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No. 334903[Reply]

>Adelaide Somers / Addy Harajuku (previously known as addychansenpai) is a terminally online 25-year-old weeaboo tiktoker and self proclaimed “expert” in j-fashion, anime, japanese culture, fandom, cosplay, conventions, and other similar topics she barely has any knowledge about.
>General traits: hypocrite, insecure, thin skinned, and a moralfagging liar.
>She’s known to lurk lolcow threads and has made videos about Pixyteri and Chris Chan, defending the latter as a “vulnerable grooming victim manipulated into raping his own mother”.

>Addy’s online presence can be traced back to the 2010s with multiple abandoned youtube channels focusing on anime figure reviews and general weaboo content. As of today, all her previous videos are privated, but remnants of her attempts at relevancy can be seen across different websites.

>Nowadays, she spends her time dressing in poor attempts at j-fashion, wearing ugly goggles on top of her choppy hair, and creating low quality content for her impressionable young fanbase.
>Some of her most notable examples of said low quality content is her virtue signaling and holier-than-thou tiktok rants discussing what she deems as problematic media: she likes policing others on what figures to own, what creators to support, and what anime to watch. However, Addy does not take her own advice on the matter, and regularly purchases figures from series that include lolicon, rape, self harm, abuse, and incest, supporting their creators in the process.
>She regularly shills anime girl figures from NSFW sources such as Super Sonico and Saya no Uta to her young fanbase. encouraging them to buy figures, believing that anything that doesn't show a vagina or exposed nipple is SFW and “body positive”. Being an owner of a raunchy Super Sonico ½ scale figure herself, she sees no problem in recommending similar figures to teenagers.
>Some of her most infamous tiktok rants include the multi-part series called “figures I regret buying” where she whines and complains about certain figures she “totally didn’t know came from a problematic Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 345041

>i have seen zoomers call things from 2016 y2k.
Jesus Christ kek. I've seen the older gen alphas get nostalgic over the 2010s but I guess it makes sense since someone who was 10 in 2017 is now 18. Still weird to me.
Knowing her, she'll make videos on pastel goth in the not too distant future. Something something "I remember wearing pastel goth back in the day" larp and what not.

No. 345046

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wtf is she talking about

No. 345049

Bop houses are like streamer houses (where a bunch of streamers live together and record their streams in their individual rooms) but for onlyfans girls, addy has a track record of defending ethots online.

Just defending them would be one thing on its own tbh, but she also has a track record of going on BPD rampages towards 15 year old girls on social media for being uncomfortable with seeing nearly nude cosplayers at cons (see previous threads), not a great look for a nearly 27 year old grown woman to tell literal children they have to be ok with seeing adult women showing their bare ass at cons. A lot of younger zoomers and older gen alphas shit on ewhores online, largely going against the onlyfans/selling porn/nudes positive movement popular with older zoomers and millennials. I'm wondering if she's going to make a new tiktok telling some other teenage girls they're misogynistic for shitting on bop houses too.

No. 345056

What subculture includes whores??

No. 345062

Gyaru and jirai

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No. 11133[Reply]

Savannah Ariana Lee aka rasbll/rasbii is an "artist" on twitter with nearly 50,000 followers. On the surface, she seems like an annoying girl who keeps posting about cats and animu shit. However, it recently came out that she JUST turned 18 on May 21st. She's also known for her NSFW art, but she posted and sold porn on her patreon while underage. Another factor to consider is that she's in a circle of similar porn artists who are definitely in their 20s. Amusingly, she deletes a lot of tweets, but the incriminating posts are still up.

Her actual identity is a mystery. Despite telling followers that she would post a selfie multiple times, she had never done so. Nobody knows what this girl looks like, and the only evidence that she's real is through her exes on twitter, who have all deactivated or has been inactive for a few years. Her "introvert" and "shy" identity might as well be fake, as she admits to drinking underage and possibly goes to clubs.

In her past:
>used to do sonic rps
>which is how she had 3 exes
there was so much shit there that it probably deserves its own thread, but here's some rp shit that's extremely questionable, possibly sharing nudes when she was 14: http://archive.is/qPCFT
proof that she existed at one point:
>drew aka Drewbutropolis on twitter dated savannah for some time but constantly fought with a guy named isaiah, turns out they both dated savannah at one point and drew was jealous of him
there's probably more shit in there but i decided to pull out the most notable stuff.

Savannah has made multiple meet the artist pages stating that her age was 19 since 2016. She has deleted them on deviantart sometime this week, but simply googling "rasbii meet" can show her other meet the artist pages. Here is an example that was done in march 2017 where she was definitely 16: http://archive.is/B13Px
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No. 227740

Have any anons found her new name? Is she still a milky, lying, salty bitch? I find it hilarious she self-posts here to this day and photoshopped a fake ID in attempt to keep her lies about her age going.

