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No. 261505
Previous thread:
>>229285Thread #1
>>54749Thread #2
>>166105Thread #3
>>197809Thread #4
>>208755Facebook: Facebook: Hall aka Manaknight is a self-proclaimed "famous" and “older 30+” cosplayer, who is 40 and currently resides in Maryland.
Terry self proclaims to be NB and Asexual, despite otherwise being fine with being a male for 30+ years and regularly posting/sharing sexual posts/memes, "friends" with and regularly shares OF/cos thots. Diet consists of chicken tenders and it shows.
Last thread recap:
>using a dead person for clout >>229331 >>229353 >spent his money on an ita bag to impress a 20something girl >>229355 >unsure if he should go to his friend’s wedding or a con he doesn’t even like >>230313 >put out feelers for who wants to be shipped with him while he’s in genshin cosplay >>230323 >terry comes to the conclusion he is disliked by people because they’re jealous of him >>230900 >typical terry cosplay making >>231960 >>232270 >discovering new ways to casually look 15 at 40 >>232378 >with the help of breast plates, terry understands the struggles of women and their boob problems >>232456 >>233064 >wild terry sightings >>233790 >>234199 >>244574 >the barbershop saga begins. terry's barber is scamming him for prepaid haircuts and terry loves the attention it gives him, prompting many updates >>235605 >>235846 >>236371 >>243703 >>244279 >>254270>terry posts a picture of his pale, visibly bony body. farmers worry for him, his friends call him fabulous >>236729 >racist white coworkers are transformed into big fans of terry overnight >>238443 >>246178 >>257851 >terry turned 40! got himself a depressing cake >>245870>arizona zoomers are now in the danger zone as terry believes he is deeply wanted at AZ cons now that he has gone to one >>246484 >terry "making the day" for a random teen at a mall by talking about himself >>251805 >humblebragging about his paychecks starts an argument in his comments that eventually results in him deleting all the posts after saying his high paying job sucks because it starts at 6am and gives him a 30min lunch >>251869 >>251870 >>252041>another person in the con scene dies. terry "absolutely knew him" despite not having a single interaction to bring up >>254615 >complains about how he's hated in the community and that he's never done anything wrong to deserve it >>255134 >>259674 >>259754 >>259781 >>260288 >visits his sick parents, complains that his dad talks to him and that his mother didn't have food ready for him when he arrived >>255243 >another cosplayer death, terry brings out the vintage 2015 photo to show he knew the deceased once and deserves condolences >>256739 >>256746 >terry buys expensive high tech fridge to hold his pepsi, water, waffles, and fries >>258126 No. 261507
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first time making a thread so sorry if it sucks but I made this as an alternate thread pic
No. 261508
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his work continues to be simultaneously full of terrible bigots and huge fans of his
No. 261510
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Terry didn’t mind the antiblack comments but antisemitic comments are just too far I guess
No. 261536
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The only comment he replied to on his atrocious Gorou TikTok was from that of a 17 year old
No. 261569
>>261567I think I know the answer to this one . Terry works for a defense contractor, so security ia fairly strict at work. I’m sure he’s not allowed to take photos at work.
Why he didn’t just take the figure home and photograph it later? I don’t know.
No. 261605
>>261508judging from the comments in this status, it looks like he has his coworkers in this account.
It's possible his coworkers are just messing with him. I found that to be more believable than him just making this shit up
No. 261661
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Sir no one wants your ripped cosplays…
No. 261690
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guess he chickened out on a female costume for his works costume contest. I still want him to lose and see him get humbled
No. 261822
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Smells like simping?
Or am I reaching?
No. 261838
>>261822LMAO after all the whining of not even wanting to give you anyone a simple McD fry (but you can buy him a full restaurant dinner), is giving money toward zoomer hotel rooms?
At least he's far enough way he won't breathe down your neck or scream about his 40 hotel room rules
No. 262122
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then stop cosplaying exclusively popular characters that you clearly have no attachment to. You stop cosplaying characters once they stop getting you the attention you want, you've even admitted it. we know you read these threads, and that's where this post came from, if you didn't feel "guilty" about being like this, you wouldn't have felt the need to make this post.
I've heard a good handful of stories from people that have met him even in the past few years where he didn't want anything to do with them until he saw their follower count, and then suddenly he was all over them. so this is such bs that he isn't about clout at all. he also talks about being friends with larger cosplayers in public that he doesn't seem to ever really share or talk about online. if that's not clout chasing idk what is
No. 262126
>>262122i wish people would call him out when he post shit like this (which is pretty frequent)
he's all about numbers. to the point where he only go to cons if enough people recognize him. i'm calling bs on this clout chase lie. he wouldn't spend anytime with you unless you're a zoomer unless you have a large follower count.
No. 262139
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>>262122what you've been through?? you mean people dropping you because they realize you're a narcissistic creep? or being called out on your behavior here, and a few times publicly just for you to cry about being bullied? or you claiming being taken advantage of? I'm not buying any of it when you're the biggest clout chaser who doesn't do shit for any of your "friends"
also this comment sounds like he thinks he's famous lmao
No. 262143
>>262122Seriously why does he always talk like this. I'm just waiting for him to do cosplays from chainsaw man. Since he's such a pathetic attention seeke.
He seriously needs a reality xheck if he's only going to cons if "100+ friends" attend. I've seen him at cons always alone with a sad look on his face when he's not getting attention.
No. 262147
>>262139I agree. This whole status and reply read like he think he’s famous but reassuring people he’s not doing it to game chase. That he’s just a good cosplayer who happens to be popular.
Terry you’re delusional!
No. 262159
>>262122This is bullshit, he just chooses popular characters at random and smashes the buy button on aliexpress, there is very little self-expression and all clout/attention chasing
I bet the zoomers who unfollow him and he sadposts about for weeks have high follower counts too. At least he admits he ""used"" to want to famous 5 years ago, which is relatively recently considering that's 34-35 for him.
No. 262204
>>262122I’m gonna imagine for a second he’s being truthful.
> I cosplay to talk about series with fansThen why are you cosplaying series you have absolutely no playtime with? You like being info dumped by genuine fans who assumed you would know the thing you’re cosplaying from? doubtful.
> I cosplay to talk about cosplay making and makeupYou could do this with any series or cosplay. You can go up as anything to any cosplayer and compliment them on their makeup or cosplay. Plus let’s be real, if you were really interested in cosplay making would you really be exclusively buying cheap shit from dokidoki and aliexpress? Doesn’t really come off as a huge crafter.
The only reason I can understand why someone would cosplay popular things they have no interest in actually playing is because it works on social media. It’s clout chasing. If Terry is lurking it would be nice to at least try with the shitty excuses.
No. 262207
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quietly blocking terry from my hotel room stories now
No. 262302
>>262269I believe he truly think he’s smart by posting these creepy statuses. remember he’s autistic and doesn’t understand social norms
I don’t know if it was posted here but last week he made a status/story that he can recognize cosplayers going to ren fest by their costumes because he has memorized their construction. Fucking creepy as fuck
No. 262559
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Back to woe is me Terry
No. 262622
>>262559Terry is up to his old shit again. Did another zoomer unfriend/unfollow him?
Curious if he had a fallout with a few people who he used to hang out with. chibi stayed over with her bf and introduced Terry to farie life last year. Buff bunny and her bf used to go mall shopping with him.
Remember the local zoomer who used terry for a ride to house party? You know you’re a miserable sob if people won’t even use you for rides
No. 262643
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Is he calling him donating his cosplay a charity?
No. 262645
>>262643Can someone investigate this? Maybe DM him? It’s the second time he mentioning this charity.
I much prefer him donating to a charity than using it as an excuse to meet teens at malls/arcades/parking lots
No. 262658
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>>262645Don’t worry, people are already asking what he donated to.
No. 262664
>>262662But here is fine
>>261536 aside from one person okay
No. 262672
>>262643>>262122"I don't cosplay for clout…"
"Unless a series is HOT right now…"
Terry you just outed yourself as not giving a shit about what you cosplay as long as it's popular while being charitable enough to give nobodies your old unpopular series.
No. 262685
>>262643It’s nice of him to donate stuff, but I have a feeling he just gave it to someone he knows on social media or something and then called it a donation. I’ve never heard of a charity for donating costumes, the cosplay related charities are usually for cosplayers to visit with kids in hospitals or do community events, similar to what the 501st does but on a smaller scale.
I’ll eat my words if there is a charity for this, but it just seems unnecessary. No one NEEDS to cosplay, and while I’m sure it’s nice to get a cosplay if you can’t afford one, there’s n so much more that is more needed for charity.
No. 262693
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>>262685literally that's what he's doing. he's giving it to a friend who is just giving it away to other people. it's not a legitimate charity so it's really off-putting of him to call it that for clout
No. 262787
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Yes please wear a ridiculous wig to your work costume contest for normies.
No. 262801
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>>262788nah just a lame excuse about not wanting to get up early to do his drag makeup. he just knows that if he went in cosplay he'd embarrass himself, wouldn't win, and wouldn't be able to continue the "my coworkers LOVE my cosplay and follow my cosplay page" lies
No. 262948
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Go figure, this was going to be the outcome
No. 262957
>>262948>>262801I like his only choices between a 4 hour long drag queen makeup or no costume. He needs to stop making up stories and wasting our time.
His stories/statuses are so click baity I just don’t believe them anymore
No. 262969
>>262967He works some weird schedule (6am-3pm)
>>262968Not 100% sure but I believe his commute is relatively short. He also go/leave work outside of rush hours so traffic shouldn’t be bad at all.
No. 263007
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Flaunting his wealth yet again
No. 263032
>>263007He’s basically telling people to beg him to go to momocon, since AWA just finished and he knows a lot of people from the Atlanta con scene. You’re not as smart as you think, Terry
I don’t understand why Mr Moneybag keeps complaining about con cost. There are dozens of hotels near the San Jose con center. You don’t need to get Marriott or Westin. Fucker made this status not even a week after buying a new Xbox and a dozen games.
No. 263036
>>263012Is Terry going senile? He’s been flying to CA and PNW for many years now. The concept of longer flights with multiple stops being more expensive shouldn’t be such a wild idea for him.
Atlanta being a short flight away is a cheaper option is such an obvious idea I literally can’t
No. 263039
>>263007It’s always Memorial Day weekend. While the actual dates change each year due to it being on a weekend, you can absolutely plan your travel before they “officially” announce the dates.
Also, the prices are probably jumping up because cookies will cause flights to show up as being more expensive the more you look at them. That price seems high, although I’m not sure because I’m on the West Coast so it’s like $100 to fly Southwest to San Jose. Not that Terry can’t afford it.
He obviously just wants people to beg him to go. I thought he was going to cut down on out of state cons once he turned 40?
No. 263108
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This was from a while ago but I was waiting for someone else to post it. He tries to be humble but is still bragging?
No. 263116
>>263108>>263110You missed it here
>>257851The man is delusional. I believe he made it up in his head
No. 263350
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Like he needed another console?
No. 263355
>>263350>>263354He surely loves to flaunt it. Anon cropped the feed a bit much. He added added this photo to his “things I buy” album. In October alone, he bought SEVENTEEN GAMES AND THREE CONSOLE.
This is coming from the man who every week types out the same “I’m sorry I don’t have time to hang out I’m too busy at work making that big money” status.
You can’t call him out either because his white knight would defend him “it’s money he can do whatever he wants!”
No. 263363
>>263350Very true, you wouldn't be able to call him out on it.
Now I'm just waiting for the "I feel lonely who are my friends" post on Facebook and instagram.
No. 263532
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>>263363there's your "woe is me no one actually likes me" post, anon. just like you called it
No. 263552
>>263355>In October alone, he bought SEVENTEEN GAMES AND THREE CONSOLES. And countless cosplays, hotels, flights, man is really living that selfish consumer lifestyle.
Interesting to contrast with his statuses about how he wouldn't buy a burger for a friend at a con.
I understand not wanting to be used, but to be so generous with yourself and so stingy with others certainly tells a story.
No. 263588
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why does he have to milk this shit at least once every month? just get over it and realize that you'd actually have friends if you gave a shit about other people instead of being a narcissist
No. 263604
>>263597tell us you don't know any wealthy people without telling us. I know plenty people with wealth, and most of them are very kind, especially the self made ones.
A lot of them enjoy their wealth but i hardly know anyone who flaunt their wealth like Terry. Or as wasteful. Terry is a very unique case. He's hardly wealthy tbh
No. 263609
I cannot believe he would complain about the fanime flight being $700 when he posted that he can make $300 in THREE hours
No. 263648
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>>263588I guess he didn't get enough interactions on his instagram poll
No. 263650
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>>263648Of course his is most of the time. You don’t have genuine friends because you are a narcissist Terry
No. 263848
>>263790some guys do this to trick girls.
>i thought i was asexual/queer/gay but you changed my mind! you're so special and important you changed my sexuality!emo/scene guys used to do this all the time. there should be a term for it. it's like a sexuality bait and switch
No. 263882
>>263777Sounds like they're the same as him, they are only calling themselves his friends because they saw his follower count and thought he was a gateway to getting clout. Sucks to suck. Someone you take a selfie with once and then stalk to find on Facebook is not a friend, they're a mutual. I wouldn't even call them acquaintances.
I'm so fucking tired of clout chasers like that, you're not fucking "friends" with Yaya Han because she said she liked your cosplay once in 2014 and followed you after you tagged her in 50 selfies. That's called having a public image. Why can't people just fucking enjoy cosplaying because it's fun??
No. 263974
>>263766I used to consider myself a close friend with him, but not so much anymore. I’ve known Terry since he first started going to cons around 2011 and back then he wasn’t so bad. Quirky but tolerable. Once he started bragging about how he could go to more cons than me and flaunting to me about how rich he is knowing I had a bad financial situation, and would constantly bring it up without offering to help me out, or would act condescending about people who worked minimum wage, I really began distancing myself. That and when he went from cosplaying things because he actually enjoyed the characters to just buying a new cosplay every week from the latest bandwagon for clout didn’t sit with me well. I felt really put off when he saw me at a con earlier this year, took a selfie, and ran off without even talking to me. It was a maybe ten second interaction and it felt so disingenuous and weird.
I started lurking these threads a while ago and it really did it in for me seeing I wasn’t alone with my feelings and experiences with him.
No. 263982
>>263974Wow thanks
Nonnie for that insight! I’m so sorry you had to have first hand experience with him treating you like were “less than” because your financial situation didn’t match his. You def didn’t deserve that.
It’s honestly disgusting to se him constantly brag about his wealth while simultaneously refusing to help out his so called friends with something as small as covering a meal should they forget their wallet. Hopefully there can more people who come forth with their experiences so he can finally get called out once and for all.
No. 264012
>>263992He isn’t as obsessed about numbers lately but for a while he would go “I need to take X number of selfies at this con” before each con.
I felt a bit bummed he stopped taking selfies with. I’m not under 25 anymore and not popular so I understand. We used to talk a lot before he got popular. It’s weird how fame changed him.
No. 264017
>>263974I’m sorry that happened to you
Nonnie. It unfortunately tracks though; every time he’s talked to me at a con, it’s always been about himself, or him seeking some form of validation that he looks good, and as soon as he realizes that I’m not going to extend some high praise, he fucks off. Once I was mid-conversation with someone else, and he ran up and put his phone in front of me for a selfie. I posed to be polite, but it was incredibly jarring. He didn’t even acknowledge the other person I was talking to. And once he took the picture, he ran off to find his next target.
No. 264020
>>263974I'm sorry this happened to you. it's clear he doesn't care about boundaries of any kind unless they're his boundaries, from all the stories people have been telling here. and from what I've heard from friends who have encountered him.
for a little while I thought of him as a friend and saw him at a con one year, wanted to go up and say hi to him/talk, but all he did was take a selfie with me and then say "you're welcome" as he walked off. as if he didn't even recognize me?but then he'd message me after the con as if that never happened, and he clearly knew who I was. it was around then I realized how much he didn't care about people and just saw them as numbers
No. 264021
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No. 264034
>>264021And cricket 3 hours on. No reaction whatsoever.
Nobody has the heart to tell him. Curious where the adds are coming from? Bots? Surely everyone who seen this thread Ian’s wanted to friended him already did.
No. 264035
>>263974Sorry to hear that. Terry really have changed. I miss the quirky terry that does nine cosplays per con. Now he just wear the latest cosplays he bought online and run through crowds to get his recognition and selfies. Saw him at otakon. I was talking to a Genshin cosplayer. He swoop in, took a selfie with the very young looking girl, and left. Not even 15 second.
Imagine wasting your life going to cons for that tiny bit of fame. If we can even call it that.
No. 264036
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on one hand this dude needs a bit of food in him since last thread he showed his skeletal remains of a body, on the other hand Terry stop eating utter shit
No. 264038
>>264036Does Safeway only release cupcake once a week? I don’t shop at Safeway or eat cupcake and this status just really messed with my head
Imagine being a single man making six figures being so distraught over cupcakes. I can’t comprehend this.
No. 264274
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Maybe the 20 games, 3 consoles and 20 pairs of glasses were a bad idea?
No. 264280
>>264274It’s only $700 (according to the other status in the TC Hall account) Mr moneybag makes that much money in one day of OT
It’s rather odd he mentioned 15+ years here and 17 years in the other account.
No. 264310
>>264300This is actually very odd. Normally I would expect a couple pity reacts. The silent treatment is very peculiar. Maybe people don’t understand the status?
At least he’s now used to people talking shit about him, as indicated by the LMAO. He really think he’s famous and very highly of himself.
No. 264372
>>264370Making the TC Hall account was a mistake. I don’t get what drove him to purge his Terry Hall again. That just pushed his old friends away (those who didn’t leave him) and his new followers are just there for the lurk and tea (like us)
His feed is a literal representation of old man yells at cloud.
No. 264374
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18+ lmao this wasn't meant for your old ass. stop trying to bait people into thinking you're not 40. like no, technically he's not wrong, but usually these are for people in their early 20s range if I'm not mistaken, since there have been others floating around for 30+ etc
No. 264394
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Sir you should eat some of Round 1’s food while you’re out there maybe you’ll look less skeletal.
No. 264420
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>>264394why doesn't he ever respond to people's comments? it's like he skims it and then writes something barely relevant
No. 264440
>>264437>>264394I’m not even trying to be a hater. Why would someone drive one hour to get these cupcakes? Are they that god?
So he drove to town, bought cupcakes, and then go to Round 1 to take videos of the arcades (we know he’s too cheap to play) Make this makes sense.
No. 264455
>>264394 I dont get why this retard acts like cupcakes are some unique food. He can find a local bakery or heaven forbid, support a small business. We all know it's been extremely hard since 2020.
>>264420And this is why no one wants to talk to Terry. Keep in mind men live life on easy mode. this actual brain dead retard makes six figures and can live on a single income comfortably.
No. 264461
>>264420Literally responding like a bot, the person mentioned they lived in an area for a year as an ASIDE to the main question which is
where did you get the cupcakes and he responds with how long he lived in his location. How does a human brain work this way.
The way the anons above describe him seeing them at cons, not speaking, taking a photo in 15 seconds and running away again is also barely human
Extreme turbo autism combined with narcissism
No. 264466
>>264455Is he an affirmative action hire or what? He seem to be a barely functioning human being. How can this man get paid six figures while I am struggling with makingbarely half of what he makes?
Yeah I’m bitter about it. Life isn’t fair
No. 264474
>>264466Anon you will go on to find love, make real friends and connections.
Terry over here is going to die alone fucking a anime sex doll in his huge outdated house surrounded by made in China polyester wigs, slave labor "cosplays", half eaten chicken tendies and a broken water heater. You're good.
No. 264490
>>264455>>I dont get why this retard acts like cupcakes are some unique food. It's a symptom of his autism. Some autists have a super restricted diet and refuse to eat anything other than like, 5 foods or else they go into an autistic meltdown.
We've seen how empty his fridge and freezer are. This man child will never break free of it.
No. 264504
>>264490>>264499I wish people who consider him a friend would push him to get help. I feel like his condition has deteriorated in recent years. the pandemic really took a toll on him.
This is really eye opening. I have known many autistic adults, and none of them behaves like Terry
No. 264515
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there's no issue with the printer you have though. just the fact that you jumped into buying a 3d printer without knowing how to use it and thinking all you had to do was download a file and press print
No. 264536
>>264527kek that was the first thing i noticed too. it has his facebook and instagram handle on the bottom of it though, so maybe it was something he bought to take to cons when he was a guest, and now he keeps on his wall?
>>264518and he has to have those specific cupcakes and no others…ultra autism.
No. 264549
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Nightmare fuel
No. 264592
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LMFAO this is completely random and it’s from 2018 but i was just going through my old phone and found this and wanted to share it. context: he was trying to take sexy photos of his ass and then a friend helped him “make it more teasing”
No. 264666
>>264515There's alot of trial and error that goes into 3d printing. What type and size filament your using, adjusting the temperature, and making sure the nozzle is clean before starting.
It's not a simple plug it in and go fir a first timer.
No. 264696
>>264594Homeboy is in for a ride if that Kroger-Albertsons merger goes through. Kroger is making moves that the Albertsons brands (ie Safeway) will get rebranded to their shit.
If he's sperging this hard about his cupcakes now, just you wait.
No. 264710
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Such a balanced diet
No. 264718
>>264713nayrt but it’s still depressing. man has never experienced flavour in his life.
he eats bland food and white cakes. it’s sad.
No. 264776
File: 1667873220547.jpeg (187.95 KB, 1284x1950, 1E182B3D-18D3-4AD7-B11D-95A390…)

