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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 281505[Reply]

Stefany Lauren (aka Stefany Mancebo aka Eloise Frazer aka Jillian E. Valentine) is a Canadian cosplayer who has gained popularity through her Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and Frozen cosplays until she was kicked out for photoshopping her pics and lied about having worked for LucasFilms (implying that she was a stunt double or photo double for Rey), causing her to get kicked out/leave the community.

Moved onto Game of Thrones and started skinwalking Maisie Williams and cosplaying as Arya Stark. During this period she claimed to have a mystery degenerative illness characterized by periods of blindness, and tried to legitimize this by falsely claiming multiple family pets as "service dogs." She obsessively photoshopped Maisie’s features onto her own face and changed her entire personality to go between Maisie and Arya. She claimed to be HBO’s “official” Arya Cosplayer, and added archery and horse riding to her laundry list of talents.

After Frozen 2 came out, she latched onto Elsa. She latched on so hard that she decided to change her name to Eloise Frazer (Elsa Frozen) on social media and claimed it was because hearing her real name gave her PTSD. She was determined to be seen as a cutesy Disney princess, and as a result once again changed her personality to match. She became a complete scandiboo, claiming that she was a practicing Norse pagan (despite having to ask others for answers to the most basic questions about the pantheon) and hinting that her Guatemalan father may not be her real dad. She made frequent reference to being unable to feel cold, and to experiencing illness due to the heat in the summer. During this period she acquired a prop gecko as a pet (it was only briefly showcased on her socials) and a white horse with blue eyes which she named Nanok.

Next came a throwback to a short-lived lie: that she is related to Elizabeth Gilles (Jade from Victorious on nickelodeon) and claimed she was related— never proven.

This skinwalk gained little traction, and she briefly shifted her focus instead to full-time 'equestrian,' giving us such gems as: the time she bought a stallion straight off the racetrack >>>/w/122283, the time she burned the shit out of her scalp with horse shampoo >>>/w/148779, the time she roleplayed as her gelding on facebook Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1097 posts and 322 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 345877

unless she posts tons of wip pics these are premade from taobao.

No. 345904

I like the rabbit being real cartoony compared to the others because she couldn't find anybody making a realistic rabbit head to re-sell

No. 345920

she always uses premade bases and just sculpts or whatever on top of them. my unsolicited, non-furry opinion is that if you wanna be a full-fledged fur suit maker, you should probably work on improving your skills so you don’t have to rely on somebody else to do all the heavy lifting. like her rates are asinine for the relatively little amount of work she puts into suit making

No. 346022

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I have no idea if her work is ok or not but all I could see:

No. 346023


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

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No. 278353[Reply]

Thread for all jfashion cows. All jfashion besides gyaru and lolita can be posted here. Please post gyarus, lolitas, cosplayers and costhots in appropriate threads linked below. Notable trending jfashions are decora, jirai, harajuku, ryosangata, kawaii aesthetic, visual kei, fairy kei, and yumekawa. Other non jfashion claimed to be actual jfashion such as sanriocore/kei, pastelcore/kei princesscore, and similar can be posted here as long as cows are clearly claiming the fashion is japanese.
Lolita Thread >>267569
Gyaru Thread >>262428
Costhot Thread >>174607
Cosplay Cringe Thread >>195505
Pic related is pastelkawaiibarbie aka Rachel, who has been at this for decades wearing ill-fitting clothes with no improvement. I was surprised to see her on tiktok still looking like ass.
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No. 345842

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cinnagal has, once again, swung at a hornet's nest of mentally ill j-fashion girls (screenshot from the tweet)

No. 345843

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No. 345844

This was already posted and discussed in the jirai thread.

No. 345865

realistically speaking, would she be a lost cause or was it ever possible to make this work? Like, idk, at what point is someone no longer eligible to wear a certain fashion?(sage your shit)

No. 345894

it's being moved so it doesn't derail the jirai thread. this is common.

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No. 344743[Reply]

Lori Cerda, known as Lori Lewd or Usagi Kou, is a 39-year-old photoshop addicted costhot and anime fictionkin (otakukin for the oldfags) from New York state. With 20+ years of lunacy behind her, farmers have been working together diligently to stitch together the madness into a coherent timeline. Lots of interactions and receipts have been lost to time, either deleted or made private, keep that in mind as we continue.

