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No. 17720
Previous thread >>10724What you should know-She hates Aminyan's guts and tried to get perks to turn against her using fake screencaps
-Whiteknights herself and posted her personal information to prove someone wrong on her old thread
-Tried to get Bibi and Himeka/Mono to derail her thread and make it about Aminyan
-She is friends with Bibi and Himeka/Momo despite calling the latter a cheap whore
-She runs the Kawaii Black Girls page on Facebook, even though she lacks any sense of style herself
-She bandwagons whatever will make her popular
-She doesn't take criticism no matter how constructive it is
-Supposedly in Special Ed classes at her school
-She's apart of her school's Feminist club
-She can't handle arguments and sound logic
-She use to spam her nudes on 4chan
-Her boyfriend has her convinced he's 22 when he is actually older than that
-She deleted her spacekin blog after failing to get people to doxx a girl she disagreed with (her new kin blog) (kawaii blog, littered with anti-white and anti-men post) (nsfw) (her original blog, you can only see the post via the app) (her old twitter) (her new twitter) (her private twitter)
Be sure to screencap any lulz you see because she tends to delete posts often to cover her tracks. No. 17721
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The post that made her delete her second spacekin blog.
No. 17724
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I highly doubt any of this is true
No. 17725
>>17724lol reminds me of quirks flipping her shit over some guys telling her she has pretty eyes because CATCALLING
the dude maybe poked her once or something
No. 17728
>>17721This is so beautiful
I hope there is many more backfiring events like this in store for stupid Micky <3
No. 17732
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Micky's porn blog is beyond creepy. I don't understand how she or that Momo/ Himeka / baby–chan girl always claim to be feminists against sexualization of girls, but are into almost child porn and post nudes of themselves. Neither of them are really SJW. In Himeka's and Bibi's case the SJW thing is just convenient for them("I can post porn of myself !! I'm trying to be body positive" or "older people need to stahp sexualizing teen girls!!!! u all r racist imma pray 4 u!!!!!!!") but in Micky's case, she's just really stupid. If you read anything Micky writes she's just repeating things she's saw other people say.
No. 17744
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The black girls are Kawaii page, a page made to counter act Micky lurks Lolcow. The commenters aren't that bright. Lolicon isn't a "fashion" lolita is a fashion. Lolicon means pedophile in Japanese.
No. 17751
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No. 17759
>>17757I got raped by someone I dated. It was outside, in the dirt he hit me and whatnot. not sexy, felt cold, uncomfortable, horrible etc
Rape fantasy- my partner overpowering me at home, when i know what he is going to before hand, he does not hit me etc. It doesnt mean I think real rape is sexy. I now usually use the term 'overpowered' sex instead of rape fantasy since people don't seem to understand and think it means I want to be abused
No. 17761
>>17760english isn't my native language and I type maybe sounding weird when I mean to sound serious.
I just explained myself since it prob sounded like I was like 'raep is super hawt i wanna get raped again!!' because that is not the case and i'm pretty sure no one is like that. Thanks anon
No. 17769
>>17742>>17752Yeah, agreed. The logic that role-playing rape is similar to actual rape in any way is flawed. People don't seem to understand that women know that role-playing rape is nothing like the act of something non-consensual and violent. Of course they know the difference! (Also, not just straight women have rape fantasies, so I don't know why feminism is brought into it.) Recently I realized I like rape fantasies because it mimics rough sex, so, I like the idea of one anon calling it "overpowered" and might hijack that, as it seems more appropriate. (Mostly just semantics and denotes the same thing, I still like it somehow.)
>>17749My perception might be fucked, but am I the only one who thinks that just looks like a slim woman in a hyper feminine bedroom? Don't get me wrong, the lolicon anime shit around it can definitely make one feel uncomfortable, in conjunction
with that picture, because it's obvious what the vibe's going for. On its own though… it looks like something that could be taken by Arvida Bystrom, or some shit, haha.
>>17751I swear god people who want these just want to take pictures of it so they can be apart of the cool bad bitches tough girl gang kawaii club on tumblr. Unless you're good with hand-to-hand combat a small (seemingly flimsy) knife like that doesn't seem like a great idea. Yes, it's concealed. Yes, it's kinda cute. Still seems obnoxious so many people had to post about it. I'd want something sturdier and a little bigger, honestly. Just keep the shit hidden in your pocket, it's all the concealment you need.
Sorry for talking, sorry for the off-topic.
No. 17777
>>17775Lol you dumb shit.
Nice try.
Dont you have to go pander to more fat neet pedos???
No. 17781
>>17775Hey Himeka. Tell your girl micky to go back to being fingered at mcdonalds. Aminyan said she was on a radio show, magazine and even if she just got off her ass it would be doing ten times more than you ever have.
>Notes on tumblrThat's what really matters to you? I think she only started that tumblr when she came to Japan. Of course she wouldn't get that many notes especially since it looks like a text blog than just reblogging weeb bullshit like you do.
>hajirai rescueShe said on her Facebook she denied getting in because they wanted her to do gravure. Shows she has some character unlike you who would show your tits for LINE stickers.
No. 17786
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well this goes to prove she's in special ed.
She also is fat why is she eating a blizzard. She's already said she's 200 lbs, sees nothing wrong with getting fingered in a mcdonalds and eats whole pizzas. Guess she's aiming for diabetes.
Oh and if you want to find the twitter of her school's "feminism club" (lmao) it's @wlcfeminism
No. 17791
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She knows she's not anywhere near a medium, so why would she make up a story like that?
No. 17797
>>17791Knowing her, it's probably got stains on the back or she ripped a new hole in it or something. Her bf said it "looked good on her anyway", so it's odd that she's choosing to sell it now because of the size.
I'm getting really tired of seeing this retarded meme sweater.
No. 17798
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>>17792A little more readable.
No. 17807
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>>17786She'd be able to spell if she spent less time taking pictures in her school's restroom.
No. 17811
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You can tell she just learned what that word means.
No. 17812
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"my kin type is soooo *~unique~* and *~spiritual~* gaiz" Her acting like being spacekin is something spiritual and deep is so annoying.
No. 17813
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She says she hates confrontation but
-She's harassed Aminyan and her friends multiple times
-Constantly starts petty arguments with people on her Facebook, Twitter, and tumblr
-She recently tried to get a girl doxxed
-She tried to get other people to beat up Aminyan
So, so much for that lie.
No. 17814
>>17813The fact that she calls herself thot bread makes me all types of sad. It's like you can feel her lack of self respect through the screen.
And you can also smell it.
No. 17817
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>we're oppressed
She realizes she lives in a country where she can freely whine on twitter about "muh oppresshun", right?
No. 17819
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Does anyone have any details on this?
No. 17822
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No. 17830
>>17829just got linked this shit
No. 17831
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I wonder she feels she needs to make up stories.
No. 17832
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"everyone clapped for me"
No. 17835
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Her health is absolutely shit.
No. 17838
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No. 17842
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No. 17843
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No. 17844
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Does anyone know anything about the person she's referring to?
No. 17845
>>17835No bitch you need to drink some fucking water. Without any sugar in it. Holy shit how disgusting.
I bet her piss looks like whiskey
No. 17853
>>17852they say no they can't because they're referring to themselves.
and lol
it is kinda bad tbf
No. 17854
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No. 17856
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She will be okay. She wouldn't have these problems if she didn't show her ass on the Internet.
No. 17859
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Could you all imagine the shitstorm that would ensue if someone else made a report?
No. 17868
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>>17867This is the "Panda Chan" or Taylor Smith everyone is talking about. She has a fucking kid like Asia Lockhart(another huge weeb attention whore) and I think micky will have a kid soon because black people do that kind of shit. She looks like an abomination but gets praise from the otacoon community because she's slutty, a weeb with Toonami tastes in anime, Tumblr kei shitty fashion, and she's light skin. A lot of girls like micky or this Taylor girl have high egos because the black weebs praise them for having light skin. They're fat and ugly as shit though.
No. 17872
>>17865Though a lot of times white people think that when black people say nigga they mean nigger, it has two completely different connotations, with the latter meant to be used within the group, and the former used by outsiders as an attack.
So for non black people to get upset at not being able to used nigger, knowing the history of the word in the U.S. is fucked up. To be upset at not being able to used the latter makes no sense either. You can use it, but why would you want to if you're not part of black culture (not in terms of where you live, but being profiled as a "nigga" or share the history of what that word signifies for black people?
I know a lot of black people who say nigga was meant to reclaim the word nigger and used as a term of empowerment. For non black people to want to jump on that is fucked up considering they didn't need this type of empowerment.
No. 17879
>>17872Yeah, I personally don't care if a white kid or any other non black wants to use the word nigga, but why would you want too? Do you feel that excluded?
>>17843does anyone have a general idea of where she lives (projects? Upper class gated community? ) depending on where she lives, she has a point. Healthy food is More expensive than junk food around my neighborhood for example. But I still try and eat healthy. And besides, her parents should be feeding her better, don't they see she isn't healthly?
No. 17883
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What do you all think?
Do Jay look like a type to be trading nudes?
No. 17884
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This person made a good point about the nudes drama also to panda chan until she got mad and deleted the comments
No. 17886
>>17883Ok, his nigger has to be at least 40
Madthad, Micky, and now this guy. Is Michigan some sort of special black weeb hell?
No. 17890
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I guess she is trying to forget what happen yesterday
No. 17892
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Eww what the fuck is going on with her crotch?
No. 17901
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just noticed this. It's pretty bad but even then it's still a bit generous in comparison to what she looks like irl. lol
No. 17902
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Micky's true colours. I hate how she screams equality but laughs at people just as weird as her.
No. 17903
>>17902This is the thing I hate most about her
She is in no position to laugh at anyone, so I hate how she feels like shes somwhow better than anyone.
Like with her "LOL I'M SPACEKIN BUT OTHERKIN WHO AREN'T ME ARE SO WEIRD OMG!" Like seriously. She's at the bottom of the barrel with all the rest of them.
No. 17904
>>17902 >>69860
And a lot of furries aren't even otherkin they just have fursonas and maybe wear fursuits. So by default she's already "weirder" than a lot of them. Girl thinks she's a nebula or something smh. Most furries are harmless anyway, albeit a little misogynistic as a whole. They're nice, though, and loaded lol.
No. 17909
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the problem is that they doesn't fit you
No. 17911
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>complains about Kai being aired
>says it's not 2006
>names anime that aired in 2006
No. 17912
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>>17911>complains about DBZ This bitch has seriously gotten on my last nerve jfc
No. 17914
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I'm sure they are just as disgusted about her being spacekin.
No. 17915
>>17913How the fuck do you watch adult swim iconicly?
>>17910she's not the fattest black girl I've seen in a pair of leggings, but I wish she'd stop.
No. 17916
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No. 17917
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>>17916She says she was in the middle of having a panic attack but it went unnoticed by everyone and she made it all the way to the bathroom? I call bullshit on this story.
No. 17919
She should try educating herself first.
No. 17920
>I was having a fucking panic attack>yet managed to just walk out of class>and grab all my stuff>and TAKE A FUCKING TEST>>17917Exactly, holy shit
"evil str8 cis white boys didn't tag their slurs so I was
triggered!!!11 ;_;"
No. 17925
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No. 17930
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"I'm multiracial but mostly black" then you're just black, dumbass.
No. 17934
>>17917I do think it's really shitty if that actually happened, but why the fuck does she have to speak in memes when trying to talk about something serious? (That feel when___, that feel when___, uugh.) I hate that so much, just talk about your feelings like a normal person and not as if you're a tumblr/4chan meme drone.
Also, if I were her I probably would have just mocked the two dumbass dudes by saying in an obviously sarcastic voice "why can't we have a straight pride parade??!!" Just quote the stupid shit conservatives say and laugh at them, it gets your point across without getting too emotionally invested.
No. 17935
>>17934She is obviously incapable of not getting overly emotional as evidence by the link here
>>17933 A teacher asked her to change her clothes and she got mad and went to the girl's bathroom. I don't see why they haven't suspended her yet.
No. 17939
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No. 17946
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She could at least clean her room and she has an unfortunate shape.
No. 17947
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She's only one tweet away from getting into an argument with her boyfriend and them breaking up.
No. 17951
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No. 17956
>>17951I actually feel kinda bad here? Like she genuinely didn't know the meaning of the song, and the writer just went on her videos and shat all over her.
Idk if they are professional song writer or not(never heard of them since this), but if they are, that's some bad PR business right there.
No. 17961
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No. 17962
>>17958Yeah, but still, it says a lot if you're even more of a basic bitch than the chick whose on her
second lolcow thread.
Yarinka's in the wrong here
No. 17965
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No. 17967
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No. 17968
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Nobody cares about how you react to us. It's all about how much of an ass you make of yourself in general.
No. 17972
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That definition is pretty racist.
No. 17976
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>back problems
The only reason she wants it us so she can smoke it recreational anywhere without repercussions.
No. 17979
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No. 17980
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>>17979I feel like this is going to be a disaster
No. 17985
This is very true. Also its called an MMD card not a weed card lol.
>back problems because of boobsno Mickey ur just fat
No. 17989
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No. 17990
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No. 17991
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No. 17997
>>17996You have to work to succeed in life.
If the kids on tumblr would pull their head from there ass they would see you have to work for everything. Yeah some people have to work harder than others, but thats fucking life, you suck it the fuck up and move on.
No. 17998
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Her Twitter is filled with nothing but Tumblr grade stupidity.
No. 17999
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Top kek
No. 18000
>>17998Lol at those generalizations. They need a history book.
Oh wait, I'm talking about Micky and Tumblr… best let them wallow in their stupidity.
No. 18002
>>18000 I'm going to play devils advocate with this one:
History is being rewritten everyday. She's bitter, however she's not too wrong. It's always been "black and white". The west is the worst when it comes to history and especially black history. It's not taught in Public school, only "white" history is. Get it. Why does everything have to be "tumblr stupidity" to you people? Whitewashing has been going on for centuries.
No. 18009 public property in the of feminism is pitiful. On top of that you can see she wrote on spots where tried to cover up previous graffiti.
No. 18010
>>18009"Hi hi hi~ My name is Micky Moon! I love everything pink and sparkly and I love making people happy ♥ Please take care of me and please be nice to me! " (her description)
You gotta be nice to her but she doesn't have to be nice back apparently.
No. 18011
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Is her boyfriend aware that she posts stuff like this?
No. 18024
>>18021No one cares or knows what you're even on about, stop bumping threads just to shit them up with racist fedoracore comments.
Also, stop trying to make "hair hatted" and "BT-1000" happen. It's not going to happen.
No. 18027
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I'm surprised she hasn't gotten a kidney infection yet.
No. 18029
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No. 18031
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Her is a mess
No. 18037
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>>18036They don't even have the same posts and the other page has better variety, unlike hers.
No. 18038
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>its embarrassing
The only thing that's embarrassing is her lying about her race. She knows she is fully black, why does she keep claiming otherwise?
No. 18040
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>>18039I'm not one to defend Micky, but she could easily be mixed. Black genes are very dominant, and there's more than one way to "look" mixed, honestly. Pic related is half white.
There's nothing shameful about being black, but stop with that one-drop rule tier "If you look mostly black to me, there's no way you're anything else! You're just black!" bullshit.
No. 18045
>>18044"Could" is the main point there. But we should simply have solid proof of either possibility before we state anything as fact.
It sounds creepy but if you found a picture with her parents then that could help. It will end this debate. If not, we are just going back and forth between "Maybe"
No. 18050
>>18049What attention though?
Idk, white people who claim to be Native American are more guilty of that shit IMO.
No. 18054
>>18051This is a false statement.
Black americans treat them WORSE, they have this belief that people who are light skinned mixed or anything else believe they are "better than everyone else". for example; I wasn't allowed to sit at the "black table in school because I was a "fake black" (as quoted by them).
>>18050Yes, whites are guilty of claiming to pretend-ian, but can easily get away with it because they are whites.
I always usually call them out by asking who was native american in the family? They claim "my great great great grandmother"-. THAT ISN'T NATIVE AMERICAN ANYMORE. Bloodline is literally whitewashed by now. YOU ARE WHITE.
They make up things about their bloodline to appear "exotic" and interesting.
No. 18061
>>18056Actually, most mixed people are comfortable with their black side. I'm half black/white, totally fine with either side. I was taught to love myself from a young age, not to self hate. Despite African American mothers who still go on about their babies 'nappy hair' and 'I can't wait until you're older so you can get a perm'. Not saying it's all black mothers who are like that, obviously not. But there is STILL that attitude today. Yet they'll go on about being mixed with this and that but look full black.
You know what… I'm so fucking tired of the race thing, I carry on with my day to day life, I don't need any of that bs included. I'll just educate those who think they know better and think I'm 'self hating cos i'm mixed with black'.
No. 18062
>>18057What I hate in the media is that mixed women are claimed as BLACK yet they're mixed. But whenever an actual black woman, FULL black is in the media modelling people are confused like "why is she so dark?"
I get that some countries just see mixed as black because well, yeah, darker skin and it's tanned from white. But you get yellow and blue, you'll get green. You get a dalmatian and a poodle, you'll no longer get either of those get either breed. You'll get a mongrel. Simple as, mixed isn't the same. It's something ELSE.
All I am trying to do here, is support black women of a darker complexion receive the same equal view lighter blacks get or mixed race people.
I get it's just easier to say "black" and Obama, I mean he's mixed but people just say "black" plus, Bob Marley was mixed but it was just easier to say "black". They're all mixed people. They're NOT black.
This girl, Micky, really needs a reality check. She needs to stop with this 'mixed' shit and just accept, she's full black. Lighter tone, but she's black. She was born black and she'll die black.
No. 18065
>>18063Mixed ISN'T black.
Mixed is neither black/white or whatever else it is. Mixed is it's own thing. A mixed person is NEITHER.
A black person is BLACK. Asian is ASIAN. White is WHITE and so on.
Americans WILL refer mixed people to blacks, black people over there especially so that they THINK they're on the same level as mixed people because apparently there is this… barrier where if you're lighter, well then. You got yourself a treat! It's fucking stupid.
But yet some blacks lie about being mixed? But they're mixed right, not black? But mixed is black so… then they're black right? Pfft. What a joke.
Mixed people are mixed.
That's the end of it. It's not the same thing, it's just roped in and taught that it is, when it isn't.
No. 18070
>>18065Literally all America's black people are mixed with white or Native American, anon. A little bit more whiteness doesn't turn them into some sort of fucking alien.
Calm your shit.
No. 18072
>>18070Mixed IS mixed.
Black IS black.
If you have two parents of a different race, you're mixed. END OF.
No. 18074
>>18072Never mind, you're the tommy sotomayor shitposter. Common sense won't work on you.
I didn't realize at first until I noticed you defended that bullshit video right after making this post.
Admin pls ban
No. 18077
>>17902But we all act like this.
People on lolcow laughs about furries too.
Come on, we laugh at furries and think we have morals.
No. 18079
File: 1433305290878.jpg (349.14 KB, 1280x960, 2015-06-03-00-17-50_deco.jpg)

