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No. 27657
There hasn't been an active thread for her in a while but since she's completely re-branded and still putting out content, here it is.
>Known for her aidoru days>Pee scandal>Still lives in Japan>Trying to be a successful youtuber, DJ, singer and model>Still does drugs (?)>Went from literal loli pedo bait to 5edgy3u baddie typePast threads:
>>>/pt/360>>>/pt/51992>>>/pt/197968Youtube: No. 27658
>>27657I discovered her through PDR's channel. Ever since that collab she's made Duncan and Mimei her top featured channels. Trying to ride their coattails for sure.
Also in the first pic on her instagram feed she's wearing an edgy tshirt glorying drug use. I don't know why she would actively advertise her fondness of drugs in a country like japan, especially as a DJ who parties constantly. Wouldn't that jeopardize her visa and modelling gigs etc?
No. 27662
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Seems like she's gained a bit of weight since before, good for her. She had a pretty obvious ED a while back, and looked pretty sick.
No. 27664
>>27662She looks cute now tbh. I like her 90s technopop vibe.
Looking through her insta it's actually kind of refreshing to see something so different. 90% of the jvloggers basically act like 60 year olds wherein they only go out during the day and the rogue night out is like, Karaoke and they hardly ever show themselves drinking, so it's interesting to see another side of Tokyo.
No. 27666
>>27661Whoa, I want to see her breakdown video. I hadn't even known it existed. Is it on that youko site like her other ones because I can't seem to find it…
On another note, I think that her fashion and especially her makeup can be pretty sloppy and lulzy sometimes, but I'm also seeing her improve. Unfortunately, her music is horrible despite having a great voice.
No. 27670
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Aah, I miss Yukapon drama.
The milk is super dry now, but I still find her cute.
A Vintage Yuka for nostalgia's sake.
>>27662She's honestly looking good her, I am glad she gained weight.
>>27669I agree. Maybe she think's using slang reflects how fluent she is, but it just looks like she has poor vocabulary.
No. 27674
I'm taking a trip down memory lane, and the 2011-2014 Yuka milk was fucking insane. Those really were the golden days. Now, we have nothing.
I wish the Wayback Machine saved all the screencaps and videos from (which is now mostly empty), though.
Here's the old /pt/ thread for anyone who wants to reminisce too:
>>>/pt/360 No. 27675
>>27671Yuka isn't on a work visa. She's studying makeup at vantan. The same school that Shiena went to. After her breakdown she stayed in America for a year or something like that then went to a language school for two years (the maximum time you're allowed on a language school visa). And now she's at vantan and will probably work in Japan after.
She's been going to Japan since her failed idol days. Her Japanese is good because she learned it pretty well during that time.
I'm happy that she's made a comeback. I've always liked her.
No. 27676
>>27675She actually had a fanbase and signed to Japanese management which is way more than what most weeb aidoru wannabes can say. Why does everyone on this board call anyone that actually gets to Japan a "failed idol"? Yeah she had the scandal in the end but she didn't really "fail".
Also she could very well have a work visa. Dakota Rose, Yuriko Tiger, Taylor etc have work visas and besides Taylor I'm sure Yuka is making more via YouTube etc than the rest. She leaves Japan quite a bit too which is a requirement for a work visa. I think she's at vantan but doesn't have their visa. I say that because you can't DJ on a student visa.
No. 27678
>>27676I doubt immigration would care. She doesn't even have a degree and started youtube and DJing after she went to Japan. How can she get a work visa? She's definitely on a student visa
She went to Japan and the idol thing failed because she got a lot of abuse after the pee and Akira mental breakdown scandal. She then went really quiet for a while and lived in America before going back to Japan and changing her style. I said she failed as an idol not as a person. She didn't even get a foot of the ground because of her scandal.
Stop getting defensive. I actually like her.
No. 27680
>>27678She had fans etc she didn't fail as an idol her career was still successful.
Also you can get entertainment visa without a degree. You seriously think Dakota or Taylor or those Russian farmer's daughter models have degree? I heard Yuriko tiger doesn't even have a Highschool diploma.
No. 27687
>>27685I think so. They had enough money to send her to study in Japan for how many years.
>>27686But what I'm trying to say is that before she came to Japan she wasn't doing anything. After her pee scandal she went quiet. So how could she suddenly go from doing nothing in America to an entertainment visa when the only things online about her back then were videos of her loli akiba dancing, peeing and breaking down.
She only started DJing and the modelling after she went back to Japan once the scandal had blown over.
No. 27694
>>27693she was younger back then.
i think once people that are into jfashion and stuff actually move to japan and realize people dont actually dress like that, they default back to normal fashion…
No. 27699
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I miss younger Yukapon. Nowadays she looks and acts trashy.
No. 27701
>>27699She was trashy back then she just iddnt show it. She even was into gyaru before the whole uguuloli persona. Honestly her saccharine childlike act creep me out. She was trying hard to act like a kid (and her catchphrase "eternally 13", shooping her boobs flat in swimsuit pics,…)and tried hard to please pedos. I know that's what some idols do to get fans but ew.
>tfw used to think she was super cute>tfw used to think being an idol was all being cheerful,being cute and singing and dancingHow I miss being ignorant and 14.
No. 27703
>>27702Yeah honestly I wish everyone would just pull back for a minute and consider she was a damaged, groomed young teenager. I felt sorry for her during her downfall.
A few years ago I maybe judged her the same way, but after working with mentally ill/traumatized teenagers for as long as I have now, idk but I feel bad for her. She was clearly groomed from a young age and has a traumatic history of some kind, physical or sexual abuse. Predators can smell damage and I'm sure that's had lasting effects on her. I know I'm probly in the wrong place saying all of this blah blah but I'm just giving my standpoint.
No. 27704
>>27662I miss her old look because it was cute, and I was curious for how long she could pass as a loli. With that said, it's a lot healthier for her mentally and probably relationship-wise to move onto a more young-adult style.
I imagine in a few years, she'll have faded into obscurity and be a semi-normal adult woman. The only thing I can imagine getting in the way of this is drugs (i.e. getting caught with possession of drugs is a good way to lose a visa or go to jail).
It's weird because she used to be underaged and even as an adult passed as a child. Now I can totally imagine her getting married and having a kid in a couple years lol
No. 27709
>>27706There was a leaked screenshot going around where she was flirting with some guy in YouTube DMs, saying shit like "What color do you want my panties to be?". She also said "I can't tell you the details, but I lost my virginity at a con when I was really, really young :(" or something.
I'll see if I can find it on /cgl/.
No. 27712
>>27708>>27711This is my first time posting in this thread or any of her past threads as far as I can remember. I met this girl when she was around 16 at a local con. She introduced herself as Yukapon, spoke broken Japanese, and claimed to be a quarter Japanese. She was this tiny, baby voiced, awkward anime-acting girl who definitely looked much younger than she was. She was all over my friend who was Japanese and close to her age which I find kind of funny now given that this was within the time frame of her "dating" Akira.
I don't think she was really in love with Akira (given how she was really all over my friend), but saw him as more of a way to get her foot in the door into a life in Japan. Akira, however, is absolutely a disgusting lolicon and should not be defended. I think Yuka was just typical teen weeaboo trash desperate enough to do "whatever it takes" to get to Japan. And hell, it worked, didn't it? I am glad to see that she's been able to move on and grow up since then though. She seems pretty alright and generally quite milkless now. I do kind of wonder if her past will come back to bite her in the ass though.
Sage for being semi bloggy.
No. 27714
>>27713I legit think that most people don't know. Look at how many people on here who are asking about it.
There's a big difference between people who are generic anime weebs to people who are into idol stuff. Most people who are interested in Japan are mainly into anime and the more mainstream stuff. Idol groups aren't mainstream in Japan or the west.
Also doing anime dance covers like yuka, beckii and other wannabe idols used to do has been pretty much unheard of for the past 5 years.
The only people that know about her pee stuff are those who were interested in the gaijin idol stuff. Most of the people she's blogging with probably had no interest in it or just don't care anymore.
No. 27716
>>27715Not Akiba idols, though. They're mostly unknown outside of small groups, and fizzle out of cult popularity very quickly. They also never become well-known outside Akihabara.
Yuka being a gaijin who was literally mistaken for Beckii Cruel when she went to Japan during her stint just makes things a bit sadder.
No. 27719
>>27717Exactly what
>>27718 said. It's like any city. If anything, Tokyo is pretty welcoming as it's constantly full of tourists.
No. 27721
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No. 27728
>>27725I kinda get what they were going for, but it's really not doing it for me. She sounds like a chipmunk and the video doesn't really seem to have a story? It's kinda hard to even make out what she's saying.
She looks cute though, and nice shots of Tokyo I guess?
No. 27738
>>27658>Also in the first pic on her instagram feed she's wearing an edgy tshirt glorying drug use. I don't know why she would actively advertise her fondness of drugs in a country like japan, especially as a DJ who parties constantly. Wouldn't that jeopardize her visa and modelling gigs etc?Can't find the post you're talking about, but is it weed? because lots of Japanese people legit don't get the reference, they think they're acer/japanese maple leaves. My friend showed me a picture of his aunt's house and they had this little room divider curtain emblazoned with
>LEGALISE IT!in the traditional Rasta colours, covered in weed leaves. They had no idea what the connotation was.
It's not that big a deal because unless they've been abroad most Japanese people wont be familiar enough with drugs to understand what its in reference to, and their English level wont be good enough to understand the text fully.
No. 27739
>>27738Where I live in Japan I see people drive around marijuana leaf car air freshners dangleing from their reveiw mirrors all the time.
Sorry for bad grammar.
No. 27744
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>>27743No they were not. I know the difference, I use to smoke all the time in the US. Even though they are pretty damn close. We make that joke everytime we see it "oh look Japanese maple leaf" with finger quotations. I saw them at Don Quixote, also. I live off of the mainland.
No. 27749
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>>27748They're real oh no he's some mumble rapper
this is his insta, looks like he had a kid with some japanese lady too No. 27750
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>>27745>>27746Is her new boyfriend the greasy redneck looking, soundcloud rapper wannabe dude in that vlog? She typically only dated old, creepy looking Japanese guys, so I can't really say it's a huge downgrade, but he's pretty gross looking.
No. 27751
>>27749Opps, missed this. I guess he is her boyfriend. She's always dated some real winners.
>>27746I'm looking forward to when the dirt comes out she's doing a dating service or something. If she hasn't yet, I can see it happening in her future.
No. 27753
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>>27752Dug around on him a bit, was wondering what type of Japanese woman would settle for this. Surprisingly his ex is really cute, but upon further inspection, it seems she just really wanted a hafu baby, she even has line stickers of their kid for sale. Weird.
Also, this guy didn't get really stupid looking until the past year, seems he is in a downward spiral and "Natchan" is along for the ride.
No. 27754
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>>27749>>27751>>27752Also, didn't she date that one old decora guy, Junnyan? Has she ever dated anyone who wasn't super cringey?
No. 27755
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The weird thing is that Natalia is, imho, genuinely cute? She has a cute face, she's thin and well kept in general. She could land a rich not so old japanese dude with ease. Is her self-esteem that low? Why is she always dating pedos, greasy dudes and greasy pedo dudes? What the fuck?
>>27754Yep, she did. During that decora phase of hers. Wasn't he like in his 40's or something? She wasn't even 20, IIRC.
No. 27756
>>27755I met her once, briefly, at a local con around her pee video phase. She was telling people her name was legitimately Yuka, that she was half Japanese, and was speaking in very broken Japanese, etc.
Honestly, she's probably just insecure and has issues with her own identity. She always seems to be recreating her identity based on whatever loser she's dating at the moment. It's like her entire identity is based around other people or whatever is trending at the moment. She was a kawaii loli idol, then a harajuku street fashion girl, now she's trying to be an edgy instagram baddie who dates shitty soundcloud rappers.
I'll agree though, she's not an ugly girl by any means. She may nto be model pretty, but she's cute, has a cute/petite figure, seems to come from a good family. I don't really get it either, hopefully she snaps out of it before she ends up going the "toopoor" route with her new lilpeep wannabe of a boyfriend.
No. 27757
>>27753I couldn't see anything about his ex, other than that they'd been together for a few years, had family trips and even got married, they stayed together until the baby was 1. Then they split and he got a bunch of fuckstupid tattoos.
He seems to be the grandchild of a US mayor, Ilus W. Davis. I really hope dollar store Peep doesn't fuck up Yukapon even more, I was kinda rooting for her.
No. 27760
>>27757>>27758Honestly, her history of extreme identity changes and her taste in men really make me wonder about her personality and emotional/mental stability. Is she really just that thirsty for a taste of fame in Japan? Is there something else at play here?
