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No. 326236[Reply]

Thread #1 >>54749 Thread #2 >>166105 Thread #3 >>197809 Thread #4 >>208755 Thread #5 >>229285 Thread #6 >>261505 Thread #7 >>284431 Thread #8 >>303389 Thread #9 >>315338

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tchall
Cosplay Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManaKnightPage/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manaknight/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManaKnight
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manaknight

Terry Hall aka Manaknight is a self-proclaimed "famous", "old (30+)", NB and Ace cosplayer who is actually a 41 year old narcissistic man. He is a known 5’4” moid that meanders around anime conventions by himself trying to collect selfies with "fans"/stalk white and asian girls under the age of 25. Recently, Terry is embracing his AGP side and is looking for face Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
363 posts and 89 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 332811

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No. 332812

Is that the grim reaper??!!???!
Seriously though this picture is so jarring… also the fucking third option is so anachan body check compliment fishing kek.

No. 332814

Whoppers head Terry sr needs his ego strokes from young women online weekly. Keeps him sustained when the tendy sodium doesn't.

No. 332859

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No. 332912

Who is he apologizing to? No one cares.

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No. 329103[Reply]

25 year old TikToker and self-proclaimed J-fashion expert. Addicted to the internet and only leaves her house to go to anime conventions.
>loves telling people which J-fashion/alternative clothing brands not to support
>countless "the issue/truth about_" videos
>constantly criticizes various fashion styles and fandoms for views, despite being in many of them
>"self harms" occasionally
>loves giving her "brutally honest unbiased opinions" on Japanese brands and cultures
>pulls connections between fashion styles and political issues out of her ass
>no one recognizes her mental instability and the fact that she's a hikikomori because she's not a 30-year-old man living in filth
>whines about people giving her weird looks and/or "photographing her" in public because she wears bright makeup and hair
>"we need to make anime conventions safer for minors", then discusses communities rooted in self harm, suicide, depression, and hypersexuality with underage followers
1203 posts and 336 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 331606

>”usually tweens”
>still seethes over them anyways
she’s malding that hard over a single tiktok comment LMAO

No. 331607

People like Addy believe that being #Woke means they're not like the other whities kek

No. 331608

Right? Imagine seething over 12-13 year olds and writing angry essays about them kek.
Think she hates these girls so much because she wants to be their age again?
Agreed, it’s funny and the formatting is good but it’s way too long. I didn’t read it all. These summaries were pretty good and short >>331406 >>331482 but adding he was previously JuicyBoy and this was a nice recap >>331365

No. 331609

lucky they added other than yourself kek

No. 331612

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No. 279002[Reply]

Previous thread >>139494

8chan thread:


Brief Summary:
Micky is a disgusting, hambeast, tumblrina who claims to be a CSA survivor, sexual assault victim, bisexual, and has 10 mental illnesses. She's extremely disliked in her local community because of how much drama she caused and her tendency to lie. She at one point, started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both toxic like her. She's bragged about beating her mom. Slept with her now former best friend's abusive partner. She also pretends to be tough online but hides often irl.

Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi,Kumicky Bunnie, Micky Melody, Kuronekoknaifu, Ruru-chan, Kuro Hime

Real Name: Mikaila

Social Media
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No. 331495

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Micky really made a twitter page to try and defame the con heads for Issho. She really needs to stop with this bullshit. If she was honestly worried about the safety of minors she's solely call out her groomer. All this proves is that she's pissy she's banned from their events because people don't feel safe around her.

No. 331544

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this is so fucking retarded and embarrassing. she pathetically immature and wont let this go. she doesnt care about the truth at all, she just wants to start shit.
like okay, stay friendless. how does this dumb bitch have simps

No. 331827

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So Micky posted this to her story on Instagram. She's really looking for any kind of way to absolve herself from taking any proper responsibility for her shit and truly growing up. It's pathetic.

The simps come from her grody nsfw and the ones that didn't come from there are just people she manipulated by lying and hiding her hands.

No. 332540

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It's not a soul on this Earth trying to look like her. She doesn't even look like the edited selfies she posts.

