

Did she just cowtip herself? This bitch is on another level of desperate.
No. 543898
File: 1522640758184.jpg (19.78 KB, 488x577, xabby1.jpg)

Maybe Tinfoiling, but that looks like a rolled up dollar bill and a possible bag of drugs. She certainly seems to be on something. If i had to guess itd be mdma or maybe xanax for the first time.
Can some pixelfag help with maybe a better screen cap or zoom or sharpen tool, i'm a n00b.
No. 543928
File: 1522642747366.jpeg (390.44 KB, 1242x1908, 64469ABB-0B60-4985-B539-DE6D89…)

No. 543929
File: 1522642765221.jpeg (160.46 KB, 1242x610, 27AFB215-C88D-4DBB-88C1-BF0187…)

No. 543930
File: 1522642786359.jpeg (112.83 KB, 1080x650, F386403B-91E0-401F-A0E0-5A6EED…)

No. 543933
File: 1522642945940.jpeg (661.71 KB, 1242x1218, AD80C546-5571-40F0-BF36-2509C4…)

>>543929Sorry for the spam
No. 543947
i can't help but wonder if she's in a stalemate with her parents where they don't comment on her insane phases/aesthetics due to the guilt of not being her bio parents, and she clings to her christian conditioning due to her guilt of already putting her parents through a lot of shenanigans. neither side will take it over the edge and really confront each other for real for fear of total abandonment.
No. 543950
File: 1522645210912.jpeg (123.42 KB, 531x875, 8B84F404-7909-4ED4-820E-3D8B60…)

No. 543987
>>543950>>543952She's very black-and-white in her thinking isn't she? Just because abortions are available to women who need them doesn't follow that an abortion is enjoyable.
Can anyone who's been following her for longer than she's had a thread here shed light on why she felt the need to abort at the time?
No. 544085
>>543952lmao ok abby you'll be a great mom having an infant while you're doing xanax and getting another face tat.
>>543987she just dropped that bomb on everyone before getting back with emo shrek so no one knows. i'd say parental pressure but they seem like they would push her to keep it. i kind of doubt it's real for that reason tbh.
No. 544132
>>544096Most likely bullshit for sympathy and attention. I feel cruel saying that if she really did go through that but it
is Abby and her reality is distinctly different from anyone elses. I still think her boyfriend is a cunt though and isn't helping the situation.
No. 544360
File: 1522693542458.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, DA6E9FAB-61DF-44CE-8E92-A752F0…)

I’m calling it. Her next phase is gay af.
No. 544370
>>544360Unless she's trolling us.
PS Your icon is showing.
No. 544455
File: 1522700796226.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.03 KB, 753x600, img_comment_se_deguiser_en_jef…)

>>544360she reminded me of something
No. 544511
File: 1522704351460.png (340.26 KB, 750x600, Screenshot-2018-4-2 Abby Brown…)

This is pretty sad
No. 544533
>>544511Has she ever mentioned being gay before?
Any indication that she reads this thread because
>>543957 tinfoiled thats why she started skin walking and now shes basically saying that her being bullied really was the reason.
From what I've seen in this thread was that she was relatively normal scene girl in highschool and it wasnt until AFTER that she started going through these reallllly intense phases, remember this girl is like 24 so.
Part of me feels bad, but part of me feels like she's either reading here, or just making stuff up to go along with this ~hurt, broken and misunderstood~ persona…. also I noticed she will use lyrics for a lot of photos relating to whatever status she made…. i almost wonder if she hears a lyric she loves and wants to relate to it so she does something so it can apply to her, so it's as if lil xan is singing about her.
idk its all tinfoil, ultimately bullying alone wouldn't drive someone to be THIS into their phases, but it could have a factor if it's true. honestly idk what to believe with this girl, anyone whos followed her long before her thread know if she has a track record for lying ?
No. 544613
File: 1522711975674.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1203, IMG_20180403_002726.png)

She's changed her mind again. But is sounding somewhat coherent.
No. 544673
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>>544523this. a lot of kids are bullied, called gay, whatever and they move past it. some have difficulties and end up in therapy but no one goes full abby brown with phases every two months. there are a lot of things that really messed her up, not just bullies. when she was in her scene phase she was also saying she was christian and some people guessed she might have gone to a jesus camp. some of those places can be really creepy and brainwashy and it seems like she's been receiving a lot of conflicting information. i do feel a little bad for her but not bad enough to stop enjoying the milk.
>>544533yeah, see pic. one of her fb friends called her out for going to gay clubs too but they said she was older than she claims too so idk how reliable that is. i also think she wants to fit the personas of her phases with lyrics. that's why i'm skeptical her abortion really happened and just about anything else with this girl. it would fit her sad xanax troubled soundcloud phase.
No. 544728
>>544673The one thing that really stands out to me is how
extremely impressionable Abby is, and I really wonder what the hell causes someone to be this susceptible to suggestion or influence.
No. 544736
>>544525>>544528>both gufflyr probably >>544518Thanks for giving the IG link, it’s always so surreal when someone accidentally outs themselves here and they’re just as grotesque as the cows they criticize. Girl looks like Maisie Williams hit by a car.
>>544360This is getting terrifying. Her parents need to put her in therapy. She shouldn’t be allowed to roam around doing whatever she likes when she has the brain of a 13 year old girl. Poor thing is going to wake up one day and an hero because she had a tattoo of sperms on her face.
No. 544874
>>544518imagine being enough of a creep to go out of your way to find someone's instagram just by their icon. this is a thread for abby, anon, not for other anons.
>>544774she's psychotic, but not dumb and you are completely right about that anon. i honestly believe that she is aware of what she's doing but she has no connection of why it's going to ruin her life in the end.
No. 545029
>>545026I used to think she was almost retarded too, but then after her gofundme and her going on about her "fans" and making fun of her phases… she seems pretty self-aware so it's not that.
Really I'm at a loss as well, maybe issues related to her adoption? She's in contact with her bio-mom who kept at least one of her siblings, that would mess anyone up. I feel like speculating about that is going a bit too personal though.
No. 545079
>>544774>I don’t know why anons keep thinking she’s completely stupid. She tattood the middle of her cheek. She went full scene in 2016. She goes through creepy phases where she literally wants to BE what she’s obsessed with. We won’t ever grasp any real identity from anything she posts because she doesn’t have one. The rapid rate of which she recycled phases is alarming and frightening.
Yes, it’s great milk. But my god, imagine her wake up call. Look at all the permanent shit she has all over her body. Girl is a straight fucking loon babe.
>>545078Also admittedly this was me and I apologize for unintentionally bumping with no content, I hit reply on accident too quickly. Butterfingers.
No. 545103
File: 1522750241144.jpeg (Spoiler Image,103.04 KB, 608x560, 8BCBF08B-0D30-44C0-88C6-59A69A…)