Sir you can’t communicate…You shouldn’t talk about communication.
No. 264834
File: 1668030451589.jpeg (549.89 KB, 1284x2178, FC0AA19D-95A3-4BFD-9123-2679C3…)

What is so stressful in your life sir? You seem to do nothing outside of work and lurk at malls.
No. 264925
File: 1668049690618.jpg (213.33 KB, 720x1248, Screenshot_20221109-215810_Ins…)

Random but this IG account has a bunch of Terry photos because Terry goes to 30 cons a year.
No. 264926
File: 1668049808264.jpg (277.94 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20221109_220750.jpg)

I'm so sick of him saying this every year, and then quickly going back on his word. he's just fishing for sympathy and praise so he can be like "oh wow so many people want me to keep cosplaying so I won't disappoint my fans"
No. 265005
>>265003not the above nona, but I and many other cosplayers plan out no more than 2 years in advance. It's not really uncommon for bigger cons like Holmat, Dragon, Katsu (especially with hotel lotteries, etc), or even just for comp builds
Now.. planning that far out for Saboten.. that I cannot justify lmao
>>265003 No. 265015
>>264959Same. Been cosplaying for years and can’t think of anyone planning their normal con schedules one calendar year ahead. So many things can change even in one year
Meanwhile terry and his creepy bff EBK say every year is going to be their last year.
No. 265016
File: 1668104106448.jpg (376.51 KB, 1079x1736, Screenshot_20221110_131307.jpg)

I'm surprised they recognized your decaying lifeform without all the filters. or it's another fake post like all the work stories
No. 265027
>>264999>>265005I can see planning out the next year generally in order to budget and figure out PTO and stuff, but most people also don’t fly out to so many cons every year (most people I know travel to 1-3 a year unless they’re guesting or do artist alley). And most people just don’t go to as many conventions, they don’t announce that they’re quitting after a certain con, they just kind of move on.
Terry really has nothing else in his life, so to him it seems like a huge deal to stop going to cons or cosplaying. He seems to have an internal fight where he feels too old to cosplay (which isn’t a thing but since he’s chasing teenagers he probably does feel like that’s the fact) but since it’s all he has, he doesn’t want to let it go. He needs to get therapy to work all this out.
No. 265094
File: 1668120395273.jpeg (239.34 KB, 1920x864, 70A00A3C-4E49-4037-8A2B-187524…)

>>265016Unfortunately he did make them all pose for a selfie. But it wasn’t like a plane full of ppl
No. 265144
File: 1668131486035.jpeg (178.43 KB, 1284x478, 67892DF4-FB7F-4861-8CFE-756E86…)

Sir no one cares because they know you’re faking it
No. 265200
File: 1668143947242.jpg (289.44 KB, 1080x1841, Screenshot_20221111-001640_Ins…)

why does he cover his last name especially on the close friends list, as if these people wouldn't already know??
No. 265341
>>265185You’re right anon. He said before that if he was in male cosplay he doesn’t mind “he/him” or if in female cosplay “she/her”. It’s all stupid, but I think he is definitely insisting on the “they/them” only now because it gets more attention as
>>265181 said
No. 265415
File: 1668254621904.jpeg (292.57 KB, 1284x664, 9A5C1DC6-EC5E-4649-803A-19837A…)

Hunting for zoomers didn’t quite work for day one I guess
No. 265449
File: 1668276123608.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1284x1839, 91C0D57D-1014-4CE9-862C-5D10D8…)

He must apply his make up with the filter cause no way he thinks he looks great
No. 265458
File: 1668280157359.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1284x2097, 391FE6A8-D43B-4532-8185-22BEDE…)

Looks more like a bad Cleopatra cosplay than shogun to me.
No. 265502
File: 1668297753550.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1284x1233, 9116BD46-9D66-47B6-8A40-29829F…)

His ego is hurt
No. 265505
>>265487Off topic about EBK.
I think it's that mix of autism and being creepy but confident thanks to friends in the community like Terry again. I've personally shot with him before and the way he speaks to the birds, makes them nod back, and also places them on beds/between breasts/butts for more risqué shots and bed shoots is strange to say the least. I've heard a lot and seen a lot. He could have a thread.
No. 265535
File: 1668304335704.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1284x2243, 22993B46-7455-46F1-B3B6-3B3195…)

He’s looking busted as ever
No. 265550
>>265548are you new in the scene? shortly before EBK started doing the bird plushie shit, there was a call out on him. lots of screencaps of him making advances on young cosplayers. I would attach them here if i have the caps but i don't know how to dig for them.
reading this I'm actually shocked that his image rehab worked.
>>265487 this is why EBK had the bird plushies so people see him as this harmless weirdo
No. 265602
>>265550I've done several shoots with EBK and personally kind of liked the plushies - for some people this is their "thing" and given autism or whatever its a way to communicate.
I would be interested in hearing more about any predatory behavior. My interactionz with him have only been pleasant and never felg boundaries pushed, he did a great job posing me. This is not a defense - just my experience and confusion.
No. 265611
>>265602Wish I have the tea but couldn’t find it. Maybe other anons can help.
I can’t blame you if you have only started shooting with him after his image rehab. People can’t even call out his old shit anymore because he’s now this autistic old man who carry stuffed birds around.
No. 265627
File: 1668359150948.jpeg (274.48 KB, 1011x1800, 538478AC-7D5D-4944-A614-A1EE86…)

can the retards in here make an EBK thread if y’all really wanna talk about some unrelated autist? anyways adding on that Terry’s gotta min max his shitty props
No. 265722
File: 1668388118548.jpeg (686.21 KB, 1284x910, 2831D9B8-36C3-443B-A281-A51F56…)

I thought some candid selfies were exaggerating how bad his skin is… I really wish he’d take the time to take care of himself.
Though it could also be just poorly matched foundation/concealer since he bought a ton from Morphe the other month.
No. 265723
File: 1668388602517.jpg (689.53 KB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20221113_201425_Chr…)

>>265627Holy shit that fucking floppy plastic crown necklace. Why spend precious pennies to make your costume not look clownlike when you could just put they/them in your instagram profile and be praised for literally just putting on clothes?
No. 265875
File: 1668471725683.jpg (625.49 KB, 1079x1812, Screenshot_20221114_192119.jpg)

wow so pretty. learn how to wink, it just looks like he had something in his eye that was bothering him(learn2sage)
No. 265917
>>265875Jeez Terry. Winking is usually accompanied by a smile, otherwise you get a stroke face like this. At least he finally got a breast form in his actual skin tone, even though he still edited himself 6 races lighter.
>>265898It's the combo of the white undereye +lower lashes. They make a gap between the upper and lower lashes that make his eye look like it's still open. Thus, you get this monstrosity.
No. 265959
File: 1668518392610.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1284x1827, ADEF80DA-8B46-4B1A-AC01-1CCA54…)

