File: 1650789551566.png (2.26 MB, 1079x1915, please terry no.png)

No. 208755
Previous Thread
>>197809Facebook: Facebook: Hall aka Manaknight is a self-proclaimed "famous" cosplayer, soon approaching his 40's who currently resides in Maryland.
Terry self proclaims to be NB and Asexual, despite otherwise being fine with being a male for 30+ years and regularly posting/sharing sexual posts/memes, "friends" with and regularly shares OF/cos thots.
Recap of previous threaad
>>198264 Terry breaks his shit prop
>>198318 Calling out Rachniqueenfor racism
>>198471 Post Katsu bitch fest
>>198946 >>204673
>>205797 Terry runs into a zoomer girl he has stalked for years and gets ghosted by her. He then proceeds to obsess over her for months (seriously way to many examples to link I swear half of last thread was him obsessing over getting ghosted by a child)
>>199493 >>201356 bragging about money again
>>199687 Terry wants an even bigger house even though he doesn't utilize the space he already has
>>199836 nonnie queen simply agrees with a statement Terry madeand Terry proceeds to call her a bitch on his story
>>200203 >>200444 Terry does so much internet
stalking he realizes people he's never met have him blocked
>>200486 complaining about pronouns even though he is clearly a man claiming to be nb to seem non-threatening to younf girls
>>200908 Terry pretends to hangout with another cosplayer when she was only there to buy a cosplay off of him
>>201178 skin lightning drama
>>201242 >>204066 randomly tells a young girl he wants to hangout at a mall with her then stalks her at a mall a few weeks later
>>201532 probably lying about his weight
>>201988 puts on 2 sets of hip shapers and looks exactly the same
>>203135 only wants to sell cosplays to people who will come try them on at his house
>>203751 Terry doxxes himself
>>204699 enters his short shorts phase so he can make everyone look at his junk
>>204829 posing like an idiot to pretend he wears crop tops
>>204369 >>204707
>>205061 bad craftsmanship. How does he get invited to cons?
>>205431 expanding his palette beyonf tendies
>>205638 says he would not help anyone out financially unless they are providing him a service
>>205874 called out for ableism
>>206240 >>206772 current unfiltered photos of Terry looking a haggard 39
>>207616 hating on furries at Sakura Con
>>207898 >>207988 Terry drops a con because he'll ONLY know 20 people there and he requires 100+
>>208285 proof Terry likely lurks here
>>208365 finally admits he might have autism
>>208610 more fake claims about stepping away from cosplay next year
No. 208763
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Terry will be out in the wild again at a mall! Shouldn’t he be prepping his awesome props and cosplays for his judging appearance?
No. 208772
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Former victim of the Terry experience spoke out.
No. 208775
>>208763>Shouldn’t he be prepping his awesome props and cosplays for his judging appearance?Does anyone know how he keeps getting asked to judge? I genuinely don’t understand how he can get a position as a judge when he buys all of his cosplays and all the props he makes are piss poor quality. He’s been in this hobby for such a long time and his props still look like the work of a beginner.
>>208766>hope zoomer girls would DM him “OMG I’m going to X mall too. Let’s meet and do makeup!”I think this is accurate. He’s desperate to experience life how he imagines a teen girl would
No. 208802
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He really thinks he’s lost so much weight that none of his old pants fit him anymore and he has to go buy pants for young women instead
No. 208803
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Yay! Bullying works!
Terry if you read this: it is not your face shape or the fact you’re not in your 20s. There are a huge amount of beautiful and successful cosplayers in their late 30s and beyond. You just are trying looks meant for 18yr old white skinny girls in a desperate attempt to be likeable to those types of girls instead of looking for inspiration from people near your age, race, and body type. Your denial always have made even your most highly polled cosplays look like shit. Hope this helps!
No. 208806
>>208802Shouldn’t he be buying some work-appropriate pants then?
>>208803We did it nonnies
>I WISH I was still early 20s and beautiful lookingI guess this is why his cut-off age is 25. Very gross if you to think no one above 25 can be beautiful, Terry. People age, it happens. There’s plenty of older cosplayers that embrace their age and make age-appropriate cosplays that look really well, dressing as characters that a younger person couldn’t pull off.
PS since you lurk here Terry, stop bathing with Palmolive and get some heavy moisturizer to fix those nasty chicken feet hands.
No. 208830
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Things that have never happened
No. 208850
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Sir pretty sure you starve yourself in between feedings of eggo waffles, shake n bake oven cooked pork chops, chicken tenders and basic bitch Safeway white cake cupcakes with vanilla frosting.
Your skin looks like it’s never been hydrated since you came into existence due to your trash diet.
No. 208856
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so now you're using your guest booth as a donation center? no one is going to go to your booth to sift through your shit cosplays you probably haven't even washed or your crappy props
No. 208859
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Sir… You’re suck a fucking cheapskate maybe if you weren’t one and spotted friends money when they’re going through hard times you’d have actual friends.
No. 208861
>>208859What the hell? Sometimes people don't have their wallet on them or forgot to bring extra money. Whatever the reason, food at a con literally isn't that expensive. I haven't seen anything cost more than $12 (these are at cons with concession stands). Buying food for your friends is the nice thing to do, Terry. Because you know, you're supposed to care about your friends?
Also I do not understand what he is talking about in that second paragraph. He regrets paying a barber to give him haircuts? Or is this some rando that asks him for money and gives him haircuts occasionally in return? I don't understand Terry-speak.
No. 208862
>>Food can cost $1Not everyone lives off of frozen chicken tenders like you Terrance.
>>loaning money for haircutsis he talking about wigs because he doesn't have any hair kek
No. 208863
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>>208859and then he has actual decent human beings in his comments. thank god people aren't agreeing with him on this shit take
No. 208865
>>208861He complains about people asking him for money all the time but only hangs out with children that aren't old enough to have stable careers.
This is what you get for flaunting your wealth to all your zoomer mutuals.
No. 208868
>>208859Terry, people won’t ask you for money if you just stop talking about how much money you make, how big your house is, or how amazing your job is. You can’t rub our faces with your wealth and then complain about it.
You are sending out mixed signals. You trying to pick up zoomer sugar babies or not?
No. 208869
>>208859Wow I am so grateful my friend group isn’t like that. We pay for each other all the time. If I pay for something now, I know my friends are going to cover the cost of something else later. It all evens out basically, so no one needs to keep track.
Meanwhile Terry views every human interaction as an exchange and he keeps a tally in his head. If he doesn’t get something of equal or greater value from you, then he thinks you’re clearly just using him. THAT IS NOT HOW RELATIONSHIPS ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK TERRY
>>208863Love seeing people call him on how incredibly selfish that behavior is. I mean if you say they can find food for just $1, then why not give them a dollar??
No. 208882
>>208859what probably happened
cosplayer: i got no money for food.
terry: i will buy you food. I'm a good guy.
a few months later
terry: come to my house to do makeup. we'll be cute together
cosplayer: ewww no
terry: cosplayers are parasites
No. 208884
>>208859Nooo not mr big bucks complaining about possibly feeding one of these starving zoomers he stalks
>>208869Yeah same, if you see friends regularly and have similar interests, paying in alternating weeks (or whatever) works perfectly. I hate splitting the bill and all that shit, it's much nicer to pay alternately.
No. 208909
>>208894The fact that money is literally all he has to offer (personality like a wet blanket, boring, not much to look at, poorly disguised troon fetish, poorly disguised fetish for young white and asian women…and so on) YET that's the thing he balks at. Like if you want young people to be your friend and you have absolutely no talent, charisma, or looks, you gotta be a sugar daddy or at least them a hamburger and coke every so often.
Honestly men who have much more money than the women they're going after but still insisting she pays for herself - like not even an offer out of politeness, or buying a small treat (he's literally crying about a possible dollar spent in that post) is so unattractive it explains why he's still a kissless virgin at 39. Just as a personality trait it's such a turnoff.
Young, pretty women get a lot of attention so you really need to have
anything to offer in terms of making her life better if you want to stand out. The fact he clearly wouldn't even buy a girl a coke, exasperating really.
No. 208970
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Are you projecting sir?
No. 208983
>>208970Why did he post this? We know it’s not from his personal experience since he’s asexual. Is he posting this to indicate he’s one of the good ones? Terry you’re not slick.
>>208978I noticed this too. I have known him for half a decade. His English wasn’t this noticeably bad until the pandemic happened. I could be wrong. I didn’t analyze his writing before because he used to be quite normal
No. 208984
>>208863Checked the status again and now the majority of people agreed with terry. my faith in humanity is gone. Why do all these dumbasses agree with mr money pants who can’t even spare $1
Also, what can you buy for $1 ? A piece of gum?
No. 208995
>>208984it seems like a lot of the agreeing comments are interpreting his status as these people are always asking for handouts when that's not what he said at all. he made an assumption that if a cosplayer asks for money for food once they'll constantly do it and are taking advantage of others. what if that person forgot their wallet and were going to pay next time or pay the person back? what if they had unexpected financial issues right before the con but everything was already paid for so they can't just waste that money and not go? theres so many what if scenarios and he's just choosing to think everyone is out for his money.
I understand that if a person has a habit of asking for money because they can't afford xyz but then spends lots of money on new cosplays/going to cons/etc, that's an issue. but again this isn't what he said. he just made this assumption of all people who do this regardless of the situation
No. 209004
>>208993He grew up in the whitest of white neighborhood. No way this is AAVE. Thanks for stereotyping.
It’s more of his attempt at zoomer-speak
No. 209011
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Just no
No. 209033
>>209011I feel bad for the forever xxi employees that have to interact with him almost every day. You know he probably loiters for hours deciding on which booty shorts and "crop tops" he wants.
>>209012The fact that he meitus himself 10 shades lighter in every selfie makes this obvious
No. 209042
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I question how the fuck he graduated college with how he forms sentences.
No. 209049
>>209042Terry’s being really hasty with buying new clothing. He could easily gain that weight back, as he’s not doing anything but crash dieting. His weight loss seems more of an excuse to himself to buy a bunch of teen clothing to crossdress in. “I’m not a creep for buying clothes from Forever21 and dressing like a teenager! I just lost so much weight that it’s all I can fit into uwu”.
>Shorts can be male or female IDCThen why are you specifically buying booty shorts from the girl’s section in Forever21? And specifically looking at female zoomer photos for inspiration?
Again, if he’s apparently lost so much weight, shouldn’t he be buying clothes to wear to work? He is so obvious.
No. 209050
>>208775Small con plus high follower count. People probably requested him and he's fine with paying for everything himself.
>>208859There's a ton of reasons why someone might need money for food at a con. Maybe they're short a couple bucks cuz of tax, maybe they got their wallet stolen, maybe their card is is having issues and they don't have enough cash, etc. Especially if you're friends and you have the money, why wouldn't you spot them money for food or just pay for them?
No. 209107
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"oops" stop saying that everytime you order a new cosplay as if it was some impulse decision. you've been talking about cosplaying him for a while now
No. 209135
>>209107Terry: I will not give you even $1
Terry: oops here’s my purchase history of almost $200 worth of cosplays.
No. 209142
>>209135He erased the order time and order number for precisely this reason.
Terry's month:
>stalking zoomers in the mall>Vagueposting about a zoomer that dropped and unfollowed him (many times)>Awkward con photos>Why do I have such difficulty making friends? Must be the 'tism>I would never help a friend in need, the only people I give money to are those offering a service, like the guy that gives me (???? man is bald) haircuts>House next door is worth 400-500k>I would not spend a single dollar on a hungry friend at a con>I'm not young and beautiful like I was at 20 (you never were, fam) No. 209166
File: 1650930367082.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1284x2224, 411CBF9D-CB85-475F-B5BD-942E04…)

Keep telling yourself that you 40 year old cheapskate.
No. 209175
>>209042>shorts can be male or femaleYes and no though. Male shorts are made to fit with the male genetils in mind, and not so much for women since we dont have a useless sac of hanging garbage. I hate this whole 'men and womens clothes are all unisex' when that is not true. But terry's zoomer followers wont care to tell him when he cant fit women's shorts from forever 21.
>>209134Exactly. There are plenty of aged up looking characters from Bleach
>also cosplaying my husbando HitsugayaGross af.
No. 209182
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Stumpy AF Kaeya.
The pants/leggings are so baggy it is a tragedy.
No. 209210
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>>209011Aiming straight at these zoomers
No. 209216
>>209191This is why I hate garbage China costumes so much. They’re so cheap that these costhots and clout chasers buy a ton, wear them once and throw them away. It’s so wasteful. Terry could afford to commission nice costumes but god forbid he spend more money to not support sweatshops.
>>209107For fucks sake is he incapable of cosplaying anything age appropriate? ANY of the other male captains would be better than this, of course he has to pick the character that is supposed to physically be around 12 years old. He should cosplay creeper Kyoraku or Urahara. Plus do zoomers even know what Bleach is?
No. 209227
>>209142it's really shocking terry began his troon phase barely a month ago. A whole midlife crisis
triggered by some zoomer blocking him. how pathetic
No. 209265
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>>209228Funny cause she never posted a selfie with him and he was the one to post it on IG and FB.
He also didn’t get a cosplay photo/TikTok of them together in Genshin cos or at least hasn’t posted it yet.
Side note… this post from last night definitely gives predator vibes.
No. 209266
>>209228I noticed she didn’t even like her selfie with terry! I wonder if something is up. She didn’t look happy in the selfie at all.
>>209265Did she cosplay Genshin though? That would explain no Genshin TikTok. I don’t know how, but Terry managed to make all his roommate posts sound extra creepy
No. 209267
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>>209266She has photos of her in Raiden/Ei on her IG highlights.
So I’m surprised there was no “OMG we cosplayed Genshin together and didn’t plan it teehee” photo
No. 209280
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The desperation
No. 209281
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Kek guess terry realized it benefited him more to claim being autistic
No. 209285
>>209281Damn anon you really went way back for this one
I miss the old awkward autistic terry who’s comfortable with being Black. The new whitewashed, predatory autistic terry makes me sad.
No. 209292
File: 1650991150711.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1284x2238, 27A4412F-A583-4EC9-8236-E4A92D…)

Is he really this proud of his eye make up? Like… he looks very sick and crusty…
No. 209298
>>209281It's not having obsessions that makes you come off as a sperg Terry it's making posts like this. At least he is more self aware in 2022 and not in denial kek
>>209292This makeup straight up looks like he got a pink eye infection
No. 209303
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>>209294I'm personally finding it hard to tell because his shitty makeup is so distracting, but pretty sure he's supposed to be Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen that is the character most anime zoomers have as their husbando at the moment.
No. 209462
File: 1651061175333.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1284x1837, 08856506-FFA2-4301-B918-02A61F…)