No. 332645

I remember seeing a screen cap in here from a while ago of her saying that she thought she was superior to darker black girls because she was light skin

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No. 331461[Reply]

Addy Harajuku, or Adelaide Somers, is a 25-year-old TikToker and self-proclaimed J-fashion expert. She is most notable for creating TikToks discussing what she deems as problematic media and polices people on which figures to own and what anime to watch. However, Addy does not take her own advice and regularly purchases figures from series that include lolicon, rape, and incest. She also regularly shills Sonico as "body positive" and encourages minors to buy her figures, believing that anything that doesn't show a vagina or exposed nipple is SFW. Addy frequently claims to have been cosplaying since the 2000s and believes herself to be an expert on old internet, though all her knowledge is gained from Pinterest and YouTube and she would have been a grade-schooler back then. She is also known to lie in an attempt to boost her credibility, for example lying about being a teacher/TA during her defence of Chris-Chan. She has an obsession with yanderes and in the past has shown her self-harm scars to her audience. Anyone who disagrees with Addy will be privately DMed by her and told why she is the only person that's responsible enough to own problematic figures and recognises nuance.

>says Super Sonico is totes legal >>329604 but websites say otherwise >>329617

>fetishization is fine if it's diverse >>329614
>claims to be a TA experienced enough to talk about autist crimes and their accountability >>329396 but that's not what she went to university for >>329919 and no job of hers matches that description >>330546
>thinks hetalia is problematic and harmful >>331073
>while beingPost too long. Click here to view the full text.(shit op/made too early)

No. 331466

You made the thread too early and you forgot some of her links, I'd advise you to delete it while you still can.

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No. 6246[Reply]

Neue Milk gibts da glaube ich nicht, aber wer erinnert sich noch an die üblichen Cringe-Verdächtigen wie Bambi und Mio Babylove, oder später Decora Ranger, Boggy Peak und Konsorten? Oder kennt ihr noch Deutsche/Deutschsprachige, die "k4w411 Fasshon" tragen? Denke hier an antiquiertes Drama oder random J-Fashion Weebs (aus Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz)

I don't think there's any new milk, but do you remember those cringy girls such as Bambi and Mio Babylove, or later on Decora Rangers and Boggy Peak? Or do you know any Germans/Germanophones who are still into that stuff and causing drama? Spill your milk, or just your experiences and opinions.
753 posts and 148 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 326704

Kek nonna thanks for sharing. I haven’t checked on her for a while. Her boyfriend looks like 16. How does she still ~dream~ of Japan. Meanwhile others have spent there their time, worked and returned. She’s never gonna have a stable life.

No. 326944

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She needs to put the fork down(literal who unsaged)

No. 330182

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She is such a bpd chan. Finally she found herself aka a new boyfriend so she can have a new personality.

No. 330183

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I wonder when she’s realizing that her styling is incredibly unflattering and outdated

No. 331245

Lol at that new persona, all these names are just the same(sage your shit)

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No. 212106[Reply]

Continual containment thread for Dakota Rose Ostrenga, AKA "Dakota Rose" of 2011/2012 Tumblr viral fame.

>got her initial modeling contract from Bravo models international from a Skype call modified with After Effects based on her viral Tumblr selfies of her photoshopped into an entirely different person

>spent the next 5 years ignoring everyone in her age group for 45+ year old businessmen, despite many people trying to throw her a professional bone after her career flop, her jewelry line flop, and her embarrassing herself on national TV
>When Sheina got booted from Japan, Dakota's easy ride also came to an end & ane never went back to her previous lifestyle of living well off, alone in a 3LDR, in Shibuya without working while spending ¥¥¥¥¥¥
>Recently admitted that she has spent the last 2 years in America, wether in Florida or California with Kaka, who knows
>Not much activity other than posting obvious pics/clips from the States, but with Japanese captions as Kaka starts slowly leading for attention on IG
>Other than trying a few JP IG based brand sponsorships for things Kooter clearly never interacra with, like a skateboard. Likely trying to keep any JP fan base she still has left
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No. 331357

I have never used social media. Koots sure tries to continue acting like a famous Japanese model though, when she hasn’t been for years, and has nothing going on. What’s with the weird defensive wking from supposedly different anons within the same few hours in this dead thread? Koots is a tragedy lmao(derailing)

No. 331394

She rarely posts, wtf are you even talking about?

No. 331397

Some anons want to continue gripping their furious hateboners and don't want to accept that maybe she chilled out, which, after all the shit she rightfully got, is kind of the outcome most were hoping for. Most people gain self awareness after their early 20s and grow tf up. Those who don't tend to be seriously unhinged and mentally stunted- which, as much of a nasty self-absorbed brat as Dakota was, I don't think she ever fell into that category.

