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No. 1803231
Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.
Previous threads:
>>1631816>>1092460 No. 1803233
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reposting from dumbass shit thread:
i hate a lot of "true crime" youtubers. i'm interested in the subject but tired of being recommended channels like picrel. a lot of it seems so disrespectful and insensitive.
>doing makeup while talking about horrific crimes and profiting off of it
>eating while talking about horrific crimes and profiting off of it
>any channels/podcasts that have a "spooky uwu" theme or background seems very ham-fisted and inappropriate
>saying things they couldn't have possibly known, things that were never reported
>honestly most of the time their commentary on stuff is stupid, uninformed, unnecessary.
>inserting personal, unrelated opinions that nobody fucking asked for
list goes on. i like some channels especially if they're cases that haven't been covered by 100 fucking people. some are good channels (IMO), there's being informative then there's being blase or overdramatic. i especially hate gimmick channels. mukbangs or doing your fucking makeup while talking about this topic shouldn't be a thing, let alone as popular as it is. don't get me started on the content farming "true crime" channels.
No. 1803241
>>1803233The only true crime channel I like is Kendall Rae because she advocates for the
victims and covers cases that need coverage. How many of these big channels try to advocate for
victims or work with their families?
No. 1803292
>>1803275it's because she's a mom now and she probably always wanted to be a mom so she sympathized/identified with it. it just annoys me because i like crime content to be informative and not spend 5 minutes telling me to feel bad for the mother,
victim, etc. i am not a child or a psycho, why would i need to be told how i already feel
No. 1803935
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>>1803233>>1803846whose worse between these two.
No. 1804005
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Come on, youtube, now you are suggesting me shit just to make me post itt
No. 1804013
>>1804005>enjoyer of (…) babygirl men charactersGod so here is what the retarded zoomers calling male characters babygirls online look like.
>>1804009It's like they think they can't be their ultra feminine selves and dress girly unless they get their breasts amputated. Bizarre and sad.
No. 1804043
>>1804042Men into barbie is such a red flag. I truly believe some toys are made for girls. MLP and Barbie are both for girls. Men into that are always
No. 1804163
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>>1803233I just wanted to post about this, I've had picrel recommended to me for like a week now. I don't know who this guy is but a million views on 'worst child abuse in history'? Call me sensitive or whatever but if your source of entertainment is hearing about abuse, torture and murder you're sick. Also the thumbnail makes me angry.
No. 1804521
>>1804422Respectfully anon she has always been retarded sounding, I'm chalking it up to being a canadian. Her content is good mind-numbing background content but if you pay too much attention you'll go out of your mind insane with the retarded and unintelligent way she phrases things.
Another youtuber like that is Hannah The Horrible, she's a gormless tard tbh.
No. 1804528
>>1804521>Hannah The Horribleshe's such a woketard, always inserting her pc opinions as much as possible into her videos. just another youtuber that has not only talked about LC (or "LAWLCOW"), but admonishes the site (like she even understands the site culture) while simultaneously using threads to steal information. some of her videos are interesting but she is often barely watchable.
& she is MUYYYY FEO!
No. 1804652
>>1804528it bugs me so bad that every time she talks about some freaky sex shit, she feels the need to insist that she doesn't want to kink shame. like you're talking about 2 girls 1 cup, you're allowed to say its disgusting and depraved. we get it, you're very open minded
also i've always thought she looks like youtuber John Wolfe in drag kek. They even kind of have the same mannerisms
No. 1804655
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Found a guy coping and big lying about the Barbie movie and merchandise. I won't see the movie, the dolls are cheap and tacky as sin, but the truth is that people went to the movie, and people are buying the dolls. Most of them have sold out and/or are being scalped, and Mattel keeps releasing new preorders every month. lol @ the idea that it can't possibly be popular because kids aren't buying the expensive toys. Shockingly, it's a movie truly for adults, featuring adult themes, not a big budget live action Saturday morning cartoon. You'd think modern men would be a bit embarrassed when their favorite media is completely comprehensible to literal children, but no. Males having a meltdown because for once a piece of media is popular and isn't catered to them at all.
No. 1804755
>>1804652always thought she was troon tier ugly and genuinely hard to look at. and yeah she's always defending even the most disgusting fetishes. she is dumb as a rock.
>"i just thought franz ferdinand was a band"when discussing his assassination, genuinely made me laugh out loud at the room temp IQ she is sporting
No. 1804951
>>1804422Sounds like a variant of the influencer accent
Vidrel is a woman doing a great impression of it kek
No. 1805532
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>>1804947Gross faggoty ass comment on that video. Straight men are literal faggots
No. 1806778
>>1804163>>1804364Sage because it's probably not the the kind of rant you wanna see here, and maybe I'm biased since I love ShroudedHand, but I always force myself through those videos just for the sake of acknowledging the
victims and keeping their memory alive. Anyone else? I like that lots of people hear these stories so that the
victims' pain never goes unheard and the hatred towards the abusers stays ablaze.
I acknowledge that the
victims' names and faces being exposed is a violation of privacy, but to me it's worth it since at the same time their abusers will forever be branded as shameful criminals. The Junko Furuta case for example needs to be remembered so that we can stay aware of how cruel scrotes are and what they're capable of. Nobody helped her during those 44 days, but now millions are defending her, and while it doesn't change what those boys and men did to her, she will stay in people's hearts forever. With Genie's story it's somewhat similar (though she's still alive)
I watched the video. ShroudedHand's entire channel is a collection of atrocities humanity caused, but he tells them in a way that is respectful and which puts emphasis on the pain - this video is no different, and it mainly centered around Genie's development. I do however agree with anons that he shouldn't have put her name out there, though let's face it, even if he had explicitly said he didn't want it to be revealed, assholes in the comments would've posted it.
Excuse the novel, but I find this topic interesting to discuss.
hiding for lowkey blogpost but I think maybe I'm too sensitive and such videos pull at my heartstrings, and that's why I miss the exploitative side of them? No. 1806790
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Youtube is all don't ad-block us, ads help support the site!!! wah wah wah! Meanwhile the ads are picrel, trashy child rape clickbait. I don't ever click these but this one pissed me off so I actually went to confirm what I thought it was (fictional article on one of those pages full of a million ads that takes miles of scrolling to get to the end and tries to make it seem kind of like a news article but the writing is too shitty for that.) Spoiler, she doesn't get raped literally they just imply that the entire time and it turns out the doctor impregnated her with a needle to the stomach. Ok.
No. 1806928
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Jimmy and his wife
No. 1807088
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I smile every single time YouTube bites its nails and screams at me to turn off my adblocker. Keep crying, YouTube. I will keep eating my caramel popcorn to trashy videos of rednecks fighting without interruption.
No. 1807307
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You ever just chilling, watching movies innocent videos them see something disturbing like picrel. Made watching any other video impossible. The youtuber needs to mew anyway
No. 1807376
He's a pervert for sure, look at how he enjoys humiliating her by showing her 'undies' on cam. He apparently randomly met her while backpacking in southeast asia as a german incel, but also took years of online dating to finally show a picture of himself because he was so paranoid. Conflicting story and very
No. 1807412
>>1807364I can’t disagree but it’s hard to accept this. To me it looks like a healthy relationship (i mean it’s the definition of staged) and watching her videos on gender expectations in Vietnam I’m happy that she’s grown more comfortable with herself, regardless of what her bf is like.
That said, i think he’s older than her too isnt he? I remember hearing he’s in his mid 30s or something.
No. 1807597
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Does anyone else get the occasional creepy recommendation? I've never heard of this "he/him" whatever tranny, and I see this video pop up on my recommended. I don't watch anything remotely close to this.
No. 1807789
>>1807748Yes make a thread about this cow.
It's horrible that he left his gf when she got cancer but at least she got rid of one big cancerous growth there am I right
>>1807758He did, it's some incestuous Bathory level shit.
No. 1808555
>>1808519>women=narcissist on steroids>responsible for the tragedy>no mention of the father, it's all the mother's faultClassic.
I'm glad there's a video combating it. I saw the thumbnail of the Timmy2Cents one and was disgusted. Men love being cruel to women. Sue Klebold has had to deal with one of the hardest things a mother can go through. People ridicule her for believing the "Eric was the perpetrator, Dylan just followed along" narrative and that "the most common word in Dylan's diaries was love" quote, but what the fuck do they expect her to do? That's her child, she raised him - where is that love supposed to go? She's never denied his wrongdoing. I read her book and it hurt to see the childhood pictures of her and Dylan. She did everything "right": she was anti-gun, she raised her boys to be empathetic and kind, she showed an interest in Dylan's friendships and school life, she encouraged him to go to college. Yet he still betrayed her. Columbine, for me, is proof that you can't raise your sons "right". Not with any certainty.
No. 1810073
>>1808555I bitched about this in another thread, but my own mom tried her hardest to raise my brother to be an empathetic, in touch with his emotions, good man. It didn't work. She was a boy mom and did everything she could for him, but when she was dying in hospice, he "couldn't" come because he was busy. Busy moving into her vacant house. Sure, she was out of it most of her last week, but she woke up at the end like they said she probably would. And I just lied and said "everybody" had come to see her and be with her.
It really doesn't matter what you do with males. They're going to gravitate towards solipsism, sociopathy, and violence.
No. 1810273
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Comments under an OK video about boy moms being insane. 3 tragic tifs, and two women who are even more delusional about males.
No. 1811579
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This genre of video essayist on youtube.
No. 1811659
>>1810776I'm sorry you went through that. I had luckily packed up some/most of my mom's jewelry by volume, but I know that I'll never see the things that I missed again. So many families can only function because we hide how the men have behaved.
As an aside to other anons, never just assume that the males in your family will behave decently if they ever get a chance to fuck you over. Even if you have a "loving" "high value" family, just assume that if they get a chance to screw you over re: money or property, they'll do it.
No. 1811843
>>1811579Wow. As an extreme "what's in my bag" lover, I got interested in that video, and, damn, I just wasted ten minutes of my life.
This elle didn't tell anything. She wasted more time sperging about men and bags and almost nothing about the phenomena itself.
I wonder if all of her videos are this useless.
No. 1811845
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>>1811579i hate video essays. It's like nostalgia critic but 100% cringier because they arent even playing a character, they make videos like these unironically.
No. 1811859
>>1811848Listen a podcast instead, or a documentary, an actual lecture… anything. I especially hate essays about animated films, it's such bullshit. It doesn't teach you anything it just wastes your time and fills your head with things that don't matter and it makes stupid people think they are smarter so they can bother you about "10 crazy facts about shrek movies that are actually criticizing todays economics" they learned from a retard who doesn't have anything better to do. Video essays are an energetic vampire in a video form and people who make them are the worst.
I also especially fucking hate Adam Something channel and his retarded videospam essays about traffic in the cities. Every retard who wants attention now keeps on talking about the damn traffic thinking he's going to amaze everybody with his "fact spittig" when everybody and their mother know about this retarded snob from Prague because youtube pushed him everywhere at one time.
No. 1812126
>>1811848For you and everyone who says "I just need something in the background, I like long videos because of that" - please just put on a YouTube jazz, cozy vibe, or relaxing music video. Those usually up to 8+ hours long and and much healthier for your brain.
Yes, it can be a hard switch but the mindless theory chewing by another qweer quirky person about how a side characters in a McDonald's VHS was important autism representation is rotting your brain's capacity to focus and learn.
Listen to music if you need a video on.
No. 1812321
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>>1811859nta but I only listen to these long-form stuff when I'm at work, so I can't easily watch documentaries on my phone. That's why I usually listen to those iceberg videos. Sometimes I'm interested in the topic, sometimes I'm not, I just need something to help pass the time more easily. That said, around 70% of my colleagues on my floor are actually listening to podcasts, just like you mentioned.
No. 1812396
>>1812370Audiobooks have the same problem as documentaries. I do use audiobooks/documentaries as background noise for some particular types of activities but those only make up maybe 10% of times when I want background noise on.
>>1812126Music just doesn't do it for me. It never fades into the background so I end up stopping what I'm doing every few minutes to change it. That doesn't do my capacity to focus and learn any favors.
No. 1812435
File: 1702592122876.jpg (20.45 KB, 720x458, Tumblr_l_18465486474517.jpg)

I'm glad I reinstalled uBlock on my browser
No. 1812502
>>1811579I wouldn't mind a comfy video essay about an interesting topic but I keep getting recommended these
>queer>girlboss>why x is y-coded>let's talk about zcore aesthetic from tiktok>etc.trend and media analysis videos and I'm really sick of it. They're often really focused on the video creator than the topic too if that makes sense. No matter how much I say I'm not interested and refuse to watch them, I still get more.
>>1812346I've always tinfoiled that YouTube insists upon tiktok and "qweer feminism" content based on knowing that I'm a female zoomer alone even though I never watch anything of the sort. Someone I know who's male and lives in the rural south (Google would know this about him) tells me he's constantly getting shilled pro-Republican own-the-libs type content even though he doesn't watch political stuff, I think demographic is a big piece of what you get
No. 1812720
File: 1702603780339.jpeg (90.45 KB, 642x467, 4F706537-ED6F-4798-B2A6-F1CBC7…)

