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No. 1890593[Reply]

previous thread >>>/ot/1256189

From mildly annoying, to ghoulish, to ghastly, to gag inducing.

Threadpic is Texas senator Ted Cruz
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No. 2407575

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This smug fat faggot zoophile

No. 2408475

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He looks like that artist's idea of what humans would need to look like to survive a car crash.

No. 2408741

God he got so clapped looking as the years went by, kek. Thank god he's gay.

No. 2409890

I despise this greasy animal

No. 2409912

I found some video of him reacting to an older video of him in his early 20s and it's shocking how hard he walled

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No. 2262680[Reply]

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2146125
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No. 2409661

How fucking depressing it is that even a abused woman gets the blame of her own fucking murder by the abusive moid. Women get pushed around everyday every second yet no woman kills, fucking pathetic I hope these fuckers get doxxed for dicksucking a murderer. I hope Amanda rests in peace

No. 2409663

it's always moids that wage war against each other and always women and children suffering the most yet moids think feminism has gone too far …

No. 2409717

74?! At no age are women safe. I hope those migrants are sent to jail for life or roped themselves. What the fuck. It's super hard not being racist, because when crimes are done by migrants, it feels extra vile

No. 2409724

No idea. I dont understand how any single person, especially women have any empathy for muslims. They come from the worst kind of countries on earth for women. I would never let them into peaceful european places, yet here we are. France, germany and sweden are huge examples of what happens when you let muslim men into your homes. They need to go back. I am tired of hearing 'is this place halal?' when i am looking for food online. fuck off

No. 2410860

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No. 2270607[Reply]

Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS.

Doesn't matter if it's scrotes you hate, moids you love, scrotes you are attracted to, moids you aren't attracted to, scrotes you personally know, moids you don't personally know, scrotes that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men (including even God or Jesus), men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. NO PICTURES of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT, report immediately and do not respond.

>But why?

It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.

>Isn't this thread redundant?

If only.

>But what about-

Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/2141150
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No. 2407292

New phobia unlocked

No. 2407299

I remember one time when I double-clicked the email field, I misclicked and accidentally chose an email instead of sage. It was just one of those ten minute throwaway mails, and I noticed before I posted, too, but ever since then I've been typing sage by hand.

No. 2409287

Just a thought, but I can't believe that when I was young I used to wish I was another race. I didn't go on a self love journey (at least not in regards to my race) or anything, I just naturally became comfortable with myself and found beauty in my culture and people. I can't imagine being anything but myself now, thinking back on my own thougts feels like looking into the mind of a completely different person.

No. 2409546

I honestly hate that lipstick shade

No. 2409647

I've done that but the other way around, gone to put my email into a completely different website and it autofilled with sage instead. Very funny

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No. 1993489[Reply]

If mods think this is too similar to the employment thread >>>/ot/1962884 they can delete it. I thought it would be nice to have a thread for discussing wagie jobs (retail, food, service sector stuff for a low wage) specifically.
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No. 2407281

We're not allowed to eat anything we fucked up cause the store considers it "stealing stock." We just put the failed attempts in the food waste bin.
Honestly it smelled incredible and probably tasted great, but the sheer volume of ingredients, especially the cheese made it hard to make. Especially because it was lunchtime and I had to work as fast as I could. It probably wouldn't have been as annoying to make without the insane amounts of mozzarella or the fact that the queue was a mile long and others were waiting to be served.

No. 2407543

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I was applying randomly to anything I think I could do (mostly restaurant jobs) and suddenly this woman gets in contact asking me for my curriculum and some questions (availability and education) and I answer her after like 30 min because I had some trouble with my curriculum no I didn't actually, I made it from scratch in those 30 mins because I honestly didn't expect anyone to get in contact and definitely not that fast (applied yesterday) as my curriculum on the job website is trash I apologize for the long waiting (she can see I saw her message) and answer her questions, shortly I try sending her my curriculum but I notice half of it has placeholder text I didn't see before… so I go back and make a new one. It's barebones. I have no experience I can actually prove. I send it anyway (10 min later) because I already answered this lady and showed interest. I'm so stupid.