I’m always the odd one out, take pity on me!
No. 209466
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I took this just to see how easy it is to fudge your answer to what you want, and it's so obvious which ones are supposed to be the "feminine" traits vs the "masculine" traits. I have a feeling he chose more things that seemed more feminine to get this result
No. 209472
>>209466 I bet the answers were sexist as fuck.
>do you like lipstick>do you like cooking>do you like pinkI bet he answered 'feminine' stuff on purpose to get this result. Gross ass motherfucker
No. 209504
>>208803>>209479I guess the kitten phase is over? For a while he was stopping by pet shops every week. Sometimes even multiple times a week just to take photos of cats to post for zoomer attention.
I feel bad for the store workers having to deal with this man who’s there to harass the cats and waste their time.
No. 209548
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Wasn't this guy bitching last month about how this show had a gyaru scene that he thought was black facing?
No. 209554
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No. 209555
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muuhhfuckka I'm high as hell(shitpost)
No. 209570
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even facebook thinks he’s meitu’d a little too much
No. 209575
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>>209570I’d think this is someone else if I were a robot.
No. 209595
>>209591I think
>>209580 is talking about the whole hand. His fingers and wrist/forearm are very pale in this picture especially.
>>209337>>209285>>209287This is so sad. It's hard to imagine someone you cared about so radically different like that.
>>209364Always looks like a bad case of pinkeye or hayfever to me. Not attractive or in-character at all.
No. 209600
>>209591chill, bro. scroll up and look at his selfies. his arm/top of hand are very similar to his face color. here his arm is WHITE and his palm is PINK
put your thumb on top of his face and tell me that arm still belongs to a black person, lol
No. 209624
File: 1651147512787.jpeg (197.62 KB, 1284x1289, 85031D96-9ACA-4411-8CFD-61ECA3…)

Compliment me my zoomers friends!
No. 209638
>>209575Why would he make that his profile pic, it looks like he's wearing pink gloves. And the makeup is terrible.
>>209559I actually think he became a coomer and his posts are all typed dick-in-hand hence the dodgy spelling and grammar. Many people fell into fetishes and cults over the pandemic due to a shortage of real life social interaction.
No. 209650
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>>209624obviously not trying hard enough
No. 209654
>>209650He’s very much the opposite of honest
Also, terry please wear your mask correctly
No. 209705
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No. 209715
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No. 209716
>>209709These are I think his IG posts to his close friends list.
>>209708He’s like a never ending rickroll for himself.
No. 209734
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I've been staring at this for a good minute and can't wrap my head around what it's supposed to be. Is it poor editing?
No. 209742
File: 1651201958174.jpeg (114.99 KB, 1284x332, 50B965A5-8B10-4EA9-96F1-A9A42E…)

Which zoomers wants to room with me and I’ll watch them sleep…probably.
No. 209775
File: 1651235874397.jpg (119.28 KB, 1079x474, Screenshot_20220429-083651_Fac…)

whatever happened to that six flags season pass he got? he went like once and then never talked about it again. but now he's wanting to take his kiddos to theme parks?
No. 209780
File: 1651243067639.jpeg (211.28 KB, 1242x611, D4B3C17A-DA8F-4541-9BDD-76154D…)

Lmao we get it, you lost weight. Why don’t you get one of those millions of friends you have to take it in for you? Right, because nobody wants to interact with you. I could have sworn he had a sewing machine. Even if he can’t sew for shit, taking in cheap cosplay pants should be somewhat easy even for beginners. But nah he just wants to brag about losing weight
No. 209789
>>209780Oh no! Bad news. call the press.
Also, taking in clothing is easier than letting out. Why would a man with supposedly 10 years of cosplay experience not know how to take in pants that are too big?
No. 209835
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Wheee more Genshin impact
No. 209836
>>209835how does he fuck up the name when he 1) can read it on the screenshot and 2) already cosplays xinyan???? holy fucking shit just quit cosplay already
Considering how popular genshin is at every con this year he would actually stand out literally doing ANYONE else
No. 209936
>>209705I love how he talks about stuff like this thread as if it’s made of known haters or random people.
Terry’s bitching about people who quietly or not quietly block him is enough reason to show he’ll be even more obsessed with you if you try to avoid him so best to just like his dumbass comments on your posts and respond to his “are you going to this con” DMs than to actually avoid him. He would absolutely notice me immediately if I blocked him but at least I can warn my friends never to interact with him. Keep those message requests on read.
No. 209939
File: 1651280352751.jpg (807.72 KB, 1079x1642, Screenshot_20220429-205826_Ins…)

what a depressing looking table set up in a high school gym lol. the trash bags of what I'm assuming are cosplays and wigs under the table are a great touch
No. 209948
File: 1651282267377.jpeg (2.04 MB, 1284x2210, B7BDFE62-50A0-459D-AFC5-E33D84…)

Should we be amazed at this?
The room can’t possibly be more than $100/night…
No. 209960
>>209939I’m cackling at that last-minute homemade “THEY/THEM pronouns” sign.
>>209948I’m sure he’s hoping for someone to beg to sleep over with him.
No. 210068
File: 1651318740498.jpeg (574.12 KB, 1284x1175, 2A5701B9-DA43-40DB-A023-5B904A…)

Sir you only talk about yourself and your cosplays.
No. 210073
>>210068I wonder if she’s a zoomer girl. I bet he put in more effort when he talks to zoomers who might hang out with him.
I agree with you. He tends about himself a lot or just straight out dismiss non-zoomer or males who approach him.
No. 210079
File: 1651327717177.jpg (622.07 KB, 1079x1669, Screenshot_20220430-100807_Ins…)

a helper for what?? you really think you're going to get that much attention that you're going to need help? lmao fuck off
No. 210178
>>209939There's so much here to unpack:
>The They/Them hastily written>The trash bags peeking out from behind the banner>The stacks of business cards keeping the banner up, likely because he forgot tape>Not a single thought to bring a table cloth>The awkward selfies as photos, instead of you know, professional picture>The standard Papyrus font> "Selfie Buddy"> Two chairs like he's hopeful someone will willingly sit next to him. Kek, Terry you absolute autist
No. 210186
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Stroking his ego because he managed to give away one of the cos in his trash bags…
It’s nice, but also like… you just want to be put on a pedestal.
No. 210209
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Guess he decided to stop virtue signaling about always wearing a mask indoors
No. 210214
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>>210209He looks so damn weird…I can’t explain it. It’s like he’s wearing a rubber mask. I think the eyeshadow he’s doing makes him look even creepier. He would look better without all the bad face paint.
No. 210338
File: 1651437206156.jpeg (560.94 KB, 1284x2582, 25166877-79F7-4359-A84C-1B6BC9…)

So young and fresh looking
No. 210347
>>210338kek wtf. his whole big toe is hanging off the sandal.
>>210343i doubt it. his cosplays probably have holes, rips, and stains.
No. 210351
File: 1651441611608.jpeg (168.73 KB, 1284x510, E372AD8B-AAD7-4F6D-958A-715F7D…)

He’s got such a weird mind… hope the kid that got the free cos realizes that.
No. 210354
File: 1651442266557.jpeg (230.75 KB, 1170x886, D5286CB5-1FA8-4CB9-A642-FD3989…)

>>210353He posted the comment everywhere with the 3s reply time. Can’t let a good deed go without clout.
No. 210355
>>210354nona i would prefer you just waiting, what is actually wrong with him??
even at sak it was just gloating about him jfc, full-fledged narc troon arc drop when?
No. 210356
>>210351This is so damn weird. No "you're welcome" or "it was nice to meet you too". Just…
>everyone loved the storyHe only gave you that cosplay because he wanted a good "story" about himself. I guess that was his price. He can't simply be nice and give someone something, he has to have an ulterior motive.
No. 210438
File: 1651496290012.jpg (157.46 KB, 1080x341, Screenshot_20220502-085617_Fac…)

he made a whole post about the con itself which was kind of a boring read until you get to the end where he says young ones again, but this time he says it along with kids as if they're somehow different?
also I guess you can only be a kid, young one, or middle age there's nothing in between
No. 210447
>>210438By kids I assume he meant toddlers to really young. “Young ones” are basically younger starter cosplayers. He views himself sandwiched between the young ones and middle aged people, the “normal” age group
Did he talk about the Covid policy? I remember him saying he planned to boycott Awesomecon because they don’t have a vax/mask mandate
No. 210492
File: 1651509798499.jpg (69.04 KB, 960x768, FB_IMG_1651509720628.jpg)

lmao the "why did you seat me next to these older women" look on his face. looking right at the camera and not the announcer like the other judges
No. 210500
>>210496If someone said that he was photoshopped there, I’d believe it kek
He is so damn ugly. Rubber face looking ass
No. 210615
>>210585I agree lol I've met plenty of decent men with autism.
If he ever actually gets diagnosed it's just going to be something he uses to get sympathy from zoomers. Just another pin to wear next to the they/them one. Which is the saddest part because many people who get a diagnosis as adults view it as a life changing sigh of relief but this man's gonna use it for all the wrong reasons
No. 210666
File: 1651595193283.png (7.95 MB, 3849x2065, IMG_1986.png)

Guys I'm quitting cosplay and most especially quitting female Genshin characters, but which should I choose to cosplay?
No. 210695
File: 1651601581917.png (7.33 MB, 1170x2532, D0147083-01ED-4A4D-89A0-E2B4AF…)

Terry you can go for free. What the fuck is your problem fr
No. 210697
File: 1651602142322.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1284x2224, 53FE1360-E926-4903-9835-43FCCB…)

>>210695But everyone else should go get checked just not me!
No. 210732
>>210731Same reason he didn’t want to be diagnosed with autism. You can’t get Covid if you don’t get tested. You are health if you don’t get checked up by a doctor. You don’t have bad teeth if you don’t go see a dentist.
He also mentioned he got assaulted by a doctor when he was a young one. I can’t find the post to link it
No. 210736
File: 1651610016311.jpg (93.16 KB, 920x360, Screenshot_20220503-163235_Fac…)

>>210732I don't think he ever specifically talks about SA with the dr, but heavily hints towards it. here's one instance I found for you. "flashbacks" as if it was a traumatic event when it was probably a normal checkup
No. 210779
File: 1651628978464.jpeg (187.01 KB, 1284x424, B4A875B8-C20E-4D77-9D1A-9E0FE1…)

No. 210789
File: 1651637618099.jpg (39.08 KB, 675x194, lolautism.JPG)

>>210736lol, he most definitely had a doctor do a routine physical exam that involved checking genitals and he freaked out thinking he was being sexually assaulted.
No. 210795
>>210789This has been brought up and upon investigation, some doctors do genuinely assault men on their physicals, like wayyyy too long exams (where it should be a minute or two but it's 15, basically jacking off the patient)
I've never had a physical but I don't know why men's are so invasive.
No. 210796
>>210795Yeah i’d be more likely to believe this over the stripper story. Especially considering the fact that terry has always told the stripper story in detail but only hints towards this. We all know he will meticulously tell any details that will get him attention but in this one instance he chooses not to. There’s only the fact that he constantly tells everyone that he doesn’t go to the doctor which maybe is some sort of weird cry for help.
Idk, I’m not saying i believe him in this case either. Obviously he is weird and untrustworthy. I’m just saying i would believe this over the stripper thing if i had to choose. Also i think i just like theorizing about this man he’s so freakish and interesting lol
No. 210809
>>210808I saw the original status and thought it was cute regardless. Then I saw Terry’s awful long winded essay, and I almost threw up.
Watch he’s going to make another status saying he has inspired people. Fucking narcissistic pedo.
No. 210810
File: 1651668143450.png (1.36 MB, 828x1792, 4D2AA58D-8BE7-4ED4-8F28-F0540F…)

Sage because it’s not even milk at this point but he’s once again saying he’s def not gonna cosplay anymore female characters
No. 210912
>>210795I mean, women have a doctor ratchet open their vagina, feel around to check the ovaries and rub a mascara wand around on the cervix. Ya men have a prostate exam but I don’t think that’s any more invasive than what women go through? Get a damn physical anon, you’re either gambling with your health or underage.
>>210796I don’t think he was actually assaulted because he’d use that to get sympathy. My guess is that his “traumatic event” was either shots (if he has a needle phobia or something) or the doctor saying shit he didn’t want to hear. I think he’s just autistic and doesn’t want to take the time to find a doctor/dentist and has never had a reason that he needed to go. But he’s getting to an age where he really needs to get regular checks for cancer and stuff, especially colon cancer since he has such a shit diet. It’s super curable if caught early and often metastasizes before showing symptoms in which case curability is a lot lower
No. 210914
File: 1651712451851.jpeg (142.71 KB, 1284x461, 0B821041-0742-4A89-B283-C43CA3…)

Ah his ego is inflating.
No. 210925
File: 1651720383292.png (180.08 KB, 396x1585, Gross.png)

No. 210928
>>210925holyshit,he's so autistic. Did he really
have to write that long ass reply praising himself? A simple thank you would have sufficed.
>>210808It's an imageboard, newfag. learn to post, sage and use images.
No. 210935
>>210925Wow what an unnecessarily long reply, which he then follows up on with 2 more unnecessary replies to make sure everyone is focused on him
>>210929I feel the same way. His behaviors disgust me, but so far he hasn’t crossed a line that he can’t come back from. At the very least I wish he would see a therapist. A therapist could help him with his phobia of hospitals, his fixation on “young ones” as he likes to call them, his weird complex about age, and give him coping mechanisms for his (probable) autism
No. 211039
File: 1651770175421.jpg (398.75 KB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20220505-130024_Ins…)

user posts about how they're proud of winning a cosplay contest
Terry: I'm in the background on this post
No. 211053
>>211039Good for her for winning first place
Terry is a really annoying attention whore and getting worse.
No. 211054
File: 1651773694901.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 2320x3088, yikes.jpg)

>>211039wow…..the shit quality of her costume's construction has me wondering how shitty the rest of the entries must have been.
No. 211058
File: 1651774032461.jpeg (682.95 KB, 1270x1714, DC60956A-C558-4A52-B843-0E70D8…)

Terry posted the same thing on his FB, but edited it to sound less shitty.
No. 211060
File: 1651774423191.jpeg (718.06 KB, 1284x1838, 1A614990-BB2A-44DF-AB50-40693B…)

>>211058People are talking about how unfair it is towards fat cosplayers.
>> As a PoCTerry stfu
No. 211063
>>211060>>211039it always has to be about him. why did he feel he had to mention that he was in the photo? as if he was the main focal point of the reddit post. and then turning a comment/post about how plus size cosplayers get treated badly with "as a
POC" when hr whitens himself anyway and hates being black? oh but because he's been losing all the weight he's skinny so he can't join in on relating to fat shaming so he has to find something else. he could have easily replied with more about how shitty plus size cosplayers are treated rather than try to find pity for himself. I'm so sick of him
No. 211126
>>211061Ntayrt but I think it’s relevant. It was a small con so you could be right about her being the only entrant to hand make her cosplay. But if you read
>>211058 and
>>211060 he’s going out of his way to praise the quality of the cosplay, which speaks to his incompetence as a cosplay judge. The quality is bad, plain and simple. If she was the only one with a handmade cosplay in the contest, then yes obviously she should win. But it’s ridiculous to then go around praising how high quality it is afterwards on social media, when in reality it looks like shit. I mean it wouldn’t matter if this was a 14 year old, but she’s clearly an adult and could’ve looked up one single YouTube tutorial on sewing by hand
No. 211135
>>211058The fact he put a
trigger warning just because he's talking about a fat person shows how he feels about her lmao
No. 211154
File: 1651796007592.jpg (315.87 KB, 1080x880, Screenshot_20220505-201300_Fac…)

he's so proud to wear his mask but then doesn't wear it to a con over the weekend. makes sense
No. 211190
>>211188I think it's an autocorrect typo.
Pepper is probably people.
No. 211242
>>211203This. I mean it's not a perfect costume but it's not that bad either. Terry isn't a worthy judge of shit either way kek
>>211063He's a complete narc and it's truly insufferable
No. 211261
>>211203i wouldn't call a cosplayer with 8 years of experience just starting. ezio's outfit always look weird on people.
but i agree about terry. the cosplayer is miles ahead of this "judge"
No. 211288
File: 1651859227947.jpeg (658.79 KB, 1284x1572, DC1F6793-D8F7-4BBE-BA4F-672744…)

