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No. 70858[Reply]

22 year old musical artist from Sweden. Is obsessed with Japanese culture. Basically plagiarized lyrics from one of his idol's songs. Ex-girlfriend said he's a lazy asshole who drinks and smokes and will cry to his daddy if he doesn't get his way. SEIKE, who is an ex-member of a band YOHIO used to be in called him out on his shit too. Shoops pictures, but never admitted it. Also pretended to be kawaii children's idol when he was smoking, drinking and fucking people behind everyone's back. Says he's so big in Japan but fucking no one knows him. Also seems to emphasize he's straight, but who knows who he cheated on his ex-girlfriend with.
Ex-girlfriend testimony (It's in Swedish) : https://www.flashback.org/leave.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.imagebam.com%2Fimage%2F74db4c257919111
Plagiarism: look up Welcome to the City by YOHIO and Welcome to the City by Amy Diamond. I also noticed that YOHIO and some guy he knows called Gackt both have a song called Last Kiss around the same time frame…?
SEIKE:"Heard That I'm being called unprofessional by a person i once held very dear. Hypocrisy just took human form. It's not me who lie to my fans about smoking, drinking and having a lot of sex. All of this would be totally fine if you would not tell your fans the opposite and then throwing away your friends when they refuse to lay people right in their face to please you. I'm fed up with your bullshit. At minimum stand for your actions, and do not you dare calling yourself a role model for young people and in the next breath accusing me of being unprofessional. I might be unprofessional for writing this message official, but it's _nothing_ compared to what you've become. "
Emocore account: Http://www.emocore.se/YOHIO/galleri
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No. 342223

anon's screenshot is from instagram not facebook

No. 342226

While we're on the on topic I saw seike on a tv show where he was being vulnerable an admitted he used to hate his chin as a kid, saying something like "I know it sounds crazy". My friend and I both went "yeah no it's an ugly weird looking chin, so that makes full sense" kek

I wouldn't mind an active yohio thread because he seems cowish, too bad it just gets spammed by some crazy newfag sperg once a year.

No. 342228

Okay but still not proof of anything lol, Why not link this too him so he can have a good old read of it.(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 342229


Yes it would be nice to see however
it would also be nice for them all to respond to the stuff posted on here so they can clear it all up.

No. 342233

Due to continued rule-breaking this thread will be locked until further notice. If any new milk is found make a post on /meta/ or email admin at admin@lolcow.farm and the thread will be unlocked.

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No. 281505[Reply]

Stefany Lauren (aka Stefany Mancebo aka Eloise Frazer aka Jillian E. Valentine) is a Canadian cosplayer who has gained popularity through her Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and Frozen cosplays until she was kicked out for photoshopping her pics and lied about having worked for LucasFilms (implying that she was a stunt double or photo double for Rey), causing her to get kicked out/leave the community.

Moved onto Game of Thrones and started skinwalking Maisie Williams and cosplaying as Arya Stark. During this period she claimed to have a mystery degenerative illness characterized by periods of blindness, and tried to legitimize this by falsely claiming multiple family pets as "service dogs." She obsessively photoshopped Maisie’s features onto her own face and changed her entire personality to go between Maisie and Arya. She claimed to be HBO’s “official” Arya Cosplayer, and added archery and horse riding to her laundry list of talents.

After Frozen 2 came out, she latched onto Elsa. She latched on so hard that she decided to change her name to Eloise Frazer (Elsa Frozen) on social media and claimed it was because hearing her real name gave her PTSD. She was determined to be seen as a cutesy Disney princess, and as a result once again changed her personality to match. She became a complete scandiboo, claiming that she was a practicing Norse pagan (despite having to ask others for answers to the most basic questions about the pantheon) and hinting that her Guatemalan father may not be her real dad. She made frequent reference to being unable to feel cold, and to experiencing illness due to the heat in the summer. During this period she acquired a prop gecko as a pet (it was only briefly showcased on her socials) and a white horse with blue eyes which she named Nanok.

