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A surprise month of Hellmas is now in effect. For the rest of the month of December, VPN posting will be banned.
LAST CHANCE! Submit your nominations for the Lolcow Awards today, voting begins tomorrow

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No. 475318[Reply]

Post about your journals and journal inspirations here!

Some icebreakers:
- What made you start?
- What kind of notebook do you write in?
- Where do you get your journals?
- How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
- Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
- Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
532 posts and 117 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2290307

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The cousin has a yearly overview and dated monthly, weekly, and daily sections. The day free has a yearly overview, monthly pages, and then undated blank pages. I don't remember how many pages the day free has but it's way less than the cousin

No. 2290322

Aw man I want that but instead of blank they are weeks

No. 2298340

I’ve done bullet journals and regular daily reflections before, but I never kept the same ‘structured’ notebook for more than a year. This year, I might try one of those longer timescales, like a three year planner. I’m kinda worried it’ll be too intimidating to keep up with, however

No. 2298387

You can try drawing the weeks style lines in the day free, but Muji and Aura Estelle make large planners with that layout. Kinbor might too iirc


I decided not to use the Cousin again because it's quite heavy compared to the Day Free and I didn't need so many types of pages to fill in. I've used the Day Free before and it worked for me.

No. 2313108

I bought a Hobonichi Weeks for 2025 and I'm shocked at how small it is. I'm genuinely impressed by how elaborate some of the Weeks spreads I've seen now that I know how tiny it is! Also, pretty much as soon as I got it I realized I'm not the kind of person to have the patience (and fine motor skills) to make such elaborate spreads although I like looking at them a lot. I actually started junk journaling in it which is much more suited to my temperament lmao.

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No. 666816[Reply]

All the other ones are super old and locked so i thought itd be cool to start a new one!
>what hobbies have you been into/are planning on looking into?
>skill wise how far along are you are you prioritizing skill or just doing so for fun?
>what hobbies are you interested that for whatever reason seem impossible for you to get into?
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No. 1711609

What AIs are you using and how do you get the results you precisely want? I want to do that too. Preferably free AI that isn't Dall-E

No. 1778277

Samefag, I am pretty upset my volleyball group had to stop gathering. One of them got pregnant and the married couple is going to live in another city. I am happy for them, but now I'll have to find something new for me. I hate jogging and I hate gyms.

No. 2058134

>I used to be obsessed with AI-generated faces
Same, nona. I miss the faceswap option in Faceapp. I'm too scared to post them anywhere because I feel like A.I. is so polarizing but I really want to do a project with my faces!

No. 2058306

I love threads like this because I get a glimpse into your lives after reading so many comments which just make me sad and a little concerned about people - proof we're not a hive mind I guess.

I really got into snowboarding seriously this past season. It can be an expensive hobby but also so giving, you spend the 'worst' time of the year out in the mountains, or building jumps in the park, or even just practicing on a trampoline. Helps to live in a northern country of course. I've prioritized to the point of even doing summer snowboarding up on a glacier, but skill-wise I won't blow my own horn and say I'm still average at best.

I've never understood music as a theory but I really want to learn to pluck away at a banjo. It's such a satisfying sound, and man if a bunch of mountain moids can manage so can I.

No. 2313059

Destroyed my abs the other day "belting" out a song and recording it, thinking this is it, this is the greatest performance I've ever done. Listened to it just now and it's the lamest thing ever. Better than previous attempts though, but still not quite there. I spotted some stuff I keep doing wrong so now I'm more conscious of it so I'd try my best to stop doing it.

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No. 2284038[Reply]

Discuss what you hate about generation alpha. Their trends, their parents, behaviours you dislike, how fucked up the future is for them, whether we should make more of them, and more.
142 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2308037

>should change it's name to hatecow
I'm sorry anon but this made me kek

No. 2308038

>change it's name to hatecow
>Actively choosing to fill yours and everyone's days with bile instead of a smile
KEK your poetry doesn't go unnoticed. I hate that this place can get so hateful sometimes. I think all the posters that got here after 2019 are from Twitter where ragebait is an integral part of the platform, so they're just more used to rageing instead of loling or rofling. It's actually why I prefer cow threads from pre-pandemic, because the threads back then were so funny because nobody was taking the cows super seriously, we were all just having fun gossiping and talking shit without the need for that veneer of morality.