No. 211291
>>211288His entitlement level is unreal. This is Terry's true side.
It really shows that he shared the "young one" story just to make himself look good.
No. 211308
>>211262Can we stop detailing about her costume? Wanna see really bad? Look at someone like invadernoodles or Momo
>>211290I would like to know exactly how many of these fast fashion cosplays he actually has and where exactly he keeps them. Absolutely blows my mind how much he spends on absolute cheap products for "clout". Can you imagine a whole room dedicated to ratchet cosplays all over the damn floor? Yuck
>>211292>sending back items I completely forgot his does thi. smdh
No. 211337
>>211328To be fair, most commissioners worth their salt have contracts that protect them against this sort of thing. China factories don’t want to fight about it and get hit with a chargeback when it’s cheaper to just send him a new one, but someone who’s doing the work themselves isn’t going to stand for that shit and if he tried that, he’d quickly get a reputation and no one would work with him.
>>211288Jesus Christ Terry, maybe plan ahead instead of jacking off to teenagers on tik tok. Apparently he’s so special that the shutdowns in China due to Covid shouldn’t affect him
No. 211341
File: 1651890518696.jpeg (187.99 KB, 1284x428, F65C80C4-7F27-46D5-8D2B-BBCA4D…)

Sorry I haven’t been stalking you zoomers lately.
No. 211635
File: 1652051034761.jpg (307.24 KB, 1080x1728, Screenshot_20220508-170209_Ins…)

Favorite Genshin girl who is cute and shy, so Terry does his standard uncute sexual pose for her. Worst Ganyu imo.
No. 211688
File: 1652098300706.jpg (320.24 KB, 1080x1776, Screenshot_20220509-080442_Ins…)

at this point you're going to go after girls half your age, so you should give up
No. 211694
>>211688Is this why he’s so stingy about lending/giving friends money? Because of some girl 20 years ago that took advantage of him? (Just assuming, Terry likes to lie and over-exaggerate).
>surrounded by a lot of racists with very little cultural mixI’m gonna guess he’s only ever asked out white girls and that’s why he’s saying this, knowing his preferences.
No. 211727
File: 1652109672912.jpeg (470.48 KB, 1284x1777, 9F2FC47B-60E9-47EF-8175-650412…)

Cause you don’t shut up about not drinking and not smoking
No. 211731
File: 1652111986212.jpeg (372.57 KB, 1284x730, 71E48E74-E418-464E-BB6D-77FE36…)

No. 211745
>>211731>it’s okay not to attend every single conI feel like this is less of a PSA and more of a giant cope for himself. We all know how he whines about not going to every single con in the vicinity.
Terry should take his advice and do a “cosplay hangout”. In his house. With the door closed. Alone. And preferably, not make a Tik Tok out of it. It saves him time, money, and no one has to see his ugly mug in teen girl outfits.
No. 211777
File: 1652117504349.jpeg (288.08 KB, 1170x2532, 6BF648C9-C1BA-4410-82F4-D5353F…)

No doubt he’s being made fun of and isn’t aware of it. Even keeping in mind if they could be kids, as a kid I made my icons ART of the characters I liked, not some weird cringey cosplayer.
No. 211805
>>211777I saw this on his story earlier and I'm wondering how he figured out this person is 18 when it doesn't have any indication anywhere on their profile. did he cyberstalk this kid to find this info out?
but yeah I feel like they are trolling him lol I doubt they'd actually want sameface Terry as their profile pictures
No. 211850
File: 1652138914657.jpeg (462.33 KB, 1284x2238, 8FB556CD-5487-4455-945F-6AB6CE…)

Guess he’s gonna cosplay Soifon since they sent him the wrong cosplay?
No. 211857
File: 1652143785445.jpg (114.25 KB, 928x596, Screenshot_20220509-204914_Fac…)

>>211850there's a few other comments encouraging him too, but yeah he's most likely going to cosplay her anyway and play it off like it was meant to be
No. 211866
File: 1652147016899.png (721.06 KB, 662x770, 64.PNG)

No. 211971
File: 1652197305558.jpeg (462.56 KB, 1284x1352, 6B5F4681-2927-482F-97F8-A67232…)

Wonder if he’ll pay the photographer
No. 211976
>>211971first of all he'll probably only shoot with someone cheap or who he's friends with and can get them for free or something. hence why he's asking on Facebook who wants to shoot him.
second, why is he just now wanting "good" photos of his cosplays? have our comments about how he's annoying for just doing stupid tiktoks and selfies in every cosplay getting to him finally? it's just odd that he's claiming he's going to be slowing down, yet now he wants to do shoots
No. 211979
>>211971He’s definitely looking for someone that will do it for free. He is probably hoping for a zoomer to take photos of him, that way he can creep on them and make inappropriate poses.
>>211976It’s possible Terry read the comments here about him giving out his selfie photos at his booth. Perhaps he’s thinking about selling prints of himself at a real photoshoot kek. He’s too ugly for anyone to want to buy those though…and a professional photographer probably isn’t going to whitewash Terry like he does in his edits.
No. 212006
File: 1652210062648.jpg (486.73 KB, 1080x1591, Screenshot_20220510-151051_Ins…)

he's so down bad for this 19 y/o he "randomly" ran into like a month ago at a mall. this is the 2nd time in the last couple of days he's shared her and I know I've seen him share her a few times after he met up with her too. it's just creepy for a 40 y/o to be sharing this 19 y/o at all
No. 212031
>>212006Probably looking for attention from her…Terry, young girls don’t want to date ugly old guys, they want someone their own age. Only way he’s ever going near a young girl is through sugaring, but he’s doesn’t want to spend money on even friends.
>>212025She really photoshopped her face to oblivion. That shooped smile is uncanny. Probably the only thing her and Terry have in common. And before some anon comes along to whine “don’t pick on the girls”, bad photoshop is just bad photoshop.
No. 212064
File: 1652229751570.jpeg (112.5 KB, 1284x357, EC51EA0D-82A9-44F3-94A9-8F9A09…)

Sir are you back to starving yourself for weight loss?
No. 212065
File: 1652229818561.jpeg (266.18 KB, 1284x640, EF6D9117-1D25-4298-88FD-62893D…)

How is this professional or acceptable for a 40 year old to do?
He thinks he’s mature, but that’s definitely not the way bro.
No. 212073
>>212065If his company is as "right-wing" as he says they are, I'm sure they all know it's Terry…and if he works at a tech company, they might be able to monitor who logs in at what computer.
He's just going to land himself in a HR meeting. Then he's going to cry "gay discrimination" when he was the one immaturely changing computer screens to anime ships. That's high school stuff.
No. 212080
File: 1652234146725.jpeg (2.18 MB, 1284x2236, D734D73B-F74B-4A86-9BF5-153E49…)

Did he shit in the upper right corner?
Also could you make a creepier post you freak?
No. 212082
File: 1652236217833.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1284x1677, 6F55AB32-E5AD-4C19-9AB0-67636B…)

>>212080I mean if you expect everyone to do as many cosplays as you I would think one other person would be the limit for space reasons.
No. 212087
File: 1652238096396.jpeg (201.62 KB, 1125x2000, F11F2D6C-C1C1-4128-87A7-729345…)

>>212065He works for Northrop Grumman. Found a Terry Hall in the right location and position/field on SignalHire, searched him up on Linkedin and there you have it. He uses heavy filters for his Linkedin picture too.
I’m sure they’ll love seeing anime wallpapers downloaded to company property.
No. 212088
>>212065This has nothing to do with gay/lesbian. This is
vandalizing company properties. How is a 40 yo engineer be this immature? I hope he’s punished for this. Wasting company dollars to reset the computers and subjecting his fellow coworkers to Genshin shit.
No. 212089
File: 1652238816709.jpg (72.4 KB, 1080x266, Screenshot_20220510-231114_Fac…)

>>212065yeah Terry that'll show them. like seriously? how immature are you. getting back at transphobes by posting gay fanart?
No. 212126
>>2120651: he's definitely not doing that and risking his $job$
2. Everyone would know which retarded weeb did it
No. 212129
File: 1652270351400.jpeg (288.57 KB, 1284x974, 085D7617-3B63-4B70-BCD3-86AD5C…)

Sir, stop trying to be cute or edgy.
No. 212131
File: 1652271541027.jpg (224.55 KB, 1054x804, Screenshot_20220511-081555_Fac…)

>>212065why would they waste their time disabling the wallpaper change feature when normal 40 year olds aren't running around changing them to "
trigger" coworkers? just because it's an option, doesn't mean they want you to do it… stupid
No. 212152
>>212131I don't believe for a second he changed any wallpapers, he's just trying to relive his high school days with that frat boys reference, but even in his wildest dreams and fantasies he's still a cringe weeb which is amusing.
If anyone here has worked in an office before they'll know how deeply unlikely this story is. Nobody leaves their desk for long enough for someone to run around changing desktops unnoticed, sitting at someone else's desk is a massive no-no, and everyone is carefully monitored to the point this couldn't happen.
Tinfoil, one of the girls he stalks has expressed interest in bad boys and this is his attempt to impress them.
No. 212159
>>212152if his company is like mine and a lot of people working hybrid, especially because of covid, there may be plenty of open desks that are unassigned for people to use when they decide to go into the office. so it is possible for him to run around changing computer backgrounds on unassigned computers
now did he actually do this? probably not. I agree he's just trying to get attention online from the gen z kids who hate corporate work and think he's sticking it to the man or showing those homophobes what's what. which if he actually did do this wouldn't be the case. I'm sure they would absolutely catch him and give him a write up for some sort of behavioral issue
No. 212177
>>212131He's smart enough to know he can get fired putting that kind of stuff up there. Most employers are okay with Neutral back grounds but something considered remotely sexual can get you written up, warning or fired.
He's essentially forcing his life choices on others and that would warrant a HR visit.
No. 212184
File: 1652299882419.png (251.69 KB, 816x1022, Screenshots_2022-05-11-16-10-1…)

Terry going off about mask policies on colossal con but didn't even wear a mask at his last event.
No. 212186
File: 1652300999309.jpeg (150.85 KB, 1080x518, E65FA787-D7B5-4B6D-A42B-26CF3C…)

>>212185Found the post in a previous thread. He posted this in February. It’s so fucking obvious that he has no real moral objections. He’s just going with whatever will get him the most attention in the moment.
>colossal is bad and evil. No one go, please stay here and give me attention on the internet >oh wait all the cool kids are going? Lol nevermind I think I might go No. 212188
File: 1652301052036.jpeg (388.74 KB, 1170x2532, CEEE7483-85D5-4FD7-8A86-96BE0A…)

>>212185If you’re talking about this, colossalcon is on his “never” list. Which is the stupidest thing ever.
Where’s the Koph cons on there, Terry? Can you excuse cons run by creeps but draw the line at cons with drinking and partying?
No. 212191
File: 1652301775556.png (108.2 KB, 816x674, Screenshots_2022-05-11-16-06-4…)

>>212184Same thread. He mentions the young ones. Should be his only reason to go
No. 212218
File: 1652318611373.png (206.26 KB, 399x2224, Untitled-1.png)

No. 212220
>>212218You beat me to posting this bullshit on here lmao
Like Hey Terry, is it cool if I breathe in the room? Maybe take a piss in the toilet or did you forget to add that to your list of 40 rules for rooming with you?
No. 212221
File: 1652319382197.jpg (59.39 KB, 1080x550, 20220511_213603.jpg)

Suuureee Jan
No. 212224
>>212218This nigga really out here with a wall of rules that basically all say the same thing. He could just make 5 or 10 tops. What the fuck– How many times does he mention showering and confunk?
Something tells me if a cute white or asian zoomer girl asked him, he'd break a lot of these rules. Pure autism
No. 212231
>>212229but if you do the same to him you are ruining his con experience! per rule #4
on another note, to rule 25 (ohmy god there are 40 fucking rules) how would he even charge for the extra person, say, who had a con emergency and needed to shower? isnt he being nice by taking on the role of paying for half anyways lol
No. 212239
>>212218He is so insufferably obnoxious. Not only could this list have been condensed down to about three sentences, but most of these things are a given already for anyone 25+
Also not a fan of the way he intentionally undercharges con roommates for the sole reason of power tripping and holding it over their heads to make them follow every little rule to a T
No. 212241
>>212235audibly gagged thanks nona what the fuck
please sage, integrate and never post again fml
No. 212248
>>212246this one is common sense for adult. I agree with terry but now in the way he laid out the rules. I always bring food and drinks to share but I would hate for my roommates to go thorough my private stash.
once again. it's basic communication here.
No. 212255
>>212248>>212249most of these rules are clearly communication issues that shouldn't happen with ADULTS
>>212218poor maid. poor sob probably doesn't tip well either. what's the maid going to do about it? spray deodorizer on his bed?
Why would anyone read these rules and still room with him?
No. 212262
>>212250Leave room for Ter-I mean Jesus. Is his room a middle school dance or something?
>>212218So many of these are just "don't fuck up the hotel room and respect your roomies". If your potential roomies are too young to know this stuff, they're too young to room with you.
>>212255He probably stands there watching the maid strip and remake the bed cuz someone sat on it for two seconds.
No. 212267
>>212218people need to call him out on this one "Please do not tell me who I can/cannot have in the room when you are paying such a tiny share and they happen to b a friend/never did anything wrong."
This man enjoys absolute power and don't want the same or similar rules applied to him.
I might have missed this somewhere. Does he have any rule about roommate being a minor? that's a huge red flag.
No. 212269
>>212267Nope, no rules on age are mentioned…
Which is probably why there was an incident where someone wanted to be picked up from a McDonalds. They might’ve not even had a drivers license, or a car. And also why some roommates have asked him to fix their costumes. They see him more as an adult guardian. Gross that he’s likely rooming with minors.
No. 212270
>>212264Oh shit I didn’t think of that.
Eww terry. Why would anyone room with this guy? This whole list is big red flag
No. 212274
>>212269I can also attest that he’s perfectly comfortable with rooming with minors. When I was a minor, he was very interested in a friend of mine, who was also a minor, 15-16 range. He tried to initiate conversation with her all the time, and as I was associated with this person it didn’t take him long to come onto me as well. I was slightly older than my friend at 16-17. He said to her that he would gladly “let us” room with him, that we were some of few who he would allow to stay in his room. At the time my friend was excited, because a semi-well known cosplayer paid some attention to her.
The way Terry described rooming with him made it sound like it was some sort of privilege. This was almost ten years ago at this point, but he has always been like this to some degree. I am extremely grateful we never took the bait.
No. 212275
>>212268>>212269the fixing cosplay one is oddly personal. I wonder what's the story behind that one.
he has 40 rules but age isn't one. hide your kids!
No. 212278
>>212218he can combine at least 5 rules into one rule "full payment due before the con or before you get your key"
He's cutting deals with the "young ones" and that's how he got himself involved with people who can't follow basic rules.
No. 212312
>>212311>Some of these rules, I can understand to have but I feel some of these rules will not only make those who room with him more anxious and scared, especially since there are so many that just don't make sense but could also mess up their convention weekend just cause 1 rule was broke Agreed. I tried to imagine ever rooming with someone with such strict rules and it would honestly make me feel uncomfortable to even go back to the room at all.
Does he really think anyone is gonna want to share a con room with him after reading all of that??
No. 212326
File: 1652353883745.png (2.73 MB, 1440x1852, terry long post challenge.png)

