File: 1561342080166.jpg (85.93 KB, 640x960, terry.jpg)

No. 54749
>36 year old self proclaimed "famous" cosplayer>a narcissist>can't take any sort of criticism, screenshots and posts any hate he gets so his white knights can do his dirty work>talks about being "so busy" with his fans at cons despite generally walking around alone>tries to stay relevant by joining popular fandoms such as BTS>thinks his drag-like makeup and cum hardened wigs are god tier>can't seem to lose his virginity so he decided to label himself as asexual>HATES DRINKING!!! >:(>when he isn't stroking his own ego he is fishing for compliments>cosplays mostly underage boys despite approaching 40Instagram: Facebook: No. 54751
File: 1561343151696.jpeg (235.75 KB, 1237x709, E3496418-7136-4B5F-954B-7B9F8D…)

Lol he was walking around Katsucon alone of course.
No. 54809
File: 1561388475354.png (111.62 KB, 750x537, IMG_1069.PNG)

I remember this caused a stir on his fb. he def has at least mild aspergers
No. 54824
OP again, my apologies for double posting,
>>54761I’m a complete dumbass and this is my first time creating a thread. I knew to keep my name anonymous but I thought the email section was for thread deleting purposes. I contacted the admins to see if they could remove the email but if not it’s no big deal really. The email is a spam email account anyways.
No. 54849
File: 1561415437651.jpg (177.86 KB, 811x1334, IMG_1426.JPG)

No. 54852
>>54824lurk more.
there’s no milk here.
No. 54854
>>54849Damn, that's cringe.
He's not even ugly irl but that cute anime boy shit is such a weird thing to want to be.
No. 54878
>>54849I'd never thought i'd see a thread on him.
Milky or not, i see this ugly ass face on instagram tags with a stupid amount of likes all the time and it confuses me how he gets so many? He looks so awful
No. 55032
>>54854When I saw him without makeup, I was very surprised how normal and non-horrifying he looked. He could pull of a lot of cool male characters but his desire to be a dainty, androgynous Asian boy with hostess makeup is so weird!
>>54878I’m thinking it’s mostly the woke community trying to show support for minority representation and being afraid of rejecting him in fear of being called racist. I totally enjoy seeing support of more black cosplayers but this grandma-looking two-toned dude is a not it.
No. 55072
Some grown Bruva looking like boku no pico dipped in chocolate
No. 55096
File: 1561572617609.jpeg (77.03 KB, 750x535, 60856944-F0C3-457B-89EA-8F48A0…)

while this is a semi-old tweet, he doesnt seem to have changed his mind
No. 55103
File: 1561574983045.jpeg (725.67 KB, 750x1008, 223B9270-F36F-4402-9F39-AEEF1F…)

He unironically has an fb album called “Wigs I style”.
No. 55144
File: 1561592946683.jpg (675.66 KB, 1080x1921, 20190626_184012.jpg)

There is something disturbing about a 14 year old character being cosplayed by a near 40 year old
No. 55172
>>55144It's wild because he looks so normal in
>>54849 , he's not even an ugly dude. I don't get why he wears such thick falsies when he's trying to portray a young boy, the creepy smile and way too blue contacts aren't helping either. ugh.
>>55164Spot on.
No. 55192
>>55144"Done an amazing job pulling off cosplays"
boy what
No. 55203
File: 1561641867322.jpeg (328.25 KB, 750x1176, 0D844C99-245C-4FA8-8B9C-0EF3DE…)

he literally ALWAYS does this. Now all his white knights are kissing his ass and uwuing (no surprise since most of them are just as shit-tier at cosplaying). Bro, learn how to style a fucking wig and not have it look like a taxidermied porcupine.
No. 55207
File: 1561643489706.jpeg (120.02 KB, 750x327, 38795F11-632E-4935-9195-D35EB9…)

Pathetic that he sics his “fans” on anyone who calls him out for his narcissism.
No. 55213
Not sure if someone cow tipped or he just googles himself every moment of the day lmao
>>55211I’m sure this is just the first of many of autistic white knights he will be linking to the thread.
No. 55234
>>55211Here come the white knights…
Also let me tell you he is definitely into teenager girls, just look most of his selfies
No. 55247
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No. 55255
File: 1561662516385.jpeg (167.13 KB, 750x997, F799B375-3986-4D08-A697-3113EA…)

this sums up his approach to girls. creepily commenting on their stuff and fishing for compliments while playing the “poor me i’m ugly :(“ card. what girl is gonna be like “oh no youre so hot i’d date you Terry!” fuck off
No. 55270
File: 1561670089577.jpg (393 KB, 1080x1074, Akdjdkshahsj.jpg)

Deets OP?
No. 55271
>>55270Man dude no one cares if you’re alone or not at a con, shit I’m friends with really good looking cosplayers and they fly solo all the time and never have to fucking say they have friends
This dude is just on another level delusional, I thought he was pretty cool or normal cause a lot of my friends are friends with him and thought he was harmless, which is probably is (??), but damn it’s just dude admit ur a nerd and move on lol
No. 55288
File: 1561681912912.jpeg (469.69 KB, 640x889, 048F041C-7E8D-4D44-982D-4E6000…)

> never handles criticism or even constructive criticism well. He makes no mistakes. He is perfect. How dare you think differently
> when called out on shit, ALWAYS is baited and will argue it (as seen evident from him discovering this thread)
> purchases games, posts he has purchased games, and then never plays them
> Conversations never are about anything but him. He will never actually talk about fandom things. Only ever his cosplays from whichever media in conversation if they “performed” well
> was once a “guest” at a New York convention as a cosplay judge despite never having made a single costume himself in his entire cosplaying career
> photos he sold at his booth for said convention consisted entirely of printed selfies
“Really bad”? Nah “snowflake”? Absolutely. Just another narcissistic cosplayer trying to be modest about “not wanting fame” but in turn it just backfires and makes himself look pompous.
Anyway that’s my cow juice thanks seeya
No. 55341
>>55335Agreeing with this.
He seems unsocialized and maybe mildly creepy, but a lot of this thread reads as someone samefagging in order to bitch about their pointless vendetta.
No. 55392
File: 1561731309043.png (532.58 KB, 478x830, datsracist.PNG)

>>54768>Why does he insist on doing gyaru makeup for every character? He has no problem lighting his skin for character accuracy. However, if someone slightly darkens their skin though? You're blackfacing and making fun of black people! Feel like I have to take a shot of alcohol every time he bitches about people doing blackface. I'm convinced it gives him moral superiority due to his own skin color. He's a hypocrite in more ways than this.
No. 99506
File: 1591727898152.jpg (107.8 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1591727918770.jpg)

Poor Terry.
Of course he is all for Black Lives Matter.
As he tries to be white.
No. 99508
File: 1591727935348.jpg (671 KB, 1073x1681, Screenshot_20200609-143611_Fac…)

Hes such a victim
No. 99509
File: 1591727958420.jpg (824.4 KB, 1080x1711, 20200609_143820.jpg)

No. 99548
File: 1591738991107.jpg (112.5 KB, 1080x1511, FB_IMG_1591739023727.jpg)

Such amazing skills
No. 99551
File: 1591739232163.jpg (89.92 KB, 1077x400, Screenshot_20200609-174650_Fac…)

Fishing for compliments. As usual
No. 99555
>>99508I hate people who pull this 'i cosplay exclusively outside my race'
Like most cosplayers do. Most are white or hispanic and even characters races tend to be pretty ambigious. This whole race thing in cosplay is so dumb and i've met him several times in passing and he's literally just looking for
victim points.
>>99551He must be one of those guys who thinks women just are born knowing how to do makeup. Nah bitch, we all learn what works for our faces too. Men in cosplay are always so whiny and pathetic.
No. 99808
>>99551>>99555men who learn how to do makeup end up with some kind of god complex as if every woman in their lives didn't learn how to do makeup by themselves.
He needs to learn how to match his foundation shade, he looks ashy as hell.
No. 100699
>>99551God his constant fishing for compliments and vaguebragging is so annoying. I’d respect him more if he was just honest about how up his own ass he is instead of trying to get sympathy asspats
>>99808he’s posted about how he wishes he was white before so I’m pretty sure he intentionally goes as light as he thinks he can get away with
No. 114392
File: 1601407436957.jpeg (599.62 KB, 828x839, 9AC8A221-E5F3-466F-8D22-A29BD3…)

He posted this and you can see his before and after yellowface.
Honestly I don’t understand how he doesn’t see this as racist. But I saw him call a guy racist for Tanning. So I guess he thinks it’s racist for white people yo go in the sun.
As if white people getting a tan is Racist and blackface.
Honestly, he’s a disgustingly Racist person and a heavy elitist.
Recently saw him post on Facebook that he was stalking someone’s mom on FB cause she supported trump. Like, he has nothing better to do then try and find people to Dox to make himself feel morally superior, and get his Hivemind of Fans to attack them so he can make himself feel good.
I’ve met a lot of weird people at conventions and I gotta say, he takes the Most Racist, Most Narcissistic, most hypocritical and biggest elitest.
Tbh does anyone know what he does for a living? Cause I’ve seen people get fired for making posts like he does. Maybe it’s time to forward his posts to his job.(newfag)
No. 114450
File: 1601462488747.jpg (84.49 KB, 1200x804, vsOIYZf.jpg)