It seems like she had dated Akira, despite him being so much older and clearly a lolicon, because he was buying her gifts, cloths, and promising her help with an idol career in Japan. Junnyan is old and ugly, but he is a rather well known character in the street fashion world, has been in a ton of magazines street snaps, and was a manager at Super Lovers at the time. Now she's latched onto this trashy, soundcloud rapper and is trying to spin herself a new identity as a DJ now.
I know she's still pretty young, but her history and pursuits of fame have gotten pretty out of hand at times. I'm glad she's been able to move on from the scandal of her pee video and other questionable content via her relationship with Akira. I just hope that she doesn't fall too far down the rabbit hole with this new guy. She's never been an outright mean or awful person, just kind of the usual cringey weeb at her worst. She really could do so much better and I hope she eventually wakes up and sees that.
No. 27761
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How long before yukapee gets knocked up too?? She escaped small town american life, but damn you just cant take it out of the girl can you?
No. 27762
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>>27761Abortions in Japan are pretty costly, here's hoping she doesn't get pregnant by the knockoff lilpeep.
It really is too bad though. She went from having a decent modeling job with BTSSB and being in magazines via street snaps to dating this loser and making whatever this mess is
>>27725 Her other music is pretty terrible too, her song writing is highschool student tier at best. It's a pity because when she isn't singing this garbage, her voice is actually pretty decent.
No. 27764
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>>27761Idk how he got the Japanese chick and now Yukapee because despite her cringey life she's cute meanwhile he looks fucking disgusting.
It's not even like he's charismatic because he talks like the "no ragrets" guy from we're the millers. Fucking walmart peep, christ.
No. 27765
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No. 27766
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No. 27767
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No. 27768
>>27767>>27766>>27765These are like, at least 2 years old? She's been talking about wanting to gain weight recently.
Does anybody have the videos that were on The ones where she talks about wanting to drink her piss and being super out of it?, I have a brief recollection of someone claiming that she was in a gang bang and liked it? Am I imagining this? It's been so long since we had fresh Yuka milk.
No. 27769
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>>27768Yes They are from 2016
No. 27773
>>27770>claimed to have not minded itNow, I do have some fucked up fetishes myself but surely this couldn't have been a healthy response to indulging in that shit in a non-safe environment with no real aftercare. Yeesh, girl's a mess
>>27772Thank you, anon! Funnily enough, I've posted a fair bit in that thread and completely forgot it was here and not Stamrose.
Also, m0m0ko! Holy shit, what a trip down memory lane.
No. 27775
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>>27764>>27771Honestly, he wasn't horrible looking a year or two ago, when the Japanese girl was dating him. I personally don't find him attractive, but I could see how he might appeal to a Japanese woman with a white fetish.
He's gone this far downhill in about a year's time. I can really only wonder how much worse it's going to get and how much drugs are involved in all this.
No. 27778
>>27776>>27777Tbh I like fairly extreme body mods, even face tattoos, but his are really awful. The ones on his eyelids (which says "rice boys") make it look like he permanently has black eyes. The rest look like someone doodled on his face while he was sleeping. The blurry throat tattoo that says "Trapanese Dreams" in bright teal is pretty horrendous as well.
Seriously. Don't do drugs kids. At least whatever kind of drugs this dude is on. He looks like a meth head.
Anyone have any info on his recent facial scars? He had a huge gash across his forehead that he had stitches in when he and Yuka first began dating publicly, there's a small scar across the tip of his nose from the same incident.
No. 27779
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>>27764I hadn't really heard him talk before. But wow… seriously reminds me of that rapper from Always Sunny who Dee was dating, that they all thought was retarded.
No. 27783
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>>27782Okay, so I did some digging. Turns out he's the grandson of Ilus Winfield Davis, who was mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, back in the 60's. His family remained in Kansas city, and that appears to be where he grew up, which explains his accent. His real name is also, "Winfield Davis", so it appears he was named after his grandfather. Before going by the alias "lil blue steel" or lilblue, he typically went by Win Davis, and was into skateboarding. According to various sources like whitepages, he's only 26 years old. Which, I admit, is surprising, as I would have guessed early 30's, but hey, that's what hard drugs will do to you I guess.
Honestly, I think Natalia is only with him because she's trying to ride what little fame/following he does seem to have. She's attached herself to the billings of almost any shows he's performing at and he's almost constantly promoting her via his instagram. That and he probably has some pretty decent drug connections and homegirl has a problem.
Pic is a show she's promoting that both her and Win are performing at.
No. 27785
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>>27784>I think Natalia's boyfriend is pretty hotIn what world, anon?
No. 27786
>>27784I completely agree with the lingo bit,
for some people, using that slang just sounds…right? natural? faze banks is a good example of it sounding more natural than when natalia says it.
She sounds so tryhardy
No. 27787
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>>27786Its more cringy because she’s trying to be instahood while her accent is veeeery typical midwestern middle class white girl lmfao i was actually surprised when I heard her speaking english
No. 27790
>>27789You know back before internet armchair diagnosis, we just called this following trends. But please go on about how this girl is unwell for going through phases (as a teen, no less)
Borderline personality disorder is not changing your style every two years and you anons who armchair diagnose are annoying as hell.
No. 27792
>>27790Not that anon but no one said BPD, calm down. Regardless, it's not just changing styles, she tries to literally morph herself into something she isn't with each one. She is white as snow yet she's trying to talk as if she lived anywhere outside of her middle class life.
Usually when people change styles a piece of them still remains in each trend. Can you say there is any part of Yukapon that IS Yukapon? Like what even is her personality? It's all fake.
The lingo thing pisses me off the most it's so goddamn annoying. I've said before she does the same thing in Japanese where she tries her hardest to shoehorn in any slang she knows.
No. 27794
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I found our Princess Peepee in incest porn
No. 27797
>>27791Honestly, I think she's always hopping around trends hoping to find one that will finally land her the fame in Japan that she's been so desperate for nearly the past decade. I think that's why she always attaches herself to men who have something to offer her as far as fame/attention go rather than men who are actually good for her/stable/healthy. This is the first guy who is close to her in age, and yet he's a drugged up, shitty face tattooed, baby daddy, soundcloud rapper who both sounds and acts mentally impaired.
I don't know if she's just really insecure and doesn't think she could do better or if she is really that thirsty for attention/fame. Honestly though, I think it's all about the fame for her. Maybe she feels she has something to prove after her idol career tanked and never took off?
>>27794>>27795It looks a little like her I guess. Kind of like Yuka if she put on a little more weight and lopped off half her nose. Pretty obvious it isn't her though. But who knows, maybe we'll see her become an AV star next.
No. 27799
>>27798Honestly, I was surprised by her singing. She has a pretty decent singing voice given that half the time she's trying to talk in that annoying, squeaky, anime girl voice, even still.
It's weird because she's decent looking, has a decent enough voice, but seems to squander it all away by trying to cater to whatever scene her current fuccboi is into. If she would had kept doing the covers and worked on her singing, maybe got classes, continued pursuing modeling, small acting roles, etc. She probably could have a decent little career going as a Z-list celebrity by now. Instead she's dating this disgusting little peep knock-off and depending on him to book shows at tiny venues as she pursues to be a "Japanese trap queen". Way to go Natalia.
No. 27805
>>27802Probably was one sided love or something.
>>27803Welp not surprise every weeb end up with a ugly partner. Don't know why this trash wants to be a singer in a foreign land? He better off making it in America how laughable.
No. 27807
>>27802>>27806Probably what you've said. In addition to the guy going from a normal enough looking dude to what he looks like now, as seen here.
>>27775I wonder how he's staying in Japan. Who is sponsoring his visa? Or Natalia's visa for that matter?
No. 27811
>>27807If anything, she probably found an entertainment company via youtube or modeling or something and stays that way. She went to school for hair and makeup, but I guess she just wants to see how far her ‘career’ will take her. I honestly wonder what her future career goals are. Does she still think she’s going to get discovered?! Or is being a walmart-brand level soundcloud artist enough for her?
>>27810I dount she does visa runs. You can basically get away with doing one a year, any more than that and they will semd you back on the next plane.
No. 27814
>>27811Has she even been doing work as a model/personality lately though? My best guess is that she is a part time language school student. A lot of weebs do that until they can try to find a more permanent way to stay. Her family would probably fund it too.
She probably peaked during her btssb modeling era, around the same time she was making it into magazine's street snaps and the like too. She's still young, so maybe if she doesn't fall too far into this shitty "trapenese" rabbit hole and let her drug use/partying get too out of control she might be able to be a non-embarrassing somebody, someday. Also, here's hoping bootleg peep doesn't get her pregnant or anything either, he's already one girl's baby daddy.
No. 27815
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>>27811>>27814Sage for samefagging, but after taking a peek through hewr instagram, it looks like she hasn't had a modeling gig in forever. I don't know if she's still working there, but according to one post, she was working at Shibuya109 as recently as last year. I don't imagine that they would sponsor her visa though?
A lot of her older posts are pretty cringey too. She's only 22 in this photo, yet she goes on about feeling "too old" to wear the skirt? I can't imagine how she's going to handle her mid to late 20s if she's already feeling old at 22. She also tagged this "nymphette".
No. 27818
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>>27815>because of my agelmao, she's not even 30 yo, what the fuck, why would you be embarrassed?
No. 27819
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>>27814She already had a language school visa for 2 years iirc. You can get them for any loger than that i think, because a lot of people abuse the system that way
>>27815Of all the weird clothing she owns, a basic pleated white skirt is what she’s most embarrassed about? She has weird ideas about age as well. Remember when she would prance around in japanese kindergarten uniforms and pigtails and call herself **~~eternally 13~~** while drinking out of a sippy cup and pandering to pedos?
No. 27820
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>>27819Exactly what I thought when I saw the post. I guess she is ~eternally 18~ now as she has moved on from the creepy "little sister" era and onto this new "teenage trap queen" phase.
She's like a diet, weeb Abby with all her phases.
No. 27822
>>27815Even in a youth obsessed society, who said you can't wear a plain tennis skirt past 18?
She looks youthful and I think she's cute, but she's dating this ugly troll and seems to have low self-esteem/identity issues. It's a shame.
No. 27823
>>27812i think her mom is like jillian's mom in a way
"you do you, sweetie<3 ignore the haterz"
No. 27825
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No. 27826
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Looking at this pic she posted made me gag. I bet his tongue smells like stale vomit, alcohol and yeast.
No. 27827
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>>27810Part of the reason she's going back and forth is because she's some kind of NBA ambassador now. How she got involved with that, I have no clue.
No. 27829
>>27828She's just petite, anon? If you aren't naturally petite, but starve yourself to be smaller than your natural bodytype you will look sick.
She's fairly small in person, though I'm not sure what her actual height is. Probably close to 5"?
No. 27834
>>27831its called vantan
>>27832she said she went to language school before this beauty school. idk which program she is doing it vantan but they go up to three years.
No. 27837
>>27827>>27828All of them have nice bodies - i'm jealous…
Saged for no contribution
No. 27841
>>27839Here’s a thought—instead of derailing on another pointless comment that you could’ve easily ignored with your opinion that nobody asked for, just. Don’t. It’s crazy how when you disagree with someone on a matter of opinion you can just move on, I know.
>>27827They all look like the offbrand junior version of that one Instagram prostitution ring in the US they send out to rappers
No. 27842
>>27832Like anon said Vantan is usually 3 years. So either she's still on a student visa or transitioned to an entertainment visa. She's fluent in Japanese and does work in the entertainment industry so she could easily get one.
I'm pretty sure she had an agency when she first went back to Japan after the yukapee incident and was sharing this website Look at how different she is. Again another example of her constant style changes. She's a completely different person.
No. 27851
>>27849….they look like perfectly normal healthy legs
Do you just look at tumblr thinspos all day and now all legs that don't look like Eugenia Cooneys are chunky?
No. 27855
File: 1524747399892.png (63.71 KB, 1440x1044, it's always sunny in nipland.p…)