>>210953He's really outdone himself here, I didn't think it was possible to write a more needlessly lengthy post that approximately 2 people will read, but Terry really did it. I doff my cap.
No. 212327
>>212326Samefag, after skimming it it's just sad. If he had friends he knew well he wouldn't need to have this insanely lengthy list of all the possible ways someone could be rude while sharing a room, since generally your friends won't take the mickey or you don't mind the few annoying things they do anyway.
Also very
no fun allowed vibes. Heaven forbid someone enjoy the con they spend hundreds attending! Not everyone attends a con every other week, some people want to have fun on what might be the few times they get to that year. Stuffy old man here says you must silently walk into the room at 9pm, not speak, smell nice, sleep quietly and primly while only using one (1) handtowel all weekend, drink ribena only and quietly leave before the maid cleans the room every day before finally ensuring you pay him for using the bed. I can't see why anyone would want to room with him after reading that.
No. 212341
>>212218the sad thing is, with all his recent posts about wanting roommates at cons, I immediately thought of this list which he posted in 2018 and was about to post the old list here. thankfully he "updated" it and re-posted it for us to cringe at
I remember my partner having a friend who got jealous of couples so she would tell her friends that their partners couldn't stay in the room with them. I'm surprised Terry hasnt gone that far with his rules especially with the "no cuddling" bs
No. 212342
File: 1652361813784.jpg (235.79 KB, 1080x913, Screenshot_20220512-092137_Fac…)

>>212267someone brought up the age thing and his response was "oh they're usually 18+" like sorry but when you're pushing 40, 18 isn't an appropriate age anymore to room with just because they're technically not a minor
also the comment about the 17 y/o is creepy. basically "oh she was close enough to 18" pedo mentality
No. 212345
>>212342“Birthday 2 to 3 months to 18” and “knew that person for a while at cons”.
Eww terry. How could he type all that and be so proud of himself?
No. 212347
>>212337It’s very odd that Terry has been going to cons for 10+ years now and don’t have the usual group of people to room with, especially when he offers such good deals. Does everyone just room with him once and then add him to creeper list and avoid him at cons?
Any anon roomed with him at cons? Is he really a clean freak like the 40 rules suggested? Or is he the messy guy we see from his selfies?
No. 212357
>>212347I don't think his deals are that good. He stated he pays for half of the room and assuming he gets his own bed that means the two sharing the other bed are paying 1/4 each. I think that's fairly standard considering they have to share a bed?
He is trying to come off as kind & benevolent to the young ones while still being a greedy fuck
No. 212362
>>212218Rule 5 makes me laugh. He's so lonely he can't even stand looking at happy couples
Rule 11 is body shaming
Rule 15 is dumb AF there aren't many chairs in the room and many people use the bed just to sit. Lay out and sleep? yea I can see but sitting?
Rule 21? generally undergarments don't smell unless you are REALLY REALLY sweat or shit your pants. and almost everyone puts that kind of things in their bag since it plays into rule 22 I think he is being over dramatic
Rule 31- makes me laugh. he lists so many rules about not making him uncomfortable then defends his choices because He likes them. This shows me he doesn't care about how you feel and it's all about him.
32 Makes me laugh even harder because sometimes people lose things like glasses and you can tell them where it is and because THEY ARE BLIND they still cant see them
37 makes me howl because he talks about how he can afford the room himself and he pays for majority then talking about hate being stuck with it. I Thought you could afford the room terry?
I can respect Rule 38. But he has a thing for smell and its creepy. I wonder if he uses Deodorant? because that smell is likely him or his crusty wigs.
A lot of these rules are common sense and why I generally keep people my age in rooms now. because the 18 year olds he goes after don't care.
No. 212372
File: 1652372731550.jpg (310.18 KB, 1080x1862, Screenshot_20220512-122429_Ins…)

sorry breaking away from the room rules for a second because yikes. this girl needs to run
No. 212376
>>212375I see it as body shaming because its a general knowledge that cosplayers often change in the room or at least communicate with that information before hand.
I was shocked by it at first (when I was a teenager) then grew to learn that it's just a body every body is pretty much similar. and there is no reason to embarrassed to walk in on someone changing.
Terry has a thing for young girls and tends to try and get them to room with him. THEY might be comfortable with other people but not him because lets be honest he probably stares. They probably mentioned to him that it makes them uncomfortable so he put a broad band rule out because he is no longer allowed to stare. Or they told him they weren't comfortable with a middle aged man in his underwear walking around.
No. 212382
>>212381I think there is a slight difference of someone in the process of changing verses someone just walking around in their undergarments with no intentions of putting clothing on
(learn2sage) No. 212395
>>212394>>212357hmm you made a good point. his offer isn't all that great. people are paying the same for their spot (1/4 of the room). The only advantage is 3 people max vs 4 people max.
One can argue his massive amount of cosplays and wig collection take up as much space as another person.
No. 212398
File: 1652386921723.jpeg (280.04 KB, 1284x600, A1FCB44B-9FEE-4AA5-B305-FA1952…)

No. 212399
File: 1652386995229.jpeg (557.69 KB, 1284x1379, 393B42BB-2488-448B-AE3E-C730BF…)

Guys I can’t respond to my zoomers!
No. 212402
>>212399>piles of laundryWhy complain about this? Maybe if you didn’t scatter your dirty clothes all over your house Terry and washed them consistently, you wouldn’t have a huge load. And didn’t he make some rule about guests having dirty laundry in the hotel room? So I guess he’s okay with his own dirty laundry waiting there, but not other people. Once again, “rules for thee, but not for me”.
>packages to shipThought he stopped selling cosplays online because people were complaining that his measurements were off.
No. 212403
File: 1652390049949.jpg (400.46 KB, 1080x1519, 20220512_171051.jpg)

Might be a little vendetta but still Terry related since he just posted this.
This girls a little milky, I'm not surprised they had full on posing pictures together. She's definitely zoomer age so its only natural he actually shared their Facebook anniversary.
No. 212407
>>212404Maybe if he didn't spend 3 hours composing excel spreadsheets outlining the rules of rooming with his crusty ass he'd have time to respond to all of those non-existent messages he gets.
If you have time to create pointless polls like it's your full-time job and write Dickens novels replies to a three word comment, you have time to sleep.
No. 212438
File: 1652400462019.jpeg (180.53 KB, 1284x449, D0154C42-D7DB-4BBE-9F32-605465…)

No. 212443
File: 1652401487162.jpeg (551.41 KB, 1284x1656, D0051756-10E3-45BA-969E-ACD64D…)

kek cause you’re a creep Terry
No. 212520
File: 1652442426094.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1284x2213, FDBC348A-BFB5-4CDC-9FA7-01C61B…)

OMG I said I was quitting cosplaying female Genshin characters~
No. 212542
File: 1652454279066.jpg (955.01 KB, 4096x2057, InCollage_20220513_110325745.j…)

>>212533do you mean the comment on the left?
I also like the comment on the right that I found on that thread actually telling him that the rules are overboard and finding it weird to post them
No. 212551
>>212542That left friend has always looked out for terry. He really doesn’t deserve the kindness.
He liked the comment on the right lol
No. 212560
File: 1652460645683.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1284x1513, D09A25AF-0131-4FE5-A790-EC379B…)

No. 212561
File: 1652461247819.jpg (371.67 KB, 831x1176, Screenshot_20220513-125950_Tik…)

There he is sticking his tongue out again but as Sora. This is just sickening. And don't even get me started on the creepy smile he made near the end of his video.
No. 212568
>>212542>"Just want you to be safe" Terry is not the one in danger in this situation.
A 40 year old man should not be sharing a room with a 17 year old regardless of if she is almost 18 or not. Terry bringing up that they knew each other for awhile is such a groomer thing to say.
No. 212578
>>212574Now that I think about it that's probably the only way she can go about calling him out. Any more direct or critical and Terry would block her and start posting about her in his stories.
>>212576I was under the impression that most of his meals were tendies. He was probably cutting back on them to avoid actually going to a doctor
No. 212596
>>212592Terry’s mentioned before that when he had to take a vision test before college, he deluded himself into thinking that the eyesight chart was wrong. He made a whole poll about it. Imagine thinking that it’s not your eyesight that’s blurry, it’s the intentionally blurred chart kek
If Terry actually went to get a check-up, he would blame the doctor, the diagnostic tools, or the tests, if anything was wrong
No. 212627
File: 1652491912196.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1284x2210, 7324D2F9-FA43-4A2E-8B2B-55E7CA…)

No. 212676
File: 1652522827415.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1284x2009, 7FBB54DF-54B6-4571-A126-7EB200…)

These props look like they’re the cheap Halloween store props imo… either way they’ll most likely look flat since he never does any shading/highlighting on his props.
No. 212713
File: 1652547789366.jpeg (998.78 KB, 1284x2084, 49D0AE5E-EE5A-4FA5-AE34-9E16C9…)

Ruining yet another childhood favorite…
No. 212723
>>212713I don't give a fuck about Nier, but Vincent Valentine is my childhood husbando. I remember buying a PS1 in 1997 just to get this game. After i saw Vincent on a brady games strategy guide, I knew i had to marry him. Luckily for me, Lucrecia chose Hojo over Vincent.
Terry cannot ruin him for me.
(no one cares) No. 212754
File: 1652563510564.jpg (327.98 KB, 1080x1786, 20220514_152538.jpg)

>>212750Considering he posted this earlier today, No.
No. 212764
File: 1652569899098.jpg (520.37 KB, 1080x1764, Screenshot_20220514-191030_Ins…)

the cat is showing no signs of loving you. why are you back on the cat trend again
No. 212769
File: 1652573822303.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1284x1552, 74A1F6DC-9754-4C0F-A0F3-2BE266…)

Stumpy looking Cloud
No. 212772
File: 1652575905087.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1284x1651, 8AF14E66-5AB1-433A-96F4-7B8E35…)

What are those….?
No. 212781
File: 1652582077029.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1284x2258, EEB6307E-1681-41BF-B336-4E4262…)

He “hung out” with someone today!
No. 212782
File: 1652582168145.jpeg (392.21 KB, 1284x824, 5A8936A6-5BB8-49F7-B422-3365E9…)

>>212781Talk about awkward…. Also good way to get used by a random?
No. 212784
>>212782My sides. This man just made a status saying he has to work both Saturday and Sunday. He’s behind on all his momocon prep. Can’t hang out with anyone, sorry.
And this zoomer girl basically used him as transport and he called it a hang out.
No. 212789
File: 1652591773802.jpeg (62.61 KB, 602x596, F3A7B74E-3F7D-4E41-9BB5-8E894E…)

>>212788She not only used him for a ride but he ate his spicy chicken and sat in the corner petting the cat kek.
No. 212796
>>212772Why does he keep making boot covers like that? There’s so many tutorials out there that he could be using
>>212782Wow I almost feel bad for him, but he really put himself in this position by chasing zoomers instead of making friends his own age
No. 212818
File: 1652613358846.jpeg (509.11 KB, 1284x1588, 76A77E78-6AA6-4A57-935E-88B808…)

No. 212829
>>212764This actually explains a lot.
>cats look away/ignore terry>terry Omg the cat loves me!Replace cat with zoomer girl
No. 212839
File: 1652625304747.jpeg (107.29 KB, 1284x406, 2BAE8D4E-8E82-4A9F-933A-E39B7F…)

Pretty sure this confirms Vincent.
No. 212854
>>212782didn't he just say that he won't give rides to people because he's been taken advantage of in his rule list? and now he even mentioned that she only invited him because she needed a ride. lmao he'll go against his word for zoomer attention.
I also bet the cat hated him and he just kept harassing it the whole time
No. 212936
File: 1652663380075.jpg (3.99 MB, 4096x4096, Terrysvictim.jpg)

So the "zoomer" that used Terry for a ride is this chick. iirc she is in her early 20s and used to be known for taking advantage of guys in the east coast convention scene for rides and hotel rooms. This was 5~ years ago so sort of funny to see her still baiting crusty moids to be her uber.
No. 212958
File: 1652675712171.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1284x2203, BECE66DE-5DE7-473C-80C5-2C0734…)

>>212676Progress photo cause who doesn’t love a progress photo from such an expert prop maker.
No. 212994
File: 1652701291079.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1284x2072, 18EF1EE8-D2A6-46AF-BF3C-037B78…)

More cons!
No. 213006
File: 1652703564874.jpeg (2.66 MB, 1284x2204, B89E146F-C392-469E-8E33-5616B9…)

>>212958Sir we know that’s outside of your skill range because you refuse to take the time to learn.
No. 213012
>>212994I really don’t understand Terry. He just made a long ass status saying he’s stressed out by momocon. Now he’s considering back to back con? Thought they’re under staffed at work?
I bet he just found out a zoomer girl he’s stalking is going to tekko
No. 213014
File: 1652706319674.jpg (84.85 KB, 1080x349, Screenshot_20220516-090509_Fac…)

no one ever said there was an age limit to cosplaying
No. 213016
>>213007I was just gonna say. People have done this trick before with a back harness and some magnets inside the prop but he's retarded.
>>212994>>212958Mr moneybags going to so many cons again. Also, his props look like the most basic, entry level shit. He really does choose quantity over quality.
No. 213019
>>213014Only one I know who constantly say there’s an age limit is himself. Also Indy was cosplay Indy ,whether adult or old Indy I can’t remember, not a teenage boy/girl. Big difference.
Does this mean Terry’s cancelling his retirement?
No. 213030
File: 1652711691521.jpg (773.12 KB, 1080x1873, Screenshot_20220516-083216_Ins…)

I wonder if he's going to ignore the poll results again or actually cosplay this character that looks 12. The fact that he even put that as an option is revolting.
No. 213032
>>213030What does this poll even mean? He’s already making props for the con so that implies his lineup is set.
He said “double check” here. Is he just quizzing people to see if they remember his lineup?
No. 213040
File: 1652716674054.jpg (252.54 KB, 1067x1659, Screenshot_20220516-115728_Ins…)

new genshin character so of course Terry thinks he needs to cosplay him and that the character was meant for him
No. 213046
File: 1652719629863.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1284x1947, 0084B9FD-5962-4373-A70A-9C6C41…)

Line up swapped~
Who could have guessed?
No. 213085
File: 1652724693660.jpg (690.42 KB, 1080x1569, Screenshot_20220516-141105_Fac…)

he was literally just a guest at a con with no vaccine or mask mandate. why does he get to pick and choose which cons he's upset about doing this?
No. 213094
File: 1652727200558.jpg (138.53 KB, 1080x1211, Foul.jpg)

>>213051>>213062The only thing he has in common with that character is they are both short manlets
>>213069Shocking he thinks he fits them so well because his unfiltered face screams 40s-50s
No. 213107
File: 1652729557667.jpeg (447.74 KB, 1284x1704, AF459320-4D10-4F48-B2E1-AB38C2…)

“Too big”
No. 213151
File: 1652755042765.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1284x2213, 7FD4C0F8-1D3D-421B-A397-ABA802…)

No. 213182
File: 1652785756927.jpeg (574.23 KB, 1284x2150, 90C93683-C401-4A82-8A29-332022…)

No. 213191
File: 1652791434781.jpeg (375.9 KB, 1125x1061, 7F3F1D62-D006-4047-9B00-68EBBB…)

No. 213193
>>213182>>213191Is someone here reporting him? Stop! It would be much harder to keep tap on this creep if he starts a new account. I’m not even on his alt account right now.
This is the first time I have heard of the purge. Is this more of his fake threats just to have people beg him to stay?
Bless that one person who mentioned he has a second account already.
No. 213210
File: 1652804982152.jpeg (308.48 KB, 1284x717, C675C100-26E9-474E-AFE5-848C70…)

