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No. 57663
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She just posted a new cover of "Habits" on soundcloud aka the "i gotta stay high all the time" song. Very different from her old stuff.
No. 58176
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People keep saying she was raped on da MDMA and didn't report it because she liked it while her boyfriend was being a pussy about it. Now she dicloses to her close friends about rape fantasies.
Can anyone confirm this? It's funny.
No. 59757
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we need more yukapees dirty deets then we lose purpose of what makes a lolcow
No. 59771
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I still want to know who this guy really is. A random old dude she fucked then got a std? calling bullshit that its akira.
No. 59811
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old PULL stuff
No. 59978
>>59969Oh sorry, I messed up. Thanks a lot for the correction. It's getting late here and I'm a bit tired I guess.
>>59971I remember seeing a stream, in which her mother mentioned, that she (her mother) didn't even mention to her friends that she returned to Austria. It really seemed strange to me.
No. 60007
>>60000Thanks alot for the information. She seems to act really insecure. By sticking to the popular girl, she's able to look down on the rest, and abuse her virtual power.
I think this really fits into the image I have of her in my head…
No. 60028
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>>60026The url doesn't matter after all.
No. 60073
>>60066I just looked at the article in German and you don't need your high school Diploma ( in Austria it's called Matura, you get it after 13 years of school9 to do it.
>Die Normalform der Höheren Abteilungen wird ebenfalls in der Regel nach der achten Schulstufe besucht. Die fünfjährige Ausbildung schließt mit der Reife- und Diplomprüfung ab.Shitty translation: Normally you go to the HTL after 8 years of school, if you manage to pass you get your diploma.
There are also forms you are able to visit if you got your Matura. In that case you don't have to visit all the semesters.
If you ask me, according to the time she spend in Japan she doesn't have it. Like I mentioned earlier I'm German, and here, unless you're a fucking braniac you can't get the required diploma unless you are (now it's a year less, for younger people) at least 19.
No. 60078
>>60076Tschuldige, ich glaub ich hab heute ein Bierchen zu viel gezischt aber wir hatten Klausur und naja…
Do you have any more information about her? It seems like you know her quite well.
No. 60088
>>60083Hauptschule in Austria is different than in Germany tho but they replaced it with the "Neue Mittelschule" starting from fall 2012.
Hauptschule usually was visited by those who rather wanted to get a Lehrstelle than going to uni. You are done with school after 9 years.
No. 60092
>>60088Thanks for the explanation. We had the same idea in Germany, but frankly, if you go to a Hauptschule these days you're kinda fucked for life. But well besides that it's the same, basicly:
Hauptschule- Done after 8 years (manual labour)
Realschule - Done after 9 years (bit better manual labour)
Gymnasium - Done after 12/13 years( depending on the state- university)
Gesammtschule - Varies depending on your grades.
Anyway based on the theme of this a bit more smut for us?
No. 60100
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>>60092Not much, only things I mentioned here before.
No. 60204
>>59767there wont be any idol like yukapon.
We're not talking about her ugly true self. She started the imouto akihabara aidoru weeaboos wanna follow. she made her own path. She had a lot of influence tbh she was qt, had a slim body, spoke japanese, had jap songs, did skitches, she made it more fan than all the others youve made lol they meant her idol image.
No. 60217
>>60204>imouto aidoruSo many girls in Japan so this, she didn't start anything. At the time she started making videos the whole "imouto" thing caught like fire with weebs.
>spoke Japanese Ally & Sally, Keekihime and a few other people speak at her level or better.
>had original songsAminyan
>slim bodyBeckii Cruel
>did SketchesThis was creative but all of them were written and directed by Akira. Don't give her that much credit. Mami Morinaga who she also copied is known for sketches like this.
Yukapon didn't create Akiba idols, and as much as I know weebs copy her I'm tired of people acting like Yuka was some revolutionary lol.
No. 60220
>>60213I'm pretty sure I once read on one of Yuka's blogs years ago that when she went to Japan, someone mistook her for Beckii Cruel.
Plus Beckii actually made it to Japanese TV, was in various "professional" photoshoots in Nipland, and may actually have had a future in this aidoru shit if it weren't for either her arrogance or her manager being a shady fuck, depending on how you look at things.
No. 60232
>>60220Beckii could have had more than 15 minutes of fame but the main problem was that she knew no Japanese and pronounciation was horrid. She could appeal to otaku which she did, but being mainstream would've been a challenge.
Yukapon's Japanese was pretty ok, she was skinny, and had a decent face. These aren't unique feats. I don't know why people consider her appealing to pedophiles as an "accomplishment".
No. 60303
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Meh, this thread sucks. Looks like a shitty attempt to give Keeki a little bit of fame with the help of Yukapee's drama. Even the image used shows Keeki more than our beloved Yukapee. Stop asking what she's doing, we don't give a fuck about Keeki's miserable life. One slut for thread pls.
No. 60937
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Admin should delete this thread, now it's all about Keeki.
No. 67437
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Where did she get the money from for this…
No. 67842
>>60217Also im talking about aidoru. Why the fuck bring beckii, ally &ally in this?
90% of girls that want to be aidoru have heard of yukas story and want a randoseru like her. Denying she was very popular and influenced the gaijin aidoru thing is dumb.
Nobody claimed yuka made idols
No. 67869
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"It's happening!!!! Extensions♥
#shibuya #salon #gaijingyaru #tokyolife #blondie"
And no Yuka, you aren't blonde.
No. 73279
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those pictures look… kinda terrible what is she doing
No. 75698
>>60212To be fair, she had one thing that Himeko didn't; she was cute.
>>60234>Implying anyone in Japan still knows or cares about Beckii>>60232No, she was terrible at singing (have you heard "You Can't Kiss me"?), her dancing was subpar, and her looks were nothing special. The only things she had going for her was her viral video and the fact that she was a gaijin.
No. 75707
>>75696ughhhh yukapee just tries TOO hard its so fucking annoying.
also maybe cuz its im a weeb and asian fetishist but girl beside her is a lot cuter
No. 75712
>>75696Best part was the "we love dakota" comment. Not sure if it was a troll or not.
Also, Yukapon's eyebrows make her look kinda like a chola. She needs to get them redone if she wants to look like a kawaii imouto.
No. 77909
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Her friend Robin seems kind of obsessed with her.
Robin used to have a bunch of jpop dance covers on her youtube, but deleted them all and left only the yukapon vids
No. 77934
>>75698>her looks were nothing specialShe's a gaijin, anon. She looks alien-like to Japanese people.
Most aidorus can't sing anyway, and her shitty, awkward dancing actually made her more endearing (the whole Cruel Angels thing was about white girls being cute, not good dancers lmao). Her popularity actually started waning after she got more serious with her dancing.
No. 81888
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This is kinda cool
No. 81922
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>>77909>>77913I've been wondering for a while now- what exactly is the story with the friendship between Robin and Yuka? They seem like a bit off an odd pair (I don't really know much about Robin, but she always struck me as being sort of wholesome and kind to be friends with Yuka), but they seem to talk about/interact with each other like they're really good friends.
No. 94153
>>93771Now wait I thought there was videos of her sucking some guys dick or something, among others. Just for example, I'm probably wrong but yeah.
But what anon said, someone post that video!
No. 101006
>>100128Lol no they aren't friends. Konno has been doing this segment lately with a lot of models (foreign too).
But wow her Japanese has gotten so good.
No. 102368
>>102355Actually, quite the opposite. I think she looks adorable (I love her current style and hair it's cute) and her speaking/singing is lovely now, plus her dancing looks super polished.
I actually am kind of dreaming that she will make a CD sometime because I would buy the heck of it, I love her singing/covers. She also has really great stage presence and tbh looks amazing, I think she should get some recognition soon to do something more in the spotlight again because let's be real, she is a good performer.
No. 102451
>>102368quite the oppasite?
ok i get if you meant aging well, but she definitely doesn't look younger
No. 102454
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>>102368wait.. buy her CD..
are you being unironic, anon?
are you.. a fan?
No. 102481
>>102355I agree it will be pretty difficult for her considering a lot of people are out to get her. Hopefully she will start to be more careful. But tbh if that korean girl can become a famous lolita model for baby or ap/start her own brand after such a shady past, anyone can.
>>102451Sorry that is what I meant, that she is aging really well and looks great for her age. Isn't she like 20-21? She looks about 18-19, but that is basically the same thing. A year or so ago she definitely didn't look good though, especially when she weighed a lot more/candids with bad lighting like ^. But presently she looks really good.
>>102454Idk what I am, I love her drama and shady past, have had a lot of laughs about it, but I think she sings super well and is adorable.
No. 103426
>>102481>>102481she cannot sing super well and isnt adorable
stop being a kiss ass
or maybe you ARE yuka..
No. 103500
>>103426>or maybe you ARE yuka..Oh wow you are soooooo original anon.
Nope not yuka, nor a friend. I'm sorry that is simply impossible for you to comprehend.
No. 104882
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Yuka starts to look like Venus.
No. 104918
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Bruh. This thread has gone soft.
No. 105013
>>104958i want deets on the "rave gangbang drugs wahhh"
no one provided so far
No. 105216
>>105013pretty much this
>>105206all anyone has to say is that she goes to raves and does drugs and got gangbanged while high. regardless of if it's true or not…honestly so many people go through a party phase at her age that i have to think the people who are offended by that are prudes or 14 years old.
No. 105236
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>>105216She does drugs on raves tho, she was talking about it a lot on her singingprin3ss tumblr.
No. 105281
>>105236Doing drugs /=/ getting gangbanged.
I mean, come on.
No. 112973
File: 1432861830103.jpg (244.63 KB, 500x700, visual.jpg)… this is so horrible. She looks like a sweaty soccer mom.
No. 113064
>>112973Curious about what this website is, just a portal for herself? Or will she start getting more work/opportunities in the spotlight? Kinda rooting for her to keep going and get a bit of fame again and see what she does with it. But I agree, pic is horrible, she looks so much cuter than that pic.
>>113045Really curious as to who her sugar daddy is.
No. 113225
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>>113045It's not a normal cafe but you seem to be a newfag troll in this thread, there have been photos of her work posted.
No. 113448
>>113225"I went to an anime bar with my friends and everyone! It's really interesting! There's not anything like this in America!" works at yaneura. No. 113516
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>>113485And back when she was going for a loli aidoru i Remember something about her on the cabbage soup diet(pic is from the blog entry where she said it) and how on her old tumblr she said she would eat super small portions. There was also a point where she went on a 500 calorie for 3 day kinda diet
No. 113893
>>113614She's not aging well to me anon. No one will ever truly love her, which is sad. She's not cute anymore imo. She looks anorexic and disgusting. I mean come on man. Big nose, symtermical granny aging genes much showing and she has a personality of a bar skank. Treats people poorly, too.
As to where she's getting the money, probably cam whoring or making use of her pussy to japanese business men. Girls like her would fuck her way to the top even if it's a shitty career. Djing…. LOL, her IQ is so low I can't even.
But if people still like her than that's your thing.
No. 113997
>>113893I actually think she is super cute now, way cuter than a few years ago. She really doesn't have a big nose. If you think that is big, then damn, you must think the entire western idol and lolita community are identical to nigel thornberry.
Her snaps on instagram don't always catch her best angles, but she looked super cute in that morning dance video and her recent pics have actually been pretty cute.
>anorexic and disgustingYou sound like a jealous fatty, she doesn't look anorexic, she actually looks petite and thin. Anorexic would mean she looks sickly, has sunken features, thinning hair, and bones poking out everywhere. She looks thin yes, but it still fits her height and actually has a pretty ideal body type.
You also sound like one of the handful of people who keep beating the "SHE'S A WHORE" crap to death. Her parents clearly have money, are you blind? And it is quite normal for parents to pay for college/university and living expenses like rent and such.
Idk, I can't judge about how she has recently been treating people since things have been pretty quiet regarding her, but even though I love her drama there is a difference between loling at something actually worth laughing about and being thirsty, which is how posts like yours come across.
No. 114025
>>113524>>113485her legs so slim and adorable.
she has a kind of round face so i wonder if she gains weight easily hence the dieting OR if she is just really unhealthy and causing the bloated face
she cute tho
No. 114337
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Damn, she looks pretty cute with dark hair again. I think her figure is really cute too, not disgusting at all.
