File: 1646160045851.png (824.24 KB, 966x1001, tumblr_nbjszkyeFK1rasnq9o1_128…)

No. 1078041
File: 1646160201765.jpg (Spoiler Image,152.1 KB, 1200x675, 285232.jpg)

kek I knew everyone was waiting for somebody else to make this thread. I'm gonna continue where I left off
No. 1078045
File: 1646160316961.jpg (135.21 KB, 769x500, 671pec.jpg)

>>1078041right there with you, nonna
No. 1078049
>>1078020You mean our typical huge pored olive toned med skin?
No. 1078051
File: 1646160437299.jpg (46.36 KB, 667x484, LSFEFS.JPG)

No. 1078058
File: 1646160561186.jpg (174.37 KB, 1120x837, Switzerland.jpg)

Behold the honorary president of Switzerland.
No. 1078060
File: 1646160574860.png (2.85 MB, 1332x1999, John John.png)

Reminder this man was almost president of the US
No. 1078061
Untrained civilians attacked a russian vehicle that had a machine gun on top.
Obviously only russia man bad. The US/NATO and Zelensky are saints for encouraging untrained normies to attack the second most powerful military of the world. No. 1078063
File: 1646160655856.jpg (118.77 KB, 680x1193, E6AO79QVoAABif7.jpg)

No. 1078065
File: 1646160684277.jpg (27.43 KB, 514x500, ANM_020.thumb.jpg.2fb7a14f2892…)

No. 1078066
File: 1646160688144.jpg (242.59 KB, 503x740, 065_099_rl.jpg)

>>1078062he's of European decedent
No. 1078067
File: 1646160710404.jpeg (10.39 KB, 201x251, download (3).jpeg)

the italian president is 80 years old but he was qt once
>>1078062chill out they can contribute to the thread too
No. 1078068
File: 1646160716346.png (838.72 KB, 1440x469, 1624623607217.png)

what could have been
No. 1078070
Anons in this thread who think Macron is hot deserve to have their asses beaten to death.
None of you are old enough for him anyway.>>1078041Who is this new Dreamworks movie protagonist?
No. 1078073
File: 1646160797393.jpg (105.27 KB, 978x1299, 13dbb2cb72c04156b900cfe1643773…)

young sauli
No. 1078076
File: 1646160820104.jpg (605.87 KB, 1200x799, schlossberg.jpg)

>>1078068>>1078066>>1078060>>1078063I can't believe they killed himand now they are shilling this thing.
No. 1078086
>>1078076No idea who this guy is but he looks like one of these turbo faggots who think they're hot shit because they study law or sciences po in a public university
and have to redo their first year and have their mommy and daddy buy them Ralph Lauren polos and trousers. If you know you know.
No. 1078089
>>1078074Don't pick a side. Both are bad.
Just stop simping for NATO/US/Ukraine. Both sides are evil and filled corrupt politicians.
No. 1078092
File: 1646161122438.jpg (22.2 KB, 389x249, 84cb39219b3d5f28a1f6c25b249781…)

finland president what are you DOING
>>1078091the keks never end
No. 1078095
>>1078083Civilians don't stand a chance against a military. It's a massacre. Civilians should hide in shelters or leave the country.
Politicians encouraging civilians to fight are war criminals.
No. 1078097
File: 1646161171570.jpg (242.77 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20220301_195434.jpg)

I like silly pics of politicians. This schlubby guy dodged a gajillion assassination attempts and told Stalin to fuck himself.
No. 1078099
File: 1646161233312.gif (2.56 MB, 322x178, 1448776146644.gif)

>>1078094KEK so this is an international stereotype after all. I'm the queen of fortune-telling you guys.
No. 1078105
File: 1646161398100.jpg (27.67 KB, 450x354, 795bca0d2ee83d8eaa364beb6df9e7…)

>>1078081He looked stereotypically Russian
No. 1078107
File: 1646161508715.jpg (50.89 KB, 450x354, 1646161398100.jpg)

>>1078105allow me to make an improvement
No. 1078110
>>1078105absolutely despise myself for thinking he looks kind of
hot here
No. 1078118
>>1078102>Because civilians have no brains and patriotic feelings, right? Oh the nationalist propaganda is strong with this one.
Civilians don't stand a chance against a military. Dying in a massacre is useless and don't help the cause at all.
No. 1078119
File: 1646161611223.jpg (71.93 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

>>1078105If there ever will be a biopic, Matthias Schoenaerts could definitely play him
No. 1078132
>>1078096Being anti war is now centrism?
Would you have sided with mass murderer Hitler or mass murderer Stalin?
No. 1078136
File: 1646161833643.jpg (79.75 KB, 1200x847,…)

>>1078040You should see his dog
No. 1078142
File: 1646161881225.jpeg (72.19 KB, 500x563, E54D5931-8855-45A7-BCAC-E3FCCF…)

>>1078128I’m ashamed enough!!!!
No. 1078152
>>1078061all i see is bodies and not confirmation of anything
yeah i agree that it is naive and stupid to give guns to untrained civilians and not every ukrainian person is going to be a saint but cmon now
No. 1078164
File: 1646162259650.jpg (165.81 KB, 960x623, RY4KLtZ.jpg)

I'm just gonna continue having fun.
No. 1078175
File: 1646162384080.jpg (136.25 KB, 1600x900, lennu-kuva.jpg)

>>1078164yeah let's ignore these bores
another picture of great lennu
No. 1078190
File: 1646162597624.jpg (98.07 KB, 754x508, fffds.jpg)

>>1078178here's lennu trying to get to the gift christmas ham, on top of it being a picture of bunch of finnish heads of state standing around a christmas ham
No. 1078191
File: 1646162641226.jpg (46.67 KB, 700x394, 3qimd6dr.jpg)

>>1078061It's almost like conscripting random men from the ages of 18-60 is going to end up with them dying. Are you suggesting this was not known? Because it was. The whole point is that they have a decent chance of taking a russian or two with them to the eternal void, maybe a vehicle if they have a lucky shot. You seem to be unfamiliar with how wars involving conscription work, maybe you should look them up. Ukraine is actually relatively mild all things considered, check the USSR to see what conscript fodder looks like.
No. 1078198
File: 1646162731430.jpg (32.16 KB, 480x270, DiKjTn_WAAAjoIJ.jpg)

Putin when everyone in Europe turns against his plan
No. 1078204
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No. 1078205
File: 1646162840426.jpg (70.33 KB, 650x434, Säätö-sale.jpg)

No. 1078207
File: 1646162860597.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.11 KB, 990x732, 5.jpg)

>>1078164This is Angie's worst picture, but it makes me laugh so hard
No. 1078210
>>1078170if russia was really attacking civilians it'd look something like the US invasion of iraq. bombs over baghdad.
yes obviously war crimes are being committed but clearly putin is not trying to raze the entire country
No. 1078211
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No. 1078213
File: 1646162936707.jpg (71.51 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg)

>>1078198If I was on PC I'd make some Putin edits.
No. 1078220
File: 1646163072314.jpg (84.03 KB, 572x624, 43535356.jpg)

greatest finnish meme is/was editing politicians wearing these tripp pants
No. 1078222
File: 1646163098949.jpeg (39.32 KB, 680x642, AD33D0B9-6454-457B-978C-22CBFE…)

>>1078196cannot imagine needlessly losing my son/dad/brother in some pointless war this is heartbreaking
No. 1078229
File: 1646163160685.jpg (19.97 KB, 450x291, tumblr_06d9ca330751e693f47c882…)

>>1078223KEK. What a precious meme.
No. 1078235
File: 1646163293160.jpg (58.74 KB, 1024x576, niinisto-ja-putin-kuvakaappaus…)

The way he looks at Putin sure is something
No. 1078242
File: 1646163399798.jpg (56.96 KB, 770x483, 1_PK_NIINISTO_0.jpg)

Such an awkwardly precious smile
No. 1078244
File: 1646163416502.jpg (40.28 KB, 800x533, 1581706.jpg)

>>1078236they seem to share a special bond, kek
No. 1078255
File: 1646163648033.jpg (116.27 KB, 936x613, hockey.JPG)

why the fuck are they dressed up in hockey gear, kek, wish these old farts could just settle things through sports.
>>1078252I'm sure that can be arranged.
No. 1078257
>>1078248Ukrainian soldiers are defending their women, children and homes. Why would I think the same of them as of the invading army's men? And yes Putin is the big bad, but Putin isn't shooting civilians and he is certainly not raping the local women, as the russians are not doubt doing as we speak, as they usually do.
>>1078250Men join the army because they don't care what evil they might cause since it pays them the money they want. I never thought I would see defenders of soldiers in lolcow of all places. Only the worst kind of scrotes join the army, imagine defending these men.
>>1078254Sorry anon, I don't live in Sweden, we don't take kindly to invaders here.
No. 1078261
File: 1646163818898.jpg (59.94 KB, 360x500, IMG_0497.JPG)

i luv the teeny pooteen meme era
No. 1078263
File: 1646163883441.jpg (199.38 KB, 800x1066, Lapsen_oikeuksien_juhla_19.11.…)

>>1078040For some reason the OP picture has our prime minister from almost 10 years ago too, our current one isn't a retarded moid and she was raised by two lesbians
No. 1078269
File: 1646163982442.jpeg (82.27 KB, 800x537, 2F80B442-2E26-4A6A-9684-83F814…)

