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No. 504405
A thread for all these terrible cosplayers… Jessica Nigri, Momo, Jenna Lynn Meowri, Amouranth and your generally bad cosplayers.
-jessica nigri is still scamming her fanboys is still making terrible costumes queen jenna lynn meowri is still lying No. 504521
>>503994Continuing this conversation. If you arent familiar with MS's crap just look for her thread here on LC. She is KNOWN for being a bully and talking badly about people to anyone who asks. While she never enticed a witch hunt she never had to. She gives enough for her fans to do the rest for her.
Im not saying she meant for this to turn in to what it did but as someone with 10k followers on twitter you should just ignore comments like that versus making a 'witty' reply and altering all of your followers to this person.
The race stuff was dug up later after people were already going after that girl for her age tweet.
No. 504688
>>504405Didn't get the chance to reply to the break in thing from the last thread
>>502030It's terrifying. I know we shit on Meg all of the time and she's annoying and all of that, but I really feel terrible for her and Gavin. If I were them I would have to move. The burden of moving built on all this paranoia and terror would be hell for anyone. I haven't really been followed them much as of late. Would they have put things out that gave away their location?
Wish them the best.
No. 504950
File: 1518800041779.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1779, 20180216_164900.png)

Just came across this girl and I'm screaming how can anyone think this is real? The warping around the waist, she didn't even try.
No. 505022
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wow much ghost hip
No. 505030
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>>505024she does…just not the kind that are udders. She's wearing fake boobs.
No. 505051
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No. 505259
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Apparently Cat had time to finish Moo's cosplay but not Vamp's
No. 505510
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Girl, what the fuck
No. 505868
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jesus this dress is fucking horrible
No. 505872
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>>505868reference for those who dont know
No. 506228
>>505259Waking around with mother fuckin safety pins holding you together.
It takes two seconds to slip stitch, could you not wake up early gurl?
No. 506907
File: 1518931969027.png (1.08 MB, 955x629, dragons.PNG)

I think Jessica handled this really well. Most cosplayers would get pissed if someone created a design that had been made specifically for them. These girls credited the artist then said they used Jessica's tutorials. The one in the middle said on her post people mistook her for Jessica (lol ok). But if i recall correctly these dragon designs were made by that Zach dude for Jessica.
No. 507025
>>504405Jenna Lynn Meowri is attending Katsucon and I saw her. The bitch has to be about 40 years old with huge injected lips.
Someone mentioned Jenna went to Japan with Jessica Nigri recently… does anyone know why? Jessica seems to pretend she doesn’t even know the bitch.
(Samefagging and ban evading) No. 507970
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>>506907I've seen quite a few people cosplay these designs. Jess shares most of them. I still find it funny that she will share these guys but there has been no mention of Moo's Roadhog rip off that I'm aware of. lmao
No. 509538
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I'm pretty convinced that moderatelyokcosplay is a FTM.
Every cosplay guy I've seen has atleast 1 topless cosplay, no hesitation. His features in certain angles are way too feminine for him to be born naturally a man, this is especially noticeable when he is with his naturally male born friends. I have no issues with MOC but I do think he's kinda flakey with how he caters heavily to yaoi fangirls by lowkey shipping himself with his friends, constantly feeling the need to show off and let people know that he vapes and his overexaggerated qUiRKy personality.
No. 509540
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No. 509592
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>>509538Looks very much like a dude to me. I've seen plenty of feminine looking men in my life. He isn't a stretch.
No. 509728
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>>509592>>509538> Isn't a dude Adam's apples don't appear on FTM if I'm not mistaken
No. 509750
>>504952they just want to jerk off to the pictures, it's not about reality. sometimes they're so lonely they buy into the fantasy enough to interact with them and pay for their content, they know they're playing themselves but again these are gamers/neckbeards/etc we're talking about. actual women don't want to go near them, they know it, and further take it out on worshipping unrealistic standards to feel a sense of superiority inflecting that self consciousness. they're all one big joke, really don't understand why the women participate when the attention they get at it's core is out of a warped sexist hatred for women. why would you want to generate that just to get compliments on a clearly fake picture of 'yourself'? why is the gaming community so plagued with these kind of people
OT from above comment
but can anyone point out what cosmetic procedures these girls have actually gotten? besides boob jobs because that's fairly obvious, i just mean their face work because some of these hoes are in their 30s. All i'm really seeing is fillers and nigri's 400 nose jobs?
No. 509779
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Sayathefox can't take any photos without photoshop and filters despite having her ugudolly makeover in Korea
No. 509810
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She thinks she looks like elsa
No. 510091
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>>509868Pretty much. That's what everyone is saying too, she still hides her face in her friend's videos or photo.
Saya is now claiming to be mongolian even though she ranted on instagram about how bad it was to label someone as asian when they are not, all while stating she is not asian in any way and just turk+italian.
No. 510093
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She also said this on twitter, if she's content with being turkish and italian then why is she saying she's mongolian? She's trying to have a connection to asia so bad, through the idea that there are some mixed monogolian arabs out there
No. 510694
Haha I love how
triggered Moderatelyokcosplay fans get over their precious yaoi prince
>>510213What does that have to with Sayathefox trying to lie about being mongolian? She'll do anything to pass as remotely asian.
No. 513639
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So her thread is dead and I'd rather not necro it, but I feel like she's irrelevant enough to fit here, but mangosirene recently dropped out of cosplay and now she's trying to squeeze her way back in.
No. 513642
File: 1519509873311.png (45.63 KB, 481x227, mad about.png)

Also mad that companies still want to support her even though she tried to leave the hobby, such as arda and this company that sent her a 3-d printer
No. 513813
>>513643>>513642She said she'd come back and was just tired??? Saged for defending her. I don't want to. But at least get your facts straight and let's wait for real milk to come back out of her.
If anything, get on her girlfriend who has a new face shape and a longer chin. Thanks filters.
No. 513846
>>513827If I recall correctly, his first Iggy cosplay is what got him famous. That may be why.
Not that I'm complaining, I think he portrays the character well enough.
No. 513909
Sounds like a lot of cosplayers are dealing with death threats and stalkers. Meg Turney was almost killed by a stalker who showed up at her house. Angie Griffin did a video about someone saying they were gonna kill her Any other cosplayers experiencing this too? Theres some cosplayers I dont like but someone sending death threats is just scary
No. 514092
>>513827I think it's weird how seemingly obsessed YOU are with him.
A lot of cosplayers have that ONE character that they cosplay constantly because it fits them well. It's not that difficult to understand. Also who doesn't want to be Ignis? Isn't that the purpose of cosplay is both the outfit aspect AND being in character?
No. 514287
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Saged since I know msot of you dont care but does Jenna shop her waist or is she just really good as posing because her waist looks much wider here than in other photos
No. 514387
>>514251I can agree with that. She should have dropped her Twitch partnership, for sure. Personally, recent milk would be better but she seems to be less bitchy online rn. So. Post that infographic.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 514396
File: 1519594672507.jpg (548.75 KB, 1080x1503, Screenshot_20180225-133039.jpg)

Does anyone remember this girl? she got called out a long time ago she left and now she's back with the same old overshooped photos different name now hanamiiya
Old forum No. 514424
>>514287"Jenna why'd you blur out your philtrum"
"I never blur, no one in my family has a philtrum, #hardworkpaysoff"
Joan Rivers lookin ass.
No. 514430
File: 1519597353612.jpg (1.58 MB, 1198x3597, MangoSireneFawninaPlagiarizing…)

>>514256>>514387I went ahead and updated the top. The Prompto stuff can be be found the last thread. She is indeed still selling the tutorials in her shop, so it's more milky than I thought. If anyone wants to call her out, feel free to use this. I'm too nice to do it on a public platform, I mean, I sat on this until it was too late for the first thread.
Anyways, I was a dumb weeb that bought a few of her breakdowns, paid real money and all. I wasn't expecting crazy extensive how-tos, but I was definitely disappointed by the obvious reliance on third party sources rather than an actual new info from her. If the breakdowns were free, I wouldn't care, but she profiting off other creators if she sells them.
Here's the tumblr arrow tutorial link -, sorry the graphic is so huge.
No. 514539
>>514430This is hilarious considering her whole drama was around people 'copying' her innovative designs and trying to be just like her. She harassed more than one cosplayer and had her friends backing her up (big name cosplayers like Byndo and Heidi to name a couple).
Im sure her other tutorials are just full of links as well.
She kept her twitch up and its partnership, she continues to sell these tutorials as well as cosplay photo merch that was for her patreons. I really think she only took a break to avoid the LC thread because it was gaining traction. Her buddy Beth tried to derail that thread then completely wiped all of her social media and also did a username change once she got a thread of her own calling out her bitchy behavior.
No. 514579
>>514571Nah i completely agree. The boddice has messy puckering around the edges of every panel and in the movie its not even broken in to that kind of panneling. The rhinestones dont do it for me either. She should have opted for a more shimmer fabric to be one of the layers as Anastasia has a more all over glitz and glittery effect to this dress.
A big thing that bugs me is the massive difference of her foundation to her hand in
>>513639 No. 514726
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Jenna Lynn's ex boyfriend outing her on Reddit. LOL
No. 515378
>>515348>>515374Graphic anon here, I don't have Tifa or Promoto, so I can't give a concert answer. From the breakdowns I have, she lists every last supply, so honestly, $200 for Tifa sounds about right. Wig, shoes, contacts, pleather, plus notions, hardware, and she wore a mega push up bra with Tifa.
Prompto seems a little high, but if the patches are $200, I could imagine all the other stuff adding up.
OT but, a misconception of making your own cosplay is that it'll be cheaper than buying, but that's not really the case. Especially if you can't or don't coupon.
No. 515389
>>515378That honestly doesn't answer my question unless she's buying gucci louis for her costumes or including the price of her sewing machine.
Especially considering her princess tutu costumes, elaborate ballerina inspired outfits, cost around the same as a tank top and mini skirt. The only thing I imagine that cost money was the gloves, but surely she has enough of that material laying around her home to make a tiny arm armor. And maybe a wig but arda sponsors her so…
No. 515542
>>515378This sort of reminds me of that meme that was going around where cosplayers were basically listing all that went into their cosplays. But people were listing everything, including the makeup they were wearing & the prices were getting to some ridiculous degree because of that.
She's either bragging about how much she's spending or trying to seem more impressive with her cosplay because of it. Either way it's stupid.
No. 517568
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Wreck it Ronnie: Nothing too milky just chases cosfamehardcore, will drop you if you can't help her get ahead, and burns bridges like crazy
No. 517577
File: 1519893674389.jpg (52.77 KB, 720x876, FB_IMG_1519893485001.jpg)

This chick has been going around my friend circle. Apparently she recently got big for ahegao selfies but is also some kind of generic shitty? Apart from vague anecdotes this is all I see though. Seems like a baby cow to me
No. 517579
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>>517577Please ignore white line through comment
No. 517583
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>>517577In response to someone defending that people weren't offended because she said "Jap" but because she made real light of someone killing themselves
No. 517642
>>517577not to derail but jap isn't a slur in japan proper. no one actually cares, and infact they use the term jap to mean japanese in japan. i hate when westerners try to be PC for japan. just admit it's offensive to
you without bringing others into it.
No. 517698
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Okay so this guy keeps @ing me and I decided to check out his profile and just, wtf dude. Has anyone interacted with him? I think he's from England
No. 517775
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>>517665Not to mention she only lets her friends post photoshopped pics of herself, the funny part is she doesn't hook her friends up with the shop.
I wonder what her friends think of it
No. 517945
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Does anyone know Phil Mizuno? Does he really have a boyfriend? When I search him I get this
No. 519143
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Thoughts? I haven't seen anyone mention her
No. 519482
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So Kaddi has a thing for japanese guys ..?
they all hop on the momoo train
“I only love Asian guys” it’s disgusting
No. 520399
File: 1520176172202.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180304-150820.png)

Whoever did the awful shoop on Nigris nose in these photos needs to be fired, she looks like the kid from the grinch
No. 520437
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>>520399Her leg/butt shoop is really bad in this one too.. they gave her the toned thigh of a bodybuilder and then made her back leg a stick.
No. 520619
File: 1520197310717.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180304-125936.png)

EnvyUs's account was banned like 4 days ago, so now Kelly's blowup doll lacky is trying to get Instagram to notice other options besides banning accounts against ToS.
No. 520653
>>520647Vero is a mess that only idiots who dont do their research use. The CEO has so much shady shit behind him, including not paying over 9,000 workers for his previous company and forcing them in to basic homelessness. They have one woman on the entire Vero team and she works customer service at that.
Theres a lot of stuff behind that app that people should look in to before making a decision.
Realistically if you want your posts seen in order by your fans tell them to follow your patreon. They dont HAVE to pay just to follow it and will still see your posts that are made public. Not rocket science.
No. 520924
File: 1520225402744.jpg (1006.61 KB, 1078x1591, Screenshot_20180304-234823.jpg)

Goes by reyvencos on Instagram. Has a bad case of stank mouth. Will delete and block anyone over negative comments of any degree and will deactivate or cry for attention until male attention is given. Constantly spamming pictures of her flat ass in the mirror, doesn't take well to people who say costhots are ruining cosplay. Has a nu-male boyfriend. Preaches body positivity but only for herself. Likes to brag. Alot. Has weekly breakdowns.
Not alot of milk here, but perhaps upcoming milk?
No. 520926
File: 1520225657975.jpg (59.28 KB, 1360x960, FB_IMG_1520225539652.jpg)

Find it crazy how much hanabi shoops her face and body I met her at AX and she looks a lot different too much dorito
No. 521154
File: 1520258010498.png (184.53 KB, 1440x1293, 20180303_120743.png)

>>>>514396>>520926Stephanie is a wreck. Can't believe she hasn't been talked more. Pretty much her PULL thread shows her terrible Photoshop work. She used to go by a few different names too but left because of her anti abortion posts on her facebook. has since been deleted and replaced with her new alias.
also, the girl made a crying post on her old Instagram because she wanted to be popular but did not get enough likes. Truly an attention-fame whore.
No. 521277
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>>521265Yuppp. she is hypocritical. trying hard to be so preachy about body and girl positivity now, I wonder if to hide the fact she used to shame other girls. She used to have a few tweets at beauty bloggers too on Twitter claiming pro Trump but took them down now that she has a larger following.
No. 521767
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She's OK she's just shooped I prefer her without shoop looks better natural don't understand why she edits like crazy
More of a how she normally looks
No. 521771
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No. 522082
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>>520399A candid of Saya, she only takes side pics cuz she doesn't want ppl to see how botched her 2nd nose job is. After all the ps she went through and money she spent, Saya still looks like a normal girl. I wonder how bad her before was if it took that much to make her look decently attractive.
This is her Aranea cosplay, the one she got 5,500 euros to "make". Before she said she made the costume and now she says she got someone else to make it cuz in her head saying someone made the costume totally justifies the 5.5k donations. She scammed her fans hard, no costume costs 5.5k to make, especially the average tier costume she got on.
No. 522097
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>"I'm a dirty rat but I'm pretty.. I'm pretty! I said I'm pretty right??
The only thing she cares about is looking good and getting compliments smh
No. 522342
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Has anybody made a forum on narcisspuppet? Tried looking but never found one, they def deserve one
I heard so much tea on him and his gf ladyxzero
God are those two bad can only expose them as anon they seem really respected in the community but they're very cocky and put down others behind closed doors.
Narciss is extreme shoop looks nothing like his photos in rl and tapes his face like crazy is very narcissistic
and zero is pretty normal in person, they never go to conventions due to not looking like they're photos
Zero has harassed a few final fantasy friend cosplayers of mine she lurks and likes your photos and blocks you If you cosplay the same character as her she harassed my friend who cosplayed aeris. I used to adore them until I noticed all these things about them a few Canadian friends have met them at the only con they went to last year as guests and was disappointed how they look nothing like they're photos especially narciss.
I wonder if anyone has more milk on them?
No. 522350
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The best tea I heard about them is they told a mutual friend that they hate moderately OK cosplay due to him gaining more of a following than them through final fantasy cosplays, they think he doesn't deserve it since they've done it longer which is kind of petty
No. 522796
>>522740I saw someone post something about a friend who got removed on IG ( can't remember who ), but why is IG removing people ?
I also saw fussing about how IG isn't promoting certain people on the top search for hashtags.
No. 522842
>>522796I know most of them are getting taken down as fake/imposter accounts. Its probably an error on IG's part but because they dont have a real customer service channel theyre having a hard time getting them back up.
IG has become 60% ads 20% sponsor posts and 20% regular posts. So i dont know what these bigger follower count cosplayers are complaining about. Just have the people turn on notifications or use your story to alert them. Mostly i think a huge chunk of larger accounts just have high numbers of spam or dead profiles because of you have 300k followers but get around 5k-10k likes per post youre definitely doing something wrong.
No. 523074
>>522097Lawl she called herself pretty 3 times.
She thinks she's some majestic fairy doll or something
No. 523252
>>523062With how many random attacks ModOK got recently and now Leon I'm wondering if it's a scorned fan or something. With how high profile he is, I don't no one would notice and it would take this long to come out.
My tinfoil theory is: aren't they both guesting with Momo soon?? And ModOK is actively against her and besties with Leon and Steff.
No. 523309
>>522740Go away Helena
Stop being salty you didn’t win your vendetta court case
No. 523359
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"dem hips"
No. 523404
>>523377>>523396Like don't get my tinfoiling wrong here. I know they're both popular and someone is bound to talk shit somewhere about them but they didn't even bring up Leon's ACTUAL drama in the community. Just the sex angle. Which is kind of weird. Why start a rumor when he did something
problematic you could have latched onto instead?? And ModOK had no drama that we know of so we insult his appearance and potential sexuality?? So it's just odd, imo.
No. 523537
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>>523517That's not really legit drama.
>>523359I don't know what is it with this girl but her photos always look terrible. Her body looks as weird as her face.
No. 523973
>>523517People were pretty upset with him at the time for this. He was hired by ubisoft to wear the costume. But for the most part it's blown over, I don't think anyone cares anyway.
Correct me if I'm wrong, because this was a couple of years ago, but when he was starting to get big, I feel like I remember him asking people to send him to katsucon. I wish I had caps for this but I'm almost positive I remember this, back when he was first doing the Gladio thing.
No. 524003
File: 1520522319920.png (57.83 KB, 720x406, Screenshot_2018-03-08-10-16-05…)

