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No. 1808611

Talk about consumerism, criticize consumerism, talk about niche and fandom specific consumerism, talk about consoom tendencies, collections, hoards and addiction. If you are a consoomer yourself, feel free to talk about it in this thread, same with people who are now reformed consoomers. And if you did get over it, tell us why or how it happened.





No. 1808626>>1809086>>1809156>>1809474

No. 1809086

These clothes are ugly

No. 1809156

This video is a great example of how every accent in the English language can be extremely annoying depending on the context

No. 1809474

this makes me feel bad about the recent order I'd placed with Amazon. I had expected everything to be packaged together (it is an option) but instead it was all packaged separately and arrived on different days.

No. 1809595>>1809869>>1813138>>1813911

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OT but I love ‘the pink and blue project’ images like these, they’re really fascinating to look at.

No. 1809869

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They're interesting

No. 1812182>>1812200>>1812271>>1813246>>1813327>>1813401>>1813429>>1813857>>1814055>>1814263>>1814959>>1823906>>1826869>>1827254>>1828040>>1836449

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So how's the Holiday consumerism for you Nonnas?

No. 1812200>>1813133

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I refuse to buy anything xmas related (seasonal decor, xmas themed sweaters etc) because to me the ultimate consoom is the things who can only wear and use like one month per year, so I'm enjoying more wintery general stuff.
Cinnamon and citrusy scents, wool coats and blankets, black tea and such. I got some new dresses and accessories for me on vinted and I also sold some of mine that I didn't like anymore, I'm mainly spending for my friends to get them tiny but nice gift they actually like. I like to spend a bit of my time doing some research and getting them a tiny but well-thought gift than a big-one-size-fit-all gifts only for my grandieur delusions.
One of my friends likes cats and precious stone, got her a little cat-shaped opal so she can put it on display and when the sun hits, it creates a nice light effect. Not picrel but really similar.

No. 1812271

i bought a christmas-y bath salt that smells of oranges and spices, but that's it.

No. 1813133>>1813450

>to me the ultimate consoom is the things who can only wear and use like one month per year
i find if it's for a holiday that happens literally every single year and you get 1-2 months worth (late november to early january) it's an ok investment. I'm not gonna deprive myself of xmas stuff and fun just because "consoom bad" when it's some of the few pieces I know will last me forever. A classic santa will never be out of fashion, you know? I like the idea of buying just 1 single new tree decoration every year so after 20 years you have a tree of all your memories.

No. 1813138

the gendies are crying, "b-but blue means boy! A girl can't have both!!! She must be nonbinary r-right???"

No. 1813246>>1813331>>1814123

bought nothing so far and won't buy anything christmas related as I don't celebrate and have only one family member and no friends to spend the holidays with. The only thing I will be doing is getting something nice to eat with the only sane family member, enjoying some quiet days without dramatic events that were normal while I celebrated with the rest of my family. At this time of the year, I mostly buy a planner and a wall calendar for next year and that's it. I'm just not into the christmas vibe. Might change one day when I'm not poor anymore and have a house where it snows all December, kek.

No. 1813327

Awful. Trying to make Christmas presents this year and finding decent quality supplies that don’t cost an arm and a leg has been a nightmare. My local fabric shop unfortunately closed down and now I’m stuck shifting through garbage at Michael’s

No. 1813331

I only bought roasted apple scented candles, but that isn't necessarily Christmassy (it's more of a winter thing imo). But I also hate dusting off decorations so that's why I don't like having decoration around the house.
And same here, I'm making myself a nice dinner with candied duck and goose legs because I can, since otherwise I don't celebrate Christmas.

No. 1813401

Trying to buy gifts that only my friends and family would actually use or enjoy. It seems cheap to get plastic crap off of Amazon. I got my friend a nice bottle of wine and something locally-made

No. 1813429>>1814876

I have a tonne of money and there isn't really anything I want to buy, and I don't have any consooming hobbies. I'm retarded too so when I really want/need a big purchase I can spend hundreds of hours researching it and in the end I'm so exhausted and worried about buying the wrong thing, that I never get it in the end. This is part of why I have so much money in the first place, I can't buy anything. Yesterday I spent over an hour deciding if I should buy two <$5 purchases from amazon, one of them being something I've vaguely wanted for around 10 years, and I haven't spent money except on bills and food for months. I love being a retard. And all my friends are poor/normal so we don't do gift exchanges and it would make them embarrassed and uncomfortable if I got them stuff by myself. I don't really understand what's wrong with me because this behavior is basically opposite of everything everyone else ever talks about. I appreciate that it's less bad than being in debt while buying squishmallows but it's still such an unenjoyable life.

No. 1813450>>1813859>>1814939

Buying nice decoration that actually last is a mirage, nowadays. Everything is primark-tier plastic shit, that's why most of the times is not worth it at all and by the next year, it's already ruined. It's not about not having fun, it's about considering the quality, waste and how much space decorations take, especially if people do it to impress other people. Personally I find Santas tacky but trees are nice.

No. 1813857

Only Christmas-y things (other than gifts) I've bought are new lights to replace the old ones that the cockatoos chewed through last year for the pergola and the traditional tacky Christmas Day Hawaiian shirt for my brother. Oh and snacks lol. Overall, not too consoomer-y this year– we thought about updating the tree (it's been at least 10 years since the last time), but new decorations are both so ugly and shit this year, it feels.

No. 1813859>>1814091

that's one of the many reasons I'm so angry at my family. They didn't keep a single thing from older generations. My grandparents had really nice Christmas decoration, it lasted them for over 30 years and my parents just destroyed it all and I was too young to get in the way. It was good quality, timeless and could have lasted another two generations. But old stuff is shit and everything has to be thrown away so you can buy new stuff, according to the boomer parts of my family.
If I would decorate for Christmas, I would go and find vintage things instead of all that cheap plastic shit you get today. It's not like your taste will change very much over the next years and so it would last forever. Personally, I would have one tree, outside, not dying after Christmas, and decorate it with some nice, timeless stuff and some not annoying lights.

No. 1813911

at first glance i thought that clown thing was a little boy sitting next to her haha

No. 1814055>>1814477

My birthday is in December, so while my friends and I do secret santa, I've told all of my friends that instead of a physical gift I simply want quality time when they are free. I think spending a day with my friends playing boardgames is better than any object gift I'd get. I wish that instead of feeling obligated to get stuff a person most likely doesn't want, we'd do more "let's give each other experiences or quality time!" presents. It means so much more, especially for my friends who work or are in graduate programs. Wouldn't it be good for kids, too? Instead of a toy they'll get bored, you could take them to an ice rink and they'd treasure those memories for a long time.

No. 1814091

NTA but what the fuck, that's so upsetting. Sometimes that's the only stuff from your grandparents that survives, since it spends most of the year packed up out of harm's way. I still have ornaments from my great-grandparents that I treasure and I don't throw anything out unless it's broken. I really don't understand why anyone would spend so much time and money buying the same shit every year, especially since the quality has nosedived in the last few years. Is it really that hard to keep a couple boxes of plain baubles and lights somewhere even if you want to replace everything else? I really don't understand consoomers.

No. 1814123>>1814999

Even the plastic shit lasts for a number of years if you take care of it and store it properly since you're only using it once a year. I've had the same decorations for years, and nothing was particularly great quality or expensive. I think the problem is when people feel the need to buy new shit every year or don't bother taking care of what they have.

No. 1814198>>1814205>>1814212>>1814213>>1814216>>1814237>>1814243>>1814812>>1814993

stunning new content from our favorite shopaholic. people have been BEGGING her to do angel tree, aka buying kids gifts that they requested through the salvation army. i'm not from the us so i didn't look into it a lot. basically she could put her shopping addiction to good use but of course our shopping queen is ignoring ALL these comments because she only buys shit for herself. oh, and for her daughter, who totally needs all that garbage at age 3?, obviously.

No. 1814205>>1814221>>1814223>>1814240>>1814242>>1814251>>1814691>>1814812>>1814826>>1814867>>1824878

also kek @ her moid's tired face when she proudly declares that she's already buying shit for vday.

No. 1814212>>1818665

Why do all these people shill that bloom garbage? Just eat regular veggies ffs

No. 1814213

the idea of her pulling her diarhea pills out of a kawiwi sanrio container makes me laugh

No. 1814216

I get some of this stuff, while others I'm like… You could live without that many small packets and multiple combs. Dunno.

No. 1814221>>1817750

I swear the normies on tiktok are so braindead. Just blinding defending her consumption. I'm pretty sure that person in the comments replying on a burner account is her defending herself lmao

No. 1814223>>1814251

Those erasers are absolutely too small for such a young child, don't get the need to buy so much valentine shit ahead of time

No. 1814237

I wish I had her energy to have so much shit yet keep it organized. I don't have 1/4 of her amount of shit and I can't keep anything neatly organized. that's an astonishing amount of objects to sort out. just watching this makes me tired.

No. 1814240

man, she never even consooms nice looking crap, just the ugliest, tackiest cheap garbage. cute? most of that shit is not cute, just looks scratchy and uncomfortable. but it is funny and based that she makes the moid cook even though he works

No. 1814242>>1814487

Can’t believe this woman is only 31. I thought she was way older. Also I bet her scrote doesn’t care about her addiction and is just glad to have somewhere to live and someone to fuck.

No. 1814243>>1814255>>1818056

>oh, and for her daughter, who totally needs all that garbage at age 3?
I might just be overreacting, but I watched this video of her "decluttering", and it made me sad how her daughter kept screaming "I want it!" for every single thing that was pulled out. I get it, she's only 3, but it seems like shopaholic mom could be leaving an impression on her. Hoarding can be taught and passed down and I worry about that for her daughter.

No. 1814251>>1815005

Decorating your house for valentine's day is pretty weird to start with.
I really like the hello kitty mug, sorry for being retarded.

No. 1814255>>1814941

>100 usd for a blanket
what the fuck is it made from, god's asshole hairs? wtf is it so expensive

No. 1814263

Shopaholic mom drives me insane, we have SIX moving boxes full of holiday decor gathering dust on the attic. She knows there'll be a good chunk of bills we will have to pay in January and February that she should save up for. But what arrives on our door during the entire first week of december? Daily packages of holiday trash.

No. 1814302>>1814824>>1814985>>1815908>>1820590

No. 1814477

Our child psychiatry prof. said parents should reward kids with quality family time like going to the Amusement park or another place the child is interested in instead of getting them toys. Sure getting a child toys is fine but if its done in excess it can trigger consumerist behaviors in adulthood.

No. 1814487>>1814888>>1815078>>1815139

>is just glad to have somewhere to live and someone to fuck.
This is what you see after seeing a family with a 3 year old kid? Moid moment.(scrotefoiling, infight)

No. 1814691

>my moid is cooking because I don't cook
KEK based

No. 1814812>>1814994

these drawers are such a display of having too much time on your hands and also mental illness. I thought this woman was bad before with her shopping addiction but this is a bit more of a peek into her head. I also get wanting to be prepared when you go out, for an example, but you don't need this many products to do that (or ones the size she has, eg the full-sized scissors or the mini tictacs).

Who is the quarantined person kek

Don't get mad anons, but maybe she should get into cooking/baking, just as a constructive hobby (guy can still do dinner though lol). Would be a better way to bond with her daughter too than just buying her stuff. Also Valentines Day isn't that big here, aside from like cards and chocolates, so kinda wild to see some of the things she got.

No. 1814824

Lol I like her

No. 1814826>>1815408

>I got Valentine's sheets because I don't remember if we have one
How do you not remember whether you have such a niche thing or not? You do change your sheets regularly so you should be aware what kind of sheets you own?

No. 1814867>>1814994

I always wonder with these kinds of shopaholics if they purge all the plastic garbage they bought that they replace with even more plastic garbage from time to time or if they just have closets filled with plastic junk. How do they not run out of space? Like sometimes I get the urge to buy useless decoration, but then I look around and realize I don't have that much free space anymore.

No. 1814876

I also rarely buy stuff for myself but I don't find my life unenjoyable. When I first started getting my own money I felt a "rush" buying things but when the package arrived I realised that I had no need for it. My friends are always buying aliexpress-tier clothes and stupid novelty items that they quickly lose interest in. It sucks because whenever I invite them to the movies or a cafe they tell me they cant afford it, but somehow they can afford buying shit they never use.
We still hang out but whenever I suggest we do something that requires money the tell me that they are too broke even though they just bought butt-shaped mugs

No. 1814882>>1817222

Blogpost incoming…

I've decided to channel my consumerist habits towards pins and badges instead of plushies. It's a better outlet for me since they take up little to no space, they look cool and don't cost that much money. I finally managed to find a decent ita bag on Etsy (that wasn't dropshipped) now I can display my pins safely. Plushies are cute and all but I'll just keep the ones I like the most and stop buying new ones from this point onwards.

No. 1814888

No she's right.

No. 1814893>>1814904>>1814923>>1814949>>1815005>>1815099>>1824878

more braindead behavior.

No. 1814904>>1814990>>1815018>>1815099

Why does she look like… for lack of a better term, a potato I'd brush with olive oil to bake in the oven?

No. 1814923>>1814936>>1815908

unrelated to consumerism but its no wonder that everyone is self diagnosing themselves with adhd these days if this is form for video editing is considered entertainment

No. 1814936

it's the cocomelon formula.

No. 1814939>>1815005

My family still has christmas tree ornaments from 80s and earlier and many nice, hand-painted glass baubles bought by my mother around turn of the millennium which look new even after over 20 years. But new stuff sold currently is terrible… I hate tacky, western christmas shit so fucking much. Unfortunately it became so omnipresent where I live.

I don't decorate except tree or one decoration for the table made from real branches and bought decorations we reuse every year.

No. 1814941

I believe it's usual polyester shit marked up because of Disney or other licenced character. Non-itchy wool or good cotton blanket would be more worthy for this money.

No. 1814949>>1814963>>1814972>>1816133

I love how these women's nigels always seem to be in a state of constant pain. Also, I look down on anyone who has a stanley cup, even if just a single one.

No. 1814959

Reminding myself I do not need a $45 polyester planner cover when I already have a perfectly fine one I bought for $10

No. 1814963

>I love how these women's nigels always seem to be in a state of constant pain
good kek. Hope she spends his every last penny on all the stanleys she desires

No. 1814972>>1815022>>1844267

i still don't understand the obsession over buying every single reusable item. it's reusable for a reason but these women are so obsessed with color coordinating their mugs with their outfits, i guess.

No. 1814985>>1815449

I like her tbh kek but don’t perfumes go rancid within a few years???

No. 1814990>>1815099

I'm glad someone said it. She's honestly really hard to look at. Like those bugs from MIB when they controlled a human skin suit.

No. 1814993

If I had this much time, energy, executive function capacity, and disposable income I would be unstoppable.

No. 1814994>>1815041>>1815152

>these drawers are such a display of having too much time on your hands and also mental illness
She’s mentioned in a video that she’s a stay at home mom, so she does have a lot of free time. It seems like she’s bored, plus coping about her daughter’s condition, so she uses that energy on shopping. She needs to get some hobbies.
She doesn’t have an income, so I wonder where does she get the money to spend for these hauls? She sells on Poshmark, but it can’t be enough money for how quickly she buys things. She definitely spends her scrote’s money. Would tiktok pay enough for her? Spending mother-in-law’s social security? She likely has loans and debt as well.
>Who is the quarantined person
I’m gonna assume it’s the moid’s mother. The shopaholic has mentioned that her baby daddy’s mother lives with them.
This particular one sells on Poshmark. I think it’s somewhat easy for her to sell because she’s well-known in a way. However, I’ve seen other shopaholics and even normal people struggle to sell off their excess second-hand.

No. 1814999

yeah i dont understand why people think you need to buy new decorations for every holiday. it's nice having the same ones, extra cozy every year because you pull them all out and remember everything.

No. 1815005

I feel like the quality of consumer goods like ornaments, toys, plushies, etc really peaches in the early-mid 00s and has declined ever since. Clothing peaked long long long ago and appliances peaked a while back as well, but most of us alive can vividly remember the peak quality of Knick knacks, low to mid range holiday decor, and toys.
Nonnie, I also really liked the hello Kitty mushroom mug, I wish I had one. I would use it all the time since I drink hot beverages multiple times a day everyday and only have 3 kawaii mugs and only one has a cover.
VSCO women?

No. 1815018>>1815022>>1815041>>1815251

I agree but potato faced bleach blondes with fake tans and filler are considered the hot girls in most American towns. I see the same with Scandinavian influencers who look kinda similar. If you’re white with a potato face and average to slim build you can easily go up to instagram model level in moids eyes by doing all of the same beauty procedures. Ik this because I used to try doing it but I just looked stupid because my non-potato face didn’t match it at all.

No. 1815022

Samefag but I always find the difference between these high-maintenance appearance women and their moids jarring. Am I the only one? It honestly just makes me sad to see a white bread dude of very little effort with a woman who is spending thousands of dollars a year to look like a barbie doll. The tiktok couple >>1814972 is a great example but another extreme example is plastic surgeon moids and their wives.

No. 1815041>>1815104>>1815114>>1815126>>1815183>>1815251>>1815435>>1816275

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>potato faced bleach blondes with fake tans and filler are considered the hot girls in most American towns
maybe i'm too euro for this but i find this so weird… they all look so trashy and nasty.

i did some digging and apparently she once casually mentioned having 20 credit cards.

No. 1815078

NTA but moids will gladly start families with women they don’t care that much about. Their relationship status seems to change weekly and she’s admitted to being a BPD mess. They’re both losers.

No. 1815099>>1815113

kek i ended up doing some research on our oily potato and found out she's a scammer. she always does giveaways but never announces the winners. a few weeks ago someone called her out for it and tiktok took the video down, but at least it pressured her into announcing the winners for a jewelry and LV giveaway. she also said in the past that she doesn't wash her face with water (only uses makeup wipes) and that she simply throws away things when she has too much stuff, instead of donating it or giving it away.

No. 1815104

Wow, none of them are lookers, and the one on the right has a really bad nose job.

No. 1815113

Imagine only using a neutrogena makeup wipe to "wash" your face at night and then that's it. I can feel my face becoming slick merely thinking of it.

No. 1815114>>1815126

Idk why but I associate this look more with the UK. Also I think maybe this would've been considered hot in like 2007 but I don't think it's a coveted look in the US anymore. Most people would make fun of it these days.

No. 1815126

>casually mentioned having 20 credit cards
Damn. No offense but I seriously wonder why that scrote stays. He could bum off somebody that doesn’t have looming debt, terrible credit, and a plastic hoard. He must have a lot of red flags that we don’t see (Other than the dead uninterested stare at everything she does).
Looking at the thumbnail only, I assumed she was from the UK too.

No. 1815139

Lol Moids will absolutely stay with a woman just to reap the resources. Maybe he just feels
Enough guilt to not leave his daughter there with this psychotic woman. Or maybe he’s just as much of a scammer scumbag as her.

No. 1815152>>1815186

>plus coping about her daughter’s condition
What does the daughter have?

No. 1815183

>maybe i'm too euro for this
Chavs exists

No. 1815186>>1815252>>1815393>>1815408

She had double hip surgery and can't walk. Mom says that she's either on the floor and in bed. In "get ready with me" videos, she has to carry her everywhere. I imagine being a full-time nurse can be exhausting and take a mental toll.

No. 1815251

the fake tan / skin colour this women has is something I've seen mostly among boomers and millennials in early 2000. I've had a lot of girls in my class with that fake tan and you couldn't (still mostly can't) get foundation in a normal drugstore that would fit the natural skin colour people in my country have. It's something very European for me, as I've seen it a lot among UK, German and Scandinavian women.

No. 1815252

This video is really sad, the music overlayed is jarring. At least her addiction to buying junk seems less destructive to the people around her than being and alcohol/drug addict.

No. 1815393>>1815432>>1815452

Will the kid get better at some point though? Or is she going to be like that forever?

No. 1815408

Seasonal decorative sheets sound insane to me, especially Valentines of all things. They're probably scratchy as hell.

With this context I feel pretty sad for her, her moid seems to not give a shit and probably doesn't support her emotionally. I can see why an unhealthy shopping habit could come out of this, seeing that she gets attention for it online. Pretty bleak, hope her daughter is doing well considering.

No. 1815432>>1815452

AYRT, I don’t really know. I haven’t dug back her videos far enough to know if this is just temporary. And so far, I haven’t heard her mention why the surgery was needed in the first place.

No. 1815435

White is not their color with this Idaho Russet tan

No. 1815449

if it's actual brand perfumes they can last for decades. some even get better with time.

No. 1815452>>1815459

the daughter's hip bones were joined together or something so she had surgery and apparently she (the mom) was told that gianna would go at her own pace until she learns to walk. there's a video of her exercising with her daughter on the playground and holding her up while she was practicing walking.

No. 1815459>>1815574>>1815969

I think we can all agree the woman has an issue with shopping addiction but not that she is a bad mother.

No. 1815574

I think that while overall she's not a bad mother, her shopping condition is affecting and will have lasting effects for her girl which will be detrimental for her life. At least for her child's sake, she should try reining it in. Even though in some videos she says she's working on improving herself… Honestly it doesn't show (and that whole "healing isn't linear" sounds more of an excuse than self-compassion here). It doesn't help that now she's gaining income and followers because of her addiction.

No. 1815867>>1815979>>1816087>>1816111>>1816113>>1816140>>1816732>>1843880

What is wrong with people?? Mental illness doesn't begin to describe this, why would you willingly get scammed?

No. 1815908

Idk if people who do reviews count completely? Sure she is encouraging people to consoom, but i think it goes without saying that we as normal people should not compare ourselves to people like Jackie who probably gets sent tons of free stuff.
idk if it's a diagnosis, but i am pretty sure people just throw that term around to just generally mean low attention span. Now that i think about it, a lot of people with adhd would be driven INSANE being surrounded by so much trash, that's why you never see actual people with adhd engaging in such behaviour and if they did they would be living in a pigsty.

No. 1815969>>1816057

She’s a bad mother for flaunting her addiction and poor spending habits in front of her daughter. I wouldn’t surprised if her daughter develops the same spending habits she does.

No. 1815979>>1816004>>1823020

not that this is a fault of this woman in particular but i hate this trend of youtube thumbnails with a saturated airbrushed shot of the creator making a random facial expression in the middle, surrounded by random stuff. Sometimes it's not even a video about their own life but just a general video essay about a topic but they still slap on a big edited picture of themselves even though they're not relevant. I can't be the only one who gets annoyed when people unnecessarily insert themselves like this, videos with it invariably end up being less interesting and overall more artificial too

No. 1816004>>1816149

We all hate Stephanie Soo too anon don't worry

No. 1816057

Yeah, her daughter already screams “I want it!” whenever her mother pulls out her latest haul. If mom can’t stop that behavior while young, it’s gonna develop into a real problem. I could see her having problems parting with things. Not to mention that her spending spree money would be better saved than spent. Those medical fees and doctor visits cannot be cheap.

No. 1816060>>1816087>>1816218

I do not have a consooming bone in my body, and it's actually a problem because I never have any ideas for family when they ask me what I want for holidays or my birthday, etc. It makes me wonder if there's something different in the brains of consoomers and non-consoomers, where consoomers get a dopamine boost or whatever from acquiring a new object and non-consoomers brain's don't give them that boost for whatever reason.

No. 1816087

Watched the entire video and can't believe people actually shop shit through TikTok lives? Like, this just feels insane to me imo.
I'm not a consumer either but, not even books or a perfume nonna? What do you usually get then? It's the thought that counts anyway. I think I'm in the normal threshold and if I had money I would buy myself some books related to my interests for sure.

No. 1816102>>1816108>>1816117

Became a consoomer when I came into money after growing up poor and living in an abusive situation. I'll spare the details but my mother was working 2 full time jobs after my dad died and both her parents died (and left her with a ton of debt), and her useless boyfriend she got with years later abused me but she never knew because she was never around. We were like struggling to put food on the table, power regularly being shut off, bundling up with blankets for warmth in the winter kind of poor for a long time. Being in an abusive situation too means I still have some really fucked up views on love and being cared for, and you can guess what kind of men I've ended up with as a result.

Anyway, I developed a talent that I use to employ myself and I started doing really well for myself financially in the past few years. I was able to get myself and my mom in a much better situation, it started off with relatively normal stuff. I fixed up her house, I got her a better (but used) car, I got myself a house nearby (old fixer upper) and myself a mid level used car. I started getting her things she needed like new shoes, new clothes, new cookware. Then taking her on vacations, small at first like weekend trips to drivable places, then trips out of state, then cruises, trips out of the country, etc. My mom has had a very hard life her entire life and she's only been able to experience things and have nice stuff because of me, it made me so happy being able to take care of her and she's been nothing but grateful.

And being able to spend so freely on her led to me doing the same for pretty much anyone. As soon as I figured out I could just buy the affection I always wanted, I did. I shower everyone I care about with gifts constantly, at any opportunity I get. Holidays, birthdays, celebrating personal achievements. Things people don't need, things way more expensive than they're worth, and I have my moments of clarity where I know it makes me look like a superficial wealth flaunter (I truly don't make enough to afford this current lifestyle, I am not a millionaire or anything) but it makes people happy and be nice to me so I can't stop doing it.

Like one of my boyfriend's sister's boyfriend's stocking stuffers this year was a pair of North Face gloves. I shouldn't even be buying gifts for him, much less stocking stuffers that expensive. The sister and her boyfriend's stockings alone this year cost me like $200, not including the main gift, and I'm embarrassed now by how much stuff I've bought. I know the gift exchange is going to be awkward because they usually set a very reasonable price limit that I've just ignored. I just wanted to make a good impression and I wanted them to like me, this type of thing is just my MO. I overspend and people either take advantage of me or it leaves a very bad impression on them, my house is cluttered with junk I don't need trying to impress other people I'm just embarrassing myself in front of. I probably need therapy

No. 1816108

What talent if you don't mind asking?

No. 1816111>>1816113

So like, these TikTok scammers go to tj Maxx and then livestream it and sell shit to people that way? But why can't people simply go themselves to the store? Is the consoom need that strong?

No. 1816113

Samefag, forgot to add, they sell it for a $15 fee + tax + shipping and all for rae dunn and hello kitty mugs? I don't understand this

No. 1816117

I'm sorry this happened to you, people will love you no matter how much gifts you give them, you deserve to be loved and not abused no matter how much stuff you give others

No. 1816133>>1816195

I seriously don’t get people’s obsession over Stanley Cups. It’s literally just another insulated cup, you don’t have to base your personality on it!

No. 1816140

Jfc that's like QVC on crack. All these "personal tik tok shoppers" need real jobs.

No. 1816149>>1816163>>1816164

Nta but can’t say I felt bad when she had Nikacado in her house

No. 1816163

She what??? Kek

No. 1816164

That whole drama actually cemented my dislike for her. She really spent 30 minutes crying bitter bitch tears because kingcado liked her furniture or something and dared her to be interesting

No. 1816195

I like steel insulated cups but don't care about what brand they are as long as they're not full of lead or whatever

No. 1816218>>1827124

Same. I actually feel horrible guilt when I acquire things and end up not liking or using them enough. My family doesn't understand this and gets irritated with me a lot during the holidays. That said, I do like making things and I get super excited when I find cheap/unique materials or I actually finish a project. I wonder if it's the same monkey brain being excited about getting resources, just more burdened with the fear of scarcity.

No. 1816275>>1816337

why are their breasts making the letter S?

No. 1816335>>1816536>>1816753

of course there are dumbasses in the comments reeing that it's not hoarding, it's a collection.

No. 1816337>>1817073

Because they're making an S for Sisters.

No. 1816536>>1816732

I´m sorry nonnas but I can never play these tiktoks on my laptop. Is it because I have a mac or what?!

No. 1816732

This seems more like a way of coping with extreme loneliness or isolation than a shopping addiction. The sellers are bitchy, the fees are insane, you still have to spend time watching the stream to have a chance of finding the items you want so it's not like it really saves time. But there's a huge group shopping together and it feels like you're part of a team. I totally get the MLM comparison, it's a coping mechanism that pretends it's somehow more than that.
There's an issue with embedding tiktoks, I think there were updates on /meta/ about it.

No. 1816753

Way too much shit

No. 1816760>>1816857

fuck this thread man it gave me a nightmare that i ordered those stupid "scoops" garbage and video after i watched like 2 videos from here

No. 1816857

Kek anon I'm very sorry that happened to you

No. 1816999>>1817086>>1817104>>1817439>>1832536

A gay moid that hoards squishmallows. what is even the point in keeping them if they sit in a box in storage?

No. 1817011>>1817097

croc obsession. the wall keeps growing.

No. 1817073

supporting other women, love to see it

No. 1817086>>1817097

was that his son or his boyfriend??

No. 1817097

that's mattie westbrouck, another tiktoker. she's a lesbian, they are just friends who live together from the looks of it
where did the crocs thing even come from? like 5 years ago there was this weird shift where crocs went from being cringe and ugly to cool and trendy like overnight. I don't get it. I still refuse to wear crocs.

No. 1817104>>1817442

File (hide): 1702847674751.png (Spoiler Image,638.92 KB, 720x867, IMG_20231217_151433.png)

Jfc mayor creep vibes from this dude

No. 1817222

Good job nona! I don't like pins that much but some are really cute and you're right, they definitely are better than plushies.

No. 1817439

File (hide): 1702862262520.jpg (82.74 KB, 369x1034, sanpaku eyes.jpg)

prime example of the last ones

No. 1817442>>1817467>>1817541>>1817583>>1817661>>1823049

He gets on my feed sometimes and i thought he was like 40 but I think he's in his early 20s

No. 1817467>>1817479

No fucking way. Seriously?

No. 1817479

When you start googling his age the first suggestion is "Carter kench age" and he was born in 2002. I genuinely have considered he has some sort of genetic condition

No. 1817541

Jesus Christ moids hit the wall hard. He definitely looks 40.

No. 1817583>>1817621

you've got to be joking here wtf

No. 1817621

No. He just turned 21 in November. As I said I do think it's a genetic condition

No. 1817661

Rough 20s.

No. 1817750

TikTok comments are even dumber than the ones on YouTube. All the urbex videos have idiots in the comments talking about how much they want to steal everything in the videos, even though everything in there is dirty and literally decomposing.

No. 1817970

I never see her mentioning any winners to her giveaways, ever, and she says she has giveaways every video, am I missing something? Maybe her Instagram?

No. 1818056

>I want it I want it I want it
Are those the only words that hoarse little goblin knows? Jesus, if this women spent a quarter of the time interacting with her kid as she does shopping, her kid would have a bigger vocabulary.

No. 1818564>>1818592>>1818595>>1818656>>1818659

File (hide): 1702936768124.jpg (109.64 KB, 600x800, 1668714202447.jpg)

Why would you do this to yourself

No. 1818592>>1818830>>1820510

File (hide): 1702938462119.jpg (1.78 MB, 2048x2048, 1676423815398409.jpg)

some anime boys deserve shrines, not pic rel though

No. 1818595>>1818609

Imagine smoking weed in here and trying to ash out the oneie in a glass bowl but the still lit embers land on the giant consoomer hoard and in 20 seconds flat everything in this picture burns up in flames.