>>545093Yes, can we just quickly acknowledge this before sweeping it under the rug entirely?
This is the true definition of throwing stones in glass houses, and it is amazing. It reminds me of the fat Irish (?) girl that dressed and acted exactly like Felice Fawn and was also one of the leading forces behind freelice blogs dedicated to shitting in her.
K I will not derail any further.
No. 545162
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No. 545163
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No. 545254
>>545162I’m so skeptical of her lately… idk…
People post here how she must have low IQ and then she says how she was super gifted smart in school…
Am I just an asshole for not buying into her sob stories? They just seem to really fit her phase right now.
She’s showing self awareness but that’s whats confusing me. Because she is still severely lacking it in terms of appearance, and Getting
help for herself and realizing what she does is damaging to herself (getting back with willie).
She’s made many comments in her posts that allude to her reading about herself (ex. I only own this hoodie for now so be prepared to see me in it a lot… after comments here of how it must be her only merch”
To me it feels like she’s reading about herself, but still not fully understanding these things or having true self awareness…..
I feel like I’m the only one whose skeptical haha
No. 545294
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No. 545295
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Her parents got her a gift card to go buy foundation to cover her face tattoo
No. 545297
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No. 545322
>>545254you aren't the only skeptical one. the way i see it abby's a great cow either way so if she's full of shit about everything it's going to blow up in her face eventually or she'll just keep oversharing and we get to laugh.
i've been saying i think the sob stories are part of her phase. she might be reading here and that's fine, at least she's not lashing out or shitting up the thread with spam. a part of her might like the attention she's getting from here so she's looking to be noticed.
No. 545342
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No. 545350
>>545347Oh. I thought it was robbie that broke it off.
>>522995Think she'll try to go running back to him?
No. 545352
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Abbys convo with Willie
No. 545355
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>>545354Sorry if these aren’t in the right order
No. 545437
>>545395Yep. This is what REAL stupid looks like. Zero brains and all tiny boner.
I don’t know what it is, but I’m really rooting for Abby to get it together.
No. 545477
>>545454That is absolutely RIDICULOUS and a total pile of shit, no offense.
The notion that she would do ALL of this just because she likes girls? Come on. Suddenly feeling sorry for her just because she chose another phase that she sparked from a fucking lil Xan lyric like she does with every phase, clinging to every word said from her current idol and adopting an entire identity around it, is nuts.
"It checks out", "she likes girls," none of us know if this is true. She's still batshit insane. No sane person does this to themselves and changes obsessions so frequently. Girl is a ratchet grotesque train wreck and allowing your personal feelings about sexuality get in the way of an obvious new diversion isn't very bright.
No. 545498
>>545489She’s rapped during every phase.
>>545453I’m not Abby, these are screenshoots she posted on this status
>>545342 which is now deleted
No. 545512
File: 1522790776118.jpeg (6.83 KB, 225x225, upset.jpeg)

>>545477Also please sage, it goes in the email field. As we keep telling you.
No. 545523
>>545477she's said she likes girls long before this phase though. now she can just play it up because of her idol's lyrics, that's all. there's way more to her issues than just difficulty accepting her sexuality, she seems like she can't accept herself at all. there's some mental illness going on and who knows what emotionally. she needs therapy for life.
everything she does is for attention. that's not a secret. even if she does read here who cares? she plays it up to all eyes on her and she gives endless milk.
No. 545531
>>545495>>545512>u disagree with me so u mad bro trololNot upset in the slightest, sitting here enjoying my breakfast, just kind of taken aback at the fact that farmers of all people would buy into a sob story like that.
>as we keep telling youI've been posting on lolcow for years, you can stop pretending you know what anon you're talking to every time someone makes a post.
>>545523Did she? Only post I've ever seen her make about being gay is that she thinks it's disgusting and that gays will burn in hell, but she says a lot of things so.
Regardless, this is a girl that wanted to start taking xanax because of Lil Xan, shaved her brows off to look like Jack Skellington, and ditched Melanie Martinez mere days after getting a giant tattoo dedicated to her. I don't understand why any of you are taking anything that comes out of her mouth seriously. So odd.
No. 545641
>>545538I've…maybe posted in this thread maybe 4-5 times since it's inception.
But please, keep pretending you have foresight that you don't.
No. 545693
>>545360>>545437i second this sentiment. unlike most cows or flakes, Abby doesn't seem malignant. she's not a scammer (afaik), stuff she does mainly seems to hurt herself and she took down that Gofundme very quickly after the backlash. i have a feeling if she didn't get noticed by people like us, she'd still be a phase-jumping boyfriend-switching trainwreck for her own amusement. i enjoy observing her on a peoplewatching level but i'm absolutely furious at the creeps who try to befriend her just to be able to make fun of her better in their little secret FB groups. i hope her "phase" of acting self-aware and real helps her break the cycle and she settles for being quirky but somewhat functional.
on another note, i want to punch Luna repeatedly for being a self-centered, greedy, lying, ill-intentioned, materialistic, shallow bitch without a conscience and still having the gall to rag on Abby. glass houses, you parasitic amoral cunt. at least Abby has an interest she could live off on she can ever get her fucked up brain sorted out.
sage for really frustrated spergout. thanks for bearing with me anons.
No. 545958
File: 1522827983956.png (41.19 KB, 798x328, abby2.png)