No. 213231
File: 1652810272348.jpg (468.83 KB, 1052x1320, Screenshot_20220517-135724_Fac…)

"""normal""" okay
No. 213232
>>2131910 days without Terry attention-seeking on Facebook.
He is just panicking in case he loses access to those zoomers and other women out of his league he's collected since 2004 or however old that account is.
The fact he gaf about a Facebook account makes him look so old.
No. 213239
File: 1652812281448.jpg (1.26 MB, 4083x2560, 4857282947.jpg)

This retard is so wasteful. Every time he breaks a cosplay or one doesn't come on time he just orders more.
Man cares so much about being relevant and trendy to the kids that he never considers reusing his 1000+ old cosplays.
No. 213288
>>213252>>213257Yeah he keeps a couple of the popular ones in his rotation for special events like him guesting at that con a few weeks ago. The majority he buys cheaply from China for $30 and complains when it doesn't match the description or arrives later than he expects.
You'd think someone that has been cosplaying multiple decades would know better than to buy cheap trash cosplays.
He definitely makes more than enough money to actually commission a good seamstress but considering he doesn't even like paying people for haircuts I doubt he would be willing to pay them what they ask.
No. 213316
File: 1652836308257.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1284x2228, D5866275-810C-4255-B306-96051F…)

New cos~
No. 213320
File: 1652839211777.jpg (777.14 KB, 1080x1532, Screenshot_20220517-195816_Ins…)

His attempt at Aerith looks more like Wendy Williams during her addiction.
Forever using trashy makeup on characters it doesn't suit.
No. 213338
>>213320Giving MtF Hon vibes
His forehead looks huge kek. The makeup is surprisingly different though, not a lot of red eyeshadow
No. 213367
>>213320>>213346he puts it where his natural hairline is.
slap some fukkin cheese on that five head kek
No. 213418
File: 1652896406319.jpg (302.11 KB, 1080x1740, Screenshot_20220518-135143_Ins…)

renting out cosplays?? I can't see this ending well on his end. he'd probably complain about the smell of the cosplays when they get returned when I bet he doesn't even wash them when he sells them
No. 213450
>>213418Kek if he doesn't like zoomers leaving "con funk" in the hotel room, he's going to be in for a rude awakening renting out his cosplays. Zoomers sell cosplay shit on Depop with animal hair, stains, smells, etc. They aren't going to return his cosplays washed or lint rolled.
Also, there's no way he's an Asian women's size Medium. That's about the equivalent of a U.S. Women's Small and he looks much bigger than that. That's why his cosplays keep ripping and the zippers break. You can see the fabric stretching too tight across some of these try-on photos.
No. 213454
>>213418All of his cosplays are like $90 pieces of crap too? Who would pay for this they can order from AliExpress on their own.
I could maybe see a market for renting things with like intricate master level sewing but preworn dokidoki cosplays ??
No. 213457
File: 1652917799074.jpeg (2.35 MB, 1284x1903, 95DBBE75-0978-40D6-B26D-C95BE9…)

Would someone rent this…?
No. 213463
File: 1652918485393.jpg (192.48 KB, 281x422, b7OdFHN.jpg)

>>213457idk anything about genshit so i looked up a photo for reference.
the paint job is awful and the colors aren't even close to being accurate. the rest of the strings aren't even pulled taut.
there's metallic paint that looks like picrel, but being the dumbass he is, he probably thought "gold is gold" and didn't bother to color match.
No. 213490
File: 1652927855131.jpeg (2.02 MB, 1284x2222, 9D929CEE-7D4C-44B9-B2DD-210C1F…)

Expert Craftsmanship
No. 213500
>>213490This is some Sarah Spaceman craftsmanshittery. Is it that hard to align those black straps so they are not crooked and look like they were slapped on with a hot glue gun? Lazy.
Brags about how much money he makes but is too fucking cheap to buy quality cosplays and props.
No. 213502
File: 1652934683452.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1284x1539, 0A52D74E-DC60-42B5-A851-705BE1…)

>>213490He was focused today.
No. 213504
File: 1652935270700.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1284x1892, F6F7CF64-0A75-4494-A247-1C58B5…)

>>213502I guess it has the same amount of clunk to it…?
No. 213505
File: 1652935427875.jpeg (1.91 MB, 1284x2103, 75ACF42B-8B24-4925-8C2B-F351D8…)

>>213504Such beautifully painted and high quality shoes for Hu Tao
No. 213540
File: 1652959954770.jpeg (513.74 KB, 1284x2054, 9F19D264-20D3-4E47-A266-E3AD62…)

Thought you said you would stop talking about them?
No. 213564
File: 1652973557781.jpg (236.98 KB, 1080x1920, 3618e9r2018e96.jpg)

>Plenty at the con would love to have me back (I am on their flyer)
He really talks like he's some sort of celebrity at these smaller-mid size conventions.
No. 213580
File: 1652977800710.jpg (30.65 KB, 425x557, 05ed008422375025e006d4abaf46be…)

>>213505I'm curious as to if those shoes have the proper heel or not…did he use men's shoes or actually purchase women's shoes? Also, the sloppy hot glue strings and bad red paint job are hilarious.
No. 213641
File: 1652989927286.jpeg (306.37 KB, 1170x1133, 6B0A90FF-AF7F-4EE7-973A-BF6058…)

Better hurry and friend request him y’all!
No. 213679
>>213655(autism incoming)
Facebook was founded in 2004 and open to the public from Sept 2006
>On September 26, 2006, Facebook opened to everyone at least 13 years old with a valid email addressAssuming he signed up immediately, that makes his account 16 years old.
Terry is 39, 16 years ago he was 23. 23 is the age a person may graduate from college in the US.
However he is creating a vague age range of anywhere between 14-23 by using the words "high school" when he was at the upper end of that. If he signed up at 14 years old in 2006 he would be 30, a mere 9 years difference.
Honestly never seen a man try to conceal his age this much in this many ways.
No. 213695
File: 1653007488639.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1284x2017, 48472254-BC81-427C-A73E-024DC1…)

Woe is me
No. 213698
>>213695Where, Terry? Like maybe there's a discord somewhere but it seems like he's imagining this, nobody here is trying to take down any accounts (then we'd lose the comedy)
Facebook are notoriously overzealous about identity and trying to block fake accounts, maybe he just interacts like a bot (comment and like-spam)
No. 213701
File: 1653009849008.jpeg (399.27 KB, 1284x733, 431B28E2-D8F7-464A-BBA4-224EFF…)

Whelp what was the point of switching if you were gonna ditch it?
No. 213708
>>213701"a few i was once close friends with who kind of stopped talking/responding to me are just not gonna add me anyway"
what's his deal? he now wants to keep the old account just to keep taps on people who don't talk to him anymore?
No. 213767
File: 1653048074626.jpeg (425.02 KB, 1284x913, A2AD98AE-F560-4D24-B3B6-60869A…)

More account issues~
No. 213769
File: 1653048473249.jpeg (426.53 KB, 1284x2199, A00C1933-8112-4028-9E73-E2AFCF…)

Sir you’ve gone to more cons than anyone else that I know.
No. 213777
>>213769Just don’t go, Terry. Why is he making the decision of going to a con such a dramatic issue?
I really hate all these polls because he obviously just like the attention and does not care what people think. “We will see”
No. 213787
>>213751This. Also he himself hates being black so he uses being a
POC when he thinks he'll get attention. Gross
No. 213861
File: 1653076043190.jpeg (550.95 KB, 1284x1685, A048B670-4CAA-4374-A43F-767943…)

No. 213869
File: 1653076529216.jpeg (165.14 KB, 1284x389, 6C159792-FCCD-4CE6-9B5C-81C6F6…)

>>213868Sir isn’t this pretty much your burner account?
No. 213880
>>213865>>213866Wrote a whole novel when he could just say rules don’t apply when he’s guesting.
What a hypocrite. It’s not bullying to simply call him on it.
No. 213888
>>213868Why would someone put their phone number in their burner account?
His problem-solving abilities are absolutely nil, it's obviously just a random generated username
>user847574361: stop cosplaying as little girls>Terry: wow this girl Sarah ignored me when I said hi at a con in 2009, she lives in northern Chigago so this user must be her No. 213932
>>213861>>213865Terry's writing seems to be better whenever he is raging about someone. It's actually readable.
I think he does the poor writing for most of his statuses to look "harmless" and "too stupid". He's still an autist in a lot of ways, but this predator knows what he's doing.
>>213869>I got better things to doYou mean like driving hours away to stalk some zoomers at a mall?
No. 213940
File: 1653099827228.jpeg (204.61 KB, 1284x489, 59AD0150-848A-46F4-9893-518715…)

No. 213945
File: 1653105101975.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1284x1268, B1C65647-DAD0-43AF-B5E6-9969EB…)

At first I was like who the fuck and then I remembered it is a Genshin character
No. 213958
File: 1653122983210.jpg (85.27 KB, 940x530, gm-d24742f1-51cf-41fa-bfd4-5f1…)

>>213945Is that supposed to be Thoma? The wig is the wrong style and the wrong color…also, he is wearing that shit way too far up on his head.
No. 214015
File: 1653142185334.jpeg (2.79 MB, 1284x2139, A0E6052A-85BB-4234-B41A-073EF3…)

No. 214059
File: 1653151208468.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1284x2227, EDD60FB7-02F9-4814-BC1D-4024A9…)

Why does he style so many wigs if he never improves?
No. 214109
>>214069Jesus, no kidding. His selfie looked like it's 4 shades lighter than it is irl.
Also, how would a whole different wig be any less work than styling this one? I swear he gets high off just throwing money around.
No. 214159
File: 1653167197945.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1284x2251, 22B69675-CE36-4B98-9A38-C6C067…)

Doesn’t really remind me of Toshiro…. Reminds me of Rick of Rick and Morty…
No. 214183
File: 1653173806944.jpeg (155.01 KB, 1284x359, E7652A34-1D03-414E-84F5-7FA97C…)

>>213941>>214010Holy crap you guys called it.
No. 214268
File: 1653226613828.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1284x2152, A1FBB9B6-F25E-4409-A8D7-181AA9…)

No. 214269
File: 1653226718952.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1284x2185, 67561B40-774E-4B94-BE10-EA57FA…)

>>214268Clean your damn mirror!
No. 214327
>>214159Please bring back the spaghetti hairline please
>>214268Might just be lighting, but am I seeing gray chin fuzz?
No. 214329
>>214318How long has Terry been cosplaying? Because before 2010ish there were so few pre made costumes available, did he commission costumes back then? There’s no way he made them with his lack of skills. I know he’s been cosplaying some of the Final Fantasy stuff forever so where did those ones come from?
I just don’t think he cares enough to improve honestly. He has so many costumes and it seems like most get worn once before they live in a closet forever. So he doesn’t feel the need to work to improve at it. Also considering he just buys the cheapest cosplays on AliExpress, I don’t think he cares about the quality of anything, he just wants attention. The irony being that if he had good costumes and wigs (commissioned from talented and skilled makers), he would likely get more attention. I’m more likely to talk to someone with a good costume since it shows that they care about it. I’m sure other people think the same way. But Terry thinks he’s famous and that that is enough.
No. 214443
>>214431vitiligo confirmed. you can see the two tones in this photo
>>214269 Alsoo his neck has a white patch.
I met him at otakon a couple years ago and can confirm he wasn't patchy like this back then.
No. 214474
File: 1653269800424.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.62 MB, 4096x4096, 628472920.jpg)

>>214460Spoiler for nasty manlet feet. It looks like vitiligo on his feet and hands? I dont think his retard filtering or lighting would fuck it up this bad.
No. 214495
>>214489That's vitiligo. You can see the spread between his toes and going from his palms to the outside of his fingers. Vitiligo can spread rather quickly if there's other underlying issues or stress. The chicken nugget doesn't see the doctor so it's not shocking that he hasn't been officially diagnosed or is even aware himself.
Congrats Terry, in short time those whitening filters will no longer be a necessity.
No. 214496
I agree with anons, it does look very much like vitiligo, the pattern and dispersion is not at all like normal skin variations (e.g. lighter palms as anon above mentions) normal skin variation is usually not so extreme in contrast, more a soft gradient at the tips of fingers and palms/soles rather than a harsh, jagged line like we can see in those images.
Could be a consequence of his shit health and diet, he has been starving himself recently which may have
triggered something? the NHS page about vitiligo, the most common type is caused by an autoimmune condition.
>Autoimmune conditionsNon-segmental vitiligo (the most common type) is thought to be an autoimmune condition.
>In autoimmune conditions, the immune system does not work properly. Instead of attacking foreign cells, such as viruses, your immune system attacks your body's healthy cells and tissue.>If you have non-segmental vitiligo, your immune system destroys the melanocyte skin cells that make melanin.>Vitiligo is also associated with other autoimmune conditions, such as hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland), but not everyone with vitiligo will develop these conditions. No. 214498
>>214496Samefag, since we know Terry lurks,
please go to a doctor about this since they may be able to help. Explain to them that you had a bad past experience with a doctor and you can decline whatever examinations you are uncomfortable with, but surely this is a sign you need to go for a checkup to see what's going on. There may be some other problem aside from the skin changes.
No. 214499
>>214489It's especially clear in the close-up hand photo. His whole thumb tip, nail and all, is white. Same with his pointer finger. It's not just on his palms.
>>214498Really, Terry's not even 40 yet and he looks horrible. He shouldn't be looking like he's in his mid 50s. He shouldn't be starving himself of nutrients, especially at his age. Maybe he doesn't care about dying young…but I don't think that's the case. Terry, see a doctor.
No. 214549
File: 1653308493446.jpg (1.6 MB, 2560x1920, 22-05-23-07-15-34-902_deco.jpg)

Interesting. Here's an unfiltered hall shot that shows his thumb better. It's not as prevalent in other shots, so he may use DARK SKINNED MAKEUP Gasp to conceal it maybe?
No. 214551
File: 1653309262127.png (64.76 KB, 817x494,…)

eyeroll Latest installment
No. 214565
File: 1653317063480.jpg (4.74 MB, 4096x4096, CollageMaker_20220523_09162459…)

>>214489You sound like some white person who read about black people from a textbook or had class with a black person once. LOOK AT HIS FUCKING FEET AND FINGERS. Dude has been having more noticeably aged ass fingers/hands for the past few years now
Also, here's some older terry pics for skin splotch evidence (see belly button and toes)
No. 214722
>>214551I almost feel bad for him, because he just does not seem to understand social cues at all. If someone doesn’t respond to your message and doesn’t talk to you when you see them, they don’t want to be friends. And for some reason he didn’t seem to get it. He’s a total creep towards young girls now, but I assume at some point he was trying to make friends his own age when he was younger. I wonder if he feels like he “fits in” better with younger people because autistic kids often get along with younger kids due to developmental delay, and he never grew out of that?
Anyway, someone needs to tell him straight up to his face that he is a creep and needs to get friends his own age.
No. 214737
>>214722this. i get that social unawareness can come from loneliness, but. if he made some friends his own age adults are usually more understanding of that shit.
Wouldn’t be so understanding of his obsession with young women though.
No. 214777
>>214737probably a big reason why he isn't making friends his age. they see him talking and hanging out with such a young crowd that it makes them uncomfortable. I mean I know personally I wouldn't want to hang out with an adult and have a chance of being in a crowd of people that much younger than me, it would make me feel like a creep by association.
but also, he obviously drops people when they get to a certain age because he stops gushing over them suddenly and talking to them in general, and replaces them with more kids. so it really is his fault he doesn't have friends his age, and it's something he could easily have avoided if he just didn't talk to kids
No. 214891
File: 1653445459342.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1284x1740, E0C8A112-C106-432E-BA7B-50481F…)