No. 1818609>>1818635>>1818650

why do junkies always have to make it all about their drug addiction, it's not funny

No. 1818635

Calm down gregg it's just weed

No. 1818650>>1820601

File (hide): 1702940632256.jpg (62.04 KB, 1081x1000, img_1_1699647737247.jpg)

No. 1818656

and for utapri of all things kek

No. 1818659

They don't actually sleep in these rooms. They usually use a spare room in their apartments for this because they're lonely people. Shocking I know

No. 1818665

Because they don't want to learn how to cook regular veggies or are too lazy for it.

I'm glad that bloom garbage isn't in my country, I bet it tastes horrible.

No. 1818830>>1818890

File (hide): 1702950532338.webm (9.54 MB, 576x1024, 1668792183666.webm) [play once] [loop]

Speaking of shrines

No. 1818890

I entirely forgot about randychan kek

No. 1819708>>1819712>>1819714>>1819751>>1819832>>1820165>>1820204>>1823061>>1823092>>1823436

No. 1819712

Kek what

No. 1819714

This is depressing tbh, imagine having a cool accessory that's meant to be used at live shows or sport's events and all you can do is get some McDonald's delivered to your house where you surely have plates and surfaces to eat at.

No. 1819751

>picking the nuggets and fries up with tweezers
Oookay. Is this just to show off more plastic?
This is made even more retarded with the music.

No. 1819832>>1819840>>1820005>>1820020>>1820130>>1820175>>1823092

File (hide): 1703019184262.jpg (61.25 KB, 396x704, 1000012722.jpg)

KEKKKKK did she really need to make a fucking McDonald's combo into some pink little plastic tower? It's FAST FOOD, just eat it out of the box.
oh, and it's the chick who makes disney-themed lunch boxes for her husband like he's some little kid KEK

No. 1819840

this is pathetic

No. 1820005

>feeding your nigel chicken nuggets
This is embarrassing. It’s cute for a kid, but not a grown ass man. Does he work from home or eat in his car?

No. 1820020

holy fuck I used to watch her videos KEK I remember thinking she wanted to give her husband a heart attack with all the mega procesed food she feeds him kek

No. 1820130>>1820169

I HATE the "packing my moid his lunchbox" genre of videos. They seem to thrive on hate comments and love to squeeze a billion little individually packaged bullshit items into every lunch. It's always way too much food too, like two giant sandwiches and three chip bags and two sodas and a bunch of candy and shit. Can only imagine what the coworkers say lol.

No. 1820165

watching retarded vids like this finally gave me the motivation to request the deletion of almost all my online store accounts. they really are great bad examples.

No. 1820169

If theyre blue collar workers their coworkers are like hell yeah and they share snacks.

No. 1820175>>1820177>>1820185>>1820188>>1820206

game plan
>marry wealthy older man
>feed him hyperprocessed garbage every day
>served in forever chemicals
>heated in plastics
>he gets turbo cancer asap and dies of a heart attack while shidding and farding
>pack him away in a plastic uwu temu casket

No. 1820177

File (hide): 1703032226371.jpg (9.69 KB, 170x275, 1646260322902.jpg)


No. 1820185

>a plastic uwu temu casket
Lmao why do I feel like this could be real. $199.99 + $499.99 15 days shipping.

No. 1820188>>1820199>>1820201>>1820213>>1820256>>1820435>>1820457>>1820527>>1820606>>1820892>>1821388>>1823583

Unironically believe this, she puts together super high-cholesterol meals with triple the cheese

No. 1820199

i wish i was a moid so i could get a pickme wife, men have it so easy

No. 1820201

Wow, she really wants to fat his ass up.

No. 1820204

TIL there's such a thing as a stanley snack cup. And that people post videos of the junk they fill it with. What the actual fuck.

No. 1820206

Doesn’t apply to her because she’s quite visibly overweight. She’s definitey scarfing down 1/2 of everything she makes

No. 1820213>>1820224

When she whipped out the little shape cutter to feed hot dogs through and then put spaghetti noodles through the hot dogs my resting smile dropped so fast

No. 1820224>>1820245

The bbq + mac n cheese wrap is pure genius tho.

No. 1820245

The way she seperates a tostada into 4ths with one side meat, one tomatos, one cheese, one lettuce… girl what is wrong with you

No. 1820256

I love the part where she's making sandwiches with the roles and the lays down heart shaped cheese. it's a sandwich, it's gonna be covered with the top half of the roll. bit much, but ok. then she toasts it. ….what was the point of the heart shaped cheese? eh, as long as she's having fun I guess.

No. 1820435

that pink sushi looks grotesque

No. 1820457>>1820458>>1820464>>1820597>>1845753

maybe the portion sizes are way off due to the size of the container or something, but that shit wouldn't keep me full. like half a sandwich, some grapes, some sugar water and then chocolate? i'd end up hungry again after 2 hours max because of all the sugar. the ratio of food vs. dessert is so off. also everything must look like shit after the box gets tossed around in his bag kek.

No. 1820458>>1820460

I'm convinced this is the first time some of you have ever seen food that wasn't chicken nuggets and fries

No. 1820460>>1820479

>this is too much sugar
>reeeee you only eat chicken nuggets and fries!!!!

No. 1820464

I dont think its real honestly.

No. 1820470>>1820480>>1820611

not sure if it really fits, but the retarded behavior is typical for consoomers.

No. 1820479>>1820482>>1820483>>1821176

There was only like 1 plate that could possibly be considered remotely sugary, also grapes weren't featured in the video at all and I watched it twice to make sure, there was also only 1 or 2 plates with chocolate and 1 of them was just a spread. the only valid thing was the drink selection, which seems to be mostly (what looks like homemade?) juice, milk, and dark coffee. The worst sugary drink was the single coke. Definitely not the candy filled lunch boxes anons are describing

No. 1820480>>1820615

It's just a prompt journal book? Please explain.

No. 1820482

Grapes were a side. Green grapes.

No. 1820483>>1820485

It still looks unhealthy

No. 1820485

she never advertised it to be super healthy or anything kek. every single meal. even the ones that contain sweets contain small amounts and would still be at the recommended cal amount for adult men. Definitely not the "heart attack inducing sugar platters" anons are describing

No. 1820510

there's an autist for everything and i think that's beautiful kek

No. 1820527

What's with all the spam?

No. 1820531>>1820599>>1820892>>1823063

Seriously though it's a little off topic but women making lunches for their full grown husbands is so weird to me, like that's the shit you do for your kids lmao.

No. 1820590

i don't understand why people have so many FULL SIZE perfumes. if you like having a wide variety why not buy sample sizes?? it'd literally be impossible to use all the perfumes on her shelf in a whole lifetime

No. 1820597

I felt exactly the same way nonnie. I eat way more than this at work, so I’m shocked a grown man is getting enough to eat with these bentos! Some mini pizzas, macarons, and a cupcake patty pan of grapes wouldn’t sustain me at all, the containers are small and none of it is filling or low GI. I have a metal container similar to the one in the video except mine is two tier and I use both tiers everyday!

No. 1820599

There’s nothing wrong with it if the husband has the only income and works full time. If the wife doesn’t have a job to go to doesn’t it make sense that she’d be responsible for some domestic duties, provided the husband pays for it all? They’re both providing for each other, just in different ways. But if they both work regular jobs and have the same amount of time to cook then it’s a little weird yes.

No. 1820601>>1821230

this isn't instagram.

No. 1820606

so much spam omg. i love spam so much yes i know its terrible for me but i could never eat it every day lol

No. 1820611>>1820615

therapy workbook from tiktok shop KEK they sell everything

No. 1820615>>1820718

There's a woman on Tiktok who made a shadow work journal with basic prompts (think like affirmations, inner child stuff, "trauma", etc). The author is apparently only 24 years and the journal has sold millions as a Tiktok hot item

No. 1820718

i kinda love how she made a bunch of money just copying stuff from pinterest and instagram kek but also it makes me feel bad for the people who buy it. an actual therapy book written by a proffesional would be a lot better

No. 1820892>>1821035>>1823344

I feel like the ones in >>1820188 are doing it for fun, they just want an excuse to make a bento box (maybe they don't have kids?). Like the other anon said, why cut up cheese in heart shapes when it won't be seen and you're just going to melt it anyway? And most men don't care about cutesy food, if anything he probably hates it, she has to be doing it for herself. The one you posted is less kawaii but I get a similar feeling.

I get the feeling some of the consoomers have a type of OCD where they want a lot of things to be hyper organized and I guess that includes food.

No. 1820995

I regret watching this video so fucking much, she is making me want to CONSOOOMMMMM REEEEE.

No. 1821035>>1823344

I agree, it might just be for the autistic fun of making a bento/lunchbox. Might be weird for some but I get it, they're kinda cute. I prefer the japanese looking ones though, too many chicken nuggets and too much candy is gross lmao

No. 1821176

you know fruit has sugar right?

No. 1821230

No. 1821388>>1821537

I wonder what made her think her husband needs a barbie chocolate egg

No. 1821537

Maybe they ran out of the Star Wars, so she had to make it work.

No. 1823005>>1823018>>1823080>>1823254>>1823293>>1823813>>1824488

our shopaholic and her kid had covid but don't worry, she's back and she takes approximately 3 hours to pack her bag every time she leaves the house?

No. 1823018

I'm always impressed by how hideous everything she owns is.

No. 1823020

it's for the youtube algorithm fyi. I've seen some youtubers complain about how they hate the thumbnails too but they get favored by a long shot. Open mouth vs closed mouth, exaggerated expressions, it all matters. Nothing is organic.

No. 1823049

early 20's? Moids hit that wall at mach speed.

No. 1823061

Mcdonalds will never be aesthetic.

No. 1823063>>1824642>>1844335

Zero respect for women who make lunches for their husbands.

No. 1823080

Idk why this one made me so mad kek. Probably because this is all so pointless and time-consuming. Literally no one is going to care.
>which wallet out of the hundreds I own should I use for today’s purse? I like red but this red doesn’t match so I’m gonna pick something else. Oh I also need to pack my purse with this excess shit from my drawer, because I definitely need all this
She seriously needs to get a hobby. Read, get invested in a show, take walks, learn to cook and bake. Spend more quality time with your kid. Go outside without the intent of consooming. Can’t imagine living like this, it’s so damn dull and numbing.

No. 1823092

>she's overweight

kek I bet her scrote is too if they're both eating all this crap

No. 1823254

>this red doesn’t match
aschually the red DOES match because is on the same chroma (saturation) as the bag, but I guess it has to be pink or a neutral white kek

No. 1823293>>1823301>>1823332>>1823375

part 2 - what the hell is she packing all this shit for???

No. 1823301

You can just tell she and all of the other consoomers are the type of people to buy shit just because they can. I know the point of this thread is to laugh at these people, but their impulsive spending makes me a little scared for their finances. My penny pinching senses are tingling.

No. 1823332

She has so many multiples of the same thing, but why?

No. 1823344>>1823359

>some of the consoomers have a type of OCD where they want a lot of things to be hyper organized
it's only for show they don't hyper organize their things off camera. I do think many of the consoomers in this thread are messy but I doubt that they color code everything in their life and cut their cheese in heart shapes

No. 1823359

No I kind of get it, ocd is not just about organization but also about having more than one thing or multiples just in case or whatever.

No. 1823375

I'm just worried about the expiration date of everything she uses/consumes. Those lip balms look old…

No. 1823436>>1823483>>1823506

Sage because I'm two days late, but the fact that she couldn't resist eating the food before filming is sending me. The fries were half empty when she pulled them out of the bag and the 6 piece nugget meal only had five in the box when she opened it and then she only put three on the stupid tray even though there was plenty more room for the others. No wonder all these kawaii tiktokers are fatties kek

No. 1823483

and they all have fat ravioli hands

No. 1823506

kek good eye, nona. I stopped watching the video when she put the burger on the pink plastic piece but had to go back and watch it for your description. It looks like there's only 4 nuggets in the box too. Amazing.

No. 1823583

File (hide): 1703206256383.png (206.95 KB, 720x960, IMG_20231221_184655.png)

Kek which one of you was this

No. 1823657>>1823741>>1823865

Me and my bf are hopeless consoomers, the pile of gifts we got each other is massive. I KNOW it’s bad and we have a lot of stuff already, but I feel like if I don’t buy him enough shit it means I don’t love him.

No. 1823741

Wish that were me

No. 1823813>>1824267

She talks way too much, I had to stop half through

No. 1823865>>1823878>>1824267

Me and my bf don't buy each other Christmas presents. We already "own everything" we need and we both have our birthdays close to Christmas, so we mutually decided a birthday present is enough. Maybe you and your bf can come to a similar agreement next year? When I was with my ex I would spend a lot of effort on his Christmas present but he was kinda poor, so the present became more significant to me and I wanted to spoil him with something he needed/normally couldn't afford. Current bf is financially well off, so it feels pointless. We'd rather treat ourselves to a fancy date, like a high-end restaurant or spa or something.

I'm also low-key considering being a huge killjoy and stop buying Christmas presents in general. I love Christmas, but the presents are becoming a big headache to me. Everyone I know is an adult who can buy their own shit. I feel like December should be about appreciating each other, eating delicious food together, but instead I'm burnt out trying to find presents idek whether the receiver will appreciate. I hate how consoomerist Christmas has become.

No. 1823878>>1823887>>1824267

Thank you for your thoughts nonnie. Yes, I’ve thought about suggesting less or non-material gifts for next year. Restaurants or spas instead of stuff seems much nicer. I’d also like to travel but we waste so much money on useless things. I think this year has gotten especially out of hand because it’s just the two of use due to both having difficult family situations, so I think we overcompensate a bit with the gifts?

No. 1823887>>1823893

I totally get that anon. My and my ex would also just celebrate the two of us because I had to work, and neither of us had family in the town we lived in. So we would go a bit overboard with presents, food etc. because I think we were both a feeling a little vulnerable and wanted to make the best out of things. Idk what your financial situation is, but maybe the two of you can make a New Year's resolution to save a given amount each month with the goal being a vacation? I hope you have a nice and relaxing Christmas when time comes. Even if it's just the two of you I hope you get to enjoy each others company, have a nice dinner and watch some cheesy movies if that's your thing

No. 1823893

That's a good idea! I'll have to suggest that to him. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas too anon ♥

No. 1823906>>1823935>>1824267

File (hide): 1703231019075.jpeg (2.83 MB, 3023x3473, IMG_5656.jpeg)

Bought my first full re ment set I’ve been wanting all year

No. 1823935>>1823940>>1824355

Need to make a tiktok of sylvanian familys coming in and raiding the shop with ak47s

No. 1823940>>1823946>>1824246

If I had miniature guns I would recreate that for you, but sadly I do not (closest I have is Mami's nendo guns)

No. 1823946>>1824283

No. 1824246

lol I asked my brother if he could 3d print me some tiny rifles and tactical glocks. he asked me if it was for the calico critters. of course it was for the calico critters.

No. 1824267

right how tf did she make packing her bag into three parts? she has nothing going on in her life, it's pathetic.

>I'm also low-key considering being a huge killjoy and stop buying Christmas presents in general
in my family we started only gifting to our parents and children in the family, as adults we as siblings don't need to buy each other gifts when we can spend that money on something special for the kids. christmas is way more fun that way, plus it's nice to spoil my parents, honestly. I have one friend that I exchange gifts with but my main group of friends doesn't so it's a lot less stress that way.

taking the money you'd use for gifts and putting it into savings for travel sounds like it would be way more fun anon. if you feel the need to give something on the actual day to make it special it could be something related to the trip, like if you need luggage or swim suits. even just baking their favorite cookie or dessert would be cute.

if you want to travel but find yourself wasting money, it helped me to actually just decide on a realistic time to go. having a real date set makes it easier to save the money for it ime.

that set is so cute anon! re ment sets are so addicting though, be careful.

No. 1824283

So tiny and cute.

No. 1824319>>1824322>>1824325>>1824366>>1824372>>1825942>>1825944>>1825947>>1826492

absolutely dead inside. killed by the consoom.

No. 1824322>>1824326

Why did she get a bag for it.

No. 1824325>>1824356

Why do they all look so puffy and weird.

No. 1824326

I take a bags when I buy one thing cause I use them for my small trash cans. Idk about her though.

No. 1824355

I laughed thinking about this

No. 1824356>>1825811

Filler abuse

No. 1824366

She could have put that tiny purchase inside her hoodie's pocket, gotta show everybody the consoom I guess.

No. 1824372>>1824414

File (hide): 1703264899925.png (347.69 KB, 414x538, fdsjf.png)

Oh god, this is the next video thumbnail that popped up. Ma'am. Put down the bronzer and step out with your hands above your head. Soulless baked potato-chan, indeed.

No. 1824414

Blonde hair really is a massive halo, they'd look so homely with their natural colors.

No. 1824488

her bag looks like my elderly cat butthole, eww

No. 1824642>>1824780>>1825945>>1826215

>Support women’s rights! (unless they choose to do anything I don’t like, then fuck that)(infighting)

No. 1824780

retard libfem take(infighting)

No. 1824878

I swear to god the cia hires women to make videos like this to anger women into becoming misogynists. Everything about this content makes me want to an hero

No. 1825659>>1825760>>1826212>>1826274>>1826374>>1826388>>1826485>>1826806>>1828305>>1828336>>1828363>>1832533

A quality control institution in my country just rated these clothing brands with the worst quality:
Cotton On
Fashion Nova
Forever 21
Gap Inc
Nwe Look
New Yorker
Pull & Bear
S. Oliver
Urban Outfitters
Charlotte Russe
Fashion Nova
Five Foxes
Massimo Dutti
Nasty Gal
Rainbow Shops
River Island
S. Oliver
United Colors of Benetton

No. 1825760

is there a link to the rating, I would love to know based on what they rated them like that

No. 1825811

And she’s only 22, I assumed she was older with all the filler. Her face barely moves anymore.

No. 1825942>>1825952>>1826193

as a GROWN WOMAN whyyy do you need coloured/scented lip balms?? just buy some blistex and move on ffs

No. 1825944>>1825946

I have a fight or flight response when I see Ulta.

No. 1825945>>1825956

Nah, making lunches for a grown man is the epitome of cucked.

No. 1825946

Same, especially since I know they pander to troons.

No. 1825947>>1825955>>1826498

I think childishness being feminine has caused too many women to be immature.

No. 1825952

I like the flavors, but I only buy one at a time.

No. 1825955

I agree 100%. We live in a childish society. Men are the worst offenders imo.

No. 1825956>>1825976>>1826011>>1826017

id usually agree but if hes working away from home all day and shes a housewife its basic courtesy to at least pack his lunch kek hows this pickme behavior

No. 1825976

Can't men make their own lunch or buy some shit at a convenience store? Look I understand making him a sandwich OR a real traditional bento with vegetables, fish, actual food you know; but throwing in some chicken nuggets with candy and juice feels like she's infantilizing him. It's not the same.

No. 1826011>>1826558

If women can make lunches every day and go to work so can men

No. 1826017

You could argue that being a housewife is pickme behaviour in itself kek

No. 1826193>>1826566

>as a GROWN WOMAN whyyy do you need coloured/scented lip balms??
I don't understand what's so wrong about this? Wtf kek

No. 1826212

in my shithole they are still regarded as "good". scalpers listing old ass benetton sweaters for $$$ sell them isntantly

No. 1826215

why do men ALWAYS trot this one out it's so trite and braindead

No. 1826274

so basically every shop young people buy from

No. 1826374>>1826387

Uniqlo at least is better quality for fast fashion compared to somewhere like Shein or Zara, I have lots of clothing I bought from them almost 10 years ago that I wear regularly. I think most things that are going to fall into the 'affordable' category are going to be of worse quality unfortunately.

No. 1826387>>1826905

The difference is probably that you bought the clothes 10 years ago, uniqlo quality has dropped in the recent years. I got some sweatshirts from them a while ago and they got holes in them super fast, their recent t shirt quality too isn't great

No. 1826388>>1826391

Did they also list the best quality brands?

No. 1826391>>1826860

I'm assuming yes, but the thing is, I'm trying to find the original study so I can translate it and post it here. I can only find the news articles about it, which list the reason for bad quality as badly made and easily ripped clothing.

No. 1826485

I worked at UO a couple years. a lot of the stuff from in-house brands is indeed garbage unfit for the clothing rack, like most of "out from under" which is their loungewear. mostly polyester shit that starts pilling if you look at it too long. but it can be hit or miss. the BDG jeans I got with my employee discount 6 years ago have 0 holes, and my knock off Palladium boot are still going strong. then there was a time when a certain style of pants was so poorly made that almost every pair we had on the rack had a broken zipper. one girl trying on one of the busted pairs told me she really liked how they looked, and might order them online. so I leaned in and whispered that if all the ones on the rack are busted, whichever ones she's sent probably wouldn't hold up either, so I wouldn't recommend it. and she said "y'know, I bet you're right."

No. 1826492

Do you really have to film yourself putting it on the counter or opening the car door…

No. 1826498

I agree with this. I don't like the wave of grown women talking in baby voices/refusing to mature/refusing to learn any helpful skills. It really reflects what's popular.

No. 1826558>>1826791

Yes but here’s the thing. If the husband works full time, is the only one bringing in an income and thus paying for all the groceries, and the wife doesn’t have a job and can stay at home all day and everything is paid for, don’t you think it’s only logical for the wife to cook for both herself and her husband? And it would be the same in any household where only one person has an income/full time job regardless of the sex of either person. What’s even the point of being in a relationship where there is no give and take and you might as well just live separate lives? Why is it considered “pickme” or “tradthot” behavior to give what you can in the circumstances you happen to find yourself in order to have a balanced relationship and household? Can there be no giving on the woman’s part if the recipient happens to be a man in order for it to be deemed good in your eyes?

No. 1826566>>1826773

There was an anon last thread sperging about how bad scented lip balms are, and that anyone that owns more than one lip balm is being “pressured by males”. Because forbid anyone who wants to enjoy strawberry flavor if there’s the option. Ignore the bait.

No. 1826773>>1826787>>1826789>>1826862>>1827000

It wasn't about the flavoured lip balms and you know it. She only said that owning several lip balms at the same time (when realistically you'd only need one or two at most) is also a form of consoomerism, and for some reason a bunch of you felt attacked and got super defensive about it saying that since is not a big expense it's fine. On the consoomerism thread of all places.

Is not only about the amount of money you spend, is about buying things that you don't need. And besides, is not like there isn't flavoured vaseline too.

No. 1826787>>1826801

You know we can check last thread just fine right? Don't try gaslighting people on behalf of another anon. Lol

No. 1826789

Vaseline isn't a lip balm. It doesn't provide moisture, only seals it in

No. 1826791>>1827249

On that logic, if the guy lived alone and was the only one giving himself income, would he not want to make himself his own lunches?

See I'm not opposed to cooking for the person you love, I think it's cute. But you also have to understand that men are 100 percent able to cook their own food, can make their own lunch, could do meal preps, and if they don't have the time, sometimes buying it at a convenience store would suffice. Women do it for themselves all the time. Men thrive on the unpaid house labor of women. I know it costs nothing to make a lunch for your husband and it's what society thinks "you should do" as a housewife. Do you really think they appreciate it that much though? I'm sure that guy just expects his daily chicken nuggets at this point, no questions asked. I don't think it's necessary, as in, I don't think a wife should feel obligated, breadwinner or not. But power to you and anyone else who wants to go through it, no judgement there.

No. 1826801>>1826813

so it's a reading comprehension issue then, got it.

No. 1826806

that's like all of them

No. 1826813

Literally go back to the previous thread and see that she was banned for infighting.

No. 1826860

Please do post it if you find it nona, it would be very interesting to read

No. 1826862

vaseline is shit and your pores are screaming for moisture right now. you're literally taping them shut without a crumb of moisture. I feel bad for them.

No. 1826863

didnt we have this infight last thread. I cant believe there is a turbo autist whose special interest is vaseline itt.

No. 1826869>>1827000>>1827210>>1827219>>1827254

File (hide): 1703410785386.jpg (167.74 KB, 1080x947, IMG_20231222_230119.jpg)

I finally have steam so I am considering getting a bunch of games on sale. But only those I think I'll play until summer or the next winter sale because I'm aware of video game consoomerism. Dragon Age Origins is only 6€ though…

No. 1826905>>1827448>>1827473>>1827506

I got a coat from them recently and it seems decent quality. Was kind of surprised they were on the list. Maybe it's only certain items or something.

No. 1827000>>1827095

It was both, retard. You’re the one that needs to work on reading comprehension. >>1804901 >>1804906 >>1804932
Of all the things posted in the consoomerism thread, you choose to hyperfixate on women using lip balms. Stop shilling for Vaseline like a salesman and gtfo.
You’re buying for PC too, which doesn’t take up any physical space. There’s so many moids that buy discs for console and never play them, just throw them into the hoard. They just wanna say they own it.

No. 1827095>>1827299>>1827412

There are plenty of moids that hoard Steam games too. I've seen so many of them buy as many shitty game bundles as possible just so they could artificially inflate their game count

No. 1827124

Feeling horrible guilt about it honestly doesn't sound healthy. I get this is the anti-consoom thread but you can swing too far the other way too.

No. 1827210>>1827278

The "remaster" is not worth your money. If you're gonna play it on PC just pirate the original version, ironically it has better graphics.

No. 1827219>>1827278

Listen to the other nona. Pirate the original. I bought it via the PSN network years back for my PS3 and never encountered any bugs or issues.

No. 1827249

Nta but I guarantee she is mostly doing these lunches for the ad revenue. It would be cuter if she used the excuse it was for her kids, would make more sense too I don't know if a guy cares if he has little pink sushi and heart shaped treats in his lunch

No. 1827254>>1827278>>1827449

File (hide): 1703440295835.png (290.09 KB, 460x574, hk.png)

Only got myself two different HK purses but only because I don't wanna deal with retarded scalpers and I was looking for a fanny pack anyway. the HK crescent bag was an unnecessary buy since I already have it in black but at the same time it's my favorite purse, I love the material, and having it in another color is nice. I won't be buying any more bags though, that's my new years resolution kek

I hate it when they have two different versions of the same game tbh, what exactly the difference between the remaster and the remaster DIGITAL DELUXE edition? Atlus should give SMT some remakes instead. Also like the other anons said, pirating is easier. I got Silent Hill 3 yesterday because I am not paying $80+ on a rotting 20 year old CD game.

No. 1827278>>1827463

Really? I was only considering it because it has denuvo and because it might be better optimised on my laptop, I guess I'll check how ps2 emulation is running first (ryzen 5 integrated graphics + 16gb ram, I can run Baldur's Gate 3 nicely for example because it has FSR and good optimization but some older games run like crap)

No. 1827299>>1827408

Some sales are good, I like supporting games I think are genuinely great and indie creators but by the time stuff goes on extreme sales it doesn't matter anymore. I feel like a lot of people buy them because of steam's achievement system and etc. so they can show off their gamer cred.

No. 1827408

File (hide): 1703448877417.png (5.89 KB, 80x80, 28kbadge.png)

The ones I'm talking about only do it for the game collector badge, and they barely touch the games they buy (most of them are utter trash anyway, since they get most of them from off-site bundles). I guess it's a little better than normal consoomerism since it's not like there are real-world consequences, but it's still pretty stupid. Why waste money just to unlock a small jpeg when you could instead put them towards an actually good game?

No. 1827412>>1827474>>1827482>>1827779>>1831589

File (hide): 1703449191962.jpeg (140.83 KB, 600x450, IMG_1827.jpeg)

Imo hoarding physical game discs is way worse than buying a bunch of digital games, if we’re talking about taking up space and having unnecessary clutter. Buying tons of bundles could be financially irresponsible sure, but it’s not really “hoarding”. They stay in your Steam library and you can uninstall it from your PC at any time.

No. 1827448

Uniqlo seems to be hit or miss now, I think their coats/jackets are still great quality for the price and way better than anything else you get at another fast fashion place. Some of their other clothing, like t-shirts, seem like a downgrade from what they used to be though

No. 1827449>>1827463

nta but I assume the deluxe version just has a few bonuses like concept art or the OST or other additional things that don't have an impact on the game itself. Or maybe it just includes all the DLCs like the one that lets you replace Raidou and Gotou with Dante but that doesn't change anything in terms of gameplay.

No. 1827463

No. 1827473>>1827480>>1827778

same anon. I also own several uniqlo clothes which I´m super happy with tbh. I wonder if the quality varies from country to country? Maybe in Japan it´s great and in the US they use shitty materials? Is that a thing?

No. 1827474>>1827482

And imagine trying to find one specific video game to play…when it's in that physical library wall of like several hundred other games. Putting them up in alphabetical order would help, but the treasure hunt would still probably take an hour KEK

No. 1827480

I think their printed t-shirt are nice, but the other stuff is pretty mediocre imo. I am speaking as someone who has bought from them in the UK. I've seen a lot of reviews on the official website of people complaining about certain items having poor quality. at this point, whenever a brand gets popular, expect the quality to decline because of profit margins. It sucks so much.

No. 1827482>>1827497

I might be the only one, but I enjoy physical copies way more. Sure, I don't have it for most of the games of the last 5 years, as you can't play them offline no matter what, so it wouldn't matter to own a physical copy. But if you have physical copies of music, books, tv shows or movies, you don't have to care about someone taking them offline or your internet not working. And if you have a list of what you own with the place you put it, you need like 5 minutes to find that stuff, just the way how they handle it in a library. I really like physical copies and I like limited editions with physical artbooks and stuff like that.
(And yes, that picture is an extreme example, he never played all those games, but if there is no internet anymore, he still has something to play for some days, kek)

No. 1827497>>1827536>>1828287

DVDs aren't long lasting, pirating games and backing them up every few years will last you the longest. I like pretty physical books though, but it's a pain to find readable ones and not purely decorative classics

No. 1827506

They are probably on the list because they used forced labor with Uighur people in China, it’s unethical. Uniqlo’s like a gap/basic fashion brand in Japan, their supima cotton clothes are good but the quality varies a lot for everything else

No. 1827531>>1827596>>1827727

Nonnies, do you have any female centric anti consumerist books/movies to recommend? I feel like there are quiet a few moid centric ones with that sort of theme (fight club for example) but not many geared towards women. In fact it seems like most media targeting women promotes consumerism through sexist stereotypes like the countless shows and movies where women only care about shopping.

No. 1827536>>1827583

it will probably last you a lifetime, it's not like most of us will live more than 100 years. Pirating is okay, especially for games and musik, but I really like physical copies of movies on blu-ray, something I can watch without internet or a computer. And pretty physical books are amazing. I love/collect old cooking and sewing books at the moment. With normal literature I buy a nice copy and read the "cheap" version of the book or just the e-book, as I don't want to ruin the pretty book, kek.

No. 1827583>>1828287>>1828354

You can use computer to pirate movie and then plug computer into TV (or use shit like Plex or Jellyfin) and it is a billion times better than buying physical media that will inevitably rot and decay

No. 1827596

I think Alice (1990) by Woody Allen sorry could be near to what you are looking for. It's has a religious component and it's not Fight Club levels of anti system but I quite liked it. I also like to think that Thelma and Louise is our Fight Club.