No. 232458

Shlushies is her new Twitter. I’m following Daddy Bones and he was following her but her profile is Private.(namefag)

No. 313863

Yo Sav, where you at grrl? I tried to pick you up from school but you never showed. Now me so sad. If you come back I'll draw another picture of you sitting on my mature adult lap. You complete me. Love, Vaiigh (the real one)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 325250

shes back. her name is now Dvmogorgon(this is an imageboard)

No. 344964

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if you thought her art was bad before, take a look at how much worse it's gotten(sage your shit)

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No. 325162[Reply]

Previous threads:

Taylor R is a “hardworking” “self-made” “successful” former model and Youtuber from Canada whose main claim to fame used to be copying Dakota’s embarrassing 2012 - 2015 living doll phase. She’s since abandoned this endeavor to copy fellow gold digger Valeria Lipovesky and any other content creator that appears in her tiktok feed.

Her husband, Tom Lip is a successful businessman. One of his companies, MenClub, was exposed for featuring at least 8 underage (age 12-16) girls in skimpy clothing on their site. After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!), both of which are now conveniently privated.

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No. 345990

just jumping into the Red Note trend of traditional Chinese medicine tea/meals. Trying to get those western views before people discover they can also open an account on red note and see the original recipes

No. 346044

No one talked about her using rednote until this year. A lot of this is just chinese holistic woowoo stuff she regurgitates, not specifically from rednote just because its also popular on rednote and instagram/twitter.

No. 346061

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She does try to make him eat healthy but it's usually met with criticism and complaints from him. I don't have many examples saved but every time she feeds him non-greasy or vegan food he whines and throws tantrums like a kid. This is an old story, but you get the gist.

No. 346067

People who arent vegan don't like vegan food. That has nothing to do with being childish kek That shit tastes disgusting no matter what and Taylor most likely knows that. Forcing your family to eat plant based meats because you think they should is controlling.

No. 346079

Taylor should serve him the same hidden veggie pasta she gives Levi lol Imagine having to trick both your toddler and your geriatric husband into eating balanced meals kek I'd choose to focus on the kid, too. Tom can eat shit for all she cares.

Except "vegan" food featured in the video is veggies and tofu on rice plus an egg (not vegan), yet he acts like he's being force-fed something truly disgusting.
He could be right and it might've been not a tasty meal but he didn't even try it, he started whining as soon as he saw it. That's being childish.

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No. 287328[Reply]

Amina du Jean, also known as Aminyan, is the first black idol in the Japanese entertainment industry. A native of Detroit, Michigan, United States, she loved Japanese culture as a child. She started taking private Japanese lesson when she was 12. She was also a fan of Japanese idol groups. She moved to Japan and ended up in sex work and is now married to a man 20 years older. Best known for her beef with micky and Barbie.

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No. 345044

I've been pretty active itt in the past, but I have to agree too. Losing the old disgusting coomer moid is actually a big step in the right direction, but it also wasn't all that long ago she still seemed to be sugaring. Hopefully with this new job and dropping her stupid porn platform that she was relentlessly pushing, she might actually amount to something more someday? Her still hanging so desperately onto her failed idol label into her 30s isn't giving me too much hope though. Crazy to see how long some of these failed idols turned prostitutes drag this shit on for.

No. 345052

It’s because most of them went into prostitution because they couldn’t or wouldn’t get a real job. She seems to have really turned things around. Good for her. Not many cows could do that.

No. 345079

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Mint stars is a porn site and she still works for them. She’s probably not stopping the sex work and sugaring any time soon.

No. 345081

kek, thank you anon. So she's still up to the same old shit, but much better at disguising it. Interesting that she's being at least semi critical of porn while also actively running a whole porn site though. She is keeping the recent guy "sponsoring" her a secret at least, but it's pretty obvious she has someone around still funding her.

No. 345516

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Everyday she gets closer to self awareness. Good for her.