Why does she keep begging for random strangers to buy her stuff for doing nothing? Doesn't she have a boyfriend that she can ask?
No. 18080
File: 1433385603095.png (17.47 KB, 799x123, Screenshot_2015-06-03-22-34-19…)

She's probably not even going to finish the semester before dropping out.
No. 18082
>>18081wat? I call it uni too
uni = UNIversity
it's just shortened lmao
No. 18088
>>18084In the UK you leave primary school (elementary) at 11 and start high school at 11 then finish at 16 (in some schools its 18) but mostly it is 16. There is NO middle school. At 16 you're officially an adult, so the law states. You're legal to have sex, you can learn to drive at 18 though. You can get married at 16, leave home and work. But most people can't afford it, so we stay with our families until whenever… government problems, benefits, ect
At 16 you start college, you gain your GCSES in the last two years of high school. Big exams, you need them to get into college and university. Grade C is a pass grade over here.
College is two years, it's free. But if you have to re-take exams in college then you pay for it yourself. If you miss out on college in the future, for e.g your 20's you gotta pay for college courses yourself which can be pretty fucking expensive. So it's best to go while it's free as a teenager.
University at 18, but not everyone goes. Like myself, I'm 21 and only just starting this year. Not everyone has made their mind up at 18 and some just want to work like I did. But yeah, university you PAY for £9,000 a year. But unlike America, you can pay your debt off once you're earning over 21,000 grand a year after your university course. It comes out with tax ect like a phone bill at the end of every month.
University courses over here were actually 3,000 grand a year before 2010. But greedy bastard David Cameron (Conservatives) wanted to boost the prices up. Caused riots and angry students rioting. I so could have paid off my student debt by now if it was still 3 grand a year… Fuck.
But yeah.
It's university over here guys, just how it is. Every country has their own word for things. Not changing it either because saying 'college' would just sound weird when college and university are two different things over here.
No. 18090
>>18088>you can learn to drive at 18 thoughIt's still seventeen, not eighteen. You can apply for your provisional license two months before your seventeenth birthday.
>here is NO middle school. I used to think this until I moved to the south, and there are middle schools. My bf went to one. They're just not commonplace
>Grade C is a pass grade over here. Nope, D is the lowest pass grade, but very few places will accept lower than a C.
No. 18092
>>18090Well, back when I was in school C was a pass grade. Unless it's changed SINCE then? I don't even know. All of that was standard when I was leaving school.
Like I said, some places are different. But that's the basics of being a student in the UK. It's nothing special.
In my school and college it was RARE for a D to be a pass grade. Most of the time it IS a C which will get you a pass.
No. 18094
>>18091It has different dialects everywhere anon. Tbh people call it uni when they are having fun, or being highly informal.
I believe in the continental mainland. (I'm still US just not in the states) College have certain majors/minors while some accomodate GED. Universities are larger and has different college majors under its name some having GED also.
No. 18096
>>18094sry for confusions
I wasn't calling it try hard I was saying how silly it is to call it try hard since its just an abbreviation of the proper term (ofc dialects vary into this tho)
No. 18097
Ffs the admin
>>18075, was just in here saying to not making derailing, off topic posts. One per fucking thread. Can you all not read?
>>18083>>18085>>18087>>18088>>18089>>18090>>18091>>18092>>18093>>18094>>18095>>18096 No. 18100
File: 1433773980020.png (89.45 KB, 800x735, Screenshot_2015-06-08-10-00-49…)

