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No. 2104704[Reply]

continuing the american dad theme edition
>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching
>>>/ot/2090915(thread made by ban evading personalityfag)
176 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106642

So do I, nonnie. I am sick of men larping as women and EVERYONE seems to be okay with this. I feel like a freak because all i see are men and I refuse to call or pretend a man is a woman because they just 'feel like it.' Makes me too angry

No. 2106646

We need to reopen mental instutions and bring back involuntary commitment

No. 2106648

its not genocide if they're not people

No. 2106694

I think she has brain damage, she acts like someone who does. I don't think it's something she'll ever be able to get over because her brain won't ever function the way a normal persons brain would.

No. 2106703

That would literally cause a positive change though.

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No. 2104812[Reply]

Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2020501
21 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106689

It's not true, he's just angry.

No. 2106699

No, he literally just made it up because the truth hurt his feelings.

No. 2106701

Idk why this joke is still being told, I get there's been a few cases of gross whores fucking a dog for clout or money, but most zoophiles are still men. 8chans zoo board is all men raping animals, all the people who got caught in the zoosadist leaks were dudes, that sappho furry turned out to be a tranny. The white women fuck dogs thing applies better to white men when you see the majority of old zoophile forums (with Latino guys being in second). The only animal related thing I've seen multiple women being involved with is baby monkey torture

No. 2106713

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>hurdurr yt wimmen and dogs
meanwhile the stats…

No. 2106729

Men want to believe that there's large groups of women so sad and desperate that they have to turn to animals for companionship. The dog accusation is the sexual version of "lonely old cat ladies."

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No. 2072706[Reply]

A thread for sharing screencaps of hilarious posts seen around the farms.

If you don't find something funny, please don't start an infight over it, just keep it to yourself. Ignore and report bait.

In the last thread, only 35% of posts contained a screencap. Please don't derail this thread with retarded non-contributions, it's meant for sharing funny screencaps.

308 posts and 139 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2105595

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No. 2106690

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Holy based

No. 2106692

No. 2106710

This is the gayest thing I've ever seen. I want to shove my fingers up his ass and run away. They'll never catch me

No. 2106846

and if he tries to, his legs will just get caught in his saggy pants and he'll trip and faceplant onto the floor, and then i'll come round back and also poke him.

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No. 2086559[Reply]

Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS. Doesn't matter if it's men you hate, men you love, men you are attracted to, men you aren't attracted to, men you personally know, men you don't personally know, men that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men (including god or Jesus), men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. NO PICTURES of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT, report immediately.
>But why?
It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.
>Isn't this thread redundant?
If only.
>But what about-
Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.

previous thread: >>>/ot/2055834
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No. 2106645

Ive been squatting like the second image ever since I was three because ever since I was three I suffered from chronic constipation. But once my sister walked in on me and said I was climbing on the toilet. I wasn't climbing, I was shitting the way I knew how, by nature. I knew this by nature. It is who I am.

No. 2106668

Yeah we need to see and hear piss tinkling for sure. Very artistic.

No. 2106670

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sitting in my room wearing only a towel waiting for my clothes to be done in the washer so i can put them in the dryer and take a shower and it feels so nice because i never do this and it feels like i’m living like larry right now. my period is finally over but you know that thing where it just does those final gushes when you think it’s finally over so i’m taking a risk sitting on my bed like this kek. do any of you nonnas walk around the house naked and free?

No. 2106671

Cute pic!

No. 2106674

Naked and free is my preferred state when I'm home alone, I miss living completely alone even though the flat was tiny because I could be naked whenever, highly built up city so no one on the ground could see, probably only my neighbour but life goes on.

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No. 1601035[Reply]

What's looking up, Nonnie?

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1187321
994 posts and 255 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2105827

I just got a new job!

No. 2105828

woo woooo

No. 2106651

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I've had my laptop since 2017 and it still works just as well since they day I got it, nothing broken at all and super fast even while running heavy applications. And this is even with me using it probably 6+ hours a day every day since 2017, lugging it around in my backpack all through college, and dropping it on the floor dozens of times. This laptop is so amazing that I almost feel unworthy of it. I wish computers were sentient so I could thank her.