>>1078264You are such a retard
No. 1078273
File: 1646164017415.jpg (136.06 KB, 1200x1200, 6317.jpg)

>Sanna Mirella Marin was born on 16 November 1985 in Helsinki.She also lived in Espoo and Pirkkala before moving to Tampere. Her parents split up when she was very young; the family faced financial problems and Marin's father, Lauri Marin, struggled with alcoholism. After her biological parents separated, Marin was brought up by her mother and her mother's female partner. No. 1078277
File: 1646164089447.jpg (147.27 KB, 720x925, 1.jpg)

Don't fret my nonnas, for the stunning and mystic burger troons and libfems from r/witchesvspatriarchy will save Ukraine.
No. 1078284
>>1078237No complex thinking here whatsoever.
Soldiers are not invaders, the politicians are. Soldiers are giving up their bodily autonomy because some rich faggot wants oil and gas.
No. 1078296
>>1078237This reply is so shitty imagine you were actually saying this to a russian person, acting like their friends or family members dying is good as if they or their loved ones had any say in the war, demonizing normal russian civilians does nothing to help Ukraine. What country are you even from? I bet you’ve never seen or are in any danger of war or you’d know better than to spout such bullshit
>>1078286I hate the military as a whole but to say the young people (both men and women) who join it deserve to die for doing so is beyond stupid. So we should just all have no military? Maybe in an ideal world, but with insane fucks like Putin.
No. 1078297
>>1078251Yeah totally. That's why they follow traffic laws.
Stop projecting your american bloodthirstiness.
No. 1078312
>>1078296I am Greek, we are constantly threated by Turkey. Any day now the Turks might attack us. If you think we will spare their lives or feel bad about it you have never talked to Greeks. We will cut their throats while they sleep and poison their water. It seems to me YOU are not the one that knows what the threat of war feels like. Also to the russians I would say the exact same thing I say here. Maybe they should have raised their sons better so they wouldn't have joined the military, not my fault and and not my problem. Their son or brother or w/e was an invader and he faced the justice that invaders deserve.
>I hate the military as a whole but to say the young people (both men and women) who join it deserve to die for doing so is beyond stupid. So we should just all have no military? Maybe in an ideal world, but with insane fucks like Putin.Don't put men and women next to each other as if they join for the same reason. Men join for completely different reasons than women, the only common one is the pay. Other than that, completely different.
No. 1078317
File: 1646165061955.jpg (121.35 KB, 846x634, Kb77agJ.jpg)

>>1078309when i was there i thought the insane drivers are what's going to be the end of me
though i guess they still could be if they decide to invade here KEK
No. 1078326
File: 1646165204055.jpeg (165.85 KB, 828x317, 3E983CCD-E557-4C41-9EA2-07DD63…)

>>1078312What about the ones who didn’t have a choice?
No. 1078343
>>1078300Nonna don't be stupid. That thank is not russian. Russian are not even in Kyev right now and that video is like 3 day old.
Russian tanks on Kyev streets would mean that the war is over and Russia won.
Media literacy is low af stop falling for fake news.
No. 1078346
>>1078341>the situation is nuancedno, it isn't. there's clearly only one side 100% in the wrong.
>No one is defending the soldiersexcept there's post after post about "they're children! they were forced!"
No. 1078352
File: 1646165872250.jpg (668.93 KB, 1900x1291,…)

>>1078207and this is her reaction when she has to think about Putin
No. 1078354
File: 1646165905940.jpeg (181.82 KB, 1284x1203, 32DCF3AB-451B-43E3-BF51-A8D84B…)

Troons have to stay behind and fight for Ukraine
No. 1078356
File: 1646165930136.jpeg (75.4 KB, 537x571, CF697299-2520-44CC-B85E-6B0BA1…)

Here’s one for you funny pic nonna
No. 1078363
File: 1646166114456.jpg (273.41 KB, 1200x800, ft-putin-2016-1.jpg)

>>1078356thanks dear, I was afraid we were getting off track.
No. 1078373
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No. 1078386
File: 1646166507370.jpg (48.09 KB, 540x378, tumblr_ee0a773ec71d63c1bfb2ea4…)

>>1078381nta are you genuinely retarded
No. 1078391
>>1078366I had that song blocked from my mind for YEARS and then you happened. Fuck
No. 1078398
>>1078376You definitely get put on a watchlist for refusing conscription and subsequently your family is too, so they might as well be sent right away.
>>1078369This. While I don't have any reason to cape for scrotes, anons acting as if they'd just drop their weapons to switch sides and to help the enemy civilians during war time and would bear the consequences like a bunch of martyrs would never actually follow through if they were put in that situation. It's not like the opposing side would ever even trust you and welcome you with open arms to help them.
No. 1078399
File: 1646166735905.jpg (50.95 KB, 700x526, aqKGnBj_700b.jpg)

holy face fillers
No. 1078409
>>1078398>You definitely get put on a watchlist for refusing conscription Which is fine, you are a criminal for doing so
>and subsequently your family is too, so they might as well be sent right away. Yeah no. That is not a thing.
>This. While I don't have any reason to cape for scrotes, anons acting as if they'd just drop their weapons to switch sides and to help the enemy civilians during war time and would bear the consequences like a bunch of martyrs would never actually follow through if they were put in that situation. It's not like the opposing side would ever even trust you and welcome you with open arms to help them.First of all I will never be put in such a situation because my nation is not retarded and does not conscript women. Secondly even if sth apocalyptical happened and it ended up doing so, I would simply not go. I would escape the country and go live in Italy or sth. So I would very simply not be in that position to begin with. It's called being smart.
No. 1078416
File: 1646167061465.jpg (48.08 KB, 600x407, merlin_202886424_3e9c7c0d-75aa…)

young ukrainian women also stay and defend their country, only mothers and children flee yet troons and russiaboos cry because muh poor moids…
No. 1078440
File: 1646167465912.jpg (77.45 KB, 720x960, ximoulis.jpg)

easily the best prime minister there is
No. 1078445
File: 1646167725334.jpg (536.43 KB, 1280x1780, 1280px-Josip_Broz_Tito_uniform…)

The balkan version of Anthony Hopkins managed to assassinate Kennedy and Stalin, I believe he can take Putin from beyond the grave
No. 1078450
File: 1646167905836.jpeg (141.02 KB, 1170x1363, FMyhoduX0AEsWte.jpeg)

meanwhile russian richfags are partying…
No. 1078451
File: 1646167909409.png (830.55 KB, 1080x791, kisseni-01.png)

>>1077956All she gets is misogynynistic insults (with the other members of our all-female "cunt-cabinet") or coomers cooming
No. 1078452
>>1078399The Kardashian sisters together don't have this much fillers in their butts
No. 1078455
>>1078450they look like they're missing chromosomes
>>1078453oh yeah the famous space program ''kad svinje polete'' (inspired by silence of the lambs, cause he liked being compared to hopkins),
didn't know about the other two…
No. 1078459
File: 1646168212594.jpg (63.48 KB, 720x960, nl mitsotakis photo.jpg)

>>1078440tinder profile picture
No. 1078467
File: 1646168563772.jpg (208.47 KB, 1283x1535, FMfhXqFXwAArbiC.jpg)

Putin is now banned in a german supermarket in the town Kiel for whatever he is doing now.
No. 1078471
>>1078462No they are not. There's really nothing going on in Kyiv right now, it's still controlled by the ukrainian military.
You know how war works you actually have to fight to invade something and the was no battle in Kyiv yet.
No. 1078475
>>1078467now that'll hurt him…
but sanctions against oligarchs seem to be working a bit. you need to ban them from having any kind of fun in europe, no yachts, no going shopping, no nice hotels, nothing, and they'll continue complaining more and more
No. 1078517
>>1078510though who knows where the news outlets get the news
>>1078513well obviously in the streets but just answer to people saying that there is no russians in kiev city itself, but in the news here some say they are already there in the city and not just the oblast but like i said who knows where they get that
No. 1078534
File: 1646170735720.png (206.05 KB, 900x600, May-you-get-through-this-diffi…)

>>1078520>being born a scorpioim sorry
No. 1078538
File: 1646170839557.jpg (85.21 KB, 1168x862, coping.jpg)

Nonny, he is coping.(derailing)
No. 1078540
File: 1646170925627.gif (8.63 MB, 498x280, GrEmwQnN.gif)

No. 1078555
File: 1646171547718.jpg (89.33 KB, 775x711, putin-rare.jpg)

Yo hold up, hold up, hold up, okay, hold up
You see a bad bitch coming through, yo, what's the hold up?
I'm in that new new, me and Nunu when I roll up
I told the valet, "Park the Benz and bring the Rolls up"
Cause I be the baddie B, Putin Tingz
Banging body B, everybody be on my D.
I'm only loyal to the niggas that'll bust guns for me
The jig up, it's a stick up, run me the Ukraine.(derailing)
No. 1078556
>>1078555yassified putin.
somebody better make this the next thread pic.
No. 1078565
File: 1646172024185.jpg (32.44 KB, 657x445, sleep.JPG)

good night, my fellow niinistonians
No. 1078570
File: 1646172393395.jpg (498.96 KB, 1079x1698, Screenshot_20220301-204900_Twi…)