No. 2312364

Brainrot, the song.

No. 2312498

Most of these are ironic

No. 2313018

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I don't hate them, because they're still children, but I mostly feel bad for them. Right now I can only imagine how wide the gap will become between those who browse TikTok, use ChatGPT to solve their math homework and use Character AI for their social needs and those who were raised by cautious parents who try their hardest to make their kids enjoy long-form content and expose them to a wider variety of media and experiences no kid who's lost on TikTok would ever know of.

Also, I have a feeling there's going to be a lot more American school shootings by the time this generation comes of age. There's been a spike after the pandemic and the incidents will keep increasing (pic related).

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No. 1413046[Reply]

Italian thread / Filo o thread italiano
Previous thread / Filo o thread precedente:

Cosa c'è di nuovo?
Cosplayer, scene varie, personaggi dell'Internet italiano vari, virus, vaccini, nuove presidentesse e quant'altro nella sfera italofona
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No. 2312518

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Solitamente della politica non è che mi interessi molto e non è che possa votare, sono straniera nonostante abbia vissuto qui per 16 anni kek. La politica italiana lascia molto a desiderare secondo me, sia che sia di destra, sinistra o centro, i politici non fanno quasi mai nulla di concreto per i cittadini.
Ma se questa decisione viene approvata super based.

No. 2312521

Sinceramente qui non è che ci sia l’atmosfera americana a meno che non ti mischi con la gente ritardata , gendie, arcobaleno lgbtq transfemminista (sono bi, ma li odio lo stesso ops). Molto spesso se ne parli sembri un pesce fuor d’acqua.
Io sono aperta con le mie amiche , ma poi oltre a quello non è che urlo ad alta voce che i travestiti sono pervertiti e disagiati kek, non c’è ne bisogno.
Anche le mie amiche sono come me, nel senso che alla fine non credono veramente anche se sono più sull’idea vivi e lascia vivere (ma le sto convertendo fornendo informazioni kek)
Anche durante le lezioni universitarie i miei professori non è che inseriscono l’ideologia gender quando parlando delle patologie, c’è sempre maschio e femmina.

No. 2312605

Il problema è che non c'è l'atmosfera americana ma sta arrivando, ci sono froci truccati male che parlano sopra le donne perché loro hanno scelto di esserlo quindi sono stunnanti e bravanti, c'è il discorso della carriera alias, ci sono i bloccanti della pubertà sdoganati, il self id è stato recentemente approvato con quel moide di torino che si faceva chiamare Elisa perché ora non è più necessaria la terapia per cambiare i documenti…capisci cosa intendo?
Non dico di urlare al mondo di essere contro, si tratta di difendere gli spazi, io cerco da almeno un paio d'anni un evento per donne bisessuali e lesbiche per stare in uno spazio sicuro e nei commenti vedo i soliti froci o uomini malati che chiedono se l'evento è inclusivo per i trannoidi, ma dio cane mi viene da dire, porta fuori il tuo pesce marcio, solo perché se gli eventi dicono di no rischiano la cancellazione e il boicottaggio. Siamo in un periodo molto buio.

No. 2312783

Però ad esempio un professore insegnante di linguistica in California prende 1600 dollari al mese e se ha un affitto da pagare a San Francisco gli rimangono 400 dollari ogni mese da spendere in cibo e altro, non so quanto sia equivalente la cosa qua con gli insegnanti
>ma le città turistiche/marittime con case comprate da nordici e stranieri che diventano un deserto in inverno
Quali sono queste città?

No. 2312816

Oddio, non pensavo fossimo a questa livello. Il self ID è la cosa più ritardata che possa esistere, ho letto di storie assurde in Germania, rimandando in ambito Europa.
Però i bloccanti stanno piano piano perdendo onda , negli Uk e in Irlanda sono stati almeno bannati e sono consentiti solo sotto trial. Poi se paragoni la situazione a com’era due anni fa il miglioramento effettivo c’è, quindi si tratta di questione di tempo purtroppo.

E concordo assolutamente che gli spazi per donne attratte da altre donne sono stati completamente decimati, io ho sempre pensato che la comunità LGBTQ se ne fregasse altamente delle lesbiche soprattutto e delle bisex e infatti lo hanno dimostrato più volte. Insomma vige il patriarcato e il pene anche nell’ambiente queer pensa te kek.