>>509810Saya is back at it with the "I look like ___" bullshit.
No. 524006
File: 1520522515245.png (244.36 KB, 720x606, Screenshot_2018-03-08-10-16-26…)

Saying she looks like Lightning is already a stretch and now she's trying to say "my mom thinks I look like this Korean actress". If Her mom really said that then she must be blind or retarded lmao.
Saya really likes to say "PEOPLE SAY I LOOK LIKE" what she really wants to say is "I think I look like" but she doesn't want her narcissism to spill out full force
No. 524008
File: 1520522646370.png (1.04 MB, 1872x922, Screen Shot 2018-03-08 at 10.2…)

>>523871anon, have you seen her other metalfaced cosplays? stocking has canon panties/bras that she wears in the show and this is what she decides to wear? her bra from victoria's secret that doesn't even coordinate with the colors?? (i'll sage this just because it isn't exactly milk.)
No. 524213
File: 1520540876215.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1753, 20180308_142524.png)

Idk much about this girl and not super milky but this post was annoying. Her bragging about being the 'first' BOTW link at katsudon like a special snowflake. And there's no proof she's even right
No. 524266
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>>522342Not so much milk as I just question that their costumes and props are entirely self-made. If Zero wasn’t tagged, I would not have guessed that this was made by her considering the detailed make and precision they’re known for. Either they’re lying about their make or they just don’t put out as much effort when it comes to commissions. This looks awful.
No. 524463
File: 1520557855225.jpg (49.49 KB, 385x500, 1516266647175.thumb.jpg.6ddbcb…)

Does anyone have the link of this person who said they were wearing Jenna Lynn Meowri's fake boob chest piece? Jenna is claiming she's never worn one and her boobs are natural in her cosplays(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 524470
>>524463stop reaching? you never provide milk on her you just say 'oh did you hear x'? you need to give
us proofs. this vendetta shit is old.
No. 524529
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>>520924I can't seem to get over her mouth/face. There's something really off about it
No. 524795
File: 1520610255815.jpg (75.32 KB, 207x347, 2018-02-13_12.41.44.thumb.jpg.…)

>>524003Yeah and Lightning totally has fucked up nostrils from a bad nose job kek.
She looks nothing like Lightning.
No. 525289
>>525042unfortunately it's a relatively common side effect, hers is just way more noticeable than most people
how long ago did she get her nose job? there's a second surgery they do to fix the nostrils if it's really bad like hers but you have to wait at least a year after the original surgery
No. 525302
File: 1520655623683.jpg (211.29 KB, 500x500, 2018-02-09_14.04.31.thumb.jpg.…)

>>525289From what I've heard she had 1 nose job before she had all that shit done in Korea. Her first nose job made her nose a bit smaller and straighten out her hump
No. 525304
File: 1520655717613.png (160.54 KB, 405x500, Screenshot_2017-07-14-11-32-03…)

The 2nd nose job made her nose pointy
No. 525307
>>525059yeah, and did you hear about how she went to korea and threw some girl's coffee on herself to get her plastic surgery for free?
provide caps/proof.
No. 525946
File: 1520728922188.png (524.19 KB, 493x595, 001.PNG)

Not super milky but in regards to Fawnina/MangoSirene this just came around my feed. She disappeared right at the height of her LC thread. She came back and changed her username because when you searched Mango her thread and the screencaps posted in it were some of the first things you see. How can she have the nerve to preach on positivity in the community and try to come off as a poor depressed girl who overcame that by making a dress when she ran away from basically tormenting other cosplayers? Maybe im reading to much in to it but i cant look at her the same after reading through her thread and everything she does seems to staged/calculated to be the beacon of positivity and hope she was before without people actually knowing how awful her and her friends were to other cosplayers.
No. 527650
File: 1520909162603.jpg (604.36 KB, 1080x1431, Screenshot_20180312-224445.jpg)

>>526679Calls for mandatory back rolls gif.
Also, don't insult my girl Alyssa like that, atleast she has talent.
No. 529913
>>529871Everytime we try to talk about MangoSirene/Fawnina a WK always seem to appear.
The issue is she's still getting sponsorships that she no longer deserves, streaming behind a pay wall, having a store up (that sells tutorials made by other people), and she kept her paetron up for about three months or more after the date she said she would get rid of it.
The only way she's rebranded herself is with a name change and not with her actions. She's exactly the same.
No. 530354
File: 1521151881703.jpg (157 KB, 1080x1920, mZGuBNM.jpg)

Meg Turney had a shoot with Playboy? After an armed obsessed Meg fan invaded her home looking to execute her boyfriend Gavin in jealousy for dating her Gavin has been tweeting repeatedly about how he cannot sleep. He's been looking tired and rough in most new RT videos meanwhile Meg had her third trip away from home to LA on her own to have photoshoots with Jessica Nigri and now Playboy and appears to be having the time of her life. I wonder how cold hearted you must be to get over the fact someone tried to murder your boyfriend who now suffers from some type of anxiety or PTSD and happily continue on being away from home 90% of the time
No. 530748
File: 1521176297798.jpg (758.03 KB, 1238x801, file_8c2de4c83b_original.jpg)

>>530678To be fair that trip to shoot with Jessica and Ryan is the most effort she's put into a photoshoot in about 2 years.
All her other photoshoots consisted out of nothing but cheap costumes and props and rolling around in the same 3 poses in her spare bedroom.
This one actually looked decent and kinda nice but is it worth abandoning your partner alone in the same house someone recently broke into with the aim to kill?
It shouldn't be a surprise anymore that these cosplay camwhores are selfish as hell but geez
>>529275Never heard of it but now i want to know more! That shit is scary
No. 531261
File: 1521240424805.png (Spoiler Image,785.55 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180316-174430.png)

Sharing some current cosplay issues I've seen going around instagram. Separate posts for each screenshot/accusation coming.
TW for sexual assault mentions
No. 531403
File: 1521350329776.png (Spoiler Image,558.91 KB, 702x858, kali nude 1.png)

Kali Neko, irrelevant patreon thot
Not too long ago, a mutual (keeping her anonymous) vented about Kali sending nudes to her bf after talking about cosplans. I guess he showed the girl and she took a picture of it. Dont personally know them that well, but I do know Kali
Kali always seems to be in the middle of some kinda drama, but now the added factor of she's got no problem sending taken guys' nudes adds a whole level of shittiness to her but her orbiters probably wouldnt care tbh
No. 536153
File: 1521761790691.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1242x2059, C6420C89-9115-4C9B-917A-D079FA…)

there’s people who legitimately think this is puberty.
No. 536769
File: 1521831828602.png (1.24 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-03-23-11-58-50…)

Mariahs munchie is mad
No. 539594
File: 1522181587446.jpg (110.23 KB, 873x767, UocNrQyjtcz6smJ9Zq-JB3VQ6nQd3n…)

Wow such effort for cosplay /s
No. 539830
>eyes double the size>no lines next to mouth or nose>nose half the sizemhmm
No. 539870
File: 1522206735969.png (97.04 KB, 720x839, Screenshot_2018-03-27-20-10-07…)

No. 540783
File: 1522307592118.png (1.01 MB, 720x1178, Screenshot_2018-03-29-00-10-55…)

No. 541098
File: 1522356590033.png (240.54 KB, 2048x1478, DZesgDZU0AAtk_x (1).png)

can't really pretend you're not doing straight up softcore at this point
No. 541326
>>541098Where the fuck are their necks?
This is so cringy.
No. 543197
>>517775that is her sister
you can tell how much surgery saya had from her face
No. 543208
File: 1522589547301.png (670.55 KB, 720x721, Screenshot_2018-04-01-09-30-06…)

>>543197That's Rincosplay, Saya doesn't look like her sister since she had all that ps done. The excess photoshop in her new pic makes her look like a bad deviantart oc
No. 543221
File: 1522591197291.jpg (335.94 KB, 1592x900, 1514286945331.jpg)

>>543208did she get another boob job?
this is her sister right?
No. 543230
>>543208Holy fucking shoop …
I get that all cosplayers edit their pictures to hell and back, but at this point Saya may aswell just pay an artist to draw her pictures. She leaves nothing human or real looking.
No. 543325
File: 1522600450965.png (363.61 KB, 720x1280, Pic.png)

She wants to be asian so bad
No. 543667
>>543221>>543197That's not her sis, it's her friend. I don't think she'll ever show her sis since she doesn't look like her anymore
>>543325She loves it when her fans who never seen an asian before call her asian or compare her to one
No. 543682
File: 1522625499321.png (115.98 KB, 815x469, 20180401_162700.thumb.png.d1f0…)

>>543208Saya chan was so quick to throw the photographer under the bus when people started noticing how overly shopped the picture is when She was the one who wanted the pic to look like this. The photographer doesn't even photoshop pics like that, he literally bent backwards to fulfill her request of looking like some unnatural azn anime character with unrealistic proportions. I hope he never works with her again.
No. 544220
>>543202Most of her fans are neckbeards pedos that pay for her kawaii loli shit.
Will she ever get same surgeries like Saya?
No. 544327
File: 1522691290417.png (76.11 KB, 635x658, 1517175449277.png)

>>544220Will she ever get same surgeries like Saya?
She made posts about wanting to get a nose job and her having friends that did No. 544419
>>544373Kaddi started a kofi thing so it wont take long for her to get the money
I think her mom married a guy in germany and thats why they live there with her grandmother
Her stepfather doesnt pay for all her cosplay stuff since her parents pay for school and japan trips
No. 544884
File: 1522728081538.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.08 KB, 620x413, fRqC2XS.jpg)

Amouranth's patreon got leaked
this is way more explicit than I was expecting tbh, but guys are still pissed she's not totally nude
No. 544885
File: 1522728116152.png (Spoiler Image,625.31 KB, 900x600, msm3Hol.png)

>>544884like Meg, she's content with just showing off her stank ass
No. 544887
File: 1522728130651.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.75 KB, 700x1049, 38-U55miGB.jpg)

last one
No. 545372
>>544884She has to photoshop her ass because in some of her instagram photos it's way bigger than this.
Does she not remember the dimensions every time she does it because it's obvious that they don't match
No. 545505
File: 1522790541626.jpg (151.7 KB, 947x767, uvVMcAu7BcDtBqk00vk-2PgXrJfY10…)

>>544906Meg can look nice in certain pictures taken by others.
No. 545621
File: 1522794612319.jpg (49.64 KB, 640x799, 25015946_1965972583664664_4316…)

>>545547It's a better picture then the ones she tends to take of herself like this one.
She has quite a long face and whenever she takes pictures of herself she uses such weird angles it makes her head look like Rodger from American dad
No. 546118
File: 1522855334467.png (443.49 KB, 720x1280, Lmao.png)

Lol guess Saya isn't trying to go with the "I'M NATURAL NO SURGERY bs" anymore when there's proof everywhere now. I find it hilarious how she's mad af
No. 546119
File: 1522855376583.png (926.96 KB, 720x1280, 2e.png)

No. 546120
File: 1522855585922.jpeg (197.48 KB, 1199x826, DYrzhdBXkAYDg3Q.jpeg)

Tbh the cosers do look shopped in
No. 546179
File: 1522861264672.jpeg (809.15 KB, 2896x2896, AF33D4E4-FF5D-48E2-9CBC-D6CF15…)

Speaking of over photoshop, I saw this bit from awesomecon. While Byndo’s body looks the same, Jenna’s curves are super predominant.
No. 546190
File: 1522862005158.png (521.87 KB, 754x677, Untitled.png)

what forum is she talking about?
No. 546201
>>546120meh its just sub par photography. the background and subjects have been digitally lightened in post which makes it look super fake.
it does look like their faces have been shooped to hell and back too.
No. 546341
>>546190I'm really lovin the change of tone at first she was so
adamant on telling everyone that she was natural and her genetics from being Italian mixed Turkish is what gave her a "dolly" appearance. Now she's like "SO WAT IF I HAD PS AND PHOTOSHOP MYSELF FROM HELL AND BACK?!1!" Haha Saya is pretty hilarious so is she going to reveal which Korean clinic she went to now?
Now everyone can tell she doesn't look like a BJD without all that photoshop.
No. 547312
File: 1522958180477.jpeg (110.85 KB, 544x1065, A014A6BA-9586-4E9B-B6D6-BEFE9B…)

Jenna’s hiding all her con pics that other people took of her. I caught this one before she removed the tag.
She definitely photoshops her waist. I also heard stories that she’s a rotten bitch.
No. 547314
>>547066Despite all that I still get the vibes she has low self-esteem. There is no way she can be all that happy with how her surgeries turned out with how she's consistently over editing her looks.
She's pretty defensive about her looks too, which to me comes off more like she lacks confidence. Just like Kota with all the bragging and up talk about her own looks. Only to conceal or cover half her face in other peoples pictures or have them removed. ( or demand that the edit it)
No. 547316
File: 1522958737414.jpeg (414.34 KB, 466x923, 0E8449A9-D3B0-4F15-9CFB-E3EB7C…)

>>547312Here’s an “official” pic of her.
No. 547929
File: 1523015191704.png (510.07 KB, 559x495, Screenshot_2.png)

She admires Rocksy chan…Guess she likes every cosplayer that got a nose job
No. 547959
File: 1523021523267.jpg (374.33 KB, 776x1035, 1517517816339.jpg)

>>547929this is a interesting read because of the denial in it
>shes a lewd cosplayer>i like what she does>i dont like doing lewd cosplay>i dont consider mine sexy not lewd or slutty>my family agrees and so do many others>what i do is ok she is trying to convince herself not everyone else
here is one of her non sexy cosplays where she has a photoshopped exposed ass
and its like 3 years old
No. 547962
File: 1523022460387.png (449.44 KB, 278x573, 23456jj.png)

>>547929Sooo inspiring :^)
No. 547967
File: 1523023084767.png (Spoiler Image,458.62 KB, 275x579, Screenshot_3.png)

>>547964Her nipples are taped
No. 548001
File: 1523026181385.jpg (352.62 KB, 1128x540, 20180406_074525.jpg)

EbonyWarriorStudios was a recent blowup for numerous reasons
No. 548137
File: 1523035984458.jpeg (26.91 KB, 460x92, 7E40F7E8-5656-4F75-96CF-A0302D…)

Old post (from years ago) you can still see on Jenna Lynn Meowri’s sisters faecbook that pretty much confirms Jenna’s “completely natural, never got any injections” lips are indeed fake.
No. 548138
File: 1523036046283.jpeg (218.23 KB, 1283x920, 51CAD847-726B-4B8B-8455-65BE13…)

>>548137And one with pics
No. 548355
File: 1523050364521.jpeg (839.57 KB, 750x1334, B8988185-1952-4D3C-BF77-182783…)

>>548138It looks painful to smile for her.
This pic was taken today.
No. 548519
File: 1523066322034.jpg (328.65 KB, 2048x1365, jean thotbitch.jpg)

No. 548563
>>548519This isn't anyone with milk this is Jean Wan Wan.
Don't post photos about people with no obvious milk or reason to be shit on
No. 549363
>>549195>could throw him across the room Lmfao anon ty for this I started imagining this
But I thought akrcos was the one with drama? Idr if it was on PULL or what but didn’t she hide in her room at a con cause a group of people wanted to beat her up??
No. 549597
File: 1523189382765.png (235.3 KB, 1158x685, Untitled.png)

For not caring about followers she sure follows and monitors it a lot.
No. 549624
File: 1523193880091.png (244.93 KB, 398x748, Untitled.png)

This really made me laugh out loud
No. 549628
File: 1523194433495.jpeg (5.87 KB, 213x236, images (1).jpeg)

>>549624Saya is pretty ridiculous. How many times has she added a character to the I look like list? She's so delusional it's sad.
No. 549667
File: 1523198567258.png (1.93 MB, 1387x1578, saya.png)

Does she intentionally take pictures with her head posed at an angle to help hide her botched nostril? It is really noticeable when you straighten her head
No. 549675
File: 1523199544140.png (4.09 MB, 1242x2208, 25E0A853-79CB-47CF-9696-CAF23B…)

look who came up on my feed—the newest robot sex doll!
No. 549790
File: 1523211171927.jpg (35.69 KB, 170x191, 2018-02-13_12.41.44.thumb.jpg.…)

>>549667She does, she blames these candids on "shitty convention lights" and "bad angles" more like she can't photoshop fan pics
No. 549798
File: 1523212292067.jpg (563.2 KB, 810x1551, 20180408_135512.jpg)

>>531403I went to her page just to see I'd shew said again about it, but couldn't find it. Though her other posts are hilariously stupid.
No. 549835
File: 1523215036548.jpeg (724.28 KB, 750x1334, 1925939A-FE21-4ACF-ADBA-2BA643…)

Jenna likes to hide real convention pictures of her because she photoshops like crazy. Where are your curves Jenna? Lol
No. 550509
File: 1523268481262.jpg (64.4 KB, 623x960, KakaoTalk_20180409_120414814.j…)

>>549971I don't care about followers but plsss buy me shit from my wishlist uwu She is such an entitled bitch
No. 550582
File: 1523279380542.jpg (137.24 KB, 960x960, 29594733_10155199218675824_746…)