>>114392What do you mean? This is just his famed Gayle King cosplay. You have something against him paying homage to an accomplished female journalist and Oprah’s BFF?
No. 114468
It’s not that I have a vendetta, it’s that I see him do this all the time and I try and remain polite. But I’m tired of it, it’s more his behavior that’s racist, things I’ve seen him say and type, it’s just more so an example of him trying to look more of a different race while if let’s just say, for the example of someone I know of someone he attacked on FB.
They got a tan, that’s it. They were accused of racism, blackface and they were doxxed. I’ve heard of others who received private messages from random people attacking them due to his (terry’s) behavior.
That itself was not right, calling a guy racist and blackface for going into the sun, while he powders his face white to appear more oriental for a costume.
To me that’s being a real hypocrite Aswell as racist.
So in a way, I can say it’s abit of a vendetta if you count the fact I’m done seeing good people get harrassed for not being apart of his hivemind of white knights. I wish he could get taught a lesson about his actions, to me the best way that can happen is to mirror that treatment and dox him to his employer.
Tbh I’ve never had a reason to have a personal vendetta against him. But when I see him post about being on the prowl for someone to dox again. I’m tired of it. All he does is perpetuate hatred. He should have his treatment returned in kind.
I can see how it came off though.
No. 114495
>>114450I can’t unsee this lmao
This due straight up looking like Gayle
No. 114612
File: 1601562514296.gif (4.13 MB, 500x368, 47e.gif)

>>114450I'm actually dead. This is spot on.
No. 115096
>sperging about Terry being racist>uses oriental to refer to asians Kek
>>114468 you’re reaching here with your vendetta anon. Don’t know if your friend deserved to get called out but calling someone out for blackface isn’t racism and Terry lightening his skin is more sad than anything it’s just internalized racism
I do agree he’s an elitist hypocritical narcissist though
No. 122028
File: 1606089991971.jpg (121.21 KB, 639x1303, yikes.jpg)

We've established he's a narcissist but the amount of asspats and ego inflation this nearly 40 year old man needs is insane.
The delusion thinking he looks exactly like his overly shopped costhot "friends".
No. 122479
File: 1606345036864.jpeg (305.92 KB, 828x1343, F79A912D-B6D1-4328-81BB-7BD79B…)

>>122028Funny that he says he hates giving himself credit when he’s constantly bragging about his makeup skills. He doesn’t even have skills, it’s all just filters
No. 122566
File: 1606420651633.webm (613.36 KB, 576x1280, 6899185434967018758_manaknight…)
Nothing like a nearly 40 y/o man cosplaying a girl less than half his age.
No. 122641
File: 1606455631563.png (29.16 KB, 476x300, sureterry.png)

>>122596It's already beginning
No. 123614
>>122566Christ that is both horrifying and disgusting.
Um also am I the only one who thinks Terry decided to label as "non-binary" to fit in with the zoomers?
No. 123631
>>122641he don't look good enough because his makeup sucks (among other reasons) and I don't understand why he thought adding color would be the solution. He's slowly approaching 40 trying to cosplay characters that range from teen years to mid-20s. Unless he's getting fillers to remove the wrinkles and shit, I'm not sure what lies he wants people to tell him. Watch a makeup tutorial and get your head our your ass. There's a good number of companies that cater to darker skin tones.
>>123614I can't imagine there was any other reason behind it besides attention.
No. 124912
>>123614Literally my exact thoughts.
I still can't get over his "This is Halloween" Halloween Sora tiktok where he fucked up every single word besides this is halloween
No. 124913
File: 1607488819570.jpg (27.42 KB, 688x145, 777.jpg)

Is this the sentence the equivalent of "I'm not racist, I have black friends"?
No. 126094
File: 1608062209025.webm (2.26 MB, 576x1024, tiktokvideo_1608061732.webm)
volume warning
I don't want to see Terry's tongue ever again in my life.
No. 126189
File: 1608089391289.png (1011.35 KB, 845x803, terryplease.png)

This is probably a bit of a nitpick but has anyone else noticed he eats like a literal child? I mean I don't think this man has eaten a vegetable in over 10 years. He regularly posts about being a picky eater and avoiding Dr's. As he's almost nearly 40 I bet he's going to have some major health issue before 45.
No. 126197
File: 1608094879269.png (256.05 KB, 1021x743, 122167420_393015898385377_9739…)

>>126189He straight up LEAVES restaurants if they don't have chicken tenders LOL
No. 126510
>>126094he needs to stop trying so hard to fit in with the young crowd, it's getting worse and more embarrassing
No. 126668
>>126629I mean, that's sorta what happens when you buy a 4 story house and live by yourself.
Still don't even understood why he bought one so large and all the furniture he bought for it will never be used.
No. 127571
File: 1608601854156.jpg (65.64 KB, 502x766, e2e.JPG)

Looks like he decided to buy ANOTHER tv for his house…for some reason.
No. 127818
>>127571Those aren't….posters of himself are they?? Is he really that far up his own ass?
Meanwhile he has a new TV but still got no friends to hang with at his "loft"
No. 127847
>>127818They were banners for a booth of his at a con he got to keep, if I recall. not sure why you'd just…hang em up though.
I remember he keeps anime posters framed in his bathrooms
No. 128130
File: 1608811897382.jpeg (141.04 KB, 828x1245, D97C461D-4881-4AF6-AFF0-16B2C6…)

>>127818Like the other anon said they’re banners he had made for when he guests at cons, that for some reason he decided to hang up.
He does actually have a giant framed selfie of himself though because narcissist
No. 128586
File: 1608993396666.jpeg (197.67 KB, 828x1026, B0F42738-CB1C-4978-A20F-95DC8C…)

He can’t possibly think this looks good. Why is his face literally white? It looks like he’s trying to do clown makeup.
No. 129278
>>128729Terry sites being asexual but follows/is friends with so many e-thots/OF girls it's kinda doubtable.
More like cope for being a 40 y/o autist virgin that now decided he'll be his OWN uwu waifu since he needs so much attention
No. 129406
File: 1609349271438.jpeg (394.1 KB, 1242x1404, E588404C-6C94-4C6F-9C4A-E346A8…)

Terry posted that his water heater is finally fixed so he’s going to his happy place AKA the bath and…. you WHAT
No. 130041
File: 1609602281609.jpeg (213.35 KB, 828x1459, BBB3D7A8-2527-46E8-BE3C-5C501B…)

Nothing sexier than a 40 year old autist trying to show off his ass
No. 130093
>>130041still makes a better zero two than lori lewd
also that chin shoop..
No. 130291
File: 1609705037794.jpg (168.36 KB, 1440x1440, 135787310_10114941455111118_83…)

JFC the crust
No. 130312
File: 1609713114555.png (299.21 KB, 484x799, Untitled.png)

"Tiktok is so mean you guys!! I need more asspats"
No. 131954
File: 1610484934682.jpeg (196.47 KB, 828x1453, 4010257B-A8AA-429B-A71B-08235E…)

He's really starting to like a tr00n
No. 131992
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No. 132104
File: 1610549501343.jpeg (126.17 KB, 827x678, CAC37077-D65E-4892-9807-D60718…)

>>131963He washes himself with Palmolive so it shouldn’t be surprising his skin is fucked
No. 132678
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>>131992insecure about your age much, Terry?? his arrogance is definitely his way of compensating for his age insecurity. Just admit you're gen X and go
No. 132828
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>>131954Reminded me of picrel immediately kek
No. 133077
File: 1610932098715.jpeg (385.48 KB, 1241x1895, C09554DE-EF2B-4D60-A6F9-E6E943…)

>>132887To add to that here’s him asking more ppl to vote on his next Cosplay despite him saying he’s going to quit.
No. 133615
File: 1611187918592.jpeg (310.57 KB, 827x1415, 8E60050A-F114-4A11-84DF-83B340…)

> “I can’t get any girls to couple cosplay with me so I’m going to be my OWN WAIFU!”
No. 133636
>>133615Jesus I was half joking when I said
>>122775 he seriously is holy shit. This nearly 40 year old moron is trying to be his own anime waifu cause no girl wanted him.
No. 134050
File: 1611415496522.jpeg (202.73 KB, 828x1366, 9449BB59-7D6D-4AA0-A1EE-AC61A9…)

I wish he would keep his tongue in his mouth for his cringe tik toks. It’s so unsettling I hate the way he wiggles it around
No. 134055
File: 1611421163712.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1242x2364, 08AD0864-C102-4629-AB6A-B2411C…)

>>134050His latest tiktok is by far one his most cringe. His lip syncing is so off, not to mention his lash is about to escape xD for someone who claims to be Ace I’m surprised he chose this very sexual sound.
No. 134059
>>134055The fact that this freak is ten years older than myself and is on Tik Tok, trying to relive his weeb phase and get down with the kids just makes me miserable.
This is why I stopped liking anime and anything related to anime because of these degenerates.
No. 134145
File: 1611462742503.webm (595.1 KB, 576x1024, 6919982471928941830.webm)
>>134112He does con hall photos but doing just photography wouldn't inflate his ego and get him all the asspats he lives for.
Double chin kek
No. 134230
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>>54749his ashiness knows no bounds
No. 134547
File: 1611672798855.jpeg (40.07 KB, 400x400, 0D23BA80-5E70-4D51-9032-741873…)

>>134230Someone please get this man some cocoa butter. And some vegetables - he is turning gray.
No. 134990
File: 1611884562696.jpg (429.71 KB, 1080x1637, Screenshot_20210128-183158_Ins…)