Are the shoulder things made of paper?
No. 266211
File: 1668619958844.jpg (355.18 KB, 1080x1843, Screenshot_20221116-123030_Ins…)

they barely look any different than the million other pairs he owns??
No. 266336
File: 1668664129120.jpeg (73.71 KB, 828x235, 40E45AD7-2EB8-491F-80DF-D08E15…)

Which genz is he creeping on now that is a Scorpio?
No. 266338
File: 1668664581059.jpeg (899.31 KB, 828x1553, CEE692D5-A56C-4581-92BE-5C1BFA…)

Lmao old man complaint to kfc that they took his precious popcorn chicken off the menu
No. 266368
>>266338Old man Terry is needs his popcorn chicken.
He might drive 2 hours away to a KFC that has it.
No. 266374
File: 1668688289269.jpeg (456.56 KB, 1284x1187, 9CB8642E-DE9E-4624-87B5-258144…)

I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 100
No. 266383
>>266374>>266378This is probably his first work story I can believe in. Remember he does manual labor for work. He’s one of the old timers who exaggerated how hard the work is and don’t care about efficiency because he’s being paid six figures regardless. Don’t rock the boat basically.
Maybe he did say he’s the only one who can do his job. I think multiple people probably can do his job and he’s the only one willing to work weekends.
No. 266442
>>266428Well, he said he does do manual labor in
>>252041 so he does some form of it I guess, cannot imagine what. Also gonna throw in
>>239423 No. 266443
>>266428NTA but back when Terry tried to talk about the negative conditions of his job in
>>252041 he mentions lifting things. It’s a stupid point to make since nearly every job has some form of “moving one box to another room” task and it’s not unique to his job, but he felt the need to point it out.
It’s definitely not enough to count his job as physical labor so anon probably just putting a bit too much faith in Terry’s story.
No. 266487
File: 1668732624563.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1284x2184, 748070A0-DC30-4625-92D0-6873F2…)

Terry’s TLDR on why he didn’t do X con
No. 266489
>>266487terry-speak is so frustrating. How does he only say "first three years" when a few words later he includes 2017 as great?? So it's four years.
Literally any non-hotel con is going to have you walk outside, doesn't matter the season. I am so annoyed at this man's entitlement that he should constantly be warm when it's his duty to wear suitable clothes for the season.
No. 266502
>>266487Terry is such a psycho
Kumo con was amazing . Easiest walk. Easiest transport and I get to see all my PNW friends.
Next paragraph. I’m not going to kumocon next year. Too cold and I have to work that Friday. Fuck them PNW bitches.
No. 266508
File: 1668742483885.jpeg (227.96 KB, 1284x942, 3B0EC154-A830-4750-982D-4E2056…)

Much excite.
No. 266543
File: 1668771430823.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1284x2106, 6DDFE5A8-766F-49C9-A1A4-F7EE2D…)

>>266508Wonder what her side of the story is… Did she like want to go places and he didn’t therefore it was her using him for rides?
No. 266555
File: 1668778794788.jpg (267.95 KB, 972x753, Screenshot_20221118_083904.jpg)

>>266554sorry for the double post I just found it going through messages with someone. I knew I wasn't crazy
No. 266630
File: 1668816553611.jpeg (320.29 KB, 1284x1309, B996BDDC-C3F7-490F-BB5A-F89075…)

He’s back on his weird bathroom fetish
No. 266735
>>266678Are you new here because I can’t see how you can think Terry is capable of dealing with renters with his dozens of rules per con
>>266732 said. I think in the three years he had this house he only had people sleep over once.
No. 266794
>>266744other people have stated the obvious. he also never mentioned it before. not even once.
I don't know where you're from but most people remodel their houses to improve living condition or resell values.
No. 266862
File: 1668905385233.jpeg (318.94 KB, 1284x1232, D5D2D121-30B0-4631-A7E6-09E8C1…)

Guess he had his date already?
No. 266881
>>266862i hope this isn't the "date" he talked about. she's fucking 24, terry.
fucking terry speak. "I almost never leave the house" terry, you leave the house a lot, just usually by yourself
No. 266962
File: 1668964591066.jpeg (2.19 MB, 1284x2228, B5B05D9B-2F9A-4E69-8CCF-105AAB…)

Definitely slowing down on cosplay
No. 266978
>>266977It’s Miku in a Sonic costume. So, 2 of his likes in 1. This whole list is weird and he’s definitely cosplaying a lot of characters that gen z would like.
It’s so strange that he’s throwing his money on all of these cosplays when no one even cares about him. His recent con trips show that. He could use that money to improve himself or get a productive hobby.
No. 266985
>>266962Im shocked Yoruichi (last row 4th in) is on there, you would think with how much he hates his skin tone and the fact that he threw a bitchfit about people wanting him to cosplay a
POC he wouldnt want to cos her
No. 267026
File: 1668983709078.jpg (922.72 KB, 1057x1770, Screenshot_20221120_173424.jpg)

The way he wears his fucking N95s makes me want to a-log
No. 267138
>>267014cant call terry a pedo or anons will dogpile you
>>267099old man cant remember what he has and hasnt cosplayed. he buys so many characters. terry, 1 good cosplay that was commissioned could actually get you some of the attention you want. anyone can buy an aliexpress costume.
No. 267175
>>267158>>267036I never thought of it that way. Figured he’s just lazy but now I can see him purposely wear it that way to show off his face.
I hate that he’s such an anti-masker but for the longest time he virtue signal every chance he got.
No. 267193
File: 1669057343651.jpg (526 KB, 1079x1746, Screenshot_20221121_135627.jpg)

why does he sometimes make polls about himself in the 3rd person? and then making the extra comment "talking about me" like no shit? you could have just made the poll say "do you think I like pokemon" instead of clarifying and assuming your followers are morons who don't know that manaknight is you.
No. 267218
File: 1669063771661.jpeg (2.05 MB, 1284x2229, 939E9B1F-ABD4-4746-BAF4-621F35…)

I want to see him make a yugioh wig. I would have so many giggles.
No. 267247
>>267218A lot of these series are very big with the zoomed children on tiktok crowd - HxH, Soul Eater, BSD. No idea where it's coming from but I've been a huge uptick in kids between 12-16 cosplaying from series like this recently. Yet again showing his true colors.
He's probably slowed down on the Genshin train because it's not getting him enough unique reactions; for every character he does, there's 15 more skinny white kids doing the same cosplay that are getting 10k likes on Instagram. He's just jealous and it shows.
No. 267264
File: 1669076845160.jpeg (780.01 KB, 1284x2043, 545F22A0-39A2-4D61-8E21-52ECC4…)

wonder which zoomer lured him to this app?
No. 267302
File: 1669087794162.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1284x1936, 71D66FB4-00BC-47F8-A03E-CBAC7D…)

Can someone translate Terry speak? It seems he had a brain fart while typing to me….
No. 267352
File: 1669135004027.jpg (450.42 KB, 1080x1738, Screenshot_20221122-113207_Ins…)

at this point i don't think anyone is trying to convince him to have kids with the way he takes care of himself. he'd neglect any child he ends up having and get it taken away from him so fast. it's the same reason he shouldn't get a cat even though he keeps looking at them
No. 267428
File: 1669164894478.jpeg (97.36 KB, 1284x381, 0A8081F5-890A-465D-953A-AE8A7C…)

You literally have nothing going on in your life other than to burn money on shit-tier cosplay…
No. 267509
File: 1669212694972.jpg (63.75 KB, 1080x375, Screenshot_20221123_091008.jpg)

finally get to use all those bathrooms he's renovating
No. 267510
>>267509The same man with a list of 63 rules for staying in his con hotel room wants to throw a party, in his house. Kek
Sure Terry throw a party. I want to watch you throw a tantrum when no one shows up.
You can't convince me this isn't a ploy for him to get young women into his house so he can spy on them in the bathroom.
No. 267516
>>267302>I didn’t think I was too convincing lolConvincing = Passing. “Passing” in tranny terms means fooling someone into thinking you’re a biological male/female. Terry thinks he convinced people that he was actually a female like his character. I bet this self-hating man
wishes he was a cute girl.
>why do my fem cosplays always do better?We’ll probably because all your zoomer followers are trying to virtue-signal. A nonbinary AMAB cosplaying a female character? So stunning and bwave! (Obviously I’m being sarcastic here)
>>267308He’s trying to be fake humble but you know he’s eye-fucking himself in the mirror when he wears these cosplays.
No. 267884
File: 1669319581318.jpg (613.14 KB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_20221124_145141_Ins…)

more bait for "no Terry, YOU should do it" messages/comments. I really don't want to see him in this and hope he doesn't get any interaction on it
No. 267888
File: 1669321122782.jpeg (576.28 KB, 1252x2021, A32BB556-0B5D-44F8-9672-65BD10…)

not surprised
No. 267891
File: 1669321606029.png (984.67 KB, 1232x1642, Terry.png)

40 year old man that only talks about himself complains that he's lonely.
No. 267893
>>267888>Oops I bought itIt's so lame that he keeps screenshotting his purchases and saying "oops!" like it was an accident. Also, that seems like pretty expensive shipping, is he paying for express shipping?
>>267891>The most important things for me to have at a con is amazing friends/people who make me feel welcomes and never alone all weekend.Then why do anons always catch you walking alone, Terry? Or standing in the corner alone?
He really has no concept of was friends are, does he? He thinks meeting an instagram/facebook follower for a 30-second interaction and a selfie makes "an amazing con".
No. 267984
File: 1669381919876.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1284x2027, 50F40BFE-6B4C-4AF8-82BF-7FEF13…)

I want him to cosplay as Batonetta it would be such a nice Christmas gift.
No. 268108
File: 1669421936004.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1284x2204, 7AE3D1FC-941F-4CF1-AB7C-497E37…)

Ever think your couriers just hate you Terry?
No. 268235
File: 1669489865212.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1284x1847, 18596AE6-F281-4CDE-B200-21C068…)

More shit he bought
No. 268258
>>268247Not WKing I just think that if terry's image isn't exaggerated, then having the entire side
torn open is way worse than anything I've ever gotten from Amazon and not at all comparable to your example of torn corners
I go with his couriers hating him
No. 268372
File: 1669523924887.jpg (144.42 KB, 787x1420, Screenshot_20221126-233450_Tik…)

Dude be out here still sexualizing female characters. Terry, nobody wants to see your gross tongue. And actually do better on your videos cause these face brush videos are just lazy. Also, nobody is impressed with your make-up when you are using a filtered app that makes you light skinned and then posting it on tiktok. Make actual content!
No. 268613
File: 1669598098552.jpg (125.53 KB, 1080x1854, Screenshot_20221127_201432_Ins…)

again with the bathrooms
No. 268615
>>268613he forgot "has no visitor"
who would look at that poll and choose "Too few bathrooms"?
shouldn't you be in bed by now, old man
No. 268623
File: 1669601347626.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1284x1881, D72100D8-43E9-47CA-9879-37AE26…)

Humble bragging by the old man.
No. 268836
File: 1669679030356.jpeg (238.56 KB, 1284x1935, 02CC295F-AD3C-4A3D-8264-FA1ED8…)

No one would ever expect you to give them anything Terry
No. 268851
File: 1669680643563.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1284x2028, E2D90CBA-698A-498D-8BFA-2D6F98…)

Guys I don’t care about my popularity I cosplay for fun, but my fem cosplays are so popular!
No. 268871
>>268830Nta, you must be the anon that gets up-in-arms if anyone even suggests Terry might have pedo-tendencies. Get over yourself.
Ever think more than one nonna thinks his tongue is gross? Ffs, in the first threads anons were spoiling it. He does this to boy characters too by the way. Maybe his tongue-out on its own isn’t pedophilic but he is a damn creep and no one wants to see that.
No. 268884
>>268871That is exactly what this anon said here about him cosplaying fem boys. He also did this to Reki too.
>>268555 It sounds to me that this anon
>>268830likes seeing Terrys tongue out. It's not just him doing this as his musty female characters, he does this to small boys and even some masculine characters too.
(sage your shit) No. 268931
>>268871Yeah that's probably me, because it's a serious and unfounded accusation. Terry is a middle aged man who has an intense hyperfixation on zoomer girls specifically. It's not pedo to like young adult women, it's just creepy and inappropriate since he's old.
Yes, the tongue looks gross. But we've established that's a trendy thing zoomer girls do in their selfies and Terry imitates it because again, he's obsessed with zoomers. Calling this shit "pedo" diminishes the word.
No. 268969
>>268931except he's openly admitted to rooming with a 17 year old and not caring about her age since she was "close enough"
and the fact that there are still a good amount of girls he follows who are 18/19 which, while technically legal, are way too young for his age and who knows when he actually met them? it's hard to know which is why the pedo term is kinda justified. I get where you're coming from when it's girls who are in their 20s, but let's be real, that's not the only people he's after and if you ignore the younger girls you're part of the problem
No. 268973
>>268969This. There’s the incident where he roomed with a minor. He’s also DMed teenagers and he actively looks for them at malls. You’re saying “there’s more to Terry than just sticking his tongue out!”, but you forgot this other shit.
>>268931Kek every time. Let your butthurt go, a lot of the anons in this thread have had bad experiences with Terry when they were teens. If they want to call him a pedo, they’re justified. It’s not normal for a 40yo man to act this way. He even calls himself an “asexual nonbinary” to appear safe.
No. 268980
File: 1669737769783.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1284x2269, BA5E7BCB-ECAD-4296-A6DF-5811FC…)

Nice nose crusties Terry
No. 268982
File: 1669738953815.jpeg (198.58 KB, 562x1377, 5A04ED2E-3F78-4316-920B-68559E…)