Lori got her start as a rabid Sailor Moon cosplayer in the early aughts which launched her into infamy and Moonie drama that lasted for over 10 years alone. In Summary; a well-liked, cute and young cosplayer that wowed people as Sailor Moon had one of the hardest and fastest falls from grace. It’s a story rife with lies, theft, squatting, cheating, jealousy, cult-like behavior and lots of violence. To put it lightly, it blew apart the entire Sailor Moon livejournal community in the US. The juxtaposition of Usagi and Lori piqued the interest of many people. Some might call her one of the OG cosplay lolcows. After becoming a joke to the majority of the US cosplay community Lori dropped her Usagi shtick, married a few times and stayed mostly quiet.

2017 changed all that when Lori met Kevin “Skye” Hanft. Once the two cosplayers met and fell in love, Lori quickly reverted to her past behaviors and became Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx. Her current phase she has described herself as “14 yr old boy” and “spicy loli gremlin elf bb succubus” She cosplays Marin Kitagawa now as she's the flavor of the week waifu. Of course she is "the IRL Marin" in her eyes just like she was IRL Saber and Zero Two. Recognizing her status as a complete has-been, Lori prefers to focus on what she calls "spicy" content (shitty nudes) and "lewd modeling". She only does half-assed couple cosplay with Kevin at conventions, if that. Kevin feeds Lori’s delusions and is a whole cow on his own. He serves as her meal ticket and guard dog. At the first sign of any inconvenience or drama, Lori will blow the whistle and sick her dog. If you lurk long enough you will spot a wild Kevin masquerading as anon. Do not interact. He is retarded and he will spend his time trying to track you down. He has a documented history of digitally stalking commenters, accusing them of being anons or Momokun/Vamplette and threatening suicide/murder. He will escalate even faster if he is currently in the doghouse and blocked by Lori. It's how she manipulates him to do her old Kou'sPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 345835

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Did they go to an event or is this some empty hallway that Kevin took pics in?

No. 345838

This looks terrible. You'd think he would learn to airbrush after all this time.

No. 345845

From context, I'd say these are old pictures.

No. 345852

Think she'll give up on streaming soon?

I caught one of Lori's streams a couple weeks ago. I don't think that she has much of a clue with how to stream.

Her game audio is super loud and her mic volume is very low. The only thing you can hear her say is "UUUGH!" and whatever other random loud verbal outburst sounds she makes. If she tries to "talk" you can't hear shit.

She sometimes gets chatters, but she usually just makes a pose at the camera as a response or does not even acknowledge them at all lol.(sage your shit)

No. 346071

who knows at this point. somehow she has no self awareness and no concept of what type of content people would actually be interested in. finally really seeing that she really is autistic.

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No. 343909[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/w/338748

Jirai kei is a j-fashion subculture that emerged in 2020, named after mentally unstable landmine girls (地雷女). It is a derogatory term that is used to label and stereotype a woman as what would be considered a "ticking time bomb" in English.

The western community consists of mentally ill girls that hate each other, abuse otc cough medicine, and spend all of their time on twitter.

General drama:
Newfags raided the thread, acting as prime examples of jiraitwt mental retardation >>340430

Notable cows:
Twitter/Tiktok: meruu218
Instagram: mm2mn1
Instagram baddie from Sweden turned jirai >>340110
Spends a ridiculous amount of money to attend a language school in Shinjuku to live out her toyoko kid larp >>342172
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No. 346045

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Nonnie are you one of the twittards? Not to WK but Even I know this is obviously some sort of inside joke. If she wasn’t black saying it they all would’ve jumped at her by now, especially since she and the rest of jiraitwt jumped at that girl Ria for the same shit kekk

No. 346046

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>It’s funny because I don’t care about the situation
>posts about it over 15 times within the same day, most of which within the same hour
Her delusional “I don’t care” act is just honestly becoming boringgg. The milk has gotten old. She’s not even worth discussing anymore

No. 346055

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Thought she’s been unbothered? kekk

No. 346060

Inb4 she says this has nothing to do with lolcow and it’s because she failed a math test or has to do one worksheet tonight kek

No. 346064

People like her are so annoying. No, talking about or referencing the farms isn't 'owning the haters' or being soooo cool and in on the joke, it just makes you a faggot

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No. 212106[Reply]

Continual containment thread for Dakota Rose Ostrenga, AKA "Dakota Rose" of 2011/2012 Tumblr viral fame.

