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No. 1949746[Reply]

We have things we ate, things we're craving, but what about a general food thread? No ana-chan sperging please.

Possible discussion topics:
>Unpopular food opinions
>Cooking tips/advice
>Asking for dinner ideas
>Cuisines you enjoy/don't enjoy
>Food pet peeves

Picrel is a beetroot and goat's cheese terrine.
1078 posts and 268 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2411993

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From my experience, quite a lot of reputable recipes don't list how many servings they create, but yes, this recipe is AI. Personally I'd avoid using Pinterest for recipes entirely, but if you really want to use one from there, you can run the image or text through an AI detector next time, though there's plenty of red flags to look out for that should make it obvious anyway. Imo the better alternative is to just use Google to look for a similar recipe, and then pick one from a reputable site. Even if the Pinterest recipe is legit, the most well rated/popular one from searching elsewhere is probably better anyway.

No. 2412010

There's been a huge uptick in AI recipes on Pinterest, I've noticed, within the last few weeks. Nearly every recipe I click on is AI.

No. 2412014

Even before AI every recipe I tried off of Pinterest was awful with the exception of one. I have to imagine it’s fine for most people given the proliferation of aggressively average food on there but I just can’t fathom eating like that every single day.

No. 2412042

Agreed kek, I'm always baffled when people say that they use Pinterest to look for recipes. Why go with whatever random recipe the algorithm decided to show on your feed, rather than doing a bit of research elsewhere and trying to find the best recipe possible? It's not like ingredients are free. I guess most people who do it probably like to judge recipes by whatever has the most appealing image over any other factor though, which obviously doesn't mean shit in terms of how good it'll actually taste.

No. 2412052

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I've been very curious about this since seeing Luigi eat the vegetarian version. Have any nonas tried it?

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No. 2116172[Reply]

I was about to make this thread about Artist Alley nonas but I decided to extend this thread to everyone who does arts and crafts and sells it for a living or a side income.

>What do you make?

>Where do you sell? Cons, local markets?
>What's the item that sells best/worst?
>Any advice for old and new artists and crafters?
>Somebody tried to scam you? Rob you? Harrassed you? Any horror stories?
>What's something you cannot stand in a con/market? Cringy cosplayers? Rude people? Other vendors being insufferable?
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No. 2411628

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Her table

No. 2411902

AYRT: I would say start by finding something that meshes with a genuine IRL interests/thoughts and adapt your OC to present those things. It can be as grounded or as fantastic as you'd like. People get attached to stories told through wordless pictures all of the time, and I'm learning how much the audience projects onto a piece. I took a step back and looked at how San-X, Sanrio, and Pokemon does it. Enough is fleshed out to maintain consistency while leaving room for interpretation and ability to be related to.

This is where having that image/memory bank in your head comes into play. Like, if you enjoy cooking a certain dish, imagine your character doing it and a scenario draw that. Voila, you suddenly have a root to start growing from. An image like that could go on to become a sticker sheet for a journal or a cover for a recipe book, for example.

It's also easier if you think of your character less as an OC and more like a mascot/IP that people can connect with immediately. It takes some detachment, but it's what helped push me. It forces you to focus on the style of the character and utilize them as a model that fits well in designs and motifs, rather than some figure that does things in a void or needs a ton of lore to understand right away. The lore itself should exist so YOU can keep them consistent, and as a side-dish bonus for future fans.

Don't rule out comics, even if they're just silly one-shots. Those are a great way to make people fall in love with the character, and a well-designed comic panel (or the entire comic) can look very pretty as merch on its own. It'll also give you a space to practice, get to know your character's world, and build your audience. In the end, it's about playing with what flows with you and picking the best pebbles out of the bottom of your new stream for you to monetize.

I'm still learning, but this is what has been working for me so far. Hope this helps!

You're too kind! Thank you.

No. 2411982

Deserved. I think a lot of people who pursue these endeavors are wholly delusional

No. 2411994

I can't really imagine being so delusional to think that going to some fetish convention would be profitable if you're selling kawiwi animu permanently online shit. Like I get it if you're going to a furry convention, but if anything, this only shows how retarded it's having everything on your dash catered to your permanently online vision.
Like it's clear how she thought drag queens were total sweethearts into animu shit like her because that's all she sees on her Instagram and Twitter feeds, she sees the same opinions she believes in and maybe a random comment she doesn't agree with so she can comment on stuff.
I wonder if she really thought this was a good idea through the whole process or if she ever got told that maybe a drag convention isn't the place to sell animu shit at.