Calls herself hentai queen, grill gamer, and ur new waifu~~ uwu
Patrons pay for her to make cosplays, when she actually just buys them from Wish
Complains on Twitter about how her life is so terrible, has her neckbeards pander to her
Whores herself out publicly to get attention from males, despite having a boyfriend
Attacks any girl who DARES cosplay the same thing as her.
I could go on, but I'm mainly just here to post her terrible cosplays.
No. 550586
File: 1523279577736.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.26 KB, 640x960, 27657823_1976140485746915_8306…)

>>550582Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
No. 550628
File: 1523285741011.png (280.19 KB, 383x740, Untitled.png)

>hey guys I am japanese ^_^
No. 551140
File: 1523319127942.jpg (103.6 KB, 864x1080, 2 (1).jpg)

I don't know why Adriana Alencar has this as one of her rewards, does it actually show her nipples? How much did she pay for that 3d art anyways? lol
No. 551787
File: 1523385044496.png (668.9 KB, 720x991, Crop.png)

There's nothing saya won't photoshop
No. 552047
File: 1523401157898.jpg (1.33 MB, 1299x2002, am-1.jpg)

lmao you have to admire that hustle
No. 552267
>>552047Ngl this makes me like her
That's a hilarious way to scam thirsty neckbeards
No. 552680
File: 1523470148874.jpeg (287.23 KB, 1234x1500, 144C33BC-69CD-4C7B-A6AA-9A5F26…)

Just saw this, fishing for bait or are we about to get another Rae bro situation?
No. 553067
>>552991It’s post traumatic stress disorder not post military stress disorder, armchair anon
You can get PTSD from a lot of things
No. 553070
>>553053I was at that same party. She was punched and went to the hospital later that night
Do you people always have to downplay everything that happens to someone you don’t like?
No. 553084
>>553070As much as I hate a lot of people on here I have PTSD myself and its from childhood trauma, I have also experienced similar issues from car accidents etc.
As much as I LOVE shitting on these cows Byndo is probably really having a similar experience such as flash backs of the moment and it can be really severe
No. 553367
>>553128I feel sorry for Byndo but she probably was acting like a cunt so it was probably coming to her. The person was probably drunk and I doubt even the most drunk person would immediately punch you if you kindly asked them to move.
But if she’s *~having ptsd~* she shouldn’t be crying about it to her thirstbeard fan base. Guess she wants more shit off of her amazon list
No. 553450
>>552680Tbh she’s incredibly overdramatic (getting offended and calling out twitch streamer MoonMoon for calling her a “bitch” when he does that playfully to everyone regardless of gender) so I’m having a hard time feeling bad for her.
And if you get PTSD just from getting punched at a club how sheltered are you honestly.
No. 553967
File: 1523580851745.png (985.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180412-150000.png)

>I totally have the real cosplay finished!
>no you can't see it haha
>but here is this hoodie
No. 554137
File: 1523590955741.png (1.03 MB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2018-04-12-20-38-30…)

I guess being lazy, begging for money and doing lewds for cosplay isn't a good tactic
No. 554312
File: 1523610255821.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1693, Screenshot_20180413-003855~3.p…)

>>553967 She posted pics of it before, but I can see why she didn't do this baggy mess those gloves are awful.
No. 554437
File: 1523624562589.png (16.58 KB, 587x132, Screenshot_1.png)

Oh no her weeb friends have no time for her
No. 554815
File: 1523657674865.webm (3.19 MB, 640x360, SerpentineFondAlligatorgar.web…)
No. 554821
File: 1523657920483.jpg (104.25 KB, 764x768, iuTyLr0J3nvIgT14YzssuttpFbbmH8…)

>>554815Sorry for double post but i forgot to attach my comment to that one.
Anyway apparently it was jnig's jon snow shoot and Meg quickly whipped up a Ygritte to be a guest on the shoot… It doesn't look that good and i wonder why meg didn't just bring her Melissandre Cosplay which looks sooooo much better
No. 555205
File: 1523682970607.png (422.11 KB, 540x960, 30713285_10214063362090109_793…)

>>554137This chick is so depressing to watch. She keeps posting about how everyone hates her and everyone is a backstabber. Begs to hell and back for people to fund her 'Fate addiction' which are just more posts she uses as excuses to tag Moo and Vamp in. She recently, after meeting Moo, starting throwing out options for people to pay her for lewds. These thots are literally fucking over impressionable people interested in the hobby since these are the people getting showcased in Top 10 Lists.. etc. Being featured as guests at conventions, shouting out each other in a giant circle jerk.
This girl needs to get a grip. She can be really pretty and stand out if she tried and didn't openly assosiate with certain people, but the second you go down that thot hole, you can't come back. She won't make money that route unfortunately.
No. 555629
File: 1523735612809.png (348.13 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-04-14-12-48-08…)

Even better. She's sad shes getting knee surgery when Colossal is. She wanted to see Vamp and Moo. Instead she said she's going to ACEN after her knee surgery…
No. 555631
File: 1523735790168.png (541.72 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-04-14-12-54-44…)

No. 555632
File: 1523735817210.png (1.03 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-04-14-12-54-58…)

No. 556765
File: 1523845757195.png (709.52 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-04-15-19-25-55…)

Total was like 230 ish dollars I wonder which fuck is giving this bitch money
No. 556781
File: 1523847421243.png (750.24 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2018-04-15-19-56-12…)

No. 556807
File: 1523850812146.png (551.04 KB, 540x960, 30715314_10214076237011974_118…)

>>556781Survey said THAT was a lie.
She's been begging for money for conventions and goods, NOT for surgery. I would want proof my money is going to something so extensive.
>>556765Someone actually bought her $230 Rin Fate cosplay??
I almost feel bad talking about her, but since she met Moo she is apparently all on board the easy money train and is trying so desperately and failing at getting people to buy her shot. Doesn't help when she DOES have a decent body, but always wears sweaters. You can tell she isn't able to go that route and is forcing herself more than enjoying it.
No. 557913
File: 1523980507821.jpg (294.25 KB, 1616x712, Da_i_M8VAAIrXwJ.jpg)

Am i the only one who prefers these kinds of shoots over the underwear cosplay? She looks so good as Melissandre
No. 558010
File: 1523988080180.jpeg (50.49 KB, 389x342, meg.jpeg)

>>557913I get this was just some stupid shoot organised by JNig, but cosplay is literally her job and she was wearing a pair of damn skinny jeans?
No. 558138
File: 1523999952712.png (290.05 KB, 626x514, Screenshot_4.png)

She is constantly begging for money and cosplays. When will she start with Pateron?
No. 558158
File: 1524000490221.png (60.11 KB, 622x587, 12321323.png)

>>558138I remember when I first found her she never talked about money and even said she didnt want to start patreon or anything because she didnt want to feel like she owed people anything when she was struggling to get work done.
Now she tells everyone to buy her stuff or give her money!! No. 558196
File: 1524002288603.jpg (71.06 KB, 431x766, xZA7Z_la6k_0I9hYaP4lrr7Jzwf3JQ…)

>>558010In her defense she said she whipped up that one really REALLY last minute to do a few pictures along with Jessica but it was Jessica's photoshoot not Meg's
Even though i love the pictures of the Melissandre shoot i can't get over how rough she looked in her instagram story.
Girl looks tired like she needs a vacation
No. 558197
>>558196How old is she?
Look at those jowls
No. 558634
But up until recently they weren’t this bad
No. 559027
>>558138She will start with Patreon after graduation. Don't think she will find a job with japanese and chinese in Germany.
Her e-begging is so fucking annoying,every insta story is about her birthday and her stupid wishlist. She isn't even a professional cosplayer and rarely posts any good content but ppl should pay for her shit.
No. 559672
File: 1524108880056.png (1.35 MB, 720x1170, Screenshot_2018-04-18-20-21-31…)

No. 560297
problematic just because she edits?
No. 560334
File: 1524180364734.jpg (65.63 KB, 1024x642, Da8MVa-VQAAi_T8.jpg)

I really fucking hate Meg
No. 560613
File: 1524210846534.jpeg (82.4 KB, 527x623, EA472033-6D35-4B2E-AA60-BFF516…)

No. 560619
File: 1524212078289.jpeg (2.06 MB, 2048x1966, CB4A3364-D974-4F8D-9907-7F1B40…)

No. 560872
>>560619These are so damn minor that I can't even believe you find offense to it.
I've seen way worse shoop and this isn't even enough to be mad at
No. 561167
>>561049Hi Meg!
Also: Next time sage!
No. 562955
File: 1524451332868.jpg (106.38 KB, 721x500, fan_expo_dallas_2018.thumb.jpg…)

Ol JNig not looking so hot without all the photoshop
No. 562956
File: 1524451349910.jpg (84.54 KB, 627x489, fan_expo_dallas_2018_2.thumb.j…)

>>562955Like an aging porn star
No. 562967
>>562956Oh god she looks just as bad here as she did in the photo-op my friend got.
He and one of his other friends opted to pay for one instead of waiting in line at her booth this year and damn I would've been pissed to get one with her in this instead of her Marowak cosplay. Like, at least that one looked like she tried.
This looked like shit unless you got the group shot to have it make sense.
No. 562986
>>562956I wonder if she ever regrets getting her huge boobs.
I mean, obviously they are her money makers, so she is stuck with them now whether she likes it or not, but they're just so big that she looks awful in actual clothes. I mean, we know she is not chubby, but in this photo she looks very disproportionate and much thicker than all the other girls.
She has to notice this when she sees these photos.
No. 562987
>>562956damn without the Hogwarts part I literally would have had no idea wtf they were supposed to be cosplaying
also is that a man on the left
No. 563019
>>562956How tf is this cosplay?! Take away the hogwarts, actually no even with the hogwarts it doesnt make any sense at least before this basic bitch make
some effort to make her costumes semi-reconisable like come on nigiri you just being a lazy cow now.
No. 563060
>>562956Girl who has gryffendor colors is pitiful
Unstyled wig and glasses that match the wig so it blends in
Who is she poor baby
No. 563241
File: 1524505940550.png (763.7 KB, 474x599, Screenshot_1.png)

Kaddi should at least stay cohesive with her shops. She looks like a different person in the pic.
No. 563773
File: 1524536542641.png (3.19 MB, 1500x2214, klanae.png)

Anyone else familiar with Kristen Lanae? Used to know her (now ex?) boyfriend through a friend of a friend of a friend and she's done some real cringey stuff. She's now started a separate instagram account for her "travel" pictures, and has talked about how she hopes people will help pay for her to travel (assuming with her weird photog, who is not the ex boyfriend she is still living with) to take naked pics for her patrons
>spend money on some rando girl so she can go travel the world with some guy taking naked pics of her in public places instead of spending money on travel for yourself
>jfc can you imagine
No. 563913
>>563773Jnig has a seperate travel IG. Looks like ”klanae” is copying her
>proud to be native americanLmao okay
No. 564596
>>564311Anon please!
It's clearly the American Hogwarts Academy for Cheerwitches and Jockzards.
No. 565653
File: 1524694188084.png (405.23 KB, 630x705, Jenna.png)

So I posted this to Jenna's subreddit and it was deleted nearly instantly. Strange how her own rules don't explicitly prohibit content like this but she continues to just block, remove, and DMCA whatever of hers she doesn't like. Clearly someone who just can't take criticism or a joke.(cowtipping)
No. 566912
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No. 569667
>>569652seriously. whoever keeps posting her and the same old 'her mom gave her and her sis lip injections' milk needs to leave. whether it's her or someone else, she's not even irrelevant she's nobody. the worst think about her is that she's using her full name but changed her last name to have meow in it, cringy as fuck.
and whatever retard made the OP for this thread needs to leave and never come back.
No. 569904
>>569702IP permaban on an imageboard? Because of out-of-board behaviour? Holy shit that's a new level of cowness.
Let her post here. It will make herself even more hated. More milk!
Sage for getting baited.
No. 570254
File: 1525112758278.jpg (88.2 KB, 518x500, wut.jpg)

What has happened to her face?????
No. 571196
File: 1525204923377.jpg (36.57 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1525204152189.jpg)

White shitty cosplayer gets mad that someone said shes white (1)
No. 571198
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No. 571466
File: 1525222657870.jpg (61.88 KB, 694x960, FB_IMG_1525222574415.jpg)

An example of the ugly skeletons shit….. She also claims to be CATKIN LOLLLLLLL retarded ass slut
No. 571469
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No. 571470
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No. 571891
File: 1525279961016.jpeg (206.4 KB, 812x1229, 56133AE9-4F71-401B-BBF6-FABD1F…)

>>571888Still can’t shake the smug off of her regular face.
No. 573945
File: 1525475412637.png (1.02 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-05-04-16-05-03…)

So on top of flipfloppibg between between if she feels well of not to stream, begging for money because her insurance apparently "stopped" after her knee surgery and faking suicide attempts for sympathy, she still doesn't know how to buy prints from cosplayers
No. 574286
File: 1525517942022.png (526.71 KB, 398x752, star wars.png)

>>509810Another person she looks like. Saya looks like everyone I guess
No. 574884
>>574286she clearly meant it as a joke.
Ya need to get over this silly vendetta shit over saya its getting overdone here.
No. 576353
>>544884>>544885>>544887>>548440Super late but this thot lives in my neighborhood and goes to my gym; in a broad brush she lives in Sugar Land. She was irrelevant until I saw the video of her getting booted from the gym (Lifetime Fitness). I did some research and she does party gigs for kids or something (I presume before she started streaming). think I'll hold on to the dox until she does something more interesting. I think it's absurd that she's making so much streaming money though; pretty much everyone on her Youtube videos are beta orbiters.
No. 576811
File: 1525801060460.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1250, Screenshot_20180508-183519~2.p…)

So I like this photo, however damn meg if you're going to spend hundreds of dollars on buying a costume, that's supposed to be your "big" one of the year, at least make the one part you made yourself not look like shit (the belt and gold hip piece she made)
No. 577125
File: 1525825624244.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.28 KB, 749x1118, nr1nAOn.jpg)

>>577123For the uninitiated, with some weird looking ps tits as a bonus.
No. 577533
File: 1525894964531.jpg (26.73 KB, 490x473, 36727b7a8b0a5fc61807175147a88a…)

>>562956fuck man, jnig looks like a 40 year old crackwhore
No. 577898
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>>577533Even in her shooped photos she is starting to look like she's 45
No. 578136
File: 1525966089661.png (145.28 KB, 468x875, Untitled.png)

>I am not arrogant
>I just have important and stressful things to do and I rarely ever use my phone or talk to friends
>You dont know me
Saya is so stuck up
No. 582525
File: 1526312277822.jpeg (1.98 MB, 1125x1916, DA9E20CD-8385-4EC7-B90D-6285D9…)

Her daddy bought her followers she went from 5k-17k
No. 582571
>>578136She's self obsessed and spoiled ofc she's stuck up
>>577898Wtf is up with Niglet's face?? Is it photoshop or did she get more work done?
No. 583120
File: 1526348256294.png (765.33 KB, 717x898, k.png)

Low-tier orbiter weebthot 'cosplayer'
No. 584767
File: 1526475921949.png (4.32 MB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_05-16-06.01.33.png)

Was looking into yuri narss on here and found this thread I recently met him at the recent con he was at with lady zero and both as such completely different people in rl
I'm shocked no one has called yuri especially on ps he always gets butt hurt when anyone calls him out over it is understand editing your photos to an extent but he takes it too far he looks completely different in person found these lurking online
No. 584770
File: 1526475959911.png (3.12 MB, 1536x2048, PicsArt_05-16-06.03.16.png)

No. 584774
File: 1526476158861.jpg (115.61 KB, 810x1080, FB_IMG_1526475206750.jpg)

No. 584808
File: 1526479252332.png (4.4 MB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_05-16-06.58.01.png)

No. 584815
File: 1526479646915.jpg (916.83 KB, 1428x1360, Screenshot_20180516-070522.jpg)

I really enjoyed his cosplays in the past but it seems he's overdoing the ps lately his facial features are completely liquefied it's more like a painting than a costume. I really enjoy his natural face more it's more real and not setting crazy standards
No. 585517
File: 1526514233825.jpg (65.53 KB, 1446x960, FB_IMG_1526514167099.jpg)

Miss Procrastination. Midwest cosplayer who is just chasing fame and tries to get in with all the bigger name people
No. 590441
File: 1526935023837.jpg (67.8 KB, 360x669, 1.jpg)

Do people still talk about SayaTheFox?
This girl is just so stupid. She acts like she has so much in common with whatever random fictional character she happens to see at the time
No. 590447
File: 1526935446139.png (225.21 KB, 615x498, ewww.png)

Does anyone know anything about Ehri? She was kicked out of a League group last night for calling other girls ugly then ranting on her twitter about her good looking she is. She "cosplays" Kai'Sa and Katarina from LoL.
No. 593201
File: 1527213622095.png (4.2 MB, 1242x2208, 91F46043-EFFF-4468-A31C-6B37BE…)

More e-begging
No. 593787
File: 1527275674231.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1125x1917, 6421696C-8226-4AC5-BFAC-3BD271…)

>>504405Just found this girl and holy fuck what is happening here, her whole page is like this if not worse, we have reached the rock bottom in cosplay, this is it I think
No. 593788
File: 1527275786358.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1125x1876, 7EBB5677-D03E-42F5-88F0-C23DE3…)

>>593787One more, I just can’t! How does she even have so much interraction
No. 593792
>>593788Because men are fucking stupid
>>590447Her twitter is a real piece of work lmao, I will never understand why you would choose to pander to /pol/ losers
No. 595529
File: 1527467981504.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x1431, 49465DC5-9A5C-4A06-837D-AF0326…)

Tayla's cleaned up her act a lot and is pumping out commissions that look alright and if she's still getting wasted at cons she's at least keeping it to herself so I'm happy for her
But MAN something trying on your commissions and taking pictures in all of them before you send them out just rubs me the wrong way lol. It's not the most professional thing in the world. Like, it's not for you, it's for your client. It's your work, but it's not your costume. Idk I just think I'd be annoyed if I was paying her to dance around in my costume??
No. 596359
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Is it just me, or is it kinda odd she didn’t bother to remove the huge bruise here….?
No. 597089
File: 1527633710898.jpg (895.67 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180529_174018.jpg)