Uh oh.
No. 1078574
So this
>>1078555 and this anon
>>1078561 are getting permabans for a fucking putin meme.
These new mods are terminally retarded. Meanwhile those same mods are absent when we have male trolls here.
Hey new absent mods/admin enjoy destroying lolcow and removing the long-time lc posters. I hope you know the majority of anons here despise you except that one defender.
(complaints go in /meta/) No. 1078595
File: 1646173148910.gif (503.16 KB, 1280x800, A5873D54-5F3B-4E3A-83E0-1550F0…)

>>1078574Admin and jannies don’t want us to slander Putin. Only cute Putin edits allowed
>>1078594its typical absent to over-moderating thing that powertripping shitty mods/jannys do.
They left this thread absent and unmoderated for a long time with barely any moderation which left to extreme spamming by males and yaoi fags which lead to previous thread being locked for a while.
Now to make up for the absence the mods are now instead punishing other anons over silly things and are powertripping/over-moderating.
No. 1078610
>>1078601why are you mod defenders always retarded.
>>1078607your not even allowed to ask for the bare-minimum anymore.
No. 1078637
>>1078630did you really just assume I also didn't know that farmhands were mods? that's not the point. don't you think if farmhands were around that they'd actually be responding in /meta/ maybe even tripcoding? so who use doing the deleting and banning then? clearly jannies. when was the last time you saw a janny tripcode? You haven't! so in other words, there are no farmhands around.
I'd honestly pay you money to use more than 1 braincell.
No. 1078649
File: 1646175271625.png (569.38 KB, 547x680, 5a3b2b6f-22e4-47e0-89f1-74d055…)

No. 1078655
File: 1646175405743.jpg (98.48 KB, 1280x720, gSMi6pX.jpg)

>>1078526its time to create the Trans-Atlantic Union
No. 1078662
>>1078574I got a ban for being "off topic" although my post was related to a conversation we were having in this thread (that no one complained about, mind you).
The new mods are questionable to say the least. If I was higher on the schizo tinfoil scale I would say they were purposely hired to conspire against the imageboard.
No. 1078664
>>1078656What? How can you tell? t. newfag
>>1078655TRANS YOU SAY
I'm sorry I had to No. 1078673
File: 1646175846341.jpg (48 KB, 360x500, zK5vUKa.jpg)

No. 1078681
File: 1646176227162.jpg (8.7 MB, 3320x2873, Prokudin-Gorskii-08.jpg)

No. 1078687
File: 1646176677688.jpg (2.56 MB, 3736x3706, K8Q1Hzf.jpg)

No. 1078704
File: 1646177500105.jpg (1.27 MB, 3800x3744, 7Uu3Ka0.jpg)

No. 1078706
File: 1646177525398.jpg (118.87 KB, 1040x705, Ebh5nogU8AA93Mt.jpg)

Holy shit, Europe is fucked.
No. 1078730
File: 1646178070067.jpg (1.16 MB, 3696x3688, ikkeyaC.jpg)

No. 1078734
File: 1646178376782.jpg (2.91 MB, 3680x3698, HppKvry.jpg)

No. 1078738
File: 1646178520510.jpg (82.47 KB, 640x443, 1646177265735.jpg)

Bloodthirsty burgers will kill us all.
No. 1078752
File: 1646179245554.png (106.08 KB, 1136x468, Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 4.00…)

>>1078738if putin attacks a nato ally next, you don't want us involved then?
No. 1078756
File: 1646179372170.png (95.07 KB, 1154x472, Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 4.01…)

>>1078752these poll breakdowns are telling, to say the least.
No. 1078760
File: 1646179525836.jpg (2.39 MB, 3736x3706, cFcDj24.jpg)

No. 1078785
File: 1646181017909.jpeg (235.07 KB, 519x568, A0143203-5515-477C-8B46-5D5C92…)

Why is this something that de/g/enerates would definitely do lmao
No. 1078809
File: 1646182326840.jpg (148.95 KB, 640x1177, 28fud2gxpyj81.jpg)

No. 1078916
but not as cringe as the american redditors who say they're flying to ukraine to beat up putin
No. 1078919
File: 1646190649888.jpg (199.87 KB, 1863x660, 1646121842527.jpg)

>>1078917I can't tell if this is a joke or not.
No. 1078971
>>1078967This one
>>1078917 is genuine
No. 1079011
File: 1646197805491.jpg (146.65 KB, 976x549, _91175335_15dd99a2-e2ba-4faf-b…)

Guten Morgen! Wishing all European nonnas here a calm and productive morning before this thread turns to shit again in the afternoon.
No. 1079060
File: 1646202879225.jpg (532.33 KB, 1195x1593, tony_oliveira.jpg)

portuguese nonnies I'm sorry… but he was hot
No. 1079112
File: 1646208121015.jpeg (111.81 KB, 750x622, E39E11EB-0C8E-4977-8A5F-7D43F2…)

>>1078421Update, “gratuitous gore” is not allowed, whatever that means. To be clear the video I reported was one of the most horrific things I’d ever seen online, seems like they let all the majority of “lighter” gore pass.
No. 1079145
File: 1646210657546.jpeg (69.64 KB, 800x450, 4E22C4A8-6F2D-4AB7-8686-418FA1…)

Couple in UK painted their house like the Ukrainian flag to “show support”. I don’t know how tf it’s supposed to help anything, but it looks really cool. No. 1079153
>>1079145Yeah, that's kind of… ok how does this help at all but it IS really cute though
>>1079143I've cried about this multiple times when drunk kek. I fear we might not make it through some of the Great Filters
No. 1079157
File: 1646211853150.jpg (470.32 KB, 1692x1693, magdalenaandersson_2.jpg)

>>1078038As others have noted, the op is outdated.
Sweden has a female prime minister now, our first ever.
No. 1079160
>>1079157Only just now? Kind of imagined you would have had one way before Finland
Is she getting misogynistic insults thrown at her 247 too?
No. 1079163
File: 1646212376048.jpg (17.38 KB, 400x400, ocbab3Sl_400x400.jpg)

