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No. 311113[Reply]

>Swiss dude
>Makes surreal videos where he goes out in public with dakimakura wearing a leotard, makes extremely un-PC jokes, talks about his fap collection, licks cream off figurines
>Apparently has a GF and other weeb friends, good job (has been speculated to work in finance)

Youtube: /Nervli
Twitter: /meidocafe
Flickr: /meidocafejp
90 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 311204

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I've done some research and he's giving me very creepy vibes. At first I thought it's just some crazy comedy but now it seems that the guy is just fucking around, living his perverted delusion because he has no better thing to do. He is deliberately pushing the limits further every year just to see how much he can get away with.

Yeah sure, live how you like, but I don't really understand why your own perversions must be shown to bystanders. Why walk around with your hentai loli bodypillow so that kids and other innocent people are forced to see it.(necro)

No. 311205

I think cus his lolcowism is only surface level. His personal life seems to be very together and he doesn't take anything seriously enough to lash out in a milky way.

No. 311206

His youtube channel got terminated https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnNAj7O2pARPGC7M0-zybAQ(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 311207

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No. 311251

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A dead tumblr with some archival content:

Tik Tok (active):
>https://www.tiktok.com/@meidocafe(sage non-milk)

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No. 307737[Reply]

Intro taken from old thread >>303924
Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She happily accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression (NOT a real diagnosis!) with a "coming out as DID" celebratory cake, but struggled to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.

>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

>Current relevant info:

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No. 310840

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Sorry for this being a bit off topic but damn she really fell off. like the fact that there has been ZERO growth since 2021 is telling. I'm also looking at her total subscriber count and she has lost (ofc this is ballpark bc socialblade doesn't do direct numbers anymore) 5000 subs since last october and the last time she gained subs was back in january of 2021. I wish I knew what her sub count was at her very best, it's probably in the old threads but im not hunting for it right now. also, i looked back at her old videos too and she used to hit 40k on average a few years ago and before she moved out she was getting 60-80k. now it's under 20k except every like 5 videos or so there's one that goes above it. Honestly, looking back at 2019, there are things I thought were atrocious that she wore that now looks decent compared to where she is now. Before she was just annoying and entitled, now she's crazy and so fat its not even funny.

No. 310855

New thread, I know its a bit early but I had the summary ready for a couple days now


No. 310925

Some thoughts on her latest video:

-This was both the best and worst recent pixielocks video. The worst part was the first half, where she demonstrated gross ignorance to Japanese culture which shes supposedly been interested in forever, and then topped it off by using as a source a teenager whose argument was basically "I have no evidence, but I think black people probably invented this stuff"

-BEST though was the second half where she just did her makeup and talked about fashion shit. No social justice, no DID, no autism crap, there were a few golden minutes of her just talking about shoes, makeup, and fashion. It was kino as fuck and easily the best content she's put out in years.

-Then we switch back to worst in that her gyaru attempt is truly terrible. But at least she's having fun and trying something new. I'd like to see her try lolita again.

-Overall, I liked this format of talking about a fashion, however she needs to do more research or stay away from trying to make it informative about something because she gets a bunch of information wrong. She could have just said she's uncomfortable and unqualified to talk about racism in Japan instead of meandering around the topic and sourcing some other idiot.

-She did not introduce who was fronting or use a fronting indicator, hmmm

No. 311007

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Sage since it's not milk worthy, but thought I'd post it anyway. Long story short, Jill's bestie and fellow DIDtuber Kya has disappeared off the internet for the past few months and her critics have been using this time to make videos and posts exposing her, as well as asking her bestie Jill to speak about it (which of course Jill won't do because she wants to get in Kya's close circle and get in on that sweet sweet fame)

No. 311025

Honey, there's a new thread

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No. 310470[Reply]

>tldr; Narcissist fuckboy who gets butthurt over people disliking their OOC cosplays, plays victim when people call him out for his cheating issue and scummy attitude
> Cheated on his fiancee (fiancee sadly took him back for some reason)
> Third party is allegedly a minor and was not allegedly also cheating on her girlfriend
> His own cheating allegations surfaced because of a callout post for the third party’s cheating
> Makes an apology post for his fans, then deletes it when he realizes he can twist the narrative
> Tries to dodge the implications of his cheating by emphasizing that he wasn’t the intended main subject of the callout post
> Tries to deny cheating allegations by saying the third party subscribed to a high tier Gank membership that gave her access to his nsfw content, even though the cheating receipts were not from the platform but from their Facebook Messenger conversations
> Tries to deny pedo allegations by saying minor wasn’t honest about her age/he didn’t know she was a minor/she wasn’t actually a minor
> Posts supporting him consistently claim that the third party was 21, while posts against him consistently claim the third party was 16/17. Third party’s real age during the cheating period is unclear due to his lack of checks before sharing his nsfw content

Link to only surviving archive of their cheating convo: https://www.tiktok.com/@strawberryyenn/video/7221429896050904326
[Archive] https://imgur.com/a/YZWcsxy
Screenshots (with TLs):

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No. 310479

Post images not links when possible anon, but I'd read this if you provided a bit more about what's dramatic or funny about him. Just seems like a true and honest himbo

No. 310481

So he threw a fit and that's his TL;DR? This could've gone in the cosplay cringe thread maybe. Basically has no milk besides he got upsetti.