Good news! You can apply to be his "close" friend soon!
No. 135028
>>134990I know this (probably) won’t happen, but this sounds like a serial killer looking for
victims Seriously though this guy needs to get his head checked if he thinks he’s so high up on a pedestal that people need to fill out an application to be friends with him
No. 135029
His makeup is bad, but it's those crusty concealer-coated eyebrows that I hate. It's just slathered on.
>>134990This is creepy and almost sounds like he's looking for a following of teenagers as friends. I wonder how extensive these applications would be.
No. 135853
File: 1612215150919.png (3.45 MB, 828x1792, E7D53F66-144D-4E8D-97E0-9BBEEE…)

He needs to realize being a little midget man doesn’t mean he’d make a cute loli. A man that’s pushing 40 liking loli’s is kind of questionable too.
No. 136961
File: 1612640218739.jpg (299.79 KB, 1080x1364, Screenshot_20210206-143629_Fac…)

"Help, zoomers keep bullying me, a 40 year old man for my cringe tiktoks."
No. 137406
>>137313kek, yes please WK this 40 y/o autist harder.
He's clearly a product of all the asspats he's ever gotten and that just prevents him from ever improving.
No. 137761
>>137313Having no friends doesn't mean he has had "trauma"
he is just crying for help now that he can't fall back on anime conventions for his social interaction needs
No. 138639
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No. 138706
File: 1613610279795.jpg (108.44 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1613610125939.jpg)

The croptop is not doing him any favors nor is his current "diet".
>>138686Exceptionally, especially when he is in fact over 35.
No. 138710
>>138686>>138645>>138674I don't know a lot about this cow but he screams "child predator." His behavior is suspicious, creepy, and beyond inappropriate. The way he talks about his age and answers questions sounds a lot like grooming. There's a very, very, very good chance his dude is a pedophile.
No 40+ year old man should be friends with minors. There's absolutely no reason…unless you're a pedophile. I would keep my kids far the fuck away from this creep.
No. 139181
File: 1613973441941.gif (3.99 MB, 280x498, 6931716209138257157.gif)

>>139155It is getting out of control…
No. 139282
>>139181I’m gonna have nightmares about this…
Seriously though what is he trying to do here? Is this supposed to be a dance of some kind? Are we, the viewers, supposed to find this funny? Entertaining? Scary? Erotic? What is he attempting to convey here?
No. 139324
File: 1614090966095.gif (4.44 MB, 480x270, 432ED4F2-06B2-4A46-B194-0BE127…)

>>139181This poor man’s tongue is stuck to a lollipop and you’re all making fun of him?
No. 139403
File: 1614179141691.jpeg (176.89 KB, 750x1054, 50C9CED3-717C-4F33-A26E-9DE30E…)

>>54749soooooo this is highly questionable. Trying to imply he’s between these ages despite being nearly DOUBLE. legitimately creepy
No. 139535
File: 1614301722792.png (555.92 KB, 511x819, cheapo.png)

>>139441>>139454Post the milk at least please.
He's absurdly cheap when it comes to cosplay as he always jumps to something new to grab more attention, so why bother dishing out for quality? Quantity over quality at it's best.
No. 139594
File: 1614369973862.jpeg (99.08 KB, 828x379, 0EC8EC01-17F3-4B21-B3D9-057691…)

>>139547I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he was blacklisted considering how proud he is that he’s a massive asshole to sellers when ordering cosplays online
No. 139633
File: 1614405389242.jpeg (380.65 KB, 750x794, 5DF5C1C9-DB59-4EEB-A425-31B889…)

>>139615funny he says that considering his wigs look like this
No. 139661
File: 1614441093978.jpg (120.84 KB, 1079x416, Screenshot_20210227-104819_Fac…)

>>139612>>139611Im begging,please post the milk/caps
But yeah, Terry is horribly self conscious we know while also pandering for attention
No. 139672
File: 1614450726379.jpg (618.05 KB, 1079x1441, Screenshot_20210227-132949_Fac…)

He really uses worbla for shit you don't need worbla for and it looks like garbage.
No. 140046
File: 1614711574969.png (13.35 KB, 513x137, terry.PNG)

Terry is always replying to compliments with "I'm not that great" or "i'm just average" but will then make humble brag statuses like this? this is the most pathetic, narcissistic, attention hungry person I've ever seen. Someone needs to tell him off.
No. 140059
File: 1614714887453.jpeg (69.75 KB, 740x416, ADB5D05A-2BFB-4C90-BE7F-241ABE…)

No. 140113
>>139661>>139690oh poor me. people at work made fun of my glasses
Literally went and bought the gayest glasses and fish for compliments
No. 140549
>>139181Toga sticking her tongue at you!!
I swear Terry lurks here and is just trolling us.
No. 140585
>>140404Right? If he really didn’t want kids that young following him then he wouldn’t be doing everything in his power to appeal to them.
Also why not soft block them if you’re legitimately that uncomfortable? He doesn’t do that though because children will blindly follow you and they’re easy to manipulate and those are his favorite qualities in people
No. 140650
File: 1615126950365.jpg (222.33 KB, 1440x1440, 158193890_10115296021671888_77…)

>>140597Since you didn't post the pic
absolute hot garbage
No. 140665
File: 1615147356540.jpeg (228.11 KB, 826x1119, 8C99EC90-E21D-4560-AD63-EE00C9…)

His wig that goes with it is somehow even worse than the headset. I see why he only buys the cheapest $10 Amazon wigs he can find, when this is how badly he mangles a more expensive wig
No. 140889
File: 1615409610221.jpg (296.29 KB, 1080x1882, Screenshot_20210310-133534_Ins…)

Ie "I want to cosplay this flat chested Fate girl with canon makeup design and I need other young girls to hype me up before I add it to my list of 20 other characters people say (me) I will be amazing at."
It's annoying how this is his feed: what should I cosplay, a stupid kid question (are you afraid of the dark y/n?), or sharing any compliment he can drudge up. What a loser.
No. 141108
File: 1615595568200.jpeg (194.88 KB, 828x1144, 878D7E03-1CC8-43D6-9CD1-0ECD52…)

2-for-1 “no one wants to date me boo hoo” and “I’m totally around my late 20’s guys” post
No. 141512
>>141108What the hell is wrong with him?!? Is he really trying to convince himself and others that he is under the age of 30?? It's so fucking creepy.
Oh and as if NO one who likes anime and cosplay can get married. Someone needs to tell him to stop lying and making excuses
No. 141694
>>141543thank you, anon. I'm sick of him cosntantly rubbing his wealth in our face. multiple weekly PS5 games he never plays, new cosplay every week, buying random shit he never use just to take photos. While trying to appeal to his broke ass zoomer fans.
mark my words. he's going to be even more delusional after he got his vaccine.
No. 141704
>>141108To be completely fair, women Terry's age probably don't want to live with a man who acts this immaturely, dresses like a creep, and is also–self-admittedly–very boring. Hate to say it but people his age typically want pursuits other than gamer escapism and weebness.
It's kinda sad because you'd think with a bit of introspection, what with having a house and a stable job, he could find someone to have a relationship with. If only he weren't so self centered and delusional.
No. 141797
>>141752did you just out yourself as a creeper of 17 and younger girls? I wouldn't go around
outting Terry like this.
No. 141840
File: 1616142741186.gif (493.63 KB, 500x268, 41855701-5314-47BD-BD1D-A93CDE…)

>>141827I mean it all makes sense. He’s obsessed with youth. He’s terrified of getting older, so he lies about his age and he cosplays underage characters to delude himself into believing he’s still young. He drops friends as soon as they hit 25+ because acknowledging that they’re aging means he has to acknowledge he’s aging too. But if he drops them and keeps befriending teens, then he doesn’t have to admit that the passage of time is occurring. Reminds me of pic related
No. 141877
>>141869Yeah I have to agree. As things currently stand, I think he’ll only get called out after he actually victimizes someone. Everyone will ignore his predatory behavior for now because he’s black and claiming to be non binary so that just makes him an innocent
victim of society. People will only start to care once he crosses an undeniable line and someone comes forward about it
No. 142250
File: 1616519822549.jpg (137.2 KB, 1080x1577, Screenshot_20210323-110752_Ins…)

When was the last time this was something he had to worry about? It's embarrassing and creepy that he is sharing teenager problems to be relatable.
No. 142513
File: 1616679750633.jpeg (417.98 KB, 1125x2081, CECDB0E9-DD24-4A24-A870-17CB5A…)

Something about a near 40 year old man calling his largely underage fanbase “cuties” doesn’t sit right with me.
No. 142794
File: 1616890481403.jpeg (122.46 KB, 750x486, 34A8ED65-55F3-4078-BA36-731407…)

No. 142796
>>142794Does anyone know how he acts in person? I'm just picturing him being mostly silent and overall anti social.
Still though this is so creepy how he wants the "friends" he will be choosing by application in his house. Like a spider getting his sweet young treats in his web.
No. 142819
>>142796I met him irl a few times at cons in 2017 or 2018. For background info I was a cosplayer at the time with no e-fame or clout by any means but my friends did have more of a presence in the scene, with one friend in our “squad” who was newly cosfamous at this time.
We had just checked into our room and were heading up there as a group when I ended up lagging behind to reorient my stuff because of my tendency to overpack, my friends didn’t realize I stopped and continued to walk to the room without me. (I feel like it’s worth noting none of us are in cosplay/makeup at this point because we had a long drive to the con.) Terry comes up to me in the hotel lobby totally out of nowhere with basic niceties “hi how are you, how exciting to be at the con it’s finally here etc” and
immediately after I respond and try to make small talk about what our cosplay plans are for the weekend he’s like “Have you heard of me? I’m Manaknight cosplay on IG.” which led to him telling me to open Instagram on my phone as he watches me hit the follow button.
I wonder to this day if he saw me walk in with cosfamous friend and followed us from a distance and settled for talking to me because he couldn’t catch up with her kek. Terry and I frequented the same cons and after this SINGLE interaction, would call me out by name if he saw me and ask for a selfie together. I finally removed him from my Facebook a month or two ago because I couldn’t stand looking at his tongue anymore.
I’m used to dealing with autists so I didn’t think much of the initial interaction, just a cringe guy desperate for clout. He talks in a normal volume and speaks with conviction when he talks about himself. You can see in his face during a conversation that he’s the type that’s not even listening and is just waiting for you to finish talking so he can keep going.
Sage for blog
No. 142832
File: 1616944960772.jpg (477.34 KB, 1080x1178, Screenshot_20210328-112127_Fac…)