No. 1827694>>1827716>>1827736>>1827804>>1827828>>1828020>>1832588>>1832614

Merry Christmas nonnies, have some consoom. This woman is a frequent feature in this thread and she's buying Valentine's Day shit in December for some reason. Do people even decorate for Valentine's Day?

No. 1827716

I always think about how exhausting it must be to change your decor every two months. I'll put up a thing or two on a shelf around Valentine's or easter or the summer but I only really decorate for Halloween and Christmas

No. 1827727

Maybe the manga/movie Helter Skelter by Kyoko Okazaki. It’s about a woman who was taken in by a retired model, does a lot of experimental beauty treatments and starts losing it when her popularity begins to wane

No. 1827736

HK the most mid Sanrio design idgi

No. 1827778>>1827924>>1827971

I’m in Japan and overall they are mid. My pants are good. The tshirts and some sweaters are quite shit.

No. 1827779

Gaming moids are the fucking worst. If you’re going to be born a man at least do it right.

No. 1827804

What is with these consoom Tiktok women and blankets? Why do you need two of the same design?

No. 1827828>>1828278

>Chanel tattoo on finger
Absolute cringe branding yourself with a company's logo. Consoomer brainwash.

No. 1827924>>1828033>>1828299>>1829398

File (hide): 1703492829720.jpg (66.38 KB, 450x337, 006.JPG)

Japan nonnies, do you know the word/slang they'd use as a hashtag for hauls/collections? I know it's not really in accordance with their culture(?) , but they also do huge birthday shrines

No. 1827971

>some sweaters are quite shit
True, I bought a wool sweater from them and the fabric was very thin. It looked old and misshapen after washing it carefully. Don't buy their overly thin items.

No. 1828020

I actually feel bad for her moid

No. 1828033

I’ll ask my coworker tomorrow if there’s a term for it in general. All I know is 痛バ for itabag, 痛/オタク/ヲタ部屋 for itaroom, and 誕生日お祝いbirthday celebration.

No. 1828040>>1829976

Over the years I finally succesfully wishlist-pilled all of my friends, so we are all buying each other stuff we would already want and buy for ourselves, just trade it for that holiday cheer, lmao.
Got some of my gifts yesterday - layered skirt hangers, a cat scratching glove that unmatts fur (it sticks to the glove and you just wash it off, but I think I wanna try to collect the fur and felt smth maybe), a lavender plant growing kit and a tub of white acrylic primer (run out just before Christmas and my friend had a good discount at the store that offered decent price/size already)

Gifts for my family are mostly repurposed random shit I got through the year that is nice but I don't need and some chocolate (I am NOT close at ALL with my family and I got the set of a three same handcreams just in different "cute" designs, when I already have an unopened one of cream that actually works for me), but got my mother an ice skating show ticket. Mom got me booze with a nice glass (will use it for the NY party, so that's one less extra purchase)
Gifts for my other friends on NY are like. All from wishlists. Posters for a girl who recently had renovations finished, plates for a girl who loves cooking and wanted cute ones, books for a friend who works with disabled children, small barbells for a girl who wants to get back to excercizing, some makeup a friend wanted for a while. I added a couple personal things, like I always put in a candy cane (they're not a thing in my country mostly, but I think they're fun) and some chocolate/tea or random fun trinkets like stickers or badges I picked up through the year that made me think og my friends.
So I think I am doing okay.

Most of the gifts I'll receive on NY judging by my wishlist are like. Household items or organizational stuff or books I wanted for a while, so that's good.

No. 1828270>>1828275>>1828287>>1828290>>1828710>>1828812>>1828921>>1829559

File (hide): 1703530364352.jpg (523.21 KB, 638x1238, 1000009017.jpg)

It's Christmas, nonas. How did wastefulness make your eyes water this year?

I've noticed some of my older family members are so fascinated by Amazon and online shopping that they use it for everything now, and people who used to do small, thoughtful gifts now give a few cheap mass produced things from Amazon instead because "you'll never believe the DEAL I got on this!" or "I got an ad for this on Facebook and had to get it!"

I would rather just spend time together or get a card than some fast fashion polyester-acrylic falling apart thneed I'll never use. I don't want to say this to their faces but I feel bad about it.

No. 1828275>>1828282>>1828413>>1828499>>1828714>>1828921

File (hide): 1703531610947.jpg (631.96 KB, 1080x1898, Screensho.jpg)

Yeah I kept seeing shit like this tree this morning, the screenshot isn't even the full thing. There's no way anyone wants all that stuff, it's got to be a bunch of cheap temu aliexpress shit. I'm not even really trying super hard to be sustainable but I can't imagine what you do with all this

No. 1828278

Her tattoos are fucking terrible. Why spend money on quality tattoos that will literally be there for the rest of your life, when you can spend it on cheap ugly plastic garbage you use once, if even?

No. 1828282

what the fuck… my parents each got a book from me and they gave me a calendar and a pair of socks. i cannot comprehend getting this much shit.

No. 1828287>>1828294>>1828297>>1828399

the death of optical is exaggerated. though games from what i've heard don't last as well as pressed CDs or DVDs. I have 20 year old DVDs which play finely and even 30 year old CDs which play and rip fine. All bought second hand.
>rot and decay
It's true about shitty CDs which were badly pressed or optical media stored in shitty conditions. Vinyl will last though, but too bad, most of stuff I listen to is more convenient to own on CD. Vinyl is fine if you're into mostly vinyl/12" era albums or old electronic music. Otherwise it's waste of money, digital masters and albums not intended to be pressed on vinyl unfortunately dominate new releases.
I get shit like this when it comes to current levels of tiktok show off consooming, but why some of you want to shame people just for having one christmas tree with lights? People who make graphics like this or believe that crap deserve to be, unironically, shot. If you're mad about other people and believe in climatism, why not hang yourself instead?

No. 1828290>>1828292>>1828295

I complained about this in the gift thread. If I don’t send an exact link to somewhere I will get the shitty Amazon version. It’s not that I’m ungrateful, I’d just rather get nothing than literal useless trash. The wasted money and eco impact gives me such anxiety, but Gen X and boomers think quantity > quality

No. 1828292>>1828297

>eco impact gives me such anxiety

No. 1828294>>1828303

Recomending using decorations that don't use direct electricity is worthy of getting death penalty now? kek

No. 1828295

Ntayrt but exactly how I feel, I'm an adult I can buy my own stuff I got about four smallish gifts and a nice set of tea but it's all stuff I really appreciate and think I'll use, I don't want random aliexpress clothes and watery lotion gift sets

No. 1828297

>why not hang yourself instead?
>so kill yourself?
not any of those anons but you sound mentally unwell.

No. 1828299

Haul is 爆買い, which translates to "explosive buy". It's used more often on YouTube though

No. 1828303>>1828313

believing in climatism and another wealth transfer to the elite, taking away liberties and right in name of your mental illness… people believing it truly deserve the rope.

No. 1828305>>1828310>>1828312>>1828329>>1828363>>1830606

Do you have a link of it? Or your country so I can look it up. I'm curious about how they rated it.
I usually buy from C&A and all of their clothes last me forever. The fabric of their tshirts seem pretty shit sometimes though, but I have never bought one so I can't tell if they last or not.

No. 1828310>>1828344

>lasting forever
literally how

No. 1828312>>1828329

i buy c&a clothes too sometimes and they usually have good quality. i have a few of their 100% cotton sweaters for winter and they still look great after years of wearing them. i wouldn't recommend their shitty youth clothing line (clockhouse) though, that's low quality garbage most of the time.

No. 1828313

Its not that deep, no one is making your precious Christmas lights illegal kek

No. 1828329>>1828330>>1828367>>1832165

Maybe it's because I live in Eastern Europe where they knowingly dump poorer quality versions of the same product they sell in the west, but C&A has always been scratchy, plastic shein-tier garbage to me. I remember New Yorker and C&A being somewhat okay in the early 2010s, but now they're unwearable.

No. 1828330

nah I'm in West Europe and their shit sucks ass here too, on par with if not worse than Primark

No. 1828336

Uniqlo, Uterqüe and S. Oliver being bad surprises me. Most things I got from Uniqlo were good quality, especially the pima cotton shirts and some cashmere knits, but the bras and activewear were terrible. The other two are considered good quality brands where I live.

No. 1828344

Just treat and wash them the clothes with care and avoid the pieces that have shitty fabric. I have clothes that last me 10 years and counting.

No. 1828354

that's what I'm doing at the moment, kek, but one day your computer will die and your hard drive will die, too. Honestly, I'm at a age, if I buy something as a physical copy, it will outlast me and then I can just turn off my computer while I watch it. I'm only pirating movies at the moment that aren't for sale in my country, like, mostly every Japanese movie you can find…

No. 1828363

C&A had the worst quality with clothes I've ever experienced (besides brands like Primark, etc) and as I dislike the owners very much (they are extremely catholic), I will never buy from them again.
Most important thing you can do while shopping with the brands on that list >>1825659 is to have a look where it was produced. I've noticed a very big difference between stuff that has been produced in Turkey, Bangladesh or China among the same items, so I always look where it was produced in the end if I have to buy stuff from said brands.

No. 1828367

I can literally get better clothes in Action, Lidl and Pepco lmao

No. 1828399

I only choose that infographic because it talked about the amount of waste generated by present wrapping, please keep your christmas tree on if it means you'll stop sperging kek

No. 1828413

Would make me so excited as a kid and so panicked as an adult, cause you know your portion of the gifts is going to be a bunch of crap you don't particularly want or are excited for, and now you gotta use it or keep it around the house and feel guilty if you throw it out. I would trade all this for a single nice thing I actually like

No. 1828499

Whenever I see pics like this I immediately assume most of it is empty boxes, and/or stuff they fully intend to return that's only wrapped up to be opened on camera for engagement. Money isn't an issue when you're going to send everything back and younger kids care more about the wrapping paper than what's inside, they won't even notice that their pile of toys has mysteriously vanished. It pisses me off that this crap makes parents feel like they have to shower their kids with useless junk just to keep up with the Joneses.

No. 1828710

>ad for this on Facebook
I am so fucking sick of having to explain to my mom why the product from a sponsored FB post she’s demanding I show her how to purchase is a yet another scam!!!1

No. 1828714>>1828728>>1828758>>1828759>>1828860>>1829188>>1829545>>1829767

Not the same person as your screenshot, but as expected, most of that shit is garbage

No. 1828728>>1828755

while I think snacks are a good practical gift and it is in a box that just seems like such a retarded gift. unless my family was very food insecure opening a box to get 24 bars of granola would feel as much a slap in the face as bullshit plastic for $10 each that could have been one large gift.

No. 1828755

Getting nature valley bars as a gift is insulting, at least for me personally. At least if you're going to gift food, make it something nice like chocolates or handmade cookies or whatever, it feels so retarded and not personal at all

No. 1828758

I'd rather get socks and underwear and nothing else than get a temu or 5 below haul

No. 1828759

Setting up and filming this shit is embarassing

No. 1828812

I'm grateful my Mom is not a big fan of online shopping at all (the only thing she orders online me are flowers for my birthday), she's come back to our home country for the holidays probably to celebrate with my other sisters, but I only see her in the beginning of January because I have administrative stuff to settle.
Usually the things I ask as gifts is food I can't purchase where I live, like cornichons that are vinegary (only sweet and sour or just salty cornichons exist where I moved to). Otherwise the only thing my Mom tends to do is to offer to pay the bill of one purchase I do when I'm in my home country, like for books or for diy health products that I'm bringing back to my place.
My mom still might surprise with a small gift she brought from the African country she's on a work mission at, if anything, that's usually not something unreasonable when she brings back souvenis.
As for the rest of the family, my sisters specifically I don't spend time with em, so we don't give each other gifts, the rest of the family I'm estranged from due to many reasons that 1. make my wallet happier and fuller during the Christmas season 2. make my home less cluttered from gifts I would never use or want otherwise kek.

No. 1828860>>1828886

Ayrt and honestly this one isn't that bad. At least he's gonna eat the popcorn and use the tissue box and disinfectant instead of it being straight up landfill temu five below garbage but what shit gifts and a waste of wrapping

No. 1828886

It's still stupid imo

No. 1828921>>1828949

A family member shared a pic like >>1828275, mountain of 50+ individually wrapped presents and the recipients are two toddlers. It's weird to face this sort of consumerism IRL for the first time, and not though some social media post. Made me worry about the kids throughout the whole holiday, they're nice babies right now but I'm afraid they will grow up to be little brats.

No. 1828949>>1829003

Dudley Dursleys in the making.

No. 1829003>>1829105

That's what I'm thinking.. They also got gifts for every day of December. Insane.

No. 1829105

I keep seeing this too like christmas countdown presents for every age group and hobby on earth what happened to advent calendars being a dime sized chocolate every day

No. 1829125>>1829128>>1829131>>1829141

File (hide): 1703606832234.png (983.63 KB, 720x508, UDZYpxq.png)

I really hope this doesn't get accused of being racebait, but I genuinely think a lot of sneakerheads are just undiagnosed autistic black men. The way they talk about minor shoelace differences is the same as how an autistic white guy talks about differences in his sonic figures. it's just autistic men being really autistic.

No. 1829128

all men are a bit autistic

No. 1829131

Boring men gatekeep about their specific interests in order to seem more interesting than they actually are because they lack the social and emotional intelligence to be versed in anything else.

No. 1829141>>1829847

File (hide): 1703608191087.jpg (132.73 KB, 866x487, top-images-866x487.jpg)

Isn't funny that the stereotype of a vapid shopping addict is a woman obsessed with shoes, but scrotes are out there actually obsessing about collecting the most boring, identical, overpriced shoes in an absolutely autistic fashion?

No. 1829188

Wild that this was posted on Tiktok as if it were a flex, imagine getting a pile of gifts and it's mostly granola bars and shit like bubble wands. I know you can at least eat the granola bars, but I wouldn't be able to hide my disappointment.

No. 1829363>>1829384>>1829385>>1829395>>1829403>>1829500>>1829556>>1829884>>1830165>>1830197

Crossposting from the dumbass shit thread because wanting everything to be the same color feels insane and consumeristic to me

No. 1829384>>1829414

Colors aside I'd be pissed if my mom turned my Christmas tree into a tacky stinky mess… you know that looks AWFUL in person

No. 1829385>>1829402

Please tell me people were telling her that it’s hideous and she’s a retard because her baby is gonna put that in her mouth and it will flake

No. 1829395

I'm sorry but people this obsessed with social media and ~~aesthetic~~ shouldn't be parents. Kids like colorful stuff, let them fucking play with their toys instead of thinking about how the colors don't match your beige ~aesthetic~ house.
That aside she did a terrible job. Not only did she spray paint the toys without using something to set it, she didn't even sand them down so the paint is not going to stick and it'll flake off, most likely in the kid's hands or mouth. I think you can literally see the color not staying on when she shows the tree's ball decorations.

No. 1829398

Use the hashtags #[character name]生誕祭 or #[character name]誕生祭 (+ year) if you're looking for weeb character birthday shrines.

No. 1829402

She has been pretty universally slammed for this and has doubled down. All the comments on all her videos are about her stunting her child's development and risking poisoning her. She's trying to turn it into a silly bit.

No. 1829403>>1830023

>My toddlers favorite toys are brown, cardboard boxes, and clear plastic water bottles.
I know kids can be weird, but I doubt this. She's just making up excuses for spray painting her kid's toys to match the rest of her decor. Incredibly selfish. And wouldn't all this spray paint be toxic to a child? Like other anon's said, the baby is probably going to be ingesting paint flakes.

No. 1829414

Your Christmas tree?? Didn't know babies could type

No. 1829500

I've gotten SO many brown/beige/white mom videos recomended to me and sure sometimes it looks "nice" but i feel a bit bad for the kids. I wonder if they'll rebel as teens by wearing rainbow vomit decora clothes lol

No. 1829545

Why the fuck did someone wrap up mac and cheese and give it as a gift?

No. 1829556

At that point I would just buy a saw and make it myself instead of spray-painting plastic that’s probably going to easily chip off when my small child inevitability puts one of the toys in their mouth

No. 1829559

It took 15 years but we finally successfully convinced our mom to not buy us any gifts. She's been working on kicking her shopping addiction a lot this year and I'm really proud of her.

That said, she channeled her energy into a treat buffet with a couple dozen varieties of candy and cookies that barely anyone touched. Probably most of it will be thrown out but it's a good start.

No. 1829704>>1829711

I think it's kind of hilarious when pet owners, especially cat owners, buy expensive toys and pet equipment for their pets when they have the most low-maintenance desires ever. Just get a cardboard box, cut some holes in it, and rub some catnip oil on it. Dude bought a tower that costed over 600 bucks, and only one of his cats even plays in it kek

No. 1829711

are those lights good for the cats?

No. 1829725>>1829728>>1829730>>1829737>>1829743>>1829744>>1829800>>1829889>>1830139>>1831920

he doesn’t even know who the character is kek, this is another level of autism

No. 1829728

This guy puts the coom in consoom

No. 1829730>>1829733

>he doesn’t even know who the character is kek
So this dude doesn't even watch Danganronpa or played the games, and he's doing all of this for one of the characters? Oh, what a stupid faggot.

No. 1829733>>1829737>>1829739>>1830180

He watched the anime but never played the games, dude basically admitted he just chose Sayaka because she was the first cute girl to pop up in an anime he was watching when he wanted to start printing shit out.
He's crazy rich from his dad so I guess it's just rich people being bored as usual.

No. 1829737>>1829765

>Owns a large house in San Diego
He's definitely rich, and I guess getting richer making these vids and cut outs.

No. 1829739>>1829765

>he just chose Sayaka because she was the first cute girl to pop up in an anime he was watching when he wanted to start printing shit out

No. 1829743>>1829752

This is so performative, this is obviously for attention and nothing else, he things he's le ep1c m3m3 king exdee. This is like that girl who has the "dirt pit" in her room and when you dig to the bottom it's just pictures of Jimmy neutrons dad. They think it makes them unique and it's the only way they get likes.

No. 1829744

I can’t stand this guy. Humongous waste of paper, tape, ink, and the plastic cartridges ink comes in. What your dad being the creator of Grease does to a mf

No. 1829752>>1829755

File (hide): 1703649474529.jpg (366.24 KB, 1080x1198, IMG_20231224_144954.jpg)

Same with the Randy shrine girl who is apparently a 20 year old autistic lesbian

No. 1829755

I dont even get how that works. So she's a lesbian, but she fantasizes and wants to fuck a character that's a guy? I get that fiction isn't really reality or whatever, but the concept of fucking a guy would still be there with Randy, no? Anyway, shrines are cringey and childish, but if people weren't autistic enough to make those things, what else would we laugh at I guess kek

No. 1829765>>1830182

His dad is the screenwriter for grease, in the video interviewing him his dad basically was like 'I bought my son a mansion because I was getting sick of him sticking paper waifus all over the house'
Yeah but she's in the first episode of the anime a lot.

No. 1829767


My family has gifted me household stuff similar to that for quite a few years now and its actually great; I haven't had to buy laundry supplies in like 5 years.

No. 1829800

Richfags are going to start having daughters' desperately. Imagine having this failson as your only child.

No. 1829847>>1840931

The male equivalent of shoes are tools. You have men who have huge tool collections with tools they've only used once or never.

No. 1829884

this is like moriah elizabeths evil twin

No. 1829889>>1829913>>1831535

File (hide): 1703662922940.jpg (168.71 KB, 1024x768, 1464900845383.jpg)

wish we could have a thread for these type of attention whores, the tiktok wannabe quirky ''autist'' types. I hate them so much. They will never be true and honest autists taking pictures of lamps for 10 years straigth.

No. 1829913>>1829915

I encourage you to make it, I want it too

No. 1829915>>1829916>>1829928>>1829960>>1830019>>1830262>>1831906

what should i call it? also please give names. I only know of the cardboard cutout retard and randysperg

No. 1829916

Ask in the dumbass or stupid questions thread maybe

No. 1829928>>1829931

The dr Nick speed upthread is @ DRNICK or Nickriviera but since I only know this name because I searched “dr nick husbando” just now idk if she’s (sorry they’re, of course) doing it for the meme or is a real autist.

No. 1829931

she doesnt use tiktok so she doesnt come as attentionwhory to me. She stays in her tumblr where she gets max 2 reblogs a post.

No. 1829960>>1829964

I like the idea but it's so specific, I can only think of Miku spergs and waifufag shrines. But doesn't that overlap with consumerism?
Don't have any collections in mind that don't overlap with products

No. 1829964

its more about attention whores than consoomers, that girl with the dirt pit with jimmy neutrons father at the bottom would quality too even though she isnt a consoomer

No. 1829976

>think I wanna try to collect the fur and felt smth maybe
Collecting cat fur is peak hoarder behaviour. Please throw it away

No. 1830019>>1831535

Something like "weird collectors", "attention-whore collections", "wannabe quirky collectors" ?

No. 1830023>>1830090

My first thought was that it would be damaging to a child's development since kids like to explore colors, but when I think about it modern colorful plastic toys weren't around for the millions of years we developed as a species so maybe it's not as bad as one would think

No. 1830090

maybe to a certain extent, but kids in pre historic times were outside all day looking at a load of different plants, animals etc

No. 1830093>>1830108>>1830111>>1830131>>1830152>>1830360>>1832501

File (hide): 1703686302847.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1125x1232, IMG_4380.jpeg)

It’s that time of the year when Lush fanatics cry over the stores getting swamped with scalpers while patting each other on the back for hoarding bubblegum scented epsom salt.

No. 1830108>>1830147

i just can't comprehend dropping 700 dollars in one go on stinky bath bombs… do these people use that stuff or are they putting it on display?

No. 1830111

Goddamn, Lush is so expensive there, your post made me go through the USA site and it's unbelievable. I can sort of understand the retarded consoom impulse because Lush only has one sale a year, but there is literally nothing there that's worth the frenzy these people work themselves into. It's expensive at full price and it's expensive at half price too, you just convince yourself that it's worth it because you're paying a mere $700 instead of $1,400- as if anyone needs that much in bath products.
The absolute batshittery of the hoarders in the Lush sales makes me think that most of the scalpers that spring up during January are actually just retards who got too swept up in the consoom and need to offload their impulse purchases online.

No. 1830131

I had a friend that would import them from UK. She works there now like she always dreamed of. She would let her “rare” bath bombs lose their smell and display them. Throw the damn thing in the tub!!!

No. 1830139

i hate rich moids

No. 1830147>>1830177

That poster claimed it was for themself + their mom and they would use all of it in a year. The subreddit mod made a warning about mean comments so going by all the deleted posts some users have been calling the hoarders out

No. 1830152>>1830181

Do people genuinely love the scent of snow fairy or is it the pinkness and hype that sells it?

No. 1830165

I think the worst part of this is the awful paint job. How do you manage to mess up spray painting that bad?

No. 1830177

hm, if you crack it down for 2 people and over the course of 12 months it's roughly 30 dollars per month per person on lush products. which isn't much BUT we all know they're gonna be running into the store all throughout the year to consoom more.

No. 1830180

People who watched the anime but never played the games are a different level of garbage. He's it

No. 1830181>>1831640

I think it’s the pinkness that sells it. Snow fairy is the worst scent Lush has. Lord of Misrule is my favourite.

No. 1830182

Why are men so defective

No. 1830197

This is infuriating. What's the point of painting a kids toy with toxic spray paint? This stupid bitch is gonna kill her kid for views. Women like this shouldn't have kids. Giving me lead paint in the 60s and 70als vibes.

No. 1830262

Wannabe quirky spergs. Link it when done and make it here in /ot/ if possible

No. 1830360>>1830381>>1830429>>1830444

Don't the products go bad pretty quick?

No. 1830381

Lush is a terrible company in general. They're pro-troon and have give out binders to young girls in the UK and put up "terves not welcome" signs. And that is just the top of the iceberg of their fuckery.

No. 1830429

Not really, it depends on the type of product it is.

No. 1830444>>1830549

I swear there was a post before where someone bulk bought lush and because of where they stored it (humidity or temp) they were grieving over ruined lush shit

No. 1830549>>1831107>>1832501>>1832601

I was just recommended this video and even though the dude is a bit annoying I feel like it suits the thread. Bath and Body Works produces the most overpowering and putrid scents I've ever smelled so anything shitting on them is entertaining to me.

Wouldn't surprise me. They have lots of waxes and oils so even if they don't spoil quickly, it seems like high heat could probably mess them up.

No. 1830606>>1832501

nta but it was from profeco. can't find the original study either

No. 1831107

>people are absolutely obsessed with BBW candles

No. 1831525>>1831526>>1831529>>1831530>>1831586>>1831596>>1832510

File (hide): 1703768260436.jpg (676.87 KB, 2048x1152, 20231228_135526.jpg)

Autistic Randy lesbian posted a massive update, too many screenshots to spam the thread tbh
She is only 20 and started this collection 18 months ago, she still lives with her parents.


No. 1831526>>1831535>>1831710

File (hide): 1703768296995.jpg (337.58 KB, 974x1305, IMG_20231228_135128.jpg)

I will post the fake Randy cum jar though

No. 1831529>>1831533>>1831697>>1832510

The printed photos to me stacked on top of eachother are always signs to me that it's disingenuous and done as a performance bit.

No. 1831530>>1831534

horrendous husbando taste aside i wish i had rich parents so i could do this with my husbando

No. 1831533>>1831548>>1832510>>1834896

File (hide): 1703768685119.jpg (718.26 KB, 2048x1152, 1609923508838.jpg)

that's something true and honest autistic husbandofags do too. Pic rel is from a japanese creek fan. I think she's joking too, she's obviously rich and bored and attention seeking.

No. 1831534

File (hide): 1703768712422.jpg (493.51 KB, 2048x1216, 20231228_140534.jpg)

Anon, I don't think you want to wake up every day looking at thousands of the identical printed out face, it would be sensory overload + imagine vacuuming and dusting

No. 1831535>>1831541

that is so inorganic and wannabe and desperate. she wants everyone to gawk at her mental illness but she's just a consoomer that wants to be le 4chan edgy but should touch grass instead. 10 yrs ago those people would just draw flanders yaoi and bask in the attention but imagine spending thousands of dollars just to get comments on your twitter
i agree, and >>1830019 attention-chore collections sound great

No. 1831541>>1831549>>1831586

File (hide): 1703769035333.jpg (424.58 KB, 1152x2048, 20231228_140851.jpg)

She posted a selfie, and my South Park obsessed friend thinks she might be trying to bait to appear in an episode officially. She is only 20, but in 10 years it will be grim

No. 1831548

Nah I don't believe the western wasted ink cartridge printed pics thing, they're just directly copying off of photos they've seen of hoardrooms online. It's just the new le meme trololol.

Is that demonslayer porn randomly under the table

No. 1831549

Poor bluey

No. 1831586

At what point of building this would you start worrying about your child's mental stability? I would question it when she showed me this ugly foot as a husbando the first time.
That makes the most sense, I can't even imagine that she would be using this room daily.

No. 1831589

I know this post is a few days old but video game companies lately are being really fucky when it comes to digital content, and a lot of games have become abandonware. Having a physical copy means that I get a full game on disc, verses getting an unfinished digital game and waiting for it to be patched in order to be playable. I’ve given up on digital games completely aside from the few I pirate. Moids collection is overkill though and I doubt he plays even a third of those games regularly.

No. 1831596>>1831673

why do her parents allow her to have these gross coomer things just on display in her room? my mom would slap the shit out of me for being weird and inappropriate with stuff in my room

No. 1831640

seconding this, i also love 'American Cream'.
I actually got a lush snow fairy gift box for christmas this year, i do like the smell but its def not something i would use reguarly. if you like sweet/candy scented things i am sure there are better washes and fragrances out there

No. 1831673>>1831710

Aside from a couple of shirts and pillows, nothing is explicitly “comer-y” here. He’s a fully clothed blob of a character in their eyes, and their daughter is autistic or whatever so they’re used to the weird special interest phases. The weird shit might only be brought out on display for photos

No. 1831697>>1831724

What exactly are they gaining out of this though? It's not even that much attention, and certainly no money. I think these people just print out pictures so obsessively they struggle to find room to place them all, because it has to fit into their little autist design scheme kek

No. 1831710>>1831867>>1831926

she literally made a fake randy cum jar >>1831526

No. 1831724>>1831753>>1831758>>1831876>>1831959>>1832510>>1832586>>1832721>>1840368

File (hide): 1703774031181.jpg (531.71 KB, 1080x1725, IMG_20231228_142954.jpg)

In a really weird way I think it's (meme) status, so not pure attention but ego satisfaction. Think for example of weaboo kids, they see this stuff online and they want to label themselves as "otaku" and it's a lifestyle you can achieve by just consooming stuff. Figures, posters, games, consooming content.
>I wang to have the perfect aesthetic
>I want to be the comic book guy
>I want to be the biggest otaku waifufag
>I want to have a shrine of my OTP to prove I'm the biggest fan and most correct
>I want to be uniquely known online as the Randy stan
So much easier to buy it than to be known as "the artist" or "the writer"

No. 1831753

k bitch then why do you have #1 in your twitter handle huh

No. 1831758

i wish we could like post on this website bc you're just wright

No. 1831852>>1831856

American Nonnies are you aware of this? Apparently there are personal shoppers who go live on tiktok and shop for you in TJ Maxx stores for you. They don´t have a website so you HAVE to go personally. Obv you have to pay a shoppers fee plus tax and shipping. This is how these people make a living like wtf. I saw they even have a price list and you have to pay immediately or they won´t check out.

No. 1831856>>1831858>>1831872

iirc this video has been shared here before, but I've never seen the tiktok lives like that. I do come across lives of girls selling + trying on wigs in some studio or store often though, or other forms of people selling products live. I followed some lady selling stone beads live because she seemed to have good prices and I dunno I might order some but I dont care about seeing them packaged live

No. 1831858

same anon but lol I think we had almost identical Christmas tree candles at Michael's last year

No. 1831860>>1831900>>1832332>>1832536>>1832586

File (hide): 1703783811504.jpeg (284.31 KB, 1200x799, IMG_1351.jpeg)

I follow this insta girlie that has so.many Miku figures like picrel and I’m so jelly kek i know it’s tacky but Miku figures are so cute?? she’s so pretty and the clothes she wears are always adorable. this has kinda spiralled in me buying 3 figures so far. tho a bit sad the rest of the vocaloid characters don’t get the same love, id kill for a Yuzuki Yukari figure in a cute outfit.

No. 1831867

blends in enough with the other randys to be unnoticeable.

No. 1831872

makes a little more sense when it´s somebody selling stuff nobody can get elsewhere but these people buy TJ maxx or other stores without a webshop empty. One even speaks off a warehouse like kek I assume the regulations in the US or also on Tiktok aren´t as strict on these fields

No. 1831876>>1831929

Not trying to wk Randygirl but autistic women are built different kek. They are truly devoted to their Husbandos/special interests/collections. Not in for the coom like the Daganrompa kid. I My childhood friend is like these Randygirl as well: lesbian, autistic women in ir 20s that live with their partents. I went to her house for the holidays and it was one of the most stressful places I've been in recently.
Oh if you are wondering if they dust anything, they dont.

