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No. 691458
In the third installment of this thread series, we follow the news of Becca and Sylar leaving the Onion next. Will it be for good this time?
Summary of the last 2 threads:
> Onion creates a new community on Patreon and Discord for his most loyal followers, almost all of them are found to be human train wrecks
> cliques are formed, minors are hit on, nudes are exchanged and eventually leaked by multiple people involved
> a chaotic shitstorm of self posting and suicide baiting erupts
> patrons are dropping like flies due to Greg’s increasingly erratic behavior and pushing away even his most loyal followers
Why do these people need a thread? / This is a vendetta / No milk REEEE
Everyone in this thread falls under at least one, but usually much more than one of the following categories of shady or deceptive online behavior
> e-begging
> Gofundme scams
> ProAna fuckery
> sharing their own and each other’s nudes
> Münchhausen via Internet
> public internet fights and backstabbing
> delusions of grandeur and internet fame
There’s a mentally ill hillbilly emo chick who compulsively harasses strangers with nudes and gets tattoos of each current obsession, a serial cheater who doxxed her own mother and had her family post on LC and who now makes a living taking photos of pacifiers in her vagina, a delusional cunt that larps as a drag super star, willingly believing Greg wouldn’t make a cringe video about her if not for her patreon bucks, her 30-something-ex “daddy”, and not one but two anorexic single mothers of two children (each with two dads) who have formed sexual relationships with men they met through this Onision fan club. And those are only the ones still remaining who haven’t been chased off by other Onision fans or farmers.
This thread will keep track of these people and their ridiculousness. Some of these patrons (patreon customers) spend up to 250 USD a month on getting in Onision's good graces, even though he barely interacts with them outside of their paid perks. His highest-paying patrons are listed in each video.
No. 691462
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Rebecca Copper
BeccaCopsicle / Becca Makeovers
> Greg’s most faithful paypig and loyal supporter> by far the loudest and most obnoxious presence in all of his streams > believes Greg to be her friend, even though he constantly calls her out for being annoying> self-proclaimed makeup artist >>>/snow/454800> e-dated Sylar, known for hitting on underage girls, until recently. >>>/snow/634101> one of Greg’s highest-paying patrons> close friends with GingerBeck, despite Greg’s frequent mistreatment of her> one time Gingerbeck cried on younow with Becca only for Becca to angrily attack her for trying to voice her opinion on Greg> once threatened an ex-patron >>>/snow/482326> joined a BDSM server with Sylar, became part of the mod team there as BeccaBiBrat (with Daddy-Sylar) >>>/snow/571632> has recently undergone an emotional rebranding and now spends most of her time crying on Twitter and liking BDSM porn >>>/snow/665466> represents everything Greg hates, yet deludes herself into believing they’re actual friends> once told Greg about her suicidal feelings, to which he replied “DRAMA = NOT INTERESTED.”> resident brute squad, known for policing and blackmailing other users in the onioncord >>>/snow/482326> has not dropped nudes yet, but is rumored to be the original source of the nude leaks> as of Sept 18th, Onision has kicked both her and Sylar from the onioncord team This is the second time Sylar has left as well as the second time a major demodding event has occurred. The question is on whose grounds and why?>>>/snow/690045 No. 691465
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Megan Rose Ellingson
rxBootySlayer / rxNovaslayer / squaddlepuss / Lady Flatass / DarthVaderSenpai / XerinaNova
> 27, mother of 2, deadbeat at odds with the dads of her children> loyal supporter of Onision since at least 2011> Admin of his Discord> paid over 250 USD per month for Onision’s companionship for a while >>>/snow/434843> when she isn’t orbiting onion she works selling home insurance > used to get banned from the original Onision forums a lot for feuding with Shiloh, ban evading, and being a mess > threatened to sue Shiloh for slander >>>/snow/667249> joined the anti-o side until Greg dumped Shiloh, then quickly ran back to him> one of Greg’s highest paying patrons, yet only receives minimal attention from him> posts troubling and dimwitted threads on Reddit, asking for help with abusing benzos to lose weight or her uncontrollable aggression towards loud noises, while having children >>>/snow/597582> posts thinspo on Twitter to bait Greg into saving her from her ED> dated Lt Lassie, owner of the first nude Discord, who hit on underage girls and received their nudes, then faked his suicide via lolcow >>>/snow/415697> was notorious on GaiaOnline for being overly generous about sending nudes and posting risque photos in random attentionwhoring threads >>>/snow/687863> bragged on GaiaOnline about bullying “a fat ginger” on 4chan >>>/snow/687970> most of her GaiaOnline profile comments are from people complaining about her showing her tits everywhere and being full of herself > admitted that she used to post nudes to 4chan /b/ and used to secretly be a camgirl and would do it again if she didn’t have kids >>>/snow/688089> was never liked by other mods because of her association with Lassie, as seen in their personal moderator Discord server >>>/snow/501060 No. 691469
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Amber Clements
> model/actress/singer/sex worker with nothing to show for any of her "talents"> unstable fangirl who has a history of idolizing and cyberstalking minor e-celebs like Greg and Titanic Sinclair >>>/snow/419740> rebuked by Greg several times for sending him and Lainey unsolicited nudes >>>/snow/558936> was banned at some point, privately, but not before Becca told everyone about how Amber’s nudes annoyed Greg and Spaceprince. This lead to a milky sperg on LC and discord >>>/snow/454634 >>>/snow/441305> now tweeting compliments and support at Greg again >>>/snow/686037> was allegedly raped by Craig Silva of RealStream News, now both of them threaten to sue each other on a regular basis >flew to London right after the incident, meeting another cow in person (Megan Cooper who) >>>/snow/599619> got back together with another unstable twitter thot who does nothing but shill her nudes and beg for money while threatening suicide, whom she previously tried to e-beg a plane ticket for>>>/snow/680635 No. 691471
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The following users are ex-supporters who still deserve a spot in this thread due to ongoing affiliation with Onision drama.
Aileen Susanmary Adams
AllieLovesLainey / AllieLovesPain / AllieLovesKai / FanAnaLow / FantasticAna
> formerly went by AllieLovesLainey, trying her hardest to get into the trinity> hid her fiancé until her nudes and conversations about her relationship status were leaked from an offshoot Discord with other onion supporters> finally swore off the Onion after his public fallout with Madison, because they both enjoy degenerate kiddy larping, but mostly because Onion told her to fuck off >>>/snow/633638> currently caring for her boyfriend’s children full-time, bragging about her questionable parenting, corporal punishment, and posting photos of kids in her care while simultaneously trying to suck up to sugar daddies with shadman art >>>/snow/655774> allegedly got a name change to escape her online footprint, specifically slapping her legal name onto sex work images of herself riding a dildo and shoving pacifiers into her vagina>>>/snow/548092> usually accompanied by Megan Cooper, who doxxed her and unironically hangs out with her allegedly abusive ex in London. > last thread saw screenshots of an amateur porn movie allegedly showing Allie >>>/snow/577473> loves to go on twitter rants about lolcow, doxed herself in a tweet >>>/snow/552978 No. 691490
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Megan Cooper
Megan Nyan / ElectroConfuser / CherryDiscos / AngelenexDream
> long-time PULL/4chan/lolcow user> posted Allie’s nudes in the first thread to avenge Allie’s ex-bf, whom Megan knows IRL. >>>/snow/399611> now close friends with Allie >>>/snow/454498> has plenty of nudes that were posted to anon-ib and other sites years ago> failed sex worker> had her post history exposed as a result of her rapid back and forth and begging farmhands to remove posts she made after the thread went “too far”. >>>/snow/462409> recently met up with Amber IRL, after previously calling her a doughy mongoloid. >>>/snow/599619> dropped out of art school because tracing her own nudes wasn’t cutting it No. 691501
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Rebecca Guertin
Gingerbeck, GingerBeckGirl
> wrote cringy songs for Lainey and Greg to apologize for using weed, even though in private she brags about using experimental drugs> went to the Onion Mansion for a trinity trial> clogged the toilet and liveblogged it on discord with other patrons> was ignored by Lainey the entire time because her DMs to Greg and Lainey were leaked because of her own dumb ass> proceeded to make a video with Greg in which they smear their near-naked bodies in shaving cream and horse around> offered to edit Onision’s novel (for free and desperately needed), was kicked to the curb with a swift “Grammar Nazis should be sent to death camps”, yet returned begging for acceptance and attention >>>/snow/501179> chose to eat dog biscuits instead of buying actual food so her money could be put towards Greg and Lainey’s patreons> had various autistic breakdowns on discord out of fear of “losing Greg and Lainey”> usually can be found virtue signaling on Twitter or making racist blunders >>>/snow/630811> recently had drama with a makeup brand because she felt like she put too much energy into a giveaway raffle not to win it> started a makeup instagram rivaling Lainey’s skills >>>/snow/662150> now calls herself a “cripple” because she’s healing from a broken ankle> finally got sick of being constantly publicly humiliated by Greg and stopped supporting him> will likely be back before long No. 691528
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Eireann Mannion
> 26, mother of 2> used to be a high tier patreon with high paying perks despite only ever paying $1 or nothing at all> would tweet at Eugenia Cooney for “triggering” her, even though Harley herself would plaster her pathetic ribcage on MyProAna >>>/snow/650604> had phone sex with Papa Mikey, another autistic patron who was banned after Harley claimed sexual harassment ??? >>>/snow/440112> sperged out on Greg’s public younow stream after Greg was questioned for his treatment of Eugenia, but support for Harleys shekels. She even made a video about it.> used to whiteknight Greg until he started going at her over differences on the limits of humor> currently posts food binges on twitter >>>/snow/650576> plasters nudes all over Discord and Fetlife in an attempt to get attention from neckbeard orbiters> rumored to selfpost, has been caught posting on lolcow threads and on tempcow >>>/snow/448114> attempted to go into hiding after being called out on lolcow too often, but is addicted to the drama and keeps coming back> was recorded saying “Lainey so boring”, and that her voice made her want to punch herself in the face (with Becca laughing along) No. 691540
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It was Booty and Greg's plan all along.
No. 692890
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>>691540Yikes I thought you were joking but I guess not. Looks like they really are all there for themselves and the change to suck on that grug dick.
No. 693300
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Cali Robinson
>19 >Is currently a patron on Lainey's but often retweets shit from Greg to let Lainey know she's down with the smeg. >Claims she's not thirsting for Lainey but her tweets and comments on her private streams say otherwise.>Just your typical emo instathot.>Is currently e-begging for her mother.>Recently broke up with her bf. Probably because of her obsession with Lainey.Social Media accounts: No. 693795
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>>687970>Im on mobile with low battery so didn’t have time to look for milk on her old tumblr but if some kind anon would, I’d appreciate it.No real milk, just a lot of cringe. Dumping some caps
No. 693797
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>>693795Her tags are delightful
No. 693813
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I guess that's how you end up a single mom with two baby daddies
No. 693815
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>>693813She sounds like such an immature brat you'd think she was 13-15 in these, but she was already 18 and on the way to being a mother.
No. 693852
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sounds like something a guilty person would say(emoji)
No. 693854
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make better choices! like
if you don't want to be doxxed
Don't use your full name on a gronk worship twitter account
No. 693859
