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File (hide): 1718174984220.png (497.97 KB, 1600x1045, SScIEiG.png)

No. 2046031

No. 2046042

File (hide): 1718177210356.png (504.53 KB, 748x1331, IMG_7867.png)

No. 2046051

File (hide): 1718178984108.png (30.2 KB, 599x413, yeahsure.PNG)

More like the difference between chasers they want to fuck vs not

No. 2046107>>2046568>>2046581>>2046764

File (hide): 1718189493656.jpg (216.54 KB, 1080x1037, 1000011302.jpg)

No. 2046568>>2046578>>2046581

File (hide): 1718222090492.jpg (255.56 KB, 1080x1036, 1718189493656.jpg)

Fixed it for him.

No. 2046578>>2046581>>2046962

File (hide): 1718222499797.jpg (323.46 KB, 1080x1036, Untitled358_20240612130128.jpg)

No. 2046581

No. 2046764>>2046960

File (hide): 1718230734912.jpg (131.3 KB, 832x828, 93656.jpg)

my take

No. 2046935>>2047995>>2048585>>2048775

so likes are now private. my online stalking career is over

No. 2046960

No. 2046962

No. 2047157>>2047399>>2047944>>2048866

File (hide): 1718250999742.jpg (143.1 KB, 720x787, 1000003966.jpg)

I just keep seeing the stupidest posts that amount to nothing. First of all, no. Second of all nothing you're saying correlates or makes any sense

No. 2047399

I had the misfortune of seeing this film yesterday, and there was no actual sex scene. Just gross make outs, grinding and post-sex scenes. What the hell are they talking about, it’s just the same as every sexless Hollywood film before it kek

No. 2047944

I always hate how retards like this act like we're in some ~puritanical virginal era~ of media or culture as a whole. I wish that was true lol. It very much feels like the opposite since nowadays porn shit is so normalized it seeps into absolutely everything. You can't even say you dislike sex scenes anymore without some faggot popping up and saying you're the devil while before you could say it and people would understand or shun porn more than they do today. Also I didn't watch that movie but they're fucking ugly and all men are DTF since they're desperate for pussy that doesn't make these retards or that movie special kek. Men insert their shitty fantasies and sex drive into absolutely everything but I'm somehow supposed to think ~pure men~ are the standard

No. 2047966>>2047969>>2047970>>2047976>>2047978>>2047979>>2048605>>2048674>>2048775>>2048844>>2048893

File (hide): 1718309441703.png (956.48 KB, 1185x1043, d1d9eadx684d1.png)

Normally I kinda understand why the coomers start whining, but the second one genuinely looks fine to me

No. 2047969>>2048679

People think left looks good?LMAO.

No. 2047970>>2047971

Honestly, I love it when they change designs for their beloved waifus and make them supposedly worse. Seethe, scrotes. You will never appreciate true beauty anyway.

No. 2047971>>2048030>>2048679

How is she worse? She looks cute.

No. 2047976

>The polygon mess of a model is now a mo-cap woman.

They're grasping at straws with this one as she looks perfectly fine.

No. 2047978

File (hide): 1718309962465.jpg (45.54 KB, 564x601, 91691d849950efb62457e68cf9aef2…)

eh I usually dont care… but lara croft should look like angie forever. Lara needs fit gun stacey energy not elementary school worker mother of 3 who lives in Boise, ID energy.

No. 2047979

They still gave her 00s eyebrows, not super thin but still weirdly shaped

No. 2047995>>2048585

ikr, i'm so relieved I discovered my former friend's secret Twitter with his disgusting likes months ago. a little later and I would have been totally in the dark.

No. 2048030

I don't care what she looks like, look at whatever dumb comments these coomers are typing if you want to know. I said I love when they make the designs "supposedly worse" according to the scrote's standards.

No. 2048585>>2048712>>2048719

Same, but also now the platform is officially worthless because using bots for likes is going to be the new meta. X has a bot problem and instead of stopping it, this is going to throw gasoline all over it.

I also used to enjoy looking at artist's liked posts and finding other artists through the rabbithole of seeing other people's liked content because not everyone wants to exclusively use retweeting, especially because posts won't load after a certain amount.

Fuck X/Twitter. Kill it now and replace it with something at least as okayish as it used to be.

No. 2048605

there are games that make models purposefully ugly to show off graphic details but lara ain't one; her games alongside the alan wake series look fine. Nu-Lara is actually very cute

No. 2048674

There are a lot of valid criticisms of this character model, such as the overly complex and realistic design that still doesn't feel human, the push for "realism" that doesn't improve the experience for most players and the likelihood of doubling the cost and development time. but moids don't care about that, the main concern for these commers is the perceived lack of "sexiness" of the character

No. 2048679

it's fine for the era I suppose

I think the character model looks good but ngl the lack of brown lipstick is weird. It just ain't Lara without the brown lipstick.

No. 2048712>>2049477

you'll still be able to see who liked a tweet by clicking on the tweets likes and you'll still get tweets people liked on your fyp if that's anything

No. 2048719>>2049477

Yeah I'm so frustrated, checking the likes was the best way to find other husbando fuckers, and the For You tab sucks.

No. 2048775

thinking the right looks bad is just peak moid retardation to me. also the left looks like a troon caricature to me
privating likes on twitter is such a retarded and pointless idea when bookmarks already exist. then again instagram did the same thing so I guess it's just following that now.

No. 2048844

>Normally I kinda understand why the coomers start whining

No. 2048866

This is your brain on Twitter brainrot.

No. 2048893

The right one looks normal, as always it’s a screenshot of her making a weird face because God forbid women in games don’t have retarded open mouth expression 100% of time. I love how it’s always coomers with anime or shitty digital art pfps making these complaints with no face photos.

No. 2049477

No, that doesn't do it. It's the convenience of seeing all posts liked by one individual. I don't want to have to keep hunting posts to see if a specific individual has liked it or not. Especially because there is a constant slurry of posts all the time.

It really absolutely does, one of the shittier Pre-Elon features that was underbaked.

No. 2049696>>2050480>>2050493

File (hide): 1718434903917.jpg (4.05 KB, 250x123, 20240615_015206.jpg)

Update. As a means to combat the removal of public liked posts, users are now spamming the replies section of tweets with images of Miiverse "+ Yeah!" and variations thereof to signify that they've publicly liked a post.

This shit is everywhere on public twitter now, though gooner/cheater twitter hasn't adopted it and is taking advantage of the anonymity of liking porn tweets.

No. 2049706>>2049707>>2049868>>2050415>>2050623

File (hide): 1718435862447.png (1.06 MB, 778x1199, 1718244211595.png)

Elon caught gooning after the change, found by people who managed to unhide likes through some fancy coding similar to how YouTube dislikes weren't actually removed.

No. 2049707>>2049868>>2050415

File (hide): 1718435891092.png (1.3 MB, 830x1200, 1718244199924.png)

No. 2049710>>2049862>>2049865>>2049883

File (hide): 1718436113234.jpg (205.95 KB, 1179x1929, 20240615_020714.jpg)

Users that also previously captured this have had their posts expunged through "copyright" claims.


The Barbara Streisand effect is real.

No. 2049862

Kek I love that he confirmed his dick is tiny

No. 2049865

Her face scares me

No. 2049868

Fucking momo mask looking ass bitch, do weebs really?
I guess this was Grimes for him kek

No. 2049883

Kek it's already gone

No. 2050415


No. 2050448>>2050461>>2050505>>2051053

File (hide): 1718488370346.png (267.19 KB, 1169x764, 8Uv2zSC.png)

No. 2050461>>2050466>>2050484

I really want to understand what people mean when they say lesbian relationships look better

No. 2050466

If you're not SSA, then you wouldn't really understand.

No. 2050480

Before it was scrolling past dozens of stolen comments from the blue checkmark bots and now it's this. It's kinda crazy how bad the site has gotten since he took over but does anyone else feel like it's very intentional? iirc he tried to back out of buying twitter but then they sued him so he'd go through with the deal.

No. 2050484>>2050508>>2052557

I keep having a hard time imagining how having a lesbian/gay relationship could be better than just being heterosexual when you're already heterosexual.
I get that most people want the whole ~but we're~ both the ~same sex~ and we ~can't reproduce~ so that's forbidden love~ thing because I guess it's "exciting" Since it's something that, let's be honest, is stil taboo in most parts of the world.
And true, homosexual relationships are romanticized the fuck out on most media because it's also mystified and it sounds obscene to anyone born in conservative families, living in conservative environments.
But once you see the average gay/lesbian person you see that there's nothing special about homosexuality, it's just another relationship that can happen and that's it, and because no one wants to put 2 and 2 together, everyone keeps deluding themselves into thinking that being a lesbian or gay is something extra special that anyone can do for fun, like going to Las Vegas and betting once or going to a new restaurant and eating something you don't usually have.
Plus this, turning pride parades and homosexuality into a rave where people do anything they want instead of showing that gay people are just like everyone else, has made being gay this sort of super special club that anyone can join and that has special parties and merch.

No. 2050493

File (hide): 1718490896227.jpeg (59.53 KB, 596x900, yeah-henry-1-minute-ago-well-k…)

God I miss the miiverse

No. 2050505>>2051053

Before you'd simply call out men like this for being creepy fetishistic weirdos with an overly-glorified view of lesbians but now everyone just claims they're women deep inside. Seriously just nuke this planet already. Even funnier that the video he replied to was a clip from The L Word which 1) is fictional and 2) almost all of the relationships were unhealthy.

No. 2050508>>2050606

I agree with you. But something you're forgetting is that any male would remarry before your dead body goes cold. Being in a relationship means accepting he just might chimp out and kill you while you're asleep or watch child porn on your computer. So many of us will never experience equal love and it's impossible not to be jealous of lesbians who get to trust each other like that. It would be amazing knowing she'd probably stay by your side even if you got cancer. This is an unachievable dream for billions of straight women. You have no idea how little "love" males give

No. 2050606

Yeah, I get it. I know that being heterosexual is a curse tbh, while lesbian relationships can be abusive and toxic too, most heterosexual relationships are really toxic and abusive already.
In the end, relationships just need to stop being considered the ultimate goal for humanity, but we all know that's sadly never going to happen.

No. 2050623

I saw from some sources that this is fake but I hope its real god that would be so fucking funny

No. 2051053>>2052557

File (hide): 1718516628204.png (311.38 KB, 500x500, male lesbian.png)

One of the replies put it best, really.
The only thing different from a lesbian relationship and a straight one is a lack of a scrote to ruin things and make them bad, and he's the scrote. All he has to do is not be an awful boyfriend.
Equally as annoying is all the TIMs and handmaidens insisting he's an egg lol.

No. 2052557

Is "romanticising gay male relationship" even a thing outside fandom/yaoi circles? I get it with lesbians (as >>2051053 said, it's better by default because there's no scrote) but fags have been always depicted in mass culture as ultimately promiscuous and unable to build a committed romantic relationship.

No. 2052854>>2052886>>2053935

File (hide): 1718640705371.jpg (66.72 KB, 639x920, Capture.JPG)

sorry for the shit quality, its a screenshot of a video of screenshots

No. 2052886>>2053015>>2053772

It's probably "satire", but the amount of people who will genuinely call you racist for criticizing Japan's sexualization of kids is crazy

No. 2053015>>2053022>>2053055>>2053772>>2062809

File (hide): 1718650303681.jpg (14.58 KB, 176x176, SaiScribbles.jpg)

I really thought it was a meme only used by lolicons, but a few weeks back I watched a stream of a reactor mocking lily orchard, and the one thing jerry got right (praising the localized version of cardcaptor sakura for cutting out the creepy preschool student/teacher romance) well she defended it, saying "Japan has a different culture"

No. 2053022>>2053935

Ugh. Reminds me of a article that came out years ago about junior/chi idols, and some people on lsa defended it by saying "it's a different culture"

No. 2053046

It's from a while back so I'm not sure if it's already been posted and I'm too lazy to check so I just won't post the comic. What's with twittertards and making lazy short comics for every little thing they experience? Anyways the OP gets kicked out of her home by her zionist mother because she decided to support Palestine during her graduation. Can't say I feel completely terrible on her behalf because it's such obvious performance activism. The fandomization of real life issues has been detrimental to this generation(please delete your old posts when reposting)

No. 2053048>>2053056

File (hide): 1718652199018.jpg (393.78 KB, 1080x1763, 1000018984.jpg)

It's from a while back so I'm not sure if it's already been posted and I'm too lazy to check so I just won't post the comic. What's with twittertards and making ugly short comics for every little thing they want to share? Anyways the OP gets kicked out of her home by her zionist mother because she decided to support Palestine during her graduation. Can't say I feel completely terrible on her behalf because it's such obvious performance activism. The fandomization of real life issues has been detrimental to this generation. Please do something useful instead of making your activism as flashy as possible to get the most asspats from other self-righteous twittertards. Shit like this just takes away attention from the actual issue at hand lol

No. 2053055>>2053070

>she defended it, saying "Japan has a different culture"
Not suprised that lily orchard would defend that, especially after watching that video confirming that he molested his sister

No. 2053056

I think the comic artist should have played along with her family and left on her own terms when she could afford it. But common sense doesn’t exist when you’re a performance activist kek.

No. 2053070>>2053115>>2053710

Jerry didn't defend it, Sai did, not because he isn't a creepy pedophile, but because he has a weird vandeeta for watching anything subbed, vidrel is where she talks about it

No. 2053115

File (hide): 1718655316118.png (596.06 KB, 1200x542, vendeeta.png)

No. 2053506>>2053583>>2058251

File (hide): 1718675015680.png (742.72 KB, 1170x1871, why you even trying .png)


No. 2053583>>2057316>>2058621

File (hide): 1718680254890.jpeg (567.35 KB, 1242x1802, IMG_5187.jpeg)

What I don’t understand is why she couldn’t just stfu about it and support silently. She wants to support Palestine, but her stupid ass got kicked out, and she’s begging for money. Money that could be going to the Palestinians she claims to support, but now has to go to her because she was retarded enough to spout her political beliefs in front of unsupportive parents. Pro Palestine retardation is insane, and I say that as an extreme anti-Zionist. It wasn’t like this five years ago.

No. 2053707>>2053721>>2053809>>2053930

File (hide): 1718689946957.jpg (173.57 KB, 1080x893, nature is healing die x.jpg)

Nintendo joins Microsoft and Sony in cutting out X/Twitter social media integration. Console companies have had enough.


You can no longer post Switch screenshots and videos directly to a linked X/Twitter account.
I hope this is a sign that the platform is actually dying.

No. 2053710

Didn't CCS dub have a lot of changes and localizations?
They played it more as an action show for boys.

No. 2053721>>2053869

I hate it because I made my twitter account a few years ago to post screenshots and keep up with the games I'm playing.

No. 2053772>>2053877

Don't feel bad. I genuinely though all the bussy and femboy shit was some sort of bizzare internet joke.

No. 2053809


No. 2053869>>2053932

I'm not a fan of the QR code method either, even though taking out the data chip and putting it into s reader for my computer is arguably slower and more tedious.
I'll have to check if they still have Facebook integration and see if making a Facebook alt works, and if it shits up the image quality or not.

No. 2053877

Wait is bussy not a joke? People sincerely use that word completely unironically?

No. 2053930

is this because of the porn?

No. 2053932

I saw that you can still post directly on facebook. Not sure how horribly pixelated your screenshots will look if you do that though, facebook makes everything I post look like garbage.

No. 2053935

why are they acting like it's only black people that don't like the pedo shit in anime
the biggest problem about junior idols is men being allowed to see them. I hate how men ruin anything cute in general

No. 2054546

I barely have any followers, barely post and barely get notifications, and all of a sudden in a matter of minutes I got a like 30 notifications of Japanese bots liking random tweets and sending me weird messages to make me follow them. This is even worse than tumblr's bots back in 2016, which made me delete my account back then.

No. 2056413>>2056418>>2056421>>2056471>>2057157

File (hide): 1718826134396.png (188.8 KB, 897x1130, 27slXiC.png)

he's right

No. 2056418

File (hide): 1718826259743.png (109.98 KB, 897x674, yY9flsW.png)

No. 2056421>>2056448

"When we're ALLOWED to be" kek wtf does this mean? Does he mean he'll put in the effort when there's people around to notice his virtue or some shit?

No. 2056448

No he thinks women are always constantly "gatekeeping" nurturing instincts and that they only barely ever let any men do that. Except we've seen the results: men shaking their infant son/daughter to death.

No. 2056471

>it's misogyny to hate moids
Those sure are words he's saying

No. 2056970

File (hide): 1718851860660.jpg (139.9 KB, 750x941, 1000012077.jpg)

No. 2057157

Big Woman has instilled microchips in the brains of males since before pre history which makes them rape and kill children! Whenever a male hurts a child you can shake your fist at the sky and blame Big Woman. Why did she do this?

No. 2057316>>2058190>>2058216

>she’s begging for money
Is there any proof she's actually homeless now or could it be a grift?

No. 2057573>>2057581

File (hide): 1718904660025.png (757.02 KB, 766x1538, queer.png)

>you can't be queer unless you align with all my perfect political opinions

No. 2057581

File (hide): 1718905253352.jpg (31.94 KB, 474x357, th-2026968320.jpg)

If I could change one thing about the timeline it would be to keep queer a slur the way it was originally intended so all of this would stop and people would have to keep only using the terms gay and lesbian

No. 2057756>>2057770>>2057885>>2062751

File (hide): 1718916639085.jpeg (552.6 KB, 1284x1863, IMG_4504.jpeg)

I was ready to scroll past this as the algorithm showing me retarded scrote bait until I saw the number of likes. What the hell

No. 2057770>>2062816

Reminder that the child gf meme had over 80k likes

No. 2057885>>2061998

it's probably a 50/50 divide between pedophiles thirsting after cunny and trannies trying to cope with being flat moidlets by cunny larping (so autopedophiles)

No. 2058065>>2058074>>2058082>>2058121

File (hide): 1718932990444.jpeg (425.17 KB, 1242x1252, IMG_5342.jpeg)

We’re never escaping the patriarchy, are we?

No. 2058074>>2058079>>2058121

File (hide): 1718933697461.jpeg (55.8 KB, 933x829, IMG_7574.jpeg)

Same person btw. Luckily I see a lot of people in the quote retweets calling her out for this retarded post but the fact that it still has 17k likes is beyond disappointing.

No. 2058079>>2058081

I don't understand what this even means

No. 2058081>>2058102

Don't you get it nonnie? Her pussy will turn the dreaded rapist into a prince, breaking the spell

No. 2058082>>2058121

she’s trying too hard to become a ‘comedian’ and you’re all giving her attention

No. 2058102>>2058117

I thought it was saying her pussy was so disgusting and wretched that it'd make a rapist never wanna touch a woman again

No. 2058117

i thought the same and actually laughed at it, too bad its just pickemposting

No. 2058121

Ivy Wolk is a notorious troll on the same level as Trisha Paytas during her edgiest era. Just like >>2058082 points out, she's a Gen Z comedienne and her whole schtick is making people angry or upset. Twitter really is just trolling and ragebaiting at this point. There's not even any sense in getting worked up or upset about half the tweets you see because theye're all just made to farm engagement and are literally designed for you to get angry and spread them, just like you did here kek.

No. 2058190>>2058386>>2058621

I think her mom actually did kick her out because in the thread there's some schizo shit but she's staying with her boyfriend last time I checked. Though imo she knowingly did this to basically "martyr" herself for the cause and get internet brownie points so I don't feel bad whatsoever. Literally no reason to constantly debate your relatives on retarded shit like this when you're dependent on them and at risk of getting kicked out.

No. 2058216>>2058621

As someone that used to grift with my friends on Twitter back in the day, her whole post reads like an elaborate and well thought-out grift. She says all the right things and timed it well, it reminds me of something my friends or I'd used to do. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up with getting $6-10k with it. Most people already know this, but never send money to anybody on the internet because the majority of times it's a grift.

No. 2058251>>2058271>>2058295>>2058297>>2058314>>2058331>>2058621>>2059042

File (hide): 1718947855269.jpeg (24.74 KB, 360x360, GBmkNxiWQAAexyx.jpeg)

Nonna you forgot the best part of the thread where she starts scrawling pro Palestine sentiment on the walls + furniture like a total schizo and not making any connection as to why her mum might not want her in the house anymore

No. 2058271>>2058318

What the actual fuck. I'm guessing her family is hispanic too.
She deserved to be thrown out tbh.

No. 2058295>>2058646

Mentally unwell kids who aren't being violent shouldn't be kicked out of home, they're just going to get sicker. If someone's mentally sick as a kid it's almost always the parents' fault anyway, the very least they can do is foot the bill for their fuckup kek.

No. 2058297>>2058621

Did she write this? The writing, "if we believe in God we believe in Israel because Israel is a part of God (heart)" "We love Israel" "We believe in Israel". The second one doesn't have the same handwriting so it could've been made by her, but I'm confused by the first one.

No. 2058314>>2058328>>2058621

I thought she claimed her mom wrote this? It seems like the second one says "here we're pro Israel"

No. 2058318>>2058331>>2058373>>2058389

I looked into this, she's from Nicaragua. Idk why but this makes it even more fucking hilarious and ridiculous af

No. 2058328>>2058342

There's no way the mom did that unless she's schizophrenic. Maybe this retard ass faked it all, honestly I'm really getting that vibe from all of this. There's no way they would just throw her out because of her milquetoast political views

No. 2058331>>2058342>>2058621

Yeah I'm sure she wrote this shit herself and she's actually mentally ill and retarded. I can tell that furniture is old and they probably have no way to replace it. Why would her nicaraguan mom write that shit in english on her own furniture for fucks sake.

No. 2058342

I have to admit that someone demented enough to write on their furniture would be demented enough to kick out their kid for not supporting Israel

No. 2058373

Why do people from Nicaragua even care about Israel/Palestine? It’s not like it’s gonna benefit them either way.

No. 2058386

Not just she didn't help anyone on Gaza but now she need help herself.

No. 2058389

She live in USA

No. 2058607

File (hide): 1718977921003.png (24.52 KB, 605x321, 7B2E8E6F-714D-45BF-B15B-263DC9…)

Picrel is exactly why I left the left and became a radfem. Leftists are just as anti women as rightoids but with a hammer and sickle. You know that if it were changed to fascists they’d be applauding, but 91% of rape victims are women so you know where their interests lie. I really fucking hope no one in the outside world parades these retarded opinions. Also
>primarily affecting black and trans people
The jokes write themselves

No. 2058621>>2058640>>2058930

File (hide): 1718979059488.png (3.13 MB, 3599x2048, thots and opinions.png)

It's done in chalk so she could have easily wiped it off
Someone on Twitter allegedly investigated and found out she's spending 7k per month on a hotel. I don't think her mom kicked her out but was planning a way to leave before going to college. Also weird she suddenly wins the prestigious award right after.

No. 2058640

whenever i see retarded people with good grades i wonder how they do it. Maybe i am more retarded than i thought if i have worse grades than a schizo that makes up dumb shit for twitter likes and cant draw.

No. 2058646

She's not mentally unwell, she's one of those people who has to bring up irrelevant politics to intentionally cause family tension because she's privileged enough to not actually have any irl oppression. Literally in the same vein as non-binaries who took that label and start baiting their family into slipping up so they can larp as a homophobically abused person, she didn't have to start hardcore riding for Palestine from her home in America where everyone in the house is Nicaraguan

No. 2058930

What's with the additional text commentary? This is getting weird. Do you know her personally or something?

No. 2058936>>2058944>>2059116

File (hide): 1718997937515.jpg (608.45 KB, 1220x1711, 1000008054.jpg)

I really want that Elon would make Twitter a +18 app to avoid to find gems like this.

No. 2058944>>2059039

I know kids have always been annoying and retarded online but children nowadays are especially stupid.

No. 2059039

I bet she thinks "hypersexual" means fangirling over any cartoon or character.

No. 2059042

Why lie about that thread from 2023? That's not "pro palestine sentiment on the walls" lmao holy shit

No. 2059116>>2059265

>anything but she/her
i love how you can immediately identify their internalized misogyny with this

No. 2059265>>2059270>>2059292>>2059605>>2060269

File (hide): 1719018573378.png (42.17 KB, 598x423, caturkura.png)

NLOG right there.

No. 2059270>>2059276

rare femboy w

No. 2059276>>2059301

I have a lot of respect for the gnc people that don't buy into troon ideology. It's weird but femboys that are secure in their feminine side while understanding that they're men make mtfs mald like nothing else.

No. 2059292

Fuckin wrekt, wow

No. 2059301

He's gay so it's easy.

No. 2059605

If this guy is actually born in 1993 it's pretty pathetic for him to be arguing about pointless shit like this with a child kek

No. 2060211>>2060258>>2060389

File (hide): 1719091078118.png (1.67 MB, 1080x6151, ultramaga-buys-cybertruck-to-s…)

No. 2060258

This is so pathetic. I can't even hate him

No. 2060269

love how despite all the "im a lil gay bean im so gay be gay do crime uwu im gay" posturing, they swing right back to homophobia the secind an actual homosexual pipes up

No. 2060389

I know this is the Twitter Hate thread but I actually love these tweets. I'm so happy bald ugly scrote is having a bad time. There's something so pleasing about seeing Tesla fanboys having shite experiences with Tesla branded automobiles.

No. 2060460>>2060462>>2061011

File (hide): 1719099721480.jpg (102.19 KB, 750x808, being-a-pick-me-is-useless-whe…)

No. 2060462>>2060463>>2060877

File (hide): 1719099807083.jpg (116.78 KB, 750x1034, being-a-pick-me-is-useless-whe…)

No. 2060463>>2060879

File (hide): 1719099838965.jpg (81.63 KB, 750x567, being-a-pick-me-is-useless-whe…)

No. 2060872

I don’t want to hear about that stupid hawk tuh girl anymore. I don’t blame her she’s just a drunk girl being silly and over sharing but the way people are making out it was the hottest thing ever is fucking cringe.

No. 2060877

kek she isnt even fat she's just insanely botched

No. 2060879

she deserves it.

No. 2061011

Twitter "views" arent accurate at all kek. Wish women made accounts constantly dragging men the same way men do to women

No. 2061069>>2061111>>2061112>>2061133>>2062527>>2062531>>2075353

Do you agree that twitter is heading towards its death, nonnas? There are no real people left on there. Just lib discoursers vs nazis arguing about who’s more retarded. Even the twitters niches like ed twitter or anime twitter are pretty much dead because people barely tweet anymore. It’s heading towards tumblr levels of activity kek

No. 2061111>>2062527

I've been wondering about that, where is everyone suddenly going? It doesn't feel as empty as tumblr, but it feels a lot less active than even two years ago.

