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No. 1993489[Reply]

If mods think this is too similar to the employment thread >>>/ot/1962884 they can delete it. I thought it would be nice to have a thread for discussing wagie jobs (retail, food, service sector stuff for a low wage) specifically.
200 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2102136

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I wish they'd make me do less front end work. I am constantly on the front fucking end. just because I'm the customer service oriented one doesn't mean I don't get people burnout can yall please assign me to something else every once in awhile? please?

No. 2103466

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(deleted and reposted for spelling, mods be kind)
>90 day review
>boss is singing my praises
>nothing negative to say, no specific areas to improve in
>almost everything is a 3 out of 5
cant even be mad at my boss b/c my last 3 jobs have been just like this. you know they just straight up dont give 5s (even tho you will always be scored out of 5) but even when there is nothing they can ask you to improve upon you are still scored a 3 because there is "always room for improvement" to get the 4.
literally never called out and never been late, but wouldnt you kno thats only a 4/5 at this job and a 3/5 at my last job too

No. 2103488

It's funny how this works. I don't get it. Maybe the managers are sexist or attracted to him, or non-confrontational and think he might have too much audacity and will argue back or something.

No. 2103490

Witnessing people pile on the "weakest link" at work is so shitty. This happens everywhere I've worked. Humans are weird.

No. 2103543

My guess is that it's so you don't have a standing to demand a raise or promotion. If you're the perfect employee, surely you deserve more or are irreplaceable to the company.

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No. 1337206[Reply]

Der zweite Treffpunkt der lokal ansässigen Kartoffelbäuerinnen.
Vorheriger Thread >>>/ot/760762
574 posts and 111 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2098423

Wenn es etwas ist, mit dem du später gut Geld verdienst, würde ich sagen lohnt es sich auf jeden Fall. Meistens gibt es ja auch ein paar ältere Studenten und in meinem MINT Studiengang hab ich noch nie was zum Thema Trangender gehört, selbst wenn man immer mal ne Transe sieht.

No. 2102646

Deutsche Männer sind extremst geizig und laden einen so gut wie nie ein oder übernehmen die Rechnung. Es wird konsequent getrennt gezahlt. Blumen kriegt man auch nicht nach weiteren Dates. Hatte Mal ein erstes Date zum Eis essen und er wollte ernsthaft getrennt zahlen auch wenn es nur 6€ waren. Hatte danach aber noch die Dreistigkeit nach einem weiteren Date und meiner Nummer zu fragen. Einer hat mich mal vor einer Kellnerin gefragt "So, wie machen wir das jetzt?" als die Rechnung kam.

No. 2102661

Um welche Altersstufe gehts hier? Bei Kleinbeträgen wie Kaffee oder Eis hab ich das echt selten erlebt. Aber ich gehe auch nur mit Männern ab Ende 20 aus und bezahle sowieso lieber für mich selbst. Vielleicht merken die das und wollen dann beeindrucken.
vielleicht ist diese Erwartungshaltung dein Problem.

No. 2102684

Alle deutschen männer die ich gedated habe, haben immer bezahlt. Aber das ist das bare minimum. Für mich sind deutsche Männer einfach emotionale Riesenbabys und suchen zu 99% ne neue Mutti.

No. 2103166

Schau dir die "Sprachnachrichten von meinem Ex/meiner Kennenlernphase" Tiktoks an, um dich mental vorzubereiten kek.

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No. 2052549[Reply]

A thread to post about looksmax.org and looksmaxxing communities in general. Filled to the brim with insane levels of nitpicking and mental illness. Also a place to post incels/"femcels" in general, since both overlap.
https://loPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2099596

Latino looksmaxxing community is literally a radioactive cesspool, specially if argentinian men are involved. The obsession with "fenotypes" (literal racism) and aesthetics while refusing to actually change for the better instead of autistically focusing on dumb meaningless shit is actually baffling

No. 2099599

Where can I observe them in their natural habitat?

