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No. 2291553

Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.

Previous threads:

No. 2291612

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Anyone else tired of the Hannah Louise Poston? She went from doing a nobuy year to constantly pushing consoomerism.

It's grifting at its worst as she carefully built up an audience of shopaholics by lovebombing r/makeuprehab by claiming she didn't want to shill anything and "just wanted to share poetry" and was "working with a therapist to buy less". She went to an elite arts focused boarding school ($50,000 fees per year) but LARPs as a poor and she claimed she was "living hand to mouth", yet she had a roomy LA loft and separate studio space while she frittered away $10,000 at Sephora during her no buy (bet whoever paid for that scholarship loved it was wasted on makeup…). She claims that her viewers should have "fewer nicer things". Of course only the things she has a code for in the description (take a shot every time she praises Merit, Ozma, etc).

She also emotionally manipulated her viewers into buying her poetry book by saying this was "their chance to give back to her channel", ignoring that she used to have viewers send gifts, use her codes, and of course give her ad revenue. Speaking of which, she paid to enter her book in the poetry contest and mentioned her youtube profile in her author bio so that she would get picked as she had a reasonably sized audience to shill her book to (since poetry books normally don't sell much). Then gets high off her own farts introducing herself as a writer in every video. No dear, you shill makeup for a living.

She posits herself as an intellectual but has a below average understanding of basic science coming up with great lines like "a molecule of air in air" and every single book she mentions or shows in the background of video is always YA trash or poetry (and a good chunk of them being how to understand poetry books despite her having done a masters in the subject). She can't take the tiniest bit of criticism and made a whole video crying about being bullied because some viewers asked her to do her makeup how she used to.

Worst part of her consoomerism is that she used to be a grant writer for environmentalists as her main income and now is in a heavy buy-declutter-buy cycle. She knows she is fucking up the planet but just doesn't care as long as she has "beautiful things" which only a special person like her can appreciate. She also used to sell clothing that made despite having zero training in dressmaking and unsurprisingly they has a reputation of falling apart after 2 wears. More trash.

Even her face is punchable.

No. 2291887

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I fucking hate men

No. 2291895

I just rewatched this video of her old apartment and she doxes herself at the end by showing outside her window. She lived 2 blocks away from Skid Row and their apartment is full of beat up cheap furniture. Yet this is when she was spending $10,000 per year on makeup.

No. 2291928

Why does YouTube restrict my commenting but michael mcdonald can admit to being an ephebophile and just get a high five from the boys

No. 2291940

It's unbelievable how all of her subscribers find her so wise and levelheaded when last year she recommended a stupid 40 dollar mug as something you can buy multiples of (I think she might've said 10 or so) to just keep around in case you might need a last minute gift for someone during the holiday season. How is that thoughtful or a good financial decision? To buy 400 dollars worth of pottery just in case. She's so out of touch with reality and it wouldn't really be a problem if all of her channel wasn't suposedly based on the dangers of consumerism and how to avoid its traps, even to this day, as far as I can tell.

Also, I find her husband even more annoying than her. I don't think he's been on the channel much, but I hated all of his stupid notes on the videos he edited, and I always found super cringey that "sex positive" retelling of The taming of the shrew he did. I never listened to it, but just knowing that it exist…

No. 2291943

i watched some of her videos when i was into fashion and i agree, i felt like i was losing iq points. i didn't know she made content about anything else nor do i have any interest in her life, but she just comes off shallow and trend obsessed. also she makes the same cringe face in every thumbnail.

No. 2292021

This is the result of just plain laziness. She almost killed herself cleaning a filthy mess for free so some slobs could get their utility repaired. They should have just fucking frozen until they could get up off their own fat asses to pick up their own garbage. It's not helping people like this to pretend it's mental illness and enable their turbo laziness.

No. 2292060

JCS uploaded a video a few days ago after a year hiatus to present fans with AI animations (that the audience doesn't even like), AI voiceover (replacing the actual voice of the VA that made the channel appealing) all while switching to another AI voice three quarters of the way in. Even the script might be suspected to be AI.
Even a year back JCS (or Kizzume, not sure) confirmed that the previous video about Sarah was voiced by AI, though that kind of went under the radar. As for the changes in quality, people suspect that there was some inner drama that forced Kizzume to either quit the production team or sell the channel altogether.
Original vid was deleted, here's a reup.
Kind of surprised it took this long for one of these cleaning influencers to get sick from a house. Huge nitpick, but her body mechanics are awful, she's basically doubled over while picking stuff up from the ground and staying like that for 30 mins, her back is going to kill her when she's 30

No. 2292144

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I hate that her channel did a complete 180 yet she continues to insist that it didn't and that her viewers instead all projected themselves on to her. The whole point of her channel was to spend less time shopping and letting go of the fantasy self. She even worked with a therapist to do this. Yet she does nothing now but push products and tell her followers to shop, shop, shop.

from 6.00 "I don't see myself doing [youtube fulltime] because of the nature of the work I'm doing. I think people earn from youtube because they become cogs in the consumerist machine. I'm never going to be a cog in the machine. That's not what I'm here for. I'm going to be a monkey wrench in the consumerist machine…to truly make it like that you have to be plugged into the cooperations in a way that I don't ever plan to be"

"My greatest hope is to help you connect to poetry [starts crying]…I want to use this platform to be a champion of poetry that I believe I was put on this earth to be"


from 14.00 "I genuinely want less stuff…Something shifted inside of me…There's a limit to the amount of stuff that I want to have"

"I've become happier and it's partly because I have fewer nicer things than I ever had before…No matter how much I feel like a princess born in the wrong body it's not my place to be buying [luxury items]. I no longer want to ape wealth"

"I wanted to learn to appreciate what I have"

Comment from an hour long video of her justifying requesting PR.

Me too. And all of her "what's cheering me up now videos" she made just so she could shill his podcast and her friend's therapy course.

No. 2292172

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Her towels looks so thin and grey and old but she proudly shows off that they have "so many" when there is about 6 in the stack kek. Like when she showed off her greying underwear that was falling apart. And she mentions that they only have one set of sheets that they had to buy piece by piece. She made an hour long video about buying bowls before too, like it was some huge investment for them.

Then she also made a video showing off all her "beautiful things" that she spent thousands on and countless hours and it all just looks average.

Her followers claim she never wanted to be a minimalist but she clearly baited them into believing she was becoming someone to have a minimalist amount of things, then later moved towards minimalist styling (and less drag queen makeup and clothing). She looks so much prettier when she does try and make her hair look like a bad wig or wear pounds of makeup.

From 5.30 "I'm leaning into a minimalist way of curating my stuff…I'm moving more towards a minimalist philosophy when it comes to my wardrobe"

20.00 "Working as an actress in Belgium" = She did exactly 2 nights as part of a play tour

No. 2292252

Not surprised, he seems like the kind of person who'd do this even without selling the channel. I was already peeved how lazy he was with the captioning sometimes.

No. 2292468

Kek the screenshot is so passive-aggressive
>you're provoking me for no reason (with your criticism)!
>umm I didn't say that?? It's your own fault for thinking I was the person I presented myself to be.
>but it's okay, I fully understand that haters like you just appear because I'm too famous uwu

No. 2293478

She's passive aggressive and blaming her audience for projecting because viewers pointing out her channel changed really gets under her skin. She can't admit that either:

>Her no buy didn't work and she just has PR and ad money now

>She isn't the great communicator she thinks she is if so many people misunderstand her channel
>She intentionally built up a shopaholic audience just so she could make more money pushing codes and brand deals

People have been complaining about her channel changing for years. She could easily make a video addressing it but she won't.

No. 2293712

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Youtube being normal again

No. 2293718

Literally everything about that looks AI-generated

No. 2293722

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Honestly the random gross pornographic content being pushed at random annoys me. This was in my rec'd once, I've never watched anything to make this happen literally ever

No. 2293749

Ugh this is so nasty, she looks 13 or 14 at most. Gag

No. 2293852

What's going on is that she likes the aesthetic of being a normal wage slave like the rest of us who likes nice things, but needs to find a balance between that and paying bills. However, she has no idea of why people need to balance those things, hence why she thinks it's an cool aesthetic to be co-opted for her hack poetry career, since rich people are used to living in excess and naturally have little to no concern about how wasteful they are or having too much. She saw the backlash other beauty gurus were getting for having beauty rooms and decided that she was somehow better than them.

No. 2294034

Meat house, cream cheese covered cardboard flesh house sprinkled with cheese. This could have been an adult swim parody/skit from one of their shows. "People go wild for it'- lady, no one visits you and I bet your two adopted sons hate eating these carnivore abominations

No. 2294042

I am not a carnivore fag but I like this. It could be a centerpiece at a party.

No. 2294225

I would eat this kek just no sprinkled cheese and add crackers

No. 2294232

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Mina Le released a 38 minute video "essay" about why she doesn't dress like a clown anymore, surprise! It was because she was kind of insecure and trying to make a recognizable name for her youtube career, even at one point mentioning that it was in part due to a want for fashion houses and magazines to reach out for her then she realized it was highly impractical and uncomfortable to dress like a clown every day because in the end she didn't achieve the fame within the fashion sphere like she wanted. She says at one point that someone's outfit tells you how much time one spends online, which… is kind of rich coming from her since only a year ago she was dressing like some Versailles silent film star. Turns out when you dress super flashy like that 9/10 it's almost solely for attention. I genuinely think this could have been a concise tweet if she wanted to address why she doesn't dress like she used to, the TL;DR of this entire near hour long video is that she just grew up and matured kek.

No. 2294250

I started watching it but I got bored. I know styles change but when it's this drastic and over a short period it just cements the fact that the person didn't care about the fashion and was just in it for the attention.
I didn't watch all of it but iirc she said she find it takes too much energy and creativity to come up with an outfit every day, which would so easily be solved by just having a few outfits that you cycle through like she now does with basic normie clothes instead. You can literally do the exact same thing in any style. I personally always found her makeup so ugly and distracting that I can't even remember what she used to wear though, but it's always a bit sad when someone who used to have a personal style fully submits to the Beige Mom club. Her fashion style didn't evolve or change, she really just abandoned fashion and creativity.

No. 2294258

How she amassed over a million subscribers for making lazy ass content and regurgitating shitty articles with no personal input/commentary is beyond me

No. 2294273

>even at one point mentioning that it was in part due to a want for fashion houses and magazines to reach out for her
Imagine being so deluded into thinking that thinking making generic video essays was going to get her a Met invite because she wore a dress with puffy sleeves in it.

Trying to dress over the top all the time is clearly not practical. Look at Dita Von Teese who has managed to upkeep her vintage style for decades. When not working she wears vintage skirts, tshirts, and ballet flats with red lipstick only and her hair in a bun. She’s not wearing corsets and stilettos to casual lunches. Trying to give 100% with every outfit just screams attention seeking insecurity.

No. 2294310

Since this went down people are saying it was always a 'content farm' of sorts, how it was multiple cops or ex cops behind it?? That it's pro-cop pseudoscience spreading bs that praises dodgy techniques cops use as traps when interviewing people.. that ruin innocent peoples lives everyday too!.. on and on.

Keeps escalating way beyond the ai issue and into all this other stuff. I don't know if people are just running with it and making it a bigger drama than it is but what a sudden turnaround from all the high praise it got before.

No. 2295681

Okay so I got recommended this video and noticed this disgusting looking incel creep having a Pokemon badge of Gardevoir at work?? Why??I just know this creep faps to r34 of her.Why even wear such a thing to work?? No one wants to see your fav shitty pokewife on top of that he shouldn't have even said something like that towards a 12 year old girl. sickening.im guessing he's an autist by the looks of it too.

No. 2295794

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Nerds don't have shame anymore, I still remember this being the meme shirt back in 2018/2019

No. 2295868

Typical terminally online hentai-addicted imageboard-dwelling scrote.
Male autists are the worst, they shouldn't be given a chance to integrate into society unless they curb their internet and porn addictions. The Gardevoir badge just makes it worthy of the You Cringe You Lose thread kek
Unfortunately I've seen cringelord moids in real life wearing these as recently as this year. I couldn't help myself and I pushed past one of them since I could get away with it (it was crowded).

No. 2295890

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I'm seeing a lot more misogynistic commentary videos popup now in my feed. It feels like youtube is being transported back to 2016 in a way. Something has shifted. Also, it's always some ugly fat bastard that has the audacity to actually show his ugly face making the video or some faggot with a genuine lisp. "Women this" women that" all while just talking about a movie or interviews.

No. 2295894

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I wonder if she resents BestDressed for doing the same and actually succeeding then. Ashley's doing ads for Porshe, Gucci, MiuMiu, etc.

No. 2295926

I agree. My mom sent a video about a guy who was in a relationship with a Mormon (or something) woman, and he talked about how fucked up their relationship was because of their religion. My dad opened the video but his lazy ass didn't want to listen to an hour-long podcast so he tried to find some other video that summarized it instead. I caught him watching some scrote talking about how this Mormon woman is the perfect example of how all women are manipulative abusers or some shit. It's insane how easy it is to find videos with this kind of misogynistic rethoric being openly promoted on YouTube these days.

No. 2295981

The aoba one was at least funny.

No. 2295996

Oh heavens no his hairline is receding like the fucking ocean before a tsunami

No. 2296122

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I hate how everyone who makes videos feels the need to show their faces, especially reviewers or people who make videos about media. Like, I'm here to find out if a book or game is something I'd like, or hear about a piece of media. I do not care what the person making these videos looks like, and I don't know why YouTubers feel the need to insert their faces into the video like anyone cares who they are. It's doubly distracting when it's a review, and some pasty man is trying to sell me on a game or something.

No. 2296126

I think it is for branding reasons. Having a face makes it easier for people to associate you with the content and encourages parasocial engagement. It probably also makes it more difficult to steal your videos.
But also remember youtubers are not the norm, and a lot of them are in this for attention. They dream of internet fame and the horny masses that supposedly come with it. I always remember PhilosophyTube saying he liked being sexualized by his viewers in one of his old videos.

No. 2296150

There are people actually defending this creepy retard in the comments.

No. 2296207

Low IQ plebs won't watch a video if it doesn't have a face and phony parasocial aspects. These are the same people who keep soap operas and TV wrestling on the air.

No. 2296309

This guy is one of the worst. He reuses thumbnails so much you can't even tell if what is being recommended to you is new or not.

No. 2296340

I think it's also to get around using copyrighted content, adding clips of their faces makes it more transformative. But I agree in general

No. 2296370

unnecessary face in the vid is annoying, what i hate even more is when ugly youtubers (your pic rel) put their face in the thumbnail. a thumbnail is meant to entice people into watching the video, why would you include your face unless you are attractive enough it works as a form of advertisement

No. 2296378

I click off if it's someone showing their face tbh. Even worse when it has to do with tragic events or murderers. If I had a relative die and had some loser youtuber pastes their face next to my dead loved one for a thumbnail and possibley money I'd sue the shit out of them.

No. 2296436

It’s because it’s quicker and less effort. You don’t have to find/make b-roll or a slideshow or an animation. Some youtubers these days seem to be unable to say more than one sentence without needing to edit something out (Eleanor Neale) which kind of defeats the point but originally it was because it took less time to create which is why animation on youtube died out as soon as ad sense started.

No. 2296668

I hate these retarded clickbait titles so much. It's the very reason I didn't click on it, because I knew she'd just be blogging about her own style.

No. 2298517

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All this over saying elves aren't real

No. 2298550

that ad tho

No. 2298586

Is the toothpaste for feeding the “elves” or what? If they were real, wouldn’t they get poisoned from eating that?

No. 2298618

we're naturally drawn to human faces. i remember reading somewhere that instagram users spent more time on average looking at photos that had faces in them vs the ones that didn't. it makes sense for youtubers to show their face because they want to grab your attention and make you watch their videos
seeing izzzyzzz's face however just makes me want to look away. it's sad. why did she have to troon out
so-called true crime youtubers who do their makeup while talking about tragic events are the worst

No. 2298626

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No. 2298655

No. 2301264

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No. 2301277

Do not watch this video or at least use a different account if you want to, it will fuck up your youtube recs for days

No. 2301285

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What's with the sudden rise of zombiebeatz skin walkers

No. 2301498

This is so irrelevant, but i am in love with the aesthetic of this outfit and collage.
But back to Mina, she was delusional for thinking those fashion brands have any love for people who dress alternatively in any kind of way. They sell a lifestyle more than they sell clothes themselves, she didn't fit the market of consumers they are trying to shill their products to. Ironically, now that she has normied out, her aesthetic would make them more likely to reach out to her.
>Her fashion style didn't evolve or change, she really just abandoned fashion and creativity.
Even her normie hair and makeup looks incredibly sloppy to me. Now i didn't like her old makeup, but it was more tidy and less smudged looking as it did here. If she at least took anything away from her edgy phase, it's that she looks so much better with shorter hair rather than her current longer hair that looks flat and like she doesn't give a shit. nonetheless, people dipping their toes into alt fashion and completely abandoning it when they don't get the attention they want is a tale as old as time. It's also one i am sick of hearing. I just wish people would be themselves.

No. 2302613

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Theres a true crime AI channel, that has just fake Incest true crime stories, and sometimes use the same face ai face for multiple stories. It's always shit like
>Son kills mother after it's revealed they are lovers.

No. 2302950

I never understood how these hikiNEETs never leave their homes but somehow have enough disposable income to splurge on useless anime shit. Are their doormat parents the ones funding their lifestyles? Atrocious and such a waste of money.

No. 2305175

>she was delusional for thinking those fashion brands have any love for people who dress alternatively in any kind of way.
It's sad this is reality, but we all knew this back in the day. That's part of why alternative things used to be gatekept, everybody knew fashion brand/fashion magazine fags didn't really care about anything they raped and pillaged, it was always just about rich people in NYC or LA voraciously grasping at anything to give their vapid lives meaning for just a second, before they moved on to the next thing. People forgot around the time BBT fucked the world, and now everything has been consumed and homogenized.

No. 2307598

Straight up animal abuse up for two months, a hundred million views, what the fuck.

No. 2307732

The foam pads cost more new than real flip flops.

No. 2307735

if its animal abuse im not clicking that shit, but from the thumbnail it looks like nature being its regular self

No. 2307748

I hate this recent trend of "manly" wilderness cooking. You just know these fags went to a grocery store and bought a bunch of shit and then drove to the middle of no where to film but they're trying to portray it like they're so manly, living off the land. Annoying AF. Also vidrel is a ridiculous amount of butter

No. 2307932

I don't know why, but something about these so-called 'manly' videos just come off as extremely faggy KEK

No. 2308410

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Something about this thumbnail doesn't sit well with me spoiler this time because I'm stupid

No. 2308414

It's VERY distasteful to put those poor kids in the thumbnail like that so even more people can see their exploitation. Surely she could have picked another image to illustrate her point? Disgusting clickbait.

No. 2308442

I don't blame you nonna I feel dirty just looking at it

No. 2308446

At least he’s not causing trouble or starting a podcast.

No. 2308583

she literally does the same though, why else would she buy gigantic blue lenses to make her eyes bigger?

No. 2308593

she is also profitting off the sexual abuse of children blatantly, which is vile

No. 2308599

The fake played-up loli voice, dressing up as a child, and misusing hikki when she's 21 years old is cringe. Cutecore/jojifuku really took a hold of zoomers.

No. 2308749

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Ugh. This clickbait title. She's hoping this will push through to people's phone notifications and and they will click it thinking somebody was talking to them. So scummy. Oh, and the ai thumbnail.

No. 2309891

The thumbnail is vile but I can tell you didn't watch the video. It's about how in China, like much of the world, the trend of girls infantilizing themselves both personality and fashion wise is on the rise. Their trends go a bit further with the whole 'baby teeth' thing and using literal baby talk though.
People have been wearing circle lenses as a fashion accessory for well over a decade, anon. Your statement that it's akin to pedopandering is about as ridiculous as accusing someone of Asian fishing for wearing their eyeliner a certain way.

No. 2313216

Decided to check out WhatifAlthist after a few years. Found this video.

>"The deal was men traded resources for women's sex"

>"The problem with modern feminist movement… Is that women basically refuse to trade in this old contract, and our society is stuck between the old and new contract which is completely rejecting masculinity"
>"The problem implicit in this is that if women reject having negotiating power or be willing to give anything to men, that also doesn't give any reason for men to work with women"
>"I look in shock at how at how no one in the feminist movement seems to realize they're setting up the conditions for their demise.,"
>"Over the course of history, the two things women have been able to use to counterbalance the affects of the patriarchy is sex and kindness,"
>"Societies do best when women hold men to high standards to sleep with them, and society understands and bans toxic feminity,"

No. 2313299

I couldn't make it five minutes into this video, this guy seems like a whiny incel

No. 2313491

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He used to make alternate history videos. They were were very biased and had historical errors (and a weird reoccuring focus on Canada collapsing and being absorbed into the US), but it was unique. Now he focuses on these anti-sjw type videos. I think he does believe in at least some of what he says here but I wouldn't be suprised if its also a grift.
He mentions the low amount of female viewers of his channel in the video to prove the point that women simply don't want to participate in 'male' interests. With his viewpoints and ego its no wonder. Not sure how I was able to listen to him before

No. 2313513

Men reeee about women dominating higher education and then shit themselves when women won’t spend hours learning “historical” garbage on 4chan and YouTube instead of from actual primary sources, kek. The answer why women aren’t learning history through channels like these is because they’re actually studying history, while failmales try to pick up faux-intellectual pursuits through worthless memes and videos by randos, primarily for the purposes of posturing to other moids about how edgy they are.

No. 2313631

yeah I have noticed history bros know very little about actual history. they're the logical sex (kek) but make wild assumptions like "women must have liked being oppressed or else feminism would have happened before the first wave" but ignore the social and economic factors that even made first wave feminism possible. I cannot take 99% of scrote opinions on history seriously because they simply don't know history, their sources are usually just some equivalent of "just trust me bro"

No. 2313896

I can't even read half of this without seeing a micropenis in my mind's eye

No. 2313906

This is more a generalized complaint about YouTubers in general but: why the fuck is the music they pick for their videos for one: all the exact same and two: so fucking bad? There are countless artists that upload their music for free, who would jump on the opportunity to have their songs in a video on a million+ subscriber channel. Yet all they ever go with is the most soulless royalty free crap possible. Picking nice stuff you find on bandcamp instead woukd be an easy way to make your videos stand out just a little but none of them do it.
It infuriates me.

No. 2313909

When I was a teen I'd fantasise about becoming a YouTuber and commissioning beginner wannabe bedroom producers to make me beats so I could support them kek

No. 2313931

What's wrong with the first channel? I don't see anything

No. 2313934

He was asking to trade cp in the comment section

No. 2313939

Were the original videos made by that Nordic guy? He's shown himself a couple of times sans face and hes definitely not the type that goes camping.
There's some dude that I get videos of that gives survival tips and tricks for camping. His content interest me but he shoves the camera right in his face when filming and he has the eyes of an insect and honestly looks kind of creepy.

No. 2313971

Which video? YouTube needs specifics to report

No. 2314017

I think there's a lot of good music in the youtube library that I don't see anybody use, I guess they're just lazy to search for it.

No. 2314251

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This made me laugh ngl

No. 2314255

me and who on the right

No. 2314286

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This seems like rage bait at this point. CPS won't step in for "messy homes" alone. If it got bad enough for CPS to step in, let the poor child have a chance somewhere else, because the mother doesn't love her. I wouldn't make my cat live that way.

No. 2315119

Ah yes, classic 'femcel' meeting grounds like twoxchromosomes and r/feminism

No. 2315547

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No. 2315549

>Women don't have much to offer other than sex because they haven't evolved the way men have
KEKKK holy shit, the projection and delusion of these retards

No. 2315552

When I reach a certain age, I'll no longer have anything to lose, and these fuckers better watch out. I've got my own form of gun control and it's aimed solely at the Y chromosome.(fedposting)

No. 2315556

>fix their own cars
jfc are men so useless nowadays they cant even do basic moid shit anymore

No. 2315797

File: 1734712028497.jpg (31.15 KB, 750x562, 1000040242.jpg)

>Women choosing celibacy because they're sick of moids treating them like porn whores is apparently objectifying themselves.

No. 2315803

KEK saving this one. Incredibly accurate and useful for a variety of interactions with smug galaxybrained moids.

No. 2315823

In a perfect world, retarded moids like him would get bombed in wars instead of writing essays full of coping, lying and projecting on YouTube comment sections. Mgtow are a peaceful group focused on self improvement? Absolute kek

No. 2315956

Woman participates in male interests:
>"reeeee, female detected trying to subverse our hobbies"
Woman doesn't participates in male interests:
>"the female mind is unable to understand the depth of our hobbies"
They will also mention some small talk once made with a normie woman as proof of how women are uncapable of finding value in THEIR favorite subjects in history (usually military history) while also belittlening history periods in which women are usually more interested because anything perceived as feminine is lesser, frivolous and superficial (regency and victorian eras in England).
Men are so quirky, living in an eternal “not like other girls”, except at least women get over It once they hit adulthood.

No. 2316031

I wish twox was as based as these videos make it out to be

No. 2316726

Youtube is so fucking annoying with the bad word censorhip. I can't even say r word, or grapist in the comments it always gets deleted. How the fuck should i call it then? I am running out of words that are understandable.

No. 2316728

The search engine is so fucking ass!!! It makes it so hard to find specific videos and also recommends me the weirdest unrelated results possible like pimple popping. FUCK OFF!!!

No. 2316828

> pimple popping
I've been seeing this too, especially if I'm browsing youtube at night. Idk why they recommend me that shit since I don't look it up. There are so many shorts of pore strips too.

No. 2317162

File: 1734836547082.jpeg (130.64 KB, 719x531, staymad.jpeg)

She's not lying. $50k in any major metro area is the barest bare minimum. Women who went to college, so far dodged being inseminated with your bastard children, and take good care of their bodies shouldn't have to compromise downwards for some scrote who's barely living above the poverty line after taxes.

No. 2317191

>have sex with us or else we'll end you

god we need this birth rate to crash to zero

No. 2317194

She’s right, is this a controversial opinion? I would never date a man who makes less than 100k at an absolute minimum.

No. 2317232

>"Societies do best when women hold men to high standards to sleep with them, and society understands and bans toxic feminity,"
Then why is every country who violently enforces that a hopeless shithole?

No. 2317554

When I was a little kid it used to blow my mind when I discovered videos with swearing in them with zero fucks given.
"Wait so it's not like TV, you can just say whatever?"
Not anymore. Now YouTube is more censorious than the Hallmark Channel. And now videos about violent crimes feel like they're catered towards little kids.

No. 2317559

File: 1734878066954.png (730.38 KB, 1377x852, foUO7MA.png)

No. 2317584

and into the unconventional attraction to women thread you go. she looks so crazy. and hot

No. 2317592

This is a satire account right?…RIGHT?

No. 2317604

File: 1734881206520.jpg (570.97 KB, 1431x578, nlogcoomer.jpg)

yeah just like how sydsnap is a "jvlogger"

No. 2317614

she married one of the trashtaste guys

No. 2318318

File: 1734934267292.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1803, Screenshot_20241221-225948~2.p…)

Oh brother

No. 2318356

Try putting double quotes around the words you want included in the search. YMMV but that seems to be (imo) slightly less hit-or-miss as far as dredging up relevant video results.

No. 2318494

File: 1734961481819.jpg (152.43 KB, 720x909, Screenshot_20241223-025805_You…)

Has anyone else been getting weird community post with almost millions of likes?

No. 2318503

File: 1734962294506.jpg (143.52 KB, 667x1000, minale4_0.jpg)

Her personal style was the least annoying thing about her and the most likeable part of her content. I personally aesthetically enjoy artsy-fartsy and weird fashion choices although they are extremely high maintenance which is why i personally don't usually partake in them. I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with wanting some kind of attention, or to declare your existence to the world: writing, painting, fashion, all of these are directly tied to expressing your identity, it is autobiographical and self-serving, but we all are self-serving, always, weird fashion style or not. I find it great that she had the capacity of self reflection and to offer a part of vunerability when it comes to self expression and personal desire of recognition. That's actually the only video in which i didnt find her totally unbearable to listen to.

No. 2318504

I've never liked her and seeing this made me feel so much better. She is incredibly generic and adds nothing to the table

No. 2318505

I didn't like a lot of her outfits but I do like the look in your picrel, it's pretty and interesting.

No. 2318513

unironically, good for her, last thing i'd heard about her on the internet was that she was being stalked so i'm glad this is how far she's come, even tho her face looks kind of different.

No. 2319892

File: 1735076630539.png (939.37 KB, 1322x857, Screenshot 2024-12-22.png)

came across a similar channel about "animal distress" and reported it

No. 2319894

>Were the original videos made by that Nordic guy?
>There's some dude that I get videos of that gives survival tips and tricks for camping
what channels?

No. 2319914

pure historical revisionism, MGTOW was always full of sour grapes scrotes complaining about "divorce rape" and warning young men not to date because "marriage is bad for men." simply a gen x take on the boomer """wisdom""" that wife bad and marriage is like prison for men

if MGTOW was so easily infiltrated and astroturfed by incels, PUAs, and redpilled pedophiles it was because it was always about hating women, men flock to whichever movement will give them the least resistance to display their misogyny

I also like the implication that women staying away from men and being unavailable for sex is a punishment, mask off moment

No. 2320071

File: 1735095316584.jpg (Spoiler Image,177.33 KB, 720x1316, Screenshot_20241224-185402_You…)

So youtube just allowing anyone to advertise huh

No. 2320192

>I also like the implication that women staying away from men and being unavailable for sex is a punishment, mask off moment
Also the implication that they're owed sex from women as a whole. And the irony that if they have ever dated, they have probably gone on "I don't owe you shit" rants at poor stunned girls who just expected the barest level of effort, like not showing up at 9:30 PM for a 6:00 dinner date.

No. 2320253

Baby birds aren't eating full sized lizards or chilli peppers. Some retard stuck it in its mouth and it was struggling and suffering trying to swallow it. Wouldn't be shocked if that killed it

No. 2320254

But you better not say rape in your videos or pedophiles. That's too sensitive.

No. 2320263

DA That's because the world is run by pedorapist moids who don't want us talking about it while they show it to us. It takes away our power to name the problem.

No. 2320303

This looks like educational content but the thumbnail looks very distasteful

No. 2320431

File: 1735145315761.jpg (1.32 MB, 1440x2820, Screenshot_20241225_192952_Sam…)

KEK wtf is this

No. 2320606

I’ve always liked her style and how her outfits matched the themes of her videos. She really had a nice sense of fashion unlike TikTok goblins who just put random pieces together. I haven’t watched her in a long time because she has generic and safe takes and never goes in depth into any topic, but this is kinda disheartening.

No. 2320629

Shit like this is why all crotchgoblins need to be banned from social media.

No. 2320662


No. 2321281

your icon is visible in that screenshot

No. 2321291

Based icon (and tabs) but it shouldn't be visible kek

No. 2323134

File: 1735340755147.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.31 KB, 1240x826, 231221-hbomberguy-youtube-snip…)

What happened to ugly creators staying faceless? Why does everybody think they have the right to make eye contact with you? Trying to watch an hbomberguy video that showed up in my recommendeds but I keep having to take breaks from looking at his stupid mug. Pretty sure he's a breadtube fag as well. Spoiled image for literally the most hideous moid you have ever seen.

No. 2323583

He should have stayed hidden. He looks as awful as clawshrimpy.