>>27853he's like lil kev from that episode of it's always sunny but he's a shitty soundclout rapper instead of a normal one
No. 27857
>>27855Oh shit, this joke has come around full circle.
>>27779Also, next thread pic please?
No. 27858
File: 1524780687567.png (674.93 KB, 644x731, yukapeesnewvideo.png)

>>27779>>27855>>27857Basically how the first few minutes of this video
>>27853 went down.
No. 27862
>>27853Is she also acting slow? When she asks 'what are you supposed to eat at hanami?'
She's been living in Japan for years and sucking off japanese culture forever. She damn well knows. Her boyfriend looks so trashy… I like tattoos, but he looks awful. Why are face tats a thing now with trashy dudes?
I feel as if she will lose fans because of her boyfriend now.
No. 27867
>>27865>>27866This guy wouldn't be able to have a career outside of Japan, just like Natalia. They both get by on being the token gaijin as their gimmick. It's probably why she dropped the cutesy weeb thing too, it wasn't going to get her anywhere. She's just trying to ride this dude's coattails to fame, but let's be real… it's not going to happen.
I'm curious to see what her next phase/career will be depending on what type of guy she dates next though.
No. 27869
>>27853In the comments:
"BTW his forehead tattoo looks like a broken head lamp that he got while someone was strangling him."
No. 27871
>>27867I think its the opposite though nobody hardly knows that dude.
>>27865Song is pure trash they might want to find another career to ride on.I thought natalia was a dj did she quit become a singer?
No. 27872
>>27865Is there even an audience for this shit in Japan?
Also kek’d at one of the top japanese comments.
>So this is what it feels like when japanese try to sing in english…. No. 27874
>>27871I meant, the only thing going for him and Natalia in Japan is the novelty factor of being gaijin artists. With the popularity of shit soundcloud rappers in the west right now, they are really a dime a dozen. Over there he's at least a novelty which draws attention he wouldn't be able to get over here in the states.
>>27873Do they still hang out? She seems like her world mostly revolves around bootleg peep these days.
No. 27876
>>27874Not the same anon btw..
I get what you're saying but is this sort of music actually popular in Japan? Like in the US it's actually become mainstream over the past 3 years and reaching number 1 on the charts so even the smaller trap artists can sell out a medium sized tour and maintain a decent social media following. Japanese music charts sound like the US 15 years ago imo. With all the j-rock and girl/boy groups dominating the charts.
Anyone see gaijin j-trap becoming big in japan? Certainly not anytime soon.
They're deluded. The only thing that being novelty may bring is that western media outlets may wanna interview them. Natalia would've been better of trying the Pop singer route if she really wanted to be famous in Japan.
No. 27877
>>27876Oh no, I completely agree. Honestly, I don't really get why this dude went to Japan in the first place. I can only assume he was pursuing a fetish, which he has now fulfilled by having a child with the Japanese ex. Natalia is generally still out of his league, can actually communicate with him, and is convenient. Which is why I imagine he is with her now. (Similar to how gaijin hunters will date Japanese girls in between their gaijin girlfriends.)
Natalia peaked during her btssb modeling phase. She could have pursued a fairly healthy indies singer, model, and small time tv personality career. She's too busy latching onto random dudes and trying to mirror their looks/careers/fame though.
No. 27879
File: 1539925576992.png (429.24 KB, 804x569, 8676.PNG)

Looks like they broke up and Natalia is in LA now.
No. 27883
>>27865I've only just seen this now and the comments are so savage.
>I guess this is like when Japanese people sing in English>This is just so lame>Wouldn't this have been better in 100% English?>The video is cool, but the song is so bad>Without the subtitles I'd have no idea what they're singing>If you listen to the lyrics, he's talking about filling his nose with cocaine, so he surely does drugs [this is a huge thing in Japan]>This absolute emptiness inside of the cool shell is just a shame>Japanese nuances are hard, so there's nothing that could be doneThe general consensus is that the video is cool, but the music is horrible lol
No. 27884
File: 1539977861909.png (567.97 KB, 972x500, H3w4EgG.png)

Something weird is going on on her twitter.
No. 27885
>>27884Her Twitter is set to private I can’t see it…
but what the hell…? Would she really post something like that herself or is someone outing her? …then again, wouldn’t they make it public?
No. 27888
>>27815She probably has a lot of shame about how she enjoys cutesy stuff after all these years of people joking about her being a paedo panderer and places like lolcow pointing out age/nasolabial folds every three seconds
>>27887My money is on this
No. 27890
>>27879it looks like they are together tho?
his instagram is 7i7b7u3
No. 27891
File: 1541020529626.png (475.62 KB, 1440x1908, hh2p7jE.png)

>>27884That's a Fetlife profile. There's no photos on it, just a generic spooky anime girl.
No. 27893
File: 1541020685642.png (65.09 KB, 577x342, q7HxvMk.png)

>>27892Looks like it never had any pics, so it could be anyone.
No. 27895
Ok then why have they both posted the same dog
No. 27896
Considering the timing of the breakup, the "I'm sorry"
>>27880 and the leaked Fetlife pictures
>>27884 I think it's safe to say that the reason for their breakup was probably that he found out she was selling these services and talking to other men on Fetlife. Anyone got any more info?
No. 27898
File: 1541917106192.png (71.54 KB, 297x500, 5be5974597d18_Capture_2018-11-…)

She posted this to her story on Friday, got it from PULL. Translation from PULL user as well:
"I want to go back to the time before I met you. Back to when I still had myself.
I know there’s a lot of things you’re afraid of. You put up a front, but I know you’re actually afraid.
Ive overcome so many awful things and became a strong woman, but you hate women that are strong.
Because you wanted me to become a weak human being like you.
It might be scary, but I know I can overcome this. I can go back to my old self.
Youre pathetic. I’m wishing you a life all alone full of suffering. "
No. 27900
>>27887Isn't that exactly what happened in her Yukapon days with Akira (Akira and/or that pedophilic /jp/ tripfag)? It's how she was "outed" and her whole jailbait Akiba idol thing was sent to a screeching halt.
Here I thought all that shit was over, and she was living a pretty nice life. History repeats itself, I guess.
No. 27908
>>27889She went to Vantan, she has a whole series of videos. If she graduated in 2 years she'd have finished in April 2018. However she could be in a 3 (or possibly 4?) year program in which case she would have until April 2019 or even 2020. If she is traveling as often as >>>549315 states, that probably means she has enough cash (from whatever source) to keep paying tuition.
If she leaves Japan this year, it's not because of visa problems. It's because she wanted to leave.
No. 27909
>>27906There not together and she took a break from social media to try to go back to her old self here.>>730367
>>27908I think her ex had visa problems so she left with him. Her ex posted on his story asking about a visa.
No. 27914
>>27911She's from around St. Louis, isn't she? She's probably living at home again after burning through the last of her funds in LA which I'm sure adds to her "depressed mood" we're seeing here.
I don't doubt blue was shitty to her. She seems to always go after predatory men in general. I was surprised that he was closer to her age and not Japanese, but I think her desperation for fame really fed into why she was with him. Each dude she's been with offered her something for her "career". The first showered her with gifts and offered to help her with her idol career. The next was a fairly well known guy in the harajuku street fashion scene, been in a lot of street snaps, etc. Her persona changed with each guy too, the loli idol, the decora fashion blogger, then with blue, suddenly a instagram baddie trap artist? It's no wonder she feels so lost, she has no one to base her current persona around.
No. 27915
File: 1543850376262.jpeg (32.89 KB, 600x600, 70107ED5-2015-4A70-900F-E97417…)

>>27914At least with the others she had one stable thing- Japan. Whether it was pedo-loli bait, harajuku fashion blogger, alcoholic rave girl, or wannabe spoopy fashion model she at least was in Japan and doing things in Japanese with locals and she looked happy. Then she met some joe dirt level soundcloud rapper and lost all touch with that.
She seemed more like able and happy when she worked at that shibuya 109 shop. She looked good and seemed more down to earth.
No. 27916
File: 1544027971672.jpg (115.3 KB, 720x947, IMG_20181205_113847.jpg)