Retarded fucking comment from a comments section full of men talking about how men shouldn’t vote. Bonus points for this nasty scrote talking about his useless handmaiden wife
No. 1812721
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Of course this loser is married to a man that’s older than her. I’ve said it once I’ll say it a thousand times, I’ve never seen a based woman fucking a man more than 5 years older than her those age gap bitches are always the most colossal pick mes on earth. I hope she and him fucking die
No. 1812772
>>1811579"_____ is queer and I'll tell you why"
no offense but gay women shouldn't be as annoying as gay men, they should know better by default.
No. 1812924
>>1812888Abloobloo theyll live
>>1812889Cope and seethe about it i guess. I fuck them when I'm horny make them feel bad and then laugh at their hurt feelings and ghost them. They couldn't control a remote controlled toy let alone me, appreciate the faux condescending concern tho fatass
(infighting) No. 1813013
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>>1812880As long as you're getting substantial money from them, anon…
No. 1813033
File: 1702621443005.jpg (74.95 KB, 509x339, 1677284740299.jpg)

>searching for a review of a purse
>Get related search results then suddenly two random unrelated ones appear
>One is a disgusting blackhead popping one and the other is of a deformed newborn
I fucking hate this fuck youtube and fuck it's shitty algorithm. Stop recommending me upsetting, disgusting, or pornographic videos. And stop plastering unskippable ads wherever possible
No. 1813061
>>1811845>>1811845I use long yt videoes as background noise like other nonas but I would rather listen to something I know is totally unintellectual than some fake-smart video essay. I honestly miss when everyone was just a "reviewer" instead of a video essayist, I'd rather listen to someone rant about how much a cartoon sucks in the background than listen to someone rant about how a cartoon is actually about queerness and cops and trauma.
It's kind of insane to me when people brag about watching tons of political video essays as background noise cause as the Somerton drama recently came out, so much of them are full of total bullshit. It feels very dangerous for zoomers to be absorbing politics as mindless entertainment.
>>1812042Jenny Nicholson and her type are great. It's fun absorbing other people's autism like that, especially when you can feel their passion and they have an actual sense of humor.
No. 1813104
>>1813103That's exactly my reaction when I see users bragging about getting into sexual relationships just to be a "girlboss" and "get whatever they want". That's a fucking SCROTE, anons. Scrotes the the perpetrators of around 90% of murder-suicides and they do it over petty shit, you are playing
with fire.
No. 1813145
>>1812346I sometimes just put myself down as male on sites to avoid make up, pregnancy, plastic surgery shit being pushed my way. When adblock wasn't working lately nearly all ads I got were
>chat to older ladies >chat to asian ladies >chat to russian ladies >big boss alpha tips on dating Then I realised why. And I'm constantly telling youtube that I don't want to see another channel that's just men taking one womans tiktok about being tinder ghosted and them blowing it up into how all women will soon die alone with cats and how delicious that thought is
If you're a woman with little interest in fashion, make up, bbls, 3 hour essays about the barbie movie etc there's no real winning option. Being down as female seems to send youtube into pro tranny mode too as if its womena and trannies against the world. It all sucks.
No. 1813222
>>1812346don't declare your gender on any website do as
>>1813145 anon does.
Turn off gambling/dating ads on Google AdSense settings which may limit the occasional "you are a walking sperm sack" dating site ads.
try to use a VPN or a browser that supports VPNS.
use ublock origin + open the same vid tab in an alternate browser if adblock is detected.
there's a mirror site of YT that has no ads and ad blocking shit too if you don't want to alternate between 2 browsers lel. Use it if you are on your phone an>>1812346
don't declare your gender on any website do as
>>1813145 anon does.
Turn off gambling/dating ads on Google AdSense settings which may limit the occasional "you are a walking sperm sack" dating site ads.
try to use a VPN or a browser that supports VPNS.
use ublock origin + open the same vid tab in an alternate browser if adblock is detected.
there's a mirror site of YT that has no ads and ad blocking shit too if you don't want to alternate between 2 browsers lel. Use it if you are on your phone and want to fuck ads off.
may as well plug the addon that returns dislikes kek. Its literally called return YouTube dislike.
>>1813103>>1813104>Murder suicide schema of edgy handmaiden LARPerThis is a self solving problem then, no?want to fuck ads off.
may as well plug the addon that returns dislikes kek. Its literally called return YouTube dislike.
>>1813103>>1813104>Murder suicide schema of edgy handmaiden LARPerThis is a self solving problem then, no?
No. 1813991
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i started playing funkyfrogbait videos in the back while cleaning and i could have sworn she was identifying as a woman until a few days ago. now she has they/them pronouns and calls herself a little boy. here i was pleasantly surprised that a mullet haired septum piercing wearing millennial with a cringe tumblr-era username wasn't a gendie..
No. 1814105
>>1814074>Her humor is pretty good and she has that*they/them,
nonnie. If you're gonna be a handmaiden at least respect them's pronouns.
No. 1814179
>>1813991I'm just tired of these essay type videos always being recommended to me. I've never watched her videos but she keeps getting recommended to me, I don't understand why.
No. 1814183
I fucking hate this genre
>>1813991 idk what it's called but it's always either a man or a woman with a shitty haircut and piercings and they have alright content but randomly they'll interject something about social issues. These only started popping up in my recommended when I started watching monster high doll repaints
>>1813156Male recommendations are 100% worse, I don't think they get as varied a feed either. It's like it detects male and just puts them down the moid content pipeline, my nigel just uses YouTube to watch hockey clips and his shorts recommendations are all Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and clips from that @whatever podcast.
No. 1814196
>>1814179>>1814183i don't mind this type of content maybe once or twice a month because i'm so detached from social media that i only hear about funny/interesting drama through youtube while i do my dishes or clean my bathroom. but it always takes me out when we're talking about idk republicans threatening target workers as if they're at fault that target is selling pride merch and suddenly the person is talking about how there's totes noooo minors who are transitioning before the age of 18/21! noooo! as if they aren't stanning puberty blockers and other shit like that.
>>1814184kek someone's pedo uncle with a gender identity.
No. 1821426
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>>1821424I think scrolling through the thumbnails and vid titles is hilarious
No. 1821432
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>>1821424i unironically wish i had a male coquette bf
No. 1821438
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>>1821432Actually I want a coquette boyfriend except he's huge and hung.
No. 1822204
File: 1703137966882.jpg (41.67 KB, 766x590, 1000012775.jpg)

>>1821426All of these
FAGGOT thumbnails are 1000+% passable as gay porn screencaps.
No. 1822769
>>1821426>i'm no longer indonesianKEK.
so me when i was 10, nothing i hated more than being indonesian but idgaf anymore it's just so funny to me seeing that used as a title kek i wonder what the video could possibly me about. this is the second weird anglophone indofag i know about, the other one is that one troll that makes inflammatory videos namely this one where he says he wouldn't mind living in colonial times because it would be hot to him as a gay man(?) and another where he uses nair on his asshole and shows it. barf
No. 1824870
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>>1824733I don't use youtube on mobile so I don't know if it works for it, but it did work for me in other apps, so if you have an android, maybe try this? Tho you might have already come across this, sorry if so.
No. 1825039
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I'm not even going to bother linking it but I thought I tolerated Hasan Piker until I saw a nearly hour long video of him defending porn addiction and the entire time I heard his whiny retarded cadence I wanted to shove his mic down his throat oh my god. Men are STUPID.
No. 1825564
>>1825543I had never seen him express a more stupid argument until now. The more he talked, the more I hated him. Its like he morphed into some porn addicted loser right before my very eyes. He's so naive and retarded. Logically I know his stance is because he himself isn't into noncon or bdsm or violent porn, but the fact that he just could not register in his pea brain that this is the shit other men are watching is crazy to me. Just fucking dumb.
>>1825549I actually have no idea. I just put him on because he's monotone and drones on, I hadn't really watched any egregious material until this point and it made me wish he'd fall into a void omg it was so annoying.
No. 1825624
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Anons… Is YouTube on a actual crack? It keeps recommending the absolute weirdest videos (usually shorts) when I'm looking for something unrelated. I was looking up Mediterranean sandwich recipes and it wants me to watch this. Also it did the same thing a bunch of times with some video of a deformed baby. Not sure if that video was some type of clickbait/troll video because I never clicked on it because the thumbnail was kind of disturbing. It really wants me to watch some weird ass videos when I'm looking for something else.
No. 1825657
File: 1703326364399.jpg (569.01 KB, 837x616, Tumblr_l_214263218808004.jpg)

The annoying orange creator is a tranny, my sides
No. 1825756
>>1811859>>1811913Late but I listen to podcasts every now and then instead of using those videos as background noise, but it feels fucking impossible to find decent ones. I do like true crime stuff but even there so many are absolute ass. There's way too many podcasts about serious topics (not just true crime) that spend 75% of the time talking about random shit among themselves, and only 25% about the actual topic and it's infuriating. You really have to put in the work to find a decent one that isn't hitting you in the face with a betterhelp ad read every 10 minutes.
At least most of the longwinded youtube videos I listen to aren't smelling their own farts the entire time and will have just one ad I can easily skip.
No. 1826099
>>1825660Shorts are based on history, but shorts history. It's based on length watched, not what you watch specifically. So if you watch one kpop short for 20 seconds and a cooking one for 10, you will probably get another kpop video first before another cooking video. The way the algorithm works for that is the same length algorithm for normal videos, but at least those also factor in content to a degree.
Youtube keeps switching around their algorithm, but for shorts is length right now.
No. 1827304

>>1811913>>1825756>>1812321i know i am late but you guys need to seriously diversify your content and interests outside of shittube, spotify, and tiktok bubble. try listening to 20th century american radio dramas, like yours truly, johnny dollar, or even something from the bbc radio. they have an excellent audio drama/reading of lotr and an extensive catalogue of talented writers and well-trained actors who come on and have their own series (julian simpson does beautiful sci-fi dramas). or, you know, you could also try listening to an audiobook of some classic literature such as homer's odyssey, the good earth, wuthering heights, madame bovary…i mean something anything other than the dull stuff that is being pumped out now. at least you're also getting the benefit of making yourselves more worldly in the process and dipping your toes into more cultured content that actually makes you think about the world. these are all wonderful for when you want background noise but understandably, cannot take retards laughing like a bunch of dorks over the same stupid content, or the millionth episode of whatever boring fucking murder that every true crime case has beaten into the ground. there's only so many times i can hear someone go on about brian schaeffer before i might scream.
i hate to be judgmental, but some of you guys are showing your age and your reliance on these big corps to entertain you and it's actually kind of depressing to see. diversify yourselves, people. i bet i'm not that much older than some of you at my big age of 28, so the fact i'm even having to write this is mind blowing. there's so, so much more to life than just social media and what these corporations want you to watch/listen to. and a lot of this stuff is available online, easily accessible on these very same platforms, you guys are just not actively searching for it.
and please don't say, i'm not interested in this, blah blah blah, i've already read these books in school/university! yada yada, i don't want to listen to sherlock holmes or fuck tolkien. you're totally entitled to how you feel but if you aren't willing to try something new, you can't really blame anyone but yourselves if you get bored.
No. 1827358
so, nonnies…have any of you noticed the shorts section get weirder? so for a tiny bit I was just clicking food/travel videos. it was a dumb habit so I stopped and ignored it. two weeks later, today, I saw my short section again and it's full of zoomers, obviously fake videos, plastic surgery shit (the "before" featured two people that looked like super models…), looks, etc. I didn't click on any, but it was obvious what they were. before it at least recommended stuff that was in my interests. I guess maybe it went back to the default?
>>1825624I can't tell if it has gotten worse, tbh. I'm gonna try to find a way to delete shorts off my homepage, even if I accidentally break youtube.
No. 1827444