No. 1831900

Meh, I dont get it.

No. 1831906

Did you make it? I still am waiting nonny

No. 1831920

The tiktok is deleted. Could we collectively start uploading webms again? Most of these are going to be deleted in a month from posting when zoomers find them and start rightfully shitting on the consoomers.

No. 1831926

I doubt her parents know what a cum jar is.

No. 1831929

>They are truly devoted to their Husbandos
>number 1 randy kisser
>has a girlfriend
I don't expect someone to be celibate for their husbando, but it must be tiresome for her gf lol

No. 1831959>>1831961>>1831965>>1831991>>1832079

I get that, I guess I don't understand why someone would completely fake their interest to the point of a Randychan. While definitely attention sinking, the obsession seems real. Massive time sink if you actually don't care. I don't see this as performative for the sake of it.

No. 1831961

*attention seeking

No. 1831965

It might had started as a silly joke turned into a legit hobby or interest.

No. 1831991>>1832070

It's not about faking, it genuinely gives her gratification but the reason for it is because it makes her unique, it reflects her personality. She's not in love with the fictional character because she has a girlfriend and says she isn't bi, so that's not it, this is a collection.

No. 1832070

>she’s not in love
>this is a collection
Nta and this is a genuine question. If it’s just a collection, then why does she have fan art of herself with him? Plus, why is she going on about wanting to kiss him? Is that just part of a joke?

No. 1832072>>1832076>>1832077>>1832099>>1832114>>1832429>>1832863>>1835265

File (hide): 1703799763295.jpg (563.07 KB, 1080x1604, Screenshot_20231228_163743_X.j…)

Manga consoomerism. I used to own manga when I was a kid, but I ended up selling them after a period of time because they took up too much space on my bookshelf. It really is overwhelming. Considering how a lot of these manga consoomers have a social media image to uphold, it all looks like a tiring contest of showing off as much manga and books to maintain engagement and get attention. Nobody seriously needs that much manga.

No. 1832076

Best thing about this is how much manga us free to read online already. So unnecessary

No. 1832077

I love manga and want a room dedicated to it, especially since it's harder to find a lot of volumes now.

No. 1832079

people do worse things for attention why are you surprised? doing all that stuff takes 0 effort, only money. At least the dr nick autist puts effort into it and draws most of it herself.

No. 1832099>>1832114

In high school, I knew a guy that would spend his checks on buying a bunch of manga for his collection. I remember him asking me once, “Which manga do you recommend? I’m trying to get volumes of another series so I can reach 1000 mangas owned”. He mentioned the more aesthetically pleasing, the better. He didn’t even read them. He was creepy so I don’t talk to him anymore but I’m not sure what compels someone to just collect tons of manga. Is it being a turbo weeaboo? Or trying to show off how much money you have?

No. 1832114

This always annoys me because
1. An overwhelming amount of manga is for YA/teenagers. I don’t care if someone replies I’m wrong but most stuff for older audiences (outside of porn and Berserk) isn’t really being translated. It’s understandable if someone bought a bunch of manga as a teen and held onto them, but this also leads into:
2. Manga used to be fairly cheap (especially pre-owned) and now consoomers and their social media parade have driven prices insanely high. It doesn’t even matter if the series are available digitally for cheap/free, influencers need to brag about how they spent $500 to unbox Nana or Red River. So you have a bunch of titles teens used to buy with their school lunch money being hoarded by adult collectors.

I used to buy a lot of manga but it was because of the Borders bankruptcy/a relative owned a used book store and they’d sell tons of volumes for like $2. I accumulated a lot as a teen and eventually sold a lot of stuff after realizing not all of it was necessarily good or what I even liked. I just bought it because it was cheap. I don’t like that I still own a bunch of old manga and I can’t decide if I want to sell it because I’ll never have the money to be able to buy them again.

No. 1832136>>1832156>>1832185>>1832332>>1832342>>1832370>>1832435>>1841938

File (hide): 1703802832419.webm (1.74 MB, 720x1280, 1703779914385174.webm) [play once] [loop]

Grown adults acting like this is really fucking cringe.

No. 1832156

That cat was right to whoop his ass. It was creepy to see that scrote act just like a fucking five year old. It kind of freaks me out when they do that.

No. 1832165

I also live in Eastern Europe and I agree with you but Bershka is still the worst from all these stores. their shitty ass clothes break in 5 days. and not only that but they look so tacky

No. 1832185

this actually made laugh out loud what the fuck

No. 1832332

This looks like shit. All the figures blend into an ugly green plastic lump and the bland store cabinet display makes it even more depressing.
Why does he look like he's two failed tiktoks away from going down the Nikocado route? Mukbangs but with presents.

No. 1832342>>1832376>>1832410>>1832513

More retardation from shopaholic mom.
I wonder if she bought the mini's first before buying full size (to sample first), or just went straight into buying both. Just because.
The cat jumping on him was kinda funny.

No. 1832348>>1832349>>1832490>>1840197

Is food cosoomerism a thing? I can't imagine eating all of this candy unless you're some sort of binge eater. Why buy so many at once?

No. 1832349

No. 1832370

How loud and annoying do you have to be for the cat to attack you when you aren't even near him or making eye contact.

No. 1832376

Well none of them are really used so it looks like she bought them both which is insanity.

No. 1832410

I actually think these are so cute because I like to change up my scent a lot and like the nice little bottles instead of the tube samplers. Her having the full size and unused minis is hilarious though, truly buying shit to buy shit

No. 1832429

I'm not a manga reader but if there's one I liked and would like to own, I chose my favorite volume and that way I can have the thing without having a hoard of comics on my shelf

No. 1832435

this is so overreacted and I'm glad the cat killed him in the end

No. 1832442

File (hide): 1703815710952.jpeg (893.57 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1236.jpeg)

Is shiny hunting a form of consoomerism cause I’m such a shiny hunter, I started only a few months ago but now I’m the biggest shiny hunter eva (๑・◡・๑)

No. 1832490

This is like my coworker. She goes to Walmart once a month and buys a shit ton of candy and treats. Mind you there’s 6 people including me in the office. She’s basically made restocking the break room a job.

No. 1832501>>1832525>>1833020>>1841917

Imo the true consoomerism with bath and body works isn't the candles, it's the body products. The candles last for about a month with consistent use, meanwhile the body products will take months to almost a year to use up and the people who stock up on that shit neglect that fact.
Lush is a brand i will never understand the hype of. Nothing in there smells nice or serves any kind of purpose, plus it's insanely expensive.

No. 1832510

exactly it's just attentionwhoring. These types of rooms originates from otakus in japan and japanese geeks are competitive. if you don't spend your whole paycheck on merch you're not a true fan. When the internet became more widespread these types of room became more extreme because you had to show off to more people and then these types of rooms became memes. Bored people with too much money on their hands found out it was a good way to get online attention. I do think people like this genuinely do love the characters their rooms are dedicated to but they also enjoy the shock factor in looking obsessive

No. 1832513>>1832525

Sue me, but i like this. I think it's ok if you don't have a hoard of full size perfumes like she does already.

I also want to vent about buying gifts for my parents. They both are people who own everything they could ever want, to the point where buying gifts for them is literally a waste of time. My mother got pissy with me for not buying her a christmas gift, granted she also has a december birthday. I just can't bring myself to add to her hoard of perfumes that just sit on her vanity. The only thing i can justify buying is wine, but i don't drink alcohol so i have no idea what i am doing in that regard. I just gave up on my dad tbh.

No. 1832525>>1832549

Anon, why would you not buy your parents a Christmas gift? Do they not buy you one too? It's easy to just look online for wine recs, or maybe you could get them coffee or chocolate, something consumable. Just don't get her perfume if they're collecting dust.

They're both terrible consoomerism if you buy them by the dozens like everyone in that video. Owning 2-3 shower gels or 2-3 candles isn't consooming. It's just normal.

No. 1832533

Insane. Most of these are considered a high-end luxury in my eastern european shithole. But looking deeper the shit quality checks out. It's all garbage yet shit like Oysho, Benetton, Zara, Massimo is still so fucking expensive…how

No. 1832536>>1833390

There was time where I wanted to do something like this but with Rei Ayanami. I eventually just settled for a few shirts, figures, and a tattoo of her tamagotchi. The pricing is just too much for me.

I love my plushies too much to do something like that. I'd rather them cover my bed and dresser.

No. 1832549

They just give me money because they don't care to know what i like.They have tastes that are honestly very far out of my price range tbh, especially my dad. I think i will just stick to buying them gift cards probably since they don't really like consumable gifts.

No. 1832586

I love Miku but this sucks. You can't even see the ones in the background. Like this girl is buying them mindlessly and her setup cant keep up.

I miss when this was limited to niche forums and people were actual fans of what they were consooming. I hate online attention whoring being so extreme now especially with younger people.

No. 1832588>>1832614

Why is there so much Hello Kitty shit. You never see the cuter characters around.

No. 1832601

>The National Candle Association is trying to claim that candle fumes are absolutely not harmful at all, please buy more candles

No. 1832614

This lady really just buys things just because she can. There's only so much serotonin you can get from buying new things. The chair is very ugly to me, but i can't pretend that i don't like everything else, i just prefer not drowning in stuff.
I think there's an element on nostalgia bait with hello kitty, especially with gen x who were around for when hello kitty was heavily marketed towards adult women and were within that age range. The cuter characters are much more popular with gen z and younger from my observation since it's only really recently that they have been shilled heavily, especially kuromi. Personally she is my favourite though, but the recent sanrio boom has really caused a flood of really cheap bullshit to be created like the shein collabs.

No. 1832721

I want to give Randy girl the win on this for the pure reason that apparently toby has never finished a single Daganronpa game despite his obsession, it screams clout chasing to me.

No. 1832843>>1833015

>buy shit ton of slime
>forget about it
>make 23 minute video opening all of them
jesus fucking christ

No. 1832863

tbh manga tend to be cheap, if you start reading them young and just buy a few volumes from time to time you can accumulate a lot of books over the years. I sold a bunch of manga I liked but didn't feel like reading again and still have too many of them that I like too much to get rid of. Now I only buy manga I'm sure I'll like or BL manga that are completed, one-shots or episodic so I don't feel the urge to complete a super long series.

No. 1833009>>1833012>>1833020>>1833034>>1836013>>1836108

File (hide): 1703857133429.jpg (710.37 KB, 828x621, 1703846681557850.jpg)

A thing about moid gun obsession that imho gets constantly overlooked is not only how blatantly consoomerist it is but how easily it devolves into straight up hoarding, look at this shit. I just cant understand it, half of the guns look identical to each other.

No. 1833012>>1833343

terrible fucking taste god i hate modern guns they look like a roblox asset. Fucking ugly square lego bricks.

No. 1833015

Slime is the worst fucking trend.
It pollutes, it's shitty, costs a shitton of money, you can't "clean" it, it goes bad after a few days
Why do even people buy it, I get it it's from the stimmies but good lord

No. 1833020>>1833603>>1834813

I spend hours going through the Lush and Bath and Body Works subreddits because the posters there seem to live on a different planet. People posting body sprays from 2004 and getting comments from potential buyers, for an extremely expired product which the poster themselves has said smells like alcohol and broken dreams, is insane. I get the nostalgia! But why would you want to pay out the ass for a rotting product that can't be used?
And the Lush hoarders who buy tons of crap but never use it are beyond comprehension. They keep their moldy, rotting products for years because they can't bring themselves to toss a rare item. It's stopped being usable in 1999. There's a reason there's a 'best used fresh' sticker on Lush products. I don't have a problem with consoomerism when it actually gets consoomed, but this is another level of bullshit.
This smells like undiagnosed autism.

No. 1833034

It's autistic need to have every single possible variety, most of those guns don't get shot that often, probably only 2 or 3 see regular usage.

No. 1833343

Guns were more stylish back in the day. They just look like toys now.

No. 1833390

Getting a tattoo of a generic shitty anime waifu is the most consoom thing imaginable. The only thing worse is getting a tattoo of a brand's logo.

No. 1833603

I can't imagine hoarding lush shit. I had a bath bomb for like 6-8 months because I don't take baths often and it literally molded in my humidity controlled house in a room no one showers or bathes in

No. 1833610>>1833661>>1833668>>1833698>>1833706>>1833768>>1834346>>1834813>>1835265

There's a ton of videos exactly like this but a bunch people got obsessed with buying manga in 2020 and are doing purges now that they realized they were just buying shit to buy shit it's such a mix of funny and sad. Someone in the comments is talking about how they had credit card debt from manga of all things

No. 1833661

I still have a ways to go, but I reached a decluttering sales goal for this year.

It’s also telling on Reddit when the r/mangaswap sub is filled with the same users posting their emergency sale shounen manga over and over

No. 1833668

I new all these new collectors were going to get rid of their pandemic purchases sooner or later.

No. 1833670>>1833680>>1833768>>1834813>>1836309>>1836339>>1836450

File (hide): 1703895485514.jpg (280.65 KB, 1080x1080, s-l1600 (5).jpg)

I absolute love the packaging of Flower Knows but I know it's tacky because it has to mask a shitty product

No. 1833677>>1833697>>1833734>>1834150

She only sleeps on half the bed. Not because her moid shares the bed with her, but because her dollar store crap (most of which is still in the packaging) takes up the other half.

No. 1833680

I wonder if Florasis makeup is the same

No. 1833697

man i like pink too but all this pink shit looks so bad. i wanna say like the inside of a barbie's dreamhouse but she'd take that as a compliment.

No. 1833698

Okay I'll say I'm guilty and I like to read and collect manga since I was in elementary school (and I resell the series that I don't like anymore constantly) but this makes me both happy and sad.
Happy because I can get new stuff for a few cents since these fomo zoomers are desperate to get their stuff sold, sad because this fucking phenomenon brought, at least in my country, a markup of over 30% in manga prices. In 2020, the paper industry in my country crashed and that meant that manga prices went up due to the excessive request, excessive requests made up by these zoomers who where buying and buying and buying meanwhile people like me and other readers got screwed bad with the increase of the prices. Our mangas went from 4.50€ to 5,90-7.50€ for these little shits. Now they don't buy manga anymore but people like me still do and have to pay the impulsive choices of these fuckers, because obviously, the prices aren't going down. I rarely buy new manga now, I always wait for them to hit the thrift/marketplace but god fucking dammit, couldn't they get into idk, makeup collections like 2010s beauty gurus…..

No. 1833706>>1833805

>I went into so much credit card debt for my collection. I don't have it anymore, but the debt remains.
jfc, i used to collect manga as a teenager (ages 10-16 in the early 2000s) and then one day i found out that i can read everything online and just… stopped. despite years of collecting, i never had such a huge collection. i think i had like 250 manga at one point but it all fit into one single shelf, with a bit of double stacking. i had other friends who collected manga and we would always borrow each other's stuff to get the most out of it but me and another girl were the ones with the biggest collections. i think the sight of someone having an entire wall dedicated to manga would have killed us in 2005 kek

No. 1833734>>1833766>>1834128>>1834150>>1834806

Very Lynchian the way she keeps repeating 'I just saved a hundred and fitty buuuucks' while her husband is running away from her without a word

No. 1833766>>1835004

I might just be a dumbass, but I'm confused how exactly she saved $150? And honestly "a hundred and fifty buuuuckssss" is a drop in the ocean of all the shit that fills that room, and the rest of the house. If I were her baby daddy I'd be sick of her shit too kek.

No. 1833768

>There's a ton of videos exactly like this
post them if you have them! this is exactly what I need to snap myself out of it when I want to consoom stupid shit

reminds me of how that Too Faced chocolate bar was popular when I was teenager

No. 1833805

>and then one day i found out that i can read everything online and just… stopped
That just about sums it up for me as well. I'm honestly really thankful that the gaming era back then (DS/PSP/Wii/all that) were easy as fuck to hack too, so I just downloaded everything I wanted and called it a day. So much money and space saved. There are a few titles I wish I bought since they're rare now, makes sense since no one bought games back around then, but whatever.

The only media I really consoom nowadays are self-published music albums. A portion of them aren't available online so you have to buy the discs, but it's best to rip them anyway because of potential disc rot.

No. 1833889>>1833894>>1834138>>1834384

Spending hundreds of dollars on gachapon shit is so wasteful and harmful towards the environment. I don't understand the appeal.

No. 1833894>>1833950

>Each roll was $4 or $ 5 and I rolled more than 10 times because I wanted all of them
Just buy them off Mercari or whatever at that point? Roll maybe once or twice because I get it, it's fun, then buy whoever you're missing.

No. 1833950

If she bought them in Japan it should've been cheaper to buy them from the store. Did she just convert wrong?

No. 1834013

People selling their impulse-buys is nice as a person who likes having physical copies of my favourite books to re-read. I've been picking up manga bit by bit more in the last few weeks than I ever was able to in high school as a poorfag relegated to thrift stores

No. 1834128

kek apt description.

No. 1834138

I feel like this makes sentimental, small items lose their value. I mean it's her money but that's money that could have been used for a more memorable experience.

No. 1834150>>1835007

I wonder if she would like pink if she hadn't been taught to associate it with femininity

He clearly doesn't want to be in the videos, he looks uncomfortable not just with being filmed as a matter of surface level anxiety, but because his presence in the videos can be interpreted as an implicit approval of her spending habits. This is not a happy man.

No. 1834346

this is why I collect used out of print manga that I get for $3-$5. I also don't collect manga that has more than 10 volumes.

No. 1834384

ive noticed all of these people have little aside jokes where they acknowledge they have to actively not think too hard about what they're doing to themselves.

No. 1834787

This room tour stresses me out.

No. 1834806>>1835007

she's got issues beyond just the shopping addiction. I don't think she's married to her moid either, and I wouldn't doubt it's due to her extreme shopping. It seems like they have major problems.

No. 1834813

The packaging both catches my interest and pushes me away because if i finish the products then i have to throw them away and it pains me to think of that.
Body spray from 2004 is absolutely insane.
It really sucks that so many mangas have way too many volumes to be consider worth it to collect. I only really like to do physical copies of capeshit because they are far more easier to store and you don't need to be a completionist, just get the stories that you like. I just think if you are going to buy physical copies, you should read them online first and only buy them if they left that much of an impression on you. I say that, but i feel like most people just rush to buy whatever manga is hot in the moment instead of the ones they truly love.

No. 1834896>>1834901>>1834958>>1835002>>1835213>>1835460

File (hide): 1703993732334.png (4.3 MB, 1152x2048, Lb3qXsg.png)

japanese are really into at this kind of thing

No. 1834901>>1835213

Apparently with the Japanese waifu/husbando rooms, these set ups are only for pictures. They often use spare rooms or go as far as to rent hotel rooms to get pictures displaying their merch.

No. 1834939>>1834976

File (hide): 1703999119543.jpeg (153.97 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_0112.jpeg)

I’m a huge fan of fountain pens

No. 1834958

this is just cringe and to think people probably go in debt for shit like this

No. 1834976

Me too Nona, I've managed to resist buying the super expensive ones and have a neat little collection of about 5 pens in the $20-50 range I'm content with. I watch YouTube reviews of the super fancy ones and pretend I understand what they're talking about lol

No. 1835002


No. 1835004

Ayrt and I was thinking the same thing, I don't remember her even mentioning how omg

No. 1835007

Ive seen anons knee-jerk defend her and say that he's abusive, which is insane to me. I rarely defend or even entertain the idea that men are victims in any capacity, and he definitely isn't since he chooses to stay, but it's very evident the cause of their issues are her. She's out of her mind.

No. 1835212>>1835933>>1837865

File (hide): 1704042646814.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.76 KB, 459x583, 20231231_055215.jpg)

No. 1835213

correct. most of the time these collections/shrines are pooled together by several people for a character's birthday or something. they bring all their stuff to a hotel room, throw a party, then take a pic of their collective merch. it's still autistic but since they live in japan they at least don't waste as much money as western fans who also have to pay the raised price on online sites, shipping and customs, and maybe proxy fees.

No. 1835214>>1835249>>1835257>>1835296>>1835973>>1838654

the pink tape and zip ties make her look like the most unhinged girl boss serial killer.

No. 1835249>>1840197

File (hide): 1704046152858.jpg (254.2 KB, 1170x1569, 1000004544.jpg)

No. 1835257

The way she talks bothers me, like she thinks what she's saying about all that stupid plastic shit important. Online shopping needs to be forcibly taken from her.

No. 1835265

Wait, I don't understand. I'm a casual manga reader? and I only buy prints of manga series that I think are really good. For the ones that I just sort of like, I keep digital copies and not much else. Were these people buying every series they just remotely enjoyed or heard about?

No. 1835296

Maybe it's because I'm already ill and my balance is fucked up, but the way the camera's swaying up and down is making me feel so dizzy.

No. 1835460>>1835468

File (hide): 1704059748413.png (1.37 MB, 618x817, reminds me of space invaders.p…)

A lot of them are kinda scary

No. 1835468

god imagine doing all of that for one of the ugliest husbandos every created

No. 1835471>>1835472>>1835477>>1835483>>1835491>>1835509>>1835529>>1835665>>1835837>>1835851>>1835930>>1835987>>1836217>>1837408>>1837876>>1838878

File (hide): 1704060341294.jpeg (780.76 KB, 2048x1152, 3827084.jpeg)

I presume this is a display only room, but christ imagine trying to get out of bed in the morning without knocking 10 million things over.

No. 1835472

i have never seen so much shit taste in a single picture

No. 1835477

This looks like one of those hazy nightmares where you go up into a stranger's attic and feel it closing in on you.

No. 1835483>>1835529

This room smells like CO2 and musty vaginal discharge.

No. 1835491

I hate there's people taking up space for this shit

No. 1835509

finally, a visual representation of autism.

No. 1835529>>1835544

hopefully it smells like co2
imagine becoming self-aware and broke and having to sort through that room to resell all of that

No. 1835544

I don't actually know if it's worth all that much since generally shounen merch is so in abundance that it goes for cheap due to the large amount of merch everywhere and I presume there isn't a huge market for shit like gumball dolls.

No. 1835585>>1835588>>1835597

Tonight is the quintessence of consoom for the hell of it. Thousands of people buying some fireworks and blasting it in narrow streets, which can and has resulted in people injuring themselves or others or worse, other people's apartments because the fireworks shot up into a closed space through a window. And then the gull of people not cleaning their trash up afterwards, especially here in Currywurstland where they loooove to pretend to be for the protection of the environment and are better than the rest of the EU at it while going "vroom vroom motherfucker" on the highway .
The police and firemen driving through town like headless chickens to help de-escalate situations with the fireworks like every goddamn year, it's asinine.

No. 1835588


No. 1835597

Every fucking year my neighbors set off fireworks just feet away from my house. Considering these houses are made of cardboard and plywood, I always get a little nervous. At least this year I get to put my car in the garage.

No. 1835639>>1835642

happy new year, nonnies!

No. 1835642

this was posted already

No. 1835665

so many duplicates too. What the fuck is the point

No. 1835699>>1835701>>1835723>>1835806>>1835853

Happy 2024! Enjoy 6 minutes of shit that's destined for landfill with a cat's face pasted on it.

No. 1835701

spongebob has a real problem jesus christ. HK is also so overrated and ugly.

No. 1835723>>1835742>>1835747

I can't stand this ugly fucking cat anymore and all her copy-paste fans that make her their whole personality, filling their ugly ass rooms with ugly ass HK merch. They'll probably regret it all once the trend is over

No. 1835742

Ikr? At this point, Hello Kitty feels like the Japanese equivalent of Mickey Mouse; copy and pasted everywhere to draw all the little consoomers in and buy anything with the damn face on it just because it's cute.

No. 1835747>>1835807

I for one cannot wait for this trend to be done so i can swoop in and cop their shit that eventually gets dumped in goodwill.

No. 1835806>>1835819

Holy shit her fucking voice kek

No. 1835807>>1848426

The merch isn't even cute though, and I say this as a sanriofag (I just import stuff).

No. 1835819

It's a voice changer filter and it's fucking ear grating

No. 1835837

File (hide): 1704085819451.gif (618.43 KB, 498x280, adventure-time-spit.gif)

>Has a bed to sleep on it
>I bet she sleeps on the floor

Imagine all the dust collected in there.

No. 1835851

File (hide): 1704088765549.jpg (223.13 KB, 825x1200, China-Picture---TerraCotta.jpg)

I wonder if the roaches and other insects that inevitably find cozy home in these spaces feel like they're hiding in the terracotta army

No. 1835853>>1835858>>1836740>>1837676

The western lack of ability to manufacture things that are actually cute and whimsical or have ""aesthetic"" attractions like Japan (soyface) is the reason there are women that think this garbage is cute. How they are not desensitized is beyond me, there is no reason to only own childlike items.

No. 1835858>>1835862>>1835864>>1836740

"Western" kawaii is so goddamn ugly. It's really something I want to research, but it's so hard since art is so subjective.

No. 1835862>>1836231>>1837038>>1837162

File (hide): 1704090312897.jpg (90.6 KB, 800x800, zz-2312948691_KT_--1.jpg)

It's always the most basic, boring, magenta and black hello kitty with a thousand decapitated heads plastered on it, no surprise paired with shitty nods to y2k that most sane people grew out of (juicy couture especially). Here's the anniversary kitty on the jp site right now. You'll never see anything like this in their hauls because it's only cheap y2k inspired bullshit, oddly weebs seem to import the cute stuff while y2k consoomers grab all the cheap garbage from brands like creme shop because they are unaware you can buy anything cuter. Not that I think weebs are any better, I just find it interesting that even they generally avoid the stupid western redblackmagenta HK hoards.

No. 1835864>>1835874

Take this with a grain of salt since I don't have sources to provide, but I swear I've seen it analyzed before. The general consensus, from what I understand, has to do with how the west (particularly the United States) is very individualistic whereas Japan (as well as most eastern Asian countries, but particularly Japan) are more collectivist. This is reflected in their art by the individualist society having more -for lack of a better word- clutter and contrast. The collectivist society has art that's more demure, basically.

No. 1835874

Because individualistic societies don't really push for people to be innovative or aware of what they're making. There's the collective conscience of "this sucks" there's just "all art is valid uwu". And because of the lack of real creativity being peddled, consoomers buy hoards of the crap so they'll keep selling it. I'm not a place (Japan) person and have a lot of gripes with their culture of course but I can acknowledge that if something really sucks in Japan, it will not be consumed. In the west, you don't have to put effort into anything.

No. 1835930

Looks like Chris-chan's classic room.

No. 1835933

not on the carpet where the cat hair lurks ew

No. 1835973

File (hide): 1704109161079.png (7.93 MB, 1920x1080, girlburger4.png)

I hate that I don't hate this, but then again I'm like this. I have the pink torch in my (predominantly pink) car.
if I can find it in pink or green for the same price I'll buy it because I like to keep my shit cute. I don't buy anything that isn't utilitarian or useful. I even put down a very discounted straightner + hairdryer combo in the perfect shade of pink cause I had perfectly good, though ugly, black ones at home. this thread really does help curb the retarded consoomer shit I used to do but also can I get that in pink lmao

No. 1835987>>1835995

Imagine randomly waking up in here with no memory of the night before kek

No. 1835995

imagine you do, and it's one of the lovingly unhinged husbandofags on here and she's here to surgically morph you into her husbando tusk-style. would unironically make a great novel kek

No. 1836013>>1836108>>1836166>>1836525

No. 1836108>>1836119

moids always collect expensive hobby stuff like this and then never use it

No. 1836119

this is also why weeb moids are unbearable. they are so autistic that they need to collect even cartoons.

No. 1836166>>1836219>>1837841>>1837843>>1837874>>1837877>>1838041

File (hide): 1704135041659.png (55.59 KB, 1725x250, pickme.png)

This comment is pissing me off. The answer to this is so simple: because men don't care about their girlfriends/wives. They don't care about anyone other than themselves. "Guys tend to buy things with a purpose", what purpose do they have if they're just sitting somewhere collecting dust? Men hoarding guns and cars and shit doesn't help anyone. What use is a car if it's sitting in a garage literally rotting away from all the rust and disrepair for like 50+ years? Be fucking real.

No. 1836217

She was posted last thread. She has a TikTok account and shows her collection regularly. I'm pretty sure she actually does sleep in this room. She started collecting in 2020. >>1797426
Previously, she was a horse girl and had a horse collection. This one is definitely autistic and isn't solely doing it for views online.

No. 1836219

She’s being a handmaiden over consumerism. Jesus H Christ.

No. 1836221>>1836237>>1836262>>1836263>>1836459>>1836706>>1837081

>I wanted to start 2024 off with a haul.
Happy New Year nonas! Our shopaholic gal is working through her shopping addiction in 2024 by…BUYING A HUGE NEW YEAR HAUL! At this point she should stop saying she's recovering.

No. 1836231

Saw this. Super cute but she was already sold out (along with everything else in the set)

No. 1836237

>proceeds to waste even more money by buying from a reseller who upcharged the price
Starting the new year off right. New year, old her.

No. 1836262

she got so excited over a scrub daddy

No. 1836263

i’m convinced this woman has some sort of autism but instead of collecting stamps or vintage train sets she’s collecting pink junk

No. 1836267>>1836270>>1836306

File (hide): 1704143287234.mp4 (1.97 MB, 360x640, nRGDECIP1zdfWrWM.mp4) [play once] [loop]

No. 1836270

This is all so tacky. Shit taste.

No. 1836271>>1836297>>1836330

I had a period of consuming useless plastic shit (figurines, stuffed animals) and other unnecessary things (decorative magnets, Japanese curtains, etc.) when I finally had my own job and my own money. I think part of it was making up for what I didn't ask for as a child (because it comes across as spoiled and ungrateful)…
Into my late 20s, I wound up having a few months where I had "fun money" and I would drop it on stupid shit - cat toys that my cat never played with, "street fashion" shirts that never fit me right, purchasing XBOX games at premium prices (over $70) … Then it shifted to more expensive groceries like kefir, dave's bread, amy's frozen dinners, amy's soups (fucking expensive).
Then, I shifted to saving up for more useful things, like a humidifier, or a fan that filters the air, or a rice cooker, or new windshield wipers for the car.
Now that I am firmly planted within the endless cycle of personal debt and obligation, the consuming has been reduced to drugs and bills. Sometimes, if I get a good paycheck, I'll spend it on more than just myself (like a dinner with friends).
Is the cure to consoomer culture a $500 car insurance payment? Or when you have to beg the landlord to wait to cash your check? I don't think so. I can already feel the consumption rising up inside me. I feel desperate for some kind of feeling besides the deep, unending chasm that roils inside my chest and threatens to swallow everything around me

No. 1836297>>1837069

The cure definitely isn't bills, people just go into credit card debt. Sounds like you need a good hobby to keep you from being bored and just wanting to buy shit, that's what helped me along with being more introspective about my consoom habits.

No. 1836306

those are some incredibly expensive frames and displays, holy shit. terrible taste in style though, and I normally like tacky

No. 1836309

I own a few of their products and honestly the quality is great! The lip muds aren't drying and the colors are really beautiful.