No. 2325443

File: 1735525861650.png (1.3 MB, 1290x569, jerico.png)

I don't know if anyone else knows this guy or watches his videos but he piqued my interest due to his discussion on women's issues that I hadn't seen other feminist channels discuss and I found it a bit interesting. But recently I feel like he's been turning into a bit of a cow, especially if you follow his other social medias
>rants about how online leftists are delusional and out of touch (true)
>posted poll numbers from X of the presidency and used that as facts as to why Kamala will probably win
>almost unfollowed due to all the Kamala sperging it was insane
>after she loses he posts about how he saw this coming and how online leftists are delusional for thinking she'd win (??) and you can't trust online polls (??)
>weird bitterness towards the healthcare ceo and was desperate to point out how most of the support isn't from irl but online and in reality supporting him was an online take
I think he was getting jealous of the attention Luigi was getting
>sperging about being bald and fat
>posts his female friends and is extremely supportive of them all
>check out the female friends he's constantly flaunting
>they're all half naked OF women
>spergs about how he can easily get famous and rich by shitting on women like every podcast bro but refuses to because he's ~different~ and he ~sacrificed~ his famous tiktok account for women because too many males were following him
>he's not wrong it's just getting weird how often he brings it up
>unable to take any criticism, replies in a snarky way, blocks the person, then parades the interaction around on his socials
>troon supporter
Like I thought he was based for shitting on men constantly, but combined with all this cow behavior makes it feel performative.

No. 2325474

Dollar store Keemstar. Also all moids who shit on other moids are performative. Men naturally gravitate and defend one another

No. 2325853

File: 1735568046629.jpeg (449.63 KB, 1694x947, IMG_9408.jpeg)

Not everything is about you Hannah

No. 2325858

File: 1735568395319.jpeg (256.17 KB, 1060x1004, IMG_9937.jpeg)

Her book was a total scam too and she wanted her viewers to request their local libraries with tight budgets to waste money on her no name book. Her vanity has no end.

No. 2326290

I had no idea because I don't follow YouTubers on sm. Good looking out, nonna! He's making the most retarded faces in his thumbnails like Film Cooper and I was going to unfollow him over that alone.

No. 2326399

Who is she? She seems insufferable

No. 2326884

File: 1735629534126.jpeg (659.38 KB, 1255x1008, IMG_6355.jpeg)

no please leave chiikawa alone

No. 2326887

chiikawa is a girl in my heart I dont care what official sources say

No. 2326909

Wow, even the color of the year is sad beige. We really are in a cursed timeline.

No. 2326933

Chiikawa universe is like Gensoukyou to me.

No. 2326984

She started her channel by doing a 1 year no buy and making a lot of anti-consumerist content but then on Jan 1st the very next year the magic links started, soon followed by her justifying pr, buying things to review, and shilling random stuff like hoovers and a fitness app in her last video which have nothing to do with her audience which she build of shopping addicts. For years she has blamed her audience for “projecting” and she reads every comment posted to her channel and will block anyone who posts anything remotely critical.

r/beautyguruchatter hate her and regularly have threads pointing out what a hypocrite she is (search “hannah louise poston” or “hlp”). She could probably do with her own thread here.

See the earlier posts about her:

The worst thing about the colour thing is that I’ve never seen her mention that colour. Usually she talks about “old gum”, “desaturated”, or reddish shades. I have no idea why she thinks people would associate mocha mousse with her.

No. 2327081

Mascots who don't have a confirmed gender are like that so people can choose whether they want them to be a boy or a girl. It's a marketing strategy and doesn't have anything to do with trannies.

No. 2327698

File: 1735702735249.png (38.24 KB, 457x391, stfu.png)

>Video talks about stuff she doesn't buy anymore for a replacement.
>Mentions period pads because a cup or period panties work well.
>These fucking comments.

No. 2329224

I hate that Mr Beast YouTuber now trying to promote his very own Squid Game "Beast Game" shit on Amazon Prime, YouTube ads. Did he not understand the whole point of Squid Game? Oh wait he's rich and an actual psychopath so never mind, that answers the question.

No. 2329382

>period havers

No. 2329384

I'm so confused how he has a show wasn't someone in his gay group cancelled for being a pedo or something? Also the very fact Mr beast can't smile is major cause for concern. He is a psychopath

No. 2329389

Chris Tyson, his right hand man who trooned out and called himself Ava Kris Tyson (sometimes just Kris or Ava), yeah, was called out for grooming minors and commissioning Shadman for pedo art which he had on his wall irl. Apart from that Mr Beast was known for rigging games, and in his games contestants being deprived of food and water and sanitation, sexually assaulted, just search it up at this point

No. 2329402

At least they're not bullying other """period havers"" out of using disposabble products because that's a very female socialised thing to do

No. 2329428

And this is why you never follow a youtuber on social media. Nothing good can come from learning more about them.

No. 2329471

No, but they love to throw the "if a woman cannot menstruate, then she's not a woman?" when other woman says it feels degrading.

No. 2331891

File: 1735963962625.jpg (590.97 KB, 1440x1093, Screenshot_20250103_195954_You…)

I hate how many views cop bodycam videos about women get, especially with incel titles. I never click on them but I watch some true crime so these show up. I just know the comment section is a cesspool of men circle jerking about a woman "getting what she deserves"

No. 2331918

i know we are cringing at the "period havers" whatev
i fucking hate when you watch a youtube video that is taking a stance on something, eg "fast fashion is bad" and both the top comments and the often the creator themselves will start things off "jsyk im not shaming anyone for buying fast fashion! im not saying its bad!" like….. okay but your whole thesis has been kneecapped now b/c you cant stand the backlash from literal retards who dont understand "dont buy fast fashion" =/= "i hate poor ppl"

No. 2331934

We're not allowed to offend anyone, remember? It's okay for everyone to judge others but not too hard

No. 2332062

This happens a lot with cases of bdsmfags being surprise surprise, abusive rapists, and then the tiffany has to put a disclaimer "don't shame the bdsm community" like fuck off, you're all equally as retarded.

No. 2332361

In general I'm so fucking sick of female youtubers needing to make a million disclaimers before every statement because they're anticipating being nitpicked and scolded in the comment sections. I think it was HannahTheHorrible who made a disclaimer she wasn't kinkshaming when talking about literal shit eating and that was my last straw with her. I end up clicking off so many videos because of the waffling and disclaimers making up half the video's run time

No. 2332615

File: 1736016747501.png (160.03 KB, 693x236, 04.01.2025_12.49.05_REC.png)

Why does every video game retrospective "video essay" need to be over an hour lmao

No. 2332634

Maybe I have the attention span of a TikTok Gen Alpha kid but if a video like this is over an hour long I set it to 2x speed and seek. I can't be bothered to listen to a moid waffle on and on about random anecdotes and useless shit instead of getting to the main point

No. 2332671

File: 1736018290283.mp4 (1.17 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@rach.gold_173601800…)

to be fair, I feel people mostly watch these videos to get to sleep or for work and I'm definitely in the latter category. I'll listen to lore videos on topics I do not care about to make work go by faster

No. 2332688

Because they have to retell the whole plot beat per beat, sometimes adding in their own dumb little jokes, for the first 45 minutes before getting anywhere near the actual "essay" part of the video, kek

No. 2332696

I refuse to watch anything over 30 mins. I do my work out in that time. 4+ hours is egotistical bullshit. Men just love to hear the sound of their own voice. FF8 doesnt need more than 30 mins to be summed up.

No. 2332704

what about work?

No. 2332713

I refuse to watch anything over 10 tbh. At this point these moids need to script out their videos and ask ChatGPT to summarise them in 500 words and make a video that gets to the point.

No. 2332748

Guess I'm the outlier because if it's a topic I'm genuinely interested in, I watch the whole thing in detail and focus on it to sock all the information up. Sometimes in one go, sometimes I segment it and watch it over multiple sessions when I'm too busy for a whole 1+ hour video. I once watched a 7+ hours video on Hey Arnold! and it was worth it because they interviewed the writer and gave us an update on a possible upcoming OST release. Currently segmenting a video about some game I used to play but never got to finish, so I'm watching someone explaining and summing up the story and giving their opinion on it for 1 hour and 43 minutes. I usually watch videos summing up games or shows that are too long and/or inaccessible for me that I find interesting.

No. 2332787

that is fair and I've enjoyed some longform retrospectives like this, I just find very few of them have anything meaningful to say

as >>2332696 said it's usually a plot recap, with occasional tangents about how much the video creator loved this or that plot point, character, piece of lore, whatever. I think it's fine to sperg about games you like but calling it a "video essay" when it could be a series of tumblr blog posts is what gets me kek

No. 2332792

Fair enough. But I'd never read blog posts so it's for the better that they turn them into videos lol. I also use them as a review even if they aren't intended as that, for when I forget the plot and need a reminder or when I don't actually know the piece of media and want to know if it's worth watching or not, since I don't mind bening spoiled and I like learning the plot ahead so I don't waste my time waiting for it to get good.

No. 2332914

hannah is definitely one of the people i was thinking about when i wrote that complaint. and absolutely way less male creators do the disclaimer thing. i need female youtubets to have more backbone

as others have said, its largely background noise. i love playing skyrim and having a ridiculously long skyrim analysis on in the bg, very comfy

No. 2333419

Not everyone works jobs where they can listen to youtube videos while working.

No. 2333912

Wanted to post this in the youtubers general thread but there's no new one as far as I know. But vocal "coach" Ken Tamplin got exposed for being a fraud and faking reviews and positive feedback, and even a Jimmy Fallon clip so he can promote his courses. I used to follow him years ago when I had my rock phase and wanted to sing like a rocker, but eventually started to dislike his approach and his voice and felt like he didn't know jackshit, so I just stopped following him all together. I did the right thing, kek. Oh, and he lied about Journey wanting to sign a deal with him to he their new singer, and actually one of the band members said we don't even know this guy. Hilarious shit.

No. 2333914

This video exposes him and stuff but the editing and moid's accent makes it unwatchable. Long story short, the courses are useless and baseless bad technique, and anyone criticizing KT gets legal threats by his lawyers, and he was caught lipsynching many times since the 80s or 90s or something. He even made his mob send death threats to some other vocal coach who criticized him. Crazy shit.

No. 2333915

File: 1736089813550.webm (2.09 MB, 1280x720, Just Because.webm)

Any Judge Nap enjoyers here?

No. 2333921

The ones about kids and teens skeev me out even more. Even if the ones in the video are evil little shits who broke the law, you just know the audience is full of bootlicking pedos living vicariously through the cops so they can satisfy their fantasy of brutalising minors.

No. 2334284

I cant wait for the day for the eventual pedo shit referencing actual children mossa has done to be revealed and all these fags will act so "repulsed" and take back their support acting as if they always hated mossa the Korean pedophile who's scared of the police finding his shit

No. 2334327

File: 1736110548195.jpeg (721.13 KB, 1125x626, IMG_5341.jpeg)

I’m so tired, people need to stop talking about this. I know I’m beating a dead horse here but it’s funny how when a woman does xyz it’s a huge to do even though moids do it daily and way worse.

Also why tf would you make your face and head the same size as the subject. I don’t gaf boutchu. These commentary YouTubers need to be stopped they never have anything to ad.

No. 2334390

Fucking algorithm has got me watching a hot guy doing construction

No. 2334411

Where? Does the hot guy pop up later in the video after the ugly bald roidpig shown here?(bait)

No. 2334414

The subject of the video is a trashy retard, but the YouTuber looks like the human embodiment of "well ackshually."

No. 2334448

>every man over 140lbs is roiding
nice try ya stupid fucking dyke(infighting)

No. 2334567

He's balding

No. 2334645

File: 1736126379216.png (1.2 MB, 1279x1187, Screenshot_20250105_221908.png)

i wonder what the actual truth behind everyone dogpiling on this honey thing is. on the one hand it's been always very clear from the get go that this is some scammy shit (at least to me), but on the other people fall for the most retarded pyramid schemes all the time so…
and if a bunch of internet millionaire (or millionaire larpers/wannabes) really did get fleeced by fucking paypal in disguise i'm gonna laugh even more

No. 2334653

Anyone who bought into Honey, BetterHelp, or youtuber cryptocurrency should be banned from driving and holding sharp objects.

No. 2334680

>that artstyle
Why are people suprised that he is a pedophile?

No. 2334693

File: 1736128265914.jpg (31.55 KB, 852x200, 0347503405.JPG)

>if only you knew how bad things really are

No. 2334707

File: 1736128958441.png (74.42 KB, 768x768, 03a2e1a5-2b83-4905-8bf3-93e53b…)

That art is horrible, anyway. It doesn't even have an elbow, just a noodle bent to a 30 degree angle.

No. 2334729

File: 1736130350715.png (381.29 KB, 500x491, 1706299903727.png)

Didn't he make a post talking about how he's afraid that the S Korean govt will convict him if they find out about his pedo art?

No. 2334730

Wow, his art is so much shittier than I thought it would be kek. He can colour and shade okay but that's literally it.

No. 2334758

>by commissions
Motherfucker there were hundreds of loli torture drawings with "I am pedophile" in his profile description. >>1698959
Literally making shit up to defend his fellow pedo moid.

No. 2334778

Cow in the making? She seems very online and very attention hungry… maybe physically hungry too (of course she is a FA, mentally ill, consumerist, oversharer, fashionista)

No. 2334825

lol I was thinking the same thing. This is what you get for fabricating a personality.

No. 2334839

Obviously troon, obviously

No. 2335125

Nevermind being comfortable and surviving is killing the planet and filling it with trash from people being fucking lazy. Just use plastic plates and forks if doing the dishes makes you uncomfy, uwu!!(emoji)

No. 2335170

>channel desc is "I have rare taste"
>in the first two minutes of vidrel alone I've heard "bimbo" more times than ever before in my life
>useless blogging about shit utterly irrelevant to the video
>all sorts of consumerist fomo trendy shit around her room, talks about the trillion random ebay/amazon/depop/shein purchases she's made for the single outfit she's wearing
>one eyebrow shaved
>the music in the background
>"I-I'm totally self aware and parodying being a bimbo! I'm making sense, right?!"
>"It must be mental illness, right?"
>title says it's a winter outfit but she then says it's not a winter outfit, just a regular whatever outfit fitting the aesthetic she came up with
>continues to talk about wanting to buy even more shit
God. She's trying so hard.
She doesn't seem to have any milky behaviour, though. She's just like every other trendhopping tiktokfag who wants to be so much like the artsy girls on tumblr from ten years ago.

No. 2335414

I think this was meant to be endearing but it's honestly terrifying

No. 2335446

This is like those weird sissy hypno videos. Disgusting.

No. 2336615

I'm sure this happens quite often with "charity" videos.

No. 2338212

File: 1736310108622.png (36.46 KB, 400x300, IMG_5356.png)

Remember when it was considered tacky to brag about doing charity work.

No. 2339388

Saw a clip of this moid online, so went on his youtube and checked out his video. As much as he complains about the modern dating pool, hw lacks the awareness to realize that he doesn't even seek out the very thing he claims to want (and the person he claims the dating pool has so little of). I can understand why his dating prospects are so bad, despite his looks, he's conceited. The fact that so many moids agree with him in the comments shows that they weren't truly listening to what he was saying (probably looking for a video to affirm thier beliefs).

No. 2339422

Well now I watched it too. He’s the exact kind of person he is complaining about with a very undeserved high opinion of himself. Water seeks its own level.

No. 2339496

Yeah, he claims that he can't find a woman without damage (he's tired of dealing with women with rape trauma, ptsd, mental issues).
The way he thinks his night meeting with his girlfriend's parents is ruined because a drunk guy shoulder bumped into him shows he has baggage of his own. A reasonable person would brush it off and keep on trucking.

No. 2339915

Legal eagle did a good video on this that explains what the scam was. Basically Honey was billed as an addon that automatically searches for coupons and applies them while you are online shopping. I tried it a long time ago (like 10 years ago) and it worked sometimes but not enough for me to keep it. Apparently what was discovered recently though, is that Honey actually replaces other people's referral codes with its own. So if you clicked on a referral link or used a referral code from some youtuber, Honey would swap it with its own code. It's basically fraud. The youtubers didn't even have to promote Honey (although many did get sponsored by them) in order to be affected by this.

No. 2339919

>Yeah, he claims that he can't find a woman without damage (he's tired of dealing with women with rape trauma, ptsd, mental issues).
Men will say this and then mentally disconnect from the fact that it's men who cause these issues in the first place.

No. 2339930

She annoys the fuck out of me, I initially came across her channel for the Elphaba videos but she's so preachy and always on a soap box I couldn't stick around, plus Elphaba is viscerally disgusting to look at. But if she's going to put a massive still of her face on the thumbnail she should at least match her wings. she's very pretty though I'll give her that

No. 2340028

I thought everyone knew this. I use a few cashback add ons and I always have to make sure honey wasn't the last click or it would take my cashback in return for its lame gold thing. It even opens a new tab with "affiliate" in the url when you click it.

You'd have to be pretty dumb or not care what you were shilling to be affected by this.

No. 2340135

yes, what he says is basically a rehash of the expose video. my question is why now. since i don't trust youtubers and the stuff they shill on principle, i tinfoil a lot about some kind of behind the scenes falling out or something that caused this. like maybe the money they got from the company directly stopped coming in or something

No. 2340343

>click on vidrel
>Men only think about their job, sex, and having kids"
>Me: okay, let's see what she says about women
>Me: Jobs? Their hobbies?
>"are hormonal creatures that think about men and being pretty"
Every time with these kind of videos.

No. 2340349

>You'd have to be pretty dumb or not care what you were shilling to be affected by this.
What I'm saying is though that youtubers could be affected by it because their fans might use their affiliate links but also have Honey installed, which is not something they have control over
I didn't hear about this until that video was posted, but I think he made this video to get people to join the class action lawsuit he made

No. 2340424

Isn’t that just how affiliates work though? Whoever convinced you to click their affiliate link last gets the money. I thought everyone knew this. Honey wasn’t just collecting codes and sharing them for free. Clearly they had to be making money from transactions somehow if they could sponsor a bunch of bigname youtubers.

No. 2340567

If you clicked on an affiliate link from someone like Linus tech tips (totally random example) and went straight to the checkout, if you had Honey installed it would get rid of Linus's affiliate code and replace it with its own.

It also wouldn't even find the best coupon codes, because I used Honey a long time ago and it actually did save me money one time but another time it said there were "no codes found" when there actually were coupon codes available, which defeated the whole purpose of it. They talked about that in the videos too.

I always wondered how Honey made a profit because it was free. I always just assumed it was data collection like most free apps and didn't think much more of it.

No. 2340604

File: 1736464813027.jpeg (242.71 KB, 1359x898, 2E7396BA-8801-439F-B5B6-3C0FD2…)

I fuckimg hate men so much

No. 2340616

File: 1736465575800.jpeg (113.04 KB, 1500x405, D663A3B4-2021-48FB-A098-5FB77B…)

I hate men so much it’s unreal men will vote for a misogynistic rapist all because some dumb old faggot didn’t make a guitar list I will never feel empathy for a man again a day in my life

No. 2340617

The wifebeater energy in this post is so strong.

No. 2340618

What video is this under for context? Saying women haven't been held down in history is verifiably false, moids live in their own world.

No. 2340619

It doesn't work like that. You have to actually click on honey (active rewards or try codes or whatever) for it to do the affiliate link. I have still have honey active but I don't click it often so I have no trouble getting cashback from affiliate links from cashback sites. When I accidentally click honey, I just click the correct cashback link again and it fixes it.

The youtubers were just stupid and greedy and didn't look at what they were promoting. BetterHelp 2.0 but they think they can sue this time.

I do think honey hiding codes from sites they had a deal with is real as there's no way they have no codes for some sites.

No. 2340651

On a video talking about how Heart (the band) suffered sexism in the music industry

No. 2340654

unrelated but what other methods do you use to find coupon codes?

No. 2340665

Heart is a kickass fucking band and deserves more recognition.

No. 2340670

what i hate the most about men is that they are born in easy mode yet they still find ways to turn themselves into victims even though there is no systemic opression against them and women arent murdering or raping them either, fags

No. 2340683

"You're all evil unaccountable bitches who leech off us while constantly whining! And I love women!"

No. 2340688

can you link the video? i love heart

No. 2340716

Here it is. It’s a YouTube short

No. 2340746

Agree with this so hard.

No. 2340931

I installed it once to test what the hype was and it was extremely lame. I found hundreds of other codes literally anywhere else and was so confused back then.

No. 2340935

Idk why but I get the impression he'll start an only fans one day

No. 2340937

He already has one. He made a video about how he started it for shits and giggles but now uses it for income. Can't even blame him, get that cash I guess.

No. 2340939

Damn I live under a rock lol. good for him ig

No. 2340940

No. 2340942

Vlad Ncl. His content is crossdressing as an e-girl to fool moids irl and then hit them with his real voice. Some videos are of him going out at night as a fake woman to see how women get treated at night. Some of it is funny and I don't think he's mentally ill troon material but the fact people only start acknowledging things after another moid faces them and speaks up about them is bleak.

No. 2340959

I know he does it for the clicks specifically so it isn't deep or anything, but his "walking around at night as a girl" vids are so funny because it seems he thinks the guys actually perceive him as a girl– they don't, they think you're a crossdressing prostitute and they think you're out like that because you're just standing there in cropped clothes and a ton of makeup in the middle of the night. Women don't do that and those who do (prostitutes) are treated very poorly and are subjected to a lot of danger. Everyone knows you're a dude bro they just don't care

No. 2340962

Some of the ESL moids seem genuinely clueless though, hell men will think the no-makeup-makeup look is actually no makeup so yeah kek

No. 2341122

Right, like when he tries to prank them after a few minutes and put on his man voice suddenly to repulse them but most of the time the creeps are a. not surprised at all b. still not deterred to fuck. I don't mind that most people don't realize that because as a poster said, unfortunately most moids need a moid to do that to realize what women go through and empathize, even though it's not an accurate women experience.

No. 2341157

>guys actually perceive him as a girl– they don't, they think you're a crossdressing prostitute
that's what I thought as well

No. 2341161

Technically he is right. Women created their own problems by birthing men.

No. 2341165

a youtuber whose video of him crossdressing went viral, he tried other content but only him crossdressing is what moids liked to watch and so that's what he pursued, the fact that he's a big muscular man who is larger than the moids who are harras him is kinda funny and he really does come across as a drag queen

No. 2341167

Stuff like that makes me feel almost sympathetic towards tifs. It's like being a woman automatically associates me with these types of retards and I hate that.

No. 2341192

File: 1736516622772.jpg (32.8 KB, 350x708, 1000048337.jpg)

Kekkk this is how it looks when men "dress" as women to see what misogyny is like

No. 2341254

He comes off as such a narc here, I'm surprised nobody is saying anything in the comments.

No. 2341260

File: 1736522380137.png (748.11 KB, 720x1280, cmxOGSJ.png)

>Some of the ESL moids seem genuinely clueless though
still, he’s like twice their size and obviously using a fake girl voice. I don’t get know how anyone falls for this? as far as moids know, this is either a female bodybuilder or a large drag queen who could beat them up

No. 2341261

Why does dressing like a woman captivate the moid mind so much?

No. 2341263

Because all men are secretly gay

No. 2341309

>unfortunately most moids need a moid to do that to realize what women go through and empathize, even though it's not an accurate women experience.
This is is what I hate the most about his channel. Everyone in the comments, even women, congratulate him like he's doing some greater good for humankind by dressing like a tranny. Congratulations scrote, you proved moids are only capable of feeling empathy for women when said woman is actually a men in a dress

No. 2341322

there are none. It's all scam sites

No. 2341765

Youtube is so fucking creepy. I just saw fake rescue video made with AI, and it's so blatantly AI… and most comments say shit like "aww thank you saving this little cheetah you beautiful soul!" And now I wonder, are those just bots, or are people really that dumb and they can't see blatant AI shit, like the weird blurry hands, the unnatural movement and look of it all etc. Dead internet theory

No. 2341790

Because being a woman is more fun and we are the superior sex and they can't help but try and replicate what we do

No. 2341794

My father has been showing me these ai videos he finds on facebook reels, i keep telling him it's fake but he keeps sharing them as if it's real, there are for sure people out there looking at this and believing it

No. 2341798

because they are gross fetishists. They never dress like women, they dress like the thots from the porn videos they jack off to.

No. 2341910

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No. 2341911

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No. 2341913

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No. 2341914

Oh, yeah. I forgot men could get pregnant with their rapist's baby. How silly of me. Must be all that estrogen.

No. 2341920

omfg they are always so egocentrical. MEMEMEME its all about them. Where are the thousands of women making SA telegram groups to post pictures of the men they raped? they must be real secretive

No. 2341928

This is why we can never have a proper feminist movement like 4B in the west. Until women realise that most troons aren't mild mannered hsts who do a good job at passing due to already having petite builds for a man, we are in hell.

No. 2341936

They are a way for bisexual men to have their cake and eat it. Men are enthralled by the idea of a woman who has the mind of a man, meaning that they will not have the same sexual boundaries women have. I think some men are genuinely straight, but they hate women so much that they are willing to hold out hope that troons will en masse replace women one day.

No. 2341944

how old is he? my mom is 51, and she really struggles to distinguish between obvious ai and reality

No. 2341966

>Men have more to lose from being raped than women um because everything is worse when it happens to me, a man
Average male thought process

No. 2342066

Every video on that channel is fake AI animal rescue stuff. And it has over 150K subscribers and it's only been posting these AI shorts since December. I hate this gay earth.

No. 2342083

File: 1736575447585.png (219.6 KB, 1008x431, Screenshot_20250110-230158.png)

I don't really understand the honey thing at all. So when someone is buying something and uses the extension to find promo codes, it attributes the commission to itself? That's it? It probably does that with every single check out that has a code for it. This doesn't seem like a scam to me at all. The attribution of the commission cookie to honey instead of the influencer does not seem like fraud to me, if someone actually did use honey in that check out. It's a free extension, they're going to get their money somehow whether it's off of your data or some other way.

I'm really surprised that all these YouTube lawyers not looking into the terms of service, becausw it's right there plain as day. I Googled it while writing this post, it took me 2 minutes. The class action is going to go absolutely nowhere.

No. 2342113

Those videos are so gross and creepy too YUCK

No. 2342140

I don't get it either. The way that some of them are acting makes it seem like Honey was secretly installing malware. The bigger issue is that youtubers take any and every bullshit sponsorship for a check and try to sugarcoat it like "Ya boy/girl's gotta eat!" Hell, BetterHelp was exposed to be a trash service but since the youtubers aren't really using it they don't care and still promote it

No. 2342357

It reminds me of people calling established titles a scam. Are you telling me that spending $50 on a PDF doesn't actually make me a lord or lady? What the hell! No way! I'm the most credulous person on Earth and I totally thought that I was a lord or lady now. It's just like naming a star or buying an acre on the moon. Like, this is just a novelty stupid gift and people who thought that it was actually real kind of deserve to be parted from their money. They gave you what they promised to give you, a pdf. That's it. I'm tired of people calling everything a scam just because they're stupid enough to fall for marketing.

No. 2342444

They are trying to argue that it's cookie stuffing but it isn't. The ebay case they keep mentioning had some guy's site that added an affiliate ebay cookie to users without declaring it. When the users decided to buy something he got part of the money without actually influencing them to buy.

In honey's case they are using coupons and their lame gold to influence you and you click honey knowing it is doing something.

I have trouble believing no youtubers realised it was affiliate marketing. They either didn't use honey like they claimed or they didn't care as long as they were getting paid by honey or they shill their own affiliate links without even understanding how they work.

No. 2342520

Right, the guy in the first "expose" video used honey in the checkout, so the cookie was changed. If you don't use honey in the checkout, nothing is changed. How is that a scam? Everyone should just use sponsorblock. It's irritating having everyone melt down over some clearly sketchy sponsored item every few months.

No. 2342820

The only reason it's an issue is because this time the youtubers scammed themselves instead of pushing scams to their audiences. Honestly hope honey/paypal win so that it forces youtubers to take accountability for what they promote.

No. 2343084

Not to racebait but I've seen most of his videos and why are the majority of men who try to assault him men of color…

No. 2343144

"cultural differences"

No. 2343174

Are you guys dumb or just know absolutely nothing about this.

It absolutely is a scam. You click on affiliate link for Markiplier. If you have honey installed, when you hit the checkout button it will change the affiliate code to honey's, deleting Markiplier's code. They are stealing Markiplier's affiliate money. Honey is just supposed to give you coupon codes, they aren't supposed to be being an affiliate and stealing other people's sales.

>We try and locate the best available discounts and coupons.

This is a lie. They say they are looking for all codes, but then they buddy up with stores and charge the stores a fee, and only list the codes in honey that the stores want them to use which are less than the ones you can find just by googling coupon code. Honey will probably say this falls under the 'negotiate exclusive offers that may be better than publicly available deals' so that will need to be hashed out in court. But still scam because they don't say
"we are only giving you this 10% off code even though there are some 30% codes out there because Best Buy paid us to do that".

No. 2343181

It doesn't automatically do that, you have to ask the extension for codes for it to put its affiliation code there instead of mark o'plier's. Which isn't a scam. Because you used the extension. It does that every time you use it in a checkout. That's how they make money and it says so.

And hey, if you can just google stuff, then do it. You don't need to use honey if you can google. It's not scamming you.

No. 2343259

People who have affiliate links are supposed to tell you that it's an affiliate link. Honey does not say explicitly say anywhere that I can find that their coupon code function will also insert their affiliate link. The deal honey pretended it was giving you is that you use honey, they give you coupon codes for free out of the goodness of their hearts. Of course, what people assumed was that they were just collecting and selling your data. Not that they were secretly placing affiliate links for sales that they had nothing to do with.

The whole point of an affiliate link is that the affiliate does something to get you to the store's website. Honey does nothing to get you to store's website. By the time you are clicking on their coupon code button you are already at the site and ready to buy.

No. 2343506

It’s literally on their site:

The youtubers were getting at least $1 per sign up:

Consider that viewers are much more likely to download a free extension that saves money than buying their merch or using their makeup code. The honey user also gets a percentage page as gold as well as using codes. They all made buckets of money from this. It’s just sour grapes now that the gravy train has dried up.

No. 2343709

I don't think a lot of people even got the extension. I also find the "installed extension, was buying from someone's affiliate link for probably a conpletely shit product, used the extension which replaced a cookie which gave the comission for overconsuming slop to paypal instead" to be a very niche situation. I still don't see scam here. Just youtubers getting shafted legally for a accepting a sketchy sponsor. They deserve it.

No. 2343712

Boo hoo how will poor widdle Markiplier ever survive? Kek

No. 2344156

Honey is only considered a scam because it's shafting youtubers and they deserve it. Youtubers are scum. Linus the faggot from linus tech tips is doubling down on his position that adblock is piracy. How about just having a direct donation for your fans like a kofi or something? I've actually donated to some people (not youtubers) who make tools I like or use often because I appreciate their work. I don't appreciate being shilled stupid shit like Honey, Raycons, Ridge wallets, Better Help, magic spoon, those fucking stupid knives, RAID SHADOW LEGENDS #1 FREE TO PLAY MMO, etc. I will sponsorblock. I will adblock. Fuck you for shilling dumb shit that you know is dumb, it shows how shit your integrity is. I'm glad they got fucked by Honey switching affiliate codes, I hope things like that happen often. I go out of my way not to use affiliate codes from these fags in the rare case in which they offer one for an actual good product, but I can't even trust their reviews on things because they have a 7 minute suck session for raycon earbuds so you know they'll take money for anything like the worthless whores they are. Content creators? What content are they creating, exactly? The ability to read a Charley Project blurbs and wikipedia while on a facecam with bisexual lighting behind you? I can read.