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>>693854another better choice
stop sharing your skanky nudes
10 years of leaks are more than enough
youre gross
No. 693863
>>693801Ryan wasn't 14 you idiot. Also he was never in a sexual relationship with harley.
Lassie however was creepy with 15 year old Katy and some other 17 year old along with sylar.
No. 693868
>>693821If you're going to make such a bold claim why significantly alter the age… he's 17.
As someone who leaked a good chunk of YOU and your friends' autistic endeavours, sit the fuck down and think about the next thing you post becca.
No. 693913
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>>693908What adult and mother wants to be cool on Gaia Online? Even for back then, that's embarrassing, and she was doing this up until 2016 when she was 25 and a mom of two. Despite that, her post history is 90% attentionwhoring and starting drama, poop jokes or edgy shitposting, complaining about a dead-end job, bullying people on 4chan and posting nudes there, and talking about the many many many other times her nudes were posted. That's just sad, man.
No. 693939
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This shit's embarrassing yo
No. 693943
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This actually explains why Booty is so starved for attention. She's used to having a willing audience to play the class clown with her retarded poop xD boobz humor. But she's not the cool girl in Onioncord so she spams her ugly selfies every single time someone attractive posts and gets compliments.
No. 693947
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so deep
No. 693978
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Gaia discussing Booty's pregnancy
No. 693981
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one of Booty's baby daddies is some dude she picked up on Gaia Online. Here he is talking about her jealousy issues
No. 694876
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>>691465Has anyone ever seen a photo of Megan Potato-Nose Ellingson where she has a full tooth grin?
I never got any pics or evidence of this, but my request was late in the previous thread.
The only reason I brought it up was she was shaming that redhead girl about her teeth, and when I went snooping around her social media I found a video of her using a Face-Warp app and you can tell she has some pretty fucked up teeth, one tooth in particular is jutting out and crooked as fuck. I wonder if thats why she judges people about their teeth, and also a reason she never opens her lips when she smiles in photos.
No. 694877
File: 1537702633811.webm (1.79 MB, 405x720, Fucked Up Tooth.webm)
>>694876video the capture was taken from
No. 701258
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too bad booty can't go to the mctrailer because she's a literal criminal.
No. 701259
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>>701258how do you fuck up this bad financially while living with your parents in your 20s?
No. 701262
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No. 701264
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No. 701265
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No. 701267
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No. 701268
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No. 701269
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>operation without registration
booty you absolute retard
No. 701271
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No. 701272
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No. 701362
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lmao is this bitch talking about Becca? We all know Booty hates Becca's fucking guts. As soon as Greg got rid of Becca she dropped her.
No. 702013
File: 1538433983875.webm (5.69 MB, 123x60, Dec_6_2017_9_04_PM.webm-1Q0h5Q…)
Sylar and Maxie talking about
>Booty being kicked out of Onion's circles before for being creepy
>Booty dating Sylar
>"she likes getting knocked up"
>"i hope she doesn't expect Lassie to be faithful"
>Booty complaining about Lassie creeping her out before they dated
>Lassie dated a 17yo before dating Booty
>Maxie repeatedly brings up Booty's other identities and past drama
>"she could be potentially selfposting"
No. 702018
>Booty dating Lassienot sylar
No. 702142
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Let me guess, she logged into the account with another phone and when the email came up she realized she could use it to make herself look important.
No. 702178
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you can tell how hollow her boobs are from this video, and she talks about her body and pulls up her shirt before the minute is up.
No. 702420
>>702178>>702180I don't know, I think her boobs are okay-ish. Then again, I couldn't care less.
Her face seems unfortunate in the clips (I mean we don't need to talk about the nose), or at least her makeup: With liner all around her eyes they look really small in comparison to her face, which looks incredibly long and horsey.
Maybe bushier brows would also do her wonders.
In general I don't think she's particularly ugly, though, she's just average and no looker. What I dislike about her a lot more is her dependence on Gregory Avaroe who hasn't reciprocated anything throughout all those years she's been haunting him.
That's bad enough and and makes me think she has (a lot of mental?) issues. I don't feel like it's adding anything to drag her for her appearance. I'm not trying to wk, those two are just separate aspects to me.
No. 702430
>>702420The users on Gaia where she used to make threads just to post her nudes frequently called her tits saggy and flapjacks,that's why I noticed it in the first place. Plus her tits are pushed all the way up but you can tell where there's nothing filling the skin. And you're right about the makeup, who the fuck does their eyeliner like this in their 20s?
Fully agree that she needs help for her LGH stalking
No. 703280
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Booty is cleaning up. If you google her from the UK, a lot of search results are hidden due to privacy laws, but you have to explicitly request it. Unfortunately, her name is still so well connected to her nicknames due to the amount of times she dropped her real name, even on her Gaia profile.
Don't even try, Booty. It follows.
No. 703282
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Here is Booty back in 2011 (I know, old milk, just to show how long she's been absolutely obsessed with Greg) making an apology video
No. 703284
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Does "Geoff" know how hurt you are when he insults you, Megan? If you told him, maybe he'd throw you a bone.
No. 705704
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Sorry for all the old Gaia posts, I needed them to make this point. After this post I'll shut up about it, pinky promise.
Here is Booty's last and current profile, made this year and last used in July: summarize
>Booty has been banned from GaiaOnline at least 4 times for inappropriate behavior>Booty is notorious for making threads just to post nudes, and for having a video floating around>Every mention of her name leads to at least a few users mentioning how sleazy and desperate for attention she was>Gaia is a community for users from age 13 and upWhy would a mother of 2 insist on being overtly sexual in a place mainly populated by children? That's disgusting.
All her accounts: you want to lurk, you'll need an account. has available fake accounts.
No. 705708
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>when you're obsessed with being famous on gaia online
No. 708131
While following up on some reports of vendettaposting in this thread, we have found that many unflattering posts about rxBootyslayer were made by herself.
I don't know why this is still happening ITT after so many outings, but I have two pieces of advice for you:
1 - if you contact us about your thread, make sure we won't find your own selfposting in there.
2 - at least use a VPN. It doesn't usually help you, but we appreciate the effort.
Here is her post history. As usual, this is probably not exhaustive. Don't make us dig further.
No. 708150
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Isn't this the third time someone here has been outted god damn
godspeed admin
No. 708158
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>>708131I knew the dumb bitch was selfposting. Good job other Megan. Let's see how long you have until onion and lame find out you're a "farmer."
No. 708172
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>>708131Ahahaha ohh booty booty booty booty rocking everywhere!
No. 708173
>>708131>slamming "Fatbecca and Pedosylar">calling all the other onionfans pedos>mocking Lainey's looks and hygiene>brings attention to her ugly selfies being liked by Greg as if it means anythingthis will go over well.
Can't wait for Becca and the Onions to find this.
No. 708179
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>>708131She came here looking for validation that she was spoopy and got replies calling her fat. Thankyou admin.
No. 708206
I missed 9 posts from another post history also by Megan. I added them to the full post history link in
No. 708601
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Demodded already kek
No. 708737
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>>708131I love you so much admin.
No. 708836
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>>708459Thanks, Becca, for the obvious advice
No. 708868
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Can I point out how hilarious this is considering the circumstances?
No. 708948
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the word is spreading
No. 708979
>>708948Poopbeck's complete lack of self awareness is absolutely astonishing.
>I can't imagine posting about people like that dude. It's just sad.Whilst ACTIVELY doing the exact same fucking thing by posting that tweet.
No. 709985
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Update for the lurking flakes: Yes, she is still in the servers. She was demodded but Greg still follows and likes her tweets. Someone (probably a troll tbh) complained in Onioncord and Lizard called them a cunt.
Looks like Booty paid enough to be kept around, but I can't see Lainey tolerating it.
Also, since Greg doesn't believe anything on lolcow, they might just be playing it cool so they don't give the haters any satisfaction.
No. 711421
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>>708131Megan bootyslayer has changed her twitter handle.
Does she think that it will stop people from figuring out its her?
You search for "rxbootyslayer" and you still get her old tweets which direct you to this new spicyyynuggets- booty's mcnuggies twitter.
So this must be proof the hate she was getting in replies and DMs must of been HC.
No. 711426
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I love that she thinks her digital photos are degrading like a Polaroid left in the sun.
Isnt she going to school for computer programming? Fuck shes kinda stupid.
Your big ole potato nose is still easy to make out, so its not that blurry Megan.
No. 716564
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Booty's new discord handle.
No. 716726
>>716564is Megan taking a page out of the Onision/Character playbook?
She got caught and roasted for samefagging and talking shit about Pedobot, so she thinks changing names will erase it all?
The internet doesnt forget dummy.
No. 716778
>>716766It shows you how little Gurg thinks about either of those two try-hards.
Hes way too busy trying to gaslight Plainey into thinking she wants to bring Jessie into their sex life. He has no time for a flabby skinned, post-fatty with two kids (with different baby daddies) or a mental case who looks like Rebel Wilsons ugly sister and sounds like shes always got a biscuit stuck in her throat.
No. 717481
File: 1540031862170.webm (6.29 MB, 640x360, Im Coming For You Lainey.webm)
Megan got the good shit while at the dentist yesterday.
That stuff is like truth serum.
Now we know why Megan was anonymously talking shit on Lainey.
Its unrequited love. Megan is like the bros at the bar who get shot down by the girl and suddenly that girl is a "fucking bitch"
The sad part is even if Lainey was to be interested, I doubt Greg wants to play around in that doughy mess. If he was into Megan he would of reeled her in during the Sh years.
No. 717518
>>717481Hang on.. she didn't have a sedative or a light anesthesia only a topical anasthetic for a tooth clean on one side of her mouth. Why is she pretending to be fucked up??
Ans; obvious attention seeking is obvious.
Wtf is wrong with these people?
No. 717604
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This is completely irrelevant to anything but I was catching up on threads, checked Megan's ThisCrush from her Gaia days (linked at
>>687970) and noticed that I sent her a (p cringey) rude message back in 2010. She must have been a total nightmare since I never do that kind of thing.
Also it seems she made a new Gaia account this July, but stopped posting pretty soon after making a "HEY GUYS, REMEMBER MEEEEE?" thread. No. 718166
File: 1540141816886.png (287.96 KB, 1423x659, Screenshot at Oct 20 19-04-26.…)