No milk on this cosplayer really so I put it under sage. But Expectation vs. Reality should be it's own thread with bigger name cosplayets. She doesnt shop nearly as much as some but it's definitely obvious.
No. 597659
>>597089This isnt the best comparison that could be used i think but i'm familiar with this cosplayer and there are more differences mostly with her male cosplays. This rogue one isnt too bad though.
There are are lot of cosplayers in just the american circles that have massive photoshop fails though.
No. 599221
File: 1527830204330.png (2.45 MB, 1521x1617, G.png)

Name: Grey Guerrero
'Famous' for her Raven cosplay
which is, predictably, crap.
But more than that, wears it out and about all over the place, refers to herself as Raven, treats it on an Otherkin level and really thinks she's the shit while looking like a lame alt model wannabe instead.
That red thing she glues to her forehead is on almost always.
Photoshopping her cosplay photos is tragic.
No. 599450
File: 1527863746606.png (263.66 KB, 720x1234, Screenshot_2018-06-01-10-33-40…)

>>599422I've always felt that Leon was fishy af, you could never dig further into him because his fangirls are protecting him 24/7. I capped it just incase
No. 599451
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No. 599452
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No. 599454
File: 1527863929762.png (112.03 KB, 720x613, Screenshot_2018-06-01-10-35-26…)

Didn't he have official Rakan model or cosplayer on his insta profile awhile ago?
No. 599457
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The League of Legends post
No. 599514
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>>599422Enji admitted he’s a piece of shit too
It’s really no surprise that these cosplay models that don’t bother to make their own shit are always scummy as hell.
No. 599555
File: 1527875791209.jpeg (165.75 KB, 750x781, AD164632-2033-4C9C-9069-07E251…)

Shit talking Maul in front of Jannetincosplay and her boyfriend
No. 599734
File: 1527895290987.png (488.58 KB, 720x540, Screenshot_2018-06-01-19-22-50…)

Leon is way too into himself lol
No. 599749
File: 1527896780697.jpg (65.86 KB, 720x1061, 21741108_1437675779600944_6754…)

>>599514What happened with Enjinight and Leon? Did he date her? They used to cosplay together
No. 599760
>>599740Idk, Lisa didn’t even bring up anything about him being abusive or sexually harassing people. All she did was state his credentials are false so I don’t really see her post as a witch hunt
It’s everyone else that chose to be like “yeah this guy is shitty in more ways than one” which really escalated the whole post
Lisa’s original post, without any other comments, really isn’t THAT bad
No. 599793
>>599776True I remember I pointed out one time that LC gave me the creeps and everyone was like why ?? Do you have proof??? It was really weird but it’s like kawaiibrocos something about them is ech
Yeah I remember Enji and him were really close and it seemed like they were dating
No. 599804
>>599740Yeeeah. Why are we being so quick to believe her?? Someone's been randomly targeting him and ModOK in this thread for months now and this is all it takes??
He also DOES state SquareEnix was 'honorary service' in the pic she capped so?? Need some proof in here outside of heresay.
No. 599807
>>599804There’s multiple people saying all the same things on the post, it’s not just Lisa
And there are receipts there too
No. 599818
>>599807Then where did she name her sources?? Cause I don't see that. But I do see him admitting to being in honorary service of SquareEnix.
And I see people saying they had a bad experience without details. And I see friends defending him. But no proof.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 599824
File: 1527904848676.jpg (117.96 KB, 928x601, 34089320_10214707466753385_770…)

Samefagging but here are some screenshots from the Lisa thread that someone posted of him not giving credit until someone pointed it out.
No. 599826
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No. 599858
File: 1527908090105.jpeg (98.71 KB, 750x508, 27EBF5A3-F81F-49F1-A92C-12DB94…)

Big call out post soon?
No. 600016
File: 1527930131291.jpeg (27.04 KB, 750x192, F0EDCC4F-D01C-44E7-B3B3-12E060…)

And like clockwork, look who it is
No. 600026
File: 1527931701606.png (397.41 KB, 446x810, 2b9s.png)

>>600023I said short, not hairy
you should try it sometime
No. 600139
File: 1527955896348.png (1.12 MB, 720x893, Screenshot_2018-06-01-19-56-05…)

Leon's obsession with his abs is like Jnig's with her fake tits
No. 600166
>>599457I remember he said that it was a "translator error" at one point after some Rioter came through to say that he in fact is NOT model for Rakan.
>>599555>>599582Couple years back he was in a cosplay competition with a cosplay that someone else had made mostly for him. He didn't tell the judges, but everyone did find out about it. I have no idea why he wasn't disqualified for it.
still most of his cosplays aren't made by him, for example in Rakan you can see what parts someone else has done for him pretty easily
No. 600194
>>600191When rumors started here I scoured the internet for rumors, PULL, anything. Not a single person outside of LolCow even hinted that he harassed them. Now he's harassed everyone??
Idk about Enji, since she hasn't posted anything I've seen outside of the LLW thread, either.
Btw, LLW saying he's using patreon to attack her isn't seeming to be true.
No. 600202
>>599514>>599859God I've been saying for ages that I wouldn't be surprised if a sexual assault/harassment Callout post came out about Leon chiro. Guess I was right. He's such a twat. There's a documentary that was filmed about the ECG finals he was competing in, and its hilarious how much he bigs himself up then is so obviously salty about not winning…
In this and the part 2 No. 600237
>>599858If this was about him sexually harassing people why didn't she lead with that instead of a salty ass "he embellished what he does how terrible" post?
Seems to me she's out for petty revenge anyway she can get it. And I'm not about to just wholesale listen to a girl who was taken to court for stalking and harassment without a little bit of skepticism.
No. 600583
>>600237While I also agree Lisa is shitty, especially because of the Helena situation, it doesn't fully discredit what she is saying.
I know people Leon has been a dick to (I've even witnessed it) and that stemmed from them calling him out before in person for all the girls he's creeped on.
No. 600664
File: 1528008742771.jpeg (985.76 KB, 2552x1914, F4F46C01-6732-4038-915E-34F332…)

>>595529While we are on the topic of Tayla: I remember being really grossed out by her wearing underwear/swimsuits she’s made for clients. I only know of 2(?) times where she’s done this (pictures above), but isn’t wearing something covering your vag that’s meant for someone else unhygienic? Like if I were commissioning her I would ask her to completely redo it bc 1) that’s really unsanitary and 2) that’s meant for me not Tayla. There is the possibility that she’s wearing a guard of sorts but I don’t see one in these images (sorry I know it’s gross). Idk I think it’s disgusting and she should really get a dress form with legs bc who knows where that vag has been.
No. 600776
File: 1528030387675.png (5.56 MB, 1242x2208, 4CF44AC3-5DFD-41BD-BD85-B10528…)

>>599804This is the first time he has mentioned ‘honorary service’. Up until now he calls himself the official gladiolus
No. 600792
>>600778Well he's confident enough to have lawyered up against her, which is why I imagine she's going quiet on the subject. She also said she worded things so that it wouldn't be considered lies. Sounds fish as fuck imo.
But, regardless. I think it's somewhat of an ESL issue. He said he had official Ardyn stuff on the way but what he meant was official to his brand, not to SquareEnix. He phrases things oddly and had issues with using he wrong English word before.
No. 600921
File: 1528046021643.jpg (85.33 KB, 960x720, 16143266_1187578964653703_4712…)

Apparently Leon thought Sakimi drew him when she just drew Gladiolus with his regular pose, he even thanked her lmaoo! Later on she did say that the drawing was not based on Leon
No. 601417
File: 1528074901833.jpeg (912.98 KB, 1242x1156, AC4DC1FA-4BD9-4EB3-91CF-52C656…)

>>601380She deleted her comment, but posted this. Maybe she was bullied into silence?
No. 602073
>>602056Her thread is here
>>206903 if you want to dig through it.
No. 602289
File: 1528188030801.jpeg (171.3 KB, 826x1093, 047B7828-38B4-440B-9D97-B67A0A…)

Twerkquius/Sierra is an nightmare at cons. She has this attitude that she can do whatever she wants because she’s “cosfamous.” During colossal, she refused to get out of bed and pack her shit up on Sunday. She was awake and fully coherent, she just didn’t want to listen to the room host. It got to the point where it was an hour and a half past checkout time and she was still in bed with her shit all over the room. Kalhari staff was threatening to charge the room host for another night, and Sierra did not care that she was potentially costing another person hundreds of dollars. They ended up sending Kalhari security into the room to kick her out. Massive womanchild.
Also I hate how she advertises herself as being super buff. You have a slightly chubby athletic build, try switching out your protein shakes for a salad once or twice a day.
No. 602313
>>602289So is her only milk she didn’t wanna get out of bed and pack her stuff, therefore almost getting you… I mean
the roomhost charged with another day?
No. 602613
>>602313That’s all the milk I know of. I was wondering if she’s pulled shit with other people at cons.
She’s just a genuinely arrogant, spoiled person and I have trouble believing this is the first time she’s fucked someone over
No. 603290
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I actually like Tayla, but one thing she does that I find questionable is complain about the work she has to do on a commission. She's not the only one who does it in the cosplay community, but right now she has about 5 tweets about hating prop making for this commission so its on my mind.
Every time I see someone complain about commissions my only thought is "doesn't the person who commissioned you follow you? Otherwise how would they find you to commission you?" I'd personally be kind of upset if I saw a person I was paying be like "damn I hate making this"
No. 604158
File: 1528380235028.png (25.5 KB, 546x75, Screen shot 2018-06-07 at 9.04…)

>>603934Who wants to commission someone and then find out they aren't good at what you're paying them to do. And since Tayla sells her used second hand costumes for a minimum of 100$, that person is paying a pretty penny.
Also she's complaining about how hard the work is because she doesn't know what she's doing.
No. 608083
File: 1528761913421.jpeg (268.75 KB, 738x1096, 27A039EB-82C5-4864-9849-1FD736…)

A runner up for ‘cosplay’ attention hoe and surgery liar, continued taking Patrons money after posting no content and milks the mental health wagon. A potential flake in the making!
No. 608290
File: 1528774917432.jpg (120.06 KB, 924x588, 416415.jpg)

>>608083i'm sure they did
but anyway, just being a thot isn't milk anymore so… it's actually sad that we have so many cosplay thots that only this is just irrelevant by now
No. 611256
File: 1529036439833.png (384.07 KB, 573x453, Capture.PNG)

I dont get the point of Heidi's attitude, i cant tell if she thinks shes clever or if she really is just an ass. This has a superiority complex all over it like god forbid a worker ask if you need help or something.
No. 611403
File: 1529056143776.jpeg (77.03 KB, 624x704, 9CC779B7-0F66-4A0C-8A2E-87765C…)

>>611256Yeah, this doesn't come off as witty, just nasty. Ofc experienced cosplayers go into Joanns knowing what they need, and I know myself and other cosplayers who have gotten a ridiculous suggestions from Joanns employees. You just have to laugh about it.
Guess what, they're all being told by their bosses to go up to everyone and offer help. They're not implying you don't know what you're doing. They're just doing their job. Chill out and say "no thanks".
No. 611580
>>611256She sounds like a cunt who has never worked retail in their life. Unfortunately, it's our job to ask if someone needs help, even if they don't look lost. Not to mention there are a lot of slow times in Joann's, so anyone who comes in usually gets greeted this way.
Would it have been so hard for our dear queen to say 'no, i'm good, but thank you.' ??
I used to follow her on twitter for her cosplay stuff,(and she's good, don't get me wrong) but she's come off as a cunt lately since getting more chances to work with big names like Nintendo. Also, she's married to projared and uses that to her advantage.
No. 611889
>>611709She started by not opening a donation thing but then later opened for donations and twitch donations so it countered her initial statements.
I havent liked her ever since I saw her chipping in on shit talking with some of her cosplay buddies about other cosplayers. She has a nasty attitude and tries to hide it but not very well.
No. 611914
>>611889So you've met her then, is what you're saying? How else would you know she hides her 'nasty attitude' so well?
She did a twitch stream with donations once, because of the back push of people who wanted to help. Compared to other cosplayers, she's really fucking tame in the drama department. Your upsetness Smells vendetta-ish.
No. 611933
File: 1529105398600.jpg (52.74 KB, 480x480, IMG_1766.JPG)

>>611256>>611580I like her streams and she has great craftsmanship. But at times she really comes off as an elitist bitch.
I would say a solid 75% of her traffic to her twitch is from Jared. She would have about half of her audience if she wasn't associated with Jared, and she wouldn't have the equipment and resources she has available to her if it wasn't for him.
She doesn't do a lot of sexy stuff. Compare her to someone with a similar skill level and modesty who isn't associated with anyone popular and they probably do not have half of her audience. So it's obvious where she got it from.
Do cosplayers who are good at craftsmanship and don't take themselves too seriously or hold themselves above the sexy cosplayers actually exist? Are there any sexy cosplayers that aren't totally retarded or desprate actually exist?
No. 612402
File: 1529162013079.png (122.11 KB, 492x242, Screen Shot 2018-06-16 at 10.5…)

Chloe Dykstra/skydart has made allegations of abuse against Chris Hardwick, but is there any context or past milk on her?
Was she a big deal on the cosplay scene ever or is she just a costhot who got famous because of the man she was dating? It's strange to see all these articles labeling her a cosplayer when it feels like she hasn't been on the scene in years.
No. 612478
>>612402>>612418She was on heroes on cosplay
Can you guys even google?
No. 612683
>>612478She also did a bioshock thing too right?? She cosplayed Elizabeth for like a promo thing iirc, you can find the video on YouTube
Also there’s proof that she posted of her with bruises and developing an ED, there’s an article that’s posted on Twitter if you guys looked
No. 613102
>>612402>>612418She has a Wiki page, it takes two seconds guys. Speculation is lazy and we like to have at least the appearance of standards, here.
Her dad did VFX for Star Wars, she did some okay cosplays, nothing to write home about and I don't think she does much of it anymore, but was on HoC on SyFy a few years back. She was on a web series for The Nerdist and does some gaming journalism.
There ya go. Don't be idiots.
No. 613346
File: 1529253063750.png (421.69 KB, 515x716, tweetcap.PNG)

>>612402Apparently Chris Hardwicks mother-in-law was making tweets/instagram posts trying to pin it like Chloe was the abuser and not Chris
No. 614091
File: 1529334867493.jpg (264.36 KB, 759x1024, 11394062345_eea0020027_b.jpg)

>>612402I felt the same way about the whole "cosplay star" thing being the label they slapped on her. I haven't seen her cosplay in years, and she seems to have been pursuing acting more than the pop culture scene. You would think the actress label would appeal to a broader audience.
I think Chloe needs to be listened to, but I find it crazy so many of Hardwick's shows were yanked just off of pure accusations at this point. I know that bussinesses have the choice of disassociating themselves from an employee if they don't agree with the baggage that comes with them but damn. They were quick to scrub his name away when Chloe accused him of things no one really has proof of.
No. 615155
File: 1529436787279.jpeg (1.36 MB, 3012x4512, F376EEBF-E713-4F81-B50D-982ADB…)

This is what $150 gets you from Meg’s Patreon. A wrinkled shirt and the same shit she gives away for free.
No. 622672
File: 1530091593562.jpg (73.71 KB, 567x671, i showed you my patronage answ…)

samefag as
>>622671 but I thought all this shit happening with Amouranth's secret marriage being revealed is wild. There's this youtube channel "L of the Week" that has (now) two videos on her, the second ONLY after she started attacking the channel owner through interviews with baseless facts (such as: they're sharing underage pics of me on his discord! – not true)
anyway first vid is here: a reddit thread: then his followup video: only learned about this through this image circulating on various fb pages tbh but was surprised to see nothing about it in this thread.
No. 622716
>>622672These are like the guys that complain about the “friendzone” and get mad over it
This is honestly cringe as fuck. It’s not cool to hide your husband just out of respect to him but becoming a mod and donating thousands to try and date someone? Lmao yikes. Incels
No. 623833
>>623562Sorry anon most cosplay photographers are like that. Either they only shoot with asian/white/light people or you have to be super popular.
It hasn't changed and it is nothing new.
No. 624106
File: 1530252236004.jpeg (111.84 KB, 472x446, 8357A02F-58C2-47D1-90D3-F085AF…)

No. 624901
>>624548why would i be here if i'm saying to ignore posts about her?
>>624897nta but no, the person who made the OP for this thread is the one with the vendetta, she made a shit summary that included moo in it for some reason, used jenna as the OP pic and always gets pissed when you call out her vendetta.
someone always posts hearsay with no milk, or just the same pics of her shitty lip injections. the vendetta-chan is more milky than her tbh.
No. 625769
File: 1530386540360.jpeg (66.18 KB, 634x364, DB6B2D95-EE27-49E4-9FB3-7DAAE8…)

>>623545Not the original poster but found it
No. 625822
File: 1530389128506.jpeg (35.66 KB, 316x500, 5C663EE7-884D-4826-BC2D-76853E…)

Jenna also wore her drag queen chest piece to a con recently (the chest piece she said she didn’t have & that it was just her natural chest) and you can see it through all the pics taken there. Thought that was really funny. It looks awful
No. 625864
File: 1530392005065.jpeg (125.17 KB, 1080x1350, DACE59BE-0899-4135-A281-C78A8B…)

You’d think making $60k a month would get her a better photoshopper/ editor.
No. 625866
winknah but this bitch looks ridiculoussssss
No. 626563
>>626032Amouranth is a shitty ass person.
It’s totally okay to not reveal she’s married but she went out of her way to tell everyone she’s single and “taking boyfriend applications” (titling streams this and saying it often). She even said during a stream that if you donate big she’d be open to date you. She would go on and on about being painfully single (and once saying she was a virgin lol). Did she have to go this far for money?
Let’s not forget her video in which she set up 4 guys that were on tinder to believe she was going on a date with them. Then “pranking” then by mocking them for looking for a girlfriend and making them pay for her & her husbands lunch.
No. 626749
File: 1530495616677.jpeg (129.25 KB, 1023x1279, 8401B062-B5B2-43E5-8207-953691…)