No. 2407554

Update: she wants a videochat tomorrow at 10 am and I said yes even though I rarely am up before 11 am.

No. 2407589

Good luck nonna. I believe in you!

No. 2409534

Thank you so much nonna, the HR lady called me to say I got the job!

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No. 2408236[Reply]

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1962884
10 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2408756

I am in such a pickle rn guys. My bosses found my weed pen on me, and despite it being a legal state it is against company policy to have it on the property. I had a really good excuse thankfully and they didn’t fire me straight away, just put me on suspension for a few days while they investigate with corporate. It’s something they’d typically fire immediately for but I think because department is very short staffed right now, I might have a chance at redemption. The thing is at this point I don’t actually care for the job anymore, they’re adding more responsibilities with no increase in pay and are trying to crack down on overtime, so my main worry at this point is potentially looking bad to future employers. So in order to save my ass I’m wondering if I should call them and let them know I decided to resign due to being unhappy with the current state of the job, but because I am aware of how short staffed we are, that I would be willing to discuss things with management if they want to call me back? Or should I just straight up say hey I know there’s a likely chance I’m getting fired so I’m going to resign myself, but that if they decide they do need me, to give me a call? I don’t want to give them any reason to have animosity against me.

No. 2409051

>call them and let them know I decided to resign due to being unhappy with the current state of the job, but because I am aware of how short staffed we are, that I would be willing to discuss things with management if they want to call me back?
Do this one, at least this framing gives you a little bit of leverage

No. 2409398

I had my third interview, how do I make them give me a contract already? I need to write them that I want to proceed (?) and work there but how?

No. 2409421

If you like IT/ computer stuff then go for it. Haven't stumbled upon a tranny yet, and yes there is moidery, but then again there is moidery everywhere. I've been fucked over more by female HR staff at my company than by other moid programmers. But it's important to like what you are doing.

No. 2409806


Thanks everyone. I’m really passionate about tech so I think I’m gonna do it.

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No. 639596[Reply]

Manifestation, Positive Affirmations, Law of Attraction and The Secret thread

> What is law of attraction? (copy-pasted from thelawofattraction.com)

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on (manifestation). It uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. All thoughts turn into things eventually. If you focus on the negative you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve you will find a way to achieve them with massive action.

What is your experience with it? Has it worked? Do you believe in it? Has your life changed, are you more positive now?

Use this thread to discuss, learn and share resources. Posts with positive affirmations are welcomed too.
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No. 2030750

Congrats! How did you manifest the money? What was your process?

No. 2030766

I just continually told myself everyday how thankful I was to have it, how grateful I am that I was able to finally buy a house and retire my parents, how happy I am that I can use my money to create a better environment, and eventually the money came to me. It was more of an assumptive process kek

No. 2030774

>>2030766 That's amazing nonnie! I'm gonna start buying lottery tickets again

No. 2409361

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Can nonnies please manifest i pass my exam? i studied so hard and i am not ready to be dissapointed in myself again.

No. 2410238

Isn't there already a thread for this on /g/? Alternatively move it there.

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No. 1951096[Reply]

Can't remember where you saw that thing? Want to know the name of someone? Ask here.

If you're not searching for something specific, try the request thread >>>/ot/1343869

Previous threads:
#1 - >>>/ot/861432
#2 - >>>/ot/1068958
#3 - >>>/ot/1288369
#4 - >>>/ot/1561582
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No. 2408397

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This one?

No. 2408404


No. 2408413

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always happy to help nona

No. 2409226

That one misandrist tweet that went like:
>I'm pregnant, gonna find out if it's a girl or an abortion #KillAllMen
I would look it up but I don't wanna stumble upon moid retardation when googling kek

No. 2409812

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Somebody posted it in Stupid Questions.
I know it's probably you and you found it on your own, but still answering here for future reference.