No. 2061112

yes, I have waited for this day all of my adult life

No. 2061133

It has actually become unusable recently. My account gets shadowbanned if I make more than three posts in an hour and once the ban passes after 3-7 days of inactivity I get locked out and warned about suspicious behaviour if I post something. Right now it doesn't even allow me to log in, there's an error whenever I put in the 2FA code. It's like they want to lower the userbase

No. 2061998

why use their gross terms

No. 2062527

>tumblr levels of activity
>It doesn't feel as empty as tumblr
As someone who uses Tumblr, what the fuck are you guys saying

No. 2062531

Well I know I stopped posting there years ago, so have many of my friends, I just have a throwaway account I use to follow fan artists but that's the extent of my activity. Unironically I've gone back to fucking Tumblr. Slow as hell but easier to curate.

No. 2062717>>2062939>>2062942

File (hide): 1719272611809.jpg (269.65 KB, 1005x1649, GQxPYVEWUAAGEZs.jpg)

No. 2062751>>2062778

If someone made a Ms paint anime girl who spewed terf sayings I bet at least a good amount of moids would start agreeing with it

No. 2062778>>2062823

File (hide): 1719275850000.jpg (143.11 KB, 1280x960, 1566267993043.jpg)

We do have terf memes with anime girls, though the intention is to hit trannies where it hurts (their transition goals mocking them) rather than get moids on side

No. 2062809

I had no idea Cardcaptor Sakura had some weird pedophilia garbage in its original version
When I was a kid I used to love Cartcaptor Sakura on YTV (Canada), now its ruined for me :(
Why are the Japanese like this, is it the radiation damage or something(no emoticons)

No. 2062816

I remember when it was just shock humour on 4chan and now you have scrotes actually pushing back when people say "y'know, jokes aside, pedophilia is bad"

No. 2062823>>2062855

File (hide): 1719278132441.jpg (27.76 KB, 640x427, 1000001144.jpg)

That's true but I haven't seen one that's the the low quality tranny infested ones with words around them. I'm convinced that 90% of scrotes' online personalities revolve around shit like it

No. 2062855

It would be an effective terf marketing technique but I don't think any radfem/gc could stomach drawing cringe MS paint waifus to attract moids

No. 2062939>>2062940>>2062952>>2062954>>2062955>>2063935

File (hide): 1719286051346.jpeg (294.77 KB, 1022x1715, IMG_5426.jpeg)

I hate this genre of tweets. I’m convinced they’re planted by zionists to make the pro-Palestine movement look worse

No. 2062940

>Not to shame this mother
>Continues to shame her anyway

No. 2062942

Do these people think genocide and famines weren't happening elsewhere before october?

No. 2062952

3 years ago it was shaming people for not supporting BLM, now it's a new flavor

No. 2062954

Ngl I would never post a picture of my child on fucking Twitter of all places.

No. 2062955>>2063580

I always feel like i'm being hit on the head after reading this genre of post. Not to blog but growing up in a pro-palestine environment we cared about shit like getting school supplies and clothes to orphans, raising money for palestinian families, corresponding with palestinians to hear their concerns and ease their pain, general political agitation about invasions in the region. I get nauseous when i see how they have disfigured the cause, especially if it's 2d gen diasporoids who should know better. These people have never talked to female refugees, have never had to see pictures of the children they lost, have never been in the presence of starving (like skin on bones) children and women, and have no idea that shaming random white women is the last fucking thing on their minds. Btw i checked and she's palestinian herself so she knows, but she's clearly trying to copy the 'narcissistic leftist' handbook because this is what resistance movements look like now. I almost feel bad for her, had she been born in a less retarded age she wouldn't have to pander to liberals with high moral masochism. What a disgrace

No. 2063580

AYRT, I agree completely. I’ve been pro Palestine for nearly 10 years, and it was not always like this. It feels like since October 7th, it’s full of ignorant zoomers who know nothing about activism etiquette. I saw a post about a 15 year old activist being horrified about all the gore on her timeline, and she politely asked if people could put the twitter sensitive content warning on it. Instead of empathy for the fact she’s probably seeing this for the first time, she was attacked for trying to “turn away from the horror” and “Palestinians don’t have a choice.” If you want someone to support your cause, you can’t be attacking everyone who doesn’t protest the same way you do. It’s retarded.

No. 2063919>>2063928>>2064732

File (hide): 1719350174986.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x1726, IMG_5249.jpeg)

Every time I go on twitter there’s something like this in my feed even though idgaf about this kind of “comedy”. People being like omg this is the funniest most heckin epic thing i’ve ever seen! And then it’s a comic like this, not even worth cracking a smile. And they’re literally always made by trannies

No. 2063926>>2063953>>2064268>>2064273>>2064441>>2064667>>2064732

File (hide): 1719350337109.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1215, IMG_5250.jpeg)

Troon “artists” will shit out some low effort garbage like this and get 22k likes

No. 2063928

> Hahahaha the punchline is SEX!!!
How very masculine kek

No. 2063935

>i like muffins

No. 2063953

>can't even spell "conscience" correctly
The irony.

No. 2064268

Lesbian yurifags have all my sympathy because wtf is that?

No. 2064273

I hate men so much

No. 2064441

21k likes… that app is just full of absolute retards

No. 2064667

where funny?

No. 2064732>>2064743>>2064759>>2064760>>2064765>>2066732

File (hide): 1719378374894.png (310.89 KB, 838x864, ack.png)

I drew his oc killing himself

No. 2064743

amazing work

No. 2064759>>2064787

I'm sorry but this reminds me of these old videos

No. 2064760

Your low effort drawing somehow looks way better than his low effort drawing

No. 2064765

No. 2064787

Except anything i make doesn't stand a chance to this piece of art and all similar ones

No. 2066718>>2066723>>2066726>>2066740>>2066742>>2066898>>2068238

File (hide): 1719461098646.jpg (75.45 KB, 720x513, 1000003976.jpg)

Why is it that men automatically decide that the young people at their office would offer themselves up to them? Why are men so inherently rapey

No. 2066723

For me it’s the fact men like this don’t realise his wife probably looks at hotter, younger men and thinks the same thing. If they heard women saying that about their husbands they’d “blackpill”, be violent, call us disloyal whores etc

No. 2066726

why the hell did he even feel the need to post this

No. 2066732

calling you jesus the way you just saved us

No. 2066740

"I'm such a good husband for the way I DIDN'T fuck this younger, hotter woman"

No. 2066742>>2066762

this isn’t real btw. dan plays a bunch of characters.

No. 2066762

do you mean to tell me that cocky didn't actually want boing boing?

No. 2066806>>2068899>>2068906>>2068919>>2071680>>2073846

File (hide): 1719467947020.jpeg (153.79 KB, 750x888, IMG_3659.jpeg)

seeing this reminded me that men literally just fucking hate us. They hate us when we’re stereotypically “soft” and dramatic, or bubbly, or emotional like the gfs here apparently are, but they hate us when we’re strong and stoic and help out with finances as well bc it means we’re “masculine” and not wifey material or whatever. It’s like, I know it, but the reminder that nothing will truly please a moid other than being a silent, submissive penis receptacle, and even that they will secretly resent and get off on the degradation of is truly so harrowing.

No. 2066898

File (hide): 1719472164085.jpg (598.81 KB, 1079x1610, Screenshot_20240627-170803_You…)

I think Dan is really funny the way he captures the way how dengenerate moids think but he does have his really vile moments

No. 2067715>>2067724>>2067725

File (hide): 1719526101715.jpg (138.23 KB, 1080x358, 1000019208.jpg)

What a retarded take.
>"fucked on camera"
Prostitution is rape no matter how you paint it. Of course, it's by a pro-porn 'bimbo aesthetic' libfem.

No. 2067724>>2067741

She's right though. Porn did exacerbate certain issues, but she's still correct.

No. 2067725>>2067741

She is kinda right though. Men are like that by nature - porn just made them worse.

No. 2067741

Ayrt, I wasn't trying to justify moid behavior because rape is in their nature, but that she's minimizing the role of female exploitation in relation to their actions which is retarded.

No. 2068238

kek nonnie I know other anons have mentioned it but you really should look at a person's profile before posting. I swear people take everything they see on the internet at face value.

No. 2068800>>2068801>>2068808>>2068811>>2069995

File (hide): 1719583597498.png (3.64 MB, 904x5963, IMG_5343.png)

libfem and gay moid moment

No. 2068801>>2068816>>2069995

File (hide): 1719583629680.png (393.13 KB, 904x2064, IMG_5344.png)

No. 2068808

They weren’t ready to hear this one. Also the literal drawings as counter evidence? Kek.

No. 2068811

>men never look good in female clothing
>you haven't seen background dancers for zari!!
they are wearing baggy pants and crop tops are you kidding me

No. 2068816>>2068818

File (hide): 1719584247805.png (795.74 KB, 899x983, IMG_5345.png)

No. 2068818>>2068824

>underage asian femboy
Yeahhh. He’ll grow out of it. Or get groomed and violated by some older fag. But I honestly hope he just grows out of it, for his sake.

No. 2068824>>2068834

he likely was already groomed

No. 2068834

Sad but true

No. 2068899>>2068928>>2069213>>2072329

File (hide): 1719588193048.png (453.79 KB, 1080x1989, 1000012330.png)

Found this reply

No. 2068906

>Having a gf is crazy cuz you could be watching your business burning to the ground but your gf is complaining about her part time job!!!!!!!!
Totally real situation that could totally realistically happen to OP ofc

No. 2068919>>2069185

The amount of men under the comments who admit to seeing women as no better than children is blackpilling

No. 2068928

So they cry about not being in a relationship and the whole "loneliness epidemic", but when they get in one they simply don't want it and think the woman isn't good enough or what they need? When will they come out as gay and date each other already? Annoying whiny faggots.

No. 2069185

>Admit to seeing women as no better than children intellectually
>Still want to have sex with them

No. 2069213

I've dated enough males with employees to know that 90% of the time if their business is running like shit, its because they're running it like an absolute lazy retard and regularly pissing off the two people who actually work hard. It's the same as how they'd run their household. As the gf you're not allowed to help or give advice on it either even if you have an MBA, they will not try your ideas out of spite

No. 2069515>>2069529>>2073846

File (hide): 1719606989267.jpeg (909.13 KB, 1284x1985, IMG_4513.jpeg)

Every day I thank the universe that I wasnt born in Japan. Even as a joke this shit is embarrassing as fuck for women. And of course the replied and quotes are like “HOLY BASED I LOVE WEIRD JAPAN”


No. 2069529

Don't like using twitterspeak, but calling this a humiliation ritual is very fitting.
Kinda unrelated, but its weird to hear that high-pitched baby voice come out of her mouth. It is so unnatural.

No. 2069700>>2069939>>2069944>>2069960>>2069964>>2069980>>2070574>>2072543

File (hide): 1719613931980.png (2 MB, 1046x4125, IMG_4519.png)

they hated him because he told the truth

No. 2069939

"show that you are competent and serious by wearing clothing that we associate with competent and serious people"
Rational thinking is in the toilet.

No. 2069944>>2069950>>2070041

oh god why is the second to right person's nipples sticking out like that its so disgusting

No. 2069950

It’s a troon

No. 2069960

>Guy that looks like Vaush, Insane Piece of Shit and a troon
I don't think suits would save them regardless

No. 2069964>>2071060

I hate leftists even more that righttoids they’re all so ugly and smelly

No. 2069980

Isn't the nipple troon the one with the breastfeeding fetish that goes by Naomi?

No. 2069995

So they used literal drawings, men wearing clothes designed for male bodies referencing the dancers and drag queens who usually get custom clothes and wear corsets to prove their point. From what i know, drag queens also believe that men look bad in womens clothes, they call men who slap on dressed without any corset or padding having a hog body.

No. 2070041

twitter tranny looked disgusting in his beige shirt, nipples protruding, very very disrespectful kek

No. 2070574

You can get formal wear at Uniqlo and H&M, hell Shein probably carries some professional clothing, it's hardly a classist issue nowadays.

No. 2071060

File (hide): 1719693057809.png (239.23 KB, 894x813, IMG_4526.png)

I'm starting to agree

No. 2071680

They always think their lives are inherently so much more complex because they “suffer in silence” even if their gfs are going through the exact same struggles that they are

No. 2071870>>2071877>>2072476>>2072543>>2072650

File (hide): 1719739891645.jpg (148.7 KB, 945x2048, 1000003985.jpg)

I swear this guy is like 55 years old

No. 2071877>>2071882>>2072607

File (hide): 1719740297808.jpg (82.71 KB, 720x432, 1000003986.jpg)

Hes so fucking weird

No. 2071882>>2071890

It's not real ancient nationalism if ugly unworthy boys like him are not cast down to their deaths from the hilltops.

No. 2071890>>2072048>>2072176>>2072189>>2072193>>2072476

File (hide): 1719741457496.jpg (86.04 KB, 720x402, 1000003987.jpg)

I'm not so sure he's a "boy," everything he says and does reads like a grandpa including his friends

No. 2072048>>2072155

He’s a larping fag who probably doesn’t work out. He’s the next raw egg nationalist

No. 2072155

raw egg nationalist being lean was a bit surprising, but the fact that he was mixed race wasn't

No. 2072176

What’s there to learn about tossing a frisbee around? Retard.

No. 2072189

He takes his “girlfriends” (canine companions) to the (dog) park

No. 2072193

No zoomer male is going outside to exercise in public without being held at gunpoint kek

No. 2072329

Twitter makes me feel like an alien on this planet sometimes. So many repulsive people.

No. 2072476>>2075487

These bap tier esoteric schizo larpers on twitter are so cringe, but knowing these guys are likely nobodies with zero achievements and people who care about them irl they have to cope somehow.

Speaking of which I’ve noticed this genre of men on twitter where they orbit those “alpha” accounts and are obsessed with masculinity and wanting to larp as a “warrior” which is funny bc they all live gentrified and domestic lifestyles lol.

No. 2072543

drop them in a cage

No. 2072607

Truly ain't a male fantasy without some Greek-Roman esque homo-eroticism.

No. 2072650>>2072664

rw males made mishima cringe

No. 2072664

No. 2072690

File (hide): 1719780248683.png (661.82 KB, 902x913, IMG_7157.png)

No. 2072726>>2073846

File (hide): 1719781613221.png (197.42 KB, 605x710, 1702140961821.png)

No. 2072907>>2074486>>2075707

File (hide): 1719788587495.png (233.53 KB, 669x762, IMG_4506.png)

stay away from her

No. 2073023>>2073556

File (hide): 1719796291754.png (424.64 KB, 605x1038, IMG_7174.png)

No. 2073469>>2075710

File (hide): 1719831276899.png (100.91 KB, 1184x634, 1719613931980.png)

the hypocrisy of an Arab saying this unironically. lmao

No. 2073556>>2073577

the comments are so right

No. 2073577>>2073585

get a fucking grip

No. 2073585>>2073595>>2073840>>2075256

NTA but why? It's true, she wasn't forced into the industry, why should we feel sorry for her?

No. 2073595>>2073628


No. 2073628

Saluting you, brave nonnie

No. 2073814

Elon totally destroyed the search function. Now, if you write a word like “peach mango tea”, you won’t get tweet results with those words in it. You’ll get results that just have the same letters in different words.

No. 2073840

nta but it's never a good idea to try to shut down ex porn stars who speak openly about the shitty porn industry, even if they willingly went into it. Learning from past mistakes and going out of her way to prevent other women from falling for it is a very good thing

No. 2073846

this doesn't make any sense because it's usually the other way around lol. you could be going through the worst shit in your life and your husband/bf/male friend etc will come along and act like his feelings are more important than yours. for example when women go through shit like pregnancy and then the man just wants to fuck and dumps her over not jumping on his cock a week after she just birthed another human. they act like women are the more ''sensitive'' ones and they spend their time coddling us when it's women who constantly have to coddle male feelings and accept their bullshit, you can't even reject a moid without coddling him without the chance he might murder you later. all their talk about women being like children mentally is pure projection because they themselves think and behave like manchildren and never really mature
i saw people calling this shit based too. it's always the weaboos who think sex work is epic and empowering and also have yellow fever
every time i see moids use the word cunny i feel homicidal. one of the worst words ever made

No. 2073865

File (hide): 1719857732291.png (628.68 KB, 899x727, IMG_5345.png)

gay moids should not be allowed to talk about children

No. 2074226>>2074258>>2074483

File (hide): 1719875259422.png (1.28 MB, 901x1981, IMG_5246.png)

what does this mean?

No. 2074258

TIF? Stan account? Both?

No. 2074483>>2074486

Tifs love will graham and headcanon him as being trans

No. 2074486

Like if Britney would believe a random guy telling her to kill her moid father. He is an asshole, but time traveling doesn't work like that.

From the same fandom that cannot accept a headcanon like Hannibal being a tif neither.

No. 2075234>>2075237>>2075267>>2075382>>2075387>>2075400

File (hide): 1719951419299.png (702.05 KB, 1080x2039, 1000012474.png)

The fact that there are people buying this device is bleak

No. 2075237


No. 2075256

people can make mistakes and regret making them there’s no need to be an asshole about it

No. 2075267>>2075272>>2075442

?? They use this torture contraption to cut off their dicks?

No. 2075272


No. 2075274>>2075276>>2075388

File (hide): 1719954835231.jpg (2.05 MB, 1078x6178, Screenshot_20240614_141047_X.j…)

No. 2075276>>2075288

I'm pretty stupid but I can't at all make sense of this thread. What does it mean?

No. 2075288

I forgot to screenshot the context. But the op said she didnt feel empathy for porn addicted moids.

No. 2075296>>2075366>>2076515>>2076521

File (hide): 1719956114180.png (1.94 MB, 1170x1863, IMG_3837.png)

Not surprised a troon of all shared this. I don’t even listen to Taylor but I find it gross to turn trauma at the hands of moids into a competition, and then of course going on to add the word “yt” infront of women to try and get away with it.

No. 2075353

Its both dead and alive. The main issue is that there's no where for people to go. Back in the day when sites died it was because a bunch of people migrated to a new popular website but nothing has really taken off after twitter

No. 2075366>>2075385

I don’t give a fuck about celebrities but Taylor has “so much to write about” because she likely has a team to write catchy and generic songs to appeal to a large audience. Everything is carefully calculated. I don’t know how pants on head retarded you have to be to not see this. Not surprised the troon thinking it’s a good take because trannies literally having nothing going for them except for their fetish they disguise as their identity.

No. 2075373>>2075377>>2075384>>2075398>>2076470

File (hide): 1719959922056.jpeg (159.8 KB, 960x1238, i-guess-people-arent-supposed-…)

Said by the guy who slept with underage prostitutes in sea

No. 2075377

File (hide): 1719960092577.jpeg (87.65 KB, 640x444, IMG_1986.jpeg)

>receding hairline

No. 2075382

If every pickme on earth could drop dead nothing of value would be lost. I’d take this one out personally

No. 2075384

File (hide): 1719960481391.png (68.47 KB, 265x289, IMG_20240702_164725.png)

It's hard to even take these retards seriously when they look like this

No. 2075385

Recently listening to her discography and a lot of it is very formulaic and topical (as in manufactured to hit the core base and touch on current trends), surprised it’s not a well known fact most popular artists do that regardless of color or sex and genre of music. People really have no understanding of nuance any more.

No. 2075387>>2075442

What is this? Is this a dick chopper?

No. 2075388>>2075440

It is quite literally males whose existence depends on the mercy of US. We create them and choose not to abort them or kill them all as babies (for some reason). If we wanted to abort all male fetuses with coathangers we could, and what could they do to stop us? Serious question, let's hear it kek

No. 2075398

>here today, gone tomorrow
is he talking about his hair?

No. 2075400

File (hide): 1719961236432.jpg (36.44 KB, 474x474, th-2772839294.jpg)

I googled it and it's just benzocaine with glycerin. It's like taking cough drops but in liquid form basically

No. 2075440>>2076470

That's lovely in theory but the thing is, you still need medical help after aborting and it will get iffy depending on the laws where you live. An ex friend of mine aborted inside a bathroom, didn't get proper help, and then had so many complications that she told me her vagina "was rotting alive", not sure what that meant because I wasn't going to ask more but that's the issue, it's not as easy as getting your period specially because you only discover the sex of the fetus later on when the baby is more developed. There's additional stuff that needs to come out and that most likely will need intervention

No. 2075442

Its a spray to numb the back of the throat to lessen pain when deepthroating

No. 2075487>>2075489>>2075493

File (hide): 1719965591880.jpg (161.74 KB, 720x741, 1000003990.jpg)

I imagine him as extremely ugly, I don't think an attractive man has ever had the space to develop this kind of neuroses, let alone one who is wealthy and busy. I also think he's at least 35, he's got a very strange and bland typing style usually reserved only for old fags on Twitter. He's so strange and I can't even say autism, I think he's some chinless near-40 something

No. 2075489

Sounds like an old fat man to me

No. 2075493>>2075496

File (hide): 1719965892790.jpg (102.94 KB, 720x696, 1000003991.jpg)

He also believes vehemently that in the future there will be a "bachelor tax" and refers to women in their 20s with a very snide, bitter hatred. He posts a lot of tiktoks of teen girls so it's pretty easy to see he's a hebephile (or is it ephebiphile? Idk) and he doesn't try to hide it. Weird as fuck guy, would bet any thing he's a gross loser

No. 2075496>>2075502>>2075513

File (hide): 1719966009400.jpg (72.96 KB, 720x470, 1000003992.jpg)

He's also deleted any past mention of the claim he was a contender for the bachelorette. 6'6? Pathological liar inches tall, actually.

No. 2075502

File (hide): 1719966184901.jpg (427.95 KB, 960x540, 1000003993.jpg)

He basically roundabout wants passerbys to believe he's one of these guys by omission. Stupid faggot.

No. 2075513>>2075542

Why are you still falling for this troll account

No. 2075542

It's unironic.

No. 2075707

Wouldn’t it make more sense to kill the father yourself

No. 2075710

The west had a very brief period where they did atone but these whiny leftists will ensure that they never do this progressive stuff again

No. 2075884>>2075893>>2075989>>2076127

File (hide): 1719987481520.jpg (145.11 KB, 720x657, 1000004001.jpg)

Soo… what do we think Miss Club Chalamet did

No. 2075893>>2075933

>expecting anons to know who this rando is
>Not even a related to the thread topic
Newfaggotry seeping out of this post

No. 2075933

Club Chalamet is a middle aged woman who is extremely obsessed with Timothee Chalamet. Yes, I assumed several of you would know who she is. She goes viral every few months. She's cray

No. 2075989

Maybe she got her hands on his agent’s daily planner

No. 2076127

She doxed his assistant?

No. 2076470

this is so funny. scrotes really think insulting women for their looks like this does anything when they hit the wall 20 times harder (the guy is literally bald in his profile picture). even if for a moment we pretended women did age like milk like men do it's just like…and? literally what would they be missing out on? his crusty ass? women aren't the ones desperate for moids but they really pretend like we need them or something when it's not us shooting up schools when we don't have the attention of the opposite sex
not that person but you could just kill the baby after it was born then

No. 2076497>>2076656>>2076726>>2076741

File (hide): 1720028805421.jpeg (645.72 KB, 1242x1849, IMG_5541.jpeg)

Why are men fuckjng psychotic?

No. 2076515

In their wokeness, they completely forgot Taylor has fans in countries other than North America and fancy Europe

No. 2076521

I mean it's true that her lyrics are mediocre and plain and obsessing over it is silly, but it's funny how these people treat their 'uniquely traumatic experiences' as their defining personality trait when most of the time it just makes them annoying. Also obviously this was posted by a fugly gay moid and a troon.

No. 2076553>>2076554>>2076566>>2076653>>2076888>>2076974>>2077059>>2081741

File (hide): 1720031668049.png (317.87 KB, 595x813, comic1.png)

this girl made a comic about being sexually harassed by her professor in college and a good chunk of the replies/qrts are just men going "LOL U DESERVED IT"

No. 2076554>>2076556>>2076728>>2076888

File (hide): 1720031701388.png (56.49 KB, 598x635, comic2.png)

No. 2076556>>2076888

File (hide): 1720031823692.png (12.42 KB, 592x79, comic3.png)

this app is so shitty

No. 2076566>>2076572>>2076590>>2076621>>2076715

She purposefully wrote and drew the comic to look like this was child abuse instead of her being a grown ass woman when it happened. Men's response to this fucking sucks, but I don't think it makes me a pickme to say I dislike this self-infantilization trap so many women fall for where they seemingly want to be treated as eternal little girls who cannot make decisions by themselves.

No. 2076572

ehhhhh fair enough

No. 2076590>>2076612

Not trying to be an asshole at all, but tbh I think if you thought she was a child you just didn't read it well.

No. 2076612>>2076621>>2076636>>2076715

It's drawn in a children's storybook style with the professor being twice her size and muppet-like. Visually, it's very clearly trying to evoke the image of an adult preying on a child.

No. 2076621

She did not. She's literally a small woman, she drew it pretty accurately. I saw a photo of her and that's just what she looks like. If you think she looks like a child… okay, but she's literally very small there's no getting around that for her. You can certainly speculate she's ana chan or something and she gets off on feeling uwu/small (considering her gross tallfat bf) but she is actually small. I'm not a small woman – I'm short but not like her – and there is nothing they can do to convince people they're not infantilizing themselves if they describe their size accurately. She's never getting any taller, she's a midget that's just facts.

No. 2076636

>Storybook style
That's just her art style anon. Its not like she's gonna change her whole style for a comic. But regardless if you read the words you would be able to tell she's not a child.

No. 2076653>>2077438

it's good she reported him and I don't want to sound mean but I don't think it's a good idea to broadcast your most vulnerable moments on social media like this. A lot of these vent comics are extremely personal and attract people that want to prey on you or make you suffer more

No. 2076656

Judging by the pfp, a edgy zoomer. It's common for them to hate children for some reason

No. 2076715

Fee fi fo fum I smell a scrotoid scum

No. 2076722>>2076734>>2076742>>2076743>>2076748>>2076778>>2077333

File (hide): 1720039284273.jpeg (608.56 KB, 1170x1437, IMG_5292.jpeg)

No. 2076726

This is definitely a /pol/ scrote trying to be edgy.

No. 2076728>>2076748

how can women after observing how males behave and show their authentic selves online still be interested in having any kind of relationship with them? its impossible that all of these males are just bassement dwellers/incels these males probably have gfs and lead normal lives, i feel thankful for myself for choosing celibacy.

No. 2076734>>2076776

she does have the kpoop boy hair to be fair kek. plus the way this photo was edited i almost didn't recognize her.

No. 2076741

>Mexican flag emoji
Mexican men proving once again that they are worthless and heartless subhumans.mods don't ban be for racebait I'm Hispanic myself and Mexican isn't a race.

