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No. 92925[Reply]

The New Queen of Milk, Mariah Mallad aka Momokun Cosplay, has a lot of calves surrounding her, thirsty for those sad, saggy, Patreon bux-laden teats of hers.

Previous thread: >>386826

To prevent further derailing of her many threads, here is a spot to examine all the folks who hang onto her, either by choice or by force. Don't feel sorry for this herd unless it is obvious that Mooriah is browbeating them to keep them in her circle; they generally know what a piece of shit she is even when they claim otherwise, now more than ever after the last year of bucket after bucket of whole, unpasteurized milk from Moomoo. Look forward to this thread's OP becoming completely irrelevant in about, oh, three or four months.

>Please keep non-Moo-related discussion of Onision and Jessica Nigri to his threads over in /pt/, and the uggo costhot threads in /snow/ respectively. MomoAkuma/MomoCastro is a special kind of trash that has her own thread at >>640796 but shit she does for/with Moo can still go here.

People Going Down With L.O.L Mootanic:

-Collette/Vamplette: Mariah's chief bitch, Vamp can be counted on to help Mariah with her shitty costumes and take all the abuse Mariah throws at her. Is known only for being Moo's attack dog on social media, having an unfortunate nose, and her even less-fortunate twerking videos. She is supposedly quitting cosplay forever and ever this Fall, we'll see what comes of that. https://twitter.com/vamplettes

-Matt/Megamarines (and Veronica/Veronicalunalu): A roided up fuccboi who, with his girlfriend Veronica, has been slumming around Moo for clout and party money. Matt is a tripfag from the /cgl/ days of yore and is most likely shitting up this thread (or whining at his girlfriend to do it for him) at this very moment in time. He was a big player during Moo's stint at pretending to go to the gym daily, and Veronica will drag herself to Moo's group shoots when called for. https://twitter.com/Megamarines Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
212 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 329444

She's not besties or roommates anymore.. these people sound like retards.

No. 329459

This will always piss me off when people try to callout moo or whoever, they always have to indirectly do it, it’s so annoying. Maybe they will make a comment or not who knows, moo seems to search her name and insert herself into unnecessary drama. I guess the only connection Maddie and moo have now is that she makes wigs from her time to time but from what it used to be, it’s not the same anymore. Other than that, Maddie hasn’t really done anything “harmful” except appear to be in love with moo when she was starting off.

No. 329530

maddie was really toxic when she was still on the east coast actually. she caused a lot of drama and betrayed a lot of people to get where she is. she was almost like moo in a sense, copying others and starting shit and only getting away with anything because she had money.

No. 329863

oh yeah, I always make sure to scroll through the histories of every seller's friends before I buy from, tf

No. 330056

Thats just so unrealistic too, no one does this and umbran is still a small creator within the cosplay space, well was. Its like when anons spam about moo and expect a company to drop her and anyone she’s been affiliated with. Like no.. thats not how companies work. Its such fake ass activism.

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No. 19901[Reply]

>The return to greatness.. and Instagram!

Old thread

ED page (outdated but still a good history tool)

Ashley Bennett, formerly known as Luvmonkeys (creater of the Poopbrooch) has many aliases along the years:

-Axel Ash
-Lucinda Luke
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No. 329020

Stumbled upon this today while doom scrolling, so much information and screenshots included highly suggest watching it all. photos of animal neglect, given it was shown to be 'fixed' but only after animal control showed up. plus so much more.

No. 329071

Newfaggotry aside, I can’t say I’m surprised. If anything, I’m disgusted. Ash loves to harp on how much she’s changed, how the state of her room when she lived with her parents was her mother’s fault, but here she is over 10 years later, a grown adult, and still just a lazy, disgusting, petulant child. I hope animal control is further involved because the state they’re being forced to live in is disgusting and inhumane.

No. 329075

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lmao Fucking pathetic. Never change, Ash, you’re still my favorite, personal cow

No. 329108

so due to some digging of people, turns out that our dear, dear friend here has a court case. not for theft, as you'd (rightfully) assume. but for dealing fucking meth. wish i was joking.

enjoy, y'all, because what the actual fuck, bro

https://casetext.com/case/united-states-v-bennett-331(unintegrated/double check you are posting the truth)

No. 329117

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No. 292533[Reply]

Lori Cerda, known as Lori Lewd or Usagi Kou, is a 38-year-old photoshop addicted costhot and anime fictionkin (otakukin for the oldfags) from New York state. With 20+ years of lunacy behind her, farmers have been working together diligently to stitch together the madness into a coherent timeline. Lots of interactions and receipts have been lost to time, either deleted or made private, keep that in mind as we continue.