What even is going on with this broad’s ass?
No. 627300
File: 1530568284914.jpg (102.66 KB, 454x604, IMG_1348.JPG)

>>622672She's such a liar. Like everyone else has said it's not the secret part that is shitty. It's the fact that she blantatly lies all of thr time. When she was sick she said she had to go grab the medicine her "brother" bought for her, or if there were dishes clanking around it was her "roommates."
It's funny how fast the gears shifted for her. She was legit a good cosplayer. Her Link is amazing. But now it's just how far she can get her tits pushed up in printed spandex. How many more dudes will be fooled by her sitting down holding a towel over herself thinking there's nudes in those sets?
I don't feel bad for the fools who parted with their money. But it makes me mad that won't change at all. She'll still get money for being a lying thot.
No. 628358
File: 1530674774631.jpeg (243.21 KB, 1366x2048, 1969296B-C613-4AE0-BDAD-17B4C9…)

Lolz guize, it’s Tracer, get it, cuz she’s…British…I guess? At least the atrocious wig ham-fistedly clues you in on what this “cosplay” is.
No. 628370
>>627300Those are the tame lies too. She also said stuff along the lines of "Haven't been on a date forever! No one likes me, can't get a date for the life of me, no one ever, ever, ever asks me out." and would have boyfriend application streams.
I'd feel a little bad is she wanted to keep it a secret for her husband's sake, but she really worked it for the money. I don't feel bad for her fans either, they're dumb, but I also feel like she deserves all the backlash she'll get. If she gets any at all that is, because let's be real here her fans are pathetic enough to believe her regardless of the evidence.
No. 631763
File: 1531082494452.jpg (1.9 MB, 2880x3840, IMG_2031.JPG)

As someone has stated in Moos thread
Why has no one ever said anything about Susu cosplaying underage characters?
It's not like she's done it once or twice but several times
Does she feel she gets a pass because she's so well known?
No. 631885
>>631763While I generally don't agree with sexualizing very young characters, I'd argue that cosplaying teen characters is a bit less gross than sexually cosplaying a character who is literally only 8-9 in human years. At least the teen characters are non prepubescent and have adult characteristics? Whereas a character like Kanna is just straight up an actual small child.
Again, not trying to excuse people sexualizing underage characters or people in general, but it's definitely less awful imho. Also, as anon
>>631864 said, susu is generally less of a cow than someone like Momo, so people are less up in arms over her.
>>631882Yikes. You don't sound bitter at all, anon.
No. 632067
File: 1531112481401.jpg (17.83 KB, 368x271, Wednesdayswim.jpg)

>>631885Wednesday Addams is a kid, not a teenager. Creepy Susie is also 10 years old.
Seriously, nobody cares because 1) she's attractive and 2) people flat out don't hate SS as much. The "pROTECT UNDERAGE CHARACTERS" thing was a lame sham to justify existing irritation at Moo for pettier reasons (ie her being fat, unattractive and bitchy). Most of us wouldn't ever watch anime if fictional children were of such concern in the fandom community, lmao.
No. 632083
>>632067It's canon that Wednesday is 18 in the broadway show though. I think the only one who isn't older at some point of the series they come from is "creepy Susie" which seems like a weird character to sexualize to begin with. I don't think it helps that Kanna is a beloved character in the anime world whereas I don't know how many anime fans really know who Creepy Susie is enough to be upset about it or know that she's an underage character? Her design doesn't really give away that she's an underage character either.
Susu isn't completely dairy-free, but in comparison to Moo it definitely feels a bit more nitpicky to me. Mariah straight up used the line "those thighs aren't iunnocent" when trying to defend her choice to sexualize an 8yo character.
No. 632101
File: 1531116838609.jpg (34.29 KB, 533x800, Wednesday_TeganWouters_white.j…)

>>632083I really don't think SwimsuitSuccubus was cosplaying the broadway version of Wednesday in
>>631763, anon.
No. 632103
>>632102>grown up versionShe said child Kanna's thighs weren't innocent and didn't alter her costume at all to be an adult Kanna.
Nitpick SS all you want, but she's not wearing a children's costume in any of these?
No. 632108
>>632103Technically, Moomoo wasn't either. You really think a child's costume would fit on her fat ass?
SS obviously isn't as big a cow as Moo, but come on. Don't moral crusade one and pretend the exact same behavior is completely fine on another. "Lewding" underage fictional characters is mundane in the geek community as a whole. Dragon Maid itself had some very suspicious, cringy, lolicon scenes IIRC, at least in the manga, so we can't even pretend it's all Moomoo corrupting pure characters. Even the source material is bad, ffs.
Blame artists like Shadman, blame anime studios for pandering to pedos, and blame the neckbeards who want to fuck The Powerpuff Girls or whatever.
No. 632311
>>632132Wednesday does not wear a short tight dress with striped thigh high stockings. The outfit was not child like in the slightest.
>>632084 said, Moo was mainly attacked for the Kanna pics since she went back on her word to not lewd the character. Moo did poses lifting kanna’s dress without making any changes to the costume or even saying “grown up” kanna. The circumstances are different and it seems like someone (probably in moo’s circle) just wants to try to attack susu.
No. 632319
>>632311>this copeNo one is trying to attack SwimsuitSuccubus. They both cosplayed canonically underage characters and sexualized them. SS's iteration of Wednesday was clearly not the 18 year old version, and neither was Moomoo's Kanna cosplay, even though both claimed they were "all grown up".
Both are icky, but neither matter all that much in the end. If you think one is some inexcusable evil, though, hand-waving away the other is lame and hypocritical.
No. 632721
File: 1531179398833.jpeg (360.06 KB, 1228x1701, 090B144C-B6A0-4526-AFF4-48FF48…)

I keep seeing this broad being posted all over IG. I’m not the only one that think she looks like a blow up doll, right?
And if you want milk, go check out her IG full of tags like #builtnotbought, yet she has very obviously plumped lips, and I’m not sure how one naturally achieves a liposuction sized waist when the rest of her looks like a land whale.
No. 632799
File: 1531187916089.jpeg (555.92 KB, 1242x1774, 7861F205-A1EE-41D8-A553-2C9F1E…)

>>632738Here’s the photo with #builtnotbought for reference
No. 633047
File: 1531234030072.jpg (135.96 KB, 607x684, Screenshot_20180709-124020_mh1…)

So this fell into my lap and IDK if it's relevant. A friend of mine knows this girl cosplayer, PumpkinReina. She was Leon's handler at the convention. I remember someone said a bigger girl had sex with him at DragonCon in previous threads but it seems Pumpkin's been going around spreading that they shared a bed and she HAD to cuddle him and the telephone game MAY have happened. Not sure if it's milky but it's definitely something.
No. 633368
>>633182i mean, you say that like it's not a legit argument. you can 100% be the adult version of a cosplay, but you have to actually
do that. this convo is kind of stupid because it hinges around whether pedos are going to care if some adult woman with tits is cosplaying their loli waifu. people who actually like kanna aren't fapping to moo dressed as her, cause moo isn't an 8 year old girl. and people fapping to moo don't give a shit if she's being an 8 year old girl or not. think the inverse of that, you wouldn't be turned on by some 12 year old boy cosplaying a character you like, but pedos are freaks and would be. lolicons like those those uwu smol girls (like lana to some extent) and are fapping to
all their cosplays.
anyway my whole point is that, promoting pedoshit shows is more of an issue than cosplaying a child. this shit's been happening since early 2000s when that girl did a cosplay deviants set of yotsuba.
No. 633741
>>633368>promoting pedoshit shows is more of an issue than cosplaying a child.That was basically my whole point. Some people are going full moralfag on Moomoo for sexualizing a child character, but making excuses for SS down to even bringing up the obscure-ass broadway version as "proof" she's not sexualizing an underage character. It's pathetic. Neither is actually a big deal. Pearl-clutching at one of them is just disingenuous.
Posting the "adult Wednesday Addams" kind of made it seem like you were trying to say they weren't just doing the same shit and that SS is more defensible.
No. 633939
File: 1531337297952.jpeg (442.05 KB, 2048x2048, C4D11D0F-45A5-4E6D-9768-986741…)

These coschicks going too far damn.
Opinions on shooping and ridiculous body mods coughboltontitscough for fame
No. 633954
>>633939I mean those are completely different angles, makeup, lighting…
Not the best comparison
No. 634292
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No. 634673
File: 1531427983799.png (361 KB, 360x500, 7003E76D-0142-40E1-BA6E-0CC70F…)

Was just on cosplaygirls subreddit and Jenna Lynn Meowri I got a fan in trouble for posting this picture of her. Lol. She’s throwing a mega fit about the picture so I thought I’d share it here
No. 634682
>>634673>>634676can you share the caps of her throwing a fit? i swear you jennaposters always post out of context shit with random claims and never actually post the milk around it.
>inb4 you're her!i just want you guys to actually post shit instead of just being vague. this isn't a vendetta thread, if she was mad about the pic, the pissy comments are the milk, not the pic.
No. 634690
File: 1531428703962.jpeg (118.38 KB, 1242x1239, 6F18204D-0C5C-46CD-98A8-8FAE40…)

>>634682The whole thing got dmca’d after she threw her fit. The fan that she got mad at was westworldprince and Jenna’s manager is heyotaka. Try posting the photo again and see if she has her breakdown. That would be hilarious.
No. 634760
File: 1531432251389.jpeg (522.44 KB, 1242x1381, 22283A57-CC9D-4244-822F-D05D74…)

>>634673Jenna Lynns manager still going off on the fan that posted the pic
No. 636445
File: 1531605203897.jpg (493.39 KB, 1052x1462, Screenshot_20180714-161311_Twi…)

Some random cosplayer is trying to say Swimsuit Succubus is a pedo because of her photo set she did for shadman.
No. 636463
File: 1531606486863.jpg (127.54 KB, 1080x1350, 44.jpg)

Seviria Cosplay
Charging 100 dollar Patreon for shitty cosplay likethat, prints are subpar quality. All in all, a scam, no wonder she's a fangirl of Jenna Lynn, fake attracts fake.(no one cares about your vendetta)
No. 636588
File: 1531616517688.jpeg (261.29 KB, 750x749, 4F5FBD89-F0EE-4F28-A601-79B46E…)

>>636587The reaching is off the fucking charts
No. 636607
File: 1531617964144.jpeg (132.95 KB, 750x361, 360A6B15-9B25-4D1A-8B68-92DC47…)

>>636592P-positive vibes p-please. I just publicly accused someone of being a pedophile and they had the nerve to defend themselves I need support guise. Positivity!
No. 636611
File: 1531618089887.jpeg (167.47 KB, 750x356, A47DA41D-23A4-43AD-851A-3DD076…)

>>636607She attacks someone who spoke up against momokun to call them a pedo based on nothing and then when she’s told her accusations are nuts tries to act like she is the victim and say “this is why victims dont speak out”. Holy shit the mental gymnastics.
No. 636842
File: 1531642245671.jpeg (181.52 KB, 640x562, 175B6C31-458E-4516-A379-5C9077…)

>>636806Wow, the way this girl types infuriates me. She sounds like such a brat. I went to read her tweets about this and I just love that she ended it with “muh anxiety”
No. 636898
>>636665>I only jack it to FICTIONAL kids, pls no bully uwuJacking it to kids, even fictional ones, is fucking gross and should be relentlessly shamed.
We haven't even touched the fact that Shad has drawn sexual art of actual, living children, but I guess some gross, predatory neckbeard's boner is more important than human decency.
No. 637118
>>636842So she is crying about her “anxiety” but had no issues attacking someone even after claiming she didnt have much knowledge of the situation and accusing them of still promoting someone they denounced a year ago?
>>636806 >>636587
>>636462>>636810And yeah she doesn’t go after them because Jnigs fanbase would swallow her alive and Jenna Lynn constantly caters to 4chan memefags. She thought susu was an easy target because she’s currently dealing with the situation of her GF calling out moo and this ugly Toni bitch clearly wanted to leech attention.
No. 637521
>>637345Did you read the original thread or do you just have no reading comperehension like Susu?
Original thread said she was directing traffic towards a known pedo. Not that she was one.
No. 637561
File: 1531696568052.jpeg (61.19 KB, 620x459, D6434F95-81B1-4ED3-BA83-C1635A…)

>>637550These are from this year. She said mentioned multiple popular cosplayers supporting shad but ignores NIGIRI?
No. 638413
File: 1531771756983.jpeg (38.62 KB, 390x296, 1FD297F8-5478-4EE8-AC83-449708…)

Jenna Lynn meowri and her boyfriend heyotaka (aka Robbie Stark) is harassing a fan on reddit because he posted a real picture of Jenna that didn’t use Jenna’s normal over the top photoshop. They are demanding he apologize for doing so and demanded that he buy Jenna a gold reddit membership lol
No. 638416
File: 1531772045428.jpeg (146.72 KB, 715x850, F0798962-B293-4FD4-941F-E49997…)

Has anyone here addressed Hana Bunny’s over the top photoshop?
No. 638417
File: 1531772079745.jpeg (118.82 KB, 600x750, 62AE43B6-EDDC-444D-BAC7-856D0E…)

No. 638468
>>631763I dislike 'susu' justfor being an annoying cunt, so thereyago I guess
not to mention she's really not even as cute as she's hyped up to be
took a scroll through her stuff amd it's more grimy looking than anything. like she walked off of Christina Aguilera's Dirty music vid.
No. 638518
>>632067In all fairness the "she lewded an underage character what a pedo" claim is the worst reach in the Momo threads, people should be mad that she was a fucking hypocrite ("I'm not gonna lewd her!") and being a massive cunt about it ("lmao I did it to annoy all the sjws lolololo") instead of this retarded "think of the children" virtue signaling. She only wanted to cause controversy, not because she's a pedo.
>>631882Not really, if she was a sociopathic bitch like Momo then people would be calling her out for this too. But because there's less drama involved with her to begin with, nobody really cares.
>>632683I honestly doubt it.
No. 638576
>>636942it depends on the state if youre in the us.
and its also really funny that the fake lesbos susu and bunnyayumi getting called out rightly for this shit, and there "uh i only interacted with him a year ago" is total bullshit even after a simple twitter search.
No. 638624
File: 1531786941925.jpeg (61.06 KB, 550x550, B981FABA-079F-491D-ABD4-D01350…)

>>638578Skinnybaras complaint was that ss was directing traffic to his site not that she followed him on twitter which people here called out as bullshit since if she was really mad at “popular cosplayers” directing attention to him she would have gone for jenna lynn and Jnig who collabed with him this year and are more popular than ss. Also this has nothing to do with Bunny so it’s weird how you bring her up. All this on the day moo released her shitty “appology”.
No. 638670
>>638659>>638662You didnt have to samefag to the same poster.
>>638619I don’t get how she isnt called out. Isn’t she basically lying to all her fans if she shoops this hard? If you are selling your looks but those looks only exist online then isn’t that pretty much false advertising?
No. 638678
File: 1531790749448.jpeg (117.66 KB, 584x1200, E8355FE0-4D9C-4397-A86A-7426F2…)

Anyone have the facebook posts about momakuma/hellomomocastro/andrea rose getting called out for abusing animals? I went to show a friend but couldn’t find the post anymore.
No. 645704
File: 1532400254108.jpeg (82.57 KB, 653x500, 6F39D18F-F8D6-42C0-834C-56B227…)

Why the hell would someone use hashtags about their “perfect skin” and give people skin advice when their skin when their skin looks like this? Lol
No. 645916
File: 1532430326343.jpg (110.26 KB, 1199x631, Di0coKwX0AU15kF.jpg)

I don't know if this is relevant enough, but there is recently some drama in the german cosplay community. Anshie (a very well known cosplayer in Germany) had beef with a photographer bc the photographer doesn't want to give her the RAW files. According to some people Anshie tried to debunk very poorly the reasons of the photographer why she doesn't want to give the RAW files. Like her arguments were very stupid and she thinks very highly of herself I guess (unfortunately I don't have any receipts)
Anyway to today, Anshie went to a hate spree bc the photographer talks very bad about her and she tweeted some heavy stuff about the photographer (her twitter was public)
"Gosh, Wana (is the name of the photographer) is such a stupid whore. In the public she says she is sorry (about all the drama) but talks bad about me privately. Good thing, I can be a bitch too and I have no problem to be a bitch in the public. At least I have the guts for that"
Btw I'm not that photographer. Just a lurker. I don't even know Anshie personally
No. 645919
File: 1532430810060.jpg (24.26 KB, 1200x252, Di2OwIxX0AA2_te.jpg)

>>645916Sorry for the double post, but another reason I posted her here is bc of this tweet.
I don't know the context to this tweet about the drama but translation
"They are less worth than jews in concentration camp. But I think to my revenge it was worth it"
In Germany it's kinda a taboo to joke about the jews in Nazi germany.
Also she thinks very highly about her self and her cosplay bc she has a lot of followers. But honest most of her cosplays are mediocre. I mean she looks always the same in her cosplay. Always the same face. No. 646220
File: 1532461370768.jpeg (37.2 KB, 444x114, 2EE6B119-E444-4D2E-9C75-855AEB…)

>>645799Hashtags are in the description. She doesn’t post them in the caption.
No. 646245
>>646220FFS stop. this isn't on that picture and it wouldn't even make sense to be there. when you post you need to post everything, not just say random things and then post a random other thing.
if it was really in the description, you need to take the cap where you can actually see it and the picture.
No. 647004
File: 1532542692772.png (65.4 KB, 598x350, Screenshot 2018-07-25 at 11.16…)

posting over here from Momokun thread.
It's come to a point where retards like this chick are coming out of the woodwork to defend Moo's actions.
No. 647078
File: 1532545831916.jpeg (515.87 KB, 2048x2048, E1DA80F1-2F97-4E1D-B5EE-B29318…)