No. 2412019

Maybe people drawing yaoi or fetish anime shit could vend here and make a profit, but she's literally selling kawaii madoka keychains. Drag queens are moids, and probably more openly misogynistic than your average male, she walked into a lion's den here. Hopefully she learned her lesson

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No. 2409031[Reply]

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

Previous thread >>>/ot/2404404
467 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2411918

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I think it's bc so many of the male writers hire sex workers who are completely addicted to opiates and S.S has an extremely flat affect. Now that everyone is kind of tired of that, they'll move on to Aimee Lou Wood because she's disarming and cheerful to a decrepit scrote on White Lotus this season

No. 2411928

pitbulls are not precious creatures we bred to be loved unconditionally. they were bred to fight. saying that all dogs should be cherished is stupid bc we made dogs that shouldn't be and we're still breeding them today for whatever reason.

No. 2411973

Mom boobs? I haven't seen her boobs but let me guess, normal sag that comes with naturally big boobs?

No. 2411977

this bait was so effective I forgot where I was for moment and who I was

No. 2411997

Most moids only like the IDEA of big boobs but don't like the reality that most big boobs sag. It's what happens when the only big boobs that were on the screen the past few decades were huge playboy bolt ones and now there's women with natural large breasts and suddenly they're grossed out and want chestlets again

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No. 1952006[Reply]

It's sakura season!
A thread for


Have you been to Japan? Do you wanna travel to Japan? When and where? What are your tourist recommendations? What are the overrated places? Best locations to eat and stay? Best experiences?

>General leaving

Do you live in Japan? Do you plan on living in Japan? What are the reasons for you to move to Japan? Are you currently studying, working, or both? Are you a nikkei or full gaijin? How is life in Japan as a woman? Do you plan to stay in Japan for long? The good, the bad, the neutral.


Do you speak japanese? Are you trying to learn japanese? What is your studying methods?

Etc, etc.

Share tips, recommendations, complaints, experiences or just pics!
657 posts and 65 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2411835

This is so sweet

No. 2411969

This is actually really nice lol you got to experience genuine community

No. 2411972

And a real one knows to have nice Tupperware in a purse to scoop it in when they're busy. What are they gonna do, be mad

No. 2411980

That is so sweet, nonna! I'm happy they were so nice to you.
My friend and I are planning to visit Japan in a couple of years, and we want to go to an onsen. I'm nervous about it because I'm heavyset and tall. But she promised me that even if they aren't happy about it, they wouldn't make fun of me to my face, so that's enough for me kek

No. 2411991

adding onto this: find cooling wipes! they sell them at drugstores and conbini, and make you feel really nice and cool due to the menthol in them. they were my saviour when i went to concerts last year.

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No. 2361589[Reply]

Random Questions Round IV.

ITT: Ask your fellow anons questions and hear their replies.

>What's your favorite fruit?
The anon below will reply with,
>Who was your rolemodel growing up?
>The artist behind Kikomi
>What's your favourite TV show?

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639 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2411870

Kek AF

No. 2411871

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No. 2411908

When you talk to people on dating apps, do you just unmatch or do you officially part ways. I don't care if we've been talking for a week I will just unmatch.

No. 2411963

No. 2411965

Keke according to my increasingly demanding autocorrect

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No. 1277294[Reply]

a thread for online skeevy plastic surgeons, the plastic surgery industry in general and various influences who promote plastic surgery as "trends"
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No. 2402372

mmm french fries

No. 2402392


No. 2402416

Kek i also first thought that those were potatoes

No. 2411895

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No. 2411961

This has been a rampant issue. It's part of a much bigger issue of men who live on telegram and tor forums and other private servers. The schizos are completely correct in telling women to be extremely delicate and mistrusting of technology now. Digital voyeurism is far more pervasive than the old world garden variety peeping toms. The psychopathic, sexually disturbed men that used to spend hours outside of women and children's windows at night now seek out and camp in these communities. There's even groups of gay faggots who have been doing this for years in search of before and after photos of celebs, notably Bella Hadid etc. with intent of trying to extort them and sell them online. It's not just plastic surgery clinics–it's hospitals that now come equipped with cameras in rooms, they claim they stay off but those can be remotely turned on like any other compromisable technology. Buy those stickers to keep over your phone cameras, consider anything you record through your lens public domain, etc. This is only going to get far worse, and there is much worse being bartered and traded via telegram and tor.

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No. 2408733[Reply]

>don't be stupid
>be a good citizen
>no non-americans

Previous threads #34-24:
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No. 2411363

Yeah I want to know what the call was. Most cops are not responding to a call reporting a man in the women's restroom in the first place unless there's an actual assault happening, I feel like we aren't getting the whole truth. An actual man assaulted a woman in the restroom at my workplace but it happened very quickly and he was gone by the time the cops showed up.