No. 2344172

Going to be such a relief when streaming and youtube grift is murked so I only have to look at those ugly men if I roll up to a fast food drive thru window. There's too many ugly nasty looking annoying men on YT and they're barely up to the par of mediocre so when the gubment takes their ytbux away it'll do us all a favor. Ugly men and their yt essays ewww

No. 2344189

Agreed. I'm much more receptive to a content creator saying something like, "Hey, if you like my work, consider donating to my Kofi at the link in the description." I've done that a few times, especially for people with smaller followings.

No. 2344193

kek I'm fully with you nona. Everyone crying now because YouTubers couldn't get richer than they used to… I don't fucking care

No. 2344197

I never installed honey because i'm averse to installing anything but it's kind of funny watching youtubers trying to make this our problem too when it clearly only affects them. Honestly affiliate marketing is scum so it's pretty cool that they 'lost' a bunch of money doing it.

No. 2344345

All its done is allowed for turbonarcs like Mrbeast to gain a ridiculously unnecessary amount of wealth and larp as humanitarians. All of the money mrbeast spends on these extravagant videos (claiming its for the sake of generating more income to give back…yeah okay) is so retarded. All of that for the squid games bullshit was entirely unnecessary, millions of dollars spent that could've been used for far better purposes. "Content creators" like Ludwig have been given a necessary reality check for trying to turn themselves into these big important conglomerates (you aren't a mogul faggot you're just an annoying millennial youtuber) and having their stupid businesses fail. Mizkif and his ugly meatball face poured over $300k into a stupid failed videogame vanity project where he had his delusions of fame and praise fed back to him because it flopped completely. All these streamers and youtubers are convinced they're special or have something to offer when they just aren't. They try to turn their self-obsession into a business model and it fail because they didnt do anything to deserve all of this money in the first place.

No. 2344496

When did Idubbz become a male pickme?

No. 2344504

You wanted him to remain racist and misogynistic?

No. 2344514

I want him to get an actual job and touch grass. We dont need a moid to defend us, especially not one who used to a faggot and has a gf that does onlyfans. He only makes things worse for women.

No. 2344517

One of the last men in America who remain a pillar of integrity and honesty, true to his vision and message til the very end. Your fav could never

No. 2344524

God I want to eat his ass

No. 2344526

Why are you posting him in the YouTube Hate thread?

No. 2344532

No. 2344633

I can't shake the feeling that reviewbrah has been a TIF this entire time, or perhaps has some kind of chromosomal disorder that gives him such a phenotype.

No. 2344634

No. 2344639

I'd rather have reformed moids try and bring awareness to this issue with sincerity than not at all, especially one as influential as iDubbbz. Idgaf about his weird thing with Anisa, I liked that he made a mockery of how ridiculous these insecure little scroids are. I don't think that makes him a male pickme (what even is that??).

No. 2344644

>with sincerity
nta but that's the thing, men like him aren't sincere at all. it's all pretend, usually to hide something/overcompensate

No. 2344649

Exactly. This shit is all an act and it's so annoying

No. 2344663

ironically markiplier never did a honey sponsorship and there are 5 year old clips of him resurfacing saying how he doesn't trust honey cause it seemed like a scam lol

I usually check retailmenot, there are other ones but most of the time they have expired codes. there's a lot of trial and error

pretty sure he shits on JKR and defends trannies so he's not really that much better

No. 2344880

As an ESL I got jumpscared so hard, Youtube has AI voiced audio translations now?

No. 2344882


No. 2344884

I fucking hate MrBeast making his Squid Game ripoff into a full blown Amazon Prime TV series when it's full of employee and contestant abuse from the multiple allegations last year. Any rich person recreating Squid Game completely missed the point of Squid Game. He's a soulless psychopath from the face already though so we already knew, I guess.

No. 2344901

He's pro tranny. He literally defended drag queens in the video.

No. 2344967

>inb4 some allegations come out about him

No. 2345865

Fascinating video topic but this guy is so obviously a troon imageboard user and has an itch to show it.

No. 2346246

File: 1736821006769.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 1080x1781, Screenshot_20250113-181538~2.p…)

What the fuck YouTube!!

No. 2346268

The "people" making this shit should kill themselves, and so should the "people" working as YT jannies who review reports and refuse to delete or demonetize it (all while restricting/demonetizing people for speaking against these things, or using "no-no" words - they infamously did this when people were complaining about the pedophilia issue on the site years ago). They know what they're doing.
It's not too different from the Elsagate shit, except the group(s) propagating this probably also peddle actual animal abuse/torture under the table, and use those videos to try to create a market in curious/impressionable children.

No. 2346284

File: 1736822786044.png (1.34 MB, 1433x1080, Screenshot_20250113-184352~2.p…)

Weirdly the people behind this account actually showed who's working on this stuff. Looks like a team of people? im taking a guess that they're based in Vietnam like a lot of content farms

No. 2346287

This. It's weird fetish insertion shit. They won't even take down the baby monkey videos and staged animal rescues. I fucking hate YouTube so much it's unreal.

No. 2346347

As in faggot.

No. 2346441

It looks like AI generated garbage, I don't know how they dare to call themselves a team. I'd be surprised if they weren't a Chinese team since China's now famous for the cat torture vids, that despite being a heavily censored and regulated country media wise, seem to have little done about them, which is infuriating. Although tbh whoever's behind this distasteful, sick shit needs to be disintegrated in a napalm blast period.

No. 2346655

File: 1736888373471.png (486.08 KB, 720x1024, Screenshot_20250114-114251~2.p…)

Friendly reminder to never feel bad for using adblock

No. 2346722

God I hate fags that want babies so much. "Our beautiful baby girl, our beautiful baby girl,…" shut up, she's a human, not your accessory. Plus two moids driving across states to a pregnant woman trying to convince her to give them her baby? Not creepy and threatening at all. Also notice how they get to explain their point for minutes while the woman can't get a word in before being told to behave and eventually get thrown out of court? Despite a female judge? Ridiculous. The comments also perceive her to be wrong. God knows how they and their fag supporters gaslit her before already, it's no surprise she lost her cool. This is like that old experiment again, about girls being perceived to talk by far the most in school, yet actually only making up a fraction of what was spoken.

No. 2346749

I don’t understand why situations that involve a woman carrying a baby that she doesn’t intend to raise or put up for general adoption aren’t considered human trafficking.

People seem so entitled to having a child these days.

No. 2348080

File: 1736982379278.jpg (15.79 KB, 279x245, huh.jpg)

What do these words even mean

No. 2348508

File: 1737006490425.png (549.21 KB, 720x1280, 2bwe.png)

>Japanese people are also honorary Aryans, and I believe that someday they will become white people.
Are Japanese chuds common online?

No. 2348511

>they, not we
It's a white chud trying to justify his yellow fever

No. 2348515

Could be but the comment is auto translated so it might not be really accurate, either way a Japanese chud sounds funny

No. 2348523

Those screen caps are insane

No. 2348526

should save this image for everytime people are like "b-b-b-but lolis are just drawings if you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality YOU are the problem!!"

No. 2348715

File: 1737031880165.jpg (306.72 KB, 720x1191, 1000000399.jpg)

I've seen anons say that something about her face bothers them and I've aways known her salivary glands are clearly swollen, but I didn't know anything about her content a couple years ago. On a hunch I decided to check if she's done mukbangs because she has the permaswell of a longterm bulimic and lo and behold, kek. It's even more evident in the couple side profile candids I saw, and all the videos I saw had swollen glands so I just had a feeling. Mukbangs while you're reporting on crimes against humanity is evil tho

No. 2348724

Her crime contect is really interresting because she covers some rare stuff sometimes but I can't stand he voice and her moaning moid behind the camera. I wish i could kick him in the balls.

No. 2348740

Yeah that's why I watch, the coverage of crimes in Asia you wouldn't hear about in the west. She has a whole team that looks for stories for her to cover. Idc that she clearly is a longtime bulimic but it makes sense kek. Also it's clear she makes her BF do it and chime in every now and then. She has to look less schizo when she's frantically bulging her eyes and narrating dialogue she pulled out of her ass

No. 2348768

In one of her recent videos they accidentally left some outtakes in of her scrote practicing or recording his meaningless interruptions for like 2 minutes.
It made me wonder, does she film these alone and like pretend to interact with him and dub it in after? More likely that it’s for if his mic fucks up in the recording but still, the thought made me laugh.

No. 2348793

omg nonna I want to strangle him

No. 2349081

You're better off listening to people like Lazy Masquerade or Dark Asia with Megan for the ones from Asia. I don't like giving Stephanie any views

No. 2349093

Disturban also does a lot of really unheard of cases but some people find his voice annoying. I personally don’t mind it because it’s slow and I use those videos to sleep, yes I’m one of those.

No. 2349182

I don’t understand how mukbangs are socially acceptable. So much food waste, and it’s always animal products too. Imagine living a short miserable life in a cage where you can barely turn around only to be tortured to death just so some youtuber can eat half your body, bin the rest, and then puke up what they ate once the cameras stop. How are people ok with this?!

No. 2349210

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A lot of audacity to write this about a 8 year old

No. 2349569

Audacity? That's straight up a pedophile trying to groom her. Report him for sure.

No. 2349777

Don't worry I did 0% chance YouTube will do anything though

No. 2350132

I honestly think people who use youtube and comment on videos are absolute bottom of the barrel type people. I hate saying that because I obviously use youtube and I've seen people who post and comment that aren't trash, but more often than not it's just garbage. For example:

>Teen girl breaks up with teen boy, teen boy spirals and ends up attempting to murder her in a restaurant parking lot. Her, her mother, and a random man who stepped in to help are all injured, including the psycho teen boy who attempted to slit his throat moments after the assault.

>The teen girl is left with severe spinal injuries, leaving her mobility in question. Her mother is okay, and from my understanding her injuries are not life altering in any way. The man who stepped in is left with severe nerve injuries to his dominant hand, affecting his ability to work and forcing him to quit his carpentry job.
>Court is long and drawn out, the trial is postponed many times, leaving the teen girl and mother in fear and confusion for about two years.
>In this time they file lawsuits against the restaurant and the family of the teen boy. (I'm not quite sure why the restaurant should be held liable, but I wasn't there and it really doesn't matter.)
>The trial finally concludes, the judge hands out a life sentence for the teen boy (thank fucking god that made me so happy) while the parents cry about their shitty son spending his life in prison. It was a nice wrap up to a very sad video.

So I scroll down to the comments, expecting others to share the same sentiments. How nice it was to see a judge finally throw the book at a psycho who deserves to be locked away, the satisfaction of it and how relieving it was to see the teen girl smile at the result. Her attempted murderer being put to life in prison and how freeing that must have felt for her to no longer be living in fear, and how her mother must have shared in that weight being lifted. But no, of course the top three scrolls or more of comments are people shitting on them for suing the restaurant, praising the random moid for stepping in, and praising the father of the teen boy for saying "uwu sowwy" in court. Like are you fucking kidding me? Not one word about how strong this young woman is for being able to function after this? And regain some of her mobility after being stabbed in the spinal cord? Nope, they just have to shit on women however they can and praise moids. Honestly everyone I've ever met who uses youtube is like this, retarded. I gotta delete my account this is so blackpilling. Sorry for this wall of text I condensed it as much as I could.

No. 2350137

There are a lot of edgy incels and Indian men on YT, and they all hate women. No normal person thinks the men in this story are heroic

No. 2350190

This reminds me of an Internet Investigator video about parents who have adopted a son who had many behavioral problems, and turned out to sexually assault women and girls, amongst other things. He would grope them, watch violent porn, and even break into the neighbor's house, and take pictures of his penis with their camera, and steal women's underwear. Because of this, and many more things, the parents believe their son is a psychopath and are heavily monitoring him.
The comments are saying that his case is a classic case of autism, or any other condition they project themselves onto, and have no sympathy for the parents who are dealing with an abomination of a child. The parents methods are questionable, sure, but they are meant to keep everyone else safe and the beast out of trouble. They have way more empathy for him than his victims.

No. 2350192

File: 1737117130522.jpg (90.24 KB, 864x734, 5bb07963ee8916f37b54a9358d7bad…)

I can't believe it took me this long to realize that the concept of doing your makeup or eating food in front of a camera while talking about horrific crimes as if it is gossip is fucking abnormal.

No. 2350207

I genuinely like Lazy Masquerades content despite him being a moid, he covers cases with respect and I appreciate that he doesn't face reveal and keeps the focus on the story. I also find his voice soothing. Same with Internet Investigator, I've seen people say her voice is awful and grating but I like it, it comforts me kek

No. 2350215

I remember seeing this video years ago, people always struggle to accept that a moidlet can be evil but it happens. There's cases of moidlets raping and murdering their young siblings or neighbors. It's sad how many comment sections are like this, just people absolving moids of any indecencies and blaming women for everything. They're always so quick to point out every mistake a woman makes no matter how minor or inconsequential to the story at hand. Even when the woman is a victim of violence or murder, it's so disheartening.

This is a fairly extreme example but it reminds of the stuff going on with Ruby Franke, obviously she is a very sick and terrible person and I'm hopeful she spends the majority of her life in prison and doesn't have access to children ever again. But I recall throughout the details of the crime her young son was caught engaging in sexual acts with younger neighbors several times (not disclosed on whether those acts were mutually consensual or not) and that he was already regularly watching porn. And nobody believed it, everyone said there's no way a young moid would do that and if he had he was most likely a molestation victim. And that could be true, he could have been molested, but of course no one wanted to accept that a moidlet could already be committing sex crimes, even though it does happen. And anytime someone brought it up the commenters would always act like the person was saying Ruby's actions were justified because of this. Instead of just accepting that her son could be displaying some really concerning behavior while also condemning Ruby for child abuse.

No. 2350293

This bitch is straight up ugly in her mannerisms as well as her bulimia bloated mug. I can't stand the trend of these shallow, "edgy" true crime youtubers who treat horrific crimes like juicy gossip and have the audacity to think that it makes them an expert in anything just because it's like thrilling fanfiction to them. She has such a punchable face. I honestly think this kind of content should be banned from youtube because it's so fucking obnoxious and disrespectful.

No. 2350295

>"This kid is an abnormal little freak who commits sex crimes and breaks into people's houses"
>"Don't talk about autistic people like that!"
Kek with allies like these who needs actual ableists

No. 2350296

It's one of the reasons I don't watch female youtubers a lot. True crime is taken over by women and they really suck for showing any real empathy for the victims. It really pisses me off. I end up sticking to weird channels like the company man who talks about stores that have changed or closed down in the last years. Also, defunctland is good.

No. 2350297

I can't stand this bitch. She has gotten worse over the last year too. Her channel blew up for no reason and she goes into massive fanfic-esque details about horrific stuff. She did a video about Johnny from Johnny's entertainment, one of the biggest idol companies in japan and she went into way too much detail about how the victims got sexually assaulted. it was crazy. She also goes into a lot of topics she obviously knows nothing about.
She doesn't do any proper research at all.

No. 2350325

Well, the research is all done for her. Same shit though, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She’s just even more lazy than you implied.

No. 2350329

She's always looking to her husband off screen for confirmation on a lot of stuff. Every time she tries to do a story that takes place in china, I cringe, because she has no idea how to pronounce names/words. She just doesnt care to learn

No. 2350349

And her husband is quite literally Chinese, born there and fluent. It always confused me how he doesn’t teach her beforehand or even correct her

No. 2350545

He's one of the few true crime/horror-adjacent youtubers I can still stand.

Wendigoon is a fucking edgelord, as to be expected from people infatuated with "NSFL" shit.

Nick Crowley gives off creep vibes. Never seen anyone into the shit he's into who wasn't a complete and total knob.

Savox is pretty good but don't let him talk about American politics again.(integrate)

No. 2350551

I thought the same thing about wendigoon but if you watch him for more than like 5 seconds he’s just an annoying normie who sometimes tries to be edgy bcs he’s so boring.

No. 2350566

"Forcemasc" is essentially TIF's equivalent of sissy porn. Practically anyone who indulges in it is a fujocoomer.

Why it's "transmisogynstic" idk. It is definitely born out of internalized misogyny, though. As is TIF ideology in general, whether they want to admit it or not.

No. 2350570

His content just sucks. Right up there with that PlaguedMoth loser. Just a friendless terminally-online weirdo trying desperately to be edgy.

No. 2350647

Agreed 100%

No. 2350690

What about Shrouded Hand? He covers general creepy and disturbing things as well as true crime cases, I try to avoid his channel lately because it bums me out but I do appreciate the way he handles the content. Similar to Lazy Masquerade he doesn't face reveal, his voice is comforting, and he doesn't make any jokes or negative comments towards the victims. I've also been watching Dire Trip because he covers stories that I don't usually hear about and he gets the story across without derailing too much, although he does show his face and he's unpleasant to look at. Also Scare Theater but his content is a hit and miss, and a lot of the stories seem fictional.

No. 2350771

I like Fascinating Horror. He's Bri'ish, so his voice is relaxing. He doesn't show his face either and goes through each event he covers respectfully. FH's videos mostly cover safety-related disasters like terrible fires which is a bit of a niche in the sea of horror / crime YouTubers. The Station fire video was one of the most horrifying things I had ever seen.

No. 2350781

Watching creepcast and seeing him interact with meatcanyon is so funny because he’s dwarfed by his humour and intelligence. I don’t think meatcanyon is the pinnacle of humour or smartness at all kek, but he mogs wendigoon entertainment wise and it’s pretty funny watching wendigoon practically curl up into a ball because he can’t compete.

No. 2350792

Same anon here but I also recommend Coaster College for all coaster-related accidents for dark YT fans. He's a roller coaster autist and does a shit ton of research for each video, carefully outlining WHY each accident happened.

No. 2350974

I think his conspiracy theory iceberg was his peak content and it’s been downhill since then. I especially liked it because he took some time to describe the conspiracy without judging. It’s so cringe when some of these background-sound youtubers start injecting their own opinions, as though I need someone to hand-hold me through the idea of hollow earth not being real.

Plainly Difficult is another autist, a nuclear disaster one, and his content is good to listen to.

No. 2351100

>Nick Crowley gives off creep vibes. Never seen anyone into the shit he's into who wasn't a complete and total knob.

No. 2351288

He's into edgelord harsh noise/power electronics shit. Never met anyone into that sort of thing who wasn't a knob. At least I think that's him. Might have been someone else. Correct me if that's someone else.

No. 2351295

Why are Smosh and those retarded soy Try Guys still popular? I know multiple millennials and zoomers who still watch this slop.

No. 2351368

Didn't the Try Guys split up a while ago?

No. 2351417

Yeah, one of them cheated on his wife and the asian one came out as a non binary faggot.

No. 2351440

I didn't know that but I'm surprised by how much post-buzzfeed slop there still is out there. I still see the inbred tall try guy everywhere.

No. 2351464

Ik this he's a bit of a dead topic but does Corpse Husband actually have GERD? Or is he just making an excuse as to avoid saying he fakes his voice? Because if he really does have it then he needs to be on medication for it lest he's a fucking idiot who wants severe damage to his esophagus and possibly cancer sometime in his future.

No. 2351488

Kek linked the wrong post meant this one >>>/snow/1135287 there’s more about it in his snow threads here. Basically he’s a fat alcoholic that spiraled hard and made his gerd worse because of it

No. 2351493

The only person with this kink is r-kelly.

No. 2352202

Context? Because I don't feel like looking that shit up lmfao

No. 2352240

my sister is a try guy fan, it's comfort slop.

No. 2352291

He may have some GERD-like symptoms, mostly because he's a spergy fat alcoholic who admitted to not eating for days while drinking, but it's also unusual for men to have actual GERD. That doesn't matter though, because GERD doesn't alter your voice that way, and if it does alter your voice (by making it raspier or dimmer and not deeper) it means your esophagus is about to close off and you wouldn't even be able to think about consuming alchohol from the pain alone. His voice is the fakest shit ever and it's obvious.

No. 2352332

God I hate this insensitive bitch, her retarded expressions and her braindead fans defending her.

No. 2352335

No, you're wrong. Another notable example would be Onision if I understand that thumbnail correctly lol

No. 2352379

What's everyone's Youtube guilty pleasure? I'm not really ashamed of anything I watch on Youtube, it's all cooking, comedy, gaming, and some podcasts, just background noise for when I'm doing chores or commuting to work. I am into ASMR though, I never tell anyone because people usually assume it's a sexual thing. I find it very relaxing but I'm too ashamed to even subscribe to the channels lol.

No. 2352402

Oddly enough I found the iceberg nonsense too cringe to catch my interest, but he had a couple of vids talking about Dante's Divine Comedy that I found insightful. He seemed to have been pretty active in religious groups like bible studies adjacent stuff and he's autistic enough that he can back up his opinions with the religious context.
I've watched more videos from him and the things I find more interesting are the ones in which he spergs about some biblical reference, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any incentive to do more of those since people watch his stuff regardless.

No. 2352467

infogrpahics or top 10 ten, mostly for sleeping

No. 2352505

Now I need context for this too. Again not looking that shit up

No. 2352543

I want to bash a hammer into each one of their faces. Total internet surveillance can't come soon enough, we need a comprehensive database on these late abortions.

No. 2352646

I hope to god this is just ai…

No. 2352776

My guilty pleasure is watching kids content farms, ai brainrot, or content made by third worlders. I do it on a separate account and like reading the nonsensical comments

No. 2352859

>Internal weeding
What? Does he mean bleeding?

No. 2353347

nta but yeah, even if he does have GERD his entire career is revolved around fetishising his voice, there’s absolutely no way he doesn’t do it intentionally or play it up

No. 2353499

A new drama has hit the commentary scene today. I'm pretty sure i saw another nonna talk about Mclung popping out of nowhere in people's feed (and noting that he looked like a TIF). I watched some of his videos and there were basically void of any substance, it's basically perfect for background noise. Well a shit-storm is coming toward that fake-ass wannabe feminist and tranny suporter. It may not be karmic justice, but i enjoy the sweet irony of it all.-Total tomdark death-

No. 2353503

Looking up cringe tiktok compilations(rip), and cringe mukbang compilations. That was how I found out about nomnomsammyboy, daroommates, and mukbang mermaid.

No. 2353568

nta but he likes grown women dressing like and calling themselves "little boys"

No. 2353575

>active in Bible studies
He’s a youth pastor iirc

No. 2353766

As if he couldn't come off more like a creep.

No. 2353777

File: 1737297740692.png (4.32 MB, 1920x2160, image (1).png)

I hate outubers' tendency to shove tranny and drag bs in videos that have nothing to do with them. I was watching an in-depth analysis into the philosophical stuff in the game slay the princess, but then when talking about the importance of loving yourself, the youtuber HAD to virtue signal by adding this clown and referring to his words as "what a wise philosopher once said". Literally gagging, she just HAD to bootlick and quote a drag queen even when saying something that is basic common sense.

No. 2353779

People obsessed with drag queens have literal brain damage. Women who like drag queens have self hate and dont know how to be a woman without a gay man's perspective, which makes no sense.

No. 2353808

>content made by third worlders
what kind of content?

No. 2354555

KEK I love whenever Tom has crashouts over dumb drama. I'm so happy he posts these long livestream segments now

No. 2355119

File: 1737357033809.jpeg (37.27 KB, 295x472, fuck off.jpeg)

Fuck off, Gendies

No. 2355122

I guess things have changed bc I remember trans people not liking the show/the characters like 10 years ago. Not that I heard dislike of it but more in the sense that it wasn't good representation (and it isn't).

No. 2355125

I need this but instead of a christscrote its a radfem gigastacy being like "Men are not supposed to objectify and ridicule women. It's time to stop this and respect women!"

No. 2355127

samefag Just wanted to warn ppm that the clip is taken from some moidgrifter xy shithole. Just a heads up just in case you don't want to give engagement to the channel.

No. 2355130

Why the fuck is this retard allowed to wear a giant degen chris chan medallion on his shirt at work? If I was the manager I'd fire him for wearing that shit. But I guess normies don't understand the reputation of that pokemon.

No. 2355197

What resources? Food from the grocery store? What a fucking joke

No. 2355326

She’s disgusting. Her face gives me a visceral reaction of disgust without even having to watch any of her videos.

No. 2356034

Chinese uniform:
>no upskirt shots by creepymoids
>winter and summer friendly
Korean and Japanese uniforms:
> school girl uniforms are known porn categorys
>inconvenient for girls to wear
>upskirt shots
>not comfortable for winter
I hate moids so fucking much stop looking for "fashion" in children and teen schools you fucking pedo

No. 2356073

File: 1737400600055.jpg (226.83 KB, 1300x975, 114788435-atalaia-do-norte-bra…)

Typical moid seething about how the teenage girls around him aren't sexualized enough. Comfortable shirt + pants school uniforms are super common in latin america and I'm sure other SEA countries but of course every moid loves the miniskirt long socks uniforms where girls aren't even allowed to wear tights in winter when it's cold. Once again a man's erection is more important than a woman's comfort

No. 2356188

File: 1737404272224.png (96.45 KB, 1290x475, Screenshot 2025-01-20 151635.p…)

Found this comment.

No. 2356261

stumbled across this today, on the one hand I thought most of the clips were funny because a lot of this video is just animals minding their own business while a narrator makes them out to be deadly man-killers, on the other hand nothing pisses me off more than people antagonizing wild animals for no good reason

No. 2356768

File: 1737422831713.png (620.07 KB, 567x822, Screenshot 2025-01-21 012341.p…)

Why is this style of thumbnail so popular it's so ugly.

No. 2356801

moids need to be lined up and shot at birth

No. 2356807

From what I know, it's the kind that people tend to click on the most, so youtubers resort to it for more engagement.

No. 2356815

Why are men such pedos?

No. 2356820

It's really good way to weed out the most pretentious and no-substance video essays in my opinion. The minute I see the thumbnail 9/10 times it's a crazy waste of time.

No. 2356862

there are the most soulless useless creatures in the comments upset because she smirked in court. yeah the moidlet can go on a rampage and try to murder a girl but she dared to SMIRK in court at this demon’s sentence????? oh my god such an evil witch how dare you not be kind to your would be murderer

No. 2357070

Yeah I would wager a lot of them are bulimic, casual bulimia after large meals/treat meals is super common among men even but they'd rather die than admit they have a much higher rate of bulimia than women just because they don't conjunct it with ana or make it a 'problem' in their lives. Mukbanging is for fatties and bulimics who love having someone cover the tab of their purge meals and pretend they aren't pukers.

Yeah I feel like I sound unfounded/like a bully for pointing it out but you literally cannot hide the longtime swollen salivary glands, they aren't like facial fat or fillers and they're in a super specific spot. I had an inkling but one video had a side profile candid as the thumbnail and they went down her neck in the exact place. All the videos I've seen for years had them, hope she gets health because it's very evident in her appearance, coloring, and voice. I find her deplorable but her being a manic, neurotic bulimic just makes everything make soooo much sense.

No. 2357079

It actually really sucks that we could have another Quirky Puppet Guy to replace Jim Henson but it's just fat fuck meatcanyon and his ugly animations

No. 2357085

>looked like a tif
Is louis not trans? I thought Louis was trans, self named after Anne Rice vampires or something

No. 2357087

I'm not a vegan but I do hate industrialized animal ag so fucking much. I go rat mode when it comes to animal food waste too.
This thanksgiving my in laws give me the turkey carcass. I can't believe they are gonna waste the best part of the bird. I got a weeks worth of soup out of that. I don't even waste the bones, it just gets composted though I plan to learn to make bonemeal so I can use that in the future for various things.
I hate industrialized capitalist society so much.

No. 2357346

I know, how fucking hypocritical. He's allowed to be spiteful and vindictive about getting dumped and then rage out and attempt murder but how dare a woman have a "haha enjoy prison fucker" moment of justice and now she's evil. People can't stand to see a victim that's not broken and crying, it's like men can be any way they want and people will find excuses for them but women have to be soft, quiet, polite and submissive or we're not worthy of human decency. I'm so happy for her and her mom. I hope she has some peace of mind and is able to move on with her life in whatever way possible. She's so incredibly resilient.

No. 2357396

File: 1737446892730.jpg (109.49 KB, 1088x491, sad.JPG)

Her life is so depressing, but she is an oddly likeable cow. I play her videos for background noise when cleaning or whatever.

No. 2357401

Same, I really like Sagi. I hope things get better for her eventually and some scrote doesn't give her an incurable STD.

No. 2357524

Agreed. I hate constantly being recommended videos like those and I find it irritating how this has become the default "girly youtuber" thumbnail style. Even if the topic itself is interesting I just don't bother clicking on it anymore. It's not even the "using their face surrounded by text in the thumbnail" part, because so many other thumbnails have people's faces in them and they're fine. It's the very low effort content that comes after: always focusing the camera on themselves (add points if they have a smug face and a preaching influencer tone of voice), constant rambling, topic derailment, stupid xitter lingo, and the low quality microphone.
I swear I don't hate female content creators, I love watching content made by women on youtube. I just have a very low tolerance to this particular style of video. It's cancer, but whatever, most youtube content is.

No. 2357526

>how to tell if a "video essay" is going to be shit

No. 2357857

The way he started shaking when he was getting sentenced was so satisfying.

No. 2363139

It's just so bleak, I watched some news from my country (about a murder) and then got recommended several other videos about crime cases:
>the guy who killed the little Taylor Swift fans got sentenced
>"hangry" woman causes trouble in restaurant
>how teen shooter reacts during his arrest
>karens finally getting what they deserve
Everything women do is so innocent compared to moids, yet these videos get nearly more views than the others and you can bet that comments will talk about them easily as vile as they do about a literal male killer…

No. 2363156

In some ways I find it hilarious that moids are so desperate to blame women for male violence in these compilations of male violence they love making, that they are essentially teaching girls and women using youtube to be afraid of moids, and then moids are complaining about the male loneliness epidemic because no one wants to go near them let alone date them.

No. 2363334

File: 1737727970041.jpeg (724.93 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_0315.jpeg)

Something about her background does not add up. She claims to come from a poor quaker background but her wishlist of gifts from her family includes a $400 pinboard, ugly $500 boots, $70 mug, $150 trashcan. There was also a $100 play dj thing for her 1 year old on it before too.


Or is this only for her husband to buy her using the money she makes from turning every new video into an ad and only doing instagram ads now? (The only reason we got 3 posts in a row of non-ads is because Hannah gets overly emotional about the election and blamed her $10,000 binge shopping on the last Trump one).

Let’s not forget this is the woman that wants everyone to buy “fewer” things.

No. 2363346

Same. They will say obvious bullshit about how men don't like hurting women, then flock to these videos of men hurting women and boost them up to millions of views. And then the comments are full of hundreds of low IQ men gloating about women being hurt. And these are "the protectors" we are supposed to trust.

No. 2363456

The Chinese uniforms look so comfy. Teen me would have loved to wear that instead of neckties and scratchy ass office shirts.

No. 2367257

File: 1737917806954.png (1.85 MB, 1913x771, ModernGurlz.png)

Every time I come across a self proclaimed fashion youtuber, they end up looking like this. Sure, you can say the ratty wig is for the video but it still doesn't change much.
Same with Mina Le before she went normie, all those girls look ridiculously try hard and frumpy.