>>142250I think he's really trying to force the "I'm only in my mid 20s you guys!!"
Like studying doesn't apply to him at all. He's 40 with a full time engineering job and makes 80k+ a year.
No. 142850
File: 1616960596424.jpg (502.85 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210328-133638_Pho…)

"Vaccinated people can start coming to my house for fun"
No. 142940
File: 1617032312548.jpg (337.04 KB, 1079x1277, Screenshot_20210329-113839_Fac…)

Get ready for Terr-ita.
No. 143137
File: 1617069187191.jpeg (137.81 KB, 750x470, DF549B87-684B-4C4B-8C39-93007C…)

>>143131he ended up deleting this post
No. 143139
File: 1617069308913.jpeg (1.1 MB, 3437x3071, 6D533E50-4A3E-43FC-AFF8-38FBA8…)

No. 143191
>>143164>>143095Please share sauce??? what
Okay that's fucked, he is gone too far hitting up minors like this
No. 143213
File: 1617129003421.jpg (165.08 KB, 1070x1037, Screenshot_20210330-122641_Pho…)

>>142848>>143164>>143202It makes sense when these are highlighted stories for him.
No. 143214
File: 1617129319456.jpeg (232.42 KB, 750x925, 0F5BC3FD-A3AB-4FFE-9A37-6098B5…)

Nothing like figuring out you’re actually trans at 40. Totally has nothing to do with wanting to get closer to minors.
No. 143223
File: 1617138492076.gif (333.13 KB, 500x378, N3PJOmc.gif)

>>143213his highlights be like
No. 143249
>>143232Oh yeah it is absolutely like that. I was sexually assaulted by a friend who then came out as “ace” to try and cover it up. I’ve heard the exact same story from countless other friends of mine, especially in the queer community
/sage for blog
No. 143284
>>143252I would but I think he blocked me LMAO
I just told him he was fucked up for shit talking his friend in private and he said he hated me for it.
No. 143410
File: 1617293341946.jpg (238.96 KB, 1080x1899, Screenshot_20210401-100640_Ins…)

What kind of question is this?
No. 143445
File: 1617315857164.jpeg (201.85 KB, 827x817, BD780676-7010-4566-B426-92A417…)

Looks like he’s doing some preemptive damage control after getting called out in the comment
>>143139 posted about him not being ready for a pet
No. 143455
File: 1617322220915.jpg (165.22 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20210402_011250.jpg)

>>143410>Do you like eating food?Wtf is that question.
No. 144033
File: 1617733960035.jpg (200.2 KB, 1080x1681, Screenshot_20210406-122901_Ins…)

No, Terry. That's just you. Most adults aren't as picky as a 5 year old child.
No. 144219
File: 1617835578144.webm (4.03 MB, 576x1280, 10205719667.webm)
No. 144329
>>144219Terry trying to be sexual is a sin and I never want to see such a nasty sight again.
& thought he was "ace"? or is that just a front and he is actually a sexual person? hmm hmm
No. 144345
>>144219God that’s so uncomfortable. And that face he’s making throughout the video just makes him look mentally challenged
>>144329It is absolutely a front that he’s hiding behind
No. 145134
File: 1618327686526.jpg (551.47 KB, 1065x1893, 20210413_082826.jpg)

Surprised no one posted this yet. Sorry for the weird crop I was trying to get the entire comment. First one is Terry.
No. 145135
File: 1618327811983.jpg (503.69 KB, 1080x1852, 20210413_083047.jpg)

No. 145171
>>145135He absolutely refuses to take accountability for making this poor girl uncomfortable, I really shouldn’t be surprised. He’s always got some excuse ready to pull out of his ass to make himself the
No. 145188
File: 1618350598289.jpeg (1.12 MB, 4140x1792, 54B98565-CE0A-4F94-A4AE-D7ADBD…)

>>145135I’ve been keeping track of every person he’s shared on his story for the past week, and there’s no way that the “majority of [his] network is 26+ and [he sees] ages on their profiles maybe 15% of the time”
Over the past week he’s shared about a dozen people to his story, all of them women. About half of them had their ages in their bio’s, and all of the ones that did were significantly younger than 26.
No. 145266
>>145188Absolutely disgusting. I'll bet all these girls still live with their parents because they aren't real adults yet. Being 21 and under you're basically still a kid! And saying I miss you? I don't think any of these girl's parents would be happy to know a creepy 40 year old man is being like this to them.
And has anyone seen him take selfies with guys? asking for a friend
No. 145800
File: 1618749828964.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1125x1991, 9F808A03-D519-40A2-8780-E341E3…)

“I don’t have big boobs and I’m not showing skin therefore I’m not sexualizing minors!!!!! >:( “
No. 145850
File: 1618764035284.jpg (418.16 KB, 1080x1575, Screenshot_20210418-103600_Ins…)

Has he ever been a guest before? Hanging up a gigantic wall scroll with your own image and social media info is just so tacky…
No. 145871
File: 1618768367357.jpg (141.6 KB, 1080x1161, Screenshot_20210418-134704_Ins…)

>>145864Sure, you can look this info up Or go to 18 U.S. Code section 2252. That'll explain everything CP related, including sexualizing anime characters.
No. 145881
>>145871>>1458721. Good job posting those shit ass screenshots that answer nothing
2. It says absolutely nothing about fictional characters
3. Terry dressing up as a child, talking about tits, licking lollipops, and being all around gross is
problematic and extremely uncomfortable, but it’s not illegal. You’re an idiot if you think the tiktoks he’s posted so far could land him any kind of jail time
No. 145896
File: 1618782907052.png (2.95 MB, 2160x1520, nasty.png)

Surprised none of you have mentioned this yet.
Yes be in awe of Terry's beautycam/Snow 40 y/o man thighs
No. 146007
File: 1618867585738.jpg (12.52 KB, 275x275, 1515780021936.jpg)

>>145896spoiler that next time anon jfc looks like a corndog.
No. 146050
>>131954 already proves
>>145896 completely wrong.
No. 146197
File: 1619010825737.png (16.72 KB, 502x201, tr.PNG)

This guy thinks he has friends? Anyone going to tell him?
No. 146198
>>146196So just different retards then. Got it. kek
>>146197First time in this thread, but I'm honestly surprised that he has such a following.
No. 146205
>>146198Please learn to sageeeeeeee! (Just write sage in the email line, Jesus.)
I keep seeing terry’s man leg and that isn’t milk lol!
No. 146230
File: 1619027383126.jpeg (20.71 KB, 211x239, CC70C7D2-0E3F-4765-9BAD-53653C…)

>>146197I love when people post this kinda shit on SM. It reeks of picrel
We get it Terry, you have soooooo much chaff to go through. I know it’s impossible for you to do this without internet attention.
No. 146231
File: 1619027878631.jpeg (212.25 KB, 750x900, 413CA344-30EE-4703-B992-514157…)

wow, who took one for the team and told Terry the truth?
No. 146241
File: 1619029959520.jpeg (548.52 KB, 750x997, A1493095-FAEC-4A36-83E9-095242…)

Homeboy can’t even keep his SNOW filters consistent. Also that’s the longest forehead I’ve seen.
No. 146382
>>146197He isn't Gunna do shit.
Going through a fb list takes forever, he won't ever put the time into that.
No. 146687
File: 1619201107794.jpg (175.02 KB, 1075x1893, Screenshot_20210423-120030_Ins…)

Terry is still fuming I guess.
No. 146775
File: 1619248630101.jpeg (481.76 KB, 828x1108, 87E00148-6424-4309-8862-22AEBF…)

We love to see warped phones from intense snow usage.
No. 146987
File: 1619311400168.jpg (84.29 KB, 639x1303, FB_IMG_1619311316598.jpg)

What the hell, he's really abusing snow here. His chin is absolutely tiny
No. 147062
File: 1619361391027.jpeg (215.71 KB, 827x1457, 80CE9270-BB13-4B28-9AC5-801F19…)

Textbook narcissist. He’s way too attracted to himself in public
No. 147165
File: 1619418123217.jpg (364.06 KB, 1080x1806, Screenshot_20210426-001338_Ins…)

This is in TERRIBLE taste if true since Terry pretty much made the news all about himself. Like he needed to prove how he knew him for attention.
No. 148164
File: 1619885969234.jpeg (147.24 KB, 1077x833, 441002F9-7B30-43BC-AB52-143BBD…)

Looks like someone added “adult > 25” to his bio after the facebook flack. Conveniently it makes him look like he’s actually 25, notice how he didnt write “25+“ even more accurately, 35+
No. 148191
>>148164Also notice how he used the wrong greater symbol. Lmao
Should be: Adult < 25
No. 148353
File: 1620008687096.jpeg (194.31 KB, 632x1016, 0DEAEBDD-526A-434E-BB8F-405E7A…)

literally who asked for this
No. 148507
File: 1620076931663.jpeg (376.32 KB, 1125x1989, CA75D874-B446-48E5-988B-E32E0E…)