I don't use social media, I don't know how to spread this.
Anons who love animals, especially any who live in China, please try to watch this. The information is graphic and horrific, but ignoring it is one of the worst things we can do. There's a Chinese online community dedicated to torturing and killing cats. The "cat in blender" video that was spread on Twitter months ago was made by one of its members, and likely intentionally spread. He made even more videos, got arrested, and then was released. This made the rest of the members of that "community" go crazy, feeling invincible. They've started making more videos and selling them, livestreaming, advertising themselves online, posting photos of cats they've kidnapped/"adopted"/stolen and threatening to torture/kill them if they don't receive money or women's nudes (they just do it regardless), and grooming children as young as 13 into participating for money. Two 17 year old boys who did it for fun have been exposed, and their parents turned out to be bankers (Cao Yang, Vice President of the Agricultural Bank in SiChuan Province and his wife, Liu Ya, CEO of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd) and political figures (Li Hongguang, a member of the Communist Party of Weishi County Industrial and Commercial Bureau in Kaifeng) who managed to get everything censored and shield their sons from any repercussions. The son of the latter went inactive, but was enraged at getting doxxed and has started threatening to do it again, sending people photos of cats in cages.
Animal rights groups in China have been protesting for laws to stop animal torture content and doing everything they can to bring attention to this, including paying for an ad in Times Square to get western eyes on the situation. The Chinese authorities remain invested in censoring and warning these people for "bringing negative attention to China". Meanwhile, the cat torturers openly mock the government and shit on the country in their Telegram chats, jack off to photos of Rape of Nanking victims and post English-language ads on Twitter to try and attract a western audience. One self-proclaimed Satanist from the US has already been exposed for reposting (and likely commissioning) torture videos from them, but hasn't been charged yet. These aren't even all the details laid out in the video, it's sickness.
This is in the YouTube hate thread because YouTube is in the business of deleting anything exposing animal sadist communities, but they love to leave up actual animal abuse content. This is exactly how they were with pedophilic content/pedo rings in comment sections, too. It only stopped when big YouTubers started calling them out en masse. I despise how all these media platforms have evolved to incentivize abuse/exploitation, and how everyone's encouraged to turn a blind eye. I despise China supposedly having its foot up every citizen's ass, but refusing to protect animals, women or children. I honestly despise the current state of how everything works right now, it feels like a nightmare.
No. 1828509
>>1827948This. Anon is most likely signed into google and using google chrome. If you are signed into google while browsing the interet, your entire search history is tracked and associated with your google account.
I never see any weird creepy shit like this because I use different browsers and different VPNs for different sites. I also clear my cookies and LSOs at the end of each browsing session.
No. 1829920
File: 1703665102453.png (17.55 KB, 1081x145, smut.PNG)

It isn't remotely close to the same thing.
No. 1830398
File: 1703702651208.png (126.75 KB, 338x309, image.png)

police cam videos like this keep getting recommended to me (probably because i watch other crime related videos) and they feel so gross and pornographic whenever there is a woman involved.
No. 1833428
File: 1703882256424.jpg (119.09 KB, 574x441, blockalltroons.jpg)

It feels so good to block out troon accounts, even if it only works for a few days.
No. 1833524
>>1829700I had a younger relative who watched when her and the shitty ex made kiddie arcade vids. I picked up on the weird vibes between her and the shitty bf att. Later found the vid she put out after the break up and felt bad for her. Wondered what direction she'd go in next. Few vlogs where she acted all impulsive and lost as a single woman, ok maybe thats to be expected after what she went through..
Hopped around just about every 'easy clicks' category and collabed with a bunch of tranny dick riding channels to attract that crowd over to her. Of course that's the direction.
No. 1833532
File: 1703886962853.png (107.74 KB, 836x470, 7k.PNG)

I found out a couple of days ago about a script that changes the YouTube layout to the 2014-2016 one to perfection.
You'll need Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey for it, it's called '''7kttube''' No. 1835658
File: 1704070858248.png (465.75 KB, 540x476, 4d4931ad7f4c3fc8788e5bf59a7ca2…)

i used to enjoy her content as background noise while cleaning but it's starting to piss me off that she's falling into this autistic "buying every x" trap. i know she's gonna claim that she'll donate all of this so it goes to kids in need, but we never get proof that she follows through so i'm skeptical.
No. 1835811
File: 1704081716185.jpeg (51.79 KB, 1118x160, 7C0AB2B9-9C01-4553-9AB0-26DA0E…)

From a vogue beauty secrets video. I hate men so fucking much it’s unreal and I genuinely believe they’re all pedophiles
No. 1837729
File: 1704294764347.png (633.72 KB, 1138x869, cravav.png)

The urge to ALOG is so strong with this one, cause he likely knows what types of creeps are watching his daughter, but he doesn't care at all.
No. 1838727
File: 1704371249123.mp4 (567.38 KB, 960x540, ASm697T.mp4)

Maybe I'm an over-sensitive zoomer, but did people in 2013 did not realize how creepy this sounded.
No. 1838892
File: 1704384844380.jpg (58.68 KB, 1125x685, F3GgtDaWoAAbk6I.jpg)

>>1827444 this GFM and a linktree with other relevant links in case anyone else watched this video and wants to help make a difference. While the Chinese government embarrasses itself on a mass scale and plays cuckold to edgelords, child groomers and nepo failsons, there are still activists trying to save the animals. International attention helps a lot.
No. 1838908
>>1803231Why bother commenting when it inmediatly gets deleted by the algorithm and if not then the channel owner can just delete everything.
Literal scammers defrauding people and you can't even say anything because your comment will not even last 2 seconds. Hiden dislikes is a miracle for this people too, Youtube literally supports the worst kind of scum activity and grifting.
No. 1841197
>>1836387you can use
>>1833532 or YouTube Redux
No. 1842827
File: 1704657908335.png (669.21 KB, 1141x569, V3gba4.png)

>>1842783Literally wtf is this channel.
No. 1843774
File: 1704712198301.jpeg (142.73 KB, 1477x730, C6CF8A2F-40CD-4DCD-84F1-4C9B92…)

Annoying ass comment section about mark wahlberg being upset that he was too old to cast as Nathan drake so they casted Tom Holland instead. Cue the comments section crying about how he’s supposed to be older and how they’re passing up older male actors and how it’s totally ok to cast washed up old men because they age like fine wine. You must fuckimg know if she was a woman this comment section would be vicious towards her. Bonus points for a moid saying it’s pedophilia to cast a 26 yr old scrote as a 35. The pearl clutching is insane, if this was posted about a woman the moids would be in testerics saying that “omggg a 26 year old woman is an adult you’re just demonizing male sexuality Ooga booga”. I wonder if this moid would have the same reaction to Poor Things, probably not tho
No. 1844590
File: 1704765425463.jpeg (58.41 KB, 1413x299, 1F6D4A5C-D791-4EEB-987D-F1DA3C…)

Unironic pedophile in the comments section of a South Park clip. I fuckimg hate men so much it’s unreal
No. 1844592
File: 1704765459245.jpeg (106.54 KB, 1315x578, 6E01BE6E-E10E-4B94-A566-EE5CC6…)

Natalie Portman was eleven during the filming of this btw. Men should be culled
No. 1844895
File: 1704777512130.png (1.27 MB, 1079x791, hhoUHI7.png)

this is just an awful recap of the movie.
No. 1845474
>>1844895the saltburn "lore"? what lore is there to cover in a self contained movie? especially when it literally ends with emerald fennell holding your hand through a ""plot twist"" that was already blatantly obvious to anyone with two brain cells.
i hate this recent trend of people making videos sperging over tv shows/movies. there has to be a dozen videos in this same style that are completely identical right down to the thumbnail (the pictures of the various characters on the wall and the hunched over position). i can enjoy this type of stuff when it's clear the creator has something to say about the show/movie, but 99% of the time you can tell its just passionless episode recaps to cash in on the algorithm pushing this kind of longform slop.
No. 1846573
>>1846567 and this one is in spanish with more information, its mostly screencaps so you can read them even without understanding spanish
>>1846570 No. 1846855
File: 1704912194491.png (71.81 KB, 574x332, 5mSBffT.png)

>>1842763I get what she's saying, like obviously this does take some level of skill and dedication and he may actually enjoy doing it but it's ultimately a waste of time and his talent, like I unironically believe a lot of great academics and scientists of this generation are lost cause they doing speed-running.
No. 1846900
>>1846856Not unbeatable, but still impressive (although untimately useless). In fact another streamer got the kill screen at an earlier level just a couple of days after, and his kill screen at that level was luck because he could have avoided it entirely.
>>1842778What I'm wondering is how do his parents allow him to play so much of this game for so long every day. Does this kid not have things to do? His obsession screams autism, do his parents know? Shouldn't they try to "correct" his unhealthy behaviour? Also yeah this kid is at a very high risk of trooning out.
No. 1848277
File: 1704999836355.png (1.84 MB, 1878x1064, ugh.png)

was following what I thought was a female content creator that makes shoujo related videos and then it turns out it's a troon that has a side channel talking about hentai.
No. 1849051
>>1848454I feel bad for being instinctively suspicious whenever I see other women into male-dominated stuff because there shouldn't be anything unusual about real women being in those fields, but unfortunately my suspicions are often confirmed. I watch videos about math and tech so there's a lot of programmer troons in there.
To make matters worse I've been getting a surge of coomer weeb stuff (like lolis and smug hentai references) and "WHY WESTERN WOMEN ARE DELUSIONAL AND MEN ARE LONELY: AN ESSAY" stuff ever since I started going to YouTube for more Linux content
No. 1849069
>>1849051Ugh that's so fucking gross. Please tell me you've telling youtube to fuck off with those recommendations. The IT dude to tranny propaganda is strong.
>>1848283I'm using unblock origin and I've been getting it too.
No. 1850480
File: 1705108231426.jpeg (511.91 KB, 1338x1151, 590B81D9-1259-4224-A44C-53B3EA…)

Dumb self hating pick me pandering to scrotes in one of those useless redpill YouTube videos. Where are all the men doing this for us?
No. 1852447
File: 1705173658850.jpg (70.6 KB, 640x630, 7a2ce2e2ed4786e7375d5a10c8441a…)

>>1851531yep it's so fucking blatantly predatory. people are saying to install ublock instead but i refuse. i will keep adblock forever, and i will NEVER stop blocking ads on youtube. go fuck yourself youtube.
No. 1852629
>>1852464>They have a stupid "allowed ads" thing where some ads are allowed through if the advertiser pays AdblockNonnny, you can disable the "Acceptable Ads" feature by unchecking a box, it's not hard.
>>1852615Youtube was telling me to disable it when all this started which I actually did, but after a week or so I turned it back on (because ads are annoying and I saw some people say you can just wait it out) and it's been working for the past month. Not sure if it was an adblock change or a youtube change, don't really care to find out.
No. 1855530
>>1855432There's so much scummy shit going on behind the scenes in charities, misuse of funds, sex tourism, shit you wouldn't believe. Putting a deformed kid into an ugly outfit and telling them to mumble at the camera about how all they want is rainbows and puppies is guaranteed to get donations flowing in. They don't care about the kids.
Donate to small, local groups where you know where your donation is going. Giving to your local food bank, homeless shelter or hospital will do more than giving to yet another sad child charity. You can donate to animal shelters, they desperately need all the help they can get- even dropping off some pet food, blankets and toys helps. If you can get your workplace involved even better.
No. 1855554
>>1855545Im the first ublock anon
>>1852633I thought I was replying to someone who was saying "i thought adblock doesn't work on youtube anymore", not someone who doesn't see ads. Idk the other ublock anon and we're definitely not in the same office high-fiving each other over our fat ublock origin paychecks as we chase you around an anonymous imageboard telling everyone about ublock origin.
No. 1855578
File: 1705333009246.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1170x1766, IMG_5126.jpeg)

>>1839627I agree it’s weird considering that song is about ronnie spector’s abuse & it’s being repurposed for some made-up incel yaoi lore animatic for an album by a misogynist. i looked at that account and
> tif > has to clarify she’s “black” on all her social media accounts, probably so no one gets weirded out by her exclusively drawing tyler the creator fanart> looks like thissage for race sperging but i would not think she was black if i saw her on the street, and given she’s from miami she’s likely hispanic and every hispanic i know is incredibly colorist and even if they are literally black they still will not see themselves as black. i had a co-worker get called the n word and he was totally offended not because it was rude but because he was “mistaken for black”, so seeing hispanic zoomers flock so hard to whatever minority groups will give them the most clout/benefit them the most socially is really funny when you know their tias are putting on blue contacts and getting highlights and staying out of the sun. i don’t even know why someone would larp as black with this hair texture. Usually when i see people say they’re black even if they’re kind of white passing i give them the benefit of the doubt because there are a lot of biracial people who look totally white but with this girl i don’t get why she would try to have her cake and eat it too by aligning herself as black
No. 1855605
>>1855545what are you on about kek, no one gets a paycheck from a free softare to post about them anonymously. it's considered more useful than adblock because adblock has compromised its integrity by letting advertisers pay them to allow some ads.
there are other adblockers (i use adnauseam a lot) but ublock is simply very easy to use and readily available so it's the most popular one.
No. 1856388
File: 1705374731225.jpg (45.42 KB, 1022x398, 1000007154.jpg)

Found these videos while looking for women's tennis highlights. Anyone else hate how sexualized the thumbnails are for women's sports and things that involve women in general. The amount of channels with this kind of thumbnail has been increasing.
No. 1856438
File: 1705377518989.jpg (259.36 KB, 1440x1253, Screenshot_20240116_065512_Sam…)