No. 2367262

Modern girls is cute- she was just trying to be campy for the video. I hated when she sold out and started doing those monthly internet recaps though

No. 2367277

I was just thinking that I like her sweater and bra so Idk. If it was hair I guess?

No. 2367295

Idk, nonnies I'm kind of judging her for that bra and sweater combo. For someone who's supposed to be specializing in fashion it's appaling kek
I wouldn't care if she was a generic commentary youtuber

No. 2367420

File: 1737927839980.jpg (32.73 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

I don't know why this ugly brain dead gooner garbage is being recommended to me (that's supposed to be the Sunflower from Plants Vs Zombies)

No. 2367510

File: 1737931850121.png (2.2 MB, 1350x2426, 1737808788586.png)

I respect that she didn't go the breadtube route

No. 2367785

YouTube just banned me from commenting for 1 day because I commented "fatty problems" under some fat fag short where he complains about a fast food restaurant not adding enough chicken to his order. This can't be real.

No. 2367804

Not so different from this site then.

No. 2367817

Wigs with bangs are so easy to make look real, how did she mangle this look so badly

No. 2367821

Nta but I actually like Elle Literacy, but I haven't seen an extensive amount of her content yet. I'm hoping she's not as bad as olisunvia who made a pro prison abolition video and claimed incarcerating rapists and domestic abusers is a bad thing.

No. 2368007

sadly true

No. 2368028

Did youtube update the search result format for anyone else? It's hard for me to get a pic that properly shows it, but it displays some of the videos horizontally now. They keep making all of these changes that no one asked for.

No. 2368318

File: 1737994179446.png (165.84 KB, 878x210, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 11.08…)

this is so fucking creepy, what is that thumbnail and why are there 400k views

No. 2368324

I've seen a bunch of videos with titles and AI thumbnails just like this (at least I think it's AI, but if it isn't, it's heavily airbrushed). I've seen so many with titles like "ENTITLED teens react to life sentences" or "when RICH GIRLS react to being arrested" with angry/crying AI girls in the thumbnail and I suspect it's some kind of humiliation fetish or something

No. 2368327

I keep getting vids with the same title recommended (different thumbnail), I hate it, pretty sure it is like those "karen getting pwned" videos

No. 2368331

Why do you think?

No. 2368390

Incarcerating them is a bad thing. We should be killing them.

No. 2368469

it's always teenage girls too, never boys.

No. 2368526

Kek, couldn't agree more.

No. 2368614

i know what video that was because i tried the recipe he shared with it. it was tasty but doesn't taste exactly like the one from the restaurant so he failed

No. 2369628

>narc moid who used his girlfriend's rape(?) To try to cancel a YouTube channel who had nothing to do with troons out
Kekkkk everytime

No. 2369635

It's always soyboys with this phenotype.

No. 2369640

To be fair the Chinese school uniforms are a national meme in China and every Chinese person I've seen talks about how ugly and uncomfortable they are and this youtuber is Chinese himself.

No. 2369655

File: 1738080803115.jpg (56.65 KB, 1280x720, lex-updog-accuses-destinys-aud…)

She didnt get raped, literally nothing happened to her. She was just mad that supermega wouldn't let her hobo ass stay in their house anymore.
Anyway he is literally skinwalking her, I'm worried she is in actual danger now.

No. 2369996

File: 1738095575855.jpg (114.38 KB, 979x306, annoying.jpg)

I like to see a variety of cooking channels. When some people become ultra faggots, I downvote and keep telling yt I'm not interested in them. The biggest offenders have got to be the moid cooking youtubers. This guy has recently come under my radar and I can't stand him.

>bowl flip

>his gross, smug stare when cutting vegetables
>XD Food lube!

I fucking hate this guy so much. Knowing that he's local makes me want to a-log so bad. If him and Weissman ever made a collab, I'd die from the noxious concentrated cringe

No. 2370006

Thank god I'm not the only one who hates that Joshua Weissman faggot. He's so unsanitary and his cooking seems like it probably tastes like shit. His quirky ADHD editing makes him even more annoying.

No. 2370025

I browse lolcow on incognito when I'm on my phone so yt opens only on the browser, not on the app. Since Saturday all videos I open on incognito have AI dubbing to my mother tongue turned on and there is no option to turn it off. Just let me turn it off you assholes wtf

No. 2370047

Apparently it's a feature rolled out that needs to be turned off by the channel creator as it is turned on automatically.

No. 2370074

Moid cooking channels are abysmal. It's all sex jokes, random nonsense, comparing anything slightly phallic to something larger for a classic "my dick small" joke, being needlessly violent and dirty with the food, etc. I just stick to watching slightly older women who make videos to teach people about cooking or food budgeting/no waste cooking instead of trying to put on a fucking comedy routine.

No. 2370139

Nta but agreed, and something I've noticed about women's cooking channels is the comments are always filled with men saying "looks good, but it'd be better if you did this" or "great job but you did this part wrong." Like they're speaking to children just learning how to boil an egg.

No. 2370871

File: 1738154776211.png (242.07 KB, 741x353, Screenshot 2025-01-29 124211.p…)

I clicked on one fitness video and now I'm getting recommended picrel. Seriously wtf lmaooo

I guess women are better at cooking/cleaning until it makes money or gets them internet points??

No. 2370874

both of these bodies look disgusting. my god men are ugly.

No. 2370928

I hate that idiot who pulls the cooking utensils/food out of the fly from his pants. Throws in a shitty dick joke every vid for good measure as well. I feel like guys who constantly make sex jokes especially dick jokes are compensating for something.

No. 2370931

File: 1738161748738.png (859.55 KB, 1123x639, weird sweaty ass fetish bait.p…)

I think the thing I hate most about fitness content (made by scrotes anyway) is that the majority of them are abusing anabolic steroids. It's very obvious looking at this moid in the thumbnail that he's been steroids for some time, the skin texture and discoloration gives it away easily. I think it's retarded because a lot of these channels are targeted towards beginners and these YTbers are selling them this fake idea of how fitness works. A lot of beginners aren't familiar with how steroid abuse actually looks, so they're more prone to believe these liars. IMO, fitness is about improving the health of your body and promoting longevity, and steroid use runs contrary to those ideals, so it comes off as disingenuous and perverted.

They look disgusting because they're catering to the taste of faggots. A lot of these bodybuilders have latent homosexual tendencies, they use their bodies to attract & impress other men, not women.

I actually looked up this scrote's channel, and it's pretty obvious that there's a fetish element here meant to appeal to gay men. Almost every video thumbnail has closeups of his ass, some of them include closeups showing off his ass sweat.

No. 2370935

That's such an ugly ass he looks like he got bbl

No. 2370936

An example of very subtle moidery:

Saw this anon youtubers video about phone comparisons. Noticed the script was very authoritative, such as, "you will agree with me" after hearing his argument. Very condescending, with multiple, "I don't want to confuse you" type of lines.

Scrolled down to see the description for links, when it said the AI voice used for the video was the Jack Sparrow character. Ah hah! So this moid is a johnny depp supporter, because of course he is.

The comments are mostly positive, some happen to have similar wording "no fanboyism", as if they could be bots. The only good things were, it was straight to the point, and it has no ugly nerdy or balding scrote to stare at.

Thumbs it down if ya want.(lolcow is not your personal army)

No. 2370951

Warning: Actual dead bodies shown in linked vid, dissected. Dont watch if youre not comfortable seeing that.

Anyone else ever watch the Institute of Human Anatomy?

I sometimes watch out of morbid curiosity, and theres good info for certain things. More recently some vids are moid-centric, when it used to be more balanced. Even the background banner only shows a moid body, ofc.

But the moidery shines through at times. Like this facts about the human body vid. Ofc he starts off with male sperm. He sort of implies that speed and having a higher number of cells, compared to the 1 egg released/month, makes moids better. Yeah, he says, prized ovum, and red blood cells outnumber sperm cells, but, before that it felt moid supremacist. Doesnt mention that womens bodies reject most sperm.
Then at the end, hes like, human life all starts with 1 cell, as if to imply males create life. That was the feeling I got from the video, anyway.

Other times, cant remember which video(s), there were times he refers to women as "females", yet says "man". Or when he said pregnant humans, instead of pregnant women.

Just a gut feeling about this guy. Like how does he have real(?) fetus in a jar? I just wonder if hes one of those charismatic psychopaths, as the surgical profession has some of the highest amount of psychopaths. He smiles with his eyes a little too much around those bodies, or maybe he just does that anyway. Hope those bodies were donated with consent, and arent victims of necrophilia.

No. 2370963

>Other times, cant remember which video(s), there were times he refers to women as "females", yet says "man". Or when he said pregnant humans, instead of pregnant women.

Both dog whistle phrases misogynistic men use. Using "female" instead of "women" is their alternate word for foid. "Pregnant human" is entirely self-explanatory.

No. 2370982

>He sort of implies that speed and having a higher number of cells, compared to the 1 egg released/month, makes moids better.
They always cope with the most retarded shit. Imagine having your eggs save and secured in your abdomen but then you degenerate into dangling them outside in an ugly thin wrinkly sack, to the point you sometimes can't even sit properly without adjusting yourself. Tragic.

No. 2370994

I don't love all their content, but some of these complaints are a little silly. All life does begin with 1 cell, he's referencing the cell that is formed occurs after an egg is fertilized. The "pregnant humans" is annoying, but it's commonly used now with medical people because of troons, at least, it is in CA.

It's also not just him, there's multiple other hosts on that show and there's writers who write each episode. He is likely getting featured more as of late because the other hosts are uglier.

No. 2371202

File: 1738176287263.png (715.59 KB, 845x480, depression or weed, call it.pn…)

Anyone else here shocked by Li Speaks ballooning up in the past year? I used to like her videos when I was going through my cringe video essay phase, but she's almost unrecognizable now since gaining so much weight. She still tries to dress well, but she looks so unhealthy and dirty now that her videos seem uncanny. Talking about 90s/00s pop culture has always been a cringe autist thing, but over the past year it seems she's transformed to embody the stereotypical obese autist. What is it with all the YTbers covering 90s/00s media becoming super fat? Another example that comes to mind is that loser LS Mark that gets talked about in the Western Animation thread on /snow/.

>inb4 bones rattling redtext

Talking about fat people doesn't make me an anorexic.

No. 2371209

Holy god, what’s the opposite of a glow up? Dim down? Sis looks 50.

No. 2371217

DAYUM I remember watching her horseland video but I otherwise forgot about her. I think "nostaglia" youtubers are probably depressed people (hence their fixation on the past/childhood) and depression can lead people to gaining weight? Idk, that's my dumb theory.

No. 2371508

>jessica kellgren-fozard and her wife are having twins
given her health issues, it's likely she won't be around by the time these kids are in their 20s

No. 2371517

This has got to be a side effect of medication, there's no way this is unmedicated depression or weed weight.

No. 2371519

Looks like alcohol bloat and weight gain.

No. 2371574

I think it's medication too. Honestly, she reminds me of an acquaintance I had that gained 80lbs in 3 months from going on an anti-psychotic medicine.
IDK if she drinks alcohol, but she definitely has those cold dead emotionless eyes of an alcoholic. She genuinely looks like she's suffering. It's too bad because she seemed so fun and peppy a few years ago, but now she just seems sad and vacant. No more spark in her eyes.

No. 2371579

Looks hormonal weight gain to me.

No. 2371818

Did anyone else notice that the thumbnail changed?

No. 2371839

I immediately report those youtube channels. they are creepy and sexist.

No. 2371927

you know there are lots of female youtubers who are not true crime youtubers, right?

No. 2372241

No. 2372326

I hate this bitch sm, just came here to post her.
>starts her stories in medias res to try and hook you in but it just ends up making the narrative so convoluted you can't tell the order of events
>overdramatic storytelling ("so then she was getting hit, and like, it wasn't like regular hits, it was like, hard hits, and she was like 'oh my god, i'm like getting hit'")
>retarded censoring like "essayed" and "unalived" in videos about the most brutal crimes imaginable
>going off on random tangents (like spending twenty minutes reading posts from an unrelated forum)
>the retarded off-camera moid parroting her faux-outrage ("wow, he said that?" "yeah, he said that" "wow" "yeah, wow")
It sucks that she covers crimes you don't hear about a lot of other places, but it's especially annoying when people recommend her as a legitimate source of unbiased info. I've seen people cite her videos on Burning Sun when the BBC has a fantastic documentary available for free on Youtube.
Also I really dislike that Irish girl who does the exact same schtick.

Didn't Chantal get cancelled for a true crime mukbang 7 or 8 years ago? I thought we were past this lol

No. 2372332

Oh, forgot to add, she pronounces "women" as "woman" for some reason??? Is this a regional thing? Cause I've heard a couple other youtubers do this was well.

No. 2372554

She is the only true crime youtuber I can't listen to for the only reason being I can't fucking follow wtf is happening when she is narrating. She makes up her own dialogue and scenarios when telling the story and jumps around the timeline so much it gets so fucking confusing. Like I can't passively listen to it in the background if I watch her I would have to sit there and concentrate super hard on the video just to follow wtf is happening. She adds so much unnecessary fluff to try to sensationalize an already dramatic crime to the point it's insulting to the victims. She speaks like she is re-accounting the hichschool drama at a sleepover.

I have always been so confused by this. People saying things like meds for depression can make you blow up 100 pounds. It's not like you just keep eating the same as before and magically gain weight, so does the medication just make your appetite go crazy or what? Side effect = weight gain, ok, but what actually makes you gain weight or does it fuck with your metabolism as well?

No. 2372626

Idk if it's a regional accent thing, but to me "woman" and "women" are homophones. I've heard people in different places pronounce them as "women" and "womin" respectively.

No. 2372688

something being commonly done, or something being done by others too, is no excuse if its wrong. Its not "silly" to be concerned over women being written out of their own biology topics. Are you really okay with being written out of existence to appease mentally ill men?

No. 2372706

Off thread topic but yes, medication can fuck up your metabolism hard, slowing everything down. If you're also short and a woman you will pile on the weight quickly even with a normal diet. If it's thyroid related it can also make your appetite go crazy. It's a horrible feeling to lose control over your body like that, but it's still calories in vs calories out. It just sucks when you have to eat like a toddler to make it work.

No. 2372709

For the meds thing I think it's both, it increases appetite and slows metabolism. I gained like 1/3 my body weight from seroquel and I was starving all the time, I went from having no appetite and being like 90 pounds to being a fatty chan and gaining like 35 pounds in pure fat no muscle. I was eating around the same amount as my sister but she's super active and has a normal metabolism so she looks great eating that much but I was just fat. After I got off the seroquel for a long time I ate the same amount and did the same amount of exercise but lost some of the weight. So I definitely think it's both, increased appetite and slowed metabolism. Once my appetite went back to "normal" (for me) my weight went back to how it was when before I started, it sucked honestly. And the meds didn't even help when I was on it. Sorry to blog just wanted to answer the question.

No. 2372710

Homophones? That's wild to me. As a non-native speaker the first is pronounced 'woo-man' while the plural is 'wimmin'

No. 2372765

Forgot to add, there was another vid about ovulation. This guy advised his male viewers to do something nice for their gfs around a specific time of month (maybe even time of day, cant remember). The implication (or did he outright say it?) being that the gf will be more willing to reward her bfs "niceness" with sex, due to the timing of her hormones.

Typical opportunistic scrote.

No. 2373328

People are praising her, some say daughters like her are rare these days but I don't think this situation should exist, her life sounds like hell and it's only a matter of time until she crashes.
>works fulltime
>has 4 children
>takes care of dad with dementia
>takes care of grandma with cancer
This soft version of feminism has done so many women dirty, she's absolutely working 3 (or 4 if you count dad and grandma separately) jobs at once, meanwhile no husband/father in sight.
This was probably the first youtube comment section I saw without a hate comment against the woman in the video tho, so congrats for that I guess, if you work yourself to death for others then you're finally deemed a good enough woman.

No. 2373379

Stories like hers deserve to be told. I hate that situation, and that situations primarily fall on women to be absolute caretakers and workers, but damn what a strong person.
The old farts on the other hand? I guess cowardice keeps people from roping themselves but I cannot imagine living with the guilt and shame from placing so much burden on my family. Culture is different I get that, most people have children strictly for caretaking when they get older, but it's deplorable imho. Hoping their deaths come sooner rather than later so that the young women in their family can enjoy more of their time.

No. 2373382

This content is the equivalent of those headlines which go like
>Heartwarming: kid works 2 jobs alongside school to afford mother's medical care
>Elderly woman receives flowers and chocolates after being left bankrupt by hospital fees
They want you to believe these are uplifting and positive situations because "muh human spirit" but deep down, anyone who isn't a total idiot knows it's fucking bleak.

No. 2373401

>I hate that situation, and that situations primarily fall on women to be absolute caretakers and workers
Might be ot, but stuff like this makes me wonder what will happen when the grey wave hits its peak. When the vast majority of caretakers will be women too busy taking care of the elderly to do much otherwise, what will happen?

No. 2373411

People are gonna thrash at their governments to do something about it. The government will do the minimum. People will struggle, suffer, then die.

No. 2373434

File: 1738276645707.jpg (40.34 KB, 1064x300, 42244242.JPG)

wtf is this shit

No. 2374113

File: 1738305554935.jpeg (53.44 KB, 1286x313, IMG_4239.jpeg)

I fucking hate men so much

No. 2374122

Accusations are confessions.

No. 2374252

>still dressed well
>animal print shirt and cardigan
Sis, are you sure of that?

No. 2374260

Nta but that clothing was part of a gag of a recent video she did on style savvy

No. 2374919

File: 1738341184105.jpeg (184.32 KB, 719x972, dumbad.jpeg)

This is just a dumb ad, but I despise seeing stupid shit like this constantly online, in magazines, on TV. This is part of why women are so physically weak and delusional about their fitness. This "workout" isn't even fit to be a full warm up before an actual workout starts. I hate this shit. You could do this workout 5x every single day, and would see no results unless you were as atrophied as an 80 year old in a wheelchair.

No. 2374933

You are vastly underestimating how out of shape the average person is. I maybe know two people who could complete this. The average person is malnourished and severely overweight.

No. 2374935

It’s mostly dumb bc there’s no progression. I hate fitness advice tailored to women, it’s always the most dumb shit ever.

No. 2374951

I know this is trash but I am quite tickled that 35-45 have to do 135 jumping jacks when everyone else only has to do 10 or 35

No. 2374969

I was shocked when I saw that video. I used to not be able to stand her high pitched voice in her early videos but she grew on me, she has a funny sense of humor despite catering to troons whenever she gets the chance. She often claims she's got a chronic illness (forgot which) so that explains her ballooning up, she's one of those.

No. 2374992

hey now, 135 jumping jacks is no joke. kek.

No. 2375002

>I hate fitness advice tailored to women, it’s always the most dumb shit ever.

Well women fall for it anyway so it’s no wonder they keep doing it. Also cardio is for smooth brains

No. 2375057

I honestly think that was a typo

Well what does a real workout look like then?

No. 2375062

>The average person is malnourished and severely overweight.
Ironic, yet true. I have an elderly relative who has diagnosed malnutrition problems despite being at least 300 pounds, maybe 350.

No. 2375142

Anything that pisses off Muslim moids (the lowest form of life) is based.

No. 2375210

i hate this guy so much. i keep getting his videos recommended, even when i scroll past them. he records people's faces, names, homes, then has the audacity to get rude at this woman just doing her job. all the comments are braindead takes about how rude she is, but i would be grateful to have someone like her putting her foot down for me.
fuck this dude

No. 2375232

Lmao the cyclist part of youtube is unreal, I consider them all lolcows. That guy is one of the worst, but MPLS Bikewrath will always be my favorite cow because he is just so pathetic that it’s always funny to laugh at him. He got his license taken away because of his anger issues so now he tortures the motorists of Minneapolis with shitty music and bad behavior while thinking he shits gold. In this vid he gets his shit rocked and his bike stolen, so karma is confirmed real.

No. 2375243

Ew idk why this just reminded me of those guys that quietly film streetwalkers everyday like the biggest creeps in the world. Don’t want to post one for obvious reasons..

No. 2376047

File: 1738402938678.jpeg (35.87 KB, 480x640, IMG_8026.jpeg)

i hate this ugly fat scrote so much. he looks like a fucking marionette puppet. his smile is fucking gross and there is no soul behind his eyes yet he insists on doing every video LOCKED into eye contact with the camera and smiling. the suit makes him look like a little faggot too and he doesn’t have any charm at all. fuck you fat boy

No. 2376069

fuck you emaciated randy stair

No. 2376345

Man runs away while girlfriend gets robbed. She is lucky they only wanted her money and not her life or body. Could have easily grabbed her and gone to second location. Chicken shit moid just ran off. Comments filled with jokes about women being strong and independent so she deserves what comes to her. Wtf?

No. 2376363

File: 1738423379202.jpg (53.93 KB, 720x720, Tumblr_l_607582796580044.jpg)

If scrotes didn't exist we'd only have animals to worry about

No. 2376371

This is not even feminism, this is just misogynistic chinese culture - they feel entitled to be cared by younger females of the family (like daughters in law too). Of course they never expect the same thing from males - they are valuable by default, meanwhile women in their femicidal culture have to "earn" care and respect.

No. 2376373

How could she be "strong and independent" when she's literally dating a man? Are those faggots straight up retarded? And it's such a mask off moment for them with their "you don't let me control you and micromanage your life? Then you deserve any bad thing ever happening to you and don't deserve help. That's what you get for defying me!!!" line of thinking.

No. 2376379

My god what a massive faggot.
Does he review sex toys?? Why is he holding that? I have that one and it sucks tbh

No. 2376388

It would be incredible if scrotes didnt exist or only 20-25 percent of the population. I hate them so much. We'd live in a better place without them. Sexual violence would barely exist.

No. 2377476

File: 1738478322952.jpg (87.1 KB, 720x729, 1000000502.jpg)

Spending too much time scrolling, consuming, and only interacting with 'aesthetic' accounts truly gives you such a corny affectation and rotten disposition. She looks too old to think this title isn't unbelievably cringe, videos like this are always so useless

No. 2377478

What is he holding. Im scared

No. 2377479

gonna go out on a limb and guess this girl is in her mid 20s/pushing 30

No. 2377480

I didn't want to point that out in case she's just a fillerina, but that's what it appears. In a very similar vein, most videos like this are made by mid 20s women with plastic surgery claiming they got glowups from x, y, or z and not the obvious surgery.

No. 2377485

File: 1738479011751.jpg (84.26 KB, 720x543, 1000000504.jpg)

"From placeholder to muse". Girl stop playing on the youtubes and go apply for insurance or something. You look like you coldcall about kirby vacuums, you're supposed to pretend to be an ingenue alone in your room and not for an audience that didn't ask.

No. 2377517

reviewbrah in 50 years

No. 2377561

Some of her content is okay, she's consistent about encouraging women to have self respect and remove themselves from relationships with loser moids and shitty friends. There's some terminally online twinges to it but overall could be worse.

No. 2377712

>men are protectors

No. 2378213

moids and pickmes like my mom who think women wanting rights means women collectively deserve punishment for hurting mens feelz. Hope women avoid and punish moids for their crimes instead

No. 2379240

File: 1738556832662.png (34.15 KB, 720x339, Screenshot_20250202-192230~2.p…)

I don't understand why he needs to film everyone 24/7, that lady was just doing her job. If it was just for safety he could have an inconspicuous body cam and wouldn't need to use his phone. The comments are full of misogyny and racism because she's black, as usual. Hate that this shit gets millions of views

No. 2379284

Wouldn't this be proof that women would be better off "strong and independent" because this is how most muh protectors actually act (being completely useless)?

No. 2379343

That could be said about anyone who shits out this kind of "content". I have nothing against her personally, the popularity of these kind of titles are just a bit odd. Mid and late 20s pandering and giving advice to much younger girls and teens instead of applying for a job.

No. 2379833

Has anyone else been getting this woman's videos recommend?

No. 2379838

She's a broke lesbian with autism trying to make money so she can still afford her apartment, which is why she started aggressively posting on youtube the last month or two. I've watched a few, she's a mess but her honesty makes her likable.

No. 2379847

I just got her recommended to my YT last night when all I watch are horror LPs and Bts practical effects stuff. So weird.

No. 2379901

She sounds kind of retarded, but less harmless than most non asian vloggers

No. 2380720

Looking at the thumbnail I thought she was going to be an annoying sydsnap-esque pickme

No. 2380736

Does she recommend doing bunny hostessing?

No. 2380765

Wish I could do some shit like this in a place that only allows women. I would 100% get a lesbian sugar mommy.

No. 2380786

NTA but as far as I know she hasn't, she doesn't glamorize/romanticize her bunny job either. (I don't know a lot about her since i just recently started watching her vlogs)

No. 2381000

god same nona, what a life it could have been

No. 2381216

I hate the changes to the layout so much. And I get constant Youtube Shorts spam which I cannot turn off. What kind of retard is in charge of the site look? I've started using https://yewtu.be to search for videos, because at least it doesn't waste my time with endless scrolling.

No. 2381235

>Broke lesbian with autism
This feels like the over-20 version of tiktokkers saying they're a nonbinary demigirl with adhd.

No. 2381241

I thought this too when I first started watching but she's surprisingly a "girl's girl" and not a pick-me at all. She even says in one of her videos that she doesn't hang out with or date men and spends all her free time with her female friends, which I found cute.

No. 2381254

>why is the game industry going to shit? It's because evil women with a vengeful agenda infiltrated our sacred boys clubs and started getting everyone fired for silly things!!

I hate this fucker so much, Im pissed that yt keeps recommending him to me when I'm trying look up failguard news. I'm going to alog so hard help me nonnies

No. 2381269

If you're on chrome try the "Youtube-shorts block" extension. It only allows Shorts to show as a tab on channel pages

No. 2381984

On mobile if you turn off playback in feeds then click not interested on every short it will disable them for some time. I got tired of doing this and eventually turned off my history so my home page is completely blank. It’s nice

No. 2382103

File: 1738698664853.png (136.32 KB, 326x252, dangertokids.png)

I can't believe this troon hasn't been arrested

No. 2382113

Vidyafags are so pathetic

No. 2382129

This retard can barely speak. Like really, does he have some kind of mouth deformity?

No. 2382906

File: 1738740386033.jpeg (38.96 KB, 1364x222, IMG_4253.jpeg)

On a post about a song where a woman has her house broken into and raped. I hate men so much

No. 2382933

Isn't that a woman?

No. 2382937

Nta but it reads like a tranny

No. 2382941

nah i don't think so, there's tons of thirst trap tiktok content about like "POV your stalker ex breaks in" or some shit, it's gotten normalized among women. i don't think trannies usually want to be raped. they want to do the raping

No. 2382946

it was for a sponsor bit but yeah, the sponsor was some underwear brand but did they really have to get her to wear it for a video to shill it? she's seems uncomfortable and tries to cover herself up with the sweater and hair(like she put on the wig to feel like she's covering up more?) even later she's showcasing another bra and covers up with a short sleeve cardigan.

No. 2383045

i have to admit seeing her, however briefly, in her work uniform made me feel a couple things.
i like the vibe of her videos, just barely edited and her going on about stuff with seemingly little filter and openly admitting to the ones that are there

No. 2384587

No. 2385460

What's with those creepy ai islam vs. "evil" videos? Clips of (white) womens' eyes getting attacked by birds are also popular, with lots of muh praise allah comments…

No. 2385612

Kek these are so creepy. Do you have any examples of the bird ones?

No. 2385683

>i don't think trannies usually want to be raped. they want to do the raping
I’m not so sure about that since so many of them talk about wanting to be “used” and get jealous of women’s rape experiences.

No. 2386091

File: 1738902054804.jpeg (648.32 KB, 828x1326, IMG_8100.jpeg)

papa meat looks like figaro pho

No. 2387316

Watching Muslims post stuff online is literally like watching some primitive species with very little brain function try to blend in with the humans. It's equal parts funny and scary.

No. 2387390

>"When girls are crying or upset, they call them princesses and give them the world"
>"But also too, women are under a pressing assault today in this country. They're losing their ability to compete in sports and beauty pageants"
>"What we probably would agree on is that in a society that makes women feel as if they need to be more like men, all you get is really bad versions of men."

Watching this video without being able to interject felt like torture. Also it was funny how most of the anti feminist moids suddenly became egalitarian and feminist when it came to 50/50 finance splits between men and women

No. 2387399

Except she actually is those things and they were pieced together over multiple videos, not her introducing herself that way.

No. 2387413

The looks of the anti-feminist had me bursting out loud.

No. 2387425

I hate men so much. There’s literally no such thing as a male feminist

No. 2387427

I want to a-log all of the moids in this video

No. 2387430

Couldn't finish. They need to have manifesto chan (not in the actual room but just a little robot box with a voice changer to protect her identity) vs the antifeminists.
Then have her go after the moid "feminists" Just have her verbally castrate them all.

No. 2387441

That's depressing because bunnygirl/hostess jobs are basically prostitute-lite jobs. Groping and sexual harassment is expected because the moids are so entitled that they invented the hostess job for the purpose of sexually abusing women easily. Not to mention the pay gap in general ensures that even Japanese women are forced into these jobs to make ends meet and it's been this way since the 80s, it's all by design. She's naive and playing with fire if she thinks she'll benefit from this, especially as a lesbian because it's a requirement to flirt with the moids there and I've known of other (heterosexual) foreign hostesses who have even done walkouts from the harassment they received, she's going to come out of this sexually traumatised regardless because she'll just be abused by moids. "They said I didn't have to drink and could go home at midnight, but I was made to drink and they didn't let me go home at midnight." Wow really? I wonder what else they'll make you do. If she's actually autistic then this is just proof that autistic women are easily taken advantage of. The fact she even has a video talking about her second day. Blackpilling.

No. 2387473

She's talked about that, she's in her 30s so she isn't under any delusions about it but she mentioned that in this specific place they don't let them touch the girls and if they feel uncomfortable, they kick people out. I doubt she'd do prostitution otherwise she wouldn't be vlogging and doing a daytime cleaning job too. I actually like her, she's very honest and no she doesn't glamorize it at all.

No. 2387475

Oh also, she made a correction after the first night and said she misunderstood. She doesn't have to drink and most of the girls drink non-alcoholic drink but pretend they're alcoholic.

No. 2387568

>"feminism is supposed to empower everybody!"
This is why feminism has made so little progress in the current era

No. 2387774

They're going to need some cardio, a lot of squats, and to lift actual weights. Aerobic exercises marketed to women don't realistically work. They seriously expect you to flail your arms and legs around in the air for 60 minutes, instead of just a few minutes of exercises with the heaviest weights you can lift. Push ups and pull ups are the only unaided calisthenics a woman should even bother with. But everything marketed to women is the opposite of this.

No. 2390647

File: 1739131275334.jpg (63.32 KB, 683x449, Screenshot_20250209-185750_You…)

what do you nonnas think about those zombiebeatz2000 clones? It's mostly wasian e-girls fishing for compliments from depressing moids, it doesn't feel genuine

No. 2390650

Annoying as fuck and I'm sick of getting them recommended to me.