>>638681Vivid vision is another girl SUPER guilty of this. Her shoops are so bad and so extreme
No. 647093
File: 1532546706444.jpg (274.34 KB, 1181x912, Bruises-Collection-10x7cm.jpg)

>>596359Jesus, the bruise looks photoshopped on. Looks fake as fuck
No. 647254
>>647078Her stuff is absolutely terrifying
It looks like the momo whatsapp creepypasta face
No. 652120
File: 1533055423495.png (288.01 KB, 446x500, A5CE2E49-36DF-4C96-94CA-DF6B25…)

When hana.bunny_bunny stands infront of her photoshopped face and sells prints of her shooped to hell and back no one stops and looks at how different she is irl?
No. 652146
File: 1533057088015.jpeg (78.74 KB, 920x1238, 2F19C445-FD41-420A-A4B6-E87544…)

>>652120What happened to her giant boobs and dorito chin?
No. 652163
File: 1533058258055.png (208.16 KB, 720x766, 019249756.png)

>business email: hana_sazumi@yahoo.comIs this Vietnamese whore really pretending to be Japanese? She used to have her real name and stated her ethnicity on her profile. I'm so tired of weebs and asian weebs pretending to be Japanese, it's a eyesore and screams "I want to be speschul~"
Also didn't Patreon say they aren't supporting NSFW/softcore porno shit anymore?
No. 652228
File: 1533062273696.png (20.45 KB, 506x207, 7A2B344C-6699-4858-A03D-1F63DD…)

>>652163She used to be Hana Dinh and even back then shooped a lot while shitting on others who shooped.
No. 652281
File: 1533065085344.png (922.58 KB, 720x911, Rofl.png)

>>652163>>>652228I doubt that "Hana" is even her real name. I'm pretty sure she has a viet name for her legal name, tbh it sounds like she picked "Hana" as a english name cause it sounds and looks
Japanesey. Weebs need to fuck off with that shit, it's 2018 no one is gonna believe you. Her tits are pretty ridiculous too, like wtf is up with those proportions? Is it photoshop? A shitty boobjob or both?
No. 652284
File: 1533065196631.png (850.89 KB, 720x995, Rofl2.png)

No. 652385
File: 1533068906655.png (3.48 MB, 1626x1028, 22.png)

>>647078Oh god and don't even get started on her fuggo sister.
No. 652386
>>652281>>652346Weebs love doing this to seem Japanese
Hannah/Hanna>Hana Tammy>Tami/Tamie Erica>Erika et cetera.. my favourite is when weebs with the name Naomi(hebrew) say their name is of Japanese origin.
After the himeahri/ahripop fiasco weebs don't directly say they are Japanese anymore they think using a Japanese/asian sounding name + last name will make people assume they are ~Jap~
No. 653822
File: 1533158784201.jpeg (184.56 KB, 750x1070, 1BAC470A-F7B7-4501-8EDF-08F5AA…)

does anyone know if @fegalvao_ photoshops or not? her proportions look off to me, and her older photos look more realistic than the new ones. can someone check her account out for me and let me know because i have bad eyes haha
No. 653932
File: 1533162438398.png (790.39 KB, 689x431, _.png)

>>653822Yea I mean if you look at her tagged photos there's definitely something going on
No. 654821
>>653822We definitely discussed her in the last thread if you want to see some photo comparisons. Some people speculated that because she's Brazilian she had something done but idk.
That shoulder shoop is egregious though, or did she make her head bigger??
No. 655513
File: 1533302997301.jpeg (540.42 KB, 2048x2048, A097A651-4391-4B88-8D59-F783E7…)

Akrcos has a beak she edits out of every photo, or she covers up her nose with her hand, the puppy filter, or a strand of hair.
Just get a nose job already
No. 656298
File: 1533368328721.png (722.89 KB, 900x788, cr.png)

Cola Renee Henry-Nash//SunGypsy; Attempting to get into cosplay more seriously apparently and while she was working on the wig/headpiece it looked alright but
then she comes out with this fucking shit looks like literal toilet paper
No. 659220
File: 1533698674179.jpeg (196.79 KB, 742x1195, 14F9B46B-306B-4ED5-B48C-4E2337…)

Does @KellyKirstein count here? I have screenshots of a fan account she follows and in every picture she looks different due to her shooping. There is also many pictures taken by fans and you would be surprised how older she looks in real life, after all she’s only 29
No. 659221
File: 1533698821645.jpeg (126.35 KB, 749x690, A48230D8-9ABC-46F1-8AFE-6DD7D4…)

>>6592201st picture was posted on her account and 2nd was from her photographer. I understand shooping is common in the cosplay community but people lie and go to extreme to the point they don’t look like themselves
No. 660098
File: 1533780295360.jpeg (681.26 KB, 1080x1080, AC151B2D-750B-4B46-8C58-BE98C9…)

Looks like Jessica Nigri got advice from her Michael Jackson face friend Jenna Lynn and got terrible lip fillers & face fillers.
No. 660127
>>660098Never been a fan nor WK'ed her and god I am not about to start cause the Patreon Thotties keep going down hill and its always in the same wave as they get shit done to compensate almost (lowkey feels like they do it for themselves to somehow copen with the rest of the world forgetting lmfao 'self care')
Also convinced lip fillers give premature wrinkles due to the weird pouting they start doing post op, never seen it not happen on people who don't do it very moderate & with a good doc. Instead thotties all look like the average LA citizen who just had a quick walk in to top off her shit.
No. 660690
File: 1533841108800.jpg (200.56 KB, 486x480, peter_pan_makeup_by_amouranth-…)

How much plastic surgery did Amouranth undergo for her ethot transformation? She got a nose and tit job for sure
No. 660692
File: 1533841284613.png (739.95 KB, 629x642, sc2.png)

No. 660781
File: 1533849127617.png (265.93 KB, 568x417, Amouranth bolt ons.png)

>>660742Amouranth's bolt ons look painful. If she really is trans I'm guessing she's the kind that started hormone therapy early, she kinda has the tranny hormone voice.
No. 661091
File: 1533878694583.jpeg (417.21 KB, 1126x2003, 3953D191-D352-4DE5-82FD-222DF1…)

>>660815If you google Amouranth Deviantart you can see a lot of old images available for preview even though her account is deactivated. But for some reason she still keeps up an old Model Mayhem from 2012. I don’t know how old she is, but maybe she just naturally has no shape.
No. 661397
>>661133she had a straight board body
That's why she needed all that plastic surgery on her body to have some shape
No. 662819
File: 1534089006780.jpg (108.28 KB, 960x720, 38720873_2114062582150336_7994…)

Cosplay drama of the day: at the Otakuthon masquerade a girl got disqualified for putting bronzer on her face to cosplay Caska from Berserk. This was the decision of a single judge who didn't even speak to the rest of the jury, took the girl back stage and verbally attacked her accusing her of being racist and yada yada. was there and approved the decision of disqualifying the cosplayer.
Yuriko Tiger, who was in the jury, didn't even know of the whole ordeal until the moment she got back to Japan. No. 662826
File: 1534089378325.jpeg (494.17 KB, 1225x1879, 30D264AB-6943-4AD6-95B2-1017AC…)

>>662819>>662819She looks pretty fuckin dark to me. You can see the makeup all over her white collar. Stop selfposting your friends.
No. 663005
>>662826>>662833Nice try samefag, I'm on the opposite side of the globe.
>>662884Yeah, it's probably just another sjw who thinks that tanning is racist.
No. 663060
File: 1534106523683.jpg (1.84 MB, 1920x2560, 18-08-12-16-40-14-600_deco.jpg)

From last year tehe
No. 663063
File: 1534106693883.jpg (2.45 MB, 1920x2560, 18-08-12-16-41-19-365_deco.jpg)

Another one
No. 663065
File: 1534106788345.jpg (699.32 KB, 1076x1481, SmartSelect_20180812-164347_In…)

No. 663080
>>653932Right here lol
>>663074Also i don't need to do anything, you need to scroll up
No. 663153
File: 1534113654136.png (4.7 MB, 1242x2208, DAF32D81-FE4C-4E25-B9F9-BAA286…)

So SS posted to her Instagram about someone calling her out for sexualizing Wednesday Adams
Pretty much linked their name and post and said her job and what is does is being attached
Then tried to play it as it’s an adult Wednesday
Though she called momo out for calling her lewd kana an adult
Now the person is getting attacked with slurs and people saying to kill themselves but she’s stayed silent
So can everyone quit licking her asshole already(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 663201
File: 1534117108410.jpeg (130.64 KB, 1213x672, 6943DD8A-C6AA-43E1-99CA-F2F21D…)

Jenna Lynn continues to harass other cosplayers, fans, reddit users, etc. She ripped off various people who (stupidly) bought her prints
(Here’s just a bit of proof posted on various boards/reddit/Facebook. There’s 100s more posts about it)
No. 663205
File: 1534117186273.jpeg (67.91 KB, 644x657, A44D2A3F-2BC1-4BD1-97FE-B9A4C8…)

Jenna before the surgery and the over the top photoshop she uses
No. 663214
File: 1534117717848.jpeg (25.29 KB, 225x225, 4FDB3D3E-F9DB-422B-A159-4DFD95…)

Not only does she photoshop her face and body, she also photoshops her cosplays. She often changes the color of her clothes. Like this one you can see she photoshopped her actual arms green to look like sleeves lol
No. 663216
File: 1534117801387.jpeg (94.46 KB, 960x960, 01E815C3-BF8F-4E79-A92C-4C4CD8…)

Photoshopped al her accessories here and the color of her shirt
No. 663372
File: 1534132843212.png (320.84 KB, 360x679, ten.png)

I know we've touched on Tenleid before in past threads and she obviously shoops but her body is so confusing to me? Maybe it's just that I can't tell what body she wants us to think she has. Some pictures she looks like she got straight up implants, not just padded bras and cleavage. Other times she tries to be slim and toned like she used to be. Is it just that the weight gain went to her chest and she was shooping her waist slimmer?
No. 663373
File: 1534132920373.png (3.04 MB, 2160x960, tenleid.png)

>>663372Also kek her insta got banned
No. 663380
File: 1534133908907.png (237.52 KB, 476x449, Casca_Pre-Eclipse_Anime.png)

>>662826Tbh I'm not familiar with this character or series, so it's hard for me to find ref images of this specific costume (with the collar, looks like she has another armor version) but from what I can tell that's not even a white collar? To me I would guess it's some combination of tan collar + weathering (look at the weathering on her armour and her sleeve) + some makeup rubbing off that's making it look that way. But not 100% makeup. I could be wrong though.
>"Stop selfposting your friends">Posts an even more detailed picture of the person pointing out one specific aspect that would probably otherwise go unnoticedVendetta much?
No. 663383
File: 1534135028538.jpg (61.48 KB, 502x751, d4f78ff9ae45c2b9860c4b14a4f7af…)

>>663380 >> 662826
in quite honesty finding a reference of the full outfit in color is hard but heres it in the manga if that helps.
casca is darker in the manga/97 anime then in the golden age movies. yet, quite obviously a dark skinned character. yet, the skin darkening with bronzer and the makeup rubbing off + the color of the material makes a bit obvious that she used makeup to skin darken
No. 663476
File: 1534148412477.jpg (118.05 KB, 600x750, 34a89137c492e5c8fd70ad1ebef152…)

>>663383Oh yeah, I'm not denying she's wearing a darker foundation or even that it rubbed off, what I was trying to say is that the collar that she's wearing in this costume design is clearly not white to begin with. So crying blackface just based on that alone like
>>662826 is saying is ridiculous.
>casca is darker in the manga/97 anime then in the golden age moviesSo, again I'm not familiar with the series, but is her ethnicity ever specified? Because just being tan can mean anything. I have hispanic friends who are lighter than me (I'm an extremely pale caucasian woman) and I know people who have that type of skin color/foundation change between winter and summer. If there's anyone to be mad at it seems like it's the animators of the most recent version because she's clearly much lighter than she was before. I feel like if this cosplayer tried to darken her skin to the tone of the darker Manga/97 Anime version THAT would be blackface. To me it just seems like
>animators or whoever portrayed her as having lighter skin in the GA arc>she is cosplaying the GA arc No. 663479
File: 1534148713108.png (769.19 KB, 1008x498, allura.png)

>>663383>>663476 (samefag)
This is obviously a much more extreme example, but take Allura from Voltron. She was always portrayed as white until the most recent iteration. Does that mean we can yell at PoC for cosplaying the current version by saying "allura was lighter in the 1984/2011 version then in the current one!" ? No, because
>Animators or whoever portrayed Allura as having darker skin in the 2016 Remake>That's the version people cosplay nowWearing a foundation shade that's a 2-3 shades darker than what you would normally wear isn't blackface. Getting a spray tan isn't black face. If she wore a foundation shade that was 10 shades darker than normal, THAT would be a problem.
No. 663483
>>663479that's still not blackface, anon. blackface is about stereotyping, it's not about systematic microagressions or anything. people who get
triggered by changing your skintone would get just as
triggered by people simply cosplaying the character, and they are explicitly
triggered by
white people or people who
look white doing so. japanese cosplayers do this shit all the time, and even have fashions dedicated to black stereotypes, yet no one gives a fuck about that. and when western asians do this, people defend them and claim that since some asians are darker it's fine, it's definitely not.
No. 663489
File: 1534150362666.jpg (321.27 KB, 1280x720, ghostintheshell-sidebyside.jpg)

>>663483I mean, when it comes down to it like 90% of anime cosplay is white people portraying asian characters, isn't that technically yellowface? So who the fuck can even keep up anymore.
I just don't understand how it can be blackface if the character is never specified as black or designed with African features in mind? She's literally just tan, that could be anything. Wasn't there some cosplayer not too long ago that people were trying to ~CALL OUT~ for using a slightly darker foundation while cosplaying Sombra and she was just like "wtf I'm hispanic I'm just pale, jesus calm down"
That's the kind of shit that gets in the way of real progress, imo.
No. 663552
>>663495Literally got called a samefag and that I was calling cosplayers racist for finding it cringy looking and shitty. The real
trigger lies in cosplayers who can't admit they look damaged when they got 4 shades too dark makeup on, its the same as how I find overly tanned guidos who do injections cringy and ugly looking.
No. 663587
File: 1534172286754.jpeg (658.15 KB, 2048x2048, 9DD7AD28-E480-4566-A19E-53A53D…)

How does Hana Bunny keep getting away with these insane shoops when she goes to cons looking like….this
No. 663599
>>663479>>663483I'm so damn sick of this argument . I just heard it at the last con i was at. I agree with you that using foundation 2-3 darker shade isn't black facing, esp if you want to be in character and more accurate. It drives me crazy how the two biggest examples seem to be 2017 Allura and that main chick from Avatar. Some people seem to be mad in general whenever a white or light skin person does a darker skinned character, even if that character isn't black.
It's odd that some people assume tan skin = black… isn't that in itself racist?
No. 663600
>>663489This is also the kind of shit that when actual racism happens, people roll their eyes because they're sick of hearing about blackfacing in cosplay community, when it barely exists.
Doesn't this happen when people cosplay Garnet from steven universe when she is a gem?? she isn't black, but a gem stone, right?
No. 663606
File: 1534175797267.jpg (132.97 KB, 685x1024, 2007-11-10_Ripje-0195-1-685x10…)

Not sure if this is on topic but whatever happened to Ripje-van-Winkle, crazy ass Hellsing Cosplayer? I remember Nazi shit and obsessing with the Hellsing character Rip Van Winkle and maybe cosplaying Sailor Moon/Serenity?
Google doesnt have much of anything about her but I swear she was big in the DA hellsing scene
No. 663650
File: 1534179148310.png (3.21 MB, 1880x1840, c9sneaky.png)

>>663587all cosplayers shoop very hard. Here's some guy called Sneaky. I don't know why he hasn't been brought up in this thread before. Basically this man got thousands of other men saying he's THICC and sexy. That they'd go gay for him or leave their girlfriends and are furiously masturbating to his cosplay images. Saying things like trap women are better then real girls. Traps are not gay! Smexy SFW traps pictures get spammed all the time by his discord fans in his group and they actually share 'cutie' tranny cosplayers with eachother now, fantasizing about them, some are still obviously male. Everything is just heavily photo shopped, fake and half the time they share actual girls thinking it's a trap while shitting on women because males are able to look more feminine then females. They're also very cringey and try to convince people to go to the 'trap side'.
Don't go to that degenerate shitcord channel. It's just so shit and makes me disgusted that all these children praise this washed up pro league of legends player. His hardcore fans are all delusional fucks and worship him like another boobie streamer. Nobody actually realizes his pictures are fake and he started a patreon recently asking for money in exchange for supporting him and getting his 10 heavily edited photos in a frame send to your home. He started streaming once in cosplay and he forgot to shave his armpit hair. When he stood up thousands of people in his live chat started grossing out and spamming puke emotes. The VOD or saved stream has been deleted from the internet now. I can't find it anymore so I can screencap the exact moment you could clearly see all his armpit hair.
No. 663651
File: 1534179314587.jpg (739.72 KB, 2132x1672, c9sneakysuccbuscosplay.jpg)

>>663650Here's another recent succubus cosplay of him. I can't believe he gets actual money from the pictures he made in the bottom row. Pay 50 dollars and get a copy of your own!
No. 664030
>>663153because SSS didn't shit on Mariah for lewding Kanna…she was still friends with her when Mariah did that bullshit.
If it's been brought up since their falling out, it's probably due to the fact that Mariah lied about doing it in the first place.
No. 664122
File: 1534224280485.png (560.11 KB, 614x740, sneaky2-1533105377978214216998…)