No. 114560
>>114524I know her irl, she is very skinny yet keeps "dieting". For sure has an ED.
>>114540Her family is toxic. Nobody would send their teen daughter to be with a strange man on the other side of the world. Akira actually was in his 40s as Yuka said, but even if he was in his mid 20s like he claimed why would her parents be so eager?
Also Yuka was never famous in Japan. Ever. She had a big following but she wasn't even an e celeb. Yuka isn't necessarily a bad person, but she has major mental issues because of he family. Her step dad also touched her which is where her obsession of pedos comes from. A lot of you are willing to look past her mental issues because she's totes kawaii.
No. 114574
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>>114560So she could earn money to pay of debts of course.
No. 114587
>>114574If you're trying to censor names, couldn't you at least blur better or put black boxes over the names? I can still see the names. Her mom's name isn't Courtney.
>>114560Do you have anything that backs up the claim her stepdad touched her?
No. 114602
>>114599Schneider is her stepdad's last name.
>>114585So Mr. Schneider didn't get a new spouse?
Their house is almost upper middle class. I would've thought they had more money to burn. The house belonged to Schneider for 20 years.
No. 114608
>>114605I thought you were talking about her mom's name being changed from Courtney to what it is now or vice versa. I didn't see what you were responding to so I didn't know you were talking about Yukapon's username.
So her name really is not Courtney. I know it isn't.
No. 115088
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This thread it's getting so full of "omgshessssooocuuute" that now it's clear that Yuka, a friend or Keeki are here. And the one who said that people don't care about her old drama etc made it even more obvious. Congrats.
I'm pretty sure she's in the pro-ana shit. Nick said that getting fat was one of her worst nightmares and that she was obsessed from that.
Anyway do you really think she's earning all that money for brand, kawaii stuff, parties and shit just working in a crappy maid cafè? Seriously… and who's that japboy she calls oniichan?
A fucked up family it's so common in 2015 that it's not the best excuse to use in cases like this. She's just a sick manipulative whore with pedophiliac fantasies.
No. 115106
>>115088of all people i dont think keeki would be here WKing yuka.
she cried in a niconiconama where people voted yuka to be cuter than keeki. keeki resents yuka a lot
No. 115586
File: 1433226379253.jpg (122.2 KB, 1065x639, lol.jpg)

I've never heard of a lolitesque harajuku fashion style where you should use nicknames like "daddyslittlegirl" , claim you're an ephebophile, "casually" show your panties for old men on webcam, open up a tumblr reblogging lolicon stuff and those creepy pics with mens and little girls etc.
Did you forgot what she used to do with Nick?
>>115272Sorry anon for muh paranoid PULL self, I should spam this whole thread with how cute, loli and kawaii desu Yuka is. Our beloved real life 2D waifu will never age like ugly humans do.
Forgive our jelly soul, we know that everything she does it's because of bad parents. Even earthquakes are caused by bad parenting.
Oh, and I forgot to say that I'd like to see her having some hardcore sex with Keeki. Cross your fingers ladies, maybe one day someone will publish a YukaXKeeki doujinshi. Hooray.
It's ok now, dear anon?
No. 115634
>>115586>I've never heard of a lolitesque harajuku fashion style where you should use nicknames like "daddyslittlegirl" , claim you're an ephebophile, "casually" show your panties for old men on webcam, open up a tumblr reblogging lolicon stuff and those creepy pics with mens and little girls etc.Did you forgot what she used to do with Nick?
You seem to forget how many years ago that was and her style isn't like that anymore since ages anyways so idk what you are talking about and yes, nymphet fashion DOES exist in Japan, it's called Neo Lolita and even the popular model Amo calls herself the No1 fan of the book Lolita (she even wears badges she is in the book's fanclub), yet nobody makes a drama out of it.
No. 115663
>>115642Not the same anon but't see anything loli tho, most of the stuff is gyaru.
No. 115676
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>>115586I haven't. Ephebophile tumblr was clearly nick's because I followed both singprincess and him. People forget that he was obviously her daddy all along for a short time before she left for japan then got a new daddy. He did not want anything to do with her when he found out and hated the whole DDlg and wanted a normal relationship she couldn't give so he discarded her and ended up tapping some new under age pussy. That nigga was too stupid to see all she was ever after was his money.
Nick said to me months ago that he got out of the lolicon stuff but yukapee kept forcing it on him and calling him daddy or "pedo daddy" and sending him naughty pictures. He spent almost 5k on her for the last 6 years of knowing her when he knew she cheated on him multipe times. Like wtf. Nick these days hasn't changed either, dating a underage LoL 16 year old girl that does youtube dancing and twitch streams. They supposedly met irl last month. She is 100% kotes kawaii than yuka when she was younger.
>>115642 No. 115682
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>>115088That dude isn't neither japanese nor is he her boyfriend, why do you even post old photos anyways.
No. 115746
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>>115600>>115727tbh I like those chokers because 1)they remind me of Tokyo Mew Mew and 2)they look """punk""" while still being very girly and hyperfeminine.
The "daddy" thing really fucks me off though. I love stuff like that otherwise.
It's more of an aesthetic thing to me than a sexual one, and I imagine it's like that for other people who aren't actually part of the fetish crowd. Like I seriously doubt EVERYONE who dresses like that and/or likes creepyyeha's lingerie or "neo lolita" is seriously into BDSM/ddlg shit and aren't just following trends.
No. 115749
>>115746i agree w/ this tho. tattoo chokers became known as a bdsm accessory and i'm just here like… no? it makes my neck look nice? i don't want your dick in my anal cavity?
same goes for my garters, people just think you're a certain kind of person and it makes for some reaaally weird interactions
No. 115755
>>115746>>115749lol no. tattoo chokers are not a bdsm accessory and i'm not sure who thinks that? pet-style collars have always been a bdsm thing. just because creepyyeha and tumblr trends and they're cool now doesn't make them not a bdsm thing.
anyway, i'm not trying to take this off topic or whatever, and the daddy's little girl charm is creepy, but it's not like it's not fetishy without it lol.
No. 116163
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>>115757August 2014 on her IG. If she doesn't delete them.
No. 116170
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…and don't forget this, approved from her step dad. She changed the G+ name but thanks to google search you can find the original one anyway.
No. 116221
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Meh, this thread it's so boring it looks like PULL. It's just a giant hug-place.
I'm tired of those dd/lg, nymphets, aspiring aidorus and lolita-themed-tumblr-shit who worships Yukapon.
>>104918Where did you get that pic?
No. 116419
>>116332ah. the related videos… made me head to…'t even seen all of them whoa!
No. 118711
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Again modeling for BTSSB.
No. 122120
>>122118yeah, I think so.
clearly being friends with akira didn't do anything for her idol career though.
No. 139862
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Back to her old self, just with the difference that she is a "loli EDM DJ" now.
No. 139868
>>139862And she will model for BTSSB again at , seems like she is one of their regular models now.
No. 140688
>>140350and tbh whether you like Yuka or not, she's pretty cute and pretty thin, being white is a plus to them and if you watch their fashion shows with her in it she is pretty good at modeling for them. It's not any different than Innocent World hiring sameface white modelchan for several years.
No. 140689
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No. 140737
>>140727well it is based off Victorian/aristocrat clothing
but i don't think its a race thing
its the body types
lots of asians in japan are skinny because of the food thats more popular there
and the obesity problem in america
so i think it is more or less what pictures you are seeing and what body type it fits for (faces dont really make a difference for clothing)
>i pray to the heavens that this wont end in a race war No. 140859
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>>139905Whenever our lolcows are meeting I get that special GOT-season-5-feeling.
No. 140879
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>>140688Sorry for OT but I always liked sameface-chan of Innocent World. Just looked it up and she changed so much. Or is it a complete different blonde now? I don't get it. The sameface I remember was so clean and had an aristocrat aura about her.
No. 140881
>>140879srsly tho
how do all these lulzy girls end up modelling for cutesy brands like this?
No. 140901
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>>140689She looks better at the latest modeling photos for BTSSB new reserve christmas series.
No. 140996
>>140994That's probably because they ARE european?
You can belong to all kinds of racial phenotypes and be latina. US education sucks so I cant blame you.
No. 140997
>>140996Also forgot to finish my post but…
Isnt her name Nathalia Castro? That's a spanish/portugese name so it's likely that she is latina OR a long time immigrant from spain/portugal to the USA. Regardless, she is white and basic.
No. 140999
>>140689cant unsee loli forever
even when she did videos with keeki a few months ago, all the comments were asking about yuka, loli, her randoseru etc
No. 141565
>>141247Exactly what I wrote?
Btw it seems like she finally deleted Milky-Pop's Tumblr a while ago.
No. 146901
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She looks like a boy in drag here.
No. 146913
>>146909I bet it has something to do with her getting older (she is in her twenties now) and still wants that kawaii loli body
she is probably aging and thinks that starving will help. but its really the other way around, EDs age you faster than most drugs
No. 146947
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>>146946Her mom is white.
No. 147027
>>147020I follow her IG and she eats fine. she just eats healthy and does work outs at home or the gym (or both.)
But seriously. sick of these fatties who say "OMG SHE MUST HAVE AN ED CUZ SHE'S THIN" No, she's just young, doesnt eat crap and works out.
No. 147036
>>147028Most people here are underageb&.
Just go look at the Berry thread.
No. 147038
>>147025she is actually 23, but okay
>>147018no, it isnt old, but her obsession with being a loli would make her feel old because she isnt forever 12
sheesh, the whiteknighting in here is strong
No. 147040
>>147016are you some sort of fan or something?
>>147028there is a difference between dressing in cute shit and dressing up like a japanese elementary schooler
if you aren't a japanese elementary school child and you wear their clothes, its pathetic as fuck
No. 148873
>>115088She said she got molested.
Fucked up families are NOT common.
Having a mom you dislike because bawww doesnt make your family fucked up.
90% of people (especially teenagers) who say their families are fucked up aren't, but yuka truly has a fucked up family.
I mean her stepdad molested her and they wanted her to leave the house asap. seriously what the fuck? They just wanted the money. they didnt give a shit that she was dating a 40 years old men.
No. 148902
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yukapon with aminyan
No. 148910
>>147040If you have a babyface, "loli" clothing style is good for you. i dont see the problem.
who gives a shit if they wear randoseru or look like children. As long as they have a babyface, it fits them tbh
No. 148915
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>>147038she's 20.
I'm tired of people accusing anyone that doesnt hate yuka so much as "whte knights" like in the berry thread.
Yuka was a lolcow. It was hilarious. She may or may not still be a lolcow but it's been ages.
Her entire drama shit is golden (no pun intended) but because it's old and she's obviously growing up, people just forgot about her or stopped hating her
No. 148921
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I'm glad she stopped wearing heavy/gyaru eye makeup (which made her look much older)
No. 148938
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>>148921i still HATE her fucking eyebrows
they enrage me more than they should
No. 149135
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>>149122Anon could be referring to the videos of her touching herself or to what it seemed, her being eaten out by someone. Very recent stuff if you ask me.
The video was cut in half so who knows what was really going on down there but she was using both hands on her vaginal area and occasionally holding her hands up against the wall. Vibrator maybe? Vid was about 3 minutes long. There was no audio so practically a tease video.
>tfw you guys will never see yukapee's sex facenot orangecitrus tier but lol… she wasn't nude in it.
>inb4 post videoI cant post it right now but if someone else does be my guess. Refer/reply to this post number and thank me later whoever post it and proves me wrong.
No. 149148
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>>149135>Very recent stuff if you ask me. >tfw you guys will never see yukapee's sex faceYou mean this recent face from 2012 or earlier? :^)
No. 149622
>>149612I agree. I use to defend Akira but i realized how fucked up he was and he was NOT innocent at all. Him and Nick fucked up yuka and they both wanted to fuck her (which is illegal)
No. 149729
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I miss yuka. she was so cute
No. 150190
>>149135>lel I cant post it right now but I totes have it you guysHere we go again… you are not the first to say your have xxx vids of her that don't really exist.
Funny how lots of anons claim this but they can never provide proof, like not even a screen cap that doesn't show anything parts or something.
I love yukadrama but this particular BS really needs to stop.