What an oxymoron of a channel name
No. 1856723
>>1850480Uggh I can't even read the whole thing I cringed so much. I think the worse part is I used to be like this when I was younger. Hopefully she grows out of it…
>Where are all the men doing this for us?Exactly. They would never.
No. 1856867
>>1856863same here,
nonny. the adblock thing was such a shit show but it broke my youtube addiction. the site became completely unappealing to me and i haven't watched anything on there in weeks. i scrolled through my feed yesterday and couldn't believe how braindead everything was, based on the titles and thumbnails alone. why did i need to watch so much garbage all the time? kek.
No. 1856868
>>1856863Not just dumber but they are each going to have a laundry list of disgusting fetishes thanks to the elsagate trash, which honestly there’s still plenty of it around. In the future 3 out of 5 of all people will have one of the following fetishes: scat, piss, farts, pregnancy, inflation, beastiality, feederism, BDSM or ABDL. All because their worthless millennial parents think rules and boundaries are mean and their child will be a complete outcast if they don’t get every single thing and experience their peers get. They will be also completely unable to manage their emotions, completely unable to maintain friendships and relationships, zero attention span and total and utter hedonism and deviancy.
No. 1856929
>>1856909I watch mainly gaming content as well, and sometimes caving videos. I've noticed how both had had to censor themselves due to youtube. Some of them even say '
unalive' (which makes me wanna punch someone) instead of using a synonym for killed yourself. I hate this insane thing how words and books are censored, but porn is all access.
No. 1857010
File: 1705423548220.jpeg (115.18 KB, 1174x471, 915DC05B-C7F9-4BDF-93A2-F02B7F…)

This is why I don’t give a fuck about male victims. On a comment section about some loser getting his as whooped by his gf and this was a reply to a comment saying abuse doesn’t have a gender. Whenever you get these man bites dog stories of a woman being abusive they can’t just empathize with the scrote, they have to denigrate and downplay women’s abuse while they’re at it. And of course no one called him out for it in this “we should all just get along and fight abuse together” ass comment thread. I fucking hate men and I will never advocate for male “victims”
No. 1857021
>>1857010Scrotes will call you mentally
abusive for things like asking them to brush their teeth twice a day or to stop leaving wet towels on the carpet. When a scrote says he’s been abused by a woman, especially emotionally or mentally, I am automatically skeptical and I outright start distrusting the scrote in every single way. You know that they’re liars, manipulators and probably abusers themselves if they say that.
No. 1857024
>>1857010I don’t believe male
victims. They’re all usually lying or stretching the truth anyway. Not even other scrotes give a fuck about them lol
No. 1857201
>>1857024One of my good friends from a few hours away left her boyfriend finally. I'm so happy for her. She came out to my with all the dirty laundry on DMs about how he constantly played the
victim while abusing her. I believe her 100 percent. He claimed to be a male feminist who was raped by a woman in college. He's one of those incel types who look like henry cavall, so people dont believe he can be an incel. I'm so glad my friend is in a better place now with her new life.
No. 1857734
>>1857648NTA, but I had (and still have) severely hooded eyes. I gave up on makeup entirely a while back but before that (in like 2014 - 2016) I did watch her videos a lot and yes her videos for hooded eyes were really good, at the time she had better advice for hooded eyes than any other channel I could find. If you want to learn makeup for hooded eyes (or makeup in general) her older videos are probably a useful resource (if they're still up that is, I have no idea).
After I lost interest in makeup I unsubscribed from everyone but her because I really liked her personality. She moved to Ireland with her longterm partner and I loved watching those vlogs, especially as someone who has always wanted to go to Ireland. Not long after that she got pregnant and had her son and quit vlogging because she didn't want to put her son on camera and said that she couldn't vlog without showing him because she's with him so much there wouldn't be anything to vlog. Which I can respect but it was still just a bummer.
She lost interest in makeup after being a makeup artist for 7 years and said there wasn't anything new there. She turned vegan (this was years ago, before she moved to Ireland or had her son) then got really educated on nutrition and decided not to raise her kids vegan. She's really into health and wellness and probably homeopathy (though don't quote me on that). Like bordering crunchy mom status though I don't think she is one. Like she said some stuff about how she wished she could have an underwater birth but then ended up having a C section lol.
I honestly don't think she's hypocritical, because people can change. I used to be very pro makeup and pro plastic surgery when I was younger, then when I got to be in my late 20's I got a lot more cynical and realized the ways those industries prey on women. The thing that annoys me more with her is that her videos are basically just rehashing the same thing over and over again (social media is fake, learn to be confident regardless of what you look like etc). But if it helps young girls then I guess it's a good thing.
All of that being said the one thing she did that really annoyed me was when one of her dogs (she had 4 at the time) attacked her son for no reason. Like knocked him over and bit his face. Mind you this dog had known the kid for the entirety of the kids life. Then when that happened she didn't want to say the breed of the dog because she "didn't want to cause breed discrimination". In other words it's a dog that's known to be aggressive, and acted aggressive against your kid yet you want to protect the breed? Because you think that the aggression had nothing to do with what breed the dog is? K. Pretty sure it was some breed of bulldog like a staffy. I think I still have some screenshots of that incident if anyone wants to see it.
Anyways sorry for the blogpost lmao. I just never had a reason to post about her before.
No. 1857783
>>1857021It's especially suspect if they're saying it in an angry way, most people who are being abused find it shameful and try to hide it or try to cope and pretend it's not happening or not that bad. Usually people's instinctive response to being abused isn't to throw a tantrum denouncing the abuser.
spoiler for blogpost
My ex had an issue where he'd sleep in and get mad because he slept more than he wanted, so he asked me to call him in the morning to help him get up. So I did exactly that, and he had a complete meltdown because I would wake him and that would make him feel annoyed and bothered…I like this post here, it makes a really good point. It is written by a man and he mentions that men who have genuinely been treated badly usually respond sympathetically when hearing about female
victims, rather than being hostile and accusing them of stealing attention, so there's no excuse for aggressive guys who act like it's some female conspiracy against men No. 1858455
File: 1705487538478.png (55.72 KB, 526x895, image_2024-01-17_213317920.png)

Nonnies who want to avoid doomscrolling on youtube or looking at stupid comments should get the Distraction Free Youtube extension, you can remove nearly every feature of youtube besides the video and search
No. 1859715
>>1850480>Where are all the men doing this for us?This is what finally flipped the switch for me. You'll never see even male feminists write a giant text wall about how strong and beautiful even crippled female housecleaners are, and how men should all be grateful for their presence. It just doesn't happen. Scrotes don't even thank you when you debase yourself doing this shit. You'd think something like this would have replies acknowledging it and thanking the person, but I bet it doesn't. They very rarely do.
>>1857024Don't trust them. One thing I've noticed thanks to reddit is how butthurt guilty men will downplay or hide the bad shit they have done, but women are trained to assume at least partial responsibility for everything. Reading women's posts, it's all
>In all fairness,>Now, to be honest, I>To be fair,>My boyfriend is a really great guy, butMy eyes glaze over reading it all. And then men insist the very opposite is true, when you can see the truth just by reading their slimy reddit posts.
No. 1862169
File: 1705770692487.jpg (Spoiler Image,427.67 KB, 1080x766, Gross.jpg)

This shit is gross, why does shit like this always get recommended? I also had femboy content recommended with thumbnails of his ass hanging out. I reported it constantly and it's still up, I hate fags and coomers so much.
No. 1865003
File: 1705984350206.jpeg (84.22 KB, 1528x287, E4FDAB13-BF1E-409D-9A26-5AA4FC…)

I fucking hate men’s incel comments and concern trolling on any video with older women in it. Always pushing their redpill agenda everywhere.I hope men get eradicated
No. 1865013
File: 1705984661935.png (209.28 KB, 328x290, niggajuice.png)

>>1865003Does he think that men somehow stay youthful and uwu gorgeous forever? Retarded fucking faggot
No. 1865690
File: 1706051952207.png (273.49 KB, 679x511, literally 1984 .png)

Gay moid anitubers are the funniest shit to me.
No. 1865728
>>1865690All of this scrote's videos are just 'west bad'
Like he literally got pissy over the 'thing japan' meme.
No. 1865757
>>1865302Something about her just ticks me off, I could never figure out what it was.
Anyway she’s white and most likely straight, her fans will eat her up
No. 1867104
File: 1706156380421.jpg (60.04 KB, 1114x340, 1000002369.jpg)

Tell me why the creep from soft white underbelly did a Chris delia interview and yassified the thumbnail like he was interviewing a shell-shocked soldier
No. 1867280
File: 1706178023530.jpg (17.83 KB, 256x308, tumblr_25d597ad2c32e5a0670d00c…)

>video pops up in the recommended section
>it's about a topic I like
>longer than 15 minutes, nice
>click on it
>sponsorblock has shaved off two and a half minutes of watch time already
>faggot moid with a flat voice introduces himself in a nonchalant and unbothered way for "comedic effect"
>"it's okay, maybe he stops being snarky and unfunny and gets serious when we get to the topic"
>continues doing the "ugh haha I wish I wasn't here doing this right now am I right guys" voice for the entirety of the damn time I stick around
>barrage of unfunny sexual innuendos, capeshit-tier line delivery, stroking of his own ego OR self-deprecation with no other fucking option
>faggot begs for interaction, points out that most people watching him are not subscribed so "please do it wah wah wah"
>I click off the video after 4 minutes
Shithole website. I fucking hate how you can't have any seriously-made videos these days because everybody needs their brains constantly stimulated with retarded "comedy" and over-the-top editing. If you're about to say that this sounds specific, I kid you not, I've had to click off dozens of videos because they were all the exact same.
No. 1867708
File: 1706214493587.png (831.97 KB, 1079x1668, 1000007459.png)

No. 1867713
File: 1706214745460.png (322.38 KB, 1080x1697, 1000007461.png)

>>1867708Other comments on the same video
No. 1867770
>>1867708I don't have time to watch the video, how is it?
I tend to stay away from anitubers in general, they always either get stuff insanely wrong or treat it as wacky pedo nippon lol thing instead of treating series individually.
No. 1867865
File: 1706229638678.jpg (565.49 KB, 2110x1000, 2-Berserk-and-Bosch-web1.jpg)

>>1867852It's very much a fantasy story of its time. There's an old fantasy trope where a female character gets raped so horrifically she turns catatonic for the rest of the story, I don't know why men write it that way but I've seen it many times and that's what happens in Berserk, but even more annoying than usual because somehow it's all about how hard it is for Guts. Eyeroll kek
The manga went on for way too long at a very slow pace and the story never finished, author is dead now. I liked the classic art references in it
No. 1867909
File: 1706233899371.png (1.66 MB, 1114x998, horse.png)

>>1867885It is. They mostly rehash Casca's rape again and again because it was so bad and traumatizing and she travels with the party and they can't fix her. I think the first to get raped is actually
Guts himself as a boy, then there's
young Griffith sleeping with a disgusting old pederast, and of course the famous
rape horse and the absolutely retarded
rape trolls are in later arcs. There is also a loli fanservice character added later.
No. 1870133
File: 1706457868220.png (399.03 KB, 1010x606, 8USbPlg.png)

imagine some kid trying to search for a video to help with their homework and coming across shit like picrel.
No. 1871840
File: 1706614248864.jpg (362.87 KB, 1079x944, Screenshot_2024-01-30-11-18-35…)

I dislike gimmicky art videos but this one is unintentionally funny because the artist's icon looks eerily similar to the bad anime art used im the thumbnail
No. 1871939
>>1849051>I watch videos about math and tech>more Linux contentwow you are awesome
nonnie. the reason this: > but unfortunately my suspicions are often confirmed
happens is because troons are so fucking vocal in every community they are because the want XXXTRA validation and attention(they always mention they're trans and other bullshit like that).
whenever I watch videos on YouTube related to math/tech/linux I mostly watch those made by men because the "women" are usually trannies. there are actual women who make vids on these topics but it's mostly trannies sadly (they always mention something about being trans or whatever kek like what does that have to do with math)
No. 1873898
File: 1706791179390.png (833.82 KB, 1114x1049, V3EA.png)

I had to idea this brand of MRA could even exist past 2017.
No. 1873900
File: 1706791285430.jpg (128.68 KB, 1080x1080, F8gUcEDXoAA2INx.jpg)

>>1873898and this is what he look like IRL.
No. 1874067
>>1873898I actually got recommended the stupid "male minimalism" video on my front page and did not watch it. Men will still spend money on stupid shit like sports cars and pay to win video games. Women want homes even when they're single, so all the home goods will still be purchased by the women who dodged marrying them. And OFC he got the "no pussy no work" thing backwards. If a man can get free sex without employment, he will never work again. My aunt is currently dealing with this in an adult stepson, he has zero ambition to progress his life, just bang gf and play video games.
>>1873900I assumed he would be about 25 by the stupidity of his thumbnails.
No. 1874305
>>1873330That breadtube thread on kf is so entertaining, it's full of a bunch of man babies telling on themselves. The site that was basically created so they could fuck with a weirdo horny autistic man and laugh at people who harassed him, now is writing paragraphs about how their poor autist sexpest favorite youtuber needs to be understood. He has autism! Why don't people feel bad for him and understand!!"It's just how it was back then!!!"
It's so weird but funny, i've been following it since it happened.
No. 1874803
File: 1706856070449.jpg (430.96 KB, 1080x2340, 1000004781.jpg)

this is retarded. this is like those stupid tumblrs or igs that were all about being monochromatic. i bet there are tiktok pages like that too. i understand how that can work on static images but who cares about the aesthetic of their youtube feed of all places?
No. 1875585
File: 1706917245342.jpeg (176.65 KB, 680x1454, AFDBC438-9E72-491B-AF28-29D9E4…)