Lori got her start as a rabid Sailor Moon cosplayer in the early aughts which launched her into infamy and Moonie drama that lasted for over 10 years alone. In Summary; a well-liked, cute and young cosplayer that wowed people as Sailor Moon had one of the hardest and fastest falls from grace. It’s a story rife with lies, theft, squatting, cheating, jealousy, cult-like behavior and lots of violence. To put it lightly, it blew apart the entire Sailor Moon livejournal community in the US. The juxtaposition of Usagi and Lori piqued the interest of many people. Some might call her one of the OG cosplay lolcows. After becoming a joke to the majority of the US cosplay community Lori dropped her Usagi shtick, married a few times and stayed mostly quiet.

2017 changed all that when Lori met Kevin “Skye” Hanft. Once the two cosplayers met and fell in love, Lori quickly reverted to her past behaviors and became Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx. Her current phase she has described herself as “14 yr old boy” and “spicy loli gremlin elf bb succubus” She cosplays Marin Kitagawa now as she's the flavor of the week waifu. Of course she is "the IRL Marin" in her eyes just like she was IRL Saber and Zero Two. Recognizing her status as a complete has-been, Lori prefers to focus on what she calls "spicy" content (shitty nudes) and "lewd modeling". She only does half-assed couple cosplay with Kevin at conventions, if that. Kevin feeds Lori’s delusions and is a whole cow on his own. He serves as her meal ticket and guard dog. At the first sign of any inconvenience or drama, Lori will blow the whistle and sick her dog. If you lurk long enough you will spot a wild Kevin masquerading as anon. Do not interact. He is retarded and he will spend his time trying to track you down. He has a documented history of digitally stalking commenters, accusing them of being anons or Momokun/Vamplette and threatening suicide/murder. He will escalate even faster if he is currently in the doghouse and blocked by Lori. It's how she manipulates him to do her old KouPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
971 posts and 195 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 331127

>It doesn't seem like she even goes grocery shopping or any other basic errands.

That sounds depressing as fuck. Imagine not being able to go buy your own shit or get a latte across town without asking your bf/roommate to take you at nearly 40 yrs old. Why the he'll doesn't she get a real job and buy a car? I almost wonder if it's to stay as dependent on Kevin as possible so he stays with her out of obligation and feeling sorry for her. Hasn't she had a car in the past? It also makes me wonder if she lost her license.

No. 331221

I think she always used her boyfriends’ cars without asking, I don’t know if she ever had her own car. I don’t think she drives right now because she probably uses Kevin as the chauffeur (and says she can’t drive because her spine is broken uwu), but her license is probably up to date for her to go out if she decided or had a guy waiting in the wings… like the time she took Kevin’s car to go cheat on him with Rikki a few years back.

I think her not going out is a combo of:
no money, being unable to wear ‘elf loli gremlin bb’ outfits and her 6” YRU boots in public, and how much she already has to pose her photos and including editing the backgrounds.

She also doesn’t have anywhere to go, and no friends to go with, and probably concerned someone will recognise her and take a candid photo of her to post here, because there have been people who reported seeing her at the mall, etc.

No. 331243

The area where she's originally from (NJ/NY) is walkable and very accessible with public transport so a lot of people there don't have cars. After she moved away from there, she always had friends and boyfriends drive her around. I don't think she ever had her own car, how would she have afforded it?

She and Kev claim she makes a lot more money being a costhot than she did working retail, so that's why she doesn't need a real job. I doubt it.

No. 331385

Lori used to have a car. She had a convertible. Her car broke down a few times toward the end of the Rikki saga and her dad paid for it at least once. But I think once Kevin entered the picture she just cut her losses and used his car from then on.

No. 331557

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I really have trouble understanding this

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No. 42676[Reply]

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auresscosplay/?hl=en (currently has her instagram privated)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfyEjcS59x1xtIbisfXLC8A
Twitter: https://twitter.com/auresscosplay?lang=en
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/auress

Openly racist 22 year-old cosplayer from New York that frequently gets into drama with the cosplay community and is extremely delusional. Used to go on tirades on twitter about how she hated Mexicans, and now has her father take lewd pictures of her cosplaying underage characters in her backyard.
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No. 331036

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I know it's an old screenshot but she kind of looks like this lol

No. 331100

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No. 331673

So "fustrating". Dolls are her best option when they don't talk back or do anything. She couldn't handle actual parental stress

No. 331926

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Uh sure Kelly.

No. 331929

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I wish I could download and shre, but she has a tiktok now explaining who she is because someone called her a lib. She's irritated and it's hilarious to me.

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No. 325508[Reply]

Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and compartmentalizes every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of money for.
She eagerly accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression with a "Congrats on the DID Diagnosis" celebratory cake, but struggles to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem ready to stop anytime soon.

>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

>Current relevant info:

>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more nowPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 328606

I think Steven is better than Jill.
He'll figure it all out one day.