No. 1836330>>1837069

aside from being pretty much broke, I guess what helped me was having to move around frequently enough that I didn't want a mountain of material possessions to lug around with me. when I buy things I think about how they will either have to be moved or parted with. so when I do have money to spend, it's usually on something that qualifies one or more of the following criteria: small or light weight, decent quality, high utility, or something that can be used up, like pencils and paint, or other art/craft supplies. then there's other ways that I limit my collection of stuff, but that's more down to personal taste.

No. 1836339

ugh I keep seeing their ads and I'm a sucker for packaging.

No. 1836449>>1836556>>1836650

File (hide): 1704154390418.jpg (174.28 KB, 600x600, 1607079624318.jpg)

I don't want any materialistic gifts for Christmas or my birthday though I would rather spend time with my family and eat tasty food together instead. However, my older brother gave me a Nendoroid and a Pop Up Parade figure of a character/series that I have no interest in and my younger brother gave me fake vines and vintage botanical prints since he thinks my room lacks wall and plant decorations since I don't plan on further decorating or still figuring out what to decorate to make it look aesthetically pleasing and not cluttered. Sorry for sounding ungrateful but I really felt bad for them spending their money on things I didn't ask for which I could buy for myself since I can be sometimes picky and carefully spending what's worth. Now those gifts will most likely end up being stored away in my closet and selling them is out of the question since that would be pretty messed up. Not to metion, the house we live in is already cluttered with boxes and junk so buying materialistic gifts isn't neccessary for me. I'd rather have it spent on other things like repairing some electricity outlets in some parts of the house (including my room which I have to use annoying messy extension cords) and I'd super happy with that.

No. 1836450

i have one of their lip muds. it’s…. fine i guess? not much better than a korean one you can get for half the price though like the peripera the packaging is glass and very beautiful though i’ll give them that

No. 1836459>>1836508

File (hide): 1704154772503.png (39.13 KB, 757x308, ec6743d71598a5cba1f9d45b644ff8…)

defensive as always, as if she doesn't talk about being in therapy herself kek

No. 1836508>>1836527

File (hide): 1704157325500.jpg (21.43 KB, 888x173, storageunit.JPG)

Nonnies that tinfoiled about a storage unit were correct. She's so mentally ill and doesn't seem to have any desire to change despite saying that she's "recovering".

No. 1836525

that room is worth someone's yearly salary holy shit

No. 1836527

>storage unit AND a shed
Wow. She's worse off than I thought. They're likely packed to the brim.
Also, I could have sworn her bio said that she was recovering, but now it's gone? Or was it never there?

No. 1836556

There's nothing wrong with selling it. Someone else who will enjoy those items more will be happy to have them, and you can be happy to have the money for the repairs that you need.

No. 1836650

Just sell or regift, it's really not that big of a deal. If they somehow ask (which I doubt they will) just be honest about trying to declutter and use the money for practical purposes. The only time I think getting rid of a gift is a bad idea is when it's something with lots of sentiment or thought behind it, and these don't seem like either.

No. 1836683>>1836704>>1836709>>1836720>>1836771>>1836823>>1841943>>1842317

>buys a figurine from a random franchise because other "cute-core girls have her in their collection" but is against the fact that the character is 15-17
>acts shocked that loli characters are from "problematic" series
>spends more than £300 on a low quality figurine

No. 1836704

slightly OT but I hate how totono has zero good figures. This chick is retarded for not figuring out that the loli from monogatari is an obvious loli character though, just makes me assume she doesn't actually watch most of the series she gets figures from.

No. 1836706

File (hide): 1704184985700.gif (921.95 KB, 500x281, cRRQibz.gif)

>I just saved a hunned and fitty buuucks
>I just saved a hunned and fitty buuucks
>I just saved a hunned and fitty buuucks
>I just saved a hunned and fitty buuucks
>I just saved a hunned and fitty buuucks
>I just saved a hunned and fitty buuucks

No. 1836709>>1836712

Aaaand she owns the tacky ass Sonico figure

No. 1836712>>1836722>>1841213>>1841234

Also alien 9 figures which is a lolicon anime…

No. 1836720>>1836747

i love how she's like "these aren't worth selling because they don't come with anything" but she bought them like that in the first place

No. 1836722>>1836727

>alien 9 is a lolicon anime
what ? no it's not

No. 1836727>>1836736>>1837412

File (hide): 1704188707434.jpg (Spoiler Image,8.42 KB, 274x184, gross.jpg)

yes it is , the author has written loli doujins aswell

No. 1836736>>1836747

okay and he should be brutalized for that but it still doesn't make the series itself lolicon… it's a nowhere near made in abyss levels which is blatantly creepy ( i use that comparison because they're both sci-fi "psychological thrillers" made by sadist pedo moids ) and it's nowhere near an actual lolicon anime series like kodomo no jikan or whatever. sorry to be anal but don't use that descriptor lightly, there was nothing erotic about that anime and definitely no sex, and the only adults iirc are women who weren't sexualized at all. the giant alien "big brother" segment was iffy though but other than that i really don't see it as a lolicon anime.

No. 1836740>>1836749>>1836753>>1838469

There is/was some Western cute culture that predates Sanrio and other Japanese influence. Have we all forgotten the sassy Tinkerbell, Tweetie Bird and Betty Boop merch that used to be more popular? What about Precious Moments or Lisa Frank? Hell lots of Disney stuff fills the gap.

The reason Sanrio and other Japanese stuff is doing so well is because a lot of what I listed above is associated with older generations and newer forms of Western cute culture didn't get a chance to develop and build a fanbase before Japanese cute culture swooped in and stole away their potential customer base. Modern audiences don't want to consoom the same stuff their mothers did but newer Western equivalents don't really exist anymore.

No. 1836747>>1836754

To be fair she said she got it in a set, so it's likely she just got it from one of those 'trash' yahoo auction listings.
Anon the anime literally has frog aliens licking little girl's backs? What the fuck do you mean it isn't a lolicon series?
Just because it's not on the level of made in abyss or kodomo doesn't mean it isn't also a loli anime (which it obviously is).

No. 1836749>>1836758>>1837596

File (hide): 1704191336333.jpg (153.01 KB, 1280x1280, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED.jpg)

>Precious moments
god those things are hideous. Even as a kid I fucking hated them.

No. 1836753

I feel like a big aspect of it comes from 2000s nostalgia. Sanrio was really popular with kids in the 2000s but most people into it in the 2010s onwards were just typical weebs (think princess peachie type videos) which was a more niche audience.
However with both anime and 2000s nostalgia being on the rise again Sanrio merch has started to get super popular again, just with more niche groups
>normies who buy cheapest possible hello kitty plushies from walmart to put next to their squishmallows
>typical weeb sanrio collector who imports everything from Japan (this probably has the most range from person to person)
>cutecore/animecore sanrio collector who buys sugarbunnies and other 2000s sanrio characters

No. 1836754>>1836756>>1836766

So are Madoka and Watamote. The mental gymnastics westerners do to justify liking and owning figures from these series is hilarious

No. 1836756>>1836761>>1836769

There I gotta disagree though, I don't think madoka or watamote are loli anime, the characters in it aren't even children.

No. 1836758>>1836760

please I love these stupid ass little figures. the animals are so cute, the people ehhh idc much about

No. 1836760

You do you anon, but I think they're genuinely hideous. I hate how many of them were produced so you pretty much guaranteed to see them at antique stores too.

No. 1836761>>1836763>>1836768

nonnie….madoka is literally 14…are you retarded? i can excuse madoka figures since its not sexualizing's the characters but alien 9 author has done the same things as the made in abyss fag has done? if a lolicon artist makes sfw manga with children in it does that excuse it?

No. 1836763

14 is a teenager.
I agree with you on alien 9 and made in abyss though (I brought up alien 9 being loli in the first place).

No. 1836765

Japanese male author of relatively innocent manga series try not to make nsfw doujinshi or nsfw fanart challenge (impossible)

No. 1836766>>1836769

I own two madoka figures. Guess that means I’m disgusting with moid taste. Usagi Tsukino is the same age as madoka and it’s implied she actually has sex with mamoru in the manga.

No. 1836768

>madoka is literally 14
Madoka is not loli. That's like saying Sailor Moon or Utena is loli.

No. 1836769>>1836773>>1836776>>1836811>>1837400

Yes they are? Watamote has a bunch of weirdly sexual situations about a teenager, and Madoka's writer and designer have written/drawn loli media

Yeah, most anime is incredibly fucked up, even Sailor moon. Most westerners just pick and choose which shows to apply their standards too. Ironically the only shows I've seen without sexualizing children have been seinen starring male characters only

No. 1836771

what the hell is with weeb's cognitive dissonance owning multiple loli-teen aged characters thats the main age, only to try bullshitting their way out of people saying "b-but that cartoon is 17…." as if the commentators also don't own figures/merch/probably look at hentai as teens-current adults.

No. 1836773>>1836776>>1837261

>Watamote has a bunch of weirdly sexual situations about a teenager
A teenager isn't a loli though?
>and Madoka's writer and designer have written/drawn loli media
Everyone knows Gen the butcher wrote Saya (and was on staff for Youji's meat pregnancy) but that has nothing to do with Madoka itself.

No. 1836776>>1836779>>1836810

Clarifying my point that seinen shows that revolve around adult men like Megalo Box, Kaiji, have absolutely no weirdness in them whatsoever. But they also have basically no female characters

Are you seriously saying that 14-15 year olds should be sexualized? Moid logic

No. 1836779>>1836780

>Are you seriously saying that 14-15 year olds should be sexualized?
Anon what are you even talking about? I literally just said that a teenager isn't a loli because Watamote and Madoka aren't loli anime.
Personally I don't give a shit in the case of Watamote because it's a funny anime and Tomoko's horny autism adds to that.

No. 1836780>>1836781

Anon they are and look like little girls and the creators get off on them being mentally tortured/sexualized. I know it sucks because you like them but it’s loli.

No. 1836781>>1836786>>1836792

I guess I could see this argument for Tomoko (though to me she just looks like a smaller teenager) but Madoka literally looks her age?
>mentally tortured/sexualized
Kek where did this come from?

No. 1836786>>1836788

From watching the shows/reading their past media? Do you even know what you’re defending? No wonder you’re so adamant on them not being loli, jfc. I wonder how many dumbass tiktok cutecore anime figure collecting teens will look back on this media 5-10 years from now when they’re adults with developed brains and realize they were completely fucked up.

No. 1836788>>1836798

>From watching the shows/reading their past media?
By that logic Gen likes seeing anime boys get brutalized almost as much since he worked on most of the nitro chiral games. I don't get this argument that we have to apply all of a creator's past works to a separate series, why not just treat Madoka and Saya as two separate unrelated things (which they literally are).

Your only argument thus far for why Madoka is a loli anime is that the creator did a loli VN a decade before it came out.

No. 1836792>>1836793>>1836796

Just accept that Madoka Magica is one of the worst animes. Literally moeshit with some cheap darkness shoehorned

No. 1836793

Why? It's a genuinely great show and 99% of the arguments against it are shit tier arguments from precure ageplayers.

No. 1836796>>1836799

don't let coomers ruin madoka for you nona. madoka is and always will be for the girls, moids involved don't count.

No. 1836798

Most lolicons are shotacons because they're pedos, so yeah. I wouldn't be surprised. It's fucked either way, sexualizing underage characters of either gender. Most people just focus on sexualization of girls but there's a lot of creepy stuff around underage male characters too. Also I'm talking about Madoka's character designer too, she's drawn multiple blatant nsfw loli images. It's unfortunately easy to stumble upon when searching for her regular cutesy art. Puts a horrible taste in my mouth. Madoka is a loli anime created and directed by several lolicons, no amount of mental gymnastics will ever change that. If you like it that's your prerogative though. Also I don't care about precure whatsoever.

No. 1836799>>1836800>>1845369>>1845414

File (hide): 1704194967988.png (224.37 KB, 1805x516, Screenshot 2024-01-02 032935.p…)

Speaking of madoka being for women
I kind of wish the bisoulovely collab was a bit cuter especially since the stuff they did for other mahou shoujo was gorgeous (but I only care about Madoka and Princess Tutu).

No. 1836800>>1836812>>1836815>>1836876

not the 2016 rose gold(not the zoomer lingo)

No. 1836810

File (hide): 1704196665289.jpg (71.41 KB, 914x599, GCSh0T0WoAAxfBc.jpg)

While I'm not following the conversation, if you look at character and don't go "this looks like a child", I think it's fine. Everything drawn characters have is their looks, they don't think or have mental maturity like actual people do, that's why we got 50yo that look 10 and highschoolers that look 30. I don't think anyone is a pedophile for liking a character that looks like an adult/grown up, age is pretty arbitrary in most cases. Take picrel for example, people who put lots of emphaisis on characters' age think that the left one makes you a pedophile but the one at the right is fine kek.

That said, it's true that unafortunely moids make young characters to jack off to them and most anime bros are pedophiles.
Also this is a conversation better fit for >>>/ot/1834664, I think you all should move it to there.

No. 1836811>>1836813>>1836815>>1836817>>1836822>>1836825>>1836829>>1836847>>1836946>>1836949>>1836954>>1836982>>1836986>>1836991>>1836992

File (hide): 1704196725619.jpg (2.49 MB, 5499x4000, 1633040437720.jpg)

Not sure if it counts, but there's a girl on /fa/ who occasionally posts her stuff in the EDC thread and while I am obsessed with her larping as a spy, she always goes for the most expensive things which I've always found odd. More than 150 euros for an eraser, 1.5k for a pen and 2k for an umbrella is insane.

Don't bother trying to knock sense into them, like you said they will pick and choose which series containing children are creepy and which ones aren't based on how much they like them. As if Madoka doesn't have copious amounts of official art where they are sexualised while wearing swimsuits (including a character that is 8-12).
Wish they'd just be honest about finding the figurines nice looking and shut up about how 'amoral' they are.

No. 1836812

>not the x
ew go back to tiktok

No. 1836813

I admire her dedication but this is so tryhard and cringe. The EDC equivalent of a katana and leather trench coat.

No. 1836814>>1836819

Maybe I'm not seeing something but all this merch looks mediocre at best, with the splatoon set being straight up ugly.

No. 1836815>>1836821>>1836832

>larping as a spy

please elaborate? There's more images then?

rose gold is nice with the right skintone for it

No. 1836817>>1836832

Kind of aesthetic, I like her teddy.

No. 1836819

File (hide): 1704197280710.png (586.5 KB, 1074x463, kirby re ments.png)

Ok the re ments are actually cute, but I see these sold in the US all the time at bookstores and hottopic anyway.

No. 1836821>>1836824

NTA but it seems like she watched Sherlock and made it her whole personality.
>a pocket knife and butterfly knife
>lockpicking tools, bump keys, door jigglers and a plug spinner
>a fucking walkie-talkie?
>blackberry in 2024
Kek at her flexing her HAM radio license, reviewbrah's long lost autistic lover. I can guarantee she barely leaves the house.

No. 1836822>>1836832

I like browsing EDC pages for a laugh, it's just like mall ninja shit kek

No. 1836823>>1836857

>I didn't really clock anything was weird about her
>giant boobs in a vacuum tight jacket and panties
The fact she just sees a cute girly figure and not the coomerism in this is weird, but she has the giant anime girl in a bikini, so that isn't so surprising.
The thing that I don't get is why do people waste money on things from medias and shows that they don't know or consume? Is it really an aesthetic thing? I see so many tiktokers like this, living in a pinterest board, like your whole personality fits 4 tags and all your money and time goes into fueling this.

No. 1836824

Using a blackberry in 2024 is retarded, you aren't getting relevant or useful software updates and it doesn't boast the security it used to. Such an elaborate cosplay.

No. 1836825>>1836832>>1836833

This really is excessive larp, carrying all that redundant metal shit for nothing? The precure and madoka shit on top of it all makes it extremely trans

No. 1836829>>1836835

What are those keys even supposed to do?

No. 1836832>>1836835>>1836836>>1836838>>1836839>>1836842>>1836847>>1836940

File (hide): 1704197891139.jpg (3.48 MB, 5277x3727, 1699487044237170.jpg)

It's honestly been years since I saved these, but I call it the spy larp because that's the only explanation for some of the items.

Her posts are always fun to look at.

Same, but just like with /bst/ threads, you sometimes stumble upon something interesting or useful.

She has posted a photo of her outfit before and she's definitely a woman.

No. 1836833>>1836838

Eh, it could be a troon (most likely hsts if so) but the little bird pins and kimono cloth wallet(?) make me lean more towards tismo woman.

No. 1836835>>1836840

Work on more communal, universal type of locks. Most store bought padlocks etc can use universal keys.

It appears that she wants people to believe she's some sort of spy or important figure, when ironically they would do whatever possible to blend in, what a fascinating form of autism

No. 1836836

The full black spy larp gear next to the sailor Venus and Youmu fumo charm is pretty funny, the way they’re placed looks really nice though.
What’s the bug on the notepad for?

No. 1836838>>1836848

I didn't mean that to say she was definitely trans, just that it smells of the troon idea of womanhood which I know a lot of girls fall into when they spend too much time on 4chan. I guess I find it hard to believe that someone would be this autistically into projecting a certain hyperspecific image and then their carefully placed "girl things" are the nr 1 sadgirl anime and the first fashion label they could think of

No. 1836839>>1836848

>that other troon mascot
No okay I want to see the "definitely a woman" photos now

No. 1836840

File (hide): 1704198285765.jpeg (48.62 KB, 252x375, IMG_5959.jpeg)

>what a fascinating form of autism
Adult Harriet energy

No. 1836842>>1836852

>dat keychain
Omg Sherlock autist, you're right

No. 1836847

>anime keychains
Is she doing this because of that spy family anime? I hope she already had some of these items, otherwise wasting money on old useless electronics for an aesthetic picture is dumb.

No. 1836848>>1836849>>1836854>>1836915>>1836918>>1836940>>1837013>>1837779

File (hide): 1704198994237.jpg (2.01 MB, 3681x2608, 1592187525118.jpg)

Well you might actually be right, I'm looking through the archives right now and apparently EDC-chan stole the outfit pics from a poster from /r9k/ or something.
Although I will still keep believing it's a woman because it's more interesting that way.

I thought Hazbin was mostly liked by autistic girls


She was posting before the manga came out

No. 1836849>>1836855

>trust me it's definitely a woman not a troon
>oh nvm you're right it's a troon
>I'll still consider them a woman though hehe
Fuck off

No. 1836852

kek the umbrella gave it away for me

No. 1836854>>1836855

Stealing other women's photos to strengthen your 4chan selfposting larp is definitely not a troon thing please continue supporting it

No. 1836855>>1836886

It's not confirmed that it's a troon and I want to believe. 50/50 chance between it being a tranny or a weird woman who was retarded enough to try to catfish people. The accessories and calligraphy seem feminine enough.

No. 1836857

There's definitely a correlation between these anime figure consoomers being coomers too, men and women included. They own their "cutecore" loli figures to straight up hentai of loli figures and/or adult figures. They lead a vacuous life of cultivating an image for their social media. That's all it is. An aesthetic to show off and fit in with all the other cardboard cut outs on tiktok.

No. 1836876

do leave if you say "not the ____" or "it's giving ____" or if you're flinging the word cunt around suddenly if you aren't a chav or a bogun. literally leave the vicinity and stay wherever you belong, it isn't here.
you're giving summerfag bestie xx

No. 1836886>>1837670

>calligraphy seem feminine enough
not to derail but kek it looks like someone's first week of practicing how to write in a ~delicate feminine way~. It's not even notes, just a more prententious Lorem Ipsum to show off the writing. Your insistence while being totally ignorant of the things you're describing is awfully suspicious

No. 1836915>>1836931>>1837484

The Nazi watch and weird obsession with German stationery combined with the cryptoweeb accessories, anime bg and Meguka scream tranny.

No. 1836918>>1836927

>battery 41%

No. 1836927

they aren't that self aware surely so I also kek

No. 1836931

>all that stationery
>$150 eraser
>multiple expensive pens and pencils
>not a single drawing in sight
>no note taking
>performative handwriting exercise done in pencil

KEK the only thing that's interesting about this collection is which items ever got used in any way beyond testing them out. It's not even visually interesting. There is no "aesthetic" to any of it despite what some anons ITT say, they handpicked all this unusable shit clearly just to show off but none of it even goes together.

No. 1836940>>1836944>>1836993>>1837670

i'm inclined to believe that this is a troon. something about the anime merch just gives it away. women who curate their aesthetics in autistic detail usually leave out clashing merch or choose to go with subtle merch like super groupies that isn't as easily clockable. the location displayed on the phone is the school from strawberry panic which is also a typical AGP anime with autistic loli fakebians.

No. 1836944>>1837670

I'm convinced that poster is a troon obsessed with another troon's piss-poor woman roleplay while not grasping why actual women can clock it instantly. The clueless responses to anons calling it out sealed it for me

No. 1836946

The stainless steel pill fob is for the estrogen

No. 1836949>>1836955

Okay but like does (most likely) he carry that shit around and then do what with all that?

No. 1836954>>1836992

can you post her socials I'm instantly fascinated kek

No. 1836955

aww boo it's a troon? nevermind then.

No. 1836982>>1836983

>nerv card
>madoka shit
>pre cure

100% a tranny. Only thing worth the asking price on that pic is the gun.

No. 1836983

As a fountain pen enthusiast I disagree

No. 1836986

troon, if it was an autismo woman it would be ensemble stars and bungo stray dogs merch

No. 1836991

The keychains, the notebook and the pens are the only things that look like they've been used.

No. 1836992

lol i do have a fascination with this person too, definitely jealous of their fountain pens.
search 'please do not bully me' on 4chan /fa/ archive and you'll find their posts

No. 1836993>>1836994

eh, the types of women who like moidish anime congregate on 4chan/moid spaces. i think it could've been a woman had he not stolen some random girl's pics which is 10000% a male thing. an actual woman would've just posted shooped pics or something like her hand if she wanted to catfish but show she's a girl

No. 1836994>>1837000

that or a vocaroo. No vocaroo is probably the biggest indicator its a troon.

No. 1837000>>1837001

i dont think so. as a woman i would never post a vocaroo of myself on 4chan kek

No. 1837001>>1837006

do you even use 4chan? attention whores always post vocaroos, specially if they want to prove they are totes true and honest womyn. No vocaroo=troon.

No. 1837006>>1837008

there are more women posting on 4chan who don't post vocaroos than there are who do

No. 1837008

the ones that dont arent trying to prove they are women

No. 1837013

And of fucking course he chose an asian looking woman for his larp. I hope she has no social media he can skin walk off of.

No. 1837038>>1837050

And this is not y2k inspired? It’s ugly and you nonnas sound so retarded with your muh glorious nippon does consoom right!

No. 1837050

No. 1837069

YES! Moving definitely made me redefine what I need and want. I don't want to lug a bunch of useless bullshit from place to place.
haha accurate, I am actually hovering between 9 to 10k in credit card debt with my credit union, I pay the same 300 to 400 dollars off it every month and sometimes find myself pulling it back out a few days before payday. Good point though - I do have a few different hobbies, but the cost of some of them had me prioritize things differently, so I mainly do art and computer stuff. Art occasionally will cost me $50 every two or three months for canvases and supplies. Maybe I shouldn't be buying drugs lol

No. 1837081

she has to be putting herself into insane debt buying all this crap, even the richest people cant afford to buy all this. so irresponsible with the fact that she has a child

No. 1837162

what an eyesore and i'm not even trying to spite you. it's genuinely hard to look at

No. 1837261

Nta but this is the "well she's a 9000 year old demon therefore it doesn't matter how they character is drawn in the loli/looks like a child style" logic kek.(infighting)

No. 1837400>>1837597

>Madoka's writer and designer have written/drawn loli media
An author can write multiple things, Madoka is in no way similar to Saya no Uta. And there's more staff than that guy who worked in the project, he was just the name attached for edgy points. It's like there can't be any nuance ever, Madoka is literally such a whatever anime but every year every couple months I see anons discussing it like it's literally the devil incarnate. At this point I just find it funny because of how satanic panic it sounds. Same with Ghibli even though I find their films mostly boring, it's such a normie shit to like, the most basic of the basic taste out there, and yet it's always treated like only the most rotten of people could possibly like it. Who cares. I appreciate that anons don't have conventional opinions of things, it's just so funny to me to see it happen over and over again.(not the thread for this)

No. 1837408

>Shonen shit
>My hero academia
This person is twitter brainrot incarnate, 0 original thoughts, just pure consoom.

No. 1837412

That's not why that anon likes it, go kill the actual mangaka who drew it and all the other gross degenerate authors irl if you care.(infighting)

No. 1837484

Stationeryfag here, German stationery is unironically good and I've seen people in SEA and Japan importing stuff like Lamy pens, so that's a thing but I wouldn't bother if you're outside of Europe. Spy-chan's shit is blatant money wasting and the watch screams /pol/faggotry

No. 1837596>>1837781

File (hide): 1704274733048.jpeg (22.61 KB, 400x300, IMG_2640.jpeg)

Nonnie are you the devil?? The cute little faces and animals are the epitome of pure and wholesome. Maybe not the Jesus one though lmao. I read the back story about the guy who makes these and it’s really tragic, which makes them more touching I think. I also think the company that makes these is the same company that makes Sad Sam puppies, which I loved as a kid

No. 1837597>>1840163

Aoki Ume has literally drawn loli images anon. She's the designer of all the characters.

No. 1837664>>1837667>>1837699>>1837735

File (hide): 1704287269198.png (509.04 KB, 515x806, Untitled.png)

sock glue for WHAT now??

No. 1837667>>1837670

As a weeb i think i've seen this used on japanese cosplayers and stuff to make the legwear stick to the skin more and shine? I may be wrong tho

No. 1837670>>1837699

File (hide): 1704287861777.jpg (52.35 KB, 600x899, irish dancer applying sock glu…)

No that's exactly what it's used for. Not sure why she's confused, these have been a thing for years now both in weeb and dancer circles. Makes it so the socks stay put and don't roll down when you move.

Unfortunate, to me it just seemed like something an autistic woman who browses /g/ and /k/ (alongside with /fa/ and /lit/) thinks looks cool. If I was still a teenager (and had the money) I'd probably get something similar to show off on the internet.

It's another episode of getting accused of being a tranny for not agreeing with someone…
I'm not going to shit up the thread with this any longer in order to justify my headcanon(?), I just thought it'd be cool for an eccentric poster to be a woman.

No. 1837676>>1837722

that’s not “western” though, that’s just chinese mass manufactured shit. Japanese stuff are often designed AND made in japan so they are actually high quality. Your local forever 21 just gets random shit from some random factory in china and then gets the licensing rights that’s why they suck

No. 1837699>>1838854

File (hide): 1704291109592.jpg (44.21 KB, 800x600, 1000005855.jpg)

That's just having weak ass calves.

No. 1837722

95% of the listings on the Japanese sanrio store are made in China or other countries. the only things made in Japan are stuff like their tableware, and not even all of it. that's also not how production works. you are retarded

No. 1837735

This is pretty common in weeb/cosplay circles, a lot of thigh highs don't stay up perfectly so you'd use it to circumvent that. Hell I bought sock glue in 2012 from sock dreams.

No. 1837779

This is a haul from an autistic tranny obsessed with pens and old phones. He is AGP, and his enjoyment of anything "kawaii" is surface level, sexually laden and ultimately cheap (those keychains are not cute, all his other anime shit is boring and reflects no passion or care).

No. 1837781

NTA but you just stirred up a memory of a Precious Moments book I had when I was little where there's a story about a girl whose mom doesn't let her eat chocolate and forces her to sleep with her hair in curlers but then she has a nightmare where she gets to do whatever she wants and she ends up fat and greasy with STRAIGHT HAIR and she wakes up crying and then thanks her mom for putting her through all that shit so she can be pretty. That child was like 8 years old. God what the fuck

No. 1837841

Pick mes make me want to a-log so fucking bad.

No. 1837843>>1838550

lmao I know several gun moids and car moids who are dead inside and have severe mental health problems + marital/friendship/romantic issues. pickmes are retarded

No. 1837865>>1837868

File (hide): 1704305836997.jpeg (1.67 KB, 27x25, CF87C7CD-404E-4BDE-A442-7026FF…)

No. 1837868


No. 1837874

I wish this was true so i could waste my money just to buy all the figures of my husbandos, from obscure shows to the most popular, with different clothes and all but moids need to collect their waifu figures instead

No. 1837876

Again with the ugly dingy furniture kek.

No. 1837877

Someone tell lil yussy over here that the reason why women tend to collect decorative shit and less on our hobbies is because with age we are expected to take on more responsibilities (i.e. children, picking up after scrotes domestically, working full time jobs) to the point where we don't have time EXCEPT to maybe look at superficial and decorative shit we adorn our modern, guilded cages with. What adult women does she know who can slink away into a garage for several hours to work on a car? Or play on an expensive battlestation to play games with randos online uninterrupted for days on end? Fucking idiot. She makes it sound like women do nothing and on that matter she can speak for herself.
Why does this bitch even bring up makeup as if that's not forced upon us when our literal professional and interpersonal relationships depend on how pretty and put together we look? Infuriating stuff.

No. 1838041

>men tend to buy stuff with a PURPOSE
Funko pop sold over 1 bil last year but yeah fuck becky and her rocks

No. 1838469

>Have we all forgotten the sassy Tinkerbell, Tweetie Bird and Betty Boop merch that used to be more popular? What about Precious Moments or Lisa Frank? Hell lots of Disney stuff fills the gap.
They're cute, sure, but they don't really approach "cute" in the way that I find appealing. The difference between western and eastern styles, as vague and ambiguous as that could possibly be, is pretty big. It's really interesting and I'm not sure what the root cause of the stylistic differences stems from. But that's completely off-topic and better suited for a different thread.

No. 1838533>>1838544>>1838546>>1838572>>1838770>>1838778>>1838885>>1839157>>1839675

File (hide): 1704349353246.mp4 (9.23 MB, 480x852, xhjmlbQTamrxDd_P.mp4) [play once] [loop]

all this for a plastic cup?

No. 1838544>>1838555>>1838558>>1838574>>1838746>>1839151

File (hide): 1704350248073.png (265.66 KB, 588x708, stan.png)

I saw someone make the comment picrel, even though i agree with it, i still cannot understand being such an npc, not be an edgelord or anything. Maybe when i was a wee autistic child i was a huge copycat and wanted to jump on a lot of trends to make people like me, but in my teen years i literally stopped caring. Seeing grown adults, at their big age, is just cringe.

No. 1838546

people are doing allat for a fucking cup????

No. 1838550>>1838566

kek. I knew moids that thought getting tens of thousands of dollars worth of guns during the pandemic because they thought it was going to turn into some apocalypse situation. even if that was likely at least stock up on ammo and have one gun and then have food, water cleaner (but they think clean water is for pussies??) etc. You just have a bunch of pieces of metal now that cant do shit because you spent your every last cent on guns and not ammo

No. 1838555>>1838947>>1841953

I agree with her take but it's also this weird facade of a community. People want to get involved and connect with each other but are still too selfish to give that one lady one of the two cups they each got kek. Depressing.

No. 1838558>>1838946>>1839031

File (hide): 1704351304687.jpeg (220.74 KB, 1125x1396, DybpfpW[1].jpeg)

These NPCs are not longing for a community , they are not trying to bond with those other consoomers, they are competing with them.