The toxicity in this relationship is nucking futs. They don't have minor disagreements or conflict. They full-on break up everytime something shitty happens, and put that unhealthy shit on blast.
No. 545960
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No. 545962
>>545523I know it's armchair but she really does exhibit symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
E.g. copypasta from Wiki:
- Markedly disturbed sense of identity
- Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment and extreme reactions to such
- Splitting ("black-and-white" thinking)
- Impulsivity and impulsive or dangerous behaviours
- Intense or uncontrollable emotional reactions that often seem disproportionate to the event or situation
- Unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships
- Self-damaging behavior
- Distorted self-image
- Dissociation
- Frequently accompanied by depression, anxiety, anger, substance abuse, or rage
Abby mentioned in one of her recent posts that mental health professions have speculated BPD but decided against the diagnosis.
(armchair) No. 545964
File: 1522829089590.jpg (59.15 KB, 540x960, IMG_65365333.jpg)

>>545958before this post. it got deleted
No. 545967
>>545489she'll ditch the lil xan phase in a few days and go full LGBTQI rights supporter. or maybe we'll get some atheist posts after she realises that her beliefs aren't compatible with bisexuality.
there are chicks hitting on her on her facebook comments, probably just discovering her and finding her an eligible bachelorette. soon she and wilbur will break up again and abby will enter a relationship with a female, break her heart, then go back to will when the next phase comes along
No. 545969
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No. 545976
>>545958If she is actually a lesbian;
How do either of them think that her attraction is just gonna disappear because they wish real hard? I know they're both christians so maybe that encourages that mindset but it's never gonna work. Very common story but; a tutor I had in school had been married for 20 years, still as much of a lesbian as she was when she was 18 because that kind of thing doesn't change. It took her til she was in her 50's to actually leave her husband and find her soulmate. She cared very much about her husband and they were great friends even after she left, which Abby could be with Willy if she somehow decided that was a good idea but if she is actually gay it's just prolonging the inevitable. The rate at which she dumps and gets back with him shows that they don't really care about one another or each others feelings.
No. 545993
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volatile asf
No. 546002
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It’s so wild to me that Luna rags on Abby when she’s a huge cow herself
No. 546003
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No. 546030
>>546003I used to have a roomie who had BDP pretty hardcore. She made a number of drastic declarations about her sexuality including declaring herself a lesbian when some lesbian friends came to town. Non of this ever came to fruition in relationships but she fully came out, the whole bit.
It's not out of the realm of possibility for this to be another identity for Abby to try on also.
No. 546073
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Idk, I think she is struggling with her sexuality and I’m glad her father is at least somewhat supportive
No. 546079
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>>517372>>546073this was a comment on that status. i really can’t wait to find out what abby has to say to this
No. 546085
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>>546079this was an alright apology but i’m not sure if i believe it or if the op did either. they haven’t responded but a new person did saying they have mad respect for a very generic apology. also repost bc i’m a dumbass and posted my profile picture
No. 546087
File: 1522851890672.png (568.85 KB, 1242x2208, 3955B8C4-86CE-44C6-962A-81A619…)

>>546086i refreshed and i can still see it. i wonder why it’s doing that. and then there’s this added comment that gave me brain damage trying to read it. pic related
No. 546091
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>>546085She made it a status. Maybe I'm just a cynic but I wonder how many people totally new to Abby and her antics are following this phase and praising her rn.
There's a lot of "maybe your phases were because you were trying to mask your sexuality". Like idk what Nightmare Before Christmas and Scene Queen have to do with that but ok.
No. 546095
The way she repeatedly keeps saying "I like girls" is kind of juvenile and low-key weird. Wouldn't something like "I'm struggling with my sexuality" or "I'm attracted to women" be more appropriate for her age and current position? I mean she's up until recently been a homophobe, has only ever slept with men or expressed sexual interest in men, and currently has a boyfriend rn. Even if all this very sudden "confused sexuality" is real she's bicurious at best, not, as she claims
>>545355 "fucking gay".
No. 546102
>>546095I hate to be that person to say "it's just a phase" when someone comes out, but this is Abby Brown we're talking about. It could be a sub-phase that's morphed out of her Lil Xan phase. Abby's frequently quoting the lyrics "and her pussy taste like skittles, what? Yeah, ayy, and you can really taste the rainbow, what?" from the song Betrayed.
She said in a status that she would rap that song around the house and her mum would roll our eyes at that bit. In that same song, there's a lyric "She said she gay but still into me, said she gay still into me" (which is also edited onto Abby's current profile pic with Willy).
Then in her live video which has since been deleted due to the copyrighted music, Abby talked about how she likes girls but the only guy she wants to sleep with Willy.
tl;dr Just a sub-phase from the Lil Xan phase based on a lyric in Betrayed and I'm calling bullshit unless this one sticks or more solid evidence comes to light.
No. 546505
File: 1522880276640.png (2.04 MB, 1080x1300, 29791835_10155694770902620_428…)