No. 2390651

It's cringe. Idk why anyone would want to larp as zombiebeatz to begin with, all of her orbiters hate her now

No. 2390653

Retarded shit from druggies and angry kids who lived in a comfortable home in the suburbs that you shouldn’t pay any mind to

No. 2390664

Zoomies cant come up with a single original idea, tragic

No. 2390704

File: 1739133238446.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.85 KB, 720x1150, Screenshot_20250209-121246_You…)

Looking at gymnastics on yt is so depressing, videos of underage girls stretching get millions of views in a few weeks, while coom bait channels like this can't even garner a real audience

No. 2390733

I got her recommended for ages until I finally clicked on it and honestly she really is very likable. Nowadays all female content creators look so perfect, live in flawless apartments, act a certain way and edit professionally, so in comparison her fried hair, her trashy taste and her just rambling around feels somewhat nostalgic, she reminds me a bit of the old gaijin cows except not moid-crazy. As far as I understood she only started that bunny job recently and her main job is house keeping (so she's a cleaning lady?) I do think she drinks on the job but she said she likes alcohol and she often says that her "Mama" tells her to take a break but she doesn't want to go inside until she got a customer, so I guess according to her she's getting treated well.
At first I thought she looks surprisingly good for somebody who might already be 30 (I don't think she ever mentioned her actual age) but she admitted to using filters and she looks a lot rougher in older videos and interview by other youtubers.

No. 2390757

File: 1739134936049.jpg (61.29 KB, 610x423, Screenshot_20250209-220428_You…)

why his face look like that

No. 2390764

I think she's quite cute to be honest kek

No. 2390814

I just watched a bunch of her videos and she is such a mess but I oddly still like her, I hope she sorts her shit out though she seems too content with just barely making it

No. 2390931

She said she uses beauty filters on her videos because she's insecure, but she isn't going to lie about it or pretend she doesn't. I've seen two videos where she alluded at not being in her 20s, and she has permanent residency so I doubt she's been in Japan for less than a decade. Im pretty sure she's in her early to mid 30s. I worry about mentioning anyone I actually find likable on lolcow because I don't think they deserve the spergouts that can randomly happen here, but with her she's genuinely so honest and doesn't have any affectation so I'm not sure what they'd have to whinge about. She herself acknowledges that her hair looks bad and that she uses a filter so what is there to try to expose? Also yeah re:bunny job, she drinks because she wants to and has already stated she could request alcohol free drinks before her shift to the bar guys but doesn't.

No. 2390932

Watch the video he's reacting to and you will find out.

No. 2391030

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Because you're both faggots

No. 2391032

Men can have femboys all they want. Keeps us safe.

No. 2391050

They can have femboys if it means they'll leave us alone.

No. 2391053

They always say this shit to give us hope and make us lower our guards.

No. 2391057

It doesn't work that way. "Femboys" are dependent on the oppression of women and misogynistic ideals. If, suddenly, tomorrow there was no more women in the world, the phenomenon of "femboys" would also disappear. The sexual appeal that scrotes feel towards "femboys" is that a man would deign to forgo his innate superiority to masquerade as a woman, i.e., the societal inferior. The sexual thrill of the "femboy" is: "I look like how a woman should look, I sound like how a woman should sound, I act like how a woman should act, but still I'm superior to women in every way because I am of the dominant sex." The whole phenomenon reeks of deep & intense misogyny.

No. 2391061

Based, wonderful explanation

No. 2391071

Correction, she's been in Japan six years. I always thought it was a litte more difficult to get permanent residency, don't know were I got that then.

No. 2391104

Since I don't watch valkyrae or go out of my way to see her content, I never noticed how "no thoughts, head empty" she was until others pointed it out here. I don't dislike her, but watching her try to converse without an aid is so interesting. She genuinely has nothing to say kek her main vocabulary is "awwww that's so cute" and "awww omg". Not hating, it's just funny to me because I never would have noticed before since I don't really see much of her content.

No. 2391121

It always rubbed me the wrong way when i realized that femboys are always sexualized while tomboys are not, it's like a gross fetish than a choice of clothing or lifestyle

No. 2391125

I haven't seen any of the other clones, but I remember seeing this girl's channel pop up. She came across as derivative and insincere with how she was acting in front of the camera. Apparently she has BPD from what I read, so the zombiebeatz2000 cloning makes sense.

No. 2391142

This is so painfully awkward to watch

No. 2391183

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this moid also made this shit, he's clearly gay

No. 2391246

>case of 13 year old girl sexually abused since she wad 11 and then murdered by her moms bf
>rottenmango intercepts televised footage of the mom being interviewed with clips of herself pretending to be the interviewer and mimicking the interviewers questions around 11 minutes in
This bitch is so batshit

No. 2391254

Is she a psycho?? wtf

No. 2391268

Genuinely. This is the most cringe shit she's ever done, she even tried to make her voice low and sultry. Wack ass bitch

No. 2391275

This might be controversial since she used to do mukbangs while talking about brutal murders, but I think she got a lot worse in the last 1-2 years. The role playing, convoluted stories, and reading of unrelated internet comments are just terrible and even more disrespectful than eating food. I barely recognize the cases she talks about. It's such a shame because she is talented and wastes her potential like that.

No. 2391278

Wait, what is she talented at? Dramatizing fiction? Binging and purging?

No. 2391279

I think she is good at telling stories. I really enjoy her videos about mystery books and Korean dramas. She should just stick to fiction, but she is way too greedy for that.

No. 2391283

samefag. I also think a lot of the decline comes from her outsourcing the research to other people. She probably just reads from bullet points now.

No. 2391287

Actually I think her decline is her choice to dehumanize real people and their traumas and murders into creepypastas, while centering herself as the focal point and greedily refusing to use the real language because she's afraid of losing ads and sponsors. She's for real nuts.

No. 2391290

Yeah, but she was already doing that with the mukbangs, and yet it's gotten worse in my opinion. Maybe she just became more narcissistic when she got rich, but she used to have a coherent and engaging narrative and now it's just confusing ramblings. I'm sure it's because she's not really familiar with the cases anymore.

No. 2391343

This video is so crazy, she goes off on these ridiculous tangents and when she's "quoting" people she confuses tenses, can't keep it straight, makes it confusing.

No. 2391762

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izzzyzzz trooned out? What?
Reddit is cancer anyway so who cares

No. 2391769

She is taking testosterone

No. 2391773

Where did she mention that

No. 2391780

Don’t quote me but I think she does that for the podcast listeners. This used to only be a podcast and it was ironically so she could talk about dark cases without censoring. But I guess she took it to YouTube and now even the podcast has edited language. I just find it so strange to say CSA instead of saying child sexual assault to avoid censorship but you can describe the child sexual assault and abuse in grave detail? It made no sense to me. Also I don’t like cases dealing with kids I skip all of them. People should just stick to true crime cases involving adults imo. Leave deceased kids out of your monetary gain. I also think she should stick to horror book retellings those were fun.

No. 2391783

Nta but even if she didn't mention it, did you not notice her growing facial hair and her voice frogging suddenly?

No. 2391919

I hate this bitch and her fucking "I'm about to cry" face on every thumbnail, she needs to get punched!!

Anyone who's watching and supporting her should get punched too.

No. 2392037

No she was never only podcast. She used to do mukbangs, then started a podcast for the more serious cases (I think the podcast was fine in the beginning, it seemed well researched to me). She then stopped doing mukbangs, made videos for the podcast and churned out more episodes.

No. 2392197

The way she talked I also thought it was longer, 6 years doesn't necessarily mean she's already in her 30s. She said she got it with the help of a lawyer. Nevertheless impressive, she has no education, works as a cleaning lady and bar girl, doesn't look exactly trustworthy (especially to Japanese) and nevertheless got what so many others fail to do.
In general I don't see anything wrong with not working a "serious" job like in an office (I often even feel jealous of people like that) but once you're old and want or need to retire it becomes a real problem…

No. 2393184

damn i thought i imagined that

No. 2395577

i'm beyond tired of them, they're all the same. Attention whores. Remove their circle lense and heavy makeup and they're not even cute.

No. 2396135

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Those type of channels look the same and act the same, they try to be zombiebeatz2000 because it's trendy. Sympathy baiting gets you cheap views nowadays.
Picrel is the kind of viewers she attracts

No. 2396151

Kek she panders to pedo moids as well and attentionwhores on her xitter
"OMG guyise stop being so sexual towards me!! so uncomfy uguu" bitch we all know you do this for attention. You dont have any depression when you live in a middle class 1st world country. KEK. Chopped to hell and back

No. 2396153

Her nose looks very chopper as well. Looks like her korean self hating parents paid her for a botched nosejob

No. 2396155


No. 2396162

What are you watching that gets this shit recommended to you kek

No. 2396333

So tryhard. E-girls really do all look the same and act the same, you couldn't tell them apart if they were on an assembly line that's bleak.

No. 2397078

why the hell was there a korean video of just fetishizing white teenagers in my recommendations?

No. 2397082

The stupid filters they put on it too ick

No. 2397090

I keep seeing these videos! This is why they get eyelid surgery and make themselves as pale as possible because white people will always be superior in their eyes

No. 2397110

No offense but it needs to be pointed out to you that they only find you attractive when you're above average model looks and almost every single edit on that account is of women when they're teenagers or literal children. So no. Asians don't want to be you, you don't and have never looked like that kek

No. 2397183

I didn't say that nonnie. I just mentioned how they have eyelid surgery and pale skin as they themselves see that as better. Which is true sadly

No. 2397399

That’s the lovely Ewa Aulin, she was 18 in that film but yeah still a teen and the sexual nature of the film isnt any better. has one of the beatles in it kek

No. 2397407

is she asianfishing as well? Those eyes looks unnatural

No. 2397474

Well somone got a little too pressed

No. 2397825

Kek she did

No. 2400414

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Unhinged misogynist blaming women for trumps presidency in the comments of a video about The Substance. The video literally has nothing to do with this but men just can’t help being anti women at all times. Fucking hate these pieces of shit

No. 2400416

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No. 2400417

Someone is not pressed solely for telling the truth bluntly. Korean women want to look like manwha characters and ai fairies, and the only time they share "inspo" of westerners they're children or filtered heavily to the point of being unrealistic. They don't want to look white, they want to look like ethereal beings.

No. 2400525

Pale skin and big eyes have been an Asian beauty standard since ancient times. I don’t think westerners who say Asians want to look white know just how different their beauty standards are. A lot of white women that are considered very attractive in the west would be ‘ugly’ in east asia and vice versa because it’s more about looking dainty and young than it is about having European features.

No. 2400553

It's crazy to me that they try to say that. Look at any picture of Asian women who adhere to beauty standards, it's cutthroat and not a single one looks or is emulating the look of Caucasians. Its just a crude and low-iq statement.

No. 2400570

Yeah but who exactly said that asians want to look like white people? They fetishize many white teen actors and that's true. Nobody said they want to look like white people (although they do imitate some typically white/western features like double eyelids).

No. 2401632

>i think it's weird how asians fetishize underage white girls.
>uhm, newsflash, actually they don't want to look like you, they don't like you, you're not that pretty!!!

No. 2402170

While there are some truth to there being tons of woke women in teaching professions, I hate how the video implies that women are the only reason behind the shitty state of academia, ignoring the massive funding and systemic propaganda from woke male billionaires that actually started this shit and have all universities in a death grip. The comments from all the smug males gave me cancer

No. 2402193

You're not a hyperspecific, hyperedited, neotenous looking fairy-faced child, are you?

No. 2402232

Are blond hair and blue eyes also a part of historical asian beauty standards?

No. 2402659

The proliferation of "FORGOTTEN MEDIA that was FORGOTTEN" when it's not actually forgotten, it's just that the retarded early 20s zoomer who made the video wasnt born yet and didn't do any research is irritating. I'm a videogame sperg in my later mid 30s and the number of "LOST FORGOTTEN PLAYSTATION GAMES THAT NO ONE PLAYED" that talk about stuff that was incredibly popular and could be found at any and all stores in the US at the time. I don't fault anyone for not knowing something or not having been born but making an hour long deep dive about it is so tiring.

No. 2402716

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the point is that east asian beauty standards are less eurocentric and more pedo-centric, they think looking like underage white children as the pinnacle of attractiveness

No. 2402723

>A woman wearing a sleeveless shirt

No. 2402724

No and they aren’t part of current Asian beauty standards either kek. Sure they have become somewhat more westernized and hair lightening has become popular but virtually nobody has bleached hair, the lightest they will go is light brown. Blue eyes definitely aren’t a beauty standard either but rather women wear blue eye contacts specifically for social media and pictures. It’s mostly to make your eyes look bigger and not to resemble a white person. Not sure why you’re so insistent that they want to look white, most white people have strong/wide jaws, big heads and defined cheekbones which are seen as masculine and unnattractive. The only white celebrities they like are ones with tiny jawlines and they don’t actually try to emulate those people because they have Asian celebrities to emulate. All the female kpop stars who are the height of beauty look nothing like white people.

No. 2402730

>males are too retarded to graduate college
Men are livestock. Normalise roasting them over a bonfire like pigs on a spitroast.

No. 2402762

File: 1739721091237.png (353.13 KB, 1079x1160, 1000020137.png)

>"Women shouldn't be in academic positions because they are too offended by facts and logic"
>The facts and logic in question:
>Scientific racism
Every time

No. 2402765

Yeah it's actually insane how fetishization of western child celebrities was and is still totally acceptable in Korea and Japan. Old celebrity gossip magazines from the 80s and 90s in Japan are full of white children with their shirts off and wearing tiny underwear.

A lot of Korean scrotes have pictures of Natalie Portman when she was a kid on their wall from that pedophilic 'Leon' movie.

No. 2402766

>There's too many women in academia!
God I wish. Maybe women's health would actually be studied and taken seriously, instead of being in the backburner

No. 2402767

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she's sexo, need her as my wife

No. 2402770

Pickme pedobaiting Asian girls and ugly incel loser orbiters are drawn to each other like flies to shit. In a way she's based for milking these losers for view revenue. In every other way, she's cringe and a stupid cunt.

No. 2402773

> In a way she's based for milking these losers for view revenue.
its like saying prostitutes are based, pedo baiters only cause harm to real children.pickmes deserve nothing

No. 2403032

>nooo asians don't want western features, they want features that they made up! They think western people are ugly!!
Meanwhile korean, japanese and chinese people
>Invented double eyelid surgery to look more like western people
>Fawn over western children and start extremely popular styles based off of western child actors
>idolize thin noses with a higher bridge, typical western feature
>idolize blue eyes
>the type of person that's considered most attractive is a half-western person
Whatever you say

No. 2403056

Well, first of all, double eyelid surgery makes you look like an asian woman with double eyelids, not a white woman. But more importantly, the truth is that there are a lot of elements that go into the concept of beauty, and you can see the ideal of the exotic beauty with rare features alongside the ideal of the wholesome, pure girl next door who could never be mistaken for a girl from the next province, let alone a girl from another country, alongside the idea of the hyper-made up bombshell celebrity, just like how america (speaking because that's all I know) has the 'exotic' asian babygirl/curvy latina ideals and the cleangirl/tradwife ideals and the victoria's secret/egirl/kardashian ideals. Nothing as simple as "the most attractive person in asia is a half-western person" could ever be true in the same way that "the most attractive person in america is a (whatever)" could never be true. It's just more complex like that. It would be a really great idea for non-asian people to start thinking of asian people as normal people in and from normal countries with all the same complexity as anyone you humanize more if you ask me which I know you did not

No. 2403092

File: 1739735790163.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.45 KB, 630x371, 00197087.jpg)

>most white people have strong/wide jaws, big heads and defined cheekbones which are seen as masculine and unnattractive.
Have you never seen one of the million comparison pics of kpop singers and actors next to often random white (or black) people? Despite being shorter their heads are huge, many of them have wide defined cheek bones and especially koreans naturally have huge brick-shaped jaws, head size is absolutely something they praise about foreigners (and not just in young children).
Not posting this to call them ugly, but you're simply wrong anon. And it's ridiculous that you're still going on, shooting against white people, when no farmer here said that asians are jealous of herself or that she looks like an underage 80s/90s actress but you immediately started seething and throwing around random accusations and insults. The op only called out their pedo tendencies, you made it about something completely different.

No. 2403150

Some people’s obsession with white children and teenagers doesn’t mean that they’re the beauty standard nor does it mean people try to emulate them. Tons of Asian people have double eyelids naturally, again having large eyes goes back to ancient times. Blue eyes are seen as rare and exotic but not “idolized” and you don’t need them to be considered beautiful. Most of our thin female celebrities would be considered fat for their standards too. You should try to look outside of your western bubble for once and realize Asian people aren’t as obsessed with white people as you think. The people who are are like the East Asian equivalent of weaboos.

No. 2403161

Just because some Asians do have square jaws and big heads doesn’t disprove my point. In south korea especially having the tiniest jaw and smallest head is considered beautiful, and most white female celebrities have stronger and more defined jaws and cheekbones. It’s not that we have squarer jaws than them, it’s that our celebrities could have square jaws and still be considered beautiful. Also I agree that their beauty standards are pedophilic. But there is an anon who keeps insisting European features are ‘idolized’ and influence Asian beauty standards, which they do not.

No. 2403175

Also if you think saying European features arent as sought after in Asia as you think they are is an insult and I’m being too mean to white people i think you need to get over it kek. I literally am a white person with a strong jaw.(triple posting)

No. 2403582

Agree 100%, it's such a pompous way of thinking.

No. 2404809

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No. 2404810

what fucking language is that

No. 2404814

NTA but its Polish? You didn't even type it right kek

No. 2404820

kek what in the world?
>HRT could have saved them
if any of them were on hrt we wouldn’t have had a show because they would have killed themselves!

No. 2404856

>be absolute dysfunctional permanently ruined children of rich psychopath with various forms of resultant cluster B disorders/mental illness/shit personality syndrome
>they should take hrt!

No. 2405099

but there's already olenty of gender politics in succession.
>logan embodies toxic masculinity and it's the basis for his entire predatory, abusive worldview
>the entire waystar royco empire is built on that. this isn't even subtext, they subsist in hate speech and institutionalised sexual abuse
>all logan's sons fail to live up to their father's expecations of masculinity one way or another and this messes them up
>shiv is the most competent but always get fucked over, even when she plays habdmaiden, simply because she's a woman and this messes her up (happens to gerri too)
all of these themes are extremely obvious. no analysis or interpretation is required, it's literally happening right on screen. none of it would change with horse piss. i hate trannies so much it's unreal

No. 2405136

File: 1739838929759.png (334.6 KB, 828x1412, korblox.png)

(1/2) these kids are so fucking retarded.
for anyone who’s not familiar, ‘korblox’ is a sought after body model on ROBLOX that is missing a leg

No. 2405152

File: 1739839287133.png (141.94 KB, 828x1114, что.png)

>the fact she’s so pretty and confident!
>she’s genuinely so pretty!
will preface by saying the girl in the video could be editing her leg out, but my point still stands holy fuck we really have regressed as a society. there are SO many comments like this acting as if just because she’s missing a limb she can’t be a normal human being. giving her this weird unneeded sympathy when she’s obviously not struggling at all and is far more accomplished than these retard children will ever be. she’s not fucking mentally disabled!
>you clocked that girl!
TOPKEK oh my god when will it end

No. 2405366

I still don't understand why tifs are obsessed with jeremy strong, is it because he's an ugly short man?

No. 2405649

depressed abuse victim sad boi, I think it's for the same reason they love jesse from brba

No. 2405725

damn i just watched her new video & she's with a man. its rare for a women to be an actual girls girl

No. 2405798

I was disappointed too. If she gets a boyfriend again I won't be surprised. And then the things she says in her videos will age really badly because of it

No. 2406071

I was confused when an earlier nona called her a lesbian. She very clearly said she had a long term relationship with a man for a while (even if she apparently didn't feel sexually attracted to him).

No. 2406483

I wish this nigga & the comments would kill themselves already

No. 2406659

That first original comment is right though

No. 2409322

Is there a way to filter AI slop on Youtube?

No. 2409327

I used to think it was a tif but its just a manlet troon chaser. His troon boyfriend left him because he ''came out'' as a lesbian. This video always makes me laugh.

No. 2409436

File: 1740062899836.png (472.55 KB, 847x617, really..png)

I click on this YT video and less than a minute in I've clicked off. Why do so many retarded libfems feel the incessant need to pander to misogynistic fetishists? She's from Denver of course.

No. 2409441

Kek I think its funny how he makes a video saying he gave up on love because his new rebound came out as a lesbian. Then goes to make a video advertising his discord to talk to new people. I kind of wish more women made neet vlogs like him, but I understand why most don't. This vidcrel is one that made me throw up in my mouth

No. 2409471

a lot of self-proclaimed neet woman on youtube are unfunny zombiebeatz2000 skinwalkers nowadays

No. 2409513

Yeah, which is why I understand why most don't. No real neet woman wants to be compared to noriko or your vidcrel. It's a shame because it'd be nice to actually find a community of neetvlog women who explain the actual ideologies that come from being a shutin & not glorify it. Shame

No. 2409621

File: 1740075459891.jpeg (233.61 KB, 1170x1017, IMG_1009.jpeg)

I was looking for the penis to vagina song from Emilia Perez and a real graphic video of a tranny getting a dickchop came up second in the search results. Gross, but I thought this comment was funny (I cropped out the surgery in which a fleshless penis was getting cut off, you’re welcome, but search “la vaginoplastia” on yt if you’re into that I guess)

No. 2409628

I cannot stand her… the tryhard, forced, obnoxious irl animu "hey guys i'm sooo quirky and awkward, aren't I cute?" schtick is so irritating. It's pickme behaviour, tbqh. Guarantee a large majority of her views are creepy white downlow pedo dudes with an asian fetish.

No. 2409721

It's genuinely confusing how middle aged women will use the comments section of random people's videos to post random blogs about their own lives. Has anybody else noticed this? It's bizarre.

No. 2409824

>Waahh moids are underrepresented in contemporary fiction
>Women are 80% of readers and publishing employees wahh this is bad CHUCKLES Chicks! They're girly books!
This is embarrassing

No. 2409875

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I often see comments like "I'm dying of cancer and your 3 hour videos about the transphobia in 90s kids shows really help me to through my darkest moments!" it's usually zoomers/millenials and often moids though. I hate it, it's just attention whoring to the max. The tragic backstories of these people get less tragic by the day too.

No. 2409882

Men could write their own books like women do, if they dared.

No. 2409892

Her moid is a troon and she mentioned going to her first pride as a "lesbian" in one video kek I've hatewatched some of her content

No. 2409943

If moids bothered read, purchase, and write said genre, MAYBE the publishing industry would actually bother to sign them. Fucking retards. All I hear is men bitch about genres they don't even fucking like and they're crying they're not getting publishing deals on said fucking genre. Cry harder,fags

No. 2409945

Aren't majority of famous authors male too? James patterson, Stephen King, etc… Maybe men should stop bitching and learn to read more.
Most women authors had to use a male alias to even sell their books back in the day.

No. 2410496

I've been wanting to say something about this for ages. YT comments always contain uncomfortable oversharing and tbh I think a majority of them are fake. It will literally be some random consoom product video and there will be different variations of "I just lost my son to late stage triple quadruple carcinoma and prostate collapse. It's been tough. I am a disabled retired combat veteran momma bear, life is hard without my cub. Your videos aways comfort me." Even if it were remotely true, what an uncomfortable thing to dump in the youtube comments when the implications aren't for support, it's for likes or special acknowledgement

No. 2410498

most men have fried their attention spans with porn and vidya. they don’t read unless it’s something retarded like how to be a sigma entrepreneur by selling crypto 101. how is that our problem

No. 2410521

What was that study that showed that men will think woman dominates discussion/talks too much when she occupied same amount of time as her male counterparts. Men hate to hear women and this "buhuhu no books for manly men" just means men are not dominating the publishing field 90 to 10 anymore. I still won't believe that even half of the books in any random bookstore are from female authors.
All I hear men going YAP YAP YAP.

No. 2410601

You would think Stephanie Meyer committed a grave sin with the way men made fun of her for writing self insert fic…as if men haven't been doing it since the dawn of time.

No. 2410708

File: 1740138826003.jpeg (242.32 KB, 1090x1090, IMG_3737.jpeg)

This isn’t a YouTube exclusive thing but I come across it more often on there; I loathe the brand of couples that post videos of themselves doing shitty things to each other then getting mad at the comments for calling them out.
> How dare you make judgements about us based on the type of videos we post!
It’s almost always the man doing something shitty to the woman, too. Picrel wasn’t the worst video wise but the comment was bang on for what’s usually said afterwards.

No. 2410821

File: 1740149142356.png (67.31 KB, 547x134, hm.PNG)

This almost looks like satire with how many stereotypes it checks off. I don't even hatewatch tranny content so I have no idea why it's pushing this on me

No. 2410833

Idk who this moid is but hopefully his gf will read some of the criticism online and realize huss funny haha jokes are plain old abuse

No. 2410841

i want to erase the word "representation" from the entire english dictionary

No. 2410916

Tbh I hate the “it’s just a joke” defense from moids. More often than not when moids “joke” it’s more so a feeler to see how people react or they probably mean what they’re saying. I especially don’t trust the ones that joke about things like pedophilia or beastiality. It’s always a cover for their degeneracy that’s why they get so defensive when they get called out.

No. 2411002

Those type of sympathy bait comments have become some sort of self aware meme/copypasta type thing where they just pile on to the point of becoming ridiculous. I don't look at youtube comments much but they also come in the "i'm 71 years old and this is relatable" format.
They've even become a thing on steam reviews, they're like "i'm 67 years old and i play this game with my son" or something like that

No. 2411181

This male just got recommended to me. It sounds like a teenage boy. All his handles are full of women being tortured and horrifically killed or sexual shit. His YT content is all just pornrot and women being tortured.

No. 2411188

I feel like a lot of the sympathy bait ones aren't self aware though, or they at least get retards buying in to it.

No. 2411193

are you talking about the artist or the person who made this video? Isn't she a biological woman? She's just generic wannabe Justin Whang for late zoomies/early alphatards

No. 2411262

I remember seeing this video a few months ago and clicking on it. The amount of shit this girl got wrong (about the websites involved, I don't know anything about the artist) made me so mad I clicked off the video. Youtubers used to be passionate about the shit they cover but now they just grift off whatever is shocking and popular enough to gain traction. You can tell she doesn't give a shit about any of this (which is okay, I'm not expecting her to do so), but some of the things she says are so easily disproven that I wouldn't be surprised if she used AI to write the script.

No. 2411265

yea skumbagovich/frankie fey reads like a woman to me. i like her accent and this type internet history content in general. the video she did on the padsona guy she used preferred pronouns but didnt delete or denounce any comments calling out his fetish for what it is.

No. 2411271

Yeah I stopped watching her videos because of her fake nice fake accepting act as well that just attracts faggots and pervs who are looking for validation and support and want to be told they're not weirdos for their autistic interests.

No. 2411293

>about the websites involved

No. 2411308

it was the reason why i got grossed out when she made a discord server, i can't imagine who would join other than creeps who are too comfortable with their degenerate fetishes and possibly curious minors, which is worse

No. 2411378

Yes. It's a small detail, yeah, but the fact that she didn't care enough to look up that it's an American site used for hosting (mainly) Japanese art ticked off my tism. It's so obvious it hurts to even point out. She called it a "Japanese image board" if my memory serves me right.

No. 2411559

i was watching a video on a couple from 90 Day Fiance (pls don’t judge it’s my guilty trashy pleasure) and some “lady” was in the comments like “me and my husband never fought in the 19 years we were married until he died of cancer i miss him so much i’ll never love again” …ma’am this video is about a tranny chaser.

No. 2412791

That fucking username kek of course it's a tranny

No. 2413646

>Video about attractive and unattractive conversation topics with women
>"Women generally don't care about things that impact their general reality, this is why philosophy is a bad topic to bring up when dating women, the women simply aren't as introspective as us men"
Maybe it's not because women are shallow. Maybe it's because the vast majority of men into philosophy are retarded
>Lists astrology as a great topic unironically
Nevermind. Why did I even bother

No. 2413752

we all watch it, it's fine

No. 2413768

>I am a disabled retired combat veteran momma bear, life is hard without my cub.
Kekkkkk why is this so accurate

No. 2414175

The astrology sperging seems so overblown in general. I don't know a single woman in rl that cares about it. I don't believe all the crying from moids that there is this huge epidemic of them that don't get layed because they have the wrong star sign.
>Maybe it's not because women are shallow. Maybe it's because the vast majority of men into philosophy are retarded

No. 2415617

What she calls "cluttered" is stage 3+ hoarding. I watched the video and she's right, but she has to waffle around so much to be PC, and it's even worse because it sounds like she grew up in a hoard. Just come out guns blazing. If you make children, you have a duty to not live in a dirty shit hole. I store my clothes in bins because I have 0 energy, there is no excuse to throw clothes on the floor.

No. 2415717

this is why I cant deal with moids who watch youtube. why are they all so eager to get their opinions wholesale from Random Internet Douchebag #7825? and the ones who watch THIS slop can't even focus without the information being presented in an easy-to-digest meme format. embarrassing.

No. 2415766

Doing Gods work keeping the men who watch these videos single forever.

No. 2416382

File: 1740417470746.png (49.33 KB, 374x110, Capture.PNG)

I don't understand why this needed a whole video made about it. Animated porn video of childrens game character is in an animated porn video made by an animation porn artist originating from a site that has animated porn. Such a fucking surprise. And I hate how this thing is now being talked about again when it should have been left in like 2020

No. 2416385

Pretty sure these are self-promotion posts disguised as hate posts.

No. 2416390

Because YouTubers are attention whores who don't understand that "deep dives" need a subject with actual depth.

No. 2416391

I'm not even the anon who originally posted it, I just saw it in recommendations and remembered the channel being talked about in this thread. such a shit channel

No. 2416398

There's no mention of "deep dives" in the title or description of that video?

No. 2416425

she said in this video that zone-tan is a "woman" kek
NTA but those videos has thousands of views, it makes no sense to self-promote it, especially on sites like lc

No. 2416430

These types of videos are basically trying to be the same thing, especially if they're over 10 minutes long.

No. 2416503

File: 1740421318487.png (27.81 KB, 582x250, Screenshot 2025-02-24 at 19.17…)

Is it just me or does every comment section (at least for music) look like picrel now? I saw a "anybody still watching this uwu?" comment on a video that's three months old with 50 million views. Yeah, I really doubt anyone's still watching.

No. 2416505

I hate those attention seeking comments. People still like them too.

No. 2416534

theyre bots

No. 2416689

>If you make children, you have a duty to not live in a dirty shit hole.
My mom recently told me that when my siblings and I were little she spent every night mopping the entire house because she didn't want us to crawl on a dirty floor and accidentally get something in our mouths. She was younger than I am now and I can't imagine doing all that, but that's why I'm not a mom.
It's good that nowadays moms feel free to do less because it was always unfair on them but instead of their husbands picking up some workload, it feels like it's only the kids suffering in return. So many are doing the absolute bare minimum parenting: no restrictions during pregnancy, no need to change the house when there's suddenly small humans living there, no need to spend time with them when screens exist, no need to show or teach them anything at all, that's what school is for,…

No. 2416705

I love how they insinuate she's an idiot and should've used her spidey senses to avoid the situation, while he was a rational thinker who fled as a fast thinking response to being robbed.
"She stood there like a moron and let herself get robbed while he took advantage of the fact they had a gun on her and their attention on her and abandoned her to save himself! Such self preservation! It's survival of the fittest!"