No. 310526

>ugly snub-nosed filipino somehow not only has a fiancee but also a mistress
Young women today really have no self esteem, huh? Holy shit.

No. 310534

Is this another one of those guys who figured they'd get into cosplay just to show off ther fainlty visible abs for easy pussy? Sheesh.

No. 310549

Definitely fugly by filo standards

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No. 5268[Reply]

Last thread reached the bump limit. >>550456

What's recently happened
>Finally got her boob(botch) job that looks horrible

>Was humiliated up and down Twitter by men laughing at how bad her breast augmentation turned out

>pretending to be half Japanese

>lies about going to Michelin 5 star restaurant and was caught

>cannot stop lying

>lightening skin tone and extreme photoshop

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No. 310379

you know its her, bc she still has loli/pedo posts in her likes. And random onlyfans women.

No. 310383

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She wants another one now.
The botched boob job, the humiliation, and clear constant rejection and degradation she endured from all those disgusting Johns have turned her for the most part anti-men now. Think she realized no matter what she did, she would never have the blonde bimbo sugar baby life that she imagined she'd have.

No. 310560

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To whoever said she doesn’t post herself anymore… I just found this image she posted.
There’s no hope for her


No. 310572

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to all nonnas who thought this bitch changed; she didn't. from her likes i gathered that she likes furry porn too.. she's also still pro-prostitution and gets upset at those who aren't, she still posts and retweets grotesque shit. and she's still fat, wow.
i think you're giving her too much credit; if she were against men she wouldn't post dumb shit like picrel which is basically an admission of still thirsting over the same fucks who humiliated her.

No. 310573

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samefag but kek at her taking Macon's side. they've both shown to be like scared animals, lashing out at anyone (in Himekas case both men and radfems.. even though i don't recall radfems openly mocking her botched tits on Twitter with male profile pictures and names) when they can't get their way. it's curious how in some tweets she's like "dumb bitch if you don't like feminism go close your bank account" and then there's tweets like this..

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No. 309898[Reply]

Does anyone have experience with Kitsu King? They are an Atlanta-based blading trans cosplayer. Drama seems to follow them around constantly and run a "business" selling shitly-made robes based off a style that was popular years ago.
Insta:https://www.instagram.com/kingkitsu/?hl=en(shit spoonfeeding request thread)

No. 309901


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No. 197693[Reply]

Previous Thread (#5): >>173567
(#4) >>163459
(#3): >>155594
(#2): >>95156
(#1): >>82304

>Instagram: https://instagram.com/eeveenicoledavis
>Twitter: https://twitter.com/eeveenicoled
>Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/nicoleeeveedavis
>OnlyFans: https://www.onlyfans.com/Nicoleeeveedavis
>Linktree: https://linktr.ee/nicoleeeveedavis/

Nicole’s 2022 thus far has been: unemployment for months, hours a day posting word salad tweets about scrotes deadnaming her, and being too embarrassed to show her body anymore due to her weight gain

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No. 304211

I have no idea why she always goes so crazy with the eyemakeup, huge lashes, inner eyeliner which extends well past the dear duct, lashes drawn under, and the usual eyeliner tick on the outer edges, it's not like she has embarassingly small eyes and needs this.
Some joker mouth happening here too, I guess it's a coomer compliment to be called a femboy though kek

No. 308194

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Imagine always feeling the need to justify your cosmetic work and life decisions with some bizarre reasoning, like your bird wanting to eat your mole. Lmaoo(nitpicking)

No. 308257

You bumped this because she wants a mole removed.

No. 315273

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This thread is dead for obvious reasons but had to post this because who is this even? Am I crazy or is this like an AI rendition of Nicole?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 315344

kek i wanted to post this and the other photo she uploaded a while ago on ig but deleted (?) which also looked completely uncanny and different, like she got a new face. but i didn't wanna get banned for nitpicking or whatever. but yeah, she seems to have changed her editing style to a new look.

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No. 303924[Reply]

Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and sugar coats every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of bucks for.
She happily accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression (NOT a real diagnosis!) with a "coming out as DID" celebratory cake, but struggled to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.

>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

>Current relevant info:

>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more nowPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 307702

god it's so obvious every time she does this that she uses the "anybody have any advice?" format to just blab about whatever random 'episode' she wants to have recently.