>got her initial modeling contract from Bravo models international from a Skype call modified with After Effects based on her viral Tumblr selfies of her photoshopped into an entirely different person

>spent the next 5 years ignoring everyone in her age group for 45+ year old businessmen, despite many people trying to throw her a professional bone after her career flop, her jewelry line flop, and her embarrassing herself on national TV
>When Sheina got booted from Japan, Dakota's easy ride also came to an end & ane never went back to her previous lifestyle of living well off, alone in a 3LDR, in Shibuya without working while spending ¥¥¥¥¥¥
>Recently admitted that she has spent the last 2 years in America, wether in Florida or California with Kaka, who knows
>Not much activity other than posting obvious pics/clips from the States, but with Japanese captions as Kaka starts slowly leading for attention on IG
>Other than trying a few JP IG based brand sponsorships for things Kooter clearly never interacra with, like a skateboard. Likely trying to keep any JP fan base she still has left
540 posts and 71 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 345458

WTH is happening here?

No. 345497

in florida doing nothing, as usual

No. 345567

never thought she'd disappear so quietly. she hasn't posted anything since 2023. Is this is the good ending or something?(sage your shit)

No. 345986

probs got married and for the sake of her new japanese family she needs to stay off the internet

No. 346018

Or she moved on from public social media and has private accounts for close friends and family. I honestly feel like her being separated from family has actually matured her. Her editing and behaviour have toned down significantly meanwhile kaka is still batshit and hung up on the past. Worst case would be she’s back in Florida having a melt down because she turns 30 this year and dropped out of high school and only job was failed model in Japan.

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No. 3990[Reply]

Old Thread - >>>/snow/402703

Lana Rain:
>Popular camgirl & cosplayer
>Once dated/groomed a 16 year old girl from Italy
>Can't take criticism & sends her fanboys after other cam models
>Once had a video where she masturbated near public parks where children were clearly visible

Social Media:
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No. 179018

this one https://nickmonroe.blog/2018/12/03/quantum-synchronicity-the-ballad-of-terence-bloodcalibur-sanchez/amp/

Is already 3 years old but shows how fukced these people are in the head. 70% on the stuff on there was either posted on here or just retadrded nonsense.

Also 8 actualy looks good with the contats and phototoshop after trooining out.

Would really le the know what lana is doing, if you look up her twitter it's just simp 1 ,2,3,….bought a video from my MV.

Stop payng that bitch all her stuff is onile for free?

No. 210010

if you post anything about her weight gain on her reddit page even its it is worded in a positive manner she will delete it lol!

No. 210030

looks like most of it when to her tits. nice.. hott

No. 222326

hey its nova, ive only met reckful a few times. he was always really kind and genuine.
he offered me shrooms one night and i mentioned how i was in a cult previously so id pass. never ended up going into detail but i kept my distance after that because i was getting flashbacks. its really tragic hes gone, i cant look at the downtown skyline and not think of him.

even though its been a few years i still have to remind myself this is real, as much as id like to forget everything that happened it feels like a ghost that follows me.

terrence sent me a long email recently, not sure if it was a genuine apology but it felt like he was trying to lure me back in like hes done with half the people that have left..(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 345338

So nothing new in close to 3 years?

Also is anyone really aware of her old boyfriend "Sasha?" That she apparently once accused him of rape?


I knew her ex ages ago. He was a complete fucking psycho. I can't say it with absolute certainly but I'm gonna go ahead and say he did more than likely rape her.(sage your shit/repost/this is an imageboard)

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No. 326805[Reply]

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikan.mandarin/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mikanmandarin
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mikanmandarin
Twitter: https://x.com/citrusymikan
Brand: https://vinaofthevalley.com/
Twitter brand: https://x.com/Vinaofthevalley
IG brand: https://www.instagram.com/vina.of.the.valley/
Thread #1: >>143614
Thread #2: >>174287

General info:
> Mikan (Vina) Mandarin is a J-Vlogger currently living in Japan. She is Kurdish, Iraqi, Swedish, and English, and wants the whole world to know about it. But will only claim her West-Asian heritage POC card when called white-passing. >>149078 >>157122 &Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
425 posts and 87 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 345833

No. 345834

they're not replicas anon, she's dropshipping them. They've been around far before she claimed to have designed them

No. 345856

Hers are straps. The concept isn't knew, but her design is different.