No. 2416724

Anyone here familiar with Nexpo? I like his video topics but his editing and script can sometimes be too much. That aside, is his accent an actual American region accent or is he just ESL? It makes it hard to understand him sometimes.

No. 2416731

That's because hes using AI voice along now

No. 2416756

Really? Because he always had that weird accent and would say some words wrong even in his older videos. I'm just surprised someone whose entire career is based on yapping can't even talk properly even after years of doing it. And a presumably native speaker at that.

No. 2416812

I don't want to discuss philosophy with a man, because I don't want to have an existential crisis when I discover his unfiltered retarded opinions on life and how he defends said shitty opinions.

No. 2416942

He's American with a fairly standard American accent, he's just not great at reading off a script. If you watch his unscripted Nick and Ryan videos, he sounds perfectly normal when he's just shooting the shit with people. Some people just can't really do scripted reading very well.

No. 2416963

I always wondered too. I am pretty sure he is American but there is something different about how he sounds? I think he also puts on a voice almost like elongates his words and stuff if that makes sense

No. 2417016

I noticed that, too, and I'm pretty sure he's just trying to be "suspenseful" and also pad out the runtime of his videos. His old videos sounded more normal.

No. 2417377

File: 1740449029666.png (26.86 KB, 873x108, cruise.png)

The middle aged moid comments are worse. I saw this comment on a video about a cruise ship review. I burst out laughing when I read it. How can someone be so pathetic?

No. 2417458

KEK are you me, nona? You hit the nail on the head. Anything more than small talk with a moid gives me cancer because why are they all like this??

No. 2417634

You don't need to crosspost videos in every thread

No. 2417706

File: 1740459336110.png (42.9 KB, 364x104, image.png)

I don't watch this guy but did he always look like a melted popsicle?

No. 2417709

File: 1740459423945.jpg (8.66 KB, 213x236, images.jpg)

I always thought he was a TiF. Not in a ~troonfoil~ way but bc he looks like one and got famous when a bunch of TiFs did. He looks like Fubar and has always skeeved me out

No. 2417711

He's an ugly manlet too.

No. 2417725

No but you made me realize that's an apt description for his voice

No. 2418055

John tron randomly appeared in my feed today. I didn’t know he still post since i last watched him like 8 years ago, but how the fuck is he STILL fat? Scrotes really just live their entire lives being fat and ugly and are ok with it. How hard is it to eat a fucking vegetable and take a walk?

No. 2419344

ugh that weird nazi faggot didn't fuck off the internet forever??

No. 2419773

Oh, I definitely think it's fine that women don't feel pressured to work themselves to death anymore. It's just pathetic that people are trying to normalize having a house packed full of unnecessary junk thrown everywhere, so that you know they can't clean around it, and it's dirty and probably getting stepped on and knocked over all the gd time.

No. 2420308

>be rich
>make all your money in nyc
>move to bumfuck indiana and take up the locals' space
>buy an entire school
>turn it into your house
>make youtube video about it
>profit even more
Cool concept but this is the reason why our economy is so fucked. Why can't these people stop attention whoring?

No. 2420311

KEK holy shit he has the same haircut too.

No. 2420314

Kind of related but LGR did a video on the software they used to make the Animorphs covers and it was incredibly expensive at the time

No. 2420320

Who tf wants to live in a school with that prison-like interior design and possibly filthy unredeemable walls and floors??

No. 2420329

People with too much money and nothing better to do than to act quirky and then show off. I can't imagine how much asbestos, lead paint, mold, and other old banned chemicals have been sitting inside of there rotting for years either. They're really just masking all that stuff by building/painting over it.

No. 2420369

Another annoying breadtube-adjacent brainlet moid making dumbass yap videos online. Don't spoil your kids, his mom must be disgusted that he posted this online (complaining about washing dishes, cooking, shopping for food, and preparing/cooking foods).
Someone in the comments wrote "This deserves more views. This is such a huge thing for neurodivergent people and I feel like nobody talks about it. Thank you."

No. 2420384

Wouldn't it be better to turn this into a community center? I cant fathom living in a school in the middle of nowhere. I hate people with too much money.

No. 2420424

>701 subscribers
Least obvious self post ever.

No. 2420477

NAYRT but the algorithm has been pushing smaller videos and channels lately, it doesn't seem like a selfpost

No. 2420602

YouTube has been prioritizing older videos (published 5-10 years ago) and very small channels recently to reignite watch time. You can see in comments how people are seeing much more obscure and niche videos in their feed now. I can post more shitty unknown YouTubers, I collect them like Pokemon.

No. 2420621

Fattest Minimalist I've ever seen.
Absolutely unwatchable cringefest, thr video shows him washing himself multiple times as well as washing and his Tesla car, him sitting on the edge of his Tesla eating a micro salad and Gatorade, running around, walking around, eating takeout at 10pm, jump scare at 21:00 of him in a bathtub, etc.

No. 2420818

Probably explains why I've kept seeing vidrel (and similar) in my recommended. Seems like these cringeclowns want to be the next Tony Bomboni.

No. 2421173

Men are so pathetically desperate to DARVO. Grasp at your pearls over a TikTok of a woman flipping a jigsaw puzzle, you stupid bastard. My unemployed uncle murdered my aunt so he wouldn't have to divorce her and lose her money, my highschool best friend got beaten by her fiancee so bad that he broke her leg while she was pregnant. Men run their mouths and have no fucking idea.

No. 2421186

File: 1740636559195.jpeg (163.13 KB, 750x426, 59B15FF4-7548-492C-B7BE-E60AA7…)

I'm not saying this to make fun of her but this literally always happens, like clockwork. I wonder if the male friend in question she is talking about was Kenzo.

No. 2421817

Why does every pretty social media woman have this face? The specific brunette, angular face and big eyes. I never knew so many women with this face existed.
Anyway there's no way she eats that much food in a day and stays as skinny as she is, even with her running

No. 2421826

samefag, her boyfriend is ugly as fuck

No. 2421835

Probably because those are the most common features amongst the human race. But I get it kek I cannot tell these bitches apart.

No. 2421837

Almost as if beauty standards are universal and semi-objective. Kinda nitpicky post ngl.

No. 2421840

Thought this was a typical scrote yells about women type channel, but saw this video where the scrotes tries to argue that the woman recounting her sexual trauma wasn't raped because "erm actually she was just manipulated and not physically coerced, so it's just coercion". He tries to downplay her dissociation as being 'regretful'

No. 2421863

>clicked on the thumbnail to see what you're talking about
>title is automatically translated in my 1st language for no reason but whatever, it's just annoying, not the end of the world
>video starts
>the girl's voice is replaced by a male AI voice that automatically translates whatever she's saying
>took me more than a minute to turn this off because of the mobile app
I hate youtube.

No. 2421868

Yeah tbh I finished the vid and ended up liking her, wish I returned a few mins earlier so I could delete my post
Her bf is still punching though

No. 2421876

Saw this yesterday and immediately thought the same. I like that she always addresses the viewers as you girls instead of guys like every other woman does and she also claimed that she has only female friends yet we constantly see her letting herself getting interviewed by weird moids (despite her claim that she hates those japanese videos in which she has to lie) and then she recently went shopping with a moid best friend who she even calls when she has to go home alone at night… But what to expect from somebody who thinks working in a bathing suit is empowering.

No. 2422223

Kekkk for sure. One of her videos also defended prostitution and basically anything a woman does as being empowering for her even if what they are doing in question is objectively degrading. I know she has at least some level of sense more than the average woman but still, so freaking retarded

No. 2422608

>Sees thumbnail of influencer I recognize
>"Oh shit, is she a pedo coomer or something?"
>Click video
>Video is obviously made by some kid
>"She says she never eats processed food you guys, kids are only exposed to processed food! Healthy food is more expensive than goyslop! This is unrealistic weightloss advice to kids!"
>"Clara is a horrible person for promoting eating disorders to kids!"
>Video is well received in comments

Gen Alpha sometimes, I swear kek

No. 2422609

>inb4 she actually does have an eating disorder

No. 2422748

Cant stand Clara Dao, being flat as a board is her entire personality

No. 2422749

She did get better looking after her jaw surgery though

No. 2423957

File: 1740800380236.png (789.02 KB, 1262x706, fagfailmales.png)

just found this guy on YT called "idle neet" who makes insanely boring videos about his wasted life living with his mommy and daddy in their mansion at 27 and his tranny boyfriend. he also mentioned browsing /v/ lol. average 4tran user

No. 2423961

27? He looks 39

No. 2423968

and he doesnt even have the excuse of stress or sun exposure since he has no job and just plays video games all day. men are such a waste of resources

No. 2423973

>living with his mommy and daddy in their mansion at 27
i fucking hate seeing privileged neets that do nothing. i want to be a neet to focus on my art and coding. I wish i had rich parents

No. 2423981

I forgot about this guy until I found this on yt

No. 2423989

when westerners talk about anime tropes it makes me cringe, they always wax poetics about it when japanese people only see it as funny cartoony tropes

No. 2424002

German moids dont be degenerates challenge (actually impossible)

No. 2424008

I thought he was Swedish

No. 2424013

idk he sounds german and i just scrolled through his videos and saw a lot of stuff in berlin. but if he's not german then just remove "german" from my original post in your head kek

No. 2424365

File: 1740834069695.jpeg (408.02 KB, 1179x2149, IMG_0582.jpeg)

I hate this so called dermatologist, who is obviously a faggot. I’ve blocked his content numerous of times and his homo ass still pops up in my shorts all the fucking time.
He always starts his videos with “Hi dermatologist here!”, with his disgusting nasal faggot voice. All his videos contains of being a fake advocate again climate change and overconsumption, and bullying people. In this video he is sperging about some girl using a reusable plastic cup with a glass straw. And the comments on his videos reeks of little kids acting fake woke, acting like anyone who uses anything made out of plastic is the devil on earth. I’m 100% sure neither him nor the retards and his comments sections even practice what they preach.

No. 2424510

she looks so cute in the thumbnail, i think this color really suits her. i don’t care for her infantile body posi shit, but she seems nice, got annoying when she started dating her boyfriend and started acting like 12-year-old girl in her first relationship.

No. 2424526

File: 1740846123234.jpeg (401.14 KB, 1125x2000, IMG_5398.jpeg)

this video is about how the obsession with calling women 'pick me' turned into misogyny and hating on short girls, obviously some manlet had to moan about his 'struggles' in the comments and got thousands likes. women can’t focus on themselves for one minute

No. 2424529

He really did not have to type that lame backstory. The only thing he needed to type was the last sentence. I would be annoyed at him too, anyway. "Little guy"? Really? The only time I'm ever going to call someone a "little guy" is if I'm referring to a small child. Grown men need to just stfu about being short.

No. 2424545

$10 says this is a TIF

No. 2424565

Link the video

No. 2424572

File: 1740848269297.jpg (52.43 KB, 654x472, Screenshot.jpg)

No. 2424595

It's crazy how none of you except one anon clocked this woman kek like come on this has TIF written all over it.

No. 2424612

it’s ridiculously long imo since the topic can be summed up in 15 minutes, but i think she dunks on this annoying tik tok bitch whose entire content is playing an imaginary evil short woman.

No. 2424621

Thank you anon. I hate that tiktoker and how a large genre of videos on there is “make up evil nlog to get mad at”

No. 2424680

I just can’t with these attention seeking scrotes. Writing fan fiction as a failed attempt to make a counter argument against women, or to override our struggles.

No. 2424893

that is so obviously a tif idk how you got tricked

No. 2424896

Kek I really cannot believe this website. Months ago anons would have immediately clocked the reply as a TIF. 5'4" is the average height for a woman in America, like it's a very feminine-coded height kek, and the fact she talked about loving being a "short little small dude man bro boy" is such a give away. What happened to this website I swear to fucking god.

No. 2424898

If you are genuinely 5'4 as an adult man, you likely had some kind of serious illness or genetic disorder that impacted your growth. Like either you had a pituitary tumor or your parents starved you or some shit. The percentage of actual men at that height has to be exceedingly low.

No. 2424902

its not the height that gives it away. its the typing style and the contents of the comment itself.
lolcow took a nosedive mid 2024 and its not gonna recover kek its been dead for a while we're all just hesitant to admit it

No. 2424904

Yeah, no man on planet earth would ever post like that kek

No. 2424935

why the hell did youtube recommend me a video about Kokichi tif amputee self-insert game?

No. 2424976

this is straight up garbage. what is this mediocre animation even supposed to be about

No. 2425018

Homie shows up in every other thread I lurk recently, the fuck.

No. 2425077

It's so annoying that subtitles automatically translate to male gender. This japanese youtuber is always solely addressing a female audience, this video is even supposed to be yuri, yet in english it switches to "he". My language too, even often adding a "Sir".

No. 2425085

>The percentage of actual men at that height has to be exceedingly low.
In America maybe, there are lots of countries where most people are short.

No. 2425089

I'm pretty sure the reason they're uncomfortable is that this deluded woman is referring to herself as a man and "just one of the bois hehe". TIFs are so fucking annoying and constantly seek validation for their mental disease. No1currs, STFU you penis envying freak kek

No. 2425117

I always get the opposite problem on twitter lol, they always translate everyone as "she/her"

No. 2425272

objectively wrong and he's trying to move the goalpoasts (deeper sulci). It's all just to throw society back to the 19th century

No. 2425926

>19 yo high functioning autistic scrote gets police sent to his door for a noise complaint
>they see holes in the wall
>they figure out while they're there that he has a warrant for his arrest from another county for domestic violence
>while at the jail he finds out he won't be released in time for his job interview at McDonald's
>starts panicking and screaming and banging his head
>officers tell him he will be strapped to a chair for his safety, scrote panics more
>after numerous times in the chair he eventually bangs his head hard enough to leave a giant welt
>he eventually dies of complications at the hospital
>comments be like "m-mental health needs to be taken seriously!" "poor kid, he was blocked by his family!"

God I hate people

No. 2425944

>tard used to tard raging to get out of trouble
>finally in a situation where his retardation wont be babied
>rages himself to death
darwinism got him

No. 2425946

File: 1740928664118.jpg (348.5 KB, 1080x1547, 1000010758.jpg)

wtf is this comment section

No. 2425951

violent moid ends up dead? I know they can't say it publicly, but I hope the mom and sister are happy to be free of him and I won't mind if they successfully sue the cops too.

No. 2425954

Is the second comment really placing blame on the mother and sister for being assaulted in their own home by a retard

No. 2425957

name a better duo than males and violent outbursts

No. 2426023

Males and suicide rates?

No. 2426048

That screaming, autistic moids are demonic and should be put down.

No. 2426181

Why are whores always the biggest pickmes

No. 2426576

I don't know what people expect cops to do with somebody like this. They couldn't leave him in restraints 24/7, even a hospital couldn't do that. He was always eventually going to get himself into a situation where beating his head and whining could not get him special treatment.

No. 2427180

many asian cultures just have completely foreign values of what westerner's would consider attractive. In china, there is a meme about how 混血儿 or mixed children are considered the epitome of attractiveness(with millions of views). Most of the time, people mean mixed with white or other caucasian people, rather than black or other races. asian people believe that mixed kids have better faces. this is a result of subtle racism, a bit of self-hate and a culture that normalizes pedophilia.

No. 2427187

Dont some Chinese rich families literally buy mixed children from baby farms? Like that slav baby farm that got exposed

No. 2428106

I don't know about the specific case, but yes it's become fashionable for rich Chinese families to have eastern european surrogates for mixed babies, they always pick mixed-kids never fully chinese one's

No. 2428190

File: 1741090062545.jpg (501.33 KB, 1080x1752, Screenshot_20250304_130535_You…)

what is this slop… as if a snickers and a coke zero is 1000 calories

No. 2428191

The thumbnail with the moid's giant head and soulless eyes perched on an innocent child's shoulder combined with the subject matter is so fucking evil. Buying children for "desirable" aesthetic is sex trafficking and no one can change my mind.

No. 2428198

Even a regular coke and snickers bar would only be 400

No. 2428208

Damn this looks like a nice lunch though.

No. 2428247

It's so frustrating listening to her humanise the scrotes that harmed her. They would never give her such grace. I wish her all the best.

No. 2428253

Lettuce tomatoes and croutons sounds like a sad lunch, at least add some chicken, remove the dry ass croutons, add some avocado and a little bit of dressing or something.

No. 2428290

File: 1741096982696.png (645.07 KB, 1091x961, c37DN1N.png)

this is what selling your soul looks like

No. 2428333

He looks so ugly, I hope he dies soon.

No. 2428348

It's one thing going to a euro or east asian country and getting clicks by asskissing there. But fucking India? kek What kind of positive thing is he gonna claim?
But on the other hand, you always see plenty of indians unironically commenting that indian food and everything is so clean and superior, so I guess they believe anything…

No. 2428383

No. 2428384

nobody contacted her because her style wasnt ever anything interesting, the clothes were some cheap le girly slop without distinct direction but her makeup was outrageously hideous

No. 2428391

I really wish women were less empathetic, she's humanizing the people who victimized her. She even sees herself as part of the problem, in a system where she constantly meets moids who are married, who choose to go behind their wives back and buy sex.

No. 2428393

do you have something to say about india considering youve posted these two moids?

No. 2428405

We are two different anons, I posted the video because her post reminded me of it. And yeah, India is a terrible country, what about it?

No. 2428616

>Men need to stop losing themselves in OnlyFans, ai dating, porn
>Women need to stop ghosting, and using men for attention
Women are just as bad guise!

No. 2428859

It’s prob not superior or anything but it’s pretty tasty. I hope you all don’t actually think ig reel street food videos represent the entirety of the country’s cuisine

No. 2428864

>"Women are the problem too!!"
I know it's impossible to ask someone with such horrible trauma to be normal, but like…can she at least try it

No. 2428903

Unironically why can't women all be a hivemind so individual women don't embarass us like this

No. 2428922

File: 1741130077122.jpg (32.38 KB, 720x325, 1000000736.jpg)

A comment about the incel that charged at emiru. Men legit don't deserve life

No. 2428932

I WOULD like to believe that not being stalked and raped is as easy as not appearing conventionally attractive, but scrotes have made it crystal clear that you don't even have to have a pulse to be assaulted.

No. 2428933

I feel really bad for her. I've watched her videos before and I think humanizing the men who have victimized her is a way to cope with what happened to her

No. 2429124

Meanwhile in reality you aren't even safe as a 91 year old grandma from some 14 year old scrote

No. 2429240

she talked about women who were trafficked forgiving/loving their abusers but damn that’s still you. no matter how lonely or ugly or disabled the men who buy sex and feel entitled to women’s bodies are total shitheads. fuckin…ghosting is not responsible for human trafficking and porn addiction.

No. 2429260

omfg moids are just repugnant. At this point i assume all men who think this way abuse the women in their lives.

No. 2429409

This kind of stuff makes me want to cry. What is going on with ourchildren? ?

No. 2429424

>our children
men* girls arent raping the eldery

No. 2429501

A 14 year old is a child. A child is not and will never be a man. Something is wrong and acknowledging that is more important than blindly dumping them all into the same exact category and pretending that something systemic and deeply disturbing isn't being done to influence young boys.

No. 2429518

>it’s not in their nature to be retarded rape apes there must’ve been something else to blame influencing young boys!
Its called being born with XY chromosomes, males will abuse whoever they can get their hands on as a child and grow up to attack others when they realize they can get away with it. It’s retarded to act as if this is a new thing while killers have self documented their innate need to torture and abuse living things in their adolescent for years. The fact theres a subset of men that can be born with a gene that fucks with their empathy and causes them to be violent while women don’t is enough to prove they’re defective.

No. 2429520

just watched the video and it was early porn exposure, of course.

No. 2429523

Porn is to blame actually, continue sperging if you want though I guess

No. 2429527

Little boys are commonly more unempathetic than girls. Even kindergartner schoolyard stereotypes have merit when it comes to that. They squish bugs, physically bully more often, need fights one way or another for stimulation.

No. 2429538

Also no protein at all on that salad. You'll be left hungry and start binging on unhealthy stuff because your body is screaming for quick calories. This kind of shit is actual eating disorder enabling.

No. 2429540

That doesn't mean we just give up on children and stop advocating for their protection and education to be better people that grow up to be something other than rapists you fucking retard.

No. 2429542

You could raise a XY in a perfect environment with all the love and care and support possible and all it takes is one search on the internet for him to turn on you. Why would I waste my time on something that will eventually yield no results?

No. 2429556

Porn is just another outlet for males to commodify women but it isn’t the only reason why male children are so inclined to assault others. Moids will see a woman exist and use that as fap fodder for their imaginations later but of course it’s all porn and totally not just the way men naturally treat women’s bodies or the way they treat anything weaker than them as a “submissive hole” to be used. It’s why you have stories of men raping animals in rural villages or have historical evidence of men raping young boys, there was no porn then but there’s always men and young boys ready to rape whatever they want

No. 2429570

They've been doing this shit waaaaaay before porn

No. 2429582

Porn exacerbates what's already there. You can show a hundred girls pornography and the worst some of them will do is turn into degen fujos and tragic pickmes, and maybe you find one girl who turns sexually violent (although it's far more likely that she and the other girls will be victimized by sexual violence instead of enacting it). Now what happens when you show a hundred boys pornography? What tends to happen to those boys? They aren't writing wattpad omegaverse in their bedrooms, they're out there raping their female schoolmates, their male schoolmates, teachers, grannies, and unrelated women.

No. 2429672

Moidlets have been raping since before the internet was invented. Sylvia Likens and Junko Furuta's killers were all teen scrotes.

No. 2429678

That were raised by awful men who were gang members themselves and never taught right from wrong. It's cyclical. I swear some of you are autistic as fuck and never interact with real people or children because you think being nihilistic and not nurturing kids is okay since they're just "gonna rape anyways". There's no point in reasoning with any of you because you're deadset on sperging all of the time.

No. 2429684

Realistically, you're right and I agree deep down, but being a hater gives me comfort.

No. 2429693

Towards the end of the video he says how he started watching porn at 10 and was watching porn before he raped her

No. 2429694

Directing your rage at children who were often molested or subjected to dubious content by their fathers/ older brothers/ male cousins etc is misguided. Of course there will always be outliers, but in reality most of this would not be happening if it weren't for predatory male behavior and cyclical abuse. Grown man shows their son porn, son forces younger male cousin to give him oral at sleepover, younger male cousin goes on to molest his little sister, etc. It never ends because grown men continue to hurt children and women and teach their sons that it's okay to do so. There would be far less child sociopaths if they weren't subjected to male degeneracy at a young age. There would be far less horrible people in general. There will always be bad people who start out bad, but I gauruntee it wouldn't be so prevalent without porn and male degeneracy. Children are still children and deserve to have a childhood unsullied by me trying to indoctrinate them into violence, and you often will never learn the reason they start out that way. Men are opportunists and get away with all kinds of sick shit and male children are subjected to a kind of sexual abuse at a young age that's a bit different from female sexual abuse, as other young boys often sexually abuse each other and then pretend it never happened. Most of this would not exist if men didn't indoctrinate young boys into their evil.

No. 2429700

Male evil is innate, one day you'll realize this. The "good" ones are a anomaly. None of the things you listed would exist if scrotes weren't consumed by coom

No. 2429707

Nihilism is so ugly, thanks for reminding me. Keep pretending that there's no way to help, fix, or change the cycle of abuse.

No. 2429712

Anon, you're right in that fourteen year olds are kids, but are you really gonna argue this hard over a fourteen year old rapist?

No. 2429717

No one, not a single person was caping for this kid. Literally the only point I've ever seen being made when it comes to child killers is that they are still children and referring to them as if they're adults is factually incorrect.

No. 2429733

File: 1741184158938.jpg (730.92 KB, 1073x5010, Screenshot_20250128_075505_Pin…)

It's the truth. It's not a "man" problem, it's a male problem. So many young girls (picrel) are ready to include men in their feminism, defend them against harassment, say they suffer sexism the same as women do and it's just as bad when women do it, often oppose objectification and unequivocally any depiction of a male in a situation where his consent in a sexual context is blurred or denied, and call any moid with a sliver of decency towards women "the standard" and a trustworthy male. Meanwhile, teenage scrotes are making ai porn of their classmates, taking pictures of their underwear, and telling women and girls "your body my choice".

No. 2429736

You can't lol You can only temporary suppress it.

No. 2429743

Except only male children do this shit. I bet you have a son which is why you're offended on their behalf.

No. 2429769

young girls
>grow in a highly misogynistic society where they are taught from birth they will never amount to anything besides being wifes/mothers/sex objects
>are sexualized since birth
>make up most of the child sexual abuse victims
>are more likely to be victims of bullying
>if shes the oldest sisters she has to take on the role of caretakes for hers younger siblings
>gets catcalled and sexualized by both older scrotes and boys their age
>goes through period every month
>are taught to excercise countless beauty rituals like shaving, makeup, skincare, etc to look good to scrotes
>primary developers of ED, self harm, etc
>commits 0 rapes or murders, isnt a menace to anyone

young boys
>allowed to rot in bed playing vidya, never taught to clean dishes or cook
>never seen as a sexual object, never objectified, never catcalled
>less likely to be bullied than young girls
>never taught to wash their asses, allowed to stink up the place wherever they go
>world caters to their every whim
>commits rapes, murders, robberies, school shootings, adult women have to fear getting raped by them

I am so tired of this ''b-but t-they are victims too!'' no, they arent. They are just scrotes. If it was true that trauma leads to commiting crimes women would be a fucking menace to society by how they are treated since birth. But we arent raping or murdering people because we arent scrotes.

No. 2429775

Yeah that made me lose IQ, like she's comparing human trafficking and sexual abuse to.. ghosting?

No. 2429776

Whenever men do violent crimes people always blame their poor mothers for being the sole cause of it. Like plenty of female child abuse victims don't grow up to rape and beat kids like their dads did to them.

No. 2429782

Yeah its funny how ONLY men seem to continue the cycle of abuse, despite women making up most of the CSA victims. Interesting how girls get bullied and treated like shit by both men and other girls and they never go on mass shooting sprees. Could the issue then be men? nah, it cant be them, they are just poow victims.

No. 2429787

Kill him. There is not coming back from this. If a man as young as 14 is going to rape an elderly woman, he's useless to society. Get rid of him.

No. 2429791

So at 10, when he is highly influenced and his brain is not fully developed, he watches violent and degenerate videos about how to degrade women. At 14 he is raping a woman. Kill him.

No. 2429951

Damn you're dumb as hell

No. 2430009

they're male

No. 2430202

I refuse to acknowledge that 14 year old moids are children. 13-17 are teenagers, they're minors but they're not children, especially moids

No. 2430825

Lower the age of criminal responsibility for moidlets. They DO know what they're doing.

No. 2430851

izzzyzzz released a new video whining about troonphobia and dangerhair oppression for a few minutes

No. 2430903

Thank you for the summary so I don't have to bother with it.

No. 2430921

I don't disagree with this video (uncle Roger is definitely cringe) but it's kinda weird seeing Asian masculinity content spreading to yt

No. 2430924

I fucking hate Uncle Roger so much. I don't care if it's a "persona", his entire humour is that retarded fake Asian accent and "my exu waifu wazu a phat whoru"

No. 2430991

I've been watching more of these Korean western celebrity videos after this post, and some are so weird kek. The comments are awful as you'd expect

No. 2431088

File: 1741234355313.png (556.71 KB, 638x609, isabelle.png)

Genuinely: what HAPPENED to her? What sort of horrific thing did she experience that spurred her to do this to herself?

No. 2431103

Some anon once theorized how a fugly male youtuber mentioning he had a crush on her in one of his videos, and ever since she started uglifying herself to deter him, lol.

No. 2431104

Hopefully another anon can chime in with this, but i learned from another thread that she used to look more stereotypically feminine and she had a ton of thirsty moids writing really gross comments on her images. I think she felt uncomfortable with moid attention. It also seems like she likes the idea of being ftm but seems afraid of going all in.

No. 2431109

Yeah the fake accenting weird, stolen Valor

No. 2431114

File: 1741236776464.png (351.8 KB, 451x451, 2021.png)

Her uglification is something to be studied

No. 2431125

i do feel bad for her if that's the case. wouldn't be surprised if she just trooned out to troon out though

No. 2431164

i don't like the makeup style but i respect the fact she is actually treating it as some kind of self-expression. sick of hearing that it's art when almost everyone does the same thing.
heard about some men talking about getting off to her face quite a while ago, not just one.

No. 2431182

Isnt she nonbinary already?

No. 2431184

i dont mind honestly, she still mogs the average male youtuber

No. 2431211

This is about youtube as a whole and not a specific youtuber but I dislike how inauthentic videos about a lot of topics are. I was looking for videos about no buy/low buy and project pan and trying to see if anyone was recording their own personal progress but instead most videos were recorded like documentaries but with none of the good things you usually get from a well made documentary. Just a bunch of women talking on camera about what are these concepts, how to avoid failing, shallow, useless advice, and the benefits of saving money by making your coffee at home instead of ordering cups outside. I hate shorts too. I had to scroll down for some time to find anything close to what I was looking for.

No. 2431237

No. 2431658

Also gets old when your only joke is "white people suck". Also another scrote that likes to be sexist but hide it under "white women bad," even though his ex wife is white.

No. 2431689

Fuck, I like her videos, but I guess I'll stop watching them. I'm so sad about the state of weird woman channels that talk about fandom nostalgia, even the most stereotypically feminine youtuber is a they/them and if not, they're handmaidens like Jenny Nicholson. It makes sense when most of them were social rejects growing up, and being a tranny makes them feel special. It would be neat to instead have a YouTube niche with women who embrace being cringy/having unconventional fashion sensibilities. Trannies truly ruin everything.
It must because of the transition pills. Shame because she was pretty

No. 2431766

>they're handmaidens like Jenny Nicholson
Unpopular opinion, but I never liked Jenny Nicholson and her videos. I never understood how so many people on lc liked her

No. 2432112

Yeah he's not the "white people can't eat spice" jokester, he's the "white women are retarded whores who can't do anything right" faggot type

No. 2432287

She's better than the more outwardly obnoxious video essay youtubers such as Xiran iknowthisbitchdoesntactuallyuseherchinesename Jay Zhao and Hontra.

No. 2432289

I didnt like her either but the least credit I can give her is that she seems like a genuine nerd with some honest videos. Some anons probably see themselves in her.

No. 2432332

File: 1741306913287.png (61.44 KB, 1166x578, jennys.png)

I used to like her earlier videos because I thought her type of Aspergers was very similar to mine and I enjoyed her humour. Once I realized she was a big part of the MLP community, I started to view her more critically. I think she has the same problem that a lot of YTbers like her do, where they become more and more successful so they switch from frequently-uploaded funny short videos to rarely-uploaded drawn out "video essays."

I really hate any YTber that has a Patreon, because sometimes I look at those Patreons and I just think like "wow, do they really deserve that much money for this?"

Picrel is Jenny's Patreon. She has 60703 members. Her member fees range from $1/month to $25/month. So, that means every month she's making 60.7k dollars at minimum or 1.5 million dollars at maximum. So she's making $728k to $18.2 million dollars a year (before taxes and fees) just from her Patreon alone. And for WHAT? For Youtube videos??? It makes me feel nauseous.

No. 2432352

She's always been a hardcore handmaiden. I don't mind it too much if it's sprinkled here and there but a whole entire video dedicated to this shit is unbearable.
I see nothing wrong with this. Let her live. Women don't have to be attractive to have worth.