Is she doing a tribute to xxx? I'm puzzled . It's like she's gone off the deep end
No. 43454
>>43452I think she's trying to appeal mainly to other weeaboos who like Soundclout rap, and to a smaller extent, the alt kid/druggy scene in Japan, not the mainstream. It's possible she's just doing this for personal enjoyment, though. The low production value makes me wonder if she honestly expects this to go anywhere.
Ariana Grande's already cornered this particular aesthetic (all the comments would be some variation of
>>43444 if that video ever went viral and hit stan Twitter - which it most likely won't), but maybe the pink hair will give her a leg up.
Vid related, somebody doing roughly the same thing (I think it has better execution, but far worse music).
No. 43482
>>43454holy shit that was worse in absolutely everything.¨
For what it's worth, to my untrained ears (I really don't care about soundcloud rappers and Ariana Grande-like musicians) Natalie's song is okay-ish. I think it hits a lot of the right edgy topics that are popular with, well, edgy teens? The ending was way too much cringe for me though. Had to exit early lol.
No. 43711
>>43687All that stuff is from Taobao, I literally own two of the shirts in this haul. The skirt is so common it should go without saying that it's straight from China, too.
I took a look at the site in her description, and it seems like the same thing is true for nearly all their other shit, too (most notably the butterfly ring/bracelet).
I'm dead at her (probably unknowingly) buying these items at high prices from this Taobao reseller, talking about their quality as if the owner actually made/oversaw their production, and going on about how hard it is to start your own brand. She got played.
No. 44350
>>43432Her channel is good the way it is that's just
>>43506You mean Harajuku baddie and she always liked trapanese.. She just wanted a dude who looked like lil peep. Ex tried to ride her wave but his rapping is tragic.
No. 44533
>>44482No your just flabbergasted someone
like her channel anon. Taydigger channel turnt to shit because anons said the exact thing.
No. 44578
No idea who Taydigger is, but anon is right that her channel needs polishing. That music video was
No. 53506
>>53493Are you the loser she brought up in the video? Acknowledging the existence of her threads in passing isn’t milk.
But some scrote revealing himself as an unhinged female larper on a gossip imageboard is actually hilarious, so thanks for that at least
No. 53924
File: 1560828670046.jpg (444.17 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2019-02-09-09-35-10…)

Was there any drama to the Pinku Project saga?
No. 53945
File: 1560843011880.png (18.77 KB, 597x198, kek.png)

>>53924Out of curiosity I looked this DVD up and found a review of the whole thing from a fan. Sounds like she's embarrassed for good reason, though I can't say I've found her more recent music all that "good" either. At least she's dropped the loli act and is pretending to be a teenage baddie now, I guess?
Still seems kind of rude to the other girls involved in the project though.
No. 53946
File: 1560843107056.jpg (491.28 KB, 1195x1600, IMG_0674.JPG)

>>53945>>53924Bonus pic of the cover uncensored by her scribbles.
No. 56572
File: 1562688258590.png (519.51 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20190709-115733.png)

Found this comment under the Magical journey pv from Pinku project (when she was there)
No. 56934
>>56881Couldn't find the lyrics online, anon. Don't really want to put myself through listening to it either. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she legitimately had a bad time in Tokyo. In all fairness too, it's mostly her own fault. She was getting a few decent modeling gigs early on, but sort of squandered it away by constantly pursuing garbage tier men and also trying to constantly reinvent herself. When she got with lilblue or whatever he was calling himself, she was clearly involved in drugs and shit too, clout chasing.
At the very least, good on her for knowing when to step away and not becoming another Lorena. She still has a chance to turn things around, but given her history online, I doubt she'll ever achieve the fame she's been so desperately chasing all these years.
No. 57146
>>56881Girl just being dramatic. The only thing that happened to her was lil' peep wannabe she dated, broke her heart. She talks about him non-stop in songs and videos. Girl if you don't
move on. Shit happens dude was fugly anyway stop being hang up on him.
No. 57172
>>57169I wouldn't put it past her if he did since she falls for guys hard. Dude could be a pedo and
abusive twat, yet she would still stay with them. Lil blue or whathisface looked like a piece of shit and that still didn't stop her from dating him. He also abandoned his kid.
No. 57208
>>57173>her parents were under the impression he was in his 20s not 40s+So they shipped their 15yo out to a foreign country to a man they thought was 20+. Still super sketchy.
I do think Akira shouldn't be given a pass in the whole ordeal, the dude was obviously a pedophile and child predator which is horrifying. In that sense, I do feel for her, but it is kind of fucked that she was so wrapped up in her weeb delusions that it motivated her to pursue a 40+ Japanese man, pee videos and all, when she was just a teen. Even going as far as going to Japan as an actual child to go see him? Insane.
She also dated that old decora guy, junnyan when she was just barely legal. That's when she was actually doing okay in her "career", getting into magazines and small modeling jobs. Not sure what happened, but she definitely overhauled and dropped the little girl act after him.
Then there was the lilblue saga, where she's suddenly an IG baddie who raps? Slightly more mature, but I do mean slightly. She went from pretending to be an actual small child to a teen at the very least.
I do think she's been through some shit, but I don't know, I think a lot of it was kind of at her own hands for being such a thirsty weeb? It was surprising when she started dating the white dude given her history, but it seems like her interests in Japan has kind of turned around since then.
No. 57370
>>57208Are you actually blaming a 14 year old for being groomed? These people probably filled her heads with ideas of grandeur because look at all the white weebs who had (seemingly) made it big in Japan at the time and she was undeniably cuter than them (still is cause most of them were full on uggos relying on angles and shoop)
Abuse and manipulation is a crazy thing and she seems to be actually trying to live her life now and yeah it's super different from her previous weeby aidoru BS but that happens. I cant really blame her for doing cringy shit because of her history and having more of an insight on it now.
Does anyone know if she's even gotten professional help after all of that?
I think if there's any blame to be laid on anyone close to Natalia it's her mom and even then there are people who fall for MLMs to this day so someone with a convincing case that 'oh I can help make your daughter famous in Japan just like Magibon' (was kooter before of after yukapon I cant remember) could easily trick her mom. He also could have easily found female friends to vouch for him or convince Natalia to lie to her mom about being totally chill because she was a child.
You cant compare early 2000s internet / culture where 'lol random' reigned supreme and glomps werent banned at cons yet to now where people are so much more careful about that kind of thing.
Should it have happened? No. But it did, along with other similar stories of people being groomed via the internet that continue to happen to this day (see also: Austin Jones, Lionmaker, ProJared)
Sorry for the sperg I'm obviously too buttmad
No. 59453
>>57146Yeah dramatic.
She got doxxed by venus mom with that pee video / and her youtube channel was a major disaster with everyone telling her she was a slut
she got groomed by a pedo, who made a website to bully her, (and somehow everyone believe she was the evil one.. .. in a relationship with a 40+ years old dude with a 15 years old girl, but ok)
then, had a
toxic relationship with a druggie who left his child and couldnt care more about personal hygiene.
also, probs he was
abusivebut yeah, girl is just dramatic.
anon, honestly, did you even read the other threads?
No. 59760
>>59628>her momboth parents you mean?
well, child negligence. but that's not natalia's fault, that's her parents fault.
No. 62141
>>62140here's the other video with the girl calling her out at 3:20.
It could be explained away as a joke but it's clear she meant it.
No. 82293
File: 1581559369135.jpg (383.73 KB, 1536x2048, 1410507700765.jpg)

>>82186The full story is even sadder iirc. Her mom knew what was up, knew that she had a relationship with pedoakira, and allowed her to fly to Japan by herself at age 15ish to stay with this guy and 'produce music'. She wanted her daughter to make it big to pay back all the money that was loaned out to her to soend on flights/vacation shit.
No. 130237
File: 1609671942576.jpeg (71.16 KB, 678x452, 987BCB9A-CD4C-4560-8E1E-7A5C7E…)

>>130234Why is she suddenly woke now when she basked in the jfashion Street cred it gave her whenever she was photographed with him as his “girlfriend”
No. 130399
File: 1609776555609.jpeg (28.78 KB, 275x210, 00.jpeg)

>>130387>genuinely like some of her music You must be at least 18 years old to post here
No. 130523
>>130399flame me all you want for my music tastes but my point still stands
do you guys feel like she’ll eventually go down the same path as Weenus or Peachmilkytea and the like?
No. 130561
>>130523Yes she will. Be realistic anon. She's a weeb who wants to live in Japan. What do ALL of them do. Literally all of them resort to prostituting/escorting/sugar daddies. Even Amina did and she appeared to have a high moral compass. So Yukapee?? Who's been fucking old men since day 1 she got there? It's only a matter of time. The weeb dancing community fell into porn, VenisAngelic does onlyfans-hell even that applemilk 1988 bitch almost fell into porn way back like 15 years ago-it's just inevitable.
If its an attention seeking weeb that runs around japan, they WILL end up doing some form of sex work so I'm very certain Yuka will do it too, she's just still holding onto the hope that she can do something else. But the problem with that is she doesnt look fresh, young, and doe eyed anymore. She looks jaded and miserable and doesnt watch her weight, so her modeling career is effectively over. Idol career ended with the pee scandal. Tiktok career never taking off, nor is music. Give it a few more months and she'll start testing the waters posting more sexual things before announcing that'll be her next new empowered venture.
No. 130582
File: 1609884666881.jpeg (131 KB, 827x1004, BD0C5280-10ED-4728-9AD3-0C4B12…)

>>130561>doesn’t watch her weight She’s still fairly thin anon. But I agree, I wouldn’t put it past her to start doing sex work.
Also this comment on her tiktok made me kek
No. 156798
File: 1624311739594.png (287.96 KB, 2780x406, Screenshot 2020-02-27 at 6.10.…)

Has anyone already shared caps of the "LP" posts from /cgl/? She posted to and about one of the guys who harassed/stalked her pretty often.
No. 156810
File: 1624312886576.png (172.23 KB, 1484x386, Screenshot 2020-02-27 at 6.18.…)

>>156808Obviously not new, but I noticed it hadn't been posted about in any of the threads. Just seemed weird.
No. 156850
File: 1624336352777.jpg (38.78 KB, 453x604, emo-dad-22891-1257438303-107.j…)

>>156836Unironically thought it was this guy at first photoshopped in.
No. 179788
File: 1635782208281.jpg (537.58 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2021-11-01_080505.j…)

Why is itspinkii sexualizing anime characters that are minors??…It's fucking gross. She's definitely loosing her damn mind than ever. I recently unfollow her Instagram, lately I feel something off about her.
No. 179793
File: 1635782535918.jpg (515.8 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2021-11-01_080531.j…)

Here's another pic that she wore, another anime character that is 16 years old, the character name is Aiura Mikoto from the anime Saiki K never watch the anime before.
No. 179795
File: 1635782782156.jpg (467.23 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2021-11-01_080542.j…)

Another pic she wore, again Aiura Mikoto…A 16 year old character to remind y'all lol.
No. 179796
File: 1635782957269.jpg (496.94 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2021-11-01_081108.j…)

Itspinkii even have the audacity to lie about Aiura's age??…like wow.
No. 179802
File: 1635783244785.jpg (314.87 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2021-11-01_075933.j…)

Itspinkii is very petty and rude when someone called out to her, like does she understand how wrong it is to sexualize minors??…she really doesn't give a shit lol tragic.
No. 179803
File: 1635783469465.jpg (293.26 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2021-11-01_075841.j…)