No. 2076742

I mean…

No. 2076743

She looks hot here ngl

No. 2076748>>2076756

She looks very hot here but to be ABSOLUTELY fair this doesn't look like Zendaya at all.
It's also very likely that they're 12 years old and angry at their parents for taking away their Switch. Spergy twitter males are either moidlets or guys who think their life is so traumatising and sad because they don't have a gf.

No. 2076756>>2076766

> twitter males are either moidlets or guys who think their life is so traumatising and sad because they don't have a gf

cope, males online behavior is the same in all apps

No. 2076766

Wdym "cope"? I'm genuinely asking because I wasn't trying to cape for the moids I was calling them pathetic kek

No. 2076776

Yeah it’s the hair and they have really whitened her

No. 2076778

That is actually an awful shoot, that hair doesn’t suit her at all.

No. 2076859>>2078531

File (hide): 1720045460446.jpeg (323.07 KB, 1199x2048, IMG_5299.jpeg)


No. 2076872>>2076912>>2076923

File (hide): 1720045973753.jpeg (339.55 KB, 1170x1598, IMG_5300.jpeg)

This is why the ghetto trashy stereotype will never go away. No shame or self respect(racebait)

No. 2076888

I looked it up and these moids are obviously just trying to suppress anyone who reports sexual abuse for any reason in order to stigmatize calling men out. that said, the anon who said this isn't the sort of thing you should share on social media was right

No. 2076912

once again this is not LSA

No. 2076923>>2076924

Look at veneer techs. It makes me want to scream, why are we so stupid???

No. 2076924

"we" the veneer techs were mostly men retard.

No. 2076974

The amount of harassment she is receiving from moids is sickening. A negative reaction is always to be expected when women speak out like this but there’s like hundreds of them attacking her and drawing her being raped.

No. 2077059

the male suicide rate needs to be higher

No. 2077111>>2077154>>2077168

File (hide): 1720065203386.png (616.04 KB, 1087x517, weirdthot.png)

Why the hell do weird twitter thots think they can critcise anyone or win any argument? I saw this just now and she radiates high shayna energy. Exactly the type of person who would get posted to snow. This is so embarrassing and the fact that you can see that disgusting scrotes gut too. Not the worst instance of this i've seen either. i recall some weird stan argument where some woman who literally had a video of herself doing fallactio on a gas pump in public and of course people arguing with her pointed this fact out and automatically won their little stan spat because of it. She tried to play if off as free promo as if horny hetrosexual men give a shit about stan twitter beef, not that most horny men would even be turned on by something so degenerate. You'd think she was a troll bot, but everything checked out for her being real. Real embarrassing.

No. 2077154>>2077961


No. 2077168>>2077961

yeah i really hope that picture is of a troon and not an actual woman

No. 2077333

Why the hate? Accurate misunderstanding

No. 2077438

You're right, people shouldn't talk about traumatizing experiences or bring up instances of authority figures abusing their power over younger people in weaker positions. People should just not raise awareness about how this happens so that people struggling with the same issue would realize that it's not their fault and they don't have to deal with it to the point they would gain enough confidence make a complaint or get authorities involved. What if you'll get bullied online by psychotic low empathy incels? It's your fault for being ~vulnerable~ and setting yourself up to be a target. Let's just shut up about the harassment that targets young female victims specifically so that those dumb broads will learn their place and take a joke instead of blowing it out of proportions like dumb dames always do. And besides she's totally a weirdo pedo enabler creep infantilizing herself for having a colorful cartoonish style so fuck her!!!!!

No. 2077649>>2077653>>2077655>>2078125

File (hide): 1720107028052.jpg (149.59 KB, 720x859, 1000004023.jpg)

Men think the end all be all of everything is "I wouldn't have sex with you". There's a reason you're called rape apes. Everything is who or what you wouldn't have sex with irregardless of their disinterest in you

No. 2077653>>2077656

>I wouldn't have sex with you
I fucking hate them when they say that. The feeling is mutual.

No. 2077655

File (hide): 1720107678218.png (88.72 KB, 315x317, IMG_20240704_094025.png)

Hideous and the worst part is that he thinks he has a sense of humor.

No. 2077656

They go about life genuinely believing that everything and everyone wants to fuck them

No. 2077961>>2077967

There was speculation, but she is just a hard faced woman unfortunately.

No. 2077967>>2078030>>2078048>>2078123

File (hide): 1720123081905.png (27.91 KB, 681x293, gofundme.PNG)

You didn't even look, just searching "trans" in his profile would've shown you multiple tweets where he talks about being a trans-woman. I found this GFM under one of his tweets, note the "facial feminization surgery"

No. 2078030>>2078163

Thank you!! You can tell from the brow ridge and mid-face alone that that's a damn MAN.

No. 2078048>>2078123

the balls it takes to ask people to donate to your "transition and survival" fund when you have precum in your cashapp user name

No. 2078123

File (hide): 1720134368189.png (412.62 KB, 1462x792, op0.png)

And he made almost $9k lmao

No. 2078125

That nigga looks like the first Irish potato the Irish were successfully able to grow during the potato famine

No. 2078163>>2078346

File (hide): 1720136017287.png (2.17 MB, 1200x1141, GRHIjuLW8AEckZj.png)

Some anons will say "There was speculation, but it is a woman" and then show you Azgr'th The Barbarian

No. 2078279>>2078343

File (hide): 1720142570214.jpg (173.43 KB, 720x1181, 1000004034.jpg)

The way they said people and not men

No. 2078343>>2078347

This is nitpicking

No. 2078346

Thank you anon for proving me wrong about the speculation then, honestly, thank god it's a man. I can breathe. Just makes him look like he was seething about the attention the other girl was getting for her braids.

No. 2078347>>2078730

No it isnt its just funny that people always jump to "people" when it's literally just men.

No. 2078351>>2078627

File (hide): 1720145834833.png (942.8 KB, 1166x1384, 1719953447656.png)

No. 2078521>>2078524>>2078774

File (hide): 1720155789742.jpg (158.87 KB, 1180x1094, u2.jpg)

This got 11k likes im concerned how many people genuinely believe this shit but then twitter is full of idiots.

No. 2078524>>2078945

the troon shouldve been arrested

No. 2078531

they conveniently ignored the "transphobe" who realized the right image isn't a human pelvis and went for the one who didn't.

No. 2078627

I don't get it, are we supposed to laugh at two altright weeb nazi bots making up shit about Japan being ~overrun by wokies~ or are you believing what two altright weeb nazi bots are saying and showing us how based and redpilled they are?

No. 2078666>>2079074>>2080371

File (hide): 1720169083181.jpg (123.14 KB, 720x514, 1000004037.jpg)

You can always count on a painfully unfunny obnoxious gay man to make a joke about a man who drugged and raped multiple women and still do so at a woman's expense

No. 2078669>>2078671

File (hide): 1720169322740.jpg (104.56 KB, 960x1251, GRAqfd7XoAAmebM.jpg)

>Account will be restored soon
The king of "Muh free speech absolutists" at it again.

No. 2078671

No. 2078726>>2078728>>2078732>>2080172

File (hide): 1720176011015.jpg (442.5 KB, 932x1809, 20240705_123202.jpg)

>Goes on twitter for my daily check up on digital art.
>Scrolls through FYP
>This "art" post of some moid sexualizing the powerpuff girls shows up in my FYP.
>has over 80k likes. What the fuck.

Im so confused because nothing on twitter i like or interact with warrants me often getting moid coomer bait.

No. 2078728>>2078732

File (hide): 1720176059261.jpg (360.29 KB, 973x1639, 20240705_123226.jpg)

No. 2078730>>2078735>>2078759

They 'jump' to people because that's how the English language works when referring to multiple people, gender gets lost. This is idiotic. 'People' does mean 'and women too'.

No. 2078732

I also scrolled through this guys account and he seems to be a porn artist since everything he posts is coombait, he also had another post from feb 16 which was even more gross with some alien toddler character that had over 46k likes.

No. 2078735>>2078737

Not that anon but you are completely missing out on what those anons are saying. When a woman does something bad majority of the time they will reffer to her or other women in a gendered way. But when its men its always this weird forced neutrality by saying its people or humanity and trying to avoid saying men or male as much as possible.
I highly doubt you will understand what im saying rither but if you do thats great.

No. 2078737>>2078754>>2078760

Also nta, but that's likely not what the tweet was even trying to do though. It just seems silly to try and make it seem like there was malicious or misogynistic intent when neutrality is just common in American English. It's like when anons get upset when someone says "they".

No. 2078754

Tbh, "they" as a neutral wasn't a thing not too long ago, it only became "acceptable" because gendercult shit, before the Tumblr plague, people used to just take the time to type he/she.

No. 2078759

You're wrong and being a dickrider.

No. 2078760>>2078768

I dont have a vendetta against the user and I don't care about them either, I don't even remember their @. Its just stupid. No, most people don't refer to two men as "people" in reality kek I don't think they were being malicious I just notice everyone is spineless about calling men out for doing MALE activities

No. 2078768>>2078814

>I dont have a vendetta against the user and I don't care about them either, I don't even remember their @
….Alright? I never said you did. I just think you're looking too hard into it to find something malicious. A lot of people refer to more than 1 person as "people".

No. 2078774

These twittards need to shut the fuck up. This is just another case of male Y chromosome at it again. Sure, blame one woman who dares to speak out against trannies. As if these boys even care what she has to say.

No. 2078814>>2079178

You're defending this so hard nobody ever refers to a singular pair of men as people outside of dancing around the topic and avoiding making it about that please ctfu.

No. 2078945

No. 2079074

I can't feel sympathy for a troon handmaiden like her

No. 2079178>>2079454

Sorry anon I forgot you guys can't handle someone disagreeing with you or a discussion kek.
Go back.

No. 2079454

We can handle it, we just aren't ever going to agree with you.

No. 2079923>>2079925>>2080169

File (hide): 1720299134547.png (1.29 MB, 1151x994, the i word .png)

Ok I understand what this post is trying to say, but one thing that really bothers me is how it’s become popular (on TT, X, and even here) to call moms incubators now…? There are so many women who claim to be feminists and try their hardest to call out ‘misogyny’ whilst literally being misogynistic against women who just have children.

No. 2079925>>2080107

Maybe they're saying it to mean what the scrote thinks of the woman? Like from his perspective he's using her as an incubator.

No. 2080107

Yes exactly, and I think it also ties to the guy not marrying her. Why would you, as a filthy rich guy, not marry your gf if you're already committed to having kids with her after all?

No. 2080169

It's always the women too, call her an "incubator" and ignore the husband with 50 kids. Would she bash a man who becomes a stepfather and has a kid with his wife?

No. 2080172>>2080191>>2089493>>2090100

it's just fanart of them as the power "punk" girls based on what they looked like in the comic of the same name. there's really nothing overtly sexual here and I think you're over reacting with the designs.

No. 2080191

nta but I've seen fanart of the Powerpunks and they don't have to be drawn to look half-naked

No. 2080371>>2080404>>2081608

she had pedo photography of a child in a luggage bag just hanging in her living room. Curtis is fucking weird

No. 2080404

That’s incorrect actually

No. 2081607>>2081617

File (hide): 1720433085456.jpg (157.78 KB, 1080x995, 1000004066.jpg)

Actually scary imagining that there are people this narcissistic. "Let me continually re-traumatize my ten year old daughter who is physically incapable of having a healthy birth for a clump of cells that could have easily been removed before they became a child." Not to mention wanting a TEN YEAR OLD to birth a rape baby. These people are evil for real

No. 2081608

Are you going to share proof of this, faggot or are you going to continue to compare this random old lady to a convicted rapist that traumatized dozens of women?

No. 2081617>>2081621

The evil of males is incomphrensible to us. He loves the hypothetical rapist of his granddaughter more than his granddaughter. They are not ensouled and killing them is halal

No. 2081621>>2081727

Hes probably so defensive of it because he'd be the rapist of his hypothetical ten year old child

No. 2081727

There's men on xitter that shill "daughterwives".

No. 2081741

this popped up on my tl and there were also women bashing her and another woman (who replied to her starting with “as a fellow survivor…”) for comparing their experiences to grooming and sexual assault.

not to blogpost but as a rape survivor i saw nothing offensive about her comic and i wonder how many of the people attacking her were actual victims of rape/sexual abuse and how many were just using victims as props to silence a woman speaking up against a man.

No. 2082643>>2082644>>2082738>>2083497

File (hide): 1720514213195.jpg (140.46 KB, 720x1027, 1000004076.jpg)

This will take a series of screenshots to explain (1/4)

No. 2082644>>2082648

File (hide): 1720514250904.jpg (54.9 KB, 472x1024, 1000004078.jpg)

No. 2082648>>2082650

File (hide): 1720514428340.jpg (56.9 KB, 472x1024, 1000004077.jpg)

And (3/4)

No. 2082650>>2082714>>2083547

File (hide): 1720514502721.jpg (113.36 KB, 720x674, 1000004075.jpg)

(4/4) the reason why I'm posting this. "Healthy communication". So we're just teaching young boys they're allowed to treat women like this casually? And their own families…?

No. 2082714

Turbo dumb, he could "express his feelings" without being so goddamn rude and bratty. It's so irresponsible to justify this shit instead of teaching self-regulation and actual healthy communication.

No. 2082738

I'd beat the shit out of this motherfucker, it's never acceptable for a 9 year old moid to speak to adult women this way. I can't stand bratty bastard moids who think they're the center of attention because they're nine and their mommy spoils them.

No. 2082904>>2082908

File (hide): 1720536637391.png (95.39 KB, 728x477, examp1.png)

long tweet thread from jap twitter (1)

No. 2082908>>2082909

File (hide): 1720537068996.png (442.33 KB, 895x2234, a9aa09a7-15fa-4cef-adf7-837781…)

(2) this is the initial tweet for context

No. 2082909>>2082911

File (hide): 1720537136948.jpg (131.93 KB, 730x428, pedo.jpg)

and these are the responses (1)

No. 2082911>>2082937>>2082953

File (hide): 1720537257715.jpg (214.75 KB, 743x471, pedo2.jpg)

glad that the birthrate is low in japan so these pedos wont have any children, lolishits and shotashits deserve the rope

No. 2082937>>2082955

>muh freedomz of speak!!
You sure this isn't an American? Kek

No. 2082953>>2083469

sadly, there are a lot of lolicons who manage to marry and have children, like barasui

No. 2082955>>2082962>>2094433

>and then everybody stood up and clapped with delight at anon’s hilarious joke

No. 2082962>>2083468

>t. Ameritard

No. 2083468>>2084597

Nta but it's soooo boomer whataboutism to try to pull Americans out of your ass when the topic at hand is pedophilia in Place, Japan

No. 2083469

True. That one loli guro touhou artist is a mother who posted her baby once

No. 2083497

kek I was just coming here to post this. The way they were genuinely trying to praise him for communicating is hilarious like the bar is so low. And then they try and act like a 9 year old being comfortable enough to cuss you out should be normal because they're siblings.

No. 2083529>>2083546

File (hide): 1720574359750.jpg (379.21 KB, 647x1443, Screenshot_20210523-021016_Ins…)

No. 2083546

The fact that pedos so openly post on social media, and nothing is done is vile.

No. 2083547

A 9 year old boy already talking this way to their older sister is yikes. Why does the little shit even have a phone?

No. 2084360>>2084368

File (hide): 1720644679246.jpg (50.1 KB, 621x529, Capture342424.JPG)

>issue caused by horny males who prioritize women's looks over competent staff
>somehow shifts the blame onto women
Gotta love twitter!

No. 2084368

> simps are our WORST SOCIETAL ROT!!!
Who's willing to bet that this guy is a "recovering" porn addict or has an onlyfans subscription kek

No. 2084597

>boomer whataboutism
t. zoomie who needs a dictionary and tone indicators

No. 2084893>>2084900>>2084924

File (hide): 1720671865478.jpeg (322.07 KB, 1664x872, ADBB61E7-D9D0-4E07-81E4-969D50…)

redownloaded twitter for the first time in months because I was bored and desperate. first thing I see is from this tranny who is (hey, wouldn’t you know it) a “self proclaimed loli” and posts about wanting to fuck pokémon in diapers because rifles through notes it happened to him once

No. 2084900

I'm tired of these people

No. 2084924>>2085304

>konata foot fetish banner
>little girl from dragon maid pfp
if a pedo was ever more obvious

No. 2085304>>2085413

don’t think the goal anymore is to keep it hidden it’s to slap “but I’m twaumatized” over everything until you get crowd approval

No. 2085413

This. Grifters and pedos/autopedos have caught on that all they have to do is claim tWaUmA and they can openly goon to their heart's content without criticism by exploiting people's sympathy for victims of SA. Disgusting.

No. 2089488>>2091158>>2099428>>2101089>>2101190

File (hide): 1720966936114.jpg (171.5 KB, 982x1620, 20240714_162157.jpg)

wtf do they even mean by this, why are all dogfags retarded.

No. 2089493

its okay anon, you are retarded and thats okay. That arrists draws loli porn too and that fanart is obviously sexualized but if you can't notice that then its okay.

No. 2090087>>2090105

File (hide): 1720990810290.jpg (33.44 KB, 639x370, FvBxPuYXsAE9UOh.jpg)

What's the point of this?

No. 2090100

There's ahegao face and underboob nonna kek

No. 2090105

Weebism with a generous helping of yellow fever

No. 2091158

dogs were selectively bred to be a subservient underclass/“working” animal. if only they could recognize they’re basically saying they’re equal to a born slave lol.

No. 2094050

File (hide): 1721227542815.png (32.6 KB, 598x241, 1721188004476.png)

Today on why no one take the Israel-Palestine conflict anymore, exhibit one:

>Comparing the IDF with Unit 371

No. 2094283>>2094291>>2094357>>2095028>>2096341

File (hide): 1721238139825.png (419.86 KB, 907x795, IMG_9641.png)

No. 2094291

The original tweet is incomprehensible schizophrenia, does he think there are no blonde Instagram models anymore?

No. 2094357

This is just a parody of the gio scotti one

No. 2094414

File (hide): 1721249820167.jpeg (409.23 KB, 828x878, IMG_7958.jpeg)

Weebs just love treating Japanese people and east asians in general like they’re infantile anime caricatures instead of actual human beings with their own thought processes. Luckily most of the quote retweets are roasting the op but it’s baffling how people like this still exist.

No. 2094433

NTA but a lot of "muh freeze peach" posturing outside the US comes from guys that are clearly getting that by hanging around or somehow indirectly absorbing that discourse from USA culture war circles. At least that's the case in my country, and I find it very annoying.

No. 2094745>>2094756>>2094905

File (hide): 1721268486885.jpg (285.61 KB, 1080x916, 1000019850.jpg)

Nobody cares about how gay men almost fucked themselves into extinction lmfaoooo gtfo

No. 2094750

Is Twitter going to get the Tumblr treatment soon? It's basically just cp,zoophiles, porn, reposted memes,bots,gore, snuff, e-girls, and arguments between woketrannylover vs aryanchad32

No. 2094756

you know condoms can be used for hetero sex right?

No. 2094905

Don't say this. Think of all the women who got taken out by men on the DL.

No. 2094992>>2095006>>2095030>>2121454

File (hide): 1721289389063.png (1.23 MB, 1426x2395, disgusting1.png)

No. 2095006

Threadly reminder that this could be your Nigel's alt.

No. 2095028

The fact men can meme themselves to becoming gay pedophiles is a major blackpill, like I bet that some of these guys obsessed with "greek towel boys" have molested children.

No. 2095030

Genuinely can this be reported to police? Probably a stupid question and I bet the answer is no but what in the actual fuck.

No. 2096210>>2096247>>2096250>>2096266>>2096343

File (hide): 1721386266246.jpg (343 KB, 587x1079, twitter_2897424219.jpg)

This just in, men genuinely can't comprehend attraction to women without assaulting them.

No. 2096247>>2096253>>2096263>>2096343

Do they not get that lesbians are also women and are socialized as women/typically have a normal female sex drive that doesn’t encourage them to want to rape or assault people? Obviously not saying lesbians don’t think about or have sex, but female sex drive is nowhere near comparable and most women don’t get off on breaking sexual boundaries or SAing someone. It’snot the same at all. Moids are disgusting.

No. 2096250>>2096253>>2096343

Why do they always treat lesbians as men lite. As a lesbian myself, if I had gone into gynecology, my one concern would be making sure my patients were comfortable, safe, and healthy. I’m not a man. I don’t see a vagina and instantly get horny. I understand how women feel going to a gynecologist and for many women it’s traumatic because of pain or past experiences with sex or medical care. Like what is this dude on about? Where are all these lesbians harassing and raping women everyday? Are they in the room with us right now?

No. 2096253>>2096343

As a lesbian this "well what about lesbians???" mindset they have makes me a-log so hard it's unreal. I can be in the locker room without gawking at all the bobs and vagene around me like a degenerate because I'm not a fucking animal who can't stop thinking about raping people.

>Where are all these lesbians harassing and raping women everyday? Are they in the room with us right now?
Like said, men genuinely think attraction to women equals wanting to violate them because that's how their own monkey brain works.

No. 2096263

This, also women are more equal in strenght so even if a woman did something horrible you could defend yourself. Much bigger risk with a moid that could kill you bare handed.

No. 2096266

the first statement didn't even specifically mention anything about assault. Men are more likely to dismiss you when you report overly painful period cramps ("it's normal to be in pain"), to laugh away issues like pain during PiV, to cause you too much pain during a pap smear, to completely misunderstand PCOS/endo etc because they simply have less empathy for women's issues and make too many false assumptions.
Men only think about rape and can't even imagine women may have concerns like getting proper healthcare.

No. 2096341>>2096367>>2096589

File (hide): 1721402468598.png (1.01 MB, 1170x1566, Yna30lf.png)

He repeated this retarded joke with a female mathematician who tragically died to breast cancer

No. 2096343

Men who think lesbians are just like them are usually porn addicts, goes a long way towards explaining it.

No. 2096367

I don't get scrotes' obsession of being gay with extra steps. Towelboys were a product of degenerate scrotes sticking their dicks in everything with reckless abandon because coom is coom and nothing has changed to this day.

No. 2096519>>2096522>>2096851

File (hide): 1721415754870.png (406.46 KB, 681x967, oOXf8ye.png)

No. 2096522

Men will do everything except understand the point.

No. 2096589

men are so hideous that faggots have to use women as examples of men they would love to fuck kek.

No. 2096789>>2096798>>2096861

File (hide): 1721432016209.jpg (696.6 KB, 1164x2758, 148546.jpg)

Can tifs get over themselves already

No. 2096798>>2096861

>People talking about male gynecologists
>…b-but what about trans men gynecologists (who are literally women)?!!
I hate the way trannies pretend to be retarded

No. 2096851

>we should stop importing more rapists
>but we have rapists at home
I wish male on male rape was real

No. 2096861>>2097001

File (hide): 1721440497653.gif (1.81 MB, 176x144, 1423535690002.gif)

Why tifs would want to be a gynecologist in first place? Wouldn't study about female body and reproduction give them gender dysphoria? If they feel SO MANLY, go to study urology or proctology. Oh wait, women also have to go to an urologist or a proctologist in rare cases.

No. 2097001>>2098419

They study it to fill it with queer theory crap. Know one enby who refuses to use any mention of female in her works about female health lol. She's a gynecologist now, hooray

No. 2097119>>2097167>>2097215>>2099461>>2099775

File (hide): 1721473328597.jpeg (280.02 KB, 1158x1408, IMG_2106.jpeg)

What’s the context holy fuck
These people are inescapable

No. 2097167

File (hide): 1721476770369.png (690.37 KB, 791x722, chiitan.png)

Chiitan would never…

No. 2097189>>2097191

File (hide): 1721478419544.jpg (83.32 KB, 1080x443, 3333.jpg)

No. 2097191

This implies lesbians wouldn’t exist if men weren’t real

No. 2097215

Well, when we look at it differently, Chiitan said she was 'Japan's crazy mascot' which implies that only crazy people support troons kek

No. 2098094

File (hide): 1721555130937.png (509.07 KB, 750x990, Bh9bD04.png)

No. 2098419

File (hide): 1721581150633.jpg (10.3 KB, 221x225, 1480271620415.jpg)

>Refuse to use any mention of female health
>She's a gynecologist

I feel sorry for any patient picking her like her obgyn.

No. 2099408>>2099409>>2099425>>2099432

File (hide): 1721628100152.jpg (345.46 KB, 1080x1666, 1000007720.jpg)

I agree that the cafe idea is stupid, but this is such an overreaction. Just go to another cafe instead, holy shit.

No. 2099409

idk I think it's dumb enough to be straight up offensive. Are unhappy people or even just people with RBF undeserving of coffee or what? I mean yeah just go somewhere else, that solves the problem of getting coffee, but in principle it's weirdly mean spirited and totally unnecessary.

No. 2099425>>2100090

That would be such a waste of money for a small cafe, so it's probably made up.

No. 2099428>>2099653>>2101077>>2101174

People who think like this are retards.

No. 2099432

Better yet just make your own fucking coffee, it takes like five minutes max to put in a couple teaspoons of instant in a cup with some boiling water, it's also way cheaper

No. 2099461

>Say bad things about me but not troons
You're a retard chiitan. There.

No. 2099653>>2101077

Many such cases of cats doing things like this. I love cats.

No. 2099775>>2099778

Chiitan is annoying. I swear I saw some tweets about this character saying it's straight up non binary, so why are they using "she" for this character now? kek it's stupid.

No. 2099778

buh-because pronouns don't equal gender, f-fascist scum!

No. 2100090>>2100094>>2100472

File (hide): 1721668593140.png (810.22 KB, 1147x1090, goodc.png)

It's actually real kek I looked up the cafe, their slogan is "Good Coffee for Good People". It's not a small one either, they have a total of 30 stores in different european countries. Looks like an expensive place for young people who are into these stupid gimmicks

No. 2100094>>2100132

How do they stay in business??

No. 2100132

They've received 15 million in investments since 2020, one of the main investors is the founder of Desigual which would explain why they collab with fashion brands so often. Their goal is to become a widely recognized brand so they're probably operating at a loss for now and giving away stuff just to build up their image. One article says they were expecting to break even at the end of 2023 and open a total of 100 stores in europe by 2025.

No. 2100472

Oh I know those. Their schtick is giving out free coffee for a few days when they open a new location. Knowing that, it's probably just a temporary marketing thing

No. 2101077

also cat's tend to be incredibly gentle with babies as well

No. 2101078

fucking hate catty one-liners that every zoomer rightoid faggot uses lately
it's like a switch flipped and every single one of those fuckers is obligated to use that typing style

No. 2101089>>2101122>>2101190

>cats don't play, love, sniff, protect or dig
These people have never interacted with a cat in their lives or never play with them and then act all surprised when it shows aggression to their dumb asses.