No. 328617

Her mom is off screen, she's probably motioning with her arm. I really don't think it's planned, and even if it was it's one of the less egregious lies she's told in the past few years. People discuss their engagements all the time, and she's terminally online made a video

No. 328618

Nah you guys are reaching, every wedding photographer will have you twirl for your engagement photos.

No. 328620

Thread #76 All according to kek-kaku
Or keikaku~wu

My vote for next thread pic

No. 328623

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added, hope it helps

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No. 305988[Reply]

Previous Threads:

Notable Cows:

>uses garageband for a majority of her music, knows nothing about music theory
>Deletes own songs without notice for attention, "muh depression"
>Swarms of 13 y/o fans who idolize her
>horrible tumblr art
>claims to have DID, now, apparently.
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No. 328190

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im so glad this thread is dead all of you have terrible taste. mellow will always solo <3(namefagging retard)

No. 328196

You all are allergic to whimsy and fun. I'll call myself whatever the fuck I please.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 330490

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anyone else get sex pest moid vibes from oddeeo? heard people had weird interactions with him and he always said weird shit like picrel in the past

No. 330866

Not really no. Plus, this is from 2016, who cares?

No. 331507

All of those 2010-2018 fandom figures were always saying really weird gross stuff in public and private. It's just that nobody cared because if you said something you were burned at the stake.

No. 327149[Reply]

I wasn't entirely sure what board to post this rant on, but I figured this was close enough since he started on Buzzfeed then left to start a YouTube channel based on a reoccurring Buzzfeed concept called "the try guys." I was never really fan of the try guys, but it was interesting content at first anyway.

I used to be a huge fan of Eugene on Buzzfeed because he was a very rare example of a strong, confident, mysterious Asian man at the time and happened to very talented. In fact, way more talented than a lot of people in Hollywood. I sometimes wondered why he wasn't big in Hollywood. Speaking of Hollywood, I never got into it because of how fake, manufactured, scripted, and orchestrated all of Hollywood was and still is.

I stopped going on Buzzfeed when they started going woke and posting outrage political bait. I also noticed they started stealing everything from Reddit so why go on Buzzfeed at all when I can go on Reddit? I eventually quit going on Reddit too, but that's a whole other rant. Then the "try guys" and a lot of other Buzzfeed people left to start their own YouTubes. Eugene never really appeared that much in any of the post-Buzzfeed Try Guys content anyway. He also came out with his "I'm Gay" video around the same time. It further illustrated and demonstrated his artistic talent. I again wondered why he wasn't big in Hollywood.

But his entire personality changed after that. It's like he became a completely different person. Like making sex jokes and other inappropriate behavior all the time in a rare Try Guys appearance. I really should have known better. That Eugene's Buzzfeed persona was all fake and an act. Parasocial or celebrity crush I guess. Buzzfeed knew what they were doing at first anyway.

I stopped watching the Try Guys. Last year or so, one of the Try Guys had an affair on his wife with one of their engaged employees, so I briefly came back out of curiosity and their content was even worse. It's typical low effort subpar YouTube commercialization like eating food and ranking things. That's all of their content.

Eugene is officially leaving now and The Try Guys are gearing up to officially leave YouTube altogether. They're not going to explicitly say this due to all the Watchers backlash announcement.

I don't know who anyone else except the try guys, and I obviously don't know them either. One of the employees' comment about "objectifying him one more time" in Eugene's depPost too long. Click here to view the full text.(shit thread)
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No. 327168

this isn't your personal blog, newfag

No. 327170

Why is this written like you're presenting a Youtube video about this guy, threads should be formatted as such
>summary of person
>summary of milk
>relevant links
You can write your own personal opinions in the replies, not the main thread. Buzzfeed thread is on snow and I don't really get how Eugene is weeb adjacent? Maybe rewrite this thread without the personal comments and put it on snow with a link to the snow buzzfeed/try guys thread.
Not a janny but just an idea.

No. 327172

Samefag I think you'd also be fine just going to /snow and talking about Eugene in the buzzfeed/try guys thread that already exists

I don't think he needs his own thread based on what you wrote, like unless he's being a major cow on his own profiles you can continue discussion above.

No. 327177

Thanks! Is there a way to move posts to other boards? Or will I have to copy/paste to make a new post in /snow/ and delete the one here?(newfag)

No. 327182

This thread is unnecessary. You can keep talking about him in the buzzfeed cows thread >>>/snow/1660046

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No. 29466[Reply]

Old thread >>119682

Sage your non-milk replies this time.

Old Milk
>LACE dramu
>Comes back to western comm
> Proof she lurks on lolcow >>248672
> Shitty selling practices (i.e. says "never worn" while posting pics of her wearing said dress on IG, makeup stains, smells, etc.)
> Married
> Moves to LA
> Sits on her ass taking "aesthetic" photos while draining her husband of money
> Tries to stay relevant by begging pop up shops to hire her on IG
> Starts a YT channel which she rarely updates
> Tries to start a new BABYDOLL OS never to be heard about again >>602802
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No. 327467

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are you sure? going through that person's social media and they just look like a lesbian that's aged, pic rel is from 2017

No. 327495

Has trans flag emojis in their linktree and retweets a bunch of TRA crap so there's that.

