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No. 325162

Previous threads:

Taylor R is a “hardworking” “self-made” “successful” former model and Youtuber from Canada whose main claim to fame used to be copying Dakota’s embarrassing 2012 - 2015 living doll phase. She’s since abandoned this endeavor to copy fellow gold digger Valeria Lipovesky and any other content creator that appears in her tiktok feed.

Her husband, Tom Lip is a successful businessman. One of his companies, MenClub, was exposed for featuring at least 8 underage (age 12-16) girls in skimpy clothing on their site. After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!), both of which are now conveniently privated.

Taylor herself has started her own business, TOAT, which is alas "currently on pause", apparently for motherhood reasons.

Ever since her successful carrier(s) faded, she focused on her IVF "journey", more about which can be found in previous threads. After it came mini lectures about Traditional Chinese medicine and post-partum confinement, presented as universal truth and law.

Currently she's busy recycling and copying years-old trends from tiktok, testing debunked health gimmicks and posting undisclosed ads on Instagram and thanks to Hong Kong laws she gets away with the latter. Her YouTube channel is now mostly abandoned and gets revived only if a company is dumb enough to sponsor her video, hence the lack of new YouTube content.

After a miscarriage - news of which she dumped on an unassuming follower struggling with infertility - she announced her determination to once again fulfill her sacred duty of providing offspring for her infertile husband, this time without help from IVF treatments. To perform that great feat, she regularly takes Tom on "dates" to rekindle their already dwindling attraction.

Beware the resident white knights and stans in the thread. Don't respond to bait and ignore sperges.

Taylor’s Links:

Tom Lip's controversial site for men: https://www.menclub.hk/

Old links (no longer updated):
http://www.cchan.tv/clipper/taylor(do not post new threads until the old one is full)

No. 325169

That anon who lurks on Facebook please share your screenshots with us!

No. 325172

I am loling at THE JUICE

No. 325249

These threads need to be autosaged. /w/ was always a mess and this was always the worst(take it to /meta/)

No. 325995

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To this anon, I ask: how is this caption not completely lifted from the "inspiration"? She tacked on "don't really know what you're doing" at the end after just switching the order of the phrases. And I'm sorry, that's the kind of shit kids do to try to fool the teacher. "I didn't copy! Look, the order is different!" Why even change the order if you're not embarrassed about the copy/paste job for such an "emotional" reel?(nitpicking)

No. 326004

I noticed that too. The last weaboos left a long time ago and you don’t even find her old “friends” comment anymore. No Sharla, no Bii…

No. 326009

I've seen Sharla in the comments still, just writing something really short (iirc that's all she ever did, influencer comments are more for algorithm boosting purposes rather than sincere replies so I never pay attention to them) but there's definitely been a shift across her viewers as anons have noticed.
Mommy/trad vlogging seems pretty bleak from everything I've seen of it, and way way too personal like millions of strangers seeing your kid crying, posting about your mental, physical and marriage difficulties, I really hope she keeps more on the beauty/fashion direction since this is not a good path.(this is an imageboard)

No. 326014

>but they are both working now
Kek Taylor does not work. She continues doing occasional influencer stuff for funsies, but that's not work, that's a hobby. All daily expenses (housing, food, maid, nanny etc) are paid by Tom and she is indeed still a golddigger.

No. 326016

Speaking of friends, she stopped mentioning and promoting Joyce, too. My nosy ass is dying to know what happened.
At this point the only friendship she has maintained over the years is Jess.

No. 326022

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OK. Here's another proof that Taylor is back to her ED practices. She made a no sugar, low-carbon high-protein healthy "chocolate mousse" - which is saying a lot already - but the interesting thing is she pretends that she's eating a big serving in the reel, yet in the story what she actually eats is barely two spoonfuls.(ED tinfoil, nitpicking)

No. 326027

>no sugar, low-carbon high-protein healthy "chocolate mousse"
That just sounds horrible kek wasn’t she just posting about ~balance~ when she ate chips for dinner? Also the almond milk is popular amongst ana chans because it’s the lowest in cal from milk alternatives. Not saying she’s back to being ana but from what we see it’s pretty ridiculous how she treats her diet.

No. 326028

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Food/chef influencer of the year, everyone. She didn't change the caption even hours after she liked the follower's comment telling her about the spelling error lol and someone has to finally teach her some basic English grammar ffs. "More fudgier" is a mistake you stop making in grade school, TayTay. It's embarrassing. Does she wants people to believe she's eloquent enough to write a blog? No wonder it's totally abandoned now.(nitpicking grammar)

No. 326029

That and only ever eating salad. Not suspicious at all. I swear, she hasn't posted eating anything other than rabbit food recently.

That whole sentence is a train wreck. Both grammatically and stylistically.

No. 326038

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After anon >>326009 mentioned Sharla's comments I went to look for them and indeed they are usually very shoer, two or three words most of the time lol

BUT, the interesting thing is, during my search I stumbled upon this comment under one of her older cooking videos and apparently she worked at Swiss Chalet at 14. Now, has she ever mentioned she worked there before or is she rewriting history again to try and seem self-made and relatable?

No. 326042

lmfao the "restaurant industry"
I think she mentioned being a greeter or table clearing person there before, yeah. A 14yo can work in food prep in a restaurant kitchen in Canada?? That would surprise me, there are a lot of regulations when it comes to preparing food. Would you want any food prepared by TayTay?

No. 326045

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>A 14yo can work in food prep in a restaurant kitchen in Canada?
No they absolutely cannot lmao. All they are allowed to do is mix salads and wash dishes.

Link to source: https://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/standards/doc,young-workers,factsheet.html

No. 326046

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No. 326047

>Would you want any food prepared by TayTay?
Yes please! I'll have the no gluten, no dairy, no carb, no fat COLD salad with the side of low calorie rice noodles seasoned with baby spit. Thank you.

Sneering aside I get stressed out every time I watch her cook with her loose, asslong hair 'this' close to getting into the bowls and pots. Yuck.

Tbf, she didn't say she cooked per se, so she isn't really lying.

No. 326070

New video (with ancient content) from Taylor and to no one'sf surprise it's another sponsored vlog. Well, turns out the dumb and boring brow shade content was indeed sponsored as some anons suggested.

No. 326073

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Some highlights that made me roll my eyes or roll on the floor laughing.

1) I love how the vet basically said "Yeah you're dog's fine, it is just angry with you" lmao

2) Has a half-Chinese kid that's growing up in HK, is surprised he likes Asian food.

3) She's cutting down on sugar for her "PCOS and fertility" lmao Yeah, sure, the classic ex-model justification for ED behaviour - ~it's for my hormones and PCOS! I also should cut down yeast and all kinds of bread for my health~.
I'm surprised she didn't mention her "thyroid" because it's the second most popular justification for overly restrictive 'healthy diets'.

4) Anons who say she wants a daughter to play dressup with are absolutely right. It's also kinda dumb to stop wearing pink to match your boy toddler. Like, dress him in pink to match you, it won't kill him.

5) Limits sugar "for her skin", tries stupid trends from tiktok on said skin. Sigh. Doesn't even have enough braincells to do a patch test first.

6) Who the fuck gets an invitation to a toddler's birthday party and seeing that it's costumed, assumes it's about her outfit, too, and not just the kids? Like? Why would that be your first thought?

No. 326085

>She's cutting down on sugar for her "PCOS and fertility"
Then Tom should limit his sugar intake too. Maybe it will heal his infertility LOL. It's a two-way street, Taylor. You can't keep restricting yourself for something you have no control over - your moid's geriatric sperm.

No. 326086

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Goes to get a coffee in a cafe after a vet appointment and takes the dog with her. The dog sits on her lap while she enjoys her "solitary time", calls it "giving attention" to the dog… She never changes.
It does feel like she's going through a rough patch in her relationship(s) though. She's been mentioning it or hinting at it way too often recently.

No. 326088

God she’s so retarded.
Poor Rosie. Even though she’s a silly little designer dog she deserves attention. Does she get chicken these days as she used to when Taylor would put the stupid chicken song in every vlog?

No. 326094

Taylor is struggling with solitary time and work-life balance, everyone. The same Taylor that has not lived on her own and by her own means for the past ten years.

It's so hard to commit to the two hours a day that you spend parroting reels and sending them to your assistants to do the rest… And so hard to find time for your loved ones with a live-in domestic helper/nanny taking care of most of the chores for you so you only have to make yourself salad once a day… It's so hard and exhausting! Someone give her a break from this madness, let the poor working mama rest!/s

No. 326097

>Has a half-Chinese kid that's growing up in HK, is surprised he likes Asian food
Lmao. She can't be this retarded, my god. Did she expect him to crave maple syrup or something?

No. 326098

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I'm cringing so hard at this video's ending. I bet in her mind she's being super witty and funny. I wish she posted this video before anon made the thread. It would've fit right in the threadpic lol

No. 326099

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Now now, even Taylor needs rest from Tom's presence and Levi's clinginess.

On a different topic. Is it me or she stopped pumping her face? She looks like her old self here.

No. 326101

> Try savoury oats!
>Try lighter brows!
>Try Benefit's brow products!
>Be wary of Castor oil all over your skin
Tjose are literally all her problems besides her nasty husband and her dog pissing in her bed

No. 326124

What work? Why does she keep trying to larp like she has a job? Might as well just get one at that point, if she wants to act like it so badly.

No. 326135

I actually thought the opposite: she looks unnaturally bloated and puffy to me here. However, I bet it's partially because of whatever smoothing settings Jess used to take the picture. I also think Taylor usually doesn't photograph this side of her face, she prefers the other side iirc. I don't care enough to go check but usually people have a favorite side.

No. 326143

I agree she looks so wide. She always gets this weird cheek treatment that makes her look like a cartoon figure

No. 326149

She definitely still gets botox regularly. Not a single muscle on her face moves. But seems like she stopped getting undereye fillers or what were those monstrous bags called.

No. 326166

Must be hard to be friends with a person that has everything you have, want and aim at, but better lol I wonder if Taylor ever feels jealous of Jess.

No. 326167

Does she even expose him to the said "Canadian food?". All she ever cooks is Asian cuisine.

No. 326168

>She's cutting down on sugar for her "PCOS and fertility"
>the classic ex-model justification for ED behaviour
OMG, this! Mods have been flagging anons for suggesting she's back to her ana but it's clear as day she is.
Remember how she confessed to choosing fruits and vegan menu on the plane so that they won't serve her any carbs and high calorie food? I don't see how this behaviour is different.

No. 326170

That's also called watching your weight. She does need to be as healthy as possible and she isn't starving herself. Anons just want her to be an anachan again because its milky, but she's clearly still eating.

No. 326172

Watching your weight when you're already stick skinny is ana, anon. Restricting your already balanced and healthy diet is also ana.

>She does need to be as healthy as possible

Umm… For what exactly? Plus, she was never unhealthy or overweight or had any health issues triggered by food. So why would she "watch what she eats" now?

>she's not starving herself/she's still eating

Anachan doesn't only mean eating nothing. It means overly restricting your food intake, fearing gaining weight and having skewed body image. Sounds familiar?

No. 326173

But she's not stick thin.(*bones rattling*)

No. 326258

Her arm in the OP pic legit looks like a skeleton and that last bikini pic she posted, her legs are literally little sticks that dont touch… come on

No. 326262

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The way I wanted to puke after reading these conversations. Taylor dumping TMI on her followers once again. Otoh, the second fangirl kinda deserves it for complimenting the puke in her hair, bleh. Just say her hair looks fine and be done, no need to put yourself down to compliment an influencer.
The way Taylor worded the first reply is not much better. She definitely has a weird way with words.

No. 326267

How to easily trigger Taylor and her fangirls.
- say she's a trad wife and a gold digger
- say posting reels is not a real job
- say she's ana
- say her cooking is meh
- say Tom is ugly, old and infertile

Does she have no filter whatsoever?! No one wants to know how you caught your baby's vomit, Taylor, wtf. Disgusting.

No. 326313

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Apparently many followers thought she was pregnant but she was quick to correct them.

>expecting elbowsan's cutie

May I puke? Her audience truly changed so much. What kind of backwards thinking and labeling is this?

No. 326316

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I was convinced her audience is completely changed now but then I see sane comments like these (which get ignored by Taylor, of course) and realise that she probably either deletes a lot or ignores them to the point where they drown to the bottom of the comment section.

No. 326320

Once again I pray to all gods that they have another son. No girl deserves to be associated with Tom.

Well, judging by her hysterical responses to the godforsaken chicken video and the fungus shampoo, she gets quite a number of those still, but yeah the shift is tangible.

No. 326344

Her caption about going out with the girls, having a little puke somewhere (her actual words!) and feeling much better just smacks of thinly veiled bulimia posting. The phrasing was so bizarre and half of the people in the comments were confused, but apparently she was referring to Levi's puke from the previous night which she decided not to wash out??

No. 326348

For those that don’t work in social media, you can buy your audience on most platforms. As in, choose what kind of viewer you want. I’ve done it before.

She definitely has done this and it was apparent as soon as she started trying for a baby. Almost any and all mentions of Japan or anything BUT mommy blogging has disappeared.

She’s also definitely used/usingthe filter feature where you can block certain words or phrases from being commented to help change or silence her audience.(tinfoiling/no1currs)

No. 326352

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I'm in love with her fb comment section lmao. Only her cooking videos get traction there and along with views they get a LOT of unfiltered comments lol Somehow the audience there is much more blunt and straightforward despite having less anonymity than insta. It's also interesting that she doesn't seem to clean it up as much as she cleans up insta.

No. 326353

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Oh, these are a blast! Well, people on facebook are mostly from an older generation or the "non-woke" millenials, hence the lack of filter. Sometimes I miss the good old times where you could call out other's bullshit online and not get cancelled.

>all of you vegan "influencers" have the exact same video

Ughhh, this is gonna burn someone's flat ass so badly! Lmao
I didn't even notice she completely butchered the spelling of "refrigerator" - pic attached.

>no one eats chocolate mousse for health

Fairest point of them all. If you wanna eat "healthy" zero calorie desert, chew on some carrots. Don't substitute all the ingredients of a well-known recipe and call it the same thing "but healthy".

No. 326359

She admitted herself not too long ago that she still doesn't know any Cantonese or Mandarin, because it's ~just too hard~. In stark contrast, she put lots of effort into learning Japanese when she lived there and even had her own private 1:1 tutor to coach her. I think it says a lot that she makes no effort to actually integrate into Tom's culture and the country they live in, especially when still Tom speaks such limited English. It makes the superficial golddiger nature of their relationship all the more apparent.

No. 326383

Eh? Didn't she at some point admit that she couldn'd speak any Japanese at all and and was just pretending? She said she had her assistant write everything for her and just read/memorized the exact words her asssistant gave her?

No. 326384

Yeah. She never knew enough Japanese to communicate. I remember her struggling to read even basic katakana, let alone any hiragana or kanjis. She just pretended to be studying and actually speaking it for her channel. All she did was repeat after her "tutor" for the voice-overs.
She likes to pretend she studied it or even knew enough of it, but there more than enough evidence of the opposite.

She also likes to pretend she "forgot" French, when she knows as much French as she does Japanese/Mandarin/Cantonese.

>doesn't know any Cantonese or Mandarin, because it's ~just too hard~

It's even funnier. She found Mandarin "too hard" and decided to learn Cantonese instead lmao Cantonese which has 6 tones instead of Mandarin 4 and didn't simplify the Characters and use the traditional writing, which is also harder lmao Of course she couldn't learn it.

No. 326392

>She found Mandarin "too hard" and decided to learn Cantonese instead lmao Cantonese which has 6 tones instead of Mandarin 4
I agree with most of your post, except I think it was that she tried Cantonese, found it hard, thought Mandarin would be easier, of course it wasn't, and now she's trying Cantonese again bc of Levi's playgroup.

I don't hear Levi or Tom speaking Cantonese at all in her clips. If she's going to use her son for views, it would be cool to see how Tom speaks Cantonese to him. I know Yumi King was cringe but I thought the vids of her speaking Chinese to her son were pretty interesting and cute. I'm sure Levi will do fine in English but I'm wondering how his Cantonese is meant to develop when Tom seems to only speak broken English around and to him. Their domestic helper/nanny is foreign, so she's not the one teaching him Cantonese. Well, anyway, I'm sure it'll work out.

Did she ever do a real nursery tour? I've seen some mountains on the wall of his room but was curious about other decorations in there. I could have sworn she mentioned decorating it with wild animals (which sounded fun) but I can't find the vid so maybe I misremembered.

No. 326393

Oh, you might very much be right. I could've misremembered the order of language-learning. Anyhow, the result was the same lol
Levi always speaks English in her videos. The only time he used a Cantonese word, "lailai" was for a formula ad, so I'm not sure if it was genuine or not.
I'm sure they'll send him to an international school, but I hope they teach Mandarin or Cantonese there, because learning it in school is the only realistic option.

>Did she ever do a real nursery tour?

She never did. Only promised to show it when it's done and either forgot to film it or decided not to for whatever reason. She did make a series of posts about his 'super cool transforming with age' bed some weeks ago, but that was it.

No. 326414

Tbf, japanese is simpler even if you take out the grammar rules, so that makes sense.

No. 326416

Taylor would love everyone to think that she's multilingual and studied many languages. The reality is that she's terrible even at English. Her track record in studying in general is abysmal. She abandoned her studies to become a model, took up nutrition classes and couldn't finish those, picked up Japanese and gave up almost right away, went to sewing classes before starting her 'fashion business' but never talked about it again, etc.
Let's say her head is for growing hair only.

No. 326427


By what measure is Japanese easier? Pronunciation, definitely yes. but grammatically, not really.
and she didn't even try with Japanese or has really bad ears for language, which is ok. More likely, she just couldn't be bothered to actually put in the effort.

No. 326455

>now she's trying Cantonese again bc of Levi's playgroup
She brought that up ages ago when Levi was not even 1, then never again. She gave it up like always.

>Tom seems to only speak broken English around and to him

I'm sure Tom and his side of the family speak to Levi in Canto when Taylor is not around, as well as Levi's Chinese friends and their parents. They use the broken English when Taylor's there because she would get all sad and pissy otherwise that she can't understand.

No. 326537

I unfollowed Taylor today since the caption about puke, the tradwife signaling about cooking for your man owo, the constant posting about food combined with being visibly underweight and posing in ways that emphasise it (which imo she didn't do before) is all rubbing me the wrong way, giving me the proverbial ick. She seems to have lost the cuteness and personality she used to have, and her attempts at relatable content are all copies of some other trend, like not a single original piece of content goes through this girl's account. I'm not put off by the mommy vlogger aspect, her son is super cute and the content featuring him is normal, it's everything else lately that's putting me off.(no1currs )

No. 326552

Welcome to the club nonna
>like not a single original piece of content goes through this
Even back then in her daily vlogging time she used to heavily copy Casey Neistad. Probably some nonas here remember. The lip overlining was a Kylie Jenner copy and how can I forget the Dakota Rose baby alien with a dad hat copy

No. 326566

It feels like back then she did her own twist on her influences, more inspired and original, like she is obviously nothing like Casey but was inspired by aspects of his videos (such as the timelapses) and they were her own content, not 1:1 scene for scene remakes like now. Now it's more like she finds people vaguely similar to her in the inoffensive influencer sphere and does a 1:1 copy, I think that's why it feels so lifeless now. I also prefer her old editing style over the people she hires, it all just seems so generic now. It's like she's trying to grasp for the personal touch with some details she adds in, but hasn't any real enthusiasm for this stuff anymore, she'll pretend to reach for the camera at the end of a clip, as if she was using a tripod, when her assistant is holding the camera, referencing social occasions but not actually sharing them, it seems so clinical. It's definitely just a job to her now which is a shame.

No. 326571

I think the difference is she's doing trends so of course its all copied.

No. 326605

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Well, she definitely misses life in Canada. She'd never say it openly but life in HK is not for her. She's given enough hints that she doesn't like (if not hate) living there. She'd be billion times more happy living near her family.

No. 326609

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That's for sure! She was hoping to spend at least half a year in Canada but life (and Tom) decided otherwise.

The following story is noteworthy, too. Another low carb, high fiber, a bit of protein "lunch". Notice how she stopped posting her dinners. It's always half a bite for lunch and nothing more. When was the last time she posted about her dinner? The chips and vitamin drinks don't count.(nitpicking)

No. 326617

Taylor was kinda blindsided like why did he buy a house in Canada to only spend two weeks a year there? Even well after lockdowns ended and there was no excuse not to travel more. Not like they can't afford the flights either, both of them are self employed and can easily work from a laptop (i.e. digital nomad)
It seems like everything is Tom's way and she's too scared of losing the bag to push it.
If she has really gone anorexic or bulimic as anons speculate, it's a clear sign she feels a loss of control and feels stressed.

No. 326692

This is…weird. Is Levi on the spectrum? This was a weird thing to do(armchairing/tinfoiling)

No. 326711

With Tom being old AF and having weak degraded sperm, it wouldn't be surprising. But Levi talks, responds to his name, and has appropriate emotions/reactions to things so probably not.(sperging about geriatric sperm again)

No. 326839

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I think there's enough ground to say that her diet consists of mostly the same four ingredients - chicken/fish, avocado, lattuce and some sort of wrap - preferably low carb and high fiber. Occasionally she'll dab in a bit of cheese, another vegetable or some dressing, but never more than a pinch. This is anything but a healthy relationship with food. Yikes. What's her end goal anyway? She's already very skinny.

No. 326849

We've seen evidence over the years that Tom controls things like her hair length and color (does not allow her to cut it short or dye it a dark color, as confirmed by Taylor herself) so I wouldn't be surprised if he demands other things, like her staying under a certain weight. She seemed scared as hell to gain even a single inch around her waist after giving birth, hence all the crazy wrapping shit. There's probably a constant paranoia there that if she does anything with her appearance that displeases Tom, she will lose everything.

No. 326855

Lmao, or the pseudoscientific "Improve your egg quality" book told her to. She's always had questionable relationship with food. Interesting how she thinks restricting her diet will solve all the problems, Tom's infertility included lol How about he eats more healthy and does some sports?

No. 326856

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Dear Taylor, could you please stop shoving the damn camera into your ugly, overdrawn mouth? It's not as quirky and cute as you think. Thank you. And no one cares about your dumb recipes, you're not the chef your fangirls make you believe you are. Some bootlicker was even asking for a "Taylor cookbook" in the comments.

This is not specifically about Taylor, but I wish these braindead vloggers/influencers get off their high horses and stop pretending they're actually good at anything. E.g. if you don't have culinary training, you shouldn't be giving "revolutionary" cooking advice. Because what they do in reality is either copy the recipes of renowned chefs and pretend they came up with it, or straight up copy other influencers, who also copy either a chef or yet another "vlogger".

No. 326858

I rolled my eyes so hard when I saw this video. Back again with the stupid crunch sound. She really wants to go viral for making some random food crunchy with soda kek maybe the Facebook nona can share some people roast her under this video

No. 326862

Lol, same. It's a useless tip in the first place. If your shrimp is fresh, you don't have to do the Chinese restaurant cold water marinating technique she shows. Her "hack" is for removing the smell and improving the texture of not-so-fresh shrimp lol. But I guess the tiktok vid she stole the idea from didn't disclose that.

No. 326903

Her diet reminds me of that of Sanne Vloet - a has-been VS model who now sells supplements, matcha and a "wellness" app. You gotta check out one of her many 'What I eat in a day' videos, they will eerily remind you of Taylor's salad-obsession and calorie-deficient meals. I don't think it's a coincidence that all anachans are in love with the lattuce-chicken-avocado combo. The only difference between Taylor and Sanne is that Sanne at least tries to eat three meals a day (or pretends to).

No. 326941

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Guess who posted the shilled staycation a month late. Notice the "PR" in the bottom. Did the HK law change? Why the sudden change of morals lol?

No. 326942

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Some gems from the comments.
As much as you'd like to believe it, toddlers don't see that big of a difference between a regular FREE playground and one in an expensive hotel lol No, wait, the fresh air and playmates would make a difference. I take that back lmao
I'm not surprised though, totally expected from someone who claimed a first class ticket on a long haul flight made no difference for her kid, or someone you takes her dog to cafes as a pet/owner activity.

P. S. Taylor and "worked hard" do not belong in the same sentence lol

No. 326943

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Nta, but the video got ZERO traction on fb. One of the four comments is hers lmao.

No. 326945

This made me realize she never changed her last name to Tom's. Another thing that says a lot about the nature of their relationship… makes her tradwife larping even more cringe, there's nothing trad about her at all.

No. 326946

Lmao, not the *gifted/pr. Lmao. She's so pretentious. I highly doubt she decided to become transparent all of a sudden. May be it was requested by the hotel? Because she never tags the uglyass bags and earrings she shills, neither does she disclose the makeup products.

No. 326969

I noticed in the comments people were saying that this type of thing was super expensive and thousands of dollars a night, but when I checked google it says it’s like $350ish (which is a lot but not as much as a real luxury hotel)

No. 326976

File: 1716504043939.png (239.05 KB, 322x450, 1000027220.png)

are these earrings some kind of covert ad? She's wearing them in almost every pic and reel, it seems. She has a couple other pairs that look like the same manufacturer. But it's almost comical how often she wears these.(nitpicking)

No. 326977

File: 1716504542227.jpg (355.47 KB, 1080x2033, family suite.jpg)

Not sure where you checked, but these are the rates on their offical website. In HKD it would be about 14k per night.

No. 326978

I think they are. She never hashtags gifted or promotional items. If you're lucky to catch a story where she mentions the brand or thanks them for the PR package, then you can prove it's sponsored e.g. the numerous Ferragamo bags. Otherwise, good luck pinning her.

If I'm not mistaken the earrings are from Heaven Mayhem and she wore similar ones during the trip to Bali.

No. 326979

You can't really see it in the video but she literally recreated this same outfit to shoot the cooking reel. She posted it to her stories when she was filming it. Too bad I didn't screenshot it.
No idea why she did it, though. Like, she could've worn literally any other outfit. Why go the length of recreating a look from weeks ago for a new reel?

No. 326983

File: 1716508283289.jpg (1.31 MB, 2160x2160, Collage2024042411.jpg)

You made me curious, nonnies, so I went on a search for more info on the outfit details and you won't believe what I found on the top's brand's insta. Find 10 differences kek Taylor copycating looks, again?! Rofl, paint me surprised. Fashion designer, fashionista, fashion influencer my ass. Never change, TayTay, never change.

No. 326990

holy shit. That's uncanny. Even the shoes, the pose, the unbuttoned top. Shameless copy

No. 326997

The shirt is an exact match whereas the other items are just similar, leopardprint shoes and jeans but a different cut and style, and a very different bag. So I guess she got the shirt and then searched to see how other people styled it and decided to copy everything in the example including the pose. I feel like as a fashion influencer shouldn't you be able to figure out how to style it yourself? It's like she needs the validity of someone else doing it first before she will do anything, like she has zero faith in her own choices.

No. 326999

shes worn those shoes before too, i think she likes them and in the brand Instagram photos most of the pants are oversized.

No. 327012

Is there an archived version of these vids mentioned in the OP?
>After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!)
Of course I have looked through old threads for them, but the OG vids are obvs deleted now and I didn't see any archived links for it.

No. 327014

File: 1716528223159.png (653.93 KB, 864x1187, 1000027238.png)

You can watch the first one on archive.org, pretty sure it was linked in one of the old threads. Someone should probably download and archive it. I'll try to do it tonight. https://web.archive.org/web/20190515014037/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fpcZSjOdPY She does misrepresent a lot of stuff here. Like all cows, she assumes it's only one person out to get her, focuses on one truly insane commenter, etc.

No. 327015

second is just unlisted, this should be archived as well.

No. 327017

File: 1716529851523.jpg (1.31 MB, 2160x2160, 109470320240524.jpg)

Makes a boob taping tutorial, tapes it over a shirt - I thought she was OK with showing bras lol But lo and behold, the brand of the said shirt "happens" to share her reel to their stories and Taylor "happens" to link the top in her stories, too. She can't be more obvious.

No. 327018

Download this one, too, please. Seeing how she (or her minion) likes to lurk here she might delete this one, too.

No. 327019


The voice trembling. Oh she was SO scared. It sounds like her and Tom were about to split. I guarantee he made her film this or else.

No. 327020

>she needs the validity of someone else doing it first before she will do anything, like she has zero faith in her own choices
Spot. On! And it's not only with fashion content. It's with EVERYTHING. Explains the shot by shot copied reels too.

May I add, the fact that she has enough clothes to keep copying other people's styles but can't come up with a way to combine them by herself is wild. And she dares to call herself a creative person?

No. 327021

i have class and work for the next 8h unfortunately(this is not a chatroom)

No. 327027

That label has been camping under her "fashion" reels for a while lmao If you scroll long enough, you can always find them leaving soulless, generic one-liners.(this is an imageboard)

No. 327047

File: 1716570614689.jpg (2.11 MB, 3000x8329, 1716570021130.jpg)

Women with big boobs in the comments: it doesn't work for us.

Taylor and her mildly asymmetrical pimples: Aqshually, it does! I have saggy boobs a size bigger than before breastfeeding, so shut up, I'm always right and if I say it works, then it works, try harder!

No. 327048

File: 1716571709483.jpg (3.81 MB, 5000x5000, 20240524001395_01.jpg)

No idea what it adds to the discussion, but here are some examples.

No. 327049

Gotta love how she acts like she has some bad case of sagging boobs that just won't stay in place no matter what she does. Reminds me of her pity party over a single, barely visible "stretch mark".

No. 327051

>they voted on the uniforms they thought were the sexiest and then had a model pose suggestively in them

i love how she states this and then skims past it completely even though it's disgusting and the whole reason people were upset(sage your shit)

No. 327058

her botox looks like it's melting in this video

No. 327070

middle commenter seems triggered, Taylor has about a C like they're not tiny, it's giving "curvy women are REAL women"
That one guy who always says pervy shit but she has yet to block, he was one of the ones like "thank you for this" whenever she posts a glimpse of bra and panties
ItS The CuLtUre Anon! That was her biggest handmaiden moment, she also stopped dying her hair blonde after that because "it was too expensive to maintain" aka Tom didn't like it

No. 327074

Botox just freezes the muscles and is generally undetectable a part from parts of the face not activating during an expression. You probably mean filler which is known to migrate around the face and distort the features.

No. 327076

Thanks anon. This was even worse than I expected. The fact that she scrolls through those sexualized pics of a 13 year old without the slightest hint of disgust or shock on her face is so sociopathic. Any other woman would be horrified by that shit.

No. 327085

She sold her body and soul to that dude fr. As much as that money would change my life, I don’t think I could do this.

No. 327089

File: 1716624374040.jpg (363.75 KB, 1080x2110, Screenshot_2024-25-12-02-41-06…)

You can't make this up. Did she post this by mistake?! A podcast about weight loss? Is she OK?

No. 327091

File: 1716632484400.png (602.45 KB, 864x1410, 1000027341.png)

Jesus. why is she listening to this? One of the best podcasts ever? It's pretty obvious that a healthful diet should avoid processed sugars and processed food in general, that's been common knowledge since before we were born

No. 327092

Well, because she's looking for reasons to justify her starvation diet. Someone send her a podcast on orthorexia and anorexia instead.

No. 327094

File: 1716637756927.jpg (1.79 MB, 2160x2160, IMG20240525154504.jpg)

Her friend Jess has gestational diabetes and is on a strict diet right now. I wonder if she's the reason behind Taylor's sudden interest in diabetes, insulin and cutting out sugar.

No. 327095

File: 1716637967995.jpg (274.21 KB, 1080x1899, Screenshot_20240525_1533.jpg)

We're in for a ride, grab some caramel popcorn. The new no sugar season of Taylor's ana is starting.

No. 327097

File: 1716639978632.jpg (626.11 KB, 3195x2400, 1000027355.jpg)

From the glucosegoddess page she's "bingeing": great, more pseudoscience. I see Valeria is a fan. The dr's comment on the left debunks the cash grab. I somehow doubt this has anything to do with Jess, gestational diabetes sucks but goes away after birth. If the mother is otherwise healthy, it's just bad luck or genetics.

No. 327104

File: 1716648500189.jpg (1.04 MB, 2160x2160, sugarhater.jpg)

What a load of bullshit this podcast was. I want my lost 2 hours back. Otoh, that's on me for checking out something this dumbass recommended.
Basically what he's saying is you gotta stop eating sugar and other sweeteners, because it's the cause of ALL health problems and you'll DIE early if you keep eating sugar. You know what else will KILL you and your kids according to this man? Basically everything around you, because it all causes OBESITY!
Shouldn't have expected nothing less from a man Taylor now worships.

These two clips were enough for me to understand what she's all about. The same as the pretentious old jeezer - sugar is a bad poison, avoid at all costs!

No. 327106

Castor oil is a hair and skincare miracle she's so dumb lol. You only need basic intelligence and the ability to feel to know when you used too much, etc. This specifically is an oil that oily skinned people should seek out. I know she has the gentle acne-prone disclaimer, but she doesn't have a "reproducing with especially gross older moids for profit may cause or exacerbate mental health issues" warning. When pursuing her lifestyle is going to cause a lot more harm in the long run for the vast majority of people.

No. 327111

The irony is that she's married to a fatass. Why not put him on one of these diets (since she claims to totally cook all the meals for him, such a #tradwife) instead of herself. How does an ana-chan even stand being with a fatty, how's it not embarrassing?

No. 327121

Finally some milk that even the pickiest farmer will appreciate lol All those wks reporting posts about her being back to her good old anachan like it's their part-time job better take their reports back lmao There's no more proof than this.

No. 327122

He's perfect the way he is, you haters! He's not fat. He's a young, healthy, good-looking slightly chubby man with a great personality. Jk.
Her insecurities are clearly exacerbated by Tom and his preferences. The only things she can offer him is eggs and a model body. Since in her mind she's failing with the first she has to ramp up the other to compensate.