No. 2101122>>2101190>>2101245>>2101973

File (hide): 1721729661993.jpeg (20.78 KB, 649x472, images - 2024-07-23T201347.142…)

The characterisation of cats being evil and unemotionally attached is so strange, you don't see this attitude with animals like birds, rabbits or horses who have similar boundaries and don't immediately warm up to people like most dogs do. It's not the dark ages anymore, cats are not pests/farm animals or conduits of the devil and there's no reason to have such disdain for them outside of being a nuisance to wild life (which arguably feral and off leash dogs can be just as bad if not worse when it comes to killing wildlife and livestock)

No. 2101174

god this made me so happy, i love kitties

No. 2101190>>2101242>>2101306

I don't hate dogs but I can't stand dog fags. They LOVE shitting on cats in a way I never see cat lovers do. Yes dogs are like men. Dumb, subservient to a higher power, motivated by food, humps everything.

Cats act more like humans, and just like males who expect women to be subservient slaves, they hate cats for not just blindly obeying them like a dog.

No. 2101242>>2101247>>2101306

You sound as annoying as the cat hate fags.

No. 2101245>>2101250>>2101256

Horses don't get enough slander for being prancing dickheads.

No. 2101247>>2101284

kek everything she said was true

No. 2101250

Horses kill more people than all of the dangerous animals combined in my country yearly and people still don't say the same level of retarded shit about them they do other animals. I don't even dislike horses but they can be mega assholes for no reason, especially stallions and ridgelings
t. ex-horse girl

No. 2101256

Kek I know and I love that about them watching a happy horse frolick like a retarded dog is so joyous

No. 2101284

Another one? Go back already, you lot always sound mentally ill lmao(infight bait)

No. 2101306>>2101355>>2101975

Moids hate anything that won’t bend to their every will. Also whenever I see cat abuse it’s almost always a moid doing it like that psycho fag Luka Magnotta

She’s not even hating on dogs themselves you retard.

No. 2101355>>2101358>>2102040

Stop putting gender stupidity on animals that vary in behavior, personality, etc.

No. 2101358>>2101361

No. 2101361>>2101394

No. 2101394

File (hide): 1721746413072.jpeg (121.91 KB, 828x840, IMG_9199.jpeg)

♥ only for you nonnie

No. 2101962>>2101969>>2102224

File (hide): 1721769876520.jpg (47.7 KB, 759x721, 1000013585.jpg)

I hate this platform

No. 2101969>>2101976>>2102021>>2102074

did they do this shit with hilarry?

No. 2101973

>which arguably feral and off leash dogs can be just as bad if not worse when it comes to killing wildlife and livestock
God I know someone with two huskies who lets them run wild and so far they’ve killed three rabbits and a turtle and for some reason she finds this amusing

No. 2101975

That makes me so mad. How the fuck can anyone hurt a kitten

No. 2101976>>2102021

She was older and not conventionally attractive nor a woc so probably not as much

No. 2102021

Yes they did, there was a infamous one of Trump raping her. Same shit happened with Palen. Scrotes be scrotes.

No. 2102040>>2102268

People are talking about why moids tend to hate cats. Crazy cat lady is there favorite insult towards women. We don't hate dogs. Just explaining the behavior of moids and why they would prefer dogs and hate cats. Partly being that cats will act more like humans in that they don't do whatever you want. Which moids hate.

No. 2102074

There's a really bad "Hilloli" comic that Shadman made of her. You can guess what that was about.

With Kamala, they're doing it because she allegedly had sex with a man 30 years her senior to advance her career.

No. 2102224

Time to make more Trump x Biden stuff

No. 2102268

Neither unquestioningly obey humans as a whole, and neither are much "like humans" outside of rudimentary factors, which are two reasons why both get abused. Operating off stereotypes of animal behaviors is misguided.

No. 2102635>>2102647>>2102658>>2103881>>2146807

File (hide): 1721814876488.png (99.34 KB, 1046x598, IMG_4511.png)

>wokie muslim dude also supports porn
imagine my shock

No. 2102647

He's the worst ever. Also blatantly AGP

No. 2102658

isn't conservatism supposed to be what these freaks want? Oh, wait, they just want conservatism-lite where the women uphold all their expected roles but they can be as sex-pesty as they want.

No. 2103544>>2103847

File (hide): 1721871060251.png (305.28 KB, 746x746, 1721784860219.png)

Twitter having a normal one

No. 2103847

Did he write "BAD" on her chest in big letters like he's a literal toddler? Racists are pathetic manchildren.

No. 2103881>>2106997

File (hide): 1721890198040.png (499.79 KB, 593x859, IMG_2108.png)

No. 2103965

Ah yes, the totally not oversexualized, completely normal pose of spreading ones cheeks. 100% something we all do for our pics, how could you see this as porn??

No. 2106657>>2106931

File (hide): 1722040678287.jpg (73.86 KB, 736x1039, 1000020032.jpg)

I hate this dumbass account on twitter because they act like parodying Asian stereotypes is the funniest thing on earth but draw the line at transphobia lmfaoooo fuck I hate tras and their retarded logic

No. 2106931

I always thought those accounts were annoying and unfunny as shit, you can tell it’s some non asian faggot larping as chinese and pretending to speak broken english as an excuse to post ragebait. Seriously lame af gimmick

No. 2106997

>its only a little bit of ass!!
>just healthy sexuality!!11!1
>detailed nipples
>spreading ass cheeks

No. 2109846>>2109855>>2109890

File (hide): 1722249748549.jpg (352.58 KB, 1080x1642, aIdl5MD.jpg)

Twitter users are so pretentious. They want to try hard to be PC while also being massive coomers. "It’s not a rape comic! It's a kink" and the kink in question is a rape fantasy kek. People make fun of booktok and it's obsession with smut but at least they don't try to white wash their noncon fantasies

No. 2109855>>2109868>>2109936>>2125173

File (hide): 1722250391557.jpg (176.46 KB, 1080x708, Retard.jpg)

I hate this stupid bug artist. "He/they" in the profile, so is she a TIF with that shitty TIF-looking art? The retarded logic and talking about problematic shit is embarrassing, especially so when rape is something she's fine with drawing in her comics. I'll kinkshame until the end of time.

No. 2109868

I remember she posted her picture on tumblr a while back (to prove that she was black lol) and she’s not a looker, so I’m not surprised she decided to do the lazy troon route. Also it’s hilarious she’s getting bothered by callouts when that was all she did on tumblr for years.

No. 2109890

She had a porn blog back on tumblr where she reblogged a gifset of a rape scene from some greasy hentai. When people pointed it out she backtracked and said she didn't notice the subtitles that made it clear it was noncon shit (even giving benefit of the doubt that she didn't read them, the animation made it obvious too). I figured at some point she would just be honest and go full coomer instead of trying to be PC. Dumb that she's trying to do both.

No. 2109936

bug has gone into cancellation campaigns against women/tif artists so she deserves it, good riddance

No. 2109947>>2109948

File (hide): 1722261246669.jpg (266.71 KB, 741x511, idiot.jpg)

(1) yeah totally but the thing is..

No. 2109948

File (hide): 1722261306229.jpg (106.13 KB, 1068x601, GTiBN_FWIAAtlMK (1).jpg)

(2) he did.

No. 2115394>>2115435>>2117941

File (hide): 1722532511545.png (356.74 KB, 545x800, Screenshot-2024-07-27-12-24-42…)

No. 2115435>>2115569

Nonnie for future reference please crop out your profile picture next time

No. 2115490

File (hide): 1722537825254.png (728.1 KB, 1080x1453, 1000013957.png)

No. 2115491>>2115504>>2115612>>2115613>>2115640>>2115777>>2117000>>2125173

File (hide): 1722537830243.jpg (Spoiler Image,350.34 KB, 1080x1990, 1000048775.jpg)

Why the fuck do I keep getting random anachans on Twitter? I'm only liking shit about the news, and I was trying really hard to follow stuff like cute pictures of animals and pretty landscapes, but it's impossible to find accounts with stuff like that.
Like seriously what the fuck is this shit?

No. 2115504>>2115511

have you tried telling the algo you’re not interested? Any time I see something remotely off topic for what I want to see on my feed I flag it (by either blocking, muting or saying I’m not interested). Now my feed is purely cute animals, political tomfoolery and small time artists.

No. 2115511>>2115521

Yeah, it's just weird that I keep getting bombarded with the most retarded shit from the girls with not gray matter. I keep blocking, saying that I'm not interested and so on.

No. 2115521>>2115530

Do you interact with that kind of content in another way? Sometimes liking or commenting will have something showing up more. On Instagram it feels like if I spend too much time looking at something the algo decides to increase its appearance even if irl I wasn’t even looking at the screen. So maybe it’s just passive scrolling? Also are you following people who post that kind of content (hell does the algo factor in their likes on Xwitter?)?

No. 2115530>>2115535

Nope, I even tried to report the "starving interrupted" community because what the fuck it keeps appearing. I looked around my likes because I thought I may have liked one of those "minion doing something retarded and it's 'I lost my diet!!' Haha joke" memes, but I checked my likes and there's nothing.
I even liked stuff with food, the number 1 nemesis of anachans.
Then again, maybe it's just how it makes controversies, that's kind of the point of social media nowadays I guess.

No. 2115535

That’s so weird but I guess you’re right, they can retain eyeballs just as easily by encouraging outrage (with things you hate) as they can by encouraging interaction (with things you like).

No. 2115569

I don't have a Twitter account lol. I took it from lipstick alley

No. 2115612>>2115777>>2116953

This happened to me as well last month, my for you tab was great and is now all fucked up. I kept clicking "not interested in this topic" everytime I saw that shit and blocked a lot of accounts so I don't see anachan tweets but I still see plenty of tweets about politics of a lot of countries Idgaf about, videos of people getting killed or doing dumb unfunny shit on camera no in between, muslim propaganda from my diaspora, which is insane because I never, ever liked anything about islam or in my first language, and random flavor of the month shit about movies, celebrities, manga, so basically a lot spoilers I'd like to avoid. Before that the only tweets I saw were related to things I posted about or like, now it's all ragebait.

No. 2115613>>2116891

This image feels weirdly pedophilic

No. 2115640

I hate how much they clog up the results when you search for tweets with the word "thread". The top results are always thinspo edtwt shit that doesn't even include any of the other keywords I used.

No. 2115777>>2116953

I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one this shit happened to. Like, the exact same thing. Anorexia posts, self harm images, retard politics, random tweets in Arabic, like what the fuck? Weird fucking site

No. 2116891

Uhh it's blatantly pedophilic

No. 2116953

I have the same experience. I followed only artists, movie review accounts, and cute cat video accounts. Suddenly one day, extremely graphic kitten torture pictures and vids from china were showing up in my feed. I reported and blocked all the accounts but it kept showing me more and more. Pure nightmare fuel. I've stopped using twitter and blocked the site in my browser. Elon destroyed the site.

No. 2117000>>2117003>>2117562

I'm a schizo, but I'm genuinely starting to feel like Elon's interests and general agendas are slowly influencing the default for you (which is the reason why some accounts have been banned, but not others, or why certain fucked up content goes unbanned and is spammed a lot). He's the type of person who would laugh and joke that if the algorithm detects that a user is a woman, it should show them pro-ana shit to encourage them to lose weight, or just to make them mad or sad if they're fat. Be ready for furry shit and unabashed dd/lg content next.

No. 2117003

twitter is musk's personal fartbox now
every time I log in I see his stupid fucking takes and some dumbass tweets I never subscribed to

No. 2117473>>2117507>>2117580

i will definitely stop using shitter by the time this year is over, just going to be inactive. the ragebaiting bullshit and the bots is too much to handle now and i’ve been on that shitty place for 10 years

No. 2117507>>2117580

I stay in a cycle where get tempted to make an account because so many Eastern artists that I like are on there, but then I get a glimpse into some misogynistic and/or racist shit and I go nvm

No. 2117562

>Be ready for furry shit
i already get hairy fat furries in my algorithm despite only interacting with fanart, along with random sexual tranny tweets and self harm images. elon is psychotic. it was never this bad before. i got nothing but furries for days when i made a fresh music related account

No. 2117580

I'll just avoid the "for you" tab and keep using twitter until the people I follow stop posting and/or deactivate their accounts. I follow a lot of fanartists and some accounts to keep up with weeb shit news and they almost all made bluesky accounts but aren't nearly as active there. It also helps me know who will go to which con just by checking my timeline if they post about it so I can plan if I want to go or not. Tumblr is shit for that so I won't go back there, many of the artists I followed there long ago became more active on twitter or deleted their tumblr accounts anyway. What's dumb is that I made my current account fairly recently but I used twitter with previous accounts for like 10 years now and it was bad since 2016 because of stupid US politics but now it's awful in a very different way.

No. 2117941

does it bother nonas that there's a whopping 800 likes on that? I see edgy shit like this and it's infuriating and I hardly see anyone checking people like this.

No. 2118631>>2119438>>2119481

File (hide): 1722675446789.png (265.11 KB, 659x787, IMG_4512.png)

No. 2119438

File (hide): 1722706371935.png (962.98 KB, 2700x1800, image (2).png)

I remember seeing this in the General Social Survey. Although it was only 28% it still surprised me. Based on the public discourse especially online you would think less than 5% of people agree.

No. 2119481>>2125143

What do so many people want to eliminate the Department of Education? Because of woke CRT or something?

No. 2120493>>2120506

i keep getting suspended for a week when i tell people to kill themselves, and i know it's against tos but the accounts i say that to shouldn't be allowed on the platform in the first place either! like when i say "kill yourself" of course i DON'T mean it 100% (well maybe i do), but those alt right neonazi racist and raging misogynistic accounts totally mean the shit they say. priorities, ugh.

No. 2120506

Maybe just for the sake of not being banned, say something like "kill yourself (in a leftist way)" so that the overlords think you're one of the rightoids like them and they won't ever ban you.

No. 2120609

File (hide): 1722763291209.png (534.69 KB, 2004x880, I WILL STUFF THESE CAPTCHAS UP…)

>making a new account
>this retarded window that cuts off halfway for whatever reason shows up
>tells me to solve 20 captchas
>each one has 16 solutions to choose from
>try to press the backwards arrow
>misclick and land on "restart"
>have to do it all again
999 years later
>finally solved them all
>We sent you a verification code
>they didn't
>try resending several times
>still nothing

I am going to plant a bomb in X headquarters

No. 2120637>>2120677>>2121300

File (hide): 1722765008250.jpg (222.36 KB, 720x1064, 1000004221.jpg)

Put the youth in labor camps

No. 2120677>>2121311

This is like the most normie look I've seen, wtf is she talking about?

No. 2121282

File (hide): 1722801302688.jpeg (441.91 KB, 1170x786, IMG_2628.jpeg)

Anyone familiar with Covid Twitter? Basically it’s a bunch of mediocre people who still believe (or want to believe) that there is a global pandemic going on because it gave them a chance to be victims. Also lot of consoomerism with equipment like OTT masks.

No. 2121300

> Basic ass makeup
> "A deer being hunted"
> "That's when I feel the most beautiful"
Basically just a lot of words to say that she's an insufferable pickme.

No. 2121311

She just means the warm brown look and brown eyes. The color palette is that of a deer.

No. 2121454

It's always the fucking male weebs

No. 2125104

File (hide): 1722994054121.jpg (482.53 KB, 1440x1836, 1000022750.jpg)

I remember that Black Metal Vampyre attention whore being posted on here. I swear that woman is even more cringe than Varg. She's a BPD lunatic with a creepy obsession for Per Ohlin who makes some of the saddest excuses for black metal I've ever heard. Her only fans are pathetic coomers and other bottom-of-the-barrel onlyfans e-whores. I hate this lowlife in particular because this is the stereotype that women into metal get. Creepy wannabe groupies just trying to chase men with long hair. Oh, and her music fucking sucks, too. Her vocals make Nattramn look good in comparison.

No. 2125143

as an entity it is intaking huge sums of taxpayer money with nothing but failure when it comes to traceable metrics and students still pay for things like lunches. plus republicans want education to be as locally controlled as possible so the teachers cant secretly coach your kid to transition or whatever and be federally protected.

No. 2125173

This is funnier knowing Idolomantises tried to expose Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animators for drawing creepy ass incest porn, rules for thee but not for me kek

This happened to me too a lot, I get reccomended them randomly once and then it becomes all that’s at the top of my timeline, this was especially bad in like December, I would save the posts I get recommended to see if they accounts were taken down but later on I got suspended from Twitter, didn’t see this creepy DDLG Lolicon shit though and I’m glad I didn’t

No. 2127940>>2127953>>2129238>>2129679

File (hide): 1723181962777.jpg (131.48 KB, 720x945, 1000004301.jpg)

>constant headlines of men assaulting, raping, murdering women and children buried right after they're shared, wrote off as outliers
>hundreds of thousands of posts on Twitter dehumanizing women and treating them like human flashlights
>hoards of men posting about Olympic women like theyre meat, this has been common practice for many years

No. 2127953>>2127982

While I don't disagree, I think there's something to be said about how the person he's qrting is a gay man. Those faggots on Twitter are so desperate, they'll lap up any moid that has abs no matter how unattractive he is. I'm more sick of how much I have to see from them

No. 2127982

Who CARES though. Oh think of the men. Who will protect the men.

No. 2127995>>2128018>>2129197

File (hide): 1723184993439.jpg (240.76 KB, 720x1097, 1000004307.jpg)

The disparity between how obnoxious chronically online homosexuals talk about women vs how they talk about men is very telling. This account has regularly posted weird, misogynistic deragotry harassment of women while worshipping men. Cannot understand the egoism and entitlement that is fostered in someone who licks shit dicks.

No. 2128018>>2128022

it’s because they are males. twink worship of the modern times is cancer. we used to castrate these retards and make them serve noble women

No. 2128022>>2128026

Michael Phelps is not a twink?

No. 2128026>>2128047

I’m talking about the stan twitter twinks…..like the one running PooCrave.. the reading comprehension on this website is really something

No. 2128047

Excuse me for not automatically knowing that retarded loser is a twink.

No. 2129156>>2129190>>2129214>>2129247

File (hide): 1723253084050.jpg (181.17 KB, 1124x1728, 1000004329.jpg)

This is getting a lot of mockery but people are misunderstanding it, right? Like she's saying it makes her bitter knowing that one day she will be in the same position as the women? I've interpreted it as a "men are gross" thing but I think other people are interpreting it as an "I want to be with old men" thing

No. 2129190>>2129227>>2129258>>2130397>>2131368>>2133828

Yeah, it's lack of reading comprehension. I think this rhetoric is retarded anyway. A man or woman looking at a young attractive woman isn't inherently sexual. I know old men can be creeps, but it's not insane to just look.

No. 2129197

They are called Poo Crave, they have shit for brains.

No. 2129214

I don't know who this is but her face is very punchable.why are her lips so long?ew reminds me of boiled sausages.

No. 2129227

nta but the way the girl described it makes it sound like the man went out of his way to leer at her or stare hard rather than a quick glance

No. 2129235

File (hide): 1723255758504.jpeg (154.87 KB, 750x512, IMG_2144.jpeg)

Who’s going to tell them that conquering people, pillaging, raping and mixing your genes into an “inferior” person’s bloodline to wipe them out or to “better them” is not a sign of attraction or “liking” in the way they’re describing you fucking dickbrained idiot.

No. 2129238

this is the ugly man’s method of mateguarding. ugly men move out the way you don’t matter

No. 2129247>>2129252

>Lip fillers
>Retarded siren username
>Whining about aging, a natural part of life
Hope she wakes up and gets a grip soon.

No. 2129252

>Whining about aging, a natural part of life
Im pretty sure you misunderstood her tweet, but also her lips don't look like fillers at all. She's pouting/pushing out her lips.

No. 2129258

Ew don’t defend old men being nasty

No. 2129660>>2129684>>2129689>>2130071

File (hide): 1723290766168.jpeg (859.08 KB, 1170x1753, IMG_5613.jpeg)

Imagine if the races were reversed. A true bitch with an ugly mind

No. 2129679>>2130043>>2133830

There's nothing more satisfying than watching ugly men with small penises SEETHE over hotties. I love bringing a suffocating energy to the room by complimenting a guy and ignoring his brother, I love inspiring male competition and jealousy. If I had a man I would tell him about all my favorite models and UFC fighters, then I'd watch cuckold porn in the living room.

No. 2129684>>2129687

I saw the same tweets and a picture of what her clothes looked like with the huge coffee stain and I get it tbh. I would have yelled at the idiot bumping into me too. How do you even walk through a bus stop and bump into someone boarding into a bus without being brain damaged? I don't have a screenshot though unfortunately.

No. 2129687>>2129691>>2129930

People walk around with their phone out or earbuds in in public all the time, surely being momentarily distracted in public for whatever reason (no matter how stupid) can't be foreign to any of you. Sometimes a mistake is just that, an unfortunate mistake.

No. 2129689>>2129772>>2129773

She cussed out a woman who shoulder checked her. Get over it.

No. 2129691

right, imagine being bumped into and then immediately blaming it on the person's race as if it couldnt have been anyone of any background

No. 2129772

She was literally pointing out the fact she was white and playing the race card. This is because black women will always feel inferior to white women. Which is why they constantly try to bring them down. No matter what they say, it’s true sadly.

Imagine if the tweet was “can’t even walk on the side walk with this black woman thinking she owns the street. Black women act like we’re invisible on the street” boo hoo(racebait)

No. 2129773

Reread the tweet dumbass

No. 2129930

I'm not retarded so I never bump into people and I pay attention to where I walk. I never spilled hot drinks on anyone either. Don't assume everyone was raised in a barn like the dumb woman who pushed the twitter OP and spilled the OP's hot coffee on her clothes while she was going to work, which means the OP was working the whole day covered in disgusting clothes.

No. 2130043

We need to start instigating male competition more, maybe it’ll finally go through ugly scrotes’ thick skulls that we don’t want their musty asses. I’m gonna start gushing over hot male celebrities/characters nonstop on my part.

No. 2130063>>2130613>>2131363

File (hide): 1723314433671.jpg (155.87 KB, 1080x417, Screenshot_20240810_203342_Chr…)

i want to a-log

No. 2130071>>2130082>>2130395

You don't bump into someone carrying coffee on purpose. Even an asshole wouldn't risk getting coffee stains on themselves by doing that so it's weird to in one way get that she was a dumbass who wasn't looking but then also claim she's choosing to find you 'invisible' based on something she'd have to see first? How tf does that work. I'd be annoyed too but..

No. 2130082

The OP said in another tweet that the woman who bumped into her was acting rude, instead of apologizing she acted like the woman going inside the bus was in the wrong when that's clearly not the case and that's what pissed her off. Twitter is shit now so I can't find that anymore with the search function. So it's more of a case of someone clearly starting shit with someone else and getting put in her place than someone causing a minor accident by not paying attention, apologizing and getting yelled at in an excessive way.

No. 2130395>>2130397

I hate how you guys just assume everyone besides you is retarded and unable to gauge situational awareness and act accordingly. She said the woman was rude and we have no reason to believe otherwise. Stop acting like every other woman who exists and finally lashes out is just a fucking idiot while you yourself are the smartest cunt in the world.

No. 2130397

Another example of what I was talking about here >>2130395
>ummm men can just look
So you just assume this random woman is being dramatic about a glance? She was obviously being leered at. I swear to God some of you are so condescending and fucking rude to women that it's hypocritical.

No. 2130613

Sincerely hate the amount of self inserting trannies that like to shove their mental illness onto Edward. There are far too many of them for a character that hates fags. I got jump scared by another one heavily projecting onto Riza the other day.

No. 2131089>>2131097>>2131106>>2131147

File (hide): 1723394976954.jpeg (604.96 KB, 1170x2009, IMG_5616.jpeg)

What does this even mean?

No. 2131097>>2131098

I assume someone wants to say she looks cute there and it's shameful because of her political views?

No. 2131098>>2131111

Oh! I don’t know who the girl in the pic is, that’s probably why, thanks anon!

No. 2131106

hon phenotype

No. 2131111

that's justpearlythings, she's a known pickme manosphere pandering personality, if you have a spare hour or two you can watch the rundowns YouTubers have done on her. She's quite the… character

No. 2131147

Kenzie is some kind of right wing pick me, so if anything she probably wants to call pearl a man or something misogynistic

No. 2131249>>2131252>>2131253>>2131255>>2131272>>2131289>>2131294>>2133628>>2146826

File (hide): 1723402484012.png (819.37 KB, 1080x1149, stupidtweet.png)

Oh fuck off,all autistic men are disgusting pieces of shit especially Kyle.what a retard.

No. 2131252

Tranny. I knew it before I even looked him up kek.

No. 2131253

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that autistic men are more likely to develop paraphilias (possibly because of their weird hyper fixations). So uh not really helping his case

No. 2131255

Nothing boils my blood more then the internet trying to push the stereotype of the "soft cute autistic man that's totally harmless!!" Every autistic man I've ever know is completely self-centered, has been babied his entire life, and gets away with being the biggest asshole in the world, all while saying that autistic women clearly have it better.

No. 2131272

File (hide): 1723403598319.jpg (209.63 KB, 1200x1200, isaac-asimov-9190737-1-402.jpg)

Isaac Asimov looked like this and he was also a fucking creep.

No. 2131289

God I hate retards who like to make everything about their feefees because they also look like unwashed pigs. I’ve seen people say Kyle was a nice dude despite his looks and low and fucking behold, the pedo who looks like a pedo is in fact- a pedo. The only issue I see with this is that pedos who dress normally manage to hide better. Then again, that applies to most hideous crimes.

No. 2131294

If i were a fat moid and saw this it would be all the motivation i need to lose weight and get a better haircut, but moids are pathetic and never mentally evolve past the age of 14 so they take it personally and want to be pampered.

No. 2131363

Leave lesbians alooooone. What is a transmasc? Seriously what the fuck is that

No. 2131368>>2131591

old men should have their eyes poked out actually

No. 2131591

Old men shouldn't be alive, it's unnatural.

No. 2133627>>2133824

File (hide): 1723528697090.jpg (57.03 KB, 720x324, 1000004384.jpg)

Lesbians you are stronger than the marines

No. 2133628

>the nicest men you will ever meet
Yeah with a terabyte of chyldpron on their pc.(integrate)

No. 2133824>>2133932

I feel bad because the word femme just reminds me of trannies now

No. 2133828

>post clearly describes the usual expired moid behaviour of oogling younger women when with their wives
>akschually it's not inherently sexual, he can just look!
Go back to reddit/kiwifarms damaged xy.