“how about making this more specific to just me?”
No. 269109
>>268982>>269108i feel like this is less of him genuinely asking otakon to cater to him and more of a humble brag that he has more cosplays than he could put into the slots.
>>269108one of his fans actually made a new template and upload it to the comments section!
No. 269186
File: 1669837853235.jpg (261.33 KB, 1080x1897, Screenshot_20221130-124929_Ins…)

Do you think he's trying to cleanse his name?
No. 269231
File: 1669846814259.jpg (501.59 KB, 1080x1712, Screenshot_20221130_171739_Ins…)

honestly it's just because it's genshin and zoomers are foaming at the mouth to be fake woke about "liking" a (male) non-binary, poc cosplayer in a female cosplay. it's definitely not the last point cause the cosplay is shit.
No. 269417
File: 1669934597704.jpg (132.78 KB, 1079x495, Screenshot_20221201_174232_Fac…)

you literally post on Facebook every day though? this makes no sense. unless he's talking about "content" posting
No. 269692
File: 1670034817776.jpeg (544.7 KB, 1284x1049, DA404D8A-62AE-4B9A-999D-835C79…)

Sir you’ve been out to multiple malls in “late November” and you purchased multiple games, cosplay and weeb clothes.
No. 269708
>>269692bless that one commenter who said he is set on keeping himself with the ton of video games he bought just in the last few weeks.
Terry, maybe don't go to big cons like holmat and ALA during the month where you have the big bills lined up? it's not like you have a sudden bill like 10k to replace HVAC. oh wait
No. 269768
File: 1670072722999.jpeg (332.64 KB, 1284x786, E35B3BB2-8477-4FD8-BDC2-D53E3A…)

>>269708It went over his head
No. 269785
>>269768I thought the original comment was berry clever. Terry being such a autist completely misread it. I feel bad for him sometimes.
>>269739That’s such a blanket statement. Lots of people making six figures are struggling. Hugh cost of living, student loans, family to take care of, etc Terry is none of that. He just buy random shit all the time to show off and then complain about it afterward
No. 269858
File: 1670099894870.jpeg (667.83 KB, 1284x2234, BBEA50DE-4E44-422F-B4D7-CD8812…)

You’re bald my guy what hair are you growing
No. 269865
>>269858>>269862Why though? Seemed like easy money for the barber.
Also why did terry schedule a 9am appointment when the mall officially opens at 10? I get he is old and has no life, but last thing I want to do on the weekend is wake up for a totally unnecessary appointment
No. 269910
File: 1670111311502.jpeg (2.11 MB, 1284x2199, 275FE0D5-A20E-4156-81C6-B95122…)

Surprised he didn’t edit this photo after the photographer sent it to him to make himself look more white because “he’s not that dark actually” or whatever he said before
No. 269942
>>269932inb4 someone comes in saying going to barber shop is a black thing.
joking aside, he probably was taught young to only go to a black owned barber shop for the special fade.
No. 270018
>>270010Same anon. How else can you explain what’s happening? Aside from black people can only go to black barber shop.
He’s probably taught this way and can never change because he’s autistic. To the point his previous barber was trying to scam him. That’s if we believe his stories.
The man is clearly bald and he can save massive amount of money by shaving his head himself yet he constantly seek out barber to the point they’re ignoring him now. This man needs help
No. 270020
File: 1670167438736.jpeg (200.72 KB, 1284x2290, 2D6F9829-8FA5-4095-92F6-D474D4…)

Didn’t you just say you were having budget issues? I swear
No. 270023
>>270020Maybe he bought it a few weeks ago? I’m seeing him doing a bunch of Eva cos tests and then realized he ordered them earlier
But this is terry we’re talking about. He changes his mind daily. I bet he will still buys at least one video game a week
No. 270033
File: 1670174267564.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x1615, 0F319895-3E15-43E0-9968-48E921…)

>>270023He posted this a few days ago so I doubt his decision to cos her was weeks ago
No. 270049
File: 1670176581094.jpg (285.45 KB, 1080x1898, Screenshot_20221204-105157_Ins…)

Ie people found out I'm a creep narcissist and didn't want to take selfies anymore or like my posts.
No. 270051
>>269910I swear anyone who picks up a camera considers themselves a photographer. this is a really horrible photo. Even the Rinoa looks bad with all those shadows. But Terry looks worse, and his age really shows here without filters.
>>270049Oh boo hoo. Go make some friends your own age
No. 270068
>>270051>>269910Looked up the photographer and he’s “Award winning and MULTI-Published” browsing his feed, I wouldn’t be surprised if terry was the first black person he photographed which explains why the lighting is so harsh.
Terry probably liked the photo enough because it does make him a few shades lighter
No. 270133
File: 1670198458446.jpeg (106.91 KB, 1284x364, 10ADC396-9962-4442-85C1-3606C5…)

>>270104Can’t stop won’t stop cause apparently he looks great as them
No. 270141
>>270069>>270072Eh she's 30, so I'm not seeing how it's creepy or
problematic this time. She's decently age-appropriate for him.
No. 270172
>>270141It's not the age. He mentioned possibly moving to where she lives right after the con he barely saw her at. He stalks people he's interested in.
>>270144Probably either people feeling like they need to applaud him for cross dressing or people who want to encourage him bc it's a train wreck
No. 270231
File: 1670244100363.jpeg (479.13 KB, 1284x1645, 170BBD1F-015C-49E0-B468-8F850F…)

He is a broken record.
No. 270232
File: 1670244143976.jpeg (141.85 KB, 1284x465, 7BAF15DE-E09E-4ADD-9E14-7EEEB0…)

>>270231He loves to contradict himself
No. 270241
>>270231so this goes back to the whole him not giving friends money at cons even for a snack because "they should be more responsible"…. maybe he should take his own advice and be more responsible with his money if he truly is "broke." maybe he should skip holmat if he knows he has bills pile up this time of year EVERY YEAR. and maybe he should not buy 3 different brand new expensive consoles, including 10+ new games for each console, if he knows he is going to get piled on with bills. stop buying cosplays and wigs he's never going to use, or is only going to use once and then collect dust in a closet until a zoomer he can meet up with wants to take it from him. I better not see that people are paying for his meals at holmat or that this movie and Korean restaurant is payed in full by said friend. though I guess he'll never disclose that.
I also don't believe he's "broke" in any capacity. he just wants to throw that word around to look more relatable and get sympathy yet again.
No. 270257
>>270246omg anon you’re right I wonder if that’s why this happened
>>270232Terry is so manipulative!
No. 270261
>>270241He’s probably saying “broke” when in reality he is down to however much in his checking account he’s comfortable with (probably still several thousand dollars) and he feels like he needs to not spend much until he gets paid next. He doesn’t understand what it’s like to actually be broke like most people use it, and he’s too self centered to realize that he looks like a jackass saying he’s broke when he buys so much shit and goes to so many cons.
I’m beginning to think he makes these statuses on Instagram as a story because people can’t publicly respond and tell him how bad it looks and he probably has different people on Instagram and Facebook
No. 270283
>>270261He probably will cross post to Facebook in a few hours. Terry is weird like that. He would test out some posts on one platform and then post it to another hours later
I doubt anyone would challenge him on Facebook. Last time I saw that happened a few months ago the person got dog piled real fast by a bunch of terriests. It was a money related matter too if I remember correctly
No. 270303
File: 1670267453968.jpg (73.51 KB, 1080x472, Screenshot_20221205_140743_Fac…)

who bets even with all those suggestions he's getting, he's still going to choose whatever chicken/fried chicken option he can find on the menu
No. 270380
>>270306>>270355He’s still a creep but I do give him props to not eating fried chicken for once
Must be some really special zoomer to be able to get him to dine out while broke and try different meat
No. 270410
File: 1670294475159.jpeg (555.56 KB, 1284x1028, 2A57C171-C4CD-4FAB-B43C-A9A3EA…)

Typically stalker face
No. 270415
File: 1670295351986.jpeg (810.7 KB, 1284x1799, 729DC702-82F0-4290-AC04-1DAD43…)

>>270410Oh it’s the chick that used him for a ride to the bbq over the summer that asked him out.
Wonder if he paid cause he thinks she’s gonna give him a chance?
No. 270417
>>270410KEK this anon described it perfectly
>>270411He looks so out of place and is obviously older than the rest of them, even with the extreme smoothing filter. It's giving 'dad supervising his kids'.
>>270415Also, Terry tagged all of the girls, but not the two boys there. Maybe they don't have Instagram, but if they did, it's very odd that Terry didn't ask for their handles…really says something.
No. 270427
>>270415he looked so creepy in that girl's story. not sure if i can share that here since she's not what this thread is about.
what if they invited him along because none of them has a car lol
No. 270429
File: 1670298231202.jpeg (523.41 KB, 1284x2252, A588E4D5-5386-415D-A212-CC6A00…)

>>270415Bro you said before you didn’t like being used yet here you are.
Dumbass simp
No. 270431
>>270429He's such a fucking manlet
She's definitely using him. I bet you he paid for the movies and also bought her something from forever21, just because she asked. Terry is so desperate for attention.>>270429
No. 270527
>>270429>>270415>>270417Asexual my ass. Terry is such an incel!
I noticed immediately the men weren’t tagged. Figured they probably didn’t want to be included since they’re just tagging along the three girls who pretty much live the influencer life. they’re there for a special screening of an unreleased movie.
No. 270532
File: 1670335300492.jpeg (215.22 KB, 1284x581, 3CCAE4F4-40EA-420A-8A6A-CCF7AF…)

Crazy how you didn’t tag your new coworker in your IG story
No. 270533
File: 1670335468245.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1284x2259, 608C69AA-EF65-4473-842F-5599DD…)

I’m not into cosplay for the popularity guys.
No. 270646
File: 1670368754940.jpeg (496.01 KB, 1284x2272, F2204089-A786-44D8-8C8A-5C982A…)

Why can’t you help out?
Oh yeah bought too many shit cosplays
No. 270656
>>270646>>270651Only one person has donated (20$) and that was two hours ago. It certainly wasn't Terry the Cheapskate.
On another note, the guy is being super vague about the "incident." Incidents that involves retraining are usually complaints of racism and/or sexism. Not sure why anyone would promote this.
No. 270700
samefag but acknowledging
>>270664 's point. Is DMV area notoriously expensive? 2k for 10 days is a lot. He either is scamming people and was too lazy to make an actual story for it, or is anticipating losing his job over whatever happened.
No. 270720
>>270718nta but honestly, terry probably barely knows the guy and i doubt he has even looked into him. he just promoted that moid's gofundme to look like a nice guy and get attention.
we all know how stupid terry can be sometimes, and forgetful too. he can't even remember who he has cosplayed.
No. 270731
File: 1670400551139.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1284x2189, 84850D5B-1B5E-42C4-8863-3DF0A1…)

Somehow he made the 3D print look like his typically made props…
His skill level is unmatched.
No. 270756
File: 1670420210544.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1284x2107, 21055E63-D431-4E5A-AE21-9FF6EA…)

He looks like a bobble head and that glove is way too big
No. 270763
>>270762that’s the first thing I noticed too kek
The foundation is too light for his skin tone too
>>270756>I spent 50% of my time chatting with friends and making new friendsI doubt this. Every anon that has spotted him in the wild has said he walks around alone.
No. 270781
>>270731He has so many “friends” who 3d print. How come nobody helped him out?
Everyone should be able to cosplay, but if you’re 40+ and your props look like they’re painted by a child I think it’s time to move on.
No. 270807
>>270789lmao kek "go faster" costs a few grand in specific parts, and not for that printer.
He is probably gonna up the "print speed" when really he should be decreasing his infill. There's no reason some of the prints he is printing is taking so long, but everyone knows that it is a bit of a wait no matter what.
No. 270906
File: 1670457819662.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1284x2011, ADAA0FA8-3062-4658-9441-FDE689…)

No. 271021
File: 1670482095342.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1284x1684, EF92672E-62C4-483B-9FA4-1175E6…)

>>270756Lawd have mercy dude learn to blend.
No. 271087
File: 1670505264394.jpeg (316.17 KB, 1284x754, 5D99010B-1665-4DCC-8FB3-2AC14D…)

Old man issues
No. 271089
>>271087At least he posted it in his non cosplay account.
He really needs to stop talking about his work IT issue out in public like this. I know he didn’t mention its name but he did say it before and it’s not a small company. His job is literally the only good thing he has going for right now.
No. 271093
File: 1670509909509.jpg (275.04 KB, 1080x764, Screenshot_20221208_092930_Fac…)

I wonder if that "kidofmischief" cosplayer finally put her foot down and confronted him about his creepy actions and being obsessed with her. if not then what zoomer was he stalking that prompted this post
No. 271094
>>271093Nah this reads more like he's self conscious cause he didn't interact much while the kids were playing and he was chaperoning
That or he's trying to write some sob story for interaction from said kids
No. 271107
>>271024Ahh yea guess you’re right,
nonny. Still if he would just fucking chill on his crappy snow zoomer editing bs
No. 271124
>>271093It’s so weird to read the comments and see all his fans encouraging this behavior. He really need to respect boundaries and realize that’s why people stop talking to him. he borderline stalks them
Also when he commented back “same”, was that the first time he acknowledged he’s autistic? I remember he used to be very negative when people suggested he might be autistic.
No. 271127
>>271124he likes to use the autistic card in times like these so his stalking can just be perceived as "oops sorry I'm autistic I didn't know better"
but for the most part he still pretends he's not autistic and will refuse to get an actual diagnosis for it so he can "pretend he's normal" as he's said in the past
No. 271190
File: 1670540914457.jpg (Spoiler Image,658.7 KB, 1268x1080, InCollage_20221208_180451861.j…)

spoilering just in case for the pic from his comments, because it's definitely not something I wanted to see. he blocks out the fake nipples but then posts them in the comments to prove that pasties don't work? what's the point of censoring in the first place then
also this is such an awful look in general
No. 271205
File: 1670544217245.jpeg (591.38 KB, 1284x2224, 643D97C6-084D-4DE6-AF02-A7BCAE…)