I bet she's been the one derailing the thread.
No. 18101
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No. 18106
File: 1433795690952.jpg (243.23 KB, 720x1280, 2015-06-08-16-31-49_deco.jpg)

>>18105It's been pointed out before in the previous thread. I circled where you can see it doesn't blend. It probably won't ever blend because she doesn't take care of her hair.
No. 18108
>>18107You think with the money she's flaunting around like in
>>18099 she would go there but she's probably going to waste her money on something stupid. How did she get that money anyway? Does anyone know?
No. 18110
>>18109All that for graduating from special ed classes?
>>18100 it's funny she denies it even though more than one person has confirmed she was in those classes.
No. 18113
>>18112after hearing kota's english voice in that recent video put up, micky has an even manlier voice
my god
No. 18114
File: 1433815832897.jpg (123.7 KB, 750x1268, image.jpg)

probably not even her money tbh
No. 18118
>>18117it was only until like a year ago i realized my rilakkuma was fake… like i actually did NOT know, honestly i was so slow until my friend went tokyo and brought me a rilakkuma, a real one back and i was so surprised…
but yeah it looks fake
No. 18126
>>18125there is that and it'd probably just be easier/cheaper going natural, was for me.
but then again she needs to look 'kawaii' with weave ugh
No. 18127
>>18126depends on how fucked her real hair is. She seems lazy anyway so she'd probably be better off getting a chemical relaxer every 4 weeks instead of trying to grow out her real hair.
The extensions would probably blend better if she washed and blowdryed them every once and a while, so it has mprr volume and doesn't look so bone straight.
She should deep condition her real hair too, because it looks dry.
No. 18130
>>18127It's a shame, relaxers are terrible and she may actually have a nice curl pattern too. But yeah, kawaii and laziness probably.
Aye, she does need a good deep condition. It's like chewed up straw.
No. 18132
File: 1433979105047.jpg (19.11 KB, 353x314, image.jpg)

the fuck
No. 18139
File: 1434031059516.jpg (50.99 KB, 750x384, image.jpg)

long sigh
No. 18141
>>18139remember back in the myspace era where scene kids used to have "im bi" in their profiles then would say "im bi but i like guys more than girls"
No. 18148
>>18146You used "I", try again Micky.
>>18147Quit whiteknighting. No kid in the fourth grade would know how to use a proxy and the computers have a safe search set. I highly doubt someone who can't even spell correctly and more importantly, in special ed, could get around that especially at the age she claims.
Get your head out of your asses and just accept that she's a liar.
No. 18150
>>18148Admin can confirm I'm not Micky.
How does saying "I"=Micky? I was just stating my personal experience to support the statement. Your logic is very backwards.
Sometimes safe search does not filter everything.
No. 18152
>>18151>you're being paranoidNo, you're obviously whiteknighting this girl. She wouldn't know anything about in fourth grade and special ed. They don't even bring that up in the fourth grade. Not to mention teachers monitor the students while on the computers.
>your logic is backwardsI said her story was a lie then you said
>No there were loopholes around that. I would know because I remember the school computers and firewalls
>I would know because I remember the school computers and firewalls
>I remember the school computers and firewalls
>I rememberNigga gtfo if you're not even going to lie right.
I'm getting tired of you idiots clogging up every thread with bullshit. Hell, the admin already said to stop derailing this thread.
Now either contribute to the thread or gtfo out.
No. 18153
>>18152Not the same anon
You either went to a school that didn't allow you to use internet or your just trying every way to nitpick on this girl for no reason.
This argument is unnecessary. THERE ARE loopholes n school. I was in school and I remember some kid looking up "hotboyz" (rappers) and getting literal "hotboyzz" (gay site). Scared the kid we had an computer class meeting about this via 8th grade. Shut up and move along. you are the one wasting everyones time.
No. 18154
>>18153>You either went to a school that didn't allow you to use internetWrong, I did but I know how it works and there's no way she's being honest.
>or your just trying every way to nitpick on this girl for no reason.See my pervious response. I don't know where you whiteknights came from but you need to go back.
Now, stop fucking derailing
>>18075 , the admin, already said to keep that shit on /b/.
No. 18157
>>18155I am not fucking Micky. I wouldn't want to be that gross piece of trash.
>>18156>personal work experienceYeah right, you're just making excuses for her and they aren't even true.
No. 18159
For fuck sake, admin can you just delete these posts?
>>18144>>18146>>18147>>18149>>18150>>18151>>18153>>18155>>18156>>18158Everytime I get on here the thread is derailed and nobody's posting any lulz about the cow.
No. 18160
>>18157I didn't say personal work experience. I said personal experiences that happened to me.
You started the derailing and now you're ordering us to stop derailing lmao
No. 18161
I kinda wish Micki would be more like PT woth the interaction with "fans" shit. It'd be awesome if she cammed on tiny chat, so we could see how uggu she is in real time.
No. 18167
File: 1434226825476.png (34.02 KB, 710x214, Screenshot_2015-06-13-16-15-33…)

She really shouldn't be giving out tips with her hair looking the way it does.
No. 18168
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No. 18172
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No. 18175
File: 1434345157344.png (71.17 KB, 571x772, Screenshot_2015-06-15-01-02-42…)

What is going on with her face?
No. 18177
>>18139i think it exists
i date both genders but im only sexually attracted to girls
No. 18181
>>18180Micky don't look shit like Trisha Paytas
Also, obvious derail is obvious
No. 18182
>>18181well its actually not a bad comparison cause they both have the same face shape and their eyes are really spaced out.
They're also both really dumb and annoying
That does seem like an obvious attempt to derail tho
No. 18185
>>18182Not bashing Trish btw.
But yeah exactly her and Micky look alike!
- dumb af
- spaced out eyes
- same face shape
- weave
- tanned
- fat
- thinks they're cute
- kinky/sexual ect
No. 18189
File: 1434587039400.jpg (40.36 KB, 600x1067, CHvXrHfVAAAZ9cS.jpg)

>>18101>look at how white I am
>greasy face
>hair looks like a helmetWhat a mess, and has anybody else noticed how beady her eyes are?
No. 18191
>>18189Not trying to be… Alright, I'm gonna be rude.
I'm part black myself, so–not sure if that makes it any 'better' what I'm about to say here, but why is it when black girls get into the 'kawaii style' whether it's Ulzzang/Gyaru/Dolly they always FUCK it up.
The make up is never right, they always wear things that never suit them or are simply just too bold for their complexion. Why can't they just seem to find a decent hair style and ditch the plasticy wigs? What's with the horrible contact lenses too, I mean ffs. I think only Barbarakim ever suited hers but even then only just by a notch.
Not saying all but most black girls seem to fail at this style. My god.
No. 18192
>>18191I'm not sure why micky is so pissed but I think she heard that on Tumblr. Anyways she is really putting on weight. She didn't used to be that big. It's sad to be honest.
And I think most black girls who do kawaii things either don't have the money to buy actual quality wigs and makeup or since there's just less black girls in that fashion the amount that are actually good are super low. There's Vivi but she's photoshopped from hell to back. A lot of black women also don't have soft features that are necessary for this style. I noticed that Aminyan has a pretty small nose and if her nose were like micky or someone I think she would have a much harder time.
No. 18195
>>18192True, true.
My friend is mixed, she has a small button nose, round face and is quite doll-faced. She doesn't dress 'kawaii' but likes pretty, cutesy things? Like… for e.g floral dresses, cute wedges and pink handbags. She's rather slender and tallish too. Doesn't wear weave, has curls out most days. Make up is just natural.
She suits that look a lot… I think it DOES depend on features more than anything. Even with white/asian, if you've got the cute face and features the style WORKS.
No. 18198
>>18191I think it just looks bolder on black girls naturally because we tend to have more exaggerated features, so any mistakes made are basically magnified times 10. It doesn't help that there aren't that many black people into "kawaii" styles or Jfash to begin with.
The black gyaru scene has gotten a lot better if Instagram is anything to go on, though. No. 18201
File: 1434593183253.jpg (82.9 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m9j4rw4iwo1r8llc5o1_500…)

>>18199But there are tons of pro-ana black chicks.
Pls go
No. 18207
File: 1434595317861.jpg (322.73 KB, 1024x768, 7147248361_d72237a3a6_b.jpg)

>>18185Micky is chubby but not fat. Trish is not like micky. Also how do you know if trish is dumb? She trolls in most of her videos. She acts dumb lol I think trish looks very cute without her heavy "porn star" makeup and shes not a bad human being like micky
No. 18210
File: 1434595614404.jpg (700.09 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n4t7s7EkGY1tnvbhpo1_128…)

>>18209oops heres the pic
No. 18215
>>18214sure micky sure
you like to see animated little girls cute. also, who the fuck looks or read loli hentai to just say they're cute? If you would only find lolis cute then you wouldnt be looking at loli HENTAI. she disgusts me
No. 18219
File: 1434610658452.png (34.88 KB, 787x398, Screenshot_2015-06-18-00-40-34…)

She must not be self aware at all.
No. 18220
>>18217She wants ~*ecchi ageplay lolicon babygirl "onii-chan" hentai mangacaps baby bottle pixel*~ credit AND ~*sassy SJW unfriendly black hottie "it's not you, it's your eyebrows"*~ credit at the same time.
Someone tell her you have to dramatically downplay one side to have them both before it's too late.
No. 18221
File: 1434613902572.jpg (281.52 KB, 960x1280, 2015-06-18-03-43-54_deco.jpg)

No. 18226
>>18222That choker makes her look like she has a double chin.
She's just turned into a hambeast, hasn't she?
No. 18229
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No. 18231
File: 1434661925192.png (41.41 KB, 800x404, Screenshot_2015-06-18-04-23-40…)

>>18230There is some hilarious shit on her old account.
No. 18234
File: 1434675547355.png (24.44 KB, 800x297, Screenshot_2015-06-18-17-40-09…)

No. 18243
File: 1434687723684.png (23.73 KB, 800x271, Screenshot_2015-06-18-22-11-04…)

This sounds suspicious as hell
No. 18247
File: 1434692765896.png (43.84 KB, 800x419, Screenshot_2015-06-18-22-41-17…)

No. 18248
File: 1434695478524.jpg (80.59 KB, 960x786, 2015-06-19-02-27-21_deco~2.jpg)