No. 327123

Holy cow. She's already on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet for no apparent reason. Is it not enough for her? What's next? Yeast-free - the latest trendy "allergy" among anorexic influencers?

Interesting thought. I wouldn't put it past her to get 'diet' inspiration from a person with a real health condition. Madame Copycat couldn't possibly resist the urge to try a hot new diet her pregnant friend is on. Sounds like something she would do.

No. 327173

She's lost it kek is she going full swing into her ana arc?
Interesting word choice with "bingeing" as well
This sounds about right, she has no original thoughts so it makes sense she'd start larping her friend's diabetes. Taylor needs an intervention and therapy like think for yourself girl! use your brain! You can do it girl! like a lifecoach specifically for that glaring issue

No. 327178

The girl has no education beyond high school. Plus, she started modeling while still in high school, so she likely paid very little attention during it. That’s after seemingly being born to apparent morons.

She has no job experience. Sure, she claimed “working” at 14…but I’d bet big money it was sweeping floors at a family friend’s business once in a while and nothing legit.

Think about it, her entire life from age 16 (?) or so has been about looking pretty and being thin. She has never had a reason or real opportunity to use her brain.

She’ll end up like they all do: best case scenario being rich but cheated on with a new “model(s)” (pun intended) and tied a man she hates but will NEVER be free from (since she had his kid), and at worst? Dumped, outcast, and penniless.

Like if she gets left her life is so over. So really, her staying thin, chasing away any aging signs (she already looks very much her age, 29 at the youngest), and keeping The Toad happy sexually is the only thing keeping her from single motherhood at a low-pay secretary job in Canadian suburbia.

No self-respecting guy (moid or otherwise) will touch her after her history. No self respecting woman will want to be her friend. Her sugar baby/incubator lifestyle (especially done in Asia bc so many westerners are racist towards Asians, especially Chinese ones) will not be as tolerated in Canada/The US as it has been as the Token Pretty Foreigner there. Out here she’s just another whore.

No. 327187

Giving scrotes waaay too much credit here. They don't care about women's personalities or actions, they only care what she looks like. And I can't speak for Canada, but Asian-American men fetishize tf out of white women and would absolutely take her in just because she's white + slim. See >>>/snow/1277974

But I think she'll never be able to leave HK if this ever happened anyway, because she wouldn't get sole custody of her kid and wouldn't be able to move away with him.

No. 327189

>she wouldn't get sole custody of her kid and wouldn't be able to move away with him.
This is true, I can't see them ever breaking up tbh like I am sure there has been at least a little cheating or sex workers etc considering that mysterious, salary based private part of his "men's club" website which most suspected to be sex work connected, and how easily she brushed it all under the carpet >>327014 Like we can extrapolate from that she doesn't care about sleazy stuff.
Tom does seem like a quiet and eaaygoing person so I can't imagine any serious fights or violence either which would be the only reason I could see her cutting loose.
Her future seems to be in Hong Kong based on recent past and the anchor baby, and I anticipate very little changing except she slowly gets more insane, which we are seeing tiny clues of already with the weird caption about "a little sick somewhere" and sharing sugar free weight loss videos when she's a size 0 >>327089(tinfoiling)

No. 327198

File: 1716742694907.jpg (1.2 MB, 1953x6452, Screenshot_20240526_2051.jpg)

A fresh batch of fb comments for the lols. These were under the boob taping reel. The cooking one flopped miserably lol. Turns out no one cares about "snappy" shrimp or whatever adjective she used lol.

No. 327199

File: 1716742879375.jpg (65.98 KB, 1080x367, Screenshot_20240526_2043.jpg)

And this gem was under the Shangri-la shill lmao Zero chill.

No. 327206

Tom is already paying for her services. Why hire another one lol?

S/N Is surrogacy even legal in HK?

No. 327210

To be fair her video didn’t claim it’s for ALL tiddies no? Not everything is for all sizes and if your breasts are too big you’re probably not gonna wear a top like she did in the video

No. 327212

What shit does she listen to regularly if this smelly garbage is the best podcast she ever listened to?

It's not. Even if Tom agreed to pay for it, it's not really an option.
>It is only permissible in Hong Kong to enter into an altruistic surrogacy arrangement whereby the surrogate mother will carry a pregnancy without receiving monetary compensation from the intended parents.



No. 327216

They could go stay in Canada temporarily and use one there. I can't see her going for that though as it would make her feel like a "failure" again.

No. 327222


One day Tom probably pinched her stomach and said "uh oh, fatty fat, bad!" and she spiralled into restrictive eating instead of thinking "Hm…why is my husband attracted to prepubescent bodies?"(tinfoil)

No. 327240

You got the customary taylor r thread tinfoil cookie but the chance he hasn't done that is minimal, not like moids are known for their gently relayed opinions on female bodies.(continuing the tinfoil)

No. 327327

File: 1716899937560.jpg (296.6 KB, 1080x1915, disgusting closeup number thou…)

Does she have a crunch fetish or something? This is getting annoying and repetitive. And that fake crunch sound again lmao At least use a different track, dumbass.(nitpicking)

No. 327330

The droopy chipmunk cheeks, Jesus. Stop it with the fillers, Taylor, ffs.(nitpicking)

No. 327331

The recipe at least looks good. But I consume and cook all kinds of tofu and have never had a piece that crunched like she's claiming this does. It sounds really fake and I agree that there's a weird focus on stuff no one ever at any point followed her for. Do you think she is turning into a cooking IG because of what that fortune teller told her years ago?

No. 327332

Honey? Last time I checked honey was a POISON to her. Lmao. What about the zero sugar and sweeteners diet? Or did she stop the pseudoscience "binge" as quickly as she started?

No. 327334

She films the videos ahead of time. At times weeks ahead. So, she still could be in the midst of her "sugar bad, protein good" madness but the content won't reflect that for a while.

No. 327335

File: 1716907067241.jpg (1.23 MB, 2160x2160, 20240528183542.jpg)

Look at her pretend that the tofu shit recipe is a success and has positive reactions lmao Nonas should brings roasts from facebook more often kek(nitpicking)

No. 327343

File: 1716916407419.jpg (58.24 KB, 1080x351, Screenshot_20240528_17.jpg)

Bingo! Someone was asking the same thing in the comments. They also pointed out how she didn't get a girl as promised. Lol add salt to the wound.

No. 327344

Fried tofu can have this crunch and searing it can too, especially if you use firm tofu. Not sure what you're doing wrong. Unless someone has the software to breakdown her audio we can't even tell if it's added in post or not.

There's natural sugars that are fine for you. She's didn't say she's swearing off anything with sugar content altogether, but not eating stuff that's processed isn't a bad sentiment. At least that's what I got from her posts and the random nutritionist lady.

Did the video even have anything to do with the fortune teller lol This sounds so random to just add 'Looks delicious' at the end of it.(wk/infighting)

No. 327345

File: 1716917709490.jpg (1.94 MB, 2160x2160, IMG_20240528_13.jpg)

There's NO way tofu covered in sauce is gonna crunch like that. She should cut the bullshit. Even if it was that crunchy after frying, it would get more silky and soggy after adding it to the sauce.

That must be the only positive response she got, hence the need to post it ASAP and use the chance to push that flop of a recipe lmao Notice how she completely ignored all the negative comments on fb but as soon as someone mentioned her on insta, she reposted it in a matter of an hour to brag lol.

Nah, that's such a reach! I bet even Taylor doesn't remember what the scammer told her.

No. 327346

To be fair, she isn't tagged in a lot of stuff, so obviously this would be seen pretty quick.

No. 327349

File: 1716920615092.jpg (273.71 KB, 1080x1100, 21170820240528.jpg)

Another gem from her heavily curated comment section.
Did she just mention "doing research"? Lmao. How come links to the said "research/studies" are only requested when someone criticises her recipes or reels in general? Where is her talent in "research" when she's trying bullshit health and beauty hacks and recommends unhealthy diets?

No. 327350

Oh, look, the wk squad is here. Prerare for continued mass banning lmao

Do you have to bend backwards so much to "defend" Taylor and her dumb recipes? It's obvious that the audio was added later or how she likes to call it - "enhanced".

She literally posted a podcast about zero sugar weight loss diet, where a scammer is pushing the narrative that everything around you causes obesity and is dangerous for your and your children's health, then she linked another scammer who says EVERY kind of sweetener is bad for you and you have to buy her pills to battle it. What other clues you need to see that she's on a no sugar, no sweets train to ana station?

She didn't even refute what op was saying just needed to point out that she does "research".(derailing)

No. 327351

You just should not heat up honey because it loses it’s medicinal benefits that’s all

No. 327357

This is not the first time that she is impressed by pseudoscientific documentaties and influencers. Wasn't she claiming that she went vegan after watching a highly controversial and debunked Netflix documentary that claimed all animal products are poison and whatnot?
I won't even mention goop and all the guano related to that. So, yeah, Taylor is in her element. Getting into restrictive diets for her "health" after "doing extensive research".(this is an imageboard)

No. 327358

OP didn't even mention honey becoming "harmful" or "toxic" after heating, Taylor just jumped to conclusions and added that herself lol What a retard. Her tone is the cherry on top, trying to sound smart and educated while making a joke out of herself.

No. 327366

>Fried tofu can have this crunch and searing it can too, especially if you use firm tofu. Not sure what you're doing wrong. Unless someone has the software to breakdown her audio we can't even tell if it's added in post or not.

ayrt. I want to try the recipe anyway so I'll report back and make a sound file for you if that would help. I'll be shocked if it sounds like this even without the sauce. That said, I'm sure it tastes good.

Since there isn't a microphone or high-quality recording equipment near her mouth, I feel like we can reasonably agree the sound was added in post.(blogposting/no1currs)

No. 327371

I think you're looking for the cooking thread >>>/ot/1949746 it's more appropriate for the type of posting you want to do and how much you want to talk about your cooking. We don't need an update on your personal blog post sound byte when it wouldn't even be possible to verify if you edited it or not either and I highly doubt you want to post a video of yourself to prove it.

No. 327484

File: 1717107657471.jpg (295.77 KB, 1080x1923, IMG_20240530_170143.jpg)

Word of the month - research! Did anyone find whom she's copying this time?

No. 327488

All these cows follow trends.

No. 327497

File: 1717135590501.jpeg (629.63 KB, 1290x2205, IMG_1126.jpeg)

People are starting to spam in Taylor’s comments. Don’t they know by now Taylor how no opinions on any political topics.

No. 327498

She should honestly ban all these stupid shills. It's fucked up to say "imagine it was your kid in Gaza" (nevermind the fact that they could say the same about Be'eri). They also keep saying, "you're a mother!!!" People rarely do this to men. Like you said, she doesn't talk about anything political, not even anything that actually pertains to her, so there's no reason for her to make a statement about this conflict she and most influencers don't understand. She should honestly filter this shit out, a bunch of these posts are just men targeting influencers with lots of followers.

No. 327500

Agree. She didn't even speak up about the HK protests, why would she address an international crisis. Tbh, I find it even worse when influencers repost something for "awareness" when in reality they don't give two shits about the situation. Screams performative to me.

No. 327501

>silence suggests you agree
Silence suggests she lives in Hong Kong, motherfucker! Like they really want her to be sent off to a reeducation camp huh. I know that is more of a mainland thing but personally as a foreigner in HK I would be saying jack shit about political topics. It's not like her brand has ever been on discussion of world events, philiosophy or science like let a girl talk about crunchy tofu in peace.

No. 327502

Demanding influencers say something is crazy. The commenters need to go outside.

No. 327511

File: 1717175752873.jpg (2.12 MB, 2160x2160, 20240531210942.jpg)

Another date to "rekindle the feelings"?
Notice the shilled top, it's the same brand she wore in the boobtape video.

No. 327532

Interesting how with all the money in world they only go on dates once a month and even that is initiated by Taylor.

No. 327534

Did she say they only go out once a month or was this something that needed a months reservation?

No. 327536

Not clear from her wording, but their last "date night" was over a month ago.

No. 327537

The only saving grace I would say is adults having date nights is pretty normal, I wonder if Tom's schedule has something to do with it. She has more time at home, clearly, and goes on lunch dates and baby dates. He hasn't been in a lot of stuff lately either like he was last year. Focusing too much on food?

No. 327549

File: 1717248276942.jpg (727.36 KB, 1080x1911, Screenshot_20240601_141740.jpg)

Miss Taylor making sure you know that she's the one that puts Levi to sleep and not the nanny lol As if editing the "quick break" out is impossible.(nitpicking)

No. 327550

As if she’s talking to her family, her followers don’t need to know this crap lol

No. 327551

I thought it was a part of Chinese culture for the grandparents to be super involved in the kids life. Guess I was wrong.

No. 327557

Kinda disturbing for a menu to feature so many baby animals. Just killing babies all day every day… how sad.

It is typical, but also not every Chinese person has a good relationship with their family. Tom never seemed close to his, or even really talking about them ever? Could be estranged or something.

No. 327560

Taylor mentioned that his parents are dead and the only relatives he has live abroad.

>healthy pasta
Lol. Define unhealthy pasta.

No. 327561

Oh, that makes sense considering he's in his 50s. Sometimes I forget just how fucking old Tom is.

No. 327563

I wonder if that’s gluten free? Or is she herself not eating the pasta?

No. 327565

She's not gluten-intolerant and she doesn't have celiac disease. She just avoids gluten for dubious weight-loss reasons and eats it when she wants to

No. 327570

Bread and wheat is a lot of carbs. It's not a necessity anyway.(*rattle rattle*)

No. 327579

File: 1717291748431.jpg (466.31 KB, 1080x1918, 105253920240602.jpg)

She often substitutes normal pasta with chickpea pasta, but this particular recipe seems to use regular penne. She didn't mention eating it, though, she went for a nap and didn't post anything else after that lol
Re:eating carbs. She hasn't posted a meal with enough carbs recently (rice being an exception in her cooking vida, but again she only ever filmed tasting the retarded "crunchy" components). All she ever shows is lunch that exclusively consists of protein and greens.

Take your ana elsewhere. Carbs are absolutely needed. They are a main source of energy, especially for the brain. The widespread fear mongering about the carbs being "not needed" is complete bullshit born from diet culture.
Now, if you're a braindead, coddled "model" like Taylor, you might not need it. Otherwise, carbs should be an essential part of your diet.(infighting)

No. 327591

What does this photo have to do with anything?

No. 327606

File: 1717314683469.jpg (245.48 KB, 1080x587, IMG_20240602_094841.jpg)

He's ugly and toady but not in his 50ies Anon… He said he was 41 in the "Get to know my fiancé" video from 2018.

No. 327613

Nta, but I suppose it's regarding this part
>She didn't mention eating it, though, she went for a nap and didn't post anything else after that
Putting on my tinfoil hat, but it's a popular tactic among ana influencers. They post photos of food but never post themselves eating that food. Many model "vloggers" did that in their videos and insta back in the day when models living in NY were all the rage.(tinfoiling)

No. 327614

File: 1717336043374.jpg (681.59 KB, 1080x1877, IMG_20240602_172709.jpg)

Hubby posted another meal story, yey! You go, Housewife Taylor, get that praise!(nitpicking)

No. 327626

File: 1717350048266.jpg (628.87 KB, 1440x2131, 20240602_103859.jpg)

This article states he finished business school (which is 2+ years postgrad in addition to undergrad) in 1999, making him ~24 at that time. So he's 50 right now at the absolute minimum, but likely a few years more than that. Taylor lying to make him seem younger is not surprising. She was 8 years old when this man was finishing grad school… creepy af.

Another fun fact from this article is Tom talking about how his girlfriend at the time (2009) was his inspiration to create his businesses. Then after he became rich, he dumped that girl and got with Taylor (2012). What a sweet guy.


No. 327651

Just because you can't read Chinese doesn't make it "tinfoiling", retarded Taytay fangirl mods. Everything I said is proven right there in the article.(take it to /meta/)

No. 327662

It doesn't say his age.

No. 327663

If you can't read Chinese and you're using some shitty Google translation, stfu and listen to those of us who can actually read it.

No. 327667

Thanks for posting this, nona, I never thought about the dates. I was wondering, what do you think about Tom's rags to riches story? He claims to have grown up poor, but everything about him online (and his sister's marriage to a well-off French guy) suggests this is a larp. Aren't the costs of HKUST prohibitive for someone who grew up like Tom allegedly did? He also made numerous trips to Paris and had laptops, etc. while attending HKUST around the year 2000(?), which was before he had this big business success.

I could list the other things that make me suspect his "I was poor" history but for now maybe you can say whether poor families can afford a university like that, especially during the time he attended. My understanding is that it's a very good university but also costs a lot of money.

No. 327674

Seriously the sister thing is the biggest red flag to me. Like no offense to his sister, I don't think she's been shown on camera, but if she's working from the same gene pool…what poor mid looking HK girl is randomly going to meet and and marry some well off French guy and live happily ever after? Rich people don't usually mingle with the poors when it comes to dating. Taylor is hardly a reliable narrator.(off-topic)

No. 327677

Taylor showed the French family before on videos and they are all very cute. Tbh I don't think Tom is that ugly since their kid is super cute, it can't be all her genes, he is just a slob and doesn't try and stay fit.
But I agree his story is a bit sus, I think "poor" is subjective. Some people think they're poor while having quite a luxurious life, often it means "poorer than their friends/peers"

No. 327679

I think Tom was "poor" growing up the same way Taylor was "fat". I don't believe a word of their sob stories.
Also, Taylor also grew up in a wealthy/upper middle class household, so unless she 'did research' (pun intended) she wouldn't know what being poor is. For a woman who lived on her dad's credit card all her life and now lives on her husband's, middle class would seem "poor". It is a VERY relative term to begin with.

Does anyone remember what's his horoscope? Taylor mentioned it a couple of times but I never made a point to remember it. If we knew, it would be easy to calculate the year of birth.

No. 327682

File: 1717417107174.jpeg (276.89 KB, 1179x1030, IMG_7261.jpeg)


They are both dragons, according to Taylor.


No. 327684

Seems like he grew up middle class. A lot of middle class people claim to be "poor" just because they aren't super rich… they don't understand what actually being poor means.

No. 327693

That means he was born in 1976. Case closed.

My thoughts exactly. It's double hypocritical to claim to be poor while being a Hongkonger, where the social divide is so glaring and many people live below the poverty line.

No. 327700

File: 1717433927886.png (994 KB, 841x677, dragon.png)

Yeah. That makes them 12 years apart because she was born in 1988 and that's also a dragon year. This is good because now we have dates.

No. 327701

>actually believing anything that Taylor claims
Yeah no lol. I'll take the official article facts instead.

No. 327704

The numbers add up, all the vlog dates add up. I remember anons tinfoiling Taylor was born in 2004. All to make the age gap seem wider and Tom older. Now his age is the lie?

No. 327708

Once again learn how to read Chinese or stfu. Fangirls just being mad that it's now confirmed he's 50+ which makes it even more obvious that his geriatric dusty grandpa sperm is the reason Tay can't get pregnant.(infighting)

No. 327716

>it's now confirmed
You are the only one trying to make this claim, nona.

No. 327723

No one ever tinfoiled she was born in 04, you're mad. Her birthday is in her channel name and has been known forever. She started vlogging in late 2012, when she clearly wasn't 8 years old.

It's not unheard of to lie about your age in Chinese culture especially if it gives a better zodiac for matchmaking and fortune (for business dealings, dragon is very popular, that's why everyone wants a kid born in the year of the dragon). Not saying he did, but you have no hard proof of his age, just what taylor says. He doesn't list his birthday anywhere online, and it's harder to verify a Chinese age as a lot of people know. The government will just change your age if it is helpful to them for some reason or if you pay, athletes and actors for example.(tinfoiling)

No. 327726

Bring proof or stop. The dragon thing pretty much solidifies his age vs anons attempting to guess his age based on average graduation ages. It also matches the 12 year age difference she's never accidentally said a different number.

Unless you can prove she is lying, they are 12 years apart. They're more proof for it than against. Assuming it's all a lie isn't proof

No. 327729

Does she really go to bed with a face full of makeup? Lmao(nitpicking)

No. 327731

That's right anon, Taylor is very truthful! Just like when she says she's definitely not with Tom for his money and just wuvs his personality and they have so much in common! She would never lie about anything regarding Tom. KEK

No. 327732

What's the difference between 50+ or 47 in reference to a man's health? Virtually none so I don't see why this tinfoil is getting any traction.

No. 327736

File: 1717499899683.mp4 (1.4 MB, VID_563721023_011632_585.mp4)

We now have a video, too. May I puke at her "Master has guven Dobby a sock" grin? Ew.

No. 327739

File: 1717503204729.jpg (2.44 MB, 2160x2160, Screenshot_20240604_04.jpg)

Guess who posted dinner first time in months. You can't convince me she doesn't camp here lol Notice the chickpea rice kek She'd rather die than eat normal carbs.
>More fiber
Sure Jan.(nitpicking)

No. 327744

File: 1717509816293.jpg (687.31 KB, 1080x4666, Screenshot_20240604_11.jpg)

Comments are even better lol Fellow housewives singing odes to exemplary wife TayTay.

No. 327791

The laughing baby audio, Tom ogre moaning and Taylor titan smile is so creepy kek

No. 327802

This is why she copies other creators. Whatever her brilliant mind comes up with is creepy shit. The audio and its quality are just horrible. The multiple layers of music, kid's squeeling laughter, her laughter, Tom's deranged noises… A mess.

No. 327805

Tom BAKES? Lmao That's a total lie. Making latte? Sure. We've seen it many times but how come she never filmed him baking or posted photos of the food he makes?

She should've ~enhanced the audio~ to make it stand out (or whatever she called it last time lol). Where did she find that messy squeel track in the first place?

No. 327811

She desperately wants people to believe that she and Tom cook, clean, and take care of their kid instead of having servants that do all that shit. What ultra wealthy person would choose to do that themselves? Especially not a golddigger who specifically sought out this lifestyle of being pampered.

No. 327821

There's zero chance this isn't based on someone else's content though, she literally never does anything first. And the format seems pretty generic "this is why I cook for my family" #tradwife #happywifehappylife #familyvalues
It's because if she pretends to have a normal married life her audience is potentially huge, if she wants to target only fellow servant havers or those who aspire to that without muttering "eat the rich" or feeling alienated, she's limiting her market significantly.

No. 327823

File: 1717571557370.jpg (2.42 MB, 2160x2160, 20240605105314.jpg)

Yet another proof of her ana. Carbs are not your enemy, Taylor. The added emphasis on workout is just the cherry on top. Lower carb intake, increase the workout. Where have I heard this before? "Extra" fiber and protein, uhuh. More like mostly fiber and protein.(nitpicking)

No. 327825

While I don't doubt she's had ana behaviors, this is a normal enough meal to eat when working out nonna. Are you okay?

No. 327826

File: 1717573354017.jpg (805.81 KB, 1080x1914, 110820240605105002.jpg)

Vlog incoming. Place your bets, what's she gonna shill now? Lol

Not even brown rice is safe now, lmao.
Has she talked to a dietitian? Ever? It's not like a "high protein" diet is safe either, especially longterm. It's like she starves her body most of the day, then has a protein/fiber bomb for lunch/dinner. Sure it's better than not eating at all, but it's not sustainable longterm.(stop posting taylor's food unless it is milky)

No. 327827

It's normal if you eat other kinds of meals throughout the day and in general. This far every single meal Taylor posted is high fiber, high protein and as little carbs as possible. She's not a body builder to need this much protein daily, working out or not.

No. 327828

>Where did she find that messy squeel track in the first place?

Must be the same app where she got the crunch™ lmao

No. 327834

I thought she just used a clip of Levi laughing?

I do wonder what's going on with her. She's doing a lot differently from the last time she tried to get pregnant. By that I mean what she told us she was doing based on that book and some articles online about hair products, oils affecting fertility. I hope she is getting therapy tbh (don't mean it in a mean way). She can afford it and it would probably help her.

No. 327836

File: 1717590353459.jpg (792.04 KB, 2160x2880, IMG_20240605_051449.jpg)

Nah, she got it on tiktok.

No. 327837

She was just the same before ivf worked last time. She followed the dumb book at first but after gaining weight and getting acne from the treatments she freaked out and her ana got progressively worse. She became scarily skinny right before she started showing and launched the ivf "documentary". It's all in the old threads, you can check there for details.(tinfoiling)

No. 327840

is using fake laughter to represent your inner happiness a trend? I'm confused as to how Tom praising her food and plating makes her giggle like a baby inside

No. 327841

File: 1717595883502.jpg (1.99 MB, 4115x4783, 1717550499664.jpg)

Not sure if it's a bot or a puppet account but there's someone camping in her comment section, snapping at every single Palestine spam.(please only post comments related to the cow themselves)

No. 327842

Because it's her purpose in life and she's fulfilling it.
There's only two things she gets that happy about - imagining having a daughter and getting approved by Tom bleh

No. 327847

That's not a bot.

No. 327850

How would therapy help her? Self-reflection would only make her realize she's wasted her life chasing $$$, banging an ogre and defending his pedo stance just to continue getting it, how disgusting and pointless it has all been. If anything that will make her depressed.

No. 327856

I went and checked. It's a closed account with zero followers and posts. Definitely not a throwaway account lol

Well, let's hope a good therapist will help her stop hating herself for not being able to get pregnant and that succumbing to ana won't help her with that. She can stay with Tom if that's her life goal, but she has to love and respect herself more.

No. 327857

Like nonnas said in the last thread, her speaking out about it is stupid. She has no reason to. These commentators are demented.

No. 327858

Totally agree. These jobless spammers go around and post their demented demands just to feel superior. Taylor has never voiced her opinion on such matters. The only time she did post about an international crisis was during covid, when she was spamming screenshots of news with highlights. It was as annoying and useless as these "fighters" for justice and awareness.

No. 327885

I've noticed the online culture especially on Instagram reels, is mostly baseless nitpicking, you can post the mildest thing on the planet and 90% of the comments will be some pathetic nitpick, the palestine trolling seems to come from a similar place. People will grasp at straws to find something to whine about. She doesn't need to raise awareness, everyone knows what's happening and has seen plenty of content about it. She also is one of many hundreds of thousands of prominent influencers in 2024. People are allowed to have a niche, it's not like it's 1995 and there are 5 tv stations and one of them has an embargo on a topic which needs addressing. Justice for "stop it"-chan.(derailing)

No. 327910

File: 1717681618127.jpg (1.51 MB, 2160x2160, Collage_1.jpg)

I was gonna point out that she shows regular rice in the recipe vid meanwhile she eats only low-carb alternatives in reality but she beat me to it.
She also posted a lunch recipe today where she used almond flour tortillas. Like, can you eat normal food for once? Tom and Levi eat regular rice etc yet she makes the low carb version only for herself, so the "healthy diet" rhetoric dies there.
P.S. Someone definitely lurks, look at that performative bite.(nitpicking, 'performative bites' really?)

No. 327916

>Tom and Levi eat regular rice etc yet she eats the low carb version
Interesting catch. How came fatass Tom chomps on carbs day in, day out but Taylor opts for low carb options? It would benefit him greatly to diet with Tay every now and then, just saying.

No. 327921

Stop nitpicking about food

No. 327942

File: 1717747743310.jpg (2.79 MB, 4271x4271, IMG1717747221670.jpg)

Oh, look, everyone's favourite creep has a cute new passion now! I genuinely wonder if Taylor's fangirls are not aware of his true, sleazy nature or are turning a blind eye to it? It's impossible that ALL of them forgot about Menclub and see him as this wholesome, gentle (vomit) person.(ban evading)

No. 327943

She’s likely blocked anyone who mentions it. Plus, right after she posted her apology videos (which she then promptly hid), she did a hard 180 in content and started cultivating a completely different audience via this wholesome “I just want to have a baby” persona.

It’s the perfect cover up because now if someone brings it up she can go “but look at my sweet family. Isn’t he a great dad? How could this great dad do something like that? How can you go after me and my baby?” Basically using him as a shield. It’s so gross.

No. 327944

These women project their idealised selves onto Taylor and their ideal man onto Tom. There's no other explanation. Because the only thing Taylor and Tom have in common with "Tom" and "Taylor" her followers praise and celebrate in the comments are the names.

No. 327948

I just realized we haven’t really seen much of her family since the Men Club drama. Like one or two quick pics of her FaceTiming her grandma, but that’s it. I wonder if they freaked and soft disowned her/told her they don’t want to be posted or mentioned anymore.(tinfoiling)

No. 327949

Not true. She posted her family a LOT, made vlogmas series after the MC blew up.
She did stop posting personal stuff these past few years but she visited them last year. She just didn't vlog or post a thing, only a couple of stories here and there.

No. 327950

>Tom opening a cafe after getting a licence
I highly doubt he plans to open a cafe. Even if he does, what are the odds he will be working there himself? Zero. He'll just hire workers and managers. Neither Taylor nor Tom are the kind of people to venture into daily labor. Cooking as a hobby? Sure. Being on their feet 10 hours a day and serving people? No way.

No. 327951

File: 1717762716642.jpg (569.33 KB, 1080x1865, chipmunk.jpg)

What a view. She always looks like a different person in photos taken and posted by others. Yikes.(nitpicking)

No. 327952

She looks the same though, she's just smiling and wearing oversized glasses.

No. 327953

There's no way to avoid knowing he's sleazy, even if they don't know about MC. He's an old ass grandpa who "fell in love" with young Taylor when she was wearing schoolgirl outfits and pigtails during the dolly days, that's enough to make it clear.


No, he just owns the businesses and hires other people to run them.

>raising a child

There's a nanny for that. He's only there for the fun, convenient parts.

No. 327956

What are you talking about? Her chin looks gigantic and her face overall looks off. I guess this is kind of nitpicking but she definitely looks different from how she normally presents herself.

No. 327959

“We love men who pursue their passion!” Pleassssee girl you would NOT be with him if he was a starving artist

No. 327961

File: 1717779931181.jpg (491.6 KB, 1080x1899, purpose is purposing.jpg)

Indeed. I love how she pretends that they both have real hobbies that they're "passionate" about and he is not obsessive with shortterm interests just like her. Remember his interest in camping? Or her interest in sewing? We know how those hobbies ended. They're birds of a feather in that regard.(ban evading)

No. 327972

File: 1717800973348.png (1.15 MB, 864x1166, 1000028389.png)

I liked the outfit even though some of her stans hated it (they hate anything atypical and seem not to understand that this was an ad). That book is great, doubt she'll read it though. Seeing her in this ad pretending to read is kind of cringe.

I don't know who edited picrel, because no human has a face that looks like this. It looks really bad compared to the other more flattering photos. It reminds me of one of those badly-drawn-on-purpose comics, can't remember the name of it.

No. 327973

Is she wearing grey contacts? Because her eyes are brown-green, not this light.
To no one's surprise her ballooning cheek was edited out and substituted with the most unnatural, flat curve a cheek can have. Same goes for her chin.
Re: reading. Has she ever mentioned reading anything except fashion magazines and pseudoscientific books?
One of the commenters says they want more fashion and makeup content and Taylor replied she's been leaning more toward cooking and staying home lately. Soon her bio will only have "Food and family" kek(this is an imageboard)

No. 327981

In her ollld vlogs she would often talk about books she had finished and ones she was starting.

No. 327988

yes,you're right, I remember when she read Girlboss for six weeks

No. 327993

File: 1717847848370.jpg (843.01 KB, 1080x1896, Screenshot_20240608_1550.jpg)

She needs to see a doctor and a therapist asap. This is worrying. She doesn't allow herself even pizza, it has to be keto.(still nitpicking)

No. 328034

I am annoyed seeing everyone assume he quit his job to do this. Uh, he obviously didn't. He's not doing this full-time. Would be great to do an expensive class while already rich and get praised for following my passion!

No. 328039

File: 1717925980420.jpg (2.57 MB, 4552x4552, IMG4279251187.jpg)

Some gems from fb on this topic. Don't get me wrong, the majority of the comments are either praising him just like his insta fangirls, or telling the stories of their spouses/boyfriends doing the same. Comments like picrel are the few and between. Nevertheless, quite a number of people pointed out how expensive it is to "follow your passion" and "go back to school"

No. 328040

>he's a photographer and that's how they met
I can't believe there are people left who believe this ancient legend lmao

>a lot of girls in cooking classes

Omg, I didn't even think about that. But tbf, I doubt Tom would be able to pick up anyone. Unless it's one of Taylor's fangirls… lmao the tearful reply is even better

No. 328048

>BF or Dad?

I can't imagine Tom cheating tbh. He hit the jackpot and even younger girls don't look as good as what he already has. He can't do better. I can 100% imagine Taylor cheating though if she ever gets to spend time with a man who's not a total ogre.

No. 328057

Janny bans us for tinfoiling here but they tinfoil even worse on Facebook.
Implying he is gonna cheat because he's doing a baking class is wild. Takes two to cheat and I doubt any young women other than Taylor would even look at him.

No. 328063

She's pretending to read because it's just a photoshoot I think for MIUMIU lol. Did the caption say she's reading it?

No. 328089

Tom loves young, naive women and taking advantage of them with his money. he can communicate openly and freely with any classmate he likes in his native language without Taylor having a clue what’s going on. he’s going to EAT UP being on campus without his aging but immature instagram wife, her assistant, and their toddler dragging him all over the place for once. this is such a funny and obvious midlife crisis move for him. if Taylor’s too stupid to see what he’s trying to pull off (even if it fails miserably) the writing’s on the wall here and now girl.(tinfoiling)

No. 328093

Have you seen this man?! No girl is gonna touch this greasy hog

No. 328098

You genuinely think he's checks notes trying to cheat by attending a cooking class instead of the myriad easier ways like dating apps, contacting the sleazy models who do the sleazy events his website hosts (it was posted in the thread once and was creepy incel central ogling at women)
or, being a rich man, having a midlife crisis in a more obvious way like changing his style and getting a sports car. It's just a cooking class ffs, take your meds. You're doing 1+1 =75 here

No. 328104

I agree, he's just doing hobby stuff and rich people have time for it in general. For Taylor's sake hopefully he learns why you don't use metal on teflon. His bread side quest seems pretty boring in general though. The whole cheating thing is so unlikely.