They get a dopamine hit knowing they got a shitty cup that other retards couldn't get. Them filming the people at the end that couldn't buy one is their euphoric consoomer momment, thats what made it worth it for them. Thats what they wanted, boost their ego with something trivial and petty and pretend they are on top of an imaginary scale that doesn't actually exist and watch other bugpeople seething because they couldn't do the same.

No. 1838566>>1839630

Moids are so obsessed with thinking something out of the ordinary happening immediately means there will be riots, or just blowing unassuming shit widely out of proportion. I remember talking to a Canadian moid about how under EU regulations, consumers have the right to return most items within 14 days for any reason, and how that's pretty reasonable. He quickly spun it to some shit like "How are stores able to do that? They must have armed forces around to enforce it and - (I stopped listening to him)". It was ridiculous.

No. 1838572>>1838885

Why do dumbasses like her never wear gloves when they say they are cold? She sounds so vapid.

No. 1838574>>1838751

I saw a girl on tiktok who literally had a whole cupboard full of these. Like she literally had over 30 mugs taking up 3 shelves of an entire cabinet in varying pastel shades and had some repeat colors. I don't get it. Each one doesn't even look that different (wow light pastel lime green vs slightly darker pastel lime green?) They're not even cute or aesthetically pleasing either? I have never understood a trend less before in my life

No. 1838654>>1838656

>my other most used tool, the box cutter
oh man

No. 1838656

Hopefully it's just for opening boxes since she's a consoomer.

No. 1838746

Could be, I’ve seen a vlog about a recent worldwide genshin pr campaign, they was in a giant line for some official acrylic stands, and they were saying it was mainly about bonding experience or something, not the item itself - and many people stayed in line even after all merch was not available anymore - just for hanging around genshin fans. So it’s an event. But, despite all that, I hardly can imagine a “trademark flask fan” and what they could possibly be bonded over

No. 1838751

File (hide): 1704372693284.jpeg (287.28 KB, 1080x1257, 9FEAAC32-ACE0-422F-A5EB-4D66A4…)

I can’t be truly mad about a regular non-plastic mug collection, even if it’s a disneyfag like the pic. I think it’s a grandma living inside me speaking, idk

No. 1838755>>1838839>>1838907>>1839031>>1839147

Girls help.
I am mostly estranged from my family and they never knew anything about me, really. So every Christmas I get SOAPS. And it's fine. It's a thing I can use. But this year I got a whole box of christmass-shaped soaps, like realistic oranges that break into parts, shit with sprinkles that I am pretty sure are plastic, like realistic christmass candy stuff.
It was nice getting a couple bars of nice soaps before, because my older cousing used to buy a lot of nice artisan soaps on her endless travels to Europe. But this shit I got this year is basically unusable novelty shit. And it's a BOX of it. And it's not nice shit she got me before, like artisan with nice smells and herbs inside, this looks like something a child could make with their first soap kit and doesn't even smell nice.
What the fuck do I do with this extra soap? I know I am not using these ugly fiddly pieces that will become even uglier with use. My mother insists they are cute, but they are also entirely unusable.

Among the other funky gifts I got - we had a Secret Santa at my job and I got an ugliest thermos cup still in it's retail bag (ripped) with the receipt inside. I already have a perfectly working one and whoever gifted me this should have seen me use it AT WORK. I can't return it because the purchase was made with a card and like, here if you don't use the same card you paid with, the money won't go through. At least I have some ideas about where to repurpose/regift THAT. Holy fuck, it's not even portable, because it would leak everywhere immediately.

No. 1838770

This is super retarded, but it would be a great opportunity to make friends especially when she sat there with the other 3 women alone. Like imagine if we sat in front of that store early in the morning, I bet we could pull off a heist so we wouldn't have to wait a ridiculous amount of time to get ugly termo cups.

Also none of these women need 2-3 pieces of them, how greedy can you be?

No. 1838778>>1838839

what i hate about this is that they take away the opportunity for "normal" people to buy this shit. i find stanleys fugly but maybe someone out there who doesn't have a stanley cup yet wanted to buy this one but nope, the retarded stanley autists had to buy them all.

slightly OT but many years ago i bought a monster high doll on a whim because i found her cute. i later gave her to my cousin who played with her until she grew too old for dolls. i only found out a few years ago that the doll in question was apparently very rare and sought after by collectors kek.

No. 1838839

Use them as hand soaps, or give some to your mother since she liked them. If they're melt-and-pour glycerine soaps they should go quite quickly. I'd try to use them ASAP since glycerine soap can weep (it releases moisture and looks gross but it's totally fine to use) and it makes a mess in the box. Hopefully next year you'll get more fancy soap instead of novelty crap.
They resell them at insane prices. It's crazy how far collectors will go to get their hands on them.

No. 1838854

I've heard of using it for that baggy leg warmer look, I can imagine it is necessary to achieve that. Never wanted to so can't comment on that.

No. 1838878

sorry to bring the topic back to the spy larper but sometimes i browse edc carry threads on 4chan /g/ and the general concensous on the spy larp pics is that its just a man saying hes a woman to farm (you)s and nothing else
but the pics arent from 2024 it's from 2017-2019
images that trigger dust allergies

No. 1838885>>1838934

This is sad. I imagine the people in the back of the line are just casual goers, maybe people that want their first cup, only to be met by chaos. The way some of them grab 2 cups is kind of irritating. You know they think it’s a flex to grab extra when others may want just 1.
She’s so uwu frail and smol! So she gets easily cold!
This is sarcasm obviously, but I’ve noticed lots of girls do this for attention and think it’s somehow attractive to be freezing.

No. 1838902>>1838907>>1839008>>1840360

Found my collection of tamagotchi meets, p’s and m!x, and am now trying to find my collection of U’s. Every time I hold my tama’s I get so excited and desperately want to turn a couple on but I’m an adult with responsibilities now and I can’t sit their watching their tiny little animations as they go about their day. I wish there was something similar on my phone but that will never be able to recapture the feel of holding the egg shaped units. I’m thinking I’ll just set up a display and maybe activate one and rotate which ones active. I hope they bring out a new design eventually because the last few haven’t excited me, though I guess they’re meant for children so that makes sense.

No. 1838907>>1838980>>1839008

Can you return it for store credit? I know some stores will do that instead if you have the receipt but don’t have the card.


I’m actually surprised to find someone else that likes tamas on here. They are one of my guilty pleasures considering how overpriced they are for what they actually provide.

No. 1838934

The people at the back probably wanted coffee kek. It's insane that you literally have to camp outside a Starbucks at ass o'clock in the morning to have a chance of getting your hands on these things. IT'S A CUP. I thought the girl in the video was queuing so early as a gimmick but no, if you got there at 5AM or later you didn't get the cup. I get doing this if you're a scalper and pay your rent by selling this crap but it looked like there was a 2 cup limit, so is it really worth it? The money you make from reselling one of these at 4 times the asking price is not worth throwing away hours of sleep for, unless you force your whole extended family to wait in line with you and grab an extra 2 cups each to resell.

No. 1838946

Facts. If they wanted a community, they would join a sport or hobby club. This is pure shopping addiction and competition.

No. 1838947

and then their engagement with the “community” is posting look what I got! And then vanishing. Why do they need 2? Are they all planning to scalp but would feel too douchey to grab 3 or more? Did they all just start grabbing two when they saw the first person do it? Is it just because of some neurosis that makes them feel they need a “backup”? Imagine waiting all that time to not even get one it’s insane

No. 1838980>>1839964

I’m lucky everyone feeds my collection, I let them know when there’s a new version out that I want and eventually I’ll get it for a birthday or Christmas. It helps that when I look online some of the ones I have are worth more then anyone paid. That said I don’t think I could part with them, I know I’d regret it later in life just like I do that I gave away my Polly pocket collection (to someone who was meant to give it to their daughter but sold it online instead).

No. 1839008>>1839964

i do the same with displaying and rotating through active tamas
at least with the later ones you can put them in day care while you're out during the day so they don't die
p's were fun to mod…
some stores might not because they'll think it's an attempt at fraud

No. 1839031

I agree, the "longing for a community" thing falls apart the second they get in the store and start pushing, and in the video someone got her cup stolen. It's purely for consumption, not community. It's not even that profitable to resell them, imo, especially when they only get two and Target can always sell more plastic crap, it's about the high of buying in that moment.

Can you give them away to a shelter or something?

No. 1839147

Either give donate them or use them as hand soap. My mom always buys me soaps, some fancy and some novelty and I have no qualms just using them as hand soaps. It’s meant to be used, no need to save them. Also most novelty soaps just have the colored layer on top and it melts off quickly.

No. 1839151

These things are reselling for $200 on eBay.

No. 1839157>>1839171

female funko pops

No. 1839171>>1839182

i said the same thing about squishmellows, but at least those are pretty comfy pillows.

No. 1839182

both are funko pop tier, just the same generic shape but with different colors.

No. 1839238>>1839441

i spent a lot of time towards the end of last year to delete my accounts at various online stores. i got money on christmas and like a retard i wanted to spend it immediately on useless shit but then i remembered that i don't have any accounts at my go to retard stores anymore and it immediately curbed my desire for impulse spending.

No. 1839298>>1839302>>1839313>>1839400>>1839415>>1839440>>1839441>>1839483>>1839658>>1839972>>1840017>>1840990

Please be real with me nonnas: how many stuffed animals is too many? If I asked this in any plushie-related communities I would be met with "you can never have too many!" but I honestly disagree, judging by those photos of people filling up entire rooms with literal hundreds of near-identical Squishmallows. I know THAT'S excessive, but it's harder to tell where to draw the line with "normal" collections (variety of types, acquired as souvenirs or gifts or secondhand, each liked individually for what it is rather than just thrown on a giant pile and forgotten about, not trying to flex brand loyalty for Tiktok clout, not overspending or going into credit card debt, etc.) When should I say "enough is enough" and stop getting new ones?

No. 1839302>>1839313

Probably around 20 it stops being cute and more concerning or weird. Maybe it depends on size though, if they are tiny it might be ok to have more

No. 1839313

As of right now, I have 1 Squishmallow that I sleep with (that's 4 or 5 years old now), another plushie I use as neck support along with my regular pillow, one big one that I don't know what to do with, and then maybe <10 that are the size of my hand or smaller. Most of them fit on one small shelf, but are otherwise placed around the house. Doesn't feel overwhelming at all, but I'm at the point where I start telling myself "I don't need anymore" when I'm at the store or looking around online. I have another ~10 fandom plush dolls but those are all mostly small and easy to display/hide when need be.

No. 1839400


I got 2 medium ones, one big and 4 small keychain ones.
Around 10 Sounds fine, i imagine it would be harder to rotate or display everything above accordingly.(you could do like different cute Background decoration for each)
Worst case you got a pile of dust collectors

No. 1839415

There's no definitive answer, it depends on your space the sizes of them. I use some bigger plushies as couch pillows and smaller ones throughout the house as decoration, which I think is better than just filling a closet or room. I think the better answer is however many feels right to you though, if you have a bunch that were just impulse buys, maybe change your mindset to from now on only buying what really feels special to you.

No. 1839434>>1839441>>1839512

File (hide): 1704411489326.jpg (23.57 KB, 500x500, 277837.jpg)

Nona from this post >>1807340 checking in. I finally bought my Kindle! This has been two years in the making kek. It's so nice to have something, well, nice! Not second hand. Not priced down. Not broken. Something completely mine that has warranty so if it breaks I'm not fucked. Though it was anxiety inducing making an expensive purchase, I feel the positive experience chipped away at that toxic voice in my head telling me to never spend and buy cheap. Thank you to the nonas who shared their stories and offered advice on targeting scarcity mentality.

No. 1839440

I have dozens of stuffed animals on my bed and most of them are from childhood. I don’t have them displayed anywhere else in my house though. They all have special meaning to me so they occupy space in my head too. I think it depends on why you’re buying them and why you own X amount- and if you reach a point where you forget you have them it’s time to pare down. I haven’t bought a new stuffed animal in many many years because I know I already have a ton and don’t really have the mental capacity for more. I also think if you’re questioning your spending habits/clutter you’re probably reaching a tipping point and need to cut back- I know I’ve had this thought process about clothing multiple times. I’ve never thought about my stuffed animals though, but who knows, maybe I won’t want them 10 years from now.

No. 1839441

Good job nona!
There's no solid number. Stop getting them when you feel anxious about where they'll go or how much they cost. Hoarders and consoomers don't care how much space they don't have, that's how they end up with plushie mountains and bedbugs. Everything needs a purpose and a place.
FUCK YEAH NONA! May that Kindle be the start of a lifelong healthy relationship to money and purchases!

No. 1839483>>1839915

If they take up more than a shelf, snd don't have meaning to them, it's too many

No. 1839512

Nice job, nona. I completely understand your struggle to purchase things, even necessities, but you'll be able to overcome it. Be kind to yourself when you buy luxuries and even dumb shit too, it'll all be okay.

No. 1839630>>1840168

They long for disaster because they miss dying on the front lines kek.

No. 1839657>>1839663>>1839688>>1839811>>1839825>>1839879>>1839978>>1840912>>1840920

File (hide): 1704430923129.jpg (34.23 KB, 480x1500, 61kyvg Q4HL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

Is anyone else getting awola water bottles shoved down their throats? I keep seeing people on social media hyping them up and articles calling them the new stanley cup. It's decently priced and seems nice, i'll give it that so i don't blame anyone for indulging in ONE if they needed a water bottle. But i am anticipating people having cabinets filled with these. It doesn't help that they already come in so many colours. Let's see how long it takes.

No. 1839658

I don't think there's a set amount. For me personally, as long as i can have a good nights sleep without having to put them on the floor, than it's a good amount. Right now i have about 6 on my bed a probably 10 smaller ones that sit on one shelf. That's already too much. I don't have any intentions on buying a single plush and haven't done so in a year.

No. 1839663

Checked out their website and god, most of the color combinations are so fucking ugly.

No. 1839675

>Line of women in TJ Maxx blankets and Crocs waiting for their 12th ugly cup to fill with Skittles packet chemical water and ice from their tiktok microplastic ice maker trays
The Stanley cup thing makes me feel so old and out of touch kek. The only time I've ever enjoyed reusable water bottle consoomerism content is when women were comparing which one was a better self defense weapon, at least that had some moxie.

No. 1839688

>bottle that looks near identical to any bottle schoolchildren could own in India
the absolute state of the world

No. 1839811>>1839832>>1839861>>1839878>>1844400

File (hide): 1704446014764.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1077x1272, IMG_2145.jpeg)

Not a cabinet but this is from six months ago. Why anyone would need more than one of these, or any water bottle, is beyond me.

No. 1839825

File (hide): 1704447477904.jpg (33.77 KB, 301x1000, 819Uhtyfu2L._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

Paying $40 for a water bottle seems silly to me, I prefer to use a smaller one I got for cheap and fill it up 3x a day instead of a 40 oz bottle once. I bought this water bottle secondhand a year ago and the insulation still works great. I only spent around $10 total on it though. Btw I'm not shilling this specific bottle, you can probably find something similar if you look around. If mine ever peels (some reviews say it has) I'll put a sticker on top or something

No. 1839832

Autism. It takes on many forms but those fuckers really love to collect shit.

No. 1839861>>1839863>>1839867>>1839868>>1841428

File (hide): 1704450587024.png (358.58 KB, 1080x1521, Screenshot_20240105-103052.png)

kek this subreddit is peak consoom

No. 1839863

So Soygirls are a thing

No. 1839867


No. 1839868>>1840525

File (hide): 1704451165299.jpg (41.82 KB, 950x1000, isotherme-ecologique.jpg)

i'm surprised gendies aren't using different cups/bottles to signal their gender of the day, kek.

water bottle trends are the weirdest thing tbh, picrel are the bottles that were popular at my university ca. 2018-2020.

No. 1839878

The water bottles being named like makeup or Lululemon colors really activates that consoom mindset. I’m glad my coworker just gave me a random Yeti someone forgot

No. 1839879>>1839890

This water bottle looks like King Dedede.

No. 1839890>>1839898

Your THIRST knows no bounds kek

No. 1839898

Oh no, I'm not that nona! kek

No. 1839903>>1840008>>1840234

what's up with these new cups and bottles being shilled, I'm going to keep using the same shit I bought over 10 years ago unless I find out it has lead or mold in it.

No. 1839915

Definetly this. Maybe 2 shelves if the plushes are huge. If you limit yourself to a single shelf they don't take much space, you can still have a handful and are easy to clean at once. I follow this rule for pretty much everything, the second a collection starts taking more space than a 30cm flat surface that means it's too big.

No. 1839964

I usually buy when they go on sale or buy them second hand while they are still in production since a lot of parents seem to buy them for their kids who have no interest in tamas after like a week.

I’m modding a smart right now that I got for super cheap since the Uni came out!

There are some stores that might not but I’ve found most stores do if you have the receipt and item. I think they just send the item back as a loss so they technically don’t lose money. I had to do this for some baby clothes my relatives got for my son since most people don’t realize you should always size up for little kids unless you personally know for sure what size they are.

No. 1839972

You can never have too many! Jk, I feel like when they start becoming a major form of decoration in your living space then you have too many. This is coming from someone with a slight plushie addiction though. Don’t be like me, plushies are one of the hardest things to get rid of and they just take over your entire home if you let it get out of control.

No. 1839978>>1840912

It seems like the older teens are trying to push them because a bunch of 10 year olds got Stanley Cups over Christmas and now they aren’t as cool anymore kek

No. 1839985

I just want to say that I've been hating stanley cups for well over an year now, also where I live they aren't associated with women but with those failed gymbro types, you know the ones, which is why I hate them.

No. 1840008

right? I still have the same water bottle my dad bought me for my first girl scouts camp 17 years ago, and the only reason I'd get a new one would be if its cap started to leak or something.

No. 1840017>>1840062

File (hide): 1704465380614.jpg (56.74 KB, 640x370, 2412b13a19715f2f0103026713062a…)

You know the perfect amount of plushies to soothe your soul. Pic related. If you know, you know.

No. 1840062

oh I know

No. 1840163>>1840175>>1840245

yeah and I don't know a single female fan that likes Madoka for that reason or became a loli consumer after the fact. No nuance ever

No. 1840168

Wish they went back and did what nature tells them to do without having to drag everyone else into it. The world would be better without those moids.

No. 1840175>>1840207

It’s kinda sad because I feel like you can read into the message of Madoka as being as how society as a whole preys on and takes advantage of young girls but the execution kinda ruins it if that makes sense? I really wanted to like it but it just gave me loli-ick

No. 1840178>>1840354

Closed all my tabs of things I want to buy out of sheer dopamine seeking. Life Is kinda shitty, left an abusive ex and lost everything I own but I think I want it to be a fresh start. I've got enough necessary things replaced now. I do not need to blind buy another viral perfume or Korean skincare item. just because every day is a sad day and I'm stuck in one room constantly when not working. I'm trying to look at the positive of my situation, I am not having to pay rent or bills. If I'm strict should have a good 15k put by this year. A year goes quickly and that is a very good chunk of a flat around here. (50% for places just a 25 minute drive from work)I have to stop chasing that short term rush but its so hard. I think of money ive wasted over the years on trinkets and skincare and meaningless shit and have nothing to show for it. Don't even have good skin lol. And you know what I'm fine? I stayed with my ex years longer than I should have because he told me I'd lose everything. Well I guess I did.

I do want the jellycat dragons though…

No. 1840197


idk what it is but something about keeping Ferrero Rocher in a drawer feels particularly unhinged to me

No. 1840207

Ayrt and understandable.

No. 1840234

It's so bizarre. I used the same water bottle for maybe 4 years, then decided to replace it because of the gross shit that would grow in the hard plastic, non-replaceable straw. Got something that was on sale at Target and it works great. Only gonna replace it if I encounter more mold issues, or if it breaks.

No. 1840245

Nobody’s saying that all women become loli consoomers after watching Madoka (which some tiktok figure consoomers are), they’re saying that people are ok with overlooking blatant pedophile lolicon creators and elements as long as they like the series.

No. 1840352>>1842712

I have a complicated relationship with consumerism. I grew up in a wealthy area where nearly all of my peers were flexing designer shit, and I didn't have it. I was eventually able to make friends with people who didn't care about brands.

I can't figure out if I do or not. I have more money than I did as a teenybopper, and I can afford some of the popular stuff. It seems like normies are friendlier to me now that I have Uggs and an iPhone. I wish I could've had that acceptance back then, but isn't it fake on some level? Would they be snobby to me if I didn't have those things?

No. 1840354

jellycat is constantly releasing new stuff, they aren't going anywhere! you can always buy a cute plushie later after you hit your savings goal, or for a special occasion like your birthday.

No. 1840360

Can you just clip it to your keychain and bring it around? That's what I did as a kid. Sure, you can't dedicate a lot of time to it, but you can definitely play it some. Does adjusting the clock still work to 'pause' it?

No. 1840368>>1840552

I thought this guy was exposed for faking all the pics?

No. 1840525

please don't give them the idea, nonka, we have our hands full with pronoun pins already

No. 1840552>>1841181

File (hide): 1704493425754.jpeg (49.41 KB, 480x640, 38EF16FF-63EE-448F-935A-8F3E1C…)

Can you spoonfeed pls? I don’t see it, they all look real

No. 1840909>>1840945>>1841112>>1841124>>1841179>>1841187>>1841255>>1842777

File (hide): 1704516631861.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.97 KB, 680x800, Sonny-Angels-on-the-Wall-Sonny…)

Besides Funko Pops and Squishmallows, I don't understand people collecting Sonny Angels and calling them cute. They're basically the same baby boys in different outfits and are usually half or fully naked with their little peepees out. It's weird and disturbing.

No. 1840912>>1841277

These look like the cheap water bottles that would come with those lunch box sets you'd get at Wal Mart. Even uglier than the Stanley cups.
Kek makes sense, all I see on social media are literal children with those cups. I get that kids have always wanted to do whatever the older kids do but the type of consoomerism Gen Alpha has gotten into is depressing.

No. 1840920>>1841739

File (hide): 1704517914435.jpg (26.77 KB, 647x720, ironflask.jpg)

From what I noticed the tumbler trend has been Yeti to Owala to Stanley and now its going back to Owala since the recent rush of Stanley consoomer criticism. I have an IronFlask water bottle I really enjoy and have been using almost everyday for 3 years, I've seen a little hype for that brand growing as well.

No. 1840931

Those men should be rightfully shamed for their wastefulness. Why keep sneakers and tools in the closet?

No. 1840945>>1841112

>sonny angels
aren't these kewpies?

No. 1840990

I used to own 100+ plush and am now down to 20-30 probably which I would say is the limit. Also before some anon goes ham on me the number is super high cause I used to only ask for collectable keychain size plushies. I still store them in a small box to use for various holiday décor. There's only 5 larger plush which don't fit in that small box. Over time I got sick of all the space they took up and most of them no longer sparked the previous joy. if anything owning less makes me appreciate those few a lot more.

No. 1841112

i think they are cute but pretty expensive, and i really don't understand why people own so many like this picture. they don't look as nice when all stacked up together - but when there is one on a shelf with other things it looks nice.
i think sonny angels are suppose to be "inspired by" kewpies

No. 1841124

It really isn't disturbing, they're just continuing the history of kewpie dolls.

No. 1841179>>1841188

well at the risk of drawing the ire of others, anon, I agree with you. These dolls and kewpies always creeped me out. I don't think they are cute at all and I know the history of kewpie dolls. Doesn't matter, I don't like Renaissance cupids or naked Renaissance cherubs either, sue me.

No. 1841181

From what I understand all of the pictures are real, people just got mad because he's not an actual waifu guy he just did it for the bit.
He usually makes more artistic cutouts and is a nepo baby so people got offended he's not actually deranged about danganronpa.

No. 1841187

yeah, i don't care what other anons say, i find them weird too.

No. 1841188>>1841201

Sorry satanic panic esque virtue signaling has fried your brain

No. 1841201>>1841205

I have nothing bad to say about anyone who likes them, it's an opinion, not virtue signaling. I don't think anything is morally wrong with the examples I gave. Just don't like them or find them cute.

No. 1841205

Oh sorry thats fair. They're not cute so I get it. Anons pretending its some sort of cweepy pedo thing have serious brainrot.

No. 1841213

I hate these fucking posers. I bet she didn't even watch all the anime she has figurines of.

No. 1841234

it's like someone put the most basic and popular shows into a juicer and what came out is her, the essence of basic. not claiming that i have a very highbrow taste but there's nothing on there that makes me interested in her as a person. people usually have at least one "unique" obsession but she just… doesn't.

No. 1841255>>1841532

I absolutely detest the naked ones. They also kinda remind me of those weird figures grandmas collect. I think they’re called ‘precious moments’ or something?

No. 1841277

They’re ugly as sin but I personally prefer the handle less style of these to the Stanley style. I find that handles just make bottles so inconvenient to carry and it’s not like I really want/need to use them to drink. I rather just have a normal bottle that I can stick in my jacket or in the water bottle slot in my bag or something.

No. 1841306>>1841312>>1841347

First it was the VSCO girls and their HydroFlasks and now it's Tiktok girls and their Stanley Cups. Why are thermos bottles something that is so marketable to women?

No. 1841312>>1841389

Because you can be a consoomer while pretending you’re actually trying to help the environment

No. 1841347

I just have a no brand plastic one, I don't see them much in my region of Europe aside for sports. I guess it's another thing you can treat as an accessory that reflects your taste.

No. 1841389>>1841392

It’s kind of bizarre that coffee places like DD and Starbucks have been pushing their drinkware for years without actually letting customers use their own containers. I know SB just brought it back but they stopped for a long time

No. 1841392>>1841396

In the Starbucks in my city you get a small discount if you ask the barista to use your reusable Starbucks cup though. Is it not like this everywhere?

No. 1841396>>1841400>>1841401

A lot of places stopped doing reusable cups during COVID and just never bothered to swtich back kek.

No. 1841400

In that case I kinda get it. But it's a good idea, they should allow that again. I don't go to Starbucks often enough to buy something like that but I'm sick of the cardboard cup we have that becole soggy if you don't drink everything under 5 minutes so I was considering buying one at some point.

No. 1841401

Where I live the only place where it seemed normal was self-serve areas at gas stations. I kind of hope the recent news makes it less eye-rolling to do.

No. 1841428

Peak cope to excuse hoarding with "sparking joy"

No. 1841464>>1841549>>1841581>>1841602>>1841711>>1841739>>1842532

guess the negative comments are getting to our hoarding queen.

No. 1841532>>1841546>>1841548>>1841598>>1841643>>1842396>>1842670

File (hide): 1704570826946.jpg (64.98 KB, 736x863, 1a2f886e885bacc2275320b11387de…)

Yeah there were posts discussing precious moments somewhere in this thread earlier too. But to me, precious moments feels more like an important gift from a loved one than a consoomerist thing - although I know there are some weirdos with massive collections

No. 1841546>>1841608

>an important gift from a loved one
this is the equivelant of men gifting pandora beads to all the women with charm bracelets in their lives because it's a zero effort zero thought but supposedly ~sentimental~ and ~meaningful~ gift.

Absolutely no offense to you but companies really have memed a lot of people into thinking that mass produced collectables are somehow valuable gifts lol

No. 1841548

i find these adorable

No. 1841549>>1841711

someone needs to make a thread on her already

No. 1841581

Why do I dislike her so much? The way she emotes is so braindead, she doesn't enunciate or move normally she moves like she's been strapped to a chair and forced to watch tiktoks 24 hours a day a la clockwork orange

No. 1841598>>1841609

i just watched a video by fundiefridays who makes content around fringe christian cults, culture, etc about these… these things have a strange history, maker, etc
apparently these little sad babies have a massive underground cult following for decades. So if your relative has one the original 21, spelling error ones, one of a kind, etc theyre worth a lot. And the maker handed painted a chapel in missouri where obsessive collectors go for pilgrimage

No. 1841602>>1841612>>1841711

some moid reseller made a parody of her blanket decluttering video and he's dragging her in the comment, but of course he's groveling to her on her own comment on the parody.

No. 1841608

This. Not only are they fuck ugly and tacky but the person who ‘gifts’ them can easily find them for dirt cheap at a second hand shop since they’re so overproduced.
If someone gave one to me I’d assume they wanted to cheap out and didn’t want to get me a nendoroid or an actually unique porcelain figure kek.

No. 1841609>>1841619

>fundie friday
whats her lore, is she like christian fat izzyzz

No. 1841610>>1841613>>1841621>>1841625>>1841628>>1841629>>1841653>>1841669>>1841679>>1841711>>1842509

File (hide): 1704574999400.jpg (1.2 MB, 1800x2400, 949949499495.jpg)

No. 1841612

The pot calling the kettle

No. 1841613>>1841621

disgusting troon room

No. 1841619

she's atheist and her channel is focused on content around evangelical christian fundamentalists crazies.
So the guy behind Precious Moments is bit a fundie fit into it, and also started a questionable christian workshop in the Philippines so they can pay for school too. His son became one of those douchebag pretend alpha males who sells courses or some shit too. Precious Moments has some weird shit around it.

No. 1841621>>1841623

the attempt to make the room kawaii and girly yet so focused on boobs like the stunted manchild he is that he can't help but have anime titty worship pieces

No. 1841623>>1841626

dont forget the disgusting AI

No. 1841625

>faux fur fabric covering the entire desk
god help you if you spill anything on that ratty thing.

No. 1841626>>1841684

File (hide): 1704575704190.png (922.76 KB, 682x709, female.png)

nice cartoon child erotica too! so feminine

No. 1841628

I personally do not know of any woman who would choose that image with the nipples pointing up to the sky… creepy

No. 1841629>>1841631>>1841640>>1842317

File (hide): 1704575784893.png (250.84 KB, 621x269, twitter vs real life.png)

made me curious to see if she was a troon. Turns out its just a turbo pickme failed e-girl fattie lmao

No. 1841631>>1841634

are we absolutely sure it's not just a fat dude

No. 1841634>>1841638>>1841647>>1841662>>1841971>>1842504

check the twitch clip her voice is undoubtly female

No. 1841638>>1841739

>putting that greasy shit on the faux fur

No. 1841640

But even then, the question remains, how the fuck does one dust that all shit?

No. 1841643>>1841932

I love these lol. They remind me of something my grandma or stepmom would like. I wouldn't mind being gifted one, especially since they're pretty tastefully designed

No. 1841647>>1841739

The way that small French fry fell onto that nasty fur thing triggered me.

No. 1841653

That garland or whatever stuck under the desk is really pissing me off

No. 1841662>>1841665

Eating McDonald's while looking at a pic of Paris Hilton is fascinating behavior.

No. 1841665

File (hide): 1704577361859.png (828.11 KB, 714x1160, three million filters.png)

she must cope really hard in her daily life. Instead of buying coom animu figurines to pickmemaxx she could invest on a gym. I find it hilarious she posts super filtered tiktoks then posts her porky sausage fingers

No. 1841669

i want to like the idea of a desk with a fuzzy cover on it or floral around the monitors but it's all at once in such a small and cramped corner…

No. 1841679

This straight up hurts my eyes

No. 1841684

>the sonico figurines
Every time I see those something in me gets triggered. Sadly there's women just like that posting on lolcow at this very moment. Pickme coomer shit like this became super common in weeby circles where you get loli figurines for the aesthetic.