Willie is so fucking filthy, he's covered in lint, crumbs, and dirt. He looks like he smells like cheese, how does she go near this guy let alone fuck him.
No. 546639
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No. 546640
File: 1522888728898.jpeg (45.8 KB, 640x522, 6392AC6F-E7F1-405F-A4A7-D7AE6F…)

His eyes look like a swollen red infected vagina and did he seriously put that shit in his eyebrows too? Come on.
No. 546643
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No. 546653
File: 1522890319546.jpg (137.41 KB, 665x665, ranmawantdatelilxan?.jpg)

>>546650She really is the next pt
No. 546900
File: 1522923179864.png (734.61 KB, 1022x1092, Screen Shot 2018-04-05 at 11.1…)

Abby found out one of her friends was basically the moderator of that Facebook group everyone kept mentioning upthread here.
Also two girls go off in the comments if you guys want screenies of it
No. 547234
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No. 547240
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And from today. Not sure why she's mad about the Facebook group considering 1. haters make her famous 2. she posts everything publicly anyways
No. 547474
>>547240according to the comments on her fb post outing the 'friend'/admin guy the members of this group would message Willie trying to seduce him when they broke up, doxxing her etc (she says she posted her address publicly for penpals AFTER the doxxing as "the psychos all knew where i lived anyway kek"
I guess I can see why she would be made about the two-facedness but girl seriously needs some more IRL friends
No. 547496
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She’s into Lil Xan now.(newfaggotry)
No. 547665
>>547538That haircut rivals
>>517434 in the poor choices race
No. 547821
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No. 547843
>>547838Birds of a feather flock together.
Ironically, these two genuinely believe they’re better than Abby and come here to mock her when they’re actually worse than her.
Abby is not insidious. She’s nuts in her own right, an absolute fucking train wreck, but I’m pretty confident that all of us farmers agree that she’s only on here for being a spectacle, nothing more.
No. 548063
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I don't think this constitutes as a true attraction as she's not emotionally attracted to women, it's more likely she watched lesbian porn and got off to it and got scared she was 'turning gay'
No. 548104
>>548063Yeah. she’s never had the option to Persue a relationship with with a woman either. She wouldnt even know if she isn’t emotionally attracted.
Who tf doesn’t want a threesome with two girls tho
No. 548194
File: 1523037887895.png (458.32 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7527.PNG)

Fan pages only, no hate groups.
No. 548198
File: 1523037942586.png (179.16 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7528.PNG)

Getting rid of stuff from her old phases
No. 548221
>>548198no way in hell anyone would touch this face tattooed weirdo with a ten foot pole.
bitch looks like she would steal your purse and max out your CC on lil peep merch
No. 548280
>>548210Mmm idk the whole god hates fags shit and then pretending to be gay because it goes along with her current phase is kind of. Idk.
She seems like a spoiled brat. Hope she gets help with her bpd tho
No. 548414
File: 1523055497806.jpg (1.03 MB, 3072x4096, tribute.jpg)

So, I'm not an artist at all in the slightest, but I enjoy drawing for fun and tonight I drew Abby and the ghosts of her phases.
No. 548432
>>548414Fine art at its finest. Thank you anon
Are her phases purposely done like Salad Finger's puppets? eerie
No. 548459
>>517552Sage for asking unrelated abby question. But does anyone know that necklace she has on? I had the same one from hot topic and bought it around 2008 like the anon said in the picture here.
(I wore it daily and lost it a while ago, wanting to repurchase for nostalgia reasons.)
No. 548506
File: 1523065067546.jpg (35.5 KB, 450x450, 61-JXKd8hPL._SY450_.jpg)

>>548459I've seen some on Amazon, just type in "Gothic Choker" And similar ones will pop-up. Image for ref.
sage for OT
No. 548537
>>517372i'm really just scrolling down the snow category, but I just stumbled upon this thread. the background info says >may or may not being into ddlg
in the picture that's used for this thread she's wearing a pair of overalls from this brand called Little For Big and they usually make clothes for people who are into DDLG or ABDL … Sorry if this has already been established or something. It's just something I noticed.
No. 548672
>>548607I think Facebook or Abby deleted it because most of her lives are saved under Photos > Videos on her profile.
>>548565Anon, please say you have the page still open and can screen cap it or something? D:
No. 548787
File: 1523111604364.jpeg (193.51 KB, 407x586, FC796AEE-FB93-47BE-B2FC-AB1E02…)

Safe for no milk, but Willie’s cheek looks like the surface of the moon….
No. 548789
>>548787"Kiss me"
"Your breath stinks!"
"But I brushed my teeth!…today…"
"Everyone hashtag…ab…a…abbystinkybutt!"
Was what I caught from that conversation, also Abby has a lazy eye somehow either from lashes or just all of a sudden
No. 548790
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>>548787They really are perfect for each other
No. 548792
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>>548789Think it's the way she's looking down, looks like one eye is totally shut and the other open, it kept doing that when she was looking around. Probably those drag lashes
No. 548911
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Is this her new phase
No. 548967
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>>548911Ugh, gross. She's the worst kind of hypocrite. She'll go on preaching about Jesus is love bullshit, while being gay is wrong and they'll burn in hell for it.. but now this?
She's the reason why so many people are afraid to come out because religious bigots will harass them. She really is the queen of seeking attention.
No. 549045
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>>548790She was selling this necklace in a bundle on her poshmark. It's mysteriously gone and now Wilbur is wearing it. Kinda makes my skin crawl to think of him having worn some of her shit as he seems even more gross than her.
No. 549147
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New Facebook
No. 549439
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>>549143inb4 she goes full bioqueen.
No. 550342
>>549864I agree but her previous boyfriend was really cute.
In a way it's probably best she dumped him because he was clearly out of her league, I kind of worried he was using her for whatever reason. She needs to date somewhere in between.
No. 550450
File: 1523262670000.png (47.68 KB, 676x379, dyke.png)

um, what
No. 550451
>>550069That "2 sizes too small pinstrip jacket" is actually one Abby lended to Willie. I think it was in the live where they were going to get pizza where Abby offered for him to borrow it.
He seems to like borrowing her clothes.
No. 550464
File: 1523263425004.png (124.73 KB, 750x799, img_54222244.png)