No. 331409

Is it now wking to say she is private? If you don't shut your retarded ass up.

No. 331410

The previous year, Kota shared four photos. Kek How is that being active? It's been years since she last walked a catwalk. You sound as unhinge as kiki.

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No. 16207[Reply]

Haven't seen a thread like this yet.

Pic related (Fetsu), also Mahouprince, Elizabunni, Anzujaamu, PeachMilkyTea, Pastelbat etc.

Besides earning their fame by basically buying wigs and circle lenses and taking pictures in them, any drama surrounding them?
533 posts and 85 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 331785

The hair is completely edited on lol the hair tie thingys are jpegs

No. 331813

I feel a tiny bit sorry for her that she has to severely overedit her blocky jaw in order to feel secure, but that temporary relief is really only hurrying the onset of her self-imposed body dysmorphia.

No. 331978

KEK the anatomy of her face editing doesn’t even make any sense, I don’t know why she’s so obsessed with editing herself to have an incel chin where her eyes are larger than her entire jawline. What was the point in adding more filler in to her chin just to edit most of it out?

No. 331998

Obvious faceapp from the the hair is blurred and meitu Warping on hair too. Damn that's some extreme lengths to go to. I don't even think her real face is that bad. There's no need for this creepy shit

No. 331999

Ngl, with different intentions this could be a fascinating and artful depiction of an alienlike fae species.

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No. 326842[Reply]

Sarah "Best in Show" Spaceman is a Atlanta based cosplayer, motion graphics designer turned full time influencer, with 130k on Instagram. Really, she is a mediocre cosplayer, who is absolutely delusional about her sewing skills and obsessed with over-engineering and over-bedazzling every design she can get her hands on. She posts tutorials with her terrible crafting advice to Youtube for her subscribers to hugbox her and tell her she is The BEST cosplayer ever. She is a known sore loser who will throw public tantrums whenever her shoddy work doesn't place in contests or anybody criticizes her.

First thread: >>79175
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahspaceman
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/sarahspaceman
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahspaceman

Recap of last thread
>chronic photoshop abuser >>79338 >>79341 >>79716 >>80999
>her terrible interpretation of sakizo looks like walmart's bargain craft bin threw up on her >>90448 >>105560 >>170676
>claimed she INVENTED known sewing techniques because she's just that special >>16Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 330193

Every time she releases a video it baffles me that she continues to tout herself as such a knowledgeable and important source of crafting knowledge, and then turns around and says "do as I say not as I do." …PEOPLE DO AS YOU DO BECAUSE YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE TEACHING THEM. I understand being on a deadline but she literally does nothing but cosplay, 2 months is plenty of time to make a cocktail dress with some dangly shit. At the very least don't be so vocal about "I got lazy so I didn't do it right," not to mention how tacky it is to just title the video "I got paid to make this shit teehee!"

She pisses me off and god I wish I could say all this in my comm but everyone worships her.

No. 330389

How is she both lazy, rude, with an ugly face AND body AND bad at everything cosplay (sewing, crafts, props, wigs, makeup) and STILL this full of herself?! Just how? Pick a struggle or at least grow in some area after all these years..

No. 330607

Why she didn't use a magnet rather than screws is beyond me. It would look less retarded too.
It's wild to me she gets sponsorships with such a horrible attitude. It shows that all these brands care about is numbers and not quality.

No. 331242

She didn't prime the fucking EVA pieces properly and even admits it, my girl here put one layer of mod podge on them and called it a day. The lacing on the back looks like it's falling apart and the armors are way too big and bulky compared to the original design, the gradient on the dress is barely visible, she's missing half of the arm jewelry, the wig is ratty, the horn is opaque, who the hell paid for this? Did she get 20 bucks and a coffee out of it? Don't do commission costumes if all you're going to do is a sloppy effort to which you even call rushed and lazy yourself right on the camera, as the client I would put her ass on a black list immediately.

No. 331443

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"I got lazy"
stop saying the silent part out loud during the sponsored vid.