I’m so poor, pity me.
No. 271215
File: 1670548975441.jpg (37.1 KB, 395x690, b15f44dae8df23c1f9383bf414cfa8…)

>>271211I was just going to say that! Both Rei and Asuka are 14 years old and are drawn to be pretty flat, so why is he wearing a huge fake breastplate? He looks so bad. He need stop cosplaying female characters.
No. 271231
>>271223I have never heard his voice before until this video. Wow, Terry sounds so cringey. He also talks just as bad as he writes, not very articulated at all. It's good he put closed captions because it is hard listening to him talk.
I think there was possibly some fallout after he was chaperoning that zoomer group. He's probably been pushing to hang out with her and her girl group more, but her friends likely can't stand him and think he's creepy, which he is.
>>271211So that's why the cosplay looked extra uncanny.
To him, female = big boobs. Terry just wants an excuse to wear the breastplate for any occasion. It's weird.
>>271229Sorry I deleted my last posts kek. Yeah his voice almost has that tranny whisper to it, like he's trying to sound more female but is failing.
No. 271235
>>271233Someone in the comments suggested inverting the nipples. He kept saying pasties don’t work. I don’t even know what he does with the chest at home.
>>271190Fucking sicko. Rei doesn’t have big boobs!!
No. 271349
>>271328People who cosplay from shit they dont know are stupid. Cons used to be about sharing a hobby, so if you saw someone cosplaying Rei, you'd go up them and talk about EVA. Now thots and attention whores want to cosplay 'CUZ I LIKE THE DESIGGGN' and know nothing. they deserve to be called out. It is stranger because Terry is the age when Eva was huge. I remember in my teen years when everyone was recommending eva left and right as a different type of anime.
He only wants to get closer to zoomers, since pretty much most millennials have seen eva since the OG series.
No. 271353
File: 1670615273010.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1284x2128, F1183943-02C6-4672-93D5-4024A4…)

But what’s so funny about them?
No. 271461
>>271349I think the only
valid excuse for cosplaying something you don’t know is if your friends who are fans have you doing it with them for the purpose of a group cosplay. Obviously this doesn’t apply to terry because he doesn’t have friends
No. 271480
File: 1670635147040.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1284x2235, 819E9ABF-02C4-4DBE-BC60-8D545D…)

Mostly young people as expected from this creep
No. 271485
>>271480It’s odd he made this close friends only. What if his tagged people share it? there’s really no reason to make this list private. Terry is such a weirdo
And lol at kidofmischief being #1. Terry stops!
The honorable mentions are male or older female with partner so I do have to give Terry props for not all single women he lust after
No. 271525
>>271353As a brit who has never been to the US I love to see Terry's terrible shopping
>loaf of white bread which boasts "no high fructose corn syrup" >White cupcakes with the longest ingredients list I've ever seen, but only 5 days use by date (so if they're not preservatives why/what is in there?) I have no idea how he even has the energy to go to work and travel on this diet.
No. 271541
File: 1670678581179.jpeg (199.63 KB, 1284x523, 9B58C6CC-310C-4C89-9074-9998B1…)

No1 curr
No. 271593
File: 1670713308744.jpeg (279.75 KB, 1284x2348, 4B61B42A-3FD7-48D0-B8F8-A9229B…)

Good luck to the overseas nonnies, may they catch the beast in the wild.
No. 271614
File: 1670719916808.jpeg (188.93 KB, 828x509, 2E199D55-0CF4-4A64-99FB-DE0D52…)

I wonder if this means he will stop his chicken tendies diet now?
Also I’m pretty sure he was the one who made his food limited. There more to food then chicken tendies and seafood.
No. 271649
>>271643I’m sure Terry is just trying to garner sympathy by pretending he lived in a food desert. You know how he loves attention and pity.
In reality, he likely didn’t want to try out new foods and was a picky eater. “I grew up poor with no access to food” sounds better than “I refuse to try anything new”.
Although if he admitted he was autistic and that’s why he was picky, he could still garner that sympathy from zoomers. But you know he hates the thought of being diagnosed.
No. 271685
File: 1670763394883.jpeg (157.9 KB, 1284x685, 90B7B12D-D783-47E5-A178-8D9B08…)

…Only those not knowing of how much of a creep you are would trust you with their child.
No. 271699
>>271236 Around 5:10ish Terry is featured with his natural speaking voice. Def may be pitching his voice up a bit in the IG story whether that be the autism or simply just him being whiny
unrelated seeing terry documented on film is just unfortunate to watch
(learn2embed) No. 271731
>>271727>gentleman>this guy hereKek
Terry will throw his morals out of the window if that means a crumb of attention. Terry was staunch about masks too, but didn't care anymore if his friends or other congoers weren't wearing one. Terry wasn't about to call out a guy with a camera filming him, free clout!
Like a lot of enbies, Terry is a coward afraid to confront anybody in real-life, and only corrects people online. I suppose it's better than him going into a "IT'S THEY/THEM!!" tard rage though, as interesting as that would be to see lel.
No. 271933
File: 1670849613999.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1284x2075, 2F052174-5A4A-4F9D-89F7-951863…)

I’m broke, but so I bought two more games
No. 271941
>>271933But you know he's a very busy man with no time for anything apparently.
is that the japanese ver of the game on the right? Havent heard of it.
No. 272032
File: 1670890593037.jpeg (228 KB, 1284x535, D4D14D51-822B-4E25-B501-3B4638…)

You are literally the most financially illiterate person that I know Terry
No. 272065
File: 1670902454545.jpeg (2.45 MB, 1284x1717, E3CE232E-CAFE-41C6-B355-1FE613…)

He’s really trying to milk the interactions with this Raiden photo
No. 272147
File: 1670951416223.jpg (362.11 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20221213_120847_Fac…)

he's fallen for pretty obvious spam texts in the past though, so not falling for this VERY obvious scam email isn't really an accomplishment to brag about
No. 272162
>>272147The fact he even opened that email tho, he would honestly be super easy to scam given his propensity for clicking
buy on any old shit, posting his current location with photos, doxing himself (nearly) constantly, etc. He's just been lucky so far that someone hasn't emptied his bank account
No. 272205
File: 1670972405780.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1284x1972, 56024680-1CC5-4AD7-B386-B02BAE…)

I have no words
No. 272222
File: 1670982119191.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1284x2222, B16D2C8C-6790-4F75-B2F9-75D922…)

He’s probably gonna bring this to HolMat cause he’s impatient
No. 272281
>>272222Talk about being broke and bills piling up at the end of the year.
This is worse than sad now.
No. 272353
File: 1671054243394.jpg (84.29 KB, 1079x375, Screenshot_20221214_163933_Fac…)

who cares, Terry?
No. 272453
File: 1671110373912.jpeg (2.01 MB, 1284x1940, C8B5022D-2C9A-4FD4-A399-7B52AA…)

Nothing like buying lounge pants before HolMat
No. 272490
File: 1671129463517.jpeg (435.93 KB, 1284x2098, 42CC928C-0223-4076-A4D9-146397…)

He’s definitely experimenting with his food ya’ll
No. 272542
File: 1671151933938.gif (3.72 MB, 308x500, 76F884B8-0D7C-4333-85C0-09D8A9…)

gif from terry’s story but this girl so mean for even posting this seizure inducing attempt at filtering terry
No. 272599
File: 1671165481859.png (19.62 MB, 3792x1666, crusty.png)

Lookin' mighty haggard and dark Terry
No. 272658
File: 1671204955391.jpg (104.92 KB, 960x960, ICHIGO.jpg)

Dude totally forgot to use beauticam on mirror pic lmfao
Whoever is at Holmat, PLEASE snag a candid of him in this
No. 272663
>>272658Just saw this on fb. He looked so OLD in that mirror pic. I feel sorry for any
victim selfies who have to see that caked makeup nightmare in person. God, he is a walking nightmare
No. 272664
File: 1671207649249.jpg (332.87 KB, 1200x1200, 4-in-1-pressed-mineral-makeup_…)

>>272658The difference between his face in the filtered image and the mirror image, whew.
>>272599There's like 5 foundation shades between these selfies and his own selfies
No. 272688
File: 1671212849152.jpg (52.2 KB, 493x740, 29e0420943aea4c2541db2c3701436…)

>>272658>>272675it's because he is trying to copy the really good Ichigo cosplayers who are Japanese. They all do eye makeup, but it actually works with their eye shape. On Terry, it looks like drag makeup.
No. 272711
File: 1671218782219.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1284x1610, 9CE4E427-5E66-435D-9093-9E5885…)

Holy sh- the make up makes him look like he’s skeletal
No. 272798
>>272781He’s said he got matched at the Tysons Corner Morphe during their sale earlier this year.
Imagine if the person that matched him also lurked here.
No. 272799
File: 1671235938232.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1284x1632, DA323D11-5B71-43A3-A702-65A23A…)

No. 272876
File: 1671289910349.jpeg (2.22 MB, 3024x4032, F897C69C-E1CD-4C00-AC67-5B8C1E…)

>>261505caught him in the wild last night out of cos and scanning the lobby crowd while constantly checking his phone. also saw him creepily hunch over and go up to some girl I assume he recognized who was only wearing a bra and leggings lol
No. 273058
File: 1671398340309.jpg (108.11 KB, 960x960, htsora.jpg)

holy fuck imagine being a zoomer at a con and this comes up to you for a selfie
No. 273131
File: 1671456655562.jpg (603.04 KB, 1080x1545, Screenshot_20221219_082829_Fac…)

>>273128you could easily post the status if you wanted to talk about it, considering this is an imageboard.
I like how the last paragraph he lumps together people who are busy and people who don't want to talk to him as the same and not worth his time because obviously the people who are busy should drop what they're doing to go gush over him immediately otherwise they're not his real friends. nice narcissistic behavior there
No. 273132
>>273131He was aimlessly walking around by himself most of the time.
You would think those people on his flight going down would want to hang out with old man Terry during the con.
No. 273133
>>273131If he’s treating both groups the same (leave them alone) I don’t see a problem with him lumping them together
Maybe we did make a difference. Clearly terry is learning to leave people alone and that’s a good thing. So many times he stopped and bugged us even though we were clearly busy
No. 273183
File: 1671504558011.jpeg (340.59 KB, 828x1462, 893984F7-0AE2-498E-A16D-8CF524…)

“I struggle to talk to multiple people at once” Literally every time I saw Terry, he was by always alone awkwardly looking for people.
No. 273189
>>273183I think he’s talking about when he successfully found his
victim and he basically just fixate on that one person even when they’re in a group.. I’m glad he realized how fucking rude that is but it doesn’t sound like he wanted to change that or apologize for that rude behavior.
No. 273214
File: 1671898775145.jpg (460.11 KB, 1079x1484, Screenshot_20221224_101854_Fac…)

we're getting so close to full trans Terry
No. 273221
>>273214He's fugly and it gives him a confidence boost is all this is.
The moment some girl gives him a crumb of dating potential he will drop the asexual nonbunary comfortable being a girl act so fast.
No. 273281
I think he’s an AGP in the sense that he’s attracted to himself looking like a woman, with the fake boobs and hip pads. He likes the attention he gets from it and likes feeling “feminine”. We already know he’s a massive narcissist, so him getting off to himself in female character costumes isn’t that much of a stretch.
>>273273Anon, where have you been? Terry already calls himself a they/them nonbinary.
No. 273330
File: 1672076430663.jpeg (315.11 KB, 814x732, 0085EF11-8B6D-4FDB-9676-9292FC…)

I find it interesting that he doesn’t want to visit his family on Christmas but would rather go to an anime con chasing clout. Very interesting
No. 273331
File: 1672076479418.jpeg (422.26 KB, 828x1121, C982AA5E-D73C-4895-89FD-07CA9F…)

Aka upset that zoomer don’t want to hang out with a 40 year old man who won’t spend money on them.
No. 273608
>>2735700 percent chance he cleaned up his act. I'm also not friends with him on fb so cant see any milk..
tbh I couldn't even get lolcow to work until today so hoping anons start coming back with screenshots
No. 273609
File: 1672411285774.png (4.05 MB, 828x1792, CA9858E8-52F6-4198-A318-CBE111…)

I knew he liked to paint his props with wood glue, but I was really hoping he wasn’t doing it with his 3d printed ones too
No. 273635
File: 1672432686167.jpeg (682.29 KB, 828x1436, C3C8BBB7-5564-4265-9327-E3401E…)

There more but it doesn’t really matter. The tldr is that he no longer going to anime Los Angeles.
Why do he make these big wordy post? A lot of it doesn’t even make sense or matter. I really wish I can scream stfu because he type like he talks.
No. 273669
File: 1672470604629.jpeg (674.25 KB, 801x1285, 5A8F899D-CAFB-473B-9E29-0C6840…)

Asherbee level looking shit book
No. 273689
File: 1672497886047.png (142.7 KB, 600x315, 9A4F7D4D-20B7-4BF4-A9A2-13124D…)

>>273669If he actually played the game he’d know the “spell book” is actually called a catalyst.
No. 273720
File: 1672520061069.jpeg (533.01 KB, 1284x1757, DA1BE4AF-9C9F-4C20-9D84-F7732E…)

Looking more like older Ichigo than his teen years.
No. 273721
File: 1672520188918.jpeg (556.47 KB, 1284x1761, E7A35AD7-DEEF-4E45-9AD5-CDA0AF…)

Stumpy Ning inc
Her hair isn’t that dark at the ends and it doesn’t reach the back of her knees iirc
No. 273722
File: 1672520263239.jpeg (756.18 KB, 1284x2234, 3475D60F-1897-4D08-9306-01B10D…)

Why does he do hashtags on FB…Unless it is a cross post from IG?
Either way, serial killer vibes
No. 273729
File: 1672525140320.jpg (440.68 KB, 1079x964, Screenshot_20221231_161659_Fac…)

bragging about taking a selfie with a "big name" cosplayer for clout. if it wasnt for clout he wouldn't have needed to mention that she seemed like she knew who he was. who cares
No. 273741
File: 1672535233510.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1152x2250, 8C60461B-1372-4ADE-AE55-5A44D2…)