No. 328108

File: 1718113127689.mp4 (2.13 MB, VID_112530402_181.mp4)

Continuation of the "good wife and mother" play. When will these retarded mommy vloggers understand that not caring about yourself is not a bragging point, nor is it something that should be celebrated.

No. 328122

Uwu relatable girlboss TayTay doesn't have time to plate her dinner and has to eat on the go whole juggling many housechores, three kids and two jobs.

No. 328127

She's now copying herself lol? What's the difference between this and the 'my plate vs my husband's' reel? The premise is exactly the same - look at how much I love my baby/husband and how little I care about me.

No. 328142

Not her shoving the tiny bits of fruit into her mouth with both hands like a tiny little rodent kek. And pretending to multitask by constantly staring off camera as if there's a lot going on there and she has to watch it, meanwhile it's probably just Tom and Levi eating from their ~beautiful~ plates

No. 328152

Lmao if this is real she has piss poor time management. Sit down and eat dinner with your family, do dishes and shit later. It’s stuff like this that makes me wonder why she wants another kid

No. 328170

They're both just viral templates for Tiktok vids, though she's many months late to this "fixing my toddler's plate" one. So not copying herself but simply hopping on whatever's popular like always.

Doubt Tom is much into his own women so nah. Remember Tay herself said he doesn't let her have short hair or dye her hair a dark color, and who knows what other kind of appearance demands he makes. He has his very specific type. Also he sure as hell doesn't care about communication considering he and Taylor can barely communicate, he probably likes it better like that.

No. 328224

File: 1718321698364.jpg (231.23 KB, 1080x1408, fb comments.jpg)

These are the gems of her fb comment section. She got barely 10+ comments, not counting the bots and one-liners lol Let's say it's not getting the overwhelming reaction she expected.

No. 328225

File: 1718325440218.jpg (1.98 MB, 2500x10000, Screenshot_20240614_6427.jpg)

Lmao. Good points, can't argue about any. Her cooking with her hair down stresses me out, too, ngl.

Her facebook page is a mess in general as I've noticed. She needs a new social media manager if her and her assistant(s) can't manage it properly. E.g. she usually corrects spelling errors and whatnot on insta, but her FB feels like a throwaway afterthought and if you need to see a caption or a post before it's edited and updated, go there lol
They even uploaded the recent flop boob tape part 2 twice and neither of the double vids has been deleted yet. The funniest thing is that both are failing to get attention or views.

No. 328238

27k on facebook alone isn't much of a flop, what about the other channels she has?

No. 328243

20k views and 7 comments on a page with 700k+ followers is dismal engagement. Her better performing videos have 500k to millions of views.

No. 328245

she looks so creepy in this video, oml

No. 328248

File: 1718351685949.jpg (284.11 KB, 1080x1133, IMG_20240613_144415.jpg)

I went to check her fb page for shits and giggles after seeing nonies' posts.
Guess who still has "nutrition" in her bio lol Forget that, vlogs? Haven't seen one in ages lmao

No. 328252

Only one following? Is it Rosie?

Same. Her staring into the void with vacant eyes and a dead smile always freaks me out. Somehow she never grew out of her doll phase. The fact that zero muscles move with the change of expressions adds to the uncanny valley effect. Don't overdo the botox, kids.

No. 328256

File: 1718361146871.jpg (631.8 KB, 2160x2880, Screenshot_20240614_1159.jpg)

Her insta also has some interesting comments. They are very few though.

No. 328257

>Only one following?
On instagram she’s following no one kek I remember from one of her Taytalks back then she said she knows people watch who you follow (or unfollow) and create drama from it so she thinks following nobody is the best

No. 328260

>Only one following? Is it Rosie?
Try again. It's Beauty Exchange lol

No. 328337

File: 1718408396119.jpg (2.01 MB, 2160x2160, 20240615033250.jpg)

I thought she meant reels about Tom and his baking school but nope it's a collab(?) with a baker. Weird timing if you ask me. Why suddenly bring up Tom's baking in comments, then make reels about his new hobby and then post about yourself doing the same hobby days later?

No. 328343

This is sounding like the pan thing again. Collabs like these are planned well in advance. I wonder if Tom got internally upset Taylor didn't ask him to do baking stuff with and so he signed up. Male collabs making him feel insecure maybe? lol

No. 328365

I hope Tom felt inadequate next to this man, who, without even trying, looks 1000% more attractive than he does. Not a model but clearly gives a shit about himself. Taylor's content is so confusing, I can't begin to start. I thought this is Tom's passion, like you said. Taylor eats gluten when she wants (just check any of her foodie episodes, or the French episode, or even her recipes - there's flour in her beef stew) but she sure does larp as 2010 "gluten bad!" Ironically all the gluten-free shit usually has more sugars, chemicals, etc. Would be great to see her move away from the quackery though. There's no way to make French breads or the cake Tom showed without gluten.

I just realized, I don't think Taylor has ever done a collab with a male. She did a couple modeling/event jobs with a guy but has never done a collab with a guy unless I am forgetting something. That's totally fine, it's just part of why this seems shocking. I'm trying to think if she's ever done a collab with a couple where the guy was also in the video, and I'm coming up with nothing. I feel like presenting herself as a "single teen" for such a long time was part of the reason why; she gets much more attention from guys when she doesn't mention or show Tom. She used to do a lot of "girls sleepover" pics and videos, which were marketed in a vaguely "male" fantasy way (idk any adult woman who talks about sleepovers). Anyway just something I noticed. She's entitled to only collab with women but I wonder if Tom has some secret rules or insecurities about her doing it. I just don't see Trad-tier Taylor choosing exclusively female collabs for any based reason. If she had, there are certainly a lot of women who do French pastries and breads, even in HK.

No. 328372

Agree. Her gluten and dairy "intolerances" have an interesting tendency of presenting themselves only when she's eating pastries, desserts and anything with a dough. For some reason other times they're not a problem.

Might I add that Taylor looks so much better next to the guy. There's no dissonance between their looks. I'm not talking about his appearance per se, more about him being groomed and not sloppy (I won't even mention the age gap).

Re: collab with guys. I think it has less to do with Tom and his alleged rules, and more with her usual content. Not many guys have a common audience and interests with a gold digger beauty mommy-vlogger.

No. 328379

Oh, I didn't want to say anything disrespectful, since idk if he is taken or even hetero (I didn't check his IG), but I'd be so down for Taylor getting with this guy. They look much better together. He's actually groomed. And all this while he's just rolling out dough. I actually think this type is a much better aesthetic match for her, but of course no one chooses their partner based on that. I just don't wince seeing them together.

No. 328414

Pretty sure it's just a collab.

No. 328441

>I hope Tom felt inadequate next to this man, who, without even trying, looks 1000% more attractive than he does
This man is literally the white version of Tom, overweight sloppy neckbeard, where are you seeing effort and attractiveness? Look at Taylor's own family for looksmatches, her dad and brother give you an idea of her actual male match. This guy is a 2/10 like Tom is actually better (at 3.5/10)

No. 328471

Nooo, giiirl, calling this man a white Tom is an insult. He's obviously put some effort into his beard and hair, whereas Tom looks like an Asian grandma in menopause plus a graying stubble. Of course Taylor's brother looks like a better match, they're siblings. But when it comes to looking sloppy, he isn't much better than Tom judging by the many old vlogs in which Taylor showed him.

No. 328541

This guy is a baking teacher in HK and most probably is the teacher for Tom's baking class, so that could be why Tay approached him for a collab instead of it being some coincidence.

Anyways Tay is a golddigger through and through, all she sees in men is dollar signs, not any kind of physical attractiveness or personality attraction. That should be very obvious by this point. The ogre has no reason to be worried or jealous unless she starts hanging out with other millionaires because money is literally all she cares about in men. Btw saying that someone's dad and brother are their looksmatch is kinda creepy…

No. 328575

re looksmatch, it just means attractiveness level for her gene pool. Most women are memed into punching below their weight (ie. dating uggers) and being attracted to "personality" but the point is Taylor is from an attractive family/gene pool and if she was dating her equal they would also be attractive. Pudgy neckbeard is still punching below her weight, just because he's a white pudgy neckbeard doesn't make him any better than Tom.

It does seem likely he's the teacher with that info given, and would make a lot of sense for why they collabed.

No. 328624

File: 1718694331127.jpg (275.5 KB, 1080x1832, Screenshot_20240618_0759.jpg)

Skincare breakfast? Is this the latest brain fart on tiktok? I think I'm getting too old for this braindead gen z terminology.

No. 328628

This is so last year. Gosh, Taylor, at least copy recent trends.

No. 328640

Why does she talk like a robot in all her reels?

No. 328641

Reminds me of early 2000s "skincare smoothie" and workout routines. Probably just vitamin rich.

No. 328645

Is her algorithm retarded or something lmao? She can't be late to trends all the time.

I think it's the usual style of tiktok. You gotta do a voiceover with as little emotion as possible. Even better if it's a literal robot reading the text for you.

The funniest thing is that she's old enough to have experienced all of these "new shiny" health hacks when they tended 10 and 20 years ago.

No. 328647

She's not really late when it's a trend again technically and these do have some benefits, but it's no different from telling people to take vitamins too. It's not special.

No. 328688

File: 1718877360731.mp4 (8.38 MB, Screenrecorder-2024-06-20.mp4)

This story is the epitome of cringe. Taylor missing the straw twice while trying to pout at the camera, Levi demanding attention and her trying to stay chic and pretty while still pouting blankly at the camera, trying to ignore him. Then the ogre appears in the background and the stark contrast to her dolled up self is the cherry on top.

No. 328689

File: 1718882039107.jpg (387.27 KB, 1080x1902, 20240620141234.jpg)

Lmfao she looks pissed! Won't be the first time she's annoyed at Levi's clinginess. I'm curious to know why she posted this video if nothing in it goes according to plan lol

No. 328691

What procedure causes those lines going up from her lips?

No. 328696

It's called curling the corners of your lips? It's not a procedure lol(wk)

No. 328701

File: 1718896208946.jpg (1.06 MB, 2160x2160, IMG_20240620_18.jpg)

I have no idea which one of her procedures led to this Joker smile but normal people's lips for sure don't curl like that. It might be filler accumulating after overpumping her cheeks and nasolabisl folds. Look at the bump at her lip corners and the deep dimple next to it. It does not look like a natural skin texture.

No. 328707

Too much filler in the cheeks/nasolabial area

No. 328713

You can also clearly see her lip fillers. At some point she got them I guess, after the dolly phase.

No. 328722

File: 1718911545047.jpg (525.8 KB, 1080x1999, Screenshot_20240620_138.jpg)

Speaking of that Benefit reel. I was gonna applaud her for the change in repetitive content and finally doing something that is not tradwife-coded, then I read the caption. Of course the only meaningful content was handed to her by a company. The script is too well-worded to be a result of her brain activity. At least she tagged them properly, gotta give her that.

The fuck is going on with her upper lip, indeed? I've noticed these weird bumps and folds, but it was not this prominent before.

No. 328746

kekk Tom is such a jumpscare, I have to say she looks beautiful here. it's rare we see her in these types of pretty clothes, it's always "trendy" baggy beige shit.
She has a full joker indent going on, her surgery and injections and stuff are very minimal, but anons have theorised in the long distant past that she had a lip lift, and somehow this led to scarring of the muscles inside her mouth over time, which contracted (as scar tissue usually does) causing this joker smile. Surgeons being irresponsible shocker.

No. 328766

File: 1718957612355.jpg (3.47 MB, 4390x5221, 21718954263079.jpg)

She dressed as Belle which makes Tom the Beast lmao She's not being subtle lmao
She keeps mentioning the upcoming vlog in the comments but it's been about a month now and still no updates on YouTube.
S/N just how long does she take to drink a tiny cup of a smoothie? lol

Yeah, I remember those discussions. Tbf, you can still kinda see the forced upwards tilt even when she's not smiling, so at least some of the lip lift effect is still there.

No. 328767

I can't help but notice how she dressed as the main character and Levi is just a sidekick, even though it was his first trip to Disneyland and it's supposed to be all about him. I mean, she could've dressed him as any other character, not a fucking speaking candelabra.

Just another proof that in Taylor's world she's always the most important and always number one, even though her trad wife reels misleadingly paint a different picture.

No. 328768

It’s so obvious she does not want more kids. I think she, like so many others, liked the IDEA of kids, but once she had him she realized what she’d done.

On the joker smile, she does have a bit of a natural curl-up at the corners. I have it as well. BUT there was a popular procedure that could give you a “smiling” look even when your lips were at rest. It was big in East Asia around the time she was doing the fake dolly girl thing. I’m almost positive she had it done.

No. 328769

The perfect trad wife/ex-influencer/model sweet girl mask has been slipping hard lately. It feels like she got what she wanted (marriage and anchor/bag baby) and now she’s devoid of purpose. She seems either always pissed or always empty/depressed. It’s what she gets I guess.

No. 328773

File: 1718973424734.jpg (228.76 KB, 1080x1877, IMG_20240621_163149.jpg)

I think she does want another kid, a girl specifically. If it's anothed boy, she'd be pissed for sure.
She seems to dislike his clinginess and constant need of attention, not the kid himself. She posted this story today showing Levi and Rosie sleeping with her and Tom and she doesn't look happy kek.
A couple of weeks ago she was complaining about Levi not wanting to sleep alone. The fact that a kid being a kid irritates her so much is weird, given how much she wanted the said kid, is weird.(tinfoiling)

No. 328774

Jfc why do people who are obviously fed up with their kids and role as a parent want more children then? Reminds me of Freya from the altcows

No. 328782

>>328768 for real. now she’s got a toddler who’s only going to get bigger, stronger, louder, and more defiant the longer she goes on ignoring him and pushing him away. Levi’s pushy and starved for attention for a reason, he only gets it when mommy and her assistant can get the shot and record it. once the kid really stops cooperating for camera it’s over lol

No. 328814

I mean sleeping with a kid's foot inches from your face (and probably getting kicked every so often) is not fun for anyone, but she did sign up for this
Lucky dip, they think they can get a kid they like more if they keep having more. Explains why so many people who hate kids also have large families, 5th time's the charm! Like they just don't want to admit to themselves that they dislike it and it's fine. They blame the kid themselves as being the problem.
Levi is basically perfect as far as kid's go, cute, friendly, smart, no health issues, and she has no financial issues to cause stress, plus nannies and assistants. It doesn't get better than this. If this situation is pissing her off, adding another kid into the mix won't improve it. The problem isn't the kid.

No. 328847

Weening children from sleeping with you is always a pain, they wake you up in the middle of the night, so I understand the frustration. You capped it at the worse part though lol she's got morning face, but here >>328766 she looks so happy and she's always playing or cooking with Levi. She hasn't done anything to make it seem like she hates having him and regrets a boy or anything like that. Am I missing something that she's done that makes it clear she's tired of having him? They just went to Disneyland

No. 328849

I feel like she didn't really want kids in the first place tbh. It seems like Tom is the one who pushed for a kid, he's the one that bought baby Nike shoes and whatever else like a decade before because he was obsessed with having a baby. She had a kid because it's what was expected of her and was necessary to keep the man around. If you ever look through regretful parents communities, there's definitely a common pattern of women being pressured into having kids by men. I don't remember Taylor ever talking passionately about wanting kids or anything until she got with Tom, but really not even until way later into their relationship either.

No. 328854

Yeah my theory has always been that Tay is asexual or naturally has a very low sex drive, when you're consistently underweight and malnourished your hormones get thrown all out of wack, I can tell she is the type of person that has trouble relinquishing any control over her own body and sex very much involves that.(medfagging)

No. 328856

She treats both Levi and Rosie as props. As soon as they stop acting according to her plan, she gets annoyed.
What do you mean my kid wants to be held all the time? I can't, I'm busy filming my outfit. What do you mean my kid wants to sleep with his parents? I want to rest and not be bothered. What do you mean my dog pisses in my bed to get my attention? I want it to stop soiling up the house my maid cleans and leave me alone. What do you mean my dog wants to spend more time with me? Doesn't going to a cafe where I take photos with it not count? Etc.
She wants them to be nice and cooperative when she's acting like a busy mom on camera and when they don't (which is the majority of the time), she gets sour and sulky and complains about it.

I totally agree that another kid is definitely not the solution. Imagine her oh so desired daughter not wanting to be her little dress up doll and Levi wanting the full attention back and throwing tantrums. Now imagine them both growing up enough to start fighting and arguing all the time for stupid things. She's absolutely not ready for it. Hell, she can't even deal with a single kid, let alone two.

No. 328859

Lol, sure, the "unfortunate" screencap from an unedited story where she's unimpressed all the time (both the morning story and the pretending to drink while showing off her dress one) can't be trusted and is untruthful, but a edited reel where she included shots of her grinning face is the one we should count as authentic. Gotcha.
S/n she looks pissed in the other screencap you quoted, yet you choose to ignore it?

Of course she's not gonna announce that she regrets having a baby, but the signs are always there. She's constantly complaining about his clinginess and need for attention. Look through the old threads, there are more examples.

No. 328861

Hormones and obsession about body control aside, there's no way she's sexually attracted to that toad. No way. No matter how much she loves his "personality" lmao.
She's just doing her part of the deal, imo.

No. 328864

File: 1719019379234.jpg (368.52 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20240622_042.jpg)

Miss I-walk-on-my-knees-around-the-house-if-I'm-wearing-shoes, everyone. It's not like we didn't know but for someone who constantly pretends to follow Asian rules and capitalise on it she's so hypocritical and full of shit. Levi is wearing his outside shoes, too.

No. 328894

File: 1719039884483.jpg (182.64 KB, 1080x1236, 37520240622061736.jpg)

This is her reply to a comment under one of her GRWM reels, calling out her wearing shoes at home.
>It's just to show you the full look
>I wore them in a specific area and wipe it after
Lol, no. In this reel if you blink you'd miss the shoes so it's not at all "to show the full outfit". There have been multiple instances of her wearing shoes inside and then claiming otherwise. This is just one example.

No. 328897

Japanese girls on sm usually put a small carpet underneath them to show their ootd or they have s mirror in the “shoe room”/entrance area. She’s obviously lying

No. 328899

>constantly pretends to follow Asian rules and capitalises on it
Nailed it. It is all pretension for clicks and sensationalism. Heck, even her copy-pasted recipes are presented as genius discoveries and never seen before hacks.

Oh, that's smart and convenient!

No. 329251

File: 1719446006579.jpg (1.09 MB, 2160x2160, 1320240626034856.jpg)

I hope this was the reaction she was aiming at because the same topic was extensively discussed under the insta reel, too. She's literally tapping into toilet humor (again).

No. 329267

File: 1719450882254.jpg (260.84 KB, 1080x1909, IMG_20240625_090625.jpg)

In the story she framed it as a change in mindset blah blah. As much as I would like to believe that Taylor works out to be able to keep up with her toddler, yeah right, her track record says otherwise. Remember how she was working out "for strength" after having Levi, only to have a breakdown because she couldn't lose weight fast enough? Or how she was working out to "build strength" during the IVFs only to end up crying because she gained weight and can't keep it off? Etc. We've heard this tune many many times before. Ain't nobody believing your "health"-oriented motivation again, Taylor.

No. 329297

Funny how she doesn't care about her fatass husband's health or whether he can keep up with the kid.

No. 329318

File: 1719482899108.jpg (449.29 KB, 1080x1895, Screenshot_20240627_1137.jpg)

The arched eyebrows with the frozen face make her look like a 50-year-old vegan trophy housewife that lives in a gated community and habitually bullies waiters and her kid's teachers. Her face is already melting and she's barely in her mid-thirties, yikes. No graceful aging for this fruit.

And judging by her looks in Tom's story she got a couple of syringes of fresh cheek filler. Look at the chipmunk volume being back.

No. 329322

He's perfect the way he is, unlike his fat, unhealthy and flawed wife, don't you haters know lmao

Well it's mostly true lol Everything except the age and the bullying staff is the description of Taylor.
I've noticed that she smartly times her fillers to be done when she's not posting or having a "hiatus". Either that or she prerecords a lot of vids and uploads them while the swelling goes down.

No. 329653

File: 1719652415568.jpg (404.87 KB, 1080x1889, 5113320240629.jpg)

Why indeed are you always a week early to everything, Taylor lol She should learn how to use her calendar or something. This is beyond dumb at this point.

No. 329685

There’s something people call “mom brain.” Basically people claim when you have a kid(s), you get more forgetful/stupid. Truly terrifying. Add in she was always an absolute idiot…can’t image just how low her it is now.

No. 329687

*iq(learn 2 delete)

No. 329689

In another thread we briefly discussed that women with lower iq will rather have children that women with higher iq. Explains a lot with our Taylor Mombrain Richard.(IQ tinfoil)

No. 330019

I hope taylor is aware she looks insane here
Early onset dementia but make it fashion
(seriously how hard is it to check dates)
Hello fellow altcow anon kek, yeah that iq thing is bullshit, there are a lot more factors to consider (correlation vs causation, i.e. high IQ women are more likely to have good careers and less time for multiple children, not that having kids is itself a low iq decision, just that some women have more limited options)
I've read the body takes 7 years to fully recover from childbirth, brainfog is common when any health issues are present

No. 330054

>I've read the body takes 7 years to fully recover from childbirth
Never heard of this. The hormones and the reproductive system should recover on half a year, a year max, unless there are health issues and chronic disease. The brainfog and forgetfulness during pregnancy and postpartum aka "mommy brain" should also go away in half a year. Levi is two now. Plus, she was never known for her intellectual abilities and wits to start with, so it's very questionable if she became "dumb" and distracted now or if she was always like this (I'm leaning towards the former lol).

No. 330119

she’s getting stupider and more socially isolated/insulated the longer she’s in HK. at least in Japan it seemed as if taylor had some off-camera connections with the other girls she recorded with. she seemed to have a lot more time to herself when Tom was off camera, although who knows how fucking weird their relationship was back then during the dolly years?

anyway yeah mental health decline from being isolated, terminally online, postpartum, dragging your family along with you on camera is what it is. she’s only going to get messier from here the longer she stays online. she’d be better off a divorced nobody in the hick town she came from with Levi and her parents money lol.

No. 330356

File: 1719998877354.jpg (1.51 MB, 2160x2880, another dumbass recipe.jpg)

Taylor changing tunes about the reason behind her "high protein" meals one comment/story at the time.
Version 1 - it's for Levi (I keep cooking chicken even though he doesn't like/eat it and there's no other source of protein I know of). Version 2 - I'm skipping heavy cream because it's high calorie - raise your hand if you're surprised by this reasoning. Version 3 not shown here but surely appears under any other recipe - it's healthier.

I added the second comment as an example of Taylor forgetting the very tip she kept spamming under her older video lmao. Dumbass. This shit after she spent so much energy preaching "baking powder for chicken, soda for beef" like a robot. Look at her backtracking.

No. 330358

I hate how she's using Levi as a reason behind her ana behaviour. The heavy cream is also a good source of fats and protein but she won't mention that. Having it every now and then won't suddenly lead to health issues, especially if it's a part of a balanced diet. There's no need to substitute already healthy and nutritious ingredients in recipes unless you get sick because of them (e.g. diabetes, IBS, lactose-intolerance, celiac disease etc). The only true reason she keeps cutting calories and going "high protein" is her fear of calories and, lord forbid, gaining weight from eating a normal meal.

Side note, I thought she cooked normal meals, not low-carb-high-protein-bullshit for Tom and Levi? Now she says she's "adding protein" for the kid? Just cook something other than chicken if he doesn't eat it, my gosh. Why keep cooking something he doesn't like and then stressing out about him not getting enough nutrients? (I know it has nothing to do with Levi in reality)

No. 330359

"Marry me" pasta. You're married with a kid ffs lol.

No. 330360

It's the original name of the dish, she didn't come up with it. But I love how she chose a dish with the most trad wife sounding name kek. I went googling and apparently it's a relatively new recipe developed in 2016.
I'm sorta disappointed. I wasn't expecting something sounding so outdated and patriarchal to be created less than a decade ago.
Anyway, she probably did came across it on tiktok. It was all the rage a year or so ago. This retard is late to trends as always.

No. 330365

File: 1720004012645.jpg (86.86 KB, 1080x585, Screenshot_20240703_1041.jpg)

>it gives the dish creaminess without adding heavy cream
Reminded me of her iconic
>"creamy yet no cream"

Re: Baking soda. She forgot her genius hack? lmao Tells you all you need to know about her. She saw the baking soda vs baking powder tip somewhere and decided to present it as her own observation and went as far as correcting people in the comments if they disagreed or questioned it, but when a different recipe used the 'wrong' tenderiser, she didn't even notice and presented that as her hack lol.

No. 330371

Who's her audience again? Middle aged housewives who dont have tiktok and wait for trends to dribble down to insta a year later? I'm seriously doubting that people who are really interested in recipes would go to her page for inspo so why the hell does she keep pushing this boring cooking content?

No. 330642

>why does she keep pushing cooking content?
the first few vids got a lot of views so she thought she hit a gold mine but the latest recipes got even less views than her stupid unfunny skits and grwm. no idea why she insists on making them though. the formula obviously stopped working after two vids.

No. 330698

File: 1720176996213.mp4 (11.72 MB, VID_132941026_062101_271.mp4)

Taylor pretending to wear legging every day and not exclusively to the gym because lululemon payed her. If this isn't the epitome of inauthenticity, I don't know what is.

No. 330699

File: 1720177440163.jpg (705.08 KB, 1080x1917, 20240705093442.jpg)

The funniest thing is the photo she posted as "proof" of her being a big fan pre-sponsorship is from her pregnancy. And it's just one single photo. For someone who buys shitton of clothes and definitely owns more than one pair of leggings, it is a very big stretch to call yourself a fan when you've only ever tried one product years ago and never bought a second pair.
I highly doubt that all the following fits she showed in her stories were not on the PR deal.

No. 330701

File: 1720178504267.jpg (2.11 MB, 3160x7339, Comments.jpg)

I love how her followers are not having it either.

She shouldn't have posted this. She should've just said she likes the brand and left it at that. Cringe.

No. 330702

1-2 sponsorships per months? Who's she kidding? Or does she not count the stories? Because she was promoting the baby toy rental just a couple of days ago. That already makes two sponsored posts in the span of a week and the month has just started. The Benefit shill was two weeks ago - I know it's a different month, but if she truly does only two ads max per month, the sum of ads from four consecutive weeks wouldn't be drastically different, unless she posts the max number of ads in the beginning or end of the month only.

No. 330704

File: 1720194711653.png (1.8 MB, 864x1515, 1000029685.png)

I guess she's not counting her stories, since those are almost always sponsored or gifts. She just did a Vivaia sponsorship and event. Their shoes look awful and I get their spammy ads even on incognito. I don't know anyone my age who would buy that style of shoe.

No. 330706

Maybe she's not counting repetitive sponsors.

No. 330717

Doesn't make the posts non-sponsored. She's a habitual liar and gaslighter.

"Tom's site is a place for innocent, pure, rich guys to discuss cars and be nostalgic about their schoolyears, it's not predatory or disgusting. The teenage girls consented to this", in reality Tom owns a sleazy playboy magazine and exploits the morally grey area of underage gravure modeling.
"Noooo, why would you think I'm pregnant? Don't congratulate us, there's nothing to congratulate, it's just a documentary about my journey", two weeks later - "I'm pregnant!".
"I do everything around the house and look after Levi on my own, we don't have family in HK to help us sob sob", reveals months later that she has a live-in slave.
"I'm very busy and can't edit new content, Levi is taking too much time", has a nanny/domestic help and a team of editors and assistants, AND has zero problems with filming and posting sponsored reels and vlogs. Etc. Etc.

No. 330719

These shoes are the ugliest invention. I've NEVER seen anyone other than influencers wear them.

She's just playing dumb. Of course every second post is sponsored or features a shilled product. She'll either make a separate post about the Vivaia event and later claim it's one of the two sponsorships, or start wearing the shoes in the GRWMs without mentioning that they're shilled like she does with the other "gifted" items.

No. 330721

Miss I don't wear shoes at home because it's an Asian tradition, my ass. Lmao

No. 330774

File: 1720244576008.mp4 (5.21 MB, 720x1280, 1000030081.mp4)

Kek, I bet it pained her to have to post this delayed advertisement right after the last one. I hope she doesn't think up these dumb ads. idk how she doesn't feel retarded with this sponsorship in particular, the shoes look so flimsy and cheap next to her higher quality clothes.

No. 330788

File: 1720264534739.jpg (402.72 KB, 1080x1927, IMG_20240706_01.jpg)

I'm still in shock she has the nerve to blatantly lie to her followers about the number of ads and post one not even 24 hours after sassing them and playing the victim.

P.S. Can I please ridicule the "morning" look in the beginning of the ad? What a clown.

No. 330921

File: 1720371732858.jpg (1.57 MB, 2160x2160, Chef TayTay.jpg)

I thought she'd lay low for a while like she always does after getting criticised, but no, she's back to acting like a busy mommy in the stories.
S/N Looking at her focused expression you'd think she's baking something sophisticated and complicated, but nope, it's just these ugly turds lmao So much so for someone who announced a collab with a professional baker not too long ago lol.(nitpicking)

No. 330929

She's not the professional lol of course it looks like shit.

No. 330936

Oh, nice catch. I didn't even pay attention to that detail. Tayliar never changes.

There's no way she saw this and went "I look great, let's use this footage". The duck lip is sending me lmfao

FOR ONCE she's cooking with her hair up. Thank goodness. And yes, these look as unappetizing as they get.

No. 330939

Had to roll my eyes she just HAD to include a clip where she’s “cooking” with the child in one arm. Such a trad goddess uwu

No. 330948

Did she address any of the comments calling out the brand specifically?

No. 330964

File: 1720389284389.jpg (927.14 KB, 2160x2160, comments.jpg)

Of course not! But she made sure to respond to almost every single positive comments.

Well, she has to make sure she includes him either in the vid or in the text lest her followers forget she's a working mom. Again, in case you forgot, she's a mom and has a very whiny and clingy kid, who demands attention! It's a hard work to cook and take care of him, why won't you pity poor tired Taylor?

No. 330981

I remember how she used to do the same trick with Rosie before Levi was born. I assume it's a must for her to show that she does not simply cook, oh no no, she multitasks!

I wanted to check her fb comments to see what people think there but guess what? She stopped updating it. The latest post is from June 27th. Either Vivaia told her not to post on fb or she fired her sm manager and can't be arsed to upload things to fb by herself.

No. 331063

File: 1720434240707.jpg (1.99 MB, 2160x2160, 100320240708.jpg)

I guess this is also not an ad.

No. 331092

No lol It's not a sponsorship, it's just a gift from her good friend, the owner of the company /s

No. 331107

These aren't technically sponsorships in this case. It's PR which isn't the same.

No. 331160

An ad is an ad, whether she gets cash or freebies for her services doesn't change much. Plus the primary complaint was about the lack of of authenticity. There's nothing authentic about making your toddler play with PR goods.
The overwhelming majority of her posts is either sponsored or features a "PR product".

No. 331184

I get what you're saying, however, it isn't the same as far as how PR, gifts, and sponsors go. You are working for the sponsors, you are not working for the free PR and gifts. There is a difference in how you post about it. Gifts and PR are not #ADs. It's not supposed to be authentic, but it doesn't make the goods less valuable just because it is PR. Levi can still play with the ice cream thing just like he can wear the baby clothes Gucci sent Taylor. There's no reason for her to turn these items down, but she doesn't have to include something about it being an ad when it isn't a sponsored post.

No. 331269

File: 1720527950838.jpg (678.24 KB, 1080x1915, 26161320240709.jpg)

Yeah, all she has to do is quietly wear them in multiple videos and posts.

>It's not supposed to be authentic

Then she shouldn't get agitated when people call it out. She wants to have the cake and eat it too. That's not how it works. At some point people catch up with the lies and start seeing influencers for what they are - walking advertisement boards.

Picrel of her sneaking in a sponsored pic among others as if the shoes were her choice and a part of her outfit initially.
I didn't notice any other subtle shills, but I'm starting to lose track of all the shit she's endorsing through stories. Do point them out if I missed any.

No. 331289

It's not "snuck in", you posted a single photo from a 10 photo drop post of her from the past few months. She doesn't even need to say it's sponsored bc the 10 photo post isn't sponsored. I really think you need to understand how influencers and posts work and when they have to announce something is an ad. Your example is not an ad or sponsored. It's just a photo. She doesn't need to say every single time she wears something after her sponsored posts were fulfilled. Most companies pay you for a wall or story post, but you can still use those photos after without tagging them. It's free merch now.

No. 331294

Influencers absolutely have to announce it when they're using or showing sponsored products, tf? That's called being transparent. If someone doesn't watch her stories every single day they would very much miss half of the sponsored stories that she later posts to the feed without tagging the sponsors or even mentioning them, yet she acts like the things she shows are her choice and preference. She's been doing that for ages and we've been calling it out for ages.
The only ones who think that posting a photo from a sponsored event wearing sponsored shoes without disclosing that to your audience is OK, are you and and Taylor.

This is not the only example. She's been posting multiple posts featuring outfits from that stalker Ryu label or the uglyass white jumpsuit from her "friend" Vivian Lu and never did she mention that they were sponsored.
Some sponsors don't require you to tag or mention them directly. As long as you wear their things, they'll pay you for exposure. It's a grey area that deceitful and amoral influences like Taylor regularly exploit.

No. 331316

This is after she posted the sponsored stuff. She can freely post after the fact without mentioning it.