>>1079157Shame Slovakia's female president Caputova didn't make it in. She's quite popular especially among younger people, in neighbouring Czechia too.
No. 1079202
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>>1079181>Although she was only a 14-year-old child, Abeer endured repeated sexual harassment from U.S. soldiers. Abeer's home was situated approximately 200 meters (220 yards) from a six-man U.S. traffic checkpoint (TCP), southwest of the village.[8][9] From their checkpoint, the soldiers would often watch Abeer doing her chores and tending the garden. The neighbors had warned Abeer's father of this, but he replied it was not a problem as she was just a small girl.[9] Abeer's brother Mohammed (who along with his younger brother was at school at the time of the murders and thus survived) recalls that the soldiers often searched the house. On one such occasion, Private First Class Steven D. Green ran his index finger down Abeer's cheek, an action which had terrified her.[10] Abeer's mother told her relatives before the murders that, whenever she caught the soldiers staring at Abeer, they would give her the thumbs-up sign, point to her daughter and say, "Very good, very good." Evidently this had concerned her and she made plans for Abeer to spend nights sleeping at her uncle's (Ahmad Qassim's) house.[10][11] According to an affidavit later filed by the FBI, Green discussed raping the girl in the days preceding the event.Why do Americans always go on about needing to "respect their troops" when they do shit like this?
No. 1079208
>>1079195I'm surprised American aren't more anti-war since they spend hundreds of billions on the military every year instead of more important things like education and healthcare. Their military is always full of the most degenerate men. Like, even more degenerate than that of other militaries.
The Iraq War was such a catastrophic failure. The whole thing was built on a lie, one million Iraqis died, and the invasion also ended up forming ISIS.
No. 1079229
>>1079220The United States has been at war for about 225 of the 243 years since its inception in 1776 so it is a big part of American culture to worship and uplift the military.
I also often see Americans on the internet threaten to invade any random country that pisses them off because they know they have the most powerful military in the world and are used to using war to get what they want. I don't think I ever really see that behavior from people of other countries. Their gut reaction isn't to say "we will invade you and nuke you off the face of the earth!!".
No. 1079235
>>1079203no. Men are objectively worse than women. Women didn't start wars, women didn't start the sex trafficking trade, women aren't the ones raping
victims of war. Men are the ones who think womens bodies are territory to conquer and abuse as they see fit.
women can absolutely be complicit or ignorant in these things, but we still aren't the ones pulling the strings or orchestrating the horrors of the world. I've heard of women doing pretty shitty things but never on the same level as what men do every day. And even in the case of female serial killers, many of them have had terrible childhoods rife with sexual abuse or abandonment compared to your average male serial killer who will commit crimes against women because he obsessively watched porn and couldn't handle rejection. there is a clear difference and contrast in how women lash out vs men, so to put us as completely equal and responsible is stupid imo.
No. 1079238
>>1079235This. A million times this. I think it’s telling that the majority of serial killers are men and the one or three we do have were either the
victims or severe abuse and killed the men that abused them or were roped into it by a male partner. You simply cannot compare men and women, and beyond that you have to consider the power dynamics at play, where men have been victimizing women and children since the dawn of time to feed their perversions.
No. 1079245
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>>1079240And the fact they knew that if they went the traditional route it would be covered up
No. 1079247
>>1079238i agree completely - when I talked about female serial killers, Aileen Wuornos came to mind instantly. she is the perfect example of the early-life motives or factors behind women doing 'evil' imo.
i think a lot of men (especially on reddit from what i've seen) think that if women had the resources and power on the same level as males, then we would also commit mass war crimes and sex trafficking/rape on a global scale as a sort of 'gotcha!' to try and imply that we're also environmentally and biologically inclined to kill or rape things at every opportunity.
we're just not even remotely similar to men and the way they get coddled and enabled throughout life. there are exceptions to this of course, not denying that there have been evil women in history, but i just hate when people try and act as if we're morally equal to them. the entire porn and sex trade industry - and how it solely caters to men's perversions - should be enough proof of that.
No. 1079300
>>1079276Din polare har nog rätt. Varför skulle en flashbackare lämna sin källare frivilligt?
>>1079286400 Swedish volunteers are joining the Ukraine forces.
No. 1079320
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No. 1079346
>>1079325You've clearly never been to Norrland.
>>1079342Russian media is doing the same as well.
No. 1079363
>>1079332I am a Euro too.
>>1079346Nope, I have met a lot of Swedish tourists though and they generally act pretty feminine.
No. 1079381
>>1079374Ah yeah ok fair enough. I guess calling it feminine is not really accurate, equalist or sth. It's like seeing lesbians dating lel. Anyway, that's why I was surprised, since fighting in wars is such a masculine thing to do, that it was weird to me seeing a decent number of Swedes volunteering to go to another country no less. I guess there are some conservatives in Sweden.
>>1079378Eh I don't know anon, I think I have seen like 2 couples where the woman drives instead of the man in my whole life.
No. 1079414
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hej svennar vem hejar ni på i mello och vem borde vi skicka till eurovision
No. 1079422
>>1079276I hope they have good intentions, and are not those kinds of retards that almost hope for war to happen to larp CoD irl kek
I have huge respect for the Swedish, you took Finnish kids in your protection in ww2, like my grandma, and your men volunteered to come and help with the war. And we repay you by "haha sverige bög[CENSORED] jag heter homo peter [CENSORED]"
WHEW I hope I didn't get banned before I noticed my BLASPHEMOUS smileys!
>>1079406Oh yeah that whole ruling over us for eternity and that kinda stuff, well that's in the past teehee! Also what
>>1079412 said
>>1079414Really love your artist this year, so progressive
No. 1079434
>>1079369Basically men are used to women having money of their own and being competent enough to drive cars, is that feminine? More like its about equality. The stereotype of men from northern Sweden is that they are macho and hunt and drink all the time though.
>>1079414I haven't been following it, I'm waiting for the finale. Kinda worried what will happen to the eurovision finale now that there is war.
No. 1079439
>>1079432the swedes did good job with destroying finnish traditions and culture though and suppressing the language
and finnish immigrants or finnish speakers weren't always treated exactly nicely, still aren't today in some places
No. 1079448
>>1079434I guess I have only met Southern Swedes then lel. I was also talking about their general behaviour when they are with their gfs. Like, their body language is submissive. Again, just what I have seen, I am not saying this is what is happening.
>>1079432Remind me again who ruined your country as much as the communists ruined Belarus?
No. 1079499
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>>1079494norwegians are cool yeah they get to have a honorary finn status
No. 1079503
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>>1079501>Well they do have high standards of livingfor now…………..
No. 1079506
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No. 1079538
>>1079535tbh I didn't expect to hear it from him but I also believe that there's a posibility he said it because I was there.I left after a bit since we did nothing anyway but I wonder if there was more sexist shit after I left
Funny thing is that these two are the most attractive and somewhat decent moids in my class but I lost any respect for the non-russian moid
despite thinking he is a bit cute No. 1079603
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Of course the burgers are behind all of this.
No. 1079631
>>1079465Technically it was the British. Nearly all of the ideas surrounding eugenics and racial superiority used Darwin as justification.
>>1079603America and it's intelligence agencies have been doing something in Ukraine. If you look into Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, it involves a lot of relatives of American politicians both republican and democrat.
No. 1079638
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I was going to rant about how Sweden is a rape capital but I think it's because Swedes and other northern countries actually take it seriously, unlike other countries where the statistics are low because of how rapes are underreported.
Have picrel. Made me want to off myself ngl
No. 1079649
>>1079631actually when you look at darwin's ancestry, you see that darwin was related to king henry i, who was a son of william the conqueror who was the first norman monarch of england. and who were the normans??? descendants of vikings!
swedes invented the white supremacy.
No. 1079665
>>1079662look at this
>In 1879, Gobineau attempted to prove his own racial superiority over the rest of the French with his pseudo-family history Histoire de Ottar Jarl. It begins with the line "I descend from Odin", and traces his supposed descent from the Viking Ottar Jarlswedes are behind it all i tell you
No. 1079670
>>1079539I wouldn't anyway
since I'm a terminal case of virgin and disappointed + scared of men in general but I won't even put the effort to fantasise about him if it comes over me kek
No. 1079708
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Honestly Sweden is a example of how pure neo-liberalism can utterly destroy a people culturally, even Swedes who are bigger and stronger then most people in the world can be reduced into being well "feminine" cause of neo-liberalism
I hear northern swedes still keep the old traditions but I'm sure they would be considered racist or bigoted there, but neo-liberalism will end eventually and I hope I can get a tall Swedish bf afterwards
No. 1079711
>>1079519There is some crazy Swede hating trolls that pops up sometimes, probably Russian and
triggered because our flag looks like Ukraine's.
No. 1079735
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what a fucking retard
No. 1079743
>>1079728maybe not related to Sweden, but I'd say most German women are probably taller and bigger then 90% of the men in my country
So I kinda wish Sweden has just a slightly more masculine culture(like not Eastern European levels) but not the pathetic state it is today
No. 1079746
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>>1079734he had once a wife that showed up in public once every blue moon until they got divorced in 2013 I think. I wonder how many times he cheated on her.
No. 1079756
>>1079743> I'd say most German women are probably taller and bigger then 90% of the men in my country Based tall german women
>>1079735These maps are always just a big larp. I can't tell if it's that one, but there was one where they also had moldova invaded (I think it is that one, the red front at the bottom under his stick is in moldova)
No. 1079763
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>>1079734He keeps his children secret, probably to evade possible hostage situations.
He divorced his wife, had lovers and his rumored current wife is Kabaeva. He secures them and his children with tons of money so they keep quiet.
One of his bastard children was revealed to be
>>1078442 . Her mother was a cleaner lady who somehow got unexplainably rich, as in having 100 mil dollars. - This is rumored daughter's instagram, she constantly posts luxury but hides her face because she looks very much like Putin.
No. 1079765
>>1079638The high rape statistics in northern countries are because they have different laws regarding consent i.e. rape actually gets classified as rape while other countries need you to be bloodied and bruised to maybe consider writing it down as a rape.