No. 2133830

kek you're so inspiring nonnie

No. 2133932

Don’t let them have that

No. 2136435>>2136437>>2136659>>2136929

File (hide): 1723681421009.png (349.96 KB, 597x775, Screenshot 2024-08-14 201751.p…)

I saw the final boss of retardation in regards to Asian fishing. I know some people have their knickers in a twist about western women wearing j-fashion as do the people in this tweet, but i just can't get over how needlessly malicious and retarded this is. You would have thought this woman actually did something wrong, but apparently making a makeup tutorial warranted all these accusations. It reeks of white person who had a racist past and is overcompensating by being the most obnoxious sjw possible. 1/2

No. 2136437

File (hide): 1723681509195.png (292.67 KB, 590x829, Screenshot 2024-08-14 201828.p…)

The response. It makes sense that the og is a k-pop stan, she probably has her own chip on her shoulder about not being asian herself and is projecting really hard.

No. 2136468>>2136502>>2136942>>2136946

File (hide): 1723683220272.jpg (867.34 KB, 1170x1801, IMG-0912.jpg)

No. 2136502

>posting the retard known as libsoftiktok

No. 2136659

That's what being Asian amounts to her? Cosmetics?

No. 2136929

But this girl isn’t even trying to do the same fashion style. Why are people so dumb….

No. 2136942

nice way to out yourself as a racist.

No. 2136945>>2136949>>2137032>>2137086>>2137164

File (hide): 1723715886625.png (217.67 KB, 600x1920, IMG_2622.png)

No. 2136946

I would love to see what this moid looks like while he's calling people creatures and hiding behind that vintage pfp kek

No. 2136949

Is this still about that hulking autistic boy that brutally beat up the teacher for taking away his Switch or whatever? I have to look away from their retarded tweets because this is just rage bait at this point. Autistic boys can be coddled so much. You don't see them fighting other men because they're fully aware of the consequences. Assaulting women is acceptable though. Fuck him, send him to jail and see who he'll assault for not giving him his tendies and Switch.

No. 2137032

I would want the same thing for any autistic moid regardless of race. They’re all dangerous.

No. 2137086

It's interesting how there aren't cases of autistic girls beating people within an inch of their lives because their gaming consoles were taken away.

No. 2137164

Everything else aside why was he even allowed in the school if he can't function without his switch? Just dump him in the tard room and let the other students have a chance of learning.

No. 2137470>>2137473>>2137474>>2137580>>2137912>>2138155>>2146829

File (hide): 1723743176335.jpeg (242.56 KB, 1170x792, IMG_5661.jpeg)

Always so insecure

No. 2137473>>2137580>>2137912>>2138155

File (hide): 1723743227279.jpeg (134.75 KB, 1125x1240, IMG_5662.jpeg)

No. 2137474

kek the guy in question she's mentioning is likely white himself.

No. 2137496>>2137847>>2138021>>2138224

Why does this thread get filled with racebait so often?

No. 2137580

pickmes are weird. i've met a fair amount of white women who talked about feeling insecure and not dating a guy if they find out he's into black girls, or dating a black guy and making it their life mission to bash the women of his race for validation. i feel like your intent was to sperg about black women like with the coffee post, but this isn't isolated to them if you actually go outside lol. it's just that black people don't get in as much trouble for saying it on twitter

No. 2137847

Mods would rather ban a harmless joke than racebaiters

No. 2137912

many such cases

No. 2138021>>2138171

this site got posted on 4ch again not that long ago

No. 2138155

I don't have any screenshots, but goddamn i am irritated by people thinking the word demure is so hilarious. What a way to out themselves for have such a shit vocabulary, i never knew it was such an out there word. It's all because of an completely unfunny tiktok by a fat ugly troon who somehow used his fame to buy surgery, not that it would make any difference because he is so fat, what difference would it make? Nonetheless, i think he's lying about that shit. Just irritated at how people are always on trannies dicks for the smallest things.

Why can't they just oogle at white men in peace? It's not that deep, idk why you need to be thinking about other women in this situation. These women seriously need to get a husbando to project all their fantasies onto and cool it down with the 3dp.

No. 2138171

It gets posted on 4chan and KF all the time, it's not new.

No. 2138224>>2138335

Idk, but this particular bait about Black/brown/asian women has been going on for a while now

No. 2138335>>2146832

It's always about dating and pedestalizing white moids. Makes me feel like it's either a moid collecting and posting these to feel desirable, or just another insecure pick-me posting her own kind but brown/black/asian. I remember Paki-chan posted this kind of racebait a lot, probably envious of western women's access.

No. 2141923>>2142006>>2142053>>2142632

File (hide): 1723999068229.jpg (212.24 KB, 720x1152, 1000004510.jpg)

Men are so stupid.

No. 2142006

Does he realize there are many lesbians out there who look just like the woman in the pic

No. 2142053

It's funny because a lot of conservative women also have technicolour hair, tattoos and piercings kek

No. 2142547>>2142553>>2142564>>2143803

File (hide): 1724021723771.jpeg (691.89 KB, 828x1198, IMG_8327.jpeg)

>still sperging about covid, especially on unrelated topics
>pretending random citizens are more evil for daring to go outside than the multi billion dollar company that is known for their child sexual abuse amongst other things

No. 2142553

File (hide): 1724021891136.jpg (62.99 KB, 400x366, 1000006730.jpg)

> That username

No. 2142564>>2143803

how do you even become like this?

No. 2142632

I want to kill all men

No. 2143235

File (hide): 1724060507316.png (690.01 KB, 1030x1499, OKKvroz.png)

No. 2143647>>2143666

File (hide): 1724085093342.jpg (700.11 KB, 1068x2781, MAZFKSC.jpg)

This has to be my least favorite genre of pick me.
I love how she got proven wrong by the tweet above

No. 2143666

It's not impossible Katy got sexually assaulted, but I'm always careful with troons since they also see it as "validating" of their womanhood. I'm all for India doing this though, Indian women desperately need more protection from their degenerate men.

No. 2143771>>2143776>>2143779>>2143784>>2143785>>2143790>>2143803>>2143813>>2143815

File (hide): 1724090374903.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1895, Screenshot_20240819-105727~2.p…)

Speaking of India, Indian men have been raging on Twitter a lot recently

No. 2143776

Well yeah, moids can’t handle when the worst of them get called out so they have to rush to cover the most heinous of their ilk lest women start looking too closely at them and finding fault in their often abhorrent behavior/actions too.

No. 2143779

That's all this is about, really.

No. 2143784

Like great, don't get married then. Stay away from women. Everyone will be happy.

No. 2143785

File (hide): 1724091674522.png (627.97 KB, 822x4634, screencapture-x-TheOluwabukunm…)

They're somehow becoming even more misogynistic (and racist) because women all over the world know about how fucked they are. This woman got harassed for talking about a horrific rape case of an Indian woman.

No. 2143790

I've been hearing about Indian women speaking out against Indian men for shit like this, they've been adopting western podcast anti-feminist talking points, including the cat lady thing and apparently cats aren't even a popular pet amongst anyone let alone women in India. it's one thing when western men do this shit because at least women have SOME protections even if they could have some serious room for improvement. Hearing this shit from a man who comes from a country with some of the most horrific femicide and rape rates makes me sicke to my stomach considering they get free passes that the western rapist whose been given a 1 year sentence in jail for rape could only dream of having. I am at least glad that Indian women are increasingly putting up a fight against these men, but they shouldn't have to. These men need bullets in their heads.

No. 2143803>>2143812

The case isn't even being reported right, she died eating at some Irish place that happened to be part of one of their malls. Not blaming the widower in the slightest for trying to sue Disney but it's not their liability.
There's a subreddit that's filled with them but I forgot the name. They're genuinely terrified and think getting covid means instant chronic illness or worse. Many of them seemed to have always been anxious and overly protective and the pandemic just threw it into overdrive.
They're just like Korean men. Despite being awful to women both groups think somehow feminism is ruining their lives.

No. 2143812

I wish feminism was actually ruining their lives instead of it just being the typical case of moids being hurt by basically anything a woman does that isn't sucking their cock or pandering to them in some way. I wish women actually went out and hurt these men instead of it just being online misandry or uhh women being able to work or have some independence or some shit hurting their tiny egos

No. 2143813

because they are the worst of all men

No. 2143815>>2143829

atleast indian women dont rape babies,women,,corpses,dogs,puppies,cows,goats to death.

No. 2143829>>2143835>>2146993

yet we are supposed to accept these men in euro countries because they are immigrants? and we are /pol/tards if we complain

No. 2143835>>2143836

dont worry i dont want these moids too and i live one of the shitholes where they reside but sadly i dont see any way out just pray that im not the next victim, i dont think you are a pol? tard for not accepting certain moids in to your countries.. t.desi

No. 2143836

thank you nonnie, you are one of the only ones who doesn't

No. 2143962>>2143963>>2143979

File (hide): 1724100232237.png (284.93 KB, 1173x1380, Screenshot 2024-08-19 154248.p…)

I saw this and wanted to share with the class with how fucking stupid it was
Part 1/2

No. 2143963>>2143972>>2144005>>2144032

File (hide): 1724100253831.png (1.05 MB, 1990x1506, Screenshot 2024-08-19 154301.p…)

Part 2/2

No. 2143972

somebody should tell this tranny they're not gonna be valid EVEN IF they transition

No. 2143979

File (hide): 1724101487949.jpg (50.89 KB, 800x450, regina.jpg)

i read this shit and all i can think is
>so you agree? you know you're a man?

No. 2144005>>2144011>>2145182>>2145198

File (hide): 1724102855165.jpeg (42.68 KB, 1080x394, GVXYGc3XAAAQjaG.jpeg)

No. 2144011

this has to be bait

No. 2144032

KEK thank you for posting this, i had to check when i saw this on my TL to make sure it's not from a bait account but he's a genuine troon. Unreal, how can he have such little self-awareness

No. 2144120>>2144122

File (hide): 1724107971249.png (573.88 KB, 1170x1672, no, you’re actually a man.png)

No. 2144122

recreational drug use and troon shilling. the kids aren’t alright

No. 2144125>>2147218

File (hide): 1724108074850.jpeg (Spoiler Image,706.51 KB, 1182x1418, GUlAANoXUAAVb02.jpeg)

No. 2144129>>2144137>>2144140>>2144954

File (hide): 1724108147598.jpg (241.32 KB, 720x1266, 1000004551.jpg)

No. 2144137

Holy shit dan, I remember him. He's been obsessed with underage girls and women for years

No. 2144140

File (hide): 1724108386013.jpg (56.69 KB, 960x557, 1000004552.jpg)


No. 2144610>>2144611>>2144626>>2144870

File (hide): 1724130481907.jpg (396.64 KB, 1080x997, Screenshot_20240820_080411_Chr…)

wtf shit needs a trigger warning don't put that crap in my feed ever again

No. 2144611>>2144689

File (hide): 1724130605617.jpg (431.67 KB, 1079x1224, Screenshot_20240820_080434_Chr…)

gasp EW!

No. 2144626

File (hide): 1724131641614.png (83.93 KB, 640x764, IMG_0727.png)

No. 2144665>>2144868>>2144926>>2144927>>2144931

File (hide): 1724133422453.jpg (430.52 KB, 1080x2244, 1000012762.jpg)

Why are they always so dramatic and waxing poetic about meaningless shit?

No. 2144689

>heavy metal enjoyer
Where did it all go wrong for those fags to think they belong there…..I think I won't complain about the "liking metal is masculine" people anymore if it means gatekeeping these losers. I was already afraid of going to live shows and festivals because of the moshing thing, but now I'm more afraid of encountering troons there.

No. 2144868

>There is so much more to us than our transness
>You need to listen to our music to support trans people

Literally contradicting tweets in the same thread fucking christ

No. 2144870

Rough 26

No. 2144926>>2144933

File (hide): 1724155536036.gif (1.93 MB, 498x280, trans blood on my hands.gif)

>if u are cis, there is so much trans blood on your hands.
And baby I've got a gun!!!!

No. 2144927

It's just abusive mental illness tactics kek. Also cult mentality.
> You are INHERENTLY WRONG and aboosing me by existing, do everything I say or I'll kill myself and it will be your fault uwu

No. 2144931

Basically just
>wahh nobody cares about my shit tran music

No. 2144933

then we just have to declare we were trans all along to wash it off ?

No. 2144954

Insane that people like this are allowed to have a platform to speak at all.

No. 2145182

Just an incel KEK not even hiding the fact. also male g spot is in the ass so they can get fucked by other males higher up the hierarchy. Male humans can get fucked (literally). "AND intelligence" kekkk alright bud. Sperg sesh over.

No. 2145198

Reminder that the Y chromosome is quite literally degrading kek

No. 2146248

File (hide): 1724201496242.png (39.56 KB, 598x461, Jgzk8fk.png)

No. 2146481>>2146483>>2147883>>2148416>>2148536

File (hide): 1724207145820.png (110.09 KB, 720x538, IMG_20240820_202103.png)

Looking up shit on twitter

No. 2146483>>2147027>>2147498>>2147883>>2148425>>2148536>>2148594>>2152223

File (hide): 1724207175444.png (229.23 KB, 720x1053, IMG_20240820_202125.png)

No. 2146807

Wish hell was real for freaks like him

No. 2146826

People will harass autistic women for not wearing makeup or fake nails but coddle literal pedophiles

No. 2146829>>2147004

If a man is attracted to white girls, then it’s a pretty safe bet to assume he wouldn’t be interested in black girls and vice versa. The only problem is that she take sit to heart ands whines about it online, peak mental illness

No. 2146832

They’re literally just guys, who happen to burn easy. I’ll never the WOC’s obsession with them

No. 2146993

perhaps the answer is to only accept women immigrants?

No. 2147004

I don't think this is true. Most men like (attractive) women of all races when they encounter them. They tend to be pickier about who they just want to have sex (or cheat) with vs date long-term, though.
Some men do have an ideology in mind where they get a boost from degrading some kinds of women, though, especially black manosphere and currycel types who get a high off openly lusting after white women and bashing their own women online (all while still DMing them flirting and demanding "race loyalty"). I feel like that woman was trying to get in a dig at those types of black men, but she should've just ignored them.

No. 2147027

why would I be jealous of CP larpers?

No. 2147218>>2147268

Are men face blind? You see her 60 year old face on a hot young body and take it at face value?

No. 2147268

They're extremely face blind. They can't even detect trannies as long as they've had mild surgery

No. 2147498

No one's jealous of mentally stunted retards desperately LARPing as children to appeal sexually to bottom of the barrel moids because they have no inherent value of self worth that doesn't rely on male validation.

No. 2147584>>2148403>>2149316

File (hide): 1724268904062.png (263.96 KB, 600x648, IMG_9642.png)

I love how wokies have literally meme'd themselves into thinking that 'ancient societies,' i.e., the greeks were totally accepting of modern notions of homosexuality, forgetting it was all just males raping little boys

No. 2147875>>2147880>>2148393>>2149136>>2152265

File (hide): 1724282125417.png (93.14 KB, 606x542, games.png)

Didn't go on Twitter for a few days and I found out there was a sitewide misogynistic meltdown over a chart with no source. Basically Facebook-tier gender rageslop.

No. 2147880>>2149146

>Magic tricks
KEK I wish moids were into magic tricks, that's cute

No. 2147883

File (hide): 1724282452513.gif (1.23 MB, 500x281, 1000006865.gif)

> "Attractive women"
> "Cute girls"
> Cutecore and jojifuku aesthetics

No. 2148393

>tfw no taxidermist bird watcher bf

No. 2148403>>2148583

We must retvrn!

No. 2148416>>2148454>>2148485

Why do normies keep saying this is a femcel site? There are anons here who suck their boyfriends/hubbies' dicks. They even talk about it. No one here is bitching about not getting male attention either.

No. 2148425>>2148458

Ah yes. We are jealous of attention seeking autopedophilic jojifuckos who don't even know that their "fashion movement" came from Japanese porn. One day they'll grow up and face a grim reality that they can't squeeze into Mezzo Piano and larp online as a kawaii loli. Then what?

No. 2148454

because they probably don't even read any of the threads here and because any woman that isn't constantly bowing down to men or criticizes them in any way (including trannies) must hate men and be a "femcel misandrist" or whatever. I notice this happens with me too whenever I bring up any criticism of men, they'll call me a femcel or say I'm just a "bitter cat lady" or whatever even though I have a boyfriend, have been in multiple relationships, and never had any issues attracting male attention. It's like they assume if any woman has any criticism of men it must be like an incel that hates women for not giving him sex…As if women don't have valid reasons to dislike men that are in no way related to not getting dick (and most women can get dick anytime to begin with since men fuck anything).

No. 2148458>>2148476>>2148518

>autopedophilic jojifuckos who don't even know that their "fashion movement" came from Japanese porn.
IT DID!? I'm not even into fashion subcultures but this is fucking disgusting to find out.

No. 2148476>>2148480

Nta I mean it was clearly obvious nonna..even the famous jojifuku set is a porn set

No. 2148480

nta but it sucks how even cute little girl clothes get corrupted into being pornographic material for men

No. 2148485

It's safe to assume most anons here are in some kind of romantic relationship, just look at how fast some threads move compared to others, like the relationship vs the loneliness or the mom vs childfree ones. Hell even having a husbando is (unfortunately) fringe behavior outside of the containment threads.

No. 2148518>>2148520

Yes, from disgusting age play porn. Some misguided girls argue it evolved from fairy kei or some other coping answer, but that's such a cover up from the real origin. It's nasty that they're buying used kid's clothing for this and acting like they're super cute lolis.

No. 2148520

Inb4 all the twitter lurkers start posting about "muh coping mechanisms and trauma" kek

No. 2148536

these losers would get curbstomped irl by "normies" due to their pedophelia and other freakish tendancies, and the average lolcow user is just like any other "normie" with too much time to sit on the internet. these twitter troglodytes are delusional in how they think they would be more accepted than the average radfem.

No. 2148583>>2148600

You can experience this yourself; just go to afghanistan, where you'll be locked up and beaten like a broodmare

No. 2148594

These freaks should go outside and tell everyone about how they love wearing children's clothing and posting pics from loli games. I'm sure it will go over well and they will be celebrated as cute and fun

No. 2148600>>2148621>>2149690

Genuinely what is wrong with your brain

No. 2148621

i mean she aint wrong

No. 2149136

Basically all autism traits kek
Bird watcher bf sounds cute tho.

No. 2149146

I agree lol like has the potential to be skeevy but it’s also kind of endearing

No. 2149316

It's like none of them read a single page of history or went to a museum. It's odd af to put 'headcanons' onto history. Greek men were gross. Reminds me of Japanese daimyo raping their young retainers.

No. 2149690

all pederast societies treat women like cattle

No. 2152181>>2152185>>2152303>>2152334>>2152422>>2152547

File (hide): 1724514386754.png (2.3 MB, 2250x1749, image (4).png)

This is the type of cringe shit that makes my stomach feel like it's caving in. And these guys consider probably themselves alpha male chad hunter providers or whatever the fuck

No. 2152185

File (hide): 1724514452252.gif (133.25 KB, 150x120, 1e6626c4d810.gif)

They are writing fanfiction about a date with a hot woman they will never met.

No. 2152190>>2152196

File (hide): 1724514568824.jpg (71.55 KB, 598x885, tweet.jpg)

Another one

No. 2152196>>2152209

File (hide): 1724514681340.png (176.45 KB, 873x274, image (5).png)

Flood detect sucks

No. 2152209

You can tell these people have no social skills and are writing out cringy movie scenarios.

No. 2152223>>2152249

File (hide): 1724515773207.png (Spoiler Image,920.14 KB, 1035x693, hugefeet.png)

I'm so jealous of her posting her huge unwashed feet in a filthy baby outfit

No. 2152232>>2152252>>2152255>>2152310>>2152318>>2156615

File (hide): 1724516089172.png (282.39 KB, 461x646, ugggggo.png)

Damn it why didn't I post baby anime porn next to my face on the internet

No. 2152249

Yeah this "fashion style" is totally not a pedobaiting fetish. Pathetic.

No. 2152252

why is it the most goddamn uggos who always pedo bait

No. 2152255

File (hide): 1724517406000.png (346.17 KB, 742x587, be free.png)

atleast the cat is free from looking at her being a pedo.

No. 2152265

Most of these are cool to me except for magic tricks and trolling

No. 2152303

>charming misogynist
>masculinepillar has an Indian sage as a pfp
Of course it's a fucking Indian moid kek

No. 2152310

The fact that people this ugly and retarded exist, makes me feel less bad about myself.
>greasy, thin hair
>looks 40 but has autopedphilia
>kinda looks like a tranny…
Jesus christ

No. 2152318>>2152321>>2152323>>2152334

File (hide): 1724520398701.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 1242x1522, 1637924672576.jpeg)

We should revive the pedo pandering thread

No. 2152321>>2152338

The Irish famine would never have even happened if she was there back then. That's enough ham to feed a country. Holy shiiiiiit

No. 2152323

>kid playground
>exposing in broad fucking daylight
someone better have reported this gross pedo bitch to the police

No. 2152334

>masculinity pillar
Would love to see what he looks like.

I'm not speaking for this account directly (not going to even look) but it's very interesting how most women who own these kinds of accounts don't actually run them. Most adult oriented nsfw accounts, onlyfans, etc are ran by bots or men.

No. 2152338>>2152341

File (hide): 1724521083010.jpeg (Spoiler Image,296.55 KB, 1060x432, 1631327807887.jpeg)

Most of them were obese for some reason

No. 2152341>>2152359

The less conventional you are, the weirder the sex work you have to do. Also tinfoil but I imagine the lazier and fatter you are, if you're still confident enough to do sex work, you're pretty desperate to avoid getting an actual job.

No. 2152359>>2152393

It's so kek worthy because they're attempting to appeal to the most misogynistic, poorest, stingiest demographic with their anime ddlg shit

No. 2152393

I dont think any of them actually like it. It's like shayna, she only does it because she isn't conventional and she has to appeal to a niche because she has no other choice.

No. 2152398>>2152421>>2152422>>2152424

File (hide): 1724523197928.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1242x1698, 1641741464443.jpeg)

No. 2152421>>2152441

My resting smile immediately went into a frown

No. 2152422

love how he's mansplaining how he, personally, would respond to the fake scenario he posed that would never happen.

this is so incredibly sad

No. 2152424>>2152427

I went to search account but it doesn't exist anymore and last interaction was 2022. Anyways I wanted to say the account was almost definitely ran by a larping man using pics of little girls to rp

No. 2152427>>2152440

If you say so

No. 2152440>>2152446

Its pretty obvious. You're very lucky if you haven't already been made wary of this kind of content and that pedophiles do this sort of rp frequently.

No. 2152441

same nonna..god this is disgusting to see

No. 2152446>>2152450>>2152451>>2152464>>2152470

I know that. I've seen them do that before, I've been on pedophile forums before. But I don't believe that account was ran by a guy because of the typical aesthetic stuff and the way they type

No. 2152450

Samefag but the account was ran by a tif

No. 2152451

The proof is right in the screenshot. "I'm wearing my rapists shirt tehehe" bitch get real.

No. 2152464>>2152472

>I've been on pedophile forums before
excuse me?

No. 2152465

Not trying to thread police, but can you guys please spoiler or take this shit to a different thread or something.

No. 2152470

File (hide): 1724525758102.jpeg (Spoiler Image,178.63 KB, 750x459, 1631294694997.jpeg)

That's literally how every pedo pander types on Twitter, and like I said it was a tif

No. 2152472

Yeah just like screenshots on kiwifarms or altchans

No. 2152541>>2152552>>2152554>>2152558>>2152565>>2152584>>2152757>>2153670>>2153689>>2153696>>2153795

File (hide): 1724528199605.jpeg (187.9 KB, 1178x1197, IMG_8850.jpeg)

from earlier this month but this moid’s account is private/tweet deleted. i hope more and more wahmen refuse to make babby for these entitled moids. you just know he also posts women who are childfree on this account.

No. 2152547

Anon thank you so much for posting this, I’m fucking cackling

No. 2152552

Awful for how her body looks after three children…lol ok. Women look different after pregnancy because they actually had to carry an entire person inside of them but people still think it's ok to shame mothers, meanwhile men get fat after becoming dads for absolutely no reason but if you point it out everyone gets their panties in a twists and cries about it.

No. 2152554

men being awful
>raping babies
>raping dogs
>Raping women
>raping corpses
women being awful
>woman with saggy skin after giving birth

No. 2152558

She created human life. She sacrificed her body to create those children and if really necessary she could fix the excess skin. I don't think men are browbeaten for being retarded nearly as much as they should be.

No. 2152565

Men really don't deserve to be fathers if they're so unwilling to recognize and respect the sacrifice women make to create their children. If all they're interested in is having an attractive hole to fuck remember to abort his genes at all costs.

No. 2152584

>carry three human lives
>random moids on the internet mad because you no longer look "fuckable" enough for their liking
Kekkkk, and some retarded pickmes will still try to scold young women who don't exactly look fondly on the idea of getting pregnant. 99.9% of men on this planet should not have their genes passed on. The mother of whoever runs that account probably would've been better off if she aborted them.

No. 2152648>>2152764

File (hide): 1724532809829.jpeg (656.15 KB, 828x1065, IMG_8855.jpeg)

i don’t hate this but kek at this autist bringing up lore as if the tweet isn’t just comparing their outfit colors

No. 2152757>>2152776>>2152788>>2152797>>2152856

File (hide): 1724537869342.png (466.23 KB, 1080x945, 1000001083.png)

Twitter is nothing but engagement farms

No. 2152764

She can fuck off for calling Candace 'annoying bitch' anyway.

No. 2152776>>2152952

Isn't that too old for most of them

No. 2152788

Do men realise that we’d rather die virgins than settle for them now that we have our own money

No. 2152797>>2152818

Where do they get that successful women are lonely? Is there any study on this that they are citing?
Because anecdotally it's the 26 year old waitress-type girls that have turbulent unhappy relationships with shitty moids while most of the successful girls I know (doctors mostly) are in normie relationships with husbands. It's purely what I see around me but I don't really see those lonely career women struggling to find a husband? Like yeah, higher age might be a negative factor for both genders, but why do they think those career women already don't have long term bfs/husbands?

No. 2152818>>2152826

Men are always fighting battles with a strawman feminazi girlboss they invented in their minds lol. It's their main strategy to convince women to not get an education or job and to settle as young as possible for any man who would take them, lest they end up a lonely cat lady with a career and dashed hopes of a prince charming.

It's like these moids dont leave the house. Most women get married, most women have a kid or two eventually, if there is a population of regretful career women with sky high standards it's a tiny minority who aren't causing trouble for anyone but themselves. But as I said, the target audience is never career women, it's young women they can manipulate.

No. 2152826>>2152859

There is no career woman who can't get men. I know a career woman in her 50s and after going through a horrible divorce recently she was able to get other partners immediately if she so wished. She should be the most undateable woman ever if what they say is really true. It's just a pure moid cope.