>>664029He's not trolling. That was not the point of this post. He's not in the top ADC's of lol lmao. He's good but not the best. He's more focused on streaming right now. I never said he was gay but he got caught with having sissy trap porn open on his computer when streaming once and it was not on purpose. There's so many memes around him about that he started taking hormones and soja drinks. I tuned into one of his streams just starting. He was not in cosplay and several of his fans started donating and commenting about how he's looking extra cute today because of his pale skin and red lips.
His reason for cosplaying though is because he finds it fun, getting taken pictures while being dressed as a woman. He finds it fun. That's his words. That is his reason and he opened a patreon to get money for his hobby. His fanbase has become a degenerate cesspool striving further from the light each day. There's so many guys believing he is cute and hot but what not many of them realize is that each one of those photos have 200hrs in mspaint. His audience has really shifted into this trapgirl culture and it's just disgusting.
Just wait till more drama and other shit comes from his community. This shit will never end well. His last set already had a pic of him showing his bare ass. The pictures are so yet people praise him and give him so much money for being fake.
No. 664253
>>663650The pics in the red cap are really cute but
>>663651These ain't cute. Must be a lot of shoop happening
No. 664348
File: 1534261120695.jpg (349.76 KB, 718x1277, cxzzxzxcz.jpg)

>>664253Yeah it's very obvious. His gf/friend also has an Instagram where she does a lot of 'cosplay'. The pictures are all shooped and have a sexual theme. Also in a few photos you can clearly see she made her waist smaller. She also has a patreon with more sexy pictures and a large worshiping fan base. This is her job, making sexy photos and photo shopping them for thirsty men. I don't care, so many girls do this and I guess that makes them happy that they live such a life without any meaning. It's all fake, they're living a lie and all they care about is how they want to look. Dieting constantly, the amount of money that goes to make-up, plastic surgery and clothing. They might be nice people in real life but their lives are useless and I don't see how they're doing anything good for society but give a guy a boner.
The last set of photos by Sneaky have turned very sexual because he's obviously bending over in a way so you can see his full ass. He's obviously in lingerie, posing in an erotic way. Sneaky is has become your average fake e-whore. His girlfriend does this too and its meant to be erotic of course but she tries to still be cute and pretend to be nothing else.
No. 664395
File: 1534266388179.png (Spoiler Image,121.65 KB, 737x1083, c9_maid_sneaky_by_ohnips-dbtpr…)

>>664373Why are you calling it stupid shit? Thot girls are not useless to society because they pump more money into their local economies because of all the shit they buy? Sneaky's whole community has gone to shit and it's main feature now is about fake sexy pictures. All thotery is accompanied by shittiness and whatever you mean by toxicity. It's not about these random girls for me, it's about Sneaky and how fucking shit everything surrounding him has become.
>Muh ppl will find us retardedI don't care what others think about us. I just started posting this sneaky shit because too many people worship his fake pictures and you have no idea how bad the idiotic and toxic comments surrounding it are.
No. 665999
File: 1534395692449.png (628.32 KB, 1027x626, weed.png)

>>665984>>665026It does look like she's lost some weight, so good for her. Her (old, still shooped) body was pretty goals tbh. Also kek, she's also been so public about her hatred for Moo, she must be lurking around here somewhere. Think her weight loss is from actual hard work and effort or has she just been cutting back on smoking 24 hrs a day? Seems like that used to be 90% of her content, which just lets me know she smells terrible.
No. 666321
>>664373>they pump more money into their local economies than your average salary personYou really think every single one or even the majority of these these cosplay Patreon softcore porn stars are declaring their income and paying taxes? lmao.
>it will look like we hate on these random girls for nothing It’s not for nothing that we heavily criticize women who have done nothing but degrade and poison the cosplay community by turning it into a beauty contest based entirely on how well you can shoop yourself into a ~*sexy thicc cosplay goddess*~. Because of all of these thots bending over backwards to cater to dickcheese-encrusted men on the internet, I now frequently see underaged girls aspiring to become like them the moment they turn 18. If you don’t think it’s fucked up that these thots are now considered to be aspirational, or that teenage girls now believe that this is what you have to do to be liked as a cosplayer, then you’re either fucked up too or you haven’t thought about this and its ripple effect on the cosplay community as a whole nearly as much as you should be.
No. 666764
File: 1534474556181.jpg (303.35 KB, 640x960, tumblr_pccawlF7di1tosjppo4_640…)

>>666089oh hi, there you are
what's going on with your face in this one? just bad shoop?
No. 666821
File: 1534480924397.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1242x1731, 257A7BD9-8117-4CF9-BAA7-C38A5A…)

Vivid visions meitu editing continues to be horrifying
No. 666855
>>666830op here, I added the black bar for her privacy but the original pic is from a nude set. Her nudes are all over tumblr, but they're not posted by her. Not tryna be that person, just thought the face shoop or whatever in that pic was startling. I guess at least she actually delivers? Aren't a lot of other costhots like
>you won't BELIEVE the uncensored version of this pic on my patreon!!! it's insane!!!!!! I can't even talk about it here it's so dirty!!!!and then it's just like nothing?
Does make me wonder though, like it's one thing if your personal nudes leak, but what do you do if you're a lewd model and your nudes are behind a paywall and they get leaked? What do you even do in that situation?
No. 666858
File: 1534486015739.png (Spoiler Image,916.52 KB, 640x1140, ten.png)

>>666764>>666855tbh she's super pretty but she seems like she doesn't know what to do with her face in pics. Or like…she was concentrating so hard on posing in this pic that she forgot her face? She looks like damn longcat in this one.
No. 666872
File: 1534488348325.png (Spoiler Image,1.97 MB, 1302x1005, tenleid.png)

>>666858Man, what a bummer. I used to be a fan of hers, I always thought she did such interesting characters and challenging costumes and didn't just go for the easy popular ones to get attention. Now she just looks like she's dead inside and can't even be bothered to brush out a wig. What happened?
No. 666878
File: 1534489104759.png (287.11 KB, 348x661, Screenshot 2018-08-16 at 11.56…)

Mariah's munchie is begging for money because she lost her job, some poor sap GAVE her money for Wizard World, her roomies dropped 2 weeks in advance to the con (which she says is not enough time) and is now more upset everything has gone to shit.
No. 666907
>>666830Inb4 "hi tenleid" but I don't really understand why this would make anyone actually angry. Yeah patreonthots can be annoying, but tbh the ones like tenleid who are straight up about what they're doing don't bug me all that much. There's a specific demand for cosplayer nudity and porn, they're just the ones who were willing to fill it. More power to them I guess?
>>666855 said, I honestly think the girls who censor themselves with emojis saying "check out the FULL set on my patreon ;)))" and it turns out they just covered their underwear are worse. No one is saying you have to pull out your tits to be successful on Patreon, but either do it or don't. Don't PRETEND to and then act like you're "too classy" for that.
What bothers me more than either are cosplayers who only do overtly sexy cosplays and poses, and then deny what they and everyone else know they're trying to do. Just be honest - you want attention, you want followers, and you know what works. There's no shame in any of it to me, but it's fucking cheesy to act like you're naive to what you're doing.
No. 667487
File: 1534569398603.jpg (55.6 KB, 576x768, bxh4bi8JcaYRrllwsCO2XVcKGzCeUC…)

>>664348You mean this one. Lol. Can't wait to see what direction this is going.
No. 667561
>>667491>>667515uuuh no one is blaming women for dressing provocatively, anon, they're blaming women for purposely sexualizing themselves for money from men, because it endangers women who
do happen to dress provocatively that don't want that kind of attention. we most certainly can blame women who are attracting these men on purpose they're bringing them into the community. women have been wearing provoctive cosplay since the 90s and they're not the problem. the problem is that the women now are literal camgirls. the camgirls should be held accountable for being camgirls and making men think the others are going to cater to them.
No. 667688
>>667561Uh, again: women are not to blame for men's failed behavior.
Camsites are supposed to be a place where you can be sexually open regarding your desires, and common fucking sense (something the man should have,) dictates that the atmosphere and expectations are not the same as in the real world. I don't play a violent video game and then decide to go postal in a supermarket; I have common sense and can separate fantasy from reality, and that should apply to the men who partake in what the sex industry has to offer.
To be frank, men who treat women like sexual objects and like shit don't need camgirls to influence that behavior for them. Misogyny has been around for quite a while. There is usually something quite wrong going on internally already for them to project like that.
Also, a lot of camgirls that broadcast these days highlight their personality and make connections with their fans, dispelling the idea that they are just "objects," which again, is a misogynist idea perpetrated by MEN, not women.
No. 667694
>>667538I get what you mean anon. It's a shame because she definitely used to put a LOT of effort into cosplays and now it just kind of seems like she chugs out stuff she can do lewds with. I'm sure that's not just her, it's probably a really easy mentality to fall into when you start making money doing cosplay - to have to pump out as much content as possible, regardless of your own personal standards or interests. Hopefully she gets bored of it and gets back to making some more interesting cosplays - she has a lot of potential, it's a bummer it's kind of been wasted.
As far as the weed thing, I don't know if that's just her shtick or if it's become a necessity for her to do. If it's the latter, ideally someone around her takes note and can help her. Who knows man. I support sex work but it can take a mental toll on a lot of people, I wouldn't doubt it's possible.
No. 668308
File: 1534698978687.jpg (579.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180819-101343_Ins…)

She doesnt realize shes been pulled into a scam by a fake Gucci account. Only 500 follows..? It isnt even linked to real Gucci. Pretty sure just to get noticed by Moo.
No. 668677
File: 1534738648200.jpg (141.57 KB, 720x1280, swimsuit succubus.jpg)

What's the deal with Swimsuitsuccubus? Has she had work done? Like, is the only way to get a body like hers plastic surgery? (Asking for….me. I want her body)
No. 668722
>>668677Her breasts are average sized, don’t look fake to me. She has good bone structure , you’re born with that, you can’t “obtain it” , she keeps herself skinny so you can see that natural quality better. Usually almost everybody’s looks can be improved by losing weight
>>668684Again you sound like misogynist piece of shit, cons are for everybody and some men are disgusting regardlesss how you dress and what you do, eapecially those who like anime and shit and never touch women irl
No. 668757
File: 1534755751551.jpeg (135.89 KB, 1080x1080, 91156EE7-1498-4B3A-9C93-BE95BE…)

>>668722I don’t think she’s what I’d call skinny though. She has a flat stomach, yeah, but she’s pretty soft/curvy everywhere else. I don’t know how it’s possible to get your stomach that flat without losing weight on the rest of your body (hips, thighs, boobs). Unless it’s lipo? Or breast enhancement of some sort?
Random example but look at Trisha Paytas for example. She just eats shit and the gets lipo to keep her stomach flat(ter).
No. 668766
>>668722they're definitely fake.
>>668677fake boobs.
No. 668778
>>668722>misogynistic as shitGo back to tumblr
Nta but that anon is referring to the environment of
conventions not
camsites. We don’t want sex camsite models (the girls) AND sex camsite customers (the men who are the consumers) at fuckin all ages anime conventions because those two worlds are completely different. Since the camwhore’s customers have now started to go to cons bc of camwhores attendeding, inviting, and encouraging them to come, it has changed the con environment so that you have a bunch of half naked sex workers who barely care about anime and their perv customers that they cater to, walking around all ages anime cons. Which is not the purpose of cons, and creates an environment where the customers can’t tell whose a camwhore, and whose a cosplayer dressing sexy, apart anymore. Which leads to the customers interacting with the cosplayers the same way they do with the camwhores. The same “misogynistic” behavior the camwhores encourage and get paid from, from the customers (that’s just how that industry acts/talks/etc) is not okay to bring to an anime (not SEXWORK in any way) convention, or to interact with cosplayers the same way.
If camgirls want to make their own con, they can. But don’t go saying the fault lies
solely with the perv men customers when the camgirls literally profit from that “misogynistic behavior” and literally invite them and tell their customers/audience that they’ll be at so-and-so con and to come and see them or come get an autograph from them. The perv men wouldn’t even be there in the first place, if they hadn’t been told by the cam girls, that they’re going to be attending.
It would be fine if the cam girls just attended the cons by themselves (as regular con attendees) without telling their audiences to come to the con. But randomly saying “camgirls inviting their audiences to come to all ages cons, which inevitably leads to their customers harassing cosplayers, thinking they’re camgirls too is totally not in any way the camgirls faults! Misogyny! Rape!”
They aid in perpetuating that “misogynistic behavior” you hate so much, the most, bc they profit from it financially. And that’s okay. But we just don’t want that environment at cons, which is changing the environment that has been the same since the 90s, its affecting our environment, and it’s making it worse. We just don’t want it bleeding into the cosplay community. Where it has no place to be.
It’s not that some pervs don’t know whats acceptable online isn’t always acceptable IRL. Bc they’re are fetish conventions IRL where they’re behavior would be totally normal and in place with the theme of the con. That industry talks/acts a certain way and the camgirl/customer interaction is much different and more acceptable at those cons. It just has no place in a anime/comic convention with literal minors running around. /long post
>TL;dr It’s not about muh rape, it’s about muh environment and culture.
No. 668852
File: 1534780054355.jpeg (63.04 KB, 662x507, 270ECFA2-9B1C-4A72-AE2B-ACB5A3…)

Is Swimsuitsuccubus in an open marriage or something? I’ve been looking at pics new and old and all of them she has what looks like a wedding ring.
Will be dropping more pics
No. 668853
File: 1534780087518.jpeg (25.05 KB, 309x285, DA885871-D129-4559-B876-BB9347…)

More recent
No. 668854
File: 1534780125849.jpeg (89.93 KB, 698x393, FBEC4090-00DF-425B-8C40-E6D1DD…)

And most recent for Animefest
No. 668870
File: 1534781643729.jpeg (176.76 KB, 750x407, EEABF71F-C243-481A-9171-AB3959…)

>>668854>>668853>>668852Unless she is in a gay marriage, wedding rings are on the left hand. And did you really say “the image could be flipped” and post a photo where the text on her purse isn’t flipped? This is autism.
No. 668872
>>668778thank you.
i have no problem with camgirls just taking their audience to appropriate places and accepting their behaviors on their own terms, but the problem is that these girls are making
everyone accept their fans behaviors, and then acting like their fans are to blame when they are the ones encouraging it. it's a two way street.
No. 668878
>>668875You can’t read this?’re seriously sounding nuts sperging over a ring on her right hand.
No. 669151
>>668677If you can OP, I recommend accepting your body the way it is, unless you feel like your shape could be improved with weight loss or exercise.
Susu has an incredibly small frame even for her height, and her hip size is vastly larger than her waist size (which is 22 inches, absolutely tiny.)
You may never have a 22 inch waist, but you could start lifting in order to create larger hips and glutes, which can give you the appearance of a smaller waist and give you a curvier waist-to-hip ratio.
No. 670095
File: 1534906175093.jpeg (697.71 KB, 2048x2048, E731560A-EAB6-4F6C-9DCF-4E89D0…)

>>663587Why does she wear these stupid looking bimbo tits for Mei? How does no one call ger out?
>wears prosthetic tits>edits skin lighter>completely changes face>edits body into a totally different shape No. 672428
>>670095How tf do people recognize her in rl?
>>670327>>670430She also tries to come off as Japanese when she's Vietnamese. See
>>652163>>652228>>652281 No. 673626
File: 1535289765769.jpg (62.83 KB, 540x960, jasmine grimes.jpg)

This girl is always on my explore page, her cosplays are just terrible and wtf is a Closet Cosplayer? No. 673631
>>673626A closet cosplay means that you made a cosplay with stuff you pulled out of your closet. This was popular years ago when you're on a tight budget and only need things like wigs or an accessory to complete an outfit.
No one really calls themselves closet cosplayers specifically, so that is odd.
No. 673894
File: 1535317738546.jpg (270.08 KB, 1830x1830, ymwxem67ryp01.jpg)

im shocked karrigan taylor hasn’t been mentioned here yet. shes a pretty run of the mill thot but shes probably got potential to be milky like the others too.
> is only 19 and already this big of a coswhore
> over 200k followers on insta, page is pretty much nothing but ass and tit shots
> her cosplays are the same “popular” ones all thots do
> buys and wears blatant ddlg stuff for some cosplays
> is married to someone in the military and she disables comments on all her posts with or about him
No. 674449
File: 1535389627576.png (224.64 KB, 813x579, Screenshot 2018-08-27 at 10.02…)

Didn't know where to post this as I don't find Crystal Graziano as uggo as her border patrol ~husband~ but she posted this on her Tumblr.
She is best known for her Cammy cosplay where, back in the day, people flipped their shit when her nipples were popping out. She claims they were buttons.
No. 675904
File: 1535579755360.jpg (254.75 KB, 1080x2010, PicsArt_08-29-04.49.28.jpg)

kinda surprised this cosplayer hasn't been posted before? she's always in my explore tab and she was mentioned in the usagi kou thread a while back. she's one of those "uwu smol loli" cosplayers that relies on neckbeard cash. she had a thread on PULL about a year ago but it's dead now - was mainly only about her weird financial situation and how mentally ill she is
No. 675908
File: 1535580148126.jpg (291.03 KB, 1080x1624, PicsArt_08-29-04.50.16.jpg)

>>675904samefag but forgot to mention she thinks she's irl zero two and even got a shitty tattoo of her before the anime even ended
No. 677581
File: 1535766530440.jpg (535.72 KB, 1266x614, crinolin.jpg)

I don't have any beef with this cosplayer, but they run vaguely in the same cosplay circles as me. They go by "Crinoline Cosplay" on everything. I guess I just don't understand why someone who cosplays almost entirely female characters would get top surgery and then still continue to cosplay majority female characters? I'm all for finding your gender identity and you do you or whatever but this one is just confusing. Obviously you must still feel a draw to femininity to do that, why not just get a breast reduction or something? I think all this gender/sexual identity stuff is just starting to get too complex for me.
No. 677678
>>677581she was taking big tiddy pictures…then 3 months later got top surgery??? presumably because muh chest dyshoria? so we're supposed to believe that she caught terminal dysphoria and got fast tracked to surgery in 3 months time only to go back to tiddy cosplays ONE MONTH after surgery?
>>675908what's with people skinwalking this character
No. 677693
File: 1535781328112.jpg (161.05 KB, 1661x606, header.jpg)