No. 345864

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Yeah, so? The topic is the "cat paw" shape of the shoe, which dates back at least to the 80s. https://www.viviennewestwood.com/en-us/women/shoes/pumps/animal-toe-three-strap-shoe-black/74010021-41013-AM-BLACK.html
>First presented in the Vivienne Westwood 1983-1984 Autumn-Winter 'Witches' collection, the animal toe design takes inspiration from the concept of animal anatomy, particularly the shape of animal claws or talons.

The pawprint sole is also not original. I mean, honestly, no one expects her to produce original clothing. It's not even an insult. But she makes a big deal out of "designing" shit when her dresses are usually blatant copies of 2012-2015 Liz Lisa or similar. Her "big heart" dresses and pinafores are basically just knock-offs of designs that were sold when she was a teenager. It would be nice if she acknowledged her sources rather than drama queening about how difficult it is to "design" clothing, since (as anons stated) that's not what's going on here. The fact that VW is still making animal paw shoes means that China is 100% still producing knock-offs. We know she has some "ethical" factory in China that is totes better than any Western or Japanese factory, guyz! Again, no one expects someone like her to be producing new stuff. But call it an homage or something? She might even get more sales if she did.

No. 345988


She probably just found a supplier and did an order.
Or the factory is producing more items that she ordered to sell on taobao as 'gray market' product. (Not a fake, but also not sold by the brand). Wonder if the materials are the same, but yea, so ethical guys!!

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No. 13668[Reply]

What happens is Vegas, goes on the internet.
Post about your favorite las vegas snowflake, the choices are endless!
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No. 281235

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Is the dude still hung up on Sharon? Lol

No. 281321

The PSL jokes are the worst ones of all. Men mock women who read YA books and like drinks. I dont get their deal. More women need to mock men for their obsession with capeshit and call them faggots.

No. 288824

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The cosplays are always well made but when it's just him without cosplay he looks so gross looking lol

No. 291784

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It's ironic he says this but he did the same thing and was openly racist to his own friends. Hypocrisy much?

No. 297089

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It's funny you mention that cause he just made these comments lol

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No. 81193[Reply]

PREVIOUS THREAD - >>>/w/11675


This is the second thread dedicated to and detailing the cows of the self-described "animecore" community, an aesthetic scene based on Japanese art and media of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Those in the community usually take up interests and hobbies around anime, manga, doujins, cosplay, PC games, oekaki/tegaki, and Japanese imageboard culture, while often being elitist about said interests. Animecore cows mirror the immature behavior and sexual deviance of many 2010s Tumblr-era cows like Nemu (Holden), Yuta (shoppingcartfullofpinkturd), and Hushy (4lung.)

Some unifying traits that appear in these cows are:
>In their 20s and exhibit childish, rude behavior
>Usually begin on Tumblr or DeviantArt, spend most time there or on Twitter
>Claim to be liberal and progressive, usually aren't and have a past of being conservative
>Do "kinning" (skinwalking fictional characters) and often believe they're those characters in the flesh
>Occupy Japanese spaces online while speaking mainly English and little-to-no Japanese
>Create or consume objectionable fetish art depicting children, cubs, abuse, piss, scat, and vomit
If a fan of 1990s-2000s Japanese media with an online presence qualifies for 4 of the 6, they probably belong here.

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1116 posts and 628 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 300490

this isnt milk and stop involving family members retard

No. 336272

https://www.paperdemon.com/app/u/VIBRI(random no context link unsaged)

No. 336345

anyone know whatever happened to moni? seems she disappeared all of a sudden

No. 345243

rip animecore theard(retard)

No. 345244

i miss max300 lolcow posts and drama(retard)

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No. 16634[Reply]

23 year old weeb that makes youtube videos regarding anime. Actually makes intelligent points but is a snowflake and grating in a few ways.

>claims to actively respond to fans but constantly ignores their questions in regards to if she's dating Joey aka The Anime Man even though she CONSTANTLY posts pictures of him and uses language like bbz when referring to him.

>constantly posting fat tits
>uses a sexy and thin anime drawing representation of her for her video thumbnails contrary to how she really looks
>constantly talks about hentai and tentacle porn

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_1HVMnw-610qx54iEiWk7A/featured

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akidearest/

1093 posts and 167 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 313398

That's not the issue.

No. 313505

why was this banworthy what happened here(take it to meta)

No. 333344


No. 345120

No. 345750


She’s still fat kek her body fat is clearly above 35%

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