>>273729Would never have guessed it was her
No. 273742
File: 1672536870092.jpeg (836.94 KB, 1284x1859, 8EDA2D07-D472-4F97-8C83-AF58E2…)

Why does it look so lumpy…?
Did he buy another set of boobs?! Wtf
No. 273751
>>273742I thought he has a C or D breast plate? Why did he get a B breast plate and then go wear bra? That’s unnecessary extra work? Does he want visible bra shape to show up in his cosplay? Fucking weirdo
The thought of him shopping bras just disgust me.
No. 273756
File: 1672550392712.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1284x2247, 210E27F6-875F-4916-A4E8-0E4055…)

Shit still on his floor and old man toes.
Most people would be smart enough to scale the 3D print file to their height/scale.
No. 273780
File: 1672582580426.jpeg (977.72 KB, 1284x2247, 0990D03F-AABC-4069-A1C6-AC889E…)

Does he like to showcase his shortness?
No. 273788
File: 1672589119004.jpg (715.93 KB, 1473x1080, InCollage_20230101_100354981.j…)

the way he shows off male vs female cosplays seems kinda sexist and gross. male: normal straight picture. female: gotta show off my ass cause I'm a woman now
No. 273830
File: 1672609914246.jpeg (206.52 KB, 828x1463, 4FF16E0D-02E9-4B60-9A62-7015CF…)

troon arc incoming?
No. 273875
>>273830I wonder if this is the body type he look for in his stalking
Victims? A lot of male cross dresser use their ideal woman as a blueprint.
No. 273887
>>273830This is particularly creepy, I don't know why exactly, it could be the outfit looking too youthful for, you know, a grown ass 40 years old man, the fact that he's wearing the breastplate, trying to look as small as possible, and how he says he likes "this body look".
This moid will fucking kill a woman someday, or he will assault her or something, I wouldn't be surprised if he said he wants to wear a woman's skin or something like that.
No. 273930
>>273788"No makeup" No Terry, just filtered to high shit to make your old leathery ass feel better about yourself. Is he for real? Does he think people can't see the contrast between the pics on the right vs. the ones on the left?
What an insecure little bitch.
No. 274146
File: 1672778182946.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1284x2252, ED73C27F-C028-432C-80C4-A5A7D0…)

You’re the dumbass that wants to attend the two cons
No. 274190
>>274146Why was it stressful for him? He didn’t have to make a shit ton of shit props between the two cons. Him losing his wig has zero relation with this.
Is the money situation stressful? He made it very clear last week he could cancel ALA and he would lose NOTHING. Fucking creep.
No. 274196
File: 1672805293909.jpeg (647.95 KB, 810x1213, F3B48F95-0274-47EB-AB44-F4EFF6…)

>>274192Forgot to add pic
But he now has a-d cup breast plate. It borderline creepy he using these outside of cosplay.
No. 274225
>>274146Says the dumbest one crying about his end of the year bills. Who still goes to a party con after whining about money.
Pathetic! I wish people would call out Terry's bs.
No. 274235
File: 1672844223593.jpg (270.17 KB, 935x1067, 20230104_095604.jpg)

Glad to see his prop making is still 2-d dogshit.
No. 274237
>>274146So he did Holmat, and going to ALA is stressful for him. Plus everyone knows he's going to Katsucon next month for attention. This guy spends so much money it's sad.
Don't say it's stressful when its obvious he's fishing for sympathy.
No. 274252
File: 1672852530365.jpeg (576.84 KB, 828x1238, 366C6329-A0C2-4B6D-AD4D-01269E…)

No. 274272
>>274252So he's finally going to see a doctor after refusing too for soo many years.
I would get that checked immediately and say screw the con.
No. 274274
>>274252Is he going to hold a vote on instagram. To see if his followers think he should get that checked.
Get off social media and see a doctor!
No. 274309
File: 1672876116102.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1284x2254, 50133C3B-E016-4D50-94B9-4ABEE5…)

It’s okay guys it was just a bruise that peeled off or something.
Also still doing something stupid with my face in this photo of my forehead with a bandaid over the bruise!
No. 274310
File: 1672876209393.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1284x2263, F988A030-B8BA-4D2B-AB38-E971B9…)

I swear he is the “Am I the drama?” Meme
No. 274320
>>274309You will be drinking your chicken nuggies and eggo waffles out of a straw if you don't get that looked at ASAP you crusty fuck.
I'm cackling at this moron picking at what could be skin cancer like a scab and not taking immediate action to get it looked at.
People die from melanoma and he's treating it like a minor nuisance.
>> am going to look into ways of having it looked at. ldk if can schedule a dermatologist appointment or if have to go somewhere first. This man makes entirely too much money to be this obtuse.
No. 274321
>>274320from looking at the comments it looks like it’s just scabs from the blood coming out of whatever that was and not skin discoloration.
Cut him some slack. The old man hasn’t gone to the doctor in a decade or two and have no idea how healthcare works
No. 274359
File: 1672942311715.jpeg (888.01 KB, 1284x2268, F21D027D-60D2-470F-8BCA-7DEF7C…)

Oh that thing is going to fester…
No. 274385
>>274359the fact that he still insists on wearing hairnets under his wig when he has no hair, kills me.
He should honestly invest in a velvet headband meant to be worn under wigs to keep them from slipping back. The hairnet is doing nothing.
No. 274387
>>273742>>273752I think he's just too stupid to realise that "B cup" is not a set size, but that cup sizes change by circumference (so a 36B is smaller in cup than a 40B). His "fillers" are probably just not fitting to begin with.
Also kek at calling it fillers. Where I'm from bra fillers are what you use to create push-up in non-push up bra's (because they fill the cup, and make your breast appear more full). The fact you need something to push to start with makes me pretty sure that's not what he means.
No. 274479
File: 1673031197143.jpeg (639.79 KB, 828x1078, 4428391B-A3B5-4662-B6FF-D45CA9…)

Nearly an hour and one pity like. This is one of his worst makeup and wigs to date imo. I can’t imagine how crusty and awful this look without the filters.
No. 274500
File: 1673048890675.jpeg (2.36 MB, 1284x2286, 36C17688-DB0B-449C-97E2-D29A0E…)

So crispy looking like his favorite chicken tenders
No. 274501
File: 1673048955826.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1284x2280, AC1557FA-A6FB-4527-86CC-BC811A…)

Stop wandering the halls looking for people to take selfies that fit your ideal body type like the freak you are and maybe then you’ll find some friends to hang out with at a con
No. 274503
File: 1673049166453.jpeg (438.81 KB, 1284x2253, 25439D11-E7C7-4BDD-972C-D7D0EC…)

One wear and already gonna sell it cause Albedo didn’t get enough selfies cause Terry looks like a crispy shrimp
No. 274505
>>274500i don't know who this justin person is, but he takes the worst selfies of people. just looked at his stories and everyone looked haggard af.
damn. terry looks like an old drug addict here. i hope he gets help
No. 274506
File: 1673051680308.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1284x1649, 64C41809-80EA-4C2B-AF9B-5277FD…)

Wonder if any nonnies will catch him in the wild in this
No. 274508
File: 1673056250222.jpeg (49.02 KB, 620x480, image (1).jpeg)

>>274506His posture is so confusing
No. 274521
File: 1673067700322.png (1.78 MB, 1280x2318, albedo_genshin_impact_transpar…)

>>274503for non genshin fags this is what he's trying to look like
No. 274561
File: 1673097261191.jpeg (494.2 KB, 1284x2246, 53B6103E-6E4E-43B8-BA9D-3D21F3…)

No one knows me here!!!!
No. 274569
>>274561Every time he does this he alienates the people he already took selfies with. Or the little actual “friends” he got
Terry why can’t you understand random people you bug at cons are going to mock you after taking selfies with you? Stop doing cons for selfies and try to find genuine friends to hang out with instead
No. 274629
File: 1673139199898.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1284x2269, 453EBA5B-EBB4-4082-87A4-DF51A0…)

No. 274702
File: 1673195661066.jpeg (1.86 MB, 1284x2150, FD7FF399-6E71-4594-8267-F30709…)

Why are his veins popping out like that?
I hope he goes to the doctor when he gets back from the con.
No. 274708
>>274702He's old and it's probably hot in that trashbag he's wearing.
He just can't enjoy a con, can he? He runs to cry on Instagram that the entire convention center didn't clap when he walked in.
No. 274750
File: 1673229564191.jpeg (2.03 MB, 1284x2274, EA05C95B-D7B8-4434-983D-646C90…)

Holy crust Batman
No. 274770
File: 1673240216320.jpeg (1.92 MB, 1284x1983, 737476BA-4B88-4916-9D7C-EFC982…)

She didn’t tag him in a selfie?
How awkward
No. 274856
File: 1673291300190.jpeg (1008.32 KB, 1284x2239, A89BE01B-0F0B-400D-A2F1-41E446…)

Such humble bragging
No. 274857
File: 1673291385806.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1284x2272, 24147BF9-CE08-4957-8D68-988E99…)

You’re too old to be doing that shit Terry. No wonder you have carbuncles forming!
No. 274914
File: 1673317956648.jpg (22.65 KB, 800x533, dn28432-1_800.jpg)

I was googling stuff about the uncanny valley and found this picture. Tell me this thing don't look like Terry
No. 274917
File: 1673319230809.jpeg (1009.61 KB, 1284x2268, 1F5619EF-24D3-4A7F-86BB-C97E11…)

Terry’s ALA report that you could guess from a mile away.
No. 274918
File: 1673319302073.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1284x1877, E9C3CA8E-D26C-4C05-BD7F-931361…)

That’s like the stare of an addict going through withdrawal yo…
I hope he gets help.
No. 274932
>>274918N A S O L A B I A L F O L D S
No. 274937
>>274933Eh, a lot of photographers can be really shitty about only shooting young/hot girls or popular people, but Terry is out of his goddamn mind thinking he should be getting attention. His attempt to act like “talented people” are getting ignored is very easy to see past, he’s obviously mad that he didn’t get as many photos as he’d like.
I wish he’d realize that he only gets attention online from people trying to virtue signal and because the filters hide how crusty and creepy he is in person.
No. 274949
>>274917>>274937terry also needs to realize some of the people who shot him are just doing it to virtue signal or to fill a quota
>>274500Justine piñata is famous for his lack of diversity in his videos. I wouldn’t be surprised if Terry and krissy victory are the only black cosplayers in his ALA video. They are black but the “famous” kind of black
No. 274954
>>274917So Terry grossly filters his photos and then expects a photographer to take a photo of him being old and crusty in person. It could also be that creepy smile of his in photos too the photographers avoid him.
Get a life a con is for fun not being an attention seeker and whining when it doesn't happen.
No. 274957
File: 1673355580082.jpeg (283.21 KB, 1283x2243, 0A841032-21CF-445D-9AC5-439BF1…)

Your prop work is worth $50 tho
No. 274960
File: 1673357385869.png (4.74 MB, 1242x2688, BB373119-78A7-4210-8E66-D25CEE…)

Really slowing down with cons there aren’t you?
No. 274982
>>274960The rational he posted on fb comments is just bat shit crazy. I want to screencap them but there are too many comments and I don’t want to post multiple times.
I bet you he has people he wants to stalk at both of the cons and can’t decide which one to stalk.
>>274976HolMat and ALA were almost THREE weeks apart. old man Terry is simply too old for cons.
No. 274989
>>274957This sounds like someone younger. Way to alienate a potential fan, old fart Terry. Whoever this is can buy a way better prop for $50 anyways. Aliexpress is better than Terry’s work.
>>274960He acts like he’s some cosplay celebrity. Like he’s doing everyone a favor by showing up to cons in his trash cosplays. Terry no one cares if you go or not.
Anons are right that he probably knows zoomers going to both too, but can’t decide on a girl to stalk.
No. 275095
File: 1673397189477.jpeg (878.59 KB, 1284x2277, C6221045-870C-42BF-B0A2-3F19AE…)

You’re insecure about the stupidest shit Terry.
You’re a man get over yourself
No. 275293
File: 1673480272494.jpeg (1.21 MB, 2160x3840, 5AABD2BE-92A0-4564-B623-E7D9A4…)

I tried my best but here are some. His reasoning literally makes no sense. He’s fishing for people to agree with him.
No. 275307
>>275288>>275293thank you anon you're the mvp. i can see there's a lot of tea and why the other anon struggled with capping all the terry-speak.
I don't like his arrogant tone. did he post it so he can tell people he knew what's best?
No. 275337
File: 1673496882840.jpeg (317.42 KB, 1284x2246, C40AB092-0AB4-4DAB-9013-B39412…)

Go to a doc
No. 275506
File: 1673558129375.jpeg (211.13 KB, 1284x615, D3114125-F14D-48B3-AC85-B8DAC2…)

Did a doctor call you about your forehead yet?
No. 275518
>>275506Is Tucson a ghetto town? I have nothing against that but he seem to have a dislike for ghetto locations. Otherwise I cannot understand why phoenix is a heartbeat decision while Tucson he’s not even responding to the recruiter
The two cities are like an hour away so if he’s stalking someone it’s a non issue. He drove more for fried chicken or teen clothes.
No. 275521
>>275518meh, I guess compared to Phoenix? tucson is dominantly a weed-culture and a college town outside of the malls, family areas and professional areas
it's really just like any big town/city
No. 275525
>>275518Yes Tucson is a shithole.
On another note wish Terry would ask himself lately when making his many Facebook statues: “who asked?”
No. 275569
File: 1673572573377.jpeg (308.5 KB, 1284x2247, AF31563C-71FD-4D1A-B468-733539…)

No. 275570
File: 1673572650678.jpeg (230.25 KB, 1284x2219, 8C4278FA-3A3E-4DE1-A599-90957C…)