Video about Adriana limas ugly husband cheating on her inspired dumb looksmaxxing incels and handmaidens in the comments. It hilarious seeing so many men seething over women calling her ugly ass man ugly when men gleefully talk shit about women’s looks with no pushback. Dumb faggot ass male pretending misandry is real because a woman called a dogfaced moid hideous
No. 1875590
File: 1706917456270.jpeg (189.61 KB, 755x1491, A860A15D-A448-46C9-8465-ED1FB1…)

Surprisingly based woman in the comments section talking about how misandry is just a reaction to misogyny but of course even on a video that has nothing to do about it men want to pretend that misogyny is a “result of misandry” and of course that dumb shit got more likes and self hating pick me had to come in with her “noooo you can’t criticize misogyny it’s ALL equally bad” handmaiden cope. Fucking faggots pretending that misogyny is caused by women and not men’s inherently low opinion of femaleness makes me fuckimg sick. I wanna fuckimg murder every man on planet earth
No. 1878098
File: 1707129505639.png (835.23 KB, 1122x777, AHBBA.png)

Anyone else get really strong pedo-vibes from channels like this?
No. 1880025
File: 1707268796162.png (63.81 KB, 1080x534, YouTube.png)

(Ignore the blue outline)
I'm so sick of youtube listing weird unrelated videos when searching for stuff.
I didn't capture the thumbnail of this video because it was literally a picture of a babies genitals.
The view count makes me sick.
I don't even know if it's a real baby or one of those reborn dolls, but either way it's gross.
I've been off youtube for a while, and this just makes me want to stay far away from it.
No. 1881082
File: 1707350680612.png (322.84 KB, 1242x2688, IMG_3353.png)

I keep getting this vtuber recommended to me. Imagine this being your audience.
No. 1881224
File: 1707359651956.jpg (16.51 KB, 273x78, Untitled.jpg)

This is not the big win he thinks it is.
No. 1883923
>>1874067Male minimalism is so fucking cringey, they turn it into a competition to the point where they will through out things they actually need like tuperware, screwdrivers or other random tools you might need once a year, but you should still have them on hand instead of just buying one and throwing it out every year. A lot of them live in huge apartments in expensive cities instead of living in their cars, have teslas and buy dumb shit they regret, but it's fine because they will throw it away so they can keep up their minimalist lifestyle!! Not to mention that minimalism is very easy to manipulate and market towards men as an aesthetic, which is all it is for them. Notice when women do minimalist videos they are always reasonable, the focus is on having a house that is easy to clean, rejecting consoomerism not for the sake of feeling special, but to maintain a nice orderly home and keeping your own mental health and family safe and healthy. Men only do it to feel better than others, for the sake of aesthetic and for sense of superiority that's easy to obtain while masking the fact that they are nothing more than a dusty bum who cries into their pillow every night about not being born gay.
No. 1885563
File: 1707716431299.png (1.9 MB, 1080x1344, ReVanced Extended.png)

I'm sick of these two ugly pieces of shit getting recommended to me all the time. Are you fucking kidding me.
No. 1885741
>>1885740I'm on the border between gen z and millenial and I'm tired. They're just doing the same old shit that's been going on for years, but I find influencers/permanently online people wayyyy more obnoxious.
The millenial moms going "uwu I'm so small and young looking" are obnoxious and the girl sperging
No. 1885744
File: 1707739376911.jpeg (25.9 KB, 544x352, ralph macchio.jpeg)

>>1885740This. I watch a shit ton of 80s movies and its insane how young men looked back then. Raplh machio was fucking 23 on karate kid. Meanwhile my 23yo moid friend is already balding at 23 and has a dad bod KEK
No. 1885747
>>1885742I didn't notice the NLOGism until you pointed it out. I thought it was just shitting on millenial mom vloggers and immature influencers until I realized- oooh it's just generally shitting on mainstream trends. Do I shit on the people who buy 50 stanley cups? Absolutely, I'm on lolcow. But her content went from a slight variety to:
>some people are doing this on tiktok and it's BAD AND CRINGEIt's the same as news articles taking one or two weirdos as a representation of a whole generation.
>the kids are eating tide pods! (7 cases iirc)>goths want subdermal implants! (only one artist was trying to make that big) No. 1885802
File: 1707744194666.jpeg (52.31 KB, 480x360, IMG_1878.jpeg)

>>1885563I always feel like Meat Canyon and Annamarie Forcino could be related lol
No. 1886955
>>1886887>i fucking hate man carrying things, i wish him dead.OH MY GOD
NONNIE ME TOO. for some reason a few months ago his ugly ass neckbearded neanderthal face kept appearing on my home page. he's a troonchaser right?
No. 1887020
File: 1707845101261.gif (22.92 KB, 350x200, oprah-shrug.gif)

>>1886918>gen Z tiktokers annoy millennial women (it's always women) for minor inconsequential things to set themselves apart i guess>ew old hag, ew skinny jeans, ew side part>having [minor human flaw]?! doing [fun hobby]?! AT YOUR BIG AGE???>people get tired and start clapping back>creepily obsessed with youth so ofc people start calling them old looking because truth hurts>why are you so meeeeean!so sheltered
No. 1887829
>>1887588i thought she was just bi. anyway
>soft-spoken>educated>young>pretty>femmei think she'll be ok dating-wise
No. 1888375
File: 1707944057511.jpeg (750.33 KB, 1170x1635, 1BC2D577-8DAC-4E9F-811E-0C003F…)

Least surprising thing ever. I am honestly glad he is dead. This moid is a coward for waiting until he died though, a woman would’ve outed him sooner
No. 1889297
>>1889289I watched his horror stuff and he was pretty open about it
What turned me off after a few videos is how
1. He doesn't mind spreading disinformation
2. He tries to shill his religion and I say that as someone raised catholic
3. He's a grifter that sucked up to the big youtube guys and will cover any fake story for views
No. 1889299
File: 1708014507451.jpg (44.35 KB, 1125x313, IMG-878.jpg)

>>1889297He also once tweeted this
No. 1889912
>>1889289>>1889297He also got into a minor controversy maybe a month or two ago because he originally started out his channel doing guntube videos and got called a right-wing conspiracy theorist and possible extremist(?). He denied it on Twitter but idk what people expected when he's a southern Christian guy with guns. I don't think that he's racist or hates gay people or involved in right-wing extremism but he's obviously conservative leaning but knows that admitting that would be a bad move. It's easy to search up on plebbit to see what people were saying. I think he was mentioned in some Hbomberguy video about plagiarism, and I also saw comments from troons unironically mad he misgendered Chris-chan. He's kind of cringe sometimes (see
>>1889299) but I do like his videos because he covers incidents that I find really interesting even though I usually wouldn't watch YouTubers who are openly religious and vocal about it.
No. 1889915
File: 1708046508801.jpg (196.78 KB, 970x860, Wendigoon.jpg)

>>1889912I can't get over how he looks. Imagine how bad he would look shaved. Fucking ugly moid.
No. 1889929
File: 1708047770183.jpeg (2.73 MB, 2194x3292, IMG_2433.jpeg)

So holy shit, I’ve seen multiple parents talk about how their kids love this children’s entertainer called Blippi. Everyone seems to love him but there’s just something so creepy and off-putting about him and I couldn’t figure out what it was. People were calling him “Mr. Rogers for millennial parents” and shit, and I just didnt see it at all. I felt like something about him seemed super fake, and you never even see him being warm and friendly or interacting with kids, it’s just this grown man in orange glasses acting like a toddler and it’s so bizarre. After looking him up, I learned that HOLY SHIT ITS THE SAME GUY WHO MADE THAT DISGUSTING HARLEM SHAKE VIDEO WHERE A NAKED GUY SHITS ON ANOTHER GUY. Does anyone else remember that from like 2013?! How does this person go from making such degenerate videos to being a beloved millionaire making videos for kids in 10 years? How is everyone okay with this?
No. 1889971
>>1888375I thought that the rapist/pedoshit was already common knowledge hence the downward spiral he was on for the last year. I just don't think people made much of a deal of it because he was already seen as a degenerate, so finding things like that about him wouldn't be a shock. Nonetheless, i hope his
victims find solace in the fact that he died an undignified death.
No. 1890124
File: 1708062190147.jpg (547.92 KB, 1080x1746, IMG_20240216_063645.jpg)

>>1889760His genre of channel is kinda like those creepypasta things aimed ar teens but he presents them too seriously, he doesn't mention some things that have been famously debunked. From the top of my head: he covered the missing 411 which is a hoax, a guy connected unrelated cases to sell books. He also covered the infamous book "No Longer Human" not by reading it, but reading the manga adaptation by Junji Ito lol
>>1889972Nothing comes close to science documentaries and videos by people who've been autistic about a topic for years.
No. 1890578
>>1890438Interesting to see her channel growing, I linked her to a friend recently
Ok vids aside the constant yelling
No. 1890907
>>1890112His face is kinda cute, it’s the voice that ruins it. But I guess he just needs to go on lolcow to find some
nonnie that wants to fuck him, ever since I use this site and lurk into Unconventional Attractions thread I don’t believe incels in a word they say, there’s always a woman wanting to fuck even the most repulsive moid.
No. 1891341
>>1890838I bet he's influenced by r/gachagaming
that subreddit had south korean incels spread propaganda on it and they post lolishit
They're also desperately trying to shill Limbus Company
No. 1891720
File: 1708197001312.jpg (449.02 KB, 1425x524, just faggots.jpg)

I hate this Dutch-fellating faggot so much
No. 1891809
File: 1708202617013.png (392.73 KB, 501x404, Cuntikal.png)

I hate this bastard like you wouldn’t believe. Literally just regurgitates popular opinion and normalfags eat it up
No. 1891921
File: 1708210317472.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x2145, IMG_3659.jpeg)

I know others said it before but this dude is absolutely going to troon out. He always looks miserable until he’s in drag. If I was his wife I’d be panicking tbh
No. 1891939
>>1891809he looks like he fucking stinks. I hate his ratty hair.
>>1891921I saw a gross picture of RTGames crossdressing, it wasn't fetishy but he's so ugly it's gross. I heard he's a huge TRA and goes out his way to be so, I hate that I used to like him.
No. 1891981
File: 1708214451554.jpeg (410.02 KB, 828x974, IMG_9370.jpeg)

Boo fucking hoo bitch!!! Most women don’t care about men because men are violent self absorbed piss babies. Men are so annoying about their suffering and yet do NOTHING about it. Learn to clean up after yourself moids and stop expecting everyone else to do it for you.
No. 1891995
File: 1708215410032.png (218.52 KB, 321x301, 1655015282242.png)

>>1891981>live longer than menWhy do they act like this is a privilege granted to women by society and not just a fact of nature that has no classist bearings? It isn't women's fault males are less healthy and prone to dying from dangerous stunts. Plus the comparison in lifespans is like 5 years (or according to him, 8, oh no!!!) if both live to the max.
>more social and financial benefitsVague and untrue.
>go to prison moreKek, wonder why that is?
>homeless moreKek, wonder why that is?
>more workplace deathsKek, wonder why that is?
>higher suicide rateKek, wonder why that is?
>the majority of combat deathsKek, wonder why that is?
>work longer hoursOkay, your choice
>more covid deathsThis one is really funny. God forbid a woman doesn't kill herself or die from a disease, that just is not fair.
No. 1892000
>>1891939I don't understand what is wrong with the gamer men… rtgame fans were crazy before but going woke is even worse, as retard callmekevin saw firsthand by playing a game he was not only sponsored but that was obvious he was excited to play and probably would've played anyway even without the sponsorship.
I remember the amount of the weird kevin/daniel shipping comments in their videos and how they ocasionally address/joke about and it wasn't big deal until it became a recurring joke, all with the disney princess/babygirl/infantilization of these grown men. Then the content kevin was making changed some, with him playing games that were popular at the time by suggestion of his viewers and that made him so obviously uncomfortable (remember dream daddy?) I knew then the viewers shifted from normal people to very vocal troons of different flavors. Kevin is obviously tired of the way things were going but don't want to lose more viewers, so he cowardly stays quiet and cycles back through old games he had fun playing. Now rtg is annoying, guy probably stays on twitter all day long, I thought after being exposed to troon madness via the enby simtuber he was dating he'd ignore troon shit, like, at least not address it at all but that's not what happened.
Please, excuse my autist rant but I used to watch these two and saw their content change for the worst along with their fans so I just had to go on a rant. It is so damn hard to find a guy that won't go coomer and that doesn't scream at the camera for no reason and when you do, they manage to fuck up with their retardation. Why can't men be normal and be all about their stupid videogames and only that. I also used to watch john wolfe and what made me unsubscribe was his weird ass rants on youtube "don't like my content? I don't care, I don't need you! Don't you dare criticize me" type of shit kek, after how coomerish he acted while playing resident evil that was the last nail on the coffin.
God I wish I could find more women playing games I like without trying to appeal to the male audience, I wouldn't watch men being stupid on camera ever again.
No. 1892105
File: 1708224022286.png (203.9 KB, 819x571, evil.png)