>>717604Either she's still active there with
yet another account or she's lurking hardcore. I'm the person who posted all the Gaia caps by doing a global search for Flatass on the forums. There was one thread about Megan's lolcow adventures, I bookmarked it to do a full screencap later, and 2 days later it was gone and the user deleted. But there are still threads upon threads upon threads sharing her old nudes (all image links broken, don't bother), so she must've reported it.
No. 718168
File: 1540142009682.png (110.01 KB, 513x501, 7eRoz0a.png)

>>718166>>717604This is what it looks like when you do a search for her. Mostly hate and thirsting. Hard to believe she was already in her 20s when all this went down, and she has consistently been making the same dumb mistakes.
No. 719165
File: 1540267918982.png (205.84 KB, 576x730, chrome_2018-10-22_23-07-29.png)

crosspost from the main onion thread, but looks like Booty is still trying to kiss Taylor's raw chicken ass.
No. 719246
>>719165Too bad you have to kiss Taylor's herpes ass in order to get the Grease's carrotdick.
I'm sure it's not easy to overcome your inner urge to vomit to make her a compliment.
No. 719254
File: 1540277340629.png (676.15 KB, 865x527, 98121.png)

>>719159Is it just me or does this Cali chick look a lot like Taylors younger sister Lauren?
If Taylor finds Cali sexually attractive then maybe Grugly isnt the only one in that relationship that has incestuous predilections.
No. 719259
File: 1540277670764.png (94.11 KB, 541x349, somethings wrong with…)

I guess that Potato Noses thirsty nature and mildly psychotic behavior is a case of
>the apple doesn't fall from the tree
No. 719263
File: 1540278256515.png (732.7 KB, 733x695, wiiiiiiide.PNG)

>>719019More like shes tried everything else, so now shes feigning romantic intrest in Laineybot. She couldnt even turn Onisions head once Sk was out of the picture. And even after the train wreck relationship that he had with Sh was kaput, he didnt want Megans used up ass and then have to raise another mans(men) child.
So Megans going for what has seemed to work for other girls when trying to get into the Onion house. If Lainey likes you, you get a turn at being in the trinty.
sidenote: I know that Megan is really tall, but are her shoulder really this broad or is it just the angle. No wonder Greg only takes her cash but wont let her visit them. Shes kinda manly.
No. 722318
File: 1540656297152.png (524.62 KB, 374x657, Fatty Megan Rose Ellingson.png)

>>719263I never knew she was so fat.
Good for you Megan on losing that weight.
Now show us your teeth. Im sure the enamel took a hard hit with the daily stomach acid washes.
No. 722366
File: 1540664755363.png (675.45 KB, 548x732, QBfp0TF.png)

>>722318Where'd you get that? Could've fooled me, I thought it was Busted Becca.
No. 727385
File: 1541484361664.png (286.63 KB, 580x411, lolololol.png)

Big Becca is busy calling Booty two-faced but says this shit about Sylar kek No. 727647
File: 1541534467619.jpg (40.29 KB, 600x450, DqjQ8GMXgAEBOm2.jpg)

Booty really reminds me of a fat, ugly version of Skye. Is that why Greg has been tolerating her? She reminds him of her first bride?
No. 727650
File: 1541534782233.jpeg (721.84 KB, 1125x1619, CA9B25BB-4392-428D-BF75-46CDCB…)

>>727495>igotsquaresinmypantsMan, Other Megan is bad at hiding her tracks.
No. 727708
File: 1541542760850.png (37.5 KB, 479x259, bs.png)

If only Fatbecca knew how many other slags Daddy Sylar has been talking to while she's clinging to every interaction they have
No. 728294
File: 1541628611800.gif (3.66 MB, 800x700, sin.gif)

>>728138How great, I hope Fatbecca and Pedosylar will run the farm. Fitting enough for a fat horse girl and a redneck looking manlet with a fetish for cow-shaped humans. Yee fucking haw
No. 728341
File: 1541633478421.png (197.23 KB, 580x788, bcbc.png)

>>727708Uh oh Becca got mad about the thread again!
No. 728342
File: 1541633529813.png (22.54 KB, 422x77, bc.png)

Honey if you think I'm bullshitting you got a big storm coming
No. 728346
File: 1541633991459.png (730.75 KB, 759x591, t54534455345.png)

>>728294I know it was suppose to be Fatbecca, but I got Poopbeck vibes from the end result.
I think its the small beady eyes that are too far apart. The shoop at least has a smaller nose than Poopy.
No. 728388
File: 1541636888616.png (134.03 KB, 632x1076, 098_76_454_8.PNG)

Megan Rose Ellingson did not have a good day on twitter
No. 728972
File: 1541724934297.png (283.69 KB, 656x598, twitters gone bye bye.png)

>>728388>>728389>>728390Maybe she'll stop talking out her ass and stay off any type of social media.
No. 729174
File: 1541735618264.png (30.05 KB, 237x343, boooooty.png)

Crossposting from /pt/ but looks like Gregma is still dumb enough to trust potatonose.
No. 729310
File: 1541741403792.png (222.75 KB, 590x285, whatthefuck.png)

>>728972>>729174What kind of witchcraft is being used that turns the woman in the left picture into the woman in the right picture.
And dont say facetune, that shit can only do so much.
No. 729786
File: 1541814798680.png (152.79 KB, 502x409, Megan FuckBoi.png)

>>729433I was looking back at the selfposting Megan did earlier in this thread and tried to figure out who she hates the most and would want to skinwalk.
She could stop her binge and purging, gain back 100 lbs, learn to do shitty drag queen makeup and become FatBecca.
Sperg on Twitter that pedophilia is just another type of sexuality, then increase the amount of fiber in her diet and start taking MASSIVE, toilet clogging dumps like PoopBeck.
Or ramp up her puking schedule, loose 40-50 lbs, get a tomboy haircut and usurp Laineybot.
No. 730373
File: 1541917929455.jpeg (164.63 KB, 1125x766, 32F0FD63-4F36-40C1-8D63-F7F645…)

Looks like Madison started following a certain someone.
No. 731551
File: 1542131127022.png (459.63 KB, 770x694, disgustingpedos.png)

I don't see this posted anywhere, but Lassie made his less than glorious return at the start of September, and going through his post history it seems he's not changed one bit. He talks constantly about sex in a server full of underaged girls, what a real classy guy.
I wonder if Booty convinced him to return because she needed a friend in there.
No. 731757
File: 1542154069097.png (105.64 KB, 1200x418, sylar.png)

Dumping some updates from the main thread
Onion is shittalking Daddy-Sylar on his secret acc
>>>/pt/598516 No. 731759
File: 1542154166183.png (21.21 KB, 962x374, 1542079836773.png)

>>731757Becca and Greg finally unfollowed each other
>>>/pt/598532 No. 731766
File: 1542154392839.png (66.81 KB, 579x263, twitter.png)

>>731759So that's what Becca was sadtweeting about kek
No. 731772
File: 1542155082310.jpg (94.91 KB, 1199x740, Dq-gPFwVsAA8mCP.jpg)

I thought this would fit more in this thread than the /pt/ one and I don't want to give this loon more visibility than necessary. Here's some Twitter user who's tagging Onion and Lamey in their tweets trying to advertise another HSAnon's contents to Anti-Os, but you can see that the screenshot was taken 1 second after it was posted and shows the same profile icon as the comment box, so someone is selfposting and attentionwhoring HARD. No. 732177
File: 1542230428269.png (289.04 KB, 525x695, beccafb1.png)

gg becca
No. 732220
>>732177Real name is Edward but goes by Sylar.
He looks like a hick.
Big Becca has no fucking standards.
No. 732260
File: 1542244195816.png (744.88 KB, 1351x553, FB1.png)

>>732178I'm wheezing at this creepy fuck's facebook orbiting KEK
No. 732335
File: 1542251082383.png (Spoiler Image,3.46 MB, 1920x5314, lurkin.png)

>>732177looks like becca's been lurking the threads
No. 732412
File: 1542266611674.jpeg (634.74 KB, 1125x1710, 285FC35F-221B-4FB7-887F-9D65CD…)

This bitch is so overdramatic.
No. 732610
File: 1542304492202.png (36.3 KB, 1138x312, ded.png)

>>732177>>732178Did some digging and found this.
No. 732624
File: 1542306057942.jpg (62.22 KB, 580x795, 4Trg7sd.jpg)