No. 331330

She can use the photo as many times as she wants since she already did her sponsorship here >>330704 That's how influencer posts are sold and why they repeatedly reuse the products even when they've already done their contract. You don't have to tag the company every time you use the item though. That's insane and not how those contracts are drawn up unless you are an ambassador, which in that case, you agree to a certain number of posts using your coupon codes and having the disclaimer, even then it's not every instance the photo is reused or the item is reused/reworn. This is all basic knowledge and why she hasn't broken any terms. It has nothing to do with Honk Kong's division having different disclosure rules like anons think it does.

No. 331343

>she shouldn't get agitated when people call it out

This is the only part that I have a problem with. She's free to post as many ads and shilled products she wants. But then she shouldn't act like she bought them or genuinely likes them, let alone pretend to do only two sponsorships per month then keep posting payed stories.

The lululemon for example was such a stretch (pun intended) but she made sure to pretend she likes the brand so much, she used it grand TWO TIMES! Even after her followers expressed concern about her choice of sponsors, she ignored that and instead spammed a different sponsor with the same tactics.

Same for Vivaia. She literally never wears those ugly ass shoes but every time they pay her she starts harping about their "nice quality and comfiness", wears them for lookbooks and never wears them again until the next collab.

Remember the baby formula fiasco? Has she mentioned that ever again? Of course not. But next time they pay her she'll pretend Levi has been drinking it 24/7 all this time.

There has been a lack of genuine content from her for a loooong time.

No. 331344

>Some sponsors don't require you to tag or mention them directly. It's a grey area that influences regularly exploit.
And this is all that needs to be said about Taylor and influencers in general. People should realise that these women are not your friends and are never genuine. Greed and money will always get in the way of their honest reviews and recommendations. As long as they're payed enough they'll be "in love" and "obsessed" with literally anything.
As >>331316 and >>331330 said, these are the rules of the game and of course she's not gonna disclose more than she legally has to.

No. 331368

File: 1720611225790.mp4 (16.58 MB, 1072x1920, 20240710_12.mp4)

So he really only knows "lailai" in Cantonese, god knows why.
It would be better if Tom only spoke Cantonese to him, while Taylor spoke English. It's been proven to be an effective way of raising a bilingual kid. Right now Tom only speaks English to him, so it's no surprise the kid doesn't speak Cantonese nearly as good as he speaks English.(nitpicking)

No. 331378

Tom is a terrible teacher. He starts off by teaching him the colours in Cantonese then switches to teaching him how to say "white" in English. It's confusing for the kid. Plus, judging by Levi's reluctance and protests to being taught, he didn't approach it in a playful or entertaining manner. He's just shoving sticks in front of the kid and naming their colours, instead of explaining the rules of the game or making it fun for the kid.(nitpicking)

No. 331399

Tom seems uninterested and a little irritated too the child feels that. Like the other nonnas said you gotta approach it in a playful way, it’s a child ffs. Are they only starting now with the cantonese??

No. 331429

Makes me kinda sad she still talks to Levi like he’s a baby. “Hi widdle man! Are you feewing bettew?” Girl he knows what you’re saying, he’s a toddler(hes a baby ffs, nitpicking)

No. 331434

Judging by Tom's impatience and Levi's reaction, plus him only speaking English and zero Cantonese, this was one of the few instances that Tom tried to teach him and Taylor decided to film it to showcase that 1) Tom being a uwu great dad by yelling "white" at the kid until he says it correctly, and 2) they are in fact teaching him Cantonese.

This begs the question. What language does the domestic helper/nanny talk? English? If she spoke canto or chinese Levi would've picked up at least something. Kids his age learn very fast.

No. 331435

Levi is acting like any kid not wanting to learn something and Tom isn't acting aggressive or impatient. Also we haven't seen proof of a helper or nanny in months, so how should any of us know? It's just assumed they have one when everything posted is Levi with the parents.

No. 331439

>What language does the domestic helper/nanny talk? English?
most likely. princess taytay won't tolerate a language she can't understand lol. besides, domestic helpers in hk are usually immigrants, so english or chines is your best bet, depending on the country of origin.

agree, it's tom's usual way of talking. he uses the sane irritated-sounding voice when talking to taylor, too.

taylor said herself that they have a nanny/domestic helper. the fact that she never showed her doesn't mean she doesn't exist lol. she also doesn't show her assistants and editor, but you don't foam at the mouth trying to prove their non-existence.

No. 331486

File: 1720697334159.jpg (2.33 MB, 2160x2160, 101520240711.jpg)

Four stories about the same place, makes sure to tag the insta page in every single one. Can she be less obvious?

No. 331487

File: 1720698705585.jpg (152.88 KB, 1080x832, 2042024071112.jpg)

And of course it's a vegan gelato place lol I thought she stopped the vegan spiel when she moved to HK.(nitpicking)

No. 331488

In my head I still judge her the most for showing her childs face. You can share stuff about the kid but do people have to see his face? I feel sorry for him later realizing that people saw all these pictures of him without him having a choice. There are really weird people out there on the internet.

No. 331489

How is this animal free if they disclose they use lactose in the ingredients? One flavor is literally called rich milk or fior di latte

No. 331491

I'm pretty sure it's not meant to be all be vegan, they just have vegan options

No. 331493

I wanna hear her conversation with her assistant taking these pictures lol. "Take a photo of Tom holding Levi. OK. Now give Levi to me and take my photo holding him. We have to make sure they see we have a kid!".

No. 331497

File: 1720706537548.jpg (600.19 KB, 1080x1944, IMG_20240711_132453.jpg)

Tom is even worse. Levi ended up on the cafe's stories because the sleazebag doesn't understand the potential dangers of posts like this. Sure, post your kid to your insta, but don't tag the place so they repost him ffs

No. 331501

Are they telling me they can't afford a stroller? Lol Why is she holding him in every single story?(nitpicking)

No. 331502

They didn't take Rosie with them? Poor dog must feel so lonely and left out.(nitpicking)

No. 331511

Report him for what exactly?

No. 331519

ugh this poor kid. why wouldn’t they have Tom speaking Cantonese to him since birth?? Levi’s a Hong Kong citizen, will be going to school with Cantonese speaking peers in a couple short years, and both his parents’ speak English like shit. they need to get him off camera and into speech therapy before they screw him up more for views and sponcon money

No. 331521

Jokes on you, he'll go to an international school where everyone speaks English lol But I agree, not speaking Cantonese when living in HK and having a parent that speaks a language is a huge missed opportunity.

No. 331526

I'm pretty sure the kids will be studying mandarin in a couple of years, the culture has been shifting for a while now already.

No. 331561

not report

No. 331569

It's almost like a man in his 50s doesn't have the energy or patience to be raising a little kid. Old ass men shouldn't be having kids. He's grandpa age, no wonder he's tired.

No. 331572

Age has nothing to to with it. It's not like he's the only guy in the world having a kid in his forties. It's a matter of will and readiness to learn. Being a good parent is a skill, not a talent.

No. 331594

Agree. It’s so easy to make a kid especially when you got a petri dish and cash. But actually raising the child and educating it is so much work that people don’t seem to calculate in when they wish for kids. I swear it must be some ape primal instinct to reproduce and be done.

No. 331619

Lmao this reminds me of the time when Levi was a newborn and Taylor included in her vlog instructions for how to feed Levi for Tom. It’s just sad. That’s what you get when you marry for money ig

No. 331622

Nonna she's maintained an online following and took and edited videos and pictures of herself for like a decade, she has plenty of experience to easily find a job in media. She's probably already been offered one and turned it down because she's lazy and doesn't want to work on anything that isn't about herself. The problem isn't that she doesn't have a brain or that she doesn't use it, it's that she uses it for the stupidest things. Something like the best case scenario seems to be where she's headed (minus the rich part, I doubt she can get more than a "doctor or lawyer" type), but the way she is so self-centered I doubt she'd even care much about her moid cheating on her so long as he was a good prop for her vids. She never seemed very romantically-inclined, her moids are purely utilitarian.

No. 331626

That's what you get for trying to present your husband as an exemplar parent when he's not lol She thought it'd be cute to showcase his "caring" and "helpful" side but to this day he's been failing every single time lol The video with teaching Levi the colors was just another example of him being totally unaware of how to deal with children.

No. 331646

He hasn't done anything to show he's a bad parent.

No. 331658

Hasn't shown being remarkable at parenting either. Every time Taylor shows him he's struggling to look after the kid or communicating with him. It's obvious Taylor is spending waaay more time with Levi than Tom despite them both being at home almost 24/7.

No. 331659

File: 1720827480149.jpg (313.89 KB, 1080x2128, flopbook.jpg)

Yey! Fb-manager-chan is back in business lol But no one cares kek

No. 331695

25k people have watched it though.

No. 331703

Her better performing videos have hundreds of thousands if not millions of views. 25k views on fb is nothing. Plus there's zero engagement. One of the three comments is her own, so the video is not interesting even to her core audience.

No. 331711

Nobody cares about her almond mom recipes

No. 331717

It's facebook what do you expect lol it's a dead platform

No. 331726

The best description for her "healthy" recipes lol. Must suck to have both ana and orthorexia.

Oh, no, no, it's very much alive when it comes to e.g. her trad wife content or toilet-themed vids lmao Or the boob-featuring vids. Some of the earlier recipes got a bunch of views and comments, too.(tinfoiling)

No. 331742

>Must suck to have both ana and orthorexia
Why? In her case they're a perfect match and constantly fuel each other kek. She can keep dieting and losing weight AND pretend that it's "for health". A very common trope these days, actually. A lot of thinfluencers do the same (Sanne Vloet, Chriselle Lim, Valeria Lipovetsky etc).

No. 331897

A new ad disguised as another boring "vlog". The video is about 15 minutes long and the Benefit ad takes 4+ minutes, the good third of the video.

The gelato place was an ad, too, after all. No wonder both her and the sleazebag made sure to tag them in every single post lol The hidden ad detection formula works perfectly after all kek.

No. 331903

So Tom's interest in baking is VERY recent. From her insta comments I was under the impression that he's been baking for a while before she started hinting at it. Turns out she started announcing in comments that he "likes baking" as soon as or just before he started the classes lol. All of that just to shut her followers that kept saying he doesn't cook lol

I didn't know you were allowed to film in Disneyland. Or was it specifically Disneyland Japan?

No. 331918

You can film in all the Disneylands. Only US Disney parks have banned selfie sticks.

No. 331921

You can record in HK's DL if its for "personal use". Otherwise you need a permit. Last time she was allowed to film there because it was an ad requested by DL. I don't think a vlog falls under "personal use" because in her case she's posting it to make money, but you can't call it "commercial use" either. One way or another she probably used her phone to film, which can't be prohibited.

No. 331922

File: 1721083481969.jpg (246.98 KB, 1080x591, thumbnail.jpg)

And nothing in the title is true and not out of context.

>Going back to school

lmao The lie by omission for a clickbait. She's pathetic.

>new experiences

For Levi and Tom(?). I don't think trying a new cleanser qualifies as a new experience.

>effective routines

Because I'm contractually obliged to say so.

The thumbnail too… is a choice. She looks high and the micro-Tom in the background lol

No. 332134

File: 1721251770016.jpg (238.3 KB, 1080x1892, IMG_20240717_004.jpg)

Once again a place/brand happens to find out she mentioned them and thanks her lol Since when does she emphasise the name and location of a place she went to anyway? Lol
I'm sure she'll have the nerve to refute this being a promotion as always if anyone questions the genuinity of the content.

This was an ad after an ad and a couple of recipes sandwiched in between.

No. 332145

She often writes the name of cafés she goes to in vlogs but this one was obviously an invite for exposure, hence the reblog. Happens rather often among lifestyle vloggers. Dare I say her numerous staycations fall under the same category.

No. 332146

File: 1721258485408.jpg (1.52 MB, 2160x2160, 203042024071804.jpg)

Someone tell this genius chef that "full fat" doesn't mean all fat - no water lol Of course it's gonna form crystals, it's mostly water lol.
Things she did wrong - not mixing the fruit with the yogurt before freezing. Covering only the top with chocolate. An even coat all around would result in a better taste.
Adding sugar would help with texture and taste, too, but she'd rather die than add that.

I don't know where she found this exact recipe with layers, because every single one I saw was made like a frozen choco bar, not a freaking frozen yogurt bowl.

No. 332155

Bruh I’m fucking dying at this selfie. What the hell??

No. 332167

I know me too nonna kek it looks like she has severe allergies but I suspect she’s trying to do a Marilyn Monroe sultry look??
She’s too brainfried to follow instructions now? I’m surprised it’s not ~omg sooooo crunchyyy~

No. 332174

that's her sexy bedroom face lol she thought she ate.

oh, she was sooo ready to do another "i tried this viral healthy high protein high fiber dessert recipe everyone is making" or even better "here's my recipe for healthy ice cream" lol

No. 332402

File: 1721555456726.jpg (937.1 KB, 1080x1904, Screenshot _20240721_0426.jpg)

I just love how Taylor disappears for a couple of days and then reappears with a week's worth of bullshit and brainrot lol

I wonder why she panders to "keto-friendliness" now. It used to be vegan/no lactose/no sugar/"healthy". To my memory she never mentioned keto options in any of her older recipes.

No. 332403

File: 1721555546934.jpg (137.05 KB, 1080x1875, Screenshot_20240721_0427.jpg)

Did she not notice that her and Tom are in different stages of her tearjerking relationship outline? lmao Gotta love her confidence that she's gonna be stuck with him to her 80's lol(nitpicking vendetta)

No. 332404

File: 1721555667983.jpg (3.18 MB, 4561x4151, 1721555312487.jpg)

I was gonna clown her falling for another fear mongering, almond mom conspiracy about washing your vegetables and fruit correctly — apparently water is never enough. But then she posted the answers and so many of her followers wash their fruit with baking soda and vinegar? Are they RETARDED? Do they believe a bit of soda/vinegar will wash whatever super scary toxins they think is on the vegetables? If it can be washed off with soda or vinegar, you can eat it as is and your stomach acid will do a much better job. Jesus.

No. 332409

File: 1721571676360.jpg (372.44 KB, 720x1458, Hurrrdurrrr.jpg)

Not sure if vendetta or retarded, but google is free anon.


No. 332411

File: 1721572285533.jpg (542.57 KB, 1080x2162, FDA recommendation.jpg)

Go wk somewhere else, dumbass. Are you one of the retards in the story screenshot?


No. 332413

>desperately refreshing the thread in 10 minute intervals
>thinks baking soda is acidic
>links to fda recommendations instead of evidence based study
Look I don't care for Taylor as much as the next person, but that's no excuse to be willfully dumb so you have something to sperg about.

No. 332414

The brainrot needed to think that just because your stomach digests something, it must then be inherently safe, is legit the intellectual equivalent of self-lobotomising and then throwing gonorrhea in the open wound you just created with your half gnawed on crayola. Hey, aren't u supposed to give those back once the nice ladies in white uniforms come to take u back to ur padded room? Unsurprising tho ur so sure of ur understanding of the digestive system, ur head seems so deeply lodged up ur own ass u can probably splash around in ur own bile for a bit of summer fun! Who needs science or medical literature when we've got a direct view right from our own ass! Seriously who tf gives a damn about people soaking vegetables in baking soda? Oh, I know, a cretinous sewer snake looking to pick on anybody who has a life marginally more fulfilling than theirs. Snort something other than ur own feces babe n u will probably feel a lot better.(infighting)

No. 332419

Nta but both ways work, some places do use more pesticides than others based on agricultural regulations. Taylor is dumb, but this is a tip that has bee around for decades.

No. 332425

I came to post about the surplus of stories after no news for days but nonnie(s) were faster.

Maybe Tom's on keto so she started considering it when cooking? Jk. The possibility of Levi being on a diet is higher than Tom's will ever be lol
Jokes aside, she did mention it a couple of times before but, yeah, she mostly focuses on vegan and low carb options.

Awww, poor baby Taylor. Aren't you so pure and romantic?
She imagined living with her gremlin for the rest of her life and it made her cry from dismay lmao

>is there anything else I should be doing?
Use your only braincell, TayTay. Use that jobless braincell.

Wow, this is a legendary level of retardation, even for this thread. Touch some grass, nonnie, it might help you. But wash it with organic produce cleaner first, just in case.(infighting)

No. 332428

File: 1721587399601.png (1.96 MB, 1309x1401, tomlip.png)

>Haha I wonder what is making Taylor spiral into these weird ortho/ana behaviors such as suddenly forcing keto in everything

Meanwhile her fat ugly husband's day job -(sage your shit)

No. 332434

He's not even the one writing these and he doesn't own the entirety of the company, sage your shit

No. 332436

It’s also not really ana models anon

No. 332437

Nooo, this has nothing to do with him. He's not the one writing the articles and it's just Asian culture, they find this acceptable, you won't understand.
Plus, Tom's just a cute guy who dreams about learning to bake and opening a cute little cafe uwu, how could you hate him /s(learn2integrate)

No. 332438

Their weight is not the topic of the discussion lol

No. 332440

do you have some proof that he doesn't own all or most of MenClub? He founded that company and talked about owning it, it's safe to assume he still owns it unless you have proof otherwise.

No. 332456

This is still a big meal, so even of it is keto, it doesn't matter. She's clearly not starving herself.

No. 332463

I don't think chickpea rice fits into a normal keto diet, I know chickpea pasta and chickpeas are both too high in carbs. Not sure exactly what keto-friendly means, though. Does she mean "fits into a normal keto diet" or something else with that phrase?

No. 332472

It's just omitting added sugar.

No. 332516

I mean, tons of women post pictures of big meals on instagram and then proceed not to eat any of it

No. 332759

File: 1721857958212.jpg (5.8 MB, 3775x6618, 331721857702313.jpg)

>trying to find my style
Yup. Copying Dakota, then the Kardashians, then kpop idols, then other influencers is called "discovering" your style now. Right.

No. 332808

>>332759 these pics lmao. she’s never consistently dressed in any of these styles but has 49483729 photos of herself and hours of vlogs that show it but hey, whatever the old hag needs to tell herself and project on her underage/bot/ESL audience these days

No. 332820

File: 1721935027959.jpg (522.45 KB, 1080x1869, IMG_20240725_1243.jpg)

Another shillcation incoming. Place your bets,is it the Ritz or the ShangriLa this time? Lol

The only style that she dressed in for long enough to qualify as "her style" was the lolli phase. Everything after that is jumping from one trend to another, copying one influencer or another.
Even the black combo that she's wearing in the first pic is just a generic trend. I'm sure she'll toss it away as soon as she stops seeing it on others and never wear it again lol.

No. 332839

Doesn't matter at this point if it's sponsored or not because she's an influencer who gets free stuff constantly. It's pretty on par. It's just another desperate company trying to do what it can to be noticed.

No. 332843

File: 1721980166959.jpg (5.06 MB, 4358x5065, vivaia shill.jpg)

Taylor who can't be found dead in Vivaia shoes is busy recommending it to any follower that would listen, and gaslighting those that dare to voice their negativite experience with the brand. All of this for the noble reason of being paid and getting a cut from sales.

No. 332848

File: 1721986972425.jpg (591.85 KB, 1080x1893, Screenshot_20240726_01.jpg)

Post the whole outfit lmao It needs to stay in Taylor's history of shitty taste and lack of style.

No. 332850

>khaki button up vest/safari shorts
>bright red ballerina slipper looking shoes
wtf even is this outfit. She's never looked worse, the shoes make her feet look massive?

No. 332851

Not only do they look massive but also old/veiny. They don't usually look like that, wtf kinda editing did she do to this pic? It almost looks like someone else's foot was shooped onto her body kek

No. 332852

File: 1721995635837.jpg (9.05 MB, 5626x3322, collage1721.jpg)

It was the Ritz after all lol Funny that two luxury hotels have no problem hiring the same person to promote them lol Are they that desperate or are there no other influencers left in HK?
Side note, I hate how she keeps using Levi in ads. It's one thing to constantly plaster him all over her insta, and it's another to keeps using him to make money, especially if that money.

Her feet have always been ugly. Plus, the cut of the shorts is very unflattering, it makes her legs look like sticks and the feet look massive in comparison. The outfit overall looks very boxy.

No. 332854

Shoot, noticed too late.
*if that money doesn't go directly to him.

No. 332860

The mildly creepy part is how many photos of Levi someone printed and cut out for the welcome card. It's not a friend, it's not a relative, it's not even a pers they know, yet they could got their hands on so many of his pictures thanks to Taylor's ignorance.
Imagine going to a hotel and they greet you with clippings of your kid's photos. Wouldn't you freak out? I know I would.
Kids of influencers need protection.

No. 332861

everything about it is creepy. six separate staff members had to sit down and write this thing out for her when I’m sure they all had 20 other things to do at their actual jobs. and then off to the trash when their stay is over? these are all pics of Levi from way back too, they really had to dig around on her socials to pick them out. gross.

No. 332866

She probably sent them the photos. This isn't a weird child endangerment situation.

No. 332870

I don't think that's the case, though. Why would she send Levi's photos to a stranger for them to make a card for her? That is even weirder.

These are all photos available on her insta. Someone just had to sit and scroll through her insta and pick out photos with and of Levi.
One single family photo would have been plenty and somewhat thoughtful. Whatever she got feels like a fangirl letter, and not a cute one but one from an obsessive weirdo.

No. 332872

The shoes just look cheap and shitty, and the lighting sucks. Underweight people often have veiny extremities, it doesn't look pretty but at least her hands don't look so bad (like mine). The shoes do oddly make her feet look huge though. iirc she wears an average shoe size.

No. 332873

Because it's an obvious business thing. they aren't doing nefarious stuff with the photos. Stop painting this like that.

No. 332874

it's parasocial and weird for a company to do that.

No. 332876

it's really not when you remember that companies do this when reaching out to specific influencers and celebrities. This makes them look very friendly and personable. The problem is that they will not do this with random visitors to their hotel because this is all just public marketing. This is all planned. Calm down.

No. 332877

It's literally staff members (probably an unpaid part of their jobs) writing the same generic message multiple times with slight variations, which they would write to every returning guest. Since it's sponsored there is obviously communication prior the visit where she could easily have sent them (or her PR agent sent them) selected photos of Levi and family. Nobody working in a hotel is gonna be scrolling her Instagram for photos, they're busy and low paid, it was obviously pre-selected either by Taylor or her agent.

But as a business move, it is a really weird attempt at a b&b style personal touch for the Ritz, like are you an expensive hotel or not? The cake and cupcakes alone probably costs over $100 and then you have handmade card like kids made it in class. I think the cards where only one staff member writes it are ok but this does seem a bit OTT.

No. 332878

I can't lmao They used a photo from their shilled stay at the Shangrila. This is top comedy.
Whoever chose the photos obviously didn't read the captions.

No. 332879

>One single family photo would have been plenty and somewhat thoughtful. Whatever she got feels like a fangirl letter
This. Why the fuck would the Ritz write a fan letter to an influencer? Is this a serious multibillion company or a local coffee shop catering to a frequent customer?

No it's not? Literally no hotel/establishment/sponsor makes a collage of a partner's baby/family. Usually it's a handwritten letter and a small gift. That's it. That's the standard. This was over the top and tacky, to say the least.

No. 332884

>That's the standard
It's just a promotion that makes them look really nice as a hotel or maybe they do like Taylor as a guest, we don't know. What's obvious is that no one is looking at photos of Levi and collecting photos of Taylor for strange purposes. What basis do you and the other anon have for the tinfoil?

No. 332888

The irony. We clowned the poor worker who had to hastily pen a thank you letter and made a spelling mistake last time. Now we're clowning staff members(?) who went waaay beyond "too much".

Oh no. That's awkward. It's like Gucci using a photo of an ambassador wearing Dior lol

No. 332890

Rich places always try to look good by doing personal things like this, but it's what they are paid to do lol they probably have staff like other expensive companies that research guests to make sure their stays are as uncomplicated as possible. It's a whole experience thing. Clowning the staff for doing their job is pretty funny.

No. 332893

Nta, but claiming that this is something hotel staff do for everyone is more of a tinfoil than saying they don't.
I highly doubt that rich people (not braindead influencers) who stay at these hotels would appreciate someone digging for their kids' photos to make a greeting card as a part of >making their stay comfortable

E.g. when they went to Bali for Levi's birthday the staff prepared birthday decorations for him but they didn't use his pictures or any other personal information to show their attentiveness and care. There are boundaries that better not be crossed, because then you go from "caring" to "alarming" territory.(nitpicking)

No. 332894

Some of the most luxurious hotels do research guests, but in this instance, Taylor most likely sent them the photos.

No. 332907

Ah, the good old "Are you sure it's this brand? It's so good though? You must've been mistaken!". She always plays dumb when her followers don't like the things she endorses. Even when they ask questions about editing and photoshop she gets very defensive.

>"they're sooo comfy" etc

Hasn't worn them ONCE by her own free will ever since the very first collab with them. Liar liar.

The whole outfit is a bad decision. Nothing fits her, nothing looks good. Frankly, she looks like Sponge Bob, a rectangle on stick legs.
Re: hands. Probably unpopular opinion, but her spider-like, bony hands always give me the ick. And the way she never knows what to do with them and ends up shoving them into the camera and gesturing awkwardly in front of her face… It makes me wanna grab her hands and lower them out of the frame.

P. S. Another example of Mrs. 'I follow Asian traditions' wearing shoes inside despite claiming otherwise on innumerous occasions.

No. 332934

I've noticed she rarely promotes products and things she truly likes and uses. Charlotte Tilbury must be one of the few exceptions. Everything else suddenly appears in her routine during the sponsorship and disappears immediately afterwards.

>wearing shoes inside despite claiming otherwise on innumerous occasions
Tell something new, anon. She's doing that for a decade now.

No. 332958

The fact this isn't her style of shoe at all, and she didn't even try to match the outfit. Just to make it super obvious she took these shoes off as soon as she got the footage she needed.

No. 332963

Oh, for sure. She's lucky they didn't make her wear it irl.

No. 332980

File: 1722169619046.jpg (5.08 MB, 5631x3378, 1722169044705.jpg)

Now we know who organised the the fangirl letter.

No. 332981

File: 1722170730648.jpg (10.29 MB, 2809x8767, Screenshot_20140828_02.jpg)

i just hate it when she pretends to be a busy mama and about levi not letting her do things. and the way she insists on carrying him All.The.Time!?
i swear. in every second story, if not more frequently, she's carrying him. if it's short enough distance to walk, he's fully capable of walking. if it's far, get a fucking stroller. she's just sympathy and praise fishing with this.(nitpicking)

No. 332982

i wonder what a director of marketing communications and taylor talked about lmao

No. 332984

So anons were right. It wasn't forced and was just a nice welcome surprise? Shock.

No. 332985

No one said it was forced though? Stop putting words into people's moouth.
The concern was about using Levi's photos and it's still valid, albeit no one's business if Taylor is OK with it.

I checked their insta to see if they use photos in all greeting cards and the ones that I saw were just handwritten notes. But since it's not related to Taylor, I won't be posting them.

No. 332989

Big question. Does Taylor count this "staycation" as a sponsored post or not lmao. This is already the second "visit our place and post about it" type of collab this month.

She shouldn't have lied and mentioned the alleged number of sponsored posts per month. Big mistake.

Let's count. 1) the lululemon 2) a number of Vivaia posts (the latest very recently) 3) the not-really-vegan vegan gelato place 4) the shilled Benefit "vlog" 5) the happy baton toy rental 6) the Ritz. Did I forget something?

No. 332990

>food is mid
kek something about this is so funny to me. Is it mid because it’s not according to her almond mom standards? Plus isn’t this a gen z term?

No. 332991

Being successful bossgirls, of course lmao
Jokes aside I think the "catching up" in question was just a small talk lol
S/N They look like a happy lesbian couple.

>no one's business if Taylor is OK with it
Strongly disagree with this line of thinking. The kid can't consent to his image being used and his parents are too vain to see a problem with it. Doesn't make it ok. Calling out such behaviour is the least we can do.

No. 332992

Damn this looks bougie as hell. How long until she pulls the whole ~lights camera and smile even when you wanna die~ after getting back from the Ritz lmao

No. 332993

I think we shouldn't take her "2 sponsored posts per month" claim seriously and literally. It was just another instance of her gaslighting a follower and playing the victim.

She's talking like teenager because she only ever reads gen z captions on tiktok.
Is she even able to appreciate the taste of food that is not bland vegetables with the side of carb-substituting vegetable pasta/rice? Genuine question. She's the last person I'd trust with food recommendations.

No. 332997

She definitely gets more than one offer a month too, maybe just depends if she wants to do more than one? Sponsor mean she's being paid by the company though, so these invites are gifts which aren't the same as a sponsorship. Probably why she can say that.

No. 332999

I agree. But her comment about "only two sponsoships per month sad and hurt" was a response to a follower telling her that she lacks authentic content. In that sense most of her posts and stories are indeed an ad, whether she's payed directly or given freebies.

No. 333003

Ok I take everything back about the pr card not being creepy, why is she holding Levi's hand? That middle pic is pure crazy eyes kekk she looks like a stalker fan of Taylor.
I hope she is just unfortunate in the face department, because this is a bit weird.

No. 333006

>Food is mid
she really posted that, very obvious when something isn't sponsored like that food looks good to me? Imagine having a big spread of fresh food like this and saying "mid" she is so spoiled.

No. 333030

She looks friendly, not creepy though?

No. 333040

It's up to Taylor in the end, but a hotel worker shouldn't be posting pics of a stranger's kid on their personal IG. That crosses another line, I wish Taylor would just consider this as Levi gets older. The woman looks normal/fine, I agree with you on that. I don't like it when farmers start criticizing normal people as if they were influencers or cows, not everyone has 20 years of experience staring at themselves in a mirror and posing.(nitpicking)

No. 333106

Can someone PLEASE sponsor this bitch some bangs? Her 5 head is distracting.

No. 333171

File: 1722452519606.jpg (5.56 MB, 4472x4430, more dumbassery.jpg)

Two examaples of zero functioning brain cells in a day. What a treat!

Cardiovascular system and the circulatory system are the same damn thing, TayTay.
Someone tried to sound smart and failed miserably. Again. Lmao.

Taylor with "PCOS", "infertility", "lactose intolerance", "gluten allergy/celiac" and many more is now worried about peri-menopause in her early 30s.
She is indeed scared to death of being ill or "unhealthy", yet actively aims to find another serious chronic condition she suffers from. Rinse and repeat.

No. 333173

Considering she keeps having fertility issues, perimenopausal is an actual concern. I don't know how she could alleviate it beforehand though.

No. 333174

>as someone who was put on birth control at 15 for acne
This is news to me? Didn't she say she was on the pill for a short while but stopped without telling her doctor because there were no immediate results as she hoped?

No. 333179

this is a nitpick i guess but shes definitely not in her early 30s, shes 36 or so as she was born in 1988. perimenopause starts in your early 40s and can even start in your late 30s. it's reasonable to think about this at her age.


but these are the likely culprits

No. 333186

I tell you. I lose IQ whenever I read her "smart" captions. How can a human reach her age and be so ignorant and uneducated? How? She has as much general knowledge as a preschooler, yet she's comfortable with giving people health advice and recommend diets, health hacks and treatments (especially when all of them are debunked myths and pseudoscientific gimmicks).
Yes, Taylor, have a lot of tests, god knows for what. I'm sure the expensive fertility clinic you go to didn't check every possible hormone during your IVF journey (tm).

No. 333207

NTA Oh wow, I forgot she's this age. So Tom is far into the geriatric reproduction stage and Taylor is reaching the beginning of it, yet they still want to try for more kids? Jfc, why. It's almost guaranteed to be an autist or a retard at that point.

No. 333210

Geriatric is 65+. Tom is 45 and Taylor is 36. She just needs to take care of her body like usual, not focus so heavily on the holistic crap. IVF is good enough, they just need to focus on that, do the shots. Having balanced hormones can help, so maybe she's worried she's not hormonally stable? I'm not sure what she's technically worried about here aside just worrying about 10 years from now when menopause averagely hits. Worst case scenario, they might need a surrogate and the can implant.

No. 333213

>scared of being ill or "unhealthy", yet actively aims to find another serious chronic condition she suffers from
Exactly. It's like she's deliberately searching for something wrong with herself.

I absolutely refuse to listen to another shitty podcast about health scares, the other dude was enough. If someone does and writes a recap, though, I'd be very grateful.

Wait till she finds out about ADHD and starts claiming her stupidity is actually due to a medical condition that she just heard about. She's not dumb, she's special.(armchair)

No. 333214

She's talking as if she was on hormones for years and had some horrible side effects from them yada yada When in reality the only time she was truly on hormones that gave her serious side effects was for IVF.

No. 333215

Cmon, the fertility issue was primarily with Tom and may be also with her. Yet you don't see him exercising 5 times a week, being on a diet and "deep diving" into "hormones and infertility".

No. 333216

Tom is 12 years older than Taylor making him 48 not 45. We’re talking about geriatric reproduction not being geriatric in general, it’s a geriatric pregnancy when the mom is older than 35 and the dad (depending on health) 35-45. We all know Tom really let himself go, I mean just look at him. So yes, her next pregnancy (whenever that’s gonna be) is definitely considered geriatric.

No. 333220

It's also new to me, I don't remember her saying this in her vlogs about acne (which I watched with interest because adult acne runs in my family). She did say she took accutane and had a bad reaction to it. If I find any vlog where she says she went on bc at 15, I'll link it.

No. 333222

I don't think she means her. It says "LAs" and that's not Taylor's initials. I think she means whoever is also on the podcast was on it at 15 and has all these issues. She doesn't say in the cap she is the one with the issues.

No. 333231

I'm pretty sure that's a typo.

No. 333234

For what instead? Nothing would make sense on the keyboard.

No. 333240

"As" instead of "LAs"

No. 333256

File: 1722542743742.jpg (4.78 MB, 5665x3230, 20240801104522631.jpg)

Find the hidden shill lol I just love it when she introduces a new post format only to push a product.

No. 333257

We've known she has a partnership with Benefits.