Why is itspinkii so defensive when people are rightly so calling out to her, she's not mature lol.(cowtipping)
No. 179807
File: 1635784139385.jpg (Spoiler Image,297.95 KB, 1080x1533, Screenshot_20211102-032527__01…)

>>179802I'm so fucking confused are you just this bitch on an alt account cause her comment makes no sense. Not to mention
>I'm literally 18 and you're saying this to meWhat? They're both ethots, response checks out
No. 179814
File: 1635785132465.jpg (2.51 MB, 4032x4032, kek.jpg)

>>179808>>179809>>179811Stop samefagging and shitting up the thread you cow. Just because you got owned by Yukapee doesn't mean you have to come here with your vendetta and conveniently crop the comments to fit your narrative.
No. 179817
Even if Nat were to get back into her loli bait bullshit it wouldn't be as funny or creepy as that interaction right there. BTFO.
No. 179822
File: 1635785820408.jpg (342.25 KB, 1080x1722, Screenshot_20211102-035515__01…)

>>179816I retract my previous statement Ana Lee. Nice profile picture in your screenshots.
No. 179828
File: 1635785977872.jpg (87.07 KB, 1080x616, Screenshot_20211102-035846__01…)

Truely a genius is in our midst
No. 179832
>>179829Wait is this the fat deadbeat mom or the literal retard in the wheelchair?? Either way super embarrassing for you both, you’re only fueling it further.
Literally nobody gives a shit besides you two losers. Stop watching anime if you have a problem with minors being sexualized cause I have bad news for you if you think what Nat is doing is bad.
No. 179849
File: 1635789848745.gif (62.44 KB, 570x537, 1634585528777.gif)

>>179847Nobody cares sperg-chan, take your meds, log off instagram, forget about lolcow and get out of social circles centered around anime and japanese fashion if you're going have an aneurism every time you see 16-18 y.o characters flashing panties. Literally the least egregious count of lewding a character that I've ever seen. Half of anime is lolicon fodder and most cosplayers nowadays lewd younger characters or characters from children's books and games. It's the grift they do to get coombux. Welcome to the internet in 2021, child. It's never going to change.
No. 179911
File: 1635810122091.jpeg (52.4 KB, 443x361, C21D6DA2-1CD0-4EF4-811D-98F9D9…)

>>179802It's lines on a paper Ana. This is not milk and you're not actually outraged about a cartoon. You(and the other 18 year old single mom fat bitch who commented) are just pressed she's hotter than you. This is not a white knight but bitches like you fuck up this website by posting this radical feminist propaganda. Go apply for more disability payments for your artrogryposis and get the fuck off lolcow you ugly window licker.
No. 180339
File: 1636035331872.jpg (275.71 KB, 712x804, jun.jpg)

>>179978>almost 30Isn't she only 24 or did she lie about her age initially? Wasn't she also of age when she dated this predator?
No. 180455
>>179802I would not be bragging about that.
You have all those followers and only 23 people buying your content? Kek
No. 180644
>>180640This is my first post
>>180634 since the initial outing days ago schitzo-chan
No. 180649
>>180643kek. why does this ESL ass post sound like one of her salty ex pedo bfs or something.
She's 24. Working a 9-5 isn't milk either. Her music career is laughable, but other than that she's really a boring cow. Give it a few more years maybe.
No. 180700
>>180640>>180642Yukapee and friends are shitting up the thread.
>>180638>>180592Anon outed their self as being said cow.
kek I don’t care about you or what you post? Yuka stop sperging on your thread. Try better as playing as anon.
No. 180708
>>180640>>180700Don’t know her personally and definitely not double posting. Seethe more,
No. 180718
>>180642All are samefags. Its too easy to tell. You reply to every comment of wheel chair chan in 2 hours.
You camping on this board.
kek No. 180722
>>180718>>180638These bitches are such newsfags.
>>180638>>180592Why the fuck would you care? Bitch she's talking about pinkii. Are you pinkii? Make it make sense.
No. 180794
>>180700Yes, you caught me, both me and that other anon are both "Yuka". You realize that's her old stage name and not her actual birth name, right? She doesn't use that name anymore, at least read the threads. Congrats on figuring out how to sage though!
Honestly, it's ironic that you wanted to sperg and seethe so hard about yukapon/pinkii that you single handedly derailed the thread entirely. She's a talentless loser absolutely, but you're truly a big mooing hulk of a cow yourself. Best just to leave the farms and stop embarrassing yourself. kek
No. 181109
File: 1636442860516.png (1.3 MB, 713x910, cakesitting.png)

>>181097This 100% anon, thank you. She's not a teenager, but she's dressed as a school girl, a minor and is sexualizing that character as such. Saying you "aged them up" while wearing their high school uniform is just stupid.
>>181095Also kek at this anon going from saying she's "almost 30" to "she looks 30" after being corrected. Here have some more degenerate coomer content from pinkii,
No. 181156
>>181086Your sperging is easily one of the most funny posts I've seen on /w/ in a while, thanks for the laughs kek.
>>181151Her grooming is really fucked up. Shame she has it all for display online. There was a different atmosphere back then that just isn't there anymore now.
No. 181248
File: 1636519490469.png (183.09 KB, 566x564, sooperlewd.png)

>>181126I've stated previously she's 24. Never said she was a minor, just a degenerate. I'm not wrong. Sorry you can't read?
>>181128>unsaged nonmilk>this is lolcowkek. Twitter is where all the autistic degens who defend and post lolicon are to begin with. No thank you.
At any rate it doesn't look like her "super lewd" posts are making her any cash anyways.
No. 181294
>>181258>The pricing isn't competitiveThat's an understatement,
$125 per month even huge celebs don't charge that much
No. 181295
>>181248she's 27 in December,
nonnie. I corrected you once already. I hate that I have to know this because we are the same age.
I wonder what she is doing to supplement her income considering she can't be making that much from views and she lives in L.A.
No. 181417
>>181295So she did lie about her age in the past then? I keep seeing old posts that have her birth year as 1997.
>>181346>>181369It's weird seeing autists aggressively defend fetish porn on the farms of all places. Even if spergchan is a whole cow herself. I'm just going to assume this is what being a weeb does to the brain.
No. 181419
>>181417A lot of idol places will lie about an idols age, so she might be going off of marketing age so it doesn't conflict with what her previous managers published her age as.
>>181417You are adding the narritive that she's a pedopanderer. No one is defending her by saying how retarded it is to say this evokes any of that whatsoever.
No. 182209
>>182163It's funny because I gotta agree. You have a lot of ugly cosplayers, but because they aren't skinny or because they are butterfaces, or too lanky.. whatever isn't ideal, they won't get even half the flack or any at all. It's the ones that have gained popularity or followers that people start calling out and a lot of it also comes of ugly cosplay girls who HAVE cosplayed that way in the past. School girl outfits specifically and I don't care if it's for Vocaloid or a hentai. That logic does work for both those types of media. They can wear the outfits, but they aren't being lewd, so them dressing as Miku [canon underage] doesn't count. It's stupid and as an oldfag, I don't take that SJW cosplay scene seriously anymore. I care about changing you skin tone, but when you have even the land of Anime having cosplay girls do this shit and they do it and sell books in person at conventions, no one fucking cares. No one looks at these girls and thinks of children. That's not something pedos do to cope like these dumbasses wish they did. They are past puberty as the biggest reason why and if anons think having no chest or barely a chest or underdeveloped hips as a woman is a no-no, that's fucked up. Infantilizing adults and calling them pedopanderers because of it, is the real fucked up thing. Tell them to never wear anything but pants and sweaters with that logic because clearly they can't wear skirts or crop tops or hair in pigtails or high buns, because it's looks too "child-like". Anons are just retarded.
No. 182483
I'm not going to even bother replying to those small minded creatures probably reading lolicon manga while fapping 24 7 thinking about sucking their imaginary waifus toes in their parents homes or rented homes haha. This is a website where people can vent about their vloggers, idols and so on and I thought it's the right place to do so. Didn't expected a bunch of idiotic cry babies being so defensive over a almost 26 year adult sexualizing underage characters. I'm not surprised though, I shouldn't be haha. People that are defending her are already where sexually abused and exposed at a young age. The people that are defending her are being groomed unconsciously . Unfortunately society, the media are till to this day normalizing pedophilia and sexualizing underage girls, boys.
Y'all are literally laughable, why would I be jealous over a person that stated want to wear wigs to cover her fat cheeks and doesn't like her fat hands?. Why would I be jealous over a desperate white Columbian girl purposely humiliated herself to go pee pee in live, doesn't have a lot of subs and following in her social media accounts and creates low budget music and music videos?. Mind as well tell everyone in this thread years ago and now that they're jealous too because she's attractive or whatever haha.
Shut me up, ban me longer or permanently because that won't change my views haha. Exposing me, discriminating me doesn't bring me down. At this rate I don't give a flying fuck what y'all thinking about me, I'm still here bitch. No one cares but yet y'all still drinking it up whether you like it or not, phony ass losers haha.
Ok mods, go ahead and ban me again haha because I don't care, this website is not even popular anymore I realize haha not the end of the world for me haha.
No. 182700
>>182691Huh? I don't know who that other sane anon is.
Damn you're paranoid haha.
No. 182777
>>182769are you sperging as hard in every other cow's thread who pedo-panders and dresses in lewd shitty cosplay haha? We all know barely legal is a popular porn category, it's gross but true haha, and e-thots are capitalizing on it as long as people are paying, even if it's to talk shit about them haha. What makes this one so different? Is it because your feelings were hurt in one of her posts?
Glad you're having fun learning how to use an imageboard. Please remember go outside and touch some grass you annoying degenerate.
No. 183192
>>182566>>182593I'm not spergchan, hate to break it to you
nonny. I want her banned as badly as the rest of you.
No. 185997
>>185875Speaking of someone that has a lot of self loathing and a pedophile apologist that doesn't wipe his butty hole properly after taking a mega shit? Please give me a break, I have been laughing all day today haha.
I have a wonderful life and a loving family gladly wipe my clean ass and spoon fed me with delicious meals. My family and I went to New York City and we had a fantastic time so what are you talking about?.
I'm not miserable like you, sorry I can't relate haha.
No. 266099
>>265925all her music is shit and cringe and she looks exactly the same in every video. you probably think she looks cute because she keeps surrounding herself with unfortunate uggo bg dancers kek
there's not a single thing interesting about her, her music, or the way she looks. the gyaru thread deserved to die with all that infighting between/about irrelevant cows ww
No. 266340
File: 1668664771856.jpg (34 KB, 800x533, young-blonde-woman-listening-t…)