If you’re attending look out for him!
No. 214939
File: 1653479636281.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1284x2039, 8C5C298C-655C-4D8A-AE8A-95EF4D…)

If his coworkers are so anti-LGBTQ like he says they are him wearing nails would be a red flag to them.
No. 214950
>>214939Those don’t even look like they would fit his wide male sausage fingers.
He’ll probably just wear them for a few photos or cons, then take them off for work. He doesn’t even want to wear glasses around his coworkers, doubt he would try wearing nails.
No. 215113
File: 1653504562876.jpeg (994.17 KB, 1284x1300, D0942F07-DF8D-45DD-9AD2-7D01DC…)

Not that hideous, but then again his face is covered
No. 215118
File: 1653505089363.jpg (27.75 KB, 301x398, 333f8a64fd1367cb7712db9d88d7a2…)

>>215113His props are always so awful. That orb looks like he just bought one of those bouncy balls from walmart.
No. 215191
File: 1653523428011.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1284x1796, 317D77A4-07AC-4B6D-8151-BE86D4…)

This shit is nightmare inducing. Just choose a fucking pair of contacts on your own Terry.
No. 215192
File: 1653523878662.jpg (29.58 KB, 429x405, ybourykina-spirit-blossom-ahri…)

>>215113it's supposed to be a dress why the fuck is he wearing it like that?
No. 215215
File: 1653533203279.jpg (488.31 KB, 1080x1776, Screenshot_20220525-223429_Ins…)

just delete it lmao boomer mentality thinking telling a spam text to stop is going to actually get them to stop
No. 215232
File: 1653538917145.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1284x1630, 86086DF7-E9C1-47DD-BFAD-855DB6…)

>>215191Those contacts look the same color just different designs and I am fairly certain Toushirou has more blue in his eyes.
Still crusty eyes
No. 215412
File: 1653605480390.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x1516, 06DDE0E6-E84C-47B0-86F2-504986…)

No. 215415
File: 1653606421902.jpeg (6.08 MB, 4096x5120, 8D2BE3CB-24C4-4D94-A455-57886F…)

>>215412I’m fascinated by what he actually looks like while wearing this. If it’s anything like his filter vs. IRL Inuyasha it’s got to be nausea inducing.
No. 215419
File: 1653607459029.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x1261, E09AC38B-2DCA-4A0E-A505-C844C6…)

Elevator pic? Still proves he’s disgusting to look at in this.
No. 215420
File: 1653607786863.jpeg (745.5 KB, 977x2178, 5490D085-DCCA-44BE-BB15-9611EA…)

Spotted him walking by himself
No. 215432
File: 1653618330381.jpg (132.38 KB, 1080x730, Screenshot_20220526-222357_Fac…)

hundreds and hundreds? why do you always have to exaggerate so much
No. 215435
>>215419any roommate
victim at this con? He's in genshin so I am expecting some awkward roommate selfies.
No. 215444
File: 1653629120558.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1270x1554, 452307DB-410A-4B81-B881-6277F2…)

>>215435Probably this person?
No. 215489
File: 1653666832497.png (1.83 MB, 1440x2297, Screenshot_20220527-105153~2.p…)

No. 215495
>>215493I don’t understand the sign either. Is this some sort of meme? A genshit reference?
>need mora for my reduction surgerySounds like she’s a fakeboi or hangs around to many pedos that want her to be “flat”.
No. 215522
>>215495Genshin fans are like the new generation of Steven's Universe/Hetalia/Homestuck autists.
They are so loud and obnoxious with their shitty memes. Definitely a community that will welcome Terry with open arms.
>>215500Someone needs to record him talking- I've been aware of this man for 6 years now but have never heard him speak.
No. 215547
File: 1653685063908.jpeg (992.22 KB, 1284x1022, 6DF15A06-761B-4A3D-8260-854145…)

Crusty Terry
No. 215560
File: 1653687561787.jpeg (2 MB, 4032x3024, 274D9B2B-2862-4B63-9CB9-CF1FB7…)

No. 215595
File: 1653695448039.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 1284x2142, ABE35147-33B6-4867-ADA3-6A3820…)

Nightmare fuel, quite deranged in this one…
No. 215614
File: 1653700182001.jpeg (1.08 MB, 875x1492, 18BDDD79-14FB-4709-989A-A456C1…)

Is this just a western cosplayer thing? I don’t understand…
No. 215619
>>215614Why is she hovering her hand under his ass? Gross
Also damn you can really see that loose skin on his stomach from him not eating
No. 215664
File: 1653737661802.jpeg (427.8 KB, 1284x1696, 86DEA542-5DEA-451D-AC27-0FAA47…)

So he’s not met with over 50(?) of his “friends” at Momocon?
No. 215779
File: 1653774318226.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1284x2230, 377A993C-1463-42E7-904C-27BC48…)

Wtf with the eyeshadow Terry???
No. 215806
File: 1653784422711.jpg (8.52 MB, 4096x5120, CollageMaker_20220528_19263545…)

>>215800>>215779I wanna see see an unfiltered photo of this cosplay so badly
I found this one at least in the meanwhile
No. 215811
>>215806He looks so weird with those fangs, especially when he keeps opening his mouth. It's gross! Gorou is a
No. 215821
File: 1653790291692.webm (9.55 MB, 1080x1872, Terry.webm)
>>215806This cosplay somehow looks even worse in motion.
The mouth breathing,tongue movement, fluttering eyelashes, filtered skin tone, him being shorter than this zoomer. Gross!
No. 215837
>>215821This really looks like she didn’t want to be in his video, but he pushed her to be in it anyway. She waves at the camera and then it looks like she’s about to leave the frame, but then stays when she realizes he’s still filming.
Also want to point out that I personally find it weird that she’s supposed to be part of the video, but he’s clearly trying to keep all the focus on himself
No. 215874
File: 1653826596380.jpeg (236.08 KB, 1284x484, 74BA020F-7DD6-4699-B951-E3813E…)

Some stuff broke again.
No. 215896
File: 1653834839929.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1284x1578, 3DAB3949-920F-4ED8-83B5-4431C7…)

Roxas, a fan favorite…surely all of his other friends will come and see him today!
No. 215949
>>215884I think he takes every interaction as people loving his costume and is too socially retarded to see that it’s out of politeness.
Like he sees someone he “knows” (has met at a con and is Facebook friends with). He goes up and talks to them, they make small talk and compliment his costume to be polite before making an excuse to leave. He may even ask what they think of his costume, and no one is going to just say it looks like shit.
Also, a lot of people at cons will see a cosplay of a character they like and just shout out “hey, I love your ____ cosplay!” It doesn’t matter what it looks like, they just like the character. So that’s probably also what he’s referring to.
He’s so bad at socializing that he doesn’t realize that it’s people being polite and people who like a character. He thinks these are all legitimate compliments for him specifically. It’s honestly really sad that he’s gotten to 40 and no one has talked to him about this stuff
No. 216024
File: 1653869488377.jpeg (2.49 MB, 1284x2257, 7DDDCB53-C264-49AC-AC4D-EEB8B4…)

From his stories
No. 216127
File: 1653916610503.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1284x2225, 77E4B0B9-1BF3-43FB-8550-8EBE7E…)

Still going to go with he has some kind of fetish regarding bodily fluids…
No. 216162
File: 1653933738692.jpeg (486.99 KB, 1243x1440, 060861DB-FE27-4834-92CD-DB6A9B…)

good god
No. 216168
>>216162Did he put dark makeup under his eyes for some reason or does he just have dark circles that are that bad?
At least the makeup doesn’t look as unhinged in a candid I guess. What kind of filters is he using that his makeup always looks so intense?
No. 216182
File: 1653937937100.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.57 KB, 560x373, 88f10ed0a2772d0ad02da893fb2bda…)

>>216162he needs to stop trying to copy Asian cosplay makeup. He does not have the same features and that shit just doesn't end up looking right. Also, I lol'd at his wig. It is so close to just yeeting itself right off of his head.
Picrel, this makeup only looks good on asians.
No. 216225
File: 1653951825502.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1284x1707, F2B3B87C-C3A4-4BE4-8313-935C67…)

The people that say he looks great… What are you guys on?
No. 216230
>>216225He looks like he's missing a chromosome
>>216182This. I dont know why so many ugly, crusty americans do this makeup when it is made for specific eyeshape. It makes them extra retarded.
No. 216237
>>216225I feel like if anything people are complimenting the costume itself, which is just store-bought lol but not complimenting him as the cosplayer
>>216234I think the makeup color is enhanced/brightened by the filters he uses so when you see it irl or in un-filtered pics it just looks muddy
No. 216240
>>216162LOL thanks for the candid anon. The dude looks like a cracked squash with a rat on his head
>>216225Is the brown/gray under the eye his new thing??? Looks fucking awful in both
No. 216242
>>216234Terry, when we said to stop eating tendies, we meant to eat food that is healthier, not to stop eating.
Honestly it’s pretty concerning how bad he looks. He really needs to see a doctor
No. 216249
>>216240Maybe it’s supposed to be aegyo sal contour that Terry thinks will give him “bigger eyes”, but he’s failing horribly at it? Or some YouTube tutorial told him brown/gray cancels out dark circles and that’s why he’s doing it. Who knows with Terry.
>>216246If Terry ate healthy, had a skincare routine (NOT Palmolive), and got some exercise, he would look somewhat younger, like he wishes. But him starving himself and using harsh stuff on his skin is making him look older. Without filters/smoothing, he looks 50.
No. 216257
File: 1653963265257.jpeg (862.91 KB, 1284x1154, 74D2DB0D-71C3-4C5C-A50C-6FDF97…)

So youthful~
I wish he’d listen to us saying that he should invest in skincare and eat healthier but… healthier means starvation.
No. 216270
File: 1653972108359.png (927.8 KB, 2048x2017, Screenshot_20220530-233307.png)

Why does this middle aged man take credit and feel validation from cheap cosplays he purchased from China and Amazon? This is behavior I'd expect from a kid attending their first con who didn't have experience with design, sewing or creating. Here we have a full grown adult with a well paying job who can't be assed to commission quality cosplays.
I'll never understand how or more importantly why this pos creep has a following when there well respected creators and cosplayers who actually put time, effort and creativity into their work.
No. 216272
File: 1653972777134.png (48.33 KB, 200x149, 2192bd12a79f57efa73c06c235b445…)

>>216268nta but I don't know of any palmolive skincare that looks like this
No. 216273
File: 1653973023821.png (680.88 KB, 478x986, thebestskincareproduct.png)

>>216268>>216272kek it looks like the ultra strength labeling, not sure what the circular label at the top is tho
No. 216279
>>216268As other anons have pointed out he 100% uses the dish soap. Ultra strength concentrated soap that's used for cleaning grease off of dishes and kitchenware is going to heavily dry out your skin.
Not to mention that it probably makes him smell like a sterile kitchen 24/7 kek
No. 216296
File: 1654000641283.jpg (435.84 KB, 1079x1894, Screenshot_20220531-083622_Ins…)

I mean, wouldn't this cosplay be pretty on brand with his pedophilic tendencies? he's becoming self aware
No. 216299
>>216269>>216272>>216273>>216279>>216280same anon who asked the question earlier. I'm sorry for giving terry benefit of doubt. wtf who uses dish soap to bath in?
i loled at him saying he doesn't use fruity soap. he probably changed now.
No. 216314
>>216301I think hes admitted to this in the past?
He just cosplays whatever is trending among the young ones to get attention. This is why he has like 20+ genshin cosplays lol.
I'm guessing he saw some zoomers thirsting over Hisoka online.
No. 216339
>>216336The way he filters and overexposes his selfies its basically already pure white lol
It would be interesting to see what kind of drag queen look he gives Hisoka though
No. 216347
>>216336I don’t think he’d paint himself white. He would probably just be a black version but keep the triangle makeup.
>>216339Kek I can imagine it would probably be huge false lashes, even more red eyeshadow, and tons of white eyeliner on his under eye. Probably something like he does for the girls he cosplays.
No. 216393
File: 1654031171717.jpeg (305.11 KB, 1170x1670, 844AAD37-1F29-4E57-A6F3-54710E…)

Took long enough.
No. 216396
File: 1654031276971.jpeg (863.65 KB, 1170x1908, EC5FAAD3-F965-4722-9F7E-EBEEFD…)

is anyone remotely surprised
No. 216412
File: 1654033737347.png (2.12 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220531-174514.png)

>>216393>>216396The way he worded this on his Instagram is funny. Why is he only admitting it on his private FB instead of on Instagram?
No. 216459
>>216452Life sure can be funny. Here I am unvaccinated and unmasked not giving a fuck with no covid to speak of dating back to early 2020 and this hermit with his vaccines boosters and masks catches it.
Must be the chicken tender diet.
No. 216462
>>216393with his body in such bad state i think there's a chance his covid fight will be pretty serious.
I don't want him to suffer. I hope this is a wake up call to start taking better care of his body.
No. 216502
>>216396Was showing off those stupid little fangs worth it Terry? He’s going to have to miss work until he’s negative, although he probably has sick days.
He needs to stop virtue signaling and just wear the mask properly including outside.
He’s most likely vaccinated so it’s unlikely he’ll get seriously ill. The only good thing would be he’d be forced to go to the doctor then.
>>216412Was this all he posted? He should say that he’s positive to let anyone who was around him know to get tested….
No. 216546
>>216393since he was sick on sunday, he was infectious that day or even the whole weekend. maybe he went to momocon already sick.
Why is he not making a public post about it? his selfies exposes him to so many people!
No. 216577
File: 1654092556049.jpeg (741.93 KB, 1284x2120, 1D6054A0-283D-4369-9EAB-205C19…)

Just a handful of his selfies, but if they’re on his new FB act then he’s probably notified them via post? Idk, wishful thinking his boomer brain works.
No. 216584
File: 1654093599120.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1284x2178, 8A36FAF3-EE39-4CC0-99A4-885D6C…)

Sir you have fucking Covid fucking focus
No. 216586
File: 1654093963657.png (257.77 KB, 500x375, stupidmofo.png)

>>216584wtf the dude from Dgrayman?? He has never expressed interest in that show. Just butchering all my husbandos. Also, why is he planning a con when he just tested positive? Stop going to cons, you dense bastard.
No. 216590
File: 1654096350336.jpg (89.25 KB, 1080x480, Screenshot_20220601-111131_Fac…)

then wear your mask properly at cons, and stop shoving your face into zoomer girls faces for selfies and to show off your crusty makeup
No. 216610
File: 1654099863569.jpeg (425.68 KB, 828x1474, E0D797CE-C736-418C-9D35-31C1D5…)

So you have time to book a room for ANOTHER con but can’t be bothered to tell people that you have Covid. Ridiculous.
No. 216615
>>216577I’m not on his fb anymore. I checked his IG and he mentioned none of this at all! How can this man knowingly exposed dozens of people be so calm and keep posting useless polls all day?
I hope he at least notify the people he had selfies with that he tested positive.
No. 216647
File: 1654105942968.jpeg (Spoiler Image,628.29 KB, 1888x1888, 2D467FEB-D069-4BE7-83E1-DD34B9…)

Someone has to call this man out for his serious lack of consideration for others. I’m so sick of seeing people suck his dick when he exposes himself daily in of being a pedo and Covid hypocrite. Picrel showing he has no problem interacting with barely legal girls.
No. 216747
File: 1654121751895.jpeg (128.43 KB, 1284x389, 8599E5D1-1509-48DC-972F-B9AC2F…)