No. 333258

She didn't mention birth control until she returned to HK. She mentioned it in one of her blogs, saying she was recommended to go on birth control for acne but she was a) scared of hormones and b) didn't get the desired results in the short period she tried it. I don't remember which vlog it exactly but if my memory serves me right it was around the time of setting up her "fashion business".

No. 333277

Geriatric fertility starts at 35 for women and 40 for men. Look up common English phrases like "geriatric pregnancy" before talking, ESL-chan. Also Tom is in his 50s.

No. 333283

That was unnecessary and Tom isn't in his 50s. This was already discussed upthread, so if you need assistance >>327682

No. 333286

File: 1722582866732.jpeg (76.94 KB, 609x759, IMG_8301.jpeg)

Fanservice for us nonnas kek(new level reached: nitpicking about fucking milk)

No. 333295

This is banner worthy lmao

No. 333298

File: 1722598720397.jpg (302.32 KB, 1088x2273, 20240802_153527187.jpg)

The fact that she posted this reel and story a day after someone commented this is so funny.

No. 333301

It's absolutely necessary to point out you're wrong about what geriatric fertility is, retarded whiteknight. And unless you can read Chinese to see the article that confirms he's in his 50s, then stfu. "It's been discussed already" and proven, get over it.(infighting)

No. 333306

That's been debunked. Anons came up with the hope he was in his 50s a few years ago too which didn't make sense then either. He's younger than most anons assumed, but is almost 50. A 12 year difference isn't too bad anyway, but worrying about aging when they want another baby is pretty valid. I don't think Taylor should do much more than focus on what her IVF team says to do though. All of these health posts seem like she's trying to naturally do it first.

No. 333316

I will say any Asian articles are probably going off of the way some East Asian countries, until recently, calculate age.

In places like Korea (and I believe all of East Asia), when you are born, you’re already 1 year old. Then when the lunar new year starts, you add another year. Finally, you turn another “year” older on your birthday.

Say you're born on December 1st ,1990. You’re 1yr old on Dec 1st, 1990. Lunar new year occurs in like Jan/Feb, so in March you’re now 2yrs old. So on your next bday on December 1st, 1991, you would be considered 3yrs old. Even though you’ve only been out of the womb for 1yr.

This is probably why ppl argue and get confused over his age.(learn2integrate)

No. 333321

The problem is that anons are assuming that's how he's doing, but Taylor has never presented that or even mentioned that in the video. He's 47. He's almost 50, so anons can just relax 3 years lol

No. 333348

You have to be a special type of braindead to believe anything Taylor claims. Nothing is "debunked" just because she says so. Learn Chinese so you can see the proof for yourself or stfu, tards.
>A 12 year difference isn't too bad anyway
Yeah no it's fucking disgusting, desperate pickme. Plus the kid deserved a dad who won't be dead or in a nursing home before he even gets to college.(infighting)

No. 333355

Either post proof of your alleged Chinese sources or stop shitting up the thread. You've been pushing this narrative for a while now. Please stop.

No. 333360

We have more proof, multiple times repeated and we even had anons look it up too. Doesn't matter how China does their aging. Everyone else understands how to count when someone is born in 1976.

No. 333362

The sources and translations were posted in the last thread, tard. No one's gonna spoonfeed you. And no I will not stop bringing up facts just because the mod is a Tay fangirl and pedo Tom applogist.
>Taylor claiming something is proof vs cold hard facts from a neutral, official business article

No. 333397

this is why ivf shouldn't be a thing. people like this shouldn't have kids. no one is entitled to having children.(sage your shit)

No. 333416

File: 1722769553438.jpg (1.67 MB, 2160x2160, Ewewew.jpg)

who told this retard that people wanna SEE updates on her rash? when people say they want authentic content, they don't mean exclusively disgusting authentic content, the fuck?

No. 333423

So yesterday's spam was not enough? She could've mentioned that she's doing better in the ootd story's caption and that would've been more than enough. But no. When it comes to poo, vomit and rash, Taylor is always ready to share.

No. 333424

It's not that gross. Bed bugs though.. yikes. I wonder if they brought those back from the Ritz.

No. 333428

She said those were sand bugs from the beach.

No. 333429

When did she talk about poo and vomit? You guys are just looking for reasons to hate her.(wking)

No. 333431

I've read that the process to generate eggs for IVF can cause early menopause. People who donate eggs are at risk of it too. They give you hormones to activate multiple egg follicles at once, instead of one a month like normal. So every time you get eggs withdrawn it's essentially that number of normal months in your reproductive life, e.g. 12 eggs is one year sooner you will have your menopause. Same in the other direction, if you start your periods earlier you'll go into menopause earlier. Idk how many eggs she had removed (can anyone remember) but that's probably why she's suddenly interested in this.
She never wants to suggest Tom and his dusty sperm is at fault for any of her "fertility issues" so she starts claiming it's the pill and PCOS and whatever else. But IVF may cause her to have a slightly early menopause so this is a reasonable thing for her to be learning about.(medfagging)

No. 333432

She posted a caption about 'having a little sick somewhere' and clarified she was talking about going out to meet friends with her toddler's vomit in her hair, she has also posted about rosie's health issues and the dog pooping and peeing (can't remember which lol) in her bed a few months ago

No. 333433

Idk why nonna got banned here, she was obviously just posting a funny cap since Taylor (accidentally?) used a lolcow phrase. Never seen "keeping up with milk" outside of lolcow.

No. 333434

Anons splitting hairs over 48 or 50, it's two year's difference. Most anons have always said he's in his 40s, which he is.

No. 333435

File: 1722790053724.jpg (554.4 KB, 1080x1895, Screenshot_20240804_103213.jpg)

What a surprise! A place for kids is filled with kids and parents on a Sunday.(nitpicking)

No. 333436

That's a myth. IVF doesn't lead to early menopause. Plus, Taylor is most likely far from it since her female relatives seem to be popping out kids left and right without problems. Fertility has a lot to do with genetics, so her vigorous exercise and excessive dieting will not help her conceive or correct the alleged hormonal imbalance.
There's a very easy way for her to recheck what's wrong with her and Tom's infertility, though. She has to see their doctor again. But since she's hellbent on trying to conceive naturally, she chooses to listen to dubious podcasts, be on diets, sleep in the gym etc. As if any of that worked the first time lol.

If they truly want another kid they should hurry up with the next IVF round. Tom is not getting younger, neither does she and it will be harder on her to carry a baby the older she gets. In the end she's the one who gets the shorter stick, so waiting for a natural pregnancy for vanity's sake is harming mostly her. Tom's ego shpuld be tossed into the trash bin.(medfagging)

No. 333437

She's 35, she doesn't need to rush anything. Plenty of celebrities and people with means have healthy pregnancies into their 40s, it's freaking 2024. Especially if they have Tom's sperm on ice. What sense would it make it get even older more fucked up sperm from him now? I'm assuming if it doesn't happen naturally from all of the sex they have kek they are banking on whatever sperm he has already stored. Taylor is hardly old, outdated medical terms like geriatric pregnancy need to keep up with current medical tech. Seeing as the rest of her family seems very fertile it's likely Taylor's eggs are not the issue here. Not that any of these rich useless people need to keep reproducing anyway.

No. 333438

Sand fleas are the worst. The heat probably has them multiplying like nuts. Hopefully they all have cream or something. That's unfortunate.

No. 333441

They have frozen "babies" from Levi's batch, so they have no need to stress about getting old and less fertile. They just have to decide to go ahead with another transplant when they finally give up the attempts.

She was prescribed meds by a doctor and she said Levi didn't get bitten, so the photos are just for shock value and to share how much she suffers.(this is an imageboard)

No. 333446

Those aren't bed bug bites. They look nothing like bed bug bites.

No. 333450

Yeah the term "geriatric pregnancy" is outdated and the new more polite term is "advanced maternal age." But the concept and the facts are still the same. It starts at 35 and has all the same risks as before. Changing the name to sound less insulting didn't change the facts.
>Seeing as the rest of her family seems very fertile it's likely Taylor's eggs are not the issue here
We all know Tom's expired grandpa sperm is the issue, not Taylor. Literally everyone sees that except for Taylor herself.

No. 333463

File: 1722865891727.jpg (855.56 KB, 1500x1500, 1000031709.jpg)

not the banned anon, but here are the screenshots I happened to take. Not sure why these are so absolutely necessary to post when it isn't milk.

No. 333464

File: 1722866014955.png (169.17 KB, 864x149, 1000031524.png)

doublepost to add statement about Levi (cropped to avoid unnecessarily including him)

No. 333465

Because it's an imageboard.

No. 333534

File: 1722994051555.jpg (381.77 KB, 1080x1910, story20240807_01.jpg)

So her friend had her second. This explains the sudden rekindled interest in infertility.

No. 333538

She's been talking about wanting another kid for like a year now.

No. 333546

You are mentally unwell(infighting)

No. 333555

File: 1723024274939.jpg (355.4 KB, 1080x1915, IMG_20240807_022.jpg)

She filmed whole ass GRWM just to talk about the bug bites and show them one more time. Girl, some things are better not shown. And it's not as entertaining as you think.

No. 333558

Imagine having a life so boring that freaking bug bites are a groundbreaking enough event to make content about.

No. 333561

All bugbites and bras these days

No. 333563

That foundation makes her look greyish blue. Wow. You really don't notice it in her own videos thanks to the filters and lighting.

Tbf, she's been obsessed with pseudosientific fertility bogus practices before Levi too, but at least on insta there was a period where she didn't mention it that often. Starting this winter she has began posting about dieting, health and hormones again. Something triggered her into uneasiness and panic(?).
Otoh, she did go keto after Jess was put on low sugar diet due to pregnancy, copying others is her modus operandi. So she easily could be questioning why Jess got pregnant the second time and she didn't. It's all just theories, though. We'll never know what goes on in her brain.

No. 333608

File: 1723109059961.jpg (1.24 MB, 2160x2160, 20240808131256.jpg)

She's literally following an account called pcos weightloss. We knew she was obsessed with her weight and dieting, now there's more proof.
And, no, the account is not about many things, weightloss included. It's about dieting and weightloss primarily, with the side quest of "detoxifying" excess hormones.

No. 333609

>gluten and dairy free
Gosh Taytay is so predictable. I guess this influencer ticks all her boxes. I still doubt she has pcos.

No. 333621

File: 1723128127711.jpg (638.39 KB, 1080x1884, IMG_20240808_130319.jpg)

This is what, the second? third? weight loss post/channel she has shared. This is not a tinfoil anymore. She's actively dieting and exercising to lose weight. What's her goal though? Her arms and legs are already stick skinny. She has no fat on her belly and hips either. Where does she see excessive weight or fat to begin with?

Me too. She has pretty regular cycles, no signs of unwanted facial/body hair or obesity and only once did she have an ovarian cyst, which can happen to anyone.

No. 333623

A lot of doctors will tell you to be a healthy as possible when wanting to have a kid. This might be why. She did this before treatments last time too, going super hard on the health. She's not starving herself from what she posts, she's also always been very skinny. I know she's had an ED before, but eating healthy isn't the same.

No. 333631

File: 1723138169291.jpg (706.38 KB, 1080x1898, sob sob.jpg)

Dumbass wore white pants during her period again, dumbass had a mental breakdown because of that. Again.

That aside, where was Tom throughout this? Why couldn't she give him the baby and run to the restroom asap?

No. 333632

Yes, she's not starving but she's trying to lose weight that not there. Calling this behaviour "eating healthy" is wrong. Her relationship with food is not healthy. She could be healthy physically, but mentally she's definitely not in a good place.

No. 333633

I have only one thing to add. Wearing shoes inside lmao.(nitpicking)

No. 333639

Is this her diary or what? I don't wanna read about any more bodily fluids from her. Thank you. >>333632
>mentally she's definitely not in a good place
And she hasn't been ever since they eloped. This is not news.

No. 333644

File: 1723152913582.jpg (807.81 KB, 1002x4753, tmi.jpg)

It sort of is her diary tbh, but it's weird that she decided people needed a whole description along with pictures of the exact moment. I don't know why she wears so much white with a child around, let alone during or near the beginning of her period.(nitpicking)

No. 333757

File: 1723392993675.jpg (352.25 KB, 1080x1960, IMG_20240811_151647.jpg)

Guess what I got as an ad when scrolling through insta lol

No. 333802

She's promoting them, we already know that from her shop link >>333621

No. 334126

File: 1723739995254.png (3.17 MB, 828x1792, IMG_8523.png)

It looks the exact same kek great shill Taytay

No. 334127

The right side is more cakey if you look closely, but mostly just in that one area and around the nose. She has a partnership with BC for a few years now, hasn't she? She had to get this approved before posting.

No. 334167

File: 1723763640970.jpg (607.61 KB, 1080x1930, IMG_20240816_010413.jpg)

If she wanted to show a drastic difference for an ad, she should've done her loli makeup lol

P.S. Look at this wall of shilled products, wow! Are least it's tagged properly.

No. 334169

am I tripping or did she say within the past couple years that she never liked using primer on her face and it was the one product she thought never worked for her skin? I'll go look when I have time but I was surprised to see her advertising a primer just bc of that.

No. 334174

File: 1723767796070.jpg (260.52 KB, 1098x2142, instagram comments.jpg)

Some hot takes from the replies. Most of the comments call out the fake 20s' version lol. And apparently full coverage ages her now lmao
She's still using the Kiley kit, surprising consistency. Doesn't Benefit have matt lip products?

I don't remember her mentioning using primers before the collab with Benefit, plus she constantly lies about the products she uses when it comes to ads.

No. 334206

The jaoan version was like 10 years ago lol She hasn't done dolly for years. Her fans gotta grow up lol

No. 334213

File: 1723821909366.jpg (734.43 KB, 1079x1872, Cakeydesu.jpg)

Both sides look cakey, at least share the end result

No. 334222

Why show results when beginning do trick

No. 334229

which would be her 20s lol

they’re saying she didn’t show the makeup she actually wore in her 20s

No. 334239

File: 1723852074820.jpg (693.18 KB, 1080x1865, nursery school.jpg)

Busy working mama Taylor is finally gonna have some (more) time for herself! Lmao. And Levi will get to learn from non-pea-brained adults. A win-win if you ask me.

S/n when she mentioned a few weeks ago that Levi will be starting school soon, I thought she meant normal pre-/school in a couple of years, not freaking pre-nursery lol.(nitpicking)

No. 334240

>I can't do thicker foundation now, it makes me look way older.
I she OK? She's been so stressed about her age and getting older recently. Talking about menopause and looking old? Working out for range of motion in older age? It's not funny. She's faaaar away from being remotely "old". She's in her 30s ffs, not even 40s. The fuck is wrong with her head?

No. 334242

That's pretty normal for people mid 30s.

No. 334306

Lmao what's making her look older is her overbotoxed, expressionless face. Besides, if she goes everywhere with Tom, she'll automatically look younger kek

So that's why she was oh so ready to get another kid. With Levi in daycare she'll have enough time for another baby. Take that back, the nanny will be looking after it in any case kek

No. 334324

I just got an ad for the same red shoes but by a different influencer lol She's not free to choose which shoes she "chose" to "purchase".

No. 334332

Perimenopause starts as early as mid to late 30s in a lot of women.

No. 334333

Lmfao oh please. For some, but not most. Menopause itself is late 40s to 50s, no one is getting perimenopause in their 30s anon(derailing)

No. 334336

File: 1723978741596.jpeg (189.62 KB, 828x805, IMG_8542.jpeg)


No. 334490

File: 1724136170558.jpg (331.36 KB, 1080x1920, poop queen.jpg)

Poop and discharge queen strikes again!
Turns out we are lucky that she posts her rashes and talks about poop and vomit only occasionally.

No. 334495

Ew. She's unhinged. Why post about disgusting topics? Is this what gets clicks now?

No. 334498

Came here to post this kek what’s her poo obsession it’s not funny or cute it’s literally shit

No. 334501

File: 1724147993339.jpg (1.13 MB, 1080x7023, brainrot.jpg)

Judging by the comments under the reel, her fangirls are the same.

No. 334514

She makes it sound like these are saved to ask a doctor or a friend/Tom if it's normal for a baby.

No. 334517

the influencer ice spice

No. 334518

Then why does it seem normal for everyone to do?

No. 334525

Because normal people got disgusted and scrolled by instead of engaging. Morons joined in the discussion and added their own shitty anecdotes (pun intended).

No. 334526

Why do we care that supporters support what she's doing? They aren't bringing us milk though or arguing about it with her which would at least be interesting She's agreeing with them too lol

No. 334531

Because we like to laugh at the stupidity of others lol

No. 334535

it's comments like this that make her think it's normal content and prompt her to keep oversharing.
no one cares about your bloodied pants or your dog's shit, taylor.

No. 334536

Not to defend her, but mommy vloggers constantly overshare. That's their whole thing, it makes them relatable to an extent. Kind of mimicks what the comments are saying. I equate people with pets to have the same mentality when worrying about when something looks off. Maybe its paranoia that makes them take all these photos.

No. 334542

Cat and dog people have brainrot. holyshit(non-contribution)

No. 334683

I said it before already but there's so few HK youtubers, it's an empty market, she could so easily get more viewers and yet all she does is sit inside all day? How can you have so little interest in exploring (and showing) a (to her canadian ass) exotic place..?

No. 334685

You answered your own question, other youtubers do that. She's a mommyvlogger.

No. 334687

She tried that in the beginning with her foodie series, but it didn't last long. Or she didn't get the engagement she wanted.
Besides, if talking about shit (literally) and copying keto recipes gets her the same engagement, why would she try harder? lol She's a trophy wife, that tells you everything about her attitude toward work, ambitions and putting in effort.

No. 334703

Read again, there are no youtubers who do that, everybody is always only in Japan or Korea instead. So if she wasn't lazy, she surely could get views for that, plus she and her kid could experience something new other than filming at home or shopping.

No. 334709

She doesn't even vlog anymore lol The only time she posts something on YouTube is when she gets sponsored and even then it's either a long ad or a boring compilation of her insta stories.

The foodie series had potential, but she made it such a bore fest, no wonder no one was watching it.

No. 334710

Her last video had over 250k views. What exactly is your metric for success?

No. 334722

in Japan she would taxi all over the place and for whatever reason she’s refused to use public transit since moving back to HK even before Levi. if Tom’s fat ass isn’t forced to get dressed and drive Taylor somewhere, she isn’t doing shit outside the apartment.

No. 334731

She used to taxi in HK, too, before Tom got a car. No idea what gets in the way of doing that now, because, indeed, Tom is always driving her places.
S/n how hard is it to get a licence in HK? Can't she get one to stop being reliant on Tom?

No. 334735

Nta, but countries like that with cities like HK don't need cars specifically. Public transportation like taxis, buses, and trains are more efficient. Most people will never get a license because they don't need it.

No. 334737

I thought a year or two ago she said something new was coming for her website (toat). she blurred things out when she posted a story about it. wonder why nothing ever happened. Her shop was just dropshipping basically, not much work.

No. 334741

I don’t think she wants more (views,subs etc) she’s probably in a comfortable place where the sponsorships get her enough pocket money and Tom is probably paying anyways for most if the crap. I think the silly poop and barf videos are probably her past time activities

No. 334742

it's a little sad she and Koots never dared utter each other's names. They could have bonded over their love of vomit and poop humor

No. 334744

She alluded to toat's revival a couple of time these past few years but nothing came out of it.
Her business model was not sustainable anyway. All she did was pack a small number of one-size-doesn't-fit-anyone baggy clothes and call it a "shop". Plus the prices were ridiculous for her then mostly teenage audience. Her current fan base of fellow trophy trad wives might afford it, though. Lol

It feels like yesterday when she was clarifying that the clothes looking exactly like her line that you can buy on other sites don't have the "superior quality" hence the big difference in price. Or her hilarious literally 'about us/me' page kek

I think in reality it's a ghost company and was created solely to register Tom's shady business under it.

No. 334810

This is what I think too. It's completely lol worthy that she has spoken at "women in business" events. The other weird thing about toat was every single "modeling" photo that Taylor did for the clothes was against the same filthy white wall backdrop. Not graffiti or trying to use the "grime" of the city for a street wear feel or anything like that; actual dirt smears on the blank wall behind her. It looked like the pics were taken outside of a parking garage. Not artistic at all, didn't exude anything luxurious. Very strange for a "clothing and lifestyle brand." But throwing some low effort crappy pics together makes sense if it's a ghost company.

No. 334828

File: 1724508312110.jpg (832.29 KB, 1080x1848, 1000007155.jpg)

They weren't all white backgrounds

No. 334846

Congrats on finding the only instance it wasn't her dirty balcony wall, but a dirty wall in a cafe lol

The sold out is sending me lmao Sold out the 10 pieces back in 2019 (?).

No. 334847

I was making fun of it, but okay.

No. 334849

Sorry, didn't feel the tone.
We've been having so many retarded wk takes recently that pick a word and twist it to try and prove that the whole thing is a reach and a nitpicking that I automatically assumed this was another example(derailing)

No. 334874

>The sold out is sending me
That's why she started calling it "~currently on pause~" lmao It's less untrue but more pretentious, win-win kek

No. 334980

File: 1724701119876.mp4 (11.07 MB, Screenrecorder20240826.mp4)

Why do they both sound like freaking Patrick from Spongebob?(nitpicking)

No. 334986

File: 1724702944512.jpg (573.72 KB, 1080x2025, the original.jpg)

Guess what, ladies, she copied this reel, too.
To be fair, she did add the poop bit but even this level of "personal content" is a rip off.

No. 334987

They sound deranged, dear god. Taylor is starting to sound more and more like Tom, especially when she's doing this stupid over-exaggerated excited voice.(nitpicking)

No. 334991

Why does she think she needs to share a crappy clip like this with the world?
If Taylor did a reel you can bet she copied it from some other creator

No. 335009

File: 1724711701327.jpg (459.77 KB, 1080x1892, 242120240826180114.jpg)

It's to show the uwu bonds and how happy and harmonious their family is.
Too bad miss 'perfect wife and mother' doesn't know what her son likes and bases it on TOM'S preferences lmao Why would your two-years-old toddler like the same things as your middle-aged husband? Like, what was the thought process?

No. 335021

Thats how you find out if a kid likes something, parents usually share their tastes, but not every kid likes it what their parent likes. Also its Iron Man. A comic hero, not really scary, but it must be the armor and lack of human face if its the full suit. A lot of kids like the Marvel heroes, so do adults, but back to Paw Patrol I guess lol

No. 335028

A lot of people use high pitched babble talk when talking to little kids. That part's not weird. The fact that Tom only ever speaks (broken) English with the kid is the weird part. Sad to see.

No. 335031

There's an even easier way to find out — pay attention to what your toddler watches and likes, instead of assuming he has your husband's taste.

No. 335035

>unfit parents
>because a tshirt is on inside-out

No. 335037

File: 1724745240472.jpg (2.92 MB, 4695x3899, easy bun tutorial.jpg)

Easy bun according to the greatest beauty blogger of all times. Step one - have hair as long as hers, step two - twist the said hair into a bun. Extra points if you have ends sticking out in the same random directions as hers lol

Even her fangirls are not buying it lmao.
Does she realise you can't make even half a twist around the base with mid length or short hair, let alone get something that does not look ridiculous? I'm not even talking about the hair volume.

Once again Taylor thinking everyone is like her and relates to her. To CURRENT her, to be precise. The shortest hair she ever had was shoulder length during her post-marriage white hair days. Did she forget how miserable a pony tail she had with that length?(nitpicking)

No. 335041

This one sounds sane and a bit funny in comparison. Taylor's is straight up disgusting and TMI.

It looks like poop, I'm sorry.

No. 335050

It's just a bun, nonna.

Kids take interests from parents a lot, it's not even bad parenting. Levi just didn't like the armor suit.

No. 335067

I've actually noticed that too, omg. I thought it was just me imagining it.

It's just a genetic bun, nothing inventive or new. You can find hundreds of similar tutorials on tiktok or insta.

No. 335069

>Even her fangirls are not buying it lmao
All the comments you posted are supportive. Almost all the comments under her posts are or agree they do the same thing like the body part/poop thing.

No. 335075

Nta but every single comment is saying it won't work for their hair, which doesn't contradict anon's point - it's a hairstyle that only works if you have Taylor's hair.

The poop content reactions have already been discussed and the fact that her fangirls are like her doesn't make it a normal topic of conversation or an entertaining post.
Notice how the original post doesn't mention shit or the like and is much more tame and neutral in wording. But I digress.

No. 335086

One because of length and one because of thinning. Those arent unsupportive lol Its just a bun hairstyle with cherry picked comments that arent even against her post.

No. 335097

Who said they should be against her in the first place, though? People can follow an influencer and still disagree with them or not find every single post useful or relatable. The world is not comprised of only haters and blind admirers.

No. 335101

File: 1724837669523.jpg (345.31 KB, 1080x1909, 31420240828114514.jpg)

I thought her partnership with matcha ended since she stopped mentioning it and even did an ad for a coffeeshop in the meantime. But lo and behold!

No. 335108

File: 1724848528364.jpg (2.58 MB, 2160x2880, thinfluencer.jpg)

I couldn't find the video that "inspired" Taylor to make the matcha ad reel, but I bet she follows this girl for advice on learning Hindi and quitting a high-paying retail job to start a clothing company lol

Why is every second influencer she mentions giving tips on losing weight and eating "high protein etc etc"?(tinfoiling)

No. 335148

A surprisingly fine vlog, except the annoying bits with Vivaia ads. She didn't share much new info, but at least she used footage she didn't already post as stories.

My favourite part was when she asked Tom what he missed about Japan, then misheard him saying "sun" as him saying "sound" and went on a long tangent about the virtues of Japan and Japanese culture (all typical touristy comments that old school weeboos couldn't shut up about) and then edit Tom's response out of the video lmao

No. 335165

Awww, the "Japan makes me nostalgic, unlike my own country where I only miss my family" sounded so much like a classical weeb comment. It made me nostalgic.

No. 335179

Oh, the Japan part was such a treat!
>they value community
Lives in a gated community in a city with a housing crisis.

>everyone takes their job seriously and perfects their craft

The way I laughed at this! Says the "creator" who copies other creators' reels a to z and calls it a job and herself "creative".

Tom was even funnier "the air~, the sun~" none of which you can find in HK, lmao. Now it's clear, they bonded over their weeb views of Japan. That's their only common interest.
And yes, double lmao at her cutting his answer out.

No. 335180

File: 1724936939178.jpg (100.16 KB, 694x815, transcript.jpg)

Lmao this dumbass does think you get menopause after 40. Does she not have any older women in her life that she can talk about this?
I'm sure education in Canada is better than she makes it seem, but an adult woman not knowing basic things about her body is gullible.

No. 335181

she made all that fuss and quote 'cried in the car' because levi has to be in the nursery three hours a day? jesus. overdramatising much? I should've screenshoted the ugly crying essay story about it, dammit.

No. 335183

Sometimes the smog is so bad due to pollution in HK that you don't get the same type of UV from the sun as other countries. That's probably what he's referring to.

You know 50 isn't a magic, "initiate menopause" age, right? You can get it earlier and start showing signs before 50.

No. 335186

I was wondering why they didn't settle in Japan if they like it there so much, but then I remembered HK wasn't their end goal either. Did they ditch their plans of living in Canada?

No. 335187

No, they just live in HK right now. Most likely just on the back burner.

No. 335188

>low cal high protein
holy shit. and the added body check photos? Taylor is so predictable. and in this recent vlog she claims that after having Levi her mindset shifted and she's doing it all for health now. yeah right. was it not her breaking down about not losing weight fast enough after giving birth? health my ass.

No. 335189

>You can get it earlier and start showing signs before 50
Nta, but getting menopause before 45 is considered early menopause. The average age is 50, though. Taylor is a healthy woman in her thirties. One way or another she's far from getting menopause, unless premature or early menopause runs in the family.

Googling the average menopause age is not difficult. And it's not 40 or 45.(derailing)

No. 335190

Living in Japan is expensive, plus neither of them knows Japanese so it wouldn't be practical to live there long term.

No. 335191

yeah i don't think it's a very realistic concern but, being so idle, she can't help but start worrying about anything lol(sage your shit)

No. 335197

Are you serious? Hong Kong is just as expensive, if not more expensive than Tokyo.
But I agree with the point about the language barrier.

No. 335203

If you read a little more you'd know she's talking about your body shifting into gear to prepare for menopause which will happen before 50. She's said this previously too, so she's worrying about the right thing since her body already has hormone issues and doctors do suggest changes in diet to help symptoms and it is scientifically proven. All in all, she's going to be talking about this a lot.

No. 335223

>doing it all for health
She always talks about researching this and that about health, hormones, pcos etc, but she never talks about going to the doctor's office or getting checked, only that she wants to do "so many tests" she heard about on podcasts.

I think a person who filmed and published her own IVF in great detail and even included her delivery for clicks, talked about her dog's diarrhea etc is too shy to mention she's seeing a doctor.

Funny how she quickly found a dermatologist on a weekend for the sandfly bites and boasted about it but she can't be arsed to see a gynecologist for her "perimenopause" and pcos? Don't make me laugh.

Lmao what? No sane doctor will tell you in your thirties to exclude carbs from your diet and add pickles and whatnot so that in 15 years when you hit menopause (may be), you "gut bacteria" are happy lol
It's all pseudoscience and a new fad among health-obsessed rich housewives.

Besides, I find it soooo funny that Taylor is so stressed about getting old and being infertile, yet Tom's age and health don't seem to bother her. If there's anyone that could truly benefit from her "health research", it's Tom.(integrate)

No. 335226

Money is not an issue for them and never was lol They have homes in two very expensive cities. If it were to up Taylor, they would've moved to Canada ages ago. She seems so much more alive when she's around family. But since Tom is the one paying for it all, she has little say in it.

No. 335264

File: 1726069062448.jpg (540.7 KB, 1080x1909, insta comments.jpg)

Lolcow chose the perfect time to be down.
Taylor posted a copy of this creator's video >>335108 and it didn't fly well with her followers. Understandably.
She even had to post one of her replies to stories - the one in the bottom left of this photo.

No. 335270

God she’s so retarded.
>i rather enjoy real food than ice cream
I’m sure the person didn’t mean to have ice cream for lunch Taylor. I also took a Screenshot of her kinda snarky story repost of that one comment kek she had it comming

No. 335273

The commentors cant even read, how embarrassing.

No. 335277

File: 1726083794740.jpg (3.56 MB, 2830x8833, 20240911231402552.jpg)

I'm quaking at her and her fangirls' braindead take that people should go and watch her videos and check out her YouTube from two years ago to see what she aqshyually ate post-pregnancy? I mean, if it's a reel on insta, then people will stumble on it when scrolling and the title literally says "what I ate to lose weight after giving birth". What are people supposed to think after reading it lol? That a skinny model posting diet content is doing it for "health, hormones and ageing well"? Lmao. It's not even true lol. As people in the comments pointed out she was "eating like a princess" during her hashtag Chinese confinement.

More comments in picrel.(off-topic)

No. 335278

As if ice cream is not real food in the first place lol
In Taylor's world if food is not carb-free, vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, keto-friendly, rich in protein then it's NOT food lmao.

Another example of unhealthy eating behaviour.

No. 335279

I'm glad that people are catching up on her bullshit. She's been successfully keeping her ED hidden in her stories, now it's all out in the posted content and it's ugly.

>quick, no cook

Is this gen alfa slang or something? She can't be this illerate.

No. 335282

I don't remember her saying she gained weight while breastfeeding postpartum and she didn't look like she did either. The food she was eating in confinement wouldn't have really even allowed her to gain weight, she couldn't eat sugar or really fatty foods.

No. 335283

None of this is even from taylor.

No. 335290

Same. All I remember is her throwing tantrums five months or so in about not bouncing back quick enough and having a meltdown over not fitting into her old pairs of jeans lol. She started trying to lose weight immediately after giving birth. I would've been surprised if she didn't lol Her favourite thing was the waist binding after all because it made her look skinny and snatched. She'd post so many body checks wearing the thing and boast about looking like she did before getting pregnant.
I do remember her stopping the exercise because her milk supply went down because of it, but she stopped breastfeeding early, so… That was the only "non losing weight" thing she did.

Why should they be? It's about her audience being fed up with her bullshit health journey and realising it is nothing about health and everything about looks. Of course there Were quite a number of bootlickers replying and calling others mean and stupid for not knowing that poor TayTay never tried to lose the weight and they should go and watch her old ass content to understand that.

No. 335291

>All I remember is her throwing tantrums five months or so in about not bouncing back quick enough and having a meltdown over not fitting into her old pairs of jeans
Nta, but that's admitting she wanted to lose baby weight without outright saying it. She might not have said it anywhere to her audience or maybe none of us caught it, but breastfeeding does do that.

No. 335315

Woooow! What a liar! As if all of that Chinese nanny thing didn't happen! And she has the nerve to snap at people and be snarky?

No. 335325

The really sad part is that she tried to wear a pair of jeans (not even maternity jeans, just button-fly jeans she allegedly bought two sizes larger) just 10 days after giving birth: >>206323

No. 335359

Her newest vlog is so funny. She’s crying for 20 minutes because she had to drop Levi off at preschool. Girl you are going to have a very hard time when your kid wants some independence. Codependent parents are weird(this is an imageboard)

No. 335369

I loved how she rode the metro for once after we discussed her not using public transport often lmao I'm not saying she's lurking here, but she must've gotten comments or something about that lol

No. 335377

Posting this just for archival purposes. It was another bore fest with an ad taking one fourth of the total time.

No. 335379

Going from trusting most of the upbringing to a nanny to having a hysterical cry session because he has to go to kindergarten three hours a day. I call this progress.

No. 335382

This kind of disproves he has a 24/7 nanny. We've never seen someone around enough to even speculate that, so her being sad like this makes sense.

No. 335389

After seeing them buying bread, I remembered about Tom "going back to school" to learn baking. Has she mentioned that afterwards? And what happened to her collab with the pastry guy?