No. 2152856

This account is definitely ragebait, but this is not true. Most accomplished people will marry people who are on a similar level. Not to say men won't fuck hooters waitresses but they probably would marry the older, more successful woman. Not that it matters either way, I'm pretty sure most women would still choose to have their own achievements even if it meant becoming unmarry-able.

No. 2152859

I know a wealthy 40-ish year old woman who is currently about to marry a better looking scrote ten years her junior. Lol

No. 2152898>>2152908>>2152909>>2152942>>2152974>>2153216

File (hide): 1724545480996.jpg (1.56 MB, 3295x2927, 027293728.jpg)

Lesbian flag creator commented on a post about Sabrina Carpenter and Jenna Ortega kissing in a music video, and the twitter kweers, yurifags, and stans are very mad kek. Video btw https://x.com/cuntonmars/status/1826990370149871915

No. 2152908>>2152912

We are now back at "Two straight women kissing is seen as edgy" except we now have twitter who thinks it's representation instead of a cheap stunt between two big headed short ladies

No. 2152909

Never thought I'd say this but for the first time I respect Emily Gwen. Everyone in her replies are missing the point so bad kek, they're so desperate they'll accept scraps and fight this hard over them.

No. 2152912

As a bisexual woman the "you just hate bi women uwu" twitter crowd is so fucking annoying and disingenuous.

No. 2152942

>what is heterosexual about a bisexual and a lesbian kissing?
>"lesbian not lesbian enough"
>two bisexual women
>jenna chooses sapphic roles
>jenna is queer
>professional woman kisser Ortega
Holy fucking kek why is it so funny that people are seemingly assigning them sexualities completely at random and one of the sexualities appears to be "has been gay in a movie"

No. 2152952

wow im impressed at how “old” they made their ideal gf. even if it is engagement farming so many moids think exactly like that about their wives it’s absolutely disgusting

No. 2152974

File (hide): 1724549251822.jpg (511.7 KB, 1556x2126, 19739237.jpg)

I’m not sure why but the taylor swift stans, especially this one, seem to feel very personally attacked kekk

No. 2153216

jeez, parasocial relationships are a disease. how are they assigning so many made up headcanons towards real living people? also what do "sapphic roles" have to do with anything? lots of actual openly gay actors played straight characters before, does that mean they were actually straight irl the whole time and fiction=reality?

No. 2153380>>2153381>>2153382>>2153386>>2153437>>2153524>>2153719

File (hide): 1724576090510.jpeg (179.46 KB, 709x1167, 1724203122358.jpeg)

Took this from the other farms, but there's this weird Twitter account of some guy larping as a Korean woman. It was originally generic conservative stuff before taking a complete 180 and pretending that the girl is into fucking dogs . Feel bad for the original girl, even men on 4chan fell for this lol

No. 2153381>>2153437

File (hide): 1724576140520.png (1.44 MB, 1577x935, 1724203444030.png)

Original girls account

No. 2153382>>2153384>>2153437>>2153455

File (hide): 1724576197564.png (628.24 KB, 717x1069, 1658221533926502400.png)

No. 2153384

File (hide): 1724576309192.png (339.58 KB, 698x582, 1724205160680.png)

He's been doing this since 2020

No. 2153386

I barfed. Men project so hard.

No. 2153437

Shit like this is why you couldn't pay me $1 million to post a photo of myself on the internet. Scrotes ruin everything by being evil. Hopefully when they die they will be reincarnated as jackals and have to experience death by lion 10 thousand times before advancing to the next karmic level.

No. 2153450>>2153467>>2153483>>2153503

File (hide): 1724580267144.png (289.63 KB, 1170x1003, TJUuO6Y.png)

No. 2153455

Placing bets he's a stinky, old White NEET IRL.

No. 2153467

Not like average couple only has missionary in the dark once a week but I guess he had to add some negative sex thing because aside from that it sounds very cozy. The random shitty sex mention sounds so out of place in his tweet kek

No. 2153483

Sounds like an ideal life. Taking a dig at enjoying "missionary sex in the dark on Saturdays" implies he can't conceive not being a complete porn-addicted gooner with erectile dysfunction who destroyed his dick from gorilla-gripping his meat and can't enjoy regular sex with his real-life partner kek. Not the own you think it is bro.

No. 2153503>>2153559

TBH this is just obviously ragebait. I don't know why people even use Twitter at this point. It's a platform that pays people to post divisive things to bait people for engagement. I'm not trying to say you're dumb for posting this or whatever, it's just like, half of the screencaps itt were designed as bait and by posting it here you kind of took the bait. It's hard to take anything on Twitter seriously anymore, because at the end of the day I know these people are just saying the most offensive or divisive thing they can think of to make 20 bucks.

No. 2153524

I didn't bother to look through his account, but is it only that one girl that he's using? Is there any way for her to report him for using her photos/impersonating her? What an absolute creep.

No. 2153559

Yep lately going on twitter makes me feel really negative. Not sure what social platform doesn't feel like that lately, maybe tiktok algorithm and comments weren't too bad when I had it but it's a brainrotting app that eats way too much time. FB is for Gen X and up and insta nowadays is just tiktok with worse comments.

No. 2153585>>2153612>>2153619>>2153643

File (hide): 1724589970567.png (569.1 KB, 1080x1384, Screenshot_20240825-054303~2.p…)

Will white supremacist genuinely ever team up with Muslims?

No. 2153612>>2153616

If white supremacists are racist how the fuck will they team up with Muslims who are mostly non-white. Yeah Muslims can be any race but most are nonwhite (Arabs, Africans, South Asians, Southeast Asians). That's like half the world. And team up against who? Buddhists? Hindus? Zoroastrians? Rastafarians? Kek

No. 2153616

>If white supremacists are racist how the fuck will they team up with Muslims who are mostly non-white
Well they already buddy up with mixed people like nick Fuentes, and yeah Rastafarians are quite the menace

No. 2153619>>2153625

Yeah, probably, but it'll never be real. Most of the white supremacists you see on Twitter are actually just fetish accounts. It's all very sexual. A certain sub-type of degenerate finds political extremism arousing, it doesn't matter which. So there are definitely "white supremacists" that are also "radical Islamists" because to these people it's all a kink for coom anyway. Once I learned about this I could never take any of these losers seriously.

No. 2153625>>2153663

I guess that would explain the weird fixation on white men beating black/brown dudes, it is kinda gay ngl. Reminds me of those bnwo accounts

No. 2153643

Bosnia already exists

No. 2153663

Once you realize that it's all about the coom, it becomes way more obvious. Don't judge me but I was once paid $200 from a diehard MAGA middle aged white man to record a voice memo talking about female supremacy and how I wanted to kill all whites and ever since then I realized it's ALL just fucking coon to scotes. Like, politics becomes their fetish. It's not Twitter related, but you can check out specific subreddits or porn websites DEDICATED to this kind of fetish like r/fuckingfascists for example. Since politics is still for the most part a mens club, it makes sense that all politics functions as a way for them to coom.

No. 2153670>>2153672>>2153687>>2153689

File (hide): 1724594849635.jpg (Spoiler Image,356.31 KB, 755x567, 1000014845.jpg)

Ladies, Do you find his body attractive?

No. 2153672

I want to pop his belly like a pimple and hang him with his own intestines

No. 2153687

I would kill myself if I looked like that

No. 2153689

It's crazy how the body in >>2152541 still looks better than the one in >>2153670

No. 2153696

I'm surprised by the amount of anons that can't recognize that this photoshoped??

No. 2153719>>2153835

File (hide): 1724596617032.jpg (167.12 KB, 1100x1424, GVTeAK0WgAEzW5w.jpg)

Reminds me of a blackcel getting exposed for running a catfish account where he LARPed as a white woman who preferred black men. Some people said he'd been doing it since 2022.

No. 2153795

I just want to say you see so much similar shit by women too unfortunately. I've watched some videos of women showing their postpartum belly over the first few days after giving birth, and you will not believe the amount of comments acting like what was quite frankly a small belly left over was the end of the world, 'birth control' or 'I could never do that to my body'. You know the darker stripe some pregnant women get on their belly? Well that was considered like a massive aesthetic flaw. Which is absolutely wild to me. The internet really went from at least trying to act like body positivity is a thing to thinking that everything but flat, stretchmark-less stomachs are gross.

No. 2153835

Men LARPING as women that's not from their race is so creepy. What compels them to this? It's so retarded AGP-ish.

No. 2153934>>2153940>>2153957

File (hide): 1724607631684.jpg (289.72 KB, 1080x1645, 1000023079.jpg)


No. 2153940

I have seen retards unironically call themselves "moongender" and its entirely about the position of the moon in some psuedo-indigenous belief system (it's entirely made-up lol). Typically it's white guilt 1/8 "natives" claiming it.

No. 2153957

These friendless tards really think any woman who doesn't give a fuck about tranny ideology will self-flagellate if they even think about football or call of duty or something.

No. 2153966>>2154293>>2154393>>2154412>>2154413

File (hide): 1724609281998.png (1.27 MB, 1170x1620, you’re not funny.png)

wow. zoomers are the least funny generation in the world

No. 2154235>>2154236

File (hide): 1724621736908.jpeg (373.09 KB, 1170x1814, IMG_5858.jpeg)

No. 2154236

File (hide): 1724621784238.jpeg (256.53 KB, 1170x877, IMG_5859.jpeg)

Every time one of these posts end with promoting a cashapp, I feel it loses all credibility

No. 2154293>>2154391

wow this is some corny shit i’m sure this is going viral on tiktok with all the comments being some variation of “I-“ “PLS” & “HELP”

No. 2154391

>with all the comments being some variation of “I-“ “PLS” & “HELP"
Kek, it's always these comments. They sound so obnoxiously low-iq and retarded.

No. 2154393

This is funnier than millennial memes to me (but I am a zoomer). But I’m also a retard who thinks skibidi toilet is so unfunny that it’s unfunny and that’s gen alpha humour

No. 2154412

>Dr. Disrespect
He's still relevant? Since when?

No. 2154413>>2155359

the way "gooning" has unironically become a word used outside ofa niche porn addict subculture needs to be studied, but I guess the same could be said for the use of "edging" as well.

No. 2154460>>2154464>>2154470>>2154475>>2154496>>2154528>>2155944>>2155952

File (hide): 1724633839866.jpeg (1.02 MB, 3196x2400, FA8FFF18-7369-4D2E-B3F2-B9DFED…)

just saw this retarded interaction they’re definitely autistic middle schoolers get your kids off the fucking internet

No. 2154464

I'm so happy I was alive to see the result of MOGAI politics in real time so I can remember how retarded all of this really is

No. 2154470

I wonder what these kinds of retards think is gonna happen by posting this stuff online in the first place. Do they think a movie studio is gonna kick down their door and BEG them to be in their next big movie and give them a billion dollar advance?

No. 2154475

Which pantheon does this pagan deity come from?

No. 2154496>>2154528

read this stupid shit and now my laptop is floating thanks a fucking lot

No. 2154528

i thought this died when lockdown ended?
lmao nona sorry

No. 2155359

i like calling males gooners and coomers so i'm actually glad it took off since it gives me extra words to describe them with when i'm insulting them. the edging shit is retarded though

No. 2155944>>2155952>>2155954

File (hide): 1724729182670.jpg (Spoiler Image,110.56 KB, 828x1117, GV4e4LUWYAAg5Jc.jpg)

Spoilered for your own sakes but does anyone else notice these kind of tweets and how they'll make these obviously sexualized drawings then complain when said drawings are sexualized? It has to be for attention and pity. If you're 17 why are you drawing your persona with glossy leaking thighs???? Also op is a TIF so do with that what you will kek
>i'm tired of people acting like this vid is hard to understand or some complex and weird identity
Okay then explain it to a boomer without them being confused kek. You can explain gay to a boomer very well, high chances that they already know what it is. say "all neos except ze/hir" and their brain will start crashing down like crowdstrike. It is fucking weird. Can kids go back to dying their hair black instead of shitting in the gay community please

No. 2155952

Furries genuinely need to get bullied again.

No. 2155954

I used to be in the furry community and an insane amount of underage furries (both male and female) will draw the most in your face coomer slop then whine when people sexualize it. Idk if other art zoomers do it but it's so gross and embarrassing

No. 2156059>>2156062>>2156064

File (hide): 1724737027030.png (700.94 KB, 1080x1844, Screenshot_20240826-223522~2.p…)

Fell onto the weird side of Twitter again, I know race play isn't special but idk I've never seen this type before https://x.com/inferiorblkdoll

No. 2156062>>2156064

File (hide): 1724737271059.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1080x1477, Screenshot_20240826-223737~2.p…)

I guess this one's supposed to be a serious political account..? I hope it's men larping as self hating pick mes but I doubt it https://x.com/MujeDeO0

No. 2156064>>2156069

Usually these women are making $$ from the white guys into raceplay. It's just another kink fetish LARP.

No. 2156069

Well that's sad

No. 2156394>>2156402>>2156421>>2156425>>2156454>>2156538>>2156562>>2156586>>2156624>>2156840>>2156948>>2156961>>2157863

File (hide): 1724771489737.jpg (131.2 KB, 714x1200, GV2KyH-WkAA1Vj-.jpg)

>Why women get L's

No. 2156402>>2156481

>Be woman
>Smile in one picture
>Don't smile in other picture
>Look exactly the same
>Get posted on Twitter as a part of incel rhetoric
This is why I will never post pictures of myself online. Moids are so fucking retarded.

No. 2156421

tbh everyone has a flouride stare in selfies nowadays because it's the current trend supposedly because it makes you look unbothered, candid and hot. Cocks or not they look lobotomized.

No. 2156425>>2156481

I do the second look when I'm trying to be mysterious in photos because I have high cheekbones and I ended up marrying the only cock I ever saw. So as suspected, men can't determine the truth of anything.

No. 2156454

I only do the second one because I look like an autistic troon when I try to smile for pictures and I'm a perma-virgin, moids are retarded.

No. 2156481

they know it's retarded and illogical. moids just want to make women feel violated for simply existing.

No. 2156538

if theres one thing twitter has taught me its how much men love writing fanfiction

No. 2156562>>2156624

The way these men project is wild. It all just seems so gay to fantasize about the amount of dicks a woman takes, its like they want to be her and be able to ride the "cock carousel" themselves without the stigma of homosexuality

No. 2156586>>2156854>>2156932

Is this… a thinly veiled fetish? This has the same energy as those troons who type out their entire sissy fantasy fics on pictures of actual women and girls in frilly outfits.

No. 2156615

God age players are always so goddamn ugly.

No. 2156624>>2156681>>2156831

Men who watch porn (so all men who have internet access) have seen more cocks than any woman ever will. They are the ones who can't unsee all the cocks they've seen.

No. 2156681

This is so true. It's pathetic.

No. 2156831

One thing I always remember when it comes to scrotes is that every accusation is in fact a confession.

No. 2156840

>and she says "tell me more about yourself"
you are now a whore for asking a simple question kek, they reeeally love this cuck narrative

No. 2156854

It is. It's "NTR".

No. 2156932

feels like it

No. 2156938>>2156942>>2156943

File (hide): 1724793183039.png (603.44 KB, 661x1660, IMG_2625.png)

Indian moid moment

No. 2156942>>2157283

its weird to see the hispanic youtuber i used to make become an international meme

No. 2156943>>2156951

Seeing so many anons in this thread fall for bait over and over is kind of irritating. Like so many of the posts in this thread are just obvious engagement bait, why do you engage with it and even spread it further from its source?

No. 2156948

This is obviously retarded but I feel this reveals a truth about men and why, especially the redpill incel ones, want to be able to date teenagers. They like to be able to be the one that corrupts a innocent girl because they know women after a certain point learn what they really are. They know women become jaded about men and they want to be the one to corrupt them first

No. 2156951

Because this is the Twitter hate thread so even bait is hated and plus Twitter keeps these accounts up and sometimes even pays them money

No. 2156961

I still remember when on 4chan a few years ago they tried claiming some little girls had a 100 cock stare, just bizarre

No. 2156974>>2156993>>2157051>>2157053

File (hide): 1724794412000.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1398, Screenshot_20240826-234435~2.p…)

How is that even possible

No. 2156993

the rage i felt at this post wow pickmes are shit but pedo pickmes are less than dirt

No. 2157051>>2157058

She has to be trolling right? Idk who this is but the profile seems like a OF account but nothing is sexual so idk.

No. 2157053>>2157058

why are there baby bikinis what the fuck

No. 2157058>>2157073

She's a demon. She throws all other women beneath the bus just so she can make a few dollars. These are sex-traitors.
It's not a "bikini," it's just an infant swim suit or a beach day outfit, she's sexualizing it to appeal to her pedo audience to make more money. I wish death on her.

No. 2157073>>2157077>>2157082

again why do babies need swimsuits that look like bikinis

No. 2157077>>2157091

I just said it wasn't a bikini. Literally look at the garment in the photo. It's a skirt and what looks like a tank top. Use your eyes ffs.

No. 2157082>>2157091

File (hide): 1724798123968.webp (41.79 KB, 500x669, example.webp)

nta but its not a bikini but more likely a piece like this which makes me want to alog her more

No. 2157091>>2157118>>2157161

thats literally a bikini and weird as fuck that mothers are encouraging that when there are so many pedo scrotes

No. 2157118>>2157125

One piece swimsuits are terrible since you have to remove the whole thing to go to the bathroom.

No. 2157125>>2157132

Little girls shouldn't be wearing anything besides swim shorts and swim shirt/tank anyway. Female swimwear in general is a travesty.

No. 2157132>>2157153

>Female swimwear in general is a travesty.
How I felt buying a bikini at target and half of them being fucking thongs wtf

No. 2157153

I’ve never understood how people wear that shit. I can’t stand having things riding up my ass.

No. 2157161

The real question is why are women procreating with pedo scrotes in the first place

No. 2157283

and he's getting married!

No. 2157390>>2157486>>2158038

File (hide): 1724818804420.png (88.43 KB, 586x549, pickme.png)

Most annoying kind of pick-me/tradthot post. Engagement bait and inviting a bunch of fat bums to comment on a woman's whose net worth is something they couldn't go close to achieving. Honestly think moids and tradthots seethe over Taylor so much because of how rich and successful she is without being submissive to a moid. I remember them coping by saying she was "secretly miserable" kek. Who gives a fuck if she has sex appeal or not, her main demographic is little girls not fat broke moids.

No. 2157486>>2157496

File (hide): 1724835112578.jpg (447.68 KB, 1079x1497, 1000024260.jpg)

I randomly came across her account a few days ago and I was appalled, she's so racist and trad that even average conservatards would be weirded out.

No. 2157496>>2157518

I'll be genuinely shocked if this isn't a man.

No. 2157518

No she's a real woman, far right women are very rancid and smug about having been picked and popping out a brood of blond children, so much that they love shitting on random people for whatever reason.

No. 2157863

I've noticed lot of shitty memes just straight up don't make sense now. They always pick pictures that have no relationship with the concept in the text.

No. 2158038

kek 100% true it makes them so uncomfortable that shes not hitched down to some ryan reynolds type moid, and she dates tons of guys while making shit tons of money. its funny watching them seethe, i don’t like her but as long as she triggers rightoids she’s perfect

No. 2158083>>2158097>>2158104

File (hide): 1724877109863.jpeg (595.45 KB, 828x1183, IMG_9326.jpeg)

this is from january but speaking of picking women apart, the retarded ass posts, analyses, thinkpieces and discourse about any rising female star makes me seethe. everytime any new girl starts getting clout and becomes a rising star she immediately becomes subject to random bitches and moids analyzing her looks. if someone made a similar post about that demure tranny or tim petras there would be outrage

No. 2158097

she's just a brunette oh god stop with this every mid brunette woman is a blonde shit

No. 2158101>>2158108>>2158662

File (hide): 1724877762039.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x2226, IMG_5874.jpeg)

I love when people lie on the internet. But if this is true imagine kek

No. 2158104

>second picture
She's wearing walgreens glue-on nails kek I'm wearing the exact same set. Fuck that retarded tweet she's based as hell. It's not her fault she's sort of generic looking and moids love generic looking girls because MUH PORN BROKEN CAWK.

No. 2158108

File (hide): 1724877906447.jpeg (707.87 KB, 1170x1737, IMG_5875.jpeg)

No. 2158662

I just saw the original tweet before and thought it was a joke because Lana's new boyfriend looks like your average white trash dad. Why would you drag this like this kek.

No. 2161274>>2161318

File (hide): 1726112486646.jpeg (82.61 KB, 1080x599, GW9xl8VXAAAGYC5.jpeg)

No. 2161318

The Eeyore I know would never say that, he must be getting influenced by Owl

No. 2161886>>2164687

File (hide): 1726164725421.jpeg (181.05 KB, 1080x1314, GWqzZf1WAAAl7XS.jpeg)

What do they expect

No. 2164675>>2164688

I’m pissed off because i’m a lesbian and i keep getting buff japanese faggots recommended on my twitter feed and i don’t even FUCKING INTERACT WITH IT WHY THE FUCK DOES IT KEEP POPPING UP ON MY FEED. i don’t care about faggots!! I scroll past it all, I don’t even take a second to look yet it’s still half my feed what the fuck is wrong with the algorithm. Is elon musk trying to do a psyop against lesbians or is it just spaghetti code?

No. 2164687

White scrotes with mental issues that large don't even respect nonwhite women like that. They just scream into the void about how they would trap, rape, and "breed" or sterilize us.

No. 2164688>>2164694

Have you tried being more aggressive with the "not interested in this post" button?

No. 2164694>>2164717

No because I usually just scroll past it. i forgot about that button. I will try doing that… thank you nona

No. 2164717

No. 2165800>>2166001>>2174933

File (hide): 1726441506959.png (157.25 KB, 592x495, Screenshot 2024-09-15 190045.p…)

Why do children on the internet act like they run everything? They are so fucking annoying and stupid. Then you have 17 year olds claiming they remember shit that happens in 2005 to try and defend themselves, be for fucking real. I can't wait for all of them to hit 20 and fall into a crisis.

No. 2165972>>2168373>>2168417>>2168447>>2176372

File (hide): 1726457777289.png (86.94 KB, 592x858, estrogen.PNG)

>But remember it's totally a real identity and not a fetish!

No. 2166001

90% of them are possibly chronically immature and/or raised by a screen instead of a living, breathing human.
In my country atm there's talk of potentially banning children from social media (which probably won't work in the long run).

No. 2168330>>2168450

why does twitter feel so bloated lately. its like your average tweet is getting 300-400k likes

No. 2168373

All I got from this is that he's fat.

No. 2168417

lol you can tell they don't know how bra sizes work

No. 2168447

>genetically encoded cup size
Wtf are they talking about, a predetermined breast size?

No. 2168450

No. 2169263>>2169441>>2173112>>2176519

File (hide): 1726640398189.png (1.14 MB, 1622x1179, allkinkishealthy.png)

The classic modern Twitter post: A stale take that manages to pivot to the wrong takeaway (yes taboo kinks are common, no they shouldn't be normalized), reasonable replies that disagree are hidden, and a donation page plugged

No. 2169441

>I shitpost on twitter, donate!

No. 2173086>>2173091

File (hide): 1726893681381.jpg (Spoiler Image,872.43 KB, 1170x1424, IMG_5986.jpg)

“Omg I’m so quirky!! My comfort movie is watching women be brutally tortured and murdered by men!!”

No. 2173091>>2173096

what movie is that? the effects look so crappy the average 80s cronenberg film mog it

No. 2173096

Terrifier 2

No. 2173112

"Give me money because of my shit xitter take" What. Tumblr and it's effects on society

No. 2174933

You sound bitter nona

No. 2175668

File (hide): 1727046028648.png (633.06 KB, 1592x651, annadelveytwitter.png)

The activists are having a normal one. You would think she served time for murder the way these people are seething

No. 2176339

I fell into the selfharm rabbithole again. This time was from a random me ugly meme on my timeline, when I clicked on her profile it was from a 16yo girl posting dozens of images of her bloody wrists. She has a little over 500 followers and every single person she follows is basically in the same situation as her. I don't know what to do, If I report her and for some miracle Elon gets her banned god knows what she'll do next.

No. 2176345>>2176718>>2176892

File (hide): 1727111328062.jpeg (519.47 KB, 828x1265, IMG_0926.jpeg)

how did this shit get 100k+ likes

No. 2176372

File (hide): 1727112243272.jpg (908.28 KB, 3024x4032, orange cat staring.jpg)

oh so you're a C cup, cool cool, now what's your band size?

No. 2176519

Anything supporting normalizing degeneracy is always a hit on twitter it seems like. Likes really mean nothing when shit like this gets 55k

No. 2176713>>2176719>>2176722

File (hide): 1727130064396.png (1.28 MB, 1170x1481, i’m tired .png)

I cannot emotionally or mentally handle how normalized it’s become to whore yourself out. Both in ‘normal’ and socially acceptable ways like modeling or being a youtuber, and in legitimized sexual ways like selling your body.

No. 2176718

people are sick of ryan murphy

No. 2176719>>2176724

File (hide): 1727130220306.png (1.27 MB, 1170x1609, “thee doll” .png)

Samefag I have something to add to this
> betches can’t be bad and thotful anymore??
You can’t possibly be “thoughtful” at any rate if you feel fine selling your body and personhood.

No. 2176722>>2176725>>2176760

Every single comment on a woman talking about herself on IG is full of "OF detected, opinion disregarded." and while I agree, WHY do so many women see having OF as normal? It's disgusting and crazy to think sex work is normal online.

No. 2176724

These types of women pushing feminism back 100+ years. They fought so hard for us not to have to sell our bodies.

No. 2176725>>2176760

It's repugnant and theyre so self absorbed they think any criticism of the industry is jealousy kek

No. 2176760>>2176778

It is seriously concerning to me how many girls pay their bills via some form of prostitution. Whether it’s OF, findom, escorting, actual IRL sex prostitution, doing porn, “modeling”, why is having a normal job so looked undesirable now?

No. 2176778

Nta but it's usually because they can't hold down a real job to save their lives.

No. 2176892>>2177105>>2177109

Idk what the context/tweet means but a lot of shitty slop posts get 100k now. Either bots or more low iq people signed up. Similar to how 100k likes on Tiktok doesn't mean much.

No. 2176906

File (hide): 1727136695762.png (28.23 KB, 596x329, fucklibfems.png)

>feminist in bio
>defends rape apes rights to fuck each others asses freely before defending actual women
Like clockwork.

No. 2177105>>2177133>>2182029

File (hide): 1727143249817.jpg (152.42 KB, 932x1200, Ex-nV3cVoActa4O.jpg)

NTA but for context: The Menendez Brothers killed their rich parents in the 90s, arguing that they were secretly being molested but prosecutors argued greed for money. Public opinion has shifted over the years with Gen Z buying the molestation claims and crying about misandry. Ryan Murphey, the gay sex pest behind that Dahmer series, recently put out another series based on the brothers so now all the dumbass teens are coming out to play armchair psychologist. To say that an actor not perfectly matching the real life criminal somehow proves their innocence is retarded

No. 2177109>>2177120

Euggh this reminds me when some post about a black girl graduating college early got like 90k and retards didn't realize the post was supposed to be portraying the story negatively

No. 2177120

They probably knew tbh.

