Onion quits Twitter except her really doesn't.
Lambo keeps caking her face and posting horrid beautybot videos, while constantly asking for 69k likes on YouNow.
Sam streams late at nights and interacts with farmers laughing and answering questions because Onion said she could if they were honest.
Onion doesn't take Lame out for Valentine's but does take her out to help him buy foundation.
Sam's streams disappear and she no longer streams which causes Farmers to speculate trouble brewing in the grease mansion.
Lame goes on YouNow acting smugger than usual while talking about her things going missing. She also post a video that shows her child sitting in a corner that had dog food spilled there in another frame.
Sam reveals she is no longer living with and does a 3 hour live stream where she is upset about the stealing accusations and reveals onion handed her a plane ticket randomly. She doesn't reveal much and heavily implies it was Laimey's fault that she had to leave. Sam also says they were over hearing her live streams and she could hear them talking about it. Onion also got upset and thought she could be a potential hater for retweeting Valentine cards making fun of onion.
Onion live streams and also implies Lame is insecure and could be the reason Sam had to leave, Says he and Sam are still friends.
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