>>1079753She literally looks like someone faceswapped her with Putin. Goddamn that's unfortunate.
No. 1079767
>>1079756the average man in nation is like 5'6-5'7, my brother who is 5'10, is considered exceptionally tall
I fell like many European and Americans never realize how big they are compared to the rest of the world, cause statistically speaking the world isn't short, you guys are just really tall
No. 1079789
>>1079765Not in Finland
T. I was not raped according to the police because I did not yell loud enough
No. 1079793
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>>1079778>>1079767>>1079743See what I mean
also rate yourself, how many men are you taller then in the chart
I'm taller then Mexican men and an inch shorter then Japanese men
No. 1079794
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Nonnas what did I miss? Why is Georgia applying for EU membership? I just got off work so I'm out of the loop here
No. 1079800
>>1079796nta but most women just give up pressing charges. Police and the way they react to it is to blame (in my country at least)
>>1079797nta but I can give you exemple of disgusting women if you want, true crime related
No. 1079811
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>>1079802God, not you again
No. 1079825
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>>1079746I really hope Alina Kabaeva is not with Putain anymore. She used to look so pretty and I don't understand why she felt the need to get her lips done. It wouldn't surpsise me if Putin had a say in this.
No. 1079826
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>>1079795Honestly, I simp for fictional depictions of Catherine the Great
No. 1079830
>>1079816most white scrotes are horrible. They have the resources, education, love and everything to pursue an ethical lifestyle but they decide to go to 3rd world countries to sexually traffick, rape, impregnate, abuse poor women. They make corporations and run trafficking rings made to traffick poor women into prostitution and all western nations whith their ideology think that legalized prostitution is so COOOL progressive and non
abusive when it creates CAPITALISTIC abuse. At least Russia and China since they are part communist oppose this kind of mindset because they hold more "traditional" values. A real communist state won't ever be ok with prostitution or onlyfans, they will ban it. But most of you don't even understand what communism is because you associate the idea of communism with what America has turned it into. Communism has nothing to do with prostitution if anything communism opposes prostitution since it causes abuse of the poor class or working class. It has nothing to do with LGBT or all the bullshit America has associated with communism and it baffles me that the American commies are supporting America instead of Russia
No. 1079836
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SO I guess iodine tablets are the new toilet paper bc today my co-worker told me that her neighbor asked her to buy iodine tablets for her because of current situation and to be sure that when a nuclear disaster should happen, that she is prep for it. This shit made me so furious because it's useless because the regular once are way to weak anyways (in case of an emergency you will get iodine tablets with a much higher dose) and people who need it (like my mum because she has thyroid problems because of chernobyl, yes) won't get any because of hoarders like her. I explained it to her and she was like "Haha, well looks like your mother won't get any new tablets", what about telling your stupid neighbor that the hoarding is useless because if the bomb drops, it won't do shit anyways wow. Why not go straight to hoard gas masks as well, idiots.
No. 1079841
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>>1079793I'm taller than all of them
No. 1079844
>>1079834It means the alleged rapist needs to prove it wasn't rape, not the
victim. Calm down.
No. 1079850
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>>1079841nonna is this you
No. 1079861
>>1079853How is it "insane and fucked up"? Isn't it standard procedure for a rape allegation to be assumed to be rape if there's no proof of the
victim ever consenting? Assume that the
victim was frozen in fear or black-out drunk and couldn't stop the act because of it, it's considered rape now because there was no voluntary consent involved and the attacker was exploiting the
victim's state of terror or intoxication. Before the charges of rape could be dropped because there was no violence used.
No. 1079868
>>1079859People are retarded and egoistic, you saw it with Covid and how people were buying x100 toilet papers and emptying can food shelves.
We had the same issue with the iodine tablets when chernobyl happened apparently. One way to tackle would be to give them under prescription only
No. 1079870
>>1079861>Isn't it standard procedure for a rape allegation to be assumed to be rape if there's no proof of the victim ever consentingNo wtf. Do you even know what criminal burden of proof is? Courts must NEVER start even suspecting the accused. It's the prosecution's and the accuser's lawyer's job to convince them. This is the cornerstone of our criminal legal system, it is of insane importance to maintain.
>ssume that the victim was frozen in fear or black-out drunk and couldn't stop the act because of it, it's considered rape now because there was no voluntary consent involved and the attacker was exploiting the victim's state of terror or intoxicationOk see, this is completely different that what you wrote before. Yes this is rape indeed. But it's the prosecution that must prove that the
victim was unconscious, not the defendant that she was conscious.
No. 1079871
>>1079845How the fuck is the US woke and progressive? They have states banning/trying to ban abortion. Even the democrats are considerably conservative in comparison to other western countries. The US sees Russia and China as a threat because of economic interests due to their size, not because of culture. The USSR was pre-Stalin literally progressive for its time, with how easily accessible abortions were, divorce and even warming up to gay rights.
>>1079861In most countries that isn't the case afaik. It's standard procedure that someone is innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt or something along those lines. In Spain they didn't convict gang rapists, even though the rape was on video.
No. 1079894
>>1079870Ok lawyer anon I want to ask you something: in my country (France), rape is defined as needing either violence, threats, coercion or surprise. (The last element is the one that enables prosecuting if the
victim is unconscious, basically surprise = bypassing the
victim's ability to assess the situation.) Some feminist groups want to make it blanket "lack of consent/no proof of consent" law.
I don't have enough legal understanding to know if that would make the situation better or worse. I feel like the formulation as "lack of consent" is less precise and maybe harder to prove, or maybe it makes it easier, but I don't really know. What do you think?
No. 1079898
>>1079891NTAYRT but that doesn't change the burden of proof, the
victim must still be the one prove they weren't consenting. Not the defendant proving they consented.
No. 1079899
>>1079891Then great, that is awesome. But in the original post you said sth that confused me and led me to believe that it was the burden of proof that was reversed.
>>1079894Well here is the thing with general phrases like "lack of consent". This can be a good thing, because the courts can interpret it to fit situations where clearly a rape happened but the previous law was too particular and did not included. At the same time it can be a bad thing, because it is too general and courts can go too much or too little on it, so cases that are not rape are judged as such, or cases that were clearly rape end up being dropped. Basically, the more general terms are a double edged sword that depend a lot on a highly trained judiciary and an excellent Supreme Court. I don't see why you can't just add consent in that law. Like call it "rape is defined as needing either violence, threats, coercion, surprise or lack of consent". That way you cover the potential holes.
No. 1079906
>>1079902NTA, original lawyer anon but
>The burden of proof isn't put exclusively on either party but divided more equally than beforeThis is not a good thing. This is a very very very bad thing. I really don't think you realise what this means. It is a massive breach of the rights of the accused.
No. 1079908
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No. 1079910
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I can't with Hungary's spinelessness, it's ridiculous to watch. Up until the war, the narrative has been 'Migrants are baaaad', 'EU is evil and baaad', 'East is gooood' and now suddenly we shit on Putin, help the Ukrainians because 'it's the Christian thing to do' and agree with every value that the EU stands for. I bet we look schizophrenic from the outside. We give food to our Ukrainian friends and will shut our airspace but no, helping them with weapons is too much, we're not doing that.
No. 1079913
>>1079906Jesus, whatever. You can keep going on circles about how fucked up it is that a
victim doesn't get her case dismissed immediately because she didn't suffer violence or yell loud enough or whatever just to flex your superior lawyer lingo powers like you were Nick Rekieta until the end of time but just go google the law change instead of relying on a simplified recount on an imageboard.
No. 1079923
>>1079913> You can keep going on circles about how fucked up it is that a victim doesn't get her case dismissed immediately because she didn't suffer violence or yell loud enough or whatever ?????? I literally said the complete opposite what the hell are you talking about?
>just to flex your superior lawyer lingo powers like you were Nick Rekieta until the end of timeI have made every effort to use the simplest possible language.
>just go google the law change instead of relying on a simplified recount on an imageboard.Maybe I will, if there are any english articles for it, I don't speak Finnish.
>>1079918>Implying Finland isn't unhinged>>1079919You are either ignorant or stupid, sorry. This isn't men's rights, it's people's rights. The fact that most of the accused will be men is irrelevant. The accused do NOT have to prove their innocence, any breach of that is insanely dangerous and fucked up.
>>1079920No problem anon, my pleasure!
No. 1079930
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No. 1079932
>>1079923I just discovered this, all definitions in all EU countries but it still the old one for Finland, I am curious to find a source in English for the new one too: agree with you trying to tell the anons here how important the burden of proof is, because shitty laws enable more shitty laws to made.
No. 1079933
>>1079883Those poor innocent muslimerinos
People like you are so retarded
(bait) No. 1079934
>>1079923>The accused do NOT have to prove their innocence, any breach of that is insanely dangerous and fucked up. What about the
victim's rights? Isn't it "insanely dangerous and fucked up" that you never get justice for what you had to suffer through just because of a technicality written in the law allowing your attacker to walk away a free man and possibly do it to someone else? Are you honestly worried that this relatively small change will get thousands of men wrongly convicted of rape instead of being made to help prevent them? Because like
>>1079919 said there's no need to worry, the police and the law system will still be in the rapists' favour. No woman starts the long court proceedings and having to relive the trauma over and over again just to get some moid put away based on a lie.
No. 1079940
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No. 1079949
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>>1079923>This isn't men's rights, it's people's rights. The fact that most of the accused will be men is irrelevant. The accused do NOT have to prove their innocence, any breach of that is insanely dangerous and fucked up. Yeah and no matter how much you codify all that shit, it doesn't matter. Misogynist judges still act like women have to prove they didn't 'want it' or 'asked for it', meanwhile you are worried that the scales will slightly tip in the other direction for once. Police officers still share pictures of