No. 150191
>>149756Whoa but why did Akira's website get deleted when she hasn't made any public announcement to clear his rep?
Also she is striving for fame again… wouldn't that be an incentive to keep it up?
(I agree it is also sick, but him taking it down makes no sense. Plus, PULL got deleted recently… a lot of her past drama is gone now. Maybe she is getting someone to take it down?)
No. 150282
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I'm pretty sure someone threatened Akira because she needed to delete her bullshits in order to realize her weaboo dreams.
She's still that little fucked up slut we used to laugh at, but you know…"private shows".
Anyway I still got all of her vids of the Yukapon Truth page, including the one where she's crying.
No. 150310
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>>150269He is less creepy than the grandpas she hangs out with at clubs.
No. 150321
>>150299He deleted it because it has nothing to do with the drama.
>>150282As said before, he only wanted her to stop spreading bullshit which she did, he will upload the site again when he notices she still does it, it has been too long that he for him still giving a fuck. No. 150326
>>150312>>150314>>150310Ew, jfc.
I can't understand how girls who are so preoccupied with being cute are so okay with dating hideous fucks like these guys and Junnyan.
No. 150579
>>150450He looks oraora to me
Also i hope she won't go to my favourite club
No. 150599
>>150326Idk anon maybe they have nice personalities????
You know if she did happen to date someone that was equally into primping as she is, people would Comment on that, too
> baww shes just with him for show No. 150803
>>150357How? She wants a boyfriend but so do most of girls.
Those pictures with the old man are not her boyfriends lol
No. 150833
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I googled yukapon drugs and this shit came out?
Margaret is such a shady bitch
No. 150836
>>150834I agree. It was so cringe-worthy.
They portrayed Akira as a poor innocent man wtf
No. 152228
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I found akira's myspace.
You can listen to yuka's You can't kiss me (by becky)'s version and the demo of her album rabu rabu oniichan
No. 152524
>>152228Whoa thanks, I never heard the first two before.
I actually really want to hear some of her older songs. Does anyone have the full of love love oniichan or any other songs that aren't currently on her soundcloud?
No. 152778
>>150836>>150834And everyone here did the same for Nick and he was the worst in the whole drama, yet everyone always blames Akira.
Hence, without Nick Yuka wouldn't be a pedo-pandering whore in the first place.
No. 152882
>>152778nick is not bad of a guy after I talked to him. he was a little less than I expected him to be in fact. pretty humble and straightforward guy.
i listened to a whole skype conversation of him getting akira to admit everything that everyone doesnt believe yuka of happening. Plus hes not a hacker. Akira and him were sharing yukas passwords lol
i admit what he did was wrong but he didnt molest her like akira did. nick and her met a few times in the past which probably is the reason he hasnt done anything in years or her. this was when she was 18-19. he did not hit it once he said but she wanted too. they were never in any sort of 'relationship' either. nick also made sure document every email, text of their meeting just in case she screams rape because she has a vengeful mentality if she doesnt get what she wants.
if anything he wanted to marry her but to me, she was manipulating and using him lol
he found out afterwards they met she was meeting up with older guys than him on craiglist before she left for japan. nick said it was more of a therapeutic meet up for her than it was a vanilla date for him so he figured she wanted to meet old guys similar to his problems or just maybe she was just disappointed in meeting him since he didn't make any advances on her. after that he ditched her because he didnt trust her in japan. i went on and believed him since he showed me some stuff of him and her.
No. 152890
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>>152882NOT a bad guy? Seems like you are another dumb girl that got manipulated by him, it's not like if Yuka was his first underage victim. He is very well known for getting them to make nudes for him, collecting them and spreading them all over CP sites
Quotes from his account Darkforest:
“I love real girls - it’s the closes thing to ever having the sense/joy of talking to sweet little girls. It’s not like you’ll have the chance to ever meet an Junior/U-15 idol. So why not converse with them on networking sites and such.
Incidentally, myspace has treasure-trove of them if you look in the right places (Very cute ones - that is to say, Kawaii house). It’s funny, i have over 1470 links via notepad to girls i stalked over the years (Myspace, bebo, friendster, etc.) and saved damn near 4,000 pictures; all organized with info - nothing but Asian girls.”
“Ahahaha. I have other sources then wretch (which I rather not reveal). I’ve been archiving girls since 04; mainly asians, of course. Most of these girls I actually know! I always save the source and their info in notepad. You know, whatever is on the user profile I find vital I’ll put in the notepad.
Yeah, I guess you can I stalk them. It’s hard to keep track at times. I’m hoping I can find a new way to categorize my camwhores LOL. So lazy. orz…”
No. 152922
>>152882Stop being that 'not like other girls~~~" person where you want to actually victim blame and say these guys are 'totes innocent.'
Just stop.
No. 152942
>>152890im not here to take sides anon. i talked to him and akira a few times. going by what nick showed me its hard to say what everyone says about akira or her.
the only reason he doesnt interfere in this endless drama is because yuka told him not to do anything so he listened. im quite sure he has no interest in her anymore either.
>18-19 part doesn't match as she is 20 right now plus he said himself they never met at all while the drama.not during the jun and akira days. before she left from japan at the end of 2013 i think. they were still talking. she flat out drove to his house and he did not want anything to do with her at the time but they still met several times afterwards.
No. 152954
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>>152942>the only reason he doesnt interfere in this endless drama is because yuka told him not to do anything so he listened. im quite sure he has no interest in her anymore either.Yeah, that's sure why he leaked her underage wannabe CP everywhere to start the drama in the first place, righto.
No. 152961
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>>152954And even leaked her number way before the Akira drama.
No. 152963
>>152908I never thought nick to be a genuine pedophile after reading all the drama. He appears to be more of a troll while akira clearly continually harasses yuka. I'm not quick to label someone a pedophile unless he's on some offender list just because he fancies some lolicon.
Akira himself is still talking to desperate inspired idol weebs who are underage on his tumblr while nick has been gone forever.
No. 152968
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>>152961Or his attempt to ruin her idol career in July 2011 with posting every single guy she made photos with as "boyfriend she sleeps with" in the hopes it would make her more attached to him.
No. 152971
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>>152963Akira hasn't even logged into his Tumblr for ages so stop trying to witheknight that sick fuck Nick.
No. 153008
>>152989So according to your logic, we should forgive all murders and rapists because lol people change!! it's cool to forget their past mistakes.
No. 153800
>>152976>>152994You can post censored caps from each of these supposed videos so nothing inappropriate is shown but show it's clearly her. (Like that bear one, where the supposed bad ones are censored.)
But instead everyanon goes on and on about all these vids she made but can't even do that, proving it's all lies and BS.
No. 154022
>>152882Yes because a fucking 16 years old can manipulate pedophiles.
come on guys, she was 16. stop feeling sorry to pedophiles
No. 154025
>>152989When he had his fb activated, yes.
He was still talking to underage girls who want to be idols. I remember him sharing an underage girl's videos because she wanted to be an idol, etc.
No. 154026
>>153602I think he's dating a woman(?)
I have no idea
I think the person he's dating is 17 or 18
No. 154038
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So Akira groped Yuka? wtf? isnt that sexual assault?
No. 154137
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Does anyone know what happened? Perhaps we could try to contact her?
I mean this was never solved at all and i'm curious as fuck. What did he said to break their friendship?
No. 154164
>>154137Was that this girl? think I remember that and then Dansa kept pinning them against each other and would always compare them to each other
No. 154265
>>154251I'm not that anon but Yuka got manipulated by older men, got blackmailed, has a deep need for attention, got molested (by her stepdad or something like that) and got sexually assaulted by Akira. Of course Yuka would have issues, honestly who would be sane after all the shit she went through? She needs to go seek a therapist.
I like older men and probably would have done some of the things she did but i have tons of issues. I mean not only yuka has daddy issues, she probably has some mental illnesses. Instead of getting help, she uses drugs or go to raves. it's just sad
No. 154271
>>150371theres so much child pornography on youku v
it disgusts me
No. 154300
>>154236Someone always pops in her threads says this exact statement.
I'm all for drama but at least have some real stories instead of stirring the rumor pot, because honestly your post sounds like the same cookie cutter statement all the other bullshitters said.
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I laughed so hard
No. 154333
>>81922I think they're very good friends and talk a lot. Robin is extremely nice to everyone.
thing is im wondering if yuka pretends to be robins friend because she is kinda popular and she made her model. idk seems like shes using robin
No. 154341
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Now I know how yuka stayed thin: she used diet pills.
No. 154343
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I remember some of her friends saying she was anorexic and I must agree.
I mean she was never fat, wtf
No. 154348
>>154236I'm this anon.
I don't think she abuses drugs at raves and I don't know where anyone got that from. The facts I'll say are this
>she has very few friendsWhich is why I refrain from saying too much. She doesn't have many friends online or not. Still a lot of wanna be Loli girls love her.
>she's on a student visa>her current management aka AVEX is aware of her past and bad image which is why she will never be an idol in Japan again>she's really starved for attention which she can get easily in Japan.>she has some mental disorder I feel bad for her because lots of older men fucked her up but at the same time she's kind of a bitch. Instead of fucking her life away in Japan Natalia needs to be in therapy or something. Her mental issues are overlooked because Japanese are too preoccupied with a cute white girl.
No. 154352
>>154348>I don't think she abuses drugs at raves and I don't know where anyone got that from.There was once a screencap on her tumblr with her best friend (like 4 years ago) saying they loved drugs and raves so thats why.
Also anon, is she nice to her friends?
I now shes a bitch but i just can't help but feel very sorry for her. i want to be her friend
No. 154355
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this was 10 months ago
No. 154365
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She looks so cute here
No. 154366
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No. 154367
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She also still do niconico lives!
i feel like a detective or some sort
No. 154372
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No. 154415
>>154376I wonder if he's dressed like that just to troll.
>>154372I thought Venus and her mom were rude to Yukapon…
No. 154421
>>154415think it was only Margo because she got mad that Yukapon said that it was innaprpriate for Venus to be dancing in a swimsuit at 14(or 13?).
Probably it's the fact that Yukapon hasn't seen Venus in a long time, or that it's because they are both in Japan.
I cod be wrong though.
No. 154485
>>154341i dont think diet pills actually work. the ones that do work are strong stimulants and illegal in the US.
it amazes me how dense people can be. there is a disclaimer on every diet pill ad saying 'results not typical. the pill is effective when combined with diet and exercise' (duh anyone that diets and exercises would lose weight). the FDA doesnt even regulate the pills.
No. 154581
>>154485I took diet pills and they worked.
Some diet pills are safe and they work
No. 154763
>>154579she constantly promotes pedophillia but okay
your probably an untalented ugly bitch if you idolize yukapon though.
considering she isn't talented and is average when it comes to beauty
No. 154861
i'm just saying you are being a kissass to some nobody
maybe you can idolize someone who is a decent human being
good people don't get threads here, anon
>>154772also, stop samefagging lol
No. 155227
>>154772Fuck off, you can be a CSA victim without promoting pedophilia and pedophillic tendencies. If anything, she should fucking know better because of what happened to her.
Literally the only reason to be this way after having been sexualized as a child is if you're also incidentally a pedophile and trying to eroticize others taking advantage of you and fucking you up mentally/physically (even as a coping mechanism) to the point of even pandering to pedos long after you've passed the stage of pre-pubescence.
No. 155239
>>155224>implying pretending to be 13 sexualizes children (she was a fucking children you dumbass, i guess if i pretend to be 50 then i sexualize old people?)>implying liking lolicon makes you a pedohile>>155227Nice joke anon
>>154861Nobody is kissing her ass and i'm only
>>154836However, you are samefagging and you're all the other anons being butthurt because "OMG YUKA IS A PEDOPHILE WAH WE MUST HATE HER BECAUSE SHES EVIL"
lmao you're hilarious
No. 155241
>>155239Liking lolicon literally makes you a pedophile. It stands for "Lolita complex" and the entire appeal is that they look like children, for fuck's sake.
And she'd been pretending to be 13 for sexual reasons since she was 16 and older. If you look at all the shit she's done and said and still try to pretend there's nothing pedophilic about her and her fantasies, I don't know what to tell you except that you're fucking delusional tbh
>Nice joke anonHow about actually proving it wrong instead of being a passive-aggressive faggot? Oh wait, you can't. You're trying to downplay this girl being a pedo because you think she's kawaii or something, but it's just not working.