No. 18249
File: 1434758333074.jpg (167.66 KB, 1266x1266, 2015-06-19-19-55-14_deco~2.jpg)

Why does she keep making herself so light?
No. 18251
File: 1434761218974.png (23.9 KB, 800x300, Screenshot_2015-06-19-02-08-50…)

No. 18252
File: 1434763841568.png (121.06 KB, 776x775, Screenshot_2015-06-19-21-19-01…)

It's like she deliberately tries to get into an argument with people on Facebook.
No. 18253
>>18252If I understand the situation correctly, I'd be sorta mad too with that Manami. I mean, just because the majority of women in America has it better than people in Europe or Asia, doesn't mean we can't complain.
It's like goin to a fancy restaurant. You order your food but get it half done or burned to the plate. Are you gonna take it it are you going to complain(in the country's case, make the situation better)?
No. 18254
>>18249Firstly, if she had to answer you, like all black girls who do lighten themselves will say "Cos I'm light skinned" or "I wanna look lighter to bring out my features". Second one, I can't argue with because everyone does it nowadays regardless of race. Not that it's self hating but it can make you look better I guess, like e.g removing eye bags, laugh lines or whatever whether you're Asian or White.
Nah, Micky would say the first line. Cos she is a weeb who is 'into Japanese culture' so she wants to fit in and look cute.
I mean, TheLovelyIfy does it too and she's darker than Micky! But she's pleasant, doesn't rile up shit and is down to earth, whereas Micky isn't.
Both do it to enhance their features, just like everyone else does. I think people just point out they're 'self-hating' simply because they're black.
But other than that, I think Micky is a self-hater not by lightening her pictures but because she keeps referring to blacks as "niggers", black features as bad and white people are bad.
Now I KNOW some African Americans (generally ghetto ones) use "Bitch/hoe" as the term 'female' and "Nigga" for 'male' or female in this case. But even just the term 'niggy-chan' for her father shows she's been dragged up, not brought up properly and I bet her mother is also as bad. Especially since she said her mother calls him that too. Lack of respect for right there.
I've had a look through this thread and she is no doubt insecure. Needs attention, always mocking being black, like it's a bad thing? She isn't proud to be black. Not when she makes a mockery out of it most of the time.
Plus as nothing better to do but bash whites all the time, I'm not white myself but I can clearly tell that she thinks they're 'superior' than her even though white people aren't, that it's an old shitty mentality the world seems to believe. She has to lower white people to her miserable level in order for Micky to feel good about herself. It's not that white people are bad, it's just people like Micky who must put whites down (bring in the race card, bring up slavery, shootings and anything else). She knows its all a go right now on the internet, that shit is on fire over on tumblr at the minute. So she can milk it, use her 'black kawaii queen' status as an advantage to being 'so oppressed' and for once in her sad life bring whites down and raise manky fucks like herself up a notch.
She'll never change, it's just how cunts like her are. How the typical African ghetto American woman is or 'black kawaii queen' in her case.
I hope she keeps self hating, I hope she keeps making a twat out of herself. It'll only drive others away from her, people like her. They deserve each other and to be away from normal people.
>>18249 No. 18256
>>18229"Nigger nose" Yes, because she knows she is black and that black people tend to have broader/bigger features. It hurts her, it absolutely
kills her knowing she's black. That she isn't all 'dainty and kawaii' like asian/white girls.
Face it Micky, you were born black with fucking black features and you'll die black. Why? It's because you were born a
nigger. So get over it, face it. Don't be ASHAMED of it. Stop being so insecure over what you ARE because being black is NOTHING to be insecure about.
fucking hell
No. 18257
>>18255Maybe not, she could be lying for all we know.
But yep, she doesn't like herself. I say fuck her and fuck ones who are like that, infact any race of people who don't like their race. We should concentrate on the ones who don't care about it and let the self haters suffer. It's cruel but no way you can help them, only they can help themselves until they see sense.
No. 18259
>>18257>>18256It probably kills her when she sees black girls who are skinny with small noses too. Which makes the hate brew even more. The thing is she isn't even
ugly just fat with bad hair and a bad personality. If she just got some weave and lost weight she'd be pretty alright.
No. 18260
>>18259Exactly, we all have different views on what is and isn't pretty.
But yeah, like Aminyan for e.g lol
No. 18262
>>18260You beat me to the punch.
No. 18263
File: 1434832034536.png (36.03 KB, 800x389, Screenshot_2015-06-18-17-44-08…)

No. 18264
File: 1434835031289.png (23.13 KB, 800x276, Screenshot_2015-06-20-16-58-12…)

Yet, she's a feminist, hilarious.
No. 18266
File: 1434837600776.png (42.44 KB, 800x343, Screenshot_2015-06-20-17-04-26…)

No. 18267
>>18263Why aren't these tweets accessible from the account?
Earliest post was her following Wikileaks and Anonymous (lmao).
No. 18268
>>18263The link leads somewhere totally different…
No. 18269
File: 1434838704847.png (135.54 KB, 800x1006, Screenshot_2015-06-20-17-57-08…)

>>18267try typing her current name their and a word, something should pop up
>>18268This should work No. 18272
File: 1434842745617.png (32.23 KB, 800x310, Screenshot_2015-06-20-18-26-01…)

No. 18275
>>18274Yep, you see the self hate? She doesn't love her dark skin, she doesn't love herself because of her dark skin. So she has to say she's light skinned, despite having 'hatred for white ppl cos dey is evil' but she still looks up to how wonderfully white they are. She hates them because it's something she can't ever have. Since she is just another brained washed black woman who still believes in that old sad same mentality that 'lighter looks better'. It's what they would teach in slavery, black women would teach their daughters it and bitch about how nappy their hair is. But if you had a mixed (to the master) or light skinned baby, oh my. It was such a gem, that baby was like a treasure. It's so fucking sad.
When girls like her say they're mixed all I do is laugh. Anyone see any signs of being mixed in her? I see none. All I see is black features on a black woman topped off with some weave.
I hope if she ever finds this, sees it and is hurt. I hope it hurts her because Micky needs to know. Self hate isn't cute, putting dark skin down isn't cute and bashing black people, what she IS is not cute.
She needs to get her head out the clouds and take a reality check.
No. 18276
>>18261Glad we agree, aha.
But yes, I've seen Aminyan without the filter/lightening and she's just basic black too. Cept, she looks happy.
The reason why Micky dislikes Ami because she's happy, nicer, smaller/slimmer and is doing well for herself. It's because of that nose and her face. I mean, I do think black women have quite dolly faces naturally anyway. Rounder faces, fuller lips and sometimes wider eyes (idk black people are all different, whether from a certain part they originate from or w/e) but Ami has that nose. That SLIMMER nose which people would associate being a 'white nose' or a 'cute nose' because white/asian people tend to have smaller features whereas black have bigger/wider and have been taught they're 'not pretty'.
That mentality is in her head, so she doesn't like Ami because she has these cuter and smaller features. Having that baby face, smaller body which drags in an audience. Whereas she doesn't. Bigger built, more weight on and bigger features. Automatically Micky feels like shit. Btw I'm not saying that weight on, bigger features or bigger built is bad. I'm just pointing out Ami and Micky's differences is all.
But yeah, that's why she doesn't like her.
No. 18279
File: 1434856475527.png (68.53 KB, 800x799, Screenshot_2015-06-20-16-52-36…)

She's probably going to end up bleaching her skin
No. 18280
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No. 18282
File: 1434860265098.png (25.99 KB, 800x295, Screenshot_2015-06-19-01-51-00…)

No. 18283
File: 1434861080070.png (25.38 KB, 800x275, Screenshot_2015-06-21-00-07-55…)

No. 18290
File: 1434883566914.png (36.76 KB, 800x380, Screenshot_2015-06-18-22-22-58…)

No. 18293
>>18291Probably bi-curious at the most and just wanted to try pussy
or saying shes bi to be cool and edgy lol
No. 18295
>>18294"For a black girl".
Really? You're implying that most black females are ugly with that statement.
No. 18296
>>18295I am personally not very attracted to black girls.
I'm sure you can be, they're just not my thing. I like Asians.
I see very pretty black girls, just not very many.
No. 18299
No. 18300
>>18296Fair enough, that's your preference. I understand and respect that.
I think it's not even black women that's the problem, it's their attitude half the time. African American women I'm talking about, the ghetto type/horrid type. You all know what I mean. I think because people see more of that than the decent black women out there, it puts other races of people off.
This is why ratchet needs to go.
No. 18301
>>18298We're attracted instinctually to people who look similar to us.
Whites and Asians both have straight, flowing hair, smaller noses, smaller breasts and butt, tend to be shorter than black women.
It's easier for whites to be attracted to Asians than blacks as blacks don't look anything like us.
No. 18303
>>18294"For a black girl."
See what you did right there? So, you're basically saying the black race, the black woman isn't pretty or decent to begin with. Please, don't ever say that again. It's disrespectful.
I actually go mad at African American women a lot (the ghetto/ratchet) because of the way they show black women up. Making a mockery out of them, making them look fucking terrible to the rest of the world. I want black women to be more appreciated, seen as lovely. Not as some hoodrat piece of shit with bad attitude and bringing up race into every conversation before beating someone to a pulp.
A lot of damage and hurt as already washed over the black community already. We don't need statements like "For a black girl" knocking around.
I understand you may have just said it off the top of your head, willy nilly. But it can be really offensive.
Please, just remember that.
No. 18304
>>18302Exactly, they're similar. Not the same, Asians are POC too. But they're SIMILAR.
That's the attraction right there.
Black is foreign, alien almost. So it's difficult.
Honestly, I do wish it wasn't foreign but it's just how it is. In a sense though, I can understand why a lot of black women (NOT ALL) act the way they can/do. With comments, actions ect. I mean, it's hard when your race of people have ALWAYS been considered the dogs dinner of the planet.
That's the thing, they're considered it. Not by everybody, but by beauty and judgement.
If media started to show black women, actual black women in movies instead of using mixed women then maybe, just maybe black women will start gaining more lime light. Before anyone starts jumping down my throat, mixed isn't black. So, don't. I know what you guys can be like.
Something needs to happen, more and more representation needs to happen with black women.
No. 18306
>>18304I feel like there isn't such thing as POC for Asians.
They're not oppressed for being Asian, honestly.
POC should be reserved for those being oppressed.
No. 18307
>>18305I'm not being racist, im explaining biology..
There was safety in people who looked like us. We're going to trust them more, no matter what.
I'm sorry you can't accept basic biological psychology
No. 18309
>>18307"Black ppl aint safe dawg"
Here we go, here we go…
Azn and white are best races evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!11
No. 18310
>>18309Oh my god, are you so ignorant you're refusing science?
I'm not saying they're not trustworthy, I'm saying they don't appear to be from a biological standpoint.
You are why humanity is failing.
No. 18311
>>18308Early in the development of the white race, white people saw Asians, mix-bred with them, ect.
They're more familiar than black people genetically and in the minds eye.
No. 18312
This is literally what I could find off of Stormfront. It's sad how many black girls/women have to constantly feed in to this bullshit. And we are told to believe that we're ugly because pale skin and stringy hair is considered beautiful in society. I feel bad for the girl who everyone is referring to in this thread. She's clearing self-hating, but only because of what black women are being thread through media.
No. 18313
File: 1434928533781.jpg (20.24 KB, 480x360, 1421802526783 (1).jpg)