No. 2177133

More context: a guy who worked with their father when he was a kid came out a couple of years ago to say he was raped by him. So there's renewed interest because there's more evidence to the molestation claim.

No. 2182024

File (hide): 1727432126013.png (529.57 KB, 660x799, c7aOp4Q.png)

No. 2182029

ew i dont care if they are guilty or not but please keep them locked because they are visually horrifying

No. 2182688

File (hide): 1727466886715.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1788, IMG_6086.jpeg)

All of the models hairs are slicked back. Why do black women have to try and make themselves the victim in every scenario? If there were no black models, they would complain, now their is black models, they find something else to complain about. The hairs of ALL models are purposely styled. Some people are so retarded(racebaiting)

No. 2183950>>2183988>>2184004

File (hide): 1727502455474.png (450.99 KB, 1080x1468, Classicsgroyp sus.png)

No. 2183988

there is actual babylonian law from 2000 years before muhammad was even born that punished marriages between children and adults (though in that context, an adult was considered to be 14) but there was still a distinction made between adult and children, the standard marriage age in ancient sparta was 18 as well, because they realized that fully developed adults have a higher likelihood of having healthier children and not dying in childbirth

No. 2184004

Lowkey true. Before 100-200 years ago women couldn't even have their own bank accounts or get inherit money from their relatives which meant they'd be %100 dependant on their husband.

No. 2186942>>2187137

File (hide): 1727651173533.png (18.42 KB, 581x173, muhhhhh.png)

average nigelposter

No. 2187137

So glad this tweet got shit girls have died in those huts

No. 2188691>>2188698>>2188701>>2188717

File (hide): 1727743878276.png (451.4 KB, 1079x1631, 1000016147.png)

No. 2188698>>2188701>>2188714>>2189102>>2189110>>2189231

File (hide): 1727744124333.png (815.12 KB, 1322x2207, 1000016153.png)

>The "normal vanilla wholesome life" in question:

No. 2188701

Oh my fucking God, why is this so common? The so-called traditional men are always secretly huge perverts.

No. 2188714

I'm laughing so hard holy shit this is so funny I can't breathe

No. 2188717

>the second to last account

No. 2189102>>2189106

The rich CEOs in 2014 wattpad fanfics:

No. 2189106

File (hide): 1727773520594.jpg (9.31 KB, 275x270, 1520091436507.jpg)

No. 2189110>>2189170

>everything about the female orgasm is internal, hiddian…chthulhu
Only if you don't do it right KEK

No. 2189170

I'd rather fuck Cthulhu than a trad moid.

No. 2189231

Maybe the female orgasm isn't that mysterious, maybe you're just terrible

No. 2189381>>2189387>>2189388>>2189389>>2189402>>2189465>>2189572>>2189586>>2189837>>2189874>>2205118

File (hide): 1727797301835.png (177.39 KB, 594x668, cis wymmin.png)

No. 2189387

i want to slowly and painfully kill all trannies(slowly and retardly alogging)

No. 2189388

Trannies trying not to find troon interpretations of every piece of media in existence challenge (impossible).

No. 2189389

le sigh

No. 2189402

Weren't most serial killers troons?
>Being seen as a sex object
Noone is seeing you freaks like besides yourselves and even your known kind won't fuck each other so you pester actual women. I wish society saw you as less than humans so I wont be tortured to call you "human" You're less than animals and bugs who both contribute to society while the only thing you contribute is disgust and the sale of ropes.

No. 2189465

Are they seriously trying to co-opt the whole concept of being 'treated as a sex object but not as a person' something that has time and time again been associated and imposed on women since the dawn of media? Jesus Christ.

No. 2189572>>2190198

File (hide): 1727809360217.png (137.36 KB, 810x657, Screenshot_2024-10-01_14-58-51…)

Well at least some women peaked from this, probably even more lurkers

No. 2189580>>2189608>>2205118

File (hide): 1727809566370.png (96.75 KB, 535x847, Screenshot 2024-10-01 210530.p…)

No. 2189586

troons either cry because no one wants to bang them or cry because according to them everyone wants to bang them but dont care about their feelings, which one is it

No. 2189592>>2189594>>2189597>>2189611

File (hide): 1727809851293.png (348.06 KB, 598x849, AGhCOnc.png)

>the joke is porn
why is being a gay pedophile so funny to internet moids?

No. 2189594>>2189627

link belongs to women not to moids, give it back fucking scrotoids. They can keep their dozens of shitty nintendo waifus.

No. 2189597

god i fucking hate how they turned link into a wide-hipped lipstick wearing femboy. moids always ruin bishounen characters. they did this shit to raiden from mgs2 too

No. 2189608

She is a straight woman. "Her sexuality" does not involve ugly short females. If she WAS embracing her sexuality she would be getting male hookers as background dancers. Lmao

No. 2189611

File (hide): 1727810717189.png (46.71 KB, 1085x240, link_age.png)

almost every depiction of link has shown him as a child or teenager, with the oldest he has canonically ever been being 17 and he looks like a little boy in these games, which makes it really disturbing how openly some moids express their desire to rape him, like they would probably rape real children too if given the opportunity

No. 2189627>>2189690

link was designed and created by a guy, tho? his botw depiction was also explicitly meant to be androgynous. he was never meant for women tbh

No. 2189690

nta but his young botw androgynous appearance that anyone could project unto him, from adult to children of both sexes, but he was still visibility underage looking

No. 2189778>>2189829>>2189839>>2190198

File (hide): 1727815429483.png (355.81 KB, 1080x1254, 1000016177.png)

No. 2189829>>2189843

im confused, why did you post this here? There is nothing wrong with that tweet or are you butthurt because you are a coomer moid?

No. 2189837>>2190090>>2190244

File (hide): 1727817111884.png (532.63 KB, 1080x1551, 1000016178.png)

Wtf are they unable to comprehend that men getting off to the brutality of women is a real (and unfortunately common) thing?

No. 2189839

Superpenisclown is right.

No. 2189843>>2189851

No I think she is based and men should stop posting stuff like this

No. 2189851

ok so you're just one of those newfags posting in random threads not knowing what they are meant for.

No. 2189874

Right, because being treated like a sex object instead of as a person is something women don't experience and cannot empathize with? It's just so retarded how they continually argue that TIMs should be treated as women because they experience misogyny (like women do), but then they turn around and pretend women don't experience misogyny (but TIMs do).

No. 2190090

how do they explain rape if men supposedly don’t get off to being violent what the fuck

No. 2190189>>2205118

File (hide): 1727825781457.png (383.7 KB, 1079x1143, 1000016191.png)

Where are the 'swerfs' mocking sex workers and saying they don't belong in feminism? Why do they feel the need to blindly support a type of work that has historically been detrimental to women?

No. 2190198

I love it when normies who aren't terminally online enough to be based but also not enough to be browbeaten into submission get vocal about these things lmao

No. 2190244>>2190462

Someone should animate a bishonen getting brutalized while having his clothes torn off like he’s about to get raped, surely the reactions won’t be different.

No. 2190462

they'd probably find it hot

No. 2190550>>2190555>>2190580

File (hide): 1727853005858.png (155.6 KB, 1246x508, blooosky.png)

This is on bluesky but it's so funny
>I haven't properly gotten off since October 7th
What the fuck is wrong with trannies KEK

No. 2190555

One more reason to not take trannies seriously when they victimize themselves online.

No. 2190580

I was just about to post this

No. 2190761>>2190862

File (hide): 1727879997492.png (Spoiler Image,387.45 KB, 748x796, 5Jd2KzX.png)

>male humor be like:"rape and animal abuse"

No. 2190862

Please tell me that's not just actual animal rape on Twitter

No. 2192205>>2192214>>2192215>>2192218>>2192260>>2192451>>2192555>>2194884>>2195060

File (hide): 1727983033624.jpg (70.78 KB, 959x573, 1000024288.jpg)

And what's wrong with that ?

No. 2192214

Yeah she's saying this like it's a bad thing kek. Why would you want to make life purposefully harder for yourself? Life is already hard by default unless you got lucky and are rich or something.

No. 2192215>>2192445

>having two kids is 'easy mode'
She regrets her third child and is clearly coping.

No. 2192218

How miserable does one person has to be to say this shit? Also, what the fuck does the "cozy coomies" even means kek?
God I fucking hate the retards that truly believe in constantly sacrificing yourself.

No. 2192260

t. Person who has never tasted what having responsibility is actually like

No. 2192445>>2192451

What's wrong with people wanting "just" 2 kids? I know she's probably a tradfag where the bare minimum is 4 kids, but not being a childfree cat lady is apparently not enough.

No. 2192451

What the fuck is a cozy coomie…
A lot of trad mothers want to be seen as a martyr who suffered the most for their kids. You see it a lot with mother's who brag about not having any pain remedy for giving birth, whoever suffered more is seen as a better mom. It's retard logic

No. 2192555

BE HONEST. you were not only retarded and selfish enough to bring a non consenting being into this world, but you now regret it

No. 2192681>>2192791>>2193553

File (hide): 1728001624430.png (427.1 KB, 1036x1495, img_5298.png)

>literal toddler bonding with his nanny
>dysgenic moids projecting their racial fetishes unto him

No. 2192791>>2197312

File (hide): 1728008685689.jpeg (115.14 KB, 720x1242, GYJHeb-WMAAZbrv.jpeg)

That single video caused a bunch of weird seething from all sorts of people

No. 2193553>>2193587>>2193643>>2193687

As terrible as 4chan is, I personally don't remember seeing weird comments like this about toddlers on there. Could be wrong though.

No. 2193587


No. 2193643

just go visit /vt/ and /a/ and youll change your mind quick…actually dont. i dont want to scar you, just know its there…and its 10 times worse than this

No. 2193687

Well I did. I remember someone there saying that messy toddler's eating is erotic

No. 2193966>>2193997>>2194490>>2195077>>2205118

File (hide): 1728095201709.png (156.3 KB, 894x906, fags.png)

this is why aids exists

No. 2193997

>We don't need to hear your every thought either
>Gay & trans

No. 2194490

They preached hyper acceptance for years and if you spoke out about it you're an ebil terve, now they're complaining about the very ~sex-repulsed~ gendies they welcomed with open arms kek. Absolutely zero sympathy for them and their degen fetishes.

No. 2194884>>2194888>>2194891

File (hide): 1728162511116.png (150.46 KB, 368x602, bhw2cqekn8rd1.png)

Kek. Conservative women posting their Ls is a guilty pleasure of mine

No. 2194888>>2194891

File (hide): 1728162760444.jpg (20.43 KB, 680x241, FWUrLu0UUAAotCH.jpg)

every single time…

No. 2194891

File (hide): 1728163081108.jpg (70.32 KB, 672x1000, 71Y5N13956L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

This makes me want to read Right Wing Women again
off topic but i hate how this screenshot is always used to defend troons

No. 2195060

No I don't want to endlessly suffer so my kid can be a cog in the Capitalism machine. We most likely will only get this one life. I want to live it. Insulting and belittling people won't change their mind.

No. 2195069>>2195082>>2195590>>2195627>>2216010

File (hide): 1728171036163.png (672.78 KB, 788x1028, 1705739434206.png)

A classic

No. 2195077

is that a tif

No. 2195082>>2195086

You compliment each other cause you both look like boys.

No. 2195086

They look like they both "like" little boys as well

No. 2195579>>2195602

File (hide): 1728212896048.png (74.5 KB, 754x818, AZyppcW.png)

No. 2195590

Not to racebait but Asians have more features in common with Black people than white features. I've seen asians across their diaspora with bell pepper noses and big lips similar to black people. Hell a LOT of black people have small almond shaped eyes as well. It is even said that Asians descend from the khoisan tribe in Africa. He has more in common with Indians than East Asians if he is going the whole "aryan route". But more than anything he has most in common with neanderthal DNA

No. 2195602

that dude is my personal horrorcow. thanks for reminding me nona, i might post him in /snow/ later

No. 2195612>>2195742>>2196862>>2197153

File (hide): 1728215534471.png (371.62 KB, 375x805, moldypineapple.png)

No. 2195627

the reason they look similar is because of autism.

No. 2195742

>It literally delete your autism
And your braincells?

No. 2195745

File (hide): 1728224067936.jpeg (175.95 KB, 750x545, IMG_2735.jpeg)

I don’t really hate this account tbh, this is the type of aggressive hater shit that I’m on currently

No. 2196862

the combination is so absurd it circles back to being funny cause how the fuck do you discover moldy pineapple cures your autism. why is it pineapple specifically and what does the mold do to it.

No. 2197008>>2197051>>2197111>>2205118

File (hide): 1728287563780.png (130.41 KB, 1032x684, IMG_4793.png)

>"poc" male-feminist moment

No. 2197051

Oh my god, anything to be a victim, anything to pretend they're not a fucking moid

No. 2197111>>2197112

This is not true ACTUALLY during slavery there was still gendered roles. Enslaved men (aka BLACK MEN) often complained about cleaning and cooking and labeled it “women’s work” enslavers aka (WHITE MEN) agreed and largely didn’t let them do cooking and cleaning activities. You know who did do it? enslaved women(aka BLACK WOMEN AND GIRLS). You want to know what the funniest thing is? Working the field was not considered man’s work because even enslavers knew that it was the black women doing EVERYTHING. Enslaved women worked the fields while pregnant. Give birth on the fields and then have to either get back to it or do cleaning duties. Basically enslaved women were forced to perform femininity AND masculinity forever blurring the lines of how American society views and treats black women compared to other races of women. Meanwhile black men still got to keep their masculinity by only being offered “men’s work”. Enslaved women were often married too so after a long day of working the enslavers field and kitchen shed come home and try to make the enslaved man feel less emasculated by cooking and cleaning for HIM! black men always used the patriarchy to their benefit even when they were enslaved and never forget that black men earned the right to vote in the 1800s!! Black women had to wait until 1965. Let that sink in

No. 2197112>>2197206>>2219398

Also all black men had to do in order to be free was to woo a white woman and get her pregnant. The white woman would be exiled and the enslaved black man and his biracial child would be labeled free! Enslaved black women (usually girls though) were often victims of rape by their enslavers (white men) so when they fell pregnant by the enslavers baby not only was she still not free but now her and her baby are both property of her rapist. And now that enslaved girl/woman forever has a target on her back by the enslavers wife for “seducing the master”. Fuck black men

No. 2197153

File (hide): 1728305390510.jpg (16.03 KB, 480x360, Cedar Waxwing.jpg)

So in other words you’re getting drunk since wine comes from fermented fruit?

Fun fact: Some birds (such as Cedar Waxwings) get drunk on fermented fruit outside.

No. 2197179>>2197181>>2197218>>2197222>>2197514

File (hide): 1728307260549.png (971.9 KB, 1042x1113, IMG_4804.png)

No. 2197181>>2197229

kek so funny when moids project onto women. most fat women don't think they deserve a handsome moid and usually settle for some man that's somehow even fatter and uglier than them if he was nice to them once. even hot skinny women do this too since you're not allowed to have standards as a woman. meanwhile incels think they deserve a 10/10 supermodel stacy no matter how they look and shoot up schools when they don't get her. also imagine going after indian women when indian moids are out there chimping out and raping women

No. 2197206>>2197211>>2197578

>all black men had to do in order to be free was to woo a white woman and get her pregnant.
I'm pretty sure American slavery didn't work like that

No. 2197211

nta but they are like quarter right, based on weird laws a child born to a white(or at least non-black) mother in the southern slave states (regardless of the father's race) would always be born free, but a child born to a black slave mother would be a slave, but if the father was a slave, he would still remain a slave or face lynching and beatings

No. 2197218>>2197222

>indian female doctor gets brutally gangraped and killed
>suddenly extreme indian woman hate on the internet out of nowhere
indian men endlosung when

No. 2197222

The fact that he pretended this balding faggot is attractive somehow.
They're such fucking subhumans.

No. 2197229>>2198474

File (hide): 1728310690928.png (307.54 KB, 658x870, IMG_4735.png)

right, like picrel is just a cute video of a guy learning some chinese to propose to his girlfriend, but of course, this loser has to project his failing onto them

No. 2197312

For a moment I thought someone posted Michael Jackson's secret homemade porn.

No. 2197514

Are all these accounts ran by the same retard who ran Women posting Ls who got exposed for engaging in beastiality and looking like an antisemitic cartoon come to life?

No. 2197578

I’m pretty sure you don’t even know even a fraction of American slavery or even did the bare minimum of reading any black feminist theory. Fuck off(infighting)

No. 2198474>>2198610

they always have some imaginary white woman they're mad at in their mind, rent free. also if you were to even make his argument, it'd be more like, "how bad and offputting do white men have to be that they can't get a women of their own race to like them and instead have to resort to trying to get together with asian women who are usually poor or underage just to have a partner"

No. 2198610

I was going to make the exact same comment when I saw this tweet. It's the most ridiculous sort of Twitter ragebait. It's some guy proposing to his girlfriend, but wait! Terminally online Twitter man needs engagement from comments off of this. It's pathetic.

No. 2198710>>2198739>>2198740

File (hide): 1728403158483.png (277.44 KB, 598x761, X from river to the sea.png)

One year since the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and people still act like if supporting Palestine is good because "Jews are bad, mmmkay?".(bait)

No. 2198728

I think when twitters userbase finally decreases by 50% (we’re almost there!! 25%!!) Elon will finally consider shutting it down

No. 2198739

You know that's not why people don't support Israel, fuck off.

No. 2198740

Really weird timeline to be in where hardcore faggot leftists have almost the same hatred for isreal as hardcore faggot Devon Stack

No. 2204908

File (hide): 1728778041313.png (648.67 KB, 1170x1411, 6z6GnRf.png)

so close

No. 2205118>>2206486

How are trans seen as sex objects in society when the thing they whine about the most is the fact that nobody wants to fuck them? Who is sexualizing you if nobody finds you sexy…?

I can't stand it when people say that women dressing provocatively is "embracing their sexuality." YOUR sexuality would be who YOU are attracted to. Dressing like a slut is appealing to someone looking at you's sexuality. These women are so embarrassing and regressive.

Imagine saying that the opinion of a past porn star being in that environment is exploitative is wrong and shouldn't criticize an industry that exploits and traffic women, and think you're in the right and "woke" for saying that. This person verbatim said that women don't deserve equal rights or autonomy if they don't want to be objectified or raped by men. POS

Wow, I can't believe the queers are turning on someone going through an identity crisis and thinking they might be sex-repulsed. That's totally acephobic! /s Seriously, though, the same things they try to protect they're willing to throw under the bus if someone so much as criticizes degeneracy. Who WOULDN'T be grossed out watching strangers fucking in broad daylight pretending that's what being gay is?

What?? Even before black men gained legal rights like the ability to vote or own land etc, they still abused women. You don't have to have legal rights in the eyes of the law to be a misogynist. But especially now, black men have all of these same rights as any white man in the West. Despite being a minority, black men have more rights than white women, because they're men. Of course they're included in the patriarchy wtf do they think that word means?

No. 2206437>>2208178>>2213716>>2213740

File (hide): 1728876106693.png (286.08 KB, 809x634, hvac.png)

So now if some scrote technician thinks a customer's house is soy and unbased he posts sneaky shots of it on Twitter. Obviously I don't think the decor is good but those people don't deserve their privacy violated.

No. 2206486

>How are trans seen as sex objects in society
They're talking about how those people try to include themselves in women's struggles by larping fear of sexual assault, and then trying to downplay the fact that "cis women" can see that this is a fetishised depiction of assault with a very obviously moidy vibe

No. 2207350>>2207353>>2208158

File (hide): 1728944136149.png (342.78 KB, 1170x1438, embarrassing .png)

I know that people have always romanticized youth and stuff but this is just cringe worthy

No. 2207353>>2208158

>I’m 24 and feel like I haven’t grown at all
You and plenty of others pal

No. 2208158>>2210847

I'm not justifying this behaviour, but It's worth understanding where it comes from, the pandemic has really fucked up zoomers, I would say many of us are mentally 2-3 years younger than we actually are and it's hard to deal with that sometimes

No. 2208178

This is crazy to me because while the funko pops and picture is corny as hell it's not even worthy of taking a picture of it to post online. How the fuck does this have 2k likes? This is something you'd laugh about with friends not something you would risk your fucking job for just for internet clout. The fuck. That is weird as hell.

No. 2210460>>2210464>>2210469>>2210470>>2210622>>2210791

File (hide): 1729132026498.jpg (186.06 KB, 1080x827, 1000003380.jpg)

He really is trying to kill the platform lol

No. 2210464

i kind of think this is great kek, maybe it'll get more people off twitter?

No. 2210469

im kind of annoyed at this because this means elon cant STILL get over the fact a good chunk of the userbase has him blocked, but i use my account mostly for lurking and arguing with randoms so i dont really have to "hide" anything. mostly i only block those indian bots that copy tweets.

No. 2210470>>2210475>>2210634

I don't get why this is a big deal. All a blocked person has to do to see tweets of someone is log out anyway.

No. 2210475>>2210822

not anymore, you have to log in to see profiles on twitter

No. 2210622>>2210684

I used twitter for a very long time to follow Asian and European artists from a bunch of different fandoms, and keep up with official accounts informinh everyone about events but now everyone on my TL os considering deleting their accounts and maybe moving to bluesky. They all made accounts when Bluesky stopped being invite only but never fully moved. Then there's the whole AI bullshit as soon as it's 15th November, artists wants to leave even more.

No. 2210634

No they would have to use external means like nitter. It's like anon said, you have to be logged in to see a tweet, and you have to change your settings to see pictures from accounts that marked themselves as NSFW. A lot of people block other not to avoid accounts but to prevent people from seeing their tweets, like many artists who draw more or less NSFW things, people who want to avoid minors in general, I've seen a lot of women blocking troons to avoid being reported by them, etc.

No. 2210684>>2210686>>2210722

wait what's this with the AI bullshit? is elmo pulling a zuckerberg like with instagram?

No. 2210686>>2210689

From 15th November you won't be given a choice anymore, everything everyone posted will be used for AI training. Right now you should be able to refuse this in your settings if you check them on desktop, but not on the app. A lot of artists are worried about it, but then I also started seeing people wondering how big companies with business accounts will react.

No. 2210689>>2210718

damn. i'm a pretty small and inactive twitter artist who also has a bluesky account, i haven't uploaded anything to it but i've suddenly got a lot of follower notifications since this morning and i thought, "apartheid clyde did something stupid to twitter again didn't he" and what do you know i was right.

No. 2210718

A lot of artists are reposting their Bluesky IDs. When the site stopped beinh invite only everyone made a back up account just in case but now it seems people are a lot more serious about wanting to fully move to Bluesky and maybe even delete their twitter accounts before November. I swear to god even a non autistic 10 years kid would be a better business owner than this beluga looking sperg. I don't know about you but since I follow a lot of artists I sometimes download my twitter data in case they nuke their accounts, so I can have the art I retweeted archived somewhere. I'll do that before November just in case.

No. 2210722>>2210739

Wait, did Instagram say that it would be using images for AI training?

No. 2210739>>2210745>>2210754

yes? why did you think so many artists left it? the ai training also includes your personal photos

No. 2210745

That's why I deleted my instagram account long ago, and instagram was shit for other reasons anyway. I still don't get why an app made specifically to post pictures makes almost every picture look like a pixellated mess.

No. 2210754

Wow, that sucks. The art community I’m in (a traditional sculptural craft) doesn’t seem to care as much about AI, so I wasn’t aware. Unfortunately Instagram is the main platform for this community, so I can’t really leave if I want my art to get popular.

What are the other big platforms’ policies on AI, and where do you post your art?

No. 2210791>>2210801

i don't really see what the big deal is and this is a perfectly reasonable compromise imho. the block button gets abused by people way too much.

No. 2210801

That wouldn't be the case if Elon didn't ruin twitter to begin with by making bots more than welcome on the platform, encouraging ragebait, putting political or pornographic garbage, or spoilers on everyone's "for you" page when previously it was fairly easy to mostly have tweets related to what you like and post in there, by ruining the point of blue checkmarks and creating a paid subscription for less features than before Elon took over, etc.

No. 2210822>>2210825

Can’t they just make alt accounts?

No. 2210825

yes but it's a matter of principles, if Elon changes a basic feature like blocking accounts it's safe to assume he'll keep doing similar things later and remove the blocking feature entirely.

No. 2210847>>2210936

I'm not a zoomer but I feel this too, I imagine being in school during it made it much worse. I constantly think how different things would be if it weren't for covid.

No. 2210930>>2210935>>2210937>>2210942

File (hide): 1729176562059.png (365.77 KB, 892x677, IMG_5318.png)


No. 2210935

Me on the left

No. 2210936

I was in school during covid and I'm fine, it honestly didn't change much for me and was better in some ways (outside of people dying obviously, and I guess more domestic violence). I don't really understand the whole thing with feeling like you've lost years of your life unless you were a normie who wants to kill themselves if they don't go outside and interact with people 24/7 but I've even seen other chronically online autists like me claim the same and it's odd to me

No. 2210937

funny how both of these are things men do, except suicide is the one thing they can only do to themselves.

No. 2210942>>2210952

You can tell whoever made this has never visited this site, otherwise they'd know we make PLENTY of male rape jokes.

No. 2210952

tbf I'm pretty sure moids even outdo women in rape jokes against other men, I learned that the hard way with garth ennis's comics

No. 2211610

File (hide): 1729206316007.jpeg (145.92 KB, 841x960, 2A881690-0219-4041-AE30-338722…)

Is this not Silent Hill 2 Angela

No. 2211616

What is it specifically about Twitter that makes every retarded bastard act like a fucking expert on everything?

No. 2213525>>2213551

File (hide): 1729335398921.jpg (877.52 KB, 1079x1661, 1000026450.jpg)

Least homophobic straight woman.

No. 2213551

I thought it was going to be the tweet with the "I know she runs her mcdonalds like the navy" caption.

No. 2213716>>2213740>>2213769>>2213779

File (hide): 1729354802006.jpeg (257.74 KB, 828x413, IMG_4504.jpeg)

i agreed but then I saw they were funkos of office characters which is unsettling but hes still wrong and i cant believe someone would have this much confidence in their anonymity now. His icon or whatever is wojak barclay so that should answer any questions about what he thinks of privacy.
I can also confirm male trek fans are the most lonely and anti social kind, theyre so disconnected from reality that they think posting very personal, hypocritical and identifyable things like this on twitter and reddit is ok. I could go on about these kinds, but your original post already says everything there is to be said really.