No. 155243
>samefaggingNah, I'm
>>155241>>155224>>155227and no one else. Everyone but you realizes Yuka is a pedo, sorry.
No. 155274
>>155241you're wrong thoug
Lolicon, is not pedophilia this is like going up to a fujoshi and tell her that she's actually a gay man who likes gay sex, it doesn't work like that. Not for drawn anime shit.
No. 155281
>>154475>>154763Yuka is a human garbage.
This thread is guarded by creepy fans like Stupidsexyflanders.
No. 155308
>>155274 You are retarded. Yaoi is gay porn, it's not suddenly
not gay porn just because it's drawn.
If you create fictional accounts of small children in sexual situations, it doesn't cease to be what it is just because it's not real. I don't care about lolicon and even I realize this.
Do you fap to stories involving bestiality and snuff, but then insist you're not some gross fetishist because the stories might not really be true?
No. 155423
>>155308You are retarded. Ms. Marple is murder, it's not suddenly not murder just because it's written.
If you create fictional accounts of murder victims in homicidal situations, it doesn't cease to be what it is just because it's not real. I don't care about Agatha Christie and even I realize this.
Do you enjoy stories involving dismemberment and shootings, but then insist you're not some dangerous lunatic because the stories might not really be true?
No. 155433
>>155423Sure, because people enjoy lolicon for entertainment purposes like a movie that might be violent or a series of murder mystery books, not as fap fodder.
I really hope you're trolling because what you've said is literally retarded.
No. 155529
>>155462>>155463I'm pretty sure this is the Yuka stan samefagging, but masturbating to children makes you a pedophile, period. It being a fantasy doesn't divorce it from you having that fetish.
If you jerk off to the Saw movies, yeah you're probably a sick fuck.
No. 155720
>>155529considering how many yuka whiteknights are here there is a good chance they are the pathetic chodes that masturbate to her.
anyone that legitimately masturbates to drawings of children is fucking gross,
there is a difference between just thinking little girls are cute, and wanting to fuck them. And these yuka whiteknights have far surpassed thinking little girls are just "cute".
just because she is a CSA doesn't mean you should advocate her sexualizing little girls. Most child molesters were actually molested as children, but it doesn't excuse them for it
No. 155724
>>155478>>155529>>155720>Most child molesters were actually molested as children, but it doesn't excuse them for itFucking thank you, these fags will defend their precious CP forever. Jesus.
Everybody would lose their fucking minds if this was a guy, but since she's a cute girl it's totally fine. I'm a CSA and this shit pisses me off so much.
No. 155833
>>155810>You're not a pedophile like me?! GO BACK TO TUMBLRAnd suddenly I remember /pol/ has a lot of pedo threads.
No. 155841
>>155811Guess what? You're still masturbating to the idea of little boys in sexual situations.
What happens when you meet a kid who's a clean freak?
And FYI there are lots of furfags who are into bestial shit, and fujoshi who ship real life people like band members. The line isn't as defined as you like to tell yourself.
No. 155846
>>155819I don't have one because I'm not a tumblrfag like you
>>155841nah all children are gross and even the ones that aren't are mean, children are just mean for the sake of being mean, they have no social graces or filters. Not only that but the majority of them are fat and retarded. What's a character that people who like shota generally like? Ciel from Black Butler, name one fucking child that looks or acts like that?
No. 155857
>>155846Great come back, sick fuck. You're so smooth.
You're still a pedophile. You're still nasty. No one is going to take any argument of yours seriously.
No. 155869
>>155857yeah okay, instead talking about real issues about real victims of abuse. or talking about actual fucking pedophiles who got away with their disgusting crimes because of their power and money, you're on here arguing with someone who occasionally reads some fucking weeaboo shit doujin.
What can you expect from tumblr, whining about social justice from their bedrooms, policing other people's lives and completely unwilling to make any actual real change on the world.
I hope the mental gymnastics you do help you feel like you're actually accomplishing anything.
No. 155872
So you said you like shotacon and are completely dead set on deciding anyone who isn't telling you that you're so cool and accepted must be from dumblr?
Mental gymnastics? Doesn't take much thought to get alarm bells ringing in your head when someone says they like any sort of pornagraphic depiction of children you fucking weirdo.
No. 155876
>>155846>name one fucking child that looks or acts like thatPlenty of children raised in abusive, restrictive atmospheres that don't allow them to be childlike?
Nice job ignoring the part about you being turned on by little kids, by the way.
>"B-But they're just cartoons!" So why not masturbate to cartoons of adults in adult situations? Because you're a fucking pedo.
No. 155878
>>155872Anime characters are not real children, and there is no victim. You may dislike it and you can call me sick or whatever insult you can come up with but it's not real, it's legal and that's the gospel truth, everything I stated above is true, everything about being able disconnect fantasy and fiction from reality is true.
People who engage in rape fantasy do not often condone real rape
People who play violently graphic videogames often do not condone murder.
And people who read lolicon or shotacon material do not often condone pedophilia.
There are tons of other people on lolcow, like Abipop, Pixyteri, those ugly fat black chicks who also like the loli concept, you saw that this thread was too positive and decided to derail it for your own personal reasons. You are beating a dead horse, and you have done nothing but push this into more off topic territory.
No. 155882
>>155878im with you on this, anon.
this argument reminds of the people that are like "WEED IS A GATEWAY DRUG" meanwhile all my stoner friends be laughin. if you give stoners weed, they would be happy and not need to move onto harder stuff. same for lolicon
No. 155883
>>155882You're comparing weed to lolicon.
Ahem, anyways.
No. 155884
>>155878>People who engage in rape fantasy > people who read loliconand, i might add, for these two, these are usually kept very private and sometimes even with some shame involved.
No. 155893
>>155886Saying that lolicon is actual CP is demeaning, especially to the actual victims of CP. CP is a crime because a real child is being abused, hence why rape porn is not a crime because there is no victim. Being a pedo isn't a choice it's mental disorder that cannot be fixed, the only thing health professionals can do is to deter these people from actually hurting a child.
There is no proof that lolicon or shotacon promotes real CP or hurting real children at all, in fact there are many studies that prove the opposite.
So whether you think it's wrong or not,lolicon is not illegal and it's not promoting violence against real children.
Using the term pedo to describe Yuka is reaching, since mostly men are pedophiles and victims of sexual abuse as children like Yuka often revisit their trauma by reading or watching scenarios similar.
No. 155895
>>155878>it's not realThe concept is real. Actual children have gone through some of the same things depicted in lolicon/shotacon doujinshi, actual children are often exposed to it by pedophiles in order to normalize sexual abuse, actual children stumble upon it, etc.
>it's legal In a lot of first-world countries, it's actually illegal. You can even go to jail over Simpsons porn if the kid characters are involved.
>and that's the gospel truth, everything I stated above is trueI just disproved it.
>everything about being able disconnect fantasy and fiction from reality is true. The examples you mentioned (ie fujoshi and furries) were both BTFO by the fact that there are definitely people of both those groups who are into the same shit IRL.
If the idea of children turns you on in any way, even fictional ones, you are a pedophile. End of story.
>People who engage in rape fantasy do not often condone real rapeThat's probably because rape fantasies are often a misnomer. Rough sex with a hot guy you would fuck anyway =/= rape.
>People who play violently graphic videogames often do not condone murder.They're probably playing those games because they're fun and a good outlet for stress, not because graphic violence is pleasurable to them.
>And people who read lolicon or shotacon material do not often condone pedophilia.This is bullshit and you know it. There have been a ridiculous amount of cases of child molesters/killers in Japan who also consume lolicon/shotacon.
>There are tons of other people on lolcow, like Abipop, Pixyteri, those ugly fat black chicks who also like the loli concept,The ugly fat black chicks are most likely pedos too, PT doesn't claim to be 13, and there's yet to be news of Abipop selling nudes to old men for her gross fantasies (though, it wouldn't be surprising
> you saw that this thread was too positive and decided to derail it for your own personal reasons.No, you're analpained that somebody called your 3D waifu a pedophile (which is what she is).
>You are beating a dead horse, and you have done nothing but push this into more off topic territory.You're the only beating a dead horse by trying to deny the obvious. The first person who brought up Yuka being a pedo was speaking on-topic, but then the stans sperged out and tried to refute it.
No. 155897
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i can give less of a shit if you look at anime porn of little girls.
but dressing up as a japenese preschooler and sexualizing it is disgusting.
Just because she may have been abused as a child does not excuse people advocating her doing this, nor does it make it right that she does it while being an adult now.
i would feel bad for her if she was still a child like, 14
but she is 20 now, she should know this shit.
i don't care if you look at cartoon child porn, just don't bring it into IRL like madthad or some shit
No. 155901
>>155896>because victims have different reactions to their traumayeah, which leads to child molesters.
just because they react different to their trauma doesn't make it right or even moral.
if someone copes with cutting themselves, it doesn't make it healthy.
like I said, people who sexually abuse children have usually, at one point, been molested when they are a child. And it turns into a vicious cycle
No. 155905
>>155904hole crap
did you just disregard her valid point that there are female pedophiles?
fuck you, i was abused by a woman as a child.
Maybe you should go fuck yourself
No. 155914
Lolicon is shit and all but this really was just a way to derail the thread so that people would hate Yukapon again.
>>155904I don't care about the other girls, I just want Yuka's career to tank again.
No. 155919
>>155910Not that anon, but wow you're a faggot.
>makes a bullshit comment, gets called out, then having the nerve to tell an CSA survivor what they "should be doing">Why are you accusing a girl of being a pedophile despite having no proofThere's tons of proof in this thread. You're either just pretending not to see or you're retarded and need to read before posting.
>Lolicon doesn't qualify as child pornIt does in the US, Canada, Australia, some parts of Europe, and a lot of the developed world.
Unless you're trying to imply you live in Japan or a third world country that concerns itself with other things, you need to quit with this argument. It's wrong. Deal with it.
>there is no victim that has come forward to state that Yukapon hurt them?Not all pedophiles are child molesters, and she's produced enough of her own CP I think.
No. 155923
>>155918>The demand for porn is a lot higher than the cases of it actually existing?When it comes to lolicon, the demand is high because actual CP is difficult to get without connections.
You could write a novel on the autistic lengths pedophiles go to get their porn, to the point of incriminating others to keep their own names safe when trading the real stuff. It's sick.
No. 155934
>>155923Ah I was only referring to other dark themes and why those are considered okay when they are strictly fantasy (sort of like how lcon is considered to be fantasy because it's a cartoon, however some are replying here saying you are a pedo if you only watch cartoons about it).
Like I mentioned, incest porn is in really high demand, much higher than the actual amount of siblings/parents and their offspring doing the deed. Incest is not socially acceptable and doing it is considered one of the worst things you can do, however a lot of people obviously fantasize about the concept because the demand for it is so high. I imagine some people who watch it don't actually want to do it with their mom/sister, but the concept of it with other people gets their jollies off so there is some… mental separation? As in, they don't want to actually do the deed but they like the fantasy?
I guess I am mainly wondering because I have unfortunately been exposed to a lot of female littles since tumblr came to be (I didn't even know what they were before) but it seemed to be different than being a pedo.
I always felt yuka was more of a little than anything too, although I do agree doing it in the privacy of your own home is different than showing it off online. However, since anons are arguing about the intent driving these actions, I was just curious about what really draws the lines when it feels like some dark themes are considered okay for fetishes that are not right when others aren't.
No. 155992
>>155954but she still does it
>>155949no, i didn't say that
also, you just told a CSA survivor what to do, which is horrible.
I know that her leaked nudes aren't her fault, her abuse wasn't her fault, but i'm saying is she is desplaying behavior that is leading to pedophillia because of her hypersexualization of children CURRENTLY. And you have the nerve to defend those actions that can not only hard children but her own mental health.