No. 1841711>>1841717

KEK the absolute denial.
>Thousands of us have credit card debt. I don't want to be in debt!
If you don't want to be in debt, then…stop spending? I understand if someone is in debt due to car or house payments because times are hard, but she's blowing her money on stuff she doesn't even need.
>Luis knows my finances! When he sees me with tons of shopping bags, he doesn't trip!
Doubt. He always looks so bothered and annoyed with her in videos. Hell, there's the one where she's squawking "I saved a hundred and fifty bucks!" and he's literally running from her. That's the behavior people are picking up on.
>I don't have shopping addiction. I have shopping habits and tendencies that aren't normal. This is what I built my account on, showing what I purchase.
Denial is common in addicts kek. Besides, I'm pretty sure when she started her TikTok, she made a point that she was showing her recovery journey of her shopping addiction. That was apparently the point of the decluttering videos. Now she's just sunk further into her addiction and is denying that she has problems.
I'm not sure if she warrants her own thread. She's not particularly cow-ish other than having drama with her "baby daddy" and spending excessively. She's just annoying and obnoxious. I could be wrong though, maybe that's enough to make a thread.
This faggot is a consoomer too.
I hate the leaves under the desk. Wouldn't that feel weird on your legs? I'd think something was crawling on me.

No. 1841717


No. 1841739

I also use a 40oz iron flask daily. I absolutely love it, 10/10 would recommend. Got it on sale, works super well & if I ever need another water bottle, I'd buy one full price. It's not the most popular or trendy, but I get compliments on it all the time still. I even bought a carrier pouch with a strap for it,
that has a pocket that can hold my phone. Super handy for walks/hikes, (even use it daily for work) plus then I don't ding & scratch up my precious bottle at all. Lol sorry for the sperg, I just genuinely love it.
She's in so much denial, holy shit. Also I HATE how she constantly moves & enunciates with her hands trying to show off those giant tacky nails. Acting like it's normal to always bounce in & out of debt for petty purchases, that's basically
the definition of a shopping addict.
Disgusting. Bet her place is filthy.

No. 1841917

Lush was one of those brands that built up a premium all natural vegan diy hipster liberal image, like Starbucks, except even worse. I think internet ordering just destroyed the premium image of mall shops that sell $10-30 products that are only "special" because they're heavily perfumed. And brands like Bodycology and Healing Garden proved that it's not expensive to heavily perfume cheap ingredient body products. RIP Healing Garden.

No. 1841932

That’s the problem, just like Sonny Angels people used to buy a small hoard of those precious moment figures. I still randomly run into donated collections of them at thrift stores

No. 1841938

Jfc do men ever grow up? So pathetic

No. 1841943

I see this ugly bitch everywhere on ig reels. She really thinks she's quirky and different

No. 1841953

Seriously, it's pathetic to watch. I also believe everyone that got 2 cups is doing one for resale. I hate this mentality so much. Social media and fomo has caused permanent brain rot

No. 1841971

You can see how fat she is from her sausage fingers alone

No. 1842302>>1842403

File (hide): 1704623341986.jpeg (92.46 KB, 577x432, IMG_6008.jpeg)

No. 1842317>>1842401>>1842409>>1843249

has anyone else noticed that this type of excess kawaii pink anime consumerism attracts a lot of really fat or really ugly women. I don’t think these two girls are ugly (the fatter one would look ok if she lost 80 lbs) but they’re both quite portly. I’ve also seen quite a few genuinely ugly women on youtube with absolutely massive pink hoards. I’m more inclined to feel sorry for them than the fatties, but it’s like they think buying cute pink shit will in turn make them cuter or thinner.

No. 1842396

aw I would love one of these

No. 1842398>>1842462>>1842712

I escaped an abusive situation and one of my ways of coping during that time was collecting dolls I got for cheap through ebay and thrift. Nothing too crazy, it’s mostly monster high and a couple of barbies and rainbow high. They mostly all fit in a box I had to squirrel away in storage before I left but I also have another box in there with kids books and other stuff I’m embarrassed about. I’m not so worried about the books, I can keep the ones I love and just say that I collected them purely for the art which is kinda true and I have art as a major hobby so it won’t be weird.

I moved into my bf’s house and have gotten rid of or moved in everything else that was in storage and I need to stop paying for the unit, but I don’t want to bring the dolls. He doesn’t know about them and I know he would accept me but still think it’s weird, and I feel guilty and overwhelmed already from feeling like I have too much stuff. I thought about giving them away or selling but honestly there will be a decent few that I’m not ready to part with and still want to play with. What would you do?

No. 1842401

I'm pretty sure the one on the left is her profile picture, but edited to look "kawaii"

No. 1842403>>1842413

Nah. They had detail and varying unique themes. Not even comparable.

No. 1842409>>1842712>>1842717>>1844149

Of course it does. They wish to immerse themselves in a revised version of "girlhood". They think they are beyond salvageable physically or do not even realize they can actually improve their appearance, so they seek to have something that can be pretty im guessing. Rooms like that though, to me at least, are always owned by ugly people, teens, or people who do porn, so there really is no positive connotation. It's either a rich teenager in her consoomer phase or someone overcompensating very heavily for something else. I at least prefer it be a woman than someone using it as a creepy porn set.
Tangent, but rooms like that always reminded me of a reddit reply I read once by a guy who was an exterminator, the thread prompt was asking about the creepiest things they ever saw in someone else's home. This guy said it was two men living there, one elderly and one super fat and gross. The whole house was disgusting except for one super pristine room that was closed up, it was hot pink and only had pink teenage stuff lining the walls, everything down to the bedspread etc. He said it looked exactly like what he'd expect from a real little girl's room, but when he got close to a shelf next to a PC there were hundreds of gay porn dvds stacked. Justin Bieber poster on the wall and everything, what a fucked up guy. I'd just link the screenshot but I can't find it. Gives me the heebiejeebies either way.

No. 1842413>>1842445>>1842524>>1842705>>1842719

They’re exactly the same, anon. It’s fine if you own some of them, just like it’s fine if you own some funko pops or squishmallows or whatever useless nonesense, and not a huge hoard. But saying they have special meaning is delusional

No. 1842445

ntayrt but there are precious moments figurines that do have meanings, i.e there are some figurines that are made in the image of a real child who died, also many figurines of religious significance. obvs collecting them is still consoomery but its not the same as squishmallows etc

No. 1842462>>1848984

I would just say the truth tbh. Leaving an abusive situation is sad and if this is how you coped then that’s ok. If you have a desire to sell them the MH sales are booming right now.

No. 1842504

Why is it always greasy fast-food shit and never more traditionally "cute" food like macarons or pockys? It ruins whatever kawaii esthetic they were trying to set up.

No. 1842509

File (hide): 1704642454095.gif (2.41 MB, 390x277, e8a.gif)

>AI art for wallpapers.

No. 1842524

Oh I thought the comparison wasn't right because precious moments is just like hoarding anime figures, funko pops are the lowest tier form of this kind of garbage to me its like collecting McDonald's toys

No. 1842532>>1842644

This is totally unrelated to her consoomerism but the way she calls him her baby daddy is so weird. Does she not realize most people say that to be derogatory? She lives with him and apparently does her finances but he's just 'the baby daddy'? I can't imagine living like that

No. 1842644

It’s a really strange situation. Sometimes she wants to “strengthen the relationship”, like when she got them those couple bracelets. In contrast, there was a time she used a TikTok filter that predicted in 2024 that she would be married, and she rolled her eyes so hard. They sleep in seperate rooms as well, although she still decorates his room for him with whatever tacky crap she bought in her latest haul.
I think she really despises him. She forces him on camera, knowing it makes him uncomfortable. She claims she “pays most of the bills”, but I’m pretty sure that she’s only keeping him around because he brings additional income to fuel her shopping habits. And I guess he stays because he’s a simple moid content with just having a roof over his head and getting to play video games.

No. 1842670>>1842685

I find these butt ugly and useless but the contrast of cutesy boomer aesthetic and consoomerist item referencing itself in a meta-consoomerist way that makes it kind of post-modern in this one had me cackling.

No. 1842685

File (hide): 1704651671756.jpg (64.97 KB, 400x344, fujioka-gene-sam-figurine.jpg)

they have a few different meta figures lol, like this one where there is a sculptor making another figure that does exist in their line

No. 1842705

nta but they are miles better than funkopops. Its also less pathetic to own baby angel n51 than tony stark funko pop-

No. 1842712>>1844199

Insecure kids/teens are hyper sensitive to real and imagined rejection from others. Now that you're older and presumably hanging around normal adults who don't obsess over what brand your phone is, you have normal friendly conversations. It's nothing to do with what brands you own. If you looked and smelt like Luna then yeah you'd scare everyone away, but your Uggs aren't the reason you have friendly interactions with strangers.
Tell him it's sentimental, it's the truth.
Jesus fucking Christ, that story is beyond disgusting. And it shows that at least one of the two moids can clean, they just decided not to clean 90% of the house they live in.

No. 1842717

That sounds utterly terrifying.

No. 1842719

I feel the same way, it’s all mass produced in china. Doesn’t matter if it’s an anime character or religious icon or ugly hallmark christmas ornament, people collect them for the same dopamine hit.

No. 1842735>>1842743>>1842754

Damn, nonnas described me so well. I’m both fat and ugly and I collect feminine things. Ugly can’t be improved though.
I’ve resigned to it though. At least I know my shit is clean and am responsible with bills and such.

No. 1842743

Yes it can also what I was saying wasn't a dig or meant to be an insult in any capacity also please use the reply feature newfag

No. 1842754>>1844198

even if you are ugly (and you likely aren't and are just fat), you can still take care of your body and feel better about yourself. companies want you to consoom to fill the void instead of taking care of your physical and mental health

No. 1842777

why are they sooo expensive on the first place ? i don't get it

No. 1842784>>1842832>>1843102

My roommate has been watching Tiktok and filled a lot of our spices and food into 'cuter' aesthetic jars. Now I have no idea what the expiration date for our milk is until I smell it.

No. 1842832

Tell them to not be a lazy fuck and write the due date. Or play an uno card showing her those cute printers so it can print the label and the due date.

No. 1843071>>1843084

when does buying supplies for art projects cross over into consoomerism? I like to think that i use or will use most of what i buy because i have a list of projects and associated yarns/paints but every so often i'll buy a skein or a pen just because it's pretty or because i have nothing better to spend that 4$ on it makes me feel like brook ngl

No. 1843084

Spending money just because you have it is consoomeristic, buying art supplies that you like but don't have a specific plan for might not be depending on how regularly you buy them.

No. 1843101>>1843103

>$80 shipping
should I kill myself?

No. 1843102

Seconding other anon, easily fixed by adding the date on the box. And to be fair it's a "best by" date, you should always still smell and look to see if it's ok. Things can be edible weeks after the date passed (even years if it's dry), or moldy days before it even passed

No. 1843103>>1843115

what did you buy anon? I haven’t shipped something yet because of how expensive it is, in the warehouse it stays

No. 1843115>>1843839>>1844751

File (hide): 1704669564806.png (474.94 KB, 1629x1423, emo_cutterboy.png)

like 2 plushies, a couple small acrylic stands, 2 books, and some tapestries, all from one website? then the shipping is over half the price of the items I ordered total… the warehouse is robbing me blind

No. 1843135>>1843266

File (hide): 1704670772276.jpg (41.87 KB, 596x573, 1000015640.jpg)

Genuine question nonas, is buying a lot of second hand things considered consooming? Ever since I downloaded vinted and switched from depop, I spend literal days browsing clothing items and saved dozens of them. I couldn't believe it when I saw things like nike tracksuit bottoms for literally €4. I decided I wanted to get different coloured pairs to wear around the house, and then I moved onto hoodies and sweatshirts which are also in the €3-€5 range and saved different colours so I can mix and match them. If I ever need to de-clutter my wardrobe I'll donate them to charity (if they are stain-free and have no holes/undone stitching). I didn't think it was consoomeristic because it's all second hand and I'm actually wearing them but….I have a looming feeling of gluttony.

No. 1843167>>1843172>>1843173>>1843177>>1843192>>1843266>>1843499>>1843512

Sorry to kpop post but I figured the anons here would be interested. This is an album collection full of repeat albums with the only difference being the package design. There's just no real reason to have this many of the same albums.

No. 1843172

This just reminds me I know someone who quit their job and could barely afford food but got money for Christmas and immediately went and bought like 6 versions of the literal same album. It's such a sad addiction bc the parasocial aspect too

No. 1843173>>1843602

Kpop consuming has got to be the worst plague on consoom society. I know a friend who has bought the same album 10 times to get a chance at a video call with a random member. The company remake the same shit over and over with different packaging. It's such a massive waste of money, especially since most end up in the land fill.

No. 1843177

it keeps going anons…it refuses to stop…please help

No. 1843192

I can barely make it half way through. Tik tok really created a whole generation of mental illness. Buying useless garbage for online clicks and validation

No. 1843249

yeah, they're coping. it is sad

No. 1843266>>1843371>>1843502>>1843591>>1845798

New or secondhand, if you're constantly buying stuff you don't need, it's definitely consooming. Find something else to do with your time instead of online shopping all day

I'm waiting for this kpop album bubble to burst, its really absurd how much waste is created by these albums having 100 different versions with different photocards, surely even consoomers will get tired of this eventually.

No. 1843371>>1843502>>1843591

I'm waiting too. It's Koreas only soft power right now, but kpop shit is so annoying. I don't understand spending so much money on plastic and cardboard cards. Supporting an industry that exploits young women. So many of these people live with their parents too. I know someone who spends all her extra income on kpop, like all of it. She's never moving out of her place.

No. 1843499

The way the "crazy in love" one has that art on the spine that requires a whole stack of the album to complete is insane

No. 1843502>>1843670

do these things ever go up in value, or do they diminish? it seems like the core value is getting the chance to annoy the idols live, they dont even seem like ''investments'' like some ultra rare funkos.

No. 1843512>>1843529

Anon this isn't even the worst consumerism when it comes to kpop.
If you want to see something scary then you should see kpop album bulk buying for the charts.
They bulk buy over a 100 albums per fan and then they throw those albums out on the streets because they only bought them so their fav kpop idols would have achievemnets for this xx number of albums sold.

No. 1843528>>1843529>>1843530>>1843532

File (hide): 1704693045743.jpg (57.66 KB, 780x532, unnamed.jpg)

Here is some actual kpop consoomerism for you noonies.


No. 1843529>>1843532>>1843605

No. 1843530

Wow. Korea and kpop fans are literally trash. That is insane, the amount of waste.

No. 1843532>>1843605

No. 1843591>>1843619

Isn't Korea always on the brink of economic collapse? I'd wager that an economic downturn would significantly end media output.

No. 1843602

I know someone who got one of those video calls and she posted the screenshot, the man looked so afraid of aging and botoxed I was shocked. People create landfills for those puffy ghouls.

No. 1843605

both NK and SK are like laboratory experiments showing the worst realties of both communism and capitalism.

No. 1843619

Manifesting so kpop can fucking die already and kpop bitches get better hobbies. Please God.

No. 1843670>>1843675>>1843685

In ten years they become absolutely worthless as the group fades from popularity. Of course there are some exceptions and albums worth a ton but you can't even sell most kpop albums from 2011 for $2.

No. 1843675

that's fucking depressing. They cant even cope by collecting rare things.

No. 1843685>>1843690

To be fair 1st generation and 2nd generation groups were nowhere near popular as 3rd gen and now 4th gen.
Bts's and blackpink's albums will definitely cost more than 2$ after 10 years. I could see them selling for alot. But for other groups…not so much..maybe stray kids but idk.

No. 1843690>>1843694

how can they cost so much when people buy them in bulk? or do they make lim editions and stuff?

No. 1843694

I don't get it either because all of them look mass produced and probably have the same music in all of them right? Maybe some versions will cost more than others but normies only ever listen to digital media nowadays, they don't really care about the conservation of physical stuff as much as others, and it feels as if most normie kpop fans just jump through fanbase to fanbase then forget about old groups with time

No. 1843839>>1844751

It's either the tapestries (too long) or books (weight too much). These 2 item kinds are always disasters to ship, a single artbook of ~120 pages cost me $30 to ship.

No. 1843875>>1843896>>1844021>>1844025>>1844040>>1844110>>1844165

File (hide): 1704722216981.mp4 (4.97 MB, 576x1026, PLi64wv4yA4doYzH.mp4) [play once] [loop]

more stanley cup consoomerism, all of this feel so unnecessary.

No. 1843880

I know this moid can be boring and ugly, but this video does give some great insight about insane consoomerism in china. It's pretty much like what is showed in this video >>1815867 but then done by small companies. They just buy tons of shitty cheap product, and just because they put it in fancy boxes they sell millions in there live streams. You can't even properly see what they are even selling, it's so insane. Reminds me of those old television shows where they try to sell products, only the speeds is x200

No. 1843896

File (hide): 1704723631603.jpg (136.92 KB, 490x960, is this hell.jpg)

No. 1844021>>1844041>>1844052

File (hide): 1704732926716.jpeg (161.21 KB, 1080x1854, IMG_3141.jpeg)

No. 1844025>>1844027>>1844034>>1844038>>1845531

In what fucking context would you need a tray attached to your cup?

No. 1844027

when your watching a movie but don't want a regular sized tray.

No. 1844031>>1844053>>1844069>>1844096>>1844153>>1844499

File (hide): 1704734045073.mp4 (4.46 MB, 576x1024, IumgEsG6z6cWXqBW.mp4) [play once] [loop]

I feel more arab consoomerism should be posted. Those rich inbreds outclass everyone in sheer squandering of wealth, shit taste and tackiness.

No. 1844034

It's literally the laziest shit ever. Get a bowl or use a small plate. Attaching a plate to your cup is peak retardation.

No. 1844038

kek i got one of those cups for christmas and i saw that video and immediately added the tray and straw covers to my amazon list. so unnecessary and retarded but i love it

No. 1844040

I think straw covers in general are a good idea, and maybe the carrying case if you are on the go, but other than that, i dont see a point of any of this.

No. 1844041

>$10 to take a selfie with a cup for clout
I hate how far this generation has fallen.

No. 1844052

They're gonna get mugged (pun intended?)

No. 1844053

most of these arabs only ever film content from the inside of a store so chances are they don't even buy this shit kek

No. 1844069

tf are you supposed to do with this gold bib? Ew.

No. 1844082>>1844085>>1844839>>1845091>>1845110>>1845593>>1846572

kek at the way she suddenly makes it a point to include her moid after all the comments about how her hoarding is ruining her relationship.

No. 1844085

File (hide): 1704737109071.jpg (13.24 KB, 386x259, 1000013214.jpg)

And of course her moid looks like the neanderthal men from Ice Age kek

No. 1844090>>1844380>>1844669

File (hide): 1704737358715.jpeg (3.14 MB, 4030x2688, j1xk1ngl62bc1.jpeg)

must consoom mediocre candles

No. 1844096>>1844109

It looks like a plastic holey apron, but even more useless.

No. 1844109>>1844136>>1845699

and yet it likely costs more then what your entire family has made in over 10 generations.

No. 1844110>>1844159

This is just a commercial. Who subscribes to this shit? Who watches this for fun?

No. 1844136

>t. gold.house.br1.dubai
But I'd probably be horribly tacky if I were rich too

No. 1844149

>They think they are beyond salvageable physically or do not even realize they can actually improve their appearance
I mean I can't blame those women considering how much the world hates below average women. And yes that includes lolcow. The reach of some nitpicks on this site is insane. It's hard to feel like you could improve when everyone makes you feel like you're a lost cause already.

No. 1844153>>1844655

Piss yellow gold is so ugly, this would be cuter if it was silver, at least it would resemble elven chain mail.

No. 1844159>>1844163>>1844171>>1844175>>1844181>>1844253>>1844265>>1844631>>1845234

File (hide): 1704740873778.mp4 (8.16 MB, 576x1024, geQ54kdu4AaHh6Ha.mp4) [play once] [loop]

>Who subscribes to this shit? Who watches this for fun?
people like vidrel

No. 1844163>>1844166

File (hide): 1704741270943.jpg (63.61 KB, 500x375, 1000012364.jpg)

>bringing his child daughter out to sit outside of a store at three in the fucking morning for an ugly fucking cup, all because she has tiktok brainrot and social media told her that it's the best thing ever at the moment
Gen Alpha parents are literally as stupid as their children. That girl looks ten years old, and he's just as childish as she is when he's supposed to be her dad. She doesn't need a fugly ass Stan Lee cup or whatever, she needs to be in bed to get ready for a normal day for kids her age. Christ, that video features one male that definitely shouldn't have ever reproduced.

No. 1844165

stanley-cup-cels are a different breed. One of my mums friends asked her to bring home a real stanley cup from Las Vegas (bare in mind these cups are the size of a wheelie bin) because the dupes of it you can very easily buy in any shop aren't good enough it has to be Stanley. "Why didn't she buy it online?" dear reader they are sold out everywhere, snapped up by rabid consoomers

No. 1844166>>1844169

nonna he's a millennial(30+) not Gen Alpha.

No. 1844169

>Gen Alpha parents
Nitpicking wording choice? I said Gen Alpha parents as in the parents of Gen Alpha. You don't think I can clearly see this nigga is a grown man?

No. 1844171

damn the average american is really chunky, it's not a myth.

No. 1844175>>1844176>>1844183

ngl i'm happy for the girl and that her dad spends time with her, even if it's retarded shit like this. she's gonna look at this later and laugh because it's so stupid.

No. 1844176>>1844183

tbh i agree too. she will remember it forever and she'll remember it fondly. it's just the dad doing something for the kid

No. 1844181>>1844183>>1844201

I think it's kinda cute. Camping out all night for a stupid cup just because you can seems fun because of how ridiculous it is. As long as it's a one-off thing and not because the adult wanted that cup for himself nd dragged the kid along, I think it's fine.

No. 1844183

The thing is, the girl and her dad shouldn't have to purchase an expensive plastic crap just to create memories. They seem like good people, it's just unfortunate that consumerism has become so ingrained in our culture.

No. 1844198>>1844215

ntayrt, but ugliness cannot be fixed with mere grooming. More expensive measures are needed, like braces, jaw surgery, rhinoplasty, etc. And all plastic surgery has diminishing returns

No. 1844199

thanks anon.

No. 1844201>>1844209

He's an influencer, that's his job. Stanley paid him to make that video, he brought his daughter with him. Best case scenario she had fun because she is a child, like a take your kid to work day!

No. 1844209>>1844211>>1844248>>1844250>>1844256>>1844260>>1844493>>1844655>>1845724

File (hide): 1704744198336.png (1.02 MB, 1342x1082, monetizing childhood.png)

samefag I actually said that without looking at his account (I just assumed becasue that's how it usually is) so I felt bad and went to check and it was worse than I thought. He is monetizing her whole childhood, including using her birthday to sell different flavors of tropicana orange juice lol

No. 1844211>>1844222

why the fuck is she dressed like that?? i don't even want to imagine how many pedos follow that account.

No. 1844215

i mean depends on how ugly you are. the majority of people only have slight flaws, rather than stuff like say extreme recessed jaw etc. 98% of the time i see someone say they're ugly and need ps and can't improve otherwise they're just average looking and fat or out of shape/in bad health. most products are being shilled to you by conventionally attractive people anyways, either because of algorithms or ads, which adds fuel to dysmorphia.

No. 1844222

My first thought like wtf, people are absolutely retarded to show any child on social media, let alone wearing shit like that. And I wore miniskirts and tank tops as a kid but not in public or broadcast to millions of strangers.

No. 1844248>>1844252

where's the mom?

No. 1844250

I was right to look down on him solely for the fact that he put his kid on tiktok. Quelle surprise.

No. 1844252

they aren't together anymore and the mom commented that she let her daughter leave the house like that because muh texas heat. because there's not difference between running around in public vs. broadcasting it to the entire world.

No. 1844253>>1844263>>1844462

This is pathetic. He really brought his daughter and dog out there to wait for hours for a cup? Tell her no and move on. Get her one online that isnt $300. I honestly dont understand this kind of parenting at all. Kids are gonna grow up spoiled af

No. 1844256

He's wildin letting his 10 year dress like that. wtf

No. 1844260

he keeps bragging about his daughter being a 10 year old cheerleader. 10 bucks that he wasn't popular in school and he now lives vicariously through his daughter because in the end he did get a cheerleader, it just happens to be his daughter. kam.

No. 1844263

>Tell her no and move on.
No use, he is the consoomer tiktok brainrot. She wanting the cup or not is secondary.

No. 1844265

Did they really bring a puppy into the cold for like 6 hours?

No. 1844267

i know this is old but HOLY SHIT what creates this kind of brain rot??? like i have four reusable bottles, each for something different. why would you need fucking THIRTY for one person? and they're expensive as fuck too

No. 1844335

why? i make him make dinner which is far more time consuming kek

No. 1844380>>1844390>>1844395>>1845255

File (hide): 1704754161759.png (32.26 KB, 492x330, r_bathandbodyworks - Candle co…)

The comments are a trip, I would love to have read what the deleted comments said. She has about 600 candles and has been collecting for only 2 years.

No. 1844390>>1844395

The deleted comments mostly said something like, “this is consumerism,” or something. Insane how they’re all deleted now I was able to upvote them because it was “unkind.”

No. 1844395>>1845256

File (hide): 1704755456506.jpg (198.24 KB, 1088x907, IMG_9809.jpg)

samefag, most of the deleted comments weren’t even mean, just more like “this is a little too much.” Reddit is so fucking dumb with all of these rules.

No. 1844400

idk i have three different brands/kinds of reusable bottles. one for camping/tubing/outdoors that is dented to hell, one yeti one i got for free that i normally just use for backup ice because it never melts, one solely for alcohol. some of the bottles aren't meant to have alcohol in them and will react. i use them all interchangeably at home/work, but like i wouldn't take my nice brumate alcohol one camping. and i wouldn't use my hydroflask for alcohol. also won't use my hydroflask for long days because it is shit at holding temperature and i like really cold water. sorry for hydration autism

No. 1844462

He's not parenting or spoiling her lol he's using her as a prop for his social media influencer gig. He gets money for making videos. Simple as.

No. 1844493

Don't get me wrong she is dressed inappropriately but I have noticed that adults use situations like this to get away with sexualizing children or being inappropriate with them because "le grown makeup/clothes". It's like men and women can't wait to use things like this so they can yapp like retards about girls being "fast" or maturing "faster"

No. 1844499>>1844532>>1844579>>1845218>>1845250

I'm genuinely wondering who none of those "smash capitalism matxist" people never mention Arabs when talking about capitalism because rich Arabs are some of the worst and greediest people, they openly engage in slave labour, consoom worthless expensive shit like crazy, they also are known for having maids that are from South-East Asia and Africa and they emotionally, sexually and physically abuse their maids and even take away their maids passport, the government also does nothing to help those maids escape.

No. 1844532

i agree but I can't say too much because racebait, but slavery is 100% halal and that's why they'll never give it up

No. 1844579

One of the worst things I've seen recorded was an Arab filming their african slave aka maid getting held out of a window until she fell likely to her death(derailing)

No. 1844631

What is it exactly about these cups that is making consoomers lose their fucking minds? The "it" water bottles have been a thing for quite a few years now but I feel like it's never been this insane.
When I first saw this I thought it was sweet even if it was consoomery but seeing how he exploits her is so depressing. Moids can't do anything right.

No. 1844655

Ew get better taste lol

Ugh, can't believe he's letting her dress like that and constantly using her for TikTok content. Well, actually, he dragged her and the dog out to wait for a Stanley cup, so I guess I can believe it.

No. 1844669>>1846435

holy shit. why would anyone collect candles kek

No. 1844751

Or the country. RIP Australia.

No. 1844839

Everything she says gives off distressing frequencies like I'm pretty sure she makes cancer cells multiply and destroys the healing process

No. 1845091>>1845103

why does that skinny twig moid need all those supplements for?

No. 1845103

The illusion that he's working out, no doubt.

No. 1845110

>is anyone elses husband or boyfriend into ebay
kek, what great hobbies these two have

No. 1845218

Probably because they don’t know enough to actually discuss the topic and it doesn’t really personally effect them? Like Arabs really are one of the worst consoomers but it is more fun looking at degenerate American consoomers with their Stanley hoards.

Speaking of American consoomers, anybody see all the desperate deals Starbucks has come out with lately? It’s amazing that $3 for a ‘grande’ drink is actually a deal for them. Idk how people can afford drinking at places like that daily

No. 1845234>>1845260>>1845296

>bundled up like that for 40 degrees
are these weak californians or what

No. 1845250>>1845261>>1845267>>1845303

File (hide): 1704810085140.jpg (363.64 KB, 1080x1795, Screenshot_20240109_092158_Chr…)

Idk what race she is but tumblr user sixpenceee got massive shit for admitting that her family in India had child slaves and saying it was normal there. That revelation made for a wild day

No. 1845255

So many people started collecting around 2020 and it raised the prices for so many items. Video games skyrocketed because of it, along with certain vintage toys. I honestly hate pandemic collectors more than anything.

No. 1845256

Reddit mods are such faggots.

No. 1845260

Slight OT, but they really are. I was visiting LA from New York not too long ago and people were constantly wearing hats and bubble jackets when it was only 53 degrees out. They literally cant handle the cold. kek

No. 1845261>>1845506>>1845516

she wasn't arab, she was south asian though i don't recall the specific country

No. 1845267

This is horrifying

No. 1845296

40-50 degrees is cold if you're skinny or thin but not in shape. fatties and fit people will feel warmer in that weather

No. 1845303

Dude you realize Arabs and Indians are different right? But yeah, the sixpenceee controversy was wild. As someone from a similar background though I get what she was trying to say (even if it is still horrifying). In India child labor is still a thing that happens and many times children do end up working as paid maids/servants for richer people. They aren’t slaves exactly and they aren’t kept against their will (like people in Arabian countries where they literally steal your passport so you can’t escape) but it’s still super messed up.

No. 1845369>>1845414

Unfortunately poor quality, not worth the money at all unless you want to splurge on the jewelry made of solid gold. I got a few plated pieces from there as a gift and despite taking good care of them everything is tarnished and looks like shit after less than a year of owning them. One of the rings I even had to send back because a stone fell out the first time I wore it kek

No. 1845414>>1845510

I never got the hype for this shop because their designs are so fucking ugly, their only advantage is that it's fan merch you can't instantly clock but none of it is fine jewelry or skillfully designed. It's so tacky and cheap. IIRC there was also some drama about her lying about her materials.

No. 1845506

I think she was Vietnamese. I don’t know for sure though.

No. 1845510

Personally I really like most of her designs, I think they're fun and cute plus the anime inspired ones are kinda lowkey if you want merch but want to hide your power level a bit. Luckily there's similar looking jewelry and even dupes of her genshin merch on aliexpress now so I can just get those instead. The quality would be about the same but for a fraction of the price KEK

No. 1845516

the relative with the eight year old slave lived in Bangladesh.