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No. 305988[Reply]

Previous Threads:

Notable Cows:

>uses garageband for a majority of her music, knows nothing about music theory
>Deletes own songs without notice for attention, "muh depression"
>Swarms of 13 y/o fans who idolize her
>horrible tumblr art
>claims to have DID, now, apparently.
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No. 339332

Am I the only one who doesn't like Gumi's SynthV voicebank? I love SynthV and how realistic some of its vbs are but her SynthV vb feels just… not her. It got rid of the accent and the sweet, airy tone colour/timbre(?) that her V3/V4 vbs had that we all knew and loved, especially Megpoid English V3. If I'd heard her SynthV vb without prior knowledge it was her I wouldn't have been able to recognise it as her and would've thought it was some generic female vocal. I'm glad Miku NT and Teto SynthV sound like their OG counterparts at least. I miss old Gumi

No. 344758

Creep-P did a whole week of fake short vids to stunt promote his new track. I know he's an ex-voca P, but he's still probably relevant to this thread.
Acted like everyone hated him, and he was losing his shit about getting a new job, but it all was a lead-up to dropping a song with Ayesha Erotica.

As usual, his beats are extremely unoriginal and the lyrics are at best vapid.
But I find it perplexing that he's portraying a female-looking employee in the music video itself.
The whole song is about degradation and sucking and fucking.
Also, I thought Ayesha had quit doing music due to harrassment for being found out as trans and doxxed? Also, there was the talk of Ayesha being actually dead?
Everything about this weirds and skeeves me out.
Creep-P had looked like a braindead coomer with many of his recent releases, but also leading his fanbase on with something "serious" and "personal" just to drop another coomer song?(sage your shit)

No. 344773


crashing out as a publicity play to promote a song is so fucking weak

like you have so little faith in your own music that you resort to having a mental crisis to get more people to listen(sage your shit)

No. 344810

>>344773 >>334758
Creep-P is literally a no-talent having derivative garbage producer that makes ear-splitting music that sounds like a car misfiring. The only way he can stay relevant is by doing these publicity stunts because his music is inherently terrible and is held up only by its spectacle. When he stopped coasting off of those songs that are based on existing properties, like that terrible shitty Don't Hug Me I'm Scared song or the FNAF song, it revealed just how creatively bankrupt he is because none of his later works have even come close to replicating a fraction of those songs because, other than the property they were based on, there was literally nothing relevant about them.

No. 345009

ayeshas been back and doing collabs since like 2023(?) when he popped out dating some shitty white rapper

still doesn't make this song anything better than tiktok edit slop tho

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No. 27657[Reply]

There hasn't been an active thread for her in a while but since she's completely re-branded and still putting out content, here it is.

>Known for her aidoru days

>Pee scandal
>Still lives in Japan
>Trying to be a successful youtuber, DJ, singer and model
>Still does drugs (?)
>Went from literal loli pedo bait to 5edgy3u baddie type

Past threads:

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No. 344789

She'd need a sponsored work visa unless she's found another way to scam an extended visa. I doubt she'd get a proper work visa though, she has almost zero experience outside prostitution and a little retail work. Can't imagine she'd settle on marrying a german moid, but cows have done crazier things.

No. 344795

Why is she wearing a toilet seat cover… oh wait, I guess that's appropriate kek

No. 344796

Moving to a foreign country that you don’t speak the language of because you felt like it is not a flex but makes her look impulsive and irrational. What is she running away from?

No. 344811

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No. 344883

We'll see if she actually moved there in a month or two if she's still there. My best guess is that she found a generous john while touring and went back to visit before deciding to stay for a while. Might just be on a tourist visa or something similar, or maybe she's actually getting serious with a guy again? Time will tell.

ngl, the whole look is kind of giving shayna in a monster high wig.

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No. 24530[Reply]

This thread is for any lolcow or weeb in the VK scene.

(MiA,Bangya peeps,etc)
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No. 334252

Can we revive this thread or is it dead forever…

No. 337077

I dislike the fans who bring bands to America and Europe, spending money just to get close to them and act like they are a family

No. 337523

I've seen Mexican Hispanic people traveled to Japan as well spend money trip flights
before cheap(read the rules)

No. 344451

The new generation of visual kei (they call it vkei) weebs is annoying.(sage your shit )

No. 344458

You sound new yourself. Vkei as a term has been used since the 2000's at the very least

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No. 16207[Reply]

Haven't seen a thread like this yet.

Pic related (Fetsu), also Mahouprince, Elizabunni, Anzujaamu, PeachMilkyTea, Pastelbat etc.

Besides earning their fame by basically buying wigs and circle lenses and taking pictures in them, any drama surrounding them?
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No. 345459

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What the hell is this monstruosity?

Imagine getting a photographer to do a shoot for you and hating yourself so much that you overexpose and oversaturate the photos.

No. 345881

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She made another reel about being bullied and like what even is this?