HOW is this chick evil? I swear the halo effect is real, all she does is say her job is being an "influencer" I guess its ok for an egirl to make a living off tiktok lives but nooo not tophia! Also her "racism" saying things about mexicans but she literally IS Mexican. And she is also retarded but got in trouble for saying the "r slur" so they/thems can reclaim muh f slur but retards cant call people retards? MORALFAG DRAMA YOUTUBERS SUCK
No. 1892245
File: 1708238184165.jpg (181.66 KB, 720x1009, 202402.jpg)

Former CEO Susan Wojcicki's son is found dead.
No. 1892253
File: 1708238842077.png (793.86 KB, 604x1704, Screenshot.png)

>>1892245and of course you have retards claiming that she "deserves to lose her, child" cause she was evil.
No. 1892553
File: 1708272652030.png (27.94 KB, 592x310, caddicarus.png)

does anyone know whats going on with caddicarus, is he trooning out, is he getting outted for being a pedo? why the fuck are men so dramatic
No. 1893751
>>1891950>i am glad that all gaming scrotes i watch arent openly coomerspsst
nonnie, drop their channels
No. 1899134
File: 1708720330049.jpg (197.98 KB, 1080x1350, 1000011693.jpg)

In response to a woman talking about her domestic abuse. I fucking hate moids.
No. 1899142
Whenever I watch a Kurtis Conner's video (I find his videos entertaining, sorry), I get a feeling that he secretly wants to bully and make fun of anyone he finds cringy, retarded, lower than him, lolcow-ish etc., but he built a safe comedy image that he doesn't want to ruin so he tries to be as nice as possible in his insults and jokes and only choose "targets" that his audience would think deserve the hate/being made fun of. Like if they're racist, sexist, homophobic, Christian, manosphere type dudes, twansphobic etc. Would be funny if one day he just showed his true colors and bullied someone who his audience is protective of and it blew up in his face.
No. 1899149
File: 1708721600460.png (629.88 KB, 1080x1624, 1000008694.png)

No. 1899632
File: 1708757549426.jpg (30.21 KB, 535x356, 1000002961.jpg)

>>1899149The female objectification premise in Antiviral (2012) becoming true
No. 1899675
>>1899149Fucking gross ass moid
And this will drive women more insane and we will never achieve beauty standards these maggots put onto us
No. 1899736
File: 1708770277451.jpg (729.33 KB, 1185x1360, castncrew.jpg)

>>1899142I agree. I enjoy his videos and find him entertaining, but he's such a brainlet. His content is ultimately just cringe content, but of course, he has to align himself with the most popular social justice causes of today, so he skirts around cringe relating to those topics in a way that is really inconsistent with the rest of his channel.
Like in his video "TikTok's Most Unlikely Superstar," he talks about how great this super autistic guy's poorly-produced, mostly-uninteresting, but very sincere songs are. Kurtis never mentions that the guy is clearly a lvl 2 autist, but the entire thing is condescending and overly feelgood, typical of inspiration porn. It's so different from his other videos, despite the subject being pretty much indistinguishable from subjects of his other videos (cringe content), but he never directly addresses why, and it makes the video feel super fucking weird.
His most recent video is about somebody who is almost as autistic, but for whatever reason, Kurtis just… didn't think about that or something, and he rips apart this art project in a way that I honestly found a bit mean-spirited, even compared to the rest of his videos.
The Harry Potter video was extremely hypocritical. The thesis of it was basically that a lot of adult Harry Potter fans are weird and detached from reality. One piece of evidence he pointed at was a woman with a
textbook psychotic disorder writing about having sex with ghost-Snape. Yeah, it's funny, but this is really clearly a woman with pretty serious mental illness. In the eyes of the people that Kurtis Conner aligns with and heavily panders to, she belongs to an oppressed group that should be immune from this sort of criticism, but for some reason making fun of her is free game. Then, in what's supposed to be evidence that not all Harry Potter fans are detached from reality, he consults an ftm fujo that runs an 80% genderspecial theatre troupe that does Marauders gay fanfic shit ( The LARP levels are so, so unbelievably high that I can't imagine that even very trans-sympathetic normies aren't put off by it, yet everything she says is somehow evidence that not all adult Potterheads have reality issues. Like you're not really making your case here, bud.
There's so many things in his videos like this, but I've already written way too much. Kurtis Conner is really just a huge hypocrite, mostly out of stupidity. I think you're absolutely right that he's going to get cancelled for some shit soon. He's terrible at intuiting if it's alright to make fun of somebody if they don't explicitly identify as a member of a hot-button group. If something he says sets a large enough group of people off, they have a ton of shit they can point at as evidence that he's a bad person, an ableist, etc, and he's really been straddling the line lately.
Also, I thought it was so fucking funny that at the end of the looksmaxxing video, where the message is "you probably look fine, don't obsess over your looks, especially things you can't control," he just straight-up says that outie bellybuttons are "weird as fuck." I feel like he must not realize how common those are. Several teenage girls watching that had their self esteem fucking shattered by their idol lmao No. 1900102
File: 1708802962126.png (415.08 KB, 1013x732, Sc215.png)

Even on a stupid gambling game app, he still has to insert Rowling-bashing for the trannies. I legit don't understand. It's so annoying trying to watch a simple entertaining commentary video and then getting hit with their daily dose of alphabet soup pandering. I'm done with this fool.
No. 1901610
File: 1708905732762.jpeg (624.42 KB, 1170x1936, 121FCD1D-03FC-44C0-B85C-BD9BBB…)

>>1899736I thought he already had a cancellation, picrel
No. 1901667
File: 1708908117452.jpeg (57.76 KB, 720x960, 1Lh8Stt.jpeg)

>>1901610Lmao I had no idea. I do try to keep my distance from his fanbase, though.
No. 1903252
File: 1709010034682.png (189.82 KB, 334x563, Screenshot 2024-02-26 210127.p…)

>>1804042Proof they're male? I've watched a few of their vids and never clocked them.
On that note, I got recommended this channel and I didn't even need to click on the video to know they're a man. I hate the stupid furfag pornrotted art style that him and every other moid has, I wish they'd stop shoving themselves into communities of stuff targeted at little girls.
No. 1903366
File: 1709017194014.jpg (158.7 KB, 787x515, photo_2024-02-26_18-37-38.jpg)

The recommendations are very sus again, I never watched any troon shit on that account these last couple of months yet I got recomended a ton of small trans or trans ally channels. I had to click on this one because of the title…. depressing. I belive in the complete opposite. It's all their fault.
No. 1903417
File: 1709018811684.jpg (79.92 KB, 1408x481, strawberry trans.jpg)

>>1903252Are you blind and deaf? Regardless, here's some proof for you.
No. 1903446
>>1903252At the time when I wrote that post I went to his twitter and found a few posts of his where he confirms he's trans. Cba to go combing through it again because anon above me posted proof as well.
For future reference, tims love to do a breathy, silent voice like what he's doing. To me it's obvious he's straining hard because I spent some time in a gaming group with a troon that did that exact thing so maybe I clocked it more easily.
No. 1903556
File: 1709029670657.jpg (6.89 KB, 225x225, index.jpg)

>>1899142>>1899736considering how fugly this guy is, i'm surprised a group of parents haven't beaten his ass
No. 1908554
File: 1709360858053.png (1.02 MB, 1080x2038, tard.png)

What a faggot
No. 1908905
File: 1709372490930.jpg (91.71 KB, 375x500, 1697445503640329.jpg)

anyone else's history fucked up? revanced sisters especially
No. 1908956
File: 1709375350351.png (529.25 KB, 756x528, Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 2.29.…)

I feel deeply for any kid who's parents put out content of them like this. Traumatizing and so violating.
No. 1909094
File: 1709390429592.gif (581.29 KB, 350x350, tenor-733191720.gif)

>>1908600>LGR>Ross>Scott the Wozgreat taste nonna holy shit
Scott is a cutie indeed, his girlfriend is so lucky
feels bad man No. 1909130
File: 1709392833010.png (1.14 MB, 1080x2041, droopyassface.png)

This moid is fucking ugly. He looks like a waterlogged corpse with his bloated lower face and overall misshapen head. He always makes videos on rape/abuse allegations being the devil's advocate and riling up his following of /r9k/ retards to talk about how much they hate women. And he has the audacity to put his fucking hideous face in his videos and vid thumbnails. How bloated his ego must be for him to think anyone voluntarily wants to see his face. Everything about him is bloated. He also uploaded a video a week or so ago "interviewing" what sounded like an underage girl from his discord group who was "addicted to drugs" and asks her if she has a boyfriend as one of the initial questions. Isnt it odd that he always plays devils advocate for degenerate moids all the time? Almost like he's hiding something or trying to accumulate the audience he wants so he can get away with something
No. 1909389
>>1909356It was pretty short lived. He went from like I said flaunting it so much that it was like K we get it you have a gf. There was baby/kitty type talk towards her and her even leaning into that stuff. Very.. hey I'm having sex everyone! Embarassing
That's what makes me wonder wtf did he do if she was that much of a 'cool girl gf' In a blink it went from bragging and oversharing to don't mention that bitch.
No. 1909780
File: 1709438852165.png (123.24 KB, 1456x836, iknewsomethingwasup.png)

i couldn't shake off the feeling that were a bisexual (possibly a t.i.m.)
my suspicion were confirmed when they changed their pfp, i think that's the "bi lesbian"
No. 1909787
File: 1709439951454.png (1020.82 KB, 1080x775, 1000008916.png)

No. 1913438
File: 1709741727628.png (411.41 KB, 540x505, Screenshot_94.png)

looks like AI generated thumbnails will be the future for Youtube.
No. 1913487
File: 1709744894250.jpg (263.32 KB, 1546x354, TopHatGamingMan.jpg)

>>1913452The person who runs this account is actually a 30+ year old man, he's also a professional wrestler.
No. 1913492
File: 1709745103373.png (392.04 KB, 800x517, dies of cringe.png)

>>1913487we need to bring back bullying this level of cringe shouldn't be allowed
No. 1918892
File: 1710076140130.jpg (4.17 MB, 4096x4096, fag.jpg)

One of many examples of below average moids having the audacity to present themselves as uwu cute boys through fanart. The fact that people draw fanart of these ugly fucks and make their cartoon versions look cute is a disservice to society. The more the below average moid's ego is inflated, the worse society becomes. Ugly faggots.
No. 1918933
nonnie, this is an entirely unoffensive looking moid. He's not hot, but he's hardly deformed. If you genuinely expected him to look like an anime boy, maybe that's on you.
No. 1919181
File: 1710085809701.jpg (Spoiler Image,386.52 KB, 1080x2262, 1000053731.jpg)

Don't unspoiler if you don't want to see disgusting skin stuff. Why does YouTube keep doing this? I'll look up something and after scrolling for a bit I get these types of videos recommended to me. It happens when I'm searching for hair care videos and in this case music from a string quartet. It's so disgusting and you can't get rid of it. Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me?
No. 1922363
File: 1710283514126.png (31.37 KB, 756x351, Screenshot 2024-03-12 154704.p…)

"not allowed"? and what? what's stopping me from closing your little popup and continuing to watch videos with no ads, you fucking faggots?
No. 1922407
>>1922363Am I just lucky or something. I think I only got this once, updated ublock origin and then never again.
And never on brave mobile browser.
But maybe I'm mostly watching channels that aren't monetized.
No. 1923243
>>1923208I don't think so but you never know with popular youtubers
that troon from Mr beast had the same situation child was born and he trooned out.jersh just doesnt like anime in general kek so he's judging based on his bias but felix seems like a good husband atleast considering he kept marzia out of public eye when she wanted to delete her channel and stay private and I remember him saying considered quiting YouTube altogether because it was straining his relationship with her so it's hard to say he'll troon out any time soon. Although he is friends with the loliconman who's well known to justify loli shit so my bets are on him than pewdiepie
No. 1923285
>>1923208Doesn't look like the type at all to me. I think people who are turbo weeb enough just like the look of lolis.
John Wolfe though, I'm casually subbed and I did get a bit taken aback by some of his crossdressing things, but he also didn't strike me as the type before that. Is there really speculation that he's going to?
No. 1927220
File: 1710576996981.jpg (145.39 KB, 720x519, 1000003448.jpg)

Oh women are throwing around the term pretty privilege now
No. 1927228
File: 1710578102429.jpg (508.38 KB, 2048x2048, pretty woman privilege.jpg)

>>1927220pretty woman privilege is real, look at all these gorgeous hunks we are missing out on because we are ugly women. I am so jealous.
No. 1927230
File: 1710578396613.png (2.44 MB, 1471x2170, 1692062800807.png)

>>1927220In wokie spaces, I've noticed a trend where mostly women will to refer to non-obese or healthy-looking people as being "attractive/pretty", even though they would be considered average by most other groups.
No. 1928501
File: 1710670210510.jpg (88.63 KB, 720x579, 1000003478.jpg)

AI is an embarrassment
No. 1932280
File: 1710944892464.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x2063, IMG_3649.jpeg)