>>18303>Please, don't ever say that again. It's disrespectful.>But it can be really offensive. >>18295>>>18304>I feel like there isn't such thing as POC for Asians.>They're not oppressed for being Asian, honestly. >POC should be reserved for those being oppressed.Have you ever heard of the Japanese internment camps? What about the huge human trafficking problem affecting south asian countries? Have you ever actually been outside of your house, bro?
>>18307>>18308>>18309>>18310>>18311Fucking off-topic bullshit.
I'm fucking sick of the tumblr invasion. This is lolcow, this is a *chan type image board, this isnt a ~*safe-space*~ for all of you insecure, brainwashed social justice warriors to hop on your soapbox and explain to everyone how terrible is the plight of POCs. I DON'T FUCKING CARE. There's a board called /b/ for you to shout off all your fucking retarded opinions about race and social justice and all your hurted little fee fees on, but /pt/ is strictly for lols.
Please don't try to tell me how "just because it's a chan board, doesn't make it right tee hee~!" because that completely doesn't matter. Go to /b/.
Sage because this is fucking retarded.
No. 18317
>>18312"we white n azn we so beautiful cos u dark n uglyyy"
I'm so sick of hearing about this shit and that shit mentality, ugh.
No. 18318
File: 1434929622609.png (235.26 KB, 647x611, actualfaggot.png)

>>18316hey bakurasgirl, can you please stop shitting up every single thread with your shitty nonsense? (also who the fuck uses their real email address on lolcow)
No. 18320
File: 1434929875434.png (275.17 KB, 663x637, isthisyuguiohorsomeshit.png)

>>18319I really doubt that, 'dear' ;^) please continue trying to cover up your extensive yaoi fanfiction collection.
sage for OT faggotry. This board gives me cancer.
No. 18325
>>18323You do realize you have to report posts to bring them to Admin-sama's attention, and not just cry their name when you're upset?
Also, why should I get banned for telling people to get back on topic? Kindly kill yourself.
>>18313 No. 18326
>>18323How is talking about micky and what her problem is… off topic?
Cry more, fag.
No. 18328
>>18325>>18326>>18327They have been reported and so have these. The admin came in before and said not to fucking derail the thread.
>>18075 Gtfo
No. 18329
File: 1434933474088.png (447.2 KB, 1053x613, mickysalienstyle.png)

>>18328Ah, I see. Thanks for all the content you posted about Micky~ you aren't contributing to the problem at all!
Fucking cancer.
No. 18330
>>18329She's really tacky, I can't believe she thinks that looks good.
These are mine btw
>>18290>>18283>>18282>>18280>>18279 No. 18333
File: 1434936043394.jpg (21.65 KB, 547x188, image.jpg)

top kek
No. 18334
File: 1434937086568.png (210.11 KB, 1024x1643, Screenshot_2015-06-21-18-36-04…)

>>18333She probs saw this and is now jumping on the "i hate dd/lg" train
No. 18335
>>18273No. Micky is just a little fat. Nothing wrong.
if you think shes fat as fuck then you have a distorted image of bodies tbh
No. 18339
>>18337I agree anon. It's really disturbing. If girls are not (
trigger warning) "curveless" and stick-thin, they're automatically fat.
No. 18342
File: 1434944537680.jpg (29.93 KB, 271x527, Emaciated.JPG)

>>18341You're very right, anon. This is how everyone should look like. This is completely normal.
No. 18343
>>18342Says the faggot who actually writes anonymous in the name field.
If you think a teen girl being 180 pounds is normal youre drinking the same Koolaid PT is.
No. 18344
>>18343She's tall, you dumb non-american pro-ana.
Does she look fat to you?
170-180 isn't fat for a girl of her height.
It's not fit, it's not thin, but it's not fat.
This is why I dislike you Europoors.
No. 18346
>>18344Not European.
>EuropoorGo to /soc/ faggot. Anyway micky is 5'6". 5'6" and a weight of 185 is a bmi of nearly 30. That's bigger than fat. That's at risk for obesity. The average woman should be 19-25 on bmi scale.
No. 18347
>>18346Isn't she taller than that?
I was told she was around 5'8?
No. 18350
>>18348Imagine fucking Reek from Game of Thrones.
So appealing.
No. 18357
>>18349>>18348>>18345>>18342>>18337>>18354wtf is this samefagging nonsense?
(also I've in love with the fact that "
trigger" is now in comic sans. based admin-sama.)
No. 18361
File: 1434964040872.png (34.99 KB, 800x252, Screenshot_2015-06-22-04-40-53…)

Is she participating?
No. 18362
>>18352underrated post
plus, don't you all remember her ghastly nudes with her udders swinging freely? that pretty much sealed the deal for me that she was fat.
No. 18363
File: 1434967747442.png (25.07 KB, 800x282, Screenshot_2015-06-22-04-42-46…)

>>18362>udders swinging freelyThat made me want to vomit
No. 18364
File: 1434990492288.png (24.14 KB, 800x286, Screenshot_2015-06-22-04-49-31…)

No. 18367
File: 1434994450729.png (31.21 KB, 800x331, Screenshot_2015-06-22-13-29-38…)

She does realize that a good majority of westerners use otaku in a different context than the Japanese do, right?
No. 18370
File: 1435008860607.jpg (97.73 KB, 960x1280, 1979381_713228215490684_436137…)

No. 18375
>>18372Maybe she's hiding some sort of hole in the shorts. Maybe her fat is spilling out from there.
>>18373Is it because you can't see her face? Home girl looks like she smells.
No. 18377
>>18375>Maybe her fat is spilling out from there.>"Huh, my shirt rolled up and my stomach's poking out in this photo">"Better put a heart sticker on it! That's discreet! :^)"I will never understand this sort of shit. If you don't like how something looks in a photo, either you delete it and try to take a better one, or you try your best to shoop it until it looks less shitty. Failing that, crop it out. Don't put a sticker on the problem area and expect no one to wonder why it's there.
She's even lazy at being fake, jfc
No. 18380
>>18370I feel this could have been way cuter without the dirty cam and/or filter. Oh and the highly possible camel toe.
Anywhoooo, I kind of like her in scene/layered razored styles. But that's my personal taste.
No. 18382
File: 1435034246367.jpg (18.78 KB, 275x255, 1429416632046.jpg)

>>18341>she's obese>even if you dont know her height>not realizing 170-190 can be healthy depending on your heightpls stop ana-chan
inb4 fatty
No. 18385
>>18384I know but what i dont understand in lolcow is if a girl is chubby or have 30 pounds plus then shes obese but you guys think stick-thin very skinny girls are attractive and healthy wtf
i remember her post about she couldnt eat healthy food because it was too expensive
No. 18386
File: 1435035286796.jpg (63.64 KB, 532x641, obese_532_1505287a.jpg)

>>18384ya she's fat but not obese.
this is obese. anyway, is she still with her bf?
i wonder if he looks her tumblr
No. 18387
File: 1435035396328.png (42.67 KB, 900x190, Screenshot_8.png)

so now she dislikes black men?
No. 18388
File: 1435035490448.png (84.87 KB, 894x379, Screenshot_9.png)

Or maybe non-white people could do something about it instead of whining. what the fuck can white people do about it? Nothing. If you dont like something then change it yourself
No. 18389
File: 1435035628126.png (43.26 KB, 880x249, Screenshot_10.png)

No. 18390
File: 1435035686691.png (21.42 KB, 893x140, Screenshot_11.png)

so she's not motivated enough to lose weight, thats why she "can't"?
No. 18391
File: 1435035846576.png (35.27 KB, 500x224, tumblr_ng3048C2B31u04llqo2_500…)

No. 18392
this is her tumblr's listed from her blogger profile
No. 18394
File: 1435036134879.png (226.96 KB, 1387x721, Screenshot_12.png)

what is seapunk??
No. 18397
File: 1435036364168.png (322.88 KB, 1641x858, Screenshot_13.png)

this is her wishlist mocked her room mate for being a furry yet she has this in her wishlist
No. 18398
File: 1435036468241.png (128.92 KB, 951x604, Screenshot_14.png)

>>18396>you dont think shes obese, you're a cow!!!!i'm not mad. her BMI is not 30.
She's a tiny overweight, that's it.
No. 18399
File: 1435036678973.jpg (21.51 KB, 338x332, 1395353042431.jpg)

>>18396also even if she was 5'6, her BMI would be 27,4.
No. 18402
File: 1435037379902.jpeg (5.45 KB, 203x249, download.jpeg)

>>18398Didn't you know? This is the only thing acceptable here:
No. 18403
File: 1435039316681.jpg (53.08 KB, 600x900, tumblr_n7v94yk9b21r33r0fo1_128…)

wheres her nudes at tho and isnt she like 18
No. 18404
>>18385I wouldn't say obese either, but she's fat, slowly moving towards obesity.
>>18398She's not 5'8. I also doubt she remained 170 for so long with a shit diet and Zero excerise. She has to be at least 195 to 200 at this point.
No. 18406
>>18402nah there's a thread for making fun of that too
all bodies are bad bodies here
>head in jar masterrace No. 18407
>>18392That's not her, her blog is
>>18397That room mate is her sister No. 18408
File: 1435046717283.png (28.69 KB, 495x423, fatuglyslut.png)

>>18398She's 190 and 5'6".
No. 18410
File: 1435126243065.jpg (81.29 KB, 640x549, image.jpg)

No. 18413
>>18301>>18393Wrong Both sound like you've never seen black people before. African genetics have the tallest people and some of the most shortest people. Try again.
Africans generally have mono lids. The first asians were black. Asians (now, but not all) are equivalent to looking like blacks with paler skin. Take your bigotry and idiocy somewhere else.
No. 18414
File: 1435139887467.jpg (333.68 KB, 750x547, sasquatch_genome6.jpg)

>>18301People of the Kalahari, africans and asians are of the same genetic traits.
No. 18416
File: 1435144957211.png (137.55 KB, 615x599, 615px-9_Cluster_Tree.png)

>>18413The tallest countries are……
1. Netherlands
2. Sweden
3. Denmark
4. Norway
5. Estonia
Noticing a pattern here? Scandi are the tallest.
>>18414Eye shape has nothing to do with how genetically similar one race is to another.
>>18412Micky made a post about how girls that brag about not wearing makeup are trying to be special snowflakes and it pissed her off lmao
What she sent isn't wrong though and I'd even go on to say Micky looks shitty even with makeup on, just slightly less shitty
No. 18429
File: 1435180825946.jpg (31.12 KB, 551x231, image.jpg)