>>677678>>677631Yeah, I dunno my dude, that's what's so confusing! I mean, obviously she could have had dysphoria for a long time and just not been open about it and only discussing it with a doctor….but then isn't it the doctor's job to be like "hmm gee seems like you're still using these tiddies"??? I have no experience in this area at all, so I don't know what the process is like these days, but I thought in cases of transitioning you had to spend some significant time living as your intended gender to prove it's not just a PHASE MOM, or whatever.
This is her cosplay facebook header, for reference. I've only seen them(?) do 1-2 male cosplays, and all the rest have been female.
No. 677721
>>674449This is fucking mortifying and I feel so bad for her. I can't even fathom being betrayed on this level by my partner. Men are so disgusting. I remember her husband used to post pics of her constantly on /cgl/ and he was always really weird and smug about being with her. Some kind of bizarre combination of autogynephilia and skinwalking happening here. Like jesus fuck, RPing as your own spouse for six fucking years, undermining her reputation and giving away her belongings and commissioning fetish art, it's all absolutely horrifying.
Todd Graziano, aka Vernedead, should be put down like the disgusting, horny, dangerous dog he is. Alog but I genuinely hope he gets hit and dragged by a bus. Never met Crystal before, not WKing, but it's men like Todd that do nothing but poison the lives of everyone around them, especially women. Literally a waste of oxygen. How pathetic and disgusting do you have to be to do something like this to someone you've dedicated your life and loyalty to. Christ. I almost can't believe it.
No. 677757
File: 1535792948691.png (110.32 KB, 648x243, human_garbage.png)

>>674449Jesus fucking christ I feel so bad for her if that's true (it sounds legit to me but honestly it's so horribly weird I'm kinda thrown off just hearing about it). That's awful on so many fucking levels. According to his LinkedIn he is a "Security Professional" too, so if this is real he absolutely needs to be fired from his job. It's scary thinking about someone like him have power over others or having access to security cameras or private data or keys to personal lockers. My skin crawls just thinking about it.
No. 678193
File: 1535856163109.jpg (81.26 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1535856007101.jpg)

Anya Braddock: aside from the general patreon thot cosplayer who thinks her ass is the greatest thing ever she comes off as extremely fake and has always had an attitude at cons if you arent cosfamous. Not sure if this is milky enough
No. 678269
>>677757>>677721He works (worked?) on the Mexican border a long time ago when we used to talk on Tinychat.
If you knew him back then or even on Facebook, he would talk about Crystal like she was a sexual object; not his wife, not his life long partner who actually has talent and smarts aside from beauty. I personally stopped talking to him because he would not miss a chance to say something slightly hypersexual about Crystal. He also would go on and on about "MuH SecoNd AmEnDmEnT" because he is a avid gun user/owner. No personal caps because this was A LONG TIME AGO.
No. 678328
>>678193sis i am
triggered. way to disrespect poison ivy
No. 679631
>>678269even on /cgl/ half of what he said was jacking off to other people finding her hot
he is utterly disgusting and I feel so bad for her
No. 679984
File: 1536002276403.jpg (53.44 KB, 540x960, 40074270_1849862615079049_4157…)

Tenleid is a lot chunkier and older looking than her pics. Her left arm kind of betrays her and her leg posture to desperately make a thigh gap is sad.
No. 680145
File: 1536014764608.jpeg (637.71 KB, 1241x2205, 10410B43-B0EA-43F6-A8AF-360BD3…)

Honestly she’s just abusing photoshop like she always has
I admit she’s lost some weight but her body looks all saggy now
so in all her photos she doesn’t look like she had a skeleton and her backgrounds look like they’re melting
No. 680354
File: 1536031258076.jpg (Spoiler Image,232.84 KB, 1148x2048, ten.jpg)

>>680145I was honestly pretty surprised by this pic, I'm so used to
>>552047 and then tenleid basically shows her whole vagina on twitter for free. I hope she's getting paid well at least.
>>680149Yeah if you lose like, 100lbs+, her weight fluctuation is only like what, 15-30lbs at the most? There shouldn't be sagging from that, your skin isn't stretching THAT much. Tbh I think she's just always had kinda saggy boobs and just she knows how to make them look nice. (No shade there, she literally made that video on how she makes pads her boobs for cosplay) But there's nothing you can do if you're topless. It just seems like she only has 2 unfortunate modes:
>heavier weight, nicer tiddies>lighter weight, nice waist, but weird almost tube tiddies No. 680369
>>680354Damn, she shopped her entire vag to oblivion but did nothing for those inner thigh stretch marks???
Not that there’s anything wrong AT ALL with stretch marks. I’m just more incredulous that anyone could think that horrible vag shoop passes as normal
No. 680381
>>680369fuck anon, you're right, I didn't even notice that
maybe she was too busy staring at her vag photoshop to notice, like I was?
No. 680388
File: 1536033733975.png (208.74 KB, 504x231, wig.png)

>>680369also I dunno if this counts as nitpicking but she does this in like all of cosplay (these days) and it drives me insane: either poorly shoops bobby pins out, or doesn't bother at all
Is it really THAT difficult to so some minor wig styling? Or at the very least buy blonde bobby pins? effort and quality is just zero in comparison to old yaz like
>>666872 said
No. 680604
File: 1536068629579.png (742.11 KB, 1080x1550, Screenshot_20180904-144245~2.p…)

Anyone know of sapphireeve on insta?
>small performer in the UK con scene>thinks she's a 'model' because she pays for shoots>sells signed prints of her mediocre storebought cosplays and terrible makeupher etsy store has an overwhelming single review and her belief that she's a ~super famous beautiful cosplay princess uwu~ with her man face and cakey makeup is pretty snowflake-like.
No. 684186
File: 1536451118116.jpeg (35.26 KB, 780x568, received_1155365354618156.jpeg)

>>638413What ia the pic causing all of the dramu?
No. 685420
File: 1536613250055.jpeg (99.52 KB, 640x362, 5668EA3F-0E46-49F1-904B-6D6F76…)

great “cosplay” by the zombi “has 30 orgasms a day” unicorn as featured by keemstar’t sure where to post, hopefully this is the right thread
No. 685428
File: 1536613927355.jpeg (241.08 KB, 1920x1080, 1DF9BD09-D5DA-46F1-ACC6-D64A11…)

>>685420samefag, better pic
No. 687700
File: 1536880378759.jpeg (121.94 KB, 1048x761, D57F1ABA-F65E-4908-973A-F1CD0F…)

Moon fox is another Hanabunny. She looks completely different in person. And it’s not a bad difference either, I wish more cosplayers just showed their natural beauty in pictures
No. 688582
File: 1536987838086.png (1.04 MB, 720x1196, Capture _2018-09-15-00-01-55.p…)

From a costhot's story on insta, what a deal - sarcastic
No. 689442
File: 1537110359550.jpeg (134.7 KB, 750x934, 5E567432-9E14-483B-AA24-917C6C…)

k i wasnt gonna post this but i decided why not. look at fegalvao_’s excessive photoshopping! i mean she really did not try at all here. if you zoom you can see it in her ass and stomach. kek
No. 689798
File: 1537134902377.jpg (421.35 KB, 1066x1041, SmartSelect_20180916-175112_In…)

>>689732In this pic I think she shopped her face, skin, makeup, body, color of the dress and gloves..
No. 689800
File: 1537135005958.jpg (436.98 KB, 1046x1080, SmartSelect_20180916-175030_In…)

In this pic she tinted the hair, either completely painted on the headband or just the color/flowers, tinted the shirt, belt, added the weird piercing and necklace. Also obv edited body/face
No. 689803
File: 1537135185122.jpg (620.63 KB, 1080x1735, Screenshot_20180812-163523_Ins…)

What she really looks lik
No. 689805
File: 1537135294447.jpg (680.95 KB, 1080x1702, Screenshot_20180812-163501_Ins…)

No. 689811
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>>689805She really isn't that "thicc"
No. 689812
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No. 689814
File: 1537136115648.jpg (469.26 KB, 1040x1515, SmartSelect_20180916-181240_In…)

No. 689815
File: 1537136149558.jpg (979.1 KB, 1017x1531, SmartSelect_20180916-181331_In…)

No. 689829
File: 1537137566901.jpeg (308.77 KB, 659x447, 0600CBF0-F2D3-4DD1-B491-3DE225…)

No. 696594
File: 1537894492078.png (1.88 MB, 1910x1080, 0.png)

>>689732What she really looks like. print from a video.
No. 696599
File: 1537895058055.jpg (479.05 KB, 949x960, AFsadfgmbNDLvj3bdGMXMJrFeoPNAb…)

>>689732instagram x reality
No. 698862
File: 1538088081534.jpeg (750.37 KB, 2048x2048, 3617DE60-067A-4745-B05A-4A8DAC…)

shop vs reality, she was recently exposed for being the owner of an infamous hate account going around the cosplay community
No. 699352
File: 1538141840428.png (813.74 KB, 720x825, Sc.png)

Why do insta cosers always do this?
every pic is grainy and blurry from using mobile photoshop apps
>support me on patreon so I don't have to use a shitty camera anymore! uwu
How about not photoshopping your pics so the quality doesn't go to shit? The pics are still going to be bad quality when these insta girls get their overpriced patreon sponsored cameras unless she learns how to use real photoshop.
No. 699911
File: 1538183860668.jpeg (155.83 KB, 750x939, 4EEA2223-627C-46DB-A34D-C251E0…)

We all know she’s Midna Trash but jfc look at this entitlement
No. 700168
File: 1538225886927.png (947.41 KB, 750x1334, 773D151D-6F14-4EC4-A316-1FAC34…)

>>698862Her account is Miyoko.cosplays
>is a spoiled rich girl who ebegs>goes to Disney almost everyday>shoops too much >threatened an account for posting about her>used the “my daddy can sue you” card>shows off that she smokes and drinks even though she’s underage (17)>tries to get pity from other cosplayers now that she recently got exposed No. 701087
File: 1538330234577.jpeg (903.46 KB, 2048x2048, 1C2EBDCF-3959-456F-860F-2595D5…)

How does fegalvao get away with photoshopping so much?
No. 701256
File: 1538345349481.jpg (65.58 KB, 652x815, 41702066_176281839937269_78473…)

Can we post Belle Delphine here? She's almost 19, sells nudes on patreon, she's an adult (her being potentially underaged because a farmhand didn't bother checking is why her last thread got closed). She was pretend sjw once when she was uwuing herself to popularity in cosplay groups, talking about how who you associate with reflects back on you, like if you associate with child abusers and rapists, but catered and still caters exclusively to pedophiles. She's like if Shay and Mariah fused and learned to moisturize. She's got the nasty shag rug & ebegging for ABDL fetish clothes of shay, with the addition of getting mad when they tell you your half naked fetish cosplays hardly count as cosplays.
No. 701302
>>701256shes an irl troll
her pics went around tumblr forever but nobody cared until she got posted on /b/ and now retarded incels have found their new boxxy
she'll end up doing porn and fade into obscurity
No. 701351
File: 1538352002152.png (837.08 KB, 934x599, Screenshot_222.png)

>>701302She started with the unapologetically "lewd" "cosplays" like, two weeks before turning 18. She's already doing obnoxious shit like this too. She'll be doing porn or have a sex tape """leaked""" before she's twenty.
I desperately want to see candids of her. She has no photos of herself without makeup after the age of 13 and photos that arent selfies still wind up edited with a caked face. I don't want to sound like a male but that does get a bit ridiculous doesn't it? The one image of her bare-faced is cropped around her eye, it's from her "Everyday" makeup tutorial which still consists of massive eyelashes. It's pretty clear how insecure she is, i'd feel bad for her if she wasn't completely fake and hypocritical about everything.
No. 701439
>>701351she found out (from /b/ spammers who "raided" her instagram) that she was the number one search on pornhub due to one of her ahegao videos so she started posting videos that literally look like shes being fucked but only filmed from the face up
she knows what shes doing
No. 704163
File: 1538671399791.jpeg (148.37 KB, 750x935, EF66FB24-E8B5-4D9B-B382-3519A3…)

>>696599I just can’t with this bitch anymore. I’ve always explained away her inconsistent body by thinking it was all a matter of lighting/posing, but after that Pikachu bikini picture, I just can’t anymore. The worst part is seeing comments (pic related) of people licking her ass for her shitty shoops. And no, she hasn’t had any plastic surgery (she wouldn’t be able to afford it, body procedures aren’t NEARLY as affordable as some people have stated in the thread, specially considering the average Brazilians salary lol). She just lost weight and shoops herself to hell and back (I’ve posted in the thread before and I know her/of her/see her “often”). I’m just kinda annoyed that she puts the bare minimum effort into her cosplays and I cant escape her on IG. Also, idk if this is tinfoil but I kinda feel like she hides her fiancé on ig in order to keep thirsty dudes round???
No. 704207
>>701351comin' for shayna's lock on the 'ur dad' market
No. 704212
File: 1538675530443.png (757.08 KB, 813x600, 089.png)

>>701351She's literally just Micky but skinny and white. Cringe.
No. 704214
>>701351She's uploaded a room tour in which you see her face a lot. Obviously a fair amount of makeup but she doesn't look Dakota level different or anything.
Ageplay vibes too
No. 704240
>>704214she does look fairly different though. not a lot a lot, but she does shoop her face a lot.
>>704225complete juwune vibes. watch. her entire room is pedobaiting "i'm a loli" shit. like literally thousands and thousands of dollars into 3-4 year old toys that even people who collect 'cutesy' things wouldn't typically buy, and then of course she has to flaunt her paddle and sex paraphernalia in the same sentence, smh
No. 704283
>>704240I went into that video cause I thought the ceiling look cool. I tried to ignore the porny shot of her going upstairs but then I just realized this wasn't innocent at all and this wasn't aimed at girks who like fairies and fantasy things. I felt like an idiot and pretty disgusted after that. But of course all the pseudo pedos are all over her in the comments
No. 704303
File: 1538683333349.jpg (1.14 MB, 2160x1904, 18-10-04-13-00-19-997_deco.jpg)

She looks batshit insane. Her mouth is so unsettlingly…big, and ugly. Don't know how else to put it…
No. 704476
File: 1538703300398.png (321.83 KB, 460x784, sadboy powers.png)

Oh thank god people in this thread give a shit. People took over her thread going "so what if she's some absurdly pedobaiting thot? what about it?"
Also here's some old milk from PULL, her ex boyfriend that dumped her for a real asian girl (instead of one who wishes she was one) threatening to get someone expelled for telling her her thotty cosplays weren't good cosplays.
No. 704797
>>704787>jealousAbout what exactly?
I despise them because i was a victim of some internet pedo when i was younger and they just play with them freely as if it was some kind of game. It sickens me.
No. 704798
File: 1538745531398.jpg (152.51 KB, 1059x912, Screenshot_20181005-091638_Tum…)

Does anybody know what started Midna's bitch-fit this time?
No. 704928
File: 1538765176822.png (448 KB, 511x488, nightmare fuel.png)

>>704746It's bad contouring lol
She's EXACTLY what June wants to be it's fucking hilarious, she acts exactly the same too, but she's a bit younger so it's a bit more fair for her to act like a child compared to an almost 30 year old. Still gross!
She can't go 5 minutes without going 'am i smol? am i a smol little baby? do u like my tiny baby tiddies?'it's so fucking weird
>>704741I hate Belle Delphine and everything she stands for but I'd much rather she slowly realize the consequences of her actions than have violence wished upon her.
>>704787"lol u jelly" isn't a very fun counter argument. That's the kind of stuff her fanboys conjure up (not implying you are one). People who intentionally appeal to pedophiles are absolutely vile and chalking up anger towards them as 'jealousy' for looking a certain way or getting attention for it is dumb as hell.
No. 705011
>>705005Oh she most certainly did.
What would happen to her teeth if she did?
Also given her getting braces when she doesn't need them,her bedroom,clothes,…and all i suppose daddy and mommy pay everything for her and so do her patreon cucks?
>>704741given what happened to you it's more than understandable that you're angry but still,breathe anon,they'll realize by themselves that they're being ridiculous
No. 705024
>>704995Looking at this stuff makes me feel gross, idk if it's just because she actively goes for that "barely eighteen" vibe but guhhh I feel creepy, I can't imagine the guys who get off to her.
>>704798Midna's so weird about being a costhot. Like, she knows she is but she refused to own it, like she has no confidence in it. You have to realize that you're going to get positive and negative attention, especially when your boyfriend's well-known too. Just rock it instead of being constantly pissy about it, it just comes off as insecure.
No. 705032
>>705027she definitely looks older than 12 but it's just as gross and creepy given how hard she tries to look underage.
I thought she was a trap at first on some of her picture because of how she shoops some of them
No. 705112
File: 1538785701924.jpeg (Spoiler Image,112.45 KB, 996x2048, WcVmdQTw.jpeg)

>>705005>>705027This is mega fucking gross. As I mentioned before she's got no pictures of her without makeup after the age of 14, she looks exactly the same. The only way to date these images is by her braces. That's about the only way to tell how old she is. I was going to make a whole post detailing who she was and what she does which included how her teeth looked fine, so her braces are either fake or she got them for pedophilic reasons.
Her last real cosplay was cinderella from like 3 years ago. Since then it's just been her in cheap shit from amazon and ratty wigs. God I hate men. I hate that they gave this girl reason to swerve so hard into pedobaiting territory. But she's not stupid and should know on some level this is incredibly wrong and its her choice to post things like this.
No. 705407
>>704995People pay for this?
this isn't any different than the shit she posts on Insta