victims among themselves. Women even have to be careful that we don't defend ourselves against rapists too hard, or we'll get in trouble ourselves. We're not allowed to use anything as a weapon to defend ourselves, even paint spray is controversial in many countries, which isn't fair in comparison to men generally being stronger. I know there are potential consequences and it's bad legal theory, but the world is bigger than just legal theory.
>>1079930 No. 1079955
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>>1079911KEK, true dat, I still fondly remember the memes. He tried to escape the police by jumping out the window naked and sliding down the gutter (is that what you call it in English?). Epic.
No. 1079957
>>1079934Well first of all
>No woman starts the long court proceedings and having to relive the trauma over and over again just to get some moid put away based on a lie.Yes, yes they do. I had a defendant with just such a case, where his daughter tried to frame him for raping his grandson. So allow me to tell you again that you don't know what you are talking about.
>What about the victim's rights? Isn't it "insanely dangerous and fucked up" that you never get justice for what you had to suffer through just because of a technicality written in the law allowing your attacker to walk away a free man and possibly do it to someone else?There is a saying in criminal law that is as old as Western Civilization, it comes from Ancient Greece "Is it Better that Ten Guilty Persons Go Free Than that One Innocent Person be Convicted". This is the essence and soul of our criminal system. If you disagree with this you are simply asking for a criminal system that goes against the presumption of innocence that is holding up our entire criminal system and I (and most legal scholars) would argue society itself.
>Are you honestly worried that this relatively small change will get thousands of men wrongly convicted of rape instead of being made to help prevent them? Because like >>1079919 said there's no need to worry, the police and the law system will still be in the rapists' favour.No, it is not that simple. First of all, yes I do worry, because I don't hate men, I want them to get a fair trial too, I represent men all the time. Secondly, setting such a precedent for one crime opens the floodgates of setting it for any other. This is an extremely dangerous situation with which I would NEVER trust any government.
>>1079933You are a piece of shit anon, these people were an innocent family brutally tortured and raped.
>>1079949Yeah and no matter how much you codify all that shit, it doesn't matter. Misogynist judges still act like women have to prove they didn't 'want it' or 'asked for it', meanwhile you are worried that the scales will slightly tip in the other direction for once.
A judge is not misogynist when he asks proof of non consent. That is exactly what he must do, you have no idea what you are talking about. That is the whole reason we have courts, so we can find out the truth and the burden of truth being leveled on the accuser for the reasons I have stated above.
>police officers still share pictures of victims among themselves.I dislike police as much as anyone but it is irrelevant in this conversation.
>Women even have to be careful that we don't defend ourselves against rapists too hard, or we'll get in trouble ourselves. We're not allowed to use anything as a weapon to defend ourselves, even paint spray is controversial in many countries, which isn't fair in comparison to men generally being stronger.I advocate for the right of self defense and the right of the
victim of a crime to defend themselves with proportionate force. And trust me, if your lawyer isn't shit, you can already do that (in most places I know of, laws vary by place).
>I know there are potential consequences and it's bad legal theory, but the world is bigger than just legal theory.Yeah, the world is much bigger and the consequences are much bigger than you seem to suspect.
(autistic derailment) No. 1079959
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never stop, hungary
No. 1079964
>>1079950Technically Ukraine has been in the talks of joining the EU for almost 20 years, it's not like they tried to apply for the first time just yesterday. Still doubt it's going to happen, but I actually wouldn't be surprised if they were cut some sort of a deal just to save EU's own skin.
>>1079957>First of all, yes I do worry, because I don't hate menOpinion discarded
No. 1079988
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No. 1079995
>>1079910On the note of Hungary being ridiculous, I present you a government sponsored public service announcement that keeps playing on the TV (andI know some of you are going to unironically love this):
>Hi sweetie! How was your day?>It was good.>And how did your math exam go?>Oh, it was cancelled, we had a presentation instead.>And what was it about?>That there are girls who are boys and boys who are girls. And the presenter told me that even I could become a boy if I wanted to!Narrator: 'Would you support the popularization of sex change surgeries among minors?'
No. 1079998
>>1079963Scrotes, in general, are literally jealous of other scrotes in any lawless land. It's pretty much a fucking lie when tradtards say they want to protect decent values and a sane, peaceful society. The "civilized" European scrotes in those comments may have posted racist shit about the barbaric men from the Middle East, Africa and Asia, but it's all because they wish they were them. They think that's "alpha" and "natural"
The proof is that as soon as they get the slightest leeway to abuse, rape, murder, they claim it's "based" and defend it tirelessly. Look upthread to see what "civilized" American scrotes of Euro ancestry do the moment they touch Iraqi soil. To this day, they're probably just annoyed they can't do it as easily in good ol burgerland
No. 1080000
>>1079980>blinded by manhateHow would you feel if a scrote who worked at a center for mentally handicapped people, put his dick in the mouth of a woman there and got off scot-free? There was no violence involved, she didn't say no, she wasn't drugged. You can't give a blanket ban for intercourse with mentally handicapped people, since there are happy couples who actually live together and are married. He wasn't a doctor or teacher or someone in a position of trust. The correct legal theory response to this is to say, well that is the consequence of having a fair legal system, but is it fair? How often do you work rape cases?
>>1079987NTA, but afaik it's not distributed equally and people still have to pay
No. 1080008
>>1079974It's telling enough that the internet lawyer anon is having such a spergout over a very minor improvement to the consent law to take the
victim's rights to a higher consideration and ensure a fair trial for them as well. Nobody tell them that marital rape was outlawed in 1994 or they'll worry for all the poor innocent husbands having been wrongly convicted and sent to prison by their evil manhating spouses.
No. 1080012
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>>1080004images taken of the russian empire for the tsar
No. 1080035
>>1079996Don't do it anon, it's a warzone. If you go near the front you will probably die.
>>1079997Thank you anon, I try!
>>1080000>How would you feel if a scrote who worked at a center for mentally handicapped people, put his dick in the mouth of a woman there and got off scot-free? There was no violence involved, she didn't say no, she wasn't drugged. You can't give a blanket ban for intercourse with mentally handicapped people, since there are happy couples who actually live together and are married. He wasn't a doctor or teacher or someone in a position of trust. The correct legal theory response to this is to say, well that is the consequence of having a fair legal system, but is it fair?I would obviously feel terrible because of the limitation of our legal system. I have felt that plenty of times in my life. It is not perfect and I never said it was, but the changes you are suggesting will only make it worse. Also in the case you mentioned I could add a legal requirement to punish sex with mentally handicapped people when the perpetrator works with them.
>How often do you work rape cases?I have represented 2
victims and 5 defendants, 4 of them innocent and one guilty.
>>1080008>It's telling enough that the internet lawyer anon is having such a spergout over a very minor improvement to the consent law to take the victim's rights to a higher consideration and ensure a fair trial for them as well.If the burden of proof has shifted then it is not an improvement and takes the
victim's rights to a higher consideration than they ought to be. It ensures an UNFAIR trial, not a a fair one. Trials need to be fair for the accused, not the accuser, this is literally what the presumption of innocence is all about.
No. 1080052
>>1080035congratulations on all your hard work keeping rapists out of prison
nonny. Where would we be without you?
just kidding please kill yourself you fucking scumbag No. 1080060
>>1080047>In a world where approximately only 5% of all reported rape accusations are fabricatedThis doesn't mean what you think it means. You need an insane amount of evidence to prove that an accusation is fabricated. The overwhelming amount of fabricated accusations (not just the rape ones) are not recognized as such, it is way higher than 5%. I don't know what gender studies class you get your information from but there are plenty of men and women that will lie in court for many reasons and will try to get innocent men and women sentenced. The real world is not what you read on the Internet.
>Do you pull the Chewbacca defense for sex predators or something?They were not sex predators, which is why they were acquitted. You seem to have some serious bigotry against people accused of sex crimes. It's because of people like you that we have courts, otherwise these innocent people would simply be sentenced because of your bias.
>>1080052Right back at you, you worthless waste of oxygen. My acquitted clients were not rapists, which is why they did not go to jail. You assuming they were guilty is exactly the problem I talked to the anon above about. You have no idea what the real world is like and simple want to project your own bigotry and ignorance on it. The accusers LIED in those cases you moronic cretin! I even managed to prove one of them did and get her locked up instead.
No. 1080072
>>1080035>I have represented 2 victims and 5 defendants, 4 of them innocent and one guilty.Since you're so autistic about these things, then you should also know that you should get your client the most fair sentence/outcome. You don't have to get them off scot-free just because they pay you a lot. Like
>>1080047 says, only 5% of rape accusations are fabricated. This is why they're starting to teach ethics classes at law studies more often.
No. 1080080
Just as I was thinking the autistic turbofan of the glorious Russia was enough, now we have a rape apologist. The evening hours are doomed here..
>>1080035Anon I don’t plan to go there myself, I was expressing concern for Ukrainian women after finding out that the border is open for raging moids who want to go fight
No. 1080083
>>1080064I worked their cases idiot, I saw the complete absence of evidence, the lies, the constant changing and shift of the accuser's statement. And what makes you better suited to judge them than me who worked on their cases? You just assume they are guilty, I don't even know why I bother answering you.
>>1080067You leave, I actually contributed useful information in this thread, you are just cringy and noisy. I assume you have never even seen the inside of a courtroom, but you seem to think yourself an expert.
>>1080069Another evidence of why we need courts and why the presumption of innocence is so important.
>>1080072I am perfectly aware of that and I ofc had an ethics class at University. But this
>only 5% of rape accusations are fabricatedis simply not true. What this means is that only 5% of those who made a false accusation were proven to have done so beyond a reasonable doubt. This is not the same as only 5% of rape accusations are fabricated, the two number are not even close.
>>1080080Ah my bad I misunderstood. Also why the fuck are you calling me a rape apologist? When the fuck did I do anything of the sort?
No. 1080085
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No. 1080095
>>1080060> You need an insane amount of evidence to prove that an accusation is fabricated. You need an insane amount of evidence to get a rape conviction, you got it the wrong way around.