>>732610>Dissolution with Minor Child>"Dissolution with children" refers simply to a divorce case in which the divorcing spouses have minor children.P A T H E T I C
No. 732634
>>732610The fact that this creep has a child, let alone was
married astonishes me.
No. 732651
File: 1542309876677.jpeg (30.22 KB, 500x365, 1381A5EA-B520-4625-A0EA-8C64B1…)

>>732610Does Big Becca even know the man she loves has a child and is paying child support?
No. 732747
File: 1542317956112.png (356.28 KB, 991x550, sylarthereaper.png)

Does anyone have access?
No. 732857
File: 1542326713168.png (123.97 KB, 1193x700, Screenshot at Nov 15 14-57-58.…)

>>732747nope but I looked up sylarthereaper in some of the known haunts and lookie here
No. 732863
>>732857>dating BettyBomBomDamn he moved on
No. 732895
>>732857It says one day ago, this is recent.
Do you guys think becca is dropping all this shit after he left her?
No. 732899
>>732895I wouldn't be surprised.
Rumor has it Becca genuinely believes her heart problems are a direct result of the
physical damage inflicted by the literal heartbreak she suffered.
No. 732901
File: 1542329033638.png (111.66 KB, 250x250, 1498100090877.png)

>>732899What an overdramatic bitch.
I hope she spergs over the fact that her e-bf's moved on.
Well, if she's the leaker, I guess she already did.
No. 732932
File: 1542333250926.png (99.4 KB, 755x664, ohhoho.png)

>>732610Wait, his divorce isn't even finalized yet!
No. 733932
File: 1542507520498.jpg (2.3 MB, 1200x12052, patreonp.jpg)

>>732610HAHAHAHAA this explains why Becca has to shell out for Sylar's pledge
pic related, enjoy the tea mwaha
No. 733960
>>733932Holy shit Becca pays Sylar’s pledge?
Must be because of the child support kek
Bless you anon
No. 734104
>>733932holy shit every message onision sends is like hes trying to emulate the joker's monologues
"So i asked myself," bitchhhh
No. 734118
File: 1542536223481.png (117.07 KB, 372x351, tumblr_inline_niiamgxftd1rnnse…)

why did he change his location? i thought he was in america
>>732899rip big bruiser
who was trying to push the narrative they split months ago?
No. 734120
booty must sure be enjoying Gregory's loyalty to her.
No. 734152
>>734120Megan knows her place. Shes like a well-heeled dog that will lick your boots no matter what you do to her. And as a bonus, this dog gives you hundreds of dollars just to be around you.
The big rub was them telling Greg what to do, he pretends it was his patrons complaints, but thats a lie. If FatBecca and PedoSylar had just paid their dues (maybe even bumped up their pledges to Megans thirsty tier) and kept their mouths shut about criticizing Greg and how he runs his stupid little club house, then they'd still be allowed in on the circle jerk.
No. 734706
>>734543Several people even told her that Greg didn’t give a shit about her.
“You don’t know what goes down in our dms!!!”
We don’t need to know to know that he despised Becca and only kept her around for her money.
We all know you lurk, stop wasting your time chasing and paying ugly ass men who don’t give a single fuck about you. At least Booty’s creepy pedo orbiter/boyfriend (Lassie) cares about her a little.
No. 735869
>>735645>>735670Her twitter might as well be a fan page.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a farmer trying to pull a vix. Too bad Vix fucked that chance up for everyone who wants to attempt to catfish them.
No. 736045
File: 1542849077888.png (27.99 KB, 455x153, Sylar1.png)

Stop bullying my boyfriend
No. 736123
File: 1542861533884.png (471.87 KB, 764x733, ass.png)

>>736054>>736068>>736071Sylar believes he's e-dating a 19yo kissless virgin who formerly catfished the onioncord and leaked private recordings. He doesn't even care his gf is a known troll and catfish, he's
that desperate for a barely legal gf.
No. 736128
File: 1542862356713.png (576.21 KB, 661x1266, sylarbecca.png)

Sylar has been hitting this account up before and during their relationship to roleplay cuddling scenes and beg for voice chats. At some point he pulled the most pathetically transparent "s-so someone told me you like me" move and it was too funny to turn down, so he was added to the "real" account which was really just 4 different people taking turns laughing at him, but he never even noticed.
He vehemently denies ever dating Becca, while preferring to cozy up with someone who caused his heartbroken ex a bunch of grief. Even after he was confronted with the lolcow screenshots, he referred to it as a "thing" and heavily implied it wasn't serious.
He's a sad little man blinded by his horniness who would throw anyone under the bus for naive teen poon and is not worth pining over. I hope this is a wakeup call.
>tfw Sylar is enough of a creep to make you feel sorry for Becca
No. 736138
File: 1542863755652.gif (2.3 MB, 498x280, 1484721388956.gif)

>>736128Becca went on and ON about loving Sylar but he never thought their relationship was serious??
You sure know how to choose them Becca. Please learn how to love yourself.
No. 736150
File: 1542866355768.png (74.57 KB, 550x430, sylarbecca3.png)

>>736147I don't think he's seen this yet (which of the lurking flakes will show it to him first? My bet is on Becca; love yourself, girl) so we're not talking atm. Here's some more of his backtracking though.
No. 736153
File: 1542867021917.png (416.41 KB, 695x688, sylardivorce.png)

>>736152Another endearing tidbit: He insisted he saw nothing wrong with dating a
pure virgin kissless maiden uwu while using his awkward neckbeard persona to appear harmless and omit the fact he's a man who at some point had a wife and child.
No. 736193
>>736129Becca and Sylar were supposed to meet up at Disney World when she was in Florida but he bailed on her. How does she not see he doesn’t actually give a shit? Did she even know he had a child, let alone is going through a divorce?
Seems like Sylar is a pathological liar. I feel bad for the girl for emotionally investing into this creepy manlet.
No. 736456
>>736193>Did she even know he had a child, let alone is going through a divorce?She didn't know all of it and whined at him for hours the night
>>732610 was posted.
No. 736580
File: 1542934825034.png (10.46 KB, 308x77, Screenshot at Nov 22 16-58-48.…)

News travel slowly at the moment. Surprisingly he hasn't been informed yet, but I'm running out of cringe to feed him. Please provide.
No. 736638
File: 1542943561932.png (17.68 KB, 525x149, uh okay booty.png)

sorry to derail, but has anyone questioned why booty is like this?
She's called multiple people pedos (Allie and that one red headed ex-patron), ugly, fake, the list can go on. Is she overcompensating to prove to Greg she's not a hater and is 100% ready to defend him? Bitch is creepy.
No. 736692
File: 1542953445234.png (354.56 KB, 734x403, P vs R.png)

>>736638Megan hasn't had a real relationship for years (maybe a decade?) So she falls back on that fantasy of eventually getting Onision when Laineys out of the picture. And how better to do that than anonymously stirring up shit about his ugly wife online but being his biggest supporter at the same time.
I feel bad for Megan because getting a man is so hard with all the different hurdles the shallow men she attracts have to get over. All her photos online have either a beauty filter, or those cutesy filters that give you big eyes and hyper feminine features. So when the guy show up for that date they're met with this haggard, plain looking gal with a giant potato nose. That screens out a lot of those fickle men. If she can keep them interested with easy sex, even that gets ruined because of her recent rapid weight loss. Megan was a very big girl and she's never gone to a gym. Megan lost all of it by starving her self or purging. If you lose weight that way with no type of muscle toning exercise your skin sags. So once those tight jeans come off she looks like a shaved Shar-Pei. That runs off a good chunk of the men she's able to pull. The final hurdle for the men who stay is her two kids (by two different daddies) When she introduced her kids to "Mommies new friend" the guys aren't cool with an instant family and bolt.
No. 737090
File: 1543030406648.png (9.93 KB, 234x69, sysy.png)

end this nightmare
No. 737107
File: 1543033118727.jpeg (58.79 KB, 545x363, 47521584-D2FB-4746-A005-BB39BE…)

>>737090Becca come get your man
No. 737392
File: 1543088529674.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.21 KB, 1179x776, cY5uzMZ.jpg)

>>737219He thinks I'm 19 and have never been kissed.
Forgot to mention he sent me some hilarious pics including a dick pic that he had taken earlier and recycled.
sorry for the ugly theme in one of the caps - he deleted his snickerdoodle so i had to use an old cap taken in the moment while messing with Discord themes lol No. 737450
>>737410Thats so sad. Just from the height of the censor bar, if thats him erect I pity the dude.
>snicker doodle>wang dang doodlelol, its like your blatantly giving him little clues you're a troll and his incredible need for any kind of female attention is blinding him to it.
No. 737483
File: 1543096415962.png (75.06 KB, 1114x586, Xi1Dfux.png)

>>737410I tried to add Becca to tell her about this before I post on LC but she rejected my request, not that I blame her because she probably thought I was gonna try and troll her
>>737450>lol, its like your blatantly giving him little clues you're a troll and his incredible need for any kind of female attention is blinding him to it.Tell me about it. I've been giving him the "sry I'm busy studying uwu" for almost a week now and even linked him this thread to confront him about his history, but he still doesn't seem to have caught on? I guess Becca stopped updating him. I prolly should just send him a link and block him.
No. 737569
File: 1543103071062.jpg (47.73 KB, 862x580, valeskas.babygirl_44803106_510…)

Amber got some horrifyingly bad scarification work. Incoming pic dump
No. 737580
File: 1543103273662.jpg (Spoiler Image,74.56 KB, 1080x1345, valeskas.babygirl_45339785_192…)

>>737577>>737576her "inspiration"
No. 737762
File: 1543121254117.png (42.43 KB, 834x207, 7856456.PNG)