No. 1845531>>1845638

for sporting events, that's what they are designed for. You don't have a table so the tray is convenient for snacks.

No. 1845593

The way she talks over him ("ebay, ebay, ebay") and keeps prodding him to talk to her like "but how did it make you feel?" is so frustrating. She seems genuinely insufferable down to the teenager voice and long ugly nails. She seems mentally stunted.

No. 1845638

That actually makes sense. Thanks for explaining. I am thinking of getting of these for camping tbh. (Or even going to the movies)

No. 1845674

File (hide): 1704839174532.mp4 (7.37 MB, 1080x1920, 1704839248538.mp4) [play once] [loop]

This is next level

No. 1845699

who gives a fuck ? still doesn't make it look any better. bitter ass response

No. 1845724>>1845732>>1845811>>1846334>>1846494>>1846776

File (hide): 1704843696960.jpg (13.34 KB, 250x250, 3880917-7534629a0c3eafd6358d86…)

God just look at her face. She looks so smug.

I would kill myself if i had to be a kid in this era. Imagine the Stacy who bullies you is not just a cheerleader but she has thousands of followers and is making a ton of money of brands while making fun of you for being poor and ugly and not having some crappy cup that went trending and posting your chubby awkward pictures in cringe compilations. Literal suicide fuel

I wouldn't want to be a parent in this demented consoomeristic world either. If you actually teach your kid values and to go against this materialistic mindset you are effectively crippling them and setting them up for suffering and failure.

No. 1845732>>1845733>>1845760

>.t adult woman who never got over getting bullied in middle school
You sound unhinged projecting this hard onto some random child that's being dressed like that and paraded on TikTok for a bunch of pedophiles by her creepy manchild father. Seek help

No. 1845733>>1845742>>1846334

Don't shitpost up a relatable decent post

No. 1845742

They both have valid points tbh

No. 1845753

Old as fuck but the heart shaped spam sushi things were the worst for me. All he got was some Americanized sushi concoction and a giant Simpsons style donut. Sad asf. Half of them don't even have sides. Just an "entree" with a dessert.

No. 1845760

>t. Bully in high school

No. 1845798

thank you nona for being the voice of reason, I needed that

No. 1845811>>1845839>>1845884>>1846265

True, my final year of high school had this kinda happen, some popular drama/attention whore girl got tiktok famous and is an influencer now, moved to a huge city, got surgery, spends tons of money and gets brand deals etc. Super weird that those same bullies get rewarded for their shallow and narcissistic behavior because it’s what social media is for. The kicker is they always have some pity party or rags to riches story too.

No. 1845839>>1845884>>1846265

The bullythots from my school are now married to rich men and spend their time bragging about shopping, their mansion remodelings and travel blogging. I couldn't imagine if those girls were also influencers already by the time they were in middle school.

In hell the kids raised to be demons the ones who succeed

No. 1845884

Fuck life isn’t fair and fuck people who say pretty privilege isn’t real

No. 1846265>>1846290

I'd bet they are still internally unhappy with themselves, you don't frivolously spend that much honey if your a well adjusted person.

No. 1846290>>1846313

Spending money is kinda their job though. It ties into consumerism because they’re always promoting shit with brands sending crap as advertisement and flexing by having luxury or trendy shit to get engagement. I’m sure they are unhappy about some shit but most people are. We just don’t have the resources to be spending 30k per month on anything we want.

No. 1846313

I can own my shit privately and do whatever I want without a judgemental audience. Also imagine giving a fuck about engagement. Maybe if I was a poor fag or materialistic I'd be envious but there's a lot of peace not posting your face online.

No. 1846334

>cheerleader Stacy who bullies you
This sounds like weird movie culture projection.

Yes, children are awful to each other, but we see itt that being a consoomer influencer only gives you a tacky amount of plastic garbage

No. 1846435

I think that a lot of people "collect" low end shit just for the perceived social clout of being a collector. These have to be women over 40. There was a time when Bath & Bodyworks was "premium", but that was dying out when the first gen yt muas started normalizing paying $30+ for a single cosmetic product. $10 lotions and body washes stopped being a flex and just looked normal.

No. 1846494>>1846551

Projecting onto a random screencap of a girl being plastered all over the internet by her dad for pedos to see is really fucking weird and reeks of NLOGism. You could have said all of this in response to the stanley cup video of her and her dad, but nah let’s reply to this one where even random instagram normies are pointing out it’s fucked up that the parents are posting her online wearing that. Absolutely deranged.

No. 1846551>>1846572

Nta but she looks kinda smug over a dumb plastic cup, she's probably super bratty because of her upbringing.(autism)

No. 1846572>>1846733

Anon didn’t reply to the cup video reread my post. She could’ve said all that at a video of the girl actually being spoiled but instead she’s seething at a screencap where her dad is literally parading her online in revealing clothing for pedos, just for engagement and views? For a fucking tropicana ad? And even if she is a bully her soulless neglectful parents play a huge part in it, blaming a 10(?) year old who’s being paraded by her parents is still an NLOG/moid take. Hell she could have even said all that about >>1844082 or some other tiktok woman who exhibits all those behaviors but instead she projects onto a child with clearly shitty parents?

No. 1846733

File (hide): 1704905727185.jpg (393.67 KB, 1080x1935, Screenshot_20240110_115326.jpg)

Right kek I don't understand seething this hard about a possible 10 year old being bratty unless you never got over being bullied. Who is this invested over a child's behavior? and the people defending that anon. This site is full of Un self aware shut-ins who never grew up

sperg/derail tax
These were comments critiquing a /r/hydroflask user's obnoxious 30 bottle collection. It's weird to see such reasonable comments being downvoted by people who would be really smug in an argument against a climate change denier (not that I don't believe in it, but liberal Redditor hypocrisy is worth pointing out)

No. 1846776>>1846799>>1846806>>1846833>>1846871>>1846925

There's a tiktok video going around of a mom who bought her little daughter a no brand water cup (that the daughter picked) and when she went to school with it all the Stanley Stacies started bullying her, and the mom had to buy her a Stanley.

No. 1846799

this sucks so much because the bullies should have gotten their stanleys thrown out for being little shits but of course then they would have turned against the victim because obviously it's her fault that she didn't just let herself get bullied instead of snitching to her mom/a teacher/the bullies' moms. you can never win with bullies.

No. 1846806>>1846817

Wow. When I was in middle school, you got bullied for your shoes. Now it’s water bottles. So stupid. Kids can be cruel.

No. 1846817>>1846837>>1846842

Careful, empathizing with tweenage girls is NLOG/moid behavior!

No. 1846822>>1846835>>1848979>>1849140>>1852532

inb4 massive 2k haul coming

No. 1846833

i can't believe the next round of school shooters are being created today by getting bullied over water bottles

No. 1846835

Next video is going to be her doing a massive valentine's day trash haul to fill her empty shelf mark my words

No. 1846837

The original poster didn't say shit about water bottles or even reply to the video of her with water bottles, but continue being purposefully obtuse and seething at a random child because you can't read.

No. 1846842>>1846845

Honestly the whole post was NLOGY and weird even though they raised valid points. The amount of venom that was directed at a ten year old who's being exploited by her soyboy father was unwarranted, even though the social commentary on consumerism and how it could negatively impact children was accurate.

No. 1846845>>1846868

Yeah that's why I said she honestly could be a bully but it's not entirely her fault. There are regular ass girls who are spoiled and bully their poor classmates, but they're not being exploited by their shitty neglectful parents to sell orange juice and get clicks from pedophiles. Where the fuck is the vitriol towards her dad?

No. 1846868

Yeah, he's the main problem in this situation. If he raised her normally, she'd be normal. She's a kid. He's got her in short shorts and crop tops for thousands of people they don't know to see. She can't consent to that. Like I get where the OP was coming from but it would have went on better if she replied to the video and not that image of the child scantily clad and paraded around town.

No. 1846871>>1846877>>1846957

>the mom had to buy her a Stanley.
What’s with all the weird anons who think parents are evil for not kowtowing to middle schoolers ? Should be teaching their kids that the bullies are retards and to be happy with what they have, or contacting the school if it’s elevated to stalking or physical levels

No. 1846877>>1846948

If it were my kid, I'd tell her to punch the other kids.

No. 1846925>>1846948

These ugly ass water cups… Anyone who has one is the biggest cattle. Should teach the kid to look down on these morons.

No. 1846948

I agree
Same. this pussy ass generation really would rather buy their kid a $50 water cup then teach them to fight and stand up for themselves.

No. 1846957>>1846964>>1847028>>1847047

Because they have been to schools where the bullies were psychotic insane human garbage who attacked scapegoat kids nonstop, and if the problem is really just a $200 luxury purchase as opposed to the child being a weirdo, it's $200 well spent. There's no point in letting your own child get harassed daily and occasionally physically assaulted just to prove a point about luxury goods, they'll know. I will never in my life buy a single thing from Nike, and I would burn their HQ to the ground if I got the chance.

No. 1846964

>it's $200 well spent
It really isn't.
>I will never in my life buy a single thing from Nike, and I would burn their HQ to the ground if I got the chance.
Doesn't that contradict what you just said?

No. 1847028>>1847049

>just a $200 luxury purchase as opposed to the child being a weirdo
Upper middle class consoomers be like

No. 1847047

>9 or 10 other girls told that it’s not a real Stanley so it’s not as cool
The bar for bullying is so low these days kek

No. 1847049

For real. That anon is so out of touch.

No. 1847078>>1847079>>1847107>>1847142>>1847777

our oily potato being dead eyed and emotionless as always.

No. 1847079

>its so meeeeeeEEEEEEEEE
>its just the same cup but blue
It's driving me crazy that i dont understand this shit. Funko pops make more sense than this

No. 1847085>>1847091>>1847135>>1847873

pay dayyy so let's spend all our money immediately on dumb shit we don't need!!!

No. 1847091>>1847560>>1847703

>Ugly Marc Jacobs tote
>Bedazzled reusable Starbucks cup
>Buying TWO more reusable cups
>Adult buying squishmallow
>Tree Hut scrub that doesn't even work
Why are normie trends always so hideous

No. 1847107>>1847345

She's a baked potato now

No. 1847135>>1847190>>1847232>>1847968>>1847984

>>1847085 >>1847078
Why are these ugly cups trending I'll never know.

No. 1847142>>1847866

Does she use bronzer as her foundation, why does she look like that

No. 1847190

It’s like when a kid isn’t interested in a toy until another kid is playing with it and suddenly it’s the only thing they want

No. 1847232>>1847941>>1848035

I've already seen tiktoks of people returning their cups they just got for Christmas because the Starbucks x Stanley cup fiasco gave them the ick and they don't want to be associated with Stanleytards. nature is healing.

No. 1847345>>1847529>>1847547

Tinfoil but she's actually super autistic but just hyperfixaes on normie shit so no one notices. If you imagine her with her with brown hair and a natural skin tone it becomes very obvious.

No. 1847529>>1847542>>1847547

i don't think an autist would stand having so much makeup on their face and super long nails all the time

No. 1847542>>1847547

Some of them can tolerate it.

No. 1847547

All of you are genuinely retarded

No. 1847560

It baffles me why that tote is so popular, it's incredibly ugly and overpriced

No. 1847703>>1847713>>1848472>>1848610

The Marc Jacob's tote and that ugly samsung z flip zoomers are going crazy over. I hate them both.

No. 1847713>>1847727>>1848646

Probably one of the most consoomer phones because anyone reasonable has seen how the screen gets damaged after a few months of flipping it open

No. 1847727

Exactly. You have to flip open your phone just to check certain things. I hate the crease on the screen too. Zoomers are retarded because they think the phone is like our old razr flip phones when those were built like mini tanks.

No. 1847777

>>1847078 Dead fish eye stare into the camera without even looking at the cup is insane to watch.

No. 1847866

File (hide): 1704964012996.png (1019.18 KB, 640x853, fxlnxtqv4obc1.png)

she's addicted to tanning beds and fillers. someone on the snark subreddit reposted a pic of her from high school.

No. 1847873>>1847882

File (hide): 1704964860762.jpg (387.1 KB, 1012x1386, weimar.jpg)

payday consoomerism is not a new thing but it never ceases to be retarded, lmao you have the same amount of money for the entire month/week/whatever period you get your wage by, it's not going to be magically more on your payday unless you're living in a country with hyperinflation

No. 1847882

Payday matters for people who live paycheck to paycheck, but they are also the last people who should be wasting money on frivolous shit.

No. 1847941

>people returning their cups
Ew, I hope they're not used cups.

No. 1847968

All it takes is some astroturf to create a bandwagon and exploit weak minded people's need to stand out and fears of being left out.

tik tok is super effective to manipulate trends like these since both the companies and the site are tied at the hip because China. Same thing with Temu and Shein.

No. 1847984>>1848003>>1848006>>1848125

Why is it always cups or bottles this happens with? Previously it was the starbucks cups or hydroflasks, now this. Why are people so addicted to collecting items they really only need one of

No. 1848003

i think it's exactly because of that? it's an item that you only need one (maybe two, at most, if you don't want to lug it back and forth between home and work) of but then someone comes along with 500 of the thing and it's like they're showing off their wealth and power level. consooming starbucks paper cups is uncool, consooming expensive reusable bottles and cups is hashtag rich bitch behavior (nail emoji).

No. 1848006

it makes sense. Items like that need more agresive marketing campaigns since people normally won't buy more than once and use the same one forever.

No. 1848035>>1848065

I don't think owning one is even the problem within itself, it's the value and status that they put into it that's the issue.

No. 1848065

stanley cups aren't available in my country so whenever i see someone with one - which is usually these type of girls that fall for the that girl this girl clean girl law student girl tiktok aesthetic - i side eye them. same goes for that weird bubbly hair band from target or walmart that all the mua tiktokers had for a while. not available in my country so you know when someone had this they were the biggest tiktok consoomers.

No. 1848100>>1848119>>1848128>>1848159>>1848170>>1848597

File (hide): 1704991530012.jpeg (292.43 KB, 2048x2048, 71DB97AE-4BF0-4F42-B8FD-5A899A…)

I want to buy a tamagotchi uni, should I ? Does anyone have any here? Is it worth 40 euros?

No. 1848119>>1848175

>Should I?

No. 1848125

> Why is it always cups or bottles this happens with?
This is just speculation, but I think the people who hoard these reusable water bottles want to make a statement about themselves. Not only do they want people to think that they’re wealthy enough to afford multiple $50 bottles, but they want everyone to think that they’re “environmentally conscious” and also that they’re big into “health and self-care” because they own a lot of water bottles.

No. 1848128>>1848175

File (hide): 1704993732155.jpg (21.36 KB, 350x263, 61PcFy-a0SL._AC_UF350,350_QL80…)

Why would you want these uglyass wristwatches (and for $40), if you want a tamagotchi at least buy the cute original ones

No. 1848159>>1848175

Third nona chiming in with a no. 3 X's, you're out.

No. 1848170

>Is it worth 40 euros?
unequivocally, no.

No. 1848175>>1848179>>1848180>>1848183>>1848211

File (hide): 1704995980007.jpeg (214.66 KB, 1149x1035, BDD0A6D7-F514-4726-8205-8C5068…)

Okay so I think I’m gonna buy crocs for my cat instead. Thanks nonnies.

No. 1848179>>1848207

Don't. That's not any better and your cat will hate them

No. 1848180

File (hide): 1704996329959.jpg (61.04 KB, 1200x800, s-l1200.jpg)

or get a cute vintage one, you can get used but working ones reasonably well priced online. I've never gone through with it because I know I'll get bored of it in like 3 days but secretly I've always wanted one of the angel ones

No. 1848181


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1848183>>1848207

>crocs for my cat
Are you stupid?

No. 1848186

lmao I can't believe cat crocs got serious replies. come on please be less trollable nonas.

No. 1848207

Clearly a joke, calm down kek

No. 1848211

Not even designed for cats, those are just baby crocs

No. 1848222>>1848226>>1848250>>1848601>>1848946

No. 1848226>>1848235

So many zoomers are actually so retarded and nasty, I know 3 people who got really sick and hospitalized or had to take time off because they think rinsing their water bottle once a week is “cleaning”

No. 1848235

in my experience it's often the ones extremely obsessed with self care aka makeup, skincare, grooming yourself, etc. who are also the absolute nastiest. like the typical mean girls at my school were also the ones that would take a dump and then walk out without washing their hands.

No. 1848250>>1848831

That's common sense, and it's disgusting how these retards aren't aware of this before watching tiktoks about it. Also, what is wrong with all these braindead tiktok consoomers and their awful makeup? First it's that baked potato girl from earlier in the thread and now it's this girl who makes herself drastically look older. Jesus.

No. 1848364>>1848416>>1848681

No. 1848416

there are still 100 posts left, newfag.

No. 1848423>>1848429


No. 1848426

but isn't importing shit worse for the enviornment? kek sanriofag or not you're all in the same consoom hell

No. 1848429

fuck off whywas7afraid_of_9@outlook.com

No. 1848472

I kinda get the flip phone. It has about the same screen size of my current phone, but folding it up would make it fit in my jeans' front pocket again. From the tests I've seen the durability is good and I don't need any flagship features. If my current phone was broken, I'd probably get one.

No. 1848597

I understand anon, I'm still tempted to buy one of those eva tamagotchis.

No. 1848601>>1848609

Aww it's not mold it's just lid bronzer! Try some on your chin!

No. 1848609

This is why I stick with yeti over klean kanteen or stanley, so much easier to clean

No. 1848610

I'd probably love that tote bag if it didn't have "THE TOTE BAG" written all over it.

No. 1848646>>1849201

Iirc you would have to flip it thousands of times for the crease to show up.

No. 1848681

way too early retard

No. 1848727>>1848733>>1848745

File (hide): 1705016837910.jpg (67.27 KB, 655x634, consoomthetroon.JPG)

Everything about this is peak Reddit. Troons really are the biggest consoomers kek.

No. 1848733>>1848736

tf, what subreddit is that? Presumably that's less about consooming and more an elaborate, tryhard scheme for upvotes and becoming a meme

No. 1848736

It's the dvdcollection sub. Imagine wasting so much money just for online attention.

No. 1848745>>1851311

People who do this kind of stuff don't do it because of autism (although they definitely are), they do it because they think it will be some attention grabbing le trolol epic meme xd and it's embarassing and pathetic.

No. 1848831

I thought that zoomers were supposed to be the makeup master generation 'cause they've had youtube tutorials available to them when they were growing up. Apparently they don't teach them to do makeup WELL, kek

No. 1848946>>1848953

Me and my mold free Yeti thermos are laughing right now. I also just realized these Stanley cups are water only and if you dare have coffee or tea the straw and the inside parts would be so annoying to thoroughly clean every day or like if you quickly wanted to switch back to having water in it.

ALSO… why do these bitches all day it like “MY STEE ANN LEE” as if over pronouncing it arouses them lol?

No. 1848953>>1848959

Aren't Stanley some of the most expensive thermos cups too? You can get a cheaper and better one that will work for all types of beverages, they're water only? kek

No. 1848959>>1848961>>1848965>>1848973

Yeah the huge ones are 60-65$ in my currency (Canadian) and the same size and shape in the Yeti brand is 52$ and has a metal straw while I believe Stanley straws are plastic. And these cups are literally only made for water too, I checked the yeti site and they’re meant to be for hydration on hikes or whatever so you aren’t even meant to put anything else in which I think is a joke for that price. I got a nice no handle Yeti for Christmas so I can make coffees at home and don’t have to be dumb and waste 5$ every time I go out on a coffee lol and you can put anything in the simple thermos models. I feel like I’m deep diving too much but my point is that the Stanley cup craze is retarded bc you’re just paying for a giant metal and easily moldy water jug.

No. 1848961>>1848965

Yetis get moldy too. You have to wash any reusable container

No. 1848965

I’m actually wrong, they say you can put coffee in but the Stanley looks like it’d be a bitch to clean unless you immediately fish wash the parts.

Yes, but I meant the type of cup the Stanley’s are is just way more prone than the regular model of thermos where the lid is just clear plastic with the sippy hole and no straw or like, mesh(?) layers I saw inside the Stanley model that is being coomed over.. I just think regular thermoses are so much better and simpler

No. 1848966>>1848969>>1848976>>1848977>>1848988

File (hide): 1705026452975.jpg (11.58 MB, 3024x4032, RDT_20240111_21290152669601725…)

Some douchebag in r/malelivingspaces flexing a stack of apple boxes…

No. 1848969


No. 1848973

I used to work at a place that sold reusable type thermoses and our most expensive models about the size of the stanelys were way cheaper and looked way more durable

No. 1848976

>those random tiny rugs everywhere that don't match the colours or the style of the room
>the grass wall with a tacky sexual neon sign like it's an instagram photo spot in a bar
>displaying sneakers in the loungeroom
This is like an autistic male with a well paying IT career and no self awareness trying to immitate what he thinks a chad's living room might look like

No. 1848977>>1848998

so if you live in one of these, are the neighbors just able to watch you in your living room all the time?

No. 1848979

My jaw almost dropped when she showed the rest of her room. So much useless plastic trash! Damn!

Her room isn’t the worst I’ve ever seen but it all just looks so chaotic. No sense of interior design.

Do people really bother selling their things online? So they make a profit or do they lose money on their hoarding hobbies before sending the items off to the next hoarder? I hate selling stuff because of all of the extra work involved (taking pictures, finding out the right price, talking to potential buyers, shipping/meeting up in person etc.). Do these people not have a day job?

No. 1848984

Oh wow I just sold 2 I didn’t even want for almost $150 each that’s insane!

No. 1848988

I'm a piece of shit and like the industrial architecture but nothing matches anything, also get some curtains how do you even watch tv with that reflex on the screen

No. 1848998

as someone who lived near this type of building yes lmao, i could see inside every time i walked by.

No. 1849006>>1849014>>1849043>>1849082>>1849664

No. 1849014

Unless this woman is actually 70 years old, I'm unimpressed.

No. 1849043>>1849047

I cannot believe that people are still doing botox without knowing that it's literally derived from the botulism toxin.

No. 1849047

I always found it insane to stick chemicals into your face and muscles . Are there any people recently with long lasting effects of botox?

No. 1849082

>all that shit
>DIY's her lash extensions

No. 1849140

Why do the character mini backpacks piss me off so much? They're not being used as portable storage items, they're just being used as ugly plushies here. So useless.

No. 1849201

You could check your phone 20 times a day, look at videos online from people

No. 1849664>>1849763

$2.1K is more than what my mom makes in a month kek (im a eurofag).
Do you think it's all her own money or she's someone's sugar baby?

No. 1849763

she is lying, she definitely doesn't get any of this stuff done every month

No. 1851013>>1851064>>1851320

hate to say it but despite all the stanley retardation i do like the design of the cup a lot. anyone got recs for cheaper versions? i want it to also have a handle and be able to fit in car cup holders, ideally having pretty colors like the stanleys

No. 1851064

No. 1851311>>1851315>>1851424

Reminds me of this annoying dude on tiktok who collects Titanic, he's getting tons of attention at comic cons and shit. I can't quickly find a video of his whole collection but here's this horrible one

No. 1851315

so fucking tryhard and obviously fake. I am pretty sure scott the woz, the ultimate boss of unfunny consoomer zoomies, started this trend. He went viral for collecting a bazillion copies of some shitty shovelware videogame.

No. 1851320>>1851973

look up simple modern trek tumbler.

No. 1851424

I hate this greasy shithead also. It makes me fume when I realize how soulless he has to be to keep spending money on these tapes even after he got famous for it. Fucking do something worthwhile with your money, moid.

No. 1851973

perfect thanks

No. 1852260>>1852276>>1852285>>1852334>>1852642

File (hide): 1705170546817.jpg (508.16 KB, 1080x1687, IMG_20240113_191914.jpg)

Anime merch consoomers, have you noticed this style of weird mass printed plushie from China? The usual signs are:
>animal paws on feet and/or hands
>some kind of carebear like sign on the torso or hands
>same fluffy hair
>some have heart shaped nipples??

So the weird part is that I noticed facebook groups popping up and twitter users who claim these are their "customs" and selling them to other people. Asking in this thread because I noticed western consoomers buying them for their collections.

No. 1852276>>1852285

File (hide): 1705170758196.jpg (448.94 KB, 1080x1867, IMG_20240113_193307.jpg)

No. 1852285>>1852340

people will pay taobao/alibaba manufacturers to make patterns of certain characters, either an established character or their oc. the initial plush is relatively expensive because the pattern needs to be made and possibly includes several rounds of prototyping, then they can cheaply buy plushies from these manufacturers to resell. this style is popular for some reason

No. 1852334>>1852430>>1852490

File (hide): 1705171703112.jpg (9.13 KB, 194x259, images (21).jpg)

trannies are OBSESSEd with Touhou and Fumos. They pay exorbitant ammounts for what are really the basic plush dolls ever.

No. 1852340>>1852644

I feel like I saw some of the prototypes being sold on amazon as bootlegs, I wouldn't trust the design being protected for long either lol

No. 1852391>>1852844

File (hide): 1705172549809.jpeg (40.75 KB, 670x1000, IMG_1076.jpeg)

Nonas I’m late as heck to the Stanley cup discussion, but I genuinely think the fuscha one is really goofy and cute. I’m a mega tomboy who loves silly, hyper girly things like this once in a while. I’d even shell out $200 for one because tradies get wagies. The social implications of strutting around with one of these things now? My god, pass. I have a Stanley hard shell lunch box/cooler that’s pretty nice, but its nothing special.

All the Nonas who pointed out that modern “collections” like these cups or the Lululemon straps are pure consoom opened my eyes a lot. Coin collections and even stamps of the past really were cool and had some genuine rarity or soul! Anyway, you put into words something I didn’t like about modern collections, but couldn’t articulate so thank you.

High quality thread, as always

No. 1852422

File (hide): 1705173211953.jpeg (103.63 KB, 768x768, IMG_1077.jpeg)

For Nonas who thought the Stanley cup sling holders are cute (they are) I bought one of these bottle bags from Corkcicle that works really well. The one I got is kinda insulated and fits the big/older style SodaStream 1L bottles with some sauce to spare. Its got a pouch attached to the inside that’s big enough to hold a large wallet, keys, etc. It fits a bunch of different bottle types too so it’s less single-use than the slings posted earlier in the thread.

Anyway it’s been really useful and keeps uninsulated bottles cool even in 30C weather so I just wanted to share. Amazon or wherever definitely has cheaper knockoff versions available, but if you wait for sales then even the brand name ones aren’t any more expensive than any other crossbody bag

Hope that’s useful for someone out there! This type of bag was popular in the 80s-90s, so its cycled back in style. At least for a little bit

No. 1852430

My favorite character has a fumo despite not being from Touhou and I refuse to pay the price these things go for. I just looked up the general pattern online and made her myself, they're so simple to do even a baby could do it (helped by how the hair is flat and the eyes are huge surface of a simple color with a black line).

No. 1852490>>1852555>>1852591>>1852652>>1852656

File (hide): 1705174313157.gif (1008.7 KB, 250x333, failmale.gif)

nice to know it's not just me noticing that, i always felt grossed out by fumos for a reason i couldn't quite place and now i realize it's because i never see women into fumos. it's all men/mtf trannies. i just associate them with weird incel moids.

No. 1852532

Might be my autism speaking, but what baffles me the most about this hoarders is how easy it is for them to buy and throw away stuff. They really do not care about a single thing they own. It's very sad

No. 1852555>>1852582>>1852652

I'm a female touhou fan and I collect fumos. I hate how much they became a stupid meme.

No. 1852582

sorry for you anon, just know that i don’t judge you. only moids. grown men obsessing over cute chibi plushes is repulsive to me.

No. 1852591

kek i was thinking on how fumos grossed me out the other day. i've seen a few women into them, but they tend to be women very deep into male culture

No. 1852642>>1852645>>1852650

File (hide): 1705177451275.jpeg (432.81 KB, 1225x1633, IMG_6119.jpeg)

Yeah you’re pretty much guaranteed to see these while browsing xianyu
The ones with like, semi realistic hair look really weird (Komaeda one for example here).

No. 1852644

yeah 80% of the time the manufacturer will just sell their knockoff later. even for non plushies

No. 1852645

What the fuck, it looks cursed

No. 1852650

I think he's cute.

No. 1852652>>1852660>>1852677

File (hide): 1705177834780.jpg (34.51 KB, 679x514, tpow4wj3agl91.jpg)

thats exactly what i was thinking, anyone could really make one of these things, but trannies are moids so their instinct drives them to think sewing has too many cootties or something. My weeb friends would do stuff like amigurumis and plushies for fun all the time but never see a tranny even try.

its not just them but the ones more likely to be extremely autistic and brag about wasting hundreds of dollars on them will always be trannies.

i feel you, the same way i feel for poor nonnas who thought the ikea shark was cute and got one for themselves or a gift for a kid before trannies took over and now its the tranny shark.

No. 1852656

File (hide): 1705177968020.jpeg (1.05 MB, 3296x2472, IMG_6121.jpeg)

Some girls like their sister plush like, which to looks cuter anyway since they actually try and look like the character instead of the ᗜˬᗜ face

No. 1852659>>1852672>>1852678>>1852686

I'm somehat new to the concept of cobsoomerism and I want to know: Is it bad if I buy multiple (say, 10) bottles of perfume? I've always been obsessed with smells, and have the urge to buy multiple bottles of various perfumes that I know I'd like. Not in a hoarding way or extreme collecting, but I would regularly use and enjoy them. I can see myself owning 20 or so, honestly. Nonnies, please be honest, am I guilty of consoomer urges or am I okay?

No. 1852660>>1852670

File (hide): 1705178053825.jpg (7.77 KB, 225x225, shark.jpg)

I still never heard of this until now, so I'm just gonna keep doing me. I love sharks. I'm never letting moids or trannies ruin my interests.

No. 1852670

oh yeah, stay happy and don't ever google it. It truly is the best choice.

No. 1852672

Why do you need 10 bottles of perfume? Take a shower, stinky consoomer

No. 1852677>>1852695>>1852718

How the hell did even the shark plushi got so popular with troons? Is it because sharks are sometimes related with periods? Or is it some coom shit? Because seeing children plushies turned to signify degeneracy is depressing.

No. 1852678

No, there's nothing wrong with that if you use them. I would also say only buy full size bottles of fragrances you absolutely know you like and will use, everything else get a sample size of. Saves you space and money.

No. 1852686

>buy multiple (say, 10) bottles of perfume?
If you're buying 10 multiples of the same scent, then that's consumerism.
>have the urge to buy multiple bottles of various perfumes that I know I'd like
I suggest buying samples rather than blind-buying full size perfumes. You might think you like something based on notes, but some perfumes smell completely different once you actually get it.

No. 1852695

don't try to make sense of it, trannies said the shark is trans so now its trans, its really that stupid.

The shark already existed for 5 years before it and was actually a popular thing to share cute wholesome pictures of the shark just doing daily things and then trannies came screaming incoherently that it now belongs to them, now you can't search anything about a shark plush online without tranny bombardment in your feed.

No. 1852718

Because it's a predator, of course

No. 1852844

Not to be mean but your post made me want to kill myself. Please speak normally.

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