No. 216766
File: 1654126669321.jpeg (279.44 KB, 1284x545, FDB1F8A8-84FF-41B7-A5A5-F5CA6C…)

No. 216818
File: 1654144825669.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1284x2196, 4B77B425-93F4-43E8-836F-AE7CFA…)

Sick and deciding new cons yay being responsible
No. 216821
>>216584He’s going to go to cons whether he’s well or not.
Is it cowtipping to post on Instagram to try to get this info out to people who went to Momocon? It’s shitty that he’s being so casual about this and not telling people he saw at the con. Especially since he wasn’t wearing a mask.
No. 216983
>>216951You're right. I apologise to that anon. So many newfags come in recently to defend Terry so I was rude for no reason.
What's crazy to me are zoomers who think terry is some kind of cosplay idol. Why? he doesnt even make his own shit aside from those horrible props
No. 217023
File: 1654202124403.jpg (520.84 KB, 862x1229, Screenshot_20220602-163353_Tik…)

Terry! Stop posting your stupid tongue for every character. Thoma didn't deserve this.
No. 217048
File: 1654211716802.jpg (771.74 KB, 1079x1875, Screenshot_20220602-191315_Ins…)

dude. you're 40, never go to the doctor for a checkup, and eat like a 4 year old. you are definitely at high risk. stop pretending your some spry 20 year old with no health problems when you're clearly very sickly and that's why covid is hitting you hard even though you're vaccinated
No. 217058
File: 1654215828008.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1284x2721, 9C2BE7A7-192F-40DE-8FBF-3C6C91…)

Guess the cosplay
No. 217103
>>217058isn't this guy supposed to be suffering at home? but he's working on cosplay?
Maybe he's lying about being positive so he can skip his day job and work on his cosplays? watch he'll magically test negative and show up at awesomecon this weekend
No. 217104
File: 1654224692708.jpeg (220.07 KB, 1284x2538, 008E7372-9382-4F26-84CC-4A0BD0…)

Has Covid yet only has cons on his mind while he’s miserable…. Sad.
No. 217110
File: 1654227268203.jpg (339.12 KB, 1080x1920, Loona.jpg)

Did Terry ever show an interest in this kpop group before or is he just going so he can creep on young women?
No. 217116
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>>217051Someone finally said something but they are not directly naming him.
No. 217166
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>>217116It’s a fresh account but someone outed him openly.
No. 217176
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Only after he got called out he opened up with a long ass excuse.
No. 217181
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>>217176his 2nd part to this bs excuse. I highly doubt he contacted every single person he was in contact with at momo considering how many selfies he took. when he takes selfies he sticks around and talks to these people for a while it's not just click and done usually…
hiding your covid exposure is selfish because it doesn't just affect the people you were in contact with. if you're in a crowd, it affects everyone there even if you don't personally know everyone there idiot
No. 217187
>>217181>>217182this is way worse than i expected. fucking terry i wish you have long covid so we can keep the zoomers from you.
he only cares about his close friends (zoomer girls) Randos who high five him? they can all die. I'm so angry reading these caps
No. 217190
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He is trying to defend himself on Twitter but it’s not helping. Putting that you have covid on a Twitter that no one follows is not contacting people.
No. 217191
>>217110>>217129ew, he definitely wants to go to meet zoomers. fuck, stay out of kpop. it's insane enough
>>217117Never looked at it this way until now. So true. he has no sense of danger because he's a male.
No. 217193
>>217116I hate vague posts like this. Just say Terry.
>>217166I hope Terry gets dragged
No. 217196
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>>217193I’m curious how he’s going to get out of this one.
No. 217202
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so now people who call others out for endangering others are trolls? okay Terry
No. 217204
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>>217196This is so satisfying to watch honestly.
No. 217205
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>>217204I’m loving how people are referencing his age knowing full well it kills him inside.
No. 217214
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>>217209Pow right in the kisser.
(to the moon, retard) No. 217248
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“PredaterryHall” is killing me.
No. 217328
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>>217248Bro whoever this is please fucking stop cowtipping
No. 217330
>>217328This is cringy as fuck. Just let him catch flack for hiding his Covid status, which is deserved.
I wonder if his weird creeping is so far removed from the girls he’s actually creeping on that they don’t have any real stories. Or if they just think he’s a well meaning retard. If they think he’s actually retarded they might be afraid of looking like heartless assholes
No. 217340
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They enraged him
No. 217357
>>217340Yikes.. I agree that this twitter account was cringe but the way he just demands "Report it" shows you that he is aware that the terriers will do anything he asks.
And learn how to read Terry it says 40 in sept. not 40 currently you retard.
No. 217361
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Some antivax weeb twitter account is referring to Terry as she and saying that it was just con flu
No. 217371
>>217361Either this is a mega retard that doesn’t know who they are defending, or Terry has started telling people in-person that he is now a she/they.
In the past Terry has said he doesn’t mind being called “she” when wearing female cosplays, but I don’t think he even dressed as girls during momocon. He was already crossdressing with Forever21 clothing, maybe he was testing the waters at con and told zoomers that he is a “she”.
No. 217432
>>217214Cowtipping is against the rules, Falco, we can see it's your tweet here with the statistics button.
Terry was never careful as he claims, he never wore n95 masks, and always wears masks incorrectly with them half off his face.
No. 217491
>>217432Even if he was wearing an n95 correctly he was still putting his egg head so damn close to the other people that transmission is still a risk.
Terry is so desperate to show himself close to his young female "friends" that he can't control himself in the middle of a pandemic.
No. 217492
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Terry this doesn't even apply to you because you buy all your cosplays from china.
No. 217676
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Holy shit this actually describes Terry perfectly.(sage your shit)
No. 218162
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I want to bash his brains in because the irony
No. 218172
>>218162Terry is a man in his late 30s that has roomed alone with a 17 year old.
I really wonder if he is genuine with his concerns or he is just virtue signaling to make people think he is innocent and not a predator.
No. 218757
>>218484He’s mostly just shared pictures of cosplayers.
He did share the news of AX dropping the vaccination/negative test requirements but didn’t comment on it. I guess he’s given up pretending to be concerned
No. 218811
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>>218757he shared it saying "wow AX" as if he's surprised or actually cares, but you know he doesnt. he's going to go to the con and shove his face in as many zoomers faces as he can and rip his mask off as soon as one foot steps outside because that's how covid works
No. 219308
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the boob part sagging is so awkward looking. it doesn't fit you well because you're not female. you don't have boobs to fill in that part of the cosplay.
No. 219336
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just get a cat already
No. 219389
>>219336just fucking get a cat. sick of him putting cat pics just for attention.
I thought the new account is for cosplay only? dumb ass just making shit hard for himself.
No. 219409
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only self tested and refused to get a professional to swab him to ensure he’s not continue to spread
Great work Terry
No. 219966
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what a loser. Sadly everything about you is Not a lie Terry.
No. 219996
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lmao I called this bs with my friends when he said he wasn't going to even try for a room and just going to do day trips. what an ass
No. 220056
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What does this even mean???
No. 220080
>>219966looks like you didn't get purged. congrats! I never understood why he migrated his account to TC Hall. Now I'm starting to understand. He doesn't want rando digging thorough his old
problematic statuses.
He's too dumb to realize it won't work and he's just wasting time moving shit around for nothing.
No. 220300
>>220229It’s more that he keeps saying he’s going to retire from cosplay or “step back” or whatever and he never does. Because I think he realizes that this is the only way to get any social interaction.
He’s got to be an autist. He just does not understand normal social interactions and that most people only talk to him to be polite. I’ve never met the guy in person but everything I’ve read makes it seem like he just goes to cons, sees someone he knows, follows them around until they make an excuse to ditch him, rinse and repeat. I know a guy (actually diagnosed with autism) who does the same thing and I try my best to avoid him because it’s annoying as fuck. I’m sure most people feel the same about Terry.
No. 220323
>>220300I’ve met him IRL a handful of times, my first thought was that he’s definitely in the spectrum.
He asked me for selfies and was always wandering around alone. I do remember he only asked me and not my friend who was standing next to me even though we were cosplaying from the same series. Looking back it’s probably because my friend was a few years older than me and out of his target age range. Creepy as fuck.
No. 220354
Girl I’m going to try and be nice to you because i know everyone else won’t but you need to just read this thread and the ones before it. This thread is #4 so there are 3 prior ones. It’s always the same stuff being said over and over again, just added evidence. The biggest thing is that Terry is a creep. I would guess that you are a girl (or look like a girl, regardless of what you choose to identify as) and are under the age of 26. This is the typical demographic of who he hangs out with, even though he is almost 40. Recently he admitted to rooming with a 17 year old at a con. Why would a masculine middle aged person hang out with almost exclusively younger girls? Why would he call himself asexual but post/share sexual fanart of characters? Why would he be so insecure about his age, constantly trying to mislead people into thinking he’s younger (writing “25+“ in his bio, etc)? If someone says “Terry is almost 40” he gets weird and has to point out that he’s not yet 40. He’s 39 which is the same thing obviously, but he won’t say that, he’ll only say that he’s not 40. Aside from that creepiness, Terry is an attention seeker, narcissistic sometimes, has bad hygiene (bathes with dish soap…. ew) and constantly humblebrags about how much money he has.
Make your own conclusions but read the threads before you ask questions and be careful putting your name and email on here like that because people here are not going to be nice to you.
No. 220578
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back at it again with the fake boobs. this is his 3rd time buying some right? why won't he give up
No. 220588
>>220578He always chooses C cup for some reason.
What happened to the other fake boobs he bought? Did he rip through those like everything else he gets? He doesn’t even wear the fake boobs outside (that I remember), we only get a couple of photos with him wearing them and then never see them again. I don’t understand why he feels the need to buy multiple. This money could go towards a quality wig or cosplay instead, but Terry is too stupid for that.
No. 220795
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Some of my favorite post he been making
No. 220796
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No. 220809
>>220795This is the exact opposite of his post where he refused to lend anyone money even if their card gets stolen. And why is the man who constantly brags about how much money he has making a post that implies he asks people for money at cons anyways?
>>220800Sounds like a roundabout way of saying people can pay for him if they ask him out to dinner like it's a date.
No. 220817
>>220795i re-read this and I don't get the first part. His goal is housing people for free at cons? When people split rooms they're not spending money on you, terry. They're paying their fair share of lodging.
I really don't like where this is heading
No. 220875
>>220817I think he’s trying to seem magnanimous, like he never asks anyone for money. But I’m pretty sure he does ask people to pay their share for hotels (he said in his rule list that he pays more, but I took that as him paying more because he won’t share a bed). If he’s not asking people to pay for the hotels, that is nice of him, I will give him that. But they have to deal with him all weekend and probably hang out with him a bit so that’s a different kind of payment lol. The dinner thing is just weird, I think he’s trying to say if someone wanted to offer to pay for his dinner, he would be ok with it, and would reciprocate? It’s hard to know for sure because he words things so weirdly. I do hope he’s not trying to get people to pay for his dinners when he refuses to pay for anyone else, I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but he’s so weird it’s hard to know. I think he wants to go to dinner with his friends at cons and instead of just asking them, he’s being passive aggressive.
Terry, if you read this… offer to take your friends to dinner. It doesn’t have to be a 5 star place, but if you take 2-3 friends to a regular chain restaurant it will be under $100 and you’ll seem a lot nicer and not greedy. It’s ok to not want to give people money all the time, but sharing with friends is something most people with the means want to do.
No. 221003
>>220354nta but I just wanna say thank you for helping the newfriend, I was worried she was gonna get fucked up
why do people insist on dancing around calling him out? that sort of shit is disgusting in itself. like just fucking say his name and point him out. everyone knows at this point
No. 221119
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a Terry Hall story in two pictures
>brings up new popular series "but I won't cosplay"
>gets a couple of comments to cosplay
>3 days later "who do you think I would look good as from new popular series" poll. probably hasn't even watched series yet
No. 221165
>>221134Fucking kek.
I absolutely hate how he just buys whatever is on the front page of Miccostumes and calls it a day. Like, minimal effort on all levels and then expects everyone to praise him.
No. 221230
>>221003Yeah I was worried too lol it’s honestly sad to me. From her typing style, what she wrote, her name, and the character referenced in her email, it’s easy to guess that she’s in Terry’s “target group” and in my eyes that makes her a
victim or a potential
victim and I would like girls like that to be safe. I know other people on here don’t see it like that though and they would attack her or dox her because she did make it pretty easy for them to do that
No. 221282
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>>221237Yeah, the comment is missing. A girl commented this using her name and email address visible. It kind of sounds like she’s on the verge of a breakthrough rather than actually whiteknighting him.
No. 221336
>>221282Being as cripplingly autistic as terry really is a
valid reason to stay away from him imo
No. 221348
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Night and day.
No. 221368
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>>221348but he wants to go lighter than that. does he not see that going lighter will not match at all?
No. 221371
>>221368it looks like a good match. but terry hates being black and is in denial of how dark his skin tone really his.
makes you wonder why these zoomers regard him as some "brave
poc nb crossplayer" when even he hates black people and himself.
No. 221455
File: 1655697873846.jpg (Spoiler Image,87.78 KB, 917x872, skywardpride.JPG)