Local forty year old throws a temper tantrum because an app made for teens glitched and won’t show him how many followers he has
No. 148529
File: 1620085126143.jpeg (185.99 KB, 828x920, 229BC443-A690-484E-8F94-FB3739…)

How much do you guys want to bet that he forced her to take this pic? Anyways here’s what his real face looks like.
No. 148537
>>148529Such a smol 25 year old baby.
He should cosplay adult characters because he is very clearly an adult man. He's not ugly imo and could get an age appropriate partner if he wanted, but the obsession with, well, people like the girl on the right, and playing teenage characters/girls is not a good look for him.
No. 148937
File: 1620318118008.jpg (336.09 KB, 1080x1794, Screenshot_20210506-101339_Ins…)

>>147417Exactly. He has major hang ups about being black since you can see what he mentions changed, but he didn't put makeup on his arms.
No. 149387
File: 1620606576823.png (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 828x1792, 40F699E3-202C-427F-97A0-85BEC8…)

Please no
No. 149394
>>1493871. This reminds me of the art history classes I took where you could tell exactly which artists had never seen an actual woman nude before based on the fact that the tits just looked like oranges pasted onto someone’s body
2. I love how he’s picking that way too light for his skin tone whitewashed color
No. 149396
File: 1620617775316.png (3.67 MB, 828x1792, 7597A7D1-FAA4-448E-AB45-5D526D…)

I assure you that you did not and you look like some reject from rupauls drag race. Hideous
No. 149402
File: 1620622926016.jpg (387.2 KB, 930x1385, Screenshot_20210510-010120_Tik…)

He'd be sticking his tongue out again for another underage girl character. This is terrifying to even watch.
No. 149426
>>149387You think he would have done this sooner for someone who claims he is such a perfectionist with cosplay. But no he has been going flat-chested this entire time
>>149402This is also beyond ugly.
No. 149427
File: 1620665752896.gif (5 MB, 280x622, 8595fd47d8453cb6eae2d9fdc9ae68…)

>>149402>>149426Here it is in motion.
No. 149487
File: 1620699905540.jpeg (Spoiler Image,132.72 KB, 827x1099, 4745121E-52D9-4FB9-8EE2-807C35…)

No. 150233
File: 1621129216172.png (2.14 MB, 828x1792, 90406980-9585-461F-AE9E-125CF2…)

I’m really starting think this dude is on the spectrum.
No. 150236
File: 1621129620460.png (1.98 MB, 828x1792, 673515C6-7F47-45C8-A10B-0F924E…)

He’s constantly bragging about how much money he has
No. 150241
>>150236the adaption fee is a little high, but you don't need a $100 litter box to start. How rich is this guy to just go out and buy $200 worth of cat toys for a new cat.
He's not going to get the cat. this cat adoption ploy is getting tiring.
No. 150270
>>150267that six flag season ticket is only $50. It's not cheap but hardly a big purchase.
I hope he doesn't get a cat. he clearly just want to get one for attention.
No. 150680
File: 1621349856864.png (1.61 MB, 828x1792, 9D7E9CE1-542E-4B9E-9916-F843D6…)

Someone called him out on the gram for his slim jaw. He lied and said he contours but we can’t tell either way because of snow and snow has a jaw slimming feature.
No. 150685
File: 1621353194835.jpeg (932.25 KB, 2828x2828, 8B7B1CCE-AF7D-47B7-9F58-1CE833…)

>>150680When his tagged photos look like this it’s clear he edits his entire face.
Your pfp is showing. Might want to change it.
No. 150712
>>150685WHAT THE FUCK. No way… this is WAY too much editing for someone his age, he looks so much younger on the right. That's not accurate at all
>>150680He sure was quick to say it was his "makeup skills"
No. 150717
File: 1621368346328.jpeg (891.54 KB, 1125x1916, 9B3E96B6-0AE0-4C2D-B3DB-CB2584…)

Vaguebragging again.
No. 150750
File: 1621388902102.jpeg (127.23 KB, 1242x2099, 6661D9A3-FD17-4966-BDCD-0B7670…)

Samefag, but this confirms that they’re desperate for friendship/cosfame
No. 151046
File: 1621618148347.jpeg (87.34 KB, 689x669, IMG_1880.jpeg)

>>151039that's ironic because he's on the verge of obesity himself. he likes to hang out with minors and barely legal women because he still thinks he's in his 20s.
No. 151461
File: 1621787221785.jpeg (1.2 MB, 750x1335, 4D59882B-5145-496A-87C2-2CBF09…)

Speaking of being proud of things, there’s nothing wrong with posting a pic of your house, but…
No. 151462
File: 1621787284629.jpeg (800.8 KB, 750x1315, C2CBF5DD-BDB9-4779-AEFE-3801F6…)

>>151461…when you decide to post shit like this it changes the nature of your initial post.
No. 152423
File: 1621870131202.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210524-111459.jpg)

Is his spottiness from age or his diet??? I don't remember his hands looking like this at cons. Kinda concerning
No. 152732
File: 1621967675633.jpeg (76.55 KB, 750x832, F95CF7EC-1EE5-43F5-8BF4-FEAFAD…)

try and tell me this isnt an attempt to groom zoomer girls
No. 152773
>>152732is this recent? I thought we are chill. fucker filtered me from his post?
notice there's no gay dudes in this list. I assume they're all young looking white girls.
No. 152882
File: 1622038886365.png (2.23 MB, 828x1792, 60BC5AA4-2FCF-41D0-B69F-E2E11E…)

Our friendless terry wants to go on a road trip to “meet” friends.
No. 152994
>>152882"I would visit people is all"
okay but who wants this
No. 153147
File: 1622143149398.webm (Spoiler Image,2.19 MB, 321x720, terrythecunninglusdancingclown…)

>>153096he certainly isn't normal by all means. show his content to a bunch of normies and he'd be the next viral trisha paytas
No. 153322
File: 1622226420039.jpg (42.36 KB, 584x501, 23316667_10213974399856873_538…)

>>153147What the fuck is this LOL
No. 153388
File: 1622249381683.jpeg (63.78 KB, 1126x372, 6798EA84-E67D-471A-B5A2-9254E7…)

“like chicken tenders”
No. 153400
>>152882Why does everything he writes sound so ominous, like he has an itinerary of places to visit (with pretty 20 year olds in them, no doubt) and he just wants to "visit people is all"
Like if he had any friends his age or males this would look far more innocent. In his mind he's dating all the girls who follow him, hence these kind of questions
>>153388 No. 153413
>>153408Probably talking about this
>>149387 but I could be wrong
No. 153529
File: 1622352470206.png (17.05 KB, 504x203, Capture.PNG)

For someone who brags about having money…
No. 153592
File: 1622393431617.png (2.8 MB, 828x1792, F6AE8C43-F777-4EB1-9953-CEBA74…)

Yes you frog because out parents gave a shit about our diet and health.
No. 153654
File: 1622435619615.png (242.03 KB, 504x592, Capture4.PNG)

No. 153696
File: 1622476725720.jpeg (274.36 KB, 1079x1764, 9C19B8AD-5A66-4E62-8138-AA3B7C…)

No. 153703
>>153654Doesn't have money cuz bills but is trying to buy $200 fake boobs. Okay Terry.
>>153696Is none an option? Who tf wants to see this 40 year old man in sexier/skimpier cosplays? Him cosplaying Mona would be the worst; you know he isn't going to tuck or wear a dance belt in that leotard.
No. 153771
File: 1622514975241.jpg (127.21 KB, 1117x1200, a4d6c903c05456fd198e93657210bf…)

>>153696does he even PLAY Genshin Impact?…..let alone have her as a character to even play as? He needs to stay in his lane and just do Kaeya.
No. 153777
>>153771I mean, half of all cosplayer these days have never touched any form of the series that they're cosplaying from, but I'll get back on topic though…
But from my analysis of Terry, he really likes anime/games pre 2014 and anything else is just because it's popular/trending. Tried talking to him about gatcha games, but doesn't play any. He also buys the newest video games, puts 1 hour into them, and then never touches it again
No. 153854
File: 1622574869466.jpeg (783.3 KB, 1125x1957, 0552166D-B488-4A20-A9F6-A8AAE3…)

His comment on this post he shared. I’m starting to wonder if he’s just delusional.
No. 153873
File: 1622578518981.jpeg (263.25 KB, 1440x1440, 11754F4A-F12E-4932-AEAC-5290D4…)

I’ll bet everyone here 10$ he’s going to start reordering all his cosplay because he didn’t account for boob space when he first ordered them. My god.
No. 153940
File: 1622598941524.jpeg (217.61 KB, 1125x1305, 786EA6B9-5C03-4F34-9B87-C5B497…)

>>153938 Same anon but yeah, they definitely make skin tones for darker peeps but the darkest one is too dark and idk, maybe the 3rd one would have been okay?? I hope he sees this and buys this one instead lmao
No. 153994
File: 1622632725533.jpg (28.54 KB, 1080x1080, 1567223334893.jpg)

>>153873holy shit this is horrifying
No. 154010
>>153873To think he couldn't get any crazier. He looks like a creepy old man here. Excuse me, he recently decided he was nOn-BiNaRy
Also where was this posted?
No. 154217
File: 1622737255220.jpg (81.93 KB, 1080x535, Screenshot_20210603_121929.jpg)