>They were not sex predatorsClients lie, all the time, but for some reason you think mainly rape
victims lie, even though it's statistically unlikely and you don't suspect your clients who are accused of rape. You're having an easy time representing rapists, it doesn't matter whether they lie for you to be able to do your job, since it's so difficult to convict them anyway. Most rape
victims shower immediately after the fact, washing all the DNA away. Other times they don't even realize it's rape until later or don't dare to immediately report it, which makes it even more difficult to get evidence. So you don't have to deal with the issue that your client lied and suddenly you find out fairly last minute that there's even evidence. Meanwhile all that a defendant has to do to make the
victim look like a liar, is to just say he didn't do it, because the burden of proof isn't on him.
>You seem to have some serious bigotry against people accused of sex crimes.Women aren't fans of rapists
>It's because of people like you that we have courts, otherwise these innocent people would simply be sentenced because of your bias.Innocent people are already sentenced all the time in your perfectly fair court system. The only topic where it happens rarely, is rape, because it's notoriously difficult to get a conviction in the first place.
>You have no idea what the real world is like and simple want to project your own bigotry and ignorance on it. In the real world a woman is failed at every step, with the help of you and some other lawyer has to deal with the secondary trauma of actually trying to help
No. 1080096
>>1080091It's unfortunately true. Ukraine can not win this war. They are only prolonging the inevitable.
>>1080093Oh yeah for sure. But it has to be large, just from all the vehicles Ukrainians have killed, that has got to be thousand of dead russians. Those Javelins sure do work.
No. 1080106
>>1080095>You need an insane amount of evidence to get a rape conviction, you got it the wrong way around.No actually you don't. You need SOME evidence. The problem with rape is that there is rarely ANY evidence. See what I mean when I say you don't know what you are talking about?
>Clients lie, all the time, but for some reason you think mainly rape victims lie, even though it's statistically unlikely and you don't suspect your clients who are accused of rape. You're having an easy time representing rapists, it doesn't matter whether they lie for you to be able to do your job, since it's so difficult to convict them anyway. Most rape victims shower immediately after the fact, washing all the DNA away. Other times they don't even realize it's rape until later or don't dare to immediately report it, which makes it even more difficult to get evidence. So you don't have to deal with the issue that your client lied and suddenly you find out fairly last minute that there's even evidence. Meanwhile all that a defendant has to do to make the victim look like a liar, is to just say he didn't do it, because the burden of proof isn't on him.You are literally arguing against the burden of proof being on the accuser and against the presumption of innocence. You have been doing it through this whole conversation. I think I have explained enough why this is nonsense and no reasonable person will agree with you.
>Women aren't fans of rapistsAgain with the assumption of guilt, you are getting tiring.
>Innocent people are already sentenced all the time in your perfectly fair court system. The only topic where it happens rarely, is rape, because it's notoriously difficult to get a conviction in the first place.Courts are not perfect, but they are the best solution we have. Also no lol, rape is not the only case where getting evidence is hard.
>In the real world a woman is failed at every step, with the help of you and some other lawyer has to deal with the secondary trauma of actually trying to help victims.Are you actually accusing defense lawyers of defending their clients? This is a first.
>>1080098Couldn't care less what you think.
No. 1080109
>>1080105didn't the ukranian government claim they ''might still be alive'' after the audio clip went viral?
>But in a recent statement posted on Facebook, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine said: “We [have a] strong belief that all Ukrainian defenders of Zmiinyi (Snake) Island may be alive.” 4 days ago
No. 1080134
>>1080083>I worked their cases idiot, I saw the complete absence of evidenceThat's common in rape cases you fucking autist, that doesn't mean they lied. No fucking way you're a woman. Somehow you do take this in account for accused rapists, but not
>>1080106>The problem with rape is that there is rarely ANY evidence. Yeah that doesn't mean they lied, like you automatically assume. There are good reasons for why this happens.
>Also no lol, rape is not the only case where getting evidence is hard.You don't need to 'get' evidence, police fabricates it all the time. The testimony of police also automatically counts as hard evidence.
>Are you actually accusing defense lawyers of defending their clients? This is a first.I already explained to you that your only obligation is to get your client a fair sentence, not to get them off Scot-free when they are likely guilty.
No. 1080146
>>1080106Men are far more likely to be raped than to ever be falsely accused of rape
>N-No it's because it's so hard to prove false accusations!Rape has been going on since the dawn of time. Men took pride in it, only raging when it happened to girls and women they considered their property. Is there a single historical era of women proudly making false rape accusations in any society? No, because it's not beneficial. To this day, most accused rapists never face jail time, but the accusers are marked as "damaged goods" no matter the outcome. A false rape accusation carries little to no potential gain, as even true rape accusations are hard to enact justice for. Occam's razor is pretty clear here, sorry
No. 1080148
>>1080139KEK you can’t even argue your case on an imageboard without storming off and crying and you expect us to believe you’re a lawyer.
All men are retarded.
No. 1080153
>>1080148I literally don't want to derail this thread anymore, I understand a child doesn't understand the concept of walking away. I have argued enough so that anyone with half a brain can figure out my points.
>>1080146I appreciate your post anon, it is not stupid like most of the ones I was answering, but I don't want to derail this thread any longer.
No. 1080155
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>ppl really think the chinese weren't in on it from the beginning
No. 1080168
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No. 1080193
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>>1080180>>1080170Hasn't been China doing what Russia's doing to Ukraine, but to Taiwan? Pic related, Vladimir and Xi probably
No. 1080194
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truly, its a bid for an eastern world order
No. 1080203
>>1080195>Scrote lawyers aren't to be trusted tho.Based. Scrote law-students nd people who work in law are the worst, they break the most laws or know their way around it. Though the larper can't be a lawyer, hes simply too retarded kek.
No. 1080207
>>1080193not taiwan, but hong kong yes. not much the west could do about that though since UK gave it back to them.
taiwan has yet to see real military threat from china, probably because it would be too risky and china would rather incorporate taiwan economically than take it over militarily-potentially
triggering a war with the US.
No. 1080216
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Do supermarkets ban russian products like wodka in your country as well? Here they remove everything that is from russia or is related name-wise.
No. 1080218
>>1080217? i didn't even bring up the US this poster did
>>1080199who is clearly a european
No. 1080231
>>1080217trump being in office was exactly what putin wanted retard. he shifted focus away from the russia enemy and onto the "chinese" enemy–thereby pushing china closer to russia economically.
all of this never would have happened under obama. biden was simply the unlucky figurehead to bear the outcomes.
No. 1080247
>>1080231Go back to amerifat thread if you wanna shill your pedo president.
>>1080216Wonder how relations will be like afterwards. Doesn't Russia supply a huge amount of gas and stuff to Europe? Russias economy is going to plummet
No. 1080256
>>1080235Rusanon here. Not sure what exactly you were asking but yes, Putin and Russia in general are very hurt by this economically. My mom can't work anymore, basically - all of her paycheck tranfers come from international banks who refused to send any funds or even operate in Russia. The ruble right now is at less that 1 US cent (though it falls and rises a few rubles) and clearly prices on quite literally everything are going to skyrocket, and it's going to be probably the worst time the Russian economy has ever had since the 90s, at least.
Even though times are bad right now, we're all equally poor, and if protests cant prevent the army from advancing further into Ukraine, hopefully Putin will realize the Russian stock market is turning into peanuts at this moment, and it wont stop until he backs off a little.
No. 1080267
>>1080261>since about 2020 it's been impossible to get on lolcow in Russia without a vpnMy isp is weird lol, it blocks (used to block) the main page but not any of the boards.
>>1080263>>1080265The roscomnadzor registries list lolcow as banned because of CP distribution, so I guess it's because some salty 2ch (Russian 4chinz) moid raided and then reported lolcow to the gov.
No. 1080279
>>1080216but Russisch Brot is made in East Germany, so, why ban it? I still need to learn spelling with it, kek.
It seems that they are removing the products, but there are still more than enough Russian products at my stores in Northern Germany.
No. 1080291
>>1080288The Russian soldiers were pretty believable if you have looked how they acted.
>>1080286I was mostly talking about the parents losing their shit and starting to kill police officers and bombing state offices. I know parents that would do that shit.
No. 1080310
>>1080270Thanks for the support finnanon.
>Do young people generally believe the Russian state propaganda or is it more of a boomer thing?I would say in bigger cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, about 70% of people try to avoid/don't consume Russian state propaganda. In provincial regions, the number is, of course, lower. My social circle is pretty narrow but I haven't met anyone I know in real life who does believe in it. People know, but they're hopeless at this point. It doesn't make things easier when there is also a very good chance of getting arrested for a few days to a week and you and maybe even your family getting placed on a watchlist for who knows how long.
>>1080282You're right in that he probably wont personally feel much from the sanctions, but the means in which he'll be able to progress the war will. The most realistic optimism i can hope for is that everyone can go protest the war after half the population is laid off kek.
>I was mostly talking about the parents losing their shit and starting to kill police officers and bombing state offices. I know parents that would do that shit.Parents are capable of a lot when their kids are killed in cold blood, but you would be surprised at the amount of people who the system fucked over majorly like that, and get scared into not doing anything. Everything in the Russian government can be either bought or, much more often, completely ignored and suppressed - silence, organized crime, bureaucratical incompetence. It's really just like many other governments, in my opinion the only difference between them and Russia is that Russia does a horrible job at keeping it all under wraps.
Russia doesn't have a culture of speaking out against injustice mainly because of this level of corruption prevalent since the Soviet Union.
>>1080292For now our needs are met. We'll really be seeing the effects of this 2 weeks to a month in, i think.
>>1080301Ah, okay. Its stupid but it's nothing new, everything that had a german-sounding name during WW1 was renamed to its country's more native translation of it.
No. 1080317
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No. 1080329
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>>1080317did russia shoot them down?
No. 1080376