No. 327508

She’s clearly a woman. She probably has trans shit posted because she’s enby or ~a boy~

No. 327516

File: 1717183570089.png (1.8 MB, 811x1544, kenziedesu.PNG)

Where? I'm not seeing trans flags on any of her social media.

No. 327558

File: 1717258157879.jpg (399.58 KB, 1440x1991, 20240601_090822.jpg)

Looks like your device is lacking the trans flag emoji and replaces it with something else

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No. 18232[Reply]

Bratty Tumblr pastel artist.
>special snowflake who gets extremely salty when people do anything less than kiss her ass when it comes to her 100% ORIGINAL DO NOT STEAL art
>very possessive about her generic Tumblr art style, accuses other people of copying her and sics her army of fans on them
>copied this very same art style from other people and has unapologetically ripped off entire OCs and character designs
>has 908249829482 OCs with Tumblr pronouns and edgy back stories
>romanticizes self-harm, sexual abuse, pedophilia, etc for her pastel goth ~*dolly*~ aesthetic
>suicide-baits and crytypes when people in her inner circle do/say things she doesn't like
>abuses her cats for fun
Tumblr: http://tearzah.tumblr.com/
Personal Tumblr (feat. heavily edited selfies): http://dollclaws.tumblr.com/
OC circlejerk Tumblr: http://ashkinoshita.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dollieguts/
Deviantart: http://dollieguts.deviantart.com/?rnrd=202882
Receipts/Callout posts here (some of the grievances are a bit stupid because she primarily involves herself with other Tumblrinas):
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No. 267912

wow. haven’t focused on this chick in years. same old thing, it’s funny you would think she would improve her art after drawing this ugly artstyle for years and clean up her act. at some point the commissions are going to dry up and people are going to find other copycats that draw better than her. anything new? nope. and her twitter has been stagnant for a while. still at 31 thousand. come on, tearzah

necro sage whatever idc ban me, someone decided to revive this old thread(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 273661

this thread seems to be dead so i guess i’ll just add recent milk;

- now goes by her name ‘tearzah’ again
- openly identifies as a woman (previously non-binary)
- came out as bisexual and is allegedly dating a cis male
- moved back to florida and is living with her dad again
- art got slightly better than it was before
- opened up about bailey a while ago for being a creep and abusive

No. 323956

After over a year, we finally got one little dribble of milk.

She has definitely stopped faking her flat affect voice, has been for a little while now, but more than that.
Tea has retconned Bailey's character post-breakup, stumbles through the whole video just saying different variations of "he's not a good guy". Seems to be trying to pretend none of the past ever happened and vaguely blanketing it.

No. 326980

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Looks like she’s distanced herself from 1800DustBunny recently despite Bunny being one of her longtime orbiters now that Bunny’s in their own drama

No. 326981

Sorry for the double post but here’s the video I got the comment from for context

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No. 27657[Reply]

There hasn't been an active thread for her in a while but since she's completely re-branded and still putting out content, here it is.

>Known for her aidoru days

>Pee scandal
>Still lives in Japan
>Trying to be a successful youtuber, DJ, singer and model
>Still does drugs (?)
>Went from literal loli pedo bait to 5edgy3u baddie type

Past threads:

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No. 331322

Now that she's almost thirty, she looks and wears like a shit. The woman is been rocking the same black bra every day go to the store.When will she stop being such an idol? The train has long since passed.

No. 331355

kek, japanese anon. Did she do you dirty or something? She won't give up on being an idol if she hasn't done it yet. She's just going to keep reinventing herself even if that train completely derails.

No. 331408

reinventing oneself to remain impoverished. Hang up, bro. Pinkii has passed the idol age. No partner, no children, no home, no job.
very funny that she was criticizing her ex for being a bum, considering that she is one now. pinkii would become as drug and alcohol addicted as her ex in the coming years as she attempts to bring her dead career back to life. poetic. A failed mumble singer.

No. 332585

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does her nose look different or has she just gotten better at contouring?

No. 332660

She shoops her photos a lot these days to slim her nose and hide her nasolabial folds or eyebags. She actually looks like >>326561 or >>324672 normally. Her nose slimming filters have glitched before clipping her nose >>290690 in video too. It's honestly kind of sad, seems like she's trying harder to stay looking younger than she is, but the reality is that she's 30 and looks it. Nothing wrong with that, but doesn't exactly fit her uwu forever baby succubus persona. Wonder if she will lean into cosmetic procedures next or just go the lori route into her 40s.

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