Doesn’t he have like 6 wigs for Cloud?
No. 275571
File: 1673572929040.jpeg (401 KB, 1284x822, 4AB2D59A-3EB3-4595-B50C-E593E4…)

More things that didn’t happen
No. 275579
>>275569Didn’t he just complained about dec/Jan being a hard time for him? How many new cosplays have he bought these past few weeks alone? How can he nickel and dime everything (I’m going to fanime because the badge rolled over) and then buy a whole new cosplay that cost twice as much as a badge?
Is this a side effect of ADHD?
No. 275613
File: 1673585984496.jpg (221.94 KB, 1200x1800, 325134154_907820043546213_7970…)

So youthful.
No. 275699
>>275693>>275570>>275569I don't know why nobody ever commented "stop buying new cosplays" when he whine about money on facebook.
on the bright side, he hasn't bought a game in a long while. I believe this is the longest game drought yet!
No. 275731
>>275506I know this is a nitpick, but I think it says a lot about what terry cares about that he already works for a huge company that is contracted by the department of defense, got a potential offer email from Raytheon(also contracted by DoD and a major creator of missiles), and all he cares about is the fact that the new position is an entire hour away from a city he likes.
He has the knowledge and money to work a job where he isn't creating weapons of mass destruction, but instead he's complaining about not getting enough selfies at a con and about a job location for a job we all knew he wasn't going to go forward with interviewing for
No. 275785
>>275337ADHD is the new autism tbh. like all the people who couldn’t get autism diagnosis are now trying for adhd.
of course in terrys case he probably does have a condition.
No. 275859
File: 1673708834666.jpeg (552.68 KB, 1284x543, 04D4787C-9705-4B48-AC31-9D6AE4…)

Still looking crazy AF
Glad he is selling this cos
Still no update on his forehead problem
No. 275868
>>275337I’m sure he posted this to Facebook too. I’m not friends with him so I can’t check. Did any of his fans tell him to go get diagnosed?
I hope this is the beginning of him seeking instead of using autism/adhd as an excuse to his
problematic behaviors
No. 275888
File: 1673721542020.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1284x2164, 9ED1C94A-CA81-4B7B-9D13-395805…)

Someone spoke too soon about him not buying a video game
No. 275983
File: 1673786752612.jpeg (217.89 KB, 1284x549, EC3515B7-73F9-4B29-8611-3A81B6…)

Slowing down on cons right Terry?
No. 276008
>>276000Why did you say that? This is his 8th AnimeNEXT. He went to ANext almost every year. He goes because this is where his “fans” are.
You buying his “I’m going to travel less this year” bullshit?
No. 276120
File: 1673848157175.jpeg (289.19 KB, 1284x778, 0C6AFD44-7032-40C8-AA9C-8F5362…)

Still trimming friends from a “dead” account
No. 276143
File: 1673875730192.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1284x2258, 2DE4C0D1-4C5D-47EA-9E43-6759FC…)

Please stop faking…
No. 276186
File: 1673890635503.jpg (154.6 KB, 1052x578, Screenshot_20230116_123341_Ins…)

>>276143I checked his profile after seeing this and it's such a mess
>introverted/shy/awkwardsince when did people start putting their weird ass traits in their bios like this? or is this just a Terry thing to try and be quirky?
and I love that it still says 30+ even though he's out of his 30s now
No. 276208
>>276186He really has the nerve to call himself a proper and armor maker when all his stuff looks like absolute shit. I think cosplaying casually is fine, but this is misleading and makes it sound like all his props and stuff are A+ material, when they are barely Ashley-tier.
>30+You are 40, sir.
No. 276229
>>276227Different anon here. Is it really odd if he just put “introvert” there? It’s pretty common. If people are truly introvert, they can discourage unnecessary DMs by stating that in the hope that people might pester them less
I agree Terry is going a little overboard here. He’s just doing it to be quirky
No. 276230
>>276229>He’s just doing it to be quirkyThis exactly. People that were lolsorandum back in the day would put similar stuff in their bios to look ~so quirky~. Zoomers tend to put a type of mental illness in their bio now as their personality trait, but Terry doesn't want to commit to that.
I feel like him describing himself as introverted/shy/awkward is to also excuse for his creepy behavior. "I didn't mean to stalk you, I'm just so awkward uwu". His whole bio is just him trying to fit in with the youngins.
No. 277560
File: 1674088397009.jpeg (904.34 KB, 1284x2274, DC3ADBF9-3B10-4F5D-8965-62A3AC…)

Humble bragging Terry
No. 277561
File: 1674089032539.jpeg (2.4 MB, 1284x2269, 845E9667-32FE-448E-BA99-5072E7…)

You look like you’re drowning in the costume because you’re so short Terry
No. 277622
File: 1674136508146.jpg (444.47 KB, 1080x1823, Screenshot_20230119_085455_Ins…)

but this is exactly what he does, minus the no badge part? I mean I guess OP means paid shoots, but he still basically does the same where he stands around and whines about how a con sucks if he doesn't get enough people taking his pics, while never actually attending the con itself.
No. 277667
File: 1674156485618.jpeg (400.85 KB, 828x1256, 38D241C7-A3E3-423A-9629-977053…)

>>277629He did. At one point I understand what he meant but at the same time he complain a con was terrible from lack of photos?
No. 277701
>>277667how can you understand his points? Never saw him mentioning any con stuff aside from concerts. He only goes into dealer hall and artist alleys to stalk people and find selfie
No. 277722
>>277710His point contradicts what he does after every con where he didn’t get enough attention (measured by selfies and photographers asking him for photos)
It’s like a racist making a status saying racism is bad. Sure there’s a point there
No. 277786
File: 1674242449147.jpg (628.96 KB, 1080x1745, Screenshot_20230120_141947_Fac…)

we're back to virtue signaling about masks when he went at least 2 cons without wearing a mask for a majority of the con from what pics showed. why does he still pretend to care?
No. 277801
>>277756honestly i don't even think what OP said was fair. if people only want to lobbycon and take photos, maybe that aspect
has changed and is worse. if OP goes for the programming she doesn't know if other aspects of the con are different. most anime cons are social events first and foremost, and if that aspect is less fun, it's fair to complain. it would be different if it was people who never went to cons complaining, but many people in con circles have noticed cons changed in many ways over the past 5 years.
No. 277818
File: 1674268839564.jpeg (122.24 KB, 1284x402, 54748CFB-6C05-45B0-8D6E-75184F…)

More money!!
No. 277823
File: 1674273891811.jpeg (167.09 KB, 1284x679, FBBA092B-E86D-49F8-9D69-62B0F3…)

Awkward and cringe…
No. 277824
>>277818Didn't he just complain about money problems a few weeks ago? so much expenses that he was going to back out of ALA (which we knew was a lie)
And now he can just buy a 2nd 3d printer like that? I know they're cheap nowadays, but they're still beyond the reach of a lot of cosplayers
This man clearly has way too much money. I hope his fb "friends" give him shit over this.
No. 277874
>>277823I thought all of his coworkers were frat boys, homophobes and racist? what changed all of a sudden?
also agreeing with other anon about wondering how that "date" went back around black Friday. he never said a word about it so I figured it was fake.
No. 277918
File: 1674345105664.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1284x2215, CA2719E3-27A9-443F-B912-C72F12…)

The fuck do you mean Terry? You creepy fuck
No. 277927
File: 1674346322181.jpeg (2.16 MB, 1284x2252, C72858B0-35D3-42AA-8BD4-16857F…)

All the worbla in the world won’t make his shit look good
No. 277942
>>277941looks like her idea of "going out" was going to a party together:
>>266862 Girl probably used him for a ride like other girls before.
No. 277969
>>277918He running out of questions to ask. What next? The weather?
>>277927True. It’ll still be Ashley poop tier to match whatever factory made costume.
No. 278045
File: 1674403888427.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1284x2251, 11F9FAD5-CB8D-4DE1-8085-03AAB1…)

Cause most people that regularly use their printers know to check before any of these issues occur you idiot
No. 278307
>>277969He just asked people whether they would attend “cursed cons” Of course most sane people would say no.
I don’t know why Terry is so obsessed with momocon even though he always had terrible time there. Terry, listen to yourself. Stalking people all day and then complain nobody would take photos of you is a bad way to spend your weekend. At least at fanime you will be that token black guy. Nobody cared about your cosplays at momo because it’s full of GOOD black cosplayers.
No. 278420
File: 1674518580864.jpg (103.85 KB, 1080x427, Screenshot_20230123_190052_Fac…)

so quirky! he likes bread! as if nobody else likes the bread at restaurants. I doubt the people there thought you were weird. more things that never happened
No. 278441
File: 1674530945634.jpeg (982.02 KB, 1284x2254, F1B51802-A38C-41E3-B679-4A57EF…)

Only 75% guys!
No. 278507
File: 1674583604567.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1284x2268, 141C53D3-0EB8-42D0-84AB-0D0C70…)

So poor guys!
No. 278508
File: 1674583722007.jpeg (632.16 KB, 1284x1640, E6A78C2B-683D-4F06-9675-06C925…)

Spending money like it is his business yo
No. 278513
>>278507Nobody cares where your traveling to every month for a con.
It's creepy how Terry looks in real life without those filters on his photos.
No. 278523
File: 1674587747290.jpeg (1010.36 KB, 1284x1817, 38CB1C05-E3A9-44D4-B8BD-B8289E…)

Never noticed before, but his eyes are so close together.
The photo also practically blended/blurred him into the background.
No. 278549
File: 1674595673386.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1284x2221, ECF01C75-8C0D-4706-86BA-2D9581…)

No. 278558
File: 1674601396884.jpg (177.96 KB, 1080x531, Screenshot_20230124_180058_Fac…)

>>278549he had a meltdown on AX's post instead of just emailing them like a normal person about it. why doesn't he just talk to them and try and get a refund before losing out money selling the extra badge? since he's already said he's going to sell it for less than he paid for, it doesnt make sense if he's that hurt for money like he always claims
No. 278599
File: 1674637765786.jpg (8.2 MB, 4185x4902, cringeoldman.jpg)

>>278591Probably because the guy is the only "photog" that bothered to take photos of his famous crusty ass
No. 278613
File: 1674652043516.jpeg (823.72 KB, 1284x1859, 1FE0197E-A6BC-4B45-8DA5-BA63D1…)

He truly lives an unfulfilled life if all he can find the time to do is complain like this…
No. 278618
>>278613it's always the same recycled garbage he complains about. like man find something new to talk about for once it's getting boring honestly.
and the only reason your female cosplays do better on IG is because people want to be woke supporting a "brave" man in in female cosplay. because you look like crusty ass in every one of them
No. 278631
>>278613He really needs to drop “so let me say” and “so let me be real honest” it adds nothing and terry’s wasting our time. I don’t know why but these terry speak put me in rage every time
>>278618This. Terry your cosplays suck. People are liking and sharing your female cosplays because it gives them woke points. Nobody care about an obvious male doing a shitty male cosplay
No. 278634
File: 1674668179435.jpg (927.9 KB, 1080x1667, Screenshot_20230125_113527_Fac…)

>>278613I understand why people share his cosplays and still say "oh it was so nice to meet manaknight at insert con here" but it just doesn't compute to me. He's not cute at all and is immensely awkward and self-centered. If people are trying to be woke and hope that an uwu famoos cosplayer will notice them, they're literally wasting their time. It's not like he does anything for the community or shares other people's work. He has no crafting skills and only cosplays things that will get him attention (with one or two things he actually likes sprinkled in). The only reason he has as large a following as he does is because he's been a token in the past and he essentially follow-for-follows zoomers with and for clout. I still see people I follow sharing him and taking pics with him in their stories and it's so weird to me.
Dropping a hall shot from 2016 from before I knew who he was, I just enjoy .hack. You can tell how skeletal he is these days comparatively.
No. 278884
File: 1674762547213.jpeg (304.02 KB, 1284x1060, E798624E-2C5E-4FCE-8451-ACB63C…)

Maybe if you stopped flaunting you’d have real friends
No. 278982
>>278925you forget
>wahhh wahhh my friends are fake>i have so many friendsdude do you even have a solid friend circle? i'm a loser and even i have designated people who i talk to regularly.
No. 279130
>>279124>>279081seriously, we can't excuse his actions on any undiagnosed disorder he claims to have when it's convenient for him. thats exactly what he wants and why he's conveniently started posting a lot more about adhd and autism and how he relates to it, all while refusing to get a diagnosis. when in the past he had refused these claims and even seemed disgusted at anyone who suggested that he may be autistic. him gathering "friends" and then whining about not having friends while also saying he doesn't have enough time to talk to everyone is not excused by adhd even if he does end up having it.
I still think he's 1000000% autistic, but he needs a diagnosis. and he still can't use it as an excuse for how he acts.
No. 279355
File: 1674962699937.jpg (178.19 KB, 662x835, SmartSelect_20230129_041410_Fi…)

Haven't visited this thread in forever but who's this gal? I'm actually surprised since I just assumed he has 0 friends
No. 279357
File: 1674963673346.jpeg (651.47 KB, 1284x1970, EF451EAF-985B-4359-B9B0-C19D98…)

Oh boo fucking hop you fucking man child
No. 279364
>>279357ONE fucking block. it sucks this happened but warmish tenders ain't the worst thing in the world. This is surely an "old man screams at cloud" moment.
also I lost it at the "no extra friends" typo.
No. 279404
File: 1675011161792.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1284x2274, 69032F24-A22B-4D88-B72B-9AB15E…)

What dreams are made of.
Can’t wait to hear how beautiful, sexy and femme he feels in her.
No. 279416
>>279410Your fast food complains are
valid nonnie but he said this is the first time canes messed it up and honestly I'm stunned they messed it up too considering they have literally four items
No. 279447
File: 1675039224974.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1284x1828, FD3C8E34-9B89-4EF1-9D5B-39D6A7…)

Can’t wait for him to cosplay Yuffie/Rikku cause they’re 15 years old and his crusty ass is going to suck in his gut so much more of his “fans” will see his sexy skeletal figure
No. 279474
File: 1675050649775.jpeg (911.71 KB, 1284x1659, 8D4DF64D-52E2-452F-8E7F-2747A6…)