Next came a throwback to a short-lived lie: that she is related to Elizabeth Gilles (Jade from Victorious on nickelodeon) and claimed she was related— never proven.

This skinwalk gained little traction, and she briefly shifted her focus instead to full-time 'equestrian,' giving us such gems as: the time she bought a stallion straight off the racetrack >>>/w/122283, the time she burned the shit out of her scalp with horse shampoo >>>/w/148779, the time she roleplayed as her gelding on facebook Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 342011

I miss when her personality was going blind and popping balloons with her mind

No. 342012

Thing that pisses me off about countess is that she has decent skills with art but wastes it on making the most nonsensical fan service about her AHS sona and whatever stef is larping as

No. 342066

I'm not even sure id go that far. that pic looks like she poorly traced the outlines of two photos then mashed them together (Infact based on the randomly wobbly lines on places like her thigh I wouldn't be shocked if she didn't trace a photo then poorly warp it in an app to what she thinks are ideal proportions, the inconsistency of the hand anatomy where she clearly would've had to redraw or replace them is really telling too…)

No. 342082

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You're probably right about the tracing nonna. The anatomy is all kinds of fucked up. Just look at how far her leg goes up into her torso? The weird deformed arm and hand wrapped around "jill"s neck? Neither of them should quit their day jobs.

No. 342083

yeah, they're the kind of beginner mistakes that don't make a lot of sense in contrast to other areas which are weirdly proportionate or closer to reality. the sloppy stuff like what you pointed out is where I assume she redrew or tried to base anatomy on her actual (limited) knowledge

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No. 6246[Reply]

Neue Milk gibts da glaube ich nicht, aber wer erinnert sich noch an die üblichen Cringe-Verdächtigen wie Bambi und Mio Babylove, oder später Decora Ranger, Boggy Peak und Konsorten? Oder kennt ihr noch Deutsche/Deutschsprachige, die "k4w411 Fasshon" tragen? Denke hier an antiquiertes Drama oder random J-Fashion Weebs (aus Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz)

I don't think there's any new milk, but do you remember those cringy girls such as Bambi and Mio Babylove, or later on Decora Rangers and Boggy Peak? Or do you know any Germans/Germanophones who are still into that stuff and causing drama? Spill your milk, or just your experiences and opinions.
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No. 341962

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She even gave the dog xanax wtf

No. 341983

Were they in a polyfag relationship with the plug or was he cheating on the weeb wife?

No. 341988

Polyfag relationship, but tbh it seemed more like he monkey branched to be with Avaclover and liked her more than his wife at the time. Maybe the fact she was giving him drugs was why he liked her more kek

No. 342016

Not even joking, it is actually safe to give a dog Xanax, if prescribed by a vet in the proper doses. For a dog that size, the dose would be less than 1mg, but I bet she was feeding him 2mg bars.

No. 342439

And here I was thinking missneko was the crazy one considering all the allegations she came forward with after the breakup. But I guess she was right all along…
Giving your dog weed and xanax is all kinds of fucked up.

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No. 341334[Reply]

What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.
This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!

Current/Upcoming streams: https://holodex.net/
Chat logs: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/

Previous threads

Notable Vtuber Cows:
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No. 341745

I can't take most Vtubers seriously tbh. Espicially the women. Most talk like retarded toddlers and I can't stand it. Which I get it, they're doing a character, it isn't their voice. It's just the blatant pedo pandering. As for the guys, most are sex pests behind their avatars. I just don't trust most.(this sort of commentary belongs in the /m/ thread)

No. 341815

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Megalodon spent months whining about hot tub/irl streamers just to slowly launch her onlyfans kek

No. 341822

Tbh hot tub streamers are different. They pretend what they are doing isn't softcore porn. With fansly it's obvious.

No. 342478

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So I only just recently got around to seeing these now that they've shipped out and are in fans' hands but my god, these figures are sooo bad and look NOTHING like the promo pictures? Thank fuck I did not bother to blow $200+ on this absolute low quality paint job nightmare.