No. 2099606

TikTok mostly, just search for "andino phenotype", it will take you into a rabbit hole of extremely autistic "analysis" done to random celebrities and sometimes regular people, unfortunately

No. 2099637

Hm, thank you. I don't have a TikTok but I'll search it up elsewhere. No way I'm downloading that shit kek

No. 2103101

I was expecting this guy to be some lolcow before watching this vid but his story is actually pretty bleak and sad. Why are moids so shit to each other

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No. 2019903[Reply]

Post things for anons to cringe at.
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No. 2097676

Fake and gay. The "dad" and the guy keep giving us exposition like in a tv show.
Is that melanie martinez?
Bitch disgusting

No. 2098056

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No. 2103096

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No. 2103114

Oof. I'm sure it must have sucked to be a child star and her meter for appropriate/inappropriate, cringe/based is super distorted. Hope she figures herself out soon.

No. 2103221

I will forever hate people using animals for clout chasing. She looks like a sped

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No. 1913634[Reply]

Thread to post the antics, cringefests, drama and LARPing of the modern punk movement, from crusties, riot grrrls, gutter-punks and other related subgroups
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No. 2102815

All Zoos Are Bad?

No. 2102836

>>2102815 Could be Zionists, but I like your one more!

No. 2102837

All zebras are bastards

No. 2103039

Assigned zoomer at birth?

No. 2103113

I bet this one is correct

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No. 1516175[Reply]

Discuss anything pertaining to Russia & Eastern Europe.
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No. 2062051

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I feel sad when I read news of old houses burning down and the loss of yet another ceramic stove. Autistic, I know. I hope people in the future will still have the skills to build them.

No. 2062514

>my dear nonnas how are you handling the heatwave?
I sweat a lot so…. fuck. Thank god fans are a thing
>vai de capul meu, am fost doar de cateva ori pe subul de programare si ala de barbati si mi-am facut cruce, fereasca dumnezeu, mai bine cu 10 pisici decat cu
"barbati" ca aia
Ce ziceau? sunt curioasa
>these idiots really think if they have money they're great kek
Exact, sunt extrem de superficiali. Sincer probabil majoritatea nici de Linux n-au auzit si tot se cred badass lol (probabil daca le zici de Unix le pica fata si se uita la tine ca vitelul la poarta noua.. deja e prea advanced pentru ei kek)

No. 2067496

>my dear nonnas how are you handling the heatwave?
It's alright so far, bless the person who invented the AC and fans. As long as I don't get out of the house at peak temperature hours I'm good.

>mai bine cu 10 pisici decat cu

"barbati" ca aia
Sunt curioasa ce chestii ziceau acolo, chit ca deja imi dau seama ce lol. De mult timp ziceam ca daca am de gand sa fiu impreuna cu cineva vreodata, nu cred ca o sa fie nici roman si nici aut-, pardon, it-ist. Reddit mi-a intarit decizia acum cativa ani, a fost si el util la ceva kek.

No. 2067554

o gramada de glume misogine, puerile si de prost gust, ca femeile expira dupa varsta X, ca ei vor tipe misto (cand garantez ca ei NU arata tipla), multi se cred buricu pamantului ca fac multi bani din IT si vezi draga doamne ca ei sunt obisnuiti cu un lifestyle in care cheltuie bani
majoritatea sparg bani la greu pe comenzi pe glovo sau ce-o mai fi, habar nu au sa gateasca sau sa manance sanatos, se baga in seama ca prostii, glumesc idiotic pe seama persoanelor care fac/vor sa faca terapie, ca cica ce rost are etc
sunt manchildren, din cand in cand mai sunt unii care se cunoaste dupa cum posteaza ca sunt barbati cu capul pe umeri, dar majoritaatea sunt niste copchii prosti care nu suporta feedback/critica
pot sa caut exemple specifice dar poate cand o sa fiu foarte plictisita,dar stim si noi cum sta treaba

da,si eu ma intreb unde dracu sa-mi mai gasesc iubit pentru ca am ramas in tara, manletii nostri misogini nu sunt ceva de care as vrea sa ma ating vreodata, nici ptr bani, si experientele mele cu ITistii au fost negative

No. 2102688

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No. 774138[Reply]

ITT:A thread for open/closeted ex-Muslims and or Muslims who are questioning their faith
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No. 2102057

I don't get how black Americans get cucked into following Islam. Muslims were the ones who went into their continent, ravaged, raped, enslaved, and slaughtered their people. They are still active participants in the African slave trade. I'm not saying Christianity is a better outlet, holy shit you just fell into the OG master's hands by claiming you're Muslim.