Manlet thinking that big props is really what gets people to pay attention to him
No. 279477
File: 1675053321178.jpeg (76.46 KB, 681x1023, 1408534830067.jpeg)

>>279404we've come full circle. When will the pooping phase begin?
No. 279496
File: 1675090284287.jpg (283.33 KB, 1080x1420, Screenshot_20230130_095049_Fac…)

I know this is just him fishing for compliments, but a few of these are spot on
No. 279619
File: 1675184624861.jpeg (465.67 KB, 1283x2336, 6E4EE5AE-2A5C-4620-A3AE-14D95B…)

No. 279621
>>279619In his mind he’s probably this quirky teenager working with a bunch of grown up. And that could be a fun story
Instead he’s a 40 years old man swearing and people were laughing AT him. Very sad indeed
No. 279777
File: 1675297769514.jpeg (240.78 KB, 1284x570, 79CD7046-40C1-4653-B4B6-B36F16…)

you paint with the thickest layers dood no wonder it takes forever to dry
No. 279778
File: 1675299624122.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1284x2071, 854448F2-8EBF-4F0C-998B-D328CA…)

Is he constipated in this photo? What kind of expression is that?
No. 280005
File: 1675445291429.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1284x2205, 173C5553-47FC-45BA-82E5-6FD42C…)

Such a masterpiece
No. 280055
File: 1675463232570.png (2.29 MB, 1125x2436, A9FDD855-2DC7-4291-91AB-E4306A…)

No fucking way.
No. 280062
File: 1675467024039.jpeg (374.37 KB, 828x1465, 325E71FA-0452-484E-BB85-8CC6FA…)

This jumped out at me the other day
>”I had some ask about [buying a cosplay] but still looking for ideal buyer”
Explains why he lists the same cosplays every time he says he wants to sell some. If you’re not his “ideal buyer”, i.e. a young white girl he can meet up with, he’s not going to sell to you.
No. 280152
>>280062>Focus on what I do wellBut he doesn’t do any of these female characters well. He thinks “stunning and bwave uwu” compliments = doing well. Quality doesn’t matter to him, he rates a cosplay by how much validation he gets wearing it. So stupid.
Also, I’ve noticed lately he’s focusing mainly on more mature-looking women (idk the exact ages of these genshin characters, just going by looks) than the very young-looking girl genshin characters he used to post. I guess he finally noticed that people think an old man wearing loli cosplays is creepy and garners glares rather than positive attention.
No. 280258
File: 1675605796427.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1284x1932, 023B5EF1-98EC-4F24-B26B-4C003E…)

No. 280270
File: 1675610076335.jpg (609.07 KB, 1079x1639, Screenshot_20230205_101231_Fac…)

>yes I do watch a lot of anime
like what? 1 or two eps of each doesn't count. plus hasn't he specifically stated before he refuses to watch Jojo? so why is he claiming to now have watched it? makes me wonder how many more on this list he's doing that for
No. 280273
>>280270I'm sorry the autistic "non-binary" ace man having not watched nana, banana fish, or your name is so fucking funny to me and I can't explain why
The anime community is insane to me just like the comics community who tf cares if you've watched never case closed that doesn't mean you're invalid
No. 280464
File: 1675695803004.jpg (534.51 KB, 1080x1672, Screenshot_20230206_100315_Gal…)

why do I feel like his story keeps changing? at the end he makes it seem like he only drank because of con friends, but I thought his old story was coworkers forcing him to drink at a strip club? or is he changing his story now to not offend his sw friends
No. 280487
>>280464Thanks anon. I didn’t even notice that last sentence until you pointed it out. This story definitely conflicts with his stripper story with his coworkers
I do vaguely remember the story of him drinking at cons though. He’s probably just bad at telling stories.
No. 280567
File: 1675739035052.jpeg (895.4 KB, 1284x1735, 366CBDC1-26E5-4943-A3E4-BF6A55…)

He’s such a gamer
No. 280636
File: 1675790595799.jpeg (611.29 KB, 1284x2261, 9725D59B-966D-4712-A688-D354B0…)

So brave
No. 280658
File: 1675794480618.jpeg (154.59 KB, 793x427, 5C56646E-B3E9-4836-995F-0448CB…)

Does this old man think complaining on Facebook really makes a difference?
No. 280765
>>280736Nta you replied to, I don’t think Terry has outright said he’s wanted a girlfriend, but he used to share a lot of questions/memes regarding dating, followed by a pathetic “no one will date me anyways”.
It’s for the best, he would be terrible in a relationship and would micromanage his girlfriend just like he tries to with his con roommates.
No. 280925
File: 1675948938701.jpg (539.37 KB, 1079x1093, Screenshot_20230209_081910_Fac…)

why would you need an excuse not to go to the kalahari when everyone knows how much you hate it so much? or is it just that it's been too long since he's talked about the kalahari he was about to explode, and he found any excuse to finally talk about his obsession again? no one fucking cares Terry!
No. 281052
File: 1676034312062.jpeg (400.84 KB, 1283x2088, 00FD6E77-254E-4B21-8B14-26F13B…)

Did he really need another one?
No. 281053
File: 1676034442994.jpeg (263.42 KB, 1283x2263, A46619F6-BEA3-4A64-8D0A-60C0C1…)

I thought he was matching it to his finger, but I think he was matching it to whatever is in the upper right side.
No. 281496
File: 1676241858418.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1284x2227, DA27B4C4-21A3-4E9C-BE50-BA0C0C…)

“Big Hands” it seems you didn’t pay attention at all to Arcane then…
No. 281497
File: 1676241996532.jpeg (393.57 KB, 1284x1736, 339F71CD-8238-4724-992D-7C7CD5…)

Did he have a stroke typing this?
No. 281555
File: 1676257409718.jpg (703.63 KB, 1063x1596, Screenshot_20230212_220251_Ins…)

don't forget to credit the heavy filters you use! makeup doesn't work miracles
No. 281617
File: 1676299899073.jpg (181.49 KB, 1080x1668, TCHALL21323.jpg)

>>281555I mean, you aren't wrong. Meitu apps literally lets you transform your face Terry
No. 281689
File: 1676333919229.jpg (591.42 KB, 1079x1915, Screenshot_20230213_191758_Ins…)

just quit already. stop debating every year and posting shit like this for attention and hoping people are going to beg you to stay
No. 281943
File: 1676481323902.jpeg (2.17 MB, 1284x2253, D33568C0-D063-4ADF-B31F-0BFD20…)

Confirmed for Katsu!
No. 281964
File: 1676494808011.png (1.67 MB, 828x1792, 2770A7AF-DE18-4890-8135-19EE9A…)

I can usually guess what he’s trying to say but this is straight word salad
No. 281995
>>281964he's asking for names and pronouns which he will undoubtedly forget unless he is looking directly at this poll specifically, in the middle of conversation (or, more realistically, looking to see which zoomers will be at katsu)
really just looks like another grab for engagement kek
No. 282004
File: 1676514031621.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1284x1609, 8076CECE-963A-4BDA-83C4-127A00…)

Talk about overpacking for a non vendor/artist attendee…
No. 282041
File: 1676552369997.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1284x1550, DB549F76-0A26-49C3-93FB-41C5FD…)

Angy Terry! How dare they assign someone to complete his job while he is away!
No. 282058
>>282042There’s some businesses that hate when you take too much time off too, even if you earned those hours. Terry travels year-round, practically every month, for cons. Isn’t he always having to catch-up on lots of work when he comes back? Jobs don’t like that, Terry. He’s getting replaced.
>>282041>Unqualified person>SCREWED IT UP BADLYI’m sure the person did fine. Terry the autist is just freaking out because there can be more than “one way” (his way) to do something.
No. 282065
File: 1676570338817.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1284x2256, 08B021A1-AA29-4D7A-BC2B-523BB2…)

Shall we applaud?
No. 282117
File: 1676592229385.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1284x2255, 150282C5-47AF-492B-96E6-6C33E7…)

Why would he ever mention his forehead when he can cover it with make up and wigs?
No. 282120
File: 1676593004784.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1284x2460, E0C9491B-37E5-4DBD-903B-26D045…)

>>282117Cuz he finna be “riddled” with cancer if he don’t get it together
No. 282154
File: 1676610909953.jpeg (2.12 MB, 1284x2265, 7329EC96-39E9-4769-AF01-829E2C…)

Best Riddle hands down
No. 282253
File: 1676682791507.jpeg (1.1 MB, 873x1578, 412D5F3D-216C-48DB-9693-DD4559…)

Oh look… suddenly an ill fitting mask during the daytime!
No. 282271
File: 1676689898964.jpeg (58.28 KB, 1179x314, B5C48726-0DEC-46AE-AB4E-6182E9…)

This creepy ass comment he left on a mutual’s instagram post from today.
No. 282321
File: 1676719151653.png (7.91 MB, 1284x2778, 24E5BE42-8CE8-445A-A530-63A4E8…)

No. 282322
File: 1676719213836.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1284x1582, 4983FD12-1986-4271-9F05-0441EF…)

Why do you look so unprepared when it is a selfie?
My god he is so frustrating.
No. 282352
File: 1676735043714.jpg (717.93 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot.jpg)

katsu is always crowded idk what he was expecting and why he's somehow dealing with anxiety about it this time? wonder if something else happened he won't talk about because that just feels like a lame excuse from someone who goes to crowded cons all the time with no issues
No. 282391
File: 1676750174545.jpg (635.99 KB, 1079x1350, Screenshot_20230218_145546_Fac…)

Please tell me someone got a photo of this in the wild
No. 282407
>>282352He’s been going to big name cons for years now right? Why is he so anxious about, you’d think he’d be used to this.
Also why did he have to take such an unflattering pic of himself, good lord…
No. 282422
>>282391Weird ass little tongue out. Terry can't resist doing it.
Such a fugly cosplay. The character is nearly unrecognizable. Yassified makeup with blinding highlighter is not Rei at all.
Also, is he doing the tranny thing of shoving his dick up his ass instead of using a gaff/dancer's belt? His crotch looks weird. Ugly guys shouldn't wear skin-tight suits.
>>282407He has no self-awareness. His narcissistic self thinks he looks good.
No. 282445
File: 1676764693671.png (2.02 MB, 1284x2778, 0EACB95E-4574-4FC3-B10B-AADE5C…)

No one wants to know about this Terry.
No. 282450
>>282445Earlier Terry mentioned feeling anxious
>>282352Having stomach issues is a sign of anxiety too. Terry normally doesn't feel this way at cons. Agreeing with
>>282364 someone must have said something to him to make him nervous.
No. 282469
File: 1676771631584.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1284x2284, 258348B3-9909-4584-AEF8-357EE5…)

Idk, sounds like he ate something that upset his stomach and now has the runs cause I doubt they have chicken tendies at Gaylord now that the pastime restaurant is gone
No. 282484
File: 1676777297644.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1284x2227, 27417F8B-9E06-4FED-A676-170556…)

The ghosting continues! Gee, I couldn’t figure out why Terry.
No. 282492
File: 1676784649698.jpeg (923.05 KB, 839x1565, F4C44F00-B90D-4D00-ACFF-F6B864…)

Managed to snap a photo while I was going down the elevator and having it stop at every floor?
Looking rough, Terry. Big surprise, no mask.
No. 282782
File: 1676925527829.jpeg (634.01 KB, 1284x1105, 0BFD61F9-D030-4F0C-BAA4-6C0E4F…)

No review yet, but this glorious post from him
No. 282812
File: 1676947366292.jpeg (774.7 KB, 1284x1527, 3F839C34-27C9-40E1-B0CF-E2E36E…)

Katsu report!
No. 282813
File: 1676947446806.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1284x1975, 31CFFC07-B742-446C-BCBC-74D496…)

>>282812Part two of the report
No. 282819
>>282813Has he ever even had an overall
good con? And wtf are his standards for good if you're going to a con after the anime/weeb boom in the US then expects disgusting crowds ffs
No. 282885
>>28281336 likes with no comment now after half a day of posting. People are onto his shit. Nobody cares about his self-centered ass
>>282877Imagine buying a VIP badge just to not have to wait as long and never use it for anything. I can’t. Why is he so awful
No. 282890
File: 1676985725756.jpeg (164.86 KB, 828x428, 50677126-70DB-447D-ABCA-796950…)

>>282469Apparently norovirus was spreading around the con so he may have caught that.
No. 282955
File: 1677001900555.jpeg (318.82 KB, 1284x768, 492CDE90-5232-4C3A-8FE7-B6A36E…)

That’s also called hoarding
No. 282960
>>282955Lots of people collect badges. They’re so small and barely taking up space. I won’t call that hoarding at all.
What’s his beef with this buying badges? Did someone make fun of him for buying VIP badge this weekend? It’s not old school or quirky to buy badges for cons you’re attending. That’s literally a social norm and the right thing to do.
No. 282966
>>266211>>282960He's probably lurking and trying to address anons commenting on the fact he bought a VIP badge just to not use it.
>>261507>>272876My input for next thread pic w/ some edits. Going back through its crazy how just a couple months ago he was saying that 2023 was his last year and just a few days ago was considering 2024. He needs to just stop pandering for people to keep asking him to come back.
No. 283158
File: 1677079005386.jpeg (117.33 KB, 1284x616, D32B2CE9-30B7-4FF0-B861-576F84…)

Sir no, you’d probably hinder any staff position with your ego
No. 283190
>>282966Agreed. Having this photo
>>272876 with screencaps of the times Terry’s said he has sooo many fans and friends at cons would be hilarious.
>>283158>working in security Terry would be an asshole to everybody and screech autistically, except to zoomers who he would hit on in his own retarded way.
No. 283227
File: 1677106162958.jpg (458.04 KB, 1079x1727, Oh boi.jpg)

He is sharing this like he was masked up all weekend. Terry we know. Stop acting like you were taking all the precautions when multiple people saw you walking around without a mask.