>not nearly as much pink fade in the hair as the promo pictures show

>the pink that is there practically looks white
>the branches are a much darker brown color
>the dress is black instead of purple like the promo image shows
>splotchy paint on the dress panels themselves
>very derpy face that looks totally off from the promo pic (next picrel)
They did come with all the little petal pals but whoever took this picture removed them.

I almost thought the promo image was pretty enough to buy despite SV being an awful person nope, I was right to avoid and save my wallet.

No. 342480

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Spot the differences, I'll start.
They don't even have the same eyes or the same mouth.

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No. 195505[Reply]

This thread is for discussion of any cosplay communities/fandoms/trends you find embarrassing or cringe outside of your average costhotery. Any talk of Patreon, Onlyfans, or generally skimpy cosplays should be taken to the Costhot thread. Every few months a new insufferable fandom or trend pops up and overtakes the cosplay landscape — let’s talk about some of the ongoing ones.

Current fandom examples:
>Genshin Impact
>My Hero Academia/BNHA

Current trend examples:
>cosplay tiktoks with bad lip syncing or shitty dancing
>paper wigs
>cosplayers covering themselves in glue and rolling around in garbage
>wigs so crimped they look deep fried
>drag style makeup for every character

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No. 341740

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She cosplays love live and genshin(this isn't milk, sage it)

No. 341744

But as part of her idol schtick, not legit cosplay from the looks of it. Shes just a weeb idol wannabe who has options in idol animes that she has crossovers with. She's not a cosplayer imo because thats not her main interest. Most idol groups from weebs cosplay love live and the like. Its easy numbers.

No. 341792

I remember seeing Hasanabi and Nickisnotgreen react to this group making fun of them mainly for being white (cause according to Hasan idol culture is directly sourced from American culture so it's weird to see American's copyinig .. American culture? But this is also from the same guy who says white people stole pop music from black people). But I don't put any stock into what Hasan says considering at the time, he was a 32 year old insecure man making fun of a bunch of teens/20 year olds.

No. 341871

he sounds retarded because japanese idol culture (which these girls are emulating) started in the 60s with the group Johnnys and has always incorporated japanese cultural values into it, which is part of why it revolves around men. i am sure that guy is thinking of kpop. idol culture in japan is creepy but in a different way than korea.

No. 342062

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I blame misstwisted for this nonsense

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No. 42676[Reply]

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/auresscosplay/?hl=en (currently has her instagram privated)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfyEjcS59x1xtIbisfXLC8A
Twitter: https://twitter.com/auresscosplay?lang=en
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/auress

Openly racist 22 year-old cosplayer from New York that frequently gets into drama with the cosplay community and is extremely delusional. Used to go on tirades on twitter about how she hated Mexicans, and now has her father take lewd pictures of her cosplaying underage characters in her backyard.
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No. 341110


No. 341602

Okay holy shit I am shocked because when I first saw Kelly and her dad on my fyp I thought it was an innocent father daughter cosplay duo turns out I was completely wrong.

No. 341659

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Totally normal…

No. 341660

Spotted the thumbnail of this in the front page recent images and thought that dude was joe biden. Is that her dad or her husband

No. 341669

That is indeed her dad.

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No. 292533[Reply]

Lori Cerda, known as Lori Lewd or Usagi Kou, is a 38-year-old photoshop addicted costhot and anime fictionkin (otakukin for the oldfags) from New York state. With 20+ years of lunacy behind her, farmers have been working together diligently to stitch together the madness into a coherent timeline. Lots of interactions and receipts have been lost to time, either deleted or made private, keep that in mind as we continue.