No. 18431
File: 1435182101686.jpg (59.81 KB, 640x788, Hide_and_Seek.jpg)

>>18333her, of all people saying this
>>18366a loli is pic related
resemblance is uncanny
>>18368>i'm getting wendy's what do you want>eeeee soooo sweeeet>hurry up bitchwow, her desperation for an older man to make her feel like a loli is REALLY sad
No. 18433
File: 1435183639016.jpg (92.08 KB, 600x800, IMG_0913.JPG)

she talks so much shit about white girls yet tweets these pictures
No. 18437
>>18433I think she's jealous of white girls.
She hates herself but want followers so she makes this "im an independant superior black women and im the best" yet shes constantly retweeting cute white girls so
No. 18439
>>18416>>18301Your ignorant on what I meant by my comment. Eye shape wasn't what I said. What I was saying was that Asians are descendants of africans. They are closer to africans and mexicans than they are to white so the racist asian had know clue on what they were talking about, (as much as they hate it asians, mexiacans, etc.. share a similar bloodline whether they want to believe it or not). All Asians bloodlines are from africans. The one being the people from the kalahari desert the oldest race on earth. Genetics and racism is what separates us today.
Also note; When I said africans have some of the tallest people. I was referring to the tusi tribe, the dinka, and he sudanese people with some men towering 213cm +.
>>18439nobody gives a fuck.
since when did lolcow became /pol/ or some shit?
No. 18447
>>18444i'm 5' and 120lbs
you make me feel fat anon
No. 18449
File: 1435189814625.jpg (25.12 KB, 560x330, I can already hear their cries…)

>>18445good job anon, you just gave a snowflake PTSD
No. 18451
File: 1435191995340.png (26.65 KB, 800x350, Screenshot_2015-06-24-20-21-19…)

She talks a lot of shit for someone who doesn't like conflict.
You all need to read this
>>18331 because I'm sure the admin is fed up with this. Go to /b/, there's a race thread there.
>>18449>>18448>>18445>>18442>>18441>>18440>>18439 No. 18454
File: 1435195383300.png (341.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-24-21-21-50…)

Is micky having thoughts of her own?
No. 18455
>>18447Abloo bloo.
Eh, your chubs. Oh well, as long as you dress nicely you're good.
No. 18456
>>18454It's more than likely she's repeating someone else's words. You know that girl can't be original to save her life.
>Even I, a spacekin, identify as literally giant balls of gas and dusk clouds floating around but I still identify as girl.She is just a big joke. person is a joke too.
No. 18457
File: 1435266967490.jpg (82.95 KB, 960x540, image.jpg)

"Micky isn't fat"
lol ok
No. 18462
>>18457That hair and tight top doesn't do her any favours.
It looks strawy, too flat and dry. Plus the colour doesn't suit her. I'm sorry but I do not think bright coloured hair suits dark skin. Make up, but not hair.
Top is too tight, shows off lunch lady arms.
Makes me lol how she lightens herself up and when we see her it's like ordering a dress from china, it never looks like it's supposed to in the photographs.
No. 18465
File: 1435272073227.jpg (304.99 KB, 792x1008, fat_she_hulk_by_greasystreet-d…)

>>18464Like the Hulk, but she more this lol
No. 18466
File: 1435272133856.jpg (20.82 KB, 384x511, tumblr_mtofqp0mn01qim3pko1_400…)

>>18464Regardless she's still fat, her face in her recent video looks super bloated.
No. 18470
>>18465Always fucks me up when people draw fat girls who still have hourglass figures.
Even worse when they claim a fat hourglass is "just pear shaped".
No. 18472
>>18462bright colored hair does suit dark skin imo
it just doesn't suit HER
and she's not necessarily dark skinned but yeah
No. 18478
>>18476>she should just lose weight She won't do that either. She's slowly going to turn into a black PT.
>>18477I wonder what she's going to do when she ends up in a fist fight with someone because she tried acting tough outside the internet.
No. 18479
>>18478she would get her ass beat SO quick
I don't know why she makes these passive aggressive tweets and posts as if she's even about that life at all. Just the slightest bit of conflict and she becomes so mousy. Everything about her is an act.
No. 18493
>>18488Tommy Sotomayor was right.
African American women (ghetto type) are a mess. Jfc
File: 1435366179873.png (79.42 KB, 594x777, Screenshot_2015-06-26-20-37-32…)

Why does she add stuff she can't even fit?
No. 18499
File: 1435405757392.png (89.69 KB, 800x944, Screenshot_2015-06-27-07-38-05…)

What are her streams even about? Why is she having one so early? It's embarrassing she would even do a stream with her hair looking like a helmet.
No. 18503
>>18502Well its puffy because home girl doesn't know how to use a hair straightener.
I wish she'd get a keratin treatment or something since she wants to wear it straight all the time, she'd look way better.
No. 18505
File: 1435467952673.png (22.68 KB, 800x296, Screenshot_2015-06-28-00-53-01…)

>>18504Anything about her appearance, her boyfriend, or her calling Himeka a cheap whore only to turn around and act like her best friend.
No. 18508
File: 1435537770483.jpg (35.28 KB, 640x230, image.jpg)

I'm laughing so hard.
No. 18509
File: 1435537885631.jpg (24.08 KB, 640x162, image.jpg)

No. 18512
>>18511she's not pale for a black girl, lmao.
>she's not uglysure you aren't Micky
and she's not dark, but she's definitely not pale in any way. the pale skin you see in her pictures is just shit tons of editing
No. 18520
File: 1435544124248.jpg (36.26 KB, 400x267, image.jpg)

No. 18524
>>18523>>18521Ok, whiteknight. The image for the thread shows her face clearly, and you can obviously see she has a manface and beady eyes.
>>17999Here and here too
>>18101 No. 18525
File: 1435546646533.gif (1.91 MB, 259x197, 1417406796428.gif)

>>18523>>18521Hi! micky
we all think you are man-ish and not light for a black girl
ebony skin is gorgeous, actually. unless you have some self-racism from that poisonous anime you watch. And when a girl like you tries THIS hard to look lighter it's really pathetic and your ancestors are probably rolling in their graves right now
No. 18528
>Can someone help me out? So sometimes when I’m sleeping, right before I wake up, my body starts to feel like it’s vibrating and then it starts like i’m being pulled away fro my own body and I have to fight back the vibration. It feels very scary and negative.Sometimes after this happens I’m left with sleep paralysis, hallucinations, or my vision would be really messed up (like the way your eyes feel after someone takes a picture of you with flash…x 40)
Am I have a seizure? Getting abducted by aliens? Being forced into astral projection? Wtf is going on?
#astral projection #my sister has epilepsy so that's why i'm ondering #alien abduction #lucid dreaming #sleep #sleep paralysis
No. 18530
File: 1435620442792.jpg (13.6 KB, 380x275, image.jpg)

>her face isn't manly
right. Anyways…
No. 18532
>>18530Why the fuck are you so obsessed with stating that her face is manly?
If you want to a-log her so much go all out and call her 'literally' hitler already jfc
No. 18534
File: 1435626793623.png (204.66 KB, 437x331, CItO3HfUwAAgC6m.png)

No. 18535
File: 1435628557912.jpg (7.19 KB, 125x125, this is true.jpg)

>>18531>>18532why is it so hard for you to face the fact that everyone else but you thinks she has a manly face
No. 18538
>>18536I don't even care about the cow but your comment struck me as some of the dumbest shit I've seen today
Men have all different nose shapes
No. 18539
File: 1435630717730.jpg (11.84 KB, 200x243, 960.jpg)

>>18536lol no
nice try, skeleton
No. 18543
>>18541>>18540why are you so obsessed with trying to prove that her face is not manly?
because that's YOUR opinion
MY opinion is that she has a manly face
No. 18546
>>18545no1 curr
im making a post to show i dont care
because i dont
totally not being pissy about it
No. 18547
File: 1435697514398.gif (38.74 KB, 440x330, tumblr_nqqixkdk2E1u05sbmo1_500…)

Holy shit,how many filters are on this picture?
No. 18550
File: 1435744625434.png (131.64 KB, 800x1015, Screenshot_2015-07-01-05-00-56…)

No. 18553
File: 1435851414426.jpg (18.19 KB, 398x337, image.jpg)

No. 18555
File: 1436087826772.png (44.87 KB, 496x421, tumblr_nqylimbXnS1u04llqo1_500…)

No. 18559
>>18556The font in the second screencap where Ami supposedly calls her "attention starved" looks all wrong lmao.
Not even Photoshop-tier, more like fucking MS Paint
No. 18560
>>18556 I think she used inspect element.
I could get on my computer now and edit some Facebook messages of "Ami" calling me a fat faggot lmao
No. 18562
>>18558It is pathetic the way she is desperately clinging on to the whole "Aminyan bullied me" crap.
Even if it is real, it is clear Amina has moved on. This girl needs to do the same.
This entire thing just screams jealousy. She is jealous the Amina got to go to Japan to study and attempt to be an Idol when she is still stuck filming porn in her bedrom
No. 18564
>>18563they can't even lie right lmao.
at this point they're just obsessive and it's borderline freaky.
No. 18566
>>18565It is just really sadshe is trying so hard. I highly doubt any Japanese fan of Amina is going to ask her about thieso called bullying she apparently did however many years ago.
In fact, I wonder just how many of Amina's japanese fans even know this girl exists.
No. 18567
File: 1436141782853.jpg (35.2 KB, 590x273, image.jpg)

this bitch needs to get over herself
No. 18568
>>18567what she thinks she's "high yellow" now?
bitchhhh pleeeaseee
No. 18579
File: 1436154893871.png (99.28 KB, 480x674, Screenshot_2015-07-05-23-31-10…)