>Eating after everyone because I was shooting

Look at me~ I'm such a good mom and wife! I started cooking lunch at 9 am and didn't even get to eat it with my family because I was busy working~~~
In reality it's just another example of her terrible time management lol Sure, Tay, you couldn't spare ten minutes to have a meal with your family, then go shoot. Uhuh.

And not her talking about buying "cheaper" frozen fish in the same vlog where she had full course at a premium omakase. Queen of relatablility and frugality lol.

No. 335393

Lmao it proves nothing. She said herself they have a helper. For once I agree that we should take her word for it.
She barely films outside of that one corner of her bedroom and one third of the kitchen in the first place. I wonder if there's a reason for that lol
She mentioned having a shoot in the morning in the vlog. I bet it was not Tom watching the kid in the meantime. Definitely not. They went on a date late in the evening and someone was watching the kid during that time again. Sure, the nanny might not be there literally 24/7, but she's definitely available at odd hours.

No. 335394

okay this might be stupid but is she considered a blonde what color is that hair because I am always fascinated by what is and isnt considered a "natural blonde"

No. 335403

She had dirty blonde hair. Shes not brunette.

No. 335406

What a weird thing to care about. If you had blonde hair or highlights as a child then it's "natural." Obviously the majority of women who age out of that can try to replicate that or appreciate it for aesthetic reasons or want to be treated like they have special magical hair, it's not that fascinating.

No. 335410

This sounds so unhinged to assume everything they do with Levi is a lie when it comes to taking care of him.

No. 335414

I'm rofling at her being all dressed up and formal for the omakase, while Tom is in a tee and cargo pants. The same outfit he wore when they went to the aquarium with Levi lmao. Zero effort.

No. 335415

Nta, but who said everything is a lie? It's just correcting people that her showing ten minutes of her spending time with him doesn't mean she has no help.
Both takes are a stretch. She obviously has a nanny, but she also takes care of the kid.

No. 335421

I don't think I ever heard people call cobblers "shoe tailors". Is it Canadian slang or something? I've head shoemaker being used (although they are technically two distinct professions), but shoe tailor?

Typical moid lol they think dressing up for an occasion is a "female" thing, they won't be found dead looking put together.

No. 335422

she's never filmed her nanny / domestic helper. Why would she? The help isn't something she is proud of. She admitted it because there were comments asking whether she had someone. They get one day off a week by law, so it's 18h/6d pretty much.
she's just braindead, no one calls them shoe tailors. Good for her for repairing her shoes rather than just buying new ones though. More people should.

No. 335424

She doesn't film her assistants either yet people don't imply she has none lol
Plus domestic helpers in HK are already taken advantage of by default, filming her and putting it into monetised content would be too much.

But more importantly, Taylor can't keep repeating she has help because it ruins her "perfect mother, perfect wife" spiel.

No. 335426

File: 1726221393274.jpg (6.11 MB, 3228x6202, artsy fartsy.jpg)

Speaking of Levi's preschool and 'studies'.
Another bullshit self praise from Taylor while lolcow was down.
Welcome back the great and talented artist TayTay! Coloring within the lines presented as ~art~ once again. Brings back memories.

If you listen to her she studied so many things - painting, sewing, nutrition, acting, a number of foreign languages e.g. French, Cantonese, Japanese, yet when it comes to being actually good at anything, she fails at all of those.

P. S. The result of her 9 years of studying, apparently. Her "art" in question, in case yall forgot. Lmao. She wisely didn't post another example this time lol New followers might even think she's a has been talented artist as a kid.

No. 335427

>"clam and focused"

Lmao she's so braindead

No. 335428

Lmao. I forgot about that grey horror called "art" lmao My five years old niece is better at drawing and that's saying something lmao.

No. 335441

she's scared of all kinds of illnesses and losing health with age, but is not bothered with a fucking ball on her kitchen counter while she cooks? and playing ball over the meal prep? she's so dumb.

>Good for her for repairing her shoes rather than just buying new ones
the thing is she's still overconsuming. be it brand new shoes or second hand, she's constantly shopping while she own than enough pairs. this trip to get shoes fixed was just another cosplay as a mindful consumer lol
agreed with the rest.

kek at the slanted, artsy font. so chic and elegant!

No. 335478

KEK He's a toddler. Maybe, just maybe, that might account for the reason why your 5 year old niece is better. I swear the anons itt are genuinely more entertaining than the cow.

No. 335481

>a fucking ball on her kitchen counter
Oh, that bothered me too. Not to mention her habit of cooking with her buttlong hair down. You're guaranteed to get a hair in your bowl. Being a guest at a dinner she hosts must be a nightmare! Hair and dirt in everything.

No. 335482

File: 1726275980967.jpg (108.71 KB, 717x614, IMG20240913050449.jpg)

>she never talks about going to the doctor's office or getting checked
I'm curious about this, too. She always diagnoses herself with all sorts of ailments and allergies that magically disappear after a while, like her lactose intolerance, high cortisol levels (without evidence of getting tested) or the new-found gluten intolerance. But she never mentioned getting properly checked or diagnosed by a professional.
She finally clarified that she's not going through perimenopause. Why the weird obsession about it then? She's so dumb and scared of aging, it's getting ridiculous.

No. 335487


she’s terrified of getting old and fat like her old, fat parents and her old, fat husband. Taylor’s anorexia and god knows what else has been encouraged and celebrated by the people around her her entire life. she doesn’t have anything else to back it up with besides childish, immature toilet humour and a white face that gets her #ad money in Asia. she’s a washed up catalog model having a premature midlife crisis. it’s not that deep. she’s probably also done having kids and scrambling to come up with anything else to do now that she’s not a mother of 4 or however many she used to say she would have.

No. 335488

She's not done having kids. Read the threads.

No. 335502

Thank you for saying something about the hair thing! I'm not alone. I always figured, or at least hoped, that if Taylor did cook all the stuff she claims to in her videos, she must put her hair up and the videos with her hair down are just to look pretty. She also has a habit of letting her kid put his disgusting hands in the mixture of whatever food she is cooking because she mistakenly thinks other people will find that cute instead of revolting.

No. 335506

She's at home, realistically she doesn't need to put her hair up. What a retarded nitpick to claim she doesn't cook

No. 335517

Precisely! She insists on portraying the image of a busy, working mom but it looks like a joke in the end. It would've been more convincing if she didn't mention starting cooking at 9am lol but she wouldn't know what's a realistic time frame. It's hard to fake a busy lifestyle when you haven't lived one for a decade lol.
The dish was not even complicated - grill some fish, make miso soup, plate it on the rice, but she made it look like it took ages and she had to "run to work" afterwards lmao
Must be a treat to be a guest at a dinner she hosts lmao Dirt and hair in everything!

No. 335518

Yeah, she is planning to have more kids, but realistically unless they start another embryo transfer soon, Levi will be their only "miracle" child.
Plus I can't imagine what a hit it will be to Taylor's mental wellbeing to lose that perfect body again after she worked so hard to get it back.

No. 335524

Funny how she couldn't be bothered to get her acne treated by a professional for years but when it comes to ageing she's the first in line to get checked and treated. Look at her embrace hormone replacement therapy after being scared of birth control and modern western medicine her whole life.

No. 335527

nta but the ayrt was talking about taylor's grey drawing she made aged 11. The ayrt linked to it.

No. 335529

She has no middle ground, only one extreme or the other lol. The complete disregard for basic hygiene rules when cooking combined with readiness to get all sorts of tests done to "sTay healthy" is pure comedy.
Like one of her followers said, she really needs to see a therapist, not get checked for health problems that might arise in 10-15 years.

>It's hard to fake a busy lifestyle when you haven't lived one for a decade
This is the best description of Taylor's busy boss lady masquerade.
This is the bane of all influencers' existence, tbf. They live comfortable, uncomplicated Iives for so long they start forgetting what a 9 to 5 while caring for a family entails. They try to be relatable and show how hard they're having it, only to fail miserably.

No. 335547

>they start forgetting what a 9 to 5 while caring for a family entails
the thing is she never had a 9-5 job to begin with. she had a sheltered life since birth, living on daddy's credit card and playing model for a couple years before hopping onto tom's wallet. what an inspiration!

No. 335553

Also nta, but it doesn't matter. A child drawing is a child drawing. 11 is still a child.

No. 335563

airt talked about Levi, age 2.5. I was correcting this because that's clearly not what was meant by the other anon.

No. 335584

She totally dipped after posting this lol No new posts for 10 days, except for a cofeeshop shill in stories a couple of days ago.
I noticed she tends to do this after every reel that doesn't get the response she wants.

No. 335590

Thats pretty normal for her?

No. 335593

You're naive if you think she posts things that she filmed the same day. She basically films a bunch of reels then posts them throughout the next couple of weeks. If you followed her stories you'd also know that the photos she posts are often weeks sometimes a month old.
Plus, she's been frequently taking lengthy breaks from stories and posting in general these last few years, especially after fulfilling sponsorships and collab obligations.

No. 335601

>after fulfilling sponsorships and collab obligations
This makes more sense than anon's conspiracy about hiding from backlash or low engagement.
She posted unprecedented TWO vlogs in a month - that's basically working overtime for her lol No wonder she needs a week or two of rest afterwards.

No. 335612

maybe if she was gone from posting anywhere for like 3 months it would be a concern, but this posting schedule is on brand with her now and has been for years. 10 days means nothing kek

No. 335907

File: 1726825433018.jpg (355.73 KB, 1080x1718, IMG_20240920_094142.jpg)

Guess who's back with yet another undisclosed shill!

Now I wonder what's the logic behind disclosing some ads and mot disclosing others. Surely it's not the brands asking her to be transparent, so there should be something else.

No. 335914

So far she's disclosed the collabs with Benefit, Lululemon, Vivaia and Ritz Carlton. Guess what all these have in common? They're all American companies. Otoh she constantly "omits* disclosure for local businesses and brands.
So it has everything to do with the brand's demands.

No. 335928

File: 1726841213577.jpg (189.47 KB, 1080x944, RfA SKT.jpg)

Because it's not a sponsorhsip unlike LLL and Benefit. She doesn't need to add an #AD.

No. 335935

So the only difference in getting commissions and getting payed via cash or products being labeled as an AD is whether she calls it so or not? That's funny.

She's totally advertising everything just out of the kindness of her heart lol. E.g. The toy rental is totally not a collab, she just receives a new package every month and describes every item in it in great detail solely because she likes it (or rather Levi likes it even before playing with it lol). Or she just happens to be wearing items from certain brands after getting them in the mail with a sweet copy paste message requesting "to see how she'd wear it".

Not saying that she's the only one, of course. Every single influencer, without exceptions, posts ads with no proper disclosure. It's part of the business and as long as they can get away with it, they'll keep doing it. Why alienate your audience with constant ads when you can pretend you genuinely like them and pretend to be "authentic"? You don't wanna give the impression of a sellout ad billboard with your feed, do you? Anyway. She's not gonna stop doing it. Anons just gotta learn to live with that fact.

No. 335948

File: 1726857596583.jpg (338.67 KB, 1080x868, Screenshot_20240920_102533.jpg)

Taylor pinned these three posts to her feed today. I wonder what were the criteria for choosing what to pin lmao I understand the fake achievement award and a sexy(?) ootd. But the disgusting sandfly video? Lmao. Are those the highlights of her diverse and fascinating content, the posts that best represent her?(nitpicking)

No. 335949

It being an ad is what would make it an ad. This seems like typical influencer taking advantage of going somewhere and tagging people in hopes of possible partnerships which would result in a #AD. We don't know what is and what isn't, so posting every instance is stupid as hell, but this comes off like people tagging pop-ups as if they were invited when they weren't. It's been discussed before that HK, and other countries, don't have to follow American META rules. You can even look up the differences as they have a whole section for disclosing rules pertaining to countries on their website.

No. 335960

This is embarrassing. Why is she trying to choose a flashy dress for a wedding? Wanting to be the center of attention at someone else’s wedding is gross, or she wants to look like a bridesmaid which is sad. Only one of those dresses were appropriate

No. 335963

Not all weddings are boring.

No. 335989

Why indeed. The first two are kinda understandable, but the GRWM while I make you wanna vomit is a weird choice. Must be her new SM manager/assistant lol. Pinning a cooking video would make more sense because that's most of her content now.

Unless it's an Indian or Middle Eastern wedding, these are indeed too flashy. I just remembered her sticking out like a sore thumb at Jess' wedding because of her platinum hair and washed out makeup lol

No. 335992

>Indian or Middle Eastern wedding
This is incredibly wrong and untrue that these are the only types of weddings where guests are allowed to wear things other than boring dresses. There are all sorts of socialite weddings and fun-themed weddings where it doesn't matter as long as no one is wearing white. Sometimes even white isn't an issue. Taylor is wearing dresses that are acceptable at a lot of weddings, not every wedding obviously, but outside of Indian and Middle Eastern weddings, yes. It's up to the person who picks the dresses to decide if it's appropriate for the event they are going to. A lot of weddings have color scheme instructions and white and black tie also have different requirements too. It's not like she's saying these dresses are acceptable for every occasion lol People need to use logic when choosing.

No. 335997

File: 1726941755759.jpg (1.42 MB, 2160x2160, andioop.jpg)

Taylor now got her own copycat. She should be proud!(no1currs, off topic)

No. 336001

Topkek this is so cringe. The girl didn’t even do the same styling as Taylors pictures and then the originals are heavily photographed which Taylor admitted kind of with her using this auto-filter cam

No. 336002

Lmao Taylor is working so hard to make people forget this side of her by calling it her "old self" etc, yet you can find comments like "I've been following you since your dolly days" under her every post, reminding everyone about her cringe phase. Now she even has people copying her loli looks and tagging her like back in the day (remember the segment in the end of her videos featuring fans copying her looks?) lmao She is not leaving that behind.

No. 336003

My god she is not winning any pageants. The dolly look is not made for this fanfag.

No. 336049

Ballgown weddings are really uncommon. Outside of that you’re not supposed to wear anything super intricate to a wedding.

No. 336078

File: 1727127911443.jpeg (363.55 KB, 828x1460, IMG_9170.jpeg)

First time I actually see her post from Designer shopping. I honestly would love if she would be more open about her actual lifestyle. Yes miumiu isn’t Chanel but still these small bag charms are around 1k!

No. 336111

She was at their pop up shop not too long ago. Could be another "partnership".
I'm sure she buys a lot from luxury brands but she only posts if she can cash on it.

No. 336160

File: 1727280764872.jpg (705.62 KB, 1080x1900, free pans.jpg)

She got her wish! Free pans for the housewife! She even posted a series of stories cooking on them lol

No. 336167

What are we supposed to even say about these things? They aren't milk and kind of support the cow?

No. 336175

Support her how, exactly? But yeah it's not really milky at all. At least it's saged, so I don't mind too much.

No. 336205

File: 1727344420996.jpg (2.07 MB, 2160x2160, 10240925201840.jpg)

>I honestly would love if she would be more open about her actual lifestyle
she was never transparent about her lifestyle to begin with lmao. but, yes, she stopped sharing even the little bits of her real life after milking her pregnancy and the confinement. every single post about her "day to day life" is either sponsored, or a rant about some wellness hoax, or oversharing disgusting health issues, or her hysterical crying sessions.

re: designer shopping. she's on a gifted bags train lol this was just one of many sponsored stories. i guess the ferragamo partnership is over? because she didn't actively mention and tag any other bags except theirs for a long while.

No. 336210

We really don't know if everything she does is sponsored or free. It's just insinuating it.

No. 336212

So this is the grand reveal of the great and unmatched nursery she's been teasing to reveal for three years? Lmao. Another example of a sad, greige bedroom for kids.(nitpicking)

No. 336217

File: 1727372595857.jpg (5.47 MB, 3280x7618, 320240926190130969.jpg)

I'm much more surprised at how often she talked about herself when presenting the nursery. So selfish and self-absorbed. E.g. I wanted it to be a neutral color so that I wouldn't get sick of it. Um, I thought the nursery is for the kid? Not you? Seriously. Tiktok moms banning color and fun from their children's rooms because it has to fit to their aesthetics and preferences is beyond my comprehension. Even the letters on the black board are boring and beige, c'mon.

>Overcoming obstacles, slowly working your way up…

>…these are kind of underlying themes of our journey to get Levi
Double kek.
Yes, Taylor, you overcame ~so many obstacles~ to have Levi, very inspiring.(Nitpicking baby room colors)

No. 336218

File: 1727373207635.jpg (617.58 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20240925_144644.jpg)

I rolled on the floor from this one. Taylor, that wouldn't touch normal deserts with a ten foot stick, is busy promoting a bakery kek No way!

No. 336222

Why is there a Japanese book on the book stand? Who's reading Japanese to the kid in that household lmao?

No. 336223

File: 1727377670347.jpg (146.63 KB, 1080x786, bakery.jpg)

Nice try but it's not a random bakery. It ticks all of her boxes.

No. 336224

I assume the beige door in the first screenshot is the maid's room? I mean, she has to live somewhere, right? And it's the only space in the apartment that Taylor never shared. She didn't show it in any of the house tours. Ever.

No. 336226

Another toy company shill? Lmao. She's milking it dry. Funny how she promotes renting toys because it's sustainable blablabla, then has a collab where you get a subscription to get brand new toys delivered to you. Very green, very mindful, very eco-friendly.
Either that or the other, smaller bathroom. Or was that near the kitchen? Anyway. She ain't showing us where the helper lives because most followers have already forgotten she has one and she wouldn't want to remind them of her existence.

No. 336230

He likes dinosaurs, everything matches his bedspread technically. I think it's cute.

No. 336231

File: 1727386474200.jpg (145.4 KB, 1080x866, yikes.jpg)

Oh, look, the toy company that sponsored this vlog thinks 14+ are "adults". Just like Tom's sleazy company. I find this poetic.(off-topic)

No. 336232

File: 1727387178766.jpg (386.81 KB, 1931x1080, Old nursery.jpg)

When she said the room wasn't ready when the nanny lived in it, I thought it was something like bare walls and a crib. But judging by the clip she posted the only difference is the lack of nanny's bed and the nappy changing table being gone - understandably. What was missing and not letting her make a tour two years ago? It's not like the toys and furniture she showed now won't change again in a year or so.
I call this "I've been working on this room for over three years" claims bullshit. You just missed the timing to post it back in the day and now that there's a way to capitalise on it you try to pretend there was a bigger picture that took time. There wasn't.

No. 336233

Probably waited to see his interests and it was dinosaurs. It's not that deep.

No. 336237

File: 1727395897240.jpg (92.93 KB, 1080x642, Screenshot_130333.jpg)

she likes to pretend her life is hard and she went through so many struggles. well, she might genuinely believe that her life is so hard and complicated but she's not blocked from observing the world around her and seeing that the difficulties in her life are just first world problems.
the picrel gem was under her reel about levi's sippy cup. makes me wonder what kind of "chaos of life" she's trying to figure out. which suit to wear to a restaurant? or which eyeshadow to put on for a reel? or what to cook for lunch?

and it will change to, idk, trains for example, after some time. kids change interests frequently as they grow and it's normal. she can change the bedding and toys as frequently as she wants. the rest of the room stays the same.
waiting for your child to show interest in something for a long time to finish their room and make a tour is counterproductive.

No. 336238

Then it'll change and he will likes something else. Like most kids kek

No. 336240

exactly why not wait till he's 18 and moving out to make nursery room tour lmao she's obviously been changing and tweaking the room as he grew. no need to make it sound like she's been working on this exact set up for three years and it's finally over and ready to be presented.

No. 336242

Huh? What is this bullshit? I bet she didn't look through the web page enough to find this, but the irony is iconic lol

No. 336247

That's such a stretch to say they might as well waited until 18. Dude is 2, he's more cognitive to what he likes vs a 1 year old or infant. It's not difficult.

No. 336249

Her vlogs are so boring. It’s like the makes content for trad moms who don’t have kids yet

No. 336257

Probably a gift from kimono mom.
The poor little boy! Aren’t colours important for a child’s development? Why no wall stickers you could remove after a few years? I can’t believe it had to be grey for this room.

No. 336261

At least she did something with the room, a lot of parents leave the white walls bare with some stuff hanging from it. He's got toys,
fun decorated dino bed, reading nook, he does have color, it's just not plastered with rainbows. He doesn't need to sleep in highly saturated greens and blues to understand colors. He's probably only even in the room when he's home and using the room to sleep or get ready. Otherwise we don't see much of them in the room at all.

No. 336266

I watched a video from Hannah Alonzo not too long ago and she talked in great detail about this exact trend of sad beige decor stemming from influencer mommies. Well, I'm not an educator and can't talk from experience but she stressed that kids need to be surrounded by bright, vibrant colours as part of their development and learning. Otoh, in Levi's case his toys are mostly colorful and it's not like he's only surrounded by greys and blacks. Could she have not made the room fit her aesthetic and not paint it in color that she won't be sick of? Yup. Is it a crime that she did? No.
Sure, the mountains for example couldve been green, not grey, his carpet and pillows could have had more colors, not just mustard and navy etc. But in the end he's just a toddler. He won't remember what his nursery looked like. When she doesn't allow him to decorate his room however he wants when he grows up, then we'll discuss it. Now it's just rambling about a non-issue.

No. 336268

All this nursery talk made me come to a question. Where is Taylor planning to keep the second child when it's born? Unless they have another spare room, which according to her old house tour they don't, there'll be no place for the new baby. It can't share a room with Levi for at least a couple of years that's for sure. Did they not consider this when they were choosing an apartment?

No. 336273

I think you're looking for problems, this isn't an issue right now and speculating they wouldn't get a bigger place when an office might become another room is just willful ignorance. They have options and money. It doesn't matter.

Honestly whos to say he doesn't like the clean room look as he gets older too anyway. We honestly will never know.

No. 336276

True. Tom will sacrifice his mancave lol Easy peasy. Or if there is indeed another bedroom next to Levi's as pointed out by >>336224 it could become the second nursery. One way or another I'm sure they'll easily figure it out.

No. 336325

That's normal to do when you don't want to move, so probably.

No. 336365

>>336232 she didn’t want to show her nanny literally sharing a room with her newborn baby while princess Tay slept soundly in the other room with her ogre and rat dog back in the beginning. at least not until she could really sell her confinement shit to her braindead followers so they wouldn't freak out about it.

they probably just recently dragged the bed out of there, threw up some amazon airbnb/hotel-looking dinosaur decor and ikea furniture and called it a day for easy youtube content

No. 336366

>missed the timing to post it back in the day and now that there's a way to capitalise on it you try to pretend there was a bigger picture
This. The same way she pretends to be a trad wife with her "I'm not interested in fashion and modeling anymore, I'm only interested in cooking and looking after Levi now" larp, implying that she's a busy housewife, even though the only housewife things she does is cook herself a salad for lunch and occasionally dinner, and play with Levi a couple of hours a day. For the rest she has help. I assure you, you will not find her scrubbing a toilet on a Sunday morning or taking out the garbage or cleaning carpets etc but their apartment is always spotless and camera ready ~by magic~.

No. 336369

I doubt she holds the kid up after content and harkens the nanny to take care of him the other 23hrs of the day. Even poor people can afford maids so probably not scrubbing toilets, but she is with her son. Being a SAHM isn't the suddenly tradwife territory. There's way more to it than what taylor does.(wking)

No. 336381

Not sure if you watched the vlog, but that's exactly what she did lmao. Ordered some shit from amazon, bought IKEA furnishings and called it a day.

Lmao. In what world do poor people keep maids? Agree with the rest.

No. 336397

Nta, but not everyone has a live-in housekeeper/nanny, but everyone can hire someone for a few hours. Yes, even poor people. Taylor isn't a one in a million user of either of these. Just sounds like poor anons being upset she can afford it with ease.(wking)

No. 336416

NTA, but in Hong Kong minimum wage for a helper is 4990 HKD (plus food allowance/being provided with food by employer, and a place to stay). For full-time employees working 8 hours a day, 6 days (5.5-6 days working week is pretty standard here) a week, the minimum monthly wage is estimated to be around HK$8,313.60. So for two working adults with a child it’s still better to have a helper and have woman return to work while helper takes care of the household and children/pets/elderly/whatever.
I think because of this anon said „even poor people” while they meant „not rich”.(wking/derailing)

No. 336425

No one? kek She got it for the aesthetics. All the other books are in English, zero in Chinese or Cantonese. Such a missed opportunity to raise a bilingual kid, though.
This reminds me of his first (pretend) birthday party/photoshoot. Almost the same vibe and colour pallete - grey, yellow and white lol even though if we believe her, she didn't choose the colours back then, only the theme.
I thought we've established that Taylor is not a trad wife. Far from it. Trophy wife, for sure, but not a trad wife. Her content does cater to that audience which is clear from the comments of her foollowers, but that doesn't change the facts.

No. 336430

She's not trad even a tiny bit. Idk why this is brought up so often. It's even in thr OP when it shouldn't be.

No. 336434

I only see traditional chinese medicine mentioned in the OP. I agree, she's not a trad wife and never will be, though she's following and attracting some people like that.

No. 336437

Because a lot of them follow healthy eating and the same pages Taylor follows. She also has the clean girl look to her and the mommy vlogging which has a lot of almond-mom, healthy parenting obsessed women. She has a specific audience, but she isn't attracting the type of tradwives anons think of when we think of our actual trad thread.

What "we" are you talking about? There's like 2 people who think she's trad and nothing she does even evokes that.

No. 336442

I don't see how what anon said contradicts what you're saying. Why is there confusion in the first place?

No. 336680

File: 1728225365978.jpg (643.95 KB, 1080x1913, IMG_20241005_131434.jpg)

So, she posted two youtube ads, disappeared for 10 days, teased a hair colour change in insta stories and dipped again. She's definitely not interested in vlogging/influencing anymore, because the fuck is this level of laziness? Either post normally or stop halfassing. Seriously. The only time she posts is when she has to sell something.
Watch her crawl back in two weeks or so and pretend to work oh so hard! again as she pushes another "partnership".(nitpicking)

No. 336688

We have previously been lax and unclear about banning for nitpicking in Taylor's threads. This was primarily due to the fact that she rarely posts anything truly milky so banning in strict accordance with the rules would likely kill the thread. We did not want to do this as Taylor is a legacy cow with many anons still following her. Over the last few months however the vast majority of 'milk' posts have been in direct contravention of rules:
7.1: Nitpicking
7.2: Repetitive comments
7.3: Milkless social media statuses and images
7.5: Tinfoiling with no basis to a claim
This was our fault and has come as a result of our previous decision to not ban posts that break these rules because of the reasons mentioned above. This has led to discussions and infights in /meta/ almost every time a post is banned. Going forward we have decided to hold this thread to the same standards as every other thread on the milk boards so any post that breaks these rules will be banned and no amount of complaining in /meta/ will get the ban lifted.

No. 336798

File: 1728367556420.jpg (859.78 KB, 3195x2400, 1000035155.jpg)

Did anyone catch where they were going? I didn't know HK citizens needed visas for SEA countries, presuming that's where they were headed. I wonder why she didn't go ahead with Levi. Tom could have taken the next flight.

No. 336809

File: 1728392172462.jpeg (136.37 KB, 828x620, IMG_9356.jpeg)

Strange, a visa for what country? Apparently it was one of the most stressful times in her life topkek this bitch never came across any hardships in her life.

No. 336815

It’s not even a visa, they are going to Canada and he had to apply for Electronic Travel Authorisation. It has to be done before boarding the airplane.

No. 336816

Did they change the regulations? It's not their first time travel to Canada. Why the confusion this time around?

No. 336817

File: 1728398331665.jpg (1.72 MB, 2160x2160, 24100812575610.jpg)

Thank God there was a luxurious lounge for her to relax at! She liked it so much she posted 15(!) stories about it, hashtag not an ad. She was so stressed and needed a good rest and a massage after all of that headache they brought upon themselves. Lol

>why she didn't go ahead with Levi. Tom could have taken the next flight
I've been thinking the same. Why would all three miss the flight if only one person has a visa problem and it can be solved in a day.(in accordance with the farmhand decision you can read above: taylor's 'ads' are nitpicking and repetitive comments)

No. 336819

Nta but it really does take a few minutes. If the system is slow, then it's slow. That's no other crazy situation here

No. 336827

That's why they recommend doing it a few days in advance. Absolutely crazy not to apply for that early, but that's on Tom (despite Taylor blaming herself again - it's his entry permit, not hers). Makes sense then that she'd wait for his entry clearance and not travel alone. But how long did he wait to do this?! Did they not even get there two hours before the flight?

No. 336831

In places where it is able to be approved right away without issues usually, there isn't a need to do it ahead of time.

No. 336834

Lmao I wonder if any part of her “stress” was real. This is so obviously an ad it hurts
Even if it was real like girl chill out, it’ll get figured out. She seems like the type that flips out over the smallest things

No. 336840

She's tagging a company. Obviously, she was invited. I don't know why you need to announce it every time.

No. 336841

The definition of first world problems lol Now imagine having to plan your trips months ahead because getting a visa takes ages. Scandalous!
I'm so glad there was a premium lounge where she could rest after going through such hardship. So down to earth and relatable! (I'm not even gonna mention the price of new first class tickets lol)

No. 336843

>She seems like the type that flips out over the smallest things
Exactly. She's just neurotic. There have been more than enough examples of her having a disproportionately emotional rection to normal, mundane things and situations.
Lmao because she's so bad at hiding ads, yet has the audacity to claim she only does a couple per month. She was MIA before and after the "invited to stay" and we're to believe she's just spamming her great and amazing experience and is so authentic and relatable and honest with her audience? Lol
That was my thought, too. Having so much disposable income that you can afford to miss a flight together with your husband and then rebook for two and a half, when you could've flown without him and lost only one ticket.

No. 336844

If they missed it, the airline mightve exchanged it for a new time instead of them buying new ones. She doesn't say anywhere they had to get new tickets though.

No. 336863

File: 1728476736019.jpg (429.28 KB, 1080x1927, 7120241009092415.jpg)

Is it me or this looks like an economy seat? They're either not flying to Canada or they couldn't rebook first class lol

No. 336904

Seems so. But we won't know until she posts more.

No. 336910

File: 1728559446022.jpeg (445.99 KB, 828x1344, IMG_9377.jpeg)

They’re in Canada. Is it thanksgiving soon? I’m not a burger/moose

No. 336911

File: 1728559657829.jpeg (150.99 KB, 828x731, IMG_9379.jpeg)

I think I found Toms finsta. It was tagged by a family member and Taylor reposted it

No. 336912

File: 1728559714614.jpeg (158.45 KB, 828x1472, FE9704DC-7B27-4DB7-A7F2-5D1AF8…)

It’s followed by Taylor

No. 336914

O wow, good catch! I didn't even pay attention to the tiny letters kek But I went and checked. The person that tagged him follows his main account, too, but she chose to tag this one. Interesting. Always trust the many relatives to give away small things like this lol

It's the other way around. He's following Taylor. She follows no one at the moment.

No. 336915

It is, on 14th. But they're probably here for Blake's wedding. The "autumn wedding" she made a reel about must be his. Plus, I assume she'd prefer to visit during Christmas instead so there must be another reason.

No. 336917

She's not following him.

No. 336923

Yea nonnas sorry I was confused. Of course princess Taytay doesn’t follow anyone!

No. 336975

You just needed to look is all and we've had this account of his tagged before in older threads. Im not reposting old tagged milk, but this isn't a secret account. I'll re-tag it when I get the chance next time its relevant.

No. 337021

I guess I don’t remember what accounts got posted here or not nonna kek maybe we should add his social media to the op next time

No. 337435

File: 1729334354511.jpg (1.35 MB, 2160x2160, tell me I'm young and pretty.j…)

She's so petty lmao Someone hit the nerve and she just couldn't stomach it lol Now she has to fish for compliments reassuring her that she's still young and youthful, to feel better. And her fans delivered, of course. Mission accomplished lol.

No. 337436

Topkek which of you was this

No. 337437

I love how she didn't address any of the comments about the dresses being too flashy for a guest, but she just couldn't stay silent when people said the dresses aged her, even though these weren't even the majority.

P.s. The new options are not much better, though. She's just revealing a bit more skin and curves lol

No. 337443

Because it's not that ott for a guest dress. This is not a budget shotgun wedding you'd wear this too obviously, you wear this to a nice wedding.

No. 337446

Someone should've asked if she would've been OK if she was upstaged at her wedding (which didn't happen lmao). Of course she wouldn't have, yet she thinks being the center of attention at another woman's big day is normal.

Funny that you mentioned a budget wedding, given that poor Taylor didn't get to dress up as a princess bride like she always dreamed and was forced to get married in a grey registration office, wearing a mere pink suit. Heck, the only guests were her family members via Skype and her dad was without clothes lol.

No. 337451

Didn't she wear a VW suit?

No. 337470

It is so weird she’s putting this much thought into how she looks at a wedding that’s not even hers. Girl it’s not the royal wedding, you’re there to celebrate the bride. She definitely knows she missed the train on looking pretty for her own wedding and is now realizing it.(nitpicking)

No. 337477

File: 1729433002914.png (504.8 KB, 864x1355, 1000035784.png)

it was a Zara suit she bought right before the wedding (iirc 1-2 days before the wedding date but don't feel like looking for it anymore)

No. 337479

And this is the only reel of hers replying to a comment as far as I know lol she's pathetic.

No. 337480

File: 1729437460674.jpg (2.11 MB, 2160x2160, IMG_20241020_0636.jpg)

OMG, you were right, anon! She's there for her brother's wedding.

No. 337481

she is so pretty why is she dating him what is going on? Is wealth this important you would mate with and spend your prime with that!? Why do women let ugly men around them!? Its sick. THis is why ugly men are the way they are(rule 7: repetitive comments)

No. 337483

That dress looks fine, matches Tom and the kid too

No. 337484

Lmao she chose one of the "matronly" options in the end. But it looks good on her. It was the best option for a guest, tbh.
Tom otoh should get new frames. Wearing the same one over the years makes it obvious how much your face grew sideways.