GTFO pedophile, stop encouraging that yuka should keep this lolicon fetish that is obviously unhealthy for her
No. 155997
spellcheck wrote it as hard, sorry..
but my point still stands, nobody here said that her nudes were her fault. We were saying is that she should stop the obviously unhealthy lolicon fetish.
yeah, it may be a way she copes, but it isnt healthy and she should be in a mental ward to help with it
No. 156234
>>156005The thing is, people who come raging on here about that seem to always scalp over, is the fact that even though she panders to the Pedos, she was a victim of grooming. When she was 13 she was a Gyaru, she even was the one who opened that one Gyaru forum (correct me if I'm wrong on any of this) and then she was groomed by at least one pedophile and I mean the rest must stem from there. And not to forget she was more than likely, as the story goes, sexually abused by her step-father.. I'm not saying the lolicon stuff was right or okay, but victims of grooming often don't know what they're doing is quite so bad, the bad guys make it seem like it's all okay, and that there's nothing wrong with what the victim is doing, and at such an impressionable age… I mean, idk maybe I just feel too sorry for her past, and I'm blinded by the tragic shit she's gone through. But to me, she's got problems that have yet to be professionally resolved and that's not really her fault to begin with.
But please feel free to correct me if anything I said was wrong, I just think it's pointless to fight over her being a pedophile or not.
Also… Can someone explain to me why Talli is the pedophile here if she's just playing the loli part? There's too much arguing that I don't want to pick through to find out why. I mean afaik, she's not touching children, just pretends to be a child, but I don't think that makes her a pedophile…? Can I get a TL;DR of the reason?
No. 156728
i hate when pedos pull the whole "WELL I WAS ABUSED SO ITS OKAY FOR ME TO FAP TO CHILDREN NOW!!"
kill yourself
No. 156754
>>156398Calling someone a fatty chan for calling you a pedophile? Nice logic.
I can't believe this thread was derailed by people who jerk off to cartoon children
No. 156846
File: 1439337545748.png (404.06 KB, 533x400, magical_school_girl_5_5_by_mil…)

>>155897Because dressing as a japanese preschooler and acting innocent and dancing sure sexualize children!
anyway, is this Julie?
No. 156852
>>156234Because people are retarded.
Yuka is not a pedophile. Akira, nick, guy of michigan groomed on her and were pedophiles.
They think yuka is a pedophile (while she was a child) because she dresses in cute "ageplay" clothes or some shit.
Yuka seriously needs help and honestly, I can understand her. I was abused when i was a child and I had a "pedo fetish" or some thing like that.
she just needs help tbh her friends should make her go seek a therapist or psychiatrist. Everything about her screams child abuse
No. 157129
>>156846dressing as a japanese preschooler and making porn in that attire (Which she has done) is obviously a symptom of her trying to cope with her childhood abuse and is probably affecting her in a REALLY bad way.
if you encourage underaged girls to do the same mistakes that poor yuka did then YOU are part of the problem
No. 157597
>>81922I'm thinking it might have something to do with the PEA Dreaming Youth Project. I'm not sure if they knew each other before that, though.
>>154333Good point. I wouldn't put it past her but at the same time, as you said, Robin is very nice and obviously Yuka recognizes that, so maybe there's at least something a little bit genuine to it. Even if she is using her, I still think it's nice to believe that she at least has a kind, legitimately caring and supportive friend.
No. 159345
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>>159058Kinda weird that she's saying it's her first Youtube video.
No. 159532
>>159345Wow… she looks SUPER skinny here. Like, the skinniest I've ever seen her, I think. It's kind of spoopy almost.
>>159343I think so too, anon!
No. 159775
>>155241Lolicons are anime girls of any age that have a flat chest and look like they're children.
That doesn't make you a pedophile.
Why are you even comparing anime girls to real life girls you idiot?
TONS of women irl can't help but look like children, whog ives a shit?
She's pretending to be 13 because the younger you are, the more fans you get. It doesnt have anything sexual. That's how idols work. Ever heard of youth? lmao you're so mad holy shit
keep pretending shes a pedophile even when she doesnt like children.
How can she be a pedophile if she was a minor herself?
Are people who ageplay all pedophiles too?
No. 159779
>>159499Me too.
I felt like when she was blonde, she gave some gyaru vibes
No. 159781
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>>159058Have yuka and micky ever talked?
No. 159785
>>159061Because they're very mad tbh
I disliked all the drama but it seems that she's trying to move on and she's cute so why not. it's sad that anyone in this thread who dont hate her is seen as delusional or w/e lol
it reminds me of the berry thread
No. 159846
File: 1439618446293.jpg (256.89 KB, 882x496, yukaavex.jpg)

Didn't realize until now that I still had this on my hard drive and I know it was mentioned a few weeks ago, so thought I would share. Yuka's avex audition. No. 160082
>>159846Oh wow thank you! I am excited to see!
Do you have any other (PG) videos of her you can share that aren't currently on youku or youtube by chance?
No. 160775
sorry but yukapon is just proof to me that:
a) none of these white american girl "idols" can dance
b) none of these white american girl "idols" can sing
c) none of these white american girl "idols" are attractive in the slightest
that japanese dance video was shuddercow worthy in my opinion. a pale hook-nosed skeletor making spastic hand/leg movement and shaking around all over the place? wtf did i just watch
No. 160786
>>160775Uh.. many, many of the japanese idols cant sing or dance either…. They just have some cute factor or personality that helps them get by. Ive seen akb48 and I was like really wtf…? There was no talent. People just go to see cute girls.
Bonus: a fat smelly girl with neko mimi was dancing front of me the whole time
Extra bonus plot twist: it was actually a guy
No. 160788
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>>160783Wih, the exception of this pic, yes . She looks so old like a greasy soccer mom here
No. 161063
>>160807why do people in this thread suck her ass like PULL does to kota?
I know Talli and she isn't a pedophile but she's super obsessed with male attention and acts annoying for it. Like a spoiled kid. Also she IS anorexic so stop saying she's naturally skinny. If you saw her irl you'd see how thin she is. She's a bag of bones yet talks all the time about dieting(starving herself).
No. 161353
>>161063You sound so crusty
She looks good and dances reasonably well– that's not ass sucking, that's a fact.
Natalia's attitude isn't bad at all (well, since the incidents catalyzing her infamy…) She actually acknowledges and interacts with her western fanbase instead of pretending that 90% of her followers are nihonjin desu.
No. 161369
>>160087That doesnt make her a pedophile.
That means she has very serious issues.
What is your point? One of my friend has a "pedo fetish" because she's been molested like Yuka. rape and "daddy issues" can fuck up someone.
im not a yukastan or anything but come on, yuka has very serious issues.
she needs to go see a therapist
No. 161371
>>161063Nobody sucks up her ass.
It's just people like you and like the ones from the berry thread want people to CONSTANTLY hate berry and yuka because "OMG PAST!"
shes moving on
she has serious issues, this is why she acts like this. i feel bad because if she wouldnt have "daddy issues" she wouldnt have actlike this. and in the kota thread, nobody praises her. they just say they find her cute or some shit.
seriously theres nothing to milk anymore, get over it
No. 161372
>>161146I think some western wannabe idols are cute.
it's just that i think they dont really understand the whole concept.
idols are stick-thin. they take care of their image. they always look at their best. they never look amateur-ish (even for akiba idols).
western girls tend to think being an idol is applying shitty makeup, using obvious fake lenses because kawaii desu and dancing or singing in a shitty way.
i mean tons of asian idols cant sing nor dance but at least they have a warm (even if its fake) personality.
No. 161373
>>160788I hope she'll never go back to this look.
she looks like she's 30
No. 161948
>>161912How do you know her personality hasnt changed?
I dont believe she talks shit about her close friends.
people should stop saying "i know yuka and she talks shit about everyone" lmao
No. 162074
>>162049Plus I should add that most of her friends are dumb, they shittalk with her about some of her other friends in the hopes to get a piece of her leftover "fame" in the form of attention due to her following while being afraid she shittalks about them too which she does.
Dumb cunts.
No. 162192
>>162074I feel like even if Yuka shit talks about people, she's very afraid of trusting most people because they use her for fame.
i guess that's why she's very close to Robin: robin doesnt use yuka and is genuine.
No. 168750
Is this yuka's new fb?
I found it in the list of robin's friends No. 168753
>>168750>friends with people from St.louis>friends with luhx>friends with robin>"yuuka">likes yuka's fb pageconfirmed for yuka.
congrats anon!
No. 169127
>>149768she posted that she and a friend got to the finals or semi-finals or whatever. i go to the page, find out the 'friend' is 15…
which is ok. it doesnt HAVE to be bad or wrong BUT it is yuka so i feel like there is some ulterior motive.
No. 169292
>>169127yuka is not a pedo nor ephebe or w/e
she's attracted to older men.
isnt it common for the gaijin aidoru community (abii, kelsey, etc) to befriend younger people anyway?
No. 169627
>>169127Kill yourself. I don't even like the bitch and you're fucking retarded if you're trying to imply that Yuka is trying to prey on another girl, bc of weaboo animu shit.
You're a disgrace
No. 169827
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she made the finals
No. 170111
>>170094who said this was a beauty contest?
tbh japan modeling industry is MUCH better than america's imo
No. 170306
>>170111if anything, japan puts way more emphasis on beauty than america does. America is all about height & looking weird(memorable).
the modelling industries in all countries are just as bad as each other, stop deluding yourself.
No. 171121
>>170094i wonder what was the process for this TGA thing.
i saw their were two categories, models and talent. obviously talent would perform but what would models do to be judged? i guess just act cute and polite to judges?
No. 174628
>>174553i dont know even know, man.
from her pics it
seemed like she calmed down and was starting to be normal but if you read her comments on IG and twitter, she talks like a fool. "omg wut shud i do 2day."
No. 174663
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No. 174696
Seems like she's trying to copy the American jump in on strangers and make them smile vine thing. But like. She's in Japan, so it's just super fucking awkward. Also, all her vines came off as try-hard and annoying. Really, seeing her on vine made me notice her bad angles. No matter how skinny she starves herself, she'll always have huge fat cheeks. Which in some ways do look very cute! but with her hair short/up and her turned to the side it's like…full cheeks. Nose and cheeks.
I used to think she was very cute before her pee scandal came out. Even after I thought, "at least she still has her looks" but now…maybe her age is finally just beginning to show. The cute factor/aura around her is absolutely dead. Now when I see her I just see someone forcing themselves to keep trying. Someone who's obviously not happy, desperately hoping for a big break, and trying to forget what she's done in the past. Probably including fucking several old Japanese men.
No. 176042
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Her vines are so fucking cringeworthy… stop, you're not funny.
No. 176325
>>176301 and yes, they are really cringey.
I thought the streams she was doing when she had long blonde hair and dj'd a bit were cute, because she wasn't super weeb or imouto obnoxious. But ever since she chopped her hair short, her clothing has started to look really sloppy and she is being super tryhard in these vines.
I was still a fan throughout all her other shit, but the result of all these recent things combined is actually too obnoxious even for me.
No. 176326
she knows the norms very well
she's just jumping in this shitty vine bandwagon shit and want to appear funny.
No. 176329
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She should get this hairstyle back.
Short hair doesnt suit her
No. 176331
>>176329She really should, her bangs look so janky now. Her face is too round for having a short cut flipped in at the ends, it makes her nose, teeth, and chin look huge. Having longer hair balances everything out and really suits her.
Any more older pics of her with nice hair? Maybe she will see how it was a much better look while reading this thread.
No. 176345
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I think her hair looked better this way, with longer bangs.
No. 176356
>>176319>>176335This one
>>174650 is particularly embarassing because of the deadpan reactions but they'd just think "lol wacky foreigner".
No. 176627
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>>176345That coconut head haircut suits nobody
No. 180359
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(And she tags herself "livingdoll")
No. 180450
>>174553This bitch is so weird.
I love it.
No. 180475
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She suited pink and slightly wavy hair SO much. I miss that. But I also loved long-ass blonde Yuka. Video related. current hair doesn't suit her at all.
No. 180621
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"Natural" Yukapee was the best.
She looked younger, healthier and prettier with her real color.
Now she's just a trashy little drug-addicted ana whore aging faster and faster.
No. 180670
File: 1442503815811.jpg (152.02 KB, 870x572, oniichandrinkmylolipee.jpg)

It depends on the drugs you're using.