She getting kicked out of her apartment?
No. 737815
Well, then are her parents kicking her out
Are the whole Potato Nose Clan getting the boot?
No. 737900
>>737820I mean, even if it's hard to believe, but if she really lived with her kids in her parents apartment (house?), she must have some really supportive parents, which is always good.
Not so good, in contrast, would be if she just accepted what was handed to her without any drive to improve her situation. I haven't paid attention to how old she is, but instead of spending all her time online and with Mr. Ugly McNarcface, she should rather get a job, or put more work in to become independent.
No. 739208
File: 1543343733472.jpg (195.25 KB, 860x1200, EjXYiw9.jpg)

wew, you truly don't need enemies if you have a friend like Megan Cooper (who took this picture). could've at least told Hamber to straighten her back.
No. 739214
File: 1543343917089.png (456.76 KB, 834x549, Screenshot at Nov 27 10-38-18.…)

the caption……..
No. 739222
File: 1543344203461.png (84.86 KB, 584x392, Screenshot at Nov 27 10-43-00.…)

Beefing with her serially suicide-baiting on and off e-gf again
No. 739225
File: 1543344246670.png (132.43 KB, 580x617, Screenshot at Nov 27 10-43-45.…)

>>739222one can see dead people and the other predicts her own death, a match made in heaven!
No. 739844
File: 1543424445119.jpeg (590.27 KB, 1082x1376, 08323F34-2AEC-48FA-AA62-124863…)

Gotta boost onion’s ego before he gives you your daily lashings for disagreeing with him
No. 740031
File: 1543441570949.png (43.01 KB, 590x346, 675.PNG)

>>739844LOL! shes really worried.
She saw what happened to Fatbecca and Poopbeck when they disagreed with the Onion King.
I usually dont say this to women, but Megan if you're reading this (I know you are)
You're a pussy.
No. 740039
>>740031She's lucky really
Greg is a retard but I'm 100% sure Lainey sees right through her. Lainey demodded her for a reason. Lainey knows about the shit she's been saying about her.
Imagine being so thirsty for a washed up e-celebs tiny dick you have to apologize for saying anything you think may rub him the wrong way.
No. 740291
>>740031dying @ those fucking emojis and shit lmao
what a try hard cunt
i wish her and lainey would meet irl for milk tho
No. 741946
File: 1543687834552.jpeg (421.25 KB, 1125x1563, 37C0FFFC-A991-4A48-9FCA-657998…)

This is a woman in her late 20’s with two kids, guys.
No. 742835
File: 1543817691351.png (70.69 KB, 612x651, love yourself.png)

booty is really playing it up today
No. 743276
File: 1543884888669.jpg (Spoiler Image,312.76 KB, 1835x2448, t9B3U7J.jpg)

>>743263>>743274I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships in the nude off the shoulder of Onion. I watched cute beans glitter in the dark near the CuddleGate. All those moments will be lost in time, like milk down a drain. Time to die.
(needs spoiler) No. 743294
File: 1543886273373.png (17.61 KB, 349x144, HqdnOEY.png)

No. 743295
File: 1543886282299.png (15.53 KB, 606x63, qKOe3hz.png)

No. 743296
File: 1543886290993.png (67.87 KB, 432x528, EcSH3J4.png)

No. 743298
File: 1543886373608.png (22.62 KB, 828x77, cHl5UlO.png)

No. 743300
File: 1543886479368.png (55.12 KB, 607x338, NrJ11Gc.png)

No. 743303
File: 1543886692671.png (12.98 KB, 328x75, KijD2bQ.png)

Fresno is close to Sylar. Wonder how that worked out for her
No. 743304
File: 1543886738077.jpg (Spoiler Image,240.49 KB, 1835x2448, z1eUM7V.jpg)

No. 743305
File: 1543886752728.jpg (Spoiler Image,209.29 KB, 1932x2576, WxHEPY4.jpg)

Thanks for the memeries
/end dump
No. 743320
I love how she looks like a pink bloated pig and you can see the contrast with her yellow foundation
No. 743321
can put lipstick on a pig, apparently.
No. 743425
File: 1543898659694.jpg (4.97 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2112.JPG)

Jesus fuck, this is GROSS. Wonder if its sylar posting all of these , in revenge. hmmmm
>>743324>mfw No. 743508
File: 1543917212964.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.44 KB, 749x500, Asymmetrical-Breasts.jpg)

>>743501it probably hangs disproportionately lower than her other tit. Shes hugging it and pulling it up. Her forearm hides the nipple each time too. Maybe its a twofer, droopy tit plus fucked up nipple that looks like a huge slice of salami.
No. 743511
File: 1543917928206.png (307.4 KB, 570x502, ghgdggf.PNG)

>>743296Whatever cam site she was on she must of been in the tranny/crossdresser section looking like that.
No. 743546
File: 1543929975125.gif (4 MB, 320x320, 1520205846003.gif)

>>743304I have seen hell. And it was fat.
No. 743817
>>743800she actually has pretty nice distribution
-50lbs and she'd have a super nice shape, natural hourglass
No. 743849
File: 1543968911793.gif (792.52 KB, 498x286, tenor.gif)

>>743800>she wouldn't have to lose a huge amount of weight to look decent>>743817>she'd have a super nice shape, natural hourglass>>743725>She actually doesn't look too bad tbhShe looks disgusting, case closed. Can you imagine the smell that comes out of that huge fupa when she lifts it up.
No. 743864
File: 1543970354711.jpg (17.24 KB, 300x300, emilia-fart-5.jpg)

>>743817>50lbs and she'd have a super nice shapeYou're totally right.
And with a little plastic surgery she could improve her face and stop looking like Emilia Farts ugly older sister.
Include some voice training to help her stop sounding like she has a dry loaf of bread lodged in her throat every time she speaks.
Basically change everything about herself and she could actually look and sound like a non-repulsive human being.
who's going to start the Help Fatbecca Stop Being A Horrible Mess Go-Fund-Me page? No. 743980
>>743276At least her bathroom is clean, I guess.
tbh the others have done so much worse, this one is kind of innocent. every pic gets worse tho lol, I wonder what weird shit she did on video
Megan must be shitting french fries having this to show Greg if Becca rears her horse face again.
No. 744010
File: 1543986709559.png (56.58 KB, 618x337, Capture42311.PNG)

>>743980Best thing for Megan is to think of this as a foreshadowing.
Watch your step Ms Ellingson. Playing victim only works for so long.
No. 744098
>>743872Fat = curvy godessu
To them, projecting probably as they are most likely fat too
No. 744146
File: 1544016424720.png (23.83 KB, 663x151, t776Yhf.png)

No. 744251
File: 1544036062132.png (195.16 KB, 579x626, becca.png)

at least she knows what her skills are - e-whoring and gold digging.
No. 744266
File: 1544038486603.png (567.43 KB, 913x440, Screenshot at Dec 05 20-32-56.…)

Shiloh's Instagram page is making me cringe so hard.
>still has her Gregory tattoo and shows it in pics
>look i smoke weed!!!
>look i am alt
>dd/lg uwu
No. 744319
>>744306>>744300I don't hate her either and I can give credit where it's due - she looks way more fit than she was at the time but some anons go too far and keep forgetting and/or were never present during the Shiloh drama era. She was as crazy as Gargoyle and it seems like she hasn't changed since then. I can almost guarantee that if she hadn't fucked up with getting pregnant from that other guy, she'd be in Lame's exact spot, doing the same exact shit (maybe less boring and translarping though). She just gives off that 'ride or die' vibe while also being very updated on Grug's life. It's almost like Shiloh or someone close to her is refreshing lolcow every day with their morning coffee and ree'ing into oblivion whenever someone doesn't wk her.
>>744302She saw him as a fellow Soundcloud idol lol. Really likes the abusive type eh.
No. 744493
Daily reminder to shi-loh wks:
Nobody gives a fuck about you or your exes or your abuse. The projection onto all these girls is ridiculous and pathetic. Seek therapy.
>>744412Not if she's willingly wasting her time with a well known flake like madison, who mocked sam before she got put out the door as well.
No. 744770
File: 1544120032300.jpg (73.72 KB, 251x428, mad.jpg)

No. 744858
File: 1544130302747.jpg (1.01 MB, 810x3736, 20181206_220437.jpg)

Lol, Megan please.
No. 744860
>>744858There's more than the IP address. We have plenty of information that was used to cross-reference her posts:
- her many emails to us
- reports sent by her regarding posts mentioning her
- as well as her application to become a Farmhand some while ago (using one of the email addresses used to contact us)
and some more information we prefer not to disclose so as to not show our hand, but if you read you can probably figure it out.
No. 744937
>>744858>>744860laughs in tractori cant believe this cunt. damn greg is retarded.
still not retarded enough to hook up with flatass potato megan, but still pretty retarded bro.
No. 744989
File: 1544146360056.jpg (21.72 KB, 275x270, 1529802504818.jpg)

>>744858>>744860Booty you look real suspicious right now.
How are you gonna lie out of this one?
No. 745069
File: 1544159690035.png (381.15 KB, 490x899, okay madi.png)

No. 745072
File: 1544160108134.png (79.14 KB, 582x567, 2018-12-06_23-18-22.png)

No. 745091
File: 1544162447063.png (35.39 KB, 1379x286, Screenshot at Dec 07 06-59-50.…)

Lainey unfollowed her.
No. 745093
File: 1544162555189.png (33.01 KB, 1422x303, Screenshot at Dec 07 07-00-21.…)

For good measure here's Booty's "secret account uwu"
It's not very slick, and Captain Chode was among her first followers. It's private as of now, but I may have some old caps from when I first found it. The bio was
>She/her, 27, bi, complete idiot, I love breathing oxygen, games and I sometimes draw
No. 745094
>>745091apparently she got kicked from her discord too
oof, no trinity for booty
No. 745105
File: 1544163776903.png (84.22 KB, 1242x289, Screenshot at Dec 07 07-22-19.…)

Old news but I knew Megan Ellingson has an account on MyProAna, I can't believe it took me this long to look for her other usernames
No. 745116
File: 1544164668001.png (35.98 KB, 582x164, aw.png)

Hearts are heavy all around the Onionsphere tonight.
No. 745121
>>745116god, get some much needed therapy for your raging mental illnesses, please.
ps greg will never love you
No. 745137
File: 1544167016086.png (93.59 KB, 816x454, Screenshot at Dec 07 08-15-29.…)