"Willie just smashed his radio in his car because I tried to break up with him. I'm very upset and can't talk about this anymore."
fuck, he is absolute scum. people who throw temper tantrums (if they're not children) to try and intimidate people into letting them get their way are completely worthless.
No. 550587
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No. 550679
File: 1523290245122.jpg (230.88 KB, 1080x1433, PicsArt_04-09-12.08.05.jpg)

>>550451>>550616not sure whose idea it was but the fact that he's in the sally dress and she's in a jack skellington type outfit cracks me up.
>>550587those poor slippers, why doesn't she want to wear shoes outside, is that a new dad or something?
No. 550681
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>>548911>>550587despite the face tat she's starting to look the most well-dressed and put together she's looked in a long time.
at least she knows to cover it up. hopefully it looks as good in real life than in this clearly edited pic
No. 550686
>>550464fuck i wish someone would explain this to lainey when she's on younow talking about how fleeky gay af she is. there's nothing wrong with being bisexual/pansexual/whatever you want to fucking call it but there's a world of wrong in saying you're a lesbian and still taking dick when you've come out. it's not cute to have exceptions. i don't know why being bi can't be good enough for some people. i know abby's just going at this because of a god damn lil xan lyrics but she's still wrapping willie's cheeto dick in her lips.
>>550587I'M POOPIN.
>>550681now can someone teach her how to smile for her selfies so she doesn't look like a killer clown? this is progress and i applaud her. she could potentially be cute again.
No. 550724
>>550708I’m sorry nuance is hard for you to process without getting
triggered. If you need things totally black and white, fine, but if you don’t want to derail over it, don’t, especially just to restate the same point. Saged, and seeing myself straight to hell for taking the bait.
No. 550787
>>550231Lana phase would be so amazing to witness! I think she might look really pretty if she was imitating Lana's ladylike style. Sort of how the goth look was working for her.
Though to be honest, I count the most on her being into something we could never predict.
No. 550803
>>550724do you not see how it doesn't make sense for a woman to say she's a lesbian and then walk down the street holding hands with her boyfriend/husband enjoying all the hetero benefits? it's incongruent. people like lainey do that and it's part of why lesbians aren't taken seriously unless you're a lumberjack dyke and even then they get told they haven't met the right guy yet too. abby's the only one of us who truly knows her sexuality and i'm sure it's a lot more complicated than she's making it because of her phase. she'd be better off not rushing and putting herself in boxes. if it really took a lil xan lyric for her to start accepting herself, good for her but she needs to stop powering through phases at warp speed and think about everything a little more.
>>550771not denying this at all, anon. abby's attachment to willie is probably hard to let go of. it's probably complicated even more by him being abusive and such a child. she tried to break up with him after getting called out, no time to stop and think about everything and weigh it in her mind. if she would stop rushing into everything so fast and actually take some time to figure it all out she'd probably be happier. she acts like she doesn't have time to because in two months she's going to move on to something else and she'll be left with a face tat and a stank hoodie to sell on poshmark.
No. 550837
>>550819theyre talking shit to each other and live now and apparently will's been on heroine for 2 years according to her
this is fucking wild
No. 550887
>>550880he's really showing himself with the way he's talking to her. he goes from talking shit and insulting her to begging her and trying to manipulate her to get back with him and talk to her.
>>5508840-23 hours. this is not going to last. maybe a day if she's really stubborn.
No. 551039
heres part 1 of the livestream, cuts out at about 30mins but picks up in the next part to the people I stole this from and sorry I couldn't figure out a better way to upload it
No. 551156
>>551118disagree. from what i understand people make it to pt for the quality of the milk, not the quantity.
while this milk is definitely delicious and plentiful, i think pt is more reserved for cows who cause harm, not just cows who are fun to watch.
No. 551224
>>551039Fucking Christ.
For those that can't watch (or tolerate watching), an overview:
Both screech about each other abusing the other over the sound of the poor dog probably having war flashbacks in the background, yapping into the sky for someone to put it out of its misery.
Willy complains about not being able to find a gauge, citing it as his reason for not leaving.
>Willy: "Why don't you tell them about the STD you have, bitch?"Abby says Willy "came at" her. Continues to tell him to get the fuck out.
>Willy: "How many times have you had sex with someone else?">Abby: "A lot, I was never really that into Will."Worthless back and forth.
>Abby: "You won't have a threesome or compromise with me!"Willy accuses Abby of breaking a mirror over his head & smashing him in the back of the head with a bottle in the past.
>Abby: "I don't want to be with you! YOUR DICK'S UN-FUCKING-CIRCUMSIZED AND DISGUSTING!">Willy: "REALLY?"More verbal slapfights.
>Abby: "I've told you about girls before. I told you about the girl I touched in middle school. Told you about the girls I used to have crushes on in highschool. I told you about all of that so don't act like it's fucking new to you.">Willy: "It's not new to me. It is new to me, actually."Dog is offered a treat. It does nothing to soothe the pain. Worthless back and forth, stream is muted at the end for a long chunk of time.
Opens on Abby trying to get the dog to chill with a toy or something. Distant questions about laundry, Willy isn't gone yet. She lets him back in.
Abby reveals she has in fact washed her Lil Xan merch. At least once.
Willy is a whiny bitch and won't leave.
>Abby: "You were just fucking on top of me and you were like (gestures) like that, like come at me bitch! Like all fucking psycho. And you grabbed my phone out of my hand!">Willy: "I just wanted to talk…"Willy continues to be a whiny bitch.
>Willy: "Actually like, the night you were punching me in the face and the only way I could get you to stop was by putting you on the ground? That night?">Abby: "Yeah.">Abby: "Yeah, I came at you, I hit you in the face, you shoved me on the ground, we broke my mom's lamp, and your phone got broken somewhere in the mix.">Willy: "Don't I deserve a goodbye?"Willy gives her a hug & sobs in the background. At first it appears he left, but no! You can hear him wailing pathetically in the background for his clothes, then comes back in, still sobbing, to assert that he loves her. He then stops crying and his tone changes suddenly and he gets aggro again about her still streaming, no tears audible.
>Abby: "It's scary that you won't leave my house!"He won't leave. She says she's willing to speak to him later online, but wants him out of her house.
>Abby: "This is how I always get back with you, too, because you won't leave!"He still won't leave.
>Abby: "No! Did you pull a knife on me?">Willy: "Yes! You weren't even near me when I pulled it, I said get out of my house!">Abby: "Did you just smash-take the phone out of my hands?">Willy: "Yeah, because you wouldn't talk to me. But how many times have you punched me in the fucking face?!">Abby: "I never said I was perfect!"Willy seems to finally drag his ass out of the hell house. But then Abby says he's in her freezer (???).
Video trails off with little to no drama left.
It's like a trainwreck. I can't look away.
No. 551386
>>551309Drunken analogy time: if the Queen of England knocks at my door and asks to come in for a cup of tea I would gladly invite her in because, hello? I want a pet some corgis! Anyway after the cup of tea I ask the Queen to please leave, but she will not. She is insistent that she dropped an earring during RT time and needs to find it. After repeatedly telling her to leave,she continues to walk around my home like she owns the place.
Am I afraid of the 91 year old woman? No, but it does not change the fact that she is in a private dwelling where I am asking her in no uncertain terms, to leave. At that point, yes you can call the cops and have them tell her to gtfo.
No. 551629
>>551163pixyteri denied her father because she was convinced her mom cheated on him with a japanese man because something something windchime.
she was a bit manipulative towards her family, thew temper tantrums and cried to get what she wanted or if she didn't get her way.
she was racist and tried to speak broken japanese to every asian person she saw despite if they were from a different asian country or born in america.
she spent a lot of her time at work crying in the bathroom or hiding from customers.
she also becomes easily jealous and puts down other girls, calling them sluts. so she's also a hypocrite.
and she didn't understand why people would still be grieving and insulted those who did on the one-year anniversary of 9/11.
pixyteri may be our queen but she was definitely harmful.
abby keeps it pretty real despite her identity issues. the only thing we're really watching is her crazy and abrupt phases, there's not too much outside of that. she's a great cow to watch, but if people like jillian and yumi aren't on pt then i don't think abby should be either.
No. 551814
File: 1523386264839.jpg (231.52 KB, 1054x865, 20180410_144658.jpg)