Also, If you don't eat certain things you'll end up looking like shit in no time. The secret for a perfect skin and a younger look it's all in the diet, but she's starving herself to look "so japanese desu"…
>>180651She's still into lolicon/nymphet shit, it's not a secret since she made some posts about it on IG (she also wears Mezzo Piano stuff which is a kids brand). But I guess it's dangerous to show it more than what she already done, especially after that Yukapon Truth website, the chat logs with Nick and the webcam shows as "Emily Haze - Daddy's little girl".
No. 183845
>>180683There's nothing wrong with looking child-like or wanting to look child-like though.
I don't get it.
I think babyface and child-like people look cute.
Not everyone have a mature face or body like you,anon.
No. 183847
>>180621she should gain weight.
her face looks skinny and its weird.
what happened to her chubby cheeks?
No. 183848
File: 1442795003421.jpg (33.28 KB, 300x400, 2012-03-10 15.36.jpg)

r.i.p. yuka's nice hair
u will be missed
No. 183863
>>183845Not even that anon, but holy shit are you salty or what
They never said there's anything wrong with wanting to look youthful, I think they're saying it looks like she could have an ED or could develop one because she's so desperate to look like a ~frail loli nymphet desu~
I dunno if I really agree that Yuka would do that, but there's a big difference between naturally looking a certain way or aspiring to look a certain way and doing something unhealthy like starving yourself to try to achieve a certain look
No. 184024
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No. 184041
>>184024Wonder how well they got along and if they'll be hanging out outside of shoots.
Imagine Yuka sperging out and screaming like a weeb in public while Kooter tries to slowly edge away from her.
No. 184043
>>184024I agree, Yuka looks cuter here
Kota's lips look gross af
No. 184052
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>>184024Damn, those Muppet eyebrows…
No. 184142
>>184063bitch, do you have them mixed up? compare their chins
yuka's chin is 2x kotas
No. 184165
>>176042Wow i used to be a fan of her in her loli days i was madly jealous of how cute and skinny and small she was but now…Wow. After the pee scandal (usually i would say "whatever she has a sex life too" if she wasnt such a terrible two faced cunt that cheated and fucked many old dudes besides and pulling a kawaii imouto aidoru personality) she turned worse and worse now she is aging badly because she smoked and did drugs and shit. That fucks you up quickly in the appearance. Her haircut is awful and unflattering…
And the fact that she starves to be super skinny wont make her any prettier. It will make her age faster and look like shit. Like yeah k you will be aidoru thin but your hair,skin,teeth,.. will look horrible. I was ana before so i know that (was a 35kg skellington at 5"4)
Yuka fucked big time. She could have achieved so much but she fucked. Karma. Since she was a bitch karma was one to her too.
No. 184168
>>184161this i thought she was the prettiest most precious girl ever and now she looks disgusting she's really skinny but still disgusting.
my grandmother would tell me that that bitchy (and desperate to be kawaii and young forever) girls like yuka have their bitchiness showing out on their faces making them uglier as they age. I really belive my mima was right about that.
I just try not to be too bitchy,accept i am going to age and eat healthy.
No. 184371
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No. 184393
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>>184370Why does she still feel the need to use a cute animu voice?
Anyway looks like she got a nice apartment for being just a an occasional-model and a saleswoman in a clothing store. Maybe she's sucking the right cocks…? kek.
No. 184399
>>174553ugh cringe
this is so embarrassing stop
No. 184500
File: 1442944007134.jpg (102.13 KB, 450x600, P9119545.jpg)

Yukapon works for Fig&Viper shibuya109 now as of 1 month ago
>>184372>>184371 most of these items are from that store. Also this article -
No. 184577
File: 1442955056122.jpg (140.21 KB, 600x900, socksandsandals.jpg)

>>184524>>184509Not defending Yuka or anything but socks and sandals have been a big trend this past summer in Tokyo. I've seen those chunky sandals in a lot of shops too. I don't like it either though, it's tacky
No. 184578
>>184577^^what this anon said.
been seeing a shit ton of folks wearing socks and tevas and socks with those suede slide sandals as well
No. 184579
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No. 184600
>>184579Wtffffff is up with her eyebrows???
Shes so ugly… I thought she was meh back in the day, but now shes just ugly..
No. 184783
File: 1442996067070.png (557.39 KB, 951x553, Screenshot 2015-09-23 at 5.11.…)

she looks so qt here. you think she'll win the model thingy?
No. 184786
>>184500she is cute and skinny. Gosh, seiing her like that bring my lesbo crush back to life.
Let's drink each other's pee yuka.
No. 184802
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>>184786sorry gurl, she's looking for a rich old fart who knows how to treat retarded girls with daddy issues.
>>184786 No. 184842
>>184783she looks like a below average looking white girl who used fillers too liberally. she has a giant jew nose lmao
No. 184872
>>184370> That's really fucking unfortunate.ok but no ones head shrinks when they lose weight lol
looking like a goofy bobble-head is a typical outcome of being super skinny
No. 184876
>>184786She really is a qt. Such a shame she's straight.
>>184870I seriously have no idea what she even thought about those brows. Why did she leave the house like that? it's like they're growing backwards.
No. 184886
File: 1443029905796.jpg (24.04 KB, 600x600, COrLx98UAAAYM4F.jpg)

more yuka outfits
No. 184918
>>184905Same, you're not alone, actually my kawaii friends think she's pretty "meh" too, like she's really thin but as you said..
Also she just looks really average. I used to find her so cute in her weeb period but now she's…boring? i don't feel what i would feel back then when looking at her like "omg she's soooo adorable" i just feel "meh".
No. 184922
>>184886>>184888Style kinda boring, but oh god I wish I could do her. Her craziness + weird kink make her so sexually appealing to me.
Her hair is really cute and she must have a cute thin body.
No. 184983
>>184974My collarbones are far more prominent and I'm not underweight. If anything it may be indicative of life-long bad posture judging by the way her neck goes outw.
The legs are another story. I can't tell if they're angled or shooped, though.
No. 185017
all her pics are still shooped to hell and back as always.
No. 185098
>>184983>>184974some people have very prominent collarbones. i've met a girl with very prominent ones and she was actually chubby – farmers might call her fat.
though i do think yuka has an ED. doesn't she always mention diet pills?
No. 185124
>>184577Not just this summer
For many years
No. 185262
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>>184886I really hope it's Yuka herself who posts the whole "she's so cuuute" and "she's so skinny I'm envy" thing, because if that's not the case that would mean we're full of delusional pulltards, 14yo aidoru wannabe, ana-chan or tumblinas.
Yuka was so pretty in her imouto-weeb phase: she was healthy looking, bubbly and more "loli" than any shit who followed this trend ( abipop, kelsey, those FAS-twins and so on).
Now she looks like any other tumblr whore ana-chan who wants to be kawaii, loli, swag and fashionable while starving to death. C'mon, that looks like the neck/shoulder/collarbone of an old granny…it's not sexy or cute in any way.
She also look fucking wasted, with dark circles, fried hair and those silly shinchan eyebrows.
She looks decent in some pics just because they're edited af and you can't see that unfortunate giant head with chubby (and flabby) cheeks. She's not cute anymore and the most idiotic thing it's that she still plays that nymphet/loli/imouto shit while looking like a weird mess.
And Natalia dear, if you're reading this, stop starving yourself and start to eat healthy while doing a good workout. And, of course, STOP TAKING DIET PILLS, DRUGS AND SHIT. You're going to regret EVERYTHING soon.
No. 185559
>>185262>I really hope it's Yuka herself who posts the whole "she's so cuuute" and "she's so skinny I'm envy" thing, because if that's not the case that would mean we're full of delusional pulltards, 14yo aidoru wannabe, ana-chan or tumblinas.
THIS. I think she is so ugly and there are posters on here who say she is cuter than kota and real japanese girls?? bullshit. 99% sure they're yuka herself. yuka is not that attractive. she's fugly. the only reason she got famous is because she used to be young and played up the loli shtick. now she's an old butterface. her jew nose and chubby cheeks are atrocious. sick of hearing how "cute" she is, those are obviously posts made by herself (someone even kept mentioning how much "cuter" yukapon is in the last dakota thread… obviously yuka herself lmao)
No. 185729
>>185642Just caught up on this thread, gonna have to agree with this anon. The sudden boost of "yukas pretty" "i wish i could sniff yukas prostituted to old Japanese men puss" "yukas cuter than kooter" comments are really out of place and probably posted by Yuka herself.
Yuka, fuck off and get your life together.
You'll never be famous because you're a fuckin idiot who recorded yourself peeing for old men. You killed your entire kawaii career with that. No matter how skinny you are or how quirky you pretend to be, you'll always be the girl who got caught having multiple Japanese sugar daddies and then cried rape to try and hide it. That's it. You're done. Doesn't matter what you do or how many times you change your name and style. You will always be Yukapee.
You're not as pretty as you used to be. You hardly even have actual life behind your eyes. There's something wrong with you and you know it. You look like Toucan Sam with your big gonzo looking nose. The skinnier you are, the uglier you look. It doesn't suit your round face to be that thin. You're not sexy. You were only cute. But now you don't even have that. What I'm saying probably sounds cruel, but it's the truth and you know it. So stop wasting time trying to get famous and get professional help.
No. 185733
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>>185718actually, it is the complete opposite. The modeling world is full of girls with goofy looking noses. Wrinkles/laugh lines are frowned upon.
Yuka's nose is fine and fits her face. I don't understand what this board's hangup is on noses. I knew people were insecure, but holy shit. I've even seen people attack Dakota's nose. No one is ever happy.
No. 185740
>>184783No Yukapee, no one thinks you'll win the modeling competition. You will never be a model. You're JUST taking a "walking lesson" now, when other famous models are younger and still have years of experience over you.
I agree with other anons that Yuka is trying to make herself look better on here, which is just extremely sad.
No. 185762
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>>185760At least Dakota is finding work. What have you done Natalia? Does it hurt to see people becoming more successful than you'll ever be? Does it hurt to know that Dakota doesn't have to resort to shitty vine videos where she makes a complete ass out of herself JUST to get a little attention? I bet you spend all your time whining that "Waaaaaaaaah, but I'm skinnier than she is! I'm SO much prettier than she is!" Have fun finding modeling jobs. You've got limbs like Betty Spaghetti, a head like Mr. potato head, and a nose to rival Nigel Thornberry.
No. 185766
>>185762Oh stoppit.
Kota and Yuka as both as average as each other. Yuka is just basic white girl and Kota is pretty but looks kawaii ugu in certain angles.
They're both as basic, white girl, nothing special but 'exotic cos jpn' as each other.
No. 185767
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>>185762lol this girl is giving yukapee the death glare in that vine
No. 185769
>>185733I'll admit that noses are an easy jab when it comes to white people since they infamously almost always have very big big ones. But. In the case of Yuka, hers is VERY big. Which used to be ok. Back when she was trying to be an idol, she was a very nice average size. Her face was balanced with her body. Now that she is trying to be 80pounds looking it makes her head look that much bigger and rounder, also making her nose look bigger as well. Being stick thin does not suit her. It makes her features that used to look cute suddenly look dopey. Like that ForeverKailyn girl. It does not help that she keeps wearing chokers. The chokers somehow make her large bobblehead even more noticeable.
To me personally, Yuka was very cute in her early days. But those days are over. She kept trying to change her style to run away from her past. Because she knows she can never go back to being Yukapon. Yukapon, who was seemingly doing so well and had so many fans. Now she jumps style to style, personality to personality. She has no identity and looks lost. Her eyes reflect no life, no joy, no happiness. No innocence. Only desperation to fit in and be accepted somewhere despite her seedy past. No matter what disguise she wears or what new image she tries to portray herself as, she will always be dead inside and that will continue to show until she faces reality.
Dakota is average and I don't care about her. No matter what bad things Dakota said, it will never be as bad as being caught with sugar daddies and peeing on video for money and gifts. Because of this, Yuka is worse.
No. 185776
>>185769Honestly, I think everyone has nose trouble tbh. From time to time I guess unless you're fortunate to have a cute nose or surgery.
I never followed Yuka back then but I've read and caught up. Yeah, she's pretty much done. All done.
Dakota just has shit history because of her sister, it's mostly all kaka's fault. PS was kota's part obv but oh well.
But Yuka, definitely a trainwreck. All these lulzy girls who get attention in Japan all have bad history or something up with them.
The fact Yuka and Kota met tho… ha that made my day.