No. 307704

Vivid dreams are a weed withdrawal symptom, maybe she’s quitting?

No. 307708

Or she's just lying

No. 307709

Girl, drop the DDLG larp when you’re larping Menthol Illinois.

No. 307719

Jill, literally fucking EVERYONE have dreams like that sometimes.

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No. 57114[Reply]

A 20 year old tiktok famous and formerly popular instagram cosplayer who has a penchant for being edgy and faking mental illnesses.
The basics
>is "fictionkin" with multiple characters such as Junko Enoshima, Toga from BNHA and others.
>Did an edgy photoshoot with fellow instagram user discount.yam in a graveyard, got ton of flak for doing so.
>Fakes being nonbinary and goes by they pronouns
>Giving beginner/less skilled cosplayers shit
>Calls herself "IRL Junko Enoshima"
>Created false rape accusations against Keith/littlepaladincosplay
>Fakes having DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and has fictional characters for other personalities
>Scams $300 out of multiple fans in order to style them ratty shitty Junko wigs.
Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badguyincorporated/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/snowthesaltqueen
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@snowthesaltqueen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/saltqueencos
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No. 307939

Im having trouble understanding if you are saying my story is fake or the person i corrected.
If you mean me, its genuinely not a fake story, i was really close with snow from 2017 to about 2020 (i left the community and stopped interacting with everyone)
Ive gone to quite a few cons with them.
Ive roomed with them as well for these cons. Ive spent a lot of time with them. But im also understanding of not believing me since im anonymous and like soooooo many people have just made shit up at this point so its really hard to believe anyone

No. 307940

Im also speaking of this rape due to the fact i was the victim in the situation, but he did in fact rape me. Physical injuries were sustained. That i still deal with to this very day 5 years later.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 307942

This thread isn't about other cows. No1currs, sorry he raped you, but go blogpost and make callouts in another thread. This isn't your soapbox to try direct this thread in another direction at her friends. This isn't a thread for her friends or other cows. You're also clearly new since you made 2 posts within deleting time of each other.

No. 307974

I didnt have intentions of like doing any of that im sorry if thats how it came off. I just wanted to clarify on the situation as it seemed relevant since it had already been mentioned.
Im not trying to derail or anything like that. Just clearing up misinformation.
And yes im new, new to posting here, i usually just lurk and not interact.

No. 307975

No1currs,post about snow

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No. 307198[Reply]


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No. 136741[Reply]

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/golden.berry_/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littleberrycos/ - https://www.facebook.com/cerridwyn.wilson.9
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ship_fucker
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LittleBerry

-Pretty infamous in the cosplay community. Known as Momokun no.2, shares with said cow almost all of her worst traits.
-Ballooned up in a short amount of time, adopted the "body positive" shtick. It's rumored that she gained weight on purpose.
-Appeals to the lowest common denominator: chubby chasers and basement dwellers.
-Extremely lazy, her cosplays consist of bought swimsuits and a wig. But will say that she "tailors". Her cosplay shots are bathroom shots.
-Extremely sensitive to criticism: will ban you, screenshot you and send her whiteknights after you if you aren't kissing up to her.
-Calls other girls "thots", but whenever she gets called a thot she will cry and accuse you of "internalized misogyny".
-Used to be a camgirl, has porn stuff of her floating on the internet. If confronted about it, she will say that it's revenge porn an ex of hers leaked.
-Easily triggered. Her profiles are her only hugbox, everyone else who knows her considers her a lolcow.
-Always causes drama. Since even the most polite and constructive criticism gets her veins pop out, you will see her get mad and flood the comment section with passive-aggressive snark and accusations of "Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
89 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 137518

Of course not, but Cerri being back on socially media publicly or cosplaying again doesn’t warrant this much hate when she’s not even being as obnoxious as she was a few years ago when she was a weird gender kinnie. The milk is dry and has been dry, and anyone still invested in hating Cerri for being annoying a few years ago can’t be that much better.

No. 159032

I remember her from years ago. This thread is almost a sort of "blast from the past"

What is she up to nowadays?
Most links are dead, archives excist but can't find any new/recent IG or FB accounts.

No. 176819

her new twit is @chierii_

No. 252696

lmao, he goes by buzz presto on facebook and instagram and he's a canadian obsessed with rick owens and other gay moid /fa/shion. he's a lanklet who goes after any girl with low self esteem and a lot of makeup, so naturally he's into tiktok thots and clown girls, like literal clown girls from OF and tiktok who dress up as egirl clowns. he did in fact run the hate page about her, so i have no idea why she dated him. sounds like he was abusive imo, but hes such a wimp its a little hard to imagine.

No. 306384

any anons have her feet pics? :) I remember she did some before(moid necroing :))

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