No. 154339
File: 1622774913719.jpg (239.4 KB, 1440x1816, 196003298_10115678067903178_61…)

can't wait to see if he'll actually do that miku at a con or he'll chicken out
No. 154391
File: 1622809574508.gif (471.17 KB, 215x211, dis-gunna-be-good.gif)

>>154339That Miku is gonna be a walking nightmare if he does it. Ew
No. 154638
File: 1622908228629.jpeg (291.95 KB, 1125x930, 7974E5C2-9B50-425A-9FD6-E7BC63…)

Because people don’t usually ask strangers if they’ve done a basic task in the last 48 hours. That’s why they think it’s creepy, Terry.
No. 154968
>>154958Insert poll:
"Is your cats poopy litter box stinky? yes/no?"
No. 155116
File: 1623234754059.png (657.05 KB, 2048x1921, Screenshot_20210609-033235.png)

No. 155121
File: 1623241154755.jpg (116.02 KB, 1080x556, Screenshot_20210609_081607.jpg)

That feel when your best friend isn't one of your 4,999 facebook friends :'(
No. 155123
>>155121>>155116The fact he's clearly trying to write like a 8-12 year old here is
very concerning
No. 155245
File: 1623290697877.png (64.4 KB, 737x513, ohterry.png)

>>155212nayrt but it was part of an incredibly long text wall from him a while back
No. 155246
File: 1623290963865.png (34.44 KB, 662x328, Untitled.png)

>>155245sage for double post
No. 155250
File: 1623293389430.jpg (198.09 KB, 1440x1440, 198750529_10115707288569728_36…)

His wig is leaving
No. 155303
>>155246Yeah, Terry, that stripper was totally going to rape you. Buckle your chastity belt.
I feel like his UwU "what is sex" demeanor is a weird manipulative way to try and convince the kiddies that he's safe. "Look, 16 year old girls, I'm totally a safe guy to hang out with. Idek what sex is."
No. 155315
>>155245That's a lot of text to say how unmanly a very obviously manly (ref:
>>148529 )
man is, like actual effeminate men don't need to write all that to convince us they're feminine because we can see it with our eyes
No. 155332
File: 1623336513899.png (717.63 KB, 828x1792, 3F549AFC-3704-4CCE-BBEB-8A31DA…)

I’m cackling
No. 155394
File: 1623343652402.jpg (237.15 KB, 1080x1881, Screenshot_20210610-103700_Ins…)

More like skin lightening I did
No. 155397
File: 1623344168060.jpg (497.4 KB, 1080x1658, Screenshot_20210610_123941.jpg)

No terry, you look dark because that's your literal skin tone… Picture was taken with flash on, so stop denying ur actually black
No. 155428
>>155421Damn anon get a job ur old af now, probably 16
No. 155463
File: 1623369587996.jpg (123.19 KB, 809x809, 3c58ffh465k61.jpg)

Share to scare zoomers
No. 155471
>>155397Imagine outing yourself like this. I don't know how you can look at these pictures side by side and think "yes clearly there is no editing involved at all" even if you believe the lighting bs. People don't age backwards.
>>155462Read the thread and learn to sage newfag. Most of the people here are adult cosplayers. This "group" brings up his creepy and potentially grooming behavior all the time; including the anon you're replying to.
No. 155484
File: 1623379985386.jpeg (81.73 KB, 419x241, B57AC042-0DF3-4461-A074-ADB04C…)

He follows a lot of 14 year olds.
No. 155497
>>155471>People don't age backwards.Not with Terry's diet and skincare regime, like some people do have a glowup due to improved health or diet.
idk if he thinks he really looks like the meitu ghosts he uploads online, most female thots seem to truly believe they resemble the cartoon characters they upload to socials, so it's possible. Those side by sides do him no favors.
No. 155498
>>155492Right, the fact he follows 14-15 year olds like banned anon
>>155421and whoever this anon found lewding
>>155483Like let's just say it: he's a pedo who's attempting to befriend children online and pretend to be
uwu asexual what is buttsex? >>155116at nearly 40, post memes about studying (upthread somewhere) and make selective friend groups to post specific posts to, like the makeup shopping ones.
>>152790I truly hope no kid falls for it because this is a grown man hyperfocusing on children.
No. 155502
>>155492Idk why he insists on lying about his age, imagine how impressed people would be if he tells them he’s 40 when he looks
slightly younger than that as opposed to telling them he’s in his 20s when he looks way older than that? I don’t get it lmao
No. 155530
>>155522And they certainly don’t slow their interactions with cosplayers once they hit 25. It’s a pipeline. He seeks out new, younger cosplayers, and once they age out of his of-interest age, he doesn’t interact with them nearly as much anymore, favoring the teens. He has a decent following, so of course younger and newer cosplayers will be interested in getting to know him if he expresses interest. If he outwardly admitted to pushing 40, those kids would have an entirely different perception of his interactions. 25+, as he claims to be, implies under 30, and it should not be used interchangeably with pushing 40. Seeing the kids he interacts with get younger and younger is so creepy. I remember when I was a teen he would always try to interact with me (and even told me, a high schooler at the time, that he would be okay with rooming with me at a con). But now that I’m in my twenties, I hardly hear a peep from him.
No. 155635
File: 1623532592300.png (2.49 MB, 828x1792, B19D63B7-4217-466E-A8B3-BA0F1D…)

he only speaks about bts when he’s losing relevance. Since when does he care about korean food let alone kpop. Sage for autism because the original post is stupid.
No. 155761
File: 1623641343755.png (1.92 MB, 828x1792, 4EC4B93B-388E-496A-9F15-984C27…)

>>155757filters aside when his makeup looks good it’s when another person does it for him. Also the girl he invited is 20. Let that sink in.
No. 155763
File: 1623641606192.jpeg (249.55 KB, 828x1331, CA82C810-A7AC-47F8-8104-0321EE…)

She does thirst traps and does twitch on the side (right up Terry’s aisle). Why she agreed to come over at 40 years old’s is beyond me. 100 dollars that they fucked afterwards.
No. 155804
File: 1623698611267.jpg (352.66 KB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_20210614_152147.jpg)

Terry's self burial begins…
No. 155813
File: 1623702987528.jpeg (222.99 KB, 1600x900, AD4B36BE-E9E5-4AF7-B767-61B837…)

>>155804Every time I see him repost one of those memes to seem quirky and relatable to zoomers, this is all I can think of.
No. 156187
>>15610120 (her age) x2 = 40 (his age)
Fixed it
No. 156229
>>156161She’s probably referring to the peace signs they both put up in the photo and is trying to seem quirky/cutesy with the math thing
>>156122>>156175>>156187>36>40As far as I’m aware Terry is 38, correct me if I’m wrong tho
No. 156272
>>156184Why have we assumed that she’s intentionally ignoring his predatory antics and not that she’s just another oblivious
victim? I feel bad for her tbh and hope she’s safe from this creep.
No. 156283
>>156272I assume
>>155841was telling the truth. In hindsight they were probably trolling. Nobody could be this dumb
No. 156411
File: 1624044309195.jpg (1.21 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210618-152051.jpg)

No. 156455
>>156445nonbinary is a meaningless fake gender, asexual simply means "not fucking" and the absence of fucking is not a sexuality, the same way atheism isn't a religion.
Also this
>>156452 No. 156481
File: 1624066091204.webm (3.22 MB, 350x720, yikes.webm)
Enough LGBT sperging/infighting we all know Terry is just trending anyways
post milk
No. 156496
File: 1624076240312.jpeg (142.28 KB, 828x443, D09155F5-D0FD-4224-8519-805E88…)

‘Get in better shape’
Dude it’s never gonna happen with that diet
No. 156503
>>156481That filter seriously makes him look like Voldemort. Just two black holes where his nose should be.
Also have to say what a waste that was. Funimation gave him a platform and he just yammered about a whole lot of nothing
No. 156525
File: 1624103835651.jpg (111.47 KB, 536x1080, IMG_20210619_074022.jpg)

His response to this was pretty much "so what do you want me to do exactly?" He's posted 3 statuses just about Funimation following/sharing him without ever understanding why. He's a real pos
No. 156613
>>156584Makeup sperg here.
This only proves he is fake queer and fake Nonbinary. He pretends to be more feminine online but does nothing in reality of being feminine. Look at him in public, he’s as manly as ever and only wears makeup for cross play. Cross play is not being feminine. He doesn’t even try. He doesn’t attempt to look girly outside of cosplay.
Sorry for the rant
No. 156782
File: 1624305083254.webm (2.31 MB, 576x1280, download.webm)
the mismatched socks
No. 156793
File: 1624309883106.jpg (245.28 KB, 1080x1913, Screenshot_20210621_170511.jpg)

Minus the whole racial part, the dude isn't wrong about terry blasting his face up up 7 shades lighter lmfao. That's not all highlighter terry…
No. 156851
>>156794That is the exact same thought I had! His movements are so stiff, strange, and self conscious. The whole thing feels like a caricature of what an alien thinks a human woman is like
>>156793He’s delusional if he really thinks he’s fooling anyone
No. 156883
File: 1624368785067.jpg (310.12 KB, 1080x1319, Screenshot_20210622_092826.jpg)

It begins
No. 156903
>>156883I can see this. lol I guess he likes me. fuck.
I can’t see this right now on mobile. If you’re using the browser version of fb, you can hover over the gear icon and see how many people he exposed the posts to. It always shocked me that he have different numbers depends on the topic.
No. 156904
File: 1624379284061.png (2.18 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20210619-120045.png)