Lori got her start as a rabid Sailor Moon cosplayer in the early aughts which launched her into infamy and Moonie drama that lasted for over 10 years alone. In Summary; a well-liked, cute and young cosplayer that wowed people as Sailor Moon had one of the hardest and fastest falls from grace. It’s a story rife with lies, theft, squatting, cheating, jealousy, cult-like behavior and lots of violence. To put it lightly, it blew apart the entire Sailor Moon livejournal community in the US. The juxtaposition of Usagi and Lori piqued the interest of many people. Some might call her one of the OG cosplay lolcows. After becoming a joke to the majority of the US cosplay community Lori dropped her Usagi shtick, married a few times and stayed mostly quiet.

2017 changed all that when Lori met Kevin “Skye” Hanft. Once the two cosplayers met and fell in love, Lori quickly reverted to her past behaviors and became Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx. Her current phase she has described herself as “14 yr old boy” and “spicy loli gremlin elf bb succubus” She cosplays Marin Kitagawa now as she's the flavor of the week waifu. Of course she is "the IRL Marin" in her eyes just like she was IRL Saber and Zero Two. Recognizing her status as a complete has-been, Lori prefers to focus on what she calls "spicy" content (shitty nudes) and "lewd modeling". She only does half-assed couple cosplay with Kevin at conventions, if that. Kevin feeds Lori’s delusions and is a whole cow on his own. He serves as her meal ticket and guard dog. At the first sign of any inconvenience or drama, Lori will blow the whistle and sick her dog. If you lurk long enough you will spot a wild Kevin masquerading as anon. Do not interact. He is retarded and he will spend his time trying to track you down. He has a documented history of digitally stalking commenters, accusing them of being anons or Momokun/Vamplette and threatening suicide/murder. He will escalate even faster if he is currently in the doghouse and blocked by Lori. It's how she manipulates him to do her old KouPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
1099 posts and 224 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 341597

beginning to think plus the filters, she curls her lip up like that to appear younger. well I hope the irl wrinkles are worth it.

No. 341646

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Did she forget to filter her body thinner?

No. 341647


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 341650

You can see how badly her hair is absolutely fried here, because the broken ends are sticking out like loose wires at barely shoulder-level, in contrast to the fake extensions she has in.

No. 341841

idk but why tf she always do that dumb ass pose. it’s so cringe. it’s like her old ass is trying so hard to do weird internet trends but can’t keep up

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No. 326842[Reply]

Sarah "Best in Show" Spaceman is a Atlanta based cosplayer, motion graphics designer turned full time influencer, with 130k on Instagram. Really, she is a mediocre cosplayer, who is absolutely delusional about her sewing skills and obsessed with over-engineering and over-bedazzling every design she can get her hands on. She posts tutorials with her terrible crafting advice to Youtube for her subscribers to hugbox her and tell her she is The BEST cosplayer ever. She is a known sore loser who will throw public tantrums whenever her shoddy work doesn't place in contests or anybody criticizes her.

First thread: >>79175
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahspaceman
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/sarahspaceman
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahspaceman

Recap of last thread
>chronic photoshop abuser >>79338 >>79341 >>79716 >>80999
>her terrible interpretation of sakizo looks like walmart's bargain craft bin threw up on her >>90448 >>105560 >>170676
>claimed she INVENTED known sewing techniques because she's just that special >>16Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 341176

The way she over explains what a "cosplay competition" in this video and multiple videos like it's some mathematical hard to grasp concept is so cringe to me. She speaks like she is the authority of cosplay yet she hardly makes shit and when she does it's always mediocre. She's way better at talking about cosplay than doing it.

No. 341182

She's barely got any real competition or judging experience and yet constantly harps on about contests as if she's the gospel, but is confidently wrong about so much. Her NCC video pissed off the European competitive community massively

No. 341185

what gets me about this is her harping about how cosplay contests are about the chance to get critique and to make friends with other cosplayers, when her entire history with contests as documented here is being a sore loser.