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No. 325436[Reply]

Scott is a 41 year old self-proclaimed “cosplayer, model, LARPer, tabletop gamer, and professional actor” with as many characters of himself as potential STI’s. In reality he’s a greasy sex pest who’s always looking for attention or an easy lay, uses his previous clout and looks to grift, a pretendian, and hobosexual. He is also a narcissist who will protect his image at all costs and constantly seeks attention and validation, often by lurking and posting in the thread of his ex Lori Lewd who was his claim to cosplay fame. At the request of anons there he gets his own thread. He blocks every woman he has used in a limp effort to stop them from connecting the dots with one another.

While attempting to move in with a woman to be his live-in bangmaid, he was lying to his girlfriend about what was happening - “some guy” is moving in.

He’s been known to abuse, cheat on, and use multiple partners; he is addicted to pornography and prostitutes – he'll take that over his own partner. He has turned into Peter Griffin and is currently engaged to a disgraced WCS cosplayer whose husband stole Covid relief money and went to prison for it: https://dvcnews.com/dvc-program/owning-dvc/news-22659/5077-former-nasa-exec-sentenced-for-covid-relief-theft ; https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/nasa-exec-convicted-fraud-using-095849653.html

Recap of Previous Activity:
>Scott joins the farm to shit on his ex Lori in her thread and to fish for attention >>203162
>Such a valiant prince, offering up free trials for food services (probably in exchange for nudes) >>203208
>Scott continues Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 331548

Scott is absolutely fucked if Tiffany tosses him and he knows it. He's burned all his bridges and he's jobless, fat, ugly, old, and irrelevant in the cosplay community. He can't rely on his looks to grift anymore and has nothing to offer anyone. He'll probably cut his balls off if she tells him to just to keep her roof over his head.

No. 331810

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I'm suprised no ones mentioned any of his go fund me money grubs yet. Not even Lori has sunk this low. Scott plays the victim in many different ways if he thinks it'll get him something.

Its always "my back is too broken to work so pay my bills for me boo" yet he gloats about all the useless native shit he buys.

No. 331848

>Not even Lori has sunk this low
>"my back is too broken to work so pay my bills for me boo"
kek what are you talking about? lori has used this exact same excuse to justify her lack of a job. she's also made gofundmes herself. scott and lori are extremely alike.

No. 331861

Yeah wtf Lori even had her only minion (Kevin) parroting that shit at people. A few years ago he was yelling at the internet for going after "a disabled Spanish sex worker" lmao.

No. 331885

>scott and lori are extremely alike.
I'd pay good money to see Scott and Lori get back together. You want front row seats and an XXL popcorn bucket for that shitshow, they're truly soulmates kek.

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No. 313446[Reply]

Everyone Quits Lolita Edition

Previous thread

Once Again:
Sage your non-milk posts. Being fat and or ugly, while hilarious, is not milk by itself. Lying/shooping yourself excessively to hide that you are fat and ugly and crying about it when caught is milk. PLEASE refrain from mini-modding or hi-cowing. If there is proof that a cow is posting in thread, report the post and move on.

Cows in the Spotlight
Kaye Celestial/Seagulls Discord Head
@experiencingwhimsy @batiatte @twinklebatdesigns
Spirals on Facebook on how no one likes her >>303249
allegedly the discord cow that went after Ryudenki on Kiwifarms and doxxed her. >>303274

Catcy/Catherine Crawford/Ivory.frills /tartan.rin
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No. 331895

I mean she was a literal child when she made that account, and doesn't seem to have used it in years.

No. 331955

I went to the account to check and when I refreshed the page, she had deleted comments from a post stating she was 19 in the title. Her comments are gone now since I was too slow, but this had a comment from her Limesharke account and the imyourlittlesister account: https://www.reddit.com/r/progresspics/comments/hquzsb/f1955_1059510_lbs_aha_quarantine_hitting_me_hard/

No. 331957

Suspicious that you didn't take pics when you posted. But anyways, if you do the math, she was 15 max when she made that account. Children lie about their ages online all the time. She clearly hasn't used the account since she was a minor either. This feels like you're grasping at straws.

No. 331962

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How old is she? She made that account in 2020. No way she was 15 or younger, that would make her 19 or under now, and just >>331414 2 years ago she was talking about getting married at 18. So that little sister account is her at least 16+ not that it really matters.

"Little sister" is probably because she's literally a younger sister, or about being "little" because it's ger ED account. Notice the random belt super tight at the waist >>331883 Doubt it's ageplay related is all.

No. 331987

She turned 20 this year.

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