"too easy"
Even tho the hotel block sold completely out in 2 minutes haha
No. 156907
>>156883I can see this too, ugh.
No question about it now, his behavior towards young women is calculated.
No. 156908
>>156904In his defense, he said it was easy, not too easy. Only atrium rooms sold out in 2 minutes. Thursday sold out shortly afterward but definitely not 2 minutes.
He shouldn’t brag, but he wasn’t wrong. It was easy for him.
No. 156912
>>156904His vague-bragging and narcissism is borderline psychopath level…and how rude when he knows good and well a lot of people missed out. I think Terry has a god-complex and thinks he is invincible because he is
POC and claims to be LGBT. Mark my words he is going to end up hurting some young girl
No. 156979
File: 1624410006260.png (3.26 MB, 828x1792, F1B03BA9-2EA9-4BFB-8DFC-2C1112…)

He’s so fucking pretentious. He has no right to judge he showers with Palmolive
No. 156980
>>156883I'm really disturbed by the between the line read of "I will pay half the room if there is 3 people, 2 people means I pay 50 to 75% (depending on circumstances). Part of me prefers a group of two so I can save money…but also willing to take a single if I get desperate."
what's the "circumstances" he's talking about? if you're a cute girl you get to have half the room for less money?
No. 156985
>>156980The math doesn't even make sense, why would he pay half if there were two other people and then pay half or 75% if there was one other? He would pay 1/3 for 2 others and 1/2 for one other.
He's definitely got a lot more going on in his head concerning this room than he's letting on.
No. 156987
>>156986What are these rooms like, is there just one bed and a sofa or floor or what, for the potential other guests?
I wonder has he got anyone to share with him in previous years. Sharing a hotel room with a strange man tends to only go one way.
No. 156999
File: 1624418061468.jpg (84.29 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>156782>>156793why in the fucking fuck is his wig blonde? Is it from all of the filters he is using? Also, that is too much fucking fivehead. Aerith has huge bangs….not a huge forehead.
No. 157180
File: 1624573937229.jpeg (412.04 KB, 750x1076, F14916E3-2FF6-4C01-B1B1-5C2565…)

“student problems”
No. 157864
File: 1624992131645.jpg (286.53 KB, 1080x1404, Screenshot_20210629-123749_Ins…)

Gross. Of course he takes photos with the equally creepy EBK and his plush birds that he puts between girls boobs.
No. 157929
>>157917I didn't know Albert had whiteknights now. Cute.
I've been around him talking down about others who won't shoot with him when those same people said he wanted to only do lewd poses and then bedroom shoots. If he didnt have those bird toys to talk through and lived alone he would be the autistic level Terry is.
No. 157957
>>157917how long have you known ebk? he's drastically changed in the last 3-4 years. he used to be very creepy. now he's busy being a weird bird man.
I know this is not his thread, but I'm curious what happened to him.
No. 158024
>>157959Unless that bre girl is back making 20 accounts again, nobody else is.
It'd also probably help if he'd stop posting pictures of his credit score every 60 days on FB…
No. 158059
File: 1625077856544.jpg (874.66 KB, 1080x1901, Screenshot_20210630-143018_Fac…)

Yes Terry, please tell us again how you're asexual
No. 158074
>>158059If he ever does take indecent liberties with a young acquaintance and is caught, watch him claim ignorance to what sex is. Like when he insisted he doesn’t know what buttsex is,
>>155116and how he claimed he wasn’t sexualizing minors because he “doesn’t have big boobs and wasn’t showing skin”.
>>145800 No. 158166
File: 1625135737156.jpeg (Spoiler Image,526.09 KB, 828x1060, B12DC01B-7788-4290-9417-FB5BE9…)

How does he know what a cream pie is but not anal what the fuck
No. 158173
File: 1625142204688.jpg (301.27 KB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_20210701_080843.jpg)

>>158166Lmfao he reminded people that he's asexual yesterday then posts that today? What a clown
No. 158176
>>158173Asexual doesn't make you LGBT Terry.
On the other hand here he goes begging for validation, he is so pathetic.
No. 158262
>>158210Astute observation anon. But that's actually very scary
>>158184Also maybe, but ain't no damn way Terry is bisexual, for someone who is so obviously obsessed with young women and girls
No. 158558
File: 1625322387658.png (70.87 KB, 493x781, obvious.png)

Well, this basically confirmed that Terry reads here. No other reason for this post
No. 158577
>>158558Love the threat at the end about catching someone sharing to those who hate him uwu
It's a woman's gossip forum bro. And this explanation doesn't explain why some female and male anons who aren't part of your past were excluded from certain posts, especially groomy looking posts like the ones looking for roommates and makeup shopping buddies. How would you even catch one of 4000 followers unless you were obsessively watching certain of your followers.
No. 158588
>>158558Imagine being such a narcissist to go through this level of extreme masking of degeneracy instead of conceding that perhaps the family, friends, and coworkers who've seen problems with this behavior may have a point.
No, it's not you that needs to change. It must be the other people that are wrong, including the ones who are involved in your hobbies and know where the line in the sand ought to be drawn. He's so delulu.
No. 158748
File: 1625443037817.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x1692, 66ABD77F-A915-41A3-AE0C-D888D3…)

His compliment fishing knows no bounds.
No. 158752
File: 1625446240455.png (644.29 KB, 788x815, Untitled.png)

Jfc he's looking rough even with beauty cam working overtime
No. 158764
File: 1625452745697.webm (6.97 MB, 576x1024, manaknightcerebalpasly.webm)
sage for big autism but this is how he acts in public.
No. 159063
File: 1625598300263.jpg (211.09 KB, 750x733,…)

>>54749>>55144I might be simple and mean editing this meme, but it made me think of Terry immediately
No. 159084
File: 1625605997619.jpg (106.67 KB, 1080x528, Screenshot_20210706_171215.jpg)

Not even money can convince this man to go to the doctors lmfao
No. 159085
File: 1625606382568.jpeg (113.7 KB, 1125x678, 6EC20B5D-D889-4CAF-BE0C-5BBB67…)

>>159084I’d be concerned about my cholesterol too if all I ate was junk food and bragged about never eating fruits or vegetables. If he keeps this up, he’ll be approaching diabetes or heart disease (if he isn’t already).
No. 159112
>>159085>If he keeps this up, he’ll be approaching diabetes or heart diseaseGod can you imagine what he’d be like if he did get those and openly admitted it? He’d be going around talking about being a disabled queer trans
poc. We would just have a male Bibi on our hands
No. 159325
File: 1625693527401.jpg (198.01 KB, 1080x928, Screenshot_20210707-173058_Fac…)

Must be a shit con since everything Terry makes is truly garbage and no where near judge worthy
No. 159326
File: 1625693662955.jpg (392.24 KB, 1080x1952, Screenshot_20210707_173020.jpg)

Lmfao i think he forgot to film in snow for these… Age is really showing
No. 159613
File: 1625783966631.jpg (862.72 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210708-183742_Ins…)

No amount of makeup or filters can make you look even remotely similar to her, Terry.
No. 159650
>>159613His cosplays look bad on their own but it really highlights how bad they are when put next to someone with decent makeup skills and better quality cosplays (even if she edits since he definitely does). For someone who bitches about quality so much you'd think he wouldn't have such cheap stuff.
That difference between his photos though. Makeup can do a lot but it can't make your nostrils smaller or change the shade of your wall.
No. 160107
File: 1626016859057.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x2011, EEE686FF-4F9A-4D6E-8CED-6DDBF7…)

Ah, yes. Completely asexual. Sex-repulsed, even.
No. 160196
File: 1626033409047.png (Spoiler Image,4.54 MB, 828x1792, 1D657215-46F4-4AB9-B80D-70E35B…)

No. 160226
File: 1626036818056.jpeg (174.23 KB, 640x1422, BAB7BF8A-666B-4E7E-AA63-2BA597…)

This wig looks so ratty. The hairline looks like he glued fettuccine noodles to it
>>160213He’ll probably start doing lewds once he gets his silicone breastplate back in the right shade. Plus being able to say he’s a ‘sexworker uwu’ would help him expose his younger audience to adult content so he can groom them
No. 160266
File: 1626048087653.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1125x1908, 9F418274-3E90-48F4-A9D1-9546CD…)

So he wants to wear lingerie as Fischl. Who is 16. And people are encouraging this. Make it make sense.
No. 160648
File: 1626180660653.png (2.68 MB, 828x1792, 6449A930-73E8-4434-BCD4-78E158…)

>>160600we already know he thinks he’s “HAWT” and he wouldn’t be so excited about buying it if he didn’t think it’d get him asspats. He’s just delusional enough to actually do it
No. 160667
File: 1626187529887.jpeg (388.66 KB, 750x807, 94DA2710-BF8C-452C-B80F-B48B75…)

>>160648But it’s just highlighter, that’s why his stomach looks 20 shades lighter than his chest kek
No. 160714
>>160600Of course not, but that's still disgusting he thinks he would look good in it.
>>160668And yeah no one is saying its CP…but it DOES imply a intent to dress as an underage character in a sexual manner, in order to get close to real teenagers and young women. This is not the only evidence that points to this. Everything that Terry does has an ulterior motive to get close to people 20 years younger than him, starting with him lying/hiding his age
No. 160721
>>160600He doesn't know how to sew/remove/modify any prebought cosplays tho. It'd be redundant to buy or wear it underneath unless they came separated
I think he was just trying to be "risque" and make tease posts for attention. Works for attractive/lewd cosplayers to tease incel fans, but he's just coming off like he's buffalo bill
No. 160823
File: 1626255354412.png (394.14 KB, 351x828, 3b6180c3e104c75d171c9fe5de709b…)