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No. 2107841[Reply]

You guys remember Kony 2012? Good times. I seriously thought he was some insane war criminal who was father to like 100,000 children across africa and he turned out to just be a picture of a random guy
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No. 2311951

Brand's dying and fatties kept getting upset about the models bodies.

No. 2311969

As a straight these shows never appealed to me. Nay any of those outfits or "inspired" lingerie never made it to the VS stores I frequented. It always seemed more like a dog and pony show for the dumpy, old, ugly ghouls raking in profits behind the scenes while peddling image issues to women and brainrot to men.

No. 2312343

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Club Libby Lu. Disney Channel was running a bunch of promos for this place during the height of Hannah Montana's popularity. I remember hearing that moms HATED this place and some of the pictures that came up when googling kinda answered why. The makeover package was fun though

No. 2312418

i think she is a little overhated, ray william johnson and jacksfimls are just as annoying

No. 2312667

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this guy exists

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No. 231750[Reply]

Following the newly made author cows thread - >>>/snow/516563, let's have a general writing life thread! Post your favorite writing tips, advice, inspiration, problems, questions, memes, and vents.
376 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2312473

I miss writing forums and online spaces in general where you could discuss writing without it being infested with people who's only interested in how many trans/nonbinary/aceromantic whatever characters you have. You can't bounce ideas off of people anymore or have input on plot, themes or character archs without having to stick to very basic tropes for people to even understand your story. I recently tried discussing my story and plot with an AI instead and the difference was night and day and surprisingly fun. Has anyone else been using AI to get input on your ideas? I keep in mind that the AI has probably been trained on poor fanfic tropes and crap that is out there in general, but it's still able to have a much more nuanced understanding of a plot than anyone I've talked to in a messy discord chat lately.

No. 2312483

Total writing n00b here: how do you start writing a story when you only have certain elements in mind? I want to write a story for a game (a point and click/ visual novel) but I only have vague ideas so far: I know the genre (horror) I want it to be set in the Victorian era during a masquerade ball orchestrated by the villain to resurrect a 16th witch and…that's about it. How should I work out the details? Any formulas I should follow?

No. 2312490

Totally up to you, but the one I've stuck with is starting with a skeleton and build it from there. First write down the ideas you have in whatever way is comfortable, then start building the skeleton for the plot. The skeleton is a list of very short bullet points outlining the story from start to end (you just have to force it, once you've started writing down several bullet points more ideas will come) and do this until you have a whole plot from start to end in bullet points. My bullet points look like this: "This and this character meet for the first time", nothing more complicated. Doesn't matter how many or few there are, as long as you have a start and an end.

Next, you start filling in details underneath each bullet point, these are now starting to form the actual chapters of your story. You're now done with the foundations of your skeleton and can move on to flesh out your story in full. You can do this by building on the bullet points and texts even further, or put it to the side and use it as reference as you now write a full rundown chapter by chapter from start to end. Rearrange and add stuff as you please, by now you'll know your story well enough to trust your instincts. With every chapter outlined in detail, all you have to do is just write the story itself. I also like to keep little notes throughout my chapters (with a different text colour) where I write down things to keep in mind such as character themes or foreshadowing that must be included if you have plot twists and the like coming later in the story, so you don't forget to include this while writing the story. I think a lot of writers do a variation of this, but for me it helps to think "skeleton, foundation, meat" just to keep it simple.

No. 2312516

Thank you nonna, I appreciate your help!!

No. 2312526

Thank you for all the great advice anon, I got all the way up to 30k this year thanks to you! Usually I reach around 10k and stop for one reason or another.
Sorry for such a late reply, I thought I had

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No. 2121052[Reply]

Post practical advice. Can range from laundry secrets to getting the best deals on airline tickets to emergency surgery. I'll start.

Before you do a load of laundry, add a splash of white vinegar to it. This will help get rid of lingering smells on the clothes.
33 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2290650

>isn’t it easier to just sample a bit of pasta
Not really. Letting it cool down enough to taste it without burning your tongue takes longer than letting it cool down enough to throw it against a wall. Also, it's just more fun. It does work with macaroni.