>>265925>Baby numb the pain>i'm gonna see you undressed>come and get that good shit>gonna get you obsessed>everybody watch watch>they just wanna talk talkyes these are fucking lyrics
>lookin like a model>pretty and depressed>[chorus repeats]>fun in the city>everyone know me>high and I can't sleep>anxiety>don't call me baby>till I get my drink>need you to love me>feel on my body>[idk what the fuck she says]>yeah the night is mine>so I take another hit wanna feel alive>might forget, might do it again>just push and touch to satisfaction>pretty anime thing>so spend a little change>fucked up in the brain>so let's go do some fucked up things>[chorus]>sip on that sake>I got you goin>just wanna party>(just wanna get paid)>skinny bitch anxiety won't let me eat>can you fill my appetite>you look so sweet>[chorus 2 repeats]>[chorus repeats]Right… catchy.
No. 266723
>>265925I gave her a fair chance, listened without watching the video as I did other things around the house. Sorry, but this just isnt good at all. It sounds cheaply produced, as does all her music. As another anon pointed out a good while ago, she's been in Japan about 10+ years now. This is what she has to show for it? The lyrics are nonsensical and don't feel authentic. Her voice doesnt carry the confidence to deliver them at all. I think she tried to sound bored/too hot to care? but it just sounds like a kid mumble singing in their room. The video was just there. She rolls around and gyrates with weirdly plumped lips seemingly going for a Kim Petras or whatever bimbo look which is just such a 180 from who she used to be and always will be, which is Yukapon. She will never escape being Yukapon.
She doesnt have the vocal talent, nor the creative ability to write/produce songs or beats (as Kiki Kannibal also came to realize). She's wasting money on this and on changing her look to fit this artificial sound. She needs to go home and get a regular job. Really, she needs to go home and go back to college. Get a fresh degree and pick her life up from there. Otherwise all she'll ever be is a desperate borderline prostitute in Japan. Because Japanese kids don't listen to too much like this and western kids have a sea to pick from already. She doesnt stand out anywhere at all right now. Yuka. Like this, you're not special or noticeable at all. Go home already.
No. 268123
>>266723She's been in the USA for a few years now anon. Not that I disagree, she just isn't still in glorious Nippon.
>>268118Post caps to back up what you're saying this is an imageboard.
No. 268131
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>>268123>>268130>>268128more at the go fund me.
nyayrt, i’m lazy af but still got the job done
No. 268216
File: 1669483089557.jpeg (43.71 KB, 827x296, F0099F43-7C41-4658-B541-9CDE94…)

Jesus Christ, imagine being almost 30 and stealing HELLO KITTY figures. She is so absolutely pathetic.
No. 268230
File: 1669487561229.jpeg (95.38 KB, 828x419, 2A895E64-F8C9-4F62-9E12-0E574D…)

Other people are also coming forward in her comments, she’s apparently known for doing this kind of stuff.
I should admit, she is a gyaru legend. A legendary hot mess that is.
No. 268236
File: 1669489967324.png (2.03 MB, 828x1792, F92D2004-2CF2-4C19-8D57-785349…)

>>268217she just spoke on it on her instagram story. i guess her friend is pursuing legal action.
No. 268249
>>268230I’m not going to believe some random scrote with no credentials. He could’ve tried to sleep with Natalia and gotten pissed that she said no. Men have lied for less and I’m leaning on believing that’s the case. I wouldn’t trust a scrote as far as I can throw them.
>>268239Ayrt, this is exactly it. The campaign is already gone and her sob story is obviously there to make her look more like a
victim. She’s also blocking anyone who calls bull on her story, so there’s that.
No. 268259
File: 1669493486413.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1284x2032, 3C0B1D55-0C30-499B-BFB9-073DB3…)

>”She’s a total user, trust me, a no name producer”.
Yeah, not going to believe this ugly fuck. You already know he probably tried to fuck Yukapon, lmfao.
No. 268260
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>>268259Samefag but I swear this bitch is lying. This comes off so grossly fake. How is anyone buying this?
No. 268261
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No. 268355
>>268325I’m honestly not sure who to believe at all, but I do always find it strange that people jump to Natalia’s defense in every situation involving her on this website. Could be her friends or herself since she’s known to lurk here? We don’t really know the full story, but she’s known for doing this kind of stuff so I dont put it past her.
I think we should all wait it out and see what happens before all assuming that everyone BUT Natalia is lying. I don’t really trust her weird ass egirl friend, but I trust Natalia even less.
No. 284449
File: 1678000601896.png (80.33 KB, 556x1292, cringe.png)

>>284377I feel like these lyrics really speak for themselves kek
No. 284457
>>284449It's about as devoid of creativity and degenerate as anything else you hear on the radio these days from Cardi B. Excuse me while I don't watch the video kek.
>>284454Que the underage spergs from twitter calling this face literal violence
No. 284873
>>284612iirc, she was around 16/17 when she was in her "forever 13" era (i think that's why she could travel to Japan by herself), she just took advantage of the fact that she has always looked younger than her actual age and acted childish on stream. When the now dead "yukapon truth" page existed, this Akira guy revealed that she was around that age… I remember there was proof of her being born in 1994/1995 along with her real name. That would make her 27/28 now.
I wish i had proof, but the page doesn't exist anymore and i think there are no screenshots anymore.
No. 284931
File: 1678338326664.png (323.66 KB, 954x808, modelmayhem.png)

>>284873She listed her age as 22 on her modelmayhem page back when she made it in 2016. Her birthday is listed as being in December, so she was probably freshly 22 when she made this. Making her 28 as of december 2022.
No. 284943
File: 1678342397010.jpg (273.6 KB, 703x400, 1413004777135.jpg)

>>284931sage for old milk but yeah! I found this ID in an old thread, this is the ID i was talking about, the proof of her real age. I knew i was remembering correctly!!
Idk if she still lies about her age nowadays but given how in
>>27815 one of her hashtags is "nymphette" she might do it again… I really hope she doesn't because she doesn't need to.
No. 285051
>>284987Tbh it's why I've been hoping she'd eventually grow out of it. It's hard for me to not feel kind of awful that she went through her parents letting her run off with some old Japanese pedophile to pursue weeb fame as a minor. But then she went on to date another old predatory Japanese man in pursuit of fame? The ugly rapper dude was kind of a breath of fresh air in a weird way because at least they were close in age even though it seems like she was only using him in her pursuit of fame too? She was obviously a
victim as a minor, but her obsession with fame and selling herself as a sexy barely legal "nymphette" is just sad given her history and the fact she's almost 30 now. You'd think she'd have been able to look back and understand what the fuck happened there. It also makes me wonder how much it's going to crush her when she does age out of this scene and never gets as famous as she had hoped.
No. 285107
>>285051Totally agree! When i was younger, i kinda looked up to her, i wanted to be an idol-ish and have cute outfits and nice fans just like her, eventually i discovered PULL and lolcow and just wow… How could her parents allow all of this? I mean yeah, they supported her dream and of course she wasn't 13 but she was 16/17, she was still a teen and she infantilized herself to the point of almost being a living ddlg fetish and it was pretty obvious for an adult… She has shown some sign of actually growing up, but she seems like she secretly wishes she could go back to her "kawaii loli uguu" days. I hope she goes to therapy if she hasn't already.
I really wish the best for her.
(not your personal blog) No. 287311
File: 1679449131663.jpg (217.45 KB, 1080x1921, Screenshot_20230321-183809_Ins…)

>>286957She said it was a remix
No. 287445
>>284449 it, give it to me now
Give it, give it to me now
Yeah I got a pretty pussy
But I got a dirty mouth
Give it, give it to me now
Give it, give it to me now
Fuck my guts up
I'm [?] that you would kiss me (please just don't stop at my lips)
I'm more than just a little kinky ([?])
It would make my heart whole
If I could be your onahole
Fuck me til my eyes roll
Couple ways I wanna choke
Wanna see God now please take my soul
(learn to embed) No. 287556
File: 1679520580151.jpg (60.92 KB, 600x1147, dee.jpg)

>>287445>I got a pretty pussy>fuck my guts up>I could be your onaholeGod, her lyrics are so incredibly embarrassing Imagine leaving this as your legacy.
No. 289941
File: 1680407198822.jpeg (357.84 KB, 1284x2388, 28E7316C-FBD0-4B68-AB82-D453A1…)

Weird flex but ok
No. 290047
>>289941ma'am you're 28, and you're upset about "looking 30". and you're obsessed with trying (and failing) to look like a teenager.
this is genuinely pathetic. her self-esteem must be in shambles if she's this in denial about her real age.
>>290016how could you possibly think that her bottom lip in
>>179795 and
>>179796 looks natural? you can see the filler going way beyond the vermilion border. it looks awful
No. 290151
File: 1680509492497.png (247.24 KB, 1040x889, gettherapy.png)

>>289941>>290047Absolutely embarrassing coming from a near 30yo woman. She needs to spend that filler money on therapy. I can't begin to imagine how much of a meltdown she's going to actually have in her 30s.
No. 290181
>>289959Not sure if this has been discussed before, but this thread and any thread that mentions her immediately gets filled with paragraph long WKs claiming that whoever is talking badly about her is simply jealous because she is skinny and white.
This website also highlights the pedobaiting issue and the issue of sexualizing minor characters fairly often, but when it came to her there were so many WKs. Anyone who has public beef with her is shat on, torn apart or questioned.
Long story short, she definitely lurks here and always has.
No. 290686
>>290151"i look 13"
Eternally 13 little sister Yukapon is making a comeback, kek.
I think she's just trolling tbh.
No. 290690
File: 1680763200549.png (673.72 KB, 723x875, filterbroke.png)

>>290686Tbh I thought she was trolling too, but I think the "nobody believes me when I tell them my age… 41" tiktok was bait for people to comment like "Oh wow you totally look 16 pinkii!!" but instead she had a bunch of comments saying she looked 30 which then
triggered her to make this tiktok
>>289941 kek
I just noticed that the nose slimming filter in
>>290151 has entirely broken her nose too.
No. 317892
>>317188>Glad this thread is dead, it should stay that way.kek why are you posting here if you want it to stay dead?
>>317880That anon is retarded. She's like 30, but no older. She was 16 and pretending to be half japanese at ACEN years back when I first met her. It's pretty crazy she's still on this shit a decade and a half later though. Actually turning 40 is probably going to destroy her unless she plans on being like "lori lewd".
No. 324672
File: 1712722508625.png (1.37 MB, 1504x894, pinkiilive.png)

>>324403Haven't bothered to even look at her social media in forever, but this WK necro got me curious. Surprised she shared this live footage from an anime con performance, but kek, I'm glad she did.
No. 325175
>>325075I thought that was Himezawa for a split second while scrolling and got excited kek.
>>325100Yeah, her story is just really sad once you read it now. Why did we think that was milky? Didn’t she start taking drugs when she was really young too?
No. 325212
>>325183I think she just does whatever will get her the bag. Sure she has all of that trauma, but she can either wallow in piss like Venus or she can use it to get money, and idk how it works on the monetization side of what she does but it appears she's doing decently at least. Dating older dudes probably was related to her grooming and whatever abuse/daddy issues she has from childhood, but who knows? She's still
problematic in many regards for sure but she could be worse off I guess. When the comparison to cows of her heyday is Pixy and Venus the bar is in hell honestly.
No. 325242
File: 1713595317129.png (147.25 KB, 528x459, pinkiisongs.png)