No. 185800
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I truly miss healthy-looking Yuka.
I wish she could do Nico Nama again with Keekihime, looking preferably like pic related (or really, just healthy looking)
No. 185804
>>184165how was she a bitch?
She was manipulated by akira and other fucking pedophiles.
akira assaulted her and they all blackmailed her.
what the fuck did you want her to do? they were all obsessed with her it was creepy as fuck.
one even sent her an xbox. wtf? they even had nudes of her when she was really underage.
No. 185805
>>185262I think she's cute.
>wasted, with dark circles, fried hair and those silly shinchan eyebrowsyou probably have too high standards. she's not ugly
No. 185806
>>185804Ignore them.
they're one of those dumbass that defend the pedos because "they're victims!!! YUKA IS A MANIPULATIVE BITCH AND POOR THE OLD MEN" from PULL
No. 185854
>>185804Yeah, Akira, Nick and the other sacks of shit involved aren't exactly innocent, but she was deliberately pandering to them by lying about being even younger than she was and putting on this fake "innocent imouto" persona for the sake of the illusion. She was catering to pedos, and is probably one herself judging by the lolicon shit she posted on her Tumblr before it was deleted. Abuse or not, she's not the innocent little kid people are making her out to be.
She's exactly like Himeka and Bibi, only less ratchet and aggressive.
No. 185870
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>>185804Manipulated? They appeared to be dating IMO after her ordeal with Akira she was seen holding hands with that 30 year old. It's evident She is looking for Japanese arm candy.
No. 185874
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Crying because you bitches said she'd never make it :')
No. 185876
>>185804whatever you have to tell yourself. seems like she manipulated others to get what she wanted. no one involved was innocent, they're all scum bags. she knew exactly what she was doing.
>akira assaulted her and they all blackmailed her.ya' got proof there?
she's gross, they were gross, people defending and excusing her are gross.
No. 185877
>>185843>She was clearly taken advantage ofAccepting gifts and letting people make your websites to get you popular in exchange for sexual acts/pictures is not being taken advantage of. She knew what she was doing. No one can deny that those men she used did a lot for her.
Of course old men shouldnt fuck young women. But it'll always be like that. Thats what sugar daddies are. They offer money and gifts to women. Its up to the woman to say yes or no. If she says yes and has a great time with his money, she cannot look back later and say she is a victim. She happily enjoyed his company when he was giving her everything she wanted. It's not rape. It's only regret for getting caught. She was the one blinded by money and what she perceived as an easy way to the top. It most likely would not have even been that bad had she not had multiple men at once. This is why everything began to spill out. You can't be a victim at the same time you have multiple men that you're using for free things.
She did not have to send a video of herself peeing to anyone. No one flew from Japan to America and held a gun to her head. She did it willingly. Happily. Gleefully. Not one part of that video looked like she was scared. Don't make actual victims look stupid by insisting that a girl who happily exchanged acts for fame is also a victim.
She was not hurt or broken by what she did, only by the backlash she received once everyone else found out.
No. 185884
>>185874Yuka has "made it" several times.
It never lasts. Any type of fame she gets will be dampened by her past coming back and taking the main stage. Then once again, she will run away.
No matter what Yuka succeeds in, she will eventually have to run away. And she will change her name and her style and delete her social media hoping everyone forgets. But no one will forget. Her happiness is always temporary…on borrowed time. She knows this.
Her prostitution and false rape accusations will follow her for the rest of her life. This is what happens when you try to get fame the wrong way. She will end up like Leah Dizon, who has nothing. Nothing but a reputation of being a prostitute fucking old men for any type of chance at resurrected fame.
No. 185903
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I'm tired of the whole "uguu yuka chan is so cute, cuter than kota too uwu!!1!" when she reaaally doesn't look good, she isn't deadly ugly but damn all the shit she did is slowly showing on her. I seriously think she's gonna age badly bc she doesn't seem to even accept she's getting older. And will probably end like Baby Jane.
No. 185912
>>185905Isn't it entertainment visa tho?
I know she has a boyfriend, kai. But idk I think she's married off.
No. 185920
I used to admire Yukapon and be super jealous back in her kawaiiuguu lolidays. I also used to drool over Venus and Dakota and wish i was them so bad. And now:
>Yukapon had all that "slutty bitch" drama, now she's a sad ana trying hard to stay in japan and stay relevant, desperately sucking to "make it" but won't last long.
>Venus is "married" for the sweet japanese visa, her mother is still behind her, her style went to shit and she's pretty boring while trying hard to be relevant, her life seems to be a trainwreck and i doubt she even know what's really happening, she has no diploma and no one except her crazy mother.
>Dakota is moderu, actually the most "stable" and "successful" out of the three, but won't last super long either without some visa, is gonna get married and have to find a job but has no diploma and no experience other than being a model,appearing on tv and being a famous dolly.
It's nearly depressing to even think about that. Not even gonna start on pretty pretty Charms that was a beautiful lolita and end up a gross greasy camgirl. They're all going down the drain, i sigh when i see their old "kawaii" persona and even feel sort of bad for them.
No. 185922
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>>185903nah i think she is ugly.
>hooked jew nose that looks like a beak>chubby cheeks turning to jowls from the age>fried hair>droopy eyes too close together>non-existant upper lip>nasolabial folds everyone on this board obsesses over>weird bobblehead>generally asymmetric faceshe's no beauty queen, maybe in Japan bcause she is white… but in america she is below average. i never found venus angelic that attractive but compared to yukapon she is fucking gorgeous, kek
No. 185927
>>185884As someone who has this weird "I like Yuka/think she is super cute and good at singing/dancing/being an "imouto" but I lol SUPER hard at some of her decisions and see how she definitely fucked up and am not a big fan of her current personality…"
I think you are being a bit unfair. I agree with your point of view about how she went about becoming an idol. While the guys involved are nasty and at fault, she had to have known what she was doing wasn't good for herself, her reputation, nor the situation. She has a responsibility to the situation too.
She is still really young, only 20, so honestly she probably hasn't matured enough to handle what she did yet and that is why she thought blaming others, then running away for a time, then making a few desperate attempts for attention (strictly speaking about her Vines) were good ideas. They weren't. When she puts out videos like the few recent ones, or shares pictures about her life, does niconico, or hell even if she blogged a little, that is all great. People like it, she gets good feedback, and it feels more like the real her. But right now, it seems like she is trying to squeeze herself into a mold that isn't really her. She had so much more life when she just dressed and acted how she wanted. I agree that now she seems like a different person all together, and I don't really like this new style she is going for (that includes her look, how underweight she is, and also her work focus).
That being said, I think saying her mistakes will follow her for the rest of her life is not true and unfair. Some people KEEP fucking up which is why they can never shake it their mistakes or bad reputation. But if Yuka, when she is older and more mature, acknowledges her mistakes and becomes stronger from them, and hell, maybe even helps others from making similar mistakes as well (like if she becomes an advocate or a resource for some girls who are tempted by the same thing but don't understand what can happen because they are too young), I can see her really becoming an idol. Not in the simple Japan idol sense, but someone people respect and look up to. She kept quiet about the whole thing and is mostly just giving off "I don't care this is my cool new life" fluff now, which is why people who saw what happened way back when can't respect her since she never really showed she understood what she did and grew from the situation. She puts off she is still simple-minded and immature, which I think frustrates people (like me) who see she clearly has potential. I mean fuck, she is cute, sings beautifully, speaks (from what I can tell) Japanese very well, modeled for Baby multiple times, and also has some nerdy interests. In my opinion those are all very likable things. What's not likable is how sometimes she lets this "try-hard" vibe slip through, such as her switching completely to her work's clothing style, or how she made her public interests more bland for the sake of peace.
Sure, she doesn't owe anyone an explanation, but it is hard not to do that eventually if you are looking for any kind of attention or spotlight, even if it is less than before. But I think it is all a matter of time. As she gets older, if she starts reflecting on what kind of person she actually wants to be she may realize what is true to herself and then use everything that happened to her as fuel to become a better person. I hope so, because she really does have the potential to become someone great, but the wrong decisions unfortunately will just make her a lolcow for life.
No. 185941
>>185940I find it precious you think my comment is passive aggressive when your reply to my post is just that, and then you greentext.
Also I wasn't being passive aggressive, I was being completely serious. If that much text musing about someone is too much for you, go back to 4chan.
No. 185946
>>185941Yes, I'll leave this totally serious and formal discussion venue to sate your buttpain.
Literally calm your tits it was a joke about how much you typed, sperg-chan
No. 185966
>>185965"skinneh gurl livin in jpn"
such a dream
eyeroll No. 185967
>>185959they're salty cos shes a cunt
end of
No. 185993
>>185927You sound wise anon and i agree. Even though i dislike yuka i think she was really cute and talented before but she fucked up big time and now i'm kinda laughing at all the crap she's pulling and all the terrible decisions (also her vines, cringe cringe). From what i heard and saw she's a terrible bitch to other girls so i don't even feel sorry for her
>>185965Yuka/Yuka's friend, stop posting
>u-u just jelly bc she iz skinny and cute and in JAPAN!!!Keep telling yourself that i wouldn't trade my place for hers for anything in the world, looking at her situation.
But if that can help you sleep at night dear.
No. 185994
>>185972She isn't anybody, apart from the shit she pulled with old men and her antics from back in her golden era. Yuka isn't anybody but some washed up girl living in Japan. Plenty of people live in Japan and vlog, it's nothing new. Not anymore.
People are asslicking kota because "aw shes changed and shes kawaii cos natural now so yh shes a good gurl :D"
They're both assholes.
No. 186006
>>186002>implying yuka is going anywhere in life because of a magazine spreadKota isn't going to go far either with no diploma and nothing else than being a kawaii moderu as an experience.
Yuka is not going to be able to live forever as a kawaii grill desu.
No. 186009
Yukapon has no degree, no real life outside of being an attention whore (and real whore) in Japan. When she hits 30, which will be sooner than you bitches think, her life will basically be over. She'll be dried up, aged, sour milk (implying she isn't already) stuck in a foreign country married to some man she doesn't even like, let alone love, with a mediocre job doing nothing and making nothing.
Like, come on, get real. That's her life. That's what you get when you spend all your time relying on how ~kawaii~ you are. Like, I'm sorry, but she's already looking like a butterface slob. Age has caught up with her, and I honestly feel bad for her, because of how shitty her life has turned out. I bet by now she thought she was gonna be some sort of super famous, world-renowned celeb. Sheesh, no wonder she spends all her time shitting up her own /pt/ thread.
No. 186025
>>186009I 100% agree with this.
>tfw i am 20 have a nice job, an adorable azn weeb boyfriend, a kawaiidesoo appartment,>am on the skinny/slim side and told to be really cute in generalliving the dream. To think i used to envy her like crazy when i was a little weeb some years ago and now i couldn't be happier.
>>186015kek, true.
Sad but true.
No. 186227
>>186081Natalia/Yuka is cute looking at times. But that is all. She could never pull off a sexy look because her face is too round and childish. With her odd and unhealthy skinniness currently, looking cute isn't an option right now either. Right now to most people she just looks a little strange. I think in America/California she would mostly be seen as average to cute. 100% never a model type though, as she is more like a 1 trick pony. Can only pull off younger looking styles..never anything mature/modern or high fashioned.
>>186002You seem to be one of her friends if not her herself. But most likely, a friend. You're not helping her. No one is impressed with a magazine spread. I don't think you understand the severity of Natalias situation. Japan is not a forgiving place-no Asian country is. The moment Natalia gets any actual popularity, her past will rise back up and she will be fired and exiled. Tell me a currently still famous Japanese celebrity who's been caught prostituting and urinating on camera. None, right? Now, tell me a foreigner in Japan who's currently famous who did those things as well. The answer is the same. Yuka will not the be first. Her life in Japan will always be at risk because of this. Even in America, when it's discovered that a person has a past in pornography, they often lose their job and the respect of everyone around them. In an Asian country it is the same, but way way worse.
This is why Yukas happiness is again on borrowed time. Eventually, her false rape accusation, prostitution, pedophile pandering, and urinating video will all rear up and once again leave her with nothing. Fame will never keep her. Her life will be short if she continues trying to pursue it.