>>745134Yes, you can.
Also, this is an imageboard, emphasis on image.
From the rules and usage guide:
>3. Embedding>Whenever you want other users to check something out, upload a screenshot. Posting a link is not enough. For example, don't post "she updated her IG" without including the actual post as a screenshot. This is why it's called an imageboard. No. 745138
File: 1544167205015.png (315.99 KB, 1300x149, boring shit.PNG)

>>745137Cool, that's not a PSN account. That's the site I used to see her game list.
I'm actually a trophy whore and even I think it's irrelevant, but whatever.
No. 745142
File: 1544167813690.png (567.8 KB, 1566x929, hmmm.png)

interesting that booty follows a few cows here.
she's posted in the luna thread before and the tinyboosteps girl is an anorexic girl Greg featured in a video about Eugenia Cooney.
>>>/pt/597221 >>>/pt/597226 No. 745150
>>745142so much for
>t-that wasn't me! IPs mean nothing! anyone in my city could've done that!next up:
>someone else follows the exact same cows>someone else used my email address to contact lolcow and apply for a moderator position No. 745154
>>745152>parismelodyravenanother anachan with a popular lolcow thread
>minaxbell>jessicanigritop kek. sure you're not a farmer…
No. 745158
>>745140She doesn't play enough to point out patterns, but the majority of her games seem to be ones you get for paying for PS+, which is needed to play PS4 online.
I dunno how old her kids are, but she was playing Spyro recently - that could be her child playing. All the other MP shit is probably stuff Greg plays.
Her first trophy is 21st May 2016, so she's had it for a few years.
tl;dr it's safe to assume she bought this just to play games with Greg. Like every choice she makes in her shitty life. I'd be surprised if it was for any other reason, even her child(ren).
No. 745182
File: 1544175161732.jpeg (499.77 KB, 1125x1513, 5CDC478F-9F04-455F-8973-4A1AF0…)

Aw Megan blocked me for asking if she actually applied for Farmhand. I found where she works, I wonder how her boss would react if he found out she’s been posting on so called hate sites?(cowtipping)
No. 745191
>>745188100% truth ha
>>745182Don't say this, anon.
No. 745237
>>745234Booty, Amber, Becca's still trying judging by the leaked DMs, I'm pretty sure Beck would jump back at any time, so would Madison.
>>693300 and Blasian are still asslickers.
No. 745286
File: 1544202543733.jpeg (625.31 KB, 1125x1190, 9B763FD0-3894-469C-B00E-FEB81F…)

Why do the onion flakes always want to broadcast their mental health problems to the world?
No. 745297
File: 1544205222715.jpeg (647.29 KB, 1125x1461, 400BFFC0-6EA9-473E-ABCF-BB12DF…)

No. 745518
>>745286LMAO @ this cunt throwing around not one, but two vastly different diagnoses after her first appointment.
>"yup Ms Ellingson, sounds like your desperate attentionseeking on the internet is a symptom of…. looks down at smeared writing in their palm BPD… Bipolar… one of those idk who cares"throwing out potential diagnoses willy-nilly at the first appointment is something that never happens and she's lying to make herself the victim.
No. 745550
File: 1544242552142.jpg (51.16 KB, 514x461, a33.jpg)

>>745286>blue hair>multi color frecklesShe got Greggys attention quick with that pic Im sure.
just sayin'
No. 745645
>>745286>>745297nitpick but I hate the facial expressions she uses in every.selfie.ever.
it's not sexy, you look like a retarded blowup doll.
the fact that she can't take one selfie without 3 different snapchat filters speaks
volumes of how she sees herself. i honestly think she comes on lolcow as a form of self-harm while simutanously boosting her ego.
p.s. greg finds you repulsive and will never love you
No. 745869
File: 1544299483230.jpg (333.81 KB, 1200x1240, youtried.jpg)

Dear Megan,
you emailed us multiple times about your information in this thread and we removed your name the first time. But you don't even try to be private, so we're not cleaning up after you anymore. Stop wasting our time with your countless reports. Posting information that has been voluntarily and publicly made available by yourself is not against the rules. Nobody forced you to connect your professional identity to your online shenanigans. The poster who commented about contacting your workplace was visibly banned long before you reported the post.
If your job is so important, maybe don't waste your office hours on lolcow and don't access our shady imageboard from your work connection. That is all.
The attached excerpt is being released under our caveat of "don't try to deceive staff" and "don't hypocritically report others for something you are guilty of." You clearly have no issue with posting about your peers and would have continued to do so if we hadn't caught you.
Note: Our contact information is censored only to avoid misdirected inquiries from other farmers - please use the official channels if you want to reach us.
No. 745874
File: 1544300662105.gif (1.76 MB, 403x554, kek.gif)

>>745869Oh shit fucking EXPOSED lmao
If grease keeps befriending her after this you know he's putting booty above his own wife.
Wonder how lainey feels about that kek.
No. 745969
File: 1544316294073.png (445.23 KB, 540x750, megan_milk.png)

sorry for samefagging. bless you, farmhands, bless you all.
No. 746060
>>745869Wow. That's some horrible backstabbing done by BootySlayer / XerinaNova, whatever she goes by now.
If there's a discord anon around, would you mind updating us whether she's still in Greg's server?
No. 746124
File: 1544337534332.png (42.87 KB, 494x282, kicked question mark.png)

>>746060Not sure if she got kicked or left on her own accord. She still follows Greg on his sooper secrit twitter.
No. 746128
File: 1544338118582.png (54.25 KB, 585x504, booty.png)

>>746126>>746124>>746060It also looks like Greg was alerted by someone but he and his "friends" believe Booty would NEVER do anything. However, the e-mail she applied with as farmhand (
is attached to her Lady Flatass gaia account(
>>727650). She's also shit on not only Lainey but Becca and her friends. She's even tried to frame Dani (she was in a video with Greg and Respit) as a farmer as well.
Once again, Megan Ellingson is really fucking lucky Greg is retarded.
No. 746144
>>746128>be presented with irrefutable proof that she's two faced>"LOLCOW IS JUST TRYING TO RUIN HER!!!"only Grug's sperglets could be this
No. 746179
>>746144Remember anons, lolcow is all lies and only seeks to destroy lives. Who cares if there’s proof of her being two faced and was involved with drama with Shiloh because she was (and still is) a thirsty bitch? I actually applaud Lainey for ousting this dumb bitch. She’s after Greg’s affection and attention and Greg is too busy thinking with his Vienna Sausage and money to care about Lainey’s feelings on the matter.
Whenever the drama is calling her shady behavior out she stays silent or blocks people who are confronting her.
No. 746196
>>746186I think we should use both because casual people won't know who the fuck we're talking about. There's no reason to police her name.
But your idea will piss her off, so I'm personally in the Megan Ellingson camp kek
btw I think she deleted her LinkedIn?
No. 746205
>>746196Good thing she took it down before someone else found it. Her address, phone number and work email were right on top of her resume and she's lucky we're honestly just here to laugh at her dumb antics and not
actually ruin her life, contrary to popular belief.
No. 746224
File: 1544354283760.png (169.96 KB, 606x767, em.png)

Longtime Farmer here to give a history lesson. To our Flakes & Friends who clearly lurk, you may yell "reeeee they're lying!!! Fake news!!!", but that doesn't change that everyone outed so far has admitted to their posting. I don't agree with the lengths this thread has gone to, but I think it's careless and ignorant to dismiss the outing just because we're the bad guys.
You see, even
notorious Onision haters are outed, it's not some grand conspiracy against his fans. Anyone can post without being called out, as long as they don't try to gain attention by anonymously posting about themselves from a 3rd person perspective or shitposting about others and then crying for help when they're brought up in turn. has outed users long before Booty came around. You most likely don't lurk other threads, so you don't know that this is something that happens here regularly. It's not a big challenge for mods.
>Emzotic, a popular animal youtuber, posted countless graphic and cruel posts about fellow animal youtuber Taylor Nicole Dean (and herself). At first she tried to play her outing off as a "social experiment", but later admitted she was writing the posts out of pettiness and insecurity. Confirmed by Emzotic herself. (pic related)
>Mystery.jpg, an infamous 4chan poster and camgirl, fought with users in the lolcow discord and taunted them to make a thread about her, then promptly threatened to sue when they did. Ran away with her tail between her legs when she was outed as a huge shitposter with over 2400 comments.
>Kiki Kannibal, the original scene queen, spent months spamming gore and violent threats towards herself and others on the site until she was caught. It took that long because she used a VPN, but even a VPN malfunctions sometimes. This is the most detailed report on how selfposters are identified.
>Dasha, Cyr's girlfriend and Anti-Onision, leaked intimate photos of Cyr's ex-gf Mina, photos of her passport, and posted insane stalkerish comments and accusations. The very same day she was outed, she announced getting psychotherapy for depression (just like Booty did, how coincidental). I'm sure some of you have seen at least one of the countless videos Edwin and other youtubers have made about this.
>Kelly, a very special individual who posted bags of her own blood on here and still returns despite getting banned at every turn. She's addicted to the site and won't stop posting.
>TheJosh, another Anti-Onision Youtuber, used lolcow to fake his own suicide, then blamed it on fellow Youtuber ReadyToGlare, sending her emails pretending to be a counselor informing her of Josh's death. (???) kept continuing after the outing:
>>>/snow/454676(all posts with the signature gif are by him)
And then, of course, we have the people in this thread alone who readily admit that their outing was legitimate, and it keeps happening because you guys don't know how to do this without getting caught.
>Megan Cooper. 1800+ comments, including dox and nudes of Allie/Ana. Readily admitted to it and even came back to post more. Also a prolific user of 4chan and gossip websites and StaminaRose.
>Maxie's Ex Bf, 80+ posts, also went to KiwiFarms to further post about her. Ask Maxie if you need confirmation.
>Lt. Lassie who tried to claim he had committed suicide but didn't get a dedicated link because he had the sense to quit. Ask him and he probably won't deny it either.And so on and so forth. I left out quite a few outings for the sake of not making this comment even longer.
So I ask you this, why would
this time be fake? Do you think Booty matters so much to this site, in a thread that is used by maybe a handful of people, that the admins would build up years of legitimate outings just to have the power to lie about a random Onision fan? Do you honestly think they would risk that reputation just to stick it to this absolute nobody with no relevance or following? To what end?
Continue hating lolcow, I don't judge you, but don't dismiss the evidence just because you don't want to believe an evil hate site.
No. 746229
File: 1544354923429.png (191.04 KB, 529x622, 4345.PNG)