>>221429It's Skyward Pride, a 5-star Clarymore that is only used by claymore wielders. Estetically though, it looks horrible when paired with anyone other than Yula or Chongyun. Also, I can guarantee he does not have this weapon in game. It is hard af fuck to get in the gachas. I really wish someone would do some sleuthing and find out his world level.
No. 221494
>>221455I knew he doesn’t play the game, he only started because it’s popular, but honestly most of the costhots dressed as Genshin characters don’t. I know most of the people cosplaying FGO didn’t play or know anything about Fate, so this would be no different.
It seems stupid to carry around such a big prop when it’s not even a good match for the characters.
No. 222261
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>”I have undiagnosed mental illness so people should be more understanding of me being a massive creep uwu”
No. 222273
>>222261>I may not be properly diagnosedYou haven’t even been to a doctor or therapist to be diagnosed. It’s not a matter of “not properly diagnosed”, you aren’t diagnosed AT ALL.
He really wants to play the “I probably have a disability” card, but is to scared to actually get a diagnosis because he’s ableist.
No. 222501
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how about don't get any pet that you'll end up neglecting or getting rid of the moment it doesn't behave how you want it to? he can't even take care of himself, how does he expect to take care of an animal? he can't just feed it chicken tenders and cupcakes.
No. 222527
>>220875Sorry I know this is an old post but I just had to add that the problem is that Terry doesn't actually have friends, just mutuals he's scooped up over the years that he THINKS are friends just because they like each others Instagram posts on occasion. He would like it if people hung out with him like normal people hang out with their true friends but no one wants to spend more than an hour with him because he constantly talks about himself.
He shot himself in the foot by saying he won't pay for people at cons, while simultaneously talking about how much money he makes, and then turns around and says "teehee you can pay for my dinner if you want! I /might/ pay for a dollar menu item from McDonald's for you!"
>>222501Bro is constantly gone at cons or stalking people at the mall. He can't even bathe himself properly, how is he going to take care of an animal? He won't take himself to a doctor, who's to say he's going to actually take a cat or dog to the vet? Get a fucking plant, Terry.
No. 222738
>>222695I think that’s just an attempt to make him relatable to zoomers. That’s totally something that could happen to zoomers, not an elder millennial.
I highly doubt his family is ok with him having a house full of cosplays and hanging out with teens, but that didn’t stop him
No. 222804
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>>222695My guess is it’s because he and his mom are very critical of his sister having pets, and he doesn’t want his family thinking he’s like his sister
No. 222860
>>222804As another anon said, I guarantee Mom doesn't know about Terry befriending minors online. That's what they should be concerned about and would make the sister with debt and animals look like nothing.
A grown ass adult complaining about his sister's expenses while buying plane tickets, hotel rooms, dozens of costumes, games, and redone rooms in a house is stupid too. We get it, Terry. You're better off than your sister being a hard working coward and groomer.
No. 222980
>>222804Well now we have a better idea of why he never wants to spend even a small amount of money on anyone but himself. He’s autistic so it makes sense that he would take that rule to the extreme and apply it to everyone instead of just his sister
>>222861>I bet all the uwu ultra super bad things Terry mentioned she did happened years and years agoThat’s the vibe I got too. He mentions vandalizing a teacher’s house. That sounds like something from high school and if she’s around terry’s age, then that had to have happened at least 25 years ago.
He also says she did drugs once. Once. He throws it out there like that makes her such a bad person, but a lot of people try a drug once at a young age. She clearly didn’t turn into an addict or that’s something Terry would’ve jumped on and made sure to mention
No. 223200
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So uwu
No. 223228
>>223200>I am very queerThrew up in my mouth a little. Imagine how insane he looks without the filters. A near 40-year-old man, wrinkles and all, wearing short-shorts and fishnets while lurking in the corner of Hot Topic and Forever21, waiting to prey on the next zoomer that walks in. I wonder if any anon could ever catch him in the wild?
>>223220>They/Them pinLooks “queer” by spicy straight and TRA standards, which is low. Just got to wear pins or look retarded, which he does. Anyone actually calling themselves “queer” is an idiot anyway.
No. 223233
>>223200He’s so afraid of his family finding things out about him, does he just filter out his family on these statuses?
He honestly boggles my mind because for the most part he seems way too retarded to create these plans to attract young girls. Does he think dressing like them will attract them? Does he actually like these clothes? Autistic people tend to relate to younger people because they’re not emotionally mature. So maybe it’s a matter of him not being able to relate to people his age.
No. 223239
>>223200he has one go to outfit to look "queer" and doesn't even look anything except creepy. I think we went over this in a previous thread but it really is like he googled "gay teen fashion" and picked little bits from the top pictures to go off of
>>223233he isn't adding family or work to this Facebook, but I'm sure with his old one he was blocking them all from these kinds of posts. can't let them find out he's baiting zoomers at malls
No. 223297
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>>223200Gross. He just reminds me of the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, when he dresses in "kid-friendly" clothes to lure them to him.
No. 223316
>>223307It’s a combination of factors I think.
1.) He has a big head. Like his whole head, not just the forehead.
2.) He has a big forehead too.
3.) His hairline is receding so his forehead is bigger than it used to be.
4.) His build makes his head look large.
All of these factors lead to him looking like a literal bobble head.
No. 223331
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The prop is disgusting to look at when matched with this cos
No. 223336
>>223331This cosplay looks so gross on him. Also, this isn't the first time he's tried to draw attention to his crotch, as seen by thread pic.
>debate rather to bring herI guess cosplay is different nowadays, but why bother buying a whole outfit, plus a wig, and shoes, if you aren't even going to wear it to a convention. Seems like a waste of money to buy all of this stuff just to take photos for validation.
No. 223345
>>223331He always uses “rather” as if it’s interchangeable with “whether”
I know this is a ridiculous thing to be annoyed over, but I’ve seen him doing it on such a frequent basis that I can’t just ignore it. Once again, how tf is this man an engineer?
No. 223379
>>223336Not sure how most people do it, I make my costumes so I obviously wear them multiple times and my friends who buy costumes wear them multiple times as well, but Terry buys so many costumes that he probably can’t wear them all to conventions even though he goes to them like every weekend.
I’m guessing he just wants validation from kids that he’ll look amazing in it and has already decided what costumes to bring.
I wonder if I’ll see him at AX. I’m too old for him to go after for selfies or whatever but I’ll try to get a candid if I see him in the wild
No. 223997
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Xiao wigs are gross and crispy
No. 224031
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>>223997There are so many amazing Xiao cosplays out there, and yet he still wants to cosplay him for clout even though he has zero talent in the simplest of things like wig styling. Does he even have a spear/polearm weapon, or is he going to carry around a sword? lul.
picrel, the interwebs are full of so many random good Xiaos. Why would you publicly humiliate yourself like this Terry?
No. 224366
>>224353We’ll the base wigs are part of the problem because they’re not big enough for his head which ends up making his forehead look bigger.
I wonder if he would get any difference in reception if he actually paid to commission nice costumes and wigs? Of course he seems to think that everyone loves him anyway.
No. 224426
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Such an inconvenience for the amazing Terry that everyone needs to talk to.
No. 224557
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>>220578he wont give up because that's the only boobs he will ever get to touch and caress..while he wears it.
Put the lotion on the skin
File: 1656711299454.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1284x1596, 064C2C97-C7BC-478E-8ACD-1769CF…)

He has arrived at linecon
No. 224984
>>224919Comparing this to this cosplayer
>>224031 has me rolling. He looks so bad. Like holyshit, you're supposedly a cosplayer of 10+ years and this is the best you got? That wig alone is amateur-tier
No. 225013
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these are two completely different people. how do people irl actually recognize him without all the filters
No. 225060
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Day 1 recap.
Like Terry if you listened to those that attended AX before they would have told you it has always been crowded and a shit show.
No. 225107
>>225060"dropped his mask" how did he drop his mask if he's wearing it inside? Terry, you got covid a month ago, at least try to be a little less reckless
He got there thursday afternoon. What did he do all day? It's not his first rodeo. should have gotten the wrist band on thursday instead of friday
No. 225112
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>>225060I'm confused about the Miku gloves. That design/cosplay has more what you would call armbands, not gloves, so his fingers should be free to use? Is he that inept that he can't wear an armband right?
No. 225180
>>225013those damn toe fingers…so gross. terry already got fake boobs and fake hips, fake nails might make his sausage hands look less disgusting.
also, this wig is one of his better ones but I think that's only because he wore it straight out of the package and didn't style it with dried up cum.
>>225110sometimes I think terry purposely goes to cons he hates, just so he has something to complain about on facebook. terry wants any amount of attention and pity.
>>225013>>225121>could not put anything in its gloveswhy did this moron think you could store shit in arm warmers? does he think they're pockets or something? damn he's inept.
No. 225232
File: 1656794196276.jpeg (1.95 MB, 1284x2234, CB4F7924-D027-4073-A135-20EE4F…)

RIP that wig
No. 225236
>>225180He said “could do not anything in the gloves” which…. This dude went to college, how does he have such a questionable gasp of the English language? But anyway, I think he was trying to say he couldn’t do anything in the gloves. My guess is that they were too tight and it made it hard to bend his arms or something.
The fact that he is complaining about lines at AX is ridiculous. It’s always been a line con, anyone who’s ever gone can tell you that. I’d give someone who had never gone the benefit of the doubt but he’s gone many times and knows better. Since he only wants to creep on kids he should just hang out outside
No. 225282
File: 1656802853641.jpeg (720.97 KB, 1284x836, 24F1181C-D2AF-4DAB-933B-13B25F…)

Yuffie’s 29 according to their IG profile
No. 225518
File: 1656858037035.jpg (135.09 KB, 1057x476, Screenshot_20220703-101627_Fac…)

He's been so fixated on his stupid small they/them pin, it's ridiculous. He's not special enough so he had to have that to be valid.
Not to mention he is so dumb for wearing a cosplay like Xiao to a crowded con like AX. What did he think would happen? I mean did he look at the video and images from AX's crowd??
No. 225552
>>225518Maybe this wouldn't happen if he tried on his costumes at home first for once
I like how he made a "cosplay" account but has private lists set for specific friends still
No. 225789
File: 1656944883670.jpeg (2.4 MB, 1284x2224, 4B8749CE-0208-4FB7-B2A1-3036D7…)

Unfortunate looking… he never fails to make himself look stumpy.
No. 225892
>>225789Jesus how did he make boot covers that look so bad??? Why didn’t he just buy some cheap boots that are the right height and attach the armor to it? It looks like he made the boot covers out of fleece, I doubt Vincent wears essentially slippers. I get that sewing vinyl is tough but what on earth made him think fleece was a good choice?
I will say that he looks better in this costume than any of the other ones he’s worn lately just because it’s age and gender appropriate for Terry. The makeup looks stupid but other than that it’s a good choice for him cosplay wise. A million times better than girls or twinks.
No. 225898
>>225850All the quality armor tutorials out there and he chose not to use a single one.
Imagine that you're a young zoomer who looks up to Terry (Hard, I know) finally meeting him irl and you get this busted looking 40 year old man wearing felt ass clown shoes.
No. 226016
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No. 226041
File: 1657008376394.jpeg (189.19 KB, 1284x449, EEAFE616-B401-416F-B0CF-09355D…)

He’s so famous folks recognize him!
Probably to insult you behind your back.
No. 226071
>>226041>>226059This. I witnessed this at a con. He was talking this cosplayer to death. After he took a selfie and left, the cosplayer turned to her friend and said she saw him on tiktok or something and made a disgusting face.
It’s really sad he lived off all these random encounters and they’re not even real. This dude is almost 40.
No. 226079
>>226030His social skills aren’t developed, so what he considers “a friend” is anybody who he encounters and chats with for less than 5 minutes. Or like some other anons said, he thinks anybody he takes a selfie with (willfully or forced) is now his friend.
It’s something kids grow out of…instead of a kid saying “hey I made a friend at the park today!”, this is a 40-year-old man saying “hey I made friends at the con today!!1”.
No. 226157
File: 1657046759118.jpeg (965.03 KB, 1284x2213, 3E01F143-5DCE-4948-A48B-CD3969…)

None of them Terry.
No. 226250
File: 1657062383542.jpeg (978.06 KB, 1284x2207, 6260844A-E92F-4F64-BFAD-4C68BC…)

Sir you were literally maskless with your friends at AX where many are testing positive for Covid…
I can’t with this turd
No. 226272
>>226228kind of, but he posted "girly" shopping hauls with a lot more frequency before. now, not so much. for example
>>208802there was a time where he was going on and on about "muh small waist" and being so skinny he had to buy women's pants. there was a lot of these posts in the last thread.
but maybe when con season is over, he'll go back to lurking in the mall and getting what he thinks are "crop tops" from the teen section.
No. 226273
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No. 226300
File: 1657076178412.png (Spoiler Image,229.6 KB, 600x307, Hefty_S_MltiPrps_LBB.png)

>>226273how fitting that his garbage cosplay looks like it was made out of garbage bags.
No. 226553
File: 1657147888325.jpeg (329.73 KB, 1284x1092, 0F76227E-19B3-4D21-B397-DDCC9A…)

So much for relaxing on the cons.
No. 226573
File: 1657151765533.jpeg (2.13 MB, 1284x2593, 3F7321D2-21E9-4726-88BF-5CE573…)

Just realized that his cloak/cape doesn’t even go up and cover his mouth like it is supposed to.
No. 226579
>>226573>jeans>button-up shirt>ratty stringy wig>those shoesthis vincent isn't that much better, but maybe terry was trying to avoid posing with well-made cosplays, so it wouldn't make his look even worse than it does.
also damn look at that nose contour. literal drag. you can see the dark contour line, and then the streak of highlighter. looking like michael jackson's nose.
No. 226582
>>226579The kiddo on the right is 19 compared to Terry’s 40… I’d give them a break for still being a rookie.
Either way… Terry’s back on doing polls on what his next Genshin cos should be and many are saying Sara(?)
No. 226706
>>226573>>226705This! When I saw him sharing this in the stories, I immediately knew he shared it because he’s proudly comparing his trash cosplay to this 19 yo’s.
I can’t really place it, but his Vincent just screams trash to me for some reason.
No. 226729
>>226715No one is saying the kid's cosplay is
good, everyone is just agreeing that his is better compared to the supposed veteran.
No. 226757
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I know he's admitted cosplaying things for popularity sake before, but its gross and embarrassing that he relies on the opinions of zoomers to tell himself "I don't like this anymore because young girls don't like it on me."
He might as well throw away every old rpg cosplay he has too since they don't know what they are or care.
No. 227147
File: 1657293162096.jpg (423.37 KB, 1080x1883, Screenshot_20220708-110959_Ins…)

if you're not into dating why would you care? also that doesn't sound like you were dating that girl, it sounds like you had a crush on her and she took advantage of that.
No. 227217
>>227147Also it was 10 years ago. "And thus I decided to never be into dating again because an older than me woman was awful to me and wanted to use her own money how she wanted. I chose to remain celibate until my YOUNGER than me princess arrives. Could it be you???"
Like the thing with his sister. He clings to things and won't move on.
No. 227276
File: 1657306418782.jpg (444.72 KB, 1046x1364, Screenshot_20220708-145240_Fac…)

Yet another return on fake tits. I wish this 40 year old would just buying them. He clearly doesn't know anything about women's boobs.
No. 227278
>>227147“A few turned me down in high school so I gave up :(“
Why are men always like this. Everyone gets turned down several times in their lifetime, it’s not a big deal.
No. 227336
File: 1657315903534.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1284x2138, 4357D6C6-03A7-4359-8EEE-433DDF…)

Oops such a mistake :(
No. 227353
>>227336Dude what the hell, Terry this ain’t something you take a photo of and post
>no one would ever date meThis right here is one of the reasons why
No. 227371
File: 1657321381007.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1284x2236, 6581EFDA-7356-45C5-BBBC-008976…)

Yes because maybe you’re only good to complain to or maybe they think you’ll swoop them up and treat them like a princess
No. 227409
File: 1657325392030.jpeg (473.01 KB, 1284x1056, 5CAD8DD4-D3A0-4BC3-B49C-21A790…)

>>227276Like… stop being such a fucking cheapskate Terry
No. 227415
>>227371>it’s sus when single people talk to meWhat a weird thing to complain about. Most people are single, I would think. Doesn’t mean they’re looking to date or even want to be with you.
He always seems to be scared of being used or something. Doesn’t even want to bother hearing his friends vent. He always has to be paid or else he’s being “used”.
No. 227548
>>227409maybe I'm missing something. so he had a C at some point and returned it, and now want to get a C again?
Also, did he have all three breastplate in his photo at the same time? i can't believe dealers haven't banned him yet. what an asshole.
No. 227842
File: 1657432615129.jpeg (1.87 MB, 1284x2184, 478E03C5-FF67-4C12-8696-3B1D92…)

Don’t understand what he means by feeling good outside of a con…?
Anyone understand it?
No. 227865
>>227842Terry probably means he didn’t get very bad con crud (cold or sickness after coming in contact with lots of people at a con) this time around.
>>212218 Maybe this for thread pic? Or a funny pic.
No. 227951
>>227842he really seem to prefer the con crowd over on the west coast (Kumoricon, sakura, AX) over his local cons. I wonder why. he just bought badge for Kumoricon.
Just movewest already, terry. We don't want you here in the DMV area.
No. 228102
>>228056I wish these zoomers he creeps on would call him out but they’re too afraid because he claims to be non binary? Non binary people can be creeps too. Does he actually not do anything that could get him called out?
Of course if he did get called out he’d probably suddenly have autism but was too afraid to share or something.
No. 228107
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Expert prop maker at it again.
No. 228174
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is he ever going to actually wear these at a con or are these always just going to be for "tests"… not that I would ever want him to wear them out in public, but it just seems so attention grabby and money wasting to just play around with them