No. 345936

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These day in the live Vlogs in Japan are quite literally all the same, no matter the creator, no matter the video. None of them are special and it’s the same boring shit in all of them and they all use the same 5 angles, but of course our little princess Katie is being copied by someone with such a massive following who definitely knows of her existence to the point, god forbid, they bought the same fucking kimchi! We need to file a police report because how dare a person buy the same generic supermarket item a “small wittle creator” does KEK

No. 345938

Lmaoooo I just took a second to check the person she is accusing of copying her and it’s AbroadinJapan’s wife.

No. 345940

Capsule bunny is one of the most boring generic washed up europeanJ-Vloggers but sure Sharla is copying her kek

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No. 338748[Reply]

Jirai kei is an emerging j-fashion subculture that consists of mentally ill girls who hate each other, OTC cough medicine abuse, ect.

Common drama in the community
> gaijin larping as toyoko kids in kabukicho
> "tHe DaRk sIdE oF jIrAI kEi"
> scammers jp girls

Notable cows (mostly taken from other threads)
>addyharajuku: jfashion content creator– disliked by jirais for her poor takes and even worse makeup (has her own thread here)
> becomingadoll, marinjirai, Meruu218 on twitter – jirai kei influencers on twitter part of the toyoko larping crowd
> babu_melo on instagram – japanese jirai known for befriending gaijin and having messy falling outs with them
> not a cow but @/jiraiconfess on twitter a new anonymus confession account on twitter already stirring up "drama"(shit thread, no links to cows social medias etc.)
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No. 343903


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 343906

I’m not the one that claimed she was a pedo idiot. You’re the one making claims without posting caps.

No. 343913

And I wasn’t the anon you was originally replying to, they got redtexted for not posting the caps I just provided you. The burden of proof is on those making the claims she is a pedo, not those who are asking wheres the proof because no one cared to post it if it even happened. If you ain’t providing anything of substance to the discussion yourself other than bitching stfu

No. 343937

ty for posting caps nonnie. i got redtexted and only found out as i was posting those same caps kek

No. 343959

Most people dont hate her for her looks but her rotten personality. This much is obvious by now but she always says shes bullied because shes ugly.

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No. 292533[Reply]

Lori Cerda, known as Lori Lewd or Usagi Kou, is a 38-year-old photoshop addicted costhot and anime fictionkin (otakukin for the oldfags) from New York state. With 20+ years of lunacy behind her, farmers have been working together diligently to stitch together the madness into a coherent timeline. Lots of interactions and receipts have been lost to time, either deleted or made private, keep that in mind as we continue.

Lori got her start as a rabid Sailor Moon cosplayer in the early aughts which launched her into infamy and Moonie drama that lasted for over 10 years alone. In Summary; a well-liked, cute and young cosplayer that wowed people as Sailor Moon had one of the hardest and fastest falls from grace. It’s a story rife with lies, theft, squatting, cheating, jealousy, cult-like behavior and lots of violence. To put it lightly, it blew apart the entire Sailor Moon livejournal community in the US. The juxtaposition of Usagi and Lori piqued the interest of many people. Some might call her one of the OG cosplay lolcows. After becoming a joke to the majority of the US cosplay community Lori dropped her Usagi shtick, married a few times and stayed mostly quiet.

2017 changed all that when Lori met Kevin “Skye” Hanft. Once the two cosplayers met and fell in love, Lori quickly reverted to her past behaviors and became Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx. Her current phase she has described herself as “14 yr old boy” and “spicy loli gremlin elf bb succubus” She cosplays Marin Kitagawa now as she's the flavor of the week waifu. Of course she is "the IRL Marin" in her eyes just like she was IRL Saber and Zero Two. Recognizing her status as a complete has-been, Lori prefers to focus on what she calls "spicy" content (shitty nudes) and "lewd modeling". She only does half-assed couple cosplay with Kevin at conventions, if that. Kevin feeds Lori’s delusions and is a whole cow on his own. He serves as her meal ticket and guard dog. At the first sign of any inconvenience or drama, Lori will blow the whistle and sick her dog. If you lurk long enough you will spot a wild Kevin masquerading as anon. Do not interact. He is retarded and he will spend his time trying to track you down. He has a documented history of digitally stalking commenters, accusing them of being anons or Momokun/Vamplette and threatening suicide/murder. He will escalate even faster if he is currently in the doghouse and blocked by Lori. It's how she manipulates him to do her old KouPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 344356

Ewwww, why you would show those Hobbit pad stompers off I don't understand. Crusty heels, wrinkly feet, giant callus. Who asked for that?

No. 344395

You sound like pedophile scrotes(infight bait)

No. 344397

She looks pretty to me

No. 344464

Anyone know where the black turtleneck thing is from?

No. 344630

Darker Wavs. It is sold out on Dolls Kill but if they restock, it is called “cold shoulder zipper shrug”

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