No. 2432372

She's taking testosterone and she's gotten filler

No. 2432374

That's fucking insane. No wonder she could afford that retarded star wars trip with her troon brother, I thought it was just off her videos since she rakes in millions of views

No. 2432396

It is insane. I think that's what makes them so unlikable to me, knowing that they are in the upper echelons of wealth. Jenny isn't even really a YTber anymore, she makes like 1-2 videos a year. Why are her retarded fans still paying her for nothing?

No. 2432399

>taking testosterone
>gotten filler
What the actual fuck, the hrt I could kind of forgive because there's no way she's taking a big dose of it and there is hope she'd dislike it and nope the fuck out before she causes any undue harm to her body but the filler just shatters that last crumb of respect I have for her.

No. 2432403

>Why are her retarded fans still paying her for nothing?
Nta but she apparently has simps from places like 4chan

No. 2432408

You're fine with her taking testosterone but dermal filler is where you draw the line? Wtf
Not doubting but care to elaborate?

No. 2432417

She releases monthly videos on Patreon still. So the fans that pay her are essentially the only ones getting regular Jenny content.

No. 2432418

I mean there's not much to say, on /tv/ there's some anons saying how cute she is or that they wanna fuck her. I imagine that it's men attracted to her who might be sending her money but idk

No. 2432419

File: 1741311265580.jpg (46.01 KB, 491x612, gettyimages-1719865802-612x612…)

her star wars hotel video was indirectly funny to me with her "sister" featured whos literally double her size and built like a linebacker. lowkey looks like he's skinwalking her too. creepy…

No. 2432420

This picture always fucking gets me.

No. 2432422

File: 1741311680003.png (107.08 KB, 330x347, gfdfd.png)

No. 2432428

kek i am one of the full on jenny simps and i pay for her patreon, it's less than a cup of coffee and i like her videos, what can i say. she's spoken on her patreon about why she doesn't make the same kind of content she used to and it basically boils down to 1. being so popular that any smaller thing she would make fun of gets legitimate hate mobs, even if she tells her fans not to harass them and 2. having stalkers that are threatening enough she no longer enjoys youtube as much as she used to. i like her older videos too but i kind of get it. she's the type of cute aspergers-y nerd girl that insane scrotes think is their soulmate and will chimp out on if she happens to disagree with them about anything, because in their heads she's their perfect tistic star wars/mlp waifu. anyway i still love her even though her brother's a tranny.

No. 2432440

There’s an entire imageboard dedicated to discussing her. Naturally the users are all the most repulsive males imaginable.

No. 2432449

>There’s an entire imageboard
Is it one of those e-girl ibs?

No. 2432450

What's that weird, brown stain on his knee?

No. 2432451

never mind I found it, holy shit now I feel scared for her

No. 2432452

Which ib?

No. 2432453

Bitch youve never seen a bruise before?

No. 2432455

File: 1741314162128.gif (83.75 KB, 220x176, 1000020494.gif)

uhhh…how did he get it?

No. 2432461

Bruises appear vastly different depending on the skin tone.

No. 2432464

Don't pretend she's experiencing the internet for the very first time from a satellite connection to her remote village tribe

Anyone can get a bruise on their knee for any reason and that one is too small to be associated with being on your knees.

No. 2432469

File: 1741314972806.jpeg (860.45 KB, 1170x1596, 1722836324600.jpeg)

No. 2432471

well thats one of the creepiest websites ive ever visited. reason number 1000 i will never use my face online

No. 2432473

Yeah they are making ai generated porn and deepfakes of her on there.
I'm not sure if it can be reported or not

No. 2432474

File: 1741315396189.png (245.29 KB, 1131x510, Screen Shot 2025-03-06 at 8.40…)

I never understood why people spammed her so much (even for breadtube standards) and realizing its cause coomers is so painful.

No. 2432475

This is why I keep trying to tell girls that there's far worse in communities you can't access. This is child's play.

No. 2432477

Having a hard time digesting that these are real moids walking among us posting on that imageboard about a regular nerdy youtuber

No. 2432479

But if we say "don't post your face on the internet" they call us schizos and laugh at us. Oh the idiocy of it all.

No. 2432481

Don't start

No. 2432491

AI genuinely needs regulations as soon as possible, it should absolutely not be used for this garbage. Ai has genuinely made stalker stuff like this worse. too bad the world is ran by autistic techfaggots just like this now. moids are subhuman. All women should be against genAI

No. 2432492

File: 1741316314913.png (30.54 KB, 1214x181, dude.png)

samefag but dude come on

No. 2432499

This is one of those things that makes me feel OK that we'll all die and humanity will one day go extinct. Males fuck up so much. Every woman with an IQ above a potato tries to break the cycle, and every male who touches her will just be trying to fuck things up. Even scrotes who had decent upbringings will try to drag down a woman who struggled every step of the way.

No. 2432525

It will only be regulated when governments figure out how to make money from it. In the mean time they’ll allow as many victims to suffer as possible

No. 2433023

Sorry in advance for the spergery I'm gonna write but I needed to rant about this shitty video and I think this is the right thread for it.
I'm not against accessibility options for people with disabilities when they are actually needed and don't ruin the story or gameplay for these people but the expectation this youtuber has for autism accessibility is fucking ridiculous. He actually made the new Life is Strange game as good autism accessibility when that game has gay ass warnings every time there is screen shaking, a loud noise or potentially triggering topics like death. And that completely ruins the potential story for the autistic person playing the game. I'm of the thought that good art is supposed be challenging to the consumer, and as an autist myself the only thing that pisses me of more than people treating autists as retard babies is autistic people EXPECTING to be treated as retard babies.
Video games and art in general helped me a lot as a child with communicating and recognizing emotion and being a more empathetic person. And if you are such a sperg that you need a screen shake warning or a clear indication of sarcasm in dialog then maybe just maybe you are too childish to be playing story games like The Last of Us or Mass Effect. Maybe whatever family slop nintendo puts out regularly is more your speed.
I know I sound like a giant asshole for saying this but I really hate this modern trend of "autism acceptance" that basically allows spergs (especially male spergs) to stay perpetual unchallenged children. I feel that we should be understanding to the neurological difference people have while also expecting better from them. Like, I get it I'm not the best socialized person either, I can be pretty sensitive and kinda stupid, but I don't make that other peoples' problem.
Again I'm sorry for this stupid rant but goddamn this video pissed me off. Also It's made by a tranny so double cringe kek.
Also my favorite point this fag made in the video is that autistic people need to have pause screens in games so they don't literally shit themselves lmaoooo

No. 2433033

File: 1741367323608.jpg (153.23 KB, 1451x585, Screenshot 2025-03-07 164654.j…)

the advertisement on youtube is…..
Also am i the only one who finds it creepy how infantile the drawing is despite it being sexual?

No. 2433049

I hate sprunki so much

No. 2433054

It always has to be weird BDSM shit as well.
You know, for kids!

No. 2433061

I'm so glad I'm not a kid living in the 2020s. I feel bad for gen A and late zoomers even if they're annoying. Their childhoods are being ruined first from living through lockdown, now from their parents neglecting them and letting them watch stupid shit on their ipads before they can even form a sentence

No. 2433063

im a older zoomer but i am also a victim of the internet coomer brainrot. I can only imagine what it is doing to gen alpha…poor kids.

No. 2433090

This reminds me of how disability activists will freak out on businesses that operate in 150 year old historical buildings, until the owner gives in and permanently defaces the building with a 20 foot wheelchair ramp and elevator. I even saw one that had to do this TWICE because the original wheelchair ramp was in the rear, but modern idiots got butthurt over that. Sometimes it's OK for some things to not be for everyone.
It's definitely creepy. Just like those gross mobile game ads of a little toddler man getting eaten by a sexy giant woman.

No. 2433092

People like this annoy the fuck out of me because they act like every autistic person is bothered by the same things.

No. 2433097

yeah this shit was already sort of happening in the early 2010s. i remember watching a sprite edit video of mario and peach screwing

No. 2433113

When I was a child online, I always found the porn of children's properties way more concerning than normal nsfw. I used to go on hentai websites sometimes to read some obscure bl non h doujinshi (don't judge me, I had a fujo phase as a tween) and while reading them I saw explicit adds of Homer and Marge from the simpsons fucking, it honestly shocked me way more than "normal" porn, it also really confused me because who the fuck jacks it to Marge kek.
I'm lucky enough that I didn't develop any extremely deviant fetishes from it but I wouldn't be surprised if some zoomer moid can only masturbate to Simpsons hentai now.

No. 2433138

>who the fuck jacks it to Marge
you'll be surprised

No. 2433151

It really surprised me as a child, not so much anymore now that I'm bitter and old.
The Homer Marge and Lois and Peter Griffin people are degenerates and all but I also remember seeing advertisements involving kid characters like Lisa and Bart. The scumbags watching that on the other hand need to be culled like the animals they are.

No. 2433156

She's a breath of fresh air in the sea of YouTube slop, and everything she posts feels incredibly earnest without being try-hard. She hasn't changed her format that much since she started making videos, and you can tell how much effort and passion she puts into every project, so it makes the wait worth it. Her content feels like the old YouTube, when you where just hanging out with some random nerdy girl. As long as you don't follow her on Twitter, you can pretty much ignore her politics, as she always focuses on the topic at hand.
This is why it's so frustrating that she has a following of coomers, just because some of her hobbies happens to align with those of moids. I tinfoil that's why she went easy on bronies in her mlp video. She strikes me as smart enough to realize how part of her audience sees her, although I don't think she panders to them, but she will still be careful not to piss them of. Overall, Jenny seems like the stereotypically nerdy friend that's still accessible, unlike other female influencers, so it makes sense moids flock to her.
>having stalkers that are threatening enough she no longer enjoys youtube as much as she used to.
Christ, I didn't know it was this bad. Moids are putrid.

No. 2433203

Not trying to shame any women but I don't know how his Grandma can sit there calmly and tell him "tell the truth, she deserves the truth to be told." If I was in the same room with a rapist who brutalised a 91 year old woman I'd be beating him with a chair and shoving those lego play things in the corner into his asshole. Also side note but moidlets that look like genetic defects need to be killed on site, I know attractive men are just as likely to be degens but literally every moidlet and moid with this kind of backwoods methed out inbred dog face phenotype is always a rapist.

No. 2433217

I despise how YouTube shows sexualized shorts with women's bare asses/tits in the thumbnails when not logged in. It's clearly meant to be softcore porn for children.

No. 2433221

“Reee stranger woman isn’t as fuckable to imaginary male viewers as she used to be!”

No. 2433223

i dont think youre considering how rare it is that she isnt coddling him in the first place

No. 2433229

I mean true, although I do feel a bit bad condemning her off the bat cause as the video continued it seems she was just in disbelief that he could do that. So I jumped the gun a little.

No. 2433273

Checked out this video because I liked her take on 13 reasons why. I did expect some handmaiden takes but jfc
>describe bill's character as "a wet dream for gender criticals and background fanatic"
>claim agp like Buffalo bill don't exist irl
>While Simultaneously defending him because he's only killing women and wearing their skin to cope with his gender fee fees
>"if only he was allowed gender-affirming care, he wouldn't have committed all those murders! He was just taking matter into his own hands!"
>all while spending the first half of the video analyzing the objectification of women through clarisse with no self-awareness
Libfems are so tiring

No. 2433371

I hate this shit so much. Youtube used to be so strict about banning this shit but they decided they don't care because it makes them more money. And today they're concerned about banning swear words like it's 1930. Fuck Youtube.

No. 2433391

>Don't pretend she's experiencing the internet for the very first time from a satellite connection to her remote village tribe
Are you… insinuating people just naturally google individuals of different skin tones with bruises or something nona

No. 2433396

File: 1741386695323.png (251.58 KB, 1079x1771, image0.png)

>transition pills
I've seen it mentioned in another thread that she was on T as of it were a fact. Anyone got a source on this? At best I could find, she was going through some sort of medical crisis. Anxiety, I think?

No. 2433421

I actually enjoy a lot of her videos and I like how she's crass and blunt in a way that's pretty uncommon for female youtubers, which is why I was disappointed when she had those generic handmaiden takes. It's to be expected I guess but it's crazy how so many women seem to just lose all basic critical thinking ability when it comes to troons and are clearly just mindlessly repeating the "correct opinions" they've heard online.

No. 2433587

Her little Patreon meltdown was embarrassingly cringe to read through. She's trying to justify not uploading any content there even though she makes nearly a grande every month to upload content there. The best excuse she could come up with is "I have generalized anxiety disorder, PLEASE feel bad for me." Sorry, but GAD is such a common illness with such a simple solution that I really don't think it's a good excuse for "hey, sorry you all gave me $12k last year for nothing!"

As for the transition pills: just look at her. The hair on her upper lip is getting thicker and darker, her voice is getting more crackily and deeper, her whole face looks different and not in a normal age-related way. It might be a hormonal problem, but I don't think the anons speculating about testosterone are that far off.

No. 2433593

File: 1741394210469.jpg (197.72 KB, 1080x1285, GY3bYTHXgAA5nRD.jpg)

I saw an ad like this on a kid's phone, the female characters being tied up must be a reoccuring thing. Its crazy how many sexual ads ive seen on youtube that market themselves to children, this one mentions blowjobs

No. 2433602

I've seen this minecraft woman before, why does this exist? Who gets turned on from it?

No. 2433717

Hate to break it to you but there is literal porn of Minecraft and Roblox characters on pornhub, nothing is off limits for moids

No. 2433892

>just look at her
Man, I was looking for a source, not further speculation.

No. 2433893

Minecraft was one of the top searched terms on pornhub back in 2017 lol

No. 2433898

Autistic men is my only guess

No. 2434588

She grew a moustache, anon. If it's not testosterone, what is it?

No. 2434624

More slop from the YT algorithm, don't know (or care) what cycle this goblin's on about.

No. 2434689

Not quite clicking that I want a source, is it? I like having sources. They make me feel secure in my womanhood, you see.

No. 2434949

She also has an official playboy cover. I tinfoil that even the show's writers themselves jerk it to her (would explain the boobjob episode tbh)

No. 2435283

There's a difference between trying to appeal to men and becoming an ass ugly gender goblin.

No. 2435286

Ok what the fuck, I didn't know about that and I kind of wish I didn't learn about it now.
Men are just… they are fucked right up.

No. 2435561

I didn't think it was possible for a moid to have a based take on The Substance, I unfortunately had to watch it with a moid and he was the opposite of understanding. And then every moid take I've seen after that just verbally shat on Elisabeth/Sue and even Coralie for making it and being a "whiny feminist." But to my surprise, a moid who understood the movie and what it was about. I'm going to creep his other horror content, here's hoping he's not retarded in some other way like a troon worshipper or rape apologist. Men who like horror are always a little suspicious to me. But I actually liked this video a lot, same with Final Girl Studios' video about it. Although hers is more of a thinkpiece/video essay on the bigger themes at hand while his is a shot for shot explanation.(wrong thread)

No. 2435681

There's a difference between trying to appeal to men and becoming an ass ugly gender goblin.

No. 2435785

File: 1741476961649.jpeg (140.53 KB, 719x545, idiotic.jpeg)

And? Did they prank women who were obviously also impoverished, who had rough skin, janky teeth, and obviously never touched makeup? Or did they prank obvious middle and upper class women who had worked their asses off in school since childhood, starved themselves, and spent a small fortune on superficial cosmetic products as well? Because I think we don't have to watch the video to guess accurately. Broke men are a net loss for women, but even they expect a woman who works hard to support them both and look like an actual princess while doing it.

No. 2435800

The source is using your eyeballs and brain if you have one

No. 2435875

This faggot is back on yt an still reacting to gore videos

No. 2436024

>Short about a family getting stranded in their car in freezing temperatures
>Husband steps out on foot to find help, but is unable too before freezing to death 16 miles from car
>Mom and kid are left for 2 days in car when a passing helicopter approaches
>Mom uses an umbrella to catch his attention, and is subsequently rescued with her kid but unfortunately learns her husband was not the one who sent for the helicopter
>Husbands body is found days after their rescue

Clearly a sad story of 2 parents trying their best to save their family and one didn't survive.

>Top comment with 50 thousand likes is some pick me shouting about how the plane would have never found the car if the husband hadn't left tracks in the snow and the youtuber is a big meanie for leaving that out. Forget the moms quick reaction and clever thinking by using an umbrella, we have to remember to praise moids!!

So fucking weird, it's a sad video about a sad event and the narrator was just giving details of what happened. What kind of dumbass watches that and thinks "oh! he didn't praise the male enough!!" He didn't fucking praise anyone he's just reiterating a news story. Fucking hell. He's not going to pick you Brooke, he's dead.

No. 2436079

I can't believe there's still women who want to date Korean men

No. 2436082

I think you're overreacting. Take your own advice.

No. 2436100

sage for Necro sperg but im sick of the sappy idealization of the rural world. Cities have their retarded problems but so do rural communities.
There are no job opportunities except farmer and shitty dying industries like coal. Only rich remote workers would enjoy living there.
People think just because there are plants everywhere that there is no pollution(see cancer alley in louisiana).
at least if someone tries to put a petrochemical factory in a city, it will face resistance from thousands of people and regulation would not allow it, but in rural areas, theres less regulation and you would get maybe 10 people protesting and thats it.
Also every single thing is far away. There are no hospitals nearby(they often are shittier too and go out of business because theres no ppl), so if theres a medical emergency you’re fucked.
why would people with kids move to middle of nowhere dying towns like this? the kids would be bored as shit isolated with no parks, public square, recreation, slow ass internet, etc, especially as teenagers.
As with most things, unless you’re rich, it sucks.

No. 2436152

Every YouTube video essay is literally titled "The [Adjective] [Noun]/[Verb] of [Noun]" and it's 30 minute long video about some cartoon from three years ago.

Or—"This [Thing] BROKE ME!", "I/The World Was Not Prepared for [Thing]…" with some sp00ky thumbnail that gives you no context of why [Thing] is so [Adjective]!

They're all made in the same factory.

No. 2436166

this was written by a boy mom kekk

No. 2436186

Along with ASMRslop, and those stupid 'healing wave 123hz' videos, these cosmic "healing" lunatics end up on my feed more often than not.

No. 2436196

I just hate the film because it's got the most generic body horror and cheap sadness/psychology storyline to date, the directing is shit. I wouldn't be surprised if it was churned out by AI. Everything that happened was so blatantly predictable and the casting was shit too

No. 2436202

Movies most recently have been kinda shitty. That shitty French troon movie inexplicably set in Mexico but none of the main cast are actually Mexican. The movie that's essentially just straight-up porn. That fucking stupid-looking James Wan film. I just know that Odyssey movie is going to be garbage.

The only one I'm looking forward to is that Irish-language horror movie.

No. 2436206

The guy who's black metal career didn't work out because he's a talentless fucking hack with not an original thought in his mind so he grifts to the kinds of degenerates who would browse rotten.com and bestgore?

No. 2436240

Make sure you guys remember this when scrotes try to convince you they are people.

No. 2436244

Kek how do you fail black mental. I could make that shit in garage band despite having no knowledge of music theory.

No. 2436250

Pretty sure that's exactly how he makes his music lmfao. Also he's known to lie about his kids' health so he can e-beg. His wife/girlfriend/partner/whoeverthefuck is just as degenerate as he is.

No. 2436259

File: 1741511540410.jpg (34.97 KB, 720x249, 1000000752.jpg)

I hate youtube comments

No. 2436260

>black metal career
Absolute faggot shit that belongs in the trash anyways.

No. 2436269

Idk there's a lot of good female-fronted black metal out there. Asagraum for example. Plagued Moth's brand of shitty derivative DSBM still definitely belongs in the trash.

No. 2436271

Previous teenage metal enjoyer but I never listened to female-fronted so I have nothing to gauge that by. I hate black metal now and associate it with the most pathetic faggot losers imaginable kek. Men who like black metal are always retarded.

No. 2436278

PM is into Burzum and Barg so ofc he's a degenerate.

No. 2436284

Listening to burzum in 2025 is just begging for people to see you as 2edgy4mu

No. 2436377

File: 1741523891555.png (37.91 KB, 1174x290, Buffalo Bill (The Silence of t…)

>claim agp like Buffalo bill don't exist irl
he was based on multiple serial killers who liked crossdressing. both the book and movie mention that he's not supposed to be "trans" but rather believes he is due to a flawed sense of identity.

No. 2436754

nta but that's not overreacting lol. how is a helicopter going to see footprints?

No. 2436762

why did you post the same thing twice

No. 2436795

I posted about this before, there are so many channels who are entirely dedicated to muh chinese chads owning chinese roasties, because apparently chinese women have such high demands and now chinese men refuse to marry them (and are sooo happy on their own) and now chinese women are old and shocked that nobody wants to marry them (insert thumbnail of a panicking/crying chinese woman). And this shit gets millions of views…

No. 2437563

What advice?

No. 2437695

Not saying the claim isn't ridiculous, but OP is still using this as a chance to gender wars sperg.
Understanding it's a tragic event and not making "um actually x is the real hero here." "No! Y is the true hero.", really not the time.

No. 2437856

I didn't do that, I was pointing out how the commenter chose the male to praise and left out the quick thinking of the mother. The video was just describing the events that transpired, neither party was given praise. But the commenter decided to say the only reason they got rescued was because of her husband, disregarding the actions of the mother and placing all the "glory" into the actions of the moid even though there was no reason to split the appraisal anyway because both sides were given fair retelling. So no, I didn't do that, you just misinterpreted my comment.

>using this as a chance to gender wars sperg
Nta but the commenter I was referring too is the one who brought ~gender~ into it. Everywhere you look on youtube (and irl) people do that, lift moids up any chance they get and denigrate women. Noticing it and being bothered by it is just a natural reaction to it once you start seeing how pervasive it is. I wish I was as naive as you and still had my head half buried in the sand, life is easier that way.

No. 2437860

I still can’t believe he has like 5 kids with his psycho of a wife.

No. 2437861

No. 2437870

Anon you responding to her fully fleshed out explanation with "durr okay" doesn't make you look cool and unbothered it just makes you look slow. You might as well just not say anything at all.

No. 2437883

No. 2437909

No it's better she didn't give a reply, I don't really put much importance into the opinions of retards anyway.

No. 2437920


No. 2437924

Nta but your retarded one word replies contribute nothing you absolute faggot

No. 2437932

My bad

No. 2437947

Anons who have some desperate compulsion to have the last word, even if it's a nothing one word response always seem so juvenile and moid brained to me. Very rarely do they have anything of value to say, they just want to make noise and get attention.

No. 2437949

Trying so hard to seem aloof like a middle schooler. They think they're being le epic trololols too

No. 2437992

Lorry Hill looks even more botched now than when I first watched her like half a decade ago. So uncanny. One eye is stretched our, her lips are blown up, and her face is all lumpy, and her cope about how it's all normal is so pathetic

No. 2438011

Whoever did her facelift did a terrible job, her face looks like a mask now

No. 2438027

Video is from a doormat/pickme (or a trans?) cleaning a toilet, to mock International Womens Day. The uploaders pinned comment is, "I wanted to convey in a heartfelt way what this day means to me! I think I nailed it." With praise from the male audience.

The pickme/trans goes by Barbie Chan, who previously called itself Murdoch Chan (possibly an Arizonan trans, Murdoch Trans?). Murdoch Chan was in Murdoch Murdoch, a badly aged 2015 altright show beloved by cartoon addicted manchildren.

No. 2438101

I don't even remember Intl Women's Day being a thing at all before 2022, suddenly it was a big thing and blowing up everywhere. I think it's a fake celebration tbh and just opens women up to more mockery like I know no one is actually sincere about that

No. 2438121

Idk anon in my country women's day has been a thing for at least 30 years and wikipedia says it originate in the US in 1910 kek

No. 2438124

It’s been around for 114 years.

No. 2438125

ntayrt, i havent seen it celebrated outside of the last decade

No. 2438128

wow the average poster here is so braindead retarded.
>it isn't celebrated where i'm from so the whole thing is a conspiracy
how have you not maimed yourself from your own stupidity yet?(infighting)

No. 2438130

relax, no 1 care but you

No. 2438131

>"durr okay" doesn't make you look cool and unbothered it just makes you look slow

No. 2438134

The average IQ here gets lower each day, it's like arguing with a zoomer on Twitter sometimes

No. 2438153

The comments to this video are insanely full of vitriol toward the woman filming behind the camera, so I thought I'd leave this here as ragebait lmao. Enjoy.

No. 2438174

Burzum is the least edgy black metal band out there kek filosofem is the album that’s the most accessible to people who aren’t already into black metal. Dunkelheit has 20 million streams on Spotify. Nobody takes varg’s edgelord antics seriously.

No. 2438200

what's happening

No. 2438253

File: 1741619298972.png (41.99 KB, 464x112, firefox_hJTMMke95B.png)

I hate that I keep getting quasi political recommendations (didn't go for the clickbait) just because I like deepdives on retro games and niche media. It's either the troon rabbit hole or incel elon dicksucker crap.

No. 2438254

File: 1741619310600.png (324.63 KB, 1309x549, cN5EuAk.png)

there's just something really weird and messed up about calling child sex slaves 'femboys'

No. 2438258

to be fair the chinese spy was 26. I think men are just retarded and just throw that word to be a catch all for homos, towel boys and crossdresser.

No. 2438264

3/4 videos being about pretty femboys feels like a fetish thing, not gonna lie

No. 2438269

It probably is

No. 2438275

basically the guy in the video is a chef, he works 10-14 hours a day and when he comes home he makes dinner for him and his girlfriend most days. the comments are filled with people attacking her and how she's spoilt, her bf is crazy for doing that for them, he should leave her and get someone better, she doesn't know how good she has it, etc. people projecting their own miserable complexes.

No. 2438282

Every straight woman should have a pet scrote who does this

No. 2438292

I think the commenters got mad that he had to cook for himself. The explicit reasoning being that they believe women should cook for men, but the implicit reasoning being that they are jealous of his cooking skills and feel inadequate because of their own lack of skills. Overall, the comments were more rage-inducing than the video.

Regardless, it did work as ragebait for me albeit for different reasons. I got really upset by the amount of onion in the chowder. Why call it chowder at that point? Why not just call it mushed onions? The next part that infuriated me was the plastic teabags. He's basically trying to kill his girlfriend with microplastics. I hope she doesn't eat what he prepares. The other part that enraged me was his haircut. He looks stupid with that haircut. He should have tinted surfer waves, not whatever style you call that mess on his head.

Overall, it was 6/10 ragebait. There could have been major improvements, but it did work as intended to a certain degree.

No. 2438294

This is very wholesome to me. Even if it's exaggerated to garner attention and views, her interest in his cooking and his participation in her incredibly tame ragebait video is cute enough. If a woman did this for her partner and he seemed like a good, grateful person who appreciated it, I wouldn't have a negative reaction to it either. Some people, especially lonely, narcissistic men, are just deeply miserable and have a very transactional view of relationships.
>The next part that infuriated me was the plastic teabags.
They're made out of cheesecloth

No. 2438426

I mean probably the least edgy black metal is Deafheaven or Alcest or something like that. Black metal for people who don't really listen to black metal. Tho I don't really mind Alcest

No. 2438446

I think it's less popular in North America compared to other countries fwiw.

No. 2438491

women's day originated in the us through by socialist parties and it mostly served as a platform for discussing women's issues, while it was the soviets who truly promoted it and disseminated it to other communist nations and communist-aligned countries. the soviets actually stripped away its original intention of having various women's delegations from different country's discuss pressing issues, instead reducing it to a mere symbolic gesture.

No. 2438583

right which is why its so disgusting that the pickme decided to mock womens day with scrubbing a toilet, all for male validation. Wouldnt surprise me if barbie chan/murdoch trans licked the toilet if it earned her male approval.

Like just think of all the women who struggled and faced violence and oppression, just for this pickme to take womens rights for granted..Barbie chan aka Murdoch Trans deserves to be air dropped into Afghanistan if she hates having rights that much.

No. 2438630

Don't quote my post to defend your sperging, you had a point but it got lost in the juvenile insults

No. 2438836

File: 1741646737667.jpg (344.55 KB, 1079x785, Screenshot_20250310_181931_You…)

This video was painfully unfunny, but I never understood why it made people so angry and literally was being talked about on the news kek she doesnt say anything that hasnt been said about fat people before by other comedians, so I dont know why everyone in 2015 got so triggered by this

No. 2440586

Why do all these moids start veering towards "purity culture" messaging. It's not funny that in Turkey a court could potentially jail women for any picture of their bodies they consider "obscene".

No. 2440752

There isn't anything wrong with her per say but I've been looking at some of her videos and my god both her and the majority of the commenters annoy me. Idk what it is about mystifying and glorifying "femininity" that makes my eyes roll but it's not doing any good for women. I used to be bombarded with those types of videos and they almost feel like a psyop. Their discussion about feeling less or more feminine makes them seem less human kek All they are doing is romanticizing their own womanhood and submitting to gender stereotypes. You are not some tortured beautiful spiritual feminine divine goddess. You are just a bored woman.

No. 2440784

I think this was a weird time when "real life" like the news started engaging with internet trends and doing dissections on them and writing articles about them in ways that didn't happen before. Like when the new ghost busters movie came out a lot of articles were calling youtubers sexist for not wanting to watch it even though the movie really was bad. Maybe not to the the extent of the overreactions but still lame. I think this started outrage culture because websites realized they could get clicks for stuff like this. Long story short we are in the reverse outrage by incels and conservatives and its legitimately 10x worse than any preachy sjw journalists were back then.

No. 2440794

OT but did you mean the all-female reboot? I didn't think it was bad when I saw it in theaters, but I was really young so maybe I'm misremembering kek

No. 2440808

Yeah that one, like I said it wasn't amazing or anything but it just came off as a long SNL skit imo but I haven't seen it in forever either. It was probably never gonna be good enough to scrotes anyway though because ghost busters is a autistic male obsession movie.

No. 2440809

>I was really young
It came out in 2016…

No. 2440833

Yay! Let's do math lolcor!
>If Anon is 18 in 2025, how old would she be in 2016?
>2025 - 2016?
>Okay, lolcor! What is 18 - 9?
Yes! That's the correct answer! We did it, lolcor!

No. 2440849

I consider me being 18 "young", just because it's a long long time from where I am now

No. 2440904

File: 1741792170240.png (73.11 KB, 1484x274, Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 16.07…)

Just wanted to share this gem I found while checking out a sewing tutorial. Why did the creator like this comment though.

No. 2440916

Ntayrt but when I hear “really young” I imagine someone 6 or younger, so I also was a bit taken aback by the post kek

No. 2440947

Me, too.
>early 20s: young
>17-19: younger
>12-16: a lot younger
>8-11: really young
>under 7: infantile. sparse to no memories from these ages.
Kek, that's fair, anon. I guess the older I get, the more young those ages feel. Especially since I don't have strong memories at earlier ages, just flashes.

No. 2441015

Poor retarded pickme…
>it's not weird to call people hentai!
>we all need better media literacy
>I don't think the fish symbolize anything

To me anyone under 20 is a fetus

No. 2441175

Yes thank you! I’ve also been recommended her videos and wasn’t sure how to articulate how I feel about them but you nailed it. She seems really smart and I thought she’d be talking about femininity in the kind of esoteric metaphorical way that a lot of spiritualists do…which she does, but precisely in the way I don’t really like. Positioning things like waiting, silence, patience as feminine qualities is…really something. I wish these kinds of people could engage in these things as archetypes without mythologizing them like you said and essentializing what are ultimately male-borne sexist ideas about women. I like learning about witchy stuff, even if idk if I believe in it, but that’s the number one pet peeve in that kind of content. “Masculine energy” is always framed around action and creation, “feminine energy” is framed as mysterious and destructive, which just sounds ridiculous to me. I also don’t really understand her philosophy around beauty as a concept.