Megan said she got doxxed and someone made a thread on 4chan about her (later revealed she was OP of that 4chan thread, shocker) I think she loves to be the victim, and will make up stories of being harassed or threatened for sympathy. This post about someone wanting to shoot her was from 2011 and sounds like bullshit so she has a history of this type of behavior.
The doctors trying to figure out if shes borderline or bipolar should maybe look into there being a sprinkling of Histrionic Personality Disorder.
Also- wasn't January 22 2012 around the time Onision was dealing with drama with Ad, Sh and the finalization of his alimony payments?
No. 746262
>>746128>>746179In all honesty, I totally do understand Greg.
If he ever gave LC credit for good research on pointing out Booty's backstabbing and leaking, he'd also have to admit that the things posted about him on LC are true as well.
And since Gregory Avaroe cannot admit to his telling lies / twisting the narrative and taking advantage of and mentally abusing his "friends", he
has to call everthing on here lies.
It would also prove his critics right and make him look dumb, so he rather makes his life and the lives of his discordfags miserable.
I also think that without achknowledging, Booty and Lainey have the same agenda: Getting rid of possible trinity members.
No. 746305
>>746262i absolutely love this situation, because no matter what he's screwed. if he admits that lolcow's proof is believable and that booty is a backstabber then he HAS to admit lolcow is right about something (which gives leeway for lc to be right about HIM, and that's a big no-no). but if he insists on associating with booty after the callout then he's also objectively proving he gives jack shit about his wife's feelings and that, as a husband, he's not willing to defend her.
either way he's gonna look like an asshole. i can only hope he ignores the callout, continues associating with thirsty booty and that this becomes the last straw for lainey to finally pack up shop and leave his ass for good. one can only dream, though.
No. 746320
>>746305Lainey is not going to leave him over another woman.
Greg and B would hang out with each other constantly, excluding Lainey. Greg admitted to siding with B when Lainey and B would argue. Greg eventually fucked B when Lainey said not to. Greg was going to leave Lainey and the kids and shack up with B, but B shut that shit down so Greg tried to play it off like he had some great epiphany and wanted to save his marriage and came crawling back.
Lainey took him back after all that.
Lainey is not a wife, shes a glorified Star Fucker. Greg can do no wrong in her eyes, and if he does wrong there has to be a reason for it that she will accept.
The only way she would leave Greg is if he did something to the kids. But I fear that even if that happened she may side with Greg and call the kids liars or that they somehow deserved it. Shes the type of woman when given the choice of saving her husband or child from falling off a cliff, she would choose her husband "because we can always have more kids"
No. 746353
>>745869“My favorite cow is Luna Slater”
>follows her on Instagram “I’ve never posted there!”
>admits to lurking the site for 2.5 years on her mod application, post history has been posted, and there’s probably more that hasn’t been outed.I’m sure she only wanted to be a farmhand to delete stuff about her (and maybe her own posts) and find the other anti-o’s so she can swoop in and be the “hero.” However, Megan Ellingson (rxBootyslayer) has also proven that she enjoys being on this site in her posts. She only hates lolcow when it’s convenient or actually exposing her.
Don’t insert yourself in drama here and then cry wolf when you’re called out.
No. 746519
>>746497Oh dang, how could I.
>>>/cream/>>>/cream/64>Kenzie ("Princess Doll") is a wannabe aidoru who posted several threads and over 400 posts about herself in /pt/ in an attempt to attain e-fame from this site. Even the negative attention from being considered a lolcow seemed sufficient for her. >>>/cream/2>Annie is a formerly prolific /cgl/ tripfag who attempted to convince me to delete a thread that mentioned her. She sent me an email claiming some people in the thread were stalking her, and to further pursuade me that this was serious stalking, she used a proxy to make a post threatening herself with rape.
>If I ever see you at mcm again I can and will rape you
>Annie was also one of the most active lolcow posters about British /cgl/ users up until this incident. >>>/pt/135859More examples:
>>>/snow/37899>>>/snow/23707>>>/snow/58498But sure, Booty is the first ever selfposter to be wrongly accused, let's go with that.
No. 746750
File: 1544426157028.png (129.74 KB, 601x669, HFXGBrS.png)

From Allie's "aesthetic" Twitter
No. 746753
File: 1544426448307.png (85.84 KB, 580x351, j2cJ1Xy.png)

No. 746754
File: 1544426465297.png (190.57 KB, 582x751, 93qwUqX.png)

It really is a tale as old as time, kek
No. 746864
File: 1544460081283.jpeg (657.37 KB, 1125x1536, 7C3290A0-0DA6-4F97-8B70-39838D…)

What if Greg only has booty around to piss Lainey off? We know the bitch doesn’t like her.
I’m also sure she’s wormed her way back into the discord seeing how Lainey is following her again. You can’t avoid providing paying patrons their perks, even if they strive to ruin your marriage. Lainey is another version of Shiloh to her, an obstacle.
No. 748417
File: 1544678083717.png (201.98 KB, 403x461, Capture.PNG)

>>746933>>746864She cant smile. It would expose those gnarly teeth she has.
The only time Ive seen her open her mouth really wide is while using one of those cartoony face apps. The app makes your eyes and mouth bigger but doesnt distort so you get a good idea of her teeth placement. Both lateral incisors seem to have come in sideways and jut out really bad. Having to deal with that fat bulbous nose is enough of a hardship. Its best not to show those damaged picket fence teeth and continue doing the closed lip smile.
No. 748585
File: 1544718667827.png (108.91 KB, 693x785, 3234232.PNG)

This conversation is so revealing.
The person shes talking to is bringing up fictional killers from the movies, and the first serial killer that comes to her mind is one of creepiest rapist/serial killers in California history. What the fuck is swimming in that head of hers?
And does this dumdum really think Stephen King wrote Red Dragon. I wonder if she thinks she pees out of her vulvus.
No. 749778
File: 1544934956219.png (176.88 KB, 609x592, isnt it ironic.png)

okay booty.
reminder that her posts have been outed here
>>708131 No. 749911
File: 1544981793614.jpeg (302.87 KB, 1125x829, 8C7F94B0-5E20-4A53-A82B-680A07…)

Too bad you’ll never get punished for how two-faced you are. One day you’ll slip though, bitches like you always do.
No. 750682
File: 1545161498273.jpg (139.88 KB, 801x532, 43544545.jpg)

I guess daddy and her psychiatrist dumped her in a funny farm.
No. 751476
File: 1545282182314.png (26.62 KB, 278x274, ggyur6ytfgl;.png)

she's back in onioncord but she is no longer an admin, just a basic bitch mod.
No. 751876
File: 1545361241403.jpeg (373.94 KB, 640x811, 7FCF6970-97B3-4B73-AF2B-B23488…)

Who is @candy_savvy? She’s all over Grease’s dick and clearly looking to join the trinity.
She also has braces and looks like a literal child, so maybe she has a chance.
More than busted ol’ Megan or Becca, at least.
No idea if she’s a patron though.
No. 754604
File: 1545927185924.jpeg (747.96 KB, 1125x1863, D8E96244-87B1-408B-951B-F35407…)

rip Lizardqueen
Hopefully you realize that Greg isn’t worth it and you can healthily talk about your problems without people trying to one up you or silence you.
No. 754631
>>754604And another one gets thrown under the bus.
His supply of yes man is dwindling, let's see how long it takes for the others to wake up or get banned.
No. 754679
File: 1545937578922.jpg (92.55 KB, 797x639, underthebus.jpg)

>>754604He's going to run out of lackies at this rate.
No. 755102
File: 1545977570308.png (160.14 KB, 598x710, okay sis.png)

this girl is fucking retarded holy shit
No. 755580
File: 1546050875660.png (19.06 KB, 597x215, so.PNG)

idk if this belongs here but I didnt want to shit up the main onion thread for something unimportant. but here's a cap of Billy the Fridge I think confirming he thinks greg is both a narc and a sociopath. But you know, so.
No. 755780
File: 1546098444961.jpeg (732.13 KB, 1125x1733, DA792F7B-E0D3-472E-B99E-149920…)

Water is wet and Madison Decambra is an attention seeking whore.
No. 755782
File: 1546098833227.jpeg (396.76 KB, 1125x722, 327A9EF4-8DA9-483B-AECA-55E768…)

>>755780At this point everyone know something inappropriate was going down with teen girls yet she chalks it up to being “overdramatic”. This girl is just as complicit in the Avaroes abusive and pedophilic tendencies and so are the other girls who know about the full extent of Sarah being groomed.
You never had to post it to a drama image board but this shit should have been reported
years ago, before Sarah turned 18. You all are actively letting Greg and Lainey get away with pedophilia by not contacting the police.
No. 755788
>>755782She's just making herself more important than she is. Imagine something really bad has been going on in the Avaroe's house and she's been silent about it for all those years. She'd be as guilty as Greg and Lainey if anything came to light. Do you really think she'd be running around boasting about knowledge of illegal actions??
She wanted her limelight, she got her limelight, and now that people keep asking her about what she knows she's caving in.
Again, even if there was anything she knew of, she wouldn't spill it since she'd be an accessory and get jailtime as well.
No. 758683
File: 1546559074609.png (42.7 KB, 581x142, beccer.png)

>cant get free online "therapy" from scams like BetterHelp
>lives in UK where she could get a free REAL therapist
>this is why people kill themselves!!!!!!!!!11111111
I thought you didn't believe in therapy, Becca?
No. 759946
File: 1546759159584.jpg (19.1 KB, 371x82, allie.jpg)