No. 337485

She’s got issues. Girls like her date down so that they always have the upper hand in the relationship.

It’s her brothers wedding, watch her post another “uhm, my brother is not single ladies!!!”

No. 337487

The cut definitely ages her. Is the dress navy or black because it looks to me like it clashes with Toms suit and her handbag too. It could’ve been worse tbh at least it’s not ott

No. 337491

File: 1729452838047.jpg (1.33 MB, 2160x2160, collage192359.jpg)

She didn't really have a choice if she was really choosing from the options she showed in the reel. I think they dress code was black/navy, judging by the videos, so it was the only option she had anyway, all the other dresses were too bright.

No. 337496

File: 1729474547639.jpg (729.68 KB, 1200x1500, 1000035841.jpg)

Well that is just weird tinfoil. It's obvious there was no dress code for guests not in the wedding party.

If there had been a dress code, she wouldn't have included the other dresses in her dress rental order at all. She said that the wedding party was wearing black, and one of her family members suggested she wear the green or blue dress. I swear her mom also commented but idk, can't find it. Literally the only bright dress was the royal blue one.

These two screenshots where mostly the wedding party is shown in yellow lighting, which makes every dark color look black. In the normally lit photos, there are many different colors of dresses and suits, including dark green and even ivory.

Seeing the event, she made the right choice (a couple others from the first reel would have been ok too though). Everything else was far too flashy for the wedding of a sibling, especially since Taylor doesn't usually wear backless, tight dresses or show cleavage at nice events (not even for dates with Tom). The wedding was in a church, she's around her family, she's with Levi, she is not a bridesmaid, and most importantly, her new sister-in-law should have the spotlight. Most of the dresses she showed weren't suitable for those factors. Of course people should dress up for a nice wedding, and she did; she looked good, and the dress fit her well. But the outfit that looks the best objectively is not always the right choice. Glad she used her brain here.

No. 337504

I think she was just doing a dress video while trying to find a guest dress for her brother's wedding. Easy content for people to interact with.

No. 337550

File: 1729547658862.jpg (596.83 KB, 1080x1890, 7120241021173511.jpg)

Levi's room? Again? How many times is she gonna milk the same content? It's been a month since she posted the vlog. C'mon, Taylor, this is too lazy even for you.(nitpicking)

No. 337552

It’s so depressing looking

No. 337639

At least the room is cute, anons had me worried, but its perfect for a toddler. Not like he even understands.

No. 337678

File: 1729891780570.jpg (666.62 KB, 1080x1914, ew.jpg)

This is disgusting. Why? Why would she share this disgusting sight with the world? Does she think this makes her look relatable and down to earth?
Poor hotel stuff that had to clean up this mess.

No. 337679

Was there another slide that says they left it like this for housekeeping to take care of? That would be super rude. That's is a whole layout for going out isn't it though, wouldn't you put that away after coming back? Maybe they had a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door, so housekeeping wouldn't need to do it because it would be too embarrassing.

No. 337680

Nothing surprising lmao. This is the real Taylor. A messy pig, not the highly curated image of a perfect wife in a perfect home she shares now. If you followed her during her Japan vlogging days, you'd know this kind of mess is normal for her.

Embarrassed? Lol. She's used to leaving a mess for a maid to clean up. That's literally her lifestyle lol.

No. 337696

I was more concerned with her previous story where Levi's tummy is exposed because his shirt got untucked. I won't be posting it for obvious reasons. She truly doesn't understand that some things should never be shared on SM, especially if it's related to minors.

No. 337711

Lol wow, that’s more shit than what the bride used to get ready herself. Taylor really thinks she’s the star of the show

No. 337714

I guess it's expired now, because I didn't see it, but it's not the first time. She needs to stop posting her kid that often, though. It's in his best interest.

No. 337715

File: 1729961226482.jpg (396.81 KB, 1080x2171, 33220241026023511.jpg)

New brainrot content coming, I guess. As if the previous "Look how different I look with my hair/brows/foundation/you name it quarter a shade lighter!" content was any different.

No. 337718

File: 1729964554239.png (536.64 KB, 828x1792, IMG_0003.png)

Well she just posted “old” pics about they boarding to Canada , and I bet everyone is gonna coment , OMG Taylor this bag Levi is using such a Nice bag , and there comes a nem “amazon find” perfect U$280 unnecessary stuff , yeah she probablly also gets money for the amazon links she provides. And also she packed all the healthy snacks , all educative montessori toys cause she is just the perfect mom , all very organized all aesthetic pleasing just like her bathroom hotel right? I mean she just likes to pretend she is perfect and the shows hoje she is not in daily life !!! It doesnt make any sense(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 337724

Kek all this mess (the tape wtf?) for a natural make up look and s half up >>337480
The empty toilet paper roll is also really something the world needs to see and is uwu so relatable you guyz Taylor shits too(nitpicking)

No. 337727

Those things have such shit ratings on Amazon. I don’t get why she shills it all the time

No. 337749

She didn't link it in any posts. Anon just searched the bag and found it and is assuming thats what will happen lol

No. 337756

File: 1730020696248.jpg (241.63 KB, 1080x926, Screenshot_20241011_093426.jpg)

She did say she's planning to make a video about packing with a toddler, so all the links will be there like last year.

No. 337757

She's a former model for a reason. Most things and colours will look good on her because that's what models are - a blank canvas. Even in her previous videos the changes she made to "suit her better" where minimal. But judging by her fangirls' reactions, it will get traction, so it's worth doing it for the clicks.

No. 337758

File: 1730023962871.jpg (266.62 KB, 1080x1892, 13093920241027.jpg)

See? It's the little lies and half-truths like this that reveal her pretentious and fake personality. You'd think she made the costumes herself too, but she only made the mushroom (that is paint the top and wrap the pole of the umbrella) and bought clothes for everyone. Now she's whining about having to buy costumes at the store as if it's somehow different from what she did last year.(nitpicking)

No. 337759

File: 1730024528321.jpg (297.22 KB, 1080x1879, 14204120241027.jpg)

Lmaooo they did fly economy! She must be furious at Tom for having to fly like a poor person lmao.
We didn't have to wait long for the details no one asked for. I'm sure the link will follow suit soon.(nitpicking)

No. 337761

>Oh noooo, I have to buy Halloween costumes at the storeeee. I've been too busy attending a wedding~ Sooooo embarrassing! So lazy of meeee!
Tsk. Typical Taylor and her first world problems.

No. 337765

I feel like her diy stuff was something she actually enjoyed doing and people would like a return to that content, especially if she credited the creators she took the ideas from (like her mama bird with the egg costume).

Anyway, she has bought Halloween costumes plenty of times in the past, so idk why she feels bad about doing it this year.

While looking around, I found an old video I've never watched. Tom doesn't pick all the "sexy" costumes (there are some funny ones) but the "sexy" ones he does pick are weird.

No. 337766

File: 1730028645124.jpg (617.71 KB, 2880x2880, 1000036313.jpg)

some highlights

No. 337767

File: 1730028992093.jpg (408.23 KB, 3195x2400, 1000036307.jpg)

final photo dump: she bought her costumes in 2020, too.

idk I guess I thought all her actual diy stuff was more those copying "runway" or "kardashians" looks, like that blue Valentino outfit HYPEBAE filmed her making (which was one of her cooler videos imho, it looked good).

No. 337770

She did do DIY costumes in 2022 and 2021, but they weren't something complicated or requiring much time, I mean she hot glued things she bought online, there was no sewing or stitching involved to make it difficult or time-consuming. She's just bullshiting again and making it sound like it was hard work lol.
The vid from 2021: https://youtu.be/_FxRdvgI9WI?si=_KROdndFO4Mztlrr
The vid from 2022: https://youtu.be/Wx6uyZ4umBU?si=vubeG73GwWoppV2J(this is an imageboard)

No. 337774

File: 1730034586428.jpg (74.84 KB, 745x613, IMG0710.jpg)

She said herself that she didn't DIY for Halloween before 2020. It's not even a tradition for her lol

No. 337781

She has been busy though with traveling, so that does make sense. 3 years of diying to some degree with your kid and then not being able to is kind of sad. Could've started earlier, but it's clear since Levi was born they wanted to do this. Makes all these old Halloween posts like >>337765 irrelevant(wk)

No. 337782

Watching an old video made me realise that she did come off more friendly and approachable back in the day. Now she seems manufactured, cold and distant. I thought I was assuming it, but no. The vibes are totally different then and now.

No. 337793

So since Levi has been born she's been trying to do DIY yearly then?

No. 337798

How did you jump to that conclusion, nonnie? Levi was born in 2022.

No. 337801

File: 1730075316104.jpg (814.59 KB, 1079x1777, Notdiy.jpg)

It's not an assumption, she seemed to be trying to do that. Just failed this year. She put that own expectation on herself.

No. 337802

File: 1730075914710.jpg (836.34 KB, 1079x1855, Diywithoutlevi.jpg)

This one too from the year before. Levi isn't in it though, so it has nothing to do with the kid which is what >>337770 might be mentioning. I'm not clicking links to check.

No. 337808

Well it looks like we cant say anything even if the “hypothesis” totally makes sense without being in danger of being banned , we also know that Tay has been away of social media , often posting old contet, ads or just being days without posting ,also she doesnt share a lot of her personal live , and seens to be aproaching her social media in a more “how can i profit over this ? “ and just like a job like has been previoulsy said, what also leads to a lack of Authentic content and oversharing uninteresting personal stuff also previously said (poop,vomit, sandflyes rash) .
All of this is just to prove that she probably Will never (not intended on her on will) would deliver Milk , she has been keeping her live really privet, So what is left for us other than Theorize about her next steps or what really happens on closed doors since we also know is probably diferent than the perfect - ex-model , girlboss , youtuber/influencer , busy Healthy perfect mother that she insists in portray ? I mean cant we be a little more open-minded with the Thread here ???(sage your shit)

No. 337809

File: 1730142025051.jpeg (90.52 KB, 1284x614, IMG_9884.jpeg)

From the comments on her latest reel

No. 337812

We already allow a wider range of posts in this thread for exactly the reasons you stated. We are specifically trying to get rid of the daily posts about Taylor shilling various products and other repetitive comments. That is why for example the posts about Taylor's salty response to someone calling her matronly or about her messy hotel bathroom were not banned but the posts about Levi's room or her flying economy were after the first few.

It also doesn't help that every post gets reported no matter the content.

No. 337814

She said they were trying months ago we've known this

No. 337817

Good to know he’s cream pie-ing her every night. I wonder if she’s documenting atm for another dramatic 10 video series on how they conceived.

No. 337821

That is probably why she has been super obsessed with being healthy and trying to treat the suposed “PCOD” with food , i wish she got pregnant again , i wonder like said before , they gonna need more space if a second baby comes , will Tom give um bis man cave ??? They actually have a pretty big apt. For Hong Kong status , it most be worth millions of US dollars .
If she gets naturally pregnant she could sal for a push up gift , she would naive if she didnt , the perfect gift would be they living in Canada like she probably always wanted , Tom parents are dead , and she looses all this precious moments with her family , and now with thanksgiven / christmas she is probably going to think about it !!!(sage your shit)

No. 337824

Trying to convince Tom's crusty sperm to work? Good luck lmao
She probably is, hence the lack of updates every now and then. She's saving up those precious crying clips for sob story part two lol. Also explains her hysterical reaction to getting her period and describing it in full detail not too long ago.

No. 337825

>It also doesn't help that every post gets reported no matter the content.
Why not ban those who abuse the report button? There's a rule for that.

No. 337837

File: 1730185853447.mp4 (3.62 MB, 1080x1920, 1000036366.mp4)

She's doubling down on how Levi was "forced to wear what Mama made" for the entire two previous Halloweens he's been alive. It's kind of weird.
Link to 2023 costume: >>311269 He's not wearing anything she made, and that's a fact. This costume is not exactly what a kid wants to wear in humid HK, so maybe she was telling the truth about forcing him kek

No. 337846

She wants it to be true so much she started believing her own lies.

No. 337854

File: 1730215383978.jpeg (219.64 KB, 818x1237, IMG_0027.jpeg)

Im just laughing at the coments of her newest reels !!!!(sage your shit)

No. 337857

Notice how she doesn't answer the second comment, only made sure to point out that she was flying economy, too (for once lol).

No. 337859

There is at least one strange esl anon here that doesn’t know how to sage and integrate and I believe they’re trying to get this thread shut down

No. 337860

DIY doesn't mean only handmade. Putting costumes together and not outright buying it like >>337837 is usually what it means. Buying parts of an outfit is still DIYing it because it didn't all come together in a bag as the final concept like the gnome thing >>337758 for Halloween. I wonder if she's going to wind up personalizing whatever he got though to make it more unique.

No. 337864

Like if anyone here posts anything new , better close the thread then cause only some aparently know how to “sage their shit” you all just a bunch of Cyberbullying with boring unpleasent life that are just upset that cant get a life as remotly as good as her …… so just stay in your own parasocial forum little group i dont give an “ unsaged shit about it “better never integrate with your kind of people even online i can feel the bad aura and karma from the longest distance(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 337869

>Buying parts of an outfit is still DIYing it
respectfully, no it isn't. Take a look at DIY forums for any hobby or costuming and you will not see ppl buying pieces and wearing them together. Doesn't resolve the thing about her "making" Levi's gnome costume anyway, since she didn't make anything he wore

No. 337878

Careful, anon. They will claim that you are a white knight. That was her husband's milk, and she hasn't been milky since his prostitution business. Stale milk is being held onto by anons. What's milky about homemade food and diy costumes? kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 337919

It's not limited to things being handmade. This is for Halloween.

No. 337928

They do but not people who abuse it, I've been banned for reporting in this thread and they banned me instead of the retards I reported for nitpicking (and of course ignore me posting on /meta/ about the abuse). Extremely biased moderation ITT(take it to /meta/)

No. 338018

File: 1730519529817.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x1347, 1000007948.jpg)

Looks like she did some DIY lol I think they did all this in Canada.

No. 338260

File: 1730989189832.jpg (917.67 KB, 1080x1905, 1220241106154656.jpg)

Taylor making sure you remember she worked part-time as a teenager lol
Didn't she say she worked at her grandpa's restaurant? Did her grandpa own Swiss Chalet?(nitpicking )

No. 338300

She could've had multiple jobs.

No. 338305

God this looks dumb lmao

No. 338307

she definitely hasn’t. “for three years” as a host after school at her family’s own franchise lol. swiss chalet is disgusting and she has to stuff her face with it and retell us about her fried chicken job every time she sets foot in grimsby. this is where her obsession with greasy/“crispy” food (and probably binging) comes from.

No. 338308

She doesn't even mention crispy food. It's just a job. Give us proof she's lying about it or something, otherwise there's no reason to not believe she had a normie job at one point.

No. 338372

File: 1731181339643.jpg (325.15 KB, 1080x1892, 20241109321561.jpg)

This must be the only photo she ever posted where they look like an actual loving couple and not a sugar baby with her sponsor.

No. 338373

Still looks like a sugar baby with her sponsor

No. 338382

The way you can tell he still grosses her out lmao. That body language.

No. 338385

Lol for real. She recently said in a reel that the two of them have been “disconnected” lately.

Idk why she makes a huge effort in her appearance when Tom clearly doesn’t make an effort for himself. It’s like she’s wanting to attract a different suitor(this is an imageboard)

No. 338529

she looks repulsed lol. did he have to have his phone out too? they’re both aging faster than ever these days

No. 338534

This is kind of sweet

No. 338535

File: 1731392186068.jpg (705.4 KB, 1080x1901, 1220241112100837.jpg)

Lmao. Here we go again with "pregnancy ruined my hair" when she dyed her hair just recently. Plus, didn't she "heal" her hair with her elaborate hair care routine?

No. 338536

>wanting to attract a different suitor
If she could've, she would've. But among the Asian businessmen you gotta search long and far to find someone young, handsome and rich AND willing to take a white wife.

She's so dumb. Did the pregnancy choose to affect only the back/underneath of her hair? You know, the part that usually gets fried first after years of dying and styling with heat? What a coincidence! How about cutting your frizzy ends every now and then? Or did Tom forbid it again?

No. 338539

File: 1731407048086.jpg (620.7 KB, 1080x1919, IMG_11143.jpg)

she should hire someone to photoshop her pictures for her because this is embarrassing. at least make your tummyline believable when you crop it. lmao(nitpicking)

No. 338541

I remember from her dolly vlogs that she always had a mess underneath her hair. It’s just a thing when your hair is very long and worn open for a while. Why does she have to make this about pregnancy? I swear it’s like the only topic she can talk about because it’s the only bug thing she ever did in life.

No. 338542

What do you think she meant by disconnected? Since she just posted a photo with Tom in his birthday?(sage your shit)

No. 338543

Me too. She never had silky smooth hair. It's funny how she doesn't seem to grasp the link between bleaching, blow drying and frizz, but somehow being preggers two and a half years ago somehow allegedly permanently damaged her luscious locks lol

Asking what was there to disconnect would be wiser lol

No. 338545

You can see her bra wiring sticking out here >>338535. But in the edited pic it's smooooth like her new hair lol(nitpicking)

No. 338562

Lmao anon if she wanted a different guy she could have got plenty by now, being a skinny white blonde model in Asia would not leave her with a lack of options, she chose elbow san likely due to self esteem issues or possible past traumas, she could have had a guy who is both rich and good looking, I am not even as pretty as her and had a couple of serious relationships with Chinese millionaires (who weren't old and fugly) i can't express enough how easy mode it is being a white girl in Asian circles. I'm no longer yellow fever myself but i had ample opportunity to secure a bag of that's what I cared about. The guys I dated were douches tho lol, maybe Taylor ran into a lot of rich hot assholes who wanted her before and settled for Tom because she got tired of it? Chinese men can be super cold and domineering which Tom seems the opposite of, loveydovey to her, needy clingy and passive, guess she likes that(no1currs)

No. 338566

Lmao. Write your fanfics elsewhere, nonnie.

No. 338798

File: 1731875194142.jpg (327.96 KB, 877x1054, 20241117134521.jpg)

The keratin treatment was a big mistake, imo. Hair is one of her main selling points (especially to Tom) aside from being white and thin. They look so greasy and deflated now. It's a shame. She should've cut the dry, fried tips instead, even if it left her with half the current length.

No. 338799


No. 338801

Yikes. Watch her start sobbing about losing her hair volume after pregnancy lmao.

No. 338816

Keratin is popular over there as well as thin hair. I don't think she's going to cry. It doesn't last long anyway. She should've gotten
cysteine treatment instead though

No. 338828

File: 1731914914182.png (921.2 KB, 640x1207, df8.png)

The recent pics she's posted with him using that "love with u" song by Sam Benwick made my stomach turn a little, because it's such a cute song and I associate it with my own boyfriend who is actually a normal handsome looking person my age who i actually have things in common with. But then immediately just so happy I am dating someone I actually find physically attractive. I'll never truly understand women who settle for so little, especially when they're beautiful and waste their genes, thankfully Taylor's seem to be carrying Levi because he looks like a cute kid, but imagine he grows up to look like Tom… All so Taylor can live luxuriously and buy name brand things? And eat nasty tiny portioned overpriced food. How she can sleep with him I genuinely can't comprehend. Say a prayer for yourselves nonnas that your self esteem will never be so low(blogpost)

No. 338842

File: 1731939352951.jpeg (420.63 KB, 828x1358, IMG_0202.jpeg)

It really was pointless. Her hair looks as messy as ever. If she knows she’ll take an outfit picture why isn’t she just quickly brushing her hair? I swear sometimes i think she’s allergic to brushing her hair.(hair nitpicking)

No. 338843

>she’s allergic to brushing her hair
You're right. That's exactly her problem. She wants her hair to look gorgeous 24/7 but doesn't want to wash, brush and cut it regularly. If she thought keratin would give her instantaneous voluminous, healthy hair, she was wrong.(tinfoiling)

No. 338872

File: 1732010492136.jpg (372.34 KB, 1080x1921, 20241119094434.jpg)

Not Tom calling out her overconsuming ass and her proving him right by calling a new unnecessary splurge an "investment" kek

No. 338875

File: 1732016627228.jpg (1.41 MB, 2160x2160, IMG_153928.jpg)

Second hairdye in a month and she's surprised her hair looks like a bird's nest.

No. 338876

Sustainability queen. What a role model! She's bragging about second hand clothing to make it seem like she cares about the environment, but all she really cares about is following trends to a t.

No. 338877

Did she dye her hair just for the wedding? Lmao. Weirdo.

No. 338878

File: 1732021433438.jpeg (164.77 KB, 828x678, IMG_0206.jpeg)

You’re not supposed to dye your hair so soon after a keratin treatment

No. 338901

>>338877 girl’s head is fried. her hair’s going to be falling out in clumps all winter at that length. I think how shitty and aged she looked blonde again really shocked her this time lmao.

No. 338902

Yikes. Someone's gonna get a rude awakening when her already poor hair quality plumets. I wonder if it was her idea to do so many treatments back to back or the hair salon's.

No. 338905

Trophy wives calling their impulsive shopping "investment" as if it magically makes it OK to be so wasteful is such a classic.

It was definitely her brilliant idea. Once she obsesses over something, she wants to get it right then and there (spoiled toddler behaviour if you ask me), be it new clothes, new treatments, new hair, heck, even having kids.

No. 338921

What she really needs is therapy to learn to deal with those impulses and the need to fill a huge void she doesn't acknowledge is there.

No. 339008

these new reels by Tom seem like Taylor told him to film her doing something “candid” and posting it on his page. Kinda sad

No. 339017

File: 1732178355310.jpg (299.2 KB, 1080x1925, 20241121_061455.jpg)

Ew-san enters the gym for the first time in his life and the first thing he does is shame his wife for running loudly. What a dream relationship.

No. 339018

I don't think it was her idea, though. If it were, she would've asked her assistant to film, plus her reaction seemed genuine.

No. 339022

now that there’s two of these duo stories in a row, it’s obvious she’s absolutely writing this shit for him..her husband can barely speak coherent sentences let alone type out instagram meme formats correctly.

wonder if they fired the assistant after being out of the country for over a month? taylor puts out like 3 youtube vids a year now that are just clip shows from her stories + extra sponcon so what were they paying her for at this point anyway? lol

No. 339050

Nta, but seems like she wants him to do more video stuff and this is what he's coming up with and she has to roll with it. I don't think it's being written, just sounds like both agreeing to a concept and this is what he's throwing at her.

No. 339064

If they're both at the gym, who's looking after Levi? Jk, we know who.
On a serious note, I find these kind of jokes really distasteful. Look, my wife is so annoying! This is one more example. The passive aggressive dad pan was another. He's toxic and it's starting to show.

No. 339091

I think that's a reach. She just copies other trends. It's more of that idiotic "look what weird thing my spouse does." Uyen Ninh, by whom she was inspired (if you want to call it that), has does more general boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, so she is doing that now in addition to the "wow! China is so weird! My Chinese husband…" stuff.

I highly doubt Tom thinks up any of this stuff, she probably asked him to come film her running after he told her it was loud once.

I hope she gets some tips on her treadmill gait from her personal trainer because the way she is jogging looks like it could cause her injury in the future. A lot of people need coaching on that, though, and anyone who is jogging/ running at higher speeds will make sound. I'd like to see Tom run kek(post proof or stop tinfoiling )

No. 339111

>chinese husband
The post has nothing to do with that.

No. 339113

Yeah my thought exactly. She’s the first to reply to comments that are on TOM’s Instagram with these videos. He’s also captioning the videos like she would

No. 339116

they are married and follow each other, plus tag each other. Doesn't that make sense to comment first? It's not like his engagement is like her engagement.

No. 339130

File: 1732259945611.jpg (1.63 MB, 4851x2766, 20241122111438022.jpg)

>the way she is jogging looks like it could cause her injury in the future
Yeah, some comments mentioned that, too, so miss knows-it-all found it necessary to point out that she knows best lmao. I love her salty, passive aggressive replies in stories.

No. 339133

Which replies are the passive-aggressive ones? Most of the comments are saying they are loud runners too or that Tom should demonstrate how to "run quietly". Kek. He couldn't even if he tried, look at him.

No. 339134

File: 1732265885156.jpg (179.64 KB, 1080x1188, 12534720241122.jpg)

She even thought it absolutely necessary to post that to the comment section, too lmao What an unconfident person she is.

No. 339135

I think anon meant Taylor's passive-aggressive reply, not her followers'.

No. 339140

I'm not tinfoiling. This was discussed in multiple previous threads. Uyeh blew up primarily on tiktok for doing mixed couple/ culture shock vids with her bf. One example: vidrel is Uyeh Ninh's "Things in our German+Viet household that just make sense" video, which Taylor used to make her "Things in our Caucasian/Asian household that just make sense" a year later >>282870 (ignore the anon trying to drag some dumb race thing to LC). She copied Uyeh's caption as well:
>How we live together as a mixed couple (Taylor)
>That's how we co-living together as a mixed couple (Uyeh)
idk why I have to say all this when Taylor credited her after commenters started noticing the "inspiration": https://www.instagram.com/reel/CWKFZQhgID-/?igsh=cTR0cXZiZzdhczJ6

Please read, bc I literally said that the "mixed couples" influencers have moved to doing more general husband/wife shit. The trend has shifted. I don't think Tom is deciding to do anything on his own. Taylor is following the general trend of husband/wife reels & tiktoks.

No. 339154

Anons debunked that this person isn't the only one doing this meme/relatable content. Taylor is just doing it too.

No. 339212

Nta. Of course her and Taylor are not the only creators milking the "mixed family" trend but Taylor herself tagged this creator as "inspo", so your notion about it just being something everyone does is groundless, Taylor is copying this woman (and others) and there's no reason to deny it.

No. 339534

File: 1732773925054.jpg (220.72 KB, 1080x1891, 11220241127200647.jpg)

Lmao she's so hellbent on pretending that boring wall is so much more. Someone should tell her you can stick santa stickers to any wall with any design.

No. 339541

If you're trying to show how versatile your genius mural is, at least don't choose black stick-ons lmao. The mountains are supposed to be in the daylight, while the Santa is obviously (and traditionally) meant to be placed in the moon-lit sky. Logic not found.(autistic nitpick )

No. 339586

This is so half assed the poor kid. How about some colour or give him his own little kids tree?

No. 339593

Tbf it's not even December yet.

No. 339629

But santa is okey?

No. 339635

It's supposed to be a silhouette, not colorful.

No. 339874

File: 1733209369455.jpg (2.35 MB, 4793x3741, 20241203104832572.jpg)

Here she goes with another ana-chan keto diet recipe for "health". Posting just for documenting purposes.

No. 339875

I hate how in the cooking community "healthy" has become the replacement word for weight loss. You never see a keto influencer who aims at gaining weight or muscle or being truly healthy. It's always "I lost XX lbs with keto, buy my book!". And judging by Taylor's preference of following exclusively those kind of influencers makes it obvious what her true goal is.

No. 339877

File: 1733215404368.png (117.54 KB, 863x406, 1000039197.png)

I'm a bit out of the loop here - has she said she is struggling with high blood sugars or diabetes, or is this purely a keto thing? If she's just having a small treat after dinner, that shouldn't be affecting her blood sugar drastically unless she has diabetes, but maybe she has talked about having it and I missed it

No. 339881

I think she's just eating it to stay as she is. I don't understand how you're getting diabetes from it. She's just stating facts for the avocado snack.

No. 339893

She doesn't have diabetes. Lmao. She's just on the "keto for hormones and PCOS" bullshit bandwagon as if eating sweetened avocados is gonna help her get pregnant ~naturally~.

No. 339894

Wtf does she mean by "natural ingredients"? Whole grain flour, yeast and dairy are natural and healthy, too, but she'd rather die than add those to her "desserts" . It has to be the buzz word ingredients like avocado or tofu mashed into a goopy mass to make the "healthy" cut for her.

No. 340194

File: 1733604311173.jpg (1.46 MB, 2160x2160, IMG_004257.jpg)

Another ripped off reel. Jeez. It's literally the same.(do not make misleading posts it reeks of vendetta)

No. 340204

File: 1733611158301.jpg (125.9 KB, 1079x343, 1000008386.jpg)

If you're going to post, don't act like she didn't credit the original. Way to hide and crop that out.

No. 340206

Does it matter? It doesn't change the fact that her reel is not "inspired by" but "carbon copied from" the other influencer, which was the point of the post.

No. 340235

It does. It's misleading.

No. 340436

The font, the placement of the text, even the punctuation… She's so shameless.
I just checked and she copied the reel four days after the other woman posted hers.
At least this time it's not something months or years old lmao. She's improving in some way lol.

No. 340437

How does including the credit change the overall message of my post? Sure, I couldn't be arsed to screencap her caption, but it doesn't add anything to my point which is her copycat tendency. It's no reason to report the post as misleading, ffs.(ban evasion)

No. 340449

Her "humorous" content is just lazy and unimaginative as always. Zero to negative creativity from this self-proclaimed creative soul.

No. 340523

File: 1733686855905.jpg (377.91 KB, 1080x1820, fb post.jpg)

This is old milk. She's been copying other creators since forever - that's kinda her whole schtick. But, I guess, it needs to be archived.

She didn't mention being inspired by anyone in her fb post. What? Does it change anything? Of course it doesn't, it's irrelevant.

No. 340546

Don't they all copy each other? For all we know, that "OG" didn't even come up with it first and this quip is 3 years old or something. It would make so much more sense if Taylor was copying someone with copyrighted material, but that's not even close to what she does. She's boring and makes relatable content because she knows her numbers can roll with it.

No. 340617

>Don't they all copy each other?
….that’s called a trend nona.

No. 340619

Exactly, so why say she's even copying and hide the credit?

No. 340623

Post proof of others ripping off the same creator the way Taylor did - same font and all, or stop the sperge. So far I haven't seen a single reel that looked exactly like the one Taylor posted. Using the same audio doesn't count as copying, btw.
Plus, the post was about Taylor copy pasting another creator again, credited or not. You're deliberately trying to make it about crediting and derail nonstop just to prove Taylor did nothing wrong and discredit the criticism about her lack of originality.

No. 340631

Anons have posted proof before and got banned for it due to derailing. There's no reason to spoonfeed every instance of trend hopping when it's not interesting or matters.

No. 340656

>Anons have posted proof before and got banned for it due to derailing
Literally never happened lol.

If something does not concern Taylor derectly, maybe stop referencing it to derail the discussion? One way or another it's a fact that she shamelessly copies others sometimes with credits, sometimes not. Stop making it about something else.

No. 340755

File: 1733938754431.jpg (4.71 MB, 4646x4090, 20241211164621175.jpg)

I find it so funny that she's simultaneously shilling two similar looking ballet flats – one from a highend brand, another from a cheaper, unreliable brand. Queen of integrity kek. One costs over $700, the other a bit under $100. I wonder which of the two her fan base can afford and give her commissions.(taylors shilling ads are nitpicking, we all know she is constantly doing it)

No. 340771

Ferragamo has a history of having awful customer support, refuses exchanges for wrongly sent items or damages, even size adjustments. Both are social media pariah companies like every influencer promotes. It's just her usual sponsor/partnership one-offs. Not even the same since the designs besides color are different plus materials. Just her usual posting like >>336817

No. 340773

File: 1733947423773.jpg (92.25 KB, 1080x584, 20241211164805.jpg)

Hence why she never wears either of the two unless she's payed to. So she wouldn't have recommended them unless she had a financial insentive. Dishonest sellout. She even mentioned the price of the ferragamo flats on sale as a part of her campaign. Something she never does even when asked.

It's obvious which her fangirls can afford but judging by the comments from a previous shill reel (posted upthread) many are not impressed with vivaia lol Her followers are not that stupid.

No. 340775

Why is she in charge of who can and can't buy things? That's not her problem.

No. 340811

File: 1734000444646.jpg (4.21 MB, 4457x4102, 1170241212140748.jpg)

$560 for mediocre flats?! An it's supposed to be a deal? It's not even leather!
I wouldn't call vivaia affordable either. $100 for flimsy shoes made of plastic is not an investment many would make. I honestly never met a single person who wears and loves the brand but it's all over social media promoted by any mid influencer.

Her content overall has gone completely downhill lately, especially after the trip to Canada. You can tell she no longer enjoys making it. She's gotten lazy even with sponsored content. Just like >>340194. Her latest Charlotte Tilbury content was a similar lazy copy.(still nitpicking)

No. 340812

c'mon, anon. it's not that severe this time. she changed the font and rephrased it lmao. i agree, the idea is not hers and the post is as lazy and low-effort as it gets, but she put in at least some effort.

No. 340814

A lot of nonnas here can’t let go of her. Her influencer stuff is lame but apparently it’s enough to pay the bills (or gives her picket money). She’s more private and has basically quit YouTube. All she does is copy other influencers which is very common and post half assed spons but that’s about it. Some anons are so offended because she’s inauthentic (she always was) and are desperate to call her out but there just isn’t any milk. How about autosaging this thread already?(wrong thread)

No. 340819

>All she does is copy other influencers which is very common and post half assed spons but that’s about it.
these poor anons must be very ignorant. they are morally outraged over nothing because thats social media in a fucking nutshell kek. its all fake its all sponsored. this thread has zero milk go hate taylor on your own time guys(hide threads you dont like)

No. 340823

>nitpicking recycled content
Everything she does either is sponsored, a collab, or gifted. Obviously, anon. You really don't need to slowly max out the thread with this.

They are the default fonts for multiple social media platforms. Is it not obvious when 1000s of creators use it though?

No. 340824

Nta, but anon meant using a different font instead of using the same as the OP like in the previous example. No one's dumb enough to assume Taylor creates her own fonts. Jeez. You guys will nitpick the smallest thing just to defend your lackluster princess.
If you find it boring, scroll by, no one's forcing you to read a "mean" thread full of "haters".

No. 340832

Why was this redtexted as wrong thread? It was meant about Taylor

No. 340835

Comments like that belong in the real opinions about cows thread which was stated in the ban message.