This fan is no better than Willie
No. 551815
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No. 552115
>>551629I would consider this being a huge brat, but not "harm"
Tuna and TND would be examples of "harmful" cows, because they are ac
No. 552200
>>552115i've been involved in pixyteri's drama for probably about 10 years at this point and i think the more cows that come along over time the higher the bar is set for what could be considered "harm."
/pt/ was definitely harmful in the same sense that chris chan was/is harmful, but you're right there are definitely more harmful cows nowadays. i think if pixyteri was discovered these days she would fit in more with /snow/ more than /pt/ ironically.
No. 552718
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No. 552754
>>552718has she ever mentioned him before?
he kinda has the same vibes to our beloved emo shrek, but slightly less crustier.
also, i spot a zero plush toy in the background - i thought she made an effort to get rid of all of the stuff from her previous phases? tnbc must have been her favourite - i guess that was when she was the happiest and she still clings onto it, perhaps that was the only 'phase' that made her feel genuinely 100% good about herself? sage for armchair.
No. 552909
>>552754it looks like there are two. one might be that head costume she used to make her dog wear for photos. i don't think she gets rid of absolutely everything when she switches phases though. which is sad because you think she'd try to integrate one into the next. some of her tnbc stuff would've worked for her scene phase since scene looks like neon hot topic dumping grounds but she abandoned it in a big way.
>>552802not as sad as the reigning champ cwc.
No. 553484
File: 1523547124112.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1058, IMG_20180412_162909.png)

Her makeup is getting worse
No. 553536
>>553484i watched her live the other day of her doing her makeup, she rubs soapy water on her face after sleeping in her makeup.
Then she half assedly picked eyeliner crust from her tear duct and carried on packing more on.
I'm amazed she doesnt have pink eye or something yet.
No. 553953
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No. 554010
>>553536Yeah she's lucky she doesn't have major break outs lol. Using just soap and water to clean your makeup off isn
't the worst, that's literally what I just do, but sleeping in it is just disgusting. And she literally has two sets of eyebrows, like at least shave your real ones off if you're gonna get all basic and use a stencil and eyeshadow.
No. 555301
File: 1523695552817.png (520.61 KB, 745x1194, Screenshot (189).png)

sage for not directly abby related but i'm laughing so hard, this showed up in a group I'm in.
No. 555305
>>555303I joined in like october last year because I saw it used as a tag group and didnt know who abby was. Tons of girls in the group posted selfies of themselves all the time, tons of blogposting, and tons of wannabe infiltrators who made it their personal mission to try and be friends with abby for 'juicy info'
those same infiltrators would also get blocked by abby as soon as they posted in the group, because people would message abby and send her the screenshots.
No. 555590
File: 1523732381345.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7675.PNG)