I think vidrel from a few weeks ago is probably peak stupid though. Highlights include:
- Buys a train ticket and airbnb to travel to the Carolina ren fair, but doesn't get a ticket to the fair itself ahead of time, and they're all sold out.
- Has 10 hours to spend in Charlotte before the airbnb is ready, instead of finding something interesting to do she sits in a Starbucks all day and bitches about it
- She does this cosplay channel shit for a living now, so you'd think this would be the perfect time to make and show off a new costume, right? Wrong. She wears an old costume on day 1, and one of her friend's DIRTY CLOTHES on day two.

No. 341195

This video was crazy to me for the fact she traveled ALONE on an overnight train out of ATL. The trains there are full of sketchy moids and I would never in a million years feel safe traveling alone overnight on public transit in ATL. Why didn't she or her fiance or some friend offer to drive instead- going by train feels like a horrible last resort - especially with the timing being shitty and having to wander a strip mall for 10 hours.

No. 341374

The train stop is in a shitty part of Charlotte too. It’s near the homeless shelter.

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No. 268920[Reply]

Yumi King is a former lolita/cosplay/lifestyle youtuber turned single mommy vlogger after her divorce from a cranky stingy white man ~20 years her senior named Splenda (real name Scott).

Last thread

She originally got attention for her DIY lolita/cosplay videos. Eventually she started including her voice and image in videos, and then began lifestyle vlogging with Splenda, who at the time was her boyfriend. In these videos she comes across as very childish and giddy despite being in her mid 20's. Meanwhile Splenda always seemed miserable and scolded Yumi a lot. Their relationship was like some bizarre age play/race fetishism that they both took part in.

Last thread
Yumi eventually got pregnant and had a baby. Splenda left her some months after this, and now they're divorced. There has been some speculation that Yumi actually cheated on Splenda and the baby is not his, due to public court records. She was living with her family and making low effort sponsor content and mommy content.

More recently (Gap between this thread and old thread)
Yumi was living with her family for a time, but they kicked her out a couple months ago for unknown reasons. Since then she has been bouncing around between friends, airbnb's and homeless shelters. She even had her son taken away at one point. She has been making videos throughout this time, sometimes they are normal videos and sometimes she is venting or crying about things happening in her life. Most recently she is finally renting an apartment with her son. She has also posted a cryptic video where she says she won't be commenting on the cheating and father rumors to protect her sons privacy.

Since leaving Splenda she has dropped the cutesy act and comes across as more mature, although some of her decisions are still questionable. Her channel is mostly mommy vlogging and venting now, with a little e begging on the side.
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No. 341487

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She keeps putting her height and weight in her thumbnails, is she hoping to attract 3.0?

No. 341577

Thats standard for try-ons too, nonna. So people watching know what size to buy. If she's 112lbs like she says and 5'5" wearing a S. Someone who is 5'5" and 160lbs might order L depending on how the clothes lay and are designed. It's not about moids.

No. 341587

She doesn't talk about sizes or where she got the clothes at all. She's just slowly putting it on starting in her underwear. The last video she's literally just hula hooping. It's fetish content

No. 341629

so much for growing up.

No. 341643

She's wearing shorts in these. Not underwear.

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No. 16207[Reply]

Haven't seen a thread like this yet.

Pic related (Fetsu), also Mahouprince, Elizabunni, Anzujaamu, PeachMilkyTea, Pastelbat etc.

Besides earning their fame by basically buying wigs and circle lenses and taking pictures in them, any drama surrounding them?
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No. 340759

katsumicos has moved back to Japan.(this is an imageboard, post proof)

No. 340762

Literally who? Is this a self post?

No. 341048

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Jesus did Evie get even more lip filler? She is unrecognisable at this point

No. 341049

I also love how she completely ditched the wannabe Asian girl look since it gives her more points with the gaijin hunters when she looks more like a western barbie doll. Guess she took inspo from her onlyfans friend kek

No. 341051

how does she even look at herself in the mirror everyday or bear to leave the house, going to events where people will take videos and photos when she knows she's not a uncanny valley purikura creature but just a britbong with a big chin irl

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