No. 2441250

I hate how sexual YouTube advertising has become. Content creators are proudly being sponsored by sex toy stores, talking about how to use said toys on a website where you can't even say "fuck" without being demonetized. And don't get me started on non-sponsored advertisements. AI girlfriends, hook-up apps, raunchy comics and films… Seriously, WTF is going on?

No. 2441255

I have never seen this, what are you watching? The youtubers I watch are sponsered by things like Skillshare, better help and vpns. Annoying but not sexual.

No. 2441260

Mostly youtube drama, some video game content, commentary on culture and some educational content.

No. 2441269

I've noticed this too. It's so fucking ridiculous. So YouTubers can't even say words like "suicide" but videos will gladly show advertisements for what is essentially AI phone sex.

No. 2441280

They can't? I thought people learned to self-censor from tiktok but YT is that strict too?

No. 2441538

A youtuber I watch mutes out the words "suicide", "killed [x]self", "rape", and "pedophile". Probablg a few others I can't think of right now.
He's not a tiktok fag or anything adjacent, he's just trying not to get demonetized and has talked about his problems with it before. He doesn't cover his mouth while saying the words, so you can always tell what the word is.

No. 2441546

I like the ones about shaving your ballsack specifically. And one of them was about games of my childhood and it was sponsored by some elixir to prevent getting bald. Thank you youtube algorithm

No. 2441566

Iirc I think because it came coupled with other videos she did in the same vein like "dear black people" and most of the complaints I saw around this was that she was an unfunny grifter trying to get clout (which kinda worked) but I could be wrong, thats all that I remember about her (and her doing that cringe parody feminist music video)

No. 2441858

I've seen a handful of youtubers be sponsored by sex toys, here's one, she's a booktuber- although in her defense, she's reviewing a "spicy" werewolf romance book so it is kind of fitting. I know I've seen this company and adam and eve sponsor a lot of videos, even ones where it didn't seem fitting (like the youtuber kayla says, who does a lot of media commentary) I know there's a lot more but I can't think of them

No. 2442257

fucking disgusting bitch

No. 2442475

it’s a werewolf sex book. i think it’s a funny pun lmao. chill.

No. 2442915

this fugly faggot looks like he's wearing a skin suit holy shit

No. 2442935

Nta but I'm kind of stupid why is a knot disgusting? Is it a pun for BDSM rope shit?

No. 2442950

Some animals have penises with knots because nature hates female animals. All animals have freaky as fuck genitalia.

No. 2443825

it's been a thing for as long as i can remember and people are sincere about it, getting moms, grandmas and teachers gifts etc

No. 2444610

I watched another video by this guy where he was talking about Anya from Mouthwashing and feminism and I thought he was better than most moids but he was still a male and I kinda hate male 'feminists'. So I decided to check his other videos out, and lo and behold, I find this trash where he talks about wanting to 'be an anime girl'. That's his actual words. KEK

No. 2444693

Not even 10 seconds in, this faggot is fucking is making me want to A log. The video has already began and there's so much to unpack, i cannot stand misogynistic pricks like this. If JK rowling didn't speak her mind on troons he would literally be licking her boots for sacrificed her billionaire status to donate to charity, i can't think of a single beloved public figure in the neo-liberal community who is on her level.

No. 2444935

Agent 47's retarded gay brother.

No. 2445217

Ew why am I keep getting ads on how to keep your dick hard if you’re an old ass moid, remedies for taking a proper shit or “natural ways to lose body fat”? I try to report them but they keep coming back, I don’t search for this shit because I’m not an old ass moid. Is this YouTube/Google’s way of tracking me because I sometimes listen to boomer metal?

No. 2445584

what the hell are you talking about?

No. 2445600

I have a feeling that she didn't actually bought the cabin.

No. 2445603

3 seconds into the video, what the fuck he sounds so autistic bahaha
i hate that youtube commentary accent so much
how close do you think he is to trooning out?

No. 2445610

LMAO nona thanks for the laugh

No. 2445618

hes called agent 41% in the headquarters

No. 2445649

maybe you have personalized ads turned off so it's just throwing random garbage at you hoping you click on it?

No. 2445801

File: 1742061795624.jpg (940.56 KB, 1080x2213, Screenshot_20250315_200200_You…)

Finally getting the good ads on youtube shorts

No. 2446080

This moid trying to victimize the old rapeape incel moid while simultaneously villianizing the ebil streamer woman who got brutally stabbed 30 times and kicked while she lay bleeding. This fucking simp cuck put himself in that situation he was no victim he just chimped out because this streamer didnt sleep with him as he expected. Fuck Nippon although she was bit of a retard too sadly she should've played and gone under hiding

No. 2446102

It's weird, because I first started seeing them after watching a few videos from channels about how China is IRL. And all those men seem intelligent enough to realize that China is shitty in part because of the shitty way Chinese people treat women. But then there are all these channels run by Asian scrotes with zero self awareness. They have videos about the rotten shit Chinese men do, then videos raging at Chinese women for refusing to entertain them. Make it make sense.

No. 2446143

>man gives woman money to streamer, who's job is to be a entertainer, in a attempt to win her love
>man takes out loans to give money to streamer
>streamer, very obviously, doesn't return feelings
>rapeape moid chimps out because he couldn't pay his way into her pants
>cue thousands of comments on how he's the true victim here and that it's so sad what happened to him
I hate this timeline.

No. 2446359

Idk why this random obscure youtuber is covering him now, but I have never liked JoCat or his simpering fake nice-guy "soft boy" shtick or how he treats his porn obsession like it's cute or how he whines about being "persecuted" when called out on it. Also always thought it's funny how gay-coded his shitty sona's outfit is. Metrosexual turtleneck, brightly colored scarf, big square glasses, and a fucking bow in his hair. What straight man dresses like that? Just feels like he's a leech looking for brownie points from the queer community. What bothers me the most is that he acts like he's doing women a favor by saying how attracted to fictional female characters he is.

No. 2446364

hes literally agp and on the verge of trooning out he uploads pictures in cheap aliexpress anime fetish clothes now

No. 2446476

>this random obscure youtuber
Nonna, it's rebranded Daft Pina…

No. 2446625

Oh of fucking course he is. The nerve of him to act like he's some sort of anime uwu soft boy. Can't fucking stand his fake feminist act. Does he seriously think women are impressed by him jerking off to GLaDOS and Velma?

Never watched DaftPina so probably why I didn't catch that.

No. 2446633

Anon you are giving daftpina more credit than he deserves he's a literal who outside of being a dramawhore

No. 2446862

wasn't he "done" with drama? That didn't take long I see

No. 2447092

Since a couple of days all those channels are also suddenly claiming that tons of beautiful white models who don't demand any money at all are coming to China to get married and all chinese women are old and seething… It's true that some russian girls try to bag a rich chinese but these videos of so many of them going to these old marriage markets and advertising themselves (claiming to be only 20yo which is clearly a lie kek) to those aunties who try to set up the single kids in their family seem so staged. I wonder what or who is behind all this. https://youtu.be/JDhc9LrdCgw?si=P-uL2YsK2DrTi0UO

No. 2447606

someone explain to the middle aged women in these comments that timothy chalalamayalay will not date them

No. 2447615

> I wonder what or who is behind all this.
theres a huge human trafficking ring in china that only imports slavic women for "modelling" from slavic villages, theyre literally known as white monkeys who are then sold off into contractual slave work you can also assume what other type of work they get sold off into.

No. 2447626

Why do so many older women like this guy? I thought he was only popular with teenage zoomer girls

No. 2447634

You can probably "date" him through your agent, like Harry Styles or butthole eyes

No. 2449572

I think that Jeff Wittek genuinely thinks he's Nipsey Hussle…

No. 2449591

>plays many men by 50
You were in a car accident.
>12:10ish 'who would've thought we opened a barber shop, we used to be out here doing horrible things'
Dude… you weren't in a gang. What are you talking about

No. 2450028

I'mma be real with you; Rotten Mango's storytelling style of these crimes is like listening to a super extra chick exaggerating details even when they're backed by sources and camera footage. It's made so much worse with the moid in the back asking the dumbest questions imaginable. I usually peek at her channel every once in a while when covering events outside of my country, but I made the mistake of clicking a Burgerland-adjacent vid of a case I was aware of and holy shit.

No. 2450034

samefag One vid she absolutely ripped into Maple Story for no reason at all just because a moid who'd been doing some vile shit played it. Absolutely punchable personality, even if her motives are in the right.

No. 2450048

She's getting harder to listen to, her vocal chords are destroyed and she acts so manic and shrill, really inappropriate for the topics she fanfics about. Instead of toning it down, she's even worse now.

No. 2450067

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Saw absolute evil in this videos comments. Narc moms are a special kind of horrible and it's so haunting that they convince themselves to the very end that child abuse is justifiable.

No. 2450071

Why does she always look like that in her thumbnails? Yeah, let me plaster my crying face at how shocking I found this case for attention

No. 2450075

Narcissism. She's even smizing kek.

No. 2450319

I wonder of it is the chick herself writing that. Wouldn't put it past the most vile people to attempt.to garner sympathy for themselves when having a callout vid pop up on them.

No. 2450332

File: 1742313906311.png (786.09 KB, 1315x866, c47DN1N.png)

a couple of weeks ago, I randomly stumbled across this channel that features indian men vlogging about illegally sneaking into the us. I don't know what their current situation is.

No. 2450743

File: 1742332320625.png (352.5 KB, 522x430, Screenshot 2025-03-18 210939.p…)

Moids suddenly give a shit about literature now.

No. 2450968

>Featuring My Dark Vanessa, which is about a woman coming to terms with the fact that she was sexually abused by her teacher for years
What the fuck is wrong with men. Go read Brando Sando or whatever other drivel you deem masculine

No. 2451076

>this one mentions blowjobs
so everyone on every major social media platform started saying shit like "unalived" and using leetspeak, because platforms wanted to appear family friendly to advertisers, and then advertisers just blatantly talk about sex on ads that are targeting children

No. 2451082

File: 1742347878129.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.59 KB, 640x1386, olm0evzgqww41.jpg)

Youtube allows straight up porn ads >>2320071

No. 2451083

Write. Your own. Shit.

No. 2451117

another armored skeptic clone with predictable scrote takes.

I think it’s the same with how more women have left religion in general while more men have actually joined. They want control and purity culture gives them control.

The same types that complain reading is too feminine are the same that aren’t creative at all. Their “masculine” stories are always the same stupid shit plot of a retard who is a victim of some topical policial bullshit, goes to war with evil, anti family values, liberal blue-haired feminists, and takes one random woman who say probably 3 words then becomes a doormat character.

No. 2451327

whats up with these channels who shit out 8 hour long family guy episode compilations? how do they get away with it, has disney just given up

No. 2451336

That is a hell of a preview image.

No. 2451359

family guy is prime clickbait because of all of the insane visuals

No. 2451758

Are they actually full episodes or just cut up clips?

No. 2451961

Most of these accounts have been sold to someone, idk why they upload family guy though. The same is happening with a soap opera

No. 2451988

File: 1742411952842.png (409.63 KB, 660x361, Screenshot 2025-03-19 at 19.13…)

Never watched a kids video or gymnastics video in my like but suddenly getting recommended baby pedo gymnastics because scrotes are pushing it on the algorithm (6.1 million views)

No. 2452009

You would have to be retarded to let your kid join gymnastics. I've seen it once and it's full of male pedos, who also have their daughters in gymnastics. It's so obvious in every fucking way what they are there for, is there any other activity where dads stay and watch practice?

No. 2452010


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2452026

File: 1742414413926.png (343.05 KB, 720x537, 87522690_20250319125822.png)

Kek I also got a random gymnastics video recommended to me yesterday. Wasn't stuff like this why the yt adpocalypse happened?

No. 2452036

I didn’t even get a ad for this kind of shit,it was a random community post that showed a woman laying in bed after obviously having had sex.Think it was in Japanese or Korean so it wasn’t even in a language I understood.It’s like YouTube is being run by chimps.

No. 2452042

I can't decide if I like this couple or not. Are they just being cute or do they have an OF together? I know she had one before.

No. 2452051

File: 1742415551349.jpg (41.54 KB, 800x587, 1568736772194.jpg)

Reminds me of when I looked on this old moid's yt profile once and he had an entire playlist that had nothing but little girls doing gymnastics. Hate moids so much its unreal.

No. 2452088

File: 1742417344302.png (359.77 KB, 1150x353, Screenshot 2025-03-19 204744.p…)

agreed. gymnastics are retarded. should be teaching your daughter to bulk the fuck up as soon as they can walk so they can rip a pedo's testicles off.

No. 2452165

You can’t curse but it’s ok to kill turtles, koi, crabs and eels and play with their corpses for kids content.

No. 2453539

are there even any female gymnasts who werent sexually abused by their coaches? i'd never feel comfortable allowing my daughter to wear skintight leotards and showing her crotch off to middle aged moids, even if its a sport. the male gymnasts are allowed to wear full length leggings that cover their entire lower body, so why are the females dressed in cameltoe swimsuits?

its insane that normalfags will decry child pageants and such as depraved and pedophilic even though usually only parents are invited as audience members and they dont even wear clothing as revealing as that, but see nothing wrong with little gymnast girls showing their vulvas to millions.

No. 2453543

File: 1742480221098.jpeg (50.01 KB, 306x468, IMG_2718.jpeg)

>t.(infight bait)

No. 2453545

You're weird as hell for phrasing the last part like that. The fuck is wrong with you

No. 2453551

NTAYRT, there is nothing weird about her post though?

No. 2453576

a little graphic but she's right

No. 2453725

Livestreamers these days will post any dumb shit they think will gain clicks. Didn't have 'painting the nails of chicken feet' on my 2025 YT bingo card though.

No. 2453853

Idk, at least online there's an overlap between moms who put their daughters in things like beauty pageants, gymnastics and dance. All three of these things put girls in tight clothing so I don't see how one is better than the other?

No. 2454137

forgot to screenshot it but i literally got an ad for a camming website and it showed the camgirl from shoulders up but she was obviously using a dildo machine or something like how the fuck…and i remember finding entire playlists of reuploaded 15 minute porn clips
as soon as you search gymnastics in the youtube search engine it’s followed by “girls” “stretch” “shorts” i fucking hate moids every single one of them should be toiling outside all day and kept in cages at night, with no access to the internet.

No. 2454992

Ethan Klein has gotten way more ugly and tough to look at since losing weight. It's as if it's made him more confident to he expressive and his range of facial tics have gotten grotesque and unbearable. I can't stand to look at him, it's worse when he's moving. He acts like a guy who is going to end up knifing random civilians on the street in a year tops.

No. 2455621

File: 1742584159038.png (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 2652x1270, Screenshot 2025-03-21 at 12.02…)

just mossaic-effect porn on youtube, as is typical

No. 2455628

I see these two on TikTok all the time. They’re pretty famous on there. They both have separate TikTok accounts I think but Levi (I think that’s the girls name) shows off how amazing their relationship is. She’ll do TikToks where the guy is basically her slave like doing her hair for her, cooking her meals and treating her like a queen, calling her beautiful etc. I think that’s how they’re rich. I’m jealous tbh lol I’ve never met a man like that

No. 2455696

So I've been seeing stuff about this ex youtuber Meredith Foster supposedly joining a religious cult. This channel has been one of the main ones keeping up with what's going on with her, but holy shit this couple is so insufferable I can't even watch it anymore. This woman just keeps shouting at the camera and interrupting every 2 seconds, and she repeats the same point for like 20 minutes. And they both are on some soapbox and have massive egos, like holy shit just share the milk on Meredith. She literally spends 25 minutes going on about why you shouldn't trust mental health professionals without PHD's and hypes herself up for having PHD's, she could have said it in 2 minutes but took 25 to go round and round with the same fucking points. The last video I saw they were just nitpicking by the end of it, saying Meredith is terrible for doing charity work because she's a white savior but if she doesn't do charity work then she's not practicing religion properly. Condense the fucking video and serve the milk properly, jfc.

No. 2455709

File: 1742587358931.png (834.28 KB, 1232x688, Screenshot (36241).png)

Samefag, she's literally screaming into her mic over nothing like a fucking retarded donkey. I wish podcast microphones needed some special licensing to be bought.

No. 2457745

Ot but fucking kek I love that scene so much

No. 2457766

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No. 2457963

I know opinions on reaction videos are a mixed bag leaning towards negative, but I personally can enjoy them when a professional in a field reacts to something in their field in question and offer insight. But the amount of click baity "expert reacts to video about topic they know" videos where they actually don't say anything important is really annoying. Extra annoying when a reactor in general puts stuff exclusively on Patreon and asks for money to watch a video, but I can't blame them when there are desperate parasocial idiots who are willing to pay to relive the video vicariously through the reactor like total socially maladjusted autists. How about you get a real job instead?

No. 2457992

So sad. Modern literature is shit indeed, but he’s probably upset it’s not about jerking off to old moid’s rape fantasies.

No. 2458174

File: 1742730151404.jpg (1.26 MB, 1130x814, 1000002070.jpg)

A commentary slop youtuber talking about a 13 year old getting groomed by a fat, 30 year old Minecraft streamer be like:

No. 2458178

Late but they are full episodes. I watch them when i draw.

No. 2458195

I stopped watching a regular youtuber of mine when she took a sex toy brand deal in the same video she talks about children who died/got hurt. I hate when they get a VPN sponsor and talk about "protecting yourself online" then 3 videos later they take a sponsor from literal scam companies.

No. 2458243

Old video, but this moid is so fucking creepy. The way that he talks to her is so weird, it's obvious that he only did this because she's a pretty girl and he's attacted to her. How do more people not see this?

No. 2458249

File: 1742737101443.jpg (477.32 KB, 1080x1384, 8383757.jpg)

Surprise, surprise.

No. 2458255

time to report this scum channel to ICE

No. 2458277

“The Nazis haven’t been relevant in 80 years,get with the program lol” Why do I get recommended the most retarded videos.I can’t even begin to process how dumb of a statement that is,they’ve been influential before Elon’s bullshit.Are they just not teaching kids about WW2 and its consequences anymore?(integrate)

No. 2458293

Not to be mean but does she eat cans for breakfast

No. 2458305

>predatory moid who molests unconscious women under his care creeps on woman who can't afford to get her teeth fixed in a more appropriate context
>lolcow anon: not to be mean…. but does she eats cans for breakfast KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE

No. 2459108

I've seen this talked about before ages ago in the same manner. A scroll through the comments was disappointing. He only did it because he thinks she's pretty, and there was no reason to film the entire interaction and do so many close ups of her face. Even his voice is sleazy, that was not a normal interaction at all. Indebting her to him, fully aware that's a low income family, braces are thousands of dollars–of course the mother would do what's best for her kid but I hope they gave him a wide berth and that she had a decent happy upbringing and never had to contact him again. Guys a freak

No. 2459113

That's not even a woman that's a 14 year old girl

No. 2459123

Right? It's so disgusting the way his voice sounds when talking to her, and calling those other girls bitches? Fucking disgusting

No. 2459153

It was grooming 101. Low, breathy, creepy voice and clearly focusing on her intently, using adult language to try to create an adult connection and rapport, show he's 'different' from other adults, the constant long close ups. I don't think people realize that braces are upward of six to fifteen thousand dollars, offering to pay that much for one strangers child as a dentist is very, very strange.

No. 2459158

>After your teeth are perfect don't be a bitch
Who the fuck talks that way to children?

No. 2459159

You see this language from men behaving inappropriately with younger women. Use of the word is meant to be cool or casual, but in reality is always sexual.

No. 2459227

>But the amount of click baity "expert reacts to video about topic they know" videos where they actually don't say anything important is really annoying.
"Vocal coach reacts to hearing [any pre-computer editing era singer] for the first time."
And then they just say it's wow like really amazing you guys, I bet they worked so hard. No shit, they sold millions of albums back when labels didn't push complete utter garbage to the top, and you sell $20 voice lessons at a Guitar Center.

No. 2459248

File: 1742776309455.jpg (34.74 KB, 686x386, 1589441691109.jpg)

"Nuke Israel" gets censored by their gay ass comments system(/pol/bait)

No. 2459256

Nikacado should’ve vored this retard

No. 2459303

KEK I wrote my post exactly because of that. How are you a vocal coach but don't know of prominent popular singers of all time? I smell a lie and pandering to sell their lessons as you say. And the lessons are overpriced useless garbage and a scam most of the time. The ones who tell the truth and criticize and give actual advice get bashed and not pushed by the algorithm. Same applies to all other fields.

No. 2459483

I didn't even watch with sound on but felt the creep vibes through the screen. So weird to just have a camera fixed on this little girl, and of course the majority of the comments are just "she's so beautiful, oh wow gorgeous, she'll be even more beautiful with straight teeth" and then immediately follow it up with "pretty girls are always bitches so she better not become a cunt and let it go to her head." I hate men.

No. 2460669

File: 1742863445288.png (150.83 KB, 768x696, I remember when I was ur age k…)

Why are nine year olds on youtube

No. 2460709

To be fair, I browsed Youtube when I was that age too.

No. 2460732

hating Israel is now a /pol/ bait? lmao(take it to /meta/)

No. 2461795

She seems like a ncie girl but I don't think I've ever seen someone so unfortunate looking

No. 2461800

She would be pretty much average looking if she groomed herself and put more effort into her appearance. I see worse looking women on the regular.

No. 2461802

I think with better glasses and less greasy hair she could at least look average, i know skin like hers can be unavoidable for some people but some exfoliating and moisturizing would help too. maybe the eyebrows could be a bit more trim. but like the other nona said ive seen worse on yt

No. 2461803

File: 1742945082622.png (115.99 KB, 300x250, IMG_9189.png)

Exulansic is more unfortunate she literally looks like antisemetic Nazi propaganda

No. 2461809

I honestly have a similar aesthetic to this woman, it's incredibly hard to manage because simple self care when you look like this requires more effort and more financial investment compared to other women who can just put vaseline on their face and go. It's a ton of effort to just look "ok". I don't blame anyone who looks like this for not bothering anymore, i always feel like giving up myself, but i remember i unfortunately have to be a normal member of society and waste more money on skin peels so i can have average looking skin that most people just have for free even while eating burgers everyday.

No. 2461811

She kinda looks like david schwimmer

No. 2461815

>it's incredibly hard to manage because simple self care when you look like this requires more effort and more financial investment compared to other women who can just put vaseline on their face and go
wash your hair and teeth nonny for the love of god

No. 2461965

Somebody did a caricature of her once and she got mad because she found it to be antisemetic.

No. 2461967

Is she Jewish has she ever said?

No. 2461978

some people don’t have “just wash your face” skin. some people need face wash, eye serum, glycolic acid toner, etc.

No. 2462009

You have shockingly bad reading comprehension.
Thank you anon. I know there are a ton of anons who strongly believe EVERYONE can get by on just one soap bar for 8 months and beef tallow, they are so fucking annoying and retarded. If it was true, nobody would ever look that way.

No. 2462078

Wtf is this autism. He represents himself as this uwu chibi character, but I bet he's ugly and fat irl. The sketches and characters having a conversation and the lore(?) with the coffee machine and worm in the background is so disrespectful, too. Some people called it out in the comments thankfully.

No. 2462079

I found my long lost twin

No. 2462087

I saw one of this guy’s videos years ago and I remember it purely because of how much I hated it. I was also recommended this video and was grossed out by the presentation.

No. 2462229

It's true that skincare can be very difficult and complex for many people, but I haven't seen eye serum be a necessary product for anyone, nor do I see why it could be. They're basically exactly the same as regular facial moisturisers, just far more overpriced.

No. 2462231

I think theres an unspoken assumption that eye cream is necessary because it's deemed safe for the eye area which is why no one questions it

No. 2462237

eye cream is a scam and shill by "dermatologists" if you don't have eczema on your eyes your normal moisturizer is enough.

No. 2462251

Not Jewish. I think there's an old thread on /snow/ about her.

No. 2462254

since when the fuck are people using eye "creams"?

No. 2462261

Bitch why are you coming at me with attitude? Ask them.

By derms, companies, beauty suppliers, etc.

No. 2462268

Imo the caffeine eye creams help when i sleep like shit (happens often) and my undereyes get sunken, but otherwise they seem like placebo to sell you another product you dont really need

No. 2462274

I know a lot of products are considered safe around the eye area but I do feel like using any kind of cream or serum around the eyes causes some form of leaching/irritation so people just automatically assume that something made specifically for eyes must be "safer" than that, it's a novice misunderstanding imo especially for beginners or overconsumers

No. 2462276

Relatable. I got shit genes so i always look so bad even when i shower every day and brush my teeth 2 times a day.

No. 2462282

Maybe unpopular opinion but anons who try to give unsolicited beauty advice to random women who want nothing to do with them or didn't ask are obnoxious and hypocrtical. There's no reason to care about the beauty routine of a random woman who clearly foregos those conventions anyways. It's one thing to look at a woman with like, terrible unflattering makeup or botched ps and have notes but when a woman clearly isn't into any of those things, you're just being a whingy autist trying to play barbies with their appearance.

No. 2462289

It’s always weirdly aggro and unhinged too. I got called a pickme who is falling for the patriarchy’s scams for saying I wear light foundation and have a skincare routine because I have acne and am frankly tired of strangers calling me dirty and telling me to wash my face better and then my acne would go away. Then of course when I say that the response is to stop wearing foundation because it’s causing my acne, that I had before I was allowed to wear makeup.
They always somehow know better than you even though you’re an anonymous stranger they can’t see because it’s actually just an excuse to bully someone. I just ignore the responses but it’s annoying because they won’t even let you have a normal exchange with another anon and will spam reply you calling you a pickme cockbreath the entire time when I never mention men even once.

No. 2462312

The finger wagging over acne is the worst kek I got so much unsolicited advice from people in real life too. Especially over wearing makeup. I had terrible cystic acne for three years and an established skincare routine by the time I started wearing foundation but of course someone always had to make a retarded comment about how I’m just vain and stupid and making the problem worse. I had to get 2 years of laser treatments to clear my skin and it’s still really sensitive and flares up all the time. Some of us just have shit genetics!

No. 2462336

That's a problem here, there's nothing more off-putting than the anons that want to talk at people instead of to people, like they think they're giving a Ted talk or that they've got a PhD in knowing everybody fuckin business. They'll read between the lines and say things that no one asks about and pretend you needed the advice or were too stupid to understand that for yourself. They'll note the most obvious talking points like???? Duh, this is a board for adult women–we know those basic things. I guess that's what happens when you spend your day binging sped up tiktok essays.

No. 2462507

I use an eye cream, and it actually works to reduce fine lines… has bakuchiol in it, which is a much more tolerable and even superior form to retinol that derms like to shill because it doesn't dry out your skin or cause irritation and sun sensitivity. A lot of eye creams ARE bullshit though, i'll give you that. My regular moisturizer doesn't do shit for the eye area except keep it moist. Surprisingly, skincare advice isn't one size fits all like they want us to believe nor is it so complicated that everyone needs to overload their skin with 12 products minimum every day.

No. 2462508

the posted woman's pimples are literally from her not washing her hair enough and sleeping with this greasy ass hair rubbing all over her face. this is not the skincare thread but you're eating up bullshit cosmetic companies try to sell you, try using just basic natural soap for a month, changing your pillow covers and washing your hair regularly and see if it doesn't fix your issues instead of saying I need 500 producs to look normal so I'd rather be a greasy motherfucker

No. 2462649

That channel is part of a shitty corporate content farm along with some other channels including one called Spill, they had to admit to not just being some passion project but a legit business a while back when people called them out for being inauthentic.

No. 2462663

Shut up shut the fuck up

No. 2462701

It feels so mean to post her when she has less than 200 subs and is obviously slow

No. 2462869

yep. Mine didn't get better until I took accutane. I wish my parents had let me do it as a teen/young adult but they scared me so badly I waited. As a teen, my mother accused me of not washing my face enough. I washed it 2-3x a day, and showered every day or every other day. It hurt to be accused of being dirty when I was exceptionally clean.
Many products for the eye area are formulated without perfumes and without stuff that burns if it accidentally gets in your eyes. I feel like you've never gotten moisturizer in your eyes before. I thought the same as you when I was young, and I changed my mind after a few incidents where moisturizer got in my eyes and I wanted to die. Whether or not the thinner skin under and around your eyes needs a different type of moisturizer is also a relevant question.

No. 2462898

Tbh people who give unsolicited advice for getting rid of acne are fucking retards and just looking for a reason to let you know they're disgusted by your face.
When my acne was especially bad, every single relative I met would tell me: "Hey, you have some pimples" and then proceed to give me "tips", as if I didn't see my face every fucking day on the mirror after doing my skincare routine. I wish bad skin was treated as being overweight, in the sense that people should keep their opinions to themselves, at least in public.

No. 2463080

Shut up, I don’t care. Preach about muh skincare companies to my ass.

No. 2463482

This video is still so fucking funny to me. Like why did he think this as a good idea to film? KEK it does remind me how some of us farmers get in certain threads though… I'm really still chasing the high of this drama lol

No. 2463485

if I use normal cream around my eye area I get millia and skin tags kek I love when vaseline bitches try to tell me what to do with my problematic skin. trust me when I say that I would use vaseline only if I could.

No. 2463489

Are you an alien? Why did you put cream in quotation marks? Eye creams have been marketed for years and years, it's weirder that you don't know what they are.

No. 2463497

you know exactly what group of people wouldn't know what an eye cream is…

No. 2463610

kek this is a classic

No. 2463712

I don't understand these types of "arttubers" why are you doing commentary? Stay away from commentary, it will only lead to your downfall and your art skills declining rapidly even though her art skills are mediocre to begin with. Example; Creepshowart

No. 2463750

File: 1743077407245.jpg (26.92 KB, 480x360, 5e8c5d3a87dbe8d074a770362ea349…)

>I don't want to say mean things about people
>This is insane
>I was molested
>Ryland in the background trying to get him to stop sperging out
Fucking timeless classic. You could wake me up from 2 hours of sleep and I'd still be able to recite most of the shit he said.

No. 2463755

How did this obviously gay man ever larp as straight for so long? He sounds so gay

No. 2463791

Nta but I didn't realize my usual squalene oil could be the cause of the milia around my eye. Damn, ty for posting this. I should get an eye cream for my under eyes instead kek

No. 2464437

File: 1743109752656.jpeg (160.19 KB, 719x530, 1990s.jpeg)

Calling this "goth" or alternative anything is so weird and made up. This was a completely normal, mundane decorating motif, like cornflower blue with geese, or stripes with sunflowers. Nobody thought this was spooky or alternative. If it seems weird now, it's just because those soulless home renovation shows convinced people to stop decorating their homes with anything except the most bland generic greige shit.

No. 2464469

I like this aesthetic a lot, but I wish it wasn't called whimsigoth or turned into consoomerism. It's more like thrift store chic to me. I associate it with my childhood home.

No. 2464522

For me the problem is not the name but how they made it into soulless consoom

No. 2464532

Same nonna

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