>>325212Does it actually get her the bag though? She seems to get by just fine, but I don't see any real signs of thriving. Obviously better than most of the major weeb cows of the past decade, but I really have to wonder what her end game is in another 5 or more years if this kawaii rap thing never takes off beyond the couple con performances a year. Honestly don't see it getting her very far, rapping about wanting to fuck pokemon seems pretty niche. kek
No. 325243
File: 1713595640402.png (98.98 KB, 796x731, pokemonfuckerlyricsIguess.png)

>>325242A sample of the lyrics.
No. 325268
>>325258Pinkie music had been garbage for a while. Two decades later, the lyrics remain so cringeworthy that she needs a new ghostwriter.
Pinkie's ploy is becoming old. I don't see her striving; instead, her unfollows have increased. as January, she's been at 131,000. The amount of views on Pinkii TikToks has plateaued, with fewer views.
No. 325279
>>325258She's always been pandering to men though. It truly feels like she peaked when she briefly had a few Lolita brand modeling jobs. It's all tragedy before that and it's all been downhill from there on out. Would have been nice seeing her turn things around back then tbh, her looks suited the style. Whatever this hentai womb tattoo pokemon fucker rap personality is, is just an embarrassing mess. Honestly starting to believe she's legitimately a degenerate herself. Being a pick-me rots your brain.
>>325268It doesn't really help that her gimmick is at least 10 years too late. Her earlier y2k type fashion definitely seemed to have caught her some attention, but this is do cringe and niche it's not going to take off unless we see a second wave of fat scrotes wearing head to toe ahegao sweats like a while back. Never will understand why cows feel the need to pander to the absolute bottom tier of moids.
No. 325372
>>325294I agree she's wasting her potential. She's cute and used to style herself a lot better. The live footage from that con was so unflattering though, outright embarrassing. Like I get that she's trying to pull a doja and all, but she's pandering too hard to the neckbeards for it to be appealing outside of a niche environment.
>>325336Do bimbos usually rap about wanting to fuck fictional animals or is she just an innovator? kek
No. 326500
File: 1715673095909.png (591.29 KB, 503x900, suddenlygay.png)

natalia is queerbaiting now too despite only dating elderly japanese men and deadbeat fuckboy soundcloud rappers.
No. 326501
File: 1715673430513.png (37.5 KB, 589x638, onlyfans.png)

She's also begging for costumes on her Onlyfans and lamenting about how she can't play "gooning captions" at a anime con performance because it has to be "family friendly". She's a degenerate through and through. You'd really think she'd have learned from her yukapee past.
No. 326521
File: 1715703990818.jpg (322.42 KB, 1080x1545, 1000024687.jpg)

>>326508Receipts? She's been obsessively chasing dick for as long as I can remember.
No. 326522
File: 1715704090430.jpg (66.04 KB, 1080x231, 1000024685.jpg)

Also funny how people always seem quick to defend her despite her being a degenerate coomer.
No. 326561
File: 1715786731949.jpg (805.15 KB, 1026x1317, 1000024701.jpg)

>>326554>>326554According to her other posts she plays "gooning clips" at her anime con shows now too? Guess it's not that shocking for a girl who sings about wanting to fuck fictional animals and has a hentai womb tattoo. She really has always pandered to the worst of the worst men in her desperation to be an "idol". It's sad to see her still at it after everything she went through. I feel like aging out of looking like a teen is going to hit her almost as hard as it hit pt.
No. 326599
>>326584>gooning clipsPorn, probably animu porn.
>>325243And this is the song.
No. 326650
>>326641Kek, ok this one actually made me laugh a bit. I like when women call moids pathetic, sorry lmao.
But in the grand scheme of things this is still egirl bimbo ethot type of music and it's clear she can't do anything more than that at this point. I rather have her sing about how pathetic men are than sing about pokemon, who the fuck told her that was a good idea? She'll forever be mocked for that.
No. 326753
>>326650>>326710This is that pseudo "female empowerment" that a lot of SWers fall for. Like, I get it, moids are pathetic and you want their money, but she's just as pathetic pandering to them this hard. She's quite literally stooping to their level.
>>326651Point proven. She's obviously trying to be something between belle delphine and doja.
No. 330208
File: 1719944941990.jpg (1023.62 KB, 1080x1897, 1000026021.jpg)

Still making a fool of herself in the streets of Japan. Honestly curious how she makes money, she doesn't appear to have a day job right now and she can't be making that much from the occasional anime con performance.
No. 331037
File: 1720414862079.jpeg (133.75 KB, 1170x659, IMG_9731.jpeg)

Ew, you get the attention you wanted or?
No. 331408
>>331355reinventing oneself to remain impoverished. Hang up, bro. Pinkii has passed the idol age. No partner, no children, no home, no job.
very funny that she was criticizing her ex for being a bum, considering that she is one now. pinkii would become as drug and alcohol addicted as her ex in the coming years as she attempts to bring her dead career back to life. poetic. A failed mumble singer.
No. 332585
File: 1721749807591.png (930.44 KB, 857x823, 1000026368.png)

does her nose look different or has she just gotten better at contouring?
No. 332660
>>332585She shoops her photos a lot these days to slim her nose and hide her nasolabial folds or eyebags. She actually looks like
>>326561 or
>>324672 normally. Her nose slimming filters have glitched before clipping her nose
>>290690 in video too. It's honestly kind of sad, seems like she's trying harder to stay looking younger than she is, but the reality is that she's 30 and looks it. Nothing wrong with that, but doesn't exactly fit her uwu forever baby succubus persona. Wonder if she will lean into cosmetic procedures next or just go the lori route into her 40s.
No. 333034
File: 1722231528151.jpeg (338.58 KB, 1160x877, F5CFEA14-0CAE-4802-A989-19EA5C…)

>>332660She definitely heavily filters and photoshops but it also looks like she got a nose job. In videos her profile is completely different. She did say she got a lip flip on tiktok so it’s not a far reach to say she will get other work. She’s been getting fillers for a while. That being said 30 isn’t old and she looks good imo. But I don’t think it’s just photoshop that lols different although I’m sure it helps.
No. 333036
>>330208She has an onlyfans. So she makes money off of simps.
>>331408How does she not have a home? You know where she lives? She has an onlyfans real job or not it makes money to pay bills. As far as having a partner, people get divorced just as much as they get married, people grow apart, people die. Relationships are unpredictable. You can do everything “right” and still wind up alone in your old age. Same with kids. Having children isn’t a guarantee that someone will be there for you when you are old. Some people don’t want kids. Some people shouldn’t have kids. These things shouldn’t determine your value as a human.
No. 333070
>>333034>"I think she looks good">jumpscare of her real faceShe's not outright ugly, but she really looks nothing like her edits and is kind of doughy/average in the face. It's kind of like Mikan, she's considered cute because she's into kawaii fashion and is skinny, the edits make up for the rest.
>>333036Let's not pretend like she doesn't have a history of linking up with guys in Japan for financial reasons WK-chan.
No. 333133
>>333111Nobody said she was rich. She makes enough money to live in LA. She left her friends house for who knows what reason. It could have been out of principle and not because of a lack of funds. Do you need to be wealthy in order for your job to be considered real? If so then what would that mean for blue collar workers? And what about people who work in corporate that do nothing all day?
>>333114lol go to a nursing home and point out someone that doesn’t look old
No. 333136
File: 1722413424627.jpg (155.55 KB, 1080x1135, 1000026637.jpg)

>>333133Anon, go read her OF bio. She's doing in-person sessions too. Otherwise I don't think she could "afford LA" off a few dozen $17 OF subs a month. Bonus kek at her gross content. Wonder if she plans to keep supporting her idol attempts with pimping herself forever or if she actually has an endgame.
No. 333183
File: 1722469410413.mp4 (2.24 MB, A2F01A68-2176-4527-BA49-AEDB27…)

kek how embarrassing
No. 333199
>>333196Meh I’m not really defending her. You are welcome to criticize how she makes money. I just disagree that she isn’t making any money. She is making ends meet somehow otherwise she’d be homeless, but it’s fine to speculate. Interaction is usually 10% or less so those 15-30 likes can still mean there’s 300 people there. And my application comment was facetious.
She actually went live earlier and said she charged someone $500 to talk to her on Skype.
(post proof) No. 333217
File: 1722507080141.jpg (193.76 KB, 992x1037, 1000026653.jpg)

>>333199why are you so determined to convince farmers that she's making bank? Imagine believing a prostitute.
>>333183The comments though. Bet they'd love the pokemon fucker rap. kek
No. 333230
>>333225Nobody said she was rich. That doesn’t mean she’s broke either. It’s a good thing you don’t go from looking young to looking like a dried up prune overnight. Once she ages out of looking like a teen she can go for a more mature dominatrix look.
>>333217I’m not trying to prove anything. Neither of us have any evidence of anything.
No. 333246
>>333230She already filters and edits her face to hell and back. Why are you so desperate to cape for her anon? It's giving fan behavior. There's proof about much of what I've said in the threads. Also what type of "mature domme" has a hentai womb tattoo? kek
>>333245Tbh she's still young, but definitely too old to keep clinging to this gross teen succubus roleplay. She's been pandering to creeps for eternity already though. It's honestly sad.
No. 333840
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Is her friend Holly her assistant / photographer? Is she going to pay the photographers in all these cities? Idk it strikes me as odd that she’s asking her fans to reimburse her for a flight while also asking photographers to work for her. Sounds like she won’t pay them.
No. 333842
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No. 334225
>>334221Who doesn't want to pay $40 for captions like
>>333136 slapped over a video you've made. Truly an artist.
No. 334404
File: 1724065344451.jpeg (386.72 KB, 1284x1592, 8383E268-E3AA-4047-8CC3-353B98…)

Amsterdam poppers for dinner
No. 334437
>>334404Either the filters are working overtime or she got a botched nosejob and lip fillers to the point she's looking a little troonish now. Her jaw is looking meaty. Guess the poppers are on theme at least.
>>334409NTA, but poppers are common in the gay scene to prep for anal sex. It's not that great as a recreational drug because the high is more of a quick headrush that only lasts for a moment. It does have it's dangers too as you can faint or cause issues with your heart. Really living the dream drinking warm modelo (no lime?) and sniffing poppers with these ugly moids in a cluttered old kitchen. Is she boning dudes on tour for a place to stay now or something?
No. 334480
>>130582>But I agree, I wouldn’t put it past her to start doing sex workRereading this thread from the beginning is a trip. Nonnas knew what was coming.
>>334404Did she fry all her hair off bleaching it platinum? All the pink looks like extensions. She used to have such nice/thick hair too.
No. 334486
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>>334437She also got a lip flip somewhat recently. I believe she may have had work done to her nose because her profile looks different, but it’s hard to tell with the filters and all the contouring. I don’t notice any difference with her jaw.
In a recent live pinkii was feeling sick from drinking too much caffeine on an empty stomach and said that she doesn’t do any drugs (despite rumors that she does) because she’s so sensitive to everything. Odd to say when she clearly is drinking quite often and is showing herself with poppers. Not to mention that she seemingly surrounds herself with people that do drugs.
No. 334487
>>334486It's just her tiny nose and lip filler making her jaw look meaty in comparison. It's funny because somehow her eyes now look much closer together too compared to before in
>>334404 She's throwing her facial balance off and is going to be botched in no time at any rate.
No. 334551
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No. 334563
>>334551This is shayna tier posting kek. Only difference is that yukapee is still skinny/cute enough to lure in desperate neckbeards. The hooker lifestyle really doesn't seem worth it.
>>334547I know she was quite a bit younger, but she really peaked during her brief minor modeling gig days in japan up until her early Instagram baddie era. The lipflip has left her with permanent upper tooth-show, the new nose is throwing the rest of her face off without the filters, and she's seemingly fried most her hair off while bleaching it. Even her (cute tbh) dimples seem MIA lately due to what I can only assume is botox? Sad she's morphing herself into a botched bimbo so fast. Judging by her hand in the post above she's still hitting the running salons regularly too.
No. 334570
>>334564I agree haggard isn't really the word for it, she's still pretty but steadily heading into botched territory judging by
>>334404 and
>>334486>>334551Interesting that she's using an older photo to beg for someone to be her "bag bitch".
No. 334647
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I wonder when this whole dommy mommy thing will get old for her
No. 334941
File: 1724658414398.png (675.18 KB, 504x898, who.png)