If you truly love your friend Yuka, then you will tell her to give up this dream and focus on a quiet life out of the public eye where no one will feel the need to google her.
No. 186378
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>>186300"im not teaching you how to do eyebrows in this video for obvious reasons"
No. 186399
>>186378is that shit drawn on
christ it looks so bad wtf
No. 186546
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>>186300She is looking SO tired and her cheeks are sunken in. Girl, Japan is not healthy for you. This girl is about 7 years younger than me but looks in her early to mid 30s already.
No. 186742
>>186738what are you on about?
she used to do all videos on niconico douga, a japanese site specifically for a japanese audience.
she lives in japan. that is her target.
No. 186743
>>186546yea she started the makeup video with a base of foundation and powder, and yet still looks haggard.
the party life is not doing her any favors
No. 186753
>>186742lol and her target doesn't look like it's catering much to her needs
No. 186809
>>186546Holy cow…
First of all: what are these? caterpillars or eyebrows?
Secondly oh boy she may be really skinny but she looks SO tired,old,sunken,… the drugs,parties and other bullshit did her no favor. She was so so cute but she fucked up really badly. She needs to sleep,take care of her skin,stop smoking or whatever she does to look like that,… and redo those eyebrows for the sake of everything kawaii.
No. 187014
>>186753they did was she did the imouto thing
No. 187077
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So what exactly does she do in Japan?
No. 187078
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>>186546Oh my fucking GOD. I used to defend you, Yuka, for fuck's sake. I am so ashamed.
I'm quitting. Bai.
Here, have a better Yuka pic (with fucking Barbie), farmers.
No. 187080
>>187078Jesus… it's like all the weebs are finally meeting. I wonder when yuka will meet venus? kek
or when venus will meet kota?
No. 187192
>>187126I don't think the rule are the same for lolita fashion and high fashion runway.
She was actually quite boring but her eye wink at the end made my heart jump, it was super cute.
No. 187305
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>>186546I don't know if she's older than her brother, but surely that's what it looks like.
I mean, look at that childish face: put a kawaii uguu wig on him and …WOAH! Another Yukapon! Lmao.
No. 187355
>Better than Dakotathey are both the same level of mediocre
>>187305Holy shit, they really do look alike lol It's kind of adorable really (idk something about seeing non-twin siblings look really similar is super cute to me)
No. 187362
>>187307A bit OT but yeah mdma is amazing, personal favorite. And yes, sex is incredible, you feel so full of energy, idea and love… But the aftermath where you feel depressed and sensitive for days is shit. And then if you happen to try to lift yourself up with other stimulants… Drugs are really easy to slip into. I wonder if she's still into it? and what kind she'd be doing now. I heard Japan doesn't fuck around with substances, even weed, so maybe she got/will get into drinking?
Or maybe she'll come clean and all, but yeah. Kinda hard to get out of the loop once you start doing it frequently.
No. 187363
>>59771god i cant help but think this is shopped
his creep level is UNREAL
No. 187377
>>187305Holy fucking shit he looks exactly like yukapon oh my god
>>187365Nah she doesn't have a man face anon
>>187078She looked fucking perfectly adorable there why did she ruin everything? She looked so much healthier/happier and now she's so sunken and tired looking from all the drugs,anorexic shenanigans,…
No. 187408
>>187078She looks really good with this hair color.
Honey-Blonde hair + Brown eyes is my favorite.
No. 187433
>>187305>>187369christ, they look like twins
>>187365or her brother has feminine features
No. 187445
>>185874are we going to let this happen cowrades? we cant let this creature rise. i mean wtf
where are the dirty deets. who got em?
No. 187448
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>>187440nah, say whatever about yuka and her girly brother, but her mom is a milf
No. 187474
>>187469nah, I only posted
>>187452I can see your logic, though
No. 187538
>>187377do people really think people choose to be ana?
Goddamn the bitch is sick.
No. 187697
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>>187687Isn't it based on votes anyway? She's not that for off from having 1K followers on her twitter and 2K on her instagram, thats almost twice as much as I've seen from the other foreign contestants for TGC.
No. 187834
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Sooooo…Is she trying to pull the "living doll" card?
>Dolly makeup video
>livingdoll tag on IG
>doll life tag
No. 187872
>>187834god she looks so disgusting
I used to think she was kind of cute, but she actually looks so bad, and she is aging horribly.
No. 187879
>>185872Yeah, if you like them sallow and gross.
Old Yuka was adorable, new Yuka is fucking nasty m8
No. 188368
>>188353yeah it's more nationality thing
I hate it when black people go "im half african american and ___ (< some african country) cos im mixed"
Yet they're still black.
Unless you're mixed with a RACE like white/asian/black ect then yeah. But you can be mixed with french and italian yet you'll still come out white.
No. 188445
>>188368"Biracial" pertains to race. "Mixed" can refer to nationalities because different groups have different cultures, facial features, etc.
If you're biracial and/or American, everyone from every race probably all look the same to you, but for people who have a well-ingrained cultural identity, the opposite is true.
No. 188504
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>>188279To be fucking frank saying "HURR SHE'S NOT WHIIITEE SHE'S LATINAAA" screams even more racist to me because EVERYONE from fucking latin-america is latino/latina
Meaning you are fucking reducing two parts of a fucking continent into a single race
I'm latina (brazilian) AND I AM WHITE, and I have black friends and native friends, so shut up with that stupid shit, SHE'S WHITE EVEN IF SHE'S HALF CUBAN/WHATEVER
sage for OT but I am mad with that stupid american shit "Only white americans are whtie hurhduurhdur"
No. 188590
>>188504>>188504Lol Cubans don't have a certain race, they can be white,black,mixed,Asian,etc.
Both my parents are Cuban and my dad is black and my mom is white.
People need to realize this but ignorance will always exist.
No. 188591
>>188504Why do people insist on being's honestly hilarious. It shouldn't be a big deal, if you know it then just stfu and walk away.
If someone tells me I'm Indian then cool, and if another tells me I have blue hair that's awesome, if someone tells me I look black then hooray. People like to pick on you knowing you'll react. Don't let them get to you.
No. 188661
>>188658Omg. :(
She would really benefit from all those fillers Taylor R is getting stuffed into her face. She should contact her for some juvederm info.
Her face like, deflated. Must be her extreme dieting :(
If she got some chub back on her face she would look cute and loli again. Her nose looks so fucking big since there's no fat in her face anymore
No. 188680
>>188658i dunno. looks more like a downgrade to me. Her age is showing horribly but it could be her webcam?
also "make-up".
>cute and loli againgo fuck yourself pedo. all you are pedos for saying you prefer her at 15.
No. 188693
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She's so thin it's disgusting. It might be good on a top model with a different kind of face, but on Yuka looks so strange and gross…
>>188680We're discussing her appearence at 15-16, anon. Nobody's comparing a 5yo body to a girl in her late teens.
Being 18 doesn't make you look THAT thin. Her body is just ruined by drugs and anorexia, that's all, it's not about age.
If she didn't try to desperately look like girls in japan or fit children panties and clothes, she wouldn't be that thin, but healthy and young looking.
No. 188715
>>188693you must be fat as FUCK. her face looks old and busted now but her body is the only good thing about her. she's not "stick thin" or ana, she is a normal healthy size, fat americans just get
triggered by attractive bodies. omg a 2cm thigh gap sooooooo ana
No. 188718
>>188715Not that anon, but her body is the way it is because of an eating disorder, not a healthy approach to diet/exercise or life in general. The reason her body looks so ""nice"" is because she isn't taking proper care of herself.
If you want to praise that, go ahead, I guess.
No. 188759
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>>188715Somebody should feed ana-chan before she gets even more salty.
>>188721 She's a random ddlg fan/nymphet/whatever.
Yuka wrote the underlined comment.
No. 188771
>>188715i'd rather have an average girl with a cute face than a stick thin skeletor with a saggy-jowl face
No. 189442
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BTSSB this looks bad! That cheap looking wig. and those buns look like they are made from Brillo.
No. 189448
>>189442Her eyes are dead.
Every picture she takes, I see no life in her eyes. No happiness. Just flickers of hope that whatever she's doing now will last. Her fear is always so noticeable. Am I the only one to notice this? To me, it always looks as though she wants to cry.
I don't know the last time I've seen her actually look alive. Smiling without doing some pose because she knows her past is watching.
No. 189452
>>189442>those buns look like they are made from BrilloHahahahah fuck, they do.
Or like I could use them to exfoliate the heels of my feet in the bath.
No. 189470
>>189458>>189454>>189462Sure is samefag in here. you have to admit her nose looks like shotgun barrels. The contour of it is weird and in your face. Duck nose. Not big, but oddly noticable at angles.
I have no nose obession. everyone in here pretty much agrees. plus that bitch needs to put on some weight. HOLY SHIT.
No. 189484
>>189470I only posted this comment
>>189458Try again cunt
No. 190298
>>189470nah man, I was actually only these posts:
>>189454>>189455But I do agree, her nose is not MASSIVE but it is odd. At least she knows how to work the angles that flatter her most.
No. 190989
>>190292Do you think she still wishes she was a loli?
I used to be a huge Yukapon wannabe back in the days and even now that i am 20 sometimes i feel uncomfortable being adult and wishes to be a tiny little kawaiidesoo loli thing. I'm currently getting help tho, bc it's painful and draining me emotionally to be that obsessed with wanting to look like a small perfect little thing and feeling too big (i am only 5"3/5"4 at MOST and average/slim but yet…i feel too tall too big)
Anyway i wonder what she's going for now? Doing hair tutorials and shit? Going the Dakota route or? Her eyemakeup is awful though.
No. 191111
>>191026She has absolutely no emotion in her videos. Her eyes are so lifeless, and it always looks like she doesn't want to be there. Which is creepy when she uses her fake uguu Yukapon voice. It's like you can hear her talking in her head, "Come on partnership! Come on, somebody notice me! Come on, let's get famous!"
It's hilarious how she keeps jumping ship on everything, but stops once she realizes that nothings going to come out of it.
No. 191137
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Is it me or do her eyes look really tired and strange?
No. 193537
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Yuka pee new video
Thrift shopping haul
You know i used to think her japanese is good
I mean shes quick so you would think that means she is good, and knows what to say, and i guess to be able to hold a conversation is good enough.
but its still not great
No. 193833
>>193820Her voice is too weak, too soft and she has virtually no vibrato.
She needs to work on expanding her lung capacity and learning to sing from her chest/stomach and not her head.
No. 194170
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Her F&V coords are so boring
No. 194171
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No. 194188
>>194170I see only the word ISIS printed on that shirt
No. 194297
>>194295Yes, it is very common in Japan for shop staff workers to be required to wear the brand they work for. At 109, where she works, that's all you'll see. It's actually sort of smart - I've bought quite a few things that shop staff have been wearing because they look wayyyy cuter worn.
Never liked Fig & Viper's stuff, tho.
No. 194329
>Eh honestly her singing is pretty good Ummmmmmmmmmm I don't want to be a bitch but I'm trained and her singing is not good. It's average, but not good.
She's engaging in what's called "head-singing" which is a big no-no and doesn't really allow for you to expand your vocal depth. All your notes stay up in your head, weak and frail, and it sounds like she doesn't have adequate lung capacity to transition into her chest.
It's an incredibly annoying way for somebody to sing.
No. 194363
>>194347i think that anon is more or less saying the technique is bad.
which i believe since she is clearly not trained.
yea i think her voice is nice although i do realize it is not good technique and she is singing from her throat. you are supposed to sing from a deep place
No. 194377
>>194347KEK no it's not, it's entirely measurable.
Sorry you have shit taste.
No. 194589
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>>194540it really truly is… and her vine. she keeps posting weird faces while on the train. she is literally 5 years old
No. 194643
>>194640uh…she's trying to be a model? she's trying to have a career where her appearance matters. people can care about their weight or want to be thin for appearance reasons without being anorexic. there's nothing unusual about her eating habits from what i can see. substituting miracle noodles for high calories noodles is a good way to be able to eat more higher quality foods like vegetables and meat instead of overdoing it on the high calories and shitty carbs in regular noodles.
it's not so simple as "if you're trying to stay thin for any reason other than your health, you're ana." there's a middle ground.
No. 194646
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@aminyan beating yukapon in the miss a contest