No. 2311278

If you get lower back pain/discomfort when laying on your side, try putting a thin pillow (or a balled up blanket in my case) in between your knees, or under your ribs/the narrow part of your waist. It helps so much, putting something under my waist relieves pain the most.

No. 2312280

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No. 2312352

word of advice, don’t put tiger balm patches on your stomach. it will give you the worst liquid diarrhea of your life.

No. 2312805

thanks Nonna, I'm gonna try this when I'm constipated.

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No. 2279070[Reply]

~Twitter 2.0, but even more toxic~

Post drama, lolcows who migrated there, unhinged behaviour straight from the BS wilderness!

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No. 2312243

jesse derangement singal is the funniest thing to me. the way this 6'5" pathetic jewish man makes people lose their minds is so funny.

No. 2312250

I long for the day where liberal people start to wake up to the lunacy of the trans rights movements and sees them for the terrorists they are. I also long for the day where nobody listens to them and they are left to scream into the void. I miss the days where the only troons we had to deal with were a couple of hsts here and there.

No. 2312303

Ironic how they do care now about BlueSky mods when people can post real CP and BlueSky would do nothing. But someone who wrote about the dangers of using hormones on kids? WON'T SOMEONE THINK ON THE POOR TRANNIES?

Is going to be after a while, from the teens claiming "is not a phrase, mom!" start to detrans and see how cultish the TRAs are and how the "life-saving surgery" give them nothing but more body dysphoria.

No. 2312569

I already hate Bluesky. I like that my shit gets more attention there but the site is already infested with tranny propaganda, pedos and zoophiles and no one says anything about it. The site itself is also janky as shit, why does it keep giving me the same fucking notifications if I already viewed them??

No. 2313212

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You can hide the post, nonna. It have helped me to hide tons of stuff, picrel.
"I would rather have a straight girl than a faggot boy".

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No. 569079[Reply]

Are you learning a language? Do you want to ask for/share tips? Want to vent about grammar and complicated writing systems?Wanna share a page of your notebook you’re proud of? Looking for a study buddy? Found an amazing textbook?
Well, here’s the place for all things language learning.
All languages welcome, even English!
PS: no dumb questions like "Do I need to know how to write and speak (insert language here)???" "Do I really have to make efforts??". You won’t get banned but you’ll sound like a retard. Don’t be a language retard.
735 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2310017

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Does anynonny play Duolingo? I want to do friend quests with my fellow anons. picrel for my username

No. 2311089

Is this what old English used to sound like kek
Thanks for helping me! I was stressing out about this.

No. 2311520

I started using it again for practicing German last week but I'm already getting bored. Never done friend quests, are they fun? Competition makes me nervous.

No. 2312174

Friend quests are less about competition and more about collaboration. Basically, you work together to study for a certain amount of minutes or lessons or something. Like if the goal is 10 lessons, we each do 5, or any ratio of numbers to meet the goal. Then you get rewards and powerups! It's pretty motivating and fun

No. 2312793

I am a bit busy at the moment but I would add you for later maybe? I learn Hindi and try to refresh Russian, but focus is Hindi.

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No. 2285513[Reply]

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary thoughts or events from your life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2261898
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No. 2312135

Nonnas I want to cry. I thought my medicine was working for my ocd and was so happy and hopeful. I told everyone about it and how I was so excited for the future. Day 4 and it’s back. I can’t win. I can’t win. I can’t win. I can’t win.

No. 2312170

>Day 4
What? Anon it takes like 3 months for psychiatric medications to start working. Just be patient. You're on a long journey, so strap in and get comfortable. In 4 or 5 months you'll look back at yourself and laugh. In the future, don't tell people about this kind of stuff because it just sets you up for embarrassment later on.

No. 2312171


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2312179

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One setback day isn't the end, it's still part of the beginning.

No. 2312757

World salad incoming:
I have a crush at work but apparently another girl who’s her friend has a crush on me and now there’s a bunch of people thinking I have a crush on that one girl and not my actual crush and now everything is more complicated! I wanted to ask my crush out and I was planning with the three of us, but the girl crushing on me couldn’t go and my crush told me “if you want to go on your own with her that’s fine by me”. It’s with you I’d rather be alone!
She’s super mysterious and impenetrable so I will probably never know how she feels about me unless I ask her directly which I am not so sure I want to investigate yet. It’s fun having a bit of drama anyways.

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