This is so disturbing. It feels fetishy.
No. 1933304
File: 1711002613360.jpg (16.92 KB, 290x77, lmao.jpg)

Any scrote who thinks this ass ugly scrote is a real playboy deserves whatever retarded advice he gives out.
No. 1933356
File: 1711006079233.png (21.07 KB, 848x142, ugh.png)

I hate how any time women discuss the topic of men failing at the barest minimum demonstrations of effort, there's always some obviously middle class, overeducated bozo who stumbles in to talk about her unicorn 1 in a million odds nigel who did literally everything wrong, but they still have a great relationship. It's so tone deaf when 99.9999% of other women are going to get screwed hard in a situation that isn't even half as bad. And the worst part is knowing that it probably isn't even true, the perfect nigels will probably troon out, cheat, etc… and they'll all be blindsided, as if there were no clues.
No. 1933581
>>1933356It's so hard to feel bad for women who date men. They have no problem throwing other women to the wolves and have no class consciousness.
>I let a rabid dog into my house but he's really just misunderstood, look at that cute little face! Everyone else might have gotten killed by a rabid dog, but I'm special and different!All men are like this. If you're stupid enough to think your cockape is special you'll be the first to get killed when you're pregnant. Men are not, and never have been, fully human. They are not your equals. They do not think like you do, they do not have empathy even if you can be fooled into thinking they do. Just be happy you got lucky to get an obedient, nonviolent one and stop trying to make it seem like that's the norm.
No. 1933615
File: 1711035188613.jpg (877.04 KB, 1080x3831, Screenshot_20240321_022732.jpg)

One of the many whiny comments under Destiny's video where he watches and comments on Dr K the currycel's interview with diary of a ceo about muh men's suicide rates/loneliness
No. 1933633
File: 1711035903599.jpg (98.78 KB, 1080x616, 1711035188613.jpg)

>>1933615This part in particular made me smirk because it's so true. Men like this are worthless and do need to get their act together. What, they still haven't found their manic pixie dream girl to solve their problems? Saying things like "muh society" and "muh male suicide and loneliness" while men are at the helm of society is such a joke. These losers whine all day and do nothing to fix their problems. I have no sympathy for these chumps.
No. 1939754
File: 1711481933884.png (347.1 KB, 1011x570, please stop.png)

I was researching the Korean 4b movement when I stumbled upon this channel (Manifestelle) so the host being a dumb libfem evident from the start. However, I foolishly held onto the hope that this channel could educate young libfems about important aspects of feminism. but was I wrong. As I watched another video, It became painfully clear that this channel is nothing more than a gloried "how to sugarbaby" platform. You know what makes it worse? It disguises its true nature under a thin veil of feminism. It's downright evil in my opinion.
No. 1941154
File: 1711575845970.png (544.1 KB, 1080x1757, 1000009909.png)

Seeing 17 year olds getting roped into trad ideology makes me sad
No. 1941398
>>1940137I feel this way but about local truecrime channels. They use the tragic crime stories as proof that "we should be grateful we're better than the west thanks to being muslim". It's do apathetic and evil I hate it so much. I think they even mock the
victims for not being muslim sometimes and say they deserve it.
No. 1941485
>>1941441True, but it's usually men who make their videos, since women mostly aren't allowed to film themselves, unless they're super rich and spoiled and somehow above the religion and law because of their money (good for them tbh). I feel like the men do it because of some weird fetish thing, since usually they feature female
victims' stories.
No. 1941523
>>1940036Mark is so creepy. It's interesting to hear accounts of disenfranchised people speaking about their life, but he is SO creepy when it's an abuser or sex worker being interviewed. There was this one prostitute who he was obsessed with, making 4 videos of her that consisted of her saying she'll get her life together, swindling him, returning and saying she'll be weawwy weawwy good again, and then making off with more money. He made a tribute to her on the last video, for fuck's sake. I lowkey wanna sperg about this with y'all but I'm not sure if anyone is interested lol.
And don't even get me started on his 34 part series on one drugged out tranny who doesn't even pass.
No. 1941525
>>1941524Well… until you learn that she abandoned 2 kids in the video time span, got pregnant with another pimp and is now moving to New Mexico, and abandoning the 2 kids she already didn't raise in order to raise this unborn child. And she's a Crip. I wouldn't call a deserting mother who gives money away to her pimps based. It's sad that she got into the abuse cycle young, but at what point is she a
victim of her upbringing or a person who is consistently choosing to make bad decisions? Vidrel is start of the series if anyone wants to discuss it further!
No. 1941771
File: 1711635730665.png (730.21 KB, 518x618, Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 10.16…)

>>1939754>I foolishly held onto the hope that this channel could educate young libfems about important aspects of feminism.That's not what her videos are about, which obviously you know now but I'm not sure why you expected that. She basically says stuff like picrel, or stuff like value yourself highly, don't ever to too much for a man, etc.
No. 1941890
>>1939754I like her videos. She's critical of sex work (so not that libfem), she advises staying away from men as much as possible but also acknowledges that many or likely even most girls and women (just like herself) nevertheless want to fall in love. So the least you can do is have extremely high standards. She also says getting education and having your own income is mandatory even if you later become a wife/mom. Most of it is amusing, and oftentimes she's stricter on men than even I would be (as somebody who doesn't really need a relationship).
What might be seen as sugaring/golddigging is her point that 50:50 is putting women at a disadvantage.
Men still get paid more, they have the upper hand in society, it requires so much less effort for them to succeed. Men also benefit from simply being around women, e.g. if you're going to eat with a male friend, people will assume you're his gf and that makes him immediately seen as more capable and desirable, maybe even richer, both in the eyes of other moids and women. That's why you should stay away from men and why men need to compensate women financially.
No. 1942657
File: 1711733182818.png (70.93 KB, 550x464, Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 16.46…)

>>1941732i hate this scrote and his idiot followers. the stories of the people he interviews need to be told candidly, but he adheres to 0 ethnical guidelines and principles. a lot of his content, like picrel, is straight up inappropriate and disgusting. he has a tendency to act creepy to a lot of his guests and currently has an obsession with a mentally ill man who's an addict and calls himself rebecca. even in the comments of the vid you linked to you can see people make excuses for him.
No. 1944487
>>1933644Is this that ssyoung woman? She was big back in the day for making mukbang content of her eating live animals but in really disrespectful ways. She would wrangle fish out of their tanks and then just watch them flop and flail around on the floor while screaming and acting dramatic. She also made some weird video where she dressed up as Alice (in wonderland) and had a dead octopus in a tree.
There were a lot of react channels that reposted her content, maybe they are still up if you wanted to look
No. 1945878
>>1945689kek love how the comments are talking about how omg women aren't allowed to be sexual because everyone has an issue with it and expect women to be prudes!!!
it's completely false, they can't comprehend that some people live in reality, where many men are rabid coomers and shouldn't be praised or catered to, it just emboldens them to keep towing the line until there is no line anymore. no woman is going up to a naked woman in a locker room and calling her a whore, most wouldn't shame a woman for being naked in the privacy of her own home. the female commenters praising this act of goon have chugged the libfem pickme koolaid. they are lost, believing libfem men support things like this because it is totes respectable, definitely not just because it arouses them lol! retards.
No. 1947823
File: 1712084883939.jpeg (318.19 KB, 828x1432, IMG_8366.jpeg)

Content like this is so stupid and lazy it fills me with actual rage. Some autistic coomer weirdo sperging about any movie or cartoon ever and acting like it’s SOOOOO CRAZY OMG SO WEIRD SO STUPID like shut the fuck up. And the stupid ass smug mascot self insert and the “wut…” on every goddamn thumbnail. Braindead trash and it gets millions of views. Creators that literally just summarize or show their opinions on movies in a hyperbolic way are shit and I keep getting it pushed in my recommended as if I give a fuck what some rando has to say about any media while they overreact to it for the audience. Worse of all is the “my reaction to movie for the first time” and they’re making a retarded expression in the thumbnail. Holy shit I’ve never seen a film or had a reaction to anything before so I need to watch someone else do it.
No. 1948271
File: 1712107589843.png (31.41 KB, 128x128, fullsize.png)

>>1941674anon, the vast majority of muslims aren't savage brown ayrab terrorists who will acid attack and behead and honor kill women. I'm not even religious and am pretty critical of organized religion but I beg of you to interact with muslims in real life.
That being said, I hate reverts to islam. They're always special snowflakes who want to be part of an exotic oppressed culture without realizing that 99% of islamophobia is racialized anyways lol.
No. 1948518
File: 1712131595515.jpg (225.99 KB, 720x1147, 1000002103.jpg)

i kept overhearing my mom watching this show "male female", looked it up out of curiosity and a random moid admitted to violent shit in front of a live audience like it's not a big deal and the show just went on
i felt so uncomfortable and then enraged, couldn't watch more
picrel thumbnails say "victims of family conflict" and "shocking video"
the worst part is i believe the target for this is women
No. 1951845
>>1951694I never watched it but knew of it and I thought the male host was Puchkov LOL
Just looked up Gordon and his last two partners were women 30-40 years younger than him, barf
No. 1952014
>>1951998Youtube has the worst adds… I always get:
>game about huge woman who seduces tiny men and then eats them, hero must defeat her (probably similar to yours, anon)>some finance/diet advice bro >some muslim talking about hell, trying to convert youThe latter is extremely creepy to me, how is this allowed?
No. 1952582
>>1952021is this the explanation for why Contrapoints got popular in the first place?
when in doubt, rip off women down to straight-up skinwalking them and rake in the $$$, i guess. tale as old as time.
No. 1953198
File: 1712409443146.jpg (145.52 KB, 1080x669, ave.jpg)

>>1953179Check out the tags kek. Men have no real problems.
No. 1953223
File: 1712410129380.jpg (58.64 KB, 929x201, harperforu-2902982571.jpg)

>>1953179>>1953198inb4 picrel happens
kek at the retarded incel lingo tags, but I do agree with
>>1953216 , it kinda sounds like it's AI generated or something
No. 1953232
>>1953198Oh boohoo. As someone who was treated like an empty space or a disgusting creature for simply not being cute enough (=having pimples and a resting bitch face + wearing glasses) as a pre-teen and a bit as a teen, I can only feel disdain for these crybabies. Never have I ever witnessed unattractive boys being dehumanized like that. Only the super weird or weak/shy ones were harassed by other
males. If these whiners had more realistic expectations in regards to woman's looks and at least tried to act nice and put a pathetic amount of effort, they would easily get a date or a lay. Billions of unattractive men are in the relationships while not being rich or popular or even decent in general sense.
No. 1954482
File: 1712478500490.jpeg (294.31 KB, 1179x858, IMG_4856.jpeg)

>randomly curious about how prosthetic limbs stay attached
>find vid
>some faggot trying to get a video for his fetish made
also apparently this guy photographs disabled kids. kill all men
No. 1956695
>>1939754This girl is so strange to me.
Like I felt the same as you but then she does videos like the ones below and I wonder if she’s a farmer with a master plan or at least peaking from tradwife/sugarbaby libfem bs.
No. 1957911
>>1937899This woman actually enrages me.
70% of Americans are obese and do not need uwu recovery talk to encourage them
No. 1959089
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No. 1960140
File: 1712903899472.jpg (130.69 KB, 720x520, Fucking degenerate .jpg)

Sometimes being a vtuberfag is like trying to find fruit in a rotten plant with these types of maggots in it.. although I knew this would happen (considering its anime) but still fucking hell.
No. 1964415
File: 1713169259125.jpg (82.85 KB, 1024x527, Sicily_cultures_431bc.jpg)

>>1960178>>1964372The Islands of Sicily and southern Italy in general have been settled by Greeks and North Africans centuries before Christianity or Islam even existed, back then there was no concept of Europe or whiteness and they saw themselves as closer to each other then the Barbarians of the North.
No. 1965132
>>1965130I don't think any of the users on there are old enough to remember moviebob, and there's no posts about him on the sub.
Also, Quiton's 38 hour long video got taken down because of copyright.
No. 1969001
>>1968956obvious self post
also, get a better mic
No. 1969047
>>1968956>six years agoi bet she has trooned out.
>>1968960she probably is a little man so it makes sense she looks that way.
No. 1969736

interesting video but i hate when ugly moids show their stupid faces when they literally don't have to and shouldn't. he looks like he could be jack barakat's brother and it's cringe.
34 minutes in to see what i'm about to rant about…
also i'm sick of always seeing the overused typical millennial reasons for loving nostalgic media! he made me cringe so bad at
>wahh less free time have to work have to pay taxes!!!
>have to buy EGGS to make OMELETTES because LESS CALORIES canot eat dominos pizza anymore i am OLD slower metabolism!!!
wah wah wah moid bullshit. i grew up with no friends to play vg with as i went to a tiny catholic school and the only acceptable way to be a tomboy there was to play sports, i didn't even have friends to game with. as for the small nudge towards having to eat healthier, tough shit dude sorry your parents never taught you how to cook and enjoy healthy meals, it's not like you can't eat pizza once in a while. moids whining about growing up says a lot. your parents never told you about having to pay taxes or taught you how to budget? did moids grow up actually thinking that adulthood was going to just be 24/7 fun? with moids alcoholism, depression, and suicide rates as high as they are, i'm going to say that yes they unironically think that they're going to spend weekends playing games and college partying is going to last forever. i don't normally post manhate like this even here but god it says so much why men can hardly function as adults and why women are doing great for themselves these days. i'm glad they're so emboldened to show their asses. american women were fed the notion for decades that we could never handle high powered workspaces, make good money, and pay for a car/mortgage. now tons of american women are doing their jobs better than they can and buying homes while simultaneously taking care of themselves, cooking and cleaning for themselves etc. it's not our fault men are permanent children and lack self direction or an ability to even know what they want kek.
and FWIW if you budget right you can even afford these things to fuel your need for nostalgia, we see adults' collections all the time. you can enjoy these things but at some point it's time to grow up and stop flailing and pissing your pants over missing being 12 and having sleepovers to play games and eat pizza with your friends.
No. 1970877
>>1965127>>1969425I kinda believe he wouldn't have trooned out had he not been bullied to shove shit up his ass. But he was always a low empathy, predatory,narc adjacent autist. Which is some of the worse kinds.
It's just easy for people to feel bad for such a slop of a man. Especially retarded redditors that most likely just learned of him recently. They don't know about his kitten or harassing women and drawing porn of them online. I mean the mom fucking should be known by all but reddit is retarded.
No. 1975365
File: 1713818456430.mp4 (19.7 MB, 720x1280, img (5).mp4)