Tour starts in three days. She's headlining with two supporting artists no one has ever heard of. Tickets for the shows are pretty cheap, as low as $5-$12 at most of the venues and the highest being $25 at the NY show. Chicago show is still TBA, but she might be trying to perform at anime magic?
>>334647In this new post she's unrecognizable behind all the filters and is talking about "making men lick up their own cum from a toilet seat". Don't think she's going to change anytime soon since she gets to pretend she's an empowered feminist while getting paid to make gross moids coom.
No. 335059
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>>335013Yeah, there's no way she's actually making bank on this tour outside of SW. Even if she sells a decent amount of tickets to any of these shows, she's stuck splitting the earnings three ways (four if there's a promotor) after the venue takes their cut. It's no wonder she was begging for the $700 of flights to be covered by random coomers (and looking for free help). She'd be lucky to break even. Picrel is one of the venues she's playing at.
No. 335156
File: 1724885622620.jpeg (295.43 KB, 1185x1138, 2DD31E16-FFDC-4F4F-A1FC-54D9D6…)

with and without filters
No. 335157
File: 1724885724234.jpeg (508.98 KB, 1284x1144, 5F1C262E-78C6-4239-9319-528216…)

Very desperate for money
No. 335175
File: 1724913192015.png (241.43 KB, 520x672, bleak.png)

>>335157It's difficult to explain but left pic is giving me shay edit vibes. Like when nonnas try to shop shayna into being cute. I think it's just the eyebags, caterpillar eyelashes, autistic outfit and bad extension combo though. kek
This is further proof she's not above in-person SW too tho. Imagine having to sell yourself to fund your own "tour" where you perform pokemon sex raps at dive bars and pubs. Still think it's a shame she didn't stick to modeling or being a shop girl. This is just sad.
No. 336014
File: 1726988785579.jpeg (779.39 KB, 1048x1596, IMG_7822.jpeg)

This is an interesting contribution to the world, humping the air and singing about how a guy is about to make her cum.
No. 336040
File: 1727047786329.jpg (638.29 KB, 1079x1393, 1000027364.jpg)

>>336014>alone on stage airhumping in granny pantiesKek, her stage show looks depressing. She's also been wearing a "dick girl" shirt lately that's merch from a tranny influencer. She used to be cute and better dressed during her time in japan, what the fuck happened?
>>336025Ngl thought about seeing how bad it was at the Chicago show, but I'm not sure if they ever even scheduled it since it was so last min. Her tour planning
>>335059 seemed like an absolute shitshow tbh.
No. 336051
>>336040>what the fuck happenedshe was heavily sexualized and pawned off to creepy men since she was what, 13? this era is her 'taking back the power', you know, like being a hypersexual nufeminist to own the patriarchyyyy (sigh)
i actually have a soft spot for her, i wish she hadn't ended up like this but like, what did we really expect? maybe once she reaches 30 or so she might make some new self realizations and pivot into a more vulnerable persona. i like her softer songs like embed, i wish the lyrics weren't quite so pickme but ah well
No. 336071
File: 1727117572852.jpg (1.03 MB, 1080x1611, 1000027388.jpg)

>>335175>>335156I think she's using face slimming filters in her own videos because this is what she looked like in a video one of the girls she is touring with posted. The lip-flip and filler plus her chubby cheeks make her look like she's been stung by a bee. I think that's why she is always posing with her mouth open too, helps hollow out her cheeks a little.
No. 336093
File: 1727133823793.png (428.79 KB, 480x682, Screenshot_20240924-012104~2.p…)

>>336080>>336071this girl kind of looks like shayna kek. god this group of people is so off putting
No. 336097
File: 1727135702166.jpg (411.56 KB, 1080x1920, 1000027386.jpg)

>>336093>>336080She's apparently a DJ and seems to tour often and occasionally gets semi decent gigs. Probably why Natalia clung onto her despite all her male followers ragging on her looks cobstantly in the comment section.
>>336014Not seeing a whole lot of live footage but everything I am seeing looks like this.
No. 336155
File: 1727249330403.jpg (893.67 KB, 1080x1770, 1000027416.jpg)

>>336151They're all around the same age, she's just fatter than the other two and doesn't know how to do her makeup as evidence of the white waterline "doll" eye and neon blush. Found a completely unfiltered video of Natalia btw, she definitely looks her age. So much for "forever 18".
No. 336165
>>336151Definitely the most unfortunate looking one of the trio. Not to troonfoil but I almost thought she was a young TiM who'd been on estrogen for a while because her body is just really unfeminine. Not that she has to have a lot of curves, but something about her legs and torso is just really unfortunate and lacking, plus the makeup is really bad and something about the face is off. I feel bad for her, she could use some better styling to play up her strengths or downplay other things, maybe, but this is not the look for bbygurl.
>>336155That's kind of a rough 30, or maybe some alcohol bloat going on. Then again that style of heavy makeup looks like shit on everyone sans filter.
No. 336179
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>>336165There's been a tinfoil since forever that it's bulimia since she's always been relatively underweight with a very chubby face. Who actually knows though. I don't think her drug use, lifestyle, and plastic surgery is helping either way. It's kind of a shame, she used to be pretty cute from her street snap era up until her early pinkii days. So much wasted potential just to keep pandering to nasty porn brained moids. Maybe I'll catch a ban for this, but I was curious how she'd look without the giant spider lashes and circle lens kek. I don't know if she's getting filler in her face or what, but there's something definitely off. Surely it isn't just the nosejob/lip-flip?
No. 336234
File: 1727388665887.jpeg (341.52 KB, 2215x1284, F5822A37-D67F-4A92-8ECE-7085E9…)

Feeling herself up, humping the air, and ahegao face
No. 336457
File: 1727767947307.png (1.55 MB, 987x882, pinkiiamsterdam.png)

>>336234She just finished a show in Amsterdam and made a bunch of insta stories acting obnoxious. Loudly swearing on tour-guide boat on the canal, running around the street calling out "good boy?" to random guys, loudly yelling about "all men being pussies" and how she "ate a banana out of a girl's puss on stage", then some clips of her and two other girls babbling in broken japanese.
No. 336852
File: 1728448818454.webp (28.02 KB, 280x419, IMG_4068.webp)

>>336151she used to be kinda cute back in 2016 when she was an indie pop girly, crazy to see the transformation into a hyper pop hambeast 8 years later
No. 337876
File: 1730246371848.jpeg (462.55 KB, 1775x1215, 023FA5F4-75DA-42BE-9168-7C4574…)

She went on some rant about how she hates Halloween because she dresses up how she wants to everyday. Then she made some rant about how she can censor her feet and body because people will give her money either way.
No. 338078
>>337876The dark hair looks a lot better on her at least. But the "bestie for the night" did make me kek. Such shallow and fleeting "friendships".
>>337910Tbh her lifestyle of touring/traveling would be kind of fun and worth being envious of if it weren't for the fact it's entirely paid for by her selling sex to gross moids. It might be fun for now, but once it's run it's course what is she going to have to show for it all? Some embarrassing music videos about being a bimbo baby or fucking pokemon? At least other escorts get degrees, cars, houses, etc. and can "retire" from it. She's 30 and has nothing real to show for it. It's like her gameplan fully rests on "making it" as an idol until the very end.
No. 338200
File: 1730869638378.jpeg (528.51 KB, 2165x1284, 4F5673B3-C61C-4496-BC2A-EDA2DC…)

She posted her throne link to reimburse her shopping and a link to her findom instagram
No. 338201
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No. 338202
File: 1730870308075.jpeg (622.91 KB, 2249x1215, C1A83DC9-77E3-4776-8859-B1EF63…)

Quite the digital footprint
No. 338203
File: 1730870436498.jpeg (503.67 KB, 2218x1130, 3D0B3516-61BD-48D7-9EAA-66A40E…)

I’m disturbed by the use of the word leak here
No. 338275
>>338203The nonna who mentioned the shoebox apartment wasn't kidding. The sad shelf of pink shoes (giving very oldschool shayna tbh kek) and the bare hanging bulb hanging above her cheap bedframe and all white walls/bedding in this tiny room certainly seem luxurious. I'm assuming she has a roommate like usual too, hope she's actually paying them this time.
>>338200It's crazy because other escorts at least (mostly) aren't traceable back to their legal names. She better start saving/investing that handbag money unless she wants to end up like the other hooker cows in the future.
No. 338800
File: 1731877073320.jpeg (467.28 KB, 1179x2096, D9E46AFB-E284-4335-9FC3-5C0136…)

Seeing this music video on her Instagram that’s obviously shot by a third-party and it wasn’t able to be edited and filtered through like her usual content, I didn’t even recognize her, she is lookin weathered
No. 339019
>>338800Massive kek at her haggard face hovering over the all caps subtitle "balls". Honestly though, she seemed to age so rapidly since returning from japan? She's only turning 30 next month, but she looks really worn out as seen in these caps you posted and even this one
>>336155 of her post-surgery? Not sure what she can do for her ever growing eyebags though.
No. 339292
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No. 341030
File: 1734372329180.jpg (386.18 KB, 1080x1818, Screenshot_20241216_130111.jpg)

Forever 21!
I can understand doing that for the eternal youth concept of the music industry. Nevertheless, if it was me, i would just choose to not display my age… She just physically don't look like a 21 year old
No. 341118
File: 1734599837704.png (871.12 KB, 681x830, pinkiii.png)

>>341030She's really starting to develop a pillow face, her lip injections are lopsided, and there's even a noticeable bump from her nosejob? It's crazy how hung up she still is on being "forever" young though. First it was forever 13yo little-sister yukapon, now it's forever 21yo escort-for-hire pinkii? It's going to be so weird seeing her going into her 40s next. kek
No. 342213
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No. 343740
File: 1738540800836.jpeg (562.15 KB, 2220x1284, 84621776-051C-4095-85A8-4BA8FE…)

(not milk/sage your shit)