I hate how this painting got co-opted by retards thinking they're automatically right for using it

No. 2102291

True, you can’t be a monk or. A nun and devote yourself exclusively to the faith. You have to get married and you’re looked down upon for not doing so. There’s a whole thing about having lots of kids so Mohammed can make fun of Moses for having more followers

No. 2102619

>I'm not saying Christianity is a better outlet, holy shit you just fell into the OG master's hands by claiming you're Muslim.

Africans were forced into following Islam because slaves are freed if they convert. Every living black African today is hurt by the legacy of both European and Arab slavery. Christianity was in Africa before colonialism and slavery.

No. 2102653

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No. 2102999

But alcoholics and pedophiles are a=ok in his book

I wish men like this would kill themselves

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No. 1484820[Reply]

Inspired by CC's unfortunately deleted thread. Post deranged things only a troglodyte XY defect would say.
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No. 2097038

Why do you guys act like this is a TIF slaughtering ground

No. 2097217

your bros must be troons themselves, bozo

No. 2102542

True and chad killed my family, set my house on fire, and bomb my country. I hate this guy named chad he’s an asshole.

No. 2102565




ow I stubbed my toe, momm halp ;_;

No. 2102568

so glad I took the femboy pill bros I fucking hate women, girls (male) are so much better hnnnnng bussy I only fap to tranny porn nowadays that's how much I hate women
I will never go back to bioholes no matter how much they beg
nothing straighter than fucking another guy In the ass
greeks did it all the time and they were chad as fuck

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No. 1555628[Reply]

Discussions of any religions or spiritual teachings

Do you believe in god(s) or an afterlife? Where do we go after death? Have we died before? What was it like before we were born? Do we have souls? Do you pray or meditate?
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No. 2102368

You only go to hell if you kill yourself on purpose right? I don't think accidental deaths by someones own hand should result in being rejected from heaven

No. 2102507

No. 2102516

no living person knows or ever knew about ways to get into hell or heaven based on empirical data

No. 2102521

You don’t go to hell if you kill yourself on purpose

No. 2102680

I like to listen to a lot of videos of people who died and came back. There are rare cases where these people went to "hell". It's a place full of very stressed our people in psychosis walking in crounds full of really negative energy. Multiple people who had that experience say the same thing. According to these testimonies it really doesn't depend on if youkill yourself or not, more like if you were a good person who resolved their issues or not.

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No. 2100808[Reply]

Since the initial vape thread >>>37054
was locked I decided to make a new one
Do you vape? Why did you start? What flavors do you like? What flavors do you hate? Have you any vape stories? Lets hear it!
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No. 2100811

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this tastes like drain cleaner

No. 2100826

>Disposable vape has a touchscreen
That's so fucking wasteful. Why even make that shit when everyone has a smartphone nowadays? Materials used for electronics aren't in infinite supply.

No. 2100879

>file name

No. 2102442

i currently have an apple vape that tastes like ham.

No. 2102859

I hated classic vapes (nausea-inducing for whatever reason) until my friend got me into disposable vapes. I want to buy a vape you can refill because sustainability my desk is littered with them. I still prefer smoking but i feel less nasty and grimy when i vape, so i might switch to that permanently
>Flavors you like
Raspberry (current flavor), berries, redbull, exotic fruits, kiwi, mint, coffee
>Flavors you hate
Anything that's too sugary, extra shit like 'caramel cheesecake with whipping cream', they never taste good.

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