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No. 2099695[Reply]

A thread to post the cringe of the Hybristophilia(sexual/romantic attraction to serial-killers/murderers) community

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No. 2460685

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Heavily regret seeing this

No. 2460688

Tbf I'd expect a murderer moids pickme to be as gross as this.feceshand chan should invest going to a doctor even animals are cleaner than this shithand

No. 2460713

kek she's an absolute retard. imagine how boring and devoid of substance you'd have to be to act out online like this. run-of-the-mill attention whoring bitch. they're always trying to out-do each other

No. 2460720

She thinks she's sam hyde

No. 2460822

this is literally a niner edit. foul. i wonder how big the overlap between these retards and tcc is

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No. 867049[Reply]

A place for theorizing what the world will be like in the near or far future. Which jobs will be wiped out completely because of automatization? Which positions will be most in demand? How will education change? Will degrees be less esteemed? How will global warming change the planet? Which countries will suffer from it the most? Do you see the possibility of a third world war? Will the gap between the poor and the rich grow even further? Will China dominate the world? Will the Japanese go extinct? Flying cars when? Which novel/film/other medium do you think paints an accurate picture of what the world will look like?
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No. 2457355

This time the threat of collapse is objectively real though and not just classical christcuck apocalypsis neurosis

No. 2457577

A lot of shit being said since the industrial revolution is finally coming to pass, just you wait.

No. 2458088

The culling after the accident was based on the missplaced belief the animals would be vectors for radiation, which is false.

None of the pets nor domestic animals needed to be culled and dumped in pits.

No. 2460715

THIS! The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries.

No. 2460730

>THIS! The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Nope. Not unless you're a moid who wants a houseslave to control
>They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced"
Ah there we go
>but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling,
Kek sure anon

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No. 1555628[Reply]

Discussions of any religions or spiritual teachings

Do you believe in god(s) or an afterlife? Where do we go after death? Have we died before? What was it like before we were born? Do we have souls? Do you pray or meditate?
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No. 2427934

You can decode some weird stuff through your name. Try going to https://www.anagrammer.com/anagrammer/ and put your name or full legal name and it will reveal some odd things
Things in my name that came out
This is apparently indian. I’m not indian in the slightest but it’s connected to a nomadic tribe called the Banjara.
An arabic teapot/coffee cup?? Kek
South American palm tree or apparently in Sanskrit, an adulteress
Oats and grains
Some kind of weird bird
Peruvian musical instrument

No. 2427938

>hello fellow anons, please put your full legal name on this fun website!

No. 2427944

Anon, I’m not saying to POST a screenshot of your full name on the website I’m just saying you can go on there and do it during your personal free time to see what fun and strange things you can decide out of your name lol. I just thought it was super cool and something I discovered a few weeks ago. If people end sharing the words they found it was also be fun, I think it was be pretty hard to figure out your full name just by some weird words

No. 2430415

You know what? For Lent I’m gonna give up peanut butter (one of my favorite foods of all time) and I’m gonna stop going to the dispensary. Not going to the weed shop and trying to distance myself from smoking pot is really huge for me, cause I started smoking weed back in 2019 so it’s been 6 years of me smoking regularly. The last time I went an extended period of time without smoking was back in 2020, when I went about 6 months (April-September). Anyone else here gonna try to give up a vice?

No. 2460675

I posted this in the vent thread before like twice but I think it’s better for here but I was reading conspiracy shit (I’m a conspiratard, sue me), and I saw someone say that a spirit they contacted told them that if you don’t go to the light when you die you get trapped on Earth/in the physical universe for eternity and now I’m getting bad death anxiety about it. Do any nonas have any advice for dealing with this? Here’s the video and the post I found it under. I know some past life regressions (mainly those by Dolores Cannon) claimed the same thing and I don’t know what to do with this information


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No. 660000[Reply]

Do you believe in it?
Are you a "witch"?
Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
Post everything related to this here. It doesn't matter if your only experience is playing with a ouija board in 7th grade, just discuss.
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No. 2458275

>most succubi are huge fucking pickmes
KEK anon. I wouldn't trust 4chin scrotes but you can't apply the term pickme to a parasitic spirit who will do whatever it takes to drain a scrote of energy. They'll take whatever forms to achieve their goals, it's not about pleasing the man, it's about devouring him until he's a dried out shell of his former self.
4chin scrotes are actually the perfect food for them because they're desperate, lonely bastards with zero self control which makes them the perfect food source. Although I wouldn't take anything I read there at face value. Another thing is they might not even be succubi but rather other low level parasitic spirits. I highly doubt those losers actually have the fortitude and discipline to call in an actual succubus.