No. 340871

confused why this was redtexted? its still related to taylor, and a legit criticism of the direction of this thread. theres too much nitpicking instead of posting when taylor does something real stupid, and we know shes not too bright. shes very cookie cutter with her sponsored posts, hell her entire instagram image yes. she seems to know how to play by the algorithm very well. but its so obvious it doesnt need to be stated multiple times and just because anons disagree with you doent mean you slam that report button.(take it to /meta/)

No. 341013

>Her content overall has gone completely downhill lately, especially after the trip to Canada. You can tell she no longer enjoys making it.
Exactly. For the past couple of years it felt like she put in effort only for the sponsored content be it posts or reels or vlogs. Now she halfasses even that. Unless she gets pregnant again and gets "inspiration" for new content that way, I don't see her posting tendencies changing.

No. 341218

So it was Tom's idea to go to Japan and Taylor made it clear she doesn't like it lol I wonder why. She says she has a clear idea of what she wants to do in Japan and Levi will be in the way at this age, but I wonder what the hell are her ~great plans~ that can't involve a toddler? All she ever did in Japan was shop and stay at home lol. Both can be accomplished with a toddler at hand.

No. 341220

File: 1734810756777.jpg (5.12 MB, 3843x4364, old vs new.jpg)

Oh, she changed the thumbnail! And made the text more clickbaity lol I like the previous one better.

No. 341221

What? She said she's excited to go. Where in the video does she say she doesn't want to go? Tom likes apples from japan she said and she thought they wouldnt go back until Levi was older. Maybe you missed it.

No. 341228

Wait I didn't get the part about the birthday cake. Did the bakery ask to make it for her? And then couldn't be arsed to make a proper cake as planned and handed a simpler aka half-realised result? Lmao.

No. 341229

Yeah, I like the one she posted to her stories more, too.
S/n that screenshot of her walking next to Tom is making him no favors lol

No. 341234

she's going just to go to disney and thomas the tank engine hotel, I'm sure she'll be setting aside her expectations just as she said. I don't get what the big deal is because they have money and neither of them really seem to work at all (Tom can jet off for a month to Canada). So I'm sure she can go back when Levi is older or even go alone. She probably should take a trip alone at some point tbh, would be nice for her.

Levi is the one who likes expensive apples from Japan.

kek yeah, what a weird cake. It's very similar to that cake he had made for her during lockdown. It was Taylor as Taylor Swift with Rosie. I wonder why Taylor didn't go to the Eras Tour, I thought she had planned to.

No. 341236

This is so funny! I thought Tom ordered it for her. Turns out it was a gift (for exposure) from the bakery itself kek I'd be insulted if a company used me for a exposure and gave me a half-done cake as "gift" because they're too busy with more important Christmas cakes.
Seconding this.
She said they're basically going for Levi to see Thomas the train hotel and because Tom decided so. She said she had to throw her expectations out of the window, plus most places will be closed for NYE and Christmas, and most of her friends won't be there, except for Michaela. Doesn't sound like a trip she wanted, but had to plan for anyway. Topkek at her finding the prospect of a 12 day max holiday "short".

No. 341240

The bakery did it. They didn't request the design.

No. 341268

I think I can hear the nanny at 18:29 lol Makes sense. Taylor is at home decorating and Tom never deals with Levi on his own, only when Taylor's there too, so someone must've picked him up.

>behind every well-dressed mom and child is a dad who doesn't care about his clothes at all

I don't think she realises the phrase is not used in the literal sense. Unless she indirectly means means that Tom is the one buying her and Levi clothes.

No. 341289

File: 1734902502933.png (700.59 KB, 864x1622, 1000040694.png)

They made it with Tom, maybe you missed it.

No. 342323

File: 1736441436825.jpg (1.38 MB, 2160x2160, bore fest.jpg)

You know it was a "thrilling" vacation, when the only exciting thing was a freaking foam dispenser and a pop corn bag lol. A compilation video would've been better and more entertaining, but then she'd have only one or two videos from the trip.(nitpicking)

No. 342326

Touching the underside of the soap dispenser was disgusting, wtf(nitpick)

No. 342340

Yeah, judging by the few stories she posted it was not a trip that would interest many. They pretty much did exclusively toddler-related activities, so obviously there's little to nothing to write home about, hence fascinating foam and popcorn it is.

No. 342356

Is this post bait kek She's at a disney park with a toddler. What type of content are you expecting?

No. 342358

That’s what I thought kek and this women has a child

No. 342367

You're supposed to do that and it's clean. It prints out as a mickey.

No. 342689

Any new updates? I just feel like her instagram and youtube have been very cringe lately and I was wondering if anything was going on. Also, I noticed a lot of people commented on her Japan vlog requesting she reunite with Sharla. But something tells me they aren't friends anymore and haven't been for a long time. I never understood how Sharla could be friends with someone like Taylor…(unsaged spoonfeeding request)

No. 342738

Can you post proof they aren't friends or something? This is so much tinfoil.

No. 342778

File: 1737029404780.jpeg (45.51 KB, 828x473, IMG_1495.jpeg)

I looked at the last three reels and nobody asked about sharla. She is still following Taylor.

No. 342782

Anonymous 25 days ago No. 341234>>341236>>341240

I don't get what the big deal is because they have money and neither of them really seem to work at all (Tom can jet off for a month to Canada)
That’s also a curiosity of mine , but most really rich people have businesses and investiments that alllow to not have to work , I mean in a lot of post and stories they are having lunch and taking Levi to the park in the midle of the week , also i remenber some time ago he took some baking classes in the middle of the week like it some kind of hobby for him….(newfag)

No. 343015

File: 1737417014262.jpg (1.36 MB, 2160x2160, 10462320250120.jpg)

The fact that the idea of people rushing to and at work didn't even cross her mind is hilarious, especially when talking about a country that is known for their horrible (over)working culture. It proves once again how removed she is from real life and how skewed her view of Japan is. For someone who lived in Japan for years she has a very weeb view of the country lmao.

No. 343024

I don't get a weeb feeling from her with this. Sounds like she wasn't as busy as she is in Hong Kong. The difference of living somewhere long term I guess. If she had an office job in Japan she might be saying something different.

No. 343037

She has exactly the same lifestyle now in HK as she had in Japan. The only difference is that she used to be a sTay at home girlfriend and by the time they returned to HK was promoted to stay at home wife/mom lol.
In both cities she barely faces the realities of life outside of the comfort of her home.
Agree with the office job part. Neither her, nor Tom were exposed to the depressing reality of working in a Japanese office, hence their touristy view of the country. To both of them it is a land where everything is perfect, detail-oriented and, as it now turns out, ~slow~.

No. 343047

Tbf why should she be concerned about some persons worklife. Just as other jobs could be slow paced or fast paced, did she mention this video is about japan? Idk that’s a total reach because the video message is about her and her life.

No. 343049

The comment doesn't even specify work until way down below and she mentions she didn't realize the person was talking about work only. Taylor was talking about outside of work life from the context. Also from the video. Another cap had to do with slowing down to eat, but it's not worth posting non-milk like that.

No. 343055

Cmon, it's such a reach. When someone says life is hectic, do you think about commuting, lifestyle and work, or the fucking food wrappings in supermarkets? OP didn't mention attention to detail or something in the first place, Taylor just inserted the first thing she thought about Japan - that is "they take their time to package things, so they can't be in a hurry". She mentioned the same dumb example in her vlog when talking with Tom about their plans to travel there.

No. 343062

File: 1737498361003.jpg (671.07 KB, 1080x2051, another scamfluencer.jpg)

and of course it's another naturopath that "inspired" her lmao what a dumbass. she falls for every kind of pseudoscience and bogus.

No. 343063

fair enough. but take into account that individually wrapped apples are about the only "culture" she experienced while being a decoration at tom's tokyo house kek

No. 343340

File: 1737810360129.jpg (1.41 MB, 2160x2160, IMG_20250125_010230.jpg)

This is SO tone deaf! Yes, Tom, poor people absolutely don't care about not scratching their cheap, low-quality cars. What an asshole.
The rest of the points make more or less sense and are logical (except for the sixth, no idea what the fuck he means). But this conceited notion just killed the vibe.

No. 343341

5 is absolutely true

it's also not milk so why are you posting it?

No. 343343

Wooow, he did not just say that! What a prick! So he had the conscience to not call them "cheap", but it wasn't enough to not spew condescending bullshit all together.
So according to Tom people who drive "higher quality" cars are more careful and better drivers? Pfft. Let's see how well he drives and parks lmao.

Sidetracking. If anything, less well-off people are extra cautious to not damage their cars, because they might not afford the repairs. Let alone paying for the expensive car's repair if the owner is a dick about it. But Mr. Perve Billionaire can't think that far.

No. 343344

Get off his dick, wk-chan. He won't park beside your lower-quality car, too.
What he said is ugly and rude. It shows his true character and values. I wonder how Taylor tolerates him. She seems nice and down to earth, unlike Tom.

No. 343349

Taylor and down to earth should not exist in the same sentence. Agree with the rest.
>shows his true character and values
Every time he opens his mouth I find it harder and harder to believe Taylor's claims of him being a kind and amazing human. With comments like this or him ridiculing Taylor's way of jogging etc. he further proves he's as ugly inside as he is outside.

No. 343351

Seriously? This is so boring.

No. 343360

He doesn't say anything about being poor. There are statistics about tripling the lower income of having higher car accidents in Hong Kong though, kek. I'm not going to post that because it's off-topic.

No. 343363

Does he have to spell it out for you? How else is one supposed to understand "higher quality cars"? Are there affordable higher quality cars? I'd love one lol
It would've been OK if he said he wants a parking spot where his precious car won't get scratched. But blaming it on "lower-quality" cars is retarded.

No. 343364

>as they don't want theirs scratched, too
Yes, I just dream about scratching my car so I make sure to hit others' as much as I can when I park kek
He's as dumb as Taylor if this is his best attempt at saying I only park near expensive cars without outright saying it.

There's more than enough proof of his disgusting character, nonnie. This is just a new example.

Anyway, I assure you all, they rarely go to places where poor people park in the first place lmao

No. 343373

Says a lot about her if she's ok with living and raising a child with such an orc.
It is off-topic. Road accidents and parking near regular cars vs expensive cars is not the same, not even close.
I understand wking for Taylor, but wking for this ugly moid is too much. What he said was bigoted and stupid.

No. 343384

He doesnt say poor. Theres regular cars and luxury cars. What are you even nitpicking over one word for? There is a difference in where one parks these types of cars.

No. 343395

>There is a difference in where one parks these types of cars
You're ready to bend backwards that much to wk for a moid? Really? It's just a car and can be parked anywhere ffs. If he wants to be a pathetic snob, let him be, but don't try to prove he's right.

No. 343404

This is so dumb. “Let me make a reel of me sitting here pouting uwu”

No. 343414

Anon capped it at that right spot, but the whole video is just big eyes and looking around, not really even pouting. She's just.. There. This must be another trend or something.

No. 343419

File: 1737879567041.png (174 KB, 864x1007, 1000043112.png)

for the love of God why does she not block this pervert from commenting. Of course she loves compliments like this but he is always writing gross shit and sometimes she even replies to him.(off-topic)

No. 343435

These come off as jokes between couples, not legit criticisms of each other and being bitter.

No. 343461

It’s obviously some rehearsed cringy shit. Haha look at us, ideal couple goals!

No. 343476

Did anyone else notice she sounds fed up whenever she talks to Tom? Like her voice and her whole attitude changes

No. 343478

Yeah, especially if it's in vlogs where they exchange two to three sentences instead of a couple of words. And she often interrupts him and feeds him words instead of waiting for him to express his thoughts in his own words. I guess after years of his mumbling and half-intelligible speech she eventually got fed up. This is why even after following her for years I can't imagine them having a meaningful, heart to heart conversation.
But at least he's accommodating her and talking to her in her native language, unlike her who doesn't even try to learn his.

No. 343479

>at least he's accommodating her and talking to her in her native language
Well if you're marrying a dumb bimbo for her looks that's the smallest price to pay. Literally.

No. 343481

To the people saying Taylor makes her own money by posting endless ads. Notice how little she posted while in Canada and after returning. She barely posted especially during these two months. Bet the upcoming vlog will be the first big cashgrab in months. But I digress. I wonder if she's sooo financially independent thanks to her "work", who payed her bills during these few months, let alone the trip to Japan? Definitely not Tom, na-ah, sugar mommy did it all on her own lol

No. 343484

Tinfoil. But going to Canada seems to trigger her trophy wife identity and she stops "working" altogether. The same thing happened after her previous family visit to Canada. I just wonder if spending time with family that reminds her she didn't bag Tom to keep "working", or it's because she gets depressed in HK having no one to talk for months and communicating with pr managers substitutes her human interactions.

No. 343485

such a reach lmao. i'm sure one of her many assistants manages the communication with brands and clients. she can afford to be lazy and work only when she wants to. if i were her, i'd do the same.

No. 343486

We've already talked about her less frequent uploads for years now, so this isn't strange at all.

No. 343495

ayrt was discussing a particular gap in her uploading, not just a general lack of videos. I noticed it too.

No. 343507

I know anons arent allowed to post random stuff anymore, but her reels are consistent. She's been uploading something, but I was talking about youtube videos. Its been this way for years now. Even the pregnancy videos were far between each post. It's not recent.

No. 343509

Nta, but there have been noticeable, two-week long gaps in reels, too, as far back as September. In between these she posted with her regular intervals.

5th of Sept to 20th of Sept
17th of Oct to 29th of Oct
29th of Oct to 11th of Nov, and then the glorious
16th of Dec to 7th of Jan

Usually she posts every 2-3 days or every other day with breaks during the weekend. Then gaps slowly get bigger and bigger and she disappears "for vacation".
And take into account that most of the reels posted from September to now were filmed well in advance, sometimes weeks earlier, posted to stories then re-edited into reels for the feed, so they are not really new content, just delayed and reused footage.

I'm not even gonna mention the vlogs. There's zero consistency with those. It's been obvious she only posts to youtube when there's a big enough sponser. Many sponsors, frequent vlogs. No sponsors, no vlogs. Then whenever a brand bites the bullet again and pays her, she pretends it took her so much time and effort to sit her ass down and edit a very long, 20-minute vlog about "life in HK".

No. 343625

I find it hard to believe she was a model with that big ass forehead and punchable face of hers.(non-contribution)

No. 343641

Ikr maybe escort or some coomer magazine model(non-contribution)

No. 343649

asians are obsessed with neoteny and having a big ass forehead fits in their standard.(derailing)

No. 343650

File: 1738314405001.jpg (226.31 KB, 1440x907, IMG_20250131_010439_990.jpg)

(reposting ancient photos for no reason/no context)

No. 343962

File: 1738871704911.jpg (1.78 MB, 2160x2880, 20250205205045.jpg)

Is it me or is her content and engagement are completely downhill? The only things she posts in stories these days are pr packages, and her reels are as half-hearted and soulless as they get. The jujube reel is the only more or less labor-intensive one, but that is a regurgitation of her confinement material. She's basically passing Carol's knowledge as her own research. And even with that one people are questioning her tips and advising the complete opposite which further proves there's no science and right or wrong in Chinese "medicine".

She's getting lazier and lazier after each Chinese NY lol. Levi is supposedly in kindergarten now (although she calls it school lol) so she has even more free time than before.(repetitive nitpicking)

No. 343963

File: 1738872028488.jpg (3.51 MB, 4819x3520, jujube.jpg)

The jujube reel. I couldn't find a way to fit her lengthy essay in the screencap, but it's not essential information anyway.(repetitive nitpicking)

No. 343966

At least post the milk, not random photos of her kid. The comments calling out the posts are the interesting part.

No. 343968

Working on the collage. There's too many comments so I'm trying to fit them into one post and currently failing to lmao.
Re: the kid. It's just an example of her pr stories before I get a ban for not posting screens. There were more, but they had kids' faces in them.

No. 343970

File: 1738873924852.jpg (4.71 MB, 4124x6058, jujube comments.jpg)

Comments under the reel lol There are more but they are in the same vein.

No. 343971

Most of these are supporting her post, nonna.

No. 343973

Nta, but where? Lol Most are saying the opposite of what she's recommending. Especially about when to use it - during or after the period, during the pregnancy, after the pregnancy, when to remove the pit etc. Some are saying not to cook it in aluminum as she does because it's somehow harmful, which is funny lol It defeats the purpose of the medicine.
The takeaway is even among practitioners there are zero set rules. They recommend contradicting things

Why is a Caucasian bimbo giving medical advice on Chinese medicine in the first place? Lol Who qualified her?

No. 343974

>warming the uterus
What?! I'm literally rolling on the floor laughing. How can an internal organ be cold and need warming? Unless you're dead it can't get cold (The question is rhetorical, I know it's another Chinese bogus she believes in) Jeez. The lunacy keeps going.

No. 343982

File: 1738880759273.png (35.61 KB, 864x200, 1000043664.png)

Jujube fruits are fine for anyome who doesn't have uncontrolled diabetes. I chuckled at her gravely telling women not to eat them during pregnancy. There's absolutely nothing wrong with eating them while pregnant.

Anyone have rednote? It's possible she just copied it from there (see picrel). I haven't seen jujube fruits on "western social media" personally

No. 343983

File: 1738880904899.jpg (2.27 MB, 3466x7062, Ghee.jpg)

Speaking of comments. Dumbass caught giving factually wrong info in replies once again.
Ghee is basically clarified butter and hence has MORE fats than regular butter. It also has no significant health benefits compared to regular butter (unless you're lactose-intolerant) and both should be used in moderation.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/ghee-vs-butter#differences

No. 343985

I didn't see anything about jujube in my insta fyp and I don't use tiktok to know the trends there, so no idea what she meant by the "super tonic" going viral in "western social media" either. But I doubt she has the brains and Chinese proficiency to copy content from Rednote. She probably just asked Carol or reused info from her confinement vlogs. I ain't rewatching those to check.

No. 343988

File: 1738887469747.jpg (54.52 KB, 1080x442, IMG20250206005836.jpg)

Because there's no such trend on insta. If you search the hashtags she used, one brings literally nothing and when you search jujube, she's the only white girl in the results, plus half the content is about lipstick shades called jujube, not the fruit or the tea lol

No. 343996

She's trying to make her own hastag, but looking up 'red date tea' brings quite a few videos and posts.

No. 344001

Why would she make her own hashtag unless she has a unique product or promotion to offer? Hashtags are used to reach more people. Using an empty hashtag makes no sense.

No. 344002

She probably read somewhere that it's better for weight loss and "fertility" and switched to it kek She used to substitute butter and cream with cottage cheese. Wonder what happened to that.

No. 344009

Yeah I agree. The only recent reel I liked is the one where she's getting dressed with Levi and Rosie running around. It's cute. That outfut is weeks old though and she posted it to stories back in mid-January.

Where's the Japan vlog, btw? It's been a month already.

No. 344011

Reminder that if a cow posts their child on social media you are allowed to post it here. Please stop reporting every post containing a photo of Taylor's child just because it shows her child.

No. 344034

Because that's how people start hashtags. It doesn't need to be a product, she's the product. She's selling her insights.

No. 344044

File: 1738973057827.jpg (28.33 KB, 474x355, thHE6YZ9EX.jpg)

Lmao. She ain't starting shit. She used a wrong hashtag and claimed a niche Chinese medicine brew is trending when it's not, but it's not the end of the world, believe me. Why would you go through the trouble of playing dumb just to "defend" Taylor in such a minor hiccup?(infight bait)

No. 344106

That was nice to see, considering she plays with her son once or twice a year. The rest of her videos are him sitting in a high chair, being dropped off at daycare or watching tv

No. 344141

File: 1739193027216.jpg (422.16 KB, 1080x1899, IMG_20250210_133214.jpg)

She removed that bullshit from the new jujube reel lmao

No. 344142

File: 1739194352760.png (332.49 KB, 863x1105, 1000043866.png)

>peak people's interest
I wish Taylor would peak her audience tbh.

She's very defensive about some fruit she never talked about until now. I barely remember any of the 'benefits' being mentioned in her confinement video, p sure she just mentioned that Carol made various teas, including red date tea.

No. 344159

File: 1739219301432.jpg (2.33 MB, 5035x3929, 20250211002419735.jpg)

I wonder if she'd be as fast at believing and following Muslim superstitions as she is with Chinese lol

No. 344160

Oh, yes, of course. Professor Taylor here to educate her audience again. How highly she thinks of herself and her scientific ~research~.
You bet she's throwing that ghee out after lurking here lol

No. 344161

She thinks throwing in scientific research makes her bullshit pseudoscience real kek. Sure any fruit is good for you, in moderation of course. But I assure you no research says it's gonna give you the magical results she lists in her reels, especially not the warm uterus kek

No. 344162

Isn't she supposed to be lactose-intolerant kek? Milk is out of question anyway.

No. 344169

She made a reel about switching back to whole milk a while back and it was discussed upthread, so no, she's not lactose-intolerant.

No. 344186

She is as lactose intolerant as she is allergic to gluten nonnie

No. 344199

I'm convinced in Taylor's mind lactose/gluten-free/keto/vegan are synonymous with lowcal, hence the obsession with "healthy" "super foods".
She has no real digestive issues. Period. I'm sure her claims of needing a gluten-free, lactose-free, low sugar diet is the same old lie. Everything she claimed this far - being vegan, not being able to eat gluten or lactose, going keto and whatnot, were and are a veil for her ana and that's a fact. She's just looking for reasons to restrict as much as she can and pretexts it with PCOS/menopause/HEALTH.(tinfoiling)

No. 344295

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The kid is literally two. Chill, Tom, it's too early to start piano. For some reason I didn't expect him to be a typical Chinese parent that makes his kid play the piano and the violin at two, only to send them to law school or med school when they grow up.(nitpicking)

No. 344339

I thought Tom played piano…so shouldn’t they already have a piano at home?

No. 344340

I don't remember that, do you have a source? Honestly curious if I missed that.

No. 344354

Knowing how to play doesn't mean enjoys it or wants to practice. I remember seeing pictures on Facebook of him playing. But for the life of me I can't remember whose page it was - his, Taylor's or MC's.

No. 344366

I don't think we need proof of Tom knowing how to play the piano or practicing. It's not important. What I find funny is anon assuming the kid is going to be forced because he has a Chinese parent when for all we know Levi does like instruments or like the piano. Let him play with it even if he can't understand how to use it. Not like that's doing harm.

No. 344369

>Levi does like instruments or like the piano
This is literally as much of an empty assumption as saying he doesn't like it. Taylor never mentioned he liked any instruments.
Meanwhile she did say many times that he likes dinosaurs and Thomas the Engine, for example. These are the only two of his interests she consistently shared. The rest like Peppa Pig, Mickey Mouse, Disney princesses etc. were mentioned only during promotions (he doesn't even really like Disney characters despite her taking him to Disney land so often).

Re: Chinese parents forcing kids to learn to play instruments. It is a fact, though. I don't think in any other country so many parents force their kids to learn the piano or the violin but don't allow them to become musicians. It's a running joke at this point.

No. 344372

Seconding this. Her wording says it all. Notice how she said it's about what Tom wants Levi to do. Not the worst thing to want to get your kid to learn an instrument, but in the end it's a grown ass man forcing his own interests onto his kid. Not a crime, but also not a mature decision.
If they really just want him to try new things why go all the way and buy a piano and "be eager" to get him to learn? Take him to lessons, see how he fares, if he likes it, then go ahead with the purchase.
One way or another, this topic is a pointless derail. For all we know he might drop it as soon as he starts, just like Tom and Taylor drop their short-lived hobbies kek

No. 344373

Isn't he turning three next month? Doesn't change much though. Usually the earliest kids start piano is four years of age unless it's some kind of super gifted genius ala Mozart kek. Most kids start at six or seven. They are rushing it, tbh.

No. 344374

hey, did they ever go camping? I remember Tom was collecting all that camping stuff awhile ago.

No. 344375

No. As far as we know kek. They pitched a tent once on the beach near their apartment and that was it lmao
And neither of them mentioned his "going back to school" to learn baking after that pompous vlog and social media posys. The promised collab with a pastry chef was also never posted.

No. 344382

Paw Patrol is disney, nonna. Why is everyone derailing about a child's like and dislikes as if anyone here knows? No wonder the post was banned to begin with.

No. 344383

oh shit, forgot all about that baking collab. That actually seemed interesting. The baker's IG showed how talented he is.

No. 344387

He had a toy piano at some point but it was from the shill rental. She never mentioned him playing any instruments after that. It doesn't matter anyway. He can't even sit at the table and they expect him to reach the keys and be able to play? They're too far removed from reality and know nothing about realistic expectations. That piano will be another piece of furniture for the next couple of years, for sure.

No. 344388

I'm so curious to know why it fell through. For once she could've posted something entertaining and new.

No. 344389

It might still be coming considering her posting schedule—no use speculating.

No. 344390

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it all stared with nonna claiming levi likes music and playing piano when taylor has never mentioned that and it kinda snowballed from there.

i got curious and googled what's the usual age for kids to start playing piano. i don't play it, so i won't know, may be three is just the right age. but no. nonna >>344373 is right kek


No. 344392

Thanks to posts like this the thread is now autosaged.

No. 344396

We've worn the piano topic out at this point. The original post was nitpicking and so are all the posts arguing about it afterwards.

No. 344442

Out of all her peer J-vloggers Taylor ended up in the best position. She married rich, is still relevant after all this time and has a normal family. Everyone else of that era failed hard and miserably. I have no idea why she's going back to Japan. She's going to alienate all of her non-weaboo audience that she's gathered so far and unless she goes back to weaboo posting she won't get any new followers to consumer her Japan content. She should have just stayed in Hong Kong.

No. 344449

Who said she's going to Japan? Did I miss something?

No. 344452

She's not. She visited and that's it. Not sure where anon got the idea she's moving there at all. Missing it doesn't mean they are going to leave Hong Kong

No. 344457

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Tom uses Alpecin, a special anti hair loss shampoo. (Sorry if this is nitpicky, I thought it was funny because I’d be embarrassed)(nitpicking)

No. 344477

Most men go bald in Chinese culture, so it's not that surprising.

No. 344512

I am Tom's number one hater but this time I'll give him credit for actually putting in some effort, minimal as it is at least he didnt just shave his head bald as soon as his hair started thinning, more than can be said for plenty of lazy men(sage your shit)

No. 344513

Holy shit, the state of this thread(non-contribution)

No. 344532

caffeine shampoo is not really proven to prevent male baldness but it's actually good for your scalp so good for him but chances are she bought it for him and he just uses it.

No. 344797

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I hate how Taylor and especially Tom use Levi to promote cafes and products. His face ends up plastered in ads for different businesses without his consent (he can't even consent) all the time.

No. 344800

Tom's attention seeking is hilarious. It's obvious he tagged the place to get a share, which begs the question why lol I understand when Taylor - an influencer, tags a place for promotion but who the hell is he lol? If not for Taylor he wouldn't even get an invite.

No. 344803

Isn't this what they've been doing for years though since they get invited to these places to promote them?

No. 344809

this is a cute pic and I think it's also funny that it showcases Tom's English ability. Anyway, it is awful to use a toddler for random ads. I don't understand it, I thought Taylor would be smarter about not letting companies use her kid for promotion. Is free shit really worth putting out all these videos and photos of him? they can afford all the stuff they get for free, after all.

No. 344815

>they can afford all the stuff they get for free, after all
My thoughts exactly. This is a very wealthy man trading off his kid's image for free entertainment and goods. Taylor is no better. She posted quite a number of stories again with Levi, too.

No. 344831

Was this even a push to get free stuff or just tagged in general?

No. 344834

what pissed me off most about this is how clearly the animals are treated like shit and it´s not an environment that´s considerate of their needs. Bunnys are no plushies and hate being handed around and the poor tortoise I saw. Not expecting much from a brainless model who has a puppy mill overbread purse dog.

No. 344844

Animal cafes in general always seem sus and a bad environment for the animals. I think both tom and taylor are extra stupid to put their child's face on public media.

No. 344854

Lmao every hapa baby in Asia has parents like this, they're likely going to put him into kids' modeling asap(sage your shit)

No. 344860

Sometimes he reminds me of Gary, Valeria Lipovetsky's husband. He too started off with being a plus one at the influencer events that Valeria went to, then he fell in love with the attention and slowly but surely creeped into the influencer status.
The resemblance between Taylor and Valeria is so uncanny. Except Valeria became the main product her "businessman" of a husband sells, while Tom's main income is still borderline illegal soft porn.

No. 344956

can we stop saying hapa? it doesn't mean half asian. it means half hawaiian it's specific like mulatto.

No. 345181

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I hate this new direction she's taking with her content. Every second post and story is about traditional chinese medicine. And it's not even interesting or informative, just a bunch of scientific-sounding words presented in a sensational manner. Her page starts to feel more like that of a scam artist than a fashion or lifestyle influencer.

No. 345196

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>a bunch of scientific-sounding words presented in a sensational manner
Spot on. These "insights" are just a jumble of words with no meaning or purpose. For example, what the fuck is brain health and what boosting it means?
I bet if you asked what any of the random chemical compounds she copy pasted from god knows where are and what they do, she'd have no clues whatsoever.

>Source of alkaloids and metabolites

As if this makes ANY sense lmao It's obvious these words mean nothing to her.

No. 345228

These are not even nutritional facts lmao Where did she dig up this nonsense? I'm starting to suspect she uses AI and just copy pastes the list of bullshit terms it creates. This is so retarded.

No. 345301

she's copying information from rednote (and adding extra bullshit probably from chat gpt), since the TT refugee thing there's been lots of new accounts there targeting westerners with Chinese medicine infographics and recipes (mostly targeted at period pain, like the red date tea). It's calmed down now that many American users have left but she must think the fad isn't over yet and can somehow make her money? it's not like Chinese grocery stores are going to sponsor her though

No. 345349

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The whole post is so pretentious. As if she didn't rush his birth by induction to make sure he's born not a day later than predicted.
The fact that she posted about it a whole day late is so hilarious.
I'm not even gonna make fun of the retarded typo.(nitpicking)

No. 345357

She used to claim she studied nutrition (for a week but that's not important lol) back in her jvlogger era and justified her ana diet with her supposed knowledge of it topkek. So if anything, this genre of out of ass "nutrition content" is actually her returning to her roots.
Lmao, well I guess a random woman somewhere is happy and it's worth celebrating.

This story reads so "me me me", not a word about her son whose birthday she's supposedly commemorating. At least she didn't shill a place for his birthday this time.(nitpicking)

No. 345412

The fucking tripod to record her birth is taking me out

No. 345448

>womens day
>how dare she celebrate herself giving birth which is one of the most difficult things women can put their bodies through

And inductions are normal, especially if the pregnancy is difficult or the baby is near end of term. Didn't she do it only 2 weeks early anyway? That's not a big deal.

No. 345452

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>at least she didn't shill a place for his birthday this time
didn't shill? her stories were a disney ad through and through, with tags and everything. he got a thomas cake and a charcuterie board, gotta give taylor that but the rest was a disney galore.
back when she took vlogging very seriously. jk. she was already halfassing back then.
no, she wasn't two weeks early and no, it's not normal. she freaked out because it was the predicted due date and there were no signs of labor. she wanted her baby to be born when predicted and not a day later. go watch the vlogs.
agree with the rest.

No. 345453

This seems like such a non issue lol

No. 345463

>back when she took vlogging very seriously
Re: vlogging. Where the fuck is the Japan vlog? It's been literally over two months. How long does it take to edit a video about a short trip where nothing interesting happened?

No. 345506

To be fair nonny did she tag Disney or some agency in her stories? I just see the location tag and that’s pretty normal social media behavior.

No. 345529

Exactly, that's not really an indicator that something is sponsored. That's what people who want attention from companies do too. Very much like how >>344797 was being tagged

No. 345925

File: 1742724543280.mp4 (7.82 MB, 1080x1920, 2025-03-23-13-36-36-434.mp4)

At first I tought Tom's boar noises were part of the cartoon Levi's watching but then I realized it's him and I got sick. How can Taylor live with a man who not only looks, but also sounds disgusting?

No. 345955

All he said was "looks so good". What are you talking about?

No. 345956

She should cut down his portions. This plate is huge for one person, it's enough to feed two. No wonder he's turning into a pig as years go by.(autistic nitpick)

No. 345989

Interesting point. She's always the one serving his dinner so I wonder why she won't indeed cut down his portion sizes and insist he eats more healthy. She's so strict with her own diet but when it comes to Tom all he does is get fatter and fatter.

No. 345990

just jumping into the Red Note trend of traditional Chinese medicine tea/meals. Trying to get those western views before people discover they can also open an account on red note and see the original recipes

No. 346044

No one talked about her using rednote until this year. A lot of this is just chinese holistic woowoo stuff she regurgitates, not specifically from rednote just because its also popular on rednote and instagram/twitter.

No. 346061

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She does try to make him eat healthy but it's usually met with criticism and complaints from him. I don't have many examples saved but every time she feeds him non-greasy or vegan food he whines and throws tantrums like a kid. This is an old story, but you get the gist.

No. 346067

People who arent vegan don't like vegan food. That has nothing to do with being childish kek That shit tastes disgusting no matter what and Taylor most likely knows that. Forcing your family to eat plant based meats because you think they should is controlling.

No. 346079

Taylor should serve him the same hidden veggie pasta she gives Levi lol Imagine having to trick both your toddler and your geriatric husband into eating balanced meals kek I'd choose to focus on the kid, too. Tom can eat shit for all she cares.

Except "vegan" food featured in the video is veggies and tofu on rice plus an egg (not vegan), yet he acts like he's being force-fed something truly disgusting.
He could be right and it might've been not a tasty meal but he didn't even try it, he started whining as soon as he saw it. That's being childish.

No. 346085

fake meat (often soy or gluten) is a popular snack or side dish in China. It's been around forever and isn't just for vegans. He has an egg, the entire lunch isn't vegan.

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