I understand what Gabby Nikolle from Florida's Wildest YouTube channel is talking about with brands that take advantage of people and try to pay them the bottom of the barrel however on her insta story she was bragging about making her new home boujee with a chandler in her closet and showed off her clothes in her closet she even admitted to being a boujee chick with boujee taste even though she owns a animal rescue sanctuary that begs for donations and I know they DON'T use volunteers at their animal rescue sanctuary yet but if they do start using free non paid volunteers that's hypocritical for her to complain about that, It reminds me of Carol Baskin a Millionaire taking advantage of free work the volunteers at her big cat rescue sanctuary plus not only that but a lot of non profits and charities take advantage of people it's not a new thing at ALL
No. 1977487
>>1970877Let's also not forget that he is a crybaby, Quinton Reviews and moviebob only got worse after being rejected by Lindsay Ellis.
It's not her fault that she attracts such moids tho.
No. 1978575
File: 1713972284565.png (524.88 KB, 769x569, boxbs.png)

Hate all these spirit box channels that totally make instant contact with the spirit of any newly missing person/child
>Mommy killed me! My body is in some vague ass place near water or grass or uh maybe trees or something. So anyway my mom is a bitch and a whore and a cunt and
OMG yeah that's definitely him talking!!
Outright instructing their dumb ass followers to mass contact both police and the families involved to pass on that message.. YT doesn't mind. Or the random guys who're wannabe private investigators so show up to stalk out the town but never do anything other than being a nuisance. Missing child grift might be some of the lowest grift I've seen on yt.
No. 1978612
File: 1713974524622.png (602.76 KB, 1107x766, firefox_2024-04-24 16-58-38.30…)

>>1978609NAYRT but he is an actual missing child, he's been gone for almost two months now. The youtuber is making these spirit box videos claiming to be contacting him from beyond the grave and letting people run wild with theories in the comments.
No. 1978616
File: 1713974582254.png (89.65 KB, 802x704, firefox_2024-04-24 17-01-52.66…)

>>1978612He lived with his mother and stepfather. People in the comments are running with the theory that his mother killed him.
No. 1978837
>>1978038>>1978073It's just funny to me that she mostly blames men for her becoming a breadtuber but also it's because of men that she completely retired from breadtube, lmao
Hope she enjoys mum life.
No. 1979131
File: 1714011566712.png (319.37 KB, 1034x488, yikes.png) report this shit but wtf. its quite literally just a youtube channel of a guy (hopefully 18+) sitting on a toilet and shitting
No. 1979132
File: 1714011746832.png (80.56 KB, 1080x1067, Screenshot_20240424-192122~2.p…)

>>1979131His bio claims he's 19, so he might've been 16/17 when he first started making videos (also how did you even find this?)
No. 1979133
>>1960140the worst part is the ones i tend to find that dont pander to this type of degeneracy and are chill and actually entertaining end up graduating.
Now I just mainly watch a JP vtuber that likes to upload camping/outdoor activity vlogs.
Figured out the only way for me to enjoy vtubers now is to follow the ones that go the Kizuna Ai route and just upload videos like any normal youtuber would.
No. 1979214
>>1979206He is weird, he is like a left leaning version of emperor lemon, started making YouTube poops only for their political ideology to slowly bleed into their YTPs and then start to make completely unrelated content with mostly their voice, anyhow i hate both of them and their shitty content evolution, it was just better when both just made YouTube poops, and i personally miss those days.
TL;DR Schafrillas should just shut the Fuck up, because nobody cares about what he says.
No. 1979246
File: 1714021027206.jpg (221.24 KB, 1080x1100, scaf.jpg)

>>1979215>>1979206>>1979214I'm not a fan of his but 4chan was having a field day when this happened. I have some sympathy for him since the channel was his friend, brother and him.
No. 1979269
File: 1714023140806.jpeg (422.72 KB, 1125x1153, IMG_1787.jpeg)

>>1979264He’s continuing to work so he can cope with the loss. Imagine being the reason why your friend and brother are dead. Shit must be hell.
No. 1979510
File: 1714047451931.gif (1.4 MB, 193x135, 1384567026101.gif)

>>1979131>>1979132kekk what the fuck is this
No. 1979778
File: 1714062176439.png (566.29 KB, 720x539, 00azVQ3.png)

this genre of youtube video
No. 1979812
>>1979794>>1979778it was all down hill since he tried and failed miserably at becoming a breadtuber (and simped for contrapoints) not just for Quinton but for YouTube in general.
at this point im just waiting for him to troon out and eventually anhero so we can all laugh at this in the near future.
No. 1979962
>>1979812Videos like his Rankin Bass cinematic universe or Paul is Dead explanation video were genuine fun, it sucks he went down that route
I even agreed with some points from his recent Dan Schneider video but damn his shit has become borderline unwatchable
No. 1980145
File: 1714077887668.png (561.32 KB, 1371x1404, GA.png)

came across this "community" when looking up early ASMR.
No. 1980443
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No. 1982892
File: 1714274103067.png (137.45 KB, 1080x1108, Screenshot_20240427-201032~2.p…)

This comment section was a fucking nightmare. All the original video said was that yt was promoting porn to kids, and that maybe rule 34 of children's media is bad. Yet you have both retarded coomers crying about "muh censorship" and whatever these niggas are on about.
No. 1982995
File: 1714288273184.png (847.36 KB, 786x904, Screenshot.png)

>>1982892>>1982893>>1982896I saw a discourse yesterday on twitter, where people were genuinely arguing about takes picrel.
No. 1983362
File: 1714320283804.png (47.35 KB, 220x220, annoyed pepe.png)

I hate that youtube doesn't let me actually block shitty channels. The 'not interested/don't recommend this channel' does absolutely nothing because when I search for topics the cancerous popular youtube channels still pop up.
This the most basic bitch function in a social media channel, why can't youtube do it?
Technology is truly regressing.
No. 1983369
>>1983362Even Ao3 came up with a block feature. Yeah it took them ages to let you actually block users, but they still made it a feature. How YouTube went
this long and still didn't make a feature to block channels is amazing to me.
No. 1983396
>>1973210This made me so sad. She used to be kinda pick me but also really funny and smart. There’s zero positives to being a mother at 20.
>>1973611You can fuck off with the 'broodmare' and 'grandma' comments.
No. 1983417
File: 1714324451265.jpeg (379.88 KB, 1125x1543, IMG_3675.jpeg)

>>1939754>>1956695It seems like typical divine femininity/manifestation bs, but she’s not really promoting sugaring. I’m glad that she’s sort of peaking women and teaching them to decenter men in their life but if they’re set on finding a relationship, her advice is useless. No moid is gonna make a better offer if you turn him down for drinks if you’re ugly/mid. Most girls who talk about high value dating like her or wizardliz are very attractive (often through plastic surgery) but for unattractive women it’s not gonna work, they’re just scamming them by 'paid coaching'.
No. 1983971
File: 1714353718222.jpg (422.31 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240429_021840_Gal…)

So youtube is already flooded with AI thumbnails but this one was so creepy (what is up with her face?). Also the video had nothing to do with the thumbnail either.
No. 1984045
File: 1714358749764.png (42.08 KB, 339x470, Screenshot 2024-04-28 194430.p…)

i forgot about the "monkey hate" thing and was just trying to see cute baby orang videos, slapped in the face with horrifying "common searches" or whatever the fuck this is. i remember someone on here saying their normie friend who tried to look up cute monkey videos also sees a bunch of monkey abuse vids when they search. fuck youtube
No. 1984907
>>1983362>>1983369I say we should mass e-mail YouTube about this problem
maybe even mass call them too if it's possible No. 1984952
>>1983417>>1983553I'm so surprised that many farmers are so against her.
It's pretty obvious that she might talk about wanting a man but her standards are so strict, she and the girls who follow her advice are bound to stay alone. Either she herself is not comfortable yet with acknowledging that the vast majority of moids is not worthy or she already realized and just doesn't want to lose her following by becoming an outright radfem. Her manhating is clearly getting more severe and all her recent takes would give liberal feminists an aneurysm, e.g. calling hooking up degenerate.
She said that she's from a traditional religious family and that her dad treated her mom extremely nicely and therefore installed high standards in her for how she expects men to be but of course she also hates other parts of trad families and wants to cherrypick from both camps what is best for her. That approach will get far more young girls to listen than brutal open moidhating, you have to slowly lead them away from being doormats and pickmes. It might also be healthier than always fighting and engaging with meninists, moids cant even comment on her video, she says she interacts with them as little as possible.
Also, watching her videos got me recommended pro 4B youtubers like BurbNBougie and Melanie Hamlett, so it might have led others there as well.
No. 1985652
>>1985167ntayrt but I think they're pro 4B without participating in it themselves. BurbNBougie held a couple of those livestreams where she connected that West 4B organizer with a Korean separatist and also has promoted the west 4b movement on her channel.
ot but I've wanted to write something about the west 4b and the drama surrounding the movement but I haven't figured out what thread it'd fit exactly. Since apparently in addition to regular men trying to derail their livestreams and malding on Tiktok there was some transwoman who threatened to doxx the West4B woman and people in the Whatsapp group or Discord (there was a post on ovarit detailing it).
No. 1985746
>>1985652Bechdel test thread please, I'm interested
>>1985247>definitely better than that blonde Russian teaching women how to be a good submissive waifu to an imaginary billionaire and her likesKek
No. 1986755
>>1986708I didn't watch this and I can't, but I feel so sad for her. The thumbnail of her sitting there all scratched up and looking so empty while he's doing that man sob thing is so tiresome. Of course it's all about him. Your wife was violated by 8 men and it's all about you.
I don't know what the circumstances were where he couldn't defend her, like being tied up or whatever but anyone with even half a mind would 1. Get off fucking YouTube and get your wife some therapy and help and 2. Not be crying sobbing about how bad it was for him. I understand of course youd be traumatized to presumably watch that happen to your spouse or anyone but god fucking damn he didn't get raped by anyone. She did. Idiot moid.
No. 1986868
>>1986708It's a miracle she isn't injured worse or dead after being raped by 8! subhumans. This is such an old (also movie) trope, that a moid is so traumatized in his moid honor when his women get's raped, acting as if this is anywhere near the same level of pain. Him and the other moids have zero idea how much physical damage rape does. Where tf are even his physical injuries? The guy in the horrible bus rape case thought harder for his friend when this waste of space did for his supposed love of his life.
The only thing I'm glad about is how so many people talking about this case realized what an absolute failure he is. Women know that they can't go there alone, she also knew, it was on him for dragging her with him (we all know she has no say in this huge age-gap relationship). What an absolute loser do you have to be to be old and ugly, have a young and beautiful gf and then go Hey let's go camping in fucking India! If he wasn't such a cheapskate wanting to do a muh free and manly vacation and instead paid for a nice hotel, then zero of that would have happened.
No. 1987789
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>>1987743I don’t give a fuck if she did this for a joke, but moids can’t stop themselves from making fun of single mothers who… showed her basic sympathy ig.
No. 1988227
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Guess how old the predator poacher (white guy) is? I was shocked when I found out and the moid streamer I was watching was like, "he's not. Bad 23!". Dude was like 20 in this video with EdP the pedo
No. 1988630
>>1988227I'm like 90% sure DWD is from Alberta where the scrotes are haggard and have addiction problems. His standards are already in hell.
>>1987743I don't care about having kids but I hate people who do something insensitive then turn around and say "haha you guys it's a social experiment" like shut the fuck up.
No. 1992385
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Under a video about female "gooners" which dont exist most other comments were men seething about yaoi and bl kek
No. 1992868
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