>>1080370>>1080365so, you guys think china is on our side? despite abstaining from condemning putin's attack everytime they are asked about it? and that xi and putin's highly publicized meeting during the olympics was simply a nice chat over lunch?
No. 1080383
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more looters punished
No. 1080386
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>>1080379>china is on nobody's side>despite cementing economic ties with russia prior to and during the invasionagain with the delusions
No. 1080395
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>>1078051omg noooo Lennu died of a brain tumor last year
No. 1080399
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>>1080310>Russia doesn't have a culture of speaking out against injustice mainly because of this level of corruption prevalent since the Soviet Union.I read a book written by a Finnish embassy employee living in Russia, she described how people just cope with dark humor with all the situations, since your people have been through so many crazy dictators and stuff. Not that she called Russians weak, quite the opposite, since despite all odds people have survived. It will be interesting to see if this situation will be any different.
No. 1080418
>>1080407literally how is that related to russia being a chinese asset? everyone is so focused on ukraine when clearly the issue at hand is much bigger than the invasion itself.
the fact that NYT even bothered to put that idea in print is something completely ignored in the current western media atm
>>1080410you're right, it just means you're ignorant for not understanding/refusing to understand why china is important
No. 1080425
>>1080395I found out when I googled but didn't want to make nonnies sad. What a legend.
Though I'm confused - apparently Lennu was a Boston terrier. My veterinarian had one and it was HUGE. He was sitting in a chair like a person, basically. Are there mini Boston terriers?
No. 1080441
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Went to check local flavor of 4chongs war board, jesus the amount of moids fantasizing about war. The world will see how Finnish men will defeat Russia, then we get all the women and vodka we ask for!! Even incels get to "fill a woman"
No. 1080446
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>>1080439I may have exaggerated, but you certainly couldn't walk around with him like with Lennu kek. I know it was a Boston terrier since I asked (thought it's some variant of a Frenchie). He somehow was an absolute unit in comparison to pugs, Pekingese, etc. I guess he was more 12-13 kilos (looked 15 to me lek)
No. 1080462
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>>1080451Who's going to tell the incels that their jobs will be to make sure landmines don't go off.
No. 1080469
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how do we feel about ukr civilians actively getting involved in warfare?
No. 1080472
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No. 1080473
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No. 1080484
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>>1080480that is American streamer, pedophile apologist and horse cock enthusiast VaushV
No. 1080498
>>1079830>they decide to go to 3rd world countries to sexually traffick, rape, impregnate, abuse poor womenyou're talkin about literally like 0.09% of men here lmao
but you're a retarded commy from a gated community most likely
No. 1080511
>>1079845you're retarded, a being conservative doesn't make a country communist just because communism is conservative
>>1080498nta but the other 99.91% do so in their own countries and/or jerk off to footage of those trafficked women being raped
No. 1080512
>>1080510you have to be mentally deranged if you think men from muslim countries or chinks are based redpilled trad husbandos and never ever jerk off to fucked up shit.
oh you would love that traditional arabian daily wife beating
and fucking stop samefagging cunt
No. 1080525
>>1080512nta no one ever said that, fuck off newfag moid
>>1080517what the fuck is wrong with men
No. 1080528
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>>1080512Not samefagging, and I never said that horseshit, you insane autist. I told you to Google something very simple instead of pulling bullshit statistics out of your ass, and I see you've done so and the truth made you mad. Get the fuck out of this thread you American moron, stay mad that we point out your scrote degeneracy
No. 1080533
>>1080526I agree. They're not doing anything good either, a few women stealing retarded shit wouldn't have even been punished lawfully. It's just a powerplay for men.
>>1080517Please delete the image. These women didn't consent to having those pictures taken. You're distributing illegal pornography.
No. 1080539
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Reminder that China has been increasing it's reserves of food since the pandemic. They knew this was coming.
No. 1080541
>>1080536Jesus christ why are you turning on your own people in a time of war? What is wrong with these men? Also I agree with
>>1080533 it’s best to not spread these images further
No. 1080546
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>>1080383Not that I trust news from either source, but in reverse googling it says these were Russian Saboteurs? What's the real story here??
No. 1080561
>>1080540Who was? You're so obviously a moid angry that people aren't ignoring your disgusting behavior it's not even funny. Yes, scrote, Muslim moids also belong in the incinerator, and you will fry with them. "Muh 0.009%!" no cunt, no one's falling for that shit anymore,
>>1080503 is right. We see what you do the moment you get the chance. Rope already
No. 1080566
>>1080539Forgot article>China spent $98.1 billion importing food (beverages are not included) in 2020, up 4.6 times from a decade earlier, according to the General Administration of Customs of China. In the January-September period of 2021, China imported more food than it had since at least 2016, which is as far back as comparable data goes.>>1080541Stealing food and looting local business during a war is not a good thing to do. It's Ukrainian civilians punishing these looters because they want to maintain order. Life for them is shit enough without having to see their homes and business robbed.
>>1080544It's becoming clear that China always knew. Recently the Chinese even shared intelligence with the Russians that was given to them by the Americans>However, the Chinese government repeatedly rebuffed the efforts and instead turned over the intelligence data to Moscow, an indication of the growing ties between Beijing and Moscow.>U.S. officials got intelligence showing Beijing had shared the information with MoscowIt might be bullshit but it makes sense.
No. 1080577
>>1080572Bceause he's deeply insecure and his family doesn't love him.
>>1080533>Please delete the image. These women didn't consent to having those pictures taken. You're distributing illegal pornography.I second that.
No. 1080579
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>DOB: 2002
No. 1080587
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This man is a mass murderer.
No. 1080588
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no take backs, moid
>>1080572 No. 1080597
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Kinda sad to see this thread being made into /pol/2.0 because when I made the first thread some months ago I did it as a place for euroanons to chat and talk about random shit. And it worked for some time but now it's a shit show.
No. 1080602
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(am russian, live in Moscow) God I feel simultaneously enraged and dead inside. Today my coworker was complaining to me about our hours getting cut and how it would be hard to find a second job now bc of the sanctions that "americans made up", talking about how it was okay for them to murder native americans back in the day, but as soon as we begin to "fight for our truth" everyone goes crazy. When asked if she was pro-war, she proudly answered yes, but somehow the war was propelled by the west, the ukrainian nazis and so on. I was like but didn't your grand/parents who lived through WW2 tell you about how awful any war is? She told me that yeah, when the 1990s crisis hit everyone was like "my god, just no war please, everything but the war" somehow that didn't click? She was just talking to herself basically, sorry to be like "and then everyone clapped" or whatever, I am just so flabbergasted by what shit-porridge is inside the heads of people who use TV as a main source of information. Given that she's like 60, but isn't war=bad kind of a universal truth? I just hope that the generation of people who are used to trusting the government and have a hard-on for Putler for "lifting russia off of it's knees" will die out in the next 10 years, but we might as well and a lot sooner if the nuclear plan takes action.
No. 1080606
>>1080597I agree. It's clear what's happening here. It's sad but it's what happens when major events happen. I think in a few months when this all blows over or we all blow up, we won't have to worry much about it anymore.
With that being said, the more we react to moids, the more will come because they'll bring their friends. so I'm begging you nonnies
>>1080598>>1080601>>1080600Please stop responding to or talking about the moid, it's clear his posts are getting deleted so just pretend he doesn't exist
No. 1080659
>>1080644A friend of my Nigel always complains how women are vapid airheads who do not wish to discuss anything meaninful like politics. He also looks like a pig and supports the nationalist party
…why am I with a moid with such friends again?
No. 1080682
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>>1080674yes but I wish I wasn't
No. 1080697
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thx nonnas. The powerlessness gets to us all, me and our friends visit protests whenever we can (codeword on social media is "taking a walk" and it looks like just that, lots of people enjoying the weather, bc still people are being fined and arrested left and right, even for really just being in the city center, and if you're sporting any even vaguely anti-war insignia or slogans, down to a fucking peace sign, you're almost guaranteed to spend the rest of your day/s in the police station in 15 mins), place anti-war graffiti and stickers wherever we can and post on social media, and it feels SO FUTILE. People are litterally being killed every hour on both sides and it feels like there's nothing we can do to stop it without ending up in jail and even after that. Some with that Ukraine would just surrender already so there's no more deaths, some think that if Russian army gets their asses kicked enough the soldiers will be like "nah, we didn't sign up for this", some hope that someone will finally assasinate Putin if the russian elite loses enough money from all of' this, etc…. I honestly doon't even know what to think anymore
No. 1080720
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i get that people are angry, but look at this, a mob gathered around someone getting whipped, war really brings out ape mentality in people
No. 1080760
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fuck the EU
requested a refund on G2A but and it all went well but now I have to withdraw the money from my wallet WITH A CREDIT CARD cause buying games directly with the balance is not an option here
No. 1081103
>>1081047NTA but Here’s the wiki of the guy who started that program.>In Kentler's view, it was not enough for parents to avoid putting obstacles in the way of their children's sexual desires; rather, parents should introduce their children to sexuality, because otherwise they "risk leaving them sexually underdeveloped, becoming sexual cripples".>Kentler considered equal and non-discriminatory sexual relationships between adults and children to be acceptable: "If such relationships are not discriminated against by the environment, then the more the older one feels responsible for the younger one, the more positive consequences for personality development can be expected", he wrote in 1974>At the end of the 1960s, in a model experiment, he placed several neglected 13 to 15-year-old boys, whom he considered "secondary mental defectives", with pedophiles he knew, claiming that this would reintegrate them into society under their care and to allow them to grow into mature adults No. 1081330
>>1081124Germans are riddled with weird fetishes
t. Tried dating one
No. 1081880
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>>1078051His dog dead, don't get dog breeds bred to be this unhealthy.