No. 2460103

You would actually die of shock if you saw the degenerate and sexually depraved shit they do to human women behind their backs with the incubi. They don't just show up in your dreams to parasite off of you, they rape women constantly. No the spirit realm isn't more equal than our society.

Dumbass spirits have spirit bodies the same way humans have physical bodies. If they were truly genderless they wouldn't be showing up with male or female forms to us.

No. 2460325

Started reading the thread and randomly had a nightmare where an incubus wearing a mask terrorized me and raped a corpse (first one of a woman then her husbands). He had a huge creepy dick. Then he started chasing me and wouldn't leave me alone. I had to jump out of a window twice to finally wake the fuck up.
Days later wanted to O method on something unrelated but I was still so disgusted I couldn't. Wonderful creatures…

No. 2460423

First, unblock her in case she wants to reach out. Second, when you do spellwork you need to kind of forget about it and go about your life. If you are obsessing about the outcome it probably won't go very well.

No. 2460650

>It's not about pleasing the man, it's about devouring him until he's a dried out shell of his former self.
Would be based if true but only some succubi do that. The rest help the incubi subdue women.

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No. 1993489[Reply]

If mods think this is too similar to the employment thread >>>/ot/1962884 they can delete it. I thought it would be nice to have a thread for discussing wagie jobs (retail, food, service sector stuff for a low wage) specifically.
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No. 2453855

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I am so disappointed how things don't seem any better as I'm working my (painfully slow) way up in IT help desk.
I got my boss' job since he's leaving and everyone else is either leaving, totally unreliable, or old and don't want to move up. Now I also have higher up people waylaying me because I'm an easy target and they were waiting for my boss to leave to do whatever they're trying to do.
I literally don't even care. I hate arguing with middle-aged men. I hate being thrown under the bus. I hate being talked down to.
All I want to do is clock in, approve timecards, escalate calls, and do the actual job description. I want to get a specific cert and use my new job title to move into the kind of tech role people brag about, not this kind where you get screamed at by pensioners. But I have friends who tell me it's even worse because there's a class of people who leech onto the latest tech buzzword and create drama and confusion to hang onto a job for a while. Like agile coaches.

No. 2455606

Today a man asked for a salad. So obviously I asked him what he wanted on the salad, but he just replied "salad." So I said, "yes, what would you like on the salad?" and he started getting irate and saying "salad! Salad!"
At that point I started just pointing at different things in the cold counter, and eventually I figured out that when he said "salad," what he actually meant was lettuce.
Why are the public damn stupid sometimes?

No. 2455619

It’s always the stupidest ones that have the shittiest attitudes. I would have been so embarrassed if I were him.

No. 2455622

Nonnie, I really hope you develop the confidence to just say "Please don't say that to me." Because IDGAF if he gets upset or whines about it or acts like he's not going to stop, you've just made him think twice about being weird like that

No. 2460636

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I had a mental breakdown at work today thanks to my stupid coworker. Not even a month yet and I already hate my job because of her, and the leaders are fucking assholes, lied to my face they don't take sides but are always letting my coworker do whatever she wants and my coworker herself said she doesn't get fired because they don't have enough workers, so she knows she can do whatever, yet they fucking said to my face umprompted they don't let her do whatever. Like, the only reason we fought was because I was there doing her job because the leaders told me to stop everything I was doing (while being on a timer) to help her and then I had to listen to her telling me how I should do my job. Fuck them. I didn't have a negative opinion of the leaders before but now I fucking hate them as much as I hate my coworker. As soon as I find another job I'll tell them to fuck off.

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No. 2407864[Reply]

Might as well, since there's a hate thread on just about every other major social media platform. Post about retarded tradwives, Christard grifting, straight-up neo-Nazi content, and other such garbage that makes up the platform.
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No. 2460539

I'm getting munchie vibes from this.

No. 2460604

KEK I remember that awful video but I had no idea the man was an engineer. You’d think engineers were smart and would know that a horse would literally fuck up your organs and cause internal bleeding. Guess the moid was too horny to care kek rest in piss

No. 2460621

I hope that's the case, I know that OF is a voluntary thing but the idea of a woman doing it to fund hospital bills so she doesn't die is depressing

No. 2460712

Whenever incels say that women are degenerate or whatever, show them picrel.

No. 2462084

do not be fooled, i bullied this fat pickme in the past (i recognize her from those hideous pants) this is all for attention

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No. 2439028[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2414025

Last thread was pretty uneventful this time around, just…
Kanye melting down and being predatory >>2418215
Sabrina Carpenter asking her 12 year old fans if they’re horny for her >>2416120
Bhad Bhabie receives immense plastic surgery >>2419223
Justin Bieber admiring his wife, but looking disgusting whilst doing so >>2419813
Michelle Trachtenberg dead at 39 >>2420007
Azealia looking dehydrated >>2420966
Gene Hackman, 95, and wife found deceased in their home, after being dead for 9 days >>2421258
Tom Holland flexing hard on all the scrawny moid celebrities >>2421536
Halseys 5th BDSM themed music video over the last decade >>2421920
Sabrina Carpenter performs at the Brit awards >>2426136
Chappell Roan dedicates her award for Intl. Artist of the Year to trannies >>2426409
Megan the Stallion dresses ugly, whats new >>2427110
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
864 posts and 144 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2462207

There's nothing wrong with her body and there's room for different kinds of women to exist. Some of you are fucking nasty.