No. 18581
>>18578>>18579That explanation makes literally no sense.
Does she "uwu" whenever she's angry and her lies are getting exposed?
No. 18585
>>18583Huh, so for once she wasn't lying.
I want to know the full story here though. Looks like she just denied bullying a lot, and that in itself isn't proof that she bullied her. Ami's definitely a bitch in sheep's clothing if this is legit tho
>"Gerald DID call you a slut">dat 2011 "I hated you because I used to BE you" apology>"I'm not stupid. I have people on the inside telling me what you do.">"Fine. I'm giving my lawyer your email.">M: "But I didn't tell him" A: "Then ask him why he said he did" M: "I did. He said he didn't" A: "I'll screenshot it because he's lying" and then it doesn't come up againPretty weird.
No. 18589
>>18583okay, but how is all this from feb 2013 but has a July 2014 avatar?
uh, and why are her dates like that?
>m4rch>f3bru4ryand again, Mickey, what's your point? get over it. it's been years lmao. what was the point of archiving these messages??
No. 18599
>>18598Looks like she deleted her Twitter, too.
Poor baby.
No. 18604
>>18567she isnt asian
why can't she accept that?
No. 18605
>Micky's tweets were brought up from like 3 years ago Micky we all know you still talk shit about the girl, quit crying. she even fit into their clothes?
No. 18609
>>18589facebook doesnt keep pictures from different times according to messages
if thats what you mean
No. 18610
>>18605>>18605Great, now she's buying those Aliexpress/Toabao edgy asian try hard clothes from those shitty stores… Total tumblrina and I reckon the tshirt she's bought will cling to her and not fall loose like she wishes while the skirt hits and covers the kissing of her thighs…
It's not gonna look kawaii guys
No. 18611
>>18610Why do you care what the Damn girl wears lmao "tumblerina clothing " some of you say such cringe worthy things.
If those screen shots are real aminyan basically blew up on her cause she's pretending to be half Asian right?
No. 18618
>>18614Not that anon, but Micky doesn't buy clothes that fit. She has deluded herself into thinking she's only "slightly chubby" when in reality she's huge. It's not like she has a healthy diet either. She doesn't drink water and she spends most of her time eat junk and laying around.
>>18616She made anti-black comments until around 2013/2014. Then she started act more like Himeka with the whole "problack, antiwhite" ghetto tumblrina sjw thing.
No. 18620
And apparently Micky is dating Amina's exboyfriend so that definitely puts things into perspective
also there's this No. 18621
File: 1436342486847.png (100.98 KB, 476x608, ami.png)

so she did use that account
No. 18622
>>18619They do, but she probably will still buy a size too small for her.
>>18620You're about 3 years too late with information. Amina stopped caring her ex and Micky dating around 2012 when it happened. Micky posted about that /cgl/ on her twitter and here and her boyfriend laughed about it.
>>18621You're kind of late, we already saw the video of the messages between Micky and Amina. Micky basically just cherrypicks the whole video.
No. 18626
>>18624No, it's just stuff Micky made up.
>>18625Micky gtfo
No. 18629
>>18627>>18628Micky gtfo and go to /b/ there's a thread for her so you continue to stroke your hate boner there.
>I actually had some leggings that I accidentally spilled bleach on, so I cut them into shorts.That's some real trailer trash shit there.
No. 18634
>>18631>>18632It's not gone. It's still there.
>My name on Facebook is Amina duJean, and has been so since I’ve had this profile.
>The so called date from this conversation and when you uploaded this picture initially was February. February 2015? My name is Amina du Jean on Facebook and Ami nyan is only my fanpage.
>It couldn’t have been February 2014 because that picture wasn’t even taken then, and I’ve had you blocked on Facebook for years.Now, fuck off, Micky.
No. 18640
>>18636Probably not, they already went full retard recently
>>18637>>18635You just can't move on, can you?
>>18638This. I don't get why they talk about how she looks. She's cute and unlike them, she takes care of herself. She also practices her dancing and singing.
No. 18653
>>17786man that shit is embarrassing
why do angst ridden teenagers think they will have an objective point of view on the opposite sex
No. 18654
File: 1437051901316.jpg (35.17 KB, 302x150, 1360170343757.jpg)

No. 18657
File: 1437241547938.jpg (54.93 KB, 960x960, 11201912_725864034227102_47883…)

The blur gets worse and worse with every picture.
No. 18661
File: 1437303091203.jpg (156.01 KB, 720x720, image.jpg)

Literally every picture she takes of herself she has to edit the shit out of until it's pixelated lmao #growingupugly
No. 18662
>>18660Tbh though I think Micky could be her own success and do better in life if she got off the internet, did something worthwhile, found a job and some friends tbh and cut out the shitty personality
most lolcows on here could do better but they aren't helping themselves
No. 18664
File: 1437346980751.jpg (58.74 KB, 768x960, 11760245_840729239339517_64670…)

>>18657Somebody drew fan art of this picture.
>buttplug That's awkward as hell
No. 18666
File: 1437364127497.png (413.09 KB, 768x960, sempai dont run away from me.p…)

i made it more accurate
No. 18668
>>18666>that filenameTop kek
You should make the eyes smaller and far apart
No. 18669
File: 1437371909366.png (167.04 KB, 768x960, space babe.png)

>>18668>>18667guys, maybe her space kin stuff if real
No. 18670
File: 1437432397846.jpg (65.33 KB, 720x960, 15829_726908020789370_57627302…)

No. 18671
File: 1437432513391.jpg (62.21 KB, 720x960, 10553344_726907937456045_67348…)

>>18670She still doesn't know how to dress. Her shorts are too tight and her hat is too small. Her shirt is close to not fitting either. Why is she so sloppy?
No. 18674
>>18673Ahhhh yes, the mirror angles to accomplish that 'thin' look.
It doesn't work for her though, too much thigh meat and her arms give it away.
Not foolin' anyone. Christ why not just take the picture normally instead of doing angles to make it more obv?
No. 18677
>>18669this literally looks exactly like her
No. 18678
>>18671it isn't that her hat is too small
her hair is too big
girl needs to work on her weave game
No. 18679
File: 1437559176219.png (76.13 KB, 300x200, We had to do the pledge in my …)

>girl needs to work on her weave gameThat's her real hair at the top.
No. 18682
>>18680Someone else pointed the shitty loops out in the comments and her response to them was "i kinda did that on purpose to give a glitchy, messed up vhs tape kinda feeling ;w;".
aka she left it like that because she was lazy.
No. 18684
>>18681Yeah, I don't know why I expected anything different.
>>18682>to give a glitchy, messed up vhs tape kinda feeling ;w;What she did isn't even close to sounding like distorted audio on a vhs.
No. 18687
File: 1437892217498.jpg (63.83 KB, 960x960, 11796372_730394823774023_52379…)

Why does her face seem so off?
No. 18688
File: 1437892636803.jpg (35.16 KB, 640x640, 1169236_901940466533644_257310…)

>dirty room
>stringy looking wig
>clothes are too small
>still has mirror angled even though we know she's fatHow is she not embarrassed by this?
>>18687I forgot to mention, even with the blur at 200% she still can't get her hair to blend with her ratty weave.
No. 18693
>>18687>>18688That badly parted fringe though, that pout and ears on her head. How old is this girl?
Her legs and body… Her upper body is just huge and her legs look like chocolate fingers that have been stuck to each other after melting on a hot day…
It's just terrible.
How she thinks she looks good I'll never know. People who find her attractive must have lost all five fucking senses.
No. 18695
File: 1438022170438.jpg (136.16 KB, 640x989, image.jpg)

>I look very bad in candid photos
When will she realize she just looks bad in general, there's just no super bright lighting or 5 filters to save her here like in her selfies.
Also she literally looks like a grown man trying to dress like a little girl
No. 18696
>>18695So we've now got an ana-dolly-chan-black girl and also a fatty-i-want-to-be-kawaii-chan-doll black girl
No. 18698
>>18695had to do a double take, actually thought this was a guy.
Now Im really self concious about my posture
No. 18699
>>18695You know she must have thought she looked
somewhat good to upload that picture.
Scared to see what she looks like in the candids she doesn't post.
No. 18701
File: 1438025087862.jpg (63.94 KB, 1138x640, FB_IMG_1438024385796.jpg)

>>18700the look on the girl's face that's next to her is hilarious.
No. 18703
File: 1438026292160.jpg (81.9 KB, 1138x640, FB_IMG_1438024420553.jpg)

>>18702If you look closely you can see her shirt is entirely too small for her.
No. 18704
File: 1438027079279.png (638.9 KB, 956x1400, Screenshot_2015-07-27-12-55-20…)

She's the only cute one out of everyone, i feel so bad for her
No. 18705
File: 1438027729506.jpg (151.74 KB, 1151x2048, FB_IMG_1438024459262.jpg)

>>18704She looks so fed up.
No. 18709
>>18705oh god
why did i click the thumbnail
whY! that bumpy arm and zit
No. 18711
>>18710Not that anon, but what's wedged up your ass?
Did you even enlarge the picture? Or are you bitter because you have acne ridden arms too?
No. 18713
>>18711It's one zit and her arms look decent. Get off the crack pipe.
I fucking hate insecure fatties like you who nitpick the shit out of everyone to feel better about themselves. And cut the tUmBlRSpEak.
No. 18720
File: 1438109727852.jpg (49.65 KB, 640x852, FB_IMG_1438108591916.jpg)

No. 18724
>>18701This is how cosplay events always turn out though. They usually involve the most unattractive nerd fatties and geeks in the local area and then they all collide in a great big mess.
I walked past a ton of them the other near here where I live in the UK and I wanted to just laugh. It was the same, fatties, terrible costumes and disaster. It's like a global thing.
No. 18732
>>18722lmao, why does she have a recorder attached to her backsack?
she is way to old for that
No. 18738
>>18722she literally looks like a man thats so tragic smh
No. 18739
File: 1438137814442.gif (4.19 MB, 320x240, Disgusted faces thread mfw i h…)

>>18738You still see her gut hanging over through her overalls and how her shirt is five sizes too small.
No. 18742
File: 1438143411588.jpg (176.66 KB, 720x960, big_thumb_a7c05bf4c27eec65db26…)

No. 18750
>>18749>She looks better if she smiles with her mouth closed….with makeup on…..And filter…..And Photoshop I guess.Kek
If it takes all that fit her to look attractive then she's actually ugly.
No. 18752
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No. 18757
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No. 18758
File: 1438207858568.jpg (175.22 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 18759
File: 1438207969426.jpg (177.84 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 18760
File: 1438208011960.jpg (196.2 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 18761
File: 1438209175746.gif (471.96 KB, 226x309, popcorn_jon_stewart.gif)

>>18752i hope this turns into a straight up ratchet brawl between mick-donalds and black-"panda"
No. 18762
>>18761 Kek
Best part is she made a whole thread about Panda on her and forgot to crop out her profile picture when posting. I don't get how this girl just sits around shit talking then when the moment comes to show she isn't just talk, she acts scared. It's like she knows she's gonna get beat up.
No. 18763
>>18761inb4 a video comes up with two adult black women in japanese kindergarten outfits fighting over who gets the drug dealer bf (i'm not sure if he is the drug dealer that used to hit on her while she was with her last bf but i think it might be him)
btw, she said "my dealer" when talking about him so she definitely uses drugs (micky)
No. 18764
>>18763Micky's bf is a drug dealer?
>>18760"I'm telling con security" they are not about to act like her bodyguard. She's going to get told to not come to the con if she can't handle her own personal drama.
No. 18765
>>18761I would seriously love to see a weeb fight.
Especially hoodrat weebs omg
No. 18768
File: 1438334079970.jpg (121.58 KB, 961x455, image.jpg)

Micky put this on facebook. Isn't this slut shaming? Taylor is a total hoodrat and annoying as fuck but she and micky are literally the same.
No. 18771
>>18770At least taylor isn't a fat bitch who bows the fuck out whenever someone says anything that ~scares/
triggers~ her.
No. 18774
File: 1438387181367.jpg (92.19 KB, 600x484, image.jpg)