No. 2411770

unrelated but i guess all "news" outlets are just default using AI voiceovers now lmao

No. 2411913

>protesters doing an interpretive dance to stick it to Trump
I’m sorry but this is why the Dems lost: retarded, hollow performances to virtue signal one’s wokeness that accomplish nothing at all. It’s embarrassing. Meanwhile Dems with actual power like the governor of Maine are still pushing unpopular policies like allowing men in women’s sports rather than focusing on the issues that affect the average American voter. Even anons in this thread are focused on the bathroom issue. It’s a DISTRACTION. Though personally I couldn’t have asked for a more pleasing distraction kek (yes, you’re allowed to like some of Trump’s policies without liking Trump). Regardless, we already know the Trump admin’s strategy is to “flood the zone.” Dems need to rally around popular issues, not pander to trannies. It’s simple politics, and the Dems have lost it. May this loss be a lesson. When our only political opposition to Trump are out-of-touch jokes, we all lose.

No. 2411919

Years ago i saw a similar video where police were called on a white butch lesbian who literally had huge titties and a feminine voice, i swear that video is literally the repeat of that video. Also in the UK, there were so many women who have the butch lesbian aesthetic but are straight with a husband and kids, also i see studs all the time in Georgia, they never look like men to me, especially since most of the ones i see are always short. I really hate that republican women have contaminated the GC space with their bullshit. And they do all this shit for attention too expecting everyone to clap for them for being retarded.

No. 2411929

dems need their own tea party moment, need to purge all the old fucks in the dnc and replace them with younger further left people.

Otherwise i see nothing really happening, the dem old guard doesnt have any answers and protesting really does nothing

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No. 2311735[Reply]

As the title says.
Post experiences, why you can't stand them and such.
This is NOT about your own disorder, so don't blogpost/vent, there's already a thread for that.
This thread is about mental illness you can't stand in others.
Please refrain from coming in this thread and say stupid shit like "Oh that's why nobody likes me" or "Damn seeing this thread as a [thing] sufferer makes me uncomfortable" because nobody will pity you OR to defend a specific disorder because "[thing] people are actually etc etc" because seeing patterns is not illegal. If your disorder gets posted here, cope and hide the thread, don't be a little bitch.

Previous: >>>/ot/1470488
370 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2410550

Whatever insanity my dad has. He was convinced all the time that my mom was cheating, that I was doing drugs and having sex at school when I was fucking seven and knew what neither of those were, beating us regularly over it, convinced I was a criminal during my teen years. He's extremely illogical while projecting that term on everyone as well, whenever I asked him what crimes I was supposedly doing he'd go silent and then tard rage about how I was asking stupid and irrelevant questions, like kek what.
The "every accusation is a confession" phrase isn't the case for him because he was a shut-in retard so he wasn't cheating on my mom or doing drugs himself or anything, so it's not narcissism I'm sure. What I don't understand is why he didn't just report me to the police if he was genuinely so convinced I was a criminal. Like, does this type of mental illness know deep down they're bullshitting? I don't know.

No. 2410654

The night before I had a medical appointment, my older brother just had to make noise all the way til the morning. Then I hear him laugh when the dog starts barking in the morning, which he let happen for a while. Meanwhile when brothers sleeping, myself or mom rush to calm down the dog to not wake him.

I got a few hours sleep. I come down to get food. Guess who randomly walks in from outside? Right off the bat, my brother asks me annoying questions, like if I just woke up. Despite having his own 2 vehicles, he takes the car I was using near the appointment time, so he can get coffee.

I get back from the medical appointment, and just want to lay down. Nope! My brothers using power tools for some pointless truck modification. Surprisingly, mom eventually told him to stop and he did.

Later, just because my brother eavesdropped and heard me saying "I hope I can sleep tonight" to mom, when asking her to tell him to not do the noisy things he did that prevented me from sleeping – he is being eerily quiet and acting depressed. Hes the type to never forget any tiny thing he thinks was mean to him, seething about it for years, with anger issues ofc.

RN hes playing the victim. He does this everytime I set a tiny boundary, as a prelude to his reaction – to turn the entire family against me over this. He whines again to mom who will take his side, as if Im a mean person who "hates them" – mom likes to also accuse me of hating her too, when he does this. This reaction of his is my punishment for setting boundaries. How dare I want to sleep!

What mental disorder is he displaying, besides being an XY? What can I do, when the inevitable boymom/coddled brother turn everyone against me, as if Im evil for not wanting him to keep me awake?