>hehe guys look I can smell her pussy
Grow up

No. 2462233

what's so different about Olivia, skinny is the norm in hollyweird

No. 2462265

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sorry for being late but what the actual shit. I can’t believe that one schizo i saw on reddit like 1 years ago claiming this exact thing was right. This is devastating for me as im an impractical jokers autist and Joe was my 2nd favorite. This is why you should never like a scrote. I hope my mom doesn’t know about this as she is even more autistic about it.

No. 2462278

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I don’t even care if she consented to this shit(i highly doubt. Joe gatto is the 3rd ugliest scrote i ever seen),
The fact that this scrote is
>48 years old
>married with children
>puts on a UWU STOP BULLYING persona
yet is cheating on his wife to engage in weird violent sex shit with 19 year olds is fucking disgusting. Female celebrities literally have their lives ruined because they mouthed nigga when singing a song, but scrotes rape and abuse ppl and everyone defends and whiteknights the fuck out of them. Fuck this gay earth.

No. 2462321

Selena Gomez's new album is pretty much all about Justin Bieber and how sad she is that he's abandonned her for another girl, mind you he's been married for seven years he is a brand new father, and she's engaged to her ogre.
Vidrel she has a whole song dedicated to a dream she had about Bieber apologizing to her kek

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No. 2408236[Reply]

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1962884
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No. 2459980

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After nearly 3 years of unemployment I've finally landed a front desk position in healthcare! All of my coworkers are women my age!And all of the clients are elderly people or women and children. The pay is a bit low for my state but I live with my parents so it cancels out honestly. Are there any nonnas who do something similar with advice? I'm kinda starting from ground zero without any actual admin experience.

No. 2460560

So I was telling my mom on the phone this afternoon about my day at work I had today. It was extremely busy at my office (I work in a tax office) and we had a person out sick today. Anyways, I mentioned that my boss asked me to call a client at the end of the day (like half an hour before closing) and I asked my boss if she could ask someone else to call this client because every single day at the end of the day I count the cash drawer down (I always do this, we accept cash from people at our office) and I noticed we were missing $170 from the cash drawer, and I was way more worried about the missing cash than a phone call with a whole list of things to talk about. Anyways, my boss at work just said sure and went to ask this lady who wasn't busy (and this lady never does the closing cash stuff, it's always me).
Anyways, at my office I didn't sense anything was wrong and my coworker and boss didn't give me any shit. But I mentioned this story to my mom (because I'm a chatter box and I was mentioning the missing cash) and my mom said that I actually made a HUGE mistake at work. She said, "You're going to get fired if you keep doing stuff like that." And I asked her what she meant, and my mom said I would get fired eventually if I kept asking my boss to give other people my work. Well, first of all, I never do this, I was just worried about the cash and looking for it. But my mom said I should never tell my boss no regardless, and that I should never say no, and that I'm likely to get fired in the future. I didn't get the feeling I had done anything wrong, but I like to keep an open mind- maybe my mom is right and I made a huge mistake. What do you guys think.
(Also, I found the $170 cash, it was in my bosses office because the client paid boss in there and she didn't bring the cash out to the drawer, so I found it.)

No. 2460571

Congratulations nonna! Being unemployed for a long time sucks major booty so I'm glad you found a nice place to work. Try to get familiar with the company software and things like keyboard shortcuts, spreadsheets, etc (there are a lot of super easy tutorials on YouTube if you struggle with that). The fundamentals will generally carry you a long way and help you to learn anything more advanced and specific. Also, learn hand exercises to relieve typing cramp.

No. 2460751

Thank you nonna, I found a few videos that seem to use the same programs! Will also probably look into posture exercise since it seems the location stays pretty busy.

No. 2460922

Unless your boss is an insane control freak I doubt you have anything to worry about. It sounds like the cash register is considered your responsibility if nobody else ever does it and you had a good reason to prioritise it on this occasion.