Allies presence in the Onision stream, so nice of her to help him construct a better narrative!
No. 768429
File: 1547935759210.jpeg (491.93 KB, 750x990, 1547882515215.jpeg)

Coming here from the current Onion thread. A farmer contacted Madison on a freshly new and obviously fake account to see if you would say anything about the drama since she has been teasing and backing off for weeks now. Madison immediately went into a sob story and anon posted caps. Now Madison is claiming they were a 'friend' and betrayed her so she's throwing a tantrum and making herself look like a victim on Twitter. She seems like a potential cow to me but what do you guys think?
>>627926 here is the anon who messaged her and their story on it. I'll update with more caps in a sec.
No. 768437
File: 1547936152888.jpeg (159.46 KB, 640x670, 1547885949999.jpeg)

>>768429Sorry for fucking up the link. Here's another screenshot.
No. 768438
>>768429Madison is absolutely a cow, but we definitely shouldn’t give her a thread. She desperately wants the attention, kinda like Megan. We should discuss her here though.
Here’s a fixed link:
>>>/pt/627926 No. 768820
File: 1548011467265.jpg (380.08 KB, 620x4089, ZFyqqSG.jpg)

>>768437Madison is now revealing all of her ex-girlfriends and their respective mental issues to prove how legitimately pansexual she is, including stories of a failed trinity of her own.
No. 768824
File: 1548011577868.png (161.02 KB, 622x749, ZAMREx5.png)

>>768820Bonus: Complaining about lolcow not believing her many sob stories after she admitted to "embellishing" details and teasing and canceling her tell-alls multiple times
No. 768904
>>768820tfw you doxx your ex gfs just to prove a point to the internet.
>>768824>I won't do it again.Good. She obviously can't handle any form of observation or criticism.
No. 773575
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madis livestream was posted in the main thread
>>>/pt/633893 and again shes backpedaling on shit, either that or she embellished when she talked to me.
No. 773576
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No. 773578
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No. 773579
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No. 773580
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get your story straight madi x
No. 773581
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>>773579>I swear he got hard one timeWhy is nobody talking about this?!
No. 773584
>>773575>>773576>>773578>>773579>>773580Would you risk getting a ban posting this in the main Onision thread?
I mean its Madison, but shes talking about what she saw or experienced in connection with Lainey and Greg. The Lainey/Sarah snuggling in bed is very damning and confirms what the other girls said. And Lainey wanting to leave with Madi and get a place is new.
I just feel this is similar to the Maya texts and that was dumped in the main Onision thread.
No. 773585
>>773584yeah I agree it
is technically directly related to onion
No. 773671
>>773631Nta but her daughter suffered from severe nappy rash as a result of being left sitting in her own shit for a good number of hours, there's not much a dr can do aside from prescribing an emollient cream to ease discomfort/aid healing time.
This mother was sooooo concerned about onions behaviours around his own kids and her daughter that she
still took her child there for month's after this
terrible incident and even decried over sm how much her daughter 'loved' the onions and was desperately upset at not being able to go back ever again.. tbh they all fucking deserve each other.
Any normal parent would have run the fuck away and never looked back. Why any mother would continously expose their child to the onions' toxicity/stupidity is dumbfounding but to then reeee about it publicly and somehow expect to be viewed as a
victim is just fucking mental.
Tl:dr, Madison and the Onions are utter twats.
No. 773677
>>773671Honestly, I don't get the dynamics in Madison's life:
She's cheated on her boss to be with her the man who's now the father of her daughter, but goes around looking for a girlfriend?
That's some Gregory-and-Taylor-Avaroe-type of screwed-up, dysfunctional relationship.
No. 773852
>>773677I always wondered about that as well. Always thought Gerg's only ammo was that Madi cheated and got pregnant by her ex's boss, which may be tacky, but not a big deal 'cause I thought Madi and him are together or even married.
But then she told the whole world about how she cheated on him with "beg for jay" and she flip floped between "i have a guy" and "i love girls, i want a girlfriend".
With her constant need to cheat she would've been a really good fit for the swamp.
>>773696Taylor's had so many chances to leave him e.g. the Billie saga, when Sam was there, everytime she visits her parents, or even if she'd started a relationship with Luxy or Maya (ofc without Gerg). She doesn't want to leave him because being with someone like him is better (in her opionion) than having to work and being a single mom, while having his preteen fans harrass you.
No. 774044
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Has anyone listened to her single? It's really bad. She was teasing it with "How does one survive in a society that begs you to remove your clothes, then shames you when you do?", so I expected some faux-feminist empowerment theme, but it's just a song about fucking a guy too soon. At least it's on topic for her I guess. Everything from the lyrics to the accent is embarrassing.
No. 774048
>>774044Is she trying to pull a Shiloh? Madi's been harping on a lot about her BPD, singing career, her whole identity as a constant victim of abuse…
She's paying to have her single published lmfao. This is the service she uses No. 774146
>>774044"I'm just a baby girl fighting through a big bad world" ew STAHP the cringe is unbearable.
Gave it a listen, confirms what we already knew basically, her cockteasing about "spilling the tea" on onion and lame being abusive to her was basically a big fat publicity stunt for her "damaged littol girl uwu" persona.
Being jealous of a married space prinxes relationship with a minor and leaving your baby repeatedly with an incompetent onion, falling out with said crusty couple.. so very damaged.. So much tea. For them, she 'exposed' what we already knew. She mostly exposed herself
No. 774162
>>774044Her voice is a bargain bin version of Billie Elish and Melanie Martinez. It's not terrible singing just super fucking generic and the lyrics are trash. Plus she looks so basic. No gimmicks, nothing that sets her apart, she's just some random brunette chipmunk girl with average normal clothes. Not saying she needs a wAckY image but she's just so basic and her style of singing is basic, she needs something that stands out. Even Bulo sounds similar and is an average looking brunette but she has interesting clothes, good lyrics and the album art is good.
Madison is just a white background with her face. No wonder she stans Lameo. She's just as boring as herself.
No. 775065
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>>774750It's not about the price. Sure, CDBaby isn't expensive, but that's because they want to make themselves available to everyone with no quality control whatsoever. They're a joke, their FB posts get 2 comments, their reviews are terrible, using them just screams "I wanted a shortcut to look professional without putting in the work". There's no need for her single to be on Spotify and iTunes yet before she even attempts to get interest via Soundcloud or even YouTube, which she didn't even link on day 1, only once she uploaded the "lyric video" on her own channel. Zero promotion for the music channel generated by her distribution company. She has no idea what she's doing and didn't even look at competitors (pic related), this is a pure vanity move to be able to say "I'm on Spotify and iTunes" and sound important. CDBaby doesn't do any marketing and doesn't put you in playlists, so really the only people who'll stream her music are those who already know of it via her social media. She's just paying for an ego boost. I'd have more respect for her if she tried it organically like any SoundClout thot. It's just half-assed and the music equivalent of a vanity press. It's on par with Greg's shitty self-published novels.
No. 784756
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Ive seen this particular forum member begging for books and art supplies from her fellow Onision bootlickers.
If I didnt know she wrote this Id swear it was written by Gronk pleading for money to continue his Youtube career. They use the same passive aggressive speech.
I guess she realizes shes in a group of easily impressionable mental defects who are willing to give money to people to gain their favor so shes attempting to take advantage of that.
No. 786698
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>>784756She also pulled a "I'm leaving! You guys are so mean! Ask me to stay! Ok I'll stay" thread the other day.
No. 786701
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Interestingly, our friend Megan talked about a suicide attempt which would coincide with her outing on here:
>>7448602 days apart, but maybe she purposely said a different date to throw off suspicion. It's too close to not be related.
No. 786761
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guess who got a job as a stripper guys?
(she's still living with/mooching off her mom though)
No. 786788
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>>786761Wow, I can't imagine anything more erotic than this fridge undulating around a pole.
Also, the british Megan got a shitton of fillers and feels ~so good~ now
No. 786790
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>>786788Based on how many different faces she has shooped herself throughout her Instagram feed, it's probably safe to say she was never a luminous beauty, but at least her face looked like she was able to move it before.
No. 789844
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No. 801736
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>tfw you have to do each part of the ahegao expression separately because your two braincells aren't enough to emote with your eyes and mouth at the same time
No. 801824
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No. 801826
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>>801825Everyone who ever pledged gets these Patreon messages and everything she says is public knowledge and of course it's, again, too little too late, plus ignoring that every other fakeboi goes by Kai… she tried.
No. 801854
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No. 801857
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No. 801858
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No. 801859
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No. 801901
>>801826Lmao at onion "will attack his spouse's parental skills and call
HIM a shit
Whilst simultaneously insinuating that onion
really always had a hard-on for her. Ffs much support, great friendship.
>>801857why don't you call maxie?? You know the girl who a complete psycho and who's opinion is rational and sound…
Lol. They're all fucking mental.
No. 801931
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>>801736>>789844Has this crazy weeb bitch gone manic? I feel like I'm looking at a full-blown episode. Instead of blowing her money on bizarre-looking fillers and cheap Chinese polyester impulse purchases she should invest in therapy. She clearly has some bimbofication thing going on right now after the attention from posting nudes to skelly fetishists ran out.
>>787992>Amber has been my own personal cow before she even appeared as a flakeI want to hear this story
No. 806936
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Looks like Greg and the ever so loyal other Megan unfollowed each other. It's obvious they had a falling out. I'm curious if he'll make a dumb video about it.
No. 807089
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It would seem Greg and bootyslayer/xernianova had some kind of falling out, she requested her forum profile be deleted and they no longer follow each other on Twitter, anyone have any idea why?
No. 807136
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>>807089>>806983Greg gave his opinion on all this and it was basically a green light for his ass-lickers and Patrons to shit talk. Im sure there will be more fans of his saying things like "I was cool with her, but never liked her" or "I always knew she was trouble"
No. 870972
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You best believe she's still on her shit. These are just the ones from September so far
No. 870977
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>>870972Bonus: Still begging celebs for exposure
No. 1194073
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Look what I found