She changed her dog's name from Zero to Xero
No. 555609
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No. 555785
>>555301i mean if the anons who outed themselves in this thread (here:
>>544360 ;
>>545103 & here:
>>547496 ;
>>547538) are any indication it's kind of obvious these groups are glass houses for its members to throw stones in
No. 555853
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No. 556262
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No. 556286
File: 1523813345879.png (110.77 KB, 750x873, IMG_7687.PNG)

Cardi B phase?
No. 556445
File: 1523823670763.png (2.16 MB, 1080x1383, IMG_20180415_211201.png)

>>556331She's definitely gay anon, she's dressed entirely in rainbow, the only necessary criteria by Abby standards
No. 556515
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No. 556553
File: 1523830585316.jpg (56.79 KB, 960x666, 30415077_1927748983904626_2012…)

this is from April 8th-9th or something but I think it should be posted. Grabbed it from the fb group
No. 556726
>>554454this, then you look at the "females shilled as attractive" or we thread and im guessing the very same girls are shitting on genuinly beautiful women there lol.
They probably indentify more with Abby and therefor she gets a pass for some reason.
No. 557350
File: 1523903198434.png (14.97 KB, 514x175, screenshot.PNG)

uh oh. Brace yourselves.
No. 558084
File: 1523997188551.jpeg (185.46 KB, 1242x385, 12FC5026-CC7D-44E0-8A9B-95113B…)

She has a girlfriend now
No. 558462
File: 1524019431873.jpg (313.28 KB, 1079x1062, PSX_20180417_214151.jpg)

>>558085Here's a pic where she isn't making that dumbass expression
No. 558681
>>557063think she was born the year it was released.
>>558084>finallyis this girl someone she's known or is she just stating that she's now free to date girls?
No. 558722
File: 1524056576910.jpeg (131.11 KB, 734x960, D69529AF-87FE-4A76-8180-C4841A…)

>>558681I think they went to high school together
Abby posted this of them awkwardly kissing
No. 558946
File: 1524075169890.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180418-120002.png)

Ew.. her gf spent the night in her car in Abbys driveeay. Apparently has a warrant for her arrest. Homeless. Winner winner chicken dinner
No. 558984
File: 1524076895831.png (96.03 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180418-144044.png)

>>558962Retail theft, per the PA docket
No. 558985
File: 1524076974386.png (102.35 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180418-144216.png)

Skipped her court date, so they issued a warrant.
No. 558993
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No. 558994
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No. 559003
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I'm 99% sure this is where the new warrant comes from, combined with her new charges.
No. 559014
File: 1524078324690.jpg (476.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180418-130402.jpg)

I really kinda do adore Abby and I'm pretty sad she's getting with this girl. Hasn't seen her in years, had a crush in highschoil but this GF of hers is pure trash. Gross. I hope she doesn't take Abby down. Because it's clear Abby is always looking sober.
No. 559016
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No. 559045
File: 1524080539364.jpg (5.55 KB, 167x223, Racheal-Dawn-Galbraith-mugshot…)

No. 559049
I knew there would be something in their local paper about her.
From last summer:
Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County
State police reported a verbal altercation between Rachael McGinnis and Rachael Galbraith led to property damage at 9:46 p.m. May 14 at 414 Manon Drive.
According to a report, McGinnis damaged the windshield of Galbraith’s vehicle, and Galbraith damaged the porch at McGinnis’ residence.
Each was cited with a summary count of criminal mischief at Ligonier District Court.
Online court records show that McGinnis, 38, of Bolivar, pleaded guilty and was assessed $459.76 in fines and costs, and that Galbraith, 21, of New Florence, has not yet responded to the citation. No. 559050
File: 1524081098970.png (109.52 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180418-155107.png)

Oops dropped cap
No. 559241
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No. 560185
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No. 560302
File: 1524176936359.png (168.83 KB, 1440x2473, 20180419_182552.png)

Instagram cleared out. Time for a new phase ?
No. 560311
File: 1524177375153.png (2.15 MB, 1251x1209, Screenshot (199).png)

>>560302idk what it was like before but these are the oldest pics on her fb now, she might be clearing that out too. she also only has 2 profile pics in the album, both from her new gay phase.
No. 561014
>>560711Is that a Lorena/Sere reference I see?
I agree with the rest of you anons though, Abby is a huge mess, but she's kind of likable. I was honestly surprised by how maturely she handled breaking up with her girlfriend. I kind of hope we get to see her get better, it's really too bad about the bad face tattoo though.
No. 561202
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No. 561230
File: 1524285492920.jpg (47.45 KB, 539x960, 31081395_2012092809117875_5770…)

Kind of hilarious. This girl knows how to do her eyebrows though.
No. 561245
>>561233Yeah, I mean, I'm not one to typically stan cows, but I feel kind of bad for her. She's mentally ill (and probably low IQ), from bumfuck nowhere, and has issues stemming from her adoption and religious upbringing. She seems like she's trying to do better though? With her apologizing for her past and actually listening to people about Willie and the girlfriend, it's a decent start.
>>561202I feel like this isn't the greatest example of her "bullying" as she's reacting to those who have been bullying her? I know she's said some shitty stuff in the past, but has she been bullying people who aren't part of the groups making fun of her?
Again, I'm not trying to stan her or say she's not worthy of having a thread or anything. She's a huge mess, even still, but I don't think she's all that awful in comparison to most cows.
No. 561394
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No. 561395
File: 1524317423470.jpg (130.94 KB, 638x960, 30744026_1250002248463296_5116…)