It might be a good idea to check in with your boss about the cash register task and whether it’s officially considered ‘your thing’, though. I once had this issue where I ended up always doing a particular task which was supposed to be a communal responsibility because I was the one who hated it the least and everyone else was happy to fob it off on me. Then one day I had other priorities and couldn’t get around to it, and because it was still considered a communal responsibility and listed as such on the roster I left it for someone else to do. Nobody did because they just took it for granted that I’d do it (even though they knew I was in a different building across campus all day) and they got upset with me over it. IMO it’s always good to have clarity on which tasks you’re expected to perform and where your priorities are supposed to lie, both for you and your boss. If the cash register is solely your responsibility then maybe your boss should’ve known better than to assign you a task that conflicts with it.

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No. 1683306[Reply]

Post random things you ate and why. A picture of the thing you ate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here.
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No. 2458798

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A sad dinner of baby carrots and string cheese dipped straight in gochujang, all because I didn't want to cook and hoped my tzatziki is still ok to eat. But it betrayed me.

No. 2459161

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Haven't had Sonic in yearsss so I decided to get some today. I got a vanilla shake, chili cheese dog and a burger but I haven't tried the burger yet. I ordered a regular size hot dog, but they gave me a footlong one! And they gave me an extra drink (blue slushy?) but I'm not gonna drink it.
Not my pic, but wanted to include it cause idk if Non-Americans know about the 12 inch hotdogs kek

No. 2459722

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Yesterday I had a vegetable kurma at a South Indian place, split an order of onion kulcha & a mango lassi. Never had picrel before, it tasted a lot like cheap pizza in a good way
Man now I'm craving cereal. I love when my mouth fills with the CRUNCHCRUNCHCRUNCH and i feel my jaws going crazy like a shark

No. 2459747

Calicos are great. Based uncloneable kitties. Would love to have one someday.

No. 2460478

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I wish I had cheese there's water at the bottom cause I washed the plate beforehand

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No. 2087292[Reply]

Virstanpylväs saavutettu, tämä on perinteisen Suomillankan kymmenes osa.

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#3: >>>/ot/969959
#2: >>>/ot/737511
#1: >>>/ot/222198
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No. 2459617

M-mutta nyymi. Tuo mekko ei ole yhtään seksikäs. Pitää olla samanlainen mekko kuin animessa.
Jos haluaa kiinalaistyylisen mekon niin niitäkin löytyy eri malleja.

No. 2459706

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ei siinä mekossa lähtökohtasesti mitään vikaa olekkaan, mutta se on mahdollisesti vähiten laatikkovartalolle sopiva vaate mitä on. vs. joku mona bling, jota voi kyllä haukkua monesta asiasta, mutta paskasti pukeutuminen ei oo yks niistä. ja tuon tän esiin poikkeuksena sääntöön, koska tää ymmärrys oman kehon muotoon sopivasti pukeutumisesta tuntuu puuttuvan useimmilta transuilta kokonaan.
jos syvemmälle oman mieleni syvyyksiin katson, niin varmaan se mikä näissä paskasti pukeutuvissa transuissa eniten vituttaa on se, että naisilta lähtökohtaisesti odotetaan kykyä saada itsensä näyttämään hyvältä, kun miehiltä taas ei. ja se totaalinen tiedottomuus tuosta sosiaaliroolista lisää vaan sitä tunnetta, että näillä ei oo mitään käsitystä naiseuden realiteeteista, vaan sitä harrastetaan jonkun sortin roolileikkinä. plus transut saa kumminkin aina "yasss queen" tyyppistä palautetta vaikka näyttäisivät kuinka paskalta, joka toisaalta myös viestii siitä että jengi ei odota niiltä vastaavaa ymmärrystä asioista kun naisilta, varmaan koska ne ei nää niitä naisina kek

No. 2459763

>ymmärrys oman kehon muotoon sopivasti pukeutumisesta tuntuu puuttuvan useimmilta
Moidit on opetettu siihen että jos saat napit ja vetoketjun kiinni niin koko on oikea. Ei ne tiedä mitään vartalotyypeistä. Mona Bling oli muotiblogaaja ennen transitiota joten osaa pukeutua hyvin.

No. 2459839

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no sepä se. ja se siinä just ärsyttää, kun noi on juttuja jotka naisena on ollut pakko sisäistää, halus tai ei. kun taas nää ei tunnu edes olevan tietoinen niistä odotuksista mitä naisia kohtaan on.
>Mona Bling oli muotiblogaaja ennen transitiota joten osaa pukeutua hyvin.
ah, käypi järkeen. menin penkomaan sen vanhoja kuvia, ja ei helvetti, vuosi 2011 oli kyllä jotain.

No. 2460275

Moideilla on kanssa niin epärealistinen (ks. harhainen) kuva omasta ulkonäöstäään, että jokainen läski perusscrotekin luulee olevansa vetävä, joten tietenkin transut kuvittelevat, että jos vain maalaavat naamansa ja ahtavat itsensä tiukkaan mekkoon, niin näyttävät Meghan Foxilta.

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