>>18770We can have a whole other thread on her aswell
omg. Weeaboo hoes while I dye my hair blue and wear cat ears, and she acts like a hoodrat. "fite me!!1 curb stomp Ya"
but this is my Micky thread. Also. I find it funny how Micky only cries slut shaming when it's directed at her, but then slut shames other girls. bravo Micky, you big ole manatee!
God I hope they get in a kawaii hoodrat brawl, complete with gangster slang. Omfg, that would be amazing
No. 18778
>>18775They're ghetto hoodrats in disguise. They act all cute and innocent but switch to nigga motion when they're pissed off.
No different to the usual hairhatted hooligan, still fat, a cunt and bitchy. Only they wear kawaii clothes and that's it.
You can take the hoodrat out the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out the hoodrat.
No. 18779
File: 1438445089900.jpg (60.2 KB, 720x1280, 11822129_10207730493848776_173…)

>yet they are all like "bitch, fight me. I'll bring my gun and knife and I'll ruin you, bitch I'll ruin you!"Bibi, Himeka, and Taylor, sure. But Micky isn't that brave. Not mention she lives her life in the suburbs behind a computer screen. You saw how scared she got when Taylor told her to actually fight her. She went as far as to try to get convention security involved. Micky fakes being a ghetto hoodrat for popularity. If she tried that around real hoodrats she'd have been jumped by now.
>>18778>using hairhattedYou're supposed to be banned
No. 18780
>>18779Well they are hairhatted, the fuck ton of them all wear rotten weaves.
Not even nice weave either.
No. 18783
>>18782It's basically some black girl who's butthurt over the word.
A guy on YT called Tommy Sotomayor came up with the term 'hairhatted hooligans' meaning: rachet black women who act ghetto and wear weaves a.k.a hairhats.
He isn't wrong, they are KIND OF like hair hats lmao. I don't blame him for showing up their raggedy thug asses either, they deserve it.
If he saw how Micky/Bibi/Barbie and some of the other hood kawaii cunts on here act, he'd make a mockery out of them too. Good, I'd praise him.
No. 18789
>>18783>>18784>>18785>>18786>>18787Why haven't you fucked off yet? No one likes you, all you do is derail threads with racist bullshit.
No one cares about Tommy Sotomayor, he's a fedorafaggot and so are you.
No. 18790
>>18788it's on topic, newfag.
>>18789>forgetting where you areobvious bait or extremely retarded
liberal. either way cool maymoo yamyams :^)
No. 18791
>>18786>>18787<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> lal they need to do chicken noodle soup with kawaii on the side
No. 18792
>>18790>newfag Kek you wish
Read this and check the rules before posting
>>18331Back on topic, looks like she switched Twitter accounts again. I wonder why
No. 18793
>>18792I've read that. People are allowed to talk about the sotomayor guy and weaves. We've all been discussing hoodrats for days and it's all definitely related to who we're talking about. There are people in other threads who say nigger and jew so you better check yourself before you complain about this stupid shit.
Read the thread before posting newfag.
No. 18799
File: 1438579437593.jpg (37.33 KB, 646x960, 11694113_734750263338479_64846…)

Once again her gut is hanging over her bottoms. She's too big for even the biggest size the store has. And I'm sure that skirt doesn't even fit. How does she breath in these clothes? How is she comfortable in clothes smaller her actual size? I think she should just sell all the ill fitting stuff and start wearing proper sized clothes, but no one needs her smelly, stretched out clothes in their closet.
No. 18800
>>18795>>18796>>18797>>18793>>18794>Sotomayor shitposter trying to act like their first few shitposts in this thread (and others like it) weren't like "Why are black girls so [x]", "This is why no other race likes us because of ratchet girls like her >:(((", "These black girls r ruining everything" and other assorted bait>"OMG it's not about race all sorts of ppl r ghetto!!1!!!1"Fuck off forever and take your "hairhatted hoodrat" rants with you asshole lmao
Saging for offtopic/responding to badly made b8
No. 18803
File: 1438581339961.jpg (350.45 KB, 900x900, 7cb69de88cf8d12240f8e400cc4027…)

Why does she preaches about being black and shit like this but lightens her skin on pictures?
No. 18804
>>18801She's definitely fat.
>>18799>>18722>>18720>>18703>>18700>>18670You can clearly see her gut hanging through her clothes and that they are too tight/small for her body.
No. 18805
File: 1438652398773.jpg (24.76 KB, 203x275, image.jpg)

Please more deets about this
And what's her new twitter
No. 18809
File: 1438663348332.jpg (102.72 KB, 640x474, image.jpg)

>>18805It's sad because micky just used to be chubby. Now she's a full blown land whale. Oh and her boyfriend is a lolcow just as much as she is. lol at being a sonic fan.
No. 18813
File: 1438686152758.jpg (54.07 KB, 640x640, 10732012_939534956104156_20450…)
>forever16Here we go again with this shit
Also, she used an app called Perfect365 to edit her face and eyes
No. 18815
File: 1438687231053.jpg (562.18 KB, 960x1280, 2015-08-04-07-15-31_deco.jpg)

>>18814Not only is the color fake, but so is everything else. The shine in her eye, the lashes, the liner, the lipstick, the foundation, and the eyebrows probably are too. That app does everything, plus face slimming. She really must be planning on living her life exclusively online because if she isn't she's going to be a catfish.
No. 18818
File: 1438693671880.jpg (333.45 KB, 960x1280, 2015-08-04-07-35-14_deco.jpg)

>>18817It just might be both
No. 18824
File: 1438699611139.jpg (521.2 KB, 960x1280, 2015-08-04-10-19-20_deco.jpg)

>>18823>when white girls do the same thing, no one calls them out on it or constantly points out their race.
>there are several threads where this is happening
>t-totally not a white knight guys!If you aren't some random white knight. You're more than likely Micky. Either way, gtfo.
No. 18826
>>18823hello, mick-donalds
defending yourself is so pathetic
No. 18827
>>18823>white girls don't get made fun of when they do thisuh, yeah. THEY DO
two words
pixy teri
she has been trolled into oblivion
No. 18828
>>18819she keeps lying about how asian she is
we are going to discuss her race because of that
No. 18834
>>18828Thing is Asians get more pissed off by the white weebs than blacks other races I heard. Espesh those white fuck boys who just wanna lure asian girls either to bed or marriage becos 'she is so obdient ugu'.
Every lolcow lies about 'im asian' unless they actually ARE asian. It's sad, why does everyone want to be asian so badly? Sure the culture is pretty cool but jesus
(>>>/b/) No. 18836
File: 1438752026431.jpg (26.51 KB, 640x640, 11848924_1684395631780518_7605…)

If you look closely you can see her real hair sticking out from under her wig.
No. 18837
File: 1438894909381.jpg (109.97 KB, 1348x664, 11838813_736810906465748_19706…)

She started a forum
No. 18839
>>18837Just like her Facebook group it's going to start out fine
Then she's gonna start unnecessary drama
Which lead to horrible admin actions
Then someone else gonna make a forum of the same topic
Micky gets mad
The End
No. 18840
>>18839I have a feeling someone's going to mention Amina and she's just going to flip out.
>>18838Micky pls
No. 18841
File: 1438898800834.jpg (56.38 KB, 599x900, B91ghS5CUAA8--a.jpg)

>>18840Are ya'll taking about Amina blue?
Never entered a Micky thread in my life.
No. 18843
>>18841how is this bitch 5'1" and modeling?!
talk about the fucking dream, shit
No. 18847
>>18845went through her IG. literally the very definition of instagram thot. nothing but ass pics.
whatever, it got her "somewhere". for a moment. i guess.
i'm probably just jelly tho because i'm 5'1" but lack ass and wish i could model
No. 18851
>>18848fashion nowadays is just any old shit meshed together, throw your name on it, complain about slut shaming, cry, charge a fuck ton of money for some old rag thing
No. 18852
>>18844Don't you mean far right? You how she fiends to be *~pale and kawaii desus~*
>>18845>>18846>>18847>>18849>>18850>>18851>>18843>>18841Take this to /b/
No. 18857
>>18856She goes on and on about hating water, glorifying junk and fast food, and not wanting to exercise. I'm pretty sure a doctor telling her to change her ways will not sway her.
>Intro to Pet Play? Put those nekomimi to use! 18+ is a horrible panel story waiting to happen.
No. 18859
i love how offended she gets when that one guy compared wearing cat ears and tails is more of a furry thing
"nuuuuuu it's ttly different :X"
No. 18860
File: 1439317841753.jpg (42.54 KB, 649x345, 11871834_10207844013646700_167…)

>>18858She might be a part of it already.
>>18859It's going be hilarious if this panel gets approved and she gets more people saying it at the actual panel.
No. 18861
>>18860She's such a special cunt.
Shit would have more brains than her
No. 18864
>>18863Well she
is quite delusional, so it's unsurprising that she would wear ill-fitting clothes.
No. 18865
>>18862i actually knew a lesbian that called all her normal friends girlfriends (that were non romantic, she is married to another girl even)
it's not evil straight people taking the word from gays or anything
No. 18870
File: 1439541401768.gif (997.57 KB, 500x281, 13658964.gif)
>today I did a 10 minute ab work out and also rode my bike u v u>I’m so tired now but it was so worth it!I doubt this true considering how she's stated more than once that she liked her body the way it is and how she hates exercise and general being in shape.
No. 18878
File: 1439589866094.gif (786.28 KB, 250x231, beating a dead horse.gif)

>>18870>complains about her never exercising>micky starts exercising>still complainingFuck off vendetta chan. This thread is boring as hell. This girl literally doesn't do anything but say random dumb shit on facebook. Get the fuck over it.
No. 18880
>>18879Better than doing nothing, in my opinion. I would really rather her go outside and do SOMETHING that sit in her room and stuff her face. No doubt she lurks this thread, so maybe all the comments about her weight are finally getting to her.
What would you want her to do, anon?
No. 18882
>>18878Ok Micky, whatever you say.
>>18879You would think she'd be more concerned with "exercising" and not caring about this thread.
No. 18894
>>18893dont forget barbie kek
id love to see barbie and micky bawl
No. 18896
I feel she had one cup of water and decided to exaggerate it.
No. 18897
>>18878you seem aggravated
if you want to let this thread die then DON'T reply to it.
we have been really dry of good cows anyways
No. 18903
File: 1440640022715.jpg (745.68 KB, 911x1553, Screenshot_2015-08-26-21-45-41…)

>>18902She deleted the post but someone saved it.
No. 18904
>>18902A magazine? Oh joy.
I can't wait to see what this trainwreck is
Lol I wonder if they'll feature ami?
No. 18906
File: 1440651240026.jpg (276.01 KB, 600x450, Hey-Girls-Did-You-Know-Telling…)

No. 18923
File: 1440720618363.jpg (39.86 KB, 324x340, 1379014421624.jpg)

>Wannabe SJW>Immortalized in a cyberbullying articlekek
No. 18927
>>18923I wonder if she's ever come across that article.
>>18915>This girl doesn't do shit except sit on her fat lard ass all day. Not even close to pt worthy.There's two threads worth of stuff on her that is pt level. You must not of even bother to read either.