No. 2213740

I looked into it and its even worse than I thought. This hvac twitter user is dating a millenial woman posting selfies who also has a soyjack icon. I also think its safe to say he's trying to abuse her teenage children based on his posts which I dont want to save and post here.
Yeah he needs to be arrested, he takes photos of peoples personal photographs and calls them hot. His twitter is filled with these photos.

No. 2213769>>2213804>>2213811>>2213862

File (hide): 1729357699935.png (737.24 KB, 1384x1008, hvac2.png)

Complains about the lack of a "high trust society" while posting creepshots of private citizens homes and upcharging people based on politics (this might be a joke but based on the conversation in the replies it could be real). Not gonna create a high trust society when you can't even trust a handyman in your house.

No. 2213779

really? I always assume star trek fans are just normie libs

No. 2213802>>2213803>>2213809>>2214942>>2215283

File (hide): 1729359573020.jpeg (72.64 KB, 828x482, IMG_6549.jpeg)

Why are there so many of these types on twitter

No. 2213803>>2213809

Fuck I forgot how to sage

No. 2213804>>2213817

Somebody needs to cowtip this faggot.

No. 2213809

No need to sage on /ot/ and imo it's normies doing this and ruining the internet with their porn addiction. Typically, accounts like this don't seem to be about one or two specific topics, they jjst post random shit like this from time to time and unfunny memes.

No. 2213811>>2213842

Kek what’s bad about upcharging forced birth supporters?

No. 2213817>>2213842

Why? Do you support forced births? I hope a handyman takes creep shots of the inside of your house and upcharges tf out of you too, dumb bitch.(infighting)

No. 2213842

read again, the sign is opposed to the abortion ban.

No. 2213862

>reeing about the US not being a high trust society
This kind of conservative moid is seriously the peak of retardation. They seem to think the primary outcome of abortion bans is getting young white women stuck back in the home before their careers ever had the chance to begin, but really the number one inevitable outcome in states banning abortion is that a bunch of poor women in low income, crime infested areas are going to be stuck having a fuck ton more children they didn't even want and a large amount of said children are going to grow up and be criminals. Banning abortion in someplace like the US is literally antithetical to trying to be a high trust society, you are making more impoverished people and keeping impoverished women in poverty

No. 2214494>>2214496>>2214499>>2214535>>2214552>>2214560

File (hide): 1729402914830.png (Spoiler Image,799.26 KB, 1080x975, Screenshot_20241019-224040~2.p…)

Warning for beaten woman, not gore just a little graphic

No. 2214496>>2214499>>2214535

File (hide): 1729402980494.png (416.86 KB, 1080x623, Screenshot_20241019-224044~2.p…)

Two (again)

No. 2214499

Never in my life have I wanted to a-log so bad.

No. 2214535

The religion of peace everyone wants to respect. It's insane that these men are untouchable since they'll scream and cry racism or islamophobia (as if the latter was a bad thing) the moment they're held accountable for their actions like everybody else. Fucking kill all of these (male) motherfuckers.

No. 2214552>>2214560>>2215286>>2222541

File (hide): 1729409858345.jpg (7.81 KB, 251x275, 1656146560151.jpg)

This is why I will never believe that the hijab could ever be "feminist" or truly modest. I think of it in the same way I treat the subject of prostitution. Sure, there's going to be those women who willingly do it/use it and will say that it's not inherently such a terrible thing just because it was a non-regretting choice for THEM. But the problem is that they assume just because they had the happy and freewill choice, that the circumstances are the same for the majority of the rest…when it's not. I notice that the main women claiming that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the concept or hijabs are women wearing them in 1st world countries where they're objectively less likely to get their asses beaten and torn apart in the streets like a witch the minute they take it off. Kind of like seeing prostitution mainly glorified by privileged, 1st world OnlyFans thots that are uneducated and severely out of touch with what prostitution actually is for 90% of women in it. I would LOVE these daft bitches to tell me how much of a "choice" this is in actual muslim-ran countries.

No. 2214560>>2214564

when I was younger my brother always harassed me to wear a hijab, one time he actually got really argumentative and said I was asking to be raped and our dad beat him badly afterwards, my father still repeated some bullshit that wearing the hijab should be a personal choice, but still it taught me that this is the only way you can deal with an islamist

No. 2214564>>2214572

I’m so glad your dad stood up to your brother and beat some sense into him, thanks for giving me some faith in humanity. Is your brother still an extremist or was it truly beaten out of him?

No. 2214572>>2214592

he stopped pestering me after that, but it was really only after my dad sent him to join the army he became pretty secular, he' d still consider himself a muslim but he now thinks the state and national loyalty should be above religion

No. 2214592>>2214617

Pathetic servile mentality
Lots of such people that naturally have the urge to serve and submit to some god or the state of whatever and whoever
I hate these types

No. 2214617

still, I prefer this to the usual Islamist, these events together with the history of my country gave me a far “realistic” picture, the only thing that can counter Islamism is brute force, my country's army is the only reason why it has not become like afghanistan

No. 2214770>>2214779>>2214783>>2215262>>2215286

File (hide): 1729431717458.png (581.6 KB, 706x991, IMG_4809.png)

speaking of muslim moids, Imagine how fucking perverted you have to be to scratch out the girls' faces and necks so that those of your fellow muslim brothers aren't affected by the compulsion to frantically hump their phone screens, what a literal fagot. the fact that it's simply a picture of teenagers who are enjoying being causal is so telling, this is why islam devolves into an Incel ideology in the west, like this isn't even primitive caveman thought, it's an extremely unnatural way of looking at the sexes, which will of course result in extreme misogyny and pederasty

No. 2214779

>rubbing on each other
well that's one way to describe people dancing with each other

No. 2214783

He’s just mad because all the moids in the photo are actually decent looking and well groomed in comparison to his ugly ass pube face.

No. 2214942

>teehee rape and pregnancy are SoOoO romantic and hawt
Absolutely-fucking-not, you disgusting cow.

No. 2215262


No. 2215283

File (hide): 1729450801534.png (14.64 KB, 275x190, IMG_3598.png)

>rapes me lovingly

They need to be lovingly skinned alive

No. 2215286>>2222541

Even in the middle ages there was a difference in how christian and muslim women dressed conservatively. I remember reading about a historian describing a city which had large populations of both christians and muslims. Christian women only wore head coverings, while muslim women covered at least half of their face.

No. 2215296>>2215304>>2215321>>2215435>>2215680>>2220136>>2221626

File (hide): 1729451308320.jpg (231.14 KB, 1049x1163, cope and seethe.jpg)

Funny they never say this shit about male porn stars because to them "its different".

No. 2215299>>2215308>>2215314

File (hide): 1729451513123.png (711.82 KB, 656x767, GLCsVlnWoAAEKxI.png)

Gather ye round and witness pure retardation. A white-supremacist, pagan-larping brown men who hates Jews and Christians posting one of the most braindead takes with an AI slop image attached to it. This has to be the most schizophrenic post ever made. Nothing will top this. I have never laughed harder in my life. Years and years of shitposting of poltards has been condensed into this one perfect tweet.

No. 2215304>>2220136

This is why it's impossible to empathise with incels. They hate other's happiness so much that they'd rather everyone suffer than get off their asses and improve their life. They expect kindhearted woman to come along and "fix" them but their heart is cold, black and unfeeling.

No. 2215308>>2215324

What the fuck does this even mean. Is it that retarded or am I?

No. 2215313

File (hide): 1729452716534.jpeg (52.49 KB, 1320x893, GaCa-jUW8AEAY2r.jpeg)

No. 2215314

This man 100% jerks off to interracial gay porn. You cannot convince me otherwise.

No. 2215321>>2215322

File (hide): 1729452837690.png (791.79 KB, 594x934, greenlinetrst.PNG)

I found this in the replies.

No. 2215322>>2215328

What the fuck kind of schizophrenia is this "green line test"

No. 2215323


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2215324>>2215326

It's just a shitpost, doesn't need to be analyzed.

No. 2215326

I don't think so. I think that particular poster was 100% serious.

No. 2215328>>2215330>>2215376

>What the fuck kind of schizophrenia is this "green line test"
the one that leans over is the submissive, meaning he gets pegged on the reg.

No. 2215330>>2215376>>2215589

Genuinely how much garbage does someone's brain have to ingest before it even comes up with this kek

No. 2215376

anyone have the asap rocky one?

No. 2215435

Why do they think being a porn actress is such a pleasure and hedonism

No. 2215589

I remember reading a post that claimed scrotes at their university heard about this and they all make sure they aren't leaning in every picture. Sad to be so insecure you can't just take a spontaneous fun picture anymore but have to make everything about being "alpha". I can't confirm anything personally but I wouldn't be surprised if this is mainstream already.

No. 2215659>>2215662>>2215664>>2215667>>2215673>>2215688>>2215689>>2222862>>2222904>>2222918>>2224832>>2225051

File (hide): 1729465575170.jpeg (255.64 KB, 1152x2048, GaWa1UnbQAAVjb3.jpeg)

No. 2215662

No. 2215664

I really wish men like this would die. Imagine having a son and this is how they turn out towards women. This is not normal.

No. 2215667

and yet people like to say that those gross rape douyins of little kids getting raped is just a fantasy and wouldn’t act on it / dream about real kids irl. Fuck men, and women who think loli is cute.

No. 2215673>>2215678

what's the @ for this translation account

No. 2215678>>2222907

No. 2215680>>2215686>>2215697>>2215726>>2215838>>2217882

I'll go ahead, be extremely petty and admit I'm jealous a literal 3/10 pudgy hoe got herself a decently looking moid such as him. I'd be lying if I say I'm not seething

No. 2215686

>decently looking moid
He's hideous,she could do better

No. 2215688

Sometimes, it gets to a point were you cannot even process the evil men are capable of, as a non antisocial human being. These people don't even register as humans to me and I refuse to call them so

No. 2215689

Male moment. Why can't they just rape and kill each other.

No. 2215697

he looks like a dog in the middle of being put down

No. 2215726

If your husbando is Jonesy I can see why you like him.

No. 2215838

? he just looks like an average joe. plus his expression looks uncanny, 'smile doesn't reach the eyes' type of look.

No. 2216010

Really hope they don't reproduce. The kid will turn out so fucked up.

No. 2217882

She has cute face, small cute nose and she's post pregnancy, it's given she'd be a little pudgy. Your rating is delusional.

No. 2219398

You think you’re smart but you’re actually incredibly stupid and ignorant

No. 2219993>>2220007>>2220039>>2220120>>2220180>>2220229>>2220332>>2221626>>2224357

File (hide): 1729709912708.jpg (1.17 MB, 1654x3826, 017202729.jpg)

Pickmes have no souls

No. 2220007

What a fucking asshole. 300k likes for some bitch making fun of a random woman for not being successful at art and gargling her husband's cock for being shitty to her instead

No. 2220039

This is so rude what a fucking bitch.

No. 2220120

And everybody stood up and clapped.

No. 2220136

She's beautiful, and looks happy, two things these incel scum will never be. They get what they deserve.

No. 2220180

Imagine hearing a woman being publicly humiliated by a man and you create an entire twitter thread to demean and humiliate her further in front of thousands of people. I hope she dies.

No. 2220229

Now this is a bitch. Holy shit, I hope she never gets to experience a man looking down at her and what she produces. Disgusting pickme scum.

No. 2220332>>2220713

Twitter is like this funhouse mirror world. People living in delusion bubbles and being sociopathic is celebrated. Real life sucks too but still better than this.

No. 2220393>>2220450>>2220455>>2220492>>2220545>>2220553>>2220563

File (hide): 1729723046279.jpg (257.88 KB, 1179x1839, tumblr_0f1f6a15cdd4306a78f9c7f…)

No. 2220450

Wow, a moid mansplaining what a woman thinks. Just another average day. I hate it.

No. 2220455>>2220524

Why do both trannies and femboys end everything with "actually"

No. 2220492>>2220524>>2220532>>2220533>>2220545

Unfortunately he's kinda right. Way too many women fetishize being "smalluwu he could kill me if he wanted to" or being an object for moids to ogle.

No. 2220524

File (hide): 1729726591101.jpeg (68.23 KB, 680x627, actually.jpeg)

Because they’re Redditors. See picrel.

Well that’s not “most.” Stop giving him any credit.

No. 2220532

File (hide): 1729726972928.png (30.83 KB, 469x439, azGc1rsvhl7o1.png)

That's not the same as an AGP getting off to the thought of himself as a woman. It's just yet another form of women's sexuality being so utterly dictated by moid preferences and shamed for having their own that women can't even think about what they want and instead rely on being wanted to feel aroused.

No. 2220533

Being 'an object to ogle' isn't inherent to womanhood.

No. 2220545

I wish women with AAP were perverted and resourceful enough to proliferate forcemasc fetish content, steal male's photos to write retarded coom captions, enter male gamer spaces but only pretend to care about the subject matter so they can creep on the male participants, and hop on to Twitter to talk down on men and say "Sorry, but most cis men masturbate to the thought of being smelly gamer teenage boys, characters in BL and shota in my favourite doujin". I fucking wish lol.

Being a woman in itself isn't the same thing as being a small uwu babydoll or some other ddlgroid bullshit. They don't masturbate to the thought that they have a female body, they masturbate to the thought of being delicate and small. There's nothing inherently dainty about the natural state of womanhood. In fact, a lot of women fear it and try to cover it up with shit like makeup, corsets, perfume and pitching up their voices. This is also how FtMs fetishize the idea of being femboys.
The difference is that AGPs don't understand the distinction between the last few things I mentioned and womanhood, because they are staunch believers and supporters of gender roles (no matter what they say). They get off on the idea of having a female body AND they think women's lives are like sissy roleplay 24/7 because they're sheltered porn addicts.

No. 2220553

These hulking beasts always give themselves names like Lilly Persephone Aurora Rose

No. 2220563

File (hide): 1729728433347.jpg (90.26 KB, 768x1024, GaQDD5oWQAEp6lf.jpg)

>let me tell you about being a woman

No. 2220713

File (hide): 1729739098908.jpg (241.01 KB, 822x2329, 5281362822.jpg)

I hate these voyeurs and their retarded reaction images

>Twitter is like this funhouse mirror world. People living in delusion bubbles and being sociopathic is celebrated.
So fucking true

No. 2221362>>2221393>>2221519>>2221564

File (hide): 1729797418376.png (129.5 KB, 671x644, IM TOTES NOT A COOMER GUIZ.png)

Calling yourself that wont make you any less of a coomer

No. 2221393>>2221519>>2221526

It just means "I coom so hard I can't feel attracted to real people anymore"

No. 2221519>>2221526

I'm so tired of these coomers trying to rebrand themselves as quirky. Making coomshit art should've never become something normalized and celebrated on the internet. You can't be normal and much less an asexual if your entire thing is drawing coom material. I knew a moid like this who drew porn and liked nsfw art constantly but would still claim he was actually asexual somehow and then I was like then what does that make me if I'm not into coomshit at all and I don't consider myself asexual then? Kek it's so retarded. They literally don't have any concept of what having a normal sexuality is at this point, 99% of them can't even coom without their porn.

No. 2221526

I feel like it's also people that meme themselves into producing coom without actually having a reaction to it, just copying what they see others make and what their followers will engage with. Maybe they also have low libido irl or just don't have any real sexual experience. In any case only something that annoying people say

No. 2221564

Hypersexual asexuals are coping with the fact that they can't get a partner or have unresolved issues with sex that keeps them from doing what they reapply want, which is to have sex. It's sad, really.

No. 2221626

i saw the first tweet and just brushed it off as a fake story by an unfunny millennial, this is so pathetic.

i dont get these men, im sure that if a pretty porn star looked at them once the first thing they would do is to brag.

No. 2222351>>2222371

File (hide): 1729830120106.png (552.93 KB, 1049x2686, IMG_4813.png)

>they hated him because he told the truth

No. 2222371>>2222419>>2223254

I'm sorry you have shit taste nona

No. 2222419

I'm sorry but ethiopian food is just indian food with fewer ingredients

No. 2222443>>2222523

File (hide): 1729831262068.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1352, Screenshot_20240804-134735~2.p…)

No. 2222523

File (hide): 1729832590157.jpg (67.88 KB, 446x628, cuckoo says trans rights.jpg)

If there is a bird I'd say it's like troons it's the ones that engage in brood parasitism

No. 2222541

Muslims have a huge complex about wanting to be different and not being confused with the “kuffar”,t that’s why they have those ugly untrimmed beards, hat’s why so many of them went crazy religious post-9/11. Fucking terrorist bastard made it worst for all of use(bait)

No. 2222862>>2222890

File (hide): 1729848099681.png (47.66 KB, 754x333, wMapk1N.png)

meanwhile weebs

No. 2222890>>2222907>>2222920

I hate weebs who worship nippon but turn a blind eye to all the child gravure models and the idol industry in general. Of course those japanese moids don’t feel the need to go outside and look for little girls when they can buy their AV tapes and jerk off to lolicon magazines in the comfort of their own homes. Japan also doesn’t care about prosecuting pedos because if they sent out a warrant for every one who had cp or ever bought sex from ko-gals they would send half of japan to prison kek

No. 2222904>>2222905>>2223371

File (hide): 1729851565941.png (89.58 KB, 743x517, fytt.png)

One of them came back to apologize lmao

No. 2222905

>I thought that my post would not be noticed
Retard kek

No. 2222907

Most sexual assault and CSA go unreported in Japan, and it's not rare for pedophilic men call actual little girls "lolis". The Suneko1066 account >>2215678 shared some translated posts, I wish she hadn't deleted but she was probably getting insane harassment.

No. 2222918

>30 black men
I thought this type of shit was exclusive to white scrotes.

Also I wish for all these scrotes to be raped and killed.

No. 2222920>>2222932>>2223357

File (hide): 1729852790739.png (98.51 KB, 1828x512, BPRPESt.png)

the "nippon is best" shit, occasionally even happens here

No. 2222932

Japan has got to have one of the best propaganda machines in the world! These people really think Japan is the safest country for women and children. Not realizing that Japanese police like ALL police skew data in their favor! Japan is only safe if you are a pedophile moid

No. 2223105>>2223107>>2223125

File (hide): 1729868654696.png (39.14 KB, 742x323, gooners.png)

What is with this delusional insistence recently that gooners are actually all super chill, relaxed people? "Gooner enlightment"= crippling porn addiction kek. These people (mostly men) literally chimp out if a 2D character doesn't have her tits and ass out, call it WOKE and act like civilization is being destroyed if a female character isn't fuckable enough to them in general, but you want to pretend like they're somehow super chill? Sure kek. Not to mention shitting up every space online with their coomshit and if anyone (usually women) doesn't like it they throw a tantrum and call them a "prude" for not enjoying constant objectification because they can't take any criticism (doesn't sound very chill to me). So annoying how they try to rebrand being a porn addict as somehow super chungus and wholesome and pretend anyone who dislikes their behaviors is just a hysterical feminazi when anyone normal can see they're freaks. Reminds me of when I saw men claiming Blue archive has "such a chill fanbase" then you look inside and it's all extremely obnoxious porn addict lolicons saying they want to rape the characters every 5 seconds. That's their idea of a healthy fanbase apparently, no one "policing" or criticizing bad behaviors ever. I'd love to see how "chill" they would be if they were in a woman's shoes and had to deal with constant harassment from these types of men and how they talk about any woman or female character. Gooners, coomers, whatever you want to call them get a bad rep for a reason.

No. 2223107>>2223495

They're trying to psyop their future victims.

No. 2223125>>2223495

I can't tell if this is just cyniscism or if they are so autistic and detached they would look at teenage Dahmer and say "yeah, he seems fine"

No. 2223254

Ethiopian food is severely overrated. That one person saying it's "one of the top 5" has got to be out of her mind

No. 2223357>>2223547>>2223745

File (hide): 1729878361318.png (68.65 KB, 826x306, Screenshot_20241025-102828~2.p…)

Anons here love to say Japan is over criticized which is crazy to me. You can't say anything about jpn without weebs jumping you. The original senko account I shared was mostly harassed by English speaking weebs, not even Japanese people. Even on lolcow if you say anything broadly negative about Japan or Japanese men you're immediately hit with "erm but what about this country/men". It's weird especially when Korean men get shitted on here all the time with no pushback

No. 2223371

>implying he would've kept making rapey pedophilic comments if he weren't discovered by the normal public
the state of males

No. 2223479>>2223747

File (hide): 1729881982144.png (387.01 KB, 774x672, ttwtr.png)

swifties being put next to pedophiles and zoophiles is so funny to me

No. 2223495

Probably. Years ago anyone saying this shit would be laughed out of the room even online but these tweets from what I saw got zero push back. It's like they're intent on normalizing degeneracy
Good point, having paraphilias and being a coomer in general is usually associated with becoming a general menace to society as well so I really wish they would stop pretending like it makes someone harmless or "better" when it's demonstrably the opposite and linked with shit like serial killers. They basically seem to think just because coomers don't get mad like those evil feminists do= they're chill and harmless and reached enlightenment or some shit. It's retarded because like I said in my post they lose their shit over the most bare minimum stuff like a character design being less fuckable.

No. 2223547

Isn't the Korean stuff because of the mass deepfaking of women? Makes more sense if they're more in the news for sharing realistic cp to each other at mass scale.

No. 2223745

Brain dead weebs are so annoying. You can like anime and admire say, clean streets, without adopting delusions about what life there is actually like.

No. 2223747>>2223755>>2223765

I'll admit, Swifties are based for not giving a fuck and cyberbullying these "edgy" retards kek

No. 2223755

Swifties aren't based they're clinically tarded themselves. Its friendly fire.

No. 2223765

They are the same cringe schizos.

No. 2224285>>2224291>>2224311

File (hide): 1729918179933.png (414.08 KB, 660x1404, IMG_4891.png)

I hate everyone involved in this

No. 2224291

I can't wait for the day this meme format dies

No. 2224311>>2224320

the meme doesn't apply to her. it's not like she's being mean to a random person. Bullies tend to be psychopathic, narcissistic and have poor work ethic. I doubt her bully change in adulthood because they rarely face any consequences. It's her right to not want to hire a shitty person.

No. 2224320>>2224327

With doing that kind of shit, I'm not surprised she got bullied.

No. 2224327>>2224347

and I'm not surprised that bullies with their low iq and horrible personalities end up in bad spots later in life where they can be exploited just like they did with their victims. serves them right.

No. 2224347>>2224351>>2224367>>2224393

File (hide): 1729924700512.png (27.81 KB, 648x275, gugugiu.PNG)

Being a single mom is already enough punishment. Ntayrt but it isn't about wanting her bully to suffer that irks me. She has a kid, if she goes homeless, imagine how traumatizing that would be for the kid who didn't do anything. Also picrel, she's not a victim anymore, she just has a black heart

No. 2224351

Fucking called it. She deserved getting bullied.

No. 2224357

Op is fat look at her no neck sideways body selfie

No. 2224367

I wonder what her idea of "getting bullied" is because she sounds like someone who wasn't bullied nearly enough.

No. 2224393>>2224443>>2224462

>being a single mom is the worst thing that can happen to you
males who seethe about single moms can't accept that their biological destiny is to be a disposable sperm dispenser who dies young in a war. We thrive without you.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2224443>>2224446

You are right, the redtexting farmhand is retarded

No. 2224446

They are redtexting/banning even if the anon is right.

No. 2224462

>We thrive without you
By carrying their dna…

No. 2224791>>2224796>>2224892

File (hide): 1729959645518.jpeg (259.66 KB, 1125x759, IMG_6627.jpeg)

some replies and qrts to the op are actually fucking unhinged

No. 2224796

Based woman. Perfect example of how men honestly believe they should be above consequences.

No. 2224832>>2224942>>2224972

Whenever I feel bad about saying that I want moids to be systemically raped, I remember shit like this and realize I'm in the right. May all the repliers get raped by female fat ugly bastards while the moid has a bag to cover his hideous face as it strangles him to death.

No. 2224892

The sad part of green card relationships is that both parties can get away with murdering each other. These scrotes fail to realise the mercy in her actions. She could have murdered him in a crime of passion and dropped his corpse at the boarder but she saved the whole man, letting him live another day to violate another women’s trust. Men don’t know how good they have it.

No. 2224942>>2224961>>2224972

Seeing how men behave when a woman is raped made me completely detached when it happens to them (by other men anyway since the one doing the rape is in 99% of cases a man).
My mind automatically goes “I don’t give a fuck” same when it’s a man committing suicide, might be cynical but I don’t care.

No. 2224961>>2224972>>2225055

File (hide): 1729964486709.png (1.1 MB, 1366x768, 1698304091359.png)

This is random, but I honestly feel the same way. Even when I was a teenager and I would hear news about men being raped, my brain just never gave a shit. Unless the rape is happening to a moid that's specifically a child, I won't feel a rift in my heartbeat. Same with news about them being kidnapped, tortured and killed. Instinctively, I just don't care about scrotes like that. We're both "terrible people", but you know what? That's okay.

No. 2224972>>2224987>>2225070>>2225095>>2225097

Men get raped all the time already but it doesn't make the rest of men care about rape victims, so wishing it happened more to men wouldn't change this but instead just means you're thinking like a cold psychopath male yourself

No. 2224987>>2225035

You're either a faggot or a dicksupremacist(scrotefoiling)

No. 2225035>>2225051>>2225106

Low empathy is the most masculine trait, you might as well change your pronouns

No. 2225051

"Being the bigger person" has never made men feel grateful or stop doing shit like >>2215659 so why tf should we start now?

No. 2225055

Seeing how most men react to even young boys being sexually assaulted makes me hate them even more. Unless it's their own son they truly just don't give a shit. I could never EVER feel happy about the abuse of any child but "muh male solidarity" is literally such a joke unless they're protecting each other from consequences.

No. 2225056


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2225070

Leave it to """misandrists""" to enforce sex based stereotypes

No. 2225091

File (hide): 1729970970638.jpeg (180.68 KB, 1087x972, IMG_9890.jpeg)

Apparently anything a woman does is feminism. Have your group sex retard, but don’t call it feminism.
I hate libfems kek.

No. 2225095

You don’t understand, it’s not “I want it to happen to men more”, it’s “I don’t give a fuck if it happens to men, because it is happening to us”. I only care about women, that’s what you didn’t get retard.
Call me low empathy, male trait and other bullshit, it won’t make me feel any empathy or pity for any of you scrotes, you can all die because it’s what you deserve.(scrotefoiling/a-logging)

No. 2225097

Fake misandrists as soon as you say you don’t feel anything for men kek.

No. 2225106

I'm a man then

No. 2225125

File (hide): 1729972666642.png (386.56 KB, 748x868, lXUpa0N.png)

>this is a pedophile who wanted to molest a child, but this wokescold is excusing him because he has a low iq

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