>>160714Does he mean this Fischl? Because if yes, the pearl clutching over this is a little ridiculous, nonnies.
No. 160836
File: 1626264051169.jpg (2.14 MB, 4096x5120, CollageMaker_20210714_07554867…)

Post/comment I saw while scrolling fb
No. 160848
>>160836If he really just wanted to be friends, he wouldn’t be constantly trying so hard to convince us of that.
“I swear I’m safe guys!!!1!!! Lol what is sex!!! uwu”
No. 160934
File: 1626296852853.jpg (119.91 KB, 1080x1236, Screenshot_20210714_170458.jpg)

Anyone know his dating history? I thought he never dated, but could be wrong
No. 160960
File: 1626305754720.jpeg (876.55 KB, 1125x1425, 7B2D1B76-19FC-4723-9709-F9640C…)

>>160934This is the extent that he’s posted about his previous “relationship” as far as I know..
No. 160990
File: 1626319513180.jpg (188.17 KB, 1080x939, Screenshot_20210714-232244_Fac…)

who ever said they wanted to fuck Terry?
No. 160992
File: 1626319823107.jpg (266.51 KB, 2048x1756, IMG_20210714_232434.jpg)

>>160990I was gonna post that, but found this too. He sure is on a roll tonight lmfao
No. 161050
File: 1626351445132.png (3.23 MB, 828x1792, 45869797-AB22-426C-A28E-F5FEEE…)

“I don’t even know what sex is uwu”
He has to be reading this thread and deliberately sharing these posts to fuck with us
No. 161054
>>160990>>160992What the fuck, Terry seriously makes me sick. He is both desperate for friends and for a more than friends relationship. Someone who is asexual NEVER posts this much about sex, relationships, and flirting.
>>161050Also definitely not, if he reads this thread he would be making posts about it crying about it so people would defend him
No. 161091
>>161054I think he reads this, but I doubt he'll send his cronies to defend him. They'd slowly read the thread then would realize how creepy he is.
Plus the thread shows his age, so he wouldn't dare expose that lol
No. 161126
>>161091Good point, he is just so easily
triggered it must be hard for him to be quiet about this thread
No. 161204
File: 1626405208902.png (1.61 MB, 828x1792, CE2A5BF5-C395-428F-A9B3-736B9A…)

No. 161295
>>161288If he is delusional enough to buy one, I feel like one of two things will happen.
He’ll try to wear it with the breastplate, it’ll be too small and he’ll send it back demanding a refund.
If it does fit, he’ll wear it for a single social media selfie with a self-deprecating caption to milk whatever he can from it, and we’ll never see it again.
No. 162218
File: 1626620845504.jpg (3.07 MB, 4096x2302, CollageMaker_20210718_11043191…)

How tf do you sleep at night thinking you look like the middle picture normally
No. 163482
File: 1627018310774.png (777.98 KB, 1267x2048, Screenshot_20210722-223134.png)

No. 163551
File: 1627040167668.jpg (237.51 KB, 1080x1789, Screenshot_20210723_071836.jpg)

We also know you don't drink, so stop acting like you do
No. 163944
File: 1627168686080.jpg (941.58 KB, 1079x1923, Screenshot_20210724-191623_Fac…)

you'd think with all the issues he's having with these swimsuits he'd realize it's probably the universe telling him not to wear it
No. 163951
>>1639441. he thought he could fit into a Asian female medium swimsuit
2. He actually posted this
I can’t believe Terry is a real person and not a social experiment.
No. 163953
>>163482>>163551I can promise he definitely has different filters on for different people after seeing this. He either took them down or they are only shown to certain people, I assume those who he is attracted to.
I can see other newer posts but not these.
No. 164014
File: 1627194530038.jpg (169.22 KB, 1011x1142, wtfswimsuit.JPG)

>>163944how the fuck does he plan on concealing his dick when wearing something like this? Also, a size medium would be a 27-29" waist, which there is no way he has. He would be a twink with those measurements. Picrel, I found the listing with the sizes.
No. 164231
File: 1627314087232.jpg (445.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210726-113616_Ins…)

he's looking for new victims. it's actually getting really concerning, but there's no way to call him out without all his fans attacking you or ignoring the facts because Terry is "uwu precious bean"
No. 164245
File: 1627320591005.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x2144, 36DAB1F9-11C7-4EEB-B2F1-736470…)

>>164182LMAO guarantee same hat with these freakin tights he bought. Prob got them, pulled them on and immediately got a run in them because this shit ain’t made for a body like his.
No. 164256
>>164245Kek. You're absolutely right.
This ruins the image he tries to maintain of buying the best cosplay stuff since he claims he gets defective items all the time. He needs to accept he's not a little uwu girl and order the right sizes.
No. 164291
>>164231You only ask someone if you're over 21 in regards about drinking, and we all know he doesn't drink, so it has to be alterior motives at this point
>>164245I'm not one to dig into people's physical traits, but GODDAMN why the fuck does he have brontosaurus ass toes? Go put on some tube socks you geezer sheesh
No. 164330
File: 1627353890902.jpeg (Spoiler Image,397.51 KB, 1242x2180, B04EEC59-E852-4528-A359-E038EF…)

Y’all I’m scared. I didn’t think he had the audacity to post a pic of him in the swimsuit, but he used the text to cover up his man bulge. I swear he better not wear this in public.
No. 164339
File: 1627357371859.jpg (50.65 KB, 1080x339, Screenshot_20210726_233716.jpg)

No. 164347
>>164289Your point made me realize, this whole time he has probably been ordering ladies mediums thinking they’re the same as men’s medium. He’s also dumb enough that I’d believe he isn’t smart enough to read a size chart
>>164330I’m going to puke if I have to see this uncensored. It’s bad enough as it is
>>164339>I blame the pandemic Eat a fucking vegetable terry
No. 164396
>>164339I've never seen anyone more delusional than Terry.
>>164231Also getting strong Jack Torrance vibes from this cursed image…
breaks through door are you over or under 21 uwu?
No. 164486
File: 1627414280305.jpg (712.9 KB, 1080x1461, Screenshot_20210727-152811_Fac…)

Prepare for Ahri with nothing on underneath
No. 164539
File: 1627429426921.jpeg (186.49 KB, 1242x2208, E2BF1804-819A-4E80-8CFC-0E46E3…)

Why he gotta lie though? There is no way he fits into a Miccostumes medium.
No. 164723
File: 1627488735456.jpg (Spoiler Image,251.79 KB, 840x1452, Screenshot_20210728_120748.jpg)

Is he trying to be sexy in this or what??? He literally just dropped his pants and took a picture
(Idk if this is spoiler worthy, but did it in case)
No. 164763
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When you find out she's not under 21 and won't just eat chicken strips.
No. 164805
>>164723he’s showing off the tights.
he really does think he’s a cute little trap and not some hulking ugly man.
No. 164896
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>>164880I somehow get the impression that tucking is a little above terry’s paygrade.
No. 164953
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>>164911>>164880Just look at his tiktok likes. They're public and they're all zoomer white girls. No men
No. 164965
File: 1627590840174.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 1125x2254, DAD6874D-ECAC-4609-81E3-CBA7CB…)

>>164953Scrolled through it a bit. It’s almost exclusively skinny white or asian girls under the age of 24, a lot of them doing lewd thirst traps. A good amount of minors are in his likes, too. He also liked a video of someone getting a tattoo of a naked Zero Two. Isn’t that character fifteen?
No. 165087
File: 1627654902254.jpg (1.18 MB, 1080x2202, Screenshot_20210730-101926_Tik…)

I was curious and going through some of his likes and this one specifically is a 17 y/o cosplayer (age is in her bio) cosplaying Miu with an audio about being a cum dumpster. literally why is he liking this when he's pretty much 40?
No. 165093
>>165087>>164965>>164953Oh shit I thought you guys were cherrypicking, but i just checked and his likes are disgusting
Why does he hate his skin color? i have to scroll way down to come across a possibly black person.
No. 165236
Terry has a photogaphy page. it's very telling that he photographed both the 1st and 3rd place blrdcon winners (white an asian) but not the 2nd place winner, who is black
No. 165435
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>>165421He’s a goddamn man child smh. He hit the lingerie store and an arcade afterwards
No. 165575
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>>165435>lingerie storeI’m all for ragging on Terry for doing weird stuff, but let’s not exaggerate the facts. A dance supply store is not a lingerie store
No. 165661
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No. 165713
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No. 165882
>>165851>>165713Indeed, there is a mountain of evidence. But his stupid ass white knights will defend him to the grave so he will keep escalating predatory behavior.
Also is it just me or does it look like he has a boner here?? wouldn't be surprised if he gets off on this shit. Also did he stuff the top part?
No. 165912
>>165732It's just a bunch of random zoomers who looked at his profile and saw he's 25 or 26, so he's being "progressive". If he actually wrote 38 on his profile, it'd be a whole other story lol
>>165832Seconded. It's nice to actually see unmoderated posts to get a glimpse that people actually think it's nasty
No. 165918
File: 1627944849926.png (Spoiler Image,2.87 MB, 828x1792, 7775DA92-DE79-405D-BE77-BE4766…)

Who does he think is looking at his crusty ass face and dad bod and thinking “yeah, I wanna see lewds of that”
No. 166039
>>165918I'm getting real sick of seeing cosplayers and other people gassing him up and feeding into his behavior. Also the tights on the bottoms i'm dead LOL
>>165913Wondering if anyone is going to continue this thread with updated information on him?