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No. 672223[Reply]

For everyone who wants to move on with their life outside of lolcow, aka graduating.
Here is where we thank the website that accompanied us for months or years of our life, and we finally say one last goodbye to never look back. Try to not bring negativity into the thread.
>Your favorite lolcows
>What thread you loved the most
>How much time did you spent here
>What are you looking foward in the future
>Would you come here occasionally
>Etc etc etc

Or the reverse, why you would never quit this place. Please don't infight, don't vent, some people are just trying to stop being neets.
903 posts and 194 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2407153

thank you nonnie you too

No. 2408991

>last years hacking
Wait, what happened?

No. 2409012

No. 2409029

Thank you.

No. 2409030

This is like I'm watching you get shot and I'm locked in a room with a window peeking out at you… I can't do anything… I can barely hear anything. I can only see and hear the gun go off

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No. 2404404[Reply]

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

Previous thread >>>/ot/2394324
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No. 2408984

i don’t think its hostile for me to correct your definition of scizophrenia…

No. 2408985

What does this even mean?

No. 2408986

3 hours ago OP specified men >>2408555

No. 2408988

ntayrt but she’s been posting pics of men this entire time too..

No. 2408990

You were trying to argue that the conversation was about something else for the longest time.

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No. 605663[Reply]

Are you anti social media, have minimal social media precense, or would like to be? Then this is the thread for you!

Are you anti social media? Why?
Do you hate social media?
Do you preffer anonymous websites and imageboards?
Do you protect your image and data online? How?
What are your go-to accounts and emails, do you have any hidden ones?
Does your job, career choice or field of study require social mefia and how do you manage that?

399 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2367066

>i can’t look at any social media accounts and see anything but a performance
agreed. i was on the old web way before the dawn of social media so i never gelled with it because it constantly feel like you're being "sold" something, even if that something is an idea. i've hardly used social media over the years, and when i did it was very clear that people post very performatively. i feel the whole thing has brainwashed people who have unhealthy relationships with the need for validation that their love for "number go up" makes it harder for them to see what's in front of them. so they end up seeing the world through the lens of "how can i use this as a prop to boost myself up". it extends to seeing family members, friends, children, and random unconsenting strangers as props for their posts.
i drove by several clusters of random girls in crop tops in the winter who were posing in front of mountain ranges and i genuinely wondered if they ever stopped to admire the beauty of the nature around them or, if they unfortunately just see everything as a set and background as if their life is one big instagram reel/movie. i was genuinely just there only to admire the mountains so it really irked me

No. 2367723

And this is why I can't stand people that use social media excessively. I get why some people have social media: it's easy to connect with distant family, to keep in touch with friends, it's socially expected, etc., so even if it's not for me I won't hate on people that have a social media account. But I just cannot stand people that use social media every day all day, constantly posting. I've ended several friendships because of this. My biggest grip is that they can never actually live in the moment. They are only focused on how others view them and their life.

Once, I got invited to a party, when I showed up, EVERYONE was on their cellphones. There was just 15 or so people in a room together drinking, while being completely silent and scrolling through their phones. I ended up staying for less than 30 minutes because every time I tried to talk to someone, they'd give me a one word answer without looking up from their phone. The only time I saw people interacting was when they got up to take photos with each other to post on their social media profiles. My friend showed me a few of their stories the next day, and if you hadn't been there you would swear that they were having the time of their lives getting up to all this crazy shit you'd see in movies, when in reality it was so lame and boring.

No. 2368158

I'm terrified shitless of social media but it's irrational anxiety and internet paranoia.

No. 2407397

At this stage of my life, I look down at others for using social media. I don't want friends that use social media, and I certainly don't want romantic partners that use social media. To me, having a Twitter account in 2025 is basically the same as having syphilis.

No. 2408604

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quit social media and made a blog to type about my day. no 280 text limit is so freeing

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