The end of the xanarchy? She also deleted the stream detailed in
>>560702>>561014lol ot but yep lorena is fucking gross and terrible
>>561187are you butch and ugly? This whole site is basically devoted to saying various girls are gross. And do you have caps of her pathological lying? Not saying she is/isnt but I haven't seen that milk. Is she lying about all the stuff in the deleted stream? Spill it if u got it. So far all I have seen is desperate ass weekly trend hopping and ugly-boyfriend stuff, not sure how that equates to pathological lying. Dumb as fuck for sure though
No. 561540
File: 1524333240245.jpg (248.54 KB, 819x978, pretending_to_be_gay_redux_by_…)

enjoy my oc that someone posted in comments on abby's page ^-^
No. 562094
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>>561958yet you're still in her thread. this place is the most stone-filled glass house i've seen.
No. 562095
File: 1524399965770.png (380.07 KB, 574x315, madoka.PNG)

>>561958lmao what kind of lazy madoka cosplay is this
No. 562170
File: 1524413415716.png (117.57 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-120620.png)

>>561540lmao well first of all I hope you're proud of yourself for spooking our cow, and number two pic related. probably go back to shilling your sad nudes, it seems like you have bigger issues than how Abby is gay for a couple days. You're pregnant and have no rent money, worry about you girl
No. 562178
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No. 562180
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No. 562192
File: 1524414920653.jpg (12.28 KB, 300x198, Are you retarded _12be0b490d7c…)

>>562178>>562180literally the only cow-worthy thing about abby is her phases. she's not autistic like chris, she's not going to honestly believe that people think the other abby is her and try to prove herself. whoever thought this was a good idea is more retarded than chris himself.
do you remember how constantly meddling with chris and creating "sagas" caused him to go quiet for a realllllly long time? remember when people kept fucking with pt and now we rarely see anything from her? why would you want that to happen with any milk-producing cow? this is why cow-tipping is against the rules!
i can't get over how fucking stupid this is. i'm almost convinced this is bait.
No. 562209
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>>562192agreed 100%
she could have just said it was a cosplay. that would have been harmless. why do you facebook group weenies have to cowtip by mentioning people like chris-chan.
she was just starting to open up, too. RIP milk.
No. 562210
>>562180>>562178I know this is lolcow, but I fucking hate people like Kyle.
Even if Abby was autistic and had been
triggered by that, I wouldn't have found it funny.
I didn't think it was funny with chris either but nvm Just let her do her thing, that alone is entertainment enough
No. 562224
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>>562217>>562213i'm not op but this is all i've seen been posted about kyle
No. 562226
>>562222i meant screenshots of what
>>562213 was saying, since that's new and pretty damning if true.
No. 562240
File: 1524418999751.png (459.52 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180422-133926.png)

Can you imagine being so pathetic and having nothing better to do with your life than cow tip someone as harmless as Abby? I mean damn Kyle, you must really be a loser irl to go to such lengths to try so hard to get a reaction and attention from someone you don't even know. What a pathetic stain on society. The Kyle guy is a huge cow herself
No. 562243
File: 1524419180186.jpeg (96.29 KB, 960x960, E4FF7C92-4491-4E8A-AC38-A30884…)

people actively trying to tip and harass abby are so autistic
>>562224it’s also funny how looking at this girl’s Facebook page she’s a fat genderspecial snowflake and not any better than Abby
No. 562245
>>562228all good
>>562236imo someone should make a /snow/ thread on her 'fans' from the fb group, if they keep creating all this drama without any help from the cow. like none of this is relevant to abby but some of these girls have a lot of cow potential.
No. 562271
File: 1524421388433.jpg (1.97 MB, 3264x2448, 20180422_142122.jpg)

"I'm liquid Abby hurrdurr">>562240
No. 562279
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>>562271That's tfw this is your boyfriend
No. 562281
>>562248>>562245that mtty faggot needs to be taken down a peg, too.
>>562240>>562242right? go through the facebook group and you'll see that all of these girls are similarly uncute, and even all of these guys are tumblr 'ironic humor' tryhards. fucking all of them are pathetic to attack a girl who is clearly unwell and is trying to better herself. she doesn't scam, she does work even though she quits jobs etc, loves her family, and has clearly been in an abusive relationship with a volatile man for who knows how long. there are so many cows on kiwifarms and lolcow that actually deserve to be attacked, and they're doing this to a naive girl who actually finances her own phases just because she makes bad choices and clearly has issues? it's like mocking the disabled kid in class and it's despicable.
No. 562283
File: 1524422162754.png (319.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180422-122819.png)

Commenters on Kyle's post are fuckin delusional
No. 562374
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>>562367Thread will be locked and a new one started, not deleted
No. 562384
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>>562192Maybe you missed this. She was convinced somebody wanted to steal her identity and sperged out.
No. 562407
File: 1524428104600.png (1008.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180422-141354.png)

This is the fan club turned sour. They've added 200 New members lately so anyone who wants info on these scumbags will most likely be allowed in
No. 562418
>>562363a lot of the anons on here like her and think she has something likeable about her, she just makes terrible decisions. we're here to document the crazy stuff she does, not attack or even really mock her. none of the posts by actual farmers, not facebook bottomfeeders that like to ruin lives, really are too negative or mocking. read above and you'll see that she's pretty universally liked to some degree by us.
>>562390that's not the point. what they did was totally pointless and dumb as fuck. there's no reason to taunt her. she's a self-generating milk machine that doesn't hurt anyone but herself. why bully her? especially when it causes disruptions in the milk supply
No. 562421
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No. 562439
File: 1524429351406.png (6.83 KB, 283x148, wtf.PNG)

>>562430>>562430to make matters worse, this tryhard, built-like-a-board-ass bitch worked as a camp counselor for handicapped people, and is malicious enough to want to cause abby to have a mental breakdown. this cunt is really disgusting.