No. 2106655

Do you have a thinkpad? I got mine in 2015 and only replaced it when it finally started slowing down in 2021

No. 2106667

yes, picrel of my post is my laptop model. she is perfect. 7 years old and still works like new. I think I will keep this laptop until it literally stops functioning, even if it eventually starts slowing down, just out of sheer respect

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No. 2046031[Reply]

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No. 2103544

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Twitter having a normal one

No. 2103847

Did he write "BAD" on her chest in big letters like he's a literal toddler? Racists are pathetic manchildren.

No. 2103881

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No. 2103965

Ah yes, the totally not oversexualized, completely normal pose of spreading ones cheeks. 100% something we all do for our pics, how could you see this as porn??

No. 2106657

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I hate this dumbass account on twitter because they act like parodying Asian stereotypes is the funniest thing on earth but draw the line at transphobia lmfaoooo fuck I hate tras and their retarded logic

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No. 2101192[Reply]

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread:
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No. 2105328

Omg his side profile is hideous wtf

No. 2105345

There was a pickme I used to follow on tumblr, everytime she announced a pregnancy she would get a bunch of asks saying "congratulations for getting dicked down" and "you are now a milf" and she thought it was the funniest shit.

No. 2105519

No that would be inflation.

No. 2106549

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I hate how moids openly claim they’re jealous of kids who get molested by their teachers or say “I want to be a victim”. Or that one moid talking about how the age of consent kept him from getting laid by an adult women when he was younger. I swear moids are a disease.

No. 2106628

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I used to be really into him many years ago but im less blinded by men's bodies and demeanor, I can't get past how his chin looks like mashed potatoes now. I thought he was super cutesy with a charming personality. He's butters but funny. War on Everyone is one of my favorite movies he's in personally

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No. 1813019[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!
409 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2104270

you guys still have those ketchup flavored potato chips over there in canada

No. 2104661

Aw I loved this show and I love her. In my imaginary inside world me and my husbando Kermit the Frog adopt her.

No. 2104667

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I LOVE NANALAN. Her dog fucking kills me, so stupidly silly and cute. I'd do anything for Russel.

No. 2105605

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Another good ol born and raised Canadian, right? Can’t even get dental work safely.

No. 2106622

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As a québécoise I was gonna post the Bonhomme Carnaval so I will show this creepier version instead.

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No. 1890593[Reply]

previous thread >>>/ot/1256189

From mildly annoying, to ghoulish, to ghastly, to gag inducing.

Threadpic is Texas senator Ted Cruz
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No. 2104817

Worst Chris

No. 2104846

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You sure about that?

No. 2105012

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don't know how she got as far as she has in hollywood, her face is so irksome

No. 2105044

anon this has me wheezing

No. 2106612

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I hate seeing this ugly,musty crusty no talent neckbeard and hearing his shitty voice on almost every animation pilot on YouTube.can he fuck off already?I don't know why he gets hired a lot

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No. 1366720[Reply]

for all your stoney baloney needs

previous thread >>>/ot/542085
smoker salt goes here >>>/ot/1307162
955 posts and 201 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106341

i wish i lived somewhere weed was decriminalised. i want to try bubblegum green crack strawberry banana stargazer kush with ease.

No. 2106520

i've been attempting to cut back my usage - I typically wake up and immediately start smoking and continue throughout the entire day. I miss the early days when I would work all day, come home and smoke a bowl and it would be SO nice. now it's just become the background of my life. so I decided to challenge myself to put off smoking for longer and longer each day. today I made it to 6pm and it's only the third day. feeling good. I'm high as fuck now though! and it feels all the sweeter.

No. 2106546

Nothing better than a good spund system and smoke. Thank god for music so I can always tap into how the first time felt every time.

No. 2106594

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i bought a nice ounce of one of my favorite strains and rolled like 14 joints

No. 2106601

I wish I could roll a joint. My joints always suck. I wish I could smoke with a cool nonnie like you

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