No. 2410998

Whatever drags men into troonism. I know that troonism is its own mental illness but the the mix of absolute narcissism, entitlement, sex depency, compulsive lying (many make up stories to justify their troonism and warp the past and many seems to fucking believe it! How???), lack of personality to the point they jump to the next big thing, the constant attention craving and self harm has to be an illness per se, it has to be a very specific set of traits and if you're sane, you don't fall to troonism. Either they are very elaborate trolls or have deep rooted issues in ther psyches.

No. 2411911

My last stay at one (due to a few mispoken words on my part) landed me where I encountered several drug addicted moids who claimed they were recovering. They beat the staff bloody and made loud noises in the dead of night. No pllocks on our doors. Terrifying experience.

No. 2411920

it sounds like OCD. have you heard of this guy whose mom has OCD (or even obsessive compulsive personality disorder) and treats him like shit? abuse and mental illness can exacerbate each other. sorry for the retarded commentary video, i'm too lazy to get direct links to the guy's videos.

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No. 2405774[Reply]

Previous: >>>/ot/2351907

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-screencaps are necessary while talking about milk
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154 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2411921

NTA, but I think it could be a result of the things you mentioned, or it could be a result of art and society in general being very focused on men. Women are often overlooked and pushed aside for males, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is an outlet to feel focused on in a material way.

No. 2411934

Oh yeah your idea makes a lot of sense, i can see why it'd be a way to balance out self-effacement

No. 2411943

NTA and I do agree with your points, but I feel like anons are forgetting that in a lot of art students in highschool and higher education in the Anglosphere are encouraged to make art about themselves and the easiest way to do that is a self portrait. The artist in >>2410855 is only a first year iirc (American school calendars confuse me) and paints other things for her other assignments but she's probably just choosing an easier route to complete schoolwork. In this case it's not that deep and not really a reflection on her and from what I've seen the artist doesn't treat any deeper than "this is my identity" so whatever. Judge her and her practice when she's out of school.

No. 2412000

This is achieving what purposefully ugly tumblr art was trying to do kek. Zoomies just put whatever they're insecure about on otherwise conventionally attractive characters.

No. 2412022

This is besides your point, /ic/ IS a ngmi containment board that should be stayed away from if you love art and want to improve, but gmis exist and outgrew /ic/ long ago. And I'm not gonna dox myself and others to prove a point kek. 4chan is a popular website, 20 million visitors per month. That's a lot of people from different backgrounds, don't be surprised if there's industry pros lurking or posting unhelpful shitposts. Watch as my nuance get misinterpreted as pro-/ic/.

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No. 2342535[Reply]

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2276512
984 posts and 155 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2411480

I still prefer honey just because it's less of a nuclear reactant on your teeth.

No. 2411690

Unlike dogs that have been selectively bred for hundreds of years most cat breeds have only been around for decades. Cat breeds also all come from domestic short/long/medium hairs so their genes are all jumbled up and not even that different, so a Maine coon and a domestic shorthair will share the same dna, because that Maine coon came from the same line as most domestic shorthairs. That’s why a lot of the time the cat dna tests will say a normal cat has mainecoon dna, because they both came from past domestic cats. That doesn’t mean that specific cat has any maine coon in it though. Also unlike mutty dogs that most likely are mixed between multiple purebreds, a mixture of multiple purebred cats is extremely rare. Purebred cats make up less than 5% of all cats, so the chance that your cat is somehow a mix is very unlikely. Cat dna companies do not have that much cat dna in their database making them even more unreliable. There has been experiments on dog dna test companies where they gather multiple different companies and test the same dog, and a lot of them have totally different results. Dog dna companies have a much larger database than cat ones, so the cat ones must be far more inaccurate if the dog ones with a larger database cannot even agree on their data

No. 2411890

You might benefit from setting the sex of your accounts to male. I stopped getting makeup ads that way. And in facebook, they have custom ad preferences in that meta suite thing, it's a huge drop down list and a pain in the ass, but that should work for both fb and insta. I think as well, that they are tracking the length of time that you spend on an ad before scrolling, so just try to scroll by it quickly. All possibilities that probably stack on each other.

No. 2411900

Fucking hate this site. The janitor hates my guts I can’t even say anything I get banned. Not even like these racist bitches that complain they get banned for no reason, when they know why they get banned is valid, then say it was for no reason. Like no, there’s people that actually get banned for the most dumb shit. Like posting style. Matter of fact I want to go in depth in the meta thread but idc. I don’t want to talk to the sassy janitor. I hate you too kek

No. 2411957

Nobody likes the janitors. They're the worst we've had in years, specifically the PM janitor

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